Displaying items by tag: Class 8

  1. Which one of the following effects of drugs is correctly matched with its causes?
     Effect    Cause  
     A. Drowsiness-
     B. Cirrhosis -
     C. Addiction - 
     D. Lung cancer- 
      Injection of cocaine
      Smoking of cigarettes
      Chewing of miraa
      Inhaling of cobblers
  2. The main functions of white blood cells is to;
    1. fight disease-causing germs
    2. help in transportation of digested food
    3. carry oxygen from the lungs to the body
    4. help in clotting of blood
  3. The diagram below represents a set-up used by pupils to investigate a certain property of soil.
    The property of soil investigated is;
    1. drainage
    2. fertility
    3. capillarity
    4. téxture
  4. The best soil for modelling has;
    1. high water retention
    2. low capillarity
    3. coarse particles
    4. high drainage
  5. Which one of the following is a compound fertilizer?
    1. Calcilum Ammonium Nitrate
    2. Suphate of Ammonia
    3. Muriate of potash
    4. Diammonium phosphate
  6. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving water?
    1. Mulching
    2. using laundry water to clean a house 
    3. Washing vehicles in a water body
    4. Recycling
  7. Which one of the following statements is not true about environment?
    1. It consists of the living things only
    2. Plants and animals produce carbondioxide.
    3. Water, air and soil make the non-living component.
    4. It refers to all things surrounding a living thing.
  8. Which one of the following is the best way of managing domestic waste in urban centres?
    1. Reducing its generation.
    2. Making compost manure.
    3. Onsite treatment.
    4. Using local authority services.
  9. Plants Q, R, S and T had the following characteristics:
    Q-Needle-like leaves, thick cuticles
    R-Flexible stem, floating leaves
    T-Many stomata, waxy leaves.
    Which pair of plants are adapted to the same habitat?
    1. Q and R
    2. Q and S
    3. O and T
    4. S and R
  10. The force that opposes motion can be increased in the following ways except;
    1. making treads on wheels 
    2. streamlining bodies
    3. Spreading coarse materials on road 
    4. Making the surface rough.
  11. Which one of the following uses of heat is not correctly matched with its use?
     Source of heat   Use 
     A. Gas
     B. Sun
     C. Fire
     D. Electricity
  12. The following materials were collected by pupils during a Science practical lesson.
    1. Water in a basin.
    2. A clean mirror.
    3. A white board.
      Which aspect of light were they investigating?
      1. Dispersion of light
      2. Refraction of light
      3. Reflection of light 
      4. How light travels
  13. Which one of the following best explains why people should not board matatus that play loud music?
    1. Makes communication difficult
    2. Loud sound may damage eardrums 
    3. Loud sound may cause headache 
    4. Loud sound may cause hallucinations
  14. The diagram below shows two pupils playing on a see-saw.
    In order to balance;
    1. Mark should move closer to F
    2. John should move closer to
    3. both should sit at equal distance from F
    4. Mark should move further away from F.
  15. Which one of the following groups of materials consists only of good conductors of heat?
    1. Plastic, glass, copper
    2. Iron, silver, plastic:
    3. Glass, copper, gold
    4. Iron, gold, silver
  16. Which method of controlling weeds would a farmer apply in a nursery bed?
    1. Uprooting
    2. Applying herbicides
    3. Digging out
    4. Slashing
  17. Which one of the following groups consists only of useful small animals?
    1. Termites, butterfly, locust
    2. Bees, earthworms, locust
    3. Termites, bees, earthworms
    4. Bees, butterflies, earthworms
  18. The following are characteristics of a certain vertebrates: 
    1. Presence of teeth.
    2. Presence of gills.
    3. Presence of tails.
    4. Presence of fins
    5. Presence of scales.
      Which of the characteristics belong to fish only?
      1. (i) and (ii)
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  19. The following are rotational methods of grazing except;
    1. tethering
    2. zero grazing
    3. paddocking
    4. strip grazing
  20. Domestic animals are sprayed to control the following except;
    1. fleas
    2. tapeworm
    3. ticks
    4. lice
  21. A pupil intended to cut a piece of timber to repair a desk. The most appropriate tool for the work would be:
    1. hammer
    2. panga 
    3. knife
    4. saw.
  22. A pupil had the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Skin rash.
    2. Blood in urine.
    3. Slight diarrhoea.
      The pupil was most likely to be suffering from;
      1. bilharzia
      2. cholera
      3. typhoid
      4. malaria.
  23. The teeth of carnivores are well spaced to;
    1. enable them to penetrate into flesh
    2. enable them to slice and crack bones easily
    3. prevent flesh from getting stuck between them
    4. enable them to catch and hold prey.
  24. A small stone sinks in water while a big log of wood floats. This is because of the difference in;
    1. shape
    2. weight
    3. material
    4. size.
  25. Weight is measured in;
    1. newtons
    2. kilograms
    3. volume
    4. kelvin
  26. Which one of the following methods of food preservation removes water from the food?
    1. Use of honey
    2. Salting
    3. Freezing
    4. Use of low temperature.
  27. Which one of the following can be transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy person?
    1. Malaria
    2. Anaemia
    3. Tuberculosis 
    4. Flea.
  28. Which one of the following should be avoided when it is raining?
    1. Touching switches with wet hands.
    2. Overloading sockets.
    3. Leaning against walls.
    4. Putting on shoes with thick rubber soles.
  29. The following are products obtained from goats except;
    1. milk
    2. mutton
    3. wool
    4. mohair.
  30. To stop a moving object, the force applied should be;
    1. equal and in the opposite direction
    2. more and in the same direction
    3. less and in the opposite direction
    4. more and in the opposite direction.
  31. In the human digestive system, absorption takes place in all the following parts except one. Which one?
    1. Stomach
    2. Mouth
    3. Ileum
    4. Colon.
  32. Three of the following are reasons for H.I.V testing. Which one is not?
    1. To overcome fear
    2. To campaign for the spread of H.I.V
    3. To change behaviour
    4. To plan for the future one's dependants.
  33. Pupils of Milimani primary school made a weather instrument using the following materials.
    1. Thin walled glass bottle
    2. Biro pen tube.
    3. Manila paper.
    4. Coloured water in a basin.
    5. Stand.
    6. Rubber band.
      Which principle does the instrument they made work?
      1. Air in motion
      2. Liquid occupy space
      3. Liquid rise in straw
      4. Matter expands on heating.
  34. The diagram below shows a certain part of a flower.
    Germination of pollen grains takes place in the part labelled;
    1. X
    2. Z
    3. Y
    4. W
  35. Which one of the following pairs of processes both leads to the loss of heat to the surrounding?
    1. Melting and freezing.
    2. Melting and evaporation. 
    3. Condensation and melting.
    4. Freezing and condensation.
  36. The diagram below shows the beak of a certain bird.
    The bird is not likely to be a;
    1. vulture
    2. hawk
    3. secretary bird
    4. swan.
  37. Which one shows all materials that cannot allow magnetism to pass through them?
    1. Iron, steel, nickel.
    2. Iron, copper, steel.
    3. Copper, steel, nickel.
    4. Alluminium, copper, silver.
  38. The following are all sources of current electricity except one. Which one?
    1. Car battery
    2. Geothermal turbines
    3. Dynamo
    4. Solar heater.
  39. Which one of the following is the functions of dietary fibre found in fruits and vegetables?
    1. Provides vitamins to the body.
    2. Helps in the movement of food in the alimentary canal.
    3. Provides energy to the body.
    4. Helps in the absorption.
  40. Infants needs to be breastfed for at least six months mainly because breast milk;
    1. makes them naturally more resistant to infections
    2. boosts their energy
    3. is readily available
    4. strengthens their bond with the mother.
  41. The following are causes of water pollution. Which one is not?
    1. Soil particles.
    2. Controlled use of fertilizers.
    3. Untreated sewage.
    4. Human wastes.
  42. The main reason why some plants that grow in dry areas have thorns is to;
    1. reduce water loss
    2. protect them from brousers
    3. store extra water
    4. to make food.
  43. The following are all pastures except;
    1. nappier grass
    2. desmodium
    3. kikuyu grass
    4. rhodes grass
  44. The toothless gap found on the front upper jaw is used for;
    1. turning of food for proper chewing
    2. crushing and grinding food 
    3. rolling food in the mouth
    4. pressing and cutting grass while feeding.
  45. The diagram below shows a type of interdependence.
    The type of interdependence shown is; 
    1. shelter
    2. food
    3. support
    4. habitat 
  46. Which one of the following is not a function of the part labelled T on the diagram below?
    1. Entry of air
    2. Emergence of plumule
    3. Emergence of radicle
    4. Entry of water.
  47. The percentage of air that excludes oxygen during welding of metals occupy; 
    1. 0.03%
    2. 0.97%
    3. 21%
    4. 78%
  48. The best method of controlling human. intestinal worms is;
    1. deworming
    2. wearing protective gear
    3. proper cooking of food
    4. proper sanitation.
  49. The diagram below shows a certain instrument.
    Which is the function of the part labelled X?
    1. Allows contraction and expansion
    2. Prevents bursting of the glass.
    3. Expanding the mercury.
    4. Allows the doctor to read th temperature.
  50. All thermometers have a scale on them called the;
    1. degree scale
    2. celsius scale
    3. thermometer scale
    4. temperature scale.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. D
  36. D
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. A
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. D
  45. D
  46. B
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua lifaalo zaidi.

Mawasiliano ni sekta mojawapo __1__hatua sana __2__ kuvumbuliwa kwa teknolojia mpya. Siku hizi hata __3__ wanaohifadhi faili na kupokea simu ofisini wamepunguzwa. Ulimwengu umekuwa duara __4__ tu __5__ habari huweza kuenea __6__ katika muda mfupi sana. __7__, hakuna kizuri kisicho na dosari. Watu wenye __8__ mbaya wanatumia fursa hiyo kusambaza uvumi. Wengine husambaza picha zisizofaa __9__. Tusipochukua tahadhari tutaishia kujiuma kidole kwani

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   zilizopiga   yaliyopiga   tulizopiga   iliyopiga 
 2.  hadi  tangu   kuliko   kama
 3.  matarishi  masogora   wahazili  mabawabu 
 4.  ndogo  dogo0     kidogo   mdogo
 5.  ingawa  mathalani   lau   madhali 
 6.  zote  kote   yote  lote 
 7.  Labda  Vilevile   Hata hivyo   Isitoshe 
 8.  nia  lengo  madhumuni   kusudi
 9.  redioni  magazetini   dunaini  mitandaoni
 10.   baada ya dhiki ni faraja    majuto ni mjukuu   mstahimilivu hula mbivu    dalili ya mvua ni mawingu 

Tangu siku zake za ujanani, Kiburi hakujua maana ya jirani __11__ siku moja __12__ na ya kumfika. Alikuwa __13__ watu ambao waliamini kuwa wakipatwa na __14__ ndugu atawasaidia. Alisahau kuwa __15__.

   A   B   C   D 
 11.   mpaka   baada ya   kisha   hadi 
 12.  alipofikia   alipofikwa   alifikiwa   alifikwa 
 13.  miongoni ya   katikati ya   kati ya   baina ya  
 14.  siha  adhabu   maarubu   adha 
 15.    fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka   mtegemea cha nduguye hufa maskini   heri nusu shari kuliko shari kamili   akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki


Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30 jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Neno mwanahewa lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Tisa
    2. Tano
    3. Nne
    4. Nane
  2. Genge ni kundi la watu linalofanya kazi pamoja ilhali kenge ni;
    1. ndege mwenye sura kama ya paka
    2. mnyama wa porini afananaye na mbuzi
    3. samaki afananaye na nyoka
    4. mnyama kama mamba mdogo
  3. Ikiwa jana ilikuwa Alhamisi, mtondo ilikuwa;
    1. Jumatatu
    2. Jumapili
    3. Jumatano
    4. Jumanne
  4. Andika sentensi ifuatayo katika usemi wa taarifa.
    Mama: Mwanangu, utanyolewa kesho jioni.
    1. Mama alimwambia mwanangu angenyolewa kesho jioni
    2. Mama akamwambia mwanawe atanyolewa siku iliyofuata jioni.
    3. Mama alimwambia mwanawe kuwa angenyolewa siku iliyofuata jioni.
    4. Mama alimwuliza mwanawe kama atanyolewa kesho.
  5. Joka la indimu ni kwa inda ilhali mkono wazi ni kwa;
    1. ukarimu
    2. uchoyo
    3. ujanja
    4. uvivu
  6. Ni maelezo yapi sahihi?
    1. Tathlitha ni shairi lenye mishororo minne kila ubeti.
    2. Ngonjera ni shairi la historia.
    3. Malenga hutunga mashairi na nyimbo.
    4. Tarbia ni shairi lenye mishororo miwili kila ubeti.
  7. Ki imetumiwaje katika sentensi? Mwalimu alipoingia tulikuwa kukiimba.
    1. Kuonyesha udogo.
    2. Kuonyesha kuendelea kwa kitendo. 
    3. Kuonyesha masharti.
    4. Kuonyesha namna.
  8. Miongoni mwa sehemu hizi za mwili, ni ipi iliyo tofauti na nyingine?
    1. Pafu
    2. Paja
    3. Kiganja
    4. Goti.
  9. Ni methali ipi yenye maana sawa na 'usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao'?
    1. Usione kwenda mbele kurudi nyuma kazi.
    2. Usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta.
    3. Ganda la muwa la jana chungu kaona kivuno.
    4. Bura yangu sibadili na rehani.
  10. Tambua maneno yaliyopigwa kistari. Mwalimu mgeni atajiunga nasi mwakani.
    1. Kielezi, kihusishi
    2. Kivumishi, kiunganishi
    3. Kivumishi, kielezi
    4. Kiwakilishi, kivumishi.
  11. Ni jina lipi la makundi lisilofaa?
    1. Bunda la nyuki.
    2. Shehena ya mzigo.
    3. Chane ya ndizi.
    4. Kilinge cha wachawi.
  12. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Karani na wifi walifika jana.
    1. Makarani na wifi walifika jana.
    2. Karani na mawifi walifika jana. 
    3. Makarani na mawifi walifika jana. 
    4. Akina Karani na wifi walifika jana.
  13. Ni sentensi gani iliyotumia kwa kuonyesha sababu?
    1. Amekula wali kwa mchuzi.
    2. Alifurahi kwa kufikia utu uzima.
    3. Tatu kwa tano ya wanafunzi ni wavulana.
    4. Maria ataenda kwa shangazi yake kesho.
  14. Ni nomino zipi zilizo katika ngeli ya I-I?
    1. Maji, marashi
    2. Meza, dawati
    3. Mkate, maembe
    4. Mvua, chumvi
  15. Ni nahau ipi yenye maana ya kupata taabu au shida?
    1. Kula mwata
    2. Kata kamba
    3. Piga mbiu
    4. Laza damu.

Soma kifungui kifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 31 hadi 40.

Subira alikuwa barobaro ambaye hakujimudu kimasomo. Alikuwa kisubutu masomoni. Hata hivyo, alijaliwa kipawa katika riadha. Alionekana kila asubuhi akifanya mazoezi ya kukimbia. Wapo waliomhurumia kuwa huenda hakuwa na akili razini. Weng walisikika wakisema alikuwa akiadhibiwa na Mungu. Akiwa mkembe walidai kuwa alitumwa na nyanya yake gulioni lakini akakataa.

Watu wengi walijisaili mbona akaanza kukimbia miaka mitano baada ya nyanya yake kutembelewa na Izraili wa kaputi. Baada ya kufanya mazoezi kwa muda mrefu, Subira alianza kushiriki katika mashindano mbalimbali. Aliposhiriki mara ya kwanza, alishika nanga licha ya mazoezi ya bidii nyingi.

Aliendelea kufanya mazoezi pasi na kwenda nguu. Alivyozidi kujitahidi katika mazoezi ndivyo wengi walivyoendelea kumbeza. Hakubwaga silaha kamwe. Aliamini lisani ya wahenga isemayo kuwa atafutaye hachoki na akichoka keshapata. Mwaka uliofuata akiwa na umri wa miaka kumi na sita alishiriki tena katika mbio za masafa marefu. Alipata mwamko mpya alipofahamu kuwa ingawa hakushinda hali yake ilizidi kuimarika.

Alizidi kujiongeza maarifa. Akawa na matumaini kama tai kuwa siku moja angeibuka kifua mbele. Nusu mwaka baadaye, Subira alichaguliwa kuwa miongoni mwa wawakilishi wa nchi yao katika mbio za masafa marefu duniani. Huo ukawa ndio mwanzo mkoko unaalika maua. Nyota yake ikaanza kung'aa na mambo yakaanza kumwendea mserego. Aliamini lisani ya wahenga isemayo kuwa papo kwa papo kamba hukata jiwe.

Ulimwengu mzima ulishuhudia Subira akinyakua nishani ya dhahabu katika michezo hiyo duniani. Subira aliyekuwa akidhalilishwa na kupakwa tope akawa anasifika kote. Jina lake likawa kibwagizo midomono mwa wengi. Miaka michache baadaye akawa tajiri wa kutajika. Waliomcheka wakakosa pa kuziweka nyuso zao. Walipata funzo kuwa dhamira ni dira na nia zikiwa pamoja, kilicho mbali huja karibu.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, ni kweli kusema kuwa;
    1. Subira alikuwa wembe shuleni
    2. Subira alifanya mazoezi ya kukimbia machweo
    3. Subira alihurumiwa na wanakijiji wote
    4. Subira hakujiweza sana masomoni
  2. Baadhi ya wakazi walisema kuwa Subira alikuwa akiadhibiwa kwa sababu;
    1. hakuwa na akili timamu
    2. akiwa mdogo alitumwa na bibi yake lakini akakataa
    3. hakuwa mcha Mungu
    4. mienendo yake haikuvutia
  3. Neno gulioni lina maana gani kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Sokoni
    2. Dukani
    3. Mtoni
    4. Shambani
  4. Ni methali ipi mwafaka kuelezea tabia za Subira baada ya kushindwa katika jaribio la kwanza?
    1. Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni
    2. Asiyekujua hakuthamini.
    3. Kuvunjika kwa mwiko si mwisho wa upishi.
    4. Mtegemea nundu haachi kunona.
  5. Ni nini maana ya alishika nanga kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Alipoteza matumaini
    2. Alikuwa wa mwisho.
    3. Alibadili nia.
    4. Alikuwa wa kwanza.
  6. Kushinda kwa Subira hatimaye kulitokana na;
    1. ujuzi, bidii na tamaa
    2. umri, ujana na utepetevu
    3. laana, maarifa na bidii
    4. bidii, ulegevu na ujuzi.
  7. "Akawa na matumaini kama tai." Hii ni mfano wa fani ipi ya lugha?
    1. Kinaya
    2. Chuku
    3. Istiara
    4. Tashbihi.
  8. Subira alikuwa akishiriki michezo katika dunia nzima. Hii inamaanisha alikuwa;
    1. hadhi yake ya kimichezo ilipanda 
    2. mtalii wa kutembelea mataifa
    3. mweledi wa kusafiri miji mikubwa
    4. mpenda anasa za dunia.
  9. Ni nini maana ya kupakwa tope kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kutegemewa
    2. Kuharibiwa jina
    3. kuaibishwa
    4. kuchukizwa.
  10. Kichwa kinachofaa kifungu hiki ni kipi?
    1. Juhudi si pato.
    2. Tusiwe wa kutegemea wengine.
    3. Uvumilivu hutamausha maishani.
    4. Tusikate tamaa.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50.

