Displaying items by tag: Class 8

The passage below contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Healthy eating is considered a great way of keeping sickness at bay, people who eat a balanced diet everyday and exercise ___1___ are less likely to fall ill. Those who do not care about how they live ___2___fall ill. People who are obese are fat in ___3___ .way that is not healthy. Obesity, is the result ___4___ bad eating habits and lack of exercise. It ___5___ result in major diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Such diseases are referred to as ___6___ diseases and they can be avoided. 

Doctors today are very concerned about ___7___ lifestyles and have launched campaigns to create awareness of this life-threatening problem. In ___8___ big shopping centres, one is likely to find tents in which medical personnel counsel individuals are on healthy eating habits. The bottom line is to ___9___healthy.

There are ___10____ ways of staying healthy. These include knowing which foods are good for you and ensuring that you  ___11___ right. Besides, you should also take in the ___12___ portions of food.  In doing so, you avoid ___13___. Apart from the diet, exercises ___14___  as yoga and jogging are recommended. Your health is your ___15___  and so you should take care of it.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   sometimes   generallly   regularly   rarely 
 2.  don't  sometimes   rarely  often
 3. the  a  some  that
 4.  in  of  by  to
 5.  may  must  should  would 
 6.  life  lifestyle  livelihood   live
 7.  people's  person  person's  people 
 8.  other  many  much  more
 9.  stay  learn  train  research 
 10.   new  several  some  few
 11.  study  eat  play  sleep 
 12.  little  basic  right  good
 13.  overfeeding   fat  nutrients  underfeeding 
 14.  like  such  include  involve
 15.  future  diet  wealth  life


İn questions 16 to 18, choose the word that best completes the sentence.   

  1. We congratulated them ______________________ winning the relays.
    1. of
    2. with
    3. on
    4. for
  2. We ______________________ him to pass very well.
    1. exempt
    2. except
    3. accept
    4. expect
  3. The pupils sat _______________________ the shade.
    1. under
    2. in
    3. below
    4. on

In questions 19 to 21, use the correct question tag to complete the sentence.

  1. They will leave tomorrow morning _______________________?
    1. will they
    2. won't they
    3. isn't it
    4. are they
  2. They don't have to finish all the work today, _______________________
    1. do they?
    2. don't they?
    3. will they?
    4. must they?
  3. The children might go for swimming
    1. won't they?
    2. will they?
    3. mightn't they?
    4. might they?

For questions 22 and 23, choose the word that can be used to replace the underlined phrase.

  1. The gang made off with a computer and unknown amount of money.
    1. ran
    2. stole
    3. carried
    4. robbed
  2. She said that the boy takes after his father.
    1. matches
    2. imitates
    3. follows
    4. resembles

In questions 24 and 25, choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

  1. Mueni or Kioko _______________________ to call the head teacher this afternoon.
    1. are going
    2. is going
    3. were going
    4. was going
  2. He is selling his car but no body __________________________ offered to buy it.
    1. have
    2. has
    3. will
    4. is

Read the passage carefully and then answer questions 26 to 38.

It was very hot and the place was dusty. Munyaka's little hands tightly held onto the hammer, the tool that the child had come to regard as his companion. With short bangs, he broke the huge boulder apart and proceeded to hit each of the pieces into thousands of pebbles. He had to fill a wheelbarrow, for which Mr. Fundi paid him only fifty shillings.

Mr. Fungi who claimed to have built half the houses in Karina estate, was a cunning and mean person. He was arrogant and he had about ten small boys working on his building project. He paid the boys poorly.

"You there! Stop dreaming and work!" he bellowed, saliva flying at Munyaka's face.

Munyaka was started. He briefly looked up, his eyes a mirror of the misery around him. A tear rolled down his ashers face. He continued hitting the rocks harder and faster. Small pebbles flew into the air, hitting his legs and occasionally his face. This disturb him and he felt as if everyone and everything was against him.

"Why? Oh why?" Wondered Munyaka. "Why is life so unfair to me? Other boys of my age go to school every morning and many even have shoes!" What kind of relatives do such boys have?"

He remembered vaguely the good old days when both his parents were alive. There was everything in his home. There was plenty of food and alot of time to play. Then one evening, he saw people pouring into his home. Their faces were downcast and they looked very sad. He tried to catch what they were saying but no one spoke loud enough for him to hear. When he tried to ask why his parents were not at home, someone told him quite casually that they had been involved in a road accident and were in hospital. Munyaka had no other opportunity to ask questions because the same evening he was taken away to live with an uncle.

Later on, Munyaka was told that both his parents had not survived the accident. Munyaka's life went from bad to worse and his uncle became his tormentor. Munyaka would go for days without food and many times he was sent without food and many times he was sent to work on the field to earn his food. When life became unbearable at his uncle's home, Munyaka ran away to work in the quarry like some other boys that he had seen.

Munyaka did not know which was better going back to his unkind uncle or working for the cruel Mr. Fundi. He did not have to wonder for long. The next day, a kind-looking woman accompanied by a children's officer visited the quarry. After talking in low tones with Mr. Fundi, they walked to Munyaka.

"Munyaka, I am your aunt-your mother's sister, Rehema," the woman said, looking at Munyaka kindly." I am going to take you home and look after you. You will never again be a slave to anybody!"

  1. Munyaka regarded the hammer as his companion because
    1. it was the only thing he owned
    2. his friends were too busy to talk to
    3. he had it all the time
    4. he used it to earn his living
  2. From the first paragraph, we can say that Munyaka was miserable
    1. and lonely
    2. and exploited
    3. but cunning
    4. and impatient
  3. How can we tell that Mr. Fundi was a mean person?
    1. He had built many houses in Karina Estate
    2. He had employed about ten small boys
    3. He scared his workers
    4. He paid the boys poorly
  4. The word 'arrogant' has been used in the passage. Which of the following words is its opposite?
    1. Truthful
    2. Helpful
    3. Humble
    4. Industrious
  5. Mr. Fundi had ______________________ him. boys working for him.
    1. ten small
    2. approximately ten small
    3. ten tall
    4. over ten small
  6. Why did Munyaka think that life was unfair to him?
    1. He was not able to dream
    2. Small pebbles hit his legs and face
    3. He was not able to go to school 
    4. Mr. Fundi liked spitting at him
  7. How do we know that Munyaka would have liked to go to school?
    1. He thought about school children
    2. He longed to have shoes like other boys
    3. He remembered the good old days
    4. School children had plenty of food
  8. When Munyaka went to live with his uncle
    1. looked after him
    2. played the role of his parents
    3. sent him to work at a quarry 
    4. treated him like a slave
  9. Munyaka's parents did not survive the accident. This means that
    1. they died as a result of the accident
    2. they lived for only a short time
    3. they were only survived by Munyaka
    4. everyone died in the accident
  10. The word vaguely as used in the passage could also mean
    1. absent-mindedly
    2. in a way that is not clear
    3. astonishingly
    4. in a way that is doubtful
  11. From the story of Munyaka, we can conclude that
    1. Munyaka liked working in the quarry
    2. some people are very unkind to orphans 
    3. children without parens work very hard 
    4. children cannot live with their uncles
  12. The story of Munyaka tells us about
    1. the work in a quarry
    2. cruel uncles and neighbours
    3. how important work is
    4. some problems child labourers face
  13. What would be the best title for this passage?
    1. Mr. Fundi the arrogant man
    2. Munyaka's misfortunes
    3. The cruel relatives
    4. Munyaka and his aunt

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 39 to 50.

Lifestyle diseases is a term used to describe diseases that have some relationship with the way people live on a daily basis. These diseases are also referred to as chronic diseases because they exist for a long duration and progress slowly, lifestyle diseases include cadivascular diseases or diseases that affect the heart or bloodvessels. They include diabetes, hypertension, some cancer, chronic backache, chronic lung disease and arthritis. These are diseases that affect many people and are a major cause of death.

These diseases sometimes come about because of the lifestyle that we choose. Excessive use of alcohol, smoking and drug abuse for example, can bring about some of the lifestyle diseases. If one engages in over eating unhealthy foods and fails to engage in regular exercise and other physical activities, one increases their likelihood of developing a lifestyle disease.

One of the commonest lifestyle diseases is diabetes. When one has diabetes, he or she has too much sugar in the blood. A combination of factors are responsible for causing diabetes. One factor has to do with genes in the body. There is not much that one can do about that. Another cause is obesity or having too much weight, especially around the middle body. Other factors that can increase chances of getting diabetes include doing little or no exercise, smoking, too much stress and inadequate sleep. Some symptoms of diabetes are feeling thirsty, passing urine too often and having blurred vision.

Another common lifestyle diseases is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This is a disease that often does not have symptoms that are noticeable. However if high blood pressure is not treated, chances of getting other serious problems like heart attacks and stokes are high. It is not clear what causes high blood pressure but chances become higher for people who are overweight people who eat too much salt and do not eat enough fruit and vegetables; those who do not exercise; those who do not get enough sleep smoke and take large amounts of alcohol.

Some cancers are also in this group of lifestyle disease. Drinking alcohol, for example is linked to a higher risk of getting liver cancer and breast cancer. Of the less talked about lifestyle diseases is the ear problem. People can have ear problems as a result of regular exposure to too much noise from loud music or excessive use of earphones. Such people can have buzzing or ringing ears.

There are a number of things that one can do to reduce the chances of developing lifestyle diseases or prevent them from getting worse. One can for example, make efforts to lose weight, to reduce salt intake and to eat more healthy sugar and foods like vegetables and fruits. One can avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Finally one can purpose to engage in regular exercise.

  1. Lifestyle diseases
    1. affect people on a daily basis
    2. are associated with the way people live
    3. are associated with regular exercises
    4. affect a small number of people
  2. In the first paragraph, the writer states that lifestyle diseases.
    1. sometimes progress slowly 
    2. include only heart diseases
    3. are a major cause of death
    4. affect certain people only
  3. These diseases sometimes come about because of the lifestyle that we choose. These means that
    1. we can control our lifestyles
    2. we don't have to be ill
    3. choices have consequences
    4. we can control diseases
  4. Not engaging in regular exercise
    1. has some health benefits
    2. makes us immune to diseases
    3. prevents all diseases.
    4. exposes us to diseases.
  5. The word 'excessive' is used to mean
    1. uncontrolled
    2. unnecessary
    3. avoidable
    4. preventable
  6. One can be said to have diabetes when they
    1. have too much sugar in the blood 
    2. pass too much urine frequently
    3. have difficulties in sleeping
    4. are born in diabetic families
  7. What according to the passage, makes hypertension a dangerous disease?
    1. Sometimes it has not symptoms
    2. The disease is not treatable
    3. It is caused by too much salt intake
    4. The heart is weakened by the disease
  8. According to the passage
    1. people should only eat fruits and vegetables
    2. lack of sleep cannot necessarily affect anyone
    3. there is no known cause of hypertension
    4. people with hypertension have blurred vision
  9. Some people have buzzing or ringing ears because they
    1. listen to loud music regularly
    2. have several lifestyle diseases
    3. smoke and drink alcohol heavily
    4. become obese and avoid exercise
  10. The following can help people reduce chances of developing lifestyle diseases except
    1. getting enough sleep
    2. losing weigh
    3. eating healthy foods
    4. drinking alcohol
  11. According to the passage why is regular exercise important
    1. it helps people to avoid smoking and excessive drinking
    2. it prevents overheating
    3. it reduces the risk of developing lifestyle diseases
    4. it prevents buzzing or ringing ears
  12. The best title for this passage is
    1. keeping lifestyle diseases at bay
    2. symptoms of lifestyle diseases 
    3. engaging in physical activities
    4. diabetes and hypertension


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a composition. With your own words finish it making it as interesting as possible.

As I neared my home, I could hear people singing and ululating happily...................................................


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. D
  24. B
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. D
  38. B
  39. B
  40. C
  41. A
  42. D
  43. A
  44. A
  45. A
  46. C
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. A


