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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 12:43

Adjectives - Class 8 English Revision Notes

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. To describe or modify means to provide additional information about nouns or pronouns. To modify further means to change something slightly.

Writers and speakers modify an idea or image by choosing certain describing words, which are called adjectives. Hence, these adjectives are also called modifiers. Adjectives are like word cameras. They are words that describe colours, sizes and shapes. Adjectives help you capture how the world around you looks and feels.

Definite and Indefinite Adjectives

These are adjectives which tell how many or how much. They give the number or the quantity, either specific or approximate, of the noun in question. They are also referred to as numerals

  • Three elephants were killed by the game rangers.
  • He bought several houses in Kileleshwa.
  • Don’t put much sugar in the tea!

More examples of numerals

 Numbers   Amount   Approximate 

Adjectives that are in form of numbers are used with countable nouns:

  • Two calves were born yesterday.
  • Five chimpanzees performed funny tricks.
  • Many children like dinosaurs.

A definite or indefinite adjective may look like a pronoun, but it is used differently in a sentence. It is an adjective used to modify a noun.

Adjectives that are in farm of quantity are used with uncountable nouns.

  • Do you have any water in the house?
  • How much flour did you buy?

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

To compare two people, places or things, we use the comparative form of an adjective. To compare more than two, we use the superlative form of the adjective.
ONE PERSON: Kimenju is tall.
TWO PERSONS: Kimenju is taller than James.
THREE OR MORE: Kimenju is the tallest of all.

The comparative

The comparative form of the adjective is used to compare one thing, person or place  with another one. It is formed in two ways.

  1. For short adjectives, add -er.
    great + er = greater
    sweet + er = sweeter
    big + er = bigger
    light + er = lighter.
  2. For longer adjectives, the comparative is formed by using the word more before them.
    More handsome
    more remarkable
    More attractive
    more hardworking

    Most adjectives ending in -ful and -ous also form the comparative using more.
    More successful
    more curious
    more ferocious
    More beautiful
    more generous
    more prosperous

The Superlative

The superlative form of the adjective is used to compare a person, a place or a thing with more than one other of its kind.

  • Elephants are the largest animals in the jungle.
  • However, they are the most emotional animals.
    The superlative form of an adjective is formed in two ways.
  1. By adding -est to the short adjective
    great + est = greatest
    sweet + est = sweetest
    big + est = biggest
    light + est = light
  2. For longer adjectives, use most before them.
    most mysterious
    most awkward
    most successful
    most attractive
    The ending -er in the comparative becomes -est in the superlative while more becomes most.
    Adjective           comparative                superlative
    strong                stronger                       strongest
    quick                  quicker                         quickest
    adventurous      more adventurous       most adventurous
    co-operative      more co-operative         most co-operative
Published in English Class 8 Notes
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 11:31

Verbs - Class 8 English Revision Notes

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive verbs require a direct object for their meaning to be complete.

 Subject   Transitive Verb   Direct object   Meaning 
 Jenny  erased.       incomplete 
 Jenny  earsed  the whiteboard.   complete 
 Gary  told.    incomplete 
 Gary  told   a secret.   complete


Intransitive verbs do NOT require a direct object for their meaning to be complete.

 Subject   Intransitive Verb   Direct object   Adverbial   Meaning 
Wendy  slept.       complete 
Peter   ran  the whiteboard.   to school.  complete 


Some verbs can be transitive or intransitive depending on the context in the sentence

 Subject      Verb   Direct object   Adverbial    Transitive/Intransitive  
 Doug    moved   the sofa.        transitive 
 Doug    moved     to Singapore.        intransitive 
 Kelly    left  her bag  at home.      transitive 
 Kelly    left    at three O'clock     intransitive  

Progressive and Non-progressive (Stative) Verbs

Progressive verbs describe an action occurring over a period of time. They are formed with the verb be + the present participle (-ing form)

 Subject   Be   Present Participle  
  I  am  reading   the newspaper. 
 Angela  was   washing  the dishes. 
 They  had been   running   a marathon. 


Non-progressive (Stative) verbs do not describe actions. Instead, they describe a state or condition. The state or condition can occur over a period of time. They are NOT formed with be + the present participle.

 Subject   Stative Verb   
  Diana  loves  Casey.
  Pizza  tastes   good. 
 They  understand  Spanish. 

Common non-progressive (stative) verbs: appreciate, believe, dislike, exist, fear, hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, realize, resemble, seem, sound, understand

Many verbs can be progressive or non-progressive (stative) depending on the context of the sentence.

 Subject    Verb    Progressive/ Stative 
  John  thinks  soccer is fun.   stative
  Kevin  is thinking   about soccer.  progressive
 Shelley  feels    sick.  stative 
 Lisa  is feeling  the rabbit's fur.   progressive

Common progressive and non-progressive verbs: appear, cost, feel, forget, have, hear, imagine, include, look, measure, remember, see, smell, taste, think, want, weigh

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are verbs that combine with a preposition to create a meaning that is different from the two words taken separately. With some phrasal verbs, the object must be placed after the preposition.

   Verb   Preposition     Meaning 
 Sherri   came   across  someone's wallet on the street.   found by chance 
 Did Craig  drop   by     his friend's house?   visit
 We didn't   get   on  thye bus.  enter (a vehicle)

Other common non-separable phrasal verbs: check in, drop out (of), get along (with), get off, get in, grow up, look after, take after, run into.

With some phrasal verbs, the object can be placed between the verb and the preposition or after the preposition.

   Verb   Object   Preposition   Meaning 
 Barney   figured   the answer   out.  found/understood 
 Did she   pick  a candy  out?  choose 
 He didn't   turn  his ipod  off.  stop 

Other common separable phrasal verbs: call off, cheer up, drop off, find out, give up, hand in, look up, make up, put off, take over, turn on, turn down

Note that not every verb + preposition is a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs are only those combinations that have a separate meaning.

   Verb   Preposition     Phrasal verb/Not 
 The ball   dropped       by   the big tree.    not 
 We  dropped      by  the store for some milk    phrasal verb
 She  looked     into   a trip to Hawaii.   phrasal verb
 Charlie   looked     into   the fridge to see if there was any milk.   not


Verb Moods

Indicative and Imperative

The indicative mood is the most common verb mood in English. It is used to express facts and opinions, or to ask questions about them. The indicative mood is used in all verb tenses.

 Indicative Conjugation (Simple Present)   I am going to visit Paris next week.
You looked happy yesterday.
My dog is barking at passing cars.
Does she have my book?
Do they study English on Tuesdays?      
              I  am
      He/ She/ It  is
    You/ We/ They  are


The imperative mood is used to make requests or give orders and warnings. It is used only in the simple present and future tenses.

The subject in the imperative mood is always you. In simple present tense, the you-subject is not usually stated.  Pass me the salt, please.
Don’t walk near my vegetable garden.
Look out for those bees!
In the simple future tense, the you-subject is usually stated. It is used to place stronger emphasis on a command. Finish your homework tonight. (command)
You will finish your homework tonight (strong command)


Present Subjunctive

The subjunctive mood is used to express uncertain actions or states.

The present subjunctive* is formed with the base form of a verb. It follows verbs, nouns, or adjectives that express suggestion, demand, or request.

 Words of suggestion used: determine, determination, propose, recommend, recommendation, suggest, suggestion, advise, advisable, critical, desirable, important, vital, urge The doctor suggested I sleep more.
My recommendation is that he sleep more.
The doctor’s recommendation is that they sleep more.
It is advisable that she sleep more.**
Words of demand used: demand, imperative, insist, necessary, order, require, required. My parents demand that I be quiet at night.
Your parents require that you be quiet at night. It is imperative that she not be noisy at night.
Words of request used: ask, beg, prefer, request, wish I ask that you have more patience with the other students.
The teacher requested that Nick have his project finished a day earlier


* The term “present” refers to the form of the subjunctive verb (base form) rather than the time in which the action happens. The following sentences all use the present subjunctive mood:

  • The patient asked that he be given more medicine.
  • The patient requests that he be given more medicine.
  • The patient is demanding that he be given more medicine.
  • The patient will insist that he be given more medicine.

** Often, that is not omitted from sentences.

Past Subjunctive

The subjunctive mood is also used to express uncertain actions or states.

The past subjunctive* is formed with the simple past form of a verb that describes a state, condition, or habit. With the verb be, the form were (not was) is always used. It refers to hypothetical or imaginary situations.

The past subjunctive is used after the verb wish to express an unfulfilled desire I wish Sally were here to help us.
He wishes he could run faster
 It is also used after the verbs suppose and imagine or with if (only) phrases to express unreal conditions. Such sentences are usually followed by would or could. Suppose you met the president. What would you say? Imagine you were rich. What would you do first?
If people drove smaller cars, we could all breathe cleaner air
The past subjunctive is also used when a comparison to an imaginary condition is made. In this case, as though or as if usually precedes it She acts as though she were very rich, but she’s not.
He drives as if he were in a Formula 1 race.


Verb Tenses

The time of an action or the state of being is expressed by different forms of the verb. These forms are called the tenses of the verb.
There are three main forms of a verb: the present, the past, or the future.

The Present Tense

A verb which is in present tense indicates what the subject of the sentence is doing right now.
The teacher sees the students.
The verb sees tells that the teacher is seeing the students now. To show the present tense, an -s or -es is added to most verbs if the subject is singular.

If the subject is plural, or I or You, the -s, or -es is not added.
The bird hatches in the nest.
The stream flows down the hill.
The boys rush for their breakfast.
We talk a lot.

Rules for forming the Present Tense with Singular Subjects

  1. Most verbs: add –s
    get – gets
    play – plays
    eat – eats
  2. Verbs ending in s, ch, sh, x, and z: add-es
    pass – passes
    mix – mixes
    buzz – buzzes
    push – pushes
  3. Verbs ending with a consonant and y:
    change the y to i and add -es
    try - tries
    empty – empties

The Past Tense

A verb which is in past tense shows what has already happened.
Tito liked his grandmother’s story.
The verb liked tells that the action in the sentence happened before now.

Rules for forming the Past Tense

  1. Most verbs: Add -ed
    play – played
    talk – talked
    climb – climbed
  2. Verbs ending with e: Add -d
    praise – praised
    hope – hoped
    wipe – wiped
  3. Verbs ending with a consonant and -y: the y to i and add -ed
    bury – buried
    carry – carried
    study – studied
  4. Verbs ending with a single vowel and a consonant: Double the final consonant and add-ed
    stop – stopped
    man – manned
    trip – tripped

The Future Tense

A verb which is in future tense tells what is going to happen.
Evans will take his car to the garage.
She will probably come with us.

The verbs will take and will come tell us what is going to happen. Hence, they are in future tense.

To form the future tense of a verb, use the helping verb will or shall with the main verb.

The Simple Tenses

The most common tenses of the verb are the simple tenses. You use them most often in your speaking and writing.

  1. Present simple tense.
    Look at the following sentences.
    1. I know Kisumu
    2. He goes to school everyday.
    3. The sun rises from the east.
      All the above sentences contain a verb in the present simple tense. This tense is used for different purposes.
      1. To state a personal fact
        Example: I know Kisumu.
      2.  To point out a regular habit.
        Example: He goes to school everyday.
      3. To state known a scientific fact
        Example: The sun rises from the east.
  2. Past Simple Tense
    The past simple tense is used when an action has been completed .
    We cleaned our classrooms yesterday.
    He drove the car this morning.
    She planned the whole incident.
  3. Future Simple Tense
    The future simple tense places the action or condition in the future. It is formed by using the word shall or will before the present form of the main verb.
    We shall need help with her load.
    She will eat the bananas alone.
    The dancers will entertain them.

The Perfect Tenses

The perfect tenses are used to show that an action was completed or that a condition existed before a given time.
The perfect tenses are formed using has, have, or had before the past participles i.e.
verb forms ending in -ed.

  1. Present Perfect Tense:
    Ceasar has just finished his homework.
    Kamau and Njoroge have now agreed to meet.
  2. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
    Kibet has been working in his shamba for two hours.
    We have been swimming in this pool for ten minutes.
  3. Past Perfect Tense
    We had completed the work by the time the supervisor came.
    Nobody knew that she had already remarried.
  4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
    I had been trying to contact him for two hours before he finally appeared.
    Mrs. Masumbuko had been feeling unwell the whole week before she decided to visit
    a doctor.
  5. Future Perfect Tense
    Agege will have sold his goats by two p.m.
    By next term, twenty students will have dropped from this school.
  6. Future Perfect Continuous
    The players will have been playing for twenty minutes by the time the President arrives.
    By the end of this term, she will have been living with her aunt for five years.

The Progressive Verb Forms

The progressive form of the verb shows continuing action.
I am singing
She was dancing.

The progressive form is formed using various forms of the verb be plus the present participle i.e. a verb form that ends in -ing.

  1. Present Progressive Tense
    I am reading a book about Red Indians.
    Her mother is preparing dinner.
  2. Present Perfect Progressive
    He has been cleaning his car since morning.
    They have been exercising for a week now.
  3. Past Progressive Tense
    She was cooking supper when I arrived.
    They were fighting fiercely when the police arrived.
  4. Past Perfect Progressive Tense
    Sonko had been wearing an earing for years before he removed it.
    Onyancha had been killing children before he was finally discovered.
  5. Future Progressive
    He will be tilling the land next week.
    Joyce and Joan will be washing clothes all morning.
  6. Future Perfect Progressive
    The children will have been sleeping for two hours by the time their parents arrive.
    John will have grown a beard by the time he is twelve.
Published in English Class 8 Notes
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 09:29

Pronouns - Class 8 English Revision Notes

A pronoun is a part of speech that takes the place of a noun. They include such words as I, we, he, she, thy, me and us.

Pronouns enable you to avoid repeating the same names (nouns), when writing or speaking, which would otherwise make you sound very awkward and wordy. By using pronouns effectively, you can make your writing and speaking flow smoothly.

Pronouns can be classified into 6 types. These are personal, indefinite, demonstrative, interrogative, reflexive and intensive pronouns.

Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or another pronoun. They are used to refer to nouns that name persons or things.

  • Awkward Kamau put on Kamau’s gum boots. Then Kamau went to the shamba.
  • Improved Kamau put on his gum boots. Then he went to the shamba.

