- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
- This paper consists of six questions.
- Answer any five questions.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Explain how the study of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools promotes national unity ( 5mks)
- Identify Four differences between the African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin (8mks).
- State seven ways in which human beings fail to carry out responsibilities given to them by God at creation
- Explain how the early life of Moses prepared him for leadership. (7mks)
- Describe the breaking of the Sinai covenant by the Israelites (Exodus 32: 1- 35).(8mks)
- Outline five challenges faced by Christians while practicing their faith in Kenya. (5mks)
- Identify seven failures of King Solomon (7mks).
- State seven functions of the temple in Jerusalem (7mks).
- Give six reasons why Christians build churches today (6mks).
- State four similarities between traditional African seers and the Old Testament prophets? (8mks)
- Outline five teachings of prophet Amos on Remnant & restoration of the Israelite(5mks)
- Identify seven ways in which the church restores members who have fallen from their faith (7mks)
- State seven factors that led Nehemiah to engage in prayer. (7mks)
- Outline the promises the Israelites made during the renewal of the covenant under Nehemiah. (6mks)
- What is the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian today? (7mks)
- Give seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies are rare in traditional African communities (7mks)
- How are initiates prepared for adult life in traditional African communities? (7mks)
- Why do some traditional African communities practice initiation rites today? (6mks)

Marking Scheme
- Ways in which CRE promotes national unity
- Teaches on moral values e.g. love, cooperation
- Teaches on social equality of all races, tribes
- Teaches on self-respect and respect of others
- Teaches on need to respect our religion and those of others
- Promotes our culture - to respect our culture and that of others/promotes cultural integration
- Encourages respect to authority, laws of the country
- Promotes international consciousness.
- The subject is studied by students of different religious backgrounds
- It teaches on equality of all human beings as God’s creation, hence the need to be united and have social equality.
- It helps to foster social cohesion
Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
- Four differences between African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin
- Biblically there is eternal punishment for wrong doers while in African concept punishment is immediately in the physical world
- Africans believe in collective punishment unlike in the bible that talks about individual punishment
- Traditionally suffering is a result of doing evil while biblically it is not always true e.g. Job and Jesus
- Traditionally African religion does not have an opportunity of a saviour which is provided for in the Bible through Jesus Christ
- Biblically sinners go to hell and those who repent their sins go to heaven while traditionally the dead join the spirits. No heaven no hell
- Biblically sin originate from the heart/ by nature one is a sinner while in traditional African society external forces are believed to cause evil
Any 4x2mks= 8marks
- seven ways in which human beings fail to carry out responsibilities given to them by God (7mks )
- By deciding to remain unmarried
- By not worshipping Him/observing the Sabbath /resting
- Not guarding the land from erosion/ not caring for the environment
- Laziness/ not working
- Through deforestation/clearing/not planting trees
- Mining and excavation
- Murder /capital punishment
- Pollution of the environment
- Through abortion
- Through sexual immorality e.g. homosexuality /lesbianism
- Through use of contraceptives/not procreating
- Through cultivating on steep slopes
- Through poaching
(first 7x1=7 mks )
- Ways in which CRE promotes national unity
- How the early life of Moses prepared him for leadership. (7mks)
- He was brought up in the Pharaoh’s house and learnt leadership skills.
- His experience as an Egyptian prince helped him to handle the Pharaoh.
- His Egyptian education helped him in writing the Decalogue.
- Having been brought up by his mother, he was familiar with the customs of the Jews, the people he was to lead.
- His experiences in the desert hardened him to be bold and persevere during hardship in the desert.
- He took care of the flock of his father-in-law which made him patient and keen.
- His knowledge about God of Israel helped in teaching the Israelites about Yahweh and Monotheism.
- He had a family which made him responsible.
(any 7x1 = 7mks)
- The breaking of the Sinai covenant by the Israelites Ex 32: 1-35. (8mks)
- When Moses delayed on the mountain the Israelites thought that he had abandoned them.
- The people became impatient and restless and asked Aaron to make them a god who would lead them.
- Aaron made a golden calf from the gold and silver which he received from the people.
- They worshipped the golden calf and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.
- God was angry with the Israelites for worshiping the golden calf and wanted to destroy them.
- God listened to Moses intercessions.
- Moses came down the mountain with the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.
- Moses was angry and threw down the ten tablets breaking them.
- Moses pleaded with God not to destroy them.
- Moses burnt the gold calf, grounded it to powder.
- He scattered the powder upon the water and made the people drink it.
- He then ordered the faithful Israelites to kill those who had broken the covenant.
(any 8x1 = 8mks)
- Five challenges faced by Christians while practicing their faith in Kenya today. (5mks)
- The emergency of splinter groups within the church.
- Emergency of cults which practice ungodly activities.
- Emphasis on materialism by the church.
- Open conflict among leaders and church members.
- Lack of role models among the leaders.
- Moral decadence / permissiveness.
- Negative effects of mass media or modern technology.
- Discrimination in church.
- Terrorist attacks. (any 5x1 = 5mks)
- How the early life of Moses prepared him for leadership. (7mks)
- Identify seven failures of King Solomon (7mks).
- He married women from many foreign countries, breaking the torah
- He allowed the foreign women to worship their gods and built altars for them
- Solomon himself worshipped idols e.g. Ashtarte the goddess of Sidon
- Solomon loved himself more than he loved God because his palace took 13 years to complete while God’s temple took 7years.
- He killed his half-brother Adonijah, on suspicion that he could rival him to the throne.
- He enslaved the people and practiced forced labour ,to sustain his lavish lifestyle
- He used foreign materials and designs in building the temple for God.
- He sold a piece of Israel’s land adjoining Tyre to pay off his debts to Hiram king of Tyre
- State seven functions of the temple in Jerusalem (7mks).
