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Mali Area Map

mali uyguys

Study the map of Mali Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The main economic activity carried out around the sea is
    1. pastoralism
    2. crop farming
    3. mining
    4. fishing
  2. The climate of Mali area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  3. Which one of the following services is provided at Pori Market?
    1. Health services
    2. Religious services
    3. Educational services
    4. Postal services
  4. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Mali area is
    1. salt mining
    2. cattle keeping
    3. fishing
    4. trading
  5. The natural vegetation found around Peva Market is
    1. mangrove forests
    2. scattered trees
    3. papyrus
    4. scrub
  6. River Mali flows from
    1. South East to North West
    2. South West to North East
    3. North East to South West 
    4. North West to South East
  7. Mali town has developed mainly as a result of
    1. the cattle ranch
    2. The road junction
    3. nearness to water
    4. the cool climate
  8. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes the social organization of the San during the pre-colonial period? 
    1. They lived in small groups of families 
    2. They had a strong clan system 
    3. They lived in permanent homes 
    4. They practised circumcision
  9. Yaounde is the capital city of
    1. Egypt
    2. Angola
    3. Cameroon
    4. Zambia
  10. Who among the following succeeded the king in the Old Ghana?
    1. The Queen mother
    2. His sister's son
    3. His eldest son
    4. His youngest brother
  11. The main problem limiting trade among African countries is that
    1. they use different national languages
    2. they have poor transport links
    3. they use different currencies
    4. they produce similar goods
  12. The main reason for the migration of the Bantus from their original homeland was
    1. search for water and pasture
    2. search for fertile agricultural land
    3. increase in population
    4. attacks by hostile neighbours
  13. Three of the following statements are true about traditional African education in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    1. The youth were taught to be responsible members of the society
    2. The youth were taught how to read and write
    3. Learning took place throughout a person's life
    4. Girls were taught by their grandmothers
  14. Road transport is commonly used for the transportation of goods between Kenya and her neighbours mainly because
    1. it is the most developed means of transport in the region
    2. it is the cheapest means of transport in the region
    3. it is the fastest means of transport in the region
    4. it is the safest means of transport in the region
  15. Which one of the following minerals is CORRECTLY matched with the country where it is mined on large scale?
           Mineral                      Country
    1. Copper                      Uganda
    2. Limestone                 Nigeria
    3. Petroleum                 Tanzania
    4. Soda ash                  South Africa
  16. Which one of the following is the main crop grown in Ghana?
    1. Coffee
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Cocoa
    4. Cotton

The table below represents the rainfall and temperature figures for a station in Africa. Use it to answer question 17

Months  J F A S O N D
Temp in C 28  28  28  27  27  26  26  27 27 27 27 28
Rainfall is mm 41 69  150  201  206  114  66  84 193 226 150 40
  1. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes the climate of the station?
    1. The station is cold throughout the year
    2. The station has one wet season and one dry season
    3. The station is hot and wet throughout the year
    4. The station receives most of the rain at the beginning of the year
  2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about trees in planted forests in Kenya?
    1. The trees have thorns
    2. Most of the trees have climbers
    3. Most of the trees mature fast
    4. The trees are of different types
  3. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about pastoral farming among the Fulani?
    1. They keep cattle mainly for sale
    2. They mainly keep dairy cattle
    3. They grow fodder crops for their cattle
    4. They migrate with their cattle according to seasons
  4. Which one of the following communities was ruled by a king during the pre-colonial period?
    1. The Khoikhoi
    2. The Abawanga
    3. The Wanyamwezi
    4. The Ameru
  5. Which one of the following dams in Africa is CORRECTLY matched with where it is located?
           Dam                    River
    1. Kariba               Zambezi
    2. Kindaruma        Nile
    3. Aswan               Volta
    4. Akosombo         Tana
  6. The diagram below shows an instrument used for measuring weather
    22 aigdyad
    Which one of the following statements is true about the above instrument? It is used to
    1. determine the direction of wind
    2. record the amount of rainfall
    3. determine the strength of wind
    4. measure wind speed
  7. Three of the following statements are true about Ludwig Krapf. Which one is NOT?
    1. He gained fame as the first European to see the source of river Nile
    2. He established a mission station at Rabai
    3. He wrote the first Kiswahili dictionary
    4. He taught Africans how to read and write
  8. Samoei of the Nandi and Mekatilili of the Agiriama had one thing in common. It was that both
    1. were opposed to the building of the railway
    2. prophesied about the coming of the Europeans
    3. foresaw the defeat of Europeans by Africans
    4. resisted British colonial rule
  9. Which one of the following modern forms of communication is an electronic media?
    1. Bronchure
    2. Newspaper
    3. Telephone
    4. Journal
  10. Which one of the following mountains in Africa was formed as a result of faulting?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas Mountains
    4. The Ruwenzori Mountains
  11. River Nile and River Niger have a common characteristic. It is that both rivers
    1. originate from the same highlands
    2. have a delta at the mouth
    3. end in the Mediterranean Sea
    4. are navigable throughout the course
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN benefit the West African countries have gained as members of the Economic Community for West Africa States (ECOWAS)?
    1. Expansion of trade
    2. Increased production of cash crops
    3. Promotion of free movement of people in the region
    4. Expansion of manufacturing industries in the region
  13. Below are some characteristics of a certain vegetation:
    1. Scattered umbrella-shaped trees
    2. Large areas covered with grass
    3. Thorny bushes and shrubs
      The vegetation whose characteristics are listed above is
      1. Equatorial rainforest
      2. Desert vegetation
      3. Savanna vegetation
      4. Mediterranean vegetation
  14. The cheapest method of preserving fish is by
    1. freezing
    2. salting
    3. sun drying
    4. deep frying
  15. To make one complete rotation on its axis, the earth takes
    1. twenty four hours
    2. twelve hours
    3. seven days
    4. thirty days
  16. Which one of the following minerals is extracted using the drilling method?
    1. Gold
    2. Copper
    3. Soda ash
    4. Petroleum
  17. The government of Swaziland is headed by a
    1. Queen mother
    2. prime minister
    3. president
    4. king
  18. The MAIN factor that influences the location of a furniture making industry is
    1. availability of transport
    2. availability of market
    3. availability of power
    4. availability of raw materials
  19. Which one of the following is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Fencing national parks
    2. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    3. Controlling the selling of wildlife products
    4. Establishing animal orphanages
  20. The MAIN contribution of petroleum to the economy of Nigeria is that it has led to
    1. the development of transport network 
    2. an increase in energy supply 
    3. the creation of job opportunities
    4. an increase in foreign exchange

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 37-41

  1. The shaded area marked K receives low rainfall because
    37 auygduyad
    1. it is a lowland area
    2. it is affected by a cold ocean current
    3. it has little vegetation cover
    4. it is far from the equator
  2. The MAIN economic activity carried out in the shaded area marked K is
    1. crop growing
    2. mining
    3. tourism
    4. nomadic pastoralism
  3. The island marked J is
    1. Madagascar
    2. Cape Verde
    3. Comoros
    4. Zanzibar
  4. The traditional kingdom that existed in the area marked M was founded by
    1. The Soninke
    2. The Khoisan
    3. The Wanyamwezi
    4. The Baganda
  5. The relief feature marked N is
    1. Ahaggar Plateau
    2. Adamawa Highlands
    3. Atlas Mountains
    4. Tibesti Mountains
  6. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why Kariba Dam was built?
    1. To provide water for irrigation
    2. To create a lake for fishing
    3. To provide hydro-electric power
    4. To control floods
  7. Which one of the following led to the Hehe resistance of the German occupation in Tanganyika?
    1. They were influenced by the prophecy of chief Mkwawa
    2. They wanted to protect their cultural beliefs
    3. They had been promised support by the British
    4. They wanted to show their military power
  8. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about inland fishing in both Kenya and Tanzania?
    1. Fishermen have inadequate modem fish preserving facilities
    2. Fishing is carried out during particular seasons
    3. Fish is mainly for export
    4. Fish is mainly transported by railway
  9. Which one of the following was a result of the settlement of the Arabs along the Coast of East Africa?
    1. Introduction of clove growing 
    2. Introduction of maize growing
    3. Introduction of barter trade
    4. Construction of hospitals
  10. Below are some conditions necessary for the growing of a certain crop:
    1. Deep, well drained soils which are slightly acidic
    2. Gently sloping land
    3. Well distributed rainfall throughout the year 
    4. Temperatures of about 21°C
      The crop that grows under the conditions listed above is
      1. coffee
      2. pyrethrum
      3. tea
      4. wheat
  11. In traditional Kenyan communities, people who were initiated together formed
    1. a sub-tribe
    2. a clan
    3. a generation
    4. an age-group
  12. Nomination of members of parliament in Kenya is done by the
    1. Attorney General
    2. Constituency Development Committees
    3. Electoral Commission
    4. Political parties
  13. The method of fishing shown below is knonw as
    49 aihdiuada
    1. long lining
    2. purse seining
    3. net drifting
    4. trawling
  14. Which one of the following towns in Kenya is an agricultural collection centre?
    1. Eldoret 
    2. Thika
    3. Kisumu
    4. Malindi
  15. Three of the following conditions may make a person's freedom be restricted by the state. Which one may not? When a person's freedom
    1. interferes with other peoples' lives
    2. threatens the security of the state
    3. is a threat to their own life
    4. threatens other peoples' ideas
  16. Which one of the following is a function of the parliament in Kenya?
    1. Implementing laws
    2. Making laws
    3. Judging those who break the law
    4. Advising the government on matters of law
  17. Kenya's national flag is important mainly because it
    1. signifies the country's rich agricultural land
    2. was designed by African nationalists
    3. signifies the struggle for independence
    4. is a symbol of national unity
  18. One may become a Kenyan citizen through
    1. registration
    2. employment
    3. migration
    4. marriage
  19. Which one of the following communities in Kenya make up the Plain Nilotes?
    1. Turkana, Pokot, Tugen
    2. Maasai, Njemps, Iteso
    3. Samburu, Sabaot, Nandi
    4. Kipsigis, Keiyo, Marakwet
  20. In traditional African societies festivals and ceremonies were held MAINLY for people to
    1. meet their friends
    2. eat special foods
    3. mark major events
    4. display their talents
  21. Which one of the following is a negative result of colonial rule in Africa?
    1. Alienation of Africans
    2. Development of transport system
    3. Introduction of commercial crop farming
    4. Promotion of towns in the interior
  22. A good Kenyan citizen is one who 
    1. belongs to a certain religious organization
    2. obeys the laws of the country
    3. belongs to a political party
    4. attends national celebrations diligently
  23. Members of the police service are usually present at public meetings in order to
    1. protect all the people attending the meetings 
    2. ensure that invited guests get a chance to speak
    3. protect the leaders attending the meeting
    4. provide enough seats for the invited guests
  24. Which one of the following age conditions is a requirement for those who wish to be elected president of Kenya? They must have attained the age of
    1. 55 years
    2. 35 years 
    3. 21 years
    4. 18 years


  1. Man was chased out of the gardens of Eden mainly because
    1. he talked to the serpent
    2. he disobeyed God
    3. he failed to name all the animals
    4. he stayed naked
  2.  What was the MAIN reason why God Called Abraham?
    1. To give him land
    2. To bring blessings to the world
    3. To give him many children
    4. To make him famous
  3. Who among the following people was appointed to be king of Israel while still a young boy?
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam
  4. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why God called Moses?
    1. To make him a leader of the Israelites
    2. To rescue the Israelites from bondage in Egypt
    3. To rescue him from the Pharaoh
    4. To give him blessings
  5. A problem faced by the Israelites during the Exodus was lack of
    1. clothing
    2. leaders
    3. water
    4. livestock
  6. Which one of the following sins was committed by King Solomon? He
    1.  took other people's property
    2. gave the Israelites" land to foreigners
    3. killed the prophets of God
    4. married many wives
  7. Jeremiah refused to accept the call to become a prophet of God because he felt he was
    1. too young
    2. too busy
    3. physically weak
    4. a sinful man
  8. Which one of the the following miracles was performed by both prophet Elijah and Elisha?
    1. Raising the son of the Shunamite woman 
    2. Purification of water
    3. Multiplication of oil
    4. Bringing fire from heaven
  9. Which one of the following is a reason why God gave the Israelites the ten commandments?
    1. To teach them in their relationships
    2. To guide them in their relationships
    3. To reward them for their faithfulness
    4. To stop them from going back to Egypt
  10. During the call of Moses at Mount Sinai, the presence of God was symbolised by
    1. fire
    2. thunder
    3. wind
    4. clouds
  11. The story of the birth of Jesus is written in the book of
    1. Revelation
    2. Romans
    3. Luke
    4. Mark
  12. How did Mary know that her relative Elizabeth was going to have a baby?
    1. She was told by Zechariah
    2. She was told by the wisemen
    3. She read about it in the scriptures
    4. She was told by the angel
  13. The killing of baby boys by King Herod after the birth of Jesus was foretold by prophet
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Isaiah
    4. Samuel
  14. Which one of the following qualities did Jesus demand from those who came to Him to be healed?
    1. Love
    2. Hope
    3. Faith
    4. Obedience
  15. The parable of the talents teaches that Christians should
    1. make good use of their abilities
    2. keep their money in safe places
    3. share their wealth with the needy
    4. forgive those who owe them money
  16. Which one of the following Jewish feasts was Jesus celebrating when they had the Last Supper?
    1. Pentecost
    2. Passover
    3. Tabernacle
    4. New year
  17. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He cared for both Jews and Non-Jews?
    1. The healing of Simon's mother-in-law
    2. The healing of the ten lepers
    3. The raising of Jairus' daughter 
    4. The raising of Lazarus
  18. "Do not collect more than is legal" (Luke 3:13) These words were said by John the Baptist to teach about
    1. honesty
    2. humility
    3. tolerance
    4. mercy
  19. Which one of the following parables teaches Christians to accept others? The parable of the
    1. sower
    2. mustard seed
    3. lost son
    4. rich man and Lazarus
  20. Which one of the following happenings took place on the eighth day after Jesus was born?
    1. The angel appeared to Mary
    2. Jesus was circumcised
    3. The angel appeared to the shepherds
    4. Jesus was dedicated
  21. Who among the following people baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?
    1. Stephen
    2. Paul
    3. Philip
    4. Peter
  22. Who among the following people in the New Testament is referred to as the 'Apostle' to the Gentiles"?
    1. James
    2. Mathew
    3. Paul
    4. John
  23. Who among the following people prayed for those who persecuted him?
    1. Stephen
    2. Thomas
    3. Mathew
    4. Andrew
  24. Who among the following specialists is found in both African traditional societies and Christianity?
    1. Sorcerers
    2. Pastors
    3. Lay leaders
    4. Priests
  25. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in the Apostles Creed? He is
    1. Just
    2. Holy
    3. Loving
    4. Almighty
  26. Which one of the following is ais done during worship in both African traditional religion and Christianity?
    1. Baptism
    2. Confirmation
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Marriage
  27. Which one of the following BEST shows that Christians are disciples of Jesus Christ?
    1. Laying of hands
    2. Giving offerings
    3. Speaking in tongues
    4. Preaching the gospel
  28. The MAIN reason why Christians condemn prostitution is because it leads to
    1. unwanted pregnancies
    2. misuse of sex
    3. street children
    4. break-up of families
  29. When a mother gets a new baby in traditional African communities, neighbours bring presents to her as a way of
    1. expressing their sympathy
    2. encouraging her to have more children
    3. maintaining the family unity
    4. welcoming the child
  30. Your friend, John, has been looking for a job without success. What advice would you give him as a Christian?
    1. Tell him to ask his rich relatives to help him
    2. Tell him to give up as jobs are difficult to find
    3. Tell him to ask his family to help him start a business
    4. Tell him to get married as soon as possible


