- Answer all questions in this paper

- Continue the following to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing a duplet. Modulate to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
- Using staff notation, compose a tune to suit the following lyrics. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
Mama daima dawamu,wewe wa dhamana kwangu.
- Continue the following to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing a duplet. Modulate to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
- Harmonize the following melody for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from I, ii, IV, V and vi. Incorporate a passing six-four in the third bar and a dominant 7th. (15 marks)
- Identify each of the following dances. (4 marks)
- Lelemama
- Cheptilet
- Ngucu
- Dodo
- Name the vocal ornament used by the following communities. (2 marks)
Luhya - State any two instrumental ornamentations used in African music. (2 marks)
- Name the vocal ornament used by the following communities. (2 marks)
- Outline any four factors that influence the distribution of African musical instruments. (4 marks)
- Name any two melodic idiophones. (2 marks)
- Identify each of the following dances. (4 marks)
- Claudio Monteverdi
- State three features that Monteverdi introduced in his music to enhance emotional intensity (3 Marks)
- What was Monteverdi’s nationality? (1 Mark)
- Citing examples give two choral works by Monteverdi. (2.Marks)
- State any one factor that influenced Monteverdi’s music career. (1.Mark)
- Alessandro Scarlatti
- Name two sources of influence on Alessandro Scarlatti’s music? (2mks)
- State two of Scarllati’s contributions towards Baroque orchestra. (2mks)
- List two of Scarlatti’s musical appointments. (2mks)
- Name any one of Scarlatti’s mass. (1mk)
- Christoph Willibald Gluck
- State any two reforms on opera by Christoph Gluck. (2 marks)
- Outline any three factors that influenced Christoph Gluck as a composer. (3 marks)
- Name one opera and one ballet by Christoph Gluck. (2 marks)
- Claude Debussy
- Give Debussy’s year of birth and death. (1 mark)
- Outline any two musical styles employed by Debussy in his compositions . (2marks)
- What type of works are the following? (3 marks)
- Childrens corner
- Pellease et Melisa
- La Mer
- Define the term impressionism.
- Claudio Monteverdi
- Prescribed Traditional African Music
Chuka Drummers from Tharaka Nithi a PPMC Recording- Explain two ways in which contrast has been achieved in this performance recording. (2mks
- Describe two ways in which the voice and drums relate. (2mks)
- Identify an ornament and the role it plays in the recording. (1mk)
- State two characteristics of African music evident in the recording. (2mks)
- Into how many sections is the performance divided? Describe briefly. (3mks)
- Prescribed Western:
Archangelo Corelli: Trio Sonata Op 3 No.2 Movement 4- Describe the tempo of the music. (1 mark)
- Identify the following composition techniques as used in the 1st section of the music.(4 marks)
- Inversion
- Polarized texture
- Citing bar numbers, describe three ways in which syncopation has been achieved. (3 marks)
- Name two cadences used in the music, citing bar numbers. (2 marks)
- Unprepared Analysis
Study the music extract below and answer the questions that follow.- Name the medium for which this music is written. (1 mark)
- Cite where the following melodic techniques have been used in the music: (2 marks)
- Exact repetition
- Scalic motion
- Describe the range of the music. (1 mark)
- Describe the beginning of the music above. (1 mark)
- Name the cadence used at the end of the 3rd phrase. (1 mark)
- Rewrite the following music in an open score using the Alto, Tenor and bass clefs.(5 marks)
- Define piracy. ( 1mark)
- State three ways in which music piracy affects musicians ( 3 marks)
- Define the following terms. (4 marks)
- Recitative
- Cantus firmus
- Drone
- Ballet
- Name any three parts of an ekegogo and give their functions. (3 marks)
- Rewrite the following music in an open score using the Alto, Tenor and bass clefs.(5 marks)

- Continue the following to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing a duplet. Modulate to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
- 16 bar – 1 mk
- Phrasing – 1 mk
- Duplet – 1 mk
- Modulation – 2 mks
- Cadences – 2 mks
- Lyricism – 2 mks
- Using staff notation, compose a tune to suit the following lyrics. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
Mama daima dawamu,wewe wa dhamana kwangu.- Syllabic division – 1 mk
- Accents/ Time signature – 2 mks
- Phrasing – 1 mk
- Cadences – 1 mk
- Lyricism – 1 mk
- Continue the following to make a melody of sixteen bars for voice introducing a duplet. Modulate to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
- Harmonize the following melody for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from I, ii, IV, V and vi. Incorporate a passing six-four in the third bar and a dominant 7th.(15marks)
- Chords – 6 mks
- Passing 64 – 1 mk
- Cadential 64 – 1 mk
- Voice range – 1
- Voice leading – 11/2
- Cadences – 2 mks
- Chord progression – 2½ mks
DEDUCTIONS - Bracing – 1/2 (max 1 mk)
- Chord alignment – 1/2 (max 1 mk)
- Stemming - 1/2 (Max 1 mk)
- Note value - 1/2 (max 1 mk)
- Parallel 5ths and octaves – max 2 mks
- Ovelaps – max 1 mk
- Voice crossing – max 1 mk
- Identify each of the following dances. (4 marks)
- Lelemama - A Swahili circumcision dance performed by women.
