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Physical Environment

What is Environment?

The things around us or in our surrounding make up the environment.

  1. Trees
  2. Animals
  3. Water etc.
  4. Grass
  5. Rivers
  6. Buildings
  7. Birds

Types of Environment

  1. Natural environment
    These were things that were made by God. E.g Mountains ,Lakes, Rivers, Vegetation etc.
  2. Human environment
    These are things made through man`s efforts e.g Dams, buildings, roads, etc.
  3. Physical environment
    The non – living part of the environment which consists of Soils, air, rocks, water, hills, mountains, rivers and lakes form the physical environment.

Map Reading And Interpretation.

A map is a drawing on a flat surface that represents a whole part of the earth.

Elements of a Map

Elements of a map helps a reader to understand the information on a given
The main element of a map are:

  1. Title
  2. Key
  3. Compress
  4. Frame
  5. Scales

Uses of Elements of a Map

Title It is the name of the area represented by the map and the information it contains. 
Frame  It shows the extent of the area represented by a map. It is also known as the borderline of a map.
Key It contains the signs or the symbols which represents various features represented in a map.
Helps to find direction of a position or features in relation to others
Scale Helps the map reader to know the actual distance on the earth`s surface as reprtesented on the map

Map Reading

This is the ability to read, understand, and interpret information given on a
Symbols of a map contained in the key should be fully understood and
interpreted correctly.

Features That Can be Interpreted From a Map

  1. Relief and drainage patterns in the area.
  2. Human and economic activities in the area.
  3. Types of climate experienced in the area.
  4. Transport facilities in the area.
  5. Vegetation found in the area.
  6. Human settlement pattern in the area.
  7. Administrative boundaries in the area.
  8. Social activities (services) found in the area.

Human Activities Commonly Found in a Map

Economic activities are the objectives that people carry out in order to get
income (money).

Crop farming Crops e.g coffee, tea, sisal, sugarcane, cotton, pyrethrum, wheat and cotton ginneries, factories, plantations, mills.
Forestry Presence of saw mill, timber yard, forest guard, posts.
Livestock farming Presence of cattle dips, butcheries, slaughter houses, cattle boma, dairy farms, creamery, veterinary offices, ranches, beef factories, trough.
Tourism Presence of national parks, game reserves, camping sites, picnic sites, hotels, lodges, museums, pre-historic sites.
Fishing Presence of fish ponds, fishing villages, a fish factory, fish traps, fisheries departments.
Mining  Presence of quarry, symbols of mines, name of the mine like Salt mining works.
Trade Presence of markets, shops, trade license office, trading centers, warehouses, stores, towns, custom offices
Industry Manufacturing factories, bakeries, refineries, rolling mills, ginneries, saw mill.
Transport and
Roads, railway lines, airports, airstrips, ports, post offices, telephone lines.

Social Activities on a Map

  1. Religious activities : Churches, mosques, temples, shrines.
  2. Medical services : Clinics, dispensaries, health centers, district hospital, provincial hospitals and National hospitals.
  3. Education: Schools, colleges, polytechnics, universities.
  4. Recreation : Cinema halls, Social halls, play grounds, theatres.

Features on a Map That Represents Administration

  1. Government offices e.g. Assistant chief`s offices or chief`s camp.
  2. Police post.
  3. Administrative boundaries.

Features That Show Drainage Systems on a Map

Drainage features Interpretation
Boreholes and wells Areas of low and unreliable rainfall.
Permanent rivers Areas that receive high rainfall.
Seasonal rivers Areas of low rainfall.
Waterfall  Areas of hard and soft rocks.
Many swamps Clay soils, poorly drained areas.
Tributaries Direction of the flow of the river

Human Settlement on the Map

Settlement is the pattern of population distribution in an area shown by dots and black shades.

Types of Settlement
Social studies types of settlements

How to Identify the Functions of a Town on a Map

Functions of the urban centre  Identification symbol
Administrative centre Government offices, chief`s camp, law courts, police posts, prisons, administrative
Commercial centres  Shops, markets, road functions, trading centers, towns, cities, warehouses, stores, trade licensing offices.
Social centres Schools, colleges, mosque, churches, theatres, sports, grounds, hospitals, cinema halls.
Mining centres  Mining works, quarries, named mines.
Agricultural centres Food stores, Large estates, or plantations, processing factories, dairy, creameries, cattle ranches, cattle dips, dairy farm.

Physical Features

These are things we see on the surface of the earth. They include natural physical features and man-made(human)

Natural features: Mountains, plateaus, hills, plains, valleys, rivers, lakes, etc.

Man-made: dams, lakes etc.

The Effects of Physical Features on Human Activities

Physical features Human activities 
Lakes, oceans, rivers
  • Fishing-( food income)
  • Electricity production
  • Supply of water  
  • Transport-income
  • Sporting activities  
Ocean, lakes
Snow capped mountains
  • Tourism 
Rift valley
Beautiful water falls
Sand beaches
Hot springs
Homa hills(limestone)
  • Mining
  • Minerals
Lake Magadi(Soda ash)
  • Income
Indian ocean(salt)
  • Creating employment

Negative Effects of Physical Features

  1. Flooding.
  2. Water borne diseases e.g. Malaria and Bilharzia.


Traditional Methods of Observing Weather

  1. Observing the sky
    • Thick grey clouds: rain.
    • Certain stars arranged in a particular manner: dry spell.
  2. Phases of the moon
    • New moon: rain.
    • Full moon: It would rarely rain.
  3. Appearance of the rainbow
    • Some communities believed that it would not rain if the rainbow appears in the sky when it was about to ran
  4. Condition of the environment
    • Very hot and humid: Coming of the rain.
  5. Blowing of wind
    • Strong winds blowing after a dry weather: Showed the coming of the rains
    • Wind blowing during the rainy season: Meant chasing away of the rain to give way to a dry spell.
  6. Behavior of birds:
    • Happy and playful birds in the sky would signify the coming of rains.
  7. Trail of ants: Signified the coming of rains.
  8. Croaking of frogs: Signified the coming of the rain.
  9. Appearance of toads: Signified the coming of the rains.
  10. Behavior of cattle: Coming of the rains(showing happiness by jumping up and down)
  11. Shedding of leaves after a rainy season: This Signified a dry spell.

Observation, Measurement and Recording of Weather Elements

What is meteorology?

It is the science of observing and measuring weather elements.
Social studies stevensons screen

  1. Wind

    Social studies wind vane
    Social studies anenometre
    Social studies wind sock

  2. Air Pressure

    Social studies vacuume barometre

  3. Rainfall

    Social studies rain gauge

    The raingauge is dug into the ground as shown above.

  4. Temperature

    1. Minimum and maximum thermometer

      Social studies mercury thermometer
      Used to measure temperature for the day.
      It is U-shaped.
      Minimum records coldest temperature.
      Maximum records warmest temperatures.

    2. Single-tube thermometer

      Social studies single tube mercury thermometer
      Used to measure coldness and / or hotness of the air.
      It is marked in o Celsius.
      It may contain alcohol or mercury.

Factors Influencing Climate Change

Climate change is the occurrence of unexpected change of climatic condition in a particular region. The main factors influencing climate change include:-

  1. Deforestation
    Cutting down of trees leads to reduced amount of rainfall.
    It creates desert – like conditions in the areas previously occupied by forests.
    It contributes to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  2. Afforestration and re-afforestration
    Planting of more trees will increase the amount of rainfall.
    Both afforestration and re-afforestration reduce soil erosion and evaporation, hence protecting water catchment areas.

  3. Industrialization
    Heat and smoke from industries cause pollution and increase temperature in the atmosphere.

  4. Excess use of chemicals
    Such as fertilizers causes atmospheric change due to the gasses they produce.
    The growing of rice under irrigation contributes to warming of the atmosphere. The rice in water release a gas known as methane, which
    contributes to global warming. The same applies to the use of fertilizers.
    Global warming is also caused by the use of petroleum to run vehicles .Machines give off a gas known as carbon monoxide, which makes
    the air warmer.

  5. Clearing of vegetation for agriculture
    This exposes the soil to agents of soil erosion.

  6. Building of dams
    Human-made lakes which form behind the dam modify the climate.

  7. Ocean currents
    These leads to temperature change along the coastal areas.

Impact of Climate Change on Human Activities

Positive effects

  1. Increase in food production due to increased amount of rainfall
  2. Increased generation of hidro-electric power due to high rainfall.
  3. Promotion of fishing due to adequate water in rivers.

Negative effects

  1. Low agricultural production due to lack of rains.
  2. Displacement of people due to floods.
  3. Global warming as a result of general increase in temperature worldwide.
  4. Increase of water-borne diseases such as malaria and bilharzias due to increased rains.
  5. Damage of transport systems e.g. roads.
  6. Migration of people migration of people to favourable climate.
  7. Death of human beings.


Soil is formed through a process called weathering. Soil contains:

  1. Organic matter
  2. Rock particles
  3. Humus
  4. Air
  5. Minerals
  6. Water
  7. Living organisms

Major Soil Types in Kenya

  1. Volcanic soils.
  2. Clay (black cotton) soil.
  3. Sandy soil.
  4. Loamy soil.
  5. Alluvial (young) soil.

Characteristics of Types of Soil

Volcanic Soil

  1. Red in colour.
  2. Deep fertile and well-drained.
  3. Occur in layers.
  4. Medium – sized soil particles.
  5. Mainly found in the highlands.

Clay( Black Cotton) Soil

  1. Small – sized particles.
  2. Dark in colour
  3. Deep and fertile
  4. Poorly drained.
  5. Muddy and sticky during the rainy season.
  6. Big cracks during dry seasons.

Sandy Soil

  1. Large soil particles.
  2. Shallow and dry.
  3. Contains a lot of air.
  4. Water seeps through them fast.
  5. Low water retention capacity.
  6. Loose nutrients mainly through leaching.

Loamy Soil

  1. It has a mixture of small, medium and large soil particles.
  2. It retains a reasonable amount of water fertile, deep and well drained.
  3. Appears in different colours e.g. light grey, dark brown and dark grey.

Alluvial (Young) Soil

  1. They are found in river valleys and flood plains.
  2. They are made of slits.
  3. Soil particles are of medium size.
  4. Have a smooth texture.
  5. They are deep and fertile.

Major Causes of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is the natural displacement of soil from the original place of formation to another by agents of erosion like wind, water and human beings.

The major causes of soil erosion are as follows:

  1. Deforestation- Cutting down of trees which exposes the soil to agents of soil erosion.
  2. Overstocking- Keeping large herds of livestock beyond the capacity of land leading to overgrazing
  3. Overgrazing-Livestock grazing on all pasture (vegetation) leaving the ground bare.
  4. Monocropping-Growing of one type of crop on the same peace of land year after year exhausts soil fertility.
  5. Over-cropping-Growing of many different types of crops which compete for nutrients. The soil finally becomes loose and infertile
  6. Up-the-slope (hill) cultivation-This promotes gulley erosion.
  7. Mining and quarrying-Results to displacement of soil.

Effects of Soil Erosion on Human Activities

  1. Destocking (reducing the number of livestock on the farm)
  2. Application of fertilizers to the soil in order to increase its fertility.
  3. Introduction of afforestration and re-afforestrationprogrammes
  4. Promotion of agriculture in the flood plain where fertile soil (alluvial) is deposited.
  5. Adoption of good farming methods to reduce soil erosion.
  6. Additional expense to the government in building dams, dykes and canals.