In the above example, the personal pronoun his helps the writer avoid repeating the same noun. The pronoun he acts as a bridge to connect the two sentences.

Personal pronouns are further classified in terms of person and gender.


In terms of person, personal pronouns can be divided into three classes.

  1. First person – I, my, me, we, our and us.
    These ones refer to the person(s) speaking.
    Example: I always ride my bike to school.
  2. Second person – you, your, yours
    These refer to the person(s) spoken to.
    Example: I will call you tomorrow.
  3. Third person – he, his, him, she, hers, her, it, its, they, their, them.
    These ones refer to another person(s) or thing(s) that is being spoken of.

The personal pronoun it usually replaces a noun that stands for a thing or an animal. It is never used in place of a person.


Personal pronouns can also be classified by gender. Gender can either be masculine
(referring to male people), feminine (referring to female people) or neuter (referring to
animals or things).

  • Joseph cleaned his car. (His is the third person, masculine gender).
  • Isabel said the dress was hers (Hers is the third person, feminine gender).
  • The dog wagged its tail. (Its is the third person, neuter gender).

Forms of Personal Pronouns

In English, personal pronouns have three forms: the subject form, the object form and the possessive form.


  • She is a painter (subject form)
  • He praised her. (Object form)
  • It is her best painting. (Possessive form)

Subject Pronouns

A subject pronoun takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence. These pronouns are:

  1. Singular forms – I, you, he, she, it
  2. Plural forms – we, you, they
    Noun                                                                 Subject Pronoun
    The housegirl takes care of the baby               She takes care of the baby
    The dog guards the house                                It guards the house
    Mark and Francis love swimming                      They love swimming

Subject pronouns also appear after forms of the linking verbs be.

  • The watchman today is he.
  • The composers were they.

Object pronouns

Object pronouns can replace nouns used after action verbs. These pronouns are:

  1. Singular – me, you, him, her, it
  2. Plural – us, you them
    • The driver drove him. (direct object)
    • The parents thanked us. (direct object)
    • The reporters asked him many questions. (indirect object)

In the above examples, the personal pronouns are the direct or indirect objects of the verbs before them.

Object pronouns can also replace nouns after prepositions such as to, for, with, in, at or by. That is, they can be objects of prepositions.

  • Gladys waved to them. (object of a preposition)
  • The delivery is for me.
  • Ben went with them to the theatre.

Possessive Pronouns

A possessive pronoun shows ownership.

Example: My pen is black.

There are two kinds of possessive pronouns:

  1. Those used as adjectives to modify nouns. These possessive pronouns are:
    Singular: My, your, his, her, its
    Plural: Our, your, their
    • My shirt is yellow.
    • Your food is on the table.
    • His bag is green.
    • This is her dress.
    • Its fur is soft.
    • These are our parents.
    • Pay your bills.
    • They removed their bats.
      The above possessive pronouns always appear before nouns to modify them. Hence, they are called modifiers.
  2. Those that stand alone and replace nouns in sentences. These possessive nouns are:
    Singular: mine yours his, hers, its
    Plural: ours yours, their
    • The yellow shirt is mine.
    • The food on the table is yours.
    • The green bag is his.
    • This dress is hers.
    • Its is the soft fur.
    • These crops are ours.
    • These bills are yours.
    • Those hats are theirs.

Points To Note

  1. The pronoun I is used as a subject or after forms of the linking verb be.
    Subject: I travel by bus
    After the linking verb be: Yesterday, the prefects on duty were Victor and I
  2. The pronoun me is used object after action verbs or words (prepositions) such as to, for, with, in, or at.
    Object: Rose met me at the gate.
    After prepositions: Rose waited for me at the gate.
                                  You are coming with me.
  3. When using compound subjects and objects (i.e. subjects and objects comprising of a pronoun and a noun or another pronoun), always name yourself last.
    Diana and I visited our grandmother yesterday.
    Who appointed Chege and me?
    Rose waited for her and me at the gate. or at.

Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun is used to single or point out one or more persons or things referred to in the sentence.
These pronouns are this, that, these, and those.
This and these point to persons or things that are near.

  • This is a gazelle.
  • These are the students of Kianjege West Secondary School.

That and those point to persons or things that are farther away.

  • That is the city square.
  • Those are the lodging rooms.

  • This and that are used with singular nouns.
  • These and those are used with plural nouns.

Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thing.
In English, there are singular indefinite pronouns, plural indefinite and both singular and plural indefinite pronouns.

Singular Indefinite Pronouns

another     anything       everybody        neither               one
anybody      each           everyone         nobody           somebody
anymore     either         everything         no one            someone.

An indefinite pronoun must agree with its verbs and in number with its possessive
pronoun. The above indefinite pronouns are used with singular verbs. They are also used
with singular possessive pronouns.

Agreement with verbs
Correct: Everyone has heard of Lake Turkana.
Incorrect: Everyone have heard of Lake Turkana.
Correct: Nobody knows what happened to Samuel Wanjiru.
Incorrect: Nobody know what happened to Samuel Wanjiru.
Correct: Everything about the old man remains a mystery.
Incorrect: Everything about the old man remain a mystery.

Agreement in number with possessive pronouns
Correct: Neither believed his/her eyes.
Incorrect: Neither believed their eyes.
Correct: Each strained his/her neck to see.
Incorrect: Each strained their neck to see.

Plural indefinite pronouns

both          many           few              several
These indefinite pronouns use plural verbs and possessive pronouns.
Plural verbs
Correct: Few know about Lake Olbolsat.
Incorrect: Few knows about Lake Obolsat.
Correct: Both stand by what they believe.
Incorrect: Both stands by what they believe.

Plural possessive pronouns
Correct: Several reported their findings.
Incorrect: Several reported his/her findings.

Both singular and plural indefinite pronouns

all         some         any             none
These indefinite pronouns may be singular or plural, depending on their meaning in the
All of my story is true – singular
All of the guests are here – plural
None of the lake is foggy – singular
None of the photos are spoiled – plural.

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive and intensive pronouns end in -self or -selves. These are myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, and themselves.

A reflexive pronoun refers to an action performed by the subject of the sentence. The meaning of the sentence is incomplete without the reflexive pronoun.

  • Monicah bought herself a new dress. (The meaning of the sentence is incomplete without the reflexive pronoun because we do not know for whom Monicah bought the dress).

Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronoun is used to ask a question. These pronouns are who, whose, whom, which and what.
Who is the mayor of this town?
Whose is the red car?
Which is her blouse?
What did she ask you?
Whom should I trust with my secret?

Using Who, Whom, and Whose

Who, whom, and whose are often used to ask questions. Hence, they are interrogative pronouns.

WHO is the subject form. It is used as the subject of a verb.
Who taught you how to play the guitar? (Who is the subject of the verb taught.)

WHOM is the object form. It is used as the direct object of a verb or as the object of a preposition.
Whom did you meet? (Whom is the object of the verb did meet).
For whom is this trophy? (whom is the object of the preposition for).

WHOSE is the possessive form. It can be used :

  1. To modify a noun
    Whose is umbrella is this? (whose modifies the noun umbrella)
  2. Alone as the subject or object of a verb
    Whose are those water melons? (whose is the subject of the verb are)
    Whose did you admire? (whose is the object of the verb did admire)
Published in English Class 8 Notes
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 08:23

Nouns and Articles - Class 8 English Revision Notes


Nouns can be singular or plural.
SINGULAR: banana
PLURAL: bananas

  Spelling Rules for Plural Nouns  
 Noun Ending   Rule  Examples 
 a consonant or a vowel  (most regular nouns)   add -s  a bed→beds, 
a table→ tables 
 -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x   add -es  a bus →buses
a match →matches
a glass →glasses
a fox → foxes
a dish → dishes
 a consonant + y  change y to i and add -es  a dictionary → dictionaries
 -f or -fe  change -f/-fe to v and add -es  a leaf → leaves
a knife → knives

Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

Categorization of Nouns

Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.

  • Person
    John went to the new theater last week with his father.
    examples: brother, mailman, chef, assistant, friend, king
  • Place
    We met our neighbors at the arcade.
    examples: beach, zoo, home, Spain, woods, work, school
  • Thing
    I found the keys under the sofa.
    examples: eraser, chain, picture, door, pen, tractor, stick
  • Idea
    Happiness is very important.
    examples: sadness, freedom, fun, love, anger

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Nouns can be either countable or uncountable.

Countable nouns represent things that can be counted as individuals. Use a, many, few, or numbers

  • I bought eleven CDs and a new book.
  • We saw many cars and a few vans. before countable nouns.

Countable nouns: apple, ant, bag, book, cat, chair, donut, friend, house, jacket, map, neighbor, page, question, raft, stove

Uncountable nouns represent things that cannot be counted as individuals. Use much, little, some or any* (for negatives and questions) before uncountable nouns.

  • I had some soup before dinner.
  • I didn’t have any coffee.
  • Did you have any fun at the zoo?
  • Yes, we had some fun at the zoo.

Uncountable nouns: bread, cheese, coffee, food, fruit, furniture, homework, mail, meat, milk, music,
paper, rice, soup, water

NB: Some and any can also be used with countable nouns. Any is used for questions and negatives. Some is used when the exact number is not known or is not important.
Example: Do you have any apples? Yes, we have some apples in the fridge


Articles are a, an, and the. Sometimes no article is used.

  • A baby cries.
  • An alligator swims.
  • The teenagers whisper.
  • Apples are delicious.

A is for singular nouns. It goes in front of consonant sounds.

  • A zebra has stripes.
  • Nick eats a sandwich.

An is for singular nouns. It goes in front of vowel sounds.

  • An iris is a flower.
  • John sees an airplane.

The is for singular or plural nouns. It goes in front of consonant or vowel sounds. 
The is used for things that are already known or introduced. The is also used when the noun it precedes is the only one of its kind

  • Nick eats a sandwich. The sandwich is delicious.
  • John sees an airplane. The airplane is in the sky.
  • The moon is in the sky. (There is only one moon and one sky.)
  • Some apples are in the fridge. (Most people only have one fridge in their homes.

Words beginning with u often have a y(ju) sound. In this case, a is used.
Y SOUND: A unicorn has a horn.
U SOUND: Amy has an umbrella.
H is often silent when it begins a word. In this case, an is used.
SILENT: An hour is a long time.
SPOKEN: Sarah has a hamster

Generic Statements

Generic statements are sentences that provide information that is true most or all of the time.
Generic statements often use the verb Be.

  • I am a student.
  • She is tall.
  • They are my parents

Some generic statements use the verb Have.

  • Insects have six legs.
  • He has blue eyes.

Other generic statements use verbs that describe a state or condition.

  • Candy tastes sweet.
  • Feathers feel soft.

Other state or condition verbs: look, smell, taste, sound, like, love, hate, think, believe

Subjective Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

Subject Pronouns refer to nouns. They replace subjects. 

I, you, he, she, it, we, they

  • John plays basketball. He is athletic. (He = John)
  • Lisa and Tom play musical instruments. They take lessons. (They = Lisa and Tom)

Possessive Adjectives show ownership or relationship. They often go before nouns.

My, your, his, her, its*, our, their

  • My hair is brown.
  • Amy and her brother have a pet rabbit.
  • Their rabbit eats lettuce

NB:Its is a possessive adjective. It’s = It is


Possessives show who or what an object belongs to.

Usually, ‘s is added to the end of a noun to show ownership of the noun coming after it.

  • I like John‘s haircut.
  • My mother‘s car broke down.

For plural nouns that end in -s, only the apostrophe is added to show ownership.

  • The girls’ gym is over there.
  • The boys’ hockey team plays tomorrow

When showing ownership for more than one noun, only the last noun takes the ‘s or the apostrophe.

  • Sam, Dawn, and Kim’s teacher was absent from school yesterday.
  • The lions and tigers’ cages are always cleaned on Mondays.

For proper nouns (names) that end in -s, ‘s is added to show ownership.

  • James‘s bike is blue.
  • Julius‘s house is near the river

Of can also be used to show ownership. In this case the noun representing the owned thing comes first.*

  • The father of the student (= the student’s father)
  • The king of Spain (= Spain’s king)

NB:This form is usually used when the owner is a place or thing, not a person.

