Displaying items by tag: Class 8


  1. Which one of the following is sixty eight million, two hundred and four thousand and fifteen hundredths? 
    1. 68240000.015
    2. 68204000.15
    3. 68204000.015
    4. 6820400.15
  2. What is the difference between the total values of digit 4 and 3 in the number 865.41329?
    1. 0.4
    2. 0.003
    3. 0.397
    4. 0.403
  3. What is 38.3467 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 38.3500
    2. 38.345
    3. 38.35
    4. 38.340
  4. Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 11?
    1. 40579
    2. 109857
    3. 162383
    4. 110011
  5. What is the square root of 718/49?
    1. 25/7
    2. 76/7
    3. 35/7
    4. 5437/49
  6. Work out 3/4 of (63/4 + 11/2)
    1. 81/4
    2. 51/6
    3. 69/16
    4. 63/16
  7. In the diagram below, PQ is parallel to RS and XY is the transversal.
    7 adada
    What is the size of angle marked 't'?
    1. 60°
    2. 120°
    3. 80°
    4. 40°
  8. What is 0017hr in the am/pm clock system?
    1. 00.17 am
    2. 24.17 am
    3. 12.17 am
    4. 12.17 pm
  9. A square room has an area of 1225 m2.
    What is the perimeter of the room?
    1. 180 m
    2. 306.25 m
    3. 100 m
    4. 140 m
  10. What is the smallest number that can be divided by 16, 24 and 48 without a remainder?
    1. 48
    2. 96
    3.  8
    4. 88
  11. Express 3:4 as a percentage.
    1. 42%
    2. 75%
    3. 30%
    4. 1331/3%
  12.  Arrange, 5/6 , 7/8 , 9/11 and 3/4 from the largest to the smallest.
    1. 7/5/6 , 9/11 3/4 
    2. 3/4 , 5/7/89/11
    3. 9/11, 7/5/63/4
    4. 3/4 , 9/11 , 5/7/8
  13. Calculate the area of the figure below.
    13 adada
    1. 55 cm3
    2. 100 cm2
    3. 375 cm2
    4. 322 cm2
  14. What is the value of
    1. 18
    2. 4
    3. 12
    4. 9
  15. Phaustine had 120 kg of sugar. She packed it into 3/4 kg packets. How many packets did she pack altogether?
    1. 90
    2. 160
    3. 480
    4. 30
  16. Find the sum of the next two numbers in the sequence: 4, 9, 25, 49, 121,............., ...................?
    1. 169
    2. 458
    3. 289
    4. 225
  17. A box measures 1.5m by 0.8m by 0.4m.
    Find its volume in cm3.
    1. 480
    2. 0.48
    3. 48000
    4. 480000
  18. Njoki bought the following items from a market:-
    3kg carros at sh. 25 per kg
    11/2 kg onions@sh. 30
    2 kg cabbages @ sh. o
    What balance did she get if she get if she gave the vender a two hundred shillings note?
    1. Sh. 48
    2. Sh. 71
    3. Sh. 152
    4. Sh. 129
  19. Evaluate: 4.8 x 3.05
    1. 2.44
    2. 24.4
    3. 0.244
    4. 244
  20. Which of the following properties is not true about a rectangle?
    1. Each angle is a right angle.
    2. It is a quadrilateral.
    3. Opposite sides are equal.
    4. All sides are equal.
  21. During a celebration, there were 780 men present. There were 150 more women than men. How many adults attended the celebration?
    1. 1710
    2. 930
    3. 1410
    4. 630
  22. Motungi sold an item for sh. 4400 making a profit of 10%. How much was the profit?
    1. Sh. 440
    2. Sh. 4000
    3. Sh. 400 
    4. Sh. 39600
  23. Ndung'u had 60 Heads of cattle and 80 goats. He increased his cattle by 30% and decreased his goats by 20%. How many animals does he have now?
    1. 412
    2. 142
    3. 214
    4. 124.
  24. The diagram below represents Okello's plot.
    24 adada
    Calculate the perimeter of the plot in metres.
    1. 280 m
    2. 208 m
    3. 256 m
    4. 184 m
  25. Draw a triangle ABC in which AB 9 cm and line AC = BC= 7 cm. Drop a perpendicular line from point C to meet line AB at X. Measure line CX. 
    1. 5.3 cm
    2. 4.5 cm
    3. 6.0 cm
    4. 4.2 cm
  26. What is the size of angle y in the figure below?.
    26 adada
    1. 80°
    2. 100°
    3. 40°
    4. 60°
  27. Mary bought a radio after she was given a discount of 15%. If the marked price of the radio was sh. 1800. How much did she pay for the radio?
    1. Sh. 270
    2. Sh. 2070
    3. Sh. 1530
    4. Sh. 1785
  28. Decrease 480 in the ratio 5:6.
    1. 400
    2. 576
    3. 552
    4. 560
  29. Solve for the value of x in:
    x-2 + 3x+6 = 4
      3       4
    1. 212/13
    2. 31/12
    3. 46/13
    4. 23/8
  30. The hire purchase price of a bicycle is sh. 6400. Alice paid sh. 900 as deposit and the balance in 10 equal monthly instalments. How much was each monthly instalment?
    1. Sh. 730
    2. Sh. 5500
    3. Sh. 7300
    4. Sh. 550
  31. What is the value of the angle marked 'q' in the figure below.
    31 adada
    1. 80°
    2. 100°
    3. 120°
    4. 20°
  32. The surface area of a pipe is 990 cm3. What is its radius if its height is 15 cm?
    1. 21 cm
    2. 66 cm
    3. 10.5 cm
    4. 33 cm
  33. Construct triangle XYZ such that line XY-8cm, angle ZYX=45° and angle YXZ-55°. Draw a circle touching the sides of the triangle. What is the diameter of the circle?
    1. 3.8 cm
    2. 3.4 cm
    3. 1.9 cm
    4. 1.7 cm
  34. Debrah left Ruga at 9.45am to travel to Osami a distance of 350 km. Her average speed was 79 km/h. At what time in 24 hr clock system did she arrive at Osoni?
    1. 0445 hr
    2. 1045 hrs
    3. 2.45 hrs
    4. 1445 hrs
  35. The pie chart below shows how Oduor spent his salary of sh. 6000.
    35 adada
    How much money did he spend on food than on rent?
    1. Sh. 1500
    2. Sh. 500
    3. Sh. 2000
    4. Sh. 3500
  36. Work out: √0.0576 + (0.1)2
    1. 0.34
    2. 0.24
    3. 0.25
    4. 0.124
  37. A cylindrical container has a base area of 616 cm2 and a height of 10 cm. How many decilitres of water does it hold when half full?
    1. 308
    2. 616
    3. 30.8
    4. 61.6
  38. A 11/2 hr meeting started 25 minutes late and ended at 4:15 pm. At what time was the meeting supposed to start?
    1. 2.20 pm 
    2. 3.10 pm
    3. 2.45 pm
    4. 3.50 pm
  39. On a map, the length of a river is represented by 10 cm. If its actual distance is 80 km. What is the scale used in the map?
    1. 1:800000
    2. 1:8000
    3. 1:8000000
    4. 1:80000
  40. Calculate the area of the triangle below.
    40 adada
    1. 78 cm2
    2. 30 cm2
    3. 60 cm2
    4. 5 cm2
  41. A safari Rally car travelled at a speed of 50m/s. What was its speed in km/h?
    1. 50 km/h
    2. 300 km/h
    3. 180 km/h
    4. 83 km/h
  42. Find the volume of the cylindrical tank below. (π = 22/7)
    42 adada
    1. 7700 cm3
    2. 3080 cm3
    3. 770 cm3
    4. 1540 cm3
  43. In the year 2016, 18th February was on a Monday. Which day was 8th March the same year?
    1. Monday
    2. Friday
    3. Saturday
    4. Wednesday
  44. The height of 4 boys is 120 cm, 121 cm, 112 cm and 119 cm. Find the median height.
    1. 121 cm
    2. 123 cm
    3. 120 cm
    4. 119.5 cm
  45. What is the area of the figure below?
    45 adqqeq
    1. 1344 cm2
    2. 2576 cm3
    3. 1196 cm2
    4. 14562 cm2
  46. Find twice the square root of 17/9.
    1. 11/3
    2. 22/3
    3. 4/9
    4. 313/81
  47. A farmer sold 2.5 tonnes of maize to a shopkeeper who later packed it into 2kg packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 1250
    2. 125
    3. 2500
    4. 5000
  48. If p=5,q=p=2 and r=pq. Find the value of:
    1. 25
    2. 30
    3. 5
    4. 15
  49. 15 boys can take 9 hours to clean a hall. How many more hours will 9 boys take to clean the same room?
    1. 15
    2. 6
    3. 4
    4. 9
  50. Ongang'a Primary school boys planted trees along both sides of their 100m path from the gate to the staffroom. How many trees did they plant if they spaced them at intervals of 2.5 m?
    1. 41
    2. 40 
    3. 82
    4. 80




Tagged under



maloba area

Study the map of Malomba Area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. What is the direction of lake Boro from Ndira market?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Malomba area?
    1. 75km
    2. 60km
    3. 70km
    4. 85km
  3. Which type of soil is likely to be found in the Northern part of Malomba Area?
    1. Red volcanic soil
    2. Black cotton soil
    3. Loam soil
    4. Sandy soil
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Malomba area except
    1. fishing activities
    2. trading activities
    3. lumbering activities
    4. mining activities
  5. What is the staple food for the residents of Malomba area?
    1. Maize
    2. Sorghum
    3. Rice
    4. Tea
  6. The following African rivers have a similar feature as the one found at the mouth of river Tele. Which one does not have?
    1. River Senegal
    2. River Congo
    3. River Zambezi
    4. River Niger
  7. Which one of the following essential services is urgently needed in Malomba area?
    1. Educational services
    2. Religious services
    3. Health services
    4. Recreational services
  8. Which one of the following is the smallest basic unit of any society?
    1. Clan
    2. Community
    3. Family
    4. Age set
  9. Which one of the following communities can best fit in the blank space below?
    9 adfadfa
    1. Shilluk
    2. Njemps
    3. Ngoni
    4. Karamojong
  10. What is the main function of the weather instrument below?
    10 adafaf
    1. Shows direction to which wind is moving
    2. Measures speed of wind
    3. Measures direction and strength of wind
    4. Shows the direction from which the wind is blowing
  11. Axim and Accra are major towns along the Atlantic Ocean in Ghana.
    Which is the main factor that contributes to their difference in climate?
    1. Prevailing winds
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Nature of the coastline
    4. Nearness to the large water body.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-13.

  1. The above lakes were formed through a process known as
    1. volcanic action
    2. glaciation
    3. erosion and deposition
    4. downwarping
  2. Which set of lakes were formed through the above process?
    1. Lakes Teleki, Catherine, Speke
    2. Lakes Manzala, Kanyaboli, Gambi
    3. Lakes Nyos, Paradise, Shala
    4. Lakes Tana, Itasy, Kivu
  3. Which one of the following cultural practices did the Bantus acquire from the Cushites?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Circumcision
    3. Polygamy
    4. Keeping of livestock
  4. The following are characteristics of a certain vegetation of Africa.
    1. the main types of trees are oak, cork, pine and cedar
    2. trees are deciduous
    3. presence of aromatic shrubs such as thyrne
    4. trees are cone-shaped.
      The above vegetation zone is likely to be
      1. Savannah vegetation
      2. Mediterranean vegetation
      3. Tropical rain forest vegetation
      4. Temperate grassland vegetation
  5. Pyrethrum growing in Kenya has declined mainly because of
    1. high cost of production
    2. poor roads in the growing areas
    3. poor and irregular payments to farmers
    4. change of climatic conditions
  6. Which method of fishing is shown in the diagram below?
    17 adada
    1. Gill net
    2. Purse seining
    3. Trawling
    4. Longlining
  7. The following are uses of a certain mineral.
    1. it is used to make cables
    2. it is used to make water pipes
    3. it is used in the manufacture of motor vehicle radiators.
    4. it is used to make ornaments
      The mineral described above is mined at
      1. Kimwarer
      2. Kariandusi
      3. Niger Delta
      4. Nchanga
  8. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa carried both exploration and missionary work?
    1. Henry Morton Stanley
    2. Johannes Rebman
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. John Speke
  9. The following conditions favours the growing of a certain crop
    1. low altitude of upto 750m above the sea level
    2. high temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c throughout the year
    3. high rainfall of between 1500mm- 2000mm annually.
    4. deep and well-drained fertile soil
    5. shelter from strong winds
      The above crop is likely to be
      1. cloves
      2. pyrethrum
      3. cocoa
      4. bananas
  10. The time at Ramicial 45°E is 6.00pm. What time will it be at Yammoussaukro 15°W?
    1. 2.00pm
    2. 10.00am
    3. 2.00am
    4. 10.00pm
  11. Barchans and sand dunes are erosional features mostly found in
    1. the desert region
    2. the Rift valley
    3. the mountains
    4. the oceans
  12. Lake Banguelu was formed in the same way as the following lakes except
    1. lake Chad
    2. lake Kyoga
    3. lake Utange
    4. lake Victoria
  13. Which one of the following countries lies to the East of Chad?
    1. Niger
    2. Central African Republic
    3. Egypt
    4. Nigeria
  14. Fouta Djallon plateau is found in
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. South Africa
    3. Guinea
    4. Nigeria
  15. What does the road sign shown below inform the motorists?
    26 adada
    1. To stop for police check 
    2. The road is closed
    3. Pedestrians crossing
    4. No parking
  16. Which one of the following European colonisers administered Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe and Angola?
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Portugal
    4. Britain
  17. Which country is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Malawi-Bamaki
    2. Mauritania - Porto Novo
    3. Morocco-Cassablanca
    4. Mauritius Port Louis
  18. The following countries are members of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) except
    1. Tanzania and Namibia
    2. Seychelles and South Africa
    3. Niger and Liberia
    4. Lesotho and Zambia
  19. Which one of the following is a print media?
    1. Magazine
    2. Social media
    3. Telex
    4. Internet
  20. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction in Africa?
    1. Beautiful sceneries
    2. Wildlife
    3. Warm sandy beaches
    4. Climate
  21. Which one of the following countries is not connected by the Trans-African Highway?
    1. Cameroon
    2. Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. Central African Republic
    4. Niger
  22. Which set of communities belong to the Afro-Asiatic speakers of West Africa?
    1. Hausa, Tuareg, Andarawa
    2. Yoruba, Igbo, Ebira
    3. Wolof, Fulani, Serer
    4. Mossi, Dagomba, Lobi
  23. The migration of the Pokomo from Shungwaya was mainly caused by
    1. lack of water and pasture
    2. lack of trading areas
    3. attack by hostile communities 
    4. lack of fertile farming land
  24. The headquarters of the East Africa Community (EAC) is located at 
    1. Addis-Ababa in Ethiopia
    2. Arusha in Tanzania
    3. Djibouti in Djibouti
    4. Lusaka in Zambia

Use the diagram below to answer questions 36-37.