  1. Which of the following numbers is two million two hundred and two thousand and two and two hundredths?
    1. 20022002.2
    2. 2202002.02
    3. 22002002.02
    4. 2200202.002
  2. What is the total value of 80.4 − 15.46 + 4.54 ?
    1. 30.4
    2. 130
    3. 151
    4. 37.21
  3. What is the value of digit 2 in the quotient of 3.40068 and 17?
    1. 0.2
    2. 0.02
    3. 2
    4. Tenth
  4. How many days are there between 20th May and 20th July?
    1. 61
    2. 62
    3. 60
    4. 63
  5. Work out:
    4/5 × 3¾ − 3/7 ÷ 5/14 + 3/10
    1. 547/70
    2. 847/250
    3. 21
    4. 2.1
  6. Which of the following is the smallest digit that can be added to 7395 to make it divisible by 11?
    1. 3
    2. 8
    3. 2
    4. 4
  7. The below shows a school farm. Adhiambo walked around the farm four times. What distance did she cover?
    1. 470m
    2. 1880m
    3. 1460m
    4. 1320m
  8. A map was drawn using a scale of 1:1000. Calculate the actual length of a road 5 cm long on the map in metres.
    1. 50
    2. 500
    3. 5
    4. 5000
  9. Which quadrilateral has only one pair of parallel lines?
    1. Trapezium
    2. Rhombus
    3. Parallelogram
    4. Square
  10. What is the value of:
    2 x 0.05 of (6.4 − 3.2) − 0.32 ÷ 2
    1. 0
    2. 0.16
    3. 0.2
    4. 2
  11. A bus arrived in Nairobi from Mombasa at 3.00am on Tuesday. If it took 8 hours 50min to travel from Mombasa to Nairobi, when had it left Mombasa?
    1. 6.10 am on Tuesday
    2. 6.50am on Monday
    3. 6.10pm on Monday
    4. 11.50a.m on Tuesday
  12. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    6, 13, 24, 39, ________________________ 
    1. 54
    2. 60
    3. 56
    4. 58
  13. In the year 2006 a factory was supplied with 4800 parallel lines? bags of maize. This was 20% less than what was received in 2005. How many bags were supplied in 2005?
    1. 6000
    2. 5760
    3. 4000
    4. 2400014.
  14. What is the value of
    9² + 9 − 9?
    1. 27
    2. 21
    3. 19
    4. 6
  15. The mass of a bag decreased by 30kg to 120kg what is the percentage decrease?
    1. 33%
    2. 20%
    3. 25%
    4. 75%
  16. In the figure below EFGH, GJK and MJH are straight lines. FM is parallel to GK. Angle EFM = 128° and angle MJK = 62°. What is the size of angle GHJ?
  17. Ann received a salary of sh. 30000 per month. She uses 3/20 of it for rent, for school fees and saves the rest. How much more does she  save than use on rent?
    1. sh. 13500
    2. sh. 7500
    3. sh.9000
    4. sh. 18000
  18. What is the value of 4.8 x 0.084?
    1. 0.0024
    2. 2.4
    3. 0.24
    4. 0.024
  19. Draw triangle ABC in which AB=6cm, BC= 10cm and AC = 8cm. Draw a circle to touch the points of the triangle ABC. What is the radius of the circle?
    1. 5cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 2cm
    4. 10cm
  20. A bottle holds 2.816litres of juice. If it has a height of 14cm, what is the diameter of the bottle in centimetres?
    1. 128
    2. 8
    3. 64
    4. 16
  21. What is 7869.85872 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 7869.86
    2. 7869.85
    3. 7870
    4. 7869.859
  22. What is the value of x in
    2(x+5) − 14 = 36
    1. 30
    2. 6
    3. 20
    4. 22½
  23. On a certain day a trader spent sh. 8000 to buy 20 textbooks and then sold them making a profit of 15%. For how much did the trader sell each textbook?
    1. sh. 400
    2. sh. 460
    3. sh. 920
    4. sh. 600
  24. What is the total surface area of the figure drawn below?
    1. 360cm2
    2. 480cm2
    3. 408cm2
    4. 720cm2
  25. Which of the following will not form a right angled triangle?
    1. 24cm, 32cm, 40cm
    2. 18cm, 80cm, 82cm
    3. 9cm, 16cm, 25cm
    4. 15cm, 20cm, 25cm
  26. Three containers are capable of holding 54 litres, 72litres and 90litres respectively. Find the capacity of the largest container which can be used to fill each one of them exactly?
    1. 18
    2. 540
    3. 270
    4. 1080
  27. The hire purchase price of a motor bike is sh. 97860. Allan paid a deposit of sh. 3000 and 30 equal monthly installments. How much was each instalment?
    1. sh. 1000
    2. sh. 2262
    3. sh. 3262
    4. sh. 786028.
  28. What is the sum of faces, edges and vertices of an open rectangular prism?B
    1. 26
    2. 18
    3. 25
    4. 14
  29. What is the smallest number when divided by 12, 20 or 36 the remainder is always 4?
    1. 180
    2. 176
    3. 8
    4. 184
  30. The following diagram shows an athletic track whose dimensions are given in metres. The ends of the track are semi circular. Kimula ran round the track twice. What distance did he cover?
    1. 528m
    2. 792m
    3. 1056m
    4. 748m
  31. Four men working at the same rate would take 6 days to clear a piece of land. How many more men are needed in order to complete the work in 4 days?
    1. 6
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 2
  32. The pie chart below shows how Maina spents his January salary of sh. 36000.
    How much more did he spend on food than on rent?
    1. sh. 9000
    2. sh. 10500
    3. sh. 2000
    4. sh. 11000
  33. A wheel covers a distance of 7.92km after making 3000 revolutions. What is the radius of the wheel in metres?
    1. 0.42m
    2. 0.84m
    3. 2.52m
    4. 1.26m
  34. A trader sold 1.5 tonnes of rice in 3kg packets. How many packets were sold?
    1. 4500
    2. 1500
    3. 500
    4. 250
  35. What is the possible value of y in the inequality below
    3y + 6 > by − 9?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 15
  36. Find the area of the figure below
    1. 30cm2
    2. 56.52cm2
    3. 86.52cm2
    4. 48.00cm2
  37. The masses of 8 pupils were recorded as 35kg, 32kg, 28kg, 25kg, 38kg, 40kg and 37kg. What was the median mass?
    1. 30
    2. 33.5
    3. 321/5
    4. 34
  38. Zainabu bought the following items from a wholesale shop
    2kg of rice @ sh. 150
    2 - 2kg packets of wheat flour@sh/ 140
    1kg of sugar@sh. 124
    2packets of tea leaves for sh. 120
    She paid using two notes of sh. 500. How much balance did she receive?
    1. sh. 824
    2. sh. 176
    3. sh. 114
    4. sh. 124
  39. Agnes and John shared money in the ratio of 5:3. Agnes got sh. 1800 more than John. How\ much money did John get?
    1. sh. 3000
    2. sh. 1080
    3. sh. 2700
    4. sh. 67540.
  40. Express 12½% as a ratio
    1. 1:8
    2. 25:200
    3. 25:2
    4. 1:4
  41. Omondi covered 325km. If he left Nairobi at 8.15am and reached Meru at 11.30am, calculate the speed?
    1. 90km/h
    2. 125km/h
    3. 25km/h
    4. 100km/h
  42. A rectangle measuring 32cm long and 18cm wide has an equal area as a square. Find the perimeter of the square?
    1. 96cm
    2. 144cm
    3. 576cm
    4. 24cm
  43. Calculate the value of the largest angle in the figure below?
    1. 32°
    2. 54°
    3. 62°
    4. 64°
  44. Find the value of 3c + 4d + 2b  given that d = 3, c = ½b and b = 2
    1. 21/9
    2. 16
    3. 10
    4. 24/5
  45. Find the area of the shaded part in the figure below
    1. 42cm2
    2. 105cm2
    3. 21cm2
    4. 31.5cm2
  46. An open cylindrical tin has a diameter of 14cm and has a height of 10cm. What is its capacity in millilitres when half full?
    1. 1540ml
    2. 1496ml
    3. 748ml
    4. 770ml
  47. The mean mass of 5 girls is 15kg. The average mass of the first three girls is 17kg. What is the total mass of the remaining two girls?
    1. 12
    2. 19
    3. 24
    4. 2
  48. A square plot has an area of 3600m2. It was fenced round using 4 strands of wire. What length of wire was needed?
    1. 240m
    2. 60M
    3. 960m
    4. 360m
  49. Which of the following is not a property of a square?
    1. Diagonals are equal
    2. All sides are equal
    3. Opposite sides are parallel
    4. Opposite angles are not equal
  50. Karauri recorded his speed in a graph as shown below.
    What was his average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 40km/h
    2. 22½ km/h
    3. 45km/h
    4. 90km/hr


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. A
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. C
  31. D
  32. C
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. A
  43. D
  44. A
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A

Study the map of Wema area and answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The feature formed along river Rubo at the point marked x is
    1. a confluence.
    2. an ox-bow lake.
    3. a delta.
    4. a meander.
  2. The climate around lake Peto can be described as
    1. cool and dry. 
    2. hot and dry.
    3. hot and wet.
    4. cool and wet.
  3. People who live in Dege village are likely to suffer from
    1. water-borne diseases.
    2. frequent droughts.
    3. acute soil erosion.
    4. seasonal flooding.
  4. The settlement pattern in Wema area can be described as
    1. clustered.
    2. linear.
    3. dense.
    4. sparse.
  5. The main economic benefit of lake Peto is that it is a
    1. source of rainfall.
    2. source of sand.
    3. source of fish.
    4. tourist attraction site.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Wema area?
    1. Fishing.
    2. Crop farming.
    3. Trading.
    4. Mining.
  7. Land in Wema area rises towards
    1. north east.
    2. north west.
    3. south east.
    4. south west.
  8. The main reason why the San people did not develop strong political systems was that
    1. they were few in numbers.
    2. they lived in a dry area.
    3. there was no centralized source of power.
    4. they were frequently attacked by other communities.
  9. Three of the following statements about a school routine are true. Which one is not? It
    1. outlines the school rules.
    2. is prepared by the deputy head teacher. 
    3. allocates time for school activities.
    4. ensures proper use of time.
  10. In Kenya, sisal is grown in large plantations in
    1. Mwea in Kirinyaga.
    2. Ahero in Kisumu.
    3. Vipingo in Kilifi.
    4. Mumias in Kakamega.
  11. Below are descriptions of a mineral mined in Kenya:
    1. It is white in colour.
    2. It is mined in the floor of the Rift Valley. 
    3. It is used in making heat insulators.
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite.
      2. soda ash.
      3. limestone.
      4. fluorspar.

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 12 to 15.


  1. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the climate of the shaded areas marked Y?
    1. Annual rainfall is less than 250mm.
    2. The area has rainfall throughout the year. 
    3. The area has cool and wet climate.
    4. The area has equatorial climate.
  2. The main reason for the construction of the dam marked Z was to
    1. control flooding along the river.
    2. create an inland waterway.
    3. store water for irrigation.
    4. generate electricity.
  3. The country marked T was colonized by
    1. France.
    2. Italy.
    3. Germany.
    4. Spain.
  4. Which one of the following is the effect of the ocean currents marked R? They
    1. cause fog and mist.
    2. cause dry conditions.
    3. bring rainfall to the Congo basin.
    4. mark the start of the dry season.
  5. The main reason why the Nandi people fought the British during the colonial period in Kenya was that the
    1. British were building a railway line.
    2. British stopped them from trading.
    3. Nandi wanted to retain their independence.
    4. Nandi had strong leaders.
  6. The following are descriptions of a vegetation zone in Africa:
    1. Trees are tall and evergreen.
    2. Trees grow close together.
    3. There is little undergrowth.
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. savannah vegetation.
      2. rainforest vegetation.
      3. mediterranean vegetation.
      4. temperate vegetation.
  7. The community that correctly fills the blank space marked K is
    1. Serer
    2. Mossi
    3. Dagomba
    4. Gwima.
  8. Which one of the following is a measure taken to conserve wildlife in Africa?
    1. Building hotels near game parks.
    2. Fencing game parks.
    3. Advertising tourist attraction sites.
    4. Reducing entry fee to game parks.
  9. King Lewanika collaborated with the British because he wanted to
    1. trade with the British.
    2. learn the European way of life.
    3. be protected from hostile neighbours.
    4. be employed by the British.
  10. Mount Marsabit and mount Meru were formed when
    1. land between faults was uplifted.
    2. soft parts of the earth were eroded. C
    3. underneath rocks were folded.
    4. molten magma solidified on the surface. 
  11. Which one of the following statements describes a customary marriage?
    1. It is conducted by clan elders.
    2. It takes place in a government office. 
    3. Polygamy is not allowed.
    4. A marriage certificate is issued. 
  12. The main problem facing mobile telecommunication in Africa is
    1. theft of mobile phones.
    2. high cost of repairing mobile phones.
    3. inadequate network coverage.
    4. that mobile phones are expensive to buy.
  13. The old kingdom of Ghana had its capital in
    1. Timbuktu.
    2. Kumbi Saleh.
    3. Adwagast. 
    4. Bissandugu.
  14. Which one of the following reasons describes why South Africa produces many manufactured goods?
    1. Availability of good transport network. 
    2. Availability of a large market.
    3. High rainfall in the country.
    4. Availability of variety of minerals.
  15. Three of the following statements about struggle for independence in Tanganyika are true. Which one is not?
    1. Africans formed political parties.
    2. Africans used peaceful means.
    3. Africans waged guerilla war.
    4. African leaders negotiated for independence.
  16. The main reason for the migration of the Bantu from the Congo basin was that they 
    1. wanted better farming land.
    2. were attacked by the Galla.
    3. were looking for iron for tool making.
    4. wanted goods for trade.
  17. Which one of the following rivers does not drain into lake Turkana? River
    1. Omo.
    2. Ewaso Nyiro.
    3. Turkwel.
    4. Kerio.
  18. The diagram below shows a fishing method.
    The fishing method illustrated in the diagram above is used to catch fish
    1. near the seashore.
    2. in fast flowing rivers. 
    3. in the deep sea.
    4. in fish ponds.
  19. Which one of the following is the main benefit of regional trade in Africa?
    1. Expanded market for goods.
    2. Exchange of cultural practices.
    3. Improvement in road network.
    4. Production of variety of goods.
  20. Mombasa experiences higher temperatures than Nyeri because
    1. Nyeri is on the windward side.
    2. Mombasa is at a lower altitude.
    3. Nyeri is found near the equator.
    4. Mombasa experiences higher rainfall. 
  21. Social interaction among different communities in Kenya before the coming of Europeans was mainly through
    1. war.
    2. trade.
    3. marriage.
    4. sports.
  22. The British used indirect rule policy in Northern Nigeria because
    1. Africans resisted colonial rule.
    2. the British wanted to assimilate Africans.
    3. Africans collaborated with the British.
    4. the region had strong traditional rulers.
  23. Three of the following statements describe the population of Africa. Which one does not?
    1. Most people live in rural areas.
    2. Population distribution is influenced by rainfall.
    3. Population is evenly distributed.
    4. High rainfall areas have high population.
  24. A child who is below eight years and whose nationality and parents are not known becomes a Kenya citizen by
    1. birth.
    2. adoption.
    3. registration.
    4. application.
  25. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to
    1. marry.
    2. clean environment
    3. vote.
    4. own property.
  26. Three of the following are effects of the revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Deflection of winds.
    2. Day and night.
    3. Difference in length of day and night.
    4. Changing seasons.
  27. The interaction of the Abagusii and the Luo in the pre-colonial period led to
    1. establishment of a new language.
    2. establishment of towns.
    3. exchange of names.
    4. introduction of monarchy rule.
  28. Which one of the following statements about forestry in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is correct?
    1. Trees provide pulp for paper making.
    2. Forests are sources of hardwood timber.
    3. Trees are planted in straight rows.
    4. Most trees are softwoods.
  29. The Berlin conference held in Germany in 1884 led to
    1. partition of Africa.
    2. abolition of slave trade.
    3. spread of Christianity in Africa.
    4. exploration of Africa by Europeans. 
  30. The following are statements about a prominent African leader:
    1. He fought in the French army. 
    2. He was an assimilated African. 
    3. He represented his country in the French parliament.
      The person described above is
      1. Ahmed Sekou Toure.
      2. Kwame Nkrumah.
      3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      4. Leopold Sedar Senghor.
  31. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was formed in 1963 mainly to
    1. promote co-operation among African states.
    2. eliminate colonial rule in Africa.
    3. promote similar systems of government. 
    4. prevent the spread of deserts.
  32. The best way of supporting people who are addicted to drugs is through
    1. abolishing sale of drugs.
    2. arresting people who sell drugs.
    3. putting them in rehabilitation centres.
    4. putting them in prisons.
  33. The country that is correctly matched with its seaport is
           Country                 Seaport
    1. Ghana                    Rabat
    2. Egypt                     Port Said
    3. Angola                   Tema
    4. Morocco                 Lobito
  34. The Ogaden region in Ethiopia and Sahel region in West Africa are sparsely populated due to
    1. arid conditions in the regions.
    2. presence of tsetse flies.
    3. presence of swampy conditions.
    4. frequent seasonal flooding.
  35. Which one of the following statements about pyrethrum growing in Kenya is true? It is
    1. grown in small farms.
    2. grown under irrigation.
    3. grown in large plantations.
    4. harvested using machines.
  36. A similarity between a windsock and a windvane is that they
    1. measure the strength of wind.
    2. measure the direction of wind.
    3. measure the speed of wind.
    4. are kept in a stevenson's screen.
  37. The main problem facing pastoral farming among the Fulani people is
    1. attacks on livestock by wild animals. 
    2. inadequate market for livestock.
    3. inadequate pasture in the dry season.
    4. presence of tsetse flies.
  38. Two neighbouring farmers in a village have a dispute over their boundary. The best method of solving the conflict is
    1. selling the parcel of land under dispute. 
    2. filing a case in a court of law.
    3. reporting the matter to a police station. 
    4. involving village elders.
  39. Which one of the following combinations is made up of countries that used peaceful means to attain independence?
    1. Algeria and Kenya.
    2. Ghana and Tanzania.
    3. Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
    4. Angola and Guinea Bissau.
  40. Mombasa and Dar es Salaam started as a result of
    1. building of railway lines.
    2. settlement of Arabs along the coast. 
    3. coming of Portuguese to Eastern Africa. 
    4. mining activities in the areas.
  41. Which one of the following lakes was not formed as a result of volcanicity? Lake 
    1. Natron. 
    2. Kivu. 
    3. Itasy. 
    4. Tana.
  42. The main reason for the coming of Seyyid Said to Eastern Africa was to 
    1. find a sea route to India. 
    2. find the source of river Nile.
    3. control the coastal trade.
    4. acquire colonies in Eastern Africa.
  43. Dairy farming in Kenya is carried out in the highland regions because the areas have 
    1. a large market for milk.
    2. good roads to transport milk.
    3. milk processing industries.
    4. cool and wet conditions.
  44. The main effect on the environment of limestone mining is that
    1. lorries damage roads.
    2. dust from mines pollute the air.
    3. slums have started in mining areas.
    4. chemicals from mines pollute rivers. 
  45. A person becomes the head of a county government in Kenya through
    1. election by voters in a county.
    2. appointment by the president.
    3. election by members of a county assembly. 
    4. appointment by public service commission.
  46. When Tanganyika became a republic, the title of the head of state changed to
    1. prime minister.
    2. president
    3. emperor.
    4. king.
  47. The most senior administrator in a county is the
    1. governor.
    2. county commissioner
    3. county representative
    4. speaker
  48. The arm of the government that implements cabinet resolutions is headed by the
    1. chief justice.
    2. attorney general
    3. president
    4. speaker
  49. Which one of the following actions may lead to a by election in a constituency?
    1. Dissolution of parliament.
    2. Death of a president.
    3. Formation of a new political party.
    4. Death of a member of parliament.



