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Friday, 10 September 2021 07:58

Plants - class 8 science revision notes

Adaptations of plants to their environment.

Adaptations are mechanisms that enable a plant to survive in a habitat. Plants habitats include:-

  • Dry areas
  • Wet areas.
  • Normal soil and water condition

Plants adapted to dry area.

Plants that are able to survive in dry area are called xerophytes.

Examples include: Cactus, acacia, euphorbia, baobab, sisal, marram grass, pricky pears, desert
shrubs, sun dune grass, jacaranda, thorn tree, cassava, casuarinas and candelabra.

Characteristics of xerophytes.

  1. They have deep and widespread root system to obtain waterfrom a wider area.
  2. They have stemsthat can store water; their stems are thick, fleshy and succulent. They also have waxy cuticle to reflect sunlight which may cause overheating.
  3. They have needle-like leaves which reduces water loss by transpiration and evaporation.
  4. Some have few leaves to reduce water losslike acacia.
  5. Some shed leaves in dry seasonsto reduce water loss eg jacaranda.
  6. Some fold their leaves to trap moisture for the plant eg sun dune grass.
  7. Some are covered with a thick waxy cuticle which reduces water loss through evaporation eg sisal.
  8. Some become inactive during dry seasons.
  9. Some have sunken stomata that are hidden in small depression.
  10. Some have reversed stomatal rhythm i.e. open their stomata during the night and close during the day.
  11. Some have more stomata on the lowersurface than on the upper surface to reduce water loss through evaporation.

Plants adapted to wet areas.

They are called hydrophytes.

Most they grow in equatorial forests, swamps, marshes, lakes and rivers.

They include: water lily, butter cup, mangroves, bladderwort, water lettuce, duck weed, aquatic
ferns, rice plants and water hyacinth.

Adaptations of hydrophytes.

  1. They have broad or wide flat leaves which enables them to float on water and encourages water loss by transpiration eg water lily
  2. They have shallow roots which reduce the rate of absorption
  3. They have leafy shoots which encourages water loss by transpiration, they also have more stomatas on the upper surface than on the lowersurface
  4. They have numerous stomata which remain open to allow gas absorption for photosynthesis.
  5. They have flexible stemsthat cannot be broken by water currents.
  6. They have thin cuticle to encourage water loss through transpiration.
  7. They have air sacs to enable them to float on water.
  8. They have waxy and hairy leaf surface to prevent water from standing on the leaf surface.
  9. They have floating flowers to allow for the cross pollination by small animals.

Adaptations to normal soil and water conditions.

Plants which grow in normal soil and water conditions are called mesophytes.

They includes maize, beans, potatoes and bananas.

Signs of unhealthy crops.

  1. Leaf discoloration.
  2. Stunted or stranded growth.
  3. Curled leaves.
  4. Spots or streaks
  5. Wilting.

Effects of crop diseases.

  1. Lower yields.
  2. Reduces quality of produce.
  3. Reducesincome or economic loss.
Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Friday, 10 September 2021 07:47

Health Education - class 8 science revision notes

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

These are diseases which are passed from one person to another person through sexual contact.

They are also called sexual transmitted diseases (STDs)

 STI   Cause and transmission    signs and symptoms
  •  caused by bacteria.
  • transmitted through: 
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Infected mother to child at birth. 
    3. Deep mouth kissing.
    4. Sharing of person items.
  • Painless sore (chancre) on genitals.
  • Chancre is irregularin shape.
  • Sores in the mouth, lips, anus, fingers.
  • Painful rash all over the body after several weeks.
  • Hard lumps on the skin.
  • Loss of hair.
  • Cause paralysis and heart disease.
  • Madness and death if not treated.
  • Caused by bacteria.
  • Transmitted through:
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Infected mother to child at birth.
    3. Contact with an infected person's fluids or genitals.  
  • Pain when passing out urine.
  • Yellowish or greenish discharge from penis.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen in females
  • Swelling of testicles.
  • Knees and other body joints swell
  • Infertility if not treated.
  • Caused by bacteria.
  • Transmitted through;
    • Sexual intercourse
  • Painful regular sore with a red border(bubo)
  • Painful and swollen lymph glands.
  • Sore on hand sand thighs.


NB: Genital herpes and HIV/AIDS are other STIs caused by virus.

Published in Science Class 8 Notes


Fertilization is the fusion or union of the nuclei of the ovum and the sperm in the
oviduct/fallopian tube.

Types of Fertilization.

There are two types of Fertilization that takes place in the female's body. Namely;

  • Internal fertilization- Which takes place inside the female's body, mainly in human beings,
    birds and reptiles.
  • External fertization - Which takes place outside the female's body, mainly amphibians and

Process of Fertilization in human beings

During sexual intercourse/coitus/copulation, sperms are introduced in the vagina by the penis.

Sperms swim in the semen using their tails until they reach the oviduct where they meet a
mature ovum.

Many sperms surrounds the ovum but only one penetrates the ovum, the nuclei of the sperm
and the ovum fuse to form a Zygote

After fertilization a woman becomes pregnant and this is called conception. NB: The sperms
which do not penetrate the ovum are killed.

The zygote then undergo cell division, travels down to uterus and attaches itself on the uterine walls, this is called implantation

After implantation, the zygote is called embryo 

Foetal Development.

After implantation, the embryo develops a disc-shaped organ called placenta which joins the
embryo to the mother.

At 6weeks the embryo has formed most of the important body organs such as the
lips, nose, arms, ears, eyes, feet and toes.

At 8weeks(2months), the embryo is called foetus. The foetus is surrounded by the amnion which
contains a fluid called amniotic fluid.

Functions of the placenta

  • Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the mother and the foetus.
  • Supply food from the mother's blood to the foetus.
  • Production of hormones that maintains pregnancy.
  • Facilitates transfer of waste productsfrom the foetus to the mother's blood.

Functions of the umbilical cord.

  • Joins the foetus to the placenta.
  • It is a passage for oxygen, food and carbon dioxide.

Functions of the amniotic fluid.

  • It acts as a shock absorber to protect the foetus against physical injuries.
  • It keeps the foetus warm.
  • It prevents the foetus from drying.
  • It lubricates the foetus for easy movement.

NB: Gestation period takes nine months or 36 to 40weeks or 280days in human beings, this is
the period between conception and birth.

Signs of pregnancy.

  • Menstruation stops.
  • The breast becomes larger, tender and sensitive.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • Craving for some foods.
  • In later stage, expectant mothers experience some slight backaches.
  • Heartburns.
  • The abdomen enlarges.
  • Breathlessness,tiredness and increased pulse rate.
  • Movement of the foetus is felt.
  • Morning sickness or nausea.

Birth process.

It is also called parturition.

When the foetus is fully developed, the head faces downwards and is positioned directly above the

Stages in the birth process.

  • The uterus walls contract causing labor pain.
  • The cervix widens.
  • Amnion burst and amniotic fluid flows out of the vagina.
  • The baby is pushed out through the vagina with the head first.
  • Breathing is induced by pinching of patting the baby.
  • The umbilical cord is tied and cut, this prevents loss of blood from the mother and the baby also separates the baby from the mother.
  • The placenta is expelled from the body. The expelled placenta is called afterbirth.


This is the removal of waste productsfrom the body.

Excretory Organs (SKIL)

There are 3 main excretory organs, namely;

  • Skin
  • Lungs
  • Kidneys.

Waste products removed by these organs are;

  • Excess water.
  • Excess salt.
  • Urea.
  • Carbon dioxide.
  • Lactic acid.

Water, salt, urea and lactic acid forms sweat

Water, urea and salt forms urine.

 Excretory organs.    Excretory waste removed 
 Skin   Excess water, salt, urea, lactic acid. 
 Lungs   Excess water, carbon dioxide. 
 Kidneys   Excess water, urea, salt.


Order of urine.


Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Friday, 10 September 2021 06:50

English - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Read the passage below It contains blank spaces mumhered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given

People usually feel like taking some time    1     to sit alone and    2     some personal decisions. This requires a quiet place without any noise.    3    the background. Such places     4    have become very      5    due to urbanisation and industrialisation. Even if     6     was to get into a    7     forest, far away from the road, he     8     only succed in keeping off noise from machine-related sources as there are animals and birds which     9    in the forest and communicate to one another by the noises they make. A monkey, for example, will    10   to pass information to other monkeys.    11    at night, complete silence is impossible to achieve as there are some birds, insects     12   wild animals which hunt at night. They make noise to tell the others     13      where they are or where danger they should avoid has been     14   . It is therefore only    15      to achieve some reasonable amount of silence but almost impossible to achieve complete silence.

  1. A away                    B. off                        C. out              D.about
  2. A. take                    B. plan                      C. bring           D. make
  3. A at.                        B. in                          C. by               D. on
  4. A. therefore             B. moreover             C. however     D. consequently
  5. A rare                      B.special                  C. strange       D. clear
  6. A be                        B. one                       C. she             D.it
  7. A green                   B. tall                        C. wide            D. thick
  8. A should                  B would                    C. might           D. could
  9. A move                    B. remain                 C. stay             D. live
  10. A trumpet                B chatter                   C. howl            D.scream
  11. A Even                    B. Now                      C. so               D. Likewise
  12. A of                         B. also                      C. and              D. then
  13. A either                   B both                       C. neither         D.only
  14. A defeated              B detected                C. dejected       D. suspected
  15. A known                  B. easy                      C. believed      D. possible

For questions 16 la 18 cheese the alternativ That means the SAME AS the underlined wory

  1. The hardworking teacher was promoted
    1. Strict
    2. Clever
    3. Industrious
    4. Energetic
  2. You will finally get your destination if the vehicle does not break down.
    1. lastl
    2. immediately
    3. really
    4. actually
  3. You have to be smart in your work to achieve your aim
    1. intelligent
    2. neat
    3. attractive
    4. clean

For each of the questions 19 to 21, choose from the alternative given the statement which when combined with the phrase makes a complete and sensible sentence

  1. Susana will only be treated
    1. because she reaches the hospital on time.
    2. as she reaches the hospital on time.
    3. after she reaches the hospital on time.
    4. if she reaches the hospital on time.
  2. If I had time, I
    1. should visit my grandmother
    2. could visit my grandmother.
    3. would visit my grandmother,
    4. might visit my grandmother.
  3. It was until the rains started
    1. that the farmers started planting their crops.
    2. when the farmers started planting their crops.
    3. as the farmers started planting their crops.
    4. before the farmers started planting their crops.

For questions 22 and 23, choose the BEST arrangement of the given sentences to make sensible paragraphs

  1. Use of written or oral language should be effective
    it is importance to communicate in order to be understood
    The response too will help you know whether you communicated or not
    If the language is too high or too low, you may not achieve your aim
    1. ii, iv. iii, i
    2. ii, i, iv, iii
    3. ii, iii, iv, i
    4. ii, i, iii, iv
  2. However, the water has to be clean to keep you healthy.
    Water is essential for life.
    This could change depending on the type of food eaten and the day's weather
    You need to drink an average of eight glasses of water per day:
    1. iv, i, ii,iii
    2. iv, ii, iii, i
    3. ii, iii, iv. i
    4. ii, iv, iii, i

In questions 24 and 25, choose the correct alternative that means the SAME AS the given sentence.

  1. Hardly had the cock crowed than we woke up.
    1. We woke up when the cock crowed.
    2. The cock crowed and immediately we woke up.
    3. The cock crowed as soon as we woke up
    4. We woke up then the cock crowed.
  2. "What have you been doing since morning?" her mother asked.
    1. Her mother asked if she had been doing anything since morning.
    2. Her mother asked her what she was doing since morning.
    3. Her mother asked her what she had done since morning
    4. Her mother asked her what she had been doing since morning

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

When Tolo arrived back, he was not in a talking mood. He looked tired, worn out, hungry and moody. His clothes too, looked torn, dirty and it was obvious wherever he had been to was hell on carth. It took a few days then he gathered courage to take a few trusted friends who remained glued next to him, especially in the evenings.

Tolo was at home and like other hunters, he decided to go and inspect his traps. The first two had caught nothing and so he proceeded to the third one which was located near the riverbank. It was a forested area and thus, having a panga in the hand was essential.

He was lucky! A deer had been trapped and it looked either dead or dying from a distance. llowever, when he moved closer, he realized its eyes were wide open although it made no attempt to Ilee. lle knew it was just waiting to be carried away but how wrong it was! The poor creature had been struggling for hours and hours and upon realizing it couldn't flee itself, decided to save the little energy left for any opportunity of escape ifit ever came. So when Tolo cut off the rope it had entangled itself in. the deer made a leap into the air and its first landing was four metres away
Tolo was shocked and surprised but he picked his panga and went after the creature. Due to his speed and undergrowth, he lost it. Knowing that it couldn't cross he adjacent river that fast, he decided to keep going after it; sooner or later, he would get it.

It was not long when he reached it but what he saw almost made him faint. The deer was in the claws of a ferocious-looking leopard, with teeth dripping fresh blood, glared and glowled at him, he found himself climbing the closest tree. It was the safest thing he could do but it was the gravest mistake that landed him in trouble.

The went up the tree with the heart beating fast but hopeful to get the safety he was very much wanted. For some time, it remained so but at around eight o oclock, he heard some noise and looked down. Tulis utter surprise, the Icopard, with the deer's neck in the jaws, was struggling up the tree! This shocked him and made him climb to even higher branches. It was then that he realized that he was 100, was trapped! The leopard settled on a thick branch, just below him and started eating its meal probably aware of his presence.

It's this meal that lasted a whole two days and within those two days. lolo learnt that one can actually stay for two days and nights without food, drink and very little sleep lle vowed to abandon trapping animals and ventured into crop cultivation.