36 adada

  1. The above feature shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. land breeze
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. relief rainfall
  2. Which one of the following is unlikely to experience the above feature?
    1. Dar-es-Salaam
    2. Mwanza
    3. Axim
    4. Kampala
  3. Which one of the following is not an immediate family need?
    1. Clothing
    2. Housing
    3. Mobile phone
    4. Food
  4. Which one of the following traditional methods of communication was used to warn the community of an attack by an enemy? 
    1. Ululations
    2. Drum beating
    3. Smoke signals
    4. Sending of fast runners
  5. Who among the following traditional African leaders did not resist the occupation of Europeans in his or her territory?
    1. Mekatilili wa Menza
    2. Samouri Toure
    3. Kabaka Mwanga
    4. Chief Lewanika
  6. The following regions of Africa are densely populated except
    1. the Nile valley in Egypt
    2. the lake Victoria basin of Kenya
    3. the Miombo woodland in Central Tanzania
    4. the Witwatersrand region in South Africa
  7. Which one of the following institutions of marriages is a man strictly mandated to marry a limited number of wives?
    1. Islamic marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Customary marriage
  8. The chairman of the school management committee is also
    1. the Chief Executive Officer
    2. the head of the disciplinary committee
    3. one of the parents elected to represent a class
    4. the chairman of the staff meetings
  9. Which type of fish is likely to be caught in the Lorian Swamp?
    1. Black Bass
    2. Mud fish
    3. Trout
    4. Nile perch
  10. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction at the BOMAS of Kenya in Nairobi city county?
    1. Cultural heritage
    2. Warm sandy beaches
    3. Varied wildlife
    4. Beautiful sceneries
  11. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established in 1963. Who among the following African leaders was not there by then?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta 
    2. Kwame Nkurumah
    3. Haile Selassie 
    4. Julius Nyerere

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 47-50

47 adada

  1. What was the main purpose for the establishment of the river project marked H? 
    1. To increase food production
    2. To control floods at the lower Tana
    3. To attract tourists in the region
    4. To generate affordable Hydro-electric power. (HEP)
  2. Which one of the following is the main export product of the country marked J?
    1. Livestock and their products
    2. Coffee and bananas
    3. Minerals and charcoal
    4. Petroleum products
  3. The lake marked Q is likely to be lake
    1. Malagarasi
    2. Rufiji
    3. Tanganyika
    4. Malawi
  4. The mountain marked P was formed in the same way as
    1. mount Meru
    2. mount Nyiragongo
    3. Usambara mountains
    4. Drakensberg mountains
  5. Which one of the following is likely to cause lawlessness in the society?
    1. Poverty
    2. Laziness
    3. Literacy
    4. Morality
  6. In the current constitution of Kenya the head of state is also the head of
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Judiciary
    4. Police Service
  7. The most effective way of solving conflicts between teachers and their learners in schools is through 
    1. mediation
    2. arbitration
    3. dialogue
    4. litigation 
  8. The best method of controlling sheet erosion is
    1. by building terraces
    2. by constructing gabions
    3. by planting cover crops
    4. through crop rotation
  9. In Kenya Jamhuri day is celebrated on every year.
    1. 1st June
    2. 12th December
    3. 20th October
    4. 1st May
  10. Which one of the following is not a service industry in Kenya?
    1. Tourism
    2. Mobile phone repair
    3. Fruit canning
    4. Insurance
  11. Which one of the following is not an achievement of Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt? He
    1. brought reforms in land ownership
    2. promoted industrialization in Egypt
    3. built the Suez Canal
    4. initiated the construction of the Aswan High Dam
  12. The Nyamwezi council of elders was known as
    1. Ntemi
    2. Wanyikulu
    3. Mirambo
    4. Wanyamphala
  13. The main source of National Government revenue is
    1. grants from international communities
    2. loans from international monetary fund
    3. taxes paid by thecitizens
    4. court fines
  14. Who among the following is the chief legal lawyer of the government?
    1. The President
    2. The Attorney General
    3. The Chief Justice
    4. The Chief Registrar of High Court


  1. According to Genesis 2, the main reason why God created the woman was because Adam
    1. refused to live with the rest of God's creation
    2. feared to stay in the garden of Eden
    3. needed a suitable companion to help him
    4. needed someone to help him eat the fruits
  2. Why was Abraham willing to leave Haran to move to Canaan?
    1. There was famine in Haran
    2. He wanted to obey God
    3. He wanted to offer Isaac as a sacrifice
    4. He wanted to get a wife for Isaac
  3. The story of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt encourages Christians to
    1. forgive one another
    2. be patient with one another
    3. repent their sins
    4. serve other people
  4. One of the following was not an instruction for the Israelites during the Passover. Which one is it?
    1. Take bitter herbs to show they were in a hurry
    2. Remain indoors until morning
    3. Eat unleavened bread while standing
    4. Mark their doors with blood
  5. The deliverance of Israelites from Egypt was marked by the following signs except
    1. the firstborns of Egyptians were killed 
    2. blood was smeared on their feet
    3. the frogs were in Pharaoh's place
    4. boils attacked the Egyptians
  6. "Observe the sabbath and keep it holy." Christians can best obey this commandment by
    1. doing no work on sabbath
    2. praying God to thank Him on sabbath
    3. staying and resting at home on sabbath 
    4. organizing weddings on sabbath
  7. Gideon was called by God to
    1. fight the enemies of the Israelites 
    2. lead the Israelites to Canaan 
    3. deliver the Israelites to Egypt
    4. free the Israelites from the Midianites
  8. King Saul was rejected by God as the king of Israel because he
    1. carried the covenant box on a cart 
    2. disobeyed the Lord's command
    3. built places of worship for idols
    4. killed the king of the Amalekites
  9. Both Elijah and Elisha did the following except 
    1. they multiplied oil
    2. they raised the dead
    3. they prayed for miracles
    4. they multiplied oil and flour
  10. When Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus he said that He would
    1. be called Emmanuel
    2. be born in Bethlehem
    3. escape to Egypt
    4. be the king of the Jews
  11. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen from the East?
    1. They reported back to Herod
    2. They offered burnt sacrifices 
    3. They took Jesus to Egypt
    4. They offered gifts to Jesus
  12. Which parable of Jesus teaches us to hear and keep the word?
    1. The parable of the lost sheep
    2. The parable of the sower
    3. The parable of the good Samaritan
    4. The parable of the widow and the judge
  13. From the incident when Jesus calmed the storm, Christians learnt that they should have 
    1. faith
    2. honesty
    3. obedience
    4. humility
  14. Matthew 6:25-31 says that we should not worry about what we eat, drink or wear because
    1. we have a reward in heaven
    2. these are earthly riches
    3. our neighbours will provide for us
    4. God cares and provides for us
  15. Which one of the following was the main. reason why Jesus went to Zacchaeus the tax collector's home? To show that
    1. He too was a sinner
    2. He came to save all people
    3. He hated sinners
    4. He loved sinners only
  16. "Man cannot live on bread alone." (Luke 4:4) A lesson Christians leam from this response given by Jesus during His temptation is that they should
    1. use the word of God in their daily lives
    2. not put God to the test
    3. not desire earthly riches
    4. work for their needs
  17. Complete the following beatitude. Blessed are the meek...
    1. they will see God
    2. for they shall inherit the earth
    3. God will satisfy them fully
    4. theirs is the kingdom of God
  18. Which of the following words were not uttered by Jesus during His crucifixion?
    1. I thirst
    2. Women of Jerusalem do not cry for me 
    3. Forgive them father for they do not know what they are doing
    4. Before the cock crows twice tonight you will say you do not know me three times
  19. "...are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus answered, "so you say." Who asked this question?
    1. Caiaphas
    2. Annas
    3. Herod
    4. Pilate
  20. After Tabitha's death in Joppa, the widow's cried and remembered her for her good deeds. Tabitha's work demonstrated ............................. a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
    1. kindness
    2. joy
    3. patience
    4. peace
  21. Which one of the following statements is not true about marriage in both traditional African societies and Christianity?
    1. People get married willingly 
    2. Marriage is to be respected
    3. Marriage is a happy occasion
    4. Sexual relationship before marriage is not allowed
  22. Who are ancestors according to African traditional society?
    1. People who have died but we still remember them
    2. People who are very sick and are going to die
    3. People who died long before we were born 
    4. People who died but left many children behind
  23.  In some traditional African societies people worshipped in a cave because it
    1. was a quiet place
    2. was God's dwelling place
    3. protected them from danger
    4. was a good place to hide
  24. Which one of the following ways mainly causes the spread of HIV/AIDS?
    1. Taking of alcohol
    2. Blood transfusion
    3. Early marriages
    4. Sexual immorality
  25. Enkuru is a rich man in his village. Which way can he best use his wealth for the good of the community?
    1. Tamare the road from the market to his home 
    2. Pay fees for some orphaned children 
    3. Invite the villagers for a feasting party
    4. Use his money to run for a parliamentary seat
  26. A trader in your shopping centre cheats customers by using wrong scales. The best action for you to take is
    1. advice people not to buy from his shop
    2. advice him on the need of being honest
    3. call the body in-charge of quality scales
    4. tell him to reduce the price of goods instead
  27. People work for all the following reasons except
    1. to please their teachers
    2. to avoid being burden to others
    3. to fulfil God's command
    4. to meet their basic needs
  28. Which of the following shows the right way a Christian could use his wealth?
    1. Contributing in community projects 
    2. Saving in a bank
    3. Taking his family out
    4. Buying clothes for people
  29. Christians should make good use of their abilities mainly because God
    1. rewards hardworking people
    2. punishes lazy people
    3. expects them to serve others
    4. expects them to improve themselves
  30. The best way a Christian can show respect for authority is by
    1. obeying the laws of the country
    2. praying for the leaders
    3. voting for the leaders
    4. taking part in development projects


  1. One of the following verses is found in surah Quraish. Which one is it?
    1. "And the mountains will be like carded wool."
    2. "You shall certainly see hell fire."
    3. "Let them worship the Lord of this house."
    4. "We have indeed created man in the best mould."
  2. In which surah does Allah(SWT) talk about the favours given to the prophet(SAW)?
    1. Masad
    2. Inshirah
    3. Fatiha
    4. Zilzalah
  3. According to the teachings of surah Kauthar, a Muslim should
    1. always praise the prophet(SAW)
    2. pray and sacrifice for the sake of Allah
    3. pile wealth to be remembered after death 
    4. give birth to more boys than girls
  4. Which of the following surahs mentions the holy places of revelation?
    1. Tiyn
    2. Maun
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha
  5. Which punishment has Allah(SWT) promised Abu-Lahab and his wife for embarrassing and mistreating the prophet (SAW)?
    1. They will die like animals
    2. They will lose all their investments
    3. They will never step in paradise
    4. They will burn in a blazing fire
  6. One day a certain family travelled far from their home. When they wanted to pray they could not identify the direction of Qibla. What should they have done?
    1. Pray facing anywhere
    2. Wait until they go back home
    3. Look at the direction of the sun
    4. Seek for forgiveness from Allah (SWT)
  7. The prophet (SAW) taught us to live. harmoniously with our neighbours. Among his teachings is that we should
    1. share our food with needy neighbours
    2. spy on our neighbours
    3. avoid greeting our neighbours
    4. only relate with Muslim neighbours
  8.  What should a Muslim consider before doing anything taught by the prophet(SAW)?
    1. The cost of the action
    2. The outcome of the action 
    3. What people will say
    4. How the authority will react
  9. The first pillar of Islam is 
    1. Swalah
    2. Zakah
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  10. The Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah are referred to as
    1. Mutawakilun
    2. Ansar
    3. Muhajirun
    4. Swalihun
  11. During Hijatul Widaa, the prophet(SAW) advised Muslims to hold on
    1. Quran and sunnah
    2. preaching Islam
    3. healthy relationships 
    4. cleanliness
  12. Which one among the rites of Hajj is done to remind us of Hajar the mother of nabii Ismail (AS)?
    1. Twawaaf
    2. Taqsiir
    3. Saayi
    4. Arafa
  13. Sharifa's husband died after a short illness. As a Muslim woman Sharifa should
    1. marry another man immediately
    2. observe edat for four months and ten days
    3. observe edat for three months
    4. mourn for three days
  14. While fasting and you eat something forgetting that you are fasting you should
    1. compensate that fast later on
    2. continue fasting as if nothing happened
    3. tell others to be careful
    4. break the fast and eat until Maghrib
  15. The act of performing dry ablution when there is no water is known as
    1. Instinjai
    2. Ghusl 
    3. Wudhu
    4. Tayammum
  16. Which of the following groups consists of the bright days?
    1. 11, 13 and 16th of Ramadhan
    2. 1", 2nd and 3 of Muharram
    3. 13, 14 and 15th of every lunar month 
    4. 10, 20 and 30% of every month
  17. Which of the following describes Israaf!
    1. Wasteful
    2. Greatness
    3. Acts of Ibaada
    4. Sunnah acts
  18. The sunnah prayer only performed in the month of Ramadhan is
    1. Istikhara
    2. Dhuha
    3. Taraweeh
    4. Baadiya
  19. How many animals should be slaughtered during aqiqa for a baby boy?
    1. Two
    2. One
    3. Three
    4. Nine
  20. Which of the following is haram when buying and selling?
    1. Making profit
    2. Hiding goods
    3. Advertising goods
    4. Giving goods on credit
  21. Which is the correct order of the rites of the dead?
    1. Swalah, Ghusul, Kafan, Dafan 
    2. Ghusul, Swalah, Kafan, Dafan 
    3. Kafan, Swalah, Ghusul, Dafan
    4. Ghusul, Kafan, Swalah, Dafan
  22. Mariam saw a dog licking their cup that was left outside the house. What should Mariam do?
    1. Punish the dog thoroughly
    2. Throw the cup in a pit latrine 
    3. Wash the cup seven times 
    4. Talk politely to the dog
  23. Which holy book is correctly matched with the prophet to whom it was revealed? 
    1. Zabur-Daud (AS)
    2. Taurat - Issa (AS)
    3. Injiil-Ibrahim (AS) 
    4. Suhuf-Musa (AS)
  24. The attribute of Allah(SWT) which shows that He is the most forgiving is
    1. Al-Khaliq
    2. Al-Ghaffaar
    3. Al-Muswawir
    4. Al-Jabbar
  25. The Islamic calendar has a total of
    1. seven days
    2. ten months
    3. five months
    4. twelve months
  26. Salma wants to get guidance from Allah(SWT). The best thing for her to do is to
    1. visit a fortune teller
    2. ask someone for advice
    3. perform swalatul Istikhara 
    4. keep it a secret
  27. The prophet of Allah(SW) who split the Red Sea was
    1. Yusuf (AS)
    2. Ibrahim (AS)
    3. Issa (AS)
    4. Musa (AS)
  28. One of your classmate has not come to school because she is sick. As a Muslim you will have to
    1. ignore her
    2. visit her
    3. wait until she comes to school
    4. report to the area chief
  29. In which city was the prophet(SAW) stoned by protesting pagans for preaching Islam?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madinah
    3. Taif
    4. Quba
  30. Who among the following built the Kaaba?
    1. Zakaria (AS) and Suleiman (AS)
    2. Yusuf (AS) and Yaqub (AS) 
    3. Muhammad (SAW) and Issa (AS)
    4. Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS)