Soil Conservation Measures

  1. Afforestration :
    Planting of trees.
  2. Re- afforestration:
    Planting of trees where they had been cut down.
  3. Agro-forestry:
    Planting of trees together with crops.
  4. Crop rotation:-
    Growing of different crops on the same peace of land in alternate planting seasons.
  5. Mulching: The covering of the bare ground with grass to prevent moisture loss.
  6. Cover cropping:
    Planting of perennial crops like coffee and bananas together with food crops likepotatoes, beans and maize.
  7. Construction of gabions:
    Pilling up of stones in iron cages to prevent further movement of soil downhill.
  8. Terracing:
    Making of horizontal steps on sides of hilly areas.
  9. Fallowing:
    Leaving the land idle for some time in order to retain its fertility.
  10. Creation of cut-off- drainage:
    This is the digging of trenches to divert water from hill tops
  11. Controlled grazing:
    This is done by subdividing land into paddocks.
  12. Use of fertilizers and manure:
    This helps the soil to regain its fertility.
  13. Contour ploughing:
    This is ploughing of farm across the land guarded by the contours.
Monday, 13 September 2021 08:20

Making Work Easier - Class 8 Science Revision Notes

Inclined Planes.

These are tools that make work easier by increasing the effort distance.
class 8 science revision notes

Examples of inclined planes.

  • Screw
  • Screw driver.
  • A road winding up a hill.
  • Ladder.
  • Staircase, escalators, ramps.
  • Wedge

Single Fixed Pulley.

These are simple tools that make work easier by changing the direction of the force.
They are used to lift or raise load on higher surfaces.
class 8 notes science a

A rope or string is put along the groove. The groove prevents the rope from slipping off.

Properties of a single fixed pulley.

  • Makes work easier by changing the direction of the force.
  • The effort distance and the load distance are equal.
  • The effort force and load force move in opposite direction.
  • The effort force and load force are equal

Uses of pulleys

  1. Hoisting the flag.
  2. To load or offload cargo at the ports.
  3. Used in cranes
Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Monday, 13 September 2021 08:01

Energy - class 8 science revision notes

Energy Transformation.

The law of energy conservation statesthat, energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed to other forms of energy.

Forms of energy   Sources
Potential energy (stored) Possessed by objects at rest.
Found in fuels, dammed, water, elastic rubber.
Kinetic energy (motion) Possessed by moving objects.
Found in running water, wind, moving stone, moving car etc.
Chemical energy Found in chemicals, fuels, food, car battery, dry cells, candlewax and all fuels
Heat energy Main source is sun.
Other sources include; friction, burning fuels, electricity and food.
Light energy Main source is sun.
Other sources include; stars, electricity, lamps et
Magnet energy Found in magnets, loadstones and electromagnet
Sound Energy Produced when objects vibrates.
Sources include; pianos, guitas, drums etc
Mechanical energy Produced as a result of potential energy and kinetic energy.
Examples include; rotating turbines, hammer stricking a gong, between a bicycle and road
Elastic potential Found in streched rubber band or compressed spring.


Energy Conservation.

Energy conservation means protecting, preserving, restoring and managing energy resources.

Ways of Conserving of Energy.

  1. Using energy sparingly by:
    1. Switching bulbs off when not needed.
    2. Using public transport instead of private vehicle.
    3. Using bicycles or walking for short distance.
    4. Using vehicles with low fuel consumption.
    5. Using thermosflask and hot pots to keep food hot.
    6. Using energy saving bulbs.
  2. Using energy efficient devices.
    1. Modern jiko/improvised jiko
    2. Clay cookers.
  3. Using renewable forms of energy.
    Renewable forms of energy refers to forms that are inexhaustible like wind, water, sunlight, food, biogas and forests.
    Non-renewable sources of energy are those that can get exhausted when use like petrol, diesel, kerosene, natural gas

Advantages of Renewable Energy.

  • Are cheap.
  • Do not pollute the environment.
  • Help to conserve non renewable forms of energy.
  • Readily available and in abundance.
Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Monday, 13 September 2021 07:36

Food and Nutrition - class 8 science revision notes

Nutritional Requirements For Special Groups

Nutritional Needs For A Pregnant Or Expectant Mother

  • Should be rich in proteins for proper growth of baby.
  • Should have carbohydratesfor properfunctioning of baby's organs and providing the mother with enough energy.
  • Should be rich in vitamin D and calcium for strong bones and teeth of the baby and formation of blood cells.
  • Should be rich in irons for healthy blood of the mother and foetus
  • Should have fibres to improve the mother's digeston and prevention of constipation
  • Should have plenty of fluids for good production of milk and maintenance of properlevel of amniotic fluid.

Nutritional Needs of Lactating Or Breastfeeding Mother.

  • Should be rich in irons to replace the blood lost during birth.
  • Should be rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus for recovery and strengthening of teeth and bones.
  • Should have vitamins to protect the mother against infection.

Nutritional Needs of Infants

Infants are children below 2years.

The best food for them is breast milk as it is wholesome ie it contains all the nutrients required by the body.

Advantages of breast milk

  • It is wholesome.
  • It has colostrum that gives natural immunity.
  • It is readily available in the right form and right temperature.
  • It is free from diseases.
  • It does not cause allergies.
  • It is easy to digest.
  • It strengthens mother-child bond.

Advantages of bottle feeding.

  • Convenient when the mother has little or no milk.
  • Someone else can feed the baby when the motheris away.
  • Children born to HIV/AIDS mother cannot be infected through bottled milk.

Disadvantages of bottle feeding.

  • Might lack some nutrients.
  • Lacks colostrum.
  • Not readily available.
  • Children might develop allergies.
  • Should have extra fluids for production of milk.


This is the gradual introduction of semi solids foods to an infant. It is done at the age of 4-6months. Breast feeding should continue upto 2 years. Introduce one food item at a time.

Food Poisoning.

This is an illness of the stomach caused by eating foods containing harmful substances.

Agents of food poisoning.

  • Micro-organism.
  • Chemicals.

Symptoms of food poisoning.

  • Violent vomiting.
  • Severe headache.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Fever.
  • Feeling weak and dizzy.
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Nausea
  • Muscle paralysis.
  • Constipation.

Methods of prevention food poisoning.

  • Proper storage of food to avoid contamination.
  • Proper preservation of food.
  • Propersanitation and disposal of garbage.
  • Hygienic handling of food.
  • Proper cooking of food.
  • Thourough washing of hands before handling food.
  • Avoid buying damaged fruits and canned foods.
  • Proper washing of utensils and dishes used for food
Published in Science Class 8 Notes




Study the map of TINDI area and wse it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Tindi area?
    1. 16 km
    2. 18 km
    3. 20 km
    4. 10 Km
  2. Human settlement in Tindi area is MAINLY influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. economic activities
    3. transport and communication
    4. pests and diseases
  3. The MAIN source water in Tindi area is
    1. Rivers Tindi and Kali
    2. the dam across River Tindi
    3. the borcholes
    4. water pans
  4. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Tindi town? It is
    1. a religious centre
    2. a tourist attraction centre
    3. an administration centre
    4. an agricultural collection centre
  5. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Tindi area is
    1. pastoralism
    2. fishing
    3. trading D
    4. mining
  6. The climate experienced in MOST parts of Tindi area is LIKELY to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wel
    4. cool and dry
  7. The MOST widespread means of transport in Tindi area is
    1. waterways
    2. air 
    3. road 
    4. railway
  8. The MAIN factor that contributed to the rise of the kingdom of old Ghana was
    1. the strong Soninke army
    2. favoured climate that supported agriculture.
    3. mining activities especially walata mines.
    4. the Trans-saharan trade
  9. Which one of the following is LIKELY to be the least importance of marriage?
    1. Marriage helps to control the spread of HIV and AIDS.
    2. Marriage cnhanccs unity and cooperation in the society
    3. It provides an opportunity to have children and raise a family
    4. It encourages the development of a sense of responsibility in the society.
  10. The original homeland of the cushites was
    1. Congo forest 
    2. Horn of Africa
    3. Bahr el Ghazal
    4. Pupungu pakwach
  11. Below are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    He was Her majesty's consul for the East coast of Africa.
    He navigared the Ruvuma River at the border of Tanzania and Mozambique
    He met Herry Stanley in 1877 iv.
    He died in Eastern Africa.
    The early visitor to Eastern Africa described above is LIKELY to be
    1. John Speke
    2. Henry Morton Stanley
    3. David Livingstone
    4. William Mackinnon
  12. Which one of the following plateaus is WRONGLY matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Jos Plateau - Nigeria
    2. Bie Plateau - Angola
    3. Yatta plateau - Kenya
    4. Fouta Djallon - Mauritania
  13. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Bantus of South Africa?
    1. Tsonga, Venda and Bakwena
    2. Bakongo, Balunda and Baluba
    3. Xhosa, Zulu and Sukuma
    4. Yao, Akamba and Nyamwezi
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a basic need?
    1. A home
    2. Drinking water 
    3. Food
    4. Education
  15. Three of the following statements are TRUE about slash and burn agriculture. Which one is NOT?
    1. Land was used over and over again until it lost its fertility.
    2. Farmers practised crop rotation instead of plot rotation.
    3. It was a form of subsistence farming.
    4. Neighbours mostly produced the same types of crops.
  16. Which one of the following is a traditional industry?
    1. Bicycle assembling
    2. Iron smelting
    3. Maize milling
    4. The stock market
  17. Central Nigeria and Southern Tanzania had reduced population before the 20th century MAINLY due to
    1. poor drainage
    2. slave trade 
    3. posts like tsc tsc flics
    4. unfavourable climate
  18. In order to communicate information to people over very long distances among traditional African communities in the past MAINLY people had to
    1. blow horns
    2. beat drums
    3. send messenger
    4. send smoke signals
  19. The BEST way of teaching a child to becomea traditional healer in the past was through
    1. observation and imitation
    2. story-telling
    3. apprenticeship
    4. medical colleges
  20. Three of the following statements are TRUE about Masaku of the Akamba. Which one is NOT? He
    1. was a great medicineman and a prophet.
    2. traded with Arabs and Coastal people.
    3. advised the Akamba to avoid forcigners.
    4. collaborated with the british colonialists.
  21. The Great rift valley was formed as a result of
    1. faulting and sinking
    2. volcanic activities.
    3. folding of sedimentary rocks
    4. faulting and uprifting.

Use the diagram shown below to answer question 22

  1. The weather instrument shown above is referred to as
    1. mercury barometer
    2. A hygrometer
    3. An anemometer
    4. An ancroid barometer
  2. Which one of the following leads to lawlessness in the society
    1. security
    2. poverty
    3. job creation opportunities
    4. general elections
  3. Most people migrate into towns MAINLY due to
    1. availability of jobs in rural arcas
    2. better learning institutions in towns.
    3. lack of industries in rural areas.
    4. shortage of land in rural areas.

Use the map of Eastern Africa provided below to answer questions 25 to 28.

