Displaying items by tag: Class 8

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Hali ngumu ya maisha ___1___ waja wengi humu nchini ___2___; yaani kupoteza matumaini. ___3___ ya waja hawa ___4___ hata kukimu mahitaji yao ya kimsingi; ___5___. Mambo ___6___ zaidi na uhaba wa nafasi za ajira___7___ idadi kubwa ya vijana___8___. Ipo haja ya ___9___ vijana wakumbatie kazi za ufundi na zaraa ili mambo yao yasizidi ___10___.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   yamewanya   imewafanya   zimewafanya   limewafanya 
 2.  kuenda nguu   kula mumbi   kula mwande  kuenda mserego 
 3.  Kati ya  Fauka ya   Miongoni   Baadhi 
 4.  mmeshindwa  tumeshindwa   wameshindwa   wameshindikana 
 5.  kujimudu  kujiweza   kujiendeleza   kujitosheleza 
 6.  imezoroteka  yamezoroteshwa   yamezorota  zimeharibiwa 
 7.  ambao  ambavyo   ambapo   ambako 
 8.   haina kazi wala bazi    hawana mbele wala nyuma   hawana kazi wala bazi   haijijui haijitambui 
 9.  kuwatia shime  kuwatia hima  kuwatilia mrija  kuwatia kapuni
 10.   kughafilika  kutambulika  kuajabia  kudidimia


___11___, wavyele wa Mwasi wakamwambia huku ___12___ na machozi ya majonzi  usione umepata kazi ukafikiri kuwa hutahitaji tena msaada wetu. Mwasi alikuwa ___13___. ____14___ alipopata kazi yake yenye mshahara mnono, katika idara moja serikalini, alijiona kafika kwelikweli. Wazazi waliamua lao liwe jicho tu hadi siku___15___ afikiwe na fimbo ya ulimwengu.

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   hasidi aangukapo mnyanyue   kutangulia si kufika   usitukane wakunga na uzazi ungalipo   usiache mbachao kwa msala upita
 12.  wamedondokwa  wakidondokwa   walidondokwa  wakadondokwa
 13.   haliki hatafuniki  hamjui aingiaye wala atokayo    hazidishi hapunguzi  haoni hasikii
 14.  Mpaka  Hadi   Lau   Tangu 
 15.  itakaofika  itakakofika   itakapofika  ifikayo


Kuanzia nambari 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi.

  1. Tambulisha sentensi inayoonyesha hali ya masharti.
    1. Mwadime alijikwaa akaumiza dole lakc.
    2. Lau ungefika mapema ungemkuta mjomba kwake.
    3. Mtoto alikuwa akilia kwa sababu ya njaa.
    4. Msichezee karibu na barabara yenye magari.
  2. Chagua maelezo sahihi kati ya haya.
    1. Manju ni mcheza ngoma stadi. 
    2. Mghani hutunga na kuimba mashairi.
    3. Mshenga ni mtu ambaye hupeleka habari za posa.
    4. Mjumu ni fundi wa kutia nakshi katika vyombo vya madini.
  3. Tumia viambishi mwafaka. 
    Shoka ______________________ lilomkata ndi ________________________ hili.
    1. li, lo
    2. i, yo
    3. u, o
    4. ki vyo
  4. Andika umoja wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mbao zilizoletwa zitatumiwa kujengea mabanda.
    1. Mbao iliyoletwa itatumiwa kujengea banda.
    2. Ubao ulioletwa utatumiwa kujengea banda.
    3. Mbao iliyoletwa itatumiwa kujengea kibanda.
    4. Ubao ulioletwa utatumiwa kujengea kibanda.
  5. Nomino ipi ya makundi imekamilishwa ipasavyo.
    1. Mkuo wa sabuni.
    2. Wingu la moto.
    3. Halmashauri ya wanafunzi.
    4. Kaumu ya ng'ombc.
  6. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia kiambishi ku kama kiwakilishi cha nafasi.
    1. Ulipofika hukujua tulikuwa chumbani.
    2. Kuliko na gharika kunahitaji msaad
    3. Kulipopambazuka nyinyi mlianza shughuli papo hapo.
    4. Alipokuona alikukimbilia kwa furaha tele.
  7. Gao ni ukubwa wa ngao. Aidha gao ni
    1. Mahali palipohamwa na hapana watu waishio hapo.
    2. Samaki mwenye rangi nyeupe tumboni na ya kijivu mgongoni.
    3. Kiganja cha mkono kilichokunjwa kwa ajili ya kutia kitu.
    4. Chombo cha seremala cha kushikia mbao.
  8. Andika usemi wa taarifa wa sentensi;
    Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi, "Liwekeni darasa lenu safi kila siku."
    1. Mwalimu aliwaagiza wanafunzi wawe wakiliweka darasa lao safi kila siku.
    2. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kuwa yeye hutaka darasa liwe safi kila siku.
    3. Mwalimu aliwaomba wanafunzi wawe wakilisafisha darasa lao kila siku.
    4. Mwalimu alisema kuwa angetaka wanafunzi wawe wakiliweka darasa lao safi siku hizo
  9. Kidani ni kwa shingo kama ilivyo ______________________ kidevuni.
    1. furungu
    2. kikuba
    3. utondoti
  10. Nomino zipi hupatikana katika ngeli wa YA-YA pekee?
    1. Manukato, mazingira
    2. Magari, maegesho
    3. Mate, mapato
    4. Mashaka, maembe
  11. Upi ni muungano sahihi wa sentensi ifuatayo?
    Mvua ilinyesha vizuri. Mavuno hayakuwa mengi.
    1. Mvua ilinyesha vizuri aghalabu mavuno hayakuwa mengi.
    2. Lau mvua ilinyesha vizuri mazao hayakuwa mengi.
    3. Mazao hayakuwa mengi almradi mvua ilinyesha vizuri.
    4. Mazao hayakuwa mengi licha ya mvua kunyesha vizuri.
  12. Ipi ni sifa iliyoundwa kutokana na nomino.
    1. dhoofu- dhaifu
    2. wema - jema
    3. refusha - urefu
    4. kimbia - kimbilio
  13. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo na kivumishi cha idadi.
    1. Wanafunzi wote watapewa vipakatalishi mwakani.
    2. Maswali mengine hayakuweza kujibika.
    3. Watalii huja hapa mara kwanmara.
    4. Tulipanda miti kadhaa msimu.
  14. Tunasema mrefu kama mlingoti na pia mwaminifu mithili ya
    1. jua
    2. malaika
    3. mchana
    4. kondoo
  15. Chagua jozi ya methali zenye maana sawa.
    1. Kuishi kwingi ni kuona mengi. 
    2. Moto wa kumvi hudumu.
    3. Ngoma ya wana haikeshi.
    4. Jungu kuu halikosi ukoko.
    5. Mwana wa kuku hafunzwi kuchakura.
      1. (ii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iii)
      3. (ii), (v)
      4. (i), (v)

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40

Mwendo wa saa mbili na ushei, lange la tarabe lilifunguliwa taratibu. Ni mara chache sana ambapo Mwapuza aliweza kuiona sehemu ya nje ya lango hilo. Awali, aliliona pale tu yeye na wafungwa wenzake walipopelekwa chini ya ulinzi mkali ama kunadhifisha sehemu za umma mjini au kushiriki shughuli nyinginezo kama walivyohitajika. Lango hili lilikuwa limemdhibiti kwa nusu mwongo sasa, japo kwa Mwapuza hii ni miongo mitano! Lakini leo, imesibu kuwa hauchi hauchi unakucha. Wake umekucha che! Na kumwangazia waa! Kwa nuru ya uhuru.

Kumbukumbu za Mwapuza zilimregesha katika siku zake za kisogoni, akakumbuka akiwa danga la mwana katika shule ya msingi ya Hekima. Wavyele wake walalahai walijikaza masombo mwana wao akapata hiki na kile, almradi aweze kujitegemea na kuwa taa ya jamaa na jamii iwapo yatakuwa majaliwa. Siku zote Mwapuza akawa akiahidi kuinamia cha mvunguni na kuibuka na mzo wa maarifa.

Mnamo mwaka wake wa saba katika shule ya msingi, Mwapuza alipatana na wasena watundu akanolewa akapata. Kufumba na kufumbua akajipata ameabiri dau la mihadarati. Kila uchao, wavyele wake walisikika wakilaani kuwa fulusi zao zilitoweka kimiujiza. Ambalo hawakujua ni kuwa njenje zao zilitumika kugharimia starche za mwana wao. Baadhi ya vitu vya thamani chengoni aidha vilianza kuota mbawa ́ kiajabuajabu.`

Baada ya kushauriana, wavycle walikata shauri la kutohifadhi ghawazi nyumbani. Waliafikiana kwa kauli moja kuwa benkini ndiko mikono mirefu isikofika kwa urahisi. Mwapuza alipohojiwa alikula mori na kuanza kuwafokea wazee wake. "Hivi mmenikosea thamani kiasi cha kuanza kuniita pwagu?" Akauliza kwa ukali. Hapo alilia hadi kifua chake kikalowa na kabisa kwa machozi. "Tazameni mlivyonitelekeza," akaendelea. "Hata masrufu hamnipi tena. Mbona mlinizaa kuja kunitesa," alisaili kwa uchungu.

Mama mtu alipojaribu kumtuliza mwanawe, alifunguliwa mfereji wa matusi akapigwa na mughma. Hakuamini masikio yake. "Huyu ni yule mwanangu niliyemzaa, nikamwamisha na kumchuchia alipolia hadi akatulia? Leo hii anathubutu kunivunjia heshima kiasi hiki? Ama kweli, ivushayo ni mbovu." Machozi yalimdondoka njia mbilimbili; machozi ya uchungu wa mwana ambao aujuaye ni mzazi.

Jioni iyo hiyo, Mwapuza aliwasimulia wasena wake masaibu yote yaliyomsibu. Wakamsikitikia sana. Papo hapo, walikula nyama ya kuguria mjini. Walipowasili huko, walitumia fulusi kichele walizokuwa nazo kununulia mihadarati na kushiriki anasa. * Walilosahau ni kuwa chovyachovya humaliza buyu la asali.

Pesa zilipotindika, waliamua kuingilia uhalifu ili kukidhi mahitaji yao. Awali, walivamia gereji moja na kuiba vipuri vya magari. Baadaye waliviuza kwa bei ya kutupa na kuendesha maisha yao. Ujanja wao uliishia jangwani usiku mmoja waliponaswa na polisi walioshika doria. Hawakuweza kueleza vizuri walikotoka usiku huo wala walikopata vipuri vya magari. Basi walinda usalama wakajijazia. Visa vya wizi wa vipuri vilikuwa vimeshamiri mjini humo.

Hatimaye Mwapuza na wenzake walifunguliwa mashtaka na kuhukumiwa. Mwapuza mwenyewe hakuona haja ya kukata rufaa. Ushahidi dhidi yake haukuwa na ati-ati. Wenzake walishindwa kuvumilia mateso gerezani wakasalimu amri. Mmoja wao aliugua na kutangulia mbele ya haki. Mwenzake naye alishiriki mapigano akaangamizwa na mfungwa mwenzake. Kwa Mwapuza, ilikuwa heri nusu ya shari kuliko shari kamili.

Wakati huu, Mwapuza aliona jambo moja tu. Alitaka kuwaona wavyele wake awaangukic miguuni na kulia kama mtoto mdogo. Alitamani afike kama yule mwana mpotevu na kuomba radhi kwao. Tayari machozi ya majonzi yalikuwa yakimdondoka ndo ndo ndo!

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kwa mujibu wa aya ya kwanza.
    1. Aghalabu lango lilifunguliwa baada ya saa mbili.
    2. Haikuwa kawaida kwa Mwapuza kuwa huru nje ya lango. 
    3. Mwapuza alizoca kuenda kudumisha usafi mjini.
    4. Tofauti na awali, Mwapuza alijifungulia lango mwenyewe.
  2. Kulingana na makala, ni kweli kusema kuwa wazazi wa Mwapuza
    1. walichelea mwana kulia wakalia wao.
    2. walikuwa na uhitaji mkubwa wa kifedha.
    3. walikuwa watu wenye nafasi na hali katika jamii.
    4. walikuwa watu wa kima cha kati.
  3. Jambo linalodhihirisha kuwa wavyele wa Mwapuza ni wenye busara ni kwamba:
    1. wameamua kumwekea mwana wao msingi ufaao.
    2. walijinyima kila kitu wakampa mwanao mahitaji yote.
    3. hawataki kugombana na mwanao licha ya kupotoka.
    4. wanatarajia mwana wao awafae atakapohitimu masomo.
  4. Msemo, 'akanolewa akapata' kama ulivyotumika una maana ya
    1. akashauriwa na kukaidi. 
    2. akacrevushwa na kuerevuka.
    3. akarubuniwa na kupotoka.
    4. akahimizwa na kuzingatia.
  5. Chagua madhara ya mihadarati yaliyojitokeza katika kisa hiki.
    1. Madhara ya kiafya na kuingilia uhalifu.
    2. Kuwa mwizi na kutiwa nguvuni.
    3. Kupotosha maadili na kuingilia uhalifu.
    4. Kujiunga na marafiki na kuwaibia wazazi.
  6. Mwapuza alishiriki haya yote ila
    1. kujibizana na mamaye.
    2. kuyaasi masomo yake.
    3. kutoroka nyumbani.
    4. kumpiga mamaye.
  7. Kilichochangia kutiwa mbaroni kwa Mwapuza na wenzake hasa ni kuwa
    1. wizi wa vipuri ulikuwa umekithiri mjini.
    2. walipatikana na bidhaa zilizokuwa zikitafutwa.
    3. ilikuwa haramu kutembea na vipuri usiku.
    4. walionyesha mienendo ya kutiliwa shaka.
  8. Kwa nini Mwapuza hakukata rufaa?
    1. Hakuona uwezekano wa kushinda kesi.
    2. Alikuwa amekata tamaa kabisa maishani.
    3. Hakuwa na pesa za kuwasilisha rufaa.
    4. Hakuwa na maarifa kuhusu kesi yake.
  9. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni
    1. Mui huwa mwema
    2. Majuto ni mjukuu.
    3. Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.
    4. Ivushayo ni mbovu.
  10. Masrufu kulingana na muktadha ni;
    1. pesa za kufidia masomo shuleni.
    2. fedha za matumizi ya kila siku.
    3. malipo ya kununulia vitu vya masomo.
    4. pesa za kununulia mihadarati.

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 41 mpaka 50

Ugatuzi ni mfumo wa kiutawala ambapo baadhi ya mamlaka huhawilishwa kutoka kwa serikali kuu hadi kwenye maeneo mengine kama magatuzi au majimbo. Nchini. Kenya, mfumo huu ulianza kutekelezwa wakati katiba ya mwaka wa elfu mbili na kumi ilipoanza kutekelezwa. Tangu kuanzishwa kwake, mfumo huu umekuwa na manufaa tele. Hata hivyo, kuna changamoto ambazo zimeukumba. La kutia moyo ni kuwa manufaa yake yamezipiku.

Kwanza, ugatuzi umchakikisha kuwa kuna ugavi sawa wa rasilimali za umma. Ilali. hii imetokana na ukweli kuwa kila jimbo hutengewa kiasi fulani cha fulusi za maendeleo. Hii ni kinyume na ilivyokuwa hapo awali, ambapo baadhi ya maeneo yaliendelea kunawiri kimaendeleo huku wengine yakidorora. Tumeshuhudia miradi ya miundombinu ikiendelezwa katika sehemu mbalimbali za magatuzi zilizokuwa zimetengwa kimaendeleo.

Pia, ugatuzi umeleta ushindani chanya baina ya majimbo; hivyo kuharakisha maendeleo. Jambo hili limetokana na hofu ya baadhi ya magavana kushindwa kimaendeleo. na wenzao. Wengi wao humotishika kutekeleza miradi mbalimbali ili kutimiza ahadi kwa raia waliowachagua ili waweze kuchaguliwa tena. Viwanda mbalimbali kama vile vya maziwa, vya majani chai na hata vya maembe vimeanzishwa katika baadhi ya kaunti. Hii imeimarisha uchumi wa majimbo haya.

Isitoshe, nafasi za kazi zimeweza kubuniwa kutokana na mfumo wa ugatuzi. Si jambo la mjadala kusema kuwa kuna watu wengi walioajiriwa kufanya kazi katika afisi mbalimbali za kaunti na hata viwandani. Wengi wameweza kuyakidhi mahitaji ya kila siku huku maisha yao yakiboreka. Kutokana na hali hii, kiwango cha uhalifu kimepungua Baadhi ya vijana waliokuwa wametamauka hapo awali wamepata matumaini maishani baada ya kupata kazi katika serikali hizi.

Vilevile, huduma za serikali kwa wananchi zimeletwa karibu nao. Ukweli ni kuwa hapo awali, baadhi ya wananchi walihitajika kusafiri mbali kama vile hadi Nairobi kw lengo la kuhudumiwa. Wengi walikuwa wakichelewa, hivyo kuyafanya mambo yao kuenda mvange baada ya kukosa huduma walizohitaji. Hivi leo mambo ni tofauti madhali huduma nyingi wanazohitaji zinapatikana majimboni. Hili linasababisha uokoaji wa muda ambapo huweza kutumia muda wao kutekeleza kazi za kimaendeleo.

Zaidi ya hayo, climu imeboreshwa pale ambapo baadhi ya ujenzi wa shule umefadhiliwa na serikali za kaunti. Watoto wengi wameweza kujiunga na shule na kupat elimu. Nafasi za ajira kwa walimu wanaopata kazi katika shule mpya zinazoanzishwit wamenufaika pakubwa. Hapo awali, watoto katika maeneo yaliyokosa shule waliscleic kwenye mwina wa urumo bila matumaini ya nyota yao kung'aa maishani.

