Answer questions from all sections.
- Either
- Continue the following opening to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing modulation to the subdominant and then back to the tonic.
Incorporate dotted rhythm and add phrase marks. (12 marks)
Or - Using staff notation, compose a melody and set to it the lyrics below. (12 marks)
Ujinga kitu kibaya,
heri kumeza mchanga
Ujinga kwa mwanadamu,
si mwendo mwema ujinga.
- Continue the following opening to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing modulation to the subdominant and then back to the tonic.
- Harmonize the following for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from the following: I, II, IV, V and VI. Make use of the passing note in bar 2. (20 marks)
- What is an idiophone? (1 mark)
- Name two Kenyan traditional melodic idiophones. (1 mark)
- State how each of the instruments named above is played. (2 marks)
- Apart from idiophones, name any other two classes of instruments. (2 marks)
- Explain two reasons why music is important in the traditional circumcision ceremony. (4 marks)
- Name the instrument played by each of the following Kenyan traditional musicians. (4 marks)
- Swaleh Mwatela;....................................................................................................
- David Mwangi;.......................................................................................................
- Ogola Opot;............................................................................................................
- William Ingosi........................................................................................................
Answer any two of the following questions (a), (b), (c) and (d)- Thomas Morley
- In which period of music history did Thomas Morley live? (1 mark)
- What is madrigal? (2 marks)
- Give the title of the collection of madrigals compiled by Morley in praise of Queen Elizabeth I. (1 mark)
- Outline any three characteristics of Thomas Morley’s Ballets. (3 marks)
- Antonio Vivaldi
- For which institution did Vivaldi work for most of his career? (1 mark)
- Outline any two of his duties at the institution. (2 marks)
- Give four sources that influenced Vivaldi’s musical career. (4 marks)
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
- What type of work is Fidelio? (1 mark)
- For what medium did Beethoven compose the 9th symphony? (1 mark)
- Name the masses composed by Beethoven. (2 marks)
- Outline three ways through which Beethoven earned a living as a freelance musician in Vienna. (3 marks)
- Igor Stravinsky
- State Stravinsky’s nationality? (1 mark)
- What type of work is “The Rite of Spring”? (1 mark)
- Give any two reasons that caused a riot during the first performance of “The Rite of Spring”? (2 marks)
- Outline any three features that characterize Stravinsky’s music in terms of tone colour. (3 marks)
- Thomas Morley
Teso Folksong - From Ngoma za Kenya. PPMC Recording
This performance consists of an introduction and four sections.- Describe the introductory section in terms of voices and instrumentation. (2 marks)
- Give two characteristic features that mark the various sections in the performance. (2 marks)
- Outline four characteristic features of the singing style in the performance. (4 marks)
- State two roles of the instruments in the performance. (2 marks)
Sonata in F minor Op.2 No.1 - lst movement - Ludwig van Beethoven-
- In what form is the movement? (1 mark)
- Describe the form in terms of the statement of the theme and the key system.
Use bar numbers for reference. (6 marks)
- Describe the texture of the music from bars 146 - 152. (1 mark)
- With reference to bar numbers identify:
- scalic movement; (1 mark)
- a trill. (1 mark)
- State the meaning of each of the following terms:
- Unison; (1 mark)
- Discord; (1 mark)
- Contralto; (1 mark)
- Tutti; (1 mark)
- Score. (1 mark)
- Explain two differences between a harp and a lyre. (4 marks)
- Name a Kenyan traditional harp. (1 mark)
- The concertmaster is an important member of the orchestra.
