- This paper consists of six questions.
- Answer any five questions in the spaces provided at the end of question 6.
- Each question carries 20 marks.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Outline the Psalmist’s prophecy about the Messiah (6marks)
- With reference to Luke 1:26 -38, outline the message of angel Gabriel about Jesus to Mary(8mks)
- Give six lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (6mk)
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist (Luke 3:21-22) (5mks)
- Outline seven reasons why Christians undergo baptism. (7mks)
- Explain the importance of transfiguration of Jesus to Christians today. (8mks)
- Outline seven instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy-two disciples when he sent them on a mission. (7mks)
- State areas of conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders in His ministry in Jerusalem (Luke 22:39-53) (7mks)
- Give ways in which church leaders should respond to members who oppose them in their work. (6mks)
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of body of Christ. (8mks)
- State six reasons why the use of the gifts of the holy spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth . (6mks)
- In what ways do the Christians in Kenya demonstrate the new Testament teaching on unity. (6mks)
- Identify seven factors that have led to an increased rate of child labour in Kenya today. (7 marks)
- Outline the causes of conflict between an employer and employees in Kenya. (7 marks)
- Give six roles a Christian should play during a strike. (6 marks)
- Identify scientific and technological development that threatens human existence (8mks)
- Explain ways in which science has promoted Christian understanding of God’s creation (6mks)
- State the causes of environmental pollution (6mks)

Marking Scheme
- Outline the Psalmist’s prophecy about the Messiah
- He will be the lord
- He will sit in the right hand side of God/honoured/exalted
- Defeat his enemies
- He will rule from Zion
- He will rule in the midst of his enemies
- Betrayed by a close friend
- He would rule as a Gods representative on earth
(6x1=6 marks)
- With reference to Luke 1:26 -38, outline the message of angel Gabriel about Jesus to Mary (8mks)
- His name would be Jesus
- He was going to be great
- He would be called the son of the most high.
- He would be given the throne of his father David.
- He would rule forever .
- He was to save people from sins
- He would be an everlasting king and his kingdom would have no end .
- Jesus conception was to be effected by the power of the holy spirit and would be called the son of God. (8x1=8mks)
- Give six lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated.(6mks)
- Christians should be righteous before God in order to experience Him in their lives.
- Christians should trust/have faith in God
- Outline the Psalmist’s prophecy about the Messiah
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist (Luke 3:21-22) (5mks)
- John the Baptist Baptist all the people
- Jesus was also baptised
- Jesus was praying
- The heavens opened
- The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus
- A voice came from heaven
- Jesus was described as the beloved son of God with whom He was pleased. .
- Outline seven reasons why Christians undergo baptism. (7mks)
- Baptism enables them to become children of God.
- It enables one to become a member of a Christian community/Christian denomination.
- It enables them to receive the power of the Holy Spirit
- It enables them to identify themselves with Christ/all that he stands for
- It symbolises that one has died and resurrected with Christ, leaving the old sinful nature/acquisition of a new life in Jesus.
- Trough baptism, one receives complete forgiveness of sins.
- It prepares Christians for the kingdom of God
- It unites Christians as members of the body of Christ which is the Church
- It symbolises obedience to Jesus teaching
- It acts as an outward sign of their inner faith as it is done publicly. (7x1=7mks)
- Explain the importance of transfiguration of Jesus to Christians today. (8mks)
- It took place when Jesus and three of his disciples were praying . Christians should therefore take time off their duties to pray.
- Jesus and his disciples had retreated to a private place/mountain to pray.
- Christians therefore should have retreats/ go to a private place for prayer.
- Resurrection is a reality since Moses who died appeared in the transfiguration.
- Christians therefore should have hope for life after death.
- Moses and Elijah appeared to encourage about the suffering he was about to face.
- Christians therefore learn that they should accept/endure suffering as a way to salvation.
- Jesus came to do the will on his Father/fulfil the law/prophecies . Christians are assured of salvation/ should believe in the word of God.
- The disciples heard the voice of God which commanded them to listen to Jesus. Christians learn that God speaks to them/they should listen to Gods voice/Jesus/the word of God .
- The cloud symbolized God’s presence with Jesus . Christians therefore learn that God is always with them/they should call upon Him for help/desire to be in the presence of God. (4X2=8)
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist (Luke 3:21-22) (5mks)
- The instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy-two disciples when he sent them on a mission.
- The disciples were to pray for more laborers to be sent for the harvest,
- The disciples were not to carry any purse / bag / sandals.
- They were not to salute anyone on the road.
- They were to say peace in any house they entered.
- They were to remain in the same house / NOT to go from house to house.
- They were to eat / drink whatever was provided.
- They were to heal the sick
- They were, to tell the people that the kingdom of God was near
- They were to wipe off the dust on their feet against the people if not received.
(8×1=8 Marks)
- Identify the areas of conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders in His ministry in Jerusalem
- The question about Jesus’ authority to teach
- the question about the resurrection
- The question about the messiah / his identity
- The attitude of Jesus concerning the widow’s offering
- The question payment of taxes
- Jesus’ direct attack on the religious leaders/ denouncing the scribes
- The parable of the wicked tenants
(6×1=6 Marks)
- Explain ways in which church leaders should respond to members who oppose them in their work. (6 marks)
- Ways in which church leaders should respond to members who oppose them in their work.