  1. Which one of the following was a duty given to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden?
    1. Keeping the snake away from the garden. 
    2. Protecting the tree of life.
    3. Guarding and cultivating the garden.
    4. Building altars in the garden.
  2. When God commanded Abraham to leave his father's home, he was living in
    1. Haran. 
    2. Ur.
    3. Egypt.
    4. Midian.
  3. The brothers of Joseph hated him because
    1. he was a dreamer.
    2. he was a young handsome man.
    3. their father loved him most.
    4. he was a wise man.
  4. Moses left the land of Midian to go to Egypt because
    1. his family was in Egypt.
    2. the king of Egypt sent for him.
    3. he had killed an Egyptian.
    4. he wanted to obey God's command.
  5. Which one of the following was done by the Israelites on the night of the Exodus? They
    1. killed Egyptian firstborn males.
    2. smeared blood on their doorposts.
    3. recited the ten commandments.
    4. collected manna.
  6. Which one of the following commandments shows respect for marriage? Do not
    1. steal.
    2. commit adultery.
    3. accuse anyone falsely.
    4. commit murder.
  7. The two sons of Samuel who were judges in Israel were
    1. Mahlon and Chilon.
    2. Gershom and Eliezer.
    3. Joel and Abijah.
    4. Hophni and Phinehas.
  8. The hometown of David was
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Jericho
    3. Jerusalem.
    4. Ramah.
  9. Who among the following people prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah.
    2. Isaiah.
    3. Joel.
    4. Micah.
  10. When angel Gabriel visited Mary, he told her that
    1. she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    2. her son would not drink wine.
    3. she would have an everlasting kingdom.
    4. her son would be called John.
  11. The main message of John the Baptist when he preached to the people was about
    1. kindness.
    2. repentance.
    3. humility.
    4. patience.
  12. Who among the following disciples of Jesus was a tax collector?
    1. Matthew.
    2. Andrew.
    3. Nathaniel.
    4. Thomas.
  13. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant in the town of
    1. Jericho.
    2. Nain.
    3. Bethany.
    4. Capernaum.
  14. The parable of the hidden treasure teaches Christians about
    1. the value of the kingdom of God.
    2. helping people in need.
    3. bringing people to the church.
    4. the growth of the kingdom of God.
  15. Which one of the following events took place during the last supper?
    1. Peter cut off the ear of a slave.
    2. A cloud covered Jesus.
    3. Jesus pointed out His betrayer.
    4. An angel comforted Jesus.
  16. Who among the following people buried the body of Jesus?
    1. Pontious pilate.
    2. Joseph of Arimathea.
    3. Simon of Cyrene.
    4. Ethiopian Eunuch.
  17. Jesus ascended to heaven at
    1. Nain
    2. Sychar
    3. Joppa
    4. Bethany
  18. The disciples received the Holy Spirit in the town of
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Antioch.
    3. Jericho.
    4. Bethlehem.
  19. The seven deacons were chosen mainly to
    1. protect the disciples from persecution.
    2. distribute food to widows.
    3. preach to the Gentiles.
    4. preach in the villages.
  20. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faithfulness.
    2. Patience.
    3. Faith.
    4. Kindness.
  21. Which one of the following is a book of history in the New Testament?
    1. Acts.
    2. Romans.
    3. Mark.
    4. Revelation.
  22. People respect shrines in traditional African communities because
    1. ancestors are buried there.
    2. ceremonies are conducted there.
    3. they are considered holy.
    4. they are in dark places.
  23. The work of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. treat diseases.
    2. lead in offering sacrifices.
    3. conduct marriage ceremonies.
    4. advise the youth.
  24. A common practice in both traditional African ncommunities and Christianity is
    1. reciting prayers. 
    2. pouring libation. 
    3. wearing charms. 
    4. offering sacrifices.
  25. Ancestors are best remembered in traditional African communities through
    1. visiting their graves.
    2. naming children after them.
    3. composing songs for them.
    4. praying to them.
  26. Atieno prays for her sick brother. This element of prayer is
    1. confession.
    2. petition.
    3. intercession.
    4. adoration.
  27. Christians preach against misuse of drugs because
    1. it is a misuse of resources.
    2. those who misuse drugs are not respected. 
    3. it affects the health of the user.
    4. they can be arrested.
  28. Which one of the following is a way in which Christians support the government in fighting corruption?
    1. Refusing to give bribes.
    2. Arresting people who are corrupt.
    3. Writing books about corruption.
    4. Reporting corruption cases.
  29. Christians visit homes for orphaned children mainly to
    1. preach to them.
    2. fulfill the duty of helping the needy.
    3. find out what they need.
    4. give them money.
  30. The first European missionaries who came to Kenya were sent by
    1. Royal Geographical Society. 
    2. Mill Hill Fathers.
    3. Holy Ghost Mission.
    4. Church Missionary Society.



  1. A person who fasts has two pleasures. One during ____________________________ food.
    1. twaam. 
    2. iftaar.
    3. walima.
    4. suhur.
  2. Which of the following vices is condemned in surah Al-Falaq?
    1. Witchcraft.
    2. Backbiting.
    3. Stealing.
    4. Adultery.
  3. All the following are recommended preparations for reading the holy Qur'an except
    1. taking wudhu.
    2. a siwak.
    3. facing qibla.
    4. not putting it on the bare ground.
  4. Which form of knowledge sticks best in mindnaccording to surah Alaq? Knowledge
    1. of pictures.
    2. of the pen.
    3. of cramming.
    4. from far away.
  5. Allah (SW) was not happy and even cursed Abu Lahab because he
    1. joined Abraham to destroy the holy kaaba.
    2. refused to join Islamic faith.
    3. dispersed the prophet's congregation. 
    4. killed baby girls and burried others alive. 
  6. What is the meaning of Taqwa in Islamic faith?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Obedience to Allah.
    3. The fear of God.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  7. A Muslim who believes in Qadar should always say ___________________________ when making future plans.
    1. fii amaanillah
    2. mashallah
    3. astaghfirullah
    4. inshallah
  8. After Takbiratul Ihraam, there follows
    1. seven Takbiras.
    2. surah Al-Fatiha. 
    3. bending for Rukuu.
    4. the first khutba.
  9. In which of the following villages did the hypocrites of Uhud in the Muslim army turn back and disappeared?
    1. Abwa.
    2. Taif.
    3. Ashawt.
    4. Khaibar.
  10. Which of the following ibaadaats cleanses off sins as free as a new born baby?
    1. Ablution.
    2. Hajj.
    3. Jum'a to Jum'a.
    4. Fast of sittat shawwal.
  11. "Al-Baladil Ameen" is a description that was used to praise a city called
    1. Makkat mukarrama.
    2. Jerusalem.
    3. Madinat munawwara.
    4. Bethlehem. 
  12. Muslims who reach at miqat to start hajj activities respond to Allah's call by uttering 
    1. tahniq.
    2. takbir.
    3. talbia.
    4. tahlil.
  13. Which prophet of Allah was killed by being cut into pieces?
    1. Zakariya.
    2. Daud.
    3. Yahya.
    4. Yusuf.
  14. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything?
    1. Idd-ul-Fitr.
    2. Milad-un-Nabii.
    3. Idd-ul-Hajj.
    4. Isra-wal-miraj
  15. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from 
    1. Firaun's
    2. Shuaib's
    3. Egypian's
    4. an Israelite's
  16. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement of
    1. Ibrahim's family. 
    2. Adam's family.
    3. Muhammad's family.
    4. Nuh's family. 
  17. The names "Allah" and "Prophet" are introduced into the ear of a newborn baby for the first time through
    1. adhaan.
    2. tashahhud.
    3. tahniq.
    4. iqama.
  18. The angel of Allah (SW) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at the gates of paradise is
    1. Malik.
    2. Jibril.
    3. Israfil.
    4. Ridhwaan.
  19. Muslims may locate and face Qibla for prayers by the help of all the following ways except
    1. use of a compass direction tool.
    2. use of the sunrise and sunset. 
    3. use of a physically available mosque.
    4. automatic obvious imagination.
  20. Which of the following things is the same in both Jum'a and Idd prayers?
    1. The time of performing.
    2. When to say khutba.
    3. The number of rakaats prayed.
    4. Classification as sunna or fardh.
  21. Nadhir ibaadaats are
    1. the self promise to Allah. 
    2. performed by few Muslims.
    3. performed as punishment.
    4. those performed at night.
  22. Which one of the following was not an advice given to prophet Mohammad by Jibril (AS)? 
    1. To stay knowing that one day He will die.
    2. To love whom He loves but know that one day they'll separate.
    3. He will be judged in all His deeds.
    4. Not to walk on earth with pride.
  23. The prophet assured Muslims that whoever shahada will be his or her last words before death will
    1. enter paradise.
    2. be resurrected.
    3. be heavier than the earth and all in it.
    4. be rewarded beyond imagination.
  24. The level of buried treasures and precious minerals the one should have in order to qualify to give out zakat is called
    1. tarka.
    2. nisab.
    3. quut.
    4. qulatein.
  25. The two swalats which have two adhaans in Islam are
    1. Idd-ul-fitr and Idd-ul-hajj.
    2. kusuf and khusuf.
    3. taraweh and tahajjud.
    4. fajr and Jum'a.
  26. Who was the secretary at the Hudaibiyaa treaty agreements and writings?
    1. Zaid bin Thaabit.
    2. Abubakr Swiddiiq.
    3. Abu Sufian. 
    4. Ali bi Abin Talib.
  27. Edat is observed
    1. in the event of a husband's death and twalaq.
    2. when a lady becomes seriously sick. 
    3. if the couple never had Nikah ceremony.
    4. by all virgin ladies before marriage. 
  28. Which of the following attributes of Allah is wrongly matched with its meaning?
    1. Al-maswawwir - the dominant.
    2. Al-Baar - the originator. 
    3. Al-Khaaliq - the creator.
    4. Al-Razzaaq - the provider.
  29. What do Muslims celebrate on the first day on shawwaal?
    1. Eid-ul-fitr.
    2. Milad-un-nabii.
    3. Aqiqa.
    4. Khitma.
  30. Muslims are allowed to reduce the number of rakaats in salaat
    1. dhuhr.
    2. musaafir.
    3. janaaza.
    4. maktuba.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. A
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. A
  46. A
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. B
  51. B
  52. A
  53. C
  54. D
  55. B
  56. A
  57. B
  58. B
  59. C
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. A
  18. D
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. A
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B


  1. Which one of the following is not an important factor to consider when buying medicinal drugs? The
    1. appropriate dose.
    2. date the drug was manufactured. 
    3. doctor's prescription and instruction.
    4. date of expiry.
  2. In which of the following parts of the human digestive system is a juice produced that commences the process of digestion?
    1. Mouth.
    2. Stomach.
    3. Small intestines.
    4. Large intestines.
  3. The diagram below shows a human heart.
    Which of the labelled chambers pumps blood to the lungs for oxygenation?
    1. E
    2. F
    3. G
    4. H
  4. The type of soil that has a high ability to retain water is good for
    1. building and construction.
    2. growing crops.
    3. making ribbons.
    4. mixing with cement.
  5. Which one of the following statements about HIV/AIDS is correct?
    1. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through mosquito bites.
    2. A person develops AIDS as soon as they contract the virus.
    3. During window stage, a blood test shows no presence of HIV.
    4. HIV/AIDS affects immoral people.
  6. A weed has the following characteristics:
    1. Yellow fruits when ripe.
    2. Presence of thorn on stems, branches and leaves.
      The weed with these characteristies is
      1. wandering jew.
      2. black jack.
      3. oxalis.
      4. sodom apple.
  7. Which one of the following mixtures can be separated by picking?
    1. Maize flour and iron filings.
    2. Salt and soil.
    3. Sugar and salt.
    4. Rice and sand grains.
  8. Which set of crops below has a tap root system?
    1. Beans and kales.
    2. Millet and napier grass.
    3. Cassava and groundnuts.
    4. Peas and wheat.
  9. Which one of the following methods is suitable for controlling all types of animal parasites?
    1. Deworming.
    2. Rotational grazing.
    3. Dipping.
    4. Spraying.
  10. Which one of the following is a field pest?
    1. Weevil.
    2. Stalk borer.
    3. Rodent.
    4. Termite.
  11. Which one of the following is a recreational use of water?
    1. Irrigating vegetables.
    2. Cooling engines.
    3. Watering animals.
    4. Skating on ice sheets.
  12. Which one of the following is a conserved feed?
    1. Cotton seed cake.
    2. Hay.
    3. Sweet potato vines.
    4. Napier grass.
  13. Which one of the following animal feeds is cut, chopped into small pieces, compressed and stored under an airtight condition as a way of preservation?
    1. Hay.
    2. Concentrates.
    3. Pasture.
    4. Silage.
  14. Which one of the following is not a suitable way of conserving water? 
    1. Recycling sewage water.
    2. Reusing polluted water.
    3. Using just enough water.
    4. Harvesting rain water.
  15. The diagram below shows an experiment to investigate a certain component of soil.
    The component being investigated is
    1. air
    2. humus.
    3. living organisms. 
    4. water
  16. During interdependence in living things, animals do not depend on plants for
    1. habitat.
    2. pollination.
    3. food.
    4. medicine.
  17. Which of the following teeth is never shed?
  18.  Which one of the following types of soil erosion takes place without being noticed?
    1. Sheet erosion.
    2. Rill erosion.
    3. Splash erosion.
    4. Gulley erosion.
  19. In which of the following methods of separating mixtures is only one substance recovered?
    1. Sieving.
    2. Decanting.
    3. Filtering.
    4. Evaporation.
  20. The soil that cracks when dry also
    1. feels slippery when wet. 
    2. has the lowest capillarity.
    3. has the best drainage.
    4. has the largest air spaces.
  21. Which one of the following tools can be maintained by applying oil and grease when in use?
    1. File.
    2. Ladder.
    3. Wheelbarrow.
    4. Hammer.
  22. Which one of the following is not important when investigating the rate of solubility of substances? The
    1. the amount of solute.
    2. amount of solvent.
    3. temperature of solvent.
    4. the size of the containers.
  23. The diagram below shows an experiment done to investigate a certain property of light.
    The aspect being investigated is 
    1. refraction.
    2. light travels in a straight line.
    3. reflection.
    4. dispersion.
  24. Which one of the following weather instruments is used to show two aspects of weather?
    1. Windvane.
    2. Windsock.
    3. Air thermometer.
    4. Liquid thermometer.
  25. In which one of the following circuit arrangements will the bulb not light?
  26. People living with HIV/AIDS require the following except
    1. small quantities of food at regular intervals.
    2. plenty of exercises.
    3. sufficient sleep.
    4. large quantities of a balanced diet at once.
  27. A weighing scale works in the same way as a
    1. spring balance. 
    2. beam balance.
    3. see-saw.
    4. wheelbarrow.
  28. Which one of the following groups of foods is suitable for a child suffering from kwashiorkor?
    1. Ugali, milk and spinach.
    2. Mangoes, cabbages and oranges.
    3. Beans, fish and chicken.
    4. Chapati, porridge and bread.
  29. Which one of the following is the brightest planet?
    1. Mars.
    2. Venus.
    3. Mercury.
    4. Jupiter.
  30. Which one of the following is a use of water in the farm?
    1. Fishing.
    2. Mixing chemicals.
    3. Irrigation.
    4. Watering animals.
  31. Which one of the following groups of materials are all magnetic?
    1. Aluminium, zinc.
    2. Silver, copper.
    3. Nickel, cobalt.
    4. Brass, carbon.
  32. Which one of the following sexually transmitted diseases is caused by virus?
    1. Gonorrhoea.
    2. Syphilis.
    3. Chancroid.
    4. Genital herpes.
  33. Which one of the following substances when mixed will form a uniform layer?
    1. Oil and spirit.
    2. Milk and spirit.
    3. Water and diesel.
    4. Paraffin and water.
  34. The diagram below shows a process during reproduction in human beings.
    The process above takes place in the
    1. ovary.
    2. uterus.
    3. oviduct.
    4. vagina.
  35. Which one of the following parasites is found in the small intestines of sheep and goats?
    1. Roundworms.
    2. Flukes.
    3. Hookworms.
    4. Lungworms.
  36. Which part of a flower exposes it to the agents of pollination?
    1. Petals.
    2. Sepals.
    3. Filaments.
    4. Stalk.
  37. Which pair of crops below will provide similar nutrients when taken?
    1. Cereals and oil crops.
    2. Legumes and fibre crops.
    3. Fruits and tubers.
    4. Beverages and legumes.
  38. Below is a food chain in a certain habitat:
    Maize → hens → mongoose → wild dog
    Which one of the following feeding organisms will belong to the same group as a rat?
    1. Maize.
    2. Hens.
    3. Mongoose.
    4. Wild dog.
  39. Which one of the following processes takes place immediately after ovulating?
    1. Implantation.
    2. Reproduction.
    3. Fusion.
    4. Menstruation.
  40. Which one of the following shows the correct order of the flow of urine in the human body?
    1. Bladder → urethra → ureter
    2. Urethra → ureter → urethra
    3. Ureter → urethra → bladder
    4. Ureter → bladder → urethra
  41. The diagram below shows a simple home made filter.
    The part labelled J represents
    1. pebbles.
    2. coarse sand.
    3. charcoal.
    4. fine sand.
  42. When conducting an experiment on soil drainage, which one of the following need not be the same?
    1. Amount of water.
    2. Amount of soil.
    3. Type of soil.
    4. Size of funnels.
  43. The following are the functions of the placenta except
    1. providing food for the growing embryo. 
    2. allowing exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide.
    3. facilitating transfer of digested food.
    4. facilitating transfer of waste products.
  44. The diagram below shows the female reproductive system.
    Which of the labelled parts produces sex cells?
    1. P
    2. Q
    3. R
    4. S
  45. Which one of the following excretory products is removed by all the excretory organs?
    1. Carbondioxide.
    2. Salts.
    3. Urea.
    4. Excess water.
  46. When making a liquid thermometer, a narrow tube is used in order to
    1. read easily.
    2. make the liquid expand faster.
    3. make smaller changes in temperature.
    4. reduce evaporation.
  47. The chart below shows a simple classification of plants.
    Which one of the following correctly shows examples of the plants labelled in the chart?
       W   X   Y  
     A.   Maize   fern   cactus 
     B.  Beans   algae   toadstool 
     C.  Cactus   acacia   mushroom 
     D.  Banana   cactus  puffball
  48. The purpose of adding wood ash when preparing compost manure is to
    1. speed up the rate of decay.
    2. introduce decomposers.
    3. ensure uniform decay.
    4. supply additional nutrients.
  49. Heat from the sun reaches the earth's surface through
    1. conduction.
    2. convection.
    3. radiation.
    4. heating.
  50. Which one of the following substances can evaporate or freeze depending on temperature change?
    1. Steam.
    2. Ice.
    3. Water.
    4. Oxygen.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. D
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. C
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. C
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. C
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B