  1. Tolo was not in a talking mood because
    1. he had just arrived back
    2. many people had talked ill about him.
    3. what he had undergone was still tormenting him.
    4. he did not find the right people to address
  2. From the way Tolo looked, it is possible to suggest that he
    1. knew little about good grooming,
    2. decided to change his appearance completely
    3. he intended to attract the villages attention.
    4. he had not had time for good grooming.
  3. What does the writer mean by describing where Tolo had been as hell on earth?
    1. The conditions there were undesirable.
    2. No one else had been there
    3. He had been to hell and saw for himself
    4. lt took him a long time to return.
  4. When Tolo left home that evening.
    1. he was accompanied by other hunters.
    2. it was a routine he always did.
    3. he expected to catch a trapped animal
    4. he was in too much of a hurry
  5. The item Tolo carried as he inspected his traps can BEST be described as
    1. Weapon
    2. equipment
    3. instrument
    4. tool
  6. As soon as Tolo saw the trapped deer, he
    1. became curious to acertain its state.
    2. wondered how to carry it away.
    3. suspected it would cause trouble
    4. doubted if he was truly lucky
  7. The MAIN reason why the deer leap into the air is
    1. it was alarmed by Tolo's arrival.
    2. it had been resting all along
    3. its life depended on it. 
    4. it had just opened its eyes.
  8. Which of the four words below describe what made Tolo to follow the fleeing deer?
    1. concentration
    2. determination
    3. curiosity
    4. anxiety
  9. What made Tolo realise that the deer wouldn't go far?
    1. Knowledge of how deer behave.
    2. The speed at which it had left.
    3. This experience as a hunter 
    4. The time the deur had taken in the trap
  10. By climbing the nearest tree, Tolo wanted to
    1. frighten the leopard off its prey.
    2. see if the antelope was actually dead.
    3. hide from the leopard then take the antelope
    4. save himself from danger.
  11. Why does the writer describe climbing the true the gravest mistake?
    1. it almost made him lose his life.
    2. the tree was not strong enough for him and the leopard.
    3. leopards normally hunt their prey up the tree
    4. he should have climbed a different tree
  12. The leopard settled only two branches away from Tolo because
    1. it had no business following Tolo.
    2. it felt comfortable there.
    3. the upper branches were weak
    4. it was tired because of the load it had.
  13. The BEST summary for this passage would
    1. it's unwise to venture out alone.
    2. We have to be selective on where to go.
    3. you can lead yourself into serious trouble
    4. your company can discourage you from talking.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Speaking up is important, especially when addressing people who are senior to you. It is the best ever thing to do as it leaves no doubt to your listener that you know what you are saying and are confident. Mental toughness sometimes requires you to say 'No' even when given a command. In the Special Forces, it is called 'Chinese Parliament'. This is where all of us are able to talk very leely with one another, with complete disregard to positions others hold. It's common to hear one say, 'I'm going to be part of the mission and I'm not going to lose my life' If such a person thinks it is dangerous, it's wise for him to say so at once without mincing his words.

In the forces, it's difficult to go direct to the commander and tell him that the plan can't work and it's loaded with big risks. This, however, should be acceptable especially when one has read intelligence reports on the possible danger. It could make the commander think of a different way, of attacking the enemy. Options are usually many, not one. This only happens when you don't have mental toughness to question things or give suggestions.

If you fail to talk to your seniors and instead have the Big Boss mentality, with an assumption that the commander knows it all, you may die alongside the same commander or he might live after you're gone. This only happens when you don't have mental toughness to question things or give suggestions

In the army, however much you have trained and have expertise in a certain area, it is necessary to be flexible. This means that although rules are laid down to be followed, at times, they could be bent". It doesn't make sense to stick to laid down procedures when it looks obvious that it's leading you into a disaster. Sadly, at times, such actions end up affecting a specific individual who then is blamed for it.

If you are not flexible, you could end up gencrating lower results. This is because it kills creativity and innovation. Conditions and situations keep changing and this should make every single and individual by shifting the mindset. Creativity is vital for the growth and development because things, people, time and circumstances change.

  1. What does the writer mean by saying speaking up is importance? 
    1. It shows the speaker a lot of respect
    2. Speaking up makes it easy to identify seniors from juniors. 
    3. It makes one develop confidence when talking.
    4. It ensures the communication is effective.
  2. By saying 'No' When given a command, it shows that
    1. your state of mind is acceptable.
    2. you don't easily take in instructions.
    3. you think faster than others. 
    4. no one is clever as you are.
  3. For your listeners to confirm that he had been paying attention,
    1. only your seniors should get you
    2. statements said should be repeated.
    3. you should be loud enough.
    4. there must be many questions asked.
  4. In a Chinese parliament, one is expected to
    1. pay attention when being spoken to
    2. speaking loudly and clearly
    3. remember the positions people hold.
    4. express himself freely to all others.
  5. How do people in the forces pass information to their seniors?
    1. After getting intelligence reports,
    2. By talking politely to their commanders.
    3. If everybody is aware of the danger.
    4. By asking their seniors for solution problems
  6. The MAIN use of the intelligence is that
    1. his commander uses it to win the war
    2. it could safeguard the soldiers
    3. No soldier can go to fight without it
    4. Identifying the soldier to be promoted becomes easy.
  7. The Big Boss mentality is discouraged because
    1. both soldiers and the commander are at risk
    2. the commanders do not like it.
    3. only the commaders give orders to soldiers.
    4. it relies on a lot of assumption
  8. What is the opposite of the word flexible as used in the fourth paragraph?
    1. Tough
    2. Rigid
    3. Brave
    4. Strong
  9. By bending rules, the writer means that
    1. doing the opposite of what the rule says.
    2. there are rules to be followed.
    3. not following the rules exactly as expected
    4. the decision to follow the rules or not to is optional
  10. Some people are blamed for causing disasters
    1. as they obviously caused them.
    2. since they have got injured in the accidents
    3. as someone has to take the blame anyway. 
    4. they had the capacity to avert it.
  11. Why would people be flexible in decision making?
    1. Many decisions are eratic.
    2. Situations are not stati
    3. No one knows everything
    4. Many decisions are not popular
  12. The BEST title for this passage would be
    1. Communication within the armed forces
    2. How commanders intimidate their juniors
    3. The operation of the Chinese Parliament
    4. The blame game within the armed forces


Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can

We were at the parade in the morning when we saw two cars driving into the schol compound. They were parked near the head teacher's office and immediately we dispersed.....


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. A
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. A
  46. B
  47. C
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A


Thursday, 09 September 2021 13:44

Mathematics - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. What is 8 346 524 in words?
    1. Eight million three hundred and forty six thousand, five hundred and twenty four.
    2. Eighty three million forty six thousand five hundred and twenty four
    3. Eight hundred and thirty four thousand six hundred and fifty two and four tenth.
    4. Eighty three million four hundred and six thousand and twenty four.
  2. What is the value of
    1. 1
    2. 9
    3. 12
    4. 60
  3. What is 4 899.84 rounded off the nearest whole number?
    1. 4899
    2. 4 899.8
    3. 7890
    4. 4 900
  4. What is the LCM of 18, 24 and 36?
    1. 6
    2. 72
    3. 144
    4. 108
  5. What is the sum of the total values of digit 2 and digit 7 in the number 4 265 785?
    1. 200 000
    2. 700
    3. 200 700
    4. 265 700
  6. Hassan bought the following items from a shop.
    3 packets of maize flour at sh. 110
    2kg rice for sh. 210 1 1/2kg of ndengu at Sh. 140
    2 loaves of bread at sh. 55
    If he paid using 2-500 shilling notes, how much balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 140
    2. Sh. 860
    3. Sh. 199
    4. Sh. 805
  7. What is the value of x in the equation?
    1. 4  
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 1
  8. The area of a square is 3 364m2. What is the length of one side of the square?
    1. 1 682
    2. 58
    3. 841
    4. 52
  9. What is the CORRECT order of writing the fractions 2/3, 1/2, 3/5, 4/from the smallest to the largest? 
    1.  2/33/54/71/2 
    2.  1/22/33/5 ,4/7
    3.  1/2 ,4/7  , 3/5 ,2/3
    4.  4/7 ,3/5   , 2/3 ,1/2
  10. In the triangle ABC below, draw a bisector of angle ABC and angle BCD. Join the two bisectors and let them meet at x. Let point x be the centre of the circle and draw a circle touching the sides ABC. What is the length of the radius?
    1. 2.5cm
    2. 5c
    3. 42cm
    4. 8.4c
  11. A rectangular picce of land measures 215m by 65m. Fencing posts are put at an interval of 5m. How many posts are required to fence?
    1. 56
    2. 280
    3. 560
    4. 112
  12. Okello bought a jacket for sh. 1 350 after getting a 10% discount. What was the marked price of the jacket?
    1. Sh. 1 215
    2. Sh. 1 650
    3. Sh. 1 500
    4. Sh. 1 800
  13. The table below shows the number of crates of a soda delivered in a depot for six days.
    Days Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
    No of crates   24  32  18  25  27  33

    What was the median sale in that week?
    1. 27
    2. 18
    3. 33
    4. 26
  14. Nyar Gem and Jar Kisumu shared some money in the ratio 2:3. How much more money did Jar Kisumu get than Nyar Gem if they shared Sh. 8 400 in total?
    1. Sh. 3 360
    2. Sh. 1 680
    3. Sh. 5 040
    4. Sh. 4 200
  15. What is the value of 0.6+0.4+0.25
    1. 2.2
    2. 4.4
    3. 11
    4. 3.6
  16. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about a square?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Has two pairs of parallel sides.
    3. All interior angles are equal.
    4. Diagonals are not equal.
  17. Kamau had the following denominations of money.
    2 - 1000 shillings notes
    12- 500 shilling notes
    8 - 200 shilling notes.
    12 - 100 shilling notes
    He decided to change all the money into fifty shilling notes How many notes did he get in total?
    1. 408
    2. 216
    3. 10 800
    4. 108
  18. On a map a road of 12km is represented by 6cm. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:2 00
    2. B. 1: 20 000
    3. 1:200 000
    4. 1:2 000 000
  19. What is the simplest form of
    1.  8x +2y
    2. 6x
    3. 4.x + 2y
    4. 8x
  20. A rectangular plot has a diagonal of 170m. If the lenth is 150m, how long is the width?
    1. 120m
    2. 160m
    3. 80m
    4. 270m
  21. The triangle PQR below is drawn to scale.
    What is the size of angle QPR?
    1. 55°
    2. 74°
    3. 68°
    4. 52°
  22. Ogello is paid sh. 14 375 after working for 25 day's How much does he carn for working 12 days?
    1. Sh. 575
    2. Sh. 6000
    3. Sh 11 500
    4. SHS 750
  23. A meeting was attended by 600 people. Out of these 0.14 were men, 0.2 were women and the rest were youth How many youths were there?
    1. 84
    2. 204
    3. 120
    4. 396
  24. Terry is twice as old as Tracy but eight years younger than Iriza, If Tracy is y years old. what will be the sum of their ages in 6 years lo come?
    1. 5y +26
    2. 5y + 8
    3. 4y + 26
    4. 4y + 18
  25. A family uses 2 - 500ml packets of milk daily. How many litres of milk does the family consume in the month of January. February and March of a leap year?
    1. 92 litres
    2. 90 litres
    3. 89 litres
    4. 91 litres
  26. What is the square root of 0.0016?
    1. 0.0004
    2. 0.004 
    3. 0.04
    4. 04
  27. Kiprono ran round the track 7 times.
    How many kilometres did he cover?
    1. 3
    2. 30
    3. 300
    4. 3 000
  28. Wanjala bought a cow at Sh. 14 000. During the dry season he sold-it making a 15% loss. At what price did he sell the cow?
    1. Sh 11 900
    2. Sh. 16 100
    3. Sh. 2 100
    4. Sh. 12 150
  29. A wheel of radius 28cm makes 2 000 revolutions. How many kilometres docsit cover?
    1. 325 000km
    2. 3 520km
    3. 352km
    4. 3.52km
  30. What is the value of
    1/2 + 1/2(1/3 - 1/6) of 2/3 ÷ 1/4?

    1. 13/18
    2. 5/18
    3. 13/24
    4. 12/17
  31. Kawira bought 60 mangoes @ sh. 5 each. She spent sh. 100 on transport. During transportaion, 10 mangoes got spoilt and sold the rest at sh 12 each. How much profit did she make?
    1. Sh. 300
    2. Sh. 200
    3. Sh. 150
    4. Sh. 400
  32. Line AB below is part of a Rhombus. Angle ABC 65° Complete the Rhombus. What is the length of diagonal BD?

