Instructions to candidates
- This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C
- Answer ALL questions in section A (25 marks)
- Answer any THREE questions in section B (45 marks)
- Answer any TWO questions in section C (30 marks)
- This paper consists of three printed pages.
- Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
- Candidates should answer all the questions in English
Answer ALL questions from this section
- Identify one limitation of archeology as a source of information in history (1 mk)
- State two distinct features of Homo erectus (2mks)
- Identify two types of irrigation methods used by early Egyptians (2mark)
- Identify one main item of trade from west Africa during the trans-Atlantic trade (1 mk)
- Mention two factors to consider before sending an effectives message (2marks)
- What is the main advantaged of cell phone (1 mk)
- State one factor that led to the decline of Kilwa (1 mk)
- Identify one function of Lukiiko in the Buganda kingdom in 19th century (1 mk)
- Give two importance of Odwira festival in the Asante kingdom (2 mks)
- Mention one country in Africa that was not colonized by European powers (1 mk)
- Identify two communes where the assimilation policy succeeded in West Africa (2 mks)
- Give one reason why the United States of America was reluctant to join the First World War(2marks)
- Name the organ of the United Nation that promotes justice in the world (1mk)
- Identify two signatories of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) (2mks)
- Give one organ of the League of Nations (1mk)
- Name two main political challenges which have faced Democratic Republic of Congo since independence (2mks)
- Identify two ways through which the congress checks the excesses of power by executive in the united states of America. (USA) (2mks)
Answer any three questions from this section -
- Give five physical changes which occurred in early human beings as they evolved from ape like creature to modern man (5 marks)
- Explain five effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia (10marks)
- Identify five problems faced by Trans Saharan traders (5 mks)
- Explain five disadvantages of railway transport (10marks)
- Give three social aspects of the shone during the pre-colonial period (3 marks)
- Describe the political organization of Shona kingdom during the pre-colonial period (12 marks)
- Mention five factors that facilitated the growth of nationalism in Ghana (5 marks)
- Explain five reasons why FRELIMO succeeded in its armed struggle against the Portuguese (10 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section
- State three reasons why the British used direct rule to administer Zimbabwe (3marks)
- Explain six reasons for the failure of direct rule in southern Nigeria (12marks)
- State five aims of Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) (5 marks)
- Explain five challenges that faced the East African community (EAC) up to 1977 (10marks)
- State five functions of British Monarch (5 marks)
- Explain five functions of the Electoral Commission of India (10 marks)

Answer all questions from this section
- Identify one limitation of archeology as a source of history (1 mk)
- It is expensive to organize visits to museums and archaeological sites for information.
- It is difficult to locate sites as artifacts are buried.
- It is time consuming.
- Some artifacts & fossils are fragile and hence they can break during excavation or transportation.
- It cannot be used to study recent history.
- It may not be accurate as it depends on conclusions (inferences) & reconstructions.
- The dating is not accurate as it can only be estimated.
- There are very few archaeologists.
- It is difficult to identify particular people by name, language, place of origin etc.
- It depends on other disciplines for analysis. Any 1 x 1 mrk
- State two distinct features of Homo erectus (2mks)
- He had a big brain capacity of about 700-1250cc / High thinking capacity
- He walked upright / bipedal.
- He had ability to grasp objects.
- He had a more developed speech than the earlier creatures.
- He had a long skull.
- He had protruding jaws.
- He was about 5ft, 6 inches tall.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrk
- Identify two types of irrigation methods used by early Egyptians(2mark)
- Shadoof
- Canal
- Basin
Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- Identify one main item of trade from west Africa during the trans Atlantic trade(1 mk)
Slaves 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Mention two factors to consider before sending an effectives message (2marks)
- The urgency / Time / Speed.
- The clarity / Complexity / Simplicity.
- The distance between the sender and the receiver.
- Availability of facilities / Method / Means.
- The confidentiality of the message.
- The cost of the means to be used.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- What is the main advantaged of cell phone (1 mk)
It is portable 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- State one factor that led to the decline of Kilwa(1 mk)
- Disruption of gold trade due to civil wars
- Rebellions from some towns colonized by kilwa
- Conquest by the Portuguese.
Any 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Identify one function of Lukiiko in the Buganda kingdom in 19th century (1 mk)
- It advised Kabaka.
