Instructions to candidates
- This paper consists of SIX questions
- Answer any FIVE questions in this paper
- All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
- This paper consists of two printed pages.
- Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Answer 5 questions only
- Outline the Psalmist Prophecy concerning the Messiah Psalms 41;9, 110;1-2 (7mks)
- Identify seven activities that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the temple (7mks)
- Give six reasons why children should take part in church activities. (6mks)
- Describe the healing of Centurion servant. Luke 7:2-10 (7mks)
- Explain the importance of Jesus transfiguration. (6mks)
- Outline seven ways in which Christians can help reduce human suffering. (7mks)
- Identify seven instructions that Jesus gave the seventy two disciples when he sent them on a mission Luke 10;1-24 (7mks)
- Describe the incident when Jesus went to pray with His disciples at the Mount Olives. Luke 22:39-53 (8mks)
- Outline Five activities a modern Christian can perform in order to be considered a true follower of Jesus (6mks)
- Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples after ascension (7mks)
- Identify the fruit of the Holy Spirit as taught by St. Paul in Galatians 5:22-23 (7mks)
- Give six ways in which the church in Kenya helps to bring about unity in the country.(6mks)
- Identify five sources of Christian ethics. (5mks)
- In which ways can a Christian demonstrate responsible parenthood (8mks)
- Give ways in which the church strengthens the family relationships today (7mks)
- Give the reasons why it is important to have laws in a country (6mks)
- Outline seven Christian teachings on wealth (7mks)
- Identify seven obstacles of effective maintenance of law and order in Kenya today (7mks)

- Outline the Psalmist Prophecy concerning the Messiah psalms 41;9,110;1-2 (7mks)
- He would be betrayed by his close friend
- He would be honoured by God and rule as his representative on earth
- He would rule from zion
- He would bring judgement
- He would be a priest
- He would enjoy Gods protection and victory over his enemies
- He would sit at the right side of God
- He would shatter kings
- He will rule in the midst of his enemies 7x1=7mks
- Identify seven activities that took place during the presentation of Jeses in the Temple(7mks)
- Offering of prayers and thanksgiving
- The child was blessed
- His parents Mary and Joseph offered two turtle doves /pigeons
- Simeon prophesied about Jesus ministry
- Anna prophesied about redemption Jesus would bring
- Jesus was circumcised
- Jesus was given a name
- He was dedicated to the Lord according to the law 7x1=7mks
- Give six reasons why children should take part in church activities (6mks)
- They were made in the image of God
- To follow the example of Christ who went to the synagogue/temple
- To prepare them for the future roles as leaders
- To teach them religious beliefs /practices
- To lay foundation for Christian morals at an early age
- Jesus taught that the kingdom belongs to them/blessed them
- For continued growth of the church
- To help develop/improve their talents
- To give them an opportunity to socialize with others
- To help them spend their leisure positively 6x1=6mks
- Outline the Psalmist Prophecy concerning the Messiah psalms 41;9,110;1-2 (7mks)
- Describe the healing of the Centurion servant Luke7:2-10 (7mks)
- The centurion had a sick servant /slave
- The servant was dear to him
- He was sick at a point of death
- He heard of Jesus and sent him Jews elders asking him to heal his servant/slave
- The elders talked well about him to Jesus
- Jesus decided to go with them to the Centurion’s house
- Not far from the house the centurion sent friends to Jesus
- They told him not to trouble himself going to the centurions’ house for he felt not worthy to have Jesus in his house
- He wanted Jesus to say a word and the servant would be healed
- The centurion felt helpless although he was a man of authority
- Jesus marveled to what the centurion said he has not found such faith even in Israel. When those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the servant well. 6x1=6mks
- Explain the importance of Jesus transfiguration 6mks
- The transfiguration took place when Jesus was praying with his disciples thus emphasizing the importance of prayer
- Jesus and his disciples had retreated to a private place to pray therefore the importance of taking time off duties to pray in a private place
- Jesus dazzling brilliance confirmed his holiness and glory
- Moses and Elijah appearance represented the law and the prophets respectively
- The appearance of Moses and Elijah is an indication that there is life after death
- God’s presence was felt at the transfiguration with the symbol of cloud that came and covered them. Hence it is importance to desire to be in the presence of God
- The disciples heard the voice of God which commanded them to listen to Jesus ,therefore the importance of listening to the word of God
- Moses and Elijah appeared to encourage Jesus about the suffering he was about to face. Hence the importance of accepting/enduring suffering as a way of salvation, 6x1=6mks
- Outline seven ways in which Christians can help reduce human suffering. (7mks)
- Donating food and clothing to victims of suffering
- Advocating for laws which are not discriminative
- Voting out corrupt leaders
- Providing civic education on the rights of individuals
- Providing relief aid to victims of war and famine stricken areas
- Creating job opportunities
- Condemning acts which leads to suffering
- Respecting the laws of the country
- Advocating for equitable distribution of resources
- Being just and fair to others
- Providing guidance and counseling to the victims of suffering. 7x1=7mks
- Describe the healing of the Centurion servant Luke7:2-10 (7mks)
- Identify seven instruction that Jesus gave the seventy two disciples when he sent them on a mission, Luke 10;1-24 (7mks)
- The disciples were to pray for more labourers to be sent for the harvest
- The disciples were not to carry any purse ,bag,or scandals
- They were not to salute anyone on the road
- They were to say peace to any house they entered.
- They were to remain in the same house/Not to go from house to house.
- They were to eat and drink whatever was provided.
- They were to heal the sick .
- They were to tell the people that the kingdom of God has come near.
