Displaying items by tag: Class 8


Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

Life in an arid area is .........................1.................... tough. So .........................2.................... are the challenges .........................3.................... people .........................4.................... easily .........................5.................... Being hot and dry, an arid area has .........................6.................... vegetation. Rain .........................7.................... falls here. People go .........................8.................... foot for kilometres in search of water. Water is .........................9.................... as if it .........................10.................... gold. .........................11.................... getting food is another big problem. Generally, people.........................12.................... make do with wild fruits and roots. Temperatures are extremely low during the night but very .........................13.................... all the day .........................14.................... few people can .........................15.................... such conditions.

    1. too
    2. very
    3. so
    4. nearly
    1. many
    2. much
    3. long
    4. big
    1. but
    2. that
    3. the
    4. and
    1. will
    2. may
    3. shall
    4. can
    1. give in
    2. give out
    3. give up
    4. give away
    1. little
    2. less.
    3. fewer
    4. a little
    1. never
    2. regularly
    3. hardly
    4. often
    1. by
    2. with
    3. through
    4. on
    1. thought
    2. treated
    3. said
    4. seen
    1. were
    2. was
    3. had been
    4. can be
    1. However
    2. Nevertheless
    3. Actually
    4. Besides
    1. ought to
    2. need to
    3. have to
    4. should
    1. high
    2. hot
    3. much
    4. sharp
    1. Lastly
    2. Therefore
    3. Finally
    4. Eventually
    1. make up with
    2. keep up with
    3. get along with
    4. put up with

Find the word which means the same as the underlined word.

  1. Honourable Aedi is a distinguished Member of Parliament.
    1. dignified
    2. clever
    3. active
    4. eminent

Choose the alternative that means much the same as the given sentence and is good English.

  1. I am told Ali is the tallest boy in the school.
    1. Ali, they tell me, he is tallest of the boys.
    2. Of all the boys in the school, Ali is said to be the tallest.
    3. They are telling me that that no one in the school is so tall like Ali.
    4. Set beside every other boy in the school Ali can be described being all.

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow
Five pupils -Gillian, Juliet, Linet, Chumo and Mwamburi went to buy snacks in a hotel. Linet, Chumo and Mwamburi ate chips. Juliet, Chumo and Mwamburi had a sausage each. Gillian, Chumo and Juliet ate a meat-pie. Linet, Mwamburi, Gillian and Juliet took a soda each. Linet and Gillian ate fish as well.

  1. Who ate both fish and a sausage?
    1. None
    2. Linet
    3. Chumo
    4. Gillian
  2. Who ate chips and sausage but not a meat-pie?
    1. Chumo
    2. Chumo, Mwamburi and Linet
    3. Mwamburi
    4. Mwamburi and Chumo.
  3. Who of them had chips, a meat pie and a sausage?
    1. Mwamburi.
    2. Chumo
    3. Juliet
    4. Linet

Complete the following

  1. Lion is to brave as lamb is to ...................................
    1. meek
    2. cowardly
    3. mild
    4. edible

Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word

  1. There were high buildings on each side of the street.
    1. great
    2. large.
    3. tall
    4. storey
  2. His punishment was quite fair.
    1. just
    2. severe.
    3. firm
    4. legal

Fill in the gap with the correct word. 

  1. Mr. Matu visits the barber ...............................................
    1. acassionally
    2. acasionally
    3. occassionally
    4. occasionally
  2. Mueni .............................. her end of year examination very well.
    1. past
    2. passed
    3. failed.
    4. passing

Read the passage and answer questions 26-38
For centuries, poets have been fascinated by eyes because they are windows into ourselves. We not only see out through our eyes - they also give other people an indication of what kind of people they are. The eye is the first point of contact between two people and clear, sparkling eyes can portray happiness, health and an attractive personality.

Dull eyes often indicate dull people. They can turn off a guy as fast as bad breath! Your eyes are a good indication of your physical health. If you go for a medical examination, the doctor will probably take a close look into your eyes because they reveal symptoms of all kinds of problems in other parts of the body from diabetes to jaundice.

So, as well as being a woman's main beauty asset her eyes tell the world about her personality and her state of health. They are also pretty useful for seeing things as well.

How crazy we are that we have such vital organs as eyes and yet they are the most neglected parts of our bodies! When did you last do anything to help your eyes keep fit and well?

Probably not for a long, long time if you are typical, and yet we plaster make-up around our eyes to try to enhance their beauty without doing a few simple things which would help them not only to look good but to stay in good working order.

Our eyes work terribly hard-virtually non-stop for the sixty or seventy years of an average life-span. That is a tough enough test without the additional stress put on our eyes by the modern environment and the way in which we abuse them.

If you live in a city like Nairobi, the pollution from smoke and dust, the glare of strong sunlight and working or reading in light which is either too strong or too weak all combined to create eyestrain. So try to ensure that your eyes are protected as much as possible.

Wear good sunglasses to reduce the sun's glare, and when you are reading or doing close work, make sure that the light comes over your shoulder and adequately illuminates your book, newspaper or work.

It is essential that your eye is always well lubricated-just like a car engine or piece of machinery. A healthy eye normally does this automatically, but it may need help from good quality eye drops. This is especially the case if you are concentrating hard for long periods. When your rate of blinking can drop drastically, it is regular blinking which cleans the eye surface and lubricates it with tears.

  1. In the passage the eyes are referred to as windows into ourselves because
    1. they can see out through windows 
    2. their position in the head is like that of windows in a house
    3. we see out through them
    4. they are the first point of contact
  2. Eyes are good indication of your physical health because
    1. they can turn off a guy as fast as bad breath.
    2. they reveal symptoms of all kinds of problems in other parts of the body
    3. they can show how someone suffers from diabetes
    4. If they are dull, you are also dull
  3. Eyes are also pretty useful for seeing things as well. The word pretty has been used to mean
    1. beautiful
    2. less
    3. more
    4. very
  4. The word vital has been underline, this word means
    1. difficult
    2. necessary for living
    3. useless
    4. bright
  5. The writer says we are crazy because
    1. we don't give much attention to our eyes
    2. we have lost our senses
    3. we have vital organs
    4. we are typical
  6. The writer is trying to tell us that beautifying the outside of the eyes does not help but we should:-
    1. plaster make-up around them
    2. try to enhance their beauty
    3. give more attention to inside of the eyes as well
    4. make them look good
  7. That is a tough enough test without
    ......................."The test referred to here is
    1. the doctor's examination
    2. the hard work of looking done by the eyes for the whole of one's life
    3. the beautifying of the outside of the eyes
    4. the additional stress put on our eyes
  8. The modern surroundings affect our eyes in that
    1. there is pollution and inadequate light
    2. there is a city like Nairobi
    3. there is much work
    4. people wear good sunglasses
  9. From the passage, the most important thing we have learnt is that
    1. for centuries, poets have been fascinated 
    2. dull eyes often indicate dull people.
    3. important as they are, eyes should be given great attention
    4. our eyes work terribly hard
  10. The word pollution is underlined. What does it mean according to the passage?
    1. Farting
    2. Contaminating the environment
    3. releasing oxygen
    4. releasing clean water
  11. A healthy eye,.................................
    1. lubricates naturally
    2. needs oil like an engine
    3. is dry
    4. is big
  12. Which of the following actions help lubricate the eye according to the last paragraph?
    1. crying
    2. seeing
    3. watering
    4. blinking
  13. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
    1. The dull eyes
    2. Pollution in Nairobi
    3. The strength and weakness of eyes
    4. Taking care of our useful eyes 

Read the following passage carefully, then answer questions 39 to 50.
Good management of dental caries requires that a good diagnosis be done by a dentist. He is trained to examine someone, perhaps even take relevant X-rays to enable him make a sound decision on what may be the problem with the teeth. At least an X-ray taken once every eighteen months when someone goes for a dental check up is essential especially if a person is prone to dental caries.

Neglect in dental caries can lead to loss of teeth in both children and adults. Lost teeth affects a person's bite and also the efficiency to chew food. Improperly chewed food may not be well digested and absorbed and in children growing up, this may lead to malnutrition. One is advised to seek professional help immediately there are cavities in the teeth. Teeth most prone to dental caries in children are the first and second molars while in adults, they are pre-molars and molars.

The dentist may clean out the decayed tooth material after X-ray examination and fill the cavity with the appropriate filling material. In Kenya most surgeons may use amalgam which is grey in colour, while on the front teeth coloured materials are used to repair the decay. Amalgam may not be used in front teeth as its colour greatly affects the beauty and personality of and individual.

In cases where the tooth is beyond repair it may be removed.

Another tooth may be placed in the gap if the removed one was functional. Teeth which are extracted may be replaced using partial or full removed dentures. Teeth may only be replaced if the bone and the gums which are the support structures are healthy. However, if the supporting structures are infected, then the remaining teeth may be too weak to provide support for the artificial teeth.

In children aged between one and a half years to ten years, it may not be advisable to remove teeth because the child needs the teeth for proper chewing of the food. Teeth enable a child to learn proper phonation of letters and speech. The baby teeth also act as space holders to incoming permanent set. Premature loss may result in the growing teeth shifting in the space of the lost tooth. This may lead to crowding of the second set of teeth.

  1. Good management of dental caries requires
    1. a good doctor
    2. proper examination
    3. X-raying
    4. good medication
  2. To whom in particular is an X-ray appropriate once every one and a half years?
    1. any person with dental caries
    2. All people who experience pain in the teeth
    3. Those who are likely to suffer decays
    4. Those who go to have their teeth checked
  3. "To make a sound decision" as used in the first paragraph means
    1.  reaching a decision after thorough consideration
    2.  saying one's decision loudly
    3. speaking one's mind loudly and without fear
    4. making a decision quickly
  4. What mainly is the cause of teeth losses in human beings?
    1. ignorance
    2. attentiveness
    3. decay
    4. carelessness
  5. What help should one seek if he has dental caries?
    1. uprooting the tooth there and then.
    2. having an X-ray performed on the tooth
    3. seeing that not a single meal is skipped to avoid malnutrition
    4. going to a qualified dentist soonest possible
  6. A tooth that has been examined for cavities
    1. is filled up by the dentist
    2. has amalgam material used to fill it
    3. awaits a decision from the examiner on what is to be done
    4. has coloured materials used to repair the cavity
  7. Which one of the following factors should not be considered when filling the teeth?
    1. beauty
    2. individual's choice
    3. nature of tooth
    4. patient's personality
  8. A tooth is only to be extracted
    1. as the last alternative
    2. if it makes a person ugly
    3. if the dentist refuses to treat it
    4. when the patient demands that it be uprooted
  9. Which is the proper technical term for artificial teeth?
    1. man made teeth
    2. self made teeth
    3. false teeth
    4. natural teeth
  10. The following are reasons why it is not advisable to have the children's teeth removed with the exception of
    1. speech
    2. breaking food
    3. good spacing
    4. digestion
  11. Poor spacing or crowding of the second set of teeth may result from
    1. premature loss of teeth through removal 
    2. lack of proper diet when the child is between one to ten years
    3. the food missed by children as a result of removing the teeth
    4. too many teeth growing in place of the lost ones 
  12. Which one of the following is the best heading for the passage?
    1. how caries affect teeth
    2. Good dental care
    3. teeth losses
    4. teeth filling 


Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it and make it as interesting as you can.

It had rained cats and dogs throughout the night. When we woke up in the morning we could not believe what we saw ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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  1. Which of the following is 20060409 written in words?
    1. Twenty million six thousand four hundred and nine
    2. Twenty million sixty thousand four hundred and nine
    3. Twenty million six hundred thousand four hundred and nine
    4. Twenty million sixty thousand and forty nine
  2. Which of the following statements is correct?
    1. 1/4 < 0.25
    2. 4/5 > 7/8
    3. 0.36 > 0.063
    4. 1/2 < 2/5
  3. What is the difference between the total values of the digits in the thousand and hundreds position in the number 385240?
    1. 200
    2. 4800
    3. 5000
    4. 5200
  4. What is the value of
    (48365 - 12000 + 4 + 2035) - 625 x 8
    1. 38330
    2. 50365
    3. 52400
    4. 42400
  5. A farmer had 2800 goats in his farm. He sold 5/7, of the goats on the first day and then sold 1/5, of the remainder the following day. How many goats were sold?
    1. 2000
    2. 640
    3. 2160
    4. 160
  6. Which is the next number in the pattern
    8, 21, 38, 57, 80,...............
    1. 105
    2. 107
    3. 109
    4. 103
  7. A trader sold 19322 bags of wheat in the second week which was 2476 bags less than what he sold in the first week. In the third week he sold 542 more bags than he sold in the first week. How many bags did he sell altogether?
    1. 53556
    2. 59900
    3. 56032
    4. 63460
  8. What is the value of:
    8 adad
    1. 10.5
    2. 110.5
    3. 65.5
    4. 55.5
  9. What is 859.9975 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 859.99
    2. 860
    3. 859.00
    4. 860.00
  10. In a race, Koech takes 12 seconds to runs round a field, Mutuku takes 15 seconds while Muchiri takes 18 seconds to run round the same field. If the three athletes start together after how many seconds will they be together again?
    1. 3
    2. 45
    3. 3240
    4. 180
  11. In a farm, on average 6 dairy cows produce 144litre of milk per week. In four weeks the cows produced 1920 litres of milk. How many dairy cows are in the farm?
    1. 480
    2. 20
    3. 14
    4. 26
  12. What the squareroot of 26.01?
    1. 4.9
    2. 0.51
    3. 5.1
    4. 0.49
  13. The area of a rectangular piece of land is 250 square metres. Its width is 12.5m. What is the perimeter of the piece of land?
    1. 20m
    2. 65m
    3. 40m
    4. 32.5m
  14. A building block weighs 2kg 250g. How many such blocks can be loaded into a lorry which can carry 2.7 tonnes?
    1. 12
    2. 120
    3. 1200
    4. 12000
  15. The figure below represents a piece of land?
    15 acacdada
    What is the area of the piece of land?
    (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 896m2
    2. 850.5m2
    3. 632m2
    4. 1484m2
  16. Gotini used a ladder to paint the top of a wall. He placed the bottom of the ladder 21/2, metres away from the wall. The ladder touched the wall at a height of 6 metres. What was the length of the ladder?
    1. 81/2 m
    2. 13 m
    3. 421/4 m
    4. 61/2
  17. A bus left Kitale on Friday at 8:30 p.m. It took 7h 50minutes to reach Nairobi. On what day and time in 24 hours clock system did he reach Nairobi?
    1. Saturday 0420h
    2. Friday 0420h
    3. Friday 1620h
    4. Saturday 1620h
  18. A room has a base of measuring 7.5m by 6m. It has a height of 3m. The walls of the room were painted. If the doors and window occupied a total area of 11m2, calculate the total area painted.
    1. 81m2
    2. 70m2
    3. 125m3
    4. 160m2
  19. A cylindrical water tank of diameter 0.8m has a height of 3.5m. What is the volume of the container in cubic metres?
    (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 8.8
    2. 4.4
    3. 1.76
    4. 7.04
  20. The figure below represents a flower garden.
    20 udada
    Calculate the distance round the plot in metres (Take π = 3.14)
    1. 161.4
    2. 193.8
    3. 146.4
    4. 178.8
  21. A cylindrical tank whose diameter is 70cm has a height of 80cm. How many litre of water can it hold when three quarter full?
    (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 308
    2. 231
    3. 77
    4. 154
  22. Letayo drove from town M at an average speed of 72km/h and took 2h 30minutes to reach town N Kamau drove the same distance and took 3 hours. At what speed was Kamau driving?
    1. 86.4km/h
    2. 48km/h
    3. 90km/h
    4. 60km/h
  23. What is the value of
    p + 2n - r
    Where p =5, m = 2p n=p +9 and r=n +6
    1. 2.5
    2. 2
    3. 6.2
    4. 5.8
  24. Which one of the following expression is the simplified form of
    2(3n+m) + 4n
     4(n+2m) -m
    1. 7n+2m
    2. 10n+m
       4n+ m
    3. 7n+m
    4. 10n+2m
  25. What is the value of x in the equation
    3(2x+2) = 6
    1. 2
    2. 21/3
    3. 4
    4. 32/3
  26. Maria bought n bananas and Rehema bought 4 more banana than Maria. Okello bought twice the number of bananas bought by both Maria and Rehema. The total number of bananas bought altogether was 30. Which one of the following equation can be used to find the number of bananas Rehemal bought?
    1. 6n+12=30
    2. 4n+8=30
    3. 2n+6=30
    4. 3n+6=30
  27. In the figure below construct a perpendicular bisector of line PS. Let the line intersect PS at N and meet line QR at M
    27 adada
    What is the size of acute angle QNM?
    1. 145°
    2. 35°
    3. 45°
    4. 135°
  28. The ratio of boys to girls in a certain school is 4:5. If there are 240 boys how many more girls than boys are in the school?
    1. 300
    2. 60
    3. 540
    4. 140
  29. What is the value of
    35/6 - 1/3 + 13/4 ÷ 7/12
    1. 1/2
    2. 61/2
    3. 6
    4. 31/2
  30. The figure below is part of a parallelogram PQRS. Complete the parallelogram
    30 adada
    What is the length of QS?
    1. 10.3cm
    2. 8.7cm
    3. 6.8cm
    4. 7.5cm
  31. Triangle EFG below is a isosceles triangle. The length EF = EG = 13cm and FG= 24cm
    31 adada
    What is the area of the triangle?
    1. 120cm2
    2. 60cm2
    3. 156cm2
    4. 312cm2
  32. The diagram below is a net of a solid
    32 adada
    Which one of the following statements is true about the number of faces, edges and vertices for the solid?
    1. 4 faces, 9 edges and 4 vertices 
    2. 5 faces, 8 edges and 5 vertices 
    3. 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices
    4. 5 faces, 9 edges and 6 vertices
  33. Which one of the following statements is true for both a trapezium and a square? 
    1. Opposite sides are equal
    2. Have only one pair of parallel sides
    3. The sum of interior angles is 360°
    4. Diagonals bisect each other at right angles
  34. A fruit vendor bought 300 pineapples at sh 240 for every 5 pineapples. She sold the pineapples at sh 60 each. how much profit did she make?
    1. sh 32400
    2. sh 3600
    3. sh 18000
    4. sh 14400
  35. The price of an item was increased from sh 4000 to sh 5000. What was the percentage increase?
    1. 125%
    2. 80%
    3. 25%
    4. 20%
  36. A father shared part of his money to his three children Hamisi, Ochieng and Kibet. Ochieng received,2/5 of the money while Hamisi received 1/4 of the money. Kibet received 4/7, of remaining amount. What fraction of the money remained?
    1. 7/20
    2. 38/140
    3. 1/5
    4. 3/20
  37. The prices of items sold in a shop were as follows:
    1kg of sugar@sh 160
    1 kg of rice @ sh 150
    1 kg of cooking fat @sh 180
    1 loaf of bread @sh 60
    1 packet of milk @sh 65
    Helina bought 2kg of sugar, 11/2kg of rice, 1/2kg of cooking fat, 3 loaves of bread and 2 packets of milk. She gave the shopkeeper a sh 1000 note. How much more money did she have to add inorder to get a balance of sh100 note?
    1. sh 65
    2. sh 935
    3. sh 35
    4. sh 25
  38. The figure below is a map of a forest drawn to a scale of 1:250000
    38 dada
    What is the actual perimeter of the forest in kilometres?
    1. 30
    2. 300
    3. 3
    4. 3000
  39. A company give a commission on sales above sh 50,000. In a certain month a salesgirl received a commission of sh8000 after selling goods worth sh250000. What was the percentage commission offered?
    1. 22/3%
    2. 31/5%
    3. 5%
    4. 4%
  40. A farmer harvested 1500bags of maize. He sold 0.6 of the bags and donated 0.25 of the remainder to a childrens home. He then kept the rest. How many bags of maize were kept?
    1. 600
    2. 150
    3. 450
    4. 900
  41.  The table below shows inland postal charges for letters
    Mass of letter  sh   cts
    Up to 20g 25  00
    Over 20g upto 50g 30  00 
    Over 80g upto 100g 35 00 
    Over 100g upto 250g 50 00 
    Over 250g upto 500g 85 00 
    Over 500g upto 1kg 135 00 
    Over 1kg upto 2kg 190 00
    Kirigo posted two letters each weighing 100g and another one weighing 1kg. How much money did she pay at the post office?
    1. sh 170 
    2. sh 290
    3. sh 205
    4. sh 240
  42. Fifteen painters can paint a number of houses in 12 days. How many less days would it take 20 painters working at the same rate to paint the houses?
    1. 24
    2. 9
    3. 4
    4. 3
  43. The cash price of a bicycle is sh 8000. The hire purchases price is 150% of the cash price. Ali bought the bicycle on hire purchase by paying a deposit of sh 2400 and equal monthly installments of sh800. In how many months did he pay the instalment?
    1. 18
    2. 15
    3. 12
    4. 10
  44. The graph below shows Kuigat's journey from Nairobi to Nyeri. On his way he stopped in two places
    44 adada
    What was Kuigat's average speed in km/h between the time he left the first stop and the time he arrived at the second stop?
    1. 100km/h
    2. 150km/h
    3. 75km/h
    4. 83,km/h
  45. Abdi packed 30 carton each containing 24 bottles of Juice. The amount of Juice in each bottle was 500ml. What was the total amount of the Juice, in litres packed by Abdi?
    1. 360
    2. 3600
    3. 36000
    4. 360000
  46.  What is the value of:
    2.8 + 3 - 0.5 x 3.2
    1. 4.2
    2. 1.8
    3. 10.5
    4. 25.9
  47. Amani deposited sh 80000 in a financial institution that paid simple interest. At the end of 3 years this money had amounted to sh 92000. At what rate per annum was the simple interest awarded?
    1. 15%
    2. 381/2%
    3. 48/23%
    4. 5%
  48. In the figure below line PQ and RS are parallel. Lines TU and WW are transversals
    48 adsdsfs
    What is the size of angle n?
    1. 56°
    2. 130°
    3. 50°
    4. 68°
  49. The number of crates of soda sold in one week are as listed below.
    8, 10, 11, 18, X 16, 8
    If the total number of crates of soda sold in the seven days was 84, calculate the median sale
    1. 15 
    2. 12
    3. 11
    4. 8
  50. The figure below show a pattern of shapes.
    50 adsfsf
    Which one of the shapes below should be drawn in the blank box above to continue?
    50 ans