social studies adadad



  1. Which one of the following shows the correct order of foetal development immediately ater fertilization in human beings?
    1. Embryo-Zygote - Foetus
    2. Zygote Embryo - Foetus
    3. Embryo-Foetus-Zygote
    4. Zygote Foetus-Embryo
  2. Which one of the following is NOT an effect of air pollution?
    1. Formation of acid rain
    2. Causes respiratory diseases
    3. Interferes with photosynthesis
    4. Death of small animals
  3. The diagram below shows a flower.
    3 dayygduyagda
    Which two parts make up the stamen?
    1. M,N
    2. N, K
    3. M, L
    4. K, L
  4. Loo, a std. eight pupil, mixed fresh milk, water and kerosene during an experiment on mixing liquids. Which one of the following observations did he make?
    1. Only two layers were formed
    2. Only fresh milk mixed with kerosens
    3. The mixture formed three layers
    4. Only water and kerosene mixed
  5. Which one of the following pairs of planets consists of a planet that takes the longest time and a planet that takes the shortest time to go round the sun?
    1. Jupiter and Mars
    2. Neptune and Mercury
    3. Earth and Saturn
    4. Venus and Neptune
  6. The diagram below shows an improvised weather instrument
    6 auhguyad
    Which one of the following does NOT affect the accuracy of the above instrument?
    1. The diameter of the funnel
    2. The diameter of the collecting jar
    3. The distance between the markings on the collecting jar
    4. The material used to make the container
  7. Which one of the following would help to conserve the environment?
    1. Using wood ash to kill pests
    2. Burning heaps of saw dust
    3. Burying plastics in the soil
    4. Using commercial fertilizers to increase crop yields
  8. Which two components make about 78% of the volume of air?
    1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
    2. Nitrogen and oxygen
    3. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
    4. Rare gases and nitrogen
  9. Which one of the following pairs of energy can be transmitted only when there is a medium?
    1. Heat and light
    2. Sound and light
    3. Sound and electricity
    4. Heat and electricity
  10. The diagram below represents a person pushing a heavy log of wood along a flat surface
    10 auygduygada
    Which one of the following changes would make the person push the log more easily?
    1. Smearing oil on the flat surface
    2. Wearing shoes with rough soles
    3. Smearing oil on the log of wood
    4. Pouring murram on the flat surface
  11. The diagram below shows an electric circuit
    11 augduyada
    Which material when used to close the gap marked Q will make the bulb light?
    1. Plastic ruler
    2. A piece of thread
    3. A copper rod
    4. A rubber band
  12. The following are functions of stems:
    1. Support the shoot
    2. Storage of food
    3. Transport water to the leaves
    4. Manufacture food for the plant
      Which functions are performed by all stems?
      1. (i) and (iii)
      2. (iii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (ii)
      4. (ii) and (iv)
  13. Which one of the following is formed first after fertilization?
    1. Foetus
    2. Embryo
    3. Zygote
    4. Ovum
  14. The table below shows parts of the human digestive system and their functions.
    Part  Function
    Small intestine Absorption of food
    Stomach Y
    X Absorption of water
    Which of the following options represents X and Y?
                    X                                Y
    1. Oesophagus             Passage of food
    2. Large intestine         Digestion of food
    3. Mouth                       Taking in food
    4. Trachea                    Passage of food
  15. Which one of the following practices helps to conserve soil by preventing soil erosion?
    1. Crop rotation
    2. Use of manure
    3. Mulching
    4. Planting cover crops
  16. The table below shows observations made when three soil samples Q, R and S were mixed with water and then rolled out to make ribbons.
    Soil sample  Characteristics
    Q Held its shape
    R Cracked
    S Could not be rolled 
    Which one of the soil samples has the lowest capillarity?
    1. S
    2. R
    3. Q
    4. S and R
  17. Which one of the following statements correctly describes cross-pollination?
    1. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower
    2. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of different flowers on plants of different kinds
    3. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower on the same plant
    4. The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of different flowers on plants of the same kind
  18. Which one of the following effects of drug abuse consists of social effects?
    1. Theft and lack of concentration
    2. Rape and withdrawal sysmptoms
    3. Drug induced accidents and truancy
    4. Drug addiction and loss of concentration
  19. In the diagram below shows interdependence in plants.
    19 auhdiuyhada
    The diagram shows that plants depend on others for
    1. support 
    2. shade
    3. nutrients
    4. habitat
  20. Which one of the following is NOT important to consider when taking medicine?
    1. The dose
    2. The date of manufacture
    3. Duration to complete the dose
    4. How to store the medicine
  21. Which one of the following statements about blood circulation is TRUE?
    1. Aorta receives oxygenated blood from the left auricle
    2. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is received by the aorta
    3. Pulmonary vein takes oxygenated blood to the lungs
    4. Pulmonary artery receives deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle
  22. Which one of the following groups consists of materials which are all magnetic?
    1. Aluminium, brass, copper
    2. Iron, steel, cobalt
    3. Iron, copper, cobalt
    4. Steel, brass, aluminium
  23. Which one of the following mixtures cannot be separated by either dissolving, filtering and evaporating or by using a magnet?
    1. Iron fillings and maize flour
    2. Salt and sugar
    3. Salt and sand
    4. Iron fillings and sand
  24. Which one of the following is a part of the embryo of a seed?
    1. Micropyle
    2. Endosperm
    3. Radicle
    4. Cotyledon
  25. Which one of the following shows the CORRECT order of the processes that take place when ice is heated until steam is formed and the steam is cooled to form water?
    1. Melting, evaporation, condensation
    2. Evaporation, condensation, melting
    3. Melting, condensation, evaporation
    4. Evaporation, melting, condensation
  26. Which one of the following materials will not be required to show that pressure in a liquid increases with depth?
    1. Tin can
    2. Water
    3. Nail
    4. Collecting jar
  27. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the human excretory organs?
    1. Sweat glands are located in the dermis
    2. Urine is produced by the urethra
    3. The waste products of the lungs are oxygen and water
    4. Water is excreted by the kidneys and the skin only
  28. Which one of the following pairs of plants are legumes?
    1. Tomatoes and beans
    2. Cabbage and millet
    3. Groundnuts and peas
    4. Maize and potatoes
  29. Std. 8 pupils did the experiment below to investigate a certain method of heat transfer.
    29 ahbduaudyha
    Which one of the following were they investigating?
    1. Convection of air
    2. Conduction in solids
    3. Convection in liquids
    4. Radiation of heat
  30. Which one of the following will help prevent the spread of cholera?
    1. Spraying chemicals in stagnant water
    2. Wearing protective shoes when passing through water
    3. Drinking filtered water
    4. Covering pit latrines after use
  31. Which one of the following is a recommended practice to avoid being struck by lightning?
    1. Sheltering under a tree
    2. Using an umbrella when in an open field
    3. Sheltering while leaning on a wall when it is rainy
    4. Wearing rubber shoes with thick soles during thunderstorms
  32. Which one of the following pairs of plants cannot make their own food?
    1. Fern and pine
    2. Toadstool and moss
    3. Puffballs and mould
    4. Cedar and yeast
  33. Which one of the following sources of electricity pollutes the environment?
    1. Geothermal generators
    2. Wind-driven generators
    3. Hydro-electric generators
    4. Petrol-driven generators
  34. Which one of the following is a natural way of lighting a house? Using
    1. translucent roofs
    2. torches
    3. hurricane lamps
    4. candles
  35. Which one of the following pairs of materials will float on water?
    1. Coin and candle wax
    2. Biro pen casing and rubber band
    3. Nail and bottle top
    4. Coin and candle wax
  36. Which one of the following groups consists only of external livestock parasites?
    1. Fleas, mites, ticks
    2. Roundworms, lice, mites
    3. Fleas, tapeworms, lice
    4. Mites, roundworms, ticks
  37. The diagram below shows a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter
    37 augduygad
    The coloured water rises up the straw because
    1. liquid expand when heated
    2. liquids occupy space
    3. air occupies speace
    4. air exands when heated
  38. Which one of the following consists of groups of food that mainly contain fats?
    1. Maize, coconut, beans
    2. Irish potatoes, groundnuts, maize
    3. Avocado, groundnuts, coconut
    4. Irish potatoes, beans, avocado
  39. Which one of the following is a sign and symptom of tuberculosis?
    1. Chest pain
    2. Muscle wastage
    3. Protruding belly
    4. Pale white eyes
  40. In which one of the following processes is oxygen gas not used?
    1. Making plant food
    2. Burning
    3. Breathing
    4. Germination of seeds
  41. Which one of the following levers has the position of the effort between the load and the fulcrum when in use?
    1. Spade
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Crow bar
  42. Which one of the following statements is true about commercial livestock feeds?
    1. Dairy cattle are given commercial feeds to fatten them
    2. They are given to animals to supplement other feeds
    3. They contain a lot of water
    4. They are given to animals only when fodder crops and other feeds are not available
  43. Which one of the following vaccines is CORRECTLY matched with its immunization schedule in infants?
                  Vaccine                         Schedule
    1. First dose of polio          At 6 weeks
    2. DPT                               At birth and at 10 weeks
    3. DPT and anti-measles   At 14 weeks
    4. Polio and BCG               At birth
  44. The presence of thick white and mountain shaped clouds are a sign of
    1. heavy rain falling soon
    2. low temperatures
    3. fine weather
    4. strong winds blowing
  45. A person who has difficulties in breathing, has a faster heart beat and feels tired is also likely to
    1. have knock knees
    2. have muscle wastage
    3. have a face like that of an old person
    4. have white eyes
  46. The diagram below shows a set-up that is used to investigate a certain aspect of light.
    46 augduada
    The aspect being investigated is
    1. light travels ina a straight line
    2. refraction of light
    3. reflection of light
    4. passage of light through materials
  47. Which one of the following pairs of infections are sexually transmitted?
    1. Gonorrhea and bilharzia
    2. Chancroid and HIV
    3. Syphilis and typhoid
    4. Chancroid and tuberculosis
  48. Which one of the following activities can be used to demonstrate rill erosion? Pouring water
    1. at different positions of a slanting soil surface
    2. in channels of soil on a slanting surface
    3. on a flat surface of soil
    4. on a flat surface using a tin with many holes
  49. Below are statements about a stage of HIV/ AIDS infection:
    1. If a HIV test is carried out, the result is positive
    2. There are no visible signs
    3. The body can fight other infections
      Which stage of HIV/AIDS infection is described above?
      1. Window
      2. Incubation
      3. Symptomatic
      4. Full blown
  50. A glass of water is likely to break if hot water is poured into it because of
    1. sudden expansion of air in the glass
    2. expansion of the heated water
    3. sudden expansion of the inner side of the glass
    4. sudden contraction of the glass wall


scie cacadad


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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi kutoka 1-15. Kwa kila nafasi, umepewa majibu manns.
Chagua jibu sahihi kati ya yale aliyopewa

__1__jamii humu nchini zilikuwa__2__majira ya mwaka badala ya miezi. Kwa mfano,majira ya mvua kubwa yaani__3__jua kali, upanzi na mavuno. Jamii zingine nazo ziliweka__4__ ya matukio maalum kama vile tohara, njaa, vita, mafuriko na uvamizi wa nzige. Yasemekana kuwa jamii moja __5__ikiishi Kusini __6__ukanda wa Ikweta __7__ mwezi wa __8__ "Jua kali" na mwezi wa Desemba ukaitwa mpe mjombako maji.

    1. Baadhi ya
    2. Baina ya
    3. Fauka ya
    4. Licha ya
    1. zinatumia
    2. zimetumia
    3. zikitumia
    4. zilitumia
    1. mchoo
    2. vuli
    3. kipupwe
    4. kifuku
    1. kumbusho
    2. kumbukumbu
    3. mafanikio
    4. madaftari
    1. iliyokuwa
    2. iliokwa
    3. waliyokuwa
    4. waliokuwa
    1. ya
    2. mwa
    3. na
    4. la
    1. waliuita
    2. iliita
    3. iitwa
    4. iliuita
    1. Oktoba
    2. Octomba
    3. Oktomba
    4. Octobe

Hapo zamani za kale, __9__mtumwa mmoja ambaye alidhulumiwa sana na tajiri wake. Licha ya__10__kazi za sulubu kutwa kucha, alicharazwa__11__mijeledi. Mtumwa__12__kwa jina. Hasimu, hakuweza __13__tena mateso hayo.__14__akaamua kutorokea__15__kule, na liwe liwalo.

    1. kuliishi
    2. mliishi
    3. muliishi
    4. paliishi
    1. kufanyishwa
    2. kufanyizwa
    3. kufanyia
    4. kufanyika
    1. na
    2. ni
    3. kwa
    4. bila
    1. buyo
    2. huu
    3. huo
    4. huyu
    1. kustahimili
    2. kudhamini
    3. kukabiliwa
    4. kukabidhi
    1. Alipiga jeki
    2. Alipiga moyo konde
    3. Alipiga chafya
    4. Alipiga domo
    1. kokote
    2. kwakwote
    3. popote
    4. momote

Kutoka swali la 16-10. jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa

  1. Ni uunganishi upi unaofaa zaidi wa sentensi hizi mbili?
    Mimi nitakuwapo. Wewe hutaniona.
    1. Mimi nitakuwapo halafu wewe hutaniona.
    2. Mimi nitakuwapo lakini wewe hutaniona.
    3. Wewe utakuwapo halafu mimi sitakuona
    4. Wewe utakuwepo lakini mimi sitakuona.
  2. Ki katika sentensi "Wageni wakifika watavalia kitamaduni," imetumiwa kuonyesha
    1. masharti, namna
    2. wakati, udogo
    3. masharti, nomino
    4. namna, nomino
  3. Ikiwa jana ilikuwa Jumapili, kesho kutwa itakuwa
    1. Jumatano
    2. Jumamosi
    3. Jumatatu
    4. Jumanne
  4. Kalamu ni kwa kuandikia, meno ni kwa
    1. kulia chakula
    2. kusagia chakula
    3. kutafunia chakula
    4. kukatia chakula
  5. Ni sentensi ipi sahihi?
    1. Huree! Tumeshindwa.
    2. Ng'o! Naomba maji.
    3. Hamadi! Amefaulu.
    4. Wallah! Watoto hawa wataadhibiwa
  6. Kamilisha: Baidika kama
    1. ardhi na mbingu
    2. mchuzi na ugali
    3. maziwa na tui
    4. pua na mdomo
  7. Chagua maelezo sahihi
    1. Susu-kifuniko cha chungu
    2. Ufu-nazi iliyokunwa
    3. Ukoko-chakula kilicholala mpaka asubuhi
    4. Bariyo-chakula kilichoganda kwenye chombo
  8. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi.
    1. Mwalimu anatembea kijeshi.
    2. Gari limeegeshwa kando ya barabara.
    3. Cha mlevi huliwa na mgema
    4. Watoto hawa ni watiifu
  9. Joka la mdimu ni kwa inda ilhali kutokuwa mwaminifu katika ndoa ni kuwa na
    1. mpango wa kawaida
    2. kisebusebu
    3. mkono mrefu
    4. jicho la nje
  10. Mtu anayehamia nchi nyingine na kuifanya makao yake huitwa
    1. mlowezi
    2. mkimbizi
    3. Mmtoro
    4. kibaraka
  11. Nyambua kitenzi 'tokota' katika hali ya kutendesha
    1. tokoza
    2. tokosha
    3. tokosa
    4. tokesha
  12. Akisami, kwa maneno ni
    1. subui kumi
    2. ushuri saba
    3. ushuru saba
    4. subui saba
  13. Chagua sentensi yenye kivumishi cha idadi katika orodha
    1. Mgeni wa mwisho amewasili.
    2. Daktari amewatibu wagonjwa watano.
    3. Waliingia wawili wawili kwenye jukwaa
    4. Vitabu vingi vimechafuka.
  14. Geuza sentensi katika kauli ya taarifa: Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi, "Viwekeni vitabu vyenu safi kila siku."
    1. Mwalimu aliwamuru wanafunzi kuviweka vitabu vyao safi kila siku.
    2. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kuwa anataka waviweke vitabu vyao safi kila siku.
    3. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kuwa angetaka waviweke vitabu vyao safi siku zote.
    4. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kuwa yeye hutaka waviweke vitabu vyao safi kila siku.
  15. Chagua kundi lenye wadudu pekee.
    1. Kipepeo, sigi, mende, panzi
    2. Bandi,nzige,nzi, njiwa
    3. Kiwavi, nyigu, kumbukumbi, kiroboto
    4. Mbu, utitiri, mkunga, kipepeo 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40
Nyangi alikuwa na furaha isiyo na kifani. Alikuwa ameyakamilisha masomo yake ya uzamifu huko Uingereza. Alikuwa mwenye buraha na furaha kwani ndiye aliyekuwa kijana wa kipekee katika familia yao aliyesoma.
Siku ya kurudi kwake humu nchini, jamaa yake na marafiki wachache walijitokeza kumlaki katika uwanja wa ndege. Hakuna aliyempa Nyangi raha kumwona kama Farida aliyekuwa mchumba wake ambaye hawakuwa wameonana kwa miaka sita mtawalia. Ndoa yao ilikuwa imepangwa kufanyika mwezi wa Agosti baada ya Nyangi kupumzika siku sitini na tano. Farida alikuwa amemsubiri mpenzi wake kwa ustahimilivu kweli, mara nyingi alikuwa na wasiwasi kuwa angepata mchumba mwingereza. Sasa alipata uhakika na kuamini ya wahenga subira huvyaa mwana. Aidha, subira ni ufunguo wa faraja. Sheria ya kanisa lao ilihitaji kwanza wafanyiwe uchunguzi wa ukimwi. Hakuna kati yao aliyekuwa na tashwishi kwa kuwa walikuwa waaminifu. Kwa hivyo, walichangamka vilivyo pale walipoendea matokeo na cheti cha kupimwa. Farida ndiye aliyepatiwa matokeo kwanza na kama walivyotarajia, yalikuwa sawa kabisa. Wakati wa matokeo ya Nyangi, daktari alisitasita, "Samahani, sina habari njema kwako!" "Unamaanisha nini daktari?" Nyangi aliuliza kwa mshangao. Alipoarifiwa eti alikuwa na virusi vya ukimwi, alikataa katakata.
Farida alibaki kuduwaa. Walitoka pale bila maongezi. Hata walipoachana, Nyangi alizidiwa na mawazo chungu nzima, kuwa na ukimwi kwake lilikuwa fumbo ililohitaji kufumbuliwa. Alijijun mwenye nidhamu ya hali ya juu. Mara wazo likamjia. Lazima ilikuwa simimi. Alikumbuka vyema walikuwa pamoja kitambo sana. Alijiuliza maswali yasiyo na majibu. Mbona mabaya yalikuwa yakimlenga yeye ambaye aliishi maisha ya uaminifu na kujinyima raha akiogopa karaha? Lilikuwa jambo la kumkera kuona kuwa wengi ambao waliishi maisha ya kiholela na anasa walikuwa wazima kama vigongo wakitembea mzofafa bila athari yoyote. Laiti angalijua! Angalikuwa mbembe na kuzini kama vijana wengine pengine asingalijuta hivyo! Mawazo yake hata yalimwongoza aanzie pal kasambazia wengine, ili asife peke yake, lakini fikra za kuwa tabibu zikamwambia hivyo ni vibaya.
Asubuhi iliyofuata wakati wa staflahi, hakuwa ameamka. Ilibidi aitwe lakini hakujibu. Mlango wake ulibishwa kwa nguvu, lakini hakufungua. Ulipovunjwa, kila mmoja alishangaa kumpata ni maiti. Alikuwa amejitia kitanzi. Hakuna aliyeelewa hadi walipoisoma barua aliyoandika kusema "Poleni wavyele wangu, siwezi kuishi katika hali hii. Singeweza kumchukua mchumba wanga akiwa anajua ninaishi na ukimwi. Nilitenda kosa moja tu, nalo limeniua. Nawaomba radhi. Ninawapenda!
Vilio vilitanda kote. Daktari yule aliyewapima naye alishindwa kufungua kinywa alipofika pale kutaka kuongea naye. Alikuwa ameenda huko kwao kumweleza kuwa alikuwa amefanya makosa. Jibu alilokuwa amepeana awali kuwa la Nyangi kumbe lilikuwa la mgonjwa mwingine! Afanalek!

