Displaying items by tag: Class 8

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila pengo umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Mazoezi ya viungo vya mwili.__1___uzingatiaji wa lishe bora___2__ ni njia muhimu ya kuimarisha___3__ zetu. Mtu___4__ viungo vyake mazoezi yafaayo___5___ vibaya kiafya.___6__, watu wengi____7__  kuwa kutofanya kazi zozote, hata zile nyepesi ni___8___cha ustaarabu wao. Si ibra, yaani si___9___ kwa waja kama hawa kudhoofika kiafya.

  A B C D
 1   dhidhi ya  mithli ya   mbali na  kinyume na
 2       ,       :      ___      ;
 3  sifa  miili  ari  siha
 4  asipozifanyia  asipovifanyisha  akifanya  akifanyisha
 5  huathirika   huathirikia  huathiri  huathirishwa
 6  IIhali  Japo  Hata hivyo  Ingawa
 7  hujua   husadiki  huelewa  hung'amua 
 8  kizingiti  kizuizi   kikwazo  kitambulisho 
 9  hoja  nadra  vigumu  ajabu


Maimuna___10___kuenda shuleni kama____11___ ada yake. Safari yake ya masomo___12____ na changamoto za kila aina. Hata hivyo, alizidi kujikaza huku akielewa kuwa____13___. Aliiona elimu kama njia ya pekee ya____14___ jamii yake kutokana na umaskini___15___hali zao.

10   alishika tariki  alitia nanga  alichana mbuga  aliweka nadhiri
11  iliyokuwa  iliokuwa  ilivyokuwa  ilipokuwa 
12  ilikabidhiwa  ilikabiliwa   alikabiliwa   alizongwa 
13   msasi haogopi miiba  msafiri hana miiko   hamadi kibindoni silaha mkononi   heshima haiji bali huletwa 
14  kuliokoa  kuwaokoa   kumwoka   kuiokoa 
15  uliowazorotesha  uliozizorotesha   uliyoizorotesha  uliyowazorotesha

Kutoka swali 16 - 30, chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    1. Sogora waliwatumbuiza sana kwa kigoma hivyo.
    2. Masogora walikutumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
    3. Sogora walikutumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
    4. Masogora waliwatumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
  2. Chagua jozi iliyo tofauti na nyingine.
    1. Sabalkheri -Akheri.
    2. Alamsiki -Binuru.
    3. Buruani - Buriani dawa.
    4. Usiku mwaka - Majaliwa.
  3. Ni sentensi ipi iliyotumia kiambishi 'ka` kuonyesha kusudi?
    1. Komu alijikwaa akaumia kidole gumba.
    2. Deya aliamka akaandaa kiamshakinywa akala akaondoka.
    3. Salma ameenda nyumbani akawaone wazazi wake.
    4. "Tutaanza safari kesho asubuhi," akasema.
  4. Konokono ni kwa kombe ilivyo kuku kwa
    1. zeriba
    2. kizimba
    3. kifukofuko
    4. kitala.
  5. Bainisha orodha yenye vihusishi pekee.
    1. Kando ya, licha ya, mbali na, katika
    2. Polepole, vibaya, jioni, kwa sauti
    3. Mithili ya, karibu na, dhidi ya, kwenye
    4. Maridadi, gumu, nyepesi, vyenyewe.
  6. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Nyumba yangu ina milango mingi.
    1. Kichunguu
    2. Kiota
    3. Uyoga
    4. Kibuyu.
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye maana sawa na hii.
    Hakuenda mjini wala hakununua mboga.
    1. Asingalienda mjini asingalinunua mboga.
    2. Akienda mjini hatanunua mboga.
    3. Angeenda mjini asingenunua mboga.
    4. Angalienda mjini angalinunua mboga.
  8. Kipi ni kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na kitenzi?
    1. Andika - Maandishi.
    2. Legevu - Ulegezaji.
    3. Uhodari - Hodari.
    4. Angalia - Mwangalifu.
  9. Bela ni dadaye Patu. Maria ameolewa na Patu. Bela atamwitaje Maria?
    1. Mwamu
    2. Mpwa
    3. Wifi
    4. Mwanyumba.
  10. Andika katika usemi wa taarifa;
    Kaka! Ukinipa nafasi nitakufunza kuuimba wimbo huu.
    1. Kaka alimwomba ampe nafasi ya kufunzwa wimbo huu.
    2. Kaka alimwambia kuwa iwapo angempa nafasi angemfunza wimbo huo
    3. Kaka alimwambia kuwa kama atampa nafasi atamfunza wimbo huu.
    4. Kaka alimwambia kwamba iwapo angempa nafasi angemfunza wimbo huu.
  11. Meza, dawati na kochi, kwa jina moja ni
    1. samani
    2. viti
    3. ala
    4. pembejeo
  12. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mkono uliotibiwa umepona kabisa
    1. Mkono usiotibiwa haukupona kabisa.
    2. Mkono uliotibiwa haukupona kabisa.
    3. Mkono usiotibiwa haujapona kabisa.
    4. Mkono uliotibiwa haujapona kabisa.
  13. "Gae huwa chombo wakatiwe" ni kwa watu wanaowadharau wale waliowahi kuwasaidia. "Mzigo wa chungu ni chembe moja ya mchele" ni kwa watu
    1. wanaopuuza thamani ya vitu vikubwa
    2. wanaotishwa na matatizo ya wenzao
    3. wanaoviona vitu vidogo kuwa na thamani kubwa
    4. wanaovidharau vyao kwa kutamani vya wenzao.
  14. Zipi ni nomino za wingi?
    1. Magari, nyuzi
    2. Ufuta, marashi
    3. Njaa, hamaki
    4. Kombamwiko, askarikanzu.
  15. Sentensi ifuatayo imetumia tamathali gani za usemi?
    Rajab ni kinyago, alituvunja mbavu kwa masimulizi yake
    1. Tashhisi, chuku
    2. Kinaya, tashbihi
    3. Sitiari, kinaya
    4. Sitiari, nahau.

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kwa makini kisha ujibu maswali 31-40.

Nilikuwa chumbani mwangu nikijisomea novela ili kukinaisha uraibu wangu. Mama aliniita ghafla, nikaukunja ukurasa niliokuwa nikisoma kabla ya kutoka. Alikuwa ameshika noti ya shilingi mia tano. "Nenda kwa Bwana Mauzo uninunulie kilo ya sukari, maziwa na paketi ya unga," aliniambia huku akinikabidhi fulusi zile. "Hewala mama," niliitikia huku niking'oa nanga kuelekea kwenye duka hilo lililokuwa takriban kilomita mbili kutoka pale nyumbani.

Njiani nilimkuta rafiki yangu, Aviza akiendesha baiskeli yake. Nilimwamkua naye akaniitikia kwa ucheshi kama ilivyokuwa ada yake. Nilimweleza kuwa mama alikuwa amenituma dukani na kwamba nisingethubutu kuwa kihongwe kwa kuwa sisi watoto tunao wajibu wa kuwaauni wavyele wetu. Huku akikubaliana nami, alijitolea kunisaidia. "Kwa kuwa sina ujuzi zaidi yako katika kucharaza baiskeli, utaendesha wewe nami niketi kwenye karia," alisema kisha akanikabidhi baiskeli ile.

Tuliichupia baiskeli tukaiendesha kwa uangalifu katika barabara ile yenye kuruba nyingi. Siku zote nilizingatia kauli ya wahenga kuwa kinga ni bora kuliko tiba. Muda si muda tulifika

Umayamaya wa washitiri ulikazania kununua bidhaa. Wanyonge walikaa kando kusubiri muujiza angaa wanunue. Wenye misuli kama mimi nao waliwasukuma wenzao almradi wapate fursa ya kununua bidhaa walizohitaji. Jambo moja lililowavuta wateja kwa Bwana Mauzo ni kwamba hakudiriki kuwapunja wateja wake licha ya kuwa na duka la kipekee pale kijijini. Wema nao hauozi. Hali ilikuwa hivyo siku zote katika duka lake.
Baada ya kujipenyezapenyeza, nilijipata nimekabiliana ana kwa ana na mwenye duka. Usoni, alionyesha tabasamu yake ya kawaida. Pindi tu tulipotazamana, niliuona uso wake ukibadilika ghafla, akawa kama aliyeona mzimu mbele yake. Hali hiyo ilinitia wahaka kidogo. Nilishuku kuwa labda alifikiri nimeenda kumkopa. Falsfa ya Bwana Mauzo ilikuwa wazi kwa wote "Lipa leo nitakukopesha kesho." Ili kumwondolea hofu yake, nilitabasamu, nikaunyosha mkono huku nikimwonyesha noti aliyonipa mama. Ajabu ni kuwa hakuipokea.

Mara noti ile ilinyakuliwa na mkono mzito kama nanga. Kwa udhia mwingi, niligeuka kumwona hasidi huyo aliyenuia kuchuma riziki kutoka mkononi mwangu pasipo kutoka jasho. Lo! Maneno yalinikauka kinywani, macho yakanitoka pima nisiweze kutamka 'be' wala 'te'. Uso wangu ulikumbana na mtutu wa bunduki. Tuliagizwa kulala sakafuni huku majambazi wale wakijiandaa kutupora. Acha mtafaruku uingie! Hakika angurumapo simba mcheza ni nani?

Wahalifu wawili walijitoma dukani wakaanza kupakia pesa za Bwana Mauzo katika mkoba. Mwanaume mmoja aliyekuwa nyuma yangu alimtazama mmoja wao aliyebaki nje akitutishia kwa bunduki. Sijui alikuwa akiwazia nini. Alitazamana na mwanamume mwenye bunduki akasimama na kupiga hatua akienda kwake.

"Nitakufyatulia risasi kichwani mpumbavu wewe!" Jambazi yule alifoka kwa ukali. “Nina hakika kuwa huna uwezo huo," alijibu mwenzetu huku akitabasamu. Jambazi alibabaika. Kumbe mteja mwenzetu alikuwa askari polisi, kwa hivyo alitambua kuwa bunduki ile ilikuwa bandia. Sote tulipandwa na mori, wengine wetu wakiwashambulia kitutu wahalifu hao. Hofu ilituondokea tuliposikia kuwa bunduki ile ilikuwa bandia.
Kamba zilitolewa pale dukani, wakafungwa kitita na kupelekwa marshimarshi hadi kituoni mwa polisi. Noti yangu ilitolewa mfukoni mwa jambazi aliyeniibia. Nilinunua bidhaa alizonituma mama, Bwana Mauzo akawahudumia wachache kisha akafunga duka ili akaandikishe taarifa kituoni. Japo nilichelewa kurudi nyumbani, nilikuwa na uhondo wa kusimulia aila yangu
kuhusu tukio lile.

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza.
    1. Mama hakufurahishwa na mazoea ya msimulizi
    2. Msimulizi alikuwa na mazoeza ya kusoma vitabu vya hadithi
    3. Bwana Mauzo alimiliki duka la pekee kijijini.
    4. Aviza alizoea kucheka kila alipomwona msimulizi.
  2. Dukani alikotumwa mwandishi
    1. kulikuwa zaidi ya kilomita mbili kutoka kwao
    2. kulikuwa kilomita mbili kamili kutoka kwao
    3. kulikuwa karibu kilomita mbili kutoka kwao
    4. kulikuwa pua na mdomo kutoka kwao.
  3. Kwa nini Aviza alimpa msimulizi baiskeli yake?
    1. Msimulizi alikuwa hodari zaidi katika kuendesha baiskeli.
    2. Msimulizi alionyesha hamu kubwa zaidi ya kuendesha baiskeli.
    3. Aviza hakujua kuiendesha baiskeli vizuri.
    4. Dukani walikonuia kuenda kulikuwa mbali sana.
  4. Maneno 'Kuwa kihongwe' yametumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Tashbihi
    2. Chuku
    3. Tashhisi
    4. Sitiari.
  5. Sifa gani zinamwafiki zaidi msimulizi wa kifungu?
    1. Mwenye nguvu, afanyaye mambo kwa uangalifu.
    2. Mwerevu, asiyewadhulumu wanyonge.
    3. Mtiifu, hodari katika mambo mbalimbali.
    4. Mwenye udaku, anayejulikana kijijini.
  6. Wateja walifurika dukani kwa Bwana Mauzo kwa kuwa
    1. hapakuwa na maduka mengine
    2. aliendesha shughuli zake kwa uadilifu
    3. aliuza bidhaa za aina mbalimbali
    4. aghalabu waliendea bidhaa kwa mkopo.
  7. Kulingana na aya ya tano
    1. Bwana Mauzo aliwataka wateja walipie bidhaa papo hapo
    2. mtu alihitajika kununua angaa mara moja ndipo akopeshwe
    3. shaka ya mwenye duka iliondoka alipoonyeshwa pesa
    4. uso wa mwenye duka ulibadilika pindi tu alipomwona msimulizi.
  8. Mwanaume aliyetajwa hakujali alipotolewa vitisho kwa sababu
    1. alikuwa afisa wa usalama
    2. jambazi alikuwa mwoga
    3. alikuwa na uwezo wa kujihami
    4. alitambua kuwa bunduki ile isingemdhuru.
  9. Ni methali gani inayofaa zaidi kupigia mfano kifungu hiki?
    1.  Mwenye nguvu mpishe.
    2. Pwagu hupata pwaguzi.
    3. Akili nyingi huondoa maarifa.
    4. Mpiga ngumi ukuta huumiza mkonowe.
  10. Neno 'hewalla' kama lilivyotumika A. ni kiingizi cha kusisitiza jambo B. ni kihusishi cha wakati C. ni kihisishi cha kukubaliana na jambo D. ni kielezi cha kufafanua jambo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 41 hadi 50.
Hakuna jambo litakalohatarisha maisha yetu humu duniani kuliko ukataji wa misitu. Hakika, ukataji huu si jambo jipya kwetu. Hata mababu na nyanya zetu walikata miti. Walifanya hivyo kwa matumizi mbalimbali kama vile ujenzi, dawa, mavazi na kadhalika. Ukataji miti siku hizo, hata hivyo, ulifanywa kwa uangalifu. Baadhi ya miti ilikatwa kwa ajili ya kafara na kwa matumizi mahsusi lakini leo, miti hukatwa bila kusudi maalum.
Si ajabu kupata miti ikikatwa milimani kwa kusudi la kupanda dawa za kulevya kisiri ili isijulikane na serikali. Aidha, miti imekatwa ili kujenga majumba yetu katika mazingira yaliyo na hewa mwanana bila kujali madhara tunayosababishia mandhari yetu. Tumekata miti kando ya mito ili kulima vishamba vya mboga karibu na chemichemi ya maji. Kile ambacho binadamu hafahamu ni kuwa miti hii ndiyo inayoshikilia udongo usimomonyoke.

Inafahamika kuwa misitu ni asili ya chakula na maskani ya wanyama. Misitu inapokatwa, ama wanyama watakufa au watahamia kwingine. Huko kwingine kunaweza kuwa kwenye makao yetu binadamu. Watavamia mashamba yetu na kuhatarisha maisha yetu na ya wanetu.
Tusisahau kuwa misitu huvuta mvua. Tunapokata miti tunapunguza mvua na tunaharakisha ukame. Bila mvua, mito na maziwa yatakauka. Bila maji sisi hatutakuwa na uhai. Mifugo wetu nao watafuata mkondo uo huo.

Hebu fikiria utafanyaje uamkapo asubuhi na kuambiwa kuwa mfadhili wako ameachishwa kazi katika kiwanda cha karatasi kilichopo hapo karibu. Kuna uwezekano wa hayo kutokea iwapo ukataji wa misitu utaendelea. Viwanda vitakosa malighafi, hivyo vitafungwa na watu kumwaga unga. Basi vitu kama karatasi, mbao, gundi na viberiti vitakosekana au kupanda bei.

Vilevile, misitu inapokatwa, dawa za kienyeji na za kisasa zitapotea kwa maana nyingi kati yazo hutokana na miti. Wagonjwa wengi watatangulia mbele ya haki kwa kukosa dawa. Je, wakataji miti wenyewe wajua wao pia wataangamia?

Misitu mingi yenye manufaa makubwa huchukua muda mrefu kukomaa. Kwa hivyo, tunapoikata bila mpango tunavinyima vizazi vya kesho urithi huu wa kimaumbile. Vijana wengi watakuwa wakizisoma habari za misitu vitabuni bila kuiona misitu yenyewe. Utafiti wa miti pia utakwama na elimu itakoseshwa mahali pa uvumbuzi nyanjani. Sasa iko wapi faida ya kufunza taaluma ya misitu katika shule na vyuo kinadharia tu kama misitu yenyewe haipo?

Miti isipokuwepo hakuna kitu kitakachozuia mmomonyoko wa udongo wetu wenye rutuba. Mimea itadhoofika ajabu. Mchanga nao utajaa kwenye mito na maziwa. Hali hii ikiendelea maziwa yatapotea.

Hakuna mandhari yavutiayo kama yale yenye rangi ya kijani. Mtu atembeapo karibu na miti jioni, hufurahia harufu tofauti; harufu ya maua na mzizimo wa upepo mwanana. Miti ikipotea ghafla hubaki visiki butu vyenye rangi ya hudhurungi au kijivu isiyovutia. Badala ya mzizimo huwa upepo mkali uliobeba vumbi jingi. Matokeo yake ni mawili. Kwanza, upepo huu waweza kusababisha uharibifu kama vile kuangusha miti na hata kung'oa mapaa ya nyumba.

Hasara nyingine ni kuwa upepo husafirisha viini vinavyoeneza magonjwa chungu'nzima ya macho, koo na mapafu. Hewa itachafuka maana hakuna miti ya kuisafisha. Mnaona! sisi wenyewe tunajiua. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.