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Study the map of Getionko area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in the area covered by the map rises from ____________________________
    1. North West to South East
    2. East to West
    3. West to East
    4. South East to North West
  2. What is the area of the irrigation scheme shown in the map?
    1. 20km2
    2. 24km2
    3. 22.5km2
    4. 24.5km2
  3. The area around Keore hill is thinly populated because __________________
    1. It is inhabited by pastoralists
    2. has steep slopes
    3. it has poor transport network
    4. nature of climate
  4. According to the information given in the map. Nuru town serves as______________________________
    1. An industrial town
    2. Mining centre
    3. Transport and communication centre
    4. An administrative centre
  5. What evidence shows the area receives little rainfall?
    1. The area is hot and dry.
    2. Absence of borehole.
    3. The type of vegetation that grows
    4. The area covered is in the highlands
  6. Which one of the following combination of economic activities is practised in Getionko area?
    1. Crop growing, transportation and cattle keeping
    2. lumbering, crop growing and cattle keeping
    3. processing of raw materials, mining and trading
    4. Trading, transportation and lumbering
  7. Who among the following is elected to represent people on the county assembly in the above area?
    1. Governor
    2. President
    3. country representative
    4. Senator
  8. Which one of the following groups consists of the Bantu of Tanzania?
    1. Taita, Abagusii, Fipa, Sukuma
    2. Yao, Batoro, Abagusii, Chagga
    3. Makua, Ha, Gogo, Ngoni
    4. Ankore, Zaramo, Baganda, Waishabaa
  9.  The greatest benefit of democracy is the _____________________
    1. protection of culture
    2. protection of human right 
    3. protection wildlife
    4. protection of environment
  10. In the current government of Kenya, the cabinet secretaries are appointed by the president and approved by.________________
    1. council of governors
    2. the senators
    3. county assemblies
    4. the national assembly
  11. The Nyayo philosophy was against all the following except ____________________
    1. Nepotism
    2. Corruption
    3. Patriotism
    4. Tribalism
  12. Which one of the following symbols is NOT likely to be used to show population distribution of an area?
  13. The following are function of a town in Kenya.
    1. Tourist attraction
    2. Industrial centre
    3. Administrative centre
    4. Defence centre
      Which of the following town is odd one out?
      1. Nairobi
      2. Mombasa
      3. Nakuru
      4. Kisumu
  14. Which of the following is the main factor that made the Europeans require raw materials for their industries from Africa?
    1. Lack of market in Africa
    2. Increased market in Europe
    3. Industrial growth in Europe 
    4. high cost of raw material in Europe

Study the map below and answer questions 15-17.


  1. The main economic activity of the people who followed the route marked 2 was __________________
    1. trading
    2. hunting
    3. pastoralism
    4. cultivation
  2. Which among the following regions A, B, C, D, would you expect to find pastoralists?
    1. Region C
    2. Region B
    3. Region D
    4. Region A
  3. The major town marked Q is likely to be _____________________
    1. Kisumu
    2. Eldoret
    3. Nairobi
    4. Thika
  4. Which one of the following factors influences population growth negatively?
    1. Polygamy
    2. Preference of certain sex
    3. Famine
    4. Naming of relatives
  5. Which of the following is the main reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya?
    1. To increase food production
    2. To encourage people to practise farming
    3. To settle the landless people
    4. To enable Africans own land
  6. One of the following is not an element of the Kenyan constitution. Which one?
    1. Participation of individuals in nation building
    2. Leadership and integrity
    3. Representation of people
    4. Devolved government
  7. One day Kamau passed near Getare school gate and came across the following words. "BACKWARD NEVER FORWARD EVER". These words indicated the _____________________________
    1. school philosophy
    2. school routine
    3. school loyalty pledge
    4. school motto
  8. Which type of fishing is suitable in shallow sea fishing?
    1. Drifting
    2. Trawling
    3. Purse seining
    4. Lining
  9. Which problem is Germany likely to face if it continues experiencing low population growth?
    1. Shortage of labour supply
    2. Low standards of living
    3. High dependancy
    4. High crime rate
  10. Which of the following is not a function of clans in the traditional African communities?
    1. Clan elders determined when rites like initiation would be done.
    2. Clan elders ordered isolation of some members when the population become unbearable.
    3. Clan elders determined which clans their people could marry.
    4. Some clans performed special functions that were uniquely theirs.
  11. Which of the following factors enables horticulture farmers in the Nertherlands to grow their crops throughout the year? 
    1. Grow their crops intensively
    2. They grow their crops in greenhouses 
    3. They grow their crops on reclaimed land 
    4. They sell their crops through co-operatives 
  12. Three of the following are roles of citizens in the electoral process except __________________________
    1. electing responsible leaders
    2. ensuring that leaders do not misuse their powers
    3. participating in elections once they attain the age of 18 years
    4. promoting free and unfair election

The illustration below shows the structure of the county government. Use it to answer question 27-28,


  1. The part lebelled X reptresents
    1. County senate
    2. County ward committee 
    3. County assembly
    4. County governor office
  2. Which one of the following is not true of members making up the part labelled X?
    1. Some are elected to represent wards 
    2. They are appointed by the governor 
    3. Include representatives of people with disabilities
    4. Include representatives of the youth and women

Study the map below and answer questions 29 and 30.


  1. Four class 8 pupils were discussing about the map and the following is what each said.
     Makori   The two mountains marked xxx are fold mountains. 
     James  The Island marked A are the Synchelles.
     Mueni  The river marked C has a delta.
    Paul  The desert marked B is Sahara.
    Which two pupils were correct?
    1. Paul and Muen
    2. Makori and Paul
    3. Jane and Paul
    4. Makori and Muen
  2. The water bodies numbered 1, 2 and 3 respectively are ___________________________________
    1. Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, mediteranean sea
    2. Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean, Mediterranean sea
    3. Mediterranean sea, Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean
    4. Atlantic ocean, mediterranean sea, Indian ocean
  3. Three of the following are conditions of clove growing which one is not?
    1. Black cotton soils which do not drain easily
    2. High rainfall ranging from 1500 to 2000mm
    3. High level of humidity
    4. Light sandy soils which are easily drained
  4. Which one of the following methods of mining is not commonly used in Kenya?
    1. Drilling
    2. Dredging
    3. Open cast
    4. scooping
  5. Which one of the following was not a treatment given to Africans by the British?
    1. They were paid low wages.
    2. They were forced to live in reserves. 
    3. They were forced to carry an identity card.
    4. They were forced to live in estates.
  6. Which one of the following is the main problem facing settlement schemes in Kenya?
    1. Inadequate land for food crops 
    2. Increased land fragmentation 
    3. Increased soil erosion
    4. Poorly maintained infrastructure
  7. The main reason why ECOWAS was established was to
    1. set up new industries
    2. fight for independence in the region
    3. increase volume of trade among member states
    4. develop a common currency
  8. The main difference between Khoikhoi and San is __________________________
    1. their political organization
    2. their language
    3. their physical appearance
    4. the area they occupy
    1. It recommends the creation of new constituencies.
    2. It prepares and distributes materials needed for elections.
    3. It sets dates for by-elections. 
    4. It ensures that elections are conducted in a free and fair manner.
    5. It gives guidelines on the amount of money to be spent by political parties during elections.
      The above are functions of a certain commission in Kenya. The commission is _____________________
      1. Teachers service commission
      2. Salaries and renumeration commission
      3. Land demacation commission
      4. Indepedent Electoral and boundaries commission
  10. Which of the following is not a social activity in map reading and interpretation? 
    1. Human settlement
    2. Tourism
    3. Population density
    4. Population distribution
  11. One of the negative effects of plains on human activities is that, ____________________________
    1. they are barriers to communication
    2. all of them are infested with insects that transmit diseases
    3. they encourage irrigation farming
    4. they get flooded during rainy season 
  12. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of white settler farming?
    1. It involved growing of cash crops. 
    2. It was capital intensive.
    3. Used simple farm tools in its operation.
    4. It was practised on large scale.
  13. Three of the following groups are involved in the management of a school. Which one is not?
    1. Kenya National Union of Teachers
    2. Parents Teachers Association
    3. School Management Committee 
    4. Ministry of Education
  14. The main reason for establishing game sancturies in Kenya is ____________________________
    1. to generate income for the government
    2. to make it easier for tourist to view animals
    3. to make it easier to carry out animal studies
    4. to enhance threatened species to multiply
  15. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries has no Coastline along the Red sea?
    1. Eritrea
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Djibouti
    4. Sudan
  16. The Imperial British East Africa Company was headed by _________________________
    1. Dr. Livingstone
    2. Fredrick Lugard
    3. Sir William Mackinnon
    4. Karl Peters
  17. Which one of the following is not a problem associated with mining in Africa?
    1. Minerals are found in small quantities which are uneconomical to mine.
    2. Minerals are found in remote areas where there is no transport.
    3. Africa has very small percentage of mineral deposits.
    4. Heavy rains make mining impossible.
  18. Which of the following is the main challange facing tourism in Kenya?
    1. Political instability
    2. high taxes imposed on the industry
    3. Inadequate publicity
    4. Insecurity due to terrorist threats
    1. Many people live in industrialized towns. 
    2. Population growth rate is low.
    3. Population density is high.
    4. Birth rate and death rate are low.
      The above characteristics explain the population structure of
      1. Kenya
      2. Germany
      3. India
      4. Nigeria
  20. Which of the following is the main contribution of horticulture farming to the economy of Kenya?
    1. Creation of employment opportunities 
    2. Promotion of National unity
    3. Earning foreign exchange
    4. Source of raw materials for locally based industries
  21. Which of the following factors does not undermine national unity?
    1. Equal distribution of resources 
    2. Political differences
    3. Tribalism
    4. Nepotism
  22. Which of the following is the main cause of road accident in Kenya?
    1. Poor roads
    2. Overspeeding
    3. Careless road users
    4. Overloading

Study the diagram below to answer questions 51 and 52


  1. The above diagram shows the formation of ________________________________________
    1. volcanic mountains
    2. plateau
    3. plains
    4. rift valley
  2. An example of the above relief feature is
    1. Yatta plateau
    2. inselberg
    3. Congo basin
    4. Mt. Suswa
  3. What was the effect of introducing Western technology in the traditional Kenyan society?
    1. Many craftmen went out of work.
    2. It helped craftmen in promoting their work. 
    3. Goods became more scarce in markets than before.
    4. Goods became more expensive than before.
  4. All the following were prominent leaders in traditional Kenyan societies except?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Masaku
    3. Sakawa
    4. Koitalel Arap Samoei 
  5. Eastern Africa lies between longitudes
    1. 23°E and 12°W
    2. 34°E and 42°E  
    3. 22°E and 51°E
    4. 51°E and 22°E
  6. Which of the following shows the composition of the National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. Cabinet secretaries, 290 elected members, 16 women representatives, speakers 
    2. 290 elected members, 47 women representatives, 12 nominated
    3. President, deputy president, 290 elected members, 12 nominated members, speaker
    4. Attorney general, 47 elected members, 12 nominated members, 16 women representatives, speaker
  7. Who among the following people led the Mau mau movement during the struggle for independence?
    1. Bildad Kaggia and General Mathenge 
    2. Pio Gama pinto and J.M Kariuki 
    3. Jomo Kenyatta and Achieng Oneko
    4. Dedan Kimathi and Waruhiu Itote
  8. The following are tourist attraction sites in Eastern Africa. Which one is not a historical site?
    1. Meroe in Sudan
    2. Fort Jesus in Kenya
    3. Slave market in Zanzibar
    4. Vasco da Ghama pillar in Kenya
  9. Which one of the following communities was ruled by a king?
    1. The San
    2. The Khoikhoi
    3. The Soninke
    4. The Nyamwezi
  10. The responsibility of caring for the handicapped members in the family is entrusted to __________________________
    1. other siblings
    2. all family members
    3. mother
    4. father


  1. The main teaching of the Genesis stories creation is that; ____________________________
    1. human beings were last to be created
    2. human beings were created to multiply
    3. God is the creator of universe
    4. God blessed the way of rest
  2. The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him ______________________________
    1. Fulfil God's wish
    2. Worship God there
    3. Keep the animals
    4. Hide his family
  3. Abraham's obedience to God was shown when he __________________________
    1. agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac
    2. agreed to move from Haran to Canaan
    3. married Sarah
    4. saved his nephew Lot
  4. God led the people of Israel through the wilderness to the promised land by use of
    1. thunder and lighting
    2. wind and rainfall
    3. fire and cloud
    4. fire and smoke
  5. When Moses was called by God he was living in ___________________________
    1. Ur
    2. Midian
    3. Fayet
    4. Haran
  6. Gideon the mighty judge was from the weakest tribe of ?
    1. Abiezer
    2. Manasseh
    3. Orphah
    4. Joash
  7. Who among the following prophet ordered the killing of the whole family of Omri?
    1. Elijah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Elisha
    4. Joel
  8. Which king of Israel made Jerusalem a centre of worship?
    1. Solomon
    2. Saul
    3. Rehoboam
    4. David
  9. Which of the following is related or connected with prophet Joel?
    1. The new covenant
    2. Birth place of Jesus
    3. The day of Pentecost
    4. Prophet of love
  10. Joseph the father of Jesus took his family to Egypt so that, ___________________
    1. God's mission could be fulfilled
    2. they could become refugees.
    3. their child may grow up in the palace
    4. they become great in the land"
  11. Jesus Christ went with his parents to the temple when he was twelve years old in order to
    1. be dedicated to the temple
    2. be purified
    3. get councelled by the elders
    4. attend the passover festival
  12. The miracle of healing the boy with a deaf and dumb spirit (Mark 9: 14-29) teaches Christians that
    1. everything is possible if we have faith 
    2. Jesus was a universal saviour
    3. Jesus has the power over nature
    4. Jesus has power to forgive sins
  13. The blind Bartimaeus healed by Jesus in Jericho was the son of?
    1. Joseph
    2. Timaeus
    3. Philip
    4. Alphaeus
  14. The parable of the marriage banquet teaches Christians that
    1. they should learn to share as Christians
    2. they should pray persistently
    3. they are all invited in the kingdom of heaven but few will be chosen
    4. they should be ready for Jesus coming
  15. Which one of the following is a teaching of Jesus about revenge?
    1. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
    2. Do not even swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair black or white.
    3. If you do these things publicly you will not have any reward from your father in heaven.
    4. If someone takes you to court to sue you for your shirt let him have your coat as well.
  16. During Jesus' trial who clothed him with purple robe and mocked him calling him a king (MK 15:18)?
    1. The soldiers
    2. King Herod
    3. Pilate
    4. The Pharisees
  17. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen! He is not. here (MK 16: 18)? who said those words? 
    1. Joseph of Arimathea
    2. A soldier
    3. Mary Magdalene 
    4. An Angel
  18. Which one of the following events did not happen during Sauls conversion?
    1. Jesus spoke to him
    2. A sudden light from heaven flashed
    3. Saul became dumb
    4. Saul fell to the ground
  19. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles which role was played by Simon Peter?
    1. Raised the dead
    2. Rescued Paul and Silas from prison
    3. Baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch
    4. Buried Ananias and Saphira
  20. Which one of the following bible book was written by Paul in the New Testament? A
    1. 1st and 2nd Peter
    2. Titus
    3. James
    4. Jude
  21. Which of the following staments is true about traditional African religion and Christianity?
    1. Both religions have a founder.
    2. Both religions follow bible teachings.
    3. The followers believe in the Holy spirit.
    4. The followers prayed in special places. 
  22. Which one of the following traditional African practices was a sign of peace?
    1. Initiation ceremonies
    2. Raids
    3. Shaking hands
    4. Marriage
  23. A traditional African rite of passage which is not acceptable in Christianity is
    1. Marriage
    2. Death of children
    3. Birth
    4. Initiation of all members
  24. Who among the following people in traditional African communities were punished by being sent away from the clan?
    1. Adulterer
    2. Herbalist
    3. Witches
    4. Seers
  25. Christians should pray for peace in our country because of one of the following reasons. Which one is it?
    1. It is our civic responsibility.
    2. It is among the ten commandments.
    3. It is in the country's constitution.
    4. Praying is a talent.
  26. Which one of the following activities can best be used by parents to teach their children good morals?
    1. Punishing children when they do wrong
    2. Parents being role models to their children
    3. Using the clergy to advice the children
    4. Requesting teachers to teach Christian values
  27. Your deskmate Alice has refused to lend you a pen. As a Christian what action would you take?
    1. Take the pen from her
    2. Inform the C.R.E teacher
    3. Tell her its good to assist others
    4. Ask your friend to borrow it for you
  28. Leisure time is best used for
    1. exercising our bodies
    2. serving others
    3. prayers and bible reading
    4. developing our skills
  29. Simon a boy in your class has told you that he has been smoking bhang since last year. Which one of the following is the best action to take?
    1. Advice him to seek advice from his friend.
    2. Ask him to show you the bhang.
    3. Inform the classteacher about it.
    4. Advice him to stop the habit.
  30. The first mission school was started at Rabai in Kenya mainly because the Africans
    1. Needed to read the bible
    2. Wanted to read English
    3. Needed white collar jobs
    4. Wanted to fight the colonialists


