Displaying items by tag: Class 8


  1. What is 60203303 in words?
    1. Sixty million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and three.
    2. Six million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and three.
    3. Sixty million twenty three thousand three hundred and three.
    4. Sixty million two hundred and three thousand three hundred and thirty three.
  2. How many times is the LCM of 60 and 20 more than the GCD of 15 and 30?
    1. 12
    2. 900
    3. 4
    4. 600 
  3. What is the value of:
    0.81 × 13.5 × 0.56 ?
      0.14 x 1.5 x 0.27
    1. 1080
    2. 108
    3. 10.8
    4. 1.08
  4. What is 36090 divided by 18?
    1. 25
    2. 205
    3. 200.5
    4. 2005
  5. The figure below shows a square whose perimeter is 64cm.
    What is the area of the square?
    1. 16cm2
    2. 225cm2
    3. 256cm2
    4. 15cm2
  6. What is the next number in the pattern
    7, 11, 13, 17, 19, _______________?
    1. 21
    2. 23
    3. 27
    4. 25
  7. What is the value of 71/2 of 7/9 ÷ 161/3 ?
    1. 5/14 
    2. 24/5 
    3. 15/42 
    4. 955/18 
  8. Fifteen people can complete some work in 50days. How many more people working at the same rate are required to do the work in 25days?
    1. 30
    2. 45
    3. 15
    4. 25
  9. The ages in years of seven of Juliana's relatives are as follows 45, 38, 43, 43, 39, 40 and 39. What is their mean age?
    1. 38
    2. 43
    3. 40
    4. 41
  10. The figure below represents a trapezium.
    Calculate its area in ares
    1. 500
    2. 50
    3. 0.5
    4. 5
  11. Jacob deposited sh. 60000 in a bank that paid a simple interest at the rate of 5% per annum. How much was in his account after
    2 years?
    1. sh 66000
    2. sh. 66150
    3. sh. 660000
    4. sh. 606150
  12. What is the value of 3x − p + m,  when m = 5, x = m + q, p = q − 6 and q = 2m?
    1. 45/8 
    2. 91/10 
    3. 21/5 
    4. 51/10 
  13. The scale of a map-is 1:100000. A rectangular plot is represented on the map by 5cm and 4cm. What is the actual area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 20000000
    2. 200000
    3. 2000
    4. 200
  14. Rachael had 560 mangoes. She sold 3/8 of the mangoes in the morning and 1/7 of the remainder in the afternoon. She sold the rest of the mangoes in the evening. How many mangoes did she sell in the evening?
    1. 510
    2. 210
    3. 50
    4. 300
  15. A geometrical set was bought for sh. 270 after getting a discount of 10% off its marked price. Calculate the marked price of the geometrical set.
    1. sh. 280
    2. sh. 300
    3. sh. 243
    4. sh 297
  16. Using a pair of compass and a ruler, construct triangle XYZ such that lines XY = 5cm, YZ = 6cm and XZ = 7cm. Draw a circle which passes through X, Y and Z. What is the length of the diameter?
    1. 3.6cm
    2. 2.6cm
    3. 4.5cm
    4. 7.2cm
  17. Asha bought 45 bottles of milk of 500ml each. What was the total amount of milk that Asha bought in litres?
    1. 22.5
    2. 225
    3. 22500
    4. 225000
  18. The figure PQRS drawn below is a parallelogram. Angle RSQ = 45°. and Angle = SPQ 75°.
    What is the size of angle PQR?
    1. 120°
    2. 105°
    3. 90°
    4. 45°
  19. A 33-seater bus and 11-seater matatu were to transport 319 people to a function. If the matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many people did the matatu transport?
    1. 77
    2. 231
    3. 242
    4. 88
  20. The mean of ten numbers is 5.8. Nine of the numbers are 9, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6 and 7. What is the modal number?
    1. 12
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 8
  21. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 6:2. If there are 2400 pupils in the school, how many more boys than girls are in the school?
    1. 2500
    2. 600
    3. 1800
    4. 1200
  22. The figure below represents a cuboid.
    What is its volume in cubic centimetres?
    1. 320
    2. 0.0032
    3. 0.32
    4. 32
  23. In the year 2016 February 20th was a Sunday. What day was March 7th of the same year?
    1. Wednesday
    2. Monday
    3. Tuesday
    4. Thursday.
  24. What is the simplified form of the expression
    3/8(16a + 24b) + 2/3 (15a + 21b)?
    1. 24a + 15b
    2. 16a + 23b
    3. 16b + 23a
    4. 15a + 24b
  25. The pie chart below shows how Shadrack spent his salary.
    If his salary was sh. 36000, how much more did he spend on clothings than on school fees?
    1. sh. 17000
    2. sh. 13000
    3. sh. 6000
    4. sh. 7000
  26. Martinez has x mangoes. Mato has four less mangoes than Martinez. Michael has six more mangoes than the total number of both Martinez and Mato. How many mangoes do they have altogether?
    1. 14x − 28
    2. 12x  − 24
    3. 4x − 2
    4. 14x + 28
  27. What is the area of the circle drawn below? (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 22cm2
    2. 77cm2
    3. 38.5cm2
    4. 154cm2
  28. What is the value of g in
    6(2g + 3) = 2(4g + 18)?
    1. 11/2 
    2. 2/9 
    3. 41/2 
    4. 21/4 
  29. Nyakio bought the following items from a shop
    2 kg of sugar @sh. 130
    31/2 kg of cooking fat at sh. 150per kg
    5kg of maize flour @ sh. 100
    He paid for the items using three-500 shillings notes. How much balance did he receive?
    1. sh. 1500
    2. sh. 215
    3. sh. 251
    4. sh. 1285
  30. The area of a square plot of land is 1.44 hectares. The owner fenced it all around with five strands of wire. What was the total
    length of wire used in metres?
    1. 2400
    2. 480
    3. 120
    4. 2880
  31. The figure drawn below is a cylinder.
    What is the volume of the cylinder? (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 172480cm3
    2. 24460cm3
    3. 24640cm3
    4. 98560cm3 
  32. Using a ruler and a pair of compass, construct triangle ABC such that line AB=5cm, BC=4cm and AC = 6cm. What is
    the measure of angle ACB?
    1. 43°
    2. 81°
    3. 64°
    4. 56°
  33. A trader had two tonnes of sugar. He packed the sugar in 500g packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 40
    2. 400
    3. 4000
    4. 40000
  34. Jacob started his journey at 8.35am travelled from Nakuru to Mombasa. He arrived in Mombasa at 1.15pm. How long did he take to travel from Nakuru to Mombasa?
    1. 7hrs 20mins
    2. 5hrs 50mins
    3. 5hrs 40mins
    4. 4hrs 40mins
  35. A box measures 15cm long by 10cm wide by 8cm high. What is the total surface area of the box?
    1. 700cm2
    2. 460cm2
    3. 540cm2
    4. 400cm2
  36. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 2/51/3 
    2. 2/51/4 
    3. 1/83/4 
    4. 80 < 50
  37. Which one of the following measurements cannot be used to draw a right angle triangle?
    1. 3cm, 4cm, 5cm
    2. 5cm, 12cm, 13cm
    3. 3cm, 4cm, 6cm
    4. 7cm, 24cm, 25cm
  38. The diagram below is a rhombus PQRS and SQ are diagonals. Angle OSR = 30°
    What is the size of angle RPQ?
    1. 60°
    2. 120°
    3. 150°
    4. 90°
  39. The cash price of a table is sh. 48000. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the cash price. Paul bought it on hire purchase
    terms. He paid a deposit of sh. 16000 and 8 equal monthly instalments. How much was  each instalment?
    1. sh. 7200
    2. sh. 21200
    3. sh. 57600
    4. sh. 5200
  40. A motorist covered 336km at an average speed of 84km/h. On the return journey, the average speed reduced to 56km/h. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 100.8km/h
    2. 33.6km/h
    3. 84km/h
    4. 67.2km/h
  41. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 120cm. What is the length of one side of the triangle?
    1. 36cm
    2. 40cm
    3. 4cm
    4. 480cm
  42. Three bells ring at intervals of 9minutes, 15minutes and 3minutes. If the bells rang together at 10:35am, at what time did the bells ring together again?
    1. 11.15am
    2. 11.20am
    3. 11.20pm
    4. 11.15pm
  43. What is the value of C8MathT1KP23001Q43
    1. 1/8
    2. 1/4
    3. 21/4
    4. 41/2 
  44. A certain quadrilateral has the following properties;
    • Diagonals bisect each other at right angles
    • All angles are equal
    • Diagonals are equal
    • Two pairs of parallel sides
      Which quadrilateral has all the above properties?
      1. Parallelogram.
      2. Rectangle.
      3. Rhombus.
      4. Square.
  45. The table below shows the fare charged by a matatu conductor from station O to S.
    Jacob and his wife travelled from station O to S via R. How much money did they pay altogether?
    1. sh. 95
    2. sh. 140
    3. sh. 165
    4. sh. 190
  46. Alex paid sh. 1250 after a discount of sh. 250. What percentage discount was he allowed?
    1. 25%
    2. 162,%
    3. 831/3%
    4. 20%
  47. The diagram below is a net of a solid.
    Which one of the following solids can be formed from the net above?
    1. Cube.
    2. Cuboid.
    3. Square.
    4. Rectangle.
  48. The fractions 2/3, 3/5, 3/4, and 5/7, are to be written from the smallest to the largest. Which one of the following is the correct order?
    1. 3/45/7, 2/3,3/5
    2. 2/3, 3/5, 3/4, 5/7, 
    3.  2/3, 3/5, 5/7, 3/4
    4. 3/5, 2/3, 5/7, 3/4, , 
  49. Which one is the next pattern?
  50. The graph below represents the journey of a motorist travelling from town P to Q.
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 80km/h
    2. 100km/h
    3. 200km/h
    4. 125km/h


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. D
  33. C
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. D
  41. B
  42. B
  43. B
  44. D
  45. D
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. D



Study the map of Lwala Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Lwala area slopes towards
    1. North
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. Which type of industry is likely to be established in North Eastern part of Lwala area?
    1. Manufacturing industry
    2. Assembly industry
    3. Processing industry
    4. Service industry
  3. The residents of Lwala area are dorminantly
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. traditionalists
    4. Hindus
  4. The following economic activities is least likely to be carried out in Lwala area. Which one is it?
    1. Beef farming
    2. Trading activities
    3. Mining activities
    4. Lumbering activities
  5. What is the main vegetation found in the drainage feature to the South West of Lwala area?
    1. Papyrus reeds
    2. Mangrove plants 
    3. Riverine plants
    4. Scrubs
  6. Lwala area is likely to be a
    1. ward
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. constituency
  7. What is the approximate area of Tinda swampin Lwala area?
    1. 16.5km2
    2. 8.25km2
    3. 15km2
    4. 8km2
  8. All the statements below are parental roles towards a school. Which one is not?
    1. Sending children to school
    2. Attending academic days meetings
    3. Administering corporal punishment to errant pupils
    4. Contributing funds towards school development
  9. Marriages can be long lasting only if the spouses
    1. learn to control their anger
    2. support each other financially 
    3. exercise love, care and lust
    4. practice love, affection and trust
  10. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    The above instrument is mainly used to
    1. show direction and speed of wind
    2. measure strength of wind
    3. measure strength of wind and show direction
    4. measure air pressure and strength of wind
  11. The time at Asmara 80°E is 3.00pm. What time would it be at Accra 0°?
    1. 8.20pm
    2. 9.40am
    3. 8.20am
    4. 9.40pm
  12. Most rivers in Africa are not navigable mainly because of
    1. presence of waterfalls
    2. low volumes of water
    3. presence of waterfalls and gorges
    4. presence of waterfalls and cataracts

Use the diagram below to answer question 13 and 14.


  1. The above feature represents the formation of
    1. larva-dammed lake
    2. down-warped lake
    3. corrie lake
    4. ox-bow lake
  2. Which pair of the lakes were formed through the above process?
    1. Lakes Gambi and Utange
    2. Lakes Kanyaboli and Nyos
    3. Lakes Itasy and Kivu
    4. Lakes Shala and Paradise
  3. The diagram below shows an average monthly rainfall and temperatures for a certain climatic
    The temperature above is likely to have been recorded in the town of
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Accra
    3. Dar-es-Salaam
    4. Windhoek
  4. Which one of the following factors mainly influence the vegetation on mountains?
    1. Climate
    2. Latitude
    3. Altitude
    4. Rainfall
  5. Which one of the following hominids is described below?
    1. Made simple tools out of stones
    2. Ate raw meat from wild animals
    3. Has the whole body covered with hair
      The above hominid is the
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Sapien
      3. Homo Habilis
      4. Austropithecus
  6. Africa is separated from the Sinai Peninsula by the
    1. Red Sea
    2. Suez Canal
    3. Cape Guardafui
    4. Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
  7. Which set of communities belong to the Mande speakers of West Africa?
    1. Ewe, Wolof, Fulani, Mossi
    2. Hausa, Andarawa, Tuareg, Limba
    3. Bambara, Vai, Susu, Soninke
    4. Kanuri, Zarma, Malinke, Mandinka
  8. Which one of the following is the main form of interaction among the youth in Kenya today?
    1. Games and sports
    2. Education
    3. Trading activities
    4. Intermarriages
  9. The main reason why the Congo Basin has low population density is because
    1. it has thick and dense forests
    2. it is occupied by dangerous animals 
    3. it has poor road network
    4. the government does not allow human settlement in the area
  10. Which method of fishing is shown below?
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Net drifting
    4. Long lining
  11. Which one of the following institutions of marriage is presided over by a government official?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Islamic marriage
  12. The following are uses of a certain mineral 
    1. used in making glasses and soap
    2. used in the manufacture of dyes and drugs
    3. used in water treatment
      The above mineral is mined at
      1. Kariandusi
      2. Kimwarer
      3. lake Magadi
      4. Niger Delta
  13. Which country of Africa is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Gambia - Banjul
    2. Guinea - Conakry
    3. Equatorial Guinea - Malabo
    4. Gabon-Lome
  14. The following are conditions that favour the growing of a certain crop:
    1. low temperatures of between 12°c - 15°c
    2. high altitude of above 1500m
    3. deep well-drained fertile volcanic soils
    4. high and well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm - 1500mm throughout the year.
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. pyrethrum
      2. sugarcane
      3. cocoa
      4. cloves
  15. Which pastoral community live in the semi-arid of the Kalahari?
    1. The Fulani
    2. The Toposa
    3. The Tswana
    4. The Maasai
  16. Copper from Zambia is mainly exported to Europe through the port of
    1. Lusaka
    2. Beira
    3. Ndola
    4. Dar-es-Salaam
  17. The main tourist attraction found to the Eastern part of lake Turkana is
    1. warm sandy beaches
    2. varied wildlife
    3. beautiful sceneries
    4. cultural heritage
  18. The most common problem facing most of the Multi-Purpose River Projects in Africa is
    1. frequent floods
    2. presence of water weeds
    3. industrial development
    4. siltation of dams
  19. The Great Okavango Sanctuary is found in
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Botswana
    3. South Africa
    4. Namibia
  20. Which method did king Leopold II of Belgium used to colonise Congo between 1885 to 1908?
    1. Paternalism
    2. Direct Rule
    3. Assimilation
    4. Indirect Rule
  21. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead Ghana to attain its independence?
    1. United Gold Coast Convection
    2. African National Congress
    3. National People's Party
    4. Convection People's Party
  22. Who among the following early visitors to East Africa was sent to look for Dr. David and confirm if lake Victoria was the source of
    river Nile?
    1. John Speke
    2. Samwel Baker
    3. Henry Morton Stanley
    4. Johan Rebman

Use the diagram below to answer questions 35 to 36.


  1. What is the nature of the winds marked Q?
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Warm and dry
    3. Hot and moist
    4. Cold and dry
  2. Which economic activity is favoured by the region marked B?
    1. Ranching
    2. Growing of cloves
    3. Rearing of dairy cattle
    4. Pastoralism
  3. Which set of countries were colonised by Germany?
    1. Namibia, Tanganyika, Cameroon
    2. Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Malawi
    3. Guinea Bissau, Angola, Mozambique 
    4. Guinea, Mali, Niger
  4. Samouri Toure was defeated by the French mainly because
    1. the Mandinka people were not united 
    2. the French people had inferior weapons
    3. Samouri Toure's army had crude weapons
    4. Samouri Toure's army were too strong and well equipped
  5. Three of the groups of people listed below have special needs except
    1. the physically challenged
    2. the people living with HIV/AIDS
    3. the visually impaired
    4. the people who are unable to read and write
  6. All the following countries are member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS). Which country withdrew in the year 2000?
    1. Morocco
    2. Guinea
    3. Mauritania
    4. Mozambique
  7. Which African country is not connected by the Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway?
    1. Cameroon
    2. Benin
    3. Niger
    4. Morocco
  8. Which one of the following is not an electric media?
    1. Mobile phone
    2. Internet
    3. Newspaper
    4. Television
  9. Which one of the following was a social organization of the San?
    1. They were hunters and gatherers
    2. They recognized the Praying Mantis as God's symbols on earth
    3. They had ceremonial chiefs
    4. They lived in clans of about 250 people
  10. Which one of the following groups consists of abuse of human rights?
    1. Child labour and forced marriage
    2. Denying people shelter and boy circumcision
    3. Lack of treatment for the sick and providing food and shelter for children D
    4. Provision of free education and discrimination on basis of gender
  11. The investigations by an independent party to establish the facts on the issues causing disagreements is known as
    1. inquiry
    2. conciliation
    3. mediation
    4. appeal
  12. The rights and freedoms of individuals are contained in chapter ________________ of the constitution.
    1. three
    2. four
    3. five
    4. eight
  13. Which one of the following is not a function of the legislature arm of the government?
    1. Implementing government policies
    2. Amending the existing laws
    3. Approving the government's expenditure
    4. Debating bills
  14. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of children in the family?
    1. Attending school
    2. Cleaning the home compound
    3. Working on the farm for better salaries
    4. Taking care of family property
  15. During the pre-colonial period, goods were mainly transported using
    1. porters 
    2. carts
    3. boats
    4. vehicles
  16. Which one of the following climatic factors has greatly influenced the climate of most part of Namibia?
    1. Nearness to the large waterbodies
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Prevailing winds
    4. Nature of the Coastline
  17. Fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables are mainly transported from the farms to the airport by
    1. pipeline
    2. air
    3. railway
    4. road
  18. Morocco is currently headed by
    1. an elected president
    2. hereditary king
    3. an elected Prime Minister
    4. a queen

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 53-56.