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, Nyangi
    1. alienda Uingereza kusomea shahada ya pili
    2. alienda Uingereza kusomea shahada ya tatu
    3. alienda Uingereza kusomea shahada ya kwanza
    4. alienda Uingereza kusomea stashahada
  2. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. Nyangi alikuwa kijana wa kipekee katika familia yao
    2. familia ya Nyangi haikuwa na mtoto mwengine kijana
    3. wazazi wa Nyangi hawakuwa na karo ya kuwalipia watoto hao wengine
    4. Nyangi ndiye tu aliyesoma katika familia yao
  3. Kwa nini Nyangi alifurahi alipomwona Farida?
    1. Walikuwa wamekaa miaka sita bila kuonana
    2. Alifurahi kurudi nchini
    3. Alikuwa mpenzi wake
    4. Aliandamana na wazazi wake
  4. Kulingana na kifungu, Nyangi alirudi mwezi wa
    1. Juni
    2. Mei
    3. Julai
    4. Agesti
  5. Methali 'subira havyaa mwana" mwema hailingani kimaana na
    1. mkono mmoja haupigi kofi
    2. papo kwa papo kamba hakata jiwe
    3. Zito hufuatwa na jepesi
    4. Baada ya dhiki faraja
  6. Neno mbembe limetumika kumaanisha nini?
    1. Mahindi ya kuchoma yaliyoza
    2. Kufutia hali aliyonayo mtu
    3. Mtu anayependwa sana na wengine
    4. Mtu msherati
  7. Ni sahihi kusema kuwa
    1. Simimi alimwambukiza Nyangi ukimwi
    2. Nyangi na Farida walioana
    3. Nyangi hakuwa na ukimwi
    4. Matokeo ya ukimwi ya Nyangi hayakuwa na makosa
  8. Nyangi alikuwa ameenda Uingereaza kusomea
    1. urubani
    2. uhasibu
    3. udaktari
    4. uhazigi
  9. Kwa nini Nyangi alijitia kitanzi?
    1. Hakuwa na ukimwi
    2. Simimi alimwambukiza ukimwi
    3. Aliamini alikuwa na ukimwi
    4. Alikuwa na ukimwi
  10. Kichwa mwafaka cha kifungu hiki ni
    1. Arusi ya Nyangi na Farida
    2. Kosa la daktari
    3. Simimi kumwambukiza Nyangi ukimwi
    4. Urafiki wa Nyangi na Farida 

Sama kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41-50
Kuwa na elimu ni jambo la busara. Tumefunzwa kwa kina hadi tukaelewa kinagaubaga kuwa masomo ni taa ambayo huangaza gizani. Aidha, elimu ndiyo ufunguo wa maisha mema ya mustakabali. Kutokana na ujuzi huu, wanafunzi wengine hujikaza kisabuni na kusoma kutwa kucha ili wafaulu katika mitihani yao.
Wazazi nao wametekeleza wajibu wao wa ulezi wa kuhakikisha wana wao wamezima kiu yao ya masomo. Wengi wamechukua mikopo minono kwenye benki huku wengine wakiuza mali na mashamba yao ili kulipa karo ambayo si mchezo siku hizi. Walimu kwa upande mwingine wanajizatiti kuwapa wanafunzi wao masomo ya kiwango cha juu.
Serikali haijasazwa. Masomo bila malipo ya msingi yametolewa kwa watoto wote maskini kwa matajiri. Kwa sasa, ni hatia kutompeleka mwana shuleni hata kama wewe ni maskini hohehahe.. Jukumu la watoto nao ni kusoma. Wengi wameyatwaa masomo na kuyakumbatia kiasi cha kualikwa katika vyuo vikuu kusomea taaluma mbalimbali. Kuna wale huendeleza masomo yao kwa bidii ya mchwa lakini kunao wakifika huko husahau kabisa kilichowapeleka chuoni.
Ni juzi tu kijana barobaro wa chuo kikuu alifyatuliwa risasi na kufa papo hapo baada ya kushiriki utekaji nyara wa mkuu mmoja wa polisi. Alipatikana chumbani mwa mwanafunzi huyu akiwa amefungwa miguu na mikono kwa kamba. Nao mdomo ulikuwa umezibwa kwa kitambaa. Polisi mwenyewe alikuwa na bahati ya mtende kuokolewa na mwanafunzi mwengine aliyemshuku kijana huyo baada ya kugundua hakutaka yeyote akaribie chumba hicho. Ilibainika kuwa kijana pamoja na genge lake walikuwa wakidai kulipwa shilingi milioni tano na familia ya polisi ili wamwachilie huru. Aibu iliyoje! Kikawa kisa cha tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.

  1. Wanafunzi wengine hujikaza kisabuni kusoma kutwa kucha. Hii inamaanisha kuwa
    1. wanafunzi husoma mchana na usiku 
    2. wanafunzi husoma usiku na mchana
    3. wanafunzi husoma asubuhi na mchana
    4. wanafunzi husoma jioni na asubuhi
  2. Neno 'mustakabali' kama lilivyotumika linamaanisha
    1. maisha ya kisogoni
    2. maisha ya baadaye
    3. maisha ya raha
    4. maisha ya utosini
  3. Ni nini maana ya "serikali haijasazwa?"
    1. Serikali haijabaki nyuma kimasomo
    2. Serikali imejitia hamnazo
    3. Serikali inachunguza masomo
    4. Serikali ina hatia kimasomo
  4. Kilichomfanya mwanafunzi kumshuku kijana ni
    1. tabia yake ya utekaji nyara
    2. tabia yake ya uongo
    3. tabia yake ya ukali
    4. tabia yake ya usiri
  5. Wajibu mkuu wa wazazi uliotajwa ni
    1. kuwaelea wanao, kuuza mashamba
    2. kuuza mashamba, kuchukua mikopo benkini
    3. kuwalea watoto, kugharamia masomo yao
    4. kugharamia elimu ya wanao, kuchukua mikopo benkini
  6. Kulipa karo si mchezo siku hizi kwa sababu
    1. si lazima mtu acheze ili aweze kulipa karo
    2. kulipa karo kwahitaji kujitolea
    3. ni lazima mtu acheze ili aweze kulipa karo
    4. kulipa karo na kucheza ni sawa
  7. Kulingana na kifungu, si sahihi kusema kuwa
    1. kijana na genge lake walilipwa milioni tano
    2. vyuo vikuu hufundisha mambo mbalimbali
    3. wana wengine hulaza damu chuoni
    4. kijana na genge lake hawakulipwa milioni tano
  8. Kwa mujibu wa kifungu
    1. si hatia watoto wa maskini wakikosa kusoma
    2. wazazi wanapenda kuuza mashamba na kuchukua mikopo
    3. walimu wanazuia wanafunzi kusoma vizuri
    4. watoto wa mkata wanafaa kusoma sawa na wa kizito
  9. Waliotajwa kushiriki masomo ni
    1. serikali, walimu, wavyele, wazazi
    2. watoto, serikali, wafanyikazi, askari
    3. watoto, wavyele, walimu, serikali
    4. askari, polisi, wazazi, watoto
  10. Methali iliyotumiwa mwisho ni mwa kifungu inaweza kulinganishwa na
    1. Yote yang'aayo si dhahabu
    2. Penye mawimbi na milango i papo
    3. Mwenye pupa hadriki kula tamu
    4. Kilicho baharini kakingoje pwani


Andika insha ya kusisimua isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukimalizia kwa maneno haya

................................................................................tulinadi kwa vicheko na bashasha.



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Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the given choices
What do you think of__1__the word "games"__2__? Some of you think of a soccer __3__full of noise and movement __4__others may imagine determined men and women trying to hit the ball or __5__it__6__the net as in netball or volleyball. Others will think of excited__7__cheering their favourite teams. When you were a bit younger, __8__you would most likely __9__thought of games which do not require great skill like soccer.

__10__games are played according.__11__very simple rules. Sometimes, there__12__no rules at all and they keep on__13__new games as they play. Think of children playing "hide and__14__"Think of them playing mother, father__15__soldier or doctor.

    1. where
    2. how
    3. whether
    4. when
    1. shouted
    2. called
    3. mentioned
    4. name
    1. pitch
    2. team
    3. fans
    4. players
    1. which
    2. while
    3. because
    4. why
    1. carry
    2. take
    3. shoot
    4. blow
    1. under
    2. at
    3. on
    4. into
    1. spectators
    2. congregation
    3. crowd
    4. gang
    1. whichever
    2. however
    3. moreover
    4. besides
    1. has
    2. have
    3. can
    4. could
    1. Childs
    2. Childrens'
    3. Children's
    4. Childs'
    1. with
    2. on
    3. at
    4. to
    1. can
    2. are
    3. is
    4. will
    1. inventing
    2. investing
    3. building
    4. drawing
    1. sought
    2. lock
    3. jump
    4. seek
    1. ;
    2. ?
    3. ,

For questions 16-17, select the alternative that  best fills in the blank spaces

  1. John hardly engages in risky practices.
    1. doesn't he
    2. does he
    3. isn't he
    4. hasn't he
  2. They have not arrived yet.
    1. have they
    2. is it
    3. haven't they
    4. isn't it

For questions 18-20, choose the alternative that can best replace the underlined phrase

  1. We decided to get on with our work after a thirty-minutes break.
    1. continue
    2. stop
    3. restart
    4. complete
  2. They put down all that the teacher said.
    1. suggested
    2. wrote
    3. saw
    4. read
  3. Everyone was looking forward to the sports day.
    1. hoping
    2. praying for
    3. expecting
    4. wishing

For questions 21-22, choose the alternative that is correctly punctuated

    1. "Everyone," the teacher started "Must work harder and smarter."
    2. Everyone the teacher started, "must work harder and smarter."
    3. "Everyone, "the teacher started," must work harder and smarter.
    4. "Everyone," the teacher started, "must work harder and smarter
    1. The health officer advised, "Children's play things must always be sterilized to prevent infection."
    2. "The health officr advised," Children's play things must always be sterilized to prevent infection.
    3. The health officer advised "Children's play things must always be sterilized to prevent infection."
    4. The health officer advised, "children's play things must always be sterilized to prevent infection."

For questions 23-25, choose the alternative that means the opposite of the underlined word

  1. They all came out of the room with gloomy faces.
    1. smiling
    2. sad
    3. angry
    4. unhappy
  2. It is harmful to engage in drug abuse.
    1. dangerous
    2. beneficial
    3. risky
    4. damaging
  3. The plaintiff arrived later for the hearing.
    1. complainant
    2. lawyer
    3. litigant
    4. defendant 

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 26-38
Old John was the owner of the biggest orchard in his part of the country. He was also the father of three strong, but lazy sons.
Old John looked after his fruit trees with very little help from his sons. Early every morning, while they were still in bed, the old man could be found working alone in the orchard. He dug the soil, cut away all the useless branches from the old trees, carefully tended the young trees and picked all the fruits at harvest time.
Every evening after his work, he would sit on a log and rest in the shade of his trees. Old John would gaze and gaze at the long rows of apple trees, pear trees and plum trees. Then he would sigh to think that soon he would be too old to give them all the care they need.
"Dear me!" He would say to himself. "It is a great pity. I wish my sons would work in the orchard. If they did, I am sure that the fruits would bring them a fortune."
There cone a time when John no longer worked among his fruit trees, for he took ill and died. Not long after his death, the sons met to hear what money their father had left to them. The reading of his will amazed them, because there was only this one sentence:
"The orchard, and the treasure which is there, I leave to my three sons." The sons stared at each other in astonishment, "Treasure!" they shouted. "Isn't that wonderful? We will be rich! Father has hidden his money in the orchard!"
"We must be very careful," said the eldest son. "If we tell others of this, they might steal the treasure from us."
"What shall we do?" asked the youngest son. "We must tell no one about the treasure," said the middle son. "We will dig and search in the orchard until we find it."
The sons then made their plans to find the treasure. They divided the orchard into three parts, and worked as they had never worked before.
They carefully dug the soil from one end of the orchard to the other. They even turned over the earth around the roots. Not an inch did they miss. Alas! After days, weeks and months of digging and searching, no treasure was found.
That year however, something which had never happened before, happened. There was so much fruit on the trees, that the branches were bent almost to the ground. The three sons were delighted. Never had they seen such a crop of apples, pears and plums.

  1. Which of the following is incorrect according to the first paragraph?
    1. John's sons were lazy
    2. John owned a fruit farm
    3. John was employed in the biggest orchard in the area
    4. John's sons were strong
  2. At what time could John be found working in his orchard?
    1. At dusk
    2. At dawn
    3. Mid-day
    4. Evening
  3. The following activities were done by John in his orchardexcept
    1. picking fruits
    2. digging the soil
    3. pruning the trees
    4. logging and cutting trees
  4. What did John do in the evening?
    1. Resting
    2. Harvesting
    3. Watering
    4. Logging
  5. What made John to worry?
    1. His old age
    2. The future of his sons
    3. The great harvest in his farm
    4. Lack of rain in the area
  6. John died of
    1. working hard in his orchard
    2. eating poisonous fruits
    3. illness
    4. snake bite
  7. Which characters best describe John?
    1. Lazy and desperate
    2. Optimistic and cruel
    3. Clumsy and bright
    4. Hardworking and wise
  8. The word stared can be replaced by all the following except
    1. gazed
    2. glanced
    3. peered
    4. glared
  9. From the reaction the three sons had when they read their father's will, we can conclude that they were
    1. surprised
    2. sad
    3. worried
    4. thankful
  10. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. The sons found the treasure after digging for months
    2. Old John owned the smallest orchard in the country
    3. There was no hidden treasure in the orchard
    4. Old John did not care that his sons were lazy
  11. Why do you think there was a lot of fruit the years that Old John died?
    1. Old John had taken good care of the trees
    2. The land was very fertile
    3. The three sons applied fertilizers to the trees
    4. The three sons tended the trees unknowingly
  12. All the following can be grown in an orchard except
    1. guavas
    2. avocado
    3. cabbage
    4. oranges
  13. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for this passge?
    1. The biggest orchard ever
    2. They found hidden treasure
    3. The death of Old John
    4. The transformation of three lazy sons 

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 39 -50
Like many youth, who travel to Nairobi in search of jobs once they complete secondary school, Mr. Derrick Ambuka made his journey to the city in 1986 to seek employment.
Luck was on his side. "I got hired at an engineering farm, Burns and Blair, which exclusively dealt with agricultural implement."
Hired as a sales person, Mr. Ambuka started honing his skills. "I would go for lessons in accounting to learn how to run a business since I wanted to become an employee, who is conversant with the job."
But five years into his job, he resigned and opened his entity, Derry's and Toro Company, a start- up that was set to compete with Burns and Blair.
"It was quite easy to run a business since I had prior knowledge," says the fifty-year-old, who also runs other enterprises in hospitality and construction industries.
However, it was in Nairobi that he noticed one peculiarity about Kenya's housing sector.
"I noticed that the wealthy lived in suburbs with a good environment, with plenty of trees, which is appealing unlike the areas where the low income earners resided. That is how I started loving trees," said the proprietor of Derry's Eco Cover, a company which sells seedlings.
His passion for the environment drove him to start the project in 2011 with one thousand seedlings. "The demand peaks ahead of the rainy seasons from April where we sell an average of fifty thousand seedlings in a good month, making about five thousand shillings.
"We have a client who bought twenty thousand seedlings from the county of Murang'a and asked us to plant them on her land," says Ambuka, who has close to a million seedlings in his nursery at any given time.
His company is now crossing borders. Already, he is processing an order to supply six thousand seedlings to a customer in Uganda.
"I always believe that trees are wealth because if you plant one, which costs just ten shillings, in the next ten years, the least you can earn from it is sixty thousand shillings.
Buyers stream from the counties and devolution has proved to be a blessing for him. "We have sold our products to Bungoma, Busia and Kisumu counties. We've received a tender to supply fifty thousand seedlings to the county government of Machakos."
To maintain quality, the entrepreneur buys certified seeds from Kenya Agricultural Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) for both exotic and indigenous tree species such as Jacaranda, Elgon teak, Grevelia, Neem and fruit trees, which he plants in black polythene bags.

