Displaying items by tag: Class 8


  1. What is the sum off 97036 and 523850 written in words?
    1. Six hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    2. Five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    3. Six hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    4. Six hundred and thirty thousand eighty hundred and eighty six
  2. Round off 287985 to the nearest hundred thousands
    1. 200000
    2. 300 000
    3. 280 000
    4. 290 000
  3. Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 11
    1. 26931
    2. 37245
    3. 549264
    4. 983455
  4. The area of a square is 676cm2. What is the distance round it twice?
    1. 104cm
    2. 208cm
    3. 52cm
    4. 204crn
  5. What is the difference between the total value of digit '5 and the total value of digit 6 in the number 756390?
    1. 44 000
    2. 440
    3. 4400
    4. 44
  6. Calculate the area of the shaded parts in the figure below?
    1. 25cm2
    2. 50cm2
    3. 62cm2
    4. 56cm2
  7. A man withdrew half a million shillings from hirs bank account. He spent half of it to build a house and 2/5 of the remainder to pay school fees for his children. How much money was he left with?
    1. sh. 100000
    2. sh. 200000
    3. sh. 150000
    4. sh. 50000
  8. Work out:
    84 +12 − 108 ÷ 9 + 7 x 6
    1. 37
    2. 42
    3. 47
    4. 32
  9. Work out (5 ÷ 3¾) x 11/8
    1. 2/3
    2. 3
    3. 11/3
  10. The diameter of a circular wheel is 0.7m. How many revolutions will I have to make to cover 44km?
    1. 200000
    2. 20000
    3. 2000
    4. 200
  11. What is the next fraction in the sequence?
    1, 1¾, 2½, 3¼, _____
    1. 4
  12. If p= 5, t = 4 and r = 2. What is half the value of t(p − r) + 2(3t + p)
    1. 46
    2. 28
    3. 14
    4. 23
  13. The scale of a map reads 1: 10000. What is the drawing length of a section of road which is 12km long?
    1. 1.2cm
    2. 0.12cm
    3. 12cm
    4. 120cm
  14. What is the distance round the figure drawn below?
    1. 44m
    2. 77m
    3. 33m
    4. 84m
  15. The length of a rectangle is 72cm. It is three times longer than the width. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.
    1. 96cm
    2. 192cm
    3. 216cm
    4. 596cm
  16. The longest side of a right angled triangle is 13cm. One of the shorter sides measures 5cm. What is its area?
    1. 30cm2
    2. 65cm2
    3. 60cm2
    4. 32.5cm2
  17. What is the total value of 5 after working out 7 ÷ 8
    1. Thousandths
    2. Ones
    3. 0.005
    4. 0.05
  18. The figure below represents Mr. Oluoch's piece of land.
    What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 0.63ha
    2. 0.84ha
    3. 63ha
    4. 84ha
  19. A man is three times older than his son. The sum of their ages is 48 years How old is the son?
    1. 16 years
    2. 12 years
    3. 24 years
    4. 8 years
  20. Construct triangle MNP such that line MN= NP = 6.5cm. Angle MNP 70°. Drav a circle touching the vertices of the triangle. What is the diameter of the circle
    1. 7.0cm
    2. 4.0cm
    3. 3.5cm
    4. 8.0cm
  21. A text book was sold for sh. 675. The trader made a profit of 25%. At what price had he bought it?
    1. Sh. 168.75
    2. Sh. 506.25
    3. Sh. 540
    4. Sh. 510.00
  22. Two brothers shared 40 hectares piece of land in the ratio 3:5. The elder brother got the bigger share. How many hectares of land did the younger brother get?
    1. 32ha
    2. 15ha
    3. 18ha
    4. 25ha
  23. A businessman bought three - 50kg bags of rice. She packed it into 750g packets. How many packets did she obtain?
    1. 200
    2. 5
    3. 2000
    4. 50
  24. A cylindrical tank has a diameter of 10m. Its height is 7m. How many litres of water can it hold when half full?
    1. 275L
    2. 275 000L
    3. 550L
    4. 550 000L
  25. A closed cuboid has a square base whose length is 10cm. Its height is 15cm. Calculate its surface area.
    1. 500cm2
    2. 150cm2
    3. 800cm2
    4. 1500cm2
  26. A woman bought ½kg of onions at sh. 90 per kg. A-2kg packet of wheat flour at sh. 140 per packet. Three - 2kg packets of maize flour at sh. 90 per packet and ¾kg of tomatoes @sh. 100. She paid for the items using Two-sh.500 notes. How much balance did she receive?
    1. Sh. 555.00
    2. Sh. 450.00
    3. Sh. 445.00
    4. Sh. 400.00
  27. Abdalla left Ukasi at 10.25a.m. After travelling for 3 hours, he stopped at Mwingi where he rested for 45 mins. It took him 21/3 hrs to travel from Mwingi to Nairobi. At what time in 24hrs clock system did he arrive at Nairobi?
    1. 430hrs
    2. 1545hrs
    3. 0430hrs
    4. 1630hrs
  28. A woman spent a quarter of her salary to buy household goods and a sixth to pay her rent the rest was used to pay rent. The rest was used to pay school fees for her children. What fraction of her her salary did he spend on school fees?
    1. 5/7
    2. 7/12
    3. 5/12
    4. 7/24
  29. A carpenter cut the piece of wood drawn below from a cylindrical log.
    What is its volume in cubic centimetres?
    1. 330cm3
    2. 693cm3
    3. 6930cm3
    4. 660cm3
  30. A square plot whose area is 12¼m2 was fenced round using 4 strands of barbed wire. What was the length of wire used?
    1. 3.5m
    2. 14.0m
    3. 56.0m
    4. 21.0m
  31. In the year 2019, Jimmy's crop yield increased in the ratio 8:5. His yield in the year 2018 was 400 bags. How many bags of the crop did he harvest in the year 2019?
    1. 640
    2. 600
    3. 250
    4. 560
  32. To travel a distance of 72km, a lorry took 2 hours. What was its average speed in m/s?
    1. 20m/s
    2. 30m/s
    3. 36m/s
    4. 10m/s
  33. The table below shows charges for interstate money orders.
    value of order in (sh)    Commissions charge in (sh) 
     301 - 500
     501 - 700
     701 - 1000
     1001 - 2000
     2001 - 3000
     3001 - 5000
     5001 - 7000
     7001 - 10,000
     10,001 - 15,000
     15,001 - 20,000
     20,001 - 30,000
    Nandwa bought two money orders, one worth sh. 7500 and the other worth sh. 17000. How much money did she pay altogether?
    1. Sh. 24,500
    2. Sh. 1080
    3. sh. 25350
    4. Sh. 25580
  34. 3 taps running at the same rate can fill a tank in 15 hours. How long will 5 taps take to fill the same tank?
    1. 25 hrs
    2. 9 hrs
    3. 10 hrs
    4. 6 hrs
  35. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line EC. Angle ABC = 73° and angle CED=62°.
    What is the size of angle BAD
    1. 45°
    2. 73°
    3. 1080
    4. 62°
  36. Simplify 2(x+3) + ½(6x+2)
    1. 5x + 5
    2. x + 7
    3. 5x + 7
    4. 5x − 7
  37. Akinyi bought 50kg of tomatoes for sh. 1600. 10kg got spoilt on her way to the market. She sold the remaining tomatoes at sh. 50 per kg. What was her percentage profit?
    1. 25%
    2. 10%
    3. 20%
    4. 15%
  38. What is the place value of digit 3 after working out 78.3721 − 4.2370
    1. Tenths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Thousandths
    4. Ones
  39. Cherono paid sh. 4200 for a suit after getting a discount of 30%. What was its marked price?
    1. sh. 7000
    2. sh. 1260
    3. sh. 6000
    4. sh. 5460
  40. Solve the value of y in the equation 1/3(6y−18) + 2(y+5) = 28
    1. 8
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 11
  41. The pie-chart below shows the number of learners who chose class representative. There were 4 pupils who had volunteered to be a class representative.
    If there were 60 learners in the class. How many pupils chose Samson as their class representative?
    1. 25
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 15
  42. Micky received sh. 12500 as commission. This represented 5% of the value of goods sold. Calculate the value of goods sold?
    1. Sh. 25000
    2. Sh. 10000
    3. Sh. 100000
    4. Sh. 250000
  43. The mass of bag of maize decreased by 10% each week. At the beginning of the first week the mass of a bag of maize was 100kg. What was its mass by the end of the of the second week?
    1. 80kg
    2. 90kg
    3. 81kg
    4. 79kg
  44. A man is 2x years old. His son is 24 years younger. While his wife is 3y years old. Write an expression to show the sum of their ages
    1. 2x − 24 + 3y
    2. 4x − 24+ 3y
    3. 4x + 24+ 3y
    4. 4x + 3y
  45. The average mass of 6 boys is 42kg. Four of them weighs 34kg, 41kg, 47kg and 40kg. What is the average mass of the remaining two boys?
    1. 90kg
    2. 55kg
    3. 44kg
    4. 45kg
  46. The cash price of a DVD player is sh. 7200. Jamia bought it on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh. 4500. He then paid monthly instalment of sh. 1200 for 4 months. By how much was the hire purchase price more than the cash price?
    1. Sh. 11000
    2. Sh. 2100
    3. Sh. 12000
    4. Sh. 2200
  47. Class 8 pupils at Investors Primary School made a cuboid using sticks as shown below.
    What was the total length of the sticks used?
    1. 39cm
    2. 78cm
    3. 156cm
    4. 1944cm
  48. Twelve families shared 480L of cooking oil among themselves. How many decilitres did each family receive?
    1. 4
    2. 4000
    3. 40
    4. 400
  49. Three buses, four nissan matatus and twelve personal cars were used to transport people to wedding ceremony. The cars accommodated 4 passengers, The Nissan matatu could carry 14 passengers while the buses were 52 seaters each. If all the vehicles were filled to capacity, how many passengers did the vehicles carry altogether?
    1. 216
    2. 260
    3. 78
    4. 261
  50. The travel graph below shows a journey followed by a bus travelling from Peto to Ijal
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 64km/h
    2. 60km/h
    3. 531/3km/h
    4. 532/3km/h


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. V
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. D
  34. B
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A

Such the map of Dula area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. What is the direction of the Tete Hill from the cattle ranch?
    1. North West
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North East.
  2. The approximate length of railway line in Dula area is?
    1. 26km
    2. 18km
    3. 13km
    4. 15km.
  3. The population distribution in Dula area can be said to be 
    1. scattered
    2. dense
    3. linear
    4. nucleated.
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dula area?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Fishing
    3. Mining
    4. Livestock keeping.
  5. The climate experienced around the swamp in Dula arc is likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and well 
    4. hot and dry.
  6. Dula area is likely to be a
    1. sub-county
    2. municipality
    3. location
    4. county.
  7. Which one of the following is not a function of Dula town? It is
    1. An administrative centre.
    2. A mining centre.
    3. A tourist attraction centre.
    4. A recreational centre.
  8. Three of the following statements are true about an extended family. Which one is not? 
    1. Consists of members of a nuclear family and their relatives
    2. Is centred around a man, his wife and their children.
    3. Includes grandparents, uncles and aunts.
    4. Includes parents, their children and other close relatives.
  9. The main cause of conflict between pupils and their teacher in school is
    1. poor performance in academics.
    2. coming to school late.
    3. failure in examinations,
    4. bullying.
  10. The revolution of the earth causes
    1. day and night.
    2. different seasons.
    3. difference in time along longitudes
    4. occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset
  11. Which one of the following is not true about the Homo sapiens according to the evolution theory? l
    1. is referred to as the thinking man.
    2. carried out hunting. 
    3. invented fire.
    4. evolved into the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
  12. Which one of the following groups of people consists of the Kwa Speakers of West Africa?
    1. Hausa, San and Khoikhoi
    2. Wolof, Tukolor and lulani
    3. Nyanja, Yao and Ngoni
    4. Yoruba, Akwarim and Ashanti
  13. Three of the following early visitors to Eastern Africa were missionaries as well as explorers. Who was not?
    1. John Speke
    2. Johann Rebmann
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Dr. Ludwig Krapf.
  14. Below are statements about a Traditional form of government in Eastern Africa.
    1. It had a centralised form of government headed by kings
    2. it was divided into fifty two (52) clans
    3. It participated in the long distance Trade.
    4. it had a strong standing army
      The traditional form of government described above is
      1. Nyamwezi Chicfdom
      2. Buganda Kingdom
      3. Abawanga Kingdom
      4. Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom.

Use the diagram below to answer question 15.

  1. The diagram shown above shows the formation of
    1. The Rift Valley
    2. Residual mountains 
    3. Horst mountains 
    4. Fold mountains.
  2. Which one of the following is true about a customary marriage?
    1. is strictly monogamous.
    2. is organised by religious leaders.
    3. does not allow payment of dowry.
    4. is conducted according to African traditions.
  3. Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
    1. Gently sloping land.
    2. Cool temperature. 
    3. Moderate rainfall.
    4. Well drained fertile soils.
    5. Warm weather during harvesting.
      The conditions listed above are necessary for the growth of
      1. tea
      2. cotton
      3. wheat 
      4. pyrethrum.
  4. Who among the following may not be granted dual citizenship in Kenya?
    1. Very senior government officer.
    2. Non-governmental organisation Ieaders,
    3. Police officers. 
    4. Religious leaders
  5. The best way of encouraging citizens in Kenya to obey the law is by
    1. educating people on the importance of observing law and order.
    2. arresting all law breakers.
    3. employing very many police officers to keep law and order.
    4. rewarding law abiding citizens.
  6. Below are descriptions of a town in Kenya
    1. It is one of the oldest towns in Kenya.
    2. It serves the whole of Eastern and Central Africa.
    3. It is a major Tourist centre..
    4. It was elevated to a city in 2002.
      The town described above is likely to be
      1. Nairobi
      2. Mombasa
      3. Kisumu
      4. Thika.
  7. Kenya lies to the North and North-East of
    1. Ethiopia
    2. the Indian Ocean
    3. South Sudan
    4. Tanzania,
  8. Three of the following types of fish are found  in marine fisheries. Which one is not?
    1. Mullet
    2. Tuna
    3. Lobsters
    4. Trout.

Use the map of Eastern African provided below to answer questions 23 to 26.


  1. The physical feature marked W is called
    1. Mt. Jebel Marra
    2. Sudd swamp
    3. Jebel Abyad plateau
    4. Ruwenzori mountains.
  2. Which one of the following is true about the country marked Mt? It
    1. was colonised by the Germans.
    2. has the longest coastline in Africa.
    3. is landlocked.
    4. is mainly occupied by semites,
  3. The town marked K is
    1. Port Sudan
    2. Khartoum 
    3. Asmara
    4. Bujumbura.
  4. The main cash crop grown in the country marked X is
    1. tea
    2. coffee
    3. bananas
    4. sugarcane.
  5. The school administration plays the following roles except
    1. maintaining the culture of the school.
    2. maintaining the school discipline.
    3. developing the schools.
    4. employing all teachers in the school.
  6. Maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania is important mainly because it
    1. earns foreign exchange.
    2. creates employment.
    3. staple food.
    4. is a raw materials for industries.
  7. Three of the following factors have led to rapid population growth in Kenya. Which one has not?
    1. Urbanization
    2. Spread of HIV and AIDS
    3. Early marriages
    4. Polygamy.
  8. Nabongo Mumia and Mwanawina Lewanika have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. supported colonialism in Africa.
    2. were long distance traders. ,
    3. Resisted European invasion in Africa.
    4. fought for independence in their countries.
  9. Three of the following are roles played by the Kenyan government in promoting trade. Which one is not?
    1. Distributing goods to all parts of the country.
    2. Providing security for traders.
    3. Increasing export and import taxes.
    4. Organizing workshops for traders.
  10.  Which one of the following tourist attractions is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Valley of kings- Egypt.
    2. Victoria Falls - South Africa
    3. Table mountains - Zimbabwe
    4. The ancient city of Marakech - Kenya.
  11. Mr. Kithokoi has shared his piece of land among his sons. A dispute arise over who should get the biggest share. The best way for Mr. Kithokoi t to settle the dispute is by
    1. selling the land to get money.
    2. discussing the matter with his sons 
    3. taking his sons 10 a court of law
    4. buying another piece of land for his sons:
  12. The main difference between horticultural. farming in the Netherlands and in Kenya is that
    1. Most of the produce in Kenya is exported while in the Netherlands, most produce is consumed locally.
    2. Green house are used more in the Netherlands than in Kenya.
    3. Farmers grow a variety of crops in Kenya while in the Netherlands Farming is specialised.
    4. It is practised on polders in the Netherlands while natural land is used in Kenya.
  13. The main purpose of education in traditional African society Hills to
    1. give knowledge, skills and desired attitudes to the youths.
    2. prepare the youths for employment in industries.
    3. encourage youths to find white collar jobs.
    4. prepare the youths to be responsible members.
  14. Which was the most important factor considered in the location of cement manufacturing in Athi River?
    1. Availability on raw materials.
    2. Nearness 10 a source of water
    3. Availability of ready market.
    4. Accessibility from the capital city.
  15. The most effective way of communicating  information to the majority of Kenyans today is by use of
    1. Newspaper.
    2. Television.
    3. Radio. 
    4. Internet.

Use the diagram below to answer question 38.


