Displaying items by tag: Class 8

  1. Which one of the following takes place during breathing in?
    1. Lungs contract
    2. Diaphragm flattens
    3. Ribs move downwards
    4. Diaphragm become dome-shaped
  2. Below is a cross-section of a certain excretory organ.
    The correct names for the parts marked E, F, G and H respectively are
    1. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
    2. kidney, urethra, bladder, ureter
    3. bladder, ureter, kidney, urethra
    4. bladder, urethra, kidney, ureter
  3. Which pair of diseases below can be prevented by administering DPT?
    1. Cholera and diphtheria
    2. Tuberculosis and diphtheria
    3. Whooping cough and tetanus
    4. Polio and yellow fever
  4. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Rape
    2. Withdrawal
    3. Hallucination
    4. Fits
  5. The following materials can be used to construct a certain weather instrument:
    1. Stiff polythene
    2. A wooden pole
    3. String
    4. Glue
      The weather instrument likley to be constructed is
      1. air thermometer
      2. windvane
      3. windsock
      4. raingauge
  6. Three of the following are ways of reducing the force that opposes motion. Which one is not?
    1. Lubrication
    2. Streamlining bodies
    3. Plaining surfaces
    4. Applying treads
  7. The first and second planets respectively from the earth are
    1. Mars and Jupiter
    2. Mercury and Venus
    3. Mercury and Earth
    4. Mars and Saturn
  8. In the food chain below which animal can best fit at the place marked Z?
    Grass → Antelope → Z→ Bacteria
    1. Leopard
    2. Hippopotamus
    3. Elephant
    4. Chimpanzee
  9. The most appropriate way of managing plastic and glass materials is by
    1. re-using
    2. recycling
    3. burning them
    4. burying them
  10. Brian a Science teacher, set-up the experiment represented below.
    Which component of soil was the teacher investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Living organism
    3. Humus
    4. Air
  11. During a thunderstorm, pupils from Neema Academy were observed:
    1. Playing on the footbal pitch
    2. Lying on the floor in the classroom
    3. Wearing red sweaters in a classroom
    4. Sheltering under the verandah
      In which pair of observations are the pupils most likely to be struck by lightning?
      1. i and iv
      2.  ii and iv
      3. i and iii
      4. ii and iii
  12. Which one of the following shows a pair of sources of electricity?
    1. Bicycle dynamo and car battery
    2. Water turbines and the sun
    3. Dry cells and wind turbines
    4. Torch cells and car battery
  13. The following are methods of controlling livestock parasites. Which one controls both internal and external parasites?
    1. Rotational grazing
    2. Spraying
    3. Deworming
    4. Drenching
  14. All the following are methods of grazing. Which one is not?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Rotational grazing
    3. Herding
    4. Stall feeding
  15. Mikah a standard seven pupil from Viscot Primary School mixed some pieces of chromium, salt and sand. Which one of the following processes of separation did he apply first?
    1. Filtration
    2. Use of magnet
    3. Hand picking
    4. Evaporation to dryness
  16. The following are adaptation of plants growing in the dry areas. Which one is not?
    1. Succulent stem
    2. Deep roots
    3. Few stomata
    4. Flexible stems
  17. The following are characteristics of a certain animal:
    1. It breathes through the lungs
    2. Its body temperature varies
    3. It has a moistened body
    4. It has external fertilisation
      The animal described above is most likely to be
      1. gecko
      2. turtle
      3. newt
      4. trout
  18. The following activities will pollute water except
    1. oil spillage on water
    2.  Excess usage of fertilizers on land
    3. Fumes from the factory chimney
    4. Untreated sewages towards rivers
  19. Which one of the following materials will not form a shadow when light is shown on it?
    1. White paper
    2. Mirror
    3. Glass of lamp
    4. A piece of wood

The diagram below represents a female reproductive system.

  1. Which one of the parts labelled A, B, C and D is not correctly matched to its function?
     Part              Function 
     A  Facilitates fertilization
     B  Nourishment of the baby
     C  Allows sperm deposits
     D  Ovulation
  2. The third stage of HIV infection is known as
    1. incubation
    2. symptomatic
    3. asymptomatic
    4. window
  3. Which one of the following diseases can be prevented by draining stagnant water around homestead?
    1. Malaria
    2. Cholera
    3. Typhoid
    4. Tuberculosis
  4. Which one of the following groups consists only of foods that will help prevent kwashiorkor?
    1. Bread, cowpeas, green grams
    2. Cabbage, eggs, rice
    3. Fish, eggs, beans
    4. Maize, beans, spinach
  5. A certain lever when in use can work with load, efort and fulcrum at different positions. The lever is likely to be
    1. crowbar
    2. claw hammer
    3. wheelbarrow
    4. spade
  6. Which one of the following is true about whale? It has
    1. scales
    2. gills
    3. varying body temperature
    4. constant body temperature
  7. Some pupils mixed liquids E, F and G. Liquid E mixed with liquid F. Liquid G did not with liquid E and F. Which one of the following correctly represents liquids E, F and G respectively
      E F G
    Water Cooking fat  Fat 
    Cooking oil Water  Milk 
    C Water Milk  Cooking oil 
    D Milk Cooking oil  Water 
  1. The following are effects of HIV and AIDS:
    1. Low esteem
    2. Loss of earning
    3. Poor health services
    4. School drop outs
    5. Sickness
      Which pair of the above effects affects the nation?
      1. v, ii
      2. i, iii
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, iii
  2. Which one of the following media is the most effective method of educating the masses about HIV and AIDS?
    A. Newspaper
    B. Television.
    C. Radio
    D. Video
  3. The pie chart below shows properties of gases G, H, J and K that represent the components of air.
    Which of the following are uses of gases G and J respectively?
    1. Breathing and making electric tubes
    2. Germination and making plant food
    3. Putting out fire and making plant protein
    4. Preserving soft drinks and burning
  4. Which of the following components of the environment comprise of the major ones only?
    1. Soil, plants, buildings
    2. Animals, water, air
    3. Rocks, animals, soil
    4. Water, air, heat
  5. The soil that makes the longest ribbon
    1. has fine texture
    2. has large air spaces
    3. dries fastest
    4. has the best drainage system
  6. Which crop below is correctly classified in the chart?
    1. Rice
    2. Cocoa
    3. Barley
    4. Wheat
  7. Below are uses of water in the farm. Which one is not?
    1. Irrigation
    2. Mixing chemicals
    3. Fountain
    4. Watering animals
  8. The following are activities carried out when compairing drainage in different soils:
    1. Put equal amounts of the three types of soil in funnels
    2. Pour equal amounts of water into the soils at the same time
    3. Place the funnels in the mouths of the three bottles
    4. Cut off the upper parts of the three bottles to make funnels
    5. Put equal amount of cotton wool in each funnel
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. iv, i, v, iii, ii
      2. iii, i, iv, i, v
      3. i, iv, iii, v, ii
      4. iv, iii, v, i, ii
  9. Which one of the following consists of a balanced diet for farm animals?
    1. Fish meal, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds, legumes
    2. Banana stem, green fodder, fruits,succulents
    3. Fish meal, mollasses, cotton seed,fruits
    4. Honey, mollasses, maize germ, rice husks
  10. Standard six pupils made the set-up below.
    Which one of the following germination conditions were they investigating?
    1. Water
    2. Air 
    3. Warmth
    4. Temperature 
  11. Which one of the following is a useful way of using moving air?
    1. Wind milling
    2. Blowing soil away
    3. Tree falling
    4. Blowing roof tops away
  12. Which one of the following is mainly a measure when using simple tools?
    1. Cleaning after use
    2. Sharpening cutting tools
    3. Repairing tools
    4. Proper storage
  13. The following are sources of heat except
    1. sun
    2. translucent roofs
    3. electricity
    4. gas
  14. Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched?
       Wild Useful   Harmful
     Ostrich  Dog  Tick
    B  Hare  Cattle  Tick
    C  Dog  Hare  Flea
    D  Fish  Goat  Termite
  15. The diagram below represents a marble placed on a board. When pulled suddenly, the marble will fall at

    1. Q
    2. O
    3. R
    4. P
  16. Which one of the following statements is correct about nimbus clouds?
    1. White in colour
    2. Bundles of cotton like appearance
    3. Occur low in the sky
    4. Have a flat base
  17. Birds which feed on grains have
    1. strong, short and straight beaks
    2. strong, short and curved beaks
    3. strong, short and broad baks
    4. long, sharp and pointed beaks
  18. A card with the wood TEACHER written on it was placed in front of a mirror. Which one of the following correctly represents how the word appeared on the mirror?
    1. ЯЯНОАНІ
    2. TEACHER
    3. ТЯАЗНАЯ
    4. ЯННОАЯТ
  19. Which one of the following physical signs of adolescence are correctly matched?
      Boys  Girls 
     Pimples appearance  Hair growth under armpits
    B  Mensturation flow  Beards grow
    C  Weight increase  Wet dreams
    D  Deep voice  Broading of shoulders
  20. Which pair of materials below are magnetic?
    1. Steel and alnico
    2. Silver and iron
    3. Cobalt and zinc
    4. Chronium and aluminium

  21. Which one of the following materials works in the same way as frosted glass?
    1. Air
    2. Mirror
    3. Clear water
    4. Oiled paper
  22. Which one of the following statements is correct about the blood component shown below?
    1. It helps in blood clotting
    2. It fights disease causing germs in the body
    3. It carries haemoglobin
    4.  It transports heat all over the body
  23. Which one of the following is not an effect of force?
    1. Moving objects
    2. Stopping objects
    3. Changing the states of matter
    4. Destroying objects
  24. Which one of the following is not a change of state?
    1. Freezing of water to ice
    2. Melting of ice to water
    3. Boiling water to steam
    4. Crushing of a stone to form powder


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. C
  36. B
  37. A
  38. A
  39. B
  40. B
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. A
  46. A
  47. D
  48. C
  49. C
  50. D

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi, chagua jibu sahihi kati ya yale manne uliyopewa.

    Yena__1___kofia aina ya__2___kichwani: Jasho lilikuwa likimtiririka tiriri kwa kuwa kulikuwa na joto__4___mno. Alimwangalia__5___ yake na kushindwa la kufanya. Ajali hiyo ilimwacha mwenzake bila___6__ mmoja. Alipoona watu walimtania na kumbandika jina "kikono." Kutoka siku aliyoipata ajali, rafiki_____ Yona hakuendesha pikipiki tena. Alipowaona vijana wakiendesha pikipiki kwa__8___ aliwaonea__9___ na alipopata nafasi, aliwashauri kuwa haraka haraka haina baraka.

   A B C
 1  alivaa   alifua   alivua   alifaa 
 2  kikuba   kikoi   joho   chepeo 
 3  pake   mwake   yake   kwake 
 4  nyingi   jingi   mingi   kingi 
 5  sahibu   mwendani   hasimu   msena
 6  mwili   mguu   sikio   mkono 
 7     ya       wa    la    cha
 8  mbio   haraka   polepole   kasi
 9  mayo   wivu   huruma   kinyama


   Kiongozi___10___alizifuja pesa____11__ za umma na kujenga___12____kubwa ambacho kiliuzwa vinywaji vya aina mbalimbali.__13___ walikasirika na kugoma. Aliliwa___14__ na kupelekwa___15___ ambako alikaa kwa saa kumi. Siku iliyofuata alipelekwa mahakamani.

   A  C  D
 10  shupavu  mihiri   katili   mwadilifu
 11  lote  wote   yote   zote 
 12  baa  mkahawa   klabu   hoteli 
 13  Waliomwajiri  Waliomchagua   Waliochaguliwa   Aliowapenda 
 14  mbaroni  pengu   shime   ufunguo 
 15  kortini  jalani  rumande  korokoroni


Kutoka nambari 16 hadi 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua wingi wa;
    Uwanja wangu una nyasi ndefu.
    1. Nyanja zangu zina nyasi ndefu.
    2. Nyanja zetu zina nyasi ndefu.
    3. Uwanja wetu una nyasi ndefu.
    4. Uwanja wetu una unyasi mrefu.
  2. Chagua jina ambalo ni tofauti na mengine.
    1. Nasaba
    2. Jamaa
    3. Mbari
    4. Nikahi
  3. Uadilifu, wema, ubora ni aina gani ya nomino?
    1. Nomino za wingi
    2. Nomino za dhahania
    3. Nomino za makundi
    4. Nomino za kuhesabika
  4. Chagua kielezi ambacho hakijaambatanishwa vyema na aina yake.
    1. Mwakani - wakati
    2. Haraka - namna
    3. Kidogo - jinsi
    4. Mara mbili - idadi
  5. Je, jina mede huwa katika ngeli gani?
    1. I-ZI
    2. U-YA
    3. A-WA.
    4. I-I
  6. Mimi ni kifaa cha mkulima. Kazi yangu ni kutandaza mchanga au mbolea. Wakati mwingine mimi hukusanya takataka. Mimi ni nani?
    1. Beleshi
    2. Reki
    3. Jembe
    4. Mundu
  7. Kamilisha takanali hii ya sauti. Yeye alifunga mzigo wake
    1. mwaa
    2. nga
    3. ji
    4. ndi
  8. Tambua umbo hiii.

    1. Mistari sulub
    2. Mistari sambamba
    3. Mistari mshazari
    4. Mitari butu
  9. Ni sentensi gani inayoonyesha majuto?
    1. Ningalifanya bidii ningalifaulu maishani
    2. Ningekuwa na hela ningenunua kalamu
    3. Nisingefuata ushauri wake nisingefaulu
    4. Nikifuata mawaidha nitafua dafu maishani
  10. Ugonjwa unaofanya mgonjwa kukoja damu huitwaje?
    1. Kaswende
    2. Upele
    3. Safura
    4. Kichocho
  11. Tegua kitendawili hiki:
    Chaenda mbali lakini hakiondoki.
    1. macho
    2. jua
    3. njia
    4. mto
  12. Ni mdudu yupi ambaye hafyonzi damu?
    1. Bunzi
    2. Kiroboto
    3. Chawa
    4. Mbu
  13. Ni sentensi gani inaonyesha ngeli ya KU-KU?
    1. Chumbani inle mlikuwa na kukurukakara
    2. Kule jehanamu kutakuwa na mateso tele
    3. Shuleni petu kuna madaraka mengi sana
    4. Kucheza kwake kuliwafurahisha mashabiki
  14. Ng'ombe hurarama lakini chui
    1. huluza
    2. huvuma
    3. hunguruma
    4. hukorokocha
  15. Neno dunia lina sauti ngapi?
    1. Tano
    2. Tatu
    3. Mbili
    4. Nne

Soma habari ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 31 hadi 40.

Vitabu vyote vitakatifu vinatufunza tuwe waaminifu na tusithubutu kamwe kuzungumza uongo kwani mambo ya uongo hayadumu. Nadhani ni kwa sababu hii wahenga wakaeleza kuwa njia ya mwongo ni fupi. Mzee siambiwi alitanabahi kuwa uongo haufai baada ya kuona mambo yamemzonga kama chafu anavyomzonga mbuzi.

Kijiji cha Maganya kiliangukiwa na nyota ya jaha kubwa baada ya wafadhili kujenga chuo cha mafunzo ya watoto yatima na shule. Kila mtu aliyekuwa na watoto yatima alitakiwa kwenda kuwasajili chuoni. Hapo wangesomeshwa mafunzo ya kawaida pamoja na kufunzwa taaluma za ufundi wa kila fani. Kulikuwa na kazi za uashi. Uhadisi, taaluma ya tarakilishi mingoni mwa kazi nyingine. Nafasi zilikuwa wazi kwa mtoto yeyote nchini muradi awe yatima na kufiwa na mzazi mmoja au wote wawili. Vilevile kulikuwa na sehemu ya walemavu wa aina zote katika chuo hicho. Hawa nao walikuwa na rabiba yao ya masomo kulingana na uwezo waliokuwa nao.

Mzee Siambiwi, aliyekuwa mtu bahili na mwenye kupenda kuyakwepa majukumu yake ya malezi alipiga bango vile angefaidika kwa fursa hiyo. Siku moja asubuhi Siambiwi alimwita mkewe na kumketisha kitako. "Sharti nimpeleke kitindamimba wetu nasari ya yatima." Siambiwi alimwambia mkewe huku macho ameyatoa ungedhani ni ya bundi.

Mkewe alikiona hicho kama kioja kikubwa kwani wote walikuwa hawajakata kamba, isitoshe mumewe alijiweza kifedha. Ubishi mkubwa ulizuka. Mzee Siambiwi alisisitiza kuwa kutompeleka mwanawe . asome hapo bure ni sawa na mtu mpumbavu ambaye huacha jua lichomoze ashindwe kuliota kisha alitafute waka wa jioni.