Published in English Class 8 Notes
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 08:01

List of Idioms - Class 8 English Revision Notes

  • A hot potato
    Speak of an issue which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed
  • A penny for your thoughts
    A way of asking what someone is thinking
  • Actions speak louder than words
    People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.
  • Add insult to injury
    To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.
  • An arm and a leg
    Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money.
  • At the drop of a hat
    Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.
  • Back to the drawing board
    When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.
  • Ball is in your court
    It is up to you to make the next decision or step
  • Barking up the wrong tree
    Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person
  • Be glad to see the back of
    Be happy when a person leaves.
  • Beat around the bush
    Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
  • Best of both worlds
    Meaning: All the advantages.
  • Best thing since sliced bread
    A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan.
  • Bite off more than you can chew
    To take on a task that is way to big.
  • Blessing in disguise
    Something good that isn't recognized at first.
  • Burn the midnight oil
    To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting.
  • Can't judge a book by its cover
    Cannot judge something primarily on appearance.
  • Caught between two stools
    When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.
  • Costs an arm and a leg
    This idiom is used when something is very expensive.
  • Cross that bridge when you come to it
    Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.
  • Cry over spilt milk
    When you complain about a loss from the past.
  • Curiosity killed the cat
    Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.
  • Cut corners
    When something is done badly to save money.
  • Cut the mustard
    To succeed; to come up to expectations; adequate enough to compete or participate
  • Devil's Advocate
    To present a counter argument
  • Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched
    This idiom is used to express "Don't make plans for something that might not happen".
  • Don't give up the day job
    You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket
    Do not put all your resources in one possibility.
  • Drastic times call for drastic measures
    When you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions.
  • Elvis has left the building
    The show has come to an end. It's all over.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
    Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.
  • Far cry from
    Very different from.
  • Feel a bit under the weather
    Meaning: Feeling slightly ill.
  • Give the benefit of the doubt
    Believe someone's statement, without proof
  • Hear it on the grapevine
    This idiom means 'to hear rumors' about something or someone.
  • Hit the nail on the head
    Do or say something exactly right
  • Hit the sack / sheets / hay
    To go to bed.
  • In the heat of the moment
    Overwhelmed by what is happening in the moment.
  • It takes two to tango
    Actions or communications need more than one person
  • Jump on the bandwagon
    Join a popular trend or activity.
  • Keep something at bay
    Keep something away.
  • Kill two birds with one stone
    This idiom means, to accomplish two different things at the same time.
  • Last straw
    The final problem in a series of problems.
  • Let sleeping dogs lie
    Do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications.
  • Let the cat out of the bag
    To share information that was previously concealed
  • Make a long story short
    Come to the point - leave out details
  • Method to my madness
    An assertion that, despite one's approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it.
  • Miss the boat
    This idiom is used to say that someone missed his or her chance
  • Not a spark of decency
    Meaning: No manners
  • Not playing with a full deck
    Someone who lacks intelligence
  • Off one's rocker
    Crazy, demented, out of one's mind, in a confused or befuddled state of mind, senile.
  • On the ball
    When someone understands the situation well.
  • Once in a blue moon
    Meaning: Happens very rarely.
  • Picture paints a thousand words
    A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.
  • Piece of cake
    A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple.
  • Put wool over other people's eyes
    This means to deceive someone into thinking well of them.
  • See eye to eye
    This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something.
  • Sit on the fence
    This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision.
  • Speak of the devil!
    This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.
  • Steal someone's thunder
    To take the credit for something someone else did.
  • Take with a grain of salt
    This means not to take what someone says too seriously.
  • Taste of your own medicine
    Means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone else
  • To hear something straight from the horse's mouth
    To hear something from the authoritative source.
  • Whole nine yards
    Everything. All of it.
  • Wouldn't be caught dead
    Would never like to do something
  • Your guess is as good as mine
    To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question
Published in English Class 8 Notes
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 07:38

List of Similes - Class 8 English Revision Notes

This is a list of well-known as...as similes. There are more similes, of course, some common and
others less common because anyone can make a simile at any time--you too!

     simile                                                       meaning                                                        comment
 as alike as two peas in a pod              identical or nearly so
as bald as a coot                                   completely bald
as big as a bus                                          very big
as big as an elephant                                very big
as black as a sweep                                completely black                                        sweep = chimney sweep
as black as coal                                      completely black
as black as pitch                                     completely black
as blind as a bat                                     completely blind                                          may be exaggeration
as blind as a mole                                 completely blind may                                     be exaggeration
as bold as brass                                        very bold                                                   usually in a negative sense
as brave as a lion                                      very brave
as bright as a button                                 very bright
as bright as a new pin                               very bright and shiny
as busy as a beaver                                  very busy
as busy as a bee                                       very busy
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof              very busy
as calm as a millpond                            very calm and still                                          usually said of water
as clear as a bell                                      very clear                                                                of a sound
as clean as a whistle                                very clean
as clear as crystal                                      very clear
as clear as mud                                     not at all clear                                                    irony or sarcasm
as cold as ice                                            very cold
as common as dirt                              very common, rude, vulgar                               usually said of a person
as cool as a cucumber                                  cool
as cunning as a fox                                 cunning
as dead as a doornail                               dead
as dead as the dodo                               dead, extinct                                                   the dodo is an extinct bird
as deaf as a post                                    completely deaf                                                  may be exaggeration
as different as chalk from cheese              very different
as drunk as a lord                                    completely drunk
as dry as a bone                                          very dry
as dry as dust                                              very dry
as dull as dishwater                                dull, boring                                                      usually said of a person
as easy as A.B.C.                                       very easy
as easy as apple-pie                                 very easy
as flat as a pancake                                completely flat
as free as a bird                                 very free to go anywhere
as fresh as a daisy                                      very fresh
as gentle as a lamb                                   very gentle                                                   usually said of a person
as good as gold                                 very good and obedient                                       usually said of a person
as happy as a lark                                     very happy                                                   usually said of a person
as hard as nails                                   very tough in character                                             of a person
as hot as hell                                              very hot
as hungry as a bear                                 very hungry
as hungry as a wolf                                  very hungry
as innocent as a lamb                          innocent, not worldly-wise                                  usually said of a person
as large as life                                          conspicuously present
as light as a feather                                         very light
as light as air                                                    very light
as mad as a hatter                                     completely crazy
as mad as a hornet                                      very angry
as nutty as a fruitcake                             completely crazy
as obstinate as a mule                      very obstinate, stubborn
as old as the hills                                       very, very old
as pale as death                                very pale or white in the face of a person
as plain as day                                             very clear
as poor as a church mouse                            poverty-stricken
as poor as dirt                                                 poverty-stricken
as proud as a peacock                                  very proud
as pure as snow                                        pure and innocent
as pure as the driven snow                        pure and innocent
as quick as a wink                                         very quick(ly)
as quick as lightning                                      very quick(ly)
as quick as silver                                           very quick
as quiet as a church mouse                          very quiet
as safe as houses                                    very safe, secure
as scarce as hen's teeth                              very, very scarce                                            irony (hens have no teeth)
as sharp as a razor                                        very sharp
as sick as a dog                                              very sick
as sick as a parrot                                           very sick
as silent as the dead                                   completely silent
as silent as the grave                                  completely silent
as slippery as an eel                                   slippery, evasive                                                      of a person
as slow as a snail                                             very slow
as slow as a tortoise                                         very slow
as smooth as silk                                             very smooth
as snug as a bug in a rug                          in a very comfortable position                                    humorous
as sober as a judge                                          sober
as solid as a rock                                               solid
as solid as the ground we stand on                   solid
as sound as a bell                                            very clear                                                            of a sound
as sour as vinegar                                            very sour
as steady as a rock                                         very steady
as stiff as a board                                         completely stiff
as straight as an arrow                                     straight                                                       an arrow flies straight
as strong as an ox                                            very strong
as stubborn as a mule                                  very stubborn, obstinate
as sturdy as an oak                                       very strong and solid
as sure as death and taxes                         absolutely certain to happen
as tall as a giraffe                                              very tall
as thin as a rake                                                very thin
as timid as a rabbit                                            very timid
as tough as leather                                            very tough
as tough as nails                                                very tough                                                     often said of a person
as tough as old boots                                         very tough                                                      often said of a person
as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party             not welcome at all                                     irony or sarcasm (skunks stink)
as white as a ghost                                         very pale or white in the face                             of a person
as white as a sheet                                              pure white
as white as snow                                                 pure white
as wise as Solomon                                             very wise                                                        King Solomon
as wise as an owl                                                 very wise


Published in English Class 8 Notes

The School

  • A school is a centre where learning takes place both formally and informally.
  • It is also a place where the learners acquire knowledge.

School Management

  • The public schools are run by the government through the ministry of education.
  • At the district level, the schools are managed by:


  1. the District Education Board. (D.E.B)
  2. The chairman of the district education board is the district commissioner.
  3. The secretary of the District education board is the district education officer (D.E.O)The D.E.O is in charge of all the education matters in the district. He/She:-
    1. Ensures there are teachers in the school.
    2. Inspects schools to ensure standards are set and maintained.
    3. Organizes co-curriculum activities.
    4. Assigns teachers responsibilities by posting and transferring them.

The Teacher

  1. He/She is the secretary to the school committee.
  2. He/She signs duties and responsibilities to all the teachers in the school
  3. Receive information from the ministry and pass them on to teachers.
  4. Ensures that the school is stable and runs smoothly.
  5. He supervises the work of teachers, pupils and school workers.
  6. He ensures that good academic standards are made and maintained.
  7. He writes minutes during school committee meetings.
  8. He maintains discipline among pupils.

The Deputy Headteacher

  1.  He is the principal assistant of the head teacher.
  2. He attends to lessons by planning and teaching.
  3. He acts in the absence of head teacher.
  4. He is in charge of discipline.

The Senior Teacher

  1. Ensures all lessons are attended to.
  2. Acts in the absence of head teacher and the Deputy head teacher.
  3. Plans and teaches the pupils.

Head Prefects (head boy and head girl)

  1. They co-ordinate the activities of other prefects.
  2. Ensures the pupils are orderly.
  3. Prefects act as the eyes of teachers on other pupils.

Importance of School Administration.

  1. It promotes high academic standards.
  2. It promotes high standards of discipline.
  3. It helps in maintaining school facilities like chairs tables and desks.
  4. It co-ordinates the daily academic activities in the school.
  5. It maintains proper school records.
  6. It organizes and promotes co-curricular activities in the schools e.g. games, music, athletics, drama.
  7. It acts as the link between the community in school.
  8. It ensures that the school maintains cleanliness.
  9. It acts as a link between the school and the government education agents like:
    1. Assistant education officers (AEO)
    2. District Education Officers
    3. Provincial director of education
  10. It allocates teachers their teaching subjects and other duties.

The School Motto

  • It is a phrase that expresses the beliefs of a school.
  • It describes the goals that a school intends the school learners to achieve by the time they leave the school.
  • School routine is the program of activities in the school either on daily or weekly basis.
  • The school timetable forms a major part of the school routine.

The Family

  • Family is a group of people who are related by blood or marriage.

Main Types of Family

  1. Nuclear family - father, mother and child/children
  2. Extended family - nuclear and other relatives.
  3. Single parent family - One parent and child/children

Needs of Family Members

  • Needs are requirements that are necessary for people to live.

Types of Needs

  1. Basic needs - things we cannot do without.
  2. Secondary needs - Things that add comfort to our lives but we can do without them.


Basic needs Secondary needs
  1. Food
  2. Shelter
  3. Clothing
  4. Water
  1. Education
  2. Motto vehicle
  3. Television set
  4. Radios
  5. Mobile phones
  6. Sofa sets
  7. Friends

Resonsibilities of Family Members

  • Roles and duties in a family are well defined.


Responsibilities of Parents

  1. Providing basic needs for the family.
  2. Providing security in the family.
  3. Providing medical care for the family.
  4. Installing good morals in the children.
  5. Providing financial assistance.
  6. Teaching religious values.
  7. Providing love for the family members.


  • Marriage is a permanent union between adults.
  • Marriage systems recognized in Kenya are:
    1. Religious marriage.
    2. Customary marriage.
    3. Civil marriage.

Religious Marriage

  • It is usually conducted in a church , mosque , or a temple.
  • A wedding ceremony is conducted.
  • Christians and Asian marriages are monogamous (one man and one wife)while Muslim marriages are polygamous (more than one wife).
  • Couple exchange marriage vows.
  • A marriage certificate is issued.

Customary Marriage

  • Conducted according to the African customs and beliefs.
  • Polygamy is allowed.
  • Bride wealth is given before the wedding ceremony.
  • It is usually conducted by the clan elders.

Civil Marriage

  • It is presided over by a magistrate or an authorized government officer.
  • A couple intending to marry must issue a 21 day notice to the district commissioner or the district registrar of marriage.
  • The marriage partners pay a marriage fee.
  • A marriage certificate is issued.
  • Divorce or separation is granted by a court of law.

Importance of Marriage

  1. It provides companionship.
  2. It ensures the continuity of the family name and culture.
  3. It unites different families hence promotes unity and harmony in the society.
  4. It ensures good upbringing of the children.
  5. It provides security and legal rights to the children, wife, and the husband.
  6. It helps to regulate social behavior of the couple.
  7. It helps to enrich culture especially when man and wife are responsible.

Rights and Responsibilities of Spouses in Marriage

  1. To be loyal and faithful to each other.
  2. To stand by each other as a source of comfort and strength.
  3. To love one another.
  4. To give each other emotional and physical security and protection.
  5. To earn an income to support the family.
  6. To promote the family’s standard of living.
  7. To discuss the decisions regarding the family matters.
  8. They should be caring to the children.

Succession and Inheritance

  • Succession means taking over property after the owner dies or give up ownership.
  • Inheritance is receiving property left behind when the owner dies.
  • People succeed or inherit the estate (belonging of the deceased ) through:
    1. customary laws
    2. written wills
    3. parliamentary acts (law of succession).
  • The property of the diseased is called an estate.
  • A written document that shows how the property of the deceased should be shared out is known as the will.
  • The person who inherits the estates of the deceased is known as an heir.
  • The distribution of the estate of the deceased is done by:
    1. Court of law.
    2. The public trustee.
    3. The bearer of the letter of administration or the grant of probate.
  • The authority to manage the estate is granted by a court of law.
  • The following are entitled to the estate of the deceased :
    1. wife or wives
    2. former wife ( in case of a divorce in a court of law).
    3. sons
    4. daughters
    5. parents
    6. Any other person with proof that they depend on the deceased.
  • Where both the parents have died, the adult first born child should apply to get a letter of administration, if the parent did not leave a will or a grant of probate, if the parent left a will.
    NB: daughters of the deceased whether married or not have the right to benefit from the property of the deceased.

Resources and Economic Activities.

  1. Resources are the things that are useful to human beings e.g. Soil, water, money, land, forest, mineral, wildlife, domestic animals.
  2. Economic activities are the different ways that we use the resources to earn income.
  3. The main economic activities in Kenya include:
    1. Transport and communication.
    2. Livestock keeping.
    3. Wildlife and tourism.
    4. Fishing.
    5. Mining.
    6. Crop farming.
    7. Forestry.
    8. Manufacturing.

Theories of Human Origin

  1. Mythical Theory
  2. Theory of Creation
  3. Theory of Evolution


  1. Mythical theory

    • It is based on folktales told by various communities on how they originated.
      1. Luo - Claim to be descendants of their ancestor Ramogi who lived on Ramogi hill.
      2. Kalenjin - Claim to be descendants of the first Orkoiyot ( medicine man) called Miot.
      3. Wagiriama - Claim their ancestors lived at a place called Muyeye in Malindi.They dispersed from Muyeye and formed the nine (9) sub tribes as they migrated.
      4. Agikuyu - Claim to have descended from Gikuyuand Mumbi Who lived at Mukurwe wa Nagathanga.
      5. Baganda - Claim to be descendants of Kintu who lived on Mt Elgon.

  2. The Creation Theory

    • It is based on Religious beliefs.
    • It explains that all human beings and other creatures were created by a super natural creator, God among the Christians and Allah among the Muslims.

  3. The Evolution Theory

    • This is a scientific view which explains that human beings developed slowly ( evolved ) from primitive ape – like creature to what they are today. This view was first suggested by a scientist called Charles Darwin.
    • Archaeology is the study of human evolution.
    • To understand the evolution of man archaeologists study:-
      1. Tools
      2. Plants and animal remains (Fossils) of early creatures.