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  1. The country marked Z is
    1. Uganda
    2. Burundi
    3. Djibouti
    4. Rwanda
  2. Three of the following communities are found in the country marked M. Which one is NOT?
    1. Amharas
    2. Oromo
    3. Falasha
    4. Sabaot
  3. The river marked K is likely to be
    1. Juba
    2. Shebelle
    3. White Nile
    4. Tana
  4. The MAIN crop that is grown in the area marked vvvvv is
    1. sugarcane
    2. maize
    3. bananas
    4. coffee
  5. Below are different types of fish
    Which combination shows fresh water fish only?
    1. i and ii
    2. i and v 
    3. iv and v 
    4. ii and iii
  6. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa.
    Trees have thorn and smooth barks
    Trees shed leaves at different times of the year
    Trees are tall and have a thick base.
    Most of the plants have shallow roots.
    The vegetation zone with the charateristic listed above is LIKELY to be
    1. Tropical rainforest
    2. Tropical savannah
    3. Mediterran vegetation
    4. Mangrove vegetation
  7. Which one of the following is TRUE about wheat growing in Kenya?
    1. Wheat is mainly grown in Nakuru, Eldoret and Laikipia
    2. Kenya does not export wheat since she does not produce alot.
    3. Kenyan wheat is harvested using combined harvesters.
    4. In Kenya, the crop is grown on large scale and small scale.
  8. Three of the following minerals are obtained using the open-cast method. Which one is NOT?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Limestone 
    3. Flourspar
    4. Diatomite
  9. In order to improve livestock breeds, beef farmers in Kenya and Tanzania are encouraged to practise
    1. group ranching
    2. overstocking
    3. in-breeding
    4. cross-breeding
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a contribution of the community in school development?
    1. Allowing the school to use its facilities such as fields
    2. Employing teachers to offer serveices to the school community.
    3. Feeding the school with learners and support staff.
    4. Providing resource persons to offer services to the school community. .
  11. What makes Nairobi which is near the equator cooler than Malindi which is far away from the Equator?
    1. Malindi has more industries than Nairobi
    2. Malindi receives convectional rainfall while Nairobi receives relief rainfall.
    3. Differences in altitude.
    4. Shape of the Kenyan coastline.
  12. Which one of the following is a similarity in the systems of government in both Kenya and Swiziland? In both countries
    1. civil servant implement government policies.
    2. political parties nominate members of parliament.
    3. the position of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is hereditary.
    4. general elections are held after five years.
  13. River Ewaso Nyiro North drains its water in the
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Indian Ocean
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lorian swamp
  14. Below were traditional methods of observing weather
    A clear sky with many stars at night.
    Appearance of flocks of sparrows in the sky
    Presence of a full moon,
    Sudden onset of high temperatures especially at night.
    Smell of moist soil in the air. Which one of the following combinations showed the approach of rains?
    1. ii, iv, v
    2. iii, iv, v
    3. i, ii, iv
    4. i, ii,
  15. Three of the following are methods of soil conservation. Which one is NOT?
    1. contour ploughing
    2. fallowin
    3. cultivating on steep slopes
    4. practising agroforestry in farms
  16. Ndeti, a standard eight boy on his way from school found two boys fighting. What action should he have taken?
    1. Report them at police station
    2. Call out for help from adults
    3. Mind his own business
    4. Separate the two boys.
  17. Three of the following are theories of human origin. Which one is NOT?
    1. Creation theory
    2. Evolution theory
    3. Mythical theory 
    4. Kinetic theory
  18. Mwangi and Opiyo, two pupils at Masomo primary school learnt that their classmate, Mbaya has HIV and AIDS. What should they do about it?
    1. Tell all their classmates about Mbaya's condition
    2. Advise Mbaya to seck medical advice.
    3. Laugh at Mbaya
    4. Pray for Mbaya.
  19. The MOST effective way of protecting children from abuse is
    1. giving stiff punishments to child abusers
    2. educating the public on the right of children.
    3. providing counselling services to victims of abuse.
    4. Educating all children on their rights.
  20. The MAIN problem facing tourism in Kenya
    1. insecurity and terrorism
    2. culture clash
    3. poor infrastructur
    4. inadequate tourism facilities
  21. Which one of the following is NOT a problem facing the last Alan Community (LAC)?
    1. Ideological dillerences
    2. Lack of political will
    3. War in Sudan
    4. Labour disputes
  22. Below are contributions of prominent leader in Africa.
    He abolished Sharia courts
    He carried our land reforms
    He nationalised the ownership of the Suez Canal
    He was a founder member of the organisation of African Unity (OAU)
    The contributions listed above were done by
    1. Kwame Nkurumah
    2. Leopold Scdar Senghor
    3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
    4. Nelson Mandela
  23. Below are descriptions of a multi-purpose river project in Africa.
    It is located at a gorge it.
    It has the largest artificial lake in the world by water volume
    It was completed in 1977
    It was mainly constructed to provide hydo-electric power
    The multi-purpose river project described above is LIKELY to be
    1. "The volta River Scheme
    2. The Tana River River Projects
    3. Kariba Dam Project
    4. The Aswan High Dan
  24. Which system of administration did the British use in Northern Nigeri?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Indirect rule
    3. Assimilation 
    4. Paternalism
  25. Horticultural produce in Kenya is transported to overseas markets through
    1. air
    2. roads
    3. the sea
    4. railways
  26. Who among the following are NOT members of the National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. 290 members elected directly during general elections.
    2. 12 members nominated by political parties.
    3. The speaker, who is an ex-officio member
    4. 16 women nominated by political parties.
  27. Which one of the following is a social right according to the Kenyan constitution?
    1. Right to work for a fair wage.
    2. Right to join a trade union 
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to health care
  28. Ole Supeyo and Ole Kaelo are fighting over grazing land. The BEST way to resolve their conflict is through
    1. negotiation
    2. dialogue
    3. a mediator
    4. a court process
  29. A child of five years who is found in Kenya and whose parents are not known is taken to be a citizen by
    1. birth
    2. naturalisation
    3. registration
    4. dual-citizenship
  30. The MAIN factor that undermines national unity in Kenya is
    1. corruption
    2. religious differences
    3. tribalism
    4. unequal distribution of national resources
  31. Chief Mkwawa of the Hehe was defeated by the Germans MAINLY because
    1. the Germans were more organised than the Hehe people.
    2. the Hehe warriors were brave.
    3. the Germans had superior weapons.
    4. the Germany soldiers were more than the Hehe warriors.
  32. Which one of the following aspects of our culture need to be preserved?
    1. Wife inheritance
    2. Cultural heritage
    3. Female Genital Mutilation
    4. Cattle rustling
  33. The MAIN problem facing regional trade in Africa is
    1. political differences
    2. similarity of goods produced
    3. poor transport systems
    4. Quota system
  34. Mr.Lumumba, the Social studies teacher at Bidii primary school has found three pupils taking alcohol outside the school. The BEST thing that he should do is
    1. advise the people on dangers of alcohol abuse.
    2. beat the pupils immediately.
    3. report the matter to the headteacher.
    4. embarass the pupils in the presence of their schoolmates
  35. The MAIN duty of the police in Kenya is to
    1. arrest law breaker
    2. ensure safety on Kenyan roads
    3. interpret the law.
    4. maintain law and order.
  36. The highest court in Kenya is the
    1. High court
    2. Court of Appeal
    3. Supreme court
    4. Kadhi's court



  1. Which one of the following statements DOES NOT shows that human beings are special compared to other God's creation? Human beings:
    1. were created in God's likeness and image.
    2. named all animals and plants.
    3. were put in the garden of Eden.
    4. have dominion and power over God's creation.
  2. Which one of the following was the MAIN result of man's disobedience? Human beings
    1. A. were cursed by God.
    2. started dying.
    3. were made to work and sweat.
    4. were chased out of the garden of Eden. 
  3. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why Abraham is referred to as the father of faith? He
    1. was an old wise man.
    2. loved his son Isaac.
    3. lived with a barren wife.
    4. obeyed God.
  4. Which one of the following was the sign of the covenant made between Noah and God?
    1. Circumsion
    2. Cloud
    3. Rainbow
    4. Blood 
  5. God asked Moses to apppoint Ohaliab and Bezalel to help him in the building of covenant box. Which one of the following abilities did he lack?
    1. Healing
    2. Weaving
    3. Embroidery
    4. Engraving
  6. The MAIN reason why God called Moses was to?
    1. Perform miracles before Pharaoh.
    2. Lead Israelites out of their suffering.
    3. Teach the Israelites about God.
    4. Choose the person who was to lead the Israelites.
  7. Which one of the following actions was carried out by Moses at Mt. Sinai?
    1. Getting water from the stone.
    2. Building an alter 
    3. Feeding people with manna
    4. Performing miracles.
  8. According to Judges 7:20. Which one of the following was NOT given to Gideons army?
    1. Trumpet
    2. Torch
    3. Sword
    4. Jar
  9. "You are coming against me with sword, spear and Javelin but I came against you in the name of God Almighty "I Samuel 17:45". These words from David shows that he;
    1. had a lot of faith
    2. had a lot of strength
    3. was very powerful
    4. was ready to fight for the weak.
  10. All the following were done by Angel Gabriel EXCEPT? He
    1. appeared to Joseph in a dream.
    2. predicted the birth of Jesus.
    3. said Jesus would save mankind.
    4. announced the birth of Jesus.
  11. The following were presents given to baby Jesus by the wiseman. Which one is NOT?
    1. Gold
    2. Silver
    3. Myrrh
    4. Frankincense
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus?
    1. Jesus was born from a poor family.
    2. Jesus was born from the lineage of David.
    3. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah.
    4. He feared that Jesus would become famous.
  13. By feeding five thousand people, Jesus showed one of the following character. Which one was it? He
    1. is powerful. 
    2. is caring.
    3. is generous.
    4. had faith.
  14. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8". These words were spoken by Jesus during?
    1. The sermon on the mount
    2. His temptation by the devil
    3. His transfiguration
    4. The miraculous catch of fish 
  15. During the last supper Jesus took bread and broke it and shared with his disciples. The same way he took a cup of wine and gave it to his disciples. What did the bread symbolize? His
    1. body
    2. blood
    3. love
    4. saving power
  16. From the incident that Jesus shared a meal with Zacheus the tax collector, christians leam that they should
    1. condemn sinners.
    2. win sinnners through their deeds.
    3. not associate with sinners.
    4. deal with sinners carefully. 
  17. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was at the garden of Gethsemane? He was
    1. lifted up to heaven.
    2. crucified.
    3. transfigured
    4. arrested. 7
  18. Who among the following people helped Jesus to carry the cross?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Nicodemus 
  19. Jesus is a sure hope of mankind. Which one of the following events marks his victory over death?
    1. Christmas
    2. Easter
    3. Pentecost
    4. Transfiguration
  20. Who among the following people was chosen to prepare Judas as an apostle of Christ?
    1. Mathias
    2. Barnabas
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Nicodemus
  21. The early church prayed together, shared meals, shared their properties and shared the word of God together. All these activities symbolised?
    1. Charistimatic renewal
    2. The passover
    3. The holy communion
    4. The pentecost
  22. "Whatever you do, work heartily as serving the lord and not men". Colossians 3:23. Who among the following people said these words?
    1. James
    2. Peter
    3. Jesus
    4. Paul
  23.  Which one of the following was NOT a rite of passage in African traditional communities?
    1. Birth
    2. Marriage
    3. Baptism
    4. Death
  24. Which one of the following ways of worship is common to both the traditional African communities?
    1. Reciting prayers
    2. Making sacrifices
    3. Reading scriptures
    4. Baptising the believers
  25. Which one of the following is the MAIN role of grandparents in the bring up of children in traditional African communities? 
    1. Providing food for the children.
    2. Preparing them for initiation.
    3. unishing the evil doers
    4. Passing on the moral values. 8
  26. Wachira attended a crusade where the preacher prayed for a sick woman and she got well. Which one of the following gifts of the holy spirit did the preacher have?
    1. Word of wisdom
    2. Healing
    3. Preaching 
    4. Praying
  27. The following are good ways in which we can use our talents. Which one is NOT?
    1. Participating in cleaning of the market
    2. Offering guidance and counselling.
    3. Participating in choir practice.
    4. Asking for money after rendering help.
  28. Erick a class eight boy is forced by his friends to smoke cigarettes. As a christian, what is the BEST action for him to take?
    1. Report the matter at the police station.
    2. Refuse and change his company. C
    3. Report his friends to the headteacher.
    4. Smoke and then repent later.
  29. On her way from school, Damaris a class eight girl meets an old lady carrying a heavy basket. Suddenly the old lady falls down. As a christian, what is the BEST action for Damaris to take?
    1. Run away from the scene.
    2. Go back to school and get help.
    3. Assist her to rise up.
    4. Tell her to rise up and go.
    5. In which one of the following stations was the first church established in Kenya?
    6. Kiambu
    7. Kisumu 
    8. Malindi
    9. Rabai