    1. 5.8cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 10.3cm
    4. 8.6cm
  33. A bus left Mombasa on Tuesday at 8:30pm. It took 8 hours 45min to reach Nairobi. On what day and time did it get to Nairobi?
    1. Wednesday 0515hrs
    2. Wednesday 1715hrs
    3. Tuesday 1515hrs
    4. Tuesday 0315hrs
  34. The pie chart below shows how Mkulima spent his sh. 36 000 salary
    How much did he save?
    1. 6 000
    2. 4 000
    3. 2 000
    4. 24 000
  35. A car travelled a distance of 216km in 3 hours hours and later covered another 144km in 2 hours. What was the average speed in km per hour.
    1. 72km/h
    2. 60km/h
    3. 80km/h
    4. 90km/h
  36. The diagram below shows a cuboid.
    Calculate the surface area.
    1. 220cm2 
    2. 196cm2 
    3. 168cm2 
    4. 112cm2 
  37. A carton contains 36 - 500g tins of blueband. How many tonnes does such 12 cartons carry?
    1. 216
    2. 21.6
    3. 2.16
    4. 0.216
  38. The diagram below sows a Trapezium ABCD
    What is the area of the trapezium?
    1. 840cm2 
    2. 420cm2
    3. 510cm2 
    4. 255cm2 
  39. A tank had water upto 4 full. When 120 litres of water were drawn from the tank, it became 1/2 full. What was the capacity of the tank?
    1. 160 litres
    2. 480 litres
    3. 360 litres
    4. 340 litres
  40. At a prayer rally 2 800 men attended. The number of women was 1 800 more than that of men but 3 200 less than that of children. How many people attended the rally?
    1. 15 200
    2. 10 600
    3. 7 400
    4. 7800
  41. In the figure below ABCDE is a rhombus and BCD is a triangle. Angle BDC = 54° and line BD = line BC.
    What is the size of angle DEA?
    1. 63º
    2. 68°
    3. 117°
    4. 78°
  42. The table below shows the charges of sending money via money order.
    Range Charged
    upto - 1000  110 
    1001 - 2500  165
    2501 - 5000  225
    5001 - 10000  285
    10001 - 20000  355

    Njagi sent two money orders one of sh. 12 000 and another one of sh. 7 500. How much money in total did he pay at the post office?
    1. Sh. 19 500
    2. Sh.20 040
    3. Sh. 640
    4. Sh. 20 140
  43. Kirinkai is paid a basic salary of sh. 18 000 and a commission of 4% on all the sales he makes. How much money did he earn in a month he sold goods worth sh. 480 000
    1. Sh. 19 200
    2. Sh. 18 000
    3. Sh. 37 200 
    4. Sh. 19 920
  44. What is the sixth number in the pattern
    1, 4, 9, 16,_____?
    1. 25
    2. 36
    3. 49
    4. 29
  45. The marked price of a generator is sh. 36 000 but a discount of 20% is given on cash payment. On hire purchase a deposit of sh. 6 000 and monthly instalment of sh. 3 000 for 12 months. How much more is the hirepurchase price than cash price?
    1. Sh. 42 000
    2. Sh. 28 800
    3. Sh. 12 000 
    4. Sh. 13 200
  46. The table mat below is made up of rectangular cloth joined to a semi-circular ones.
    What is the area of the table mat?
    1. 12 712cm2 
    2. 8808cm2 
    3. 4 704cm2 
    4. 8 710cm2 
  47. The table below shows the number of crates of broad sold by a supplier.
    No. of crates sold  16  15  7  6  13  8  12

    If a crate holds 15 breads, how many breads did he sell that week?
    1. 77
    2. 1155
    3. 1005
    4. 67
  48. The mass of an empty lorry is 7.2 tonnes. When loaded with 60 bags of maize each with a mass of 90kg and 45 bags of rice each of mass 50kg. What is the mass of loaded lorry in tonnes?
    1. 14.85 tonnes
    2. 7650 tonnes
    3. 7.65 tonnes
    4. 14 850 tonnes
  49. The number of road accidents recorded in the country in the year 2019 was 17 000.In the year 2020 the number decreased to 14 450. What was the percentage decrease?
    1. 1712%
    2. 85%
    3. 15%
    4. 20
  50. The graph below shows the journey by Kipkewewe from Kapchorua to Kiplagich and back.
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 12km/h
    2. 30km/h
    3. 24km/h 
    4. 40km/h


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. C
Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:27

Social Studies/RE - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1


map of ulumbi area
Study the map of Ulumbi area and use in to answer questions 1-7

  1. River Nyenye flows towards
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. Ulumbi Area is likely to be headed by 
    1. appointed Sub-county Officer
    2. elected County Commissioner
    3. elected Governor
    4. elected member of County Assembly 
  3. What is the staple food for the residents of Ulumbi Area?
    1. Maize
    2. Rice
    3. Coffee
    4. Fish
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Ulumbi Area except
    1. crop faming
    2. mining 
    3. lumbering
    4. livestock keeping
  5. The residents of Ulumbi Area are dominantly 
    1. Pagans
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Christians
    4. Muslims
  6. What is the climatic condition of the North Eastern part of Ulumbi Area?  
    1. Cool and wet 
    2. Hot and dry
    3. Cool and warm
    4. Hot and wet
  7. A thief was arrested in Ulumbi Area trying to break into a shop. What would be the best action to be taken?
    1. Take him to the prison in Ulumbi
    2. Beat him to death
    3. Take him to the Chief's office in Ulumbi
    4. Take him to the Police post in Ulumbi
  8. Which one of the following sets of communities consists of River-Lake Nilotes  found in the same country?
    1. Alur, Lugbara, Nuer, Shilluk
    2. Langi, Acholi, Japadhola, Anuak 
    3. Nuer, Shilluk, Dinka, Anuak
    4. Toposa, Dinka, Ankole, Luo
  9. The most important factor to be considered when establishing a sugar mill in an area is
    1. availability of raw materials
    2. availability of ready market
    3. availability of water
    4. availability of good roads
  10. A group of people in a society who are able to trace their common forefathers form a
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. tribe
    4. age set
  11. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    class 8 Et1 set 1 SS Q11
    The instrument above is mainly used to
    1. measure strength of wind only
    2. measure the speed and direction of wind
    3. show direction of wind only
    4. measure strength and direction of wind
  12. The time at Arusha along longitude 45°E is 11:00am What time would it be at Goma along longitude 45°w
    1. 11:00pm
    2. 11:00am
    3. 5:00pm 
    4. 5:00am
  13. Which one of the following planted forests in Swaziland is owned by the government? 
    1. The Peak Timber Forest
    2. The Swazi Plantation Forest
    3. The Great Usutu Valley Forest 
    4. The Piggs Peak Forest
  14. Three of the following mountains have a  common characteristic. Which one is an odd one out?  
    1. Pare mountains 
    2. Usambara mountains
    3. Drankenberg mountains
    4. Ruwenzori mountains
  15. The diagram below shows a fishing method  
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Ss Q15
    The above method of fishing is known as
    1. trawling 
    2. long lining
    3. net drifting
    4. purse seining
  16. Three of the following are oil refíneries in Which one is not?
    1. Niger Delta
    2. Kaduna 
    3.  Warri
    4. Elesa Eleme
  17. Which of the following vegetations are mainly found in the Mediterranean region of  North African Coast only
    1. Eucalyptus, pine, cypress  B
    2. Thyme, lavender, rosemary 
    3. Baobab, acacia, elephant grass
    4. Conical trees, Meru oak, Mvule
  18. Which of the following countries is not correctly matched with its capital city? 
    1. South Africa- Pretoria
    2. Mauritius - Port Louis
    3. Niger-Niamey
    4. Lesotho - Mbabane
  19. In June 1st 1963, Kenya attained internal self Which title did the Kenyan leader get? 
    1. President
    2. Governor
    3. Vice President
    4. Prime Minister
  20. Which of the following is the main reason why most people in Kenya rely on radios for information than other media?
    1. Other media are expensive
    2. Other media are mainly found in urban centres
    3. Radio news are entertaining
    4. Radios are owned by most people
  21. Which one of the following African countries was colonised by Gemany?
    1. Nigeria. 
    2. Guinea
    3. Tanganyika
    4. Eritrea
  22. Which one of the following Kenya's philosophies was adopted on the principle of honesty, generosity and equal distribution of national resources?
    1. Vision 2030
    2. Nyayoism
    3. Harambee
    4. African socialism
  23. Which one of the following is a religious institution of marriage that allows a man to
    marry up to a limited number of four wives?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Civil marriage
    3. Christian marriage
    4. Islamic marriage
  24. The Arabs came to Eastern Africa in the 15th century mainly to
    1. build the Kenya -Uganda railway
    2. spread christianity
    3. carry out trading activities
    4. discover the interior of Eastern Africa

Use the diagram below to answer questions 25-26.
class 8 ET 1 set 1 SS Q25

  1. The above feature shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. land breeze
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. relief rainfallWhich of the following best describes
  2. Three of the following towns experience above feature. Which one does not?
    1. Accra
    2. Kampala
    3. Mwanza
    4. kilifi
  3. Which of the following best describes location of the Namib desert? It is located
    1. South of the Drakensberg mountains
    2. West of the Red Sea
    3. North of the Equator
    4. East of the Atlantic Ocean
  4. The following are all responsibilities of parents in a family except
    1. being role models
    2. working hard in school
    3. advising children
    4. provision of basic needs
  5. Which one of the following communities is incorrectly matched with the title of their traditional leader?
    1. Maasai - Oloibon
    2. Nyamwezi -Ntemi
    3. Buganda- Kabaka
    4. Ameru-Njuri Ncheke
  6. Which one of the following communities are found in West Africa? 
    1. Herero, Gurma, Xhosa
    2. Yoruba, Malinke, Balunda
    3. Songhai, Akyem, Susu
    4. Ovambo, Bambara, Asante
  7. Below are descriptions of a certain river in Africa.
    1. It drains into Atlantic Ocean
    2. It forms a political boundary 
    3. It forms an estuary at its mouth
    4. It has the most number of tributaries
      The river described above is likely to be
      1. River Zambezi
      2. River Congo
      3. River Niger
      4. River Limpopo
  8. During a school staff meeting, minutes are taken by
    1. the Deputy headteacher
    2. the headteacher
    3. the senior teacher
    4. the school chairperson 
  9. Which one of the following countries are members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)?
    1. Comoros, Guinea, Mauritius
    2. Congo, Botswana, South Africa
    3. Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe
    4. Uganda, Malawi, Lesotho
  10. The diagram below shows a road sign
    class 8 Et1 set 1 SS Q34
    The road sign indicates that there is
    1. a bump ahead
    2. a railway crossing
    3. a pedestrian crossing ahead
    4. no entry for motorists
  11. Below are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop.
    1. Requires hot and wet climate
    2. High humidity all year round i
    3. Protection from strong winds i
    4. High and reliable rainfall of between 1500mm-2000mm throughout the year.
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. cotton
      2. pyrethrum
      3. coca
      4. cloves
  12. Which colonial system of administration was used by the British in Northern Nigeria'?
    1. Indirect Rule
    2. paternalism
    3. Assimilation
    4. Direct Rule
  13. Which one of the following is a depositional lake?
    1. Lake Utange
    2. Lake Bangweulu
    3. Lake Shalla
    4. Lake Catherine
  14. Three of the following methods were used in the struggle for independence in Ghana except
    1. armed struggle
    2. strikes and boycotts
    3. forming political parties
    4. peaceful demonstrations 
  15. Which one of the following colours of our National flag represents the land of plenty?
    1. Black
    2. Green
    3. White
    4. Red
  16. The following are statements about a certain African leader
    1. Promoted unity in Africa
    2. He abolished sharia laws
    3. He brought land reforms
    4. He initiated the establishment of a multi- purpose project in his country
      The leader described above is
      1. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
      2. Kwame Nkurumah
      3. Haile Selassie
      4. Gamal Abdel Nasser
  17. Which one of the following is a qualification for a person who wishes to be elected as a member of National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. He/she must be a civil servant
    2. He/she must be over 35 years
    3. He/she must be a registered voter
    4. He/she must be a Kenyan by birth
  18. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa named a lake after the Queen of England?
    1. Henry Morton Stanley
    2. John Speke
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Sir William Mackinon
  19. Which of the following is both modern and aditional method of preserving fish?
    1. salting
    2. Smoking
    3. canning
    4. Sundrying
  20. Which one of the following is an element of a good citizenship?
    1. Partiality
    2. Nepotism 
    3. Patriotism 
    4. Ethnicity
  21. The diagram below shows the cocoa growing regions in Ghana, marked P, Q and R. 
    class 8 ET1 set 1SS Q45
    What is the correct order of the regions marked P, Q and R respectively?  

    1. Kumasi, Takoradi, Accra


      Kumasi, Accra, Takoradi
    3. Accra, Takoradi, Kumasi
    4. Takoradi, Accra, Kumasi
  22. The highest court of the land in Kenya is headed by
    1. the Chief Justice
    2. the President of Supreme
    3. the High Court Judge
    4. The Attorney General
  23. The headquarters of the East African Community is located at
    1. Nairobi in Kenya
    2. Arusha in Tanzania
    3. Addis Ababa in Ethiopia
    4. Gaborone in Botswana
  24. The county representative in the National  Assembly is
    1. the Senator
    2. the Speaker
    3. the Governor
    4. the Women Representative
  25. The main problem facing regional trading blocs in Africa is
    1. insecurity
    2. political instability
    3. production of unique products
    4. production of similar goods
  26. Which one of the following was not a method of interaction among traditional African communities?
    1. War
    2. Trade
    3. Marriage
    4. Formal learning
  27. Road accidents in Kenyan roads can be effectively reduced by
    1. educating all the road users
    2. tarmacking all the roads
    3. employing more traffic officers
    4. removing all the unroadworthy vehicles on the road
  28. The following African traditional leaders did not resist the colonial rule in their territories except 
    1. Kabaka Mutesa I
    2. King Lewanika
    3. Mekatilili wa Menza
    4. Nabongo Mumia

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 53-55

class 8 ET1 set 1 SS Q53

  1. Which Island country is represented by N?
    1. Mauritania
    2. Comoros
    3. Seychelles
    4. Mauritius
  2. The ocean currents marked P are called
    1. Warm Benguela currents
    2. Cold Walvis Bay
    3. Cold Canary
    4. Cold Agulhas currents
  3. The multi-purpose river project marked Q was mainly established to
    1. control floods at the lower Volta
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. provide water for irrigation in Ghana
    4. provide fishing grounds in Ghana
  4. Which one of the following is mainly transported by the TAZARA railway line?
    1. Livestock and their products.
    2. Minerals
    3. Timber and products
    4. Agricultural produce
  5. Which of the following pre-historic sites are found in Tanzania?
    1. Nariokotome, Kidepo Valley, Hyrax Hill
    2. Chesowanja, Ngoloba, Olduvai Gorge
    3. Meroe, Omo valley, Peninj
    4. Ngoloba, Peninj, Olduvai Gorge
  6. The Indepedent Electoral and Boundaries Commision (1EBC) in Kenya is headed by
    1. the President
    2. the Chairperson
    3. the Returning Officer
    4. the Presiding officer
  7. Who among the following was not among the Kapenguria six?
    1. Dedan Kimathi
    2. Fred Kubai
    3. Bildad Kaggia
    4. Kungu Karumba
  8. The traditional system of government used to rule Swaziland is known as
    1. Libandla
    2. Ndlovukazi
    3. Liqoqo
    4. Tinkhundla



