- Answer all the questions in Section A in the spaces provided.
- In section B answer questions 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided

- In tomatoes hairy stem are produced;
- By a dominant gen ‘H’ and hairless (smooth) stem by its recessive allele ‘h’. Using a punnet square, work out the outcome between two heterozygous hairy stemmed plants. (4mks)
- State the phenotypic ratio of the products (lmk)
- What will be the genotypes if the smooth variety is crossed with one of its parents? (lmk)
- State two ways in which. Genetics can be used in the field of Agriculture. (2mks)
- The diagram below represents a blood dotting formed in the body of a mammal
- Name the cell labelled S and T. (2mks)
T - State the function of the cell labelled S in the body of a mammal. (lmk)
- Describe how fibrin are formed. (3mks)
- Give two adaptations of cell labelled T to its functions. (2mks)
- Name the cell labelled S and T. (2mks)
- The diagram below represents a scheme diagram of movement of water from soil through leaves of a flowering plant into the atmosphere.
- Name parts labelled Q R and S. (3mks)
- How is structure labelled R adapted to its functions. (2mks)
- On the diagram draw alternative site for water loss through the leaf. (lmk)
- Identify process (iii). (lmk)
- How is structure T adapted to its function? (lmk)
- The diagram below shows some of the processes that take place in female reproductive system.
- Name process labelled
I (lmk) - Name the structure labelled T and R. (2mks)
R - Identify hormones responsible for the formation of structuresT and R. (2mks)
- Explain what leads to processes at II. (3mks)
- Name process labelled
- The diagram below shows three different types of neurones a long a reflex arc
- Identify the neuron labelled 1, 2 and 3 (3mks)
3 - Using arrows show the direction of impulse transmission on the diagram. (lmk)
- Name the part of the spinal cord where the cell bodies of neurone 2 and 3 are located (lmk)
- Describe the transmission impulse across the part labelled P. (3mks)
- Identify the neuron labelled 1, 2 and 3 (3mks)
- During germination and growth of a cereal, the dry weight of endosperm, the embryo and the total dry weight were determined at two day intervals. The results are shown in the table below.
- Using the same axes, draw graphs of dry weight of endosperm, embryo and the total dry weight against time. (7mks)
- What was the total dry weight on day 5 (lmk)
- Account for;
- Decrease in dry weight of endosperm from day 0 to 10. (2mks)
- Increase in dry weight of embryo from day 0-10. (2mks)
- Decrease in total weight from day 0 to 8. (lmk)
- Increase in total dry weight after day 8. (lmk)
- State two factors within the seed and two outside the seed that cause dormancy.
- Within seed. (2mks)
- Outside the seed. (2mks)
- Give two characteristics of meristematic cells. (2mks)
- Discuss the various evidences which show that organic evolution has taken place. (20mks)
- State any three differences between monosaccharides and polysaccharides. (3mks)
- Explain the biological functions of lipids to living organisms. (8mks)
- Describe the laboratory test for proteins using biurets test. (2mks)
- Describe the role of the following in mammalian digestive system.
- Pepsin (2mks)
- Bile (2mks)
- Hydrochloric acid - (2mks)

- Parental genotype Hh
Offspring genotype HH: Hh; hh
1: 2: 1 - 3 : 1
- Hh, Hh, hh, hh
- plant and animal breeding ;
- Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s);
- Parental genotype Hh
- S – white blood cell /leucolyte;
T – red blood cell / Erythrocyte - Protection against infection/destroys pathogens; Rj- for defense alone unless it is qualified (1mk)
- Platelets / thrombocytes release thrombokinase / thromboplastin; (when exposed to air) which converts inactive prothrombin into active thrombin
The enzyme thrombin converts the soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin; (3mks) - Bioncave shape to provide a large surface area for diffusion of gases;
- Has haemoglobin that readily combines with oxygen/has high affinity for oxygen;
- Absence of nucleus to give more room/space for packing / accommodating more haemoglobin;
- Has enzyme carbonic anhydrase to speed up combination of carbon (IV) oxide with water; (mark 1st 2) = 2mks)
- S – white blood cell /leucolyte;
- Q – piliferous layer; R – endosperm; S – pericycle; (3mks)
- Casparian strip, water proof, thus water can only pass via cytoplasm.