  1. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. ukataji wa misitu ni hatari pekee inayoweza kuwaangamiza watu duniani
    2. hapo awali, ukataji wa miti haukuwa ukifanyika kiholela
    3. wazee wa zamani hawakuthubutu kuikata misitu asilani
    4. awali, miti ilikuwa na matumizi mbalimbali, kinyume na ilivyo sasa.
  2. Wanaokata miti milimani hufanya hivyo ili
    1. wapate miti iliyo bora zaidi
    2. waharibu misitu makusudi
    3. wakuze mboga karibu na chemichemi
    4. washiriki kilimo cha mimea haramu.
  3. Kulima kwenye kingo za mito kuna athari gani kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kusababisha memonyoko wa udongo.
    2. Kusababisha kukauka kwa vyanzo vya maji.
    3. Kufariki kwa viumbe wa majini.
    4. Kuchafua maji yanayofanikisha kilimo.
  4. Kulingana na aya ya tatu
    1. kukata miti ovyoovyo husababisha mgogoro wa binadamu na wanyama
    2. kukata miti ovyoovyo ni kichocheo kikuu cha ukame
    3. maeneo yasiyo na misitu hayana  binadamu wala wanyama
    4. watu wengine huharibu mazingira kwa nia ya kuanzisha makao yao.
  5. Kufungwa kwa viwanda katika kifungu husababishwa na
    1. ukosefu wa wafanyakazi
    2. hali ngumu ya kiuchumi
    3. kukosekana kwa malighafi
    4. kupungua kwa mvua.
  6. Chagua msemo mwingine wenye maana sawa na 'watatangulia mbele ya haki'.
    1. Watakula mwata.
    2. Wataenda na ulele ngoma.
    3. Watakufa moyo.
    4. Wataenda nguu.
  7. Manufaa ya misitu kulingana na makala haya ni
    1. kufanikisha elimu na dawa za kulevya
    2. kuhifadhi maji na kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo
    3. urithi wa vizazi na kubuniwa kwa mitambo
    4. kuongeza nafasi za kazi na kusafisha hewa.
  8. Matokeo ya upepo mkali yanaweza kuwa
    1. magonjwa ya mapafu na ardhi kukosa mvuto
    2. kuvunja miti na kutatiza starehe za watu
    3. kuporomoka kwa majengo na kueneza maradhi
    4. mmomonyoko wa udongo na kupotea kwa maziwa.
  9. Kauli 'sisi wenyewe tunajiua' inaonyesha kuwa
    1. binadamu wanauana wenyewe kwa wenyewe
    2. tunajiangamiza kwa matendo yetu
    3. bila misitu vizazi vijazo havitakuwepo
    4. binadamu amevamiwa na maradhi chungu nzima.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni
    1. Faida za misitu.
    2. Mmomonyoko wa udongo.
    3. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.
    4. Madhara ya uharibifu wa misitu.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa. Ufuatao ni mwanzo wa insha. Iendeleze kwa maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

Mchana kutwa sikuweza kupata utulivu. Nilitamani kurudi nyumbani haraka ili............................


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. A
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. A
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. C
  49. B
  50. D

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space,choose the best alternative from the choices given.
         We come across___1__ People on daily basis. From the time you wake up to the to the time you___2__ bed, you meet people of different characteristics. Some of these are good people___3___they may not look so. They are focused and go___4__their businesses with full knowledge that they need to respect other people and their__5___. They do not___6__or destroy anything that does not belong to them. They also respect all other people they interact_____ in the course of doing their duties. When evening__8___ they peacefully__9___ back to their homes,___10__ with the little they have got for the day. These people respect children, just as much as their fellow adults. 

         On the other hand, we have another___11__ of people who look smart but in behaviour,are far from it. They steal, rob, harm and destroy__12___ does not belong to them. They are___13__ with everyone and do not spare even children or domestic animals. It is not__14__ to see them arrested from time to time for different crimes. That is why you should not trust___15__you meet when you are out there.

  A B C D
1  Many  Some  Few  Various
2  Retire  Sleep   Move  Return
3  Therefore  Furthermore  Although  Moreover
4  Over  About   Around   Above 
5  Properties  Luggage  Wealth   Property 
6  Harm  Block   Damage  Save
7  With   By  Across  Between
8  Goes  Comes   Reaches   Ends 
9  Return  Stay  Walk  Approach
10  Eager   Contended  Excited  Calm
11 Category  Mob  Gender  Team
12  Whichever  Whoever  Whenever  Whatever
13  Cruel   Naughty  Bitter  Bully
14  Strange  Common   Usual  Funny
15  Somebody  Anybody  Everybody  Nobody


In questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative which means the same as the underlined expression.

  1. The teacher advised the candidates to go over their Compositions after writing.
    1. revise
    2. proof-read
    3. study
    4. read
  2. He was asked to look into the disappearance of exercise books.
    1. Investigate
    2. check
    3. solve
    4. discuss
  3. After failing to complete the race twice, Maina decided to give up.
    1. stop
    2. succeed
    3. fail
    4. despair

In questions 19 and 20, choose the best arrangement of the given sentences to form sensible paragraphs.

    1. I treasured entertainment.
    2. It was interesting watching animals at play.
    3. I would spend hours and hours
    4. Whenever I had money, I would go to the zoo.
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
      3. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
      4. (ii), (ii), (iv), (iii)
    1. He keeps cows and goats.
    2. There are more goats than cows on his farm.
    3. He is a large scale farmer.
    4. Some of the goats were bought recently.
      1. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
      2. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      3. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i).

In questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. Should you start the journey late, you may reach Lamu in darkness.
    1. When you start the journey late, you will reach Lamu in darkness.
    2. You will reach Lamu in darkness if you start the journey late.
    3. It is likely that you will reach Lamu in darkness if you start the journey late.
    4. When you start the journey late, it is likely that you will reach Lamu in darkness.
  2. We complained to him and he took no action.
    1. We needn't have complained to him because he took no action.
    2. It was needless to take action since we complained to him.
    3. It was useless to have complained to him since he took no action.
    4. No action was taken although we complained to him.

Read the paragraph below and answer questions 23-25.

Samuel, Kadhi, Wanyama and Patel went into a restaurant. Samuel ate rice with chicken curry. Both Kadhi and Patel ate chapati with mutton curry and also drank a glass of milk each. Wanyama ate ugali with chicken curry and had orange juice. Samuel took a soda and had a banana; and so did Patel. Kadhi had a mango.

  1. Who of the boys did not eat any of these foods: chapati, mutton curry, soda and banana?
    1. Patel
    2. Samuel
    3. Wanyama
    4. Kadhi.
  2. Which of the following groups of foods did Kadhi have?
    1. Chapatti, chicken curry, soda and banana
    2. Rice, mutton curry, milk, orange juice.
    3. Ugali, mutton curry milk, mango
    4. Chapati, mutton curry, milk, mango.
  3. Which of the following statements is not true?
    1. Both Samuel and Patel had soda.
    2. Both Samuel and Kadhi had bananas.
    3. Both Kadhi and Patel had glass of milk each.
    4. Both Samuel and Wanyama had chicken curry.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

Susa and Katina usually walked together to the market. Their talk, which was a punctuated with laughter, never seemed to end. They were so close that it seemed if a third person joined them, it would be an unwelcome move. Seasonally, Susa sold vegetables at the market while Katina went to do her business of selling dry maize at the grain's section. They seemed to rhyme so much that no one thought they could ever separate.

It was during the dry season and the price of maize had soared. This is because the maize was sought from far away and was delivered in lorries. On the other hand, Susa too had to contract people on bicycle to go far away to the villages located near the lake where fresh vegetables were still available. The ones she used to get from the farms along the rivers had since dried up. Only Katina's farm still showed some sign of life because she watered them every morning before sunrise. They maintained their fresh look but interestingly, the pluckable leaves never seemed to grow.

The two women were on their way to the market one afternoon when Katina confided in her friend that she felt like abandoning the farm till the onset of rains as she worked so hard but received nothing in return. She told her friend that the farm did not even produce
vegetables for her to cook at home while earlier, it was supplying a number of women with kales to sell at the market, Susa being one of them. Susa too said that she too felt hard hit for the cyclists she sent for vegetables charged for the transportation quite expensively. They left before dawn and returned around ten o'clock. After paying them and selling the vegetables, she hardly made any profit worth the input. Their conversation was more of lamentations to each other as Katina revealed to her that earlier, they thought someone could be stealing the vegetables at night but after hiring someone to watch over it for a whole week but returned frustrated, she gave up. By the time they reached the market, they were still in a dilemma.

Two days later, the quiet dark morning village was woken up by screams and shouts of men. This was rare as thieves and stock thieves never attacked the village at such risky hours. However, the men hastily dressed up, picked whatever weapons they could get and rushed out to join the rest. They took strategic positions where they believed the robbers would follow. The longer they waited, the more it looked as if it was a false alarm and by the time the sky was clearing in the eastern horizon, there was still no clue at all. The men started asking one another who had first raised the alarm but no one accepted to take responsibility and it was a matter of blame game here and there. The sky was by then clear and it was possible to identify a person walking a distance way. Then Hola, who had walked away from the others for a short-call, suddenly and loudly called the others to urgently join him where he was. The lead to the alarm was there, carefully hidden in the bushes: a green gunny bag and a bicycle with an inscription at the mudguard 'Survivor'. At once, everyone knew who the owner was; Luda! He was known to go far off on his bicycle in search of vegetables which he sold to the market women and Susa was one of them!

The gang immediately took the recovered items to the village elder's home. Another group went straight for him at his home but as expected, he was not there. The village elder asked the party to disperse for eventually, Luda would return home and be guided accordingly.

  1. Susa and Katina usually walked together because
    1. their homes were not far apart
    2. both of them sold items at the same market
    3. they had almost similar daily programs
    4. they seemed to enjoy each other's company.
  2. Why did Susa sell vegetables at the market seasonally?
    1. Vegetables were not available throughout the year.
    2. She had a variety of items to sell.
    3. There were too many other women selling vegetables there.
    4. She needed to take a rest during the drought.
  3. The main reason why the price of maize had soared is that
    1. the maize had since dried up well
    2. the commodity had increased in demand
    3. many women did not like buying cheap maize
    4. there were too many women selling maize at that time.
  4. The problem the two women faced at the same time was due to
    1. the diminishing number of customers
    2. the distance of their homes from the lake
    3. the weather condition at that time
    4. the choosy customers each of them had.
  5. Katina felt like abandoning work on the farm due to
    1. demand
    2. frustration
    3. confrontation
    4. confusion.
  6. The word 'dilemma' as used in the third paragraph means the two friends
    1. would discuss it later on
    2. decided to forget about the issue
    3. would soon abandon their businesses
    4. had not got a solution.
  7. What made the morning alarm by the men rare?
    1. The time at which it was raised.
    2. The direction it was first heard.
    3. The people who raised it.
    4. The number of villagers who heard it.
  8. Why were the men interested in who had raised the alarm?
    1. Very few people had responded to it.
    2. No one had reported losing an item.
    3. They didn't seem to see the reason for it.
    4. The person's voice was very strange.
  9. The time at which the first alarm was raised is likely to have been
    1. shortly after midnight
    2. just before dawn
    3. at sunrise
    4. early in the morning.
  10. It was easy to identify the suspect because of
    1. the inscription on the bicycle's mudguard
    2. the ideas presented by the people present
    3. where the bicycle was found
    4. those who were not at the scene.
  11. Which of the following words best describes the recovered items in the passage?
    1. Tools
    2. Instruments
    3. Implements
    4. Exhibits.
  12. The village elder asked the others to disperse because
    1. he did not want the women to know about it
    2. the crowd could easily scare Luda away
    3. it would not be a difficult case to solve
    4. he had worse cases awaiting him.
  13. What lesson do we learn from this passage?
    1. The weather can make people change their behaviour.
    2. It's not possible to conceal a bad thing for long.
    3. People who live together must know one another.
    4. Identifying a thief in a society is easy.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

Moles can be found everywhere in the world except in the Antarctica. Moles may resemble rats and mice but they are not rodents. Instead, they are insectivores and are more closely related to the bats. They survive mainly on insects and most of the time, the ones that live underground. Moles therefore spend most of their day digging in the soil for that is where their food is.

Moles can dig tunnels at a rate of up to fifteen feet per hour. That is as long as seven footsteps. There could be a variation to this, depending on the weather conditions. Just like pigs, male moles are called 'boars' and female moles are called 'sows'.

A group of moles, called a labour, may come together at certain times of the year for the breeding season. You have heard that moles live underground, but how? Well, they have unique adaptations in the blood that allow them to survive underground with low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide.

When the weather changes to become cold or dry, moles often dig deeper into the ground, following their food source. If they find a 'path' that leads to a nest of insects, they will pause and eat. Some insects will not realise that they have been invaded and thus, the moles could feed well for a while until the number reduces then the digging resumes. Some nests contain insects that are very sensitive and the moment they are interfered with, they hurriedly scatter in different directions. This makes it difficult for the moles to feed as within a short time, the nest is left with voids and remnant scattering insects. The moles therefore have to dig deeper and longer.

Moles' tunnels often follow contours of man-made features, such as fences and building footings. They are also often blamed for eating of roots and seeds but this is not true.

A mole's saliva contains a toxin that paralyzes worms, allowing them to gather and store food for consumption later on. To get dirt out of a worm's stomach, a mole can squeeze an earthworm with its forepaws before eating it.

Moles are among the few species that can smell in stereo, meaning that each nostril smells separately. By doing so, they instantly pinpoint the source of odours and estimate their path.

  1. According to the first paragraph, moles
    1. are found in a few areas of the Antarctica
    2. have similar characteristics to rodents
    3. live together with rats and mice
    4. are some of the most common creatures on earth.
  2. The relationship between bats and moles could be due to
    1. the eating habits
    2. the way they look
    3. their manner of movement
    4. the size of their body.
  3. If there were not insects completely
    1. all the moles would die
    2. the number of moles would increase
    3. moles would still find a way to survive
    4. all moles would come to the surface of the ground.
  4. What could be the cause of variation in holes dug by moles?
    1. The quantity of food they get.
    2. The effect of nature on the soil.
    3. The number of moles digging the same hole.
    4. The temperature in the hole being dug.
  5. Moles generally live
    1. a loner's life
    2. in different holes per family
    3. together in most cases
    4. in one big group.
  6. What makes moles look unique among other animals?
    1. The speed at which their blood flows.
    2. Their characteristics resemble those of other animals.
    3. Digging deep in the ground almost throughout.
    4. Their ability to survive on low levels of oxygen.
  7. Moles could feed well in a nest of insects
    1. if they get to it when they are very tired
    2. should there be some source of light there
    3. if the insects do not realise their presence
    4. if they intend to continue digging soon after.
  8. The phrase 'different directions' as used in the fourth paragraph means the insects move
    1. in a helter-skelter way
    2. very fast into the nest
    3. in one specific direction
    4. then suddenly change direction.
  9. Why do you think moles follow the man-made features?
    1. It is safer for them from falling objects.
    2. The areas are easier to dig.
    3. They try to dig as man did earlier.
    4. The holes are usually left unsealed.
  10. The blame on moles regarding eating of roots and seeds is false as
    1. no moles have been found eating them
    2. its man who eats seeds and roots
    3. moles majorly eat insects
    4. insects do not live near seeds and roots.
  11. Which of the following words means much the same as 'separately' as used in the passage?
    1. Once
    2. Straight
    3. Lonely
    4. Independently.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The lifestyle of moles.
    2. Animals that live in the ground.
    3. Reduction of population of insects
    4. Effect of low oxygen on moles.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story making it as interesting as you can.

The moment we returned to school, our friends came running towards us. We had been away the whole day at the festival................


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
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  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
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  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A
  1.  What is 6085307 written in words?
    1. Sixty million eight hundred and fifty three thousand three hundred and seven.
    2. Six million eight hundred and five thousand three hundred and seven.
    3. Six million eighty five thousand three hundred and seven.
    4. Six million eighty five thousand and thirty seven
  2. What is the total value of digit 1 in the difference between nine million and eight thousand and seventy six?
    1. 1000
    2. 10000
    3. 100000
    4. 100
  3. The figure below shows an isosceles triangle.
    What is its area in cm2?
    1. 60cm2
    2. 255cm2
    3. 30cm2
    4. 120cm2
  4. What is the value of: 92 + 129 − 48?
    1. 12
    2. 44
    3. 22
    4. 76
  5. What is the value of;
    7/8 of 22/7 − (13/16 − 3/8) ?
    1. 13/16
    2. 3/16
    3. 13/16
    4. 2
  6. What is 569.997 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 570.00
    2. 570.99
    3. 569.10
    4. 567.99
  7. The figure below shows a triangular prism.
    What is its volume?
    1. 2100cm3
    2. 4760cm3
    3. 1520cm3
    4. 2380cm3
  8. What is the value of the reflex angle FLM in the figure below?
    1. 87°
    2. 107°
    3. 273°
    4. 187°
  9. Musichi bought the following items from a shop.
    4 packets of milk @ sh. 65.
    - 2 loaves of bread @ sh. 80.
    - Two - 2kg packets of wheat flour @ sh. 195.
    - 3 packets of salt for sh.60
    - 1 1⁄2 kg of sugar @ sh. 180 per kg.
    How much balance did he receive if he paid for the items using three - 500 shilling notes?
    1. Sh. 240
    2. Sh. 360
    3. Sh 300
    4. Sh 140
  10. What is the area of the shaded region in the figure below?
    1. 154cm2
    2. 42cm2
    3. 56cm2
    4. 308cm2
  11. What is the value of x in:
    3x  + 2( x − 3) = 1
     4          6
    1. 12/13
    2. 2 ½
    3. 13/24
    4. 11/13
  12. What is the shortest length of a material from which equal pieces of 18m, 30m and 36m can be divided without a remainder?
    1. 360m
    2. 160m
    3. 6m
    4. 180m
  13. The area of a square piece of land is 3136m2. What is twice its perimeter?
    1. 224m
    2. 448m
    3. 12544m
    4. 56m
  14. Which of the following groups of decimals increases by hundredths?
    1. 0.1234, 0.2234, 0.3234, 0.4234
    2. 0.6219, 0.6319, 0.6419, 0.6519
    3. 0.3049, 0.3059, 0.3069, 0.3079
    4. 0.2451, 0.2452, 0.2453, 0.2456
  15. Draw triangle EAC in which line EA=5cm and line EC = line AC 4.5cm. Construct a circle touching points E, A and C. Find the radius of the circle.
    1. 2.7cm
    2. 1.8cm
    3. 3.1cm
    4. 3.5cm
  16. What is the value of; 436.352 ÷ 6.8?
    1. 68.014
    2. 6.814
    3. 68.14
    4. 681.04
  17. In Kwanzu's farm, there were 44 more cows than sheep. The number of goats were half that of sheep. If there were q sheep, which expression correctly represents the total number of animals on the farm?
    1. 21/2q − 44
    2. 2q − 44
    3. 21/2q + 44
    4. 11/2q + 44
  18. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    9, 10, 19, 29, 48,____
    1. 59
    2. 77
    3. 56
    4. 58
  19. A bus left town Q at 2230hrs on Monday. It took 8 3/4 hrs to reach town R. When did it reach town R?
    1. Tuesday 7:15am
    2. Monday 7:15pm
    3. Tuesday 7:15pm
    4. Monday 7:15am
  20. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral.
    1. Opposite angles are equal.
    2. Diagonals are not equal and bisects each other at right angles.
    3. Opposite sides are equal.
    4. All sides are equal.
      Which quadrilateral is being described above?
      1. Square
      2. Rectangle
      3. Trapezium
      4. Rhombus
  21. Kimengich's salary increased from 40000 to 50000. What was its ratio increase?
    1. 5:4
    2. 2:3
    3. 4:5
    4. 3:2
  22. Dina spent 1/of his salary on food, 1/4 of the reminder on school fees. She spent 1/2 of the amount spent on school fees on rental payments and the rest was saved. If she saved sh.15000, how much money did she spent on school fees?
    1. Sh. 36000
    2. Sh. 6000
    3. Sh. 12000
    4. Sh. 9000
  23. Which of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 7cm, 12cm, 13cm
    2. 4cm, 7½cm, 8½
    3. 4cm, 12cm, 12 ½cm
    4. 9cm, 16cm, 25cm
  24. A lorry was packed with cartons each containing 500g and 250g packets of sugar. The total weight of the packets was 900kg. If the number of 500g packets was 800, how many packets were in the lorry altogether?
    1. 1200
    2. 2000
    3. 2800
    4. 3600
  25. Jerusa drove from 7:30am to 11:00am at an average speed of 68km/h before repairing a puncture which took her 45minutes. She then continued with the journey covering 306km at a speed of 72km/h. What was her average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 70km/h
    2. 70½ km/h
    3. 64km/h
    4. 575/19km/h
  26. The figure below shows a cylinder whose curved surface area is 968cm2 and its height is 22cm. What is its diameter?