socials scheme



  1. The diagrams below represent human teeth.
    1 agdagv
    Which one of the following functions are correctly matched to P and Q respectively? 
    1. Biting and crushing
    2. Grinding and cutting
    3. Biting and crushing
    4.  Cutting and grasping
  2. The following are physical changes that occur during adolescence.
    1. chest broaden
    2. growth of pubic hair
    3. hips broaden
    4. menstruation
    5. produce of mature sex cells
    6. breast enlarge
      Which one of the following shows the physical changes that takes place in an adolescent boy?
      1. i, ii, iv
      2. iii, iv, v
      3. i, v, vi
      4. i, ii, v
  3. The following are functions of amniotic fluid except
    1. acts as a shock absorber
    2. suspends the foetus
    3. allows exchange of digested food
    4. warms the foetus
  4. The diagram below represents an heart.
    4 augduada
    Which one shows the correct labelling of the vessels i, ii, iii and iv?
      II III  IV
    venacava pulmonary vein aorta  pulmonary artery
    aorta venacava pulmonary vein pulmonary artery
    C venacava pulmonary artery aorta  pulmonary vein
    D pulmonary vein venacava pulmonary artery aorta 
  5. Which one of the following parts of human digestive system does absorption takes place?
    1. Stomach and small intestine
    2. Colon and ileum
    3. Mouth and stomach
    4. Oesophagus and mouth
  6. Which one of the following pairs of effects of drugs shows health effects only?
    1. Addiction and drowsiness
    2. Truancy and rape
    3. Lack of sleep and violence
    4. Fits and marital conflicts
  7. Which one of the following groups of plants have the same root system?
    1. Peas, carrots, sugarcane
    2. Maize, wheat, coconut
    3. Blackjack, millet, grass
    4. Cabbage, cassava, rice
  8. Which one of the following pairs of diseases consists of both immunisable and communicable diseases?
    1. Malaria and yellow fever
    2. Tetanus and anaemia
    3. Typhoid and anaemia
    4. Cholera and tuberculosis
  9. Which one of the following groups of parasites can be controlled by rotational grazing?
    1. Tapeworms, hookworms and tsetseflies
    2. Ticks, tsetseflies and mites
    3. Liverfluke, lungworms and fleas
    4. Ticks, roundworms and tsetseflies
  10. Creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS can be done during the following activities except
    1. job interview
    2. market places
    3. chief barazas
    4. burial ceremony
  11. The diagram below shows a simple circuit.
    11 audftyada
    Which one of the following materials will make the bulb to light when connected at the gap marked X?
    1. A dry piece of wood
    2. A piece of dry cloth
    3. A pencil lead
    4. A glass rod
  12. Which one of the following is not an example of rotational method of grazing?
    1. Zero grazing
    2. Strip grazing
    3. Paddocking
    4. Tethering
  13. Grade five learners set the experiment below.
    13 adada
    Which characteristic was being investigated?
    1. Liquids occupy space
    2. Liquids expand when heated
    3. Liquids exert pressure
    4. Gases occupy space
  14. Which one of the following is not a use of the component of air that makes approximately a fifth of air?
    1. Germination
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Burning
    4. Respiration
  15. When a coin is immersed in water it appears raised because of
    1. reflection of light
    2. dispersion of light
    3. bouncing back of light
    4. bending of light
  16. The main reason why mulching is applied at the base of young seedlings is to
    1. prevent splash erosion
    2. control growth of weeds
    3. conserve soil moisture
    4. add nutrients to the soil
  17. The following are features of a windsock.
    Which one is false?
    1. Should be open on both sides
    2. Measures the strength of wind only
    3. Uses the principle that matter occupy space
    4. Has black and white stripes for visibility
  18. During a Science lesson, a bell was rung and all the leamers in the field ran towards where the teacher was. What was being investigated?
    1. Loud and soft sounds
    2. Direction of sound
    3. Special sounds
    4. Sound pollution
  19. The following are steps of making a beam balance but not in correct order.
    1. fix the stand and the arm to the balance
    2. suspend the tins on both sides of the arm 
    3. make a stand, arm and the base
    4. suspend the arm to find the balancing point and mark.
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. ii, iii, i, iv
      2. iii, iv, i, ii
      3. iii, iv, ii, i
      4. i, iv, iii, ii
  20. Which one of the following pairs of materials are only translucent?
    1. Frosted glass and oiled paper
    2. Milk and mirror
    3. Clear water and car windscreen
    4. Air and white paper
  21. Which one of the following pairs of characteristics is common to lizards and hens? They
    1. lay eggs and have scales
    2. have internal fertilization and constant body temperature
    3. breathe through lungs and have varying body temperature
    4. feed on insects and have scales
  22. The set up below shows an investigation on drainage in different soils.
    22 adada
    Which one of the following need not to be the same during the investigation?
    1. Funnels size
    2. Amount of water used
    3. Amount of cotton wool
    4. Types of soil used
  23. The diagram below represents a composition of a compost heap.
    23 adada
    Which one of the following is the main function of the layer marked ill?
    1. Introduces decomposers to the heap
    2. Provides nutrients to the decomposers
    3. Adds nutrients to the compost manure 
    4. Keeps the compost moist
  24.  Which one of the following plants consist of only those that are flowering?
    1. Napier grass and onions
    2. Cedar and mushroom
    3. Cactus and cedar
    4. Sugarcane and moss
  25. Which one of the following food substances can be used to prevent anaemia?
    1. Irish potatoes, meat and cabbage
    2. Beans, peas and carrots
    3. Liver, beans and eggs
    4. Kidney, matumbo and fish
  26. Which one of the following components of environment covers the largest surface of the earth?
    1. Soil
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. Plants
  27. Which one of the following consists of a compound fertilizer?
    1. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
    2. Triple Super Phosphate
    3. Sodium Nitrate
    4. Ammonium Phosphate
  28. Which one of the following describes the term environment?
    1. A natural home of a living organism
    2. Biotic components within the surroundings
    3. The surrounding of a living thing
    4. A natural house of a living thing
  29. Which one of the following is not true about the clouds drawn below?
    29 adadada
    1. They are low in the sky
    2. They have a flat bottom
    3. They are thick and feathery
    4. They appear like bundles of cotton wool
  30. The following are characteristics of plants adaptation.
    1. broad leaves
    2. deep rooted
    3. presence of airsac
    4. reduced leaves
    5. sunken stomata
    6. flexible stems
      Which of the above adaptations are only for plants found in dry areas?
      1. i, ii, v
      2. iii, iv, vi
      3. v, iv, ii
      4. v, iv, iii
  31. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain disease.
    1. shivering followed by sweating
    2. severe headache
    3. pain in the joints
    4. lack of enough blood
    5. vomiting and diarrhoea
    6. lack of appetite
      Which communicable disease is described above?
      1. Tuberculosis
      2. Malaria
      3. Typhoid
      4. Common cold
  32. Which one of the following effects of pests on crops is not correct?
    1. Lower yields
    2. Reduced quality of produce
    3. Transmission of diseases to crops
    4. Robust growth
  33. Which one of the following factors makes a log of wood float on water?
    1. Mass of wood
    2. Size of the wood
    3. Shape of wood
    4. Type of material
  34. Which one of the following plant seeds store their food in the endosperm?
    1. Green gram
    2. Peas
    3. Maize
    4. Beans
  35. Which one of the following is both modern and traditional method of food preservation?
    1. Canning
    2. Drying
    3. Use of honey
    4. Salting
  36. Which one of the following statements is true about HIV and AIDS?
    1. In window stage a person may test positive
    2. In symptomatic stage the body has developed AIDS
    3. The immune system is completely destroyed in symptomatic stage
    4. In asymptomatic stage a patient may test negative
  37. Which one of the following substances will both not pollute river water?
    1. Sewage and industrial waste
    2. Domestic wastes and sewage
    3. Oil spillage and animal waste
    4. Acidic rain and oil spillage
  38. Which one of the following are uses of water at home?
    1. Drinking and fishing
    2. Mixing chemicals and irrigation
    3. Washing and cooking
    4. Fountains and boat racing
  39. All the following are uses of water in the diet except
    1. helps in digestion
    2. helps to prevent constipation
    3. absorption of digested food 
    4. prevents dehydration
  40. The diagram below represents a certain lever in use.
    40 adada
    Which pair of levers below belong to the same group with the one shown above?
    1. Spade and wheelbarrow
    2. Crowbar and claw hammer
    3. Claw hammer and spade
    4. Wheelbarrow and bottle opener
  41. The following are ways of reducing the force that hinders motion except
    1. spreading a coarse material
    2. smoothening surfaces
    3. streamlining objects
    4. oiling movable parts
  42. Which one of the following is not a problem related to teeth?
    1. Bad breath
    2. Bleeding gums
    3. Shedding of teeth
    4. Teeth cavities
  43. Which one of the following should not be done to HIV/AIDS victims?
    1. Be given adequate balanced diet
    2. Should be isolated
    3. Proper hygiene
    4. Proper medical care
  44. Animals that provide mutton products are
    1. sheep and goats
    2. cattle and sheep
    3. cattle and goat
    4. goats only
  45. Which one of the following small animals are correctly grouped?
    1. Ticks, mites, termite
    2. Ants, housefly, mite
    3. Weevils, beetles, tsetsefly
    4. Crabs, lobster, tick
  46. Which aspect of heat transfer was being investigated below?
    46 adada
    1. Convection
    2. Conduction
    3. Radiation
    4. Melting
  47. The diagram below shows pressure in liquids.
    47 adada
    Which one of the fellowing explains the illustration?
    1. Pressure in liquids increases with depth
    2. Pressure in liquids is equal at the same depth
    3. Pressure in liquids is exerted to all directions
    4. Gravitational force causes pressure in liquids
  48. Substances with definite shape and mass are likely to be
    1. solids only
    2. liquids only
    3. gases and liquids
    4. solids and liquids
  49. Which two processes require decrease in temperature?
    1. Melting and evaporation
    2. Melting and condensation
    3. Condensation and freezing
    4. Evaporation and freezing
  50. Which one of the following is not a use of light?
    1. Helps us to see clearly
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Warming the house
    4. Advertisement


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Soma vifungu situatavyo. Vina nafasi I mpaka 15. Kva kila pengo umepeva majibu manne. Chagus jibu lifaalo zaidi.

Waba ni ......................1......................Maradhi haya huwaambukia hususan waja ambao......................2.....................usafi wa vyakulana maji katika ulaji wao. Ulaji wa vyakula vilivyopikwa vizuri na unywaji wa maji .......................3.................... ....................4.......................mara kwa mara lakini wengi wanaonekana ....................5....................... dhidi ya wazo hili. Mapuuza haya yamesababisha hasara kubwa. .........................6.................. kutapika na kuendesha sana ni hatari zaidi kwa maisha ya mwanadamu .......................7.................... Watu wasipochukua tahadhari hususan dhidi ya unywaji wa maji machafu ukongo huu.......................8.................... ya adinasi wengi.

    1. ugonjwa wa kuambukiza wa kuhara na kutapika sana
    2. ugonjwa wa kuambukiza kutokana na maji maji yanayomtoka mtu
    3. ugonjwa unaosababishwa na kuumwa na mbu wa kike
    4. ugonjwa wa kuambukiza unaomfanya mtu kukohoa na kutema damu
    1. wanatumia
    2. hawachachawizwi 
    3. wanazingatia
    4. hawazingatii
    1. masafi
    2. machafu
    3. safi
    4. chafu
    1. kumekuwa kukisisitizwa 
    2. umekuwa ukisisitizwa
    3. yamekuwa yakisisitizwa
    4. imekuwa ikisisitizwa
    1. kutiatia na kutoatoa
    2. kuvalia njuga
    3. kukata shauri
    4. kutia nta masikioni
    1. Hapa
    2. Hio
    3. Kule
    4. Hiyo
    1. yeyote
    2. wowote
    3. yoyote
    4. chochote
    1. yanawadhuru
    2. utawadhuru
    3. inawadhuru
    4. yatawadhuru

Mali yaliyokuwa .................9................ na bwana Bwale yalimfanya mwanawe  ...............10.................. na kukataa kuendelea kusoma. Kijana huyu, kwa kulelewa katika ukwasi mkubwa, majivuno  .................11................ Aliwadharau waadhiri na wale wa rika lake. Heshima kwake ilikuwa  ................12................. Tabia hizi zilisababisha wana wa hirimu yake ................13................. kama mwasiriwa wa ukoma. Kwa kuwa hakuwa na manufaa yoyote .................14................Aligeuka na kuwa mkia wa mbuzi. Wazazi wake walijaribu kuficha ................15................. cha mwana wao bila kujua kuwa tunda likioza ni sharti linuke fee!

    1. yamepeana
    2. yametwaliwa
    3. yamekabidhiwa
    4. yamehodhiwa
    1. kuvimba kichwa
    2. kuasi ukapera
    3. kuuma uzi barabara
    4. kujikaza kisabuni
    1. yalimvaa kama liliwala
    2. yalimvaa kama kiko na digali
    3. yalimvaa na kinu bila mchi
    4. yalimvaa kama shetani
    1. mwiku
    2. mwiko
    3. desturi
    4. kawaida
    1. walimpendelea
    2. walimwambaa
    3. walimpenda
    4. walimkataa
    1. kwenu.
    2. kwetu
    3. kwake
    4. kwao
    1. mwendo
    2. kitiba
    3. mwenendo
    4. tabia

Kutoka swali la 16 hadi la 30. chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Mbwa yule akikuona atabweka kishujaa.
    'ki' katika sentensi imetumiwa kuonyesha ................................. na ............................... mtawalia.
    1. masharti, nomino
    2. wakati, nomino
    3. masharti, namna
    4. wakati, namna
  2. Ni kundi lipi lenye sauti ghuna pekee?
    1. b, m, dh
    2. v, b, r
    3. gh, th, b
    4. sh, l, r
  3. Sentensi zifuatazo zinaweza kuunganishwa vipi kisahihi?
    Masden ni mzungu.
    Masden anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu.
    1. Masden ni mzungu maadamu anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu.
    2. Masden anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu licha ya kuwa yeye ni mzungu
    3. Masden ni mzungu madhali anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu.
    4. Masden anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu mighairi ya yeye ni mzungu.
  4. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi kimilikishi.
    1. Mtoto wako alichelewa ilhali wangu alifika mapema.
    2. Shamba lao lililimwa vizuri lakini hili halikulimwa kabisa.
    3. Mwanafunzi wa kwanza alituzwa lakini wengine waliahidiwa.
    4. Rais wa kwanza aliupigania uhuru lakini huyu aliinua uchumi.
  5.  Riba ni
    1. faida anayopata mtu aliyekopesha watu fedha ambayo ni ziada ya fedha aliyokopesha
    2. sehemu ya bei ya kitu inayotolewa mwanzoni.
    3. sehemu ya fidia anayolipwa mtu mwanzoni.
    4. sehemu ya malipo ya kukopea kitu mwanzoni.
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyo sahihi kisarufi
    1. Kibaka hicho ndicho kilichowatisha watu.
    2. Mabata wadogo waliyachezea maji.
    3. Kipepeo chochote chenye rangi hufurahisha.
    4. Shingo la Mwakideu linauma.
  7. Sehemu ya chini ya mguu kati ya vyanda na kisigino ni
    1. kisugudi
    2. utosi
    3. shavu
    4. wayo
  8. Tambua tashbihi inayofaa kukamilisha.
    Mwajuma ni msiri kama...
    1. giza
    2. mwizi
    3. kaburi
    4. kinyonga
  9. Akifisha ipasavyo
    Mwalimu aliwauliza kwa nini hamkukamilisha kazi kwa wakati.
    1. Mwalimu aliwauliza, "Kwanini hamkukamilisha kazi kwa wakati?"
    2. Mwalimu aliwauliza, "Kwanini hamkukamilisha kazi kwa wakati."
    3. Mwalimu aliwauliza "Kwanini hamkukamilisha kazi kwa wakati?"
    4. Mwalimu aliwauliza "kwa nini hamkukamilisha kazi kwa wakati."
  10.  Ni nini kinyume cha sentensi ifuatayo? "Jua lilipozama msichana alianua nguo." 
    1. Jua lilipopanda kijana alianika nguo.
    2. Jua lilipochomoza mvulana alianika nguo.
    3. Jua lilipozama kijana alianika nguo.
    4. Jua lilipochomoza msichana alianika nguo.
  11. Kitenzi 'lia' katika kauli ya kutendesha ni
    1. lilisha
    2. liliza
    3. lilishana
    4. liza
  12. Toti alikuwa akielekea upande wa kaskazini magharibi wakati wa asubuhi. Je, kivuli chake kilielekea upande gani?
    1. Kusini mashariki
    2. Magharibi
    3. Mashariki
    4. Kusini magharibi
  13. Ni sentensi gani kati ya zifuatazo imetumia kihisishi kifaacho?
    1. Poleni jamani! nyote mmekuwa washindi
    2. Aha! wewe usinikere hivyo
    3. Alhamdulilahi! Mterehemezi awajalie mema
    4. Acha! Umetuzwa tuzo bora zaidi
  14.  Mtu anayezitoa siri za nchi yake kwa nchi adui ni
    1. mkimbizi
    2. msaliti
    3. mlowezi
    4. mtoro
  15. Jibu maagano yafuatayo.
    1. Buriani dawa
    2. Alamsiki
    3. Nawe pia
    4. Binuru

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Katika jiji la Tuleraha palikuwa na asilimia kubwa ya watu ikilinganishwa na maeneo mengine katika nchi ya Wakonga. Hapakuwa na mila wala desturi katika jiji lile. Wakonga walikuwa wametangamana kutoka maeneo yote ambapo palikuwa na zaidi ya makabila arubaini na mawili. Kila mmoja alitengana na mila zake punde tu alipogura mashinani. Watu wa Tuleraha waliiga mila za wazungu na wakawafuata wazungu namna bendera ifuatavyo upepo. Mitandao ya kijamii ndiyo iliyokuwa walimu wa vijana wengi pale. Chochote ambacho mzungu alifanya kilikuwa kinaonekana sawa. Mavazi yao ya Kiafrika waliyatupilia mbali, sisemi vyakula na ustaarabu wao. Wale wazee wachache waliojaribu kukuza utamaduni walionekana kuwa na kubaki nyuma kimaendeleo.

Kwa sababu ya kuiga zaidi mambo ya magharibi, jiji hili lilikuwa maarufu sana kwa anasa. Watu wa pale walijulikana kwa kupenda raha kupindukia. Ingawa walikuwa wachapa kazi, sehemu kubwa ya pato lao liliishia kwenye maeneo ya burudani kama vile katika mabaa na madanguro. Wengi wa watu hawa walikuwa wasomi wa ajabu. Palikuwa na taaluma kibao jijini kama ville: waandisi, madaktari, wanasheria, walimu na wengine. Mtu atadhani kuwa kule kusoma kungewapatia ustaarabu kumbe ndio waliopotoka zaidi kuliko mazuzu waliozitazama tu shule kwa mbali. Shahada, shahada za uzamili, shahada za uzamifu na uprofesa wao ungetumiwa bora zaidi kama maadili yale yangezin gatiwa.

Katika mazingira yale, vileo na dawa nyingine za kulevya ndizo zilikuwa starehe kamili. Palitokea binti mmoja aliyekuwa na aina mpya ya kileo alichouza kisirisiri. Kiliwavutia sana wanaume kwani kila wakati walitaka kumwona pembeni ili wafaidi kileo hicho cha faragha na kipya. Waliokionja waliishia kuwapelekea wake zao ambao walikifurahia bila kujua kilikuwa haramu. Vijana wadogo waliposikia habari za kileo hiki na utamu wake, walifanya juu chini kuona kuwa walipata fursa ya kukionja. Mzee Mkarara alikuwa na barobaro kwa jina Maraha na mjakazi aliyeitwa Sijali. Mkarara alipitia pale na kupewa sehemu yake.

Babake Maraha alipofika akiwa mlevi, hakusita kumwita Sijali kwani mkewe alikuwa safarini kikazi. Alimshawishi Sijali kukionja kileo kile kidogo na alipokataa, alimtishia kumwachisha kazi ndipo maskini binti wa watu akaridhia kuonja kwa madai kuwa iwe mara ya mwisho. Siku iliyofuata Sijali alimwita Maraha na kumshawishi kuonja kileo alichomwachia baba yake. Maraha aliona raha kweli.

Haukupita muda mrefu ikabainika kuwa kileo kile kilikuwa na madhara makubwa kwa mtumizi. Wote waliokitumia walianza kulalamika na walipopimwa, walipatikana na sumu fulani mwilini ambayo ilianza kuwaua polepole. Mke wa Mkarara alipopata habari akaamua kuwaita madaktari kuipima familia yake. Ajabu ni kwamba ni binti yake tu aliyeonekana salama kwani kila mtu alikuwa na sumu ile mwilini.