- numerous starch granules acts as a source of energy; (3mks)
- See diagram (1mk)
- evaporation; (1mk)
- Thickening to prevent collapsing;
- Impregnated with lignin for support (any 1)
- I – ovulation; (1mk)
- T – graffian follicle; R – corpus luteum;
- T – follicle stimulating hormone
- R – lutenizing hormone; – (when sperm comes into contact with egg)
Acrosome bursts open and releases lytic enzymes; which dissolve egg membrane;
Acrosome then turns inside –out froming a fine filament that penetrates the egg;
Head of sperm enters ovum, tail is left outside the ovum;
Vitelline membrane charges to fertilization membrane which stops any other sperm from entering ovum;
Once in the cytoplasm, head bursts releasing male nucleus which then fuses with female nucleus to form a diploid zygote; (max 3)
- 1 – sensory neurone / Afferent neurone;
2 – Relay neurone / intermediate neurone;
3 – motor neurone/ Efferent neurone; - The arrows point towards neurone 3 from 2 and 1:
- grey matter;
- Impulse reaching the dendrite end of relay/neurone 2 causes the synaptic vesicles to release acetylecholine/ transmitter/ transmitter chemical diffuses across the cleft; and causes the depolarization of the motor neurone; (any 3 x 1 = 3mks)
- 1 – sensory neurone / Afferent neurone;
- Graph
- 41mg
- food stored in endosperm was utilized by the growing / germinating plumule and radicle
- Food from the endosperm was taken to the embryo which was growing thus increased in weight.
- This is due to the energy lost through respiration i.e. not all the food the endosperm is utilized in the growth of the embryo.
- The ‘seedling has developed foliage leaves thus photosynthesis has started taking place.
- Immaturity of the embryo;
- absence of enzymes / hormones;
- presence of inhibitors ;
- Impermeable seed coat; (any 2x1=2mks)
- Excess heat;
- lack of water/oxygen
- thin walls
- dense cytoplasm
- absence of vacuoles
- Comaparative anatomy;
Members of a phylum show similarities; the organisms have similar structure / organs performing similar function e.g presence of digestive , urinary and nervous systems;
Vestigal organs/coccyx, appendix;
Pentadactyl limbs in different animals e.g. monkey and rats, have bones arranged in a similar way/ these are examples of homologous structures / structure of similar origin but perform different function;
Convergent / analogous structures like wings of birds and insects all these point towards common origin;
Comparative embryology;
Vertebrate embryos are (morphologically) similar; suggesting the organisms have a common origin/ Acc. When two embryos of mammals, reptiles and amphibians are compared they show similarities.
Fossil records;
These are remains of organisms preserved from naturally occurring materials for many years; they show morphological changes of organism over a long period of time; e.g. skull of man;
Geographical distribution;
Present continents are thought to have been a large land mass joined together; continental drift led to isolation that led to patterns of evolution; e.g. camels in S. America resemble those in Africa / tiger in Asia resemble jaguars in S. America;
cell Biology;
Occurrence of organelles / e.g. mitochondria, cytoplasm, nucleus; point towards a common origin (20mks) - functions of lipids
- Storage purpose/energy reserve
- oxidized to release energy
- source of metabolic water
- protection of delicate organs e.g. kidneys, eyeballs.
- Place a food substance in a test tube add a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution and shake well;
- Add a few drops of 1% Copper (II) sulphate solution
- shake well and observe the colour change;
- If proteins are present purple coagulatios is formed;
- Pepsin
- Breaks down proteins into polypeptides;
- Bile
- contains bile salts whose functions are – emulsification fats;
- neutralize acid in chyme and provide alkaline medium
- hydrochloric acid
- kills bacteria in the food
- Activates the conversion of pepsinogen to active pepsin
- Provides acidic medium for pepsin to function
- Pepsin
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