- The church leaders should find out/investigate the reason for their opposition.
- They should forgive them/seek reconciliation.
- The leaders should pray for those who oppose them. welcome their contributions.
- Include them in fellowships/church activities.
- Look for opportunities to assist them especially when in problems.
- Review/change their approach to issues.
(6 x1 = 6 marks)
- The instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy-two disciples when he sent them on a mission.
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the body of Christ. (8mks)
- St Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ.
- Christ is the head of the Church.
- The believers from parts of the body
- The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different members.
- They all need to work together for the well being of the Church.
- Every part of the body is needed to make it whole. All parts are interpedently/ one part cannot be without the other.
- The different Church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit
- State six reasons why the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth. (6mks)
- There was competition in the speaking in tongues.
- There was disorder/confusion in worship as people with different gifts tried to outdo one another.
- People did not use their gifts for the benefit of the Church/one another .
- Some gifts such as prophecy/teaching were looked down upon/there was pride/boasting.
- There was no interpretation for tongues when the gift of speaking in tongues was in use, hence messages were not understood.
- People did not show love for one another.
- Those with the gift of speaking in tongues despised those who did not have/some members through they were too spiritual.
(6x1= 6mks)
- In what ways do the Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New Testament teaching on unity. (6mks)
- Christians meet for prayers/fellowship together .
- They observe a day of worship to honour God.
- They share the Holy communion/meals.
- They help those who are poor/needy.
- They solve problems affecting the Church members.
- They hold joint crusades/rallies.
- They also co-operate by providing Christian programmes in the mass media/resource materials.
- The speak in one voice to condemn evil in society. (6x1= 6mks)
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the body of Christ. (8mks)
- Identify seven factors that have led to an increased rate of child labor in Kenya today (7 marks)
- Widespread poverty among parents.
- High dropout rate from school.
- Orphans and destitute children with no one to take care of them.
- Family breakups due to separation and divorce.
- Runaways voluntarily seek for jobs.
- Urbanization and industrialization.
- Ignorance on the part of children about their rights.
- Children provide cheap labor.
- Children are not unionisable and thus cannot fight for good terms and conditions of service.
- Children can easily be hired and fired.
- Children are not skilled in any job and so cannot fight for good terms of bservice.
- Children discrimination in some communities/boys are preferred/given priorities over girls or vice versa.
- Children are given too many responsibilities at an early age/negligence/irresponsible parents.
(7 x 1 = 7 marks)
- Outline the causes of conflict between an employer and employees in Kenya. (7 marks)
- Lack of respect to the employee by the employer (or vice versa).
- Employees not being given time for leisure/leave.
- Poor working conditions/environment.
- When the employees do not receive their wages/not paid on time.
- When employers fail to consider the welfare of employees/ allowances.
- When employees fail to accomplish tasks within the expected time/poor time management.
- When employees are not allowed to join trade unions.
- Unequal changes of promotion/discrimination by the employer/lack of promotion.
- Poor/low remuneration.
- Sexual harassment by the employer.
- Racial/tribal/ethnic differences may bring conflicts.
- Misuse /destruction of property by employees.
- Differences in religious affiliation between the employer and employees.
- Divulging the secrets of the employer/organization.
(7 x 1 = 7 marks)
- Give six roles a Christian should play during a strike. (6 marks)
- Not to take part in the strike.
- Encourage other people to find better means of solving the problem.
- To inform the authority of any grievances if they are not aware/mediate.
- To pray for a solution to the problem/seek God’s guidance for a solution to the problem.
- Should not take part in a violent demonstration.
- To report the matter to the nearest police station. (6 x 1 = 6 marks)
- Identify seven factors that have led to an increased rate of child labor in Kenya today (7 marks)
- Scientific & technological developments that threaten human existence
- Exploitation of natural resources through mining, poaching/deforestation
- Environmental pollution through dumping/emission of poisonous substances into air/water
- Through production of weapons of mass destruction
- Through accidents which result from the application of modern science/technology
- Application of modern agriculture that causes soil erosion
- Addictive drugs such as heroin that are produced by use of science and technology
- Environment degradation as a result of urbanization/industrialization
- Scientists using human beings as experiment species on drugs that have led to death
- Development in science/technology has weakened human belief in God’s existence
- Those who own technology exploit those without
- Genes cloning & artificial birth threaten family life (8X1 = 8mks)
- Ways in which science has promoted Christians understanding of God’s creation
- Enabled man to make tools and rules that make man to understand
- Increased peoples’ knowledge of mysterious events such as the outer space
- Used to improve human life through disease control and good diet
- Man is able to conquer animal and plant kingdom
- Mans’ standard of living has been improved
- Science has been used to improve man’s spiritual & material needs
- The world has been reduced to a global village through scientific invention
- Through science, Man takes part in God’s creation work
- Unity of humankind has been enhanced through communications and promotion of peace
- Human beings have used scientific inventions to tap the environment for his benefit(1 x 6 = 6mks)
- State the causes of environmental pollution
- Industrial wastes
- Smoke from domestic users
- Mining activities
- Agricultural chemicals
- Traffic wastes & smoke
- Soil erosion
- Garbage
- Noise in urban centers
- Emission from scientific research stations and green house
(6X1 = 6mks)
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