Instructions to candidates
- This paper consists of SIX questions
- Answer any FIVE questions in this paper
- This paper consists of two printed pages.
- Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Answer 5 questions only
- Give reasons why the bible is considered as the word of God. (7 marks)
- Outline the attributes of God from Genesis stories of creation (6 marks)
- Identify seven ways in which the Bible is misused in Kenya today (7 marks)
- State the promises that God gave to Abraham (7 marks)
- Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham (7 marks)
- Give six reasons why church leaders take vows before starting their mission. (6 marks)
- State seven functions of the temple in the Jewish Communities (7 marks)
- Identify six ways which Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life. (6 marks)
- Give seven factors that have led to the increase of Christian denominations in Kenya. (7 marks)
- Outline Seven similarities between traditional African and true prophets in the Old Testament (7 marks)
- Describe the call of prophet Amos. (7 marks)
- State the relevance of prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christian in Kenya today. (6marks)
- Give seven characteristics of the new covenant foreseen by prophet Jeremiah. (7 marks)
- Identify seven final reforms carried out by Nehemiah to restore the worship of God in Judah (7 marks)
- Identify six ways in which the government of Kenya supports in the spread of the gospel. (6 marks)
- What changes have taken place in the rites of initiation in Kenya today (8 marks)
- Identify the moral values taught to the youth during the initiation to adulthood. (6 marks)
- Give six reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today. (6 marks)

- Give reasons why the bible is considered as the word of God. (7×1mrks)
- Through it God’s character/attributes/nature is revealed.
- God speaks/communicates to human beings through the bible/it contains God’s spoken word/God’s message.
- It shows the will/desire of God for human beings.
- Through the bible God guides people in their daily lives.
- It transforms lives of people/source of moral values.
- Part of the bible was directly written by God himself i.e. Ten Commandments.
- Prophecies/promises made in the bible have been/are being fulfilled.
- It reveals the actions done by God.
- It outlines God’s plans of salvation fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
- It remains relevant for all generations. (7×1mrks)
- Outline the attributes of God from Genesis stories of creation
- God is the creator.
- God is all powerful/ omnipotent.
- God is God of order/ perfect/ orderly.
- God is everywhere/ omnipresent.
- God is the provider/ sustainer.
- God is all knowing/ omniscient.
- God commands
- God is loving(wants personal relationships with man)
- He is everlasting,self-existence
- He is a spirit
- God is the source of goodness
- God is holy (6×1mrks)
- Identify seven ways in which the Bible is misused in Kenya today (7marks)
- It may be used to take Oaths in courts/offices by people who may not be believers /not saying the truth.
- It is kept in places associated with evil e.g lodgings/brothels.
- There is distortion of biblical teachings/specific verses are picked to fulfill individual demands/ misinterpretation/ false prophecy.
- Some people use the bible as an ordinary textbook/reference book.
- It’s being used in witchcraft/ to mislead people.
- Some people are using it to enrich themselves/used as a tool of trade.
- Some new versions translated have changed the original meaning of the bible.
- The bible is not read for spiritual growth but it is kept for display.
- Some people use the bible to threaten the others/administer curses. (7×1mrks)
- Give reasons why the bible is considered as the word of God. (7×1mrks)
- State the promises that God gave to Abraham (7mks)
- He would make Abraham’s name great/famous.
- God would bless those who bless Abraham/curse those who curse him/protect him.
- All the families of the world would be blessed through Abraham.
- God would give Abraham many descendants/he would have a great nation.
- God will bless Abraham.
- God would give Abraham long life/he would die in peace/be buried.
- He would give Abraham a son / heir
- Kings would come from Abraham’s descendant.
- His name would change from Abram to Abraham and wife’s name from Sarai to Sarah.
- God would punish the nation that enslaves the descendants of Abraham. (7×1mrks)
- Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham
- God established a personal relationship with Abraham/Abraham became God’s friend.
- It showed that Abraham had faith in God/trust in God.
- It demonstrated Abraham’s obedience to God.
- Abraham was assured of God’s protection.
- God revealed to Abraham that he would have a son as his heir/many descendants
- It confirmed Abraham as God’s choice through whom all nations shall receive salvation.
- God was in control of Abraham’s life/all other events.
- The descendants of Abraham were promised the land of canaan (7×1mrks)
- Give six reasons why church leaders take vows before starting their mission.
- To receive God’s blessings/guidance
- To get acknowledgement from the people being served.
- It reminds the leaders to stick to the church regulations/mission
- To get the authority of God to lead
- It gives the leader courage/confidence to do his work
- It shows one’s willingness/commitment to serve/acceptance.
- To emulate the biblical way of commissioning servants of God. 6x1=6marks
- State the promises that God gave to Abraham (7mks)
- State seven functions of the temple in the Jewish Communities
- It was used for worship/prayers.
- It was the place where the law was taught to male children/people.
- Sacrifices were burnt there by priests.
- Rituals of purification were conducted there.
- It was a home for priests / professional prophets
- Dedication/presentations of the babies were carried out in the temple.
- It was a business center/commercial center for Jews/exchange of currencies.
- The Sanhedrins held their sessions here/law court.
- All the Jewish festivals were celebrated there. 7x1=7marks
- Identify six ways which Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life.
- He married foreign wives.
- He allowed worship of foreign gods/idols/he worshipped idol gods.
- He murdered his half brother Adonijah who he thought would rival his power.
- He taxed the Israelites heavily.
- He disobeyed his father’s instructions to rely on God.