  1. In which month is winter experienced in the latitude marked R?
    1. March
    2. June
    3. September
    4. December
  2. The Island country marked K is likely to be
    1. Comoros
    2. Mauritius
    3. Seychelles
    4. Sao Toome and Precipe
  3. Which tree species is not likely to be found in the region marked xxx?
    1. Camphor
    2. Mvule
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Rosewood
  4. The town marked W in the Northern part of Africa is
    1. Tunisia
    2. Tripoli
    3. Cairo
    4. Alexandria
  5. Which one of the following electoral officials announces the election results of a senator at the constituency tallying centre?
    1. The Chairman of IEBC
    2. The Returning Officer
    3. The Presiding Officer
    4. The Polling Officer
  6. The following are service industries except
    1. hair dressing
    2. banking
    3. television repair
    4. milk processing
  7. Which day is celebrated to commemorate the day Kenya attained its internal self government from the British in 1963
    1. Jamhuri Day
    2. Mashujaa Day
    3. Labour Day
    4. Madaraka Day
  8. Elected members of the County Assembly (MCAs) represent a region known as
    1. constituency
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. ward



  1. According to Genesis, Biblical stories of creation, what did God create on the third day?
    1. Sea creatures and birds of the air
    2. Land, sea and vegetation
    3. Heavenly bodies like sun, moon and stars
    4. Land animals and birds
  2. What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham according to Genesis 17:10?
    1. Smoking fire pot
    2. Flaming torch
    3. Rainbow
    4. Circumcision
  3. Which of the following lessons do Christians learn from the story of Joseph as a slave in Egypt?
    1. Be kind to people by giving them food
    2. To always fight for their freedom
    3. Forgive those who wrong them 
    4. Interpret dreams for their leaders
  4. Why did the Israelites eat while standing during the Passover night?
    1. To show that they were God's chosen people
    2. To show that they were not ready to leave Egypt
    3. Because they were in hurry to leave Egypt 
    4. Because they wished to stay a little longer
  5. The second book of the Bible mainly describes about
    1. the beginning of life
    2. the settlement of Israelites into Canaan 
    3. the making of the Sinai covenant
    4. the journey of Israelites to Canaan
  6. Which one of the following commandments was broken by both Cain and king Ahab? 
    1. Do not commit murder
    2. Do not desire another person's property
    3. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    4. Do not make for yourselves images
  7. King David is mainly remembered in Israel because he
    1. made Jerusalem a Jewish religious centre
    2. built a temple for God in Jerusalem 
    3. destroyed the altars of Baal
    4. married many wives
  8. Which one of the following sins was committed by king Solomon? He
    1. took other people's property
    2. over taxed his subjects
    3. committed adultery
    4. gave the Israelites' land to foreigners
  9. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the messiah would be called
    1. the lamb of God
    2. the son of the most high
    3. the king of the kings
    4. the prince of peace
  10. Who among the following people visited baby Jesus first?
    1. The Samaritans
    2. The shepherds
    3. The visitors from the east
    4. The Pharisees
  11. When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Jerusalem for dedication, they found two of the following people in the temple. Who were they?
    1. Zechariah and John
    2. Simeon and Annah 
    3. Zechariah and Annah
    4. Mary and Martha
  12. Jesus Christ helped lepers by
    1. healing them from their sickness 
    2. teaching them about God
    3. baptising them with Holy Spirit 
    4. asking them to pray for their sins
  13. What do we learn from the parable of the ten young women? It teaches us to
    1. always be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ
    2. respect the institution of marriage
    3. marry more than one woman
    4. stay indoors in the evening
  14. "Happy are those who are pure in heart, they will see the kingdom of God." These words were spoken by Jesus
    1. during the trial in the wilderness
    2. when visiting Bethany
    3. during the sermon on the mountain 
    4. when healing the sick
  15. Which one of the following statements about Jesus Christ is expressed in the Apostles' creed?
    1. Jesus rose from the dead
    2. Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot
    3. Jesus was denied by Peter
    4. Jesus forgave the repentant thief
  16. On which of the following occasions did Jesus show that He respected the law of Moses? When He
    1. healed the paralytic man
    2. healed a blind man
    3. raised Lazarus from dead
    4. healed the lepers
  17. Who among the following groups of people anointed the body of Jesus for burial?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus 
    2. Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas 
    4. Peter and Jonah
  18. "You created every part of me. You put me in my mother's womb." These words were said by
    1. Job
    2. David
    3. Peter
    4. St. Paul
  19. The part played by Ananias in the conversion of Saul on the way to Damascus was that he 
    1. taught him the good news
    2. helped him to recover his eyes
    3. led him into accepting Jesus
    4. prayed and baptised him
  20. Christians in the early church best showed their unity by
    1. reciting scriptures
    2. singing praises
    3. sharing food
    4. baptising one another
  21. Which one of the following acts of worship was done by Paul and Silas when they were in prison? They
    1. took the Holy Communion
    2. sang hymns to praise prison wardens
    3. repented their sins
    4. praised God in hymns
  22. Which one of the following beliefs in African traditional society is not compatible with Christianity?
    1. Beliefs in life after death
    2. Beliefs in reconciliation with God
    3. Beliefs that God is powerful
    4. Beliefs in charms and amulets
  23. What is the main purpose of marriage according to the Christian teaching?
    1. To have children
    2. To avoid immorality
    3. To gain status in the society
    4. To provide companionship
  24. In traditional African society, education was aimed at
    1. character moulding
    2. getting employed
    3. acquiring academic certificates 
    4. gaining wisdom
  25. Joy does not want to share a book with you because you are poor. The best action to take is to
    1. teach her about sharing
    2. report her to the teacher
    3. avoid talking to her
    4. change your sitting position
  26. Christians can best avoid sexual misuse by
    1. not mixing with people of the opposite sex
    2. not taking alcohol and drugs
    3. going to church to pray
    4. obeying God's teachings on the sacredness of sex
  27. Drug abuse is discouraged by Christians mainly because
    1. it wastes money
    2. it affects people's health
    3. it wastes time
    4. it causes indiscipline
  28. African Christians show their appreciation of traditional heritage by
    1. preaching the gospel to non-Christians 
    2. visiting traditional healers
    3. preaching against additional African beliefs and practices
    4. accepting traditional values that are compatible with Christianity
  29. Why do Christians obey the authority?
    1. Leaders too love God
    2. All authority comes from God
    3. God loves those in authority
    4. God blesses those in authority
  30. A friend of yours hides a frog in the teacher's cupboard. The teacher discovered and decided to punish the whole class. As a Christian, what is the best thing to do?
    1. Tell the teacher who did it
    2. Keep quiet and let the teacher punish everybody
    3. Tell your friend to run away
    4. Ask your friend to confess and apologize



  1. "Fal-Muariyat Qad-haa." This verse is from surah
    1. Al-Qaariah 
    2. Al-Aadiyat 
    3. Al-Fatiha
    4. Al-Masad
  2. According to the teachings of Islam, zakah should be given to
    1. poor Muslims
    2. relatives
    3. widows
    4. any poor person
  3. Which surah among the following describes the events of the day of judgement?
    1. Fiyl
    2. Naas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Zilzalah
  4. Swalah can be nullified by all the following except
    1. laughing
    2. farting
    3. sweating
    4. talking
  5. The prophet's child who gave birth to Hassan and Hussein was
    1. Zainab
    2. Ummul-Kulthum
    3. Fatma
    4. Ruqayah
  6. The month in which the prophet (SAW) went for Isra and Miiraj was
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  7. The prophet of Allah(SWT) who received the Zabur was
    1. Yusuf (AS)
    2. Issa (AS)
    3. Musa (AS)
    4. Daud (AS)
  8. According to the teachings of the prophet (SAW), a hypocrite has
    1. three signs
    2. good luck 
    3. bad luck
    4. no friend
  9. When visiting the sick, the best gift is
    1. a dua
    2. flowers
    3. a card
    4. food
  10. The term Islam means
    1. strength
    2. religion
    3. peace
    4. prophethood
  11. The reason as to why the Muslims were defeated in the battle of Uhud is that
    1. they were few
    2. they had no weapons
    3. they disobeyed the prophet(SAW)
    4. the Quraish ambushed them at night
  12. A woman who is observing eddat after the death of her husband should do it for
    1. three months and ten days
    2. twelve months and three days
    3. nine days and ten hours
    4. four months and ten days
  13. The angel in-charge of removing human souls is
    1. Jibril (AS)
    2. Malakul Maut
    3. Mikail
    4. Israfil
  14. Which statement among the following is true about the prophets of Allah?
    1. They were sinless
    2. They were either male or female
    3. They could change to any form
    4. They had super powers
  15. The sunnah prayer that is performed when there is an eclipse of the sun is
    1. Istisqai
    2. Khusuf
    3. Kusuf
    4. Istikhara
  16. The best way of enjoying your free time could be
    1. listening to music
    2. engaging in physical exercises
    3. spying on others
    4. insulting the non-Muslims
  17. Sofia found two girls fighting during the library lesson. The best thing Sofia should have done is to
    1. ask them to fight without noise
    2. separate the two girls
    3. continue reading in silence
    4. make a dua to Allah(SWT)
  18. The prophet(AW) said, "Love for others...."
    1. a brighter future
    2. paradise and not hell
    3. wealth in this world
    4. what you love for yourself
  19. The following are examples of lawful work except one. Which one is it? Being a
    1. brewer
    2. teacher
    3. engineer
    4. motorist
  20. Work is considered an act of Ibaada if
    1. it is done to please Allah(SWT)
    2. it pays more
    3. it makes a person famous
    4. it is done to please others
  21. A person who does good and avoids evil is considered to have
    1. Israf
    2. pride
    3. taqwa 
    4. disobeyed
  22. On the 10th Dhul-Hijja Muslims celebrate
    1. Hijra
    2. Idul-Fitr
    3. Idul-Adh-ha
    4. Nikah
  23. When pilgrims put on the white Ihram, it symbolizes
    1. equality
    2. unity
    3. faith
    4. patience
  24. The people of nabii Nuh(AS) were sturbon and did not believe in what Nuh(AS) preached. This led to Allah(SWT) punishing them by sending
    1. birds with pebbles
    2. floods
    3. unknown diseases
    4. drought and famine
  25. Muslims must observe fardh fasting in the month of
    1. Shaaban
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Swafar
    4. Dhul-Qaada
  26. The title given to the prophet(SAW) by the Quraish for being honest is
    1. Ahmad
    2. Abtar
    3. Al-Fatah
    4. Al-Amin
  27. Which one of the following is among the conditions of Saum?
    1. Be a Muslim
    2. Be wealthy 
    3. Eat suhur
    4. Pray tahajud
  28. A Muslim who keeps animals can show kindness to the animals by
    1. selling them
    2. slaughtering them
    3. providing shelter for them
    4. punishing the animals
  29. It is true to say that angels were created from
    1. wind
    2. fire
    3. clay
    4. light
  30. Which one of the following is common among Muslims?
    1. Food
    2. Qibla
    3. Colour
    4. Taqrir


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. A
  45. A
  46. B
  47. A
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B
  51. B
  52. B
  53. D
  54. A
  55. C
  56. D
  57. B
  58. D
  59. D
  60. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. A
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B


  1. The function of the large intestine in the human digestive system is to
    1. absorb water and minerals
    2. store food and wastes
    3. produce intestinal juice
    4. store undigested food
  2. Food nutrients and oxygen are transported to the foetus by the
    1. amniotic fluid
    2. umbilical cord
    3. uterine wall
    4. placenta
  3. Which one of the following pairs of animal feeds provide animals with energy?
    1. Sunflower heads and salt licks
    2. Wheat husks and bone meal
    3. Sunflower seeds and maize germ
    4. Maize germ and bone meal
  4. The following are ways of conserving water except
    1. harvesting rain water
    2. filtering dirty water
    3. recycling water
    4. reusing water
  5. The diagram below show changes of state of matter.
    Which two processes require absorption of heat from surrounding?
    1. i and ii
    2. iii and iv
    3. ii and iv
    4. i and iii
  6. Which one of the following consists of matter that has a definite mass, indefinite shape and indefinite volume?
    1. Tooth paste, grease and water
    2. Air, honey and plastic
    3. Oxygen, air and smoke
    4. Soil, sugar and chalk dust
  7. A certain sexually transmitted infections has the following signs and symptoms
    1. burning sensation
    2. discharge of smelling pus
    3. pain in the lower abdomen in females
    4. blindness in babies
      The disease is likely to be
      1. gonorrhea
      2. syphilis
      3. chancroid
      4. genital herpes
  8. Which one of the following statements about HIV and AIDS is true?
    1. It can be treated by vaccination
    2. It is prevented by proper hygiene
    3. During window stage one tests positive
    4. Spreads through deep kissing
  9. On a seesaw, a small boy can lift a big boy when
    1. the small boy stands on it
    2. big boy moves closer to the pivot
    3. both boys to sit equal distances
    4. the two boys to interchange positions
  10. Which one of the following steps of separating mixtures can best be used to separate a mixture of husks, sand and salt? 
    1. Winnowing, dissolving, filtering and evaporating
    2. Magnetism, sieving, dissolving and evaporating
    3. Picking, sieving, dissolving and evaporating
    4. Dissolving, filtering and evaporating
  11. Which one of the following is not an advantage of using manures and fertilizers?
    1. Rapid growth of weeds
    2. High crop yields
    3. Quick ripening of fruits
    4. Increased size of seeds and grains
  12. The following statements are all correct about current electricity except
    1. electricity can be stored
    2. water and graphite are both good conductors of electricity
    3. a fuse is a safety device that prevents overheating of wires
    4. all tall buildings should be fitted with copper arresters
  13. The following materials can be used to increase the force that acts between two surfaces except
    1. coarse sand
    2. marbles
    3. sawdust
    4. murram
  14. Which one of the following reasons for maintaining simple tools is only for efficiency?
    1. Proper storage of tools
    2. Proper use of tools
    3. Sharpening cutting tools
    4. Cleaning tools after use
  15. Which one of the following sources of water pollution is likely to increase the growth of weeds in a nearby river?
    1. Acid rain
    2. Excessive use of farm chemicals
    3. Oil spills
    4. Floods
  16. Which one of the following effects of drugs are correctly grouped?
    1. Addiction, withdrawals and truancy
    2. Rape, school dropout and death
    3. Violence, fits and marital conflicts
    4. Impaired judgement, withdrawal and fits
  17. The following are stages of parturition, but not in correct order
    1. dilation of cervix and birth canal
    2. tying and cutting of umbilical cord
    3. contraction of uterine wall
    4. amnion sac burst
    5. expelling of afterbirth
    6. pushing of the baby
      Which of the following is the correct order of the stages?
      1. iii, i, iv, vi, ii, v
      2. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
      3. i, iii, iv, vi, ii, v
      4. iii, i, vi, iv, ii, v
  18. The following were used to investigate a certain factor that affects sinking and floating;
    • hammer
    • water
    • basin
    • metallic bottle top
      Which factor was being investigated?
      1. Size of an object
      2. Type of material
      3. Shape of an object
      4. Weight of material
  19. The following are components of air and their uses. Which one is correctly matched? 
    1. 21% - photosynthesis
    2. 0.97%-preservation of food
    3. 0.03% -burning substances
    4. 78% - formation of proteins
  20. Grade six learners set up the experiment shown below.
    What was their observation after a few minutes?
    1. Air occupies space
    2. Water level in the basin dropped
    3. Water occupies space
    4. Oxygen support burning
  21. Which one of the following materials are correctly grouped?
       Non-magnetic materials   Magnetic materials
     A.   Copper, aluminium, steel   Iron, platinum, magnetic tape 
     B.  Bronze, brass, zinc  Gold, copper, aluminium 
     C.  Copper, zinc, aluminium  Tin, cobalt, steel
     D.  Plastic, wood, rubber  Zinc, alnico, plastic
  22. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    Which one of the following statements is not correct about the instrument above?
    1. It measures two aspects of weather 
    2. It uses the principal of matter in motion.
    3. A biro cap is used to allow free rotation
    4. The arrow head should be narrow than the tail head
  23. The following are practices that helps to control the spread of water-borne diseases.
    1. cleaning hands after visiting toilets
    2. wearing gumboots while walking in stagnant water
    3. covering pit latrines after use
    4. washing fruits and vegetables eaten raw
    5. draining stagnant water
      Which practices helps to control both cholera and typhoid?
      1. i, ii and iii
      2. v, iv and ii
      3. ii, iii and iv
      4. iv, iii and i
  24. Which one of the following pests are correctly matched with the nature of damage it causes?
    1. Aphids - make holes in the stems
    2. Cutworms - cut stems of seedlings
    3. Stalkborer - make holes in roots
    4. Weevils - suck sap from leaves
  25. The diagram below represent a certain plant.
    Which of the following features is not an adaptive characteristic of the plant shown?
    1. It has thorns instead of leaves
    2. Stems are green to make food
    3. Has air sacs that decrease transpiration
    4. Has deep roots that spread a lot
  26. Which one of the following pairs of activities is heat used?
    1. Making plant food and using iron
    2. Drying grains and cooking
    3. Keeping pests away and drying clothes
    4. Produce electricity and communication
  27. Which one of the following only consists of sources of electricity?
    1. Solar panel and dry cells
    2. Torch cells and car engines
    3. Bicycle dynamo and dams
    4. Bulbs and torches
  28. Which one of the following foods can be preserved by both drying and smoking?
    1. Vegetables and fruits
    2. Milk and fruits
    3. Meat and fish
    4. Vegetables and milk
  29. Deep trenches that form V-shaped valleys are most likely to have been caused by
    1. splash erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. landslide
    4. rill erosion
  30. Which one of the following groups of foodstuffs consists of a balanced diet?
    1. Chapati, milk, peas and beans
    2. Fish, irish potatoes, kales and beans
    3. Cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots and rice
    4. Termites, green bananas, spinach and rice
  31. Which one of the following is a type of manure that is made by chopping leguminous plants and ploughing them back to the soil?
    1. Compost manure
    2. Organic mulches
    3. Farmyard manure
    4. Green manure
  32. Which one of the following animals are correctly grouped?
       Constant body temperature   Varying body temperature  
     A.    Snakes, birds, frogs  Whale, tilapia, trout 
     B.  Shark, crocodile, toads  Hawk, chicken, toad
     C.  Ducks, platypus, goat  Tilapia, gecko, newt
     D.  Whale, salamander, newt  Snakes, lizards, shark
  33. Which one of the following parasites are only internal parasites?
    1. Lungworms, hookworms and tapeworms
    2. Ticks, tsetseflies and mites
    3. Liverfluke, fleas and hookworms
    4. Roundworms, tapeworms and louse
  34. The set-up below was used to investigate an aspect of light 
    Which one of thwe following aspects was being investigated?
    1. Making a rainbow
    2. Bending of light
    3. How light travels
    4. Reflection of light
  35. Which one of the following is true about all veins? They
    1. carry oxygenated blood
    2. have valves
    3. have pulses
    4. have thick walls
  36. Which one of the following livestock feed substances provide calcium minerals?
    1. Salt licks, fishmeal, sunflower seeds
    2. Bonemeal, fishmeal, salt licks
    3. Fishmeal, sunflower seeds, cotton seeds
    4. Cotton seeds, bonemeal, salt licks
  37. The following chart shows a simple classification of crops.
    The crops represented by i, ii, iii and iv are likely to be
       i   ii   iii   iv 
     A.   Cassava   Beans   Groundnuts   Maize 
     B.  Sorghum   Orange    Avocado   Coconut 
     C.  Potato  Greengrams   Pawpaw   Sisal 
     D.  Carrots  Peas   Sunflower   Cotton
  38. Which one of the following plants are only non-green non-flowering?
    1. Algae, moss, conifers
    2. Mushroom, toadstool, puffball
    3. Grass, maize, beans
    4. Lichen, moss, fern
  39. Which one of the following correctly explains an insect pollinated flower?
    1. Brightly coloured, sticky stigma hanging outside
    2. Dull petals, feathery with nectaries
    3. Few pollen grains, flat sticky stigma, brightly coloured
    4. Small in size, sweet smell, a lot of pollen grains
  40. Which one of the following animals provides mutton and wool?
    1. Goats
    2. Sheep
    3. Cattle
    4. Carmel
  41. Which one of the following is not an importance of animals in the environment? 
    1. Produces oxygen that is used by plants during germination
    2. Burrows in the soil to allow aeration
    3. Helps in breaking soil particles
    4. Makes the soil fertile by adding humus
  42. Clouds that are found high in the sky are also likely to have
    1. white colour
    2. dark grey colour
    3. irregular in shape
    4. low in the sky
  43. The set-up below was used by grade five learners to investigate a certain aspect.
    What were they investigating?
    1. Convection in liquids
    2. Melting of substances
    3. Conduction of heat in different solids
    4. Radiation in liquids
  44. Which one of the following childhoodndiseases are correctly matched with the age at which they are administered?
    1. 6 weeks - Tuberculosis, rota virus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis
    2. 10 weeks - lockjaw, diphtheria, pertussis, poliomyelitis
    3. At birth- pertussis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, polio
    4. 9 months-meningitis, yellow fever, measles, rubella
  45. Grade 6 learners performed the experiment below.
    What was their conclusion?
    1. Effects of smoking tobacco
    2. Damp cloth became dark
    3. The plate started burning
    4. Glass container was full of smoke
  46. The following descriptions explains a certain stage of HIV infection.
    • tests positive
    • has no AIDS
    • one can transmit virus
      Which one of the following is another description of the above stage?
      1. One has weak immune system
      2. May also test negative
      3. One lacks appetite
      4. Looks healthy
  47. Draining stagnant water and clearing bushes around our homesteads is useful for the prevention of
    1. bilharzia
    2. cholera
    3. malaria
    4. tuberculosis
  48. The following are practices that can lead to spread of HIV except
    1. eating together with infected person from a common plate
    2. sharing sharp piercing objects
    3. transfusion of unscreened blood
    4. sharing body fluids such as milk from mother's breast
  49. Which of the following consists of translucent materials only?
    1. Air, light cloth, white sheet of paper, glass
    2. Window panes, clear water, plastic, mirror
    3. Metallic sheet, milk, dirty water, smoke
    4. Frosted glass, bathroom window panes, light, cloth, white paper
  50. The diagram below was used to investigate a certain aspect.
    What aspect was being investigated??
    1. Convection in air
    2. Convection in liquids
    3. Transfer of heat in vacuum
    4. Movement of smoke