  1. The weather instrument shown above is called
    1. anemometer
    2. Windsock
    3. hygrometer.
    4. windvane
  2. The main problem affecting wildlife in Kenya is
    1. wildfires
    2. drought and famine.
    3. terrorism. 
    4. poaching.
  3. The following are uses of a mineral.
    1. making motor vehicle radiators.
    2. making of electric wires.
    3. making of ornaments
    4. making of metal pipes and tubes.
      The mineral with the above uses is likely to be
      1. copper
      2. fluorspar
      3. gold
      4. diatomite.
  4. Three of the following are forms of child abuse. Which one is not?
    1. Forcing a child to go to school,
    2. Denying a child food and clothes.
    3. Over working at child.
    4. female genital mutilation
  5. The most expensive means of transport in Eastern Africa is?
    1. Railway Transport
    2. Road transport
    3. Air transport
    4. Pipeline transport.
  6. South Africa is the most industrialized country in Africa mainly due to
    1. good infrastructure.
    2. presence of a wide range of minerals.
    3. favourable climate.
    4. gold mining
  7. The main problem facing multi-purpose river  projects in Africa is
    1. displacement of people.
    2. water-borne disease.
    3. siltation.
    4. Inadequate funds.
  8. The statements below describe a prominent leader.
    1. He carried out land reforms.
    2. He abolished Sharia Law
    3. He built a dam for electricity provision.
    4. He took part in the formation of the organisation of African Unity (OAU)
      The prominent leader describe above is 
      1. Nelson Mandela
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      3. Haile Selassie
      4. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
  9. The best method of fishing in deep sea is
    1. trawling
    2. net-drifting
    3. seining
    4. harpooning.
  10. Which of the following is a warning road sign?
  11. A national philosophy is :
    1. document containing all the laws of a country.
    2. set of beliefs of the people in a country.
    3. word that encourages citizens of a country to be united.
    4. tool that is used in governing a country,
  12. The political organisation of the San (bushmen) was based on
    1. a written constitution.
    2. direct democracy. 
    3. natural law.
    4. a centralised government system.
  13. The statements below describe a regional organisation.
    1. It was formed in 1994. .
    2. The organisations headquarter are in Lusaka, Zambia. 
    3. It is the largest trade bloc in Africa
    4. promotes trade among member  countries. .
      The regional organisation described above is likely to be the
      1. East African Community (TAC).
      2. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
      3. Southern African Development  Community (SADC).
      4. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
  14. Which one of the following was not used by Ghanaians in their struggle for independence?
    1. Guerilla warfare
    2. Boycotts and strikes
    3. Diplomacy
    4. Motions through the legislative council.
  15. Which one of the following group of countries show's countries that were never colonised in Africa?
    1. Libya and Egypt
    2. South Sudan and Djibouti
    3. Ethiopia and Liberia
    4. Madagascar and Chad.
  16. Which of the following is not an arm of government in Kenya?
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Cabinet
    4. Judiciary.
  17. Three of the following are benefits of democracy. Which one is not?
    1. Rule of law
    2. Freedom to take bribes
    3. Respect for human rights
    4. Freedom to choose leaders.
  18. The following are chapters in the new constitution. Which one is not?
    1. Leadership and integrity
    2. Devolved government
    3. The public service
    4. Local authorities.
  19. Which one of the following methods of farming was not used by white settlers in Kenya?
    1. Shifting cultivation
    2. Livestock farming
    3. Plantation farming
    4. Agroforestry.
  20. Which one of the following is not a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)?
    1. Settling disputes related to nomination of candidates.
    2. Establishing polling stations in the country
    3. Recommending the creation of new constituencies.
    4. Nominating members of political parties.
  21. In Kenya, parliamentary elections are done by
    1. nomination of candidates
    2. secret ballot
    3. electing leaders through queuing 
    4. general consensus.

Use the diagram below to answer question 59.


  1. The diagram shown above shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. convectional rainfall
    3. land breeze
    4. orographic rainfall
  2. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes 
    3. licence fees
    4. loans from the world bank.


  1. Adam and Eve were put in the garden of Eden MAINLY to;
    1. look after the animals
    2. eat all the fruits in the garden of Eden
    3. cultivate and take care of the garden r
    4. provide companionship to each other
  2. From the call of Abraham in Genesis 12, Christians  learn that they should;
    1. live in peace
    2. believe in dreams 
    3. obey the will of God
    4.  travel in groups when going for a journey
  3. Jacob showed tolerance and patience by;
    1. working for fourteen years so as to marry Rachael 
    2. deciding to marry Leah instead of Rachael
    3. falling in love with Rachael
    4. accepting to work in Laban's farm
  4. Moses was reluctant to ask the king for the release of the Israelites from Egypt because;
    1. he had killed an Egyptian
    2. he was not an Egyptian
    3. he was still in Midian
    4. he could not speak well
  5. Which one of the following activities happened during the night of Exodus?
    1. Moses saw the burning bush 
    2. Israelites ate boiled meat 
    3. Moses killed an Egyptian
    4. The angel of death killed the Egyptian first born natural males
  6. Who among the following was the first king of Israel
    1. Ahab
    2. Saul
    3. David
    4. Solomon
  7. Which one among the following was the greatest  achievement of King David? 
    1. Writing the first book of the Bible
    2. Bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem 
    3. Challenging the worship of Baal 
    4. Building the temple
  8. Who among the following people had abilities in artistic work and helped in building the sacred tents?
    1. David and Bazalel
    2. Bazalel and Solomon
    3. Oholiab and David
    4. Oholiab and Bazalel
  9. Who among the following prophets foretold that  Jesus would become a refugee in Egypt? 
    1. Micah 
    2. Isaiah 
    3. Hosea
    4. Jeremiah
  10. "Bethlehem is a small town but will have a  ruler."
    1. Prophet Zachariah 
    2. Prophet Micah
    3. Prophet Isaiah
    4. Prophet Jeremiah
  11. When Baby Jesus was presented in the temple for dedication, Simeon described Him as the;
    1. saviour of the Gentiles and the world
    2. lamb of God who cleanses
    3. greatest shepherd
    4. king of Jews
  12. “Do not put the Lord your God to test.” (Luke 4:12). These words were spoken by Jesus during;
    1. His trial before Pilate
    2. His crucifixion on the cross
    3. His baptism at River Jordan
    4. His temptation in the wilderness
  13. Which one of the following is a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the Mount?
    1. Happy are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy, 
    2. Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
    3. Your will be done on earth as in heaven
    4. Love your neighbour as you love yourself
  14. The parable of Jesus that teaches about the forgiveness of sins is the parable of the;
    1. mustard seed
    2. Good Samaritan
    3. lost son
    4. sower
  15. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your  own eye?" These words of Jesus teaches Christians  that they should;
    1. avoid tempers
    2. avoid judging others
    3. avoid taking revenge
    4. pay taxes promptly
  16. During the last supper, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. The value that Christians learn from this is that they should;
    1. preach to others
    2. judge others
    3. forgive others
    4. serve others
  17. “Son, here is your mother. Woman here is your son.” These words were spoken by Jesus on the cross. To whom did He refer to as son?
    1. Pilate
    2. Andrew
    3. Peter
    4. John
  18. Who among the following people welcomed prophet Elisha?
    1. The bleeding woman at Capernaum
    2. The Widow at Nain
    3. The Widow at Shunem
    4. The Widow of Zarephath
  19. Who among the following people prophesied that the suffering servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb?
    1. Prophet Ezekiel
    2. Prophet Jeremiah
    3. Prophet Joel
    4. Prophet Isaiah
  20. Three of the following people witnessed the resurrected Christ EXCEPT;
    1. Peter
    2. Cleopas
    3. Paul
    4. the holy women
  21. Which one of the following practices is NOT carried out in African Traditional Societies to remember dead?
    1. Planting a banana plant on the grave
    2. Giving them a decent burial
    3. Naming the children after the dead
    4. Pouring libation
  22. Which one of the following is a common belief in both African traditional Societies and christianity?
    1. There is life after death
    2. There is marriage after death
    3. Those who are good will go to heaven
    4. Bad people go to hell
  23. In Traditional African Society, the third rite of passage is;
    1. birth
    2. marriage
    3. death
    4. initiation
  24. According to I Peter 3:1-7, a happy family should be guided by all the following qualities EXCEPT;
    1. forgiveness
    2. partiality
    3. humility
    4. kindness
  25. The person in the New Testament who taught about the gifts of the Holy Spirit was;
    1. John
    2. Luke
    3. Matthew
    4. Peter
  26. Which one of the following is NOT an irresponsible sexual behavoiur?
    1. Sex within marriage
    2. Homosexuality
    3. Rape
    4. Incest
  27. Which of the following activities of leisure is common to both Traditional African Communities and Christianity?
    1. Watching films
    2. Visiting the needy
    3. Attending beer parties
    4. Reading the scriptures
  28. Who among the following people were the parents to John the Baptist?
    1. Noah and Hannah
    2. Zachariah and Elizabeth
    3. Joseph and Mary
    4. Elikanah and Hannah
  29. Which of the following was not done by Christian  missionaries?
    1. Treating the sick people
    2. Preaching the gospel
    3. Starting new schools
    4. Encouraging slave trade
  30. The best advice that can be given to a class eight boy who smokes would be;
    1. advising him to continue with the habit
    2. advising him to stop the behaviour
    3. take the boy to the police station
    4. join the boy in the act 


  1. A lesson that muslims learn from Surah Al-Fiil and Surah Lahab is that
    1. Allah protects His own.
    2. Allah rewards even little kindness
    3. Allah allows freedom of religion
    4. Allah wants those who practise patience
  2. Which one of the following verses is wrongly matched with the chapter from which it was extracted?
    1. “Verify, you shall see the blazing fire."-Surah Takathur.:
    2. “Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"-> Surah Humaza. 
    3. "And the mountains will like carded wool" --> Surah Qaria.
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone."->Surah Maun.
  3. Which among the following is a pair of Surahs that are recited by muslims in order to seek for Allah's protection from evil? 
    1. Surahs Fatiha and Ikhlas
    2. Surah An-Nas and Falaq
    3. Surah Nasr and Kafirun
    4. Surali Qureish and Zilzalah
  4. -> Alam yajidika yatiiman Fa-aawa.
    -> Wawajadaka Dhwaalan Fahadaa.
    -> Wawajadaka A'ailan Fa aghnaa".
    In this quotations, Allah reminds the prophet of The following situations he was in and how he helped him. Which one is not mentioned? He has
    1. an orphan, He gave him a shelter.
    2. was wondering,He gave him guidance.
    3. poor, He made him rich.
    4. not known, He gave him fame.
  5. What is man warned against in Surah Takathur?
    1. Accumulation of wealth
    2. Mistreating orphans
    3. Injustice in measures
    4. Begging
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "What will mostly take people to paradise will bе ________ and good behaviour.“
    1. love for parents 
    2. the fear of Allah
    3. love for the prophet (S.A.W)
    4. praising Allah (S.W)
  7. A hypocrite has the following three signs according to the teachings of the prophet(p.b.u.h). Which one is not among them? He 
    1. tells lies
    2. never pays Swadaka
    3. breaks promises
    4. betrays trusts
  8. Khalid was riding a donkey when it suddenly stopped. He got off the donkey, gave it food and water and allowed it to rest. This is what we call _________ to animals.
    1. generosity 
    2. kindness
    3. punctuality 
    4. the fear
  9. Idran a standard eight girl saw her classmate Izra, cheating in examination. The correct course of action Iqran should take is . 
    1. tell her off-stop cheating. 
    2. tell the invigilator about it.
    3. tell other classmates about it.
    4. copy from Izra.
  10. Which one of the following Swalat is correctly matched with its timing?
    1. Between sunrise and noon  - Swalai Dhuhr
    2. Between mid afternoon and before sunset. - Swalat Asr 
    3. After sunset to mid-night - Swalat Maghrib
    4. After sunrise to noon - Swalat Isha.
  11. The most accurate on which muslims should perform Idd-ul-adh-ha is
    1. 11th Dhul Hijaa
    2. 10th Dhul Hijaa
    3. 9th  Dhul Hijaa
    4. 12th Dhul Hijaa
  12. Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
    1. Farm produce
    2. Cash in savings
    3. Business sales
    4. Household sales
  13. Ghushi, Kafan, Swalat, Daran is the order of
    1. rites of passage
    2. pillars of Swalah
    3. steps of Hajj
    4. visiting the sick
  14. Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
    1. Saum -> Shahada -> Zakat--> Salat -> Hajj
    2. Shahada -> Salat -> Zakat -> Saum -> Hajj
    3. Zakat - Shahada -> Saum --> Hajj -> Salat
    4. Salat -> Saum --> Shahada --> Hajj -> Zakat
  15. Which among the following pairs of angels walk along people as they record their deeds?
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Raqib and Atid
    3. Israfil and Izrail
    4. Rudwan and Malik
  16. When is the phrase "Jazakallah" told a person? When he
    1. does a good deed.
    2. completes a task.
    3. recovers from sickness.
    4. is given something.
  17. Who assisted Nabii Suleiman in the construction of the grand Mosque of Baitul Maqdis?
    1. Elephants
    2. The angles
    3. Birds
    4. The Jinns
  18. The holy scripture that was revealed to prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is
    1. Furqan
    2. Zabur
    3. Suhuf
    4. Taurat
  19. Which one of the following is the punishment that is in Sharia for a person found stealing?
    1. Beat him in mob justice.
    2. Cut off his or her hand. 
    3. Disqualify him from Islamic faith.
    4. Punishing him a hundred lashes.
  20. Which of the following actions will lead to the spread of' HIV/AIDS between positive and negative muslims?
    1. Nikah ceremony and marriage.
    2. Jamaa prayer in the mosque under one roof.
    3. Exchanging greetings and well wishes.
    4. Responding to a dua from one Immam.
  21. The prophet (S.A.W) encouraged muslims, "In this month, the doors of paradise remain wide open, the doors of hell fire arc clossed and the devils are imprisoned." Which month was he referring to?
    1. Muharram .
    2. Rabiul Awwal
    3. Rajab
    4. Ramadhan
  22. The main reason why circumcission is encouraged among muslim men is
    1. it is a requirement of Iman. 
    2. as a form of initiation.
    3. it is a form of twahara.
    4. for family planning.
  23. What should muslims do when a Mayyit is passed near them, as sign of respect to the dead?
    1. Remove their capes from the heads.
    2. Stand up.
    3. Bow down
    4. Follow the Janaza.
  24. Who among the following fought to protect the image of Islam along the coast of Kenya? The
    1. Waswahili
    2. Portugues 
    3. Mijikenda community
    4. Oman Arabs
  25. Which one of the following dreams did Yusuf ask somebody else to traslate the meaning?
    1. Eleven stars, a son and the moon bowing for him.
    2. Somone pressing wine from grapes.
    3. Birds seeding on the backed bread as they fly away.
    4. Seven thin cows feeding on seven fat cows.
  26. The following are differences between Juma and Idd festivals. Which one is wrong?
    1. Jum'a: It is a Fardh - Idd: It is Sunna
    2. Jum'a: It is performed in midday. - Idd: It is in morning
    3. Jum'a: Give Zakkaha after prayer - Idd: Give Zakka before prayer.
    4. Jum'a: It attended the Twhahara only - ; Idd: It is attended by those in Hadath.
  27. Mixing of milk with watcr to increase the sells and profits is a un-Islamic practice referred to as
    1. hoarding 
    2. Ribaa
    3. Usury
    4. Glush
  28. In which of the following places did the prophet(p.b.u.h) hold his last and final congregation, reffered to as Hijjatul Widaa? At 
    1. Aqaba
    2. Mount Swafa
    3. Arafa
    4. Maqamu Ibrahim
  29. For how long did Musa(A.S) work on Nabii Shuaib's farm, that he recorded him his daughter to marry?
    1. 13 years
    2. 10 years
    3. 7 years
    4. 15 years
  30. Who among the following kings was religious and quickly become a friend of Islam and muslims?
    1. King Herod 
    2. King Fir'aun
    3. King Namrud
    4. King Najashy

