Displaying items by tag: Class 8

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space choose the BEST answer for the choices given.

It was twenty minutes to ___1___ in the afternoon and I was eager to ___2___ home. I wanted to tell my mother___3 ___, ___4___ play we had ___5___ in my drama festival.

Just as I was preparing to 6 the classroom, our class teacher came___7___the room looking very ___8___ and suddenly the whole room became___9___still. I then ___10___ that she was looking at me ___11___ She walked ___12___. me, "Andrew, come with me for a moment, I need to tell you something."

Everyone turned and looked at me. I ___13____ anything wrong, and___14____imagine what she wanted and there was this total silence as if something terrible had happened, and everyone knew____15____ me. I followed her obediently and when we were outside, she smiled and said, “There's nothing to worry about. I was just acting." I felt so relieved.

    1. eleven
    2. four
    3. fore
    4. forth
    1. arrive
    2. reach at
    3. enter in
    4. stay
    1. off
    2. for
    3. about
    4. concerning
    1. some 
    2. an
    3. a
    4. the
    1. performed
    2. played
    3. acted
    4. done
    1. disappear
    2. leave
    3. run from
    4. enter
    1. in
    2. by 
    3. into
    4. to 
    1. excited
    2. happy
    3. . upset
    4. sad 
    1. too
    2. very
    3. so
    4. quite 
    1. realised
    2. released 
    3. assumed
    4. thought
    1. careful
    2. angrily
    3. smoothly
    4. slowly 
    1. besides
    2. to 
    3. towards
    4. Dear
    1. can'dt
    2. hadn't done
    3. couldn't do
    4. haven't done 
    1. couldn't
    2. wouldn't
    3. won't
    4. didn't 
    1. accept
    2. apart
    3. except
    4. about

For questions 16-18 choose the correct alternative

  1. When we reached the border, he ran __________ difficult.
    1. across
    2. into
    3. through
    4. upon
  2. They said there _______ an accident on the new Thika road previously 
    1. had been 
    2. will be 
    3. was 
    4. have been
  3. At dinner, we had
    1. well tasty cooked meat 
    2. cooked well tasty meat.
    3. . tasty well cooked meat
    4. well, cooked, tasty, meat

For question 19 choose the sentence which means the same as the one given. 

  1. Mary told me, "I cannot come with you."
    1. Mary told me I cannot go with you
    2. Mary told me that she could not come with me 
    3. Mary told me that she could not go with you 
    4. Mary told me that she could not go with me

For question 20 choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

    1. Did you think that was a very good film? 
    2. My father would have beaten me, but I begged him.
    3. If you drop that dish, it will brake.
    4. Roy thought that the examination questions were cheap.

For questions 21-23 choose the best alternative

  1. What______about?
    1. are these good news 
    2. is this good news 
    3. are these good news 
    4. was those good news
  2. It was not until yesterday
    1. as Moreu reported back to school
    2. when Moreu reported back to school 
    3. that Moreu reported back to school 
    4. for Moreu to report back to school
  3. _______live in the same house
    1. I and they 
    2. me and they
    3. . they and I 
    4. them and me.

For question 24 choose the word which means almost the same as the underlined word

  1. The teacher cannot compel us to work hard, but it is to our own advantage to do so
    1. order
    2. force. 
    3. urge 
    4. drive

For question 25 choose the best alternative 

  1. Let us pull together,______?________
    1. shall we? yes, we shall 
    2. shan't we? yes, shan't 
    3. will we? yes, we will
    4. won't we? no, we won't

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 26-38

One day, we landed on an island, and while my companions were gathering flowers and fruits, I took my wine and provisions and made a good meal near a stream between two high trees. Then I fell asleep and when I awoke the ship had gone.

I climbed to the top of a lofty tree to see if I could discover anything hopeful, and looked landward, I saw something white at a great distance, so I descended from the tree and made my way towards it. As I drew nearer, I thought it to be a huge white dome, and when I touched it, I found it was so smooth that there was no climbing to the top.

It was almost sunset. The air suddenly grew dark as if a huge cloud had come over the sun. I was surprised, but then I saw the cloud simply by a bird of monstrous size. I then remembered hearing sailors speak of a miraculous bird called the Roc and concluded that the great dome must be in reality its egg.

The bird alighted and sat over the egg and I noticed that its leg was as thick as the trunk of a tree. I tied myself securely to it with mu turban in the hope that when the Roc flew away the next morning, it would carry me with her out of this desert island. Fortunately, the bird was not aware of my presence.

My plan succeeded because at dawn, the Roc flew away but it went to such a height that I could not see the earth and when it descended it came down so rapidly that I almost lost my senses. I then immediately untied the knot that bound me to its leg. Scarcely had I donc so when the Roc picked up a large serpent and flew away with

I then found myself in a very deep valley surrounded by very high mountains which were too steep for me to climb. As I walked along the valley, I saw that it was strewn with diamonds some of which were very large. But then I saw a great number of serpents. When it was daylight, they disappeared in caves so as to be free from the Roc. It was then I left my place still trembling and walked for a long time on diamonds without feeling the least desire to possess the. After a time, I fell asleep as I had not slept at all the previous night.

  1. What did the writer do while his friends were collecting fruits and flowers? 
    1. He had a good meal then fell asleep 
    2. He waited for them near the stream C
    3. He found that his ship had gone
    4. He kept a watch on the wine and provisions 
  2. Why did the writer climb to the top of a lofty tree?
    1.  To see his ship which was nearby 
    2. To get a better view of his surroundings 
    3. To see if his friends were till gathering fruits
    4. To see the great desert island.
  3. What did the writer see in the distance on the landward side?
    1. His ship sailing away
    2. A monstrous bird covering the sun
    3. An enormous white dome
    4. Two high trees
  4. What caused the sudden darkening of the sky?
    1. The huge white dome
    2. The sun setting
    3. A huge cloud covering the sun
    4. A bird of enormous size covering the sun
  5. Why was the writer unable to climb to the top of the white object?
    1. It was too huge for him to climb
    2. It was too smooth for him to climb
    3. It was too fragile for it to break
    4. He was very afraid of mother Roc
  6. What did he do when the bird was resting on the egg?
    1. He tied himself to the bird's leg . 
    2. He noticed that its leg was very thick 
    3. He hoped that Roc would carry him away 
    4. He hid himself between two huge trees
  7. The writer's hopes were realised
    1. at day break 
    2. at sunset
    3. when the serpent disappeared during day time
    4. when he regained his senses
  8. Why was the writer not glad to be in the valley?
    1. There were very high mountains 
    2. There were very large diamonds
    3. There were a great number of serpents
    4. There were very many caves
  9. The word descend is used in the passage. What is the opposite?
    1. Ascent
    2. Ascend
    3. Towards.
    4. Ascended 
  10. Why did the serpent hide in the caves during daylight?
    1. To avoid being stepped on by the Roc
    2. To avoid being seen by the writer .
    3. To shelter from the hot sum
    4. To avoid being caught by the Roc
  11. The word "tremble" is used in the passage. Give the synonym
    1. tremor
    2. shake
    3. terror
    4. frightened 
  12. Why didn't the writer possess the diamond?
    1. He was trembling with snake bites
    2. They were of no use to him. He wanted to get out the valley C
    3. They were too large for him to carry
    4. Roc would kill him for stealing his diamonds
  13. What is not true according to the passage?
    1. The writer did not meet his companions after gathering fruits 
    2. Roc did not know that the writer had tied himself on its legs 
    3. Roc flow away with the writer very early in the morning
    4. The valley had many serpents

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39-50.

Obesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity is becoming a problem in the wealthy countries. It is most common among the middle aged but childhood obesity is also on the increase. Obesity occurs when the energy taken in exceeds the energy used.

