- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
- There are six printed questions.
- Attempt any FIVE questions.
- Each question carries 20 marks.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |

- Outline Nathan’s prophecy concerning the Messiah. (2 Samuel 7:3-1) (6mks)
- State the message of Angel Gabriel about Jesus during the annunciation of his birth in (Luke 1:32-35). (7mks)
- Give seven ways in which parents develop their children’s spiritual life. (7mks)
- Describe the healing of the woman with a flow of blood. (Lk.8:43-48) (7mks)
- State the importance of the transfiguration of Jesus to his disciples. (7mks)
- Give six lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the healing miracles (6mks)
- Outline the instructions that Jesus gave his disciples. (7mks)
- State the characteristics of the kingdom of God. (7mks)
- Give reasons why Christians should have faith in God. (6mks)
- Give eight reasons why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples after His Ascension. (8mks)
- Explain peter’s teachings about the people of God (1Peter 2:9-10) (7mks)
- Identify reasons why the fruit of self-control is necessary in the church today. (5mks)
- State the importance of leisure. (7mks)
- Explain the criteria for evaluating Christian use of leisure. (7mks)
- How can Christian help in the fight against drug abuse? (6mks)
- Identify obstacles to effective maintenance of law and order in the modern society. (7mks)
- State seven roles the church can play in transforming the political life of the society.(7mks)
- State the role of the church during the COVID-19 pandemic. (6mks)

- Outline Nathan’s prophecyconcerning the Messiah.(2 Samuel 7:3-17)
- He will be a descendant of King David.
- He will establish everlasting Kingdom.
- The Messiah would rule over Israel.
- He will deliver Israel from political enemies.
- Messiah will always be supported by God.
- He will be agreed King whose Kingdom will be kept strong.
- He will be God’s son and God will be his father.
- State the message of Angel Gabriel about Jesus during the annunciation of his birth in (Luke 1:32-35)
- His name shall be Jesus.
- He will be great.
- He will be called the child of the Most High.
- The Lord will give him the throne of his father David.
- He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.
- He will establish an everlasting Kingdom.
- He will be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- He will be called Holy
- Son of God.
- Give seven ways in which parents develop their children’s spiritual life.
- By being good role models.
- By taking children to church for dedication and thanksgiving.
- They allow their children to interact with others during Sunday school.
- Praying to God to guide their children.
- They expose their children to church activities.
- Rebuking their children when they go wrong/primand/discipline/correcting them.
- Teaching them to read the Bible.
- Outline Nathan’s prophecyconcerning the Messiah.(2 Samuel 7:3-17)
- Healing of the women with a flow of blood (Luke 8:43-48)
- As Jesus went to Jairus house people pressed around them.
- A woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came behind Jesus.
- He touched the fringe of the garment of Jesus.
- He got healed immediately / the flow stopped.
- Jesus asked who had touched him as some power had gone out of him.
- People denied it.
- Peter explained that the multitude was pressing on him.
- Jesus replied that someone touched him as some power had gone out of him.
- When the woman saw that she could not hide anymore she came trembling.
- She explained how she touched him and was healed immediately.
- Jesus told her that her faith had made her well and to go in peace.
(7x1 = 7mks)
- The importance of the transfiguration of Jesus to his disciples.(Luke 9:28-36)
- They learnt that Jesus was the son of God.
- They learnt that Jesus had come to do his father’s will.
- The learnt that Jesus would be glorified after resurrection.
- They learnt that Jesus’ death was inevitable.
- Their faith in Jesus was strengthened.
- They witnessed the presence of God.
- They were to listen to / obey whatever Jesus told them about his suffering, death and resurrection.
- They knew Jesus had come to fulfil the OT. Prophecies.
- It prepared Peter for future leadership roles.
- Six lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the healing miracles
- Jesus has power over sicknesses and diseases.
- Jesus is a universal saviour
- Jesus requires faith if one is to be healed.
- He has power to forgive sins.
- He is the son of God.
- He has power over the evil spirit.
- Jesus is merciful / compassionate.
- He heals both physically and spiritually ill.
- Jesus expects the healed to appreciate.
- Jesus is concerned about the total wellbeing of a person.
- Jesus is the Lord of life.
- Jesus is power.
- Jesus is a healer.
(First 6 x1=mks)
- Healing of the women with a flow of blood (Luke 8:43-48)
- The instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy two disciples when he sent them on a mission.
- The disciples were to pray for more labourers to be sent for the harvest,
- The disciples were not to carry any pulse / bag / sandals.
- They were not to salute anyone on the road.
- They were to say peace any house they entered.
- They were to remain in the same house / not to go from house to house.
- They were to eat / drink whatever was provided.