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. D
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. D
  38. B
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. A
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. A

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi, umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Wahenga na wahenguzi hawakukanyaga chechele walipolonga kuwa Mungu __1__. Ama kwa __2__ Mungu si mtovu. Yeyote anayemwamini atajibiwa __3__ yake. Mara nyingi tumewasikia watu wakitoa __4__ kuhusu nasaha waliyokwisha kupokea kutoka kwa wajuzi wa nyanja mbalimbali.Ukweli ni kwamba, wenye __5__, wote huishia kubarikiwa. Yote tuyafanyayo bila kumtegemea
Rabuka huwa ni kazi __6__ hata ingawa tutatia bidii ya mchwa.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.  hamwachi mja wake   huwabariki waja wake   hawaachi waja wao   humwacha mja wake 
 2.   yamkini  lakini  yakini   makini 
 3.  ombi  dau   doa   dua 
 4.  ushahidi  shahidi   ushuhuda   shahada 
 5.  amani  amana   dhamana  imani
 6.  bure bilashi  kuntu kabisa  nzuri zaidi  nyingi mno


Siku __7__ sote tulibakia uwanjani huku tukicheza mchezo wa __8__ yaani kibe. Mara tulimwona akiwa amesimama mlangoni. Mmoja wetu alitudokezea tukakimbia, tukaingia darasani na __9__. Tulijua kuwa mambo yalikuwa __10__. Tulingojea huku tukiwa na huzuni __11__ sisemi wasiwasi. __12__  kuhusu makosa yetu na __13__ kuwa tulikuwa tumemkosea mwalimu wetu. Mdarisi alipoingia tulisimama tisti na kumwomba msamaha. Mwalimu alifurahi na kutufunza __14__ badala ya kipindi cha Kiswahili alichokiandaa. Alitukumbusha kuwa heshima __15__.

   A   B   C   D 
 7.   hilo   hio   hizo   hiyo 
 8.  kukimbizana na kuangushana   kuiga na kuigiza majukumu ya wazazi nyumbani   watoto wa kujificha na kutafutana   kuvuta kamba kwa kushindania 
 9.  kukimya  kunyamzana  kunyamaza  kuropokwa
 10.   yamezidi unga  yametumbukia nyongo  yametengenea sana  yameimarika zaidi
 11.  mwingi  mingi  wingi  nyingi
 12.  Tulichunguzwa  Tulikumbuka  Tulitafakari  Tulisahau
 13.  kukiri  kukana  kukanusha  kukataa
 14.  maadili  madili  adhabu  utundu
 15.  utumwa  haidumu kamwe  si utumwa  inadumu daima

Kuanzia swali la 16 hadi la 30, jibu kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Maneno yafuatayo yatapangwaje katika kamusi?
    1. Pasa
    2. Paka
    3. Pakua
    4. Paku
      1. ii, iv, iii, i
      2. i, iii, iv, ii
      3. iii, i, ii, iv
      4. iv, ii, iii, i
  2. Kamilisha sentensi ifuatayo kwa maneno yafaayo.
    __________wake amemnunulia _________  __________ nguvu _______________
    1. Mzazi, fahali, enye, malindandi
    2. Msasi, fahari, mwenye, malidandi
    3. Mzazi, fahali, mwenye, maridadi
    4. Mzazi, fahari, enye, maridadi
  3. Chagua wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Hakuelewa kuwa ningechelewa.
    1. Hawakuelewa kuwa tungechelewa
    2. Hamkuelewa kuwa tungechelewa.
    3. Hamkuelewa kuwa ningechelewa.
    4. Hawakuelewa kuwa ningechelewa.
  4. Tambua sentensi sanifu inayolinganisha hizi.
    Utubora alifaulu.
    Utubora hakufurahi.
    1. Lau Utubora alifaulu hakufurahi.
    2. Utubora hakufurahi aghalabu alifaulu.
    3. Utubora hakufurahi licha ya kufaulu.
    4. Maadamu Utubora hakufurahi alifaulu.
  5. 3051660 kwa maneno ni
    1. Milioni tatu, laki hamsini na moja mia sita sitini
    2. Milioni tatu elfu hamsini na moja mia sita na sita
    3. Milioni tatu hamsini na moja elfu, mia sita na sitini
    4. Milioni tatu hamsini elfu na moja mia sita na tisini
  6. Ni nini maana ya 'kutia masikio nta"?
    1. Kutojali yasemwayo.
    2. Kujali yasemwayo.
    3. Kuweka masikio vipuli.
    4. Kutia masikio pamba.
  7. Mwasaru alinipigia simu, nami nikampigia simu. Kwa hivyo sote wawili __________________________
    1. tulipigiana pigiana simu
    2. tulipigiwa simu
    3. tulipigana simu
    4. tulipigiana simu
  8. Ni methali gani iliyo na maana sawa na "polepole ndio mwendo"?
    1. Chelewa chelewa utapata mwana si wako.
    2. Haraka haraka haina baraka.
    3. Chovya chovya humaliza buyu la asali.
    4. Heri kenda kuliko kumi nenda rudi.
  9. Ni sentensi gani iliyo na kivumishi cha pekee?
    1. Kusafiri kwa gari moshi ni kuzuri
    2. Chakula hiki ni kitamu sana.
    3. Ukucha wangu umekatika.
    4. Nyumba yote iliteketea moto.
  10. Chagua ukubwa wa sentensi hii
    Gari hili zuri, lina dirisha kubwa navmlango wa kupendeza.
    1. Kigari hiki ni kizuri, kina kijidirisha kikubwa na kijilango cha kupendeza.
    2. Jigari hili ni zuri, lina jidirisha kubwa na lango la kupendeza.
    3. Jigari hili ni mzuri, lina dirisha kubwa na lango la kupendeza.
    4. Ligari hili ni zuri, lina dirisha kubwa na lango la kupendeza.
  11. Fuma ni kusuka nyusi. Vile vile fuma ni ____________________
    1. kudunga kwa kifaa chenye makali. 
    2. kudunga kwa mtutu wa bunduki.
    3. kushona nguo paliporaruka.
    4. kupachika nguo kiraka kipya.
  12. Umbo lifuatalo ni 
    1. Mstari sulubu
    2. Pembe butu
    3. Pembe kali
    4. Pembe nyoofu
  13. Chagua sentensi inayoonyesha ‘ji' ya nafsi.
    1. Uimbaji wake uliwatumbuiza wageni. 
    2. Jibwa limefungiwa chumbani.
    3. Msomaji wa taarifa alisikika vizuri.
    4. Nilijisomea Riwaya ya Siku Njema.
  14. Ikiwa mtondogoo itakuwa Jumamosi Machi tarehe mbili 2023, jana ilikuwa lini?
    1. Jumatatu Februari tarehe ishirini na tatu 
    2. Jumatatu Februari tarehe ishirini na saba. 
    3. Jumatatu Februari tarehe ishirini na sita.
    4. Jumatatu Februari tarehe ishirini na tano.
  15. Mzee Weru ameishi miaka mingi sana. Yaani
    1. amekula siku zake
    2. ameona mambo mengi
    3. amekula tarehe
    4. amekula chumvi nyingi

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Waswahili husema kuwa safari ya kesho hupangwa leo. Waaidha, msafiri ni aliye bandarini. Mwanadamu anatakiwa awe na mpango madhubuti wakati anapohitaji kufanya jambo lolote; liwe jambo dogo au kubwa. Kimsingi ni kwamba, mtu hawezi akafyeka kichaka akalima, akapanda, akapalilia na kufaidi matunda kwa siku moja. Ni sharti mtu kujua kwamba mambo hutayarishwa hatua kwa hatua na kupatiwa muda ili yatengenee.

Mtahiniwa yeyote anafaa kujiandaa barabara wakati ambapo anaungojea mtihani wowote. Mtu hupata kufahamu wakati wa mtihani mapema zaidi. Kwa hivyo si vyema hata kidogo mtu kungojea hadi siku ya siku kuwa pua karibu na mdomo ili aweze kuanza kujiandaa. Mwanzo kabisa, ni sharti awe na ratiba yake binafsi. Ratiba huwa kama dira na rubani. Rubani anapokosa dira bila shaka atasalia pale hewani na wala hataweza kutua hata kidogo. Hivyo ndivyo ilivyo kwa mwanafunzi pia. Hakuna vile unaweza kuketi tu na kuchomoa kitabu na kuanza kusoma. Mwanafunzi anapofanya hivyo atajipata kuwa amesoma masomo anayoyapenda huku akiyasahau yale ambayo yanampa changamoto.

Mtahiniwa anapodurusu, afanye udadisi wa kutosha. Asichukue vitabu tu bila kufahamu kinachohitajika ili kujiandaa vyema ni lazima asome mwanzo akili ya mtahini. Atafanya hivi kwa kutazama karatasi zilizofanywa awali. Hili litamsaidia kusoma tu yale muhimu kwa mujibu wa kuupasi mtihani huo. Mtu anaposomasoma kila kitu hata kisichomhusu atamalizia kuyajua mambo mengi zaidi ambayo hayamhusu ndewe wala sikio. Huu ndio unaoitwa ukasuku katika kusoma. Hebu nikuulize, je, mwanafunzi anaweza kufaulu kwa kusoma magazeti tokea asubuhi hadi jioni? Hapo nafikiri hatafua dafu mtihanini.

Aidha, mwanafunzi anashauriwa kuwa pahali pake pa kusomea pasiwe karakana. Yaani pasiwe na kelele wala vitu vinavyoweza kumchachawiza msomaji akaacha kusoma. Ijapokuwa wengine hupenda kudurusu huku wakisikiliza muziki, ni bora kuwe kutulivu na shwari kwa uelewa aula. Vile vile, sehemu hiyo iwe na hewa safi; madirisha yafunguliwe, pasiwe baridi sana au joto kupita kiasi. Licha ya hayo, aandae vifaa vyake mapema, mathalan meza, kiti, vitabu, kalamu, karatasi na vingine vingi vinavyohitajika. Fauka ya hayo, awe na saa ili aweze kuyapatia masomo yake wakati maalum.

Kusoma pia kuna mipaka. Mwanafunzi asijilazimishe na kujipagaza bure hasa anapoona kwamba anasinzia. Inafaa ajipumzishe kidogo au atembee kidogo ili kupata hewa safi, halafu arudie kusoma. Ikiwa ni usiku, anaweza hata akaenda kulala ili aamke alfajiri kuendelea na masomo wakati hana chelewa ya usingizi. Ifahamike kwamba binadamu anapaswa angalau kulala muda wa saa sita na saa nane ili akili na mwili viweze kufanya kazi vyema. Pia, anaposoma, ahakikishe kwamba hana njaa wala kushiba sana kupita kiasi.

Wakati wa mtihani, mtahiniwa anafaa kuamka mapema kama kawaida. Afike darasani kabla ya muda rasmi wa kuanza mtihani. Apatiwapo karatasi ya maswali, asome maagizo kwa makini na ayaelewe vizuri kabla ya kuanza kujibu maswali. Kufuata maagizo aliyopewa pia ni sehemu ya mtihani. Asilimia kubwa ya watahiniwa hufeli mtihani kwa kuyapuuza maagizo yaliyotolewa. Kumbuka kuwa mtu hutungiwa mtihani, hajitungii mwenyewe.

  1. Mwandishi anazingatia nini katika aya ya kwanza?
    1. Mtu akifanya maandalizi vyema anaweza kuvuna siku hiyo hiyo
    2. Hakuna haja ya kuyafanya mambo hatua kwa hatua ila kwa mkupuo
    3. Ili jambo lolote kufanikiwa linahitaji kupewa subira
    4. Wakulima ndio watu wanaotakikana kuwa na subira
  2. "...akafyeka kichaka, akalima, akapanda, akapalilia..." 'ka' imetumikaje katika muktadha huu?
    1. Mfululizo wa matukio
    2. Kuradidi kwa matukio
    3. Usisitizo wa matukio
    4. Mkururo wa matukio
  3. Ratiba kwa mwanafunzi imemithilishwa na
    1. ndege kwa rubani
    2. mwanafunzi na bidii
    3. mtahiniwa na mtihani
    4. dira kwa rubani
  4. Mwanafunzi anayesomasoma tu bila kuwa na ratiba hutokewa na nini?
    1. Kufeli katika mitihani yake kila mara
    2. Kuyasoma masomo anayoyahenzi pekee
    3. Kuyadurusu hata yale masomo asiyoyapenda
    4. Hujiandaa barabara dhidi ya mitihani ijayo
  5. 'Ukasuku katika kusoma' unamaanisha nini kulingana na mwandishi?
    1. Kusomasoma mambo mengi ambayo hayakuhusu
    2. Kusomasoma kwa kukariri tu bila kuelewa
    3. Kusoma jinsi kasuku anavyosoma
    4. Kusoma na kuropokwa kwa kuiga kasuku
  6. Ni kwa nini mwanafunzi anafaa kusomea mahali patulivu?
    1. Ili aweze kuwa na vitu vinavyohitajika
    2. Kuna wengine wanaopenda kusoma huku muziki ukidunda
    3. Ili yanayosomwa yaweze kueleweka bila shida yoyote
    4. Kwa kuwa muziki hautahiniwi katika mtihani wowote
  7. Mwanafunzi anayesoma tu somo moja kila wakati hatimaye
    1. hupita vizuri mitihani yake
    2. hujiburudisha
    3. huchoka akili
    4. hafaulu mtihani wake
  8. Ni mambo gani mwanafunzi hafai kufanya anapodurusu ili kujiandaa kufanya mtihani? 
    1. Asome mchana na usiku bila kupumzika
    2. Ale lakini asishibe kupita kiasi
    3. Asisome huku akiwa na chelewa yamusingizi
    4. Asiendelee kusoma iwapo anahisi uchovu
  9. Mwanafunzi anapofanya mtihani bila kusoma na kufuata maagizo ni sawa na
    1. anayefanya mtihani akipanga kufeli
    2. anayejitahini na kuyajibu maswali yake mwenyewe
    3. wanafunzi wale werevu wanaoanguka mtihani
    4. anayechelewa kufika kwenye chumba cha mtihani
  10. Baadhi ya wanafunzi waliojiandaa vyema hufeli mtihani kwa
    1. kufanya mtihani pasi kusoma maagizo
    2. kufanya mtihani palipo na kelele nyingi 
    3. kuanza kujibu maswali pasi kusoma na kuelewa maagizo
    4. kufanya asilimia kubwa ya maswali kwa papara

Soma habari inayofuata kisha ujibu maswali 41-50

Nilikuwa nimeungojea wakati huo kwa hamu na ghamu. Japo niliona kuwa siku hiyo ilikuwa mbali, hauchi hauchi unakucha, hatimaye iliwadia. Mwalimu wetu alikuwa anasisitiza kuwa achanikaye kwenye mpini hafi njaa; waaidha, mchumia juani hulia kivulini. Wahaka usio na kifani ulinivaa kwani nilifahamu kuwa ni vyema kujiandaa mapema ili niende kupokea Hidaya yangu. Furaha mpwitompwito ilinivaa kwelikweli.