The main and most obvious symptom of obesity is being overweight. Severe obesity may lead to difficulty in moving about and tiredness. It certainly reduces the life-span of the individual

Recent evidence suggests that overfeeding of infants and young children may lead to production of increased amounts of fats in the body. This makes the individual have a higher chance of becoming obese in adulthood.

Obese people are at a higher risk of suffering from the following diseases: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, back problems and athritis. These diseases may in turn result in early death or disability, Consequently, it is important to prevent obesity so as to live long healthy life. Prevention is better than cure. Treating obesity is difficult, therefore, it is easier to prevent it. The following are the various ways of preventing obesity. First, we should eat meals that contain plenty of fibre and not too much fat or sugar. These are meals with vegetables and legumes. We should also ensure that the snacks we take are not rich in fat. We should also avoid alcohol, do regular exercises and eat only what is enough for our body. This way, we will kick obesity out of our lives.

  1. Which one are commonly affected by the obesity?
    1. Children
    2. Middle aged
    3. Infants
    4. The aged 
  2. From the passage you have read, the words "excessive accumulation" are underlined. They are likely to mean
    1. increased storage 
    2. type of fat
    3. decreased amounts
    4. low amounts
  3. Which one is the best answer to show when obesity occur?
    1. When we cat and do nothing at all 
    2. When we do not exercise 
    3. When the energy we take in is more than the energy we need
    4. When we do not eat at all
  4. According to the passage, the word individual is used in the passage. It means
    1. the writer of the passage
    2. anybody
    3. person suffering from obesity
    4. personal
  5. Those people who are obese are at risk of suffering from
    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. typhoid
    3. Rout
    4. diabetes
  6. Which one is an obvious symptom of obesity
    1. slow in movement and exercises 
    2. excess weight in the body
    3. coughing and sneezing
    4. less excess weight in the body 
  7. It is true to say that obesity can be 
    1. incurable
    2. preventable
    3. curable
    4. not preventable
  8. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about the obese people?
    1. They exercise a lot
    2. They eat a lot of food
    3. They eat a lot of snacks
    4. They eat a lot of fatty foods
  9. According to the passage, prevention is better than cure are used. They are likely to mean
    1. we wait till we are obese to start preventing 
    2. we wait till obesity strikes so as to prevent - and cure it 
    3. when we are obese, it is easier to prevent than to cure
    4. we prevent being obese long before we become obese
  10. Why has the writer advised us to protect ourselves against obesity? 
    1. To eat less food 
    2. To exercise a lot 
    3. To live long healthy lives among us
    4. To cut on costs of treating the disease
  11. We should not avoid_____and_____ to prevent obesity
    1. snacks and alcohol
    2. fat and alcohol
    3. cabbages and kales
    4. cabbages and fat
  12. It is good to ensure that we eat only what is enough for our body so that
    1. we replace only the energy used
    2. we are able to store energy for future use
    3. we have less energy in the body.
    4. save on amount of food


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. B
  38. A
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. C
  43. C
  44. B
  45. B
  46. AC
  47. D
  48. C
  49. C
  50. A
  1. Which one of the following is 47665210 in words?
    1. Forty seven million, six sixty five thousand two hundred and ten.
    2. Four million seven hundred and sixty five thousand two hundred and ten.
    3. Forty seven million six hundred and sixty five thousand two hundred and ten.
    4. Forty seven million six hundred and fifty six thousand two hundred and one.
  2. What is the difference between the largest number and the smallest number formed by the digits 4, 5, 1, 0, 2?
    1. 43965
    2. 55455
    3. 52965
    4. 54455
  3. Work out twice the value of:
    12− (196÷14) x 2 + 26
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 44
    4. 22
  4. Round off 499.9972 to the nearest hundredths.
    1. 499.99
    2. 499.00
    3. 500
    4. 500.00
  5. What is the largest capacity of a bottle that can be used to completely empty three containers each holding 48L, 60L and 72L without a remainder?
    1. 24L
    2. 12L
    3. 720L
    4. 360L
  6. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line CD and XY is a straight line, angle CKR = 110°, line RT RY.
    C8 ET2 maths Q6 2021
    What is the measure of angle YTB?
    1. 125°
    2. 55°
    3. 70°
    4. 110°
  7. 24 workers can take 30 days to complete the construction of a bridge. How many more days will it take to complete the work if 4 workers failed to turn up?
    1. 36
    2. 32
    3. 2
    4. 6
  8. A man deposited sh 60000 in a bank. After 2½ years he withdrew a total of 68250. At what rate per annum was the money earning the interest?
    1. 5½%
    2. 5%
    3. 11.4%
    4. 7½%
  9. Njuguna and Mercy shared the profit of sh 20000 in the ration 3:1. How much did Njuguna get?
    1. Sh 5000
    2. Sh 10000
    3. Sh 15000
    4. Sh 12000
  10. A grazing farm in a rectangular shape was drawn using a scale of 1:50000. Calculate the distance round the rectangular farm as accurately drawn below.
             C8 ET2 maths Q610 2021
    1. 13m
    2. 26m
    3. 1300000m
    4. 13km
  11. Electric poles were erected to connect electricity between two towns 3.75km apart. If the poles were placed 50m apart, how many poles were used?
    1. 75
    2. 76
    3. 3700
    4. 38
  12. What is the value of
    ½ of 4½ ÷ 22/x 7/9 − 2/5?
    1. 7/20
    2. 8/20
    3. 3/4
    4. 9/20
  13. In a meeting there were 7354 people. The number of men was 1022 more than that of women. How many men attended the meeting?
    1. 6332
    2. 5210
    3. 4188
    4. 3166
  14. Josphine bought the following items from a shop
    2½bars of soap @sh 120
    1¼kg of sugar @sh 320
    2 - 2kg packets of flour at sh 80
    0.5kg of rice at sh 80
    How much did she pay for the items?
    1. Sh 1060
    2. Sh 980
    3. Sh 1100
    4. Sh 900
  15. A square piece of land has an area of 12.25 ha. It was fenced round using 5 strands of wire. What is the length of the wire used?
    1. 350m
    2. 7000m
    3. 1400m
    4. 70m
  16. The figure below represents a gate. Line AB=ED=12m, line AF=FE 5m, line FC = 15m.
    C8 ET2 maths Q16 2021
    Both sides of the gate were painted. Calculate the area that was painted.
    1. 67.5m2 
    2. 120m2 
    3. 135cm2
    4. 270m2
  17. Given that m=12, n=½m and w=5. What is the value of:
    ½(2m+nw) - n2 +2m?
    1. 15
    2. 27
    3. 9
    4. 21
  18. Jerome paid sh 840 for a shirt after he was given a discount of 30%. How much more was the marked price than the selling price?
    1. Sh 1200
    2. Sh 1140
    3. Sh 300
    4. Sh 360
  19. Tamara can sweep a room in 8 minutes, Jane can sweep the same room in 12 minutes. How long would the two girls take to sweep the same room together?
    1. 4 min 48 seconds
    2. 20 minutes
    3. 5 minutes
    4. 4 minutes, 4/5 seconds
  20. The pie chart below shows how pupils chose their favourite games and sports.
    C8 ET2 maths Q20 2021
    If 18 pupils chose football, how many pupils were there altogether in that class?
    1. 36
    2. 48
    3. 54
    4. 60
  21. A motorist left town A for town B a distance of 120km at a speed of 60km/h. After 30 minutes he got a puncture which took 30 minutes to repair. After repair he travelled the remaining distance at a speed of 45km/h. What was his average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 52½ km/h
    2. 40km/h
    3. 60km/h
    4. 45km/h
  22. Find the value of x in x − 1 + 3x + 3 = 11
                                         5           4
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 11
  23. The table below shows the amount of milk produced by cows in the Okoloi's farm in one week 
     Days   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thur   Fri   Sat 
     Amount in lItres   ____  73  ____   78  80   76

