- Answer any FIVE questions in the booklet provided.

- Identify five books of the Holy Bible referred to as Writings. (5 marks)
- Describe five teachings about marriage from the Genesis stories of creation. (10 marks)
- What are the consequences of evil in the traditional African society. (5 marks)
- Identify the five animals used by Abraham during the covenant making process. (5 marks)
- What problems did Moses face as he led the Israelites during the Exodus? (7 marks)
- Give eight ways in which Christians in Kenya show their respect to God. (8 marks)
- Outline six promises that God gave to King David through Prophet Nathan. (6 marks)
- Describe 8 ways in which King Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life. (8 marks)
- Which lessons can the political leaders in Kenya learn from King Solomon? (7 marks)
- Describe the message of hope prophet Amos gave to Israelites when they turned back to God. (8 marks)
- Identify six evils Israel neighbours had committed to attract God’s judgement. (6 marks)
- State lessons Christians learn about God from Amos prophecies against Israel and other neighbouring nations. (6 marks)
- State ways in which God prepared Jeremiah for his prophetic mission. (5 marks)
- Describe the fall of Jerusalem city and temple. (8 marks)
- State seven ways how Christians can evade God’s judgment today. (7 marks)
- State five reasons why grandparents educate the youth in the Traditional African Society. (5 marks)
- Explain five ways the virtue of unity is promoted in the traditional African society. (10 marks)
- Explain five ways in which modern science and technology has affected traditional African Kinship. (5 marks)

Marking Scheme
- Outline Psalmist's prophecies about the coming of Messiah (7mks)
- The Messiah would be betrayed by his close associated which was fulfilled by Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
- He would rule from Zion.
- He would be honored by God and rule as His representative on earth.
- The messiah would enjoy God’s protection and Victory over his enemies.
- He would be called Lord.
- He would be a righteous king
- He would be sitted at the right hand of God.
7x1 7 marks
- What took place when Mary visited Elizabeth.
- She entered Zechariah’s home.
- She greeted Elizabeth.
- When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the baby in her womb leaped.
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy spirit.
- Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry.
- She blessed Mary and the child in the womb.
- Elizabeth wondered why Mary the mother of her Lord had visited her.
- Elizabeth informed Mary that the baby in her womb had leaped for joy in her greetings.
- Mary responded by praising God/sung the magnificat.
- Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months
7x1 marks
- What lessons can Christians learn from the visit of Mary to Elizabeth(6mks)
- Christians should not compare their lives with others
- Christians should look for opportunities to give others a reason to praise God.
- Christians should remember that God still performs miracles even today
- Christians should chose joy instead of jealousy
- Christians should understand that God still keep his promises
- Christians learn that God will put the right people at the right time in our lives.
- Christians should maintain good relationship with their relatives.
6x1 marks
- Outline Psalmist's prophecies about the coming of Messiah (7mks)
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptized in River Jordan by John the Baptist.Luke 3:21_22(6mks)
- All the people had been baptized by John.
- Jesus was also baptized.
- Jesus then started praying.
- The heavens opened.
- The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in a bodily form as a dove.
- Then a voice came from heaven.
- Then it said, ‘thou art my beloved son with thee am well pleased
- .Explain four reasons why Jesus was baptized and yet He was not a sinner(8mks)
- To identify himself with sinners
- To be identified by John
- To be introduced to the crowd as the messiah
- To fulfill all righteousness
- It symbolized his death and resurrection
- To show that he was ready to start his work
- To acknowledge the work of John the Baptist as his forerunner
4x2 marks
- Explain six reasons why Christians undergo baptism.(6mks)
- Christians are baptized to identify with Jesus
- It unites Christians as members of one body
- It unites Christians as members of one body
- It is a sign of death and resurrection of Jesus
- Signifies a new life/change of status
- Use of water is symbolic as a leaser.
- Signifies the complete forgiveness of sins
- It makes them children of God
- It marks the beginning of personal commitment to God
- Prepare Christians for the heavenly Kingdom
- It gives one a sense of belonging to a Christian community
- It confirmed that Jesus was the son of God/Messiah/Divinity of Jesus
6x1 marks
- Describe the incident when Jesus was baptized in River Jordan by John the Baptist.Luke 3:21_22(6mks)
- Outline the events that took place on the Mount of Olives before the arrest of Jesus.(7mks)
- Jesus told the disciples to pray
- Jesus moved a distance away from the disciples
- Jesus knelt down and prayed
- An angel from heaven strengthened him
- The disciples fell asleep
- Jesus awoke the disciples
- There came a crowd led by Judas one of his twelve disciples
- Judas wanted to Kiss Jesus
- One of the disciples struck off a slave’s ear.
- Jesus healed the man’s ear.
- Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a criminal.