Majadiliano yakakomea hapo kama sentensi iliyowekwa kikomo. Majonzi hayo yalimchoma sana mama inoyoni hadi akapata maradhi ya shinikizo la damu yaliyompeleka jongomeo, bila nauli wala matwana. Asubuhi ya majogoo Mzee Siambiwi na mkembe wake mikononi alikuwa kwenye lango la nasuri ya yatima. Alipokelewa kwa heshima kubwa na bawabu na kuelekezwa alikostahili kwenda huko alimwandikisha mtoto kwa mwalimu mkuu kuwa yeye alimwokota njiani na hivyo ni msamaria mwema. Mtoto alipokelewa na kupewa yaya wa watoto wadogo.
Miaka ilipeperuka ungedhani imepachikwa mbawa. Kitimtim alikua na kuwa mkubwa. Inasomekana alikuwa na bongo la sumaku. Aliongoza kwenye mitihani yake yote hadi akaingia chuo kikuu. Huko alifuzu na kupata kazi ya uhandisi. Alikuwa mhandisi mkuu nchini. Siambiwi wakati huo pesa zilikuwa zimemwishia na kubaki maskini hohehahe.

Siku moja alifunga safari kwenda jijini kumtafuta mwanawe ili akamwombe usaidizi na pia amweleze kuwa yeye ni mzazi wake. Kitimtim alishangaa kukiona kizee kilichodai kuwa mzazi wake kikimlilia machozi kupukupu. Alifahamu tangu utotoni mwake kuwa yatima. Siambiwi alidinda kutoka ofisini na ikabidi polisi waitwe kumtoa nje. Alimshika koti mwanawe na kukatalia kumwachia. Palizuka kizaazaa patashika. Uchunguzi wa kitaalamu wa hospitali na ushahidi ulitolewa. Mzee Siambiwi akawa na bahati kama mtende.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza ni bayana kuwa
    1. njia ya mwongo huwa ndefu
    2. uongo humletea mtu mambo
    3. mbuzi huzongwa kwa uongo wake
    4. kuna vitabu ambavyo huenzi uongo
  2. Bahati iliyowapata wanakijiji ni gani?
    1. Waliangukiwa na nyota za angani
    2. Walifundishiwa watoto bure bilashi
    3. Walijengewa vyuo vya ufundi
    4. Walipata watu wakusaidia viokote
  3. Waliofaa kujiandikisha chuoni
    1. walikuwa wamepewa barua za mwaliko
    2. walikuwa na watoto wengi
    3. walihitaji msaada wa wafadhili
    4. walitaka kupewa elimu nzuri
  4. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na uhandisi ni
    1. uinjinia
    2. uhesi
    3. uhasibu
    4. usanii
  5. Chuo hiki cha ufadhili hakikubagua kwa kuwa
    1. kiliwaalika watoto wote wa kijiji
    2. kiliwapa wazazi wote nafasi sawa
    3. kiliwasaidia mayatima na walemavu
    4. kiliwapa mafunzo ya aina mbalimbali
  6. Unafikiri ni kwa nini ratiba nyingine huwa na tofauti?
    1. Vyuo hufunza kozi tofauti
    2. Uwezo wa wanafunzi hutofautiana
    3. Huwa mayatima na wengine wamelemaa
    4. Ulezi wa watoto wote si sawa
  7. Mkewe Siambiwi alienda jongomeo kwa kuwa
    1. mumewe alitaka aoge
    2. mwanawe alienda shule ya yatima
    3. aliugua ugonjwa uliomweza
    4. alilipa nauli ya kwenda jongomeo
  8. Siambiwi ni jina linalolingana na tabia ya mzee huyu. Mbinu hii huitwaje?
    1. Majuzi
    2. Lakabu
    3. Kupanga
    4. Somo
  9. Kitimtim alikuwa mtoto mwerevu kwa kuwa
    1. alimkana babaye ambaye alimtekeleza
    2. alipewa kazi pamoja na ofisi kubwa
    3. alielewa mambo haraka na akawa fundi
    4. alimsaidia babaye na wanakijiji pia
  10. Kulingana na kifungu hiki ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. Kitimtim alihitaji kusaidiwa ili asome
    2. mamaye Kitimtim alikuwa na pesa nyingi
    3. chuo hicho kilijua Kitimtim ana wazazi
    4. Babaye Kitimtim alikuwa mtu mchoyo sana

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50

Je, umewahi kutafakari kuhusu namna wanafunzi wengi, ukiwemo miongoni mwao, wanavyosafiri kwenda shuleni? Yumkini jibu lako kwa swali hili litadhihirisha kwamba asilimia kubwa hutembea kwenda shuleni, wengine hutumia baiskeli, magari ya umma na ya kibinafsi, pikipiki na gari mosi. Bila shaka aina ya usafiri hutofautiana kulingana na uwezo wa kiuchumi na umbali baina ya mwanafunzi na shule yake.

Kila aina ya usafiri ina changamoto maalum. Mathalani ikiwa umezungumza na wenzako ambao hutembea kwenda shuleni, haikosi wamekueleza dhiki wanazokumbana nazo. Licha ya safari za aina hii kuwachosha wanafunzi, ni wazi kuwa wanafunzi wengine hata hukosa masomo kwa sababu ya kutopitika kwa njia wakati wa mvua nyingi.

Pengine hata wewe umewahi kujipata katika njia panda baada ya daraja unalovukia kusombwa na maji ya mto uliofurika. Isitoshe, watembeao huweza kuathirika kiafya wakati wa kipupwe. Baridi huweza kuwasababishia pumu au hata kichomi. Wengine huwa katika hatari ya kuteleza kwenye njia zenye matope na kuvunjika viungo vya mwili. Hawa pia wamo katika hatari zaidi ya kutekwa nyara na hata kunyanyaswa kimapenzi.

Wanafunzi wengine huwahusudu wale ambao husafiri shuleni, ama kweli gari la sule, au la kibinafsi. Wakiulizwa kuhusu kiini cha husuda hii, wanasema kwamba wenzao hawa hawachoki kwani magari haya yanawachukua kutoka mlangoni mwa nyumba zao. Hata hivyo ukichunguza vyema utapata kwamba hata hawa wana matatizo sugu. Kwa vile magari ya shule huwabeba wanafunzi kutoka sehemu mbalimbali, magari haya hayana budi kuanza safari mapema. Hii huwalazimu wanafunzi nao kuamka alfajiri na mapema ili kuyawahi magari haya. Matokeo ni kwamba wanafunzi wengi hawadiriki kulala usingizi wa kutosha. Kuna wale ambao hulala saa nne usiku baada ya kukamilisha kazi za darasani, kisha wanaraushwa saa kumi ili kijitayarisha basi la sa kumi na moja. Wanafunzi wa aina hii hukumbwa na uchovu, na bila shaka husinzia darasani.
Isitoshe, wanafunzi wanaotumia usafiri wa umma hulalamikia msongamano wa magari ambao unawafanya kukawia njiani, na hata kupewa adhabu kwa kuchelewa kufika shuleni. Wengine hata hukataliwa na magari ya abiria, eti wanalipa fedha kidogo na kuwasababishia wenye magari hasara. Wanafunzi hawa huaibika na kulazimika kutembea hadi shuleni. Hali kadhalika magari ya umma humpa mwanafunzii mazingira ya kujifunzia tabia mzuri na mbaya. Pamoja na wanafunzi hawa hupata fursa ya kutengamana na wenzao kutoka shule nyingine, wao pia huweza kuathiriwa vibaya na hulka za wasafiri wengine. Kuna wale ambao huiga lugha, mitindo ya mavazi, namna ya kutembea na hata mienendo mingine ya madereva na utingo. Wengine huishia kuwa waraibu sugu wa vileo kutokana na vielezo wanavyopata kwenye magari haya. Muziki, picha na video na mazungumzo kupitia vyombo vya habari vilivyo kwenye magari haya huchangia kuzorotesha tabia ya wanafunzi. Hii ni kwa sababu baadhi ya maswala yanayozungumziwa ni ya aibu na hayapaswi kusikilizwa na watu wa umri mbichi.

Nihahiri kwamba kila aina ya usafiri ina athari zake. Hata hivyo, baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa. Usafiri unaitajika katika kufanikisha masomo ya wanafunzi na katika uchukuzi wa bidhaa na vifaa mbalimbali ambavyo wanahitaji shuleni. Ni jukumu la kila mwanajamii kuhakikisha kwamba mikakati ifaayo imewekwa ili kukinga dhidi ya madhara yanayoandahana na kila aina ya usafiri. Wanafunzi nao wakae ange kutambua watu ambao huenda wakatosa katika maovu. Wachujo ya kuiga na ya kukataa.

  1. Ni bayana kuwa usafiri wa wanafunzi
    1. hauna changamoto nyingi
    2. huwa sawa kulingana na mwandishi
    3. huwa rahisi kwa wanaotembea
    4. hutegemea uchumi na umbali
  2. Kulingana na mwandishi ni wazi kuwa kila aina ya usafiri
    1. huwa na changamoto ambazo ni nzuri
    2. humtatiza mwanafunzi kwa njia fulani
    3. humtunza mwanafunzi na kumfanya bora
    4. huweza kumnoa mwanafunzi kimaadili
  3. Wanafunzi hasa wanaotembea huathirika vipi kulingana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Kutekwa nyara na kusikiliza nyimbo mbaya
    2. Kunyanyaswa kimapenzi na wanafunzi wenzao
    3. Kupatwa na magonjwa yanayolewa na baridi
    4. Kutazama runinga na kuvunjika viungo
  4. Ni nini maana ya huwahusudu kulingana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Huponda kwa sababu fulani
    2. Huhimizwa kwa sababu fulani
    3. Huchukia kwa hali fulani
    4. Huvuliwa na starehe fulani
  5. Kulingana na aya ya pili, mwanafunzi huchanganyikiwa iwapo
    1. njia ni mbili na hajui ya kupitia
    2. wachoka na kusombwa na maji
    3. njia anayotumia haipitiki hata kidogo
    4. kuna baridi kali na watekanyara
  6. Ni kauli gani sahihi kulinana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Wanafunzi huraushwa mapema ili wasichelewe .
    2. Wanafunzi wote wanazo changamoto zinzaofanana
    3. Wanafunzi wengi huchoka na hufeli mtihani
    4. Wanaosafiri kwa magari wana starehe sana
  7. Tabia za mwanafunzi zinaweza kuathiriwa na nini?
    1. Madereva wa magari ambao huwa wema
    2. Aina ya usafiri na wanaosoma nao
    3. Wasafiri na mitandao anayoitumia mwanafunzi
    4. Mazingira na watu anaotangamana nao
  8. Kuchelewa kwa mwanafunzi anayesafiri kwa magari ya umma husababishwa na nini?
    1. Madereva na utingo husukisha watu kila stani
    2. Kukaa sana njiani kwa sababu ya msongamano
    3. Kupewa adhabu ya kuchelewa na walimu shuleni
    4. Kukataa kuwabeba wanafunzi na kuwabeba abiria wengine
  9. Hata hivyo, baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa. Kauli hii inamaanisha
    1. mtu ambaye huwa mbaya huwa mwema siku moja
    2. Usafiri ni mbaya lakini hutufanya watu wema
    3. Tunafaa kuenzi usafiri wa miguu tusipatwe na maafa
    4. Hata kitu kikiwa na madhara, kina umuhimu wake
  10. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho, mwandishi ana mtazamo upi?
    1. Jamii yote yafaa kuona madhara ya usafiri
    2. Tunafaa kuweka mikakati itakayotufaidi safarini
    3. Kusoma kutaimarika tukiimarisha usafiri wetu
    4. Wanafunzi wanafaa kujichagulia namna ya usafiri


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha yakusisimua isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa.

Wewe ni kiranja mkuu shuleni. Andika hotuba utakayotoa katika siku ya michezo shuleni........................


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B
  37. C
  38. B
  39. C
  40. B
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. C
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.
It is often___1___ that all living things, plants and animals, have a___2___ for existence. Each living organism plays an important role___3__ it exists. However, there is one creature___4___ its existence___5___ people. This is Corona virus. What most people know___6__  this tiny beast  is that it is the major__7___ by which covid 19 is spread. It is therefore not___8___that some people have demanded the complete elimination of___9____species from the face of the earth. It is scaring to note that the virus does not___10___to one person but__11___ from one source to another. Researchers have discovered that washing hands regularly, sanitizing, keeping social distance and wearing masks___12__ help stop the spread. A common rule of nature is__13____ at work here, the survival of our people depends on our behaviour. The lives of this predator___14___ be at risk if man______ his role.

 1  seen  felt   thought   said 
 2  pan  reason   cause   purpose 
 3  whenever  where   wherever   when 
 4  who  whos   whose   whoever 
 5  shocks  shocking   shock   is shock 
 6  with        on        of   about 
 7  way  means   stle   method 
 8  shocking  surprising  astonishing  amazing
 9  that  those   this  these
10         exist  stick       go  visit
11  moves        go  move  walks
12  shall  will  must  may
13  actually  fully  extremely  completely
14  would  must  will  may
15  play  plays  doesn't play  don't plays


For questions 16 - 18, choose the option which means the same as the underlined one.

  1. Hashim will not only come but also bring the presence he promised.
    1. Hashim will come to confirm that he promised to bring the present
    2. Hashim will come and likewise bring the present he promised.
    3. Hashim will come and probably bring the present he promised.
    4. If Hashim brings the present, the promise will be done.
  2. The teacher said that participation in sports is not optional.
    1. The teacher affirmed that it was necessary to be in sports.
    2. The teacher said that taking part in sports is compulsory.
    3. "It's advisable to participate in sports." the teacher said.
    4. It is a good thing to be involved in sports according to the teacher.

For question 18, choose the correct answer

  1. On the way home, Njeri saw a bird.
    1. yellow, little, lovely, short-beaked
    2. lovely, yellow, short-beaked, little
    3. lovely, short-beaked, little, yellow
    4. little, short-beakd, yellow, lovely

For questions 19-20, choose the correct phrasal verb to fill in the blank spaces

  1. The candidates were deceived by the stranger.
    1. Taken over
    2. Taken up
    3. Taken in
    4. Taken back
  2. After the accident, the motorist came around after six hours.
    1. gained strength
    2. gained eye sight
    3. gained unconcious
    4. gained concious

Complete the sentence correctly

  1. Only after the invigilator has collected the question papers
    1. then will the candidates leave the exam room.
    2. and the candidates leave the exam room.
    3. despite the candidtes leave the exam.
    4. will the candidates leave the exam room.

For questions 22-23, choose the sentence that is grammatically correct

    1. Walking into the room, the light was very dim.
    2. Walking into the room, I was very dim.
    3. Walking into the room, I found it very dim.
    4. Walking into the room, the room was very dim.
    1. Driven by desire, he peeped through the keybole to see the person crying.
    2. Driven by desire, the keyhole was peeped through to see the person crying.
    3. Driven by desire the crying person was seen through the keyhole
    4. Driven by desire made him peep through the keyhole to see the crying person.

Fill in correctly

  1. His sight was______ read. that he could not read
    1. very bad
    2. such bad
    3. so bad
    4. too bad

Complete with a question tag.

  1. She often sings in the choir._____
    1. Isn't it?
    2. Does she?
    3. Doesn't she?
    4. Is it?

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 26 to 38

There was a scuffle, women and children screamed as Hamo was around the fire. They were afraid of him. The man kept quiet when the commotion died, an old man asked, "do you speak the truth man?” The son nodded. Men and women shouted, where is the man? Kill him, he is not an animal!"

There was nothing said outside that Hamo did not hear. In the hut, the children he had killed haunted him. He lay his head on the rough wall of the hut and wept.

Outside the hut the angry villagers continued shouting, stone him now! Let his blood be upon his own head." One of the old man got up and calmed the people.

"We cannot stone him now," Hamo whispered. "Take me away quickly from this torture and shame. Let me die and be finished with." Hamo could tell from the angry shouting of the people, and the shrill eries that he was banished from society nay from life itself, He fumbled in his leather bag suspended around his waist tofind his hunting knife but it was not there. It had been taken away from him.

The multering and shouting continued outside. There was weeping too but Hamo was now hearing them from far as if a powerful wave was carrying him further and further away from his people. At dawn, the villagers got up from the fire place to gather stones from nearby fields. The sun was not ur yet but there was enough light to see.

Everyone in the clan had to throw a stone at the man eater. It was badnot to throw a stone for it was claimed wicked spirit would rest upon the man who did not drive him a way.

When the first rays of the sun appeared, the villagers had gathered enough stones to cover several bodies. They sorrounded the hut and stood in silence, waiting to jeer and spit at him when he comes out. Sawc and three old men tore the papyrus door open and called Hamo tocome out but there was no reply. They rushed into the hut to drag him out to the people who were now demand, "Come out! Comeout!

At first, it was too dark to see but soon, their eyes got used to the darkness. They then saw the body of Hamo hanged on a short rope that had hanged from the thatched roof.

