SECTION A (40 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- List four favourable conditions for the growth of micro-organisms in food spoilage. (2 marks)
- Name two types of beriberi. (1 mark)
- Why is breakfast considered the most important meal of the day? (1 mark)
- Give two reasons for covering food while cooking. (2 marks)
- State two disadvantages of boiling foods. (2 marks)
- Differentiate between perishable and non perishable foods. (2 marks)
- State three advantages of advertising on a Bill-board. (3 marks)
- State three benefits of breast-feeding to a mother. (3 marks)
- List four items in a first-aid-kit that can be used to manage a sprain. (2 marks)
- State two good grooming habits that can prevent skin diseases. (2 marks)
- Name two factors that influence the frequency of cleaning a house. (2 marks)
- State two advantages of electricity as a form of lighting. (2 marks)
- State two factors to consider when renting a house. (2 marks)
- Identify two characteristics of a plastic laundry basin. (2 marks)
- State two limitations of dry cleaning in laundry work. (2 marks)
- Name two textile fibres of plant origin. (1 mark)
- Give two uses of facing in clothing construction. (2 marks)
- Name four areas in a garment where diagonal tacking can be used. (2 marks)
- State two points to observe when taking body measurements. (2 marks)
- Give one reason why acetone is not a suitable stain remover on acetate fabrics. (1 mark)
- Identify the correct direction to press the following darts during garment construction:
- front shoulder dart; ............................................................................................................
- bust dart; ............................................................................................................................
- elbow dart; .........................................................................................................................
- back waist dart. .................................................................................................................. (2 marks)
SECTION B (20 marks) (Compulsory)
Answer question 22 in the spaces provided.
- Your parents are away for the weekend and have asked you to clean the house thoroughly.
- Describe how you would clean an oil painted wall in the sitting room. (8 marks)
- Outline the procedure for laundering a loose coloured cotton T-shirt.
- Describe how you would clean a plain wooden chopping board.
SECTION C (40 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 25.
- Giving a reason in each case, state four advantages of using a refrigerator in the home. (8 marks)
- Explain four points to consider when planning meals for an invalid who is bedridden. (8 marks)
- Giving a relevant example in each case, differentiate between substitute and complimentary products. (4 marks)
- Use the sketch of the skirt below to answer the following questions.
- State six methods of disposing fullness in the skirt sketch shown above. (3 marks)
- Apart from the disposal of fullness symbols, indicate three pattern markings on the sketch above. (3 marks)
- Describe how to attach a lace onto the lower edge of a skirt using the overlaid seam. (6 marks)
- Explain four finishing processes carried out during laundry. (8 marks)
- Identify six qualities of aluminium that make it suitable for making kitchen utensils. (6 marks)
- Highlight six signs of a child suffering from marasmus. (6 marks)
- Explain four factors to consider when selecting a baby’s clothes. (8 marks)

- Conditions that encourage the growth of micro-organisms are;
- Warmth
- Moisture
- Food
- Time/long time
- PH /alkalinity/acidity
- Light
- Air/oxygen Any 4 x
- Types of Beriberi;
- Wet Beriberi
- Dry Beriberi
- Infantile Beriberi Any 2 x
- Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day because;
- It is taken after the previous day’s food has been digested and absorbed leaving the stomach empty/breaks the fast after a long period.
- The body requires to be supplied with the basic nutrients for the day/provides energy for the day.
well explained Any 1 x 1 1 mark
- Reasons for covering food while cooking;
- to prevent loss of volatile nutrients
- to retain heat/to cook faster
- to prevent foreign material from entering the pan/pot
- to prevent loss of flavour.
- To prevent evaporation of water.
- To ensure even cooking. Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Disadvantages of boiling food;
- Uses a lot of fuel
- Nutrients may be lost in boiling liquid
- Boiled foods are not so tasty
- Food may be damaged in form
- Fast boiling makes protein hard and indigestible.
- Takes long to cook. Any 2 x 1 2 mark
- The difference between perishable and non-perishable foods;
- Perishable foods deteriorate/rot/spoil fast while non-perishable foods last longer/do not spoil quickly.
well explained 2 marks
- Perishable foods deteriorate/rot/spoil fast while non-perishable foods last longer/do not spoil quickly.
- Advantages of advertising on a Billboard.