    The average amount of milk produced in the six days was 75 litres. If 5 more litres were produced on Monday than on Wednesday. How many litres were produced on Monday?
    1. 74 
    2. 69
    3. 143
    4. 138
  24. A closed cylinder has a diameter of 28cm and a height of 30cm. What is the surface area when open at the top?
    1. 2640cm2
    2. 3256cm2
    3. 1184cm2
    4. 3872cm2
  25. Mr Mugo spends 25% of his salary on food, 35% on rent, 16% on fees and saves the rest which is sh 6000. What is his monthly salary?
    1. Sh 24000
    2. Sh 18000
    3. Sh 25000
    4. Sh 30000
  26. A car travelling at a speed of 72km/h took one minute to cross a tunnel. How long is the tunnel in kilometres?
    1. 1200
    2. 1.2
    3. 7.2
    4. 72
  27. Construct triangle EFG in which angle EFG = 60°, line EF = 6cm and FG = 7cm. Draw a circle touching the 3 vertices of the triangle. What is its radius?
    1. 7.6cm
    2. 2.1cm
    3. 4.2cm
    4. 3.8cm
  28. The temperature of ice was 15°C below the melting point. After heating for 5 minutes the temperature rose to 48°C. What was the rise in temperature?
    1. 48°C
    2. 33°C
    3. 63°C
    4. 38°C
  29. A room measured 8m in length, 6m in width and 5m in height. Windows and doors covered 14m2. If the inner walls were painted what was the area painted?
    1. 140m2 
    2. 236m2
    3. 126m2 
    4. 222m2
  30. The sum of the area of the two squares formed on the two shorter sides of a right-angled triangle is 42.25cm2. If its base length is 2.5cm. Calculate height of the triangle?
    1. 6.5cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 8cm
    4. 6cm
  31. How many cubes are used to make the stack below?
    C8 ET2 maths Q31 2021
    1. 88
    2. 84
    3. 80
    4. 120
  32. In a school, lessons take 45 minutes. The lessons start at 8:20 am and ends at 3:20 pm. All the breaks take 2½ hours. How many lessons are there in a day?
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 6
    4. 9
  33. Joseph is twice as old as Sarah and Hillary is 6 years younger than Joseph. If Sarah is y years. Write an expression to show the sum of their ages in two years time?
    1. 5y + 6
    2. 5y− 6
    3. 5y
    4. 5y + 12
  34. Work out 45.6 + 0.24 x 7.2  − 4.5
                              0.36 x 0.96
    1. 46.1
    2. 123.92
    3. 63.62
    4. 41.1
  35. Simplify:2/5 (25x − 20) − 3(1/3x+1)
    1. 11x − 11
    2. 11x − 5
    3. 9x − 11
    4. 9x− 5
  36. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 111. Which is the smallest number among them?
    1. 36
    2. 35
    3. 37
    4. 39
  37. What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below?
              C8 ET2 maths Q37 2021
    1. 56cm2
    2. 112cm2
    3. 196cm2
    4. 98cm2
  38. In a class two fifth are boys. If there are 18 girls, how many more girls than boys are in that class?
    1. 12
    2. 3
    3. 9
    4. 6
  39. A trader bought 500 oranges for sh 4000.During the transportation 20 of them got spoilt. She sold the remaining in piles of 3 at sh 30. What percentage profit did she make?
    1. 10%
    2. 25%
    3. 20%
    4. 15%
  40. A family uses three - 200ml packets of milk everyday. How many litres of milk does the family use in the month of January and February 2020?
    1. 36
    2. 360
    3. 18
    4. 35.4
  41. After a salary increase of 20%, Jane now earns sh 10728. How much did she earn before the increase?
    1. Sh 7152
    2. Sh 8940
    3. Sh 1788
    4. Sh 12873.60
  42. In the figure below line WX is parallel to YZ. Line YX bisect angle WYZ. Line MW = MX, angle WYX = 25°.
    C8 ET2 maths Q42 2021
    Find angle YXZ.
    1. 50°
    2. 750°
    3. 1050°
    4. 80°
  43. The hire purchase price of a TV set is 15% more than the marked price. The marked price is sh 20000. When buying through hire purchase, a deposit is required followed by monthly instalments of sh 1050 for 18 months. How much deposit is required?
    1. sh 1100
    2. sh 2100
    3. sh 3100
    4. sh 4100
  44. What is 12.5% as a fraction in simple form?
    1. ¼
    2. 1/80
    3. 1/8
    4. 1/40
  45. The net below was folded to form a solid.
    C8 ET2 maths Q45 2021
    What is the sum of faces and vertices of une solid forined?
    1. 11
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 9
  46. What is the sum of the next two numbers in
    7, 14, 25, 38,___,___
    1. 129
    2. 124
    3. 123
    4. 127
  47. The perimeter of the figure below is 50cm.
    C8 ET2 maths Q47 2021
    Calculate its area.
    1. 60cm2
    2. 120cm2
    3. 80cm2
    4. 90cm2
  48. What is the capacity of the through drawn below in dl?
               C8 ET2 maths Q48 2021
    1. 2.31
    2. 2310
    3. 231
    4. 23100
  49. A lorry was loaded with 40 bags of beans each weighing 110kg. When half of the was off loaded, the lorry weighed 5.7 tonnes.  What is the mass of the empty lorry? 
    1. 3.5t
    2. 3t
    3. 3.2t
    4. 3.7t
  50. The graph below shows thea number of pupils who were present in a class of 50 pupils in one week.
    Maths C8 ET2 2021 Q50
    What is the average number of pupils who were present that week?
    1. 231
    2. 3.8
    3. 19
    4. 46.2


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. C
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. A
  50. B
Monday, 20 September 2021 11:24

Leisure - Class 8 CRE Revision Notes


The Meaning of Leisure

  • Leisure is the time when we are free from work or studies.
  • There are many activities one can do during leisure.
  • These activities can be classified into:
    •  Active leisure
    • Passive leisure
  • Active leisure involves physical activities .
  • Such activities include:-
  • Sports and games.
  • Dancing.
  • Passive leisure has minimal or no physical activity.
  • It includes watching television, reading, listening to music or sleeping.
  • We should not use leisure time to engage in immoral activities.


  1. List four games one can take part in during leisure time
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
    3. ________________
    4. ________________
  2. The fourth commandment states

Leisure Today And In Traditional African Communities.

  • There were many leisure activities in traditional African communities.
  • Different people participated in leisure activities according to:-
    1. Age
    2. Gender
    3. Social status.
  • Today leisure activities are done according to people’s :-
    1. Interests
    2. Affordability.
    3. Availability of time.
  • Leisure activities were conducted during seremonies such as:-
    1. Naming
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Funerals
    5. Thanksgiving.
  • Some of these leisure activities were
    1. Visits
    2. Games and sports
    3. Folk stories
    4. Riddles and tongue twisters.
    5. Leisure activities accompanied work in African societies.
    6. Leisure is important to all people irrespective of age, gender or social status.

Uses of Leisure For Personal Growth

  • Leisure is good for physical and spiritual growth.
  • One can do voluntary work in the community.
  • Leisure time can also be used to develop skills and talents.
  • One can also acquire new skills during leisure time.
  • Leisure time can be used for fellowship with other chriatians.
  • David used his leisure time to play the harp.
  • He ended up using the skill to help King Saul when he was tormented by evil spirit.
  • Leisure can be used to relieve fatigue, evil thoughts and sadness.


  1. List three talents one can develop during leisure
    1. _______________
    2. _______________
    3. _______________
  2. State four examples of passive leisure
    1.  _______________
    2.  ______________
    3. _______________

To Be With Family

  • Leisure time can be used to be with one’s family
  • During leisure time, family members can
    1. Visit friends or relatives.
    2. Pray and worship together.
    3. Visit different places.
    4. Engage in charity work.
  • Leisure time allows family members to :-
    1. Unite as a family
    2. Appreciate one another
    3. Understand one another.
    4. Enjoy each other’s company.
      The bible teaches that Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth felt honored to be visited by the Lord’s mother
  • We should spend quality leisure time with our friends and relatives.


