Displaying items by tag: Class 8


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.
......................1.........................April holiday, Rose visited her uncle ......................2......................... lived in Nakuru. Uncle Dan had......................3......................... promised to take her to Nakuru National Park where he worked ......................4......................... a tour guide. No sooner had Rose arrived ......................5......................... her uncle took her for lunch in a five-star hotel ......................6........................ the city centre. He asked her to......................7......................... for anything she wanted to eat. As soon as they had ......................8......................... the bill, they set off for ......................9.........................  park. It took them roughly ......................10......................... minutes to get there. Once they had paid the entrance fees Rose learnt that they ......................11.........................tour the park ......................12......................... a van. They got aboard the van and went round the park enjoying the exciting ......................13......................... of many types of wild animals. Rose was happy to see buffaloes that ......................14......................... around gracefully. Later, they ......................15......................... back to the reception and left for her uncle's house.

    1. During
    2. Last
    3. Over
    4. In
    1. whom
    2. which
    3. whose
    4. who
    1. previously
    2. somehow
    3. soon
    4. already
    1. for
    2. with
    3. as
    4. in
    1. that
    2. than
    3. when
    4. then
    1. in
    2. of
    3. at
    4. with
    1. ask
    2. request
    3. say
    4. order
    1. checked
    2. arranged
    3. shown
    4. footed
    1. the
    2. a
    3. any
    4. that
    1. forty five
    2. fourty five
    3. forty-five
    4. fourty-five
    1. would
    2. could
    3. will
    4. shall
    1. with
    2. by
    3. in
    4. on
    1. site
    2. sight
    3. cite
    4. spot
    1. had walked
    2. were walking
    3. had been walking
    4. has walked
    1. returmed
    2. retreated
    3. went
    4. arrived 

For questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative that means the opposite of the underlined word.

  1. Mr. Kilu came back to find all the workers idle.
    1. lazy 
    2. relaxing
    3. hardworking
    4. busy.
  2. Everybody knows him as a very courteous person.
    1. unkind
    2. polite
    3. gracious
    4. rude.
  3. All the people in the bus were jolly before the journey started.
    1. cheerful
    2. excited
    3. gloomy
    4. frightened.

For questions 19 to 21, select the alternative that can best complete the sentence give.

  1. The head teacher was happy because .............................. candidates failed the examination.
    1. many
    2. few
    3. most
    4. a few
  2. You................................ do the work now if you don't feel like it.
    1. mustn't
    2. can't
    3. shouldn't
    4. needn't
  3. If it does not rain this evening, I .................................. come to the party.
    1. will
    2. should
    3. can
    4. may.

For questions 22 and 23, choose the sentence that means the same as the one given.

  1. Even Maina went to town.
    1. Maina went to town and other places. 
    2. Maina too went to town.
    3. Maina went to town after doing other things.
    4. Maina joined other people in town.
  2. Had it not been for you, I would have failed.
    1. It is because of you that I passed.
    2. Because of you, I would have failed.
    3. If it wasn't for you, I would have passed.
    4. I would have failed if it were not for you.

For questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

    1. "That is as very hardworking pupil," that teacher said.
    2. "That is a very hardworking pupil," the teacher said.
    3. "That is a very hardworking pupil," the teacher said.
    4. "That is a very hardworking pupil, the teacher said."
    1. What a long hair you have!
    2. He went home early, didn't he? 
    3. Our science teacher sent us to search for fish flowers.
    4. Its good to always drink clean water. 

Read the passage below and answer the questions 26 to 38.
The birds were singing merrily on the trees as the sun rose majestically in the eastern harizon. The lone hunter walked the beaten forest path. A bitter morning chill numbed his body. He knew the warmth of the sun would drive away the cold as the day progressed.

The hunter had come to inspect his traps this early. It was another market day and he prayed one of his traps might have trapped a game that he wished to barter meat with foodstuffs and everything else that would be of interest to him.

The day was growing old and the hunter was a bit disappointed. His traps had seemingly caught nothing. Yet in one trap, there were feathers and bones. An animal had managed to have eaten what appeared to be a big bird caught in it.

The fifth trap yielded something. There was a strange animal, the animal he had never seen before. It was struggling to free itself and the hunter quickly took an arrow from his quiver and fixed it to his bow. The animal realising the danger, gave a very loud cry begging for its life.

"Spare me and I will be of help to you," the animal said to the hunter. The surprised hunter regarded the animal and lowered his bow.
"How will you help me?" asked the hunter.
"I will help protect your life and also aid you in hunting, said the animal.

The hunter freed the trapped animal and was surprised to see it following him faithfully. Man and the animal walked together as the hunter went on inspecting his other traps. As the two walked, the animal stood alert and tensed near a bush, then gave out a very loud noise. "Bow, wowowo wow wow!

The hunter looked at the bush and saw some movements there. He quickly fixed his arrow to the bow. Immediately, a leopard jumped out of the bush. The hunter let the arrow fly and it struck the leopard in the heart and it fell before getting to the hunter. The hunter was pleased that his life had been saved by his new animal friend. The animal is now called the dog and is man's best friend.

  1. According to the passage, when did the hunter go for hunting 
    1. at dawn
    2. in the morning 
    3. at dust
    4. in the evening
  2. Identify the most appropriate word to replace the word beaten as used in the passage
    1. bitten
    2. lonely
    3. rough
    4. battered
  3. How did the hunter get foodstuff from the market?
    1. He bought them
    2. He exchanged them with meat
    3. He borrowed them
    4. He trapped them
  4. Which is the best reason why the hunter went to inspect his traps that early?
    1. He wanted to get the trapped game before any animal could eat it
    2. He wanted to go early
    3. It was a market day
    4. It was normal to him
  5. From which trap did the hunter get something?
    1. After the fourth trap
    2. The last trap
    3. The first trap
    4. All the traps
  6. "Spare me and I will be of help to you."
    From the passage above, we can say that these words were said by the
    1. hunter
    2. bird
    3. leopard
    4. dog
  7. The hunter was becoming disappointed because
    1. the traps had seemingly caught something
    2. the day was growing old
    3. the traps had caught nothing
    4. he was scared by the leopard
  8. What made the hunter delighted? 
    1. His life had been saved
    2. He had found a strange animal 
    3. His trap had finally yielded something
    4. He killed the leopard
  9. The animal was tense and alert. What was the reason why the animal looked so?
    1. It had been rescued from the trap 
    2. It was feeling happy
    3. It had seen a leopard
    4. The hunter took it to the market
  10. From the passage, we can conclude that
    1. the man became dogs friend very early
    2. the dog helped the hunted in hunting 
    3. the hunter's wife liked the dog so much
    4. one favour deserves another
  11. The bitter chill numbed his body means that
    1. the day was cold
    2. the day was humid 
    3. the day was hot
    4. the day was rainy
  12. Which one of the following is not a virtue learnt from the story?
    1. Harshness
    2. Kindness
    3. Truthfulness
    4. Industrious
  13. Which of the following is the best tittle for the passage?
    1. The trapped day
    2. How dog became man's best friend
    3. The hunter
    4. The hunter kills a leopard

Read the passage below and the answer the questions 39 to 50.
The well to do citizens owned land outside the city, and probably had trading interests too. There were a great many skilled craftsmen as well as labourers, who may have been either freemen or slaves.

In Athens, all freeborn citizens, rich or poor had a share in the government and vote in the election of their millitary commander. This gave them a feeling of service towards their city, so that it became quite common for a private citizen to pay for the fitting -out of a worship or for the training of the chorw in a play. He would do so simply for the good of his city.

Slavery was looked upon as a necessity to enable the freemen to pursue the arts of a civilized living. In Athens, there was a large class of slaves, from the clever craftsmen and scribes, who were well-trained and house-slaves who performed menial task, to the lowest class who toiled in chains in the quarries and silver mines.

As the house had no garden, the children played in the courtyard. Knuckle bones, ball, pick-a- back, tops and hoops were popular games. Girls did not go to school but boys were taken there by an old slave called a "pedagogue". He took them to the teacher, where they learned to read and write, to play a musical instrument and to say by heart passage from Homer.

At eighteen, an Athenian boy became a citizen and promised to defend his country and obey the laws. He spent a year or two in millitary training, and then if his family was well-to-do, he attended the academy for training in athletics, boxing, wrestling and chariot racing.

  1. From the first paragraph, who owned the lands outside the city
    1. labourers
    2. craftsmen
    3. well-to-do citizens
    4. Freemen
  2. The following elected the millitary commander except
    1. The clever craftsmen
    2. The rich citizens 
    3. Freeborn citizens
    4. The poor citizens
  3. Where did the children play?
    1. In the gardens
    2. In the building
    3. In the common room
    4. In the courtyard
  4. What was the main duty of any old slave in the Ancient Athens according to the passage?
    1. Craftsmanship
    2. Teaching boys and girls
    3. Taking boys to school
    4. Helping boys to say the passage from Homer
  5. Which one of the following duties was not expected from Athens boy?
    1. Defending the country
    2. Learning how to read and write
    3. Playing musical instruments
    4. Wrestling and chariot racing
  6. Anthens had different classes of people. Which group received the best treament amongst all from the above passage?
    1. House slave
    2. Clever craftsmen
    3. Maids
    4. Pedagogues
  7. After how many years would a boy become a citizen in Anthens?
    1. A year or two
    2. At eighteen birthday
    3. After eighteen years
    4. At eighteen years
  8. What gave the freeborn a feeling of service towards the city?
    1. A swear in the government
    2. Training of the chorus in play
    3. Paying for fitting-out of warship
    4. Skills in craftsmen ship
  9. Which one of the following was a reserve for the rich families only?
    1. Menial task
    2. Mining
    3. Craftmanship
    4. Boxing
  10. ..................................was among the popular games played by the citizens?
    1. Pick-a-back
    2. Chariot-racing
    3. Wrestling
    4. Playing instruments
  11. The word 'menial tasks' as used in the passage means
    1. slavely duties
    2. domestic work 
    3. craftsmanship
    4. padagogues
  12. Which one of the following is the best title for the passage?
    1. The Athenian Social Classes
    2. The Athenian Children
    3. The people in Athens
    4. The Athenian Slaves


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

The following is the beginning of a story. Complete the story, making it as interesting as you can.

When I arrived at school that morning, I was surprised that everyone else had already arrived ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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  1. What is six million, six hundred and sixty nine thousand, nine hundred and sixty nine written in numerals?
    1. 6,609,696
    2. 6,669.969
    3. 6,996,699
    4. 6,696,969
  2. What is the total value of digit 6 in 3497.586?
    1. Thousandths
    2. Six thousandths
    3. 0.0006
    4. 0.06
  3. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest six digit number formed by 9, 2, 0, 6, 5, 4 without repeating any digit?
    1. 1169989
    2. 9408951
    3. 760851
    4. 725952
  4. What is the value of 28+92+52-20÷5x3
    1. 19
    2. 64/7
    3. 53/20
    4. 17
  5. What is the difference between the L.C.M and the H.CF of 12, 24 and 36?
    1. 84
    2. 60
    3. 52
    4. 166
  6. A 51-bus seater bus and a 14-seater matatu were to transport 794 people to a party. If a matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many people did the matatu transport?
    1. 182
    2. 168
    3. 612
    4. 626
  7. In a certain leap year, 15th February was a Tuesday. What day was 7th May that same year?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Monday
    3. Saturday
    4. Sunday
  8. What is the square root of √6561?
    1. 81
    2. 91
    3. 71
  9. What is the next number in the sequence below
    1, 3, 6, 11, 18, ............
    1. 27
    2. 33
    3. 31
    4. 29
  10. What is the value of 10 adada
    1. 51/100
    2. 13/40
    3. 37/60
    4. 19/20
  11. In a meeting, 2/5 of the attendants were women, 1/4 of the remainder were men and the rest were children. There were 80 men in that meeting. How many children were there?
    1. 120
    2. 240
    3. 480
    4. 800
  12. What is the number 15.76 rounded off to the nearest tenth?
    1. 15.7
    2. 15.8
    3. 16
    4. 20
  13.  What is the value of 13 sffsf 
    1. 6/25
    2. 11/9
    3. 3/5
    4. 2/5
  14. What is the value of 14 sfsfs  when x=5, y=x+3 and w=2x+y?
    1. 27
    2. 24
    3. 36
    4. 2.7
  15. What is the possible value of x in the inequality shown below 2x + 10 +3x < 40 + 2x ?
    1. 3
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 15
  16. Which one of the following expression the simplest form of
    7(2r+3)+4r-3 ?
    1. 6r+6
    2. 6r+8
    3.    9r   
    4. 3r+2
  17. What is 11/2% expressed as a ratio in its simplest form?
    1. 3.2
    2. 2:300
    3. 3:200
    4. 200:3
  18. What is the value of x in the equation?
    1. 81/2
    2. 8
    3. 31/2
    4. 5
  19. Sarah bought pawpaws, oranges and mangoes. The number of pawpaws was 2 more than the number of oranges. The number of mangoes was twice the total number of oranges and paw paws. The total number of fruits bought was 48. If the number of oranges was x, which of the equations below can be used to find the number of oranges bought?
    1. 4x + 24=48
    2. 6x+16=48
    3. 6x+24= 48
    4. 4x+16 = 48
  20. A meeting was attended by 150 people. Out of these, 0.14 were men, 0.2 were women and the rest were children. How many children than women were there?
    1. 69
    2. 78
    3. 99
    4. 129
  21. Work out √0.6084
    1. 0.68
    2. 0.78
    3. 7.8
    4. 0.078
  22. A distance of 5k kilometres is represented on a map by a length of 4 cm. what is the scale used
    1. 1: 25
    2. 1: 1250
    3. 1: 12500
    4. 1: 125000
  23. Kanan paid sh 950 for an item after getting a discount of sh 50. What percemage discount did he get?
    1. 5%
    2. 55/9%
    3. 55/13%
    4. 95%
  24. The hire purchase price for a wall  cabinet is 1.5% more than the cash price. Kimondo bought the cabinet on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh. 13,200 and the remaining amount in 12 equal monthly instalments. If the cash price was sh. 24,000 How much was the monthly instalment?
    1. 400
    2. 900
    3. 1400
    4. 2500
  25. Jame's piece of land is in the shape below. ABCD is a trapezium while the remaining is a semi-circle.
    25 sfsfsfs
    What is the area of the above shape in ares? Take(π = 3.14)
    1. 143.25
    2. 93250
    3. 9325
    4. 104.00
  26. In the year 2002, the number of pupils in a school was 800 in the year 2003 the number of pupils increased by 40%. How many pupils were there in 2003?
    1. 320
    2. 480
    3. 840
    4. 1120
  27. Mwikala had 135 two hundred shillings notes which she changed as follows:
    • sh 21000 into one thousand shillings notes
    • sh 3000 into five hundred shillings notes
    • sh 2000 into one hundred shillings notes and the remaining amount of money into fifty shillings notes.
      How many notes did she get in total?
      1. 67
      2. 54
      3. 47
      4. 20
  28. A salesman is paid a salary of sh 1500 per nonth plus a commission of 2 1⁄2 on the sales of goods above sh 10000. In one month he was paid a total of sh 1800. How much was the sales of the goods?
    1. Sh. 300
    2. Sh. 12000
    3. Sh. 22000
    4. Sh. 82000
  29. Raila borrowed sh 10000 for a period of 2 years. He was charged compound interest at the rate of 15% per year. How much interest did he pay altogether?
    1. 13225
    2. 3000
    3. 1725
    4. 3225
  30. The charges for sending a telegram were as follows:
    • The first 10 words or less is sh 15
    • Any additional words sh 1.50 each
    • Abbreviations and punctuation marks are counted as words.
    • A tax of 20% is charged on the amount of the total to be paid and is rounded off to the nearest 50cts.
    • What is the cost for sending the following telegram?
      1. sh 25
      2. sh 24
      3. sh 28.80
      4. sh 29.00
  31. Mwago bought the following items from a shop:
    • 3kg of sugar@sh 68
    • 250g of tea leaves for sh 85
    • 1 kg of cooking fat for sh 109
    • 2kg packet of rice for sh 149
      Mwago paid for the items using a sh 1000 note. How much more did he add to the shopkeeper in order to receive a balance of sh. 5007
      1. sh 547
      2. sh 453
      3. sh 47 
      4. sh 53
  32. Mwaura made a curving of a model shown below, that is a cuboid and a cylinder glued together.
    32 sfsfsf
    If the above curving was painted all over, calculate the total surface area which was painted in cm3.
    1. 6220 cm3
    2. 2200 cm3
    3. 1232 cm3
    4. 2240 cm3
  33. A container of volume 1 cubic metre is full of juice. The juice is then poured into a five-litre containers. How many such containers are used?
    1. 2
    2. 200
    3. 2000
    4. 200000
  34. The figure below represents the net of a solid.
    34 adada
    The net is folded to form the solid. What is the sum of the vertices and edges of the solid formed
    1. 15
    2. 6
    3. 9
    4. 11
  35. Construct a parallelogram WXYZ such that the line WX=5cm and XY=7.5 cm. angle WZY=135° join W to Y and Z to X and let the point of intersection be O. what is the length of line WO?
    1. 2.6 cm
    2. 5.2 cm
    3. 5.8 cm
    4. 11.6 cm
  36. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 3:2. There are 600 pupils in the school. During an athletic competition 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys took part. How many pupils took part in the competition?
    1. 448
    2. 288
    3. 200
    4. 112
  37. The pie chart below represents the types of vehicles imported in Kenya in acertain year. If 16000 Mazdas were imported, how many more Toyotas than Suzukis were imported?
    37 afafaf
    1. 4800
    2. 28800
    3. 19200
    4. 9600
  38. The figure drawn below is a right angled triangular prism.
    38 adada
    What is the volume of the prism in cm3
    1. 3000 cm3
    2. 3200 cm3
    3. 6000 cm3
    4. 6500 cm3
  39. The figure PQRS is a parallelogram. Line RST is a straight line angle STU=30° and angle TUP=70°.
    39 dadad
    What is the size of angle TQR?
    1. 140°
    2. 110°
    3. 40°
    4. 30°
  40. Six men complete a job in 20 days. If the men work at the same rate, how many more men are needed to complete the job in 12 days?
    1. 16
    2. 10
    3. 8
    4. 4
  41. The figure below represents a stack made of cubes.
    41 adada
    If it was all over painted on the surface, how many cubes did not get paint?
    1. 80
    2. 12
    3. 16
    4. 68
  42. The mean mark of the scores obtained by ten pupils in a test was 12. The marks obtained by eight of the pupils were: 13, 11, 10, 9, 10, 18, 11, 10 if the other two pupils obtained equal marks, what was the median mark in the test?
    1. 10
    2. 10.5
    3. 11
    4. 14
  43. Ali left home for market at a speed of 5km/h and returned at a speed of 4km/h. the whole journey took 54 hours. How far is the market from home in kilometres?
    1. 9
    2. 12
    3. 24
    4. 27
  44. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral:
    1. Opposite sides are parallel
    2. All sides are equal
    3. Opposite angles are equal
    4. Diagonals are unequal and bisect each other at right angles.
      Which is the name of the quadrilateral?
      1. Rectangle
      2. Trapezium 
      3. Rhombus
      4. Square
  45. A train left town Q on Thursday and took 9 hours 30 minutes to reach town R. at what time and day did it reach town R in 24 hour clock system?
    1. 0315 hr Friday
    2. 0415 hr Friday 
    3. 0415 hr Thursday 
    4. 1615 hr Thursday
  46. Construct triangle ABC such that line AB=7cm, angle ABC=60° and angle BCA=70° in this triangle, construct a circle that touches the three edges of the triangle. What is the length of twice radius?
    1. 1.7 cm
    2. 2.5 cm
    3. 3.7 cm
    4. 5 cm
  47. A lorry was packed with cartons each containing packets of cooking fat. There were packets of 500g and 250g. the total mass of the packets was 900kg. if the number of 500g packets was 1000 what was the number of 250g packets
    1. 1600
    2. 800
    3. 400
    4. 100
  48. Water gained heat at the rate of 12°C per minute for 5 minutes. It was then allowed to lose heat at 4°C per minute. If the temperature before heating was 22°C, what was its temperature after 8 minutes of cooling?
    1. 46°C
    2. 48°C
    3. 60°C
    4. 50°C
  49. The plot of land shown below was fenced using metal posts placed at an interval of 5 metres, if there was a gate of 5 metres, how many metal posts were used altogether?
    49 adada
    1. 109 
    2. 130
    3. 131
    4. 108
  50. The travel graph below shows Kamau's journey from town A to B and back. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    50 sdfsfsfs
    1. 80 km/h
    2. 100 km/h
    3. 40 km/h
    4. 60 km/h