Alipoulizia Maraha alikiri kuonjeshwa na Sijali baada ya kupewa na babake, mzee Mkarara. Hata mkewe pia aliugua kwa kuambukizwa na mumewe. Jamaa nzima iliangamia kwa sumu ila Makini, binti yao aliyekataa katakata kuwa bendera. Wafu hawa wa familia ya Mkarara walizikwa kwa mazishi ya pamoja. Wale madaktari waliotambua sumu ile walikuwa kwenye maombolezo. Walipata nafasi na kuelezea kilichoangamiza familia ile. Walinadi kuwa walikuwa wamekunywa kinywaji ambacho kilikuwa kimetiwa madini yanayotumiwa kuhifadhi maiti ufuoni. Walisema kuwa sumu hiyo ilipoingia mwilini iligandisha damu na kusababisha saratani ya damu. Watu wengi walianza kubabaika kwani idadi kubwa ilikuwa imekionja kileo kile. Daktari aliwashauri wote waende wakapate vipimo kamili ili kubaini hali yao ya afya.

Yule 'mgema' alipoipata taarifa ile alichana mbuga. Alijua kuwa angeshikwa angekula kalenda kwa kuwagemea watu sumu. Serikali ilipitisha sheria kali dhidi ya vileo vile visivyohalalishwa. Isitoshe, muda wa starehe za mvinyo ulifupishwa wala si wakati wote ilivyokuwa awali. Serikali iliwashauri wakazi wa mji huo mkuu kuwajibika na kurudisha maadili mema lau jamii yote ingekwisha.

  1. Kulingana na aya kwanza
    1. wakazi wa Tuleraha walitoka sehemu ambazo hazikuwa na mila wala desturi 
    2. wazee wachache waliojua tamaduni waliruhusiwa kuwafunza wengine
    3. mambo mengi yaliyofanywa na wana Tuleraha yalichochewa na wazungu na uzungu
    4. tamaduni zilizotalikiwa si pamoja na mavazi, vyakula na ustaarabu
  2. "Mitandao ya kijamii ndiyo iliyokuwa walimu wa vijana wengi pale." Huku ni kumaanisha kuwa
    1. wanafunzi wengi walitumia mtandao kusoma
    2. nchi hiyo ilikuwa imepiga hatua kubwa kidijitali
    3. hapakuwa na walimu wa kufunza vijana katika nchi ile
    4. wakazi walitegemea na kuyafuata yaliyonadiwa mitandaoni
  3. Shahada ya uzamili ni shahada gani? 
    1. Ni shahada ya pili baada ya kupata shahada ya kwanza
    2. Ni shahada ya mwisho zaidi katika masomo
    3. Ni shahada inayotwaliwa na waandisi pekee
    4. Ni shahada ya tatu inayompatia mtu udaktari
  4. Kinywaji kinachozungumziwa katika aya ya tatu kilipendwa zaidi kwa kuwa
    1. kilikuwa kikiuzwa kisirisiri
    2. kilikuwa katika ile hali ya kunoga 
    3. kilitumiwa na wazee pamoja na vijana
    4. kilikuwa kinywaji kipya pale jijini
  5. Kijiji cha Tuleraha kilijulikana kwa sifa gani?
    1. Ulevi chakari
    2. Vileo chakari
    3. Raha chakari
    4. Madanguro chakari
  6. Ni ipi si sahihi kulingana na habari uliyoisoma?
    1. Watu wote waliangamia katika familia ile
    2. Binti wa mzee Mkarara ni Maraha
    3. Sijali alikionja kileo kile kwa kusurutishwa
    4. Maraha alionja kileo cha sumu
  7. Ni nani aliyemwonjesha Maraha kileo cha sumu?
    1. Karamka
    2. Makini
    3. Tuleraha
    4. Sijali
  8.  Ni kipi kilichokuwa kilele cha madhara ya sumu ile inayozungumziwa?
    1. Kuwapofusha watumizi
    2. Kusababisha watu kugandishwa damu
    3. Kusababisha mauko baina ya jamii.
    4. Kusababisha maradhi ya saratani
  9. Kulingana na taarifa uliyoisoma
    1. ni familia nyingi zilizoathiriwa na sumu ile
    2. familia nyingi huenda ziliathiriwa na sumu ile
    3. serikali ilijitia hamnazo kuhusu suala la sumu
    4. ni uajibikaji wa serikali tu utakaoiokoa jamii ile
  10. Ni kichwa kipi kinachofaa ufahamu uliosoma?
    1. Bendera hufuata upepo
    2. Raha nyingi ni karaha
    3. Kila kilevyacho si tembo
    4. Ulevi unamfaidi mlevi

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41-50

Bila shaka umewahi kusikia watu wakimtaja mwenzao kuwa ni mhalifu. Mimi kwa kweli neno hili uhalifu sielewi maana yake hasa. Labda nisake ushauri wa wataalam kama Bwana Hussaini Khali ambaye amebobea na kutopea kwenye lindi la uswahili. Naam! Imara ya jembe ka ingoje shambani.

Ama kwa kweli, uhalifu ni hali ya uvunjaji sheria za nchi au jamii. Kwa mintarafu hii anayevunja sheria moja kwa moja hujibatiza jina la mhalifu. Mhalifu ni mtu asiyependwa na wengi kwani anaaminika kuwa mtu wa kuvuruga staha za wenzake. Mtu kama huyu aghalabu huelekea kukosa hata mtu wa kumnasihi kwa namna watu wacheleavyo kushirikiana naye.

Pwagu aidha ni mhalifu, yeye huvunja amri isemayo asiibe. Atakuja kukujulia hali ukakaramka kuwa pako kutokea ajinabi kumbe amekuja kuchunguza jinsi hali yako ilivyo. Baadaye akishapata ramani ya maskani yako, hutokomea kuandaa kikosi cha wageni wasioheshimu wenyeji, Kwa kupumbazika na kutekwa bakunja na ubinadamu ghushi aliokuonyesha, utashtukia pamejiri mikasa na wizi wa mabavu na huenda ukapoteza hata uhai. Naam! Mgeni kumpokea kumbe ni kujihasiri.

Watu wanaowaajiri watoto wanavunja sheria hususan wale wanaowaadhibu watoto kijeshi kwa mijeledi, fimbo na makofi. Wafahamu kuwa ni ukiukaji wa haki za watoto. Waelewe kwamba siku watakapotiwa mbaroni wataishia na kilio cha mbwa mdomo juu, ndipo watalazimika kutia akilini msemo, majuto ni mjukuu huja kinyume na mwiba wa kujidunga hauambiwi pole.

Wavyele wanaokataa katakata kuwapeleka wana wao shuleni watambue kuwa wamo katika uhalifu jinsi walivyo wahuni na wachopozi. Hata hivyo, yafaa waelewe kuwa mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni na nguvu ya mayonda huishia jangwani. Wanaoshuhudia uongo na kuwasingizia wenzao mambo ambayo hayana msingi madhubuti aidha wamevunja kanuni za nchi. Unaposhiriki porojo bila shaka una mshabaha na wanyang'anyi wa kutumia mabavu.

Abiria wawapo safarini kisha wakarakibu daladala, huhitajika kujisetiri kwa mikanda ya usalama. Watu wanaokosa kujifunga mikanda ya usalama hawatii sheria ambao wao aidha ni wahalifu. Fahamu kwamba asiyetii hutiwa. Ni jambo bora na mwanana endapo lusi razini watakuwa watiifu angalau kuepuka lawama na majuto. Bora kuzuia majuto tukifahamu kuwa kinga yashinda tiba.

  1.  Mtu avunjaye amri za nchi au jamii bila shaka si
    1. mwadilifu
    2. maadili
    3. mwasi
    4. mzalendo
  2. Bwana Hussaini Khali anatajika kifunguni kama
    1. msomi
    2. mswahili mahiri
    3. mhandisi
    4. kandawala
  3. Ni usemi gani utakoingiana barabara na aya ya tatu?
    1. Mgeni aje mwenyeji apone.
    2. Mgeni hachomi chaza mtaani
    3. Mgeni kumpokea kumbe ni kujitongea 
    4. Mgeni ni kama kengewa huruka akenda kwao
  4. Mhalifu si rahisi kutangamana na wenzake kwakuwa
    1. ana sura mbaya
    2. hana afya njema
    3. hana imani mwafaka
    4. ni mfano mbovu
  5.  Ni kauli ipi kutokana na taarifa isiyo ya kweli?
    1. Mshabaha upo baina ya dini na sheria za nchi
    2. Sheria za nchi hazihusiki na dini yoyote 
    3. Wafanyayo makosa yoyote ni wahalifu
    4. Lusu si mwasi
  6.  Neno ajinabi lilivyotumika yamkini linia maana ya
    1. mgeni
    2. kigeni
    3. desturi
    4. sherehe
  7.  Wageni wasioheshimu wenyeji... ni kina nani hawa?
    1. Majangili
    2. Majambazi
    3. Makaidi
    4. Wahalifu
  8. Kwenye aya ya tatu, mwandishi anatoa tahadhari kuhusu
    1. kukirimu wageni
    2. kutunza wageni
    3. kupokea wageni
    4. kushuku wageni
  9. Abiria aliye kwenye matwana aweza kuitwa mhalifu kwa
    1. kutolipa nauli
    2. kujifunga mkanda wa usalama
    3. kutovuta sigara
    4. kutulia garini
  10. Kwenye aya ya mwisho, mwandishi anatoa nasaha inayoandamana na msemo
    1. kuepukana na tatizo kuliko kusubiri balaa ikufike kwanza ni bora
    2. heri ungoje ujionee
    3. kujionea balaa ni vizuri
    4. heri kungoja maana utakuwa shujaa


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu huku ukianza kwa kifungu ulichopewa.

Ilikuwa siku ya michezo ya riadha shuleni kwetu Bahati. Hivyo basi.......


swa scheme


Tagged under


Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space, choose the best answer from the choices given.

Do you know that some animals can.................1..................electricity? There are many.................2..................of catfish and eels that................3..................low voltage of electric currents from their bodies. Contrary................4..................what some people believe, the currents that they generate are................5..................weak to kill a person but such currents help the fish to................6..................in the sea.

Electricity-producing fishes................7..................have poorly developed eyesight. They cannot see well and so ................8.................. this extraordinary ability as a form of protection ................9.................. as a means of getting food for themselves ................10.................. the fish's electric field is interfered with by the presence of a strange object, the fish is ................11.................. alerted. It then decides ................12.................. to attack or flee. If the stranger happens to be a predator, the fish makes good ................13..................escape.................14..................,if the strange object is a potential food, it captures it and feeds.................15..................it.

    1. produce
    2. provide
    3. supply
    4. support
    1. forms
    2. examples
    3. varieties
    4. type
    1. give up
    2. give out
    3. give way
    4. give away
    1. to
    2. with
    3. from
    4. on
    1. quite
    2. rather
    3. so
    4. too
    1. exist
    2. reside
    3. survive
    4. accommodate
    1. usually
    2. barely
    3. just
    4. already
    1. expects
    2. demand
    3. allow
    4. need
    1. but
    2. and
    3. then
    4. despite
    1. Whether
    2. While
    3. Whenever
    4. As
    1. immediately
    2. lately
    3. occasionally
    4. already
    1. if
    2. when
    3. neither
    4. either
    1. its'
    2. its
    3. it's
    4. their
    1. Therefore
    2. However
    3. Perhaps
    4. But
    1. on
    2. with
    3. for
    4. at

In questions 16 to 18. choose the alternative that best completes the sentence.

  1. Moses would not have missed the trip, if he ..................................... the money to pay.
    1. would have
    2. had
    3. had had
    4. could have
  2. Writing as fast as I could to finish my assignment,  ..................................... 
    1. sleep overwhelmed me.
    2. I discovered that I was making many errors. 
    3. my mother asked me to slow down.
    4. my hands got rather tired.
  3. The lady was not only humble  ..................................... 
    1. and polite
    2. and also polite
    3. but then polite
    4. but also polite

In questions 19 to 21. choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words.

  1. It is normal for every child to depend on their parents for basic needs.
    1. look up to
    2. look to
    3. look down on
    4. look forward to.
  2. I would have given up had I not got encouraged by my parents.
    1. surrendered
    2. stopped
    3. despaired
    4. failed
  3. He has been spreading some rumours about our school.
    1. lies
    2. stories
    3. gossip
    4. imaginations

For questions 22 and 23. add the correct question tag

  1. Few candidates have been interviewed by the panel,...............................?
    1. haven't they
    2. have they
    3. did they
    4. didn't they
  2. They were reluctant to approve the budget..................................?
    1. were they
    2. weren't they
    3. didn't they
    4. did they

For questions 24 and 25, choose the incorrectly spelt word.

    1. calendar
    2. pronounciation
    3. desperate
    4. entrepreneur
    1. fulfill
    2. lightning
    3. forty
    4. exhilarate 

Read the passage below carefully and answer questions 26 to 38.

It was one of those sunny mornings when merely breathing seemed to be an event worth celebrating. I was in a particularly good mood as my mother had just given me Kshs 1000 for my daily expenses during the week that she would be away with my father in the countryside to visit my ailing grandmother. I was in seventh heaven of delight just contemplating the things I could do with the money I had. If I survived on bread and butter the whole week, I would have a little windfall of Kshs 800 to buy a computer game! I had always wished to acquire one. This thought wandered about in my mind for a while during the first lesson of the day which happened to have been physical education. As usual, a gruelling session of endless running and weight training. I could hardly catch my breath as I trudged back wearily to the classroom. Just before I could enter the classroom, I heard a loud commotion coming from inside the room and quickly rushed in. My classmates were gathered around George's table as the latter ransacked through books, stationery as well as some personal effects in obvious distress. George had always been a popular boy in class. Not only was he bright and well-mannered but he also came from a wealthy family that provided him with all he could ask for. Yet, he chose to share everything he had with us, never minding the fact that he always provided while we received.

As such, I rushed immediately to his side when I saw his anxiety. My classmates quickly told me that George had lost the money that he had brought as a donation to the welfare home that we were supposed to visit that afternoon. Understanding the situation, I proposed that we organise a search around the classroom and inform the class teacher as soon as possible. Taking my suggestions seriously, the class immediately took action. In no time at all, Teacher Pendo (our class teacher) rushed to the classroom to take control of the situation. She decided to run a search through everyone's bag. We quickly stood by our tables and emptied the contents of our bags onto the table. When it came to my turn, I diligently took out all my possessions for inspection. My wallet was the last item to be checked and as Teacher Pendo took out the Kshs 1000 from it, the class fell into a hushed shock.

Up till then, I had no idea that the amount lost was exactly Kshs 1000. Had I not been aware of my own innocence, even I would have agreed that the evidence was incriminating enough to confirm my guilt. Everyone stared at me in horror. Teacher Pendo was triumphant - pleased that her efforts at flushing out the thief had bome fruit. In a loud and harsh voice, she demanded to know where the money had come from. I told her the truth, which obviously fell on deaf ears. She appeared not to have heard anything that I had said, choosing instead to dwell on the 'facts' of the matter. She proclaimed loudly that I had been caught red-handed, dismissing my story as laughable in view of the fact that my family was not well-off and could not possibly afford to give me Kshs 1000. She also went on to elaborate on the evils of envy, implying that I had stolen from George because I was envious of him. All this while. I was struck dumb by her convincing words, amazed at the theories that she had come up with based on the Kshs 1000 found in my wallet. The situation was worsened by the unfortunate fact that my parents could not come forward to support my story. By this time, the whole class was shaking their heads mournfully at me, obviously in full accord with the teacher's allegations. I was stunned and terrified. I could feel the jaws of misguided justice closing around my neck and struggled against it. I kept protesting my innocence, trying to drown out their accusations with the sheer volume of my voice. But it was to no avail.

The principal was called in to handle the situation. He promptly decided that the evidence against me was damning enough to warrant an immediate suspension or expulsion once my parents returned from their trip. I was devastated. How could they decide on my guilt without even checking out my story? Even a phone call to my parents was considered too much trouble for the school. Instead, they chose to concentrate on consoling George and reassure his parents. I knew then that my average background was the reason why my words carried less weight than George's distress. It was a sobering experience, educating me in the realities of life. The entire week was spent in a state of confusion. I kept to myself a lot, choosing not to leave the house at all. I lost a great deal of weight, since I was living entirely only on bread and butter. The Kshs 1000 had been confiscated by the school as 'evidence', leaving me only the loose change around the house to buy things with. Humiliation and anger were my constant companions during that week. None of my classmates telephoned me, not even those who were my buddies. Obviously, the stink of being a thief was more potent than that of friendship.

My parents finally returned. They rushed down to clarify matters once they realised what had happened. The school authorities felt embarrassed and apologised ceaselessly. My parents and I forgave them but I opted not to return to that school. Why would I return to a school where everyone had branded me a thief? Not even my closest of friends or teachers gave me a listening ear. A school where wealth spoke louder than truth. I sought to transfer to another school. My parents too shared in my opinion.

