- These paper consist of six questions
- Answer any five questions

- Explain how teaching of C.R.E in Kenyan secondary schools fulfills national Goals of education. (8mks)
- State and explain four similarities between Biblical stories of creation and traditional view of creation.(8mks)
- Give five causes of evil in the modern society. (5mks)
- Describe the incidence when Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son. (Gen 22:1-19) (8mks)
- Identify six plagues. (6mks)
- Give six lessons learnt about God from Mt Moriah’s incidence. (6mks)
- Outline ways in which David’s successors fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy against Kingship.(6mks)
- State the significance of the Jerusalem temple. (7mks)
- Identify lessons Christians learn from the failures of King Saul.(7mks)
- State seven ways in which prophets were important in the life of Israelites. (7mks)
- Give reasons why Amos pronounced judgement against Israel and Judah. (7mks)
- Discuss the relevance of the teachings of Amos on social justice and responsibilities for Christians.(6mks)
- Describe the personal life of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 1:1-10.) (7mks)
- Outline occasions when Nehemiah prayed.(8mks)
- Give lessons Christians learn from the call of Jeremiah. (5mks)
- State seven practices in T.A.S that show their belief in life after death. (7mks)
- Give reasons why the church in Kenya is opposed to wife inheritance.(7mks)
- Outline six ways in which western civilization has affected African worship.(6 marks)

Marking Scheme
- Explain how teaching of C.R.E in Kenyan secondary schools fulfills national Goals of education. (8mks)
- Fosters national patriotism and promote national unity.
- Promotes social, economic and technological and industrial needs for National development.
- Promotes individual development and self fulfilment
- Promotes sound moral and religious values.
- Promotes social equity and responsibility
- Promotes respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
- Promotes international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards Other nations.
- Promotes positive attitudes towards good health and environmental Protection.
- State and explain four similarities between Biblical stories of creation and traditional view of creation.(8mks)
- In both human beings are created in full sexuality
- In both God is acknowledged as the sole creator.
- In both God provides for human beings with ways of survival
- In both it involved creation of non-living and the living things.
- In both man is portrayed as the climax of all creation
- In both man has a responsibility/ duty to take care of what was created and to procreate.
- Give five causes of evil in the modern society. (5mks)
- Greed/selfishness/corruption
- Erosion of African traditional values
- Poor role models
- Permissiveness/ too much freedom
- Drug and substance abuse.
- Social media influence
- Negative influence from the western culture
- Poverty/wealth
- Lack of guidance and counselling
- Influence from mass media
- Inability to forgive others
- Explain how teaching of C.R.E in Kenyan secondary schools fulfills national Goals of education. (8mks)
- Describe the incidence when Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son. (Gen 22:1-19) (8mks)
- God told Abraham to take his only son to the land of Moriah /to offer him as a sacrifice.
- Abraham took his son, two servants and wood for burnt offering
- They arrived at the place after three days journey
- Abraham commanded his servants to remain behind as he and Isaac went to worship.
- He too Isaac, the firewood and the knife and went up.
- Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the offering would come from.
- Abraham told Isaac that God would provide the lamb for a burnt offering.
- When they arrived at the place God had commanded, Abraham built an altar.
- He bound Isaac/ laid him on the altar upon the wood.
- Abraham took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord stopped him.
- Abraham saw a ram which he offered instead of his son.
- He called the name of the place, the lord will provide.
- Identify six plagues. (6mks)
- The plague of blood.
- The plague of frogs
- The plague of gnats
- The plague of flies
- The plague of death of animals
- The plague of boils
- The plague of hail
- The plague of locusts
- The plague of darkness
- The plague of death of first born male children.
- Give six lessons learnt about God from Mt Moriah’s incidence. (6mks)
- God is the provider
- God values human life
- God can test our faith inorder to bless us.
- God requires obedience from his people inorder to bless them.
- God is a personal God, he tested Abraham inorder to draw him closer.
- Describe the incidence when Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son. (Gen 22:1-19) (8mks)
- Outline ways in which David’s successors fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy against Kingship.(6mks)
- The king would conscribe the israelites’ sons forcefully into the army.
- The king would introduce forced labour.
- The king would grab peoples’ land or vineyards and give them to his servants
- The king would force people to pay high taxes to the government.
- The king would turn people into slaves
- The king would force their daughters to be perfumers, cooks and bakers.
- Israel would become like other nations which did not now Yahweh and then they would cease to be a covenant people.
- Yahweh would not hear them when they cried to Him.
- State the significance of the Jerusalem temple. (7mks)
- It symbolized God’s presence among his people through the Ark of the covenant which was kept in the temple.
- It was dwelling place for God.
- It was a house of worship and prayer.
- It was a place where all first-born male children were dedicated to God
- All the Jewish religious festivals or feasts such as Passover and Pentecost were celebrated in the temple.
- The temple was a training place for the Jewish religious teachers. The temple was a place where the prophets and priests lived.
- The temple was used as a law court.
- The temple was the place where all the rites of purification were carried out.
- Identify lessons Christians learn from the failures of King Saul.(7mks) Need for patience
- Need for obedience and faith in God.
- Need for political leaders to listen to advice from church leaders.
- Need for turning against rivals
- Need for sincerity in worship of God.
