- Answer any FIVE questions in the spaces provided.
- Each question carries 20 marks
- Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed
as indicated and that no questions are missing.

- Describe the visit of angel Gabriel of the Lord to the shepherd on the night Jesus was born (7 marks)
- State the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ (8 marks)
- what lessons do Christians learn about family relationship from the incident when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover festival? (5 marks)
- Explain the events that took place during the transfiguration of Jesus according to Luke 9:28-37 (7 marks)
- Identify ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ (7 marks)
- How are Christians preparing for the second coming of Christ (6 marks)
- Give reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost son in his teachings (7marks)
- With reference to Luke 22:7-14, outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last super (8 marks)
- Identify the reasons that made Judas Iscariot betray Jesus (5 marks)
- How was the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest on the day of Pentecost? (5marks)
- Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the body of Christ (7marks)
- State Eight challenges that the church is facing today while trying to carry out its mission effectively (8marks)
- Explain Four sources of Christian Ethics (8marks)
- Outline the roles that a Christian should play during a strike (5marks)
- List Seven activities that the youth can engage in during their leisure time (7marks)
- State Seven ways in which Science and technology has improved human life (7marks)
- Give reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia (7marks)
- Identify ways in which Christians can help to control desertification (6marks)

- Visit of angel Gabriel of the Lord to the shepherd on the night Jesus was born
- The shepherds were looking after their flocks in the field at night.
- The angel appeared to them
- The glory of the Lord shone around them
- They were filled with fear
- The Angel reassured them/told them not to fear.
- He told them of the good news of the birth of Jesus
- They were told where to find Jesus
- The Angel gave them a sign on how they would find Jesus
- The shepherds went to Bethlehem and found baby Jesus
- There appeared a host of Angels singing/praising God
- The angels left them/went back to heaven 7×1= 7 marks
- Differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ
- John the Baptist preached mainly in the wilderness/ desert of Judah, while Jesus preached in the temple/ synagogue/cities/towns/homes
- John the Baptist called people to repentance while Jesus forgave sins
- John the Baptist baptised with water but Jesus baptized with the Holy spirit/fire
- John the baptised lived a Nazarite life while Jesus mixed freely with all people
- The emphasis of john the Baptist preaching was in the promised messiah, while that of Jesus was about the kingdom of God
- John the Baptist’s message was direct while Jesus preached in parables
- John the Baptist’s disciples fasted, while the disciples of Jesus ate and drank.
- John the Baptist did not perform miracles, but Jesus’ ministry was full of signs/wonders
- John the Baptist was a forerunner/prepared the way for of the Messiah, while Jesus was the Messiah. 4×2=8 marks
- Lessons Christians learn about family relationship from the incident when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover festival
- Children should obey their parents
- Parents should teach their children about God
- Parents should provide opportunities for their children to mix with others
- Parents should love/ be concerned about their children
- Family ties should not be broken/ family should live in unity
- God’s work takes priority over the family
- Parents should recognize their children’s talents/abilities
- There should be open communication among family members 5×1= 5 marks
- Visit of angel Gabriel of the Lord to the shepherd on the night Jesus was born
- Events that took place during the transfiguration if Jesus according to Luke 9:28-37
- Jesus took with him peter, James and John and went to the mountain to pray
- As he was praying the appearance of his countenance was altered/ his garment became dazzling white
- Two men Moses and Elijah appeared in glory/spoke of his departure which was to accomplish in Jerusalem
- The disciples fell asleep/when they woke up they saw hid glory and the two men partying from him
- Peter suggested that they make three booths
- Cloud came and over shadowed them/they were afraid as they entered the cloud
- A voice came out of the cloud saying “this is my son, my chosen, listen to him”
- Jesus was found alone
- They kept silence and told no one in those days what they had seen 7×1= 7 marks
- Ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ
- Christians pray for/preach to the sick
- Laying hands on the sick/anointing them
- Providing guidance and counselling services
- Constructing hospitals/health center/rehabilitation centers
- Providing preventive/curative drugs/treating the sick
- Paying medical bills for the sick
- Producing material literature/electronic media on health issues
- Preaching against evils/causes of ailments that interferes with good health
- Providing food/clothing/shelter/finances to the needy
- Visiting the sick
- Training medical personnel
- Educating through seminars/workshops 7×1= 7 marks
- How are Christians preparing for the second coming of Christ
- Praying and fasting
- Living holy lives
- Helping the poor/needy in the society
- Christians repenting their sins
- Reading the word of God/bible
- Preaching the word of God/evangelization
- Accepting/confessing Jesus as their personal saviour
- Fellowshipping together 6×1= 6 marks
- Events that took place during the transfiguration if Jesus according to Luke 9:28-37
- Reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost son in his teachings
- To encourage sinner to accept the word of God
- To show the consequences of lose living
- To encourage people to realize their sinfulness/be willing to repent/reconcile
- To teach about God’s love for all people/kingdom of God is for all people
- To show God’s unconditional forgiveness
- To warn against judging others/condemning them
- To teach his followers the need to rejoice for repentant sinners
- He wanted to encourage families to live in harmony/unity 7×1= 7marks
- outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last super
- Jesus sent peter and John to prepare for the last super/Passover
- He instructed them to go to the city/Jerusalem
