Displaying items by tag: Class 8

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo.

Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Kuzinduliwa kwa katiba mpya ___1__ sana mtoto msichana. Hapo awali jamii tele sana ___2__ sana. Kuna vyakula kama mayai ambavyo ___3___ wanaume. Hata ___4__ zinazohitajika nguvu nyingi ziliachiwa wavulana.__5____ hapo awali, siku __6__ hadhi ya mtoto msichana ___7__ sana. Wakati huu elimu ya mtoto msichana inaenda __8___ na ile ya mvulana.

 1  ilimsaidia  zilimsaidia   mlimsaidia  kulimsaidia 
 2  ilimyanyasa  zilimyanyasa  ulimyanyasa   lilinyanyasa 
 3  ziliachwa  kiliachwa   iliachiwa   viliachiwa 
 4  kazi za sulubu  kazi za ujima   kazi za shokoa   kazi za gunda 
 5  Licha ya  Bighairi ya  Mbali na  Kinyume na 
 6  huu  hili   hizi   imevikwa 
 7  imeenezwa  imetia fora  imekwezwa  imevikwa vilemba
 8  mtawalia  mkabali   sadakta   sambamba 

Zamani __9___ zilimtweza msichana na alichukuliwa kama kitega uchumi. Alisubiri akomee ili __10__ na wazazi wake kupokezwa mahari. __11___ jamii hata ziliwatuma ___12__ kupeleka habari za posa pindi tu msichana __13___. Dunia imebadilika na ___14__ anayejifanya hajui kila kitu kiko wazi. Atajionea. Kumbuka ___15__.

  9  nyingi  mingi   wengi   mengi 
 10  aoe  aozwe   aoleshwe   ndoa 
 11  Kati ya  Baadhi ya   Miongoni mwa   Katikati ya 
 12  washenga  manyakanga   wahandisi   makuli 
 13  alipozaliwa  alikozaliwa   alimozaliwa   aliyezaliwa 
 14  yeyote  wowote   wote   yote 
 15  Bahati ya mwenzio usilalie mlango wazi  Kinga na kinga ndipo moto uwakapo   huwezi kulificha jua kwa ungo  mwana wa ndugu kirugu mjukuu mtu wa mbali 

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo:
    Barabara iliyokarabatiwa haijaharibika tena
    1. Barabara ambayo ilikarabatiwa haikuharibika tena
    2. Barabara isiyokarabatiwa haijaharibika tena
    3. Barabara iliyokarabatiwa haijaharibika tena
    4. Barabara iliyokarabatiwa haijaharibika tena
  2. Chagua usemi wa taarifa ulo sahihi "Mkutano utaanza saa tisa jion kesho," Kinara alisema.
    1.  Kinara alisema kuwa mkutano ungeanza saa tisa jioni siku ambayo ingefuata
    2. Kinara alisema kuwa mkutano ulianza saa tisa jioni siku iliyotangulia
    3. Kinara alisema kuwa mkutano unaanza saa tisa jioni siku ifuatayo.
    4. Kinara alisema kuwa mkutano ungeanza
  3. Unganisha sentensi zifuatazo:
    1. Unaweza kulinunua gari
    2. Usimalize akiba yako
      1. Unaweza kulinunua gari lolote angalau usimalize akiba yako
      2. Unaweza kulinunua gari lolote mradi usimalize akiba yako
      3. Unaweza kulinunua gari lolote ilhali usimalize akiba yako
      4. Unaweza kulinunua gari lolote seuze usimalize akiba yako
  4. Andika wingi wa:
    Baraza la mtihani la taifa limetoa tangazo
    1. Baraza la mtihani ya taifa limetoa matangazo
    2. Mabaraza ya mitihani ya mataifa yametoa matangazo
    3. Baraza za mitihani za mataifa zimetoa matangazo
    4. Mabaraza ya mitihani ya kitaifa yametoa matangazo
  5. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia -amba- kwa usahihi:
    1. Karai ambalo lililopotea ni lake
    2. Miguu ambazo zilizojeruhiwa ni za jirani
    3. Ujumbe ambao uliwafikia ni wa kweli
    4. Kitabu ambacho kilichopatikana kimechorwa simba
  6. Kutokana na kitenzi ‘iga' tunapata nomino
    1. Mwigo
    2. Igiza
    3. Igika
    4. Igizeni
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye kielezi kinachoelezea mengi kuhusu kivumishi
    1. Daktari alimtibu vyema mwathiriwa huyo wa ajali
    2. Tulihuzunika zaidi baada ya timu yetu kushindwa
    3. Mwanamuziki hodari zaidi atatuzwa zawadi nyingi
    4. Yeye ni mzuri kama jamaa hao
  8. Chagua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa kistari.
    Wageni wale walialikwa tena lakini wengine hawakualikwa.
    1. Kivumishi, kielezi, kiwakilishi
    2. Kiwakilishi, kihusishi, kielezi
    3. Kielezi, kihusishi, kiwakilishi
    4. Kihusishi, kivumishi, kielezi
  9. Chagua kitenzi kilichoundwa kutokana na nomino:
    1. Mvumilivu - uvumilivu
    2. Mwaminifu - aminika
    3. Mapishi - pikika
    4. Wacheshi - ucheshi
  10. Ni mpangilio upi ufaao kwa vifungu vifuatavyo ili kuleta maana kamili?
    1. sharti lishughulikiwe
    2. Uhifadhi wa mazingira
    3. na kila mzalendo
    4. ni jambo ambalo
      1. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
      2. (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
      3. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      4. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
  11. Chagua methali zenye maana sawa:
    1. Usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta
    2. vyote vyowevu si maji
    3. Samaki mkunje angali mbichi
    4. Usidharau kiserema chalima kuliko jembe
      1. (i), (iv)
      2. (i), (ii)
      3. (i), (iii)
      4. (iii), (iv)
  12. Chereno na Rahma ni mabibi zake Rashidi..
    Je, ndoa ya aina hii huitwaje?
    1. Mkemwenza
    2. Mitala
    3. Mwanyumba
    4. Nasaba
  13. Chagua sentensi yenye ‘karibu' na 'takriban'
    1. Mjomba anaishi karibu na mji huo
    2. Darasa hilo lina karibu wanafunzihamsini
    3. Mruka viunzi alikuwa karibu kuanguka
    4. "Karibuni kwenye kipindi chetu," mtangazaji alisema
  14. Nomino mate, mawaidha na manukato ni nomino katika ngeli gani?
    1. LI - YA
    2. I - I
    3. YA - YA
    4. U - YA
  15. Eleza matumizi ya -ni- katika sentensi ifuatayo:-
    Juma alicheka kwa sauti nilipoanguka chini:
    1. Nafsi
    2. Sababu
    3. Wakati
    4. Mtendaji

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.

Tarafa ya Kwasi ilikuwa maarufu kutokana na bidii za mchwa za wakazi wake. Uchumi wa tarafa nzima ulitegemea kilimo licha ya kuwa wenyeji wa eneo hili hawakuwa na mashamba makubwa bali vikataa vidogo vidogo tu. Hata hivyo wanatarafa hawa walijua jambo moja, kuwa ukilima pantosha, utavuna pankwisha na kwa hivyo walifanya bidii kubwa katika kilimo chao. Licha ya udogo wa vikataa hivyo, waliweza kupata mazao ya kazole kila msimu wa kuvuna ulipowadia. Tatizo kuu walilopambana nalo lilikuwa usambazaji na uuzaji wa mazao yao. Lakini kwa bahati nzuri pale tarafani palikuwa na mkulima mmoja wa miaka mingi. Yeye alikuwa na shamba kubwa na alinuia kuoa na kumfunza mwanawe mbinu bora za kilimo. Lengo lake lilikuwa mwanawe awe maarufu katika zaraa.

Si miaka mingi sana iliyopita. Mkulima huyu alifunga harusi ya kukata na shoka na ua la moyo wake, Bi Maridhia. Baada ya kuishi miaka minne wakitafuta mwana wao, Mola aliwafungulia njia. Bi Maridhia akajifungua totoshoo, mtoto si mtoto. Hungemwangalia mara moja. Alikuwa mrembo kuliko huralaini wa peponi. Kwa jina walimwita Baraka. Ujio wa Baraka uliwapa furaha kuu.

Kwa furaha hiyo walimwangusha karamu ya kukata na shoka. Yakini si yamkini Baraka alianza safari yake ya maisha kwa furaha. Utotoni alikuwa danga la mwana. Alikuwa mwenye tabia bulibuli. Maadamu waliishi unono, alilelewa kwa tunu na tamasha. Chochote kile alichokitamani alipewa na hata kuongezewa.

Kwake msamiati 'sina' au hakuna hakuujua. Alipata kila kitu labda kiwe hakikupatikana madukani. Naye Baraka shuleni alikuwa wembe uliokata kuwili. Alifuata nyay za wazazi wake ambao licha ya kuwa na vyao hawakudekeza hisia zozote za ugoigoi masomoni.

Baraka pia alikuwa mcha mungu. Alikuwa ngoi aliyewafurahisha waumini wa kanisa lao. Alisoma msahafu kwa uaminifu. Isitoshe hata wakati mwingine alisimama mimbarini na kuhubiri.

Waswahili husikika wakisema kuwa muda hupaa kama ndege. Baraka alijipata amejiunga na shule moja ya kifahari huko ng'ambo. Akiwa huko alitangamana na wanafunzi wa matabaka mbalimbali kutoka kila pembe ya dunia. Licha ya kuwa na furaha ya kupata nafasi hiyo ya kipekee iliyotamaniwa na wengi aligubikwa na huzuni. Kule alijipata katika kisiwa cha ukiwa na upweke. Nayo asilimia kubwa ya wanafunzi ilikuwa na mienendo iliyozorota. Mavazi ya wengi yalipwayapwaya, mazungumzo yasiyozingatia tasfida na nywele zilisukwa kivoloya.

Jinsi muda ulivyozidi kumsonga, ndivyo Baraka alivyozidi kuhusudu tabia za wenzake. Hii ni kwa sababu alichelea kuitwa limbukeni asiyetaarabika. Alishawishika kufuata rubaa. Haukupita muda mrefu ambako aliyazika maadili yake katika kaburi la sahau. Baraka alipotoka kitabia na kupoteza matumaini.

Baraka hakuona sababu ya kuwasiliana na jamaa kule nyumbani kama ilivyokuwa kawaida yake. Alijiona aliyekomaa. Hakujali la togo wala la jando. Chochote alichokiona au kusikia aliiga tu.

Maadamu alikuwa Mwafrika, aliamua kujimbambua ngozi ili awe kama wazungu. Alianza kujutia kuzaliwa Afrika. Yeye hakujali methali isemayo mwacha mila ni mtumwa. Isitoshe, alitamani kubadili umbo la kiwiliwili chake ili awe na kiuno cha nyigu cha kufungasha na nywele za singa. Yote haya aliyadhaminia mapenzi ya wavulana.

Baraka alibahatika kumpata daktari wa kutibu ugonjwa wake. Kwa kutumia karo alienda kufanyiwa upasuaji. Alipeusha rangi ya ngozi yake. Vilevile alifanywa kuwa na umbo la kuwapendeza aliowalenga. Akawa amefanana na wazungu wenyewe.

Anasa zilimnasa. Masomo nayo yakasukumwa mlango wa nyuma. Kazi yake ikawa ni kuzurura kutoka klabu moja hadi nyingine. Wakati akifanya haya, wazazi walijua kuwa alikuwa akibingirisha gurudumu la maisha. Laiti wangalijua kuwa Baraka kabadilika.

Ajabu huajabiwa. Kumbe Baraka alikuwa amejipalia makaa. Alianza kuugua saratani ya ngozi. Nywele, kope na nyusi zilimnyonyoka. Uso wake ulisawajika na kupata mabaka na makunyazi. Vidonda vilishika usukani. Akawa hatazamiki hata mara moja. Halimashauri ya shule iliamua kumrudisha nyumbani akiwa hali mahututi. Alikuwa hajiwezi. Wazazi wake walipomwangalia hawakumtambua. karibu hakuwa yeye. Kovu lililokuwa shingoni ndilo liliwafanya wamtambue. Baada ya muda mfupi, Baraka aliaga dunia. Mama yake naye kusikia hivyo, alizirai na kuipungia dunia mkono wa buriani. Ikawa huzuni si huzuni katika jamaa iliyokuwa na utulivu.

  1. Ni kauli gani isiyo ya kweli kulingana na aya ya kwanza?
    1. Wakazi wa Kwasi walitegemea kilimo licha ya udogo wa mashamba
    2. Licha ya mashamba haya kuwa madogo wakazi walipata mazao mengi
    3. Katika eneo la Kwasi ni mkulima mmoja tu alikuwa na shamba kubwa
    4. Licha ya wakazi kubarikiwa kuwa na mazao ya kutosha, soko liliwatatiza
  2. Hii ni tamathali gani ya lugha iliyotumika katika kauli hii:
    Alikuwa mrembo kuliko huralaini wa peponi.
    1. Chuku
    2. Kinaya
    3. Ishara
    4. Tabaini
  3. Danga la mwana ni
    1. mtoto aliyelelewa na kudekezwa
    2. mtoto anayepata masomo ya ng'ambo
    3. mtoto anayezaliwa baada ya wazazi kusubiri kwa muda mrefu
    4. mtoto anayelelewa vizuri
  4. Kulingana na aya ya tatu Baraka aliku mwerevu shuleni kutokana na
    1. vitabu vingi alivyonunuliwa na wazazi wake
    2. ukweli kwamba, wazazi wake walipenda mtoto mwenye bidii masomoni
    3. shida nyingi iliyokuwa nyumbani kwao
    4. ukweli kuwa wanafunzi wengi shuleni walipenda michezo kuliko masomo
  5. Kuhusudu tabia za wenzake ina maana ya
    1. kuchukia tabia za wenzake
    2. kuandama tabia za wenzake
    3. kuvutiwa na tabia za wenzake
    4. kusikia tabia za wenzake
  6. Si kweli kusema kuwa,
    1. Baraka aliionea fahari asili yake
    2. Baraka hakupendezwa na maumbile yake
    3. Baraka alitamani kuwa kama mzungu
    4. Baraka alitaka kuwa na umbo ambalo lingewavutia wavulana kwake
  7. Kulingana na kifungu ulichosoma
    1. wazazi wa Baraka hawakuwa na mwao kuhusu tabia za mwana wao
    2. baba yake Baraka alipata fadhaiko la moyo akakata kamba
    3. baada ya kusikia kuhusu kifo cha Baraka, mama yake alirukwa na kichwa.
    4. Baraka aliaga dunia pindi tu baada ya kufika katika uwanja wa ndege
  8. Kifungu chaonyesha wazi kuwa
    1. wazazi wake Baraka waliaga dunia
    2. Baraka aliwapa wazazi wake fahari kubwa baada ya kurejea kutoka ughaibuni. 
    3. lilikuwa kosa kubwa kwa wazazi kumpeleka Baraka kwa masomo ya juu
    4. Baraka aliwapelekea wazazi wake aibu kubwa
  9. Kulingana na kifungu ulichosoma, ni kauli gani ambayo si ya kweli?
    1. Wazazi wa Baraka walikaa kwa miezi arubaini na minane bila kujaliwa mtoto
    2. Kuzaliwa kwa Baraka kuliwapa wazazi wake furaha kubwa
    3. Baraka alikuwa msichana mrembo sana alipozaliwa
    4. Baba yake Baraka alimlaumu Bi. "Maridhia kwa kukawia kupata mtoto
  10. Ni methali gani mwafaka kujumlisha ujumbe wa kauli hii?
    Mama yake naye kusikia hivyo alizirai na kuipungia dunia mkono wa buriani.
    1. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
    2. Hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe
    3. Kifo ki karibu ki kisogoni pako
    4. Ajali haina kinga wala kafara.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50

Mengi yamesemwa kuhusu utiifu. Ukweli ni kuwa, watu wengi hudhani kuwa maisha yangekuwa mazuri ikiwa kila mtu angeruhusiwa kufanya atakavyo. Kulingana na mimi, ni makosa kufikiria hivyo madhali mienendo isiyodhibitiwa na sheria ni kiini cha vurugu na ukiukaji wa sheria nchini. Hebu fikiria hali ingekuwa vipi ikiwa mwendeshaji pikipiki angeiendesha kulia na kushoto katikati ya barabara na kupuuza sheria za trafiki? Hali kama hii huweza kusababisha msongamano mkubwa wa magari mjini, hivyo kuwafanya watu wachukue muda mrefu kabla ya kufika waelekeapo. Kutengenea au kuwa shwari kwa mambo hutokana na kila mtu kutafuta kanuni zote zilizowekwa.

Kila mtu hana budi kuelewa kuwa utiifu si udhaifu au woga. Ni hali ya kutambua kuwa kutii utawala wa kisheria huhakikisha kuwa kuna muumano na utangamano wa kijamii. Utiifu una maana ya kufanya yanayotarajiwa. Vilevile utiifu una maana ya kutambua na kukubali kuwa kufanya matendo mema ni bora zaidi kuliko kutekeleza jambo au matendo ya kibinafsi tu. Kwa hakika ni vyema kutafakari kuhusu tunayoambiwa na wenzetu au hata watu wengine. Hatufai kufuata kila maagizo tunayopewa bila kuyatathmini vizuri. Mathalani; ikiwa mtu atakuambia ujihusishe na ujambazi, unafaa kukataa.

Ukweli ni kuwa katika maisha ya kila siku, tunatii kanuni nyingi bila kufahamu au kujua. Hakuna mtu kwa mfano anayetulazimisha kuzingatia lishe bora au kufuata maagizo ya daktari. Wengi wetu huhudhuria shule au kazini kwa wakati ufaao bila kushurutishwa. Ikiwa kwa mfano una gari unalomiliki, hakuna anayekukalifu kulipeleka kwenye gereji likatengenezwe au likakarabatiwe. Hebu jiulize hapo ulipo; je, kwa nini watu hufanya mambo kama haya bila a kuagizwa au kukahiriwa? Ukweli ni kuwa, tendo lolote lile la kutotii au kutotekeleza yale yanayohitajika litakuwa na matokeo mabaya au hata ya kuhatarisha maisha ya watu.

Wanafunzi shuleni wanatakiwa kuvaa sare nadhifu. Wabunge nao wanafaa kuvaa suti. Bwelasuti ni kwa makanika. Hata hivyo wengi hawatii wala kuheshimu uvaaji. Hapo awaliamii nyingi zilikuwa zikithamini maadili sana. Hata hivyo sasa maadili ya jamii zetu yanazoroteka kwa kasi kiasi cha kushangaza. Hali hii imeletwa kutokana na mwingiliano mwingi wa taifa letu na yale ya kigeni. Mwingiliano huu unaweza kuleta upungufu wa maadili. Kwa watu wengi na hususan vijana, kwao upotovu wa maadili ndio ustaarabu ufaao. Kusifu au kuiga nyendo mbaya huchangia upalilizi wa uozo wa tabia. Hali kama hii ikiruhusiwa kuendelea inaweza kuifuja nchi yetu.