  1. From the first paragraph, we can say that
    1. men were screaming themselves from the house
    2. the scuffle subsided
    3. the commotion was killed
    4. the people were calm
  2. "Let his blood be upon his head." This means that
    1. they wanted to pour blood on his body
    2. they wouldn't be the ones to blame for his death
    3. he will be bathed with blood on his head
    4. they would be guilty of murder
  3. Why was it important to throw stones at Hamo?
    1. Because he was a murderer
    2. He had killed all the children and was not sorry about it
    3. His wicked spirit would rest on a man who did not
    4. He was so strong that a few would not have managed to kill him
  4. According to the passage, we can tell that Hamo was
    1. fearless, bright, friendly
    2. sympathetic, bright, ruthless
    3. ruthless, heartless, greedy
    4. heartless, friendly, sympathetic
  5. How do we know that Hamo wanted to die. He
    1. said it is whispers
    2. was unhappy when he missed the hunting knife
    3. didn't mind being stoned to feel like those he had killed
    4. committed suicide
  6. Which one of the following is not false?
    1. There was shouting and scre..ming
    2. Somebody was killed in the story
    3. Women and children were not upset
    4. Hamo was stoned to death because of the villager's fear
  7. Which word can be used instead of fumble without changing the meaning?
    1. Fidget
    2. Fanning
    3. Nervous
    4. Jumping
  8. "They sorrounded the hut and stood in silence" Why were they silent?
    1. They knew Hamo was dead
    2. They couldn't see because it was too dark
    3. They were waiting for Hamo to come out of the house
    4. They accepted the darkness
  9. The villager's anger was mainly fueled by
    1. the urge to kill Hamo
    2. bitterness
    3. revenge
    4. urgency to kill
  10. Why do you think people were weeping?
    1. They were angry
    2. They were mourning
    3. They wanted to kill Hamo
    4. There was muttering and shouting
  11. When the villagers came for him, Hamo had
    1. been killed
    2. hidden himself
    3. hanged himself
    4. been hanged by a rope
  12. The phrase, "we cannot depart from this custom" means
    1. we are part and parcel of the custom
    2. the status can't remain
    3. custom should change with time
    4. stoning can not be a fair custom
  13. The most suitable title for this passage would be
    1. ruthless villagers
    2. sweet revenge
    3. rampage
    4. murder

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 39 to 50

Population control has become a burning issue in developing countries. Most countries realise that if they became overpopulated, the consequences will be grave. In Kenya, the government, the church and individuals have always stressed the need to have a population that we can easily manage.

This is because the negative effects of overpopulation are far reaching. If there is there is overpopulation, there will not be enough land, for people to cultivate. They will therefore start cultivat- ing the marginal lands and this could lead to the spread of deserts.

Lack of enough land for farming will also lead to shortage of food, resulting in starvation and illness like marasmus and kwashiorkor.

In addition, scarcity of land may force people to move from rural urban areas in search of alterna- tive means of earning a living. With these migrations, towns become so overcrowded that people are forced to live in slums. When they fail to get jobs, they become frustrated and some may turn to crime.

Moreover a country with high population finds it diftcult to cope with the health problems of its people. The medical facilities will not be adequate. This means that the sick will not be attended to in time, infant mortality will be high and life expectancy will be low.

Besides, a family with many children finds it difficult to feed, clothe and educate them.

It is important, therefore that people embrace family planning methods in order to cut down on the high rate of population growth.

  1. From the first paragraph, why shouldn't countries allow themselves to become overpopulated?
    1. Overpopulation is not a blessing.
    2. Population control is a burning issue
    3. Overpopulation has serious negative effects
    4. Different bodies emphasize population control
  2. What causes the spread of deserts?
    1. Springing up of slums
    2. Cultivations of marginal lands
    3. Lack of employment opportunities
    4. Having large families
  3. Which of the following can best replace the word grave as used in the passage?
    1. Many
    2. Deadly
    3. Obvious
    4. Serious
  4. The issue of land is council in Kenya because
    1. the population is growing fast
    2. we need to control rural-urban migration
    3. our economy depends on argricultural
    4. we must not cultivate marginal lands
  5. Why according to the passage, do slums develop?
    1. To house the unemployed
    2. To provide housing for urban dwellers
    3. To provide housing to those without
    4. To house the rural-urban migrants
  6. Which of the following is an effect of inadequate medical facilities?
    1. People will not live for long
    2. Most infants will di
    3. The sick will not be treated
    4. More hospitals will be built.
  7. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about high population?
    1. It leads to construction of more houses
    2. It causes train on school resources
    3. It leads to lack of proper medical care
    4. It causes conflicts in the family
  8. The expression cut down on as used in the passage means
    1. reduce
    2. restrain
    3. decline
    4. stop
  9. Having many children in a family is a problem because it
    1. makes them perform poorly in school
    2. makes them become criminals
    3. causes health problems at home
    4. lessens ability to provide basic needs
  10. Which of the following is not an effect of overpopulation according to the passage?
    1. People have no land to cultivate
    2. People suffer unemployment
    3. Many people move to urban areas
    4. Many people may become criminals
  11. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    1. Population control is a big concern to the government
    2. The government wants a certain number of people
    3. Population control is the government's responsibility
    4. The government regulates the size of families
  12. Which one of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
    1. Overpopulation in developing countries
    2. Effects of overpopulation
    3. Causes of overpopulation
    4. Control of overpopulation


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

The following is the beginning of a composition. Complete it in your own words. Make it as. interesting as possible.

My mother woke me up from a very deep and heavy sleep. The time was a half past six and..................


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. A
  23. A
  24. C
  25. C
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D
  31. A
  32. A
  33. C
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. D
  42. C
  43. D
  44. A
  45. A
  46. A
  47. D
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B
  1. What is twenty million three hundred thousand two hundred and four and four hundredths in symbols?
    1. 203002004.4
    2. 20300204.04
    3. 20300204.4
    4. 20302004.04
  2. Wht is 87.987 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 87.09
    2. 88.00
    3. 87.99
    4. 87.98
  3. What is the value of ½(¾ +1/8) + ¼ × 2/9?
    1. 7/16
    2. 2/7
    3. 7/18
    4. 4/17
  4. What is the total value of digit 5 after the product of 0.27 and 0.15?
    1. Thousands
    2. Tens of hundredths
    3. 0.0005
    4. Hundred of thousandths
  5. Kipchoge went round the truck represented below fifteen times.
    What distance did he cover in km?
    (Take л = 22/7)
    1. 6600
    2. 6.6
    3. 0.6
    4. 66
  6. A loaded lorry with bags of maize weighs 5.6 tonnes. Each bag of maize weighs 70kg. Calculate the weight of the empty lorry if the number of bags of maize were 60.
    1. 4.2 tonnes
    2. 4.7 tonnes
    3. 1.4 tonnes
    4. 1.3 tonnes
  7. A fish pond has a length of 2.5m, width 0.5m and height 1.5m. What is the capacity of the fish pond in litres?
    1. 1.875
    2. 1875000
    3. 1875
    4. 0.1875
  8. Wairimu sold 550 items at sh 120 each in the month of January. In the following month she sold the items less 15%. How much money did she earn from her sales in the following month?
    1. sh 56100
    2. sh 9900
    3. sh 54200
    4. sh 81900
  9. What is 2/9, 4/71/and 5/11 in ascending order?
    1. 1/3, 4/72/9,5/11
    2. 1/3, 5/112/94/7
    3. 5/11,1/3, 4/72/7
    4. 2/91/35/11,4/7
  10. The area of a right angle is 56.1cm2. If the height is 5.6cm, what is the base of the triangle?
    1. 17cm
    2. 19cm
    3. 28cm
    4. 27cm
  11. The figure below represents a cylindrical tank of water.
    What is the total surface area of the tank?

    1. 76.61m2
    2. 63.07m2
    3. 71.61m2
    4. 30.03m2
  12. What is the value of; ½x + 27x = 36
    1. 117/55
    2. 217/55
    3. 17/9
    4. 11/3
  13. The temperature of an ice cube was -27°C. It was heated at the rate of 4°C per minute for 9 minutes. What was the final temperature after the 9th minute?
    1. 63°C
    2. 9°C
    3. 36°C
    4. 40°C
  14. The Hillux company hired 18 men to paint a section of a building in 4 days. If six men failed to attend the work from the start of the work, how many more days did the rest have to complete the work?
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 2
    4. 4
  15. A shopkeeper stored sugar in 2kg containers. 1kg containers and ½kg containers. If he had 500kg of sugar and the 2kg containers and 1kg container were 150 and 100 respectively. How many containers of ½kg did the shopkeeper store?
    1. 100
    2. 400
    3. 200
    4. 50
  16. In the figure below line PQ is parallel to line RS. Lines AB and DC are transversal.

    If angle S is 70° what is the value of angle n?
    1. 50°
    2. 70°
    3. 110°
    4. 105°
  17. A square prism has a total surface area of 432cm2. What is the area of its base?
    1. 12cm2
    2. 132cm2
    3. 288cm2
    4. 144cm2
  18. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    0.3, 2.3, 5.3, 10.3, 17.3,_____
    1. 22.9
    2. 26.3
    3. 28.3
    4. 33.3
  19. What is the value of a2 + c ;
                                     a + b
    when a = b − 1, b = c + 3, c = 2?
    1. 2
    2. 3
  20. Mary bought the following items from a shop:
    2½kg of sugar @sh 120
    3½kg of rice @ sh 110.
    2-2kg packets of maize flour @sh 100
    750g of tea leaves @sh 160 per kg
    4 bars of soap for sh 320
    She paid with 2-one thousand shilling notes. How much balance did she obtain?
    1. sh 1005
    2. sh 1325
    3. sh 585
    4. sh 675
  21. In the figure below lines RF is parallel to line GH. GI and IH are equal sides and angel GIH is 50°
    What is the value of FEG?
    1. 115°
    2. 65°
    3. 50°
    4. 130°
  22. Maina travelled from Usenge to Bondo at a speed of 72km/h for 2½ hours. He rested for 30 minutes and continued his journey to Kisumu at a speed of 60km/h to cover the distance of 120. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 132km/h
    2. 731/3 km/h
    3. 66km/h
    4. 60km/h
  23. A section of a road 27km long is represented on a map by 3cm. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:900
    2. 1:9000
    3. 1:90000
    4. 1:900000
  24. In a meeting there were 403 more women than men. There were 207 more children than women. If there were 117 men in the meeting, how many children were there?
    1. 324
    2. 610
    3. 727
    4. 520
  25. What is the value of 0.27 × 0.36 × 54
                                     0.09 × 0.4 × 6.3
    1. 23.1
    2. 2.31
    3. 231
    4. 0.231
  26. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 2:3. There are 240 more girls than boys. How many pupils are in that school altogether?
    1. 720
    2. 1200
    3. 840
    4. 760
  27. The pie chart below represents how Mwende spends her monthly salary.
    If Mwende's salary is sh 10800 per month, how much does she spend on food than savings?
    1. sh 3900
    2. sh 7200
    3. sh 6000
    4. sh 1500
  28. The marked price of a suit in VISCOT shop is sh 3800. Otieno bought the suit for sh 3496. What was the percentage discount he was allowed?
    1. 8%
    2. 2½%
    3. 5%
    4. 12%
  29. Mwangi deposited a certain amount of money in a financial institution that paid a simple interest rate of 2% p.a. After 5 years, Mwangi earned an interest of sh 4500. How much money did he deposit?
    1. sh 70000
    2. sh 65000
    3. sh 55000
    4. sh 45000
  30. The diagram below represents a rectangular solid with a cylindrical hole of radius 2.1cm drilled through.
    What is the volume of the solid?
    1. 150cm3
    2. 84cm3
    3. 21.4cm2
    4. 80.7cm2
  31. What is the value of; 29 −14 +96 ÷ 4 x 48?
    1. 9
    2. 5
    3. 7/12
    4. 1167
  32. A lady attended a business seminar from the morning of 28th December 2015 to the morning of 4th March 2016. How many days did she spend at the seminar?
    1. 68
    2. 66
    3. 67
    4. 69
  33. A room measuring 8m long by 6m wide was fitted with square tiles whose area is 400cm2 each. How many tiles were used along the length of the room?
    1. 20
    2. 40
    3. 30
    4. 1200
  34. What is the simplest form of the expression below?
    3/5(p − 5q) + 2/3(3p + 5q)
    1. 2p − q
    2. 3/5p + q
    3. 14/5p − 5q
    4. 14/5p − q
  35. Draw triangle XYZ where X=6cm. Angle XYZ=60° and angle YZX=70°. Draw a circle touching its sides: Measure the length of the diameter.

    1. 6.4cm
    2. 3.2cm
    3. 3.6cm
    4. 6.8cm
  36. In a class of 45 pupils, each pupil took two-2d1 packets of milk twice a week. How many litres of milk did the pupils take in two weeks?
    1. 360L
    2. 720L
    3. 36L
    4. 72l
  37. The area of the Trapezium ABCD below is 112cm2

    What is the lenght of line BC?
    1. 10cm
    2. 8cm
    3. 6cm
    4. 15cm
  38. Three boys contributed some money to buy a textbook. Onyango contributed a quarter. Rono contributed a third and Waga a sixth of the price. They found that sh 90 were still needed to buy the book. What was the price of the book?
    1. sh 360
    2. sh 270
    3. sh 210
    4. sh 120
  39. The mean mass of eight pupils is 37.5kg. Six of the pupils weigh 30kg, 39kg, 34kg, 35kg, 40kg and 38kg. If the remaining two pupils had equal masses, what is the median mass of the pupils?
    1. 38kg
    2. 33.5kg
    3. 38.5kg
    4. 45kg
  40. The figure below is a right angled triangle BAC. The area of the triangle is 84cm2.
    What is the length of line AC?
    1. 31cm
    2. 25cm
    3. 24cm
    4. 12cm
  41. The marked price of a bed is sh 12000. If it is bought on cash, a 10% discount is offered. If bought on hire purchase price, a deposit of sh 5000 is paid and the remaining amount is paid in 11 equal monthly instalments of sh 900. How much more does one pay on hire purchase than cash?
    1. sh 4100
    2. sh 2900
    3. sh 5600
    4. sh 3900
  42. What is the value of √12.96 − (0.9)2 + 4?
    1. 18.79
    2. 20.14
    3. 13.21
    4. 2.47
  43. The fare from Kisumu to Nairobi was sh 1500. It was increased by 10% and then later decreased by 20%. What is the current fare from Kisumu to Nairobi?
    1. sh 1650
    2. sh 1950
    3. sh 1980
    4. sh 1320
  44. The table below shows the arrival and departure time of a plane in different towns.
     Towns   Arrival time  Depature time 
      H     0830hrs
      I   0845hrs   0850hrs
      J   0920hrs   0935hrs
      K   1035hrs   1040hrs
      L   1055hrs   1105hrs
      M   1110hrs   1125hrs

    How long did the plane take from town J to M?
    1. 1hr 50min
    2. 1hr 30min
    3. 1hr 35min
    4. 2hrs 5min
  45. Complete the trapezium below ABCD. Such that line AB is parallel to DC. Angle DAB = 90°, line AD = line DC = 4cm. Measure length of line BC.