Marking Scheme

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  30. D


  1. The following are all excretory organs. Which one is not?
    1. Liver
    2. Lungs
    3. Kidney
    4. Skin
  2. The first and the second planets respectively from  planet Earth are;
    1. Mars and Jupiter
    2. Mercury and Mars
    3. Mercury and Venus
    4. Mars and Saturn
  3. In the food chain shown below, which animal can best fit at the place labelled Z?
    Grass → Antelope → Z → Hawk
    1. Zebra
    2. Hippopotamus
    3. Elephant
    4. Leopard
  4. The following are methods of controlling livestock parasites.
    Which one controls both internal and external parasites?
    1. Rotational grazing
    2. Spraying
    3. Deworming .
    4. Drenching
  5. The following are materials used to construct a
    certain weather instrument.
    1. Strong polythene paper
    2. A wooden pole
    3. Glue
    4. String
      The weather instrument likely to be constructed is;
      1. an air thermometer
      2. a wind vane 
      3. a wind sock
      4. a rain gauge
  6. Three of the following are ways of reducing the force that opposes motion. Which one is not?
    1. Lubrication surfaces
    2. Streamlining bodies
    3. Smoothening surfaces
    4. Use of treads
  7. All the following are methods of rotational grazing.
    Which one involves use of temporary fencing?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Paddocking
    3. Tethering
    4. Stall feeding
  8. The following are adaptations in plants growing in the dry areas. Which one is not? They have;
    1. succulent stems
    2. deep roots
    3. few stomata
    4. flexible stems
  9. Steven, a Science teacher set up the experiment represented by the diagram drawn below.
    Which component of soil was the teacher  investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Living organisms
    3. Humus
    4. Air
  10. Which one of the following shows a pair of only sources of current electricity?
    1. Bicycle dynamo and car battery
    2. Water turbines and the sun
    3. Dry cells and wind
    4. Torch and car battery
  11. Which one of the following is a use of water in industries?
    1. Irrigation of crops
    2. Cooking food
    3. Skiing
    4. Making pulp
  12. During a thunderstorm, pupils from Neema Academy were observed;
    1. playing on the football pitch 
    2. lying on the floor in the classroom
    3. leaning against the classroom walls
    4. sheltering under the verandah
      In which pair of observations are the pupils more likely to be struck by lightning?
      1. (i) and (iv) 
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (iii)
      4. (i) and (ii)
  13. Which one of the following statements is true about a whale? It has;
    1. scales on its body
    2. gills for breathing
    3. a varying body temperature
    4. a constant body temperature
  14. Which one of the following groups consists only of foodstuffs that will help to prevent kwashiorkor?
    1. Bread, cowpeas, green grams
    2. Cabbage, eggs, rice
    3. Fish, eggs, beans
    4. Maize, beans, spinach
  15. A certain lever when in use can work with the load between the effort and the fulcrum. The lever is most likely to be;
    1.  a crowbar
    2. a claw hammer
    3. a wheel barrow
    4. a spade
  16.  Which one of the following takes place during inhalation in human beings?
    1. The lungs contract
    2. The diaphragm flattens
    3. The ribs move downwards
    4. The diaphragm becomes domo-shaped
  17. Which one of the following is a sign of a patient in the third stage of HIV/AIDS infection?
    1. HIV test comes out negative
    2. Signs and symptoms become visible
    3. The patient cannot infect others
    4. The patient suffers from opportunistic diseases
  18. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Rape
    2. Withdrawal symptoms
    3. Hallucinations
    4. Fits
  19. Which one of the following diseases can be prevented by draining stagnant water around the homestead?
    1. Malaria
    2. Cholera
    3. Typhoid
    4. Tuberculosis
  20. The pie chart below below shows the composition of gases in air.
    Which of the following are the uses of gases G and J respectively?
    1. Breathing and making electric tubes
    2. Germination and making plant food
    3. Putting out fire and making plant proteins
    4. Preserving soft drinks and burning
  21. Which one of the following media is the most effective method of educating the masses about HIV and AIDS?
    1. Newspapers
    2. Television
    3. Radio
    4. Video
  22. The following are effects of HIV and AIDS;
    1. low self esteem
    2. loss of earnings
    3. congestion in hospitals
    4. increased school drop outs
    5. secondary infections
      Which pair of the above effects affects the nation?
      1. (v) (ii)
      2. (i)(iii)
      3. (iii) (iv)
      4. (ii) (iii)
  23. The chart below shows a simple classification of crops.
    Which crop is correctly classified?
    1. Rice
    2. Cocoa
    3. Barley
    4. Wheat
  24. The soil that makes the longest ribbons also;
    1. has fine texture
    2. bas large air spaces
    3. dries fast
    4. has the best drainage ability
  25. Which one of the following is a use of moving air?
    1. Moving wind mills
    2. Blowing soil away 
    3. Felling trees   
    4. Blowing away roofs 
  26. Which one of the following maintenance practices  is done when still using simple tools?
    1. Cleaning after use
    2. Sharpening cutting tools
    3. Repairing tools
    4. Proper storage
  27. Standard six pupils set up an experiment as shown below.
    Which one of the following conditions necessary for germination were they investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Air.
    3. Warmth
    4. Temperature
  28. Which one of the following pairs of animals are omnivores?
    1. Chimpanzee and giraffe
    2. Pig and man
    3. Zebra and lion
    4. Hyena and kangaroo
  29.  The diagram below shows the beak of a certain bird.
    The above beak is likely to belong to a;
    1. hawk
    2. hen
    3. sunbird
    4. duck
  30. Some pupils mixed liquids E, F and G. Liquid E mixed with liquid F. Liquid G did not mix with liquid E and F. Which one of the following correctly represents liquid E, F and G respectively?
    1. Water, cooking fat, fresh milk 
    2. Cooking oil, water, fresh milk
    3. Water, fresh milk, cooking oil
    4. Milk, cooking oil, water, 
  31. The following activities will pollute water except;.
    1. oil spillage on water
    2. excess usage of fertilizers on land
    3. fumes from the factory chimneys
    4. treated sewage disposed off in rivers
  32. The tendency of a moving or stationery objects to resist change of position is known as; 
    1. force
    2. inertia
    3. friction
    4. pressure
  33. Which one of the following materials will not form a shadow when light is shone on it? Oil layer
    1. White paper
    2. Mirror
    3. A glass lamp
    4. A piece of wood
  34. Which set of components of the environment below comprises of the major ones only?
    1. Soil, plants, buildings
    2. Animals, water, air
    3. Rocks, animals, soil
    4. Water, air, heat
  35. The following signs and symptoms were observed on a patient:
    1. severe headache
    2. abdominal pain
    3. fever
    4. slight diarrhoea with blood stains
    5. sores in the mouth
      The patient was most likely to be suffering from;
      1. malaria
      2. typhoid
      3. cholera
      4. bilharzia
  36. The diagram below shows a simple electric circuit.
    What object can be put at point X to make the bulb to light?
    1. Plastic
    2. Graphite
    3. Rubber
    4. Cloth
  37. Which one of the following is not carried by the blood plasma?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Salts
    3. Urea
    4. Carbon dioxide
  38. The diagram below shows a method of separating mixtures.
    The above method is known as;
    1. sieving
    2. winnowing 
    3. filtration
    4. decanting
  39. Which pair of blood vessels is correctly matched with the type of blood they carry?
      Deoxygenated blood   Oxygenated blood 
       Pulmonary vein   Aorta
    B    Vena cava   Vena cava
    C    Pulmonary vein   Pulmonary artery
    D    Pulmonary artery    Aorta
  40. Which one of the following crop pests will attack a young kale plant after transplanting and cut the stem?
    1. Army worm
    2. Cutworm
    3. Aphid
    4. Stalkborer
  41. Which one of the following pairs of plants stores food in the roots?
    1. Carrots and irish potatoes 
    2. Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes
    3. Sweet potatoes and cassava
    4. Cassava and onions
  42. Pupils placed a bottle top on water and it flowed as shown below. They then crushed and placed the same bottle top on the water again but it sank.
    Which one of the following factors that affect sinking and floating was being investigated?
    1. Size of material
    2. Type of material
    3. Shape of material
    4. Mass of material
  43. Which one of the following statements is correct  about water?
    1. Filtration makes water safe for drinking
    2. Boiled hard water is safe for drinking
    3. Boiling makes hard water difficult to lather
    4. Soft water should not be boiled before drinking
  44. Which one of the following attaches itself on the uterus wall to develop into a baby?
    1. Ovum
    2. Foetus
    3. Embryo
    4. Zygote
  45. The diagram below shows a simple lever.
    Which letter represents the position of the effort when in use?
    1. F
    2. G
    3. E
    4. H
  46. In an investigation, pupils placed a mirror in a basin containing water to direct light to a white wall. The pupils were investigating,
    1. bow light travels
    2. refraction of light
    3. reflection of light
    4. making of a rainbow
  47. Which one of the following groups of materials consists only of non-magnetic materials?
    1. Nickel, aluminium, copper
    2. Plastic, copper, aluminium
    3. Paper, iron, glass
    4. Staples, iron, chromium
  48. The diagram below shows interdependence between plants.
    The diagram shows that plants depend on others for,
    1. shade
    2. support 
    3. habitat
    4. nutrients
  49. Which one of the following methods of preserving food is both modern and traditional?
    1. Salting
    2. Using honey
    3. Smoking
    4. Drying
  50. A beam balance is used for:
    1. measuring the volume of different objects
    2. measuring the height of different objects
    3. measuring the weight of different objects
    4. measuring the length of different objects

Marking Scheme

  1. A
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  49. D
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Amani ni uwepo wa hali     1    utulivu katika eneo fulani. Nchi     2     na amani     3     kichumi      4     raia wake huishi    5    . Ni jukumu la kila kutetea hali ya amani kwa vyovyote vile.     7     hatuwezi kuwaachia viongozi wa kidini na vyombo vya usalama pekee    8     wajibu huu muhimu.

  A B C D
1  na   wa   ya  kwa 
2  isiokuwa  kuskokuwa  lisilokuwa  isipokuwa
3  haiathiriki tu  huathirika tu   ikiathirika tu  itaathirika tu
4  mbali na  bali pia   ilhali  angaa
5  roho mkononi  shingo upande    mkono kinywani  moyo kifuani
6  mlowezi  mhaini   mdhamini  mzalendo
7  Papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe  chelewa chelewa utapata mwana  si wako   Kingana kinga ndipo moto  Hiari yashinda utumwa
8  kuutekeleza kuutelekeza  kuuteketeza  kuuelekeza

Sherehe zilihudhuriwa na     9    watu. Nyimbo za kitamaduni zilitamalaki kote    10           11     ngoma kwa ustadi mkubwa. Vijana wa shule      12       mashairi yenye mishororo mitatu, yaani     13      . Sherehe zilifana sana. Hata baada ya    14     niliondoka nikijivunia utamaduni wa jamii zetu. Ilikuwa sherehe ya    15   

  A B C D
9  kigaro kikubwa cha   umayamaya mkubwa wa   genge kubwa la  msoa mkubwa wa
10  Masogora  Malenga   Wajumu  Wazegazegà
11   wakicheza  wamecheza   walicheza  wangecheza
12   walilonga  walitamba   walisimulia  walighani
13   tathnia   thuluthi   tathlitha  tarbia
14   kujumuika   kufumukana   kutangamana  kufungamana
15   ndovu kumla mwanawe  nyani kuvaa miwani   mbwa apige mswaki  lila na fila kutangamana

Kuanzia swali la 16 puku 30, jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa

  1. Chagua sentensi isiyoonyesha hali ya masharti
    1. Ungefika mjini ungejionea mambo mengi
    2. Mtoto akielekezwa vyema atakuwa mwadilifu
    3. Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako.
    4. Mimea ingalinyunyiziwa maji ingalinawiri
  2. Ainisha maneno yaliyoanagziwakatika sentensi ifuatayo:
    Wengi wamekuwa wakiharibu misitu kiholela.
    1. kiwakilishi, kivumishi
    2. kivumishi,kielezi
    3. kivumishi, kiwakilishi
    4. kiwakilishi, kielezi
  3. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    Uwele uliovunwa utahifadhiwa katika ghala.
    1. Ndwele zilizovunwa zitahifadhiwa katika maghala.
    2. Uwele uliovunwa utahifadhiwa katika ghala.
    3. Mawele yaliyovunwa yatahifadhiwa katika ghala.
    4. Mawele yaliyovunwa yatahifadhiwa katika maghala.
  4. Chagua maelezo yaliyo sahihi.
    1. Bambo ni fimbo ya kutembelea lakini pambo ni kitu kinachoongeza uzuri.
    2. Tanga ni mkutano wa kupanga mazishi lakini danga ni maziwa ya kwanza ya myama aliyezaa.
    3. Kombo ni kukosa kunyooka lakini gombo ni sura moja ya kitabu.
    4. Zihi ni nguvu ya kufanya kazi lakini sihi ni hali ya kuwa na afya.
  5. Orodha gani ina msamiati wa aina moja.
    1. buli, uteo, kumbwewe
    2. zuhura, mirihi, almasi
    3. kekee, bisibisi. pimamaji
    4. kiwanja, kuli, plau
  6. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho:
    Ana mikono lakini hawezi kushika kitu.
    1. Konokono
    2. nyuni
    3. maji
    4. upepo
  7. Buda ni kwa ajuza ilhali beberu ni kwa
    1. kikwara
    2. mbarika
    3. mtelea
    4.  mtamba
  8. Chagua kitenzi chenye kiwakilishi tu cha mtenda
    1. Tutawatembelea
    2. Alitujulisha
    3. Walituona
    4. Ulitutambulisha
  9. Ni sentensi gani iliyo katika wakati uliopita hali ya kuendelea?
    1. Mjomba alikuwa amebeba kikapu chenye matunda.
    2. Mwanahamisi atakuwa akiliwakilisha eneo lake.
    3. Juma alikiona kigari hicho kilipopita.
    4. Shemeji alikuwa akifua nguo zake nilipofika
  10. Ni sentensi ipi iliyoakitishwa ipasavyo?
    1. Shughuli zote, zile ulizotuachia, vimekarnilika.
    2. Mwalimu alituita ofisini mwake: alitaka kutushauri.
    3. "Kesi hii." alisema mlalamishi. "Imechukua muda mrefu."
    4. Wageni - wote wale - walioalikwa wamewasili.
  11. Kanusha: Mtoto akilelewa vyema atakuwa mwadilifu.
    1. Mtoto akilelewa vyema hatakuwa mwadilifu. 
    2. Mtoto asiolelewa vyema hatakuwa mwadilifu.
    3. Mtoto asipolelewa vyema hatakuwa mwadilifu.
    4. Moto asipolelewa vyema atakuwa mwadilifu.
  12. Ni sentensi gani iliyotumia karibu ya nusura?
    1. Maguri yaliegeshwa karibu na maktaba.
    2. Karibu Orenge aibuke mshindi wa mbio hizo. 
    3. Mkutano ulikuwa wa karibu watu hamsini?
    4. Siku ya michezo iko karibu kufika.
  13. Akisami 3/8 kwa maneno ni
    1. thuluthi nane
    2. khumusi tatu
    3. thumni tatu
    4. thuluthi tatu
  14. Nahuu gani imeambatanishwa ipasavyo na maana yake.
    1. Kula debe - aibika kwa kukosa kitu.
    2. Kula kisogo-kujifanya humwoni mlu.
    3. Piga shoti- pata hasara katika jambo.
    4. Piga taswira - eleza mtu ukweli.
  15. Sentensi ifuatayo imetumia tamathali gani za usemi?
    Timu hiyo ni jogoo, hufunga mabao kumi kila dakika.
    1. tashbihi, kinaya
    2. taswira.chuku
    3. sitiari, kinuya
    4. sitiari chuku

Soma makala yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 31 mpaka 40

            Pasi alipojiunga na shule yetu, wengi tulimchukulia kama kijana wa kawaida tu aliyeletwa shuleni na kiu ya masomo. Sikuliona lolote la ajabu kwake kwani kimo, umri na hata sura yake illifanana na zetu kama shilingi kwa ya pili. Uwezo wake masomoni ulikuwa wa wastani kwa hivyo sikumchukulia tishio lolote kwa nafasi yangu ambapo nilikuwa na kifuambele wakati wote. Sio kwamba nilikuwa na kinyongo naye ila uhusiano wetu ulikuwa vuguvugu tu.
Kwa baadhi ya wanafunzi, Pasi alikuwa muujiza wa kame hii. Madhali alitoka mjini, wengi waliajabia waledi wake wa lugha ya kimombo na lugha ya vijana ambayo ni mseto wa Kiswahili. KIngereza si lugha ya mama. Hata mimi binafsi nilijiona kama limbukeni mbele yake hususan kwa kuwa nilisitasita wakati wa kunena nilipojaribu kutema msamiati mwafaka wa kutumia. Wengi tulijitahidi kutumia Kingereza kwa ufasaha ilimradi tumridhishe Pasi. Nililobaki kujivunia zaidi ni ugwiji wangu wa Kiswahili ambuo niliuonea fahari siku zote.
            Si hayo tu yaliyowapumbaza wengi kumhusu Pasi. Maarifa yake kuhusu filamu mbalimbali, vifaa vya kidijitali na vipindi vya runingani hayakuwa na mshindani. Wakati wa buraha na hata katika haadhi ya vipindi vya masomo, wanafunzi wengi walimzingira jinsi siafu wamzungukavyo mdudu mfu kwani hawakusema wasemao mtegemea nundu haachi kunona? Jitihada za kiranja wa darasa za kuwatuliza ziliambulia kidole gutu. Hapo ilibidi niingilie kati nikawakumbusha kuwa mwangata mbili moja humponyoka. Wengine wakanitupia jicho upembe lakini walipoona nimesimama kidete wakarudi kwenye madawati yao.
            Haukupita muda mrefu tulipoanya mtihani wetu wa kaatikati ya muhula. Wanafunzi wengi hawakuweza kutimiza malengo yao. Kuna wale waliojiasa wakaanza kuinamia cha mvunguni. Hata hivyo, asilimia kubwa ilijitia hamnazo kucheza ngoma watakazo. Hawa walikuwa chombo cha kuzama ambacho hakina rubani.
Pasi aliwapa siri mpya ya kukabiliana na hali yao. Idadi ya wafuasi wake sasa iliongezeka maradufu. Kila mara alipokuwa nje ya darasa, aliandamwa kama imamu na maamuma wake. Hapo alijiona kama jemedari mwenye jeshi kubwa. Wafuasi hawa walishaanza kuigiza ile lugha ya kiongozi wao. Matokeo yao nayo yaliendelea kudidimia dididi japo hakuna kati yao aliyeonekana kujali togo wala jando.
            Mambo yalipomfikia mwalimu wa darasa kooni, alikata shauri kupeleleza kiini cha hali hii. Uchunguzi wake ulibaini kwamba Pasi na genge lake lilikuwa likibugia dawa haramu. Alimfikishia kinara wa shule taarifa hiyo naye hakusita kuwaita wavyele wa vijana hawa. Kwa kuelewa kuwa mbiu ya mgambo ikilia kuna jambo, wazazi walirauka na kufika hata kabla ya wakati waliopangiwa. Vijana waliitwa kadamnasi wakasomewa mashtaka ambayo walikiri kwa fedheha. Ungaliwaona walivyoshusha nyuso kwa tua usingalikosa kuwaonea shufaka.
            Kikao kilipomalizika ilipitishwa kwamba idara ya ushauri nasaha iwashughulikie vijana hawa. Hapo ndipo liliponijia wazo la kuanzisha kilabu cha ushauri wa marika shuleni. Amini usiamini! Pasi na wafuasi wake ndio waliokuwa wafuasi wa kwanza wa kilabu kile waliamua kutupa jongoo na mti wake. Hata ninapovuta taswira na kuona hatua zilizopigwa hadi kulikweza jina la shule yetu kileleni, fahari hunivaa hata nikajipata nikishusha pumzi kwa bashasha.

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza
    1. Uwepo wa Pasi katika shule ya msimulizi uliwashangaza wengi
    2. Sare na umri wa Pasi ulimfanya msimulizi kumpuuza Pasi
    3. Pasi hakuweza kufanya vyema katika masomo yake shuleni.
    4. Kuja kwa Pasi hakukuathiri utendaji wa msimulizi darasani.
  2. Uhusiano wetu ulikuwa vuguvugu tu ndiko kusema.
    1. Msimulizi nu Pasi hawakuweza kupatana.
    2. Uhusiano wa Pasi na msimulizi ulikuwa wa kawaida
    3. Msimulizi alihofia nafsi yake kunyakuliwa na Pasi.
    4. Uhusiano wa Pasi na msimulizi ulikuwa motomoto.
  3. Maelezo yapi ni kweli kuhusu Pasi kwa mujibu wa kifungu hiki?
    1. Alikuwa na welewa mzuri ya Kiingereza, Kiswahili na lugha ya mama.
    2. alikuwa bingwa wa Kiswahili na teknolojia ya kisasa.
    3. Alikuwa na ujuzi wa kidijitali licha ya udhaifu katika lugha ya Kiswahili.
    4. Alikuwa mwenye bidii licha ya kutofanya vyema masomoni.
  4. Si kweli kusema kuwa,
    1. msimulizi alikuwa kielezo darasani kwa mambo yote.
    2. zipo nyakati ambapo msimulizi alijiona duni mbele ya Pasi.
    3. wale waliompuuza Pasi hawakuathirika masomoni.
    4. msimulizi alikuwa mweledi wa lugha ya Kiswahili.
  5. Methali mtegemea nundu haachi kunona ina maana kuwa
    1. waliomfuata Pasi waliishia kufanya vibaya darasani
    2. waliomfuata Pasi walijifunza mengi kuhusiana na teknolojia. 
    3. waliompuuza Pasi walipoteza nafasi ya kuuona ukakamavu wake.
    4. waliompuuza Pasi walijikosesha nafasi ya kujiimarisha kwa vifaa vya kidijitali.
  6. Msimulizi
    1. hana marafiki darasani mwake.
    2. anaogopwa na wanafunzi kwa ukali wake.
    3. alikuwa kiranja wa darasa lake.
    4. ni mwenye kipawa cha uongozi.
  7. Baada ya mtihani wa katikati ya muhula.
    1. Msimulizi na wenzake hawakutimiza malengo yao.
    2. Pasi na baadhi ya wanafunzi walibadili hulka zao.
    3. Wanafunzi waliotambua kosa lao walianza kujibidiisha..
    4. Waliotia masikio nta walianza kujiimarisha
  8. Wazazi wa vijana waliohusika
    1. walijua umuhimu wa kuziba ufa. 
    2. ni wachelea wana kulia.
    3. wanakataa mwito bali si waitiwalo.
    4. wamepuuza malezi bora ya wana.
  9. Jambo linalomtia fahari mwandishi wa kifungu hiki ni
    1. kujiona akiwa kidede katika darasa lake.
    2. mchango wake katika kuinua hadhi ya shule.
    3. idadi ya vijana waliojiunga na kilabu chake.
    4. hatua alizochukua za kuripoti maovu.
  10. Neno kiini jinsi lilivyotumika lina maana ya,
    1. moyo wa kitu.
    2. undani wa jambo.
    3. chembechembe za kitu. 
    4. matokeo ya hali.