Kila mwanadamu ameumbwa akiwa na uwezo wake maalum. Mungu alifanya hivyo makusudi kabisa. Hebu fikira ulimwengu wenye watu ambao kila mmoja anajitosheleza. Yaani kila mtu anaweza kujifanyia kila kitu apendavyo. Ulimwengu usingehitaji watu wanaosomea kazi mbalimbali wala watu wasingetegemeana. Upendo na huruma vingekuwa havipo dunaini.

Mungu aliwaumba watu na vipawa vyao mbalimbali. Hata wanaofikiriwa kuwa hawana vipawa, ukiwachunguza vizuri utaona kuwa wana upekee fulani katika jambo wanalolimudu vizuri. Wakati mwingine, sio lazima jambo hilo liwe kubwa sana kiasi cha watu kulizungumzia. Kuna watu wasiokuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kiuchumi lakini waliobarikiwa kwa uwezo wa kuzungumza vizuri au uwezo wa kuwashauri wengine wenye mahitaji mbalimbali. Hili linatukumbusha kuwa hata vipawa tunavyofikiri kuwa si vikubwa vina thamani kubwa ajabu.

Ingawa kila mtu ana kipawa chake, kuna watu wengi wasioweza kutambua vipawa vyao. Sababu moja inayowafanya washindwe kutambua vipawa hivyo ni kule kutokuwa na mtu wa kuwaongoza na kuwahimiza kuandama safari ya vipawa vyao. Sababu nyingine ni kwamba watu wengine hawaviamini wala kuvithamini vipawa vyao. Kwa mfano mtu anaweza kuwa na kipawa cha kucheza kandanda lakini akawa anataka kuwa daktari hata kama huo udaktari haumo katika damu yake. Mtu anapopuuza kipawa chake na kukifuata kingine tofauti huwa hana hamy na raha ya kufanya kazi ambayo hatimaye atakuwa amechagua kuifanya.

Wakati mwingine watu hupotishwa kuviacha vipawa vyao. Jamaa na marafiki huweza kumshawishi mtu kukiacha kipawa chake na badala yake kukifuata kile cha wale wanaomshauri. Mara nyingi wanaomshawishi mtu kuacha kipawa chake huwa hata hawajauelewa uwezo wa wanayemshauri. Japo watu wengine hufanikiwa kwa kuelezwa kufuata njia ambayo haikuwahusu, wengine hushindwa kufanikiwa, huwa kuna asilimia kubwa inayojilazimisha kuifanya kazi amambo haihusiani na talanta yao moja kwa moja.

Ni vizuri kutambua kwamba kuwa na kipawa tu hakutoshi. Kipawa cha mtoto ni mche unaohitaji maji, mwanga na mazingira mazuri yasiyo na magugu ili uweze kuimarika na kustawi, la sivyo utanyauka na kukauka. Mwenye kipawa anafaa kukilea kwa kukifanyia mazoezi ili kukiboresha. Anafaa kuwa na nidhamu ya kukiendeleza hadi kitakapokomaa. Anahitaji kufuata ushauri na mwongozo wa watu wengine ambao wamekitumia vizuri kipawa sawa na chake.

Tunafaa kutambua kuwa vipawa ni vingi jinsi walivyo watu. Vilevile hata watu wenye kipawa kile kimoja wana uwezo tofauti. Kama wasemavyo wahenga akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake. Tukumbuke kuwa hata vidole havilingani

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza ni kweli kuwa;
    1. bila kuwa na elimu wanadamu hawawezi kusaidiana
    2. kila binadamu ana mambo maalum anayopenda
    3. watu wanaojifanyia kila kitu huwashangaza wanajamii 
    4. hali ya kutegemeana husaidia kujenga maadili.
  2. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya pili;
    1. watu wengi hudhani kuwa wengine hawana vipawa
    2. kuna vipawa vya thamani kuliko vingine
    3. wakati mwingine watu wenye vipawa hawagunduliwi
    4. wasiokuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kiuchumi wamebarikiwa.
  3. Kifungu kinaonyesha kuwa watu wengi hawawezi kutambua vipawa vyao kwa sababu;
    1. hukosa mwongozo unaofaa wa kukuza vipawa vyao
    2. huwa hawafurahishwi na vipawa vyao kama wenzao
    3. huwaza kuwa kutambua vipawa kunachukua muda mrefu
    4. hufikiri kuwa kipawa cha udaktari ndicho bora maishani.
  4. Ni kauli ipi sahihi kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Wasiojua umuhimu wa kazi huwazuia wengine kushughulikia kazi zao
    2. jamaa na marafiki huweza kumnyima mtu fursa ya kukuza kipawa chake
    3. wanaotoa ushauri kuhusu vipawa huwa wanawajua wenye vipawa hivyo
    4. kubadilisha kazi huifanya isiwe ya kuvutia kwa wale wanaifanya
  5. Kifungu kimebainisha kuwa;
    1. watu hufanya vizuri kuwashauri wengine kuacha vipawa vyao
    2. ushawishi wa marafiki huwa mkubwa zaidi kuliko wa wenye kipawa
    3. baadhi ya wanaoshauriwa kufuata vipawa tofauti na vyao hufaulu maishani
    4. ukujazi wa vipawa hutofautiana kulingana na imani ya mtu kwa Mungu
  6. Ni maelezo yapi si sahihi kulingana na mwenye kipawa?
    1. Anahitaji kukifanyia mazoezi ili kukiboresha
    2. Anahitaji kuhakikisha amekiimarisha hadi kitakapokomaa.
    3. Anafaa kufuata mfano wa wengine wenye vipawa sawa na chake.
    4. Anafaa kuwategemea wengine kukijenga kipawa chake
  7. Ni neno lipi ni kisawe cha kipawa?
    1. Nishani
    2. Ilhamu
    3. Kipaji
    4. Dhima
  8. Maneno... kipawa cha mtoto ni mche unaohitaji maji." yametumia fani ipi ya lugha?
    1. Istiara
    2. Tashbihi
    3. Kinaya
    4. Majazi
  9. Katika kifungu maana ya methali "Akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake' ni;
    1. watu wenye hamu ya kushirikiana hutofautiana
    2. viwango vya uwezo wa watu vinatofautiana
    3. mitazamo ya watu kuhusu vipawa ni tofauti
    4. watu wanaothamini vipawa hutofautiana.
  10. Ni nini maana ya wanalolimudu kama ilivyotumiwa katika kifungu?
    1. Wanaloweza kulifanya
    2. Wanalolipenda
    3. Wanaloliamini
    4. Wanalofurahia kulipenda.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika Insha yako.

Malizia insha yako kwa maneno haya.

................................................................................................................Hakika tukio la siku hiyo haliwezi kusahaulika maishani.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. A

Read the letter below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space choose the best alternative from the choices given.

Dear Editor,

My name is Abigael Mwikali. I __1__ something that I would like to share with my fellow youth and Kenyans in __2__.__3__
is the use of sheng. Experts say that sheng is a mixture and corruption of Kiswahili, English and a sprinkling __4__
local languages.

Let me be very candid. Sheng should be __5__ because it dilutes, pollutes and erodes the standards of English, Kiswahili __6__ local languages. It __7__ people to switch from one language to another and mix them at will. It does not __8__ to any rules and standards. This affects the mastery of any one language. The widespread of sheng is to blame for the __9__ performance in English and Kiswahili in the K.C.P.E examination.

__10__ people and professionals do not use sheng. In deed no self-respecting individual would be held using the weird language, if it qualifies to be called a language. It is the __11__ of conmen who rely on it to __12__ disrespectful and inane messages. It is __13__ the language of result for deviant and rebellious teenagers in school and at home. In __14__ it, they show disrespect to authority and order. Policy makers should outlaw sheng __15__ they are serious about developing foreign, national and local languages.

Yours truly,
Abigael Mwikali.
Standard 8 pupil.

          A             B           C         D 
 1.   posses   had   have   has 
 2.  particular   fact   general   dead 
 3.  Its  This   These   Here 
 4.  in  on  for  of
 5.  destroyed   dismissed   banned   unused 
 6.  then  and   before   together 
 7.  allows  let's   shows   stops
 8.  confirm  follow  confine  conform
 9.  poor  good  excellent   slow
 10.   Youthful  Respectively   Respectable   All
 11.  properly  preserve  thing  idea
 12.  pass  tell  use  say
 13.  also  however  so  now
 14.  having  using  talking  showing
 15.  if  since  because  un/ess


For question 16 to 18, choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

  1. They __________________ on the beach, enjoying a cool breeze.
    1. laid
    2. lain
    3. lay
    4. lied
  2. We watched the soldiers _______________________ majestically into the stadium.
    1. much
    2. match
    3. munch
    4. march
  3. If you are not careful, you will ______________________ all your friends.
    1. lose
    2. loss
    3. loose
    4. lost

For questions 19 and 20, choose the word that means the anatomy of the underlined word.

  1. The whole town celebrated the freedom of the hostages.
    1. humility
    2. captivity
    3. ability
    4. festivity
  2. We felt inferior when the other pupils started laughing at us.
    1. exterior
    2. junior
    3. interior
    4. superior

For questions 21 and 22, choose the correct meaning of the given idiom. 

  1. To be at logger heads.
    1. To have a headache
    2. To be quarreling
    3. To be confused
    4. To get along well.
  2. To give someone a cold shoulder.
    1. To treat someone harshly
    2. To be unfair to someone
    3. To make someone feel unwelcome
    4. To be hostile to someone.

For questions 23 and 24, choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. Diana bought a ___________________ dress.
    1. long, costly, beautiful
    2. beautiful, long, costly
    3. costly, beautiful, long
    4. beautiful, costly, long
  2. Aunt Rose married a ________________ man.
    1. tall, dark, handsome
    2. handsome, dark, tall 
    3. handsome, tall, dark
    4. dark, handsome, tall

For questions 25, choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence.

  1. Marube finally __________________________ his alcohol addiction.
    1. got down
    2. got off
    3. got out
    4. got over

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

It was on Thursday morning during the school holidays when Otieno was alone at home. His younger brother, Sam and three sisters had gone to play with the children of the neighbours. To while the day away, he had been sitting down under a tree reading an interesting storybook. His mind had been fully absorbed in the story that he was reading. Suddenly he remembered that he has Science homework to do. An experiment of all things! But the temptation to read the storybook was irresistible. Could the homework wait until later? Nevertheless Otieno reluctantly put down the book and decide to carry out the experiment.

As he was rushing to the kitchen, he slipped in a puddle of water which he had forgotten to wipe and found himself skidding on the floor. He was left unscathed as he hurt his ankle.

On most occasion, Otieno liked using his home-made burner to carry out Science experiments in his bedroom. He impatiently tried to look for his burner but he could not find it. After failing to trace the burner, he got hold of his salt solution and switched on the cooker. He became impatient as the cooker seemed to heat rather slowly, as if on purpose just to annoy him. But as he put the container on the cooker what he did not realise was that he had switched it on fully. Then Otieno went back to his book and left the solution boiling, hoping to be back in a few minutes. The part he was reading become so exciting that he soon forgot about the experiment. tied up with ropes and The story was about a detective who had got himself locked up in a room, a time bomb in a corner ready to blow up any minute! He was counting the minutes and.....

Suddenly, Otieno heard a loud bang go off somewhere in the kitchen within a fraction of a second. He thought that the bomb had actually exploded, killing the poor detective. Then he remembered his experiment!

Otieno immediately threw his book aside and run to the kitchen where he found smoke billowing from the cooker. he was shaken and frightened even as he tried to turn off the cooker and inspect th damage. Fortunately there was nothing amiss with the cooker.

He hurriedly removed all traces of the burnt solution and cleaned up the messed up place before his parents arrived home from work.

From that day he resolved to always do one thing at a time and at least read storybooks after finishing all other household chores.

  1. What time is referred to in the first sentence?
    1. Before midday
    2. After sunset
    3. Between midnight and midday
    4. Between midday and sunset
  2. To while the day away' mean to;
    1. waste the day
    2. spend the day pleasantly 
    3. do something naughty
    4. get involved in negative activities
  3. When Otieno thought of the Science experiment, he;
    1. stopped reading at once
    2. began to while the day away
    3. was briefly undecided
    4. continued reading briefly
  4. Why did Otieno decide to read a storybook?
    1. The book belonged to him
    2. He was sitting under a tree 
    3. There was nothing else to do 
    4. He was at home
  5. "An experiment of all things! This expression suggested that Otieno;
    1. detested Science experiments 
    2. had many things on his mind
    3. liked doing experiments, especially Science one
    4. was a very busy boy
  6. The word 'reluctantly' as used in the passage, its opposite is;
    1. hurriedly
    2. carefully
    3. slowly
    4. eagerly
  7. What made Otieno hurt his ankle?
    1. It is normal for boys to hurt themselves
    2. He was naturally a very careless boy 
    3. In his hurry, he skipped on the floor
    4. He could tread himself easily
  8. The word 'unscathed' can be replaced with;
    1. unhappy
    2. uninjured
    3. badly injured
    4. slightly injured
  9. Which of the following is not true about the home-made burner?
    1. Otieno often used it in his bedroom
    2. It was used by Otieno for Science experiment
    3. Otieno used it mainly for Science experiment
    4. Otieno could not trace it when he needed it
  10. It is true to say that Otieno used the cooker because;
    1. he wanted quick results
    2. it was better than his burner
    3. his burner was unavailable
    4. cooker are safer to use than burners
  11. Why did Otieno soon forget about his experiment?
    1. His mind was on the loud bang in the kitchen
    2. All his attention was on the story 
    3. The death of the poor detective saddened him
    4. The cooker was heating slowly to annoy him
  12. How did Otieno escape possible punishment?
    1. By switching off the cooker 
    2. By finishing his experiment on time 
    3. By lying to his parents about the cooke
    4. By cleaning up the mess before his parents arrived home
  13. Which of these proverbs correctly summarises the story?
    1. Patience pays
    2. Better late than never
    3. Every cloud has a silver lining
    4. Never judge a book by its cover.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

We cannot deny the fact that corruption has taken root in our society. It is an evil we must do everything possible to fight. Corruption manifested itself in different ways and may mean different things to different people.

Giving or receiving bribes and land grabbing are acts of corruption. So is the misuse of power by people to gain advantage for themselves or for their relatives and friends.

Embezzlement, or stealing money belonging to your employer, or money you have been given responsibility to be in charge of, is an example of misuse of power and authority. People who practice tribalism, nepotism or favouritism when recruiting 'others to jobs or during selection for admission to institutions of learning are engaging in corruption. There are also those who forge certificates or other people's signatures for selfish gains. Others put public property to private use or receive payment for goods that are partially supplied or not supplied at all.

Corruption goes beyond offices, businesses and other formal organizations. Ordinally people engage in corruption too. When small scale farmers add water to their milk or traders stuff the bottom of their containers of potatoes or charcoal before selling their goods to unsuspecting customers, aren't they involved in acts of corruption?

Pupils have not been spared this evil either. Some often jump queues, give or receive small bribes, cheat in the examinations and steal or use school property irresponsibility.

Finally corruption can be done using lawful punishment, for example, taking to court those who engage in any form of abuse of office. Preventive measures can also help the fight against corruption. There include improving the way organisations work, reviewing workers' salaries and educating the youth on morals such as integrity and honesty. All of us - the government, organisations including schools and individuals of all age and social status - should make it our responsibility to fight corruption. We should report cases of corruption to relevant authorities and encourage others to shun the vic

  1. What is meant by 'corruption has taken root?'
    1. Corruption is widely practised
    2. We cannot do much about corruption
    3. Corruption is not properly fought
    4. Many people know about corruption
  2. Why is corruption described as evil?
    1. It is feared by many
    2. It is done secretly
    3. It is harmful and immoral
    4. Its effects are feared by many.
  3. Which of the following is an act of corruption?
    1. Helping our friends and relatives
    2. Rejecting bribes offered to us.
    3. Using of power provided by government
    4. Accepting bribes to help people.
  4. Embezzlement is;
    1. being in charge of money
    2. taking money from your bank account
    3. stealing money from friends 
    4. stealing money from your work place.
  5. Which of the following is not a negative deed?
    1. Nepotism
    2. Recruitment
    3. Forgery
    4. Favouritism
  6. The example of charcoal, milk and potatoes is meant to show that;
    1. farmers and traders cannot be trusted
    2. most farmers and traders are corrupt
    3. office workers are not as corrupt as ordinally people
    4. corruption is found in all level of society
  7. Which of these statements is true about pupils?
    1. They are more corrupt than other people
    2. They are also not free of corruption 
    3. They are corrupt only when they are in school
    4. Their corruption is not as serious as that of adults
  8. Pupils have not been spared this evil. which evil is this?
    1. Corruption
    2. Irresponsibility
    3. Forgery
    4. Tribalism
  9. Which of the following is not a proper way of fighting corruption?
    1. Improving salaries of corrupt people
    2. Taking corrupt people to court
    3. Teaching the young to be honest 
    4. Making salaries of employees better
  10. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    1. Corruption promotes development 
    2. To gain advantage over others is corruption
    3. We should sometimes report corruption cases
    4. Everybody should join the anti- corruption crusade
  11. The word shun can be replaced with; 
    1. report
    2. avoid
    3. destroy
    4. practice
  12. Which of the following would be a suitable title for this passage?
    1. Why people engage in corruption
    2. Why pupils are corrupt
    3. Corruption in the society
    4. How corruption affects the poor


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a composition. With your own words finish it making it as interesting as possible.