    1. 3cm
    2. 4.2cm
    3. 5cm
    4. 5.7cm
  46. A saleslady earns sh 9600 per month. She is also offered a 3% commission on the value of goods she sells above sh 100000. In a certain month, she sold goods worth sh 450000. How much money in total did she earn that month?
    1. sh 10500
    2. sh 13500
    3. sh 23100
    4. sh 20100
  47. What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below?
    1. 297m2
    2. 147m2
    3. 157m2
    4. 307m2
  48. A trader bought 600 pineapples at sh 120 for every five pineapples. During transportation, 60 pineapples got spoilt. He sold the remaining at sh 150 for every 6 pineapples. What percentage loss did he make?
    1. 12½%
    2. 5%
    3. 6¼%
    4. 2½%
  49. A square plot of side 26m long has a gate of 6m. It is fenced using four strands of wire. What was the total length of the wire used?
    1. 416m
    2. 360m
    3. 392m
    4. 410m
  50. The graph below shows how Peter and James travelld from town K town J.
    How many more kilometres had Peter to cover when James arrived?
    1. 40km
    2. 26km
    3. 20km
    4. 32km


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. D
  31. D
  32. C
  33. D
  34. B
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. B
  43. D
  44. C
  45. D
  46. A
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. D


Study the map of Kobura Area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Kobura area is likely to rise towards
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Kobura area?
    1. 35km
    2. 13.4km
    3. 31km
    4. 6.2km
  3. The climate of North Western part of Kobura area can be described as
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and humid
    3. hot and dry
    4. hot and wet 
  4. Which economic activity is least likely to be carried out in Kobura area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Tourism
    3. Livestock keeping
    4. Mining
  5. Who among the following administrators represents the national government in Kobura area?
    1. County Commissioner
    2. County Governor
    3. Member of County Assembly
    4. Senator
  6. The residents of the Eastern part of Kobura area are dorminantly
    1. Muslims
    2. Hindus
    3. Christians and Muslims
    4. Christians
  7. Which one of the following African rivers does not have a similar feature as the one found at the mouth of River Koko in Kobura area?
    1. River Senegal 
    2. River Zambezi 
    3. River Niger
    4. River Congo
  8. A family is a group of people related by the following ways except
    1. blood
    2. adoption 
    3. marriage
    4. initiation
  9. The diagram below represents a weather instrument
    It is mainly used to
    1. show direction of wind
    2. show direction and strength of wind
    3. measure strength of wind
    4. measure strength and speed of wind
  10. The following are forms of informal education. Which one is not?
    1. Use of special training skills
    2. Use of guided training
    3. Use of riddles and imitation
    4. Use of songs and proverbs
  11. Which lake was not formed through the process below?
    1. Lake Itasy
    2. Lake Gambi
    3. Lake Utange
    4. Lake Manzala
  12. The time at Suna 40°E is 11.50 am. What time will it be at Nyandiwa 10°E?
    1. 9.50 am
    2. 9.50 pm
    3. 1.50 am
    4. 1.50 pm
  13. Which one of the following communities belong to the plain Nilotes?
    1. Falasha, Iraqw, Maasai, Iteso
    2. Tugen, Keiyo, Chagga, Luo
    3. Ilchamus, Karamajong, Samburu, Turkana
    4. Shilluk, Turkana, Maasai, Samburu
  14. Who among the following was the Nyamwezi religious leader in traditional African society?
    1. Wanyikulu
    2. Wanyamphala
    3. Mugabe
    4. Liqoqo

Use the diagram below to answer questions 15- 16


  1. Which economic activity can be effectively carried out in the zone marked S?
    1. Bee keeping
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Lumbering
    4. Mining
  2. The vegetation in the diagram above is mainly influenced by
    1. rainfall
    2. temperature
    3. altitude
    4. latitude
  3. The following are characteristics of a certain type of vegetation;
    1. trees are tall
    2. trees have thick barks
    3. presence of tall elephant grass
    4. trees have small leaves and thorns
      The above vegetation is likely to be
      1. Humid sub-tropical
      2. Equatorial
      3. Mediterranean
      4. Savannah
  4. The following are duties of the school management committee except
    1. recruitment of non-teaching staff
    2. maintaining the school traditions
    3. collecting funds to develop the school
    4. disciplining the non performing teaching staff
  5. Which statement is not true about the Homo Erectus?
    1. It made simple tools from rock pebbles 
    2. It invented the use of fire
    3. It was the first to acquire an upright posture
    4. It was the first homid to communicate verbally
  6. What is the main problem facing wildlife in Eastern Africa?
    1. Political stability in the region
    2. Insecurity
    3. Illegal killing of the wildlife
    4. High taxes
  7. The following are negative effects of colonial rule in Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Abolition of slave trade
    2. Improvement of infrastructure
    3. Establishment of towns
    4. Creation of African Reserves
  8. The following are communities from West Africa
    1. Ewe
    2. Fa
    3. Nzoma
    4. Guu
      The above communities belong to the
      1. Kwa speakers
      2. Voltaic speakers
      3. Afro-Asiatic speakers
      4. West- Atlantic speakers
  9. Which institution of marriage is presided over by a registrar?
    1. Customary
    2. Civil
    3. Muslim
    4. Christian
  10. Under the law of succession, who among the following qualifies to inherit the estates of a dead family head?
    1. The wife
    2. The eldest son
    3. All the bonafide family members
    4. The parents of the deceased
  11. Which country is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Equatorial Guinea- Conakry
    2. Togo - Porto Novo
    3. Senegal - Lilongwe
    4. Lesotho - Maseru
  12. Which method of fishing is illustrated below?
    1. Gill net
    2. Trawling
    3. Purse seining
    4. Long lining
  13. Which type of fish is commonly caught in Lorian swamp?
    1. Trout
    2. Black bass 
    3. Mudfish
    4. Catfish
  14. The following tree species are harvested by *clear cutting method in Swaziland except
    1. pine
    2. cypress
    3. teak
    4. eucalyptus
  15. Which type of road sign is shown below?
    1. Right turn bend sign
    2. Informative sign
    3. Warning sign
    4. Regulatory sign
  16. Below are statements about a certain mineral
    1. mined on the floor of the Rifi valley.
    2. used for softening water in large scale 
    3. used to make soap, glass and paper
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite
      2. petroleum
      3. soda ash
      4. fluorspar
  17. Who among the following carly visitors to Eastern Africa was a trader who owned ships? 
    1. Seyyid Said
    2. William Mackinnon
    3. Carl Peters
    4. David Livingstone
  18. Which one of the following is the main factor to consider when establishing a sugarcane factory?
    1. Source of labour
    2. Raw materials
    3. Ready market
    4. Power supply
  19. The main problem facing pastoral farming in Africa is
    1. lack of adequate pasture and water
    2. cattle rustling and banditry
    3. lack of enough grazing land
    4. livestock diseases and parasites
  20. Which one is the safest point to cross a busy highway?
    1. At pedestrian crossing
    2. At by pass
    3. At footbridge
    4. At bumps
  21. Most of the youth in Africa today mainly interact through
    1. games and sports
    2. trading activitics
    3. cducation
    4. conferences and seminars
  22. The following are examples of service industries except
    1. shoe repair and shinning
    2. meat canning
    3. hair dressing
    4. insurance
  23. Which one of the following is the most effective way of conserving forestry in Kenya?
    1. Encouraging the use of paraffin and charcoal
    2. Educating people on the dangers of forestry
    3. Employing more forest rangers
    4. Educating the public on the importance of forestry
  24. The best way of protecting children from abuse is by
    1. making them do their assignments
    2. employing more care givers
    3. educating them on common abuses
    4. educating them on the risk of the abuses
  25. Which one is not a condition that favours the growing of pyrethrum in Kenya?
    1. High rainfall of between 1000 mm- 1500 mm annually
    2. Cool temperatures of between 27°C - 30°C
    3. High altitude of over 1800 metres above the sea level
    4. Well drained fertile acidic soils

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 40-43


  1. The Island marked X is a former colony of
    1. France
    2. Portugal
    3. Britain
    4. Germany
  2. Which country is not connected by the International Highway marked Q?
    1. Democratic Republic of Congo
    2. Central African Republic
    3. Uganda
    4. Chad
  3. What was the reason for the establishment
    of the multipurpose river project marked,S?
    1. Promote tourism
    2. Increase food production
    3. Generate hydro-electric power
    4. Control flood at the lower Niger
  4. Which of the following climatic factors was mainly influenced the condition in the country marked R?
    1. Ocean currents
    2. Prevailing winds
    3. Nearness of water bodies
    4. Distance from the equator
  5. Which one is not a symbol of national unity? The
    1. National Anthem
    2. Coat of Arms
    3. Public scal
    4. Constitution
  6. Which system of Administration did King Locpold use to set colony in Congo?
    1. Indirect rule
    2. Assimilation
    3. Paternalism
    4. Direct rule
  7. The following countries withdrew their membership from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) except
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Mozambique
    3. Angol
    4. Namibia
  8. The body in- charge of election in Kenya is mandated by the constitution to do the following duties except
    1. identifying constituency boundaries
    2. nullifying election results
    3. preparing election materials
    4. carrying out civil education
  9. Which community did not resist the European occupation in its territory?
    1. The Lozi
    2. The Mandinka
    3. The Hehe
    4. The Ababukusu
  10. Which one of the following is the quickest method for transporting horticultural crops to the airport?
    1. Water
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Railway
  11. The constitution of Kenya is important in that 
    1. it contains the records of parliamentary proceedings
    2. it contains government policies
    3. it shows how a country is governed
    4. it is the supreme law of the country
  12. The Chief Executive Officer of the school set up is
    1. the County Director of Education
    2. the Headteacher
    3. the Deputy Headteacher
    4. the School Treasurer
  13. Who among the following is the chief lawyer to the executive arm of government?
    1. Chief Justice
    2. Speaker
    3. Attorney General
    4. President
  14. Which one of the following ways of solving conflicts involves investigations by an independent party to establish the facts on the issues causing the disagreements?
    1. Enquiry
    2. Conciliation
    3. Mediation
    4. Arbitration
  15. Which colour of the national flag shows the peace enjoyed by all the Kenyan citizens?
    1. Green
    2. White
    3. Red
    4. Black 
  16. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead Ghana to attain independence? 
    1. Ghana African National Union
    2. United Gold Coast Convention
    3. Conventional People's Party 
    4. African National Congress CB005
  17. The rights and freedoms of individuals are contained in chapter
    1. four
    2. live
    3. one
    4. three
  18. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good citizen?
    1. Law abiding
    2. Paying taxes promptly
    3. Attending national celebrations
    4. Hoarding essential goods
  19. Swaziland is headed by
    1. an elected king
    2. an elected president
    3. an appointed prime minister
    4. a hereditary king
  20. What is the main crop grown under irrigation at the Pekerra irrigation scheme in Baringo county?
    1. Cotton
    2. Rice
    3. Watermelon
    4. Seed maize
  21. Pupils at Nyanginja primary school elected their school "Governor". Which form of democracy did they practise?
    1. Dictatorship democracy
    2. Direct democracy
    3. Representative democracy
    4. Parliamentary democracy



  1. Which one of the following is the main duty given to Adam and Eve when God created them? They were told to
    1. obey the commandments
    2. offer sacrifices to God 
    3. take care of living things
    4. obey the prophets of God
  2. What do Christians learn from the action of Abraham giving his son for a sacrifice to God? They learn that they should be
    1. generous
    2. obedient to God's commands
    3. offering their sons as sacrifices
    4. patient as God fulfils promises
  3. Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob because
    1. their father loved Jacob more 
    2. Jacob had taken his blessings
    3. Jacob had taken his livestock
    4. God had refused Esau's sacrifice
  4. Joshua is known for doing one of the following. Which one is it? He
    1. subdivided the land to Israelites 
    2. led the Israelites to cross Red sea 
    3. provided manna to Israelites
    4. performed the ten plaques
  5. When Moses saw the burning bush near Mt. Sinai, he
    1. drove the flock away
    2. ran away in fear
    3. offered a sacrifice
    4. went closer to look at the bush
  6. According to Exodus 35:3-33, Bezalel the son of Uri had one of the following talents. Which one is it?
    1. He could interpret dreams
    2. He could make carvings from wood
    3. He had the ability to make tents
    4. He was a skillful clothmaker
  7. One of the following people helped in the healing of Naaman the Syrian army officer. It was
    1. the young Jewish house girl
    2. Gehazi
    3. prophet Elijah
    4. prophet Jeremiah
  8. "You are not the one they have rejected. I am the one they have rejected as their king." 1 Samuel 8:7. These words were said by God when
    1. He rejected Saul as their first king in Israel
    2. the Israelites defeated the Philistines
    3. the Israelites demanded for a king
    4. the Israelites complained to Moses
  9. King Solomon angered God by
    1. killing the prophets of God
    2. taking back the Jewish land from the foreigners
    3. allowing idol worship in Israel
    4. misusing the wisdom given to him
  10. Which one of the following event took place when Jesus was born?
    1. Zechariah became dumb
    2. Mary visited Elizabeth
    3. A violent earthquake occurred
    4. An army of angels sang
  11. Which one of the following events took place first?
    1. The annunciation of the birth of John
    2. The annunciation of the birth of Jesus 
    3. The visit of baby Jesus by the shepherds
    4. Mary's visit to Elizabeth
  12. When Jesus was presented on the temple. Simeon said all the following about Him except that He would
    1. bring salvation to all people
    2. be the light of gentiles
    3. be called son of God
    4. bring glory to the people of Israel
  13. Which one of the following is the reason why people complained when Jesus went to Zaccheaus house? Because he
    1. was a sinner
    2. was a very good man
    3. cheated Jesus into going to his house
    4. was not rich enough to have Jesus visit him
  14. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches about storing our riches in heaven. The parable of the
    1. rich fool
    2. sower
    3. mustard seed
    4. prodigal son
  15. Which one of the following statements from New Testament is a beatitude?
    1. "The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you."
    2. "Happy are those who believe without seeing me."
    3. "How happy you are to believe the Lord's message."
    4. Happy are those who are merciful to others, God will be merciful to them
  16. The following events took place during Jesus' baptism
    1. a voice was heard from heaven
    2. the Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove
    3. John the Baptist baptised Jesus
    4. heaven opened
      Which is the correct order in which the events took place?
      1. iii, iv, ii, i
      2. iii, iv, i, ii 
      3. i, ii, iv iii
      4. iii, ii, iv, i
  17. The word "Catholic" in the Apostle's Creed refers to
    1. a Roman church
    2. church of the Catholics
    3. Christian's church
    4. a universal church
  18. What lesson do Christians learn from Peter's vision in Joppa?
    1. Christians should help the needy
    2. We are all equal before God
    3. We should only speak to those who are holy
    4. We should not welcome strangers, they are very dangerous
  19. Which one of the following activities by the early church best shows how their members lived in unity?
    1. Singing praises
    2. Baptising one another
    3. Reciting the scriptures
    4. Sharing food
  20. Which one of the following beliefs about death is common to both Christians and traditional African Communities?
    1. The dead will resurrect on the last day 
    2. The dead go to heaven
    3. The dead live forever
    4. The dead will be reborn in a relative
  21. Which one of the following is the best way of reconciling evildoers to God in traditional African communities?
    1. Offering sacrifices
    2. Visiting shrines
    3. Making libation
    4. Calling on God's name
  22. Which one of the following ceremonies in Traditional African Society showed that one had become an adult?
    1. Naming
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Death
  23. Which one of the following is a way of expressing justice?
    1. Sharing our resources with others
    2. Mistreating foreigners and poor people
    3. Selling cheap goods to others
    4. Bearing false witnesses to others
  24. Suffering has to be accepted as part of discipleship in this world because a disciple has to
    1. show readiness to die for his/her faith if need be
    2. accept extreme poverty as a necessary condition for his/her calling
    3. give priority to the suffering of his/her parents
    4. show joy to leave his/her family in order to serve the Lord
  25. Jesus was humiliated, persecuted and died. When persecuted, Christians should
    1. pray a negative prayer to those persecuting them
    2. persecute those who are persecuting them
    3. have a positive prayer to the one persecuting them
    4. hate those who are persecuting them
  26. Which one of the following statements does not describe the character of God according to the traditional African society?
    1. God is merciful
    2. God is the sustainer of the universe
    3. God is holy
    4. God is jealous
  27. Which one of the following drugs cause the following harms?
    1. cause deterioration of the brain cells
    2. cause hostility
    3. cause careless behaviour
      1. Alcohol
      2. Cigarettes
      3. Miraa 
      4. Glue
  28. Which one of the following best promote a good relationship between parents and their children?
    1. Children being allowed to visit their relatives
    2. Parents being role models to their children
    3. Children asking for advice from their parents
    4. Parents paying fees for their children
  29. Ngotho, a standard eight pupil from Gathima Primary school bought an exercise book. On reaching home, he found out that the shopkeeper packed two books. As a Christian, he should
    1. give the extra book to a friend
    2. donate the extra book to a sibling
    3. return the extra book to the shopkeeper 
    4. keep the extra book for future use
  30. Why should Christians report law-breakers to the police?
    1. In order to be rewarded by the authorities 
    2. It is a Christian obligation to safeguard peace
    3. It is a Christians duty to punish evildoers 
    4. To earn respect from the community 