- It represent people’s needs to Kabaka.
- It acted as court of Appeal / It advised on disputes.
- It directed the collection of taxes / how the wealth of the kingdom would be spent.
- It help Kabaka in administration.
- It made laws for the kingdom.
- It checked the activities of the government / checking on the executive.
- It debated on issues that affected the kingdom.
Any 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Give two importance of Odwira festival in the Asante kingdom (2 mks)
- It promoted unity among the people.
- It provided an opportunity for the kings to settle disputes.
- It brought the kings together to pledge loyalty / tribute to the Asantehene.
- It provided an opportunity for the kings to honour the dead.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- Mention one country in Africa that was not colonized by European powers(1 mk)
- Ethiopia
- Liberia
Any 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Identify two communes where the assimilation policy succeeded in West Africa.
- Goree
- St Louis
- Rufisque
- Dakar. Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- Give one reason why the United States of America was reluctant to join the first world war (2marks)
- This was according to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 which discouraged her from interfering with any European affairs.
- Some of her citizens also were of German origin and hence feared a rebellion from them.
- The war had not touched her directly until 1916.
- She feared an outbreak of a civil war between Americans of German descent and those of other European nationalities.
- She traded with both parties
Any 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Name the organ of the united nation that promotes justice in the world (1mk)
International court of justice(ICJ)
1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Identify two signatories of the strategic arms reduction treaty (START) (2mks)
- George bush(senior)
- Mikkail Gorbachev 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- Give one organ of the League of Nations (1mk)
- Assembly
- council
- Secretariat
- Permanent court if international justice
- International labour office
Any 1 x 1 = 1 mrk
- Name two main political challenges which have faced democratic republic of Congo since independence(2mks)
- Civil wars
- Coup de tat’s
- Identify two ways through which the congress checks the excesses of power by executive in the united states of America. (USA)
- The Congress checks the power of the president by approving all appointments made by him.
- The Congress can refuse to approve use of government funds for a foreign policy.
- The Congress can impeach the president.
- The Supreme Court can declare a president to have acted unconstitutionally.
- The constitution limits the president to 2 four-year terms in office.
- The mass media can check on the president’s action and speech.
- Pressure groups also act on the president’s action.
- The Public opinion reflects the wishes of the people and the president has to respect it..
- The President’s party is always careful not to lose its majority in congress.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 mrks
- Give five physical changes which occurred in early human beings as they evolved from ape like creature to modern man(5 marks)
- Man became upright / bipedal.
- He became less hairy.
- His skull’s size became large.
- The jaws & teeth become smaller.
- The hands & arms became shorter.
- The legs and toes became shorter.
- He became taller.
- He had a slender body.
- He had a bigger brain.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 mrks
- Explain five effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia (10marks)
- It enabled the people to settle down and concentrate on farming.
- Population increased, due to the increase in food production.
- Food production increased, hence improved standards of living.
- Urban centres develop eg Ur, Uruk, Babylon and Nippur.
- Trade between communities emerged and increased, due to the production of surplus food.
- Specialization in craft activities followed
- Influenced the development of writing (cuneiform) & arithmetic to keep records.
- The invention of the wheel followed to facilitate the transporting process during farming.
- The construction of storage facilities
Any 5 x 2 = 10 mrk
- Give five physical changes which occurred in early human beings as they evolved from ape like creature to modern man(5 marks)
- Identify five problems faced by Trans Saharan traders (5 mks)
- Long and stressful journey.
- Dangers in the routes e.g. could be attacked by wild animals and other desert creatures.
- Extreme weather conditions of the desert, e.g. very hot during the day very cold during the night.
- Traders often lost their way in the desert due to frequent shifting of routs.
- Scarcity of basic needs e.g. water and food.
- Attacks by hostile desert communities.
- Many were killed by the frequent sand storms.
- Disruption of their journey during inter- community wars / Insecurity due to declining and falling of kingdoms.
- Language barrier / Lack of common language for transacting trade.
- Exhaustion of trade goods especially gold.
- They were robbed by desert people.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 mrks
- Explain five disadvantages of railway transport (10marks)
- It is expensive to constructs and maintain.
- It is less flexible- no diverging or reverse.