It:- is easily visible
- is attractive
- is relatively permanent
- is entertaining
- reaches many people
- may contain more than one advertisement
- may have messages in pictures or illustrations. Any 3 x 1 3 marks
- Benefits of breastfeeding to a mother:
- Reduced chances of getting premenopausal breast and ovarian cancer
- Reduced incidences of urinary tract infections
- Reduced risk of postpartum bleeding
- Reduced chances of pregnancy.
- Saves time as it is ready all the time.
- Helps in bonding.
- Reduces breast problems/discomfort.
- Helps uterus go back to normal.
Any 3 x 1 3 marks
- Contents of a First Aid Kit are:
- Bandages
- Razor blade / pair of scissors
- Clip / safety pins / adhesive tape
- Ointment
- Pain killers. 2 marks
- Good grooming habits that help prevent skin diseases:
- Have regular baths with clean water and soap
- Avoid sharing personal items
- Wear clean ironed clothes
- Eat well balanced meals
- Disinfect items to be shared eg. basin/bucket
Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Factors that influence the frequency of cleaning a house:
- The season of the year/time
- The location of the house
- The nature of the occupants
- The nature of the house
- The time available for cleaning
- The size of the house
- The purpose of the room / house
- The cleaning equipment and materials available
- The number of occupants
- The frequency of use.
- Electricity is the best type of artificial light because it; Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- is clean in use
- is efficient
- comes in different intensity bulbs/can be regulated
- easy to use and maintain
- readily available. Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Factors to bear in mind when renting a house;
- Rent should be affordable
- The house space should be enough for the family size
- Should be near social amenities eg. schools, shops, hospitals
- Tenancy conditions should not be harsh and should be well understood
- The neighbourhood should be secure/safe/good.
- Access to good infrastructure
- Availability of services such as water, electricity.
Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Characteristics of a Plastic laundry basin are;
- strong/durable
- convenient size
- easy to lift/should have a broad rim
- easy to clean
- come in different colours/design
- light in weight Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Limitations of dry cleaning as a special treatment in laundry;
- It is expensive
- Solvents are volatile
- Solvents are highly inflammable
- Solvents are poisonous
- It requires skill. Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Textile fibres of plant origin are;
- Cotton
- Linen
- Jute
- Sisal
- Banana. Any 2 x 1 mark
- Uses of a Facing in clothing construction;
- To neaten raw edges
- To decorate the garment
- To provide enough thickness for attaching fasteners
- To shape and give body where applied
- To bring out a style feature. Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Areas in a garment where diagonal tacking can be used are:
- Hems
- Pleats
- Collar
- Waist band
- Cuff
- Facing
- Faced slit opening
- Yoke lining
- Fly opening
- Pocket 2 marks
- Points to observe when taking body measurements:
- Have a proper tape measure
- Tie a tape measure around the waist as this is the focal point of all other measurements
- Always put two fingers between the tape measure and the body/not tight
- Record the measurements.
- Person being measured should stand straight.
Any 2 x 1 2 marks
- Reason why acetone is not a suitable stain remover on acetate fabrics.
- is that acetate will dissolve in acetone.
- Damages/weakens fabrics 1 mark
- Correct direction to press the following darts:
Front shoulder dart - centre front
Bust dart - downwards / towards the waist
Elbow dart - downwards / towards the wrist
Back waist dart - centre back 2 marks
- Cleaning an oil painted wall.
- Collect equipment and materials
- Dust using a dry cloth to remove loose dirt
- Wipe using a clean cloth wrung from warm soapy water
- Work from low levels going upwards to avoid tear marks / trickling stains
- Clean a portion at a time slightly overlapping the parts
- Rinse immediately by wiping with a cloth wrung out of clean water
- Start from top coming downwards
- Dry with a dry soft non fluffy cloth
- Clean equipment, materials and store
- Procedure for laundering a loose coloured cotton T-shirt: 8 marks
- Collect equipment and materials
- Wash in lukewarm soapy water using kneading and squeezing
- Wash quickly to minimise colour loss;
- Rinse in lukewarm water to remove soap and dirt;
- Final rinse in cold water with salt and vinegar;
- Squeeze out excess water ;
- Dry flat on a clean surface under a shade
- Press with a warm iron on W.S avoiding the ribbing;
- Air and fold.
- Cleaning a plain wooden chopping board.
- Collect equipment and materials
- Clean with a soft/scouring brush and warm soapy water, a portion at atime scrubbing along the grain overlapping the portions;
- Rinse in warm water to remove soap and dirt;
- Final rinse in cold water to freshen;
- Dry with dry cloth/leave to dry
- Clean equipment and store 2 marks
- Cleaning an oil painted wall.