Niliondoka kitandani huku nikiimba nyimbo za furaha. Nilijua kuwa safari yangu ingechukua takriban saa tatu unusu. Tayari ilikuwa saa thenashara na sherehe ingeanza mida ya saa nane. Kwa pupa nilivalia sare zangu za shule yangu ya awali. Mwalimu mkuu ambaye angeandamana nami alikuwa amenishauri niweze kuvalia sare hizo. Hafla hiyo yote ingeonekana kwenye televisheni zote nchini. Alikuwa akitaka sare hiyo ipate kunadi shule yake ambayo ilikuwa haijatia fora kwa mwongo mmoja mtawalia. “Shule ya upili ya Busara itatambuliwa leo na dunia nzima," nilijisemea kimoyomoyo. Niliwaza na kuwazua kuhusu maisha ya chuo.

Baada ya kujiandaa, niliharakisha kufika katika kituo cha mabasi. Inshallah, nipate basi bado halijaondoka. Mwalimu mkuu alikuwa tayari amekata nauli ya watu wawili. Basi lenyewe lilikuwa jipya. Mlikuwa na abiria wengi ambao walikuwa wameabiri. Basini mlikuwa na viti vinne ambavyo havikuwa na abiria. Mwalimu aliniambia kuwa twende kutafuta staftahi. Tuliandamana naye kuelekea kwenye mkahawa tukanywa chai kwa mahamri. Japo mwalimu alitaka tunywe kwa haraka, chai ile ilikuwa moto ajabu. Hata hivyo, tulijikaza tukaimaliza. Tulirudi kituoni huku tukihema na kutweta. Tulifahamishwa kuwa basi lilikuwa limeondoka. Kwa hivyo ilitulazimu kusubiri saa moja kabla ya basi jingine kufika. Nilitekwa na hisia za huzuni lakini nikajizuia kulia. Hapo ndipo nilianza kusinzia na kukumbuka maisha yangu yalivyokuwa.

Nilikuwa nimezaliwa katika familia ya ukata. Mazingira niliyokulia yalikuwa yenye matatizo chungu nzima. Haya ndiyo yaliyonifanya kusoma kwa bidii ili niinusuru familia yetu kutokana na uchochole. Nilipopelekwa katika shule ya msingi nilitia fora masomoni nikaweza kujiunga na shule ya sekondari ya kutwa pale karibu na kwetu. Kupitia wadhamini wenye ukarimu si haba niliweza kukamilisha masomo yangu na kupata alama ya A iliyonipa hadhi niliyokuwa nayo.

Mawazo yangu yalikatizwa na milio ya hofu. Mwalimu wangu aliniashiria kitu. Nilipotazama upande wangu wa kulia niliona basi ambalo nilikuwa nikilisubiri likigongana na lori la takataka. Niliharakisha kwenda kuwasaidia watu waliokuwa wamejeruhiwa. Kwa nyota ya jaha, wote walikuwa salama salimini. Lakini tatizo la usafiri likatokea tena. Basi hilo lilihitajika kukarabatiwa tena kabla ya kuendelea na safari. Pasipo budi hubidi.

Punde si punde, simu ya mwalimu ilitoa mlio. Alitazama kidogo kisha akaanza kutetemeka kama aliyetoka kwenye friji. "Wamepiga simu" alisema. Aliichukua, akazungumza nayo kisha nikaona akitabasamu. Baada ya kumaliza, alinifahamisha kuwa sherehe ile ilihairishwa hadi wiki ambayo ingefuata. Nilifurahia sana kwa kuwa nilikuwa nimekata tamaa-muda wetu ulikuwa umekwisha. Tuliamua kurudi nyumbani japo tulikuwa tumechoka hoi bin tiki.

  1. Ni kwa nini mwandishi wa makala haya alikuwa na furaha?
    1. Siku yenyewe ilikuwa imengojewa kwa hamu na ghamu
    2. Jitihada zake masomoni zingetambuliwa siku hiyo
    3. Alikuwa ametuzwa kwa bidii zake
    4. Maisha yake yangebadilika siku hiyo
  2. Kulingana na aya ya pili ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. mwandishi alikuwa amefaulu katika mtihani wa shule ya msingi
    2. shule ya Busara ilikuwa na utamaduni wa kung'aa mtihanini
    3. mwandishi hakutarajiwa kuvalia sare ya shule ya awali
    4. hafla hiyo ilitarajiwa kuonyeshwa kwenye televisheni za kitaifa
  3. Msimulizi alivalia sare
    1. kwa kuwa alinuia kuitumia kunadi umaarufu mpya wa shule hiyo
    2. alikuwa amefanya vizuri katika mtihani uliotangulia
    3. kwa kuwa alikuwa na furaha mpwitompwito
    4. kwa kuwa walikuwa waandamane na mwalimu mkuu
  4. Mwandishi wa makala haya alitarajiwa kufika shereheni saa ngapi?
    1. Saa thenashara
    2. Saa nane mchana
    3. Saa saba za asubuhi
    4. Saa kumi na mbili
  5. Lengo la kujitahidi masomoni ilikuwa
    1. kuinua hali ya jamii aliyoishi
    2. kujipatia shahada na kazi bora
    3. kuimarisha hali ya jamaa yake
    4. kupata tunu maridhawa
  6. Kuachwa na basi kwa mwandishi
    1. kulimkumbusha shida alizokulia kijijini
    2. kulimfanya akate tamaa kuhusu zawadi yake
    3. kulimfanya aende kutafuta staftahi
    4. kulimfanya afanye bidii masomoni
  7. Taarifa hii inatoa sifa gani kwa mwandishi wa makala haya?
    1. Mkakamavu, mwenye moyo mwepesi
    2. Mkakamavu, mwenye moyo thabiti
    3. Mchochole, mwenye moyo thabiti
    4. Mlegevu, mwenye mori kubwa
  8. Tunajifunza nini kuhusiana na maisha ya mwandishi?
    1. Mafanikio hupatikana tu wadhamini wakijitolea
    2. Wanaojiunga na shule za kutwa hujiunga na vyuo vikuu
    3. Wenye elimu ya juu hupata tunu masomoni
    4. Mafanikio huweza kupatikana hata na walio na uwezo duni wa kifedha
  9. Mwandishi alitabasamu katika aya ya mwisho kwa kuwa
    1. alikuwa na nafasi nyingine ya kuhudhuria sherehe
    2. alimwona mwalimu wake akitabasamu 
    3. aliruhusiwa kurudi nyumbani baada ya kuchoka
    4. hakuna mtu aliyejeruhiwa katika ajali iliyotendeka
  10. "... kutetemeka kama aliyetoka kwenye friji." Ni tamathali gani ya lugha iliyotumiwa kwenye kifungu hiki?
    1. Methali
    2. Istiari
    3. Tashbihi
    4. Msemo


Andika insha ya kusisimua isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu huku ukimalizia kwa kifungu kifuatacho:-

..................................................................nilifurahishwa na tabia ya utu wema wa rafiki yangu.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. D
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. A
  36. C
  37. C
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C

Read the following passage. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

Henry __1__ slowly towards his classroom. He was __2__ worried about the Science test he and the rest of the class __3__ take that morning. He was just about to __4__ into the classroom when he came across a question paper on the ground. At first, he wanted to
__5__ the paper and proceed to his desk. __6__, curiosity got the better of him and he found himself picking it up. On taking a __7__
at the paper, Henry was taken by __8__ at what he saw. It was the same Science test paper they were __9__  to do that morning. Besides, the paper was complete with answers.

Henry's first __10__ was to keep the paper for himself and review it before the actual test.  But he remembered the __11__ his father had always given him. "Honesty is the best policy, my son. Be honest in your thoughts, words and actions," his father always reminded him. With __12__ great words in mind, Henry decided to take the paper to the Science teacher. __13__ he handed in the paper over to the teacher, he __14__ that it was for a different class. __15__ that, the teacher appreciated him for his honesty.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   walked   was walking   had walked   had been walking 
 2.  too  fairly  so  very
 3. would   could  may  will
 4.  reach  enter  get  arrive
 5.  see  hide  embrace  ignore
 6.  Moreover   Indeed  However  But
 7.  stare  glance  gaze  glimpse
 8.  surprise  amusement  confusion  dilemma
 9.  hoping  longing  scheduled  ready
 10.  plan  thought  thing  idea
 11.   remark  comment  advise  advice
 12.  those  some  these  each
 13.  As  Whereas  Whenever  Because
 14.  knew  discovered  remembered  said
 15.  In spite  Inspite  Despite of  Despite

In questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence.

  1. If he had walked fast, he __________________________ school late.
    1. would not have reached
    2. could not have reached
    3. would not reach
    4. could not reach
  2. Having had my morning meal, ____________________________
    1. my elder brother gave me some chores to do.
    2. an idea sprang to my mind.
    3. a loud knock on the door got me startled.
    4. I picked my bag and left for school.
  3. The boy __________________________ we saw sneaking out of the school has been summoned by the head teacher.
    1. whom
    2. who
    3. whose
    4. which

In questions 19 and 20, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words. 

  1. I had to offer him assistance because he had been declared bankrupt.
    1. broke
    2. poor
    3. desperate
    4. insolvent
  2. Have you been informed that the event has been called off?
    1. discontinued
    2. postponed
    3. cancelled
    4. rescheduled

For questions 21 to 23, choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

    1. "You don't like the idea, do you?" Commented Mercy.
    2. "You don't like the idea do you?" commented Mercy.
    3. "You don't like the idea, do you?" commented Mercy.
    4. "You don't like the idea, do you," commented Mercy.
    1. "What a brilliant girl you are!" exclaimed Mrs Nderitu.
    2. "What a brilliant girl you are," exclaimed Mrs Nderitu.
    3. "What a brilliant girl you are?" exclaimed Mrs Nderitu.
    4. "What a brilliant girl you are!" Exclaimed Mrs Nderitu.
    1. Molly said, "my mother bought three ladies' purses.
    2. Molly said, "My mother bought three ladies purses."
    3. Molly said, "My mother bought three ladies purses."
    4. Molly said, "My mother bought three ladies' purses.

In questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence that is correctly constructed.

    1. We have sowed the seeds.
    2. He was charged for murder.
    3. They were playing under the shade. 
    4. Why are you discussing your best friend?
    1. None of us have finished the project.
    2. When was the news broadcasted?
    3. Neither my parents or my elder sister is in the house.
    4. Timothy, together with his cousins, was opposed to my idea.

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38

I had always prided myself on my sharp tongue and witty retorts whether in class debates or casual arguments. Thus, when I was selected to represent the school in the regional debate series, I was naturally supremely confident of my readiness for the task. Little did I know that this would turn out to be one of the most important lessons in my life..

The run-up to the finals was a breeze for my team. We were all good speakers who had the benefit of an experienced teacher who trained us well. But in the team, I was undoubtedly the most outstanding speaker. In each of the rounds that I debated, the judges had unanimously selected me as the best speaker. This meant that my confidence was at an all-time high by the time we found ourselves with one week to train before the finals. I had no reason to even think that I would not be voted the overall best speaker for
the debate series.

Unfortunately, this got into my head and I began to get arrogant about the whole busines. I started putting on airs. I would laugh at what I saw as their pathetic arguments and poor debating style. I saw myself as the natural debater who would be let down by my teammates bad performance. As the finals drew closer, I became more and more dissatisfied with my team. I began missing practice, much to the panic of my teammates and the frustration of the teacher. They had no choice but to rely on me to pull through on the day of the finals. As much as they would love to remove me from the team, they could not as there was no replacement good enough.

The day of the finals dawned bright and fine. I practically skipped to the venue of the debate finals, feeling the exhilaration of being able to finally show off my debating prowess. But the reality was not something that I had ever imagined. My absence from the practice sessions had created a rift between my teammates and me. We could not seem to work seamlessly like we did in the previous rounds. Instead, our coordination was so bad that even our school supporters were shamed into silence. When it was my turn to conclude as the last speaker of the team, an expectant hush fell over the hall. Everyone knew that I was touted as the one most likely debater to win the coveted overall best speaker for the series.

As I launched into my speech, I knew that things were very wrong. I was hesitant in my explanation of the issue. I had realised rather late that what I was saying sounded incoherent. It did not in relate to my teammates' points. The puzzled looks on the faces of the judges almost drove me to tears. I had to struggle on with my speech, trying to hold back the hot tears that threatened to overflow. I realised too late that I could have been a really good speaker if only I had not been overconfident. As I sat down after speaking my piece, tears broke their banks and scalded my cheeks. I knew that we had lost the title. Never before had I ever felt so alone, or so rightly so.

Suddenly, a reassuring hand clasped mine. I looked up into the kindly face of my teammate, the one whom I had earlier condemned as a moron to her face. She gestured that it was all right and that I should not feel bad. That made me feel even worse. The other two teammates of mine came over and hugged me. Together, they hoped to stem my feelings of regret and pain even though I had rightfully deserved everything and more. In fact, I had cost them the title. I kept sobbing the word "sorry" to them, feeling even worse now that they had repaid my irresponsibility and pride with their kind words and comforting gestures. Even my teacher came over to give me a tight squeeze on the shoulder to say that all was forgiven. When we were called to receive the prize for the first runner-up position, we went up together as a team and bravely lifted the trophy to salute the cheers of our supporters. I finally realised what it was like to be a team.

  1. Which statement is true about the writer according to the first sentence? He was 
    1. disrespectful.
    2. a confident speaker
    3. the best debater in his class.
    4. always won arguments.
  2. Why do you think the writer was chosen to take part in the regional debate?
    1. He had experience in many competitions.
    2. His presence would guarantee his school a win.
    3. He had registered for the contest.
    4. He was a skilful debater.
  3. The phrase The run-up to the finals was a breeze for my team means that the writer's team
    1. beat the opponents with ease.
    2. qualified automatically.
    3. competed against fewer teams. 
    4. were as good as the rivals
  4. The writer was declared the best speaker in the preliminaries because
    1. the other speakers lacked confidence.
    2. he took more time than the rest to speak.
    3. he was popular with the audience. 
    4. he was probably convincing in his argument.
  5. Why was the writer dissatisfied with his team?
    1. They were not well prepared for contest. B
    2. Pride had clouded his judgement
    3. He was sure the team would lose terribly. 
    4. The rest of the team lacked confidence.
  6. When the writer missed practice sessions,
    1. everyone felt relieved.
    2. the trainer gave up.
    3. his teammates sought to know what was wrong.
    4. his teammates missed his presence.
  7. It was not easy to remove the writer from the team mainly because
    1. the team could not do anything without him.
    2. he was the leader of the team.
    3. it was not easy to replace him
    4. everyone liked him.
  8. The words 'putting on airs' as used in the passage show that the writer
    1. was boastful.
    2. belittled other debaters.
    3. did not want to rehearse.
    4. had little interest in the contest.
  9. As the writer went to venue during the debate finals, he
    1. was anxious
    2. had reservations about his teammates.
    3. was elated.
    4. felt rather worried.
  10. What led to poor coordination between the writer and his teammates?
    1. They had tensed.
    2. They did not have the final rehearsals together.
    3. They lacked skills to articulate their points. 
    4. They failed to follow the teacher's advice.
  11. Why was the writer crying after making his presentation?
    1. He was ashamed of his teammates.
    2. He had been overconfident.
    3. He knew he had performed poorly. 
    4. No one liked his presentation.
  12. After the writer had concluded his presentation, his teammates came to him to 
    1. show their disappointment.
    2. express the support for him.
    3. urge him to change for the better.
    4. show their gratitude.
  13. Which proverb best summarises the last sentence of the passage?
    1. He who laughs last laughs best.
    2. Pride comes before a fall.
    3. Half a loaf is better than none.
    4. Unity is strength

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 to 50.

Most African countries are slowly adopting the anti-public smoking campaigns by designating certain regions for smokers. In most countries, there are smoking zones and times beyond which individuals are not allowed to smoke. For instance, even though there is no specific time for smoking, government workers are not supposed to be found smoking during working hours. In addition, people are not allowed to smoke while inside buses, churches, schools and cinema halls. Anyone found breaking this rule will be brought to book. Public smoking is prohibited due to the following reasons.