- It was a Centre of worship for all the Israelites
- It was a place where different sacrifices were offered to God
- It symbolized God’s presence among the people because the ark of the covenant was kept there
- It was a symbol of unity for the Israelites
- Different religious festivals were conducted there
- Important religious ceremonies e.g dedication of children and purification of mothers were conducted there
- It was a residence for religious leaders
- It was a business Centre. People would purchase animals and exchange currencies for offerings and sacrifices
- It acted a a school of law for the religious leaders
- It was a judicial court in Israel. The Sanhedrin used to have their sittings there and judge cases.
First 7x1mk=7mks
- Give six reasons why Christians build churches today (6mks).
- To symbolize God’s presence
- As a sign of prestige/identity
- To symbolize church growth numerically/geographically
- It’s in line with Old Testament traditions
- To celebrate religious functions/festivals
- As a refuge place in times of danger
- For worship
- Used for meetings/gatherings of members
- Used for receiving religious instructions/to preach/teach
First 6x1mk=6mks
- Identify seven failures of King Solomon (7mks).
- State four similarities between traditional African seers and Old Testament prophets?
- Both were mediators between God and the people.
- They both warned people of impending dangers.
- Both had supernatural experiences through dreams, visions and trances.
- Both were people of high moral integrity.
- Both could be consulted and they helped to settle disputes.
- Both led people in performing religious rituals.
- Both condemned social injustice. 4x2=8mrks
- Outline Five teachings of Prophet Amos on the Remnant and Restoration of the Israelites.
- God would restore the dynasty of David after destruction.
- God would bring the people of Israel back to their land.
- The people would rebuild their cities so that the remnant of Edom can occupy them.
- The land would be productive/ grapes would be in abundance/wine would be in plenty.
- The people would grow food and harvest it.
- The people of Israel would be peaceful and prosperous.
- The Israelites would not be taken to exile again.
- Identify Seven ways in which the church restores members who have fallen from the faith.
- Encouraging them to repent/confess
- Guiding and counselling them
- Organizing for retreats.
- Preaching to them.
- Forgiving them/patient
- Addressing the issues that led to their fall.
- Praying for their conversion.
- Inviting them to church
- Giving material support
- Visiting them in their homes
(7x1 =7marks)
- State four similarities between traditional African seers and Old Testament prophets?
- Outline the promises the Israelites made during the renewal of the covenant under Nehemiah
- They promised to live according to Gods law, obey all his commands and requirements.
- They would not intermarry with foreigners living in their land
- They would keep the Sabbath day
- Every seventh year, they would cancel debts
- They would contribute annual temple expenses and ensure the house of God was not neglected
- The would provide sacrifices and offerings for the temple and arrange for provision of wood for burnt offerings/ sacrifices
- They would offer first fruit of their harvest, dedicate their first born sons and flocks as required by law
- They would pay their tithes in accordance with the law
Any 6x1= 6mks
- State seven factors that led Nehemiah to engage in prayer.
- A feeling of compassion for the ruined state of Jerusalem city.
- The need for favor from the king in order to return to Judah
- The need for the rich to change their hearts so as not to exploit the poor.
- To seek protection from God against his enemy.
- The need to be strengthened following the plot to kill him.
- To plead with God not to destroy the temple following its defilement by Tobiah.
- To be given guidance to assign duties to the priests after their consecration.
- The need to punish Sanballet for marrying a foreigner yet he was a priest.
- What is the importance of prayers in the life of a Christian today?
- It enables one to gain power over temptation.
- It enables one to give thanks to God.
- It expresses once obedience before God.
- Enables one to ask for protection.
- One is able to intercede for others.
- So as to praise/ glorify/ exalt God.
- One is able to communicate with God.
- In order to acknowledge God as the provider of everything.
- One is able to communicate with God.
- It expresses humility.
- Outline the promises the Israelites made during the renewal of the covenant under Nehemiah
- Give seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies are rare in traditional African communities.
- Boys and girls are taught to control their emotions/passion.
- Free mixing of boys and girls is not allowed.
- Heavy fines are imposed on young men who make girls pregnant before marriage.
- Girls who become pregnant before marriage are punished.
- Girls who are known to be of loose morals are married off to old men/to men who are despised.
- Parents of children of low morals are ridiculed/mocked and this forces parents to keep a close eye on their children’s morals.
- Young boys and girls got instructions on sex education from the older members of the community.
- Virginity/chastity is highly valued / rewarded.
- Those who become pregnant are discriminated against by their peers.
- Sex offenders are punished.
6 x 1 = 6 marks
- How are initiates prepared for adult life in traditional African communities?
- They are made to endure pain in order to develop perseverance.
- Assigned duties similar to those performed in adult life.
- Given specific instructions to help them develop obedience/compliance/understanding.
- Exposed to hardship in order to develop coping mechanisms.
- Told about moral stories to help them develop deductive thinking.
- Punished for disobedience to learn about consequences of such acts/reward for courage.
- Are grouped into age-sets/groups to help them develop collective responsibility/skills.
- Live in seclusion in order to develop independence/self-awareness.
- They are taught gender roles/responsibilities.
- Taught the history of the community to help them trace their ancestry.
7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Why do some traditional African communities practice initiation rites today?
- To uphold traditional values and customs/culture.
- To provide an occupation for initiators/surgeons.
- In order to please/appease ancestral spirits.
- To ensure acceptability by those who have undergone the initiation rites/create a sense of belonging.
- To prepare one for marriage.
- To promote African languages through song and dance.
- To create a new age-set.
- In order to raise one’s social status.
- Provide an opportunity for leadership.
- In order to enable one to inherit property. 6 x 1 = 6 marks
- Give seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies are rare in traditional African communities.
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