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map fasi

Study the map of Fasi area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the direction of the ginnery from the rice farms?
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. North West
  2. What is the approximate length of the railway lines in Fasi area?
    1. 15km
    2. 23km
    3. 17km
    4. 10km
  3. The population distribution in Fasi arca is mainly influenced by
    1. drainage.
    2. transport networks.
    3. pests and diseases.
    4. economic activities.
  4. Three of the following are economic activities practised in Fasi area. Which one is not?
    1. Cotton farming
    2. Mining
    3. Fishing
    4. Lumbering
  5. The climate of Fasi town is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  6. The main source of water in Fasi town is likely to be
    1. River Fasi
    2. Lake Fasi
    3. River Kope
    4. Rain water
  7. Who is in-charge of security in Fasi area?
    1. County Commissioner
    2. County Governor
    3. Chief
    4. The Police service
  8. The main reason for the migration of the Maasai from South-Western Ethiopia was to
    1. look for more fertile land. 
    2. avoid internal conflicts. 
    3. look for pasture and water. 
    4. search for trade goods.
  9. The main function of clan heads in traditional African communities was to
    1. protect members from attacks. 
    2. conduct marriage ceremonies. 
    3. educate the youth. 
    4. settle disputes.
  10. Three of the following mountains were formed as a result of faulting and uplifting. Which one was not? 
    1. Aberdare ranges
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt.Meru
    4. Ahaggar mountains
  11. Who among the following African leaders resisted European colonial rule?
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Samori Toure
    3. Mwanawina Lewanika
    4. Kabaka Mutesa I
  12. Which one of the following factors does not lead to slow population growth?
    1. Rising cost of living.
    2. Spread of HIV and AIDS.
    3. Late marriage.
    4. Low mortality rate.
  13. An age group is a group of
    1. people who were circumcised at the same time.
    2.  people who trace their origin to same ancestor.
    3. people who were born and initiated almost at the same time.
    4. two or more age-sets.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
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    The type of rainfall represented above is
    1. convectional
    2. frontal
    3. relief
    4. cyclonic
  15. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. pests and discases.
    2. human encroachment.
    3. forest fires.
    4. illegal logging
  16. Which one of the following groups of people consists of Eastern Cushites of Kenya?
    1. Sanye
    2. Afar
    3. Rendile
    4. Falasha
  17. The parliament in the Buganda Kindom was called
    1. Lukiiko
    2. Bataka
    3. Katikiro
    4. Ssaza
  18. The following are roles of the school management committee. Which one is not?
    1. Receiving money for learning materials from the government.
    2. Maintaining the traditions of the school.
    3. Implementing development projects in the school.
    4. Employing teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.
  19.  Joel's goats have strayed into Ken's farm and destroyed crops thus creating a dispute between the two neighbours. The best way of resolving the conflict is
    1. creating a commision of enquiry to settle the dispute.
    2. Ken selling Joel's goats to pay himself.
    3. Ken calling Joel to have a dialogue 2023 over the dispute.
    4. Ken taking Joel to the nearest police station.
  20.  Which one of the following is not a responsibility of parents in a family?
    1. Providing education for their children. 
    2. Strengthening negative cultural practices.
    3. Being role models to their children. 
    4. Taking care of family property.
  21. Three of the following are ways of showing collective responsibility. Which one does not?
    1. Being mindful of the welfare of others. 
    2. Upholding moral values of the society 
    3. Taking part in choosing good leaders. 
    4. Ensuring that other people use harmful drugs. 

Use the map of Africa provided to answer questions 22-25.

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  1. The river marked T is called river
    1. Senegal
    2. Volta
    3. Zambezi
    4. Niger
  2. The country marked Q is
    1. The Democratic Republic of Congo.
    2. Cameroon
    3. Angola
    4. Sudan
  3. The climate experienced at the areas marked M is likely to be
    1. tropical savannah climate. 
    2. mediterranean climate. 
    3. humid sub-tropical climate. 
    4. desert climate.
  4. The winds marked P are known as
    1. The Harmattan
    2. South Westerlies
    3. South East Monsoon winds.
    4. North East trade winds.
  5. In their administration of Northern Nigeria, the British used
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. indirect rule
    4. company rule
  6.  The soils that are formed after deposition of croded material in rivers, valleys and flood plains are known as
    1. loamy soils.
    2. volcanic soils.
    3. alluvial soils.
    4. sandy soils.
  7. Which one of the following is a warning road sign?
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  8. The main crop grown in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. chillies
    2. seed-maize
    3. onions
    4. paddy rice
  9. People can be encouraged to move from urban areas and settle in rural areas mainly through
    1. creating more employment opportunities in towns.
    2. creation of settlement schemes. 
    3. increasing of trading activities in rural areas.
    4. establishing industries in rural areas.
  10. The following are achievements of a prominent Africa leader.
    1. He led his country to independence. 
    2. He helped in the formation of East African Community.
    3. He campaigned for world peace.
    4. He organized his people in Ujamaa villages.
      The leader who had the above listed achievements is likely to be 
      1. Mwalimu Nyerere
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor 
      3. Haile Selasie
      4. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
  11. The following are factors influencing climate in Africa except
    1. longitude.
    2. winds.
    3. shape of the coastline.
    4. ocean currents.
  12. The Equator crosses all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Kenya
    4. Somalia
  13. The main reason for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya was to
    1. put more land into meaningful usc. 
    2. increase food production.
    3. reduce population pressure on land. 
    4. settle the landless.
  14. The Fulani of West Africa keep large herds of livestock mainly because
    1. they depend on their livestock for livelihood.
    2. they live in less populated areas. 
    3. of good climate in their regions.
    4. they occupy an extensive grassland belt.
  15. Which one of the following forms of mass media is the best to relay messages to a large group of people in different regions at the same time?
    1. The television.
    2. The radio.
    3. Newspapers.
    4. The social media.
  16. Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
    1. Well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm and 1500mm.
    2. Well drained fertile volcanic soils.
    3. High altitude of over 1800metres above sea level.
    4. Cool temperatures.
      The crop that mainly grows under the above conditions is
      1. Tea
      2. Coffee
      3. Cotton
      4. Pyrethrum
  17. Which one of the following types of vegetation is not found in the Nyanza region of Kenya?
    1. Mangrove
    2. Forest vegetation
    3. Woodland vegetation
    4. Savannah grasslands.
  18. In Kenya, a responsible citizen is one who
    1. takes part in land grabbing.
    2. owns lots of wealth.
    3. promotes nepotism.
    4. obeys the law.
  19. Most traditional Kenyan communities interacted through
    1. social media
    2. intermarriage 
    3. trade 
    4. war
  20. The main problem facing dairy farming in Kenya is
    1. inadequate milk factories. 
    2. high cost of production. 
    3. drought and famine. 
    4. animal diseases.
  21. Most cement factories are situated near Athi River town mainly due to
    1. nearness to source of limestone quarries.
    2. availability of water in the river Athi. 
    3. availability of cheap labour.
    4. good infrastructure in the region.
  22. The headquarters of the East African community (E.A.C) are at
    1. Arusha
    2. Nairobi
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
  23. The main reason for the decline and Tall of the Kingdom of Old Ghana was
    1. lack of clearly defined boundaries. 
    2. interaction with the Almoravids. 
    3. overdependence on trade. 
    4. succession disputes.
  24. Which one of the following is an example of a manufacturing industry?
    1. Grain milling.
    2. Soft drinks making.
    3. Shoc making.
    4. Ship building.
  25. Most tourists visit Kenya in order to see
    1. beautiful scenary.
    2. our rich culture.
    3. the rift valley.
    4. wildlife.
  26. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is
    1. road transport
    2. air transport
    3. railway transport
    4. water transport
  27. The following are uses of a mineral. 
    1. Making coins.
    2. Making electrical wires.
    3.  Making motor vehicle radiator.-
      The mineral that has the listed uses above is
      1. Gold
      2. Soda ash
      3. Crude oil
      4. Copper
  28. The two ways of becoming a citizen of Kenya are by
    1. naturalisation and marriage.
    2. dual citizenship and legislation. 
    3. birth and registration.
    4. birth and naming.
  29. Which one of the following is not true about fish farming in Kenya?
    1. Most fish farms are run by individuals.
    2. There is a small market for fish in Kenya.
    3. Fish farming relies heavily on scientific farming methods.
    4. The most common species of fish in fish farms is tilapia.
  30. The main benefit of maize farming in Kenya is that maize farming
    1. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    2. creates jobs for most Kenyans. 
    3. provides food for most Kenyans. 
    4. improves the standards of living for Kenyans.
  31. In Kenya, all human rights are listed in the
    1. holy bible and quran. 
    2. bill of rights.
    3. school textbooks.
    4. parliamentary arm of the government.
  32. Which one of the following is true about the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It was formed in 2002 in Sirte, Libya. 
    2. Its main objective is to promote trade in Africa.
    3. It supported the scramble and partition of Africa.
    4. Its membership is open to all independent African countries.
  33. Three of the following are factors that undermine peace in the society. Which one does not?
    1. National integration.
    2. Political differences.
    3. Corrupt practices. 
    4. Unemployment.
  34. Which one of the following is not a type of democracy?
    1. Representative democracy.
    2. Political democracy. 
    3. Direct democracy.
    4. Nominational democracy.
  35. The head of the Judicial Arm of government in Kenya is
    1. The Attorney General 
    2. Registrar of the Judiciary. 
    3. The Chief Justice.
    4. The President.
  36. In Kenya, one becomes the speaker of the Senate through
    1. election by elected senators.
    2. voting in all constituencies.
    3. election by elected members of the National Assembly.
    4. nomination by the President.
  37. The main role of the Legislative arm of Government in Kenya is to 
    1. interpret the law.
    2. formulate government policies.
    3. make laws.
    4. amend laws.
  38. The government gets its revenue mainly through
    1. taxation.
    2. loans and grants from international bodies.
    3. sale of government property. 
    4. collection of fees and fines.
  39. Use the diagram below to answer the question below.
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    The fishing method showed above is called
    1. trawling.
    2. purse seining.
    3. net drifting. 
    4. long-lining. 


  1. According to the bible story of creation, which one of the following order of creation is correctly matched?
    1. Day 3 - The sky.
    2. Day 4 - The heavenly bodies.
    3. Day 6 - Sea creatures and birds of the air.
    4. Day 5 - Land animals both domestic and wild.
  2. Which one of the following did not happen when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? They lost the
    1. power to live forever.
    2. power to be like God.
    3. good relationship with God.
    4. glory and honour given to them by God.
  3. Which one of the following items was not carried by Abraham when he went to sacrifice his own son Isaac?
    1. Wood
    2. Knife
    3. Fire
    4. Lamp
  4. Which one of the following is the main teaching that Christians learn from the story of Noah and the flood?
    1. Those who sin are punished.
    2. They should protect their lives.
    3. They should take care of animals.
    4. Families are very important.
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason that made Moses to be reluctant to accept God's call? He
    1. tacked confidence in himself.
    2. feared that Pharoah would kill him.
    3. feared that the Israelites would accept him.
    4. felt that he was the least among his family.
  6. One of the following is the reason why Moses broke the stone tablets that he brought from Mt. Sinai. Which one is it?
    1. The stone tablet was too heavy for him to carry.
    2. He was angry with the Israelites because they disobeyed God.
    3. He thought that the Israelites did not need them.
    4. The content of the tablet was wrongly written.
  7. The main virtue that the children of Israel were required to have when crossing the Red Sea was
    1.  honesty
    2. holiness
    3. obedience
    4. tolerance
  8. Who among the following Kings of Israel was punished by God because of performing the duty of Priest? 
    1. Saul
    2. Ahab
    3. David
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following people was a prophetess and a judge in Israel?
    1. Esther
    2. Rahab
    3. Deborah
    4. Jael
  10. He drank water from the brook and was fed by ravens, he multiplied oil and flour of the window of Zarephath, he went to heaven on a chariot of fire. Who among the following prophets is described above?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Hosea
    4. Micah
  11. "A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachael is crying for her children. She refuses to be comforted for they are dead" Matthew 2:18. This prophecy was made by Jeremiah and fulfilled in the New Testament. It was referring to
    1.  the stoning and death of Stephen.
    2. beheading of John the Baptist.
    3. the killing of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians.
    4. the killing of baby boys in Bethlehem.
  12. Where was Zachariah when angel Gabriel announced to him that his wife would conceive and give birth to a child who would be named John? In the
    1. wilderness looking after his flock.
    2. temple burning incese.
    3. temple praying and fasting.
    4. fields sheering his sheep.
  13. Who among the following people were the first to see the baby Jesus?
    1. The wisemen
    2. Simeon and Anna
    3. Elizabeth and Zachariah
    4. The shepherds
  14. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was eight days old? Jesus was
    1. circumcised 
    2. baptised
    3. sacrificed
    4. shaved his hair
  15. Who among the following disciples of Jesus asked if anything good would come from Nazareth?
    1. Bartholomew
    2. Philip
    3. Andrew
    4. Thomas
  16. "And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours." Luke 4:6-7. What response did Jesus give to the devil for this temptation?
    1. Do not put the Lord your God to the test 
    2. Man shall not live on bread alone.
    3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 
    4. Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.
  17. Which one of the following is the correctly order of the events at Jesus' baptism as they followed each other.
    1. Heaven was opened.
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
      1. (iii) (ii) (i)
      2. (i) (ii) (iii)
      3. (i) (iii) (ii)
      4. (iii) (i) (ii)
  18. According to Jesus' teachings during the sermon on the mount. He said blessed are the pure in heart for they will
    1. be called sons of God.
    2. see God
    3. be satisfied by God.
    4. inherit the earth
  19. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on repentance and forgiveness. The
    1. good Samaritan.
    2. mustard seed.
    3. rich man and Lazarus.
    4. prodigal son.
  20. According to Mark 14: 18-19, which message of Jesus to his disciples disturbed them most? That
    1. he would no longer be with them.
    2. He would die a painful death.
    3. One of them would betray him.
    4. He was going to the wilderness for fasting.
  21. Which one of the following was not an accusation brought against Jesus before the Sanhedrian?
    1. Telling people not to pay taxes.
    2. That he would destroy the temple and built it in three days.
    3. Working on the Sabbath.
    4. Claiming to be the Messiah.
  22. For how many days did Jesus stay with His disciples after his resurrection?
    1. 30 days
    2. 40 days
    3. 20 days
    4. 70 days
  23. Which one of the following acts of worship was carried out by priests in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Baptising the community. 
    2. Giving the Iloly Communion. 
    3. Leading in singing of hymns. 
    4. Making sacrifices.
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason why marriage was important in Traditional African Communities? It
    1. helped in improving ones status. 
    2. ensured continuity of family lineage. 
    3. was meant for companionship.
    4. was meant to give the wife security. 
  25. In some of the Traditional African Communities. people reconciled with the ancestors through
    1. naming of the children.
    2. paying of the dowry
    3. drinking beer.
    4. protecting the aged.
  26. Which one of the following is the main virtue taught to children in Traditional African Communities?
    1. Patience
    2. Kindness
    3. Obedience
    4. Courage
  27. Leisure time can be used destructively if we engage in negative activitics. Which one of the following destructive activities is correctly matched with its consequences?
    1. Bhang - loss of perception
    2. Cigarette slurred speech
    3. Promiscuity-heart diseases
    4. Alcohol sexually transmitted diescase
  28. When a standard eight girl gets pregnant through a standard eight boy, the best reason why they cannot marry is because
    1. the boy has to continue with school.
    2. they will be dismissed from school
    3. the girl is meant to raise the child alone.
    4. the two are too young to raise a family. 
  29. Musa a very strong boy in standard eight found two boys fighting. What was the best action for him to take as a Christian?
    1. Run away
    2. Beat them up
    3. Separate them
    4. Taking them to a police station.
  30. Which one of the following was not one of the activities of Christian Missionaries in Kenya?
    1. introduced formal education.
    2. spread the Gospel.
    3. trained the laity
    4. fully supported African traditions.