The day dawned like any other and we had high hopes. Little .............................................................................................


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
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  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
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  15. A
  16. C
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  19. B
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  22. C
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  30. A
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  38. A
  39. A
  40. C
  41. D
  42. D
  43. B
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. D
  49. B
  50. C
  1. Write six million six hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and nine and nine hundredths in numerals?
    1. 6609609.09
    2. 6609909.09
    3. 6660999.9
    4. 6609909.009
  2. What is the place value of digit 2 in the product of the value of digit 4 multiplied by the total value of digit 3 in the number 57438?
    1. Ones
    2. Thousands
    3. Tens
    4. Hundreds
  3. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    113, 94, 77, 64, 53, _______________?
    1. 46
    2. 62
    3. 44
    4. 40
  4. What is the value of:
    24 ÷ 3 + 4 x 5 − 8 ÷ 4 x 10 + 1?
    1. 7
    2. 9
    3. 41
    4. 131
  5. In a shop 90kg of sugar were repacked into 200g packets and 500g packets. If there were 250 packets of 200g each, how many packets were there altogether?
    1. 80 packets
    2. 230 packets
    3. 330 packets
    4. 100 packets
  6. Which of the following measurements can be used to draw a right angle triangle?
    1. 5cm, 12 cm, 15cm
    2. 3cm. 6 cm, 7cm
    3. 9cm, 16cm, 25 cm
    4. 7cm, 24cm, 25cm
  7. The base of a rectangular water tank measures 2.2m by 1.5m. Its height is 3m. How much water can it hold when half full?
    1. 9900 L
    2. 4500 L
    3. 9000 L
    4. 4950 L
  8. Find the area of the figure below.
    1. 490m2
    2. 336m2
    3. 154m2
    4. 254m2
  9. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 69. Which is the largest number?
    1. 20
    2. 22
    3. 21
    4. 19
  10. Calculate the volume of an open tin whose diameter is 1.4m and its height is 2m.
    1. 30800
    2. 308
    3. 3080000
    4. 308000
  11. The area of a protractor is 308cm2. What is the perimeter of the protractor? (π =n 22/7)
    1. 44
    2. 28
    3. 72
    4. 88
  12. A meeting was attended by 3670 people. The number of men was twice that of children and 30 less than that of women. How many women attended the meeting?
    1. 1245
    2. 2586
    3. 3149
    4. 1486
  13. The area of a square carpet is 4m2. Four such carpets completely covers a square room. Calculate the perimeter of the room.
    1. 8m
    2. 12m
    3. 16m
    4. 24m
  14. The area of the figure below is 104 cm2.
    What is the length of line AB?
    1. 20cm
    2. 204cm
    3. 10cm
    4. 12cm
  15. What is the value of:
    2 − 1¼ of 71/5 ÷ 45?
    1. 3
    2. 11/5 
    3. 14/5 
    4. 34/5 
  16. The marked price of a shirt is sh. 500. Wanyama was given a 15% discount when he bought it. He then sold it making a profit of 10% profit. For how much did he sell the shirt?
    1. Sh. 475
    2. Sh. 425
    3. Sh. 625
    4. Sh. 467.50
  17. A society had 3.6 ha of land. 0.6 ha of the land was set for construction of roads. The rest was subdivided into equal plots each measuring 60m by 50m. How many plots were obtained?
    1. 50
    2. 12
    3. 10
    4. 5
  18. A man shared his pieces of land between his two sons such that the elder son got 3/5 of the land. What is the ratio of the land belonging to the younger son to that of the older son?
    1. 3:5
    2. 2:3
    3. 3:8
    4. 5:3
  19. The hire purchase of a T.V set is 40% more than the cash price. The cash price is sh. 20000. Joy paid sh. 2100 as a monthly installment for 10 months. How much was the deposit paid?
    1. Sh. 8000
    2. Sh. 13000
    3. Sh. 7000
    4. Sh. 100020.
  20. What is the value of: 1.5 + 0.9 of 2.5 − 1.42 ?
    1. 5.824
    2. 5.85
    3. 5.88
    4. 10. 85
  21. What is the size of the reflex angle XYZ?
    1. 318°
    2. 218°
    3. 42°
    4. 324°
  22. The temperature of frozen ice was −45°c. It was heated until the temperature rose by 68°c. What was the final temperature of water?
    1. 53°c
    2. 23°c
    3. 113°c
    4. −53°c
  23. Nyoro left his home for Nyeri at 0815 hrs. He arrived at Nyeri at 1045hrs. If the distance between his home and Nyeri was 120km. Calculate the average speed.
    1. 30km/h
    2. 48km/h
    3. 60km/h
    4. 300km/h
  24. The floor of a room measuring 6m by 4.5m by 3m high is completely covered by square tiles each of side 30cm. How many tiles are there?
    1. 300
    2. 30
    3. 640
    4. 280
  25. Marion had sh. 40000. She deposited the whole amount in a financial institution that pays simple interest at the rate of 4% p. a. She withdrew all her interest after 28 months. How much money did she withdraw?
    1. Sh. 42400
    2. Sh. 2400
    3. Sh. 36400
    4. Sh. 4200
  26. Round off 799.9875 to the nearest tenths. 
    1. 800
    2. 799.9
    3. 800.0
    4. 790.9
  27. A train took 20 sec to pass through a tunnel. If the length of the tunnel was 0.6km. What was its speed in meters per second?
    1. 15m/s
    2. 30 m/s
    3. 25 m/s
    4. 45 m/s
  28. In Sunrise Academy, pupils were asked to choose their favorite food among mukimo, githeri and chips. The information was represented in a pie chart as show below.
    If 280 pupils like chips, how many more pupils like mukimo than githeri?
    1. 120
    2. 40
    3. 200
    4. 80
  29. 12 men can do a piece of work in 20 days. After working for 4 days, 4 more men were employed. How many less days will the work take?
    1. 12
    2. 8
    3. 16
    4. 4
  30. Constant a triangle WXY with XY = 7cm,WY = 8cm and WX = 6cm. Draw the angle bisectors of angle YWX and angle WXY to meet at P. Construct a circle touching the edges of the triangle. Measure its radius.
    1. 4cm
    2. 6.4cm
    3. 2cm
    4. 3.2cm
  31. 3.2 cm on a map represents an actual length of 9.6km on the actual ground. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:3000000
    2. 1:3000
    3. 1:300000
    4. 1:30000000
  32. In the triangle ABC below, BD = BC. Angle ABC = 50° and angle DCA = 25°. Line BDA is a straight line. Find the size of angle CAB.
    1. 30°
    2. 65°
    3. 50°
    4. 40°
  33. A rectangular field has an area of 0.6 ha. If the length measures 120m, how long is its diagonals?
    1. 130m
    2. 13m
    3. 50m
    4. 24m
  34. Solve the value of p
    1⁄2 (12p − 6) − 2p + 12 = 30
    1. 20
    2. 10
    3. 16
    4. 8
  35. Oliech bought the following items from a wholesale shop.
    2kg of rice @sh 120
    2-2 kg packets of wheat flour @sh 140
    1 kg of sugar @sh 124
    2 packets of leaves for sh. 120.
    Oliech paid using two notes of sh 500. How much balance did he receive?
    1. Sh 824
    2. Sh 124
    3. Sh 114
    4. Sh 176
  36. Tap A takes 6 minutes to fill a tank while tap B takes 8 min to empty the same tank. If both taps are opened at the same time, how long will they take for the tank to be full?
    1. 12min
    2. 1 min
    3. 14min
    4. 24 min
  37. Three pupils gave out some money to buy a textbook. Mary gave sh 20 more than Atieno white Peter gave twice as much as Atieno. If Mary gave sh m, which of the following expressions represents the total amount given by the three pupils?
    1. 4m +60
    2. 4m.+ 20
    3. 4m − 60
    4. 4m − 40
  38. The mass of 8 pupils were recorded as
    35kg, 32kg, 28kg, 25kg, 38kg, 23kg, 40kg and 37kg.
    What was the median mass?
    1. 30
    2. 331/2 
    3. 331/4 
    4. 321/5 
  39. What is the value of:
    0.51 × 3.25
    1. 0.975
    2. 975
    3. 97.5
    4. 9.75
  40. Jelimo sold an item for sh. 144 making a loss of 10% .At what price must he sell it to make a profit of 20% ?
    1. Sh 160
    2. Sh192
    3. Sh 172.80
    4. Sh 158.4041.
  41. Work out:
    C8mathET2S22023Q41 ÷ 1/3 
    1. 1/6 
    2. 7
    3. 1/9 
    4. 21/3 
  42. The price of a coat was reduced by 800 shillings. If this represents 20% of the marked price, what was the marked price of the coat?
    1. Sh. 80
    2. Sh. 1600
    3. Sh. 4000
    4. Sh. 1200
  43. A rectangular container measures 80cm by 4/5 m by 0.5m. Calculate it's capacity when half full.
    1. 160 L
    2. 320 L
    3. 200L
    4. 400 L
  44. Kimani slept fir 9hr 45 min. He woke up at 0500 hrs: What had he slept?
    1. 2.45 pm 
    2. 7.15 pm
    3. 7.55 pm
    4. 7.15 am
  45. Below are properties of a quadrilateral. 
    1. Interior angles add up to 360°
    2. Has two pairs of parallel lines.
    3. Diagonals are equal and meet at a right angle.
      What figure is described above.
      1. Rhombus
      2. Square
      3. Trapezium
      4. Rectangle
  46. The perimeter of the isosceles triangle UVW shown below is 50cm. Find its area.
    1. 60cm2
    2. 120cm2
    3. 96cm2
    4. 136cm2
  47. A semi-circular plot of land of diameter 36m was fenced round. Poles were erected all round at interval of 4m. How
    many poles were used?
    1. 37
    2. 35
    3. 38
    4. 36
  48. What is the value of 0.294 correct to 2 decimal places
    1. 0.73
    2. 0.72
    3. 7.25
    4. 0.07
  49. Given that Ty = 16.5 × 0.2
    and Y = 8.25, what is T?
    1. 0.1
    2. 0.01
    3. 1
    4. 10
  50. The graph below shows the journey followed by a cyclist travelling from town A to B.
    Calculate his average speed for the whole journey.
    1. 64 km/h
    2. 8km/h
    3. 16km/h
    4. 12km/h


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. C
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. B
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C


Study the map of Lima area and answer questions 1-7.


  1. The direction of the flow of river Lima in Lima area is from
    1. South to North
    2. North West to South Eastern
    3. North to South
    4. South East to North West.
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road from the junction to the Northern end in Lima area?
    1. 5km
    2. 7.5km
    3. 12.5km
    4. 9km 
  3. Lima town serves the people of Lima area in three of the following ways except
    1. industrial centre
    2. administrative centre
    3. religious centre
    4. health centre.
  4. The main factor which has influenced the distribution of settlement in Lima area is likely to be
    1. rainfall
    2. good drainage
    3. economic activities
    4. transport network.
  5. The main reason why the forest in the South Eastern part of Lima area is conserved is that it
    1. is a water catchment area
    2. has rare species of trees
    3. is a home of wildlife
    4. is a source of timber.
  6. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Lima area except
    1. fishing
    2. lumbering
    3. cash crop growing
    4. mining,
  7. The climate of the South Western part of Lima area is most likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  8. Lambwe valley, Miombo woodland and Kidepo Valley have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. are densely populated
    2. hot and dry climate
    3. have inadequate rainfall
    4. are sparsely populated.
  9. Which one of the following was a way of educating the youth in traditional African society?
    1. Asking the learner to write notes.
    2. Using a fixed timetable.
    3. Attaching the learners to an expert.
    4. Teaching boys and girls similar skills.
  10. Which one of the following communities is likely to be found in Tunisia?
    1. Iraqw
    2. Tuaregs
    3. Aramanik
    4. Chewa.
  11. Which one of the following pre-historic sites in Eastern Africa is located at the Eastern side of lake Turkana?
    1. Koobi Fora
    2. Magosi
    3. Olorgesailie
    4. Olduvai Gorge.
  12. Which one of the following least contributed to the building of Aswan High Dam in Egypt? To
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. attract tourists
    4. provide water transport.
  13. The following are problems facing pastoralism in Africa except
    1. prolonged drough
    2. pests and diseases
    3. inadequate labour
    4. shortage of grazing land.
  14. The time at Ramciel 40° E is 2.00 pm. What is the time in Lome 5°W?
    1. 11.00 am
    2. 5.00 pm
    3. 5.00 am
    4. 11.00 pm.
  15. The main challenge facing pyrethrum growing in Kenya today is
    1. lack of capital
    2. competition from synthetic insecticides
    3. harsh weather condition
    4. shortage of water for irrigation.
  16. The main tourist attraction in Mauritius is
    1. a variety of wildlife
    2. historical site
    3. warm sandy beaches
    4. peoples culture.
  17. Which one of the following Islands is not located in Indian Ocean?
    1. Mauritiu
    2. Comoros
    3. Seychelles
    4. Sao Tome and Principe.
  18. The main reason for the coming of the Arabs to the East African coast was that they
    1. wanted to build port Jesus
    2. were looking for the source of river Nile
    3. wanted to trade with people in the region
    4. wanted to establish maize plantation in the region.
  19. The main reason for the establishment of irrigation schemes in Kenya was to
    1. increase crop production
    2. to provide farms to the people who had no land
    3. to reduce pressure on land
    4. to improve standards of living in rural areas.
  20. The main reason why the Luo migrated from their original homeland into Kenya was to
    1. look for new fishing areas
    2. look for water and pasture for their animals
    3. avoid epidemics
    4. look for fertile land to grow crops.

Use the diagram below to answer question 21.


  1. Three of the following mountains were formed through the process shown on the diagram above except
    1. Danakil Alps
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Pare
    4. Mt. Meru.
  2. Which of the following colonial systems of administration was used by the French to rule Senegal
    1. Assimilation
    2. Paternalism
    3. Direct rule
    4. Indirect rule.
  3. The Nyamwezi had a centralized system of government. The title of the person incharge of information was known as
    1. Katikiro
    2. Omulamuzi
    3. Kikoma
    4. Rugaruga.
  4. The main problem facing fishing in Lake Victoria is
    1. water hyacinth
    2. drought in the region
    3. pollution from industries
    4. excess evaporation.
  5. To be a citizen of Kenya by registration, one must meet three of the following conditions except
    1. be 21 years old and above
    2. one of the parents must be a Kenyan
    3. lived in the country for at least 7 years
    4. be of good moral character.
  6. Which one of the following statements is true about succession and inheritance of family wealth?
    1. Intestate succession is followed when a person dies after preparing a will.
    2. Testate succession is followed when there is no will.
    3. The sons of the deceased get a bigger share than the daughters.
    4. Both boys and girls have an equal share of the estate.
  7. Which one of the following groups consists of fresh water lakes?
    1. L. Elementaita, L. Naivasha, L. Albert.
    2. L. Edward, L. Tanganyika, L. Albert.
    3. L. Naivasha, L. Tanganyika, L. Albert.
    4. L. Nakuru, L. Natron, L. Baringo.
  8. Which one of the following factors mainly determine the vegetation that grows on the mountain?
    1. Rainfall.
    2. Human activities.
    3. Altitude.
    4. Wild animals.
  9. The following early visitors to Eastern Africa came from Europe except
    1. John Speke
    2. Vasco da Gama
    3. Seyyid Said
    4. Carl Peters.
  10. Which one of the following is an effect of rotation of the Earth?
    1. Causes seasons.
    2. Influences the position of the midday sun.
    3. Causes differences in the length of the day and night.
    4. Causes differences in the time along different meridians.
  11. The main problem facing road transport in Kenya is
    1. high cost of construction and maintenance
    2. careless road users
    3. accidents
    4. failure to obey traffic rules.
  12. Which one of the following is a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission?
    1. Listen to election petitions.
    2. Register political parties.
    3. Conduct and supervise elections.
    4. Campaign for candidates.

Use the map below to answer questions 33-36.


