- Answer any FIVE questions in the spaces provided.
- Each question carries 20 marks
- This paper consists of six questions

- Give seven reasons why reading the bible is important to Christians today? (7 marks)
- Explain eight ways in which the bible translations have facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya (8marks)
- How does the church help to bring back members who have fallen from the faith (5 marks)
- How did Moses’ earlier life prepare him for the leadership of the Israelites? (7marks)
- Highlight the promises that God made to Abraham (7 marks)
- Identify six attributes of God from the ten plagues (6 marks)
- With reference to 1st kings 21: 17-29, give seven forms of punishment prophesied by Elijah to king Ahab and queen Jezebel (7 marks)
- Explain the achievements of king David (7 marks)
- Give reasons why Christians in Kenya should build churches today (6 marks)
- Outline Seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor in Israel during the time of prophet Amos (7marks)
- Describe the teachings of Amos on Israel’s election (7marks)
- Give Six reasons why Christians are encouraged to repent their sins (6marks)
- Identify Seven occasions when Nehemiah prayed (7marks)
- Outline Seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced religious reforms in Judah (7marks)
- Why do Christians pray today? (6marks)
- Identify Eight practices in traditional African communities that show their belief in life after death (8marks)
- Explain the importance of kinship ties in traditional African communities (7marks)
- List Five factors that have affected kinship ties today (5marks)

- Give reasons why the bible is important to Christians today.
- it strengthens the faith of Christians
- helps in spreading the gospel to different people and communities
- helps Christians to compose songs and hymns
- helps Christian scholars and authors to write Christian text books, pamphlets and magazines (Christian literature)
- helps preachers to convert new people who were non-believers
- helps Christians understand the word of God deeply and properly
- helps Christian to provide guidance and counseling to fellow Christians who have problems
- promotes communication between God and Christians
- to get comfort/consolation 7×1= 7 marks
- Explain eight ways in which the bible translations have facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya
- Has led to the development of African languages.
- Many people can now read the bible in their own vernacular.
- The bible has become a useful resource for learning in school/ adult education/ classes.
- It has led to the expansion of the church.
- It has led to emergence of African independent churches and schools.
- It enabled the missionaries to learn the local languages for faster spread of Christianity.
- It has led to the high demand for formal education in Kenya.
- African are able to discover certain contradictions on issues e.g. racism equality polygamy etc.
- It has made it possible for Africans to participate actively in evangelism as pastors’ priests’ evangelists.
- It has contributed to the sprint of ecumenism as several denominations work together and consult each other.
- It helped to bring the churches together to starting the bible society of Kenya.
- It has contributed to the development of African theology e.g. study of African religions
8x1= 8 marks
- How the church helps to bring back members who have fallen from the faith
- By visiting them/inviting them to their homes
- By being patient/forgiving them
- By evangelizing to them/preaching/teaching
- By guiding and counselling them/ referring them to experts according to their needs
- By praying for them to repent/confess
- By offering material needs/aids 5x1= 5 marks
- Give reasons why the bible is important to Christians today.
- How Moses earlier life prepared him for the leadership of the Israelites?
- He was rescued by the pharaoh’s daughter as a baby who made him discover that his protection is with God
- He grew up in pharaoh’s court/palace/house where he learnt the art of leadership and administration/government
- He was nursed by his own mother and causes to know God, his identity and learnt Hebrew language.
- His life in desert taught him how to cope with hardship
- Through his escape he learned the geographical routes in the desert
- His life as a shepherd taught him love and patience for the stubborn Israelites
- His marriage to Zipporah and having children made him a responsible person/prepared him to lead a wider Israelite family
- At the burning bush he got a personal experience with God and learnt to trust in him
- He learnt to be a priest in Jethro’s house/got spiritual training
- His knowledge of being a Hebrew helped him learn his people’s sufferings/made him concerned about their delivery from Egypt any 7×1= 7 marks
- promises of God to Abraham
- God would make his name great/famous
- He would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him
- All the families of the world would be blessed through Abraham
- God would give him land and many descendants
- God would bless Abraham
- God would give him a long life and would die in peace
- God would give Abraham a son/heir
- His descendants would become kings
- He would be a father of nations
- His descendants would become slaves in a foreign land for 400 years but God would rescue them
7×1= 7 marks
- Attributes of God from the ten plagues
- God gives power to people he sends to perform his miracles
- God is powerful/almighty
- God is determined to fulfill his plans no matter how difficult the task seems
- God is just who punishes sinners
- God protects his people
- God gives everyone a chance to repent
- God is loving and caring
- God fulfills his promises/he is faithful
- God expect total obedience to His commands
- God is merciful and sees the sufferings of his people
- God is forgiving 6×1= 6 marks
- How Moses earlier life prepared him for the leadership of the Israelites?