  1. Which one of the following is the first verse of the Surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Bismillahi Rahmaani Rahiim.
    2. Audhubillahi mina Shaitwaani Rajiim.
    3. Al-hamdulillahi Rabbil aalamiin.
    4. Ihdinaa Siraatwal Mustakiim.
  2. Which one of the following is not a warning to muslims from Surah Al-Maun? Do not
    1. show off in prayers.
    2. mistreat orphans.
    3. encourage begging.
    4. neglect other prayers.
  3. Which of the following is the translation of the verse: "Lakum diinukum Wali yadiin"?
    1. "You alone we worship and from you alone we seek help."
    2. "To you be your religion and to me my religion".
    3. "I worship not nor was He begotten".
    4. "He begets not nor was He begotten".
  4. The incident of the destruction of Abraham's army birds narrated in the Surah Al-Fiil teaches that
    1. A church is not a place of worship.
    2. Big animals like clephants can cause destruction.
    3. Birds shall be witness to or again and Qiyama.
    4. Allah protects His own.
  5. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Al-Alaq?
    1. Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgement.
    2. Man was created from a clot of blood.
    3. Allah was not created in the image of any creature.
    4. Man is created in the best shape.
  6. Which one of the following is unforgivable sin before Allah(S.W.T), according to the teachings of the Prophet (S.A. W)?
    1. Association of Allah(s.w) with other gods. 
    2. Dissobedience to parents.
    3. Killing a human being.
    4. Changing the boundaries of the earth.
  7. Complete the following Hadith with the correct clause: "Islam is cleanliness, so cleanse yourself for no unclean person will......
    1. be allowed in the mosque
    2. remain a muslim
    3. perform Swalah
    4. enter paradise
  8. According to the Hadith of the prophet(S.A. W). one is loved by Allah (S.W.T) if he keep off
    1. peoples things.
    2. un-islamic cultures.
    3. wordly affairs.
    4. his people for Ibaada.
  9. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said that a hypocrite........
    1. neglects Swalah.
    2. doubts the presence of Allah.
    3. has visible signs.
    4. betrays trust.
  10. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Salat?
    1. Gushuu
    2. Rukuu
    3. Sujud
    4. Takbira Ihram
  11. Which station do the hujaajs throw stones to curse The devil? At
    1. Muzdalifa
    2. Minna
    3. Arafa
    4. Miqat
  12. During the fasting of Swaum Ramadahan, it is Sunna to
    1. take a medicinal injection.
    2. fast without eating Suhuur.
    3. delay the breaking of Saum.
    4. perform tarawch prayer.
  13. Swalat Janaza is performed by reciting supplications in four takbiraats. In which takbira do we recite the dua for body being buried?
    1. First Takbira
    2. Second Takbira
    3. Third Takbira
    4. Fourth Takbira
  14. Which one of the following is a measure of water which by Sharia cannot be purified by najis?
    1. Shibr
    2. Nisab
    3. Qulatein
    4. Qiratun
  15. Which one of the following offerings pushed the Swaum of a fasting muslim to the arsh beyond the heavens?
    1. Zakkat Fitr
    2. Kaffara
    3. Jizya
    4. Sadaqat Jaariya
  16. A practise that shows Taqwa in a believer is
    1. remaining calm when faced with sufferings. 
    2. asking for forgiveness again and again. 
    3. performing a task and asking for Allah's intervention.
    4. doing good and avoiding evil.
  17. An attribute of Allah that describes Him as the Most Merciful is
    1.  Al-Maalik
    2. Al-Raheem
    3. Al-Jabbaar
    4. Al-Rahmaan
  18. Which one of the following was a favour of Allah (S.W.T) upon Nabii Suleiman (A.S)? Allah (s.w) 
    1. enabled him to speak while still an infant. 
    2. made iron metal soft for him.
    3. enabled him return the dead back to life. 
    4. enabled him understand the language of creatures.
  19. The main reason why circumcision is recomended in Islam is because it
    1. keeps one clean.
    2. is a rite of passage.
    3. reduces chances of infection of sexual discases.
    4. was a Sunna of the prophets (A.S).
  20. Which one of the following is phrases is not used in swearing in Islam?
    1. Wallahi
    2. Tallahi
    3. Lillahi
    4. Billahi
  21. Which one of the following was a trip made console and comfort Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) from the grieve of loosing his beloved uncle and wife respectively? The
    1. Hijra to Madina.
    2. trip of Shaam.
    3. trip to Taif
    4. Isra wal miiraj trip
  22. Who among the following personels was the Muadhin in the Prophets Mosque?
    1. Uthman bin Affaan
    2. Billal bin Rabbah
    3. Amaar bin Yassir
    4. Zaid bin Haaritha
  23. Wha Irove Qabeel, the son of Nabii Adam (A.S) to kill his brother Habiil?
    1. Envy
    2. Pride
    3. Ignorance
    4. Sickness
  24. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-Adh-ha to commemorate:- The
    1. promotion of Nabii Yusuf from slavery to a minister.
    2. salvage of Nabii Musa from handles of Fir'aun.
    3. conquering of Makkan city by Prophet Muhammad.
    4. attempt by Nabii Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail.
  25. The two battles fought in the month of Ramadhan at an interval of one year were battles of ................................................  respectively.
    1. Khandaq and Hunain
    2. Siifiin and Badr
    3. Badr and uhud
    4. Uhud and Khandaq
  26. Muslims can demostrate cooperation by
    1. performing Salaat in a congregation. 
    2. working together to clean the environment. 
    3. selling halaal goods and by Sharia.
    4. welcoming and treating guests well.
  27. Afthe following things were instrumental in the faster spread of Islam within and beyond the Coast of East Africa, except one. Which one? 
    1. The chiefs.
    2. The inversion of Portugues.
    3. The emergency of Swahili language.
    4. Intermarriage.
  28. The married couples in Islam are confirmed to be a family by
    1. staying together for long.
    2. the court of law.
    3. giving birth to children.
    4. a Nikah ceremony.
  29. For how long did Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.) spread Islam secretly? For
    1. three years.
    2. seven years.
    3. ten years.
    4. thirteen years.
  30. Complete these Prophets words;
    "Paradise is found.....
    1. in the Arsh of Allah
    2. in the garden of Eden
    3. under the feet of mothers 
    4. in heaven


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  1. The function of the pancreas in the digestive system is to
    1. absorb fats and oils. 
    2. allow passage of food. 
    3. secrete digestive juice.
    4. digest protein.
  2. Which of the following parts of the reproductive system nourish the foetus?
    1. Umbilical cord.
    2. Amniotic fluid 
    3. Birth canal.
    4. Placenta.
  3. During the second stage of HIV and AIDS infection, a person will show
    1. signs and symptoms but test, negative.
    2. no signs and symptoms but test negative.
    3. signs and symptoms and-test positive.
    4. no signs and symptoms but test positive.
  4. Which of the following diseases are both communicable and immunizable?
    1. Malaria and Bilharzia
    2. Tuberculosis and Typhoid
    3. Hepatitis A and Yellow fever
    4. Tetanus and Whooping cough.
  5. Which of the following planets is between Saturn and Neptune?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Uranus
    3. Mars
    4. Venus
  6. Which one of the following pests causes damage of roots?
    1. Cutworms
    2. Aphids
    3. Mole
    4. Weaver birds
  7. The diagram below represents an improvised weather instrument.
    7 adada
    When the temperature increases, the coloured water will
    1. drop in the straw.
    2. contract in the bottle.
    3. make the straw expand.
    4. rise in the straw.
  8. The following are adaptation of plants to its habitat.
    1. Flexible hair- like stem.
    2. Fleshly stem.
    3. Widely spread root system.
    4. Sunken stomata.
    5. Presence of air sacs.
      Which of the adaptations are found in plants in places with adequate water supply?
      1. (iii) and (ii)
      2. (i) and (v)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (iv)
  9. Which of the following is a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Reduced yield.
    2. Robust growth.
    3. Lower quality of products.
    4. Transmit disease to the consumer.
  10. Which one of the following pairs of animals have carnassial teeth?
    1. Crocodile and hippopotamus
    2. Dog and whale
    3. Cheetah and gorilla
    4. Lion and hyena
  11. Which of the following activities lead to contamination of air?
    1. Releasing untreated sewage into water.
    2. Uncontrolled use of farm chemicals.
    3. Smell from rotting kitchen refuse.
    4. Burning of vegetation in the farm.
  12. In which one of the following activities is water not used in the farm?
    1. Mixing chemicals.
    2. Washing farm implements.
    3. Making fountains.
    4. Watering crops.
  13. Which one of the following methods of maintaining simple tools is only done on metallic tools?
    1. Cleaning after use.
    2. Repairing when broken.
    3. Oiling and sharpening
    4. Proper storage.
  14. The diagram below represent a simple beam balance.
    14 sdada
    The instrument is used in
    1. measuring forces in objects. 
    2. comparing weight of objects. 
    3. measuring mass of objects.
    4. comparing quantity of matter in a substance.
  15. In which one of the following are the uses of the components of air that make 21% and 0.97% correctly
      21% 0.97% 
    A Support germination of seeds  Making bulbs
    B Making food in plants Help in breathing
    C Used in fire extinguisher Germination of seeds
    D Preserve soft drinks Make protein in plants
  16. Which one of the following liquids forms a uniform layer when mixed?
    1. Cooking oil and spirit.
    2. Milk and ink.
    3. Oil and water.
    4. Diesel and methylated spirit.
  17. Which one of the following pairs consists only of substance that have definite volume and no definite size?
    1. Water and kerosene. 
    2. Ice and sawdust.
    3. Water vapour and oxygen.
    4. Milk and stone.
  18. Which one of the following is not a safety measure against electricity?
    1. Do not put objects in sockets.
    2. Avoid sheltering under trees. 
    3. Avoid touching switches with wet hands.
    4. Do not overload sockets.
  19. Which of the following list consists of sources of energy giving foods?
    1. Termites, eggs, milk.
    2. Carrot, apple, pawpaw
    3. Avocado, beans, arrowroots.
    4. Honey, yams, cassava!
  20. During a science lesson, pupils collected the following materials.
    1. Basin
    2. Water
    3. White manilla paper
    4. Mirror.
      The aspect of light likely to be demonstrated was
      1. Refraction of light.
      2. How light travels.
      3. Making of a rainbow.
      4. Reflection of light.
  21. The set-up below was used to investigate heat transfer in solids.
    21 adada
    The pin drops after sometime due to
    1. conduction only.
    2. convection and conduction.
    3. convection only.
    4. radiation and conduction.
  22. Which of the following deficiency diseases are caused by lack of minerals in the diet?
    1. Marasmus and kwashiorkor.
    2. Rickets and anaemia.
    3. Anaemia and marasmus.
    4. Kwashiorkor and rickets.
  23. The main reason why expectant mothers should cat food rich in iron is to help in
    1. development of factus bones and teeth.
    2. formation of the child's blood.
    3. replacing the blood lost during delivery.
    4. development of the foetus brain.
  24. All living components of the environment directly depend on
    1. water and air
    2. water only
    3. soil and water
    4. air only.
  25. Which of the following practices will effectively control the spread of whooping cough?
    1. Proper hygiene.
    2. Wearing mask in crowded places.
    3. Administering vaccination.
    4. Regular washing of hands with soap.
  26. Which of the following statements is not true about plasma?
    1. Transport digested food. 
    2. Transport body hormones. 
    3. It is the liquid part of blood. 
    4. Transport oxygen in all parts of the body.
  27. Which of the following diseases is, correctly matched by the jime on immunization?
      14 weeks  10 weeks
    A Tuberculosis Polio
    B Yellow fever Tetanus
    C Pertassis Polio
    D Measles Diphtheria
  28. The clouds that indicate heavy rain falling soon also
    1. cover the whole sky.
    2. appear white in colour.
    3. appear like bundle of cotton wool.
    4. indicate fine weather.
  29. In a food chain, green plants are the
    1. primary consumers.
    2. secondary consumers.
    3. tertiary consumers.
    4. primary producers.
  30. The chart below shows a simple classification of plants.
    30 sfsfs
    Which of the following plants represents Y and X respectively?
    1. Pawpaw and sisal.
    2. Moss and Algae.
    3. Cypress and maize.
    4. Mushroom and cedar.
  31. Which one of the following characteristics is not common to sli animals? They 
    1. give birth.
    2. move from place to place.
    3. die.
    4. react to environmental changes.
  32. The method of grazing that uses permanent structures is
    1. stall feeding
    2. tethering
    3. herding
    4. paddocking
  33. Which of the following pairs levers have fulcrum between the load and effort?
    1. Wheelbarrow and spade.
    2. Claw hammer and crowbar. 
    3. Spade and claw hammer.
    4. Wheelbarrow and crowbar.
  34. Which of the following activities increase force that opposes motion? 
    1. Greasing moving parts. 
    2. Streamlining bodies.
    3. Making the surface smooth.
    4. Treading tyres.
  35.  Which of the following pairs of materials consist of sinkers only?
    1. Pegs and feathers.
    2. Pins and candle wax.
    3. Cork and bottle tops.
    4. Needles and chalks.
  36. The diagram below represents a set up that is used to investigate a certain aspect of light.
    36 adada
    The pipe shown above should be made of
    1. manilla paper
    2. plastic material
    3. metallic sheet
    4. strong wire.
  37. In an experiment to investigate a certain component of soil, a sample of garden soil was put in a clear basin and added some water. It was then shaken well and allowed to settle. The component of soil investigated was
    1. air
    2. mineral particles
    3. humus
    4. water
  38. The main function of the hairs and mucus found in the trachea is to
    1. keep it open.
    2. absorb the air.
    3. clean the air.
    4. direct the air to the bronchus.
  39. Which one of the following physica! changes in boys and girls during adolescence is correctly matched?
      Girls  Boys 
    increase in height Breaking of voice
    B Wet dreams Hips broaden
    Breaking of voice menstarl flow
    Beards grow Increase in weight
  40. Which of the following statements is true about commercial feeds?
    1. Given only to animals under zero grazing.
    2. Contain a lot of fibre.
    3. Given only when there is no other feeds.
    4. Increase rate of production in animals.
  41.  The following signs and symptoms were observed in a patient:
    1. Skin rashes.
    2. Diarrhoea.
    3. Blood in stool.
    4. Abdominal pains.
      The patient is likely to be suffering from
      1. cholera
      2. bilharzia
      3. typhoid
      4. malaria
  42. The soil that is easily water logged also
    1. has fine particles.
    2. has rough texture.
    3. contains a lot of humus.
    4. has best drainage.
  43. Which one of the following statements describes proper use of medicines?
    1. Medicine that remains should be destroyed.
    2. Always complete the dosage given.
    3. Always store medicine in a dry place.
    4. Store medicines in lockable cupboards.
  44. Which one of the following is not a function of roots in plants?
    1. Storing of food in some plants.
    2. Absorption of mineral salts
    3. Making food for the plants.
    4. Supporting the plants.
  45. The diagram below represents a certain type of human tooth.
    45 sfsfs
    Which statement is true about the tooth drawn?
    1. They are the last to be shed.
    2. It is used for tearing.
    3. They are twelve in an adult.
    4. They are four in each jaw.
  46. Which one of the following pairs of plants nutrients are described as macronutrients?
    1. Zinc and sulphur.
    2. Nitrogen and phosphorous
    3. Boron and copper.
    4. Manganese and potassium.
  47. The purpose of using salt in food preservation is to
    1. remove water.
    2. inactivate micro-organisms.
    3. lower the temperature.
    4. keep off air and bacteria.
  48. The best procedure of separating a mixture of maize flour and salt is
    1. dissolving → filtering → evaporating.
    2. sieving → dissolving → evaporating
    3. winnowing → decanting → evaporating.
    4. decanting → filtering → evaporating.
  49. Which one of the following is not a reason for lighting a house? To
    1. see clearly.
    2. discourage pests.
    3. avoid accidents.
    4. warm the house.
  50. Which one of the following is not a common characteristic between a gecko and a salamander?
    1. Their young ones feed for themselves.
    2. They breath through lungs.
    3. They lay fertilized eggs.
    4. They have varying body temperature


sci 3

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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Mvua .................1.................... kidindia usiku .................2.................... Maria na ndugu .................3.................... wawili .................4.................... kuenda shambani .................5.................... walitarajia kupanda mbegu za aina mbalimbali. Kwa hakika vijana hawa hawakuwa watu wa kulaza damu .................6.................... walielewa waziwazi kuwa .................7.................... Jua lilipokuwa mtikati yaani .................8...................., walikuwa tayari wamekamilisha shughuli .................9.................... kufanya wakashika njia kurudi chengoni.

    1. ulikuwa unanyesha
    2. ilikuwa imenyesha
    3. ikawa ilinyesha
    4. ulikuwa ukinyesha
    1. kuchwa
    2. kutwa
    3. yote
    4. kucha
    1. zake
    2. yake
    3. wake
    4. wao
    1. walishika tariki
    2. walichana mbuga
    3. walienda nguu
    4. walikula mwande
    1. ambalo
    2. ambayo
    3. ambako
    4. ambao
    1. :
    2. -
    3. ...
    4. ;
    1. Mwangata mbili moja humporyoka
    2. Ajizi ni nyumba ya njaa
    3. Haba na haba hujaza kibaba
    4. Usiache mbachao kwa mswala upitao
    1. alasiri
    2. machweo
    3. adhuhuri
    4. mawio
    1. walilopaswa
    2. waliopaswa
    3. walizopaswa
    4. walipopaswa

Kipindupindu au .................10.................... ni maradhi hatari ambayo husababisha .................11.................... Uele huu .................12.................... haraka huweza kusababisha kifo. .................13.................... kuzuia maambukizi yenyewe, .................14.................... kuzingatia usafi wa mazingira, kuchemsha maji ya kunywa na kuosha mboga na matunda .................15....................

    1. kichocho
    2. hijabu
    3. homa ya matumbo
    4. waba
    1. kuhara damu
    2. kuendesha na kutapika
    3. kukohoa damu
    4. kuumwa kichwa na koo
    1. usiotibiwa
    2. usivyotibiwa
    3. usipotibiwa
    4. usingetibiwa
    1. Ili
    2. Lau
    3. Angaa
    4. Japo
    1. hawana budi
    2. tuna budi
    3. wana budi
    4. hatuna budi
    1. yapasavyo
    2. ifaayo
    3. ipasavyo
    4. vifaavyo

Kuanzia nambari 16 mpaka 30, jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua sentensi yenye kivumishi.
    1. Migodi ya dhahabu imefunguliwa kijijini.
    2. Shangazi alijifungua salama salimini.
    3. Wageni waliotarajiwa watafika baadaye.
    4. Kilichopotea jana kimepatikana.
  2. Andika wingi wa sentensi: Uwanja utakaochezewa mechi hiyo umeandaliwa.
    1. Viwanja vitakavyochezewa mechi hiyo umeandaliwa.
    2. Nyanja itakayochezewa mechi hizo imeandaliwa.
    3. Uwanja utakaochezewa mechi hizo umeandaliwa.
    4. Nyanja zitakazochezewa mechi hizo zimeandaliwa.
  3. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo katika hali timilifu?
    1. Naenda sokoni kununua mboga.
    2. Vijana hawajawapuuza wazee wao.
    3. Gari unaloliona haliendi mjini.
    4. Mjomba angenihitaji angenipigia simu.
  4. Mahali mahakamani anaposimama mshtakiwa wakati wa kesi huitwaje?
    1. Rumande.
    2. Dungu.
    3. Kizimba.
    4. Seli.
  5. Bainisha sentensi yenye na ya kiunganishi.
    1. Nguo ya mtoto ilifuliwa na kijakazi.
    2. Waashi wanaiczeka nyumba nyingine mtaani.
    3. Kidake ana kitabu kipya cha hadithi.
    4. Kasisi na waumini watakutana kwa ibada kesho.
  6. Andika kinyume cha sentensi hii: Mjomba amemnunua mtamba mkubwa.
    1. Mjomba amemwuza mtamba mdogo.
    2. Shangazi amemnunua fahali mkubwa.
    3. Ilalati amemwuza fahali mdogo."
    4. Shangazi amemnunua mtamba mdogo.
  7. Sentensi Amina amepigiwa simu' ina maana mbili. Zichague.
    1. Simu imepigwa kwa Amina. Simu iliyopigwa ni ya Amina.
    2. Simu ya Amina imetumika kumpigia. Simu imepigwa na Amina na mwenzake.
    3. Simu imepigwa kwa niaba ya Amina. Simu imepigwa ili kuwasiliana na Amina.
    4. Simu ya Amina imepigwa. Amina amempigia mwingine simu.
  8. Legea ni kwa legevu kama vile cheka ni kwa
    1. kicheko.
    2. chekesha.
    3. ucheshi.
    4. mcheshi.
  9. Unganisha: Kiatu kilikuwa kizuri. Kiatu hakikumtoshea.
    1. Licha ya kiatu kuwa kizuri hakikumtoshea.
    2. Aghalabu kiatu kilikuwa kizuri hakikumtoshea.
    3. Kiatu kilikuwa kizuri maadamu hakikumtoshea.
    4. Angaa kiatu kilikuwa kizuri hakikumtoshea.
  10.  Nomino ipi ya makundi ni sahihi?
    1. Seti ya nafaka.
    2. Jopo la mwandishi.
    3. Korija ya mvua.
    4. Kaumu ya sungura.
  11. Kanusha: Sayo alikimbia kwa kasi akashinda mbio hizo.
    1. Sayo hakukimbia kwa kasi wala hakushinda mbio hizo.
    2. Sayo hajakimbia kwa kasi wala kushinda mbio hizo.
    3. Sayo hakukimbia kwa kasi wala kushinda mbio hizo.
    4. Sayo hakukimbia kwa kasi wala hajashinda mbio hizo.
  12. Ipi ni tashbihi?
    1. Mwadime anatia akitoa.
    2. Mnyoofu kama kondoo.
    3. Shikuku ni sungura.
    4. Mwili wangu ulikataa kuenda
  13. Mtu anayefua visu huitwaje?
    1. Sogora.
    2. Mhunzi.
    3. Mjume.
    4. Mjumu.
  14. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa ipasavyo.
    1. Bwana Juma - yule mwalimu mgeni - amepandishwa cheo.
    2. Twende (akasema rafiki yangu) lau sivyo tutachelewa.
    3. Aisha, dada, yangu mkubwa amefanya harusi.
    4. Je? Mzazi wako amefika mkutanoni?
  15. Ni methali zipi zilizo na maana sawa kati ya hizi?
    1. Maji ya kifuu ni bahari ya chungu. 
    2. Konzi ya maji yamkifu mtoto.
    3. Papo kwa papo kamba kukata jiwe.
    4. Maji yaliyotulia yana kina kirefu.
      1. (i), (iv)
      2. (i), (ii) 
      3. (iii), (iv)
      4. (ii), (iv) 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40
Naikumbuka siku hiyo vizuri kana kwamba ilikuwa ni jana au juzi tu. Kama kawaida, mama alikuwa ameenda cheteni kuuza mboga na matunda. Baba naye alikuwa ameandama shughuli zake za uashi katika jengo moja huko mjini. Ilikuwa kawaida yangu kubaki na mnuna wangu. Basi siku ile, ilivyokuwa ada, nilimlisha, nikamwosha na kumvika yale tuliyoita mavazi japo hayakusetiri viungo vyetu barabara. Hata hivyo mtaa wetu ulisheheni watoto kufu yetu, wengine hata hali zao za kiafya, mavazi na mtindo wa maisha kwa jumla zilikuwa mbaya zaidi.