Study of Human Evolution

  • The earliest known human-like creature was called Australopithecus.
  • The period between the timeof Homo habillis and the time of Homo Sapiens is referred to as the stone age because the creatures mainly used stone tools.
  • These creatures practiced the following activities:-
    1. Hunting and fishing.
    2. Gathering roots and wild berries for food.
    3. Painting and making ornaments.

Stone age is divided into three stages:-

  1. Early stoneage.
  2. Middle stone age.
  3. Late stone age.

    Stone age
    Where they were found.
    Homo habilis

    Homo erectus

    Olduvai Gorge.
    Near Lake Turkana.
    Olorgesaille in Kenya
    Hadar in Ethiopia
    North West shores of Lake Turkana
    Isimilia in Tanzania.

    Homo sapiens Ngaloba in Tanzania.
    Eliye springs west of Lake Turkana.
    Bodo in Ethiopia.
    Kanjera in Kenya.
    Omo valley in Ethiopia.

    early man


  • Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.
  • Migration within a country is called Internal migration.
  • Migration from one country to another is known as external migration.

Types of Modern Migration

  • The four main types of Migration taking place in Kenya are:-
    1. Rural – urban migration.
    2. Urban – Rural migration.
    3. Rural – Rural migration
    4. Urban – Urban migration


  1. Rural – Urban migration

    • This is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas.
      1. Search for employment.
      2. Shortage of farming land in some rural areas.
      3. Opportunity to engage actively in trading activities.
      4. Availability of better recreational facilities and good infrastructure.
  2. Urban – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from urban centers to rural centers.
      1. Retirement from employment.
      2. Overcrowding and high cost of living.
      3. Difficulties experienced in towns.
  3. Rural – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from one rural area to another.
    • Note: Most rural – rural migrations are permanent especially in cases of movement to settlement schemes.
      1. Resettlement of people displaced by the construction of big dams which form lakes.
      2. Establishment of settlement schemes (irrigation schemes) which attract many people from other densely populated rural areas.
      3. Settlement of landless people by government .
      4. Seasonal migrations by nomadic pastoralists in search of pasture andwater.
      5. Search of employment in large plantations.
      6. Mining activities which may force people to move away from their original homes.
      7. Government actions which may force people to move away from areas where they had settled in order to conserve the environment e.g. Mau water catchment forest.
      8. Political unrest which may cause people to relocate from one place to another (IDPs Internally displaced persons)
      9. Natural disasters e.g Floods which may force people to move temporarily to safer higher grounds.
  4. Urban – Urban migrations

    • This is the movement of people from one urban center to another.
    • Note: These migrations occur in a small scale .
      1. Job transfers from one town to another.
      2. Opportunities for business people to expand their businesses in bigger towns.
      3. Religious pilgrimages which may result in people settling down in the towns they visit.

Effects of Migration

Effects on urban areas

  1. Unemployment.
  2. Increase in crime.
  3. Increase in Immorality. Eg. - prostitution, HIV / AIDS and STIs
  4. Development of poor housing - slums (shanties)
  5. Competition (strains) for social amenities eg. Hospitals , schools etc.
  6. Overcrowding
  7. Environmental problems e.g. air pollution and water pollution.
  8. Increase in labour supply.

Effects on rural areas:

  1. Reduced pressure on land.
  2. Shortage of labour (negatively affecting agriculture).
  3. Improved economic conditions (reduction in production).
  4. Reversal of roles.
  5. Improved agricultural production (introduction of new farming methods).

Immigration: Is the migration of people from one country into another.
Emigration: Is the migration of people out of a country.

Positive effects of immigration

  1. Foreign investments which offer employment opportunities.

Negative effects of immigration

  1. Influx of people from war-torn countries encourages the movement of illegal arms into the countries which are used by criminals
  2. Refugees in our country affects the environment as they clear forests for firewood.
  3. The foreign cultures of these people end up affecting our cultures negatively.



Settler Farming in Kenya

  • Europeans settler farming was practiced in the white highlands(crown lands)
Region Area covered.
Central highlands  Kiambu, Thika, Murang'a, Nyandarua, Nyeri, Kirinyaga.
Western highlands. Kericho, Bureti, Sotik, Nyamira, Uasin Gishu, Kisii.
Central rift valley Nakuru, Laikipia, Narok, Kajiado, Molo, Naivasha, Koibatek(Eldama Ravine).
Eastern Meru , Konza, Embu, Machakos

NB: The colonial government took away large areas of African land and allocated it to the white settlers.

Europeans settler farming in Kenya.

  • The European settlers farming took African land.
  • They mostly practiced large scale farming.
  • They introduced cash crop farming and new livestock breed.
  • Their farming methods were mechanized: they used commercial fertilizers and applied pesticides to crops.
  • Africans were used as the source of labour on the settlers farms.
  • rotation on their farms and divided ranching area into paddocks which helped.
  • They practiced crop to control grazing.

What the settlers farmers were engaged in?

  1. Mixed farming (growing of crops and keeping of livestocks).
  2. Plantation farming (growing crops in a large scale farm). i.e. sisal, tea, coffee, wheat, maize, pyrethrum, cotton, sugarcane.
  3. Dairy farming, animal kept were: hare ford, Aberdeen angus, chorales, Galloway.
  4. Horticulture.
  5. Fruits grown : oranges, limes, lemons, pineapples.
  6. Vegetables grown:onions, carrots, tomatoes, legumes,cabbages.
  7. Poultry farming-chicken breed kept were; rhode island red, white leghorn light Sussex among others.

Effects of Settler Farming in Kenya

Positive effects Negative effects
  1. Introduction of new crops.
  2. Introduction of new livestock.
  3. Improved infrastructures.
  4. Establishment of processing industries.
  5. Introduction of agricultural co-operatives.
  6. Establishments and growth of towns.
  7. Introduction of cross breeding in animals
  8. Introduction of modern method of farming.
  9. Introduction of use of fertilizers and improved seeds.
  10. Introduction of plantation (large scale) farming.
  1. Loss of fertile lands by the Africans.
  2. High poverty levels among the Africans.
  3. Most Africans become squatters.
  4. Forced labour among the Africans.
  5. Racism; Europeans looked down upon the Africans because of their skin colour.
  6. Congestion of Africans in areas with low productivity.


Settlement Schemes

Areas of settlement include:

Sotik,Endebes,Kaptagat,Matunda,Machakos,Lake,Kenyatta,Molo,Ainamoi Kitobo,Naitiri,Cherengany,Songhor/MuhoroniEldama Ravine,Chepsiri etc

Reasons for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. To settle the landless people.
  2. To ease congestion in the already populated areas.
  3. To make land ownership in Kenya fair.
  4. To encourage people to practice commercial farming in areas that had been occupied by settler farmers.
  5. To increase food production in Kenya.
  6. To speed up land ownership in Kenya.
  7. To open up areas which had not been settled in.

Benefits of settlement schemes

  1. Increased food and cash production in the country.
  2. Provision of of land to the landless (squatters)
  3. It has reduced congestion on land that had high population densities.
  4.  It has helped to raise the living standards of the people.
  5. Agricultural exports from various settlement schemes has helped to boost the economy of our country.
  6. It has helped to open up the areas that had not be settled in.

Problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. Lack of adequate capital to invest in improved farming practices.
  2. Congestion in some parts of the settlement schemes due to population increase.
  3. Reduction in the size of land due to land fragmentation.
  4. People cut down trees to create room for crop growing and settlement (De-forest ration)
  5. Over cultivation in densely populated schemes has led to loss of soil fertility
  6. Poor transport network in the settlement schemes.
  7. Lack of adequate markets for the farm produce.

Irrigation Schemes in Kenya

Irrigation refers to the application water to crops through artificial means in
order to facilitate their growth.

MweaTebere Perkerra
  • Rice (main)
  • French bean
  • Tomatoes
  • Maize
  • Soya beans
  • Vegetables
  • Seed Maize
  • Onions
  • Paw paws
  • Chilies
  • Water melons


Mwea Tebere Irrigation Schemes

  • Established ii 1954. (It is the oldest in the county)
  • Mainly started to settle the landless who lost their lands to the white settlers.
  • Located in Kirinyaga county.
  • It is the largest irrigation scheme in Kenya.
  • Main crop grown is Rice.
  • Sources of water for irrigation are:- River Nyamindi,River Thiba: Both are tributaries of R. Tana.
  • Methods of irrigation used is Basin irrigation which involves flooding the rice plot(rice paddies)
  • Canals are used to direct water from the rivers to the shallow basins
  • Water flows into the basin through gravitational flow.

Perkerra Irrigation Scheme

  • Located in Marigat, Baringo county.
  • Mainly started to put more land under cultivation.
  • Sources of water include:- River Perkera and Lake Baringo
  • Methods of irrigation used isFurrow method.
  • Furrows carry water from main canal to the crops which grow on the ridges
    Sluice gates are used to control or regulate the flow of water into the farm.

Contributions of the scheme to the economy

Mwea Tebere Perkerra
  • Produces 80% of Kenya`s rice
  • Offering employment
  • Has increased food production
  • Has led to improvement of infrastructure and growth of towns egWanguru town.
  • Has raised people`s living standards
  • Income generation
  • Increase in economic activity
  • Creation of employment
  • Led to growth of Marigat town.

Note: Main problem is reduction of water into the plot during the
dry season.

 Problems facing irrigation farming in Kenya

  1. Shortage of water during dry season.
  2. Siltation of the canals which reduces the amount of water that can flow to them.
  3. Late and irregular payments to the farmers from the irrigation board.
  4. Presence of weed.
  5. Some irrigation schemes are affected by floods during rainy seasons in places like Bunyala.
  6. Stagnant water is a health hazard eg. Spread of malariaand bilharzias.
  7. Lack of adequate capital.
  8. Mismanagement of finances and resources.
  9. Some irrigation schemes are far from the market which increases transport costs.
  10. Competition from imported, cheap farm produce.
  11. Presence of crop diseases and pests.

Horticultural Farming

  1. Horticulture - Is the growing of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale.
  2. Viticulture - Growing of fruits only.
  3. Floriculture - Growing of flowers only.

Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) is a body established by the government to promote horticulture (market gardening)

The HCDA :-

  1. Advices the farmers.
  2. Provides storage facilities.
  3. Searches for external marks for products.

Crops grown in horticulture farming

Flowers Carnations , roses , lilies , orchids.
Fruits  Oranges, lemons, apricot, paw paws, grapes, limes,
avocados, tangerines, passion fruits, peaches, apples, pears,
plums, loquats, bananas, watermelons, strawberries.
Vegetables Cabbages, spinach, lentils, spruce, sprouts, broccoli, peas,
French beans, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, groundnuts,
tomatoes, cucumber, green peas, chilies, onion, lettuce.

 Contribution of horticultural farming to the economy of Kenya

  1. Earning of foreign exchange.
  2. Creation of employment opportunities.
  3. Farmers earn regular income.
  4. Development of infrastructure.
  5. Availability of food.
  6. Crops provide raw materials for fruit and vegetable canning.
  7. Better use of land.

Problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya

  1. Bad weather.
  2. Poor infrastructure.
  3. High fees charged to farmers who export their farm produce (high tarrifs)
  4. High transport costs.
  5. High cost of farm inputs e.g. fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
  6. Lack of storage.
  7. Restrictions by importance
  8. Competition from other producers e.g. Netherlands.
  9. Inadequate capital to purchase farm equipment and inputs.
  10. Lack of co-operatives.
  11. Low export demand
  12. Poor marketing.

Horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands

Most farmers are located near towns Most farms are established on reclaimed land.
Most farms are small scale apart from the flower farms Almost all the horticultural farms are large scale.
Poor means of infrastructure Modernized infrastructure
Kenya is far from European market Netherlands is centrally located in Europe.
Lack of adequate capital to promote horticultural farming Adequate capital to scientifically manage the horticultural farms.
Fertile volcanic soils that are favorable for crop growing. Sandy coastal soils are used as they drain well.
Little mechanization in the farms Highly mechanized farms.
Labor intensive. Capital intensive.
Horticultural technology is relatively new World`s most successful horticultural producing country.

Fishing in Kenya

  • Fishing is the practice of removing or harvesting fish from water.
  • Fishing is a major economic activity for those people living next to rivers , lakes or oceans which have fish.

Major fishing grounds in Kenya
Fishing grounds are places where fish are caught.

Groups of fishing grounds

  1. Inland fishing grounds.
  2. Marine / sea fishing grounds.
Lake Turkana Lamu
L. Baringo Kiunga
L. Victoria Malindi
L. Naivasha Mombasa
L. Jipe Kilifi
L. Chala Ukunda
L. Masinga Shimoni
Kiambere dam Kipini

Inland fishing is also carried out in big rivers such as:-
R. Tana,R.Sondu-Miriu,R. Yala,R.Nzoia,R. Nyando,R.Kuja.

Fish farming is the raring of fish in fish ponds and dams.

Areas where fish farming is carried out.
Sagana,Borabu,Bamburi near Mombasa,Aruba dam,Kiboswa

Types of fish caught

Inland waters Marine waters
  •  Tilapia
  • Nile perch
  • Trout
  • Lung fish
  • Shell fish
  • Cat fish
  • Black bass
  • Mud fish
  • Dagaa (Omena)
  • Salmon
  • Snappers
  •  Kingfish
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Bonito
  • Black Skin
  • Queen fish
  • Mullet
  • Sail fish
  • Parrot fish
  • Sharks
  • Crustaceans eg
    crabs,oysters,shrimps,lo bsters.

 Problems facing fish farming

  1. Presence of predators e.g. snakes, birds, cats.
  2. Insufficient supply of water in ponds especially during the dry season.
  3. Limited market
  4. Presence of unwanted weeds e.g. water hyacinth in L. Victoria.
  5. Lack of adequate funds for most farmers.
  6. Use of traditional methods of harvesting.
  7. Inadequate refrigeration facilities.

Comparison of fish farming between Kenya and Japan

Kenya Japan
Lack of adequate capital. There is adequate capital.
Most farmers use traditional methods of fishing and harvesting. Fish farming is highly mechanized.
Limited market for the fish products There is a large market for fish which encourages the industry
Insufficient supply of water e.g. during the dry season Enough supply of water through out the year.
Fish is mainly consumed locally Fishing is done mainly for export.