Vijana wengi hawataki kutii sheria za uvaaji. Wafaa wakumbuke kuwa mavazi yanaweza kumtukuza au kumtweza mtu. Hali hii italingana na vazi lenyewe, hadhira lengwa, wakati na hata cheo cha mvaliaji. Hebu fikiria askari akivalia bombo na kizibao huku amebeba bunduki yake, mwalimu naye avalie chepeo, kaptura na ndara miguuni, mkunga naye avalie suruali ya kumkaba mwili na blauzi nyembamba katika zanahati yake. Zote nilizotaja ni nguo lakini wanaozivaa ndio hawatii mahali na kanuni za jamii.

Jamii zetu hutuzaini tuweze kuvalia nguo zetu za kijadi wakati wa sherehe. Kama nilivyokuelezea, wabunge wetu hawaruhusiwi kuingia bungeni bila suti na asiyetii hupigwa marufuku. Je, inamaanisha wakivalia fulana waheshimiwa wetu watakuwa uchi? La hasha. Ni vile tu kwa kuvalia fulana waheshimiwa wetu watakuwa wamekiuka kanuni za bunge. Bila vikwazo hivi, baadhi ya waheshimiwa wangekuwa na vibindo vya kutia pesa zao. Bunge ni jumba la heshima linalostahili heshima zake

Nilishasema vijana ndio hawataki kutii katika masuala ya mavazi. Hawa ndio walio katika mstari wa mbele kukosoa mavazi ya jadi. Wengi wao wamelewa na usasa na hawaoni chochote kizuri kutoka jadi. Ni vibaya sana kukosoa mavazi yetu ya kale kwa kuwa yangali na bado yako na mvuto wake. Joho, vilemba, shanga na migwisho ilikuwa na maana kubwa katika vyeo vya wazee wetu. Mzee angelia kigoda akiwa amevaa vazi la utawala, heshima ilikuwa ikiongezeka maradufu.

Siku hizi sote tumekuwa mateka wa kigeni. Mitindo yetu ya uvaaji ni shaghalabaghala. Si rahisi kumtambua msichana au mvulana, mzee au kijana aidha mwanaume au mwanamke. Wote wanadai kuwa chochote kinachoingia mjini ni halali. Hii ndiyo sababu utawaona wavulana wetu wakivalia vipuli, vikufu na hata kusuka nywele. Ya wasichana sisemi kwa kuwa niliyokutajia ya wavulana ni lele.

Mavazi huvaliwa ili kujisetiri. Tuzipe kazi zetu heshima. Tuipe miili yetu heshima. Tukifanya haya yote na tusipokaidi wito, heshima itaturudia. Utiifu ni suala muhimu sana katika maisha ya binadamu.

  1. Aya ya kwanza imeonyesha wazi kuwa
    1. kufanya mtu atakavyo huliletea taifa furaha na ufanisi
    2. ni vibaya kudhibiti sheria za raia maadamu kufanya hivyo ni kuwanyima furaha
    3. uendeshaji ovyoovyo wa pikipiki husababisha kifo kwa mwendeshaji
    4. kufuata kanuni zote zilizowekwa hufanikisha mengi
  2. Ni methali gani mwafaka kuelezea ujumbe wa kauli hii?
    Kwa hakika ni vyema kutafakari kuhusu tunayoambiwa na wenzetu au hata na watu wengine.
    1. Enga kabla ya kujenga
    2. Cha mwenzetu kikinyolewa tia chako. maji
    3. Hakuna bahari isiyo mawimbi
    4. Habari ya nyumbani simfunulie jirani
  3. Aya ya nne imeonyesha wazi kuwa, kuzorota kwa maadili kunasababishwa na
    1. matukio na maisha ya kisasa
    2. kupenda na kuzifuata nyendo mbaya.
    3. kusifu na kuzifuata tabia zote za kigeni
    4. kufikiri tu kuhusu mataifa ya kigeni
  4. Kulingana na kifungu, ni nini hasa kinaharibu nchi yetu.
    1. Wananchi wachache wanaojivunia maadili yetu
    2. Vijana wengi wanaozidi kuiga maadili yafaayo
    3. Wazee walioshindwa kuwaongoza
    4. Kufuata ustaarabu wa kigeni na kupuuza maadili
  5. Vyote hivi ni vigezo vya kuzingatia mtu anapovaa ila
    1. watu unaolenga kukutana nao
    2. mtindo wa vazi lenyewe
    3. maneno yanayolengwa kuzungumzwa
    4. mamlaka ya anayevaa
  6. Kulingana na aya ya tano, ni kweli kusema
    1. kuna nguo nzuri na mbaya
    2. hakuna maana ya kuvaa nguo
    3. hakuna nguo nzuri au mbaya
    4. nguo nzuri ni zile zinazovaliwa katika shughuli maalum
  7. Kifungu kimeonyesha wazi kuwa,
    1. ukiingia makao ya bunge ujue lazima uvae tai na suti ya buluu
    2. makao ya bunge ni rasmi yenye utaratibu wake wa uvaaji
    3. makao ya bunge hushurutisha watu kuvaa kwa njia inayofanana
    4. katika makao ya bunge, bila suti afananishwa na aliye uchi
  8. Ni wazi kuwa vijana wanasahau
    1. mavazi ya kale ni vitambulisho vya nchi ya kisasa
    2. mavazi ya kale ni vitambulisho vya serikali kihistoria
    3. mavazi ya kale ni vitambulisho vya elimu kulingana na historia
    4. mavazi ya kale ni vitambulisho vya jamii kihistoria
  9. Zamani
    1. haikuwa rahisi kumtambua msichana katika kundi la wavulana
    2. wasichana na wavulana walivalia mavazi sawa
    3. mavazi yalivaliwa kulingana na jinsia
    4. watu walivalia mavazi sawa
  10. Fulana ni
    1. vazi linalovaliwa ndani ya shati
    2. vazi linalosukwa kwa nyuzi ambalo huvaliwa juu ya shati
    3. vazi linalofumwa kwa nyuzi kujikinga na baridi
    4. vazi lisilo na mikono linalosukwa kwa kutumia nyuzi



Tulipofungua mlango huo, hatukuweza kuzuia hisia. Tulitoa mayowe kwi!kwi!kwi! kwa yale tuliyoshuhudia...


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. A
  37. A
  38. D
  39. D
  40. B
  41. D
  42. A
  43. B
  44. D
  45. C
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. A

Read the passage below. It has blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the answer from the choices given.

It was mid-afternoon __1__ they reached Mt. Ketiri. The rocky slopes of the mountain were coloured brown, red, orange, yellow and white caused by the geothermal activity __2___. Below the eastern flank of the mountain     3     an area of sulphur pits and     4        of bubbling mud. Jets of super-heated steam erupted from events in the ground. "Phew __5___" Jane wrinkled her nose at the overpowering ___6__, "It's like rotten eggs!"

"Hydrogen sulphide gas, actually. Mind your camera!" Alan __7__ seizing her arm and  __8__ her away as she ventured __9___ close to the hissing steam. "That vapour contains hydrochloric acid, among other things. Jane clutched her camera. They crouched down __11__one of the largest mud pools. It was two metres across, with a metre-high rim formed by the splattering mud. The liquid mud slurped noisily __12___ large bubbles of gas burst.

Jane quickly took out her camera. She got two marvellous shots. One was of a metre-wide bubble that __13__ into a dome.  The other was a circle of droplets hanging in mid-air. She walked on towards a cream-coloured cone from __14___ steam was billowing like a mini-volcano. The smell was terrible, and the mouth of the cone was stained __15___ by the powdered sulphur.

 1  while   when   as   before 
 2   above  below   under   beneath 
 3  lied    lie   lay   laid 
 4  pools  pits   puddles   holes 
 5    ,     .       ?       !
 6  aroma  stench   fragrance   smelling 
 7  cursed   spoke   screamed   warned 
 8  drawing  so  heaving  pulled
 9  very  so  too  quite
10  close   closely  tightly  confidently
11  besides  next  nearby  beside
12  and   as  then  also
13  rising  rose  raising  raised
14  where  whom  which  when
15  yellowoish  yellowy  yellowing  yellow

For questions 16-18, choose the phrase that best completes the given sentence.

  1. When I met him in the market, I asked him whether _____.
    1. he is buying plantain for his uncle
    2. I may help him carry is load
    3. he would lend me sixpence
    4. we shall go home together, but he preferred to wait for Kwesi.
  2. I beg your pardon _____.
    1.  if my words have offended you in any way
    2. from reporting my fault to my father
    3. to use your telephone for a moment
    4. to do this favour for me
  3. Cleaning my teeth,
    1. the chewing stick hurt my tongue
    2. I noticed that one of them had begun to decay.
    3. a knock came at the door.
    4. my little brother told me to be quick.

For questions 19 and 20, choose the word that best fills in the blank space

  1. The politician was _____ defamation of character.
    1. charged
    2. locked
    3. Sued
    4. Accused
  2. The money order was not paid because the _____ did not write his name on the requisition form.
    1. payee
    2. recipient
    3. claimant
    4. remitter

For questions 21 and 22, choose the adjective connected with the noun

  1. Island
    1. continental
    2. insular
    3. isolated
    4. marine
  2. Father
    1.  fatherhood
    2. familiar
    3. paternal
    4. fatal

For questions 23 and 24, choose the word that suits the given description.

  1. A person who makes cakes and sweets and sells them in a shop is
    1. confectioner
    2. grocer
    3. merchant
    4. hawker
  2. A large inn, specially made for travellers to stay in
    1. bar
    2. café
    3. dormitory
    4. hotel

For question 25, choose the odd one out.

    1. Floor
    2. Wall
    3. Flour
    4. Door

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26-38

Educating boys and girls together has always been an important and stressful issue. Many parents believe that the educational process can be more effective if the classes are divided according to the gender of the students. Although same-sex schools are considered too conservative and strict in today's times. Nevertheless, there are still supporters of this manner of education. Some parents are not in favour of a co-educational system as they feel that the presence of the opposite gender distracts the attention of students and prevents them from concentrating on their studies. They also feel that some children may not be confident enough to speak up in front of their opposite sex classmates thus causing them to perform poorly.

On the other hand, supporters of co-education feel that as boys and girls tend to be different, it is a valuable experience for both genders to communicate with each other. Moreover, the earlier boys and girls begin to communicate with each other, the sooner they acquire social skills, which are crucial to communicating freely in our day to day lives thanks to the opportunity to learn from teachers of both sexes. Furthermore, if there are girls in the classroom, boys may possibly try to behave better in order well not to lose face in front of the girls. Additionally, co-education teaches students equality as the teachers treat everyone in the classroom equally.

Apart from all that has been mentioned above, educating boys and girls together helps them understand and mutually respect each other from an early stage in life. This can possibly help in building a generation that doesn't suffer from gender bias and is open to healthy competition even between the two genders. This helps them maintain their dignity and educates them to face their failures as well as learn from them. Stereotypes have always been a huge problem in society. They cause issues for both boys and girls in specific roles but co-education can help in diminishing these barriers. For example, some girls would not be offered to work with robots as they are seen to be for boys, similarly boys would be discouraged to take the subject of fashion and textile but this does not matter in a co-education system as they are all treated the same way and encouraged to take similar subjects and take part in similar activities. This can help in overcoming misconceptions from an early age.

  1. What does co-education mean based on the information above?
    1. Teaching both genders the same subjects in their respective schools
    2. Teaching both genders about each other
    3. Having both male and female teachers in schools
    4. Educating students of both genders together
  2. How do you think the writer feels about co-education?
    1. They are conflicted about it
    2. They support it
    3. They are against it
    4. They are not sure about it
  3. Why are socializing skills important?
    1. They help learners get employment
    2. They build confidence in students
    3. They eliminate bias
    4. They are required to communicate effectively in the real world
  4. In these times, same sex schools are considered,
    1. strict and traditional
    2. perfectly reasonable
    3. unnecessary
    4. modern and strict
  5. What, according to supporters of same sex schools would cause poor performance in a co-education school?
    1. Lack of resources due to overcrowding
    2. Distraction due to early relationships
    3. Lack of confidence to participate in coursework
    4. Lack of attention from teachers
  6. According to the writer, how do girls and boys develop a mutual respect for each other?
    1. By having the same teachers
    2. By occupying the same academic space from an early stage in life
    3. By playing together
    4. By attending same sex schools
  7. From the second paragraph, why is it important for boys and girls to learn to communicate with each other?
    1. They are different and should therefore learn to do so from an early age
    2. They can swap knowledge on different topics
    3. They are similar and will get along easily
    4. They need to prepare for day to day problems
  8. What does the phrase lose face mean?
    1. To become humiliated
    2. To become less desirable
    3. To gain respect
    4. To become shunned
  9. How does co-education encourage equality?
    1. By ensuring all students are treated the same
    2. By employing male and female teachers
    3. By teaching similar subjects
    4. By enrolling an equal number of boys and girls
  10. Why would boys be discouraged from pursuing fashion and textile subjects?
    1. They are too clumsy to handle delicate fabric
    2. They were traditionally considered to be feminine interests
    3. Boys are much better with robots
    4. No one knew how to teach boys fashion related subjects
  11. Find a word in the passage that means the opposite of inconsequential.
    1. conservative
    2. crucial
    3. bias
    4. dimishing
  12. How do you think stereotypes are harmful in society?
    1. They lead to conflict
    2. They cause friction in the classroom
    3. They lead to loss of opportunities for some people
    4. They encourage unhealthy competition
  13. What do you think would be the best title for the passage you just read?
    1. The dangers of same sex schools
    2. How to survive co-education
    3. The advantages and disadvantages of co- education
    4. How to navigate a mixed classroom

Read the passage below then answer questions 39 to 50

'Early in August, Livingstone set off with another missionary, having chosen the site of his station the beautiful valley of the Mabotsa, some two hundred miles to the north-east, where lived a tribe called the Bakatla Here he built a house with his own hands, and lived for three years; and here occurred his famous adventure with the lion. The villagers had for some time been troubled with lions, which not only raided their cattle-pens by night, but, growing bolder, attacked their herds in open day. The Bakatla set off once to attack the lions, but without success.
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"It is well known," writes Livingstone, "that if one of a group of lions is killed the remainder leave that part of the country. The next time, therefore, the herds were attacked, I went with the people to encourage them to rid themselves of the annoyance by destroying one. We found the animals on a small hill covered with trees. The men formed a circle, and gradually closed up as they advanced. Being below on the plain with a native schoolmaster named Mabalwe, I saw one of the lions sitting on a piece of rock within the ring. Mabalwe fired at him, and the ball hit the rock on which the animal was sitting. He bit at the spot struck, as a dog does at a stick or stone thrown at him; and then, leaping away, broke through the circle, and escaped unhurt. If the Bakatla had acted according to the custom of the country, they would have speared him in his attempt to get out, but they were afraid to attack him. When the circle was re-formed, we saw two other lions in it, but dared not fire lest we should shoot some of the people. The beasts burst through the line, and as it was evident the men could not be prevailed upon to face their foes, we turned towards the village. In going round the end of the hill, I saw a lion sitting on a piece of rock about thirty yards off, with a little bush in front of him. I took a good aim at him through the bush, and fired both barrels into it. The men called out, ' He is shot, he is shot!' Others cried,' He has been shot by another man too; let us go to him!' I saw the lion's tail erected in anger, and, turning to the people, said, 'Stop a little till I load again.' When in the act of ramming down the bullets I heard a shout, and looking half round, I saw the lion in the act of springing upon me. He caught me by the shoulder, and we both came to the ground together.

Growling horribly, he shook me as a terrier dog does a rat. As he had one paw on the back of my head, I turned round to relieve myself of the weight, and saw his eyes directed to Mabalwe,who was aiming at him from a distance of ten or fifteen yards. His gun missed fire. The animal immediately left me to attack him, and bit his thigh. Another man; whose life I had saved after he had been tossed by a buffalo, attempted to spear the lion, upon which he turned from Mabalwe and seized this fresh foe by the shoulder. At that moment, the bullets the beast had received took effect and he fell down dead."

  1. Why did Livingstone set off for the valley of the Mabotsa?
    1. To help the Bakatla tribe to hunt for lions
    2. To keep his missionary friend company
    3. To start a new mission there
    4. To see whether the source of River Nile lay in that direction
  2. What was the main occupation of the Bakatla tribe?
    1. They built houses with their having no toolsown hands,
    2. They were brave hunters
    3. They were warriors and adventurers
    4. They were cattle- farmers
  3. How do we know that the lions were very bold?
    1. They were not afraid to show themselves in the daylight
    2. They raided the cattle pens by night
    3. The Bakatla had no success when they hunted them
    4. One of them could dare attack large numbers of cattle
  4. Why did Livingstone accompany the Bakatla on their next expedition?
    1. He wanted to leave that part of the country
    2. He was annoyed by the destructive lions
    3. He wished to encourage them to kill one and so frighten the rest away
    4. He was the only person who had a gun
  5. What was the Bakatla's plan to attack?
    1. To drive down the lions from the hill
    2. To surround the lions and spear any which tried to escape
    3. To set their dog against the animals
    4. To throw sticks and stones at the animals on the hill
  6. Why did Livingstone not try to shoot the two lions in the circle?
    1. He saw that the Bakatla were afraid to face their foes
    2.  It was not according to the custom of the country
    3.  When Mabalwe shot the first lion, it escaped unhurt, and so he thought it useless
    4.  He was afraid of injuring the men nearby
  7. When the men said 'Let us go to him!' why did Livingstone delay?
    1. He wanted to put fresh bullets into his gun first
    2. He knew that another man was firing, and did not want to be hit
    3. He was afraid when he saw the lion's tail erected in anger
    4. The lion was hiding behind a bush and could not be seen clearly
  8. Why did Livingstone turn round after the lion sprang on him?
    1. He wanted to see what Mabalwe was doing
    2. He was dizzy from being shaken by the lion
    3. The lion's teeth gave him an unbearable pain in his shoulder
    4. To get rid of the pressure of the lion's paw on his head
  9. What eventually killed the lion?
    1. The spear of the man whose life Livingstone had once saved
    2. The shot fired by Mabalwe before he was bitten in the thigh
    3. The buffalo which came and tossed it
    4. The bullets it had first received when sitting on the rock
  10. Why do you think the lion growled?
    1. It was in immense pain
    2. To scare its attackers
    3. To express anger
    4. To call the other lions for back up
  11. The word that can best replace the word group as used in the passage is
    1. herd
    2. host
    3. troop
    4. pride
  12. Which of the following would be the best title for this extract?
    1. Hunting in Central Africa
    2. The discoveries of David Livingstone
    3. A narrow escape from a lion
    4. The bravery of the Bakatla


The following is the beginning of a composition. Write it in your own words making it as interesting as possible.

We arrived at Nkoroi Primary School past nine o'clock. The competition was just about to begin. According to the programme, we were the fourth troupe on stage......