  1. The climatic region marked T has all the following characteristics except that it
    1. has two dry seasons
    2. receives rainfall throughout the year
    3. is hot and wet throughout the year
    4. annual temperature range is high.
  2. The capital city of the country marked Q is
    1. Cairo
    2. Tripoli
    3. Dakar
    4. Bamako.
  3. The Island country marked K was colonized by
    1. British
    2. France
    3. Italy
    4. Portuguese.
  4. An effect of the ocean current marked F to the  adjacent land is that it
    1. brings a lot of rainfall in the area
    2. brings mist and fog in the area causing desertification
    3. makes the area to be densely populated
    4. makes the area to be rich in agriculture.
  5. The best method of curbing drug and substance use in Africa is
    1. establishing strict laws
    2. banning the use of drugs
    3. creating awareness on the dangers of drugs
    4. keeping people away from drug sellers.
  6. The following are conditions necessary for the growth of a certain crop.
    1. Well drained volcanic soils.
    2. Hot and wet climate.
    3. Low altitude.
      The conditions described above are suitable for the growth of
      1. tea
      2. cotton
      3. cocoa
      4. sisal.
  7. Which one of the following factors influences the climate of Axim region in Ghana?
    1. Human activities.
    2. Shape of the coastline.
    3. Relief and physical features.
    4. Distance from a large water body.
  8. Which one of the following factors has influenced population distribution of the North Eastern parts of Kenya?
    1. Relief
    2. Climate
    3. Pests and diseases
    4. Vegetation.
  9. The best way of promoting tourism in Kenya is by
    1. improving security
    2. improving publicity abroad
    3. building more tourist hote
    4. training guides.
  10. Which one of the following methods of irrigation is used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme?
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Overhead irrigation.
    3. Sprinkler irrigation.
    4. Basin irrigation.
  11. Rural to rural migration is mainly influenced by
    1. search for employment
    2. search for fertile land for farming
    3. search for better schools
    4. spirit of adventure.
  12. Which one of the following statements about Haile Selassie's achievement is true? He
    1. made Ethiopia a democratic state
    2. was the first chairman of OAU
    3. defeated the Italians at the battle of Adowa
    4. shared power with council of elders.
  13. Which one of the following lakes was formed through the process shown below?
    1. L. Shakababo
    2. L. Chad
    3. L. Edward
    4. L. Shala
  14. The main reason why British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria was that
    1. the country was too large
    2. they feared the harsh climate in the North
    3. they lacked enough administrators
    4. the existing African governments were willing to help in administration.
  15. The Old Ghana Kingdom among the Soninke people rose due the following factors except
    1. trans-Saharan trade
    2. well trained army
    3. able leader
    4. assistance from the British.
  16. The first African minister to be nominated to the Legislative council was
    1. B.A Ohanga
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Dedan Kimathi.
  17. The following is a description of a certain poultry farming method.
    1. Birds are kept in house throughout their lives. 
    2. Water and feed is provided.
    3. Saw dust is spread on the floor for warmth.
      The poultry farming method described above is
      1. battery cage system.
      2. fold system
      3. deep litter system
      4. free range system.
  18. The main threat to the forests in Africa is
    1. drought
    2. pests and diseases
    3. human activities
    4. forest fires.
  19. Which one of the following African states is not a member of IGAD?
    1. Kenya
    2. Tanzania
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda.
  20. African socialism has led to three of the following except
    1. uniform development in the system of education
    2. promoted fairness and justice in the society 
    3. discrimination of minority group
    4. establishment of co-operative societies.
  21. Newspaper is not commonly used in rural areas as a way of communication because
    1. many people are illiterate
    2. it is slow
    3. it depends on mobile phones
    4. most areas have poor roads.
  22. Three of the following are ways in which human rights are abused. Which one is not?
    1. Mob justice.
    2. Wrongful arrest.
    3. Forcing children to go to school.
    4. Discrimination.
  23. During the 2007-2008 post-election violence in Kenya, the conflicting parties resolved their conflicts through
    1. litigation
    2. negotiation
    3. conciliation
    4. mediation.
  24. The main function of the prisons department in Kenya is to
    1. punish law breakers
    2. give manual labour to prisoners
    3. rehabilitate criminals
    4. defend the country.
  25. The secretary to the school management committee is the
    1. chairman
    2. deputy headteacher
    3. headteacher
    4. treasurer.
  26. The best way to protect children against abuse is through
    1. giving stiff punishments to the abusers
    2. education the society on children protection
    3. enforcing laws that protect children
    4. educating children on the rights.
  27. The following factors promote peace in the society except
    1.  intolerance
    2. dialogue
    3. transparency
    4. equal opportunity for all.
  28. In Kenya, one may lose a civic seat if he/she is 
    1. convicted of an election office by a court of law
    2. is sentenced to a jail term of two months 
    3. was voted in genuinely without any election offence
    4. is sick.




  1. Three of the following are consequences of the fall of human beings. Which one is not?
    1. Woman would suffer pain while giving birth.
    2. Suffering came upon all human beings.
    3. The relationship between God and man became stronger.
    4. Death was introduced.
  2. Who among the sons of Jacob was Jesus' ancestor?
    1. Joseph
    2. Judah
    3. Levi
    4. Benjamin.
  3. "You must have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth" (Genesis 9:7). Who among the following people was told these words by God?
    1. Jacob
    2. Adam
    3. Lot
    4. Noah.
  4. Which one of the following statements best describes patriarchs?
    1. The followers of Jesus Christ.
    2. The founding fathers of the nation of Israel.
    3. The ancestors of Israel.
    4. The ancestors of the nation of Judah.
  5. In which one of the following countries did Moses flee to when King Pharaoh sought to kill him?
    1. Canaan
    2. Midian
    3. Moab
    4. Haram.
  6. Which one of the following activities did the Israelites do during the Passover night?
    1. Ate boiled meat.
    2. Drank wine.
    3. Ate unleavened bread.
    4. Ate leavened bread.
  7. Who among the following judges was a prophetess?
    1. Barak
    2. Shamgar
    3. Othniel
    4. Deborah.
  8. According to Samuel 7:5-17, which of the following is not a promise that God gave to David?
    1. David's name would be great.
    2. God would allow him to marry many wives.
    3. A heir from his house would sit on the throne.
    4. God would establish an everlasting kingdom for him.
  9. Who among the following people was given the name "Israel" by God?
    1. Joseph
    2. Isaac
    3. Moses
    4. Jacob.
  10. Christians should be ready to suffer for their faith because
    1. they want to show their faith 
    2. its normal and good to suffer
    3. Jesus Christ also suffered
    4. in life we need to undergo suffering.
  11. Where was Mary the mother of Jesus living when angel Gabriel appeared to her to tell her that she would give birth to Jesus? 
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Galilee
    4. Jerusalem.
  12. On the night when Jesus was born, angels appeared to
    1. King Herod
    2. Shepherds
    3. Wisemen
    4. Pharisees.
  13. Who among the following people witnessed the dedication of the baby Jesus in the temple?
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Martha
    3. Anna
    4. Mary Magdalene.
  14. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches about concern and sharing?
    1. Turning water into wine.
    2. Feeding the five thousand people. 
    3. Miraculous catch of fish.
    4. The healing of the blind Bartimaeus.
  15. Which one of the following parables teaches about forgiveness? The parables of
    1. the prodigal son.
    2. good Samaritan.
    3. rich man and Lazarus.
    4. mustard seed.
  16. From the teaching of Jesus on forgiveness in the Lord's prayer, Christians learn that they should forgive
    1. those who ask for it
    2. those who wrong them
    3. as many times as possible
    4. without expecting returns.
  17. When did the two followers of Jesus walking to Emmaus come to know that He was the risen Lord? When He
    1. accepted to stay with them
    2. explained to them
    3. asked them what they were talking about 
    4. shared bread with them.
  18. When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch, the Eunuch was reading about
    1. coming of the Holy spirit.
    2. baptism of Jesus.
    3. suffering of the Messiah.
    4. transfiguration of Jesus.
  19. Who among the following people were sent to take money to help the believers in Judea?
    1. Silas and James.
    2. Barnabas and Paul.
    3. Philip and Matthew.
    4. Andrew and Matthias.
  20. When Jesus was brought to Pilate during His trial, the following were the accusations given about Him except
    1. claiming to be the son of God
    2. telling people not to pay tax
    3. inciting people to riot
    4. claiming to be the king of the Jews.
  21. Which one of the following practices is common in both Christianity and traditional African ceremonies?
    1. Offering thanksgiving to God in church.
    2. Presentation of a new born baby to the church for blessings.
    3. Baptismal ceremony of the new born child. 
    4. Parental blessing of the newly born baby.
  22. Why was dowry important in traditional African community? It
    1. showed the importance of the girl 
    2. helped the parents of the girl to become rich
    3. served as the marriage certificate
    4. was a sign of appreciation to the parents of the girl.
  23. The main reason why children were taught using stories in traditional African society was to
    1. keep them occupied
    2. teach them moral values
    3. entertain them
    4. teach them history of their community.
  24. Your friend Michelle has been diagnosed to be HIV positive. What is the best action for you to take?
    1. Advise her to register herself in a special school.
    2. Avoid her company completely.
    3. Advise her to transfer to another school.
    4. Encourage her to seek medication.
  25. Who among the following traditional African specialists was considered harmful in the society?
    1. Seers
    2. Sorcerers
    3. Herbalists
    4. Rainmakers.
  26. Elizabeth, your cousin who has just finished her Primary school education realises that she has a lot of free time in the evening. As a Christian, what would be the best advice to give her on how to spend her leisure time?
    1. Listen to gospel music.
    2. Lock herself in her room and sleep.
    3. Visit a home for the aged and help them. 
    4. Play football with her friends.
  27. Joy has a habit of cheating her parents that she needs money to buy books but instead she buys snacks. As a Christian, the best advice to give her is that she should be
    1. hardworking
    2. honest
    3. faithful
    4. caring.
  28. You have just discovered that your friend Kim is keeping a company of drug addicts. As a Christian, what is the best thing to do?
    1. Report him to his parents.
    2. Avoid him completely.
    3. Talk to him about the dangers of drugs.
    4. Join him in taking the drugs.
  29. Which one of the following is an act of charity by the church?
    1. Planting trees.
    2. Donating food to the aged.
    3. Preaching the word of God to all the people.
    4. Cleaning the streets.
  30. Nehemiah, a class 8 boy goes to school without food due to poverty. What is the best way to help him?
    1. Share your food with him.
    2. Inform his class teacher about the problem. 
    3. Take some food for him from the school kitchen.
    4. Advice him to drop out of school.




  1. The Holy Quran was revealed in a period of
    1. 25 years
    2. 40 years
    3. 12 years
    4. 23 years.
  2. The following chapters send warning messages to people who may engage in some wrong doings except
    1. Surah Dhuhaa
    2. Surah at-Takathur
    3. Surah al-Lahab
    4. Surah al-Maun.
  3. Which of the following is a verse from surah- Al-Kafirum?
    1. "Therefore turn in prayers to your Lord and sacrifice."
    2. "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter."
    3. "To you be your religion and to me my religion."
    4. "And He send against them birds in flocks."
  4. Allah(S.W) created man from a clot of blood. This is according to surah
    1. Al-Bayyina
    2. Al-Aadiyyat
    3. Al-Ala
    4. Al-Inshirah.
  5. Which one of the following is a teaching from surah Al-Tiyn?
    1. Muslims should help the poor.
    2. Victory comes from Allah.
    3. Allah is the creator of the universe.
    4. Man was created in the best form.
  6. From the teachings of the prophet, all the following people will enter paradise except those with
    1. good behaviour
    2. faith
    3. fear of Allah
    4. patience.
  7. The prophet (p.b.u.h) advised Muslims that every good deed is
    1. Swadaqa
    2. Zakkat
    3. a debt
    4. tax
  8. "Allah, with your name I die and return to life." This is the dua we recite at the time of
    1. death
    2. darkness
    3. sleep
    4. danger.
  9. According to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W), how many thousands are rewarded to a Muslim who greets, "Assalam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh"?
    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 40
    4. 10
  10. Which of the following is a fardh practice of udhu?
    1. Washing recomended parts three times each.
    2. Starting with Bismillah.
    3. Saying dua after udhu.
    4. Washing recomended parts in the correct order.
  11. In which posture of swalah do we recite the supplication "Subhaan Rabbi al-Adhiim?" In
    1. Sujuud
    2. Julius
    3. Rukuu
    4. Qiyam.
  12. Which one of the following phrases is said in Iqama alone?
    1. Hayya alal Swalah.
    2. Qad Qaamat Swalah.
    3. Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illallah.
    4. Aswalatu Khairum mina naum.
  13. Which of the following najasaat should be cleaned by washing seven times in order to finish it?
    1. Blood.
    2. Urine of a baby.
    3. Saliva of a puppy.
    4. Vomit.
  14. Which of the following items is not given out as Zakkat?
    1. Fruits and vegetables.
    2. Money.
    3. Camels.
    4. Household furniture.
  15. Which one of the following actions will not nullify swalah?
    1. Passing wind.
    2. Turning away from Qibla.
    3. Reciting long chapters in Quran.
    4. Making movements in Swalah.
  16. It is obligatory for Muslims who go for Hajj to 
    1. stand at Arafa
    2. drink from Zamzam
    3. visit the tomb of the prophet
    4. go for Hajj repeatedly.
  17. Which one of the following is not an obligation towards the dead Muslims?
    1. Tayammum
    2. Dafuu
    3. Kafan
    4. Ghusul.
  18. How many pillars of Iman do Muslims believe in?
    1. Five
    2. Six
    3. Three
    4. Seven.
  19. Which one of the following phrases is a trust of Muslims that something will happen in the will of Allah?(S.W)
    1. Mashallah
    2. Inshallah
    3. Bi fadhilillah
    4. Wabillahi Tawfig.
  20. The attribute of Allah Al-Muumin' means the
    1. powerful
    2. loved
    3. soverign
    4. trusted.
  21. Who among the following prophets of Allah never received a Holy book?
    1. Daud (A.S)
    2. Nuh(A.S)
    3. Ibrahim(A.S)
    4. Issa(A.S)
  22. The following are all examples of Tawakkul except
    1. lock your vehicle leave it to Allah for security
    2. leave the door of a mosque open and trust in Allah
    3. tie your camel and Allah make you understand
    4. read hard and pray that Allah make you understand.
  23. Which one of the following business practices is acceptable in Islam?
    1. Selling goods in monopoly
    2. making exorbitant profits
    3. charging interest
    4. hiding the defects of goods.
  24. For an Islamic Nikah to proceed, there must be
    1. a decided place for honeymoon
    2. a mosque as a place of the function
    3. full dowry paid
    4. witnesses from both sides.
  25. What did the prophet (p.b.u.h) do to the Aws and Khazray communities at Aqaba? He
    1. taught them Islam
    2. asked them to protect Muslims
    3. made peace between them
    4. set them free from slavery.
  26. At the time he was being attacked by the Ban Thaqif tribesmen, the prophet was accompanied by
    1. Zaid bun Thaabit
    2. Zaid bin Haritha
    3. Abubakkar Swiddiiq
    4. Bilal bin Rabbah.
  27. The immediate action taken by the prophet (p.b.u.h) after arrival in Madina was
    1. building a mosque
    2. forming a constitution 
    3. calling elections
    4. planning for battles.
  28. Which one of the following prayers have two adhaans?
    1. Fajr and Magrib.
    2. Idd and Juma.
    3. Juma and Fajr.
    4. Idd Fitr and Idd Adha-ha.
  29. During Isra Wal Miraj trip, the prophet travelled on a miraculous horse known as
    1. Al-Qaswa
    2. Al-Hud hud
    3. Raf-Rafin
    4. Al-Buraq
  30. In the mosque, the Immam gives his Khutba sermon while standing on a
    1. Musalla
    2. Minbar
    3. Mihraab
    4. Munaar.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. C
  38. C
  39. B
  40. B
  41. B
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. D
  47. D
  48. B
  49. C
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. A
  54. C
  55. D
  56. C
  57. C
  58. B
  59. A
  60. A