First and foremost, smoking accounts for a significant number of respiratory infections like lung cancer and throat inflammation. Although, there is no law that stops individuals from smoking, it is advisable to ensure that only willing smokers are exposed to cigarette smoke. This means that those willing to smoke are allowed to do so but should also bear in mind the welfare of other people. All cigarette manufacturing companies have clear warnings on their products advising consumers to avoid excessive smoking. In addition, their advertisements carry strong messages that cigarette smoking is not beneficial to health. There are even scary images of the effects of smoking. Smokers know these instructions very well but, as strange as it is, they ignore them. While buying cigarette packets, their eyes usually cross the many bold advertisements and conspicuous images and rush to see the contents without giving the instructions and images a second thought. They ignore these instructions and images at their own will and later suffer the consequences. On the other hand, the government has a duty of ensuring all citizens are guaranteed safe and healthy environment. This means that smokers should not interfere with non smokers by smoking in public. This policy protects innocent civilians against the effects of tobacco smoke.

In addition, smoking must not be done in the presence of children. It should be noted that parents are role models to their children. Children emulate their parents and other senior members of their societies. No parent is ready to see his school-going child puffing tobacco fumes while studying. This sight is not only disgusting but also unacceptable. Therefore, to avoid exposing children to cigarette smoking, it is necessary to regulate smoking habits. This is why most nations are adopting the anti-public smoking policy to prevent children from learning this habit. It is clear that it is impossible to stop an adult from smoking but it is advisable for the person to smoke while in a designated place. These smoking zones are usually out of bounds for children. Besides, some habits are regarded as public nuisance. A public place is supposed to have order and accommodate people from various backgrounds. The fact that people have different personalities should not be an excuse for anyone to misbehave. Public smoking is public nuisance just like shouting in public. Therefore, anti-public smoking policies should be reinforced, if possible, in all countries.

In addition, the world is struggling to control and eliminate all forms of pollution. In the early years of civilization, most automobiles used fuels that emitted a lot of smoke. For instance, the trains and ships that used steam were largely dependent on firewood to boil water. Consequently, the amounts of smoke emitted by these engines were much more than the benefits achieved by these transport vessels. Pollution was at its best while the destruction of natural forests also became an issue of serious concern. Even though some critics argue that tobacco smoke is not sufficient enough to cause climate change this argument is misleading and cannot be used to justify smoking in public places. In a country where three out of ten people smoke on a regular basis, the average smoke emitted in the whole country is far much more than the smoke that a truck full of rice emits. This means that the smoke emitted when many people smoke on a daily basis is enough to fill tons of gas cylinders. The little amount of smoke produced by each cigarette accumulates in the atmosphere and is responsible for a number of climate changes.

Moreover, public smoking is as dangerous as walking in a workshop without shoes or other protective clothes. Most public places do not have ash trays to deposit the filter or ashes produced after smoking. It is evident that most forest and domestic fires have been caused by irresponsible smokers. Most of them usually dump their cigarette butts along footpaths or in bushes while only a few of them squeeze them between their fingers or step on them to extinguish them. The majority of the population is usually careless and leaves lighted cigarettes on the roadside or public benches. Some are ignorant enough to dump lighted cigarettes butts in public dustbins only to be shocked later by fire eruptions. Needless to say, prohibiting public smoking will ensure that all smokers dump their unfinished or finished cigarettes in designated places. These places are usually equipped with water and fire extinguishers to make sure all emergencies are handled as soon as they arise.

  1. Smoking zones are aimed at
    1. forcing smokers to give up the habit. 
    2. keeping all people free from smoking. 
    3. making smokers less exposed to the dangers of the habit.
    4. controlling smoking in public places.
  2. Any person found violating the restrictions. related to smoking will be
    1. banned from smoking again.
    2. punished accordingly.
    3. put behind bars.
    4. made to record a statement.
  3. Why are there images on the cigarette packets? They are meant to
    1. encourage people to smoke more regularly.
    2. sensitise people about dangers of smoking.
    3. control the rate of smoking in public.
    4. advise people to choose the best brands of cigarettes.
  4. What is the role of the government according to the passage?
    1. To ban all people from smoking.
    2. To make smoking less harmful to all people.
    3. To shield the non-smokers from the effects of smoking.
    4. To create smoking zones.
  5. The word prohibited has been used in the passage. Its opposite is likely to be
    1. forbidden
    2. permitted
    3. acknowledged
    4. licensed
  6. From the passage it is true to say that children who see their parents smoking,
    1. often feel embarrassed.
    2. usually have low self-esteem.
    3. always get into trouble with the authority.
    4. may be tempted to take up the habit.
  7. Why are smoking zones out of bounds for children?
    1. Children do not know the roles of such places.
    2. Children easily get influenced.
    3. To prevent children from smoking. 
    4. To stop children from getting affected by respiratory diseases.
  8. Why is smoking in public referred to as public nuisance?
    1. It is a demonstration of lack of self discipline.
    2. It leads to interference with other people's freedom.
    3. It causes pollution.
    4. Smokers are usually uncontrollable.
  9. Why was pollution high during early years of civilization?
    1. People were ignorant.
    2. There were limited means of transport.
    3. Steam engines gave off a lot of smoke.
    4. There were many industries.
  10. People who argue that tobacco smoke is not sufficient enough to cause climate change
    1. are very wrong.
    2. do not know any dangers of smoking.
    3. have carried out some research.
    4. do not know anything about climate change.
  11. Whenever smokers leave cigarette butts along footpaths,
    1. they affect wildlife with bad smell.
    2. they are always keen to put them out completely.
    3. they cause several types of pollution. 
    4. they may cause forest fires.
  12. What is the best title of the passage above?
    1. Dangers of smoking.
    2. The need to ban smoking in public places.
    3. How to control smoking among people.
    4. Effects of smoking.


Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story. Make your story as interesting as you can.

Although I could feel my heart beating unusually fast, I approached the head teacher's office hoping for the best but prepared for the worst............................................


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B
  31. D
  32. C
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. D
  40. B
  41. B
  42. C
  43. B
  44. D
  45. C
  46. B
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. B



  1. What is 30030030 written in words?
    1. Three million thirty thousand and thirty
    2. Thirty million thirty thousand and thirty
    3. Thirty million three hundred thousand and thirty
    4. Three hundred million thirty thousand and thirty
  2. What is the total value of digit 9 in the number 589513265?
    1. Million
    2. Ninety thousands
    3. Nine hundred thousands
    4. Nine million
  3. The side of a square plot of land is 27m. What is the area in ares?
    1. 729
    2. 72.9
    3. 72900
    4. 7.29
  4. What is the value of
    9327654 − 3269458 + 4003002?
    1. 10061198
    2. 10549014
    3. 125971134
    4. 125878134
  5. What is the next number in the pattern
    3, 5, 8, 13, 21, __________________
    1. 22
    2. 33
    3. 34
    4. 50
  6. What is the value of 33/4 ÷ 11/5 of  22/3?
    1. 161/64 
    2. 111/64 
    3. 81/3 
    4. 12
  7. What is the place value of digit 7 in the number 3498.69997?
    1. Ten thousands
    2. Thousands
    3. Hundred thousandths
    4. Tenths
  8. What is the difference between the square of 36 and the square root of 16?
    1. 1552
    2. 1300
    3. 1292
    4. 20
  9. The price of a book was Shs 120. The price was increased by 25%, what is the price after the increase?
    1. Shs 150
    2. Shs 130
    3. Shs 160
    4. Shs 90
  10. The figure drawn is made of a trapezium and a circle drawn inside it.
    What is the area not covered by the circle?
    (Таkе π = 22/7)
    1. 154cm2
    2. 224cm2
    3. 250cm2
    4. 308cm2
  11. What is the value of
    2.5 + 0.9 of 2.5 − 1.142 ?
    1. 0.218
    2. 1.718
    3. 3.608
    4. 1.45
  12. The diagram below represents a plot of land. If four strands of wire were used to fence the plot.
    What length of wire was used?
    (Таkе π = 22/7)
    1. 330m
    2. 1320m
    3. 1250m
    4. 1600m
  13. A room measures 12m by 8m by 3m. Its walls were painted green. What is the area painted?
    1. 412m2
    2. 288m2
    3. 216m2
    4. 120m2
  14. What is the sum of the vertices and faces of an open cuboid?
    1. 18
    2. 17
    3. 13
    4. 10
  15. Below is a travel table from Kakamega to Bungoma.
    John started his journey from Kakamega to Bungoma but stopped at Ekero to get lunch. How much more fare did he pay than if he had travelled straight?
    1. Shs 70
    2. Shs 93
    3. Shs 216
    4. Shs 123
  16. The hire purchase price of a motorbike was 25% more than its marked price. A customer bought it by paying a deposit of Shs 30000 and 8 equal installments of Shs 5000. Calculate the marked price of the motorbike.
    1. Shs 84000
    2. Shs 56000
    3. Shs 40000
    4. Shs 14000
  17. Muhandia bought the following items from a shop:
    23/4 kg of rice @ shs 120.00
    4 loaves of bread for shs 160.00
    3/4 kg of sugar@shs 130.00
    How much did she add the shopkeeper if she gave 5-one hundred shilling notes?
    1. Shs 587.50cts
    2. Shs 412.50cts
    3. Shs 97.00cts
    4. Shs 87.50cts
  18. What is the value of   3a(b+c) + ab
    where a=3, b=a−1 and c=2b?
    1. 60
    2. 54
    3. 12
    4. 104/5
  19. Seth deposited Shs 180000 in a bank which gave him a simple interest of Shs 7200 after 1 year. At what rate per annum were the charges?
    1. 4%
    2. 6%
    3. 12%
    4. 15%
  20. Jane woke up at 6:15a.m after sleeping for 8 hours and 30 minutes. At what time did she go to bed in 24 hour clock system?
    1. 0945hrs
    2. 1015hrs
    3. 2215hrs
    4. 2145hrs
  21. What is the value of 1/4 ÷ 1/2 of 1/2 + ( 2/3 − 1/6)?
    1. 9/16
    2. 3/4
    3. 11/6 
    4. 11/2
  22. Eight pupils of Mukambi Primary School scored the following marks in a Mathematics test: 80%, 60%, 64%, 54%, 48%, 70%, 80% and 76%. What is the modal score?
    1. 56%
    2. 67%
    3. 70%
    4. 80%
  23. What is the value of 
    5p + 4 < 4p − 6 ?
        3             2
    1. p > 13
    2. p > 15
    3. p < 31
    4. p > 40
  24. Construct a triangle PQR such that line PQ = 6cm, angle PQR = 50° and angle PRQ =  60°. What is the measure of line PR?
    1. 9.0cm
    2. 6.8cm
    3. 6.1cm
    4. 5,2cm
  25. On a map whose scale is 1:25000, a rectangular piece of land measure 6cm by 8cm. What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 3
    2. 48
    3. 300
    4. 6
  26. Five labourers were paid a total of Shs 9000 after working for 6 days. How much money will the same number of people be paid if they work for 30 days?
    1. Shs 54000
    2. Shs 45000
    3. Shs 36000
    4. Shs 1800
  27. A square photograph of area 81cm2 was enclosed in a square frame of side 11cm as shown below.
    What is the width of the frame?
    1. 1cm
    2. 2cm
    3. 4cm
    4. 8cm
  28. The diagram shown below is a closed cylinder.
    What is its surface area? (Тakе π = 22/7)
    1. 1188cm2
    2. 3080cm2
    3. 1230cm2
    4. 6169cm2
  29. The pie chart below shows how Shikuku used his piece of land.
    If tea is grown in an area covering 7150 square metres. How much more land is used for grazing than for beans?
    1. 660m2
    2. 330m2
    3. 6160m2
    4. 6490m2
  30. Roy paid Shs 8000 for a camera after a discount of 20% had been allowed. How much more could he have paid if he had
    been allowed a discount of 10%?
    1. Shs 1000
    2. Shs 4000
    3. Shs 9000
    4. Shs 10000
  31. A tractor's wheel has a radius of 84cm. If it travels a distance of 6336cm, how many revolutions will it make?
    1. 12
    2. 24
    3. 36
    4. 84
  32. Bonny bought a bicycle for Shs 3200. He later sold it making a profit of 10%. For how much did he sell it?
    1. Shs 2880
    2. Shs 3310
    3. Shs 3520
    4. Shs 3210
  33. A salesman earns a commission of 5% of the value of goods he sells above. Shs10000. One day he sold goods worth Shs 50000, how much did he get as commission?
    1. Shs 2000
    2. Shs 1600
    3. Shs 2500
    4. Shs 6000
  34. In the figure below, line AB is parallel to line CD. Angle FAE = 47° and angle AFG = 122°.
    What is the size of angle FED?
    1. 47°
    2. 58°
    3. 61°
    4. 75°
  35. A train 600m long took 2 minutes to completely pass by a signal. What is its speed in km/h?
    1. 5km/h
    2. 18km/h
    3. 30km/h
    4. 300km/h
  36. A half of the population in a country is 36404235. If in 10 year's time there will be 9565115 newborns. What will be the new population in the country?
    1. 36404245
    2. 45969350
    3. 72808470
    4. 82373585
  37. What is the ratio 2:5 expressed as a decimal correct to 3 decimal places?
    1. 4.500
    2. 2.50
    3. 0.286
    4. 0.400
  38. Which one of the following properties is true for a right angled triangle?
    1. The largest angle is adjacent to the longest line
    2. The largest angle is opposite the smallest angle
    3. Two of its sides are perpendicular to each other
    4. Interior angles are complementary
  39. Peter used a ladder to paint the top of a wall. The bottom of a ladder is 6m away from the wall. The ladder touched the wall
    at a height of 8m, what was the length of the ladder?
    1. 12m
    2. 10m
    3. 15m
    4. 13m
  40. A cylindrical tin of diameter 21cm is filled with milk to a height of 15cm.
    What is the amount of milk in the container in litres? (Takе л = 22/7)
    1. 5192.775 litres
    2. 519.2775 litres
    3. 51.92775 litres
    4. 5.192775 litres
  41. The figure below is a triangular prism.
    What is its volume in cm3?
    1. 1440cm3
    2. 1920cm3
    3. 2400cm3
    4. 4800cm3
  42. Mark had a circular shamba whose radius was 21m. He fenced it using posts with 2m intervals. How many posts did he use
    if he left a gate measuring 2m?
    1. 32
    2. 64
    3. 33
    4. 66
  43. What is 843.9972 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 843.99
    2. 844.00
    3. 844.000
    4. 844.99
  44. What is the product of GCD and the LCM of 24, 30 and 42?
    1. 168
    2. 120
    3. 5040
    4. 280
  45. What is the value of n in the equation 5n + 3(n − 4) = 36?
    1. 8
    2. 6
    3. 5
    4. 3
  46. Mjomba travelled from his home to the shopping centre as shown below.
    What was the difference in speed of travel before the stop and after his stop in km/h?
    1. 331/3 
    2. 40
    3. 662/3 
    4. 62/3 
  47. A trader has 5 tonnes of salt. She packed the salt into 250g packets. How many packets did she get?
    1. 20000
    2. 5000
    3. 100
    4. 50
  48. Using a pair of compasses and a ruler, construct a triangle UVW such that VW = 7cm, UV = 8cm and UW = 6cm. Draw a circle which passes through U, V and W. What is the length of the radius of the circle?
    1. 2.0cm
    2. 2.1cm
    3. 3.9cm
    4. 4.2cm
  49. The stack below was dipped in a red dye.
    How many cubes could be painted 3 sides?
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 54
  50. The shapes below show a sequence of a pattern.
    Which of the following will be the next in the pattern?