  1. Surah Al-Fatiha teaches Muslims to follow the path of those who __________________________
    1. earned Allah's forgiveness
    2. performed swalat
    3. earned Allah's grace
    4. praised Allah
  2. The main lesson from Surah Al-Qariah is _________________________
    1. The last day
    2. Importance of time
    3. Oneness of Allah
    4. Evil of piling wealth
  3. Complete the hadith: Whoever is not thankful to Allah is not thankful to _____________________
    1. parents
    2. Allah
    3. oneself
    4. prophet (pbuh)
  4. Which statement about Friday is true?
    1. It is the first day of the week
    2. It is the birthday of the prophet (Pbuh) 
    3. The day the prophet (Pbuh) migrated to Madinah
    4. The day prophet Adam (AS) was created
  5. __________________ is the place of worship for the Hindu. 
    1. Synagogue
    2. Temple
    3. Church
    4. mosque
  6. One of the following is not a method used by the Quraish to persecute Muslims. Which one?
    1. Beating them
    2. Boycotting the Muslim
    3. Bombing their houses
    4. Killing them
  7. Bilal met Khalid on his way to school. He should greet him by saying
    1. Subalkheir
    2. Asalam aleikum
    3. How are you
    4. Good morning
  8. On which occasion is optional ghusl performed?
    1. After giving birth
    2. After experiencing wet dreams
    3. After menstruation period D
    4. After washing a dead body
  9. How does one convert to Islam? 
    1. By reciting Sural Al-fatiha 
    2. By reciting the kalima
    3. By performing wudhu
    4. By performing swalat
  10. Which one of the following prophets is correctly matched with the scripture revealed to him?
    1. Musa - Injil 
    2. Daud - Taurat
    3. Ibrahim - Suhuf
    4. Issa - Zabur
  11. A lesson Muslims learn from the treatment of the prisoners of war in battle of Badr is that prisoners __________________
    1. should be treated kindly
    2. should be freed
    3. should be denied
    4. should be locked up
  12.  ___________________is the mid-morning prayer.
    1. Fajr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Dhuha
    4. Asr
  13. Asmah wants to buy a dress for Idd celebration. As a Muslim you would advise her to buy a dress that is __________________
    1. current in fashion
    2. shinny and attractive
    3. very expensive
    4. modest that covers nakedness
  14. Three of the following are items liable for Zakat except
    1. clothes for sale
    2. household furniture
    3. cash savings
    4. farm produce
  15. The prophet said, "Worship Allah as if He sees you and if He doesn't, then worship Him as if you see Him.' This hadith teaches on
    1. Tawheed
    2. Ihsan
    3. Shukr
    4. Islam
  16. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Iman?
    1. Belief in Zakat
    2. Belief in prophets
    3. Belief in angels
    4. Belief in Qadar
  17. The angel that was a teacher to the prophet (SAW) is_
    1. Israfil
    2. Munkar
    3. Shukr
    4. Jibril
  18. Islam forbids riba in order to fight against
    1. pride
    2. violence
    3. intolerance
    4. injustice
  19. Three of the following are the reasons why zinaa is forbidden in Islam. Which one is not?
    1. Cause hatred in the society
    2. Leads to overpopulation
    3. Leads to break up of families
    4. Spreads dangerous diseases
  20. Which statement about prophet Nuh is correct?
    1. He built the Qaabah
    2. He was swallowed by a whale
    3. He built the ark
    4. He healed the sick
  21. Which of the following is a duty of a Muslim to their neighbours?
    1. To give them Zakat
    2. To offer them greetings
    3. To find out what they are doing
    4. To watch over their houses
  22. Which one of the following stations is not a station of Hajj?
    1. Mina
    2. Muzdalifa
    3. Arafat
    4. Quba
  23. Three of the following are names of angels. Which one is not?
    1. Ridhwan
    2. Idris
    3. Israfil
    4. Malik
  24. According to the treaty of Hudaibiya, the peace between the Muslims and the Quraish was to last for ___________________
    1. three years
    2. five years
    3. seven years
    4. ten years
  25. The main reasons why the Quraish rejected the message of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is that, ______________________
    1. they could not believe that one God could control the world
    2. they did not want to abandon the religion of their ancestors
    3. they wanted to see Allah physically 
    4. His message condemned their evil deeds
  26. Which Ibadah is performed by Kenyan Muslims during Iddul-Adha?
    1. Saayi
    2. Twawaf
    3. Ihram
    4. Slaughtering animals
  27. The first mosque in Islam was built in by the prophet (SAW).
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Qubaa
    3. Sanaa
    4. Makka
  28. Muslims can best help beggars by providing them with ______________________
    1. food
    2. employment
    3. shelter
    4. clothes
  29. Who among the following categories of people are exempted from fasting?
    1. Widows
    2. Orphans
    3. Travellers
    4. Debtors
  30. ______________________ led to the spread of Islam along the coast of E. Africa.
    1. Colonization
    2. Trade
    3. Intermarriage
    4. Culture



  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Nikikueleza jinsi __1__ kabla__2__maishani, hutaamini nitakayokueleza. Nilipitia shida baada ya __3__tangu nilipokuwa mtoto mchanga.__4__ tu nilipozaliwa, mama na baba yangu __5__. Mama aliamua kujiondoa akarudi nyumbani kwao. Nilibaki katika mikono ya baba aliyekuwa na __6__. Kila alipokasirika, alinipa kichapo cha mbwa. Maji yalipozidi unga, __7__ katika makao ya mayatima ya Jitunze. __ 8__ , maisha yangu yalibadilika na kuchukua mkondo mpya. Hata nilipokuwa katika darasa la nane, nilikuwa mwangalifu zaidi nisije nikapotoka. Nilikumbuka ya wahenga kuwa __9__.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   nilipotesa   nilivyotesa   nilipoteseka   nilivyoteseka 
 2.  ufanisi  nifaulu  kufaulu   sijafaulu 
 3.  mingine  ingine  nyingine  mengine
 4.  Pindi  Namna   Lakini   Pia 
 5.  hawakupikika katika chungu kimoja   hawakuwa maji na mafuta   hawakuwa Lila na Fila   hawakubaidika kama mbingu na ardhi 
 6.  moyo thabiti  moyo mgumu   moyo mkunjufu   moyo mdogo 
 7.  nilihamishwa  nilihama  nilitorokea   nilijitosa 
 8. Huyo  Huko  Huo  Huyu
 9. mgaagaa na upwa hali wali mkavu mumunye huharibikia ukubwani kinga na kinga ndipo moto uwakapo papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe

Uamuzi wa mwanafunzi katika maisha __10__ mambo mengi mno. __11__ mwalimu na mzazi huweza __12__ kuhusu hili na lile, uamuzi wa kufuata ushauri au kuutupilia mbali huwa ni __13__ Lile analofaa __14__ ni kuwa akifanya uamuzi mzuri, atafurahia maisha. Uamuzi mbaya __15__na kilio na majuto.

   A   B   C   D 
 10.   huathiriana   huathiria   huathiriwa   huathiri 
 11.  Maadamu  Ingawa   Ikiwa  Ila 
 12.  kumwelekeza   kujielekea   kujielekeza   kumwelekea 
 13.  wake mwenyewe   yake yenyewe    wake wenyewe    yake mwenyewe 
 14.  kutilia maana  kutilia maanani   kutia maanani   kutia maana 
 15.  hutenga  huandama   huandamwa   hutengana 


Kuanzia nambari 16 hadi 30 jibu kulingana. na maagizo.

  1. Sentensi gani inayoonyesha kusudi la kufanyika kwa jambo?
    1. Nilienda nikamwona daktari. 
    2. Fanya mazoezi ulivyoambiwa.
    3. Nimekuja nikamwone mgonjwa. 
    4. Wanaimba kwa furaha.
  2. Ndege ni kwa 'kiota' kama vile kipepeo ni kwa ________________________________
    1. kiwavi
    2. utando
    3. kifukofuko
    4. kombe
  3. Sentensi 'Amechukua chake' ina maana gani?
    1. Amechukua anachomiliki, amechukua kinachomilikiwa na wengine
    2. Amechukua wanachomiliki, amechukua kinachomilikiwa na wengine
    3. Amechukua anachomiliki, amechukua kinachomilikiwa na mwingine
    4. Wamechukua wanachomiliki, wamechukua kinachomilikiwa na wengine
  4. Tambua jibu lililotumia 'm' kama mtendwa.
    1. mlionewa
    2. mlifagiliwa
    3. wampigia
    4. nilimchora
  5. Onyesha matumizi ya 'na' kwenye sentensi ifuatayo.
    Alikuwa na furaha alipojionea ng'ombe aliyenunuliwa na baba.
    1. umilikaji, pamoja na
    2. hali, mtendaji
    3. hali, pamoja na
    4. umilikaji, mtendaji
  6. Jibu gani lililo na kitenzi kutokana na nomino?
    1. imani - amini
    2. cheka - mcheshi
    3. tulia-mtulivu
    4. imani - mwaminifu
  7. Ulinganisho upi usio sahihi?
    1. pora- tembe
    2. jimbi - koo
    3. njeku - mori
    4. nzao - fahali
  8. Onyesha ukanusho wa;
    Wallowasili mapema wamekuwa uwanjani.
    1. Waliowasili mapema hawajawa uwanjani.
    2. Wasiowasili mapema hawajawa uwanjani.
    3. Wasiowasili mapema hawajakuwa uwanjani.
    4. Waliowasili mapema hawajakuwa uwanjani.
  9. Tambua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari.
    Wewe utaletewa hiyo mwakani
    1. kiwakilishi, kivumishi, kielezi
    2. kiwakilishi, kiwakilishi, nomino
    3. kiwakilishi, kiwakilishi, kielezi 
    4. kivumishi, kivumishi, kielezi
  10. Kifaa gani kitumikacho kupimia usawa wa unyookaji wa ukuta?
    1. pimamaji
    2. timazi
    3. fuawe
    4. bisibisi
  11. Sentensi ipi ambayo ni sahihi?
    1. Huyo mwenye anacheza ni mzuri.
    2. Miti yao yamepandwa yakanawiri.
    3. Mikunga mikubwa wamevuliwa.
    4. Matoto hayo yalitibiwa vizuri.
  12. Neno gani lililo na silabi ya sauti changamano?
    1. chama
    2. kamba
    3. maktaba
    4. fua
  13. Chagua umoja wa;
    Tutawasaidia wenye mafua.
    1. Nitawasaidia wenye mafua. 
    2. Nitamsaidia mwenye fua.
    3. Nitawasaidia mwenye mafua.
    4. Nitamsaidia mwenye mafua.
  14. Onyesha sentensi iliyo katika hali ya mazoea.
    1. Wachezao kwa bidii ndio wale.
    2. Hujafa hujaumbika.
    3. Huku ndiko kulikofyekwa.
    4. Hungenisaidia singefaulu. 
  15. Methali gani isiyokuwa na maana sawa na zingine?
    1. Mwanzo wa ngoma ni lele.
    2. Mwanzo wa mkeka chane mbili tu.
    3. Safari ndefu huanza kwa hatua moja.
    4. Mwanzo wa mvua mawingu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

Kwa muda huo wote, sikujua kuwa angeweza kunifaa kwa lolote. Hata hivyo, siku moja nilielewa ukweli wa kauli kuwa jambo ulisolijua ni kama usiku wa giza. Siku hiyo, nilikuwa nimetulia tuli nje ya kijumba chetu cha msonge. Kijumba hicho kilijiinamia kwa majonzi na sikitiko ungedhani kuwa kingeanguka pu kama kidaka cha mnazi. Hakika, kuwa ndani na nje hakukuwa na tofauti yoyote. Wakati huo, nilikuwa hoi bin tiki kutokana na maradhi yaliyonifyonza nguvu na kuiguguna mifupa yangu daima dawamu. Aisee, ni wazi kama meno ya ngiri kuwa nilikuwa maskini wa nyama na tajiri wa mifupa. Nilikuwa dhaifu kama mkufu. Nzi angetua juu yangu, bi la shaka ningeanguka mithili ya mgomba uliokatwa.

Nilipokuwa papo hapo, nilifungua dafina ya ubongo wangu na kukumbuka nilivyoanza kuugua. Japc husemwa kuwa yaliyopita si ndwele tugange yajayo, mimi nilishikilia kikiki kuwa mavi ya kale hayaachi kunuka, ashakum si matusi. Nilikumbuka siku niliyowasili hospitalini ili nimsaili tabibu chimbuko la madhila yaliyonisibu na kuniletea masaibu chungu nzima. Daktari alinipasulia mbarika kuwa niliugua maradhi ya figo. Afanalek! Nilipigwa na butwaa chakari, nikabaki kinywa achama kama spana. Ukweli usiopingika ni kuwa nilidhani kwamba masikio yangu yalikuwa yakinichezea shere. Ghafla kama mawingu, nilianza kukonda na kukondeana kama ng'onda. Nilitembea kwa takilifu na kupepesuka ungedhani kuwa ni mlevi. Maadamu tulikuwa maskini wa sina sinani, sikuwa na jingine ila kusubiri siku yangu ya kufumwa na mvi wa manaya. Chambilecho wataalam na watalamidhi wa lugha, sililo budi hubidi. Wengine husema, mkono usioweza kuukata ubusu.

Nilizinduliwa kutoka mawazoni na michakacho kwenye majani yaliyokuwa karibu nami kama pua na mdomo. Nilipoangalia kwa makini, nilishangaa mshangao wa shilingi kuzama na pantoni kuelea. Aliyesimama mbele yangu alikuwa Zumbukuku, kijana tuliyesoma naye katika darasa moja. Sawa na jina lake, alikuwa mbumbumbu asiyeweza kuongeza moja kwa moja akapata mbili. Yakini yakinifu, asingeweza kutofautisha mbu, umbu na mbung'o. Takribani kila mwanafunzi katika darasa letu alimdhalilisha na kumtweza ungedhani kuwa ni tambara bovu. Kila tulipofanya mtihani, Zumbukuku aliongoza kutokea nyuma. Yeye ndiye aliyeburura mgwisho katika kila somo. Katika hali hiyo ya kupigwa na bumbuwazi kenyekenye, Zumbukuku alinijuza kiini cha mjo wake. Alinifahamisha kuwa baada ya kutoniona shuleni kwa siku kadhaa, alikata shauri kuwauliza wanafunzi wengine. Aliamini ya wajuzi wa lugha kuwa kuuliza si ujinga, ni kutaka kujua.

Wakati huo wa jua kuaga miti, alikuja kunieleza kwa mapana na marefu kuwa alikuwa amesemezana na wavyele wake kuhusu hali yangu. Alikuwa amewarai kuhusu haja yao ya kunifaa. Aliwakumbusha kuwa ndugu ni kufaana si kufanana. Nilishangaa mithili ya mja aliyeona jua likiwaka usiku aliponifahamisha kuwa wazazi wake walikuwa wamekubali kugharimia matibabu yangu. Aidha, yeye alihiari kutolewa figo moja katika upasuaji huo. Je, nilikuwa katika ndoto ama huo ndio uliokuwa ukweli kamili? Iweje kijana niliyedhani kuwa asingemfaa yeyote kwa lolote wala chochote anipige jeki na kuniaviza kwa kiwango hicho? Hewaa! Umdhaniaye siye kumbe ndiye. Ni nani asiyejua kuwa dau la mnyonge huendeshwa na Mungu?

Siku ya kufanyiwa upasuaji ilipofika, nilikuwa na wasiwasi wa mwasi. Nilitetemeka temtem mithili ya kuku mwenye manyoya haba msimu wa kipupwe. Mtima wangu nao ulidunda kwa jazba nusura ukivunje kifua changu. Hata hivyo, nilipiga moyo konde nisikonde. Nilijitia moyo kwa kauli ya wenye lisani za uhenga kuwa maji ukiyavulia nguo ni lazima uyaoge. Nasaha za mwalimu wangu wa Kiswahili kuwa mja hatindi rehema ali hai duniani zilijiradidi katika masikio yangu wakati huo wote. Baada ya saa kadhaa katika harakati za kufanyiwa upasuaji, niliyafungua macho yangu. Zumbukuku naye alikuwa yu salama salimini. Hali ya kila mmoja wetu ilikuwa shwari bila shari.

  1. Aya ya kwanza inaonyesha kuwa mhusika;
    1. hakujua kuwa maisha yake yangefaa kwa lolote.
    2. aliketi nje ya nyumba baada ya kufanyiwa upasuaji.
    3. alikuwa amekonda sana kutokana na maradhi.
    4. alikuwa amechoka hoi bin tiki.
  2. Maneno 'nzi angetua juu yangu, bila shaka ningeanguka' yanaonyesha kuwa;
    1. alikuwa mdogo kushinda nzi
    2. alikuwa dhaifu
    3. alikuwa mwembamba
    4. alikuwa asiye na umuhimu
  3. Chagua maana ya neno 'nimsaili' jinsi lilivyotumika katika kifungu.
    1. nimwulize
    2. nimweleze
    3. nimwonyeshe
    4. nimchunguzie
  4. Kwa nini msimulizi alidhani kuwa masikio yake yalikuwa yakimchezea shere?
    1. ujumbe alioupata ulikuwa wa kushangaza
    2. mambo aliyoyaona yalikuwa yasiyoaminika
    3. tatizo la figo liliathiri masikio yake
    4. mambo aliyoyakumbuka yalimletea huzuni
  5. Jambo gani hasa lililofanya mhusika asitafute matibabu zaidi?
    1. kukosa matumaini ya kupona 
    2. kukosa pesa za matibabu
    3. kukosa tiba ya ugonjwa wake
    4. ukosefu wa madaktari wenye ujuzi
  6. Chagua jibu lisilo sahihi kulingana na kifungu.
    1. Zumbukuku alidharauliwa na kila mwanafunzi katika darasa lao.
    2. Zumbukuku ndiye aliyevuta mkia katika darasa lao katika mitihani yote.
    3. Zumbukuku alikuwa mwenye wema wa moyo.
    4. Wazazi wa Zumbukuku walikuwa matajiri.
  7. Kutibiwa kwa msemaji kulitokana na;
    1. utu aliotendewa na madaktari na wazazi Zumbukuku
    2. wema aliotendewa na Zumbukuku na madaktari
    3. utu aliotendewa na Zumbukuku na wazazi wake
    4. wema alioonyeshwa na wanafunzi na Zumbukuku
  8. Wasiwasi aliokuwa nao mwandishi katika aya ya mwisho ulitokana na nini?
    1. Kutetemeka kama kuku mwenye manyoya haba.
    2. Kudunda kwa moyo wake kifuani.
    3. Furaha ya kufaulu kwa upasuaji huo.
    4. Kutojua ikiwa upasuaji ungefaulu au la.
  9. Methali 'mja hatindi rehema ali hai duniani' inatoa ushauri gani ilivyotumika katika kifungu?
    1. Kufa moyo ni jambo la kawaida maishani.
    2. Mtu hafai kuwa na wasiwasi maishani.
    3. Mtu hafai kuwa mwoga katika maisha.
    4. Si vyema kupoteza matumaini maishani.
  10. Kichwa gani kinachoweza kutumika kuwa ujumbe wa kifungu hiki?
    1. Gae huwa chombo wakatiwe.
    2. Baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa.
    3. Ndugu mui heri kuwa naye.
    4. Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

Ufisadi ni kati ya matatizo yanayolihangaisha taifa letu siku nenda siku rudi. Ufisadi wenyewe umekita mizizi sio tu nchini humu bali pia katika bara zima la Afrika. Umekuwa mithili ya dondandugu lililokataa katakata kusikia dawa. Sijui niseme kuwa juhudi zetu zimeshindwa kulimaliza au nieleze kuwa hakuna mwenye haja ya kulimaliza dudu hili. Kabla ya kuingia uongozini, utawasikia watu mbalimbali wakila yamini kuwa watakabiliana na ufisadi kwa jino na ukucha. Shani hutokea watu hao wanapochukua hatamu za uongozi. Watu walewale walioulaani ufisadi hutokea kuwa mafisadi wakubwa. Wao huwa mithili ya mja aliyeonjeshwa utamu wa asali. Baada ya kuichovya, akaamua kuishi palipo na mzinga ili kutimiza la wahenga kuwa mchovya asali hachovi mara moja. Kadri tunavyozidi kulibembeleza jitu hili, ndivyo taifa letu linavyozidi kuzama katika lindi la dhiki na mashaka. Nchi yetu haipigi hatua kimaendeleo. Inachechemea, inapepesuka isijulikane inakoelekea.

Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za hivi punde, idara ya polisi ndiyo inayoongoza kwa ufisadi. Ufisadi katika idara hii umekithiri kiasi cha maafisa wa trafiki kupokezwa hongo mchana wa jua. Jambo la kuatua moyo ni kuwa maafisa hao wa trafiki wamechukulia hongo hiyo kama haki yao. Madereva na makondakta huwa hawana jingine isipokuwa kuwakabidhi hela hizo shingo upande. Kwa kuelewa kuwa mpiga ngumi ukuta huumiza mkonowe, huwa hawaoni haja ya kushindana na mwenye nguvu. Si walisema wajuao kusema kuwa mwenye nguvu mpishe!

Swali ambalo pengine unajiuliza ni je, madhara ya ufisadi ni gani? Madhara ya ufisadi katika taifa letu yarhekithiri. Ufisadi una madhara makubwa sana kwa uchumi wetu. Maendeleo hurudi nyuma kwa kuwa walio na uwezo wa kihela pekee ndio wanaopata huduma. Inapotokea kuwa watu wawili wanahitaji huduma kutoka katika afisi yoyote, yule aliye na pesa za kutoa hongo ndiye anayepewa huduma huku maskini akiwa ameshika tama kwa masikitiko makuu. Serikali nayo hukosa ushuru wa kutosha kwa kuwa walipa ushuru hukwepa kulipa ushuru kupitia ufisadi. Badala ya kulipa shilingi milioni moja kama ushuru, mtu hupendelea kutoa hongo ya shilingi laki mbili. Serikali hukosa pesa za kufanyia maendeleo na hivyo kuididimiza nchi katika lindi la ufukara. Wawekezaji nao hawawezi wakaanzisha miradi ya maendeleo katika nchi iliyoathirika na ufisadi. Katika nchi kama hiyo, mtu hulazimika kutoa hongo kwa kila jambo. Utoaji huo wa hongo hufanya wawekezaji kujiepusha na nchi kama hiyo.

Ufisadi nao huongeza kiwango cha maovu katika nchi. Wahalifu hufanya matendo yao maovu bila kujali iwapo watashikwa. Wanafahamu kuwa hata wakifumaniwa katika matendo yao ya uhalifu, watatoa hongo na kuachiliwa huru. Mara kwa mara, utaliona gari lililobeba abiria kupita kiasi likipita mbele ya polisi wa trafiki na kumpokeza polisi huyo shilingi hamsini au mia moja. Polisi hulifumbia jicho uovu huo na kuutuliza mfuko wake pesa za hongo. Ni mara ngapi umesikia kuwa mhalifu fulani amekuwa akitiwa mbaroni na kuachiliwa mara kwa mara? Ni kutokana na ufisadi ambapo kiwango cha wizi, ulanguzi wa mihadarati, uporaji na mauaji kimeongezeka.

Jambo jingine ni kuwa ufisadi umeongeza unyanyasaji katika jamii. Umewahi kusikia mtu anayejiona kuwa na uwezo mkubwa akimwuliza mwenzake "Utanipeleka wapi?". Huwa haina maana kuwa mwovu huyo hajatenda kosa. Huwa amemkosea mwenzake lakini hajali. Hajali kwa kuwa hata akishtakiwa, ana uhakika kuwa atatumia pesa zake kuwarambisha asali maafisa wa polisi na kuachiliwa. Ufisadi umejenga jamii ya mnyonge mnyongeni. Aghalabu tunaishi maisha ya 'mnyonge kupata ni mwenye nguvu kupenda". Wajane na mayatima wanapokonywa mali bila kujali. Maskini wanaojaribu kufungua biashara hukandamizwa na matajiri wanaotumia pesa zao ili wajiimarishe zaidi. Si shani kupata visa vya maskini wanaopokonywa mashamba na matajiri wenye tamaa.

Pendekezo langu ni kuwa serikali ijitolee mhanga kuhakikisha kuwa uovu huu umepotea. Maafisa wa kupambana na ufisadi wakae ange na kuchapa kazi usiku na mchana. Wahalifu wa ufisadi wanapotiwa mbaroni, kesi zao zifuatiliwe na kuhakikisha kuwa wameadhibiwa kwa njia inayofaa. Hili litakuwa funzo kwao na kwa wengine wenye nia kama zao. Raia nao wanafaa kukataa njia za mkato. Wafuate njia zinazofaa ili kupata kile wanachohitaji. Vita dhidi ya ufisadi ni vita vya jamii nzima. Vivyo hivyo, faida ya jamii isiyokuwa na ufisadi ni ya kila mmoja wetu.

  1. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya kwanza, ni kweli kuwa;
    1. ufisadi ni dondandugu lililokataa kusikia dawa nchini.
    2. Kenya ndiyo nchi katika bara la Afrika inayotatizwa na ufisadi.
    3. yapo matatizo mengi ambayo yanalisumbua bara la Afrika.
    4. Kenya inakumbwa na ufisadi pamoja na matatizo mengine.
  2. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi kulingana na aya ya pili.
    1. Madereva na makondakta hutoa hongo ili wasihangaishwe na maafisa wa trafiki.
    2. Maafisa wa trafiki hutoa hongo kwa kuwa mwenye nguvu mpishe.
    3. Madereva na makondakta wamechukulia hongo hiyo kama haki yao.
    4. Inadhaniwa kuwa idara ya polisi ndiyo inayoongoza kwa ufisadi.
  3. Maelezo yanayotolewa na kifungu yanaashiria kuwa ufisadi ukiisha katika jamii;
    1. kiwango cha ulanguzi wa mihadarati kitapungua.
    2. hakutakuwa na uovu katika jamii.
    3. maovu katika jamii yatakuwa machache.
    4. maafisa wa polisi hawatakuwa na kazi nyingi.
  4. Kauli 'watu walewale walioulaani ufisadi nhutokea kuwa mafisadi wakubwa' inaonyesha fani gani ya lugha?
    1. chuku 
    2. kinaya
    3. istiara 
    4. tasfida
  5. Nahau 'wakila yamini' ina maana gani jinsi ilivyotumika katika kifungu?
    1. wakiapa
    2. wakijaribu
    3. wakisema
    4. wakieleza
  6. Maneno 'ameshika tama' yanaonyesha kuwa;
    1. amezubaa.
    2. amehuzunika.
    3. ameudhika.
    4. amechanganyikiwa.
  7. Mtu anapomwuliza mwenzake kuwa "Utanipeleka wapi?" huwa;
    1. anadhani kuwa hakuna anakoweza kupelekwa.
    2. ana uhakika kuwa hatua itakayochukuliwa na mwenzake haitamwathiri.
    3. huwa ametoa hongo na hivyo hawezi akapelekwa popote.
    4. hana uhakika iwapo mwenzake anajua haki zake.
  8. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya tano, ufisadi una madhara hasa kwa;
    1. jamii kwa jumla
    2. serikali yetu
    3. wasiokuwa na uwezo
    4. wenye uwezo
  9. Mwandishi ana maana gani anapotumia maneno 'si shani'?
    1. si ajabu
    2. ni nadra
    3. ni muhali
    4. si kawaida
  10. Kwa mujibu wa maelezo katika aya ya mwisho, yawezekana kuwa;
    1. wahalifu wa ufisadi hawajawa wakitiwa mbaroni.
    2. hakuna maafisa wa kutosha wa  kupambana na ufisadi.
    3. wahalifu wa ufisadi huwa hawapati mafunzo ya kutosha.
    4. wapo raia wasiofuata njia zinazofaa wanapohitaji jambo fulani.


Endeleza kisa kifuatacho. ukifanye cha kusisimua uwezavyo

Kila mmoja alikuwa amenyamaza kinya huku akisikiliza kwa makini. mara niliposikia jina langu likitajwa..................................................


  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
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  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
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  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
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  31. C
  32. B
  33. A
  34. A
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  38. D
  39. D
  40. A
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. A
  46. B
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. D


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered numbered 1-15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the giver four.

How does a camel survive in __1__ desert? Many people think that the camel __2__ water in its hump, but the hump is really made up of fats. That is __3__ you can tell a healthy mcamel from a sick one by its hump! A firm and tall hump indicates __4__ health while a soft and flabby one is a sign of weakness.

When a camel __5__ find water, it passes less urine to conserve the small amount of water it has in its body.__6__ the camel has a higher body temperature than that of most mammals. This means that it starts to sweat at a__7__temperature than that which human beings, for example, start to __8__. This also helps it to keep water loss through sweating __9__ a minimal. Moreover, in man, the__10__ of water thickens the blood. This is what makes man need water. In a camel, its cells can release some of its water__11__ to dilute the blood.

These are the reasons why a camel can go without water for up to __12__ days at a time. Because of its unique ability to __13__ to desert conditions, it is no__14__that the camel is the chief means of travel in the desert. Its __15__ known as the ship of the desert.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.    some   a   any   the 
 2.  stores   keeps   awaits   puts 
 3.  where  how   why   when  
 4.  nice  good    full    proper 
 5.  can not   cannot   could not   would not 
 6.  However   nevertheless   Although    Furthermore 
 7.  higher  better   high   best 
 8.  respirate  quench  defecate  perspire
 9.  at  to  by  with
 10.   lose  loose  loss  lost
 11.  components   compromise  things  content
 12.  thirty four  thirty-four  thirty fourth   thirty-fore
 13.  adapt  adopt  adept  adjusts
 14.  guilt  suprise  wonder  care
 15.  even  as well  by the way  also


For questions 16-18, choose the alternative that best completes the sentences given.

  1. If Miriam had enough utensils for the guests, she _________________________
    1. would not have borrowed some from her neighbours.
    2. would not borrow some from her neighbours.
    3. could not borrow some from her neighbours.
    4. will not borrow some from her neighbours.
  2. When my aunt was involved in an accident, she _____________________________ in the hospital for three weeks.
    1. laid
    2. lain
    3. lay
    4. lied
  3. Geoffrey as well as his friends. ____________________ left for the showground now.
    1. has
    2. have
    3. had
    4. will have

For questions 19-21, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined word(s).

  1. However hard Jacob tried, he could not climb the mountain.
    1. Jacob failed to climb the mountain because it was so high.
    2. Jacob tried hard enough and succeeded in climbing the mountain.
    3. Jacob did not try although he managed to climb the mountain.
    4. Jacob did not try hard enough to climb the mountain.
  2. We ought to respect people older than we.
    1. We should respect people older than we.
    2. We must respect people older than we.
    3. We have to respect people older than we.
    4. We may respect people older than we.
  3. No sooner had we started the journey than it began to rain.
    1. It began to rain as we started the journey.
    2. As soon as we started the journey it began to rain.
    3. It began to rain after we started the journey.
    4. Immediately it began to rain we started the journey.

For questions 22 and 23, choose the alternative tha means the opposite of the underlined.

  1. The guardian of the orphan was short dead during the demonstrations.
    1. angel
    2. orphan
    3. child
    4. ward
  2. The tree planting exercise in the community was compulsory.
    1. voluntary
    2. mandatory
    3. chasable
    4. obligatory

For questions 24 and 25, choose the alternative with the grammatically correct sentence.

    1. Since the signing of the treaty, doing business in East Africa has never been easier.
    2. Our performance was far much better than theirs.
    3. The little boy scribbled on the cleanest side of the paper.
    4. There were less cases of theft this Week
    1. We found her room arranged anyhowly.
    2. They seldomly visit their grandparents.
    3. The firstest land animal is the cheetah.
    4. He became rich gradually.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26-38.

Mutua and I were classmates despite the fact that he was about five years older. Everyone in our class enjoyed his company a lot because he told amusing stories and even dared to make fun of some unpopular teachers. To this day, I cannot say whether or not Mutua was really my friend. Occasionally, he treated me in a manner that was neither kindly nor friendly.

Since we were preparing for the final examinations, the head teacher encouraged us to do evening studies in the school. He thought we would make better use of the time than if we studied at home. Unfortunately, we did very little serious work. Whenever there was no supervision, we engaged in endless mischief.

Mutua and I lived further than all the other pupils. We had to cross a river and climb a steep hill before reaching school. The footpath was covered with thick bushes on either side. Homes in this area were few and far apart. One felt unsafe walking along the path even during the day. At night it was very lonely and quiet; dreadfully quiet. It was said that hyenas and leopards roamed the neighbourhood soon after nightfall and once in a while we did hear the howling of a hyena very distinctly. My blood would freeze. I needed Mutua's company desperately. But I was scared of him because he behaved strangely. He would quicken his pace and begin imitating the wailing of a starving hyena. I would cling to him begging him to stop it but he wouldn't pay any attention. He seemed to enjoy every moment of it. Formless terrors would seize me and I would imagine myself being eaten up by a monster. Like every coward, I must have died many times. Somehow I didn't imagine that Mutua would also suffer if real danger arose.

There was a storm one evening and, on our way home, we discovered that the wooden bridge had been washed away. Normally, it was possible to jump across the river. But it was dark and we didn't know how far the water spread. We stood there undecided. Then we realized that the only option was to attempt to jump across. It was risky. I prayed earnestly. Perhaps, Mutua prayed too.

"You first, coward," Mutua jeered.

I walked a few metres back and then came running at top speed. I landed on dry land on the other side of the river. But I don't know what happened to Mutua because he fell with a splash in the middle of the impatient river. The strong current washed him away and I thought he was gone for good. Then I heard him call me. I was so happy, so relieved. The water had pushed him against the bank where he held on to something and scrambled out. I had never seen such a pitiable sight- he was wet, frightened and terribly embarrassed. I felt sorry for him though a naughty voice kept whispering to me, "Serves him right. He is always teasing me!"

The temptation was great but I could not rejoice at Mutua's bad luck. It was still dark and home was quite a distance away.

  1. It is surprising that Mutua and the writer were classmates because Mutua
    1. told many amusing stories.
    2. was about five years older.
    3. was not really his friend.
    4. treated the writer badly.
  2. Why did the head teacher encourage them to do evening studies in school?
    1. They were preparing for the final examination.
    2. They made better use of the time there
    3. There was no supervision by the teachers at home.
    4.  It is always easier to study in school.
  3. Why did the pupils sometimes engage in endless mischief?
    1. Mutua made fun of the teachers.
    2. Sometimes nobody ensured that they studied.
    3. Boys and girls are always like that.
    4. They did very little serious work.
  4. Which of the following best explains why the path was lonely?
    1. Few people lived in this area.
    2. Mutua imitated the wailing of a hyena.
    3. There were thick bushes on either side of the road.
    4. Hyenas and leopards roamed the neighbourhood.
  5. Mutua was not a good companion because
    1. he would not listen to the writer.
    2. he enjoyed wailing like a hyena.
    3. he enjoyed teasing the writer.
    4. he did not behave like a gentleman. 
  6. He seemed to enjoy every moment of it... what did Mutua seem to enjoy?
    1. Hearing the howling of a hyena at night.
    2. Wailing like a hyena and frightening the writer.
    3. The fact that the writer could not keep up with him.
    4. The fact that he could do what he wanted.
  7. My blood would freeze means that
    1. the writer was always frightened at night.
    2. the writer's blood would actually freeze.
    3. the writer would get terribly afraid.
    4. the writer would shiver with cold. 
  8. How did the storm make it difficult for Mutua and the writer to get home?
    1. They had to jump across the swollen river in the dark.
    2. The wooden bridge had probably been washed away.
    3. The river overflowed making it impossible to cross.
    4. they stood there undecided and it was getting late.
  9. Why does the writer refer to the river as impatient?
    1. It was violent and washed away Mutua very quickly.
    2. It did not wait for Mutua to get across.
    3. Mutua fell with a splash in the middle of the river.
    4. The current was strong and Mutua was impatient to cross.
  10. I thought he was gone for good means
    1. Mutua had decided to disappear for good.
    2. the writer thought he was now all alone.
    3. it was a good thing that Mutua had gone.
    4. the writer thought Mutua had drowned.
  11. Why do you think Mutua was embarrassed?
    1. The writer wanted to laugh.
    2. The writer felt sorry for him.
    3. He was wet and frightened. 
    4. Mutua had failed to jump across.
  12. The writer could not openly rejoice because
    1. it was still dark and dangerous near the river.
    2. he needed Mutua's company as home was still far.
    3. Mutua was a bigger boy and could easily beat him up.
    4. it is not good to rejoice at other people's bad luck.
  13. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
    1. The unfortunate experience. 
    2. The lonely footpath.
    3. Mutua falls into the river.
    4. Memories of my childhood.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39-50.

Nature has supplied every animal except man with some covering for his body such as fur, feathers, hair, scales, shells or thick hide. But man has nothing but a thin skin, and for thousands of years human beings must have wandered about the world with no covering - though the earliest men may perhaps have been hairier than modern man.

If someone were to ask us, "Why did human beings start to cover their bodies with clothes?" Most of us would answer, "To keep themselves warm, of course."
It is only when we begin to think about it a little deeper that we realize clothes are worn for a great many reasons that have nothing to do with the climate, or with our need for warmth, at all.

For instance, we wear clothes to some extent in order to decorate ourselves - to make ourselves, if possible, look more dignified or graceful or striking than we are. Even the plainest clothes worn by civilized people have their buttons, belts, collars and so forth arranged in such a way that they form a kind of decoration, and the material itself is of a kind and colour that we think suits us, and is cut or arranged in a way that we think looks nice - though ideas about what looks nice change from time to time.

Besides decorating us our clothes have to link us up with the people amongst whom we live. We feel uncomfortable if they do not 'look right' - if they are not similar to those which other people of our age, sex, country and period are wearing.

Clothes of a specific kind are often worn to show that the wearer has authority or power. The individual wearing them is treated with respect because he occupies a certain office. The judge on the bench, for instance, might look very ordinary and unimpressive figure without his wig and gown. Clothes are an essential part of all ceremonial occasions, whether they are connected with religion, the law, parliament, royalty, the fighting force, the state, or some less important body.

Sometimes, even in civilized countries, people wear some article of clothing, or some jewel or charm, because they believe that it will bring them luck or protect them from evil or illness, or because it is connected with their religious beliefs. None of these reasons for wearing clothes to decorate ourselves, to show our position in the world, for ceremonial purposes, for "luck', to give ourselves dignity and authority - have anything to do with our need for warmth and protection from the weather. And it is possible that prehistoric man worried even less about keeping his body warmer than we do, because civilized people, after having worn clothes for thousands of years, are probably much more sensitive to cold than the men of the Stone Age were.

We know that primitive people who are living now, or were until quite recently, in conditions similar to those in which men lived many thousands of years ago, do not seem to feel the cold as we do.