  1. The first revelation came to the prophet (SAW) while he was meditating in
    1. heaven
    2. Madinah
    3. Makkah
    4. cave Hira
  2. Which surah of the Quran is known as the mother of the Quran?
    A. Fatiha
    B. Lahab
    C. Nasr
    D. Asr
  3. Which one of the following is a lesson from surah Asr?
    1. Muslims should be truthful and patient
    2. We should not backbite others
    3. Good people will enter paradise
    4. Human beings are at a loss
  4. Surah Nas and Falaq are also known as
    1. Ummul Quran
    2. Muawidhatein
    3. Nisfu quran
    4. Ulumul seera
  5. A person who fears Allah (SWT) is a
    1. Swabirin
    2. Munafiqun
    3. Muttaqin
    4. Swalihin
  6. From the teachings of the prophet (SAW) we learn that a neighbour who is a Muslim and a relative has
    1. one right
    2. three rights
    3. five rights
    4. zero rights
  7. "Muslims are like one body, when one part is ailing the whole body becomes sick" This hadith teaches on
    1. kindness
    2. generosity. 
    3. friendship
    4. unity
  8. One of the following is an example of najis Mukhafafa. Which one is it?
    1. Urine of a baby boy only feeding on breastmilk
    2. Milk from an animal which is haram
    3. Dust during the dry season
    4. Food cooked by a non- Muslim
  9. When performing wudhu, it is sunnah to 
    1. use clean sand
    2. mention the prophet's name
    3. wash cach part once
    4. wash cach part three times
  10. The prophet's father was called
    1. Abu talib
    2. Abdul-Mutalib
    3. Abdillahi
    4. Khalid bin Walid
  11. Who among the following prophets is correctly matched with the scripture revealed to him?
    1. Daud - Injil
    2. Musa - Taurat
    3. Issa - Suhuf
    4. Ibrahim - Zabur
  12. On her way to Madrasa, Saida, a standard eight pupil saw a hen trapped by a piece of string. What was the best thing for Saida to do?
    1. Go back home and call her parents
    2. Report to the nearest police station 
    3. Free the hen and put it in her bag
    4. Free the hen and leave it free
  13. Which of the following is a recipient of Zakah?
    1. The old
    2. Non believers
    3. New converts
    4. The disabled
  14. Which one of the following is haram for a Muslim man?
    1. Silk
    2. Cotton
    3. Plastic utensils
    4. Heavy clothes.
  15. Why is the Islamic calendar called lunar calendar?
    1. It takes long before the year ends 
    2. The calendar has more months
    3. The prophet (SAW) commanded so
    4. We use the moon to determine the beginning and ending of the month
  16. One of the following is a nullifier of Saum. Which one is it?
    1. Backbiting
    2. Sleeping in the afternoon
    3. Eating deliberately
    4. Fighting
  17. The virtue that Nabii Musa (AS) learnt from Al-Khidhr was
    1. truthfulness
    2. righteousness 
    3. faith
    4. patience
  18. Prophet Issa(AS) performed miracles by the will of Allah(SWT). Among them
    1. bringing the dead back to life
    2. spliting the sea into two
    3. entering paradise on a horse
    4. opening closed doors using a broom
  19. The angel who is incharge of weather and vegetation is
    1. Mikail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril
    4. Ridhwan
  20. The given of Swalah was given to the prophet (SAW) in the month of
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Muharram
    3. Rajab
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  21. The prophet (SAW) said, "If you want to do something _________________________________
    1. tell the authority
    2. ask for permission 
    3. it has to be approved
    4. think of its outcome
  22. The treaty signed between the Muslims and the Quraish in the 6th year after Hijra is
    1. Khandaq
    2. Hudaibiyya
    3. Aqaba
    4. Hunain
  23. The main reason why Muslims were defeated in the Battle of Ummud is that
    1. the rain was too much
    2. the Quraish were more than the Muslims 
    3. the archers were very few
    4. the archers disobeyed the prophet (SAW)
  24. Before the coming of Islam, the Arabs used to
    1. bury their daughters alive
    2. create wealth from farming 
    3. pray and worship one God
    4. marry their siblings
  25. The migration of Muslims and the prophet (SAW) from Makkah to Madina is called 
    1. Qiraha
    2. Aqaba
    3. Hijra
    4. Jihad
  26. Which is the best way of celebrating your birthday as a Muslim?
    1. Fasting
    2. Cutting a cake
    3. Watching a movie
    4. Going for swimming
  27. When do Muslims celebrate Idul-Adh-ha?
    1. 1st Shawwal
    2. 10th Dhul-Hijja
    3. 5th Rajab
    4. 30th Ramadhan
  28. Which one of the following practices is observed during a Muslim marriage ceremony?
    1. The bride and groom exchange rings
    2. The parents are given dowry
    3. The bride and groom hold hands
    4. The bridegroom pay dowry
  29. Eddat for a widow takes
    1. ten years and six days
    2. three months
    3. four months and ten days
    4. seven.days
  30. It is sunnah for a Muslim to fast on
    1. Sunday
    2. Monday
    3. Saturday
    4. Tuesday



  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. C
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
  51. B
  52. C
  53. A
  54. B
  55. C
  56. A
  57. D
  58. D
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B






  1. The following are activities that help to control tooth decay except
    1. eating cakes and sugary foods
    2. drinking plenty of milk
    3. brushing teeth regularly
    4. regular dental checkups
  2. The following are examples of pests. Which list consist of storage pests only?
    1. Army worms, weevils, moths
    2. Aphids, stalk borers, moles
    3. Rats, weevils, white ants
    4. Cutworms, termites, aphids
  3. The following processes takes place during breathing in. Which one does not?
    1. Ribs move outwards and upwards
    2. Lungs expands as diaphragm become dome shaped
    3. Volume of the chest cavity increases
    4. Pressure in the chest decreases
  4. The diagram below represents a female reproductive system
    Which pair of labelled parts have the same function as ovary of a flower?
    1. (i) and (ii)
    2. (v) and (iii)
    3. (ii) and (iii)
    4. (iv) and (v)
  5. Below are effects of air pollution to non-living things except
    1. leads to destruction of materials made of calcium
    2. formation of acid rain from industrial waste gases
    3. harmful gases from exhaust pipes causes headaches
    4. dust and soot makes surfaces dirty
  6. Which one of the following activities uses the principle of reflection of light?
    1. Formation of rainbow
    2. Using periscopes
    3. Placing a ruler in water
    4. Using solar panels
  7. Manures can help to improve the fertility of soil in all the following ways except
    1. improves acration of soil
    2. improves scorching of plants parts
    3. improves water holding capacity
    4. improves soil structure
  8. The diagram below shows pieces of wood placed on water
    Which one of the following statements explains what was being investigated?
    1. Shape affects sinking and floating
    2. Material affects sinking and floating
    3. Size does not affect sinking and floating
    4. Weight affects sinking and floating
  9. Plants that grow in moist soils have all the following characteristics except
    1. have broad large leaves to reduce the rate of transpiration
    2. have flexible stems to prevent breaking
    3. have air sacs under a leaf for floating
    4. have a waxy hairy upper surface
  10. The following arc statements that describes sound energy. Which one is correct?
    1. Sound travels slowly in a vacuum
    2. Reflected sound is louder than original sound
    3. A whisper sound is a soft sound
    4. A short string may produce a loud sound
  11. Which one of the following pairs causes food poisoning?
    1. Poor cooking of food and not washing hands
    2. Chemicals and micro-organisms
    3. Improper handling of food and poor storage
    4. Not washing foods eaten when raw and houseflies
  12. The following are functions of amniotic fluid during reproduction in human beings except
    1. facilitate exchange of fluids and digested food
    2. suspend the foetus during pregnancy
    3. acts as a shock absorber
    4. provides temperature to warm the foetus
  13. Which one of the following shows magnetic materials only? 
    1. Aluminium, copper, glass 
    2. Glass, steel, iron
    3. Cobalt, nickel, carbon
    4. Tin, chromium, alnico
  14. Which list of foodstuffs below consist of body building foods only?
    1. Milk, melons, millet, chips 
    2. Termites, beans, beef, eggs 
    3. Potatoes, maize, peas, honey 
    4. Soda, bread, milk, chapati
  15. Which one of the following groups of plants consist of flowerless non-green plants only?
    1. Algae, ferns, mosses
    2. Maize, grass, sorghum
    3. Puffball, toadstool, brackets
    4. Beans, peas, groundnuts
  16. When the soil is heated in a glass tube as shown below, smoke was seen rising out from the tube
    The experiment above shows that
    1. soil contains organic matter
    2. soil contains living organisms
    3. soil contains a lot of air
    4. soil contains a lot of water
  17. Which one of the following is not a role of stomach in the human body?
    1. Produces chemicals that kills harmful micro-organisms
    2. Storing food temporarily for a few hours
    3. Produces enzymes that digest proteins
    4. Absorbs digested food
  18. Which one of the following changes occurs in boys only during adolescence? A
    1. Release mature sex cells
    2. Increase in weight and height 
    3. Growth of hair on the chest 
    4. Appearance of pimples
  19. Unhealthy crops leads to the following effects except
    1. low quality products
    2. transmission of diseases
    3. low yields
    4. costly production
  20. A certain gas has the following characteristics;
    1. used by plants to grow
    2. forms approximately a fifth of air 
    3. supports germination of seeds
      Which one of the following is also its function?
      1. Making fire extinguishers 
      2. Formation of proteins
      3. Prevents bulbs from blowing out 
      4. Burning substances
  21. Which one of the following is not a way of maintaining simple tools?
    1. Oiling movable parts
    2. Safe storage of tools
    3. Proper use of tools
    4. Sharpening cutting tools
  22. Which one of the following is not an effect of hard water?
    1. Forms scales in cooking utensils 
    2. Reacts with soap to form scum
    3. Causes blockage in hot water pipes 
    4. Causes bleaching in coloured clothes
  23. Which one of the following consists of 4th, 5th and 8th planets from the sun?
    1. Mercury, Venus, Uranus
    2. Mars, Saturn, Uranus
    3. Mars, Jupiter, Neptune
    4. Venus, Saturn, Neptune
  24. The following are steps of making a beam balance but not in the correct order
    1. suspend the tins on both sides of the arm
    2. make the base, a stand and the arm
    3. fix the stand and the arm to the base
    4. suspend the arm to find the balancing point
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
      2. (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
      3. (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
      4. (iii), (iv), (ii), (i) 
  25. The following are sources of electricity. Which one produces current electricity in the same way as bicycle dynamo?
    1. Solar panel
    2. Petrol driven generator
    3. Wind driven turbine
    4. Car battery
  26. Which one of the following is made of major abiotic components of environment only?
    1. Plants, animals, water
    2. Soil, water, air
    3. Buildings, vehicles, factories
    4. Fish, birds, reptiles
  27. The following are effects of HIV and AIDS
    1. poor economy
    2. increased medical expenses
    3. poor health care
    4. sadness
    5. increased orphans
    6. low self esteem
      Which pair consist of effects to the family and nation respectively?
      1. (ii) and (iv)
      2. (v) and (i)
      3. (ii) and (iii)
      4. (vi) and (iv)
  28. The diagram below shows a certain aspect of work being measured
    The aspect being measured is the
    1. pressure of the wood
    2. mass of the block
    3. weight of the block
    4. friction on wood surface
  29. The following processes occur during reproduction in plants;
    1. germination of pollen grains
    2. bursting of pollen tube
    3. fusion of pollen and ovule
    4. pollination
      Which process listed above comes second?
      1. (i)
      2. (ii)
      3. (iii)
      4. (iv)
  30. Which one of the following lists consist of harmful animals only?
    1. Snake, snail, lizard
    2. Chameleon, rat, mosquito
    3. Tick, mite, flea
    4. Lion, hyena, dog
  31. Which one of the following pairs of processes shown below requires loss of heat to the surrounding?
    1. T and Q
    2. R and T
    3. S and R
    4. Q and S
  32. Which one of the following are only omnivorous animals?
    1. Gazelles, antelopes, buffaloes
    2. Pig, bears, monkeys
    3. Cats, leopards, cheetah
    4. Goats, snakes, crocodiles
  33. Which one of the following mixtures can be separated by dissolving, filtering and evaporation?
    1. Iron filings and flour
    2. Salt and sugar
    3. Kerosene, water and ink
    4. Chalkdust and sugar
  34. Which one of the following statements is correct about handling chemicals used at home?
    1. Chemicals should be stored in the kitchen
    2. Empty chemical containers should be burnt completely
    3. Spray chemicals where there is sufficient ventilation
    4. Keep chemicals in the reach of children
  35. Which one of the following diseases are both not communicable and immunizable?
    1. Tetanus and malaria
    2. Polio and tuberculosis
    3. Bilharzia and typhoid
    4. Kwashiorkor and marasmus
  36. Which one of the following statements is true about IIIV and AIDS stages?
    1. Full blown is the most dangerous stage and tests positive
    2. During incubation stage a person tests positive and no signs
    3. During window stage one has visible signs but tests negative
    4. During symptomatic stage one has visible signs but tests negative
  37. A lactating mother needs food rich in fluids to
    1. increase the production of breast milk 
    2. increase the levels of amniotic fluid 
    3. replace blood lost during birth 
    4. prevent dehydration of mother's body
  38. Which one of the following methods of food preservation will all preserve food by dehydration?
    1. Canning, use of honey, refrigeration
    2. Use of ash, smoking, freezing
    3. Sun drying, canning, salting
    4. Smoking, drying, salting
  39. Which one of the following uses of water is found in the industries only?
    1. Making fountains, making pulp
    2. Chemical mixing, making fountains
    3. Swimming, cooling machines
    4. Irrigation, making soft drinks
  40. The diagram below shows a certain soil property being tested
    Which factor need not to be the same during the set up?
    1. Amount of soil samples
    2. Size of test straws
    3. Amount of water used 
    4. Duration of time
  41. Which of the following pairs of energy requires a medium of transmission? 
    1. Heat and light
    2. Electricity and sound 
    3. Sound and light
    4. Heat and electricity
  42. Which one of the following animals have the following characteristics?
    1. lay eggs
    2. have scales on its body
    3. uses lungs to breath
    4. have varying body temperature
      1. Platypus
      2. Hen
      3. Tilapia
      4. Lizard
  43. Non-conductors of electricity can be used in making
    1. handles of cooking spoons
    2. plastic water tanks
    3. outer parts of sockets
    4. contacts of electric switches
  44. Which one of the following materials allows light in the same way as frosted glass?
    1. Skylight and oiled paper
    2. Mirror and car windscreen
    3. Window pane and white paper 
    4. Clear glass and milk
  45. Which one of the following lists consist of animals that hop and leap?
    1. Spider, flea, snail
    2. Cricket, flea, rabbit
    3. Kangaroo, frog, hyena
    4. Snail, snake, slug
  46. Which one of the following ways of passing message on HIV and AIDS is not an example of educating masses?
    1. Using seminars
    2. Using workshops
    3. Using media
    4. Using crusades
  47. The following are ways of lighting our houses naturally except 
    1. using large windows
    2. using translucent roofs
    3. using electric bulbs
    4. using large doors
  48. The following is a description of a certain beak;
    1. strong
    2. curved
    3. hooked
      Which one of the following examples of birds have the same type of beak described above?
      1. Hawk, eagle, kingfisher
      2. Hen, turkey, dove
      3. Duck, swans, penguin
      4. Humming bird, sunbird, sparrow
  49. Which weather instrument measures two aspect of weather?
    1. Windvane
    2. Air thermometer
    3. Rain gauge.
    4. Windsock
  50. The function of carnassial teeth in animals of prey is to
    1. tear flesh from bones of prey and chew it
    2. prevent flesh from sticking between teeth
    3. allow space for turning flesh for proper chewing
    4. crush bones and slice flesh into small portions that can be swallowed


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. D

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila pengo umepewa majibu manne, Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi.

__1__ wa mali haujawahi kuwa katika kiwango __2__ hapa nchini Kenya. __3__ mitatu hivi iliyopita, yaani takriban miaka thelathini hivi iliyopita wezi walikuwa wakivunja mabenki na kwa wakati __4__, __5__ ambao ulikuwa ni kuwaibia watu kwa lazima na kuwaumiza kwa silaha. Wazembe hawa __6__ viongozi wa dini ndio waliochukua nafasi za majambazi hawa sugu.
"Viongozi hawa wanaowaghilibu __7__ wauze mali yao na kuwapelekea hela zote kwa kuwa dunia imefika ukingoni ndio wanaopigiwa mfano wa methali, __8__ kwa kuwa hawana stadi inayohitajika.

   A   B   C   D 
1.   Uchoyo   Uchu   Tamaa   Shauku 
2.  kilichofika   uliofikia   kitakachotimia   kisichotimia 
3.  Misimu  Miaka   Miongo   Darzeni 
4.  ingine  wengine   kwengine   mwingine 
5.  wezi wa mabavu   wizi wa kimabavu   ulaghai wa hiari   uchopozi wa siri  
6.  wanaojiita  waliohitimu kuwa   kusomea   kufanywa kama 
7.  waamini  wafugaji   waumini   wanachama 
8.  ndugu ni kufaana si kufanana   akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki  mwana wa ndugu kirugu, mjukuu mtu wa mbali kichwa cha kuku hakistahili kilemba


Mwalimu Kijuba __9__mwalimu wangu wa kwanza wa lugha ya Kiswahili.Alinitoa matongo machoni na __10__ masikioni kuhusu lugha hii akhiyari. Mwanzo alinifahamisha kuwa ina sauti 11___. Aidha, alinifunza kuwa sauti hizi zimegawanywa katika sehemu mbili; yaani __12__ na sighuna. __13__ ,nilijuzwa kuwa kuna __14__ kadhaa za lugha kama vile __15__ methali, istiara, tashbihi, misemo, tanakali za sauti na nyingine nyingi.

   A   B   C   D 
 9.   ndiye aliyekuwa   ndio aliyekuwa   ndiye ambao alikuwa   siye aliyekuwa 
 10.   masuo  ukongo   uchafu   nta 
 11.  salasini  thalathini  thelathini   ishirini na tano 
 12.  ghuna  alfabeti  vokali   konsonati 
 13.  Mintarafu  Isitoshe   Maadamu   Seuze 
 14.   tamadhali  mapambo   maneno   tamthali 
 15.  ;  :   ,   . 


Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu sahihi

  1. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo
    Uta ule aliokujengea umekatika
    1. Ukuta ile alizokujengea imekatika
    2. Nyuta zile mlizowajengea zimekatika
    3. Kuta zile mlizowajengea zimekatika
    4. Nyuta zile waliowajengea zimekatika
  2. Neno 'mhadhara' lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Nne
    2. Sita
    3. Nane
    4. Tatu
  3. Ni sentensi gani iliyotumia kwa' kuonyesha sababu?
    1. Wafanyakazi walinufaika kwa bidii zao
    2. Kutafuta kwa mapana na marefu kutakupeleka mbali
    3. Kuimba kwa furaha kulituchangamsha
    4. Wageni walikula wali kwa mchuzi wa kuku
  4. Bainisha aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo.
    Wanafunzi wako ni bora kuliko wetu,
    1. Kivumishi, kitenzi, kiwakilishi
    2. Kiwakilishi, kivumishi, kielezi
    3. Kivumishi, kiunganishi, kiwakilishi
    4. Kiwakilishi, kitenzi, kivumishi
  5. Akisami 4/7 kwa maneno ni
    1. tusui nne
    2. tusui saba
    3. thuluthi saba
    4. subui nne
  6. Maneno yafuatayo yanafuatana vipi katika kamusi?
    1. nungu
    2. nungunungu
    3. nung'unika
    4. nung'uniko
      1. (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
      2. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
      3. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      4. (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
  7. Tambua sentensi iliyoakifishwa ipasavyo
    1. Wanafunzi wote- wale waliohusika - walitumwa nyumbani.
    2. Kanisa hilo lilifungwa! tutajiunga na jingine.
    3. Mtoto (aliyeugua) alipelekwa (hospitalini).
    4. Ewaa! ameumwa na joka kubwa.
  8. Chagua sentensi ambayo haikuendelezwa sahihi kimantiki
    1. Amejipaka mafuta usoni mwake
    2. Wanafunzi wengi waliwahi shambani
    3. Mabata wanapenda kuchezea vidimbwini
    4. Ajali nyingi zinaweza kukingika
  9. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo
    Mla nawe hafi nawe _________________________
    1. usizaliwa naye
    2. ila mzaliwa nawe
    3. kuliko mzaliwa nawe
    4. kama mzaliwa naye
  10. Ndege ni kwa kiota kama vile konokono ni kwa
    1. kizimba
    2. zizi
    3. shimo
    4. kombe
  11. Ni nini maana ya 'kula njama'?
    1. Kufanya mkutano wa siri wenye nia mbaya
    2. Kula nyama nyingi na kushiba sana
    3. Kushiriki katika mkutano wa hadhara
    4. Kuzeeka au kuishi miaka mingi
  12. Tunapata jina gani kutokana na kitenzi 'andika'?
    1. Andikwa
    2. Andikisha
    3. Mwandishi
    4. Andikiana
  13. Tambua mchezo ufuatao
    'Wachezaji huruhusiwa kuukamata mpira kwa mikono na kukimbia nao, na mpira wenyewe ni wa umbo la duaradufu'
    1. Raga
    2. Gozi
    3. Soka
    4. Gori
  14. Ni sentensi ipi inayoonyesha matumizi sahihi ya kiambishi -po- cha wakati?
    1. Alipotoka sipajui
    2. Tunapoishi ni pema
    3. Nilipomwona nilifurahi
    4. Wapo wanaosoma vizuri
  15. Chagua maelezo sahihi
    1. Kishaufu huvaliwa shingoni
    2. Hazama huvaliwa puani
    3. Kikero huvaliwa sikioni
    4. Shemere huvaliwa mguuni

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Ujio wa teknolojia umeiwezesha dunia kufanya mambo kwa haraka na wepesi mno. Dunia imedogoshwa na kuwa kama kijiji kidogo kwa kuwa; mazungumzo, midahalo, mawasiliano, sayansi na teknolojia, mikutano na mihadhara vinaweza kufanywa bila kuzingatia kitalifa chochote. Hata hivyo, uvumbuzi huu wa kisayansi unaonekana kuwapunja watoto na vijana wadogo ambao hawaelewi mitambo ya teknolojia ililetwa kwa mintarafu gani. Utawaona watoto wadogo hawana muda wa kucheza ila utawapata wamegandana na rununu au tarakilishi wakicheza michezo ya wazungu isiyoisaidia miili yao katika ukuaji.

Ukuaji wa mwili hususan wa mtoto anayekua unahitaji michezo ya aina ainati. Kwa ukweli, michezo ina faida anuwai. Hii ndiyo sababu watoto wengi huhimizwa washiriki katika michezo . Hali ya wanafunzi kujikalia ubwana madarasani huwa na athari zisizokadirika. Usisahau athari zinaweza kuwa hasi au chanya iwapo ni hasi gharama ya kuzidhibiti huwa ya juu sana ukizingatia ukweli kuwa, tuko na mfumko mkubwa wa bei. Shida nyingi ambazo zinamkumba mtu uzeeni husababishwa na kutozingatia hali ya afya njema mtu anapokua. Hii ndiyo maana utawaona watu wakizeeka na kufa mapema kuliko inavyotarajiwa. Watu wa zamani waliishi miaka mingi kwelikweli.

Vijana wa zamani walienzi na kuithamini michezo kama johari. Wavyele wengi walikuwa na kibarua kigumu kuwarudisha wanao nyumbani. Vijana wa zamani walicheza michezo mingi kama vile gungwi, kibe kibatufe, njugwe, kuzungusha tairi kwenye kiuno na hata kuruka kwa kamba. Enzi hizo hungewapata vijana wengi wamejinenepea kama nguruwe.

Ningetaka uwatazame vijana wa kisasa. Utaona idadi kubwa haiendi uwanjani kucheza ila kustarehe tu na kuzizungumzia timu za Uingereza. Utawaona wakijiita wanaManchester, wanaAsenali, wanaChelsie ilhali hawanufaiki na chochote kutokana na timu hizo. Kwao hawatambui kuwa michezo ina manufaa ya kuhusudiwa. Kwanza inajenga misuli na kuimarisha viungo vya mwili. Ni wazi kuwa unaposhiriki michezo unajihisi mwepesi zaidi na unaweza kutekeleza mengi bila kuhisi kuchoka haraka. Pia kwa wale wanaoshiriki michezo katika ngazi za kimataifa hunufaika na mengi. Wao huambulia fedha nyingi zinazowatajirisha haraka. Wengine huajiriwa kama makocha na marefa wa timu za kimaeneo, kitaifa au kimataifa.

Kulaza damu ni wazo la hasara isiyomithilika. Ni dhahiri shahiri kuwa, akili vivu ni karakana ya maovu. Wale wanaojikalia bure bila kufanya kazi yoyote hujipata wakiwazia mabaya. Usisahau, baadhi yao watazama katika matumizi ya dawa za kulevya au wanaswe na mtego wa kimapenzi kabla ya ndoa. Hata hivyo, yule anayeshiriki katika michezo huwa hana nafasi ya kuyawazia mawi. Kila anapotoka uwanjani huwa amechoka tiki na kukosa zihi za kufanya mawi.

Watoto wanaoshiriki michezo mara nyingi huwa na wepesi wa kushika hata wayasomayo. Hii ni kulingana na utafiti wa kisayansi uliofanywa nchini Marekani. Michezo hukuza kumbukumbu za aliyosoma darasani. Usisahau kuwa uwanjani lazima mchezaji awe mmakinifu na anayechemsha bongo na kukuza ubunifu. Mwanafunzi kama huyo huelewa mambo haraka na kwa wepesi. Isitoshe, michezo huchangia kukuza kumbukumbu za aliyesoma darasani. Usisahau kuwa uwanjani lazima mchezaji awe mmakinifu na anayechemsha bongo na kukuza ubunifu. Mwanafunzi kama huyo huelewa mambo haraka na kwa wepesi. Isitoshe, michezo huchangia kukuza nidhamu na umoja. Michezoni pia kuna sheria kali ambazo zinamsaidia mchezaji kujiheshimu na kuwaheshimu wenzake.

  1. Aya ya kwanza haijaeleza kuwa
    1. teknolojia imekuza michezo chanya ya watoto
    2. teknolojia inawezesha watu kuwasiliana vyema hata wakiwa mbali
    3. wanafunzi wanaweza kupokea mafunzo hata wakiwa mbali
    4. teknolojia imeifanya ulimwengu kuwa kama kata ndogo tu
  2. Ni nani aliyepata hasara kubwa kutokana na teknolojia mpya?
    1. Wanasayansi na wavumbuzi wenyewe
    2. Watu wote wanaotumia vyombo vya teknolojia
    3. Watu wa umri mdogo wasiojua matumizi kamili ya teknolojia
    4. Watu wote wanaohusika na michezo mbalimbali
  3. Michezo aina ainati yaani
    1. michezo inayokuza miili 
    2. michezo ambayo hainufaishi
    3. michezo ambayo haipatikani
    4. michezo ya aina nyingi
  4. Wazee wa kale
    1. hawakuishi miaka mingi ikilinganishwa na sasa
    2. waliishi miaka mingi wakilinganishwa na wale wa kisasa
    3. walitumia mitambo ya teknolojia vyema kuliko wa kisasa
    4. hawakucheza michezo mingi kama ile inayochezwa na vijana wa kisasa
  5. Mtu anaweza kupata athari gani akikaa tu bila kufanya kitu kulingana na aya ya pili?
    1. Kuathiri hali ya kiuchumi ya mtu binafsi
    2. Kuathiri hali ya mapato ya mtu binafsi
    3. Kuhatarisha maisha ya wahasiriwa wote
    4. Kunaathiri hali ya ukuaji wa mwili wake.
  6. Kulingana na kifungu, tunaweza kusema kuwa vijana wa kisasa na wale wa kale ni kama usiku na mchana kwani
    1. vijana wa leo hawathamini michezo
    2. vijana wa leo wanathamini michezo sana
    3. hakuna tofauti hata kidogo kwa kuwa mitazamo yao ni sawa
    4. vijana wa zamani hawakuthamini michezo hata kidogo
  7. Vijana wanaostarehe tu na kushabikia timu za kizungu wanakosa manufaa yafuatayo isipokuwa
    1. kusaidia timu anayeisifia kushinda 
    2. kujenga misuli na kuimarisha viungo vya mwili
    3. kuhisi mwepesi zaidi na bila kuchoka kwa haraka
    4. kupata hela haraka na kutajirika kwa haraka
  8. Michezo katika vijana inafanya nini kulingana na aya ya tano?
    1. Inawafanya kutelekeza afya za miili yao 
    2. Huwasaidia kushabikia timu kubwa za kizungu
    3. Huwasaidia kuepukana na mawi yatakayowahatarisha
    4. Huwafanya kuingilia mihadarati na mapenzi ya haramu
  9. Kulingana na utafiti wa kisayansi uliofanywa Marekani
    1. wachezaji wote huwa werevu
    2. michezo huchangia katika kunoa akili
    3. bora kijana ashiriki michezo atakuwa mwerevu
    4. michezo ndiyo njia ya pekee ya uerevu darasani
  10. Anwani mwafaka katika kifungu hiki inaweza kuwa
    1. Faida za teknolojia ya kisasa 
    2. Madhara ya teknolojia ya kisasa 
    3. Madhara ya michezo mingi
    4. Faida za michezo kwenye afya

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41- 50

Katika msitu mkuu ulio upande wa mashariki mwa Afrika palikuwa na wanyama ambao waliongozwa naye bwana Kifaru. Mfalme huyu aliongoza msitu huo kwa kipindi cha miongo isiyopungua miwili. Kifaru alipounyakuwa uongozi huu kutoka kwa utawala wa Simba I, wanyama wote walishangilia kwa hoihoi, vigelegele na nderemo. Hii ni kwa sababu cheo hicho daima kilikuwa cha familia ya simba. Hata hivyo, muda wa mfalme Kifaru ulikuwa umekamilika. Wanyama walikuwa wananoa makali yao ili kwenda debeni tena.

Kabla ya uchaguzi ambao ulipania kufanywa mwakani, wanyama wazalendo walianza kutathmini kazi ya kiongozi Kifaru. Baada ya mijadala kwenye vyombo vya habari, ilibainika wazi kuwa kiongozi huyo anayeng'atuka alikuwa ameleta maendeleo si haba. Mwanzo, barabara zilikuwa zimenyoka twa! Pili, alikuwa amefungua vyuo vikuu na vyuo anuwai ambavyo vilifadhiliwa kwa asilimia sabini na tano. Waliojiunga na vyuo hivyo walipata ufadhili vile vile wa karo. Wanyama wengi walikuwa wameelimika kuliko misitu mingine majirani. Wengi walisikika wakisema kuwa pasingekuwa na kifungu kwenye katiba kumzuia, wangemruhusu Kifaru kutawala milele. Hata hivyo, uchumi wao ulikuwa umezorota kwa kuwa alikuwa na madeni mengi yaliyozichukua pesa nyingi za walipa ushuru.

Siku ya uchaguzi ilipowadia, wanyama walimchagua mwana wa simba I ambaye alikuwa ameongoza hapo awali. Wengi walimchagua kwa kusingizia kuwa alikuwa na damu ya uongozi kutoka kwa baba yake. Wengine walimpendelea kwa kuwa alikuwa amesoma hadi kiwango cha uzamifu pale katika chuo kikuu cha Uingereza. "Simba II atatuletea maendeleo ya Uingereza," Nyani walisikika wakimmiminia sifa sufufu. Isitoshe, Simba II alikuwa mkakamavu ajabu. Hata hivyo kuna wale waliopinga wakisema kuwa si vyema wanyama kutoka jamii moja kuongoza milele kwa kuwa wengi wapo, Simba II alitawazwa kuwa mfalme wa tatu wa msitu wa Rosana.

Simba II alishika hatamu za uongozi. Alilitawala pori hilo hivi kwamba wanyama wote walimpenda na kumtii. Hata hivyo, kwa kutamani maendeleo ya pupa, aliwatoza wanyama ushuru mkubwa ajabu. Kila mwanzo wa mwezi, wanyama wote walijumuika kwake ili kulipa ushuru. Wengine walitoka mapangoni, chini ya mawe, miti, viota na kwenye milima na mabonde. Walisimama gwarideni na mfalme angeamua kodi ambayo kila mmoja angelipa. Mfalme huyu aliapa na kutangaza kuwa hakuna hata mmoja ambaye angejaribu kukwepa kulipa ushuru.

Wanyama wengi walilalamikia ushuru wa juu lakini wakalipa ila Mamba. Mwezi ulipokamilika, wanyama wote waliwasili nyumbani kwa simba kulipa ushuru. Kama ilivyokuwa kawaida, Mamba hakuwa miongoni mwao. Wakati huu tabia ya Mamba ilikuwa imemfika mfalme kooni. Hakuwa tayari kupokea vijisababu vyake na alisisitiza kuwa lazima Mamba alipe shilingi milioni kumi kwa kuishi majini. Mfalme Simba II aliamua kumtuma Kiboko akamwite Mamba kwenye kasri. Alilalamika kuwa tabia hiyo ya Mamba ilikuwa sasa kia cha mwili.

Mamba alipofikishiwa ujumbe alisema kuwa alikuwa na mfalme wake majini aliyemlipa ushuru. Mfalme aliposikia hayo, alichemka nyongo. Aliondoka shoti hadi majini. Wakati huo, maji yalikuwa safi na yametulia tuli. Simba alinguruma na kutazama ndani. Mle ndani, alimwona Simba mwingine. Papo hapo, aliruka na kutumbukia majini chupwi! Akazama zi! na kutokomea kabisa.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza;
    1. wanyama walikuwa hawaamini mwanzoni iwapo kuna mnyama mwingine atakayeongoza isipokuwa Simba
    2. aliyeongoza zaidi ya miongo miwili alikuwa ni mfalme Simba
    3. baada ya uongozi wa Kifaru, Simba II alichukua ushukani
    4. kipindi cha mfalme Kifaru hakikuwa kimekamilika
  2. ...wananoa makali ili kwenda debeni..." Kwenda debeni ni nini kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kuingia kwenye debe
    2. Kumpokea kiongozi mpya
    3. Kwenda kupiga kura
    4. Kuagana na kiongozi wao
  3. Kura zilitarajiwa kupigwa;
    1. mwaka huo
    2. baada ya mwongo mmoja
    3. mwaka uliotangulia
    4. mwaka ambao ungefuata
  4. Kifaru alikuwa amefanya mema yafuatayo ila:
    1. kutengeneza miundombinu kama vile baraste nzuri
    2. kujenga vyuo vikuu na vyuo anuwai ili wanyama wasome
    3. kufadhili ujenzi wa vyuo kwa asilimia mia moja
    4. aliwatawala wanyama vyema hadi wakatamani aendelee
  5. Ni kwa nini haingewezekana Kifaru kuendelea kutawala kwa mintarafu ya wanyama?
    1. Katiba yao haikuruhusu viongozi kutawala milele
    2. Kifaru alitoka familia ambayo haikutarajiwa kuongoza
    3. Uchumi ulikuwa umedorora katika uongozi wa Kifaru
    4. Uongozi wa Kifaru ulikuwa umekopa madeni kupita kiasi
  6. Simba II alikuwa na kiwango gani cha elimu?
    1. Shahada iliyo chini ya shahada ya uzamili
    2. Shahada aipatayo mtu baada ya shahada ya uzamili
    3. Ni shahada mtu apatayo baada ya ile ya astashahada
    4. Ni cheti cha juu zaidi katika kisomo cha duniani
  7. Unafikiri ni kwa nini Simba II alitawazwa kuwa mfalme ilhali wengine walimpinga?
    1. Kiongozi aliyetangulia alikuwa amedororesha uchumi
    2. Kuna wachache walioupenda ukakamavu wake
    3. Simba II alikuwa na kiwango cha juu cha elimu
    4. Simba II alipata ushindi kwa wingi wa kura
  8. "...tabia hiyo ya Mamba ilikuwa sasa kia cha mwili" ina maana kuwa;
    1. yalikuwa mazoea ya Mamba kutolipa ushuru
    2. Mamba alimdharau mfalme
    3. ilikuwa tabia ya Mamba kulalamika
    4. Mamba alikuwa na hasira
  9. Si kweli kusema kuwa
    1. Mamba alilipa ushuru tu baada ya mwaka mmoja
    2. wanyama wote hawakufurahia ushuru waliotozwa
    3. wanyama wote ila Mamba walilipa ushuru
    4. Mamba alitozwa faini ya kutolipa ushuru
  10. Unafikiri alichokiona mfalme majini ni nini?
    1. Mamba aliyedinda kulipa ushuru
    2. Mfalme mgeni wa majini
    3. Mnyama wa majini aliyefanana na Simba
    4. Kivuli cha mfalme Simba II


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukianza kwa kifungu ulichopewa.