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. A
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. C
  38. C
  39. C
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. D
  45. A
  46. D
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. C


Study the map of Molu Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Molu area rises towards
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. Who is in charge of security in Molu area?
    1. Governor
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Chief
    4. Deputy County Commissioner
  3. The feature formed at the mouth of River Sio is
    1. delta
    2. distributaries
    3. estuary
    4. confluence
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Molu area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Farming
    4. Tourism
  5. Which social facility should be given first priority by National government through the constituency development kitty?
    1. Religion
    2. Stadium
    3. School
    4. Health facility
  6. Which type of scale is shown on the map of Molu area?
    1. Statement
    2. Representative
    3. Linear
    4. Fraction
  7. The type of soil that is likely to be found to the mouth of R. Sio South Western part of the area covered by the map is
    1. alluvial
    2. black cotton
    3. volcanic
    4. sand
  8. Which one of the following plateaus is correctly matched with the country where it is located?
    1. Jos                       -        Angola
    2. Fouta Djallon        -       Guinea
    3. Bie                        -       Nigeria
    4. Tibesti                   -       Sudan
  9. Which one of the following statements about River Athi is true?
    1. It has three names from the source to the mouth
    2. It has a delta at its mouth
    3. Its source is on Mt. Kenya
    4. It is the longest river in Africa
  10. The following statements describe condition that are favourable for a certain crop in Africa;
    1. Low altitude
    2. Deep, well, drained fertile soilo
    3. High humid during growing period
      The crop described above is
      1. banana
      2. wheat
      3. cloves
      4. tea
  11. Below is a description of a certain climatic condition;
    1. Receives rainfall in the afternoon
    2. Rainfall is accompanied by lightning and thunderstorm
    3. Has two rainy season
    4. Also called warm and wet
      The climate described above is
      1. mountain climate
      2. semi-desert climate
      3. desert climate
      4. modified equatorial climate
  12. Class 5 pupils from Matieko primary school visited a poultry farm where they observed the following:
    1. All birds returned to shelter in the evening
    2. Some birds lay at certain points within the compound
    3. Birds were not contained
    4. The piece of land was large
      The method of poultry farming that the farmer practised was
      1. free range systém
      2. fold system
      3. battery system
      4. deep litter system
  13. Dry and wet bulb thermometer is used to measure?
    1. water vapour in the atmosphere
    2. temperature
    3. atmospheric pressure
    4. speed of wind
  14. Below are functions of a town in Kenya;
    1. Administrative centre
    2. Most industrialized townh
    3. Headquarter of the UN agencies
    4. Residential centrere
      The town whose functions are listed above is
      1. Thika
      2. Kisumu
      3. Mombasa
      4. Nairobi
  15. Which one of the following is not a soil conservation method?
    1. Mulching
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Agro-forestry
    4. Deforestation
  16. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth?
    1. It causes seasons
    2. It causes differences in time along different longitude
    3. It influences the position of the midday sun
    4. It causes differences in the length of day and night
  17. The main importance of age-groups is that they
    1. provide food for each other
    2. stole animals together
    3. divided land among members
    4. promoted equal division of labour
  18. Which of the following communities belong to the same language group?
    1. Pokot, Marakwet, Luo
    2. Luo, Maasai, Turkana
    3. Boran, Rendille, Gabbra
    4. Meru, Teso, Giriama
  19. Which one of the following early human settlement is found in Tanzania?
    1. Sango Bay
    2. Gedi Ruin
    3. Mnarani
    4. Nyero rocks
  20. Types of utensils, tools and weapons made long time ago mainly depended on
    1. the preference of the community
    2. the demand of the customers
    3. the climate of the region where the community stays
    4. economic activity of the community

Use the diagram below to answer questions 21 and 22.

  1. The part marked M is called
    1. a dam
    2. an ox-bow lake
    3. a crater lake
    4. a lava-dammed lake
  2. The part marked K is called
    1. a cave
    2. an escarpment
    3. a meander
    4. horst
  3. Which one of the following is an example of tarn lake in Kenya?
    1. Speke
    2. Catherine
    3. Gallery
    4. Chad
  4. In traditional African societies, the appearance of new moon was associated with the
    1. coming of a good harvest
    2. coming of a dry harvest
    3. coming of rains
    4. coming of strong winds
  5. Which one of the following West African groups do the Asante of Ghana belong to?
    1. Afro-Asiatic
    2. Mande
    3. Kwa
    4. Nilo-Saharan
  6. Which one of the following hominid discovered fire?
    1. Homo habilis
    2. Homo erectus
    3. Homo sapiens
    4. Homo sapien sapien
  7. Sera and Mwambu are believed to have been the first man and woman created by God among the
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Ababukusu
    3. Abagusii
    4. Abakuria
  8. The following are communities living in Eastern Africa. Which Luo group arrived in Kenya first?
    1. Joka Omolo
    2. Joka Jok
    3.  Luo Abasuba
    4. Joka Owiny
  9. Which of the following is not a major way through which young people interact today?
    1. Through war and raids
    2. In schools
    3. Games and sport
    4. Workshops and seminars
  10. Which one of the following is not a duty of the head teacher in a school?
    1. Writing down minutes during the committee meeting
    2. Writing down minutes during the staff meeting
    3. Linking the school with the Ministry of Education
    4. Ensuring that teachers attend lessons as allocated in the timetable
  11. The leading country in fish production in Africa is
    1. Japan
    2. Kenya
    3. Uganda
    4. South Africa
  12. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with a product that it is used to make?
    1. Limestone       -     Salt
    2. Diatomite         -     Filter
    3. Soda ash         -     Cement
    4. Flourspar         -     Electric wire
  13. Natural forest on the slopes of highlands are preserved mainly to
    1. control soil erosion
    2. protect indigenous species
    3. protect water sources
    4. protect wildlife
      All of the following are cocoa producing areas in Ghana except;
      A. Kumasi B. Volta C. Accra D. Takoradi
      C. Uganda
      B. Kenya
      D. South Africa
  14. Which one of the following was a characteristic of African traditional education?
    1. Youths were choosing what to learn
    2. Learning started after initiating
    3. Assignments were given for learners to do
    4. Moral values were emphasized
  15. Which one of the following is the largest dam in the seven forks dam project?
    1. Kamburu dam
    2. Masinga dam
    3. Gitaru dam
    4. Grand falls dam
  16. Which one of the following has influenced the rapid industrialization in South Africa the least?
    1. Increase in cheap labour from other Africa countries
    2. Good means of transport
    3. Availability of raw materials
    4. Availability of market for industrial products
  17. The following are social uses of soil except;
    1. administering oaths
    2. making bricks
    3. burrying the death
    4. decoration
  18. The road sign below indicates
    1. two way traffic
    2. no entry
    3. bumps ahead
    4. road junction
  19. Which of the following countries is not correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Ghana     -    Accra
    2. Senegal   -    Dakar
    3. Egypt       -    Cairo
    4. Nigeria     -    Lagos
  20. All the following are cocoa producing areas in Ghana except
    1. Kumasi
    2. Volta
    3. Accra
    4. Takoradi

Use the map below to answer questions 41 and 42.

  1. The game park marked A is likely to be
    1. Nairobi
    2. Maasai Mara
    3. Amboseli
    4. Tsavo
  2. Below are the pre-historic sites. Which one likely to be found at the area marked D on the map?
    1. Olorgesaille
    2. Kanapo
    3. Koobi Fora
    4. Naikotome
  3. Below are some description of a certain prominent leader;
    1. His home was made the headquarter of the British
    2. Controlled long distance trade between Coast and Uganda
    3. Was a medicineman and a prophet
    4. Warned his community against welcoming the European
      The leader described above is likely to be
      1. Masaku
      2. Nabongo Mumia
      3. Koitalel Arap Samoei
      4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  4. Three of the following statement are true of the government of Kenya and Swaziland. Which one is not?
    1. Swaziland is ruled by a king
    2. President is elected by people in Kenya
    3. MP in Swaziland are elected by the king
    4. The king and president are the heads of state in their countries
  5. Which president did not retire voluntarily from politics?
    1. Julius Nyerere
    2. Sedar Senghor
    3. Gamel Abdel Nasser
    4. Nelson Mandela
  6. All the following are benefits of the coming of the Christian missionaries in Eastern Africa except;
    1. they introduced Western education
    2. different religions brought rivaly in Kenya
    3. they introduced a new way of living
    4. they introduced modern facilities like hospitals
  7. Which colony attempted to colonise Ethiopia but they were defeated during the battle of Adowa?
    1. Portugal
    2. Italy
    3. France
    4. Russia
  8. The following are African countries that struggled to attain independence;
    1. Namibia
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Kenya
    4. Algeria
    5. Senegal
      Which of the above countries got assistance from the OAU to attain their independence?
      1. ii and v
      2. iii and iv
      3. v and iv
      4. i and ii
  9. All the following are members or IGAD except;
    1. Tanzania
    2. Eritrea
    3. Djibouti
    4. Ethiopia
  10. A foreigner who wants to become a Kenyan citizen should obtain
    1. a certificate of good conduct
    2. a birth certificate
    3. a national Identity card
    4. a registration certificate
  11. When a citizen is participating in elections he/she is exercising the
    1. right to join a trade union
    2. right to vote for a new government
    3. right to security
    4. freedom of association
  12. The following are ways of solving conflict in the society. Which one involves taking the matter to the court?
    1. Litigation
    2. Mediation
    3. Arbitration
    4. Dialogue
  13. All government policies are formulated by the
    1. parliament
    2. Judiciary
    3. cabinet
    4. the senate
  14. The legal system in Kenya are headed by the
    1. Chief justice
    2. Attorney General
    3. President
    4. Speaker of the senate
  15. The IEBC official in charge of elections at the constituency level is likely to be
    1. the president
    2. returning officer
    3. chairperson of IEBC
    4. presiding officer
  16. The prison department has its main task as
    1. punishing wrong doers
    2. prosecuting wrong doers
    3. reforming wrong doers
    4. rehabilitating mentally ill person
  17. Which one of the following is a function of the police force in Kenya?
    1. To control traffic jams in town
    2. To prevent people from committing crime
    3. To punish law breakers
    4. To protect the country from external attack
  18. The type of mountain formed in the way shown in the diagram below can be found in
    1. Chad
    2. Morocco
    3. Algeria
    4. Benin
  19. The most common type of democracy applied in Kenya is
    1. Direct
    2. Participatory
    3. Indirect
    4. Authoritative
  20. The Trans-African highway begins in Mombasa and ends in
    1. Lagos
    2. Dakar
    3. Cairo
    4. Kampala


  1. Which of the following is true about Genesis storyof creation? Man and woman
    1. are physically like God
    2.  are as intelligent as God
    3. are created in God's image
    4. should not work
  2. God told Abraham to circumcise all male children in order to
    1. be a sign of the agreement between God and Abraham
    2. prove that Abraham would become a king
    3. be a sign that Abraham would become a great person
    4. prove that Abraham would become the father of a big nation
  3. Among the following books, which one was written by Moses?
    1. Numbers
    2. Judges
    3. Proverbs
    4. Psalms
  4. Joseph told His brothers to go back home and bring their family. He cried when he saw them. What lesson do we learn from this story of Joseph and His brothers?
    1. We should be patien
    2. We should be kind and honest
    3. We should forgive those who wrong us
    4. We should interpret dreams
  5. Among the following people, who was told about the birth of Jesus by Angel Gabriel?
    1. Herod
    2. Priest
    3. Shepherds
    4. Wisemen
  6. Jesus showed obedience to God by
    1. doing what His disciples asked him to do
    2. dying on the cross for our sins
    3. praying and healing the sick
    4. obeying his parents
  7. Arrange the events according to the order in which they happened from the first to the last?
    1. David kill Goliath
    2. Saul is made a king
    3. Samuel anoints David
    4. Eliab sent David back home
      1. ii, iii,iv, i
      2. ii, iii, i, iv
      3. i, ii, iii, iv
      4. ii, iv, iii, i
  8. How should teenagers behave towards their parents?
    1. Respect and be useful to them
    2. Tolerate and always be polite to them
    3. Be patient with them
    4. Forgive them for being so old fashioned
  9. Two disciples travelling to Emmaus realised that the person they welcomed into their home was Jesus when he
    1. greeted them
    2. prayed for them
    3. broke the bread
    4. explained the scriptures
  10. God led Gideon to defeat the Midianites with how many soldiers?
    1. 300
    2. 30,000
    3. 3000
    4. 30
  11. "A prophet is never welcomed into his own home town." Luke 4:24. Jesus said these words
    when He
    1. was nailed on the cross
    2. prayed at Gethsemane
    3. was tempted by the devil
    4. was rejected in Nazareth
  12. Which plague made Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go out of Egypt?
    1. When all the first born of the Egyptians were killed
    2. When the whole land of Egypt was filled with locust
    3. When the whole land was filled with frogs
    4. When all water in the Nile turned into blood
  13. In African traditional society, after initiation the youth were expected to
    1. Worship God
    2. run away
    3. marry
    4. start a clan
  14. To show that He had come to fulfil the law, Jesus healed the leper and told him to show himself to the
    1. Pharisees
    2. disciples
    3. elders
    4. priest
  15. "Sovereign Lord as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace." Luke 2:29. Who among the following said this when he held baby Jesus in his arms?
    1. Annan
    2. Eli
    3. Simeon
    4. Joesph
  16. Matthew 2:18, "A sound is heard in Rammah, the sound of bitter weeping, Racheal crying for her children..... How were these prophesies of Jeremiah fulfilled?
    1. During the killing of Egyptians first borns
    2. When Racheal Tost her babies
    3. During the death of king David's baby
    4. When baby boys were killed in Bethlehem and its surrounding
  17. Luke 9:29-30, "As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men..... appeared in glorious splendour." Who were these two men?
    1. Moses and Elisha
    2. Moses and Elijah
    3. Elijah and Elisha
    4. Moses and Gabriel
  18. Ananias and Saphira were a couple that belonged to the early church. They died because of the following except;
    1. choosing to lie
    2. cheated the Holy spirit of God
    3. making the wrong choices
    4. selling the plot
  19. I witnessed the stoning of Stephen, the people even laid their clothes at my feet. Who said these words?
    1. Procorus
    2. Saul
    3. Paul
    4. Moses
  20. The best way of pleasing the ancestral spirits in the traditional African society was by
    1. building houses for them
    2. pouring libation
    3. offering sacrifices to them
    4. calling out their names
  21. Who among the following people was not a judge in Israel?
    1. Gideon
    2. Deborah
    3. Joshua
    4. Samson
  22. "Do not collect more than it is legal." Luke 3:13. These words were said by John the Baptist to teach about
    1. honesty
    2. tolerance
    3. humidity
    4. mercy
  23. Which of the following new testament books is a letter book?
    1. Mark
    2. Luke
    3. John 
    4. Timothy
  24. "I see heaven opened and the son of man standing at the right side of God." (Acts 7:56). These words were spoken by
    1. Joseph
    2. Jesus
    3. Stephen
    4. John the Baptist
  25. A common belief about death between Christians and African is that
    1. death is a way to world of spirit
    2. death unites people with ancestors
    3. there is life after death
    4. life ends at death
  26. In traditional African communities, people are expected to marry mainly to
    1. raise their status
    2. please the ancestors
    3. become leaders
    4. get children
  27. Which one of the following activities best shows how Christians should spend their leisure time?
    1. Reading stories
    2. Playing games
    3. Singing songs
    4. Visiting the sick
  28. Henry, a standard eight pupil is being forced by his friends to take alcohol. As a Christian, what should he do?
    1. Refuse and change his company
    2. Take it and then repent
    3. Report the matter to the police
    4. Announce it during assembly
  29. On her way from school, Beatrice a class 8 pupil meets an old lady carrying a heavy basket. Suddenly the lady falls down. The correct action for Beatrice to take is to.
    1. assist her to get up
    2. run away from the scene
    3. go back to school to get help
    4. tell her to rise up and go
  30. Your deskmate Timothy asks you for advice on how to use money given to him by his uncle. As a Christian, what will you do? Tell him to
    1. give you the money
    2. donate some to the needy
    3. buy himself a pair of shoes
    4. return it to the uncle

Std. 8 S/Studies & C.R.E/2023

  1. Which one of the following is a compound fertilizer?
    1. Double Super Phosphate
    2. Diammonium Phosphate
    3. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
    4. Urea
  2. The following are ways in which water is used for recreation EXCEPT;
    1. sport fishing
    2. surfing
    3. boat rowing
    4. Spraying
  3. All the following have oxygenated blood EXCEPT;
    1. pulmonary vein
    2. left auricle
    3. pulmonary artery
    4. aorta
  4. Which of the following drugs is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Tobbaco
    2. Bhang
    3. Alcohol
    4. Cigarette
  5. Plants that grow on other growing plants are known as
    1. non-green plants
    2. parasitic plants
    3. saprophytic plants
    4. carnivorous plants
  6. Which type of soil is referred to as heavy soil?
    1. Clay
    2. Loam
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sand
  7. The MAIN reason why we sweat is to
    1. remove water
    2. remove salts
    3. cool the body
    4. remove all excretion products
  8. Below is a beak of a bird adapted to eat
    1. flesh
    2. insects
    3. grains
    4. filters
  9. Carnassial teeth are modified
    1. canines
    2. premolars
    3. incisors
    4. molars
  10. All environments have
    1. air
    2. soil
    3. plants
    4. water
  11. A coin observed at the bottom of a glass of water appears enlarged and raised due to
    1. refraction
    2. reflection
    3. dispersion of light
    4. clear water
  12. Which one of the following is a storage pest?
    1. Aphids
    2. White ant
    3. Cutworm
    4. Weaver bird
  13. The experiment below was done by Std. 5 pupils.
    Which aspect of matter were they investigating?
    1. Air expands on heating
    2. Air conducts heat
    3. Solids conduct heat fastest
    4. Solids expand when heated
  14. Which one of the following practices is an advantage to the soil?
    1. Ploughing across the contours
    2. Disposal of vegetables on the garden
    3. Burning of crop remains
    4. Using more fertilizers
  15. A child had the following signs and symptoms:-
    1. Loose skin
    2. Passes loose stool
    3. Swollen body parts
    4. Sores at the corner of the mouth
      Which deficiency disease was he suffering from?
      1. Typhoid
      2. Kwashiorkor
      3. Marasmus
      4. Starvation
  16. Which of the following is the main reason for breastfeeding? Breast milk
    1. is a balanced diet
    2. is free from germs
    3. easy to digest
    4. provides immunity
  17. Which of the following food is preserved using ash?
    1. Beans
    2. Meat
    3. Sugarcane
    4.  Kales
  18. The diagram below shows a periscope.
    The image is formed at part marked
    1. Q
    2. Z
    3. X
    4. Y