Andika insha ya kusisimua ukimalizia kwa maneno yafuatayo:

.....................................................................................................Baada ya kisa hicho cha kuatua moyo, wanakijiji waligundua umuhimu wa kushirikiana.


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Wanasiasa wa humu nchini sasa wametulia utadhani ___1___. Kila mwanajamii anasubiri kwa hamu na hamumu ___2___ kwa miradi mbalimbali waliyokuwa ___3___na ___4___ wao mwaka jana. Ni kweli kuwa kunao wale ambao wataziheshimu na ___5___ ahadi zao. ___6____, kunao wale ambao hata kuonekana kwao katika maeneo wanayoyawakilisha kutakuwa sawa na kuliona ___7___ hadi miaka mingine ___8___ ipite.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   upepo wa tufani   maji ya mtungi   moto wa kifuu   maji ya bahari 
 2.  kuteketezwa  kutekelezwa   kutelekezwa   kutekelezewa 
 3.  wameahidiwa  wametendewa   wameahirishiwa   wameamuliwa 
 4.  washikadau  wapiga kura   wananchi   wawakilishi
 5.  kuzidunisha  kuziacha  kuzidhalilisha  kuzidumisha 
 6.  Kwa hivyo  Hivyo basi  Hata hivyo     Sasa basi
 7.  tone la maji    kaburi la baniani   vumbi la jangwani    ghubari la vumbi 
 8.  mitano  miwili  saba  tisa

Mchuano wa kombe la dunia mwaka uliopita ___9___ mataifa mengi ya humu barani na ya ___10___ Timu nyingi zilionyesha umahiri huku makocha wao wakizitolea maagizo. Hakuna kocha aliyetaka timu yake ___11___kwani___12___. Kipute hicho kilichoandaliwa nchini Qatar kilidhihirisha kuwa mchezo wa ___13___ huwa na mashabiki wengi zaidi. Hivi ni kutokana na ___14___ mkuu uliokuwa uwanjani. Mwisho wa kinyang'anyiro hicho, wanasoka wa Ajentina ___15___ washindi.

   A   B   C   D 
 9.   uliyavuta   uliyavutia   liliyavutia  liliyavuta 
 10.   ughaibuni   mbali   Kenya   Afrika 
 11.  ishinde   icheze   ishindwe   iongoze 
 12.  mcheza kwao hutuzwa   kazi mbi si mchezo mwema   angurumapo simba hucheza nani?  mwamba ngoma huvutia kwake 
 13.  kadanda  shoka  ngozi  kabumbu 
 14.  mlolongo  watu  timu  umayamaya
 15.  waliibuka  waliepuka  walilipuka  walikurupuka

Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30. jibu kulingana na maagizo

  1. Mwanafunzi mkaidi alionywa ingawa hakusikia. Maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari ni 
    1. kiwakilishi, kiunganishi.
    2. kiunganishi, kiwakilishi.
    3. kivumishi, kiunganishi. 
    4. nomino, kiwakilishi.
  2. Chagua sentensi iliyo katika wakati uliopo.
    1. Mzazi alimnunulia mwanawe sare mpya.
    2. Bwana Ngao amelilima shamba lote.
    3. Wanafunzi hawaimbi darasani.
    4. Hatutasafiri hadi wiki ijayo.
  3. Bata amemdonoa duduvule katika hali ya wingi ni
    1. mabata wamewadonoa duduvule. 
    2. bata wamewadonoa duduvule. 
    3. mabata wamewadonoa maduduvule.
    4. bata wamewadonoa maduduvule.
  4. Mgomba huzaa ndizi, nao mbuni huzaa
    1. mikahawa.
    2. buni.
    3. mbuni
    4. karakara.
  5. Sehemu ya mwili inayosafirisha damu ni
    1. moyo.
    2. figo
    3. mifupa.
    4. mishipa.
  6. Chagua orodha ya vimilikishi pekee. 
    1. wa, cha, vya, la.
    2. huyu, hao, kile, huo. 
    3. yangu, kwangu, lake, lao.
    4. piga, cheza, lima, simama.
  7. Kamilisha tashbihi:
    Wanafunzi hawa ni wasiri kama
    1. kaburi.
    2. giza
    3. kondoo.
    4. mchana.
  8. Sungura ni kwa kitungule. Bata ni kwa
    1. kisuse.
    2. kisui.
    3. kiyoyo.
    4. kifaranga.
  9. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo:
    Ungekuwa mgonjwa ungetibiwa.
    1. Hungekuwa mgonjwa hungetibiwa.
    2. Hangekuwa mgonjwa hangetibiwa.
    3. Usingekuwa mgonjwa usingetibiwa.
    4. Usingalikuwa mgonjwa usingalitibiwa.
  10. Watoto 12 222 kwa maneno ni watoto 
    1. kumi na wawili elfu, mia mbili ishirini na wawili.
    2. kumi na mbili elfu, mia mbili ishirini na mbili.
    3. kumi na wawili elfu, mia mbili ishirini na mbili.
    4. kumi na mbili elfu, mia mbili ishirini na wawili.
  11. Ni ipi hapa ni zana ya vita?
    1. Kayamba.
    2. Firimbi
    3. Nyambizi.
    4. Mkuki.
  12. Akina Pendo hupenda kujifunika 
    1. tiki.
    2. gubigubi.
    3. chekwachekwa
    4. mkikimkiki
  13. Tumia kiulizi pi kwa usahihi.
    Manukato ya mama ni
    1. ipi?
    2. yapi?
    3. zipi?
    4. upi?
  14. Tumia-ingine na -enyewe kwa usahihi.
    Ubao ________________ ulianguka sakafuni ________________.
    1. mwingine, wenyewe
    2. mwingine, yenyewe
    3. wengine, penyewe
    4. nyingine, wenyewe
  15. Je, ni neno gani lililo na silabi changamano?
    1. Mbwa
    2. Mbu
    3. Mtu
    4. Mbweha

Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswali 31 hadi 40.   

Ilikuwa Jumamosi yenye baridi shadidi na umande uliotanda. Mashaka aliamua kuingia afisini. Aliingia bila woga wala wasiwasi, utoke wapi? Kilichomkaa akilini ni wingi wa maswali. Jambo usilolijua ni kama usiku wa giza. Moja alikuwa na hakika nalo: hakuna tamaa ya heri.

Alipoingia, alisimama mkabala na mwenye afisi, "Shikamoo bwana," akamwamkia. Aliyemwamkia hakutikisika wala kugeuka ila aliinamia jalada fulani akawa anatafakari au anasoma kitu fulani. Lo! Ishara mbaya kwa Mashaka ambaye alijikuta katikati ya chumba pasi na mwenzi wala mwenyeji. Akawa mgeni katika chumba ambacho zamani alizoea kukiingia. Alimtumbulia macho baba yake na kushangazwa na tabia yake ya kujitia hamnazo.

Hali katika afisi ilimkumbusha Mashaka siku zile alipokuwa shuleni. Kulikuwa na mwalimu mmoja mkorofi ambaye kila alipopelekewa hesabu kusahihisha, akiwa na kazi yake ya kusoma au kuandika mezani, ungesimama kwa muda mrefu kabla hajalipokea daftari lako kulisahihisha. Kisha alipolichukua kulisahihisha, ikatokea kuwa umekosea hata hesabu moja tu, basi huenda asingaligusa kabisa daftari lako. Hayo ya mwalimu yalikuwa afadhali. Bwana Juba hakumtambua hata mwanawe wa kumzaa.

Bwana Juba aliinama kwa muda jicho lake kali nyuma ya miwani-miwani iliyosimama juu ya uti wa pua-iliyoenda sawia na karatasi alizozifunua kwenye jalada. Naam, ukweli ni kuwa, Mashaka alizubaa zubezube na kuduwaa waa, asijue la kufanya. Alisimama mbele ya Bwana Juba kama mlingoti, hatikisiki, huku mikono yake kaifumbata na huku akimkagua Bwana Juba ambaye alikuwa kamvalia mwenziwe miwani ya mbao kama vile hakuwa mle afisini..

Mashaka alichukua nafasi hiyo kuukagua utukufu wa bwana yule, nao si haba! Isitoshe, jinsi afisi yenyewe ilivyopambwa, makochi ya kisasa yenye matakia manene ya kahawia, katikati meza ndogo iliyochutama na kubeba bakuli kubwa la maua, vitabu, majarida na magazeti machache yaliyopangwa hapo kwa madoido. Na matendegu je? Yalisimama tisti kwenye zulia jekundu lenye mapaku ya maua ya kutupiatupia ya manjano ambalo lilifunika sakafu nzima.

  1. Mashaka aliingia afisini akiwa
    1. ameaibika.
    2. na woga.
    3. jasiri.
    4. dhaifu.
  2. Kulingana na ufahamu, mwenye afisi alikuwa nani?
    1. Mashaka.
    2. Ndugu wa Mashaka.
    3. Baba wa Mashaka.
    4. Rafiki wa Mashaka.
  3. Jambo usilolijua ni kama usiku wa giza  ni
    1. nahau.
    2. methali.
    3. istiara.
    4. tashbihi.
  4. Ni jambo gani halikuwa la kawaida? Mashaka
    1. kupuuzwa na mwenye afisi.
    2. kutambuliwa na mwenye afisi.
    3. kuanza kuizoea afisi.
    4. kumpata asiyemjua afisini.
  5. Kulingana na Mashaka, mwalimu wao wa Hesabu alikuwa
    1. mvumilivu.
    2. mkorofi.
    3. nadhifu.
    4. makini.
  6. Mashaka alipojaribu kumwamkia mwenye afisi,
    1. Bwana Juba alikuwa akilala.
    2. kulikuwa na wageni afisini.
    3. Bwana Juba alikuwa ameinamia jalada fulani.
    4. kulikuwa na kazi nyingi zilizokuwa zikifanywa.
  7. Mashaka aliduwaa kwa sababu
    1. Bwana Juba alikuwa amehuzunika.
    2. hakuna aliyekuwa akiongea naye. 
    3. uchafu ulikuwa umetapakaa afisini. 
    4. alikuwa amepoteza matumaini.
  8. Yaelekea Mashaka alienda afisini kufanya nini?
    1. Kuonana na wafanyakazi wake.
    2. Kuongea na Bwana Juba.
    3. Kumaliza kazi yake.
    4. Kumjulia hali baba yake.
  9. Neno zulia kama lilivyotumika linaleta dhana ya
    1. kitambaa cha kupambia dirisha.
    2. aina ya kiti.
    3. kataza mtu kufanya jambo.
    4. tandiko la sakafuni.
  10. Afisi inayozungumziwa ilikuwa na
    1. viti vikuukuu.
    2. viti visivyo na thamani.
    3. pesa nyingi.
    4. viti vyenye thamani.

Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50.   

Utalii ni kati ya sekta muhimu sana zinazochangia ukuaji wa uchumi katika taifa la Kenya. Tunajivunia utalii, hali ya kusafiri kutoka kwako au kwenu ili kwenda kwingine kujifurahisha nafsi au hata kujifunza mambo mageni. Kuna aina mbili za utalii; utalii wa kitaifa na ule wa kimataifa. Wapo watalii wanaozuru nchi zao kujiburudisha na kujielimisha na wengine wanaovuka mipaka ya nchi zao.

Humu nchini, Mola ametutunukia mengi, mengi zaidi ya nchi nyingi duniani, hata ingawa kila nchi inacho angalau cha kujivunia. Kivutio kikuu humu nchini ni tamaduni zetu na wanyamapori. Wanyama hawa ni fahari ya nchi yetu. Wamechangia pakubwa katika ujenzi wa taifa kutokana na pesa za kigeni. Baadhi ya vivutio vingine ni maliasili mengi tuliyonayo.

Wanyama tunaojivunia nchini ni pamoja na twiga, simba, ndovu, kifaru, viboko na kadhalika. Wanyama hawa hususan huwa wanatengewa sehemu maalumu. Sehemu hizi aghalabu humilikiwa na serikali. Ili kuingia na kuwaona wanyama hawa, mtu hulazimika kulipa kiwango fulani cha pesa. Hakuna cha bwerere eti!

Licha ya kuwa wanyama hawa huletea nchi yetu sifa na faida chungu nzima, wao husababisha madhara pia. Mara kwa mara, simba wamekuwa wakitoroka mbugani. Madhara huwa wazi na huwa hayakadiriki. Simba na raia hupoteza maisha yao huku mifugo wakiwa hatarini kwani hufanywa kitoweo. Ndovu na viboko hawajaachwa nyuma. Wao huyavamia mashamba na kusababisha uharibifu mkubwa. Hali hii huleta njaa. Licha ya hali hii, tunalo jukumu la kuwalinda wanyama hawa. Tusiwe majangili tunaotafuta pembe za ndovu, na iwapo utakutana na mmoja, basi usikose kumripoti. Unahimizwa kupiga ripoti katika kituo cha polisi kilicho karibu au kupiga simu kwenda nambari 999. Moto unaowashwa misituni pia ukomeshwe. Vilevile, ukulima unaoendelezwa mbugani pia ukomeshwe. Sote tuungane pamoja tuwalinde wanyama wetu.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza,
    1. utalii ndiyo sekta ya pekee inayokuza uchumi.
    2. utalii haukuzi sana uchumi.
    3. wakenya wengi aghalabu hawajivunii utalii.
    4. utalii ni mojawapo ya sekta zinazokuza uchumi.
  2. Kulingana na kifungu,
    1. watalii ni wazungu wanaokuja nchini. 
    2. watalii hutoka nje na ndani ya nchi. 
    3. watalii daima huleta tabia mbaya nchini.
    4. hatuna mengi nchini ya kutalii.
  3. Taarifa yasema kuwa kivutio kikuu cha watalii ni
    1. maliasili na tamaduni.
    2. wanyamapori na tamaduni.
    3. wanyamapori na maliasili.
    4. tamaduni pekee.
  4. Mwandishi anaposema kuwa wanyama watengewe sehemu maalumu, bila shaka anarejelea
    1. mbuga.
    2. nyika.
    3. misitu.
    4. pori.
  5. Neno chungu kama lilivyotumika katika ufahamu lina maana ya
    1. chombo cha kupikia.
    2. inayouma.
    3. isiyo tamu.
    4. nyingi.
  6. Ni methali gani inayofaa kutoa mukhtasari wa mwanzo wa aya ya nne?
    1. Hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu. 
    2. Zimwi likujualo halikuli likakuisha. 
    3. Uzuri wa mkakasi ndani kipande cha mti.
    4. Mtaka unda haneni.
  7. Hasara zinazosababishwa na wanyama si pamoja na
    1. kuvamia mashamba.
    2. kuangamiza mifugo.
    3. kusababisha vifo.
    4. kubuni nafasi za ajira.
  8. ...pembe za ndovu ni sawa na
    1. vipusa. 
    2. tembo. 
    3. mikonga.
    4. mabori.
  9. Mwandishi asema kuwa
    1. wanyama wanaovamia mashamba wanaweza kuuawa.
    2. ili kuwaona wanyama, mtalii hulipa kiingilio.
    3. nchi nyingine hazina kivutio chochote cha watalii.
    4. mifugo huwala wanyama wanaowavamia.
  10. Mwisho kabisa, msemaji anamalizia kwa
    1. lawama.
    2. kero
    3. ombi.
    4. shime.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. A
  30. D
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. D
  40. D
  41. D
  42. B
  43. B
  44. A
  45. D
  46. A
  47. D
  48. D
  49. B
  50. D


The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words making it as interesting as possible.