Kwa kuwa hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu, serikali za kaunti zimekumbwa n changamoto mbalimbali. Ukabila ni tatizo mojawapo ambalo limezivamia serikali hizi.. Baadhi ya magavana wamekuwa wakiwaajiri watu kutoka kaunti zao pekee. Wengine wamekuwa wakipendekeza asilimia kubwa ya nafasi za kazi zipewe watu kutoka majimbo yao. Hali hii inahatarisha utangamano nchini. Kutokana na serikali za magatuzi, ufisadi umeshamiri. Pamekuwa na visa vingi vinavyoripotiwa ambapo baadhi ya watumishi wa kaunti wamekuwa wakibadhiri mali ya umma, Hali hii imedumaza maendeleo katika majimbo kama haya.

Licha ya serikali za ugatuzi kukumbwa na changamoto, ni ukweli kuwa zina manufaa tele. Kwa kuwa umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu, viongozi wa majimbo pamoja na wananchi wanafaa kushirikiana kupambana na changamoto hizi. Hili likitekelezwa, serikali hizi zitaendelea kuwafaa wananchi. Majimbo husika yatapiga hatua kubwa za kimaendeleo na kuboresha maisha ya wananchi.

  1. Ni nini maana ya ugatuzi kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kuhawilisha mamlaka kutoka scrikali moja hadi nyingine.
    2. Kuhamisha baadhi ya mamlaka kutoka serikali kuu hadi serikali za majimbo.
    3. Kuhawilisha majukumu ya serikali za ugatuzi hadi kwenye serikali kuu. 
    4. Kuhamisha baadhi ya majukumu ya serikali za magatuzi au majimbo. 
  2. Kenya ilianza kutekeleza mfumo wa ugatuzi lini?
    1. Mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili.
    2. Kabla ya mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili.
    3. Wakati katiba mpya ya Kenya ilipokuwa ikipitishwa.
    4. Katika mwaka wa elfu mbili na mbili ilipoanza kutekelezwa.
  3. Si kweli kusema kuwa, mfumo wa ugatuzi una
    1. manufaa pekee.
    2. faida na madhara.
    3. manufaa tele.
    4. changamoto zake.
  4. Kulingana na aya ya pili,
    1. mfumo wa ugatuzi umeimarisha usawa wa kimaeneo.
    2. ugatuzi umesaidia baadhi ya maeneo kuendelea kuliko mengine.
    3. awali, miundombinu ilikuwa imepuuzwa na serikali.
    4. hakuna eneo lililoendelea kuliko jingine chini ya mfumo wa ugatuzi.
  5. Maoni ya mwandishi ni kuwa;
    1. ushindani ni adui wa maendeleo.
    2. bila ushindani maeneo hayawezi kujiendeleza
    3. ushindani ukitumiwa vizuri unaweza kuharakisha ustawi.
    4. ushindani nzuri unaweza kuathiri maendeleo kwa njia hasi.
  6. Uchumi wa majimbo utaimarishwa zaidi na;
    1. kuzinduliwa njia mpya za uzalishaji.
    2. migao inayotolewa mara kwa mara.
    3. mikopo kutoka mataifa ya kigeni. 
    4. juhudi za viongozi za kutaka wachaguliwe tena.
  7. Kifungu kimedokeza kuwa uhalifu huchangiwa na;
    1. kupuuzwa kwa maeneo mengi na serikali.
    2. kukosa namna ya kujikimu kimaisha.
    3. ukosefu wa utawala madhubuti katika taifa.
    4. kutokuwepo kwa viwanda katika . maeneo.
  8. Huduma zikiletwa karibu na wananchi,
    1. watakuwa na muda wa kupumzika kwani hawaendi popote.
    2. watahudumiwa kwa wingi na wahudumu wachache.
    3. watapata huduma zenyewe bila gharama yoyote.
    4. watapata muda zaidi wa kufanya shughuli za ujenzi wa taifa.
  9. Ni kweli kuwa hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu maadamu ugatuzi,
    1. umeimarisha miundomsingi shuleni, umeongeza maendeleo mashinani.
    2. umeleta tatizo la ukabila, umesababisha ubadhirifu wa mali ya umma.
    3. umerahisisha utoaji huduma, unavuruga umoja wa kitaifa. 
    4. umeongeza nafasi za kazi, umesababisha kubaguliwa kwa wenyeji wa magatuzi.
  10. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho;
    1. changamoto za ugatuzi ni manufaa kwa wananchi.
    2. kufanikiwa kwa ugatuzi .kunategemea ushirikiano wa watawala na watawaliwa.
    3. ufisadi umedumaza maendeleo katika baadhi ya maeneo.
    4. si vizuri kutoa nafasi za kazi kwa watu wa maeneo mengine.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Endeleza insha ifuatayo kwa * maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

Tulikuwa tumeisubiri ziara hiyo kwa hamu na ghamu. Asubuhi ilipofika.....................


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  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B

Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15. For each blank space, choose the best answer from the choices given.

There are many kinds of snakes __1__ this planet. However, not all of them are poisonous. The most common snakes __2__ sometimes be found in our gardens. __3__ harmless grass snakes vary in length from one foot to three feet. They rarely bite people and are ___4__, shy creatures. Grass snakes eat insects and small animals like frogs and chicks. They are good, __5__ the garden as they keep away pests like rats. The most poisonous __6__ of snakes are the python and viper. __7__ these snakes are seldom found in gardens. Instead, they __8__ in forests or in dense vegetation such as swampy area. They do not actively __9__ out victims, but will defend themselves __10__ potential enemies and intruders. __11__ the snake senses someone coming, it would rather glide noiselessly away __12__ confront the person. Contrary to popular belief, snakes do not __13__ with their tongue. They bite with two fangs which point backwards. The snake's tongue, which __14__
flicks in and out, is actually its 'fingers'. Its tongue __15__ nerve endings helps the snake feel the food before eating it.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   in  under   on   at 
 2.  shall   would   should   can 
 3.  Some   These   Those   This 
 4.  in fact  now   perhaps   surely 
 5.  at  in   for   on 
 6.  kind  variety   types   category 
 7.  Fortunately   Moreover   But   Indeed 
 8.  exist  reside  dwell  live
 9.  pursue  reach  seek  look
 10.   with  around  against  upon
 11.  If  While  Whether   Since
 12.  or  than  instead  to
 13.  scare  kill  hunt  sting
 14.  continnously   continuosly   continuously   continously 
 15.  comprises of   consists of  consists  comprise


For questions 16 to 18, complete the sentence with best alternative from the choices given. 

  1. Dorothy is the most _________________________ girl in her class.
    1. diligent
    2. clever
    3. fastest
    4. keen
  2. It was not until the match began _____________________________  we realised the opponents had an extra player.
    1. when
    2. than
    3. that
    4. then
  3. Neither of the children _____________________________ been allowed to sit at that desk.
    1. was
    2. has
    3. have
    4. were

For questions 19 and 20, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words. 

  1. I hope to call on my deskmate this weekend.
    1. check
    2. view
    3. see
    4. visit
  2. It is hard to explain why they turned down the offer.
    1. refused
    2. denied
    3. rejected
    4. returned

In questions 21 to 23, choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

  1. The tycoon has _____________________________ the foundation of a new mansion.
    1. lied
    2. lay
    3. lain
    4. laid
  2. Molly appeared familiar ____________________________ the places we visited.
    1. for
    2.  with
    3. to
    4. on
  3. The pirates failed terribly when they tried to attack a _________________________________ of sailors.
    1. crew
    2. troupe
    3. troop
    4. pannel

For questions 24 and 25, choose the word that least fits in the group.

    1. diligent
    2. hardworking
    3. industrious
    4. cautious
    1. insolent
    2. rude
    3. impolite
    4. courteous

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.

Hen made a discovery that broke her heart. She wondered who was behind the malice. One of her eggs was missing. She made up her mind to inform Rooster who was hunting for food elsewhere. Hen fled her nest to find Rooster not knowing that she was about to lose more eggs. Just out of view of the nest, the thief patiently waited for Hen to leave her eggs again. Black Snake crept slowly and quietly up to the nest. He eyed the eggs and quickly swallowed one. Black Snake smiled to himself. His plan had been so simple and had worked so well. He swallowed another egg. It slid far down his long throat before his muscles crushed the fragile shell. "I'll be back later for another delicious egg, Hen," hissed Black Snake as he slithered away. "Thank you for another fine meal.”

Meanwhile, the frantic Hen led Rooster back to her nest. "Why would someone take one of my eggs?" she clucked. Rooster was equally at sixes and sevens at what had happened. He asked whether Hen had counted the eggs well. From the expression on Hen's face, Rooster knew he shouldn't have asked that question. She glared at him and said, "You know I can count. See for yourself. How many eggs are in my nest?"

"One, two, three," Hen began counting as Rooster watched curiously. She frowned and stopped counting out aloud. She was red with fury. Just the few minutes she had been away, another egg had been stolen. Rooster was equally infuriated. He was convinced there was a thief in their neighbourhood. Sadly, he had no idea how to discover who it was.

The next few days were just terrible for Hen. She worried constantly about her remaining eggs. She tried to stay with her eggs at all times but it was not possible to always be with them. Sometimes she had to leave to get food or take care of her other chicks. No matter why and when she left, the same thing always happened. One or two eggs disappeared each time. "Someone is watching me very closely," cried the Hen. "He knows exactly where I am at each moment of the day. I am only left with three eggs."

"Although I cannot prove anything," comforted Rooster, "I think it must be Black Snake who is stealing your eggs. He's patient enough to watch you a long time, and we all know how he loves to eat eggs." Just the thought of Black Snake eating her eggs made Hen shudder. She had heard stories of how he swallowed eggs and then crushed them further down his long slender neck. She knew Rooster was probably correct.

"I must hurry back to my nest," declared Hen, realising how long she had talked to Rooster. She rushed to her eggs, but it was too late. Two more eggs had vanished. "Rooster!" she cried. "Come help me. I only have one egg left." Rooster and Hen were fed up with the Black Snake's mischief. They decided to teach him a lesson he would never live to remember. They came up with a plan that they thought would serve the purpose. The next morning, Hen continued guarding her last egg as if everything were normal. From a distance, Black Snake watched patiently not knowing that all would go haywire for him in a short while. In line with the plan, Hen left her nest as she always did. Just then, Black Snake slithered out of hiding. In no time at all, he swallowed what he believed was final egg. It slid down his throat easily. But, when his muscles squeezed the egg, it did not break. It only became firmly lodged in his throat, cutting off his air supply. Black Snake twisted and turned trying to crush the ‘egg' or loosen it so he could breathe. It was at that point that he realised that he had been tricked into swallowing a stone. By the time Hen returned with Rooster, the struggle was over. Black Snake would steal no more eggs. He was dead.

  1. The first time Hen discovered that her egg was missing, she
    1. did not take it seriously.
    2. despaired.
    3. was greatly saddened.
    4. wished to lay a trap.
  2. Why did Hen decide to look for Rooster?
    1. To find out where he was.
    2. She knew Rooster had an idea who the thief was.
    3. She had nothing else.
    4. To break the news to him.
  3. As the Black Snake said 'Thank you for another fine meal',
    1. was genuinely grateful.
    2. was mocking Hen.
    3. was certain to remain undiscovered.
    4. knew how worried Hen was.
  4. How did Rooster react when Hen mentioned the lost egg to him? He
    1. dismissed her.
    2. became furious.
    3. got suspicious.
    4. was confused.
  5. Why was Hen enraged according to the passage?
    1. She had lost another egg.
    2.  She did know the thief.
    3. She realised that the thief was in her neighbourhood.
    4. She did not know what to do.
  6. It was not possible for Hen to keep her eggs secure mainly because
    1. she had no idea who the thief was.
    2. there were enemies in her neighbourhood.
    3. she had to leave her nest from time to time.
    4. the thief was very dangerous.
  7. Black Snake found it easy to steal Hen's eggs because
    1. no one knew he was a thief.
    2. he watched Hen's movements closely.
    3. he found the eggs delicious.
    4. Hen was hardly ever in her nest.
  8. According to the information in the passage, it is true to say that Hen
    1. knew nothing about Black Snake.
    2. doubted that Black Snake was the thief.
    3.  felt secure in her nest.
    4. knew that Black Snake liked eggs.
  9. The word vanished as used in the passage means the same as
    1. disappeared
    2. lessened
    3. materialised
    4. diminished
  10. The trick that Rooster came up with
    1. was meant to teach the Black Snake a lesson.
    2. left Black Snake in a lot of pain.
    3. was fatal to Black Snake.
    4. had been suggested by Hen.
  11. Why did Hen leave her nest according to the last paragraph?
    1. To get food.
    2. To check on her chicks.
    3. To find Rooster.
    4. To lure Black Snake into her nest.
  12. Why did Black Snake die?
    1. He had been tricked.
    2. He suffocated.
    3. He had swallowed a hard object.
    4. He was greedy.
  13. What is the best title for the above passage?
    1. The frustrated Hen.
    2. Black Snake learns a lesson.
    3. Hen and her eggs.
    4. The Cruel Black Snake.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

Manduli was in his mid twenties. Out of sheer adventure, he found himself smoking. In those days, starting to smoke was considered a fashionable thing to do by adults. Consequently, many a young person got attracted to it. Smoking was like a rite of passage, when one moved on from being a boy to being a man, an adult. Friendship in those days insisted on being able to do similar things together. So, if one had the bad luck of being among smokers, picking up the habit was the most natural thing to do. During those days, tobacco companies were deliberately quiet on the details of the hazards that came with smoking.

However, something unusual happened that caused serious concerns among smokers and the non-smokers alike. The 'star' of a cigarette advertisement, one that had a lovely slogan about smoking being a truly glamorous and manly thing to do, died of lung cancer. This sent shivers among a significant section of the smokers. Of course the deceased was a model smoker. The courage with which he would take puffs in the advertisement proved his passion for the habit. To rub salt in the wound, stories of other people who died of respiratory ailments after years of smoking became common news. Even non-smoking tobacco company employees developed lung cancer and other complications. Scientists were prompted to carry out research and the revelations were shocking. Tobacco companies had genetically modified tobacco plants to create faster addiction to nicotine among new smokers.

By the time this came into the public domain, Manduli had been smoking for more than ten years. The addiction was so entrenched that he never mentally accepted that he even had it.

However, he began to get seriously worried when his best friend's wife died of lung cancer despite never having smoked a cigarette all her life. It was later discovered that the fatal disease had resulted from the effects of secondary smoking. Her husband was a chain smoker. He smoked everywhere in the house. He had no idea that he was not only damaging his life but he was also killing his wife gradually. In addition, another friend of Manduli's who was a heavy smoker succumbed to cancer. The same year, another friend of his, who was a regular smoker had a heart attack. Since the man did not have close relatives in the same town, Manduli became his constant companion. He drove him to hospital regularly though the patient did not survive. His demise marked the turning point in Manduli's life. He decided to totally remove cigarettes from life. He got rid of all the ash-trays in his house and the office.

The first week was terrible for Manduli, His moods fluctuated from one extreme to the other. That not withstanding, he still remained focused on his goal. Every time that he very badly needed a cigarette, he would hold a cigarette in his hand and stare at in closely. He would build up the hatred that he had for it, for having taken over his life so viciously. He would then crush it in between his fingers, grind in up in his palm and throw it into the rubbish bin. In the long run, Manduli overcame this addictive vice.

  1. Why did Manduli start smoking?
    1. He was influenced by his peers.
    2. He probably found it exciting.
    3. He needed something to keep him busy.
    4. He had always wanted to do it.
  2. Which statement is true according to the first paragraph?
    1. Tobacco companies do not release useful information to the public.
    2.  Friendship used to be founded on smoking.
    3. Perhaps many people did not know the problems associated with smoking.
    4. Many people still consider smoking a rite of passage.
  3. It is true to say that the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement
    1. became ill for several years.
    2. was a non-smoker
    3. knew the dangers of smoking.
    4. demonstrated to viewers how to smoke.
  4. When the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement died,
    1. the number of smokers declined by half.
    2. people realised smoking was harmful.
    3. not many people associated his death with smoking.
    4. some smokers stopped the habit instantly.
  5. What is the meaning of the phrase "To rub salt in the wound"? To
    1. worsen a situation.
    2. cause a lot of deaths.
    3. cause worry among people.
    4. make things appear strange.
  6. Why did tobacco companies modify tobacco plants? To
    1. make cigarettes more attractive.
    2. make cigarettes less dangerous.
    3. beat their competitors in the market.
    4. enrich themselves.
  7. The word fatal as used in the passage can best be replaced by
    1. dangerous
    2. deadly
    3. disastrous
    4. serious
  8. Manduli's friend's wife died because
    1. she was a smoker.
    2. her husband was down with cancer.
    3. she had inhaled cigarette smoke for long.
    4. her husband had neglected her.
  9. It is untrue to say that Manduli's friend who had a heart attack
    1. passed on eventually.
    2. had no relatives.
    3. needed regular medication.
    4. was a smoker.
  10.  The fact that Manduli removed ash trays from his house and office shows that he
    1. sympathised with his friends.
    2. had never liked smoking.
    3. wanted to become a better person.
    4. was keen on giving up smoking.
  11. When Manduli first stopped smoking, he
    1.  lived comfortably.
    2. experienced some challenges.
    3. got professional help.
    4. failed terribly.
  12. The word vice as used in the passage can be classified as
    1. a noun
    2. an adjective
    3. a conjunction
    4.  a verb


You have 40 minutes to write your composition

Below is a beginning of a story, complete it making it as interesting as possible.

I could not sleep that night. I kept thinking about the event I would attend the following day.........................................


