Instructions to candidates
- Write your name and admission no in the spaces provided.
- Answer all the questions in section A and B and any two from section C.
- Answers to all questions must be written in the spaces provided.

(Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.)
- Mention two reasons for preserving food (1mark)
- List two suitable materials used for freezing food (1mk)
- Highlight two importance of blanching vegetables before freezing. (1mk)
- Give two points on what food presentation involves. (1mk)
- Define the term a meal (1mk)
- Retarded growth is a sign of two common nutritional disorders, name them. (1mk)
- List two functions of vitamins D in the body. (1mk)
- Name two methods of frying foods. (1mk)
- List down two causes of food poisoning. (1mk)
- Mention two methods of softening temporary hard water for laundry. (1mk)
- Name two vegetable fibres used to make brooms and brushes. (1mk)
- Mention two examples of grease absorbents. (1mk)
- Name two methods of making soap. (1mk)
- Mention two types of patching done when reinforcing worn out garments. (1mk)
- Define the term Care label. (1mk)
- List two solutions used to remove laundry blue stains. (1mk)
- State two improvised storage facilities used to store clothes. (1mk)
- List two examples of washing equipment. (1mk)
- State two importance of safe parenthood. (1mk)
- Highlight two benefits of breastfeeding to the mother. (1mk)
- State two factors that may lead to artificial feeding. (1mk)
- What is the name of the first milk given to a baby immediately after birth? (1mk)
- Mention two suitable supplementary food for an infant ( 1mk)
- List two types of play in child development. (1mk)
- Name two basic instructions on using medicine (1mk)
- Outline two rights of a consumer. (1mk)
- Give the main effects of inflation to country. (1mk)
- Name two methods of buying goods and services. (1mk)
- List two examples of electronic media. (1mk)
- What is the function of weight and measures department. (1mk)
- Outline two factors that affect the budget. (1mk)
- Discuss family set up as a factor that influence consumer buying. (1mk)
- Identify two characteristics of silk during burning test. (1mk)
- Name two seams that are self-neatened (1mk)
- Name two types of cuffs used to finish sleeve. (1 mk)
- Differentiate between facings and interfacings. (1mk)
- Outline two methods of finishing necklines. (1mk)
- Highlight two body measurements taken around the body. (1mk)
- Name two types of pleats. (1mk)
- Management of fullness in a garment ensures a good fit and shape, name other two reasons for such. (1mk)
- You are at home over the weekend discuss how to ;
- Launder a dark coloured jumper by spotting (7mks)
- Clean a fast coloured canvas bag (7mks)
- Clean a polished side table in the dining table (6mks)
- Outline four causes of a heavy texture in rubbed in cake mixture. (4mks)
- State four rules to observe in stain removal. (4mks)
- Explain how to take care of a lactating mother. (4mks)
- State four functions of the Kenya consumer association. (4mks)
- Describe how to prepare and attach a square patch pocket of a shirt. (4mks)
- Explain briefly four reasons for cooking food. (4mks)
- Chemical disinfectants are use to kill germs on fabrics, state four points to observe when using them. (4mks)
- Suggest four ways of making simple play items used for playing by children.(4mks)
- Discuss the following forms of credit buying (4mks)
- Hire purchase
- Simple non instalment credit
- Describe the method of working a plain seam (4mks)
- State four disadvantages of using left over foods. (4mks)
- Highlight four reasons for sufficient ventilation in a room (4mks)
- state four reasons for specialized care in Childs health card (4mks)
- List four sources of information to the consumer (4mks)
- Outline four points to observe when taking body measurements (4mks)

- Mention two reasons for preserving food. (1mk)
- To destroys microorganisms.
- To render food undesirable for the survival of microorganism i.e. freezing.
- To stop the enzyme or chemical action e.g. drying or heating.