I knew I could do anything I put my mind to. last holidays I decided to ................................


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best answer from the choice.

It was as ___1___ as usual at the bank. ___2___had John finished his transaction than he heard a commotion coming from the other side of the room. Suddenly, a man dressed___3___ all black with a mask on, ___4___ into the bank brandishing a gun. He ___5___ everyone to get down on the floor and ___6___their valuables.

The bank customers were in a state of ___7___, some were crying and others were trying to hide___8___ the desks. John's heart was pounding as he9 on the floor.

The robber then jumped___10___ the counter, and commanded the cashiers to surrender ___11___ the money they had. ___12___ disobeyed. The robber put all the cash into a bag he had brought with him. As the robber was about to___13___ his escape, a security guard who was on duty entered the bank. The robber tried to point his gun at the guard but it was___14___late. He managed to disarm him and hold him ___15___ the police arrived.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   busy   much busier   busier   busiest
 2.  No sooner   Immediately  Hardly   Not only 
 3.  of  on  in  with
 4.  burst  bust  bursted   busted 
 5.  exclaimed  said  asked  ordered
 6.  hand over  hand off  hand out   hand away 
 7.  worry  panic  anger  unbelief
 8.  in  over  on  under
 9.  lay  lied  laid  lie
10.   under  above  over  into
11.   all  some  a little  more
12.  Anybody  Nobody  Somebody   Everybody
13.  make  take  do  run
14.  really  so  very  too
15.  as  when  until  while


In questions 16 to 18, choose the word that means the same as the underlined words.

  1. The new teacher doesn't put up with poor performance.
    1. understand
    2. tolerate
    3. condemn
    4. encourage
  2. The villagers managed to extinguish the fire.
    1. put down
    2. put off
    3. put away
    4. put out
  3. The twins obviously take after their mother.
    1. admire
    2. follow
    3. resemble
    4. imitate

In questions 19 and 20, choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.    

  1. It was _________________ hot to stand in the sun.
    1. so
    2. rather
    3. too
    4. very
  2. He prefers chicken stew
    1. to beef stew.
    2. than beef stew.
    3. for beef stew.
    4. but beef stew.

In questions 21 and 22, select the correct arrangement to make sensible paragraphs.

    1. Moreover, a strict routine and discipline to practice is mandatory. 
    2. One must be willing to be pushed beyond their limits.
    3. To succeed in sports is a dream for many but a reality for few. 
    4. In the end, the mind and the body get into the right shape for success.
      1. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) 
      2. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
      3. (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
      4. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
    1. Maria and I have been great friends.
    2. We met last week for the first time in four years and it was like we never separated.
    3. It wasn't difficult to connect due to our shared interest in music.
    4. As fate would have it, we separated in the fourth Grade.
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
      3. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
      4. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)

In questions 23 to 25. select the best alternative to fill the blank spaces.

  1. We bought _____________________ dolls
    1. two other new small plastic 
    2. two other small new plastic
    3. two small new plastic other
    4. other two new small plastic
  2. The _________________ pit was dug for rubbish disposal.
    1. feet-ten
    2. ten-feet
    3. ten-foot
    4. foot-ten
  3. Mbugua was exempted _________________________ doing the work because he was ill.
    1. off
    2. from
    3. at
    4. with

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.

Whatever it was that prompted me to go to Singapore is very trivial. In fact it was an afterthought that I didn't really plan for. The most important thing was that I learnt the meaning of loneliness and the fear of getting into the unknown. I should say that it did me a world of good.

On the twenty-fifth of February this year, I was crossing into another foreign country to "seek my fortune". With the passport in my hand, I glanced over the number of stamps on the page. Suddenly, a feeling of fear overcame me. How in the world am I going to find my way in Singapore? I knew I could not retreat because I had taken up the job of a home-teacher! And all my life, my interest had never been in teaching!

So with a brave heart, I ventured into the Lion City. I was first assigned a home in Tiong, a place I had never heard of before. I consoled myself that it was difficult to get lost here, especially with the efficient bus service. When I finally reached my destination, my expectations were ruined when I was confronted with the buildings that looked the same. The flats stood up like great giants looking down at me, perhaps laughing their heads off at my helplessness. As it was already seven o'clock in the evening, I walked aimlessly in the area. People, young and old, males and females came and went, but they seemed to be more in a hurry than I was. Where they were going, I had not the faintest idea. The careless attitude in them made me sick. There I stood, and I would stand there forever if I did not venture to take the initiative myself. I picked up my courage and walked slowly to the next block.

Rather unwillingly, I asked a passing boy about the whereabouts of the assigned home. He pointed to a block nearby. Feeling relieved, I walked towards the block and realized that it was really the correct one. I hurriedly walked towards the nearest lift. Before long, I was on my way to the seventh floor. At long last, I reached my destination. For me then, happiness was having found the place! I looked at my watch. It showed just a few minutes after eight. Now I realized the one-hour of fruitless search in the dark had seemed like eternity!

Now not only do I know what loneliness really is. Now I know what fear is like. Fear and loneliness only exist when you are in the unknown. When the unknown is opened to you, automatically, fear and loneliness vanish.

  1. According to the first paragraph, the writer 
    1. had really wanted to go to Singapore.
    2. had a long desire to visit Singapore. 
    3. had elaborate plan for the visit to Singapore.
    4. did not put much thought into the visit to Singapore.
  2. What does the phrase seek my fortune mean?
    1. Looking for a job.
    2. Finding a means of livelihood. 
    3. Trying to survive alone.
    4. Gaining more experience.
  3. We can conclude that the writer felt fear because
    1. he did not know how to find his way in the new country.
    2. he did not have anything to do in Singapore.
    3. he was already feeling the loneliness. 
    4. it was the first time to travel outside his country.
  4. The writer could not get back because he had
    1. nowhere else to go.
    2. already crossed the border.
    3. already taken up a teaching job.
    4. started home-teaching already.
  5. From the passage, we can say that the writer 
    1. had been teaching in this country.
    2. had never been keen on teaching. 
    3. found teaching an interesting career.
    4. was looking forward to home-teaching.
  6. Tiong was
    1. a place in Lion City.
    2. a city next to Lion City.
    3. familiar to the writer.
    4. a school where the writer worked.
  7. The writer thought it was not easy to lose his way in Tiong because
    1. it was a small area.
    2. the area had a good bus service.
    3. the area had many buses.
    4. the writer had visited the area before.
  8. What confronted the writer the moment he got to Tiong? The
    1. houses looked very big.
    2. houses had similar colours.
    3. houses appeared the same. 
    4. area was very new to him.
  9. It is true to sat that the
    1. writer was in a hurry like everyone else.
    2. town people walked towards the same direction.
    3. town people did not care about the writer
    4. people in the town were just roaming the streets.
  10. The word aimlessly as used in the passage implies that the writer was walking
    1. leisurely to pass the time.
    2. to no particular destination. 
    3. slowly and lazily.
    4. hurriedly to his destination.
  11. What did the writer decide to do to find the assigned-home?
    1. He asked everyone at the nearby blocks. 
    2. He asked his way from a young boy.
    3. He looked around and saw it.
    4. One of his students pointed him the way.
  12. We can conclude that when the writer reached his destination, he felt
    1. surprised.
    2. amazed
    3. relaxed.
    4. relieved.
  13. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
    1. Facing the fear of the unknown.
    2. Travelling to Singapore.
    3. Lost in Tiong.
    4. Fear and loneliness.

Read the following passage and answer questions 39 to 50.   

Self-esteem is a crucial aspect of one's mental and emotional well-being. It is the belief and confidence one has in their own abilities and self-worth. A person with healthy self-esteem feels positive about themselves, their abilities and their future. They trust their own abilities and feel capable of handling the challenges that life throws their way. However, when self-esteem is low, it can lead to negative thoughts and feelings, such as self-doubt, self-criticism, and a lack of confidence. This can contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Low self-esteem can manifest in various ways, such as constantly seeking validation from others, avoiding new experiences and opportunities or feeling inadequate in social situations. This can have a detrimental impact on one's relationships, career and overall life satisfaction. Building and maintaining a healthy self-esteem is essential for living a fulfilling life.

There are several ways to improve self-esteem. One of the most important is to practice self- compassion. Treating oneself with kindness and understanding is essential for building self-esteem. When working or studying, set realistic goals and celebrate small successes. This builds one's confidence and boosts self-esteem.

Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people can provide a sense of validation and encouragement, which can help to build self-esteem. Engaging in activities and hobbies that bring joy and a sense of accomplishment can also be beneficial for self-esteem. Additionally, changing negative thought patterns and learning to challenge limiting beliefs can help to improve self-esteem. Finally, practising mindfulness and self-reflection can help one to understand themselves better, which can lead to a deeper sense of self-worth and confidence.

It is important to remember that self-esteem is not a fixed trait and can fluctuate over time. It is an ongoing process of self-awareness, self-care and self-improvement. Seeking help from a therapist or counsellor can be beneficial in addressing and improving self-esteem. With effort and determination, anyone can improve their self-esteem and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

  1. Self-esteem emphasizes on the belief and confidence in
    1. personal abilities and self-worth. 
    2. appearance end self-worth 
    3. intelligence and own abilities 
    4. one's happiness and self-worth.
  2. A person with a healthy self-esteem should be
    1. pessimistic.
    2. uncertain
    3. doubtful.
    4. optimistic.
  3. All the following statements are true about self-esteem. Which one is not?!t 
    1. helps one to deal with challenges 
    2. makes one be sure of one's abilities
    3. makes one proud of past success.
    4. makes one certain of one's future.
  4. How can one know that people have low self-esteem? They
    1. doubt and criticize themselves.
    2. feel positive about themselves.
    3. have some confidence.
    4. do away with negative feelings.
  5. Depression and anxiety are caused by 
    1. a healthy self-esteem.
    2. mental diseases.
    3. anger and stress.
    4. a low self-esteem.
  6. The word constantly means that same as
    1. continually.
    2. sometimes
    3. rarely.
    4. occasionally.
  7. A poor self-esteem can negatively impact all the following except one's
    1. fulfillment.
    2. concentration.
    3. occupation.
    4. relationships.
  8. Self-compassion is treating oneself with
    1. understanding and criticism. 
    2. kindness and care.
    3. satisfaction and understanding.
    4. understanding and kindness.
  9. ...realistic goals are goals that 
    1. are easy to achieve.
    2. one is able to achieve. 
    3. are difficult to achieve.
    4. everybody has set.
  10. Friends can boost one's self-esteem by
    1. validating and encouraging us.
    2. setting realistic goals for us.
    3. celebrating small successes with us. 
    4. having confidence in their abilities.
  11. Practising mindfulness and self-reflection helps one to
    1. change negative thoughts. 
    2. remove limiting beliefs.
    3. understand oneself better.
    4. have a sense of fulfillment.
  12. It is the writer's opinion that
    1. everybody has a high self-esteem. 
    2. it is very difficult to develop self-esteem.
    3. one's self-esteem remains constant. 
    4. anybody can develop high self-esteem.


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. C
  34. C
  35. B
  36. B
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. D
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. C
  46. D
  47. B
  48. A
  49. C
  50. D