Mining is the removal (extraction) of a mineral from where it has naturally been formed.

The main minerals in Kenya include

  1. Soda ash
  2. Gemstones
  3. Diatomite
  4. Flourspar
  5. Sand
  6. Salt
  7. Limestone
  8. Marble
Mineral   Where mined Uses
Method of mining:
Open cast
  • Kimwarer in Kerio Valley.
  • Strengthening steel and aluminum.
  • Making tooth paste.
  • Used in refineries.
  • Making cans, sufurias and cooking pans
  • Making sulphuric acid.
Method of mining
Open cast
  •  Bamburi in Mombasa
  • Athi river
  • Bissil in Kajiado
  • Koru – Kisumu county
  • West pokot
  • Homa hills – Homa bay county
  •  Used in cement making.
  • Lime extracted from Homa hills and Koru are used as animal feed.
Method of mining
Open cast
  • Kariandusi near gilgil.
  • Gicheru on the floor of Nyandarua ranges
  • Making chalk.
  • Lining hot furnaces
  • Act as sound proof material.Making plaster used in hospitals.
  •  Used in dry cleaning clothes.


Method of mining:
Open cast method.

  • Mainly mined at Voi and Mwatate at the Coast.
  • Used mainly in the making of ornaments.


Method of mining:
Open cast (quarrying)

  • Athi River.
  • Kerio Valley
  • Used to decorate flours and walls of the building.
  • Shores of Lake Magadi.
  • Ngomeni
  • Fundisa near Malindi.
  • Adding flavor to food
  • It is a food preservative
  • Soap making
  • Glass making


Contribution of minerals to the economy of Kenya

  1. Mineral exports earn Kenya foreign exchange.
  2. Mining is a source of employment to many people.
  3. It has led to the growth of towns e.g. Magadi.
  4. It has led to the establishment of industries that use minerals as their raw materials.
  5. Availability of minerals saves the country`s foreign exchange that could have been used to import them.
  6. Mining has led to the development of social services like schools , hospitals and sports facilities in the mining areas.
  7. Mining is a source of revenue to the government since the mining companies pay taxes to the government.
  8. It has led to the development of transport links of infrastructure.
  9. Mining has led to the improvement of the standards of living of people working in the mines and mineral – related industries.

Effects of mining on the environment

  1. Pollution of the environment.
  2. Land degradation.
  3. Destruction of vegetation during the mining process.
  4. Clearing of vegetation during mining leads to soil erosion.
  5. Open pits filled with water are a health hazards to people and animals.
  6. Release of harmful gases in the air may result to global warming.
  7. Walls of mines sometimes collapse and cause accidents to miners.


  • Forestry is the practice of establishing forests and caring for trees.
  • It also involves paper harvesting and good use of trees.

Types of Forests in Kenya

There are two main types of forests found in Kenya. These are:

  1. Natural forests.
  2. Planted forests.


  1. Natural forests

    This are forests which have grown on their own.
    They are divided as follows:
    1. Highland rain forests.
      • They grow in the high rainfall areas e.g.Slopes of mountains, Hills and highlands
        Kakamega,Nyambane,Ndare,Kaimosi,Mt.Kenya,Timboroa,Nyandarua,Mau, Malava,Mt.Marsabit,Ngong hills,Mt. Elgon,Ndaragwa.
    2. Lowland rain forest.
      • Found in high rainfall areas of the coast.
        Witu,Jilore,Gongeni,Boni,Arabuko – Sokoke
    3. Mangrove forest
      • They grow in salty waters of the Indian ocean.
      • They grow along the coast in: Kwale,Kilifi,Lamu,Malindi

  2. Planted forest

    • They have been established through efforts of human beings.
    • They are found in high rainfall areas where afforestration programs are being carried out.
    • These forests are found in the following areas:
      1. Slopes of Mt. Kenya around Meru and Embu.
      2. Cherengani hills
      3. Limuru
      4. Elburgon
      5. Timboroa
      6. Molo
      7. Turbo
      8. Slopes of Mt Elgon
      9.  Lari
      10. Njabini
      11. Kaptagat
      12. Londiani
      13. Moi`s bridge
      14. Nandi hills

Types of trees found in planted and natural forests

Natural forest Planted forest
  • Mvule
  • Camphor
  • Elgon teak
  • Mahogany
  • Meru Oak
  • Cypress
  • Cedar
  • Eucalyptus
  • Pine
  • They are mainly hardwood
  • They grow in natural forests
  • They take long to mature
  • They are mainly softwood
  • They mature quickly
  • They have straight trunks.

Problems Facing Forests in Kenya

  1. Attacks by pests and diseases which affects their rate of growth.
  2. Outbreaks of fires especially during the dry season.
  3. Deforestration due to increased demand for land for farming and settlement.
  4.  Increased demand for forest product e.g. timber and pulp.
  5. Need for charcoal and firewood.
  6. Poor reafforestration programs.

Effects of Deforestration in Kenya

Deforestration is the cutting down of forest trees faster than they are replaced
through reafforestration.

  1. Deforestration affects the sources of water leading to reduced water supply.
  2. Cutting down of trees leads to spread of the desert.
  3. Reduction in forest production.
  4. Increase soil erosion.
  5. Loss of the species
  6. Rural communities are affected since some of them use forest products for their survival.
  7. Change in climate.

Forest Conservation Measures in Kenya

Forest conservation is the careful harvesting and good use of trees found in
the forest.

Conservation measures includes:

  1. Establishment of tree nurseries.
  2. Gazzetement of forest reserves by the government to protect the forests.
  3. Organizing and supporting tree planting activities (afforestration).
  4. Encouragement by the government for the public to undertake replanting activities.
  5. Discouraging the use of charcoal.
  6. Growing of trees alongside crops in the farm (Agro-forestry).
  7. Informing the public on the importance of trees and the and the need to plant more trees on their farms (awareness campaigns).
  8. Establishment of environmental clubs in schools.
  9. Banning tree activities.

Wildlife and Tourism

Wildlife refers to plants , birds and animals in their natural environment. (habitat).
Tourism is the travelling to other places of interest for pleasure.

Importance of wildlife

  1. Earns the country foreign exchange from tourists who visit the country.
  2. Creates jobs for many people who work in game parks, game researves ,and tourist hotels.
  3. Leads to economic growth of the areas they are found.
  4. Promotes development of local industries e.g. stone and wood curving which are mainly bought by tourists.
  5. Wildlife is an important national heritage.

Tourists attraction in Kenya and Switzerland

Similarities between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Both countries have beautiful sceneries.
  2. Both countries have a rich cultural heritage which is a major tourist attraction.
  3. Both have good accommodation facilities for the tourists e.g. hotels.
  4. Both countries enjoy relative peace.
  5. Both countries have game parks.

Differences between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Wildlife is the main tourist attraction in Kenya while Beautiful scenery is the main tourist attraction in Switzerland.
  2. Tourists are attracted by the warm climate ion Kenya while in Switzerland tourists are attracted by the summer and winter seasons.
  3. Transport and communication is highly developed in Switzerland and thus attracts tourists. In Kenya, The transport and communication is NOT highly developed.


An industry is a place where raw materials are changed from one form to another ,processed and assembled.

Types of industries

  1. Processing industries.
  2. Manufacturing industry
  3. Assembly industries
  4. Service industries.


  1. Processing industries
    • They are also called primary industries.
    • Involved in the first stage of changing raw materials from one form to another.
    • Examples in Kenya : Maize, milk, fish processing etc.
  2. Manufacturing industries
    • They are also known as Secondary industries.
    • They use raw materials to make final products.
    • Examples:
      1. Sugar from a processing industry taken to another factory to make sweets, bread or soft drinks.
      2. Steel rolling milk
      3. Glass making industry
      4. Insecticide industry
      5. Medicine making
      6. Cement factories
      7. Textile industry
      8. Shoe factories
      9. Oil refineries.
  3. Assembly industries
    • They are also known as secondary industry.
    • They put together parts that have been produced elsewhere to make new products.
    • Examples include:-
      1. Vehicles
      2. Radios
      3. Bicycles
      4. Televisions etc.
  4. Service industry
    • They are also known as tertiary industries.
    • They provide services that other people and other industries need.
    • Examples includes:
      1. Transport and communication.
      2. Banking
      3. Insurance
      4. Repair work
      5. Printing etc.

Factors Influencing Location of Industries

  1. Availability of raw materials.
  2. Availability of capital(money to start a business).
  3. Availability of good means of transport and communication.
  4. Availability of power (electricity).
  5. Availability of regular water supply.
  6. Availability of ready market.
  7. Government policy of location of industry.
  8. Availability of land.
  9. Personal consideration.
  10. Security.
  11. Presence of other industries.

Jua Kali Industries

  • These industries are also known as cottage or fabrication industries
  • It involves making simple items in the open air or under simple shade.
  • They use scrap metals to fabricate different types of cheap products.
  •  Items made include:
    1. Jikos
    2. Jembes
    3. Pans
    4.  Wheelbarrows.
    5. Boxes etc.

Reasons for establishment for Juakali industries in Kenya

  1. To create self employment opportunities.
  2. Products from Jua kali industries are cheap as compared to those made in manufacturing industries.
  3. The sale of the jua kali products earns the people income
    Jua kali industries require little space to house workers.
  4. Some Jua kali industries do not require electricity.
  5. ua kali industries help in cleaning up the environment as they use heap of scrap metals.

Benefits of Jua kali industries

  1. Creation of employment opportunities.
  2. Use of waste iron materials helps in recycling wastes.
  3. They produce many goods that are widely used in homes and schools.
  4. Jua kali products are cheap and long lasting.
  5. Jua kali helps in improving the living standards of people working in the Jua kali industry (sector)
  6. Jua kali is foreign exchange earner.
  7. The use of recycled materials helps in controlling environmental pollution.
  8. Jua kali reduces rural – urban migration as youths in the rural areas get employment in their rural areas.

Problems Facing Jua Kali Industries

  1. Inadequate space: This leads to interruption of their work.
  2. Competition from manufactured goods.
  3. Inadequate capital (cash to start and maintain the business)
  4. High cost of raw materials.
  5. Poor working conditions.
  6. Inadequate supply of water and electricity.
  7. Limited market for the products.

Contribution of Industries to The Economy of Kenya

  1. Creation of jobs(employment opportunities)
  2. Earning of income by the people.
  3. Earning of foreign exchange.
    Making use of local resources(raw materials)
  4. Saving on foreign exchange.
  5. Making it possible to have increased trade locally and with other countries.
  6. Promotion of agriculture due to increased demand of raw materials.
  7. Availability of goods.
  8. Growth of urban centers.
  9. Development of infrastructure e.g. roads.
  10. Increased skills by the people employed in industries.
  11. Encourages countries to join regional blocks.This enhances internationalrelations.
  12. Self sufficiency.


Kuelezea maana ya vihisishi
Hutumiwa kuonyesha hisi au hisia ya msemaji kidhihirisha

  • Furaha
  • Mshangao
  • Mshtuko
  • Hasira
  • Uchungu
  • Maumivu
  • Uchovu
  • Huruma
  • Dharau
  • Wito
  • Laana

Kutunga sentensi akitumia vihisishi alivyopatiwa


Vivumishi ni maneno yanayotumiwa kuelezea zaidi kuhusu nomino

Aina za Vivumishi

  • A -Unganifu
  • Sifa
  • Pekee
  • Viulizi
  • Idadi
  • Vimilikishi
  • Viashiria


Neno linalotumiwa kuunganisha neno na neno, sentensi na sentensi, wazo na wazo
Kutoa mifano tofauti ya viunganishi

  • Kasoro-lakini, bali
  • Kusalia kitu kimoja-ila, isipokuwa
  • Kinyume na matarajio-ingawa, ijapo, ilhali
  • Kulinganisha kuonyesha tofauti
  • Kuongezea-aidha, mbali na, licha ya
  • Kuwaongoza kutunga sentensi

A - Unganifu

Kijineno kinachotokana na kuambatanisha A na herufi tofauti kwa kutegemea ngeli

Ngeli                              A-unganifu
A – WA                          wa - wa
KI – VI                           cha - vya
LI – YA                           la - ya
U – I                              wa - ya
U – ZI                            wa- za
I – I                                ya - ya
U – U                             wa - wa
U – YA                           wa - ya
YA – YA                         ya - ya
I – ZI                             ya - zi
KU                                kwa - kwa
PAKUMU                      pa – pa , kwa – kwa, mwa - mwa

Mkato wa Maneno

Huhusu nomino pamoja na vimilikishi vyote vitatu
Baba + yake = babake
Dada + yake =n dadake
Nyanya + yenu = nyanyenu
Shangazi + yake = shangaziye
Kaka + yako = kakako
Mjomba + yake = mjombake


Maneno yanayotumiwa kuuliza maswali

  • Nani: hutumika katika ngeli ya A – WA kujua cheo, jina , ukoo wa watu
  • Nini: kujua ni kitu cha aina gani
    Hutumika katika ngeli zote isipokuwa ya A - WA
  • Gani:kujua aina , jamii, hali au tabia
  • Lini: kiulizi cha siku au wakati
    Hutumiwa kutaka kujua kipindi, siku au wakati wa tukio
  • Wapi:ni kiulizi cha mahali
  • Vipi:kiulizi cha namna gani
    Je ni neno la kuanzisha swali
  • Ngapi:kuuliza idadi kamili ya vitu , vyombo katika jumla
  • Pi: kubainisha kati ya nyingi ili kupata kihusika au mhusika Fulani mahususi


Neno linaloeleza jinsi kitendo kilivyotendeka au kufafanua zaidi kuhusu kitendo
Aina za vielezi

  • Wakati
  • Namna
  • Jinsi
  • Mahali
  • Idadi
  • Vuhusishi
  • Tanakali
  • Takriri
  • Tashbihi
    Hutumika kwa
  • Lini- wakati
  • Wapi – mahali
  • Vipi – jinsi au namna
  • Kiasi gani- idadi

Wakati               mahali                          namna
Leo                   nyumbani                       taratibu
Kesho               darasani                       harakaharaka
Juma ijayo          Nairobi                         ghafla
Mtondogoo        machoni                        kivivu