- List two suitable materials used for freezing food (1mk)
- Plastic bags
- Foil sheets (aluminium sheets)
- Plastic boxes with lids
- Cling paper/film
- Highlight two importance of blanching vegetables before freezing. (1mk)
- Kill bacteria
- Retention of vitamins
- Retention of colour
- Reduce bulk
- Give two points on what food presentation involves. ( 1mk)
- Food service
- Decoration and garnishing
- Use of clean and appropriate serving dishes or plates
- Define the term a meal (1mk)
- Is a food / nourishment/ dishes prepared to be eaten at a particular time.
- Retarded growth is a sign of two common nutritional disorders, name them. (1mk)
- Kwashiorkor
- Marasmus
- Rickets
- List two functions of vitamins D in the body. (1mk)
- Helps in formation of strong bone and teeth
- Prevents occurrence of rickets and osteomalacia
- Name two methods of frying foods. (1mk)
- Shallow fat frying
- Deep fat frying
- Dry fat frying
- List down two causes of food poisoning. (1mk)
- Chemical contamination
- Bacterial contamination
- Natural contamination
- Mention two methods of softening temporary hard water for laundry. (1mk)
- Boiling
- Use of chemicals i.e. sodium carbonate
- Name two vegetable fibres used to make brooms and brushes (1mk)
- Bass
- Bassive
- Coconut palm
- Sisal
- Mention two example of grease absorbents (1mk)
- Chalk
- Blotting papers
- Talcum powder
- Name two methods of making soap. (1mk)
- Hydrolysis method
- Boiling method
- Mention two types of patching done when reinforcing worn out garments (1mk)
- Calico
- Decorative / Applique
- Define the term Care label
- are tags attached to readymade clothes to indicate the fibre content and how the article should be treated during laundry process.
- List two solutions used to remove laundry blue stains. (1mk)
- Lemon juice
- Vinegar / acetic acid
- State two improvised storage facilities used to store clothes. (1mk)
- A bar of wood fixed to the wall with nails.
- A line fixed across two walls and fastened with nails
- A rack with hooks
- Cartoon bodes
- Laundry baskets
- List two examples of washing equipment. (1mk)
- Bucket
- Basins
- Karais
- Washing machines
- Laundry brushes
- Boilers
- State two importance of safe parenthood. (1mk)
- Trouble free full term pregnancy
- Safe childbirth
- Good health of both the baby and the mother.
- Highlight two benefits of breastfeeding to the mother. (1mk)
- Bonding with the baby
- Uterus returns to its normal size
- Reduces chances of breast and cervical cancer.
- Reduces chances of UTI,PMS
- State two factors that may lead to artificial feeding. (1mk)
- If a mother works away from home
- If a mother is ill
- Insufficient breast milk
- Death of a mother
- What is the name of the first milk given to a baby immediately after birth? (1mk)
- Colostrum
- Mention two suitable supplementary food for an infant ( 1mk)
- Cod liver oil –vit D
- Orange juice _vit C
- List two types of play in child development. (1mk)
- Physical
- Creative
- Manipulative
- Imaginative
- Name two basic instructions on using medicine (1mk)
- Dosage
- Frequency
- Storage
- Instructions for use
- Caution
- Outline two rights of a consumer. (2mks)
- Right to information
- Right to safety
- Right to be heard
- Right to choose
- Right to compensation
- Give the main effects of inflation to country. (1mk)
- Causes a country`s currency to lose strength against international currencies making goods and services to be expensive for the local consumer.
- Name two methods of buying goods and services.
- Cash buying
- Credit buying
- List two examples of electronic media. (1mk)
- Radio
- Films
- Videos
- What is the function of weight and measures department. (1mk)
- It ensures that all weighing machines used in commercial transactions give standardised weight.
- Outline two factors that affect the budget. (1mk)
- Loss of income
- Increase in income
- Change in family goals
- Inflation
- Lack of commitment to the budget.
- Discuss family set up as a factor that influence consumer buying. (1mk)
- Number of children will determine what commodities are to be bought.
- Age of children
- Identify two characteristics of silk during burning test.
- Burn in fire
- Self-extinguishing
- Burns with spluttering noise.