  1. From the story of the fall of man in the garden of Eden, christians learn that
    1. people should avoid talking to their eneMies
    2. human beings should have many children
    3. Sin separates human beings from God
    4. man should work without resting
  2. Which one of the following best explains why Abraham is called the father of faith?
    1. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham
    2. He was blessed by God
    3. He was kind to his nephew Lot
    4. He agreed to sacrifice his only son Isaac
  3.  Among the following sons of Jacob, who was the eldest?
    1. Joseph
    2. Benjanmin
    3. Reuben
    4. Levi
  4. Three of the following activities were carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover in Egypt. Which one is not? They
    1. ate roasted meat
    2. drank wine
    3. ate bitter herbs
    4. ate unleavened bread
  5. Which one of the following statements best describes the Sabbath day?
    1. It was a day on which God rested before creation
    2. It is the first day of the week
    3. It is a day on which christ appeared to his disciples
    4. It is a day set aside for rest and worship
  6. "You created every part of me, you put me together in my mother's womb." These words are found in the book of 
    1. Ecclesiates
    2. Psalms
    3. Matthew
    4. Exodus
  7. .King David was called a man after God's own heart, however, he annoyed God because of one of the following reasons. Which is it?
    1. He fought many wars
    2. He killed Uriah and took his wife
    3. He did not kill Saul when he had the opportunity to
    4. He worshipped idols
  8. Which prophet of God tested the prophets of Baal on mt.Carmel to show that God is powerful?
    1. Elisha
    2. Isaiah
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Elijah
  9. "The time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." Who among the following prophets prophesied this?
    1.  Isaiah
    2.  Samuel
    3.  Hosea
    4. Jeremiah
  10. Which one of the following activities were Mary and Joseph going to fulfil in Bethlehem just before Jesus was born?
    1. To worship God
    2. To present the baby to the Lord
    3. To register in their home town
    4. To offer sacrifices to the Lord
  11. According to the customs of the Jews, Jesus was circumcised on the ____________________
    1. first day
    2. eighth day
    3. ninth days
    4. seventh day
  12. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean." Who said hese words?
    1. The woman with withered hand
    2. The widow's son at Nain
    3. The paralytic man
    4. The man with leprosy
  13. Which one of the following parables below did Jesus use to teach that we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves?
    1. The friend at midnight
    2. The widow and the judge
    3. The unforgiving servant
    4. The Good Samaritan
  14. In the temple at Jerusalem, Jesus did all the following except
    1. overturning the tables
    2. whipping with the teachers of the law
    3. teaching people
    4. chasing people out
  15. "My father is always working and I too must work." These words were spoken by Jesus when
    1. he healed a man who had been sick for 38 years
    2. he healed a woman with the flow of blood
    3. he calmed the storm
    4. he raised Lazarus
  16. Which of the following is a lesson we learn from the actions of Jesus of washing the feet of his disciples? That we should
    1. humble ourselves
    2. obey God's commands
    3. always pray without stopping
    4. be faithful in our actions
  17. Which one of the following is not true Jesus about according to the Apostles' Creed?
    1. He is the ruler of the Kingdoms 
    2. He suffered and died
    3. He went to heaven
    4. He went to hell and came back
  18. Which one of the following statements about the temptation of Jesus is correct?
    1. Satan asked Jesus to turn bread into stones
    2. Satan told Jesus to give him part of the Roman empire
    3. Satan asked Jesus to drop himself from a cliff
    4. Satan asked Jesus to turn stones into bread 
  19. Arrange the following events as they happened in the day of Pentecost.
    1. Apostle Peter spoke to the congregation 
    2. There was a strong wind 
    3. The disciples spoke in tongues
    4. People thought they were drunk
    5. Wind broke into tongues of fire
      1. iv, i, ii, ii, v
      2. i,ii, ii, iv, v
      3. ii, v, iii, iv, i
      4. ii, i, iii, iv, v
  20. A community of believers worshipping together is called
    1. nation
    2. a synagogue
    3. a church
    4. holy communion
  21. Three of the following wedding practices are found in both christian and traditional African communities. Which one is not?


      Prayers are offered to the couple
    2. Blessing of the bride and the bridegroom
    3. Singing and dancing
    4. Offering animal sacrifices to thank God
  22. Who among the following specialists would mainly be consulted when there is drought in traditional African society?
    1. Priest
    2. Diviner
    3. Rainmaker
    4. Seer
  23. Marriage in traditional African communities was considered important because it 
    1. provided cheap labour
    2. provided a sense of belonging
    3. ensured continuity of the clan
    4. promoted peace and harmony
  24. Girls and boys should keep their bodies from immoral activities mainly because
    1. they might get HIV and AIDS
    2. their bodies are still young and tender
    3. they are still in school
    4. their bodies are the temple of the holy spirit
  25. The practise of employing people from the same family in an organization is called
    1. nepotism
    2. tribalism
    3. racismn
    4. corruption
  26. Japheth is rude and occasionally steals from his parents. What should his parents do?
    1. Guide and counsel him
    2. Beat him up
    3. Send him away from home
    4. Forget about him
  27. Which one of the following is not done by the christian community as peace agents?
    1. Feeding people affected by natural calamities
    2. Clothing the models in beauty contests
    3. Providing drinking water in drought stricken areas
    4. Comforting people who have lost their possessions through fire
  28. You have noticed that your friend Kaguai has been avoiding some lessons in school and you would like her to stop. As a christian, the best way to go about it is to
    1. report her to her parents
    2. report her to the classteacher
    3. tell her that you no longer want to be her friend
    4. help her understand the importance of taking her studies seriously
  29. Which one of the following is the best way for christians to use their leisure time according to christian teaching?
    1. Sleep
    2. Watch television
    3. Serve God and others
    4. Take a walk with friends
  30. Which of the following is true of the missionaries who came to Kenya? They
    1. built the railway
    2. translated the Bible into local languages
    3. colonised the country
    4. taught traditional African religion


  1. Which verses among the following is found in suratul An-Nas?
    1. "So glorify the praises of your Lord"
    2. "Let them worship the Lord of this house
    3. "Say I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind"
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone"
  2. Which one of the following is a teaching of suratul Aadiyat?
    1. The night of power is better than a thousand months 
    2. Human beings are at a loss except those who believe 
    3. Human beings will be like moths
    4. All things will be exposed on the Day of Qiyama 
  3. The main lesson derived from surah Fiyl is 
    1. Allah is the Most Powerful 
    2. Birds can damage anything
    3. Backbiters and rumour mongers will perish
    4. Worldly things should not destruct us
  4. The prophet (SAW) said, "Say the truth even if it is bitter." This hadith teaches us on the virtue of

    1. tolerance

    2. honesty

    3. patience

    4. responsibility

  5. The first faradh part of wudhu is 
    1. feet
    2. face
    3. head
    4. arms
  6. Which surah teaches Muslims the importance of tolerance?
    1. Masad
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Kaafirun
    4. Maun
  7. Which one of the following was a title given to Abubakar because he believed everything that the prophet(SAW) said?
    1. Assidiq
    2. Al-Amin
    3. Asadullah
    4. Abtar
  8. How many extra takbiras does the Imam say in the first rakaat of swalatul Idd?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Five
    4. Seven
  9. The act of putting a sweet thing in the mouth of a newly born baby is known as
    1. Tahniiq
    2. AqiqA
    3. Nikah
    4. Mahar
  10. In which city did the prophet (SAW) die?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madinah
    3. Taif
    4. Jerusalem
  11. Mwafulani sells clothes but when it is almost Ramadhan he hides some and sells them a few days to Idd at a very high price. This act is haram and it is called 64.
    1. Israaf
    2. Ghush
    3. Hoarding
    4. Usury 
  12. "Say, He is Allah the One." This verse teaches us that
    1. we should avoid the shirk
    2. we should visit the sick
    3. Allah created everything
    4. guidance comes from Allah (SWT)
  13. In emphasizing unity among Muslims, the prophet(SAW) compared them to
    1. a flowing river
    2. a mountain
    3. an army
    4. a building
  14. How many animals are slaughtered during aqiqa for a baby girl?
    1. Two
    2. One
    3. Three
    4. Five
  15. A station where pilgrims make niyyah and change to Ihram during Hajj is called
    1. Muzdalifa
    2. Minaa
    3. Miiqat
    4. Sawfa
  16. The surah that was revealed to assure the prophet(SAW) of more revelation was
    1. Dhuha
    2. Inshirah
    3. Kauthar
    4. Falaq
  17. Which of the following is considered halal even if it is found dead?
    1. Cow
    2. Fish
    3. Chicken
    4. Crocodile
  18. Which act of worship is done before the prayer for Idul-Fitr?
    1. Fasting
    2. Giving zakatul Fitr
    3. Feasting
    4. Slaughtering
  19. For how long was the treaty of Hudaibiyya supposed to last?
    1. Ten years
    2. Three days
    3. Five weeks
    4. Three years
  20. Which pillar among the pillars of Islam is considered a shield?
    1. Shahada
    2. Zakah
    3. Saum
    4. Hajj
  21. Theprophet (SAW) said, "Whoever performs Hajj and commits no evil returns home________"
    1. as strong as a new born baby
    2. with thawaabs like a martyr
    3. very energetic ready for ibaada
    4. free from sins like a newly born baby
  22. What is the correct recitation done after the third Takbira in swalatul-Janaza?
    1. Prayer for the deceased
    2. Prayer for the prophet
    3. Prayer for all Muslims
    4. Recitation of surah Fatiha
  23. Who among the following wives of the prophet(SAW) was the daughter of Abubakar?
    1. Aisha (RA)
    2. Khadija (RA)
    3. Hafsa (RA)
    4. Zainab (RA)
  24. What marks the end of prayer?
    1. Suju
    2. Takbiir
    3. Taslim
    4. Julus
  25. Which attribute ofAllah(SWT) shows that He is the Most Forgiving?
    1. As-Swamad
    2. Al-Ghaffar
    3. Al-Khaliq
    4. AR-Rahiim
  26. In which month did Musa (AS) save the Israelites from Firaun?
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Muharram
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  27. Which one of the following nullifies both saum and swalah?
    1. Sleeping
    2. Backbiting
    3. Breast feeding
    4. Menstruation
  28. Which action among the following shows respect to the dead?
    1. Standing up on secing a coffîn (Janaza) 
    2. Talking about the dead in low voices
    3. Planting trees around the grave
    4. Building around their graves
  29. What should a Muslim say on hearing news of death?
    1. Alhamdulillahi Alaa kulli haal
    2. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun
    3. Masha-Allah Tabaarakallah
    4. Astaghfirullah
  30. Which one among the following is a similarity between Jumua and Idd prayers?
    1. Both are performed after midday
    2. Both have one takbiratul-ihram
    3. Both have two sermons
    4. Both are performed before sunrise


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. D
  21. C
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. C
  35. C
  36. A
  37. A
  38. A
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. D
  51. A
  52. C
  53. D
  54. B
  55. B
  56. B
  57. D
  58. B
  59. A
  60. D


  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. A
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
Tuesday, 07 September 2021 13:26

Science - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

  1. Materials which allow some light to pass through them but one cannot see through them clearly are used to make the following except  
    1. skylight
    2. vehicle windscreens 
    3. toilet window panes
    4. bathroom window panes
  2. Absorption of water and mineral salts in human being takes place in the
    1. stomach
    2. duodenum
    3. Small intestine
    4. large intestine
  3. Broilers are ready for slaughter after being fed for how many months?
    1. Six
    2. Two
    3. Twelve
    4. Eight
  4. Some mammals feed on both flesh and vegetables. Which one of the following is an example of such a mammal?
    1. Dog
    2. Pig
    3. Goat
    4. Cat
  5. The following are examples of tuber crops except
    1. sweet potato
    2. carrot
    3. irish potato
    4. onion
  6. The diagram below shows parts of a flower.
    class 8 ET1 set 1 sci Q6
    Which one of the labelled parts is not correctly matched with its function?
               Part           Function
    1. W              -Receives pollen grains 
    2. X               -Receives pollen grams
    3. Y               -Develops into a seed 
    4. Z               -Attracts insecis
  7. Which one of the following parts of a bean seed is correctiy matched with its function vegetables.
               Part                 Function
    1. Micropyle      - Altaches seed to a pod
    2. Plumule         -Develops into roots
    3. Cotyledon      -Stores food
    4. Testa              -Allows in water
  8. The diagram below represents the model of the breathing system
    class 8 ET1 set 1 sci q8
    The part marked Q represents
    1. diaphragm 
    2. lungs
    3. ribs
    4. bronchus
  9. Which one of the following are the percentages ot rare gases and carbon dioxide 
    1. 0.03 and 78%
    2. 0.97% and 0.03% 
    3. 21%and 9.03% 
    4. 78% and 0.97
  10. The diagram below shows processes which cause changes in the state of matter.
    class 8 Et1 set 1 sci q10
    Which two processes absorb heat from the surrounding?
    1. R and S
    2. P and Q
    3. Q and R
    4. P and S
  11. The set-up below was used to investigate a certain property of matter
    class 8 Et1 set1 sci Q 11
    Which one of the following is the correct observation that will be made in the set-up above when the source of heat is removed?
    1. The coloured water will drop in the straw
    2. The coloured water will turn colourless
    3. The coloured water will rise up the straw
    4. The coloured water will boil
  12. Which one of the following factors does not affect sinking and floating of a material in water? The;
    1. weight of the material
    2. type of the material
    3. shape of the material
    4. volume of the material
  13. In which of the following is friction most needed?
    1. Streamlining
    2. Using rollers
    3. Polishing the surface
    4. Skating
  14. Which one of the following sentences is not correct?