Study the diagram below and answer questions 19 and 20


  1. Which one of the following processes require absorption of heat from the environment?
    1. W and Z
    2. Y and W
    3. X and Z
    4. X and Y.
  2. The temperature at which W takes place is the temperature at which ______ takes place.
    1. Z
    2. X
    3. Z and Y
    4. Y
  3. The following are effects of HIV infections on an individual. Which one is NOT?
    1. Lack of strength to play
    2. Lowering of self esteem
    3. Low agricultural production
    4. Low standards of living
  4. Floating and sinking are affected by the following EXCEPT;
    1. size
    2. shape
    3. Weight
    4. material
  5. Digestion of starch starts in the
    1. stomach
    2. small intestine
    3. mouth
    4. gullet
  6. Which of the following are water-borne diseases?
    1. Cholera and typhoid
    2. Cholera and anaemia
    3. Typhoid and malaria.
    4. Bilharzia and tuberculosis
  7. Heat transfer from the sun reaches us through a process known as
    1. conduction
    2. convection
    3. radiation
    4. diffusion
  8. The following are mammals except;
    1. seal
    2. bat
    3. kangaroo
    4. shark
  9. Which method of grazing requires electric force?
    1. Tethering
    2. Paddocking
    3. Strip grazing
    4. Zero grazing
  10. Which of the following is a beverage crop?
    1. Wheat
    2. Sorghum
    3. Barley
    4. Corn
  11. Below is classification of plants. Part Y can be replaced by the following EXCEPT;
    1. algae
    2. mushroom
    3. moss
    4. lichen
  12. Which of the following vitamins help in blood clotting?
    1. Vitamin C
    2. Vitamin K
    3. Vitamin E
    4. Vitamin A
  13. Which of the following is NOT immunisable?
    1. Tetanus
    2. Polio
    3. Common cold
    4. Diptheria
  14. Exchange of gases take place in the
    1. alveoli
    2. lungs
    3. trachea
    4. nose
  15. The following are root tubers EXCEPT;
    1. irish potato
    2. cassava
    3. arrow root
    4. sweet potato
  16. Which pin in the diagram below would be the last to fall?
    1. A
    2. C
    3. D
    4. None
  17. The following are functions of some parts of the plant;
    1. Transport water and mineral salts
    2. Transpiration
    3. Store food
    4. Absorption
    5. Support the plant
      Which functions are for roots ONLY?
      1. ii, iv, v
      2. iii, iv, v
      3. i, iii, v
      4. i, ii, iv
  18. Force is measured in units called
    1. newton
    2. kilograms
    3. spring balance
    4. gravity
  19. When two objects of different masses are dropped
    1. they fall at the same time
    2. the lighter one fall first
    3. they collide
    4. the heavier fall first
  20. A drop of blue ink placed in a glass of water gradually mixes with water. This happens because of
    1. diffusion
    2. dissolving
    3. conduction
    4. convection
  21. The BEST way to control HIV/AIDS spreading among couples is by
    1. abstainance
    2. being faithful
    3. mutual relationship
    4. using condom
  22. One of the following preserves food through dehydration. Which one?
    1. Smoking
    2. Freezing
    3. Salting
    4. Canning
  23. The diagram below shows a simple machine.
    Which part is the position of fulcrum?
    1. X
    2. Y
    3. Z
    4. W
  24. The number of waves felt as pulses in arteries are
    1. blood rate
    2. pulse rate
    3. wave rate
    4. heart run
  25. Temporary hardness of water is removed by
    1. distillation
    2. boiling
    3. adding soap
    4. filtering
  26. Which one of the following is NOT a major plant nutrient?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Potassium
    3. Sulphur
    4. Phosphorus
  27. Heat travels fastest through
    1. gases
    2. solids
    3. liquids
    4. vaccum
  28. In the garden pea, a tendril is a modified
    1. stem
    2. root
    3. bud
    4. leaf
  29. Which of the following is a strong static electricity?
    1. Car battery
    2. Lightning
    3. Dynamo
    4. Dry cells
  30. After fertilization in human beings, a mass of cells is formed. It is called
    1. foetus
    2. embryo
    3. zygote
    4. oviduct
  31. Landslides are form of
    1. sheet erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. splash erosion
    4. rill erosion
  32. The pie chart below shows components of air.
    Which two letters represent gases that form approximately 21% of the gas in the atmosphere?
    1. X and Z
    2. W and Y
    3. Z and Y
    4. Z and W



1 sfsfs

Study the map of Loko area and answer questions 1-7. 

  1. The land in Loko area rises from 
    1. South West
    2. North East 
    3. South East 
    4. North West.
  2. Three of the following cash crops are grown in Loko area except
    1. rice
    2. cotton
    3. tea
    4. sugarcane.
  3. It is true to say that the people in Loko town are
    1. Muslims
    2. Christians
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus.
  4. The main factor that could have contributed to the growth of Loko town is
    1. lumbering
    2. security
    3. religion
    4. road junction.
  5. The climate in the North Western part of Loko area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Loko area?
    1. Cash crop growing
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Mining
    4. Fishing.
  7. Loko area is likely to be a
    1. location
    2. county 
    3. district
    4. sub location.
  8. The Lake Victoria basin is densely populated mainly because of
    1. adequate fish from the lake 
    2. political stability
    3. favourable climate for agriculture 
    4. government funding.
  9. The following people were the original inhabitants of Eastern Africa except
    1. Dorobo
    2. Gumba
    3. Ogiek
    4. Pigmies.
  10. Which one of the following statements is not true about the position and shape of Africa?
    1. The West to East distance on the landmass of Africa is about 7200km. 
    2. The continent is wide to the North and narrow to the South.
    3. Africa is separated from the Iberian Peninsula in Europe by the strait of Gibraltor.
    4. Africa is the second largest continent after North America.
  11. The standards that guide the behaviour of people in a society are referred to as 
    1. constitution
    2. moral values
    3. rules and regulations
    4. taboos.
  12. The following are principles of democracy except
    1. providing equal opportunities to all citizens
    2. ensuring there is unequal representation
    3. ensuring there is justice for all
    4. promoting freedom for all people.

Use the diagram below to answer question 13.

13 sfsfs

  1. The part labelled M is known as
    1. crater
    2. anticline
    3. depression 
    4. syncline.
  2. Which one of the following is not true about slash and burn method of farming? 
    1. It was practised where land was plenty. 
    2. Simple tools such as hoes were used. 
    3. It was also called bush fallowing. 
    4. It was practised where people were few.
  3. The main reason for the rapid industrial development in South Africa is 
    1. availability of valuable minerals
    2. many developed processing industries 
    3. good transport in the country 
    4. large market from neighbouring countries.
  4. Three of the following cultural practices lead to rapid increase in population. Which one does not?
    1. Late marriages
    2. Polygamy
    3. Early marriages
    4. Wife inheritance.
  5. Koitalel Arap Samoei of the Nandi did three of the following except that he
    1. blessed warriors before going to war
    2. opposed the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway line
    3.  led his people in religious activities
    4. led his people to collaborate with the British.
  6. Which one of the following can lead to one losing his citizenship in Kenya? If
    1. the person loses his job in Kenya 
    2. one is found to be corrupt
    3. one acquired citizenship using false documents
    4. one is a racist.
  7. The main problem facing beef farming in Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. inadequate market for beef products 
    2. prolonged drought
    3. attacks from wild animals
    4. lack of capital to expand ranches.
  8. The government encourages Jua Kali industries in Kenya mainly to
    1. make Kenya the most industrialized nation in Africa
    2. absorb primary school leavers
    3. encourage development of industries
    4. help Kenyans become self employed.
  9. All the following are Southern Cushites in Tanzania except
    1. Dahalo
    2. Aramanik
    3. Sandawe
    4. Iraqw.
  10. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of spouses in marriage? 
    1. Providing family needs.
    2. Educating their children.
    3. Providing security for family members.
    4. Misguiding their children.
  11. The following are functions of the senate in Kenya except
    1. approving the national budget
    2. deciding on the allocation of finances in the counties
    3. making decisions to remove the president from office
    4. representing the interests of the counties.

Study the map below and answer questions 24-26.

24 ssfsfs

  1. Which one of the following statements is not true about the lake marked W?
    1. River Kerio drains its water into it.
    2. It is a fresh water lake.
    3. Parrot fish are caught from the lake.
    4. It is a fault lake.
  2. Which one of the following statement is true about the country marked P?
    1. It was colonised by the Portuguese.
    2. Its main export is minerals.
    3. It got its independence in 1962.
    4. It has the longest coastline in Eastern Africa.
  3. The main tourist attraction in the shaded area marked Q is
    1. wildlife
    2. warm sandy beaches
    3. cultural heritage
    4. beautiful sceneries.
  4. When attending to wounds during first aid, the first thing that a first aider should do is to
    1. take the patient to the hospital
    2. stop the bleeding as fast as possible
    3. bandage the wound
    4.  wash the wound from inside to outside.
  5. All the following Common Wealth members were British colonies except
    1. Kenya
    2. Nigeria
    3. Botswana
    4. Mozambique.
  6. Which one of the following is not truc about horticulture in Netherlands?
    1. Most of the farming is done in the natural land.
    2. Most of the produce is consumed locally.
    3. Most of the farms are highly mechanised.
    4. Adequate capital is available for farming.
  7. Which one of the following human activities least affects vegetation Jistribution in Kenya?
    1. Deforestation.
    2. Forest fires.
    3. Cultural practices.
    4. Human settlement.

Use the diagram below to answer question 31.

31 sfsfsf

  1. The method of fishing shown above is known as
    1. trawling
    2. long lining
    3. purse seining
    4. net drifting.
  2. The following plateaus in Africa are correctly matched with the countries where they are found except
    1. Bie-Angola
    2. Jos-Cameroon
    3. Nyika-Eastern Africa
    4. Fouta Djalon-Guinea.
  3. Zuhura and Rukia are always fighting because they cannot agree on the boundary between their farms. The best way to solve their conflict is through 
    1. conciliation
    2. enquiry
    3. dialogue
    4. litigation.
  4. The following were aims of traditional forms of education except to help the youths
    1. become useful members of the society 
    2. gain good morals
    3. learn literacy skills
    4. learn about family life and hygiene.
  5. The visually impaired people are provided with special canes as a way of catering for their special needs in transport mainly to
    1. make them be recognized by motorists
    2. make traffic police assist them
    3. keep off pick-pocketers in towns
    4. aid them in movement along the roads.
  6. Three of the following are effects of migrations into urban areas. Which one is not?
    1. Environmental pollution. 
    2. Reduced pressure on land.
    3. Growth of slums.
    4. Increased immorality.
  7. The best way of protecting children against abuse is through
    1. educating them on their rights 
    2. giving stiff punishments to those who abuse them
    3. enforcing laws that protect them 
    4. educating the society on their rights.
  8. Which one of the following countries is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Nigeria - Lagos
    2. Ghana - Accra
    3. Burundi - Bunjumbura
    4. Morocco - Rabat.
  9. Which one of the following countries is not a member of COMESA?
    1. Kenya
    2. Burundi
    3. Tanzania
    4. Rwanda.
  10. Which one of the following factor least explains why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa? Need
    1. to settle their surplus population 
    2. for raw materials
    3. to abolish slave trade
    4. to get market for their finished goods.
  11. Which one of the following statements is not true about the Kingdom of the Old Ghana? The kingdom
    1. was situated in the equatorial forests of Africa
    2. had strong leaders
    3. controlled the Trans-Saharan trade
    4. was situated between river Senegal and river Niger.
  12. All the following are areas where oil refineries are located in Nigeria except 
    1. Warri
    2. Elesa Eleme
    3. Kumasi
    4. Kaduna.
  13. Mossi, Bergu and Ewe are classified as
    1. Kwa Speakers
    2. West- Atlantic
    3. Nilo Saharan 
    4. Voltaic speakers.
  14. Who among the following members was nominated to represent North Nyanza in the legislative council?
    1. Tom Mboya
    2. Masinde Muliro
    3. Oginga Ondinga
    4. Lawrence Oguce.

Use the diagram below to answer question 45.

45 sfsfs

  1.  Which one of the following lakes was formed as a result of the above process?
    1. Lake Tana 
    2. Lake Teleki 
    3. Lake Victoria
    4.  Lake Chad.
  2. The governments of Eastern Africa countries conserve wildlife mainly through
    1.  erecting electric fences around the parks
    2. enforcing laws and legislations
    3. educating people on the importance of wildlife
    4. establishing a well-equipped anti-poaching unit.
  3. The following are effects of revolution of the earth except that it
    1. causes differences in time along different longitudes
    2. causes different seasons
    3. causes differences in length of day and night
    4. affects the position of the mid-day sun.
  4. The following are examples of Electronic media except
    1. telephones
    2. newspapers
    3. radio
    4. email.
  5. Naikotome on the shores of Lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge near lake Natron have one thing in common. Which one is it?
    1. They have fertile soils that support agricultural activities.
    2. They get flooded during heavy rains.
    3. They have mineral deposits.
    4. Fossils showing the origin of man have been found there.
  6. The safest place for a pedestrian to cross a busy road is
    1. zebra crossing
    2. foot bridge
    3. fly over
    4. near a bump.
  7. The community contributes to school development through all the following activities except
    1. providing resource persons for guidance and counselling of pupils
    2. donating land for school expansion
    3. identifying and developing talents in learners
    4. allowing the school to use its facilities.
  8. Before the coming of the Europeans the Bushmen of Southern Africa made important decisions through
    1. voting using ballot papers 
    2. consensus
    3. representation in the council of elders 
    4. selected chiefs from all the clans.
  9. The following methods were used to educate the youth in the pre-colonial period except
    1. ceremonies and playing
    2. observation and imitation 
    3. written proverbs and riddles 
    4. apprenticeship and role play.
  10. All the following are members of the cabinet in Kenya except
    1. Deputy president
    2. Cabinet secretaries
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Chief Justice.
  11. Nomination of candidates for civic seats in the electoral process is done by
    1. registered political parties
    2. Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
    3. the Attorney General
    4. the speaker of the National Assembly.
  12. The body that approves declaration of state of emergence in the Kenyan government is
    1. president
    2. national assembly
    3. civil service 
    4. the senate.
  13. Which one of the following Islands is located in Indian Ocean?
    1. Mauritius.
    2. Cape Verde.
    3. Equatorial Guinea.
    4. Sao Tome and Principe.
  14. The kingdom of Swaziland is ruled through a traditional system of government called
    1. Lukiko
    2. Liqoqo
    3. Tinkhundla
    4. Ngwenyama.
  15. Which one of the following methods of irrigation is used in Perkerra irrigation scheme?
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Overhead irrigation.
    3. Basin irrigation.
    4. Furrow irrigation.
  16. In Kenya, justice is administered by the
    1. national police force
    2. judiciary
    3. executive 
    4. legislature.



  1. According to Genesis 3:20, Adam named his wife Eve because
    1. she was the greatest gift to him from God
    2. she was removed out of his ribs
    3. she would be the mother of all the people
    4. God created her in His own image and likeness.
  2. "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth' (Genesis 6:13). To whom were the words said to
    1. Moses
    2. Noah
    3. Lot
    4. Abraham.
  3. God commanded Abraham to circumcise every male in his household. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? 
    1. 100 years
    2. 75 years 
    3. 99 years
    4. 120 years.
  4. After Moses killed the Egyptian he was afraid that king Pharaoh would kill him. He ran away from Egypt and went to live in
    1. Midian
    2. Haran
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur.
  5. How did Moses seal the Sinai covenant between God and the Israelites?
    1. Sprinkling pure water on the children of Israel.
    2. Breaking the tablet containing the commandments.
    3. Sprinkling the blood of a sacrificial animal to the Israelites.
    4. Asking Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
  6. Who among the following was given the name Israel by God?
    1. Abraham
    2. Isaac
    3. Moses
    4. Jacob.
  7. According to (2 Samuel 7:5-17), which one of the following is not a promise that God gave to David?
    1. David's name would be great. 
    2. God would allow his son to marry many wives.
    3. A heir from his house would sit on the throne.
    4. God would establish an everlasting kingdom for him.
  8. I was a judge, a prophet and a priest. God gave me the opportunity to anoint the second king of Israel. Who am I?
    1. Nathan
    2.  Zaddock
    3. Eli
    4. Samuel.
  9. Who among the following prophets foretold about the new covenant which would be written on people's hearts? 
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Isaiah
    3. Joel
    4. Zachariah.
  10. What was Zachariah doing in the temple when the Lord's angel appeared to him? 
    1. Burning incense.
    2. Praying to God.
    3. Offering sacrifice.
    4. Praising and worshiping.
  11. Who among the following people wanted to buy the power of the Holy spirit from Peter and John?
    1. Barnabas
    2. Judas
    3. Ananias
    4. Simon.
  12. Which one of the following statements best describes Christian values?
    1. Being morally upright.
    2. Being able to read and write.
    3. Being fair and just.
    4. Knowing what is right and good.
  13. "Didn't you know that I had to be in my fathers 'house?"Luke 2:49. To whom did Jesus say these words?
    1. His disciples.
    2. His parents.
    3. The Pharisees.
    4. Teachers of the law.
  14. According to the teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mountain, which group of people will receive what God has promised? The
    1. merciful
    2. peace makers 
    3. poor in spirit
    4. humble.
  15. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on being strongly founded on God's word? The 
    1. shrewd manager
    2. ten virgins
    3. Mustard seed
    4. two builders.
  16. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches that He had power to forgive sins? Healing of
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. the paralysed man
    3. the Roman officer's servant
    4. man with shrivelled hand.
  17. Which one of the following was the message of John the Baptist to the tax collectors? Not to
    1. judge others
    2. take money by force
    3. take more money than it's legal
    4. behave like hypocrites while praying.
  18. The news about the resurrection of Jesus was first announced to
    1. Simon Peter
    2. the women who had gone to anoint the body of Jesus
    3. the eleven disciples
    4. Cleophas and his friend.
  19. Who among the following deacons was a gentile from Antioch?
    1. Stephen
    2. Philip
    3. Nicholas
    4. Timon.
  20. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Speaking in tongues
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness.
  21. Which one of the following practices was not done during worship in traditional African society?"
    1. Reading of the Bible.
    2. Clapping hands.
    3. Dancing. 
    4. Reciting prayers.
  22. Which one of the following rights of passage in traditional African society showed that one had become an adult?
    1. Marriage 
    2. Initiation 
    3. Naming 
    4. Death.
  23. Which one of the following activities in African traditional society marked reconciliation?
    1. Getting new names.
    2. Undergoing initiation rite. 
    3. Being baptised.
    4. Shaking hands.
  24. Which one of the following was the main reason why children were told stories in traditional African society? To 
    1. entertain them
    2. teach them moral values
    3. teach them the history of their community
    4. keep them occupied.
  25. Maria your best friend has been diagnosed with HIV. Which is the best thing for you to do as a Christian? 
    1. Encourage her to seek medical care. 
    2. Avoid her company.
    3. Advise her to transfer to another school.
    4. Advise her to register in a special school.
  26. All the following are examples of sexual misuse except
    1. incest 
    2. abstinence
    3. prostitution
    4. adultery.
  27. How best can a Christian help children living on the streets?
    1. Searching for their parents.
    2. Establishing places for them to live. 
    3. Giving them jobs.
    4. Giving them money to buy food.
  28. Which one of the following can cause disagreements in families?
    1. Discussing matters
    2. Caring for one another. 
    3. Speaking the truth.
    4. Acts of unfaithfulness.
  29. Tony refuses to collect rubbish in the school compound claiming that there are workers who were employed to do that. As a Christian which advice would you give him?
    1. Report him to the teacher.
    2. Join him and let the workers do the job. 
    3. Tell him the benefit of having a clean environment.
    4. Discuss the issue with his parents.
  30. All the following are tributes given to the missionaries for their coming to Kenya. Which one is wrong? They 
    1. introduced Christianity 
    2. formalised education 
    3. brought in modern medicine 
    4. introduced God to Africans.