- It can cause fatal accidents.
- It pollutes the environment.
- It is not self-sufficient since it has to be supplemented by road transport.
- Rails do not offer door to door services.
- They are costly to build and maintain
- Different rail gauges used by different countries require trans-shipment, thus delays.
- Steep gradients are unsuitable for railways as it requires leveling, embarkments and constructions of bridges.
Any 5 well explained x 2 = 10 mrks
- Identify five problems faced by Trans Saharan traders (5 mks)
- give three social aspects of the Shona during the pre-colonial period (3 marks)
- Mwene Mutapa was the Chief priest and he was regarded as a semi-divine king.
- They believed in a supreme creator God whom they called Mwari.
- They believed in both good and bad spirits: Vadzimu(family spirits) Mhondoro (Clan spirits) and Chamiruka (National Spirit).
- They had intermediaries (Svikiro) who was a departed family or clan member.
- Chamiruka settled clan disputes and protected the clans (community)
- Rozwi clan provided priests who presided over religious ceremonies and sacrifices.
- They were divided in to clans whose names were coined from animals like monkeys, whose meat was never consumed.
- They lived in circular stone buildings.
- They respected the elders for peace when they die.
- They had sacred places for worship eg Shrines, where sacrifices were offered.
Any 3 x 1 = 3 mrks
- Describe the political organization of Shona kingdom during the pre-colonial period (12 marks)
- They were ruled by a King (Mwene Mutapa) who had absolute authority over the subjects.
- The King’s position was hereditary so as to reduce succession disputes.
- The King was assisted by several people eg the court steward.
- There was an advisory council whose work was to advise the king.
- The Kingdom was divided into provinces under provincial / lesser chiefs who were directly answerable to the king.
- The provinces were divided in to chiefdoms ruled by chiefs.
- Under the chiefs there were head men who were in charge of the villages.
- They had a standing army whose main duty was to defend / expand the empire.
- The king was a simbol of unity as he was semi-divine.
- There existed priests who acted as spies for the king.
Any 6 x 2 = 12 mrks
- give three social aspects of the Shona during the pre-colonial period (3 marks)
- mention five factors that facilitated the growth of nationalism in Ghana (5 marks)
- Inadequate African representation in the Legislative Council caused discontent among the Ghanaians. (political)
- Loss of power by the traditional African Chiefs created discontent against the colonial government. (political)
- The need to guard against possible land alienation by the British united the Africans. (economic)
- Introduction of taxation by the colonial government made the Ghanaians to resent. (economic)
- The meager earnings by Africans from the sale of cocoa to Europeans created discontent among them. (economic)
- The order by the colonial government that the farmers uproot their cocoa due to prevalence of the “Swollen shoot” disease upset them. (economic)
- The involvement of ex-service men in the 2nd World War inspired them to fight for their independence. (political)
- The attainment of independence by India / Pakistan in 1947 encouraged the Ghanaians to demand or their right to govern themselves. (political)
- The existence of the young educated Ghanaians who had understood the ideas of democracy / freedom, who inspired the masses towards a worthy cause. (social)
- High rate of unemployment among the Africans created resentment / discontent. (economic)
- The UNO Charter’s declaration of the importance of political independence of all people inspired the Ghanaians. (political)
- The charismatic leadership by Kwame Nkrumah and other leaders united the people in their struggle against colonial domination. (political)
- The selective granting of trading licenses to European traders while denying the same to the Africans created discontent. (economic)
- Sharp increase in food prices. (economic)
Any 5 x 1 = 5 mrks
- Explain five reasons why FRELIMO succeeded in its armed struggle against the Portuguese(10 mks)
- Support from the Africans since they wanted to liberate the country.
- The country as ideal for guerilla warfare.
- They attacked the Portuguese from different points.
- They fought on a terrain to which they were familiar.
- Constant supply of information from the Africans.
- Support from the communist countries e.g. USSR and China for the basics e.g. medicine.
- OAU liberation committee with its Headquarters at Dar-Salaam hosted the guerillas.
- They incorporated women who mobilized Africans in the country.
- They collaborated with fighters from Southern Rhodesia.
- The African combatants were friendly with the locals for total support.