Yasome makala hawa wanaofuata kishu wiibu maswali kuanzia namba 41 mpaka 50

            Zaraa ni uti wa mgongo wa mataifa mengi ikiwemo Kenya. Viwanda vingi nchini hutegemea kilimo kupata malighafi yake. Aidha, taifa haliwezi kujilisha ikiwa shughuli za kilimo zitapewa mgong.  Licha ya umuhimu wa sekta hii, mkulima, ambaye ndiye nguzo muhimu, anaendelea kukabiliwa na matatizo atinati yanayokwamisha juhudi zake.
            Mojawapo ya matatizo yanayomzonga mwanazaraa ni ukosefu wa ushauri unaohitajika. Wataalamu wanaotarajiwa kumshauri mkulima kuhusu nija bora za kuzalisha na kuongeza pato lake ni haba akilinganishwa na idadi ya wale wanaohitaji nasaha yake. Walioko nao wanakwamishwa na mambo tofauti. Mathalani, utawapata hawaendi nyanjani ili kukutana na wakulima kwa kuwa hawana usafiri. Iwapo usafiri upo, huenda petroli ikawa ni kizungumkuti.
            Halikadhalika baadhi ya wataalamu huwa ni walaza damu na mafisadi. Kuna wale wanaofika ofisini na kushinda kutwa nzima wakisoma magazeti huku wakijaza mirabu, wakicheza bao au karata. Kuna wale ambao huangika koti au sweta kitini ili waonekane kuwa bado wapo na kisha kutokomea kuenda kushughulika masuala yao ya kibinafsi yanayohusu ndewe wala sikio kazi waliyoajiriwa kufanya.
            Ukosefu wa sera mwafaka kuhusa ardhi nao ni suala jingine linalotatiza kilimo nchini. Serikali haijaweka sera mahsusi kuhusu matomizi ya ardhi.  Waja wengi huongozwa na ta jamaa zao. Taratibu hizi kupendekeza ugawaji wa ardhi kwa minajili ya urithi kulingana na warithi waliopo. Si ajabu kuwa kote nchini ardhi inayofaa kwa kilimo imekatwakatwa vipande vidogovidogo ambavyo haviwezi kuwa na faida kwa zaraa.
            Kushindwa kwa mkulima kuongeza virutubishi ardhini ni changamoto nyingi inayokabili kilimo nchini. Ulimaji wa kile kipande miaka nenda miaka rudi minghairi ya kukipa nafasi ya kupumzika huufanya udongo kupoteza virutubishi muhimu vinavyohitajika na mimea. Ili kutatua tatizo hili, wakulima wengi hukimbilia mbolea za kisasa ambazo badala ya kuwasaidia huwaongezea madhila. Mbolea hizi zinatumbulika kuchangia uchafuzi wa mchanga na ardhi.
            Mabadiliko ya hali ya anga yamemfanya mkulima kushindwa kupanga wakati anaotakiwa kutayarisha shamba, kupanda, kupalilia, kunyunyizia dawa na kadhalika. Mvua imekuwa adimu. Badala yake panakuwa na vipindi virefu vya kiangazi ambavyo huathiri bidii za mkulima. Maji nayo yanaendelea kupungua na mkulima hawezi kukimu mahitaji ya unyunyiziaji wa maji shambani.
            Maradhi pamoja na wadudu waharibifu kama vile viwavi, kupe, na mbung'o ni changamoto nyingine inayotatiza juhudi za mkulima nchini. Haya hupunguza uzalishaji katika kilimo au wakati mwingine kupunguza mimea au mifugo wao.
            Mbali ya haya ukosefu wa chete, matatizo ya uchukuzi, gharama ya juu ya uzalishaji na mashindano tobana na bidhaa za nje ni changamoto kubwa. Mkulima wa Kenya anahitaji msaada wa dharura ili aweze kunyanyua kilimo. Lau haya hayatafanyika, uchumi wetu utaendelea kudidimia

  1. Maneno, zaraa ni uti wa mgongo wa taifa yana maana kuwa
    1. kilimo kimepewa kipaumbele nchini.
    2. umuhimu wa kilimo unajulikana kote nchini.
    3. kilimo kinategemewa sana nchini.
    4. manufaa ya kilimo yanaendelea vyema nchini.
  2. Viwanda vinahusianaje na kilimo nchini?
    1.  Mazao ya shambani huishia kupelekwa viwandani.
    2. Mali ya kuundia bidhaa mbalimbali hukuzwa mashambani.
    3. Viwanda vya kuundia bidhaa aghalabu hujengwa mashambani.
    4. Mbegu zinazokuzwa mashambani huhifadhiwa viwandani.
  3. Chagua kauli sahihi kulingana na hii nakala
    1. Njia mbovu za usafiri zina madhara kwa kilimo.
    2. Kuwepo kwa vipindi vya kiangazi ni balaa kwa mkulima.
    3. Maafisa wote wa nyanjani hawana uwajibikaji.
    4. Ufisadi ukikomeshwa matatizo yote yataisha.
  4. Mwandishi anapendekeza sera ya ugavi wa ardhi iwe;
    1. waja wote wagawiwe viwango sawa vya ardhi.
    2. ardhi igawanywe vipande vidogovidogo ili viendeleze upesi.
    3. watu wakiuke tamaduni zao ili wagawiwe ardhi.
    4. vipande vikubwa vya ardhi vitengwe ka minajili ya kilimo.
  5. Yote haya hupunguza rotuba ardhini isipokuwa
    1. kulima shamba moja kwa bidii mwaka baada ya mwaka.
    2. matumizi ya mbolea vinazotoka viwandani kwa wingi.
    3. kuzingatia njia za utaalamu wa kilimo
    4. kumomonyoka wa udongo katika sehemu husika.
  6. Uhaba wa mvua kwa kawaida huchangia
    1. mafuriko
    2. kiangazi
    3. vuli
    4. ukame.
  7. Upi ni utaratibu mwafaka wa matayarisho shambani?
    1. Kupanda, kulima, kupalilia, kuvuna.
    2. Kuvuna, kulima, kupanda, kupalilia
    3. Kulima, kupanda, kupalilia, kuvuna.
    4. Kapalilia, kupanda, kulima, kuvuna.
  8. Lipi halijatajwa kama tatizo mojawapo la mkulima?
    1. Ukosefu wa soko la mazao.
    2. Kutatizwa na wadudu waharibifu.
    3. Kubadilika kwa utaratibu wa majira.
    4. Uhaba wa bidhaa za masoko ya nje.
  9. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho, mwandishi anasema kuwa,
    1. sharti wakulima waungane kuimarisha kilimo. 
    2. wakulima wakipigwa jeki uchumi utaimarika.
    3. kilimo kimechangia kudorora kwa taifa letu.
    4. wakulima watafute njia mbadala za kusaka riziki.
  10. Neno kukimu lina maaya ya
    1. kutosheleza
    2. kupata
    3. kununua
    4. kuhifadhi


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Malizia insha kwa maneno yafuatayo huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi. 

..................... Ama kweli sherehe hiyo ilifana sana; kila mmoja aliondoka akisimulia matukio ya siku hiyo.


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. D
  32. B
  33. C
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. C
  38. A
  39. B
  40. B
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

            Communication is one of the     1    aspects of life of all living organisms, especially human beings. There is      2    a constant need for people to generate, organise and pass information from one party to    3   .
            Be it business communication or regular social interactions, transfer of information      4    different sources ensures harmony and understanding of the expectations,    5     the appropriate course of action. Through smart phones and computers, people      6    pass messages and receive feedback. Such advanced technologies have had significant influences of communication in its      7    
Over the past period, technology      8        the methods that human beings use to communicate.      9     there were telegraphs that paved the way for telephones. Currently, the internet, cell phones and emails are at the      10       of the most preferred methods of communication,     11     the widespread use of technology in communication, the society and business     12     embraced the methods of passing information,     13     have emerged in line with technology. The introduction of portable cellular phones in the     14    of communication has enabled people to remain connected with each other     15    receiving voice calls and sending messages amongst the communicating parties.

  A B C D
1  more significant  most significance    most significant  many significant
2  always  never   rarely  neither
3  another  other  near  next 
4  among  through  between  across
5  owing to  as well as  but also  not only
6  would   could  must  entirely
7  entirely  entiretty  entirrely  entire
8  has altered  have altered  had altered  has altering
9  Todate  Presently  Up-to-date  initially
10  lowest  summit  down-fall  bottom
11   Despite  Owing  Following  Inspite
12  have  were  was  has
13  whom  whose  what  which
14  ream  realem  realm  relaem
15  apart  besides  in addition  beside

For questions 16 and 17 choose the best alternative to fill the gaps

  1. The stranger was a ___________ boy
    1. young, handsome, American
    2. handsome, young, American
    3. young , American, handsome
    4. handsome, American, young
  2. He bought a _________________ table.
    1. small, wooden, rectangular
    2. rectangular, small, wooden
    3. wooden, small, rectangular
    4. small, rectangular, wooden
  3. The state of no progress was caused by poor management.
    1. stand back
    2. stand out
    3. stand off
    4. stand over
  4. The gang attacked the villagers at the crack of  dawn.
    1. set on
    2. set off
    3. set up
    4. set in 

For questions 20 and 21, choose the  statement that correctly completes the given  sentence. 

  1. It was such an interesting party; For questions 18 and 19, choose the
    1. and no one was willing to leave soon alternative that corectly replaces the
    2. that no one was willing to leave soon underlined part of the sentence.
    3. so no one was willing to leave soon
    4. even no one was willing to leave soon 
  2.  I would rather be late;
    1. or miss the occasion
    2. but miss the occasion
    3. nor miss the occasion
    4. than miss the occasion

For questions 22 and 23, change the given sentences into reported speech.

  1. "My brother will be admitted today,” Grace said.
    1. Grace said that her brother will be admitted  that day
    2. Grace said that her brother will be admitted
    3. Grace said that her brother would be admitted that day
    4. Grace said that her brother would be admitted today
  2. The teacher told the pupils, “You can excel only if you study hard.”
    1. The teacher told the pupils that they can excel only if they study hard 
    2. The teacher told the pupils that they could excel only if they studied hard, C.
    3. The teacher told the pupils that they would excel only if they studied hard.
    4. The teacher told the pupils that they will excel if they studied hard

For questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence  that is grammatically correct. 

    1. Most people prefer coffee to juice
    2. We have been waiting for them since the last two hours
    3. If I were rich, I could assist the poor. ·
    4. There is very less sugar left in the pot
    1. The girl whom book got lost cried
    2. There was a conflict among the two rival groups
    3. Eliud was very happy to win the race
    4. Besides basketball, Mary plays football

Read the passage below and then answer questions 20 to 38.

            Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmom and two step-sisters. They treated Cinderella very badly. One day, they were invited for a grand party in the king's palace. But Cinderella's step mother would not let her go. Cinderella was made to sew new party gowns for her stepmother and stepsisters and curl their hair. They then went to the party/ leaving Cinderella alone at home.
            Cinderella felt very sad and began to cry. Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared to her and said, "Don't cry, Cinderella! I will send you to the party " But Cinderella was sad. She said, "I don't have a gown to wear for the party.” The fairy godmother then touched Cinderella's rags and changed them into a beautiful new gown. She also touched Cinderella's feet with the magic hand. Alas! She had beautiful glass slippers! "How will I go to the grand party?" Asked Cinderella. The fairy godmother found six mice playing near a pumpkin, in the kitchen. She touched them with her magic hand and the mice became four shiny black horses and two coachmen and the pumpkin turned into a golden coach.
            Cinderella was overjoyed and set off for the party in the coach drawn by the black horses. Before leaving, the fairy godmother said, “Cinderella, the magic will only last until midnight. You must reach home by then." When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was struck by her beauty. Nobody, not even Cinderella's stepmother or stepsisters, knew who she was in her pretty clothes and shoes. The handsome prince also saw her and fell in love with Cinderella. He went to her and asked, "Do you want to dance?" And Cinderella said, "Yes." The prince danced with her all night and nobody recognized the beautiful dancer. Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince that she almost forgot what the fairy grandmother said.
            At the last moment. Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother's word and she rushed to go home. "Oh! I must go!” She cried and ran out of the palace. One of her glass slippers came off but Cinderella did not turn back for it. She reached home just as the clock struck twelve. Her coach turned back into a pumpkin, the horses into mice and her fine gown into rags. Her stepmother and stepsisters reached home shortly after that. They were talking about the beautiful lady who had been dancing with the prince.
            The prince had fallen in love with Cinderella and wanted to find out who the beautiful girl was, but he did not even know her name. He found the glass slipper that had come off Cinderella's foot as she ran home. The prince said, “I will find her. The lady whose foot fits this slipper will be the one I will marry." The next day, the prince and his servants took the glass slipper and went to all the homes in the kingdom. They wanted to find the lady whose feet would fit in the slipper. All the women in the kingdom tried the slipper but it would not fit any of them. Cinderella's stepsisters also tried to squeeze their feet and pushed hard into the slipper, but the servants were afraid the slipper would break. Cinderella's stepmother would not let her try the slipper on, but the prince saw her and said, “Let her also try the slipper!” The slipper fit her perfectly. The prince recognized her from the rest. He married Cinderella and together they lived happily ever after.

  1. Which one of the following statements is false according to the first paragraph?
    1. Cinderella's relationship with her stepmother and stepsisters was not cordial
    2. Cinderella joyfully accompanied her stepmother and stepsisters to the grand party
    3. Cinderella was a very charming girl
    4. Cinderella prepared her stepmother and stepsister for the grand party
  2. Why would Cinderella's stepmother not let her go to the king's palace?
    1. She would be ashamed of herself
    2. She had many errands to run at home
    3. The king would not be pleased
    4. She was jealous of her
  3. Which one of the following was not a magic  performed by the fairy godmother according to the second paragraph?
    1. Changing Cinderella's hair into a long fluffy wig 
    2. Changing Cinderella's old clothes into a  beautiful new gown
    3. Making Cinderella have glass slippers by touching her feet with the magic hand 
    4. Changing the six mice into horses and two coachmen
  4. What condition did the fairy godmother give Cinderella for the magic?
    1. That she must dance with the prince
    2. That she must pay her after the party
    3. That she must be back home by the mid of the night
    4. That she must not interact with her stepmother and stepsisters
  5. Which one of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
    1. Cinderella was pleased by the fairy  godmother's help
    2. Cinderella's charm left everyone at the palace in awe
    3. Cinderella's relatives did not recognise her at the party
    4. The prince married Cinderella on the night of the great party
  6. Cinderella almost forgot what the fairy godmother had said because;
    1. she was carried away by the dance with the prince
    2. she was threatened by her stepmother
    3. the prince did not want her to leave the palace
    4. everybody at the party was struck by her beauty
  7. When Cinderella recalled her fairy godmother's words
    1. she wept uncontrollably
    2. she quickly ran home
    3. he opted to be ignorant
    4. she threw off her glass slippers
  8. It is not true to say that where Cinderella reached home;
    1. it was exactly at midnight
    2. her coach turned back into a pumpkin
    3. her fine gown turned back into torn clothes
    4. her stepmother and stepsisters had reached home long ago.
  9. What pre-occupied the minds of Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters after the party?
    1. The realisation that the young lady that danced with the prince was Cinderella
    2. The fact that the prince did not even recognise them
    3. The thought of the young woman who had been dancing with the prince
    4. The meals that they ate at the king's palace
  10. After the grand party, the prince had the  challenge of;
    1. taking the glass slipper to Cinderella
    2. explaining to his parents that she wanted to marry Cinderella
    3. visiting Cinderella's home and seeing her  parents
    4. finding out who was the beautiful lady she  danced with was
  11. According to the fifth paragraph, the prince's intention of visiting all the houses in the kingdom was to; 
    1. thank the members for gracing the great party
    2. find out the lady whose feet fit in the glass slipper
    3. give material help to the poor in the kingdom palace
    4. know Cinderella's stepmother's homestead
  12. When Cinderella's stepsister's tried on the  slipper, 
    1. it did not fit any of them 
    2. the prince was pleased with them
    3. the prince chose one of them for marriage
    4. the servants encouraged the prince to love  them
  13. The moral lesson we learn from this passage is' that;
    1. we should not attend parties at night
    2. we should always try to be smart and charming
    3. we should depend on magic for success in life
    4. we should not be jealous of others 

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

            Africa has the highest incidence rates of child labour, However, there is a difference between the definition of child labour in African communities and the western environments. When children work in Africa, mostly in family farm., they are doing so as part of training for their future and aiding family income. In the western sense, this is viewed as harmful and exploitative but that is not the case because the type of work children do matches their age and their environment. Cases of exploitative or harmful work are there, but they are also everywhere including the developed world.
            Child labour in Africa is generally defined based on two factors: the type of work and the minimum appropriate age of work. If a child is involved in an activity that is harmful to his or her physical and mental development, then that is child labour. That is, any work that is mentally, physically, socially morally dangerous and harmful to children, and interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work. The appropriate age depends on the effects of the work on the physical health and mental development of children.
            Although poverty is the primary cause of child labour in Africa, a broad range of factors ranging from structural, geographic, demographic and cultural factors also simultaneously influence  whether children work or not. In addition to poverty, lack of resources, credit constraints and parental attitudes towards education are also associated with child labour. The agricultural sector is the largest employer of children in Africa although there is also a vast majority of employed family workers who are also children.
            In general, hazardous work as a result of child labour can have immediate and long-term impacts on the safety and health of children. This may include injury, ill-health, disability and even death. Children are especially vulnerable to hazards because they are still developing physically and mentally. they are less aware of risks than adults and therefore more likely to be hurt. Exposing children to dangerous work or physical stress may have physical and psychological impacts which may only begin to appear at a later stage in their lives.
            To prevent child labour, there is need to bring in laws that make it illegal for children to work until  they reach a certain age. This makes it easier to combat the culture of child labour. Efforts should also be made by various governments to reduce poverty in families by creating more job opportunities. This will support families hence they do not need to send their children out to work. There is also, in addition, the need educate children. Education widens children's perspectives and shows them that they have so many options in life than simply to labour at arduous, low paid jobs from childhood into old age.