  1. Which one of the following is a verse from surah Al-Fiil?
    1. "For you is your religion and for me is my religion".
    2. "And He send against them birds in flocks".
    3. "No! He will surely be thrown into the crusher".
    4. "And man says, what is wrong with the earth"
  2. The verse "Lam yalid walam yuulad" is found in surah
    1. Maun
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Al-Falaq 
    4. An- nasr.
  3. Which one of the following was a reason for the revelation of surah Al-Lahab? 
    1. The prophets uncle tried to stop the prophet from Da'awa.
    2. The disbeliever requested to pray to Allah and also Idds.
    3. A governor attempted to destroy the holy Kaaba.
    4. Muslims got the help of Allah.
  4. Which one of the following is not a situation in which Allah(S.W) assisted the prophet (p.b.u.h) according to surah Ad-Dhuha? When he was
    1. poor 
    2. lost 
    3. an orphan
    4. a beggar.
  5. Surah Al-Alaq, teaches Muslims the importance of
    1. wealth
    2. working
    3. knowledge
    4. peace.
  6. The prophet (SAW) said that the curse of Allah (S.W) befalls both the giver and of recipient
    1. bribe
    2. tax
    3. a fine
    4. pork.
  7. Which choice completes the hadith of the prophet (p.b.u.h) correctly? Whoever is 
    1. not thankful to people is thankful to Allah(S.W).
    2. thankful to God is thankful to Allah.(S.W).
    3. not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah(S.W)
    4. thankful to people is not thankful to Allah. (S.W)
  8. Which one of the following comprises of rituals performed to the dead body of a Muslim? 
    1. Bathing-drying-oiling-dressing.
    2. Bathing-ablution-praying-saying dus.
    3. Bathing-dressing escorting-burying.
    4. Bathing-dressing-praying-burying.
  9. The correct position for the Imaam to stand while leading a prayer for Salaat Jnaza for a female dead body is around the 
    1. head
    2. waist 
    3. feet
    4. chest.
  10. The respect people must accord for the passing Janaza of a dead Muslim is
    1. standing up
    2. sitting down
    3. following the Janaza to the graveyard 
    4. assisting in lifting Janaza.
  11.  Why do Muslims fast on every Thursday of the week as a Sunna of prophet Muhammed(S.A.W)? That
    1. is the day when prophet (p.b.u.h) was born. 
    2. the day when our weekly deeds are raised to Allah. (S.W)
    3. was the sunna of Nabii Ibrahim the father of Iman
    4. is the day Allah(S.W) saved Musa from Firaun.
  12. The special garment worn during the Hajj Ibaada and exercises is known as
    1. Qamis
    2. Jalbeeb
    3. Ilhaan
    4. Ihraam.
  13. Which one of the following actions will nullify both swalah and Wudhu?
    1. Talking.
    2. Turning away from Qibla.
    3. Touching private parts.
    4. If someone call you.
  14. The sunna prayer performed only in the month of Ramadhan is sunna
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Tahajjud
    4. Istikhaara.
  15. Swalha was asked by her teacher of Madrasa to list the recipients of Zakkat. She wrote in Arabic; Al-ghaarimiina, Al-Muallafat kuluub, wafii safiilillah. What among the following did she not name?
    1. The new converts.
    2. Those on slavery.
    3. Those who work on the course of Allah.
    4. The debtors.
  16. Which one of the following is not a group of Najis according to the Sharia?
    1. Mughalladha
    2. Mutawasit
    3. Mukhaffafa
    4. Muhaddatha.
  17. Which information about Tayammum is true?
    1. All parts of Wudhu are dusted.
    2. It ends with the Swalah you intended to pray.
    3. You dust recommended parts three times cách.
    4. You can perform Tayammum only if you had performed Wudhu initially.
  18. What is Ihsaan?
    1. Prayer to Allah as though you see Him. 
    2. The fear of Allah wherever you are. 
    3. The reliance to Allah even as you take caution.
    4. Anything you do for Allah to forgive your sins.
  19. The prophet (S.A.W) cautioned Muslims of some bounties of Allah (S.W) saying. "many people will end up in hell because of...."
    1. eyes and ears
    2. hands and legs
    3. mouth and sex organs 
    4. eyes and buttocks.
  20. Which one of the following is a purpoted miracle of Nabii Issa(A.S) that never was according to Islam? He
    1. died and ressurected on the third day 
    2. raised the dead back to life 
    3. fed many with little food
    4. breathed life into model bird.
  21. The justice levelled against a guilty thief according to the Islamic Sharia is
    1. beat him mob justice
    2. hang him
    3. strip him a hundred lashes.
    4. cut off his hand.
  22.  Which virtue do Muslims learn from the first few people who joined Islam but stood firm with Islamic faith together with all persecutions that they went through?
    1. Tolerance 
    2. Kindness 
    3. Generosity 
    4. Sacrifice.
  23. The first month of the Islamic calender is 
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rabiul Awwal 
    3. Muharram
    4. Shaban.
  24. Which one of the following is the reward of Muslims who arrive to the Mosque earliest for Jum'a prayers and Khutba?
    1. Thirty thawaabs.
    2. Like fasting two months consecutively.
    3. Thawaabs equivalent to mount Uhud. 
    4. Like giving out charity of a camel.
  25.  Allah (S.W) send angels to assist Muslims fight the enemies in the battle of
    1. Badr
    2. Safiin
    3. Khandaq
    4. Uhud.
  26. Allah (S.W) perish the sinful people of Nabii Nuh using
    1. fire
    2. floods
    3. noise
    4. a clinic disease.
  27. Why did the prophet pray for generosity for Muslims involved in the buying and selling Muamala? It involves
    1. quality of produce
    2. giving and receiving
    3. profit making
    4. wealth creation.
  28. Which one of the following dealings was purposed to bring peace between Muslims and non Muslims for a period of tens years? The
    1. pledge of Aqaba
    2. Hijjatul Widaa
    3. conquest of Makka
    4. treaty of Hudaybiyya.
  29. All the following names refer to one grand Mosque on this Earth except
    1. Baitul Aqsa
    2. Baitul Attiq
    3. Baitul Haraam
    4. Baitul Llah.
  30. Which one of the following is not an attribute of Allah (S.W)?
    1. Al-Qahhaar 
    2. Al-Qaabidh
    3. Al-Bayyina 
    4. Al-Baar.


social studies



  1. A card with the word BLOCK written on it was placed infront of a mirror. Which one of the following shows the correct image that was seen in the
    1 adda
  2. Which one of the following is not a special sound?
    1. Car hooting.
    2. Bell ringing.
    3. Ambulance siren.
    4. Goats bleating.
  3. The method used in separating a mixture of a liquid and a solid depends on
    1. solubility of the solid
    2. the mass of the solid
    3. the mass of the liquid
    4. size of the particles of the solid.
  4. The following are natural sources of light except 
    1. fire flies
    2. sun
    3. electricity
    4. stars.
  5. A child who appears old with wasted muscles is also likely to
    1. have knock-knee legs
    2. have swollen abdomen
    3. cry often
    4. lack adequate blood.
  6. Which one of the following soil conservation measures conserves soil by retaining moisture and soil P.H?
    1. Mulching.
    2. Contour farming.
    3. Use of check dams.
    4. Terracing.
  7. The following are non-renewable sources of energy except
    1. petrol
    2. firewood
    3. kerosene
    4. coal.
  8. All the following are ways of reducing friction except
    1. treading
    2. streamlining
    3. lubrication
    4. using ball bearings.
  9. All the following materials are magnetic. Which one is not?
    1. Steel wool.
    2. Aluminium foil.
    3. Office pins.
    4. Chromium wire.
  10. The component of air in the atmosphere that is fixed by bacteria in root nodules to make nutrients is
    1. carbondioxide
    2. inert gas
    3. oxygen
    4. nitrogen.
  11. The set up below was used to investigate a certain property of air.
    11 fsfs
    Which property was being investigated?
    1. Air has weight.
    2. Air expands on heating.
    3. Air occupies space.
    4. Air condenses on cooling.
  12. The diagram below represents a set up used to investigate a certain aspect of light.
    12 sdsfsfs
    The aspect being investigated is
    1. how light travels 
    2. refraction of light
    3. reflection of light
    4. making a rainbow.
  13. Which pair of planets below consists of the farthest and closest planets from the sun respectively?
    1. Venus and Uranus.
    2. Neptune and Mercury.
    3. Mercury and Neptune.
    4. Jupiter and Venus.
  14. Which one of the following statements on interdependence between plants is not true? Some plants
    1. grow on dead plants
    2. depend on others for support
    3. depend on others for shade
    4. depend on others for carbondioxide.
  15. Which of the following statements is true about clay soil?
    1. Has good aeration.
    2. Has large soil particles.
    3. Retains low amount of water.
    4. It has high capillarity.
  16. Which of the following materials are correctly grouped?
      Objects that sink  Objects that float
    A Nail, wood Metal dish, stone
    Needle, steel rod Wax, wood
    Piece of glass, stone Rubber, nail
    Aluminum plate, pencil  Plastic bag, feathers  
  1. Class four pupils placed fresh garden soil in a glass bottle containing water, shook it and allowed it to settle. Which of the following components of soil were they investigating?
    1. Air in soil.
    2. Living organism.
    3. Water in soil.
    4. Mineral particles in soil.
  2. The diagram below shows a root of a certain plant.
    18 sfsfs
    Which of the following plants have similar roots like the one above?
    1. Groundnuts and beans.
    2. Maize and sorghum.
    3. Sugarcane and Mango tree.
    4. Onions and millet.
  3. Which one of the following is the largest component of the environment the earth's surface?
    1. Soil
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. Plants.
  4. The chart below shows a simple classification of drugs.
    20 sfsfsf
    Parts X and Y respectively represents
                X             Y
    1. Cocaine    Beer
    2. Bhang      Tobacco
    3. Cocaine   Tobacco
    4. Alcohol     Bhang
  5. Which one of the following animal parasites affect sheep and goats only?
    1. Tapeworms
    2. Hookworms
    3. Lungworms
    4. Liverflukes.
  6. The diagram below shows a maize seed.
    22 sfsfs
    Which part makes the embryo of the seed?
    1. S
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. Z
  7. When breathing in
    1. the diaphragm flattens
    2. pressure in the lung cavity increases
    3. the ribcage moves downwards and outwards
    4. the diaphragm becomes dome-shaped.
  8. The following are steps involved in the formation of a zygote in plants.
    1. Fusion.
    2. Pollination.
    3. Growth of pollen tube.
    4. Pollen tube breaks.
      The correct order of the steps is
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
      3. (iii), (iv). (i), (ii)
      4. (ii), (iii), (iv), (i).
  9. Which of the following components of blood is the largest?
    1. Plasma
    2. Platelets
    3. White blood cells
    4. Red blood cells.
  10. The following pairs consist of immunizable diseases except 
    1. tetanus and polio
    2. measles and yellow fever
    3. whooping cough and typhoid
    4. bilharzia and marasmus.
  11. The following are ways of controlling water pollution except
    1. controlled use of farm chemicals
    2. applying oil on stagnant water to kill mosquitoes
    3. treating sewage before releasing them into the water
    4. controlling soil erosion.
  12.  The diagram below shows a human tooth.
    28 sfsfsf
    The above tooth is used for
    1. holding
    2. biting
    3. grinding
    4. crushing.
  13. The diagram below shows parts of the female reproductive system.
    29 sfsfsf
    After fertilization, the zygote implants itself at the part marked
    1. R
    2. Q
    3. O
    4. P
  14. A sloppy area with shallow channels is likely to be experiencing
    1. splash erosion
    2. sheet erosion
    3. rill erosion
    4. gulley erosion.
  15. Which one of the following is not a safety measure when dealing with electricity?
    1. Don't insert iron nails in sockets.
    2. Avoid using electric appliances that are faulty.
    3. Don't shelter under trees on rainy days.
    4. Avoid overloading sockets.
  16. The diagram below shows an improvised rain gauge.
    32 sfsfs
    The collecting bottle should 
    1. be wide to collect enough water 
    2. be transparent for easy reading 
    3. be placed above the ground
    4. have a funnel sealed to its mouth.
  17. The following are characteristics of blackjack except that it
    1. has thorns on its stem
    2. produces white flowers
    3. produces seeds which stick on animals
    4. produces small black dry fruits.
  18. Which of the following groups of activities consists of industrial uses of water only?
    1. Boat racing, swimming, fishing. 
    2. Making fountains, cooling machines, cleaning tools.
    3. Washing vehicles, transport, mixing chemicals.
    4. Watering plants, watering animals, irrigation.
  19. A person who buys fruits and eats without washing them is likely to contract
    1. bilharzia and malaria
    2. typhoid and cholera
    3. typhoid and malaria
    4. cholera and bilharzia.
  20. The following are characteristics of a certain vertebrate.
    1. Varying body temperature.
    2. Scales on the body.
    3. Lay externally fertilized eggs.
      The animal with the above characteristics is likely to be
      1. frog
      2. spiny -ant-eater
      3. tilapia
      4. hen.
  21. Farmers apply ash to the compost pit in order to
    1. introduce bacteria
    2. provide food for bacteria
    3. add soil moisture
    4. add soil nutrients.
  22. Which one of the following is not an example of a compound fertilizer?
    1. Diammonium Phosphate.
    2. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.
    3. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate.
    4. Mono Ammonium Phosphat
    5. The diagram below shows a certain lever in use.
  23. Which lever works in the same way as the above lever?
    39 sffsfs
    1. Staircase
    2. Spade
    3. Claw hammer
    4. Wheelbarrow.
  24. The following are effects of drug abuse.
    1. Rape.
    2. Coma.
    3. Addiction.
    4. Truancy.
    5. Drug induced accidents.
      Which pair consists of social effects of drugs abuse?
      1. (iv) and (v)
      2. (iii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (ii)
      4. (iii) and (ii).
  25. Which one of the following plants is a green non-flowering plant?
    1. Moss
    2. Mushroom
    3. Grass
    4. Sunflower.
  26. The best way of preventing HIV and AIDS infection among the youth in school is by
    1. testing and counselling
    2. seeking medication
    3. being faithful to their partners
    4. abstinence.
  27. The following activities take place during the process of birth in human beings.
    1. Baby comes out.
    2. Contraction of the womb.
    3. Bursting of amniotic sac.
    4. Flow of amniotic fluid.
    5. The cervix dilates.
      Which one of the following lists shows the correct order of the activities?
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v).
      2. (ii), (v), (iii), (iv), (i). 
      3. (iv), (iii), (v), (ii), (i). 
      4. (iii), (iv), (ii), (i), (v).
  28. Animals feed on a balanced diet because of the following reasons except to
    1. resist diseases
    2. increase in size and weight
    3. have energy
    4. cure livestock diseases.
  29. Which one of the following is an adaptation for both flying and swimming in animals?
    1. Presence of wings.
    2. Strong hind limbs.
    3. Webbed feet.
    4. Streamlined bodies.
  30. Which one of the following animal feeds provide a diet of fats and carbohydrates?
    1. Lucerne and clover.
    2. Sunflower and maize grains.
    3. Clover and nappier grass.
    4. Sweet potato vines and desmodium.
  31. The importance of fibre in the human diet is to help in the
    1. movement of food
    2. absorption of mineral salts
    3. absorption of nutrients
    4. digestion of food.
  32. Which one of the following methods can control both mites and roundworms?
    1. Deworming
    2. Dipping
    3. Rotational grazing
    4. Dosing.
  33. Which one of the following small animals are classified in the same" group?
    1. Spider, tick, scorpion.
    2. Beetle, moth, crab.
    3. Centipede, bee, ant.
    4. Tapeworms, snails, slugs.
  34. Which one of the following is a stem tuber?
    1. Irish potatoes
    2. Sweet potatoes
    3. Carrots
    4. Cassava.


sci sfsf



Tagged under


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space choose the best alternative from the choices given.
When you meet someone ...................1................. the first time, so many ideas flash  ...................2................. your mind. First, the general appearance of the person seems to ...................3................. you either of someone you know or knew sometimes in the past. You ...................4................. to attribute the person's looks  ...................5................. that of the person in your mind. You  ...................6................. think that the person could look like you.  ...................7................. the person resembles a person you like or liked, you  ...................8................. develop a positive attitude  ...................9................. him or her, with a belief that the person likely has similar characteristics as that of the one you had in mind.

If,  ...................10................. the person reminds you of an unpleasant person, you could immediately find yourself  ...................11................. the person wrongly. This is  ...................12................. we should be keen to   ...................13................. a person's character before we become  ...................14................. free with them. It is obvious that the unpleasant person could warn you about your own security  ...................15................. that of the items you are in-charge of.

    1. at
    2. by
    3. within
    4. for
    1. into
    2. round
    3. through
    4. over
    1. remind
    2. tell
    3. show
    4. warn
    1. think
    2. tend
    3. plan
    4. decide
    1. and
    2. for
    3. to
    4. like
    1. never
    2. always
    3. usually
    4. occasionally
    1. When
    2. As
    3. Since
    4. If
    1. carefully
    2. easily
    3. slowly
    4. accurately
    1. among
    2. between
    3. with
    4. towards
    1. however
    2. although
    3. likewise
    4. nevertheless
    1. seeing
    2. discussing
    3. judging
    4. grouping
    1. how
    2. why
    3. when
    4. what
    1. know
    2. record
    3. remember
    4. study
    1. so
    2. too
    3. very
    4. more
    1. and
    2. even
    3. or
    4. but

In questions 16 to 18, choose the option which means the same as the underlined word.

  1. The suspect did not deserve the treatment he was given.
    1. feel
    2. worth
    3. appreciate
    4. accept
  2. The candidates were advised to do their work orderly.
    1. speedily
    2. accurately
    3. individually
    4. systematically
  3. We normally honour our visitors and elders.
    1. love
    2. glory
    3. respect
    4. kindness

For questions 19 and 20, choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank space.

  1. The teachers were congratulated ................................. the good school results.
    1. on
    2. for
    3. at
    4. by
  2. We should always be grateful .................................. whoever helps us.
    1. for
    2. to
    3. at
    4. of

For questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence given.