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A


  1. Write eighteen million one hundred and Eighty thousand and eighteen less quarter a million in figure.
    1. 18 180 018
    2. 18 018 018
    3. 18 180 018
    4. 18 430 018
  2. What is the total value of digit 3 in the product of 465 and 245?0 mA
    1. Thousands
    2. Thousandth
    3. Three thousand
    4. Three hundred
  3. The fractionsand are to be arranged from the largest to the smallest. What is the correct order?
    1. 1/53/77/9,  9/11 
    2. 9/113/71/57/9 
    3. 9/117/9, 3/7, 1/5 
    4. 7/9, 9/113/71/5 
  4. What is the value of the fraction
    71/2 + 11/4 OF 31/6 ÷ 21/2 ?
    1. 725/38 
    2. 91/12 
    3. 111/2 
    4. 1719/48  
  5. Which of the following is the sum of the next two numbers in the pattern
    11, 13, 17, 19, ________________________
    1. 27
    2. 23
    3. 50
    4. 52
  6. What is the value of £10 650 onlWhat is the sum of 19.347 and 16,389 to the nearest hundredth?
    1. 35.736
    2. 35.74
    3. 35.746
    4. 35.73
  7. What is the value of
    1.5 x 3 − 2.4 x 0.6 + 2.94
    1. 1
    2. 0.1
    3. 0.01
    4. 0.0001
  8. Hassan shared his salary of sh. 36 000 as follows: 0.32 on fees, 0.11 on food, 0.13 on transport and the rest is shared equally between savings and personal development. How much more did he spend on fees than savings?
    1. Sh. 4 680.
    2. Sh. 7 920
    3. Sh. 11 520
    4. Sh. 3 600
  9. In a meeting the number of men was 7 240. The number of women was a quarter of men but 6 440 less than the number of children. What was the total attendance in the meeting?
    1. 8250
    2. 17 300
    3. 10 006
    4. 9050
  10. Three bells rings at an interval of 30min, 40min and 48min. The bells rang at 01130hrs. What time in am and pm did the bells ring together again?
    1. 7:30pm.
    2. 3:30pm
    3. 7:30am
    4. D. 3:30am
  11. The table below shows the number of crates sold in a certain shop in one week.
     Day   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thur   Fri   Sat   Sun 
     Number of crates   80  110    60  94  60  9
    The average number of crates sold was 90. How many more crates were soldbon Wednesday than on Sunday?
    1. 34
    2. 130
    3. 96
    4. 64
  12. The area of a square plot of land is 4 225m2. The plot was to be fenced using four strands of barbed wire. What is the length of the wire used?
    1. 4 225m
    2. 260m 
    3. 520m
    4. 1 040m
  13. A Mandera bound bus left Nairobi on Monday 2030hrs. The journey was to take exactly 12/3 days. On the way the vehicle broke down and they spent three hours repairing it. At what day and time did the bus get to Mandera in 12hrs system?
    1. 3:30pm Tuesday
    2. 12:20pm Tuesday
    3. 3:30pm Wednesday
    4. 12:30pm Wednesday
  14. The length of a rectangular plot of land is 3m more than that of its width. The plot has perimeter 42m.“ What is the area of the plot in arcs? 
    1. 108 arcs
    2. 120 ares
    3. 1.08 ares
    4. 1.2 ares
  15. The diagram below shows two semicircles cut out from a square. 
    What is half of the shaded area?
    1. 784cm2
    2. 616cm2
    3. 168cm2
    4. 84cm2
  16. A rectangular room measures 8m Jong, 4m wide 2m high It has two windows 0.5m by 0.4m and door measuring 2m by Im. The rest of the room was painted in the inner side. What was the area painted?
    1. 2.4m2
    2. 48m2
    3. 45.6m2
    4. 28.4m2
  17. An open cylindrical container has a capacity of 73 920 litres. What is its surface area if it has height of 30cm? 
    1. 7.744cm2
    2. 73.92cm2
    3. 3 256cm2
    4. 5 544cm2
  18. The figure drawn below shows a triangular prism.
    Calculate its volume in cm3.
    1. 3 000cm3
    2. 3 200cm3
    3. 6 000cm3
    4. 6 500cm3
  19. The area of a right angled triangle is 24cm2. The height of the triangle is 8cm. What is the length of the longest side?
    1. 3cm
    2. 6cm
    3. 10cm
    4. 14cm
  20. A rectangular water tank measures 1.8m by 1.4m by 1.0m. How many litres does it hold when three quarters full?
    1. 2 520L
    2. 1 890L
    3. 630L
    4. 2 440L
  21. A school has 120 pupils in upper primary and 240 pupils in lower primary. Pupils in lower primary arc given 3 - 2dl packets of milk a week while whose in upper primary were given 2 - 2dl packets of milk per week. How many litres of milk do they consume in two weeks?
    1. 3 840L
    2. 1 920L
    3. 384L
    4. 192L
  22. Electricity poles are to be fixed at an interval of 25m apart. A total of 225 poles were used. What is the distance that was fixed with electric poles in km?
    1. 5.6km
    2. 5 600km
    3. 5.625km
    4. 5 625km
  23. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line DC. Line EF is a transversal.
    Which of the following statement is correct?
    1. Angle (t + r) = 180°
    2. Angle (n + p) = 180°
    3. Angle (o + q) = 180°
    4. Angle (s + m) = 180°
  24. What is the product of Edges, faces and bases of a square based pyramid?
    1. 200
    2. 96
    3. 270
    4. 240
  25. Line AB below is a part of a parallelogram ABCD. Line BC = 6.2cm and angle BAD = 57°. Complete the parallelogram and drop a perpendicular from point D to meet line AB at X. Join line CX./
    Measure angle CXD.
    1. 35
    2. 113°
    3. 33°
    4. 55°
  26. Work out the inequality below:
    4x − 6 + 2x < 6
    1. .x > 22/5 
    2. x  < 2 2/5 
    3. x < 14/5
    4. x > 14/5
  27. Which of the following is the simplest form of
    1. 10x + 7y
      3x + 2y
    2. 30x + 21y
      9x + 6y
    3. 6x + 3y 
      9x + 6y
    4. 2x + y
      3x + 2y
  28. During a class of cight party in a school, the teacher bought the following items:
    • Forty - 2dl packets of milk @ sh. 20
    • Two crates of soda @ sh. 900
    • Four packets of sweets @ sh. 120
    • Two crates of breads @ sh. 520
    • Two cakes for shs. 380
      If the teacher paid using 5 - 1000 shilling notes, how much change did he get?
      1. Sh. 500
      2. Sh. 120
      3. Sh. 1 940
      4. Sh. 4 500
  29. Khadija paid sh. 7 600 for an item after getting 5% discount. How much less would he have paid if he was given 7% discount?
    1. Sh. 200
    2. Sh. 120
    3. Sh. 1 940
    4. Sh. 4 500
  30. During a feed the hungry run, a total of 650 girls took part. The number of boys was 4/5 that of the girls. The number of adults was  ½ the number of children. Each child contributed sh. 1 200 while each adult contributed sh. 1 800. How much money was raised from the programme?
    1. Sh. 1 404 000
    2. Sh. 1 053 000
    3. Sh. 2 100 000
    4. Sh. 2 457 000
  31. What is the value of x in the equation
    x + 2 + 2(x − 2) = 3 ?
       3             4
    1. 31/5 
    2. 53/5 
    3. 4
    4. 6
  32. At Wangui primary school the number of pupils in the year 2021 increased by 72 pupils. If this was 12% increase from the year 2020. How many pupils were there in the year 2021?
    1. 600
    2. 672
    3. 744
    4. 720
  33. Jane went for leave from 28th December 2021 to 7th March 2022. For how many days was she on leave?
    1. 69
    2. 70
    3. 71
    4. 68
  34. Eleven pupils scored the following marks in Science: 58, 64, 38, 78, 54, 66, 86, 68, 74, 48 and 54.
    What was the sum of the mean and median?
    1. 1266/11 
    2. 123
    3. 626/11 
    4. 64
  35. Nkamani borrowed sh. 160 000 from a bank that charged 5% compound interest. How much did he pay back after two years?
    1. Sh. 174 600
    2. Sh. 176 400
    3. Sh. 176 000
    4. Sh. 174 000
  36. A company hired 24 men to do a job in 54 days. How many more men should be added to have the job done in 36 days?
    1. 12 men
    2. 36 men
    3. 18 men
    4. 30 men
  37. In the figure below line EC is parallel to line AD. Angle EBC = 70° BEC = 80° and angle ACE = 20°
    What is the size of angle BDA?
    1. 70°
    2. 50°
    3. 30°
    4. 20° 
  38. Express the ratio 5:8 as a decimal.
    1. 1.6
    2. 8.8
    3. 0.6
    4. 0.625
  39. The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD constructed to scale below.
    What is the measure of the interior angle ADC?
    1. 231°
    2. 130°
    3. 125°
    4. 75°
  40. A cyclist cycled at an average speed of 20km/h for 2¼ hours. He then took a matatu that covered 105km in 1¾ hours. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 125km/h
    2. 37.5km/h
    3. 62.5km/h
    4. 31.25km/h
  41. The pie chart below shows how Omunga spent his salary.
    If he spent sh. 15 000 on transport and he saved the same as rent. How much more did he spend on food than savings?
    1. Sh. 180 000
    2. Sh. 27 500
    3. Sh. 142 500
    4. Sh. 37 500
  42. What is the value of
    3 (abc + 2) − 2c
          a + b + c
    a = 2b, b = c + 1, c = 2
    1. 11
    2. 9½ 
    3. 10
    4. 36
  43. Kassim had money in the form of ot notes as follows:
     Value   1000   500    200   100   50 
     No. of notes      4     6    5    7  12
    If he changed all the money into ten shillings coins, how many coins did he get?
    1. 930
    2. 93
    3. 465
    4. 9 300,
  44. Construct a triangle LMN in which LM = 6cm, NM = 5.3cm and LN = 10cm. Draw a circle whose circumference touches the three sides LM, NM and LN of the triangle.
    Measure the diameter of the circle.
    1. 6cm
    2. 1.2cm
    3. 2.4cm
    4. 12cm
  45. Njau had sh. 180 000 in a bank, he withdrew all the money after one and a half years. How much did he withdraw if the money earned simple interest at the rate of
    1. Sh. 33 750
    2. Sh. 213 750
    3. Sh. 22 500
    4. Sh. 202 500
  46. The table below shows the fare in shillings from Town A to town F.
    Achieng her husband and their four sons travelled from A to town F via town C. How much money did she pay?
    1. Sh. 3 000
    2. Sh. 2 400
    3. Sh. 2 800
    4. Sh. 2 600
  47. The marked price of a generation is sh. 120 000. The cash price is 15% less than marked price. The hire purchase included a deposit of sh. 60 000 and 15 equal monthly instalments of sh. 6 000 each. How much less than hire purchase does one pay by buying on cash terms?
    1. Sh. 48 000
    2. Sh. 150 000
    3. Sh. 102 000
    4. .Sh: 30 000
  48. What is the product of the LCM and the HCF of 12, 18 and 24?
    1. 432 C
    2. 360
    3. 354
  49. A watch loses 5 seconds every hour. The watch was set correct on Wednesday 6:30am. What time did it. show at 6:30pm the following Wednesday?
    1. 6:15pm
    2. 6:16pm
    3. 6:29pm.
    4. 6:45pm 
  50. The graph below shows journey for two motorists. Kaloki and Mugambi from Nairobi to Nakuru a distance of 120km.
    How far apart nwere they by 9am?
    1. 38km
    2. 42km
    3. 51km
    4. 48km


  1. C
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. C
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. A
  29. A
  30. D
  31. C
  32. B
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. A
  40. B
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B
Tagged under


Study the map of Kaplet Area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.    

  1. The railway in Kaplet area is likely to transport?
    1. Tea to the factory
    2. Passengers to the town
    3. Tourists
    4. Minerals
  2. The area covered by the lake is likely to be __________________________ km2.
    1. 13
    2. 9
    3. 8
    4. 17
  3. The climate in the South Eastern side of Kaplet area is likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and wet
  4. The dorminant soils in the North western side of Kaplet area is 
    1. alluvial soils
    2. clay soils
    3. volcanic soils
    4. black cotton soils
  5. Three of the following are sources of livelihood for people in Kaplet area. Which one is not?
    1. Lumbering activities
    2. Mining activities
    3. Farming activities
    4. Trading activities
  6. Which one of the following services are not offered in Kaplet town?
    1. Recreational services
    2. Educational services
    3. Health services
    4. Religious services
  7. Kaplet area rises from
    1. North west
    2. North EastC
    3. South West
    4. South East
  8. Settler farming in the white highlands was mainly done for
    1. commercial purposes
    2. Food production
    3. Subsistence use
    4. Home use
  9. Which one of the following is true about the population structure of India?
    1. Most of the people are old
    2. There is low death rate
    3. The population growth rate is low
    4. The birth rate is high
  10. One of the following is not a problem associated with rapid industrialization. Which one?
    1. Rural - Urban migration
    2. Better economic development in the country
    3. It can lead to depletion of resources
    4. Pollution
  11. Which one of the following is not an effect of the rotation of the earth? It causes
    1. day and night
    2. different seasons.
    3. difference in time
    4. apparent movement of the sun

Use the diagram below to answer  questions 12-13


  1. Name the parts marked Q and R respectively
    1. conelet, vent
    2. dyke, magma
    3. conelet, dyke
    4. crater, vent
  2. Which one of the following mountain was not formed in the above way?
    1. Mt. Longonot
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Kenya
    4. Mt. Nyirangongo1
  3. The following are examples of industries. Which one can be classified as a primary industry?
    1. Shoe making at Limuru
    2. Cement making at Athi river
    3. Textile industry at Kisumu
    4. Sugar refining at Awendo
  4. The system of administration used by the British in Northern Nigeria was
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. paternalism
    4. indirect rule
  5. Below is a weather instrument. It is used to measure
    1. humidity
    2. temperature
    3. air pressure
    4. rainfall 
  6. Which one of the following boxes consist of communities that belong to the KWA speakers?
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of marriage
    1. it is conducted by a religious leader
    2. A marriage certificate is issued
    3. a man is allowed to marry upto four wives
      The type of marriage described above is likely to be 
      1. Christian marriage
      2. Hindu marriage
      3. Customary marriage
      4. Muslim marriage
  8. Copper is a major mineral in Zambia it has all the following uses except?
    1. Making water pipes
    2. Making sulphuric acid
    3. Making car radiators
    4. Making ornaments
  9. Which one of the following best explains why the government has established game parks and game reserves?
    1. To conserve wildlife
    2. To attract tourists
    3. To create employment
    4. To make good use of land
  10. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa?
    1. it experiences cool wet winters
    2. summers are hot and dry
    3. Annual rainfall is about 500-1000mm
    4. temperatures range from 13°c - 24°c 
      Which one of the following is not likely to experience this type of climate?
      1. Morocco
      2. Algeria
      3. South Africa
      4. Zimbabwe
  11. Who among the following leaders were associated with African socialism? 
    1. Oginga Odinga and Ronald Ngala 
    2. Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Moi
    3. Tom Mboya and Jomo Kenyatta
    4. James Gichuru and Masinde Muliro
  12. Which one of the following is not a reason why people should vote in the national elections?
    1. To elect a new government
    2. To exercise their democratic right
    3. To elect leaders of their choice 
    4. To obey the laws of Kenya

Study the map of Eastern Africa below and answer the questions that follow.  


  1. The capital city of the country marked W is
    1. Khartoum
    2. Juba
    3. Mogadishu
    4. Addis Ababa
  2. The pre-historic site marked T is likely to be
    1. Olduvai gorge
    2. Hyrax hill
    3. Omo valley
    4. Rusinga island
  3. The lake marked Q was formed through a process called
    1. Faulting
    2. Downwarping
    3. Erosion
    4. Volcanicity
  4. Name the desert marked S
    1. Namib
    2. Ogaden
    3. Chalbi
    4. Nubian
  5. All the following communities followed the route marked R. Which one did not?
    1. Rendille
    2. Somali
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  6. The following describes an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He was a German
    2. He signed treaties with African chiefs 
    3. He was the founder of the German East African Company (GEACE) in 1887.
      The visitor described above is likely to be 
      1. William Mackinnon
      2. Seyyid Said
      3. Carl Peters
      4. John Speke
  7. The feature drawn below is likely to be fund in the
    1. desert
    2. coastal lowlands
    3. highlands
    4. lake basin
  8. The main reason why the government is encouraging the conservation of natural forests in Kenya is because
    1. they control desertification
    2. they contain rare species of trees
    3. they control soil erosion
    4. they are habitats for wildlife
  9. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid
    1. made tools from stones
    2. communicated through speech
    3. ate cooked food
      The hominid described above is likely to be
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo habilis
      3. Ramapithecus
      4. Australopithecus
  10. The following are problems experienced by IGAD except
    1. lack of peace
    2. mistrust among members
    3. prolonged drought
    4. lack of common currency
  11. In a democratic society
    1. people join the ruling party
    2. only one political party is allowed
    3. elections are held regularly
    4. citizens are forced to pay taxes
  12. Mzee Torotich a maize farmer in Kitale has bought land and settled in Kinangop where he grows potatotes. This type of irrigation is called
    1. urban-rural migration
    2. urban-urban migration
    3. rural-urban migration
    4. rural-rural migration
  13. Which one of the following sets of rivers drain into the Atlantic ocean?
  14. One of the duties of the school board of management is to
    1. employ teachers
    2. plan and develop school projects
    3. punish indisciplined children
    4. sack non performing teachers
  15. Which one of the following skills was not learnt through apprenticeship during the pre-colonial period?
    1. Wood carving
    2. Iron smelting
    3. Herding
    4. Medicine
  16. The following are disadvantages of irrigation schemes. Which one is not?
    1. They contribute to the spread of diseases
    2. They lead to global warming
    3. They lead to reduction of water in the rivers
    4. They support growth of food crops which are cheap
  17. Which one of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
    1. Heavy rainfall
    2. Monocropping
    3. Overgrazing
    4. Strip cropping
  18. The people who founded the kingdom of old Ghana obtained their wealth mainly from
    1. weaving
    2. hunting
    3. trade
    4. fishing
  19. An elected county representative can lose a seat if
    1. the election is cancelled by a court
    2. the person visits anther country
    3. the person misses 5 consecutive sittings
    4. the person does not contribute to debates in the county assembly
  20. The best action to take if a pupil is sexually abused by a stranger is to
    1. rash the pupil to the pharmacy and buy ARV drugs
    2. arrest the stranger
    3. take the pupil to the hospital
    4. advise the pupil not to use that route again
  21. The following are descriptions about a certain community in Africa
    1. decisions were made through concensus
    2. they were hunters and gatherers
    3. they traded with their neighbours
      The community above is likely to be
      1. The San
      2. The Buganda
      3. The Nyamwezi
      4. The Khoisan
  22. During the pre-colonial period, people associated the croaking of frogs with 
    1. the coming of a dry season
    2. the coming of a good harvest 
    3. the coming of rains
    4. the coming of strong rains