  1. List two types of families
  2. State three things one can do with his or her family members. 

For Cultural Development

  • Leisure time can be used to gain knowledge on culture.
  • This can be done through
    1. Visiting cultural centers
    2. Participating in music and drama festivals.
    3. Telling folk stories, riddles and tongue twisters.
    4. Visiting grandparents.
    5. Encouraging sports and games.
    6.  Supporting cultural events.
    7. Having family leisure time.
  •  David was gifted in playing the harp.
  • Playing the harp was a Jewish cultural practice for boys.
  • He ended up helping Saul who was tormented by evil spirits. 6. We should enhance our culture during our free time.


  1. Name two cultural centers in Kenya
  2. Write three proverbs in English, Kiswahili and your mother tongue.

Christian Activities During Leisure

  • There are many ways a Christian can spend their leisure time
  • Christian leisure activities should be morally right.
  • Such activities may include
    1. Visiting
    2. Worshipping God
    3. Resting
    4. Spending time with family
    5. Participating in church activities
    6. Attending retreats.
    7. Games and sports
    8. Guidance and counseling
    9. The bible teaches that God sanctioned rest when he made the sabath. 5. The Sabbath is sanctified as a holy day of rest.
    10. Christians should observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.


  1. List the creations of God according to the biblical order of creation a
    1. ______________________
    2. ______________________
    3. ______________________
    4. ______________________
    5. ______________________
    6. ______________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________is the fourth commandment.

Misuse of Leisure

  • Leisure can be used to engage in immoral activities.
  • This may be caused by
    1. Peer pressure
    2. Curiosity
    3. Idleness
    4. Lack of guidance
    5. Having too much money.
  • Activities that misuse leisure include
    1. Pre-marital sex
    2.  Abusing drugs
    3. Idling and gossiping
    4. Over-indulging in the same activities.
    5. Getting into bad company.
  •  Misuse of leisure makes life miserable
  • Noah abused leisure when he got drunk with wine.
  • He ended up staying naked in sight of his son Ham.
  • The end result was that Ham got cursed
  • We should avoid destructive leisure activities.


  1. State two effects or results of irresponsible sex during leisure
  2. The sons of Noah were _____________________

Leisure And Unemployment

  • Leisure time is the time when one is free from work and studies
  • Unemployment, on the other hand, is lack of work to earn a living.
  • Unemployed people are not in continuous leisure time.
  • Such people may engage in crime and other destructive activities.
  • This can be avoided through self employment.
  •  One can also train to acquire new skills.
  • Apostle Paul condemned laziness when teaching Thessalonians.
  • He was a good example for he worked as a tent-maker.
  • Unemployed people should not engage in idling and gossip. 
  • They should trust in God and keep trying to gain regular employment.


  1. State two categories of leisure activities
  2. 2ndThessalonians 3:10 says
  3. List two traditional leisure activities
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Responding to Christ's Call

The Meaning of Discipleship

  • A disciple is a follower of another person’s religious or political teaching.
  • Jesus had twelve disciples.
  • John the Baptist and the Pharisees also had disciples.
  • In Christianity, discipleship is a response to Christ’s call
  • The first four disciples of Jesus were :
    1. Peter and Andrew
    2. James and John.
  • All disciples of Jesus gave up their comfort and worldly possessions to follow him.
  • Discipleships call for love and commitment in serving God and others.
  • A disciple should have unshakeable faith in Jesus and God.
  • Disciples of Jesus are expected to be his witness all over the world.
  • Disciples should also be ready to suffer for their faith like Stephen and Paul.


  1. Name four disciples of Jesus with multiple names.

The Teachings of Jesus Christ on Discipleship

  • Jesus taught his disciples to deny themselves so as to follow him.
  • He taught them to love their enemies and do good to those who persecute them.
  • Jesus taught his followers to forgive and forget.
  • Our forgiveness completely depends on our forgiveness.
  • God forgives the sins of those who forgive others.
  • Disciples must be ready to endure hardships.
  • Family obligations should not interfere with the demands of the kingdom.
  • Discipleship calls for total commitment on the part of the disciple.
  • Jesus was approached by a man in the Samaritan village who wanted to follow him. 
  • Jesus told him that foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to rest his head.


  1. Mathew 5:44 says ______________________
  2. The disciple who said ,” can anything good come from Nazareth" was________________
  3. The disciple who walked with the risen Christ to Emmaus was_______________

Abiding In The Vine

  • Christ is the true vine and his followers are the branches.
  • His father, our God, is the vinedresser.
  •  Abiding in the vine is accepting Jesus and obeying his commandments.
  • Christians too, should be totally dependent on Jesus the source of life.
  • They are also expected to bear fruits of love, patience and service to God and mankind
  • Without abiding in Christ, such fruits cannot be produced.
  • We should desire to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.


  1. John 15:7 says __________________________
  2. Write four qualities of a Christian disciple
    1. ___________________________
    2. ___________________________
    3. ___________________________
    4. ___________________________
  3.  The most loved disciple of Jesus was

Loving One Another

  • To love is to care deeply for someone.
  •  As disciples of Jesus we are expected to love one another.
  • Loving others involves
    1. Caring for the well being of others
    2. Sharing with the needy
    3. Forgiving those who offend us.
    4. Praying for our enemies.
    5. Denying oneself comfort for others’ sake
    6. Suffering for those we love.
  • God demonstrate His love by offering his son as a sacrifice for sin
  • Apostle Paul taught that love is the greatest thing a disciple can achieve
  • Love without good deeds is worthless.
  • Apostle John taught that from the beginning God wanted us to love onr another.
  • Christians should love one another as a mark of true discipleship.


  1. All commandments are summed up by __________________
  2. The first four commandment are about loving __________________
  3. Love ____________ is the way Jesus summarized the last six commandments.

Serving One Another And Denying Oneself

  • Service refers to actions of kindness and love to others.
  • Christians should serve all people without discrimination
  • They should deny themselves some comfort in order to be of service to others.
  • Self denial in an important characteristic of a Christian disciple.
  • Jesus taught that his disciples should be ready to endure suffering.
  • During the last supper, Jesus washed his disciple’s feet.
  • By so doing, Jesus taught humility in service.
  • We can serve God through serving our fellow human beings.


  1. List four New Testament names for Passover.
  2. Who had denied Jesus the chance to wash his feet?

The Place of Wealth in Christian Discipleship

  1. Wealth is material possessions such as money, land or property.
  2. God blesses people to be wealthy.
  3. Wealthy people should not be proud or arrogant.
  4. Instead, they should live with humility and thankfulness.
  5. Wealthy Christians can use their wealth to work for God.
  6. They can use their wealth to support church programs such as evangelization and outreach.
  7. They can also support the needy in the communities they live in.
  8. The bible teaches Christians to ask God to bless them with enough.
  9. We should share with gladness what God has given us.


  1. Wealthy people are those who have
    1. ________________________
    2. ________________________
    3. ________________________
    4. ________________________
  2. Africans believe that wealth came from ________________________

Misuse of Wealth in Christian Discipleship

  • Wealth is said to be misused when it is used in a way that does not glorify God.
  • Christians should not in opulence and luxury to draw people’s attention.
  • They should not exploit their workers to work for long hours.
  • Christian employers should not threaten their employees.
  • Wealthy Christians should give tithe to support the work of God.
  • Prophet Micah condemned the rich who gave bribes to subvert justice.
  • They paid prophets to give favourable revelations.
  • The priest interpreted the law for them to favour their interests.