  1. I'm not sure if Memba will come but I'll be around in case he .......................................
    1. comes
    2. will
    3. does
    4. could
  2. Let us all stand up, ................................... ?
    1. can't we
    2. shouldn't we
    3. will we
    4. shall we

Use the information below to answer questions 23 to 25.
Four pupils - Amos, Grace, Musa and Asha-like eating various fruits. Musa loves eating grapes and pineapples while Asha likes avocadoes, mangoes, pears and oranges. Amos prefers eating passion fruits and pawpaws while Grace likes pineapples, oranges and bananas. Only Asha enjoys eating guava. All except Grace like lemon. 

  1. Which of the four is the least liked fruit by the pupils?
    1. Bananas
    2. Pineapple
    3. Lemons
    4. Oranges.
  2. Who among the children loves eating the highest number of fruits?
    1. Amos
    2. Grace
    3. Asha
    4. Musa.
  3. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. Two pupils loved eating the same number of fruits.
    2. Amos did not like any of the fruits Grace loved eating.
    3. Both Grace and Asha loved eating pineapples.
    4. There are two fruits that both girls love eating. 

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.
Evening was the best time for us to review the day. As mother and my sisters prepared dinner, we sat outside the main house, entertaining ourselves with what we did, what we did not do and what we knew we would never do. We sat at that position because mother would call any of us without a warning to collect some firewood or fetch water from the other house. Occasionally we would be sent for salt or flour from the neighbouring homes and that occurred as a matter of emergency.

Mother's shrill voice rang from the kitchen. She rarely called any of us twice and if she did, you would be a fool to go too close to her. She had cooked some vegetables and served a portion of it in an earthen bowl. She asked us to run and deliver it to our aunt whose home was just but a fence away. Of course, running at night was forbidden and we knew she was aware.

We reached there when the family was just ending the prayer to start eating. It was an offence to turn down a meal invitation and so as we gave aunty the bowl, space was created for us and two empty dishes brought. She had cooked dried fish (the type that mother rarely prepared) and we were salivating as she served us generously. She then shared the vegetables among all of us. My brother and I looked at each other and that had a message. We were eating the same vegetables we had been sent to deliver and just as it was at our home, no one was allowed to talk while eating. No reason was given for this.

We thanked the family and left. Toni suggested that we should follow the main gate instead of the usual short-cut. The moon had risen and we were satisfied so I supported the idea but the moment we reached out, under the big mango tree by the path, I saw some movement. It was like a park of leopards, all standing and waiting for us! Instead of screaming for help, Toni led the way towards the homes further away. It was longer but we preferred it. If we screamed, mother would rush to save us but soon after, we would be pinched on our ears and noses, for failure to explain why we had taken the wrong route.

We walked away stealthily, looking back frequently like frightened rabbits. When we were half way, we heard dogs from the neighbouring homes barking loudly and we felt trapped! We could move neither forwards nor backwards. Then Toni turned and without a word, I meekly followed. We continued going in the same fashion until we approached the same mango tree. I could still see the same leopards but Toni kept going and so did I. To my surprise and relief, there was nothing under the tree but shadows cast by the bright moonlight. I kept my thoughts to myself.

We reached home and were whispering to each other when we almost fainted. Sitting at the eaves of the house was our mother! "You decided to go wandering in the village at night instead? You left your uncle's home ages ago. As a punishment, you will go to bed hungry so that you learn a lesson," she ordered.
We went straight to our room and the moment we heard her bolt her door, we burst out laughing heartily. However, the laughter was under control for we could have a serious explanation to give if she heard it and returned. We were not ready for that.

  1. The main reason why the boys reviewed the day's activities is that
    1.  they used it to plan for the next day
    2. the other family members were very busy
    3. the mother expected them to see their own mistakes
    4. they did not have specific allocated duties then.
  2. Mother would send either of the boys to fetch firewood or water because
    1. no one else was available to do it 
    2. of the amount of noise they made
    3. their stories only entertained themselves
    4. they had to be kept occupied too.
  3. Why would the boys be sent for flour or salt as a matter of emergency?
    1. To show them how essential the commodities were in cooking.
    2. If their stock got exhausted unexpectedly.
    3. Such items were always needed at the last minute.
    4. It is not easy to measure their quality when not in use.
  4. You would be a fool to go too close to mother if she called you twice
    1. as her hearing was not that good 
    2. for you could accidentally get hurt there
    3.  since you could be disciplined for it
    4. as she didn't tolerate calling them more than once.
  5. By asking the boys to run to deliver the vegetables, mother
    1. expected the boys to return fast 
    2. wanted the boys to run to and fro
    3. knew the distance to be covered was actually short
    4. believed the boys would never disobey her.
  6. The time when the boys reached with the vegetables and the meal timing can best be described as
    1. a plan
    2. realistic
    3. perfect
    4. a coincidence.
  7. Why do you think mother send the boys to take the vegetables to the aunty?
    1. Vegetables had become rare.
    2. She realised she had cooked too much of it.
    3. She wanted to share with the aunty.
    4. The aunty had a large family.
  8. The writer and his brother felt a bit uneasy when
    1. they joined the uncle's family for dinner
    2. they got served with the same vegetable they had just delivered
    3. the space created for them was hardly enough
    4. the aunt served them with the fish generously.
  9. If one refused to join others in taking a meal, 
    1. the parents would be blamed for poor upbringing
    2. other children would be encouraged to do the same
    3. no one would listen to them
    4. the children would be punished for it.
  10. Toni suggested that they follow a longer route
    1. since the moon had risen
    2. in order for them to reach home late
    3. for he wanted to test their mother's intelligence
    4. so that they could take a bit longer to reach home.
  11. Why did Toni and his brother not scream for help?
    1. No one would have heard them.
    2. The leopards would have pounced on them.
    3. It had its own consequences.
    4. They were too satisfied to be loud enough.
  12. The word "wandering' has been used in the passage to mean
    1. moving from one place to another aimlessly
    2. walking in darkness for too long
    3. doing work you've not been asked to
    4. fearing things which do not even exist.
  13. In the end, the boys laughed because
    1. they had actually eaten the same vegetable away from home
    2. the mother's punishment would not serve any purpose
    3. the barking dogs had scared the leopards away
    4. their mother had not realised how scared they had been. 

Read the following passage and then answer questions 39 to 50.
An extinct animal is one that does not exist anymore. It is interesting to note that the animal actually existed long ago, before any of our great grandparents were alive but to date, we are able to see how they looked like. Such an animal has completely vanished and cannot be found anywhere on earth. It might be difficult to determine a species or a specific type of animal, has become extinct.

Scientists have been known to mistakenly believe that an animal died, only to be discovered living one year or so elsewhere. The coelacanth, for example, is a fish that biologists thought had utterly vanished millions of years ago from the earth's surface. Then, in 1938, a researcher discovered one that had been caught by a fisherman!

Hundreds of creatures and plants that previously flourished on our planet have vanished totally. According to some biologists, there are five billion more species that have become extinct over the years than what we have on earth today.

Extinction can occur for a variety of reasons. A mass extinction event is one of the least common but most well-known causes. These are massive events that affect specific animals almost at the same time. The majority of experts think that the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago in a catastrophe that caused their extinction.

Animals are more likely to face extinction nowadays as a result of human-caused circumstances. Habitat degradation is the most common of these. By introducing poisonous substances or degrading the physical space where the animals live, humans may endanger their natural habitats. The immense deforestation that has occurred in the tropical rainforests is one of the greatest examples of habitat degradation.

Another reason for which man has been blamed is when they make technological advancement. Man could decide to put up a huge factory somewhere but once it is running, measures are not put in place to ensure that the toxic waste from it is not released to the water bodies. As it flows, it dries up rivers and plants that the animals in and around the rivers live on. In that way, man unconsciously causes extinction.

  1. How does one tell that a specific animal is extinct?
    1. When he can't see such an animal he knows.
    2. When he relies on what others were told by those before them.
    3. Any time some species of animals start dying.
    4. If he sees a strange animal for the first time.
  2. The most interesting thing about an extinct animal is that
    1. the shape is unbelievably strange
    2. so many people give different versions of how they looked
    3. we know if but none among us ever seen it
    4. all of them were never in our country.
  3. Scientists at times believe that an animal is extinct because
    1. it takes quite a long time to declare an animal extinct
    2. they are in a hurry to document extinct animals
    3. some animals disapp... then reappear
    4. their research does not cover the whole world.
  4. The fisherman who caught the coelacanth is likely to have
    1. done a lot of research of extinct animals 
    2. planned this over a period of time 
    3. seen such a fish some other time
    4. been equally surprised at seeing it.
  5. Why do you think some plants and animals become extinct?
    1. Their number increase too fast against what they eat.
    2. They move or are moved to strange locations.
    3. Their way of life becomes permanently changed.
    4. They eat all the plants and animals then die of starvation.
  6. Mass extinction can affect specific species of animals if
    1. the researchers fail to locate specific animals at the place
    2. an unfortunate event affects the animals almost at the same time
    3. Crossbreeding with different species takes places
    4. nature does not provide conducive atmosphere to the animals.
  7. Which of the following is a human-caused circumstance of extinction?
    1. When some animals come to feed on a whole population of another.
    2. A disease that comes out to wipe out a species of animals.
    3. Migration of animals to a completely different place.
    4. Draining off water in which a species of animals live or get their food.
  8. Deforestation is likely to lead to
    1. extinction of some plants and animals 
    2. introduction of new and strange plants and animals
    3. control on the number of plants and animals
    4. growth of new plants and trees from elsewhere.
  9. Why are animals more affected by human based extinction circumstances?
    1. Both humans and wild animals share the same water source.
    2. Some animals seek refuge in human homes.
    3. Human activities displace them more.
    4. Human-wildlife conflict is not easy to resolve.
  10. Construction of roads and factories 
    1. is the only cause of animal extinction. 
    2. is not done purposely to cause extinction.
    3. can cause re-appearance of an extinct species.
    4. usually considers areas where almost no animal live.
  11. The best thing to do to toxic waste from factories is
    1. creating a dam for its storage
    2. enabling it to flow out freely and slowly
    3. releasing it in bits especially during dry season
    4. treating it before being released back to the rivers.
  12. The best title for this passage would be 
    1. Extinction of animals and plants. 
    2. Man's activities on the earth surface. 
    3. Population of plants and animals. 
    4. Effect of technology advancement on plants and animals.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story making it as interesting as you can.

It was time for us to play and as usual, my friends had come to the playground. We had not decided which game to play so ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




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1 adada

Study the map of Jada area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Suta Area rises from
    1. North
    2. South east
    3. South west
    4. North west
  2. What is the approximate length of the marram road in Sura Area?
    1. 3km
    2. 25km
    3. 4.5km
    4. 35km
  3. The residents of Suta Area are dominantly
    1. Hindus
    2. Christians
    3. Muslim
    4. Traditionalists
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Suta Area except
    1. Fishing activities
    2. Crop farming
    3. Livestock farming
    4. Lumbering activities
  5. Which type of soil is likely to be found in South Western part of Suta Area?
    1. Black cotton soil
    2. Red volcanic soil
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil
  6. The settlement pattern in Suta Area can be described as
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. nucleated
    4. sparse
  7. Which one of the following essential services is urgently needed in Suta Area?
    1. Security services
    2. Administrative services
    3. Health services
    4. Recreational services
  8. Which group of communities in Eastern Africa consist of River- Lake Nilotes only?
    1. Kalenjin, njemps, Karamojong, fipa
    2. Alur, Luo, Pokot, Jie
    3. Allur, Marakwet, Shilluk, Padhola
    4. Shilluk, Anuak, Acholi, Nuer
  9. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    9 adada
    The distance marked x can be represented by
    1. 5cm
    2. 15cm
    3. 30cm
    4. 20cm
  10. The following are vegetation covers of a certain region in Arica:
    1. Thorny bushes
    2. Prescence of cacti
    3. Short and pricky grass
      The above vegetation covers are likely to be found in
      1. The savannah woodlands
      2. The tropical rainforests
      3. The deserts and semi-deserts
      4. The swamps
  11. Which group of mountains consists of mountains formed through faulting and uplifting process? Mount
    1. Kenya, Danakil Alps, Elgon, Adamaw
    2. Ruwenzori, Ringwe, Ethiopian Highlands, Ai wapin
    3. Pare, Usambaa, Damaki! Alpa, Ruwenzori
    4. Atlas, Cape Ranges, Drakensburg. Pare.
  12. The time at Malabo 30°W is 8.30 am. What time is it at Chogoria 20°E?
    1. 11.50pm
    2. 11.50am
    3. 6.10am
    4. 6.10pm

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13.

13 adada

  1. The above feature represents the formation of
    1. Land breeze
    2. Sea breeze
    3. Convectional rainfall
    4. Relief rainfall
  2. The river Congo carriers the highest volume of water because
    1. it begins from the highest mountain
    2. it has many tributaries
    3. it has many meanders
    4. it is the largest river in west Africa
  3. The following are achievements of a certain hominid:
    1. Invented fire
    2. Had an upright posture
    3. Could communicate verbally
      The above hominid is likely to be
      1. Homo Habilis
      2. Homo Sapien Sapien
      3. Zinjathropus Boisei
      4. Homo erectus
  4. A motorist came across the road sign below on his way to Nakuru town.
    16 addada
    What action should he take?
    1. He should drive
    2. He should stop for the highway police
    3. He should go round the round about
    4. He should look for the alternative entry
  5. The following are duties of a certain school administrators:
    1. He/she is the chief Executive Officer of the school
    2. He/She chairs all the staff meeting
    3. He/she keeps all the school inventory
      The above school administrator is 
      1. The Head teacher
      2. The senior teacher
      3. The Deputy Head teacher
      4. The school treasure
  6. The following statements are true about Nelson Mandela. Which one is not?
    1. He united the people of South Africa
    2. He was a trained lawyer
    3. He was the second African president to retire voluntarily
    4. He helped to bring peace in many African Countries.
  7. Three of the following are reasons why most of rivers in Africa are not navigable. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of rapids and waterfalls
    2. Some rivers are shallow
    3. The volume of water is not constant
    4. Presence of crocodiles and hippopotamus
  8. When French policy of Assimilation failed in Senegal, the French adopted
    1. The policy of association
    2. The Direct Rule
    3. The Indirect Rule
    4. The Paternalism
  9. The diagram below represents an erosional feature.
    21 sdada
    The above erosional feature is likely to be found in the
    1. Sea
    2. Desert 
    3. Plateau
    4. Forest
  10. Three of the following are common characteristics of the Fulani, Maasai and Turkana. Which one is not?
    1. They use horses to search for pastures 
    2. They keep large herds of cattle, goats and sheep
    3. They are nomadic pastoralists
    4. They mainly keep local breeds of livestock
  11. The following communities are found in west Africa:
    1. Ewe
    2. Fa
    3. For
    4. Nzoma
      The above communities belong to the
      1. Mande speakers
      2. Nilo-Saharan speakers
      3. Kwa speakers
      4. Voltaic speakers
  12. The tilting and spinning of the earth on its own axis causes
    1. Rotation
    2. 24 hours
    3. Seasons
    4. Day and night
  13. The following are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop:
    1. High rainfall of between 1000mm- 1500mm annually.
    2. Cool temperatures.
    3. High altitude of 1500m above sea level.
    4. Well drained, deep fertile volcanic soils
      Which crop requires the above conditions?
      1. Pyrethrum
      2. Sugarcane
      3. Cloves
      4. Cocoa
  14. Which one of the following tourists destinations are correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Robben Island- South Africa
    2. Pyramids of Giza-Tumisia
    3. Victoria falls- Kenya
    4. Great Okavango Sanctuary- Zimbabwe
  15. Which statements below is not true about the population structures in Germany?
    1. High dependency ratio
    2. Low birth rate
    3. High life expectancy
    4. Majority are aged
  16. A programme of activities planned to take place in a school is known as
    1. School administration
    2. School routine
    3. School motto
    4. School logo
  17. Which institution of marriage is presided over by a government officer?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage 
    3. Muslim marriage
    4. Civil marriage
  18. The main crop grown at the Perizera irrigation scheme in Baringo county is
    1. Watermelon
    2. Chillies
    3. Seed maize
    4. Rice
  19. Which method of fishing is represented in the diagram below?
    31 adada
    1. Purse scining 
    2. Trawling 
    3. Long lining
    4. Net drifting
  20. Which tree species is unlikely to be found at the Great Usutu valley forest in Swaziland? 
    1. Cypress
    2. Pine
    3. Rosewood
    4. Eucalyptus
  21.  The following are uses of a certain mineral
    1. Making plastics
    2. Manufacture of fertilizers
    3. Making carbon papers
    4. Tarmacking roads The above mineral is
      1. Limestone
      2. Soda ash
      3. Diatomite
      4. Petroleum
  22. Flowers are mainly transported by the means of aeroplanes because
    1. they are mainly exported abroad
    2. air transport is cheap
    3. aeroplanes allow bulky goods
    4. flowers are perishable
  23. Which lake was not formed through the process shown below?
    35 adadad
    1. Lake Nyos 
    2. Lake Paradise 
    3. Lake Itasy
    4. Lake Shala
  24. Which one of the following countries is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Liberia - Monrovia
    2. Libya - Rabat
    3. Lesotho-Maseru
    4. Benin-port Novo
  25. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa was sent to look for Dr David Livingstone?
    1. Richard Burton
    2. John Speke
    3. Henry Morton Stanely
    4. Samuel Baker
  26. The following are reasons why chief Lewanika of the Lozi collaborated with the British. Which one is not?
    1. He wanted military support to supress some chiefs.
    2. He wanted to prevent the Portuguese, German and the Dutch from interfering with his region.
    3. He wanted to safeguard Islam against Christianity which the French wanted to spread.
    4. He was advised by Chief Khama of the Bamangwato of Botswana that he would earn great benefits.
  27. Which of the following is not a marine fish?
    1. Black Bass
    2. Snapper
    3. Tuna
    4. Mackerel
  28. The following countries withdrew from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) except
    1. Namibia
    2. Angola
    3. Mozambique
    4. Zimbabwe
  29. Which one of the following is a print media?
    1. Journals
    2. Internet
    3. Telex
    4. Mobile phones
  30. The youth in Kenya today mainly interact through
    1. Education
    2. Trading activities
    3. Games and sports
    4. Intermarriages
  31. The San and the Khoikhoi belong to a language group because
    1. they are pastoralists 
    2. they are hunters
    3. they live in bands
    4. their languages have click sounds
  32. Which one of the following is the main source of revenue for Kisii county? 
    1. Taxes paid by citizens
    2. Court fines
    3. Licences from traders
    4. Grants from the National government
  33. The main work of the Kenya National Police Service is to
    1. arrest and imprison law breakers
    2. control traffic in major roads 
    3. maintain law and order
    4. protect government property
  34. The new-elected and nominated members of parliament are sworn-in by
    1. The Chief Justice
    2. The Speaker
    3. The Attorney General
    4. The Clerk of the National Assembly
  35. Which one is not a function of the body in- charge of elections in Kenya?
    1. Prepares election materials
    2. Announces election results
    3. Nullifies election results
    4. Recruits election officials
  36. Jim and Joan had a dispute over their ancestral land. Joan decided to seek assistance from court. Which method of conflict resolution did she use?
    1. Mediation
    2. Conciliation
    3. Arbitration
    4. Litigation
  37. Kenya conserves her wildlife mainly to
    1. Protect rare plants and animals.
    2. Preserve beauty of the country.
    3. Create employment for Kenyans.
    4. Improve transport and communications.
  38. Which traditional form of communication was used to warn the people of the alleged attack by raiders?
    1. Smoke signals
    2. Beating drums
    3. Sending fast runners
    4. Blowing horns
  39. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead the people of Ghana to attain independence?
    1. United Gold Coast Convention
    2. Ghana Africa National Union
    3. National Liberation Movement
    4. Conventions Peoples Party
  40. Which one of the following countries was not colonised by Portugal?
    1. Sao Tome and Pricipe
    2. Guinea Bissau
    3. Angola
    4. Gabon
  41. Which one of the following is the headquarters of a continental organization in Africa?
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Arusha
    4. Abuja
  42. Which colour of the Kenya's national flag symbolises peace enjoyed by all citizens?
    1. Green
    2. Red
    3. White
    4. Black
  43. In democracy, individuals elect other persons to make decisions on their behalf: This democracy is known as
    1. Indirect democracy
    2. Liberal democracy
    3. Delegative der socracy
    4. Nominational democracy
  44. The main factor to consider while locating a site for a bakery is
    1. Raw materials
    2. Good transport and communication
    3. Ready market
    4. Source of electricity 