Mabanda tuliyoita nyumbani yalisongamana sana. Mara nyingi, sisi watoto tulienda kuchezea katika eneo moja wazi lililokuwa katikati ya reli na barabara moja pale mtaani. Eneo hili lilikuwa na jaa lililohanikiza uvundo wa kila aina. Hapo ungewaona walalahoi waliozumbua riziki yao kwa kusaka vyuma, fnakombo na chupa za plastiki mumo humo jaani. Waling'ang'ania nafasi hii na nguruwe, mbuzi, ng'ombe na ndege wa porini kama kunguru. Wageni nao walichepukia mbali kidogo huku wakiziba pua zao kujisetiri na uvundo huo uliokirihi. Ajabu ni kuwa kile kilichoonekana kama taka na wengine kiligeuka chanzo cha kupata riziki kwa idadi kubwa ya viumbe.

Tulipiga milundi, tukavuka mitaro ya majitaka na kujipenyeza katikati ya mabanda. Hatimaye tulifika kwenye eneo lile la kuchezea. Mara kwa mara nilimshika ndugu yangu mkono, asije kubwagwa na mahamali ambao aghalabu walipita bila simile. Tuliwakuta wenzetu ambao aghalabu walicheza katika makundi. Michezo ilipangwa kulingana na hirimu ya wachezaji wenyewe. Wadogo wetu walishiriki kibe, gungwi na kibafute miongoni mwa michezo mingine. Kwa upande wetu, tulitumia karatasi kujitengenezea mipira ili angaa tushiriki kipute.

Mchezo ulipokuwa umetunogea, nilisikia Rindo kikali si mbali sana kutoka pale tulipokuwa. Shughuli zote zilisitishwa ghafla kila mmoja adaposhikulikoshuhudiwa kishindo kile. Akili zangu ziliduru mara moja kwani sikumbha mugu Sijui nilikopata nguvu kama za buldoza nikausukuma umati hadi pale katikati. Mnung vangura kuwa amelala kingalingali huku akivuja damu kwa wingi. Alikuwa katika hali ya kutisha Wenzake walikuwa wakijaribu kumpangusa ngeu ile huku wakimwita licha ya umri wao mdogo.

Nilikimbia huku na kule nikilia kama mwchu. Kwa nyota ya jaha, msamariamwema mmoja alisimamisha gari akamchukua majeruhi. Mama mmoja alinishika mkono tukaingia garini huku likiondoka kwa kasi. Safari yetu ilitia nanga katika hospitali moja ya kibinafsi. Wahudumu walishikilia kuwa ndugu yangu asingehudumiwa minghairi ya kutoa arbuni. "Vipi nyinyi! Yaani mnathamini fulusi zaidi ya uhai wa binadamu? Mbona hivi lakini.?" Msamariamwema yule alisaili kwa ukali.

Hali ilipozidi kutokota, alitoa kitambulisho chake cha kazi. Kumbe alikuwa mhariri mkuu katika idhaa moja ya runinga. Wauguzi na matabibu walipoyaona haya, walimchukua mnuna wangu kwa haraka na kumpeleka katika chumba cha matibabu ya dharura. Yamkini waliogopa kuwa uozo na ubaguzi katika utoaji huduma pale hospitalini ungemulikwa na kuisambaratisha biashara yao.

Mkurugenzi wa hospitali ile alimwita chemba msaidizi wetu. Sijui walijadiliana kuhusu nini. Hatimaye niliruhusiwa kuingia katika wodi kumwona mdogo wangu ambaye alikuwa amelala na kutulia baada ya kupewa dawa ya kupunguza maumivu. Kule nje, shughuli ziliendelea kana kwamba hakuna lolote lililojiri. Kwa wengine, mkasa uliotusibu haukuwahusu ndewe wala sikio.

Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni. Muda mfupi baadaye, polisi walifika na kueleza kwamba walishamtia nguvuni dereva aliyesababisha ajali kwa kuendesha gari kwa kasi huku amepiga maji. Waliomba idhini ya kunihoji ili wapate taarifa zaidi. Hata sikumbuki niliyowaambia kwani akili yangu ilikuwa kwa mnuna wangu wakati huo wote.

  1. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi.
    1. Matukio ya kifungu yalifanyika siku chache zilizopita.
    2. Wazazi wa mwandishi walifanya. kazi za kijungujiko.
    3. Mama wa msimulizi alikuwa mchuuzi.
    4. Baba alikuwa akiijengea familia nyumba yao mtaani.
  2. Mwandishi anasema kuwa;"
    1. kunao waliokuwa na hali mbaya zaidi yake mtaani.
    2. wote walioishi katika mtaa wao walikuwa katika hali sawa.
    3. familia yao ndiyo iliyokuwa na mavazi bora mtaani.
    4. hali yao ilikuwa mbaya kuliko jamaa nyingine mtaani.
  3. Jaa linalozungumziwa
    1. lilitatiza usafiri katika barabara na reli.
    2. lilitumiwa na wakazi wote kujitafutia riziki.
    3. lilikuwa sehemu ya watoto kuchezea kote mtaani.
    4. liliwafaidi wengi licha ya madhara kwa wengine.
  4. Kile kilichoonekana kama taka na wengine kiligeuka chanzo cha kupata riziki kwa idadi kubwa ya viumbe.'
    Chagua methali inayolandana na kifungu hiki cha maneno.
    1. Mkulima ni mmoja walaji ni wengi.
    2. Ganda la muwa la jana chungu kaona kivumo.
    3. Lake mtu halimtapishi bali humchefusha.
    4. Mwenye shibe hamjui mwenye njaa.
  5. Michezo walioshiriki watoto,
    1. ilitegemea umri wa washiriki na vifaa katika mazingira.
    2. ilichezwa na watoto wadogo huku wakubwa wao wakiwalinda.
    3. ilikatizwa mara kwa mara na tishio la usalama.
    4. iliwabagua waliokuwa wadogo kiumri.
  6. Yamkini kishindo walichosikia msimulizi na wenzake kilisababishwa ha;
    1. kupita kwa garimoshi hapo karibu. 
    2. kupigwa dafrau kwa mnuna wake.
    3. michezo waliyoshiriki watoto - uwanjani.
    4. kupita kwa gari katika mwendo wa kasi.
  7. Si kweli kusema kuwa;
    1. Watoto walijaribu kumpa mwenzao msaada.
    2. Wahusika katika kifungu walijaliana maslahi.
    3. Msimulizi alimpata nduguye akiwa amelalia mgongo.
    4. Mwandishi alijulikana kwa nguvit zake za buldoza.
  8. Hatimaye wahudumu walimshughulikia nduguye msimulizi kwa kuwa.
    1. ada iliyohitajika ililipiwa kikamilifi 
    2. waliamrishwa kufanya hivyo na mkurugenzi wao.
    3. walihofia uovu wao kufichuliwa katika vyombo vya habari.
    4. walihofia vitisho alivyovitoa msamaria mwema.
  9. Maana ya alimwita chemba ni kuwa
    1. alizungumza naye hadharani.
    2. alimwomba radhi.
    3. alisema naye faraghani.
    4. alimpigia simu.
  10. Msimulizi anasema kwamba hajui alivyowajibu askari kwa kuwa:
    1. alikuwa mdogo sana.
    2. aliwaogopa polisi.
    3. amesahau mambo mengi.
    4. alitatizwa na hali ya nduguye. 

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 41 mpaka 50
Malezi ya watoto yamekumbwa na changamoto anuwai. Hali hii inatishia mustakabali wa jamii kwani huenda tukakosa wa kupokeza usukani wakati utendakazi wetu utakapodidimizwa na umri. Hatua za dharura na za hakika hazina budi kuchukuliwa ikiwa tunataka kuliokoa jahazi letu kabla halijagonga mwamba. Lau sivyo, tutaishia kujiuma kidole mambo yakituendea mrama.

Hapo zamani, jukumu la kuwatunza watoto lilikuwa la jamii nzima. Hakika ilijulikana na wote kuwa mkono mmoja haumlci mwana. Hata pale wazazi wa mtoto walipotangulia mbele ya haki kabla mtoto mwenyewe hajakomaa na kuwa mtu mzima, walezi wengine walichipuka miongoni mwa familia, majirani au hata jamaa wengine ambao hawakuhusiana na mtoto huyo kwa damu wala usaha. Kwa njia hiyo, watoto wote walipata malezi yafhayo katika jamii.

Siku hizi mambo yamebadilika sana. Wavycle wengi wanawajali tu wanao huku wakiwapuuza mayatima na watoto. Kwa kukosa walezi wa kuwatunza, watoto wengine wasiobahatika katika jamii. Si ajabu kumwona mtoto akifanya mambo ya kuhatarisha maisha yake au wanajamii wengine huku watu wazima wamemkodolea macho tu na kujitia hamnazo. Ukiwasaili kuhusu kiini cha hali hiyo, watakujibu kuwa wanaogopa kubwekewa na wazazi wa mtoto huyo au 'Kila mmoja ajibcbee mzigo wake'. Wasilolijua watu kama hawa ni kuwa mtego wa panya huwanasa waliokuwemo na wasiokuwemo. Athari za matendo mabaya katika jamii hazichagui ni nani atakayehasirika.

Kuwanyima watoto malezi yafaayo kumewasababishia dhiki chungu nzima katika jamii. Kati ya dhiki hizo ni ajira ya watoto wenyewe hutafuta ajira za kijungujiko ili kujikimu. Wengi wa hawa hufanyishwa kazi za sulubu ambazo huwaathiri kiafya na ukuaji wao kwa jumla. Ilali hii aidha huendeleza ukuaji zaidi kwani hawapati fursa ya kubugia elimu ambayo ingewabadilishia mustakabali wao.

Kuna wale ambao huangukia mikono ya watu katili ambao huwaingiza katika ndoa za mapema, mila potovu kama vile wizi wa mifugo na dhuluma za kimapenzi. Madhalimu hao hawabagui umri wala jinsia bali huwakandamiza watoto hao bila kujali.

Jamii haina budi kuchukua hatua zifaazo kuhusiana na malezi ya watoto. Hili likipuuzwa, huenda tukaishia kujenga ukuta baada ya kupuuza kuziba ufa. Yeyote. asijipakatic mikono, na kusema 'kila mtoto ana mzazi au jamaa zake Tujue kuwa walezi wa kweli ni mimi na wewe. Tujali maslahi ya watoto na kuwalindia haki zao.

  1. Changamoto anuwai ni sawa na
    1. matatizo ya aina nyingi. 
    2. dhiki mbaya zaidi.
    3. vishawishi vya kushangaza.
    4. madhila madogomadogo.
  2. Tatizo linaloikodolea macho jamii kulingana na aya ya kwanza ni;
    1. kudhoofika kwa watendakazi 
    2. kukosa warithi.
    3. kukosa watoto
    4. kuvurugika kwa malezi.
  3. Mwandishi anasema kwamba hapo zamani;
    1. kila mzazi aliwalea wanawe tu ipasavyo.
    2. mayatima hawakuwa wengi ilivyo sasa.
    3. watoto waliwaogopa watu wazima kote.
    4. wanajamii walishirikiana katika malezi ya wana.
  4. Mtoto kufanya maovu machoni pa watu wazima bila kukanywa ni ishara ya;.
    1. dhuluma wanazofanyiwa watoto.
    2. kupotoka kwa vijana wasiojali maonyo.
    3. ubaguzi wa baadhi ya watu katika malezi.
    4. hofu waliyo nayo watu dhidi ya watoto wa majirani.
  5. Msemo kujitia hamnazo unarejelea tabia ya wanajamii ya;
    1. kujitia hatarini.
    2. kujifanya hawana habari
    3. kujifanya wanajua mengi.
    4. kujitia moyo kwenye tatizo.
  6. Ni kweli kusema kuwa,
    1. wapo wazazi wanaopinga kukosolewa kwa wanao.
    2. jukumu la kumrekebisha mtoto ni la mzazi pekee.
    3. shida zinazowakabili watoto wote ni za kujiletea.
    4. zamani hakukuwa na mayatima kama ilivyo sasa.
  7. Mwandishi anatuonya dhidi ya kupuuza matendo mabaya ya baadhi ya watoto kwa kuwa,
    1. shida ikitokea tutalaumiwa sote. 
    2. watoto wakiachwa wataharibika wote.
    3. maovu yakitendeka atawaathiri wahusika peke yao.
    4. madhara yakitokea tutaathirika sote.
  8. Madhara ya ajira ya watoto ni pamoja
    1. kulipwa mshahara duni, kupunguza umaskini.
    2. kudumaza ukuaji, maradhi ya kuambukiza.
    3. kuathirika kiafya, kuwanyima haki Sala ya elimu.
    4. kazi za sulubu, kuimarisha utangamano.
  9. Dhuluma want zopitia watoto si pamoja na;
    1. kudhalilishwa kingono.
    2. kuozwa wakiwa wachanga.
    3. kushirikishwa katika uhalifu. 
    4. kupewa ajira ya kuwakimu.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni:
    1. Ajira ya watoto
    2. Haki za watoto
    3. Usipoziba u fa utajenga ukuta
    4. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma. 


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Malizia insha kwa maneno yafuatayo huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

............................................................................................................. bNilimshukuru Mungu nilipoamka na kugundua kuwa ilikuwa ni ndoto tu.


swa 3


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Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15.
For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

There are many books that I usually read .....................1.................... the ones that I love most are story books. These books are also of different .....................2..................... There are those books on life history of important people in history or .....................3.................... our own leaders. We also have others stories,.....................4.................... one long story, written in different chapters and lastly we have those that depict animals .....................5.................... human characteristics and I go for such before any other.

I remember one such story on how Monkey .....................6.................... Crocodile. Monkey wanted to cross a big river but was unable to swim .....................7....................  He had .....................8.................... friend, Crocodile, who swam with .....................9.................... in the same river. He therefore, from the top of the mango tree where he lived, .....................10.................... Crocodile to take him. Crocodile agreed but Monkey that he wanted to eat his heart. Monkey was shocked but .....................11.................... midstream, he told Monkey that he wanted to eat his heart. Monkey was shocked but .....................12.................... not to be and laughed out loudly, asking Crocodile to, .....................13.................... him back to the tree so that he could bring him his heart which he had .....................14.................... to become warm in the sun up there. Crocodile agreed but once he was up the tree, Monkey picked a big green mango fruit and threw it .....................15.................... Crocodile's open mouth!

    1. and
    2. so
    3. then
    4. but
    1. types
    2. categories
    3. colours
    4. subjects
    1. even
    2. only
    3. may be
    4. more so
    1. rarely
    2. hardly
    3. normally
    4. never
    1. trying
    2. taking
    3. playing
    4. acting
    1. beat
    2. fooled
    3. joked
    4. tricked
    1. across
    2. above
    3. through
    4. inside
    1. the
    2. this
    3. a
    4. that
    1. skill
    2. case
    3. pride
    4. force
    1. ordered
    2. told
    3. requested
    4. suggested
    1. while
    2. when
    3. at
    4. after
    1. planned
    2. decided
    3. refused
    4. pretended
    1. turn
    2. take
    3. let
    4. return
    1. put
    2. kept
    3. left
    4. hidden
    1. into
    2. in
    3. at
    4. inside

For questions 16 to 18, choose the option which means the same as the underlined word.

  1. The hardworking pupils deserved the presents they were given.
    1. worthy
    2. know
    3. proud
    4. certain
  2. The scouts matched in a very organised way.
    1. straight
    2. fast
    3. orderly
    4. interesting
  3. The headteacher easily distinguished the cleanest pupil.
    1. discovered
    2. identified
    3. chose
    4. realised

In questions 19 and 20, choose the option that best fills the blank space.

  1. The villagers protested .................................. the chief's verdict.
    1. towards
    2. regarding
    3. before
    4. against
  2. Many livestock died ......................... anthrax last year.
    1. from
    2. of
    3. about
    4. over

For questions 21 and 22 choose the alternative that best completes the sentence given.

  1. It may rain so I will carry my umbrella in case it ........................................
    1. does
    2. falls
    3. rains
    4. may
  2. Ticks are dangerous to fivestock,...................................?
    1. are they
    2. don't they
    3. do they
    4. aren't they 

Use the information below to answer questions 23 to 25.
Four pupils, Ali, Jona, Celine and Makau visited various relatives last holidays. Jona visited his aunt and grandfather while Celine stayed with her aunty. Jona visited his elder sister before going to take a week with the grandfather. Both Makau and Celine visited their uncles but Ali stayed with his elder brother then went to visit the grandmother. All the pupils had a day or two with their nephews except Jona.