  1. What is 6 409 586 written in words?
    1. Six million, four hundred and ninety thousand, five hundred and eighty six. 
    2. Six million, forty nine thousand, five hundred and eighty six.
    3. Six million, four hundred and nine thousand, five hundred and eighty six. 
    4. Sixty four million, nine thousand, five hundred and eighty six.
  2. Round off 18 568 379 to the nearest millions.
    1. 18 600 000
    2. 19 000 000
    3. 18 570 000
    4. 20 000 000
  3. What is the place value of digit 1 in the product of 38 and 27?
    1. Tens of thousands.
    2. Thousands.
    3. Hundreds.
    4. Tens.
  4. What is the value of:
    16 (42 − 39) + 36 ÷ 3?
              4 x 3
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 8
    4. 5
  5. Which one of the following statements is true about numbers that are divisible by 11?
    1. If the last three digits are divisible by eleven.
    2. If the sum of the digits is a multiple of eleven.
    3. If the difference of the sum of the alternate digits is a multiple of eleven. 
    4. If the last two digits are divisible by eleven.
  6. What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 9 785 246?
    1. Eighty thousands 
    2. Eight million
    3. Eight thousands
    4. Eight hundred
  7. Which of the following numbers is divisible by both 9 and 6?
    1. 45 649
    2. 41 059
    3. 42 369
    4. 47 304
  8. Three bells ring at intervals of 15 minutes, 24 minutes and 30 minutes. After how long will the bells ring together again?
    1. 180 minutes
    2. 120 minutes
    3. 60 minutes
    4. 90 minutes
  9. Martin sold eggs at a certain shop from 10" January to 10 March, 2020. For how many days altogether did he sell the eggs?
    1. 62 days
    2. 59 days
    3. 60 days
    4. 61 days
  10. Flour is packed in 2.5kg packets. If the weight of the flour in the packet is increased by 20%, what would be the new weight of the packet?
    1. 3 kg
    2. 1.5 kg
    3. 3.125 kg
    4. 4.5 kg
  11. What is 5/8(24m+32n) + 3/7(21m − 14n) expressed in its simplest form?
    1. 24m + 26n
    2. 24m − 26n
    3. 24m + 14n
    4. 24 − 14n
  12. What is the next number in the number pattern below?
    169, 150, 133, 120, 109,_________
    1. 100
    2. 102
    3. 98
    4. 105
  13. The area of a square seed bed is 361 square metres. What is the length of one side of the seed bed?
    1. 21m
    2. 11m
    3. 91m
    4. 19m
  14. Musa bought the following items from a kiosk:
    18 tomatoes at 3 tomatoes per sh. 20
    1½kg of onions @ sh.40.00
    5 avocadoes @ sh. 20.00
    3 piles of carrots for sh. 100
    He paid for the items using a sh. 500 note. |2 What balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 120.00
    2. Sh. 240.00
    3. Sh. 380.00
    4. Sh. 160.00
  15. Otieno packed 120kg of sugar into ¾ kg packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 90
    2. 150
    3. 160
    4. 240
  16. In the figure below, lines AB, BC, CD and AD are equal. AB is parallel to DC and AD is parallel to BC.
    Which one of the following is not a property of the quadrilateral above?
    1. Diagonals bisect the interior angles equally.
    2. The sum of interior angles adds up to 180°
    3. Diagonals are varied and bisect each other at 90°
    4. Opposite angles are equal.
  17. What is the square root of 333/64?
    1. 13/8
    2. 33/8
    3. 27/8
    4. 17/8
  18. The area of the trapezium ABCD shown below is 164cm2
    What is the length of line DC?
    1. 26cm
    2. 24cm
    3. 16cm
    4. 18cm
  19. Wanjiku bought x oranges and Wanjiru bought 2x + 3 oranges. Muthoni bought twice as many oranges as both Wanjiku and Wanjiru. Which one of the following expressions shows the total number of oranges they bought? 
    1. 9x + 6
    2. 9x − 6
    3. 9x + 9
    4. 9x − 9
  20. The perimeter of a square garden is 48 metres. What is the area of the garden in square metres?
    1. 2 304m2
    2. 144m2
    3. 234m2
    4. 288m2
  21. A bus left Busia for Nairobi at 2035 hours on Wednesday. The journey took 11 hours 45 minutes. At what time and day did it reach Nairobi?
    1. 2020 hrs, Wednesday 
    2. 2020 hrs, Thursday
    3. 0820hrs, Wednesday 
    4. 0820hrs, Thursday
  22. What is the value off in the equation below?
    2(2t − 5) = 3(3t −15)
    1. 7
    2. 3
    3. 9
    4. 5
  23. What is the value of angle a in the figure below?
    1. 140°
    2. 100°
    3. 150°
    4. 110°
  24. Karisa had the following amounts of money in his saving box.
     Value of the note    50   100   200   500 
     No. of notes  32   18   16   4
    How much money did he have altogether in the saving box?
    1. Sh. 6 800
    2. Sh. 8,600
    3. Sh. 5 400
    4. Sh. 10 200
  25. Which one of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle when drawn?
    1. 5cm 12cm, 17cm
    2. 8cm, 40cm, 41cm 
    3. 7cm, 24cm, 25cm
    4. 7cm, 15cm, 17cm
  26. Chebet and Cheptoo shared the profit from the sale of a cow in the ratio 3:5. If the difference in the profit was sh. 18 000, how much profit did Cheptoo receive?
    1. Sh. 27 000 
    2. Sh. 72 000
    3. Sh. 45 000
    4. Sh. 9 000
  27. Construct triangle PNM in which line MN=7cm, angle MNP 50° and angle NPM=70°. Draw a circle that touches points P, N and M. Measure the diameter of the circle.
    1. 3.8cm
    2. 1.1cm
    3. 1.9cm
    4. 7.6cm
  28. What is the total value of digit 2 in the decimal number 4.3286?
    1. 2/10
    2. 2/100
    3. 2/1000
    4. 2/10000
  29. What is 18/25 as a percentage?
    1. 18%
    2. 60%
    3. 72%
    4. 85%
  30. In a certain month, a businessman made a profit of sh. 16 000. In the following month, his profit decreased to sh. 14 000. Calculate the percentage decrease in the profit.
    1. 12.5%
    2. 20%
    3. 88.5%
    4. 25%
  31. Juma's bicycle wheel has a radius of 28cm. How many revolutions will it make to cover a distance of 6.16km?
    1. 35
    2. 350
    3. 35 000
    4. 3 500
  32. The diagram below represents Rono's plot of land in the shape of a parallelogram.
    What is the area of the land in hectares?
    1. 2.88
    2. 1.92
    3. 0.96
    4. 1.44
  33. Lorna deposited sh. 240 000 at a financial institution that paid simple interest at the rate of 5% p.a. How much money had her money earned as interest at the end of three years?
    1. Sh. 276 000 
    2. Sh. 277 830
    3. Sh. 36 000
    4. Sh. 37 830
  34. A closed cylindrical tank has a radius of 3.5 metres and a height of 2.5 metres. What is the surface area of the tank in square metres?
    1. 93.5
    2. 132
    3. 55
    4. 96.25
  35. Mutai paid sh. 8 075 for a radio after getting a 5% discount on the marked price. What was the marked price of the radio?
    1. Sh. 8 500
    2. Sh. 7 650
    3. Sh. 425
    4. Sh. 8250
  36. A milk factory was supplied with 4 000 litres of milk by some farmers. The milk was then packed into 2 -decilitre packets. How many packets were obtained?
    1. 200 000
    2. 200
    3. 2000
    4. 20.000
  37. A rectangular fish pond measures 8 metres by 6.5 metres. All round is planted grass at an equal margin of 0.5 metres. Calculate the area under grass.
    1. 52m2
    2. 67.5m2
    3. 15.5m2
    4. 7.5m2
  38. An open rectangular tank measures 5.2 metres long, 3.5 metres wide and 1.8 metres high. Calculate the surface area of the tank.
    1. 32.76 m2
    2. 49.52m2
    3. 18.72 m2
    4. 67.72 m2
  39. What is the product of the edges and the vertices of an open rectangular prism?
    1. 48
    2. 60
    3. 72
    4. 96
  40. A road measuring 3cm on a map has an actual distance of 4.5km. What is the scale used in drawing the map?
    1. 1:150 000
    2. 1:1 500 000
    3. 1:15 000
    4. 1:1 500
  41. The stack of cubes below is incomplete.
    How many more cubes are required to make it complete?
    1. 96
    2. 180
    3. 84
    4. 69
  42. Michelle covered a distance of 540km in 3 hours. What was her average speed in m/s?
    1. 180m/s
    2. 25m/s
    3. 90 m/s
    4. 50m/s
  43. Eight men working at the same rate can complete digging in 12 hours. How many hours will it take six of the men to complete the same work?
    1. 9
    2. 16
    3. 18
    4. 10
  44. In one month, a car agent sold 5 cars at sh. 800 000 each. He earns a 5% commission on the sale of a car. How much did he earn that month?
    1. Sh. 40 000
    2. Sh. 4 000 000
    3. Sh. 200 000
    4. Sh. 400 000
  45. On a certain day, a shopkeeper sold 24kg of sugar, 15kg of maize flour, 9kg of wheat flour and 6kg of rice. If these items were to be represented in a pie chart, what angle would represent the mass of maize flour?
    1. 100°
    2. 40°
    3. 160°
    4. 60°
  46. Kioko bought a TV set on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit of sh. 2 500. The remaining amount was paid in 5 equal monthly instalments. He paid a total of sh. 10 200. How much was each monthly instalment? 
    1. Sh 1 450.00 
    2. Sh. 2 040.00
    3. Sh. 1 820.00
    4. Sh. 1 540.00 
  47. A cylindrical tank has a height of 2.8 metres and a diameter of 2.1 metres. How many litres can it hold when full?
    1. 97 020ℓ
    2. 9 702ℓ
    3. 970.2ℓ
    4. 97.02ℓ
  48. Kipruto is paid sh. 6 000 after working for 20 days. How much money would he be paid if he works for 14 days?
    1. Sh. 10 200
    2. Sh. 8 400
    3. Sh. 4 200
    4. Sh. 5-400
  49. The mean of five number is 10. Four of the numbers are 8, 12, 6 and 13. What is the fifth number.
    1. 11
    2. 9
    3. 15
    4. 12

The bar graph below shows pairs of shoes with their sizes that were sold in a certain week.


  1. How many pairs of shoes that were size 5 and above were sold in that week?
    1. 210
    2. 155
    3. 125
    4. 105


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. C
  45. A
  46. D
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B



Study the map of Koso area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7  

    1. The direction of the school from the well is
      1. South East
      2. South West
      3. North East
      4. North West
    2. The main factor that has influenced the location of the sawmill near Maru hill is
      1. availability of labour
      2. availability of water
      3. availability of raw materials
      4. nearness to the market
    3. The main economic activity in Koso area is
      1. bush fallowing farming
      2. cash crop farming
      3. subsistence farming 
      4. tourism
    4. Three of the following are functions of Koso town. Which one is not?
      1. A recreational centre
      2. A communication centre
      3. A business centre
      4. An administration centre
    5. The climate of Koso area is likely to be
      1. cool and dry
      2. hot and dry
      3. hot and dry
      4. hot and wet
    6. The administrative officer in Koso area is
      1. county commissioner
      2. chief
      3. assistant county commissioner 
      4. Governor
    7. Which of the following is responsible for the settling up of the insecticide factory near maru hill?
      1. he pyrethrum plantation
      2. The forest plantation
      3. The maize plantation
      4. The tea plantation
    8. Which of the following feature was formed through faulting and sinking?
      1. Lake Victoria
      2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
      3. The rift valley
      4. Ruwenzori mountains
    9. Which of the following countries is not crossed by the equator?
      1. Tanzania
      2. Gabon
      3. Somalia.
      4. Congo
    10. A weather instrument that is used to measure the speed of wind is called
      1. a wind vane
      2. a wind sock
      3. anemometer
      4. barometer
    11. The kingdom of old Ghana declined mainly because
      1. the king became too old to lead the army
      2. there was drought in the land
      3. the decline of trade led to shortage of finances in kingdom
      4. the neighbouring communities united against it
    12. Three of the following are factors influencing climate in Africa except the
      1. ocean currents
      2. distance from the sea
      3. shape of the coastline
      4. longitude
    13. Which of the following towns is correctly matched with the county it is found
      1. Nyeri - Muranga county
      2. Mali - Kwale county
      3. Nakuru -Kericho county
      4. Vihiga- Kakamega
    14. The main problem facing sisal farmer in Kenya is
      1. poor market
      2. competitions from synthesis fibre
      3. lack of money
      4. shortage of labour
    15. The fastest means of transporting refined oil production from Mombasa to Eldoret is
      1. by railways using tankers
      2. by road using trailers
      3. by pumping it through pipeline
      4. by air using container
    16. In which climatic zone would you expect hot dry summers with cool wet winters and rain falling mainly in winter
      1. desert
      2. mediterranean
      3. tropical
      4. equatorial
    17. Three of the following area in Africa have a high population density. Which one does not?
      1. Along the Eastern Coast of Africa
      2. The horn of Africa
      3. The East Africa Highlands
      4. Along the Nile valley
    18. Three of the following roles are played by the community in the development of the school. Which one is not?
      1. Providing labour to the school
      2. Teaching children
      3. Buying books for the school
      4. Donating land to the school
    19. The biggest problem facing forestry in DRC is
      1. the huge size of trees which makes them difficulty to fell
      2. long distances covered to get the wood to the market
      3. over exploitation of the most valuable species
      4. illegal cutting trees
    20. Which of the following problems has the least effect on pastoralists?
      1. Lack of market
      2. Poor pastures
      3. Drought
      4. Diseases
    21. The British used indirect rule in Northern mainly because Nigeria
      1. They did not have enough administrators
      2. The existing African government were ready to assist
      3. The country was large
      4. They did not want trouble
    22. Which one of the following is not found in the government of Swaziland?
      1. House of Assembly
      2. Liqoqo
      3. Council of elders
      4. Senate
    23. A person who abuse drugs is likely to
      1. die at an early age
      2. be a poor person during his or her life
      3. appear confused and irresponsible many times
      4. fall many times
    24. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
      1. Providing security to a child
      2. Providing proper medical care to a child
      3. Allowing a child to go to school
      4. Denying a child food
    25. The main factor that influences the development of mountain vegetation is
      1. latitude
      2. altitude
      3. fertile volcanic soil
      4. heavy rainfall
    26. Which of the following is the main language group in southern Africa?
      1. The Europeans
      2. The Bantus
      3. The Asians
      4. The khoisan
    27. Kenya became a republic on
      1. 12th December 1964
      2. 20th October 1964
      3. 12th December 1963
      4. 1st June 1963

Use the diagram below to answer questions 28.   


      1. The type of rainfall shown above is likely to be experienced in the following areas except
        1. A lake region
        2. Coastal lowlands
        3. The Rift valley region
        4. Near lake Tanganyika
      2. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth?
        1. It causes differences in the length of day and night
        2. It influences the position of the midday sun
        3. It causes differences in time along different longitudes
        4. It causes seasons
      3. Three of the following areas in Africa were colonised by the European powers except
        1. Liberia
        2. Somalia
        3. Ghana
        4. South Africa
      4. Which of the following towns in Kenya started as an industrial centre
        1. Nakuru
        2. Thika
        3. Machakos
        4. Nairobi

Use the map of Africa drawn below to answer questions 32 to 35.     


      1. The water mass marked Z is
        1. Indian ocean
        2. Atlantic ocean
        3. Mediterranean sea
        4. Red sea
      2. The island marked W was colonized by
        1. Belgium
        2. Somalia
        3. Portugal
        4. France
      3. Which of the following mineral is mined in the country marked Y in the map
        1. Soda ash
        2. Copper
        3. Gold
        4. Petroleum
      4. Which of the following vegetation is found in the area marked X on the map
        1. Equatorial rainforest 
        2. Mangrove forest 
        3. Savannah woodlands
        4. Mountain fores
      5. Which of the following methods of fishing is used in deep sea fishing?
        1. Trawling
        2. Longlining
        3. Net drifting
        4. Purse-seining
      6. Three of the following were founder members of East Africa community when it was formed except
        1. Rwanda
        2. Uganda
        3. Kenya
        4. Tanzania
      7. Three of the following are reasons that may make a member of the assembly lose his or her seat. Which one is not?
        1. If one is convicted of an election offence by a court of law
        2. If one is a registered voter in the ward he or she intends to contest in
        3. If one loses his or her Kenyan citizenship
        4. If one is sentenced to death
      8. Which one of the following is not a challenge facing the African union today
        1. colonialism in some member countries
        2. conflicts in member countries
        3. prolonged drought and famine
        4. HIV and AIDS pandemic
      9. Below are achievements of a certain prominent African leader
        1. He made the suez canal the property of his government
        2. He gave land to the landless
        3. He encouraged arap countries to unite
        4. He initiated the construction of the Aswan high dam
          The leader described above is
          1. Gamal Abdel Nasser
          2. Anwar sadat
          3. King farouk
          4. Leopold Senghor
      10. The following are capital cities in Africa. Which one is not?
        1. Yaounde
        2. Tunis
        3. Alexanderia
        4. Cairo
      11. Which of the following is the main language group in Central and Western regions on Kenya?
        1. The Europeans
        2. The Bantu
        3. The Asians
        4. The Khoisan
      12. Which of the following human activities has had the greatest effect on natural vegetation in Kenya?
        1. Farming activities
        2. Charcoal burning
        3. Pastoralism
        4. Mining activities
      13. The third vice president of Kenya was
        1. Daniel Moi
        2. Oginga Odinga
        3. Mwai Kibaki
        4. Joseph Murumbi
      14. Which of the following statements does not describe a function of the AU (OAU)
        1. to eliminate corruptions within member states
        2. to protect the independence of member states
        3. to promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries 
        4. To promote unity among African states
      15. Three of the following groups of people below have special needs except
        1. those who can not read and write 
        2. the visually impaired
        3. those living with HIV/AIDS
        4. the physically challenged
      16. Three of the following are causes of soil erosion. Which one is not?
        1. Deforestation
        2. Paddocking
        3. Over grazing
        4. Mono cropping
      17. Three of the following are sources of income for the central government. Which one is not?
        1. Cess on sand-harvesting
        2. Foreign loans
        3. Income tax
        4. Fines from courts
      18. Which of the following events took place last in Kenya?
        1. Kenyatta becoming the president of KANU
        2. Lifting of state of emergency
        3. Kenya attaining internal self government 
        4. Kenya becoming a republic
      19. Which one of the following places do tourists visit to see old slave market
        1. Olduvai Gorge
        2. Zanzibar
        3. Olorgesaile
        4. Mombasa
      20. The school routine is important because
        1. the teacher on duty follows the programme
        2. the headteacher's work is reduced
        3. it forces the school community to follow the programme
        4. it ensures planned activities run systematically and smoothly

Use the diagram below to answer questions 52 to 53.   