Use the diagram below to answer questions 46-47   


  1. The diagram above shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. orographic rainfall
    4. Cyclone
  2. Which one of the following towns is not likely to experience the above phenomenon?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Dar-es-salaam
    4. Arusha
  3. If a person is stopped from joining a legal party of his choice he / she is denied the freedom of
    1. speech
    2. politics
    3. movement
    4. association
  4. One of the following was a function of a clan in the traditional African societies. Which one is not?
    1. Settle disputes
    2. Predict the future
    3. Defend the community
    4. Train warriors
  5. Which one of the following may lead to high population growth rate in a county?
    1. Cases of early marriages
    2. Family planning practices
    3. Change in cultural attitudes
    4. Education and awareness
  6. Minutes of a school management committee meetings are written by   
    1. Deputy headteacher
    2. The chairperson
    3. The headteacher
    4. One of the teachers
  7. Who among the following African leaders resisted the French in his territory?
    1. Chief Mkwawa
    2. Mekatilili wa Menza
    3. Samoure Toure
    4. Kabaka Mwanga
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why Madaraka day is celebrated in Kenya?
    1. To remember the day when Kenya attained self government
    2. To remember freedom fighters
    3. To celebrate independence day
    4. To celebrate the day Kenya became a republic
  9. The road sign below means
    1. bumps ahead
    2. slow down
    3. danger ahead
    4. round about
  10. Gamal Abdel Nassaer promoted agriculture in Egypt when he
    1. set aside land for plantation farming
    2. initiated the building of Aswan High dam
    3. gave land to the peasants
    4. abolished Sharia laws
  11. Which one of the following sets of countries consists only of those colonized by the French?
    1. Libya, Somalia, Egypt
    2. Senegal, Cameroon, Congo
    3. Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique
    4. Algeria, Mali, Senegal
  12. Which tourist attractions below arecorrectly matched with the country where they are located?
    1. Gedi ruins - Uganda
    2. Pyramids - Kenya
    3. Berber villages - Morocco
    4. Slave markets - Zanzibar
  13. Which one of the following is not a horticultural crop?
    1. Cotton
    2. Pawpaws
    3. Avocadoes
    4. Roses
  14. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. President
    3. Attorney General
    4. Chief justice
  15. Population census is carried out in Kenya after years.
    1. 10
    2. 5
    3. 20
    4. 7



  1. God created the universe in 6 days. On which day did He create the sea, creatures and birds
    1. 2nd
    2. 4th
    3. 5th
    4. 6th
  2. "Never against shall I destroy my people with water" God made a covenant with Noah. The sign of the covenant was
    1. Dove
    2. Rainbow
    3. Raven
    4. Fire
  3. Abraham separated with Lot due to
    1. jealousy
    2. hatred
    3. enemity
    4. quarrels over grazing lands
  4. Which gift of the holy spirit did Joseph have which made him famous in Egypt? 
    1. Interpreting dreams
    2. Working miracles
    3. Artistic talent
    4. Was a good speaker
  5. Why did Moses decide to leave Egypt to go and live in Midian?
    1. To look for the burning bush
    2. To escape from Pharaoh
    3. To look for Jethro's herd
    4. To receive the ten commandments
  6. Which one of the following achievements of David made Jerusalem a centre of worship? He _______________________
    1. built the temple
    2. brought back the ark of the covenant
    3. killed Goliath
    4. fought 5000 men
  7. "My clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and I am the least important member of my family." Who spoke these words
    1. Gideon
    2. David
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joseph
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why king Solomon is remembered as a great king of Israel. He ____________________
    1. bought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
    2. had many wives
    3. had great wisdom
    4. built the lord's temple in Jerusalem
  9. Which one of the following is not a prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the work of the Messiah. He would
    1. preach good and to the poor
    2. give sight to the blind
    3. lead Israelites free from the Roman rule
    4. set the oppressed fire
  10. Why was Mary greatly troubled by the angel's message during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus?
    1. She was engaged to Joseph 
    2. she was a virgin
    3. she feared the angel
    4. she was barren
  11. Who ordered for a census to be done when Jesus was born?
    1. Pontius Pilate
    2. King Herod
    3. Augustus Caesar
    4. Governor Quirintius
  12. Complete the following beatitude: Happy are these who are humble
    1. for they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. the kingdom of heaven
    4. they will receive what God has promised
  13. Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about forgiveness
    1. the good Samaritan
    2. the prodigal son 
    3. the mustard sad 
    4. the net
  14. Which of the following teachings of Jesus about prayer is true?
    1. God answers prayers immediately 
    2. It should be said in humility
    3. Prayer should be long
    4. It should be said in groups
  15. Cleophas and his friend were talking to Jesus without realising till he
    1. prayed with them
    2. broke the bread
    3. explained the scriptures
    4. drank the wine
  16. Jesus asked His disciples to pray on Mount Olive inorder to
    1. stay awake
    2. defend themselves
    3. avoid falling into temptations 
    4. fight Judas and the soldier
  17. Which one of the following activities shows a fruit of the holy spirit?
    1. Telling about the future 
    2. Speaking in tongues
    3. Caring for the sick 
    4. Conducting bible study
  18. Before the disciples received the Holy spirit they were in a room in Jerusalem
    1. sleeping
    2. praying
    3. hiding
    4. eating
  19. The story of Saul on his way to Damascus teaches Christians to
    1. support the spread of the gospel
    2. help there in need
    3. be kind to the poor
    4. read the scriptures
  20. When there was a famine the believers sent Paul and Barnabbas to Judea to
    1. preach to non jews
    2. heal the sick
    3. take money to fellow believers
    4. place hands on the non converts
  21. Which one of the following is a role of ancestors in the traditional African society?
    1. Ancestors act as intermediaries between the living and God.
    2. Ancestors show the living how to use their talents wisely
    3. Ancestors remind the living to love their enemies
    4. Ancestors teach the living on how to pray
  22. Three of the following are reasons why circumcision is practised in traditional African societies, which one is not?
    1. The initiates become full members of their community
    2. The initiates pass from childhood to adulthood
    3. The initiates are allowed to marry 
    4. The initiates become chiefs
  23. Which one of the following traditional African practice concerning new life is illegal in Kenya?
    1. Naming
    2. Taking
    3. Circumcision
    4. Female genital mutilation
  24. Which of the following statements is true of both christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. They both teach about the second coming of Jesus
    2. They both have holy books
    3. They both have missionaries
    4. They both teach about life after death
  25. Christians best prepare themselves for Easter by
    1. repenting their sins
    2. buying new clothes
    3. visiting their friends
    4. preparing special food
  26. After assisting her mother in kitchen. work, Daisy realizes that she had some extra time. As a christian the best way to spread it is by
    1. reading story books
    2. watching films 
    3. visiting her friend
    4. visiting an orphan
  27. Which one of the following is not a reason why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned.
    1. It leads to conflicts within the family
    2. It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours
    3. It promotes mental health
    4. It could lead to a loss of income
  28. Dennis, a standard eight pupil has been receiving gifts from an elderly rich woman who wants to have a relationship with him. As a christian the right action for him to take is to
    1. transfer to another school
    2. inform other pupils about the roman 
    3. report the matter to the headteacher 
    4. accept the gifts
  29. You have discovered that Bosire your best friend is being used by a rich man to sell drugs to other pupils in school. As a christian you should tell him to
    1. Transfer to another school
    2. ask the rich man to pay him well
    3. sell the drugs and not use them 
    4. stop selling the drugs and concentrate in class
  30. Which one of the following is a wrong use of money?
    1. Helping the needy to become rich
    2. Paying school fees for a relative
    3. Paying salaries to workers
    4. Giving gifts to voters



  1. Which one of the following Surah teaches about oneness in Allah (SWT)?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. An-Nas
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. At-Kanthar
  2. The verse 'you do not worship what I worship' is derived from which surah?
    1. Al-miminim
    2. Maun
    3. Al-Kafirun and off
    4. Zilzala
  3. The prayer performed between morning and mid-day is called:-
    1. fajr
    2. dhuhur
    3. dhuha
    4. witri
  4. The sunna prayer performed during the night of Ramadhan is called:-
    1. Ishai
    2. Tarawele
    3. Istiskai 
    4. Sala tul lail
  5. Which of the following surah is recited seventeen times a day by muslims?
    1. Annas
    2. Al-Fatiha
    3. Aya tul kursy 
    4. Tyin
  6. Which of the following can nullify udhu?
    1. Passing wind
    2. Speaking
    3. Applying perfume
    4. Shaking hands
  7. Which is the correct order of prayers performed by muslims?
    1. Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha
    2. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Asr, Isha 
    3. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Isha, Asr
    4. Fajr, Maghrib, Dhuhr, Isha, Asr
  8. Which of the following prophet of Allah received Suhuf?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Issa
    3. David
    4. Mohamed
  9. What is the main teaching from Surah Al Alaq?
    1. All people should be responsible for their deeds
    2. A man was created from a clot of blood
    3. Allah is the only forgiver
    4. Prophet is favoured by God
  10. Who among the following is not a prophet?
    1. Zulekha
    2. Isaak
    3. Yunus
    4. Ishmail
  11. When you visit a sick in the hospital the best gift you can give to him is:-
    1. a flower
    2. get well card
    3. food
    4. a dua
  12. When someone gives you a gift you should say:-
    1. Alhamdulillahi
    2. Jazakallah
    3. lahaula wa lakwata
    4. Audhubillahi
  13. Islam teaches on hardwork since:-
    1. it discourages begging
    2. it discourages laziness
    3. it is a way of creating wealth
    4. it is a way of earning lawfully
  14. Which of the following items is hash for zakat?
    1. Personal clothings 
    2. House furniture
    3. Farm produce
    4. Family house
  15. When muslims are in need they should seek help from:-
    1. Mohamed
    2. Jibril 
    3. Allah
    4. Imam
  16. Which one of the following islamic months is not among the sacred months (ash-hunul-human)?
    1. Rajab
    2. Muharan 
    3. Dulhija
    4. Ramadhan
  17. The lesson derived from the bottle of badr is that prisoners should be:-
    1. treated kindly
    2. be forced to work
    3. be set free
    4. denied food
  18. Which one of the following is a halaal business practice?
    1. Gambling
    2. Selling alcohol 
    3. Hoarding
    4. Lending money
  19. The festival of Idd Id Fitri is celebrated on:-
    1. 1st shawal
    2. 30th Ramadhan 
    3. 1st Ramadhan
    4. 1st Rajab
  20. Hussein found a thousand shilling note on the assembly ground. What would be the best course of action?
    1. Share the money with friends
    2. Take the money to his parents
    3. Take the money to the teacher
    4. Use the money to buy school books
  21. The duty of angel Izrail is to:-
    1. remove people's souls
    2. blowing the trumpet
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  22. Which of the following attributes of Allah describes Allah as the king of kings?
    1. Malik
    2. Kahman
    3. Al-gudus
    4. Ar-rahum
  23. Which one of the following can be classified as light najis?
    1. Bacon
    2. Dogs urine
    3. Urine of a baby boy
    4. Vomit
  24. How many rakaas are performed during Fajr prayers?
    1. 4
    2. 10
    3. 8
    4. 2
  25. Which of the following are fadh prayers prayed by muslims?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Tareweh
    4. Taqwa
  26. Thuluthul Quran is a title given to surah Ikhlas. This is because Sura Ikhlas is the:-
    1. mother of the Quran
    2. a third of Quran
    3. heart of Quran
    4. opening chapter
  27. Muslims lost in the battle of:-
    1. Badr
    2. Hunain
    3. Uhud
    4. Khadaq
  28. The two Muadhatein surah are __________________ and  __________________
    1. Nas and Falaq
    2. Kauthar and Maun
    3. Nasr and Asr
    4. Dhuha and Inshirah
  29. Who is not among the four caliphs of prophet (pbuh)?
    1. Abbakar
    2. Abu-jahal 
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  30. Doing right and avoiding evil wherever we are is a sign of having:-
    1. Ihsan
    2. Iman
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawakkal



  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. C
  38. D
  39. D
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. A
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. A
  59. B
  60. A


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
  1. The property of light used in the working of a candle in a dark room is that light
    1. disperses in different directions.
    2. spreads in all directions
    3. bend at a corner
    4. travel in a straight line.
  2. Which of the following is the function of the last teeth to be shed?
    1. Tearing food.
    2. Holding food.
    3. Grinding food.
    4. Cutting food.
  3. Which of the following plants are correctly matched with the type of root system?
       Fibrous root     Tap root 
     A.   Green grams  Onion 
     B.  Wandering jew   Sisal 
     C.  Cocnut  Acacia
     D.  Millet  Sorghum 
  4. In the structure of the mammalian heart, the blood vessel that carries blood to the Left auricle is the
    1. Pulmonary vein
    2. Aorta
    3. Pulmonary artery
    4. Vena cava
  5. Which one of the following statements about reproduction in human beings is correct?
    1. The embryo develops into a zygote.
    2. Amniotic fluid nourishes the foctus.
    3. Ovulation takes place in the oviduct.
    4. Labour pain is caused by contraction of the uterine walls.
  6. Which of the following is the main information usually given when obtaining medicine from a doctor?
    1. Disposal method of the medicine.
    2. The prescribed dose. 
    3. How to store the medicine.
    4. Duration to complete dose.
  7. Which of the following ways do plants depend on animals?
    1. Nutrients and shelter.
    2. Shade and medicine.
    3. Pollination and carbon dioxide. 
    4. Habitat and pollination.
  8. Which one of the following diseases cannot be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation?
    1. Cholera
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Typhoid
    4. Malaria.
  9. Which one of the following pairs make up the embryo of a maize seed?
    1. Plumule and endosperm.
    2. Radicle and plumule.
    3. Endosperm and cotyledon.
    4. Cotyledon and radicle.
  10. The diagram below was set up to demonstrate a certain aspect of light.
    The aspect of light that was being demonstrated was
    1. spitting of light.
    2. bending of light.
    3. bouncing of light.
    4. how light travels.
  11. The following are advantages of manure and fertilizers:
    1. improve soil structure.
    2. nutrients are released immediately
    3. bind soil particles together.
    4. have specific amount of nutrients.
    5. have long term effect in the soil.
      Which statements are true about fertilizers?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (iv) and (v)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  12. Which one of the following is not true about pressure exerted by liquids? Pressure in liquids increases when
    1. depth of liquid is increased.
    2. diameter of container is reduced.
    3. container with liquid is raised.
    4. amount of liquid is increased.
  13. Which one of the following is an effect of IIIV infection to the family?
    1. Increases number of orphans.
    2. Lowering of self-esteem.
    3. Poor performance at work.
    4. Increased number of school drop-outs.
  14. Which one of the following groups consist of non-flowering plants?
    1. Mushroom, grass, toadstool. 
    2. Conifers, cabbage, sisal.
    3. Mould, onions, bracket tree.
    4. Algae, moss, liverworts
  15. Which one of the following is true about solids and liquids? Both have 
    1. indefinite mass
    2. definite volume Bindefinite volume.
    3. definite shape 
    4. indefinite volume.
  16. Which one of the following pairs consist of planets, with the shortest orbits?
    1. Mars and Jupiter.
    2. Earth and Saturn.
    3. Venus and Mercury.
    4. Neptune and Uranus.
  17. Which one of the following is a renewable source of energy?
    1. Natural gas
    2. Kerosene
    3. Diesel
    4. Biogas.
  18. The diagram below shows a method of conserving water.
    The method of water conservation shown above is
    1. recycling water.
    2. using water sparingly.
    3. re-using water.
    4. harvesting water. 
  19. Which one of the following animalslay eggs, has constant body temperature and its body is covered with fur?
    1. Spiny ant cater
    2. Whale
    3. Shark
    4. Flying fox.
  20. Which one of the following is the function of the rectum?
    1. Absorbs water.
    2. Absorbs digested food.
    3. Stores undigested food.
    4. Completes digestion of food.
  21. Which one of the following levers can work with the fulcrum between the load and effort?
    1. Fishing rod.
    2. Wheel barrow
    3. Spade
    4. Crowbar
  22. The diagram below shows a single fixed pulley.
    At what position should a spring balance be fixed in order to measure the force applied?
    1. Q
    2. T
    3. R
    4. S
  23. Among the following, which one does not contain chemical energy?
    1. Food
    2. Dynamo
    3. Car battery
    4. Charcoal
  24. The best way of controlling whooping cough is by
    1. avoiding crowded places. 
    2. drinking boiled milk.
    3. vaccination.
    4. treatment.
  25. Which of the following is not an essential constituent of commercial animal feeds?
    1. Roughage
    2. Proteins
    3. Carbohydrate
    4. Vitamins.
  26. Special sounds can have all the following meanings except
    1. when someone needs help.
    2. when a baby is happy.
    3. change from one activity to another.
    4. give way on the road.
  27. The component of air that makes up 0.97% of the atmosphere is used in
    1. breathing.
    2. making bulbs.
    3. preservation of soft drinks.
    4. making plant proteins 
  28. Which one of the following parasite control measure is capable of controlling lungworms and ticks?
    1. Paddocking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  29. Sound travels poorest in
    1. vacuum
    2. copper
    3. air
    4. water.
  30. The diagram below represents the female reproductive system.
    In the diagram above the part marked W is the place where
    1. implantatin of zygote take place.
    2. development of the embryo take place.
    3. mature ovum is released. D
    4. fusion of sex cell take place.
  31. The following are facts about HIV/AIDS except AIDS
    1. is caused by a virus called HIV.
    2. is transmitted through blood transfusion.
    3. has no cure.
    4. is a curse and not a disease.
  32. A mixture of beans and sorghum can be separated by either
    1. picking or sieving
    2. sieving or winnowing
    3. winnowing or decanting
    4. decanting or sieving
  33. Which of the following is the main reason for food preservation? To A
    1. develop its flavour.
    2. use it later.
    3. retain nutrients.
    4. retain its colour.
  34. Which one of the following plants store food in the stem?
    1. Sweet potatoes
    2. Arrow roots
    3. Cassava
    4. Irish potatoes
  35. A suitable diet for a child with rapid heartbeat and pale fingernails is 
    1. beans and beef.
    2. rice and carrots.
    3. .spinach and kidney.
    4. potatoes and eggs.
  36. Which one of the following would be observed when two similar balloons are rubbed against the same material then brought close together? They
    1. would attract each other.
    2. would burst
    3. will neither attract nor repel
    4. would repel each other.
  37. Class four pupils put a long piece of wire in water and it sank. They cut the same piece of wire into two equal pieces and they still sank. Which factor affecting floating and sinking were they investigating?.
    1. Size
    2. Weight 
    3. Material
    4. Shape.
  38. The following are some effects of drug abuse;
    1. Withdrawal symptoms.
    2. Truancy
    3. Addiction
    4. Drug induced accidents
    5. Lack of concentration
      Which one of the following consists of health effects only?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (v) and (ii)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  39. Which one of the following statements is true about the second stage of HIV infection? 
    1. This is a dangerous stage of infection.
    2. If HIV test is carried out the result is positive.
    3. The body is weak and cannotfight infection.
    4. There are visible signs.
  40. Class five pupils put wet tea leaves in a transparent glass container filled with water and heated it gently at the bottom. Which one of the following aspects of matter were they investigating?
    1. Convection in air. 
    2. Conduction in solids.
    3. Convection in liquids
    4. Radiation in air.
  41. The main reason why ball bearings are used between parts that are in contact is to
    1. absorb unnecessary sound.
    2. make the machine last longer.
    3. increase the grip between the parts.
    4. reduce opposing force.
  42. The diagram below shows a compost heap.
    From the above diagram, it is true to say that 
    1. layer O feeds the decomposers.
    2. layer N is made of top soil.
    3. the manure is made by animals waste.
    4. the manure contain specific nutrients.
  43. During a science lesson, pupils carried out the following activities:
    1. put a young plant in coloured water for some hours.
    2. cut the stem and leaves after sometime and observed the part cut.
      Which process in plants were they investigating?
      1. Absorption
      2. Transpiration
      3. Transportation
      4. Photosynthesis
  44. Which one of the following is true about the energy saving jiko?
    1. It cooks faster than other jikos
    2. Less fuel is used.
    3. It is made from cheap materials. 
    4. It is portable.
  45. Which of the following is not a major non-living component of environment?
    1. Water
    2. Plant
    3. Soil
    4. Air.
  46. Which of the following physical changes during adolescence take place in both boys and girls? 
    1. Increase in height and weight. 
    2. Hips broaden.
    3. Broadening of shoulders.
    4. Menstruation starts.
  47. Air is polluted by all the following ways except
    1. vehicle exhaust fumes.
    2. smoking tobacco.
    3. decomposing vegetable matter. 
    4. gases from burning domestic waste.
  48. The diagram below shows an inclined plane.
    Which one of the following should be done to use less effort? 
    1. Increase the length CA.
    2. Reduce the length BA.
    3. the length AB.
    4. Reduce the length CB.
  49. Which one of the following materials is non magnetic?
    1. Steel wool
    2. Sewing needle
    3. Staple pins
    4. Aluminium plate.
  50. A pen and a book were released two metres above the ground at the same time. Which of these statements is true about the observation done?
    1. Pen hit the ground first. 
    2. Both hit the ground at the same time.
    3. The book was the last to hit the ground.
    4. The book and the pen hit the ground almost the same time.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. B