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B


  1. The diagram below represents parts of a flower.
    Which of the above parts labelled J, K, L and M represents the part that attracts insects and the part that protects the flower during bud stage respectively?
    1. L and J
    2. K and L
    3. M and L
    4. J and L
  2. Which part of a bean seed allows air and water into the seed during germination?
    1. Testa
    2. Hilum
    3. Micropyle
    4. Cotyledon.
  3. The diagram below shows interdependence between plants.
    The part marked X is a modified
    1. stem
    2. leaf
    3. bud
    4. flower.
  4. Class four pupils saw a weed which had the following characteristics.
    1. Had petal like leaves.
    2. Had pink flowers.
    3. It grows under a shade.
      The weed was likely to be
      1. Oxalis
      2. Pigweed
      3. Black jack
      4. Sodom apple.
  5. Which of the following statements is true about reproduction in human beings?
    1. Fertilization takes place in the ovary.
    2. A mature ovum is released after every 28 days.
    3. Ovulation is also called menstruation.
    4. Sperms are deposited in oviduct.
  6. The diagram below represents parts of mammalian heart.
    Which of the following statements is not true about the vessels marked R, S, U and T?
    1. Blood vessel U is the main vein.
    2. Blood vessel T carries blood rich in carbon dioxide.
    3. Blood vessel R carries blood rich in oxygen.
    4. Blood vessel S carries blood under low pressure
  7. Some pupils classified different crop pests as shown in the table below.
     Pupil   Storage pest   Field pest 
    Rats, weevil, white ant
    Termite, weaver birds, ant 
    Aphids, birds, cutworm
    Ant, aphids, cutworm
    Aphids, cutworm, weaver birds 
    Stalk borer, mice, termite
    Termite, ants, weevils
    Termite, aphid, cutworm 
    Who among them gave the correct classification?
    1. Njoki
    2. Joseph
    3. Jane
    4. John
  8. The following is a description of a certain type of tooth.
    1. Sharp.
    2. Chisel shaped.
    3. Has one root.
      The type of tooth described above is used for
      1. cutting and biting food
      2. tearing and piercing
      3. crushing and grinding food
      4. chewing and tearing food.
  9. In the human digestive system, absorption of water and mineral salts takes place in the
    1. ileum
    2. colon
    3. stomach
    4. rectum.
  10. In the human reproductive system, what is formed immediately after fertilisation?
    1. Embryo
    2. Foetus
    3. Baby
    4. Zygote.
  11. Which of the following vaccines is a baby given at birth and 14 weeks respectively?
    1. Polio and ant-measles.
    2. BCG and yellow fever.
    3. BCG and DPT.
    4. DPT and polio.
  12. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain communicable disease.
    1. Pain in joints
    2. Fever
    3. Vomiting
    4. Headache
    5. Loss of appetite.
      The disease described above can be prevented by
      1. draining all stagnant water in the compound
      2. maintaining high standards of cleanliness 
      3. drinking boiled water
      4. wearing protective clothes when working in muddy areas.
  13. Which of the following pairs consists of social effects of drug abuse only?
    1. Addiction and rape
    2. Impaired judgement and withdrawal
    3. Truancy and school drop out
    4. Marital conflict and fits.
  14. The best way of controlling sexually transmitted infections among married people is by
    1. abstinence
    2. being faithful
    3. use of condoms
    4. maintaining body hygiene.
  15. The most effective mode of campaign against the spread of HIV and AIDS is through
    1. television
    2. internet 
    3. radio
    4. pamphlets.
  16. The diagram below shows a certain type of soil erosion.
    The type of erosion shown above is
    1. sheet
    2. rill erosion
    3. gulley erosion
    4. splash erosion.
  17. The following are examples of compound fertilisers except
    1. Triple Supper Phosphate
    2. Mono Ammonium Phosphate
    3. Diamonium Phosphate
    4. Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium.
  18. The following are characteristics of a certain type of soil.
    1. Has fine texture.
    2. Has small air spaces.
    3. Has highest capillarity.
      The type of soil described above is also likely to
      1. be found in construction sides
      2. be water logged
      3. be good for agriculture
      4. have best drainage.
  19. The diagram below represents changes in the states of matter.
    The processes marked (i) and (iv) respectively are
    1. freezing and condensation
    2. melting and condensation
    3. freezing and evaporation
    4. evaporation and condensation
  20. Which of the following pairs of liquids will mix completely when put together?
    1. Water and cooking oil.
    2. Spirit and milk.
    3. Petrol and spirit.
    4. Kerosene and milk.
  21. Class seven pupils took a sufuria with water, added saw dust and placed it on a source of heat. What were the pupils investigating?
    1. Conduction in solids.
    2. Convection in gases.
    3. Convection in liquids.
    4. Radiation in liquids.
  22. Class five pupils set the experiment as shown below.
    The pupils were investigating whether
    1. liquids occupy space
    2. air exerts pressure
    3. gases expand when heated
    4. gases occupy space.
  23. Sound travels poorest in
    1. vacuum
    2. liquids
    3. gases
    4. solids.
  24. The experiment below was set by pupils to investigate good and poor conductors of electricity.
    Which materials when placed at point X will not make the bulb light?
    1. Nail
    2. Dry wood
    3. Coin
    4. Graphite
  25. A card with the word FISH was placed infront of a plane mirror. How did it appear?
  26. Which of the following sources of current electricity pollutes the environment the least?
    1. Dry cells
    2. Car battery
    3. Generators
    4. Solar panel.
  27. Which of the following is not true about the type of cloud shown below? It
    1. covers the whole sky
    2. is white in colour
    3. appears low in the sky 
    4. brings heavy rain.
  28. Which of the following weather instruments is used to measure two aspects of wind?
    1. Liquid thermometer
    2. Windvane
    3. Windsock
    4. Barometer.
  29. Which of the following is the second step when modelling the solar system?
    1. Draw the eight orbits.
    2. Paste the manilla on the soft board.
    3. Putting name tags.
    4. Mounting the planets on their orbits.
  30. Which of the following animals is correctly matched with its product?
    1. Pig-Mutton
    2. Sheep-Mohair
    3. Layers - Eggs
    4. Goat-Wool.
  31. The following animals have a moist skin and live partly in water and partly on dry land. Which one does not?
    1. Frog
    2. Seal
    3. Salamander
    4. Toad
  32. Which of the following animal feeds consists of proteins only?
    1. Glycine, lucern, clover.
    2. Sunflower seeds, oats, napier.
    3. Salt lick, bone meal, lucern.
    4. Clover, napier grass, hay.
  33. Which one of the following is not a rotational method of grazing?
    1. Tethering
    2. Strip grazing
    3. Herdin
    4. Paddocking.
  34. Which of the following parasites destroys wool in a sheep?
    1. Louse
    2. Flea
    3. Tick
    4. Mite.
  35. The following are ways of maintaining simple tools. Which one is not?
    1. Oiling them.
    2. Washing them.
    3. Repairing them.
    4. Using them regularly.
  36. The following are industrial uses of water except
    1. washing coffee berries
    2. making pulp
    3. making fountains
    4. rearing fish.
  37. The following are waterborne diseases except
    1. malaria
    2. typhoid
    3. cholera
    4. bilharzia.
  38. The following are major components of environment except
    1. animals
    2. light
    3. air
    4. soil.
  39. Which of the following does not pollute air?
    1. Smoking.
    2. Fumes from industries.
    3. Dead animals.
    4. Spraying pesticides.
  40. Which of the following groups of food consists of body building food only?
    1. Groundnuts, locust, eggs.
    2. Fish, rice, sukuma.
    3. Pawpaw, peas, beans.
    4. Soya beans, ugali, chicken.
  41. A person suffering from marasmus should be fed on
    1. proteins
    2. diet rich in iron
    3. enough balanced diet
    4. vitamins.
  42. Which of the following methods of preserving food preserves food by making bacteria inactive?
    1. Smoking
    2. Use of honey
    3. Drying
    4. Use of low temperature.
  43. It is advisable to include water in the diet for all the following reasons except to
    1. cool the body
    2. make the food bulky
    3. help in the formation of fluids
    4. help in absorption of digested food.
  44. What is the importance of charcoal in the home made filter? To
    1. kill germs in the water
    2. filter tiny soil particles
    3. absorb the colour of the dirty water
    4. warm the water.
  45. The following are uses of moving air except
    1.  felling trees
    2. sailing boats
    3. moving wind mills
    4. winnowing.
  46. The following are ways through which water is polluted. Which one is not? Through
    1. floods
    2. oil spillage
    3. mulching
    4. excess use of farm chemicals.
  47. A beam balance is used to
    1. measure force
    2. compare masses of different objects 
    3. measure volume
    4. measure energy.
  48. The type of air used by green plants in making food is also used in
    1. electric bulbs
    2. making proteins by leguminous plants
    3. burning
    4. preserving fizzy drinks.
  49. The diagram below shows a lever in use.
    Which of the following correctly represents the parts marked M, K and L respectively?
             M         K          L 
     A. Load 
     B. Fulcrum 
     C. Load
     D. Effort
  50. Which of the following materials has definite mass only?
    1. Water vapour
    2. Flour
    3. Ice
    4. Wax.


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. A
  20. B
  21. C
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. C
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Ufugaji wa kuku ni njia mojawapo ya uwekezaji __1__sana na watu wengi __2__ kujiimarisha kiuchumi. Kuku hawa hufungiwa ̧__3__ na __4__ vyakula vinavyonunuliwa madukani. Kama __5__ wahenga __6__. Mfugaji __7__ ipasavyo hupata hasara kwani kuku huhitaji kutunzwa kwa makini nyakati __8__. Bila shaka shughuli hii ni __9__ njia za kukabiliana na uhaba wa nafasi za ajira nchini.

       A             B          C           D 
 1.   unaotumika   zinazotumika   inayotumika   unapotumika 
 2.  kwa minajili ya   mintaarafu ya   mithili ya   sambamba na 
 3.  mazizini  matunduni   viambazani   vizimbani 
 4.  kukulishwa  kulishwa   kulishiwa   kukula 
 5.  waliposema  waliosema   walivyosema   wangesema 
 6. mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame  mwenye pupa hadiriki kula tamu  kila chombo na wimbile  mtegemea nundu haachi kunona
 7.  asipowajibika  asiowajibika   asiyowajibika   akiwajibika 
 8.  yote  yoyote  wote  zote
 9.  baadhi ya  kati ya  fauka ya  dhidi ya


Maki alielewa vyema maana ya methali isemayo __10__ Japo alifanya kazi ya __11__, aliweka akiba __12__ hadi __13__ mtaji wa kuanzisha biashara __14__. Kwa njia hiyo, __15__hali yake ya maisha.

                      A                 B                        C   D 
 10.  tone na tone huwa mchirizi  chururu si ndondondo  kwendako hisani hurudi hisani  mgaagaa na upwa hali wali mkavu
 11.  msaragambo  kikoa   kijungujiko   shokoa 
 12.  dogodogo  kidogokidogo   vidogovidogo   mdogomdogo 
 13.  aliyopata  aliopata  alivyopata   alipopata 
 14.  yake yenyewe  lake mwenyewe   lake lenyewe   yake mwenyewe 
 15.  alimudu kuiboresha alijihimu kuyaboresha  alimudu kuyaboresha   alijihimu kuiboresha

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, jibu kila swali kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

  1. Andika usemi wa taarifa wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    "Mto huu una mamba wengi," Shindo alisema.
    1. Shindo alisema kuwa mto huo huwa na mamba wengi.
    2. Shindo alisema kwamba mto huo ulikuwa na mamba wengi.
    3. Shindo alisema kwamba mto huo ungekuwa na mamba wengi.
    4. Shindo anasema kuwa mto huo una mamba wengi.
  2. Jora ni kwa vitambaa kama vile kande ni kwa
    1. samaki
    2. maua
    3. vibarua
    4. mawele.
  3. Chagua maelezo yaliyo sahihi.
    1. Pimamaji ni kifaa cha kupimia usawa wa ukuta.
    2. Fuawe hutumiwa na maseremala kutobolea mbao.
    3. Mvukuto hutumiwa na wahunzi kupulizia moto.
    4. Timazi hutumiwa kupimia usawa wa sakafu.
  4. Andika sentensi ifuatayo kwa wingi.
    Wimbi ulipepetwa kwa uteo ule.
    1. Mawimbi yalipepetwa kwa teo zile.
    2. Wimbi ulipepetwa kwa teo zile. 
    3. Mawimbi yalipepetwa kwa teo ile.
    4. Wimbi ulipepetwa kwa teo ile.
  5. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Mtoto wangu mvivu hapandi mlima
    1. Upepo
    2. Mvua
    3. Mto
    4. Kobe.
  6. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi cha pekee.
    1. Vijana wote walishiriki michezo lakini wale walicheza vizuri zaidi.
    2. Dawati langu lina vitabu vingi lakini lake lina vichache tu.
    3. Mji huu na umeme lakini ule hauna miundomsingi muhimu.
    4. Shule yetu ina walimu wa kutosha lakini nyingine zina wachache tu.
  7. Salwa ni mtoto wa dada yangu. Jina linalofaa zaidi kwangu kumtajia Salwa ni
    1. mpwa
    2. umbu
    3. mkoi
    4. mkazamwana.
  8. Tambua sentensi iliyoakifishwa ipasavyo zaidi.
    1. Mwezi uliopita Februari- kulikuwa na joto jingi.
    2. Tulihitaji viungo vifuatavyo: dania, iliki, karafuu na mdalasini.
    3. Mama aliniambia: usiwe mtu anayependa kustarehe.
    4. Maneno yote; yale yaliyoandikwa; yalikuwa sahihi.
  9. Kipande cha pili katika mshororo wa shairi huitwaje?
    1. Ukwapi
    2. Mwandamizi
    3. Utao
    4. Mloto.
  10. Baada ya hukumu kutolewa, mshatakiwa alituma ombi la kutaka hukumu ile ibatilishwe na kesi isikilizwe upya. Kwa hivyo mshtakiwa
    1. alikata rufaa
    2. aliruka kesi
    3. alitoa dhamana
    4. aliahirisha kesi.
  11. Chagua kitenzi kilichoundwa kutokana na kivumishi
    1. Maandishi - andika 
    2. Upishi-mapishi
    3. Mcheshi - kicheko 
    4. Mwangalifu - angalia
  12. Ni jozi ipi iliyo sahihi?
    1. Punda, nirihi 
    2. Bata, kiyoyo
    3. Paka, kilebu
    4. Ndovu, shibli.
  13. Bainisha matumizi ya kiambishi 'ki' katika sentensi ifuatayo.
    Kijana huyo akipewa nafasi atapambana kishujaa.
    1. Wakati, namna
    2. Kuendelea, jinsi
    3. Masharti, jinsi
    4. Udogo, masharti.
  14. Maelezo yapi hayaonyeshi maana ya neno 'changa'?
    1. Kukusanya fedha ili kutimiza haja fulani.
    2. Kupata maumivu ya viungo.
    3. Hali ya kitu kukosa kukomaa.
    4. Namna ya samaki wa baharini.
  15. Chagua methali yenye maana sawa na hii.
    Nazi mbovu ni harabu ya nzima.
    1. Nzi mmoja huoza ngombe.
    2. Samaki huanza kuoza kichwani.
    3. Mkataa pema pabaya panamwita 
    4. Mpiga ngumi ukuta huumiza mkonowe.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 31 mpaka 40.

Mengi yamesemwa kuhusu ufisadi. Si wanasiasa, si mapadre, si mashehe, si viongozi wengineo wa jamii, wote wametoa mchango wao juu ya suala hili nyeti. Kila linaloenda mvange, sababuye ufisadi. Nchi haina ustawi, kiini ni ufisadi. Kusambaratika kwa miundomsingi asili yake ni ufisadi.

Je, hapo ulipo unaelewa ufisadi kuwa ni nini? Huenda umewahi kujituliza na kutafakari juu ya ufisadi. Unahusika vipi na ufisadi? Umewahi kuathirika na ufisadi, wewe binafsi au kupitia kwa aila na masahibu? Kila mzalendo halisi anastahili kujisaili nafsi yake kupitia kwa maswali haya.

Wakati unapoendelea kuzingatia maswali hayo hebu tuzame kwenye kina cha ufisadi. Kijelezi cha ufisadi ni ile hali ya kutenda au kushiriki mambo yanayosababisha uharibifu au uborongaji wa kanuni au taratibu zilizokubalika kutekeleza mambo. Katika hali hii, ufujaji na ubanangaji huwa vyombo vya ufisadi. Madhumuni yake ya jumla ni kubatilisha haki, kuvotana na haki na hatimaye kuifanya isifuate mkondo wake sahihi.

Mbegu ya ufisadi ni uchoyo; kimsingi, chimbuko la ufisadi ni ubinafsi uliokithiri. Dhana ya kujiwazia kibinafsi katika shughuli zote ndiyo humpa ubinafsi nishati ya kujiendeleza. Kila mja ana kiwango fulani cha ubinafsi. Hali hii ndiyo hupelekea kujitahidi kwa jino na ukucha ili kujihifadhi na kujiendeleza. Ubinafsi wa aina hii hauna kasoro kwani humpa binadamu msukumo wa kujishughulikia kwa lengo la kijipatia natija inayofaidi aila, jamii na hatimaye taifa kwa jumla.

Uchoyo wa mimi-hiki, mimi-hicho, mimi-kile na hatimaye mimi-kila kitu ni uchuro. Ufisadi nao ni uchuro. Ni dude, jinyama, jipweza lenye minyiri isiyohesabika. Minyiri hiyo imepenyeza katika nyanja zote za maisha ya mtu binafsi na ya taifa kwa jumla. Ufisadi umeshamiri na kuzagaa hadi kufikia kiwango cha kimataifa.

Vuta taswira hali ya waja wazito wawili ambao zao zimewadia. Mmoja anajiweza anawasilishwa hospitalini kwa gari. Wa pili hana mbele wala nyuma amefika kwa miguu au pengine kwa rukwama. Kisia mwenyewe ni nani atakayehudumiwa kwanza. Ukitafiti utagundua kuwa sababu ni ufisadi. Mmoja atatadarukiwa ilhali mwenzake . atakawilishwa. Haya pengine ni kutokana na matumaini ya kupewa bahashishi ambayo kwa kweli ni namna ya hongo. Kumbuka, wahudumu wawa hawa ni waajiriwa wapokeao mishahara mwisho wa mwezi.

Katika amali za biashara, uborongaji wa taratibu unadhihirika hasa katika utoaji wa zabuni za miradi mbalimbali ambapo suala kubwa ni kasma. Kiasi na jinsi ni baada ya kuhakikisha kuwa tenda imeliendea shirika fulani. Kasma lazima ipatikane! Si hoja kuwa pesa za kugharamia miradi hii zimetokana na ruzuku au mikopo kutoka kwa wafadhili. Ghushi za kila aina zitatumiwa ili kasma ipatikane. Katika hali kama hii, si ajabu matokeo ni kuharibika kwa miundomsingi katika sekta mbalimbali zinazohusika na usambazaji wa huduma kwa wananchi.

Ni dhahiri shahiri kuwa kila mmoja anapaswa kujumuika katika kitali hiki dhidi ya ubinafsi, ufisadi na ubanangaji. Sote tukianzia na viongozi, tunapaswa kujifunga nira kupambana na ufisadi. Wananchi wahamasishwe juu ya wajibu wao katika vita hivi vikali. Sote tuzinduke na kufahamu hicho kidogo cha ziada, hiyo fadhili, mapendeleo hayo ambayo msingi wake ni kuvuruga utaratibu yatatuponza. Changamoto kwa kila mmoja wetu ni: Tuko tayari kuziasa nafsi zetu ili zitambue athari za ubinafsi na hivyo kuzikabili vilivyo? Tutakapotambua kuwa waendelezaji wa ubinafsi ni mimi na wewe, hapo ndipo vita hivi vitakapoanza kufanikiwa.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza
    1. viongozi mbalimbali wa kijamii wamehusishwa na ufisadi
    2. ufisadi ni chanzo cha kuvurugika kwa mambo mengi katika jamii
    3. viongozi wamepuuza mchango wao katika vita dhidi ya ufisadi
    4. kuharibika kwa miundomsingi kumefanya watu wawe mafisadi.
  2. Si kweli kusema kuwa
    1. mwandishi ana hakika kwamba msomaji amewahi kuwazia ufisadi
    2. wakati mwingine ufisadi haumwathiri mtu moja kwa moja
    3. jamaa na marafiki wanapofikwa na madhara sisi huathirika pia
    4. mtu anayeipenda nchi yake anapaswa kuwaza kuhusu misingi ya ufisadi.
  3. Ufisadi hasa unahusu nini?
    1. Utoaji wa pesa kinyume na sheria. 
    2. Kutojua vizuri sheria za jamii yake.
    3. Njama za kubadilisha mkondo wa haki.
    4. Kujuana na walio katika nafasi za uongozi.
  4. Maana ya 'kujitahidi kwa jino na ukucha' ni 
    1. kuvumilia shida ili uweze kufanikiwa
    2. kushiriki njama ziletazo maangamizi 
    3. kupigana na wale wanaokiuka sheria
    4. kufanya bidii kwa vyovyote vile.
  5. Mwandishi anasema kuwa ubinafsi hauna shida ikiwa
    1. utamletea mtu manufaa anayotarajia
    2. haujagunduliwa na vyombo vya dola
    3. wanaoathirika na hulka hiyo ni wachache 
    4. utazalisha manufaa yatakayowafaidi wote.
  6. Taswira inayotolewa kuhusu hali iliyo hospitalini ni kuwa
    1. wagonjwa hufikishwa kwa njia ainati
    2. huduma zinatolewa kwa mapendeleo 
    3. ukabila unajitokeza katika kuwashughulikia wagonjwa
    4. wanaohudumiwa vizuri hawana shida ya kutoa bahashishi.
  7. Utoaji wa zabuni bila kuzingatia utaratibu ufaao
    1. umeathiri utoaji huduma kwa wananchi
    2. hutokana na juhudi za serikali kukomesha ufisadi
    3. umesababisha kupatikana kwa huduma bora zaidi
    4. haujaliathiri taifa wala watu binafsi.
  8. Ipi si njia ya serikali kupata pesa za kuendesha miradi yake?
    1. Ushuru
    2. Misaada
    3. Mikopo
    4. Rushwa.
  9. Wito wa mwandishi katika aya ya mwisho ni kuwa
    1. tuwatambue mafisadi ili tukabiliane na uovu huu
    2. kila mmoja ajitahidi kugundua madhara ya ufisadi
    3. vita dhidi ya ufisadi vianze kwa sisi wenyewe kujiasa
    4. tuendeleze ubinafsi ili kufanikisha vita dhidi ya ufisadi.
  10. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na 'kitali' ni
    1. uovu
    2. juhudi
    3. vita
    4. harakati.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 41 mpaka 50.