  1. List two wealthy bible personalities.
  2. State three things done by the rich condemned by Apostle James.

The Role of Evangelistic And Witnesses

  • An evangelist is a person who preaches to person urging them to accept Christ.
  • A witness is a person who tells the truth about what he has seen or heard.
  • A Christian witness tells others about Christ through their actions.
  • we can all be witnesses of Christ if we conduct ourselves according to the teachings of Christ.
  • Jesus started the greatest commission on earth
  • He sent his disciples to make people of all nations his disciples.
  •  The early missionaries responded to that call by spreading the gospel to Frica.
  • We should appreciate the role of evangelists and witnesses in the church.


  1. was the apostle of the gentiles.
  2. Jesus told his disciples to begin their missionary work in to the uttermost parts of the earth.
  3. Paul made missionary journeys.
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Family, Love and Marriage

Types of Families

  • A family is a group of people who are related by:-
    1. Blood
    2. Marriage
    3. Adoption.
  • There are two types of families namely :-
    1. Nuclear family
    2. Extended family.
  • A nuclear family is made up of:-
    1. Father
    2. Mother
    3. Children
  • An extended family is made up of:
    1. The nuclear family
    2. Other relatives.
  • A Christian nuclear is complete even without children
  • Family members should love and respect one another.
  • God established families and wants them to stay united.


  1. Name members of the extended family other than the nuclear family 
    1. _________________________
    2. _________________________
    3. _________________________
    4. _________________________
    5. _________________________
    6. _________________________
  2. List two complete biblical families.


Factors Considered When Choosing A Marriage Partner

  • Marriage is a legally recognized union between a man and a woman.
  • The legal union between marriage partners makes them one
  • There are various factors considered when choosing a marriage partner.
  • These factors include :-
    1. Maturity
    2. Self-discipline
    3. Good character
    4. Respect
    5. Family background
    6. Hard work
  • When choosing a marriage partner, one should not consider :
    1. Physical beauty
    2. Wealth
    3. Sexual demands
  • Factors when choosing whom to marry are considered during courtship
  • The bible teaches that a sensible wife is only given by God.
  • Joseph was engaged to Mary and married her according to God’s law.


  1. List two types of families
  2. List three thing that join family members.

Benefits of A Christian Marriage

  • A Christian marriage has many benefits
    1. The couple is given guidance and counseling.
    2. Marriage partners are taught about their responsibilities in advance
    3. A Christian wedding is conducted in public and has many witnesses
    4. The wedding gives one a sense of belonging when it is conducted in his/her church. 
    5. Prayers said during a Christian wedding bestow blessings on the couple
    6. Wedding rings are an outward mark of a Christian marriage.
    7.  Marriage certificate given during a Christian wedding makes it legal.
    8. Christian marriages are recognized by God and the state.
    9. A Christian marriage is monogamous and gives one a sense of security.


  1. The bible teaches that whoever God has put together
  2. List three Christians virtues that bind marriage partners
    1. _______________________
    2. _______________________
    3. _______________________

Factors to Consider When Getting Married

  • Marriage is voluntary and binding for a man and a woman to become one.
  • It is a lifelong commitment that should be entered in sobriety.
  • There are several factors one should consider when getting married.
  • These factors include
    1.  Religious background.
    2. Likes and interest
    3.  Age of a partner
    4. Family background.
    5.  Level of education
    6. Economic background
  • Abraham organized for his son Isaac to get a good wife.
  • Abraham servant prayed before choosing Rebecca for Isaac.
  • Christians should pray for God’s guidance when choosing a marriage partner.


  1. Match the following bible personalities with their wives
    1. Amram _______________________
    2. Aquila _______________________
    3. Nabal _______________________
    4. Mahlon _______________________
  2. Dowry is_______________________

Essential Needs of A Family

  • A family has member who have essential needs
  • The essential needs of a family can be classified as
    1. Physical needs
    2.  Social needs
    3.  Spiritual needs
  •  Physical needs include food, water, shelter and clothing.
  • Social needs of a family include:-
    1. Security
    2. Love
    3. Acceptance
    4.  Self esteem
  • The need for God stands above every other need of a family.
  • Family members need to live with hope and assurance of eternal life.
  • Jesus taught that human beings cannot live on bread alone.
  • Just as we need food for physical growth, we need the gospel for spiritual well-being.


  1. Give examples of the following
    1. Basic need
    2. Secondary need
    3. Tertiary need
  2. The word essential means

Obstacles To A Good Marriage

  • There are many factors that may lead to failure in a marriage
  • Some of the factors include
    1. Unfaithfulness
    2. Childlessness
    3. Communication breakdown
    4. Mistrust
    5. Different likes and interest
    6. Poverty
    7.  Interference from the extended family.
    8. Alcoholism and drug abuse
    9. Un- forgiveness and intolerance
    10. Failure to pay dowry.
  • Marriage partners should strive to overcome all obstacles.
  • God values the institution of marriage
  • No one should separate those whom God has put together,


  1. Partners who have marriage problems should go for ___________ and ___________
  2. The first marriage was ordained by ___________ in ___________
  3.  List three factors considered when choosing a marriage partner
    1. ___________
    2. ___________
    3. ___________

Traditional African View on Love And Marriage

  • Africans traditionally valued and respected the marriage institution
  • Marriage was an obligation and every African was expected to marry.
  • African marriage was mainly for child-bearing or procreation.
  • An African family was not complete without children.
  •  Africans valued chastity and sex before marriage was considered immoral.
  • African marriage extended kinship bands; one got more relatives.
  •  An African marriage raised the status of a couple.
  • Polygamous unions were encouraged in African marriage eradicating adultery and prostitution
  • Polygamy also raised the status of the first wife and the husband.
  • The bible teaches that riches can be inherited but a sensible wife comes from the Lord.


  1. State three reasons why children were valued in African communities
  2. Dowry is also known as

Christian Teaching On Love and Marriage

  • A Christian marriage is highly valued.
  • The marriage unit forms the foundation of a strong nation
  •  Among the Christian teaching on marriage are:-
    • Marriage was established by God
    • Courtship should be pure and mature
    • Fornication is not allowed
    • Procreation should be within marriage
    • Love and fitfulness are the cornerstones of marriage.
    • The wife should submit to the husband.
  • The bible teaches that God ordained marriage from the very beginning.
  • Celibacy is a gift from God but it is not for all people.
  • Apostle taught that marriage partners should honour their roles towards each other.
  • Windows and widowers can remarry to avoid temptations.


  1. Define courtship
  2. List two types of sexual immorality.
  3. Husbands should love their wives just as

Qualities of A Good Parent

  • A good parent provides the basic needs of his or her family.
  • Such parent advises children concerning good conduct and character.
  • Z good parent provides both formal and non-formal education.
  • Good parents provide security and protection for their families.
  • Children should get love and attention from their parents.
  • Parents should give directions to their children in all matters especially about God.
  • The bible teaches that children are a gift from God.
  • Family members should always be committed to the family cause.
  • Jesus admonished his disciples for barring children from him.
  • He said “let the children come to me”


  1. List three biblical parents and their children
  2. Mathew 19:14 says

Qualities of A Good Child

  • A good child takes the initiative to help in family duties
  • Such a child offers encouragement to his or her parents.3. A good child provides physical protection for the family where need be.
  • An obedient child is a role model to the rest of the family.
  • He/she can be relied on to provide for the family when the parents are away
  • A good child accepts and takes correction positively when wrong
  • Above all, a good child is God fearing
  • The bible teaches that children have a chriatian duty to obey their parents.
  • Those who obey their parents have a promised of a long and prosperous life.
  • We should desire to honour and obey our parents.