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa

Kila mzalendo wa nchi yetu hii tukufu, ___1___   ____ 2___ mashine ___3___  huwa na kazi ___4___ kufanya. ___5___
mzalendo mmoja atashindwa kutekeleza jukumu ____6___ ,wengine___7___. Ni muhimu mzalendo kuitunza nchi yake asije akaishia ___8____ atakapopata shughuli zake zimekwama.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   mfano   zaidi   kama   sawa 
 2.  iliyo  ilivyo   ilipo   iliko 
 3.  :  ,  ;  __
 4.  inayohitajika   anayohitajika   wanaohitajika   zinazohitajika 
 5.  Maadamu  Ingawa  Ikiwa  Angalau 
 6.  aliyotengewa  alilotengewa   zilizotengewa   ilivyotengewa 
 7.  wataathiriana  wataathirikia   wataathiria   wataathiriwa 
 8.  kujikwaa ulimi   kujifia kikondoo   kujitia shemere   kujiuma kidole 

Sherehe ya kuadhimisha siku ya kuzaliwa kwa dada yangu ___9___. Tuliamka alfajiri na mapema ___10___. Tulikuwa na hamu kuu ya kuona binamu na bintiamu wetu wa toka nitoke yaani; ___11___ wetu. Baada ya kupata kisebeho, ___12___ kuelekea sokoni ___13___ tulinunua mboga za kila aina. Si mchicha, si kabeji, si ___14___ sukumawiki ___15___ alimradi tulikuwa na vingi vya kununua.

   A   B   C   D 
 9.   itakuwa ikiwadia   ikiwa iliwadia   ikawa inawadia   ilikuwa imewadia 
 10.   kuzitayarisha  kuwatayarisha   kujitayarisha   kupatayarisha 
 11.  wakoi  wanuna   masomo   maumbu 
 12.  tulishika zamu  tulishika kani  tulishika usukani   tulishika tariki 
 13.  ambayo  ambako   ambalo  ambao
 14.  mtungo wa  tita la  kicha cha  chane ya 
 15.  ___  ...  !  :

Kutoka swali la 16 - 30, jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Kanusha
    Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana ameuzwa tena.
    1. Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana hakuuzwa tena.
    2. Mtamba ambaye hakununuliwa jana hakuuzwa tena.
    3. Mtamba hakununuliwa wala hakuunzwa tena.
    4. Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana hajauzwa tena.
  2. Neno 'mtakimbiliana' lina silabi ngapi?
    1. 7
    2. 13
    3. 6
    4. 8
  3. Ni maelezo yapi yaliyo sahihi?
    1. Mloto ni mshororo wa pili katika ubeti wa shairi.
    2. Tarbia ni mashairi yenye beti nne
    3. Ngonjera ni shairi linalozungumzia historia ya mtu fulani.
    4. Mwandamizi ni kipande cha pili katika mshororo wa shairi.
  4. Ipi ni nomino nadhania?
    1. Kionjamchuzi.
    2. Kikosi.
    3. Uhodari.
    4. Mchanga.
  5. Sentensi: "Nyumbani mwao mlishiba watu na kuwatapika wengine nje", imetumia tamathali gani za usemi?
    1. Tashhisi, chuku.
    2. Tashbihi, kinaya.
    3. Sitiari, nahau.
    4. Sitiari, chuku.
  6. Andika wingi wa
    Wakala alikutatulia shida uliyokuwa nayo
    1. Nyakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    2. Wakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    3. Mawakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    4. Mawakala walimtatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi halisi
    1. Watu wale walieleza haja zao ila wanyonge ndio waliosaidiwa kwanza.
    2. Vijana hodari walipongezwa lakini wengine walikashifiwa.
    3. Daktari alimtibu mgonjwa wa kwanza lakini yule wa pili hakutibiwa.
    4. Tulitembea mjini kwa uangalifu ila mmoja wetu aliteleza na kuanguka.
  8. Ni nini maana ya kujipalia makaa ni?
    1. Kujiletea jambo
    2. Kujiwekea makaa
    3. Kujiletea madhara
    4. Kujisababishia jambo.
  9. Kitita ni kwa pesa. Tano ni kwa ______________________________
    1. funguo
    2. ndizi
    3. chokaa
    4. ngozi.
  10. Kucha ni kwa binadamu, mapezi ni kwa
    1. ndege
    2. wanyama
    3. wadudu
    4. samaki.
  11. Chagua jibu lenye kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na kitenzi
    1. Mpishi - mapishi. 
    2. Babaika - babaifu
    3. Angaza - mwanga
    4. Samehe - msamaha.
  12. Ni senteni ipi ambayo imetumia 'kwa' ya kuonyesha sababu ya jambo fulani kutokea? 
    1. Mwanafunzi amemwamkua mzazi wake kwa heshima.
    2. Mwalimu alimtuza alama nane kwa kumi.
    3. Wazee kwa vijana walipinga mswada huo wa fedha.
    4. Mkimbizi alituzwa kwa kushinda mbio hizo.
  13. Ni sentensi ipi inayoonyesha hali ya kutegemea?
    1. Msaidieni kuuinua dawati hilo.
    2. Mwalimu akija atawapeleka uwanjani.
    3. Mulika alisikiliza ushauri akaokoka.
    4. Changarawe ambayo ilisombwa iliuzwa.
  14. Chagua sentensi sahihi
    1. Alifua samaki wengi.
    2. Alifua samaki nyingi.
    3. Alivua samaki wengi.
    4. Alivua samaki nyingi.
  15. Chagua kihusishi katika sentensi hii Najua tofauti baina ya mazingira na mazingara.
    1. najua
    2. na mazingara
    3. tofauti
    4. baina ya

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 - 40.

Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, kumeshuhudiwa mabadiliko makubwa ya kijamii katika taifa letu. Miongoni mwa mabadiliko hayo ni kule kuendelea kwa taifa kuwa changa. Hii ina maana kuwa wananchi vijana walio na miaka chini ya thelathini na mitano ni wengi zaidi ya wale wenye umri mkubwa kuliko huo. Kwa sababu ya juhudi kubwa ya serikali, kufikia takriban miaka thelathini na mitano iliyopita, mbinu ya kujua kusoma na kuandika huchukuliwa kuwa kitu cha kawaida kama vile kuvaa nguo.

Tukitupa macho nyuma kabla ya utawala wa kikoloni kuingia huku kwetu yapata karne moja tu iliyopita, tutaona kuwa hali ilikuwa tofauti kabisa. Jumuiya zilizoishi katika sehemu ya bara hazikuwa zimeona wala kusikia mtu akiandika wala kusoma. Angetokea mtu awasomee makala wangemwona kama mwehu anayeboboka ovyo, kwani hicho kilikuwa kioja kikubwa.

Jumuiya za pwani zilikuwa na hali tofauti. Karne kadhaa hapo awali, wananchi hawa walikuwa wametembelewa na Waarabu kwa sababu ya kufanya biashara na kuwahubiria dini ya Kiislamu. Maingiliano haya yaliwanufaisha wananchi kwa njia ambayo labda haikukusudiwa. Walipata ujuzi wa kusoma na kuandika hati ya kiarabu ili waweze kusoma Koran katika lugha ya Kiarabu. Baadaye walitumia hati hiyo kuandika lugha zao za kienyeji. Maandishi mengi yalikuwa na lengo la kuhifadhi mafunzo ya dini ya Kiislamu.

Tukizingatia wazo hili la kuzichunguza baadhi ya jumuiya zilizoishi bara, tutaona kuwa zilikuwa na aina ya uandishi. Katika jumuiya mojawapo, kwa mfano, mgeni aliposema angekuja kutembea baada ya siku kumi, wenyeji wake walichukua ukambaa. Wakatengeneza mafundo kumi. Kila fundo liliwakilisha siku moja. Kila kulipokucha waliondoa fundo moja, mpaka fundo la kumi. Hii ikiwa njia mahususi ya kuhifadhi habari na ililingana na ile ya kuandika. Tunaweza kusema kuwa ilikuwa Wakoloni hawakuwa na mfumo mpya, labda kufikia sasa jumuiya hiyo ingekuwa imevumbua njia nyingine ya uandishi

  1. Kwa nini taifa letu linaweza kuitwa changa?
    1. Halikui kwa sababu ya vijana wengi.
    2. Kwa sababu si la zamani sana.
    3. Hakuna wananchi wenye umri mkubwa. 
    4. Idadi kubwa ya wananchi ni vijana.
  2. Watu wengi nchini wanajua kusoma na kuandika kwa sababu
    1. kumekuwa na utulivu nchini.
    2. wananchi wanaona faida ya kujua kusoma na kuandika.
    3. wananchi wenyewe wamefanya bidii.
    4. kumekuwa na mpango uliotekelezwa kwa miaka thelathini na mitano.
  3. Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hii, neno jingine lenyenmaana sawa na mbinu ni
    1. mafunzo
    2. wazo
    3. stadi
    4. hati.
  4. Ukoloni uliingia lini huku kwetu? 
    1. Miaka mia mbili iliyopita.
    2. Karibu miaka mia moja iliyopita.
    3. Karibu miaka hamsini iliyopita. 
    4. Miaka mia tatu iliyopita.
  5. Ni nini maana ya neno kioja?
    1. Ghasia.
    2. Ajabu.
    3. Maarifa.
    4. Wendawazimu.
  6. Ujuzi wa kusoma na kuandika ulifika pwani
    1. wakati wa kuingia kwa ukoloni
    2. muda mrefu kabla ya ukoloni
    3. muda mfupi baada ya ukoloni
    4. muda mrefu baada ya ukoloni.
  7. Chagua kifungu kilicho sahihi zaidi kukamilisha sentensi hii:
    Wenyeji wa pwani walitumia hati ya Kiarabu
    1. kusomea na kuandikia Koran na lugha zao.
    2. kusomea na kuandikia Kiarabu na lugha zao.
    3. kusomea na kuandikia Kiarabu.
    4. kusomea na kuandikia Kiswahili.
  8. Shabaha kuu ya kuandika wakati huo wa zamani ilikuwa
    1. kuhifadhi mafunzo ya dini za wenyeji
    2. kuendeleza lugha ya Kiarabu
    3. kuendeleza hati ya Kiarabu
    4. kuhifadhi mafunzo ya Kiislamu.
  9. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi zaidi
    Mwandishi analinganisha kuandika na kule kutengeneza mafundo kwa sababu
    1. shughuli zote mbili zilifanywa kwa mikono
    2. shughuli zote mbili zilikuwa zikifanywa kwa wakati mmoja
    3. shughuli zote mbili zilikuwa na lengo la kuhifadhi habari
    4. shughuli zote :nbili zilifanywa na wataalamu.
  10. Katika aya ya mwisho, maoni ya mwandishi ni
    1. kuja kwa Wakoloni kulibadilisha utaratibu bora wa uandishi
    2. kuja kwa Wakoloni kulibadilisha matumizi ya mafundo
    3. kuja kwa Wakoloni kuliendeleza njia ya uandishi
    4. kuja kwa Wakoloni kuliendeleza matumizi ya mafundo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 - 50.

Baada ya uhuru, Kenya ilihitaji kuikweza lugha moja ya kiasili kuwa lugha ya taifa. Wakenya hawakutaka kuitumia lugha ya Kiingereza kama lugha ya taifa. Hii ilionekana kuwa lugha ya kikoloni na kigeni. Hali ya kuwepo lugha nyingi nchini ilitatiza uchaguzi wa lugha moja. Kila kabila lilitarajia lugha yake kuchaguliwa, jambo ambalo lilikuwa gumu. Kuchagua Kiingereza hakungefaa kwani, mbali na wasomi, raia wengi hawakukijua. Hata sasa wananchi wengi bado hawajakimudu.

Serikali ilishughulikia suala hili la uteuzi. Hatimaye, Kiswahili kilitunukiwa hadhi ya kuchaguliwa. Kama lugha ya taifa, Kiswhili hutumika katika maongezi ya kawaida, mawasiliano ya kibiashara na kadhalika. Kiswahili kilichaguliwa kwa sababu kadhaa. Kwanza, baadhi ya wasomi walifikiria kuwa lugha hii ilikuwa na asili ya Kiarabu. Kwa sababu hii walifikiria kuwa, Kiswahili hakikuwa lugha ya kabila lolote. Pili, wengine waliamini kwamba Kiswahili ni mchanganyiko wa lugha ya Kiarabu na lugha za kiafrika. Hivyo kingekubaliwa na makabila yote. Hata hivyo, wasomi wengine walishikilia kuwa hii ilikuwa ni lugha ya Kiafrika asilia bila mchanganyiko wowote.

Hivi leo hakuna ubishi wowote kuhusu asili ya Kiswahili. Hii ina maana kuwa Kiswahili kimekubalika kama lugha ya kiasili Afrika Mashariki. Pia ni kitambulisho cha utaifa wa nchi kama Kenya na Tanzania. Isitoshe, Kiswahili ni lugha mojawapo ya lugha za taifa nchini Kongo, Burundi na Rwanda.

  1. Ni nini kilichotatiza uchanguzi wa lugha ya taifa?
    1. Wakenya hawakutaka kuchagua lugha ya kikoloni.
    2. Makabila na lugha nyingi nchini Kenya.
    3. Hakukuwa na lugha maalum ya kiasili ambayo ingechaguliwa.
    4. Wakenya walijua lugha nyingi tofauti.
  2. Kwa nini haingefaa kuchagua Kiingereza? 
    1. Ilikuwa lugha ya wasomi na raia.
    2. Ilionekana kama lugha ngumu isiyoweza kueleweka.
    3. Si watu wengi walioweza kukiongea.
    4. Wenyeji walichukia wageni na lugha yao.
  3. Kulingana na taarifa, lugha ya taifa hutumika vipi nchini Kenya?
    1. Katika mawasiliano ya siasa na shughuli rasmi.
    2. Katika maongezi na mawasiliano ya serikali.
    3. Katika mawasiliano ya kawaida, biashara, siasa na dini.
    4. Katika maongezi ya kawaida na dini.
  4. Kwa nini Kiswahili kilichaguliwa hatimaye kuwa lugha ya taifa?
    1. Kwa sababu kilifikiriwa kuwa si lugha ya kundi lolote.
    2. Kwa sababu kilitumika kwingi barani Afrika.
    3. Kwa sababu uamuzi huo ulitolewa na wasomi.
    4. Kwa sababu kilifikiriwa tu kuwa ni lugha ya Kiarabu.
  5. Maana ya neno hatimaye ni
    1. mwishowe
    2. aghalabu
    3. tena
    4. mwanzoni.
  6. Uliposoma habari hii ulipata jumla ya maoni mangapi juu ya asili ya Kiswahili?
    1. Manne.
    2. Moja.
    3. Matatu.
    4. Mawili.
  7. Maana ya neno hadhi kama lilivyotumika katika kifungu ni
    1. ubora
    2. staha
    3. zawadi
    4. umaarufu.
  8. Lugha ya taifa nchini ni muhimu kwa kuwa 
    1. inapendwa na wananchi wote
    2. hutumika na watu wengi
    3. huimarisha amani na nchi jirani
    4. ni kitambulisho cha utaifa.
  9. Maana ya hakuna ubishi wowote ni
    1. hakuna kukubaliana tena
    2. hakuna jambo lisilo wazi
    3. hakuna jambo la kujadiliana
    4. hakuna pingamizi zozote.
  10. "Kiswahili ni lugha mojawapo ya lugha za taifa' inamaanisha
    1. ndiyo lugha pekee ya taifa
    2. ni lugha ya kimataifa
    3. ni lugha ya kiasili
    4. kuna lugha nyinginezo za taifa.


