A pattern of a child's blouse is provided. You are advised to study the sketches, instructions and layout carefully before you begin the test.
- Pattern pieces
- Blouse front
- Blouse back
- Sleeve
- Sleeve band
- Front neck facing
- Back neck facing
- Plain light weight cotton fabric 60 cm long by 91 cm wide.
- Sewing thread to match.
- One large envelope.
Using the materials provided, cut out and make the RIGHT HALF of the child's blouse to show the following processes:
- making of the double pointed dart.
- making of the shoulder seam using an open seam.
- making of the side seam using a french seam
- preparation of the sleeve to include: (i) french seam (ii) hemming the band half way.
- attaching of the sleeve. Do not neaten the seam.
- joining the front and back facing.
- attaching the facing to finish the neckline and neatening the free edge.
At the end of the examination, firmly sew onto your work, on a single fabric, a label bearing your name and index number. Remove the needle, pins and loose threads from your work. Fold your work neatly and place it in the envelope provided. Do not put scraps of fabric in the envelope.
Your two friends spent the night at your house. Using all the ingredients listed below, prepare, cook and present two suitable items for breakfast for the three of you. Include a beverage.
cocoa/ tea leaves
self raising wheat flour/plain wheat flour
baking powder
arrow roots/ sweet potatoes
Planning Session: 30 minutes
For each task listed below, use separate sheets of paper and make duplicate copies using carbon paper. Then proceed as follows;
- Identify the dishes and write the recipes.
- Write your order of work.
- Make a list of the foodstuff and equipment you will require.

- Work well pressed and folded
- Label firmly fixed without concealing details and on single fabric
- Pins/Needles and unnecessary tacking threads and loose threads removed
- Made up for the right half
Sub-total 5
- All six pieces cut out
- Smooth cutting of blouse CF
- Blouse CF cut on straight grain to within 2 mm
- Smooth cutting of blouse CB
- Blouse CB cut on straight grain to within 2 mm
- Front facing smoothly cut at the CF
- Back facing smoothly cut at the CB
- Smooth cutting for the blouse lower edge front (1) and back (1)
Sub-total 14
- Straight stitchery 1 x 2 and tapering to nothing
- Thread ends well fastened at the points
- Correct length of dart from one tapered end to the other tapered end (10 cm) to within 2 mm (9.8 cm - 10.2 cm)
- Correct width of dart (widest part of dart at centre (1 cm) to within 2mm (0.8 cm - 1.2 cm)
- Dart snipped at the centre, and the snipped edge neatened x 2 using loop stitchesx 2
Sub-total 9
(If not open seam give zero)- Seam joined with straight stitchery
- Well neatened raw edges 1 x 2
- Evenness of seam allowance
- Seam pressed open and flat at the neckline and sleeve crown open and flat
- Correct size of seam allowance (1 cm) to within 2mm (0.8 cm - 1.2cm) ( 21 ) x 2
(If not French seam give zero)- Straight stitchery
- Seam well trimmed (1) no threads on RS(1)
- Seam well knife edged
- Evenness of seam
- Correct size (6 mm) to within 2 mm (4 - 8 mm)
- Seam pressed towards the back at 1armhole
- Flatness of seam at armhole RS and WS
Sub-total 10
- Back and front facings joined with straight stitchery seam trimmed pressed open and unneatened
- Facing attached to neckline with smooth stitchery
- Seam trimmed (1) snipped (1) and understitched (1)
- Facing seam and shoulder seam meeting to within 2 mm at neckline
- Free edge of facing well neatened (2) and held down at seamline
- CF of blouse and CF of facing matching to within 2 mm
- CB of blouse and CB of facing matching to within 2 mm
- Flatness of neckfacing
Sub-total 13
(If not French seam give Zero)- Seam made before sleeve is attached
- Straight stitchery of seam
- Seam well trimmed No threads on RS
- Seam well knife edged
- Evenness of seam
- Correct size (6 mm) to within 2 mm (4-8 mm)
- Seam pressed towards the back at armhole and at sleeve band
- Flatness of the seam at sleeve band RS and WS
- Flatness of the seam at armhole RS and WS
- Side seam and underarm seam meeting to within 2 mm
- Sleeve seamline and sleeve band seamline meeting to within 2 mm
Sub-total 9
- Good hang
- Gathers well distributed 21 around the crown
- Gathers well distributed 21 at lower edge (1) measure (5.7 cm) from seamline to start of gathers to within 5 mm (5.2 - 6.2 cm) 1 x 2
- Armhole seam made with smooth stitchery
- Correct positioning of sleeve i.e back on back of bodice and front on front bodice
- Notches at armhole correctly matched
Sub-total 10
- Band correctly joined before attaching
- Sleeve band attached with straight stitchery (mark by impression)
- Raw edges of band well tucked under (1) and trimmed (1)
- Band hemmed half way
- Quality of hemming stitches
- Even width of band RS (1), WS (1)
- Correct depth of finished band RS (1), WS (1) (3.9 cm to within 2 mm (3.7 - 4.1 cm)
- Flatness of the band RS and WS
Sub-total 11
= 45
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