  1. State two types of families
  2. Define a family
  3. The words, “let the children come to me” were said by _____________
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Social Problems And Christian Value

Christian Values

  1. Justice

    • Justice is the quality of being fair and acting according to what is right. 
    • It involves condemning what is wrong and uphold what is right.
    • Justice brings peace and harmony among people.
    • Prophet Jeremiah condemns the injustice of :-
      1. Killing innocent people
      2. Mistreating foreigners
      3. Mistreating windows and orphans.
    • Amos challenged the injustice in courts.
    • He spoke against oppressing the poor
    • Amos also condemned selling people in slavery.
    • He also condemned false scales and overcharging customers.
    • Apostle James condemned the rich who deny their laborers their wages. 10. He also condemned those who murder innocent people.

      1. Corruption in courts was condemned by________________
      2. Prophet Micah condemned the injustice of______________
  2. Fairness

    • fairness is the value of being just and impartial
    • it involves doing things according to laid down rules and regulations
    • Fair people treat others as they would like to be treated.
    • Joseph’s brothers treated him unfairly because his father loved him.
    • They sold him to the Ishmaelite and he ended up in prison.
    • Jesus refused to condemn a woman who had been caught in adultery,
    • He treated her fairly and advised her to stop her immoral life.
    • God expects us to treat all people with justice and fairness

      1. State two reasons why Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son
        1. ____________________
        2. ____________________
      2. _________________suggested that they should throw Joseph into a well
      3. _____________convinced his brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelite.

  3. Honesty And Integrity

    • Honesty and integrity are important Christian values
    • Honest people tell the truth and do not steal.
    • Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong morals
    • People of integrity are upright, honest and sincere.
    • They are just and honest in their behaviour.
    • Prophet Elisha had a dishonest servant called Gehazi.
    • Gehazi wanted to benefit financially from Elisha’s miracle
    • He ended up getting leprosy together with his descendants
    • God wants us to uphold justice and integrity
    • We should tell the truth to all people at all times.

      1. Namaan got healed of his leprosy by __________________
      2. ___________ and __________ lied to the holy spirit
      3. _______________is the father of lies.

Social Problems

  1. Nepotism

    1. Nepotism is the vice of showing favoritism to one’s relatives.
    2. It makes family members receive privileges they do not deserve.
    3. Nepotism at the workplace may result in the following :-
      1. Bitterness and rivalry
      2. Lack of love and concern
      3. Frustration and hopelessness
      4. Lack of teamwork
      5. Disrespect\poor work output.
    4. Jesus refused to show nepotism in his ministry
    5. He refused his mother and his brothers undue recognition.
    6. Jesus refused to grant James and John the right to sit beside Him in his kingdom
    7. To Jesus, leadership meant service to others not gaining special favour.

      1. The earthly brothers of Jesus were _____________
      2. James and John the sons of _________________ were also known as _________________

  2. Tribalism{Ethnicism}

    • Tribalism is the unfair treatment of people from other tribes.
    •  It involves granting unwarranted favours to members of one’s tribe.
    • Tribalism comes from mistrust among members of different ethnic communitie
    • It causes bitterness, pain and suffering to its victims.
    • esus was denied water by a Samaritan woman because he ws a Jew
    • He however gave the Samaritan woman life- giving water.
    • Jesus taught his disciples not to discriminate against anyone.
    • He was a universal savior as shown by the miracles of
      1. Healing the ten lepers
      2. Healing the centurion servant
      3. Healing a Canaanite woman’s daughter.

        1. To whom did Jesus say, “it is not good for me to take children’s food and give it to dogs”
        2. The fear and hatred for people from other countries is called_____________________

  3. Corruption

    • Corruption is practiced by those who lack honesty and intergrity.
    • It involves giving and receiving bribes.
    • Bribes are given as money or service offered in return of a favour.
      1. Greed
      2. Selfishness
      3. Desire to quick riches
      4. Indiscipline.
    • Corruption is prevalent when:-
      1.  People win elections unfairly
      2. Police take handouts to flout traffic rules
      3. Justice is denied to court of laws
      4. Students are to schools they don’t deserve.
    • Corruption can be overcome through
      1. Refusing to give or receive bribes.
      2. Reporting corruption to relevant authorities
      3. Creating awareness\supporting anti-corruption efforts.
    • The ethics and Anti-Corruption commission is charged with fighting corruption.
    • Jesus accepted Zacheus who denounced his former corrupt way of life.

      1. State two reasons why tax collectors were hated
      2. Define corruption

  4. Mismanagement of Resources

    • Resources are assets that are used to generate wealth
    • here are three types of assets namely :-
      1. Natural resources
      2. Man-made resources
      3. Human resources.
    • Natural resources are mismanaged through:-
      1. Pollution
      2. Over-mining
      3. Poaching.
    • Man-made resources are mismanaged by:-
      1. VandalismFraud and embezzlement
      2. Neglect
      3. Arson
    • Human resources are people who can be mismanaged through:-
      1. Being overworked and underworked
      2. Being denied promotion
      3. Being underpaid
      4. Being deployed outside their profession
    • The bible teaches us to value all resources
    • We should take care of all resources.

      1. List four natural resources
        1. ______________________
        2. ______________________
        3. ______________________
        4. ______________________
      2. NEMA stands for ____________________

Upholding Christian Values in Our Lives

  • Christian values are virtues and principals that are worthy of upholding
  • They include
    1. Justice
    2. Honesty
    3. Fairness
    4. Integrity
    5. Responsibility
    6. Humility
    7. Generosity
  • Most Christian values are universal
  • They are derived from the teachings of Jesus.
  • They lead to forms of conduct that are universally considered worthwhile.
  • Apostle Paul taught the Ephesians to be patient, humble and loving
  • Christian values show that one has matured in faith.


  1. List three social evils that affect our society today
    1. __________________
    2. __________________
    3. __________________
  2. Which vice was EACC established to curb?
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Living The Christian Faith

The Meaning of Prayer

  • Prayer is communicating withy God
  • There are two types of prayers namely:
    1. Private prayer
    2. Public prayer
  • During prayer Christians hold a conversation with God. 4. In prayer, one talks to god and also listens to Him.
  • There are four elements of prayers
    1.  Adoration
    2. Confession
    3. Thanksgiving
    4. Supplication
  • Adoration involves praise and worship
  • Supplication involves petition and intercession
  • Petition is a prayer on behalf of oneself.
  • Intercession is a prayer on behalf of others.
  • Prayers should be made in faith and humility.


  1. Confession should be accompanied by
  2. The parable of teaches about humility in prayer.

Private and Public Prayers

  • Prayer is a conversation with God.
  • There are public and private prayers
  • Private prayer is when one converses with God
  • It is called individual or solo prayer
  • Public prayer is made in a group
  • It is also called communal or corporate prayer
  • Public prayer is made aloud
  • Such prayers are made in schools, homes or churches
  • Public prayers are also made during occasions such as
    1. Church services
    2.  Weddings
    3. National holidays
    4. Christian holidays
  • God answers public and private prayers


  1. State the meaning of the following Christian groups abbreviations
    1. C U
    2.  YMCA
    3. YWCA
    4. CA
  2.  Acts 2:42 says________________

Answers to Prayers

  • God listens to and answers prayers
  • We know God has answered our prayers when what we pray for happens
  • Christians expect answers to both public and private prayers
  • God can answer prayers in three ways namely:-
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Wait
  • God answers prayers according to his will
  • When God answers “no” it might be that we prayed for something that can harm you
  • God answers “wait” when the time is not appropriate for our requests.
  • Saul consulted a medium at Endor when God failed to answer his prayers.
  • God was angry with Saul because of his disobedience.
  •  We should obey God so that our prayers get answered.


  1. Write a prayer before exams
  2. State four elements of prayers

Difference Between Prayer and Magicians

  1. Magic is manipulating forces in the universe to achieve results.
  2. It can be used for good or evil purposes
  3. Consulting magicians comes from lack of trust in God.
  4. Traditional Africans used magic to produce :-
    1. Wealth
    2. Luck
    3. Success
    4. Good health.
  5. Magic creates dependence on magicians who may control victims to their detriment.
  6. Prayer, unlike magic has positive effects on a Christian.
  7. It is guided by the free will of a Christian
  8. Christian prayers lead to peace and reconciliation with God, oneself and others
  9. Simon of Samaria used magic to do wonders.
  10. He tried to buy the Holy Spirit using money which offended God.