  1. "Min Sharti Maakhalaq. Wa min Sharri ghaasigin Idhaa waqaba." This are verses from Surah
    1. Al-Falaq
    2. Al-Nasr
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al-Masad
  2. What did AbuLahab do in the Surah Al Lahab, that made Allah (s.w) to curse him? He
    1. persecuted the early muslim converts
    2. attempted to demolish the holy kaaba
    3. openly called people into idol worship
    4. stopped the prophet from Da'awa.
  3. Surah Maun, promises a heavy punishment for people who commit all the following vices EXCEPT
    1. mistreatment of orphans
    2. performing prayers only to be seen by people.
    3. selling good with unjust measures.
    4. performing Swalats as you skip.
  4. Which one of the following characteristics describe Surah Al-Ikhlas?
    1. Al-Thuluithil Qur'an
    2. Al-Qalbul Qur'an
    3. Al-Fat-hul Our an
    4. Al-Muawidhatein
  5. How many chapters are there in the holy Qur'an?
    1. 141
    2. 441
    3. 414
    4. 114
  6. The two towns in which the holy Qur'an was revealed to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are
    1. Swafa and Sinai
    2. Makka and Madina
    3. Jerusalem and Bethlehem
    4. Syria and Taif
  7. "Visit him, never annoy him, when you prepare a broth increase the soups you mind about him" Who is this according to the hadiths?
    1. relative
    2. friend
    3. neighbour
    4. brother muslim
  8. Hadith. "A generous is near Allah, near paradise, near men and far from Hell. Which kind of a person is this? On
    1. who spends his wealth on the way of Allah.
    2. who gives essential services  to people in need.
    3. receives and takes good care visitors.
    4. who controls his soul and docs what benefits him in the hear after
  9. The prophet (p.b.u.h) showed us three signs of a hypocrite. Which one on the is NOT among them? He
    1. betrays trust
    2. never fulfils a promise 
    3. tell lies
    4. complains loudly
  10. Which one of the following values will enable a muslim to peacefully mix and interact with non-muslims even though they are annoyed
    1. Tolerance B
    2. Self reliance
    3. Patience
    4. Self discipline
  11. Which one among the following recitation in Swalah indicates change of a posture
    1. Rabbanaa Walakal-Hamd
    2. Allahu Akbar
    3. Assalaam Aleikum Warahmatullat
    4. Subhaan Rabi-al-Aalaa
  12. Zukkeina is not able to decide which high school to join after passing her KCPE exams excellently. Which Swalat should she perform to get guidance from Allah
    1. Swalatu Khusuf
    2. Swalalu Istiqa-a
    3. Swalat Tahajjud
    4. Swalatu Istikhaara
  13. Which form of purification is done passing dusty hands on the face
    1. Tayammum
    2. Istinjaa 
    3. Ghusul
    4. Istimna-a
  14. Dogs and pigs, their sweat, saliva and rashes are all classified under
    1. Najis Mutawasit
    2. Najis Mukhaffafa 
    3. Najis Mughalladha
    4. Najis Heidh
  15. The Islamic Sharia has identified and listed ______groups of people who quality to receive Zakkat.
    1. six
    2. eight
    3. five
    4. seven
  16. The meal prepared and feasted passed mid night by muslims in preparation for fasting that day is referred to as 
    1. Suhuur
    2. Walima
    3. Iftaar
    4. Twa'am
  17. In which of the following places will a hujaaj put on Ihraam to start Hajj activities? At
    1. Arafa
    2. Miqat
    3. Muzdalifa
    4. Minna
  18. Which one of the following is NOT an obligation towards a muslim dead body?
    1. Dafan
    2. Ruqiya
    3. Ghusul
    4. Kaffan
  19. Which of these is a pair of vices that those who engage in them receive the curses of Allah?
    1. Bribe and alcohol 
    2. Murder and theft
    3. Lies and falls testimony
    4. Apostacy and adultory
  20. The attribute of Allah(s.w), "Al-Mu-umin" means the
    1. magnificient
    2. sovereign
    3. designer
    4. trusted
  21. During the prophets ascent to the Arsh of Allah in the Miiraj trip, the prophet(p.b.u.h) used a special animal called
    1. Al-Baqara
    2. Buraq
    3. Al-Fiil
    4. Al-Qaswa 
  22. Where was the prophet (p.b.u.h) when he received the first revelation from Angel Jibril (A.S)?
    1. at Aqaba
    2. In cave Thaur
    3. On Mt Swafa
    4. In cave Hira
  23. Which one among these months of the Islamic calendar is NOT an Ash-hurul Hurum?
    1. 9th month
    2. 12th month
    3. 1st month
    4. 7th month
  24. The two daughters of the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) who both got married to Caliph Uthman bin Affan were
    1. Zainaba and Faatima
    2. Ummu Kulthum and Zainab
    3. Faatima and Ruqayya
    4. Ruqayya and Ummu Kulthum
  25. Which mistake did some army men do during Uhud that made muslims almost loose that battle to the Qufaar?
    1. Some army men were just hypocrites
    2. They disobeyed the prophet's instructions 
    3. Some never joined the prophet in Swalat Khauf.
    4. When the prophet(p.b.u.h) got hurt.
  26. Which one among these Ummahaats were destroyed by Allah(s.w) because of injustice in measures in their businesses?
    1. Ummat Lut(A.S)
    2. Ummat Swalah (A.S)
    3. Ummat Shuaib(A.S)
    4. Ummat Nuh(A.S)
  27. What is Tawakkul?
    1. The fellowship of Allah
    2. Reliance on Allah 
    3. The commitment to Allah
    4. The fear of Allah
  28. Who accompanied the prophet (S.A.W) on his Hijra trip to Madina?
    1. Bilaal bin Rabbah
    2. Uthman bin Affaan 
    3. Abubakkar Sidiq
    4. Ayyub Auswari 
  29. For how long did the prophet(S.A.W) propagate Islam secretly?
    1. Three years
    2. Ten years
    3. Five years.
    4. Thirteen years
  30. Muslims and the Qureish elders drafted a Hudaibiyya peace agreement that was to last for a period of
    1. 23 years
    2. 17 years
    3. 10 years 
    4. 7 years


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. A
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. A
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. D
  42. B
  43. B
  44. A
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D
  51. D
  52. B
  53. A
  54. C
  55. C
  56. B
  57. B
  58. A
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
Friday, 10 September 2021 09:28

Science - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. The following are characteristics of clouds
    They are rain laden.
    They have a flat base,
    They are dark or grey in colour.
    They bring fine weather
    They are thick white feathery
    Which among the above characteristics describe cumulus clouds?
    1. (ii), (iv), (v)
    2. (iii), (iv). (vi)
    3. (ii)(iii).(v)
    4. (i)(iii), (iv))
  2. The fusion of sex cells in human being take place in the
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. oviduct
    4. testis
  3. Which one of the following farm practices conserve soil and water?
    1. Terracing
    2. Building gabions
    3. Planting trees
    4. Mulching
  4. The following are signs and symptoms of certain diseases.
    Skin rashes 
    Abdominal pains
    Sore on the walls of intestines.
    The disease is LIKELY to be
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Typhoid
    3. Cholera
    4. Malaria
  5. The diagram below shows a maize seed.
    Which one of the following statement is TRUE?
    1. Part Z is the endosperm.
    2. Part Y forms the embryo.
    3. Part W forms the shoot. 
    4. Part X store food for the young plant.
  6. Which one of the following pairs of materials are opaque?
    1. Oil and mirror
    2. Wood and windscreen
    3. Skylight and paraffin
    4. Frosted glass and metal
  7. The following are materials used to make a certain weather instrument.
    Metal sheets.
    The weather instrument is MAINLY used to measure
    1. strength of wind
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. air temperature
    4. direction of wind
  8. The following are sources of electricity EXCEPT
    1. car batteries
    2. solar panel
    3. torch bulb
    4. dynamo
  9. Which one of the following materials is used as insulator?
    1. Copper wire
    2. Rubber band
    3. Iron rod
    4. Aluminium wire
  10. The BEST way of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the school going pupils is by
    1. being faithful to one partner.
    2. encouraging the use of condoms.
    3. visiting V.C.T. 
    4. abstaining from sex.
  11. Which one of the following excretory product is NOT excreted by the skin?
    1. Carbondioxide
    2. Urea
    3. Excess water
    4. Excess salt
  12. Which one of the following sexual transmitted infections is caused by virus?
    1. Syphilis
    2. Gonorrhoea
    3. Chancroid
    4. Genital herpes
  13. The following are adaptation of a certain plant.
    Needlike leaves.
    Thick waxy cuticle
    Sunken stomata
    Folded leaves
    The plant growing in the same environment is also LIKELY to have
    1. large flat leaves.
    2. deep root.
    3. air sacs
    4. flexible stems
  14. Which of the following pairs of plants are non green and flowerless?
    1. Algae and bacteria
    2. Fern and liverworts . 
    3. Mushroom and mucor
    4. Pine and cedar
  15. The diagram below shows an experiment on change of state on matter.
    Which process take place at the point marked M?
    1. Evaporation
    2. Boiling
    3. Condensation
    4. Freezing
  16. Which one of the following is NOT as a result of bending of light?
    1. A coin in water appear raised.
    2. Formation of images on mirrors.
    3. Swimming pools appears raised.
    4. Formation of the rainbow.
  17. The following are effects of drug abuse.Which one is an economic effect?
    1. Loss of income.
    2. Accident
    3. Poor health
    4. Marital conflicts
  18. Birds that feed on flesh have
    1. short, straight, thick beak
    2. strong, curved beaks
    3. flat, serrated beaks
    4. long, slender beaks
  19. Which one of the following is NOT a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Rough coat.
    2. Reduced yields.
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Lower yields.
  20. In which of the following parts of digestive system is food NOT digested?
    1. Small intestine
    2. Stomach
    3. Mouth
    4. Large intestines
  21. The set up below can be used to investigate the presence of a certain component of soil.
    Which two components soil can be investigated by the set up shown above
    1. Water and humus
    2. Mineral particles and organic matter.
    3. Water and living organism.
    4. Ilumus and air
  22. The following are examples of straight fertilizer EXCEPT
    1. Munate of potash
    2. CAN
    3. Diammonium Phosphate
    4. Double supersphosphate
  23. The body require enough mineral salts for
    1. energy
    2. good health
    3. growth and repair
    4. muscle development
  24. The following animals lay unfertilized eggs and live partially in water EXCEPT
    1. salamander
    2. toads
    3. crocodile
    4. news
  25. Which one of the following pairs of plants have the same root system?
    1. Onions and sisal
    2. Coconut and mango
    3. Grass and beans
    4. Cowpeas and sorghum
  26. Which one of the following statement is NOT TRUE about all arteries?
    1. They carry blood rich in oxygen.
    2. They carry blood away from the heart.
    3. They have thick walls.
    4. Blood pressure in them is high.
  27. Which two form of energy. DOES NOT require medium for transmission
    1. Electricity and light
    2. Heat and light
    3. Sound and light.
    4. Sound and heat
  28. The diagram below represent the arrangement of the parts of a lever.
    The lever illustrated above is LIKELY to be
    1. spade
    2. wheelbarrow
    3. claw hammer
    4. crowbar
  29. Which one of the following is NOT a way of reducing friction? Using 
    1. ball bearing
    2. rubber 
    3. lubricants
    4. roller
  30. The diagram below shows a food chain
    Maize → rat → snake → vultures
    Which one of the following animal is in the same level with the vultures?
    1. Duck 
    2. Goat
    3. Hyena
    4. Lion
  31. The following are properties of matter
    Have definite volume
    Have definite muss.
    Change state when heated
    Occupy space.
    Which substance given below bave the above characteristics?
    1. Milk and water vapour
    2. Salt and ice
    3. Oxygen and nitrogen
    4. Water and milk
  32. Which one of the following immunizable diseases are immunized at 10 weeks and immediately after birth to young infants?
    1. Polio, Tetanus, Tuberculosis
    2. Whooping cough, Tetanus, Diptheria
    3. Tuberculosis, Measles, Polio
    4. Yellow fever, Polio, Fertusis
  33. The chart below represent approximate percentage of the component of air.
    Which portion represent the gas that is NOT used by living things?
    1. S
    2. T
    3. R
  34. Oil and grease are used in some simple tools to
    1. reduce opposing force
    2. make them more durable.
    3. increase friction.
    4. make them more attractive.
  35. Which of the following feeds provide livestock with protein?
    1. Maize germ 
    2. Lucem 
    3. Cotton seed cake
    4. Mollasses
  36. One of the following is NOT in the same group as a tick. Which one?
    1. Spider
    2. Scorpion
    3. Mite
    4. Crab
  37. The diagram represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter
    The aspect of matter demonstrated is that
    1. liquid expand and contract.
    2. gases expand and contract.
    3. water exert pressure
    4. air occupies space.
  38. Pre-test counselling is given
    1. after the result of the test are released.
    2. after the test is done.
    3. before one takes an HIV test.
    4. before results are released to the person who is tested.
  39. Which one of the following foods will help boost the immune system of the body?
    1. Egg, milk, bacon
    2. Carrot, rice, cassava
    3. Onions, spinach, tomatoes 
    4. Peas, beans, greengrams
  40. When tea leaves is put in a glass of cold water and heated at the bottom, the tea leaves are observed to rise and fall. This is because tea leaves
    1. are carried by hot water which come down on cooling.
    2. and water rise when heated and come down on cooling.
    3. becomes lighter than water when heated.
    4. rise when heated and come down on cooling
  41. Which one of the following is a MAJOR non living component of environment?
    1. Animal
    2. Buildings
    3. Plant
    4. Soil
  42. Which one of the following is NOT a use of water in factory?
    1. Making fountains.
    2. Surfing
    3. Mixing chemicals
    4. Cleaning equipments.
  43. Which one of the following activities is water conserved by re-using?
    1. Using domestic water for washing toilets.
    2. Treating sewage water.
    3. Turning off taps after use.
    4. Harvesting rain water from roofs.
  44. During pregnancy period, the placenta has all the following functions EXCEPT
    1. facilitates the exchange of foods from the mother to the foetus.
    2. allow the mother's blood to mix with foetus blood
    3. facilitates the exchange of gases between the mother.
    4. allows the passage of waste from the foetus to the mother.
  45. During the investigation of soil water retention all the following materials need to be the same EXCEPT
    1. size of the funnel. 
    2. time allowed for the experiment.
    3. types of soil
    4. amount of water added.
  46. A flower which has long feathery stigma and loosely held anthers is also LIKELY
    1. produce nectar.
    2. have sweet scent
    3. have brightly coloured petals.
    4. produce many pollen grains
  47. A beam balance is used fo
    1. comparing mass of different objects.
    2. measuring volume of objects.
    3. comparing size of different objects.
    4. measuring height of objects.
  48. Study the diagram below
    Which pair of blood vessels above carry blood that is bright red in colour? 
    1. W.X
    2. W.S
    3. ST D
    4. T.X
  49. Carnassial teeth found in the carnivorous animals are modified
    1. canine and premnolars
    2. pre molars and molars
    3. canine
    4. incisors
  50. The diagram below shows a method of separating mixture
    The method can be used to separate
    1. coarse and fine sand
    2. salt and iron filling
    3. sugar and water 
    4. maize and beans