Mzee Maganga alikuwa tajiri maarufu katika mtaa wa Shwari. Wakazi wengi walimstahi kutokana na idili na maarifa yake ya kuendesha biashara. Aidha mzee huyu asingejumuishwa katika orodha ya adinasi wenye mkono birika. Hakika mzee huyu alikuwa mkwasi wa mali na moyo kwani mbali na kuwakidhia wanawe mahitaji yao yote, aliwasabilia wanakijiji kwa mengi. Wapo waliopewa ruzuku za vyakula, karo za wanao ada ya matibabu na hata vibarua almradi waweze kuzikimu aila zao.

Maganga mwenyewe hakuzaliwa na asali mdomoni. Inasemekana baba yake alikuwa fukara fukefuke. Kwa bahati nzuri alipata msaada wa kanisa akawaelimisha maganga na nduguze hadi vyuo vikuu. Ndugu zake walipata kazi serikalini lakini Maganga ambaye alisomea elimu biashara aliamua kuanzisha kazi yake binafsi. Alikuwa na maduka kadhaa kuanzia yale ya vipuri, ya nafaka, ya vitabu na hata kiwanda cha kukobolea mpunga.

Makali ya umri sasa yalianza kumlemea Maganga. Alikuwa si yule Maganga aliyerauka mapema kuenda kukagua shughuli katika biashara zake. Kila mara alijihisi mnyonge huku mwili wake ukilemewa na maumivu ya viungo. Maganga alijawa na hofu sio kwa sababu ya hali hii mpya kwani alielewa kuwa hii ni ada ya kila mja. Moyo ulimwuma kutokana na hali ya mwanawe wa pekee kuandama anasa kila uchao. Majanga alihofia kuwa angeenda kaburini na biashara zake.

Siku moja, Maganga alimwita mwanawe akamshtakia hali. Alimweleza kinagaubaga kuwa utendakazi wake ulikuwa ukikaribia ukingoni. Kijana alionyesha huruma machoni lakini moyo ulimdunda kwa raha ya kurithi milki ya baba yake. Mzee mwenyewe aliliona hili waziwazi. Hata hivyo alijitia hamnazo. Alimwagiza mwanawe ampelekee shilingi laki moja, pesa taslimu alizozifanyia kazi yeye mwenyewe. Kijana alimweleza mamaye, naye akaahidi kumpa fulusi zile baada ya juma moja.

Baada ya kupokea kitita kile kutoka kwa mama yake, kijana alimwendea mzee Maganga chumbani alimokuwa akiota moto. Bila kuzihesabu pesa zile, mzee alizitupa motoni zikateketea huku kijana amejitazamia tu, akingoja mzee atimize ahadi kwani ahadi ni deni. Hapo mzee alimtazama kijana akasema, "Nenda uniletee shilingi laki moja; jasho lako hasa!”

Kijana alikereka moyoni, akatuhumu kuwa mama alikuwa amemsaliti. Aliwaendea marafiki zake waliozoea kustarahe pamoja. Vijana wale walichanga bia, wakampa kiasi kile akaondoka kwa furaha. "Sasa baba atatambua kuwa mimi pia nina uwezo wa kuchuma”, akajiambia huku akielekea kwa baba yake. Hata hivyo hali ilikuwa kama ile ile ya kwanza. Moyo ulimwuma kijana kwa ujeuri wa babaye akaondoka huku akilaani.

Hamu ya kupata urithi ilimtia kijana ari ya kutimiza matakwa ya baba yake. Alibeba nguo chache akafunga safari kuenda katika mji wa mbali. Alipata kazi ya utwana akaifanya kwa hamu huku akitunduiza kidogo alicholipwa kila mwezi. Kwa miaka miwili, hakuthubutu kununua mavazi mazuri wala kushiriki anasa. Pesa zilipotosha, aliwaaga waajiri kwa heshima akafunga safari ya kurudi nyumbani. Wakati huu, alikuwa na hakika kwamba mambo yake yangetengenea.

Kijana alipofika nyumbani, hali yake ilikuwa ya kuhuzunisha. Alimwendea baba yake akampa pesa kama awali. Baba naye alikirudia kitendo kilekile. Kwa hamaki kuu, kijana aliutia mkono motoni bila kujali majeraha aliyopata akazitoa pesa zile kabla hazijateketea. Alimweleza babaye kimasomaso kwamba hakujali kukosa urithi lakini asingekubali jasho lake litiwe motoni. Aliondoka akajifungia chumbani mwake.

Siku iliyofuata, Maganga aliwaita wasimamizi wa biashara zake. "Sasa naona mwanangu ametambua kuwa uchungu wa mwana aujuaye ni mzazi. Ninampa usukani wa biashara zangu zote." Hapo ndipo kijana alipolifumbua fumbo la baba yake. Alimwangukia miguuni akamwomba radhi na kumshukuru kwa kumpa elimu isiyopatikana katika chuo chochote. Kijana aliendeleza biashara vizuri huku akijitenga na marafiki waliomshawishi kushiriki anasa. Hakika alifanikiwa hata kuliko baba yake. Akaiyeyusha hofu ya mzee Maganga

  1. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi.
    1. Wanakijiji walimheshimu Maganga kwa utajiri wake.
    2. Maganga alikuwa mja mwenye mkono wazi. 
    3. Wote waliomwendea Maganga walipata msaada wa chakula
    4. Wachache waliyafahamu maarifa ya Maganga katika biashara.
  2. Maisha ya utotoni ya Maganga yalikuwa
    1. ya starehe
    2. yenye dhiki tupu
    3. ya kutia moyo
    4. ya uhitaji.
  3. Maganga alitofautianaje na ndugu zake?
    1. Alikuwa bora zaidi yao masomoni.
    2. Maganga alipenda kusaidiwa kuliko nduguze.
    3. Kinyume na ndugu zake, hakupendelea kazi za ajira.
    4. Maganga alifanikiwa maishani kuliko ndugu zake.
  4. Kulingana na aya ya tatu, ni kweli kuwa
    1. umri ukizidi hudhoofisha utendakazi wa watu 
    2. ugonjwa unaweza kukwamisha ndoto zetu
    3. kufanya kazi kidindia husababisha maumivu ya viungo
    4. unyonge wa nafsi huunyima mwili nguvu zifaazo. 
  5. Hofu ya Maganga hasa ilitokana na
    1. mauti yaliyokuwa yakibisha hodi
    2. uwezekano wa kukosa mrithi afaaye 
    3. tamaa ya mwanawe ya kurihi mali yake 
    4. njama alizofanya mkewe na mwanawe.
  6. Ni kweli kusema kwamba
    1. kijana alimsikitikia baba yake kwa hali iliyomkabili
    2. Maganga hakutaka kumrithisha mwanawe mali
    3. janga la baba lilionekana kama neema na mwanawe
    4. mama hakutaka mwanawe arithishwe mali. 
  7. Haikuwa vigumu kwa mzee kutambua kwamba kijana hakusumbukia pesa mara ya kwanza na ya pili kwa kuwa
    1. zilipatikana kwa urahisi sana
    2. zilipatikana kwa haraka sana
    3. kijana alikasirika zilipoteketezwa
    4. kijana hakuathirika sana zilipoteketezwa.
  8. Mwanawe Maganga aliishi maisha gani katika mji wa mbali?
    1. Ya kujinyima
    2. Ya anasa
    3. Ya kitajiri
    4. Hatujaambiwa.
  9. Maana ya methali "Uchungu wa mwana aujuaye ni mzazi" kulingana na kifungu ni kuwa 
    1. ni mzazi pekee anayezijua dhiki za mwanawe
    2. anayejua thamani ya kitu ni yule aliyesumbuka kukitafuta
    3. mtoto akimkosea mzazi heshima atafikwa na maafa
    4. maovu ya mtoto humwathiri zaidi mzazi wake.
  10. Kijana alifanikiwa kuliko baba yake kwa kuwa
    1. aliwajibika zaidi
    2. alikuwa na maarifa zaidi 
    3. alipata mtaji mkubwa zaidi 
    4. alisaidiwa na watu wengi zaidi.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha isiyopungua kurasa moja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa.
Ufuatao ni mwanzo wa insha. Iendeleze kwa maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

Ni kweli kuwa ibilisi wa mtu ni mtu. Ukweli wa methali hii ulibainika siku moja ambapo........................................................


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. C
  47. D
  48. A
  49. B
  50. A

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

Many people wear clothes to make them __1__ neat, presentable and in fashion __2__ the rest in the society. This __3__
why many people may take a lot of time __4__ clothes to wear. Ladies, for example, have a variety of clothes, __5__ on colour, material, length and occasion she is to __6__. It is therefore __7__ to find a lady taking a bit longer, thinking of what to wear than a man when __8__ are going __9__ a journey. However, is this the __10__ reason why we wear clothes?

To start with, human beings are sensitive to their __11__ and this is one main difference __12__ them and other animals. A __13__ person would not step out of, even the bathroom  without covering themselves. Then, their skin is __14__ and responds to weather conditions very __15__ When it is cold, we wear warm clothes while those living in humid areas normally wear light clothes.

   A   B   C   D  
 1.   look   change   seem   become 
 2.  like  to  with  for
 3.  states   explains   observes   concludes 
 4.  buying   making   preparing   choosing 
 5.  basing  relying   depending   deciding 
 6.  so  attend   check   travel 
 7.  common   rare   impossible   easy 
 8.  any  either   all   both 
 9.  for  on   to   with 
 10.   first  only   main   least 
 11.  privacy  clothes   neighbours   looks 
 12.  among  about   within  between
 13.  young  normal   brave   sensible 
 14.  dull  thin   bright   clear 
 15.  fast  slowly   much   smoothly 


For questions 16 to 18, choose the correct alternative to fill the blank spaces.

  1. The ___________________ elections will be held after five years.
    1. great next general
    2. next great general
    3. general next great
    4. great general next
  2. She bought five eggs. _______________________were rotten.
    1. some of which
    2. which some of
    3. of which some
    4. some which of

In questions 18 to 20 choose the alternative that means the same as the given sentence.

  1. If he doesn't give me the money, I won't take it.
    1. I will take the money as he gives it to me.
    2. After he has given me the money, I will take it.
    3. I can't take the money even if he gives me.
    4. I won't take the money unless he gives it to me.
  2. You had better start working now.
    1. It is good you started working now.
    2. You should have started working by now.
    3. It would be good if you started working now.
    4. You should do a better job now.
  3. "What will you do tomorrow morning?" his mother asked.
    1. His mother asked him what he will do tomorrow morning.
    2. His mother asked him what he would do the following morning.
    3. His mother asked him what he would do tommorrow morning.
    4. His mother asked him what he will do the next morning.

In questions 21 to 23, choose the alternative which means the opposite of the underlined words.

  1. The keen candidate got almost all the questions.
    1. foolish
    2. slow
    3. confused
    4. careless
  2. The host received his guests joyfully.
    1. gloomily
    2. excitedly
    3. quietly
    4. silently
  3. The courageous herds boy killed the big snake alone.
    1. armed
    2. strong
    3. coward
    4. brave

In questions 24 and 25, choose the correct word from the alternatives given to complete the series.

  1.  Solve-solution, maintain-maintenance, grave-______________________
    1. grief 
    2. gravety
    3. graph
    4. groove
  2. Write - written, sworn- swear, flown - ________________________
    1. flew
    2. flee
    3. fled
    4. fly

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

The weekend had been extremely busy for me. It was not surprising, therefore, that I overslept on Monday morning. Mum's numerous attempts to wake me up on time did not work. But I really had no regrets. My best friends had visited me on Saturday and they had agreed to prolong their stay until Sunday evening after a little persuasion. You can imagine how weary I became, trying my best to entertain six teenagers with keen appetites. On the whole, it was great fun. My parents left us alone, though they occassionally enquired if everyting was alright. We chatted away for hours told stories, cracked jokes, played and shared experiences.

Monday morning! When it dawned on me that I had to go to school, I struggled out of bed, dressed up hastily threw a few books into my school bag and I was halfway to school before I realised I had not even washed my face. My hair was a mess. I dreaded facing my classmates and my teachers in that state, but I convinced myself that there were usually many other pupils who looked worse.

I arrived late. The teacher on duty was the unforgiving type. She didn't ask for any explanation. Instead, she ordered me to sweep the workshop during lunch break. I was lucky I had eaten plenty of food over the weekend.

In the classroom, the history teacher was full of mockery. "Look at her, walking like a queen but looking like a scarecrow!" The girls giggled, casting curious glances at me.

It did not last long however. I glared at them and I must have looked dangerous. Perhaps they remembered my grandmother who had once terrorised everyone in the local market when another woman insulted her. People still tell different versions of the story but they all agree that the woman groaned in bed for a week and never again insulted another person. They say I resemble my grandmother in more ways than one.

That was the way my day begun and you are right if you think I did not concentrate in my lessons. More than once the teacher had shouted at me, "Jane, pay attention!" I longed for the end of the day and I hoped that Tuesday would be more fulfilling. However, on the way home, I witnessed something that aroused my curiosity.

From a distance, I could see a huge crowd watching something. Vehicles were parked on either side of the road. I ran to the scene and found my way to the front. What I saw shocked me. A man of about fifty was trapped inside a wreck of a car, bleeding. Each time he tried to speak, his face twisted in pain. I heard that the driver lost control of the car after the brakes had failed and it had rolled several times before crashing into a tree.

The crowd just stared. They stood there shrugging their shoulders and mumbling meaningless things. Nobody tried to save his life. Nobody except one lady, a nurse I think, who behaved as if the crowd did not exist. She had put her bag down, taken off her expensive-looking cardigan and was tearing it to pieces and tying the man's wounds to stop the bleeding.

Satisfied that the bleeding was checked, she started dragging him out of the mangled car but he was too heavy for her. She looked at the crowd but nobody moved forward to help. Then her pleading eyes caught mine. I stepped forward and together with that great woman, we got him out of the car and carried him, with great difficulty, to a police car that had just come. My disappointment vanished. I felt happy that I had been of assistance to a needy person. The 'nurse' and I bid each other farewell. As she walked away in the opposite direction, I knew I had had an encounter with a truly wonderful person. My day had not been wasted after all.

  1. Why did the writer oversleep on Monday?
    1. Entertaining her friends had worn her out. 
    2. Her friends had agreed to prolong their stay.
    3. She had been very busy doing various things.
    4. Her mother's attempt to wake her did not work.
  2. How did waking up late affect Jane's preparation for school? She
    1. did everything in a hurry and got to school in time
    2. was half-way to school before she really woke up
    3. failed to wash her face and comb her hair
    4. forgot to do the most important things.
  3. What does the writer mean by "when it dawned on me..."? She
    1. suddenly knew
    2. then knew
    3. saw the light
    4. thought of school.
  4. What do we know about the punishment the writer received? It
    1. made the class laugh at her
    2. made her miss lunch
    3. was meant for late comers
    4. was necessary to correct her.
  5. Why do you think the other girls giggled? 
    1. Jane was pretending to be a queen.
    2. Jane had been punished.
    3. Girls giggle at the slightest excuse.
    4. Jane probably looked funny and untidy.
  6. The story of the grandmother is told to show us
    1. that Jane resembled her grandmother
    2. how terrifying Jane actually looked
    3. that girls were always afraid of Jane
    4. that Jane was about to beat them up.
  7. Which of the following statements best explains why Jane longed for the end of the day?
    1. Everything had been particulary unintresting.
    2. She had been punished for going to school late.
    3. Everything had gone against her expectations.
    4. She had been late for school, punished and mocked.
  8. "What I saw shocked me" Why was Jane shocked? The
    1. man was badly hurt but there was a lady helping him
    2. injured man was bleeding and seemingly in great pain
    3. man was trapped in the mangled car
    4. car was a wreck and people just watched passively.
  9. What do we learn about the 'nurse' in the story? She
    1. would do the right thing no matter what others did
    2. had received some training in first aid
    3. had expensive cardigans which she tore to pieces
    4. was angry with the crowd for not offering to help.
  10. Why does the writer refer to the lady as 'great'? She
    1. wanted to end the day well
    2. did what no one else was willing to do
    3. was not afraid of the crowd
    4. must have been big and strong.
  11. Jane stepped forward to help because
    1. the lady seemed to beg her
    2. no one else was able to help
    3. she admired the lady
    4. she wanted to end the day well.
  12. Why is the word 'nurse' in the last paragraph put in quotation marks?
    1. As Jane knew the lady was a nurse.
    2. To show the lady's profession.
    3. Since it's not known if actually she was a nurse.
    4. To show the importance of action in helping the man.
  13. Which of the following statements best summarises the story?
    1. An experience one cannot forget.
    2. How a school day can be messed up by oversleeping.
    3. An encounter with most horrifying experience.
    4. How a bad day changed because of an act of kindness.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39-50.

There are obvious differences between the rural and urban life. Such differences are evident in the availability of certain facilities, people's activities, the kind of neighbours they have and even the pace at which they do things. Although it is difficult to do everything uniform, some of the differences can be minimised. Infact some of the facilities are only readily available in towns for example, butare essential to all people wherever they live.

A great deal has been done in providing modern facilities such as electricity, telephone services and tap water in rural areas. As a result, some rural homes are now similar to those in urban centres. In addition, a number of rural shopping centres have now been blessed with shops, richly stocked with a wide variety of commodities which were previously only available to urban folk.

Many people in urban centres work in factories, offices and shops. The nature of their work influences their lifestyle. Since work, for instance, has to begin at a certain time, people usually have to wake up early, catch a bus or a matatu or even walk and make sure that they arrive on time. That is why they seem more strict with time. In fact, a person visiting a city like Nairobi from the rural areas is amazed at how busy urban people look. Everybody seems to rush all the time. They do not even have the time to shake hands or to have a friendly chat. In banks, restaurants and shops, they seem to have little patience. They are always rushing, pushing and scrambling....