  1. According to the first paragraph, the writer says that in Africa;
    1. there are the lowest rate of child labour globally
    2. children do not work at all
    3. children work as part of training for their future
    4. working in family farms is really exploitative and harmful 
  2. The writer feels that the idea of African children working in family farms is not exploitative because;
    1. there has never been cases of child labour in Africa
    2. the type of work they do matches their age and environment
    3. the developed world is more exploitative to children than in Africa
    4. exploitative work among children is common everywhere around the world
  3. According to the second paragraph, all the following may be considered as child labour apart from;
    1. allowing a child humble time to attend school
    2. involving a child in an activity that is harmful to his or her physical development
    3. depriving child an opportunity to attend school through work
    4. making a child combine school attendance with excessive long and heavy work
  4. The least age for each work that a child does depends on;
    1. the benefits that the child derives from the work
    2. whether the child attends school or not
    3.  the effects of work on the child's physical and mental health
    4. the amount of the money that the child is paid
  5. According to the passage, we can conclude that;
    1. poverty is the only cause of child labour in Africa
    2. other than poverty there are some other causes of child labour in Africa
    3. cases of child labour are only found in Africa
    4. the agricultural sector is the only employer of children in Africa
  6. Harzadous work affects the child's;
    1. safety and help
    2. development and schooling
    3. growth and environment
    4. schooling and employment
  7. According to the fourth paragraph, children are  at great risks to hazards because;
    1. they are aware of the risk that come with work
    2. the impact of work on children only begins to appear at a later stage in life
    3. they work in different environments from the adults 
    4. they have not yet fully developed physically and mentally
  8. The word combat as used in the passage means the same as;
    1. embrace
    2. fight
    3. accommodate
    4. forget
  9. Which one of the following is not a measure that  can be taken to curb child labour according to the passage?
    1. Coming up with laws that illegalise work in children until they reach a certain age
    2. Government stepping into creating more job  opportunities
    3. Embracing the culture of child labour among families
    4. Availing education opportunities to children
  10. According to the passage, governments can help  to reduce poverty in families by;
    1. creating more employment opportunities
    2. providing poor families with basic needs
    3. educating families on child labour
    4. jailing families that involve children in child  labour
  11. The writer suggests that educating children;
    1. helps them year for meaningful wages
    2. expands their perspective about the options in life
    3. helps them have endurance in work
    4. enables them do the same work from childhood to adulthood 
  12. Choose the most appropriate title for this passage.
    1. Combating poverty in families
    2. The importance of educating children
    3. Creation of employment opportunities  globally
    4. The causes, effects and solution to child  labour

You have 40 minutes to write your composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it us interesting as you can

The hall was well-arranged. Everybody had taken their seats as we eagerly waited for the arrival of the guest-of-honour....

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. B
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D


  1. Which of the following number is thirteen million thirteen thousand and thirteen in figures?
    1. 13 130 013
    2. 13 013 031
    3. 13 013 103
    4. 13 013 013
  2. How many groups of two hundred are there in the value of digit 5 in the number 2 657 623.8?
    1. 2.5
    2. 25 
    3. 250
    4. 2 500
  3. What is the value of

       0.42 x 0.70 x 53.4     
         9.8 x 0,03 x 17.8

    1. 30
    2. 3
    3. 0.3
    4. 0.03
  4. The figure drawn below is a rectangle.
    What is the area of the rectangle?
    1. 320cm2
    2. 84cm2
    3. 640cm2
    4. 160cm2
  5. What is 87 058 divided by 29?
    1. 32
    2. 302
    3. 3002
    4. 30 002
  6.  What is the difference between the LCM of 12. 18 and 24 and the GCD of 36 and 48?
    1. 864
    2. 72
    3. 84
    4. 60
  7. What is the value of:
    1/2 ÷ 1/4 of 1/2 + (1 2/3 - 1/3)

    1. 5 1/3
    2. 54 1/3
    3. 2 2/3
    4. 3 1/3 
  8. What is the next number in the pattern 2, 4.3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 10,........ ?
    1. 9
    2. 11
    3. 12
    4. 13
  9. The figure below shows a quarterly cylindrical metal bar
    What is its surface area?
    1. 7232cm2
    2. 8 464cm2
    3. 9 872cm2
    4. 9284cm2
  10. Thirty six men can do a certain job in twenty four days. How many more men are needed to complete the job in eighteen days?
    1. 48 :
    2. 24
    3. 18
    4. 12
  11. The mean age of ten boys is 11.6 years. Nine of them arc 10, 18, 6, 14, 12.8. 12, 10 and 14years old. What is the product of the mode and median of the numbers?
    1. 12
    2. 24 
    3. 144
    4. 120
  12. A businėss man borrowed sh. 240 000 from a bank that charged simple interest at the rate of 3% per month. How much was the amount after one year?
    1. Ksh86 400
    2. Ksh 326 400
    3. Ksh 7 200
    4. Ksh 247 200
  13. What is twice the value of
    2x2 - y + z
    when x = 4, z = y 2 and y=x - 1
    1. 17 
    2. 24
    3. 12
    4. 34
  14. Ochieng gave 2/5 his land to his first born 1/4 to the second born. He gave 3/7 of the remainder to the third born. If the fourth born got the remaining 84 hectares, how many hectares were given to the third born?
    1. 420
    2. 63
    3. 105 :
    4. 168
  15. The rectangle below has been drawn to scale 1:50 000.
    What is the actual area in hectares?.. 
    1. 6
    2. 60
    3. 600
    4. 6 000
  16. Wang'ombe paid sh. 47 600 for a generator after getting 15% discount. I low much more would he have paid if he had been given a 10% discount?
    1. Sh. 2 800
    2. Sh. 5 040
    3. Sh. 8 400
    4. Sh. 5 600
  17. A 33 seater bus and 14-seater matatu were to transport-1 237 people to Bhukungu stadiun for Mashemeji derby. They all carried to the capacity except for the bus that made the extra final trip to carry the last group. Flow many people did the bus carry in the final extra trip?.
    1. 15
    2. 32
    3. 14
    4. 27
  18. Using a ruler and a pair of compass, construct a triangle ABC such that line AB=8cm line BC = 7em and line AC=6cm. Draw a circle that touches points.
    What is the length of the radius of the circle?
    1. 2.0cm
    2. 8.3cm
    3. 4.2cm
    4. 3.9cm
  19. In the figure below, line AC is parallel to line DE. Line BC = line CE = line CD . Angle ECD. 48°
    What is the size of the angle ABE?
    1. 123°
    2. 57°
    3. 66°
    4. 67°
  20. A school has a total of 320 pupils, Each pupil was given 3 - 2dl packets of milk each week. How many litres of milk did they consume in two weeks?
    1. 38 400 l
    2. 3 840 l
    3. 384 l
    4. 38.4 l
  21. The following stack of cubes was dipped in paint.
    The stack was dipped in paint. How many cubes got paint three laces?
    1. 36
    2. .8
    3. 10
    4. 12
  22. Hassan went on holiday from 8th December 2019 to 8th March 2020. How many days was he for holiday?
    1. 90
    2. 91
    3. 92
    4. 93
  23. In a school the ratio of boys 10 girls is 3:2 . There are 750 pupils in a school. During a sports competition 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys took part in the games. How many pupils took part in the games?
    1. 560
    2. 360
    3. 250
    4. 140
  24. The table below shows the number of pupils who were absent in a class of 35 pupils in a certain week
      Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
    Boys  3  4
    Girls  5

    What was the mean daily attendance for the week?
    1. 35 .
    2. 135
    3. 40
    4. 27
  25. Construct a parallelogram PQRS such that line PQ = 5cm and QR=7.5cm. Angle PSR = 135°. Join P to R and S to Q and let the point of intersection be at H
    What is the length of line SH?
    1. 2.6
    2. 2.4
    3. 5.8
    4. 11.6
  26. What is the simplest form of

        2(x + 2y) +- x - 4y         ?
       4(2y – x) - 5y + 4x .

    1. 3x/3y

    2.   x + y  
         x -y

    3.   3x + 4y  
        3y - 4y

    4. x/y
  27. A sales girl is paid a basic salary of sh. 13 800 and a 6% commission on all the sales she makes above sh 70 000. In one month she earned a total of sh. 34 800. What was the value of her sales?
    1. Sh. 350 000
    2. Sh 420 000
    3. Sh. 21 000
    4. Sh. 371 000
  28. The table below shows the number of vehicles sold at Maridady show room.
    Toyota Mazda Nissan Isuzu Suzuki Mitsubishi
    160 80 150 90 96 144

    If this information was placed on a pic chart, what angle would represent the difference between Mistubishi and Mazda?
    1. 32°
    2. 72°
    3. 40°
    4. 64°
  29. A Kampala bound bus left Nairobi on Wednesday at 6:45pm and the journey look lirs 30min. At what day and time did the bus get to Kampala?
    1. 0515hr Thursday 
    2. 06151 Thursday
    3. 0615hrs Wednesday
    4. 815hrs Wednesday 
  30. A cylindrical water tank has a height of 4.0m and a diameter of 2.1m. If it is 3/5 full water, how many more litres are required 10 fill the tank?
    1. 33 2641 
    2. 55 4401
    3. 27 7201 
    4. 22 1761
  31. The figure below shows a triangle cut out of a semi-circle line AC 8cm and line BC 6cm. 
    What is the area of the shaded part?
    1. 39.25cm2
    2. 24cm2
    3. 15.25cm2
    4. 79.5cm2
  32. Kanini bought the following items from a shop. 
    2kg of sugar @ Sh. 145
    6 - 500ml packets of milk @ 120 per litre.
    1 ¼ kg cooking for a Sh. 180 per kg
    3kg salt for Sh. 90
    6 -2kg packets of wheat flour @ 110  per kg.

    If he paid using 3 - 1 000 shilling notes,  how much balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 2 285
    2. Sh. 1015 
    3. sh. 1 985
    4. Sh. 715
  33. A watch loses 10 seconds every two hours.  The watch was set correct on Thursday at  7:30am. What time did it show at 7:30pm  next Thursday?
    1. 7:15pm
    2. 7:16pm
    3. 7:29pm
    4. 7:45 pm
  34. Kamren is three times as old as his daughter. The wife is 12 years older than the daughter.  If the wife is x years old, what is the sum of their ages?
    1. 5x + 36
    2. 5x - 48
    3. 4x -  12
    4. 2x - 12
  35. What is the value of x in the equation
    x/5  x-4   = 6
    1. 5 5/7
    2. 8 5/7
    3. 6 3/7
    4. 11 3/7
  36. The table below shows the charges of buying a postal order. 
    Value of order in Sh Commission
     500 63 
     1 000 94
     2 000 132
    3 000  169 
    4 000  210
    5 000  270

    Jamal wanted to send Sh. 9000 using postal order. Which of the following combination I of the value of orders should he buy to pay  the least commission?
    1.  Sh. 3 000, Sh. 3 000, Sh. 3 000
    2. Sh. 5000, Sh. 2000, Sh. 2000
    3. Sh. 4000, Sh. 4000, Sh, 1 000
    4. Sh. 5 000, Sh. 2000, Sh. 1000,
  37. The area of a square piece of land is 5:7621 hectares. The land was fenced using live strands of wire. What is the length of wire used?
    1. 960m
    2. 3 600m
    3. 2400m
    4. 4800m
  38. The figure drawn below is a right angled triangular prism. 
    What is its surface area?
    1. 3 600cm2
    2. 4140cm2
    3. 10800cm2
    4. 4800cm2
  39. At Father Joseph Ichuni girls, pupils choose their favourite games as follow
    0.2 chose volleyball. :
    0.3 chose football.
    0.3 of the remainder chosen
    The rest chose handball.
    Those who chose volleyball were 160, How many pupils chose handball
    1. 280
    2. 240
    3. 400
    4. 120
  40. The mass of an empty lorry is 4.32 tonnes. The lorry is loaded with 60-90kg bags of maize, 50-25kg of rice, 30-60kg bags and 50 bales of wheat flour each with 12 -2 kgs packets. What is the mass of the loaded lorry in kgs
    1. 9650kg
    2. 13 970kg
    3. 9654.32kg
    4. 12 970kg
  41. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line CD. Line EF is transversal.
    Which of the following statement is true?
    1. Angle e = angle c
    2. Angle h + Angle b= 180° 
    3. Angle d is vertically opposite angle e
    4. Angle g + angle e = 180°
  42. Ole Kamano harvested 1 200 bags of wheat in the year 2020. This was 20% decrease from the year 2019. He later sold 80% of all the bags at Sh. 4200 per bag, How much money did he get?
    1. Sh.2160
    2. Sh. 9 072 000
    3. Sh. 4 032 000
    4. Sh. 11 340 000
  43. Hannah bought 50 pineapples at 72 and paid sh. 400 for transport. She sold all the pineapples at sh. 100. What percentage profit did she make?
    1. 25%
    2. 40%
    3. 10%
    4. 33 1/2%
  44. Osman had sh. m. Hassan had sh. 30 less than Osman while Abdi had half is much as the sum of Osman and Hassan. Which equation will represent this information if the total amount of mone3y was sh. 720? .
    1. 2m - 30 = 720
    2. 3m - 45 = 720
    3. 2m - 45 =- 720
    4. 4m - 60 = 720
  45. The table below shows the timetable for a bus in a certain route from Town A to town E.
    Town Arrival time Departure time
    A  ______  6:30 am
    B  8:20 am  8:35 am
    C  10:15 am  10:30 am
    D  12:10pm  12:35pm
    E  2:15 pm  

    If he drove at a speed of 90km/hr from town D to town E, what is the distance between the two towns?
    1. 90km
    2. 120km
    3. 180km 
    4. 150km
  46. Below is a net of a solid.
    When folded which solid was formed?
    1. Rectangular pyramid
    2. Triangular prism
    3. Triangular pyramid
    4. Rectangular prism
  47. The table below shows the fare table to different towns.
    Kamau, his wife and three sons travelled from town A to town E via town C. How much money did he pay if the children paid half the fare?
    1. Sh. 1 120
    2. Sh. 630
    3. Sh. 1 330
    4. Sh. 1 200
  48. The figure below shows a circle cut out from a square.
    What is the area of the shaded part?
    1. 168cm2
    2. 784cm2
    3. 616cm2
    4. 308cm2
  49. A bus travelling at a speed of 90km/hr covered a distance in 6 hours. At what speed should it move to cover the same distance in 4 hours? 
    1. 120km/h
    2. 135km/h 
    3. 60km/h
    4. 90km/h
  50. The graph below shows the journey by Kipkewao travelling from town A to town B, a distance of 120km. After travelling for one hour, the vehicle got a puncture which took one hour to mend.
    What was the average speed aftcr resuming thc journey?
    1. 30km/h
    2. 32km/h
    3. 24km/h
    4. 26 2/3 km/h

Marking Scheme

  1. D
  2. C
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  4. A
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  42. B
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  46. C
  47. C
  48. C
  49. B
  50. D




Study the map of Como Area above and use it to answer questions 1 - 7.