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. A
  48. C
  49. B
  50. A
Friday, 10 September 2021 08:57

Environment - class 8 science revision notes

The Meaning and Major Components of Environment

Environment describes all the things and conditions that make up our surroundings on earth.

The major natural components of environment consist of living things and non-living things i.e. Water, Soil, Air, Plants and Animals


Water is a very important component of the environment in that all living things depend on water. Water forms part of the environment for fish as fish get oxygen from the water and feed on water plants or some other fish found in the water. All other living things that live in water get oxygen from the water.

Other water sources found in the environment is a dependent for other living things on the land e.g. animals get water from rivers, lakes, rain and dams. People also use rain water for domestic purposes. They harvest the water using tanks and drums. They also
fetch water from rivers and wells.

Without water plants can not grow well. We already know that the conditions necessary for germination are: water, air and warmth. During photosynthesis, plants use water to make their own food.


Another important component of environment is soil which makes the homes of some small animals. Plants get nutrients from the soil so as they can grow well, get water from the soil through absorption and are finally held by the soil. Also soil is important to
animals in that they feed on plants that grow on the soil e.g. zebra, cows and goats. They are called herbivorous because they feed on green plants and vegetable materials that grow on the soil. Human beings cultivate the soil to produce food crops that they eat.

Many small animals live in the soil like ants, termites, moles, groundhogs and some bacteria which decompose dead plant and animal materials.


One of the major components of the environment is air which all living things cannot survive without. We already know that air is a composition of many gases; oxygen which makes 21% of the air is needed for respiration.

Note that living things breath in oxygen and those animals that live in water get their oxygen from the dissolved oxygen in the water. Carbon dioxide in air is 0.03% which is used by plants in making their own food in presence of sunlight, a process called
photosynthesis. These plants give out carbon dioxide. It is from the atmosphere where the plants and animals on the land get their oxygen and those in water get theirs in the water.

Animals take in oxygen through breathing and give out carbon dioxide. On the other hand plants take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and give out oxygen. Leguminous plants e.g. beans, ground nuts and peas use nitrogen which makes 78% part
of the air to make proteins.


Another major component of the environment is plants. Trees provide shelter for some animals such as monkeys and insects. Animals get their food from plants either directly or indirectly. Plants do also hold soil together thus preventing soil erosion.
Plants give out oxygen to the atmosphere during photosynthesis and animals take in oxygen during breathing. Dead plants decay and decompose releasing nutrients to the soil making it fertile.


Some animals help in pollination such as bees and butterflies. They help in cross pollination of flowers in plants. Animals also help in seed dispersal. Waste matters from animals add nutrients to the plants and this way soil becomes fertile. Small animals like
bacteria decompose materials in the environment to release nutrients to the environment. Animal breath out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which in turn is used by plants to make food.

The Meaning and Effects of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is the presence of substances that affect the quality of the soil also known as land pollution. It affects the usual use of soil and is dangerous to the health of human beings, other animals and plants. In other words, soil pollution means making soil impure. We say that when certain substances are present in the soil they pollute it. Substances that make soil or other components of the environment impure are called pollutants (contaminant). Some of examples of such pollutants are plastics, polythene papers, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides.

NB: Pesticides kill pests while herbicides kill weeds.

If oil is spilled on the soil it pollutes it. The following are some causes of soil pollution:

  • Domestic waste disposal improperly
  • Improper disposal of raw industrial waste
  • Excess use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticidesin the activities of poor agriculture
  • Spilling oil on the soil
  • Mining activities destroysthe soil structure and leave excessminerals on the top soil.

Effects of soil pollution

When soil is polluted, its fertility is affected and this too affects the soil productivity leading to the living components of the environment i.e. plants and animals getting affected as well.

Effects of soil pollution on plants


Most materials such as plastics and polythene papers do not decay. If such materials are not properly dumped, they may cause damage to leaves and stems of plants when deposited on the soil as they decay. Through this way, they interfere with growth of the plants as follows:

  • Absorption of water and mineral salts.
  • Growth of roots of the plants since they block the roots.
  • Air circulation in the soil.

Negative Effects of Soil Pollution on Animals.

Soil being homes of many small animals, such as worms, ants and termites, they are negative affected when soil is affected (polluted). Some small animals like bacteria make soil to be rich by decomposing dead vegetable and animal materials. Thisis the way humus is added into the soil making it more productive. Other small animals like earthworms and millipedes dig in the soil and this allows air and water circulation in the soil. The improved soil aeration and drainage of the soil allows the roots of the plants to penetrate into the soil easily.

The presence of oil, chemicals in the soil such as herbicides and pesticides and other harmful pollutants make it difficult for the small animals to survive and when they die the soil losesits quality and lowers productivity.

NB: Small animals in the soil improve soil air aeration and drainage.

Methods of Soil Conservation.

Animals and plants depend on soil. Plants grow on the soil while animals feed on the plants hence they need to conserve soil. To conserve soil means to protect it from losing its natural properties and productivity. There are various methods of conserving soil. This section briefly discusses these methods.

Table 3.1: Summary of the main methods used in soil conservation

Methods used in soil Conservation

 Soil conservation methods  
 Controlled use of agricutural chemicals  Planting trees
 Ensruring proper disposal of waste  Afforestation 
 Avoid burning vegetable cover  Contour farming 
 Mulching  Building gabions
 planting ground cover  Proper stock ing or controlled grazing 
  1. Control use of agricultural chemicals
    Agricultural chemicals include the following: fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. If used uncontrollably they can lead to soil pollution and even water pollution. Their use can also be harmful to crops and those who consume the crop which include animals and human beings.
    Farmers should strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions while using the agricultural chemicals. The instructions which come with agricultural chemicals clearly advise on the following:
    • Type of the chemical to use.
    • Purpose of the chemical.
    • Direction of usei.e. the amount to use and mode of application.
    • Precautionary measures to observe.
  2. Ensuring proper disposal of waste
    A lot of waste is produced by domestic and industries. Both wastes can be harmful or useful. So that soil is not polluted by these wastes it is important to have good ways of disposing them. This is called waste management.
    1. Domestic Waste
      Domestic waste means the garbage people discard from their homes. This may be of organic refuse or inorganic refuse.

      Organic refuse: This refers to those that can rot and includes food remains, vegetables, and fruit peelings.

      Inorganic refuse: This does not rot and some may take long time to decay.
      Examples of such are plastics, broken glasses, metal parts and cans. Domestic
      waste should not be dumped on the soil surface.