  1. Which pupil visited the least number of relatives?
    1. Ali
    2. Jona
    3. Makau
    4. Celine
  2. Which two pupils visited their uncles and nephews?
    1. Ali and Makau
    2. Makau and Celine
    3. Celine and Ali
    4. Jona and Makau
  3. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. Ali visited one relative whom no one else visited.
    2. Neither Jona nor Celine visited their aunt.
    3. Only one pupil visited both grandparents.
    4. Two pupils visited their elder sister.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.
It was one of those afternoons when villagers converged for their fortnightly meeting venue. This is where they discussed their problems, fears, anxiety and hopes. Whoever had a problem with a neighbour or any other person too, brought it there and an amicable solution was found. The offender would be expected to shake hands at the end of their case to symbolise that they had buried the hatchet.

One of the cases that day involved Duya. He had reported that his neighbour, Katele, had accused him of stealing the goat that Mowa had reported missing three weeks ago. He wanted Katele to withdraw the statement and clear his name on the matter. However, the elders and the villagers decided to give each of them a hearing before making a determination and therefore, Duya was given an opportunity to formally accuse Katele for character assassination.

He took to the floor and started praising the good relationship that had been between the two of them for years. He went ahead to explain that he had never owned a goat and had no interest in keeping any. His kitchen garden had the healthiest vegetables and according to him, if he brought in the goats, all would be lost. He only kept sheep as they were not hasty, messy or destructive. Te summarised it all by asking Katele, whom he described as a brother, to withdraw that suspicion immediately.

When Katele rose to speak, everybody expected him just to apologise and stand up to and shake Duya's hand. That would put the matter to rest. However, he too started on the same note as Duya he apologised that he actually never saw his 'brother' with the lost goat. He therefore felt the issue could be left at that but the villagers could hear none of it. They insisted that Katele had to explain how and why he picked on Duya in that particular case. Branding one a thief, they reminded him, was a weighty matter and needed to be resolved. Katele felt cornered and thus started shooting questions at Duya.

"How many children do you have?" he asked.
"You know all my children by name. The case here is on the lost goat and not my children," Duya answered instantly.
"Is Mara one of your children?"
"Yes, Mara is my last born daughter," he responded.
"Does she know the difference between a goat and a sheep?" continued Katele.
"Yes, she does. Did she ask you about that?"
"Had you been feasting on mutton for some time without visiting the butcher?" "Yes but it was from one of my sheep."

By that time, Duya's lips were already trembling and he was asked to sit down. There was a period of silence and nobody knew what the next action would be taken. It was obvious, the case had suddenly come to a conclusion. The elders decided the matter would be resolved the same day and just the affected or mentioned would be allowed to attend.

  1. The main purpose of the villagers meeting was to
    1. warn those who falsely accuse others.
    2. identify who had angered his neighbours.
    3. give the villagers room to air their views.
    4. make peace and create harmony.
  2. Whoever had a problem with the neighbour came to the meeting because
    1. that is what was expected of them. 
    2. to ensure the culprit was punished. 
    3. no other meeting was allowed elsewhere.
    4. the punishment given to the offenders was fair.
  3. The phrase......buried the hatchet..." as used in the passage means
    1. finding who the actual offender issue
    2. forgetting what the problem was.
    3. resolving the issue.
    4. giving the elders opportunity to address them.
  4. Why did Duya decide to take his case before the elders?
    1. He neither owned nor had liked goats.
    2. He wanted the information to stop spreading immediately. 
    3.  It was Mowa who was supposed to report the thief.
    4. He had a problem with a number of neighbours.
  5. By deciding to give each of the affected men a hearing, the elders
    1. were already aware on who was in the wrong.
    2. thought the two men could end up fighting.
    3. wanted to get the whole truth regarding the issue.
    4. knew it was the best way to spend the long afternoon hours.
  6. Duya accused Katele of
    1. being jealous of his family's diet.
    2. failing to respect him as a neighbour.
    3. preparing to drag his children into a case involving adults.
    4. talking negatively about his behaviour to others.
  7. When Duya started by praising their past relationship with Katele,
    1. he intended to make Katele talk positively about him too.
    2. it was because some people were ignorant of it.
    3. it was to please the elders to judge him fairly.
    4. he believed Katele had forgotten about it.
  8. Had Katele done exactly what the other expected him to,
    1. Duya would have stolen another goat.
    2. the truth on the issue would have remained mysterious.
    3. the others would have disciplined him:
    4. the meeting would have ended immediately.
  9.  The truth of the matter was realised as 
    1. the elders threatened to punish Duya.
    2. no one was sure of who the thief was.
    3. Duya had been feasting on a lot of meat.
    4. the villagers insisted on hearing more from Duya.
  10. How did Mara's name appear in the elders' meeting?
    1. She was Duya's favourite and last born daughter.
    2. She is the one who told the father to report Duya to the elders.
    3. She is likely to have spoken to others on their change of diet.
    4. She did not actually know the difference between a goat and a sheep.
  11. What do you think made Duya's lips to tremble?
    1. He had stood for too long.
    2. He remembered about the meat.
    3. He suddenly became very angry.
    4. The questions made him become uncomfortable.
  12. The period of silence was caused by
    1. realisation of sad truth.
    2. confusion caused by the speakers.
    3. others having nothing to contribute on the issue.
    4. the length of the time the meeting took.
  13. The elders' meeting ended
    1. as soon as Duya apologised.
    2. in a dilemma to the others.
    3. when they realised a fight could casily breakout.
    4. with a handshake from Duya and Katele.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50
A report from the United Kingdom's communications regulator, Ofcom, confirms that children are common social media users. Some 99% of children aged 3 to 17 used the internet in 2021. YouTube was the most popular platform, with 89% of the children using it. Meanwhile, half of the children used Tik Tok, a popular site which allows users to watch and share short videos.

Most social media platforms require users to be aged 13 or older. Nonetheless, the report found that a majority of children under 13 had their own profile on at least one social media app or site. One-third of parents of children aged five to seven said their child had a profile, which rose to 60% among children aged 8 to 11.

Overcoming this age restriction is clearly not a difficult task. Children simply supply a false age when setting up their account. Meanwhile, some children have multiple accounts on the same platform-one for their parents and the other for their friends. The report also found out that roughly 16% of three and four-year olds watch videos on TikTok. This could be children being shown videos by a parent or somebody else and does not mean they have their own account. However, they are still being exposed to social media content at a very young age.

With these findings in mind, it is timely to take a look at what we knew about how social media use can affect children across different age groups. Engaging with social media can have both negative and positive effects on people, especially children. It has been established that social media use is important for emotional support, community building and self-expression among adolescents but that can also negatively impact mental health and well-beings well.

In their work, the researchers have talked to young adolescents, their parents and teachers about the challenges and online harms from social media use. The result was that the effects range from spending increasing amounts of time online, behaviour change due to anticipated judgement from peers and sensory overload to more serious emotional consequences such as the attention problems, stress and anxiety.

  1. The report from the United Kingdom's regulator
    1. is yet to establish if really all children use social media.
    2. states that only children use social media.
    3. is not the first to relate children to social media use.
    4. cannot be used to determine social media users.
  2. The percentage of 3 to 17 old social media users in 2021 shows that 
    1. hardly any child of that age group is ignorant of social media.
    2. no parent cares what the children watch at home.
    3. all children used the internet in 2021.
    4. children ask themselves to use social media.
  3.  According to the first paragraph, it is true to say that,
    1. Tik Tok is very popular among all ages of children.
    2. sharing and watching of videos is popular in both Tik Tok and Youtube.
    3. half of the children have not yet gained access to social media.
    4. only a negligible percentage of children have not accessed YouTube.
  4. Why do you think do most social media users restrict age of users?
    1. Younger children have low thinking capacity.
    2. In order to control on the abuse of social media use.
    3. The children would not understand the language used in the videos..
    4. Number of children sleep in between watching the videos.
  5. How do children under the age of 13 get their profile on social media? They
    1. pretend to be their parents.
    2. ensure none of them use the sites during the day.
    3. simply reduce their age to gain approval.
    4. give inaccurate information about themselves.
  6. Some children have multiple accounts on the same platform because
    1. it is easy to open many accounts.
    2. they gain access to social media for a longer time.
    3. they have some sites they use secretly.
    4. they compete against their friends.
  7.  How do parents contribute to their children's access to social media?
    1. They open accounts for their children.
    2. They encourage children to watch the videos.
    3. The children use multiple accounts with their full knowledge.
    4. They allow other people to open accounts for the children.
  8. Children who have access to social media
    1. can be affected either positively or negatively.
    2. grow up with negative academic problems.
    3. end up catching up faster especially at languages.
    4. easily end up influencing those who are younger.
  9. Which of the following is a positive attribute of the social media on users??
    1. Knowledge of multiple account creation.
    2. Being connected to other children globally.
    3. Self-expression among adolescents.
    4. Capability of identifying various social media sites.
  10. Addressing the use of social media among children should involve
    1. parents, teachers and the young adults.
    2. social media administrators and parents.
    3. teachers, young adults and the community.
    4. researchers, ade and parents.
  11. Which of the following is a negative attribute of social media use?
    1. Emotional support.
    2. Community building.
    3. Improved mental health.
    4. Sensory overload.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The responsibility of parents over their children.
    2. The positive and negative effect of multiple social medial accounts.
    3. How social media affects children.
    4. What researchers are doing on social media use.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.

The spectators were already cheering as we entered the field. Our opponent team, in their bright red kits, were already taking their positions in readiness for the big match ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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eng 3


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  1. Which of the following numbers is 4 200 204 in words?
    1. Four million two hundred thousand two hundred and four.
    2. Forty two million two hundred and four.
    3. Four million two hundred and four thousand two hundred and four.
    4. Four million two hundred and two thousand and four.
  2. Which of the following is the smallest number that can be made from 560 2432
    1. 023 546
    2. 654 302
    3. 203 456
    4. 302 456
  3. A rectangular water tank measures 6m by 4m by 2.5m. How many litres does it hold when full?
    1. 60L
    2. 600L
    3. 60 000L
    4. 6 000L
  4. What is the product of 237 and 625 rounded off to the nearest thousand?
    1. 147 000
    2. 148 000
    3. 148 125
    4. 148 100
  5. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number 2 568 325?
    1. 60 000
    2. 6000
    3. 600
    4. 60
  6. What is the value of
    1. 8
    2. 26
    3. 30
    4. 74
  7. How many days were there between 25th December 2019 to 9th March 2020?
    1. 72
    2. 73
    3. 74
    4. 75
  8. What is the difference of the LCM and GCD of 15, 20 and 30?
    1. 60
    2. 5
    3. 65
    4. 55
  9. The price of a shoe was sh.2 500. During sale, the price was reduced to sh.2 250. What was the percentage decrease in the price?
    1. 10%
    2. 25%
    3. 20%
    4. 40%
  10. What is 4:5 expressed as a decimal?
    1. 8
    2. 0.8
    3. 0.08
    4. 0.0008
  11. A school has a population of 240 pupils in the lower school and 360 pupils in the upper school. Pupils in the lower school are given 1 2dl packet of milk twice a week while those in upper school are given 2 2dl packets of milk twice a week. How many litres do they take in one week?
    1. 960L
    2. 1 920L
    3. 96L
    4. 192L
  12. The figure below shows a parallelogram| ABDE. Line ABC is a straight line. Angle DEC=115º and angle BCF=30º
    12 adada
    What is the size of angle AEF?
    1. 65º
    2. 85º
    3. 95º
    4. 115º
  13. What is the value of
    0.81×0.63 × 0.24
    0.06 × 0.09 × 0.07
    1. 0.0324
    2. 0.324
    3. 3.24
    4. 324
  14. Boxes measuring 10cm by 6cm by 4cm were packed in a carton measuring 1.5m by 1m by 0.4m. How many boxes were needed to fill the carton?
    1. 25 000
    2. 2 500
    3. 250
    4. 25
  15. What is the value of
    2(x - 6) = 2
         5        3
    1. 72/3
    2. 7
    3. 22/3
    4. 11
  16. 45 men can complete a certain job in 9 days. If 18 men failed to turn up, how long did the job take?
    1. 15
    2. 6
    3. 27
    4. 18
  17. Wambugu bought the following items from a shop.
    • 2kg cooking fat @ 175
    • 2 loaves of bread @ sh. 55
    • 2kg packet of unga for sh. 255 kg
    • 1/2kg salt for sh. 35
      If he paid using 2-500 shilling notes, how much balance did he get?
      1. Sh. 750
      2. Sh. 250
      3. Sh. 635
      4. Sh. 365
  18. A motorist started a journey of 225km at 6:30am. If he drove at 90km/h, at what time did he get to his destination?
    1. 8:00am
    2. 9:30am
    3. 9:00am
    4. 10:00am
  19. The mass of an empty carton is 1.25kg. The carton is packed with 24-250g tins of margarine. If a pickup whose empty mass is 1.2 tonnes is packed with 50 202such cartons, what will be the mass of the loaded pickup in kg?
    1. 7.25kg
    2. 362.5kg
    3. 1562.5kg
    4. 15.625kg
  20. Onyancha spent 1/3 of his salary on food and 1/4 on school fees. He uses a half of the remainder on transport and saved the rest. If he saved sh. 8 500, how much was his salary?
    1. Sh. 20 400
    2. Sh. 40 800
    3. Sh. 24 000
    4. Sh. 17 000
  21. The cash price of a generator is sh. 117 000. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the cash price. Hassan paid sh. 28 080 and 12 equal monthly instalments. How much was each instalment?
    1. Sh. 14 040
    2. Sh. 11 700
    3. Sh. 9 360
    4. Sh. 5 460
  22. A classroom wall measures 6m by 4m by 2.5m high. There are two windows measuring, 0.5m by 0.5m and a door measuring 2m by Im. The rest of the wall was painted in the inner side. What was the area of the wall painted?
    1. 48.5m2
    2. 48.00m2
    3. 47.5m2
    4. 50m2
  23. Which of the following sets of measurements will not be used to form a right angled triangle?
    1. 0.5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    2. 0.8m, 1.5m, 1.7m
    3. 0.6m, 0.8m, 1.9m
    4. 10m, 24m, 26m
  24. Harry bought 4 trays of eggs at sh. 280 per tray. On the way, 24 eggs broke and sold the rest. How much could he sell each egg to make a 20% profit?
    1. Sh. 14
    2. Sh. 12
    3. Sh. 336
    4. Sh. 1 344
  25. A plot of land is in the shape of a rhombus of side 200m. The length of one of the diagonals was 240m. What was the area in hectares?
    1. 3.84 ha
    2. 4.0 ha
    3. 4.8 ha
    4. 7.68 ha
  26. A watch loses 5 seconds every hour. It was set correctly on Thursday at 3:00pm. What time will it show the following Thursday at 3:00pm?
    1. 3:14pm
    2. 3:14am
    3. 2:46pm
    4. 2:46am
  27. A Nakuru bound bus left Nyeri on Tuesday at 9:30pm. If the journey took 61/2 hours at what day and time did it get to Nakuru?
    1. 4:00am Wednesday
    2. 4:00pm Tuesday
    3. 3:30am Wednesday
    4. 3:30pm Tuesday
  28. In the figure below line AB = BC, AE = EC Angle ADC = 58°, line AD = CD
    28 adada
    What is the size of angle BCD?
    1. 61°
    2. 60°
    3. 30°
    4. 91°
  29. What is the value of
    x + y2 
    z + y
    x = 2z, z = y   1 and z = 3
    1. 31/7
    2. 21/7
    3. 41/7
    4. 51/7
  30. Jimmy bought 40 pineapples at sh.30 each. He also spent sh.200 on transport. During transportation, 5 pineapples got spoilt and sold the remaining at sh.50 each. What was his percentage profit?
    1. 25%
    2. 20%
    3. 30%
    4. 331/3%
  31. A rectangular plot of land is drawn to scale 1:30 000. If the drawing measures 5cm by 3cm, what is the actual area of the land in hectares?
    1. 1 350 000ha
    2. 13 500ha
    3. 135ha
    4. 1.35ha
  32. The figure below shows Kamau's piece of land made up of a square joined to a quarter circle to the left and a triangle to the right as shown below.
    32 adada
    What is the area of the garden?
    1. 1 400m2
    2. 910m2
    3. 1 694m2
    4. 988m2
  33. Obonyo shared some money to his four sons. Ochieng, Odhiambo, Otoyo and Otieno. Ochieng got 1/2 Odhiambo got 2/3 of the remainder and the rest was shared equally between Otoyo and Otieno. If the total amount of money was sh. 60 000, How much did Otieno get?
    1. Sh. 5 000
    2. Sh. 30 000
    3. Sh. 7 500
    4. Sh. 18 000
  34. The perimeter of an Isosceles triangle is 100cm. The base is 32cm and the rest of the other two sides are equal. What is the area of the triangle?
    1. 480cm2
    2. 960cm2
    3. 1088cm2
    4. 544cm2
  35. The pie chart below shows how Kogi spent his monthly salary.
    35 adada
    If he spent sh. 14 000 on rent, how much does he spend on leisure than clothing?
    1. Sh. 10 000
    2. Sh. 2 000
    3. Sh. 12 000
    4. Sh. 72 000
  36. The table below shows a timetable for a town in a certain route from town A to town E.
    Town  Arrival  Departure 
     A  _  8:00 am
     B  10:45 am  11:05 am
     C  2:35 pm  3:00 pm
     D  5:15 pm  5:30 pm
     7:25 pm  _
    How long does it take to travel from town B to town E?
    1. 8 hrs 20min
    2. 6 hrs 20min
    3. 6 hrs 10min.
    4. 7 hrs 35 min
  37. Kipsang bought four jackets for sh. 2 800 after getting 30% discount. How much would he have paid for one jacket if he was given 15% discount?
    1. Sh. 3 400
    2. Sh. 850
    3. Sh. 700
    4. Sh. 2 240
  38. On the line AB drawn below, complete a triangle ABC such that angle BAC-67" and line AC 7.2cm. Draw a circle touching point ABC.
    38 adada
    What is the length of the radius?
    1. 9.2cm
    2. 3.9cm
    3. 4.6cm
    4. 1.8cm.
  39. Three bells ring at an interval of 40min, 45min and 1 hour. The three bells rang together at 8:30am. What time will they ring together again?
    1. 11:30pm
    2. 1:30pm
    3. 2:30pm
    4. 12:30pm
  40. What is the expression 7(x+4y+2)+5 (2x      y+3)?
    1. 17x + 23y+29
    2. 3.x + 3y+29
    3. 17x+3y+5
    4. 9x+27y+17
  41. A sales lady carns a basic salary of Sh.20 000. She is also paid 5% commission on the sale of goods above sh.100 000. In one month, she sold goods worth half a million. How much was the total earnings that month?
    1. Sh. 20 000
    2. Sh. 22 000
    3. Sh. 40 000
    4. Sh. 60 000
  42. The table below shows the charges for sending letters and small parcels.
      Within East Africa Rest of Africa Middle East and Europe Far East and America
    Not over 100g  Sh. 60  Sh. 95  Sh. 115  Sh. 180
    101g - 250 g  Sh. 105  Sh. 135  Sh. 160  Sh. 240
    251g - 500g  Sh. 185  Sh. 220  Sh. 235  Sh. 300
    501g - 1kg  Sh. 245  Sh. 280  Sh. 320  Sh. 375
    Ann sent two parcels of 250g each to USA and another one to Lagos (Nigeria). Juma sent two parcels, one 780g to Telaviv (Middle East) and another of 450g to Kampala (Uganda). How much did they pay in total for postage?
    1. Sh. 915
    2. Sh. 815
    3. Sh. 1 015
    4. Sh. 1 215
  43. A rectangle plot of land measuring 32m by 8m has the same area as a square. What is the difference in their perimeter?
    1. 16m
    2. 64m
    3. 20m
    4. 12m
  44. An open cylindrical tin has a radius of 14cm and a height of 30cm. The tin was painted the inner surface. What was the area painted?
    1. 2 640cm2
    2. 3 256cm2
    3. 3 872cm2
    4. 616cm2
  45. At an eye clinic open day, a total of 900 children attended the checkup. The number of women was two thirds of the children but two hundred more than men. How many people attended the eye clinic?
    1. 1 000
    2. 400
    3. 600
    4. 1900
  46. Three boys Sam, Ham and Tom contributed some money as follows. Sam contributed sh.200 more than Iam while Tom contributed half of the total of Sam and Ham. If the amount of money contributed by Ham was x and they contributed a total of sh. 2 400, which of the following equations can be used to find the amount contributed by Sam?
    1. 3x+400 = 2400
    2. 3x + 300 = 2 400
    3. 4x+ 200 = 2 400
    4. 4x+400 = 2400
  47. Jackson deposited sh. 240 000 in a Commercial Bank that paid a simple interest at the rate of 7.5% per annum. How much interest did the money earn in 18 months?
    1. Sh. 36 000
    2. Sh. 18 000
    3. Sh. 24 000
    4. Sh. 27 000
  48. A motorist travels for four hours at a speed of 60km/h to travel from town A to town B. He took 6 hours to travel back. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 48km/h
    2. 54km/h
    3. 72km/h
    4. 40km/h
  49. Kamau had 5 - 500 shilling notes, 12 - 200 shilling notes and 14 - 100 shilling notes. He decided to change the money into 50 shilling notes. How many notes did he get?
    1. 6300
    2. 126
    3. 50
    4. 136
  50. The figure below shows the net of a solid.
    50 adada
    What is the number of edges(E), faces(F) and vertices(V) when folded to form a solid.
           Edges(E)   Faces(F)   Vertices(V)
    1. 12                 5                   8
    2. 9                   5                   6
    3. 8                   5                   5
    4. 12                 6                   8


maths 3


Tagged under


map 12adad

Study the map of Thiba area above and use it to answer questions 1-7.