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. D
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. A
  29. B
  30. A
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. B
  36. D
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. A
  42. D
  43. B
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. D


1 ada

Study the map of Mabere Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Mabere area slopes from
    1. North East
    2. North West
    3. South East
    4. South West
  2. The main reason why coffee and tea are grown to the North Western region of Mabere area is
    1. the presence of the forest nearby
    2. flat land in the area
    3. cool and wet climate
    4. presence of the river
  3. The railway line in Mabere area was mainly constructed to
    1. transport timber
    2. transport quarry workers
    3. transport stones
    4. transport animals
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Mabere area?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Trading
    3. Fishing
    4. Lumbering
  5. The type of settlement found in Mabere area can be classified as
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. sparse
    4. scattered
  6. Mabere town developed mainly due to
    1. availability of water
    2. its location at a road junction
    3. good climate
    4. presence of police station
  7. The elected head of Mabere area is a
    1. governor
    2. county representative
    3. senator
    4. county commissioner
  8. Three theories that explain the origin of humankind include the following except
    1. evolution theory
    2. mythical theory
    3. religious theory
    4. geological theory
  9. Traditional Education was taught using all the following except
    1. using proverbs and wise sayings
    2. using songs
    3. using story telling
    4. using story books
  10. Which one of the following aspects of culture should not be preserved?
    1. Moral values
    2. Male circumcision
    3. Wife inheritance
    4. Traditional marriage
  11. Below is a description of a lake in Africa
    1. It is a source of a river
    2. It is shared by three countries
    3. It is the largest in Africa
    4. It was formed through downwarping
      The lake described above is
      1. Lake Tanganyika
      2. Lake Malawi
      3. Lake Chad
      4. Lake Victoria
  12. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Highland Nilotes?
    1. Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk
    2. Sabaot, Tugen, Pokot
    3. Turkana, Iteso, Samburu 
    4. Beja, Hawa, Mbugu
  13. Traditional artefacts are conserved in museums mainly to
    1. attract tourists
    2. create job opportunities
    3. preserve the cultural heritage of the country
    4. preserve historic buildings
  14. Three of the following are functions of the head teacher in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Records minutes of the Board of Management's meetings.
    2. Keeps official documents of the school
    3. Writes minutes during staff meeting
    4. Delegates duties and responsibilities to the teachers
  15. Which one of the following plateaus is found in Angola?
    1. Jos plateau
    2. Bie plateau
    3. Nyika plateau
    4. Fouta Djallon plateau
  16. Cocoa growing in Ghana has contributed to the economy of Ghana in the following ways except
    1. creation of jobs
    2. growth of industries
    3. increase in foreign exchange
    4. increase in foreign debts
  17. Below is a description of a climatic zone in Africa.
    1. Found at the tips of the continent of Africa
    2. Experience dry conditions during summer
    3. Receives rainfall during winter
    4. Rainfall is influenced by westerly winds
      The climatic region described above is
      1. equatorial
      2. Mediterranean
      3. desert
      4. tropical savanna
  18. Which one of the following game parks is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Hwango - Zambia
    2. Kruger - Kenya
    3. Black River Gorges - Mauritius
    4. Tsavo - South Africa

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 19-23

19 asdfada

  1. The mountains marked T were formed through the process of
    1. faulting
    2. folding
    3. volcanicity
    4. erosion
  2. The sun is overhead the tropic marked X on
    1. 22 December
    2. 21 March
    3. 23 September
    4. 21 June
  3. The Island country marked S has its city in
    1. Victoria
    2. Antananarivo
    3. Pretoria.
    4. Praia
  4. The country marked R was colonized by 
    1. Portuguese
    2. Germans
    3. French
    4. British
  5. The river project marked M was designed mainly to
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. provide water for transport
    4. control floods
  6. Below are characteristics of a certain type of soil
    1. They are red in colour
    2. They are found in the highlands
    3. Support growing of tea and coffee
    4. Rich in nutrients
      The type of soil described above is
      1. volcanic soil
      2. black cotton soil
      3. sandy soil
      4. alluvial soil
  7. The main problem facing dams in Africa is
    1. accumulation of silt
    2. expensive cost of operation
    3. accidents
    4. drought
  8. The government of Kenya encourages the establishment of jua kali industries mainly to
    1. make use of the available raw materials
    2. create self employment to the youths
    3. provide items for household use
    4. manufacture goods for export
  9. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its method of mining?
    1. Gold-shaft
    2. Diatomite - open cast
    3. Petroleum-drilling
    4. Soda Ash - deep shaft
  10. The main cause of road accidents in Kenya is
    1. unqualified drivers
    2. unroadworthy vehicles
    3. use of mobile phones while driving
    4. human error
  11. Three of the following are effects of revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Causes day and night
    2. Causes varying length of day and night at different times of the year
    3. Causes the four seasons
    4. Causes changes in the position of the midday sun at different times of the year
  12. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya is
    1. high cost of feeds
    2. attacks by pests and diseases
    3. lack of market
    4. lack of enough capital

Use the diagram below to answer questions 31-32

31 sadada

  1. The diagram above represents the formation of
    1. convectional rainfall
    2. relief rainfall
    3. cyclonic rainfall
    4. frontal rainfall
  2. The winds marked X are
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. warm and wet
    4. cool and dry
  3. Below are description of a type of marriage
    1. Banns are posted in public places for 21 days
    2. Conducted by a government officer 
    3. Requires at least two witnesses 
    4. A marriage certificate is issued
      The type of marriage described above is
      1. Islamic marriage
      2. Customary marriage
      3. Hindu marriage
      4. Civil marriage
  4. The government established settlement schemes after independence mainly to
    1. improve the quality of life of the people
    2. settle people without land
    3. increase food production
    4. case congestion in densely populated Areas
  5. Three of the following are traditional methods of predicting weather. Which one is not?
    1. Observing the movement of winds
    2. Observing clouds
    3. Observing the behaviour of some animals
    4. Using a windsock to determine the strength of the wind
  6. The main problem facing trade in Eastern Africa is
    1. political differences
    2. lack of capital
    3. production of almost similar goods
    4. lack of a common currency
  7. Which of the following is not a positive effect of the European settlement in Kenya?
    1. Introduction of cash crop farming
    2. Introduction of dairy farming
    3. introduction of African native reserves
    4. introduction of new methods of farming
  8. The main crop grown in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. french beans
    2. seed maize
    3. watermelon
    4. rice
  9. Which of the following is not a traditional method of preserving fish?
    1. Freezing
    2. Smoking
    3. Sun-drying
    4. Salting
  10. Climate of Africa is influenced by all the following factors. Which one is not?
    1. Meridians
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Winds
    4. Altitude
  11. The government of Swaziland is headed by 
    1. King
    2. President
    3. Queen
    4. Prime minister
  12. Which of the following groups of countries was colonized by the Germans?
    1. Togo, Cameroon, Namibia
    2. Congo, Chad, Mali
    3. Angola, Madagascar, Benin
    4. Morocco, Tunisia, Libya
  13. The most common and developed form of transport in Africa is
    1. road 
    2. air
    3. railway
    4. water
  14. Which method of administration did the French mainly use in their administration in Africa?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Indirect rule
    3. Assimilation
    4. Paternalism
  15. The Old Kingdom of Ghana was founded by the
    1. Asante
    2. Almoravids
    3. Songhai
    4. Soninke
  16. Which of the following species of trees is not found in the forest of Democrative Republic of Congo?
    1. Camphor
    2. Mahogany
    3. Rosewood
    4. Cypress
  17. The main benefit of tourism to the economy of Kenya is
    1. creation of jobs
    2. improvement of agriculture
    3. earns the country foreign exchange
    4. improvement of transport and communication
  18. Which one of the following trading blocs has its headquarters in Gaborone Botswana?
    1. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
    2. Southern African Development Community (SADC)
    3. East African Community (EAC)
    4. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  19. Before the coming of the Europeans the Ameru were ruled by 50.
    1. Chiefs
    2. Kings
    3. Council of elders
    4. Consensus
  20. Who among the following leaders did not resist colonial rule during the colonial era?
    1. Koitalel Arap Samoei
    2. Samoure Toure
    3. Nabongo Mumia
    4. Chief Mkwawa
  21. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Miraa
    3. Bhang
    4. Mandrax
  22. The main source of revenue for the county government in Kenya is
    1. taxes.
    2. parking fees
    3. sale of trading licence
    4. grants from the national government
  23. The head of the judiciary in Kenya is the
    1. Attorney General
    2. Chief justice
    3. President
    4. Chief magistrate
  24. The chairperson of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is appointed by
    1. Parliament
    2. Cabinet
    3. President
    4. the commission
  25. The best way to curb the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya is by
    1. encouraging the youth to abstain from sex
    2. creating awareness on the dangers of HIV and AIDS
    3. encouraging people to use protection during sex
    4. advising couples to be faithful to each other
  26. Three of the following are causes of conflict in the society. Which one is not?
    1. Tribalism.
    2. Nepotism
    3. Equality before the law
    4. Unequal distribution of resources
  27. Which one of the following is a social right?
    1. Right to marriage
    2. Right to work
    3. Right to vote
    4. Right to fair pay
  28. The constitution of Kenya has
    1. 18 chapters
    2. 4 chapters
    3. 47 chapters
    4. 16 chapters
  29. Debates in the National Assembly are controlled by the
    1. Chief justice
    2. President
    3. Clerk of the National assembly
    4. Speaker of the national Assembly
  30. For one to register as a voter in Kenya, he or she must have a minimum age of
    1. 21 years
    2. 18 years
    3. 35 years
    4. 16 years


  1. Which one of the following is the main reason why God created Eve?
    1. To take care of God's creation
    2. To subdue and fill the earth
    3. To provide companionship to Adam
    4. To name all the animals
  2. Abraham is called a friend of God mainly because he
    1. moved from Haran to Canaan
    2. was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac
    3. trusted in God
    4. was faithful to his wife Sarah
  3. "Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth." To whom did God make this promise?
    1. Joshua
    2. Aaron
    3. Moses
    4. Noah
  4. Why did Moses escape from Egypt to Midian?
    1. There was famine in Egypt
    2. He feared Pharaoh
    3. He was not a good speaker
    4. He was looking for a wife
  5. Who among the following kings sinned against God by visiting a witch at Endor? 
    1. King Ahab
    2. King Solomon
    3. King Saul
    4. King David
  6. The prophet who prophesied that the new covenant will be between individuals and God was
    1. Hosea
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joel
  7. Which one of the following Christian values did Gehazi the servant of Elisha lack when he asked for a gift from Naaman?
    1. Love
    2. Integrity
    3. Discernment
    4. Kindness
  8. Who among the following judges of Israel mainly fought for the Israelites against the Philistines?
    1. Samson
    2. Shamgar
    3. Gedion
    4. Jephtah
  9. "I inherited the vineyard from my relatives. The Lord forbid that I should let you have it." 1 Kings 21:3. These words were said to
    1. Naboth
    2. Ahab
    3. Saul
    4. Jezebel
  10. The Israelites celebrated the Passover feast annually mainly to
    1. commemorate their deliverance from Egypt
    2. show respect to God
    3. recognize Moses as their leader
    4. enjoy their freedom in Canaan
  11. Why did King Herod desire to see baby Jesus? Hé
    1. wanted to give him gifts
    2. wanted to worship him
    3. wanted to kill him
    4. wanted to know if he was the promised Messiah
  12. "There comes the lamb of God who takes away the sins of man. " During which occasion were these words spoken to Jesus?
    1. Transfiguration
    2. Temptation
    3. Crucification
    4. Baptism
  13. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that he had power over nature?
    1. Healing the blind man
    2. Raising of Lazarus
    3. Walking on water
    4. Healing Malchus
  14. Which quality did Jesus mainly require from the people who came to him to be healed?
    1. Courage
    2. Faith
    3. Patience
    4. Love
  15. Which one of the following is the main reason why Jesus mixed with sinners?
    1. He came to save all people
    2. He came to help sinners only
    3. He came from a poor background.
    4. He loved sinners
  16. Which one of the following parables mainly teach Christians that they should bring back people to church?
    1. Parable of the sower
    2. Parable of the good Samaritan
    3. Parable of the lost sheep
    4. Parable of the lost prodigal son
  17. "happy are the pure in heart for they shall..
    1. see God
    2. be called the children of God
    3. be comforted
    4. inherit the earth
  18. Who among the following was not among the people who were chosen as the seven deacons in the early church?
    1. Stephen
    2. Philip
    3. Nicanor
    4. Paul
  19. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus gives Christians hope in life?
    1. Sharing the last supper
    2. The death of Jesus on the cross
    3. The birth of Jesus
    4. The resurrection of Jesus
  20. Which one of the following elements of prayer shows concern for others?
    1. Confession
    2. Thanksgiving
    3. Petition
    4. Intercession
  21. In traditional African societies people give thanks to God for blessings by
    1. praying while facing a mountain
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. sharing meals
    4. helping the needy
  22. People who died in the recent years during our lifetime are called the
    1. ancestors
    2. unborn
    3. living dead
    4. diviners
  23. Who among the following specialists is found in both traditional African religion and Christianity?
    1. Priests
    2. Rainmakers
    3. Soothsayers
    4. Magicians
  24. The best way of pleasing the ancestral spirits in traditional African communities is by
    1. singing and dancing
    2. calling out their names
    3. taking care of shrines
    4. pouring libation before eating or drinking
  25. In traditional African Communities children are told stories mainly to
    1. entertain them
    2. teach them moral values
    3. keep them busy
    4. teach them about the past events
  26. Which one of the following is a leisure activity in traditional African communities?
    1. Visiting friends
    2. Reading stories
    3. Attending crusades
    4. Visiting museums
  27. Which of the following ways shows the best use of wealth by Christians? 
    1. Buying clothes
    2. Helping the needy
    3. Saving for future use
    4. Investing in development projects
  28. Your deskmate tells you that she is HIV positive. As a Christian, which advice will you give her?
    1. Seek medical advice
    2. Keep it as a secret
    3. Stop going to school
    4. See a magician
  29. On your way home from school you find two young boys fighting. As a Christian what action should you take?
    1. Stop them from fighting
    2. Pass and leave them fighting
    3. Tell them to change their behaviour
    4. Report the matter to the teacher.
  30. Which one of the following is not a type of sexual misuse?
    1. Homosexuality
    2. Bestiality
    3. Celibacy
    4. Adultery



  1. Who among the prophets of Allah(SW) built the Kaaba?
    1. Suleiman
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Zakariah
  2. What is the meaning of the word Al-Bayyinah?
    1. Clear evidence
    2. Day of clamour
    3. The clot
    4. The earthquake
  3. Who among the following prophets of Allah (SW) built Al-Aqsa?
    1. Suleiman
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Zakariah
  4. How many verses are there in surah Asr? 
    1. 8
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  5. Which prophet of Allah (SW) used to fast on alternate days?
    1. Daud
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Mohammad
    4. Musa
  6. Where will the wrongdoers go after the day of judgement?
    1. Paradise
    2. Graves
    3. Hell
    4. Ocean
  7. Which one of the following is not a good habit for Muslims?
    1. Praying
    2. Fasting
    3. Fighting
    4. Greeting people
  8. Which one of the following is an example of of heavy najasaat?
    1. Urine
    2. Blood
    3. Pus
    4. Dog
  9. What should a Muslim say when he or she wants to ask for Allah's forgiveness?
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Inshallah
    4. Alhamdulillah
  10. How old was the prophet (S.A.W) when his grandfather died?
    1. 6 years
    2. 2 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 8 years
  11. Which month was prophet Mohammad (SAW) born?
    1. Rabiul-Awwal
    2. Muharram
    3. Shawwal
    4. Dhul-Qaadah
  12. How many days do Muslims fast during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. 28
    2. 60
    3. 30
    4. 10
  13. In which town was prophet Mohammad (SAW) born?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Taif
    4. Jerusalem
  14. Which son of Nabii Adam (AS) killed his brother because of jealousy?
    1. Kanaan
    2. Qabila
    3. Habila
    4. Shuaib
  15. In which town is Masjid-ul-Aqsa built?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Yemen
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is only perfomed during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Tahajud
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (SW) means that He is the sustainer of life?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al-Razzaq
    3. Al-Khalaq
    4. Al-Wahhab
  18. Which one of the following is the best present that a Muslim can give a sick person (SAW)?
    1. Dua
    2. Food
    3. Drinks
    4. Flowers
  19. Who was the foster mother of the prophet (SAW)?
    1. Halima
    2. Hafsa
    3. Amina
    4. Amarah
  20. Which one of the following surahs are reffered to as Muadhatain?
    1. Fatiha and Ikhlas
    2. Nas and Ikhlas
    3. Falaq and Ikhlas
    4. Nas and Falaq
  21. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed when there is an eclipse of the moon?
    1. Istiqai
    2. Kusuf
    3. Taraweh
    4. Khusuf
  22. Which one of the following is the 1st month on the Islamic calender?
    1. Safar
    2. Muharram
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Shaban
  23. Which is the best place for an Islamic wedding to take place?
    1. Church
    2. Sociall hall
    3. Mosque
    4. Football ground 
  24. Who was the last prophet of Allah (SW) to be sent to the world?
    1. Zakariyah
    2. Adam
    3. Issa
    4. Mohammad
  25. According to the hadith of the prophet (SAW) a generous man is near Allah, near men, near paradise and far from
    1. Allah(SW)
    2. paradise
    3. men
    4. hell
  26. Which one of the following pillars of Islam encourages generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Salat
  27. Which sunnah fast is observed on the 9 of Muharram?
    1. Sitat shawal
    2. Yaum- aul- baidh
    3. Tasu'a
    4. Ashura
  28. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed when there is an eclipse of the sun?
    1. Istiqai
    2. Kusuf
    3. Dhuha
    4. Khusuf
  29. All angels of Allah (SW) were created from
    1. mur
    2. clay
    3. nar
    4. water
  30. How many goats are slaughtered during the Aqiqah of a baby girl?
    1. 1
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 3