    1. Tools should be cleaned after use


      Tools should be stored in a clean dry place
    3. Tools should be handled carefully
    4. Tools should be thrown away when they break down
  15. Which two physical properties of soil can be investigated using the set-up below?
    class 8 ET1 set 1 sci Q15
    1. Capillarity and drainage
    2. Drainage and soil texture
    3. Water retention and drainage
    4. Capillarity and water retention
  16. Which one of the following consists of materials which cannot be separated using a magnet?
    1. Tin and copper
    2. Zinc and aluminium
    3. Steel and zinc
    4. Brass and iron filings
  17. When breathing out, the 
    1. diaphragm relax
    2. lungs expand
    3. volume of the chest increases 
    4. diaphragm moves downwards
  18. Which is the best way of controlling splash  erosion?
    1. Mulching 
    2. Building gabbions
    3. Contour ploughing
    4. Terracing
  19. The diagram below shows Aringo and Regina balancing on a see-saw. 
    class 8 Et1 set 1 sci Q19
    For Aringo to balance with Regina, 
    1. Aringo should move  away from the fulcrum
    2. both of them should stand 
    3. Regina should move away from the fulcrum 
    4. Regina should move towards the fulcrum
  20. Which one of the following is not a proper storage of medicines?
    1. Always complete che dosage given by the doctor
    2. The medicine cuphoard should be lockable
    3. .All medicines should be kept beyond the reach of children
    4. Medicines should not be stored together with food stuffs
  21. Weeds should be
    1. planted in the field
    2. mixed with other crops
    3. controlled
    4. encouraged to grow in the field
  22. The diagram below represents a set-up that can be used to demonstrate a certain mode of heat transfer.
    class 6 Et1 sci q20
    The process demonstrated is
    1. convection
    2. conduction
    3. diffusion
    4. radiation
  23. Which one of the following statements is not true about the solar system
    1. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
    2. Jupiter is the largest planet.
    3. We use glue to mount the planets to the orbit
    4. Venus is the brightest planet
  24. Which one of the following is not an effect of noise?
    1. Irritability
    2. Deafness
    3. Madness 
    4. Ringing in the ear
  25. Which one of the following consists of only characteristics of wind pollinated flowers?
    1. Small amount of pollen grains, dull in colour
    2. Loosely held anthers, sticky stigma
    3. Feathery stigma, no scent
    4. No nectar, brightly coloured petals
  26. Which one of the following is not a source of light?
    1. Firefly
    2. Moon
    3. Star
    4. Sun
  27. Which one of the following is an effect of excessive use of fertilizer as a water pollutant?
    1. Excessive growth of water weeds
    2. Water-borne diseases
    3. Suffocation of water animals
    4. Increase of water animals
  28. The last stage when separating a mixture of  sand and salt after addition of water is a
    1. decanting
    2. evaporating
    3. filtering
    4. sieving
  29. Class three pupils placed a glass of water outside in the sun on a hot day as shown below.
    class 8 Et 1 set 1 sci Q29
    What conclusion did the pupils make? 
    1. Water has no air
    2. Air contains water
    3. Water evaporated
    4. Water contains air
  30. Given below are descriptions of a certain stage of HiV infection 


      lt lasts between 6 weeks to 12 years
    2. If a medical test is done, the presence of HIv are discovered in the sample of blood.
    3. The infected person looks normal and healthy
    4. Can infect other people
      Which stage of HIV is described above?
      1. Full blown
      2. Window
      3. Incubation
      4. Symptomatic
  31. Which constituent of balanced diet do animals get when they are fed on bone meal?
    1. Minerals 
    2. Protein
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Fats and oils
  32. Which one of the following activities is not a way of using water sparingly
    1. Using drip irrigation
    2. Closing taps after use
    3. Repairing leaking pipes
    4. Mulching
  33. Pale skin, dizziness, white palms and eyelids are treated by eating a lot of
    1. Ripe banana
    2. spinach
    3. sweet potato
    4. bacon
  34. Given below are nutrients needed by plants healthy growth, Which one of them is a micro-nutient? 
    1. Chlorine 
    2. Hydrogen 
    3. Magnesium
    4. Phosphorus
  35. Which one of the following is a function of Vitamin A in the diet? 
    1. For good eyesight
    2. Making strong bones
    3. Helps to make the blood healthy 
    4. Helps in the clotting of blood
  36. A person suffering from cholera loses a lot of water through
    1. diarrhoea and sweating
    2. diarrhoea and vomiting
    3. vomiting and sweating
    4. diarhoea and tears
  37. The following are characteristics of image formed on a plane mirror. Which one is not? 
    1. Image is upright 
    2. The image forms behind the mirror
    3. Image is inverted. 
    4. Image is same size as object
  38. Which one of the following animals correctly matched with how it feeds?
       Animal   How it feeds 
     A   Grasshoper     pecking
     B  Spider    sucking 
     C  Rabbit      chewing 
     D  Butterfly     chewing
  39. Which one of the following animals belong to the same group as a scorpion?
    1. Crab
    2. Locust
    3. Millipede
    4. Tick
  40. The diagram below shows a windsock. The suitable material for making part X is
    class 8 Et1 set 1 sci Q40
    1. mosquito net
    2. plastic sheet
    3. polythene paper
    4. manila paper
  41. Which one of the following examples of levers has the position of load between the positions of effort and fulcrum when in use?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Spade
    3. Lid opener
    4. Crowbar
  42. The diagram below represents a set-up that is used to investigate a certain property of light
    class 8 ET1 Set 1 sci Q42
    The property investigated is that light
    1. is refracted 
    2. travels in a straight line 
    3. is dispersed 
    4. does not pass through opaque materials 
  43. Which one of the following sentences about a hurricane lamp is not correct?
    1. It has chimney that prevents the flame from flickering 
    2. It uses paraffin
    3. It can safely use spirit 
    4. It has a wick
  44. Which one of the following is not a reason its for lighting a house?
    1. For safety 
    2. To scare away pests
    3. To wam the house
    4. To read comfortably
  45. An object is pulled towards the ground by the 
    1. weigh
    2. force of gravity
    3. inertia
    4. force of magnet
  46. Which one of the following effects of drug abuse consists of only health effects?
    1. Theft and lack of concentration
    2. Induced accidents and truancy
    3. Rape and withdrawal symptoms
    4. Addiction and loss of consciousness
  47. A grade four pupil was observing the sky. She saw a thick white feathery clouds. These were signs of
    1. heavy rain falling soon
    2. low temperature
    3. fine weather
    4. strong winds blowing
  48. Which one of the following groups of foods make a balanced diet?

    1. Milk, bread, sweet potato

    2. Meat, beans, fish

    3. Meat, cabbage, ugali

    4. Rice, green grams, milk

  49. The component of soil that improves water holding ability is 

    1. mineral salts


    3. organic matter
    4. living organism
  50. Which one of the following consists of pairs of biotic components of environment?
    1. Elephant and maize plants
    2. Soil and water
    3. Air and plants
    4. Animals and water


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. B
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. B
  49. C
  50. A
Tuesday, 07 September 2021 11:48

Kiswahili - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 hadi 15, Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne, Chagua jibu lifaalo kati ya ale uliyopewa.

Wahenga ______1_______ waliposema kuwa ______2______. Watahiniwa wengi huandika insha ______3______ mithili ya vipofu pasi na kutambua _______4______uandishi wa insha. Kama yalivyo maswali mengine katika mitihani ______5______ uandishi wa insha vilevile ni ______6______ kujibiwa kwa kuzingatia ______7______ yanayotolewa kabla ya swali lenyewe. Jambo la ajabu ni kwamba, wengi wa wanafunzi huanza tu kuandika ______8______  ya kuisoma sehemu hii muhimu. Amri ya mtahini ni muhimu sana na ni sharti ifuatwe kikamilifu.

    1. hawakukosea
    2. walikosea
    3. hawakutuandaa
    4. walituandaa
    1. asiyekujua hakuthamini
    2. kuyumbayumba sio kuanguka
    3. mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe
    4. jambo usilolijua ni usiku wa kiza
    1. kitamaduni
    2. kilevi
    3. kipopo
    4. kijuzi
    1. sintofahamu inayoikumba
    2. suitafahamu inayoukumba
    3. suitafahamu inayoikumba
    4. sintofahamu inayoukumba
    1. ;
    2. ,
    3. :
    4. ?
    1. maswali ambalo yanafaa
    2. swali ambalo halifai
    3. maswali ambayo hayafai
    4. swali ambalo linafaa
    1. mashauri
    2. maonyo
    3. maagizo
    4. ushauri
    1. minghairi ya
    2. sembuse
    3. maadamu
    4. mintarafu

Fisi alikuwa amezoea _______9________ kwa muda mrefu sana. Maisha yake ya kuiparamia _______10______ na wanyama wengine yalikuwa yamemshinda. Hii ni ______11______ wanyama kama simba na chui waliyateketeza mabaki ya mawindo yao. Aliamua kuanza kufanya ______12______. Alitengeneza silaha kama mishale ili kuwawinda wanyama wengine,jambo ambalo lilikuwa limepingwa vikali na mfalme wao. Tendo hilo lilikuwa ______13______. Juhudi zake ______14______ kwani mishale yake ilikuwa ______15______ na haingemudu kumfuma mnyama yeyote.

    1. kuvuna mahali ambapo hakupanda
    2. kupanda mahali ambapo alivuna
    3. kupanda kabla ya kwenda kuvuna
    4. kuvuna mahali ambapo alipanda
    1. vyakula vilivyoliwa
    2. mizoga iliyosazwa
    3. wanyama waliouwawa
    4. nyama zilizoliwa
    1. kwasababu
    2. kwa kuwa
    3. kwa sababu
    4. kwa minajili
    1. jambazi
    2. ujambazi
    3. ujangili
    4. jangili
    1. halali
    2. lilikataliwa
    3. likiharamia
    4. haramu
    1. hazikufua dafu
    2. zilizaa matunda
    3. hazikuambulia patupu
    4. zilifua dafu
    1. si butu
    2. butu
    3. kali
    4. bora

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu sahihi. 

  1. Chagua sentensi isiyoakifishwa vizuri
    1. Mwanafunzi bora-aliyeongoza katika mtihani-alituzwa.
    2. Mtu anayeipenda nchi yake (kwa dhati) huitetea zaidi.
    3. Sokoni mlikuwa na matunda mengi: mapera, maparachichi na karakara.
    4. Usilijibu swali lolote," mtahini alielekeza.
  2. Tambua sentensi yenye vivumishi vya pekee
    1. Mwanariadha hodari alizawadiwa.
    2. Wageni wenyewe waliula mkate wote. 
    3. Mtu mzuri ni anayevifanya vitendo vizuri kwa kuradidi.
    4. Shuleni palikuwa na bawabu mwenye maarifa tele.
  3. Ni kitenzi gani kilichoradidiwa katika sentensi zifuatazo?
    1. Anayetembea upesiupesi hufika kwa haraka
    2. Ukiwasemasema watu utakuwa mfitini.
    3. Machungwa yale yale ndiyo yaliyoliwa.
    4. Tulitembea asteaste kuelekea madhabahuni.
  4. Bainisha usemi wa taarifa wa:
    "Wanafunzi wawa hawa ndio waliotia fora mtihanini, "mwalimu mkuu alisema.
    1. Wanafunzi wale wale ndio waliotia fora mihanini mwalimu mkuu alisema.
    2. Mwalimu mkuu alisema kuwa wanafunzi wale wale ndio waliotia fora mtihanini
    3. "Mwalimu mkuu alisema" wanafunzi wawa hawa ndio waliotia fora mtihanini. 
    4. Mwalimu mkuu atasema kuwa wanafunzi wale wale ndio watakaotia fora mtihanini. B.C. mgawa
  5. Neno mwanasesere ina silabi ngapi?
    1. 9
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. 4
  6. Neni karibu limetumikaje katika sentensi ifuatayo?
    Wastaafu wote walilipwa zaidi ya karibu milioni moja.
    1. Kuonyesha nusura
    2. Kuonyesha maagano
    3. Kuonyesha umbali
    4. Kuonyesha makisio
  7. Tumia kiunganishi kifaacho.
    Ni kwa nini umenmpa funguo za nyumba yako ________________ unajua kuwa yeye ni mwizi?
    1. maadamu
    2. ilhali
    3. ingawa
    4. isitoshe
  8. Andika sentensi ifuatayo bila kirejeshi -amba
    Mfanyakazi ambaye atafanya bidii atapandishwa madaraka.
    1. Mfanyakazi afanyaye bidii atapandishwa madaraka
    2. Atakayefanya kazi kwa bidii atapandishwa madaraka.
    3. Mfanyakazi ambaye atakayefanya kazi kwa bidii atapandishwa madaraka.
    4. Mfanyakazi anayefanya kazi kwa bidii atapandishwa madaraka. 
  9. Ni upi wingi wa sentensi hii?
    Ubavu wa mnyama wangu umevunjwa na  jirani mwenye wivu. 
    1. Ubavu wa wanyama wangu umevunjwa na majirani wenye wivu.
    2. Mbavu za wanyama wetu zimevunjwa na majirani wenye wivu.
    3. Ubavu za wanyama zangu zimevunjwa na jirani wenye wivu. 
    4. Mabavu ya wanyama wetu yamevunjwa na jirani wenye wivu.
  10. Kama juzi ilikuwa Jumatano tarehe kumi na nane, mtondo itakuwa siku gani tarehe ngapi?
    1. Jumatatu tarehe ishirini na tatu
    2. Alhamisi tarehe ishirini na tisa
    3. Jumapili tarehe ishirini na mbili
    4. Ijumaa tarehe ishirini.
  11. Ni sentensi ipi yenye maana sawa na 
    Sio nadra wao hutembeleana.
    1. Wao hutembeleana mara chache
    2. Wao hutembeleana mara nyingi
    3. Si mara kwa mara wao hutembeleana
    4. Kutembeleana kwao ni adimu
  12. Ni methali gani yenye maana sawa na:
    Ngoja ngoja huumiza mtu matumbo?
    1. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika glu bidii atapandishwa madaraka.
    2. Pole pole ndio mwendo D.
    3. Chelewa chelewa utakuta mwana si wako
    4. Haraka haraka haina baraka
  13. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia sitiari.
    1. Maua ni sungura siku hizi.
    2. Moyo wake ulimshauri asikate tamaa.
    3. Alice alijifungua salama salimini.
    4. Ondigo ni mweusi mithili ya masizi.
  14. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika kauli ya majirani wenye wivu kutendewa
    Kaguai alienda uwanjani akaucheza mpira.
    1. Mpira ulichezwa na Kaguai uwanjani. 
    2. Kaguai aliuchezea mpira uwanjani.
    3. Mpira ulichezwa na Kaguai
    4. Uwanjani ulichezwa mpira na Kaguai.
  15. Makao ya mchwa si 
    1. kingulima
    2. kinyago
    3. lishirazi
    4. kichuguu

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha uiibu maswali 31- 40

Akiba ni nini? Kwa kifupi, akiba ni kitu kilichotengwa kwa ajili ya manufaa ya baadaye. Watu wanaoamini akiba huwa wanafahamu kuwa maisha yana nyuso mara mbili: wakati wa mavuno mema na wakati wa mavuno hafifu. Wanazaraa hawa wanafahamu fika kuwa kuna uwezekano wa kupata mavuno kama hayo mbeleni. Taifa linalowajali wazalendo wake huhakikisha kuwa maghala yamejaa vyakula nomi. Akiba maarufu zaidi ni ya kuhifadhi pesa benkini.