  1. The words magician utter are called_________________
  2. Magicians cast__________________ on their victims.

The Relationship Between Fasting And Prayer

  • Fasting and prayer are Christians practices.
  • Fasting is voluntarily denying oneself food and spend time in prayer.
  • It involves self denial and disciplined commitment
  • Fasting intensifies the effects of prayers
  • Jesus taught his disciples to be humble when praying and fasting.
  • He taught that fasting should not be done for a public show.
  • One can fast to pray for personal or individual needs.
  • Fasting can also be done to intercede for others.
  • Genuine fasting is rewarded by God.
  • Prayer and fasting brings one nearer to God.


  1. State three bible personalities who went without food for forty day
    1. _____________________
    2. _____________________
    3. _____________________
  2. Jesus taught that prayer and fasting should be done in_____________________

Self-Denial in Service to Others

  • Self-denial is depriving oneself of certain things so as to serve others
  • Fasting is an example of self-denial in order to pray.
  • Christians also sacrifices money and other resources to serve God.
  • Christians also sacrifice their time to serve
    1. The aged
    2. Destitute children
    3. Prisoners
    4. People living with HIV/AIDS
  • Jesus taught that following Him is about self denial
  • He taught that Christians must put the interest of others before their own
  • Following Jesus involves carrying the cross daily.
  • The cross is a symbol of suffering.


  1. List five ways through which Christians demonstrates self-denial
    1. _______________
    2. _______________
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________
  2. Celibacy means______________

Faith in Daily Actions

  • Christians face many challenges that require them to demonstrate their faith
  • A committed Christian should trust in God even in difficult circumstances
  • Christians can demonstrate their faith by :-
    1. Obeying God’s commandments
    2. Observing set rules and regulations
    3. Reporting crime to lawful authorities.
    4. Being role models
    5. Helping the needy.
    6. Self-denial
    7. Practicing honesty and integrity.
  • The bible teaches that Christians should offer themselves as a living sacrifice.
  • They should dedicate themselves to God’s service
  • Christians should please God in all they do.
  • They should allow God to transform them inwardly to be like Him
  • We should emulate the example of patriarchs who had total faith in God.


  1. ________________was considered blameless and walked with God
  2. God called a man after my own heart.

The Meaning of Living Faith

  • Living faith involves actions dictated by gospel values.
  • Gospel values include :-
    1. Honesty
    2. Integrity
    3. Love
    4. Mutual caring
    5. Sharing
  • Apostle James teaches that Christian’sfaith should be meaningful
  • Living faith is accompanied by actions
  • It involves practically showing concern for the needy.
  • Faith without action is dead.
  • James also taught that Christiansshould confess their sins to one another
  • A prayer made in faith by a righteous person has power to heal.
  • Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
  • We should demonstrate living faith in all we do.


  1. The crippled beggar at the Beautiful gate was healed by _______________ and ______________
  2. State three reasons for fasting
    1. ______________________
    2. ______________________
    3. ______________________
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Jesus Christ's Victory Over Pain and Suffering

Causes of Suffering

  • Suffering is the feeling of pain, sorrow or discomfort.
  • All people experience suffering in different ways
  • Suffering is caused by:-
    1. Natural calamities
    2. Negligence
    3. Sickness and death
    4. Irresponsible sexual behavior
    5. Armed attacks e.g. by robbers
    6. War and ethnic clashes
    7. Violence in homes, at school
    8. Drug substance abuse.
    9. Jesus taught that suffering can be caused by sins
    10. He forgave the sins of the paralyzed man and took away his suffering.
  • Suffering can also come so that God’s glory may be seen
  • Jesus took away the suffering of the blind man when He sent him to the pool of Siloam.
  • We should trust in God to overcome all forms of suffering.


  1. The Word Siloam means?
  2. Write three examples of natural calamities.

Pain and Suffering

  • Pain and suffering are the same or related
  • There are three main types of suffering:
    1. Physical suffering
    2. Emotional suffering
    3. Mental suffering
  • Physical suffering involves inflicting pain on the body.
  • Emotional suffering involves feelings such as guilt, sadness or joy.
  • Mental suffering relates to the mind
  • Job suffered mentally, emotionally and physically
  • He suffered physically because he got sores all over his body.
  • He suffered emotionally because he lost the children he loved
  • Job also suffered mentally when he lost everything he owned.
  • We should remain faithful to God who helps us overcome suffering.


  1. State three types of suffering each with a valid example
  2. Name another person in the bible other than Job who suffered physically.
  3. Job 2:10 says_____________________

Varieties of Mental Suffering

  • Any problem that affects the mind causes mental suffering
  • Not all people who suffer mentally are mad
  • Some people may be depressed while others are retarded.
  • Mental suffering can be caused by:-
    1. Diseases
    2. Injury to the brain
    3. Disturbing experiences
    4. Being naturally born in such a state
    5. Drug and substance abuse.
  • Jesus healed a man who suffered mentally in Gerasa territory.
  • The man had an evil spirit which made him mad.
  • He was called legion or mob because the demons in him were many
  • Jesus has the power to heal those who suffer mentally.


  1. The evil spirits in legion begged Jesus not to__________
  2. Mad people are also called_____________
  3.  To be possessed means__________________

Varieties of Physical Suffering

  • Physical suffering occurs when pain is inflicted in the body.
  • Physical suffering can be caused by :-
    1. Injury
    2. Deprivation
    3. diseases
    4. Brutality
    5. War
    6. Poverty
    7. injustice
  • Jesus taught the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
  • The rich man lived in great luxury and comfort
  • Lazarus had sores on his body and no food to eat
  • The rich man did not show love and concern for Lazarus.
  •  Lazarus competed with dogs for left over’s from the rich man’s table
  • Lazarus trusted in God and ended up being rewarded in paradise.


  1. List down four examples of suffering
  2. The _____________of _________________, the first Christian martyr made him suffer physically.

Varieties of Emotional Suffering

  • People suffer emotionally when they feel rejected or unloved.
  • Other cause of emotional suffering may include :-
    1. Conflict between friends or relatives
    2. Failure in exams
    3. Harassment and bullying
    4. Loss of loved ones
    5. Breakdown in relationship
    6. Unemployment or loss of a job.
    7. Poverty.
  • When people suffer emotionally they cry or weep.
  • Emotional suffering can be overcome through prayer and moral support.
  • It can also be dealt with through guidance and counseling.
  • Jesus was tried both by Pirate and Sanhedrin.
  • He suffered emotionally because of the false accusations brought up against Him
  • Like Jesus, we should always trust in God to help us overcome suffering.


  1. Which actions of the soldiers made Jesus suffer emotionally?
    1. ______________________
    2. ______________________
  2. Jesus persevered because his suffering had_____________________

Jesus Christ Triumphs Over Pain and Suffering

  • Jesus underwent pain and suffering
  • He persevered suffering in humility and silence
  • He accepted his suffering to save mankind from sin.
  • Jesus was the final sacrifice for the deliverance of man
  • He suffered to accomplish a mission which was the will of God.
  • Prophet Isaiah referred to Jesus as the suffering servant.
  • While on the cross Jesus said the following things
    1. Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani
    2. Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
    3. Behold your mother, behold your son.
    4. Today you will be with me in paradise
    5. I am thirsty
    6. Father, into your hands I place my spirit.
    7. It is done it is finished.
  • Christians remember Jesus victory over pain and suffering during Easter.


