CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - KCSE 2022 Prediction

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  • This paper consists of six questions.
  • Answer any five questions in the spaces provided.
  • Each question carries 20 marks


    1. Outline Micah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah ( Micah 5:2-5) (7mks)
    2. Describe the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by Angel Gabriel as recorded in Luke 1:26 – 38 (5mks)
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the magnificat. (5mks)
    1. Explain the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true discipleship. (Luke 6:20- 49) (8mks)
    2. Describe the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman. (Luke 7:36—8:1-3) (7mks)
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave a sinful woman. (5mks)
    1. With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth Luke (16:19-31) (8mks)
    2. Outline six signs of the end times as taught by Jesus in (Luke 21:5-38) (6mks)
    3. Give seven ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ. (7mks)
    1. Identify eight characteristics of love as taught by Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians. (8mks)
    2. Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the church (Ephesians 5:21-23) (5mks)
    3. Identify seven factors that hinder effective cooperation among Christians’ in Kenya today (7mks)
    1. Identify five sources of Christian Ethics. (5mks)
    2. Give seven reasons why Christians in Kenya condemn homosexuality. (7mks)
    3. Explain how responsible Parenthood is demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today. (8mks)
    1. Outline the Christian teachings on marriage. (8mks)
    2. How should Christians prepare for marriage? (6mks)
    3. Give reasons why some Christians break the marriage vows. (6mks)