Tulianza safari yetu alfajiri na mapema. kwa kuwa siku njema huonekana asubuhi, safari hiyo ilitarajiwa kuwa .....................................


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. A
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. D
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. C
  45. A
  46. B
  47. D
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D



Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15. For each blank space, choose the best answer from the choices given.

There are many kinds of snakes __1__ this planet. However, not all of them are poisonous. The most common snakes __2__ sometimes be found in our gardens. __3__ harmless grass snakes vary in length from one foot to three feet. They rarely bite people and are ___4__, shy creatures. Grass snakes eat insects and small animals like frogs and chicks. They are good, __5__ the garden as they keep away pests like rats. The most poisonous __6__ of snakes are the python and viper. __7__ these snakes are seldom found in gardens. Instead, they __8__ in forests or in dense vegetation such as swampy area. They do not actively __9__ out victims, but will defend themselves __10__ potential enemies and intruders. __11__ the snake senses someone coming, it would rather glide noiselessly away __12__ confront the person. Contrary to popular belief, snakes do not __13__ with their tongue. They bite with two fangs which point backwards. The snake's tongue, which __14__
flicks in and out, is actually its 'fingers'. Its tongue __15__ nerve endings helps the snake feel the food before eating it.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   in  under   on   at 
 2.  shall   would   should   can 
 3.  Some   These   Those   This 
 4.  in fact  now   perhaps   surely 
 5.  at  in   for   on 
 6.  kind  variety   types   category 
 7.  Fortunately   Moreover   But   Indeed 
 8.  exist  reside  dwell  live
 9.  pursue  reach  seek  look
 10.   with  around  against  upon
 11.  If  While  Whether   Since
 12.  or  than  instead  to
 13.  scare  kill  hunt  sting
 14.  continnously   continuosly   continuously   continously 
 15.  comprises of   consists of  consists  comprise


For questions 16 to 18, complete the sentence with best alternative from the choices given. 

  1. Dorothy is the most _________________________ girl in her class.
    1. diligent
    2. clever
    3. fastest
    4. keen
  2. It was not until the match began _____________________________  we realised the opponents had an extra player.
    1. when
    2. than
    3. that
    4. then
  3. Neither of the children _____________________________ been allowed to sit at that desk.
    1. was
    2. has
    3. have
    4. were

For questions 19 and 20, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words. 

  1. I hope to call on my deskmate this weekend.
    1. check
    2. view
    3. see
    4. visit
  2. It is hard to explain why they turned down the offer.
    1. refused
    2. denied
    3. rejected
    4. returned

In questions 21 to 23, choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

  1. The tycoon has _____________________________ the foundation of a new mansion.
    1. lied
    2. lay
    3. lain
    4. laid
  2. Molly appeared familiar ____________________________ the places we visited.
    1. for
    2.  with
    3. to
    4. on
  3. The pirates failed terribly when they tried to attack a _________________________________ of sailors.
    1. crew
    2. troupe
    3. troop
    4. pannel

For questions 24 and 25, choose the word that least fits in the group.

    1. diligent
    2. hardworking
    3. industrious
    4. cautious
    1. insolent
    2. rude
    3. impolite
    4. courteous

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.

Hen made a discovery that broke her heart. She wondered who was behind the malice. One of her eggs was missing. She made up her mind to inform Rooster who was hunting for food elsewhere. Hen fled her nest to find Rooster not knowing that she was about to lose more eggs. Just out of view of the nest, the thief patiently waited for Hen to leave her eggs again. Black Snake crept slowly and quietly up to the nest. He eyed the eggs and quickly swallowed one. Black Snake smiled to himself. His plan had been so simple and had worked so well. He swallowed another egg. It slid far down his long throat before his muscles crushed the fragile shell. "I'll be back later for another delicious egg, Hen," hissed Black Snake as he slithered away. "Thank you for another fine meal.”

Meanwhile, the frantic Hen led Rooster back to her nest. "Why would someone take one of my eggs?" she clucked. Rooster was equally at sixes and sevens at what had happened. He asked whether Hen had counted the eggs well. From the expression on Hen's face, Rooster knew he shouldn't have asked that question. She glared at him and said, "You know I can count. See for yourself. How many eggs are in my nest?"

"One, two, three," Hen began counting as Rooster watched curiously. She frowned and stopped counting out aloud. She was red with fury. Just the few minutes she had been away, another egg had been stolen. Rooster was equally infuriated. He was convinced there was a thief in their neighbourhood. Sadly, he had no idea how to discover who it was.

The next few days were just terrible for Hen. She worried constantly about her remaining eggs. She tried to stay with her eggs at all times but it was not possible to always be with them. Sometimes she had to leave to get food or take care of her other chicks. No matter why and when she left, the same thing always happened. One or two eggs disappeared each time. "Someone is watching me very closely," cried the Hen. "He knows exactly where I am at each moment of the day. I am only left with three eggs."

"Although I cannot prove anything," comforted Rooster, "I think it must be Black Snake who is stealing your eggs. He's patient enough to watch you a long time, and we all know how he loves to eat eggs." Just the thought of Black Snake eating her eggs made Hen shudder. She had heard stories of how he swallowed eggs and then crushed them further down his long slender neck. She knew Rooster was probably correct.

"I must hurry back to my nest," declared Hen, realising how long she had talked to Rooster. She rushed to her eggs, but it was too late. Two more eggs had vanished. "Rooster!" she cried. "Come help me. I only have one egg left." Rooster and Hen were fed up with the Black Snake's mischief. They decided to teach him a lesson he would never live to remember. They came up with a plan that they thought would serve the purpose. The next morning, Hen continued guarding her last egg as if everything were normal. From a distance, Black Snake watched patiently not knowing that all would go haywire for him in a short while. In line with the plan, Hen left her nest as she always did. Just then, Black Snake slithered out of hiding. In no time at all, he swallowed what he believed was final egg. It slid down his throat easily. But, when his muscles squeezed the egg, it did not break. It only became firmly lodged in his throat, cutting off his air supply. Black Snake twisted and turned trying to crush the ‘egg' or loosen it so he could breathe. It was at that point that he realised that he had been tricked into swallowing a stone. By the time Hen returned with Rooster, the struggle was over. Black Snake would steal no more eggs. He was dead.

  1. The first time Hen discovered that her egg was missing, she
    1. did not take it seriously.
    2. despaired.
    3. was greatly saddened.
    4. wished to lay a trap.
  2. Why did Hen decide to look for Rooster?
    1. To find out where he was.
    2. She knew Rooster had an idea who the thief was.
    3. She had nothing else.
    4. To break the news to him.
  3. As the Black Snake said 'Thank you for another fine meal',
    1. was genuinely grateful.
    2. was mocking Hen.
    3. was certain to remain undiscovered.
    4. knew how worried Hen was.
  4. How did Rooster react when Hen mentioned the lost egg to him? He
    1. dismissed her.
    2. became furious.
    3. got suspicious.
    4. was confused.
  5. Why was Hen enraged according to the passage?
    1. She had lost another egg.
    2.  She did know the thief.
    3. She realised that the thief was in her neighbourhood.
    4. She did not know what to do.
  6. It was not possible for Hen to keep her eggs secure mainly because
    1. she had no idea who the thief was.
    2. there were enemies in her neighbourhood.
    3. she had to leave her nest from time to time.
    4. the thief was very dangerous.
  7. Black Snake found it easy to steal Hen's eggs because
    1. no one knew he was a thief.
    2. he watched Hen's movements closely.
    3. he found the eggs delicious.
    4. Hen was hardly ever in her nest.
  8. According to the information in the passage, it is true to say that Hen
    1. knew nothing about Black Snake.
    2. doubted that Black Snake was the thief.
    3.  felt secure in her nest.
    4. knew that Black Snake liked eggs.
  9. The word vanished as used in the passage means the same as
    1. disappeared
    2. lessened
    3. materialised
    4. diminished
  10. The trick that Rooster came up with
    1. was meant to teach the Black Snake a lesson.
    2. left Black Snake in a lot of pain.
    3. was fatal to Black Snake.
    4. had been suggested by Hen.
  11. Why did Hen leave her nest according to the last paragraph?
    1. To get food.
    2. To check on her chicks.
    3. To find Rooster.
    4. To lure Black Snake into her nest.
  12. Why did Black Snake die?
    1. He had been tricked.
    2. He suffocated.
    3. He had swallowed a hard object.
    4. He was greedy.
  13. What is the best title for the above passage?
    1. The frustrated Hen.
    2. Black Snake learns a lesson.
    3. Hen and her eggs.
    4. The Cruel Black Snake.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

Manduli was in his mid twenties. Out of sheer adventure, he found himself smoking. In those days, starting to smoke was considered a fashionable thing to do by adults. Consequently, many a young person got attracted to it. Smoking was like a rite of passage, when one moved on from being a boy to being a man, an adult. Friendship in those days insisted on being able to do similar things together. So, if one had the bad luck of being among smokers, picking up the habit was the most natural thing to do. During those days, tobacco companies were deliberately quiet on the details of the hazards that came with smoking.

However, something unusual happened that caused serious concerns among smokers and the non-smokers alike. The 'star' of a cigarette advertisement, one that had a lovely slogan about smoking being a truly glamorous and manly thing to do, died of lung cancer. This sent shivers among a significant section of the smokers. Of course the deceased was a model smoker. The courage with which he would take puffs in the advertisement proved his passion for the habit. To rub salt in the wound, stories of other people who died of respiratory ailments after years of smoking became common news. Even non-smoking tobacco company employees developed lung cancer and other complications. Scientists were prompted to carry out research and the revelations were shocking. Tobacco companies had genetically modified tobacco plants to create faster addiction to nicotine among new smokers.

By the time this came into the public domain, Manduli had been smoking for more than ten years. The addiction was so entrenched that he never mentally accepted that he even had it.

However, he began to get seriously worried when his best friend's wife died of lung cancer despite never having smoked a cigarette all her life. It was later discovered that the fatal disease had resulted from the effects of secondary smoking. Her husband was a chain smoker. He smoked everywhere in the house. He had no idea that he was not only damaging his life but he was also killing his wife gradually. In addition, another friend of Manduli's who was a heavy smoker succumbed to cancer. The same year, another friend of his, who was a regular smoker had a heart attack. Since the man did not have close relatives in the same town, Manduli became his constant companion. He drove him to hospital regularly though the patient did not survive. His demise marked the turning point in Manduli's life. He decided to totally remove cigarettes from life. He got rid of all the ash-trays in his house and the office.

The first week was terrible for Manduli, His moods fluctuated from one extreme to the other. That not withstanding, he still remained focused on his goal. Every time that he very badly needed a cigarette, he would hold a cigarette in his hand and stare at in closely. He would build up the hatred that he had for it, for having taken over his life so viciously. He would then crush it in between his fingers, grind in up in his palm and throw it into the rubbish bin. In the long run, Manduli overcame this addictive vice.

  1. Why did Manduli start smoking?
    1. He was influenced by his peers.
    2. He probably found it exciting.
    3. He needed something to keep him busy.
    4. He had always wanted to do it.
  2. Which statement is true according to the first paragraph?
    1. Tobacco companies do not release useful information to the public.
    2.  Friendship used to be founded on smoking.
    3. Perhaps many people did not know the problems associated with smoking.
    4. Many people still consider smoking a rite of passage.
  3. It is true to say that the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement
    1. became ill for several years.
    2. was a non-smoker
    3. knew the dangers of smoking.
    4. demonstrated to viewers how to smoke.
  4. When the 'star' of a cigarette advertisement died,
    1. the number of smokers declined by half.
    2. people realised smoking was harmful.
    3. not many people associated his death with smoking.
    4. some smokers stopped the habit instantly.
  5. What is the meaning of the phrase "To rub salt in the wound"? To
    1. worsen a situation.
    2. cause a lot of deaths.
    3. cause worry among people.
    4. make things appear strange.
  6. Why did tobacco companies modify tobacco plants? To
    1. make cigarettes more attractive.
    2. make cigarettes less dangerous.
    3. beat their competitors in the market.
    4. enrich themselves.
  7. The word fatal as used in the passage can best be replaced by
    1. dangerous
    2. deadly
    3. disastrous
    4. serious
  8. Manduli's friend's wife died because
    1. she was a smoker.
    2. her husband was down with cancer.
    3. she had inhaled cigarette smoke for long.
    4. her husband had neglected her.
  9. It is untrue to say that Manduli's friend who had a heart attack
    1. passed on eventually.
    2. had no relatives.
    3. needed regular medication.
    4. was a smoker.
  10.  The fact that Manduli removed ash trays from his house and office shows that he
    1. sympathised with his friends.
    2. had never liked smoking.
    3. wanted to become a better person.
    4. was keen on giving up smoking.
  11. When Manduli first stopped smoking, he
    1.  lived comfortably.
    2. experienced some challenges.
    3. got professional help.
    4. failed terribly.
  12. The word vice as used in the passage can be classified as
    1. a noun
    2. an adjective
    3. a conjunction
    4.  a verb


You have 40 minutes to write your composition

Below is a beginning of a story, complete it making it as interesting as possible.

I could not sleep that night. I kept thinking about the event I would attend the following day.........................................