- He built places of worship of idol gods.
- He subjected the Israelites to slavery/forced labour.
- He signed treaties with neighbours for protection.
- He sold parts of Israelites land to Hiram King of Tyre.
- He build Yahweh’s temple using architectural designs of pagan temples. 6x1=6marks
- Give six factors that have led to the increase of Christian denominations in Kenya.
- Rivalry for leadership/hunger for power
- Differences I biblical interpretations/teachings/doctrines to suit the person preaching.
- Resistant to change by the older church members who want to remain as it was/generation gap
- Material gain/greed selfishness where starting a church has became business
- Lack of spiritual satisfaction by some members make them start their own churches
- Lack of good examples/poor role models by the leaders/corrupt leaders
- Desire to be free from missionary/foreign control
- Differences in mode of worship/rituals observance/model of worship
- Nepotism/tribalism/clanism/racialism among Christians.
- The Kenya constitution has allowed freedom of worship.
- Disagreements In ethical issues/policies in the church regarding how certain matters should be handled eg family planning, dressing etc
- Western influence/modern technology. 6x1=6 marks
- State seven functions of the temple in the Jewish Communities
- Outline Seven similarities between traditional African and true prophets in the old testament (7marks)
- Both predicted future events.
- acted as mediators between God and people.
- Both had supernatural powers to exercise their duties/were charismatic/spoke with authority.
- Both had a personal relationship with God/received revelations through visions/dreams/chosen by God.
- They were religious leaders who could offer sacrifices/prayers.
- Both played an advisory role to the political leaders/acted as the conscience of the leaders.
- Both urged their people to be morally upright/condemned evil in the society.
- They led exemplary lives in both
- In both cases there were prophets and prophetesses. 7x1=7marks
- Describe the call of prophet Amos.
- Amos was a farmer tending sycamore trees/shepherd
- He became from a village Tekoa in Judah
- He became a prophet during the reign of king Uzziah of Judah and Jewboam of Israel
- God called him after he was looking for his flock in the wilderness of Judah
- He saw a vision
- He felt a strong compulsion to prophesy
- He likened his call to the roar of a lion which everyone fears
- He responded to God’s call in faith and obedience 6x1=6marks
- Relevance of prophet Amos Teaching election of Israel to Christians in Kenya
- Christians are God’s people
- It is God who chooses them to be Christians
- God chooses one to be a Christian from many others
- The Christians have been chosen to proclaim the good news/service
- God protects them from their enemies/fight for them
- Christians should be faithful/obedient to God
- They will be punished by God if they do wrong
- They should always repent their sins/ask for forgiveness
- The priests/bishops/church leaders are chosen by God. 6x1=6marks
- Outline Seven similarities between traditional African and true prophets in the old testament (7marks)
- Give seven characteristics of the new covenant foreseen by prophet Jeremiah
- The laws would be written in the hearts of men
- Every individual would know God personally.
- It would be an everlasting covenant/would not be broken again
- There would be individual responsibility/suffering for ones sins
- God would forgive their sins/remember them no more
- It would be established after God punishes Israel/with the remnant
- It would establish new Israel/new people of God
- It would be initiated by God 7x1=7marks
- Identify seven final reforms carried out by Nehemiah to restore the worship of God in Judah
- Cleansing of the Temple.
- Reinstating of Levites and other temple works.
- He ordered the closure of the temple gates during the observance of the Sabbath.
- He separated the Jews from foreigners.
- He purified the priesthood.
- He chased away the household of Tobiah from the temple.
- He returned the vessels of the house of the Lord.
- He appointed treasurers over the storehouses.
- He stopped buying and selling of loaves on the Sabbath day. 7x1=7marks
- Identify six ways in which the government of Kenya supports in the spread of the gospel. (6marks)
- Give material support for development.
- The government supports the church sponsored ministries.
- The government allows freedom of worship.
- By including CRE in the curriculum.
- By employing chaplains in learning institutions and in the disciplined forces.
- Through development of infrastructure.
- Organizing national prayer days.
- The government has allowed churches to operate electronic media stations.
- The government recognizes church calendar. 6x1=6marks
- Give seven characteristics of the new covenant foreseen by prophet Jeremiah
- What changes have taken place in the rites of initiation in Kenya today (8marks)
- Female circumcision have been discouraged.
- Circumcision can be done at any time/not seasonal.
- Some boys are taken to hospital for circumcision.
- Education to the initiates is offered by persons.
- Some initiation practices like removal of teeth/tattooing of the body has been discarded.
- Elaborate ceremonies in some communities have stopped.
- More hygiene is observed e.g avoid using the same circumcision instruments.
- The role of age set/ age group is fading away.
- Initiation practices are no longer a test of courage/brave. 8x1=8marks
- Identify the moral values taught to the youth during the initiation to adulthood. (7marks)
- Hospitality/generosity/kindness.
- Tolerance/perseverance/endurance.
- Chastity/faithfulness/self-control.
- Respect/courtesy.
- Love/responsibility.
- Unity/co-operation. 7x1=7marks
- Give six reasons why female circumcision is being abandoned in Kenya today. (6marks)
- Can lead to infection of STIS/HIV/Aids.
- It can lead to injury/mutilation of reproductive organs.
- It’s against child/human rights.
- Can cause psychological torture.
- Can lead to irresponsible sex behavior.
- Can lead to early marriages.
- Can lead to school dropouts among girls.
- Can lead death due to bleeding. 6x1=6marks
- What changes have taken place in the rites of initiation in Kenya today (8marks)
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