- Cheptilet - A Nandi beer party dance performed by men and women.
- Ngucu - A Gikuyu singing game performed by children.
- Dodo - A Luo entertainment dance performed by women and girls.
- Name the vocal ornament used by the following communities. (2 marks)
- Maasai -Heaving
- Luhya -Eshikalakala/lukalakasia
- State any two instrumental ornamentations used in African music. (2 marks)
- Drone
- Ostinato
- Name the vocal ornament used by the following communities. (2 marks)
- Outline any four factors that influence the distribution of African musical instruments.(4 marks)
- Geographical factors-Areas with high rainfall have more trees and animals hence more musical instruments.e.g flutes found where bamboos grow.
- Economic activities-Different occupations lead determine the various types of musical instruments e.g pastoralist communities tend to have small size horns from their animals .
- Cultural activities-nomadic communities do not have drums because they are bulky.
- Social activities- can influence creation of instruments.
- Historical factors-communities with same historical background may have the same instrument.
- Name any two melodic idiophones. (2 marks)
- Marimba
- Adongo
- Identify each of the following dances. (4 marks)
- Claudio Monteverdi
- State three features that Monteverdi introduced in his music to enhance emotional intensity (3 Marks)
- It had tragic, romantic and comedic scene
- Use of more realistic portrayal of characters
- Had small lively orchestra with limited use of the choir
- Use of pizzicato and tremolo for strings
- What was Monteverdi’s nationality? (1 Mark)
- Italian
- Citing examples give two choral works by Monteverdi. (2.Marks)
- operas-eg.Orfeo,ariana,
- Antiphons-eg I am back but comely,Thou art fair
- Mass eg vespers
- State any one factor that influenced Monteverdi’s music career. (1.Mark)
- He was married to a singer
- In his childhood he was a singing master at the cathedral of cremona
- His appointment as an instrumentalist in Granzoga court in Mantua
- His appointment as a director of music at St.Mark's church in Venice
- He was influenced by the court's Maestro di capella
- State three features that Monteverdi introduced in his music to enhance emotional intensity (3 Marks)
- Alessandro Scarlatti
- Name two sources of influence on Alessandro Scarlatti’s music? (2mks)
- Bernardo Pasquini
- Giacomo Carissimi
- State two of Scarllati’s contributions towards Baroque orchestra. (2mks)
- Scarlatti placed more emphasis on the orchestral accompaniment to the voices
- He introduced horns in the orchestral part of the opera.
- Strings were used as instrumental interludes and preludes.
- He changed the role of the wind instruments by bringing harmonic effects.
- List two of Scarlatti’s musical appointments. (2mks)
- In 1684 Maestro di Capella in the royal service in Napoli
- In 1707 Maestro di Capella to Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni in Rome.
- In 1708 Maestro di Capella as Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome
- In 1709 Maestro di Capella in the royal service in Napoli
- Name any one of Scarlatti’s mass. (1mk)
- St. Cecilia Mass
- Messa Ottoboniana/ Messa breve a Palestrina/ Missa quatuor vocum
- Name two sources of influence on Alessandro Scarlatti’s music? (2mks)
- Christoph Willibald Gluck
- State any two reforms on opera by Christoph Gluck. (2 marks)
- He removed the abuses that had deformed Italian opera
- Made overture an integral part of opera
- Adapted the orchestra to the dramatic requirements
- Lessened contrast between aria and recitative
- Emphasized simplicity
- He focused on human drama and passion and made words and music having equal importance
- Confined music to its proper function of serving the poetry for the expression and situations of the plot without regard either to the outworn conventions of the da capo aria or the desire of singers to show off their skills in ornamental variation.
- Outline any three factors that influenced Christoph Gluck as a composer. (3 marks)
- He interacted with other musicians like G.F Hande
- He travelled widely through various cities where he gained more experience as a composer.
- He himself was a member of performing troupes where he was a performer and a composer. For instance while in Vienna, he joined Pietro Mingotti’s troupe of performers as a performer and a composer.
- His teacher Giovanni Battista who taught him composition
- Name one opera and one ballet by Christoph Gluck. (2 marks)
Operas- Idomeneo - Artaserse - Orfeo ed Euridice
- Alceste - Paride ed Elena
Ballets - Air de ballet -Ballet suite
- State any two reforms on opera by Christoph Gluck. (2 marks)
- Claude Debussy
- Give Debussy’s year of birth and death. (1 mark)
1862-1918 - Outline any two musical styles employed by Debussy in his compositions. (2marks)
- He used a whole tone scale, parallel discords, overtones and much use of piano pedal.
- Exploration were his essence of music, they were his musical bread and wine.
- He developed a highly original system of harmony and music structure that expressed the ideals to which impressionist and symbolist painters and writers of his time aspired.