  1. Why was the writer overjoyed?
    1. His parents had gone on a journey. 
    2. He had been left on his own. 
    3. He had plenty of things to do. 
    4. He had some money to spend.
  2. Why did the writer want to buy a computer game?
    1. Most of his friends had it.
    2. He probably wanted to play it.
    3. His parents had promised to buy him one
    4. He knew it was the best way to spend his money.
  3. It is true to say that during the first lesson of the day, the writer
    1. was inattentive all through.
    2. enjoyed all the activities.
    3. did what was expected of him.
    4. had no idea what to do
  4. The word trudged as used in the passage can best be replaced by
    1. plodded
    2. roamed
    3. hobbled
    4. sneaked'
  5. Which statement is untrue about George?
    1. His classmates liked him.
    2. He was selfless.
    3. He was coming from an affluent family.
    4. He and the writer had most things in common.
  6. The fact that the writer proposed a search for the money shows that he
    1. knew where the money was.
    2. had no idea how much money had got lost.
    3. was eager to help George get his money back.
    4. suspected that there was a thief in the school.
  7. When the class teacher suggested to have the learners' bags checked,
    1. no one objected to it
    2. everyone became anxious.
    3. the writer became suspicious.
    4. she knew who exactly had the money.
  8. The class teacher did not believe the writer's story because
    1. she knew the writer as a jealous learner.
    2. everyone else shared in her thoughts.
    3. the writer was mischievous.
    4. she thought the writer could not get such money.
  9. The phrase But it was to no avail means that
    1. the writer was guilty.
    2. no one believed that the writer was blameless.
    3. the teacher forbade the writer to speak. 
    4. everyone was shouting.
  10. Why did the principal decide to expel or suspend the writer?
    1. He wanted to please the writer's classmates.
    2. He believed that the writer was guilty.
    3. No one else could have stolen the money.
    4. The writer had never been seen with any money before.
  11. Everyone found it easy to empathise with George mainly because
    1. he was from a very wealthy family.
    2. he had always been generous.
    3. he had never committed any offence.
    4. he was rather troubled.
  12. Why did the writer lose a lot of weight?
    1. He failed to eat at all.
    2. He was greatly troubled.
    3. He felt betrayed.
    4. He lacked a decent meal.
  13. The writer decided to join another school mainly because
    1. his teachers were cruel and reasonable.
    2. he needed a new environment.
    3. he had been treated unkindly by his classmates and teachers.
    4. his classmates had not helped him to defend himself. 

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 to 50.

Kenya is one of the most fascinating countries to visit in Africa. There are a plethora of tourist attractions. The Maasai Mara National Reserve is undoubtedly the best tourist attraction in Kenya and one of the best in the world. It is located in Narok County in the south-western part of the country-close to the border with Tanzania. The reserve was named after the Maasai Community. Mara is an extension of the great Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. When combined, the two national parks form a wildlife corridor that is unequaled anywhere worldwide. The reserve receives over close to 500000 visitors each year. Tourists visit The Maasai Mara Game Reserve in large numbers in the dry months of July to October to witness the epic Great Wild Life Migration. During this migration, over one million wildebeests, Thomson's gazelles and zebras move from The Serengeti National Park to The Maasai Mara Game Reserve. As they do so, they have to cross the crocodile infested Mara River and deal with predators like leopard, lions. cheetahs and most dangerously, crocodiles. This migration is often perilous but quite necessary. Apart from the wildlife and beautiful landscape, another key attraction is an encounter with the Maasai warriors who live in the park. They are always eager to keep the tourists entertained with their rare dances.

Another popular tourist attraction in Kenya is Amboseli National Park. It is found close to the border of Kenya and Tanzania and at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. 'Amboseli' means 'salty dust" in Maasai language. The park is known to be dry though it is still a haven to many wild animals. Amboseli is one of Kenya's most visited national reserves. There is no better place to see wild elephants in large numbers than Amboseli National Park. One can also spot lions, leopards, cheetahs, gazelles, elands, impalas. waterbucks and giraffes. Over 600 species of birds can also be spotted in the park. One will also be captivated by the greet savanna grassland, mountain views and the opportunity to learn about the Maasai culture and customs.

The next popular tourist attraction in Kenya is The Tsavo National Park. It is by far the largest national park in Kenya. It covers approximately 4 percent of Kenya's total area. Tsavo is considered the best national park in Kenya for exploring the African wilderness in solitude. It is so large that it is divided into two sections - Tsavo East and Tsavo West. The park is characterized by volcanic hills, rivers, savanna plains and waterfalls.

Tsavo West receives more rainfall and for that matter has better scenery all year round. The key attractions in Tsavo West are the Mzima Springs and giant craters. Because of the thicker vegetation, the animals are more difficult to see as compared to Tsavo East which is relatively dry and hence with less vegetation cover. It is casier to spot park animals like elephants. Though dry, Tsavo East is served by Galana River which meanders around the sector. The river supports the growth of beautiful palm trees and other vegetation which brings life to an otherwise semi-arid region. Other important attractions in Tsavo East are the Mudanda Rocks, Aruba Dam, Lugard Falls and the Yatta Plateau. You can also spot a varieties of animals including Leopards, Buffaloes, Lions, Rhinos, Hartebeests, Bush babies, Lesser Kudu, Maasai Giraffes, crocodiles and hippos among many others not to mention the birds.

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the most fascinating places to visit in Kenya. It is found in the middle of the country, 152 kilometres away from Nairobi. Most of the park consists of Savannah grasslands, woodlands, rocky cliffs and the largest euphorbia forest on the continent. Over 450 species of birds can be spotted here including one million flamingos, Goliath herons, African fish eagles, Pelicans and some species of eagles. Flamingos and Pelicans thrive on the salt waters of Lake Nakuru because of the rich algae and its relative isolation from humans. The greatest spectacle in the park is watching over one million flamingos take flight at once. Apart from flamingos, it is also possible to spot lions, warthogs. leopards, white rhinos, pythons and waterbucks.

  1. From the first sentence, it is right to conclude that
    1. most tourists prefer to visit Kenya.
    2. Africa has more tourist sites than other continents.
    3. it is exciting to visit Kenya.
    4. no other country is as fascinating to visit as Kenya is.
  2. What does the writer say about Maasai Mara National Reserve?
    1. It is bigger than other national parks in Kenya.
    2. It is the best tourism site in the world. 
    3. Its wildlife is constantly endangered 
    4. It is popular with tourists.
  3. Why do tourists prefer visiting Maasai Mara National Park between July and October each year?
    1. There are many animals to see that time. 
    2. Weather is favourable to tourists.
    3. To witness the Great Wildlife Migration. 
    4. To interact with the locals
  4. Which statement is true about the Great Wildlife Migration?
    1. It happens in most national parks in Kenya.
    2. It attracts many tourists.
    3. It poses danger to both human beings and wildlife.
    4. It happens throughout the year.
  5. Which word can best replace perilous as used in the story?
    1. Risky 
    2. Disastrous
    3. Catastrophic
    4. Calamitous
  6. Which one of the following animals is not usually involved the Great Wildlife Migration?
    1. Gazelles
    2. Wildebeests
    3. Leopards 
    4. Zebras
  7. The Maasai warriors found in Maasai Mara National Reserve can best be described as
    1. exotic
    2. enthusiastic
    3. arrogant
    4.  reserved
  8. Which statement is true about Amboseli National Park?
    1. It receives rainfall once a year.
    2. It does not have many animals.
    3. It has no vegetation.
    4. It is found near Mt Kilimanjaro.
  9. Most tourists visit Amboseli National Park mainly to
    1. interact with several Kenyan communities. 
    2. see elephants.
    3. learn more about Kenya.
    4. enjoy good climate.
  10. The word approximately as used in the passage can best be replaced by
    1. nearly
    2. just
    3. about
    4. almost
  11. It is not easy to see animals in Tsavo West mostly because
    1. they often hide from tourists.
    2. the park is too large to tour in limited time. 
    3. there are very few animals in the park. 
    4. the thick vegetation keep animals hidden.
  12. Why do flamingos like Lake Nakuru? 
    1. There is plenty of food for them to eat.
    2. They feel more secure there.
    3. There is enough water for them to swim.
    4. There are other birds to interact with.


eng schemes 1


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is a beginning of a story, complete it making it as interesting as possible

We were full of joy when the head teacher declared that we would have talent show in a two weeks' time.......................................................................................


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tagged under


  1. Which one of the following numbers is three million two hundred thousand one hundred and four written in symbols?
    1. 3200104
    2. 3020104
    3. 3200014
    4. 32001004
  2. Which one of the following numbers has the smallest value?
    1. 333030
    2. 303303
    3. 330330
    4. 303033
  3. A rectangular tank is 5m long, 3m wide and 2m high. How many litres of water does the tank hold when full?
    1. 30
    2. 3000
    3. 30000
    4. 300000
  4. What is the number 39853 when rounded off to the nearest thousand?
    1. 39000
    2. 39850
    3. 39900
    4. 40000
  5. What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 2050078?
    1. Thousands
    2. Ten thousands
    3. Fifty thousand
    4. Hundred thousand
  6. What is the value of 24 x 3 + 24 ?
    1. 8
    2. 15
    3. 30
    4. 72
  7. What is the value of 82 x 72
                                     16 x 62
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 36
  8. What is 43.1509 correct to three decimal places?
    1. 43.2
    2. 43.15
    3. 43.150
    4. 43.151
  9. The marked price of a pair of shoes was sh 1000. During sales the price was reduced to sh 800. What was the percentage decrease in price?
    1. 200%
    2. 80%
    3. 25%
    4. 20%
  10. What is the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 15, 18 and 24?
    1. 360
    2. 180
    3. 120
    4. 3
  11. The table below shows the marks scored by four pupils in two Mathematics test.
    Pupil 1st test  2nd test 
    Makhoha 66  44
    Turia 32 32
    Ali 64 48
    Nkirote 60 36
    Which pupil had the highest mean score of the two tests?
    1. Makhoha
    2. Turia
    3. Nkirote
    4. Ali
  12. What is the ratio 4:5 expressed as a percentage?
    1. 45%
    2. 54%
    3. 80%
    4. 125%
  13. Figure PQSR below is a rhombus. Line QR is one of the diagonals and angle SRQ-80°. Line SQT is a straight line.
    13 gfddf
    What is the size of angle PQT?
    1. 20°
    2. 50°
    3. 80°
    4. 160°
  14.  The registration of KCPE candidates in a certain school took place between 4th February and 4 April, 2022. For how many days did the registration took place?
    1.  59
    2. 58
    3. 57
    4. 60
  15. What is the value of 2.7x3.2x1.8 ?
    1. 0.008
    2. 0.8
    3. 8
    4. 80
  16. A rectangular container is 2.5m long, 1.5m wide and 1.2m high. What is the volume of the container in cubic centimetres?
    1. 4.5
    2. 450
    3. 450000
    4. 4500000
  17. The radius of an open cylindrical container is 6.3cm and the height is 30cm. The inside surface was painted. What area was painted? (Take л= 22/7)
    1. 656.37cm2
    2. 1188.0cm2
    3. 1312.74cm2
    4. 1437.48cm2
  18. Maanzo made a frame using wires in the form of a cuboid. The frame was 12cm long, 10cm wide and 8cm high. What was the total length of wire that he used?
    1. 60cm
    2. 120cm
    3. 180cm
    4. 240cm
  19. The price of a bicycle was reduced by sh 6300. This represented a 30% discount. What was the price of the bicycle after the discount?
    1. Sh 4410
    2. Sh 14700
    3. Sh 21000
    4. Sh 27300
  20. What is the next number in the pattern
    2, 6, 11, 17,......................?
    1. 28
    2. 24
    3. 23
    4. 21
  21. What is the value of x in the equation
    1. 11
    2. 72/3
    3. 7
    4. 22/3
  22. Thirty casual workers working at the same rate were hired to complete a construction in 20 days. How many days would 12 people take to complete the same construction? 
    1. 50
    2. 12
    3. 10
    4. 8
  23. In the year 2021, a farmer harvested 2480 bags of wheat. This was 750 bags less than what the farmer harvested in the year 2022. How many bags of wheat did the farmer harvest in the two years?
    1. 5710
    2. 4210
    3. 3230
    4. 1730
  24. In triangle PST drawn below, construct a circle that touches all the vertices.
    24 adadada
    What is the diameter of the circle?
    1. 3.9cm
    2. 7.8cm
    3. 4.1cm
    4. 8.2cm.
  25. Mukui bought the following items from the market
    11/2kg of meat @sh 400
    3 packets of milk @sh 50
    2 kg of sugar @sh 125
    A packet of maize flour for sh 200
    How much did she pay for the items?
    1. Sh 1200
    2. Sh 1100
    3. Sh 875
    4. Sh 775
  26. A trader imported 12.5 tonnes of sugar. The sugar was repacked into 50kg bags. How many bags were packed altogether?
    1. 25
    2. 250
    3. 25000
    4. 250000
  27. Barack left Kericho at 10.00am for Nairobi a distance of 225km. He drove at a speed of 90km/h. At what time did he reach Nairobi?
    1. 12.30pm
    2. 10.50pm
    3. 2.30pm
    4. 12.30am
  28. Salome spent of her profit to pay rent, of the remainder on salaries of her employees and saved the rest. If her total profit was sh 54000, how much money did she save?
    1. Sh 42000
    2. Sh 18000
    3. Sh 12000
    4. Sh 7500
  29. In triangle KLM drawn below, line KL = 16cm and line LM=20cm.
    29 adada
    What is the length of line KM?
    1. 4cm
    2. 9cm
    3. 12cm
    4. 36cm
  30. The marked price of a bed is sh 80000. The hire purchase price of the bed is 20% more than the marked price. Musau bought the bed on hire purchase. He paid a deposit and the balance in 8 equal monthly installments of sh 5000 each. How much deposit did he pay?
    1. Sh 96000
    2. Sh 85000
    3. Sh 56000
    4. Sh 40000
  31. The semi-circle below represents a training field. Kirwa ran round it 4 times. O is the centre of the semi-circle.
    31 dadada
    What is the distance that he covered?
    (Take pi = 22/7)
    1. 117m
    2. 234m
    3. 468m
    4. 936m
  32. The pie chart below represents how a farmer used his 72 hectares piece of land.
    32 sdada
    How many more hectares of land was used for growing maize than millet?
    1. 6
    2. 18
    3. 24
    4. 30
  33. Chacha arranged wires to form squares as shown below.
    33 adada
    How many squares can be counted from the pattern formed?
    1. 14
    2. 13
    3. 10
    4. 9
  34.  What is 25m/s expressed in km/h?
    1. 9km/h
    2. 90km/h
    3. 900km/h
    4. 9000km/h
  35. The figure below is made up of an equilateral triangle and isosceles triangle.
    35 adadada
    What is the size of angle FEH?
    1. 30°
    2. 60°
    3. 90°
    4. 120°
  36. What is the value of 2s + r if q = 4 , r = 2q + 1 and s=q+7?
    1. 5
    2. 63/4
    3. 7
    4. 73/4
  37. Muteero sold an item for sh 1200 and made a loss of sh 400. What was the percentage loss?
    1. 25%
    2. 40%
    3. 50%
    4. 331%
  38. A road of 18km is represented on a map by a length of 6cm. What is the scale of the map?
    1. 1:300
    2. 1:30000
    3. 1:300000
    4. 1:3000000
  39. What is the mode of the following numbers
    18, 12, 11, 15, 12, 14, 10, 18, 12, 8?
    1. 130
    2. 18
    3. 12
    4. 11
  40. What is the expression
    1. 17w+23v+29
    2. 3w+3v+29
    3. 17w+3v+5
    4. 9w +27v+17
  41. Malewa deposited sh 280000 in a financial institution that paid a simple interest rate of 8% per annum. How much was in her account after 3 years?
    1. Sh 67200
    2. Sh 72200
    3. Sh 347200
    4. Sh 326592
  42. A salesman earns a basic salary of sh 25000. He also gets a 5% commission on the value of goods sold above sh 50000. In one month he sold goods worth sh 250000. How much did he earn that month?
    1. Sh 10000
    2. Sh 60000
    3. Sh 12500
    4. Sh 35000
  43. Musa has x cows, Awino has x+8 cows while Merab has twice the cows Awino has. Which one of the following expressions shows the total cows they all have?
    1. 4x + 24
    2. 2x+16
    3. 2x + 24
    4. 4x-24.
  44. Maitha and Nkatho shared sh 18000 in the ratio 5:3. How much more money did Maitha get than Nkatho?
    1. Sh 4500
    2. Sh 11250
    3. Sh 6750
    4. Sh 8250
  45. The figure below is made up of a rectangle and a semi-circle.
    45 aadada
    What is its area? (Take л=22/7)
    1. 420cm2
    2. 497cm2
    3. 343cm2
    4. 263cm2
  46. Which one of the following statements is true about both equilateral triangle and rectangle?
    1. All sides are equal
    2. All angles are equal
    3. All angles add upto 180°
    4. All angles add upto 360°
  47. The table below shows the numbers of people who attended a football match and the gate charges. The number of children is not shown.
    Number of people  Gate charges
    Children - sh 50
    Students - 600 sh 200
    Female adults - 440 sh 500
    Male adults - 500 sh 500
    If the total amount collected was sh 600000, how many people altogether attended the match?
    1. 200
    2. 1740
    3. 1250
    4. 10000
  48. The figure below shows a net of a solid. Which one of the following can be formed from the net above?
    48 adada
    1. Square prism
    2. Triangular prism
    3. Square pyramid
    4. Triangular pyramid
  49. The graph below shows a motorist's journey from town A to town B.
    49 adadad
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 120km/h
    2. 100km/h.
    3. 75km/h
    4. 50km/h
  50. Construct triangle PQR in which QR-6cm, angle QRP-50° and RPQ-35°. What is the length of PR?
    1. 10.4cm
    2. 8.1cm
    3. 4.6cm
    4. 3.4cm