- He told them that they would meet a man in the city carrying a jar of water
- Jesus told them to follow the man into the house he would enter
- Once in the house, the disciples were to ask the owner to show them guest room
- Jesus told disciples that the owner would show them a large furnished upper room
- He instructed the disciples to prepare the room
- The disciples prepared the meal
- Jesus together with his disciples sat down in the prepared room 8×1= 8marks
- Reasons that made Judas Iscariot betray Jesus
- Greed for money/material possession
- It was God’s will for the fulfillment of the scriptures to be realized
- He was unable to overcome/conquer the power of evil/tempted by Satan
- He was looking for fame/recognition
- He was unhappy with Jesus’ activities
- He was an informer of the Jewish religious leaders
- He was expecting a political messiah yet Jesus was a suffering messiah
- Reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost son in his teachings
- How was the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest on the day of Pentecost? (5mks)
- A sound from heaven
- A mighty wind
- Tongues of fire that rested on disciples heads
- Disciples spoke in tongues
- Peter became courageous
- Many people got convicted of their sins
- Many people repented/ many got baptized
Any 5x1=5mks
- Explain the unity of believers as expressed in the concept of the body of Christ (7mks)
- St. Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ
- Christ is the head of the church
- The believers form parts of the body
- The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different members
- They all need to work together for the well-being of the church
- Every part of body is needed to make it whole all parts are interdependence/ one part cannot be without the other
- The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s work
- Believers are united through baptism in the Holy Spirit
Any 7x1=7mks
- State Eight challenges that the church is facing today while trying to carry out its mission effectively (8mks)
- Inadequate funds
- Few dedicated members
- Lack of knowledge in the scriptures
- Poor leadership skills among church leaders
- Interference from other religions/ non-believers
- Doctrinal differences
- Selfishness/ greed for power/wealth
- Negative influence from mass media
- Political interference in their work
- Poor infrastructure/ insecurity/ language barrier
- Discrimination-tribalism, racism, disability, gender
First 8x1=8mks
- How was the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest on the day of Pentecost? (5mks)
- Explain Four sources of Christian Ethics (8mks)
- Sacred scriptures/ bible- guided by 10 commandments, word of God
- Christian community/ church community- guided by fellow Christians e.g. priests
- Conscience- judges Christians whether they are right or wrong
- Natural law/ Secular laws/ state laws- based on the constitution
- Feelings- arrive at decisions based on how one feels about it i.e. Whether ones likes it or doesn’t like it
- Traditional African culture- values such as respect, humility, responsibility
- Human reason/ knowledge and free will- considering advantages and disadvantages of own decisions
First 4x2=8mks
- Outline the roles that a Christian should play during a strike (5mks)
- Not to take part in the strike
- Encourage other people to find better means of solving the problem
- To inform the authority of any grievances if they are not aware/mediate
- To pray for a solution to the problem/seek God’s guidance for a solution to the problem
- Should not take part in a violent demonstration/encourage peaceful demonstration
- To report the matter to the nearest police station
Any 5x1=5mks
- List Seven activities that the youth can engage in during their leisure time (7mks)
- Reading Christian literature
- Playing games
- Planting flowers / trees / cleaning the compound
- Watching TV / listening to Christian music / messages
- Taking part in Bible study
- Visiting their friends/relatives
- Taking part in church choir / singing
- Helping the sick / needy
- Taking part in retreats / seminars / camps
First 7x1=7mks
- Explain Four sources of Christian Ethics (8mks)
- State Seven ways in which Science and technology has improved human life (7mks)
- Has helped to control/ eradicate diseases
- Weather forecasting/ improved seeds/ irrigation/ soil testing has led to increased yields in agriculture
- Electronic media/ mass media has helped human beings to pass information fast/ with ease
- Modern means of transport helps human beings travel fast
- Has led to improved security e.g. CCTV
- Has led to better exploitation of natural resources e.g. oil
- Has helped human beings to have a better understanding of the universe e.g. GPS, satellites etc.
- New sources of energy have been invented e.g. HEP, geothermal, nuclear
First 7x1=7mks
- Give reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia (7mks)
- God is the only one who give life and thus should be the one to take it away
- Euthanasia equals to murder which is biblically condemned/thou shall not kill
- It destroys God's image in human beings
- Human judgment is limited and therefore cannot make correct decision on termination the life of others
- Medical ethics only allows a doctor to sustain life and not to take it away
- It is against Jesus mission on earth to heal the sick
- Suffering is part of a Christian's life from the teachings of Jesus and therefore it cannot be used to justify euthanasia
- The works of mercy involve saving life/not destroying it
- It is a constitutional right to uphold human life
- It discourages scientific research on the causes of illnesses
Any 7x1=7mks
- Identify ways in which Christians can help to control desertification (6mks)
- Providing education to the public or how to preserve the environment
- Participating in environmental conservation programmer
- Donating/giving financial assistance to bodies that control desertification
- Protecting all water catchment areas
- Carrying/practicing better methods of farming
- Reporting cases of forest destruction to relevant authorities
- By participating in the enactment of laws on environmental conservation
- Providing guidance and counseling/advise to those, involved in activities related to environmental degradation
- Using alternative sources of building materials opposed to natural vegetation
- Christians need to practice a forestation/reforestation programs
- By practicing agro-forestry
- Using alternative sources of energy as opposed to charcoal/firewood
Any 6x1=6mks
- State Seven ways in which Science and technology has improved human life (7mks)
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