  1. Which of the following is not true according to the first paragraph?
    1. Many youth travel to the urban areas to look for jobs
    2. Many youth travel to Nairobi in search of jobs once they complete secondary school
    3. Derrick went to Nairobi to look for employment
    4. Derrick had been to Nairobi for more than a decade
  2. The company that hired Derrick was dealing with 
    1. manufacturing of agricultural tools
    2. processing of agricultural products
    3. making engines
    4. manufacturing extinguishers
  3. The word 'honing' has been underlined in the passage. It means
    1. to produce a horn
    2. to develop and improve
    3. to lessen
    4. to discourage something
  4. What course did Ambuka take to become a competent employer?
    1. Engineering
    2. Shopkeeper
    3. Accounting
    4. Hospitality
  5. Which company did Derrick open after his resignation?
    1. Burns and Blair Company
    2. Derry's Engineering Company
    3. Blair Agricultural Company
    4. Derry's and Toro Company
  6. The company that Ambuka opened and the other one that had employed him earlier can be termed as
    1. partners
    2. friends
    3. arch-rivals
    4. foes
  7. What made Derrick easily run his enterprise according to the passage?
    1. Accessibility to customers
    2. Running of other hospitality and construction industries
    3. Experience and prior knowledge
    4. Business venue in the city
  8. What peculiarity did Derrick notice about Kenya's housing sector?
    1. The low income earners lived in the suburbs
    2. He was young to open more companies
    3. Trees thrived well only in the suburbs
    4. The rich lived in the suburbs with a good environment
  9. According to the passage, what prompted Derrick to start a seedling project in 2011? 
    1. He lacked something to do after resignation
    2. His passion for the environment
    3. His love for money
    4. He did not have enough capital
  10. What promoted the demand for seedlings in the month of April?
    1. It's a dry month
    2. It's a rainy season
    3. Many customers have a lot of money
    4. Many upcoming suburbs
  11. The phrase 'His company is now crossing borders' as used in the passage means that
    1. he has opened other company branches in other countries
    2. the company has relocated to other countries
    3. the company has boundaries
    4. the company has no borders
  12. The best proverb to summarize the passage would be
    1. Tit for tat is a fair game
    2. Hard work never goes unrewarded
    3. All that glitteres is not gold
    4. East or West, home is the best


eng aigduada


Tagged under


  1. Write eight million five thousand and six in symbols
    1. 8005006
    2. 800506
    3. 8050600
    4. 8500006
  2. What is the place value of digit 9 after working out the value of 230 multiplied by 17?
    1. Thousands
    2. Tens
    3. Ones
    4. Hundreds
  3. What is the difference of 112 and √225?
    1. 15
    2. 26
    3. 106
    4. 136
  4. Find the value of angle QRS in the figure below
    4 agfdadfuyagda 
    1. 100°
    2. 130°
    3. 50°
    4. 80°
  5. Work out the sum of the LCM of 48, 54 and the GCD of 12 and 18.
    1. 6
    2. 438
    3. 432
    4. 2598
  6. What is the total value of digit 9 in the figure 53.649?
    1. 0.009
    2. 0.09
    3. Thousandth
    4. 0.0009
  7. Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 9?
    1. 6614
    2. 6098
    3. 6255
    4. 5290
  8. Work out the value of
    3.5 x 2.5
    0.7 x 0.5
    1. 25
    2. 250
    3. 0.25
    4. 2.5
  9. In a by-election, three candidates who contested for a senate seat garnered votes as follows:
    Candidate X-848 votes,
    Candidate Y-1248 votes,
    Candidate Z=983 votes more than both candidates X and Y.
    How many votes did candidate Z get?
    1. 1831
    2. 3079
    3. 2096
    4. 3140
  10. The diagram below shows a water tank.
    10 igaugduygad
    What is its volme when it is 3/4 full?
    1. 7200cm3
    2. 3600cm3
    3. 5400cm3
    4. 4800cm3
  11. What is the reciprocal of 41/3?
    1. 13/3
    2. 3/13
    3. 4/13
    4. 3/4
  12. The radius of a cylidrical tin is 4cm and its height is 25cm. What is the area of its curved surface?
    1. 2200cm2
    2. 15400cm3
    3. 616cm2
    4. 3500cm3
  13. A matatu travelled a distance of 360m in 20 seconds. What was its speed in kilometres per hour?
    1. 18
    2. 36
    3. 48
    4. 644/5
  14.  A trader borrowed Sh. 4500 from a bank that charged simple interest at the rate of 12% per annum. If he paid back the money after 2 years, how much money did he pay back altogether? 
    1. Sh. 10800
    2. Sh. 55800
    3. Sh. 68400
    4. Sh. 50400
  15. In the first evaluation test, a pupil scored 240 marks. In the second test, his performance dropped by 15%. What was his score in the second test?
    1. 276
    2. 219
    3. 204
    4. 228
  16. Calculate the surface area of the open cuboid below
    16 uagudguyada
    1. 3744cm3
    2. 5760cm2
    3. 41472cm2
    4. 7488cm2
  17. What is the value of
    4.35 x 4.1?
    1. 1.7835
    2. 178.35
    3. 17835
    4. 17.835
  18. A farmer planted trees along the length of his farm at invervals of 5m apart. If he planted 31 seedlings altogether, what is the length of his farm?
    1. 155m
    2. 150m
    3. 151m
    4. 149m
  19. Find the next number in the sequence:
    93, 75, 57, 39,................
    1. 21
    2. 18
    3. 31
    4. 25
  20.  Round off 487.684 to the nearest tenths
    1. 487.69
    2. 487,68
    3. 487.7
    4. 487.6
  21. In the figure below, find the area of the shaded region.
    21 auiugduyad
    1. 2866cm2
    2. 1634cm2
    3. 2250cm2
    4. 1784cm2
  22. Find the value of:
    45/8 + 33/8 ÷ 21/4
    1. 1/8
    2. 127/13
    3. 18
    4. 61/8
  23. What is as a percentage?
    1. 5%
    2. 20% 
    3. 0.5%
    4. 1/5%
  24. A farmers uses 1/4 of his farm on maize and 1/3 on beans. The remaining land is. used for grazing. What fraction is used for grazing?
    1. 7/12
    2. 2/3
    3. 5/12
    4. 5/7
  25. In the figure below, line AB is parallel to line CD. Find the value of the angle marked e.
    25 aytdytada
    1. 120°
    2. 70°
    3. 50°
    4. 130°
  26. One bell rings after 4 minutes and another after 5 minutes. How long does it take for the bells to ring together?
    1. 24 min
    2. 30 min
    3. 20 min
    4. 9 min
  27. Round off 23098 to the nearest thousand
    1. 20000
    2. 23000
    3. 24000
    4. 33100
  28. A salesman earns a basic salary of Sh. 12500. He also gets a 4% commission on the value of the goods he sells. How much did he earn altogether in a month that he sold goods valued at Sh. 320000?
    1. Sh. 25300
    2. Sh. 24800
    3. Sh. 25800
    4. Sh. 12800
  29. The average age of three men is 45 years. The ages of two of them is 42 years and 47 years. What is the age of the third man?
    1. 89 years
    2. 135 years
    3. 46 years
    4. 45 years
  30. The table below shows the distances. four towns in kilometres. What is the distance from town S to V via U?
    30 aihdiuhada
    1. 170 km
    2. 60 km
    3. 115 km
    4. 150 km
  31. A shopkeeper had money in different demonimations as shown below:
    Denomination    Value
     200 20 shilling coins
     100 Fifty shilling notes
     50 Hundred shilling notes
     30 200 shilling notes
     20 Five hundred shilling notes
    5 1000 shilling notes 
    How much money had he altogether?
    1. Sh. 25000
    2. Sh. 15000
    3. Sh. 30000
    4. Sh. 35000
  32. A mason eams Sh. 2400 per month. If he saves 30% of this, how much does he spend?
    1. Sh. 2370
    2. Sh. 1680
    3. Sh. 960
    4. Sh. 720
  33. Judy slept at 2250 hrs on Sunday and woke up at 71/2 hrs later. At what time did she wake up in 12 hour clock system?
    1. 6.20 a.m
    2. 6.30 a.m
    3. 6.40 am
    4. 5.30 am
  34. What is twice the perimeter of the figure below? (Take = 22/7)
    34 auygduyada
    1. 112m
    2. 94m
    3. 188m
    4. 61m
  35. What is the sum of the number of faces, edges and vertices of an open cuboid?
    1. 26
    2. 24
    3. 28
    4. 25
  36. The scale drawing of a map is 1:250000. What is the actual length of a road that measures 5cm on the map in kilometres?
    1. 1250
    2. 12.5
    3. 12500
    4. 125
  37. Grace is x years old. Her mother is two times her age. What will be the sum of their ages in five years time?
    1. 3x+5
    2. 3x-10
    3. 3x-5
    4. 3x + 10
  38. Which type of solid will be formed by the net below?
    38 aihdhuadhad
    1. Cuboid
    2. Triangular prism
    3. Pyramid
    4. Cube
  39. The population of a certain country is 104283. The number of children is 30200. The women are two times the number of children. How many men are in this country?
    1. 13683
    2. 60400
    3. 44883
    4. 43883
  40. Find the value of x in the equation:
    1. 11/3
    2. 34/9
    3. 4
    4. 42/3
  41. Which of the following numbers can be added to 4573 to make it divisible by eleven without a remainder?
    1. 8
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 3
  42. The stack below was dipped in black paint
    42 auydgygadad
    How many cubes got paint on three faces only?
    1. 24
    2. 6
    3. 18
    4. 8
  43. What is the value of:
    1/9 of (6÷2/3)?
    1. 9
    2. 2/9
    3. 4/9
    4. 1
  44. Construct triangle ABC in which AB= BC = AC = 7cm. Draw a circle that passes through the vertices. Measure the radius of the circle.
    1. 8cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 14cm
    4. 2cm
  45. Find the area of the figure below
    45 sagfdugad
    1. 168cm2
    2. 210cm2
    3. 339cm2
    4. 84cm2
  46. On a cold morning, the temperature reading was -10°C at 6.00 a.m. If the temperature was rising at a rate of 5°C every one hour, what was the reading on. the thermometer at 10.00 a.m?
    1. 20°C
    2. 30°C
    3. -30°C
    4. 10°C
  47. The table below shows the inland postage rates:
     Types of article   Weight   Commission  
     Sh Cts 
    Letters      Not over 20g  35 00
    Not over 50g  43 00
    Not over 100g  51 00
    Not over 250g  58 00
    Not over 500g  64 00
    Not over 1kg  74 00
    Not over 2kg 107 00
    Post cards Aearogrammes Parcels each 21 00
    each 35 00
    Not over 5kg 150 00
    Not over 10kg 185 00
    Not over 20kg 220 00
    Not over 30kg 270 00
    Not over 40kg 325 00
    Not over 50kg 430 00
    Muthee sent 3 letters weighing 89g. 290g and 1.6 kg. He also sent 2 post cards, one aerogramme and a parcel weighing 40.3 kg. How much did he pay for the postage altogether?
    1. Sh. 264
    2. Sh. 299
    3. Sh. 729
    4. Sh. 222
  48. Omuga deposited Sh. 36000 in a bank that paid simple interest at the rate of 10% pa. How much money altogether did he withdraw at the end of 2 years?
    1. Sh. 43200
    2. Sh. 39600
    3. Sh. 7200
    4. Sh. 3600

The graph below shows the distance covered by a motorist. Use it to answer questions 49 and 50

49 iauuhiduhada

  1. How many kilometres had the motorist covered by 9 am?
    1. 45 km
    2. 55 km
    3. 50 km
    4. 63 km
  2. What was the motorist's average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 120 km/hrs
    2. 262/3 km/hr
    3. 25 km/hr
    4. 24 km/hr


maths adada 



Tagged under


Use the map of Safa area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. Flowers are transported to Joli town for export by 
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. water
    4. road.
  2. The most senior administrator of Safa area is
    1. county commissioner
    2. governor
    3. chief
    4. county representaive.
  3. Which one of the following factors mainly influenced the setting up of the milk factory?
    1. Nearness to a dairy farm.
    2. Nearness to market.
    3. Nearness to a road.
    4. Availability of space.
  4. The main contribution of the forest in the Western part of Safa area is that it
    1. is a tourist attraction site
    2. protects the sources of rivers
    3.  is a source of timber
    4. attracts rainfall in the area
  5. The main economic activity carried out in Safa area is
    1. trading
    2. farming
    3. fishing
    4.  lumbering.
  6. The climate of the area covered by the map can be described as
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet..
  7. Land in Safa area generally rises from
    1. North West to South East.
    2. South West to North East.
    3. South East to North West.
    4. North East to South West.
  8. The main reason why the River and Lake Nilotes dispersed from the Pubungu Pakwach area was
    1. drought
    2.  famine
    3. overpopulation
    4. epidermics
  9. Below are statements about marriage system.
    1. Polygamy is allowed
    2. It is conducted by a religious leader
    3. A man can marry only one wife
    4. A marriage certificate is issued
    5. It is conducted in a government office
      Which one of the following combinations consist of statements that are correct about a Christian marriage?
      1. ii, iii, iv
      2.  i, iv, v
      3.  iii, iv, v
      4. ii, iv, v
  10. Africans in Ghana used peaceful means to attain independence because
    1. Africans had strong leaders
    2. Africans had formed political parties
    3. most Africans were educated
    4.  the colony did not attract many settlers.
  11. Which one of the following groups of countries consist of those crossed by the Great North Road?
    1. Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia.
    2. Congo, Angola, Namibia.
    3. Kenya, Uganda, Gabon.
    4. Nigeria, Niger, Algeria.
  12. South Africa is able to produce many manufactured goods because
    1. the goods are in great demand
    2. there is availability of cheap labour
    3. the country has variety of minerals
    4. the country experiences high rainfall.
  13. Below are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa
    1. There are scattered dry shrubs
    2. Cacti and euphorbia plants are common
    3. There are dry turfs of grass
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. mediterranean vegetation
      2. semi-desert vegetation
      3. tropical vegetation
      4. temperate vegetation.
  14. When the Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule they were led by
    1. Samouri Toure
    2. King Lewanika 
    3. Chief Mkwawa
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  15. Below are conditions for growing a certain crop
    1. Protection from strong winds
    2. Well drained fertile soils
    3. High rainfall
    4. High temperature between 24°c and 27°c
      The conditions listed above favour the growing of
      1. wheat
      2. cotton
      3. cocoa
      4. maize

Use the diagram below to answer question 16

  1. The type of rainfall shown above is experienced in the following areas except
    1. Southern Uganda
    2. Lake Victoria basin
    3. Coastal lowlands of Kenya
    4. Central Tanzania.
  2. Which one of the following groups is made up of Voltaic speakers of West Africa?
    1. Susu, Mande, Soninke.
    2. Wolof, Fulani, Tukolor.
    3. Igbo, Yoruba, Ewe.
    4. Dagomba, Bergu, Gurba.
  3. Which pair consists of elements of a map only?
    1. Key, vegetation.
    2. Shape, compass.
    3. Title, frame.
    4. Relief, drainage.
  4. Large commercial poultry farming is carried out near urban centres due to
    1. availability of electricity
    2. availability of cheap labour
    3. nearness to market for poultry products
    4. nearness to source of water.
  5. Residual mountains are formed through
    1. erosion
    2. faulting
    3.  folding
    4. volcanicity.
  6. Which one of the following statements about European colonial rule in Belgian Congo is correct?
    1. Africans were encouraged to assimilate.
    2. Africans were forced to work in rubberfarms.
    3. Europeans used indirect rule.
    4. Europeans allowed African chiefs to rule.
  7.  Which one of the following duties is performed by a head teacher in a school?
    1. Appointing the deputy headteacher.
    2. Chairing Board of Management.
    3. Allocating funds to a school.
    4. Keeping school records.
  8. Improvement in modern methods of communication has mainly led to
    1. migration of people to towns
    2. increase in trading activities
    3. expansion of urban centres
    4. expansion of infrastructure.
  9. Three of the following are ways in which communities interacted in the past. Which one was not?
    1. Games
    2. War.
    3. Marriage.
    4. Trading.
  10. Which one of the following was a contribution of Nelson Mandela? He
    1. led South Africa to independence
    2. made South Africa a one-party state
    3. led South Africa to the first all racial elections
    4. was a founder member of African Union.
  11. Lake Tana in Ethiopia and lake Itasy in Madagascar were formed when
    1. water collected inside faults
    2. water collected inside craters
    3. parts of the earth sunk
    4. flowing magma blocked rivers.
  12. The Fulani people of West Africa are able to graze their livestock over large areas because 
    1. there is plenty of grass
    2. they live in sparsely populated areas
    3.  they keep large herds of livestock
    4.  they use horses to scout for pasture.
  13. Which one of the following factors may lead to conflicts in the society? -
    1. Use of indigenous languages.
    2. Intermarriage among communities.
    3. Unequal distribution of national resources.
    4. Movement of people to towns.