- Unity through mingling of people from different ethnic communities
Any 5 x 2 = 10 mrks
Answer any two questions from this section
- mention five factors that facilitated the growth of nationalism in Ghana (5 marks)
- State three reasons why the British used direct rule to administer Zimbabwe (3marks)
- They had enough personnel on the sport who were familiar with the area as well as the British administrative system.
- The British South Africa Company had enough finance to pay the administrators.
- They aimed at controlling the economy of Zimbabwe to maximize profit.
- They wanted to ensure complete control of the Africans to avoid resistance.
- Zimbabwe lacked a centralized system of government / The traditional system and indigenous political institutions since they had been destroyed during the British wars of conquest.
- The 1896-1897 Shona-Ndebele uprising shook European confidence in local administrators.
- The British aimed at establishing a British dominion settlement.
- The British found the Zimbabweans uncooperative.
Any 3 x 1 = 3 mrks
- Explain six reasons for the failure of direct rule in southern Nigeria (12marks)
- Did not have a centralized indigenous system of administration.
- Lack of homogeneity in the South because there were many tribes and hence many languages.
- The British introduced new ideas e.g. forced labour and taxation for which they were opposed.
- The failure of the British administrators to understand the socio-economic and political system of Southern Nigeria which was based on the office of the Oba made them give up easily.
- Opposition from the educated elite who felt left out of administration of their own country / Leadership.
- Oba’s of Southern Nigeria had defined powers, so when they were given wide ranging, the people became disunited / Excessive powers made them unpopular.
- Misuse of power by the warrant chiefs who raised taxes for their own benefit. They also sexually harassed women.
Any 6 x 2 = 12 mrks
- State three reasons why the British used direct rule to administer Zimbabwe (3marks)
- State five aims of Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) (5 marks)
- To liberalize trade between member states.
- To improve relationship and movement of between member states.
- To improve living standards of members
- To create custom union in the region.
- To promote industrial development among members states.
- To promote cultural interaction among member states.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 mrks
- Explain five challenges that faced the East African community (EAC) up to 1977 (10marks)
- Unequal distribution of services and benefits from the organization by the member states made Tanzania and Uganda envy Kenya’s monopoly of the organization.
- Ideological differences among the three member states made them pursue different economic policies.
- Personal differences between leaders like Amin and Nyerere made it difficult for them to call meetings that would promote dialogue and unity.
- The coup that overthrew Obote Milton of Uganda undermined the unity that was desired for the survival of the organization / political instability in Uganda undermined the organization.
- The fear that the Kenyans were benefiting from the community in terms of employment.
- Hostility towards nationals from member states.
- Financial constraints resulting from failure by member states to remit funds to the organization.
- Shortage of funds in managing the Community’s resources by member states led to unlawful nationalization of the organization’s assets.
- Tanzania’s closure of the common border with Kenya halted the community’s interests.
- National interests overshadowed the organization’s interests.
- Personal ambitions by the leaders.
- Too much power was vested in the hands of the authority ie, heads of the three states.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 mrks
- State five aims of Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) (5 marks)
- State five functions of British Monarch (5 marks)
- He/she approves / assents bills before they become laws.
- He/she approves all appointments to important state offices.
- He/she is involved in enacting treaties between the government and other countries in relation to foreign policy.
- He/she summons / Prorogues / dissolves parliament with consultation with the PM.
- He/she gives consent to all cabinet appointments.
- He/she has power to pardon people who have been accused of committing various offences.
- The Monarch appoints Bishops of the Church of England / Create peers ie members of any of the five noble ranks like Barons, Viscounts, Earls, Dukes and Marquins who have the right to sit in the House of Lords.
- He/she advises / counsels the Head of Government.
- He/she confers honors to people who have rendered distinguished / outstanding services to the state e.g. nominating a member to the House.
- He/she is the Commander in- Chief of the Armed Forces.
Any 5 x 1 = 5 mrks
- Explain five functions of the electoral commission of India(10 marks)
- Preparing a register of voters
- Drawing boundaries of constituencies
- Compiling a list of parties to participate in an election
- Establishing pooling dates
- Allocating of symbols to political parties
- Receiving nomination papers from prospective candidates
- Counting of votes
- Announcing of results.
Any 5 x 2 = 10 mrks
- State five functions of British Monarch (5 marks)
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