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 57-60:

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  1. What was the main reason for the establishment of the multi-purpose river project marked K? To
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate cheap hydro-electric power
    3. control floods at the lower Zambezi
    4. promote tourism
  2. The international highway marked M connects the following countries except
    1. Algeria
    2. Mali
    3. Benin
    4. Democratic Republic of Congo
  3. The winds marked J are
    1. Westerlies
    2. South East Trade winds
    3. Harmattan
    4. North East Trade winds
  4. The island country marked X is likely to be
    1. Seychelles
    2. Cape Verde
    3. Mauritius
    4. Comoros


  1. Adam and Eve hid from God in the garden of Eden because they were
    1. hungry
    2. afraid of God
    3. told by the snake to do so
    4. annoyed with God
  2. When did Abraham show his faith in God? When he
    1. made the Ark of the Covenant.
    2. took family to Egypt.
    3. left his home for an unknown destination.
    4. received visitors in his house.
  3. Who among the following people was a son to Isaac?
    1. Jacob
    2. Seth
    3. Joseph
    4. Reuben
  4. The main reason why God called Moses was
    1.  to perform miracles before Pharaoh. 
    2. To tell the Israelites about their tradition.
    3. To lead the Israelites out of bondage.
    4. To assemble the elders of the Israelites.
  5. Which one of the following commandments promises long life for the people who obey it?
    1. "Keep the Sabbath day holy"
    2. "Respect your parents"
    3. "Worship only one God"
    4. "Do not commit murder"
  6. Who among the following was the only woman judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth
    2. Lydia
    3. Deborah
    4. Esther
  7. Prophet Nathan was annoyed with the second king of Israel because
    1. the king had married many wives. 
    2. the king wanted to worship gods.
    3. the king had killed Uriah.
    4. the king refused to build a house for God.
  8. Why did Naboth refuse to give his vineyard to king Ahab?
    1. He wanted to give it to his relatives.
    2. He wanted to remain close to the vineyard.
    3. He wanted to sell it at higher prices.
    4. King Ahab wanted to take it by force.
  9. Which one of the following festivals is celebrated by the Israelites to remember the day they were released from Egypt?
    1. Tabernacle
    2. Passover
    3. Pentecost
    4. Easter
  10. When the wisemen visited baby Jesus they worshipped Him by presenting to Him
    1. Gold
    2. Silver
    3. Ornaments
    4. Holy Spirit
  11. Who among the following people were in the temple when baby Jesus was presented for dedication?
    1. Anna and Zachariah
    2. Elizabeth and Simeon
    3. Simeon and Anna
    4. Mary and Joseph
  12. Which one of the following activities took place during the baptism of Jesus?
    1. The heaven was opened.
    2. There was darkness over the earth.
    3. People spoke in tongues.
    4. The curtain was torn into two.
  13.  Which lesson do Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish?
    1. Just
    2. Kind
    3. Loving
    4. Obedient
  14. Jesus taught his disciples not to judge others mainly because
    1. they will be punished by God. 
    2. they will be judged by God.
    3. they will be hated by others.
    4. they will be put to death.
  15. What lesson do Christians learn from the parable of the good Samaritan?
    1. They should pray for one another.
    2. They should preach the word of God.
    3. They should lay hands on the sick.
    4. They should beip people who are in need.
  16. Jesus was assisted to carry the cross by
    1. Nicodemus
    2. Simeon of Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathca
    4. Justus
  17. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus resurrected?
    1. An angel spoke out.
    2. There was darkness over the land.
    3. There was an earthquake.
    4. The curtain in the temple was torn
  18. Which one of the following books of the New Testament is a letter?
    1. Mathew
    2. Acts
    3. Timothy
    4. Leviticus
  19. Who among the following people was a deacon in the early church?
    1. Paul
    2. Stephen
    3. Peter
    4. James
  20. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Humility
    3. Gentleness
    4. Patience
  21. What were the Ethiopian Eunuch reading about when Philip met him?
    1. The suffering of the Messiah. 
    2. The coming of the Holy Spirit.
    3. The transfiguration of Jesus.
    4. The baptism of Jesus.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs about God is similar to Christianity and traditional African religion? God
    1. lives in caves
    2. is powerful
    3. lives in heaven
    4. is trinity
  23. Which one of the following is the second right of passage in Traditional African communities?
    1. Marriage
    2. Initiation
    3. Naming
    4. Death
  24. In traditional African communities, children were taught morals mainly to
    1. develop their characters.
    2. make them respected in the society.
    3. learn special skills.
    4. worship the ancestors.
  25. On his way home from school Calvin a standard eight boy met an old man carrying a heavy heap of wood. Suddenly the old man fell down. What was the best action Calvin could take?
    1. Tell him to come up and continue his journey.
    2. Pretend not to see what had happened.
    3. Run back to school and inform the head teacher to assist.
    4. Assist the old man to get up.
  26. Michael and Hesbon have been close friends. In recent times, the two have started showing signs of misunderstanding. As a Christian, what advice would you give them?
    1. Tell them to stop talking to each other. 
    2. Ask them to seek guidance and counselling services.
    3. Tell them to leave each other in peace and look for new friends.
    4. Report the matter to the area Chief for counselling.
  27. Which one of the following activities of leisure is common to traditional African communities and the new religion?
    1. Watching gospel movies
    2. Attending beer parties
    3. Visiting the less fortunate
    4. Reading the scriptures
  28. Diana a grade six learner has been given house chores by her mother. Her friend Quinter visits her and asks her to join her in playing hide and seek. As a Christian what should Diana do?
    1. Accompany Quinter to playing site. 
    2. Tell Quinter to come another time. 
    3. Do the work as fast as she can.
    4. Ask Quinter to do the work for her first.
  29. Kasichana, a standard eight learner has been confirmed to be pregnant. Her friends advised her to carry out an abortion. As a Christian what action would you advise Kasichana to take?
    1. To keep the pregnancy
    2. Follow the friends advice
    3. Stop going to school
    4. Look for the person responsible for the pregnancy to marry her
  30. Early Christian missionaries came to East Africa mainly to
    1. build schools
    2. colonise countries of East Africa
    3. stop slave trade
    4. spread the gospel of Jesus


  1. Which one of the following surahs talks about the flames?
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Kawthar
    3. Al-Tiin
    4. Qadar.
  2. The night of power that Allah (SW) showed Himself is found in surah
    1. Al-Qadar
    2. Fiyl
    3. Humazah
    4. Zilzallah.
  3. The day of judgement and the end of the earth is well mentioned in surah
    1. Zilzalah
    2. Dhuha
    3. Inshirrah
    4. An-Nasr.
  4. Which one of the following is the mother of all chapters in the holy Quran?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Aadiyyat
    3. Firaun
    4. Al-Tin.
  5. "Man was made from blood clor" This is a verse mentioned surah
    1. Al-Alaq
    2. Maun
    3. Al-Inshirrah
    4. Dhuha.
  6. During his teaching the prophet warned against frustrating one's neighbour and mentioned how many houses that form the neighbour hood. How many are they?
    1. One hundred
    2. Forty
    3. Eighty
    4. Ten.
  7. He who is not thankful to others is not thankful to....
    1. Allah
    2. Prophet Muhammad
    3. himself
    4. creation
  8. Which one of the following statements is not correct about angels of Allah?(SW)
    1. Angels have different duties. 
    2. They are neither males nor females. 
    3. They were created from Nuhr.
    4. Angels have a common duty to perform.
  9. Which one of the following is the festival performed to celebrate the birth of a new born baby?
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Idd-ul-Adha
    4. Rajab.
  10. According to the holy Quran the number of chapters written are
    1. 25
    2. 100
    3. 45
    4. 117
  11. Which one of the following is the category of the urine of a baby boy?
    1. Heavy Najjasit
    2. Light Najjasit
    3. Medium Najjasit
    4. No Najjasit
  12. Which one of the following is recommended in the Islamic law?
    1. Begging.
    2. Gambling.
    3. Hoarding.
    4. Mixing with other religion.
  13. The following can spoil the saum except
    1. eating deliberately
    2. drinking wine
    3. laughing loudly
    4. woman entering heidh.
  14. Which one of the following Angels of Allah (SW) was responsible for the rain falling?
    1. Malik
    2. Mikael
    3. Jibril
    4. Atid.
  15. Which one of the following is not a belief in the Islamic sherian?
    1. Books
    2. Allah
    3. Angels
    4. Qiyamah.
  16. Which one of the following festivals fallows the Ramadhan immediately?
    1. Id-itr
    2. Idd-ull-adha-a
    3. Hajj
    4. Aqiqah.
  17. How many children did the Prophet Muhama ed (P.b.u.h) have with Lady Khadija?
    1. Seven
    2. Eight
    3. Ten
    4. Four.
  18. Which one of the following places did the Prophet Muhammed (P.b.u.h) receive his Wahyi?
    1. On Mt. Sinai."
    2. At cave Hira.
    3. On Mt. Ararat.
    4. In the plane of Roja.
  19. The following are festivals in the Islamic shariah. Which one is performed to celebrate the reception of a new born baby?
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Idd-ul-Fitr
    3. Idd-ul-adha-a 
    4. Rajab. 
  20. Which one of the following Islamic celebration takes place only in the town of Makkah?
    1. Hajj
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Idd-ul-Fitr
    4. Makkah.
  21. Which one of the following is a najjis according to Islamic law?
    1. Cow
    2. Pig
    3. Dog
    4. Carmel. 
  22. The following are ways through which a Muslim can contract HIV and AIDS. Which one is not?
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Donating blood.
    3. Sharing piercing object.
    4. Mosquito bites.
  23. The following are Islamic virtues practised by Muslim faithful. Which one is not?
    1. Sharing
    2. Kindness
    3. Arrogance
    4. Oneness.
  24. Muslims in the early times along the Eastern African coast met challenges while spreading the religion. Which one among them was the least?
    1. Lack of geographical knowhow.
    2. Language barriers.
    3. Lack of enough money.
    4. Inadequate preachers.
  25. When they were in the nature walk, the prophet (P.b.u.h) chose to do one of the following activity in order for them to prepare food. Which one was it? 
    1. Splitting firewood.
    2. Slaughtering the animals. 
    3. Cooking food.
    4. Searching for firewood.
  26. The following are some of the practices performed by Muslims. Which one among them is not wanted by Allah(SW)?
    1. Shirk
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Justice
    4. Wudhu.
  27. Which one of the following is not a belief of Iman? Belief
    1. in prophet
    2. in Angels
    3. in Allah
    4. Mosque.
  28. The following can be accepted by Allah and the teaching of the prophet to be produced as Zakkat. Which one is not?
    1. Produce from the farms.
    2. Clothes from the house.
    3. Money from the bank.
    4. A piece of land.
  29. The uncle of the prophet (P.b.u.h) was cursed by Allah (SW). Which one of the following lessons do Muslims learn from this?
    1. The bounties of Allah are not for granted.
    2. Allah (SW) does not sleep or slumber.
    3. Muslims should not disobey the prophet (Pbuh).
    4. Allah (SW) is the supreme God.
  30. Who among the following Prophets of Allah was swallowed in the belly of a whale?
    1. Nabii Issa (AS)
    2. Nabii Swalah (AS)
    3. Nabii Yunis (AS)
    4. Nabii Ibrahim (AS)


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  1. Which one of the following takes place during exhalation?
    1. Lungs inflate
    2. Diaphragm forms dome shape 
    3. Ribs move outwards
    4. Chest volume increases
  2. Which one of the following blood vessels is connected to the right ventricle?
    1. Pulmonary vein
    2. Aorta
    3. Vena cava
    4. Pulmonary artery
  3. The diagram below shows a female reproductive organ. 
    3 zdfsfs
    Conception occurs in the part marked
    1. D
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
  4. The following are effects of abusing drugs.
    1. Truancy
    2. Marital conflicts
    3. Impaired judgment
    4. Lack of concentration
    5. Drug induced accidents
      Which set consists of social effects only?
      1. (i) (iii) (v)
      2. (i) (ii) (iv)
      3. (ii) (iv) (v)
      4. (i) (ii) (v)
  5. A child was taken to the hospital at 6 weeks for vaccination. Which vaccine was the child not administered to?
    1. Anti-polio vaccine
    2. Anti-measles
    3. Diphtheria
    4. Whooping cough
  6. Which one of the following pairs of plants are green, non-flowering?
    1. Moss and toadstool 
    2. Fern and mushroom
    3. Algae and liverworts 
    4. Mould and fern
  7. Which of the following cannot be classified with weevils?
    1. Termites
    2. Moths
    3. Mites
    4. Crickets
  8. The diagram below shows a feeding relationship in a certain habitat.
    Which one of the following will not happen if all the antelopes are killed?
    1. Grass will increase 
    2. Vultures will increase 
    3. Grass will decrease
    4. Lions will decrease
  9. The following are characteristics of a certain weed:
    1. Purple flowers
    2. Yellow fruits which are ripe
    3. Thorns on the stems and leaves
      The above weed is likely to be
      1. Sodom apple 
      2. Thorn apple
      3. Wandering jew
      4. Mexican marigold
  10. Which one of the following crop pests affect the crops by making holes in stored grains?
    1. Weevils
    2. Stalk borers
    3. Weaverbirds
    4. Moles
  11. The diagram below shows a germinating bean seed.
    11 sdsfsf
    Which part of the seed represents the seed leaf?
    1. P
    2. Q
    3. S
    4. R
  12. Which animal below moves by both flying and hopping?
    1. Cockroach
    2. Cricket
    3. Mite
    4. Flea
  13. The diagram below shows the beak of a bird.
    13 sfsfs
    The above beak belongs to a
    1. nectar feeder
    2. grain feeder
    3. filter feeder
    4. bird of prey
  14. The use of laundry water to wash the toilets conserves water by
    1. Using water sparingly
    2. Harvesting
    3. Re-using
    4. Re-cycling
  15. Which one of the following is the main water pollutant?
    1. Raw sewage
    2. Soil particles
    3. Acid rain
    4. Industrial wastes
  16. Which one of the following signs is common to cholera, bilharzia and typhoid?
    1. Diarrhea
    2. Vomiting
    3. Skin rashes
    4. Blood-stained stool
  17. The rate at which water drains in the soil is mainly determined by
    1. volume of soil
    2. size of the soil particles
    3. humus content in the soil
    4. air content in the soil
  18. Which type of soil erosion takes place without being noticed?
    1. Sheet erosion
    2. Splash erosion
    3. Gulley erosion
    4. Rill erosion
  19. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of cumulus clouds?
    1. They have regular shape 
    2. They cover the whole sky 
    3. They indicate fine weather
    4. They are found at high altitudes
  20. A rocket was launched from planet Mars to Uranus. It passed through?
    1. Jupiter and Saturn
    2. Jupiter and Uranus
    3. Earth and Saturn
    4. Uranus and Neptune
  21. Which of the following non-green plants is used in the confectionery industry?
    1. Mould
    2. Yeast
    3. Penicillium
    4. Fungi
  22. The following are signs and symptoms of food poisoning except
    1. dizziness
    2. headache
    3. vomiting
    4. fever
  23. Which one of the following vitamins is useful in healing wounds, healthy teeth, gums and skin?
    1. Vitamin E
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Vitamin K
  24. The following methods preserve food by dehydrating except
    1. Salting
    2. Sun drying
    3. Canning
    4. Smoking
  25. The pie chart below represents air composition.
    25 addada
    Which part represents the gas that varies from time to time?
    1. S
    2. Q
    3. R
  26. When rays of light pass from air to water they
    1. bounce back
    2. increase in size
    3. are bent
    4. are absorbed
  27. Heat transfer where no medium is required is known as
    1. Convection
    2. Radiation
    3. Conduction
    4. Reflection
  28. Insoluble solids can be separated from liquids by
    1. evaporation
    2. decantation
    3. dissolving
    4. filtration
  29. Which method of grazing is drawn below?
    29 afdsfsf 
    1. Stall feeding
    2. Tethering
    3. Strip grazing
    4. Paddocking
  30. A spade can be classified in the same class of levers as
    1. fishing rod
    2. scissors
    3. claw hammer
    4. wheelbarrow
  31. Which one of the following is not a condition necessary for a bean seed to germinate?
    1. Sunlight
    2. Moisture
    3. Oxygen
    4. Favourable temperature
  32. A patient had the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Grey-yellowish discharge
    2. Burning sensation while urinating
    3. Pus
      The patient was very likely to have
      1. gonorrhea
      2. syphilis
      3. chancroid
      4. genital herpes
  33. A meal of Irish potatoes, beans and rice should be made a balanced diet by
    1. removing one carbohydrate
    2. adding water
    3. adding protein
    4. adding vitamin
  34. Termites breathe through their
    1. nostrils
    2. pores
    3. spiracles
    4. antennae
  35. The ability to do work is
    1. energy
    2. fever
    3. effort
    4. motion
  36. The amount of matter in a substance determines its
    1. weight 
    2. density
    3. mass 
    4. size
  37. The following are examples of water pollutants except
    1. oil spillage
    2. farm chemicals
    3. soil particles
    4. exhaust fumes
  38. Which one of the following is not an effect of HIV/AIDS to an individual?
    1. Low self esteem
    2. Low living standards
    3. Children become orphans
    4. Person feels ashamed
  39. Which one is not a physical change boys experience during puberty?
    1. Menstrual flow
    2. Wet dreams
    3. Wide shoulders
    4. Growth of beards
  40. What should be done to the remaining medicines after the completion of the prescribed dose?
    1. Keep for future use
    2. Dispose the excess medicine
    3. Complete the remaining medicine 
    4. Share it with a person with a similar infection
  41. Which part of a flower is not a carpel?
    1. Style
    2. Stamen
    3. Ovary
    4. Stigma
  42. Which one of the following is not a straight fertilizer?
    1. Diammonium Phosphate
    2. Triple Superphosphate
    3. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
    4. Muriate of Potash
  43. The following are signs of ill-health in crops except
    1. withering
    2. retarded growth
    3. folded leaves
    4. robust growth
  44. In a windvane, the arrow head should be
    1. larger than the tail 
    2. heavier than the arm 
    3. made of a cardboard 
    4. smaller than the tail
  45. Which one of the following animals can't be classified together with turtles?
    1. Newts
    2. Crocodiles
    3. Lizards
    4. Snakes
  46. The following are good practices for a healthy teeth. Which on is not?
    1. Eating sugercane
    2. Eating soft snacks
    3. Visiting a dentist regularly
    4. Brushing teeth regularly
  47. The set up below was carried out by Std. 8 pupils of Uloma Kodero school.
    47 ssfsfs
    Which component of soil were they investigating?
    1. Living organisms
    2. Moisture
    3. Soil particles
    4. Air
  48. Which one of the following is not a use of water in industries?
    1. Making pulps 
    2. Making surfings 
    3. Washing berries
    4. Cooling machines
  49. An improved jiko conserves heat energy by
    1. conduction
    2. burning
    3. radiation
    4. insulation
  50. The diagram below shows a treaded car tyre.
    50 sfsfsfs
    The main reason for treading is to
    1. make the tyre look attractive 
    2. increase friction
    3. reduce friction
    4. increase durability


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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Amadi alipojiunga na shule ya chekechea, walimu wake walishuhudia kuwa alikuwa na kipawa cha ...................1................... muhula mmoja baadaye, aliweza kujitokeza jukwaani kukariri mashairi ya ...................2................... yaani yenye mishororo mitatu katika kila ubeti, walimu na wanafunzi wenzake wakawa ndio ...................3................... yake. Walimu walimpa mazoezi zaidi ili ...................4................... Kadhalika, Amadi ...................5................... masomo kiasi kwamba katika darasa la nane aliweza kufahamu aina za vivumishi kama vile: ...................6................... pamoja na akisami kama tusui tano ambayo kwa tarakimu ni ...................7................... 