maths scheme


Tagged under


nipe map

Study the map of Nipe Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The settlement pattern in Nipe area is described as
    1. linear settlement
    2. river settlement
    3. clustered settlement
    4. nuclear settlement
  2. What factor has contributed to the growth of the town?
    1. Hospital
    2. Road junction
    3. Market
    4. Police station
  3. The airstrip in Nipe area is used for transporting
    1. fishermen
    2. wild animals
    3. tourists
    4. chief
  4. What is the direction of the quarry from the game park?
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The growing often in the Nipe area is influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. climate
    3. forest
    4. vegetation
  6. The climate experienced in the North Western part of Nipe areas is
    1. cool and wet
    2. cool and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. hot and dry
  7. Which of the following social services is not provided in Nipe area?
    1. Education
    2. Security
    3. Religion
    4. Health
  8. Raised part of land which have an almost level top surface is referred to as
    1. plateau
    2. highland
    3. range
    4. plain
  9. The factor that mainly influences the vegetation found in an area is
    1. soil
    2. drainage
    3. relief
    4. climate
  10. The following are plateaus found in Africa, which one is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Bie-Angola
    2. Nyika Chad
    3. Fouta Djalon Nigeria
    4. Jos-Guinea
  11. The following are factors that influence the climate of a place except:
    1. latitude
    2. ocean currents
    3. attitude
    4. longitude
  12. In school administration, who takes the idea of writing minutes during the board of management meeting?
    1. Senior teacher
    2. Chair person
    3. Headteacher
    4. Deputy headteacher
  13. Which multi-purpose river project is correctly matched with the country where found?
    1. Seven folks-Chad
    2. Aswan High Dam-Ghana
    3. Kariba Dam-Zambia
    4. Volta River Project - Egypt
  14. The main tourism attraction in Eastern Africa is
    1. warm climate
    2. sandy beaches
    3. historical sites
    4. wildlife
  15. Which of the following factors affect the climate of Northern Kenya?
    1. Relief
    2. Latitudes
    3. Altitudes
    4. Ocean currents
  16. In which order do the four seasons experienced in places far away from the tropical regions occur?
    1. Summer-Spring-Autumn-Winter 
    2. Summer-Winter Autumn-Springs
    3. Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring 
    4. Summer-Spring-Winter-Autumn
  17. Which one of the following mountains was formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas
    2. Tibesti
    3. Ruwenzori
    4. Elgon

Use the diagram to answer questions 18 and 19.

18 augdad

  1. The part marked C represents
    1. bamboo
    2. savanna
    3. rainforest
    4. health and moorland
  2. The above diagram is mainly influenced by
    1. altitude
    2. latitudes
    3. relief
    4. winds
  3. The diagram below represents an instrument used to measure an element of weather known as
    20 auygdyuad
    1. rainfall 
    2. temperature
    3. wind direction
    4. air pressure
  4. The main reason why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. to obtain raw materials 
    2. to settle disputes
    3. to stop slave trade
    4. to spread Christianity
  5. The largest swamp in Africa is
    1. Okavango
    2. L. Kyoga
    3. Sudd
    4. Lorian
  6. The most affective way to promote peace in Kenya is by
    1. inequality
    2. practising partisan politics
    3. exercising ethnicity
    4. promoting dialogue
  7. Tanganyika gained independence mainly by
    1. peaceful negotiations:
    2. assistance from OAU
    3. holding demonstrations
    4. use of armed struggle
  8. The main cocoa growing areas is known as cocoa triangle. Which one among the four is not a cocoa triangles?
    1. Accra
    2. Kumasi
    3. Takoran
    4. Marita
  9. There are three forms of marriage. Which one is not?
    1. Come we stay
    2. Civil
    3. Religious
    4. Customary
  10. The following are Kwa speakers except,
    1. Dangoma
    2. Malinke
    3. Akan
    4. Attie
  11. The capital city of Madagascar is
    1. Brazzaville
    2. Gitega
    3. Antananarivo
    4. Cape Town
  12. Aswan High dam is found in
    1. Ghana
    2. Kenya
    3. accra
    4. Egypt
  13. The lakes below are formed through down warping except;
    1. L. Utange
    2. L. Kyoga
    3. L. Kanyaboli
    4. L. Gambi
  14. The most easterly point of Africa mainland is
    1. Ras Bien Sakka
    2. Cape Guardafui
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Cape town

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 32-34

32 adada

  1. The country marked Q was colonized by
    1. Italians
    2. Germans
    3. British
    4. French
  2. The main economic activity carried out in the region marked V is
    1. farming
    2. mining
    3. fishing
    4. tourism
  3. The physical feature marked F was formed as a result of
    1. volcanicity
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. crosion
  4. The following are functions of a town
    1. It is an administrative centre
    2. It is a transport centre
    3. It is a commercial centre
    4. It is the headquarter of East Africa community
      The town described is likely to be
      1. Nairobi
      2. Djibouti
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Arusha
  5. The following are weather measuring instruments. Which one is correctly matched with the element it measure?
    1. Anemometer-Speed of wind 
    2. Thermometer-Air pressure 
    3. Windvane-Strength of wind 
    4. Barometer-Temperature
  6. Which of the following factors undermine peace in a society?
    1. Corruption
    2. Dialogue
    3. Respect
    4. Tolerance
  7. The following are groups of mountains. Which group consists of block mountains? Mounts
    1. Elgon, Atlas, Pare
    2. Pare, Danakil Alps, Ruwenzori
    3. Atlas, Drakensburg, Cape Ranges
    4. Kenya, Elgon, Longonot
  8. Who of the following traditional leaders is correctly matched with the community it ruled?
    1. Nabongo-Baganda
    2. Orkoiyot-Amaasai
    3. Ntemi-Nyamwezi
    4. Kabaka-Abawanga
  9. Which of the minerals listed below is correctly matched with the method of mining?
    1. Limestone-Evaporation
    2. Salt-Cpen cast
    3. Diatom ite-Scooping
    4. Soda ash-Dredging
  10. Africa continent lies between latitudes .......................... and .......................................
    1. 35°S, 18°N
    2. 54°W, 37°S
    3. 18°W, 54°E
    4. 37°N, 35°S
  11. The best method of solving disputes in the society is
    1. revenging
    2. dialogue
    3. using force
    4. litigation
  12. When the sun is overhead the equator the effect experienced is
    1. the lengths of the day and night are equal
    2. winter and summer are experienced
    3. the length of the day is shorter
    4. the length of the day is longer

Use the diagram below to answer questions 44 and 45.

44 adada

  1.  The raised parts marked X are referred to as
    1. anticlines
    2. escarpments
    3. faults
    4. synclines
  2. The diagram shows the formation of a physical feature called
    1. Inselberg
    2. fold mountain
    3. horst mountain
    4. block mountain
  3. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa;
    1. Experiences hot and dry summers
    2. Rain is experienced due on onshore winds
    3. Most of the rainfall is caused by the Westerly winds
    4. Temperature is between 130C to 240C The climate region is likely to be
      1. Equitorial
      2. warm temperature
      3. Mediterranean
      4. savannah
  4. The following are regional trade blocs. Which one is correctly matched with the headquarter?
    1. AU-Arusha
    2. SADC-Gaborone
    3. COMESA - Abuja
    4. ECOWAS-Lusaka
  5. The following are major pastoral communities in Africa except;
    1. Maasai
    2. Tswana
    3. Turkana
    4. Fulani
  6. The following are the contributions of a traditional leader:
    1. He was a commander in chief
    2. He controlled trade
    3. He settled disputes
    4. He was a religious leader
      The traditional leader described above is
      1. Nemi
      2. Nabongo
      3. Orkolyot
      4. Omwanika
  7. The following are Nilotic speakers in Africa except:
    1. Maasai
    2. Nuer
    3. Turkana
    4. Sandawe
  8. The following are communities in Western Africa:
    1. Hausa
    2. Andarawa
    3. Tuaregs
      The all belong to which language group?
      1. Kwa speakers
      2. Voltaic speakers
      3. Mande speakers
      4. Afro-Asiatic speakers
  9. The following are conditions that favour the growth of a certain crop;
    1. Rainfall between 1500mm-2000mm, per year
    2. High temperature between 270c and 300c
    3. Deep fertile soils
    4. High humidity throughout the year
      The crop is likely to be
      1. cloves
      2. cotton
      3. pyrethrum
      4. sisal
  10. In a civic electoral process, the citizens elect a person to represent an area called
    1. county
    2. ward
    3. constituency
    4. zone
  11. The following are factors that promote peace in a society except;
    1. games and sports
    2. transparency
    3. unemployment
    4. equality
  12. The following is a list of human rights;
    1. Right to free elections
    2. Right to health care
    3. Right to work
    4. Right to marry
      Which combination consists of social rights?
      1. i, iv
      2. i, iii
      3. ii, iv
      4. iii, iv
  13. Who among the following officials is a member of the county executive committee?
    1. Nominated county representative
    2. MCA
    3. Speaker
    4. Deputy governor
  14. Which one of the following is not a form of electronic media in communication?
    1. Magazine
    2. Radio
    3. Television
    4. Internet
  15. The following are prehistoric sites. Which one is found in Sudan?
    1. Meroe
    2. Sango Bay
    3. Olduvai Gorge
    4. Koobi Fora
  16. The govemment officer in charge of a sub-county is called
    1. deputy governor
    2. deputy county commissioner 
    3. county commissioner
    4. assistant county commissioner
  17. The head of the judiciary arm of Kenyan government is the
    1. speaker
    2. chief justice
    3. president
    4. deputy president


  1. Which one of the following was a sin committed by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden?
    1. Disobeying of God's command
    2. Obeying the snake
    3. Admiring the fruit
    4. Covering themselves
  2. Who among the following people in the Old Testamen was known to as the father of faith?
    1. Job
    2. Joseph
    3. Abraham
    4. Moses
  3. The sign of the covenant made between Noah an God was 
    1. blood
    2. water
    3. a rainbow
    4. a cloud
  4. What was Moses doing when God talked to him from a burning bush?
    1. Looking after Jethro's sheep
    2. Receiving the commandments
    3. Watching an Egyptian and Hebrew fighting.
    4. Praying on Mt. Sinai
  5. Jacob worked for fourteen years at his uncles home so as to have ............................... for a wife.
    1. Hanna
    2. Peninah
    3. Leah
    4. Racheal.
  6. Who among the Old Testament judges is known for his strength?
    1. Samson
    2. Samuel
    3. Gideon
    4. Goliath
  7. What is the main reason why king Solomon regarded as a great king of Israel?
    1. Was a very wise king
    2. He bought the ark is covenant to Jerusalem 
    3. Made Jerusalem a capital city
    4. Married many foreign wives
  8. Who was anointed by Samuel as the first king Israel?
    1. Rehoboam
    2. David
    3. Saul
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following prophets called Jesus the prince of peace?
    1. Amos
    2. Isaiah
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Hosea
  10. Who among the following was informed by the angel about the birth of Jesus Christ before he was born?
    1. The shepherds
    2. Joseph
    3. Mary
    4. The Maggi
  11. At what age did Jesus get a chance to attend the Passover feast in Jerusalem?
    1. 33years
    2. 12years
    3. 8years
    4. 8days
  12. Jesus wept when he
    1. walked on water
    2. stood outside Lazarus tomb because of grief 
    3. healed a blind man
    4. changed water into wine
  13. The lame, blind, sick and lepers who went to Jesus for healing needed to have
    1. patience
    2. honesty
    3. money
    4. faith
  14. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are books in the Bible which talk about
    1. the kings of Israel
    2. miracles performed by a different people
    3. the life history of Jesus
    4. the journey to the promised land
  15. Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about persistence in prayers?
    1. The good Samaritan
    2. The rich fool
    3. The prodigal son
    4. Friend at midnight
  16. Jesus was buried by
    1. Simon and Andrew
    2. Peter and John
    3. Nicodemus and Joseph Arimathea
    4. Peter and James
  17. Jesus taught that those who are humble will
    1. be satisfied fully
    2. receive what God has promised
    3. be called children of God
    4. see God
  18. Which one of the following books of the New Testament is a letter?
    1. Matthew
    2. Timothy
    3. Luke
    4. John
  19. Which of the following is a gift of the Holy spirit?
    1. Patience
    2. Humility
    3. Gentleness
    4. Healing
  20. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Preaching
    3. Healing
    4. Joy
  21. Which one of the following activities of leisure is common to both traditional African society and Christianity?
    1. Visiting the needy
    2. Watching films
    3. Attending beer parties
    4. Reading stories
  22. The main virtue expected from the youth after initiation in traditional African communities is
    1. responsibility
    2. obedience
    3. honesty
    4. humility
  23. To show that life is valuable a traditional African communities, expectant mothers
    1. eat all types of food
    2. solve conflicts
    3. are allowed to have enough rest
    4. carry heavy loads
  24. According to Jesus teaching, which one of the following commandments is the greatest? The
    1. do not kill
    2. respect your parents so that your days may be longer
    3. love your God and love your neighbour 
    4. do not commit murder
  25. The Christian event celebrated to mark Christ's victory over death is
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost
    3. Christmas
    4. Ascension.
  26. Who among the following disciples taught that faith should be accompanied by actions?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Andrew
    4. Peter
  27. If you find your friend stealing something from the teacher's bag, what should you do as a Christian?
    1. Inform everyone that is a thief
    2. Tell him why stealing is bad
    3. Ask him to pay you for your silence
    4. Call the teacher immediately
  28. Gilbert spent his money on the following projects. Which one of them is the best Christian example on the use of wealth?
    1. Clearing community grazing land to build a shopping centre
    2. Buying a bus for an income
    3. Buying alcohol for the friends
    4. Digging a borehole for the community
  29. Which of the following activities best shows how Christians should spend their leisure time?
    1. Playing games
    2. Visiting the sick
    3. Singing songs
    4. Reading stories
  30. The first missionaries to Kenya were
    1. John Rebman and Ludwig Krapf
    2. Bishop Nzeki and Cardinal Njenga
    3. David Livingstone and Thompstone
    4. John Speke and Baker