- They were to wipe off the dust on their feet against the people if not received 7x1=7mks
- Describe the incident when Jesus went to pray with His disciples at the Mount Olives. Luke 22:39-53 (8mks)
- Jesus went to mount Olives as it was his custom
- His disciples followed Him
- On arrival, he asked them to pray in order not to fall into temptation
- He withdrew from them, knelt down and prayed
- Jesus prayed for His father’s will to be done
- Jesus went back and found the disciples asleep because of their sorrow
- Jesus asked them why they were sleeping
- He woke them up and asked them to pray in order to avoid entering into temptations
- As Jesus was speaking, a crowd came led by Judas Iscariot. Judas drew near and kissed Jesus
- Jesus asked Judas why he was betraying him with a kiss
- Jesus disciples asked him whether they could strike those who came to arrest Him
- One of the disciples struck the slave of the High priest cutting of the ear/Jesus healed him
- Jesus asked the chief priest and temple guards why they had come to arrest Him like a common robber with swords and clubs
- Jesus asked them why they did not arrest Him as He preached in the temple daily
- Jesus told them that it was their hour and the power of darkness was in control. 8x1=8mks
- Outline Five activities a modern Christian can perform in order to be considered a true follower of Jesus (5mks)
- Take a vocation /do work whose benefits are minimal even when there is a better alternative.
- Spread the gospel to other areas
- Witnessing through work eg teaching ,medical,social work.
- Guiding and counselling people in understanding Gods message/interpreting Gods message.
- The shroud/cloth seen in the empty tomb.
- Setting good examples/ role models.
- Praying for Gods guidance/blessings
- Helping the needy/providing food, clothing, shelter, education to the needy.
- Condemning evil in the society
- Living to the teachings of Jesus Christ 5x1=5mks
- Identify seven instruction that Jesus gave the seventy two disciples when he sent them on a mission, Luke 10;1-24 (7mks)
- Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples after his ascension (7mks)
- The Holy Spirit would comfort them
- He was to counsel the disciples
- He would guide the disciples on what is right/Gods righteousness
- He was to convict the people their sins
- He is to remind the disciples on what Jesus had taught them
- He would teach people ways /truths of the kingdom of God
- He was to reveal the future/enable the disciples to prophecy
- He would glorify God through the work of the disciples
- He would enable the disciples to witness Christ throughout the world
- He would replace the physical presence of Jesus/stay with the disciples forever.
- He would empower the disciples to be able to speak with courage/confidence/authority. 7x1=7mks
- Identify the fruit of the Holy Spirit taught by St. Paul in Galatians 5:22-23 (7mks)
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control 7x1=7mks
- Give six ways in which church in Kenya helps to bring about unity in the country (6mks)
- By praying for peace
- By preaching /teaching peace
- Treating people equally without discrimination
- Providing a neutral solution between worrying parties/voice of reason
- Taking part in legislation process
- By providing employment opportunities/starting income generating project
- Living exemplary life/ staying peaceful as a church. 6x1=6mks
- Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples after his ascension (7mks)
- Identify five sources of Christian ethics (5mks)
- Human reason and experience
- Sacred scriptures/the Bible
- The Christian community/church laws
- Natural law
- Situation ethics
- Secular law/state laws
- African customs/morality 6x1=6mks
- In what ways can Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood (8mks)
- To bring up the children in the knowledge and fear of God
- To teach children the love of God and neighbor
- Being with children and giving them quality time
- Showing them love and concern
- Providing for their physical, emotional, social and psychological needs
- Disciplining them in love when they go wrong
- Respecting their rights e.g. right to be protected
- Providing opportunities to them to receive formal education and develop talents
- Teaching children by example /role model
- Training them for future responsibilities 8x1=8mks
- Give seven ways in which the Church strengthens the family relationships today (7mks)
- Provides guidance and counseling on family life
- Organizes seminars and workshops on family life
- Holds prayers for families
- Reconciles the couples
- Condemns divorce
- Give material support to the needy families
- Presides over marriage ceremonies where the bride and the bride-groom takes vows.
- Encourages families to worship together at home.
- Prepares study materials on family life. 7x1=7mks
- Identify five sources of Christian ethics (5mks)
- Outline seven Christian teachings on wealth. (7mks)
- Wealth is a blessing from God
- It cannot satisfy all human needs
- It gives people economic independence
- It should be used to help the needy
- Wealth creates a false sense of security
- It should be acquired through honest means
- It should be shared with others
- It should be used wisely
- It is not permanent
- It can be a stumbling block to entering the kingdom of God. 6x1=6mks
- Give the reasons why it is important to have laws in a country (6mks)
- Laws safeguard people’s rights
- Peoples property is protected under the law
- They protect the consumer from exploitation
- The law allows economic development/growth
- Individuals are able to enjoy the freedom of worship
- The law acts as a check /measure of those in authority
- The law outlines how foreigners should be handled
- They control taxation /collection of revenue
- Protection of citizens by the government
- Prevents crime and provides positive measures to crime done
- It ensures political stability in a country
- Outlines relationship between different nations
- Identify seven obstacles of effective maintenance of law and order in Kenya today (7mks)
- There is an increase in the rate of crime
- Due to unequal distribution of resources
- Permissiveness in the society
- Political instability/incitement by politicians
- Extreme poverty/high rate of unemployment
- Social discrimination/tribalism/racism/nepotism
- Some cultural beliefs /practices hinder effective maintenance of law
- Bribery and corruption which has destroyed the credibility of the government officials
- Greed for material wealth
- Inadequate modern equipment to combat crime
- Outline seven Christian teachings on wealth. (7mks)
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