- Seven forms of punishment prophesied by Elijah to king Ahab and queen Jezebel
- Death to king Ahab would be in the same like Naboth
- Evil would be upon Ahab
- God was to take away the prosperity of Ahab/his rule would come to an end
- Dogs would lick the blood of Ahab
- All the male children free or slaves will be cut off
- The lineage of Ahab will be wiped out
- The dogs would eat anybody who belongs to the family of Ahab who died in the city
- The birds of the air would eat all who died in the field
- The dogs will eat the body of Jezebel 7×1= 7 marks
- The achievements of king David
- He conquered and defeated the enemies of Israel
- He expanded the geographical boundaries of Israel
- He captured Jerusalem from the Jebusite
- He made Jerusalem capital city of Israel
- He made Jerusalem a religious center by bringing the ark of covenant there
- He made peace treaties with his neighbors
- He composed psalms which are used during worship
- He united he twelve tribes of Israel under one ruler
- He made preparations for the construction of the temple
7×1= 7 marks
- Reasons why Christians build churches
- Churches are used for worshiping God
- They signify God’s presence/house of God
- They are used for meetings/place of gathering members
- Religious function takes place there
- They are places where members receive religious instruction/preaching
- As a sign of prestige/recognition/identification
- To demonstrate their faith in the existence of God
- To follow the tradition of the Old Testament teachings on the temple as a house of God
- It can be used as place of refuge in times of danger/calamity
- As a sign of growth 6×1= 6 marks
- Seven forms of punishment prophesied by Elijah to king Ahab and queen Jezebel
- Outline Seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor in Israel during the time of prophet Amos (7mks)
- They took the garments of the poor as pledge
- They robbed the poor
- Sold goods to the poor at very high prices
- Sold the poor for a pair of sandals
- Sold goods to the poor that were unfit for human consumption/ mixed good grain and bad grain and sold to the poor
- They used faulty weighing scales
- The poor were sold as slaves when they were unable to pay debts
- The rich bribed in courts so as to deny the poor justice
- Cases taken to court by the poor were not listened to
First 7x1=7mks
- Describe the teachings of Amos on Israel’s election (7mks)
- God chose Israel as his own to declare his will
- Israel’s election was due to Yahweh’s love for their fore fathers
- God gave them the ten commandments to guide them
- Israel was to be a holy nation
- They were to be a light to other nations
- Israel was to face severe punishment due to failing to meet Yahweh’s covenant
- The people were expected to live as Nazarites
- Israel thought they were superior to other nations
- Amos reminded them they were not superior
- God would reject any nation that did not follow His covenant
Any 7x1=7mks
- Give Six reasons why Christians are encouraged to repent their sins (6mks)
- To be at peace with God
- To obey the teachings of Jesus
- To improve their relationship with others
- To get confidence to serve God
- It is a sign of humility
- To lead a righteous life
- To appreciate God’s mercy
- To show their faith in God
- To be forgiven by God
- It is a way of self-reproach
First 6x1=6mks
- Outline Seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor in Israel during the time of prophet Amos (7mks)
- Identify seven occasions when Nehemiah prayed (7mks)
- When he learnt that Jerusalem was in ruins
- Before asking king Artaxerxes for permission to go back to Judah
- When Sanballat rebuked the rebuilding of the wall
- When Sanballat/ Tobiah/ Ammonites threated to fight those building the wall
- He prayed for God’s favor/ God to remember his nice actions
- After purifying the temple
- After purifying the priesthood
- After asking the people to observe the Sabbath law
- After he stopped Israelites from intermarrying with foreigners First 7x1=7mks
- Outline Seven reasons why Nehemiah introduced religious reforms in Judah (7mks)
- To preserve the identity of the Jews as the people of God
- To separate the Jews from foreigners
- To purify the temple which had been defiled by keeping a foreigner
- To reinstate the Levites back the temple/ as priests
- To restore the tithing system which had been forgotten
- To ensure no business was conducted on the Sabbath
- To cleanse the Jews who had intermarried with foreigners/ been exposed to idolatry
- To preserve the Hebrew language/ children could not speak their mother tongue
First 7x1=7mks
- Why do Christians pray today? (6mks)
- To show their faith in God
- To honor/ adore/ magnify God
- To ask for their needs/ seek guidance from God
- To confess their sins/ ask for forgiveness
- To thank God for His goodness
- To end anxiety/ fear/ worry
- To communicate with God/ fellowship with God
- Follow the example of Jesus
- It is a command from God/ sign of obedience
- To intercede
- To see protection from God
Any 6x1=6mks
- Identify seven occasions when Nehemiah prayed (7mks)
- Identify Eight practices in traditional African communities that show their belief in life after death (8mks)
- Naming children after the dead
- Invoking the names of the dead during important occasions
- Burying the dead with property
- Offering sacrifices to the dead
- Poring libations/ leaving food for ancestors
- Taking care of graveyards
- Fulfilling the wishes of the dead
- Talking of the dead as having gone for a walk
- Washing the dead body/ burying the dead in a decent manner
- Holding commemoration ceremonies
- Burying the dead in a particular manner/ direction/ ancestral land
First 8x1=8mks
- Explain the importance of kinship ties in traditional African communities (7mks)
- Prevent the spread of hereditary diseases
- To help each other in times of need
- Provide guidance and counselling to the members
- Promote harmonious living of the members
- Provide security to the members/ sense of belonging
- Prevent incest
- Protect the culture of the people
- Helps members to face challenges together
- Promotes unity
Any 7x1=7mks
- List Five factors that have affected kinship ties today (5mks)
- Permissiveness in the society
- Modern education
- Urbanization
- Intermarriages
- Influence from other religions- Christianity, Islam
- New government structures
- Migration to new areas
- Economic factors- one is judged according the wealth they own
First 5x1=5mks
- Identify Eight practices in traditional African communities that show their belief in life after death (8mks)
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