      Methods of disposing domestic waste
      Converting waste into compost manure
      A compost pit should be dug at home for all garbage that can rot e.g. food leftovers. This can be made into compost manure

      Using local authority service
      Waste in urban areasis deposited into the garbage bins provided by the local authorities who arrange for its collection and thereafter proper disposal.
      Table 3.2:common methods of waste disposal
       Method   Description 
       Incinerator  this is burning the inorganic refuse at very high temperatures in a machine
       Recycling This is the most effective method. It involve collecting waste e.g. papers, plastics, broken glasses and food cans, treating them with chemicals and reusing them to make more of the same products
      Depositing in pit latrines Inorganic waste should be thrown into a pit latrine or buried deep in the soil. Also it can be burnt in an improvised incinerator as shown below.
      Reusing Reusing means using an item more then once or for a different function from the one it was meant for at the beginning. Many such as cooking fat and oils, honey and jam are packed in reusable jars and cans. These can be used at home to store other products e.g. salt, sugar or small foods. Honey jars can be used as drinking glasses.
    2. Industrial Waste
      A lot of waste is produced in the industries. Such wastes include oil, contaminated acids and metal waste. Water is contaminated with chemicals, waste rubbers and waste papers. Some of these chemicals are not only hazardous to the soil but to the living component sin the environment.
       Method    Description 
       On-site treatment This is where waste is treated harmless at an industry at the point where it is produced. This in turn reduces the danger of polluting the environment during the transportation process to the point where it is appropriate to be disposed.
       Reusing Some industries use some products more than once or for different function from the initially meant for e.g. commercial industries, the solvent they use such as petrol to dry clean garments is not thrown away but filtered and reused.
       Recycling Companies that make bottles do not throw broken bottles away but recycle them to make new ones. There are other companies that buy waste paper and recycle them to make tissues e.g. toilet rolls, facial tissues and serviettes.
       Waste Exchange Programme  One industry may produce waste that can or may be needed by another industry for its raw materials. This can be considered as useful waste. To explain this lets look at furniture manufacturer where the saw dust is produced and wood shaving as waste products. These can be used by a company that manufactures papers.
      Treating hazardous waste This is where the new methods are used to treat hazardous waste to make them non-hazardous. Harmful pollutants are destroyed so that they do not pose any danger to the environment.
      raw materials
      This is the process where the raw materials that produce harmful wastes are replaced with other that produces less harmful waste.
      Changing Manufacturing process  A process or stage which produces waste during the manufacturing process may be changed or eliminated so that the waste is no longer produced.
      Incineration This is the process of burning waste using machines such as incerators and furnaces.
      Reducing its generation This is the best method of reducing waste. It involves simply preventing waste generation.
      Government regulations In this, government has put in place laws to control the disposal of waste. Such control aims at preventing illegal dumping of harmful waste.
  3. Avoid burning vegetable cover
    When we want to clearland for farming, we should slash or uproot the unwanted vegetations but not burning them. This is because cleared vegetation left to rot increase humus and adds nutrients to the soil.

    NB: Vegetation cover guards soil against exposure to the agents of soil erosion.

    When we burn vegetation, we kill the living organisms in the soil and no humus goes into the soil. Vegetation cover also prevents soil from agents of soil erosion such as wind, water and animals.
  4. Mulching
    This is covering the soil with dead plant materials such as dry grass and leaves. This prevents excessloss of water from the soil through evaporation. This also reduces splash erosion. The mulch decays afterwards and adds humus to the soil.
  5. Planting ground cover
    It is advisable to plant ground coversince land should not be left bear. Ground cover may include ground cover crops that spread out overthe soil surface and cover it. Examples of such cover crops include grass and sweet potatoes. These crops or plants hold the soil firmly with their roots helping or preventing the soil from being carried away by agents of soil erosion such as wind and rain. Cover crops also trap soil as water flows through the garden thus conserving soil.
  6. Terracing
    Terraces dug along the contours on the slopes reduce the speed of run-off water. This reduces soil erosion and this way soil is conserved.
  7. Planting trees
    Planting of trees can be either afforestation or re-afforestation.
  8. Afforestation
    This is planting of trees in areas where none has been planted.
  9. Re-afforestation
    This is planting trees where forests have been cleared. Trees are important in preserving soil:
    • Reduce wind erosion by breaking the wind
    • The roots hold soil particlesfirmly together. This helps the soil from being carried away by agents of soil erosion.
    • They provide shade thus reducing the amount of water evaporation.
    • They reduce the speed of running water. This reduces the strength of water to erode the soil.
    • The leaves fall off and decompose thus increasing the amount of humus in the soil.
  10. Contour farming
    In this crops are planted along the contours on ridges. This helps reduce soil erosion thus conserving the soil.
  11. Building gabions
    As already known, gulley erosion where running waterforms V or U - shaped channels. These gullies can be blocked by building structures called gabions across them. Gabions are heavy boxes made of wire mesh that are filled with stones. As water flows through the gabion, soil is trapped thus reducing soil erosion and repairs the soil structure.
  12. Proper stocking or controlled grazing
    Farmers should keep livestock that a piece of land can hold. This is called proper stocking which leads to soil conservation. When animals overgraze they uproot the vegetable cover e.g. grass. This way the soil becomes exposed to agents of soil erosion such as wind and water.

Air Pollution

Air is an important component of the environment. Pure air is a mixture of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.03% carbon dioxide and 0.97% rare gases, water vapour, and dust particles. Presence of harmful substances in the air is called air pollution. The substances are called pollutants. Pollutants endanger human health and also affect other living components in the environment i.e. plants and animals. Others which arte indirectly affected by air pollution are water and soil.

Major causes of air of Pollution

  1. Tobacco smoking
    This is one of the major forms of air pollution. It is normally smoked as cigarettes. In addiction to nicotine and tar, tobacco contains carbon monoxide as well which is a highly poisonous gas as it interferes with the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to the body organs. Smoke from cigarettes does not only affect the active smoker but also the passive smokeri.e. any one who inhales the cigarette smoke (polluted air) unintentionally.
  2. Burning tyres and plastic materials
    The combustion of tyres and plastic materials produces harmful emissions and poisonous gases and especially when they do not completely burn. Incomplete combustion produces gases such as carbon monoxide which poses threat to humans health and to the survival of animals and plants. Similarly, carbon dioxide is a product of incomplete combustion. As we already know the normal carbon dioxide in the air is 0.03% excess carbon dioxide in the air as pollutant. Other pollutants from combustion are tiny particles of smoke and soot.

    Rubber and plastics when burnt produces black sooty flame and emits smoke that makes the air smoggy and also emits a foul smell. Charcoal burning is also a threatto the environment
  3. Emission of Gases from Vehicle Exhaust
    Vehicles use fuels like petrol and diesel to run. The combustion of these fuels in the engine of the vehicles produces harmful gases e.g. carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases. These gases produced by vehicles contain poisonous gases then contribute to pollution of the air. Exhaust gases from vehicles thus contribute to pollution of air and especially in cities and big towns where traffic is heavy.

    Another harmful substance that may be contained in burning fuels is lead which is dangerousto human health.
  4. Spraying Farm Chemicals
    Agricultural or otherwise farm chemicals include the following: Herbicides, Acaricides and Pesticides

    Farm chemicals are dissolved in water and sprayed to either crops or animals using a sprayer. As spraying farm chemical is done, wind blows some of the chemicals thus polluting the air. The person spraying the chemicals should take the following precaution measures to avoid inhaling the chemicals:
    • Wearing protective clothessuch as gas mask, gloves and protective coats.
    • Spraying in the same direction the wind is blowing to and not against the wind.
  5. Aerosol sprays
    These are packed in cans or other containersfrom which liquid is forced out in form of a fine mist. The perfume or pesticide is dissolved in solvent which remains in the atmosphere after spraying and pollutes it. The solvent may contain harmful chemical substances which interfere with the ozone layer.

    NB: Ozone is a gasin the upper part of the atmosphere. It forms a protective blanket known as the ozone layer which protects the earth from harmful rays from the sun. Harmful gases result in tuning of the ozone layer. When this is depleted, the survival of human being, animals and plants is at a threat.
  6. Industrial Waste Gases
    Most industries release waste gases into the air which may be harmful. Some of these industries produce excess carbon dioxide which can pollute the air. Some otherindustries produce a gas called sulphur dioxide which is also harmful. Other industries too produce dust and small particles which are harmful. These waste industrial gases must be treated so that they are made safe.

Effects of Air Pollution on Living Things and Non-Living Things

Polluted air is a threat to human, animals and plant life. Also it is dangerous to nonliving components of the environment e.g. water and soil. It corrodes materials such as corrugated iron sheets and marble.

  1. Effects of air pollution on living things

    1. Effects of air pollution on plants
      In order to grow healthy, plants need clean air. Polluted air affects plants in the following ways:
      • Leaves are covered with dust particle and thus blocking the sunlight and so affecting photosynthesis, the process by which plants make their own food. Soot and dust block the stomata this may affects plants.
      • Some waste gases such as sulphur dioxide dissolve in water droplets to form acidic solutions which damage leaves of plants. Presence of these gases in the air could also lead to formation of acid rain which make the soil to be acidic thus affecting the availability of nutrients to plants. High acidity on the soil may interfere with the survival of organisms that are very important to plants growth. When absorbed through roots, acid rain interferes with proper development of plant and it may wither and die. When deposited in water sources like pond, lakes and oceans, water plants that feed on water animals are affected.
    2. Effects of air pollution on animals
      Air pollution is a threat to humans, domestic and wild animals through the following ways:
      • Causes respiratory problems. When animals inhale dust and other harmful gases, they can develop respiratory such as coughing and sneezing which may result to respiratory diseases.
      • May cause allergies resulting in coughing, sneezing, irritation of eyes and breathing problems.
      • When acid rain gets deposited into water sources like lakes, ponds, and oceans, water animals e.g. fish are affected.
  2. Effects of air pollution on non living things

    • Sulphur and carbon dioxide are among gases that cause air pollution when dissolved in the rain water. They form acid rain which corrodes metals such as corrugated iron sheets and stones like marble.
    • Acid rain causes weathering of rocks.
    • The view of environment is also destroyed by smoke and smog which are a mixture of gas particles.
    • Smog destroys materials made of rubber too.
    • Dust particles soil our clothes and settle on surface of tables, window sills and furniture thus making then dirty.

Ways of Controlling Air Pollution

Air pollution is controlled in several ways: These include;

  • Avoiding smoking cigarettes
  • NOT burning tyres and plastic materials

Table 3.4: Air Pollution Control Measures

 Measure  Description 
Avoid smoking cigarettes  In an effort to control air pollution banning of cigarette smoking in public places e.g. hospitals, schools, and in public transport vehicles has been done. These areas have been declared smoking free zones and billboards displaying the ban in these areas have been erected.
NOT burning tyres and plastic materials Polythene papers and tyres plus other plastics should be recycled or buried deep in the soil. They should not be burnt
Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Friday, 10 September 2021 08:46

Water - class 8 science revision notes

Hard and soft water.

Hard water is water which contains dissolved salts ie magnesium and calcium. Mainly from sea,
oceans, boreholes, lakes and dams.

Soft water is water with no or little dissolved salt in it. Mainly rain water.

Advantages of hard water.

  • Contains dissolved minerals which are good for our health.
  • It has a good taste to drink.
  • It is good in brewing industry.

Disadvantages of hard water.

  • Wastes a lot of soap because it does not lather easily.
  • It discolours teeth when drank.
  • It stains clothes.
  • It causes clogging and blocking of pipes.
  • It forms scales or fur on boilers and hot water pipes.
  • Wastes a lot of time and energy during laundry.

Advantages of soft water.

  • Does not stains teeth.
  • Best in laundry.

Disadvantages of soft water.

  • Does not have a good taste.
  • Has no minerals required by the body.

Types of water hardness.

There are two types of water hardness, namely;

  • Temporary water hardness.
  • Permanent water hardness.

Temporary water hardness can be removed by boiling or distillation. Permanent water hardness can be removed by adding chemicals.

NB: The process of removing the dissolved minerals from hard water is called softening.

Published in Science Class 8 Notes
Friday, 10 September 2021 08:26

Kiswahili - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu munne hapo. Jaza pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaulo zaidi.

  1    marafiki wote   2   kuwa nao, siwezi kumsahau Tito asilani. Yeye   3   kuainisha aina mbalimbali    4    maneno.    5    alinifahamisha kwamba maneno kama vile   6   huitwa vielezi. Isitoshe,   7   ya kushirikiana na wengine katika shughuli za kimasomo kwani   8  ,  9  nilifaidika sana kutokana na urafiki wetu.