- Name the instrument he plays. (1 mark)
- Where is he/she positioned in the sitting arrangement of the orchestra? (1 mark)
- State two of his duties in the orchestra. (2 marks)
- Write the following music in staff notation. (6 marks)
Doh is G. Time 34
- State the meaning of each of the following terms:

- 16 bar melody 1 mark
Modulation -well established to the subdominant and back to the tonic 2 marks
Cadences (Any 2 including final one) 2 marks
Lyricism - movement by steps and singable leaps 2 marks
Melodic shape & curve 2 marks
Phrase marks 1 mark
Variety of rhythm including dotted
notes in conformity with the melody 2 marks
TOTAL 12 marks - Syllabic division 2 marks (1/2 mark for each line)
Text setting to music 2 marks (1/2 mark for each line)
Melodic shape and curve 2 marks
Lyricism (Singability) 2 marks
Variety of rhythm and conformity 1 mark
Cadences (2 including the final one) 2 marks
Dynamics 1 mark
TOTAL 12 marks
- 16 bar melody 1 mark
- 1/2 mark each for correct chord 6 marks
1 mark for each cadence 2 marks
Voice leading - 1 mark for each voice (ATB) 3 marks
Voice range (Mark as a whole) 1 mark
Proper use of 64 2 marks
Passing note 1 mark
Progression 5 marks (Maximum)
Deduct marks for each of the following faults:-
Parallel Octaves 1 mark each
Consecutive 5ths 1 mark each
Spacing 1 mark each
Overlapping 1 mark each
Unison to Octave and vice versa 1 mark
Doubled 3rd in Primary triads 1 mark
Exposed 5ths and 8ves
Octaves to 5ths and vice versa
Unison to 5th and vice versa
Wrong direction of stems (mark as a whole) 1 mark
TOTAL 20 marks
- Self sounding instrument 1 mark
- Marimba 1/2 mark
Adongo/Dongo 1/2 mark - Marimba - played by stroking/hitting the slabs/bars 1 mark
Adongo/Dongo - Played by plucking the lamellae 1 mark - Chordophones
1 mark each for any 2 correct classes 2 marks
- Music encourages the initiates to be brave.
Music psychs the candidates to face the initiation bravely.
The songs educate the initiates on the importance of circumcision.
Songs are used in educating the initiates on adult life.
Entertaining the initiates, their parents and those in attendance.
2 marks each for any 2 relevant reasons 4 marks -
- Swaleh Mwatela - Mabumbumbu, Mchirima, and Chapuo
- David Mwangi - Wandindi
- Ogola Opot - Nyatiti
- William Ingosi - Ishiriri.
1 mark for each correct instrument.
- Renaissance 1 mark
- A type of secular vocal music composition, polyphonic and unaccompanied with number of voices varying from three to six 2 marks
- The triumphs of Oriana. 1 mark
- Mostly homophonic in texture.
Melody in the highest voice.
Same music repeated for each verse/stanza/strophic.
Syllables fa-la-la used as refrain.
Written in dance like metre.
1 mark each for any three correct points 3 marks
- Conservatorio dell’ospedale della pieta 1 mark
- music director
- Teacher of music
- Conductor of performances
- Composer of music.
1 mark each for any 2 relevant points 2 marks
- Father was the leading violinist of St. Mark’s Chapel.
- He received education in music.
- He received education in priesthood.
- Extensive travels, composing and conducting operas throughout Italy and Europe.
- Religious background.
- Violin lessons in orchestra at St. Mark’s Cathedral.
1 mark each for any 4 relevant points 4 marks
- Opera 1 mark
- Solo voice, chorus and orchestra 1 mark
- Mass in C Major 1 mark
Mass in D major - Missa Solemnis 1 mark -
- Giving piano lessons.
- selling his compositions to publishers
- commissions from some members of the nobility (Aristocrat patrons)
- performance as a pianist.
1 mark each for any 3 relevant points. 3 marks
- Russian 1 mark
- Ballet 1 mark
- The bitting dissonance/harsh sounds;
- Primitive repetitions of sort motives;
- Pagan evocative obscene rites;
- Savage and pounding rhythms;
- completely new orchestra! sounds;
- Strange rhythms with constantly changing time signatures/wild rhythms;
- Intentional brutal polyrhythms.
1 mark each for any 2 relevant points. 2 marks
- Tone colours tends to be dry and clear.
