- This paper consist of six questions
- Answer any FIVE questions from this paper
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |

- Explain how the study of Christian Religious Education in school promotes international Cooperation (7mks)
- Give six reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present form by the early Christians (6mks)
- State seven factors that discourage Christians from reading the Bible in the church today (7mks)
- Describe the covenant between God and Abraham Genesis 15:1-21 (8mks)
- State seven similarities between Jewish and Traditional African practice of circumcision (7mks)
- Give five ways in which Christians portray themselves in the society today (6mks)
- Outline seven duties performed by Prophet Samuel in Israel (7mks)
- State seven functions of the temple in the Jewish community (7mks)
- Identify the causes of power struggle in the church in Kenya today (6mks)
- Outline six characteristics of true prophets in the Old Testament (6mks)
- State four ways in which the rich oppressed the poor during the time of prophet Amos (8mks)
- Give six reasons why Christians find it difficult to help the needy in society today(6mks)
- Explain six promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:28-29) (6mks)
- Explain four reasons that made Nehemiah to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem (8mks)
- State six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to pray (6mks)
- How do the aged in the Traditional African Communities prepare their family members before they die (7mks)
- State the Traditional African understanding of the spirits (5mks)
- What is the responsibility of the living towards the ancestors in the traditional African communities (8mks)

- Explain how the study of Christian Religious Education in school promotes international cooperation (7mks)
- Christian Religious Education teaches that God is the sole creator which leads to the appreciation of every person as God creation
- The study of CRE teaches the learners social and moral values like love, peace, which enhances co-operation
- Study of CRE foster tolerance of other people’s religious beliefs without being judgmental
- CRE teaches learners that universal brotherhood and sisterhood through Christian origin of Adam and Eve
- It teaches learners value of equality of all people through unity of believes in Christ
- It brings various religious groups together which forms international organization hence promoting international cooperation
- It teaches that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God hence promoting cooperation as people appreciate and respect each other.
(ANY 7x1 =7mks)
- Give six reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present forms by the early Christians (6mks)
- The eye witness of Jesus Christ were being killed
- The bible was compiled in order to preserve information from getting lost
- Due to increased number of believers who needed the bible to refer to/expansion of churches
- To counteract false teaching/teachers who were confusing believers/new converts
- The bible was compiled to ensure that same doctrine/beliefs were being taught to all Christians/people
- It was compiled to reach out to the jews in the diaspora/outside Palestine
- To preserve an orderly account of biblical themes/event/to avoid distortion
(first 6x1=6mks)
- state seven factors that discourage Christians from reading the Bible in church today (7mks)
- The bible is too voluminous ,a factor that discourage some Christians from reading it
- Poor role models ,Christians who claim to follow the teachings of the bible
- Lack of faith by some Christians in bible teaching
- The bible condemns their sinful behavior hence trying to avoid reading it
- Illiteracy by some Christians whereby not all are educated
- Difficult language used in writing the bible
- Lack of interest and laziness by some Christians in reading the bible
- Due to delayed prayers/unanswered prayers in one’s life
- Science and technology has influenced the lives of some Christians drifting them from reading the bible
- Busy schedule/work commitments/no time to read the bible
(first 7x1=7mks)
- Explain how the study of Christian Religious Education in school promotes international cooperation (7mks)
- Describe the covenant between God and Abraham Gen (8mks)
- God appeard to Abraham in a vision
- Abraham was in doubt of the promises of a son
- God assured him that his own son would inherit him and not Eliezer of Damascus
- God showed Abraham the many stars and confirmed that his descendants would be as many as the stars
- God asked Abraham to bring him a three years old heifer, three year old she goat, a three year old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon
- Abraham cut the animals into two and arranged them in two rows
- He didn’t cut the birds into two
- At sunset he fell into a deep sleep
- God spoke to him giving the promises that his descendants would be slaves for four hundred years, but he would liberate them
- Abraham was promised a long peaceful life
- Abraham saw God pass through the carcasses in form of smoking fire pot and a flaming torch
(any 8x1=8mks)
- state seven the similarities between Jewish & traditional African practice of circumcision (7mks)
- In both it is a mark of identification of a person to particular community
- In both is carried out on male children
- In both it unites members with their ancestors & God
- In both circumcision has a religious significance
- In both it promotes one into full membership of the community
- In both members receive new names
- In both it is carried out by religious leaders
- In both the rite is carried out from one generation to another/its compulsory
- In both involves the cutting of the foreskin
- In both the rituals is a communal affair
(first 7x1=7mks)
- Give five ways in which Christians portray themselves in the society today (5mks)
- Christians wear specific designs of clothes
- They abstain from eating some kinds of food/taking some drinks
- By carrying/wearing the rosary /cross/the flag/badges/rings
- They have special ways of greetings/salutations
- Through making personal testimonies/pronouncements
- By owning specific bible versions/literature
- Through speaking in tongues
- Use of specific church designs
- Use of different titles/name
- Through ways in which they worship
- By residing in secluded homes/houses
(first 5x1=5mks)
- Describe the covenant between God and Abraham Gen (8mks)
- Outline seven duties performed by prophet Samuel in Israel (7mks)
- Prophet anointed the first kings of Israel, Saul and David
- Prophet Samuel judged the people /settled dispute
- Prophet Samuel foretold what would have happened to the Israelites
- Prophet Samuel reminded the people the ways of God
- Prophet Samuel acted as a mediator between God and the people
- He condemned social injustices/evils among the people of Israel
- Prophet Samuel condemned idolatry and promoted monotheism
- Prophet Samuel offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people
(first 7x1=7mks)
- State seven function of the temple in the Jewish community (7mks)
- The temple was a place of worship/prayers/sacrifices
- It was where major festivals were held
- It was a source of unity among the people/gave a sense of security
- It was a residence/training centre for religious leaders
- It was a place we're disputes were settled/law courts
- It was a place where religious ceremonies/rites were performed
- It was a place of pilgrimage for the Jews
- It symbolized the presence of God among the people/the ark of the covenant was kept there
- It was where people were taught the law.