People from the rural areas are likely to find towns strange and unfriendly. It is easy to notice them because sometimes they dress differently, are hesitant and may spend hours gazing at the skycrappers or admiring the many wonders of urban life. Things happen so quickly that one may feel dizzy. Inspite of the many excitements and comforts of urban life, most rural folks prefer the relaxed atmosphere of rural life where people are not only friendly but also have time for each other.

In rural areas, most people are either farmers, herdsmen or fishermen. Although time is an important factor, it does not enslave the people. In other words, there is not as much hurry. People organise their work patterns according to the seasons. Of course, there are times of hard work especially during planting and harvesting but there is also time to rest and have fun.

What makes it so difficult for a rural person to settle in the town is the fact that one may have neighbours who seem not to care about or to notice any other person. In some cases, neighbours do not even know each other's names. However, in the rural areas, people live close to members of their families or relatives. If one has a problem, others help willingly, without having to be requested.

Perhaps, as the years go by, many of the differences that still exist between urban and rural areas will be removed. But we hope that the good values will remain

  1. What does the writer say about the differences between the urban and rural life?
    1. It is not necessary to remove the differences.
    2. The differences should not be made fewer.
    3. It is not easy to remove the differences.
    4. The differences are impossible to remove.
  2. The phrase "....only readily available in towns.." means that the facilities are
    1. usually available in towns
    2. not available elsewhere
    3. are meant only for use in towns 
    4. are really unsuitable for rural areas.
  3. According to the passage, electricity, telephone services and tap water are examples of
    1. facilities that rural people would like to have
    2. facilities essential for all people
    3. facilities that have been provided in all rural areas
    4. facilities available only in towns.
  4. What does the writer mean by 'life-style'?
    1. A special way of living.
    2. A style in people's lives.
    3. The way people organise their lives. 
    4. A modern interesting way of life.
  5. In what ways are some rural areas similar to towns?
    1. Peoples now have access to many wonderful things.
    2. There are more shopping centres with blessed shops.
    3. Rural homes are similar to those in towns.
    4. They have modern facilities and many good shops.
  6. Why do people seem to be in a great hurry in towns?
    1. They have to catch a bus or a matatu. 
    2. They are very strict in their use of time.
    3. They do not have much time to do their work.
    4. They have to report to work at a specific time.
  7. Rural people feel uncomfortable in towns because
    1. urban people do not like others and they do not shake hands
    2. people in towns are always rushing, pushing and scrambling
    3. people in towns have no time for others and alot of things are strange
    4. people spend hours gazing at the wonders of the towns.
  8. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
    1. Although towns are exciting, people seem unfriendly.
    2. Work in rural areas does not affect people's lives.
    3. People in towns do not have much to do with their neighbours.
    4. people in rural areas have time for one another.
  9. What does the writer mean by 'the relaxed atmosphere of rural life'?
    1. Things are not done at the right pace.
    2. People are not strict about things.
    3. The air makes it easy for one to relax.
    4. Things are not done in unnecessary haste.
  10. How are rural people different from urban dwellers in managing time?
    1. Urban people seem hurried and impatient. 
    2. Rural people seem to have time for everything.
    3. Urban people have more to do in less time.
    4. Rural people do not care much about time.
  11. The writer gives the example of people in urban areas not knowing each other's names to show
    1. how different the neighbours are 
    2. that names are not important in towns
    3. how difficult it is to get help in towns
    4. people in towns have no relatives.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The rural man in the town.
    2. The rural and urban life-styles. 
    3. The strange and unfriendly towns.
    4. The busy town-dwellers.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story, making it as interesting as you can.

We had all agreed to meet at that specific place that Sarturday afternoon. However, one hour later, Kanze had not come


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. A
  46. B
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B


  1. What is 4404040.25 written in words?
    1. Four million four hundred and four thousand and forty point two five.
    2. Four million four hundred and four thousand and fourty and twenty five hundredths.
    3. Four million four hundred and forty thousand and forty and twenty five hundredths.
    4. Four million four hundred and four thousand and forty four and twenty five hundredths. 
  2. How many groups of hundreds are there in the value of digit 6 in the number 7462384?
    1. 600
    2. 6000
    3. 60
    4. 60000 
  3. A nurse was on leave from 7th January 2012 to 9th April 2012. For how many days was she not at work?
    1. 92
    2. 93
    3. 94
    4. 91
  4. What is the value of;
    22(18 − 32 + 48  ÷ 4) − 3 + 2?
    1. 83
    2. 79
    3. 81
    4. 85
  5. Bus A leaves the station after every 15 minutes, bus B after every 30 minutes and bus C after every 45 minutes. The three buses left the station together at 6:00am. At what time will they leave together again?
    1. 6:30am
    2. 8:00am
    3. 9:00am
    4. 7.30am
  6. What is 13/24 converted into a decimal correct to 3 decimal places?
    1. 0.541
    2. 0.542
    3. 0.546
    4. 0.543
  7. In the figure below, line AB is parallel to line CD. Line EF = FG and angle = AEG 50°. What is the value of angle
    1. 50°
    2. 130°
    3. 100°
    4. 80°
  8. Musa bought the following items from a shop.
    • 2-2kg packets of wheat flour @sh. 210
    • 1½ kg rice for sh. 135
    • 2- ½litre packets of milk @sh.65
    • A bar of soap for sh.150
    • 2 loaves of bread at sh.55
      He paid using a sh.1000 note. How much should he add to the shopkeeper in order to get his balance as sh. 100?
      1. Sh. 55
      2. Sh. 45
      3. Sh. 25
      4. Sh. 35.
  9. What is the value of;
    0.5 x 0.8 − 0.25 of 0.4 ?
    1. 0.01
    2. 0.1
    3. 1
    4. 10
  10. A meeting started at 8:30am. The first session took 3hrs 15minutes before a forty- minutes break. The second session took 2 hours 45minutes before the meeting ended. At what time did the meeting end in 24-hour clock system?
    1. 1510hrs
    2. 1525hrs
    3. 1515hrs
    4. 1520hrs
  11. What is the perimeter of the figure below?
    1. 66cm
    2. 86cm
    3. 100cm
    4. 114cm
  12. What is the simplified form of the expression below?
        3(pr+mn) + 2(pr − mn) − mn       
    4(pr+mn) + 3(mn − pr) − pr − 2mn
    1.  pr 
    2.  mn 
    3.  5pr 
    4.  5mn 
  13. Hamisi spent 1/12  of his salary on transport, 1/3 on food and 3/7 of the remainder on rent. The rest was spent on school fees. If he spent sh.17000 on school fees, how much does he earn?
    1. Sh. 45000
    2. Sh. 51000
    3. Sh. 68000
    4. Sh. 60000
  14. Okinyi paid sh. 11100 for a wheelbarrow after getting a discount of 71/2%. How much less would he have paid had he been given a discount of 10%?
    1. Sh. 1200
    2. Sh. 90
    3. Sh. 300
    4. Sh. 100
  15. A ranch is represented on a map by a rectangle measuring 2cm by 3cm. If the scale used is 1:50000, what is the actual area of the ranch in hectares?
    1. 0.15ha
    2. 1.5ha
    3. 15ha
    4. 150ha
  16. 40% of a certain amount of money is sh. 3600. What is 70% of the same amount? 
    1. Sh. 6300
    2. Sh. 5600
    3. Sh.4800
    4. Sh. 6400
  17. The area of a square plot is 0.25 hectares. It was fenced using four strands of wire. What was the total length of wire used?
    1. 200m
    2. 400m
    3. 800m
    4. 250m
  18. What is the area of the figure below?
    (Таkе л = 22/7 )
    1. 21000cm2
    2. 13300cm2
    3. 7700cm2
    4. 15400cm2
  19. Construct triangle JKF where line JK = 2.5cm, line KF = 6cm and angle JKF = 90°. Draw a circle touching its vertices. Measure the radius.
    1. 6.2cm
    2. 5.7cm
    3. 2.8cm
    4. 3.2cm 
  20. By what ratio must 540 kg be decreased to get 450kg?
    1. 5:6
    2. 6:5
    3. 1:5
    4. 1:6 
  21. The table below shows the number of pupils in upper primary in a certain school.
     Class/ grade   4   5   6   7   8 
     No. of pupils  25   22  36   30   28 
    Grades 4 and 5 pupils were issued with 8 exercise books each, Grade 6 pupils with 12 exercise books each and class 7 and 8 pupils with 15 exercise books each. How many exercise books were issued at augether?
    1. 1540
    2. 1720
    3. 1678
    4. 1860
  22. Mamba deposited sh. 15000 in a bank that pay simple interest at the rate of 8% p.a. What was the total amount of interest in his account after 2 years?
    1. Sh. 17494
    2. Sh. 2496
    3. Sh. 17400
    4. Sh. 2400
  23. What is the volume of the solid below?
    1. 25580cm3
    2. 26860cm3
    3. 27580cm3
    4. 32640cm3
  24. What is the value of x in the equation:
    4x+3 + 2x+2 = 5
        5         4
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. 3
  25. Which of the following numbers increases by a thousandth?
    1. 0.1234, 0.2234, 0.3234, 0.4234 
    2. 0.1234, 0.1244, 0.1254, 0.1264
    3. 0.1234, 0.1334, 0.1434, 0.1534
    4. 0.12334, 0.1235, 0.1236, 0.1237
  26. A room measures 12m by 8m. It was to be covered with square tiles of sides 25cm. How many tiles were needed altogether?
    1. 1536
    2. 1640
    3. 1440
    4. 1200
  27. Mugo gave 0.25 of his land to his son, 0.2 to his daughter and 0.5 of the remainder to his wife. He was left with 5.5 hectares. How big was his original piece of land?
    1. 22ha
    2. 11ha
    3. 20ha
    4. 36ha 
  28. A truck travelling at a speed of 54km/h took 20seconds to cross a bridge. How  long was the bridge?
    1. 270m
    2. 1080m
    3. 450m
    4. 300m
  29. The mean mass of 40 boys is 50kg. When two boys of equal mass leave, the mean mass becomes 50.2kg. What is the
    average mass of the two boys who left?
    1. 92.4kg
    2. 46.2kg 
    3. 88.6kg
    4. 44.3kg
  30. By selling a motorbike for sh.60750, a trader makes 121/2% profit. What was the buying price of the motorbike?
    1. Sh. 50000
    2. Sh. 56000
    3. Sh. 54000
    4. Sh. 56500
  31. A trader had 1500L of milk. He packed1/3 of the milk into half litre packets, 250litres of the milk into quarter litre packets and the rest into 2dl packets. How many packets did he obtain altogether?
    1. 5750
    2. 6000
    3. 62500
    4. 5450
  32. If m=2, n=m+3 and p = mn, what is the value of;
    mn2 n(p − m) ?
     p               m
    1. 10
    2. 40
    3. 20
    4. 25
  33. The following are properties of quadrilaterals. 
    1. Has two pairs of parallel sides.
    2. Diagonals bisect at 90°.
    3. Diagonals are equal.
      Which quadrilateral is described above?
      1. Rhombus
      2. Square
      3. Rectangle
      4. Parallelogram
  34. The trough below was painted both inside and outside.
    What was the total area painted?
    1. 18.48m2
    2. 15.4m2
    3. 3.08m2
    4. 30.8m2
  35. A section of the road 4.8km long is planted with trees at a regular interval of 4m on both sides. How many trees are planted altogether?
    1. 1200
    2. 120
    3. 2400
    4. 2402 
  36. In a farm, the ratio of cows to sheep is 3:5. The ratio of sheep to goats is 2:5. If there are 50 goats in the farm, how many animals are in that farm?
    1. 90
    2. 76
    3. 82
    4. 104
  37. A salesman is paid a basic salary of sh.14500 and a commission of 2% on goods sold above sh.50000. In one month, he earned a total of sh.18500. What was the value of goods sold that month?
    1. Sh. 200000
    2. Sh. 250000
    3. Sh. 400000
    4. Sh. 450000 
  38. A watch was set right on Monday at noon. The following Monday at showing the time as 11:46am. How many seconds was it losing per hour?
    1. 10 seconds
    2. 6 seconds
    3. 15 seconds
    4. 5 seconds
  39. What is the value of;
    2/51/3 of 3/7 × 7/93/4 ?
    1. 147/180
    2. 161/80 
    3. 127/90 
    4. 131/90 
  40. Which of the following measurement cannot be used to draw a right angled triangle?
    1. 2¼ cm, 3cm, 3¾cm
    2. 2½ cm, 6cm, 6½cm
    3. 0.6cm. 0.8cm, 0.1cm
    4. 0.9cm, 1.2cm, 1.5cm
  41. The area of the plot below is 1.44 hectares. What is the length of the side marked x?
    1.  170m
    2. 190m
    3. 180m
    4. 210m
  42. A lorry weighs 7.1 tonnes when loaded with 120kg bags of potatoes. How many bags were loaded if the empty lorry weighs 1.7 tonnes?
    1. 40
    2. 45
    3. 60
    4. 50
  43. The pie chart below shows the number of tourists who visited a park from different countries in one day.
    If 50 more tourists visited the park from Nigeria than Kenya, how many tourists visited the park from both Tanzania and Uganda?
    1. 150
    2. 350
    3. 200
    4. 550 
  44. The net below was folded to form a solid. 
    What solid did the net form?
    1. Triangular prism
    2. Triangular pyramid 
    3. Rectangular prism
    4. Rectangular pyramid.
  45. The cost of a book is sh.b. The cost of a pen is sh. 20 less than the cost of a book. How much does one pay for 2 books and 3 pens?
    1. Sh.(5b + 60)
    2. Sh.(5b − 60)
    3. Sh.(3b + 60)
    4. Sh.(3b − 60)
  46. Construct a parallelogram WXYZ where line WX=7cm, line XY=4.5cm and angle WXY=100°. What is the measure of the longer diagonal?
    1. 8.6cm
    2. 5.2cm
    3. 4.4cm
    4. 9.5cm
  47. 20 painters can decorate a house in 9 days. How many more days will it take 12 painters to decorate the same house?
    1. 7
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 6
  48. A book has 375 pages. Each page has 36 lines and each line has 15 words. How many words are in that book altogether?
    1. 192500
    2. 212500
    3. 202500
    4. 200500
  49. The table below shows postal charges for ordinary and express money orders.
     Value of order. (sh)   Ordinary comm(Sh)     Express comm(Sh) 
    Up to 500
    501 - 1000
    1001 to 2000
    2001 to 5000
    5001 to 10000
    10001 to 20000
    20001 to 50000
    A trader sent two money orders, an ordinary money order worth 13000 and an express money order worth sh. 27500. How much did he pay altogether?
    1. Sh. 540
    2. Sh. 41040
    3. Sh. 40500
    4. Sh. 42540
  50. The graph below shows Odhiambo's journey from town X to town Y and back.
    What was his average speed towards town Y after the rest?
    1. 40km/h
    2. 35km/h
    3. 90km/h
    4. 50km/h


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. B
  34. A
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. C
  41. A
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. D
  48. C
  49. B
  50. C


Study the map of Dhiru Area to answer questions 1-7

  1. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Dhiru area?
    1. 25km
    2. 21km
    3. 18km
    4. 11.5km
  2. The murram road in Dhiru area is most likely used to transport
    1. stones
    2. fish
    3. timber
    4. coffee
  3. The head of Dhiru area is most likely to be a
    1. chief
    2. County Commissioner
    3. governor
    4. District Officer
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dhiru area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Trading
    4. Pastrolism
  5. The main source of water in Dhiru area is
    1. river
    2. lake
    3. boreholes
    4. rainfall
  6. River Shalla in Dhiru area flows from
    1.  North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  7. Which one of the following is not a service found in Sola town?
    1. Health services
    2.  Education services
    3. Religion services
    4. Recreational services
  8. During the colonial period the development of transport systems was aimed at
    1. creating jobs for Africans
    2. facilitating movement of goods
    3. promoting African nationalists activities
    4. encouraging cultural interaction among communities
  9. Which one of the following statements is true of the Wanyamwezi chiefs during the pre-colonial period?
    1. They were appointed by a council of elders
    2. They were from the maternal clan
    3. They were not hereditary
    4. They were succeeded by their daughters
  10. Below are characteristics of a climate experienced in Africa:
    1. It is experienced between latitude 20° and 39° South
    2. It has hot and wet summers
    3. The rainfall ranges between 400 and 1200mm per annum
    4. The annual temperatures are about 20°C
      The climatic region described above is
      1. tropical
      2. temperate
      3. mediterranean
      4. equatorial

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 11-14

  1. The hydro electric power station at the place marked A is
    1. Owen falls
    2. Turkwel
    3. Masinga
    4. Sondu-Miriu
  2. The main function of the town marked B
    1. mining
    2.  industrial
    3. tourism
    4. administrative
  3. The game park found at the place marked C is
    1. Ruma
    2. Maasai Mara
    3. Ndere island
    4. Saiwa island
  4. The physical feature at the place marked D is a
    1. crater lake
    2. swamp
    3. mountain
    4. rift valley
  5. Below are statements about a political association in Kenya during the colonial period:
    1. It opposed the imposition of hut tax
    2. It opposed European interference with African culture.
    3. It advocated for the establishment of independent schools
    4. It protected against the Kipande system
      The organisation described above was
      1. Young Kikuyu Association
      2. Ukamba Members Association
      3. Kikuyu Central Association
      4. Taita Hills Association
  6. The Wanyamwezi of Central Tanganyika were ruled by chiefs during the pre-colonial
    period. The title of a chief was
    1. Mugabe
    2. Ntemi
    3. Wanyamphala
    4. Wanyikulu
  7. Which one of the following has been an achievement of African socialism in Kenya?
    1. Equitable distribution of resources
    2. Elimination of illiteracy in the country
    3. Increased participation of people in development project
    4. Reduction of the gap between the rich and the poor
  8. Below are some sources of national government revenue. Which one of the groups earns highest?
    1. Customs and excise loans
    2. Sales of government properties Court fines
    3. Income tax Value added tax
    4. Grants and Aids Sales of licences
  9. Which one of the following is associated with the British rule in Kenya?
    1. Powers of traditional rulers were reduced
    2. African were reduced as DC's
    3. The governor was elected by white settlers
    4. Africans were represented in the Legco
  10. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of the local authorities of Kenya?
    1. Providing social services
    2. Issuing trade licences
    3. Allocation land for development
    4. Issuing permits for meeting in towns
  11. Three of the following are rights of spouses in marriage. Which one is not?
    1. Right to unfaithfulness
    2. Right to be loved
    3. Right to decision making
    4. Right to ownership of property
  12. The following are sparsely populated areas of Africa except
    1. the Sahel region
    2. Miombo woodlands
    3. the Nile valley
    4. Lambwe valley
  13. Which one of the following is the main function of a school?
    1. To assist learners develop positive rules
    2. To foster the development of national unity
    3. To assist learners develop their talents
    4. To prepare the youth for the world of work
  14. Which one of the following statement best explains why the Kenya highlands have a high population density?
    1. The area has deep, rich volcanic soils
    2. The region receives high and reliable rainfall
    3. There is a well developed transport network
    4. The area has a concentration of industries