Mwandikie rafiki yako barua huku ukimweleza namna ambavyo utatumia wakati wako wa likizo ili kujinufaisha.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
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  24. C
  25. D
  26. B
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  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  31. D
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. B
  42. C
  43. C
  44. A
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. D

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

No one can __1__ that they have never felt hungry. Hunger __2__ gradually and when it __3__ climax, it is not possible to hide it at all. If you were asleep, it automatically wakes you up. This happens __4__ you have taken a long time before __5__ a meal. There could be __6__ reasons for this, for example, when you are travelling __7__ a bus to a far place and __8__, if it stopped for the passengers to cat, the __9__ could make them reach their destinations very late. __10__,  the worst one is when the __11__ mealtime reaches and there is no sign of either food or indication that someone could be cooking any time soon.

Hunger affects people differently. For me, my leg muscles __12__, I develop some mild headache and yawn for abnormally a long time.
__13__ such times, I don't seem to see well and my hearing too somehow gets __14__. The most interesting thing is that I __15__ my temper without any provocation. The moment I eat, I feel normal.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   claim   say   confirm   remember 
 2.  comes   stays   hits   strikes 
 3.  pass  feels   reaches  arrives 
 4.  if  as  while  when 
 5.  eating  taking   cleaning   finishing 
 6.  varied  specific   clear  known 
 7.  in  at   on   by 
 8.  surely  unfortunately   really  truly
 9.  stop  speed  time  delay
 10.   Therefore   However  Moreover   Although
 11.  usual  correct  exact  eating
 12.  freeze  stretch  ache  expand
 13.  At  For  Over  In
 14.  closed  affected  changed  infected
 15.  gain  loose  recall  lose

For questions 16 and 17, choose the alternative that best completes the statements given.

  1. You didn't have to run across the road, _________________________? 
    1. did you
    2. had you
    3. didn't you
    4. haven't you
  2. She rarely fails to complete her work, _________________________?A
    1. did she
    2. . isn't it
    3. does she
    4. is it

For questions 18 and 19, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words.

  1. The salt Jane bought had very fine particles.
    1. bright
    2. tiny
    3. light
    4. white
  2. The boy made noise exactly like that of the crow.
    1. twitter
    2. sing
    3. crow
    4. caw

For questions 20 to 21, choose the best alternative that is pronounced in the same way as the underlined one.

  1. The wind blew down the big tree. 
    1. blow
    2. drown
    3. blue
    4. few
  2. The lost purse was finally recovered.
    1. pass
    2. curse
    3. bus
    4. past 

For questions 22 and 23, re-arrange the given sentences in order to form a sensible paragraph.

    1. She told of how people first came onto the earth.
    2. We really enjoyed listening to her.
    3. She also told stories about giants and strange creatures.
    4. Mela's grandmother liked to tell stories.
      1. (iv), (iii), (ii); (i)
      2. (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
      3. (iv), (ii), (iii), (i) 
      4. (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
    1. Some of the material can be borrowed for a short period of timc.
    2. Large volumes of written and unwritten materials are stored there.
    3. There is usually some space for one to sit and read what cannot be borrowed.
    4. A library is one of the richest sources of information.
      1. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      2. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) 
      3. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

For questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence which means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. Had the ball not got punctured, would have played.
    1. We have played though the ball got punctured.
    2. Though the ball got punctured, we can still play.
    3. We are not playing since the.ball got punctured.
    4. We wished the ball had not got punctured so that we play.
  2. Neither Rehema nor Rita was punished for lateness.
    1. None of them was punished for lateness.
    2. Only Rita was punished for lateness.
    3. Both Rehema and Rita were punished for lateness.
    4. Rita perhaps was punished for lateness.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

The men were happy. Their plan to help one of them had worked out very well. They had agreed to rebuilt a house for Ruka whose house had got burnt down without the proper cause being established. He was at a neighbour's house, late in the evening when they heard people screaming about a fire. Little did he know that he was the victim. He heard them screaming that he was being burnt to death in the house that was already being consumed by flames. They rushed out to his compound but by the time they reached, no one could go near the burning house as it was too dangerous. They waited until it died down then the men sat down and Ruka told them that indeed, he had left a pot of beans boiling and it was not the first time. To him that could not have caused the fire but even if they knew, it wouldn't help much. The resolution was that all the villagers would assemble at Ruka's home the following morning and help construct him a new house.

Many sympathisers turned up with personal equipment and materials for the task ahead. Women came along with buckets, crockery, utensils and food items. They were also at hand to assist here and there as they waited for their main task of the day; mudding. Everybody was busy and jolly. By around three o'clock, the mudding was done and the door fixed. The men sat in groups to take a well-deserved rest and meal which was served by the women.

When the eating was over, the people started leaving in groups of twos and threes. Only a few neighbours were still around, keeping Ruka company next to his new house. It was then that they saw Kasai staggering towards them. At first, they felt uncomfortable because he had failed to heed to the call to assist a neighbour as expected. However, retaliation was not acceptable in the society. He approached them and mumbled a greeting to which they responded. No one asked him to apologise for the omission but he humbly did it and blamed his greed for alcohol. They laughed out loudly and since the pots of food were still lying next to them, they advised him to wash his hands and eat. Refusal to eat communal food offered would be taken in bad faith so he served himself and ate.

They were talking about life generally when Kasai told them he was seriously considering stopping consumption of alcohol. He explained that he had planned to join the rest that morning but when Tawa called on him and offered to buy him some drink, he changed his mind. Tawa seemed to have a lot of money which was not usual. It was while they were drinking that Tawa confided in him that he had caused the fire at Ruka's home accidentally.

He explained that he knew Ruka kept some money in the house and the exact location so he waited till he saw Ruka move to his neighbour's compound. He prowled into the room and as he was taking the money from the box, he realised the man had many nice clothes that he never wore. He decided to pick them too but when he reached near the fire place, he heard a movement that scared him stiff. The clothes dropped and he was already in flight through the door when he realised it was the cat that had scared him. He kept going and never looked back. The clothes must have caught fire and spread it to the firewood that was lying near the fireplace.

Kasai said he would report this to the elder so that his conscience could be clear. Dumb-founded by the revelation, the others watched as he stood up to go but Ruka asked him to sit down briefly. "Please tell your friend that the money he stole belongs to the village elder. He sold off some of his livestock and asked me to keep the money for him. Since he didn't burn the house intentionally, we shall forgive him for that but he must bring back all the money, including what the two of you have spent. You can now go."

Without saying a word, Kasai rose and started staggering away in the same fashion he had come.

  1. Why do you think did the men's plan work out well?
    1. Building a new house had never been an issue to them.
    2. It w as the first time they wereperforming such a task.
    3. Ruka's house had got burnt down suddenly.
    4. There was positive response from the villagers.
  2. Why was it difficult to tell what had caused the fire?
    1.  Ruka's house was close to that of his neighbour.
    2. Ruka had left everything in order before he left.
    3. The house got burnt late in the evening.
    4. The food had not cooked for a long time.
  3. Those who were screaming that Ruka was dying in the house
    1. did so through imagination.
    2. had heard so many others screaming.
    3. simply wanted swift action taken.
    4. remembered a burning house usually trapped people inside.
  4. Which of the four words below means the same as dangerous' as used in the first paragraph?
    1. Fatal
    2. Fierce
    3. Scaring
    4. Risky
  5. Knowing the cause of the fire wouldn't help much because
    1. the screaming had already stopped. 
    2. the house wasn't an expensive one.
    3. the damage was irreversible.
    4. all the villagers were willing to give help.
  6. The women had come with food items to
    1. demonstrate that they knew how to cook very well.
    2. make work flow for the volunteers.
    3. ensure that all those who ate did the work expected.
    4. show how food could keep people working for such time.
  7. Why did some men remain behind after eating?
    1. Their homes were the nearest to Ruka's.
    2. They wanted Ruka to confirm if he was happy with the house.
    3. They felt too exhausted to start walking way immediately.
    4. They didn't seem to be in any hurry.
  8. The main reason why Kasai mumbled a greeting was because he
    1. was not in the right state of mind.
    2. believed they suspected him.
    3. knew they would not welcome him.
    4. had been hungry for long time.
  9. Kasai was considering stopping drinking alcohol because
    1. it was making him keep wrong company.
    2. it made him fail to join the others.
    3. he was getting uncomfortable.with its results.
    4. being consistently drunk was affecting his health.
  10. The relationship between Ruka and Tawa before the theft is likely to have been
    1. cordial
    2. unfortunate
    3. suspicious
    4. hostile
  11. How did Tawa cause the fire that burnt down the house?
    1. He noticed that some food was cooking as he was leaving hurriedly.
    2. He was attracted to steal clothes. 
    3. The cat stopped him from moving fast enough.
    4. He realised he had carried too many things at ago.
  12. Ruka can best be described as
    1. short-tempered
    2. unpredictable
    3. social but suspicious.
    4. calm and reasonable.
  13. What would be the best summary.for this passage?
    1. You should not put too much trust in others.
    2. People should always help the less fortunate in the society.
    3. A tragedy can make people change behaviour completely.
    4. Drinking alcohol can change. people's character.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Itchy skin can be irritating and annoying, especially when you cannot pinpoint the cause. One day, you might feel fine but the very next one, you are ceaselessly scratching your arms, legs and body. There are many reasons that lead to these.

Itching all over is just an indication of dry, dehydrated skin. The lack of enough sebum (an oily and waxy material produced by the body's sebaceous glands) and natural oils cause the skin to become dry. When the skin's barrier is damaged, receptors in the skin respond by changing the type of signal being sent, resulting in the sensation of itchiness.

The problem, however, has a solution. Always rinse your skin with a gentle body wash to remove any irritants. Afterwards, apply a soothing moisturising lotion or oil, which will help your skin retain moisture. More importantly, focus on moisturising from the inside out. Make sure you drink around eight glasses of water a day and eat a healthy, balanced diet. It is also important to steer clear of hot shower- they strip your skin of natural oils and irritate it.

If you feel itchy after spending a lot of time outdoors, it is possible your skin is recovering from a sunburn. Skin that has been sunburned is dry and tight, which can cause itching. Sunburn causes your skin to become irritated and itchy by releasing inflammatory messengers that make your skin have uncomfortable itchy sensation.

You can control this by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. This will prevent your skin from further sun damage. To treat sun burns, apply an aloc vera lotion. You can also cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply the juice and rinse off after ten minutes.

While your skin is healing, take care to stay out of direct sunlight. Wear clothes that cover your arms, chest and legs. It is also good idea to wear a hat and sunglasses whenever you need to go outside.

If you notice itchiness after a long workout session, or after just being outdoors, sweat may be the culprit. Sweating, especially when it is more than usual, has been linked to acute itching. Luckily, this type is very rare. Those who suffer from it, at times, do not even suspect its cause.

Combined with water contact, perspiration such as while showering, swimming. or simply getting caught in the rain, can cause itching. This condition is known as aqua genic urticarial. This is immune-related reaction that can cause spots to appear on your skin after it comes into contact with water

  1. If your skin irritates and itches, you should
    1. get medication before it spreads fast. 
    2. try to find out what causes it. 
    3. review the type of food you eat.
    4. check the oils you use after showering.
  2. The main issue with skin problems is that it
    1. is difficult to predict.
    2. can affect any part of the body.
    3. makes you scratch for long hours.
    4. makes everyone know you are unwell.
  3. To keep your skin moist, it could be good to
    1. avoid excess exposure to the sun. 
    2. all the food you cat should contain water.
    3. ensure your sebaceous glands function well.
    4. regulate the quantity of water you take daily. 
  4. The main cause of the skin barrier damage is
    1. failure iucntify your skin problem.
    2. excessively scratching for too long.
    3. irritation of the skin.
    4. when the skin has inadequate sebum.
  5. What is the main function of moisturiser?
    1. Retention of the moisture.
    2. Keeping the skin bright and soft.
    3. Allowing sweat to flow out when it is hot.
    4. Stops any feeling of itchiness.
  6. By focusing on moisturising from the inside out, the writer suggests that
    1. you should consistently drink a lot of water daily.
    2. what you eat or drink can heip moisturise your skin.
    3. taking more time indoors than being outside is important.
    4. you sould avoid excessive intake of liquids.
  7. Why should we avoid hot showers?
    1. The heat causes the expansion of the skin.
    2. The skin gets irritated when it cools down.
    3. Hot water affects the natural skin cover.
    4. The temperature of the water can burn the skin.
  8. The eight glasses of water mentioned in the passage is
    1. what cures any skin ailment.
    2. the recommended quantity.
    3. what many people find difficult to drink.
    4. the highest number one should take. 
  9. Rinsing aloe vera juice after ten minutes 
    1. stops its further effect on the skin.
    2. gives the skin the clean look it deserves.
    3. shows that it has started treating the skin.
    4. clears off any healing effect it has.
  10. If one wears clothes that cover the arms legs and the chest, it is because
    1. the skin changes resistance continuously.
    2. it is difficult to treat skin problems. 
    3. clothes can control the skin temperature.
    4. direct sunlight affects the skin..
  11. How can one tell if he or she has aqua genic urticarial?
    1. Itching when one has taken shower.
    2. Failure to tell what your skin problem is.
    3. Presence of any change of colour on the skin.
    4. If you itch after a long work out session.
  12. The best title for this passage would be:
    1. Different types of human skin.
    2. What makes your skin feel itchy.
    3. Effects of the wrong skin treatment. 
    4. Changes that take place to your skin.


You have 40 minutes to write yor composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.

We left home earlier than usual because we had a good reason to reach school before the others. As we were approaching the school gate, however, we noticed somethig unusual. ...................................................................................