  1. Which of the following parts of the human body are used in digestion?
    1. Diaphragm and duodenum
    2. Ileum and oesophagus
    3. Air sacs and colon
    4. Trachea and stomach
  2. Which of the following functions of the plasma is incorrect?
    1. Transports digested food
    2. Transports mineral salts
    3. Transports blood cells.
    4. Transports oxygen
  3. The following statements are true about capillaries except that they
    1. join veins and arteries
    2. allow movement of digested food and oxygen into body cells
    3. have valves to prevent back flow of blood
    4. allow movement of waste products out of the body cells
  4. Which one of the following is the last stage of HIV infection?
    1. Death
    2. Incubation
    3. Full blown
    4. Window
  5. Which one of the following is not a way of misusing drugs?
    1. Continuing with drugs even when you are healed
    2. Taking sleeping pills
    3. Buying medicine without doctor's instruction
    4. Sharing medicine
  6. Which of the following need not be the same when investigating capillarity in soil?
    1. Diameter of capillarity tubes
    2. Amount of cotton wool
    3. Size of soil particles
    4. Amount of soil
  7. The soil that spreads easily has
    1. best capillarity
    2. inability to make ribbons
    3. moderate drainage
    4. small air spaces
  8. The diagram below shows a set up used to investigate a certain component of soil.
    8 auda
    The component of soil that was investigated is
    1. moisture
    2. air
    3. mineral salts
    4. organic matter
  9. Which of the following types of soil erosion forms shallow channels?
    1. Rill
    2. Splash 
    3. Gulley
    4. Sheet
  10. The various food substances that the body needs in order to maintain good health refers to:-
    1. food
    2. nutrition
    3. nutrients
    4. balanced diet
  11. The following types of foods are rich in both proteins and energy except
    1. groundnuts
    2. beans
    3. cashew nuts
    4. coconuts
  12. Mary dropped her science textbook on the surface of her desk at different heights. She was likely investigating
    1. noise
    2. amplifying sound
    3. echo
    4. loud and soft sounds
  13. James placed a jiko at the centre of the sitting room. Heat spread in the whole room by
    1. conduction and radiation
    2. radiation only
    3. radiation and convection
    4. convection only
  14. The diagram below shows a structure of the heart
    14 safsafa
    Name the blood vessels marked E, F, G, H respectively
    1. Vena cava, Pulmonary Artery, Pulomonary vein, Aorta
    2. Vena cava, Pulmonary Artery, Aorta
    3. Pulmonary vein, Aorta, Pulmonary Artery, Venacava
    4. Vena cava, Pulmonary Artery, Aorta, Pulmonary vein
  15. Baraka had the following signs and symptoms after taking a certain substance 
    1. Difficulty in breathing
    2. Vomiting
    3. Drowsiness
    4. Memory loss
      Which substance was likely abused by Baraka?
      1. Glue
      2. Mandrax
      3. Heroin
      4. Cocaine
  16. The following are health effects of abusing drugs except
    1. impaired judgement
    2. drug induced accidents.
    3. withdrawal
    4. addiction.
  17. Which one is not an excretory organ? 
    1. Skin
    2. Lungs
    3. Kidney
    4. Heart
  18. Which of the following statements is false about the three states of matter? 
    1. Occupy space
    2. Definite size
    3. Expand and contract
    4. Definite mass
  19. Which of the following materials allow light to pass through and one can see through?
    1. Windscreen
    2. Tissue
    3. Milk
    4. White paper
  20. The percentage of air that is used by legumes to make proteins is
    1. 0.03%
    2. 21%
    3. 0.97%
    4. 78%
  21. Which of the following pairs of substances has indefinite size and definite mass?
    1. Paper, sand
    2. Milk, kerosene
    3. Smoke, cooking gas
    4. Stone, salt
  22. The following are effects of force except changing direction
    1. changing direction
    2. wearing out of machines
    3. causing motion
    4. changing shape
  23. Which one is not an example of force?
    1. Gravity
    2. Weight
    3. Mass
    4. Friction
  24. Jayden was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms after attending a birthday party.
    1. Vomiting
    2. Severe abdominal pains
    3. Rice water diarrhoea
    4. Dehydration
      Which disease was he likely suffering from?
      1. Typhoid
      2. Cholera
      3. Food poisoning
      4. Bilharzia
  25. A casual labourer in an irrigation scheme is likely to suffer from which diseases?
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Covid 19
    3. Malaria
    4. Typhoid
  26. Which one of the following is a way of storing water in small scale?
    1. Tanks
    2. Drums
    3. Dams
    4. Buckets
  27. Which of the following is false about the use of water in the farm?
    1. Rearing fish
    2. Drinking
    3. Mixing chemicals
    4. Washing tools
  28. Which pair of blood vessels carry oxygenated blood?
    1. Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Vein
    2. Venacava and Aorta
    3. Pulmonary Vein and Aorta
    4. Pulmonary Artery and Venacava
  29. The following are characteristics of premolars except
    1. two roots
    2. cusps
    3. wide
    4. chisel shaped
  30. Which one of the following parts of the male reproductive system is not correctly matched to its function?
    1. Penis Allows passage of sperms
    2. Testes - Produce sperms
    3. Glands Transport sperms
    4. Urethra carries urine and sperms out of the body
  31. The following physical changes during adolescence occur in girls except
    1. hips broaden
    2. menstrual flow begins
    3. shoulders broaden
    4. breasts enlarge
  32. The following are some characteristics of a certain vertebrates.
    1. Body is covered with dry scales
    2. Cold blooded
    3. Lays fertilised eggs
    4. Breathes through lungs
      The animal with the above characteristics is likely to be
      1. toad
      2. chameleon
      3. ostrich
      4. shark
  33. Which one of the following is not an effect of HIV and AIDS to the family?
    1. Lower standard of living
    2. Lack of parental care
    3. Sadness
    4. Shame
  34. Which of the following is true about the immunization schedule of infants?
    1. BCG vaccine is given at 6th week and birth
    2. DPT vaccine is given at birth and 10th week
    3. DPT and yellow fever vaccines are given at 9 months
    4. Polio and DPT vaccines are given at 14th week.
  35. The best way to prevent the spread of HIV among a newly married couple is
    1. abstinence
    2. creating awareness
    3. faithfulness
    4. use of VCT
  36. Which one of the following plants is classified as non-green and non flowering?
    1. Mould
    2. Moss
    3. Liverworts
    4. Algae
  37. The diagram below shows classification of drugs
    37 asfsfs
    Which drugs are correctly classified?
    1. Tobacco and cocaine
    2. Bhang and cocaine
    3. Miraa and coffee
    4. Bhang and cocaine
  38. The following refer to useful fungi except
    1. mushroom
    2. yeast
    3. pencillium
    4. ringworm
  39. The following are functions of external parts of a plant
    1. Absorption
    2. Support 
    3. Food storage
    4. Transport of food, water and mineral salts
    5. Reproduction
      Which one is performed by flowers?
      1. (ii)
      2. (iv)
      3. (iii)
      4. (v)
  40. Which one of the following weeds can be used as food?
    1. Sodom apple 
    2. Pigweed
    3. Mexican marigold
    4. Black jack
  41. The following are characteristics of nimbus clouds except
    1. dark grey in colour
    2. indicate heavy rainfall
    3. have flat base
    4. mountainous in shape
  42. The diagram below shows parts of a bean seed
    42 adada
    Which of the following correctly identifies the parts labelled Q, S, R respectively?
                Q               S             R
    1. Micropyle    Testa       Hilum
    2. Micropyle   Fruit scar Seedcoat
    3. Plumule    Style scar   Radicle
    4. Plumule    Radicle      Testa
  43. Which of the following groups of planets are found on the 2,4 and 7 positions from the sun?
    1. Mercury, mars, uranus
    2. Venus, mars, Uranus
    3. Mars, Earth, Staturn
    4. Earth, Jupiter, Neptune
  44. Which sexually transmitted infection causes the following?
    1. Pus-like discharge from penis
    2. Burning sensation when urinating
    3. Pain in the testicles
      1. Gonorrhoea
      2. Syphilis
      3. Herpes
      4. Chancroid
  45. Which is the first stage after fertilization of an ovum?
    1. Embryo 
    2. Foetus
    3. Zygote
    4. Baby
  46. The following are similarities between a toad and fish except
    1. cold blooded
    2. scales
    3. lay eggs
    4. external fertilization
  47. Which part of a flower attracts insects for pollination?
    1. Sepal
    2. Stalk
    3. Petal
    4. Stigma
  48. Which of the following processes brings about formation of a rainbow?
    1. Refraction
    2. Movement of light in a straight line
    3. Dispersion
    4. Reflection
  49. Which of the organism mentioned below is a producer in a food chain?
    1. Cabbage
    2. Grasshopper
    3. Hen
    4. Snake
  50. Class 5 learners dipped a young plant into coloured water as shown below.
    50 sfsfsf
    After some time they cut across the stem and leaves. The learners were most likely investigating
    1. transpiration
    2. transport of water and mineral salts
    3. making food
    4. transport of food




Tagged under


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umpewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi.

Visa vya uhalifu vinaweza kugeuka na kuwa .............1................ la kitaifa iwapo  .............2............... na serikali. Wananchi wengi  ...............3............. nchini mwetu  .............4............... na ..............5.............. mali ..............6.............. hususan katika miji yetu. Mikakati madhubuti inapaswa kuwekwa ili ............7................ wahalifu ..............8.............. maendeleo. Ikumbukwe kuwa idadi kubwa ya vijana .............9............... watu huishi pamoja na raia wa kawaida kwani .............10.................

    1. tabu
    2. shida
    3. mkasa
    4. janga
    1. havitathibitiwa
    2. havitadhibitiwa
    3. havitadibithiwa
    4. havitathaminiwa
    1. huku
    2. humo
    3. humu
    4. mle
    1. huvamiwa
    2. huvamia
    3. hukabiliana
    4. hukumbana
    1. kuibwa
    2. kunyang'anywa
    3. kukabidhiwa
    4. kukabwa
    1. wao
    2. lao 
    3. zao
    4. yao
    1. kuwatia mbaroni
    2. kuwatia kiwi
    3. kuwatia hamasa
    4. kuwatia kiwewe
    1. wanaoduwaza
    2. wanaoshurutisha
    3. wanaodidimiza
    4. wanaoandamana
    1. inayohangaisha
    2. wanaohangaisha
    3. wanahangaisha
    4. inahangaisha
    1. kinga na kinga ndipo moto uwakapo
    2. kikulacho ki nguoni mwako
    3. usipoziba ufa utajenga ukuta
    4. pwagu hupata pwaguzi

Likizo ..............11............... tulimzuru nyanya mashambani. Wakati ...............12.............. alitupokea kwa furaha tele. Babu alikuwa ...............13.............. kivuli chini ya mbuyu. Tulimkabidhi nyanya mzigo uliojaa. .............14................ matunda, sukari, unga na kilo tano za mchele. ...............15.............. kuingia chumbani, nyanya aliomba na kumshukuru Mungu. Tukajiunga na babu chini ya mbuyu.

    1. iliopita
    2. ilipopita
    3. iliyopita
    4. ilikopoita
    1. tulipofika
    2. tutakapofika
    3. tunafika
    4. tulifika
    1. katikati
    2. kati ya
    3. chini ya
    4. kwenye
    1. !
    2. :
    3. ;
    4. ,
    1. Kabla ya
    2. Baada ya
    3. Sembuse
    4. Mradi 

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu sahihi

  1. Kukanusha kwa: "Mti ambao ulikatwa umeanza kukauka, 'ni:
    1. Mti ambao ulikatwa haukuanza kukauka
    2. Mti ambao haukukatwa haujaanza kukauka
    3. Mti ambao ulikatwa haujaanza kukauka
    4. Mti ambao haukukatwa haujaanza kukauka
  2. Ni sentensi ipi ambayo ina matumizi ya kiambishi "ki' cha wakati pekee?
    1. Chakula kikipikwa nitafurahi sana
    2. Dereva alipoingia garini alimpata akilala
    3. Kitabu hiki kina picha za kupendeza
    4. Shangazi anatembea kijeshi
  3. Ikiwa keshokutwa itakuwa Alhamisi, juzi ilikuwa:
    1. Jumatatu
    2. Jumamosi
    3. Ijumaa
    4. Jumapili
  4. Somi ameolewa na Hamisi. Dada yake Somi ameolewa na Charo. Hamisi na Charo wataitana:
    1. Mwanyumba
    2. Mavyaa
    3. Kivyele
    4. Mkwe
  5. Sentensi inayounganisha sentensi: "Kirui ni mzee. Kirui anatembea bila mkongojo." ni
    1. Kirui anatembea bila mkongojo minghairi ya yeye kuwa mzee.
    2. Kirui ni mzee madhali anatembea bila mkongojo
    3. Kirui anatembea bila mkongojo licha ya kuwa yeye ni mzee.
    4. Kirui ni mzee maadamu anatembea bila mkongojo.
  6. Chagua nomino isiyoafikiana na nyingine.
    1. Werevu
    2. Ushindi
    3. Amani
    4. Unga
  7. Johari hapendi kufanya kazi. Anazembea kwa kila jambo. Ni nahau gani iliyoafikiana na tabia yake?
    1. Kupiga zohali
    2. Kufanya inda
    3. Kujifunga kibwebwe
    4. Kupiga chuku
  8. Kauli, 'Sinyorita ni ninga' imetumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Nahau
    2. Tashbihi
    3. Istiara
    4. Kinaya
  9. Onyesha sentensi yenye kivumishi.
    1. Omondi alilima shamba juzi
    2. Pale pana madawati machache
    3. Ndege imeondoka mapema
    4. Watatu waliumia uwanjani
  10. Chagua jibu ambalo lina vihusishi pekee.
    1. Mno, tena, baadaye
    2. Kati ya, labda, ama
    3. Kama, kwa haraka, vizuri
    4. Katika, kando ya, tangu
  11. Chagua wingi wa: Hukujua kuwa seremala angemnunulia bata mkubwa.
    1. Hawakujua kuwa seremala angewanunulia mabata wakubwa.
    2. Hamkujua kuwa maseremala wangewanunulia mabata wakubwa
    3. Hamkujua kuwa maseremala wangemnunulia mabata wakubwa
    4. Hawakujua kuwa maseremala wangemnunulia mabata wakubwa
  12. Neno, Mkalimani lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Nne
    2. Sita
    3. Tano
    4. Tisa
  13. Maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo ni:
    Babu yangu amerudi nyumbani lakini wake ataondoka kesho.
    1. Kivumishi, kiwakilishi, kielezi
    2. Kimilikishi, kielezi, nomino
    3. Kivumishi, kielezi, kiwakilishi
    4. Kielezi, kivumishi, kiwakilishi
  14. Tegua kitendawili:
    Kikigongwagongwa wanawe hutoka nje
    1. hindi
    2. ngoma
    3. mgomba
    4. kichuguu
  15. Chagua sentensi iliyoakifishwa ipasavyo.
    1. Je? Ulifika shuleni saa ngapi?
    2. Kaka alinunua; kitabu, rula na kalamu.
    3. Mwalimu wetu(Bi. Mona) anapenda michezo.
    4. lahaula unamfahamu mama yangu! 

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.

Wengi wetu tumewahi kusikia kuhusu ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu. Hata hivyo, sio wote wanaoelewa hatari ya ugonjwa huu. Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa wa kuambukiza unaosababishwa na bakteria. Ugonjwa huu ni miongoni mwa magonjwa yanayoongoza kuwadhuru watu hata kusababisha vifo katika nchi maskini. Kenya ni mojawapo ya nchi zilizo na mzigo mkubwa wa kifua kikuu kote ulimwenguni huku zaidi ya Wakenya laki moja wakiambukizwa ugonjwa huu kila mwaka.

Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa ambukizi ambao huchukua miezi kadhaa kuutibu, usipogunduliwa na kutibiwa mapema, unaweza kusababisha madhara kadhaa mwilini kama vile kupoteza mapafu na uwezo wa kusikia. Aidha unaweza kusababisha kiharusi. Hata hivyo, ugonjwa huu una tiba. Wagonjwa wengi hupata nafuu na kupona na miili yao kuanza kufanya kazi vizuri tena baada ya mgonjwa kukamilisha matibabu.

Ugonjwa huu husambaa mgonjwa anapokohoa, kupiga chafya au anapozungumza na mtu anapopumua hewa iliyo na viini vya ugonjwa huu. Ingawa hivyo sio kila mmoja anayepumua hewa yenye viini anayepata kifua kikuu. Watu wengi walio na kinga imara ya mwili hupambana na viini vya ugonjwa huu na kuvishinda.

Watoto wachanga na watu waliozeeka ndio walio na hatari zaidi ya kupata maambukizi ya ugonjwa huu kutokana na kinga yao dhaifu ya mwili. Matibabu ya saratani na ukimwi hupunguza kinga ya mwili na kuhatarisha maisha ya wagonjwa hao ambao hunyemelewa kwa urahisi na kifua kikuu. walio tena kwenye hatari ya maambukizi ya kifua kikuu ni watu wanaoishi kwenye mitaa ya mabanda iliyo na msongamano mkubwa wa watu. walio kwenye magereza, wanaofanya kazi maeneo yaliyo na maambukizi mengi ya kifua kikuu hasa wafanyakazi katika hospitali zetu na wanaoishi kwenye chumba kimoja na mgonjwa wa kifua kikuu.

Baadhi ya dalili za kifua kikuu ni pamoja na joto jingi mwilini, kupunguka kwa uzani, kutoka jasho usiku na kikohozi. Ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu una tiba. Tiba bila malipo inapatikana katika hospitali zote za umma na zahanati Tiba ya dezo pia inapatikana katika kliniki kadhaa za umma nchini. Dawa hutumiwa kwa takribani miezi sita na baadaye mgonjwa hukaguliwa na kuwekwa chini ya uangalizi wa karibu.

Kwa kweli mti hauendi ila kwa nyenzo. Hatuwezi kujipakatia mikono na afya nzuri ije kwetu. Ili kupunguza maambukizi, epuka sehemu zilizo na misongamano mikubwa ya watu, hakikisha makazi yana mzunguko mzuri wa hewa hasa palipo na msongamano; hakikisha kuwa walio na kifua kikuu wamepata matibabu.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza:
    1. Watu wote wana habari kuhusu kifua kikuu
    2. Baadhi ya watu wanaelewa hatari ya kifua kikuu
    3. Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa unaoua watu wengi zaidi ulimwenguni.
    4. Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa unaosambazwa na bakteria
  2. Kifua kikuu;
    1. hupatikana nchini Kenya pekee
    2. husababisha vifo vya watu laki moja kila mwaka katika nchi maskini
    3. ni ugonjwa usiokuwa na tiba
    4. ni chanzo cha kifo katika nchi nyingi maskini
  3. "Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa ambukizi" inamaanisha:
    1. Mtu huchukua muda mrefu kupona ugonjwa huu
    2. Husababisha kiharusi
    3. Unaweza kuenea kutoka kwa mtu mmoja hadi mwingine
    4. Ugonjwa huu unatibika
  4. Chagua kundi lisilokuwa kwenye hatari ya kuambukizwa kifua kikuu kwa mujibu wa kifungu.
    1. Wakazi wa mitaa ya mabanda
    2. Wafungwa gerezani
    3. Madaktari wanaotibu wagonjwa wa kifua kikuu
    4. Wagonjwa wote wanaougua kansa
  5. Kifua kikuu ni ugonjwa unaoenezwa kwa njia zifuatazo isipokuwa:
    1. Wakati mtu mwenye afya hupumua
    2. Kupitia kikohozi cha anayeugua kifua kikuu
    3. Mgonjwa wa kifua kikuu anapopiga chafya
    4. Mtu anapopumua hewa viini vinavyosababisha kifua kikuu
  6. Kulingana na kifungu, ni nani asiyeweza kuugua kifua kikuu hata baada ya kupumua hewa yenye viini vya ugonjwa huo?
    1. Watu wenye afya bora
    2. Wenye kinga ya mwili iliyo madhubuti
    3. Watu waliozeeka sana
    4. Wagonjwa wa ukimwi
  7. Maana ya methali, 'Mri hauendi ila kwa nyenzi imedhihirika namna gani katika kifungu? 
    1. Wanaopata matibabu ya kifua kikuu hupona 
    2. Watoto wachanga na wazee hukumbwana maambukizi.
    3. Wanaochukua tahadhari huepuka ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu.
    4. Wahudumu wa afya hospitalini huweza kuambukizwa kifua kikuu.
  8. Tiba ya dezo ni tiba gani?
    1. Isiyokuwa na malipo
    2. Ya malipo yaliyopunguzwa
    3. Ya lazima
    4. Isiyoepukika kabisa
  9. Kulingana na kifungu, tiba ya kifua kikuu huchukua muda gani?
    1. Zaidi ya miezi sita 
    2. Miezi sita
    3. Mwaka mmoja
    4. Karibu miezi sita
  10. Yafuatayo ni madhara ya kifua kikuu ila:
    1. Keathiriwa mapafu
    2. Kupoteza uwezo wa kusikia
    3. Kupungua kwa uzani wa mwili
    4. Kusababisha kiharusi

Soma ufahamu huu kisha ujibu maswali 41-50.