  1. A. Baadhi ya                       B Miongoni mwa             C. Fauka ya                              D. Licha ya
  2. A. niliyewahi                       B. aliowahi                       C. niliyowahi                             D. niliowahi
  3. A. ndiye aliyenifunza          B. ndio alionifunza           C. ndivyo alivyonifunza            D. ndiye alionifunza
  4. A. ya                                   B. na                                C. za                                         D. wa
  5. A. Mathalan                        B. Ihali                             C. Kwani                                   D. Kumbe
  6. A. mbali, ila. njema             B. tamu, nzuri, bora         C. hizo, vile, tena                     D. taratibu sana, vizuri
  7. A. alinivunja moyo              B. alinitia shime               C. alinipiga kumbo                    D. alinionea gere
  8. A. Mchumia juani hulia kivulini
    B. Jirani ni akiba
    C. Kofi hazilii ila kwa viganja viwili
    D. Jua vimeundwa
  9. A. Yakini                              B. Katu                              C. Kamwe                                D. Asilani

Elimu ina manufaa   10   Mtu    11   elimu ya kumfaa, maisha yake hugubikwa na giza    12  . Kwa mfano, kupitia elimu ya mazingira, tunajifunza jinsi     13  kuongeza    14    katika mazingira yetu. Vijana nao hufunzwa kutumia vipawa    15    kujikimu kimaisha

  1. A. anuwai                          B. nyingi                               C. mingi                                  D. kiasi
  2. A. asiopata                        B. asingepata                       C. asipopata                          D. asikopata
  3. A. tiriri                                B. totoro                               C. kochokocho                       D. furifuri 
  4. A. tunaoweza                    B. tunayoweza                      C. tunaweza                          D. tunavyoweza
  5. A. thamani                         B. dhamani                           C. ridhaa                                D. riba
  6. A. zao                                В yao                                    C. vyao                                  D. chao

Kuanzia nambari 16 mpaka 30, chagmujawahu lifaalo zaidi kwa kila swali

  1. Bainisha matumizi ya kiambishi-ka kwenye sentensi.
    Mwalimu alituita akatushauri
    1. Kuonyesha masharti
    2. Kuonyesha hali ya kuendelea
    3. Kuonyesha kutegemeana kwa vitendo
    4. Kuonyesha kufuatana kwa matukio
  2. Chagua maelezo ambayo ni sahihi.
    1. Kikuku ni pambo la shingoni.
    2. Kipuli huvaliwa upande wa kushoto wa pua
    3. Kishaufu ni pambo la puani.
    4. Bangili ni pambo la mviringo la shingoni.
  3. Tunasema jua, juza na nawa
    1. navya
    2. nawia
    3. nawishwa
    4. nawika
  4. Andika katika wingi. Jirani ameniazima uteo wake.
    1. Jirani wamelazima uteo wao.
    2. Jirani wametuazima teo zao.
    3. Majirani wametuazima teo yao.
    4. Majirani wametuazima teo zao.
  5. Kamilisha: Mgonjwa alibebwa na wauguzi kwa _____ hadi kwenye wodi.
    1. ambulensi 
    2. machela
    3. toroli
    4. nyoka
  6. Kanusha: Mtoto alipoangukaaliumia.
    1. Mtoto alipoanguka hakuumia.
    2. Mtoto hajaanguka wala hakuumia
    3. Mioto asipoanguka hataumia.
    4. Mtoto hakuanguka na kuumia.
  7. Kutokana na kitenzi tii tunapata sifa gani?
    1. Utiifu
    2. Katii
    3. Mtiifu
    4. Tiliwa
  8. Geuza sentensi ifuatayo katika hali ya udogo.
    Mtoto alifurahi aliponunuliwa mkoba
    1. Kitoto alifurahi aliponunuliwa kikoba
    2. Toto lilifurahi liliponunuliwa koba.
    3. Vitoto vilifurahi viliponunuliwa vikoba.
    4. Kitoto kilifurahi kiliponunuliwa kikoba
  9. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Mlima wa Kwale hupandwa kwa kucha.
    1. Kula sima.
    2. Kusuka nywele
    3. Muwa
    4. Jiwe
  10. Sentensi gani kati ya hizi ni tashbihi?
    1. Sikio la kufa halisikii dawa.
    2. Jina jema ni hazina maishani.
    3. Mikono yake ni baridi kama barafu
    4. Wezi wale walikimbia mkiki mkiki.
  11. Fahali ni kwa mtamba kama ilivyo kipora kwa
    1. jogoo
    2. tembe
    3. beberu 
    4. kuku
  12. Andika katika usemi halisi.
    Kaka aliniambia kuwa tungeenda shambani siku ambayo ingefuata.
    1. "Utaenda shambani kesho" Kaka aliniambia.
    2. "Kesho wanaenda shambani" Kaka aliniambia
    3. "Tungeenda shambani kesho", Kaka aliniambia.
    4. "Mtaenda shambuni kesho," Kaka aliniambia.
  13. Msemo 'kuwa na kichwa kizito' una maana ya,
    1. kuwa na usingizi
    2. kutosikia
    3. kuwa na kichwa kikubwa
    4. kuwa mwerevu
  14. Kamilisha: Angalijua huko kulikuwa na wezi _______mlango.
    1. angefunga
    2. asingefunga
    3. hangalifunga
    4. angalifinga
  15. Chagua methali nyingine yenye maana sawa na hii.
    Akutanguliaye chanoni hukuzidi tonge.
    1. Mwenda mbio subiri achoke. 
    2. Ukiona vyaelca jua vimcundwa.
    3. Atanguliaye kisimani hunywa maji mengi.
    4. Mchimba kisima huingia mwenyewe.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40.

Hakuna kitu muhimu maishani kuliko afya ya akili. Kwa hakika afya hii ya akili ndiyo humwezesha mtu kutenda mambo jinsi anavyotakikana. Mtu mwenye afya ya akili huweza kutangamana vyema na wenzake bila kuwabughudhi kwa lolote. Aghalabu mtu huyu huwa mfurufu wakati wote, jambo ambalo humsaidia kudumisha hata afya ya mwili.

Matendo ya watu wengi katika siku za hivi karibuni yanadhihirisha kuwa afya ya akili inazidi kudorora. Imekuwa kawaida kama sheria kusikia kuwa mtu fulani amechukua silaha na kumwumiza mwenzake vibaya. Wengine wanatumia silaha za maangamizi ya halaiki pasi na kisa wala sababu. Baadaye watu hawa wakipelekwa mbele ya sheria huonekana kuchanganyikiwa; yaani hawajijui hawajitambui.

Je, ni nini hasa kinachochangia kuvurugika kwa afya ya akili? Kwanza, binandamu anapokabiliwa na hali ngumu ya maisha kila uchao, hujipata akihangaika kimawazo. Hali hii ikiendelea kwa muda mrefu pasipo kushughulika ipasavyo, akili ya mhusika huweza kuenda tenge. Watu wengi, wakubwa kwa wadogo wanaendelea kuhangaika kwa sababu mbalimbali.
Matumizi mabaya ya vileo yamewafanya baadhi ya watu kuwa punguani. Kwa mfano, uvutaji wa bangi ni sababu kuu ya vijana wengi kurukwa na akili. Ni vyema tujitenge na waraibu wa mihadarati kwani niazi mbovu ni harabu ya nzima.Kwa hakika dawa hizi hazina manufaa yoyote.

Ili kudumisha afya ya akili, ni lazima ushauri nasaha uimarishwe katika sekta zote za kijamii. Kupitia ushauri walmarika shuleni kwa mfano, vijana watashauriwa kuhusu madhara ya kuandama sana starehe vilevile, watajifunza kuratibu muda wao na kuutumia kwa njia ya manufaa. Vilevile, wataelekezana kutambua mbinu mwafaka zaidi za kuepuka vishawishi vinavyoambatana na ujana.
Serikali haina budi kukabiliana na ulanguzi wa dawa za kulevya. Hili halitafanyika kwa kuwatia nguvuni waraibu tu. Huku ni kama kupogoa matawi ya mti na kuutarajia ukauke. Biashara hii sharti ikomeshwe kuanzia kwa wauzaji wa humu nchini na hata magenge ya kimataifa.

Mtu anapokabiliwa na tatizo, ni vyema kuwaendea washauri ili aongozwe kwa njia ifaayo. Wale walioathirika nao wajikubali na kutafuta matibabu kabla hali zao hazijazorota zaidi. Taifa halitaweza kupiga hatua bila raia wake kuwa razini.

  1. Chagua maelezo yanayolingana na aya ya kwanza.
    1. Afya ya akili ndicho kitu muhimu pekee maishani.
    2. Mtu akiwa na matatizo ya akili huoneakana waziwazi.
    3. Mtu asiye na afya ya akili ni mwendawazimu.
    4. Utendaji wa mtu huweza kuathiriwa na afya ya akili.
  2. Wanajamii wakiwa na afya ya akili,
    1. hudumisha uhusiano mwema baina yao.
    2. huvuruga maingiliano miongoni mwao.
    3. hawakabiliwi na shida zozote maishani.
    4. hukabiliwa na changamoto nyingi maishani.
  3. Kulingana na aya ya pili,
    1. malezi mabaya ya watoto yamewafanya wengi kupotoka.
    2. maovu yameongezeka kutokana na kuzorota kwa afya ya akili.
    3. matumizi ya silaha yanavuruga afya ya akili.
    4. si kawaida kwa watu siku hizi kuumizana kwa silaha.
  4. Maneno hawajijui hawajitambui yametumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Sitiari
    2. Tanakali za sauti
    3. Vielezi ya kutilia mkazo.
    4. Tashbihi
  5. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi.
    1. Wote wanaohangaika hupata shida za kiakili.
    2. Kukosa kusaidiwa husababisha matatizo ya akili.
    3. Kuhangaika kwa muda mrefu huathiri afya ya akili.
    4. Hali ngumu ya maisha ni mfano wa shida za kiakili.
  6. Hali anayopinga mwandishi hasa katika aya ya nne ni,
    1. hali ya vijana kurukwa na akili.
    2. madhara ya mihadarati hasa katika familia.
    3. watu wanaotumia pesa kununua mihadarati.
    4. matumizi mabaya ya vileo.
  7. Methali 'Nazi mbovu harabu ya nzima' ina maana kuwa,
    1. Ukifuatana na watu wabaya watakupotosha.
    2. Ukitumia mihadarati vibaya utahasirika.
    3. Vijana wakitumia mihadarati watakuwa punguani.
    4. Watu wazima wakiingilia ulevi vijana watawaiga.
  8. Yapi ni manufaa ya ushauri wa marika?
    1. Vijana huonyeshwa jinsi ya kuandama starehe.
    2. Vijana walioshauriwa hawapatani na vishawishi vyovyote.
    3. Vijana hujifunza kutumia muda wao ipasavyo.
    4. Vijana hushauriwa kuhusu dawa zifaazo.
  9. Kupogoa matawi ya mti kumelinganishwa na
    1. kuwanasa walanguzi wa mihadarati. 
    2. kuwashika wanaotumia mihadarati.
    3. kukabiliana na magenge ya kimataifa.
    4. kumaliza kabisa biashara ya mihadarati.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni
    1. Madhara ya mihadarati.
    2. Umuhimu wa ushauri nasaha.
    3. Umuhimu wa afya ya akili.
    4. Serikali kupunguza shida za maisha.

Soma makala yanayofuata kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 41 - 50.

Msenangu alifahamika katika kijiji chao na takriban kila mtu. Watoto walimfahamu kutokana na mtindo wake wa kutembea. Alitembea wima kama askarijeshi na kila alipokwenda kupiga chupa zake, alikuwa na mazoca ya kupiga kwata kama mwanajeshi gwarideni. Sababu nyingine iliyomfanya Msenangu afahamike ni ucheshi wake. Aliwasimulia vijana hadithi za kila aina na kuwavunja mbavu kwa umahiri wake wa kuzitamba hadithi zenyewe.