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 29 to 32

  1.  Which one of the following groups of communities used the route marked S during the migration period?
    1. Abagusii, Abakuria, Abaluhyia.
    2. Yao, Hehe, Makonde.
    3. Ngoni, Chagga, Nyamwezi.
    4. Agikuyu, Aembu, Ameru.
  2. The main export crop of the country marked Z is
    1. sisal
    2. sugarcane
    3. coffee
    4. cotton.
  3. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked X consist of
    1.  tall elephant grass
    2. dense evergreen forests
    3. papyrus reeds
    4. short dry shrubs
  4. Three of the following statements about the town marked T are true. Which one is not?
    1. It started as an Arab trading centre.
    2. It is located in a rich agricultural area.
    3. It is a county headquarter.
    4. It lies along the Trans African Highway.
  5. Below are statemens about a type of democracy practised in the society.
    1. Decisions are made through general agreement
    2. People are involved in decision making
    3. People negotiate over issues
      The type of democracy described above is
      1. representative democracy
      2. nominal democracy
      3. participatory democracy
      4. direct democracy.
  6. Which one of the following game parks is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    Game park              Country
    1. Selous     -            South Africa
    2. Huango     -            Zimbabwe
    3. Kruger       -           Sudan.
    4. Dinder        -         Tanzania.
  7. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonization?
    1. Establishment of industries.
    2. Introduction of cash crops.
    3. Introduction of modern healthcare.
    4. Alienation of African land.
  8. The Ngoni people were forced to move from South Africa by
    1. Galla
    2. Zulu 
    3. Arabs
    4. Bemba.
  9. Three of the following are contributions of a community to the development of a school. Which one is not?
    1. Donating land to expand school facilities.
    2. Providing workers to a school.
    3. Preparing the school routine.
    4. Providing resource persons to a school.
  10. Which one of the following was an achievement of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It supported countries fighting for independence.
    2. It established a common trading currency in Africa.
    3. It promoted the use of a common language.
    4.  It constructed roads in member countries.
  11. Which one of the following rivers end in the form of an estuary?
    1. River Omo.
    2. River Niger.
    3. River Rufiji.
    4. River Congo.
  12. Kelvin is a British national working in Kenya. He can apply for a Kenyan citizenship if he
    1. marries a Kenyan citizen
    2. owns property in Kenya
    3. has lived in Kenya continuously for 7years
    4. vies for an elective seat.
  13. Dairy farming in Kenya is mainly favoured by
    1. cool and wet highland conditions
    2. availability of market for milk
    3. presence of milk factories in farming areas
    4. availability of good roads to transport milk.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain
    Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa was formed through the above process?
    1. Mount Ruwenzori.
    2. Pare highlands.
    3. Usambara mountains.
    4. Mount Longonot.
  15. Which one of the following groups is made up of River and Lake Nilotes found in Eastern Africa?
    1. Sebei, Pokot, Kalenjin.
    2. Dinka, Luo, Acholi.
    3. Samburu, Turkana, Jie.
    4. Gabbra, Oromo, Burji.
  16. The Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule because
    1. they wanted to remain independent
    2. the French stopped them from trading.
    3. they had a strong leader
    4. they had a well trained army.
  17. The main product of the planted forests of Swaziland is
    1. firewood
    2. pulp
    3. fruits
    4. herbal medicine.
  18. Which one of the following is a function of clan elders in traditional African communities?
    1. Leading people to war.
    2. Foretelling future events.
    3. Allocating land to members.
    4. Preparing medicine from plants.
  19. Below are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He visited Kabaka Mutesa 1 of Buganda
    2.  He explored areas along River Lualaba
    3. He met David Livingstone
      The person described above is
      1. John Speke
      2. Ludwig Krapf
      3. Johanne Rebman.
      4. Henry Morton Stanley.
  20. African socialism was introduced in Kenya after independence in order to
    1. settle landless Africans
    2. promote single party rule
    3. promote political and economic development
    4. reward Africans who fought for independence.
  21. The main reason why cultural artefacts are conserved in museums is to
    1. preserve the history of communities
    2. sell them to people who visit themuseums
    3. attract tourists to the country
    4. create jobs in the country
  22. Which one of the following plateaus is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
        Plateau                           Country
    1. Bie                -             Nigeria
    2. Fouta Djalon   -           Guinea
    3. Jos                  -            Sudan
    4. Teiga               -             Angola
  23. Three of the following are effects of industries on the environment. Which one is not?
    1. Destruction of natural forests.
    2. Emission of smoke to the atmosphere.
    3. Settlement of people around industries.
    4. Dumping of waste in rivers.
  24. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method used in extracting it from the ground?
            Mineral                 Method
    1.  Soda ash              Evaporation
    2. Copper                   Dredging
    3. Salt                         Open cast
    4. Gold                        Deep shaft 
  25. Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British in Kenya because
    1. he wanted protection from the Nandi
    2. he wanted to trade with the British
    3. he 'wanted the British to build school
    4. he wanted to adopt European way oflife.
  26. The settlement of Arabs along the East Coast of Africa led to
    1. partition of East Africa
    2. introduction of pastoral farming
    3. decline in slave trade
    4. spread of Islam in Eastern Africa.
  27. The effect of the Benguela currents on the South West Coast of Africa is that it has led to
    1. growth of dense vegetation along the Coast
    2. heavy rainfall along the Coast
    3. dry,conditions along the Coast
    4. increase of temperature along the Coast.
  28. Who among the following prominent African leaders was not a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
    2. Nelson Mandela.
    3.  Leopold Sedar Senghor
    4. Haile Sellasie.
  29. Which one of the following is a responsibility of the government to its citizens?
    1. Protecting them and their property.
    2. Establishing places of worship.
    3. Forming political parties for citizens.
    4. Campaigning for candidates during elections.
  30. A Kenyan citizen qualifies to vote if the person
    1.  is able to read
    2. is a member of a political party
    3. is a registered voter
    4. lives in the constituency he is voting.
  31. The head of a county executive committee is
    1. a county commissioner
    2. a senatcr
    3.  a county assembly speaker
    4. a governor.
  32. Three of the following statements about a county government are true. Which one is not?
    1.  It is headed by a speaker
    2. It is headed by an elected leaders
    3.  It implements projects in a county
    4.  It has appointed members.



  1. Which one of the following things did God create on the fourth day?
    1. Moon.
    2. Sky.
    3. Dry land.
    4. Sea creatures.
  2. Who among the following people was a son of Noah?
    1. Seth.
    2. Shem.
    3. Lamech.
    4. Enoch.
  3. Abraham obeyed God when he was living in Haran by
    1.  taking Lot with him
    2. accepting to sacrifice Isaac
    3. getting a wife for Isaac
    4. moving to an unknown land.
  4.  Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt from Midian because.
    1. he was afraid of the king of Egypt
    2. his family was in Midian
    3. the Israelites did not know him
    4. he was not a good speaker.
  5. When the Israelites crossed the Red sea they worshipped God by
    1. singing songs
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. reciting the commandments
    4. fasting.
  6. Who among the following women was a judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth.
    2. Naomi.
    3. Deborah.
    4. Hannah.
  7. Which one of the following was done by David when he was the king of Israel?
    1. He killed Goliath.
    2. He built a temple in Jerusalem.
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital.
    4. He made the covenant box.
  8. King Ahab offended God when he
    1. took Uriah's wife
    2. took Naboth's vineyard
    3. planned the murder of Uriah
    4. consulted a Median.
  9. Who among the following prophets said that Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah.
    2. Hosea.
    3. Micah.
    4. Isaiah.
  10. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was born?
    1. An angel spoke to some shepherds.
    2. Darkness covered the earth.
    3. There was an earthquake.
    4. The curtain in the temple was born. 
  11.  When John the baptist met Jesus he called him the
    1. king of the Jews
    2.  redeemer of Jerusalem
    3.  light to the gentiles
    4. lamb of God.
  12.  Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was fasting in the wilderness?
    1.  He changed water into wine.
    2. He was anointed by a sinful woman.
    3. The devil tempted him.
    4. He healed a paralyzed man.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount? 
    1. 'I am the way the truth and life'
    2.  'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'
    3. 'Who is the greatest?'
    4. 'Happy are those who believe without seeing'
  14. Which one of the following miracles was performed by Jesus in Capernaum?
    1. Healing a paralyzed man.
    2. Raising a widow's son.
    3. Changing water into wine.
    4. Calming a storm.
  15. A lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is to be
    1. humble
    2. patience
    3. repentant
    4. generous.
  16. When Jesus was arrested he was praying at
    1.  the Garden of Gethsemane
    2.  the temple in Jerusalem
    3. the home of Zacchaeus
    4. the home of Lazarus.
  17.  Peter denied Jesus because
    1. Jesus had predicted that
    2.  it was at night
    3. he was afraid of the crowd
    4. he was not known to the high priest.
  18. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were praying in
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Emmaus
    4. Jerusalem.
  19. Who among the following believers was chosen as a deacon?
    1. Ananias.
    2. Philip.
    3. Saul.
    4.  Barnabbas.
  20. Tabitha of Joppa showed kindness by
    1. making clothes for widows
    2. giving food to strangers
    3. washing clothes for the elderly
    4.  feeding orphans.
  21. Which one of the following groups of books are gospels?
    1. Ezra, Esther, Job.
    2. Mark, Luke, John.
    3. Romans, Ephesians, Jude.
    4. Revelation, Exodus, Isaiah.
  22. In traditional African communities children are named after ancestors in order to
    1. please the parents
    2. make the children grow healthy
    3.  avoid calamites
    4.  keep the ancestors remembered.
  23. The work of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. lead people in offering sacrifices
    2. predict future events
    3. prepare libations
    4. prepare medicine from plants. 
  24. In traditional African communities children are taught moral values by
    1.  peers
    2. warriors
    3. priests
    4. parents.
  25. The main reason for marriage in traditional African communities is to
    1. get companionship
    2. get children
    3. become famous
    4. get wealth.
  26. Amos prays for her sick mother. This element of prayer is
    1. adoration
    2. petition
    3. confession
    4. intercession.
  27. Christians are encouraged to conserve the environment mainly because
    1. they get food from the environment
    2.  they are paid to do so
    3. God has commanded them to do so
    4.  they become known.
  28. The best way in which parents can teach their children good behaviour is by
    1. punishing children who misbehave
    2. rewarding their children
    3. setting good examples
    4. taking their children to church.
  29. Christians preach against abortion mainly because
    1.  it is destruction of life
    2. it is a waste of money
    3.  it makes people to be disrespected
    4. it is a waste of time.
  30. The church has established schools in Kenya in order to
    1. offer free education
    2. create jobs in the country
    3. get money to build churches
    4. promote literacy in the country.



  1. Which prophet of Allah was given Taurat?
    1. Issa.
    2. Ibrahim.
    3. Musa.
    4. Daud.
  2. The angel of Allah who brought wahy to the prophets was called
    1. Jibril.
    2. Mikail.
    3. Izrafil.
    4. Ridhan.
  3. Which of the following salat does not have rukuu and ujud?
    1. Witr.
    2. Janazah.
    3. Taraweh.
    4. Tahajud.
  4. Which one is not a sacred month?
    1. Rabiul Awwal.
    2. Muharram.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Dhul Qaadah.
  5.  In which month is swalatul tarawih said?
    1. Rajab.
    2. Shawal,
    3. Muharram.
    4. Ramadhan.
  6. Which one is not a forbidden animal in Islam?
    1. The strangled animal.
    2.  The carcasses.
    3. The animal killed by hunting.
    4. The animal killed by horns.
  7. Hiding goods in order to get more profits is called
    1. ghush.
    2. hoarding.
    3.  usury.
    4. ribaa.
  8. Which rite below is not Umrah?
    1. Running between swafa and marwa.
    2. Sleeping at mina and muzdalifa.
    3. Wearing ihraam.
    4. Clipping the hair.
  9. The prophet said that whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to
    1. angels.
    2. the prophets.
    3. Allah.
    4. himself.
  10.  In shawwal, it is sunnah to fast
    1. any six days.
    2. the whole month.
    3. the first six days.
    4. the last six days.
  11. Which of the following is not among the places that were declared safe when makkah was conquered
    1. People's own houses.
    2. The house of Abu Sufyan.
    3. The holy Kaabah.
    4. The house of Ikrimah.
  12. Surah Al-Alaq emphasizes on
    1. brotherhood.
    2. peace.
    3. knowledge.
    4. last day.
  13. Which one happened in the battle of Badr?
    1. The Quraish who taught muslims how to read were forgiven.
    2. Dead bodies of the Quraish were mutilated.
    3. The prophet punished Suhail who insulted him.
    4. Ony those who paid ransom were forgiven.
  14. Which one is not a pillar of Iman?
    1. Belief in His angels.
    2. Belief in paradise.
    3. Belief in His books.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  15. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) gave His farewell speech on the
    1. 6th Dhul Hijjah.
    2. 9th Dhul Hijjah.
    3. 10th Dhul Hijjah.
    4. 5th Dhul Hijjah.
  16. HIV is not spread through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. sharing cutting tools.
    3. blood transfusion.
    4. shaking hands with infected person.
  17. Who accompanied Musa to Firaun?
    1. Harun (A.S)
    2. His wife.
    3. Al-Khidr.
    4. Shuaib(A.S)
  18. In surah Tiyn, Allah swears by the following except
    1. Baitul mugaddas.
    2. Olive tree.
    3. Mount Sinai.
    4. Fig tree.
  19. Who among the following is exempted from fasting?
    1. The wealthy.
    2. Men in wet dreams.
    3. People in Janabah.
    4. Women in Nijas.
  20.  Which attribute of Allah means the provider?
    1. Ar-Raham
    2.  As-Salam.
    3. Ar.Razaq.
    4. Ar-Rahim.
  21. Muhammad (SAW) was appointed the messenger of Allah at the age of
    1. 25years.
    2. 40years.
    3. 30 years.
    4. 63 years.
  22.  Which surah of Qur'an is referred to as the mother of Qur'an?
    1.  Alaq.
    2. Fatiha.
    3.  Ikhlas.
    4. Nas.
  23. Salat performed for a dead muslim before burial is known as
    1.  Janazah.
    2. Kusuf.
    3. Tahajud.
    4.  Dhuha.
  24.  "Read in the name of your lord, who created" This is a verse from surah
    1. Fatiha. 
    2. Alaq
    3.  Ikhlas.
    4. An-Nas.
  25. The special prayer performed during the eclipse of the moon is called
    1. dhuha.
    2. kusuf
    3. Istiskai
    4. khusuf
  26. The fifth pillar of Islam is
    1. hajj.
    2. saum.
    3. kalima.
    4. salat.
  27. Who among the following prophets of Allah made the blind to see?
    1. Musa.
    2.  Ibrahim.
    3. Shuaib.
    4.  Issa.
  28.  During the journey of Isra wal-miraj, the prophet was given command for muslims to 
    1.  go for hajj.
    2. pray five times.
    3. fast during Ramadhan.
    4. give zakat.
  29. Complete the hadith. "Ritual purity is a sign of
    1. goodness
    2. faith
    3. prayers
    4. Islam
  30. Lady Khadija was older than the prophet by
    1. 20years. 
    2. 10years.
    3. 15years.
    4. 40years.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. A
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. B
  46. C
  47. D
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B
  51. C
  52. D
  53. A
  54. D
  55. C
  56. B
  57. A
  58. C
  59. D
  60. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. N
  29. B
  30. A