  1. What is the rise of Thiba area?
    1. From North East to South West
    2. From North East to South East
    3. From North West to South East
    4. From North West to South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the Murram road
    1. 15km
    2. 12km
    3. 13km
    4. 9km
  3. Most resident in Thiba area are likely to be
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Traditionalist
  4. The climate to the South Eastern part of Thiba area can be described as
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Cool and wet
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and wet
  5. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Thiba area except
    1. Agriculture
    2. Trading
    3. Lumbering
    4. Fishing
  6. The senior most administrator in Thiba area is
    1. Police officer
    2. Governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Chief
  7. The population distribution pattern can be descried as;
    1. Linear
    2. Sparse
    3. Dense
    4. Nucleated
  8. The main factor that led to the growth of the Old Ghana was;
    1. Wealth acquired from trans-Saharan trade
    2. Availability of weak neighbour
    3. The Kingdom made iron weapons 
    4. The Kingdom had powerful kings
  9. Among the following national parks given below. Which one is found in South Africa?
    1. Kafur National Park
    2. Hwange National Park
    3. Bwidi National park
    4. Kruger National park
    1. It is used in making toothpaste
    2. It is used in making sulphuric acid
    3. It is used in hardening steel and aluminium
      The statements suits a certain mineral in Kenya. Which one is it?
      1. Diatomite
      2. Flourspar
      3. Soda ash
      4. Limestone
  11. Which one of the following is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. The farmer used simple tools
    2. Crop farming was introduced by Europeans
    3. Family members provide labour
    4. It was mainly for subsistence
  12. The development of sea fishing in Kenya and Tanzania has been hindered by
    1. Inadequate market
    2. Poor means of transport
    3. Use of poor fishing methods
    4. Lack of modern storage facilities
  13. The following are reasons for the coming of the missionaries to Eastern Africa. Which one is not?
    1. To colonise Eastern Africa
    2. To spread Christianity
    3. To spread western education
    4. To abolish slave trade in Kenya
  14. The main reason of conserving forests in Kenya is to;
    1. Provide areas of recreation
    2. Protect medicinal plants
    3. Protect sources of river
    4. Protect homes for wild animals
  15. The main effect of rural-urban migration in Kenya today is
    1. Decline in agricultural production
    2. Development of the rural areas
    3. Decline of population on the rural areas 
    4. Adequate social services in urban areas
  16. Which one of the following is not a problem facing IGAD?
    1. Civil war in the horn of Africa
    2. Lack of enough funds
    3. Withdrawal of some members
    4. Misunderstanding among member countries
  17. Tourism in Eastern Africa is faced with the following problems except?
    1. Poor security in the park
    2. Rates charged on tourists are too high
    3. Presence of fewer hotels
    4. Roads are poor and inaccessible

Use the map to answer question 18 to 21

18 adadad

  1. The main economic activity taking place in the region marked Q is
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Fishing
    4. Irrigation farming
  2. The country marked R was colonised by
    1. French
    2. German
    3. British
    4. Portuguese
  3. The kingdom that existed at the place marked Shad its capital city located at;
    1. Old Ghana
    2. Kumbi Saleh
    3. Kaduma
    4. Ghana Metropolitan
  4. The prevailing winds marked T are likely to be;
    1. Harmattan winds
    2. South East trade winds
    3. North East trade winds
    4. South West Monsoon winds
  5. The following conditions favours the growth of a certain crop
    1. Warm temperature of about 24°c throughout the year
    2. Rainfall of about 2000mm
    3. High humidity
    4. Short dry season for harvesting
      Which crop grows well under the above conditions?
      1. Cloves
      2. Sisal
      3. Cocoa
      4. Wheat
  6. The following are differences between the government of Kenya and that of swaziland. Which one is not?
    1. Choosing of heads of states
    2. Duration of office of the head of states
    3. Number of houses in parliament
    4. Role of political parties in the two countries
  7. Section 2A of the constitution was changed in 1991 to;
    1. Make Kenya a monoparty
    2. Make Kenya a multi-party state
    3. Reduce the number of political parties in Kenya
    4. To reduce the powers of the president
  8. Which one of the following shows people who belong to the same clan among the Luo community?
    1. Onyango, his grandfather and his mother
    2. Onyango, his wife and his son
    3. Onyango, his father and his mother
    4. Onyango, his father and his sister
  9. The main factor to consider when locating a textile industry at Kisumu is likely to be
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Availability of labour in Kisumu town
    3. Ready market
    4. Presence of adequate labour
  10. Three of the following statements about fish farming in Japan are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Most farmers practise large scale farming
    2. Fish is mainly sold through co-operative
    3. Fish farming relies on modern technology
    4. Fish farming is practised in areas with poor terrain
  11. The following are ways through which one may lose the citizenship of Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. When a foreigner marries a Kenya
    2. When a citizen colludes with a Kenyan enemy
    3. Once a citizen surrenders the citizenship
    4. Cancellation by the government
  12. Before the coming of the Europeans, the Khoikhoi were ruled by
    1. A council of elders
    2. Hereditary chiefs
    3. A consensus
    4. Hereditary kings
  13. The most senior civil servant in a ministry is
    1. Cabinet secretary
    2. Permanent secretary
    3. Head of public service
    4. Principal secretary
  14. School rules and regulations are used mainly to;
    1. Encourage students to excel in their studies
    2. Promote discipline within the school community
    3. Protect the weak students from being bullied
    4. Identify forms of misbehaviour among students.
  15. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the plain Nilotes?
    1. Iteso, Acholi, Dinka
    2. Sabaot, Luo, Samburu
    3. Njemps, Karamojong, Maasai
    4. Elmolo, Maasai, Dinka
  16. A pedestrian has been hit and injured by a cyclists near your school. The immediate action that should be taken is to;
    1. Give first aid to the pedestrian
    2. Call a doctor to treat the pedestrian
    3. Inform the headteacher of the school
    4. Call the police to arrest the careless cyclist
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about shifting cultivation
    1. It uses hired labour
    2. Farmers use simple tools
    3. Land is divided into several plots
    4. Fertilizers are used regularly
  18. Which one of the following creates a friendly environment for persons with special needs?
    1. Creating awareness among people
    2. Giving responsibilities to persons with special needs
    3. Providing wide passages and ramps
    4. Providing inclusive education
  19. Quattara depression in Egypt was formed as a result of;
    1. Human activities
    2. Down warping
    3. Volcanic action 
    4. Wind action

Use the diagram to answer question 37 and 38

37 adadad

  1. The above land form shows the formation of
    1. A Rift valley
    2. A plateau
    3. Block mountain
    4. Avolcanic mountain
  2. Three of the following landforms are examples of the above feature except?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Cape Ranges
    3. Usambara
    4. Pare Hills
  3. Three of the following traditional method of predicting weather indicated the coming of rains. Which one did not?
    1. The smell of moist soil
    2. Presence of dew among pastoral communities
    3. Sudden rise of temperature
    4. Presence of full moon
  4. The community around the school can help the school by.
    1. Hiring teachers for the school
    2. Appointing elders to conduct school activities
    3. Ensuring that all children go to school
    4. Helping to maintain the school records
  5. Settlement schemes were established because of three of the following reasons except one. Which one
    1. To settle the landless people
    2. To solve the problem of squatters
    3. To increase food production
    4. To help the whites to acquire land in the highlands
  6. One of the following statements about commercial poultry farming is true. Which one is it?
    1. It relies heavily on urban markets
    2. It relies heavily on foreign European market
    3. It requires little capital to start
    4. It is wide spread in arid areas
  7. Three of the following are effects of deforestation. Which one is not?
    1. Disappearance of some species of tree
    2. Increased loss of fertile soils
    3. Reduced volume of water in major river
    4. Increased rainfall which causes flooding
  8. What is the main difference between traditional and modern transport and communication?
    1. Goods, passengers and messages now travel much faster
    2. People no longer walk from one place to another
    3. People no longer use animals for transport
    4. Goods are no longer carried on people's heads and backs
  9. The following are ways in which people of various communities interacted in the past. Which one was not common?
    1. During trading activities
    2. Through inter-marriage
    3. Games and sports
    4. Religious practices
  10. The best way to stop drug abuse in the society is by,
    1. arresting suspected drug dealers
    2. creating public awareness
    3. giving heavy punishments to drug users
    4. employing more police officers
  11. Which one of the following was a function of clan elders in traditional African communities?
    1. To provide food to needy families
    2. To treat the sick members of the community
    3. To educate the youth about their culture 
    4. To protect the land against invaders
  12. The most dangerous means of transport is
    1. Air transport
    2. Water transport
    3. Pipeline transport
    4. Road transport
  13. King Lewanika of Lozi collaborated with the British because he wanted
    1. His people to remain independent
    2. To acquire better lands in the highland
    3. To get dorminance over his enemies
    4. To be made a paramount chief
  14. The road sign below can be classified as
    50 adada
    1. Regulatory road sign
    2. Warning sign
    3. Proceed with caution
    4. Information signs
  15. The process where citizens, vote for a proposed constitution is known as
    1. Consensus
    2. Promulgation
    3. Referendum
    4. Amendment
  16. Three of the following are elements of good citizenship in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Being patriotic to the country
    2. Obeying the laws of the country
    3. Owning property in the country
    4. Participating in general election
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about the Nyamwezi chief during the pre- colonial period?
    1. They were chosen by medicine men
    2. They inherited the leadership
    3. They were elected by the people
    4. They were appointed by a council of elders
  18. Lake Tana in Ethiopia is an example of
    1. Faulty lake
    2. Donwarped lake
    3. Lava dammed lake
    4. Crater lake
  19. Which one of the following groups comprises of Bantu speaker in Namibia
    1. Ovimbundu and Grique
    2. Herero and Avambo
    3. Xhosa and Bachoga
    4. Chagga and Ndebele
  20. One major benefit of sugarcane growing in both Kenya and Sudan is that in both Countries?
    1. Sugarcane provides raw materials for other industries
    2. Sugarcane growing has made use of arid lands
    3. Sugarcane is mainly grown for export in both countries
    4. Both countries are self reliant in sugar production
  21. What was the ruling party in Ghana at independence?
    1. UGCC
    2. GANU
    3. CPP
    4. ZANU PF
  22. For one to be assimilated in Senegal, he had to fulfil all the following conditions except
    1. being monogamous
    2. being able to speak French
    3. working in the French government
    4. completely abandoning his culture
  23. Three of the following are service industries. Which one is not?
    1. Insurance
    2. Tourism
    3. Banking
    4. Farming
  24. The African highway that joins cape town and Cairo is called
    1. Trans Saharan Highway
    2. Trans African Highway
    3. Great North road
    4. Cotonou - Gao - Oudja Highway 

Section II
Christian Religious Education

  1. When God put human beings in the garden of Eden, He commanded them to:
    1. Multiply and fill the earth
    2. Guard and cultivate everywhere
    3. Have power over all animals
    4. Eat all the fruits in the garden
  2. God spared Noah and his family during floods mainly because:-
    1. He did what was pleasing to God
    2. He built the ark and stayed inside
    3. He pleaded with God to save his life
    4. The ark rested on Mt. Ararat
  3. After his call, Abraham left Caanan together with:-
    1. Isaac and Ishmael
    2. Lot and Eliezer
    3. Sarah and Hagar
    4. Sarah and Lot
  4. How did Moses react when he saw the burning bush during his call?
    1. God gave him the ten commandments
    2. He closed his eyes and prayed
    3.  He went closer to the bush
    4.  He drove the sheep away
  5. Who among the following was the first judge in Israel?
    1. Othaniel
    2. Samuel
    3. Joshua
    4. Shamgar
  6. What promise did God make to king David?
    1. Many descendants
    2. An everlasting kingdom
    3. Long life on earth
    4. Becoming the father of the jews
  7. Marrying foreign wives by king Solomon led him mainly to:-
    1. Have many children
    2. Earn alot of respect from people
    3. Allow the worship of idols
    4. Acquire alot of wisdom
  8. When Samuel was young he was brought up in the town of:-
    1. Ramah
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Shiloh
    4. Jerusalem
  9. The message of John the baptist in the wilderness was the one of:-
    1. Kindness
    2. Patience
    3. Humility
    4. Repentance
  10. How did the shepherds know that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem?
    1. They saw the star
    2. They learnt in a dream
    3. Angels told them
    4. King Herod told them
  11. My heart praises the Lord...for he has remembered me, his lowly servant' This song of praise was sung by
    1. Zachariah
    2. Elizabeth
    3. Miriam
    4. Mary
  12. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was being transfigured?
    1. God spoke to him from heaven
    2. A cloud covered him
    3. His clothes changed to bright white
    4. The dove descended on him
  13. 'Your sins are forgiven whom did Jesus tell this statement
    1. Pharisees
    2. His disciples
    3. Paralysed man
    4. Zacchaeus
  14. Who among the following disciples did not go to pray with Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane
    1. Peter
    2. James
    3. John
    4. Philip
  15. What was Jesus' response to the third temptation?
    1. The Lord God should not be tempted
    2. Only God should be worshipped
    3. Human beings cannot live by bread alone
    4. Respect Lord your God
  16. Jesus did all the following during the last supper except?
    1. Healed the soldiers ear
    2. Broke the bread
    3. Told the disciples to celebrate it always
    4. Give the disciples a cup of share
  17. The resurrection of Jesus teaches Christians to be
    1. obedient
    2. faithful
    3. tolerant
    4. hopeful
  18. In (2 Timothy 3: 16) All scriptures are inspired by God. This means
    1. God wrote the Bible himself
    2. The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit
    3. The word of God was written in heaven
    4. God led the writers of the Bible
  19. One of the following is not a factor to consider when looking for a marriage partner?
    1. Age
    2. Wealth
    3. Character
    4. HIV/AIDS
  20. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Speaking in tongues
    2. Kindness
    3. Meekness
    4. Long suffering
  21. In traditional African societies peace in Best experienced when one is living in harmony with
    1. One's family
    2. God ancestors and clansmen
    3. God elders and medicine men
    4. One's clansmen
  22. In traditional African societies, Africans show their respect for the dead mainly by
    1. Giving them a proper burial
    2. Wailing loudly
    3. Cleaning the body
    4. Bringing food to the family of the dead person
  23. Which one of the following practices is not found in both traditional African and Christian worship today?
    1. Attending weekly services
    2. Wearing special dress
    3. Beating of drums
    4. Confessing sins
  24. Which one of the following should a Christian do with his God-given abilities?
    1. use them for the benefit of friends
    2. boast about them
    3. use them to help others
    4. use them to make a lot of money
  25. A Christian should love his wife as much as
    1. His wife loves him
    2. He loves his friends
    3. Christ loves the church
    4. Christian love their friends
  26. Which one of the following actions best explains the meaning of Christian freedom?
    1. Respecting our leaders
    2. Doing the will of God
    3. Obeying our parents
    4. Obeying community rulers
  27. The best reason why Christians accept suffering is that
    1. It is part of life
    2. It is caused by sin
    3. Adam and Eve suffered
    4. Jesus Christ suffered
  28. Which one of the following activities is not a responsibility of the church in Kenya?
    1. Punishing criminals
    2. Providing famine relief
    3. Providing medical services
    4. Building schools
  29. Which one of the following is a Christian teaching on the use of wealth?
    1. It should be saved in the bank
    2. It should be used to buy power
    3. It should be used for entertainment
    4. It should be used to develop the community
  30. Which one of the following would be the best use of leisure for the Christian?
    1. Visiting their friends
    2. Helping the elderly
    3. Playing games
    4. Reading story books