    1. 14cm
    2. 7cm
    3. 44cm
    4. 28cm
  27. Landi sold an item for sh. 9900 and made a 10% loss. What was the cost price of the item?
    1. Sh. 9910
    2. Sh. 900
    3. Sh.11000
    4. Sh. 9810
  28. Forty two men were hired to repair a bridge in 14 days. After working for 4 days, seven men got sick and were
    laid off. How long did it take to finish the job completely?
    1. 16 days
    2. 16 4/5 days
    3. 12 days
    4. 84 days
  29. Which is the smallest number that can be subtracted from 538715 to make it divible by 11?
    1. 4
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 0
  30. The hire purchase price of a printer is 30% more than the cash price. Okoth bought it on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit equal to 14% of the cash price and equal monthly installments for twenty nine months. How much was each monthly instalment if the cash price of the printer was sh.47000?
    1. Sh. 1393.79
    2. Sh. 2042.06
    3. Sh. 6580.00
    4. Sh. 1880.00
  31. The table below shows the number of shorts and shirts made in one week by a tailor.
    Day   Mon Tue   Wed Thur   Fri  Sat  Sun
     Shorts  45  40  50 45   40  20  15
     Shirts  25  35  20  20  25  70  8

    If sh.95 is paid for each short made and sh.115 for each shirt made, on which day was the tailor paid most?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Saturday
    3. Sunday
    4. Wednesday
  32. Which is the correct order of writing the fractions 2/51/6, ½, and 2/in descending order
    1. 1/6, 2/5, ½, 2/
    2. 2/3, ½, 2/5, 1/6
    3. 2/5, 2/31/6, ½
    4. 2/3, ½, 2/51/6
  33. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh.24,000 plus a commission of 12% on the value of goods sold above sh.100,000. What was the total sales in the month he earned a total of sh.43,680?
    1. Sh. 264000
    2. Sh. 31680
    3. Sh. 164000
    4. Sh. 167680
  34. In the figure below, line AC is parallel to line DG. Line EB = line Bf and angle ABE = 54°. What is the size of angle EBF?
    1. 126°
    2. 54°
    3. 108°
    4. 72°
  35. Wanda borrowed sh.120000 and paid after two years. If he was charged simple interest at the rate of 15% p.a, how much money did he pay back?
    1. Sh. 158700
    2. Sh. 156000
    3. Sh. 84000
    4. Sh. 36000
  36. The diagonals of a rhombus measure 9cm and 12cm. What is the area of the rhombus?
    1. 108cm2
    2. 54cm2
    3. 225cm2
    4. 42cm2
  37. What is the value of w in the inequality; 3w − 17< 2w −  3?
    1. w<14
    2. w<4
    3. w>7
    4. w>4
  38. Tuto paid sh.36000 for a tablet after getting a 20% discount on the marked price. What was the marked price?
    1. Sh. 7200
    2. Sh. 45000
    3. Sh. 43200
    4. Sh. 9000
  39. The circle graph below shows how Wairimu spends her salary.
    If she spends sh.4500 on rent, how much more does she spend on food than on rent?

    1. Sh. 1000
    2. Sh. 5500
    3. Sh. 100
    4. Sh. 10000
  40. The figure below is part of a parallelogram MUNA. Complete the parallelogram.
    What is the length of the shorter diagonal?
    1. 7.5cm
    2. 7.0cm
    3. 5.5cm
    4. 6.2cm
  41. A business lady bought 12 trays of eggs at sh.350 per tray. On the way all eggs in two trays broke. She sold the rest of the eggs at sh.12. If each tray contained 30 eggs, how much was her loss?
    1. Sh. 3600
    2. Sh. 600
    3. Sh. 320
    4. Sh. 4200
  42. A road measuring 23cm on a map has an actual length of 92km. What was the scale used?
    1. 1:400
    2. 1:4000
    3. 1:40000
    4. 1:400000
  43. The stack below was painted all over except the bottom. How many cubes were painted on two faces only?

    1. 12
    2. 36
    3. 14
    4. 8
  44. A family uses five 500ml packets of milk everyday. How many deciliters of milk did the family use in the months of February and March 2023?
    1. 14.75dl
    2. 14750dl
    3. 1475dl
    4. 1.475dl
  45. What is the value of; 4.2 x 0.65 x 1.6?
                                      6.4 x 1.3 x 0.07
    1. 750
    2. 0.75
    3. 75
    4. 7.5
  46. Tap A can fill a tank in 18 minutes while tap B can fill the same tank in 16 minutes. Tap C can empty the same tank in 12 minutes. How long would it take to fill the tank if the three taps were opened at the same time?
    1. 1 1/5minutes
    2. 2 minutes
    3. 28 4/5minutes
    4. 1 ¼minutes
  47. The figure below shows a net of a certain solid. Which solid will be formed if the net is folded?

    1. 11/minutes
    2. 2 minutes
    3. 28 4/5
    4. 11/4
  48. What is the value of x in the figure below if its perimeter is 56cm?
    1. 24
    2. 50
    3. 12
    4. 10
  49. The mean of six numbers is 9. Five of these numbers are 3, 8, 12, 4 and 19. What is the sum of the mode and
    median of the numbers?
    1. 9
    2. 16
    3. 8
    4. 17
  50. The graph below show two motorists travelling from different towns a distance of 350km.
    How far apart were the two motorists at 11am?
    1. 315km
    2. 100km
    3. 215km
    4. 200km


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. A
  16. C
  17. C
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. D


Study the map of Soya Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. Which one of the following products is transported along the railway line to the factory near Joba town?
    1. Cattle
    2. Tree logs
    3. Minerals
    4. Milk
  2. The general rise of land in Soya area is from
    1. North East
    2. North
    3. South West
    4. South
  3. The approximate area of the beef ranch in Soya area in square kilometres is
    1. 5.6km2
    2. 8.0km2
    3. 3.5km2
    4. 7.5km2
  4. A shop has been broken into in Joba town. The matter should be reported at the
    1. army camp
    2. law courts
    3. prison
    4. police station
  5. The type of pollution likely to be experienced most by the people living near the mines is
    1. noise pollution
    2. water pollution
    3. air pollution
    4. soil pollution
  6. The location of the flour mill was mainly influenced by
    1. availability of space
    2. nearness to a road
    3. availability of labour
    4. nearness to wheat farms
  7. The economic benefit of the forest in Soya area is that it
    1. influences climate in the area
    2. protects water catchment areas
    3. provides raw materials for paper making
    4. is a tourists attraction site
  8. The main function of the council of elders in the traditional Ameru government was to
    1. write down the laws of the community
    2. organize the marriage ceremonies
    3. solve disputes among the people
    4. treat diseases among the people
  9. Below are statements about a relief region in Africa.
    1. It has low altitude
    2. It is widespread in West Africa
    3. Some places are dry
      The relief feature described above is
      1. Coastal lowlands
      2. Rift valley region
      3. Plateau region
      4. Highland region
  10. Three of the following statements about horticultural farming in Netherlands are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Crops are sold through co-operatives 
    2. All crops are grown in large plantations 
    3. Some of the crops are exported
    4. Intensive farming is carried out
  11. The interaction of the Agikuyu and Akamba people in the pre-colonial period resulted in
    1. establishment of a new language
    2. exchange of trade goods
    3. establishment of towns in the interior
    4. increase in hostilities between the two communities
  12. Which of the following minerals is correctly matched with its end product?
    1. Copper - paper
    2. Petroleum - currency coins
    3. Soda Ash -  lubricants
    4. Limestone - cement
  13. The diagram below represents the formation of a lake.
    The lake shown above was formed through
    1. deposition
    2. erosion
    3. faulting
    4. lava damming
  14. Three of the following statements about Homo Erectus are true. Which one is not?
    1. He walked upright
    2. He used fire
    3. He made iron tools
    4. He used speech to communicate
  15. The Maasai people settled on the floor of the Rift valley during the migration period because
    1. the areas were good for grazing
    2. the areas received high rainfall
    3. the areas had flat land
    4. the areas were free from tsetse flies
  16. The French used assimilation policy in administering Senegal in order to
    1. reduce resistance to colonial rule 
    2. reduce the cost of ruling the colony
    3. enable Africans form political parties
    4. promote French way of life
  17. Which of the following pre-historic sites is found in Sudan?
    1. Magosi
    2. Merowe
    3. Ntusi
    4. Lalibela
  18. When a person who has grown up children and had written a will dies, the estate is
    1. taken over by a court of law
    2. administered by a trustee
    3. shared according to what is stated in the will
    4. given to the eldest son
  19. Below are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa;
    1. There is high humidity
    2. There is no distinct dry period
    3. Annual rainfall exceeds 2000mm
      The climatic region described above is
      1. Equatorial climate
      2. Mountain climate
      3. Mediterranean climate
      4. Savannah climate
  20. Before the coming of Europeans, the Nyamwezi people were ruled by
    1. kings
    2. hereditary chiefs
    3. council of elders
    4. warriors
  21. Which one of the following dams in Kenya is not found along River Tana
    1. Kiambere
    2. Kamburu
    3. Gitaru
    4. Turkwel
  22. The following are factors that influence population growth
    1. Gentle relief
    2. High rainfall 
    3. Cool conditions
    4. Fertile soils
    5. Presence of towns
      Which combination of factors has mostly attracted large population in Central Kenya? 
      1. (i), (iv), (v)
      2. (iii), (iv), (v)
      3. (ii), (iii), (iv) 
      4. (i), (ii), (iii)
  23. Africans in Tanganyika were appointed as chiefs by the Germans mainly to
    1. make laws
    2. teach Africans traditional culture
    3. collect taxes
    4. build schools
  24. Which one of the following is a basic need in a family?
    1. Land
    2. Education
    3. Clothes
    4. Love
  25. Which of the following groups is made crops that were grown in Kenya in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Yams, millet, sorghum
    2. Maize, sweet potatoes, rice
    3. Kales, Irish potatoes, sorghum
    4. Rice, tomatoes, potatoes
  26. Attainment of independence in Zimbabwe was through armed struggle mainly because 
    1. Africans had trained soldiers
    2. White settlers did not want to negotiate
    3. Africans had formed political parties
    4. Africans were helped by the African Unionup
  27. The source of river White Nile is
    1. Lake Chad
    2. Lake Tana
    3. Lake Albert
    4. Lake Victoria
  28. Most people in Germany live in urban centres mainly because
    1. they are old
    2. they work in towns
    3. they are educated
    4. they have small families
  29. Which one of the following weather instruments is used to measure the speed of wind?
    1. Hygrometer
    2. Thermometer
    3. Barometer
    4. Anemometer

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 30 to 33


  1. The sun is directly overhead the line of latitude marked X in the month of
    1. December
    2. June
    3. September
    4. March
  2. The effect of the winds marked P is that they 
    1. cause convectional rainfall in the Congo basin
    2. cause fog and mist
    3. lower temperatures along the coast
    4. cause dry conditions along the coast
  3. Which one of the following communities is found in the area marked H?
    1. Amharans
    2. Shilluk
    3. Somali
    4. Agiriama
  4. The country marked T was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Italy
    3. Spain
    4. Britain
  5. Conflicts over land boundaries among villagers are best solved through
    1. taking matters to courts of law
    2. involving village elders
    3. reporting matters to police station
    4. selling the land under dispute
  6. You are playing in the field and your friend is cut on the leg by a sharp stone. The most immediate action for you to take is
    1. call his parents
    2. take him to hospital
    3. stop the bleeding
    4. give him warm water to drink
  7. The main problem facing pastoralism in Botswana is
    1. diseases caused by pests
    2. long distances to markets
    3. attacks on cattle by wild animals
    4. inadequate pasture in the dry period
  8. Three of the following traditional weather observation methods indicate a dry season. Which one does not?
    1. Dry grasses
    2. Appearances of locust
    3. Shedding of leaves
    4. Dew on the grass
  9. Three of the following are responsibilities of children in a family. Which one is not?
    1. Building family house
    2. Respecting other members of the family
    3. Taking care of family property
    4. Performing some family duties
  10. In the traditional Buganda government, the title of the army officer was
    1. Muyasi
    2. Gabuga
    3. Mtwale
    4. Bataka
  11. Kenya's main exports are
    1. machinery and fertilizers
    2. tea and flowers
    3. petroleum and textiles
    4. livestock and electronics
  12. Major towns in Africa are densely populated due to presence of
    1. social amenities
    2. good roads
    3. jobs
    4. high rainfall
  13. The diagram below shows a fishing method
    The fishing method illustrated in the diagram above is
    1. net drifting
    2. long lining
    3. purse seining
    4. trawling
  14. Which one of the following cultural practices should be discouraged among African communities?
    1. Raiding other communities for cattle
    2. Wearing traditional clothes
    3. Attending initiation ceremonies
    4. Eating traditional foods
  15. The cheapest method of poultry farming is
    1. deep litter
    2. free range
    3. fold
    4. battery
  16. Which of the following industries in Kenya is correctly matched with its type?
    1. Radio repair-manufacturing
    2. Paper making - assembling
    3. Vehicle making - service
    4. Bread baking - processing
  17. The earliest inhabitants to settle in the forested areas in Central Kenya were
    1. Dahalo and Sanye
    2. Pokot and Kalenjin
    3. Dorobo and Gumba
    4. Galla and Burji
  18. Waiyaki wa Hinga collaborated with the Europeans in Kenya by
    1. protecting the railway workers
    2. giving them land to build forts
    3. giving the British mining rights
    4. helping missionaries to establish schools
  19. Which one of the following combinations is made up of types of fish reared in fish farms in Japan?
    1. Eels and tuna
    2. Tilapia and mudfish
    3. Mudfish and Nile perch
    4. Catfish and tilapia
  20. Which one of the following is a traditional ceremony that enabled boys and girls to interact in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Wrestling
    2. Initiation
    3. Dancing
    4. Education
  21. The main factor that favours dairy farming in the highland regions in Kenya is presence of
    1. milk factories
    2. cool and wet conditions
    3. good roads
    4. ready market for milk
  22. Lawlessness in the society can be caused by the following practices except
    1. tribalism
    2. patriotism
    3. corruption
    4. racism
  23. The Sahel region of West Africa is sparsely populated due to
    1. presence of tsetse flies
    2. seasonal flooding in the area
    3. presence of swampy conditions
    4. unreliable rainfall in the area.
  24. Tourists who visit the Coastal parts of Kenya are mainly attracted by
    1. wildbeests migration
    2. high class hotels
    3. sandy beaches
    4. pre-historic sites
  25. Most traders in Kenya use roads to transport their goods because
    1. roads are widespread
    2. it is the cheapest form of transport
    3. vehicles are fast
    4. it is a safe way of transporting goods
  26. Three of the following statements about the British Colonial rule in Kenya are true. Which one is not?
    1. The colonial government allowed white settlers to settle in Kenya
    2. Educated Africans and Europeans were equal
    3. Africans lost their fertile lands
    4. Some Africans were appointed chiefs
  27. Gold is extracted from the ground in South Africa using
    1. drilling method
    2. open cast method
    3. dredging method
    4. deep shaft method
  28. Standard Eight pupils of Nairobi Primary School visited a nearby game park. They saw electric fence around the game park. The function of the electric fence is to
    1. prevent people from going into the park 
    2. protect tourists driving in the park 
    3. prevent animal and human conflict
    4. enable game wardens to charge entry fee
  29. In Kenya, a person qualifies to vie for a parliamentary seat if the person
    1. has worked as a public servant
    2. is 21 years old and registers as a voter
    3. lives in the constituency he is vying 
    4. is a member of a political party
  30. The founders of the kingdom of Old Ghana spoke a
    1. West Atlantic language
    2. Voltaic language
    3. Mande language
    4. Semitic language
  31. The head of a county government in Kenya is
    1. a County Commissioner
    2. a Senator
    3. a Speaker
    4. a Governor


  1. God's care for human beings after their disobedience was seen when
    1. he made clothes for them
    2. he gave them fruits to eat
    3. he protected them from the snake
    4. he forgave them their sins
  2. Which one of the following was a command that God gave Noah after the floods?
    1. 'Through you, I will bless all nations'
    2. 'Leave your father's land'
    3. 'You should not eat meat with blood in it'
    4. 'Do not come near the tree of life'
  3. Who among the following sons of Jacob demonstrated responsibility when his brothers planned to kill Joseph?
    1. Simeon
    2. Benjamin
    3. Naphtali
    4. Reuben
  4. On the night the Israelites left Egypt, God punished the Egyptians by
    1. killing their firstborn males 
    2. causing a heavy hailstorm
    3. covering the country with darkness
    4. changing water into blood
  5. God's covenant with the Israelites near Mount Sinai was sealed through
    1. reciting the commandments
    2. eating roast meat 
    3. sprinkling of blood
    4. appearance of a rainbow 
  6. The name of the wife of Nabal whom king David took to be his wife was
    1. Bathsheba
    2. Abigail
    3. Merab
    4. Jezebel
  7. Which one of the following ways did King Solomon show his wisdom? When he
    1. decided a case involving a baby
    2. built a temple in Jerusalem
    3. banned the worship of idols
    4. traded with foreign kings
  8. Prophet Elisha rewarded the women of Shunem for her kindness by
    1. building a house for her
    2. making her rich
    3. healing her of bleeding
    4. promising her a son
  9. The prophecy of Zechariah about Jesus was that he would
    1. be born in Bethlehem
    2. be called the eternal father
    3. ride on a donkey to Jerusalem
    4. escape to Egypt
  10. When Jesus was presented in the temple, Simeon described the baby as
    1. the redeemer of Jerusalem
    2. the light to the Gentiles
    3. the king of Jews
    4. the suffering servant
  11. King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus because
    1. he wanted to continue ruling
    2. Jesus was becoming famous
    3. many people were visiting Jesus
    4. the wisemen advised him to do so
  12. "Come with me and I will teach you how to catch people' (Mark 1:17). When Jesus said words to Peter and Andrew, they were
    1. travelling to Emmaus
    2. fishing in lake Galilee
    3. collecting taxes
    4. preaching in the villages
  13. The parable of Jesus that teaches Christians to use their wealth to help other people is
    1. Lazarus and the rich man
    2. the hidden treasure
    3. the rich fool
    4. the ten young women
  14. The teaching of Jesus about the narrow door encourages Christians to
    1. be patient
    2. humble themselves
    3. persevere suffering 
    4. share with others
  15. Jesus healed a leper and told him to present himself to the priest in order to
    1. be forgiven his sins
    2. ask for his property
    3. be blessed by the priest
    4. fulfil the law of Moses
  16. The Jews sang when Jesus rode on a donkey to Jerusalem because
    1. he had performed a miracle
    2. they knew he was the Messiah
    3. the Passover was approaching
    4. he had fed them with fish and bread
  17. Which one of the following events took place during the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. Two angels spoke to the women
    2. The curtain in the temple was torn
    3. A star appeared in the East
    4. Darkness covered the earth.
  18. The disciples were in a closed room on the day of Pentecost because
    1. they were praying
    2. they were preaching to a big crowd
    3. they were afraid of the Jews
    4. they were waiting for the Holy spirit.
  19. Who among the following people requested Peter to give him the power of the Holy spirit?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Ethiopian Eunuch
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Simon of Samaria
  20. The early believers demonstrated their unity in Christ when they
    1. placed their hands on new converts
    2. sang together in the synagogues
    3. met together to share meals
    4. preached in the villages
  21. The gift of the Holy spirit demonstrated by Philip when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch was
    1. interpreting scriptures
    2. performing miracles
    3. healing
    4. wisdom
  22. In traditional African Communities, people offer animal sacrifices mainly to
    1. remember ancestors
    2. appease God
    3. please priests
    4. share meals
  23. Elders are respected in traditional African communities because of their
    1. age
    2. education
    3. wisdom
    4. skills
  24. In traditional African communities, people marry mainly to
    1. get companionship
    2. get children
    3. be respected in the community
    4. get wealth
  25. Shrines in traditional African communities are places where
    1. ceremonies are held
    2. ancestors are buried
    3. trade is carried out
    4. sacrifices are offered
  26. Anna, a standard eight pupil has become pregnant. She should be advised to
    1. get married
    2. terminate the pregnancy
    3. give birth
    4. look for a job
  27. Four pupils have free time during the holiday. Who is engaged in an activity that benefits the community?
    1. Mokeira - Fetching water for an old woman
    2. Shikanda - Singing in the church choir
    3. Mutiso - Reading the Bible
    4. Kerubo - Looking after livestock
  28. Christians are advised to obey lawful authority because
    1. leaders are educated people
    2. all authority comes from God
    3. it makes them respected
    4. they set good examples
  29. Abortion is discouraged in Christianity because
    1. it is against God's commands
    2. it costs money
    3. it leads to stigmatization
    4. it is a waste of time 
  30. Which one of the following activities was done by European missionaries who came to Kenya? They
    1. intermarried with Africans
    2. introduced plantation farming
    3. established mission schools
    4. established towns along the coast