- They were to heal the sick
- They were, to tell the people that the kingdom of God has corne near
- They were to wipe off the dust on their feet against the people if not received
- State the characteristics of the kingdom of God
- Jesus said that the kingdom of God has a humble beginning
- It grows secretly
- It belongs to those who hear the word of God and do according to it
- It is precious
- Those who wish to belong to the kingdom must repent their sins
- There is a reward to those who accepts God’s rule in their hearts
- It is universal
- It transforms those who enter it
7 x 1 = 7mks
- Give reasons why Christians should have faith in God
- God fulfils the promises he makes to human beings
- Faith is a requirement for all Christians
- Those who pray in faith receive their request
- Christians are dependent on God for all things
- Faith is a sign of commitment to God / helps Christians to grow spiritually
- It is through faith in God that Christians can perform miracles / great things
- Christians who have faith in God can be saved / healed
- Faith in God helps Christians to overcome temptations / face challenges / persecution.
- Faith in God enables the Christians to wait for second coming of Jesus kingdom of God (6 x 1 = 6mks)
- The instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy two disciples when he sent them on a mission.
- Give eight reasons why Jesus sent the Holy spirit to the disciples after his ascension.
- He was to counsel the disciples
- The Holy Spirit would comfort the disciples
- He would guide the disciples on what is right
- He was to convict people of their sinsHe was to
- remind the disciples of what Jesus taught them
- He would teach people the ways/truth of the Kingdom of God
- He would glorify Jesus through the work of the disciples to perform miracles
- He would replace the physical presence of Jesus
- He would empower the disciples to be able to speak/courage/confidence.
- Peter’s teaching about the people of God.
- The believers are chosen people/race/they have been selected.
- They are a royal priesthood/they are to save the greatest King/God.
- They are Holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteousness lives
- They belong to God/they form a family of God’s own possession.
- They are to declare wonderful deeds of God/that is to lead a life of worshippingGod/testifying about God.
- They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed and should not be dominated by evil.
- They were once not a people/they were outside the covenant way of life.
- They are led by the mercies of God/have received God’s grace
- Identify reasons why the fruit of self- control is necessary in the church today.
- Self-control helps Christians to control their emotions when dealing with other believers.
- Self-control help Christians to tolerate other believers i.e leadership in church
- Self-control promotes unity among believers because one is able to deal with issues
- Self-control helps Christians to control their sexual desires.
- Self-control helps Christians to live peacefully with one another.
- Give eight reasons why Jesus sent the Holy spirit to the disciples after his ascension.
- The importance of leisure.
- It is time which one uses to rest and replace lost energy.
- Leisure is very important to a worker to enable him attend celebrations.
- Workers need leisure period to attend church and worship God.
- Leisure is important for one to socialise / attend social functions such as weddings, birth days
- Leisure time is important because one would use it to travel and visit friends.
- During leisure one gets time to develop their talents and hobbies.
- It is time used to enhance and acquire new skills and knowledge.
- It can also be used to engage in income generating activities.
- Criteria for evaluating Christians use of Leisure.
- There should be a balance between active and passive leisure to avoid over indulgence.
- The choice of leisure activity should not negatively affect one and other people in the community.
- Leisure should only come after work as a form of rest and relaxation.
- One should consider only those activities that are moral and promote Christian principles.
- Leisure that makes one to be extravagant should be avoided.
- One should reject those leisure activities that are dangerous to one’s health.
- The principle of moderation should be applied in any leisure activity undertaken to avoid danger of addiction.
- One should engage in activities that promote service to others.
- Any leisure activity that has inbuilt risks should be avoided. ( 7 x 1 = 7mks)
- How Christians can help in the fight against drug abuse
- Educating masses on dangers of drug abuse.
- Reporting drug dealers to the police.
- Condemning drug trafficking/sale.
- Rehabilitating drug addicts.
- Creating employment to youth.
- Guiding and counselling to families of drug addicts to eradicate stigma.
- Preaching to and praying for drug addicts.
- Support to the NGO.
- Publishing books and journals.
- The importance of leisure.
- Identify obstacles to effective maintenance of law and order in the modern society.
- Laxity of law enforcement agencies
- Corruption/bribery
- Unemployment leads to crime
- Unequal distribution of wealth
- Lenient punishment given to offenders
- Drug abuse
- Bad examples from leaders
- Greed for power
- Ignorance of the law
- Permissiveness in the society
- State seven roles the church can play in transforming the political life of the society.
- Offering civil education
- Participating in law reform process
- Participating in civic and parliamentary election
- Condemning evils in the public institutions
- Reconcile warring parties
- Preaching peace, love and unity
- Obeying laws of the land.
- State the role of the church during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Guide and counsel both the infected and affected
- The church should construct isolation centers for the infected.
- Provide mobile health facilities to curb the situation
- Obey the government policy of the curfew
- Provide masks, sanitizers to the Christian
- Pray for/with them.
- Identify obstacles to effective maintenance of law and order in the modern society.
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