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 25-29

  1. The mineral extracted from the place marked P is
    1. copper
    2. soda ash
    3. gold
    4. silver
  2. The mountain range marked Q was formed through
    1. faulting
    2. erosional activities
    3. folding
    4. volcanic activities
  3. The vegetation found in the area marked R consist of
    1. forests
    2. scrubs
    3. papyrus and reeds
    4. health and moorland
  4. Which one of the following statements is true of the country marked S?
    1. It is a major exporter of coffee
    2. It has a well developed railway network
    3. It is mainly inhabited by Cushites
    4. It is the headquarters of the IGAD
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason why the river at point marked T is difficult for navigation?
    1. It has a plenty of floating vegetation
    2. The river is flowing through a swampy area
    3. Low volume of water at sometime in the year
    4. It has several waterfalls and cataracts.
  6. Which one of the following factors least contributed to the settlement of Asians in Eastern Africa after building of the Kenya- Uganda railway?
    1. Over population in the country.
    2. Availability of business opportunities in East Africa
    3. They were not allowed to return to their country
    4. They were required to build more railways
  7. Which one of the following countries is not a member of United Nations?
    1. Britain
    2. France
    3. Taiwan
    4. Russia
  8. In Kenya parliamentary sessions are chaired by
    1. the leader of government business
    2. the speaker
    3. the leader of opposition in parliament
    4. the sergent at arms
  9. Below are some problems of rapid population growth in Kenya:
    1. Land fragmentation
    2. Scarcity of land
    3. Development of slums
    4. High dependency
    5. Food shortage
      Which combination of the above problems are commonly felt in the rural areas?
      1. i, ii, v
      2. i, ii, iii
      3. iii, iv, v
      4. i, ii, iv
  10. Below are some methods of soil conservation:
    1. Crop farming
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Cover cropping
    4. Contour ploughing
    5. Strip farming
      Which combination of the above conservation methods would be used to control splash erosion?
      1. i, ii, iii
      2. i, ii,
      3. i, iii, v
      4. i, ii, iv
  11. The imposition of colonial rule in Africa was mainly facilitated by
    1. activities of European missionaries
    2. military superiorith of the Europeans
    3. lack of unity around African community
    4. riverly among African leaders
  12. Which one of the following is not a role of political parties in democracy?
    1. To assist in development activities
    2. To oppose the failures of the ruling party
    3. To encourage wananchi to vote
    4. To keep the government alert
  13. Below are some problems facing wildlife in Kenya:
    1. Attack by poachers
    2. Drought
    3. Fires
    4. Inadequate capital
    5. Litter in the park
      Which combination of the above problems can be solved with the assistance of the community?
      1. i, iii, iv
      2. i, iii, v
      3. i. ii, ii, v
      4. ii, iii, v
  14. The picture below is of a weather measuring instrument.
    The instrument above is used to measure
    1. wind movement
    2. strength of wind
    3. speed of wind
    4. amount of wind
  15. Which one of the following factors least promoted European settlers farming in Kenya?
    1. Availability of unoccupied land
    2. Presence of Kenya-Uganda railway
    3. Unavailability of cash crop
    4. Suppot offered by the colonial administration
  16. Which one of the following statements explains why Nelson Mandela is considered to be great son of Africa?
    1. He served for only one term as president
    2. He retired as president of South Africa
    3. He spent most of his time fighting for his people
    4. He is the mediator of peace in the continent
  17. Major Hassan Kamau has been suspected to have been involved in a bank robbery. To which one of the following courts would he be taken for trial?
    1. Court of appeal
    2. Court martial
    3. High court
    4. Kadhis court
  18. Three of the following are ways in which citizen of Kenya may participate in their government. Which one is not?
    1. Paying their taxes
    2. Obeying the laws of the land
    3. Protecting the environment
    4. Owning properties
  19. Below are some of the processes during the holding of national elections:
    1. Educating of voters
    2. Identifying of polling stations
    3. Registration of candidates
    4. Checking of voters registers
    5. Buying of election materials
      Which is the correct order in which the above activities shall be carried out?
      1. i, ii, iii, iv, v
      2. iii, iv, i, v, ii
      3. ii, iii, iv, v, i
      4. iii, iv, v, i, ii
  20. Which one of the following is not a benefit of National unity?
    1. People live in harmony
    2. People easily share resources
    3. People interact easily
    4. People have religious differences
  21. Below are some of the human rights contained in the bill of rights?
    1. Freedom of thought
    2. Freedom of expression
    3. Right to privacy
    4. Right to liberty
    5. Freedom of movement
      Which combination of the above rights consists of civil rights?
      1. i, ii, iii
      2. ii, iii, iv
      3. i, iv, v
      4. iii, iv, v
  22. Which group of the African countries are members of both COMESA and SADC?
    1. Seychelles, Mauritius, Lesotho
    2. Madagascar, Swaziland, Lesotho
    3. Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia
    4. DR Congo, Botswana, Zambia
  23. Which one of the following is the main quality of marriage?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Tolerance
    4. Respect
  24. Three of the following factors explain the slow rate of development of railway transport in Africa. Which one does not?
    1. It is not a popular means of transport
    2. It is expensive to build
    3. It is expensive to transport bulky goods
    4. The railways have different gauges
  25. Which one of the following was not one of the reasons why Europeans powers scrambled for Africa?
    1. The African chiefs asked them to come and give them protection
    2. They wanted a source of raw materials
    3. They wanted to settle a surplus population
    4. The European powers wanted to show their power
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason why the government encouraged the setting up of jua kali industries?
    1. Make sure of waste iron materials
    2. Production of cheap goods
    3. Creation of job opportunities
    4. They require little space
  27. Which one of the following lakes of Kenya receives the least of tourists?
    1. Naivasha
    2. Baringo
    3. Magadi
    4. Bogoria
  28. Why does the government need foreign currency yet it has its own currency?
    1. To pay for exports
    2. To pay foreign workers
    3. To pay for imports
    4. To keep in the bank
  29. Three of the following are reasons why first Aid is administered to victims of accidents. Which one is not?
    1. To save life accidents.
    2. To reduce pain
    3. To show kindness
    4. To promote recovery
  30. Which one of the following was not a festival among African communities?
    1. Harvest
    2. Birth
    3. Initiation
    4. Drama
  31. In traditional Africanl societies messages of an attack by another community was passed on to the people by
    1. beating drums
    2. sending smoke signals
    3. blowing a cow's horn
    4. sending messengers
  32. Olduvai Gorge is an important pre-historic site in
    1. Kenya
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Tanzania
  33. Which one of the following UN agencies has its headquarters in Nairobi?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNHCR
    3. UNEP
    4. UNDP
  34. Three of the following are duties of the Njuri Njeke council of the Ameru. Which one is not?
    1. They settle disputes among the members
    2. They punish people who break moral laws
    3. They perform religious rituals
    4. They select family heads
  35. Below are African nationalists in the struggle of Kenya's independence. Who among them was nominated to Legco during the colonial period?
    1. Eliud Mathu
    2. B.A Ohanga
    3. Joseph Murumbi
    4. Tom Mboya
  36. Three of the following are causes of conflict in families. Which one is not?
    1. Lack of education
    2. Lack of respect
    3. Lack of money
    4. Lack of trust



  1. According to the Genesis story of creation God created water creatures and birds on the day.
    1. second
    2. third
    3. fourth
    4. fifth
  2. Who among the following was Samuel's step mother?
    1. Rebecca
    2. Sarah
    3. Penninah
    4. Hannah
  3. The following are statements that prophet Isaiah used to describe Jesus. Which one is not?
    1. Lamb of God
    2. Wonderful counsellor
    3. Prince of peace
    4. Mighty God
  4. Which of the following books of the Old testament is a historic book?
    1. Deutronomy
    2. Psalm
    3. Leviticus
    4. Ezra
  5. Who among the following people annointed David as the second king of Israel?
    1. Zaddock
    2. Nathan
    3. Samuel
    4. Saul
  6. God called Moses when he was living in
    1. Midian
    2. Horan
    3. Ur
    4. Egypt
  7. On which of the following mountains did Elijah the prophet of God put the prophets of Baal to a contest?
    1. Mt. Moriah
    2. Mt. Nebo
    3. Mt. carmel
    4. Mt. Horeb
  8. Which of the following was the main lesson that the people of Israel learnt about God from the ten plagues?
    1. God dislikes idolatry
    2. God hates proud leaders
    3. God is the creator
    4. God is loving and kind
  9. God is described in very many.words. The name omnipresent means God is
    1. great
    2. powerful
    3. everywhere
    4. everything
  10. Who among the following leaders did the Holy Spirit manifest upon and enabled him to conquer enemies with only 300 soliders?
    1. Joshua
    2. Gideon
    3. Saul
    4. David
  11. Which of the following couples were the parents of John the baptist?
    1. Isaac and Rebecca
    2. Hannah and Elikanah
    3. Abraham and Sarah
    4. Elizabeth and Zachariah
  12. Which of the following Christian occassion is correctly matched with its celebration?
    1. Good Friday - The death of Jesus
    2. Easter Monday - The day of arrest of Jesus
    3. Advent - The birth of Jesus
    4. Pentecost - Ascencion of Jesus
  13. Who among the following disciples informed Jesus that there was a boy with two fish and five loaves during the feedingof the five thousand people?
    1. Peter
    2. John
    3. Philip
    4. Andrew
  14. Jesus appeared to Cheophas and his friends when they were on their way to
    1. Nazareth
    2. Jericho
    3. Galilee
    4. Emmaus
  15. The disciples of Jesus were given the authority to go and do all the following except
    1. preach
    2. punish sinners
    3. drive away demons
    4. heal the sick
  16. In which town did Jesus raise the widow's son?
    1. Cana
    2. Nazareth
    3. Nain
    4. Bethlehem
  17. Which of the following was the main reason why Paul was called by God?
    1. To preach the word of God to the Gentiles
    2. To stop pesecuting christians
    3. To go to Damascus
    4. To heal the sick
  18. On the day of pentecost the Holy spirit came down in form of
    1. clouds
    2. smoke
    3. fire
    4. dove
  19. Which of the following titles was given to Jesus by John the Baptist?
    1. The mighty king
    2. The lamb of God
    3. Bread of life
    4. Wonderful counselor
  20. Which of the following acts were performed by elders in traditional Africa communities during worship?
    1. Serving the holy communion
    2. Baptising members
    3. Reciting the creed
    4. Sacrificing animals
  21. Which of the following activities was practised in traditional African communities so that the dead could share with the living?
    1. Building shrines
    2. Pouring libation
    3. Naming
    4. Initiation
  22. Which of the following ways of worship is common to both Christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. Reciting prayers
    2. Baptising believers
    3. Making sacrifices
    4. Reading the bible
  23. Which of the following practices in traditional African society was mainly conducted by the priest?
    1. Naming children
    2. Punishing criminals
    3. Circumcision
    4. Offering sacrifices
  24. Which of the following is the best explanation as to why some people were wealthy in traditional African societies? They were
    1. wise
    2. blessed by God
    3. generous
    4. hardworking
  25. Carol was sent by her mother to buy 1kg meat at a nearby butchery. The butcher gave him more change than was necessary. As a Christian he should
    1. go to another butchery and buy another meat for an elderly woman
    2. take the money to church
    3. buy a gift for her sel
    4. return the extra balance to the butcher
  26. Muthoni took lunch belonging to Mueni and ate it. As a Christian, Mueni should
    1. tell Muthoni never to do it again
    2. ask Muthoni to pay it
    3. announce it to the whole class
    4. report the matter to the class prefect
  27. Which of the following is the best way to use leisure time after completing examinations?
    1. Visit a relative
    2. Listen to music
    3. Go for holiday in the beaches,
    4. Visit the sick and elderly
  28. Moraa a class seven pupil at Keroka Academy finds two boys from class four fighting on their way home. As a Christian, Moraa should
    1. leave them and report the matter to the headteacher the following day
    2. separate them and ask them to go to their homes
    3. scream and call for help
    4. ignore them
  29. In the Apostle's Creed the Catholic church refers to
    1. the holy christians
    2. the holy catholic church
    3. the Everlasting church
    4. the universal church
  30. The main work of the clergy is to
    1. build churches
    2. punish sinners
    3. preach the gospel
    4. collect church funds



  1. Which one of the following Surahs asks Muslims never to delay the five daily prayers?
    1. Al-Maun
    2. Fatiha
    3. A-tiin
    4. Ikhlas
  2. The main message of Surah Al-Takaathur is
    1. the last day
    2. oneness of Allah
    3. importance of time.
    4. evil of searching for wealth
  3. The Quranic verse “Fa-innama alyusri yusraa" is found in Surah
    1. Humaza
    2. Fiyl
    3. Bayyina
    4. Inshirrah
  4. In which of the following Surahs is man said to be created in the best form?
    1. Tiin
    2. Al-Asr
    3. Al-Qariah
    4. Al-Kaafiruun
  5. Which pair of Surahs are referred to as "Muwathatain"?
    1. Al-Ikhlas and Al-Nasr
    2. Al-Alaq and Al-Lahab
    3. Al-Falq and Annaas
    4. Annas and Al-Ikhlas
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said. "Worship Allah as you see Him. If you don't see Him, He sees you." This hadith is on
    1. Tawheed
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Iman
  7. According to the teaching of the prophet (p.b.u.h), the person exempted to fast during the month of Ramadhan may be
    1. the traveller
    2. the poor
    3. the orphan
    4. the God-fearing
  8. Which among the following statements is true about the Jumaa prayer?
    1. It must have two hotuba
    2. It should have a maximum of 40 people
    3. It is not only performed on Friday
    4. It doesn't have 'Iqaama'
  9. When performing Tayammum, which two parts of the body are involved?
    1. Mouth and legs
    2. Face and arms
    3. Ears and hands
    4. Forehead and arms
  10. One of the pillars of Islam is used when one is embracing Islam
    1. Hajj
    2. Salaat
    3. Zakat
    4. Shahada
  11. When praying for the dead, the prayer for the prophet (p.b.u.h) is said after_____ Takbiir
    1. fourth
    2. third
    3. second
    4. first
  12. Which of the following is the best way of caring for the people infected with HIV/ AIDS?
    1. Keep their status a secret
    2. Pray for them
    3. Encourage them to live positively
    4. Provide them with food
  13. The following are recipients of Zakah. Which one is not?
    1. Poor, debtor, wayfarer
    2. Poor, needy, collectors
    3. Orphan, widow, sick
    4. Slaves, needy, poor
  14. Children in schools are encouraged to observe punctuality because it
    1. makes them avoid punishment
    2. trains one to be responsible
    3. gives them enough time to play
    4. promotes better performance in exams
  15. One of the attributes of Allah is "Al- Razaq". This means
    1. the giver
    2. the creator
    3. the designer
    4. the provider
  16. Among the angels of Allah, Angel Ridhwan is assigned duties including being in charge of
    1. paradise
    2. rain
    3. hell fire
    4. revelation
  17. The Caliph who compiled the Holy Quran was
    1. Abubakar Assidiq
    2. Uthman bin Affan
    3. Ali bin Abu Talib
    4. Umar bin Khattab
  18. "Ash-Hurul-Hurum" as used in islam refers to
    1. Islamic calendar
    2. fasting months
    3. sacred months
    4. birthdays
  19. The best way to attract people to Islam is by
    1. being role models
    2. inviting them to the mosque
    3. competing them to embrace Islam
    4. welcoming them to Islamic ceremonies
  20. On his way to school, Hussein a grade one pupil meets his grandfather. Hussein should greet him by saying
    1. Assalam Alaykum
    2. Shikamoo
    3. Swubah-ul-Kheri
    4. good morning
  21. The following are places of worship. Which onc suits Hindus?
    1. Synagogue
    2. Mosque
    3. Church
    4. Temple
  22. Which one of the following principles is practiced will reduce the spread of COVID 19?
    1. Feasting
    2. Distancing closely
    3. Sanitising
    4. Sharing beddings
  23. 12th Rabiul Awwal is an important date of Musim. Why is it?
    1. Marks Eidul Fitr
    2. Marks the birth of prophet Mohammad
    3. Marks the birth of prophet's father
    4. Marks the day of Hijra
  24. The best way a Muslim can show appreciations for blessings from Allah is by
    1. visiting the sick
    2. visiting the graves
    3. watching football
    4. attending miladun-Nabi
  25. The reason why the battle of Uhud was lost is because
    1. the Muslims disobeyed prophet Muhammad's orders
    2. the Quraish were too many
    3. Muslims were weak
    4. some Muslims surrendered
  26. Who was the foster mother of prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)?
    1. Amina
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Halima
  27. The Muslims fast on the day of 10th Dhul-Hijja. Which important event takes place on this day?
    1. Throwing stones at Jamarat
    2. Running between Safar and Marwa
    3. Standing at Arafa field
    4. Reading of Quran the whole day
  28. The following are not reasons learnt from the story of Nur except
    1.  Muslims should exercise virtue of forgiveness
    2. Muslims should take care of their blood relations only
    3. Muslims should cooperate with each other in religious matters
    4. Muslims should remain steadfast in their religion despite hardships
  29. Which one of the following faradh prayers has the shortest period within which it should be performed?
    1. Isha
    2. Fajr
    3. Dhuhur
    4. Maghrib
  30. The Caliph who wrote the treaty of Hudaibiya was
    1. Ali bin Abu Talib
    2. Uthman bin Affan
    3. Abubakar Assidiq
    4. Umar bin Khattab



  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. A
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. A
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. B
  38. B
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. D
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. A
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. C
  54. D
  55. A
  56. D
  57. B
  58. D
  59. A
  60. A


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. A
  19. A
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C
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