  1. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT practised in Como Area?
    1. Trading
    2. Fishing
    3. Quarrying
    4. Crop farming
  2. The administrative head of Como Area is most likely to be a;
    1. County representative
    2. Deputy county commissioner
    3. Senator
    4. Governor
  3. Which one of the following services is NOT offered in Como town?
    1. Education 
    2. Administrative
    3. Health
    4. Transport and communication
  4. The land in Como Area rises from;
    1. West to East
    2. South West to North East
    3. East to West
    4. North West to South East
  5. If you were a member of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), which development project would you give the first priority in Como Area? Construction of a;
    1. church
    2. water treatment plant
    3. fire station
    4. hospital
  6. The type of settlement in Como area can be  described as;
    1. clustered
    2. sparse
    3. linear
    4. scattered
  7. The cash crop grown in Como area is used for;
    1. flavouring food .
    2. making insecticides
    3. making beverages
    4. making perfumes
  8. Who among the following traditional leaders is correctly matched with his response towards the  establishment of colonial rule?
      Leader Response 
    A  Lewanika  Resisted
    B  Lenana  Collaborated
    C  Nabongo Mumia  Resisted
    D  Kabaka Mwanga  Collaborated
  9. The following are mountains in Africa;
    1. Atlas mountain
    2. Mt Kilimanjaro 
    3. Usambara mountain
    4. Mt Elgon 
    5. Danakil Alps
      Which of the following sets of mountains is referred as horsts?
      1. (i) and (ii
      2. (iii) and (v)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iv) and (v)
  10. Which of the following will help MOST in reducing corruption cases in Kenya?
    1. Advising leaders to be repentant
    2. Electing class secretaries
    3. Educating the citizens on the disadvantages of  corruption
    4. Hiring a new.Attorney General to prepare charges against the corrupt individuals
  11. Which of the following countries is NOT crossed  by the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N)?
    1. Morocco
    2. Algeria
    3. Egypt
    4. Mauritania
  12. The following statements describe a prominent  leader in Africa;
    1. He was a great writer
    2. He represented his people in the French  parliament 
    3. He negotiated for his country's  independence
    4. He retired voluntarily from active politics
      The leader described above is;
      1. Julius Nyerere
      2. Haile Sellasie
      3. Leopold Senghor
      4. Nelson Mandela
  13. The weather instrument shown below is used to  measure a certain element of weather called;
    1. humidity
    2. temperature
    3. air pressure
    4. rainfall
  14. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the position of Kenya in relation to her  neighbours?
    1. Kenya lies to the South of Ethiopia
    2. Kenya lies to the West of Uganda
    3. Kenya lies to the North of South Sudan
    4. Kenya lies to the South East of Tanzania
  15. Which of the following groups consists of inland  species of fish only?
    1. Tilapia, mud fish, black bass 
    2. Mullet, salmon, barracuda
    3. Omena, sardine, mullet
    4. Tilapia, mullet, dagaa
  16. Which of the following would be the best way of curbing drugs and substance abuse among the youth in Kenya?
    1. Arresting all drug traffickers to 
    2. Putting warnings on labels of drugs
    3. Putting strict rules on drug trafficking
    4. Educating young people on the dangers of drugs
  17. In which one of the following ways would pupils practise democracy in school?
    1. Choosing the subjects to learn
    2. Employing many young policemen
    3. Choosing the teachers to teach them
    4. Electing the president of the school
  18. Which one of the following gives the correct order of evolution of man?
    1. Homo Habilis →Homo Erectus Homo Sapiens 
    2. Homo Habilis → Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus
    3. Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus Homo Habilis
    4. Homo Erectus → Homo Habilis → Homo Erectus
  19. The following are factors that promote peace in the society except;
    1. unemployment
    2. games and sports
    3. obeying the law
    4. tolerance
  20. The following are conditions favouring the growth of a certain crop;
    1. high temperatures of about 27°C
    2. deep fertile well drained soils
    3. low altitude
    4. high humidity
      The above conditions favour the growth of;
      1. cocoa
      2. pyrethrum
      3. tea
      4. cloves
  21. Which of the following multipurpose river project  is correctly matched with the river in which it is  constructed?
    1. Aswan high dam - R. Volta
    2. Akosombo dam - R. Nile 
    3. Seven forks dam - R. Niger
    4. Kariba dam - R. Zambezi
  22. The following are functions of a certain town in Kenya.
    1. It is an agricultural centre 
    2. It is an educational centre   
    3. It is a tourist centre
    4. It is a market centre
      Which town has the above stated functions?
      1. Kisumu
      2. Nairobi
      3. Nakuru
      4. Mombasa
  23. Which of the following is likely to be the major cause of soil erosion in the Northern parts of Kenya?
    1. Monocropping
    2. Overstocking 
    3. Deforestation.
    4. Heavy rainfall
  24. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the population structure of Kenya?
    1. Majority of the people live in rural areas
    2. The infant mortality is low
    3. The dependency ratio is high
    4. Majority of the people are young

Use the drawn map of Africa below to answer  questions 25 - 28.

  1. The climatic region marked Y receives rainfall during;
    1.  Summer
    2. Spring
    3. Winter
    4. Autumn 
  2. The MAIN tributary of the river marked R rises  from; 
    1. the Adamawa highlands 
    2. the Fouta Djalon highlands 
    3. Lake Chad 
    4. the Congo forest 
  3.  The main export crop from the country marked P 
    1. cotton
    2. cocoa
    3. rubber
    4. cloves 
  4. It is winter in the latitude marked T in the month of; 
    1. June
    2. March 
    3. September
    4. December 
  5. Most lakes found in the Great Rift Valley were  formed as a result of;
    1. deposition
    2. faulting 
    3. human activities
    4. volcanic activities
  6. Which of the following statements is true about bush fallowing?
    1. The practice is carried out in dry areas 
    2. The farmers practice large scale farming 
    3.  The fertility of the soil is improved by the use of  fertilizers 
    4. The farmers use a portion of land at a time 
  7. The function of a school administration is to;
    1.  retain the culture of the community 
    2.  help parents to take care of the children
    3.  ensure that the school has enough teachers 
    4.  help in the daily running of the school
  8. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern  Africa was a trader? 
    1. John Speke
    2. Ludwig Krapf
    3. HM Stanley
    4.  William Mackinnon
  9. Urbanization can best be described as the;
    1. making of towns beautiful
    2. creation of counties
    3. building of permanent houses
    4. growth of towns
  10. Which one of the following is the MAIN crop grown in the Perkerra irrigation scheme?
    1. Onions
    2. Water melons
    3. Chillies
    4. Seed maize
  11. The MAIN reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya was to;
    1. increase food production
    2. create reserves for Africans
    3. settle the landless people
    4. reclaim waste land
  12. Which of the following may cause lawlessness in a society?
    1. Morality  
    2. Literacy
    3. Integrity
    4. Poverty
  13.  Which one of the following is NOT a problem facing main towns in Kenya?
    1. Congestion and traffic jams
    2. Inadequate of social amenities
    3. Lack of employment
    4. Increased labour supply
  14. Who among the following people conducts customary marriages in Kenya?
    1. Religious leader
    2. Magistrate
    3. District Commissioner
    4. Clan elder
  15. Below are some uses of minerals;
    1. making of water filters
    2. making of glass
    3. making of electric wires 
    4. manufacturing of cement
    5. manufacturing of paints
      Which one of the following combinations of uses listed above is for diatomite?
      1.  (i), (ii) and (iii)
      2. (i), (ii) and (v)
      3. (ii), (iii) and (iv) 
      4. (iii), (iv) and (v)
  16. The best way of protecting children from child abuse is by;
    1. leaving them under the care of relatives
    2. making them do their homework
    3. employing people to take care of them
    4. making them aware of common abuses .
  17. A group of people with a common ancestor forms;
    1. an age set
    2. a family
    3. a clan
    4. an age group
  18. Three of the following were functions of the Organisations of African Unity (OAU). Which one was not?
    1. Carrying out joint military action to enforce resolutions by members 
    2. Supporting various liberation movements in Africa 
    3. Acting as a forum through which Africans spoke in one voice in international meetings
    4. Encouraging close cultural interactions among African states
  19. Which one of the following is an effect of rural urban migration on rural areas?
    1. Development of infrastructure
    2. Inadequate labour in the farms
    3. A ready market for agricultural goods
    4. Shortage of residential houses
  20. The cheapest method of preserving fish is;
    1. salting
    2. canning 
    3. smoking
    4. sun drying
  21. The following pairs of communities are found in Central Africa except;
    1. Shona and Ngoni
    2. Lozi and Ovimbundu 
    3. Tonga and Bemba
    4. Mossi and Soninke
  22. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth around the sun?
    1. Causes changes of seasons
    2. Causes differences in length of day and night
    3. Causes day and night
    4.  Influences the position of the mid-day sun
  23. The following are problems facing beef farming except;
    1. pests and diseases
    2. lack of good roads
    3. inadequate water supply
    4. inadequate pasture
  24. Which one of the following factors does NOT influence the climate of Africa?
    1. Latitude
    2. Longitude
    3. Altitude
    4. Relief .
  25. Which one of the following types of migration affects agricultural production negatively?
    1. Urban-rural migration
    2. Rural-rural migration
    3. Urban-urban migration
    4. Rural-urban migration
  26. The use of legal means as a way of resolving conflict is known as;
    1. negotiation
    2. mediation
    3. litigation
    4. dialogue
  27. What name was given to the traditional Buganda parliament?
    1. Omulamuzi
    2. Lukiko
    3. Omwanika
    4. Katikiro
  28. The traditional method of learning where learners learned as they practice the skill is called;
    1. imitation
    2. role play
    3. apprenticeship
    4. story telling
  29. In Kenya, who nominates the members of parliament  during the elections?
    1. The president
    2. The speaker
    3. Political parties
    4. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
  30. The national governing council of the government of Swaziland is known as;
    1. Ndlovukazi
    2. Ngwenyama 
    3. Libandla
    4. Liqoqo
  31. The headquarters of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are located at;
    1. Lagos
    2. Gaborone
    3. Abuja
    4. Lusaka
  32. The main difference between forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Swaziland is that;
    1. forests in Swaziland are natural unlike Democratic Republic of Congo which are planted
    2. forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo are natural unlike Swaziland which are  planted
    3. forests in Swaziland produce hardwoods unlike in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    4. in Democratic Republic of Congo forests are in  planted plantations while in Swaziland they are natural
  33. Which one of the following African countries is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Zimbabwe - Lusaka
    2. Niger - Bamak
    3. Mozambique - Lilongwe
    4. Gabon - Libreville
  34. The body in-charge of conducting elections in Kenya  is headed by;
    1. the chief Justice
    2. the National Assembly
    3. the Attorney General
    4. a chairman
  35. Which African country was led to independence by a political party called Convention Peoples Party (CPP)?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Egypt
    3. Zimbabwe
    4. Ghana
  36. According to the constitution of Kenya, which chapter deals with human rights?
    1. Chapter eighteen 
    2. Chapter one
    3. Chapter four
    4. Chapter twelve



  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following is correctly matched with what was created?
    1. Day 3 - sun, moon and stars
    2. Day 4 - land, sea and vegetation
    3. Day 5 - birds, fish and sea creatures
    4. Day 6 - domestic and wild animals.
  2. The following characteristics describe a certain patriarch.
    1. Has told to leave his relatives and native
    2. God promised to make his name great.
    3. God commanded him to circumcise all his male descendants.
      Who among the following people is described above?
      1. Moses
      2. Abraham
      3. Isaac
      4. Jacob
  3. Which one of the following is the main lesson  that Christians learn from the story of Noah and the flood?
    1. Those who sin are punished.
    2. Families are important.
    3. They should protect their lives. 
    4. They should protect their families
  4. According to Exodus 3:5, Moses 100k or his sandals during his call. This symbolized
    1. faithfulness
    2. courage
    3. holiness
    4. obedience
  5. Which one of the following is a reason why God gave the Israelites the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai? To
    1. prevent them from going back to Egypt.
    2. help them enter the promised land.
    3. make them defeat their enemies
    4. guide them in their daily lives.
  6. Which one of the following activities was performed by the Israelites on the Passover night in Egypt? They
    1. sand songs of praises to God.
    2. collected golden bangles and necklaces.
    3. smeared blood on their door posts.
    4. selected new leaders who would lead them.
  7. The Lord is with you, you mighty man of  valour" Judges 6:12. To whom were these  words said by the angel of God?
    1. Gideon
    2. Samson
    3. Abraham
    4. Deborah
  8. Which one of the following is the main reason why king David is remembered in Israel?  Because he 
    1. composed many psalms.
    2. he killed Goliath.
    3. conquered the enemies of Israel.
    4. brought back the ark of covenant that God was far from them.
  9. The following are descriptions of a certain king  of Israel.
    1. He became impatient and offered a  sacrifice to God.
    2. He failed to follow God's instructions of  destroying the Amalekites
      Who among the following kings is described  above?
      1. David
      2. Saul
      3. Solomon
      4. Jeroboam
  10. Rejoice greatly people of Zion, shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem. Lo, your king comes to your, triumphant and victorious but humble and riding on a donkey." The above prophecy concerning Jesus was made by
    1. Zechariah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  11. Who among the following miracles was  performed by both Prophet Elijah and Elisha?
    1. Calling fire from heaven,
    2. Multiplication of oil.
    3. Healed the bitter water.
    4. prophesied 3 years drought.
  12. When emperor Augustus ordered a census be taken, Joseph went to the town of Bethlehem. This was because
    1. it was near Nazareth.
    2. it was religious center.
    3. He was commanded by an angel. ..
    4. it was his ancestral birth place. 
  13. During the dedication of Jesus in the temple, there were people present. Who among the following was present?
    1. Simeon
    2. Simon or Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Mary Magdalene
  14. Which one of the following the main reason why Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist?
    1. Jesus wanted to shows people that John was great.
    2. Because Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins.
    3. In order to fulfill God's will and righteousness.
    4. To show that Jesus was a son of God.
  15. According to Matthew 4:1-1 during the temptation of Jesus Christ, the devil tempted Jesus three times but the overcame them through?
    1. Prayer
    2. Miracles
    3. Parables
    4. Word of God
  16. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows his power to forgive sins?
    1. Healing the paralyzed man.
    2. Healing the blind Bartimaeus,
    3. Walking on water.
    4. Changing water into wine.
  17. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught the following teachings except? Matthew 5:1-10 1.
    1. Blessed are the merciful
    2. Blessed are the joyful
    3. Blessed are the pure in heart
    4. Blessed are those who mourn.
  18. Which one of the following teachings of Jesus should not be done when one is fasting? Being
    1. tidy and cheerful.
    2. sincere and purposeful.
    3. untidy and neglect your duties. 
    4. avoiding anything that can lead to sin.
  19. The following events took place during Transfiguration which one did not?
    1. Jesus face suddenly shone brightly.
    2. Jesus' clothes became dazzling white.
    3. 1 voice was heard from heaven.
    4. The Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
  20. Who among the following people requested Pilate to allow him bury the body of Jesus Christ?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Mary Magdalene
    4. Joseph the father of Jesus
  21. After Jesus was taken to heaven the disciples went joyfully to the temple to pray and worship God as they waited for the Holy Spirit. In which town did they go to wait for the Holy Spirit?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Judea
  22. During the day of Pentecost Peter urged people to repent and be baptized. How many people were converted and baptised
    1. 3000
    2. 30 000
    3. 5000
    4. 10 000
  23. Which one of the following fruits of the Holy Spirit helps Christians to overcome pride?
    1. Joy
    2. Humility
    3. Self control
    4. Faithfulness
  24. Three of the following are rites of passage in the traditional African society. Which one is not?
    1. Marriage
    2. Birth
    3. Death
    4. Pregnancy
  25. Which one of the following a leaching found in both African traditional communities and Christianity?
    1. Would be like God
    2. Were created on the last day.
    3. Should take care of God's creation.
    4. Were created in the image of God.
  26. In the traditional African communities, the dead were mainly remembered by
    1. pouring libation.
    2. mourning the dead.
    3. shaving of the hair.
    4. tattooing the body.
  27. Naliaka was given money to go to offer in the church but she wants to go and buy sweets  and biscuits, As a Christian what is the best  advice you can give to her?
    1. Use the money but not tell anyone.
    2. Use half of the money and offer the  remaining half.
    3. Not to use money that is meant for God.
    4. Buy biscuits and sweets and share with friends,
  28. Your neighbour is very rich. He like sharing his belonging with the needy people. What Christian value does your neighbour have?
    1. Kindness
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Humility
    4. Self-control
  29. Which one of the following ways can help the young people avoid contracting HIV and AIDS?
    1. Using protective methods.
    2. Avoiding being with members of the opposite sex.
    3. Practicing purity by avoiding sexual relationships.
    4. Avoiding mixing with older members of the opposite sex.
  30. Who among the following were the two missionaries who started the first mission school at the coast?.
    1. Dr. Livingstone and John Robman.
    2. Dr. John Krapf and Vasco da Gama.
    3. Bishop Hannington and Dr. Livingstone.
    4. Dr. Johann Ludwig Krapf  and John Rebman

Marking Scheme

  1. B
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  3. C
  4. A
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  12. C
  13. C
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  58. D
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14.  C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D