  1. C
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  48. D
  49. B
  50. A
  1. What is 5014.15 written in words?
    1. Five thousand and fourteen and fifteen
    2. Five thousand and fourteen and fifteen hundredths.
    3. Fifty thousand and fourteen and fifteen hundredths.
    4. Fifty thousand and fourteen and fifteen 
  2. What is the number 19.9968 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 20.0
    2. 19.10
    3. 20.00
    4. 19.99
  3. What is the value of 
    3(4²+ 2²) − 5 x 6 ÷ 2?
                  3 × 5
    1. 4
    2. 30
    3. 0.3
    4. 3
  4. What is the product of the total value of digit 3 and the total value of digit 9 in the number 7643982?
    1. 2700000
    2. 270000
    3. 27000
    4. 2700
  5. What is the value of
    52/÷ (5/8 − 1/2) × 2/15 ÷ 11/5
    1. 7/150
    2. 51/27 
    3. 27/136 
    4. 527/136 
  6. Draw a rhombus KLMO whose sides are 5cm and angle KLM 65°. What is half the length of the shorter diagonal?
    1. 5.4cm
    2. 42.3cm
    3. 4.6cm
    4. 2.7cm
  7. What is the LCM of 18, 28 and 84 written in its prime factors?
    1. 22 x 3 x 72
    2. 22 x 32 x 72
    3. 22 x 32 x 7
    4. 2 x 32 x 72
  8. Which group of the following decimals increases by hundredths?
    1. 0.2345, 0.3345, 0.4345, 0.5345
    2. 0.5219, 0.5319, 0.5419, 0.5519
    3. 0.3149, 0.3159, 0.3169, 0.3179
    4. 0.4451, 0.4452, 0.4453, 0.4454
  9. Which one of the following models folded will have the same number of faces and vertices?
  10. The price of a skirt including a 16% sales tax is Shs 2320. What is the price of the skirt before the tax?
    1. Shs 2691.20
    2. Shs 1948.80
    3. Shs 2000
    4. Shs 320
  11. Six hundred pupils of Makindu School were each given 10dl packets of milk each day for 10 days. How many litres of milk were given altogether?
    1. 600
    2. 60000
    3. 60
    4. 6000
  12. What is the value of x in the equation
    2x + 3 = 3 − x ?
    1. 1.5
    2. 2.5
    3. 2.0
    4. 3.0
  13. Njima spent 20% of his income on food and 1/3 of the remainder on school fees. If he was left with Shs 5600, what was his income?
    1. Shs 1050
    2. Shs 4480
    3. Shs 6720
    4. Shs 10500
  14. Ojwang bought a radio on hire purchase terms. He made a deposit of Shs 2700 and the rest in 12 equal monthly instalments. The hire purchase price of the radio was 20% more than the marked price. Given marked price as Shs 16000, how much was each monthly instalment?
    1. Shs 1375
    2. Shs 1600
    3. Shs 3200
    4. Shs 16500
  15. In the figure below, ABDC is a rhombus of side 17cm, BD is 30cm long.
    What is the length of AC?
    1. 8cm
    2. 16cm
    3. 2.0
    4. 15cm
  16. Onteri bought the following items from a shop;
    4kg of sugar @ Shs 120
    kg onions @ Shs 180 per kg
    Four-2kg packets of maize flour @ Shs 110
    A bar of soap @ Shs 150
    kg of salt for Shs 50
    He paid for the items using three-five hundred shilling notes. How much balance did he get?
    1. Shs 1210
    2. Shs 290
    3. Shs 1650
    4. Shs 150
  17. The diagram below represents Okero's piece of land.
    What is its perimeter?
    1. 51m
    2. 55m
    3. 44m
    4. 33m
  18. Construct triangle ABC in which line AB = 8cm. Angle ABC = 120° and line BC 6cm. Draw the perpendicular bisectors of line BC and line AB.Let the bisectors meet at point Q. What is the length of line QB?
    1. 6.5cm
    2. 7.5cm
    3. 6.0cm
    4. 7.0cm
  19. During an election Ng'ang'a, Otieno, Maina and Wamalwa contested for a seat. Maina received 16241 which was 5627 votes more than Ng'ang'a and 3569 votes less than Otieno. If the total number of people who voted was 79223 and 968 votes were spoilt, how many votes did Wamalwa get?
    1. 31590
    2. 10614
    3. 19810
    4. 32658
  20. What is the value of
    5.1 x 0.006 x 6.5 ?
          3.4 x 0.13
    1. 0.45
    2. 45
    3. 0.045
    4. 4.5
  21. A map is drawn on a scale of 1:50000. What is the actual area of a rectangular plot of land in hectares represented by a length of 8cm and width of 5cm on the map?
    1. 40
    2. 1000
    3. 100
    4. 200
  22. A saleslady carns a basic salary of Shs 9000. She is also given a 10% commission on the value of goods sold above Shs 150000. In one month she got a total carning of Shs 16000. What were the total sales?
    1. Shs 70000
    2. Shs 80000
    3. Shs 220000
    4. Shs 165000
  23. What is the value of the expression
    y²(2x − w)
      xw + y
    if y = x+4, w = ½(y + x) and x=4?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 2
  24. The diagram below is an open trough used to feed animals.
    The outer surface of the trough was painted. What area was painted?
    (Тakе π=22/7)
    1. 11.88m2
    2. 5.94m2
    3. 7.48m2
    4. 4.4m2
  25. The table below shows the arrival and departure time of a bus travelling between Kisii and Kisumu.
     Station   Arrival time   Departure time 
     Kisii  ______  6.30a.m.
     Suneka   9.00 a.m  9.15 a.m
     Oyugis  12.20 p.m  12.30 p.m
     Ahero  1.30 p.m  1.45 p.m
     Kisumu  3.15 p.m  ____________
    How long does it take the bus to travel from Kisii to Ahero?
    1. 7hr 15min
    2. 7 hours
    3. 6 hours
    4. 6hrs 15min
  26. Mutuma borrowed some money at a simple interest rate of 10% p.a. After 24 months he paid a total of Shs 20000 as interest. How much had he borrowed?
    1. Shs 100000
    2. Shs 80000
    3. Shs 140000
    4. Shs 120000
  27. What is the next number in the pattern below?
    69, 86, 106, 129,____________
    1. 149
    2. 155
    3. 146
    4. 152
  28. The headteacher of Bidii Academy attended a workshop for twelve days. If the workshop started on Thursday 25th of February 2015, when did it end?
    1. 7th March 2015
    2. 10th March 2015
    3. 9th March 2015
    4. 8th March 2015
  29. What is the value of (21/4)2C8MathMT2S42023Q29?
    1. 51/16 
    2. 853/80 
    3. 753/80 
    4. 23/
  30. A fruit vendor sold 44 more bananas than oranges. He sold one banana at Shs 4 and one orange at Shs 5. His total sales amounted to Shs 500. What percentage of the total sales was obtained from the sale of oranges?
    1. 64%
    2. 45%
    3. 55%
    4. 36%
  31. The figure below represents a square piece of land ABCD.
    What is the area of the shaded part if each side of the land measures 56m?
    (Тake π = 22/7)
    1. 1904m2
    2. 1232m2
    3. 4368m2
    4. 3136m2
  32. In a class there are three girls for every two boys. If there are 12 more girls than boys how many pupils were absent on a day when 48 pupils were present?
    1. 12
    2. 2
    3. 240
    4. 60
  33. There is a loss of 30% when an item is sold at Shs 4200. At what price must it be sold in order to make a 10% profit?
    1. Shs 14000
    2. Shs 6600
    3. Shs 5460
    4. Shs 2400
  34. Figure ABCD is a trapezium in which angle ABC= 130°, <BCA 30°. Triangle CAD is a right angled triangle.
    What is the size of angle ADE?
    1. 20°
    2. 70°
    3. 110°
    4. 120°
  35. A farmer tied a cow using a rope 14m on a peg to graze. The following day he tied a goat using a rope 7m on the same peg to graze. How much more area was the cow likely to graze than the goat?
    1. 616m2
    2. 154m2
    3. 770m2
    4. 462m2
  36. Which of the following is not a property of a right angled triangle?
    1. Two sides are perpendicular.
    2. Two sides of its angles are acutc.
    3. The longest side is opposite the largest angle.
    4. The smallest angle is opposite the longest side.
  37. A trade sold 0.625 of the number of goats he had to a butcher. How many goats was he left with as a percentage?
    1. 62.5%
    2. 37.5%
    3. 38.5%
    4. 0.375%
  38. Each diagonal of a rectangular lawn is 15m. If one side is 12m, what is the perimeter of the lawn?
    1. 42m
    2. 54m
    3. 21m
    4. 108m
  39. What is the expression
    in the simplest form?
    1.   6x−3y  
    2. 6x−13y_
    3.   6x−13y  
      40x −18y
    4.   6x−13y  
  40. Sheila paid Shs 80000 for a motorbike after getting a discount of 20% on the marked price. How much would she have paid if she had been given a 10% discount?
    1. Shs 1000000
    2. Shs 72000
    3. Shs 64000
    4. Shs 90000
  41. The figure below shows lines AE, BF, CG and DH which intersect at point O.
    What is the size of angle HOG?
    1. 60°
    2. 40°
    3. 50°
    4. 30°
  42. What is 4/5, 25%, 0.5, 11/4 arranged in descending order?
    1. 25%, 0.5, 4/5, 11/4
    2. 11/4, 4/5, 0.5, 25%
    3. 4/5, 11/4, 25%, 0.5
    4. 0.5, 11/4, 4/,25%
  43. In a class, the ratio of the number of boys to girls is 5:3. What is the percentage of boys in that class?
    1. 1662/3%
    2. 621/2%
    3. 60%
    4. 40%
  44. 18th July 2014 was a Sunday. Which day was 20th September the same year?
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Saturday
    4. Sunday
  45. Jenny had the following denominations in her cash box.
    150 - One shilling coins
    20- Five shillings coins
    40 - Fifty shillings notes
    100 - Hundred shilling notes
    5- Two hundred shillings notes
    She changed all the money to fifty shilling notes. How many notes did she get?
    1. 562
    2. 256
    3. 652
    4. 265
  46. Six men working at the same rate can complete painting a house in 8 days. How many more days will it take 4 of the men to complete the same piece of work?
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 5
  47. The mean of 7 numbers is 5. Six of the numbers are 2, 3, 1, 2, 7, 8. Work out the median of the numbers?
    1. 2
    2. 2.5
    3. 3
    4. 5
  48. Below is a rectangular tank not drawn to scale. It is 2/3 full of water.
    How many mmore litres are needed to fill it?
    1. 25000
    2. 12500
    3. 37500
    4. 125000
  49. A room measures 7m long by 6m wide by 4m high. If the door and windows occupy 20m2 and its walls were painted, what area was painted in m2?
    1. 104
    2. 188
    3. 132
    4. 84
  50. Below is a travel graph of a motorist from town J to K and back.
    What was his average speed for the whole journey in m/s?
    1. 60m/s
    2. 90m/s
    3. 25m/s
    4. 162/3 m/s


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
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  42. B
  43. B
  44. A
  45. D
  46. D
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C
  1. Which one of the following materials allows light to pass through but one cannot see through it clearly?
    1. Fresh milk
    2. Mirror
    3. Oiled paper
    4. Clean water.
  2. Which one of the following statements about soft water is correct?
    1. is good for drinking
    2. lathers easily
    3. contains essential nutrients
    4. forms scum and fur.
  3. The chart below shows classification of small animals.
    What do parts S and R represent respectively?

    A Millipedes Centipedes
    B Crabs Snails
    C Butterfly Mite
     D Lice  Wasp
  4. The diagram below represents a set up that can be use to demonstrate a certain aspect of heat.
    The aspect demonstrated is that
    1. solids conduct heat
    2. solids expand on heating
    3. solids melts when heated
    4. solids bend when heated
  5. The main reason why a baby needs to be breastfed by the mother is that the milk produced
    1. is easily digested
    2. helps the baby to grow fast
    3. helps the baby's bones to be strong
    4. helps to boost the baby's immune system.
  6. Which one of the following ways of improving soil fertility will take the shortest time for plants to get nutrients? When using
    1. farmyard manure
    2. compound fertilizers
    3. green manure
    4. compost manure
  7. The diagram below shows parts of a maize fruit.
    Which of the following parts represents the embryo of the fruit?
    1. U
    2. T
    3. V
    4. W
  8. The following are functions of roots.
    1. Absorb water.
    2. Absorb mineral salts.
    3. Hold plants firm in the soil.
    4. Store food.
    5. Breathing.
      Which pair of functions is performed by all roots?
      1. (i) and (v)
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (iv) and (iii)
      4. (ii) and (iii).
  9. Which one of the following property of light enables us to see clearly?
    1. Refraction
    2. Reflection
    3. Dispersion
    4. Light traveling in a straight line.
  10. The following are materials used to make a certain weather instrument.
    1. Water
    2. Manila paper
    3. Cellotape
    4. Bottle
    5. Biropen casing
    6. Cork.
      The weather instrument likely to be improvised measures
      1. temperature
      2. direction of wind
      3. rainfall
      4. speed of wind.
  11. The component of air that is used in food preservation is also likely to be used in
    1. making plant protein
    2. electric bulbs and tubes
    3. manufacturing of plant food
    4. germination of seeds.
  12. Which one of the following pairs of processes of changes of states of matter requires absorption of heat from the surrounding?
    1. Condensation and freezing.
    2. Melting and evaporation.
    3. Freezing and melting.
    4. Evaporation and condensation.
  13. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Addiction
    2. Fits
    3. Withdrawal
    4. Truancy.
  14. Three of the following factors influence soil erosion except
    1. amount of rainfall
    2. ploughing along the slope
    3. slope of the land
    4. type of soil.
  15. Which of the following pairs of animals have a moist skin with no scales and lays unfertilized eggs?
    1. Frog and salamander.
    2. Newt and turtle.
    3. Whale and shark.
    4. Chameleon and toad.
  16. The diagram below shows parts of the human digestive system.
    Which part is wrongly matched with its function?
    1. P-Digestion of proteins.
    2. Q-Mixes food with enzymes from pancrease.
    3. R- Completes digestion of food.
    4. S- Absorbs digested food.
  17. Which one of the following is not a correct statement about reproduction in human beings?
    1. Menstruation stops during pregnancy.
    2. The zygote gets implanted on the walls of the uterus.
    3. Fertilization takes place in the oviduct.
    4. The blood of the mother and the foetus mix.
  18. The blood vessel through which oxygenated blood flows from the heart is
    1. Pulmonary artery
    2. Venacava
    3. Aorta
    4. Pulmonary vein.
  19. Which one of the following is an effect of ill health in livestock?
    1. Stunted growth.
    2. Loss of weight.
    3. Transmission of diseases to human beings.
    4. Rough coat.
  20. Which one of the following pairs of food stuffs can be preserved by smoking?
    1. Meat and fish
    2. Kales and bacon
    3. Oranges and berries
    4. Cowpeas and fish.
  21. Which of the following steps comes the third when making a beam balance?
    1. Suspending the arm to find the balancing point.
    2. Fixing the arm to the base.
    3. Suspending the tins.
    4. Making a hole on the balancing point.
  22. The following are uses of heat except
    1. drying
    2. warming the house
    3. ironing clothes
    4. taking photographs.
  23. A farmer noticed small and shallow channels forming in the soil in the garden due to running water. This type of erosion can best be controlled by
    1. building gabions
    2. planting cover crops
    3. terracing
    4. mulching.
  24. Which one of the following plants is not a tuber crop?
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Carrots
    3. Yams
    4. Irish potato.
  25. Which one of the following sources of electricity pollutes the environment?
    1. Wind-driven generators.
    2. Solar panels.
    3. Coal driven generators.
    4. Geothermal.
  26. The diagram below represents a certain lever in use.
    Which parts represent the effort distance of the lever?
    1. Y and Z
    2. Z and X
    3. X and Y
    4. W and Y.
  27. Which one of the following pairs of materials consists of non-magnetic materials only?
    1. Copper coin and nickel.
    2. Steel wool and office pins.
    3. Aluminium foil and silver.
    4. Staple pins and razor blade.
  28. Which one of the following substances have definite mass, volume and shape?
    1. Oil, honey, tin.
    2. Steam, vapour, toothpaste.
    3. Flour, chalk, stone.
    4. Oxygen, water, rubber.
  29. Which one of the following practices of maintaining simple tools will prevent a person from getting injuries?
    1. Using tools for the right purpose.
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Oiling and greasing moving parts.
    4. Washing tools after use.
  30. In which one of the following activities is friction least required?
    1. Flying
    2. Braking
    3. Walking
    4. Lighting a match stick
  31. Which one of the following causes of pollution will damage roofs made of corrugated iron sheets?
    1. Aerosol sprays.
    2. Smoke from exhaust of vehicles.
    3. Industrial fumes.
    4. Excessive use of herbicides.
  32. The energy that runs most processes within a given environment mainly comes from the
    1. water
    2. sun
    3. plants
    4. animals.
  33. The following liquids were mixed in containers labelled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) as shown below.
    1. Water and kerosene.
    2. Kerosene and cooking oil.
    3. Milk and kerosene.
    4. Cooking oil and water.
      Which label contained liquids that cannot be separated by decanting?
      1. (iv)
      2. (iii)
      3. (ii)
      4. (i)
  34. Which one of the following plants is non-green and non-flowering?
    1. Lichen
    2. Moss
    3. Fern
    4. Mould.
  35. The amount of force of an object acting on a given area is it's
    1. volume
    2. mass
    3. pressure
    4. weight.
  36. The following are functions of fibre in human diet except
    1. helps in digestion of food
    2. prevents constipation
    3. helps in movement of food
    4. gets rid of undigested materials.
  37. Which one of the following parasites affect most farm animals?
    1. Round worms
    2. Hook worms
    3. Liverfluke
    4. Tape worms.
  38. Which one of the following changes takes place during adolescence in girls only?
    1. Growth of pubic hair.
    2. Releasing of sex cells.
    3. Fast body growth.
    4. Broadening of the hips.
  39. Which one of the following is a communicable disease?
    1. Measles
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Tuberculosis
    4. Typhoid.
  40. Which one of the following statements is true about HIV and AIDS?
    1. All HIV positive people have AIDS.
    2. During window stage a person may test negative.
    3. It can be transmitted by mosquito bites.
    4. It is not spread during incubation period.
  41. A child suffering from rickets should be given a diet rich in
    1. carbohydrates
    2. fats and oils
    3. proteins
    4. minerals salts
  42. Wearing protective clothing while walking in stagnant water can prevent one from contracting
    1. Typhoid
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Cholera
    4. Tetanus.
  43. The following are reasons why commercial feeds are given to animals.
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. Given to cattle under zero grazing only.
    3. To supplement other feeds.
    4. Given only when fodder cops and pasture are not available.
      1. (ii) and (iv)
      2. (i) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (iii)
      4. (ii) and (iii).
  44. Which one of the following pair consists of field pests?
    1. White ants and weevils
    2. Weevils and aphids
    3. Cutworms and weaver birds
    4. Rats and stalk borers,
  45. The diagram below shows a beak of a certain bird.
    This bird is likely to be a
    1. Nectar feeder
    2. Flesh feeder
    3. Filter feeder
    4. Grain feeder.
  46. Which one of the following methods of grazing requires intensive labour?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Paddocking
    3. Stall feeding
    4. Tethering.
  47. The following are phases of the moon.
    Which phase of the moon is always seen in the morning?
    1. (i)
    2. (ii)
    3. (iii)
    4. (iv)
  48.  Which one of the following planets has the longest orbit?
    1. Saturn
    2. Jupiter
    3. Mars
    4. Venus.
  49. Class five pupils dropped two books of different masses on a table from different heights as shown below.
    What property of sound were they investigating?
    1. Types of force
    2. Loud and soft sound
    3. Sound pollution
    4. Sources of sound.
  50. Which one of the following lists consists of natural sources of light only?
    1. Candle, fire, firefly.
    2. Electricity, torch, fire.
    3. Firefly, sun, stars.
    4. Glowworms, lamp, stars.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. D
  35. C
  36. A
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. C
  45. D
  46. C
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C
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