social ms



  1. The chart shows classification of plants;
    1 dada
    Which plants are correctly matched by letters labelled M, N and Q respectively?
    1. Sugarcane, tomato, pawpaw
    2. Potato, fern, puffball
    3. Orange, mushroom, pine
    4. Maize, millet, sorghum
  2. The following are symptoms observed on an individual who was infected with HIV infection;
    1. Loss of body weight
    2. Persistent cough
    3. Skin rashes
      The person was likely in which stage of HIV infection?
      1. Full blown stage
      2. Asymptomatic stage
      3. Symptomatic stage
      4. Window stage
  3. The medicine that remains after completing a dose should be
    1. thrown in a pit latrines
    2. shared with other family members
    3. kept in locked cupboard for future use
    4. returned to hospital
  4. Which one of the following is a pair of communicable diseases only?
    1. HIV and AIDS and kwashiorkor
    2. Tetanus and anaemia
    3. Malaria and tuberculosis
    4. Tuberculosis and kwashiorkor
  5. The diagram below shows a root of plant;
    5 dada
    Which plant does not have the root drawn above?
    1. Millet
    2. Rice
    3. Wheat
    4. Spinach
  6. The diagram below shows an improvised weather instrument;
    6 Ssdsfs
    The weather instrument was found to give wrong readings. Which mistake was like to have been done when constructing?
    1. Using a measuring cylinder that was calibrate
    2. Rising the raingauge 15cm above the ground
    3. Keeping the raingauge in an open ground
    4. Using a wide funnel to collect it rain water
  7. Which planets given consist of 2nd, 5th and 7th planets in the solar system respectively?
    1. Venus, Mars, Neptune
    2. Venus, Earth, Saturn
    3. Venus, Jupiter, Uranus
    4. Venus, Mars, Uranus
  8. In which parts of the body does the absorption of water and mineral salts take place?
    1. Mouth
    2. Small intestine
    3. Large intestine
    4. Stomach
  9. The diagram drawn below shows an experiment set up to investigate a certain component of soil;
    9 adada
    Which component of soil was being investigated?
    1. Living organisms in soil
    2. Air in the soil
    3. Humus in the soil
    4. Water in the soil
  10. The following are characteristics of a certain weed;
    1. Short and thick stem
    2. Has swollen roots
    3. Pink flowers
      The weed described likely to be
      1. wandering jews
      2. pig weed
      3. mexican marigold
      4. oxalis
  11. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain waterborne diseases;
    1. Skin rashes
    2. Itching of the bowls
    3. Blood in the urine and faeces
      The disease described above can be prevented through three of the following way except one. Which one is it?
      1. Proper sanitation
      2. Draining stagnant water
      3. Wearing gumboots
      4. Vaccination
  12. Transfer of heat from a jiko in room to the far end of the room takes place through
    1. conduction and radiation
    2. radiation only
    3. conduction only
    4. convection radiation
  13.  Which material given are correctly grouped?
      Opaque  Transparent  Translucent 
    clear glass shoes air
    dirty water clear glass skylight
    C mirror clear water frosted glass
    D oiled paper air oiled paper
  14. The following are materials collected to investigate a certain aspect of light;
    1. Source of light
    2. Water in a basin
    3. Ruler
      Which aspect was being investigate?
      1. Reflection of light
      2. Making a rainbow
      3. Dispersion of light
      4. Refraction of light
  15. The following are characteristics of matter
    1. Expand when heated and contract when cooled
    2. Occupy space
    3. No definite shape
    4. Definite volume
      The types of matter described above are most likely to be
      1. sugar and salt
      2. water vapour and flour
      3. porridge and paraffin
      4. sand and water
  16. The pie chart shown below shows composition of air;
    16 adada
    Which component of air labelled is used during combustion?
    1. J
    2. i
    3. h
    4. G
  17. In which part of the human reproductive system does fertilization take place?
    1. Birth canal
    2. Ovary
    3. Uterus
    4. Fallopian tube
  18. The soil that has best water holding capacity has three of the following characteristics except;
    1. highest capillarity
    2. fine texture
    3. small particles
    4. large air space
  19. Which animal is correctly matched with its products?
    1. Poultry - Eggs and wool
    2. Cattle - Mutton and milk
    3. Sheep - Beef and milk
    4. Goat - Milk and mutton
  20.  The flow chart shows a certain group of plants. Which one are wrongly classified?
    20 sfsfs
    1. Acacia, cypress, mould
    2. Mould, cypress, beans
    3. Fern, sisal, pine 
    4. Acacia, sisal, fern
  21. Which one of the following animals is not correctly matched with its way of protecting itself from enemies?
    1. Snail - Hiding in shells
    2. Millipede - Coiling
    3. Wasp - Gliding
    4. Scorpion - Stinging
  22. Which of the following characteristics does not help desert plants to reduce amount of water loss?
    1. Stomata closure.
    2. Losing leaves
    3. Thick waxy cuticle
    4. Deep roots
  23. Class four pupils classified farm animals according to their product as shown below;
    23 adada
    Which products were wrongly classified?
    1. A,B,C
    2. B, G, C
    3. B, F, H
    4. E, A,H
  24. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. Tools should be cleaned after use 
    2. A stainless knife can easily rust
    3. Oiling prevent tools from drying
    4. Tools should be properly cleaned before use
  25. Pupils observed the following characteristics of clouds in the sky;-
    1. Covered the whole sky 
    2. Thick and feathery
    3. Mountainous in shape 
    4. Had flat base
    5. Dark grey in colour
      Which characteristics describe nimbus clouds?
      1. ii, v, i
      2. iv, i, iii
      3. iii, i, v
      4. i, iv, ii
  26. The following are methods of using energy sparingly except;
    1. using traditional jiko
    2. using vehicle with low fuel consumption 
    3. switch off lights when not in use
    4. walking when travelling short distance
  27.  The following are signs of ill health in animals except;
    1. low income
    2. rough coat
    3. reduced yield
    4. blood in the stool
  28. The following describes fertilization in plants but not in the correct order. Choose the correct order,
    1. Pollen tube forms
    2. Pollen tube breaks
    3. Pollen grain land on stigma
    4. Ovule develops into seeds
    5. Pollen grain fuses with ovule
      1. iii, i, ii, v, iv
      2. iii, v, iv, ii, i
      3. iii, i, v, iv, ii
      4. iii, i, v, ii, iv
  29. Which of the following is an effect of air pollution on non living thing?
    1. Acid rain kill soil micro organisms and other animals that live in soil after dissolving
    2. Industrial gases dissolves in rain water and causes harm to corrugated iron sheets
    3. Industrial gases causes respiratory diseases to humans
    4. Acid rain destroyed plant leaves
  30. A standard six pupil used a bucket to pour water at different points on a stanting soil surface. Which of these soil erosion methods were they demonstrating?
    1. Wind erosion
    2. Sheet erosion
    3. Gulley erosion
    4. Rill erosion
  31. Study the diagram below and use it to answer question 31.
    31 adada
    The parts marked BCD respectively are
    1. ureter, urethra, urinary bladder
    2. ureter, gall bladder, urethra
    3. urethra, urinary bladder
    4. ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
  32. An illness of the stomach brought about by cating food that contains harmful substance is called
    1. food contamination 
    2. food poisoning
    3. food spoilage
    4. food illness
  33. The reason why a breast feeding mother requires sufficient iron in the diet is to
    1. help in digestion and protect the baby against diseases
    2. replace blood lost during birth
    3. help in formation of strong bones in the baby
    4. increase milk production
  34. Which one of the following components of air is correctly matched to its percentage?
         Nitrogen          Carbondioxide
    1. 0.97                     78
    2. 21                      0.03
    3. 78                      0.03
    4. 78                      0.97
  35.  The experiment below shows that
    35 sfsfsf
    1. air has mass
    2. air occupies space
    3. matter contracts on cooling
    4. air expands when heated
  36. Below is an experiment conducted by class eight pupils;
    36 adada
    Pupils used the experiment to conclude that 
    1. the viewer can see through both pipes
    2. light travels in all direction
    3. light passes in a bent pipe
    4. light travels in a straight line
  37. The following are steps followed when constructing a beam balance but not in the correct order;
    1. Find the balancing points of the arm
    2. Fix the arm on the stand
    3. Suspend the tins onto the stand
    4. Make a hole on the arm
      Which is the third step?
      1. Suspend the tins onto the stand
      2. Find the balancing points of the arm
      3. Fix the arm on the stand
      4. Make a hole on the arm
  38. Class 4 pupils were spreading soil on a flat surfaces and observing. What were they trying to investigate?
    1. Air in soil
    2. Mineral particles
    3. Water in soil
    4. Living organism in soil
  39. Which of the following consists of materials which have a definite shape only?
    1. Sawdust, chalkdust, soil
    2. Soil, glue, ink
    3. Toothpaste, soda, glue
    4. Stones, water, nitrogen
  40. Which one of the following cannot help in maintaining dental hygiene?
    1. Using a toothpick
    2. Eating carrots and sugarcane regularly
    3. Brushing the teeth regularly
    4. Avoiding eating sugary foods
  41. Which of the following statement is correct about parts of human breathing system?
    1. Trachea warm the air
    2. Lungs allows exchange of gases
    3. Diaphragm increase in size during breathing in
    4. Bronchus has mucus and hair that cleat the air
  42. The diagram below shows part of a mammalian heart;
    42 adada
    The blood vessels V, K, Q and H respectively are
    1. venacava, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, aorta
    2. Pulmonary, vein, pulmonary artery, venacava, aorta
    3. venacava, pulmonary artery, aorta, pulmonary vein:
    4. Pulmonary artery, venacava, aorta, pulmonary vein
  43. Which one of the following groups of animals consists of reptiles only?
    1. Salamander, frog, toad, newt
    2. Crocodile, lizard, newt, turtle
    3. Platypus, snake, turtle, bat
    4. Tortoise, crocodile, snake, lizard
  44. The following materials are needed to make a certain weather instrument;
    1. Rubber band
    2. Glass bottle
    3. Manilla paper
    4. A beaker
    5. A wooden stand
    6. A biro pen tube 
    7. Coloured water
      Which one of the following weather instrument can be made using the above materials?
      1. Windsock
      2. Raingauge
      3. Liquid thermometer
      4. Air thermometer
  45. Which of the following diseases is correctly matched to its cause?
    1. Rickets - Lacks of vitamin C in the diet
    2. Marasmus-Lack of enough balanced diet 
    3. Kwashiorkor-Lack of calcium in the diet
    4. Anaemia-Lack of fibre and minerals salts in the diet
  46. Which one of the following is not a method of maintaining tools?
    1. Sharpening cutting edges
    2. Planting them regularly
    3. Cleaning them after use
    4. Greasing and oiling metallic parts
  47. When a metal spoon is fitted with a plastic handle the plastic
    1. makes the spoon look smart.
    2. makes the spoon a better conductor
    3. makes the spoon longer
    4. serves as an insulator
  48. Class four pupils wanted to investigate a property of soil using the following material;"
    1. Dry soil
    2. Candle
    3. Container
    4. Lid
      The property of soil being investigate was that soil has
      1. living organism
      2. air
      3. organic matter
      4. water
  49. Which one of the following parts of material is suitable for making wheels?
    1. Bottle top, maize cob
    2. Marble, boxes
    3. Block of wood, round stick
    4. Block of wood, bottle top
  50. Which one of the following happens when light rays pass from one medium to another?
    1. Diffraction
    2. Refraction
    3. Dispersion
    4. Reflection


sci ms



Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi, umepewa majibu manne.
Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi. 

Laiti angalimaizi, abadan katan ............1...............katika  ............2...............  ............3............... Ilikuwa  ............4............... kwao wavyele wake kumhimiza  ............5............... juhudi,  ............6...............sikio la kufa halisikii ............7............... Kilio cha mtima ndicho  ............8............... kila uchao. Alipanda pankwisha akavuna 


    1. angalizembea
    2. asingelizembea
    3. angezembea
    4. asingalizembea
    1. somo
    2. masomoni
    3. ujiva
    4. masomo
    1. zao
    2. yake
    3. yao
    4. wake
    1. mwelekeo
    2. kaida 
    3. kusudi
    4. nia
    1. kutojali
    2. kujibali na
    3. kutoasi
    4. kuasi
    1. bali
    2. seuze
    3. mbali 
    4. licha ya
    1. yeyote
    2. uneni
    3. madawa
    4. dawa
    1. anakiamkia
    2. wanachokilalia
    3. anakilalia
    4. anachokilalia
    1. pankwisha
    2. ayami
    3. pantosha 
    4. kiishicho 

Hakika misitu  ............10...............umuhimu chungu  ............11...............  ............12...............uhifadhi  ............13............... ni jambo  ............14............... kuzungumziwa na kutiliwa mkazo  ............15............... kumbi na mikutano iliyopangwa na itakayopangwa kote duniani. 

    1.  inazo
    2. inalo
    3. inao 
    4. inayo
    1. mzima
    2. nzima
    3. zima
    4. nomi
    1. Kwa sababu
    2. Hata hivyo
    3. Kwa mintarafu
    4. Kwa hivyo
    1. wazo
    2. wayo
    3. wapo
    4. wao
    1. linalobidi
    2. linaobidi
    3. linaostahili
    4. lisilostahili
    1. kwa
    2. si
    3. pasipo
    4. katika 

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, jibu kila swali ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa. 

  1. Ni orodha gani ya nomino za ngeli ya U-YA pekee?
    1. Mabua, mauaji, mawele, maumbo
    2. Uuaji, ulezi, ubao, ugonjwa
    3. Upishi, malezi, mawele, makelele
    4. Magonjwa, maua, mapishi
  2. Ni sentensi gani kati ya hizi imetumia methali?
    1. Mtoto alilala fofofo
    2. Usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta
    3. Swali hili lilikuwa mboga
    4. Amina ni mwoga kama kunguru 
  3. Ipi si maana ya neno "chuma"?
    1. Pata pesa nyingi
    2. Toa matunda kutoka mtini
    3. Mtu asiye na nguvu
    4. Aina ya madini
  4. Tegua kitendawili:-
    Kina mkono na uso lakini hakina uhai
    1. jua 
    2. Nyota
    3. saa 
    4. sahani
  5. Kinyume cha sentensi:-
    Shangazi anaondoka nje anarudi ndani ni
    1. Mjomba anarudi ndani kutoka nje
    2. Shangazi anarudi ndani kutoka nje
    3. Mjomba anarudi nje kutoka ndani.
    4. Shangazi anarudi nje kutoka ndani
  6. Kulia ni kwa machozi, jeraha ni kwa
    1. kamasi
    2. matongo
    3. damu
    4. usaha
  7. Malipo anayopatiwa mtu aliyekwazwa ili kuondoa hasira yake ni
    1.  kilemba
    2. honoraria
    3. mapoza 
    4. marabaha 
  8. Mwalimu yule aliyekuja jioni ni jirani yangu.
    Maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari ni
    1. kielezi, kiwakilishi, kivumishi
    2. kivumishi, kielezi, kiwakilishi
    3. kiwakilishi, kivumishi, kielezi
    4. kivumishi, kielezi, kivumishi
  9. Kati ya wafanyakazi hawa, ni yupi anayeuza bidhaa rejareja mnadani?
    1. Dalali 
    2. Nokoa
    3. Hamali
    4. Mchuuzi
  10. Chagua sentensi ambayo ni sahihi kisarufi
    1. Wamezificha funguo kabatini ile
    2. Moshi anafuka chumbani mle penye wageni
    3. Barasteni penyewe kumelimwa tena
    4. Moyoni mwake ndimo mlimoficha siri
  11. Jaza vihasho kwa maneno sahihi:-
    Alimwinda .....................................na jioni aka ...................................mchuzi mkali kama...................................
    1. siki, unga, sigi
    2. sigi, uga, siki
    3. sigi, unga, siki
    4. unga, siki, sigi
  12. Andika kauli ya taarifa ya:-
    "Mbona unayachafua mazingira hivi?” aliuliza
    1. Alitaka kujua mbona ulikuwa ukichafua mazingira hivyo
    2. Alitaka kujua mbona alikuwa akichafua mazingira vile
    3. Aliuliza sababu ya kuchafua mazingira hivi
    4. Aliuliza mbona unachafua mazingira hivyo
  13. Chagua jibu lisilo sahihi
    1. Maktaba: YA-YA
    2. Nyanya: 1-ZI
    3. Uyoga: U-U
    4. Unyasi: U-ZI
  14. Kilinge ni cha wachawi ilhali .......................................ni kwa vitabu,
    1. bunda 
    2. matopa
    3. furushi
    4. mtungo 
  15. Kiingilio hutolewa kuingilia chumba cha burudani.
    Malipo au zawadi inayotolewa kwa mtu aliyeona au kuokota kitu kilichopotea ni
    1. ada 
    2. fidia
    3. utotole
    4. kiokote 

Soma habari ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 31-40. 

Siku ya chete hungojewa kwa hamu na hamumu katika mji wa Leteraha. Hii ndiyo siku watu wa mbali na karibu hutangamana kwa madhumuni tofauti. Kunao wanaoleta bidhaa mbalimbali kuziuza. Kunao wengine ambao hutangaza huduma hizi au zile ilhali kunao wanaokuja kununua. Mara nyingi ununuzi si ununuzi tu bali ni ununuzi kwelikweli. Kwa vile wanunuzi wengi wanafahamu fika kuwa itawachukua siku saba ndipo wafike sokoni tena, inabidi basi wanunue bidhaa za kudumu siku zote hizo. 

Nao wauzaji huhakikisha kwamba wanakidhi mahitaji ya wateja wao maana wasingependa wao waende mbali kutafuta bidhaa au huduma hizo. Basi mimi na sahibu yangu Mwendwa tulilizuru soko hilo la kwetu siku ya chete Jumamosi iliyopita. Baada ya pitapita za hapa na pale na ununuzi wa vitu hivi na vile tuliona tumeridhisha haja zetu. Tukawa tunajiandaa kuambua nyayo kurudi makwetu. 

Ghafla ustahi ulisikika kutoka karibu na tulipokuwa tukifungia mzigo wetu. Ustahi huo ulitatiza na kutatiza kelele zilizokuwa zikiendelea pale sokoni. Wacha mtafuruku upande moto. Ni kupita kwa watu waliokuwa karibu mno na tukio la mkasa ndipo tulipata fununu ya mambo. 

Mwendawazimu mmoja alitokea kudai kuwa mwanamume fulani aliyekuwa amevalia nadhifu kuwa ni mumewe. Yule mwanamke mwendawazimu aliyejulikana sana pale sokoni aliitwa Wamnara. Alimshika maskini mwanamume wa watu na kukatalia ungedhani dondora. Juhudi za mwanamume huyo kujaribu kujinasua zilimjadirisha tu Wamnara. Wehu ukampanda maradufu kama zaibaki kwenye kipimajoto. Sauti kali iliendelea kumtoka huku akitaka yule mwanamume amwambie mbona alimwacha pale sokoni na kutoweka. 

Kioja hicho kilivuta na kuvutia lukuki ya watu. Baadhi yao walimwonea huruma mwanaume yule huku wengine wakimsihi Wamnara kumwacha. 