  1. You would expect to find scales on
    1. a tortoise
    2. a bird
    3. an elephant
    4. a fish
  2. It is suggested in the first paragraph that at one time man may have had
    1. more hair
    2. less hair
    3. softer skin
    4. a harder skin
  3. What is the main idea in the fourth paragraph?
    1. People wear clothes to look different from other people.
    2. People wear clothes to improve their appearance.
    3. People wear clothes to set new trends in fashions.
    4. People wear clothes to keep themselves warm.
  4. The word extent printed in bold in the fourth paragraph, can be best replaced by
    1. degree
    2. range
    3. manner
    4. space
  5. The expression suits us as used in the fourth paragraph, means that the material
    1. is the right choice for us.
    2. fits us well.
    3. keeps us warm.
    4. is the right price for us.
  6. We feel uncomfortable if they do not look right. This sentence means that our clothes should
    1. be similar to those of other people
    2. be different from those of other people
    3. be striking
    4. not look comfortable
  7. According to the passage, special clothes were often worn by
    1. farmers.
    2. common people.
    3. people holding important official positions.
    4. traders and shopkeepers
  8. The writer thinks that special clothes
    1. must be worn on ceremonial occasions.
    2. need not be worn on ceremonial occasions.
    3. must be worn on all occasions.
    4. make less important ceremonial occasions more impressive.
  9. According to the passage prehistoric people
    1. did not feel the cold as much as we do 
    2. felt the cold as much as we do
    3. felt the cold much more than we do
    4. did not feel the cold at all
  10. The most important reason for wearing clothes is
    1. to bring us luck and protect us from evil. 
    2. to decorate ourselves on ceremonial occasions.
    3. to let other people realize what positions of authority we hold.
    4. to keep ourselves warm and protected from the weather.
  11. The phrase for thousands of years can be replaced by all the following except
    1. for ages.
    2. for years on end.
    3. for many years.
    4. for several years.
  12. The best title for the passage above would be
    1. Why humans have no body coverings.
    2. The origin of clothes.
    3. Why human beings wear clothes.
    4. Animals and the law of nature.


Below is the beginning of a composition. Write and complete making it as interesting as possible.

The evening was dull with rain falling ang lightning flashing. Father had not returned home ...............................................................


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
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  9. B
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  12. B
  13. A
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  15. D
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  18. A
  19. D
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  23. A
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  25. D
  26. B
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  33. A
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  35. D
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. D
  40. A
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. A
  45. C
  46. A
  47. A
  48. D
  49. D
  50. C


  1. Write 2500000.02 in words.
    1. Twenty five million and two tenths
    2. Two million five hundred thousand and two tenths
    3. Two million five hundred thousand and two hundredths
    4. Twenty five millions and two hundredths
  2. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number 1657832
    1. sixty thousand
    2. six hundred thousand
    3. 60000
    4. 6000
  3. What the place value of digit 5 after working out 25 ÷ 8
    1. Thousandths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Tenths
    4. Ones
  4. What is the difference in the value between the LCM of 18 and 24 and the GCD of GCD of 36 and 48
    1. 72
    2. 64
    3. 84
    4. 60
  5. A butcher delivered meat to Mirema school from 20th December 2019 to 15th March 2020. How many days did he deliver the meat?
    1. 86
    2. 87
    3. 85
    4. 88
  6. The figure below represents Mwende's piece of land.
    60 m
    80 m
    What is its area in square metres?
    Use π = 3.14.
    1. 3925 m2
    2. 6325 m2
    3. 2400 m2
    4. 8725 m2
  7. A fruit seller had some oranges for sale. He gave out 12 of them to his friends. He packed the rest in piles of 5. He later found that he required 2 more oranges order to have 15 piles. How many oranges in order to have 15 piles. How many oranges did he have at the beginning?
    1. 75
    2. 85
    3. 73
    4. 61
  8. Work out
    1. 61/4
    2. 63/
    3. 83/
    4. 81/2
  9. Which one of the following number patterns increases by one thousand only?
    1. 89275, 88275, 87275, 86257
    2. 25897, 25997, 26097, 26197
    3. 58297, 58397, 58497, 58597
    4. 79582, 80585, 81582, 82582
  10. What is the value of
    3/4 of (12 x 54 ÷ 6) ÷  4 + 71/4
    1. 201/4
    2. 71/4
    3. 271/2
    4. 271/4
  11. A meeting was attended by men, women and youths. A third of the attendants were youths. Two fifth were woman and the rest were men. If there were 64 men how many people were there altogether?
    1. 16 
    2. 240
    3. 256
    4. 280
  12. A man deposited sh 16000 in a bank. After 4 years, he withdrew sh 3000 which was the interest that remained after the bank had deducted sh 200 for service charge. At what rate was the bank giving the simple interest?
    1. 10%
    2. 7½%
    3. 5%
    4. 2½%
  13. The figure below represents the design of a window. It consists of two circular metal rings each of diameter of 35 cm and a rectangular metal frame. The two circular rings are connected to each other and to the frame by metal rods each measuring 10 cm. Calculate the total length of the metal used to make the window?
    1. 310 cm
    2. 380 cm
    3. 450 cm
    4. 600 cm
  14. The height of an isosceles triangle is 12cm. Each of the two equals sides measures 13cm. What is the area of the triangle?
    1. 120cm2
    2. 78cm2
    3. 60cm2
    4. 156cm2
  15. What is the value of
    2.4 x 3.2 x 1.5
    7.2 ÷ 0.9 × 0.8
    1. 18
    2. 1.8
    3. 364/9
    4. 36.4
  16. In the year 2020, a farmer harvested 560 bags of maize. This was 20% decreased from the number of bags of maize harvested the previous year. How many bags of maize did the farmer harvest in the two years?
    1. 700
    2. 1400
    3. 1120
    4. 1260
  17. Nelly is twice as old as her son. If Nelly's age is represented by (x+12) years, what will be the sum of their ages in 3 years to come?
    1. 1½x + 12
    2. 1½x + 21
    3. 1½x + 24
    4. 1½x + 15
  18. What is 1/3(6x − 12p) + ¼(16x + 8p) in its simplified form.
    1. 6x − 2p
    2. 6x + 2p
    3. 6x + 6p
    4. 6x − 6p
  19. A trader sold an item for sh. 720 making a loss of 20%. For how much would he have sold it to make a profit of 10%?
    1. sh. 900
    2. sh. 990
    3. sh. 950
    4. sh. 1000
  20. What is the surface area of the figure drawn below.
    1.  1360 cm2
    2.  1200 cm2
    3. 800 cm2
    4. 880 cm2
  21. If p=7, t=5 and x=3. What is the value of 3(3p − 2t)+(tx2 − 2p)
    1. 64
    2. 128
    3. 211
    4. 244
  22. What is the value of y in the equation
    2(2y+2) − 2 = 6
    1. 5
  23. A customer paid sh 640 for a jacket after receiv] a discount of 20%. How much more would he have paid, had he received a discount of 10%?
    1. sh. 240
    2. sh. 160
    3. sh. 800
    4. sh. 80
  24. A plane arrived at Nairobi on Monday at 0115 hrs. The journey from Lagos took 8 hours 30 minutes. On which day and time had the plane taken off from Lagos.
    1. Monday 4.45 p.m
    2. Monday 4.45 a.m
    3. Sunday 4.45 p.m
    4. Sunday 4.45 a.m
  25. An empty carton weighs 1.25 kg. It was packed with 15 text books each weighing 225g. What would be the total mass of 20 such cartons containing 15 such textbooks?
    1. 67.5 kg
    2. 92.5 kg
    3. 68.75 kg
    4. 4.625 kg
  26. Solve the value of K in the equation
    2(3k − 7) + 20 = 3(k+12)
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 5
    4. 10
  27. The number of sheep and goats in a farm are in the ratio 2:5 respectively. There are 60 more goats than sheep. How many sheep are there in the farm?
    1. 40
    2. 150
    3. 24
    4. 36.
  28. Below is a right angle triangle drawn using the scale 1:5000
    What is the distance round the triangle in metres?
    1. 60000
    2. 6000
    3. 600
    4. 60
  29. 24 workers were hired to complete constructing a wall in 15 days. Six of them never turned up right from the first day. How many more days did the ones who turned up take to construct the wall?
    1. 20
    2. 5
    3. 4
    4. 2
  30. A woman bought the following items from a supermarket.
    • 2 rolls of tissue papers @ sh. 45
    • 500 ml packet of milk at sh 120 per litres
    • 3 loaves of bread each sh 70
    • 2 kg packet of maize flour at sh 140 per packet
    • 1½ kg of rice at sh. 120 per kilogram.
      She paid for the items using two- sh 500 notes. What was her balance?
      1. sh. 680
      2. sh. 180
      3. sh. 320
      4. sh. 380
  31. The length and width of a rectangular tank measures 2m by 1.5m. It was half full of water. If it contained 6000 litres, what is the height of the tank?
    1. 2m
    2. 5m
    3. 3m
    4. 4m
  32. The mean mass of 8 boxes is 10kg. Seven of them weighs, 12kg 10kg 11kg 8kg 12kg 10kg and 7kg. What is the sum of the mode and the median mass of the 8 boxes?
    1. 20kg
    2. 21kg
    3. 19kg
    4. 22kg
  33. Below is a pie chart representing the number of text books given out to Grade 7 learners.
    If the learners received 49 pre technical books, how many more Art than Mathematics books did they received?
    1. 7
    2. 14
    3. 21
    4. 28
  34. A motorist left town A at 10:30 a.m. After travelling for 2 hours at a speed of 60 km per hour, he stopped to for 30 minutes to fuel his car. He then proceeded with the journey and arrived at his destination at 2:30 p.m if he covered a distance of 240 km, at what speed did he travel the second part of his journey?
    1. 120 km/h
    2. 30 km/h
    3. 60 km/h
    4. 80 km/h
  35. A man borrowed sh 50000 from a bank which charged compound interest at the rate of 10% p.a. He paid back the money in two years. How much interest did he pay back?
    1. sh. 500
    2. sh. 10000
    3. sh. 10500
    4. sh. 60500
  36. The figure below represents Mboni's cylindrical water tank. It was three-quarter full of water.
    How many more litres of water were required to fill the tank?
    1. 13220L
    2. 15400L
    3. 7700L
    4. 30800L
  37. Construct a rhombus whose sides measures 7 cm and an obtuse angle of 130°. Draw the diagonals. What is the length of the shorter diagonal?
    1. 12.7 cm
    2. 5.9 cm
    3. 9.5 cm
    4. 8.2 cm
  38. A dairy cow produces 25 litres of milk every day. A fifth of it is fed to the calf. Four litres are consumed by the family. The farmer sells the remaining milk to a local hotel at a rate of sh 55 per litre. How much money did he get from the amount of milk sold in the months of January and February year 2020.
    1. sh. 944
    2. sh. 51920
    3. sh. 81125
    4. sh. 52800
  39. In the figure below, line AB is parallel to EC. Line CF = FD, Angle ABC = 62° and Angle CAF = 30° 
    What is the size of angle ACF
    1. 26°
    2. 68°
    3. 62°
    4. 84°
  40. The marked price of a generator is sh. 15000. Amina bought it after receiving a discount of 10%. Kelly bought the same type of generator on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit of sh. 9000 followed by 8 equal monthly instalment of sh 1250 per month. How much more did Kelly pay for the generator than Amina?
    1. sh. 5500
    2. sh. 7000
    3. sh. 1500
    4. sh. 4000
  41. How many more cubes would be required to complete this stack
    1. 86 
    2. 100
    3. 72
    4. 88
  42. Cylindrical tins with a radius of 5cm and a height of 12cm. They are packed in upright position in a carton measuring 50 cm by 40 cm and a height of 48cm. How many such tins can fill the carton?
    1. 20
    2. 60
    3. 80
    4. 40
  43. The area of a rectangle is 540 cm2. Its length measures 36 cm. What is the diagonal of the rectangle in centimetre.
    1. 13 cm
    2. 26 cm
    3. 39 cm
    4. 48 cm
  44. A fish Pond was fenced round using poles 6m apart. If a total of 36 poles were used calculate the distance round the fish Pond.
    1. 216 m
    2. 210 m
    3. 6 m
    4. 180 m
  45. In the figure below ABDE is a parallelogram. Line AD=AC Angle BEF = 100°
    What is the size of angle CAB
    1. 100°
    2. 130°
    3. 150°
    4. 140°
  46. Meliza works as a salesgirl for a certain company. She is paid a commission of 5% on value of goods sold above sh 70000. If her basic salary is sh 11000, how much did she earn in a month which she sold goods worth sh 200000?
    1. sh. 6500
    2. sh. 10000
    3. sh. 17500
    4. sh. 21000
  47. Which one of the following nets can be folded to form a rectangular prism.
  48. The table below shows the postal charges of small packets.
     Mass of packet    African countries   European countries   North and south America 
     Not over 50g  100  160   200 
     Not over 100g  150  250  330
     Not over 250g  200  360  400
     Not over 500g  260  480  550
     Not over 1kg  330  600  720
     Not over 2kg  400  750  900
     Each additional 1kg up to 5kg   200  250  300
    Kimberly sent a small packet weighing 1.5 kg to his friend in Britain (Europe) and another one weighing 3kg to his wife in North America. How much was he charged at the post office?
    1. sh. 1500
    2. sh. 1650
    3. sh. 1950
    4. sh. 1620
  49. A rhombus measures 13 cm each side one of the diagonals measures 24 cm. What is the measure of the other diagonal?
    1. 5 cm
    2. 10 cm
    3. 12 cm
    4. 15 cm
  50. A team of 62 players were chosen to represent the country in a regional ball game event. There were 22 foot ball players, 8 players in Volley ball, 10 players in Netball and 4 players in Hockey. The rest played Handball. The information was represented on a bar graph. Which one of the bar graph correctly represents the above information


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. A
  23. D
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. C
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. D
  42. C
  43. C
  44. A
  45. A
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. B
  50. C


tatu adda

Study the map of latu area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Tatu area rises from
    1. south to north
    2. north to south
    3. south west to north east
    4. north east to south west
  2. What is the approximate length of river Nami?
    1. 11.0 kilometres
    2. 9.5 kilometres
    3. 8.0 kilometres 
    4. 14.0 kilometres
  3. The settlement pattern in Meto subcounty can be described as
    1. nucleated
    2. sparse
    3. linear
    4. clustered
  4. Three of the following factors contributed to the establishment of Mseto irrigation scheme. Which one did not?
    1. Availability of labour.
    2. Nearness to Tatu town.
    3. Availability of reliable water source. 
    4. Availability of arable land.
  5. What evidence from the map shows that Tatu area has modern means of communication? The presence of
    1. a post office. 
    2. all weather roads.
    3. a dam.
    4. a communication mast. 
  6. Traders at Befo market obtain their trade licence at the
    1. chief's camp. 
    2. post office.
    3. sub-county offices.
    4. police station.
  7. If Mori ranch was to be converted into a farming land, which one of the following crops would be grown there?
    1. Cotton
    2. Tea
    3. Pyrethrum
    4. Coffee
  8. Which one of the following is a negative effect of rivers on human activities?
    1. Establishment of multi-purpose river projects
    2. Mining 
    3. Flooding
    4. Settlement
  9. Three of the following statements are true about the continent of Africa. Which one is not?
    1. It forms about 20% of the world's land mass
    2. It is narrowest in the north
    3. It is surrounded by several islands
    4. Its most easterly point is cape Guardafui
  10. Which one of the following groups of industries consists of primary industries?
    1. Salon shop
      Fruit canning
      Bicycle repair
    2. Tourism
      Paper making
    3. Furniture making
      Leather tanning
      Timber sawing
    4. Wheat flour
      Steel rolling
      Shoe making
  11. Which one of the following is a traditional method of predicting weather?
    1. Recording daily weather observations.
    2. Observing changes in the sky.
    3. Using a raingauge to record rainfall.
    4. Measuring the speed of wind.
  12. The following are reasons for rapid growth of towns in Africa:
    1. Mining activities
    2. Rich agricultural neighbourhood
    3. Port activities
    4. Tourism activities
    5. Government policy
      Which of the following combinations of the reasons may have led to the growth of Mombasa town?
      1. i, iii, iv
      2. ii, iv, v
      3. i, ii, iii
      4. iii, iv, v
  13. Mambo has been injured during a PÉ lesson. The immediate action the teacher should take is to
    1. call a doctor to treat him
    2. give the boy permission to go home
    3. give him first aid
    4. call his parents to come for him
  14. Which one of the following countries of Africa is wrongly matched with its capital city?
          Country          Capital city
    1. Chad               N'Djame'na
    2. Liberia             Monrovia
    3. Swaziland       Mbabane
    4. Congo             Kinshasa
  15. Which one of the following statements is not true about the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya?
    1. The missionaries and traders played a big role in colonization
    2. The British declared the whole of Kenya its protectorate in 1895
    3. At first, company rule was used to run the territory
    4. All top administrative posts were held by the British
  16. Which one of the following road signs shows that a motorist should slow down and check if the junction is clear?
    16 zgdad
  17. Three of the following are reasons for rural-rural migration. Which one is the least?
    1. Retirement
    2. Establishment of water reservours
    3. Employment
    4. Political displacement
  18. Which one of the following members of the National Assembly of Kenya ensures order and security in the chambers?
    1. Speaker
    2. Sergeant at arms
    3. Clerk
    4. Leader of the majority
  19. Which one of the following cities in Africa are connected by the Trans-Sahara Highway?
    1. Yauunde' and Tunis
    2. Lagos and Oudja
    3. Algiers and Lagos
    4. Monrovia and Algiers
  20. Who among the following African leaders was not a founder member of OAU?
    1. Haile Selassie
    2. Siaka Stevens
    3. Robert Mugabe
    4. Gamal Abdel Nasser
  21. Which one of the following statements least explains the importance of tea growing to the economy of Kenya? It
    1. encourages decentralization of industries. 
    2. has resulted to infrastructural development.
    3. is a major foreign exchange earner.
    4. leads to rural-urban migration.
  22. Below are factors that lead to population growth:
    1. Low mortality rate
    2. Use of family planning methods
    3. Practising polygamy
    4. High cost of living
    5. Changes in cultural practices
      Which one of the above combination of factors contributes to slow population growth?
      1. i, iv, v
      2. ii, iii, iv
      3. iii, iv, v
      4. i, ii, iii
  23. Which one of the following statements is true about the population structure of Germans?
    1. Males are more than females 
    2. It is characterised by low mortality
    3. It has a high number of dependants
    4. Most people live in the countryside
  24. Natural forests in Kenya are fenced round using electric fences in order to
    1. protect indigenous trees.
    2. stop burning of charcoal. 
    3. preserve water towers.
    4. reduce poaching.
  25. Below are events that took place in Eastern Africa;
    1. Outbreak of the Hehe rebellion
    2. Formation of the OAU
    3. Kenya became a British colony 
    4. The Maji maji uprising started
    5. Formation of the East African community.
      What is the correct order in which the above events occured starting with the last?
      1. i, iv, iii, v, ii
      2. iii, v, i, ii, iv
      3. iv, iii, v, i, ii
      4. v, ii, iii, iv, i
  26. Which one of the following reasons best explains why bananas are widely grown in Eastern Africa? They
    1. survive in a variety of climatic conditions. 
    2. are the staple food in the region.
    3. are mainly grown for export.
    4. are not attacked by diseases and pests. 
  27. Which one of the following is not a factor influencing rapid industrialization in South Africa?
    1. Large market
    2. Availability of capital
    3. Its membership to two regional organizations
    4. Availability of labour
  28. When mob justice occurs, the victim is denied the right to
    1. escape.
    2. defend himself.
    3. surrender the stolen goods.
    4. be taken to court.
  29. Below are roles of voters in the electoral process. Which one is not?
    1. Respecting the views of others
    2. Attending campaign rallies
    3. Monitoring the election process
    4. Assisting in tallying of votes
  30. The most commonly abused drug in Kenya is
    1. alcohol.
    2. inhalants.
    3. tobacco.
    4. medicine.
  31. Which one of the following statements is true about the Njuri Ncheke council of elders among the Ameru in the pre-colonial period? 
    1. It was based on age-groups
    2. It could not change existing laws 
    3. It had different levels of authority 
    4. Its members were drawn from newly married men
  32. The most economical method of poultry farming for small scale farmers is
    1. battery system.
    2. free range system. 
    3. deep litter system. 
    4. fold system.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 32 to 35