Watu wengi duniani wamebakia kuwa walalahoi kwa kutojua wala kutambua namna ya kuweka akiba. Utawasikia wengi wakisema kuwa hakiba huwekwa na waja wenye vipato vikubwa. Kabla ya kufikiria hivyo ni vyema ujue kuwa waliokuwa au walionavyo, mwanzoni hawakuwa navyo. Mtu anaweza kuweka akiba hata kama kipato chake ni cha chini kabisa. Kumbuka kuwa hakiba haiozi na kidogo kidogo hujazaa kibaba.

Wengine hulalamika eti hawawezi kuweka akiba kwani mapato yao huishia tu wanapokidhi matakwa
yao ya lazima. Hawajui kwamba iwapo wanataka kuwa na uchumi thabiti katika siku za usoni ni sharti kujinyima. Kukosa kuweka akiba eti kwa kusingizia mshahara mdogo ni kujipumbaza tu. Kuna baadhi ya watu vilevile wanaodhani kuwa wao ni wachanga zaidi kuanza kuweka hifadhi. Kuna wanaofanya mipango mizuri zaidi ya kuzitumia pesa zao lakini tamaa na uchu huwafanya tena kupotoka kabisa. Kupanga kufanya jambo na kisha ukakosa kulitekeleza ni kupoteza muda. Utawaona watu wanalipwa mshahara, wanatumia kila kitu na kuendelea kufanya kazi kungojea mshahara mwingine. Huku ni kuzungukia sehemu moja kama tiara bila kupiga hatua.

Ni jambo la busara sana kuanza kuweka akiba kutoka utotoni. Akiba hizi zinaweza kufanywa kwa njia ayami. Mwanzo mtu anaweza kuwa na mkebe mdogo uliotengenezwa kwa njia ya kipekee. Mkebe huo huwa na kishimo kidogo kinachomwezesha mtu kuweka pesa bila kutoa. Njia nyingine ni kuwa wazazi au walezi wao kuwawekea. Wazazi na walezi wanaweza kuwafungulia watoto wao akaunti kwenye benki. Kuweka pesa benkini ni bora zaidi kuliko akiba nyingine zozote. Hii ni kwa sababu ya ulinzi wa pesa pale benkini. Isitoshe, pesa zinazowekwa kwenye benki huzaa riba. Vilevile pesa hizo zinaweza kuwekezwa kwa njia ambazo faida zitaonekana na mtoto mwenyewe. Mtoto anaweza kununuliwa mifugo kama vile; kuku, sungura, mabata ambao watazaana na kumletea mtoto faida zaidi.

Mtoto anapoona kuwa pesa zake zinaweza kuendelea kuzaa huwa na motisha wa kuendelea kuweka
akiba. Mwana akilelewa kwa tamaduni hizi za kuwekeza, kamwe hataacha hata akiwa mtu mzima. Atakuwa na mshawasha wa kuendelea kuzalisha milele. Kuweka akiba kutoka utotoni humfanya mtoto kuwa na pesa za kutosha hata kuyaendeleza masomo yake bila kutegemea wafadhili. Huku ndiko kujitegemea. Mtu anayejitegemea huishi maisha ya amani na raha mstarehe.

Je, wewe tayari una akiba au utaanza kuweka leo? Kumbuka kuwa kuweka akiba ni ishara kubwa zaidi ya kuwa na nidhamu.

  1. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya kwanza,
    1. akiba muhimu zaidi ni za vyakula vya wakulima
    2. akiba huwekwa baada ya kupata mapato mengi
    3. mtu anafaa kuweka akiba hata kama mapato yake ni finyu
    4. maisha kamwe hayana nyuso mbili
  2. Ni kwa nini watu wengi wameishia kuwa maskini kulingana na taarifa uliyoisoma?
    1. Mapato yao ni machache
    2. Wanafahamu fika maana ya kuweka akiba
    3. Wanachelea kuweka akiba wakidhani hawana vya kutosha
    4. Walalahai wameyachukua mapato makubwa wakawamalizia
  3. Chagua methali iliyo kinyume na methali iliyotumiwa katika sentensi ya mwisho wa aya ya pili
    1. Chururu si ndo! ndo! ndo!
    2. Papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe 
    3. Haba na haba hujaza kibaba
    4. Mchumia juani hulia kivulini
  4. Serikali inawezaje kuwahakikishia watu wake uthabiti wa kiuchumi kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. Kuwashauri watu wake kuweka akiba
    2. Kuwalazimisha wananchi wake kuweka akiba
    3. Kuwapa wananchi wake mapato makubwa ili waweke akiba
    4. Kuwawekea wananchi wake vyakula vya kutosha kwenye maghala
  5. Watu wengi hawapendi kuweka akiba kwa sababu zote hizi ila
    1. wanadhani kuwa mapato yao hayatoshi
    2. wanaona kuwa umri wao ni mdogo mno 
    3. wanafanya mipango mizuri lakini hawaitekelezi 
    4. mapato yao yanawaruhusu kuweka akiba ndogo mno
  6. Huku ni kuzungukia sehemu moja kama tiara... Ni tamathali gani ya lugha iliyotumiwa hapa?
    1. Tashbihi
    2. Methali
    3. Istiara
    4. Semi
  7. Ni ijambo lipi linalowazuia watu wenye mipango mizuri kuweka akiba?
    1. Mipango yao huwa na kasoro fulani.
    2. Wanayapangia mapato bila kufahau kuwa hayatoshi
    3. Mshahara wao mdogo kukosa kuwaruhusu kuitekeleza mipango yao
    4. Hulka zao za kuvitamani sana vitu vingine
  8. Kati ya mbinu zifuatazo, ni mbinu gani si bora
    1. Kuweka pesa kwenye mkebe maalum
    2. Kuwapa wazazi wao pesa wawawekee
    3. Kuzitumia pesa ili kukirimia matakwa yao
    4. Kuweka pesa kwenye akaunti za benki
  9. Ni kwa nini mtu anafaa kuanza kuweka akiba akiwa na umri mdogo?
    1. Atakuwa tajiri kwa haraka mno
    2. Atakuwa na utamaduni huo maishani
    3. Pesa zake zitakuwa maradufu
    4. Mtu hahitaji kujipanga akiwa ameweka akiba
  10. Mtu anayepoteza kazi yake ilhali ameweka akiba;
    1. atakuwa mtegemeaji wa wengine
    2. anaweza kuanzisha biashara
    3. ataanza kuweka akiba kidogo kidogo
    4. ataweza kwenda ziarani kujivinjari na familia

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali 41-50

Nyanya Matinda alikuwa ametualika twende kumsalimia. Mwanzo aliwauliza wazazi wetu iwapo sote tungepatikana wakati wa sikukuu ya Krismasi. Wengi waliitikia ualishi huo isipokuwa shangazi ambaye aljitetea kuwa binamu yetu Juma angekuwa na shughuli muhimu chuoni. Baada ya majadiliano ya kina na watu wote wa ukoo, uamuzi ulitolewa kuwa twende kumtembelea wakati wa kiburunzi.

Mimi sikuwa nimemwona bibi huyu kwa zaidi ya nusu mwongo. Nilikuwa na mchanganyiko wa furaha na maswali. Furaha kwa kuwa ningepata nafasi ya kuzuru watu wa nyumbani na maswali ya kujua tuliloitiwa. "Je, nyanya anataka kuishia ahera ama vipi? Niliwaza na kuwazua. Nilitaka kuingojea siku hiyo ili nijue dhahiri shahiri. Bibi alikuwa ametayarisha kuchinja ndume wake kuwa kitoweo chetu.

Kufikia saa tisa alasiri tarehe thelathini na moja Desemba, kila mmoja alikuwa amewasili. Mimi ndimi niliyefika karibu wa mwisho. Nilipofika kwa nyanya nilishangazwa na wingi wa watu. Ukweli ni kwamba, singewajua wala kuwatambua wote. Wengi walikuwa ajinabi machoni pangu. Kulikuwa na harufu nzuri ya vyakula hewani. Nilianza kudondokwa na mate bila kujua. Punde si punde, tuliombwa na ami mkuu tuingie ndani sote. Nyumba ya nyanya ilikuwa na bahari ya sebule. Tulimezwa sote na hakukuwa aliyetapikwa hata mmoja. Ilikuwani nyumba ya kisasa iliyojengwa kwa teknolojia mpya.

Pale sebuleni. kila mmoja alionekana akishughulika na simu za mkononi. Wengine walikuwa kwenye mtandao, wengine wakicheza michezo, wengine wakiandika jumbe na wengine wakipiga picha almaarufu 'selfie". Mara nyanya Matinda alinyerereka asteaste na kuingia ndani. Cha ajabu ni kwamba, hakuna aliyemwona isipokuwa mimi. Wote walikuwa na shughuli. Nyanya alionekana kukasirika. Alitoka shoti na kuingia katika chumba chake cha kulala. Aliporudi alikuwa amebeba gunia. Alikohoa. Kila mmoja aliinua kichwa na kumwangalia. "Hata hamna muda wa kuzungumza mjuane? Simu..simu.simu tu! Kila mmoja aiweke simu yake kwenye gunia hili." Nyanya alifoka kwa ukali. Tulitii amri ingawa kwa shingo upande.

Sote hatukufurahia lakini tukajibu, "Pole nyanya Matinda kwa kukuudhi'"kwa kauli moja. "Ni kwa nini mmechangamkia elimu ya ulimwengu na huku elimu ya ukoo mmeipoteza? Ni kwa nini hamuwezi kuzungumza mkajuane? Hamjui kwamba dunia imeharibika siku hizi? Hamjawaona ndugu wa damu wakioana kwa kutojua? Ni kwa nini dunia hii inawapotosha wajukuu wangu? Ama nyote mnajuana?" Hapana nyanya," tulijibu kwa pamoja. "Haya hebu sasa mwangalie mwenzako," alitoa kauli nyingine.

"Ah! Wajukuu wangu, mmedanganyika na kupotoka kabisa. Hebu tazameni humu mwangu, ni kitu
gani cha kisasa ambacho hakiko? Angalieni runinga yangu na simu yangu. Hivi vyote si vya kisasa? Sasa
hebu mniambie iwapo vimenikatiza kujua watu wa ukoo wangu?" Nyanya alisimulia kwa masikitiko.
"Vyombo hivi vyote vya teknolojia ni vyema. Nyinyi ndinyi mnavitumia isivyofaa. Mimi nilipozaliwa
nilipata kuwa kulikuwa na magazeti na televisheni. Baba yangu alikuwa na kijiredio cha mbao ambacho
hakuna hata mmoja aliyeruhusiwa kukigusa." Tuliangua kicheko. "Acheni kucheka. Hata tulikuwa na
televisheni ya "Sanyo' ambayo ilionyesha rangi nyeusi na nyeupe."tulicheka tena. "Isitoshe, kijiji kizima
kilifika kwetu wakati wa Magharibi kutazama taarifa ya habari!"

Wakati huo wote tulishindwa kuzuia vicheko. Nyanya pia aliongezea kuwa baba yake alikuwa na saa kubwa sana. Saa hiyo iliyotajwa kuwa ya "Majira' iikuwa kubwa zaidi kiasi kwamba iliwekwa sakafuni.
Alidokeza kuwa saa hiyo haikutumia betri. Kila mara ungesikia ikitoa sauti kwaa krabu zake, ch! ch! ch!
Saa ishirini na nne.

Wajukuu wangu, nimemaliza mizungu. Sasa karibuni tule na tufurahie kuwa watu wa ukoo mmoja." Sinia za minofu zilianza kuletwa mezani.