  1. A child suffering from anaemia should be fed on food rich in
    1. carbohydrates
    2. calcium
    3. iron
    4. proteins.
  2. Which component of blood transport nutrients to all parts of the body?
    1. White blood cells.
    2. Plasma.
    3. Platelets.
    4. Red blood cells.
  3. Tuberculosis is caused by
    1. bacteria
    2. virus
    3. fluke
    4. germ
  4. In which part of the human digestive system does absorption of water and mineral salts occur?
    1. Small intestines.
    2. Colon.
    3. Stomach.
    4. Rectum
  5. To avoid spreading cholera, the person infected should
    1. observe cleanliness
    2. sleep in an isolated place
    3. exercise to lose weight
    4. drink alot of water.
  6.  Which one of the following is not a correct statement about male reproductive system?
    1. Scrotum encloses the testis.
    2. Epididymis stores sperms.
    3. Urethra allows urine only out of the body.
    4. Glands produces fluids.
  7. The diagram below shows electric cables left sagging when erecting poles and cables.
    The main reason for leaving the cables sagging is to
    1. prevent electric shock -
    2. make them visible
    3. allow room for expansion
    4. allow room for contraction.
  8. Which one of the following vaccines is administered on lower part of left arm of an infant?
    1. BCG
    2. DPT
    3. Anti-polio
    4. Anti-measles.
  9. Which animal feed is harvested when it is about to flower and stored in silos when still green?
    1. Hay.
    2. Fodder.
    3. Legumes.
    4. Silage
  10. All the following are physical changes that occurs in adolescent girls only except
    1. breasts enlarges
    2. hips broaden
    3. experiences wet dreams.
    4. experiences menstrual flow.
  11. Which one of the following is the best weather for washing clothes and winnowing?
    1. Windy and sunny.
    2. Sunny and calmy.
    3. Windy and rainy.
    4. Calm and windy.
  12. Which one of the following animals live partly in water and partly on land, have a moist skin without scales and are cold blooded?
    1. Newt.
    2. Lizard.
    3. Chameleon.
    4. Turtle.
  13. The following are reasons for preserving food except
    1. to be available when out of season
    2.  to preserve it from being spoilt
    3. to reduce wastage
    4. to make it cheap.
  14. From the food chain below, tertiary consumers are represented by
    Plants zebra lion → vulture
    1. Vulture
    2. Plants
    3. Lion.
    4. Zebra.
  15. Which part of the plant transports food from the leaves to other parts of the plant?
    1. Root
    2. Leaf.
    3. Branch.
    4. Stem.
  16. All the following are factors affecting the pitch of a sound except
    1. length of the material.
    2. type of material
    3. thickness of the material
    4. colour of the material.
  17. The diagram below represents a home made water filter
    Which material is represented by letter X?
    1. Fine sand.
    2. Charcoal.
    3. Coarse sand.
    4. Pebbles.
  18. Which one of the following is not a way of taking care and maintaining simple tools?
    1. Proper use of tools.
    2. Cleaning after use.
    3. Sharpening all tools.
    4. Proper storage.
  19. One of the following pairs consist of field pests. Which one is it?
    1. Stalkborers and aphids.
    2. Weaver birds and weevils.
    3. Rodents and cutworms.
    4. White-ants and stalkborers.
  20. Which one of the following is a use of the component that makes up 0.03% of air in the atmosphere?
    1. Burning.
    2. Photosynthesis.
    3. Combustion.
    4. Germination.
  21. Which one of the following pairs of processes is as a result of increase in temperature?
    1. Melting and freezing
    2. Freezing and evaporation.
    3. Evaporation and melting.
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  22. The diagram below represents a raingauge
    Why is part of the raingauge placed 30cm above the ground? To
    1. prevent water on the ground from splashing into the funnel
    2. prevent evaporation of collected water
    3.  provide firm support
    4. withstand the harsh weather conditions.
  23. Lucerne as a constituent of balanced diet to animals is a source of
    1. vitamins
    2. proteins
    3. carbohydrates
    4. minerals.
  24. All the following are reasons why animals move from one place to another except
    1. to look for food
    2. to escape harsh weather conditions
    3. to run away from friends.
    4. to look for shelter.
  25. The soil that is best in capillarity also
    1. is best in drainage
    2. is best in farming
    3. spreads easily because of it's texture
    4. used in modelling.
  26. In which one of the following practices is water re-used?
    1. Repairing leaking taps and pipes.
    2. Collecting rain water from the roofs..
    3. Storing water in dams to use in
    4. Watering plants with water that has beenused to wash vegetables in the kitchen.
  27. Which one of the following groups of food stuffs consists of energy giving foods. only?
    1. Maize, meat, bread.
    2. Chapati, egg, mango.
    3. Bread, green bananas, potatoes.
    4. Green bananas, peas, rice.
  28. The highness or lowness of sound is called
    1. pitch
    2. volume
    3. mass
    4. sound amplification.
  29. The list below consists of sources of light
    1. Torch
    2. Sun
    3. Candle
    4. Firefly
    5. Electricity
    6. Lamp
    7. Moon
    8. Glowworm
      Which list consists of natural sources only?
      1.  i, iv, vi
      2. vii, ii, iii
      3.  viii, iv, ii
      4. v, ii, vi
  30. All the following are factors that affect sinking and floating of objects except
    1. type of material
    2. shape
    3. weight 
    4.  size.
  31. One of the following is not a safety measure when dealing with electricity. Which one is it?
    1. By not touching switches with wet hands.
    2. By not overloading sockets.
    3. By not sheltering under trees when raining.
    4. By not putting wires, pencils and even sticks in sockets.
  32. A ruler inside a glass of water appear benddue to
    1. refraction
    2. reflection
    3. dispersion
    4. evaporation.
  33. Class four learners set up the experimentbelow to investigate a certain aspect of pressure in liquids
    What conclusion could the learners make from the set-up?
    1. Pressure in liquids is greatest at the bottom.
    2. Pressure in liquids is equal at the same depth.
    3. Pressure in liquids increases with depth.
    4. Liquids exert pressure in all directions.
  34. Which method can best be used to separate rice from a mixture of rice and maize?
    1.  Winnowing.
    2. Sieving.
    3. Filtering.
    4. Decanting.
  35. Which weed has purple and white flowers, yellow fruits and sharp thorns in the stem and leaves?
    1. Pigweed.
    2. Sodom apple.
    3. Wandering jew.
    4. Mexican marigold.
  36. Which one of the following pairs consists of external animal parasites only?
    1. Roundworm and hookworm.
    2. Fleas and tsetse flies..
    3. Liverflukes and ticks.
    4. Fleas and tapeworm.
  37. All the following are major components of environment.except
    1. water
    2. animals
    3.  light
    4.  air
  38. The diagram below shows a flower
    In which of the labelled parts of a flower does the process of germination of pollen.grains take place?
    1. X
    2. Y
    3. O
    4. P
  39. The following are effects of force except
    1. increase speed
    2. stop objects
    3. start motion
    4. change state of matter.
  40. Which type of soil erosion causes landslides, not easily noticed and occurs on gentle slopes?
    1. Rill.
    2. Sheet.
    3. Gulley.
    4. Splash.
  41.  Which one of the following is not an importance of water in a diet?
    1. Helps in getting rid of waste products.
    2. Helps in making blood.
    3. Helps in digestion.
    4. Helps in provision of proteins.
  42. The planet that has visible rings around it is called
    1. Saturn
    2. Mercury
    3. Venus
    4. Jupiter.
  43. All the following are sources of electricity except
    1. georthermal generators
    2. solar energy
    3. bulb
    4. bicycle dynamo.
  44. The diagram below represents a lever
    Which one of the following shows the correct names of part L, Q and P?
    1. Pivot, load, effort.
    2. Fulcrum, effort, load.
    3. Effort, pivot, load.
    4. Load, fulcrum, effort.
  45. The main reason why coloured water is used in the construction of a liquid thermometer is to
    1.  increase its density
    2.  increase its expansion
    3. make it visible
    4. make it absorb more heat.
  46. Which of the following lists consists of non-magnetic materials only?
    1. Cobalt, copper, silver.
    2. Zinc, brass, aluminium.
    3. Silver, chromium, alinico.
    4. Brass, copper, tin.
  47. All the following are advantages of friction. except
    1. sharpening
    2. erasing
    3. produces unwanted heat
    4. walking.
  48. When choosing a method of separating a mixture of a liquid and a solid it is important to consider the
    1. density of the liquid
    2. weight of the solid
    3. solubility of the solid
    4. size of particles of solid.
  49. Which one of the following best describe the term environment?
    1. The home of a human being.
    2. Land and atmosphere.
    3. The surrounding of a living thing.
    4. Living animals and plants.
  50. Three of the following are main parts of a sperm except
    1. tail
    2. head
    3. nucleus
    4. ovary.


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. B
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. B
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. C
  45. C
  46. B
  47. C
  48. D
  49. C
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo.

Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati va yale ulivopewa

Sikukuu ya Krismasi ilishangiliwa        1           Makundi ya wakristo        2           makanisani ili          3          Ndugu na jamaa         4         waliziwahi sehemu         5           burudani ili kuburudika kwa furaha na buraha. Watu wengine          6          ili kuwapa mkono waliokuwa hawajiwezi.        7          walizingatia kwamba        8         .

1.A. kwa hamu na ghamu  B. kwa uti wala mauti  C. kwa shangwe na nderemo  D. kwa udi na uvumba 
 2.A. walimiminika  B. yalimiminika  C. watamiminika  D. yatamiminika
 3.A. kusheherekea  B. kushehekea  C. kureshehekea  D. kusherehekea
 4.A. pia  B. ilhali  C. madhali  D. angalau
 5.A. ya  B. kwa  C. za  D. wa
 6.A. walijitolea kibwebwe  B. walijitolea mhanga  C. walijitolea kingoto  D. walijitolea kiguu
 7.A. Kwa kwamba  B. Kwa ajili  C. Kwa hakika  D. Kwa moja
 8.A. kutoa ni moyo, usambe ni utajiri  B. cha mfupi huliwa na mrefu  C. mtegemea cha nduguye hufa maskini  D. fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka


Kiswahili ni lugha mojawapo,        9          katika mazungumzo ya kawaida. Lugha hii       10       sana         11         nyanja anuwai. Wanafunzi shuleni hufundishwa      12        thelathini. Aidha, kuna sauti ghuna ambazo pia huitwa        13         Sauti hizi huunda         14         Mathalani, neno 'kilichoundwa' lina silabi        15          

9.A. zilizotumika  B. iliyotumika  C. zinazotumika   D. inayotumika 
10.A. inadhaminiwa  B. kinathaminiwa  C. inathaminiwa D. kinadhaminiwa
11.A. katika  B. kati ya  C. kwenye D. katikati ya
 12.A. konsonati  B. alfabeti  C. vokali  D. irabu
 13.A. nyepesi  B. sighuna  C. kwaruzo  D. mwambatano
 14.A. neno  B. sentensi  C. silabi  D. aya
 15.A. sita  B. tano  C. kumi na mbili  D. nane

Kutoka swali la 16-30, jibu swali kulingana maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua matumizi ya 'kwa' kurejeleamchanganyiko
    1. Walitembea kwa miguu hadi shuleni.
    2. Wazee kwa vijana walihudhuria sherehe hizo.
    3. Timu hizo zilifungana mabao matano kwa sita.
    4. Aliadhibiwa kva utundu wake.
  2. Hazama ni kwa puani kama vile ni kwa sikio.
    1. mkufu
    2. kidani
    3. kipete
    4. mapete
  3. Chagua wingi wa sentensi hii Ua wa dobi ulinivutia sana
    1. Maua ya madobi yalituvutia sana.
    2. Nyua za madobi zilinivutia sana.
    3. Maua ya dobi yalituvutia sana.
    4. Nyua za madobi zilituvutia sana.
  4. Chagua kiambishi 'ku' cha ukanusho
    1. Kusoma huku kunafurahisha
    2. Hakusoma kitabu hicho cha hadithi
    3. Aliyekupiga ametiwa mbaroni
    4. Mchezo huo ulichezwa kule.
  5. Fidia ni
    1. malipo ya kumvunjia mtu heshima
    2. malipo ya kwanza ya kumshika mtoto
    3. malipo kwa ajili ya hasara au maumivu
    4. malipo ya kwanza ya kukinunua kitu dukani.
  6. Kanusha:
    Jengo lililojengwa kwa uhafifu limebomolewa
    1. Jengo lisilojengwa kwa uhafifu limebomolewa
    2. Jengo lililojengwa kwa uhafifu halijabomolewa
    3. Jengo halikujengwa kwa uhafifu limebomolewa
    4. Jengo lisilojengwa kwa uhafifu halijabomolewa.
  7. Ni nini maana ya msemo huu?
    Kumvisha mtu kilemba cha ukoka
    1. Kumtegemea mtu kwa kila jambo.
    2. Kumsema mtu katika mafumbo.
    3. Kumweka mtu katika hatari.
    4. Kumdanganya mtu kumhusu.
  8. Chagua jibu lenye ala za muziki pekee
    1. Filimbi, udi, mvukuto, chapuo.
    2. Siwa, zeze, upatu, nembo..
    3. Njuga, tari, kinubi, fidla.
    4. Harimuni, marimba, msondo, maleba.
  9. 5/6 kwa maneno ni
    1. sudusi sita
    2. humusi sita
    3. sudusi tano
    4. humusi tano.
  10. Ni kundi lipi la nomino ambalo lipo katika ngeli ya LI-YA?
    1. Maji, marashi.
    2. Gitaa, povu.
    3. Maskani, mavazi.
    4. Maagizo, maarifa.
  11. Onyesha sentensi yenye kielezi cha mahali
    1. Mwajuma alisafisha nyumba alfajiri.
    2. Kule kuna miti mirefu.
    3. Wawili walisajiliwa chuoni.
    4. Gari limefika asubuhi.
  12. Chagua jibu lenye nomino ya makundi isiyofaa
    1. Mzengwe wa wagomaji.
    2. Numbi ya nyuki.
    3. Shungi la moto.
    4. Thurea ya nyota
  13. Kauli, 'Jedi ni sungura maishani; imetumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Jazanda.
    2. Kinaya.
    3. Tashhisi.
    4. Nahau.
  14. Ikiwa juzi ilikuwa Jumanne, mtondo itakuwa
    1. Ijumaa.
    2. Jumatatu.
    3. Jumapili.
    4. Jumamosi.
  15. Chagua jibu lenye kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na kitenzi.
    1. Ita -  mwito
    2. Vumilia - uvumilivu
    3. Agiza - maagizo
    4. Sahau - sahaulifu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 - 40.

Kuku aliketi nje ya nyumba yake huku amejishika tama. Moyo wake ulijawa na huzuni mpwitopwito. Je, angewezaje kuujenga urafiki wake upya na mwewe mwandani wake wa chanda na pete? Tatizo sugu lililokuwa limeubomoa urafiki wao wa kufa kuzikana ni wembe. Kuku alishangaa namna ambavyo kitu kidogo kama hicho kingesababisha mgogoro kama huo mkubwa. Mawazo kedekede yalizidi kumzunguka akilini mithili ya pia.

Mwewe naye kwa upande wake pale kiotani alitabasamu kwa furaha mzomzo. Aliurarua mnofu wa nyama wake kifaranga mtoto wa kuku. Kwake alijiambia kuwa, “Sasa ninazidi kujilipa deni langu la wembe. Mtu hawezi kuwa ananipotezea rasilimali zangu pasipo kuzingatia hisia zangu pia. Bado atakuja kunitambua! Atabaki mzazi bila vikembe hadi atakapolipa deni lote!"

Giza la usiku lilikumbatia siku yenyewe. Sauti za mbwa zikawa zinasikika kwa umbali. Bado kuku pamoja na vifaranga wake watatu walikuwa hawajalala. Biwi la simanzi liliwaangukia kuku. Mtoto wake wa kiume alikuwa amenyakuliwa na mwewe. Mwewe asiye na utu wala msamaha. Mbona asingengoja hata siku moja imalizike kabla ya kuanza kujilipa yeye mwenyewe? Kwa nini basi asingekuja wapange mikakati namna ya kulipwa? Utitiri wa mawazo ulimtembea akilini mwake bighairi ya kuwa na mwisho. Hatimaye, kuku aliwageukia wana wake ambao ndio chanzo cha kupotea kwa wembe wake mwewe. Aghalabu, alikuwa amewakanya dhidi ya kuchezea vitu vya wenyewe bila ya ruhusa. Kuku alijua siku moja mchezo wao huo ungewatumbukiza katika kidimbwi cha moto. Sasa moto huo ulikuwa umeanza kuwateketeza mno. Kuku akaishia laiti ningalijua na vyanda vi mkononi. Hata hivyo, akaamua kulitafuta suluhisho la kudumu ifikapo asubuhi.