33 adad

  1. The pre-historic site marked W is
    1. Kobi Foora.
    2. Nario Kodome.
    3. Kanapoi.
    4. Lothagam.
  2. The river marked P is river
    1. Nyando.
    2. Nzoia.
    3. Mara.
    4. Yalla.
  3. The town marked K is
    1. Garissa.
    2. Marsabit.
    3. Wajir.
    4. Mandera.
  4. The migration route marked M was followed by a language group known as
    1. Cushites.
    2. Semites.
    3. Bantus.
    4. Nilotes.
  5. The authority to distribute the estate of a deceased is only granted to the following parties except
    1. public trustee.
    2. elder son of the deceased. 
    3. court of law.
    4. an administrator appointed by court of law. 
  6. The leading export mineral of Kenya is
    1. fluospar.
    2. limestone.
    3. soda ash.
    4. diatomite.
  7. One of the functions of Lukiiko in the Buganda kingdom was to
    1. collect taxes.
    2. make the budget.
    3. pass judgement.
    4. keep financial records.
  8. Which one of the following groups comprises of fish that are caught from marine fishing grounds only?
    1. Parrot fish, tuna, trout
    2. Nile perch, mullet, mud fish 
    3. Oysters, mullet, sail fish
    4. Prawns, tilapia, shell fish
  9. Three of the following statements are true about coffee growing in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. It is grown by both large and small scale farmers
    2. Most of the coffee farms are located in the highlands
    3. Some farmers have their own processing factories
    4. It is the leading export crop of Kenya 
  10. One of the following communities of Kenya was not affected by the European settler farming. Which one is it?
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Samburu
    3. Akamba
    4. Abagusii
  11. A School Management Committee is made up of all the following except
    1. representatives from the local community 
    2. the head teacher
    3. representatives from the sponsor
    4. local member of parliament
  12. Australopithecus is said to have evolved from
    1. Homo habilis
    2. Ramapithecus
    3. Homo sapiens
    4. Zinjathropus boisei
  13. Which one of the following areas in Africa have a high population density?
    1. Major towns, most of Angola and Central Tanzania
    2. Coast of Libya, mining areas, and Northern Sudan
    3. Coast of West Africa, the Nile valley and the Lake Victoria Basin
    4. Northern Nigeria, Botswana and Namibia 
  14. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation increases soil fertility?
    1. Contour ploughing 
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Construction of check-dams
    4. Afforestation
  15. One of the problems facing urban centres in Eastem Africa is traffic congestion. Which one of the following is an effort being made by the govemments in the regions to reduce this problem?
    1. Grounding all unroadworthy vehicles 
    2. Phasing out small public service vehicles 
    3. Opening up more bus terminuses
    4. Expanding roads and building new ones 
  16. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa was a trader?
    1. Johannes Rebman
    2. Carl Peters
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Vasco Da Gama
  17. Which one of the following factors is likely to undermine peace in the society?
    1. Distributing national resources equally 
    2. Cattle rustling
    3. Loyalty
    4. Engaging in dialogue
  18. In Tropical rainforests, there is little or no undergrowth. This is mainly as a result of
    1. continuous vegetation cover
    2. wild animals consuming all the grass
    3. out break of wild fires
    4. very low temperatures
  19. Which one of the following crops in Tanzania is mainly grown for export?
    1. Maize
    2. Sisal
    3. Sugarcane
    4. Cloves
  20. The development taking place in the pastoral communities in Africa are mainly aimed at
    1. making the communities to have permanent settlements.
    2. encouraging them to practice mixed farming.
    3. improving their life styles and quality of animals.
    4. increasing collection of government revenue.
  21. Which one of the following groups of trees is made up of exotic trees only?
    1. Okoune, cypress, obeche, olive
    2. Wattle, cedar, eucalyptus, pine
    3. Meru oak, cypress, mahogany, blue gum.
    4. Iroko, mvule, fir, ebony.
  22. Below are conditions that favour the growth of a crop in Africa;
    1. Rainfall between 1 000 mm - 1 500 mm per year.
    2. Deep, well-drained fertile soils.
    3. Temperatures below 15°C.
    4. Intensive labour during harvesting.
      The crop favoured by the above growth conditions is likely to be
      1. coffee.
      2. cocoa.
      3. maize.
      4. pyrethrum.
  23. The colour used to show mountains and highlands on a map is usually
    1. brown.
    2. green. 
    3. blue. 
    4. yellow. 
  24. Which one of the following groups of towns in Ghana form the Cocoa triangle?
    1. Kumasi, Koforidima, Tema
    2. Yepei, Accra, Fesi
    3. Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi
    4. Takoradi, Akosombo, Kpandu
  25. The location of an oil refinery at Changamwe in Mombasa was mainly influenced by
    1. nature and form of transport for the crude oil.
    2. high demand for petroleum products in Mombasa
    3. good means of transport and communication.
    4. availability of power.
  26. Togo and Cameroon were colonized by
    1. France 
    2. German 
    3. Italy 
    4. Portugal
  27. The European powers met in Berlin in 1884 in order to
    1. plan how to develop African nations.
    2. decide where to establish urban centres in Africa,
    3. share the spheres of influence in Africa peacefully.
    4. resolve conflicts on areas occupied by two or more nations in Africa.
  28. The most suitable form of transport of bulky goods over long distances is
    1. road. 
    2. railway.
    3. air. 
    4. water.


  1. Which one of the following statements from the Bible shows that God wanted human beings to take care of the environment?
    1. Let us make man in our own image
    2. Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life
    3. Have many children and fill the earth
    4. Live all over the earth and bring it under control
  2. Joseph the dreamer was the father of
    1. Reuben and Naphtali 
    2. Ephraim and Mannasseh
    3. Benjamin and Judah
    4. Gad and Ephraim
  3. God changed the name of Abram to Abraham because He wanted to
    1. make him a father of nations.
    2. give him a new land.
    3. make him rich.
    4. give him protection.
  4. According to Exodus 18:17-23, Moses was advised by Jethro his father-in-law to
    1. appoint rulers.
    2. marry Zipporah. 
    3. circumcise his sons. 
    4. return to Egypt. 
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason why the Israelites celebrated the passover? It reminded them of
    1. their departure to Egypt.
    2. God's saving power from Egypt. 
    3. the manna they ate in the desert. 
    4. their suffering in the desert. 
  6. Who among the following people was the only female judge in Israel?
    1. Miriam
    2. Naodiah 
    3. Racheal 
    4. Deborah 
  7. Which among the following priests anointed King Solomon?
    1. Aaron
    2. Zadok 
    3. Zechariah
    4. Samuel 
  8. Who among the following kings was punished by God because of sparing the life of King Agag?
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam
  9. The boy who was resurrected by prophet Elisha was the son of the
    1. widow of Nain
    2. widow of Zarephath
    3. rich woman of Shunem
    4. widow of Shunem
  10. Jeremiah refused to accept the call to become a prophet of God because he felt
    1. too young
    2. too busy
    3. physically weak
    4. a sinful man
  11. 'Don't be afraid, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son and you will name Him Jesus," (Luke 1:30-35). Into which town was the angel sent by God to take this message?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Bethsaida
    3. Nazareth
    4. Jerusalem
  12. Which one of the following happenings took place on the eighth day after Jesus was born?
    1. The angel appeared to Mary
    2. Jesus was circumcised
    3. The angel appeared to the shepherds
    4. Jesus was dedicated
  13. One of the strange happenings when Jesus was born was that
    1. a bright star was seen in the sky.
    2. there was an earthquake.
    3. the Holy Spirit descedend upon Him in form of a dove.
    4. a group of angels sang.
  14. The parable of the friend at midnight teaches Christians that they should
    1. ask for advice from neighbours
    2. be ready to forgive others 
    3. ask for food from neighbours 
    4. pray without giving up
  15. The miracle of healing the ten lepers teaches Christians to
    1. remember to say thank you.
    2. be generous.
    3. be humble.
    4. preach the word of God.
  16. Pilate washed his hands after trying Jesus to show that
    1. Jesus was a king of Jews.
    2. he was afraid of the Jews.
    3. he had nothing to do with the case.
    4. he was obedient to the Jewish law.
  17. Nicodemus went secretly at night to Jesus to seck advice on
    1. where to bury Jesus.
    2. how to protect Jesus from the Romans. 
    3. how to become a Pharisee.
    4. what he should do to enter the kingdom of God.
  18. After the resurrection of Jesus, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit who would help them to
    1. become healthy.
    2. conquer the Roman empire.
    3. serve the Jewish Council.
    4. preach the good news.
  19. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in the Apostles creed? God is
    1. just. 
    2. holy. 
    3. loving.
    4. almighty.
  20. The prayer of Cornelius was answered by God because he
    1. was a good soldier.
    2. served the king.
    3. gave alms.
    4. was a polite man.
  21. What is chastity?
    1. Mental purity.
    2. Soul purity.
    3. Sexual purity.
    4. Body cleanliness.
  22. Who among the following was also known as
    "The apostle of non-Jews?
    1. Peter 
    2. Philip 
    3. Paul 
    4. Timothy
  23. Taboos and rules are important in traditional African Community because they
    1. limit people's activities in the community. 
    2. indicate punishment for law breakers.
    3. guide human relationship in the community
    4. interfere with people's freedom in the society.
  24. In traditional African communities, people worshipped facing a mountain because it was
    1. God's dwelling place.
    2. near heaven.
    3. a sign of God's purity.
    4. the source of rain.
  25. Margaret, a std eight pupil finds out that her classmate is taking alcohol. What is the best action for her to take?
    1. Tell the other membes of the class 
    2. Advice the classmate to see a counsellor
    3. Report the matter to the nearest police station
    4. Avoid talking to the classmate
  26. One of the best ways to treat people with HIV/AIDS is by
    1. abandoning them.
    2. not giving them jobs.
    3. giving them moral support. 
    4. isolating them.
  27. Which one of the following is an emotional suffering?
    1. Sadness
    2. Blindness
    3. Madness
    4. Stomachache
  28. Why should Christians conserve wildlife?
    1. are beautiful to watch. 
    2. attract tourists.
    3. are part of God's creation.
    4. they are a source of food.
  29. The main reason Christian fast is to
    1. strengthen their faith in God.
    2. fulfill God's commandment.
    3. help them overcome temptations. 
    4. help them to overcome suffering. 
  30. The first person to translate the Bible into a local language was
    1. Dr. David Livingstone. 
    2. William Mackinnon. 
    3. Bishop Hanington.
    4. Dr. Ludwig Krapf.


  1. The prophet (p.b.u.h) was showed that way to perfect the knowledge he was learning is by use of a pen. This was in surah
    1. Al-Kauthar.
    2. Al-Aadr.
    3. Adhuhaa.
    4. Al-Alaq.
  2. Which one of the following is a vice over which Muslim are warned in surah Humaza? 
    1. Piling of wealth 
    2. Giving false witness. 
    3. Backbiting others.
    4. Injustice in measure.
  3. It was Allah's favour to guide the prophet in Surah Dhuhr, otherwise He used to wonder in 
    1. Cave Hira.
    2. Holy Kaaba.
    3. In the jungle.
    4. In the market.
  4. ............................................carried pebbles that were used in the battle against the army of Abraha Ashram.
    1. Army men
    2. Elephants
    3. Angles
    4. Birds
  5. In which chapter does Allah (S.W) swear by two trees, the fig and the olive?
    1. Surah Asr.
    2. Surah Tiyn. 
    3. Surah Aadiyaat.
    4. Surah Ghaashiya.
  6. A person who fights to make sure that Allah's mission is the most high is
    1. on fil sabilillah 
    2. A Walad swaleh
    3. a Twalabul lim
    4. Akhaliilullah
  7. Which of the following things make Allah's happy according to the prophets traditions? When His servants
    1. fight non Muslims.
    2. play and win gambling. 
    3. earn from halaal jobs.
    4. argue over religion.
  8. The prophet wamed" He is not .................................... ,he who eats to his fill when his neighbour is hungry."
    1. an honest.
    2. human.
    3. mindful.
    4.  a believer.
  9. Which one of the following is performed to rectify any error that may have been made in the course of praying swalah?
    1. Rakkatul shakka 
    2. Sijdat sah wa.
    3. Salaam.
    4. Sunna prayer
  10. Which group of hadith should Muslims not rely heavily on their guidance? Hadith
    1. swahiih.
    2. qudsi.
    3. Hasana
    4. Dhwayirf.
  11. Which one of the following phrases is used to bid bye bye to Muslims as you travel?
    1. Yarhamkallah.
    2. Tawakaltu ala Liah.
    3. Hasbnnallah.
    4. Fii amanillah.
  12. Najis mutawasit should be cleaned until three things cannot be felt. Which one is not among them?
    1. Colour 
    2. Texture
    3. Smell
    4. Taste
  13. Who among the following is not among the eight receipients of zakaat?
    1. Al-Fuqaraa
    2. Fii Sabilillah.
    3. Al-Masaagin.
    4. Al-Yatiim
  14. The prophet (p.b.u.h) encouraged Muslims who intend to fast to eat suhuur means of the past midnight because they have
    1. privacy.
    2. satisfaction.
    3. blessings.
    4. swaum. 
  15. Muslims are allowed to combine some prayers and shorten the number of rakaats only if they are
    1. on long journeys.
    2. very tired.
    3. not in good health.
    4. too busy.
  16. The angel of Allah (S.W) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at the gate of paradise is
    1. Ridhwaan.
    2. Malik.
    3. Israfil.
    4. Jibril.
  17. The prophets of Allah received wahyi through any of the following three ways except through
    1. ancestral spirits. 
    2. dreams.
    3. angels.
    4. veils
  18. The best form of action to take on your friend who has begun stealing is
    1. time him and chop off his hand.
    2. shout out for people to lynch him.
    3. organise for a mob justice.
    4. advise him on Islamic verdict on stealing.
  19. A woman who looses her husband while pregnant will leave her Eddat period ending 
    1. at nine months.
    2. upon giving birth. 
    3. at three months.
    4. at four months 10 days
  20. Allah (s.w) through His holy book Qur'an has warned Muslims against the use of Khamr (all drugs) describing them as 
    1. gatepass to all their sins.
    2. health destroyer.
    3. handworks on sheitwaan. 
    4. having more disadvantages.
  21. Which oone of the following is a measure of zakkat-ul-fitr package guided by the prophet?
    1. 21/2 percent
    2. 21/2 , qiratun
    3. 21/2 ,kilograms
    4. 21/2 , qulatein
  22. "Al-aziizul, ghaffar, muswawwirul, asmaaul busna" Which of the following attributes of Allah is not mentioned in the above phrase? The
    1. designer.
    2. forgiver.
    3. listener.
    4. powerful
  23. The names "Allah" and "prophet" are introduced in the ear of the newborn baby for the first time through
    1. Adhaan.
    2. Tashahhud.
    3. Tahnia.
    4. Iqama.
  24. A Muslim should count 40 houses, from his to know his............................according to prophets tradition.
    1. kinsmen
    2. neighbours
    3. friends
    4. relatives
  25. According to the teaching of Islam, a bad friend's behaviour is like
    1. a perfume.
    2. the smoke of a blacksmith.
    3. petrol.
    4. a smell of decomposed food.
  26. Though Muhammad received the first call of prophethood at 40 years, Raghib Bahira had these signs when he was at the age of
    1. 25 years.
    2. 12 years.
    3. 6 years
    4. 8 years.
  27. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement of
    1. Ibrahim's family 
    2. Adam's family.
    3. Muhammad's family.
    4. Nuh's family.
  28. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything
    1. Ídd-ul-fitr.
    2. Milad-un-Nabii.
    3. Idd-ul-Hajj.
    4. Isra-wul-Mirajji.
  29. Which one of the following insects did Allah (S.W) use to provide by blindfolding the magic friend Abubakar? A
    1. praying mantis.
    2. coackroach.
    3. butterfly.
    4. spider.
  30. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from................................home. 
    1. Fir'aun's
    2. Shuaib's
    3. Egyptian's
    4. An Izraelite's