  1. Familia ya nyanya Matinda ilimtembelea lini kulingana na aya ya kwanza? 
    1. Wakati wa Krismasi
    2. Mkesha wa mwaka mpya
    3. Mkesha wa Krismasi
    4. Siku yake ya kuzaliwa
  2. Ni nani aliyetoa sababu ya mwanawe kutopata nafasi tarehe kamili za awali za ualishi?
    1. Binamu yake shangazi
    2. Mtoto wa kiume wa shangazi
    3. Ndugu wa kiume wa mama
    4. Ndugu wa kike wa baba
  3. Msimulizi hakuwa amemtembelea nyanya yake kwa muda wa
    1. zaidi ya miaka mitano
    2. takribani miaka kumi na miwili
    3. zaidi ya miaka kumi
    4. zaidi ya nusu ya mwaka
  4. Unafikiri ni kwa nini mwandishi wa makala haya alifurahia baada ya kupata ualishi?
    1. Alikuwa anajiuliza sababu kuu ya nyanya kuwaita
    2.  Alidhani kuwa siku za nyanya zilikuwa zimeyoyoma 
    3. Binamu yake alikuwa na shughuli na kwa hivyo hawangeenda
    4. Angepata nafasi ya kutembea nyumbani na kuwaona watu wao
  5. Kifungu, bahari ya sebule, kimepigiwa mstari. Kinamaanisha kuwa
    1. nyumba ya nyanya ilikuwa na bahari ndani
    2. sebuleni palikuwa na kidimbwi kikubwa
    3. sebule ilikuwa kubwa zaidi
    4. bahari iliyokuwapo ilitumeza sote tukapotea
  6. Kulingana na aya ya nne
    1. nyanya Matinda anaonyeshwa kutoipenda mitambo yoyote ya teknolojia
    2. nyanya Matinda anashangaa ni kwa nini wajukuu wamekuwa watumwa wa simu badala ya kujuana 
    3. nyanya Matinda anadhani kuwa simutamba huhifadhiwa kwenye gunia
    4. wajukuu wale waliziweka simu zao kwenye gunia kwa hiari
  7. Ni jambo gani linaloonyesha kuwa wajukuu wale walikuwa na heshima?
    1. Hawakuwa wanazungumziana kwa hivyo waliheshimiana
    2. Walimwambia nyanya Matinda pole baada ya kumkasirisha
    3. Walikubali kuziweka simu zao kwenye magunia kwa furaha
    4. Wajukuu wote walikuwa wamemiliki simu ya mkononi.
  8. Kifungu ulichokisoma kimebainisha kwamba elimu ya ukoo
    1. hutuwezesha kufahamu jamaa na koo zetu
    2. hutuwezesha kufahamu ulimwengu wa tovuti
    3. huturahisishia kujua elimu ya dunia
    4. haijapuuzwa na vijana hata kidogo
  9. Kauli zifuatazo zinazotolewa na nyanya zinaonyesha ucheshi isipokuwa masimulizi kuhusu
    1. kuwepo kwa magazeti yaliyosomwa na wakongwe
    2. saa kubwa ajabu ambayo haikutumia betri
    3. runinga iliyotazamwa na karibu kijiji kizima
    4. kuwepo kwa kijiredio cha mbao ambacho hakikuguzwa na yeyote
  10. Ni kauli gani iliyo sawa kulingana na makala uliyoyasoma?
    1. Elimu ya ukoo hufunzwa pamoja na elimu za dunia
    2. Hapakuwa na vyombo vya teknolojia hapo zamani
    3. Vyombo vya kiteknolojia ni vyema lakini vinatumiwa visivyo
    4. Vyombo vya teknolojia vililetwa ili kupoteza ukoo wa watu


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. D
  36. A
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. B
  47. B
  48. A
  49. A
  50. C
Tuesday, 07 September 2021 09:17

English - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

Fill in the blank spaces numbered 1 ta 15 with the best alternative from the choices given
______1______ years of public awareness campaigns, speed _______2______ the biggest kiler on our roads. When you are ______3______, it is not easy to stop your vehicle or ______4______ it in case of an emergency. ______5______, it is not easy to respond swiftly to ______6______ conditions or situations. The mobile phone is another contributor ______7______ road accidents. Not only is using your mobile phone while driving illegal ______8______ it is also dangerous.  The use of a mobile phone while behind the wheels ______9______ distraction among the motorists.______10______, some motorists still enjoy chatting different social media platforms while driving. If only they ______12______ what dangers they are exposing themselves ______13______.

Drunk diving often ______14______ in accidents. A motorist who drives under the influence of alcohol ______15______ to make good judgement on the road.

    1. Despite
    2. Inspite
    3. In spite
    4. Although
    1. becomes
    2. emerges
    3. remains
    4. appears
    1. overspeeding
    2. speeding
    3. accelerating
    4. racing
    1. manouver
    2. manouvre
    3. manoevre
    4. manoeuvre
    1. Moreover
    2. Therefore
    3. Nevertheless
    4. Nonetheless
    1. bad
    2. unexpected
    3. unplanned
    4. unrealistic
    1. to
    2. in
    3. towards
    4. upon
    1. then
    2. since
    3. and
    4. but
    1. brings
    2. causes
    3. showsS
    4. allows
    1. Unfortunately
    2. Certainly
    3. Already
    4. Amusingly
    1. with
    2. at
    3. on
    4. in
    1. know
    2. have known
    3. knew
    4. could know
    1. in
    2. upon
    3. with
    4. to
    1. results
    2. leads
    3. creates
    4. amounts
    1. cannot be able
    2. would not be able
    3. is unable
    4. cannot

For questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence.

  1. The new mobile l bought last week _____________________
    1. costed
    2. has costed
    3. costs luguestios
    4. cost question
  2. Neither my younger brother nor I ________________ planning to travel during the holidays.
    1. is
    2. are
    3. am
    4. were
  3. It was not until he looked outside the house _______________ he realised darkness had crept in.
    1. when
    2. that
    3. then
    4. than

Choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words in questions 19-21.

  1. The meeting was put off indefinitely.
    1. postponed
    2. cancelled
    3. stopped
    4. delayed
  2. The boy regained consciousness after a few hours.
    1. came off 
    2. came about
    3. came on
    4. came to
  3. It is cruel to look down on other people
    1. hate 
    2. despise
    3. mistreat
    4. ignore

In questions 22 and 23, choose the correst question tag.

  1. The boy claimed that he had left his book at home, ___________________?
    1. didn't he
    2. did he
    3. had he
    4. hadn't he
  2. George hardly ever arrives at school late, _____________________ ?
    1. is it
    2. does he D.
    3. doesn't he
    4. isn't it

For questions 24 and 25, select the word that least fits in thegroup.

    1. stationary 
    2. jewellery
    3. crockery
    4. equipment
    1. boar
    2. buck
    3. bitch
    4. stallion

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38

I had heard a great deal about Miss Beam's school. It was the talk of the town. Many parents wished they could secure a slot there for their children. However, it was not everyone who applied got the nod. I had a burning desire to visit the school and see for myself what happened there. It was not until last week that the chance to visit it came. I was full of mirth as I readied myself for the visit.

When I arrived, there was no one in sight but a girl of about twelve. Her eyes were covered with a bandage and she was being led carefully between the flower-beds by a little boy who was about four years younger. Suddenly, the girl stopped and it appeared as she had asked the boy who had come. He seemed to be describing me to her. Then they passed on.

Miss Beam was all that I had expected - middle-aged, full of authority, yet kindly and understanding. Her hair was beginning to turn grey and she had the kind of plump figure that is likely to be comforting to a homesick child. She received me with open arms as soon as I had introduced myself. Of course she had been expecting me. I asked her some questions about her teaching methods which I had heard were both unique and exciting.

She briefly explained how the school started and what prompted her to employ practical methods of teaching. "Our principal goal is to equip learners with special skills that will enable them demonstrate kindness to others and to be responsible citizens. Take a minute and look out of the window." I went to the window which overlooked a large garden and a playground at the back. "What do you see?" Miss Beam asked.

"I see some very beautiful grounds," I said, "and a lot of jolly children. It pains me, though, to see that they are not all so healthy and active-looking. When I came in, I saw one poor little girl being led about. She has some trouble with her eyes. Now I can see two more with the same difficulty. And there's a girl with a crutch watching the others at play. She seems to be a hopeless cripple.

Miss Beam laughed. "Oh, no!" she said. "She's not really lame. This is only her lame day. The others are not blind either. It is only their blind day." I must have looked very surprised, for she laughed again.

"This is a very important part of our system. To make our children appreciate and understand misfortune, we make them share in misfortune too. Luckily, they are always eager to take part in the activities. Each ter1n every child has one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day. During the blind day, their eyes are bandaged absolutely and they are on their honor not to peep. The bandage is put on overnight so they wake blind. This means that they need help with everything. Other children are given the duty of helping them and leading them about. They all learn so much this way -both the blind and the helpers. There is no misery about it. Everyone is very kind and it is really something of a game. Before the day is over, though, even the most thoughtless child realizes what misfortune is. The blind day is, of course, really the worst, but some of the children tell me that the dumb day is the most difficult. We cannot bandage the children's mouths, so they really have to exercise their will-power. Come into the garden and see for yourself how the children feel about it."

Miss Beam led me to one of the bandaged girls. I spent some time talking to them as well as the other children who appeared to have different forms of disabilities. I enjoyed interacting with them and even offered to play the role of a helper whenever necessary.

When I finally had to leave, I told Miss Beam that I was very sorry to go. I wished I had spent the entire term there to learn more essential life skills. As I left Miss Beam's School, I was a changed man. Now I understood why many adults wished to enroll their children there.

  1. Which statement is true about Miss Beam's School according to the first school  paragraph?
    1. lt was the best school in the neighbourhood.
    2. lt was popular with people.
    3. It admitted learners from humble background.
    4. lt had very creative teachers.
  2. The parents who sought admission for their children to Miss Beam's School:
    1. had to visit the school prior.
    2. had limited chances of success
    3. were expected to pay a lot of school fees.
    4. were not guaranteed a slot.
  3. The phrase I was full of mirth as used in the passage shows that the writer:
    1. was very happy.
    2. had been looking forward to the visit.
    3. hoped to have a successful day.
    4. was rather anxious.
  4. Why did the 'blind' and her guide stop suddenly?
    1. They had both seen the visitor.
    2. They had been interrupted.
    3. They wanted to have a conversation.
    4. Their attention was probably drawn to the
  5. How best can we describe Miss Beam?
    1. Impatient but kind
    2. Authoritative but warm
    3. Understanding but authoritarian
    4. Fair and effective
  6. Which statement is true about the meeting between Miss Beam and the writer?
    1. It was coincidental. 
    2. The duo had been eagerly awaiting it.
    3. It was meant to help the school.
    4. It had been preplanned.
  7. The word principal has been used in the passage to mean the same as:
    1. important
    2. insignificant
    3. main
    4. serious
  8. The methods of teaching used in Miss Beamare aimed at:
    1. making the school famous.
    2. helping learners to discover their hidden talents
    3. promoting key virtues among the learners.
    4. helping learners to be social. 
  9. When the writer saw the children demonstrating different kinds of disability, he:
    1. probably sympathised with them.
    2. understood why they were in Miss Beam's school
    3. knew they were acting.
    4. wished to offer them assistance.
  10. Why did Miss Beam laugh when she heard the writer's opinion of her school?
    1. The writer had a sense of humour
    2. The writer was ignorant of what was actually happening in the school.
    3. She was trying to be friendly
    4. The writer had thought of her as cruel.
  11. When a child had a blind day, he or she was expected to:
    1. limit the movement around the school.
    2. spend more time on their own.
    3. undergo a moment of misery in life.
    4. learn to be kind and helpful to the visually impaired.
  12. What shows that the learners approved of the practical methods of teaching used in the school?
    1. They knew they would always have a helper.
    2. They did not experience discomfort of any kind.
    3. They were always ready to play the roles
    4. The methods were very important for the
  13. Why was the writer a changed man as he left Miss Beam's School?
    1. He had a day full of fun.
    2. He had learnt very important skills.
    3. He now understood why parents took their children to that school.
    4. He liked what Miss Beam had told him about the school. 

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 to 50.

Thanks to scientific advances over the last several decades, we human beings are able to lead healthier lives than ever before. We know how important it is to exercise regularly. We know which foods are the best for our bodies. And we certainly know one habit that we shouldn't pick up, because it's unhealthy and can even be fatal. What are we talking about? Smoking, of course! Have you ever read the Warning labels on a pack of cigarettes? Laws now require cigarette packages to contain warnings about the many bad side effects that can be experienced as a result of smoking.

If you look around you, though, you still see people smoking cigarettes. In many areas, it’s no longer lawful for people to smoke cigarettes in restaurants and other public places. These laws help protect non-smokers from the dangers of secondhand smoke.

If you stand in line at a convenience of store, you're also likely to see several people purchase packs cigarettes. Although the number of people who smoke is on the decline, there are still millions of people around the world who smoke cigarettes, despite the obvious health risks. Why do they do that? One of the main reasons people still smoke today is that they started smoking in the first place. People start smoking for many reasons: advertisements, easy availability of other reasons. And cigarettes, peer pressure, among as most smokers already know, once you start smoking, it can be very, very hard to stop

The fact that smoking is dangerous to your health is well-known today. Smoking has been linked to an increased likelihood to develop cancer and heart disease. Some studies show that your smoking can decrease lifespan by a decade or more. Smoking can also be a huge financial burden, costing thousands of shillings per year.

So why do people continue to smoke despite these negative effects? The answer is addiction. One of the primary ingredients of cigarette tobacco is nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like many addictive illegal drugs, nicotine makes a smoker continue to crave cigarettes if they try to smokers who are stop smoking. Even highly-motivated to stop smoking can have a difficult time withdrawal kicking the habit. Nicotine symptoms can make a smoker feel sick and lead to continuing to smoke despite a desire to quit.

The best way to quit smoking is never to start in the first place! Of course, that advice only helps those who have never smoked before or tried cigarettes. For those who have smoked for some time, it is possible to quit, but it can be a tougher battle than many people realize.

There are many products and strategies available today to help smokers kick the habit. For example, nicotine gum and patches can be used to slowly wean smokers off of the addictive substance. Many smokers, however, find that quitting "cold turkey" is the only way to go. That means that they simply stop smoking cigarettes one day and never smoke again. For people who try to quit smoking in this way, it is often helpful to rely on support groups, such as family, friends, or local groups of former smokers.