7x1 marks
- State four accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial Luke 22:66_23:1_23 (8mks)
- Jesus called himself the Christ/Messiah.
- He claimed to be the son of God.
- He was inciting people with his teaching.
- He was opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar.
- He had made himself the King of the Jews against the Roman authority.
- Jesus had stirring up the people to revolt.
- He was equating himself to god/blasphemy
4x2 marks
- Give five ways in which Christians should take care of those in jail (5mks)
- Praying for them
- Visiting them so that they can feel wanted in society/invite them to their homes
- Preaching the good news of salvation to them
- Showing them care/concern
- Welcoming them into the church
- Providing them with basic needs(food, shelter, clothing) financial/medication
- Offering guidance and counseling to help them to reform
- Involving them in community/church activities
- By helping them to become self reliant by giving them jobs/survival skills
- Listening to them/help them to solve their problems
- Counseling their families to accept/forgive them
5x1 marks
- Outline the events that took place on the Mount of Olives before the arrest of Jesus.(7mks)
- Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul in the early church (7mks)
- Love.
- Joy.
- Peace.
- Kindness.
- Patience.
- Self control.
- Faithfulness.
- Goodness.
- Gentleness.
7x1 marks
- Explain the teachings of Peter concerning the people of God (1st Peter 2:9-10) 8 marks
- The believers are chosen people/race/they have been selected.
- They are a royal priesthood/they are to save the greatest King/God.
- They are Holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteousness lives
- They belong to God/they form a family of God’s own possession.
- They are to declare wonderful deeds of God/that is to lead a life of worshipping God/testifying about God. by evil.
- They were once not a people/they were outside the covenant way of life.
- They are led by the mercies of God/have received God’s grace.
4x2 marks
- Ways in which kindness as a fruit of Holy Spirit is abused in Kenya today.
- By church leaders starting many projects in the church, expecting the congregation to provide the finance.
- Some Christian fail to work because they expect assistance from others.
- Some Christian over-depends on other problem’s assistance/effort,
- Some members of the church failing to return/refund borrowed money and expect the members of the church to understand.
- When church leaders demand for payment for all services they render.
- When church leaders ask their congregations to cater for their personal needs like further studies/buying of vehicles/etc
5x1 marks
- Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul in the early church (7mks)
- Identify sources sources of Christian ethics (5mks)
- The bible
- Traditions from Christian community
- Natural law.
- Situation ethics.
- Human reason/experience
5x1 marks
- What are some of the challenges that youths today in Kenya face.(8mks)
- Lack of employment opportunities
- Failure to succeed in education system
- Issues related to body image/lack of good role models.
- Family problems
- Substance abuse
- Pressures of materialism
- Lack of affordable housing
- Negative stereotyping
- Crime
- Negative influence from mass media
- Western influence
- Peer influence
- Permissiveness in the society
8x1 marks
- What is the importance of studying of life skills to youths today (6mks)
- Knowing oneself
- Live with one another
- Make effective decisions
- Live positively
- Practice healthy behaviour
- Avoid risky behaviour
- Make informed choices
- Recognize risky behaviour
- Accept challenges and try new ideas
- Contributes in making a just society
6x 1 marks
- Identify sources sources of Christian ethics (5mks)
- What is the role of laws in our country?(6mks)
- .It protects rights of individuals/groups
- It spells out of conduct/responsibilities among people
- It promotes fairness in the administration of justice/equality before the law.
- It creates peace and order in society
- It gives direction on what is right or wrong
6x1 6 marks
- Identify the practices that promote law, order and justice in Traditional African Society.(7mks)
- Communal law, order and justice in the society.
- Kinship ties.
- Observing rites of passage.
- Having common religious beliefs.
- Inter-clan marriages.
- Administration of oaths.
- Customs/rules to govern relationships.
- Signing treaties/covenant between communities/use of mediators/emissaries.
- Observing taboos that enhance good moral behaviours.
- Sharing meals as a sign of peace.
- Punishing offenders.
- Leisure activities.
- Having leaders.
7x1 marks
- What are obstacles to effective maintaince of Law and justice.(7mks)
- There is an increase in the rate of crime / the law enforcement officers can not cope with the work load.
- Due to unequal distribution of resources.
- Permissiveness in the society /lack of morals! don’t care altitude.
- Due to political instability f incitement by politicians.
- Extreme poverty.
- Social discrimination.
- Some cultural beliefs / practices hinder effective maintenance of law /concealing criminals information.
- High rate of unemployment.
- Bribery / corruption.
- Greed for material wealth.
- Inadequate modern equipment to combat crime.
- Delay in the delivery of justice to the offended.
- The citizens lack knowledge on the procedures for the effective maintenance of law and order.
7x1 marks
- What is the role of laws in our country?(6mks)
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