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B
  1. What is 3197619 written in words?
    1. Three million one hundred and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen.
    2. Three million one and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen. 
    3. Three million one hundred and seventy six thousand six hundred and nineteen.
    4. Thirty one million one hundred and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen.
  2. What is 878.9952 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 878.00
    2. 878.90
    3. 879.00
    4. 879.90
  3. What is the difference in value between the total values of digits 6 and 8 in the number 2367854?
    1. 60000
    2. 850
    3. 6700
    4. 59200
  4. What is the value of
    180 ÷ 12 x 20 x 28 ÷ 56 + 7 − 2?
    1. 155
    2. 515
    3. 154
    4. 145
  5. What is the value of x in 3/5x + x − 1 = 5
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 47/11 
    4. 41/11 
  6. Which of the following decimals represents 4:57
    1. 0.8
    2. 5.9
    3. 4.9
    4. 0.45
  7. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 2/7 > 0.28
    2. 0.28 < 2/7 
    3. 2/7 < 0.28
    4. 2/7 = 0.28
  8. The area of a square cardboard is 1024cm2. What is the perimeter of the cardboard?
    1. 4096cm
    2. 265cm
    3. 128cm
    4. 144cm
  9. Richard bought the following items from a shop;
    4 packets of milk @ sh. 60
    3kg of tomatoes for sh. 180
    4 rolls of tissue paper @sh. 35
    21/2 kg of onions @ sh. 60 per kg
    If he paid with sh. 1000note, how much balance did he receive?
    1. Sh. 290
    2. Sh. 353
    3. Sh. 710
    4. Sh. 565
  10. What is the value of
     11/2 − 1/4 × 11/3   ?
    1. 1
    2. 7/10 
    3. 7/18 
    4. 117/18 
  11. A community function was attended by 269 men, 1081 women and 4036 children. How many more children than adults were at the function?
    1. 5836
    2. 2955
    3. 1356
    4. 2686 
  12. Below are lines meeting at different points.
    What is the measure of angle EDB?
    1. 99°
    2. 60°
    3. 120°
    4. 123°
  13. A meeting started at 8.45am. The meeting ended after 6hours 55minutes. At what time did the meeting end?
    1. 3.40pm
    2. 3.40am
    3. 2.40pm
    4. 3.00am
  14. What is the next number in the pattern
    81/2, 41/4, 21/8, 11/16, _____________________?
    1. 1/4 
    2. 17/32 
    3. 1/8 
    4. 32/17 
  15. The pie chart below represents how a farmer used his 12 hectare farm.
    How many more hectares did he use for growing beans than maize?
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 5
    4. 1
  16. Nanjala bought 240 fruits at sh. 15 each. She paid sh. 400 for transport to the market. She sold the fruits and made 50% profit. What is the selling price for each fruit?
    1. Sh. 25.00
    2. Sh. 22.50
    3. Sh. 24.00
    4. Sh. 16.70
  17. A playing field is rectangular in shape. The length is 96m and each of the diagonals is 100m long.
    What is the width of the playing field?
    1. 98m
    2. 28m
    3. 196m
    4. 56m
  18. Hussein had 8 one thousand shilling notes, 7 five hundred shilling notes and 15 two hundred shilling notes. He changed all the money into five hundred shilling notes. How many notes did he get?
    1. 145
    2. 290
    3. 29
    4. 60  
  19. Three bells ring at intervals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. If the bells rang together at 9.45am, at what time would the bells ring together again? 
    1. 11.15pm
    2. 1.30pm
    3. 10.15am
    4. 11.15am
  20. Ngombe is paid a basic salary of sh. 36000. For any sales above sh. 150000, he is paid a commission of 5%. In one month he sold goods worth sh. 480000. How much altogether did he earn that month?
    1. Sh. 52500
    2. Sh. 31500
    3. Sh. 16500
    4. Sh. 60000
  21. A section of a road measuring 4km is represented by a length of 10cm. Which one of the following is the scale of the map?
    1. 1:400
    2. 1:4000
    3. 1:40000
    4. 1:400000
  22. Japheth made an open cylindrical container with metal sheets. The internal diameter of the container is 42cm and the height is 60cm. He painted all the internal surfaces. What is the total area painted? (Тakе л = 22/7 )
    1. 10692cm2
    2. 7920cm2
    3. 83160cm2
    4. 9306cm2
  23. In a school the number of workers is r. The number of learners is eight times the number of teachers. The number of workers is nine less than the number of teachers. How many people are in the school?
    1. 10r − 63
    2. 10r +81
    3. 10r − 81
    4. 10r + 18
  24. A milk factory processed 2500litres of milk. 0.78 of the milk was sold to supermarkets while 0.3 of the remainder was donated to nearby schools. The remaining amount of milk was given to the factory staff. How many litres of milk was given to the staff?
    1. 505
    2. 1950
    3. 156
    4. 385
  25. Twelve people can complete a construction in 24 days. If 4 of the people failed to turn up, how many more days would it take the remaining people to complete the construction?
    1. 12
    2. 8
    3. 16
    4. 36
  26. Mwethya used 1/6 of her salary on transport, 1/3 on food, 1/4 of the remainder on rent and saved the rest. If she saved sh. 6000, how much did she spend on both transport and food?
    1. Sh. 6000
    2. Sh. 5000
    3. Sh. 8000
    4. Sh. 4000 
  27. The cash price of a table is sh. 40800. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the cash price. Mutuku bought it on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit and the balance in 18 equal monthly intalments of sh. 1450 per month. How much deposit did he pay?
    1. Sh. 14700
    2. Sh. 489600
    3. Sh. 26100
    4. Sh. 22860
  28. A supermarket uses 8 bottles of hand sanitizer everyday to sanitize the customers. Each bottle contains 250ml. How many litres of the sanitizer did the supermarket use in the month of February 2020?
    1. 60
    2. 62
    3. 56
    4. 58
  29. Nadia made a profit of sh. 9600 in the month of December. This was a 20% increase from November. How much profit did she make in November? 
    1. Sh. 7600
    2. Sh. 10560
    3. Sh. 11500
    4. Sh. 8000
  30. Chepkorir had two tonnes of sugar. He repacked the sugar into 500 grams packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 400
    2. 4000
    3. 40000
    4. 400000
  31. Draw a triangle ABC where AB = 6.5cm, BC= 7cm and AC = 5.3cm. Bisect angle CAB. Drop a perpendicular from C to AB. Let the perpendicular line and this bisector to meet at E. What is the measure of angle CEA?
    1. 162°
    2. 54°
    3. 126°
    4. 234°
  32. In the year 2015, 6th January was on a Tuesday. Which day was it on 14th May of the same year?
    1. Saturday.
    2. Wednesday.
    3. Thursday.
    4. Friday.
  33. What is the value of m in
    3/2(2m + 4) + 6 = 10?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 5
  34. Machogu borrowed sh. 80000 from a financial institution that charged a simple interest at the rate of 21% per annum. How much did he pay back after 2 years?
    1. Sh. 117128
    2. Sh. 113600
    3. Sh. 33600
    4. Sh. 37128 
  35. What is the value of
    12.0 − 0.6 of 0.4 + 3.24 ?
    1. 5
    2. 2.6
    3. 26
    4. 50
  36. The figure below represents a half cylindrical solid. The diameter is 14cm and it is 30cm long.
    What is the volume of the solid? (Тake π = 22/7)
    1. 4620cm3
    2. 660cm3
    3. 1234cm3
    4. 2310cm3
  37. The figure below represents a garden. It is in the shape of a quarter circle of radius 14m and a trapezium.
    What is the area of the garden? (Таkе л = 22/7)
    1. 518m2
    2. 770m2
    3. 462m22
    4. 500m2
  38. The perimeter of a rectangular farm is 442m. The length of the farm is 128m. What is the width of the farm?
    1. 186m
    2. 93m
    3. 110m
    4. 157m
  39. The table below shows an adult's fare in shillings from town J to P. Children pay half the fare for adults.
    Aketch travelled with his three children from L to P through N. How much did they pay?
    1. Sh. 425
    2. Sh. 300
    3. Sh. 350
    4. 210
  40. Joshua paid sh. 5980 for a mobile phone after getting a discount of 8%. What was the marked price of the phone?
    1. Sh. 5501
    2. Sh. 6500
    3. Sh. 6099
    4. Sh. 6459
  41. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral;
    1. Two pairs of parallel lines
    2. All angles are equal
    3. Diagonals are equal
    4. Diagonals do not bisect at right angles
    5. Opposite sides are equal and parallel
      Which quadrilateral has the above properties?
      1. Square.
      2. Rhombus.
      3. Parallelogram
      4. Rectangle.
  42. A tank of water is 3.5m long, 2.5m wide and 3m high. How many litres of water can the tank hold when full ?
    1. 262.5
    2. 26.25
    3. 262.5
    4. 26250
  43. The perimeter of the isosceles triangle below is 90cm. Two of the sides are 25cm and 40cm.
    What is the area of the triangle?
    1. 500cm2
    2. 600cm2
    3. 300cm2
    4. 150cm2
  44. In a class of 40 pupils, the mean score in a test was 65marks. The mean score for the last 30 pupils was 58. What is the total score for the first 10 pupils?
    1. 1740
    2. 2600
    3. 86
    4. 860
  45. The diagram below is a rhombus. BD and AC are the diagonals. Angle EDC = 20°.
    What is the size of angle BAD?
    1. 140°
    2. 110°
    3. 40°
    4. 70°
  46. Amos drove from Nairobi to Kisumu a distance of 336km at a speed of 84km/h. On his way back, he drove at a speed of 56km/h. What was his average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 70km/hr
    2. 24km/hr
    3. 67.2km/hr 
    4. 33.6km/hr
  47. The figure below represents the net of a solid
    Which one of the following can be formed from the net above?
    1. Square prism.
    2. Triangular pyramid.
    3. Triangular prism.
    4. Square pyramid.
  48. A 33 seater bus and 11 seater matatu were to transport 319 people to a function. If the matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many people did the matatu transport?
    1. 23
    2. 77
    3. 88
    4. 231
  49. Construct a triangle JKL in which JK = 5cm, JL = 7cm and angle KJL = 115°. Draw a circle to touch the vertices of the triangle. What is half the diameter of the circle? 
    1. 14.4cm
    2. 7.4cm
    3. 10.2cm
    4. 5.6cm
  50. The graph below represents the journey's of Mose and Alex driving in opposite directions
    How far from town M was Alex when Mose stopped resting?
    1. 400km
    2. 350km
    3. 150km
    4. 09km


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. B
  31. C
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. D
  42. D
  43. C
  44. D
  45. A
  46. C
  47. D
  48. C
  49. D
  50. D

                                                                            PART 1 SOCIAL STUDIES

                                                                                        TABO AREA


  1. The main economic contribution of lake Beye is that it is a source of
    1. minerals
    2. rainfall
    3. rivers
    4. fish
  2. The curved bend marked T formed by the river in Tabo area is
    1. a meander
    2. an ox-bow lake
    3. a delta
    4. a confluence
  3. The main factor that influenced the growth of Goma town was
    1. climate
    2. transport
    3. fishing
    4. population
  4. The location of the flour mill was influenced by nearness to
    1. roads
    2. market
    3. raw materials
    4. labour
  5. The general direction of Soro market from Rogi market is
    1. South
    2. North
    3. South East
    4. North West
  6. The climate around the lake can be described as
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  7. Business licences in Tabo area are issued at
    1. the chief's camp
    2. the health centre
    3. the police station
    4. the county offices
  8. Which one of the following statements about an age set is correct?
    1. It is made up of several age groups
    2. It is made up of people with a common ancestor
    3. It is made up of people who speak a common language
    4. It is made up of people who live in the same area
  9. Ox-bow lakes are formed through
    1. deposition
    2. glaciation
    3. erosion
    4. downwarping
  10. When the French administered their colonies in Africa, they used the policy of
    1. paternalism
    2. direct rule
    3. assimilation
    4. indirect rule
  11. Below are statements about a vegetation zone in Africa
    1. Trees have small leaves
    2. Trees have thick barks
    3. Some trees are deciduous
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. mediterranean vegetation
      2. rainforest vegetation
      3. savannah vegetation
      4. semi-desert vegetation
  12. The Pokomo people were forced to migrate from th Shungwaya area because
    1. they wanted better farming land
    2. they were attacked by the Galla
    3. the area was overcrowded
    4. the area experienced droughts
  13.  The main benefit of jua kali industries in rural areas in Kenya is that they
    1. have stopped rural to urban migration
    2. have made use of idle land
    3. have created self employment
    4. produce goods for export
  14. Which one of the following combinations is of mountains formed through faulting?
    1. Ruwenzori and Mau
    2. Kilimanjaro and Elgon
    3. Cape Ranges and Atlas
    4. Cameroon and Longonot
  15. Which one of the following groups is made up of Nilo-Saharan speakers of West Africa?
    1. Asante, Kwahu, Akwapim
    2. Mossi, Bergu, Dagomba
    3. Mande, Malinke, Soninke
    4. Kanuri, Songhai, Dendi
  16. When Senegal attained independence in 1961, the first president was
    1. Kwame Nkrumah
    2. Leopold Senghor
    3. Siaka Stevens
    4. Gamal Nasser
  17. The diagram below shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. relief rainfall
    3. land breeze
    4. convectional rainfall
  18. It is important to keep cultural artefacts in museums in Kenya in order to
    1. decorate the museums
    2. use them as national symbols
    3. preserve the history of communities
    4. create jobs in the country
  19. Below are factors that influence population distribution
    1. Fertile soils
    2. Swampy conditions
    3. Presence of pests
    4. Steep slopes
    5. High rainfall
      Which one of the following combinations has made the lake Victoria basin to have high population?
      1. (i) and (v)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (ii) and (iv)
  20. The collaboration of the Lozi people with the British in Zambia led to
    1. defeat of the Lozi people
    2. acquisition of land by Africans
    3. introduction of forced labour
    4. exploitation of minerals
  21. Three of the following are roles of pupils in management. Which one is not?
    1. Preparing school routine
    2. Cleaning school compound
    3. Participating in tree planting
    4. Reporting issues affecting them to teachers
  22. The camels of Noor have destroyed the maize of Kimanzi . The best appropriate way of settling the dispute is
    1. Kimanzi taking Noor's camels as payment
    2. reporting the matter to the police
    3. the two neighbours negotiating the matter
    4. taking the matter to a court of law
  23. Which of the following was a demand of early political associations in Kenya before 1939?
    1. Release of Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Better treatment for Africans
    3. Building of industries in rural areas
    4. Formation of a Legislative Council
  24. Which one of the following was the last Bantu community to settle in Eastern Africa?
    1. Ngoni
    2. Akamba
    3. Basoga
    4. Taita
  25. Mr. Brown, a British National has been working in Kenya. He can register as a Kenyan citizen only if he
    1. is able to speak English
    2. lives in Kenya continuously for 7 years
    3. respects the laws of the country
    4. marries a Kenyan citizen
  26. Which one of the following types of fish is kept in reclaimed fishing areas from the sea in Japan?
    1. Tilapia
    2. Dagaa
    3. Nile perch
    4. Oysters
  27. Which of the following is a freshwater lake in Eastern Africa?
    1. Lake Natron
    2. Lake Elementaita
    3. Lake Kyoga
    4. Lake Bogoria
  28. The following are characteristics of a type of soil
    1. Particles are of medium size
    2. Water retention is good
    3. Air spaces are of medium size 
      The soil described above is
      1. clay
      2. loam
      3. sandy
      4. alluvial
  29. Three of the following are responsibilities of persons with special needs. Which one is not?
    1. Treating other people fairly
    2. Taking care of the environment
    3. Obeying the laws of the country 
    4. Forming their own political party
  30. Which one of the following groups is made up of basic needs in a family?
    1. Land, water, money
    2. Love, vehicle, education
    3. House, wealth, friends
    4. Food, shelter, clothing
  31. A negative effect of migration in Kenya is that it leads to
    1. cultural differences
    2. expansion of health services
    3. growth of slums
    4. industrial development
  32. Natural forests in the highland regions are conserved mainly because
    1. they provide timber for export
    2. they conserve water catchment areas
    3. they attract tourists
    4. they provide firewood
  33. Which of the following countries is not crossed by the Great North Road?
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  34. The Kenya African Union (KAU) was formed in 1946 by
    1. Eliud Mathu
    2. Daniel Arap Moi
    3. Oginga Odinga
    4. Jomo Kenyatta

Study the map of Kenya below and use it to answer questions 35 to 38


  1. Which one of the following communities settled in the shaded area marked Z?
    1. Ameru
    2. Pokomo
    3. Taita
    4. MijiKenda
  2. The mountain marked T was formed through
    1. erosion
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. volcanicity
  3. The mineral mined at the place marked S is used to make
    1. dye
    2. cement
    3. heat insulators
    4. toothpaste
  4. The main economic activity of the community that used the route marked H was
    1. iron working
    2. hunting
    3. pastoralism
    4. fishing
  5. People with disabilities can be catered for in public transport by
    1. training drivers how to treat them
    2. providing ramps in minibuses
    3. organizing group transport for them
    4. ncreasing the number of public vehicles
  6. Which one of the following is a characteristic of equatorial climate?
    1. Temperatures are low
    2. Annual rainfall is less than 500mm
    3. There is low humidity
    4. There is no distinct dry season
  7. The political party that led Ghana to independence was
    1. Convention People's Party
    2. United Gold Coast Convention 
    3. African National Congress
    4. Northern People's Party
  8. The most recent way of interaction among communities in Kenya is through?
    1. marriage
    2. social media
    3. games
    4. worship
  9. Which one of the following statements is true about pyrethrum growing in Kenya?
    1. It is grown in large plantations
    2. It is grown in the cool and wet highlands
    3. It is grown under irrigation
    4. It is harvested by machines
  10. The petroleum refinery was established in Mombasa mainly due to
    1. availability of market
    2. availability of a pipeline
    3. nearness to raw materials
    4. nearness to water supply
  11. The East African Community was formed mainly to
    1. establish a common currency
    2. improve food production
    3. enable free movement of goods
    4. promote trade among member countries
  12. A manager in a government institution employs members of his extended family. The manager practices
    1. nepotism
    2. racism
    3. corruption
    4. tribalism
  13. Three of the following statements about the Rift Valley region in Kenya are correct.
    Which one is not?
    1. It is the relief region that covers the largest area
    2. The floor is dotted with lakes
    3. Some areas are dry
    4. It has escarpments
  14. Poultry farming is practised near large urban centres due to availability of
    1. space
    2. market
    3. roads 
    4. labour
  15. Which one of the following is the main benefit of maize growing in Kenya?
    1. It provides people with food
    2. Maize exports carn foreign exchange
    3. It promotes development of towns
    4. It promotes service industries
  16. Your brother who has completed Secondary Education intends to set up a service industry. Which one of the following businesses is he likely to choose?
    1. Buying and assembling parts of bicycles
    2. Setting up a bakery
    3. Opening a barber shop
    4. Soap making
  17. Which one of the following towns in Kenya is the oldest?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Kisumu
    3. Eldoret
    4. Lamu
  18. The best place for a pupil to cross a busy road is where
    1. there is a footbridge
    2. there are bumps
    3. the road is wide
    4. there are traffic police officers
  19. The following are statements about a form of transport
    1. It is slow
    2. It is cheap
    3. It can be used to transport bulky goods from one continent to another
      The form of transport described above is
      1. air
      2. water
      3. road
      4. railway
  20. The best way of improving tourism in Kenya is
    1. establishing more game parks
    2. building good hotels
    3. constructing feeder roads
    4. improving security
  21. A problem that has resulted from industrial development in both Kenya and South Africa is
    1. emission of smoke
    2. decline in growth of towns
    3. reduction of food production
    4. shortage of land
  22. Which one of the following was an achievement of Nelson Mandela?
    1. He was the first African president to retire voluntarily
    2. He founded the military wing of the African National Congress
    3. He founded the Organization of African Unity
    4. He led the Sharpeville demonstration
  23. Which of the following statements correctly describes democracy? Leaders
    1. impose themselves on the people
    2. inherit posts
    3. are elected by people
    4. are nominated by peopleWhich one of the following is the main benefit of maize growing in Kenya?
  24. Kenyans sing the National Anthem in order to
    1. obey the laws of the country
    2. show respect for their country
    3. please their leaders
    4. preserve people's culture
  25. A parliamentary by-election is held in Kenya when a member of parliament is
    1. residing in another constituency
    2. elected as a leader of a political party
    3. arrested by the police
    4. jailed for six months
  26. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is headed by
    1. a chairperson
    2. the president
    3. the Attorney General
    4. the Chief Justice