If you have someone in your life who smokes, you can help them quit by providing the support and encouragement they need. The first few days are always the hardest, and relapses are common. But, with support, many people are able to break the bonds of nicotine addiction to become smoke-free. When they do, they feel better and can begin to reverse some of the damage done by smoking.

  1. According to the first paragraph, it is true to say that: 
    1. there are uncountable effects of scientific advances.r
    2. regular exercise leads to good health.
    3. all types of foods are suitable for our bodies.
    4. it is everybody's desire to stop smoking
  2. Why do cigarette packages have warning labels? 
    1. To reduce the dangers of smoking.
    2. To discourage people from buying cigarettes.
    3. To educate the potential smokers on the best brands of cigarettes.
    4. To sensitize the public on the dangers of smoking.
  3. The word fatal has been used in the passage to mean:
    1. dangerous
    2. hazardous
    3. deadly
    4. disastrous
  4. Why is it unlawful to smoke in public?
    1. To avoid air pollution
    2. To reduce the effect of smoke on the non-smokers.
    3. To promote good behaviour amongsmokers
    4. To ensure non smokers get more licensed information about smoking.
  5. From the passage, it ís true to say that: 
    1. the number of smokers is negligible.
    2. few people buy cigarette in public places
    3. some laws on smoking are nof effective
    4. there are fewer smokers nowadays.
  6. People start smoking due to:
    1. influence from friends.
    2. advertisements of cigarettes.
    3. the fact that cigarettes are easily available.
    4. different reasons.
  7. It is true to say that smokers:
    1. know the dangers of smoking
    2. cannot stop the habit at all.
    3. regret starting the habit.
    4. have little information about the dangers of smoking.
  8. Which one is not a problem associated with smking? It leads to:
    1. ill health
    2. negative economic impacts
    3. shorter lifespan
    4. arrogance among smokers.
  9. It is not easy for smokers to stop the habit mostly because of:
    1. lack of commitment
    2. the withdrawal symptoms.
    3. the addictive substance in cigarettes
    4. cigarettes are readily available
  10. In order to avoid the effects of smoking, a person should:
    1. smoke less often.
    2. avoid starting the habit.
    3. smoke in private.
    4. buy cigarettes from the licensed dealers.
  11. People who manage to quit smoking:
    1. require some support
    2. often pick up the habit again
    3. find it hard to fit in the society.
    4. do not show withdrawal syptoms.
  12. The best title for the above passage is: 
    1. Dangers of smoking.
    2. How to avoid smoking.
    3. Effects of smoking.
    4. Facts about smoking.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B
  31. D
  32. C
  33. C
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. D
  45. A
  46. D
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D
Tuesday, 07 September 2021 07:31

Mathematics - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

  1.  What is 7090315 written in words?
    1. Seventy million ninety thousand three hundred and fifteen
    2. Seven million ninety thousand three hundred and fifteen
    3. Seventy million nine thousand three hundred and fifteen
    4. Seven millon nine thousand three hundred and fifteen
  2. What is the value of 300 − 75 ÷ 15?
    1. 3
    2. 15
    3. 59
    4. 295
  3. What is the value of: 4/5 − 1/3 of ¾ +5/6 ?
    1. 21/50
    2. 3/8
    3. 7/34
    4. ½
  4. What is the value of 0.324  ÷ (0.03 x 0.6)?
    1. 0.18
    2. 1.8
    3. 18
    4. 180
  5. What is 570.9685 correct to the nearest lenth?
    1. 570.0
    2. 570.9
    3. 570.96
    4. 571.0
  6. What is the measure of the obtuse angle KLM drawn below?
    class 8 et1 math set 1 q6
    1. 117°
    2. 123°
    3. 77°
    4. 63°
  7. What is the square of 2¼?
    1. 41/16
    2. 51/16
  8. Mavia bought the following items from the shop
    4 packets of sugar @sh 107
    2kg tomatoes @sh 88
    ½ kg of meat @sh 400
    3 bottles of soda @sh 35
    How much balance did she get from sh 1000?
    1. Sh 91
    2. Sh 370
    3. Sh 630
    4. Sh 909
  9. What is 3/8(24x −16y) + 4y in the simplest form?
    1. 9x − 10y
    2. 9x + 2y
    3. 9x − 20y
    4. 9x − 2y
  10. What is 3/8, 4/57/203/10 arranged in ascending order?
    1. 4/5,  3/87/203/10 
    2. 3/107/204/53/8 
    3. 3/107/203/84/5
    4. 3/83/10, 4/57/20
  11. The semicircle below represents a vegetable garden. It was fenced with five strands of wire.
    class 8 set 1 ET1 Q11
    What length of wire was used? (Take π=22/7)
    1. 132m
    2. 216m
    3. 660m
    4. 1080m
  12. Mwakio bought an item after being offered a discount of 30%. If this discount represented a reduction of sh 210, what was the price of the item before the discount?
    1. Sh 700
    2. Sh 490
    3. Sh 143
    4. Sh 63
  13. What is the next number in the pattern
    5, 12, 19, 26, _____ ?
    1. 33
    2. 35
    3. 37
    4. 40
  14. What is the value of  6c − (b − a) when a = 4, b = a+2 and c=½a + 3?
                                           b + c
    1. 26/11
    2. 210/11
    3. 19/11
    4. 10/11
  15. The figure below is an incomplete triangle PQR. Complete the triangle such that line PQ=6cm and PR=7cm. Draw a circle whose circumference touches the points P, Q and R.
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q15
    What is the radius of the circle?
    1. 1.8cm
    2. 2.5cm
    3. 3.5cm
    4. 7.0cm
  16. The marked price of a table is sh 20000. The hire purchase price is 40% more than the marked price. Wasike bought the table on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh 15000 and the balance in 5 equal monthly installments. How much was each monthly installment?
    1. Sh 7000
    2. Sh 5600
    3. Sh 4000
    4. Sh 2600
  17. What is the Least Common Multiple of 24, 30 and 60?
    1. 6
    2. 120
    3. 180
    4. 540
  18. A trader had a tonne of salt. He repacked the salt into equal number of 200g and 300g packets. How many packets did he get altogether?
    1. 40000
    2. 20000
    3. 4000
    4. 2000
  19. Onyango earns a basic salary of sh 40000 per month plus a commission of 6% on the sale of goods above sh 50000. In one month he sold goods worth sh 300000. How much altogether did he earn that month?
    1. Sh 18000
    2. Sh 55000
    3. Sh 8000
    4. Sh 6100
  20. A bus left town Q for town R a distance of 240km. It was driven at a speed of 80km/h. If it arrived at 2:40am, at what time did it depart from town Q?
    1. 11:40pm
    2. 5:40am
    3. 2:43am
    4. 2:37am
  21. A rectangular tank measures 3m long, 2.8m wide and 2.5m high. What is the capacity of the tank in litres?
    1. 21
    2. 2100
    3. 21000
    4. 210000
  22. In the triangle EFG below, bisect angle EGF to meet line EF at P.
    class 8 ET1 Set 1 Q22
    What is the length of line GP?
    1. 1.8cm
    2. 2.8cm
    3. 3.4cm
    4.  3.9cm
  23. The median of eight numbers is 7. Seven of the numbers are 11,4,9,4,5,8 and 10. What is the eighth number?
    1.  6
    2.  8
    3.  10.
    4.  14
  24. The price of a laptop decreased by sh 15000 to 25000. What was the percentage decrease?
    1. 662/3%
    2. 60%
    3. 40%
    4. 37½%
  25. Wahondo performed as follows in a test;
    Maths 80%, English 75%, Kiswahili 85%. Science 70%, SSTRE 90%. If he represented his scores in a pie chart. How many more degrees would represent SSTRE than Maths?
    1. 36°
    2. 72°
    3. 81°
  26. The volume of a cylindrical tin is 2816cmand the height is 14cm. What is its diameter? (Take π=22/7 )
    1. 8cm
    2. 16cm
    3. 32cm
    4. 64cm
  27. What is the value of x in the inequality
    5x − 20 > 3x + 8?
    1. x>14
    2. x < 14
    3. X>1½
    4. x<3½
  28. The table below shows how three teams performed in sports competition. The number of times each team was placed in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd position is as shown.
       1st   2nd   3rd 
     Star    3   2   1
     Elite    3   3   5
     Shine    2   4   2
    If 6 points were awarded for the first position, four points for the second position and 2 points for the third position. What was the total points scored by the three teams?
    1. 26
    2. 92
    3. 96
    4. 100
  29. How many groups of a hundred are there the total value of the digit in the thousands position in the smallest six-digit number formed using the digits 4,3,0, 5, 7, 1?
    1. 30
    2. 40
    3. 3000
    4. 4000
  30. Magelo and Olwande shared some fruits in the ratio 5:3 Magelo received 30 more fruits
    than Olwande. How many fruits did Magelo get?
    1. 18
    2. 45
    3. 75
    4. 120
  31. Milkio sold some of his properties to three people as follows: Kavunga got ¼ while
    Meso got 1/while Kioko received ½ of the remainder. What fraction of the properties did he sell?
    1. 11/12
    2. 17/24
    3. 5/24
    4. 7/24
  32. Which one of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 4cm, 5cm, 12cm
    2. 8cm, 15cm, 20cm
    3. 7cm, 12cm, 25cm
    4. 10cm, 24cm, 26cm
  33. The figure below shows a stack of cubes. The stack was painted all over.
    class 8 Et1 Set 1 Q33
    How many cubes had paint on two faces only?
    1. 14
    2. 22
    3. 30
    4. 45
  34. A plane reached town Q from town on a Sunday at 0240hrs after travelling for 6 hrs 55mins. On what day and time did it leave town R?
    1. Sunday 7:45am
    2. Sunday 4:15am
    3. Saturday 7:45pm
    4. Monday 4:15pm
  35. The length of road is 4.5km. The road is represented on a map by 3cm. What is the scale of the map? 
    1. 1:1500000
    2. 1:150000
    3. 1:15000
    4. 1:500
  36. In the triangle below angle ABD is 30° and CDE=40°. Angle CED is 55°
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q36
    What is the size of angle BAC?
    1. 55°
    2. 85°
    3. 95°
    4. 125°
  37. At a function the number of women was twice that of men. The number of children was half the total number of men and women. The function was attended by 270 people. How many children attended the function?
    1. 180
    2. 120
    3. 90
    4. 60
  38. The table below shows the postal charges in shillings for small packets in a certain year. 
     Mass of packet   East Africa   Rest of Africa   Rest of the world 
    Not over 20g
    Not over 100g
    Not over 250g
    Not over 500g
    Not over 1kg
    Not over 2kg
    Each additional
    1kg upto 5kg
    Mutunga sent the following packets
    A 600g packet to Tanzania
    A 4kg packet to Nigeria
    A 260g packet to America
    How much did he pay altogether?
    1. Sh 2493
    2. Sh 2501
    3. Sh 2711
    4. Sh 2721
  39. Twelve people can complete a piece of work in 20 days. How many more days will 8 people working at the same rate require to complete the same work?
    1. 30
    2. 18
    3. 10
    4. 62/3
  40. The following properties describe a certain quadrilateral
    • Diagonals are not equal
    • Sum of interior angles is 360°
    • Has a pair of parallel sides
    • Diagonals do not bisect each other.
      Which quadrilateral has the above properties?
      1. Square
      2. Trapezium
      3. Rectangle
      4. Rhombus
  41. The figure below represents a flower lawn.
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q41
    What is its perimeter? (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 32.4m
    2. 34.4m
    3. 41.4m
    4. 37.9m
  42. The figure below shows a half cylindrical solid whose diameter is 28cm and length 50cm
    class 8 end term 1 Q42
    What is its surface area in square centimetres. (Take π=22/7 )
    1. 4256
    2. 4216
    3. 15400
    4. 30800
  43. A rectangular plot of land is 80m long and the length of one diagonal is 100m. What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 0.8
    2. 4.8
    3. 48
    4. 0.48
  44. Makau bought f fruits. Obach bought 5q more fruits than Makau while Ongeri bought three times the total bought by both Makau and Obach. How many fruits were bought by the three people altogether?
    1. 8f +16q
    2. 8f+20q
    3. 6f + 15q
    4. 8f+10q
  45. The graph below shows Sarah's journey from town A to town B.
    class 8 ET1 Set 1 Q45
    What was her average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 18km/h
    2. 22½ km/h
    3. 36km/h
    4. 45km/h
  46. Special porridge is made by mixing sorghum and millet in the ratio 2:3. Sorghum costs sh60 per kg and millet costs sh40 per kg. If Aisha made 10kg of special porridge, how much money did she spend on sorghum and millet altogether?
    1. Sh 450
    2. Sh 240
    3. Sh 400
    4. Sh 480 
  47. Muunda bought 40 plates for sh 4160. He sold all the plates at a profit of 120% How much did he sell cach plate?
    1. Sh 104
    2. Sh 124.80
    3. Sh 228.80
    4. Sh 152
  48. Bongonko borrowed sh250000 from a bank that charged a simple interest at the rate of 20% per annum. How much interest did she earn altogether after 2 years?
    1. Sh 125000
    2. Sh 146000
    3. Sh 375000
    4. Sh 396000
  49. Mutua left Machakos at 8:15am and took 1 hours to travel to Emali. He stayed in Emali for 2 hours then travelled back to Machakos. The time taken to travel back to Machakos was half the time taken to travel to Emali. At what time did he arrive at Machakos?
    1. 12noon
    2. 12:10pm
    3. 1:00pm
    4. 1:40pm
  50. On triangle PQR drawn below, construct a perpendicular line from point to meet PR at S
    class 8 Set 1 ET1 Q50
    What is the size of angle SQR?
    1. 40°
    2. 45°
    3. 55°
    4. 145°


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. A
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. B
  42. B
  43. D
  44. B
  45. D
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. C
  50. A
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