Jua la asubuhi liliramba umande wa alfajiri huku likimzizimua kobe ambaye alitoka nyumbani mwake asteaste. Mzee kobe alisifika sana kwa maarifa yake na akili tambuzi alizokuwa nazo hasa katika kuyatatua mambo baina ya wenzake. Aliketi pale nje huku akibukua tabu kubwa kuhusu migogoro. Kuku jirani yake aliwasili kwake kwa kishindo. Hapo kobe akatambua ya kwamba lazima kuna jambo. Huku amenyong'onyea kama mkufu. Kuku alimpasulia mbarika mzee kobe kuhusu tatizo lake. Jungu kuu halikosi ukoko. Baada ya kikao hicho cha saa tatu naye mzee kobe, kuku alirudi nyumbani akiwa na matumaini kwamba suluhu limepatikana. Mzee kobe alibaki katika kina kirefu cha fikra ili kulipata suluhisho hilo la kudumu na kumpiga jeki jirani yake. Kwa hakika, ni heri jirani kuliko ndugu yako wa toka nitoke wa mbali.

  1. Chagua maana ya ‘kushika tama' kwa mujibu wa kifungu. |
    1.  kuhangaika
    2. kuhuzunika
    3. kunung'unika
    4. kukasirika
  2. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, kuku
    1.  aliketi ndani ya kiambo chake
    2. alikuwa jasiri na mkakamavu
    3. aliwazia kiini cha ufa uliokuwa umetokea
    4. hakushangaa kiini cha mgogoro..
  3. Kulingana na aya ya pili, mwewe anaonekana kuwa
    1. mwenye ubinafsi
    2. mwenye urafiki wa dhati
    3. mwenye huzuni nyingi
    4. mwenye maarifa chungu nzima.
  4. Kitendo cha mwewe kuamua kujilipishia deni lake kinaweza kulinganishwa na methali gani?
    1. Asante ya punda ni mateke.
    2. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.
    3. Mtu ni watu.
    4. Uzuri wa mkakasi ndani kipande cha mti.
  5.  "Biwi la simanzi lilimwangukia kuku,"
    imetumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Ishara.
    2. Sitiari.
    3. Chuku.
    4. Tashhisi. 
  6. Kwa nini mzee kobe alisifika? 
    1. Kwa sababu alipenda kusoma mabuku.
    2.  Kwa sababu alikuwa mstahimilivu.
    3. Kwa sababu alikuwa mwenye akili pevu.
    4. Kwa sababu alipenda kuliota jua.
  7. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho si sahihi kusema
    1. kikao hakikuzalisha matunda.
    2. jirani anaonekana kuwa na umuhimu.
    3. mzee Kobe aliwazia jambo hilo.
    4. kikao kilichukua saa tatu.
  8. Kifungu kinabainisha kwamba
    1. mwewe alikuwa mwandani wa dhati.
    2. kuku hakuwajali watoto wake.
    3. mzee kobe hakupenda kisomo kwa dhati.
    4. kuku alimwelezea kobe mambo dhahiri.
  9. Maana ya, "biwi la simanzi' kulingana na kifungu ni
    1. mkusanyiko wa hasira
    2. mkusanyiko wa taka
    3.  kuwa na kiasi kikubwa cha huzuni
    4.  kuwa na kiasi kikubwa cha uka.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho kifungu hiki ni sana ni
    1. Mzee Kobe mwenye magamba.
    2. Elimu nyingi huondoa maarifa.
    3. Urafiki wenye unafiki.
    4. Vifaranga vya kompyuta.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 - 50.

Afya au siha ni hali ya kutokuwa na maradhi. Hali hii humwezesha mtu kuhifadhi nguvu zake za mwili na kumwezesha kufanya kazi katika mawanda mbalimbali. Mtu mwenye afya bora huweza kutekeleza mengi bila masumbuko. Kwa mfano, yeye huweza kujirausha na kujishughulisha hadi jioni bila kuhisi uchovu mwingi.

Chombo hakiendi ila kwa makasia, nayo afya nzuri haimjii tu mtu. Afya hustahili kupaliliwa na kutunzwa kwa namna anuwai kama vile kula vyakula vyenye viinilishe, kufanya mazoezi na kuandama mienendo miadilifu. Usafi wa mv ili na mazingira pia huchangika katika kuimarisha afya. Ni bayana kwamba mazingira yakiwa machafu hukosa kuvutia na kusababisha kusambaa kwa harufu inayokirihisha. Isitoshe, uchafu huwa hali mufti ya kuzaana kwa wadudu kama vile chawa, nzi, kunguni na mbu ambao ni maadui wakuu wa afya. Tabia ya binadamu huathiri afya yake. Wapo watu ambao wameambulia magonjwa kama vile saratani ya mapafu na kifua kikuu kutokana na mazoea ya pombe, sigara na dawa za kulevya. Wengine hujiponza kwa kuingilia vitendo viovu kama vile kushiriki mapenzi kiholela na kujisababishia magonjwa. Magonjwa haya ni kama vile kisonono na ukimwi ambao umewapukutisha watu kama majani makovu kutoka mtini.

Aidha, watu hujiharibia afya kwa kufanya kazi mfululizo bila kupumzika. Licha ya kwamba bidii ni muhimu katika maendeleo ya jamii yoyote ile, utendaji kazi pasipo kupumzika huweza kuwa na athari hasi. Kuna baadhi ya watu ambao wamewahi kupata maradhi ya moyo, ya kiakili na hata shinikizo la damu kutokana na hali kama hii. Wengine hujihasiri kwa kula vyakula vingi kupindukia. Kadhalika, wapo wengine ambao hupata magonjwa kwa kula vyakula visivyofaa katika kundi hili kwa wale ambao hawadiriki kufanya kazi wala mazoezi. Hawa hujinenepea na kudhoofisha utendakazi wao.

Hali ya umaskini pia huchochea kuzoroteka kwa afya. Asilimia kubwa ya watu nchini humu haimudu huduma bora za afya na lishe bora kutokana na hali ya ufukara. Wengine, kwa kukosa fedha hawapati elimu ya kimsingi kuhusu afya. Hawa huweza kujizulia magonjwa kwa kutojua na kutofuata sheria za afya. Pamoja na hayo, kuna wale ambao wanarithi magonjwa ya kiukoo kama vile bolisukari kutoka kwa wazazi wao. Umuhimu wa afya hauwezi kupuuzwa. Nchi yenye kizazi chenye afya hustawi kiuchumi. Afya ikidumishwa wanajamii huweza kutumia fedha zao kuwekeza katika miradi badala ya kuzitumia kujiunga na kuwauguza wenzao. Ni jukumu la kila raia kuhakikisha kwamba anailinda afya yake na ya wengine kwa vyovyote vile. Walio na mazoea ya kupuuza ushauri wa wanaotoa huduma za afya na lishe wajiase, la sivyo watakuja kujiuma vidole.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza siha
    1. hukuza maendeleo katika maeneo mbalimbali
    2. humwondolea mtu matatizo mwilini
    3.  humpunguzia mtu mazoea ya uchovu
    4. huimarisha matokeo ya utendakazi.
  2. Ni muhimu kutunza mazingira kwa kuwa
    1.  tutamaliza vikwazo tofauti tofauti vya afya
    2.  tutazuia ongezeko la wadudu waharibifu
    3. tutaepuka kuenea kwa harufu
    4. tutarudisha hali ya kupendeza.
  3. Mwandishi anapinga hali gani hasa katika aya ya tatu?
    1. Uambukizaji wa magonjwa.
    2. Kuhusiana bila mpango.
    3. Vifo vya watu wengi.
    4. Matumizi mabaya ya mihadarati.
  4. Chagua jibu ambalo ni sahihi kulingana na aya ya nne
    1. Jambo jema husababisha maradhi
    2. Kazi nyingi husababisha moyo kuharibika
    3. Mazoezi hayawezi kudhibiti afya.
    4. Mapumziko huimarisha hali ya mtu kiakili.
  5. Kufanya kazi kidindia
    1. huboresha maendeleo ya taifa
    2.  huweza kusababisha uharibifu wa afya
    3. huwa na athari chanya
    4. hupunguza shinikizo la damu.
  6.  Maana ya 'inayokirihisha' ni
    1.  inayochukiza
    2. inayoenea
    3.  inayoaibisha
    4. inayodhuru.
  7. Maana ya "chombo hakiendi bila ya makasia' imejitokeza vipi katika kifungu?
    1. Wanaonyoosha viungo vyao huwa wakakamavu.
    2. Wanaozingatia mienendo mizuri hudumisha afya.
    3. Wanaoepuka kazi hawapati shinikizo la damu
    4.  Wanaokula vyakula vyenye viinilishe huzuia kunenepa.
  8. Chagua funzo linalojitokeza katika aya ya mwisho
    1. Wanaokosa kuzingatia maelekezi hupata majuto.
    2. Mtu hawezi kufaidika kiafya bila kupata ushauri.
    3. Wanaodharau watu wenye hekima hupata magonjwa.
    4. Nchi haiwezi kupiga hatua bila raia wote kuzingatia maradhi.
  9. Umuhimu wa afya hauwezi kupuuzwa kwa vile
    1. mipango nchini hukwama wahudumu wakikosekana
    2. watu wagonjwa hawawezi kuizalisha mali
    3. maradhi husababisha kuzorota kwa maendeleo
    4. pesa nyingi hutumiwa kuwatunza walio hospitalini.
  10. Kisawe cha 'kujiuma vidole" ni
    1. kupiga vijembe
    2. kutia nanga.
    3. kupigwa butwaa.
    4. kujuta hatimaye.


Andika insha ya kusisimua ukiendeleza kwa maneno haya:

Nilikuwa nimeketi sebuleni nikisoma kitabu cha hadithi


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. D
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. B
  48. A
  49. C
  50. D


The passage below contains blank spaces 1 - 15. Read and select the best alternative for each blank
space from the choices given.

Our lives are shaped by the countless decisions we      1         everyday. Every previous decision we made before this very moment shaped our life up till now. Right now, the decision to read this or not         2         shape your thinking one way or the other.

Last night I had to make a decision between      3        a party where I will meet my friends versus staying      4          home to finish up all the work that pilled up when I was sick past few days. Everyday, we make decisions. Big, small          5      seemingly insignificant decisions. These major decisons at different milestones of our         6       can change the way we live for the rest of our lives. But we       7            ignore the countless "insignificant" decisions we make daily that are slowly nudging us to a different path either away          8     closer to the dreams we       9        to achieve.

When we decide to watch some T.V-show, we are deciding to take time away from        10         else we dream of doing. May be its losing weight or learning a new language. You are taking time away from that goal when watching T.V. Life could change         11          if decision is made otherwise.

We make decisions based       12          the mental compasses that we have in our minds. They point us to a       13        direction. These compasses help in making decisions subconsciously. As a life-long learner, one won't think about not watching drama, before simply switching to an educational       14           without much thoughts. Some people live without a mental compass. They are like jellyfish in the ocean, floating to wherever the current takes 15 . Not a so good character to possess.

 1.A. produce   B. attempt    C. make   D. decide 
  2.A. may  B. can   C. will   D. shall
 3.A. attending  B. controlling   C. showcasing   D. cancelling
  4. A. for  B. in   C. with   D. at
  5. A. but  B. and   C. hence   D. nevertheless
  6.A. live  B. life   C. leave   D. lief
 7.A. rarely  B. never   C. seldom.    D. often 
 8. A. or  B. nor   C. none D. neither
 9. A. need  B. stop   C. want  D. opt
 10.A. whomever  B. whatever   C. whichever  D. whoever
 11A. cause  B. coarse   C. coast   D. course
 12.A. on  B. by   C. through   D. into
13.A. certain  B. crowded   C. believed   D. reserved
 14.A. resources  B. instruction   C. channel   D. current
 15.A. him  B. them  C. her D. their

For questions 16 and 17, select the word which best completes the sentence given. 

  1. All the interviewees answered the questions               during the interview.
    1.  anyhowly
    2. anyway
    3. in any case
    4. anyhow
  2. The army soldiers sustained gunshot              in the battle field.
    1.  injuries
    2. damages
    3. wounds
    4. breakages

For questions 18 and 19, choose the alternative that can replace the underlined

  1. Paulo broke down when he received news that an accident had occured.
    1. cried
    2. collapsed
    3. crashed
    4. cringed
  2. She seldom talks to strangers happily when they meet.
    1.  never
    2.  rarely
    3. often
    4.  always.

In questions 20 and 21, choose the phrase which completes the given phrase appropriately.

  1. The mechanic said that the bus won't start
    1. when a new battery is fixed
    2. until a new battery is fixed
    3.  for a new battery is fixed
    4. because a new battery is fixed.
  2.  It would have been an interesting trip if
    1. we visited Mombasa
    2. we had visited Mombasa
    3. we will visit Mombasa
    4. we would visit Mombasa

For questions 22 and 23, fill the blank spaces with the correct answers.

  1. Our teacher was upset because we had made progress in the project.
    1. a little
    2. much
    3. few
    4. little
  2. Each candidate will be rewarded for posting               performance in the test.
    1. exemplary
    2. diminishing
    3. accomplishing
    4. culinary

For question 24, change the sentence below from active voice to passive voice.

  1. Anita is going to sing a song
    1. A song was sung.
    2. Anita sang a song.
    3.  A song is being sung.
    4. A song is going to be sung.

For question 25, choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

    1. 'Clean the house' Nelly told Martin.
    2. The teacher asked her where she had been?
    3. Kashu is born of a well-to-do family.
    4. What an expensive garment?

Read the passage below and answer questions 26-38.

Nothing seemed ordinary as an array of silent wind blew around. Fear crept into Mwendwa. Was this real or some sort of imagination? His heart nearly leapt into his mouth when he saw a silhouette of a huge man. A close-keen look proved to him that it was nothing but a tree. The thought of breaking into a run to save his dear life crossed his mind but his feet were too feeble to move even an inch. His squinted eyes toured from corner to corner trying to unravel the source of the weird noise. Flooded in fear, Mwendwa stammered an inaudible prayer; something which he had never done from time immemorial. Fervently, he tried calling all the spiritual beings he had ever heard about. However, one thing was crystal-clear, they had better and more 'serious' matters to attend to. In great fear, he broke into a run hoping against hope to atleast salvage his dear life. It was very evident that lady luck was without a doubt not on his side, probably the god's were against him. He quickly tiptoed on a loop and feli face flat. To rub salt to injury, he sustained a deep cut which made him to bleed heavily. As if that was not enough, he had ripped off his short. Writhing in pain, he leapt off the mucky ground. It was foolish to labour his mind over such a mere thing. Come what may, he had to put up a fight and see another day. Mwendwa knew he had not a single soul on his side not even the Almighty Deity after all his mischief; he had no one to depend on. He shed teardrops in bitterness and remorse mourning like he had never done before. If actions could be undone then pressing the 'undo' button would have been the best option but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. A look into the clear sky spelt doom for Mwendwa for he had been far away from home. His family members would be left in shock after learning where he was; no company or even a mobile phone. Nothing of such kind had ever happened to them, for any reason whatsoever.

The rustling of leaves under his feet brought him back to reality. He had to quickly formulate a plan which would see him escape his immediate predicaments. Through thick and thin he had to survive and live to tell the tale if anyone cared to listen. A continued run into an alien place was riddled with the option of no trace but remaining alive was a very slim chance. In the recent days, there had been numerous complains of how difficult it had become to put food on the table. Worse still was the opportunity for Mwendwa getting employed despite being a minor. Nobody would risk it. At the same time, hunger pangs were making his belly to feel uncomfortable. Not even some wild berries would be spotted in sight to quench his starving body. He made a big yawn before proceeding with his journey which only God knew where to. A clear stream of mountain waters gave Mwendwa a reason to believe that he would actually survive. He knelt down and drank to his fill straight from the stream. All this while he was so grateful to have come across it. He also opted to wash his dry face and dusty feet before marching on. The sun was setting fast when he came across a dusty, abandoned road. He clearly felt that his body was giving in pretty fast. Any nearby person would have helped him but there was none in sight.