  1. The book of the Bible that describes the beginning of life is
    1. Leviticus
    2. Exodus
    3. Genesis
    4. Numbers
  2. "Leave your country, your relatives and your father's home and go to a land that I am going to show you" (Genesis 12:1). God said these words to Abraham when he was living in
    1. Haran
    2. Egypt
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur
  3. The parents of Joseph were
    1. Elkanah and Rebecca
    2. Isaac and Rebecca
    3. Elkanah and Peninah
    4. Jacob and Rachel
  4. God called Moses near Mount Sinai to go back to Egypt mainly to
    1. perform miracles in Egypt
    2. lead the Israelites out of Egypt
    3. receive the ten commandments
    4. make a covenant with God
  5. The commandment that teaches Christians to respect other people's property is
    1. 'Do not steal'
    2. 'Do not commit adultery'
    3. 'Do not accuse anyone falsely'
    4. 'Do not commit murder'
  6. The main reason why King Solomon is remembered in Israel is that he
    1. built a palace
    2. built a temple
    3. married many wives
    4. was rich
  7. King Ahab was punished by God because he
    1. had taken Uriah's wife
    2. ordered for the killing of Baal's prophets
    3. captured Jerusalem
    4. had taken Naboth's vineyard
  8. A miracle performed by both Elijah and Elisha was when they
    1. walked on water
    2. healed lepers
    3. raised dead people
    4. healed blind people
  9. Who among the following prophets said that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Micah
    4. Hosea
  10. When angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah,he was?
    1. burning incense
    2. sleeping in the temple
    3. looking after sheep
    4. threshing wheat
  11. The wisemen visited baby Jesus because they wanted to
    1. know where he had been born
    2. report back to Herod
    3. meet his parents
    4. worship him
  12. Angel Gabriel told Mary that the child she would get would be called the Son of the Most High God because he would
    1. deliver people from sin.
    2. be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
    3. be born in Bethlehem
    4. baptize people in River Jordan
  13. In which of the following ways did Jesus show his love for children?
    1. Giving them food
    2. Teaching them
    3. Placing his hands on them
    4. Offering them gifts
  14. Jesus demonstrated the growth of the kingdom of God in the parable of
    1. the mustard seed
    2. the lost son
    3. the friend at midnight
    4. the wheat and tares
  15. The miracle performed by Jesus is the town of Nain was
    1. raising Lazarus
    2. changing water into wine
    3. healing a bleeding woman
    4. raising a widow's son
  16. When Jesus died on the cross, the Roman army officer said that Jesus
    1. was a righteous man
    2. was the king of the Jews
    3. would resurrect
    4. came from Nazareth
  17. Who among the following disciples went to the tomb of Jesus early in the morning?
    1. Thomas
    2. John
    3. Matthew
    4. James
  18. The disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were praying in
    1. Nazareth
    2. Bethany
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Emmaus
  19. A Christian value learnt from the story of Ananias and Sapphira is that they should
    1. sell their property
    2. preach the good news
    3. visit their neighbours
    4. speak the truth
  20. "I have no money at all, but I give you what I have.............." (Acts 3:6). Peter said these words to
    1. a blind beggar
    2. a lame beggar
    3. Simon of Samaria
    4. A Samaritan woman
  21. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faith
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Wisdom
    4. Preaching
  22. The best way to honour God in traditional African Communities is by
    1. reading scriptures
    2. exchanging gifts
    3. offering sacrifices
    4. skipping meals
  23. Newborn babies in traditional African communities are not shown to strangers in order to
    1. give them healthy food
    2. please their parents
    3. remember ancestors
    4. protect them from evil
  24. People in traditional African communties share material things mainly to
    1. show concern for others
    2. please ancestors
    3. show their wealth
    4. avoid disasters
  25. The best way for Christians to care for people who are infected with HIV and AIDS is by
    1. showing them love and care
    2. building homes for them
    3. separating them from healthy people
    4. preaching to them
  26. When you find two of your classmates fighting, the best action to take is
    1. leave them continue fighting
    2. separate and reconcile them
    3. report them to their parents
    4. cheer them up
  27. The best activity for Shadrack to engage in during the school holiday to help the community is
    1. sing in the church choir
    2. play with his friends
    3. fetch water for an old woman
    4. read the Bible
  28. It is important for Christians to work in order to
    1. earn their living
    2. please their leaders
    3. be rewarded
    4. obey the laws of the country
  29. Which one of the following is an element of prayer?
    1. Confession
    2. Fasting
    3. Singing 
    4. Dancing
  30. The first school in Kenya was established by
    1. slave traders
    2. European missionaries
    3. African chiefs
    4. colonizers



  1. According to the Islamic teachings, a number of people will be thrown into hell fire as a result of their
    1. cheating
    2. fear
    3. their tongues
    4. disrespect
  2. According to surah Qadr, the night of power is important because it is when
    1. the Quran was first revealed
    2. the prophet went for Isra-wal-Miraj
    3. the Quran was first compiled into a book form
    4. the prophet made Hijrah
  3. Surah Ikhlas talks about the
    1. origin of Allah
    2.  judgement of Allah
    3. unity of Allah
    4. mercy of Allah
  4. ''Seeking knowledge is a must to every Muslim male and female." This hadith teaches that
    1. knowledge is the foundation of faith
    2. women are responsible for the education of children
    3. Muslims should leave everything so as to search for knowledge
    4. more education should be given to men than women
  5. The surah which describes the events at the day of Qiyamah is
    1. Zilzala
    2. Tiyn
    3. Inshirah
    4. Fatiha
  6. Which one of the following surah is related to the year in which prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. Al - Fiil
    3. Al-Quraish
    4. Al-Maun
  7. Who among the following people opposed the prophet in his first public preaching?
    1. Abu Lahab
    2. Hamza
    3. Abu Jahal
    4. Umar
  8. Which one of the following surah is related to the year in which prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was embarrassed at mount Safa?
    1. Al-Ikhlas
    2. Al-Humaza
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al- Masa
  9. The first prophet at Allah to be circumcised was
    1. Yusuf
    2. Musa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Issa
  10. Who among the following Angels of Allah is correctly matched with the stated duty?
    1. Atid - Recorder at good deeds
    2. Jibril - Angel of rain
    3. Israfeel - Angel of hell
    4. Izrail - Angel of death
  11. Muslims consider the month of Dhul-Hijja as sacred because
    1. Hajj is performed
    2. the prophet migrated to Madinah
    3. Muhammad received prophethood
    4. the battle at Badr was fought
  12. Which one of the following names describes Allah as the most powerful?
    1. Al-Khalaq
    2. Al-Razzak
    3. Al-Qadr
    4. Ar-Rahim
  13. Which one of the following occasions are Muslims forbidden to fast?
    1. During Miladun - Nabii
    2. On Iddul-Fitr day
    3. Or the 1" of Muharram
    4. The day of Ashurah
  14. All prophets of Allah were protected from
    1. sin
    2. persecution
    3. marriage
    4. death
  15. Iddul-Adha is celebrated in the month of
    1. Dhul-Qaada
    2. Rabiul - Awaal
    3. Dhul-Hijjah
    4. Shawaal
  16. Which one of the following is a sign of a hypocrite?
    1. Telling lies when talking
    2. Using abusive language
    3. Ignoring the needs of the poor
    4. Spying on others
  17. What is the purpose of performing Salatul Janazah?
    1. To pray for the relatives of the dead person
    2. To bring the relatives of the dead person together
    3. To ask Allah to forgive the dead person 
    4. To praise the dead
  18. Abdul Karim is performing Salatul - Asr and he has realized that he has made a mistake. The correct action for him to take is to
    1. stop praying and start again
    2. ignore and continue praying
    3. ask Allah for forgiveness
    4. perform sijdatul sahw
  19. The parents of your friend Khalid do not have money for their Iddul-Fitr celebrations. The best way to belp them is by
    1. inviting the family to eat at home
    2. asking your parents to give them some money to spend for their celebrations
    3. sending the family an Idd present
    4. asking your parents to give them work so that they can earn some money
  20. The eating of meat from a dead animal is forbidden in Islam mainly because it
    1. might have diseases and harmful germs
    2. ensures good care of animals
    3. it is against civil laws
    4. it leads to sin
  21. To abstain from sex as a means to protect oneself from HIV and AIDS infection means not to
    1. engage in sex at all
    2. get married
    3. have sex regularly
    4. engage in sex before marriage
  22. Hodan performs Sunnah prayers. Which one of the following prayers has she been praying during day time?
    1. Witr
    2. Taraweh
    3. Tahajud
    4. Dhuha
  23. Which one of the following is the right Islamic business practice?
    1. Hoarding goods
    2. Weighing goods accuratel
    3. Making abnormal profits
    4. Selling miraa
  24. According to teachings of Islam, one of the following sins will not be forgiven by Allah. Which one is it?
    1. Murder
    2. Sin
    3. Stealing 
    4. Shirk
  25. The best jihad is
    1. protecting Islamic places of worship
    2. fighting against evils
    3. winning converts to Islam
    4. building Mosques
  26. Maryarn's husband has died. She should observe eddat for
    1. forty days
    2. four months and four days
    3. four months
    4. four months and ten days
  27. After the defeat at Badr, the Quraish wanted
    1. sign a peace treaty with Muslims
    2. remove idols from the Kaabah
    3. take revenge for the defeat
    4. convert to Muslims
  28. How many years did Angel Jibril take to reveal the Quran to prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. 63
    2. 23
    3. 25
    4. 40
  29. The word Najasat means?
    1. Pure
    2. impurity
    3. cleanliness
    4. saum
  30. In Islam, circumcision is done to
    1. women
    2. both girls and boys
    3. boys and men
    4. oId men and women 


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
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  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. D
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. A
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  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. B
  44. C
  45. D
  46. A
  47. A
  48. B
  49. B
  50. C
  51. D
  52. A
  53. B
  54. D
  55. A
  56. B
  57. C
  58. B
  59. D
  60. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C

  1. Which among the following teeth related problem is prevented by eating a balanced diet?
    1. Tooth cavity
    2. Tooth decay
    3. Dental plaque
    4. Bleeding gum
  2. The amniotic fluid in the foetal development process carries out the
    following functions except
    1. keeps the foetus warm
    2. prevents the foetus from shock
    3. allows free turning of the foetus
    4. prevents the mother's blood and foetus blood from mixing

      Study the diagram below and answer the question that fo
  3. Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood and deoxygeneted blood
    1. W and Y
    2. Z and X
    3. W and X
    4. Z and Y
  4. A 30cm plastic ruler will float on water while a 30cm metallic ruler will sink in water. This is due to difference in their
    1. size
    2. shape
    3. material
    4. weight
  5. The best method of controlling livestock parasites that can control both mite and tapeworms is
    1. dipping
    2. dosing
    3. rotational grazing
    4. deworming
  6. Which among the following sexually transmitted infections is wrongly matched with its cause?
    1. Gonorrhoea − Bacterium
    2. Syphillis − Bacterium
    3. Chancroid − virus
    4. HIV and AIDS − virus
  7. The diagram below shows a method of preserving milk.
    The method above preserves food by
    1. keeping off bacteria
    2. dehydrating food
    3. keeping off air
    4.  making bacteria inactive
  8. The following are characteristics of a certain weed.
    1. Has fibrous roots
    2. Produces blue flowers
    3. Spreads on the ground
    4. Weak soft stems
      The weed described above is likely to be
      1. Black jack
      2. Wandering jew
      3. Sodom apple
      4. Mexican marigold
  9. Which one of the following animals is wrongly matched with the product it provides?
    1. Sheep - mutton
    2. Goat - wool
    3. Cattle - milk
    4. Pig - pork
  10. One of the following groups is made of beverage crops only. Which one?
    1. Coffee, simsim, flax
    2. Carrot, cocoa, coffee
    3. Coffee, Tea, Cocoa
    4. Barley, cotton, palm
  11. A child with wasted muscles, alert eyes and cries often is likely to be suffering from a deficiency disease called
    1. kwashiorkor
    2. anaemia
    3. marasmus
    4. rickets
  12. Which one of the following shows the correct path followed by urine as it moves out of the body?
    1. Kidney→ ureter→bladder → urethra
    2. Bladder→ kidney →ureter → urethra
    3. Kidney→ urethra→ bladder →→→ ureter
    4. Urethra→ bladder→ ureter → kidney
  13. The diagram below shows a type of root system in plants.
    Which plant below has the above type of root system?
    1. Onion
    2. Maize
    3. Mango
    4. Coconut
  14. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain disease
    1. Diarrhoea
    2. Headache 
    3. Fever
    4. Pain in joints
      The disease with the above symptoms is likely to be
      1. Bilharzia
      2. Malaria
      3. Typhoid
      4. Tuberculosis
  15. Which among the following drugs when abused will cause vomiting, breathing problems and brain damage?
    1. Mandrax
    2. Cobbler's glue
    3. Miraa
    4. Bhang
  16. Which methods of separating mixture can be used to separate a mixture of sand, salt and iron filings?
    1. Dissolving, filtering, evaporation
    2. Use of a magnet, dissolving, filtering, evaporation
    3. Use of a magnet, filtering, evaporation
    4. Winnowing, dissolving, filtering, evaporationThe diagram below shows a weather
  17. All the following sources of energy are renewable except one. Which one is it?
    1. Firewood
    2. Natural gas
    3. Biogas
    4. Charcoal
  18. Which one of the following is a source of heat?
    1. Glowworm
    2. Moon
    3. Firefly
    4. Star
  19. The diagram below shows a weather insrument.
    Which statement is untrue about the weather instrument above?
    1. Shows where the wind is blowing from
    2. Tail end is twice as heavier than arrow head
    3. Uses the principle of air in motion
    4. The head and the tail is made up of manilla
  20. In a certain investigation on sound energy, a bell rang, and one pupil whistled as others listened. Which property of sound was investigated?
    1. Types of sound
    2. Special sound
    3. Sound pollution
    4. Direction of sound
  21. Which are the two living components of the environment?
    1. Air and water
    2. Soil and heat
    3. Liquid and sound
    4. Plants and animals
  22. Bilharzia worms mainly attack which parts of the body?
    1. Bladder and intestines
    2. Stomach
    3. Large intestines
    4. Bladder and stomach 
  23. Which among the following animals is wrongly matched with its mode of movement
    1. Cricket - flying
    2. Snail - gliding
    3. Duck - swimming
    4. Snake - slithering
  24. The diagram below shows a set-up used by class 7 learners
    Which material cannot be put in gap labelled AB to make the circuit complete?\
    1. Razor blade
    2. Plastic ruler
    3. Office pin
    4. Wet piece of wood
  25. Which of the following is not an interdependence between plants and animals?
    1. Plants getting nutrients from animals
    2. Animals depending on plants for pollination
    3. Plants depending on animals for carbon dioxide
    4. Animals depending on plants for shelter
  26. Which among the following concentrates is not correctly matched with its nutrients?
    Concentrate                      Nutrients
    1. Sunflower seeds         Minerals
    2. Fish meal                    Oil
    3. Salt licks                     Minerals
    4. Bone meal                  Mineral
  27. Which of the following is the best advantage of breast milk to an infant?
    1. It is not allergic
    2. It is easier to digest
    3. Allows mother and child to bond
    4. It boosts the infant's immunity
  28. Which of the following pairs of plants store their foods in their leaves?
    1. Carrots and potatoes
    2. Cabbage and onions
    3. Kales and carrots
    4. Potatoes and yams
  29. Which vaccine is administered to infants the first time at the age of 6 weeks?
    1. DPT
    2. Polio vaccine
    3. BCG vaccine
    4. Yellow fever vaccine
  30. The diagram below shows a simple machine
    The above machine can be used to measure all the following except?
    1. friction
    2. mass
    3. weight
    4. gravitational pull
  31. One of the following soil conversation measures conserves soil the same way as planting cover crop. Which one is it?
    1. Contour farming
    2. Mulching
    3. Terracing
    4. Gabbions
  32. Which one of the following are corretly matched
       Magnetic                      Non-magnetic
    1. Copper                            Steel
    2. Steel                             Aluminium
    3. Aluminium                      Cobalt
    4. Zinc                                Copper
  33. A grade five boy is sitting beside a fire source. Heat reaches his feet through:-
    1. radiation
    2. conduction
    3. convection
    4. convection and conduction
  34. Which of the following does not produce digestive juice?
    1. Oesophagus
    2. Small intestines
    3. Mouth
    4. Stomach
  35. The diagram below represents an improved jiko.
    The above jiko is an example of
    1. source of light
    2. energy efficient device
    3. source of renewable energy
    4. way of using energy sparingly
  36. Which mixture below can be separated by decanting?
    1. Sand and water
    2. Water and salt
    3. Iron filings and sand
    4. Maize and beans
  37. The energy transformation in a radio using cells as source of energy is
    1. Chemical → Electrical → magnetic → kinectic → sound
    2. Electric → magnetic → kinetic → sound
    3. Chemical → Electrical → heat → light
    4. Chemical → Electrical → sound → magnetic
  38. Which one is not correct about redblood cells?
    1. Have a disc shape
    2. Contain haemoglobin
    3. Are smaller than white cells
    4. Fight disease causing germs
  39. Which one of the following pollutant corrodes corrugated iron sheets?
    1. Tobacco smoking
    2. Spraying farm chemical
    3. Aerosol sprays
    4. Industrial waste gased
  40. Which one of the following substances has a definite mass only?
    1. Cooking fat
    2. Tooth paste
    3. Water
    4. Water vapour
  41. Which one of the following does not show a way for caring and supporting people living with HIV and AIDS?
    1. Love and care
    2. Adequate nutrition
    3. Hygiene
    4. Withdrawal
  42. The diagram below shows a simple machine
    Which machine when used to make work easier works the same as above?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Single fixed pulley
    3. Crowbar
    4. Staircase
  43. Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of hard water?
    1. Contains mineral salts
    2. Forms scales on utensils
    3. Discolours clothes
    4. Does not lather easily
  44. Which one is not a function of fibre in the diet?
    1. Helps in digestion
    2. Empties the bowel
    3. Prevents constipation
    4. Helps in the movement
  45. Which one of the following is not found in the dermis?
    1. Blood capillaries
    2. Sweat pore
    3. Sweat gland
    4. Fatty tissues
  46. Which one of the following is not a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Loss of weight
    2. Rough coat
    3. Coughing
    4. Low yields
  47. Below are advantages of manures. Which one is not?
    1. Contain specific nutrients
    2. Cheap to make
    3. Bind soil particles together
    4. Improve water holding capacity
  48. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere occupies a percentage of?
    1. 0.03%
    2. 21%
    3. 0.97%
    4. 78%
  49. Which crop pest attacks seedlings?
    1. Stalk borers
    2. Cut worms
    3. Weevils
    4. Aphids
  50. Nectar feeders have
    1. short, strong beaks
    2. short, curved beaks
    3. serrated beaks
    4. long, slender beaks


  1. D
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. D
  22. A
  23. A
  24. B
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. A
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. D
  40. D
  41. D
  42. D
  43. A
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. A
  48. A
  49. A
  50. D

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