- Emits the smell of burnt hair / feather after burning
- Name two seams that are self-neatened (1mk)
- French seam
- Double stitched seam
- Run and fell seam
- Management of fullness in a garment ensures a good fit and shape ,name other two reasons for such. (1mk)
- To be well decorated
- Fashion features introduced
- Name two types of cuffs used to finish sleeves. (1mk)
- Interfaced
- uninterfaced
- Differentiate between facings and interfacings. (1mk)
- Facing is a piece of fabric used to finish edges of a garment while interfacings are materials applied on the underside of some garments.
- Outline two methods of finishing necklines. (1mk)
- Cross way strip / binding
- Facing
- Sandwiching between facing
- Reverse.
- Highlight two body measurements taken around the body. (1mk)
- Waist measurements
- Bust measurements
- Hips measurements - wrist measurements
- Name two types of pleats. (1mk)
- Box pleat
- Inverted pleat
- Knife pleat
- You are at home over the weekend discuss how to ;
- Launder a dark coloured jumper by spotting (7mks)
- Clean a fast coloured canvas bag (7mks)
- Clean a polished side table in the dining table (6mks)
Clean a polished side table in the dining table- Collect equipment’s and material needed to save on time and energy
- Dust the surface using a dry duster thoroughly to remove loose dirt
- Wipe with a cloth wrung out of warm soapy water to remove dirt
- Rinse severally in a cloth wrung out of clean warm water to remove soap and dirt.
- Dry using a clean cloth to remove moisture
- Apply polish sparingly on the surface using old piece of cloth.
- Rub in circular movements that overlap to evenly distribute the polish
- Leave it for 10 minutes to enable the polish to set
- Buff immediately to set.
- Buff with a dry non fluffy cloth to give a shine
OR - Shake the spray polish container hold it 6 inches away from the surface and spray
- Leave it for 10 minutes to enable the polish to set
- Buff immediately to set.
- Buff with a dry non fluffy cloth to give a shine.
- Clean and store equipment’s appropriately.
Clean a fast coloured canvas bag - Collect equipment’s and materials needed to save on time and energy
- Brush off to remove loose dirt.
- Use warm soapy water and a scrubbing brush to scrub the inside and outside to remove loose dirt.
- Rinse the bag in clean warm water until soap is removed.
- Rinse in cold water to refreshing the fabric
- Flick the bag to remove the excess water and facilitate speedy drying.
- Dry it outside in the shade to remove moisture.
- Store appropriately.
- Clean and store appropriately all the equipment used.
Launder a dark coloured jumper by spotting - Collect equipment’s and material needed to save on time and energy.
- Shake to remove loose dirt.
- Place the garment on a flat surface.
- Scrap off any loose dirt from the spot using a blunt object
- Use a folded cloth dipped in warm soapy water to spot the soiled area from outside to inside to void spreading the stain. Or solvent to clean until all the dirt is removed.
- Rinse in a cloth wrung from clean warm water until all the dirt is removed
- Dry in the shade on the clothesline secured with pegs to remove moisture.
- Warm iron to remove creases.
- Fold and Store appropriately .
- Clean and store equipments used.
- Outline four causes of a heavy texture in rubbed in cake mixture (4mks)
- Inadequate backing powder used
- Too cool an open used
- Wrong proportions of fat to flour
- Too much liquid
- Fat became oily during rubbing in
- State four rules to observe in stain removal. (4mks)
- Stains should be removed when they are still fresh.
- Identify the kind of stain and the type of fabric affected in order to us a suitable stain remover.
- If the composition of the stain is unknown, star with milder stain removal methods such as soaking followed by use of solution of milder reagents.
- After the stain is removed rinse the article well to remove traces of reagent.
- In removing the stain start work from the outside towards the inside to avoid spreading the stain.
- Explain how to take care of a lactating mother (4mks)
- Getting adequate rest in order to gain her mental and physical energy
- Eating a balanced diet
- Drinking plenty of fluids, since the breast milk is composed of water.