social adsda



  1. Which one of the following parts of the skin produces sweat?
    1. Sweat glands
    2. Sweat pores
    3. Sweat ducts
    4. Oil glands
  2. The following are stages of reproduction in human beings:
    1. Birth
    2. Ovulation 
    3. Fertilization
    4. Implantation
      Give the correct order of the stages from the first to the last.
      1. i, ii, iv, iii
      2. ii, iii, iv, i
      3. ii, iv, iii, i
      4. iv, ii, iii, i
  3. Which one of the following characteristics is not found in a cactus plant?
    1. Deep and widespread roots.
    2. Sunken stomata.
    3. Thin needle like leaves.
    4. Floating flowers.
  4. During pregnancy, food nutrients pass from the mother to the foetus. Which one of the following correctly shows this process?
    1. Mother's blood → placenta → umbilical cord → foetus.
    2. Foetus → placenta → umbilical cord → mother's blood.
    3. Mother's blood → umbilical cord → placenta → foetus.
    4. Mother's blood → foetus → placenta  →  umbilical cord
  5. The insturment drawn below can be used to
    5 adad
    1. measure the force acting on an object.
    2. compare masses of different objects.
    3. balance different objects.
    4. measure the quantity of matter contained in a substance.
  6. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched to its products?
           Animal      Products
    1. Sheep      mutton, wool,mohair
    2. Cattle       dairy, beef, bacon
    3. Goat        mohair, dairy,mutton
    4. Pig           pork, milk,bacon
  7. Which of the following is not true about the nose?
    1. Has hair to trap dust.
    2. Absorbs part of the air into the body.
    3. It is an entrance of air into the body.
    4. Has a moist lining of mucus to trap dust.
  8. Which of the following is not an immunizable disease?
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Typhoid
    3. Hepatitis
    4. Polio
  9. Three of the following are tuber crops. Which one is not?
    1. Carrots
    2. Onions
    3. Cassava
    4. Arrowroots
  10. The diagram below represents the jaw of a certain herbivore.
    10 adad
    What is the importance of the part marked L to the herbivore?
    1. Prevent grass from getting stuck between the teeth. 
    2. Allows turning of vegetation for proper chewing.
    3. Holds food tightly against incisors when cutting it.
    4. To replace worn out teeth due to constant grinding.
  11. Which one of the following pairs consists only of animals with moist skin?
    1. Duck and turtle
    2. Frog and duck
    3. Duck and newt
    4. Toad and salamander
  12. Which one of the following factors is responsible for water logging in soil?
    1. The amount of air in it.
    2. Presence of small animals in it.
    3. Its colour.
    4. The size of the soil particles.
  13. Which one of the following foods is not a source of roughages?
    1. Fruits
    2. Meat
    3. Stem tubers
    4. Whole grains
  14. Which one of the following small animals cannot be found living in soil?
    1. Chameleon 
    2. Beetle
    3. Earthworm
    4. Ant
  15. The type of soil erosion drawn below can be controlled by
    15 safsfsf
    1. construction of cut off drains.
    2. planting cover crops.
    3. building check dams
    4. making terraces
  16. A certain pupil grouped algae, conifers, mosses and fern together. Which one of the following reasons was best for this grouping? They are
    1. flowering plants.
    2. non-green plants.
    3. green non-flowering plants.
    4. non-flowering plants.
  17. The following are functions of parts of a plant: 
    1. Storage of food.
    2. Transports water to the leaves. 
    3. Manufacturing of food for the plant.
    4. Absorption of water and mineral salts.
      Which function is performed by roots, stems and leaves in different plants?
      1. ii
      2. iii
      3. iv
      4. i
  18. Which one of the following works on the fact that matter expards on heating?
    1. Raingauge
    2. Air thermometer
    3. Windvane
    4. Windsock
  19. Frosted glass is an example of ...........................materials.
    1. opaque
    2. transparent;
    3. transparent and translucer.t
    4. translucent
  20. During convection in liquids,
    1. warm water from the top moves down because it is lighter.
    2. cold water from the top goes up because it is heavier.
    3. warm water from the bottom of the sufuria moves up because it is lighter.
    4. heat is spread in all liquids.
  21. Which of the following is not an effect of HIV and AIDS to the family?
    1. Shame
    2. Sadness
    3. Financial problems
    4. Social stigma
  22. The diagram below shows a method of water conservation
    22 adada
    The method of water conservation shown above is
    1. re-using.
    2. using water sparingly.
    3. drip irrigation.
    4. recycling.
  23. Which one of the following is incorrect of myths and misconceptions of HIV/AIDS? 
    1. People with HIV/AIDS are thin.
    2. School girls can cure AIDS.
    3. AIDS has no cure.
    4. AIDS has a cure.
  24. All the following ensures a rain gauge functions effectively except
    1. a narrow measuring jar.
    2. placing it outside the weather house.
    3. placing it in a non-sheltered area.
    4. using a thick funnel
  25. When investigating drainage, the soil that gives out the first drop of water
    1. has poor drainage. 
    2. is good for farming.
    3. has fine texture.
    4. cannot form ribbons.
  26. Which one of the following does not pollute water?
    1. Oil spillage
    2. Aerosols
    3. Farm chemicals
    4. Run-off water
  27. Which statement about matter is not true?
    1. All matter expands when heated.
    2. Expansion in solids is not great.
    3. Liquids expand more than solids.
    4. Solids expand more than gases.
  28. The soil that floods easily does not
    1. crack when dry.
    2. have loose particles.
    3. have fine particles.
    4. make long ribbons.
  29. The following are reasons for proper storage of tools except
    1. to make them last longer. 
    2. for easy repair.
    3. to avoid theft.
    4. to avoid accidents.
  30. A pupil in Grade 4 placed a bottle top in a basin with water and it floated. He then crushed the bottle top and placed it in basin. It sank as shown below.
    30 adada
    What factor that affects floating and sinking was being investigated?
    1. Material
    2. Shape
    3. Size
    4. Weight
  31. Which one of the following is not true about water collected from a borehole?
    1. Forms scum with soap.
    2. Forms milky appearance with soap.
    3. Lathers easily with soap.
    4. Has mineral salts.
  32. The main purpose of coating food with honey is to
    1. prevent air and bacteria from reaching the food.
    2. keep away insects and dust.
    3. keep it at low temperature.
    4. add flavour.
  33. Which one of the following is wrongly matched with its unit of measure?
    1. Mass - tonnes.
    2. Friction - newtons.
    3. Gravity - newtons.
    4. Weight - Kilograms.
  34.  Which one of the following is not a method of conserving the environment?
    1. Constructing dams
    2. Terracing
    3. Planting trees
    4. Killing wild animals that destroy our crops.
  35. Which one of the following crop pests is both a field and a storage pest?
    1. Cutworms
    2. Weevils
    3. Aphids
    4. Stalkborers
  36. Which two major components of the environment do living things depend on directly?
    1. Air and water
    2. Animals and air
    3. Plants and animals
    4. Soil and plants
  37. In a food chain, bacteria and fungi are classified as
    1. producers.
    2. primary consumers.
    3. decomposers.
    4. tertiary consumers.
  38. All the following are livestock parasites except
    1. tapeworms.
    2. ringworms.
    3. roundworms.
    4. hookworms.
  39. The diagram below represents a periscope.
    39 adada
    Which of the letters C, D, E and F represent the position of the image as seen by the observer?
    1. C
    2. D
    3. E
    4. F
  40. Which one of the following is not part of a beam balance?
    1. A pivot
    2. An arm
    3. A base
    4. Two hanging stones
  41. Which of the following is not part of the digestive system?
    1. Trachea
    2. Mouth
    3. Stomach
    4. Rectum
  42. The diagram below represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain aspect of matter
    42 adada
    The aspect being demonstrated was
    1. convection in water.
    2. conduction in different solids.
    3. expansion in solids and liquids.
    4. conduction in water.
  43. Three of the following materials sink in water. Which one does not? A 
    1. long wire
    2. small stone
    3. maize cob
    4. small piece of wire
  44. What is the effect of cutting the stigma in a flower?
    1. Fertilisation does not take place.
    2. Ovules form
    3. Ovaries do not produce ovules
    4. Fruits form
  45. Study the solar system below.
    45 adada
    What is planet P and Q respectively?
    1. Saturn and Neptune
    2. Jupiter and Uranus
    3. Uranus and Jupiter
    4. Mars and Neptune
  46. Which animals below are wrongly matched?
    Vertebrates  Invertebrates
    Spider crab
    Tilapia dog
    Sunbird worm


    1. Spider and dog 
    2. Tilapia and crab
    3. Sunbird and tick
    4. Snake and tick
  47. Weight is defined as
    1. the amount of space occupied by a substance.
    2. mass per unit volume.
    3. the gravitational pull of an object.
    4. the quantity of matter in a substance.
  48. Which one of the following is not a means of water transport?
    1. Ferry
    2. Ship
    3. Boats
    4. Skiing
  49. HIV cannot be transmitted through the following fluids except
    1. tears.
    2. urine.
    3. breast milk.
    4. mucus.
  50. Grade 4 pupils spread soil on a flat surface as shown below.
    50 sdada
    What were they trying to investigate?
    1. Water in soil
    2. Air in soil
    3. Living organisms in soil
    4. Mineral particles in soil


sci adad



Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua ibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Klabu ..............1.................. Kipaumbele yaendelea kujipinda  ..............2.................. kuhakikisha kuwa tuzo  ..............3.................. msimu  ..............4.................. wa  ..............5.................. la mwadhamu Changuchetu imetwaliwa. Vijana  ..............6.................. wameapa kwa  ..............7.................. vipana kuwa wataendeleza vipaji  ..............8.................. kwa kusakata gozi kuanzia mashinani hadi kwenye ngazi za kimataifa. Kutokana na uchechefu wa ajira, ni muhimu vijana kujisakia  ..............9.................. vya kujipatia  ..............10.................. wa kila siku badala ya kungojea kuajiriwa.

    1. cha
    2. ya
    3. za
    4. la
    1. mkono
    2. kichwa
    3. mgongo
    4. mguu
    1. iliyotengewa
    2. lilitengewa
    3. zilizotengewa
    4. yaliyotengewa
    1. hii
    2. hizi
    3. hiyo
    4. huu
    1. kikombe
    2. kombe
    3. nishani
    4. medali
    1. vingi
    2. wengi
    3. kwingi
    4. pengi
    1. vinywa
    2. vidomo
    3. ndimi
    4. matamshi
    1. chao
    2. vyao
    3. yao
    4. zao
    1. vitegauchumi
    2. sera
    3. nyenzo
    4. mawanda
    1. pato
    2. riziki
    3. mkate
    4. bahati

Tangu utotoni,  ..............11.................. nikijitenga ..............12.................. matumizi ya dawa za kulevya kwa vyovyote vile. Dawa ..............13.................. za kulevya zimedhoofisha maisha ya wengi  ..............14.................. chipukizi na larwatia kichaa, kisha kuwasafirisha  ..............15.................. Dawa zenyewe zina madhara chungu furiko kwa watumizi na wasio watumizi wa moja kwa moja.

    1. nilikuwa
    2. nimekuwa
    3. ningekuwa
    4. nishakuwa
    1. katika
    2. kwa
    3. na
    4. dhidi
    1. hii
    2. hiyo
    3. hizi
    4. haya
    1. halisi
    2. hususan
    3. mahsusi
    4. hasi
    1. mbinguni
    2. peponi
    3. jongomeo
    4. mawinguni

Kutoka swali la 16-30, jibu swali kulingana na maagizo?

  1. Je, ni sentensi gani iliyotumia o-rejeshi tamati kwa usahihi?
    1. Mifugo -inyweshayo ndio wetu.
    2. Malango yafunguliwayo ndiyo yaliyopambwa.
    3. Watoto wanaoimba wana sauti nyororo ajabu.
    4. Sisi tusiyo na vitabu vya hadithi tusome nini?

Tumia kiunganishi bora zaidi kujazia kihasho

  1. Walijizatiti vilivyo ...................................... hawakufua dafu mbioni.
    1. lau
    2. seuze
    3. na
    4. ingawaje
  2. Ni pambo gani lililo tofauti na mengine kimatumizi?
    1. Kipini
    2. Shemere
    3. Kishaufu
    4. Kifumanzi
  3. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia "kwa" ya kimilikishi.
    1. Kushinda kwa mbunge wetu uchaguzini kulitiliwa shaka.
    2. Walisamehewa kwa kuwa walikuwa na mtetezi hodari.
    3. Tukifika kwake tutampokeza zawadi kochokocho.
    4. Mgonjwa akizidiwa mumpeleke kwa mganga.
  4. Kinyume cha: Ajuza alianika nguo asubuhi ni.
    1. Shaibu alianua nguo jioni.
    2. Ajuza alianika nguo jioni.
    3. Shaibu hakuanika nguo asubuhi.
    4. Ajuza alianua nguo asubuhi.
  5. Teua sentensi iliyoakifishwa vilivyo. 
    1. Ala! kwani unanikumbuka? 
    2. Mama we! kumbe leo ni sikukuu? 
    3. Acheni uzembe. Mkiendelea hivyo... 
    4. Njooni twende kwa kina Rosa
  6. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo sahihi kisarufi? 
    1. Mtainunua mitamba ipi?
    2. Minana waliotegwa walikuwa wangapi?
    3. Garini mlikuwa na abiria kumi na nane na dereva.
    4. Ikiwa hautanisaidia, nami pia sitakusaidia.
      Kamilisha methall ifuatayo kwa ustadi,
  7. Nguo ya kuazima
    1. matako hulia mbwata.
    2. ni kuondoka na mavi.
    3. hakistahimili kilemba. 
    4. haisitiri matako.
      Ni upi ukanusho sahihi wa sentensi ifuatayo?
  8. Mtungi ulionumuliwa umepotea. 
    1. Mtungi ulionunuliwa haujapotea.
    2. Mtungi usionunuliwa haujapotea. 
    3. Mtungi usionunuliwa hujapotea. 
    4. Mtungi usionunuliwa hujapotea.
  9. Kitenzi kutokana na nomino mfinyanzi ni
    1. ufinyanzi. 
    2. finyanzi.
    3. finyanga.
    4. finya.
  10. Ukitaka kukaza au kulegeza parafujo, unashauriwa kutumia
    1. keekee.
    2. bisibisi.
    3. nati.
    4. fuawe.
  11. "Miti hii ina matunda" kwa ukubwa ni
    1. Majiti haya yana matunda.
    2. Majiti haya yana majitunda. 
    3. Miti hii ina majitunda.
    4. Majimiti haya yana majitunda.
  12. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho. Tandika mkeka tule kunazi.
    1. Jahazi na tanga 
    2. Ugali
    3. Mbingu na nyota
    4. Maji ya mto
  13. Chagua sentensi yenye matumizi sahihi ya "-nge".
    1. Tungelisukuma lingeenda
    2. Wangesoma wasingelianguka mtihani. 
    3. Tusingalionana tusingalisaidiana. 
    4. Ningelijua ningelijitahidi.
  14. Bingwa wa kufua vyuma huitwa
    1. dobi.
    2. sonara.
    3. mjumu.
    4. mhunzi.

Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswall 31-40.

Waja huwa na akili razini na tambuzi ya kukabiliana mkabala na matatizo yao lakini utekelezaji ndio huwa changamoto. Hebu tuangalie kuhusu ajali barabarani. Baada ya kugundua chanzo cha ajali, hatua muhimu zilichukuliwa. Vidhibitimwendo viliwekwa ili kuzuia magari yasiende kasi zaidi. Alikanda ya usalama ilikuwa na jukumu ili pakitokea ajali, abiria wasirushwe nje kupitia viooni na madereva kupewa vibali vinavyoonyesha kuwa wao ni raia wema ili mshikausukani asiwe ni jambazi anayetafutwa na polisi. Hayo yote ni mema. Lakini ajali zimeisha au bado watu wanaangamia barabarani? Tatizo lipo wapi?

Nilifanya utafiti na kugundua penye tatizo. Nimegundua kuwa matatizo yangalipo, nayoni nyeti. Kubwa mno likiwa jangamizi la uzungukaji wa mbuyu. Kupokea rushwa kwa maafisa wa usalama kunachangia sana. Wahudumu wengi hubeba abiria wengi kupita kiasi na kuwahonga maafisa ili wasitiwe nguvuni. Kwa sababu hiyo abiria wengi hawawezi kufunga mikanda ya usalama. Ajali inapotokea watu wengi huangukiana kwa sababu ya kusongamana.

Kuna wale waliovitoa vidhibitimwendo na magari yao huenda kwa kasi sana. Wakati mwingine wenye magari huwafanyisha kazi kwa muda mrefu madereva na wasaidizi wao. Hilo niligundua siku moja ambapo nilikarwa nikisafiri kwa basi. Niliketi karibu na dereva na kujionea vituko ambavyo siwezi kusahau. Gari lilikuwa likienda kwa kasi ungedhani lingepaa. Niliingiwa na wasiwasi mpaka nikaamua kumsaili dereva.

"Mbona unaendesha gari hivyo?" Hakunijibu.

"Huoni kuwa unayahatarisha maisha yetu?"

"Unataka nikupishe uendeshe gari? Sitaki kufunzwa kazi. Unadhani maisha yako pekee ndiyo yaliyo humu garini? Mimi nina haki ya kuenda kwa kasi. Nilitoka Mombasa usiku. Sikulala. Nilifika Nairobi alfajiri na ba do ninarudi Mombasa mapema angaa nilale."

Sikuwa na la kujibu. Mshale wa kasi ulikuwa umelalia mia moja na arubaini. Sikuongea neno. Tulipofika Mtito Andei, nilishuka. Sikuliabiri gari hilo tena. Niliamua heri kupoteza pesa kuliko kupoteza maisha, uhi niuthaminio. Nilijipa moyo kwa kusema "kwa mwoga huenda kicheko". Nililiacha likaenda na kuliahiri jingine. Tulipofika Manyani, tuliwakuta watu wakilia kando ya barabara na kuomba msaada. Basi lilikuwa msituni. Tulisimama na kuwasaidia majeruhi. Wengi walikuwa wamekufa. Nilipashwa habari kuwa dereva alisinzia na kupoteza mwelekeo.

Tunapaswa kushirikiana sote kama tunataka kukabiliana na matatizo kama vile ajali barabarani. Hata kama tunajua kuwa ajali haina kinga, ajali haitokei yenyewe bali husababishwa na binadamu.

  1. Tatizo kubwa la binadamu ni lipi? 
    1. Kutekeleza mawazo mazuri waliyo nayo.
    2. Kuwa na mawazo mazuri ambayo yanaweza kutatua matatizo waliyo nayo. 
    3. Kujua chanzo cha matatizo ambayo yanawakabili katika nyanja mbalimbali. 
    4. Kutotekeleza mawazo mema waliyo nayo.
  2. Kazi ya vidhibitimwendo ni
    1. kufanya magari yasiende.
    2. kuhakikisha kuwa magari yanaenda kwa mwendo uliokubalika.
    3. kufanya magari yaende polepole ili ajali isitokee.
    4. kuzuia ajali isitokee wakati wowote..
  3. Kwa nini madereva hupewa vibali vya uraia mwema?
    1. Ili waendeshe magari kwa ustadi mkubwa 
    2. Kuhakikisha kuwa si wahalifu wanaojificha katika udereva.
    3. Kuhakikisha kuwa gari lina vidhibitimwendo na mikanda ya usalama.
    4. Ili kumzuia dereva asiendeshe gari bila kuzingatia sheria.
  4. Kutoa au kupokea rushwa kunachangia vipi kwa kuongezeka kwa ajali?
    1. Askari wanawaruhusu madereva kuendesha magari kwa kasi maana hawawaangalii.
    2. Idadi ya wanaonusurika ajalini huongezeka maradufu.
    3. Maafisa na madereva wengi hupoteza ajira zao.
    4. Sheria za barabarani huvunjwa ovyoovyo
  5. Kulingana na taarifa hii, ni nini kinachoshababisha ajali nyingi za barabarani?
    1. Ubebaji wa abiria kupita kiasi. 
    2. Magari kuendeshwa kwa kasi mno.
    3. Madereva walevi na barabara mbovu. 
    4. Magari kupasuka magurudumu.
  6. Wenye magari wanaweza kufanya nini ili kupunguza ajali barabarani?
    1. Kuwaamuru madereva na wasaidizi wao kuzunguka mbuyu.
    2. Kuwaajiri madereva wakongwe wenye ujuzi kuliko vijana.
    3. Kuwawekea mipaka nafuu ya nyakati za utendakazi wafanyakazi wao.
    4. Kununua magari mengi ili abiria wasihangaike.
  7. Kulingana na jinsi dereva alivyomjibu mwandishi, ni wazi kuwa
    1. alikuwa na hasira kwa sababu ya kufanya kazi kwa muda mrefu.
    2. aligundua kuwa mwandishi hakujua kuendesha gari.
    3. alikuwa na tabia ya ujeuri na ufidhuli. 
    4. mwandishi hakuwa na haki ya kuuliza lolote.
  8. Ni kweli kusema gari la kwanza alilosafiria mwandishi
    1. liliwabeba abiria wengi waliobanana kama ndizi.
    2. halikuwa na kidhibitimwendo.
    3. liliendeshwa na dereva mlevi.
    4. liliwafikisha abiria salama.
  9. Aya ya mwisho yaenda sambamba na methali ipi hapa?
    1. Mkono mmoja hauchinji ng'ombe.
    2. Ajali haina kinga wala kafara.
    3. Zinguo la mtukutu ni ufito.
    4. Heri kufa kuliko kufariki.
  10. Kichwa bora zaidi cha habari hii ni
    1. Kwa mwoga huenda kicheko, kwa shujaa kilio.
    2. Ajali barabarani.
    3. Jinsi ya kuzuia ajali barabarani 
    4. Siku njema huonekana asubuhi.

Soma kifungu kisha ujibu maswali41-50.

Msonge ni nyumba ya mviringo yenye paa lenye umbo la pia. Zamani wenyeji walikuwa wakijenga nyumba za namna hii. Kitu kikubwa cha kushangaza juu ya nyumba hizi ni kuwa zina sehemu tumbi nzima.

Ukianzia chini ya nyumba hizo utakuta msingi. Hapa wenyeji walikuwa wakichimba chini na kupatandaza vizuri kwa kupapigilia kwa kutumia vijiti maalumu. Baadhi ya makabila yalivihifadhi vijiti hivyo ili kutumiwa kwa ujenzi mwingine. Sehemu hizo zimalizikapo, huwa sakafu za nyumba hizo.