Punda na nguruwe waliumbwa kuwa marafiki wa dhati daima. Hata hivyo, urafiki wao uliosambaratika siku moja Nguruwe alipozuru kwa rafikiye. Wasemao husema kuwa mambo ni kangaja huenda yakaja.

Ndugu hawa wawili walikuwa wazawa wa kijiji kimoja. Wazazi wao walikuwa marafiki wa kufa kuzikana jambo lililosababisha wawili hao kuishi na kukua pamoja kama ndugu wa mzazi mmoja. Kifo kilinyemelea familia hizi na kuacha wafaruku wakiyahangaikia maisha. Wote wakiwa na moto wa kiume wa kulea. Walijifunga kibwebwe kazini ili kuwakidhia wana wao mahitaji ya kimsingi.

Punda na nguruwe walikua na kuwa mabarobaro na hata kujijengea makazi yao. Hata hivyo, waliwategemea wazazi waliobaki kujipatia riziki ya kila siku. Ndugu hao wawili kila walipokutana ugani, wangemenyana miereka ili kubainisha mwenye nguvu japo walifanya hivyo kupitisha wakati. Mara nyingi nguruwe angeibuka mshindi kwa hisani ya mamaye. Jambo hili lilimkera punda ambaye alikuwa dhaifu kutokana na ukosefu wa lishe bora.

"Rafiki yangu," Punda alimwambia Nguruwe, "Nasadiki kuwa sasa tunaweza kujikidhia mahitaji yetu. yafan tuwasafirishe abera wazazi wetu maadamu wamekula chumvi nyingi. Sisi tu wapishi hodari."

Kutokana na madai kwamba walikuwa wapishi stadi, nguruwe aliyavalia maneno na ushauri wa nduguye njuga. Bila kuwazia zaidi, wawili hao walisuka mpango wa kuyatatiza maisha ya wazazi wao.

"Hili ni jambo rahisi," punda alisema, "Wanahitaji kichapo na kuwasafirisha kaburini," alishauri huku akitabasama kichinichini. 

Baada ya maandalizi ya mada, wawili hao walikuwa tayari kutimiza mpango wao walivyokubaliana. Punda alitoa amri. 'Gonga' na wote wakaanza kuwachapa wazazi wao.

Nguruwe alimpondaponda mama yake hadi akamsafirisha jongomeo. Kwa upande mwingine punda aligongagonga ngoma huku akipiga mayowe na kuiga kilio cha mwanamke. Alijitoma kwenye nyumba ya nguruwe machozi yakimdondoka njia mbilimbili. "Nimemaliza" Punda alisema. Nguruwe naye akamwambia, "Wangu anapumzika kaburini.

Baada ya miezi kadhaa walikutana mahali paopa kawaida na kupiga gumzo kuhusu maisha bila wazazi. Punda alikuwa amenenepa lakini nguruwe alikuwa mkondefu kama mwiko wa pilau. Wakaelewana kupunguza ziara za kutembeleana kutokana na kazi iliyowabana. Nguruwe alikuwa amepigwa mafamba vilivyo.

Siku moja nguruwe alipokuwa kwenye pitapita zake karibu na nyumba ya punda akitafuta chakula, alishtuka kumwona mamaye punda akinywa uji huku akiota jua. Nguruwe alitaka kulia, akakata shauri kuachana na usuhuba wa punda.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, urafiki kati ya punda na nguruwe unaweza kuelezwa kuwani wa:
    1. Kudumu
    2. Kujitolea
    3. Kusambaratika
    4. Unafiki
  2. Aya ya pili imebainisha kuwa:
    1. Punda na nguruwe walizaliwa na mzazi mmoja
    2. Punda na nguruwe walikuwa na tabia zilizofanana
    3. Wazazi wa kike wa punda na nguruwe walifariki kwanza
    4. Urafiki wa wazazi ulisababisha malezi ya pamoja ya punda na nguruwe
  3. Sentensi, kifo kilinyemelea familia hizi na kuacha wafaruku wakiyahangaikia maisha" imetumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Tashhisi
    2. Nahau
    3. Istiara
    4. Kinaya
  4. Ni jambo gani linaloonyesha kuwa wazazi wa punda na nguruwe waliwajibikia majukumu yao?
    1. Kuwazaa wana wao katika kijiji kimoja
    2. Kutimizia haja familia zao
    3. Kuwalea wana wao katika mazingira sawa
    4. Kuishi pamoja na kuwa marafiki wa kufa kuzikana
  5. Miereka ni
    1. mchezo wa kushindana na kuvuta kamba
    2. michezo ya kujificha na kutafutana
    3. michezo ya kushikana na kuvamiana kwa lengo la kuangushana
    4. michezo ya mazoezi ya viungo vya mwili
  6. Baada ya punda kushindwa na nguruwe; 
    1. punda alilalamikia mamaye
    2. aligundua kuwa alikosa lishe bora
    3. alifurahishwa na ushindi wa nduguye
    4. alikasirishwa na kushindwa kwake.
  7. Punda alimshauri nguruwe kuwaua wazazi kutokana na sababu zifuatazo isipokuwa:
    1. Walikuwa na uwezo wa kujikidhia mahitaji yao
    2. Walishakuwa mabarobaro na hata kujijengea makazi
    3. Walikuwa na uzoefu wa kujipikia
    4. Wazazi wao walikuwa wamezecka
  8. Wazazi wa punda na nguruwe walipoanza kupata kichapo
    1. walikuwa wamefahamu mpango wa wanao
    2. nguruwe alimchapa mama yake hadi akafa
    3. hakuna mwana aliyekusudia kuua mzazi wake
    4. punda hakupoteza muda, aliua mama yake
  9. Chagua jawabu lisilokuwa sahihi; Baada ya vifo vya wazazi:
    1. Nguruwe alijipata na shughuli nyingi za kujitafutia riziki
    2. Marafiki hao wawili walisimuliana kuhusu maisha yao.
    3. Hatimaye siri ya punda ilifichuka
    4. Nguruwe alianza kumtembelea punda mara kwa mara.
  10. Funzo linalotokana na kisa hiki hasa ni: Yafaa
    1. tujiamini
    2. kuwasiliana kwa njia nzuri
    3. tufikiri kabla ya kutenda
    4. tuwe wabunifu


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa: Andika insha itakayomalizika kwa maneno yafuatayo:

.............................................................................................Hapo ndipo nilipogundua kuwa hatupaswi kukata tamaa maishani.



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Read the passage below. It has blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the answer from the choices given.

The coot is a water bird that is ................1.................. black except for the white patch  .................2................. the front of the head, the white beak and grey legs.  ................3.................. narrow whitish wing-bar shows in flight. Its toes are long and broad but are not webbed  .................4................. the moorhen, the coot prefers open water and is  .................5................. found on small ponds and streams. It likes the company of other coots and of ducks, and in the winter, coots may gather in enormous  .................6................. on big lakes, reservoirs and sometimes on the sea Coast. They seldom fly,  ..................7................ to reach another piece of water. The coot often  .................8................. on land but is  ................9.................. at home there than the moorhen. Mostly it dives for water weeds, with an  ...............10................... insect or fish for variety.

In the spring, the coots.  .................11................. The large raised nests are frequently built of dead stems  ................12.................. the plants at the edge of the lake. Six to nine stone-coloured eggs with brown spots  ................13.................. be found from the middle of March onwards. The young coots  ................14..................  start to swim three or four days after they hatch are covered with black down tipped with reddish orange on the chin and neck. The coot is not only found in Europe  ...................15............... there are also coots of one kind or another in Asia, Australia, Africa and America.

    1. completely
    2. partially
    3. almost
    4. fully
    1. at
    2. in
    3. on
    4. to
    1.  A
    2. An
    3. The
    4. Some
    1. Like
    2. Besides
    3. Beside
    4. Unlike
    1. often
    2. rarely
    3. always
    4. frequently
    1. flocks
    2. swarms
    3. prides
    4. clutches
    1. but
    2. when
    3. while
    4. except
    1. eat
    2. eats
    3. feeds
    4. feed
    1. least
    2. little
    3. less
    4. more less
    1. common
    2. occasional
    3. idle
    4. insecure
    1. reproduce
    2. produce
    3. give birth 
    4. hatch
    1. between
    2. in
    3. beneath
    4. among
    1. will
    2. could
    3. may 
    4. would
    1. who
    2. that
    3. whom
    4. which
    1. but
    2. but also
    3. and also
    4. and

For questions 16 to 18, choose the alternatives that best complete the sentences.

  1. There was.............................evidence against Micah, so he was not charged with murder.
    1. a little
    2. little
    3. some
    4. few
  2. Aunt Deborah gave........................... and ............................... a piece of cake each.
    1. her, me
    2. I, she
    3. she, I
    4. me, she
  3. The bridegroom came with his uncle in accordance ....................... our culture.
    1. with
    2. to
    3. of
    4. by

For questions 19 to 21, choose the opposite of the underlined word

  1. My sister is a slender girl.
    1. thin
    2. slim
    3. fat
    4. beautiful
  2. She rarely visits her grandparents.
    1. oftenly
    2. frequently
    3. seldom
    4. always

For questions 21 and 22, choose the correct question tag:

  1. Let them in, ......................?
    1. shall you
    2. isn't it
    3. won't you
    4. will you
  2. It seems they will be late,  ......................?
    1. won't they
    2. will they
    3. doesn't it
    4. does it

For question 23, choose a word that least fits in the group

    1. Stationary
    2. Pretty
    3. Stationery
    4. Quick

Read the passage below and then answer questions 24 and 25

Five children, Kache, Katana, Kadzo, Otieno and Kamau were discussing the fruits they enjoy eating. Kadzo and Kamau said passon and pawpaw were their best while Katana liked oranges. Mangoes were in Kache's, Otieno's and Kadzo's list. Pears was in Kadzo's list just as Katana, who also named mangoes. Had Otieno not mentioned guavas it would have gone without being chosen. Only Kadzo did not like pineapple.

  1. Which two fruits were equally popular with the children?
    1. Pineapple and pawpaw 
    2. Pears and passion 
    3. Pawpaw and guavas
    4. Passion and guavas
  2. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
    1. There's no fruit that was liked by all the children
    2. One fruit was liked by one child
    3. Pawpaw and quavas were disliked by a similar number of children
    4. Only one child liked oranges

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.

There are many stories and questions on how the zebra got his stripes and here in Africa one of the most well-known is from the San who are the Bushmen of people of the Namibian Kalahari Desert. Many Africans tales and stories were told of wild animals in Africa, to explain their unique look or behaviour.

So, how did the zebra get his black stripes, or is it white stripes?? Well, let me tell you the fable. Long ago, when animals were still new in Africa, the weather was very hot, and what little water was there remained in a few pools and pans. Animals were dying in large numbers and the few who remained were miserable and constantly thirsty.

One of the remaining water pools was guarded by a boisterous baboon, who claimed that he was the lord of the water and forbade anyone from drinking at his pooll. One fine day when a zebra and his son came down to have a drink of water, the baboon, who was sitting by his fire next to the water hole, jumped up and barked in a loud voice. "Go away, intruders. This is my pool and I am the lord of the water."

The water is for everyone, not just for you, monkey-face," The zebra's son shouted back, "If you want some of the water, you must fight for it," returned the baboon in a fine fury, and in a moment the two were locked in combat. Back and forth they went fighting, raising huge cloud of dust, until with a mighty kick, the zebra sent the baboon flying up among the rocks of the cliff behind them. The baboon landed with a smack on his buttocks, taking all the hair clean off, and to this very day, he still carries the bare patch where he landed. The tired and bruised young zebra, not looking where he was going staggered back through the baboon's fire, which scorched him, leaving black burn stripes across his white fur. The shock of being burned. sent the zebra galloping away to savannah plains, where he has stayed ever since.

The baboon and his family, however, remain high up among the rocks where they bark defiance at all strangers, and when walking around, they still hold up their tails to ease the sore rock burn of their bald patched bottoms.

  1. The word unique has been used in the passage. Which word would best replace it?
    1. Common
    2. Special
    3. Ordinary
    4. Unrivaled
  2. Where do the San originate from?
    1. The Kalahari desert
    2. The Namib desert
    3. The bushes in Namibia
    4. All across Africa
  3. According to the second paragraph, which of these choices is true?
    1. The weather was favourable for animals
    2. Water was in plenty
    3. Animals had stayed in Africa for long
    4. Water was hard to come by
  4. What is the meaning of the word pans as used in the passage?
    1. Metal containers for cooking
    2. Washing areas
    3. Holes in the ground which collect water
    4. Fertile lands in the desert
  5. Why were the animals dying in large numbers?
    1. Because they were not used to the heat
    2. Because they were thirsty
    3. The baboon was killing them
    4. The weather in Africa was too cold for them
  6. According to the passage, what colour was the zebra before?
    1. Brown
    2. Black
    3. White
    4. Black and white
  7. According to the passage, which of the following choices best describes the baboon's character in the third paragraph?
    1. Annoying
    2. Loud
    3. Unkind
    4. Selfish
  8. From what you have read in the fourth paragraph, it would be safe to assume that 
    1. the zebra's son was stronger than the baboon
    2. the baboon was brave
    3. Zebra's son was rude
    4. the baboon lost his hair in a fire
  9. According to the passage, where do Zebras live?
    1. In the desert
    2. In the savannah
    3. On cliffs
    4. In Namibia's desert with bush
  10. How did the baboon refer to himself?
    1. Lord of the river
    2. Lord of the water
    3. King of the plains
    4. Lord of the baboons
  11. Which part of the body did the babo a lose all its hair?
    1. His face
    2. His arms
    3. His buttocks
    4. His head
  12. How was the young zebra walking before he got scorched in baboon's fire?
    1. He was wobbling
    2. Steadily
    3. Quickly
    4. Consistently
  13. What lesson have you learned from the passage you just read?
    1. The early bird catches worm
    2. Kindness pays
    3. Once bitten twice shy
    4. There is no use crying over spilt milk

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 to 50

Many of us have baby brothers or sisters. If not, you must have taken care of one when you visited a relative or a neighbour. Babies are very young children. Some are so young that they can neither walk nor talk. It is therefore important to know a few things about the baby before you are left to take care of him or her.

Before your parents or guardians leave you with the baby, you must remember to ask a few questions. You should be told what to feed the baby on in case he or she falls hungry and needs food. Babies need food almost all the time but they only eat a little at a time. If you are left with milk, ensure it is not cold or very warm. Do not force the baby to drink all of it at ago because if you do so, what will you give her when she wants more? Since they eat very little, a baby will start crying if you try to force her to eat more than she needs. You will have put yourself in serious problem if you drink the remaining milk meant for the baby!

Be aware that the baby will need to sleep. You must know where you will take the baby to sleep because they cannot be awake throughout. Do not put a baby to sleep near an open window because the blowing wind could wake her from time to time. Make sure the baby is comfortable. You do not need to shake him/her up because he/she could wake up and start crying.

It is normal for the baby to wet her clothes so there should be dry clothes to change her in. The baby should first be washed before changing the clothes as failure to do this could make him/her start smelling and who could wish to carry a smelly baby?

When the baby is awake, he/she might play, choose items which are safe for him/her to play with. Do not leave the baby alone as he/she may crawl into a trough of hot water or a hot jiko. You know the kind of accidents these could cause. You must all along keep a watchful eye to avoid such even if you are doing some other work.

When your parents or guardians come back and find you are responsible and the baby is comfortable, you are likely to be rewarded.

  1. According to the first paragraph
    1. many of us lack brothers but have a sister
    2. we have many brothers and sisters
    3. many of us have baby brothers and sisters
    4. many of us have brothers and sisters
  2. Which one should you ask your parents or guardians before they leave you with the baby?
    1. How the baby should be punished
    2. What to feed the baby on in case she falls hungry and need food
    3. Whether she will sleep the whole day
    4. Whether she may suffer from a stomachache
  3. According to the passage, why shouldn't we force the baby to drink all the milk?
    1. She may vomit all the milk
    2. She may lack what to drink next
    3. She will sleep the whole day
    4. She may suffer the whole day
  4. The baby should not be put near the window when she is asleep because
    1. the wind may wake her up from time to time
    2. the baby may fall sick
    3. she may jump through the window and fall down
    4. the baby may die
  5. According to the passage, what should be done in case the baby wets her clothes?
    1. The baby should be washed
    2. The baby should be dried
    3. The baby should be carried
    4. The baby should be pinched
  6. Which items should the baby play with?
    1. Items which are heavy
    2. Items that are safe
    3. Items that are dirty
    4. Items that are new
  7. The baby should not be left alone as she
    1. fall down
    2. crawl into a trough of hot water or jiko
    3. injure her eyes
    4. get sick
  8. The baby needs to sleep because
    1. he/she cannot be awake all the time
    2. he/she needs to dream when asleep
    3. babies are weak and need to sleep all the time
    4. it is their nature to sleep may
  9. The word problem has been used in the passage. It can mean all the following except
    1. trouble
    2. difficulty
    3. setback
    4. effect
  10. Who is a gurdian according to the passage?
    1. One legally responsible for the care of another person
    2. Watchman
    3. Parent
    4. Security guard
  11. Why do you think you must keep a watchful eye to the baby?
    1. So that the baby may not get lost
    2. So that the baby may not be involved in any accident or incident
    3. To protect any kind of sickness 
    4. To protect the baby from sleeping
  12. Which is the best title given to the above passage?
    1. How to feed the baby
    2. Taking care of the baby
    3. Soothing the baby
    4. Cleaning the baby


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

The following is the beginning of a composition. Write it in your own words making it as interesting as possible.

Everyone in our family gathered around the old radio awaiting the news.........................................



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