Vielezi vya Mkazo

Takriri au shadda ni maneno yanayotumiwa kutilia mkazo au kusisitiza jambo
mifano ya takriri

  • salama salimini
  • bure bilashi
  • raha na buraha
  • kufa kupona
  • liwalo liwe
  • haambiliki hasemezeki
  • fanya juu chini
  • si wa uji si wa maji
  • daima dawamu
  • buheri wa afya
  • hakubali hakatai
  • hawashi hazimi

Ngeli pamoja Na Kirejeshi Amba

amba ni kitenzi kisaidizi kinachorejelea mtendwa au mtendaji kwa kutambulisha ama kueleza zaidi ya jambo fulani
kirejeshi –o hutumika badala ya AMBA
o-rejeshi na AMBA havitumiki pamoja
Kuku ambaye alitaga ni mkubwa

 Nomino     Ngeli    Amba-   o-rejeshi 



-yo Yo
-yo Ko



Kirejeshi –amba

Kirejeshi –o cha awali na kirejessho o- cha tamati
Kufafanua jinsi ya kuambisha o rejeshi tamati na awali
o-rejeshi awali hutokea kabla ya mzizi wa kitenzi –o- rejeshi tamati hutokea mwishoni mwa sentensi

 Kitenzi    o-rejeshi awali    o- rejeshi tamati 

Matumizi ya –ndi

Kiainishi –ndi ni kishirikishi cha kukubali kwa msisitizo
Huambatanishwa na viwakilishi nafsi au virejeshi ili kutilia mkazo
Hutumia o-rejeshi kwenye vitenzi

Ndi + mimi = ndimi
Ndi + wewe = ndiwe
Ndi + yeye = ndiye
Ndi + si  = ndisi
Ndi + nyinyi  = ndinyi
Ndi + wao = ndio
o- rejeshi
ndi + ye = ndiye
ndi + o = ndio

Matumizi ya –si

Ni kiainishi cha kutilia mkazo

Huambatanishwa na viwakilishi nafsi au virejeshi ili kuleta msisitizo wa kukanusha
Si + mimi = simi
Si + wewe = siwe
Si + yeye  = siye
Si + sisi =  sisie
Si + wao = sio
o- Rejeshi
A –WA  si + yeye = siye     si + o = sio
KI – VI  si + cho = sicho     si+ vyo = sivyo

Matumizi ‘na’

Kiunganishi NA huambatanishwa na kiwakilishi nafsi kuonyesha PIA NA PAMOJA NA
Hutumiwa pamoja na 0-rejeshi
Ngeli               Na + o- rejeshi
A – WA            na+ye = naye nao
KI –VI              na + cho = nacho navyo
LI –YA              na + lo = nalo nayo
U – I                na + o = nao nayo
U – ZI              na + o = nao nazo
I – I                  na+ yo = nayo nayo
U – U               na + o = nao nao
U – YA             na + o= nao nayo
YA – YA            na +yo = nayo nayo
I – ZI                na + yo = nayo nazo
KU                   na + ko = nako 
PAKUMU         na+po  na+ko  na+mo

Matumizi ya ‘katika’, ‘ni’ , ‘kwenye’

Hivi ni vihusishi vya mahali
Hutumiwa kuonyesha kuwapo kwa kitu kilichotajwa mahali Fulani
Ngeli hubadilika hadi PA KU MU
Kuhimiza kuwa ni kosa kutumia hivi vihusishi pamoja
Kuambatanisha nomino na vivumishi

 Vivumishi   Darasa   darasani 
Hili, hilo, lile 
Langu, lako,lake 
Zuri, jema, baya
Eupe, eusi

Hapa, hapo, pale 
Pangu, pako, pake 
Pote, kote, mote
Popote, kokote, momote
Penyewe, kwenyewe, mwenyewe 
Penye, kwenye, mwenye
Pengine, kwingine, mwingine
Pazuri, kuzuri, mzuri
Peusi, kweusi, mweusi
Hapana, hakuna, hamna


Usemi Halisi na Taarifa

Usemi halisi ni maneno yalivyotarajiwa na msemaji mwenyewe
Usemi taarifa ni ripoti au maelezo yakitolewa na mtu mwengine kutoka kwa msemaji halisi
Kueleza jinsi ya kubadilisha usemi
Usemi halisi                   usemi taarifa
leo                                   siku hiyo
Jana                                siku iliyopita/tangulia
Kesho                              siku ijayo
Viashiria hapa                 hapo au pale
Vimilikishi vya karibu       ake
Mbali kidogo                    ako
Nafsi ya kwanza              ni nafsi ya tatu
Wakati ta, ki                     nge

Mnyambuliko wa vitenzi

Kunyambua ni kurefusha mwisho wa vitenzi katika hali tofauti

  • Tendeka
  • Tendesha
  • Tendeshwa

Katika kauli ya kutendeka vitenzi humalizika kwa ‘ka’

Kitenzi                           kauli ya kutendeka
Vuka                              vukika
Sahau                            sahaulika
Maliza                            malizika
Bomoa                           bomoka
Kula                               kulika
Lala                                lalika
Lima                               limika
Pika                                pikika
Soma                             someka
Fagia                             fagilika

Kitenzi                         tendesha                    kauli ya kutendeshwa
Lala                                laza                           lazwa
Pika                                pikisha                      pikishwa
Kimbia                            kimbiza                     kimbizwa
Rudi                               rudisha                      rudishwa
Toa                                  toza                           tozwa
Ota                                 otesha                        oteshwa
Oa                                   oza                             ozwa
Soma                             somesha                    someshwa

Ukubwa na Udogo

Maneno katika hali ya ukubwa huwa ni kukipa kitu ukubwa usio wa kawaida na pia maneno katika hali ya udogo ni kukidunisha kitu kuliko hali ya kawaida
Ngeli pia hubadilika katika hali ya ukubwa na kuwa LI- YA ,na katika hali ya udogo huwa KI – VI
Njia tofauti za kubadili maneno katika ukubwa na udogo 
Kudodosha – mw, ny na kutia j

  • ng’ombe – gombe
  • Mkono – kono
  • Ndama – dama

Kudodosha herufi moja na kutia ji

  • Mji – jiji

Kudodosha ki na kutia ji

  • Kisu – jisu

Kuongeza ji bila kudodoa chochote

  • Jicho – jijicho

Kutia j kwa nomino zinazoanza kwa irabu

  • uso – juso
  • Uta – juta
Monday, 13 September 2021 08:46

Insha - Class 8 Kiswahili Revision Notes

Insha za Methali

Hutahiniwa kwa namna tatu
Mwanzo, mada na tamati au kijalizio
Iwapo ni mada,jadili au fafanua ikiwa una uwezo
Iwapo ni tamati, jalizia kwa maneno uliyopewa
Iwapo ni mwanzo, endeleza kisa moja kwa moja
Simulia kisa kinachooana na maudhui

Methali za wema, Usaidizi wa Rafiki na Udugu

  • Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
  • Heri jirani wa karibu kuliko ndugu wa mbali
  • Kwendako mema hurudi mema
  • Wema hauozi
  • Jaza ya ihsani ni ihsani
  • Kumpoa mwenzio sio kutupa
  • Wawili si mmoja
  • Damu ni mzito kuliko maji
  • Damu ni damu si kitarasa
  • Zimwi likujualo halikuli likakwisha

MsamiatI na Mapambo

  • Saidia na kama
  • Maiti na jeneza
  • Kiko na digali
  • Sahani na kawa
  • Kinu na mchi
  • Alinitilia upendo/alinipiga jeki
  • Hali mbaya ya mtu
  • Mchafu kama kilihafu/fungo/kisafu
  • Dovuo mdomoni/mashavuni
  • Ngecha menoni/matongo machoni
  • Hali ya umaskini/unyonge/ugonjwa
  • Si lolote si chochote
  • Masikini hohehahe
  • Si wa koleo si wa mani
  • Kwake hakufuki moshi
  • Si hayati si mamati/si hai si mahututi
  • Hawana be wala te
  • Nikawa gofu la mtu/kifefe/fremu ya mtu
  • Anachungulia kaburi

Miundo ya maumbo

  • Ilikuwa dhahiri shahiri kuwa angeenda jongomeo
  • Nilipiga moyo konde nikampiga jeki Kwa hali na mali
  • Alinitilia upendo kwani akufaaye Kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
  • Nilikumbuka alivyonipakatana kuniasa
  • Nilikuwa sina be wala te baada ya wazazi kwenda jongomeo
  • Matumaini yangu yalifufuka pindi nilipokutana na _______________
  • Machozi yalimlengalenga na kumbubujika kama maji mferejini

Kupokea methali

  • Waambao waliamba _____________
  • Wahenga hawakutupa ulimi wa kulazia walipoanga ______________
  • Chambilecho wahenga ______________
  • Wahenga hawakutoa ngebe walipokuli ________________
  • Yakini, wema ____________________


  • Ndipo iliponiwia bayana kuwa ______________
  • Ndipo walipofutika mtimani kwangu ukweli wa methali _______________
  • Sitalifuta tukio hilo katika kumbukumbu zangu
  • Tanbihi-mwalimu ana uhuru wa kuongeza mengine

Methali za Kutohadaika

Chanzo cha matatizo
Alipovunja ungo/baleghe
Alipovuka kizingiti cha lango la shule, chuo kikuu ___________ maisha yake yaliingia ufa
Alopowachagua marafiki vichwa maji/nyamafu _______________
Alianza kujipalia makaa kama chachandu pweza
Mambo yalianza kumwendea tenge/shote/shoro/mvange/msobe msobe/upogoupogo
Kufilisika – hana be wala te , hana kazi wala bazi/hana hanani, fukara fukarike
Kushikwa – kuhaha na kugwaya, kutweta na kuhema, pumzi juu juu
Alitamani dunia ipasuke na kummeza mzima mzima
Kamasi ilimtonatona puani kama matone ya mvua
Alinaswa/tiwa vituku/pingu/lishwa kalenda
Aibu – shikwa na haya/soni
Iva uso
Vunja uso
Kichwa kifuani kama kondoo
Teseka – alikula mumbi/mavi/kwata
Alifunzwa na ulimwengu usiokuwa na huruma
Kitumbua kiliingia mchanga
Alitekwa bakunja/pubazwa na

Vipokezi vya methali
Yakini ________________
Taibu __________________
Ama kweli __________________
Chambilecho wahenga ________________________
Wahenga na wahenguzi ______________________
Nakubaliana na wazee wa kale _______________________

Utekaji nyara

Uzuri wa siku/mtu – siku ilikucha vizuri/upepo mwanana
Umande ulimeremeta metumetu kama nyota angani
Ndege walikorokocha na kughani lahani nzuri
Nwele zake za nyufa., kiuno cha nyigu, meno ya mchele, pangika kama lulu
Sauti nyororo kama ya ninga/mwewe/kinanda/hurulaini wa peponi
Mwendo wa dalji/twiga wa savanna
Kutosikia nasaha
Juhudi zangu za kumwonya/kumnasihi ______________________
Ziligonga mwaba/paramia mwamba/ambulia pang’anda/tupwa kapuni
Udekezaji – alimwengaenga/alimlea kwa tunu na tamasha
Kumwasa motto kulikuwa jambo tukizi/nadra/dimu
Akawa haskii la mwadhini wala la mteka maji msikitini
Akatia maskio komango/nta/pamba
Kuwa sikio la kufa lisilosikia dawa/cha kuvunja ambacho hakina rubani

Methali Zinazoonya Kuhusu Tamaa na Uzuri wa Nje

Hamu kubwa ya kupata kitu, jambo, au hali Fulani
Visawe – uchu, ashiki, shauku, hamu, ari, nia, hanjamu, nyege, ukware, ghaidhi,

Methali za tamaa
Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma
Mkamia maji hayanywi, akiyanywa humsakama koo
Mwenye pupa hadiriki kula tamu
Mpanda farasi wawili hupasuka msaba/mwaranda
njia mbili zilimshinda fisi
Mwangata mbili moja humponyoka
Mchovya asli hachovyi mara moja
Mtaka yote huksa yote
Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitiapo

Methali za uzuri wa nje
Uzuri wa mkakasi ndanikipande cha mti
Sihadaike na rangi tamu ya chai ni sukari
Nyumba nzuri si mlango, ingia ndani
Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako
Ibilisi wa mtu ni mtu
Uzuri wa kuya ndani mabuu
Vyote viowevu si maji

Marafiki hadaa – ndumakuwili/mzandiki
Kutoaminiana katika ndoa
Ahadi za uongo – mchezo wa karata
Urembo ambao ni handaa

Insha ya Mjadala

Mjadala ni mazungumzo baina ya watu kuhusu mada au hoja kuu upande mmoja hupinga huku mwingine ukiunga mkono
Huhusu mazungumzo juu ya mada Fulani

  • Maisha ya mashambani ni bora kuliko y mjini
  • Teknolojia ina madhara mengi kuliko faida

Huhitaji mtahiniwa kuunga mkono hoja moja na kasha kuipinga katika aya inayofuata au kuunga mkono na baadaye kuzipinga hoja zake.
Kuna sehemu nne kuu

  • mada
  • utangulizi
  • mwili
  • tamati-kutoa kauli na ushauri

Mada huandikwa kwa herufi kubwa kulingana na swali
Utangulizi huhusu kufafanua mada na kutolea mifano
Mwili huhitaji kufafanuliwa kwa hoja
Kila hoja iwe katika aya yake
Hitimisho mtahiniwa huhitajikakutoa changamoto au ushauri

Kuna namna tatu za kuandika insha hii

  • kuunga na kupinga katika aya moja
  • kuunga mada mkono na baadaye kuipinga
  • kuipinga mada na baadaye kuiunga mkono

Usiandike chini ya hoja sita
Toa msimamo wako kwa mwandishi
Insha hizi hutumia viunganishi vya kuongezea

  • Licha ya
  • Aidha
  • Fauka ya
  • Zaidi ya
  • Pia

Ni maarifa ya kisayansi yaliyowekwa katika matumizi ya vifaa, vyombo, mitambo na zana mbalimbali.
Teknolojia inaweza kutumika kwa njia ainati