  1. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran has Bismillahi as part of its verses?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Maun
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Falaq
  2. Which town was prophet Mohammad born?
    1. Madina
    2. Taif
    3. Jeddah
    4. Makkah
  3. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran encourages patience?
    1. Maun
    2. Asr
    3. Fatiha
    4. Alaq
  4. Which direction do the Muslims face while performing Salat?
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Taif
    3. Madina
    4. Makkah
  5. Which of the following was the first surah to be revealed in the Quran?
    1. Nas
    2. Alaq
    3. Kauthar
    4. Ikhlas
  6. Which one of the following acts will nullify one's wudhu?
    1. Smiling
    2. Talking
    3. Sleeping
    4. Breathing
  7. Which of the following business practices is condemned in Islam?
    1. Charging interest
    2. Selling on credit
    3. Making profit
    4. Weighing accurately
  8. Who among the following angels of Allah (SW) in charge of rain?
    1. Malik
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Jibril
    4. Mikail
  9. Which one of the following events took place during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. The treaty of Hudaibiyah
    2. Kaabah was built
    3. The journey of Isra-wal-Miraj
    4. Revelation of the Quran
  10. Complete the following hadith; Paradise lies under the feet of
    1. mothers
    2. fathers
    3. uncles
    4. brothers
  11. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran mentions the people of the books?
    1. Maun
    2. Alaq
    3. Bayyinah
    4. Humaza
  12. Which one of the following pairs of surahs are recited to seek for Allah's protection?
    1. Fatiha and Nas
    2. Nas and Ikhlas
    3. Ikhlas and Falaq
    4. Falaq and Nas
  13. How long did the prophet (SAW) preach Islam secretly?
    1. 3 yrs
    2. 4 yrs
    3. 10 yrs
    4. 1 yr
  14. Which one of the following is an example of najasatul mughaladha?
    1. Urine
    2. Blood
    3. Pig 
    4. Pus
  15. Which one of the following is the 4th pillar of Islam?
    1. Salat
    2. Saum
    3. Zakat
    4. Hajj
  16. Which attribute of Allah (S.W) means that He is the protector
    1. Al-Aziz
    2. Al-Muhaimin
    3. Al-Malik
    4. Al-Jabbar
  17. Who among the following prophets of Allah (SW) was known as Khalillulah?
    1. Mohammad
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Musa
  18. Three of the following are characteristics of the prophets of Allah (SW) except
    1. intelligence
    2. truthful
    3. unkind
    4. generous
  19. Which one of the following is not a right of a neighbour?
    1. Visitation
    2. Greetings
    3. Peace
    4. Quarrelin
  20. During which month do Muslims celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Safar
    4. Shawwal
  21. Which one of the following expressions is said to congratulate one another?
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Maashallah
    3. Bismillahi
    4. Yarhamkallah
  22. How many khutbahs are said during Eid prayers?
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 2
  23. Which one of the following is the mother of all sins according to the teachings of Islam?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Shirk
    3. Gambling
    4. Stealing
  24. Which one of the following prayers is only performed during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Dhuha
    4. Khusuj
  25. Which one of the following is festival performed to celebrate the birth of a newly born baby?
    1. Tahnią
    2. Aqiqah
    3. Miraaj
    4. Eid
  26. Complete the following hadith, "Whoever believes in Allah and the last day should not annoy his
    1. Mother
    2. father
    3. neighbour
    4. relatives
  27. Who among the following was not among the four rightly guided caliphs of Islam?
    1. Authman
    2. Abubakar
    3. Umar
    4. Abdiaziq
  28. Who among the following acts is condemned in Islam?
    1. Praying
    2. Begging
    3. Laughing
    4. Crying
  29. Which one of the following surahs of the Quaran is known as Thuluthul Quran?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Nas
    4. Falaq
  30. After completing their college courses, four Muslim girls got temporary employment in the following places. Who among them went against the teachings of Islam?
    1. Amina: Employed as a nurse
    2. Fawziya: Employed as a cashier in a bar 
    3. Ruqaya: Employed as a librarian
    4. Malika: Employed as a sweeper in a school


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B
  51. B
  52. D
  53. C
  54. A
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. C
  60. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. B


  1. The function of the white blood cells in the human circulatory system is to
    1. fight disease germs
    2. help in blood clotting
    3. transport carbon dioxide
    4. carry oxygen
  2. The diagram below shows a certain type of human tooth.
    Which one of the following is not a characteristic of the above tooth?
    1. They are eight in total
    2. It has one root
    3. It has sharp pointed edge
    4. It is used for biting and cutting
  3. The most effective way of controlling sexually transmitted infections among the adolescents is by
    1. having one partner
    2. abstinence
    3. using condoms
    4. visiting the V.C.T
  4. The following are ways of controlling the spread of a certain disease.
    1. Boiling drinking water
    2. Proper sanitation
    3. Wearing gumboots
    4. Draining stagnant water
      Which disease can be controlled by using all the above methods?
      1. Cholera
      2. Tuberculosis
      3. Malaria
      4. Bilharzia
  5. The characteristics of animals demonstrated by an antelope running away from a lion is
    1. movement
    2. feeding
    3. reaction to changes
    4. excretion
  6. Which one of the following is an effect of HIV and AIDS infection to the nation?
    1. Low self esteem
    2. School dropouts
    3. Increased orphans
    4. Lack of strength to work
  7. A fish is able to move with ease in water due to all the following except
    1. webbed feet
    2. presence of fins
    3. streamlined body
    4. direction of scales
  8. Both frog and lizard are common in that they 
    1.  lay unfertilized eggs
    2. breathe through gills and lungs
    3. have varying body temperature
    4. have scales 
  9. The experiment below was carried out by std 6 learner to investigate a certain property of light.
    From the above experiment, one can conclude that
    1. light can be refracted 
    2. light can be reflected
    3. light travels in a straight line
    4. light travels in all directions
  10. Which one of the following will not cause air pollution?
    1. Smoking cigarettes
    2. Burning tyres and plastics
    3. Aerosal sprays
    4. Decaying vegetables
  11. All the following internal livestock parasites attack the liver except
    1. hookworms
    2. roundworms
    3. liver flukes
    4. tapeworms
  12. The substance in tobacco that causes addiction is called
    1. nicotine
    2. tar
    3. carbon dioxide
    4. carbon monoxide
  13. The following waste products are produced by the kidney except
    1. urea
    2. lactic acid
    3. excess water
    4. poisonous substances taken with food
  14. Which among the following pairs of substances cannot be separated by any method of separating mixtures?
    1. Salt and flour
    2. Milk and kerosene
    3. Salt and sugar
    4. Iron filings and sand
  15. The Sexually Transmitted Infection that causes blindness to unborn babies is
    1. Gonorrhoea
    2. Syphilis
    3. Chancroid
    4. HIV and AIDS
  16. All the following statements describe hard water except one. Which one is it?
    1. It is water that has been boiled
    2. Forms scales on boilers tubes
    3. Forms scum when mixed with soap
    4. Good for drinking 
  17. The diagram below shows the human breathing system
    Which one of the following will happen when the part labelled x moves downwards?
    1. Ribs move downwards and inwards
    2. Volume of chest decreases
    3. Air gets out of the body
    4. Ribs move upwards and outwards
  18. Which one of the following substances has definite mass, occupies space and has definite shape?
    1. Toothpaste
    2. Ink
    3. Oxygen
    4. Chalkdust
  19. The following are all ways of managing domestic wastes except
    1. making compost
    2. re-using
    3. onsite treatment
    4. reducing
  20. Which of the following pairs of animals consists of only those animals with a diastema?
    1. Hippopotamus and lior
    2. Cow and Antelope
    3. Pig and chimpanzee
    4. Cheetah and leopard
  21. Which one of the following animal feeds provides livestock with proteins when fed?
    1. Napier grass
    2. Maize germs
    3. Kales
    4. Desmodium
  22. The set up below was used by Std 5 learners to investigate capillarity in soils. 
    Which of the above need not be the same?
    1. Amount of soil used
    2. Size of the cotton wool
    3. Size of soil particles
    4. Size of the tubes 
  23. The following activities are all carried out to conserve soil except one. Which one is it?
    1. Terracing steep lands
    2. Planting cover crops 
    3. Ploughing across the contours
    4. Making gabions on gulleys
  24. Which of the following is not a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Reduced yields
    2. Lower yields
    3. Loss of weight
    4. Blood in stool
  25. Fertilization in human beings takes place in the
    1. oviduct
    2. ovary
    3. cervix
    4. uterus
  26. Which one of the following crop pests attacks grains in the store?
    1. Aphids
    2. Stalk borers
    3. Cutworms
    4. Weevils
  27. The most effective mass media to use in campaigning against the spread of HIV and AIDS in the community is
    1. chief's baraza
    2. television
    3. newspaper
    4. radio
  28. Which one of the following types of food is given to a child who has brownish hair, swollen stomach and sores at corners of the mouth?
    1. Rice
    2. Termite
    3. Oranges
    4. Ripe bananas
  29. The diagram below shows a set-up used to show how heat travels through liquids.
    Which one of the following materials cannot be placed at place marked x while carrying out the experiment?
    1. Saw dust
    2. Ink drop
    3. Tea leaves
    4. Paraffin
  30. Muchiri ate stale Githeri during a school competition day. Which one of the following signs was not observed on him after
    suffering from food poisoning?
    1. Diarrhoea
    2. Severe stomach ache
    3. Fever
    4. Tooth ache 
  31. The planet nearest to the earth is
    1. Venus
    2. Mars
    3. Jupiter
    4. Uranus
  32. Which one of the following takes place last during the process of birth?
    1. The coming out of the afterbirth
    2. The cutting of the umblical cord
    3. Dilation of the cervi
    4. Contraction of the uterine walls
  33. Thorn like leaves in xerophites plants help to
    1. reduce water loss
    2. store water
    3. get lid of excess water
    4. make plant food
  34. All the following immunisable diseases can be prevented by administering DPT vaccine except
    1. polio
    2. diphtheria
    3. tetanus
    4. whooping cough
  35. The beak below belongs to a
    1. flesh eater
    2. grain eater
    3. filter feeder
    4. nectar feeder
  36. Deep V-shaped channels on the ground may lead to a type of erosion that can easily be prevented by
    1. planting cover crops
    2. mulching 
    3. making terraces
    4. building gabions
  37. The main reason why infants are fed on breast milk is because it
    A. helps to improve the immunity of the baby
    B. is a wholesome meal
    C. is easy to digest
    D. contains all nutrients 
  38. Which one of the following will mainly pollute corrugated iron sheet while released into the atmosphere?
    1. Vehicle exhaust fumes
    2. Dust particles
    3. Smoke and smog
    4. Industrial gases
  39. 1gm piece of iron nail sinks in water  while a 100gms sufuria made of aluminum floats on water due to
    1. shape
    2. material
    3. weight
    4. size
  40. Digested foods in the alimentary canal are absorbed in the
    1. small intestines
    2. stomach
    3. large intestines
    4. rectum
  41. The embryo of a seed is made up of
    1. plumule and cotyledon
    2. radicle and plumule
    3. testa and seedcoat
    4. cotyledon and endosperm
  42. The illustration below shows a simplified circulatory system
    Which pair of blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood?
    1. M and N
    2. O and P
    3. M and O
    4. P and N
  43. Which one of the following is both modern and a traditional method of preserving foods?
    1. Freezing
    2. Use of honey
    3. Salting
    4. Drying
  44. Which one of the following simple machine when in use has the position of the load between fulcrum and effort?
    1. Claw hammer
    2. Crowbar
    3. Wheelbarrow
    4. Spade
  45. The type of cloud present in fine weather is called
    1. Niumbus
    2. Cumulus
    3. Stratus
    4. Cirrus 
  46. Which one of the following weather instruments shows both direction and strength of wind?
    1. Air thermometer
    2. Windvane
    3. Windsock
    4. Liquid thermometer 
  47. The following are examples of green-non-flowering plants except
    1. cypress
    2. grass
    3. fern
    4. moss
  48. The attachment of the foetus to the uterine wall is called
    1. fussion
    2. implantation
    3. fertilization
    4. conception
  49. Study the pie chart below that shows the composition of gases in the atmosphere
    Which part represents the gas that is used to make proteins in plants?
    1. Y
    2. X
    3. W
    4. Z
  50. Which sign of unhealthy crop is shown in the plant below?
    1. Streaks
    2. Curled leaves
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Wilting


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. A
  34. A
  35. A
  36. D
  37. A
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. B
  42. C
  43. D
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. B
  49. C
  50. D

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifealo zaidi kati ya yale aliyopewa.

Lugha ya Kiswahili hutumika __1__ waafrika __2__ wakoloni. Jukumu la lugha __3__ ile kama wenzo wa mawasiliano__4__kupuuzwa. __5__kila kabila huwa na lugha yake ambayo __6__ kitamaduni na kimila.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.    kuwatambulisha na kuwaunganisha   kuwahamasisha na kuwalinganisha   kuwadumisha na kuwajenga   kuwastawisha na kulenga 
 2.  juu ya  dhidi ya  kando na   kando ya 
 3.  zozote  lolote   yoyote   chochote 
 4.  haiwezi  hauwezi   hayawezi   haliwezi 
 5.  Aghalabu  Lau  Angalau  Ingawa 
 6.  hulitambulisha  huitambulisha  huwatambulisha  hututambulisha 


Ni muhimu kufahamu kuwa kiini cha lugha ya Kiswahili ni sauti. __7__ sauti hizi ni zile zinazotetemesha nyuzi za koromea yaani __8__ Mfano wa sauti hizi ni __9__.  __10__. kuna lugha nyingi __11__ulimwenguni, lengo kuu hasa huwa ni __12__ mawasiliano kwa namna __13__. Kila jamii inafaa __14__ lugha yake bila kuiona fedheha maadamu __15__.

   A   B   C   D 
 7.   Katikati ya   Miongoni mwa   Baina ya   Mojawapo ya 
 8.  sighuna  mwambatano   ghuna   changamano 
 9.  b,d,g,z  ch,h,s,tu   f,p,sh,e   w,y,sh,f,h 
 10.   Aidha  Minghairi ya hayo   Ijapokuwa   Waama
 11.  mote  pote   kote   kwote 
 12.  kuyafaulisha   kutufaulisha  kuyatosheleza   kututoshelezea 
 13.  yafaayo  ifaavyo   ifaayo   yafaavyo 
 14.  kuzithamini  kuzidhamini  kuithamini  kuidhamini
 15. mzigo u kichwani, kwapa lakutokeani jasho  mwacha kiwi hanacho na chema kimpotelee  mwacha mila ni mtumwa  bura yangu sibadili na rehani


Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Chagua sentensi iliyo sahihi kimantiki.
    1. Pale mlipoketi pana unyevu.
    2. Kule mlikoketi mna unyevu.
    3. Mle mlipoketi mna unyevu.
    4. Kule mlimoketi kuna unyevu.
  2. Tambua viambishi vya neno 'walipelekana'
    1. wa-li-pe-le-ka-na
    2. wa-li-a-na
    3. pe-le-ka-na
    4. wa-li-pe-le-k
  3. Chagua sentensi yenye -ni- ya wingi.
    1. Wao ni wanafunzi watiifu.
    2. Majoka yale yalijificha.
    3. Yatunzeni mazingira yenu ipasavyo
    4. Mliponielekeza njia nilifurahi sana.
  4. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo:
    Utafiti uliofanywa uliridhisha wachache
    1. Utafiti usiofanywa haukuridhisha wachache.
    2. Utafiti uliofanywa uliridhisha wengi.
    3. Utafiti uliofanywa haukuridhisha wachache.
    4. Utafiti usiofanywa hauridhishi wengi.
  5. Chagua methali yenye maana sawa na hii:
    Mzigo wa mwenzio ni kanda la usufi.
    1. Usitukane wakunga na uzazi ungalipo.
    2. Bura yangu siibadili na rehani.
    3. Zigo la kuliwa halilemei.
    4. Maji ya kifuu ni bahari ya chungu.
  6. Ni sentensi ipi inayoonyesha kusudi la tendo.
    1. Suna aliingia zizini akawafungulia ng'ombe akaelekea malishoni.
    2. Malikia alituambia twende tukavue samaki.
    3. Wafanyakazi walifanya bidii wakamaliza kazi hiyo.
    4. Wageni watakuja watakapokamilisha shughuli.
  7. Chagua jibu lenye maelezo sahihi.
    1. Surua ni ugonjwa wa watoto unaosababishwa na majipu mwilini.
    2. Ukoma ni ugonjwa wa kukatika kwa viungo vya mwili.
    3. Pumu ni ugonjwa wa mapafu unaosababisha kukohoa damu.
    4. Machapwi ni ugonjwa wa kutoa damu na kuvimba fizi.
  8. Chagua usemi halisi wa sentensi hii:
    Kamaliza alisema kwamba wangeenda kuogelea siku ambayo ingefuata.
    1. "Tutaenda kuogelea kesho,” Kamaliza alisema.
    2. "Mtaenda kuogelea siku inayofuata," Kamaliza alisema.
    3. " Nimeenda kuogelea kesho,” Kamaliza alisema.
    4. ' utaenda kuogelea siku inayofuata,” Kamaliza alisema
  9. Komba ni mnyama mdogo jamii ya kima anayelialia wakati wa usiku. Komba aidha ni 
    1. chakula maalum anachokula bwana harusi.
    2. kukusanya vitu na kuviweka mahali pamoja.
    3. kitu kilicho na kina kidogo kama vile
    4. chombo cha miyua, ngozi au kamba kinachotumiwa kurushia mawe.
  10. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    Mtume alisimama karibu na ua wa nyumba hiyo.
    1. Mitume walisimama karibu na nyua za nyumba hizo.
    2. Watume walisimama karibu na maua ya nyumba hizo.
    3. Mitume ilisimama karibu na maua ya nyumba hizo.
    4. Watume walisimama karibu na nyua za nyumba hizo.
  11.  Chagua sentensi iliyounganisha sentensi zifuatazo ifaavyo:
    1. Timu yetu ilicheza vizuri.
    2. Hatukushinda mechi hiyo.
      1. Hatukushinda mechi hiyo kwani timu yetu ilikuwa imejiandaa vizuri.
      2. Ingawa timu yetu ilikuwa imejiandaa vizuri hatukushinda mechi hiyo.
      3. Aidha timu yetu ilikuwa imejiandaa vizuri hatukushinda mechi hiyo.
      4. Hatukushinda mechi hiyo maadamu timu yetu ilikuwa imejiandaa vizuri.
  12. Yapi si matumizi ya alama ya mshazari
    1. Kuonyesha neno lenye maana sawa au kuonyesha 'ama'
    2. Kuandika tarehe.
    3. Kutenganisha shilingi na senti
    4. Kuonyesha maneno au maelezo yasiyokuwa ya lazima. 
  13. Ainisha maneno yaliyoangaziwa katika sentensi hii.
    Mwanafunzi hodari ametuzwa tena.
    1. Kielezi, kiwakilishi
    2. Kivumishi, kielezi
    3. Kitenzi, kiwakilishi
    4. Kiunganishi, kielezi
  14. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho:
    Nimemwona bikizee amejitwika machicha.
    1. Upango wa jogoo
    2. Nyota angani
    3. Mvi
    4. Chawa
  15. Sentensi ifuatayo itaandikwaje katika kauli ya kutendewa? Farida aliandika barua akamtumia Rukia.
    1. Farida alimtumia Rukia barua aiyoandika
    2. Rukia alitumiwa barua aliyoandikiwa na Farida
    3. Farida aliandikiwa barua na Rukia akatumiwa.
    4. Barua iliandikwa na Farida na kutumwa kwa Rukia.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.

Naikumbuka siku hiyo vizuri. Niliamka alambichtayari kuanza safari kutoka kijijini mwetu hadi mji mkuu. Hii ndiyo ilikuwa mara yangu ya kwanza kuzuru mji huu. Moyoni nilikuwa na furaha isiyokuwa na kifani maadam siku hiyo ningeuona mji ambao sifa zake nilikuwa nikizisikia tu kutoka kwa wenzangu waliobahatika kuutembelea. Hamu ya kuona majengo marefu, barabara zilizosakifiwa, magari mengi, watu wa asili mbalimbali na bustani za starehe ilinigubika, nikawa sijifai kwa matumaini.

Mjini aliishi rafiki yangu kwa jina pendo. Basi baada ya kuamka niliweza kumkumbusha mama kuhusu ziara ya kumtembelea rafiki yangu aliyekuwa ameandaa sherehe ya kuzaliwa kwake. Mwenyewe nilikuwa nimepata mwaliko wa kushiriki katika karamu ya kuadhimisha mwaliko wa kushiriki katika karamu ya kuadhimisha siku yake ya kuzaliwa. Kawaida yangu niliamini kuwa safari ya kesho hupangwa leo. Hivyo basi niliweza kumwarifu mama mapema japo matumaini yangu hayakuwa makubwa kwa sababu mama hakumpenda Pendo asilani. Haya yote yalisababishwa na ukweli kwamba Pendo alitoka katika familia tajiri. Kulingana na mama, watoto matajiri kutokana na kudekezwa, waliishia kuwa watovu wa nidhamu.

Msimamo wa mama asubuhi hiyo ulikuwa ule ule usiotetereka. Hakutaka kamwe nijihusishe na Pendo. Hapo aliweza kunitaka kuvuta taswira niuone usuli wangu wa umaskini ulionifanya kama muwele wa ukoma. Ukosefu wa karo ulikuwa ukinitishia kuniambia kuwa muda wangu wa masomo ulikuwa umekwisha. Mama aliendelea kunisimanga akinikumbusha jinsi alivyochumia juani kunilisha mimi. Alinitapikia yote yaliyokuwa moyoni mwake na kulitua zigo lake la siku nyingi. Mawazo yaliendelea kunijia nikajipata nikilia kwa kite na shake. Kwikwikwi zangu za kilio zikahanikiza chumbani mote. Ghafla nikajipata na ujasiri wa Simba. Nilimkabili mama na kumwambia kuwa ningehudhuria haramu ya Pendo na liwe liwalo. Hapo ndipo mama alinikumbusha kuwa asiyesikia la mkuu huabiri mtumbwi wa mfinyanzi. Hata hivyo maaso haya yote yaliangukia masikio yaliyotiwa tomo.

Kwa kufuata kauli yangu nilianza kujitayarisha kuhudhuria karamu ya Pendo. Kutokana na ukaidi wangu mama alinikodolea macho kana kwamba hakuwahi kuniona nami nikazidi kujipodoa. Akajaribu kunikataza lakini alikuwa akimpigia mbuzi gitaa. Kuna wale husema siku njema huonekana asubuhi nayo hiyo iliharibiwa na mama. Aidha mkesha wa siku hiyo ulishuhudia milio mingi ya bundi hivyo basi kunitia shaka na shauku. Nikaanza kujisemea kimoyomoyo huku nikinyambua nyayo zangu kuelekea kwenye kituo cha basi. “Hivi ni lazima nihudhurie hii? Huu mlio wa bundi una maana gani? Lakini potelea mbali, na liwe liwalo. Lazima nihudhurie.

Baada ya kujisuta moyoni, niliondoka na kuelekea kwenye kituo cha magari. Likaja basi moja ambalo lilisheheni abiria kupindukia. Nilijisukuma ndani na basi likaanza mwendo. Nikajipata nimening'inia kibavuni pa basi huku nikibinywa na abiria wenzangu. Gari nalo likazidisha mwendo nikaanza kujisuta na kujiuliza ni kwa nini niliingia katika basi hilo. Hapo wazo la kushuka likanijia ili niabiri jingine lakini ujasiri wangu ukanipa kufikiri kuwa kwa shujaa huenda kilio na kwa mwoga huenda kicheko. Lakini kushuka kwangu kungenifanya nionekane limbukeni. Nikiwa katika wazo hilo basi hiliingia katika mtaa wa akina Pendo. Hapo nilitia mkono kibindoni na kumkabidhi utingo nauli yangu Hatimaye basi lilitia nanga na hapo nikashusha pumzi na kushuka. Mimi sikutaka kudekeza hisia za wengi kuwa bundi ni ishara ya mkosi.

Nilipiga masia hadi nyumban pa akina Pendo. Huko sherehe za kila nui ndizo ziliwaongoza wote hata waliokuwa na akili razini. Nani nikajiona nikiumezea mate uhondo niliouona. Walikuja wasena wengi, maghulamu kwa mabanati wengi nisiowajua. Tukaanza kujiburudisha kwa kila aina ya muziki, ya kufokafoka na mengineyo. Vinywaji navyo vikaletwa vile vikali na visivyo vikali. Walio wazoefu wa kunywa vile vikali wakajituma karamuni bila kujali. Nami kwa kuhofia kuonekana limbukeni nikajiingiza katika kumbo hilo. Nikaanza kushiriki ugimbi huo ili kusahau kero za mama. Nikamimina chupa ya kwanza, ya pili na hata ya tatu. Hapo nikajiona nikielea hewani. Nilihisi vyema sana.

Baada ya muda fulani, usiku ukaufumbata ulimwengu nazo sherehe zikaanza kunoga zaidi. Tukawa tunakula na kusakata ngoma bila kujali mpito wa wakati. Kutahamaki nikajipata nikikabiliana na kiza cha usiku wa manane. Magari ya abiria hayakuwa hivyo basi hatukuwa na jingine ila kuabiri gari la akina Pendo. Pendo akawa ndiye dereva wa gari hilo licha ya kuwa alikuwa akitawaliwa na kinywaji. Hata hivyo hatukuwa na jingine la kufanya ila kuridhika na usafiri uliopatikana. Hapo tulijitoma garini tukiwa wanane. Katika hali yetu hakuna aliyefikiria kufunga mikanda ya usalama. Gari likaanza kuserereka kwa kasi. Mara, Lo! Gari letu likakosa kujipinda kwenye kuruba. Hapo ndipo niliona dari la gari letu, miguu ya wenzangu juu ya dari hilo huku wingu kubwa la moshi likipaa juu. Hatimaye kiza cha kaniki kikatanda.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza
    1. wenzake msimulizi waliwahi kupata fursa ya kuishi katika mji mkuu.
    2. barabara za mji mkuu hazikuwa na mashimo.
    3. mji mkuu una majumba mengi na marefu.
    4. msimulizi ana mwao na hali ilivyo katika mji mkuu.
  2. Kulingana na aya ya pili
    1. mwanzoni mama alikuwa amempa msimulizi ruhusa.
    2. mama wa msimulizi hakumruhusu kutangamana na vijana wenzake.
    3. mama yake msimulizi alikuwa mwenye ubaguzi wa kitabaka.
    4. msimulizi hakumtarajia mama yake kumkatalia katika ombi lake
  3. Ni wazi kuwa
    1. msimulizi alisomeshwa kwa taabu kutokana na umaskini wa familia yao. 
    2. msimulizi hakumaliza masomo yake kutokana na umaskini wa hali ya juu.
    3. msimulizi alisomea katika shule za kifahari alikosomea Pendo.
    4. urafiki wa Pendo na msimulizi ulichipuka walipokuwa katika shule ya upili.
  4. Kibindoni ni
    1. mfuko mdogo ndani ya suruali.
    2. mfuko mdogo mbele ya suruali
    3. mkunjo wa nguo uliyoshonwa kiunoni.
    4. mkunjo wa nguo uliofungy
  5. Taja tamathali mbili za lugha zinazojitok katika kauli hii.
    Huko sherehe za kila nui ndizo zilizowaongoza wote hata waliokuwa na akili razini.
    1. Kinaya, semi
    2. Tashhisi, nahau
    3. Chuku, nahau
    4. Uhuishi, ishara
  6. Kwa nini msimulizi alitumia vinywaji vikali japo hakuvizoea?
    1. Alitaka kusahau kero alizokuwa amepata asubuhi kutoka kwa mama yake.
    2. Alitaka hiyo iwe siku yake ya kwanza kuonja kinywaji kikali.
    3. Alichelea kuonekana duni na wanarika wenzake.
    4. Alichelea kuondolewa kundini na wenzake.
  7. Kwa nini msimulizi wa wenzake waliamua" kutumia gari la wazazi wa Pendo?
    1. Magari ya uchukuzi hayakupitia katika mitaa ya mabwanyenye.
    2. Kupita kwa wakati kulifanya magari yakosekane mtaani humo.
    3. Ulevi wao uliwafanya washindwe kufika kituoni.
    4. Wenyeji wao waliwaomba watumie gari hilo badala ya usafiri wa umma.
  8. Alipofika karamuni, mwandishi aliwapata
    1. wake kwa waume.
    2. marafiki zake.
    3. vijana wa kike na kiume.
    4. pendo, vijana na wazazi wao.
  9. Ni methali pani mwafaka kuelezea jumla ya mbe kauli hii?
    Hata hivyo hatukuwa na jingine la kufanya la kuridhika na usafiri uliopatikana.
    1. Akosaye la mama hata la mbwa huamwa. 
    2. Msafiri ni aliye pwani.
    3. Ajiingizaye kwa yasiyomhusu hupata yasiyo mridhi.
    4. Cha mlevi huliwa na mgema.
  10. Hatimaye kiza cha kaniki kikatanda. Yaani
    1. kukawa na giza totoro.
    2. kukawa na weusi mkubwa.
    3. msimulizi akapoteza uwezo wa kuona.
    4. msimulizi akapoteza fahamu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50

Somo la Historia hujikita sana katika uwezo wa mtu kukumbuka. Leo hii kuna wale hutusimulia yaliyotukia wakati wa ukombozi na taifa letu. Si ati hawa hawajui wanachosema. Kile wanachosema ni kutokana na uwezo wao wa kukumbuka. Uwezo huu umeweza kudhibitiwa na mambo anuwai. Uwezo huu si wa binadamu pekee. Hata wanyama hukumbuka mengi yaliyotokea awali.

Nao uwezo wa kuyakumbuka mambo ni hazina kwa mtu yeyote yule aliye hai. Uwezo huu ni mojawapo ya shughuli changamano za ubongo. Shughuli hii hutekelezwa ubongoni kwa namna tatu. Kwanza ubongo wenyewe hunasa jambo kisha hulihifadhi. Baadaye huanzisha mfumo wa kutoa kilichohifadhiwa ubongoni humo. Ubongo ukiathirika kwa namna yeyote katika njia hizi, basi uwezo wa kuyakumbuka mambo huvurugika vururu vururu.

Ukweli unaoaminika ni kuwa uwezo huu hurithishwa kutoka kizazi kimoja hadi kingine. Hata hivyo wataalamu wa masuala ya kiakili wanabaini kwamba uwezo huu unaweza kuimarishwa. Uimarishaji huu huhitajika mikakati madhubuti. Hii ni kwa sababu kwa kawaida jambo haliwezi kufanyika au kufanikiwa bila ya kuwepo kwa vitu fulani au taratibu zifaazó kulifanyia.

Njia mojawapo ya kustawisha uwezo wa kukumbuka ni kupitia kwa lishe. Vyakula vilivyosheheni vitamini B vyenye Amino Asidi ni muhimu sana. Mifano ya vyakula hivi ni mboga, nyama, (hasa maini), bidhaa za soya, matunda, maziwa, ngano, samaki na mayai. Vyakula vingine muhimu katika ustawishaji huu ni vile vyenye madini ya chuma. Haya huwezesha usambazaji wa hewa katika ubongo wa wepesi. Vyakula ambavyo vina madini haya ni mboga za kijani, mawele, ndengu, soya, matunda kama maembe, ufuta (simsim), nyama hasa maini na mayai. Ukizingatia haya unakuwa na uwezo wa kukumbuka hata yaliyofanyika kabla ya wewe kuzaliwa

Ubongo wa adinasi aliye hai hufanya kazi wakati wote, awe macho au awe amelala. Utendaji kazi wake huendeshwa na glukozi mwilini. Kwa hivyo, vyakula vyenye aina hii ya sukari ni muhimu kuliwa. Hata hivyo, lazima mtu awe mwangalifu kuhakikisha kuwa mwili una kiwango cha sukari kisichohatarisha maisha. Haya yanawezekana kwa kula vyakula vyenye nyuzinyuzi kama vile mboga na matunda.

Vileo navyo vyafaa kupigwa marafuku mathalani nikotini na pombe. Hii ni kwa sababu vileo hivi huathiri utaratibu wa kunasa, kuhifadhi na kutoa yaliyo ubongoni. Mtu hujipata amesahau hata yale hakujua.

Iwapo mtu ana matatizo ya kuyakumbuka majina ya watu, ni vyema kufanya mazoezi ya kusikiliza kisha kurudia majina haya wakati wa mazungumzo. Ni bora kulihusisha jina na sura ya mtu. Kwa njia hii ubongo utanasa jina na kile kinacholengwa.

Woga na kuvurugika kiakili ni mambo mengine tunayopaswa kuepuka kila wakati. Ni kawaida mtu kupata woga anapokabili jambo asilokuwa na uhakika na mahojiano. Lakini anapaswa kuwa makini. Woga huo usikiuke mipaka na kumvuruga kiakili. Vurugu hizi huathiri kilichohifadhiwa ubongoni na pia namna ya kukitoa.

Aidha mwili wenye rai njema huhakikisha kuwa ubongo ni timamu. Wataalamu wengi wa afya wanakubali kuwa mazoezi ya kunyosha viungo hustawisha ubongo na hivyo kuhakikisha kuwepo kwa uwezo wa kukumbuka mambo. Ni muhimu kuwa na utaratibu wa kunyoosha viungo kila wakati. Fauka ya hayo, mazoezi ya kiakili kama vile kusoma makala yanayovutia, kujaza mraba na michezo mingine kama mafumbo na vitanzandimi ni muhimu katika kustawisha uwezo huu.

Jamii yenye uwezo wa kuyakumbuka mambo hupiga hatua kubwa kimaendeleo. Ni jukumu la kila mmoja wetu kuandama sera za kuimarisha uwezo wa kukumbuka kila wakati. Yeyote ambaye atakiuka sera hizi, lawama zote zafaa kumrudia yeye

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, umeweza kudhibitiwa" ina maana gani?
    1. Umeweza kuondolewa.
    2. Umeweza kuzuiliwa.
    3. Umeweza kutibiwa wote.
    4. Umeweza kupunguzwa wote.
  2. Aya ya pili imeonyesha wazi kuwa 
    1. mtu yeyote ana uwezo wa kuyakumbuka mambo.
    2. uwezo wa kukumbuka unaweza kuwepo hata bila uhai.
    3. si lazima mtu awe na uwezo mzuri wa kukumbuka
    4. kuyakumbuka mambo huhusisha ungo vyote mwilini.
  3. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya tatu
    1. uwezo wa kukumbuka mambo ni jambo la kujifunza.
    2. mtu hawezi kuathiri uwezo wake wa kukumbuka.
    3. watu huzaliwa na uwezo sawa wa kukumbuka ila wengine hujiimarisha.
    4. uwezo wa kukumbuka hutegemea sana maumbile ya mtu. 
  4. Ni kundi lipi la vyakula vinavyoimarisha uwezo wa kukumbuka?
    1. Asidi, nyama na mboga.
    2. Mboga, sukari na mayai.
    3. Maini, ngano na mayai.
    4. Soya, matunda na vileo.
  5. Kulingana na aya ya tano, mtu anapolala
    1. uwezo wake wa kukumbuka huimarika.
    2. ubongo wake huendelea kufanya kazi.
    3. ubongo wake huacha kazi ili kupumzika.
    4. bado unaelewa kila jambo linalotokea.
  6. Yapi ndiyo manufaa ya nyuzinyuzi zinazopatikana katika mboga na matunda? 
    1. Zinatoa sukari ya kuendesha shughuli mwilini.
    2. Hupatia mwili madini muhimu ya chuma. 
    3. Huwezesha usambazaji mzuri wa hewa mwilini.
    4. Huchangia kudhibiti kiwango cha sukari mwilini.
  7. Athari za kutumia vileo kwa wingi ni
    1. kuimarisha uwezo wa mtu wa kukumbuka.
    2. hudhoofisha utendakazi wa ubongo.
    3. hunyima mwili viwango vifaavyo vya Sukarı
    4. humnyima mtu hamu ya kujikumbusha mambo.
  8. Hii ni tamathali gani ya lugha?
    Mtu hujipata amesahau hata yale hakujua.
    1. Chuku
    2. Kinaya
    3. Ishara
    4. Tabaini
  9. Rai kulingana na kifungu ni
    1. kusema na mtu kwa maneno mazuri.
    2. kutia mtu chakula mdomoni.
    3. maoni ya mtu juu ya jambo fulani.
    4. hali ya mwili kuwa na afya nzuri.
  10. Chagua methali inayoweza kujumuisha ujumbe wa kauli hii:
    Uimarishaji huu huhitaji mikakati madhubuti. Hii ni kwa sababu kwa kawaida jambo haliwezi kufanyika au kufanikiwa bila ya kuwepo kwa vitu fulani au taratibu zifaazo kulifanyia.
    1. Mti huchongewa ni tundaze.
    2. Mti upigwao mawe ni wenye matunda.
    3. Mti ukupigwao ndio ukufunzao.
    4. Mti hauendi ila kwa nyenzo.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha itakayoanzia kwa maneno yafuatayo:

Nilipomtazama, niliamini kuwa uzembe hauna manufaa ....................................................\


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. D
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. A
  40. D
  41. B
  42. A
  43. C
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. D

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the answer from the choices given.