- Leaders should be God fearing so as to succeed in their leadership.
- Leaders who fail in their duties are rejected by God and the people they serve
- Political leaders should respect the laws of the country.
- Political leaders should accommodate the views and ideas of other people even if they turn against them.
- Outline ways in which David’s successors fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy against Kingship.(6mks)
- State seven ways in which prophets were important in the life of Israelites. (7mks)
- They acted as mediators between God and the people.
- They communicated God’s message to the people by revealing His plan for them.
- They preached practical monotheism and condemned idolatry.
- They condemned the social evils among the people in the effort to restore justice.
- They taught people about the nature of their God.
- The prophets anointed kings for the people of Israel.
- They acted as the conscience of the kings and the people.
- Some of the prophets acted as priests e.g Isaiah
- They foretold and warned people of judgement and punishment for their disobedience to God.
- They gave peoplehope for being restored to God if they repented their sins.
- Give reasons why Amos pronounced judgement against Israel and Judah. (7mks)
- They enslaved those from poor backgrounds
- They practiced bribery in law courts
- Sexual immorality was rampant e.g temple prostitution.
- High interest charges were levied on loans borrowed by the poor.
- Land grabbing was widespread
- They worshipped idols and practiced hypocrisy
- Judah was also under God’s judgement because she had forsaken the covenant treaty with God.
- Discuss the relevance of the teachings of Amos on social justice and responsibilities for Christians.(6mks)
- Christians should condemn social injustices such as bribery and corruption, violence, sexual immorality,cheating in business and murder.
- Christians should be fair in their dealings with others.
- Christians should put into practice God’s teaching and live exemplary lives for others to emulate.
- Christians should shun from evil so as to escape God’s judgement.
- Christians should learn that God is universal and He makes moral demands on all people.
- Christians should repent their sins in order to escape God’s judgement.
- Christians are the elected people of God with special responsibility of leading others to the will of God.
- Christians who remain faith will be restored into God’s kingdom at the end of time.
- State seven ways in which prophets were important in the life of Israelites. (7mks)
- Describe the personal life of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 1:1-10.) (7mks)
- Jeremiah was born in a small village of Anathoth near Jerusalem.
- Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah descended from a priestly family but he was not a priest.
- He had a deep knowledge of the history, law of moses and the teachings of earlier prophets
- He was very patriotic to his people whom he did not want to suffer God’s punishment.
- He was called by God to be a prophet while he was still a young man.
- He was commanded by God not to marry or participate in social functions.
- His message was mainly on the restoration of the covenant way of life through repentance of sins.
- Jeremiah suffered rejection and opposition from his people.
- After the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile, Jeremiah and a few jews fled to Egypt for refuge.
- Outline occasions when Nehemiah prayed.(8mks)
- When he learnt of the suffering in Judah and the ruined state of the city.
- Before requesting King Artaxerxes to be permitted to return to Judah.
- When the Samaritans criticized the rebulding of the wall he prayed for Yahweh’s protection and revenge against his enemies.
- When the enemies conspired to attack Judah, he prayed for God to protect them against the enemies.
- During the exploration of the poor by the rich he prayed for God to change their hearts.
- After warning the jews who had violated the sabbath law by carrying out trade.
- After chasing away Sanballats’s son-in-law who married a foreigner yet he was a priest by background.
- Before assigning duties to the priest from the Levites following their consecration, he prayed that God may remember him with favour.
- Give lessons Christians learn from the call of Jeremiah. (5mks)
- God can use/ call anyone for his work/mission.
- Christians should respond to God’s call with obedience.
- God strengthens those he calls to work for Him.
- Every Christian has a calling.
- God has a purpose for each person.
- God prepares us for His work.
- A person who is called to serve God should be ready to meet opposition.
- God protects His servants
- Describe the personal life of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 1:1-10.) (7mks)
- State seven practices in T.A.S that show their belief in life after death. (7mks)
- Naming children after the dead.
- Burying the dead with some property.
- Invoking their names during times of difficulties/ inviting them to important occasions.
- Pouring libation to the living dead.
- Offering sacrifices to the dead.
- Taking care of the graveyards.
- Holding commemoration ceremonies.
- Giving a decent burial to the dead/oiling/washing the dead body.
- Give reasons why the church in Kenya is opposed to wife inheritance.(7mks)
- It can lead to diseases/ Hiv/aids.
- Its against Christian teaching of monogamy.
- It can lead to death because of diseases.
- It is oppressive to the woman/widow.
- It causes jealousy/ breakage of family.
- It may lead to abandonment of children/wife.
- It can lead to street children/ increase in crime.
- It can create psychological/ emotional problems.
- Outline six ways in which western civilization has affected African worship. (6mks)
- People no longer worship under the trees but in church buildings.
- The African practice of sacrifice has been abolished.
- The African Religious belief in the ancestral spirits as their mediator has been replaced by the belief in the Christian saints.
- The pouring of libation has been replaced by the offerings in the church.
- The African Religious objects like calabashes ,stones and feathers have been replaced by the Bible.
- The African religious specialists have been replaced by clergy like priests and pastors.
- The African belief in God has been replaced by the Trinity.
- Prayers are now offered directly to God instead of using ancestors and the spirits as mediators.
- State seven practices in T.A.S that show their belief in life after death. (7mks)
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