Marking Scheme

    1. Micah’s prophecy concerning the messiah (Micah 5:2-5)
      1. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
      2. He will rule over Israel
      3. His origin is from the old
      4. He would be born of a woman
      5. He will feed his flock
      6. He will rule in majesty/ strength of the lord.
      7. In his time Israel will be secure peaceful
      8. He shall be great to the ends of the earth/ eternal. (7x1= 7 marks
    2. The annunciation of the birth of Jesus by angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26 -38 )
      1. Angel Gabriel was sent appeared to Mary in Nazareth.
      2. Mary was a young woman who had been engaged to a man named Joseph from the house of David.
      3. The Angel greeted Mary “Hail I O favored one, the lord is with you’’
      4. Mary was troubled by the greetings/ wondered what it could be.
      5. The Angel told her not to be afraid since she has found with God was going to conceive / give birth to a son.
      6. He would be called Jesus
      7. The angel told Mary that Jesus would be great would be called the son of the most High God will give him the
      8. throne of his father David.
      9. Mary asked the angel how she was going to conceive without a husband.
      10. The angel told her that she was going to conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
      11. The angel told Mary that her Kinswomen Elizabeth had also conceived a son/was six months pregnant.
      12. Mary accepted the angels message/said “ I am the hand maid of the lord let it be to me as you have said”
      13. The angel departed from her 8 x 1 = 8 marks
    3. Lessons that Christians learn from the magnificat
      1. Christians should always appreciate/ thank/ glorify, God for his favours.
      2. Christians should have faith in God.
      3. Christians should be humble.
      4. Christians should rejoice when they are blessed by God
      5. Christians should obey / respect the will of God.
      6. Christian should depend on God for provisions
      7. Christians learn that God raises those who are humble
      8. Christians learn that God is holy
      9. Christians learn that God is merciful 5x1= 5mks
    1. The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple. (Luke: 20- 49)
      1. Perseverance in the face of persecution.
        A true disciple should endure suffering.
      2. Unwavering faith in Jesus – A true disciple should have a absolute faith in God
      3. Love for enemies- A true disciple should love even their enemies / pray for them.
      4. Obedience/ implementers of the teachings of Jesus – A true disciple should accept the lordship
      5. Forgiving others – A true disciple should love their enemies / pray for them.
      6. Generosity /kindness – A true disciples should share with others / be generous.
      7. Not to judge others – A true disciple should exercise self-criticism before judging others.
      8. Show compassion / mercy to others- A true disciple should be merciful just like God.
        8x1 = 8mks
    2. The incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman. Luke 7:36-50)
      1. Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to his house to eat with him.
      2. A woman who was known to be a sinner came to Jesus with an alabaster flask of ointment.
      3. She started weeping/ wiped the feet of Jesus with hair / kissed/ anointed the feet of Jesus.
      4. Simon wondered how Jesus could allow such a sinner to touch him.
      5. Jesus asked Simon who among the two debtors was more grateful.
      6. Simon answered that the debtors who had more was more grateful.
      7. Jesus told Simon that the sinful woman had shown a lot of love because her many sins had been forgiven.
      8. Jesus told the woman to go in peace for her faith had saved her/her sins had been forgiven
        7x1 = 7 marks
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave a sinful woman.  
      1. Christians should show compassion to all regardless of their gender,age,religion
      2. Christians should have faith
      3. Christians should be ready to forgive
      4. Chritians should reach out to all even those who are known to be sinners
      5. Chrstians should accept their sinful nature and repent
    1. The teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth.
      1. Jesus taught that wealth should be used to help the needy.
      2. Wealth should be used to spread good news.
      3. Wealth should be used to serve others/ glorify God.
      4. Wealth should not be used to buy unnecessary materials for luxuries when others are suffering.
      5. Proper use of wealth enables one to be rewarded in heaven.
      6. Wealth should not be used to oppress the poor.
      7. Too much trust in wealth can prevent someone from having eternal life.
      8. Wealth is a gift / blessings from God/ Christians are custodians of wealth.
      9. Wealth is temporary/ not permanent
    2. Signs of the end times as taught by Jesus according to (Luke:215-38)
      1. People will come claiming to be the Messiah.
      2. There will be wars between nations.
      3. Natural calamities like earthquakes/ roaring of the Sea will occur.
      4. Followers of Christ will be hated/ persecuted.
      5. There will be famine/ pestilences.
      6. Strange things will happen to the celestial bodies/ moon / stars.
      7. Nations shall rise against each other 6x1 = 6marks
    3. Ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
      1. Christians pray / fast
      2. Confessing Jesus as their personal savior
      3. Living holly lives.
      4. Preaching the gospel to others.
      5. Reading / practicing the word of God.
      6. Encouraging one another.
      7. By helping the poor/ needy
      8. Repenting their sins. 7x1 = 7marks
    1. Characterizes of love taught by Saint Paul 1st Corinthians 13.
      1. Love is patient
      2. It is kind
      3. It is not jealous boastful
      4. Love is not arrogant/ rude
      5. Love is not irritable/ resentful.
      6. Love bears all things.
      7. Love endures / perseveres
      8. Love does not insist on its own way
      9. Love believers/ trusts all things.
      10. Love never ends/ it is eternal.
        8x1= 8marks
    2. The Unity of believers as expressed as expressed in the concept of the church.( Ephesians 5:21-32)
      1. Paul used the symbol of marriage to show the unity of believers.
      2. Christians are united to Christ just as a husband is united to his wife.
      3. Christ loves the church just as the husband loves the wife.
      4. The church has to submit to Christ just as the wife submits to the husband.
      5. Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the wife
      6. Just as the husband loves his own/ nourishes it, so Christ loves the church/nourishes it
        5x1 = 5marks
    3. Factors that hinder effective cooperation among Christians in Kenya today.
      1. Greed for power/ leadership wrangles.
      2. Competition to win more converts members.
      3. Materialism / desire to have more.
      4. Discrimination based on gender/ tribal/ education/ race/ social status / disabilities.
      5. Political interference.
      6. Different interpretation of the bible doctrinal denominational differences.
      7. Emergency of cults / idol worship
      8. Lack of equity in resources / funds.
      9. Poor infrastructure/ language barrier/ poor transport/ communication facilities.
      10. Lack of money / inadequate funds.
    1. Source of Christian Ethics
      1. Natural law
      2. Sacred scriptures (the Bible)
      3. The Christian community Human.
      4. Human reason and experience.
      5. Situation ethics
      6. Social norms
      7. The conscience 5x1 = 5 marks
    2. Reasons why Christians condemn homosexuality
      1. It can lead to contracting of sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
      2. It can lead to psychological problems such as stress, depression and suicide.
      3. Homosexuality is against God’s intention for human sexuality, when he created both male and female in his own image and likeness.
      4. It cannot lead to birth of children which is the primary purpose of marriage.
      5. There is no fulfillment of sexual intercourses as this only possible with members of the opposite sex.
      6. Homosexuality is a taboo in all African communities.
      7. Stigmazation
      8. Lowers human dignity
      9. It leads to maladjusted relations
        7x1 = 7marks
    3. How responsible parenthood is demonstrated.
      1. Parents provide for physical needs to their children such as food, shelter and clothing.
      2. Parents educating children in all aspects of life.
      3. Parents should love their children equally.
      4. Parents create time to spend with their children.
      5. Parents should understand and tolerate their children.
      6. Parents should touch and train children in religious matters.
      7. There should be open dialogue between parents and their children.
      8. Helping children to grow physically , psychologically and emotionally
      9. Parents should teach their children moral and right behavior.
        8x1= marks
    1. Christian teachings on marriage.
      1. Marriage should be monogamous
      2. Marriage is a covenant relationship between a husband and a wife and his protected by God.
      3. Marriage is for love, procreation and mutual companionship.
      4. Marriage is still complete, with or without children.
      5. Marriage is meant to be permanent.
      6. Marriage is based on true love.
      7. Virtues of tolerance, honesty fidelity, forgiveness and understanding, strengthen a marriage.
      8. Remarriage is possible for a Christian after the death of a marriage partner.
      9. A husband and wife must have self-sacrificing love for each other.
      10. Marriage is not a must for everyone. One can decide not to marry in order to serve God.
        8 x 1 = 8 marks
    2. How Christians prepare for marriage
      1. Pray to God for guidance in getting a partner.
      2. Identify the person to marry. Inform the parents/ guardians about the person to marry.
      3. Propose to the one to marry.
      4. Inform the church leaders about their marriage plans.
      5. Attend Seminars/ counseling sessions of marriage
      6. Visit the parents / family of the spouse you intend to marry and discuss marriage arrangements.
      7. Make arrangements to give dowry.
      8. Arrange with the church on when the marriage can take place. / fix a wedding date.
      9. Identify the marriage witnesses/ best maid best couple.
      10. Ensure there is availability of finances / resources
        6x1 = 6 marks
    3. Give reasons why some Christians break the marriage vows.  
      1. Due to unfaithfulness
      2. Lust/ covetousness
      3. Financial constrain / poverty.
      4. Lack of faith in God
      5. Lack of guidance and counseling
      6. Hypocrisy/ pretence.
      7. Effects of mass media/ foreign culture.
      8. Poor role models
      9. Denial of conjugal / rights
      10. Pressure from in-laws
        6 x1 = 6marks
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