Instructions to candidates
- This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C
- Answer ALL questions in section A (25 marks)
- Answer any THREE questions in section B (45 marks)
- Answer any TWO questions in section C (30 marks)
- All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
- Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Candidates should answer all the questions in English
Answer all the questions in this section
- Identify one method used by the archeologist to determine the age of artifacts. 1 mk
- Give two social reasons for the migration of the Nilotes into Kenya. 2mks
- Identify one role of the Njuri Ncheke among the Ameru of Kenya in the pre-colonial period. 1mk
- Give two written evidences of contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world. 2mks
- Identify two natural factors that facilitated the coming of early visitors to the Kenya coast before the 1500AD . Imk
- Name the Portuguese commander who led in the conquest of the east African coast between 1500and 1511AD 1 mk
- Identify two characteristics of a good constitution 2mks
- Name the treaty that marked the end of the scramble and partition of East Africa 1mk
- State one settler grievance that led to the signing of the Devonshire white paper of 1923. 1mk
- Mention two factors that led to African influx into urban centers during the colonial period. 2mks
- Identify two economic challenges encountered by Kenyatta at independence. 2mks
- State two ways in which the government of Kenya uphold the rule of law. 2mks
- Identify one organ of the Kenya Defense Forces. 1mk
- State two pillars of Nyayoism 2mks
- Identify one type of land holding in Kenya. 1mk
- Identify one function of the deputy governor. 1mk
- Mention one type of fund in which government revenue is deposited. 1mk
Answer any three questions in this section
- Apart from the Maasai, name three other groups that make up the plain nilotes. 3mks
- Describe the political organization of the somali during the pre colonial period 12mks
- List three methods used by the Europeans to occupy Kenya during the colonial period. 3mks
- Explain the consequences of the Luo mixed reaction during the colonial period. 12mks
- Highlight three levels of the colonial education in Kenya. 3mks
- Explain six reasons why settlers farming was encouraged during the colonial period. 12mks
- State three characteristics of early political organizations in Kenya. 3mks
- Discuss six factors that facilitated the Mau Mau war with the British during the colonial period. 12mks
Answer any three questions in this section
- give three ways in which citizenship by registration can be revoked. 3mks
- Explain six factors that promote national unity in Kenya. 12mks
- state three disadvantages of democracy.3mks
- Discuss the functions of the Kenya national human rights and equality commission. 12mks
- Identify the composition of the Senate. 3mks
- Explain six powers of the Kenyan president. 12mks

Answer all the questions in this section
- Identify one method used by the archeologist to determine the age of artifacts. 1 mks
- Chemical dating
- Lexico-statistical dating
- Stratigraphy
- Fission-track dating
- Geological dating
- Give two social reasons for the migration of the Nilotes into Kenya. 2mks
- Over population
- Spirit of adventure
- Religious reasons
- Family/clan fueds
- Identify one role of the Njuri Ncheke among the Ameru of Kenya in the pre-colonial period. 1mk
- Settle disputes among the members of the clan
- Final court of appeal
- presided over religious functions
- Give two written evidences of contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world. 2mks
- Periplus of the erythrean sea
- Greco-Roman documents
- Work of Arabs merchants ..ibin Btuta and Ali Masoud documents
- Identify two natural factors that facilitated the coming of early visitors to the Kenya coast before the 1500AD . Imk
- Deep natural habours
- Accessibility of the coast by the sea
- Monsoon wind
- Name the Portuguese commander who led in the conquest of the east African coast between 1500and 1511AD. 1mks
- Vasco Da Gama
- LaurencoLlavasco
- Fransisco d Almeida
- Pedro Alveres
- Tristao da Cunha
- Identify two characteristics of a good constitution 2mks
- Durable
- Comprehensive
- Clear and definite
- Ability to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens
- Name the treaty that marked the end of the scramble and partition of East Africa 1mk
Anglo German agreement of 1890/ Heligoland treaty
- State one settler grievance that led to the signing of the Devonshire white paper of 1923. 1mk
- Wanted to retain the Kenyan highlands.
- Asian immigration into Kenya to be curtailed.
- Settlers wanted to be granted self- government.
- They wanted separate development of all races in the colony.
(1 x 1 = 1mark)
- Mention two factors that led to African influx into urban centers during the colonial period. 2mks
- Colonial land policy which led to loss of land
- Search of job opportunity
- Reports of high wages in town
- Traders wanted to take advantage of wider markets in towns
- Attracted by the social amenities eg. Piped water, medical facilities etc
- Identify two economic challenges encountered by Kenyatta at independence. 2mks
- Land issues especially the former European farms
- Lack of capital
- Poor transport and communication
- Shortage of man power
- State two ways in which the government of Kenya uphold the rule of law. 2mks
- Guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary
- Trying suspects in a courtof law
- Those found guilty can appeal
- Arresting suspected criminals
- All Kenyans are subject to and governed by the same law
- Accussed persons are entitled to legal representations
- By empowering parlianment to control the excess of the executive arm of th government
- Identify one organ of the Kenya Defense Forces. 1mk
- Kenya army
- Kenya airforce
- Kenya navy
- State two pillars of Nyayoism 2mks
- Love
- Peace
- unity
- Identify one type of land holding in Kenya. 1mk
- Public land
- Community land
- Private land
- Identify one function of the deputy governor. 1mk
- Deputizing the county governor
- Acts in the absence of the county governor
- Assisting in the preparations of county legislation to be inacted by the assembly
- Mention one type of fund in which government revenue is deposited. 1mk
- Equilisation funds
- Consolidated funds
- Revenue funds for eachcounty government funds
- Contingencies funds
SECTION B. 45 marks
- apart from the Maasia name three othe groups that makes up the plain Nilotes.