Section II
Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which attribute of Allah (S.W) means The Creator?
    1. Al-Khaliq
    2. Al-Ghafar
    3. Al-Razaq
    4. Al-Qabidh
  2.  The hadith on Ihsan teaches muslims that:-
    1. We can never see Allah (S.W)
    2. Allah (S.W) knows everything we want
    3. Allah (S.W) is everywhere
    4. Allah (S.W) is the creator
  3. How many verses are in Suratul Al-Inshirah:-
    1. Eight
    2. Seven
    3. Ten
    4. Five
  4. Where was Suratul Dhuha revealed?
    1. Madina
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Makka
    4. Iraq
  5. The attribute of Allah (S.W) mentioned in Surah Ikhlas is:-
    1. The eternal
    2. The powerful
    3. The judge
    4. The creator
  6. Which is the prayer for the rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisgai
    3. Istikhara
    4. Hajja
  7. Yathrib is another name for:-
    1. Iraq
    2. Makka
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Madina
  8. In which Surah does Allah (S.W) swear by time?
    1. Kauthar
    2. Maun
    3. Asr
    4. Dhuha
  9. Which one is not haram to be eaten?
    1. Horse
    2. Mole
    3. Gazelle
    4. Rabbit
  10. Muslims can be able to control themselves on the three of the following except-
    1. adultery
    2. death
    3. piling of wealth
    4. intoxicants
  11. The prophet (S.AW) teaches us that:-
    1. whoever is thankful to people is thankful to Allah.
    2. Whoever is thankful to Allah is not thankful to people.
    3. Whoever is thankful to people is not thankful to Allah.
    4. Whoever is thankful to Allah is mean to people.
  12.  Three of the following are simple words or shukr. Which one is not?
    1. Ahsantum
    2. Jazakallah
    3. Shukran
    4. Inshaallah
  13. In Suratul Al-Inshirah, the prophet is asked by Allah:-
    1. to fast for 60 days
    2. to sacrifice animals for the sake of Allah
    3. to turn to Allah for prayers and thanksgiving
    4. to perform istikhara prayers
  14. Which Surah warns muslims not to be harsh and rough to beggars?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Asr
    3. Inshirah
    4. Humazah
  15. How many verses are in Suratul Dhuha?
    1. Eleven
    2. Ten
    3. Eight
    4. Five
  16. The verse, "wadhwuhaa" means:-
    1. by the night
    2. by the morning
    3. by the forenoon
    4. by the mid-night
  17. What does Surah Dhuha assure the prophet?
    1. True faith shall win in the end
    2. Everyone is free to practise his faith
    3. Wahyi will continue to be given to him
    4. Everyone will be judged
  18. Which statement best explains fardh Kifaya?
    1. It is a Sunnah act.
    2. It is a communal Act.
    3. It is an optional Act.
    4. It is an act of an individual.
  19. Which one is the main reason why gold is haram for men?
    1. To preserve man's dignity
    2. It is expensive for men to afford
    3. Gold colour is meant for women
    4. Men's skin reacts to gold
  20. Which posture of Salat is found in both Salatul Janaza and Dhuhr prayer?
    1. Sujud
    2. Rukuu
    3. Qiyaam
    4. Itidaal
  21. Which one is not an effect of corruption in the society?
    1. It makes one became rich faster
    2. It increases the poverty gap among people
    3. It retards development in the society
    4. It leads to dishonesty
  22. Which one is a form of corruption?
    1. Giving money to secure a job
    2. Paying a hospital bill for a friend
    3. A parent buying a present for her child
    4. Buying fuel for a neighbour
  23. The following are characteristics of a prayer.
    1. No Adhan 
    2. No Khutubah
    3. No fixed time
    4. Has takbir
      The prayer is:-
      1. Idd
      2. Jumaah
      3. Janaza
      4. Istihara
  24. The word 'Ihsan' means
    1. goodness
    2. merciful
    3. harshness
    4. politeness
  25. Annoying one's neighbour is a sign of:-
    1. A hypocrite
    2. not believing in Allah (S.W)
    3. not believing in yourself
    4. not believing in the angels
  26. Which one defines the practice of associating partners to Allah (S.W)?
    1. Taqwa
    2. Tawheed
    3. Shirth
    4. Kufr
  27. Living with people of other faiths, culture and customs requires one to have the virtue of:-
    1. Generosity
    2. Tolerance
    3. Hospitality
    4. Kindness
  28. HIV/AIDS patients should not be:-
    1. visited more often
    2. provided with treatment
    3. given nutritious foods
    4. abandoned
  29. In which month was Nabi Yunus saved from the stomach of the whale?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Safar
    4. Shaban
  30. Nabi Nuh's ark landed at Mt.Juda on the:-
    1. 1st of Muharram
    2. 10th of Muharram
    3. 10th of Dhul-Hijja
    4. 10th of Swawwal


 social ms



  1. A certain communicable disease has the following signs and symptoms
    1. Sweating alot at night
    2. Loss of weight
    3. Coughing blood stained spatum
      The disease is likely to be;
      1. Malaria
      2. Tuberculosis
      3. Whopping cough
      4. Measles
  2. Which among the following uses of water is a use of water in the farm?
    1. Sport fishing
    2. Making fountains
    3. Mixing chemicals
    4. Making products
  3. The diagram below shows a developing foetus
    3 adada
    The part labelled X has the following function except?
    1. Keep the foetus warm
    2. Protect the foetus from shock
    3. Help in exchange of food nutrients
    4. Allows free turning of the foetus
  4. Excretory system consist of the following except?
    1. Lungs
    2. Skin
    3. Kidney
    4. Anus
  5. The following are changes that takes place during adolescence in girls except?
    1. Pubic hair grows
    2. Increase in weight
    3. Menstruation start
    4. Chest broadens
  6. A weed has the following characteristics
    1. Has fleshy stems
    2. Produces purple flowers
    3. Grows along the ground
      The weed is likely to be
      1. Pigweed
      2. Oxalis
      3. Wandering Jew
      4. Sodom apple
  7. All the following are causes of soil pollution except one. Which one is it?
    1. Polythene and plastic
    2. Oil spoils
    3. Excess fertilizers
    4. Rotting vegetable matter
  8. Which one of the following plants makes its own food but do not produced flowers?
    1. Grass
    2. Cabbage
    3. Fern
    4. Maize
  9. Which one of the following drugs is illegal when abused?
    1. Cobblers glue
    2. Tobacco
    3. Khat
    4. Alcohol
  10. The diagram below shows blood components and their functions
    10 dada
    Which one is not correctly matched with it's function?
    1. U
    2. V
    3. W
    4. X
  11. The following are characteristics of a certain animal
    1. Body covered by moist skin
    2. Breath by lungs
    3. Liver partly in water and on land
    4. Lay eggs
      The animal is likely to be:
      1. Tilapia
      2. Crocodile
      3. Frog
      4. Whale
  12. Which among the following pair of animal feeds nourishes the animal with energy when fed?
    1. Desmodium and cloves
    2. Maize stalks and sunflower seeds
    3. Cotton seed cake and saltlick
    4. Napier grass and lucern
  13. Internal livestock parasites causes the following effect on animals except?
    1. Poor health
    2. Anaemia
    3. Irritation
    4. Swollen stomach
  14. Grade 6 learners carried the following materials to class
    1. Basin
    2. Mirror
    3. Water
      What were they likely to investigate?
      1. Making a rainbow
      2. Sending of light
      3. Reflection of light
      4. Refraction of light
  15. All the following are signs and symptoms of syphilis except one. Which one is it?
    1. Painless pimple appears on the lips
    2. Skin rash
    3. Swelling of lymph glands
    4. Ring shaped patches appeals on the skin
  16. The diagram below shows a jaw of a mammal adapted to its feeding
    16 afddad
    The type of teeth marked X is called:
    1. Canines
    2. Carnassial teeth
    3. Premolars
    4. Diastema
  17. In which one of the following methods of grazing is an animal not likely to feed an pasture?
    1. Stall feeding
    2. Paddocking
    3. Herding
    4. Strip grazing
  18. The attachment of the zygote to the uterine walls is called?
    1. Gestation
    2. Conception
    3. Implantation
    4. Fusion
  19. Which one of the following statements is not true about hard water?
    1. Clogs hot water pipes
    2. Lathers easily with soap
    3. Is good for drinking
    4. Can be softened by boiling
  20. In which one of the following activities is friction least needed?
    1. Writing
    2. Walking
    3. Riding a bicycle
    4. Swimming
  21. Which one of the following shows the third and the sixth planet from the sun respectively? 
    1. Earth and Saturn
    2. Venus and Jupiter
    3. Mars and Uranus
    4. Venus and Mercury
  22. The diagram below shows a mammalian heart
    22 adada
    Which chamber labelled above pumps deoxygenated blood?
    1. W
    2. X
    3. Y
    4. Z
  23. An animal growing at a very slow rate and do not reach maturity with others of its age is said to have:
    1. Robust growth
    2. Average growth rate
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Unhealthy growth
  24. Which one of the following is away of softening temporary hard water?
    1. Adding soap
    2. Boiling
    3. Shaking water
    4. Adding chemicals
  25. Which among the following media when used to campaign against the spread of HIV/AIDS is the best?
    1. Television
    2. Radio
    3. Newspaper
    4. Magazine
  26. Fish and birds move easily because of:
    1. hollow bones
    2. streamlined
    3. presence of wings
    4. presence of fins
  27. The following are domestic waste management practices except?
    1. Reducing waste generation
    2. Making compost
    3. Re-Using items
    4. Recycling
  28. Which one of the following statements about HIV and AID is true?
    1. People living with HIV/AIDS are thin
    2. HIV and AIDS is a curse
    3. Only immoral people get HIV/AIDS
    4. HIV and AIDS are not the same
  29. The next method of separating a mixture of sugar and sand after adding water is:
    1. Decanting
    2. Dissolving
    3. Filtering
    4. Sieving
  30. The diagram below shows the human digestive system
    30 adada
    Which part labelled above is not correctly matched with its function
             Parts       Function
    1. (i)              Digestion of protein
    2. ii)              Mixes foods with cigestive enzymes
    3. (iii)            Absorption of digested foods
    4. (iv)            Absorption of water
  31. Which group of small animals below is correctly grouped?
    1. Ant, spider, mite
    2. Spider, tick, scorpion
    3. Weevily, butterfly, tick
    4. Mite termite, tick
  32. Which one of the following is the percentage of oxygen and rare gases in the atmosphere respectively?
    1. 0.97% and 21%
    2. 21% and 0.03%
    3. 21% and 0.97% 
    4. 78% and 0.97%
  33. Which one of the following pests is correctly matched with the part of the crop it attacks?
           Pest                   Part of crop attacked
    1. Aphid                  Grains
    2. Stalkborers         Leaves
    3. Cutworms           Stems
    4. Weevils               Leaves
  34. Which one of the following levers is the effort at the centre when in use?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Spade
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Crawbar
  35. Which one of the following is a source of electricity?
    1. Electromngnet
    2. Bulb
    3. Bicycle dynamos
    4. Dam
  36. The diagram below shows a set-up used to demonstrate a certain aspect of heat
    36 adada
    The aspect of heat investigated was:
    1. Conduction of heat in different solids
    2. Convection of heat in liquid
    3. Expansion in solid
    4. Radiation of heat
  37. When investigating the component of soil pupils heated soil in a contain until smoke was produced, this was to investigate the presence of:
    1. Air in the soil
    2. Organic matter
    3. Water in the soil
    4. Living organism in the soil
  38. Which one of the following pairs are both reason for lighting a house?
    1. Safety and discouring pests
    2. Safety and warming
    3. Warming and avoiding accident
    4. Keeping off pests and keeping house tidy
  39. When breathing in the:
    1. Diaphragm flattens
    2. Lung shrinks
    3. Diaphragm become domeshaped
    4. Volume of chest decreases
  40. Which one of the following plants is not a tuber crop?
    1. Onion
    2. Cassava
    3. Arrowroot
    4. Carrot
  41. Which among the following consists of characteristic of insect pollinated flowers?
    1. Sweet scented large amount of pollen grains
    2. Brightly coloured, sticky pollen grains 
    3. Light pollen grains, sweet scented 
    4. Dull coloured, sweet scented
  42. The diagram below shows a set up used to investigated a certain property of air
    42 adada
    Which one of the following will not be observed?
    1. Bubbles formed on water
    2. Water rose up the straw when heating stopped
    3. Water rose up the straw when heating continued
    4. Water dropped down the straw when heating continued
  43. Which one of the following factors will not affect sinking and floating of a material in water? The
    1. Mass of material 
    2. Type of material
    3. Size of material
    4. Shape of material
  44. Which one of the following consists of magnetic materials only?
    1. Tin, aluminium, copper
    2. Iron, steel, cobalt
    3. Tin, iron, copper
    4. Aluminum, steel, cobalt
  45. Which one of the following is a major component of the environment?
    1. Water
    2. Light
    3. Heat
    4. Sound
  46.  Which material below is a translucent material?
    1. Mirror
    2. Window pane
    3. Kerosene
    4. Dirty water
  47. The diagram below shows the change of state in matter
    47 adadad
    Which two processes involves an increase in temperature?
    1. ii and iv
    2. ii and iii
    3. i and ii
    4. i and iv
  48. Which one of the following is not a source of light?
    1. Moon
    2. Firefly
    3. Star
    4. Sun
  49. Which one of the following causes an increased growth of water plant in a nearby river? Presence of:
    1. Market place near
    2. Factory
    3. Garage
    4. Tea farm
  50. A humming bird is adapted to feed on nectar by having a beak that is:
    1. Short and curved
    2. Long and curved
    3. Short and strong
    4. Long and straight


 sci ms


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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Taifa, ...................1....................... la Kenya, suala la elimu ...................2....................... kipaumbele. Si kwa matajiri na maskini bali pia wenye fanaka na ...................3....................... Hakuna anayebaguliwa kwa misingi, ...................4....................... ile. Hali hii inasaidia serikali kutimiza ...................5.......................
yake ya utoaji wa elimu ...................6....................... wote. Wazazi sasa hawana ...................7....................... yaani ni ...................8....................... wahakikishe kwamba wana wao wameenda shuleni kupata elimu.

    1. letu
    2. yetu
    3. zetu
    4. chetu
    1. imepewa
    2. limepewa
    3. zimpepewa
    4. ilipewa
    1. wenye shauku
    2. wenye sikitiko
    3. wenye ukosefu
    4. wenye uchungu
    1. zozote
    2. lolote
    3. wowote
    4. yoyote
    1. lengo
    2. kusudi
    3. asasi
    4. nia
    1. kwa
    2. ya
    3. katika
    4. wa
    1. ari
    2. hiari
    3. faradhi
    4. nia
    1. ghafla kama ajali
    2. hakika kama mauti
    3. kawaida kama sheria
    4. lazima kama ibada

Hata wale waliokuwa ...................9....................... mabinti zao mapema sasa, ...................10....................... wakikabiliwa na mkono mrefu wa sheria. Hata hivyo,
...................11....................... Pamekuwa na ongezeko kubwa la wanafunzi shuleni ...................12....................... inakuwa vigumu ...................13....................... mahitaji yao kikamilifu. Huenda viwango vya elimu ...................14....................... Ushauri wangu ni serikali iweze kudhibiti idadi ya wanafunzi ...................15....................... zaidi.

    1. wakiolesha
    2. wakiozesha
    3. wakioza
    4. wakiozwa
    1. wakajipata
    2. walijipata
    3. wengejipata
    4. watajipata
    1. hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mweziwe
    2. baada ya kisa mkasa
    3. hakuna mchele ukosao ndume
    4. baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa
    1. ambayo
    2. ambapo
    3. ambalo
    4. ambacho
    1. kuyakidhi
    2. kuwakidhi
    3. kuikidhi
    4. kukidhisha
    1. ikaathirika
    2. likaathirika
    3. zikaathirika
    4. vikaathirika
    1. wasiongezeka
    2. isiongezeke
    3. lisiongezeka
    4. usiongezeke

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi.

  1. Chagua jibu lenye maelezo sahihi
    1. Mjumu ni fundi wa kufua visu.
    2. Sogora ni bingwa wa kuimba mashairi ngomani
    3. Dalali hushindiania bidhaa mnadani
    4. Mkalimani hutafsiri maandishi vitabuni
  2. Geuza sentensi ifuatayo katika hali ya kutendwa
    Mwashi stadi alijenga nyumba ya Tumaini
    1. Tumaini alijengewa nyumba na mwashi stadi
    2. Mwashi stadi alimjengea Tumaini nyumba
    3. Nyumba ya Tumaini ilijengwa na mwashi stadi
    4. Nyumba ya Tumaini ilijengewa na mwashi stadi
  3. Chagua sentensi ambayo itaunganisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa usahihi
    1. Mgonjwa alienda hospitalini mapema sana
    2. Mgonjwa alitibiwa kabla ya wengine
      1. Minghairi ya mgonjwa kuenda hospitalini mapema sana, alitibiwa kabla ya wengine.
      2. Mgonjwa alienda hospitalini mapema sana hivyo basi alitibiwa kabla ya wengine.
      3. Mgonjwa alienda hospitalini mapema sana ilhali alitibiwa kabla ya wengine
      4. Mgonjwa alienda hospitalini mapema sana licha ya kutibiwa kabla ya wengine
  4. Ni methali gani inayolingana na maelezo haya?
    Mtu hawezi kusahau shida au tatizo lililomkumba maishani hata kama tatizo hilo sasa limewishia
    1. Ukupigao ndio ukufunzao
    2. Mwenye kovu usidhani kapoa
    3. Hakuna mchele ukosao ndume
    4. Adhabu ya kaburi aijuaye maiti
  5. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia kielezi cha namna mfanano kati ya zifuatazo
    1. Ngoma ikipigwa mno hupasuka kiwambo
    2. Kijuzi aliyafuatilia masimulizi ya kasisi aliyevalia kiafirka
    3. Tabia zako za kunichunguza kisirisiri zitakoma
    4. Safari yetu ilikamilika salama salmini na kutuacha na mengi ya kusimulia
  6. Ni sentensi gani ambayo ni sahihi kisarufi
    1. Kiongozi huyo ni mhodari
    2. Changarawe ambayo iliyomwagika ni nyingi sana
    3. Shimoni mle kwenye nyoka pana majani
    4. Kitabu hicho kimechapishwa vizuri
  7. Ni upi usemi wa taarifa wa:
    "Ulienda wapi jana nilipokutuma nyumbani kwenu?" Mwalimu aliuliza
    1. Mwalimu alitaka kujua nilikoenda aliponituma nyumbani kwetu siku iliyotangulia
    2. Mwalimu aliniuliza nilienda wapi aliponituma nyumbani jana
    3. Mwalimu aliniuliza kwa nini sikuenda nyumbani kwetu aliponituma siku iliyotangulia
    4. Mwalimu alitaka kujua alikoenda alipomtuma nyumbani kwao siku iliyotangulia
  8. Mfupa unaoota meno kinywani huitwaje?
    1. Útaya
    2. Üfizi
    3. Shavu
    4. Kaakaa ngumu
  9. Chagua sentensi ambayo imetumia 'na' kama kiunganishi
    1. Wafanyakazi wote wameitwa na nokoa shambani
    2. Wafanyakazi waliokuja wanajulikana na nokoa wao
    3. Wafanyakazi na nokoa wao wanalima shambani
    4. Wafanyakazi walikuwa na matumaini ya kumwona nokoa
  10. Chagua jibu lenye kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na nomino
    1. Uaminifu - Mwaminifu
    2. Cheka - Mcheshi
    3. Legea - Ulegevu
    4. Pona - Uponyaji
  11. Kamilisha mapengo yafuatayo kwa nomino za jamii zifaazo
    Msichana mwenye ........................................... la nywele amebeba ........................................cha barua
    1. chane, kifurushi
    2. korija, kitita
    3. numbi, kikwaro
    4. shungi, kipeto
  12. Chagua umoja wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Fito zilizoletwa hazikutosha kujengea mabanda hayo
    1. Fito iliyoletwa haikutosha kujege a kibanda hicho.
    2. Ufito ulioletwa haukutosha kujengea kibanda hicho.
    3. Fito ilitoletwa haikutosha kujengea banda hilo.
    4. Ufito ulioletwa haukutosha kujengea banda hilo
  13. Chagua jibu lenye kiwakilishi kionyeshi
    1. Wanafunzi wetu walifanya vyema lakini wale hawakufanikiwa
    2. Kitabu hiki ni changu ilhali wenyewe wanakidai
    3. Abiria huyo alimwonya ila yeye alizidisha mwendo
    4. Dirisha hili lina pazia bali mengine hayana
  14. Neno, nyang'anya' lina konsonanti ngapi?
    1. 9
    2. 3
    3. 6
    4. 4
  15. Geuza sentensi ifuatayo katika hali ya udogo Mtoto alifurahi aliponunuliwa mkoba.
    1. Kitoto alifurahi aliponur.uliwa mkoba. 
    2. Toto lilifurahi liliponunuliwa koba.
    3. Kitoto kilifurahi kiliponunuliwa kikoba.
    4. Vitoto vilifurahi viliponunuliwa vikoba. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40
Tangu ugonjwa wa ukimwi uchipuke ulimwenguni, umeathiri idadi kubwa ya watu katika jamii mbalimbali. Hata hivyo mambo mengi yamebadilika katika miaka michache iliyopita. Mwongo mmoja uliopita ilikuwa muhali kupata dawa ambazo zingewasaidia wawele wa ukimwi. Mosi, dawa zilizopatikana zilikuwa ghali sana. Kwa wagonjwa wengi, na hasa wale ambao walikuwa na uwezo duni kiuchumi, kupatikana kwa dawa hizo, kulibakia ruiya tu isiyoweza kutimizika. Tatizo jingine lilitokana na upatikanaji wa dawa zenyewe. Asilimia kubwa ya wagonjwa wa ukimwi waliishia kuangamia bila kupata auni yoyote.