  • Mawasiliano
  • Utafiti wa kisayansi
  • Usafi na afya ya mwili
  • Usafiri
  • Kilimo na ufugaji
  • Michezo na mashindano
  • Elimu
  • Biashara
  • Kutalii anga za juu


Vyombo vya mawasiliano kama tarakilishi, magazeti, simu

  • Hutupasha habari
  • Hutuepusha na maafa
  • Kuelimisha na kutumbuiza Kiingiacho mjini si haramu Kipya kinyemi kingawa kidonda


Wataalamu wamevumbua/wamegundua dawa za dwele
Mashine/mitambona vyombo vya kurahisisha kazi
Mitambo ya kuchunguza hali ya anga
Dawa za kuzuia mimba
Ukiona vyaelea vimeundwa


Vyombo na vifaa vingi hutumiwa shuleni
Mitambo na vifaa vya utafiti
Matumizi ya mitandao
Kanda za video
Elimu ni bahari
Elimu haitekeki


Zana za vita hutumiwa hutulinda dhidi ya maadui
Donge nono hupatikana baada ya kuuza vifaa
Nyua za umeme na ving’ora
Tahadhari kabla ya hatari

Kilimo na ufugaji

Pembejeo-mbegu, mbolea, dawa
Mashine za kulimia, kunyunyuzia maji
Mashine za kukama ng’ombe
Ukiona vyaelea vimeundwa
Tembe na tembe huwa mkate


Vyombo vya usafiri vya majini, angani na nchi kavu
Huenda kwa kasi ya umeme
Huokoa wakati
Ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo

Madhara ya teknolojia

  • Huwafanya watu kuwa wazembe Chanzo cha mmomonyoko wa maadili
  • Hufundisha ulevi, ulanguzi wa dawa za kulevya
  • Hulemaza akili na fikira
  • Huchangia kutupilia mbali kwa tamaduni na desturi


  • Ningependa kuwajuza kuwa ______________________
  • Ningeomba sote tupinge kwa jino na ukucha _______________________
  • Tusiwe kama chachandu kwa kujipalia makaa kwa ___________________________

Insha ya Masimulizi


Michezo ni jumla ya shughuli za kujifurahisha, kujichangamsha,kujiburudisha au kupoteza wakati
Kuna michezo ainati kama vile

  • Kandanda
  • Mpira wa vikapu
  • Voliboli
  • Naga
  • Magongo
  • Riadha
  • Sarakasi/viroja


Ni jumla ya michezo ya viungo vya mwili kama kukimbia, kuruka
Kuna mbio za masafa

  • Mafupi-mita 100, 200, 400
  • Kadiri-mita 800, 1500, 3000
  • Marefu-5000, 10,000, na mbio za nyika
  • Kuruka viunzi na maji
  • Kutupa tufe/kijisahani
  • Kubururana kwa kamba


  • Tufe
  • Mzingo
  • Nusu mzingo
  • Vijiti
  • Safu za kukimbilia
  • Wapasua hewa

Kandanda/kambumbu/soka /gozi/mpira wa miguu

  • Hushirikisha timu mbili
  • Mavazi ya wachezaji-jezi, kaptura, soksi
  • Viatu vya wachezaji-ndaruga, njumu
  • Uwanja wa michezo unaitwa uga/uchanjaa
  • Golikipa-mlinda lango/ mdakaji/mnyakati
  • Wachezaji wa ngome-walinzi/defense
  • Wachezaji wa kiungo
  • Kipindi cha lala salama/cha pili
  • Kadi ya manjano/nyekundu
  • Mshindi/mshinde
  • Mchuano/kinyang’anyiro/kindumbwendumbwe

Mapambo na maumbo

  • Uwanja/uga/uchanjaa ulijaa/ulifurika
  • Jiwe lisingeanguka ardhini
  • Shangwe, vifijo, vigelegele na nderemo vilihinikiza hewani
  • Ngome yao ilikuwa dhabiti mithili ya ukuta uliojengwa kwa zege
  • Wapasua hewa walihema na kutweta
  • Mithili ya mbwa aliyenusurika kumezwa na chatu
  • Kikorombwe cha mwisho kilipopulizwa
  • Alipiga zinga kimo
  • Cha mbuzi hadi ______________
  • Nilimvisha kanzu/kupiga tobwe
  • Mpira ulianza kwa kasi ya umeme
  • Mpira uludanadana wavuni


  • Hayawi hayawi huwa
  • Hauchi hauchi unakucha
  • Kutangulia si kufika
  • Subira huvuta heri




Mikasa ni matukio au mambo ya kutisha yanayotokea kwa ghafal pasi ya kutarajiwa
Matukio haya yanaweza kuleta maafa, masaibu na majonzi
Mikasa hii inaweza kuwa ya moto, milipuko ya bomu, zilizala, mafuriko, ajali barabarani, mlipuko wa volkano na maporomoko ya ardhi
Yanayopaswa kuzingatiwa kwa masimulizi ni

  • Wakati wa mkasa
  • Mahali pa tukio
  • Jinsi tukio lilivyotokea
  • Kushiriki kwa msimulizi
  • Shughuli za uokozi

Msamiati na mapambo

Kelele-mayowe, kamsa, usiahi
Mlipuko-mfyatuko, mwatuko, mshindo, ngurumo
Vilio-shake, kusinana, kikweukweu, kwikwikwi, mayowr
Mochari-makafani, ufuoni,
Ving’ora vya ambulensi na makarandinga
Vifusi na majivu katika majengo
Manusura na majeruhi
Huduma ya dharura
Vukuto la moto
Helikopta za kijeshi na shirika la msalaba mwekundu
Mabehewa(mabogi) yalitapakaa
Gari liliyumba yumba/lilipiga danadana
Taharuki na hekaheka
Kuuputa moto kwa matagaa
Cheche za moto zilitanda kama fataki
Paparazi walizuka/walitokea ghafla bin vu kama mizuka
Upepo ulivuma kwa ghamidha na ghadhabu
Waja walipiga mbizi ili kujinusuru
Gari liligeuzwa likawa ganda tu
Ngeu ilitapakaa na kuzagaa kote
Mizigo ilfyatuka na kuwalenga wapiti njia
Ving’ora vilihinikiza/vilitanda/vilishamiri kote
Mavundevunde ya moshi yalitanda kote
Joto lilisambaa na kuzagaa
Vilikuwa vilio si vilio, majonzi si majonzi, zogo si zogo


  • Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako
  • Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
  • Ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo
  • Mbiu ya mgambo ikilia kuna jambo
  • Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu
  • Juhudi si pato

Vihisishi vya majuto na mshangao

La haula la kwata !
Yarabi maskini!
Ole wangu!


Walitupiga jeki
Niliwatilia upendo
Niliwapa mkono
Tulisaidiana kama kiko na digali
Maiti na jeneza
Kinu na mchi

Hakika, hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe
Daima dawamu sitalisahautukio hilo
Matukio hayo hayatafutika kutoka tafakulini mwangu
Ninapokumbuka kisa hicho, machozi hunitiririka njia mbilimbili


Insha humhitaji kuelezea kisa kinachoonyesha huzuni na woga

Insha nyingi huhusu mikasa au masaibu kwa watu
Visawe vya mikasa ni balaa, janga , balaa, baa, visanga
Mikasa yote hutokea kama ajali

  • Zilizala
  • Ajali barabarani au angani
  • Mlipuko wa bomu
  • Ukame
  • Maporomoko ya ardhi
  • Moto Ugaidi

Yanayozingatiwa mahali pa mkasa

  • Jinsi tukio lilivyotukia
  • Kushiriki kwako
  • Uchunguzi na matokeo

Tanbihi : mahali pa tukio – hotelini , mwituni, ofisini, kituo cha mafuta, kiwandani,
shuleni, dukakuu, barabarani, ufuoni mwa bahari, chumba cha maabara

Mlipuko – mfyatuko, mwatuko, mngurumo,
Ulikuwa mlipuko wa kuatua moyo/mtima, kushtua, kuogofya, kutisha
Ulikuwa mlipuko wa jiko la gesi/umeme/gari/bomba la mafuta
Kelele: usiahi, unyonge, kamsa, ukwezi, mayowe, ukwenje
Vilio vya –kusinasina, cha shake, kikweukweu kwikwikwi
Iwapo ni bomu, moto, ajali ya ndege
Moto ulirindima na kutatarisha majengo
Mabiwi/mashungi ya moto
Mavunde/mawingu ya moshi yalitanda kote
Vukuto la moto liliongezeka badala ya upepo kuvuma kwa hasira/ghamidha/hamaki/ghadhabu
Nilijitoma ndani ya nyumba kuwanusuru
Nahodha hodari haogopi moto
Kwa muda wa bana banua sehemu ile ikawa kama tanuri/joko/jehanamu
Jingo hilo liligeuzwa na kuwa majivu
Moto/nari ilifakamia majengo kama nzige wavamiavyo shamba la mihigo
Muda si muda, muda kiduchu, kutia na kutoa, fumbo fumbua,bana banua, kuku
Punje paka kunawia mate, punda kunawia mavumbi,
Wengine walichomeka kiasi cha kutotambulika
Vilio vilinywea na sauti kuwapwelea
Tulipirikana na kupitana katika juhudi/hekaheka/pilikapilika za kuuputa moto
kuwaokoa wahasiriwa

Mikasa kwa jumla
Milio ya ving’ora vya makaradinga ya polisi, ambulensi, magari ya zima moto _____ tanda/tamalaki/tawala anga
Manusura/mahututi/majeruhi walipelekwa hospitalini/zahanatini
Walipewa hudum ya kwanza/ya dharura
Wafu walipelekwa mochari/ufuoni/makafari
Paparazi walizuka kama mizuka na kupeperusha picha sawia na matukio
Wanahabari walitangaza matukio ya mkasa redioni/runingani/magazetini
Wengine walisali/walipiga dua zisizoeleweka
Kwa nyota ya jaha/bahati ya mtende/kwa sudi wasamaria wema msalaba mwekundu wanajeshi zimamoto wakasaidia kuokoa
Basi lilipiga danadana na kuanguka bondeni ziwani/baharini
Tulifanya wanguwangu/himahima/chapu chapu/yosa yosa/ hala hala/mwendo wa arubili
Bila shaka tukio hilo halitafutika moyoni/sitalisahau daima dawamu
Niltamani ardi inimeze mzima mzima
Nilitamani kulia nikacheka nikalia
Machozi yaligoma

Ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo
Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako
Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka
Heri jirani wa karibu kuliko ndugu wa mbali
Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
Mbiu ya mgambo ikilia kuna jambo
Mja hakatai wito hukataa aitiwalo
Ajali haina kinga wala kafara
Tahadhari kabla ya hatari
Nahodha hodari haogopi moto


Furaha inaweza kutokana na matukio mbalimbali kama vile

  • Sherehe –harusi
  • Siku ya kuzaliwa
  • Mahafali
  • Siku kuu ya krismasi
  • Kwenda ughaibuni
  • Matokeo mazuri ya mtihani

Siku ya siku
Akidi ya kufana
Sherehe ya kukata na shoka
Siku ya ndovu kumla mwanawe
Shamrashamra za
Msamiati na mapambo
Maua ya kila nui/ainati – asmini ,mawaridi afu, nangisi
Ukumbi wa mahema , jumba kubwa ,uwanja
Vipasa sauti/mikrofoni –vilihinikiza /sheheni
Muziki wa kuongoa ongoa ulitamalaki katika anga
Vyakula – mapochopocho/maakuli yaliyotishia kuangusha meza
Vinywaji vya kila jamii yalipenyeza kisirisiri
Mkalimani/mtarijumani alitafsiri haya yote
Kiume – mtanashati
Kike – mlibwede, spoti , mrembo kama mbega
Binti alikuwa mrembo mithili ya hurulaini aliyeasi/toka peponi
Alitembea kwa mwendo wa dalji/mwendo wa twiga wa savanna
Mwanaume mrefu njorinjori /mrefu kama unju/weusi kama kaniki
Udohoudoho , chipsi, bisi, kripsi
Waja walisakata rumba/dansi/tibwirika kwa miondoko
Msafara /mlolongo wa mashangingi
Walikula kiapo/yamini/vishana pete huku shangwe
Walipigana pambaja
Pofushwa na vimulimuli vya wapiga picha
Waja walijaa furifuri
Ilikuwa dhahiri shahiri kuwa ningefua dafu
Nilidamka wanguwangu kwa kuubwaga mgolole wangu na kuanza hamsini zangu
Kuche kusiche hatimaye kulikucha
Amka bukrata kichea
Niliamka asubuhi ya Mungu
Waja walisalimiana kwa furaha na farahani
Furaha sufufu ilinitinga si kidogo
Vyakula vya kunoga na kuhomolewa viliandaliwa na wapishi wajuzi
Vicheko vilipamba moto jari moja
Watu walichangamka na kukaramka kwa bashasha
Nilivalia meli zangu mpya zilizometameta kama mbalamwezi
Utamu wa malaji ungemfanya mtu kuramba viwiko vya mkono

Hauchi hauchi huwa
Hayawi hayawi huwa
Siku njema huonekana asubuhi
Baada ya dhiki, faraja
Mtu ni watu
Mgaagaa na upwa hali wali mkavu

Shirikiana kama kinu na mchi, kiko na digali, soksi na kiatu
Lazima kama ibada
Kawaida kama sharia
Bidii kama mchwa ajengaye kichuguu/kishirazi/kidurusi
Bidii za msumeno ukerezao mbao
Bidii ni duduvule agatoye gogo la mti


Kumbukumbu ni taarifa au rekodi zilizoandikwa na kuhifadhiwa
Anayeandika ni katibu au karani
Kiongozi wa mkutano huwa mwenyekiti au naibu wa mwenyekiti
Kumbukumbu ni maoni ya wote;hivyo basi katibu hafai kutoa hisia zake mwenyewe
Sehemu muhimu za kumbukumbu ni

  • Mada/kichwa
  • Mahudhurio
  • Ajenda za mikutano
  • Thibitisho


  • Huwa na jina rasmi linalotambulisha shirika, kundi, kampuni
  • Huwa na tarehe, mahali na wakati(saa)
  • Kichwa kindikwe kwa herufi kubwa na kupigiwa mstari