- He pursued illusion in his instrumental music writing.
- What type of works are the following? (3 marks)
- Childrens corner- Piano suite
- Pellease et Melisa- Opera
- La Mer- Symphonic sketches
- Define the term impressionism.
- A style that explores mood and atmosphere through the use of timbre, orchestration, and progressive harmonic concepts.
- A style of composition (associated especially with Debussy) in which clarity of structure and theme is subordinate to harmonic effects, characteristically using the whole tone scale.
- Give Debussy’s year of birth and death. (1 mark)
- Claudio Monteverdi
- Prescribed Traditional African Music
Chuka Drummers from Tharaka Nithi a PPMC Recording- Explain two ways in which contrast has been achieved in this performance recording. (2mks
- Use of different melodies
- Solo response style and the whole group singing.
- Variety of rhythms especially by the drum
- Variation of length of melodies
- Variation in tempo in the performance.
- Inclusion of pauses in the performance
- Creation of climax in the performance
- Use of vocal ornamentation to bring variation.
- Describe two ways in which the voice and drums relate. (2mks)
- The voice is used to sing melodies while the drum is the main medium.
- Voice has also been used as ornamentation through shouts and screams and sometimes used for communication to the performers as well as sing melodies.
- The drums also maintain rhythm of the performance as well as the jingles while the whistle is used to cue entries.
- Identify an ornament and the role it plays in the recording. (1mk)
- Shouts and screams are used as vocal ornamentation or cue performance as well as enrich the texture.
- State two characteristics of African music evident in the recording. (2mks)
- Gender specific
- Use of polyrhythms
- Voice / Instrumental Accompaniment
- Solo response style.
- Short and repetitive melodies
- Use of vocal ornamentation
- Singing in unison
- Into how many sections is the performance divided? Describe briefly. (3mks)
- The performance is in three sections, first section begins with a whistle, followed by the drums then a male soloist and a response. The rhythm is steady. There is a variation of solo and response. There are vocal interjections and whistle is used to cue performers.
- The second section is preceded by vocal interlude, song is at a slower tempo and the melody is shorter than the first section. Drums play at the original single beat; whistle is blown as well like the first section. There are shouts and whistle is blown again to usher the third section. There is also utterance of words.
- The third section is played slowly. The whole group sings, group singing. They sing in a chanting manner. The drumming continues for sometime before it comes to an abrupt end.
- Explain two ways in which contrast has been achieved in this performance recording. (2mks
- Prescribed Western:
Archangelo Corelli: Trio Sonata Op 3 No.2 Movement 4- Describe the tempo of the music. (1 mark)
- Allegro – The music should be played fast and lively.
- Identify the following composition techniques as used in the 1st section of the music.(4 marks)
- Inversion
- Bar 20 is an inversion of violin I bar 1.
- Polarised texture
- There is polarized texture (violins close in together but widely separated from the violone in bars 16- 19.
- Inversion
- Citing bar numbers, describe three different ways in which syncopation has been achieved. (3marks)
- Tie across the bar line - Violin I (Bars 16- 17, Bars 26 -27, Bar 35, Bars 38 – 39)Violin II (Bar 37)
- Rests displacing the accent - Bar 29, Bar 33, Bar 41
- A shorter note taking the accent, followed by a long note - Bar 27, Bar 31, Bar 34
- Name two cadences used in this music, citing bar numbers. (2 marks)
- Bars 18 -19 - Perfect cadence
- Bar 42 – 43 - Perfect cadence
- Describe the tempo of the music. (1 mark)
- Unprepared Analysis
b- Name the medium for which this music is written. (1 mark)
- Violin
- Cite where the following melodic techniques have been used in the music: (2 marks)
- Exact repetition –bars16-17 repeated at bar20-21
- Conjuct motion –bars12-13
- Describe the range of the music. (1 mark)
- Two octaves starting on note B below the treble staff to the note B above the treble staff.
- Describe the beginning of the music above. (1 mark)
- Anacrusic
- Name the cadence used at the end of the 3rd phrase. (1 mark)
- Interrupted.
- Name the medium for which this music is written. (1 mark)
- Define piracy. ( 1mark)
- Illegal copying and distribution of music.
- State three ways in which music piracy affects musicians ( 3 marks)
- They do not get their royalties
- There is lose of sales
- The number of copies produced and distributed cannot be ascertained.
- The quality of the original product is compromised
- Define piracy. ( 1mark)
- Define the following terms. (4 marks)
- Recitative
- Half talking and half reciting in free speech rhythm imitating the meaning of the words.
- Cantus firmus
- Firm tenor borrowed from the plainsong melodies which many medieval composition were based on.
- Drone
- an instrumental ornament having a constant low note over which the melody was played or sung.
- Ballet
- A secular music which was sung as well as danced.
- Recitative
- Name any three parts of an ekegogo and give their functions. (3 marks)
- String- vibrates to produce sound.
- Arm- holds the sting in correct position.
- Bridge- raises the string for free vibration.
- Resonator- amplifies sound.
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