  1. The man who repented after he was crucified with Jesus was________________
  2. After Jesus’ death, the centurion said__________________

The Purpose of Suffering

  1. Suffering is worthwhile when it has a purpose
  2. Africans suffered as they fought for independence
  3. Jesus died in order to save us from our sins
  4. Jesus died physically but resurrected from the dead.
  5. Christians share the experience of Jesus through baptism.
  6. We share the privilege of Noah, who together with his family was saved from the flood.
  7. When we suffer because we are Christians, we shall be rewarded. Christians should not suffer for immoral things.
  8. Apostle peter taught that those who suffer for Christ glorify God.
  9.  In suffering Christians should trust God because He keeps His promises.


  1.  A martyr is________________
  2. _________________was the first Christian martyr
  3. Jesus sweat blood in the_______________ of ______________


  • A martyr is a person who suffers or dies for their faith.
  • Throught history, many people have died or suffered because they refused to denounce their faith.
  • Kabaka Mwanga’s rule in the Buganda kingdom led to the death of many Christian
  • Among those who died were Charles Lwanga, Joseph Mukasa kizito and Mathias Mulumb
  • There is a shrine dedicated to the martyr at Namugongo
  • Stephen was the first Christians martyr
  • He was one of the seven deacons
  • The seven deacons were
    1. Philip
    2. Nicanor
    3. Prochorus
    4. Nicolaus
    5. Permenas
    6. Timon
    7. Stephen
  •  Stephen was opposed by the Libertines, the synagogue of Freedmen.
  • Jesus promised us the holy spirit to help endure suffering.


  1. Mention tha North African Martyrs
  2. Acts 7:60 says_________________

Christian Suffering Today

  • Some Christians suffer rejection from their friends and relatives
  • They are considered traitors because of forsaking their traditional way of life
  • Some people are sent away from home after responding to the call for salvation.
  • Persistent prayer and faith in God strengthens one’s resolve to follow Christ
  • The bible teaches that Christians should share in Christ suffering.
  • God rewards those who remain faithful even when persecuted.
  • God also saves people from danger and provides them with their needs.
  • We should pray for Christians undergoing persecution.


  1. State three types of suffering
  2. The words spoken by Stephen similar to those spoken by Jesus were_______________________
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Ratio And Proportion

Worked Exercise

  1. Muraya and Dan each made 126kg of a mixture of maize and beans. Muraya mixed maize and beans in the ratio 4:3 while Dan mixed maize and beans in the ratio 4:3 while Dan mixed maize and beans in the ratio of 5:4. How many more kilograms?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 6
      In Muraya’s mixture, maize: beans = 4:3
      maize = Ratio of maize/Total ratio x No of kg
      =4/7 x 126
      In Dan’s mixture, maize: beans = 5: 4
      Maize = Ratio of maize/Total ratio x No of kg
      =5/7 x 126
      = 70kg
      Difference = ( 72 - 70 )kg
      = 2kg
      The correct answer is A (2kg)
  2. A rectangular plot measures 12m by 10m.The length of the plot is increased in the ratio 3:2 , while the width is decreased in the ratio 4;5.By what ratio is the area of the plot decreased?
    1. 4:3
    2. 5:4
    3. 6:5
    4. 3:2
      New length after increase
      3/2 x 12 = 18m
      New width after decrease
      4/5 x 10 = 8m
      Original area before the increase/decrease
      = (12 x 10) m2
      = 120m2
      New area = (18 x 8) m2
      = 144 m2
      New ratio = 144: 120
      = 6 : 5
      The correct answer is C (6: 5).
  3. Gladys keeps hens, ducks, and turkeys. The ratio of hens to ducks is 5:2. The number of turkeys is 35 less than the number of hens. How many turkeys are there if there are 30 ducks?
    1. 105
    2. 40
    3. 75 
    4. 65
      Hens : ducks = 5 : 2
      Total ratio = 7
      Ducks = 2/5
      Hens = 5/7 of x
      Therefore 2/7 of x = 30
      x = 30 x  7/2
      x = 105 (Total hens and ducks)
      Hens =5/7 x 105
      = 75
      Turkeys = (75 – 35)
      The correct answer is B (40)
  4. Elijah and Paul shared some money in the ratio 5:8.Elijah got sh120 less than Paul. How much money did Paul get?
    1. Sh520
    2. Sh320
    3. Sh200
    4. Sh192
      Let the amount Paul got be t
      Therefore Elijah got (t-120)
      Therefore t -120 : t = 5 : 8
      t – 120/t = 5/8
      8t – 960 = 5t
      8t – 5t = 960
      3t = 960
      t = sh320
      Therefore Paul got = sh 320
      The correct answer is B (sh320)
  5. A contractor employed 60 men to complete a piece of work in 150 days. How many more days would 50 men take to complete the same work?
    1. 180
    2. 30
    3. 40 
    4. 50
      60 men take 150 days
      1 man take (150x60) days
      Therefore 50 men will take 150 x 60/50 days
      = 180 days
      How many more? (180 – 150) days
      = 30 days
      The correct answer is B (30 days)
  6. Eighteen men can finish to dig a piece of land in 45 days. How many days would 15 men take to finish the same piece of land?
    1. 54
    2. 2
    3. 9
      18 men take 45 days
      1 man takes (45 x 18) days
      Therefore 15 men will take 45 x 18/15
      = 54 days
      The correct answer is A (54 days)
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:03

Scale Drawing - Class 8 Mathematics Revision Notes

Scale Drawing

Worked Exercise

  1. The distance between two villages is 6.4KM. On the map of the region this distance is represented by a line 1.6 cm long. What is the scale of the map?
    1. 1: 400000
    2. 1: 40000
    3. 1: 4000 
    4. 1: 4
      Actual distance = 6.4 km
      Drawing length = 1.6cm
      1 cm on the map = 6.4/1.6
      = 4km on the ground
      But 1 km = (1000 x 100) cm
      4km = 4 x 1000 x 100
      = 400000cm
      Therefore scale = 1: 400000
      The correct answer is A (1: 400000)
  2. A rectangular field measures 105 m. On a scale drawing of the field, the longer side is 7cm.What is the measurement of the width on this scale drawing?
    1. 5 cm
    2. 50 cm
    3. 500 cm
    4. 7.35cm
      7 cm represents 105 m
      1 cm represents (105 ÷ 7)
      Scale used,
      1 cm represents 15m
             ?                  75m
      = (75 x 1)/15
      The correct answer is 5cm (A)
  3. The scale on a plan is 1:20. How many cm will represent 1m on this plan?
    1. 50 cm
    2. 50 cm
    3. 5 cm
    4. 2 cm
      1 : 20 scale means 1 cm on a drawing represents 20 cm on the ground.
      1 cm represents 20cm
         ?                      100cm
      = 5cm
      The correct answer is C (5cm)
  4. A rectangular field measuring 720m by 550m is to be represented on a scale drawing using the scale 1: 10,000. What is the perimeter of the drawing in centimetres?
    1. 0.254
    2. 2.54
    3. 25.4
    4. 254
      1: 10000 means 1 cm on the map represents 10000 cm on the ground
      If 1 cm = 10,0000cm
      ? = 72,000cm
      = (72000/10000) cm
      = 7.2cm
      If 1cm = 10,000cm
      = 55,000cm
      = ( 55,000/10,000 ) cm
      = 5.5cm
      MathNotes 11scl1
      P = 2(L+W)
      = 2 (7.2 + 5.5)
      = 25.4 cm
      The correct answer is (C)
  5. The scale of a map is 1: 50000. What is the length of this map of a road 20km long?
    1. 40cm 
    2. 400 cm 
    3. 4000 cm
    4. 4 cm
      Scale 1 : 50000 means 1cm on the map represents 50000 cm on the ground.
      20 km = 20 x 1000 x 100
      = 2000000 cm
      50,000cm represents = 1 cm
      2,000,000 represents = 2,000,000 ÷ 50,000
      = 40cm
      The correct answer is A (40 cm)
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