  1. Which come following parts of a flower produces sex cells?
    1. Stigma and style
    2. Antlers and ovary
    3. Style and filament
    4. Pollen grains and ovules.
  2. Which one of the following vessels is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Aorta - Transports blood away from the heart
    2. Venacava - Transports blood from the heart.
    3. Artery - Transports deoxygenated blood.
    4. Vein - Transports Oxygenated blood.
  3. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling parasites that causes irritation on livestock?
    1. Handpicking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  4. Which of the following pairs of plants depends on other plants for support? 
    1. Tomatoes and passion
    2. Mango and oranges
    3. Passion and arrowroots:
    4. Cassava and sweet potato
  5. Which one of the following describes the best way of handling medicines at home?
    1. Storing medicine near the source off heat.
    2. Sharing medicine with the same ailment.
    3. Using soft drink bottles to store liquid medicine.
    4. Completing dosage even when one is feeling well.
  6. The diagram below represents a setup that can be used to investigate a certain aspect of heat.
    The heat reaches the metallic spring through
    1. convection only
    2. conduction and radiation
    3. radiation only
    4. conduction and convection.
  7. Which one of the following plants are mainly grown to produce threads for making ornaments?
    1. Cotton and flux,
    2. Palm trees and sugarcane
    3. Sisal and barley.
    4. Pyrethrum and coffee.
  8. Which one of the following is an adaptation of animals that mainly feed on flesh?
    1. Strong hind legs.
    2. Modified premolars and molars.
    3. Streamlined body:
    4. Strong hollow molars.
  9. Which one of the following is an advantage of in-organic fertilizer?
    1. Have long term effects.
    2. Spread weeds.
    3. Locally available.
    4. Increases rate of production.
  10. The diagram below represents a breathing system
    Which is the main process that take place in part marked V?
    1. Warming air.
    2. Absorption of air.
    3. Cleaning of air.
    4. Storing of clean air.
  11. The following were used to investigate factor that affects sinking and floating.
    1. wooden spoon.
    2. 1 piece of steel wool.
    3. Water in a transparent basin.
      The factor investigated was
      1. shape of the material
      2. type of material
      3. size of material
      4. mass of material.
  12. Which of the following materials have definite shape and mass?
    1. Oxygen. oil, stones.
    2. Steam, candle wax, leather.
    3. Water, kerosene, diesel.
    4. Nails, Ieaves, gravel.
  13. Which one of the following diseases is correctly matched with the date they are immunized?
       At birth  Fourteen week 
    A  Polio   Hepatitis B
    B  Tuberculosis   Measles
    C   Yellow fever   Tetanus
    D   Whooping cough   Polio
  14. When modelling the solar system, which materials are used 10 mount sun and planets?
    1. Glue and manilla paper.
    2. Thorns and wires. 
    3. Plasticine and clay.
    4. Paper mache and nails.
  15. The quantity of matter in an object is called
    1. Weight
    2. friction
    3. mass
    4. magnetic
  16. Which one of the following is a myth and misconception about HIV and AIDS?
    1. HIV is mainly spread through both fluids.
    2. AIDS develop in stages.
    3. Unsterilized piercing objects may spread HIV virus.
    4. Mosquito bite may spread HIV virus.
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about weather instrument?
    1. The tail of a windvane is smaller than the head.
    2. Raingauge measures two aspects of weather. 
    3. Windsock mainly measures the strength of wind.
    4. Scale of air thermometer reads from bottom to up.
  18. The diagram below represents an excretory organ.
    Name the parts labelled M
    1. sweat glands 
    2. sweat pores
    3. sweat duct
    4. dermis,
  19. Which pair of characteristics is common to lizard, toad, spiny ant cater and hawk?
    1. Varying body temperature, breathe through lungs,
    2. Lay eggs, have scales.
    3. Varying body temperature, have scales
    4. Lay eggs, breathe through lungs.
  20. Which one of the following materials is not needed when investigating drainage in soil?
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Funnel
    3. Collecting jars
    4. Measuring jars.
  21. In a certain activity, pupils were told to drop text book above their desks from different heights. This was to investigate
    1. amplification of sounds
    2. Types of sounds
    3. pollution of sounds 
    4. types of special sounds.
  22. Which of the following is the most  appropriate event for creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS for the youth
    1. Wedding ceremony. 
    2. Chief Baraza.
    3. Job interview
    4. Sports and games
  23. In an activity to investigate types of soil erosion pupils poured water at different positions of a slanting soil surface with channels. Which type of soil erosion were they demonstrating?
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. Sheet erosion.
    3. Gulley erosion.
    4. Rill erosion,
  24. Which changes of state of matter below require a substance to loss heat to the war surrounding?
    1. Evaporation and melting 
    2. Freezing and evaporation.
    3. Melting and condensation. 
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  25. Which one of the following is not a reason  why animals are fed commercial feeds?
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. To supplement other feeds.
    3. Provide specific nutrients to animals.
    4. Only given 10 animals under stall feeding,
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason of spreading dry grass around the stem of young plants? To, 
    1. conserve moisture ;
    2. control soil erosion 
    3. suffocate woods
    4. add nutrients to the soil.
  27. Which of the following is a way of using energy efficiently?
    1. Cooking using firewood.
    2. Using water to produce electricity.
    3. Using improved jiko
    4. Improving and network.
  28. A lactating mother eat food rich in calcium and phosphorous i order to
    1. Improve blood formation in the baby
    2. Improve immunity of the baby.
    3. Replace blood lost during giving birth
    4. Help formation of teeth and bones of the baby.
  29. Which of the following pairs of animals move by leaping and hopping? 
    1. Horse and kangaroo.
    2. Grasshopper and toad.
    3. Frog and ticks.
    4. Cricket and chameleon,     
  30. The following figure shows a common sign among diseases caused by poor sanitation.
    Which sign will it under R?
    1. Skin rashes.
    2. Violent diarrhoea.
    3. Blood in the stool.
    4. Pain in the joint.
  31. Three of the following are uses of heat at home expect
    1. Ironing clothes
    2. Scaring away pests
    3. Cooking
    4. Warming ourselves
  32. Which of the following is the correct procedure of separating of salt, rice husks and copper fillings?
    1. Dissolving - filtering -- use of a magnet - Evaporation.
    2. Use of magnet- dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    3. Winnowing - dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    4. Use of magnet - dissolving - sieving - evaporation.
  33. Which two types of food can be preserved by drying?
    1. Milk and fish,
    2. Coffee berries and vegetables,
    3. Arrow roots and honey.
    4. Meat and fruits. :
  34. A child has the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Sores at the corner of the mouth.
    2. Slow growth.
    3. Swollen face and checks.
      The disease is likely to be
      1. marasmus
      2. anaemia 
      3. ricket
      4. kwashiorkor
  35. Which of the following materials is correctly matched?
       Magnetic  Non magnetic  
     A   Razor blades  Copper wire
     B  Office pin  Steel wool
     C  Hair strand   Aluminium foil
     D  Wooden rod  Rubber bands
  36. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving soil?
    1. Ploughing along the contour.
    2. Practising rotational grazing.
    3. Burning long bushes to control weeds,
    4. Disposing kitchen refuse in the farm.
  37. The diagram below represents a periscope
    Which letter represents the image and object respectively?
    1. V and B.
    2. W and X 
    3. X and W
    4. V and W
  38. The following plants depends on animals for food except
    1. bladderwort
    2. sundow 
    3. pitcher plant 
    4. waterlily.
  39. Which of the following is best way of removing permanent hardness in water?
    1. Adding chemicals. 
    2. littering using clean materials.
    3. Using high temperature:
    4. Warming water.|
  40. The energy transformation that take place when dry cells are connected to a bulb is
    1. Chemical - electrical - light - heat
    2. Electrical - chemical -- heat - light
    3. Chemical - electrical - heat - light 
    4. Electrical - heat - chemical - light
  41. Which of the following is the characteristic of soil with low capillarily?
    1. Coarse particles.
    2. Sticky when wet
    3. Smooth texture.
    4. Best in farming.
  42. In which of the following activities is friction least useful?
    1. Riding a bicycle.
    2. Writing on exercise books.
    3. Pushing a crate of soda on the floor.
    4. Skating along the tarmac road.
  43. Which of the following is the second last stage of birth process?
    1. Release of afterbirth.
    2. Dilation of cervix.
    3. Bursting of amnion sac
    4. Culling of umbilical cord.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form one layer when put in a glass?
    1. Ink and oil.
    2. Diesel and paraffin.
    3. Milk and oil.
    4. Spirit and kerosene,
  45. In an activity, pupils collected the following materials.
    1. Drycells.
    2. Two wires of 15cm each.
    3. Different materials.
    4. A bulb.
      What were they likely to investigate?
      1. Good and poor conductors of electricity.
      2. Making a simple circuit
      3. Good and poor conductors of heat
      4. How current flow in different materials.
  46. Which one of the following is a way of  maintaining all simple tools?
    1. Oiling metallic parts,
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Proper storage:
    4. Using regularly
  47. Which of the following sources of current electricity uses chemicals?
    1. Dynamo and solar panels.
    2. Dry cells and car ballery:
    3. Geothermal and biogas.
    4. Dynamo and dry cells.
  48. Which one of the followng is not a sign of food poisoning?
    1. Headache 
    2. Dehydration
    3. Fever
    4. Diarrhoea
  49. Which of the following parts of seed is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Radicle.- forms the seed leaf.
    2. Cotyledon - allow entry of water
    3. Hillum -- store food
    4. Plumule -- forms the embryo
  50. The diagram below shows a simple lever
    Which of the parts labeled E, G,T and II shows the fulcrum?
    1. H
    2. F
    3. G.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo kisha ujibu maswali 1 - 15 ukitumia jibu sahihi

Mtoto    1    mvulana    2      umri wa miaka kumi na mitano    3    na simba katika     4     cha Gakoigo karibu na mji wa Nairobi mnano Jumamosi wiki    5    kulingana na kituo cha polisi cha Wema. Mkasa huo ulitokea nyumbani kwa Bwana na Bi. Stano.     6    mtoto huyu    7    mkasa huo alisema kuwa    8    ya kula pamoja    9     , aliondoka kwenda katika chumba cha kulala hatua hamsini kutoka nyumbani kwa wazaziwe.

  A B C D
1  moja   mmoja  umonja  monja
2  chenye  wenye  yenye  mwenye
3  alishambulia  alishambuliwa  alimshambulia  alishambua
4  kitongoji  mji  kitongojini  kijijini
5  kesho  leo   jana   ijao
6  Mamake  Mamaze  Mamaye   Mamao
7  akasimulia  akisimulia  akipeana  akitowa
8  badala  baada  baadhi  baadaye
9   staftahi  kishuka  chajio  msosi

Ama kweli, zaraa    10    uti wa mgongo wa taifa     11    Kamwe hatuwezi kuishi bila kutia chakula   12    tumboni. Chakula hiki    13    hutokana na kilimo. Yafaa vijana    14     kuhusu umuhimu wa kilimo ili    15    kwa hamu kuu.

  A B C D
10  ndio  ndicho  ndiyo  ndilo
11  yetu  letu  zetu  mwetu
12  yeyote  chochote  lolote  yeyote
13  naye  nalo  nacho  nayo
14  washurutishe   wakatiliwe  wahukumiwe  wahamasishwe 
15  wakikumbatie   walikumbatie   wamkumbatie   wazikumbatie 

Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30. jibu kila swali

  1. Mtu akisema kisu hiki ni wembe, maana yake
    1. kidogo
    2. butu
    3. kizee
    4. kikali
  2. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi;
    Mkutano ulihudhuriwa na watu wengi sana.
    Yaani wake _______ wanaume, 
    1. na
    2. pamoja
    3. kwa
    4. pa
  3. “Nilikuona jana.' Sentensi hii inaonyesha kuwa kulingana na maagizo. aliyeonwa ni nani? 
    1. Yeye
    2. Wewe
    3. Mimi
    4. Nyinyi
  4. Maji yaliyoganda na kuwa magumu kama jiwe  huitwa;
    1. mvuke
    2. mangati
    3. theluji
    4. barafu
  5. Kitenzi 'choka' katika kauli ya kutendesha  kitakuwa;
    1. chokwa
    2. chosha
    3. chokesha
    4. chokea
  6. Kanusha sentensi.
    Wewe umekuja.
    1. Wewe hujakuja.
    2. Wewe haujaja.
    3. Wewe hujaja.
    4. Wewe haujakuja
  7. Milioni tatu, mia tatu na thelathini elfu, mia sita na tisa kwa tarakimu itakuwa;
    1. 3330609
    2. 3300906
    3. 3030609
    4. 3303699
  8. Mtaalamu aliye na ujuzi mkubwa wa utengenezaji wa barabara anaitwa;
    1.  mhasibu
    2. mhandisi
    3. mhazili
    4. mhazigi
  9. Kipini huvaliwa kwenye; 
    1. uti wa pua
    2. sikio 
    3. shingo
    4. pua
  10. Chagua sentensi ambayo imetumia kivumishi  kisisitizi kwa usahihi.
    1. Viti vivi hivi ni vya wageni
    2. Watu hawa hawa nawajua
    3. Matunda haya yaya yameiva
    4. Vyungu zizi hizi ni ghali
  11. Kamilisha methali;
    Usitukane wakunga;
    1. kabla ya kuvuka mto
    2. na kizazi kingalipo
    3. usije ukafa mzigana 
    4. kabla ya kukata mbeleko
  12. Mke wa mjomba huitwa; .
    1. mbiomba
    2. mkwarima
    3. mkemwenza
    4. mkaza mjomba
  13. Kanusha sentensi hii;
    Ningemsaidia angefurahi.
    1. Singemsaidia asingefurahi
    2. Singemsaidia asingefurahi
    3. Ningamsaidia asingefurahi
    4. Nisingemsaidia asingefurahi
  14. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi;
    Wanafunzi ______  walifanya mtihani vizuri.
    1. kumi
    2. wasaba
    3. tano
    4. wakumi
  15. Andika sentensi kwa udogo;
    Mtoto yule mdogo analia.
    1. Kitoto yule mdogo analia.
    2. Kitoto kile kidogo analia.
    3. Kitoto kile kidogo kinalia
    4. Katoto kale kadogo kanalia

Soma kifungu hiki kisa wjibu maswali 31 - 40.

           Ni jambo la kusikitisha mno tunapoona jinsi vijana wanavyojitumbukiza katika janga la kutumia au kuuza mihadarati kwani vijana ndio nguzo na matarajio ya taifa lolote.
           Ni matarajio ya umma wowote kuwakuta vijana wakitumia nguvu zao katika kuimarisha na kulijenga taifa badala ya kuzama katika shughuli za dawa za kulevya.
           Wimbi hili la kutumia mihadarati limeingia kwa kasi kubwa na yote ni kwa sababu ya uhaba wa kazi, ukosefu wa mwelekeo na wa maongozi kwa vijana hawa. Zaidi ya hayo, wale matajiri walafi ndio wanaowapotosha vijana kwa kuwaingiza katika janga la kuuza mihadarati. Vijana hawa wanakubali kuwa
makala wa matajiri wenye uroho. Hii ni kwa vile wanavutiwa na malipo ya juu wanayolipwa hasa wakilinganisha wepesi wa kazi hizo na pato lake.

           Bila shaka muuza mafuta mazuri lazima ajipake ili kuwavutia wanunuzi. Vivyo hivyo, muuza mchuzi inambidi kuonja kukolea kwa chumvi ili kuhakikisha kuwa mapishi ni ya hali ya juu. Lazima atumie angalau kwa kiasi kidogo mwanzoni kabla ya kitendo hicho kuwa ni uraibu na ada asiyoweza kuiepuka kwa hali yoyote ilivyo.
           Vijana ni rasilimali kuu kwa nchi na jamii yoyote kuwaacha kupotea katika uraibu huu mikononi mwa mabepari walafi na waroho ni kama kuwakubalia kuwa mshumaa.
           Visa vya vijana waliojiangamiza wenyewe, kama afanyavyo pweza anapokaangwa, ni vingi na vya kuhuzunisha. Wamemalizika wakiwa hohehahe na mwishowe tutakuwa na taifa la mbumbumbu na maamuna lisilokuwa na mawazo wala msimamo.

  1. Mwandishi anasikitika kwa sababu;
    1.  ya matumizi na uuzaji wa mihadarati
    2. mihadarati ni ghali
    3. vijana wanapotea
    4. ya ugonjwa unaoenea
  2. Mihadarati ni;
    1. dawa za kulevya
    2. sigara b
    3. angi
    4. ulevi
  3. Matarajio ya taifa lolote kwa vijana ni; 
    1. kujenga taifa
    2. kusambaza mihadarati
    3. kuhujumu taifa
    4. kutumbukia katika mihadarati
  4. Vijana wanaingizwa katika shughuli za kuuza  mihadarati na;
    1. polisi 
    2. wazazi
    3. viongozi
    4. matajiri
  5. Ipi si sababu kuu ya vijana kutumia mihadarati?
    1. Ukosefu wa maongozi
    2. Ukosefu wa elimu
    3. Marafiki wabaya
    4. Uhaba wa kazi
  6. Vijana wanakubali kuuza mihadarati kwa sababu ya;
    1. kuipenda kazi hiyo 
    2. kulazimishwa
    3. kutoroka kazi
    4. malipo mazuri
  7. Ni kina nani kati ya hawa wanaowaingiza vijana katika  ulanguzi wa mihadarati?
    1. Wakwasi wenye mate ya fisi
    2. Marafiki ambao ni kielelezo bora
    3. Fakiri wasiokuwa na mbele wala nyuma
    4. Watu wa hirimu yao
  8. Maana ya 'uraibuni' ni;
    1. kuharibu jambo
    2. kupendelea jambo au kitu 
    3. kujaribu mara kwa mara
    4. kupendelea kitu kizuri
  9. Kukubali kuwa mshumaa inamaanisha;
    1. kujisaidia binafsi 
    2. kupambana na wengine
    3. kupoza wengine
    4. kutumiwa kufaidi wengine
  10. Methali inayomhusu pweza makala haya katika inasema 'umekuwa pweza ......'
    1. huogopi mtu
    2. huwezi kukosa ulipendalo
    3. waishi baharini tu
    4. wajipalilia makaa

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50.

           Nilizaliwa na kulelewa katika familia iliyotajika. Baba yangu Mlajasho alikuwa tajiri wa mali na moyo. Mimi na ndugu yangu mdogo hatukujua maana ya uhitaji kwani baba alitukidhia mahitaji yetu yote. Nyumbani mwetu kila siku mlishiba na kutapika watu wa kila sampuli waliokuja kulilia hali kwa baba. Baba aliwasabilia kwa mengi. Kuna waliopewa ruzuku mbalimbali za vyakula, kuna waliopewa vibarua mashambani na waliofanya kazi pale nyumbani.
           Almuradi kila mwanakijiji alifaidika kutokana na mkono wazi wa baba. Ndugu yangu mdogo hakuisha kuwabughudhi waja hawa na kuwaita waegemea nundu.
Siku zilisonga na kupita kama maji ya mto, hata nikajipata katika shule ya msingi. Niliyakumbatia masomo yangu kwa hamu kubwa. Sikuwa na wakati wa kufanya ajizi, kwani baba pamoja na pato lake nono hakuwahi kudekeza hisia za ugoigoi. Nasi ilibidi tufuate nyayo zake, kwani mwana akibebwa hutazama kisogo cha nina. Nilifanya mtihani wangu wa darasa la nane na kuvuna nilichopanda. Asubuhi baada ya kutangazwa kwa matokeo ya mtihani huo niliamshwa na sauti ya “pongezi mwanangu,” kutoka kwa baba. Baba alikuwa amebeba gazeti la siku hiyo, usoni amevaa tabasamu kubwa. Sikuamini maneno yake. Nilimnyang'anya gazeti na ikawa kweli mwenye macho haambiwi tazama. Nilikuwa mwanafunzi bora nchini. Nilijiunga na shule mojawapo ya kitaifa.
           Siku nilipokuwa kizingitini cha lango la shule ya kitaifa ya Tindi ndipo maisha yangu yalipoanza kuingia ufa.Nilikutana na Tamasha, mwanafunzi mchangamfu na mcheshi. Alijitambulisha kuwa alisomea shule iliyokuwa jirani na ile yangu ya msingi. Urafiki shakiki ukazaliwa kati yake nami. Tukawa daima tunaandamana. Hayo hayakunitia shaka, kwani Tamasha, alinihimiza kila mara nitie bidii masomoni. Hata hivyo, jinsi siku zilivyosongea ndivyo tabia yake halisi ilivyonibainikia.
Jioni moja Tamasha alikuja chumbani mwangu akiwa amebeba unga aliouita dawa ya homa, Aliniambia ibu kutibu homa ambayo ilikuwa imenikaba kwa siku ayami. Nami kwa kutotaka kumvunja rafiki yangu, nikachukia unga huo na kuutia kinywani; ingawa kwa kweli mwalimu wetu alikuwa ametuonya dhidi ya kutumia dawa zozote bila maelekezo ya daktari. Unga huo haukuitibu homa yangu, ila ulinipa utulivu mkubwa wa akili, utulivu ambao sikuwa nimewahi kuushuhudia maishani.
           Tamasha alifika chumbani mwangu usiku kunijulia hali. Alinipata nimejituliza juu ya kitanda changu, Alinisalimu na kukenua kama aliyetarajia jawabu fulani kutoka kwangu. Nilimweleza hali yangu naye akaniambia kuwa hivyo ndivyo dawa hiyo ifanyavyo kazi; kwamba amekuwa akiitumia kwa muda, hata nyakati za mtihani, naye hupata nguvu za kukabiliana na majabali yote. Alinielekeza kwa Mzee Kamaliza ambaye ndiye alimuuzia unga huo. Kuanzia siku hiyo, nikawa mteja mwaminifu wa Mzee Kamaliza. Nilitumia unga huo bila fikira nikidhani kuwa ilikuwa dawa ya homa tu! Sukujua ilikuwa dawa ya kulevya na alikuwa mraibu sugu wa dawa hiyo na nyingine nyingi!
           "Uzuri wake huu ni wa mkakasi tu?” Nilijiuliza. “Laiti ningalijua.” Hata hivyo, maswali yote haya hatakuwa na faida tena. Nilikuwa tayari nimazama katika tatizo sugu la matumizi ya dawa za kulevya,
           Nilijisuta moyoni kwa matumizi ya dawa za kulevya ambayo yalinielekeza kuytagongesha mwamba maisha yangu shuleni. Hata hivyo, haikuwa rahisi kuacha kwani nilichelea kuitwa kimbukeni na wenzangu. Matokeo ya haya yote yakawa kuzorota kwa masomo yangu. Walimu hawakuchelewa kuona mabadiliko yaliyonikumba. Walijaribu kunishauri na kutaka kujua kilichokuwa kikinisumbua. Walipoona kwamba hali yangu haibadiliki na kwamba nimeshindwa kuwaambia tatizo langu, walimjulisha mwalimu mkuu ambaye hakukawia kumwita baba. Mazungumzo kati ya baba na mwalimu mkuu yalinitia fadhaa kubwa kwani sikutaka kuwaambia nilitumia dawa za kulevya, ingawa kwa kweli mwalimu mkuu alishuku. Walijaribu kunishika sikio kuhusiana na tabia hii yangu lakini tangu lini sikio la kufa likasikia dawa? Niliendelea na uraibu wangu hadi siku nilipofunzwa na ulimwengu baada ya kufumaniwa na naibu wa mwalimu mkuu wa shule mjini nikipiga maji. Nilipewa adhabu niliyotarajia. Nilijipata nyumbani kwa muda wa mwezi mzima, nikiuguza vidonda vya moyo na akili. Kijiji kizima kilijua nimefukuzwa shule kwa sababu ya matumizi ya dawa za kulevya. Sikuwa na pa kuutia uso wangu. Hata hivyo, hili lilikuwa funzo kubwa kwangu.
           Mama yangu aliweza kunipa nasaha na kunishauri niache kutumia dawa hizo. Mara hii, maneno aliyoniambia yalikuwa na maana. Niliyasikiliza kwa makini hata baba alipopata barua kumwarifu anirejeshe shule. Nilikuwa nimeamua kujiunga na chama cha vijana wanaopigana na matumizi mabaya ya dawa shuleni. 