- Observing high standards of hygiene
- Practicing healthy habits
- State the functions of the Kenya consumer association (4mks)
- To protect the interests of the consumer
- To guard against dumping of harmful and worthless goods in the market
- To promote consumer education and awareness through the mass media
- To cooperate with other organisations which deal with consumer protection education and awareness
- To keep members informed on matters of interest to them
- Describe how to prepare and attach a square patch pocket of a shirt (4mks)
- Press the seam allowance of the pocket side to the w.s and trim excess fabric
- Prepare a pocket hem and tack in position
- Fix the hem using appropriate stitches
- Press the seam allowance of the lower edge to the w.s and mitre the corners,trim excess fabric
- Place the pocket on the garment and pin into the correct position
- Tack the sides and lower edge leaving the mouth of opening open
- Machine the pocket close to the fold strengthen the top of the pocket by either stitching back along the row of machining for 1.25 -2cm or by a triangle or rectangle of machine stitching
- Outline four causes of a heavy texture in rubbed in cake mixture (4mks)
- Explain briefly four reasons for cooking food (4mks)
- To improve appearance
- To improve flavour/taste
- To make food tender and easy to chew by softening
- To kill germs and parasites
- To keep food longer by destroying enzymes that cause food spoilage
- Chemical disinfectants are use to kill germs on fabrics ,state four points to observe when using them (4mks)
- The manufacturers instructions should be followed during use
- Wear protective clothing to avoid infections
- The required amount of disinfectant can be added to water during soaking and rinsing
- The disinfectant must be kept out of reach of children
- The disinfectant must be completely rinsed out of the articles before drying.
- Suggest four ways of making simple play items used for playing by children (4mks)
- Cartons,plastic containers ,strings to make /construct pulling and pushing toys
- Balls may be made with plastic bags and rags
- Ropes ,tyres and strong tree branches or strong poles stuck in the ground may be used to make swings
- Clays can be used to model human or animal figures
- Shakers can be made by putting dry seeds in tins and bottles
- Bottle tops on strings can be hung above the baby’s bed to rattle
- Discuss the following forms of credit buying (4mks)
- Hire purchase
- Form of instalment credit whereby goods are obtained by first paying a certain percentage of the cost price in form of deposit.
- Simple non instalment credit
- Form of buying used when one obtains goods and services for a period of time and then pays up when the bills arrive
- Hire purchase
- Describe the method of working a plain seam (4mks)
- Place together two pieces to be joined with R.S facing match the fitting lines, notches and the raw edges
- Pin through at intervals across the seam to prevent the top layer of the material from shifting along on the one under
- Tack on the fitting line
- Remove the pins
- Machine on the fitting
- Remove tacking and finish off the threads
- Trim the seam allowance to about 1cm
- Neaten the two edges together by loop stitching/overcasting stitches
- Explain briefly four reasons for cooking food (4mks)
- State four disadvantages of using left over foods. (4mks)
- Unless the left-over food is properly stored, it easily gets contaminated, this could cause food poisoning.
- Reheated food usually loses its usual flavour.
- Reheating food may render some indigestible
- Reheated food may lose some of the nutrients especially vitamins.
- Reheated food may lose its usual colour; ways of improving colour must be introduced.
- Highlight four reasons for sufficient ventilation in a room (4mks)
- To prevent humidity which describes the high concentration of moisture in the air
- To get rid of surplus heat from people and machinery which make the working atmosphere uncomfortable
- To increase the free circulation of air thus reducing the concentration of bacteria and viruses in it
- To remove any odours which develop when people are crowded together
- To get rid of air pollutants in a room i.e dust, smoke
- state four reasons for specialized care in Childs health card (4mks)
- Birth weight less than 2.5kgs
- Brothers and sisters undernourished
- Twins
- Fifth or more child
- Single parent
- Birth less than 2 years after last birth
- For more children in family died.
- List four sources of information to the consumer (4mks)
- Mass media
- Manufacturers
- Consumers
- Government bodies
- Outline four points to observe when taking body measurements (4mks)
- The person whose measurements are being taken should wear a simple outfit to facilitate accurate measurement s
- To obtain a natural waist line ,tie a tape measure around the waist
- The person whose measurements are being taken should stand upright but relaxed.
- When taking round body measurements always put two fingers between the tape measure and the body.
- State four disadvantages of using left over foods. (4mks)
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