- Iteso
- Samburu
- Turkana
- Njemps
Any 3x1=3mks
- Political organization of the Somali during the pre-colonial period (12 marks)
- Decentralized political system based on the clans
- Each clan had its own name and occupied specific territories.
- The clan was led by the council of elders.
- Duties of the council of elders included; maintaining law and order, settling disputes, presiding over religious ceremonies, it was the final court of appeal
- They had an age set system that provided the military
- They had professional warriors who safeguarded the community
- With introduction of Islam, Sheikhs became the leaders and ruled using Islam laws.
(Any 6 x 2 = 12marks)
- apart from the Maasia name three othe groups that makes up the plain Nilotes.
- three methods used to occupy Kenya during the colonial period. 3mks
- Signing of treaties
- Force of military expeditions
- Collaborations
- Operational bases
- Use of chartered companies
- 6 Consequences of the Luo reaction. 12mks
- Both the collaboration and resistance lost their independence to the British.
- The luo lost their property through burning and looting.
- There was massive loss of likes, especially among the UgenyaLuo.
- It bred hatred between the collaborations and the resistors.
- The leaders were able to gain Western education and religion like schools.
- The leaders were replaced with British administering undermining traditional political systems.
- The luo were alienated from there and to pave the way for British occupation and settlements.
- three methods used to occupy Kenya during the colonial period. 3mks
- Highlight the Levels of colonial education
- Primary education
- Secondary education
- University education
- Six reasons why settler farming was encouraged during colonial period (12 marks)
- To finance the administrative cost of the colony.
- To help pay for the construction cost of the railway.
- To produce cheap raw materials for British industries.
- The Kenya Highlands were ideal for British settlement.
- To counter Asian influence in Kenya.
- The colony lacked other natural resources to be exploited.
- The settlers would form the backbone of the economy and help make Kenya a white man’s country.
(Any 6 x 2 = 12marks)
- Characteristics of early political organization
- They were led by mission educated Africans like Harry Thuku and Jonathan Okwiri.
- They were a non violent.
- They had similar grievances e.g forced labour taxation etc
- They were formed from ethnic/tribal grounds
- Factors that facilitated Mau Mauwar with the British
- Use of guerilla tactics which made it difficult for the British to suppress the rebellion.
- Oathing helped to unite fighters.
- Support of civilians who supplied food and equipment.
- Natural forest e.gabaadare and Mt.Kenya provided gandhidesout.
- Resourceful and courageous leaders who had participated in World War II inspired the inspired the reste of DedanKimathi, Stanley Mathenge and general China.
- There was military experience due to participation in World War II.
- Characteristics of early political organization
- Revocation of citizenship.
- If the person acquired the citizenship by fraud, false representation or failure to provide full information.
- If a person supports or is found to have supported an enemy country during war with Kenya.
- If the person has within five years been convicted to a prison term of three or more years.
- If a person has been convicted of treason or offence of which a penalty of seven or more years.
- Factors promoting national unity.
- The national language.
- National philosophies like socialism, harambee and nyayoism.
- National symbols like anthem, coat of arms and public seal.
- Social and economic interaction.
- Fair distribution of resources.
- Government institutions like judiciary, the legislature and executive.
- National days and events like mashujaa day, jamhuri and madaraka day
- Revocation of citizenship.
- Disadvantages of democracy. 3mks
- It disregards the interest of the minority.
- It is expensive to implement since both civic education and general elections require funding.
- The wealthy use their resources to influence the voters at the expense of those with limited resources.
- Its time consuming since certain procedures must be followed and the views of the majority sought before important decisions are made.
- Functions of the Kenya national human rights and equality commission..12mks
- To promote gender equality and equity generally.
- To promote the protection and observance of human rights.
- To promote respect for human rights and develop a culture of human rights in the republic.
- To monitor, investigate and report on the observance of human rights.
- To receive and investigate complaints about alleged abuses of human rights.
- To take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated.
- To investigate or research on matters of human rights and make recommendations to the state.
- To ensure state compliance with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights.
- Disadvantages of democracy. 3mks
- composition of the senate 3mks
- It has68 members, 47 elected members represented counties.
- Women members nominated by political parties represented in the senate.
- Two members 1 woman and 1 man are represented the youth
- Two members, 1 woman and 1 man to represent persons with disabilities.
- The speaker who is an ex-official member.
- six powers of the president. 12mks
- Commander in chief of the armed forces.
- Power to exercise the executive authority of the republic.
- Power to uphold and safeguard the constitution and supremacy of the republic.
- Powers of merely e.g pardons persons convicted of offence.
- Powers for nominate, appoint or dismiss cabinet secretary and other officials.
- The power to constitutions honors in the name of the people and the republic.
- Chairperson of the national security.
- composition of the senate 3mks
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