  1. Mambo yanayoonyesha kuwa Mlajasho alikuwa tajiri wa mali na moyo ni;
    1. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, watu kufurika kwake
    2. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, kumkana mwanawe
    3. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, kuwapa watu riziki
    4. kukidhi mahitaji ya wana, watu kumlilia hali
  2. “Ndugu yangu mdogo hakuisha  kuwabughudhi waja hawa na kuwaita waegemea nundu" inaonyesha kuwa ndugu mdogo alikuwa;
    1. mwenye uchoyo
    2. mwenye mapuuza
    3. mwenye kujisifu
    4. mwenye uzushi
  3. Msimulizi alisoma kwa hamu kwa kuwa;
    1. alipenda masomo yake
    2. baba yake alikuwa mwenye bidii
    3. baba yake alikuwa mkali
    4. alitaka kufuata nyayo za ndugu yake
  4. Kifungu 'ndipo maisha yangu yalipoanza kuingia ufa' kinamaanisha;
    1. maisha ya msimulizi yalianza kupata matatizo
    2. maisha ya msimulizi yaliporomoka
    3. maisha ya msimulizi yalianza kubadilika
    4. maisha ya msimulizi yaliharibika mara moja
  5. Msimulizi hakutaka kuacha 'unga' kwa sababu;
    1. alichelea kudunishwa na wenzake
    2. alichelea kuondolewa kundini na wenzake
    3. hakutaka kumuudhi Tamasha
    4. alikuwa amezoea uraibu kwa Kamaliza
  6. Mambo yanayoonyesha kuwa kifungu hiki kinapinga matumizi ya dawa za kulevya ni;
    1. msimulizi kufukuzwa shuleni, msimulizi  kujiunga na vijana wanaopinga matumizi mabaya ya dawa shuleni
    2. walimu kumshauri msimulizi, mama pamoja na mwalimu mkuu kumwonya msimulizi shuleni
    3. Kamaliza kuacha kuuza dawa, mama  kumshauri msimulizi
    4. mwalimu kugundua tatizo la msimulizi,  msimulizi kurudi shuleni 
  7. Kulingana na kifungu hiki, jamii inakabiliana na  tatizo la matumizi mabaya ya dawa kwa;
    1. wazazi kwenda shuleni wanapoitwa,  kuwajibika kwa vijana 
    2. ushirikiano kati ya wazazi na walimu,  kuwajibika kwa vijana
    3. ushirikiano kati ya wazazi na walimu,  kuaibika kwa vijana .
    4. kuwapeleka watoto shuleni, matajiri kuwasaidia watu
  8. Methali ambayo haifai kujumlisha ujumbe wa  taarifa hii ni;
    1. mchovya asali hachovyi mara moja
    2. mtegemea nundu haachi kunona
    3. mchezea tope humrukia 
    4. nazi mbovu harabu ya nzima 
  9. Uzuri wake huu ni wa mkakasi tu' ina maana  kuwa;
    1. hakuweza kutegemewa
    2. hakuweza kuaminika
    3. alikuwa mnafiki
    4. alikuwa mcheshi
  10. Msimulizi alikuwa 'sikio la kufa' kwa sababu;
    1. alipata adabu aliyotarajia baada ya kupiga  maji
    2. alifumaniwa na naibu wa mwalimu mkuu akipiga maji 
    3. hakuacha uraibu wake baada ya kuonywa  na baba na mwalimu
    4. hakupona homa baada ya kutumia unga


Andika insha ya kusisimua itakayomalizika kwa maneno haya

...nilipowaona marafiki wangu, ni8lifurahi si haba. Tuliungana na kurudi nyumambani kwa furaha.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
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  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
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  10. C
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  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
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  20. B
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  22. A
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  25. A
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  27. D
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
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  34. D
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  37. A
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  39. D
  40. D
  41. A
  42. A
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

           Every day we come     1    situations which makes us sacrifice. We sacrifice our time, peace of mind , money , comfort and    2    our property. We give these to our relatives, friends and all those     3      we have interacted with, including the old, the sick, the needy and the      4       in the society. What makes us happy is that in the     5     , we leave such people      6      than they were before. Our hearts      7      with satisfaction when they say a    8      'Thank you'.
              9     , how much have you or are you ready to sacrifice for yourself? Some people do     10    little to improve themselves. take a look at this: You went to school but your     11     in pre-primary , primary and high school was paid by your parents. they paid for your college too and      12    , you got a job soon after. How much have you paid for    13     yourself to a higher level? Some have    14     much. They have sponsored themselves to go higher than their parents left them. This is what we all      15     to do.

  A B C D
1 into across between to
2 also then even more
3 who that which whom
4 vulnerable famous popular wealthy
5  time  place  end  way
6  fairer  better  happy  stronger
7  melt  flow  grow  glow
8 simple real happy stronger
9 Therefore However More so Though
10 very so too much
11 bill  money  fees  needs
12 slowly  carefully  lastly  luckily
13  rise  raise  bring  put up
14 seen  heard  done  kept
15  need  want  try  dream

For question 16 and 17, choose the alternative that can best replace the underlined word.

  1. the officers came to inspect the damage cause by the floods
    1. Evaluate
    2. Confirm
    3. Cheek
    4. Assess
  2. The schools debating contest began at two o'clock
    1. Competition
    2. Speaking
    3. testing
    4. rehearsal

in the questions 18 and 20, choose the alternative that best fills the blank space.

  1. He arrived late _______ the gate was still open
    1. therefore
    2. more so
    3. otherwise
    4. however
  2. "Were you treated at the hospital?"
    "Yes, ________."
    1. I got
    2. I was
    3. I were
    4. I got treated.
  3. Julia does not like travelling at night and __________.
    1. Solomon does neither
    2. neither does Solomon
    3. nor Solomon does
    4. nor does Solomon

In questions 21 to 23, choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined word 

  1. If Timothy had paid for the trip, he would have travelled.
    1. Timothy travelled paid for the trip too late to travel
    2. Timothy wanted to pay for the trip so that he could travel
    3. Timothy travelled although he did not pay for the trip
    4. Timothy did not pay for the trip so he did not ravel
  2. "I will visit the dentist," said Joan
    1. Joan said that I will visit the dentist the next day
    2. Joan said that she would visit the dentist tomorrow.
    3. Joan said that she would visit the dentist the following day
    4. Joan said that she will visit the dentist tomorrow
  3. The workers hardly rest while at work
    1. The workers never rest while at work
    2. The workers barely rest while at work
    3. The workers sometimes rest while at work.
    4. The workers do not like taking a rest while at work.

In questions 24 and 25 choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

    1. "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. "early in the morning."
    2.  "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. "Early un the morning."
    3. "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. early in the morning."
    4. "Our exams will begin, said the teacher, early in the morning."
    1. All Charles' childrens' shoes are black
    2. All Charle's childrens shoes are black
    3. All Charles children's shoes are black.
    4. All Charles' children's shoes are black.

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38

           Daudi looked for his friends excitedly. He had made a discovery he believed would interest them. Just in the neighbouring farms, he had come across a squirrel. It looked big and good to eat  but then he knew he needed miracles to catch it. Many others had tired but only a handful were successful though he was sure with the brains they had, if combined, they could easily catch not just one but even four in a day. Each of them would carry a whole carcass home although the 'feast' would wait for three or so days.
           It was approaching three o'clock when he managed to assembled his 'soldiers' as he expected, they were excited. Naum said he knew how to make good traps and it would take him only minutes to do so. Tope, on the other hand, was good at tracking and so they were upbeat as they went through the hedge to Kauma's cassava farm. Tope reminded them that if they caught the four, they could inform Kauma and he would definitely reward them. However, Daudi hoped they would not be suspected of stealing the crop. The boys laid their traps at the entrance of the holes. They did not know whether the squirrels were in or out so they had only one option: to lie still and wait. The waiting period would depend on factors beyond their ability.
           In the next fifteen minutes or so, they saw a woman approaching the farm. She had a medium-sized reed basket and a short panga, the type used for harvesting cassava tubers. She looked left and right then crouched as she approached the farm. All the boys identified her positively: Teresa, the talkative woman who lived alone. creeping like a lizard, she went up near the centre of the farm. she was actually near the boys but out of earshot. She could not hear Naum describing her as the biggest squirrel they'd ever seen. She embarked on her business with skill and speed.
           A squirrel appeared as if from nowhere. it stood on its hind legs and looked at the woman. She picked up a stone, threw it at the creature and it swiftly shuttled towards the hedge. Another one followed and seemed to be hasty. Its head went right into the trap and was unlucky to get caught as the boys silently gave one another a 'high-five' for the achievement. However, Teresa saw it!
           The next activities happened faster than they expected. As the boys silenced themselves to see how Teresa would handle the situation, they heard shuffling and when they turned their heads, they almost stopped breathing. Kauma, the least expected person by both parties, appeared. he was accompanied by two young men and for the first time we, the trappers, felt really trapped.!
           In a matter of minutes , they were all out of the farm. The boys explained when and what had brought them into the farm. As they narrated how they had seen Teresa do all that she did, Kauma started smiling but when it reached where she went for the trapped squirrel, he laughed out loudly and everybody else except her, joined in. he was a kind man for he ordered us to be given our squirrel as he released Teresa unconditionally. He let her take the tubers she had harvested.

  1. What discovery had Daudi made?
    1. There were squirrels on the nearby farms
    2. Some neighbours had cassava.
    3. He had belief of interest.
    4. He has news that could excite them
  2. By saying he needed miracles to catch squirrels. Daudi meant
    1. no one had ever caught squirrels
    2. squirrels were mysterious creatures.
    3. It was almost an impossible task
    4. They boys were not good at catching squirrels
  3. Daudi believed they could catch even four squirrels per day because.
    1. The squirrels were everywhere.
    2. he had strong belief in their combined ability.
    3. he expected to be awarded for the achievement
    4. squirrels were not easy to catch by groups.
  4. According to the responsibilities they had.
    1. Daudi had no role to play.
    2. both Naum and Tope would work simultaneously.
    3. Tope would help find where the farms were
    4. Naum's skill would ve of most importance.
  5. The reason why Kauma would reward the boys is:
    1. He liked eating squirrel but was unable to trap them.
    2. The boys simply wanted permission to continue trapping.
    3. They would have assisted him to save his crop.
    4. no one else had ever caught squirrels on the farm.
  6. The boys would land themselves in trouble if
    1. more of their traps caught any squirrel
    2.  they were suspected of being thieves.
    3. they caught more than four squirrels
    4. one of them failed to take a carcass home.
  7. The boys' waiting period would depend on
    1. when a squirrel came in or out of the hole
    2. how many squirrels there were
    3. the number of squirrels they needed to catch
    4. how silent they could remain down there.
  8. The boys were suspicious of Teresa because.
    1. they all knew her well
    2. of what she carried and her movement
    3. she too liked catching squirrels
    4. she had no business at the farm.
  9. Naum's description of Teresa shows that he
    1. knew Teresa better than all the others
    2. could catch even very big squirrels
    3. wasn't quite sure if it was Teresa or a squirrel
    4. had some sense of humor.
  10. Why did Teresa throw a stone at the squirrel
    1. In order to kill it
    2. To make it enter its hole.
    3. To make it go away
    4. In order to test if it could get scared.
  11. What made the boys not to go fro the trapped squirrel immediately
    1. They wanted to catch more
    2. They were scared of Teresa
    3. The shuffling of feet distracted them
    4. They wanted to see Teresa's next move.
  12. Kauma must have laughed.
    1. as he realised Teresa was also an opportunist
    2. since he could not believe Teresa also ate squirrels
    3. because the boys were obviously lying
    4. as Teresa herself had not talked
  13. Kauma allowed Teresa to carry away the tubers
    1. to make sure she doesn't steal again
    2. as she behaved remorseful
    3. as he was a kind man at heart
    4. since he was thoroughly entertained

Read the passage below and the answer questions 39 to 50.

           Are you always saying 'Yes' to people whom you believe you should not? This is a bad habit  many of us suffer from though for a good reason. Many adults find themselves in this situation because of how they were raised.
           We were taught how to be polite and that came with always doing what we were told. Refusal to do so was seen as a backtalk and lack of discipline by parents, teachers and those in authority.
           Saying NO can be hard when you do not want to upset others, be a source of disappointment or just happen to be a people pleaser. Sometimes, you are scared of saying 'NO' for fear of feeling guilty afterwards, more so if you are in a position to help and have no valid reason to say "NO".
           A research study carried out by a social psychologist, in examining people's influence over others came to the conclusion that many people agree to do things they would prefer not to do to avoid the considerable discomfort of saying NO. Out of that, you find yourself being overwhelmed and unhappy because you said you would go for an event you did not want to attend or took up more work assignments when you are up in the neck with any deadlines.
           As valid as these fears may be, you need to mark deeply and fully understand why you need to say NO and for what reasons. Sometimes you just do not want to do it and it is time to say NO.
           Allow you say NO without lying which is usually the default for most of us matters, Be polite, firm and say you are not able to do whatever it is. You can follow up with responses like. "Let me get back to you." or "Let me think about it first then i'll get back to you."
           Learning to say NO is a huge favour to yourself. It will lessen your stress and pressure. Likewise, it will, it will enable you to do things you genuinely love and care about.

  1. According to the first sentence of the passage.
    1. there are many people who say YES unconsciously .
    2. You may be one of those who always say YES.
    3. people say YES when they mean NO
    4. you can decide to say YES and later NO.
  2. When you say YES to a person when you should not
    1. it is meant to please them.
    2. you suffer for it more than the other person.
    3. the person knows you are not serious
    4. you should explain the reason for it.
  3. A person who is well-raised is likely to
    1. say YES when he means exactly that
    2. Favour only the people he knows 
    3. to behave like a few adults
    4. fail to disappoint others.
  4. How do we get polite manners?
    1. When we don't disagree with others. 
    2. If many people talk well of us.
    3. Memory of home expectations and being obedient
    4. As long as we keep good company.
  5. Parents, teachers and people in authority are mentioned in the passage as
    1. those who teach us to be polite. 
    2. the only people known to be polite.
    3. those who feel uncomfortable with us.
    4. those who have both good and bad habit.
  6. When you tell a person NO, it's likely that
    1. he waits for his turn to tell you the same.
    2. he looks for one who could say YES.
    3. he realises you are actually polite.
    4. he gets disappointed.
  7. Why should one feel guilty after telling the other NO?
    1. We believe we too could be told NO
    2. When he knows he could have helped
    3. No one ever feel guilty when told NO.
    4. There is no reason completely for telling the other NO.
  8. When in company of others, many people
    1. forget to say NO when they should.
    2. say YES so that they are told the same. 
    3. feel comfortable to please the group.
    4. decide to say whatever they feel like.
  9. If you are invited to a party by a friend. you should stay
    1. NO is you don't intend to go. 
    2. YES even if you don't want to go.
    3. NO then surprise them by going.
    4. neither YES or NO.
  10. In most cases, when one says NO
    1. he should ensure it is well understood.
    2. it can later change to be a YES. 
    3. he must know the other person could be annoyed,
    4. he should do it genuinely and politely.
  11. It is possible to tell a person NO
    1. just intentionally to annoy him.
    2. without using the word itself.
    3. to make the person stop bothering you.
    4. to stress both the person and yourself
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. Ways of pleasing your friends.
    2. How lo communicate bad news to others.
    3. Be certain when you say NO.
    4. People do not mean what they say.


Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete it in your own words making it as interesting as possible

The night was calm and still. all seemed fine. I was however awakened by joyful ullulations and .....

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. D
  49. B
  50. C
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