- Scored for unconventional groups of instruments;
- Highly contrasting tones on offer combined;
- Instruments play in unusual registers;
- Percussion instruments given solo roles;
- Large ochestral works are programme.
1 mark each for any three relevant points. 3 marks
Teso folksong - From Ngoma za Kenya. PPMC Recording.- Voices: ululation from female voices and interjections from male and female voices.
1 mark
Instruments: Drums came in after ululation followed by jingles. 1 mark -
- Melodic changes/variations.
- Ululation.
1 mark for each correct point. 2 marks
- Solo - chorus
- Singing by mixed voices
- Solo by female and chorus from mixed female voices.
- Solo by female voice and chorus from female voices
- Chorus repeats solo exactly
- Chorus repeats solo with variation.
1 mark each for any 4 correct points 4 marks
- Maintaining the rhythm of the music
- Setting and keeping the tempo
- Providing interludes between the sections
- Supporting the chorus response through rhythmic variations.
- Enrich the performance.
1 mark each for any 2 relevant roles. 2 marks
- Voices: ululation from female voices and interjections from male and female voices.
Sonata in F minor Op.2 No.1 - 1st movement by Ludwig Van Beethoren-
- Sonata - Allegro form/Sonata form/First-Movement form.
1 mark for any correct response. 1 mark - Exposition: 1st subject (F minor) bars 1 - 8
Transition Bars 9 - 20
Codetta Bars 41 - 48
Development: (Bars 48 - 100)
1st subject material (Ab major) Bars 48 - 55
2nd subject material (Bb major) Bar 56
(C minor) Bar 64
(Bb Minor) Bar 70 - 71
(Ab minor) Bar 73 - 74
(C minor) Bars 81 - 100
Recapitulation (Bars 101 - 152)
1st subject (F minor) Bars 101 - 119
2nd subject (F minor) Bars 119 - 140
Cadette Bars 140 - 145
Coda Bars 146 - 152 (F minor)
2 marks each for correct description of each of the three sections
(Key and Bar number) Total 6 marks
- Sonata - Allegro form/Sonata form/First-Movement form.
- Homophonic/homophony/chordal 1 mark
- Scalic movement: Bars 33-34, 37 - 40, 132 - 133, 136 - 138
1 mark for any one correct bar 1 mark - Trill: Bars 85, 86, 87
1 mark for any one correct bar 1 mark
- Scalic movement: Bars 33-34, 37 - 40, 132 - 133, 136 - 138
- Unison: Simultaneous performance of the same notes or melody by various instruments/voices at exactly the same pitch or at a different octave.
1 mark - Discord: Combination of sounds not satisfactory or finished in itself requiring to be followed by a resolution. 1 mark
- Contralto: The lowest female voice 1 mark
- Tutti: All the performers 1 mark
- Score: Music printed in such a way as to show the whole of the composition.
1 mark
- Unison: Simultaneous performance of the same notes or melody by various instruments/voices at exactly the same pitch or at a different octave.
- A harp has an arched arm whereas a lyre has two arms connected by a cross
- The strings of a harp are connected to the arched arm while those of a lyre are connected to the crossbar.
- The strings of the harp run at an angle to the resonator whereas the lyre’s strings run horizontal/parallel to the resonator.
2 marks each for any two relevant explanations. 4 marks
- Adeudeu 1 mark
- Violin 1 mark
- In front of the orchestra on the conductor’s left. 1 mark
- Pitches the orchestral instruments from the violin.
- Tuning of the instruments before the concert and rehearsals.
- Controls the performances during rehearsals/practice.
- Co-ordinates with/consults conductor regarding extent of practice/rehearsals of the orchestra.
- Plays the solo if written for his/her instrument.
- Leader of the violin section/1st violin.
- Assistant conductor.
- Consults with the conductor.
- Technical manager in the orchestra.
1 mark each for any two correct duties. 2 marks
/2 mark for each correct note pitch and value 5 marks
/2 mark for correct placement of time signature /2 mark
/2 mark for each correct note pitch and value 5 marks
6 marks
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