Ingawa Msenangu alikuwa na umri mpevu sana, alikuwa mmoja kati ya wazee wachache wa kwao waliojua kusoma. Idadi ya waliojua kusoma wakati huo ilikuwa akali sana na mzee huyo aliona fahari kuwa miongoni mwa hao wachache. Habari za kuandikwa kwa katiba mpya zilipofika kijijini, Msenangu alifurahi na kuchanua uso. Hii ni nafasi ya kuhakikisha kuwa nimewaeleza yote yanayohitajika kufanywa : alijitapa Msenangu. Wanakijiji walitaka kuteua vijana wawawakilishe ambapo tume ya kuandika katiba ampya ingefika pale kijijini. Hata hivyo, Msenangu alikazania kuwa ni lazima angekuwa mmoja wao. Licha ya uwezo wake wa kusoma, wanakijiji wengi hawakuamini kuwa alijua lolote kuhusiana na katiba.

Siku yenyewe, vijana walioteuliwa walitumia lugha ya kisheria ambayo ni dhahiri wanakijiji wengi hawakuielewa. Muda is muda, watu walianza kuondoka ukumbini mmoja mmoja. Ndipo bila kungoja aalikwe, mzee Msenangu alisimama. Watu waliokuwa nje ya ukumbi waliambiana, "Haya Msenangu huyo!' Alianza kuongea," Ndugu wanakamati, nimcisubiri fursa hii kwa hamu kubwa. Maneno yangu mimi si mengi kwani sikusoma mambo hayo ya "yesi" "yesi". Lakini ningependa kusema machache niliyo nayo moyoni. Nataka iandikwe katiba itakayoiendesha nchi yetu, kwa njia nzuri, kwa miaka mingi ijayo.Katiba hiyo ni lazima iwalinde raia wote, walemavu na wasio walemavu waonao na wasioona, waumini na walevi' alianza Msenangu. Watu walimtazama kwa mshangao mkubwa.
"Tulieni tumsikilize!” Wengine walisema. Wale waliokuwa wakiondoka ukumbini walirudi haraka kuketi. iangu akaendelea, “Katiba inayoifaa nchi ni ile isiyozingatia matakwa ya kundi moja la jamii tu... zima ziwepo njia za kuwadhibiti viongozi hawa kuhakikisha kuwa wanapotwaa madaraka hawatugeuzi sisi wanyonge kuwa wanase sere wao wa kuchezea, "alisema Msenangu na kutua. Ukumbi mzima sasa ukawa umemtegea sikio ndi!

Wanakumati walikuwa wakiandika huku wakiitikia kwa vichwa vyao. "Sisi wanyonge tunaoishi huku mashambani tuna shida. Wahenga walisema "Sheria ni msumeno hukata mbele na nyuma" Lakini kwetu huku haikati, inakala nyuma tu. Wenye vyeo wanapotamani vikataa vyetu wanavitwaa tu kwa njia rahisi wakitumia vyeo vyao. Tunaposhindwa kulipa pesa za michango ambazo hatuna, machifu wanaamuru mifugo yetu isombwe. Pawepo na sheria za kuwadhibiti watu kama hao. Kwa kifupi, iwe sheria inayotetea tajiri na maskini, mr yonge na mwenye nguvu, aliye nacho na asiye nacho.

Wanakamati wapendwa, usalama umeadimika kama mito jangwani. Sisi wenyewe tumegeuka walinda usalama. Lakini jambo la kushangaza ni kwamba tuwatiapo wahuni hao mikononi mwa walinda usalama wanazunguka mbuyu na kuwa huru.
Katika nchi inayothamini raia wake, bei za bidhaa haziongezeki shaghalabaghala tu. Ningetaka katiba iangalie jambo hili."
Baada ya kusema haya Msenangu akachukua mkongojo wake na polepole akatoka ukumbini na kuuacha umati umeduwaa. Kisha ukumbi ukalipuka pu kwa makofi na vigelegele ukimshangilia Msenangu ambaye alikuwa tayari ameshaondoka.

  1. Chagua jibu lisilo sahihi
    1. Watu wote walimfahamu Msenangu.
    2. Msenangu alikuwa na tabia ya ulevi,
    3. Msenangu alizoca kuwafurahisha watu.
    4. Watoto walimfahamu Msenangu kwa kutembea kijeshi.
  2. Maana ya kuwavunja mbavu ni
    1. kuwaumiza mbavuni
    2. kucheka kisirisiri
    3. kuwachekesha sana
    4. kuwashangaza watu
  3. Ni jambo lipi alilojivunia Msenangu?
    1. Kupendwa na watu wengi.
    2. Elimu aliyokuwa nayo.
    3. Kuwashinda vijana kiclimu.
    4. Kuwa na wasomi kijijini.
  4. Msenangu alifurahishwa na habari za kuandikwa kwa katiba mpya kwa sababu,
    1. angeonyesha ubingwa wake kwa wale wasiomjua.
    2. angeshindana na vijana katika maarifa yao.
    3. aliwachukia viongozi waliokuwa mamlaka
    4. angependekeza njia za kuboresha utawala.
  5. Kwanini wanakijiji walianza kutoka ukumbini?
    1. Muda ulikuwa umeyoyoma.
    2. Hawakuzielewa hotuba ya wazungumzaji.
    3. Walikerwa na maneno ya Msenangu.
    4. Walipuuzwa na waandishi wa katibampya.
  6. Watu walishangazwa zaidi na Msenangu kutokana na,
    1. umaarufu wake wa kusema
    2. kupinga maovu ambayo hawakuyajua.
    3. kupigana na serikali iliyokuwa mamlakani.
    4. kuchangia hoja nzito zenye umuhimu.
  7. Sheria ni msumeno hukata mbele na nyuma kwani,
    1. haipendelei wala kumbagua yeyote.
    2. sheria haina manufaa kwa mtu yeyote.
    3. sheria wakati wote huwabagua wanyonge.
    4. huwaumiza watu wote katika jamii.
  8. Kulingana na maneno aliyoyasema Msenangu
    1. usawa ulikuwa ukizingatiwa huko zaidi.
    2. katiba ya zamani ilikuwa bora zaidi.
    3. wanyonge walikuwa wakidhulumiwa katika jamii.
    4. viongozi wa jamii walionyesha uzalendo.
  9. Nini kilichangia zaidi kudorora kwa usalama?
    1. Wananchi kukosa kushirikiana. 
    2. Uhaba wa kazi katika jamii.
    3. Kukosa sheria za kuwahukumu wahalifu.
    4. Ufisadi uliowafanya wahalifu kuachwa huru.
  10. Kilingana na aya ya mwisho
    1. Hotuba ya Msenangu ilikatizwa kwa makofi.
    2. Msenangu hakuwepo aliposhangiliwa.
    3. Bei za bidhaa zilikuwa juu sana.
    4. Msenangu alituzwa kwa mkongojo.


Wewe ni mmojawapo wa wanafunzi wa darasa la nane shuleni mwako. Andika hotuba utakayowatolea wanafunzi wengine shuleni kuhusu jinsi ya kuimarisha matokeo yao katika mitihani.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
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  49. D
  50. B



Friday, 10 September 2021 08:12

Animals - class 8 science revision notes

Adaptations of Animals to their Environment

Feeding Habitats in Mammals.


These are mammals that feed on plants eg cow, buffalo, antelopes, elephants etc

They are classified into two, namely;

  • Grazers- They feed on grass eg cattle, buffalo, hippopotamus
  • Browers- They feed on twigs and leaves eg antelopes, girraffes, goats
 Part   Adaptation   Function 
  Horny pad  Hard, horny pad on the upper jaw. Holding food tightly against incisor when cutting.
 Diastema Toothless gap between  For turning vegetable
  Incisors and premolar materials for proper chewing.
 Incisors They have incisors on the lowerjaw which are sharp, flat and  chisel-shaped Biting, holding, nibbling and cutting food.
Molars and premolars. Present in both jaws.
Same size and shape.
Large, flat and ridged.
For grinding, crushing and chewing food
Continous replacement of
molars and premolars
Molars and premolars replace continous throughout their life. To replace the worn out ones due to constant grinding of food materials.
Cow's tongue  Long and rough. Long to reach out and grip grass.
Rough to avoid injury by hard vegetation.
Horse and rabbit's
Large, has certain bacteria. Used for digesting tough plants materials called cellulose.
Camel's hump Fats stored in hump. Releases metabolic water when oxidised and
burned in the body.


These are mammals that feeds on flesh only. They include; lions, dogs, cats, leopard, etc

Adaptations of carnivores.

  1. They have sharp and pointed incisiors for catching and holding their prey.
  2. They have long pointed and strong canines for tearing off pieces of flesh from bone, they also penetrate flesh, holding and killing the prey.
  3. They have ridged, flattened premolars and molars which fit well into each, saw like on both jaws for crushing bones and flesh into small portions.
  4. They have strong scissor like carnassial teeth on both jaws for slicing into flesh and cracking bones.
  5. They have well spaced teeth to prevent flesh from getting stuck between teeth.

Feeding Adaptations in Birds.

Grain eaters.

These are birds which feeds on grains or seeds.
They include; chicken, doves, Turkey, pigeons,Weaver bird and quelea birds. They have a strong, short, straight, thick, blunt and cone shaped beaks for picking grains.
Their claws are adapted to scratching.

Flesh eaters.

They are know us birds of prey.
They include Hawks, eagles, kites and falcons
They have short, thick, sharp and hooked(curved) beaks for cutting and tearing flesh.
They have a sharp eyesight for spotting their prey from far.
They have strong,sharp and curved claws called talons for holding and tearing their prey.

Nectar feeders.

They feed on nectars.
Examples include; sunbird and humming bird.
They have a long slender and slight curved beak for sucking nectarsfrom a flower.

Filter feeders.

These birds filters their foods from mud.
They include; ducks, sea gulls, swans, geese, pelican and flamingo.
They have a flat, broad, strong and serrated (v-shaped) beaksfor sieving or filtering their foods
Their feet are webbed.

Adaptations of Animals to Movement.

Reasons for movement.

  1. To search for food (prey).
  2. To search for shelter.
  3. To escape from predators.
  4. To search for favouble climatic condition.
  5. To seek mates for reproduction.

Adaptations to Flying.

  1. They have wings which has feathers to increase surface area for flapping against air.
  2. They have hollow bones to make themlight so that they can float on air
  3. They have a streamlined bodiesto enable them move quickly, smoothly and easily through air.

Adaptations to Swimming

  1. They have fins(pelvic, pectoral, caudal, dorsal and anal fins) which help them to move in water.
  2. They have swim bladder (air bladder) which help them to control their depth during swimming.
  3. They have webbed feet which act as oarsfor propelling themin water.
  4. They have streamlined body which help them to move smoothely in water.
  5. They have scales pointing backwards and covered with slimy substance to minimise waterresistance

Adaptations to Hopping and Leaping.

They have a powerful hind legs to enable them move forward. Some have a
short fore legs and strong hind eg kangaroo. Some also have tails for balancing.
They include; amphibians, grasshopper, locust and kangaroos.

Signs of Ill Health in Livestock.

  • Stunted or retarded growth.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Reduced yields.
  • Rough coat.
  • Coughing.
  • Blood or worms in stool.
  • Inactive.

Effects of Livestock Diseases.

  • Lowers yields.
  • Lowers quality of the product.
  • Diseases can be passed to human being.
  • Can cause death to animals
Published in Science Class 8 Notes
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