  • Huonyesha majina ya waliohudhuria, waliokosa kuhudhuria na waliotuma udhuru(sababu) ya kutohudhuria
  • Huonyesha walioalikwa
  • Majina ya wanajopo/wanakamati/wanachama yafuate vyeo
  • Baadhi ya vyeo ni kama vile
    • Mwenyekiti au naibu mwenye kiti
    • Karani au naibu/katibu
    • Katibu mwandamizi/mratibu
    • Mhazini-anayetunza mali ya shirika au kampuni


  • Hizi ni hoja muhimu zinazojadiliwa k.v kufunguliwa kwa mkutano
  • Kusomwa kwa kumbukumbu za mkutano uliotangulia
  • Hoja nyinginezo zitategemea nia ya mkutano au shirika
  • Kufungwa kwa mkutano-taja anayeomba na wakati


  • Mkutano ulifahamishwa kwamba _______________
  • Ripoti ilitolewa kuwa ___________________
  • Mwenyekiti aliwaarifu/aliwajuza kuwa _____________________
  • Mkutano uliamua kwamba ___________________
  • Walipatana kwamba __________________
  • Kikao kilielezwa kuwa ____________________

Sehemu hii huwa na sahihi na tarehe

Baada ya kumbukumbu kusomwa na kuthibitishwa katika mkutano unaofuata mwenyekiti na katibu hutia sahihi

Umbo la kumbukumbu

Mada:herufi kubwa

Waliotuma udhuru

Wasiotuma udhuru



KUMB CCM1 1/02:

KUMB CCM 2 1/02:

Mwenyekiti ________________________ (sahihi)
Tarehe ___________________________
Katibu ____________________________(sahihi)
Tarehe ___________________________

Insha ya Mazungumzo

Mazungumzo ni maongezi mahojiano au malumbano baina ya mtu na mwingine au kundi moja na jingine

Mazungumzo haya yanaweza kuwa
Poroja/soga/domo-ni mazungumzo ya kupitisha wakati
Kutafuta ujumbe maalum-hufanyika kwa njia ya mahojiano
Kumdadisi au kumwelekeza mtu-baina ya mtu aliye na tajriba na Yule anayetaka msaada

  • Kila mmoja hupewa nafasi ya kuzungumza
  • Mhusika mmoja asichukue nafasi kubwa
  • Tumia alama za uakifishaji ainati
  • Sharti pawe na hali ya kuchachawiza
  • Vitendo viweze kuandikwa katika alama za mabano
  • Fani za lugha zitumuke ili kuleta uhondo katika mazungumzo
  • Lazima pawe na maagano au maelewano
  • Tangaza msimamo iwapo ni mahojiano
  • Hatua

Huandikwa kwa herufi kubwa na kupigiwa ,mstari

Maudhui-hili ni lengo au kusudi la mazungumzo
Msamiati utategemea lengo la mazungumzo
Vitendo na ishara-haya yataandikwa katika mabano mfano: (akiketi, akilia, wakibisha, akicheka)
Alama za uakifishaji
Koloni( : )huandikwa baada ya jina au cheo cha mtu
Alama za dukuduku ( -------------)kwamba mazungumzo yanaendelea
Parandesi au mabano ()
Kubana maneno ambayo hayatasemwa
Alama ya hisi ( ! ) hutumiwa pamoja na viingizi kuonyesha hisia
Mfano: yarabi maskini!

Insha ya Maelezo au Wasifu

Hii ni insha inayotoa maelezokuhusu jambo, mahali au kitu Fulani

  • Insha hii hueleza, huarifu, huburudisha au hutahadharisha
  • Mwandishi asiandike chini ya hoja sita
  • Tumia viunganishi unapounganisha mawazo katika aya au unapoaanza aya nyingine
  • Tiririsha mawazo ili pawena mtiririko na mshikamano
  • Katika tamati toa ushauri kwa makundi mbalimbali
  • Mwandishi anaweza kutoa msimamo wake kuhusu hoja Fulani


  • Elimu ni taaluma au mfuo wa mafunzo yanayofundishwa katika jamii zetu
  • Elimu inazo faida anuwai
  • Elimu huondoa ujinga akilini
  • Mja hupata maarifa, ujuzi na hekima
  • Mwanafunzi hutambua mambo tofauti
  • Humakinika katika mambo ayafanyayo
  • Elimu ni bahari na pia habari
  • Aliyeelimika huweza kuishi na wengine
  • Mtu hujiheshimu na kuheshimu wengine
  • Husaidia kudumisha amani, umoja na upendo baina ya watu
  • Kichango kuchangizana
  • Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu
  • Ni daraja la kutuvusha katika umaskini
  • Waja hutia bidii za mchwa ili kufaulu maishani
  • Humwezesha mtu kuhitimu katika taaluma Fulani
  • Uhawinde hutokomea kama umande nyasini wakati wa jua la asubuhi
  • Hurahisisha mawasiliano Baina ya mtu mmoja na mwingine au baina ya mataifa
  • Hujifunza mengi kwani kuishi kwingi kuona mengi
  • Aliyesoma hutalii nchi nyingi
  • Kuhifadhi siri
    Elimu humwezesha mja kusoma uumbe kutoka katika barua au arafa akiwa pekee
  • Huchangia kuwepo kwa maendeleo
  • Serikali hujenga shule,vyuo na miundo msingi mingineyo ya elimu
  • Taasisi mbalimbali huboresha mitaala ya ufundishaji
  • Hufanikisha utafiti, utumiaji wa teknolpjia mpya na mitambo mbalimbali

Elimu ni irithi

Elimu ni mali ambayo haiteki
Ni almasi inayostahili kuchibwa na mtoto yeyote mwandilifu
Zamani watu waliridhi mashamba na mifugo
Elimu ni silaha na nguzo muhimu na madhubuti


Elimu ni bahari
Elimu ni taa, gizani huzagaa
Elimu ni ali ambayo adui hawezi kuiteka
Elimu maisha si vitabu

Viunganishi na mapambo

Isitoshe, elimu ni ,ali ambayo adui hawezi _____________________
Zaidi ya hayo, humwezesha mja kuhitimu _____________________
Hata hivyo, kuna wale wanaoitumia __________________________
Aidha, limu hurahisisha mawasilia ___________________________


Tujifunge masombo/nira/kibwebwe ili ________________________
Tujikaze kisabuni _________________________
Tusiwe pweza wa kujipalia makaa kwa kutoelimika _________________________
Tujifunge masombo mithili ya _____________________ duduvule atoboaye gogo/mchwa ajengaye kichuguu

Ningependa kukunja jamvi kwa ____________________________
Ninapofikia tamati
Jua linapoaga mikalatusi
Ninatia kitone nikitoa lulu kuwa

Barua Rasmi

Pia huitwa barua ya kiofisi
Huandikwa kuhusu jambo rasmi
Huandikwa ili

  • Kuomba nafasi ya kazi
  • Kuomba nafasi za masomo shuleni au chuoni
  • Maombi ya msaada kutoka kwa serikali
  • Kuomba msamaha au radhi
  • Malalamishi kuhusu jambo Fulani

Barua rasmi ina sehemu zufuatazo

  • Anwani
  • Anwani mbili – ya mwandishi na ya mwandikiwa
  • Anwani ya mwandishi huandikwa tarehe
  • Kianzio
    Sehemu hii huandikwa bwana (BW) au bibi (BI), Mkurugenzi mkuuu, mwalimu mkuu
    Ni kichwa cha barua ambacho huashiria lengo au madhumuni kwa ufupi
    Kumbukumbu – KUMB
    Mintarafu – MINT
    Kusudi – KUS
    Kuhusu – KUH
    Yahusu – YAH
    Kichwa cha barua rasmi hupigiwa mstari
  • Mwili
    Huelezea zaidi kuhusu kusudi ya barua na lengo hasa kuandika barua
    Mtahiniwa huhitajika kuelezea kuhusu Elimu yake
    Wasifukwani haambatanishi stakabadhi zozote zile
    Insha yoyote ile lazima itimize ukurasa na nusu
  • Tamati/mwisho
    Humalizwa kwa
    Wako mwaminifu

Mtindo wa barua rasmi

S.L.P 93,
NOVEMBA 18, 2015.

S.L.P 2003,
Kwa Bwana/Bi – kianzo



hitimisho –
wako mwaminifu


Nina furaha kukuandikia __________________
Ninasikitika ninapokuandikia waraka _________________
Ningependa kuchukua fursa hii _____________
Kwa mujibu wa ilani ______________________ katika gazeti, runinga, mabango
Shule yako imetajwa na kutajika katika _________________ michezo, elimu, bidhaa bora
Shirika/kampuni imeipa kipaombela swala la _____________________
Nina nidhamu na taadhima ya hali ya juu
Vyeti vyangu pamoja na wasifu vimeambatanishwa na waraka
Nitakuwa kielelezo dhabiti kwa wenzangu
Nina talanta katika fani ya riadha _____________________
Ni matumaini yangu kuwa utaupokea waraka huu ________________________________

Barua Ya Kirafiki ama Kindugu

Huhusu kupatiana mwaliko, kujuliana hali, kufahamisha au kuarifu kuhusu jambo
Sehemu muhimu za barua hii ni

  • Anwani ya mwandishi
    Huandikwa pembeni kabisa upande wa kulia sehemu ya juu
    Huwa na jina la mwandishi , mahali anakoishi, sanduku laposta na tarehe
    Hudhihirisha Yule anayeandikiwa
    Hubainisha uhusiano wake na mwandishi
    • Kwa mpendwa
    • Kwa mwanangu mpendwa
    • Kwa mpenzi wangu
    • Kwa sahibu/muhibu
  • Utangulizi
    Haya ni maamkizi kwa yule anayeandikiwa
    • Pokea salamu – sufufu, furifuri, tolatola nyingi kama nyota angani, mchanga
    • Mimi ni bugeri wa afya
    • Mzima kama chuma cha pua / ngarange za mvule
    • Nina buraha na furaha/furaha na bashasha
    • Nina imana kuwa Mola/Mkawini/Jalali
    • Nina matumaini kama tai kuwa u buheri wa afya/siha/zihi.rai
  • Methali
    • Ama kweli/yakini/waama
    • Waraka ni nusu ya kuonana
    • Afya ni bora kuliko mali
  • Mwili
    Sehemu – hii hubeba ujumbe wa mwandishi
    Wema – ninaomba unitendee fadhila/jamala
    Ninashukuru kwa wema ulionitendea
    Utiifu – ninakuhakikishia kwamba nitakuwa na utiifu, nidhamu na bidii
    Lengo au azma ya kukuandikia waraka huu ni
    Waraka huu ni kukujulisha kuwa
    Ningependa kukujuza kuwa
  • Tamati
    Ningependa kutia nanga kwa kukuelezea kuwa _______________
    Kwa kuwa wasaa umenitia kumbu/muda 
    Umenipa kisogo, ningependa kutia kitone
    Ninakunja jamvi kwa msemo usemao _______________________
    Kalamu yangu inalilia wino ____________________
    Ndimi mzazi wako ____________________
    Wako wa moyoni _____________________________
    ni wako mpendwa ______________________
    Ndimi mwana wako mpendwa

S.L.P 93,


Kwa sahibu yangu, fundi msanifu ,
Utangulizi ______________________________
Ni mimi wako,
Jina la mwandishi

Insha ya Hotuba

Hotuba ni maelezo yanayotolewa ili kupitisha ujumbe Fulani
Anayetoa hotuba huitwa katibu
Umati unaosikiliza huitwa hadhira
Huanza kwa mlahaka/salamu kwa kutambua vyeo kuanzia wa juu mpaka wa chini ,
sababu ya mkutano
Alama za kunukuu hutumiwa
Hotuba inaweza kuwa ya

  • Mwanafunzi akihutubia shuleni
  • Mwalimu
  • Mwalimu mkuu wa wazazi shuleni
  • Daktari au afisa wa afya
  • Rais wakati wa maadhimisho ya mashujaa
  • Waziri wa usala, afya na ugatuzi

Mfano wa utangulizi
“mgeni wa heshima, mkuu wa elimu gatuzini, mkaguzi wa elimu, mwenyekiti na
maafisa wa elimu na wanafunzi, hamjambo?
‘Mwalimu mkuu, naibu wa mwalimu mkuu, walimu wenzangu, viranja na wanafunzi,

ninazo bashasha/furaha/buraha
Nimesimama kidete/tisti/imara kama chuma
Cha pua/ngarange za mvule/kiini cha mpingo
Nitawandondolea hoja zangukuanzia utando hadi ukoko,shinani hadi kileleni
Rejelea hadhira mara kwa mara – nanyi, enyi wazazi, nasi wanafunzi

Ningependa kutia kitone/nanga/kukunja jamvi kwa msemo usemao
Ninawamiminia shukrani tolatola/fokofoko
Kwa kutulia kama maji mtungini/maziwa kitomani
Kwa kuwa lililo na mwanzo halina budi kuwa na mwisho
Ninawatakia Baraka njema za Mualana/ninawatakia mbawazi za mkawini mbingu

Dawa za Kulevya

Ni kitu chochote kinachoathiri fahamu za mwili na afya ya mja

  • Kokeini
  • Mandraksi
  • Bangi
  • Ganja
  • Miraa au mirungi
  • Tumbako

Athari za dawa za kulevya

  • Kuvuruga akili
  • Mtumiaji hugeuka na kuwa mkia wa mbuzi/juha/kalulu
  • Kupata ujasira bandia
  • Mja huwa katili
  • Hujiingiza katika visanga kama wizi
  • Hudhuru afya
  • Mhasiriwa kama ng’onda/kimbaumbau mwiko wa pilau
  • Sura huumbuka na kusawijika
  • Husababisha saratani
  • Kuenea kwa magonjwa ya zinaa

Kinga ni bora kuliko tiba
Tahadhari kabla ya hatari

utovu wa nidhamu
watumiaji husheheni matusi
hutabawali kadamnasi
kuvalia mavazi mafupi

mwacha mila ni mtumwa
usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao
kuzorota kwa uchumi
mtu binafsi hutumia njenje zote
watoto hawatimiziwi mahitaji
filisha mja- akabaki hana mbele wala nyuma
uchumi wa nchi huzorotabaada ya kutumia pesa kuwatibu wahasiriwa
husababisha uraibu
huleta wizi
husababisha uzembe
madereva kusababisha ajali
kupata magonjwa

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