    1. kihalali
    2. kipekee
    3. kigeni
    4. kiasili
    1. tasdisa
    2. tathlitha
    3. takhmisa
    4. tarbia
    1. hadhira
    2. halaika
    3. msoa
    4. shabiki
    1. waimarishe
    2. waimarike
    3. aimarishe
    4. aimarike
    1. alizithamini
    2. aliyathamini
    3. alimthamini
    4. aliuthamini
    1. ajabu, tamu, refu
    2. kubwa, tena, kiasi
    3. zuri, dogo, lo!
    4. chache, kwetu, vile
    1. 5/6
    2. 6/5
    3. 9/5
    4. 5/9

Kwa ...................8................... lugha ya Kiswahili imetanda kote ulimwenguni. Wenyeji asili  ...................9................... wakiongea lugha hii  ...................10................... awali ni waarabu. Waarabu wamepatikana kote pwani mzima  ...................11................... pwani ya Afrika Mashariki. Kwa muda wa miaka Kiswahili  ...................12................... humu nchini lakini mambo yamegeuka. Lugha hii sasa imepewa hadhi kubwa ...................13...................nyanja mbalimbali nchini. Lugha hii  ...................14................... pakubwa kuwaunganisha wananchi na kudumisha amani. Wakenya wengi wamejitolea kukuza lugha ya Kiswahili na hawataki tena,  ...................15...................

    1. kweli
    2. hakika
    3. vile
    4. sababu
    1. walikuwa
    2. wamekuwa
    3. watakaokuwa
    4. waliokuwa
    1. tangu
    2. mpaka
    3. kufikia
    4. hadi
    1. mwa
    2. la
    3. wa
    4. kwa
    1. haki kuthaminiwa
    2. hakikudhaminiwa
    3. haikuthaminiwa.
    4. haikudhaminiwa
    1. kuliko
    2. kati ya
    3. zaidi ya
    4. katika
    1. imechangiwa
    2. imechangia
    3. imechangu
    4. imechanga
    1. kuididimiza
    2. kuididimia
    3. kuizungumza
    4. kuitunza

Kwa maswali 16-30, chagua jibu lifaalo kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa 

  1. Ni nini wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo: Ua mzuri umezingira nyumba yao.
    1. Nyua nzuri zimezingira nyumba zao. 
    2. Maua mazuri yamezingira nyumba zao. 
    3. Nyua nzuri zimezingira manyumba yao. 
    4. Maua mazuri zimezingira nyumba zao.
  2.  Ukiongeza robo kwa robo tatu utapata 
    1. robo 
    2. nusu 
    3. sudusi
    4. moja.
  3. Nomino uwele hupatikana katika ngeli gani?
    1. LI-YA
    2. U-ZI
    3. U-YA
    4. YA-YA.
  4. Ni sentensi ipi inayoonyesha kivumishi kimilikishi?
    1. Dawati lolote litakuwa la muhimu.
    2. Uzoefu wake ulimfaa zaidi.
    3. Mchezea tope humrukia.
    4. Chai hii ni tamu.
  5. Maana ya sentensi usingesoma sana ungefaulu ni
    1. ulisoma sana na haukufaulu
    2. ulisoma sana na ukafaulu
    3. kutosoma kwako kulikuwezesha kufaulu
    4. kufaulu kwako hakukutegemea kusoma sana.
  6. Ni sentensi ipi ambayo haijatumia istiara
    1. Mke wa kakangu ni kasuku.
    2. Ulafi wa fisi ulimdhuru
    3. Tutafaulu liwe liwalo.
    4. yeye ni mbwa koko.
  7. Chagua kundi la vihusishi pekee
    1. haraka, sana, asteaste
    2. baadhi ya, miongoni mwa, hali kadhalika
    3. mkabala na, nyuma ya, kando ya
    4. lo! kefle! lahaula!
  8. Bainisha matumizi ya karibu katika sentensi: Amejigonga ukutani karibu apasuke paji.
    1. Nusura
    2. Wakati
    3. Makaribisho
    4. Hali.
  9. Kipanga, korongo, mwewe na bata ni msamiati wa
    1. wanyama pori
    2. samaki
    3. vimelea
    4. ndege.
  10. Tunasema kitita cha pesa na numbi ya
    1. ndizi
    2. chokaa
    3. maua
    4. samaki.
  11. Kucheza ngoma goya ni
    1. kusakata densi bila malipo
    2. kufanya jambo lisilo la manufaa 
    3. kufanya mambo kinyume na sheria
    4. kuharakisha kufanya jambo.
  12. Abubakar amemwoa Aisha. Je, wazazi wa Abubakar na Aisha wataitanaje?
    1. Wacheja
    2. Mwanyumba
    3. Wakwe
    4. Kivyere.
  13. Kati ya magonjwa haya ni upi usio na chanjo?
    1. Polio.
    2. Kifaduro.
    3. Surua.
    4. Saratani.
  14. Ni pembe tatu ngapi ziko katika umbo hili?
    29 sfsfs
    1. Kumi na tatu
    2. Kumi na mbili
    3. Kumi na moja 
    4. Kumi
  15. "Ukitaka la waridi sharti udhurike." Babu aliniambia. Kwa usemi wa taarifa ni
    1. babu alinishauri kuwa ningetaka la waridi sharti ningedhurika
    2. babu aliniambia kuwa ningetaka la waridi sharti nidhurike
    3. babu aliongea kuwa ningetaka la waridi sharti ningedhurika
    4. babu alisema kuwa nikitaka la waridi sharti nidhurike. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kwa makini kisha ujibu maswali 31-40
Si siri kama jua la mchana kuwa demokrasia katika taifa letu la Kenya imekua haraka na kwa kiwango kikubwa. Bila shaka hili ni jambo la kujivunia kwani ina maana kuwa taifa letu liko miongoni mwa mataifa yanayoheshimu haki za binadamu duniani. Demokrasia ni mfumo wa kuendesha serikali iliyochaguliwa na watu wenyewe. Tangu tulipojinyakulia uhuru miongo mitano iliyopita, taifa letu limepiga hatua kubwa na kuimarisha ulingo wa siasa na wanasiasa.

Mwanzilishi wa taifa letu hayati Mzee Jomo Kenyatta aliposhika hatamu za uongozi, alihakikisha kuwa amewaunganisha wananchi wote wa nchi hii na kuwapa sababu tosha za kuionea fahari nchi yao. Aliasizi falsafa ya Harambee, ambao ulikuwa mwito wa kuwahamasisha wananchi kushirikiana na kuchangia maendeleo yao kwa kuvuta pamoja. Mwito huo ulileta ari na mshawasho kwa wananchi wa Kenya na kuwahimiza wafanye kazi kwa bidii ili kuinua uchumi wa nchi yao. Aliposafiri pasi na nauli mnamo mwaka wa elfu moja mia tisa sabini na nane, makamu wake, Daniel Moi alichukua hatamu za uongozi naye akashikilia uzi huo huo na kuanzisha mwito wa Nyayo ambao ulimaanisha ya kuwa angefuata nyayo za mtangulizi wake na kuhimiza wakenya kuishi kwa amani, upendo na umoja.

Raisi Moi alikaa kwenye kiti cha enzi kwa miaka ishirini na minne. Isipokuwa hakuna kapu isiyokosa usubi, alifanya mengi ya kujivunia pia. Rais Kibaki alipochukua hatamu za uongozi baada ya kumbwaga mpizani wake wa karibu Uhuru Kenyatta, katika uchaguzi wa mwaka elfu mbili na mbili, taifa letu lilianza mchakato wa kujipatia katiba mpya. Katiba hii imebadilisha na kurahihisha uongozi wa nchi yetu. Mabadiliko mengi yamedhihirika hususan katika ulingo wa kisiasa. Siasa ya sasa ni tofauti na hapo miaka ya awali.

Kulingana na katiba mpya kuna nyadhifa zaidi ya tano ambazo mpiga kura atahitajika kuchagua. Nyadhifa hizi ni rais, gavana, seneta, mwakilishi wa wanawake bungeni, mbunge na mwakilishi wa wadi. Katiba hii imeimarisha viwango vya uwajibikaji miongoni mwa wanasiasa.

  1. Demokrasia hujitambulisha vipi wakati wa uchaguzi katika nchini ya Kenya?
    1. Rais anapoteua viongozi mbalimbali wa nyadhifa za kisiasa.
    2. Wapiga kura wanapopewa nafasi kuchagua viongozi wa kisiasa katika nyadhifa mbalimbali.
    3. Vyama vya kisiasa vinapowateua viongozi wazalendo wa vyama.
    4. Spika wa bunge anapowateua viongozi kuwalalisha wananchi bungeni.
  2. Kiongozi anayechaguliwa kidemokrasia nchini ili kuongoza taifa ni
    1. rais
    2. gavana
    3. mfalme
    4. waziri mkuu.
  3. Maudhui makuu ya fulsafa ya Harambee yalikuwa?
    1. Kuhamasisha wananchi kuhusu umuhimu wa kudumisha amani nchini.
    2. Kuboresha kiwango cha uchumi kwa kuwaruhusu raia wafanye biashara.
    3. Kuhamasisha raia kufanyia pamoja kwa ushirikiano na kuchangia maendeleo yao kwa kuvuta pamoja.
    4. Kuhakikisha kuwa viongozi wote wanaochaguliwa wanawajibika kwa kila namna.
  4. Ni kauli ipi si sahihi kwa mujibu wa taarifa uliyoisoma?
    1. Rais wa kwanza wa taifa hili alijinyakulia mali mengi kwa manufaa ya Wakenya.
    2. Takriban miongo mitano imepita baada ya Kenya kujinyakulia uhuru.
    3. Mwanzilishi wa taifa la Kenya alienda njia ya marahaba akiwa uongozini.
    4. Kenya ilipata uhuru kutoka kwa wakoloni zaidi ya miaka hamsini iliyopita.
  5. Ni nini maana ya msemo "..Aliposatiri pasi na nauli..."?
    1. Alipotembelea jongomeo.
    2. Alipoaga.
    3. Alipotembea kwa miguu.
    4. Alipofariki.
  6. Kulingana na taarifa
    1. kauli mbili ya harambee iliwafanya wanasiasa kuimarisha siasa zao
    2. rais Moi aliongoza nchi ya Kenya kwa miongo mitatu
    3. rais Kibaki aliboresha maisha ya Wakenya kwa kuleta katiba mpya
    4. katiba mpya imebadili mtazamo wa siasa nchini.
  7. Taifa la Kenaya lilijipatia uhuru mwaka wa
    1. 1961
    2. 1963
    3. 1962
    4. 1964
  8. Neno 'miongoni mwa' limepigiwa mstari katika ufahamu liko katika kitengo kipi cha sarufi?
    1. Kiunganishi
    2. Kivumishi
    3. Kihusishi
    4. Kielezi.
  9. Methali nyingine yenye maana sawa na *hakuna kapu isiyokosa usubi'ni
    1. hakuna masika yasiyokosa mbu
    2. hakuna kovu la masimango 
    3. mwenye pupa hadiriki kula tamu
    4. kila shetani na mbuyu wake.
  10. Katika aya ya mwisho tunadokezwa ya kwamba
    1. katiba mpya imewafanya wanasiasa pekee yao kuajibika
    2. ni lazima mpiga kura apigie nyadhifa tano za uongozi
    3. bunge litakuwa na wakilishi wa wanawake
    4. spika, rais na makamu wake ni baadhi ya viongozi watakaochaguliwa na raia wakati wa kura. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41-50.
Suala la vijulanga na watu wazima kutumia mihadarati ni mojawapo ya matatizo yanayowatinga akili na kuwatesa watu anuwai siku hizi. Hapo awali jambo hili lilionekana kama mwiko. Siku hizi laonekana jambo la kawaida katika jamii zetu.

Dawa za kulevya zimekuwa tatizo sugu ambalo linahitaji kushughulikiwa kwa kila njia. Si jambo la mjadala tena na wala hatuwezi kujitia hamnazo kuhusiana na swala hili. Hii ni kwa sababu mihadarati imepenya kila mahali shuleni, vyuoni hata kazini. Watu wengi huanza tabia hii kimchezochezo na mwishowe huwawia vigumu kujikwamua; kumbe ni kweli walivyonena wahenga kuwa mazoea yana tabu!

Mihadarati hii ina athari nyingi. Wanaoathirika zaidi ni wanagenzi. Kadri wanavyoendelea kutumia dawa hizi ndivyo wanavyo kuwa waraibu. Utumiaji wa dawa hizi huwazuzua na kuwasisimua na mwishowe hushadidi katika matumizi yake. Madhara ya dawa hizi ni mengi, mathalani uvutaji wa sigara huchangia pakubwa katika kusababisha ugonjwa wa pumu. Mvutaji sigara huingiza moshi mwilini. Kumbe moshi ule huwa sumu. Moshi ule huharibu mapafu na umio. Vidole vya mvutaji huwa vyeusi. Harufu itokayo mdomoni mwake aidha si ya kupendeza.

Wapendao kupuliza hashishi pia hawajaachwa nyuma. Wao huona vimulimuli na kujihisi wenye nguvu za kulivunja jabali, wengine huonekana wachovu na hivyo kulala kupitia kiasi. Hawazingatii afya, hukosa malengo na hawalengi shabaha katika kazi. Aidha hukosa hamu ya kazi, chakula na hata maendeleo ya binafsi.
Wanafunzi wanapozama katika kuvuta bangi huacha shule kwa kuona elimu ikiwa sumbufu. Watu wazima wavutao bangi hutokwa na utu wakawa kama hayawani na kutenda matendo ya kukirihi kama vile ubakaji wa watoto na wanawake.

Miraa ni aina nyingine ya mihadarati. Utafunaji wake vilevile una madhara. Miraa humfanya mtu kupoteza usingizi na kuzembea. Iwapo matumizi yatakithiri, mtu hukosa uwezo wa kuzaa au kuzalisha.

Ni hatia kujihusisha na mihadarati kwa njia yoyote ile iwe ni utumiaji au uuzaji. Ni jambo la kukata maoni kuona baadhi ya vijana wakitumiwa na maajenti ili kuuza dawa hizi. yeyote yule atakayepatikana akihusika na vitendo vya kusafirisha, kuuza na kutumia dawa za kulevya atatiwa mbaroni, ashtakiwe, ahukumiwe na kufungwa jela kwani huu ni uhalifu.

  1. Suala la matumizi ya mihadarati ni baadhi ya matatizo yanayowatatiza watu ‘anuwai'. Neno anuwai linamaanisha
    1. watu wote
    2. watu wa aina na aina
    3. watu mbalimbali
    4. watu wengi.
  2. Kifungu 'hatuwezi kujitia hamnazo' kina maana ya
    1. hatuwezi kujifanya hatuelewi dawa za kulevya
    2. hatuwezi kuupaza athari za dawa za kulevya
    3. hatuwezi kukubali dawa za kulevya
    4. hatuwezi kukoma kutumia dawa za kulevya.
  3. Dawa ipi ya kulevya hukosesha watu utu?
    1. Hashishi.
    2. Pombe.
    3. Bangi.
    4. Sigara.
  4. Zifuatazo ni athari za dawa za kulevya isipokuwa
    1. kukosa hamu ya maandeleo ya binafsi
    2. kupuuza masomo
    3.  ubakaji wa watoto na wanawake
    4. kuwa na nguvu ya kufanya kazi.
  5. Uraibu humfanya mtu
    1. kupuuza matumizi ya dawa za kulevya
    2. kuzidi kutumia dawa za kulevya
    3. kuhalalisha matumizi ya mihadarati
    4. kuanza kutumia dawa za kulevya.
  6. Kati ya dawa zifuatazo ni ipi imehalalishwa humu nchini?
    1. Miraa
    2. Bangi
    3. Kokeni
    4. Hashishi.
  7. Athari za dawa za kulevya si pamoja na
    1. pumu
    2. kansa
    3. utasa
    4. utapiamlo.
  8. Watu wengi huanza kujiingiza katika dawa za kulevya kwa njia gani?
    1. Kimchezomchezo kwa kujitia hamnazo.
    2. Baada ya kujiunga na vyuo vikum. 
    3. Baada ya kuonyeshwa na wandasi.
    4. Wanapopatwa na shida.
  9. Athari gani anayopata mvutaji bangi?
    1. Hubaka watoto na wanawake.
    2. Huwa hayawani.
    3. Hutelekeza majukumu yao.
    4. Hukamatwa na polisi.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho makala haya ni.
    1. Uraibu wa dawa za kulevya.
    2. Unyama wa watumizi wa mihadarati.
    3. Madhara ya mihadarati.
    4. Matumizi ya dawa za kulevya.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa.

Wewe ni kinara wa wanafunzi shuleni. Andika hotuba utakayowatolea wanafunzi wenzako kuhusi umuhimu wa kudumisha usafi shuleni.





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