- Advantages of using a refrigerator in the home:-
- Can facilitate service of cold dishes and beverages in hot weather when they are most refreshing;
- Wastage is reduced as cooked food can be kept longer;
- Perishables keep longer;
- Meals can be planned in advance as shopping can be done early and food stored;
- It is economical as it saves time and energy by reducing trips to the market;
- Food remains safe to eat over varying periods of time as bacterial growth is inhibited;
- Can take advantage of foods in season and preserve them.
Any 4 x 2 8 marks
- Points to consider when planning meals for an invalid who is bedridden;
- Meals should be balanced to provide the invalid with the required nutrients for recovery;
- Meals should be served punctually/at regular intervals so as to allow the digestive system time to work.
- Meals should be prepared and served in a hygienic manner - this safeguards the patient from further infection;
- Meals should be soft/easy to digest as the digestive system is delicate/weak/sick;
- Meals should be served in small quantities as the invalid may not eat and retain much food;
- Meals should not have strong flavours and smells as this can make the invalid’s appetite go down;
- Meals should have less energy foods as they require less calories;
- Follow doctors instructions.
Any 4 x 2 8 marks
- Difference between substitute products and complementary products;
- substitute products are products that have the same use as others available in the market such as butter and margarine; while
- complementary products are the products that one needs to use together with other products such as sugar and tea, the need for one product creates the need for the other or one cannot be used without the other.
well differentiated 4 marks
- Advantages of using a refrigerator in the home:-
- Methods of disposing of fullness;
- Elastic
- Shirring
- Darts
- Easing
- Pleats
- Smoking
- Tucks
- Pattern markings on the skirt sketch.
- Methods of disposing of fullness;
- Attaching a lace onto the lower edge of a skirt using the overlaid seam;
- Fold the skirt along the fitting line to the W.S, then press;
- Place folded lace over the skirt fitting line; R.S. up of lace. Match fitting line, then pin and tack;
- Remove pins and machine stitch close to the fold, through the three layers;
- Remove tacking and press;
- Trim raw edges close to 1cm, neaten raw edges;
- Press seam on the R.S and W.S. 6x1 6 marks
- Finishing processes carried out during laundry;
- Ironing - moving a hot iron to and fro on an article until all creases are removed;
- Damping - introducing moisture to the dry article to be ironed;
- Pressing - placing a warm iron on a garment, lifting and placing it on the next portion until the whole article is pressed;
- Airing - hanging ironed clothes for some minutes to remove any traces of dampness before storage;
- Folding/Hanging - preparing clothes for storage;
- Mangling - folding of towels and pressing them between a mangle or roller for storage.
Any 4 x 2 8 marks
- Qualities of Aluminium that make it suitable for kitchen utensils;
- It is light in weight;
- It has a silvery appearance;
- It has a lower melting point/malleable;
- It acts as a good conductor of heat;
- It is highly resistant to weather corrosion;
- It is easy to clean;
- It is durable;
- It is reasonably cheap;
- It is safe to use;
- It does not rust.
- Signs of a child suffering from Marasmus;
- Extreme loss of weight;
- No fat under the skin/emaciated/wrinkled skin;
- Child looks like an elderly person;
- Ribs can be seen clearly;
- Eyes protrude;
- Hair looks normal but head is big;
- Child is weak;
- Child is alert and interested in his/her surroundings;
- Retarded growth.
Any 6 x 1 6 marks
- Factors to consider when selecting a baby’s clothes;
- the clothes must be warm as the heat regulating mechanism of a young baby does not function properly in the first few months;
- the fabric used must be soft and nonstick to prevent soreness and irritation;
- the fabrics used must be light in weight as the heavy ones make the baby uncomfortable;
- clothes should be large enough to allow for some growth and free movement of the baby;
- clothes should be of simple style and pattern for easier wearing and washing;
- light,warm or bright colours are best as they look cheerful and attractive;
- clothes should be easy to wash since they get dirty quickly and need constant laundering;
- clothes should be easy to put on and remove therefore should have tie tapes;
- clothes should be non-flammable to keep baby safe from fire;
- Should be strong to withstand frequent washing.
Any 4 x 2 8 marks
- Qualities of Aluminium that make it suitable for kitchen utensils;
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