Ukienda juu kidogo kuna ukuta. Ukuta huu ulijengwa kwa kusimamishwa nguzo katika mviringo kufuatana na sakafu na kukingamana na boriti zilizosimamishwa. Baada ya hapo udongo ulikandikwa katikati ili kukamilisha ukuta. Ukuta wa nyumba ya msonge ulikuwa na sehemu mbili. Sehemu ya chini iliitwa kiuno cha nyumba nayo sehemu ya juu haikuwa na jina lakini haikuwekewa mawe kama kiuno cha nyumba.

Ulipojengwa ukuta, uliwekwa mti wa juu kabisa ambao kazi yake ni kushikilia paa. Mti huu huitwa kombamoyo au mtambaapanya. Mbali na kuwa na mtambaapanya, pia ukuta huo uliwekewa vizingiti vya milango na madirisha na hatimaye milango yenyewe na madirisha.

Hatua ya mwisho katika ukuta ilikuwa ni kuusiriba. Ukuta huo ulitupiwa udongo uliokuwa umekanyagwakanyagwa na kulainishwa kwa mikono au mwiko maalumu ili kuufanya upendeze.

Katikati ya ukuta na paa, lilijengwa dari. Zilichukuliwa boriti upande hadi upande. Boriti hizo zilifungwa fito pia. Baada ya kufungiwa fito nyingi sana dari hilo lilikandikwa na haikuachwa nafasi ya kupanda juu kama madari ya kizungu. Hii ni kwa sababu hakuna kitu chochote kilichowekwa juu. Sehemu iliyowekewa kitu chochote ilikuwa uchaga. Uchaga ulikuwa sehemu ya mekoni ambako kuliwekwa kuni. Sehemu hiyo ilijengwa juu ya meko ili kupika kufanyiwe chini na kuni ziwekwe juu. Hii ilikuwa kwa sababu wakati wa masika, ilikuwa shida kwenda kuchanja kuni kwa sababu ya kuloa maji ya mvua.

Sehemu ya juu kabisa ya msonge kulikuwa na paa. Ujenzi wa paa ulihitaji fundi kuliunda na kuliczeka. Paa lililojengwa kivoloya halikudumu kwa muda mrefu maana liliharibiwa na mvua na upepo baada ya siku chache.

Katika ujenzi wa paa, yalihitajika mapau ambayo yaliwekewa fito pia. Fito hizo zilifungwa kwa kamba maalumu. Baada ya kufungwa fito, paa liliezekwa na fundi. Uczekaji ulianzia chini kuelekea juu hadi kilele cha mlingoti. Hapa kumbuka kuwa ule mlingoti ulisimamishwa kutoka katikati ya sakafu hadi katikati ya paa. Fundi wa kuezeka alitakiwa kuwa na ujuzi wa kukanyaga sehemu alizoezeka bila kuzitia dosari. Pili, paa lilitakiwa lisivuje kabisa na mwisho kabisa, lilihitajika likae hivyo hivyo miaka nenda miaka rudi bila kuezekwaezekwa mara nyingi.

Kuna nyasi za aina nyingi zilizotumiwa kuezeka. Sehemu za pwani, makuti yalitumika zaidi na bara zilitumika nyasi tofautitofauti. Kilichofanya nyasi hizo kuwa sawa sawa ni kuwa wenyewe walizichagua kwa makini. Zilihitajika kuwa nyasi ambazo hazikuchakaa haraka na zilizopatikana kwa urahisi.

Baada ya paa kuisha, fundi aliweka namna ya kofia kileleni. Lilichukuliwa bonge la udongo na kukatwa katika mviringo mzuri. Kwisha yote hayo, kijiti chenye ncha ndefu kiliwekwa kileleni na kupitishiwa lile bonge ili likae pale pale sawa sawa. Ujenzi huo ulikuwa wa kuzuia mvua isiingie ndani kupitia kileleni.

Ndani ya nyumba hamkuwa na vyumba lakini ilipobidi nyumba hizo ziligawanyika sehemu mbili tu. Yaani sebule na sehemu ya kulala.

  1. Nyumba ya msonge iligawanywa katika sehemu mbili, nazo ni
    1. sebule na jikoni.
    2. jikoni na sehemu ya kulala. 
    3. sehemu ya kulala na sebule. 
    4. uchaga na sakafu.
  2. Ni kitu gani kilichostaajibisha kuhusu msonge?
    1. Ustadi uliotumika katika kuujenga.
    2. Umbo la pia katika paa na sakafu ya mviringo.
    3. Vyumba mbalimbali vilivyopatikana katika msonge.
    4. Sehemu nyingi zilizokuwa katika nyumba hii.
  3. Ni kweli kusema kuwa:-
    1. sakafu ya nyumba ilichimbwa, kutandazwa kisha ikapigiliwa
    2. vijiti vilivyotumiwa kupigilia sakafu vilihifadhiwa na makabila yote
    3. vijiti maalumu vilichimbiwa chini vikawa sakafu
    4. ujenzi wa sakafu ulikuwa na hatua mbili zilizofuatwa.
  4. Hatua ya mwisho katika ujenzi wa kiambaza ilikuwa gani?
    1. Kusimamisha nguzo katika mviringo kulingana na sakafu.
    2. Kufungwa kwa fito nje na ndani.
    3. Kukandikwa kwa udongo katikati ya fito. 
    4. Kukisiriba kwa udongo laini.
  5. Ni nini kilichotumika kuufanya ukuta wa msonge kuwa imara na kushikilia paa? 
    1. Kuwekwa kwa mtambaapanya katika kombamoyo
    2. Kwa kuweka bonge la udongo katika mviringo
    3. Kwa kuweka kijiti chenye ncha ndefu 
    4. Kuwekwa kwa mtambaapanya
  6. Ni gani ni tofauti kuu ya dari la msonge na lile la kisasa?
    1. Dari la msonge ilikandikwa kwa udongo. 
    2. Dari la msonge huwa na uchaga. 
    3. Dari la kisasa huachiwa nafasi ya kupandia juu.
    4. Dari la kisasa huhifadhiwa kuni.
  7. Fundi wa ujenzi wa paa alionyesha ujuzi wake katika yafuatayo isipokuwa
    1. kujenga paa lililodumu kwa muda mrefu.
    2. kukanyaga sehemu zilizoezekwa bila kuzitia dosari.
    3. kuczeka paa lisilovuja.
    4. kuezeka paa lililoonekana maridadi.
  8. Ni wazo lipi ambalo ni sahihi kuhusu paa?
    1. Mapaa yote ya msonge yaliezekwa kwa makuti.
    2. Mapaa yote ya msonge yaliezekwa kwa nyasi pekee.
    3. Nyasi zilizopatikana kwa urahisi katika eneo fulani ndizo zilizotumika kuezekea mapaa.
    4. Nyasi zozote zingetumika kuezekea mapaa. 
  9. Mvua ilizuiliwaje isiingie ndani kupitia kileleni?
    1. Kwa kutumia bonge la udongo lililokatwa katika mviringo mzuri.
    2. Kwa kuezekwa nyasi ambazo hazikuchakaa kwa urahisi.
    3. Kwa kupitishia kijiti kirefu chenye ncha ndefu kilichopitishwa katika bonge la udongo kuliweka sawa sawa.
    4. Kwa kukanyaga kwa makini sehemu hiyo yenye bonge na kijiti kirefu.
  10. Ni kichwa kipi kifaacho zaidi taarifa hii?
    1. Msonge.
    2. Fundi wa kujenga msonge.
    3. Ujenzi wa nyumba za kale.
    4. Ujenzi wa msonge.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Andika insha ya kusisimua ukiamalizia kwa maneno haya:

....................................................................................................Tangu siku hiyo, wanafunzi wote wa darasa letu waliamini kuwa hakuna mafanikio yanayoweza kupatikana bila bidii.


swa adad



The passage below contains blank spaces. Fill them with the best answer from the choices given

We had ...................1..................... the weekend outing for  ...................2..................... some time. All of us had been very busy these last two months. We had been busy  ...................3.....................  our examinations and Dad had   ...................4.....................  going on at his factory. Mum as ...................5.....................  had been caught between entertaining and household chores. So we had all decided that was time we had a break and planned a weekend ...................6.....................  the beach. There was a small Rest House where we intended to ...................7.....................  the night.

Saturday  ...................8 .....................  and we were up long before   ...................9 .....................  . Dad took out the car from the garage and we boys started   ...................10 .....................  our stuff. I longed for a day in the sun and an    ...................11 ..................... swim in the sea. I also carried a journal to  ...................12 ..................... memorable events.

We were  ...................13 ..................... similar outings but this one was extra special as it was after a very busy period and we felt we had deserved it.   ...................14 ..................... it would be a lovely experience to have our parents relax and be at our ...................15 ..................... and call. So we excitedly prepared for it.

    1. looked back to
    2. looked up to
    3. looked forward to
    4. looked ahead to
    1. quite
    2. rather
    3. quiet
    4. really
    1. during
    2. for
    3. in
    4. with
    1. a little
    2. a lot
    3. many
    4. more
    1. often
    2. habitual
    3. usual
    4. normal
    1. on
    2. by
    3. to
    4. at
    1. lodge
    2. live
    3. sleep
    4. stay
    1. arrived
    2. came
    3. reached
    4. appeared
    1. dust
    2. sun rise
    3. dawn
    4. twilight
    1. loading
    2. packing
    3. filling
    4. piling
    1. occasions
    2. occassion
    3. occasional
    4. occasionally
    1. put across
    2. put down
    3. put away
    4. put in
    1. familiar to
    2. familiar of
    3. accustomed with
    4. accustomed to
    1. Beside
    2. Therefore
    3. Moreover
    4. Nevertheless
    1. beckon
    2. help
    3. service
    4. beck

For questions 16 to 18. select the best alternative to fill the blank spaces.

  1. Ndanu read the book several times...................................... , she did not understand the story.
    1. However
    2. Furthermore
    3. Moreover
    4. Although
  2. It is important to put into..................................learnt skills.
    1. practice
    2. practices
    3. practises
    4. practise
  3. These machines have.....................................here for several months.
    1. lay
    2. lied
    3. lain
    4. laid

For questions 19 to 21, complete the sentences with the most suitable alternatives.

  1. It was not until evening
    1. that the suspects were arrested.
    2. the suspects were arrested. 
    3. when the suspects were arrested. 
    4. for the suspects to be arrested.
  2. Driving on the highway,
    1. a dog was ran over.
    2. a motorist ran over a dog.
    3. the car broke down.
    4. an accident suddenly occurred.
  3. James Mwamburi, just like his five friends,
    1. is received new books.
    2. have received new books.
    3. has received new books.
    4. are receiving new books.

For questions 22 and 23, select the sentence that means the same as the one underlined.

  1. Little work has been done.
    1. No work has been done.
    2. Hardly any work has been done. 
    3. Much work has been done. 
    4. Some work has been done.
  2. It was not necessary to buy flowers.
    1. You shouldn't have bought flowers.
    2. You wouldn't have bought flowers.
    3. You couldn't have bought flowers.
    4. You needn't have bought flowers.

For questions 24 and 25, select the opposite of the underlined words,

  1. This part is the most densely populated.
    1. sparsely
    2. tightly
    3. deserted
    4. scattered
  2. We always look forward to the festive season.
    1. hardly 
    2. rarely
    3. never
    4. mostly

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38,

Julian finally left his village when there was no one left living there. He had never left his beloved village before, but got intrigued by the fact that everyone had gone to the city. He decided to go and see for himself what wonderful things those cities had. So he packed a knapsack with a few clothes, put on his best smile, and off he went to the city.

On reaching the city, he was given a most unexpected welcome. A couple of policemen stopped Julian and questioned him in great detail. It turned out that Julian had seemed suspiciously happy' for someone with hardly any possessions. In the end, the police had to let go, but they were still suspicious about this apparently simple and good-natured fellow.

The fist thing Julian noticed about the city was all the rushing around. Everyone was in such a hurry that he thought that there must be something special happening that day, which no one wanted to miss. Curious as to what it was, Julian started following a man who looked like he was hurrying to see whatever it was that was happening. However, after several hours following him, the man arrived at a small flat and went inside. He had done or seen nothing of interest that whole day

That night Julian slept in a park. The park was strewn with bits of paper and plastic. As the bins were completely empty, Julian thought how cool it was that the city had seemingly invented plants with petals made of paper and plastic. He only believed this until the following morning when a man came by and dropped his chocolate wrapper.

Julian carried on walking through the city streets, trying to understand what was going on when he arrived at a group of big warehouses, which many people were entering. "This must be the best museum in the world," he thought on entering and seeing all the useless-looking things they had inside. But then he saw that people were picking these things up, paying for them, and taking them away.

"Why would anyone want a watch which doesn't show the minute?" he wondered to himself after seeing a woman very contentedly leaving with the most modem of watches on her wrist. Once again, he decided to follow the lady with the watch. He saw her joy turn into disappointment whe her friends gave her new watch a look of disapproval. Julian started wishing he had not left hi village, just to come to this place where no one seemed happy.

Then he saw a few kids playing. Now, they certainly did seem happy, playing, running about chasing each other. Except for one child, who se: med troubled by a little machine they were calling a video game. He was hitting it so hard with his fingers, and making all kinds of faces and angry gestures.

Julian thought that the boy was trying to destroy that little machine because it was making him so unhappy. He decided to help the boy. Julian went over, took the gadget, threw it on the ground stamped on it, and looked at the boy with great satisfaction. At this, the boy flew into a rage, as di all the other children there, and nearly all the adults. They pursued Julian so relentlessly that he had to run away. He didn't stop running until he reached the road leading back to his village.

As he was making his way home, he couldn't help wondering whether the whole world had gone mad.

  1. According to the first paragraph, Julian
    1. had prior plans to leave the village. 
    2. knew why everyone was leaving the village.
    3. was the last to leave the village.
    4. left because of loneliness.
  2. Julian's visit to the city was motivated by
    1. excitement.
    2. pleasant memories.
    3. fear of loneliness.
    4. curiosity.
  3. By putting on his best smile, Julian showed that he
    1. longed for the city.
    2. expected the best.
    3. was happy to leave his village.
    4. was not coming back to the village.
  4. When the police stopped Julian, they 
    1. accused him.
    2. interrogated him.
    3. examined him. 
    4. arrested him.
  5. The people of the city
    1. were in haste to nowhere.
    2. did not want to miss special events.
    3. were late for their appointments.
    4. were rushing to see something special.
  6. Unlike the people in the city, Julian was
    1. happy with many possessions. 
    2. joyous without any possessions.
    3. contented with few possessions.
    4. unhappy because he had few possessions.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true?
    1. The city had planted special plants.
    2. The city had maintained the park very well.
    3. All papers were dropped in the bins at the park.
    4. The park was littered with rubbish from the people.
  8. The big warehouses Julian saw
    1. were real museums.
    2. were used to store people's items.
    3. were places where people shopped.
    4. stocked and sold very old items.
  9. The watch the lady bought 
    1. was an ancient piece of jewellery. 
    2. was not working well.
    3. gave her a lot of satisfaction.
    4. was not very attractive.
  10. From the woman and her friends, Julian learnt that their happiness depended on
    1. their friend's approval.
    2. the quality of items they bought.
    3. the number of friends they had.
    4. the amount of possessions they had.
  11. Why did Julian regret leaving his village?
    1. The people in the city were cruel.
    2. The people in the city were suspicious of him.
    3. Everyone in the city looked unhappy.
    4. He did not find his village mates in the city.
  12. The children and the adults were angry with Julian because
    1. he had destroyed the video game on purpose.
    2. he was mistaken for a criminal.
    3. he was not supposed to help the boy.
    4. he had misunderstood the boy's feelings.
  13. Julian can best be described as
    1. curious, excited, suspicious. 
    2. pessimistic, curious, outgoing.
    3. observant, foolish, sceptical.
    4. optimistic, observant, naive. 

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50,

When James was suspended from his school in July, his parents could not receive him. Investigation done in school showed that he was indisciplined and the ringleader of bad company in school. His father was particularly very bitter about it after spending all his resources sending him to a boarding school while other siblings were in simple day schools. To make matters worse, he had deteriorated in performance immediately he entered his last grade.

James was neither a child nor an adult. He had no one to share problems with as he was the first born. His mother could not intervene as his father ruled the fily with an iron rod. The teachers could not listen to him and so were his parents and society.

James woke up in the morning. His father had gone to work and his mother was in the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and asked for breakfast.

"Your breakfast is in school. Take a glass of water and go to the farm. Your father will come to check the work you are doing in the shamba," his mother answered him.

"But......" James tried to explain but his mother interrupted immediately and harshly. "If you have any question or you might require any explanation, enquire from your father or write to him." James went outside, sat on the wet grass and dropped his head between his legs. Surely, he was in deep thought.

"My father has surely invested in me by placing me in the most expensive school. He provides me with all my needs and is always concerned with my education. I can't blame him for anything, neither my mother. Now what can I do? James thought deeply. He realised he was crying when he saw drops of liquid fall on the ground. He took his handkerchief, wiped his face and his nose. This was just the second day at home. He has to do something before things got worse.

He stood up, went to his room and locked the door behind. He took a pen and plucked some sheets of papers from his book. He was to apologise to his father, mother and finally to the headteacher in school.

As he wrote the letters, he thought about his peers from rich families and cursed loudly. Then he realised he was talking to himself.

"Oh my God! I'm becoming mad. I have to be baptized a new. I am the cause of all this. No peace at all in the family," he murmured to himself.

He jerked his head as he realised there was a shadow at the window. His mother had been there watching all his movements and actions and even she could read the writing at the end of the table.

His mother smiled at him and said; "My son, we love you so much. Just be baptized 'James' of the Bible and your father will be proud of you and the whole family."

  1. Why was James sent away from school?
    1. led an indiscipled company in school. 
    2. misbehaved in school.
    3. led a strike in school.
    4. suffered rejection from his peers, teachers and parents.
  2. Which statement is not true according to the first paragraph?
    1. James' father was very concerned with his son's education.
    2. The parents refused to accept James after being sent from school.
    3. Much resources had been used on James' education than any other sibling.
    4. James had been performing poorly all through.
  3. James was neither a child nor an adult means that he was
    1. very young to be understood. 
    2. in the adolescence age.
    3. not tall nor short.
    4. a middle aged man.
  4. The phrase with an iron rod means
    1. very strict and harsh.
    2. very rigid and cruel.
    3. very serious and bitter.
    4. brave and fearless.
  5. When none could listen to James, we can say that he suffered
    1. guilt.
    2. indiscipline.
    3. rejection.
    4. hatred.
  6. Why did mother refuse to give James breakfast?
    1. It was not ready yet.
    2. She hated him as he had angered everybody.
    3. The father had commanded that James should not be given anything.
    4. James woke up very late and demanded to be served.
  7.  From James' deep thought, we can conclude that he
    1. placed a blame on his parents.
    2. was very bitter with his father.
    3. did not blame anybody and had realised his mistake.
    4. had blamed the teachers in school.
  8. Which statement is true about James? 
    1. James' friends were from rich families. 
    2. He had decided to end his friendship with his peers.
    3. He was to write three letters.
    4. He liked cursing his peers.
  9. Why did James say that he had to be baptized? He
    1. had no other name.
    2. had not gone to church.
    3. was tired of being called James.
    4. was to change his behaviour.
  10. Why did James think he was becoming mad? He
    1. had cursed his friends.
    2. had angered his parents.
    3. was talking to himself.
    4. was crying without any reason.
  11. From the last line of the passage, we can conclude that
    1. the harshness of the father to the family had been caused by James.
    2. the mother loved James so much but the father did not.
    3. the father was never proud of anyone.
    4. James would only be loved if he was to be baptized.
  12. What is the best title for the passage?
    1. Pride comes before a fall
    2. James learns a lesson the hardway
    3. James' family problems
    4. The bad peer pressure


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write it in your own words, making it as interesting as possible.

When I read the announcement on the school notice board, I decided to....................................................


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