It is amazing what a diversity __1__ is in the customs and eating __2__ of people around the world. In Europe, children are taught to be
__3__ in handling food with knives, forks and spoons. __4__. in countries such as China and Korea, chopsticks are used. In other countries such as India, it is __5__ good manners to use the fingers __6__ cutlery.

The differences __7__ not only in the cating implements people use, __8__ in the food itself. European children grow up eating such foods as beef, potatoes __9__ bread. In Asian countries, however, people eat rice as their __10__ food. Where most __11__ agree that duck is a tasty. __12__ the Japanese would recoil in horror __13__ the thought of eating ducks. To them, ducks are only for ornamentation. Another example of __14__differences would be the eating of dog meat. The Chinese consider dog meat as a __15__ but most Europeans would condemn the practice utterly. To the Europeans, dogs are pets and should not be eaten.

    A   B   C   D 
 1.   it   that   there   their 
 2.  traditions   habits   ways   norms 
 3.  skilful  talented   experts   perfect 
 4.  Therefore   Nevertheless   However   Moreover 
 5.  seen   believed   encouraged   considered 
 6.  besides  instead of   other   than 
 7.  lies  lay   lain   lie 
 8.  but also  also   but   and also 
 9.  and  or   then   as 
 10.   favorite  common   staple   best 
 11.  will  can   could   would 
 12.  meal  food   dish   cuisine 
 13.  in  at   for   after 
 14.  this  that   those   such 
 15.  delicacy  edible    yummy   tasteful 


For questions 16-18, choose the word that best fills in the blank space

  1. Kofi has _______________________ pepper left than I have.
    1. enough
    2. much
    3. more
    4. plenty 
  2. They will award the scholarship to ________________________.
    1. him or I
    2. him or me
    3. he or I
    4. we two
  3. The boys sing too _______________________ in the choir.
    1. loud
    2. much loud
    3. very loud
    4. loudly

For questions 19-21, choose the opposite of the underlined word from the choices given

  1. I entered the examination room full of hope.
    1. confidence
    2. despair
    3. shame
    4. regret
  2. Our school days are full of joys.
    1. tasks
    2. duties
    3. difficulties
    4. sorrows
  3. My uncle is the most famous in the locality.
    1. notorious
    2. unknown
    3. rich
    4. favorite

For questions 22 and 23 choose the correct answer

  1. When we swallow our food too quickly in lumps, we are said to _______________________.
    1. nibble
    2. crunch
    3. masticate
    4. gobble.
  2. A one-storey house is called a _______________________.
    1. bungalow
    2. mansion
    3. villa
    4. apartment

For questions 24 and 25, choose the phrase that best completes the given sentence.

  1. Nobody here today _______________________.
    1. cannot contradict my words
    2. has any doubts about his ability.
    3. will never break their promise 
    4. know everything about Science
  2. He will do that _______________________.
    1. when he could
    2. if he might have the equipment
    3. although you forbid him
    4. before last summer

Read the passage below then answer questions 26 to 38.

Benjamin Franklin was a very wonderful man. He was born at Boston, Massachusetts, in America, on 17th January, 1706. There was not much schooling to be had in that new colony, and Benjamin had not learnt very much when he began to earn his living, but he was a clever and diligent boy, and determined to gain knowledge. He worked at first for one of his older brothers who was a printer. The early morning and the late night hours he spent in studying any books that came his way. Then he began to write articles for his brother's paper, and although Benjamin was still only a boy, his essays were more eagerly read and enjoyed than those of any other contributor.

After a time Benjamin went to England, where he learnt all he could about printing. When he returned to America, he started a printing business of his own in Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin lived very simply and worked hard. He always had in his mind a proverb that his father had often repeated to him when he was a boy: 'Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.' This proverb came literally true, for in his later life, Franklin stood before five kings, and even had dinner with the King of Denmark.

Franklin found time for many other things besides his printing. From a study of astronomy he worked out the first system of forecasting the weather. He discovered that some colours hold heat longer than others; he invented a house stove and a street lamp.

One of the greatest of Franklin's discoveries was in connection with electricity. Here is the story telling of this great discovery. Benjamin Franklin had always been fond of playing with kites. When he went swimming' he would often let a kite pull him along in the sea. One day, however, he played a different game. He tried to bring lightning down from the sky.

For this great game he had made a kite of silk with a thin iron spike fixed to the top. To the bottom of the kite he had tied a string, but instead of holding the string in his hand, he attached to it a silk ribbon which he held. Where the ribbon was joined to the string he had fixed a metal key, which he placed in a jar. Then he and his son went out into a thunderstorm to fly the kite..

'That was a fine flash!' Franklin said.
'I wish it had come down,' said his son.
Patiently they watched and waited. The first black thundercloud passed over the kite, and nothing happened.
'Here comes a blacker cloud!' cried the boy.
Then it began to rain, and the string became wet. Benjamin Franklin touched the string. 'Oh! look at the sparks coming from it!' cried the boy, as his father drew his hand away.
'The lightning is coming down!' cried Franklin, who was just as excited as his son.
Then they touched the key. Each felt a shock, for the lightning had come down the string, through the key, into the jar.
'At last I have proved what I always believed to be true!' Franklin exclaimed. 'Lightning and electricity are the same.'

After he had brought lightning from the sky, he invented lightning conductors for the safety of high buildings. If I can bring lightning down by means of a kite, it would surely be possible to guide it down to earth in other ways,' Franklin thought. England was the first country to fit these new lightning conductors to buildings. In 1769, one was fitted to St. Paul's Cathedral, and it lasted until 1928.

Franklin's last public act was to make an appeal to the Government of America to abolish slavery in the United States. Alas! He did not live long enough to see this great wish fulfilled, for he died in 1790

  1. Why wasn't Benjamin Franklin learned?
    1. One of his elder brothers forced him to work at printing instead of going to school. 
    2. There were very few opportunities for going to school at that time in America.
    3. He worked from dawn to dusk and so he had no time for learning
    4. He wasted his time on story-books and newspapers.
  2. Where did Benjamin go to learn a lot about printing?
    1. America.
    2. Philadelphia.
    3. Boston.
    4. England.
  3. What kind of a man did Franklin's father say would stand before kings?
    1. A hardworking man.
    2. A mean man.
    3. An intelligent man.
    4. A humble and simple man.
  4. What did Franklin study besides printing?
    1. Painting and how to use colours to make patterns.
    2. Engineering and how to build monuments. 
    3. Architecture and the building of houses.
    4. Stars and planets and their connection with the weather.
  5. The word 'diligent' as used in the passage means 
    1. hardworking and careful at someone's work
    2. humble and ready to serve
    3. careful and humble
    4. respectful and obedient at work.
  6. How old was Benjamin when he died?
    1. 87
    2. 100
    3. 84
    4. We are not told.
  7. Before he used it in experiments with electricity, what had Franklin used a kite for?
    1. To amuse his son when they played games. 
    2. For making silk as a kind of a loom.
    3. He let it pull him a long in the water when he went swimming.
    4. To lighten any load he was carrying.
  8. Why did Franklin not hold the string, with the key at the end of it, in his hand, instead attaching a ribbon to it?
    1. He did not want to receive an electric shock through it.
    2. He did not want to receive an electric shock through his own body.
    3. He wanted to be free to make notes of all that he observed.
    4. He wanted the key to fall at an angle into the jar.
  9. Why did Franklin and his son feel a shock when they touched the key during their experiment?
    1. The key had become very wet during the storm.
    2. The lightning had come down the string and through the key.
    3. It was a metal key and metal very soon becomes hot.
    4. There were sparks coming from the key.
  10. What are lightning conductors?
    1. An invention for bringing lightning down from the sky during thunderstorms. 
    2. Something to protect high buildings from being struck by lightning.
    3. Machines for making electricity light in houses.
    4. Wires that convert lightning into electricity.
  11. What was Franklin's last public act before he died?
    1. He gave a lightning conductor to St. Paul's Cathedral.
    2. He visited the Governor of America. 
    3. He called for the abolition of slavery.
    4. He attacked imperialism and all tyrants.
  12. The phrase 'fond of' as used in the could be replaced by
    1. loved
    2. enjoyed
    3. wanted
    4. frequented.
  13. Why do you think the writer says Franklin was a wonderful man?
    1. He was not afraid of dangerous things such as electricity.
    2. He became very famous.
    3. He worked very hard to abolish slavery.
    4. With little schooling, he acquired great knowledge and invented many wonderful things

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 – 50.

Philosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, nature and ideals of education. It can be considered a branch of both philosophy and education. Education can be defined as the teaching and learning of specific skills, and the imparting of knowledge, judgment and wisdom, and is something broader than the societal institution of education we often speak of.

Many educationalists consider it a weak and woolly field, too far removed from the practical applications of the real world to be useful. But philosophers dating back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have given the area much thought and emphasis, and there is little doubt that their work has helped shape the practice of education over the millennia.

Plato is the earliest important educational thinker, and education is an essential element in "The Republic" (his most important work on philosophy and political theory, written around 360 B.C.). In it, he advocates some rather extreme methods: removing children from their mothers' care and raising them as wards of the state, and differentiating children suitable to the various castes, the highest receiving the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able. He believed that education should be holistic, including facts, skills, physical discipline, music and art. Plato believed that talent and intelligence is not distributed genetically and thus it is to be found in children born to all classes, although his proposed system of selective public education for an educated minority of the population does not really follow a democratic model.

Aristotle considered human nature, habit and reason to be equally important forces to be cultivated in education, the ultimate aim of which should be to produce good and virtuous citizens. He proposed that teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition be used as a key tool to develop good habits, unlike Socrates' emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out their own ideas. He emphasized the balancing of the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects taught, among which he explicitly mentions reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical education, literature, history, and a wide range of sciences, as well as play, which he also considered important.

During the Medieval period, the idea of Perennialism was first formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in his work "De Magistro". Perennialism holds that one should teach those things deemed to be of everlasting importance to all people everywhere, namely principles and reasoning, not just facts (which are apt to change over time), and that one should teach first about people, not machines or techniques. It was originally religious in nature, and it was only much later that a theory of secular perennialism developed.

During the Renaissance, the French skeptic Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592) was one of the first to critically look at education. Unusually for his time, Montaigne was willing to question the conventional wisdom of the period, calling into question the whole edifice of the educational system, and the implicit assumption that university-educated philosophers were necessarily wiser than uneducated farm workers, for example.

  1. What is the difference between the approaches of Socrates and Aristotle?
    1. Aristotle felt the need for repetition to develop good habits in students; Socrates felt that students need to be constantly questioned.
    2. Aristotle felt the need for rote-learning; Socrates emphasized on dialogic learning 
    3. There was no difference.
    4. Aristotle emphasized on the importance of paying attention to human nature; Socrates emphasized upon science.
  2. Why do educationists consider philosophy a 'weak and woolly' field?
    1. It is not practically applicable. 
    2. Its theoretical concepts are easily understood.
    3. It is irrelevant for education.
    4. None of the above
  3. What do you understand by the term 'Perennialism', in the context of the given comprehension passage?
    1. It refers to something which is of ceaseless importance.
    2. It refers to something which is quite unnecessary.
    3. It refers to something which is abstract and theoretical.
    4. It refers to something which existed in the past and no longer exists now.
  4. Were Plato's beliefs about education democratic?
    1. He believed that only the rich have the right to acquire education.
    2. Plato's beliefs were democratic but his practices were not.
    3. He believed that only a select few are meant to attend schools.
    4. He believed that all pupils are not talented.
  5. Why did Aquinas propose a model of education which did not lay much emphasis on facts?
    1. Facts are not important.
    2. Facts do not lead to holistic education.
    3. To change with the changing times.
    4. Facts are frozen in time.
  6. What is a caste according to the use of the word in the passage?
    1. A political position.
    2. A hereditary social class.
    3. A profession.
    4. A financial circumstance.
  7. What tool did Aristotle suggest be used to teach learners good habits?
    1. Punishment.
    2. Segregation.
    3. Balance.
    4. Repetition.
  8. Why do you think Plato's methods are considered harsh?
    1. Nobody had tried them before.
    2. They involved uprooting children from family life.
    3. He was sometimes cruel to children.
    4. Not many children survived under his care.
  9. A simpler word for edifice would be
    1. normalcy
    2. structure
    3. wisdom
    4. helpfulness
  10. What led to perennialism being originally religious in nature?
    1. The people at the time were highly religious. 
    2. Secular beliefs were believed to be harmful.
    3. Thomas Aquinas, the founder, was a religious man.
    4. People believed religious instruction was enough.
  11. Which educational thinker of importance do people consider to be the first?
    1. Aristotle.
    2. Thomas Aquinas.
    3. Plato.
    4. Socrates.
  12. In what period did people begin to critically look at education questioningly?
    1. The Medieval Period.
    2. The Dark Ages.
    3. The Stone Period.
    4. The Renaissance.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

You visited your best friend, Aisha in Mombasa during the April holiday. Write a letter to her thanking her for the cordial reception.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. B
  35. A
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. B
  47. B
  48. C
  49. C
  50. D