(First 7x1=7mks)
- Identify the causes of power struggle in the church in Kenya today (5mks)
- Gender discrimination
- Generation gap (young &old )
- Economic status/rich versus the poor in the church
- Educational status
- Difference in interpretation of the Christian doctrines
- Political interference in the leadership of the church
- Tribalism/nepotism/racism/ethnicity
- Hypocrisy among the believers/misbehaviour of leaders
- Greed for/lack of material possession/personal gains.
(Any 5x1=5mks)
- Outline seven duties performed by prophet Samuel in Israel (7mks)
- Outline the characteristics of true prophets in the old testament (7mks)
- They were called by God
- They responded to Gods call in faith/ they obeyed
- They were given specific tasks to carry out
- They communicated Gods messages with authority/without fear
- They spoke the truth in all circumstances
- Their prophecies were fulfilled
- They never demanded for payment of their work
- They called people to come back to the covenant wat of life
- They pronounced Gods punishment/judgment
- They were persecuted for their work
- They led exemplary lives/were role models
- They were God's mouthpiece/mediators
(Any 7x1=7mks)
- State four ways in which the rich oppressed the the poor during the time of prophet Amos
- The rich took peoples garment in pledges
- The poor were robbed of their food /grains /belongings/
- Merchants overcharged the poor when selling them anything
- The poor were sold for a piece of silver/pair of shoes as they were considered useless
- The goods sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption/expired
- The poor were cheated in business deals as the rich used faulty scales /measures
- The poor were sold into slavery when they were unable to pay their debts to the rich
- The poor were denied justice in the law courts because they could not bribe judges
- The cases taken to the courts by the poor were thrown out /not listened to.
- Give six reasons why Christians find it difficult to held the needy in the society today(6mks)
- There too many needy cases
- Tribal/ethnic feelings may hinder one from giving any assistance to needy
- Political leaning /affiliations influence Christians against helping those who do not belong to their comp
- Lack of what to share /inadequacy /poverty
- Indifference of some Christians to the plight of the needy
- Denominational defferences where some Christians are not ready to share with those who do not belong to their group
- Poor communication/infrastructure in some parts of country that make it impossible to reach the needy
- It is difficult to identify genuine cases
- Misappropriation of resources meant for assisting the needy discourages Christians from contributing
(First 6x1=6mks)
- Outline the characteristics of true prophets in the old testament (7mks)
- Explain six promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:28-29) (6mks)
- They were to live according to God law/obey all his commandments/requirements
- They would not intermarry with the foreigners living in their land
- They promised not to farm every seventh year/they were to cancel all the debts
- They would make annual contribution towards temple expenses/not neglect the house of God.
- They were to provide wood for burnt sacrifices
- They were to offer the fruits of their harvest/dedicate their first born sons/flock as required by the law
- They would pay their tithes in accordance with the law
- They will not do any business on the Sabbath day
(First 6x1=6mks)
- Explain four reasons that made Nehemiah to rebuid the wall of Jerusalem(8mks)
- To make Jerusalem capital city secure again
- To restore the glory and pride of Jerusalem as a city of God
- Give jews the ownership of the temple and city that had religious significance
- To keep srangers away and make it enclosed
- To spare the jews shame and ridicule from Samaritans and foreiners
(Any 4x2=8mks)
- State six reasons why some christians find it difficult to pray
- Lack of faith in God
- Failure to create time for prayer
- Some people enjoy material comfort and forget God
- Discouragement due to life situations
- Some put other priorities before God
- Spiritual weakness
- Lack of guidance in their Christian lives
- Feelings of guilt from unconfessed sins
(First 6x1=6mks)
- Explain six promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:28-29) (6mks)
- How do the aged in the traditional African communities prepare their family members before they die? (7mks)
- Inviting the family members to share a common meal
- Identifying the leader of the family
- Disclosing to the members all the property owned /secrets
- Shairing /distributing property among family members
- Giving advise to family members
- Blessing the family members
- Reconciling the family membres /resolving conflicts
- Identifying debters /creditors
- Identifying the burial site/giving instructions regarding the funeral
- State the traditional African understanding of the the spirits(5mks)
- Spirits are invisible /do not have a physical form
- Spirits are more powerful than human beings
- They are believed to be residing in caves /rivers /trees /rocks
- Spirits can aquire physical form /appear to human beings in form of birds/animals
- Spirits have the ability to enter human beings and through them convey a message /reveal certain things
- Spirits act as mediators between God and human beings
- Spirits change accoding to circumstance/they can bring either harm/good to people
(Any 5x1=5)
- what is the responsibility of the living towards the ancestors in the traditional African communities (8mks)
- Naming children after them
- Pouring libation for them
- Taking care of their grave yards
- Making sacrifices/offerings to honour them
- Consulting/communicating to them in times of need
- Inviting/involving them in ceremonies
- Invoking their names during prayers charnting their names
- Transmitting their wishes /visions
- By holding commemoration ceremonies for them
- Managing their property wisely
- Building shrines for them
- Teaching children about them
- How do the aged in the traditional African communities prepare their family members before they die? (7mks)
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