With a thud, his mass of body collapsed right away on the side of the road. He was gone, not sure whether he would walk on earth again. After seemingly having had been in deep slumber, Mwendwa came to only to find a young lady with a stethoscope standing next to him. He smiled at her and she did smile back assuring him that he was alive and in the hospital. No family member was in sight but the nurse informed him that they had spent the previous night watching over him and that they had rushed back home before coming back during visiting hours. The nurse asked him to rest and that they would talk at a later time. Mwendwa obliged though not knowing how he would explain his disappearance as well as his action.

  1. From the first paragraph, what actual thing had scared Mwendwa?
    1. A huge man.
    2. A tree.
    3. Blowing wind.
    4. His imagination. 
  2. According to the passage, what had led to Mwendwa's short getting torn?
    1. He was bleeding profusely.
    2. He had fallen down.
    3. He was held by thorns.
    4. He was struggling to save his life.
  3. Through thick and thin as used in the passage 
    1. very extensive moments
    2. extremely fatigued
    3. under all circumstances 
    4. really ordinary times.
  4. From the passage, what would make it difficult  for Mwendwa to get employed?
    1. He was underage.
    2. He had never worked before.
    3. He was far away from home.
    4. He was extremely hungry.
  5. The writer say that 'the clear sky spelt doom'.
    This means that
    1. he had given up
    2. he was being followed
    3. he prayed for help
    4. he was far from home.
  6. How did Mwendwa feel after coming acrossthe clear stream?
    1. He was confused.
    2. He was shocked.
    3. He was remorseful.
    4. He was thankful.
  7. Who did Mwendwa see first after regaining consciousness?
    1. Family members.
    2. Teacher.
    3. Nurse.
    4. Neighbour.
  8. Why did Mwendwa feel that he was all by means that himself?
    1. Because of fear.
    2. Because of his misdeeds.
    3. Because he saw a huge man.
    4. Because of his imagination.
  9. What tells that Mwendwa was not a prayerful boy?
    1. It was long before he prayed.
    2. The god's were busy.
    3. He believed in spiritual beings.
    4. He wasn't going to church.
  10. The word 'minor' has been used in the passage 
    Which word means its opposite as used in the passage?
    1. Adult.
    2. Major.
    3. Important.
    4. Small.. 
  11. Why was Mwendwa's body giving in very fast?
    1. He was thirsty.
    2. He was exhausted.
    3. He was starving.
    4. He had collapsed.
  12. Which of the sentences below does not describe the place where Mwendwa was found lying?
    1. The road was lonely.
    2. The place was filled with dust.
    3. There was a nearby stream.
    4. There was a thud.
  13. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for this passage?
    1. Mwendwa cheats death.
    2. Pride comes before a fall.
    3. The nurse who carried a second life.
    4. Life in the woods.

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 - 50.

As the largest of all land mammals, African elephants play an important role in balancing nature. They trample forests and dense grasslands, making room for smaller species to co-exist. Elephants also create water holes used by other wildlife as they dig dry riverbeds when rainfall is low. Herds travel over vast grasslands and they disperse seeds in their dung, which helps generate new green growth. But threats to this giant of the forest are numerous. African elephants are most threatened by the poaching crisis. A great number is killed every year for their tusks; the natural growth rate in most elephant populations has yet to overtake the rate of killings. Many elephants are also the victims of retaliatory attacks after they venture into human settlement and farm areas.. Meanwhile, climate change and human land use are degrading wild lands, breaking up essential elephant habitats and impending ancient migratory corridors. With the growth of commercial agriculture and infrastructure development, as well as extractive industry across the continent, the future of this species is at risk.

To reserve the drastic decline and secure natural habitats, a deliberate effort to protect the ecosystem is needed. Conservation work should extend across a range of states, including Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Identified priority landscapes- some spanning thousands of kilometres across countries are under watch. Provision of wildlife rangers and community scouts with the skills and equipment is needed to prevent the illegal killing of this keystone species. At the same time, working with local communities and landowners to minimize habitat loss caused by unsustainable farming and overgrazing is an ideal thing to do. The training of farming communities in conservation-friendly agriculture and creating land-use plans with communities that might otherwise encroach on critical wildlife corridors outside protected areas is recommended. The Amboseli is a vital elephant stronghold and popular tourist destination in East Africa. The community created conservancies to secure more space for elephants and other wildlife species. On these communal lands there is provision of an alternative livelihood for pastoralist groups using wildlife corridors as grazing land. By building the technical capacity of wildlife protection, rangers on the ground has strengthened monitoring systems that track threats across vast landscapes. Ranger training and provision of monitoring equipment patrol teams have destroyed uncountable poaching camps, arrested the poachers and confisticated elephant tusks and firearms.

However, catching poachers is only half the battle. Training and deployment of sniffer dog units at strategic ports of entry and exit has helped to deter trafficking and catch smugglers. Without effective prosecution, wildlife offenders can evade punishment-and worse still, continue to engage in crime against elephants. Prosecutors and law enforcers offer effective wildlife crime investigation and prosecution. In Tsavo which stretches across Kenya and Tanzania, cross-border coordination between anti-poaching units and wildlife law enforcement units has continued to deliver the much needed impact. Aerial widlife count shows that elephant population has increased tremendously. In addition to the growth of elephant population, buffalo and giraffe populations have increased. However, some elephant carcasses were spotted. This is a reminder that the elephant species is under constant threat from habitat loss, human wildlife conflict and poaching for its ivory.

  1. Where are elephants most likely to be found in Africa?
    1. On grasslands and forests.
    2. On mountains and grasslands.
    3. On sparse grasslands only.
    4. On the savanna and plateaus 
  2. Which of the below would secure natural habitats?
    1. Development of infrastructure.
    2. Provision of 24-hour security.
    3. Conservation efforts.
    4. Proper land scaping.
  3. What is the main reason why elephants are killed?
    1. Because of destroying vegetation.
    2. Because of food demand by other animals.
    3. Because of their tusks.
    4. Because of their high population. 
  4. The word popular has been used in the passage.Which word can be used in its place?
    1. Famous.
    2. Enjoyed.
    3.  Fashionable.
    4. Liked. 
  5. Which of the below is making elephants to change their migratory routes?
    1. Human land disuse.
    2. Climatic changes.
    3. Few wild lands.
    4. Lack of enough pasture.
  6. What has led to destruction of poaching camps?
    1. Lack of forest cover.
    2. Death of elephants.
    3. Rangers training.
    4. Provision of firearms.
  7. Which of the below countries is Tsavo found?
    1. Tanzania.
    2. Botswana.
    3. Zimbabwe.
    4. Cameroon.
  8. What do you think has been used to establish the actual population of elephants?
    1. Trucks.
    2. Aeroplane.
    3. Survey.
    4. Monitors.
  9. It is true to state that
    1. farm areas are near forests
    2. wildlife crime investigation is slow
    3. sniffer dogs are placed at exits only
    4. killed elephants are more than those born.
  10. Which animal has not benefited from the conservation efforts?
    1. Buffaloes.
    2. Elephants.
    3. Giraffes.
    4. Gazelles.
  11. Who is responsible for the prevention of illegal killing of animals?
    1. Community scouts.
    2. Poachers.
    3. Prosecutors.
    4. Police officers.
  12. Choose the appropriate title for the above passage?
    1. The extinction of African elephants.
    2. Elephants' support of Africa's ecosystem.
    3. Poaching and its effects.
    4. The real value of ivory.

Write a composition starting with the following sentence. Make your work as interesting as possible

Schools had just opened and the lessons had started off well. Everything changed when we heard the bell ring......................


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. B
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. D
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. C
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. C
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. C
  45. A
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. B


  1. What is 60203303 in words?
    1. Sixty million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and three.
    2. Six million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and three.
    3. Sixty million twenty three thousand three hundred and three.
    4. Sixty million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and thirty three. 
  2. How many times is the LCM of 60 and 20 more than the GCD of 15 and 30?
    1. 12
    2. 900
    3. 4
    4. 600
  3. What is the value of  0.81×13.5×0.56
    1. 1080
    2. 108
    3. 10.8
    4. 1.08
  4. What is 36090 divided by 18?
    1. 25
    2. 205
    3. 200.5
    4. 2005
  5. The figure below shows a square whose perimeter is 64cm.
    What is the next number in the pattern
    1. 16cm²
    2. 225cm²
    3. 256cm²
    4. 15cm²
  6. What is the next number in the pattern
    7, 11, 13, 17, 19,              ?
    1. 21
    2. 23
    3. 27
    4. 25
  7. What is the value  of 71/2of7/9+161/3?
    1. 5/14
    2. 24/5
    3. 15/42
    4. 955/18
  8. Fifteen people  can complete some work in 50 days .How many more people working at the same rate are required to do the work in 25days?
    1. 30
    2. 45
    3. 15
    4. 25
  9. The age  in years for seven of juliana's relatives are as follows 45, 38 , 43, 43, 39, 40 and 39. What is their mean age?
    1. 38
    2. 43
    3. 40
    4. 41
  10. The figure below represents a trapezium.
    Calculate its area in ares
    1. 500
    2. 50
    3. 0.5
    4. 5
  11. Jacob deposited sh.60000 in a bank  that paid a simple interest at the rate of 5%per annum . How much was in his account after 2 years?
    1. sh. 66000
    2. sh. 66150
    3. sh. 660000
    4. sh. 606150
  12. What is the value of 3x-p +m,when m=5,x=m+q,p=q-6 and q=2m?
    1. 45/8
    2. 91/10
    3. 21/5
    4. 51/10
  13. The scale of a mapis 1;100000. A regular plot is represented  on the map by 5cm and 4cm . What  is the actual area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 20000000
    2. 200000
    3. 2000
    4. 200
  14. Rachael had 560 mangoes , she sold 3/8 of the mangoes in the morning  and 1/7 of the remainder in the afternoon .She sold  the rest of the mangoes in the evening. How many mangoes didshe sell in the evening?
    1. 510
    2. 210
    3. 50
    4. 300
  15. A geometrical set was bought  for sh.270 after getting a discount of 10% of its marked price , Calculate the marked price of the geometrical  set .
    1. sh. 280
    2. sh. 300
    3. sh. 243
    4. sh. 297
  16. Using a pair of compass and a ruler , construct triangle XYZ such that  linesXY=5cm ,YZ=6cm and XZ=7cm . Draw a circle which passes through X, Y and Z,What is the length of the diameter?
    1. 3.6cm
    2. 2.6
    3. 4.5
    4. 7.2
  17. Asha bought 45 bottles of milk of 500ml each. What was the total amount of milk that Asha bought in liters?
    1. 22.5
    2. 225
    3. 22500
    4. 225000
  18. The figure PQRS drawn below  is a parallelogram . Angle RSQ =45°, AND angle SPQ =75°
    What is the size of angle PQR?
    1. 120°
    2. 105°
    3. 90°
    4. 45°
  19. A33-seater bus and 11-seater matatu were to transport 319 people to a function .if the matatu made and extra trip than the bus , how manr people did the matatu transport?
    1. 77
    2. 231
    3. 242
    4. 88
  20. The mean of ten numbers is 5.8. Nine of the numbers are 9, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6 and 7. What is the modal number?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 8
  21. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 6:2. If there are 2400 pupils in the school, how many more boys than girls are in the school?
    1. 2500
    2. 600
    3. 1800
    4. 1200
  22. The figure below represents a cuboid.
    What is its volume in cubic centimetres?
    1. 320
    2. 0.0032
    3. 0.32
    4. 32
  23. In the year 2016 February 20th was a Sunday. What day was March 7th of the same year?
    1. Wednesday
    2. Monday
    3. Tuesday
    4. Thursday.
  24. What is the simplified form of the. expression 3/(16a+24b) +2, (15a + 21b)?
    1. 24a  + 15b
    2. 16a  +  23b
    3. 16b   +  23a 
    4. 15a   +  24b
  25. The pie chart below shows how Shadrack spent his salary.
    If his salary was sh. 36000, how much more did he spend on clothings than on school fees?
    1. sh. 17000
    2. sh. 13000
    3. sh. 6000
    4. sh. 7000
  26. Martinez has x mangoes. Mato has four less mangoes than Martinez. Michael has six more mangoes than the total number of both Martinez and Mato. How many mangoes do they have altogether?
    1. 14x - 28
    2. 12x - 24
    3. 4x   - 2
    4. 14x  + 28 
  27. What is the area of the circle drawn below? (Take π=22)
    1. 22cm²
    2. 77cm²
    3. 38cm²
    4. 154cm²
  28. What is the value of g in  6(2g+3)=2(4g + 18)?
    1. 12
    2. 219
    3. 42
    4. 24
  29. Nyakio bought the following items from a shop
    2kg of sugar @sh. 130
    31/kg of cooking fat at sh. 150per kg
    5kg of maize flour @sh. 100
    He paid for the items using three-500 shillings notes. How much balance did he receive?
    1. sh. 1500
    2. sh. 215
    3. sh. 251
    4. sh. 1285
  30. The area of a square plot of land is 1.44 hectares. The owner fenced it all around with five strands of wire. What was the total length of wire used in metres?
    1. 2400
    2. 480
    3. 120
    4. 2880
  31. The figure drawn below is a cylinder.
    What is the volume of the cylinder? (Тakе π = 221)
    1. 172480cm3 
    2. 24460cm3
    3. 24640cm3
    4. 98560cm3
  32. Using a ruler and a pair of compass, construct triangle ABC such that line AB-5cm, BC-4cm and AC = 6cm. What is the measure of angle ACB?
    1. 43°
    2. 81°
    3. 64°
    4. 56°
  33. A trader had two tonnes of sugar. He packed the sugar in 500g packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 40
    2. 400
    3. 4000
    4. 40000
  34. Jacob started his journey at 8.35am travelled from Nakuru to Mombasa. He arrived in Mombasa at 1.15pm. How long did he take to travel from Nakuru to Mombasa?
    1. 7hrs 20mins
    2. 5hrs 50mins
    3. 5hrs 40mins
    4. 4hrs 40mins
  35. A box measures 15cm long by 10cm wide by 8cm high. What is the total surface area of the box?
    1. 700cm2
    2. 460cm2
    3. 540cm2
    4. 400cm2
  36. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 2/5,>1/3 
    2. 2/5,<1/4
    3. 1/>3/4
    4. 80 < 50
  37. Which one of the following measurements cannot be used to draw a right angle triangle?
    1. 3cm, 4cm, 5cm
    2. 5cm, 12cm, 13cm
    3. 3cm, 4cm, 6cm
    4. 7cm, 24cm, 25cm
  38. The diagram below is a rhombus PQRS and SQ are diagonals. Angle OSR = 30°
    What is the size of angle RPQ?
    1. 60°
    2. 120°
    3. 150°
    4. 90°
  39. The cash price of a table is sh. 48000. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the cash price. Paul bought it on hire purchase
    terms. He paid a deposit of sh. 16000 and 8 equal monthly instalments. How much was each instalment?
    1. sh. 7200
    2. sh. 21200
    3. sh. 57600
    4. sh. 5200
  40. A motorist covered 336km at an average speed of 84km/h. On the return journey, the average speed reduced to 56km/h. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 100.8km/h
    2. 33.6km/h
    3. 84km/h
    4. 67.2km/h
  41. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 120cm. What is the length of one side of the triangle?
    1. 36cm
    2. 40cm
    3. 4cm
    4. 480cm
  42. Three bells ring at intervals of 9minutes, 15minutes and 3minutes. If the bells rang together at 10:35am, at what time did the bells ring together again?
    1. 11.15am
    2. 11.20am
    3. 11.20pm
    4. 11.15pm
  43. What is the value of √100-64
    1. 1/8
    2. 1/4
    3. 21/4
    4. 41/2
  44. A certain quadrilateral has the following properties;
    - Diagonals bisect each other at right angles - All angles are equal
    -Diagonals are equal
    Two pairs of parallel sides
    Which quadrilateral has all the above properties?
    1. Parallelogram.
    2. Rectangle.
    3. Rhombus.
    4. Square.
  45. The table below shows the fare charged by a matatu conductor from station O to S.
    Jacob and his wife travelled from station O to S via R. How much money did they pay altogether?
    1. sh. 95
    2. sh. 140
    3. sh. 165
    4. sh. 190 
  46. Alex paid sh. 1250 after a discount of sh. 250. What percentage discount was he allowed?
    1. 25%
    2. 162/3%
    3. 831/3%
    4. 20%
  47. The diagram below is a net of a solid.
    Which one of the following is the correct order?
    1. Cube 
    2. Cuboid
    3. Square
    4. Rectangle.
  48. The fractions 2, 3, 3, and $/, are to be written from the smallest to the largest.Which one of the following is the correct order?
    1. 3/4, 3/7, 2/3,3/5
    2. 2/3,3/5,3/4,5/7
    3. 2/, 3/5, 5/7, 3/4
    4. 3/5, 2/3, 5/9 3/4
  49. Which one is the next pattern?
  50. The graph below represents the journey of a motorist travelling from town P to Q.
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 80km/h
    2. 100km/h
    3. 200km/h
    4. 125km/h


  1. A
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