Leo imekuwa ni almanusura kwa kuwa tunaishi katika awamu ambapo walioathirika na ugonjwa huu wanaweza kupata huduma bora. Zipo dawa ambazo zitumiwapo vizuri huweza kuyarefusha maisha ya mwele wa ukimwi. Hali ya maisha ya mgonjwa huyo inaboreshwa na kumpa nafasi si tu ya kuendelea kuishi maisha yake vyema bali pia kuchangia maendeleo ya nchi. Aidha hisia za watu kuhusu wagonjwa wa ukimwi zimebadilika kwa kiasi kikubwa. Zamani wagonjwa walipuuzwa na kutengwa. Hii haina maana kupuuzwa na kutengwa kumeisha.

Kwa ufupi tunaweza kudai kuwa, tangu kugunduliwa kwa uele wa ukimwi, juhudi kubwa zimefanywa ili kutafuta tiba pamoja na kinga zake. Mpaka leo, hamna maendeleo ya kuridhisha japo yapo matumaini makubwa. Zipo hatua nyingi zilizochukuliwa kupambana na uele huu lengo likiwa ni kuudhibiti katika viwango vya chini kabisa. Baadhi ya juhudi ambazo tunaziona ni kupitia kwa matangazo ya kuwatahadharisha vijana dhidi ya mapenzi ya kiholela na nyendo nyingine zinazoweza kuwatumbu kiza katika lindi la maambukizi. Dini na madhehebu mbalimbali yanahimiza nyendo zenye maadili kama njia kuu ya kuushinda ukongo huu. Vyombo vya habari aidha vimekuwa katika mstari wa mbele kutangaza kuhusu ugonjwa huu.

Tuko na makongamano na warsha mbalimbali ambazo zimeandaliwa ambapo mikakati mbalimbali hujadiliwa ili kuona upi unaofaa insani wa jamii mbalimbali. Mikutano ya aina hii nayo inakashfiwa kwa kujikita katika hoteli kubwa za kifahari katika miji mikuu mbali na upeo wa macho wa mwananchi wa kawaida ambaye vikao vyenyewe vinalenga kumwauni. Yaani wale wanaodhamiriwa kusaidiwa hawahusishwi utadhani wako na ugonjwa wa kuambukiza.

Mashirika ya kiserikali na yasiyo ya kiserikali yamejizatiti kupambana na maradhi haya sugu. Pamoja na mashirika haya na makundi ya watu binafsi zipo dawa za kupooza ukongo huu. Waathiriwa nao huzitumia kupunguza athari zake ili kuyarefusha maisha yao kama nilivyokudokezea mwanzoni. Licha ya kuwepo kwa dawa hizi, kuna wale ambao hawazifaidi kwa vile hawamudu hata gharama ya usafiri ya kujiwasilisha zinakopatikana. Hawa ni wale akina yakhe wanaoishi katika mitaa ya mabanda na wengine wanaoishi vijijini mbali na ustaarabu wa mji. Hata baadhi ya walalahoi hujipata katika hali kama hii. Wachochole wengi hujiona wenye bahati hata kupata chakula cha mshindio. Wengi wanaotumia dawa hizi hulalamikia kuona kisunzi watumiapo vidonge hivi pasipo kula chochote.

Kwa sasa tunachoona hapa ni kuwa wale wanaojishughulisha na vita dhidi ya ugonjwa huu hatari wanalenga tu namna ya kuuzuia. Hawatilii maanani njia za kuwahudumia wahasiriwa wenyewe. Hawa wanaelekea kutelekezwa kabisa na mashirika husika pamoja na jamaa zao ambao huwaona kama mzigo mkubwa kwao. Umefika sasa wakati wa kushughulikia ndugu zetu hawa kwa mapenzi ya dhati.

Serikali za nchi za Kiafrika zinafaa kutoa dawa kwa bei nafuu ili kuwawezesha wanaougua kukabiliana na maradhi ainati ambayo huwanyemelea kinga yao inapodhoofika. Waja hawa wanaweza kupata bahati ya kuyasukuma mbele maisha ya vitoto vyao vikembe hadi vikaweza kujiangalia vyenyewe. Waathiriwa hawatakuwa wamenufaika kwa msaada huu peke yao tu bali pia watoto wanaowetegemea. Tumewaona watoto wengi wakiathirika baada ya wazazi wao kuwaacha mkono. Wagonjwa hawa wasipuuzwe kama kwamba wanashtumiwa kwa kuugua uele huu.

Uzingatiaji wa lishe bora umekuwa na matokeo mazuri sana miongoni mwa wagonjwa wa ukimwi. Suala la lishe bora kwa kweli si la maradhi haya tu bali maradhi mengine yote kwa jumla. Mgonjwa yeyote yule huweza kuona ashekali haraka na hatimaye kupona vizuri ikiwa anakunywa dawa na kuzingatia lishe hakutoshi. Uzingatiaji wa lishe bora umethibitishwa na wataalamu kuchangia pakubwa katika kuzuia kukonda na kudumisha uzani.
Ni wajibu wa kila mmoja wetu kujikinga na ugongwa huu na vilevile kuwanyoshea mkono wa msaada wanaougua. Huu ni ubinadamu na hata misahafu inapigia debe kujitolea huku.

  1. Chagua kauli isiyo ya kweli kulingana na na aya ya kwanza
    1. Kuna wakati dawa za kupunguza makali ya ukimwi hazikupatikana kwa urahisi.
    2. Wagonjwa maskini waliota mara nyingi kuhusu kupata dawa za kupunguza makali ya ukimwi
    3. Waathiriwa wa ugonjwa wa ukimwi hawakuweza kupata dawa kutokana na umaskini
    4. Kuna waathiriwa wa ukimwi ambao hufa bila kupata usaidizi wowote
  2. Aya ya pili inatudokezea kuwa,
    1. unyanyapaa wa wagonjwa wa ukimwi ungali unaendelea
    2. unyanyapaa wa wagonjwa wa ukimwi umeisha na wagonjwa ni sawa na wengine
    3. ni ugonjwa wa ukimwi tu ambao wagonjwa wake hupata unyanyapaa 
    4. Ukimwi ni miongoni mwa magonjwa ambayo hayana unyanyapaa hata kidogo
  3. Kulingana na aya ya tatu,
    1. juhudi za kuvumbua kinga ya ukimwi zimeambulia patupu
    2. tiba dhidi ya ukimwi imeweza kuvumbuliwa sasa
    3. mafanikio makubwa yamepatikana dhidi ya maradhi ya ukimwi
    4. wadau wana matumaini ya kupata tiba ya ukimwi
  4. Aya ya tatu imetuonyesha kuwa
    1. watoto ndio wako katika hatari ya kuambukizwa
    2. watu wazima ndio wako katika hatari ya kuambukizwa
    3. vijana ndio walio katika hatari ya kuambukizwa
    4. wazee ndio walio katika hatari ya kumbukizwa
  5. Ili kuudhibiti ugonjwa wa ukimwi kulingana na viongozi wa kidini,
    1. twafaa kujiheshimu na kuwa na tabia
    2. twafaa kuzingatia tabia nzuri na mbaya
    3. vijana lazima wajifunze kutumia kinga kisha kutubu dhambi zao
    4. twafaa kukiuka maadili na tabia za uasherati.
  6. Yaani wale wanaodhamiriwa kusaidiwa hawahusishwi utadhani wako na ugonjwa wa kuambukiza.
    Taja tamathali mbili za lugha katika kauli hii
    1. Chuku, istiara
    2. Ishara, kinaya 
    3. Kinaya, tashbihi
    4. Tashhisi, tashbihi
  7. Umuhimu wa kuwa na dawa zilizopo kwa sasa ni
    1. kuzuia virusi vya ukimwi visiingie mwilini
    2. kuua virusi vya ukimwi kwa kasi kubwa
    3. kupunguza kasi na makali ya kuenea kwa virusi mwilini
    4. kuongeza chembechembe za kuua virusi vya ukimwi
  8. Akina yakhe ni akina nani? 
    1. marafiki
    2. mtu asiye na kipato kikubwa
    3. wanaoshi mbali na mji
    4. wanaosusia dawa
  9. Msimulizi anapendekeza
    1. waathiriwa wapate lishe bora
    2. waathiriwa wapelekwe hospitalini
    3. waathiriwa watengwe na kuwekwa kando na wengine
    4. waathiriwa wafungiwe hospitalini mpaka wapone
  10. Chagua methali inayojumuisha ujumbe wa kauli ifuatayo
    Tumewaona watoto wengi wakiathirika baada ya wazazi wao kuwaacha mikono
    1. Upweke ni uvundo
    2. Mama ni mama ajapokuwa rukwama
    3. Uchungu wa mwana aujuaye mzazi
    4. Mti mkuu ukigwa wana wa ndege huyumba 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41-50
Faulu alizaliwa katika familia iliyojiweza. Malezi yake basi yangeweza kutabiriwa. Alilelewa kwa tunu na tamasha, asijue maana ya msamiati wa kukosa. Wazazi wake walikuwa wafanyabiashara maarufu ambao walisafiri nchini na ng'ambo kwa shughuli hizo. Hata hivyo, hawakukosa muda wa kutangamana na mwanao. Walimwelekeza na kumfunza maadili na kanuni za kijamii, si kwa maneno tu, bali pia kwa vitendo.

Miongoni mwa mambo ambayo wazazi wa Faulu walitilia maanani ni umoja na mshikamano wa kijamii. Pamoja na kwamba walikuwa kiguu na njia katika kujiinua kiuchumi, hakuna sherehe ya kijijini, iwe harusi au matanga waliyokosa kuhudhuria. Wakati ambao mmoja wao alikuwa safarini, mwenzake alimwakilisha. Wanakijiji waliwapenda na kuwastahi, nao wakawa hawaishi kumsifia Faulu ukarimu na uchagamfu wa wanakijiji. Walimshauri kuhusu umuhimu wa kushirikiana na wengine na kumtahadharisha kuwa mtu pweke ni uvundo.

Jioni moja, Faulu na shangazi yake walikumbatiana kwa muda huku machozi yakiwadondoka. Kila mmoja alivuta kumbukizi zake na kuiona safari yao ya maisha iliyowapeleka katika njia tofauti hadi leo. Ajabu ya maajabu. Leo hii, aliyekuwa na hali siku zile amekuwa hoi na kuja kumlilia aliyeonekana mnyonge nyakati zile. Ama kweli, maisha ni mapishano.

Faulu anayakumbuka yote. Kama nilivyokuelekezea, wazazi wake walikuwa watu na vyao. Walimlea Faulu kwa tunu na tamasha. Siku zote alichohitaji aliambiwa chukua tu. Isitoshe, wazazi hawa walitenga muda wa kuwa na mwana wao kila mwishoni mwa wiki. Kila siku, baba yake alimpeleka shuleni kwa gari lake la kibinafsi na kumchukua jioni. Ama kukulikuntu, maisha ya binti huyu yalijawa nuru angavu.

Waswahili husema kuwa, mambo ni kangaja huenda yakaja. Faulu alipojiunga na darasa la saba, alianza kushuhudia mabadiliko katika uhusiano wa wavyele wake. Aidha, baba yake alianza kudhoofika kiafya kila uchao. Ilifika mahali akashindwa hata kumchukua bintiye shuleni akamwachia mkewe jukumu hili. Basi tangu hapo wakawa wakibadilishana nafasi na kulazwa hospitalini, akitoka huyu anampisha mwenzake.

Ulikuwa wakati wa alasiri, Faulu alikuja kuchukuliwa na shangaziye shuleni. Njiani walisafiri kimyakimya. Walipofika nyumbani wakakumbana na umayamaya wa watu. Majirani walionekana kumtuliza mama yake bila mafanikio. "Pole sana Faulu Baba yako ametuacha mkono," akasema jirani mmoja. Faulu, anakumbuka kihoro kilichomvamia kama kwamba ni jana. Hata baada ya mazishi, majirani walijaribu kumtuliza mama Faulu lakini alikuwa ameenda nguu. Usiku mmoja Faulu aliagana na mama yake kwenda kulala lakini hakumkuta asubuhi. Alikuwa kauaacha mwili wake tu huku roho ikishika njia ya marahaba.

Hivyo ndivyo Faulu alivyojipata yatima aliyetegemea hisani ya shangazi yake aliyenyakua mali yote ya marehemu kaka yake. Faulu akajipata haendi shuleni na badala yake akatwikwa ujakazi pale chengoni pa shangazi. Licha ya shangazi kupiga bei mali aliyopaswa kurithi Faulu, la Ibra ni kuwa aliambiwa eti hapakuwa na fulusi za kumwelimisha. Hapo ndipo niliposaidiki ya wahenga kuwa mnyonge kupata haki ni mwenye nguvu kupenda.

Nao wahenga walisema kuwa penye nia pana njia. Faulu alimwendea mwalimu mkuu wa shule yake na kumweleza nususi ya mambo tangu shina hadi kilele. Naye mwalimu, kwa kuyaelewa manufaa ya kuwaelimisha vijana, alitafuta udhamini wa serikali na kumpa hifadhi kwake. Faulu hajasahau kumwomba Jalali amneemeshe mwalimu huyo. Nyota yake ya masomo iliyonekana kufifia ilianza kung'aa kwa nuru ya ajabu.

Faulu naye aliyakumbatia masomo kwa mikono miwili. Akasoma kwa hamu na kuwa mmojawapo wa wanafunzi bora katika viwango vyote. Baada ya kuhitimu katika chuo kikuu, alibahatika kama mtende, akateuliwa na rais kuwa waziri wa ugatuzi. Ama kweli, baada ya dhiki ni faraja kama si mchumia juani hulia kivulini.
Nayo mambo ya shangaziye yalimwendea upogo. Licha ya kutojaliwa watoto iligunduliwa kuwa alikuwa na saratani ya kizazi. Matibabu yalikifilisi kibindo chake na kumwacha hohehahe. Sasa akawa amepata mwanya wa kupata matibabu ya kina lakini kizingiti kikawa ukosefu wa hela.

Faulu alipozipokea habari za maradhi ya shangaziye, alijawa na huruma furifuri. Ama kweli damu ni nzito kuliko maji. Hapo alituma ujumbe shangazi aje ofisini mwake na hivyo ndivyo walivyokutana leo. Baada ya muda alimkaribisha shangazi yake katika ofisi yake na wakakaa kujuliana hali.

  1. Walezi wa Faulu walikuwa wazazi wema maadamu:
    1. walikuwa kielelezo chema kwa Faulu 
    2. waliweza kuzingatia desturi za kijamii
    3. walifanya biashara zao kwa bidii
    4. walisema na Faulu bila shida yoyote
  2. Kulingana na aya ya pili,
    1. Faulu alibainisha umuhimu na uwezo wa wanakijiji
    2. Wazazi wa Faulu waliungana na wanakijiji katika hali zote
    3. Wazazi wa Faulu walifurahia kutangamana na wanakijiji
    4. Faulu alijifunza maana ya ushirikiano kwa namna zote
  3. Chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na aya ya tatu
    1. Faulu na shangaziye wamekutana baada ya safari ndefu.
    2. Mapenzi ya shangazi kwa Faulu yalimfanya alie
    3. Maisha ya wahusika wote wawili yamebadilika
    4. Faulu amekuja kumwomba shangazi yake msamaha
  4. Faulu alipojiunga na darasa la saba,
    1. wazazi wake walianza kutopatana vyema
    2. wazazi wake walipeana talaka
    3. mama yake alianza kuugua
    4. baba yake alikataa kumchukua shuleni
  5.  Ni nini maana ya alikuwa ameenda nguu
    1. alikuwa amedhoofika kiafya
    2. alikuwa amepoteza matumaini
    3. alianza kutembea kwa miguu
    4. alianza kuugua kwa shida
  6. Chagua maana ya kifungu kifuatacho: Alilelewa kwa tunu na tamasha, asijue maana ya msamiati wa kukosa
    1. alipendwa na kushauriwa kuhusu hali yake
    2. alipendwa na kuonyeshwa yaliyomfaa kwao
    3. alipendwa na kurithishwa yote aliyoyataka
    4. alipendwa na kutimiziwa mahitaji yake yote.
  7. Yote haya yalifanyika baada ya vifo vya wazazi wa Faulu ila
    1. Faulu alipokonywa urithi wake
    2. masomo ya Faulu yalitumbukia nyongo
    3. mali ya wazazi wa Faulu yaliuzwa
    4. Faulu alipata kazi ya ujakazi
  8. Mwalimu alimfaaje Faulu?
    1. Kumpa makazi na kumlipia masomo
    2. Kumtafutia msaada na kumpa hifadhi
    3. Kumlipia masomo na kumwombea pa kukaa
    4. Kumtafutia mdhamini na kumpeleka nyumbani kwao
  9. Kulingana na kifungu ni kweli kuwa mwalimu mkuu
    1. alimsaidia Faulu kwa kumsikitikia tu
    2. hakumsaidia Faulu jinsi ilivyotakikana
    3. alimwongoza Faulu kushtaki maonevu
    4. aliyajua manufaa ya elimu kwa vijana
  10. Ni methali gani mwafaka kujumuisha ujumbe wa kauli hii?
    Licha ya kutojaliwa watoto iligunduliwa kuwa alikuwa na saratani ya kizazi
    1. Hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe
    2. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
    3. Bahati ya mwenzio usiilalie mlango wazi
    4. Baada ya dhiki ni daraja


Endeleza insha hii kwa maneno yako
Tulipoelekea gwarideni, mgeni wa heshima alikuwa tayari kuanza hotuba yake. "Hamjambo wanafunzi ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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