      1. In which climatic region is the town above likely to be found
        1. Temperate climate
        2. savannah climate
        3. mediterranea climate
        4. desert climate
      2. In which of the following towns in Africa are readings likely to have been recorded?
        1. Kampala
        2. Nairobi
        3. Cairo
        4. Accra
      3. Who among the following African leader in Kenya collaborated with the British
        1. Koitalel arap Samoei
        2. Mekatilili wa Menza
        3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
        4. Lenana
      4. Which one of the following industries can be classified as a manufacturing industry? 
        1. Petroleum refining
        2. Tyre retreading
        3. Glass making
        4. Milk processing
      5. Which of the following is correctly matched?
        1. Pokomo, somali,Ogaden-Cushites 
        2. Pokomo,pokot, taita -Bantus
        3. Nandi,Kipsigis, Tugen-River lake nilotes 
        4. Maasai, Iteso, Samburu- plain nilotes
      6. The following are facts about a certain African leader
        1. He was born in 1892
        2. He was widely known as Ras Tafari
        3. He introduced a new constitution in his country
          Who among the following leaders is described above?
          1. Haile Selassie
          2. Tom mboya
          3. Jomo Kenyatta
          4. Julius Nyerere
      7. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction feature along the Kenyan coast?
        1. Historical sites and wildlife
        2. Sandy beaches and sunny climate
        3. Swahili culture and historical site 
        4. Wildlife and swahili culture
      8. According to the Kenyan constitution a person qualifies to contest for presidency after attaining the age of
        1. 35 year
        2. 25 years
        3. 21 years
        4. 18 years
      9. Which of the following countries is not a member of inter-governmental authority on development?
        1. Somalia
        2. Sudan
        3. Uganda
        4. Tanzania


      1. Which one of the following book speaks about creation?
        1. Exodus
        2. Numbers
        3. Genesis
        4. Leviticus
      2. According to the Genesis stories of creation
        1. sea, land and plants were created on the third day
        2. man was created on the fifth day
        3. heavenly bodies were created on the fifth day
        4. birds and sea creatures were created after man
      3. Who among the following people was asked to build an ark?
        1. Jeremiah
        2. Noah
        3. Joseph
        4. Gideon
      4. Moses was given the ten commandments on mount
        1. Ararat
        2. Nebo
        3. Sinai
        4. Carmel
      5. The prophet who foretold about Jesus being a refugee in Egypt was
        1. Micah
        2. Jeremiah
        3. Hosea
        4. Isaiah
      6. The first people to visit baby Jesus were
        1. the angels
        2. shepherds
        3. the relatives
        4. wise men from the East
      7. The healing of Naaman was done by
        1. Elijah
        2. Gehazi
        3. Moses
        4. Elisha
      8. King Solomon sinned against God when he
        1. married many wives
        2. asked God for wisdom
        3. allowed idolatry
        4. built the temple in Jerusalem
      9. Which one of the following events took place during the night before the Exodus started?
        1. All the first born son of the Israelites were killed by the angel
        2. The Israelites drank wine
        3. Roasted meat was eaten by both Israelites and Egyptians
        4. Blood was smeared on the door posts to identify the houses of the Israelites
      10. Lazarus and his two sisters lived in
        1. Jerusalem
        2. Capernaum
        3. Bethany
        4. Galilee
      11. Who among the following apostles accompanied Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?
        1. Peter, John and James 
        2. Peter, John and Andrew
        3. John, Andre and James
        4. Peter, John and Judas Iscariot
      12. The day of Pentecost took place in
        1. Bethsaida
        2. Jerusalem
        3. Capernaum
        4. Bethany
      13. Who among the following built the temple of Jerusalem?
        1. Solomon
        2. Ahab
        3. David
        4. Saul 
      14. Which one of the following lessons do Christians learn from the parable of the talents?
        1. To love one another
        2. To use their abilities
        3. To help their workmates
        4. To get advice from the leaders
      15. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy Spirit
        1. Wisdom
        2. Healing
        3. Faith
        4. Love
      16. The father of Jacob and Esau was
        1. Isaac 
        2. Joseph
        3. Laban
        4. Noah
      17. Which one among the following towns was Jesus rejected?
        1. Bethlehem
        2. Bethany
        3. Nazareth
        4. Capernaum
      18. Jonathan become a friend of David because
        1. God was with David
        2. David was strong
        3. he feared of God
        4. David played the harp to entertain God
      19. Which one of the following is true about Naboth?
        1. Was a sinner
        2. Coveted Ananias vineyard
        3. Was stoned to death
        4. Died because he was honest
      20. Who preached during the day of Pentecost? 
        1. Paul
        2. John
        3. Peter
        4. Stephen
      21. Christian can best uphold respect for authority by
        1. doing community work
        2. voting for selfish leaders
        3. disobeying the laws of the land
        4. obeying the laws of the land
      22. After helping at home, Mary realises that she has more free time. As a Christian the best way of spending it is by
        1. watching cartoon network 
        2. visiting children's orphanage 
        3. visiting the animal orphanage 
        4. reading the Bible
      23. Christians are baptized to
        1. go to heaven
        2. get a chrsitian name
        3. become members of the church
        4. repent their sins
      24. All the following lead to the spreading of HIV/AIDS except one. Which one is it?
        1. Shaking hands and hugging
        2. Unprotected sex
        3. Sharing surgical blades
        4. Donating blood to road accident victims
      25. Who among the following were specialists in the traditional African community?
        1. Medicine men 
        2. Elders
        3. Initiates
        4. Warriors
      26. The early missionaries came to Kenya to
        1. stop slave trade
        2. promote the African culture
        3. introduce western culture
        4. spread the good news
      27. Caleb boasts that he comes from a rich family. Which Christian value is he lacking?
        1. Trust
        2. Humility
        3. Honesty
        4. Kindness
      28. When we perform duties assigned to us in school by our teachers, we are learning to be
        1. responsible
        2. servants
        3. honest
        4. hardworking
      29. Sex before marriage is known as
        1. adultery
        2. fornication
        3. incest
        4. masturbation
      30. Group work among Christians help them to 
        1. become famous
        2. get basic needs
        3. generate income 
        4. create unity


      1. Imn which surah is the verse, "verity, you shall see the fire of Hell" surah
        1. Al-Qaariyah
        2. Al-Zilzala
        3. Buyyainna
        4. At-Tajathur
      2. How many verses are in suratul Al-zilzala
        1. Nine 
        2. Six
        3. Eight
        4. Five
      3. Which one is not a teaching from Suratul Al-Alaq 
        1. We should put the name of Allah in everything
        2. There is peace over night
        3. Allah is the ony creator
        4. He always waits four us to respect before punishing
      4. Which one is not a meaning of Al-inshirah? 
        1. power
        2. Expansion 
        3. Solace
        4. Confort
      5. Which surah warns us not to be harsh and rough to those who came beg? Suratul
        1. Ad-Dhuha
        2. Al-Inshirah
        3. Al-Qadan
        4. Al-Alaq
      6. According to the prophet hadith, Which one is not a sign of hypocrite?
        1. Talking lies
        2. Breaking promises
        3. Taking ribaa
        4. Betraying trust
      7. The hadith, "Those dearest to Allah(SW) are the one who treat their children kindly" is on
        1. Kindness to creature
        2. patience to creatures
        3. kindness to young children
      8. Which one is not true about a generous man in the prophet hadith? He is
        1. near Allah(SW)
        2. near hell
        3. near paradise
        4. far from hell
      9. In the hadith on rogheouness, virture is ______________________
        1. sin 
        2. shukr
        3. corruption 
        4. good conduct
      10. How many types of people should be given zakat?
        1. Ten 
        2. Seven
        3. Six
        4. Eight
      11. Which one can not nullify your Salat?
        1. Covering our Aura
        2. Turn away from Qibla
        3. Eating or drinking
        4. Making unecessary movements
      12. One of the following can not nulify yur saum. Which one?
        1. Heidh and Nifas
        2. Converting to Islam
        3. Fainting
        4. Becoming insane
      13. Which one is recited after the secong takbirah in Salatul Janaza?
        1. Gua for all muslim
        2. Prayer for the prophet (SAW)
        3. Adua for the deed
        4. Recitation of suratul fatiha
      14. "Oh All! him/her forgiveness and Mercy." This due is said for the
        1. sick
        2. mutadhar
        3. dead 
        4. new born baby
      15. Which is the main reason for Muslim men not to wear gold
        1. gold colour is ment for wemen
        2. lu is very expensive for men to afford
        3. To preserve the dignity of a man
        4. to show off
      16. The attribute of Allah (SW) that means Al-Khadiq
        1. the inveter
        2. the merciful
        3. the power
        4. The creator
      17. Which one is not an impotance of the pillars of iman (faith)?
        1. They enable us to build faith in Allah(SW) 
        2. They enable us to live a pious life
        3. They enable us to appreciate blessing from Allah 
        4. They enable us to count the bounties of Allah
      18. The religious pillar that has only one pillar is _______________ 
        1. lihsan
        2. Salat 
        3. iman
        4. islam 
      19. Which prophet is not matched with the place where he reeived revelation?
        1. Nabi Issa - Egypt
        2. Nabi Musa-Egypt
        3. Nabi Ibrahim-Jerusalem
        4. Nabi Mohammad - Saudi Arabia
      20. Allah(Sw) swears by three of the following things except
        1. Makkah
        2. Mount Arafah
        3. Mount Sinai
        4. The Olive tree
      21. Before performing any rite of hajj, a pilgrim must
        1. Take ghusul
        2. Perforn Saayi
        3. Put on Ihram
        4. Perform Tagseer
      22. The believe in Allah (SW) is best explained in the
        1. Fardh prayer
        2. Sunnah prayer
        3. Prophetic hadith
        4. Kalimah
      23. Which statement is not true about prophets 
        1. They worked to their own living only
        2. They served Allah(SW) under all conditions
        3. They all preched abut the oneness of Allah
        4. THe were free from sins
      24. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through the following ways except
        1. Sexual intercourse 
        2. Sharing toilets
        3. Blood transfusion
        4. Infected mother to child 
      25. The following can lead one to take antixicants except
        1.  idlenes
        2. frustration
        3. disobedience
        4. peer pressure
      26. In which year was the treaty of Hudaibiyyah signed?
        1. 10th AH 
        2. 8th AH
        3. 7th AH 
        4. 6th AH
      27. Howold was Nabii Issa when he started preaching?
        1. 60 years
        2. 40years 
        3. 30 years 
        4. 12 years
      28. Prophet Musa (AS) was known as Kalimullah meaning
        1. The one who spoke to Allah (SW)
        2. The friends ro Allahg(SW)
        3. The love of Allah
        4. The one saved by Allah(SW)
      29. Hiding goods in order to sell them later and get more profit is
        1. riba 
        2. Usury
        3. hoarding
        4. ghush
      30. How many idols were destroyed in the Kaaba when makkah was conquered?
        1. 350 
        2. 360 
        3. 300
        4. 100


  1.  A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. A
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. A
  45. A
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. B
  51. D
  52. D
  53. C
  54. D
  55. C
  56. D
  57. A
  58. B
  59. A
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D


  1. Which one of the blood component below helps to stop bleeding after an injury?
    1. Red blood cells.
    2. Platelets.
    3. Plasma.
    4. White blood cells.
  2. All drugs below are NARCOTICS except
    1. khat
    2. bhang
    3. cocaine
    4. heroin
  3. Which statement below is true about immunization of the infants?
    1. DPT protects the child against diptheria polio and tetanus
    2. BCG is given at the age of birth and 9 months
    3. Anti-measles is given through injection
    4. Anti-polio is administered through an injection
  4. Which one of the following is not a social effect of drugs?
    1. Accidents.
    2. Truancy.
    3. Conflicts.
    4. Impaired judgement.
  5. All the following are common communi- cable diseases which one is not?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Tetanus
    3. Malaria
    4. Typhoid
  6. The diagram below shows a mammalian heart.
    Which blood vessel above carries oxygenated blood to the heart?
    1. M
    2. N
    3. P
    4. R
  7. The male sex cells in a human being are produced in the ___________________
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. penis
    4. testis
  8. Which pair of small animals below belong to the same group as a spider?
    1. Tick and tsetse fly.
    2. Mite and crab.
    3. Ants and termites.
    4. Scorpion and mite.
  9. Excessive taking of alcohol causes a disease of the liver called:
    1. addiction
    2. cirrhosis
    3. ethanol
    4. cancer
  10. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    Which statement is not correct about the above instrument?
    1. Its narrow end points where the wind blowing to.
    2. It measures the strength and direction of wind.
    3. It has black and white stripes.
    4. It can be made with pole, wire and a mosquito net.
  11. Which component of environment is found in all other components?
    1. Air
    2. Water
    3. Soil
    4. Plants
  12. The addictive element in cigarette is called:
    1. Nicotine
    2. Tar
    3. Carbon monoxide
    4. Caffeine
  13. Digestion of cooked beans starts in the:
    1. mouth
    2. stomach
    3. duodenum
    4. small intestine
  14. Which one of the following is not an importance of HIV-testing? To
    1. Decide on marriage.
    2. Change behaviour.
    3. Campaign for HIV/AIDS spread. 
    4. Plan for the dependant.
  15. Std 6 pupils did the experiment below to investigate a certain property of light.
    The property of light investigated is:
    1. light travel in a straight line
    2. light bends
    3. refraction of light
    4. reflection of light
  16. Which property of soil determines the rate of drainage in soil?
    1. Colour of the soil
    2. Size of the soil particles
    3. Amount of the air in soil
    4. Amount of the humus
  17. Which lever below has the effort between load and fulcrum?
    1. Fishing rod
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Bottle opener
  18. Which one of the following is not a function of all leaves in green plants?
    1. Making food
    2. Losing excess water
    3. Exchange of gases
    4. Food storage
  19. After fertilization in a female the implan- tation takes place in the:
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. oviduct
    4. placenta
  20. Which stage of HIV infection does the patient test negative but can infect others?
    1. Incubation stage
    2. Window stage
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Full blown AIDS
  21. The diagram below shows a flower
    Which part above represents parts of a stamen?
    1. Y and R
    2. Y and T
    3. X and Z
    4. X and R
  22. Which one of the food crops below represents cereals only?
    1. Oats, maize, peas
    2. Groundnuts, grams, peas
    3. Ovacado, sugarcane, maize
    4. Millets, sorghum, barley
  23. Beans seeds can germinate without, ___________________________
    1. moisture
    2. temperature
    3. soil
    4. air
  24. Which drug is stimulant when abused in small amount and depresant when abused in large amount?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Tobacco
    3. Bhang
    4. Khat
  25. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain water borne disease
    1. fever
    2. abdominal pains
    3. skin rashes
    4. joint and muscle aches
      The above diseases is likely to be:
      1. Typhoid
      2. Malaria
      3. Bilharzia
      4. Cholera
  26. Which is the 4th and 6th planet in the solar system from the sun?
    1. Earth and Jupiter
    2. Mars and Jupiter
    3. Mars and Saturn
    4. Jupiter and Uranus
  27. Which of the following pair of methods of food preservation makes both modern and traditional methods of food preservation
    1. Drying and freezing
    2. Low temperature and drying
    3. Smoking and drying
    4. Salting and smoking
  28. Std 6 pupils did the experiment below
    The effect of light investigated was
    1. refraction
    2. reflection
    3. formation of rainbow
    4. dispersion of light
  29. Which one of the following is not a myth and misconception about HIV/AIDS?
    1. AIDS victims are always thin
    2. Sex with a virgin cares AIDS 
    3. AIDS is a curse from God
    4. AIDS has no cure
  30. The type of soil erosion that can be prevented by building porous dams is the
    1. gulley
    2. sheet
    3. rill
    4. splash
  31. The type of teeth used for tearing off meat also:
    1. have rough tops
    2. are sharp pointed
    3. have two roots
    4. are chisel-shaped
  32. A brightly coloured flower
    1. has feathery stigma
    2. produces light pollen grains
    3. are small in size
    4. has few heavy pollen grains
  33. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by
    1. dissolving and evaporation
    2. filtering and evaporation
    3. sieving and filtering
    4. winnowing and evaporation
  34. The force that resists motion is measured in
    1. kilograms
    2. gravity
    3. friction
    4. newton
  35. Which one of the following shows correctly the excretory organ and the wastes excreted
           Organ          wastes
    1. Skin             water,urea,carbondioxide
    2. Kidney          water, salt,carbondioxide
    3. Lungs           carbon dioxide,water,salt
    4. Kidneys        water,urea,salt
  36. The experiment below was carried out by std 5 pupils to investigate transfer of heat
    Which pin dropped last?
    1. Z
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. W
  37. Which one of the following is correct about bat, frog and snake?
    1. They have scales
    2. They lay eggs
    3. Have varying body temperature
    4. Breath through lungs.
  38. Boat racing is a use of water in
    1. the farms
    2. the homes
    3. recreation
    4. factories
  39. Which one of the following is not true about the concentrates as animal feeds?
    1. Contains high nutrient contents
    2. Have high moisture content
    3. Supplement other feeds
    4. Are generally bought from shops
  40. The following are uses of heat except
    1. ironing
    2. cooking
    3. keeping pests away
    4. drying
  41. The chart below shows air composition
    Which part of the air labelled above is used in preserving fizzy drinks?
    1. M
    2. N
    3. P
    4. Q
  42. Which group of material below does not allow the light to pass thorugh?
    1. Mirror, titnted glass, milk
    2. Air, dirty water, stone
    3. Skylight, oiled paper, frosted glass
    4. Mirror, milk, dirty water.
  43. Which type of weed has very strong smell and can be used as a pesticide?
    1. Mexican marigold
    2. Oxalis
    3. Sodom apple
    4. Wondering jew
  44. In a human breathing system when the diaphragm flattens:
    1. the ribs moves upwards and inwards
    2. the lungs shrink
    3. the ribs move downwards and inwards
    4. the ribs move upwards and outwards
  45. Which of ,the followinig physical changes in adolescence tatakes place in boys only?
    1. Increase in weight and height
    2. wet dreams
    3. produce sex cells
    4. hips broadens
  46.  Which group of plants below are green non-flowering plants only?
    1. Pine, sugarcane, cactus
    2. Yeast, mould, mushrooms
    3. Cider, algae, ferns
    4. Banana,sugarcane,grass
  47. The chart below shows classification of
    Which animals were wrongly classified?
    1. Frog and fish
    2. Hen and fish
    3. Snake and dog
    4. Dog and hen
  48. What is the main use of fibre in the diet
    1. Helps in constipation
    2. Helps in food digestion
    3. Facilitate the movement of undigested food
    4. Helps in food absorption in body
  49. When soil is strongly burnt in a tin to produce smoke, it shows that soil
    1. has water
    2. has organic matter
    3. has air
    4. has living things
  50. Which two forms of energy requires a medium to be transferred from one point to the other?
    1. Sound and light
    2. Light and heat
    3. Electricity and sound
    4. Heat and electricity


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. A
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D


Anzisha insha yako kwa maneno haya:

Siku tuliyosubiri kwa hamu na ghamu iliwadia, hivyo basi sote .........


Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Kuoga ni ___1___ shartyi mtu ___2___kila wakati au kila siku. Hasa watoto ___3___kuoga ama kuogeshwa mara kwa mara. Watoto ___4___ jasho ___5___ wanapocheza. Jasho ___6___ huchanganyika na vumbi___7___ mahali ___8___. Nao wanapata ushafu. Baada
ya kupata uchafu ___9___ , ni lazima waoge. Tusipowasaidia watoto kutunza usafi ___10___ mili ___11___hawatakuwa na afya bora. ___12___magonjwa kama vile upele na harara ya ngozi. Usafi si muhimu kwa watoto tu ___13___ pia kwa watu ___14___. Hao ___15___
wasipooga ni hatari zaidi kuliko hata watoto wadogo

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   hiari   faradhi   kutaka   ngumu 
 2.   haogi   kuoga  aoge  anaoga 
 3.  hupasa   hupasua   hapaswa   hupaswa
 4.  hutoa  hutoka  hutia  hutokwa
 5.  mingi  nyingi  jingi  mengi
 6.  hilo  hiyo  huo  hizo
 7.  ya  za  la  vya
 8.  wanacheza   wanauchezea   wanapochezea   wanapocheza 
 9.  huo  hiyo  hilo  hizo 
 10.   ya  za  wa  la
 11.  zao  yao  lao  cha
 12.  watungua  wataugua  wataangua  watapungua
 13.  mbali  bali  wala  ili
 14.  wazima  wazimu  wasafi  yeyote
 15  ndipo  ndiye  ndio  ndivyo


Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi.

  1. "Sabalkheri wanafunzi," Mwalimu aliwasalimia wanafunzi wake. Huo ulikuwa wakati wa
    1. adhuhuri
    2. asubuhi
    3. jioni
    4. alasiri
  2. Chagua sentensi yenye kivumishi kiulizi
    1. Mashubaka haya yalitengenezwa lini?
    2. Leo wameapishwa wangapi?
    3. Wasusi, wanaelekea wapi?
    4. Huyu atavikwa pete gani?
  3. Andika sentensi hii kwa wingi
    Mtume huyo ana tunda hili
    1. watume hawa wana matunda haya
    2. Mitume hao wana matunda hizi
    3. Watume hao wana matunda haya
    4. Mitume hao wana matunda haya
  4. Miongoni mwa sehemu hizi za mwili ni sehemu ipi iliyo tofauti na zingine?
    1. Paja
    2. Kiganja
    3. Pafu
    4. Goti
  5. Methali inayofaa funzo kuwa;
    Mtu anaposababisha shida huishia kuwahusisha watu wake au jamaa yake ni 
    1. Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako.
    2. Mwiba wa kujichoma huambiwi pole.
    3. Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe. 
    4. Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao.
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa vizuri
    1. Lo? Amefika?
    2. Viti vyenu ni vipi?
    3. njoo nikutume!
    4. "mimi sisemi na mtu"
  7. Tumia kivumishi '-enye-'kwa njia sahihi
    Mbuzi____________madoadoa ni wangu.
    1. lenye
    2. chenye
    3. yenye
    4. mwenye
  8. Kamilisha methali hii
    Hakuna ____________________________________ yasiyo na mbu.
    1. masika
    2. vuli
    3. kiangazi
    4. kipupwe
  9. 'kazi ya kijungu jiko, 'ni kazi gani?
    1. kupika jikoni
    2. kukupatia riziki pekee
    3. kupika na kupakua
    4. kupika na jiko moja tu
  10. Nomino habari iko katika ngeli ya
    1. U-ZI
    2. I-I
    3. U-I
    4. I-ZI
  11. Chagua sentensi sahihi
    1. Viluwiluwi vile vilimezwa na samaki
    2. Mikebe hizo zimetupwa katika moto
    3. Ng'ombe hiyo ilikamuliwa maziwa
    4. mengi
    5. Wanajeshi wale walikuwa watiifu na wapole
  12. Wageni walikuja wakati ______________ tuliowangoja
    1. huu huu
    2. uo huo
    3. uu huu
    4. uo huu
  13. Ni saa ngapi sasa?
    1. Saa kumi kasoro robo
    2. Saa nne kasoro robo
    3. Saa tisa kasoro robo
    4. Saa kumi na robo
  14. Andika kwa maneno tarakimu hii 8,000,001
    1. Milioni mia nane na elfu moja
    2. Milioni nane na moja
    3. Milioni mia nane na moja
    4. Milioni mi anane na mia moja
  15. Kipindi cha miaka mia huitwa
    1. muongo
    2. majira
    3. karne
    4. milenia

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kutoka 31-40.

Ni jambo la busara kwetu vijana kusikiliza mashauri tunayopewa na watu wazima kama vile wazazi na walimu kwani wametuzidi kwa maarifa. Ama kwa hakika,lolote lile wakuu wetu hutu.unbia yafaa tuzingatie tusije kufikwa na balaa iliyomfika kijana matatizo.

Matatizo alikuwa kijana mwenye sura nzuri na tabasamu ya kuvutia. Kwa nje aliweza kuwavutia wengi hasa wasiomjua. Hata hivyo, hakuna kizuri kisicho na dosari. Matatizo alikuwa na hulka mbaya isiyopendeza kwa watu wengi. Alikuwa mkali kama pilipili na mkaidi mfano wa mkia wa nguruwe. Tabia yake iliwashinda hata wazazi wake ingawa hawakusita kummwagia bahari ya maneno ya busara kwa tamaa ya kumwokoa.

Baadaye alipopelekwa shule angalau apate kisomo cha kumwekea nguzo maishani mwake, Matatizo alipatikana akishiriki visa vya ujeuri na kuwa mtundu. Visa hivi havikupungua, viliuma. Siku moja baba yake kijana huyu alishtuka alipojulishwa kuzidi kwa utundu wa mwanawe shuleni hasa alipoambiwa mtoto wake anapiga mtindi, hakosi sigara mdomoni na anashiriki wizi ili ajipatie pesa za kujitimizia haja zake. Matatizo alifukuzwa shule. Vitendo vya matatizo vilimtahadharisha mzee Toboasiri.

Wakati mmoja siku ya Jumapili alfajiri, mzee Toboasiri alijikuta ameshika mkongojo wake akienda kwake mzee Busara wakiwa na mzee Saidia.

Aliwaalika mkutano wa dharura nyumbani kwake siku iliyofuata. Wazee hawa wawili walipowasili, walimkuta Toboasiri na mtoto wake Matatizo wameketi kimya. "Wazee wenzangu," alianza huku sauti yake ikionyesha masikitiko, "Nimewaita hapa ili mnisaidie kumpa mawaidha kijana wangu. Nimejaribu niwezavyo kumkanya mwanangu dhidi ya matendo maovu lakini nimeshindwa. Nawaomba wazee wenzangu mnifanyie kazi hiyo."

Wazee hawa wawili walimshauri na kumshawishi Matatizo aache ile tabia yake mbaya. Kabla hawajamaliza, Matatizo alisimama huku akipandwa na hasira. Alifoka na kuwakodolea wale wazee macho huku amekunja uso wake na kuonekana kama jitu lililonyimwa chakula mwezi mzima.

Hapo alitoka nje, akawasha sigara kubwa na kupiga mikupuo miwili. Macho yakageuka na kuwa mekundu kami. pilipili. Akarudi na kumkabili mzee Busara. "Kwa vile unaitwa Busara, unadhani unahaki ya kunipa mawaidha, leo utanitambua. "Alimzaba mzee Busara kofi moja pa! Mzee huyu hakushimili kofi hilo na hapo akaanguka chini pu!

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, anayezungumza ni
    1. Toboasiri
    2. Matatizo
    3. Busara
    4. Mwandishi
  2. "Yafaa tuzingatie ya wakuu wetu tusije tukakumbwa na yaliyomkabili Matatizo" Ni methali gani isiyoambatana na maelezo haya?
    1. Usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta
    2. Asiyesikia la mkuu hupatwa na makuu
    3. atangaye sana na jua hujua
    4. sikio la kufa halisikii dawa
  3. Kulingana na aya ya pili ni ipi si sifa ya matatizo?
    1. Alitemea mate nasaha za wazazi wake.
    2. Matatizo alikuwa mtanashati.
    3. Matatizo alikuwa mkaidi na mjanja.
    4. Tabia zake ziliambatana na sura yake.
  4. Lengo la Matatizo kupelekwa shuleni ni
    1. kupata masomo ili kuboresha maisha yake
    2. kuwafurahisha wazazi wake
    3. kuendelea kudumisha hulka yake
    4. kuelimika ili azidishe hulka yake
  5. Kulingana na kifungu hiki. Matatizo 
    1. Alibadilika alipoenda shuleni
    2. Alishiriki katika uvutaji sigara na kunywa pombe
    3. Alifanya bidii katika masomo yake
    4. Aliepukana na hulka ya wizi
  6. Baba yake matatizo ni
    1. mzee saidia
    2. mzee Busara
    3. Mzee Toboasiri
    4. Mwalimu mkuu
  7. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. Baba yake matatizo alikuwa amefika mwisho
    2. Wazee walipoitwa hawakutoa nasaha
    3. Mkutano ulipangwa kwa siku nyingi
    4. Matatizo alitekeleza yote aliyoambiwa 
  8. 'kupiga mtindi' ni maneno yaliyotumiwa. Ni tamathali gani ya lugha?
    1. Istiari
    2. Nahau
    3. Methali
    4. Tashbihi
  9. Methali inayomlenga matatizo katika aya ya mwisho ni
    1. sikio la kufa halisikii dawa
    2. ushikwapo shikamana
    3. la leo litende leo
    4. aliyekalia kigoda mtii
  10. Neno 'foka' namna ilivyotumiwa katika kifungu hiki halima maana
    1. kughadhabika
    2. kuwa na mafutu
    3. kuwa na huzuni
    4. kupandwa na mori

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali ya 41-50.

Kulonga dhahiri shahiri Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya lugha za kimataifa zinazozungumzwa ulimwenguni. Hata hivyo inasikitisha sana sisi wenyeji wa eneo la Africa Mashariki ambao ni kitovu cha lugha hii, tumekuwa tukinyonga raslimali hii kwa ukatili mkubwa.

Ni aibu iliyoje kukitumia Kiswahili kiholela bila kuzingatia kanuni zake huku tukijidanganya kuwa sisi ni mahiri tunapokiporomosha Kimombo kwa usanifu mkubwa. Jinsi tunavyokitema kiingereza sawasawa. Kwa nini hali hii tusiizingatie katika lugha yetu tunu? Wageni kutoka nchi za ughaibuni waliopata fursa ya kuzuru eneo la Afrika Mashariki wametambua utamu wa Kiswahili wakajifunza wakajistawisha. Baadhi ya wageni hao wamekuwa walimu wa lugha hii.

Aidha tunazidi kukitia kitanzi Kiswahili kupitia uchapishaji wa magazeti yetu. Bei ya gazeti la kiswahili inaashiria uduni wake. Habari zinazochapishwa katika magazeti ya kiswahsili ni za kiwango cha chini na ni chache mno cha kuudhi zaidi ni kuwa baadhi ya kaifa za magazeti ya kiswahili hujikuta katika masuala ya kijamii kwa kiasi kikubwa na kuyapa kisogo au kugusia gusia tu mambo kuhusu uchumi,siasa na dini. Hakuna mazito kuhusu matangazo ya biashara. Hakuna habari ya vifo. Hakuna habari za ajira na kadhalika. Si ajabu wakati mmoja niliulizwa mtaani, "Hili gazeti ulilo nalo umemnunulia babu yako?" Swali hili lilinijulisha kuwa fikra za waja wengi imejengwa na mtindo wa wakati mrefu wa kuchapisha magazeti kwa njia hii; hivi kwamba magazeti ya kiswahili yanapaswa kusomwa na wazee na labda wale walioshindwa na masomo skulini.

Nawasihi wananchi wa eneo lote la Afrika Mashariki wazinduke na kukiendeleza kiswahili.

  1. Kulonga dhahiri shahiri ni sawa na;
    1. kunena ukweli
    2. kuamba bila hadaa
    3. kupiga vijembe
    4. kuongea waziwazi
  2. Maneno tunavyo kitema kiingereza yamepigiwa mstari. Maana yake ni
    1. Tunavyokikaia kiswahili
    2. Tunavyokikata kiingereza
    3. Tunavyokiongea kimombo barabara
    4. Tunavyokizungumza kiingereza ovyoovyo
  3. Neno lipi katika taarifa hii lina maana sawa na kaifa
    1. picha
    2. habari
    3. kurasa
    4. vichwa
  4. Kwa mujibu wa taarifa ni kauli gani sahihi?
    1. Magazeti ya kiswahili yana bei ghali
    2. Magazeti ya kiswaili huwavutia wengi kuyasoma
    3. Bei ya magazeti ya kiingereza ni rahisi
    4. Magazeti ya kiswahili yamedunishwa
  5. Watu mahiri ni watu
    1. woga
    2. wajuzi
    3. walaghai
    4. washindani
  6. Tunazidi kukitia kitanzi kiswahili ni
    1. kukfrunga kiswahili
    2. kukipa sifa kiswahili
    3. kukiharibu kiswahili
    4. kukienzi kiswahili
  7. Visawe vya neno waja si pamoja na
    1. Mahuluki
    2. Adinasi
    3. Nswi
    4. Wanadamu
  8. Kulingana na taarifa hii asili ya lugha ya kiswahili ni
    1. nchi ya ughaibuni
    2. nchi ya Kenya
    3. Afrika mashariki
    4. Hatujaambiwa
  9. Mwandishi anawashauri wakazi wa eneo la Africa mashariki
    1. wasiitumie kiswahili hadharani
    2. waache kutumia kimombo
    3. wakipe kiswahili kipaumbele
    4. wakididimize kiswahili
  10. Kichwa kifaacho taarifa hii ni
    1. Lugha za Afrika-
    2. Mbinu za kuboresha Kimombo
    3. Historia za kiswahili na kiingereza
    4. Kiswahili kitukuzwe


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. D
  42. C
  43. B
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. C
  48. C
  49. C
  50. D
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