  1. Watu wengi huitazamia siku ya chete kwa kuwa
    1. kunazo jamii zilizoendeleza elimu ua kujenga nyumba
    2. kila jamii ilifunza elimu ya kupaka kuta rangi
    3. ni siku ya kutangamana
    4. ni siku ya kuleta bidhaa tele sokoni
  2. Mnunuzi huitwa mteja au
    1. mhudumu 
    2. mshitiri
    3. dalali
    4. mwuzaji
  3. Siku ya soko pale mjini Leteraha ilitanguliwa na
    1. Alhamisi 
    2. Jumapili
    3. Ijumaa
    4. Jumanne
  4. Mwandishi na Mwendwa walidhamiria kufanya nini sokoni?
    1. kumwona mwendawazimu Namnara
    2. kununua bidhaa kadhaa pale sokoni
    3. kutongamana na wauzaji na wanunuzi
    4. kwenda kuuza bidhaa kadhaa
  5. Wanakidhi mahitaji ya wateja maana yake ni
    1. wanatosheleza matilaba ya wanunuzi
    2. wanaridhisha haja zao na za wateja pia
    3. wanawaudhi wanunuzi
    4. wanawapunja wanunuzi
  6. Kizaazaa kilisababishwa na nini pale sokoni?
    1. watu waliokuwa wakiambua nyayo
    2. tafrani za wanunuzi waliotaka kuhudumiwa haraka
    3. ukwenye uliotoka karibu na alikosimama Mwendwa
    4. moto ulioanza kuungaza vibanda sokoni
  7. Mwendwa na rafikiye hawakudhamiria
    1. kuwa miongoni mwa waliofika kutazama kioja cha sokoni
    2. kuona vioja vya pale sokoni
    3. kujua nini kilichotafirisha shughuli za sokoni
    4. kuabiri gari na kurudi makwao
  8. Kwa nini Wamnara alimganda mwanaume yule?
    1. Alidai kuwa mwanaume huyo alimrelekeza
    2. Alipendekezwa na jinsi alivyovalia maridadi
    3. Walijuana sana tangu zamani
    4. Alidai kuwa mwanamume huyo alikataa kununua bidhaa zake
  9. Vitimbi hivyo viliisha wakati
    1. polisi walifika na kumshika Namnara
    2. mwanamume alipofurukuta na kujinasua kisha akatoroka
    3. mwanamume huyo alimkubalia Namnara maombi yake
    4. watu waliingilia kati na kumsaidia mwanamume huyo
  10. Kichwa kipi kinafaa kwa habari hii?
    1. Vioja sokoni
    2. Mnunuzi ashikwa kwa kumwibia mwendawazimu
    3. Kila soko lina wendawazimu wake
    4. Wamnara na koti la mwungwana 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41-50. 

Siku za hivi karibuni, mambo ni kana kwamba kaenda segemnege katika taifa fulani liitwalo Kenya. "Watazamaji leo tungependa kuanzia kwa habari za tanzia. Abiria watano kaitwa rehemani baada ya kuhusika katika ajali ya barabarani. Wenzao manusura si hayati si mamati na wamo hospitalini" Runinga moja katika taifa hili ilipeperusha habari. 

Wadau wa sekta ya uchukuzi katika taifa la Kenya kutwa kucha vichwa wajipata kongamanoni kukitegua kitendawili hiki sugu "Wakuu wa trafiki, wasimaminzi wa barabara na wahusika wengine, sabalkheri? Ningependa kunena kuwa ajali nyingi taifani zinasababishwa na baadhi ya haya. Madereva wengine baada ya kubugia ya mgema hujipata usukani. Magari mengine huwa ni yale ambayo spana ziwe tayari. Silatini si kwao kwema. Imemaizika kuwa magari mengine huendeshwa kwa kasi ghaya. Bila shaka kasi hii ya duma huyaleta maafa yaso kinaya. Baraste zingine huwa na mashimo yasokarabatiwa. 

Magari yanapoyagonga pengine hujipata kabingiria bingiribingiri. Abiria" Wengine wasibahatike kutoyaona mauko." Ukumbi wote hakuna aliyesinasina wala kukohoa. Walimkazia macho aliyekuwa mkabala. Hoja zake ziliwaingia akilini na kuwapa kero. Basi tufanye nini kuyaokoa aushi ya maskini abiria na waendashaji wa magari, bodaboda na tuk-tuk?.......? 

  1. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya kwanza
    1. mambo hayakuwa vyema
    2. risala za heri zilitumwa na mtangazaji
    3. habari runingani ilitamiwa
    4. utulivu kafurahiwa Kenya
  2. Tambua jibu lisilo na maana ya kwenda segemnege.
    1. mvange
    2. kasi
    3. kombo
    4. mrama
  3. Kulingana na kifungu,
    1. nia yao ilikuwa kuvikuna vichwa
    2. wadau walikuwa ajizi
    3. walijitia hamnazo kuhusu ajali
    4. walichemsha bongo kuhusu kero lao
  4. Ni kweli kulingana na kifungu kuwa kongamano
    1. Lilitia nanga macheo
    2. Liling'oa nanga asubuhi
    3. Halikuanza katu
    4. Lilisitishwa asubuhi
  5. Ajali katika nchi husika
    1. ubugia tembo si hoja
    2. zaadimika
    3. ni nadra 
    4. visababishi ni ayami 
  6. Magari, spana ziwe tayari kama ilivyotumika katika ufahamu ina maana
    1. magari yenye spana
    2. spana kuwa tayari
    3. makanika wawe tayari
    4. magari mabovu
  7. Tambua neno lisilo kisawe cha silatini
    1. barabarani
    2. barasteni 
    3. manzilini
    4. njiani
  8. Tambua matumizi ya............bingiribingiri.
    1. chuku
    2. nahau
    3. tanakali za sauti
    4. tashbihi
  9. Kulingana na kifungu, aya ya tatu ukumbini mwa kongamano
    1. hali ilikuwa shwari
    2. kimya kilitamalaki
    3. watu walifurika
    4. hatibu alisimama kando 
  10. Tambua maana ya maskini kama iliyotumika kifunguni
    1. fakiri
    2. hohehahe
    3. akina yahe
    4. waathiriwa 


swa ms


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. 
Andika insha ya kusisimua ukianzia kwa maneno haya :- 

Ilikuwa siku ya ziara. Tulikuwa tumeingoja kwa hamu na ghamu.........................................................................................................................................................
























































































Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15.
For each question choose the best alternative from the choices given. 

It ............1............ without  ............2............that a hearty laughter a day relieves the ............3............stress. ............4............some of the jokes we  ............5............ in quest, for fun leave us  ............6............ the ............7............ of sanity in humankind. Sometimes their level of intelligence leaves a lot to be  ............8............ Take for example what a ............9............man once came across. 

A man called Mapoo went to the market. He walked around admiring.  ............10............ he aw. By the end of the day, he ............11............all his money. He bought many things  ............12............them a stool. The conductor came collecting fare. "Fare please  ............13............"the conductor told him. "Well, you  ............14............be using your stool but you have to pay. "For what? I think people in a bus pay for  ............15............

    1. goes
    2. comes
    3. went
    4. is
    1. word
    2. expecting
    3. saying
    4. action
    1. day's
    2. days
    3. day
    4. days'
    1. However
    2. But
    3. And
    4. Also
    1. say
    2. crack
    3. give
    4. make 
    1. surprised
    2. wondering 
    3. thinking
    4. wandering
    1. length
    2. extend
    3. extent
    4. area
    1. thought
    2. imagined
    3. seen 
    4. desired
    1. middle-aged
    2. middle-set
    3. middleage
    4. middle-age
    1. anything
    2. something
    3. everything
    4. things
    1. spent
    2. had spent
    3. spend
    4. had spend
    1. together
    2. including
    3. with 
    4. among
    1. ?
    2. !
    3. .
    1. must
    2. should
    3. may
    4. can
    1. chairs
    2. sits
    3. space
    4. seats 

For question 16, choose the alternative that means the same as the underline sentence 

  1. We hardly ate anything last night,
    1. we ate much last night
    2. we ate very little last night
    3. we ate everything last night
    4. we ate nothing last night

For question 17, choose the alternative that best fits in the blank space

  1. Of the two boys, Martin is the............................. in soccer.
    1. good
    2. more better
    3. better
    4. best

For questions 18 and 19, choose the opposite of the underlined word 

  1. You should give a definite answer to this question;
    1. uncertain
    2. suitable
    3. positive
    4. correct
  2. The amount of resources allocated to this project is insufficient.
    1. waterfall
    2. satisfactory
    3. sophisticated
    4. inadequate

For question 20 and 21, select the best alternative to complete the sentence

  1. If they had known earlier they
    1. had been better prepared.
    2. would have been better prepared
    3. will be better prepared
    4. would be better prepared
  2. It was not until the elections were held 
    1. that the campaigns stopped
    2. than the campaigns stop
    3. so the campaigns stopped 
    4. and the campaigns stopped 

For question 22, choose alternative that best  fills the blank space 

  1. The container was .........................small to carry the water.
    1. very
    2. so
    3. too
    4. to

For questions 23 and 24, choose the alternative that best complete the sentences 

  1. We shall water the farm, ..................................?
    1. is it
    2. shall we
    3. isn't it
    4. shan't we
  2. The lady was wearing .......................shoes.
    1. leather, beige, pretty, small
    2. pretty, beige, small, leather
    3. pretty, small, beige, leather
    4. beige, pretty, small, leather

For question 25, choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined 

  1. Neither Melvin nor Sarah attended school.
    1. Sarah perhaps attended school
    2. Only Melvin attended school
    3. None of them attended school
    4. Both Melvin and Sarah attended school

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 26-38. 

I soon learned however that life for growing boy was not for boys with parents like mine. Although my mother had never had he benefit of a formal education herself, she was determined that I should be sent to school at the earliest opportunity. My father probably due to my mother's persuasive power was strongly in favour of this also. Even though I could often get around my father, I knew that once my mother's mind had been made up there was nothing I could do about it. 

I found my first day in school so disappointing that I ran way, determined never to return. But my mother turned a deaf ear to my raging protest and quietly but determined dragged my by the arm each morning and deposited me in the classroom. Eventually, I realized that I had lost the battle and decided that as I was going to be forced to stay there, I might as well get to like it and do what I could to learn something. To my surprise, I soon found that I enjoyed my lessons and looked forward to going to school, even though we lived in fear and trembling of the teacher because of his firm and active belief in the adage - spare the rod spoil the child. I disliked being forced to do things against my will, for that not been accustomed to it, and I used to think what a paradise school would be it we were left in peace to do our studies without the presence of a school master. 

All the various grades were housed in one room and the master used to teach a class at a time. It must have been a hard job for him, and we did not do anything to ease his lot. Luckily, I was keen on learning, so keen infact, that soon my only dread was that my father might one day be unable to afford the school fees, which at that time amounted to three pence a month. Because of this I started rearing a few chickens which I sold for six pence each. By this means I could not only help to meet school fees but I had money to buy books as well. In addition, any fears of my father's poverty were quite unfounded because I can never remember him denying any one of us anything we asked, and he was particularly generous where I was concerned. 

  1. The writer soon learnt that life for a growing boy was
    1. all play and no work
    2. all work and no play
    3. not all work
    4. not all play
  2. We learn front the first paragraph that
    1. both of the parent had received any school education
    2. the writer's mother had never gone to school 
    3. the writer's mother and never gone to school
    4. neither of the writer's parents had gone to school
  3. Why did the writer run away from the school?
    1. The mother did not treat him well at home
    2. The class teacher spaced the rod
    3. He had missed his parents
    4. He received cold reception on his first day in school
  4. The statement "look forward to" has been written in bold. What does it mean? 
    1. To go to school 
    2. To face forward
    3. Wait for something
    4. To eagerly wait for something
  5. What can we learn about the writer in the first paragraph?
    1. Both of the writer's parent were illness
    2. His father feared his mother
    3. His disliked his parents
    4. He was obedient
  6. The statement "spare the rod spoil the child" is an example of
    1. hyperbole 
    2. proverb
    3. simile
    4. metaphor
  7. What surprised the writer is that
    1. He lost interest in studies
    2. He was anxiously waiting to go to school
    3. His parents lost interest in him
    4. He started enjoying his lessons at school
  8. According to the passage, which statements is incorrect?
    1. The teacher believed in correcting a pupil's mistake
    2. The writer did not like to be forced to thing against his will
    3. The teacher believed in giving corporal punishment 
    4. The writer believed that the school will be enjoyable without the teachers interference
  9. According to the third paragraph, what was the job for the master? 
    1. Making their books was tasking
    2. Pupils making a lot of noise in class
    3. Teaching pupils of a class at a time
    4. Teaching various grades a time 
  10. The writer's fear was that
    1. his father may not be able to pay school fee for him
    2. he might not be promoted to a higher grade
    3. he might not be able to pay school fees
    4. he didn't do anything to ease his master's lot
  11. The mother the writer earned by selling the fowls was used
    1. for paying in school fees alone
    2. to pay his school fees and buy his school books
    3. to go on tour
    4. to meet the family expenses
  12. According to the last paragraph, the writer's father can be described as
    1. impolite 
    2. mean
    3. extravagant
    4. open handed
  13. The best title for the passage can be
    1. Children should not go to school
    2. Do not allow poverty to define your future
    3. Children should not go to school
    4. It is good to disobey your parents 

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 39 -50. 

Life is a journey filled with lesson, hardship, headaches, joys, celebration and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth. Infact throughout our travel, we shall encounter many challenges. 

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weakness and faith. A long the way we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes, these obstacle are really blessing in disquise, only we do not realise that at the time. 

A long our journey, we shall be confronted with many situation. Some will be filled with joy and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced with determines what kind of outcome the rest of our journey throughout life will be like. 

When things do not always go our way, we have two choices to make. We can focus on the fact that things did not go how we had hoped they would and lot life pass us by. On the other hand we can make the best out of the situation knowing that these are only temporary setbacks and find the lessons that are to be learnt. 

Time stops for no one, and it we allow ourselves to focus on the negative, we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. We cannot go back to the past we can only take the lesson that we have learned and the experiences that we have gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartache, as well as the hardships that in the end, help to make us a stronger person. 

The people we meet on her journey play significant role in our lives. As much as some people may seen unimportant to us, there are several values that we can learn from them. It is not good to look down on anyone irrespective of their social status, ethnic background or political affiliation. As we tolerate other people, we acquire the virtues of humility. Without this, we are worse off than a rest of his life on earth. 

Throughout this adventure, people will give you advice and insights on how to live your life. However, when it all comes down to it, you must always do what you feel is right. Always follow your heart and most importantly never have any regrets. The determining factors when choosing what to do is immorality and fairness to others. 

It is often said that what does not kill you will make you stronger. It all depends on how one defines the words "stronger". It can have different meanings to different people. In this sense, "stronger" means looking back at the person you were and comparing it to the person you have become today. It also means looking deep into your soul and realizing that the person you are today could not exist if were not for the things that you have met. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason and sometimes that means we must face heartaches in order to experience joy. 

  1. Life is considered a journey mainly because it
    1. has a purpose
    2. is quite exciting 
    3. does not last long
    4. has many challenges
  2. The word ultimately means the same as
    1. surely
    2. often 
    3. regularly
    4. finally 
  3. The challenges we experiences in life 
    1. mainly test our weakness
    2. are not to make us weak
    3. result from our weakness
    4. have no impact on our lives
  4. The word "disguise" has been used in the passage as
    1. a conjuction 
    2. an adjective
    3. a noun
    4. a verb 
  5. The phrase these obstacles are really a blessing shows that the obstacles 
    1. may come along with fortunes
    2. prevent us from being blessed
    3. are usually many
    4. are hard to overcome
  6. In order to have a successful life, one should
    1. avoid become sad
    2. avoid coming across obstacles
    3. respond positively
    4. ignore the obstacles
  7. What should we do when things do not go our way?
    1. Seek other people's help
    2. Focus on the problems 
    3. put the blame on other
    4. Learn lesson from our mistakes
  8. Which statement is false according to the passage?
    1. the future has great things to offer
    2. hardships often make us weak
    3. it is worthless troubling ourselves about the pass
    4. past experiences may shape our future
  9. From the passage, it is true to say that
    1. some of the people we meet are actually insignificant
    2. we often teach other people important lessons
    3. all the people we meet are important
    4. we learn very little from other people
  10. People who are horrible
    1. do not to encounter many problems
    2. do not take much time to think
    3. like keeping to themselves
    4. respect other people
  11. When choosing what to do 
    1. follow your heart and never regret
    2. ensure you aim at pleasing everyone
    3. ignore your past experience
    4. do not take much time to think
  12. The proverb that best summarizes the last paragraph is
    1. An old dog never learns new tricks
    2. It is never too late to change
    3. No pain without gain
    4. Hard work never goes unrewarded

Marking Scheme

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You have 40 minutes to write your composition 

Write an interesting composition starting with these words: 

The dark grey clouds immediately condensed into droplets of rain while I was still away from home. I tried to take the short cut through .................................................................................................................................



























































































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