  1. Which one of the following is 1100000.002 written in words? 
    1. One million, one hundred thousand and two hundredths.
    2. One million one hundred thousand point zero zero two
    3. Eleven million one hundred thousand and two thousandths.
    4. One million, one hundred thousand and two thousandths
  2. What is the place value of digit 8 after working out 0.256÷32?
    1. Thousandths
    2. 8.192
    3. 0.008
    4. Hundredths 
  3. What is the value of 21(24 − 17) + 7?
    1. 21
    2. 28
    3. 22
    4. 5
  4. What is the value 3/4 − 1/2 + ( 3/4 − 2/5) ÷ 24/5?
    1. 1/8 
    2. 3/14
    3. 3/8
    4. 99/200
  5. What is the quotient of the least common multiple of 36 and 48 and the highest common factor of 27 and 18?
    1. 1296
    2. 16
    3. 15
    4. 54
  6. A farmer had 320 goats. He sold 3/8 of the goats to a butcher. He also sold 2/5 of the remaining goats to other farmers and he
    remained with the rest. How many less goats did he remain with?
    1. 80
    2. 72
    3. 120
    4. 40
  7. In one week a farmer milks an average of 8 litres of milk from every dairy goat in his farm. In six weeks, he milked 432 litres. How many dairy goats are there in the farm?
    1. 72
    2. 54
    3. 7
    4. 9
  8. What is the value of 4 − 2.5 x 0.6 + 0.25?
    1. 7.5
    2. 3.75
    3. 5.5
    4. 11.5
  9. A tank had 100001 of water. A family used 12½% of the water in two weeks. How much more water remained than it was used?
    1. 1250L
    2. 7500L
    3. 8750L
    4. 7000L
  10. A cultural show was attended by 1204 male adults, 2864 more female adults than males and 6437 children. How many more children than adults attended the show?
    1. 5272
    2. 2369
    3. 10505
    4. 1165
  11. Achuko had x pumpkins. He sold 0 6 of the pumpkin. He gave out 0.5 of the remainder to children's home and remained with the rest. If he was left with 240 pumpkins, what was the total number of pumpkins before?
    1. 1200
    2. 1440
    3. 960
    4. 1920 
  12. What is the next number in the pattern below?
    773/4, 543/4, 353/4, 183/4, ______________
    1. 13¾
  13. What is 4999 rounded off to the nearest ten thousands?
    1. 5000
    2. 0
    3. 10000
    4. 4000
  14. The length of the diagonals of a rhombus WXYZ are WY= 10cm and XZ = 24cm.
    What is the perimeter of the rhombus?
    1. 68cm
    2. 104cm
    3. 52cm
    4. 240cm
  15. The area of trapezium PQRS below is 120cm2. RQ 16cm and SP = 24cm.
    What is the length of side PQ?
    1. 10cm
    2. 6cm
    3. 8cm
    4. 5cm
  16. A cylindrical container has a circumference of 44cm and a height of 4m. How much water in litres can it hold when full?
    1. 246.4L
    2. 61600L
    3. 616L
    4. 61.6L
  17. An encyclopedia book has 455 sheets of paper and a cover. Each sheet of paper has a mass of 5 grams and the cover has mass of 15g. What is the mass of the book in kilo grams?
    1. 2.275
    2. 0.229
    3. 2.29
    4. 0.227 
  18. A watch gains 5 seconds every hour. It was set correct on Monday at 8.15 am. What time was it showing on Friday the same
    week at 8.15 am?
    1. 8.07 am
    2. 8.23 am
    3. 8.25 am
    4. 8.05 m
  19. What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below?
    1. 21cm2
    2. 98cm2
    3. 77cm2
    4. 175cm
  20. The figure below shows a wooden solid. What is the surface area of the solid?
    (Usе л = 22/7 )
    1. 770cm2
    2. 357cm2
    3. 654cm2
    4. 577cm2
  21. Rono cycled a distance of 9km from home to town. He then cycled back home. The whole journey took 120 minutes. What was the average speed for the whole journey in m/s?
    1. 2½ 
    2. 9
    3. 5
    4. 15
  22. The length of a rectangular piece of land is 120m. Its diagonal is 130m long. The land was fenced using 4 strands of barbed wire. What was the total length of the wire?
    1. 2000m
    2. 680m
    3. 1360m
    4. 1440m
  23. Muthoni paid sh. 6300 for a machine after she was allowed a discount of 10%. How much more would she have paid had she been allowed a discount of 5 %?
    1. sh. 7000
    2. sh. 350
    3. sh. 6650
    4. sh. 650
  24. In the figure below line AB is parallel to CD. Line EC = ED line CF = FD, angle CED = 96° and angle ECH = 97°.
    What is the size of angle GFH?
    1. 55°
    2. 110°
    3. 84°
    4. 70°
  25. Karim bought the following items from a supermarket
    2¼ kg of maize flour @sh 80 per kg
    Three loaves of bread for sh. 180
    4 packets of milk @sh. 55
    Two kilograms of beans @sh. 100
    She paid for all the items using a sh. 1000 note. How much more money should she give to the cashier to be given a balance of sh. 250?
    1. sh. 220
    2. sh. 80
    3. sh. 30
    4. sh. 50
  26. The figure below is a prism with a triangular cross section.
    What is the product of faces, vertices and edges of the prism?
    1. 20
    2. 270
    3. 240
    4. 216
  27. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh. 26000 plus a 7% commission on value of goods sold above sh. 60000. In one month she earned a total of sh. 47000. What was the value of goods sold?
    1. sh. 300000
    2. sh. 360000
    3. sh. 240000
    4. sh. 30200
  28. The following are properties of quadrilaterals:
    1. Diagonals are unequal
    2. Some angels are equal
    3. Diagonals bisect each other but not perpendicularly.
    4. Interior angles add upto 360°
    5. Diagonals bisect the angles
      Which pair of properties are true about a rectangle and a parallelogram?
      1. (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (v)
      3. (iii), (v)
      4. (i), (iv)
  29. A trader borrowed sh. 100000 from a bank that charged a simple interest at a rate of 10% p.a. How much did he pay back after 18 months?
    1. sh 15000
    2. sh. 180000
    3. sh. 115000
    4. sh. 280000
  30. Myola bought 200 lemons each sh. 4. She paid sh. 200 for transport to the market. She sold the lemons making a profit of 40%. What was the selling price of each lemon?
    1. Sh. 5
    2. sh. 6
    3. sh. 8
    4. sh. 7
  31. The perimeter of an Isosceles triangle below is 50cm. It has a base of 16cm.
    What is its area?
    1. 400cm2
    2. 60cm2
    3. 120cm2
    4. 200cm2
  32. The marked price of a dry cleaner is sh. 40,000. The cash price of the same machine is 10% less than the marked price. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the marked price. Makos bought the machine on hire purchase. How much more than cash price did he pay?
    1. sh. 12000
    2. sh. 36000
    3. sh. 4000
    4. sh. 48000 
  33. In a shop there are radios, televisions and laptops. The number of radios is two times the number of televisions. The number of laptops is eight less than that of televisions. If the number of televisions is t, how many electronics are there altogether?
    1. t + 10
    2. 2t − 6
    3. 5t − 8
    4. 4t − 8
  34. The mean of 8 numbers is 4½. Seven of these numbers are 3, 5, 2, 6, 0, 4 and 8. What is the median of the 8 numbers?
    1. 8
    2. 5
    3. 4.5
    4. 36
  35. The pie chart below shows how Benson utilizes his 72 hectares of land.
    How many more hectares are under maize than passion fruits?
    1. 24 ha
    2. 6 ha
    3. 18 ha
    4. 42 ha
  36. The scale used in a map is 1:1000. What is actual area of a piece of land represented by the figure below in ares?
    1. 7.5
    2. 0.06
    3. 600
    4. 6
  37. The table below shows the number of pupils absent from a class of 40 pupils in one week.
       Mon   Tue   Wed   Thur   Fri 
     Boys   3  1  2  3  0
     Girls  2  2  3  3  1
    What was the class total attendance in the whole week?
    1. 180
    2. 18
    3. 179
    4. 200
  38. In a farm the ratio of goats to sheep is 4:3. the ratio of sheep to cows is 2:1. There are 24 cows. How many goats are there?
    1. 48
    2. 112
    3. 64
    4. 136
  39. Four tractors can plough a piece of land in 18 days. How many less days can six such tractors take to plough the same piece of land?
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 30 
  40. What is 14w + 4 <16w − 8 in simplest form?
    1. w < 6
    2. w < 2
    3. w > 2
    4. w > 6 
  41. What is 6/7(21p+28) − 8/9(18p − 18) in simplest form?.
    1. 34p+ 8
    2. 2p − 40
    3. 2p + 40
    4. 34p − 8
  42. What is the value of K in the equation below
    k + 2k + 1 = 4
    6         2  
    1. 3
    2. 36/7
    3. 4
    4. 32/7 
  43. In the figure below EFGH is a rhombus and FGJ is a triangle. Angle GFJ = 76°.
    What is the size of angle HEF?
    1. 52°
    2. 128°
    3. 108°
    4. 76°
  44. The perimeter of the figure below is 48m. 
    What is the length of the figure?
    1. 32m
    2. 14m
    3. 6m
    4. 16m
  45. Which of the following sets of measurements will not form a right angled triangle?
    1. 2½cm,6cm, 6½cm
    2. 0.5cm, 1.2cm, 1.3cm
    3. 6cm, 8cm, 12cm
    4. 8cm, 15cm, 17cm
  46. Given that a= 2, b = 4, c = 8 and d = 5. What is the value of
    a2 (bc − d2). ?
       a2 + 2b
    1. 21/3 
    2. 7/10 
    3. 11
    4. 4
  47. The figure below shows a stack made of cubes. It was deeped in paint. How many cubes had two faces painted?
    1. 100
    2. 32
    3. 8
    4. 20
  48. The table below shows postal charges for sending letters and postcards. 
     Type of article   Weight step  East African zone  Rest African zone   Europe, Middle
      and near East 
     Australia, America
      and far East 
    Letters Max weight 2kg
    Upto 20g
    Over 20g to 100g
    Over 100g to 250g
    Over 250g to 500g 
    Over 500g to 1kg
    Over 1kg to 2kg
     sh.     ct.
     40     00
     80     00
    135    00
     240   00
     400   00
     650   00
      sh.     ct.
      45      00
      95      00
     155     00
      280    00
      480    00
      795    00
        sh.    ct.
        50     00
       100    00
       180    00
       320    00
       530    00
       860    00
      sh.      ct.
      60       00
     130      00
      230     00
      410     00
      680     00
     1090    00

     Standard size
     Large size
      20     00
      50     00
       25     00
       60     00
        30     00
        70     00
       35      00
       85      00
    Salen sent the following letters and post cards:-
    1. Two letters weighing 195g; One to Uganda and another to America
    2. A large size post card to Europe.
      How much did she spend for postage?
      1. sh. 455
      2. sh. 450
      3. sh. 760
      4. sh. 435
  49. The figure below shows patterns in a circle. What is the next pattern?
  50. The graph below shows journey by a lorry driver and a car driver from town W to X.
    How far from town X was Musa when they met?
    1. 140km
    2. 80km
    3. 120km
    4. 100km


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. B
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. B
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. A
  50. D


Study the map of Beso area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The highest part of Beso area is in the
    1. central region.
    2. game park.
    3. west.
    4. east.
  2. The main reason why Beso area has a high population is that the area has
    1. adequate rainfall.
    2. good roads.
    3. several trading centres.
    4. gently sloping land.
  3. A forest reserve was established in Beso area mainly to
    1. provide timber in the area.
    2. make the landscape beautiful.
    3. provide shade to tea bushes.
    4. preserve water catchment areas.
  4. Which one of the following offices in the area covered by the map issues trading licences?
    1. Chief's office.
    2. County commissioner's.
    3. County office.
    4. Governor's office.
  5. Tea is grown in the central part of Beso area because
    1. there are cool and wet conditions.
    2. there are good roads to transport tea.
    3. rivers provide water for irrigation.
    4. the area is hilly.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Beso area?
    1. Trading
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism
    4. Transport
  7. The administrative head of Beso area is 
    1. an assistant county commissioner.
    2. a county commissioner.
    3. a governor.
    4. a chief.
  8. Before the coming of Europeans, decisions among the San people were made through
    1. consensus.
    2. chiefs.
    3. council of elders.
    4. kings.
  9. Which one of the following is a responsibility of children in a family?
    1. Providing land to build a family house.
    2. Providing security in the family.
    3. Taking care of family property.
    4. Providing basic needs.
  10. Which one of the following traditional weather observation methods indicates the approach of a wet season?
    1. Grass turning brown.
    2. Appearance of locusts.
    3. Absence of dew on the grass.
    4. Growing of new leaves on plants.
  11. The Agiriama people were defeated by the British mainly because
    1. the Agiriama used inferior weapons. 
    2. the British had a large army.
    3. Agiriama leaders were arrested.
    4. other communities did not support the Agiriama.
  12. Large urban centres in Germany are densely populated because
    1. rural areas are dry.
    2. most people are educated.
    3. many people work in towns.
    4. most families are small.
  13. Which one of the following groups is made up of communities that migrated from Bahr -el-Ghazal region?
    1. Abagusii, Abakuria, Abaluhyia.
    2. Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda.
    3. Maasai, Iteso, Karamajong.
    4. Luo, Acholi, Dinka.
  14. Most settlement schemes in Kenya are found in the highland regions because 
    1. the areas have good roads.
    2. the areas had been taken by white settlers.
    3. the areas receive high rainfall.
    4. cash crops are grown in the areas.
  15. A school motto is important because it 
    1. guides learners to achieve school aims.
    2. outlines school rules.
    3. allocates time for school activities.
    4. shows direction to a school.
  16. The diagram below represents a marine fishing method.
    The fishing method shown above is 
    1. trawling.
    2. net drifting.
    3. purse seining.
    4. long lining.
  17. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is found in Uganda?
    1. Fort Ternan.
    2. Merowe
    3. Lalibela.
    4. Ishango.
  18. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities found in Central Africa?
    1. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro.
    2. Zulu, Venda, Xhosa.
    3. Balunda, Chewa, Lozi.
    4. Chagga, Hehe, Nyamwezi.
  19. Age groups in traditional African communities are made up of people 
    1. who have a common ancestor.
    2. who speak the same language.
    3. initiated about the same time. 
    4. who live in the same area.
  20. The government of Botswana helps pastoral communities in the country through
    1. giving them loans to buy cattle.
    2. drilling boreholes in pastoral areas.
    3. irrigating pasture in grazing areas. 
    4. giving pastoralists animal feeds.
  21. In Kenya human rights can be abused in the following ways except
    1. arresting suspected criminals. 
    2. dispersing peaceful demonstrations. 
    3. beating suspected criminals.
    4. engaging children in hard labour.
  22. The political party that led Ghana to independence was
    1. United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC).
    2. Northern Peoples Party (NPP).
    3. African National Congress (ANC). 
    4. Convention Peoples Party (CPP).
  23. Three of the following factors may lead to slow population growth in a country. Which one may not?
    1. Practice of family planning methods.
    2. Late marriages.
    3. Practice of polygamy.
    4. Decrease in food production.
  24. Practice of shifting cultivation has decreased due to
    1. decrease in rainfall.
    2. decrease in soil fertility.
    3. inadequate farming equipment.
    4. increase in population.
  25. The natural forests along the coast in Kenya are preserved mainly because they
    1. have rare indigenous trees.
    2. are sources of rivers.
    3. provide timber for export.
    4. produce pulp for paper making.
  26. Which one of the following statements about assembling industries in Kenya is true? They
    1. mainly use imported materials.
    2. are found in rural areas.
    3. employ most people.
    4. mainly produce goods for export.
  27. The judicial system in Kenya is headed by the
    1. President.
    2. Chief justice.
    3. Attorney General.
    4. Speaker.
  28. Which one of the following is not a function of a clan?
    1. Maintaining clan traditions.
    2. Allocating land to clan members. 
    3. Settling disputes among members.
    4. Getting marriage partners for members.
  29. Most mountains on the floor of the Rift Valley were formed through
    1. faulting.
    2. erosion.
    3. volcanicity.
    4. folding.
  30. The Bantu people migrated from the Congo Basin mainly due to
    1. search for better farming lands.
    2. attacks by the Galla people.
    3. low rainfall in the area.
    4. search for better grazing lands.
  31. The main forms of transport used to distribute petroleum products in Kenya are pipeline and
    1. water.
    2. air
    3. railway.
    4. road.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35.


  1. Which one of the following statements about the communities that used the route marked Z during migration is false? They 
    1. practised fishing.
    2. were escaping from Galla raids. 
    3. settled around lake Victoria.
    4. spoke a Nilotic language.
  2. The method used to extract the mineral mined at the place marked T is
    1. opencast
    2. scooping.
    3. dredging.
    4. evaporation.
  3. Three of the following statements about the town marked S are true. Which one is not? It
    1. started as a colonial post.
    2. is Kenya's main seaport.
    3. was visited by early visitors. 
    4. has a petroleum refinery industry.
  4. The lake marked M is lake
    1. Nakuru.
    2. Baringo
    3. Elementaita.
    4. Naivasha
  5. Three of the following are problems facing dairy farming in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Delays in transporting mil.
    2. Inadequate pasture in the dry season.
    3. Poor prices for milk to farmers. 
    4. Inadequate labour in dairy farms. 
  6. The colonial policy used by the French to administer Senegal was
    1. direct rule.
    2. assimilation
    3. indirect rule.
    4. paternalism.
  7. Which one of the following dams was mainly constructed to store water for irrigation?
    1. Aswan High Dam.
    2. Akosombo Dam.
    3. Masinga Dam.
    4. Kariba Dam.
  8. Which one of the following factors may undermine peace in urban centres?
    1. Competition for pasture.
    2. High rates of unemployment. 
    3. Differences in cultural practices.
    4. High levels of illiteracy.
  9. The main benefit of Jua Kali industries is that they
    1. produce goods for export.
    2. make use of idle lands.
    3. provide employment.
    4. make use of imported raw materials. 
  10. Who among the following prominent African leaders was not a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. Leopold Sedar Senghor.
    2. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
    3. Haile Selassie.
    4. Nelson Mandela.
  11. Which one of the following rivers is correctly matched with the water body where it drains into?
    1. River Omo - Indian Ocean
    2. River Nzoia - Lake Victoria
    3. River Nile - Lake Turkana
    4. River Zambezi - Mediterranean Sea
  12. The two countries connected by the Trans African Highway are
    1. South Africa and Egypt.
    2. Nigeria and Algeria.
    3. Benin and Morocco.
    4. Kenya and Nigeria.
  13. A similarity in the population of Kenya and India is that in both countries,
    1. most people live in rural areas.
    2. there are more males than females.
    3. life expectancy is over 80 years. 
    4. families are mainly small.
  14. The title of the traditional leader of the Maasai people in the pre-colonial period was
    1. Nabongo.
    2. Laibon.
    3. Orkoiyot.
    4. Sakawa.
  15. The headquaters of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are in
    1. Arusha in Tanzania.
    2. Lusaka in Zambia.
    3. Pretoria in South Africa.
    4. Gaborone in Botswana.
  16. Flower farmers in Kenya are able to grow them throughout the years because they 
    1. are grown in greenhouses.
    2. are grown in high rainfall areas.
    3. are in great demand.
    4. have a ready market.
  17. Which one of the following is the most effective method of ensuring discipline among pupils in a school?
    1. Punishing pupils who misbehave.
    2. Making rules for pupils to follow.
    3. Promoting dialogue.
    4. Sending away indisciplined pupils. 
  18. Three of the following are principles of democracy. Which one is not?
    1. People elect leaders of their choice.
    2. Citizens are involved in decision making.
    3. There is respect for human rights.
    4. Citizens are exempted from taxes.
  19. The amount of water vapour in the air is measured using
    1. a barometer.
    2. a hygrometer. 
    3. an anemometer
    4. a thermometer.
  20. A contribution of Julius Nyerere in promoting peace in Eastern Africa was that he
    1. chaired peace talks in Burundi. 
    2. promoted the use of Kiswahili. 
    3. established Ujamaa Villages. 
    4. supported liberation movements.
  21. Which one of the following factors does not influence the climate of a place?
    1. Relief
    2. Altitude
    3. Longitude
    4. Latitude
  22. Rural to rural migration in Kenya is mainly caused by
    1. retirement from employment.
    2. search for trade goods.
    3. search for employment.
    4. search for better farming land.
  23. Oxbow lakes are formed through
    1. deposition.
    2. erosion.
    3. faulting.
    4. volcanicity.
  24. Farmers in the highland regions of Kenya grow tea in small farms because of
    1. scarcity of labour.
    2. scarcity of tea factories.
    3. scarcity of farming land.
    4. high cost of growing tea in large farms.
  25. The main tourist attraction in the islands of Mauritius is
    1. snow-capped mountains.
    2. coastal beaches.
    3. pyramids.
    4. pre-historic sites.
  26. When the Nandi people resisted British colonial rule in Kenya, they were led by
    1. Koitalel arap Samoei.
    2. Mukite wa Nameme.
    3. Waiyaki wa Hinga.
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza.
  27. Which one of the following groups is made up of the most important imports in Eastern Africa?
    1. Fertilizers and livestock.
    2. Petroleum and machinery.
    3. Textiles and canned foods.
    4. Flowers and tea.
  28. In Kenya, implementation of government policies is done by the
    1. executive.
    2. judiciary.
    3. legislature.
    4. senate.
  29. A foreigner is allowed to register as a Kenyan citizen if the person has continuously lived in Kenya for
    1. two years.
    2. four years.
    3. seven years. 
    4. five years.


  1. Which one of the following statements describes why human beings are special in God's creation? They were
    1. placed in the garden of Eden.
    2. the last to be created.
    3. created from the soil.
    4. created in the image of God.
  2. The main reason why God saved Noah and his family from the flood was that Noah
    1. was an old man.
    2. lived a holy life.
    3. accepted to build the ark.
    4. was a priest.
  3. At which one of the following places did Jacob see a staircase of angels in a dream?
    1. Moreh
    2. Peniel
    3. Shechem
    4. Bethel
  4. Which one of the following was a reason why the Israelites ate unleavened bread before they left Egypt?
    1. There was no yeast in Egypt.
    2. They were celebrating the Passover.
    3. They were in a hurry to leave Egypt.
    4. They wanted to remember their suffering.
  5. Which one of the following commandments did the Israelites break when Aaron made a golden bull calf?
    1. "Worship no other god but me" 
    2. "Do not accuse anyone falsely"
    3. "Do not commit murder"
    4. "Keep the Sabbath day Holy"
  6. Who among the following women was a judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth
    2. Naomi
    3. Deborah
    4. Miriam
  7. Which one of the following was done by Samuel when he was the king of Israel? He
    1. consulted a Median.
    2. took Naboth's vineyard.
    3. took the wife of Uriah.
    4. built a temple in Jerusalem.
  8. Naboth was stoned to death mainly because
    1. false accusations were brought against him.
    2. Jezebel hated him.
    3. he had refused to sell his vineyard to Ahab.
    4. he had committed adultery.
  9. The triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem riding on a donkey had been prophesied by
    1. Micah
    2. Zechariah.
    3. Hosea
    4. Joel.
  10. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen when they saw baby Jesus? They
    1. went to tell Herod.
    2. gave Him clothes.
    3. asked Jesus' parents questions. 
    4. presented gifts to Him.
  11. Who among the following people described Jesus as the light of the Gentiles during the presentation?
    1. Simeon.
    2. Zechariah
    3. Anna
    4. Elizabeth
  12. When some soldiers went to John the Baptist, he advised them to
    1. respect the Jewish law.
    2. observe the Sabbath.
    3. be contented with their pay.
    4. obey the Roman rulers.
  13. When Jesus changed water into wine, He had gone to Cana to
    1. visit His relatives.
    2. preach in the synagogue.
    3. attend the Passover feast.
    4. attend a wedding.
  14. The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of healing of the Roman Centurion's servant is that Jesus is
    1. a universal Saviour.
    2. our father
    3. a healer.
    4. all knowing.
  15. Which one of the following parables did Jesus teach while seated in a boat
    1. The mustard seed.
    2. The sower.
    3. The ten young women.
    4. The widow and the judge.
  16. The people who took Jesus to the high priest accused Him of
    1. mixing with sinners.
    2. refusing to pay taxes.
    3. claiming to destroy the temple.
    4. working on a Sabbath.
  17. On the day Jesus resurrected, He first met and spoke to
    1. Mary Magdalene.
    2. Salome.
    3. Joanna.
    4. Cleopas.
  18. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were in a locked room because they were
    1. waiting for the Holy Spirit.
    2. afraid of the Jews.
    3. praying and singing.
    4. sleeping.
  19. Which one of the following miracles was performed by Peter in Lydda? He
    1. raised Tabitha.
    2. healed a lame beggar. 
    3. raised Eutychus. 
    4. healed Aeneas.
  20. Who among the following believers was chosen by the disciples as a deacon?
    1. Paul
    2. Barnabbas
    3. Phillip
    4. Matthias
  21. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faith
    2. Wisdom
    3. Healing
    4. Love
  22. Who among the following specialists in traditional African Communities leads people in offering sacrifices?
    1. Diviners
    2. Priest
    3. Herbalist
    4. Rainmaker
  23. People share resources in traditional African communities in order to
    1. use surplus resources.
    2. be recognized in the society.
    3. show concern for others.
    4. be rewarded.
  24. A common practice during marriage in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. blessing the couple.
    2. offering sacrifices.
    3. exchanging vows.
    4. eating sacrificial meals.
  25. Blood that is shed during initiation in traditional African communities indicates 
    1. that the initiate are brave.
    2. the value of responsibility.
    3. a change from childhood.
    4. union with ancestors.
  26. Peter hides in the toilet when other pupils are cleaning their classrooms. The best action for you to take is to
    1. report him to the teacher on duty.
    2. get another pupil to work for him.
    3. tell him to work with other pupils.
    4. report to his parents.
  27. The element of prayer when a person prays for his needs is
    1. confession.
    2. adoration.
    3. Petition.
    4. Intercession.
  28. In Kenya, the church has established health facilities in order to
    1. provide free treatment.
    2. create jobs in the country.
    3. get money to build churches.
    4. promote good health among people.
  29. Christian youth can spend their free time serving the community by
    1. attending birthday parties.
    2. cleaning market streets.
    3. singing in the church choir.
    4. playing football.
  30. Thika School for the Blind was started by
    1. Salvation Army Church.
    2. Catholic Church.
    3. Methodist Church.
    4. African Inland Church.


  1. Muslims are commanded over two pillars in surah Bayyina, as they usually follow each other in the Holy Qur'an. Which ones? 
    1. Perform prayers and give out zakat.
    2. Fear Allah and the day of judgement.
    3. Fast swaum and go for Hajj.
    4. Respect Allah and do good to parents.
  2. Allah (s.w) created man in the best mould and then reduced him to the lowest of low, as stated in surah Tiin. This could be due to his
    1. forgetfulness.
    2. weakness.
    3. immorality.
    4. mortality.
  3. What was the prophet reminded to do in surah Dhuha with the many favours that Allah (s.w) blessed Him with?
    1. To make others rich.
    2. To do good with them.
    3. Distribute them to the needy.
    4. Take them out.
  4. The historical event that makes Lailatul Qadr better than 1 000 months is the
    1. descending of angels.
    2. revelation of the Holy Qur'an.
    3. prevailing of peace until fajr.
    4. way Ruh accompanies other angels.
  5. Which among the following forms of ikhlas is the subject matter in surah Ahad?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Fear of Allah.
    3. Omnipresence of Allah.
    4. Monotheism of Allah.
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said that _____________________pinches the mind and you do not want people to know about it.
    1. virtue act.
    2. vice act.
    3. doubtful act.
    4. strange act.
  7. The following people fall in the trap of those facilitating bribe except the one who
    1. receives it
    2. mediates it.
    3. hates it.
    4. writes its contract.
  8. In which pillar of swalah is Tashahhud recited? In
    1. sujud.
    2. julus.
    3. qiyam.
    4. rukuu.
  9. The two parts of the body dusted during Tayammum are
    1. nose and ears.
    2. feet and head.
    3. neck and chest.
    4. face and arms.
  10. Which of the following fardh salaats have no sunna baadiya after them?
    1. Dhuhr and Maghrib.
    2. Maghrib and Isha.
    3. Fajr and Asr.
    4. Isha and Fajr.
  11. Which one of the following is a condition for fasting? One must be
    1. a praying Muslim. 
    2. a free citizen.
    3. in good health condition.
    4. a Muslim.
  12. Which act in Taraweh sunna prayer makes it to be called "Taraweh"?
    1. There is a pause after every two rakaats.
    2. It is only performed once in a year.
    3. It is performed during the fasting month. 
    4. It is performed by reciting the whole Qur'an.
  13. All the following ibaadaats in Hajj are performed seven times except
    1. sa'y.
    2. twawaf.
    3. ram-yul jimaar.
    4. drinking from zamzam.
  14. Muslims who arrive in Makka for Hajj ibaada utter acceptance recitation called 
    1. talbia.
    2. tahniq. 
    3. takbir. 
    4. tash-kur.
  15. Which of the following is not a pillar included in salaat janaza?
    1. A niyyat
    2. Qiyan
    3. Sujuud
    4. Surah Fatiha
  16. The imam leading a congregation in salaat janaza for a dead woman should stand around the _________________ of the body.
    1. head
    2. feet
    3. waist
    4. chest
  17. Muslims who do not practise the five daily salaats are
    1. breaking the religion.\
    2. joining half the religion.
    3. not together with others.
    4. not true Muslims.
  18. Which type of wisdom shall a Muslim apply in a situation where he is required to think on his own before acting?
    1. Ijma
    2. Qiyas. 
    3. Qur'an. 
    4. Hadith.
  19. The measure of water that cannot be dirtified hence remains clean for ablution is called
    1. Nisab. 
    2. Qiratuu.
    3. Shibr.
    4. Qulatein. 
  20. All the rituals performed for the dead are in the Islamic sharia classified as
    1. Sunna Muaqada.
    2. Fardh kifaya.
    3. Mustahabbu.
    4. Fardh Ain.
  21. Which among the following dates of the month is a yaumul abyath?
    1. 1st
    2. 10th
    3. 27th
    4. 15th
  22. On which day of the week are Muslim deeds written by angels Raqib and Atid and raised to the Arsh of Allah? On
    1. Monday.
    2. Thursday.
    3. Saturday.
    4. Friday.
  23. Which one of the following is the most pleasing act before Allah?
    1. Giving out salaams among Muslims.
    2. Having self control
    3. Kindness in what we do.
    4. Swalah in correct time.
  24. Why should a Muslim judge hear from both sides of difference?
    1. For him to advise and give a warning.
    2. To have an accurate punishment.
    3. To administer revenge.
    4. To give justice.
  25. It is true to say that nabii Yusuf went to prison because of
    1. raping Potiphar's wife.
    2. explaining the meanings of his drearms.
    3. the fitna of Potiphar's wife.
    4. worshipping idols.
  26. All the following things were instrumental in the spread of Islam along the coast except
    1. Islamic culture. 
    2. trade.
    3. intermarriage.
    4. Portugal rule.
  27. According to the belief in Islam on “ihsan”, Allah (s.w) is___________________________ everyone wherever he or she is.
    1. providing for
    2. guiding
    3. hearing
    4. seeing
  28. The main reason why Allah (s.w) prohibited Muslims to use intoxicants is because they
    1. destroy the body health.
    2. have social effects.
    3. lead to other evils.
    4. are handworks of sheitwan.
  29. The main reason why Allah (s.w) commanded the rich to pay zakat is to protect the poor from
    1. shame.
    2. suffering.
    3. begging.
    4. gambling.
  30. In which of the following places do the Muslims on Hajj ibaadah perform the rite of sacrificing animals? At
    1. Muzdalifa.
    2. Minna.
    3. Aqaba.
    4. Arafa.



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  1. Which one of the following is not a function of the placenta?
    1. Supplies food from the mother's blood to the foetus.
    2. Produces hormones that stop pregnancy.
    3. Facilitates the transfer of waste products from the foetus to the mother.
    4. Allows exchange of oxygen and blood from the mother to the foetus.
  2. The diagram below shows a type of human tooth.
    The function of the tooth is
    1. chewing and grinding.
    2. cutting and biting.
    3. gripping and tearing.
    4. grinding and cutting.
  3. Which one of the following pairs of parts of the breathing system is involved in cleaning and warming the air?
    1. Nose and trachea.
    2. Nose and lungs.
    3. Diaphragm and trachea.
    4. Lungs and diaphragm.
  4. Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the heart through the
    1. aorta.
    2. pulmonary artery.
    3. venacava.
    4. pulmonary vein.
  5. A weed has the following characteristics:
    1. Has thorns on the stem.
    2. Produces purple and white flowers. 
    3. Grows in semi-arid areas.
      The weed is likely to be
      1. mexican marigold.
      2. pigweed.
      3. sodom apple.
      4. black jack.
  6. Which pair of plants below depends on animals for food?
    1. Mushroom and algae.
    2. Sundew and toadstool.
    3. Pitcher plant and venus fly trap.
    4. Mushroom and toadstool.
  7. Grade four pupils classified crops using a simple chart as shown below. 
    Which one of the following pairs of plants represents X and Y respectively?
    1. Wheat and groundnuts.
    2. Peas and maize.
    3. Rice and greengrams.
    4. Groundnuts and peas.
  8. Which one of the following groups consists only of field pests?
    1. Aphids, weaver birds, white ants.
    2. Weevils, white ants, stalkborers. 
    3. Weevils, aphids, weaver birds.
    4. Aphids, weaver birds, cutworms
  9. Which pair of plants below stores food in the stems?
    1. Arrowroots and cassava.
    2. Cassava and carrot.
    3. Yams and arrowroots.
    4. Sugarcane and irish potato.
  10. The following are characteristics of a certain vertebrate:
    1. Varying body temperature.
    2. Has internal fertilization.
    3. Breathes through lungs.
    4. Body covered with scales. 
      Which vertebrate is being described above?
      1. Hawk.
      2. Nile perch
      3. Turtle
      4. Whale
  11. Which one of the following feeding adaptations of herbivores is not correct?
    1. Continuous replacement of molars and pre-molars replaces the worn out teeth due to constant grinding.
    2. The horny pad on the lower jaw holds food tightly against incisors while cutting grass.
    3. Molars and pre-molars are used for grinding, crushing and chewing.
    4. The toothless gap between incisors and pre-molars is used for turning vegetable materials for proper chewing.
  12. Which pair of birds feeds on the same type of food?
    1. Hawk and sunbird.
    2. Weaver bird and hen.
    3. Flamingo and eagle.
    4. Chicken and sunbird.
  13. Grade five pupils set the experiment shown below.
    Heat was transferred from W to Y through
    1. convection, conduction.
    2. conduction, convection.
    3. conduction, radiation.
    4. convection, radiation.
  14. The following are maintenance practices carried out on simple tools. Which one of them is not carried out in all tools?
    1. Cleaning tools after use.
    2. Sharpening cutting edges.
    3. Proper use of tools. 
    4. Proper storage.
  15. The diagram below was an activity carried out by Grade 6 pupils during a Science lesson.
    The properties of light the learners were investigating are
    1. bending of light and bouncing of light.
    2. bouncing of light and splitting of light.
    3. bending of light and absorption of light.
    4. bending of light and splitting of light.
  16. Which one of the following is not a source of electricity?
    1. Solar panel.
    2. Biogas plant.
    3. Windmill generator.
    4. Bicycle dynamo.
  17. Grade five pupils were using a simple seesaw to balance two objects as shown below.
    In order for both objects to balance,
    1. object J should be moved towards the pivot.
    2. object K should be moved away from the pivot.
    3. move the pivot towards object J.
    4. move the pivot towards object K.
  18. Which one of the following is an example of a transluscent material?
    1. Mirror. 
    2. Oiled paper.
    3. Clear water.
    4. Kerosene.
  19. Which one of the following is a safety measure against lightning?
    1. Carrying pointed objects when it is raining.
    2. Leaning on the wall.
    3. Avoiding open grounds when it is raining.
    4. Walking and playing in pools of water when it is raining.
  20. Which one of the following does not help in reducing the force that hinders motion?
    1. Applying adhesives.
    2. Streamlining bodies. 
    3. Using rollers.
    4. Using oil and grease.
  21. The diagram below shows the arrangement of load, effort and fulcrum in a simple lever.
    Which of the following levers has the same arrangement as the one shown above?
    1. Spade
    2. Crowbar
    3. Wheelbarrow
    4. Claw hammer.
  22. Which of the following parasites destroys wool in sheep?
    1. Lice
    2. Fleas
    3. Mites
    4. Ticks
  23. A patient was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Swelling of the lymph glands.
    2. Skin wounds and ulcers on penis and rectum.
    3. Painful regular sore.
      Which sexually transmitted infection was he suffering from?
      1. Gonorrhoea.
      2. Syphilis
      3. HIV/AIDS
      4. Chancroid
  24. Which one of the following consists only of farm animals that produce mutton?
    1. Goats and pigs. 
    2. Sheep and cows.
    3. Cows and goats.
    4. Sheep and goats.
  25. A person infected with HIV/AIDS will look healthy and strong but test positive. The person is likely to be at what stage of HIV infection?
    1. Window
    2. Symptomatic.
    3. Asymptomatic.
    4. Full blown.
  26. Which one of the following communicable diseases destroys the red cells?
    1. Tuberculosis.
    2. Malaria
    3. Typhoid.
    4. Bilharzia.
  27. Which one of the following is the best advice to a person experiencing bleeding gums?
    1. Avoid sugary food substances. 
    2. Change the toothbrush and toothpaste regularly.
    3. Visit a dentist as soon as possible.
    4. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  28. Which one of the following is not a sign of kwashiorkor?
    1. Swollen limbs and stomach.
    2. Crying often.
    3. Brown and loose hair.
    4. Potbelly.
  29. Which of the following shows effects of bhang?
    1. Breathing problems and memory loss.
    2. Drowsiness and vomiting.
    3. Addiction and lack of sleep.
    4. Hallucination and addiction.
  30. Which one of the following is the main reason why nursing mothers should feed on a diet rich in iron? In order to 
    1. get energy to breastfeed the baby.
    2. repair worn out tissues.
    3. strengthen and recover bones and teeth.
    4. replace blood lost during birth.
  31. Which of the following foodstuffs does not constitute a balanced diet? 
    1. Chapati, greengrams, cabbage.
    2. Rice, meat stew, spinach.
    3. Ugali, termites, kales.
    4. Milk, bread, sausage.
  32. The type of clouds which indicates fine weather has the following characteristics except
    1.  having flat bottoms.
    2. being white in colour.
    3. appearing high in the sky.
    4. looking like mountains.
  33. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    Which of the following statements is not true? The
    1. scale reads from top to bottom.
    2. coloured liquid is used to enhance visibility.
    3. inner biropen tube is narrow to increase efficiency.
    4. instrument is placed in a place with free air movement.
  34. Which pair of planets consists of the inner planets only?
    1. Earth and Mars.
    2. Jupiter and Neptune.
    3. Venus and Mars.
    4. Mercury and Venus.
  35. Which one of the following pairs of animal feeds would provide an animal with fats, oils and vitamins?
    1. Lucerne and grass.
    2. Fishmeal and desmodium.
    3. Oats and concentrates.
    4. Rice husks and fruits.
  36. Which two components of the environment are involved in the carbon cycle?
    1. Plants and water.
    2. Soil and air.
    3. Plants and animals.
    4. Air and plants.
  37. Excess use of inorganic fertilizers pollutes
    1. soil only.
    2. water only.
    3. water and soil.
    4. air and water.
  38. Which one of the following need not be the same when comparing how water rises in different soils?
    1. Size of cotton wool.
    2. Amount of soil.
    3. Diameter of the tubes. 
    4. Type of soil.
  39. The diagram below was used as an experiment to investigate a certain property of matter.
    While investigating, the teacher held the bottle with both hands. The drop of ink was seen moving upwards. This shows that
    1. solids expand when heated.
    2. liquids expand when heated.
    3. gases expand when heated.
    4. both liquids and gases expand when heated.
  40. A pupil mixed water, spirit, kerosene and cooking oil in one transparent bottle. How many layers were formed?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  41. The diagram below shows the composition of air
    Which component can be used to put out a burning candle?
    1. W
    2. X
    3. Y
    4. Z
  42. Which one of the following mixtures cannot be separated using a magnet?
    1. Small sticks and staple pins.
    2. Iron filings and maize flour.
    3. Thumb pins and steel nails.
    4. Copper filings and staple pins.
  43. Two plastic lids of equal sizes are placed on water in a basin. Four small stones are placed on one lid and it sank while the other lid floated. This shows that
    1. shape affects sinking and floating.
    2. mass affects sinking and floating.
    3. material affects sinking and floating.
    4. size affects sinking and floating.
  44. Which one of the following is a compound fertilizer?
    1. Muriate of potash.
    2. Ammonium sulphate nitrate.
    3. Double superphosphate. 
    4. Diammonium phosphate.
  45. Pupils of Grade 4 carried out the activity shown below
    The pupils concluded that soil has
    1. organic matter.
    2. water.
    3. mineral particles.
    4. air.
  46. Draining stagnant water can prevent the spread of
    1. cholera and typhoid.
    2. cholera and bilharzia. 
    3. typhoid and malaria.
    4. bilharzia and malaria.
  47. Which one of the following statements is correct about water?
    1. Filtration makes water safe for drinking.
    2. Boiled hard water is safe for drinking.
    3. Soft water should not be boiled before drinking.
    4. Boiling makes hard water difficult to lather.
  48. Which one of the following uses of water is not practised in the farm?
    1. Mixing chemicals.
    2. Washing toilets.
    3. Cleaning implements.
    4. Irrigation.
  49. Mopping the floor using water left from laundry is
    1. recyling water.
    2. using water sparingly.
    3. reusing water.
    4. water harvesting.
  50. The diagram below shows a type of soil erosion.
    This type of erosion
    1. occurs in gentle slopes.
    2. occurs without being noticed.
    3. develops from rills.
    4. can be prevented by planting grass.


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