IRE Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Term 3 Form 3 End Exams 2023

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    1. Outline ways through which Muslims preserve the Quran today. (10mks)
    2. With the reference to Surah a nur, describe the prescribed punishments for zinaa and qadhf. (6mks)
    3. Discuss the lessons that a Muslim can learn from the last three verse of Surah Al-Bagarah. (4mks)
    1. Discuss the reasons why mankind needed revelation of the Quran. (8mks)
    2. What is the importance of compiling the Holy Quran. (7mks)
    3. State the circumstances that led to the standardization of the Quran. (5mks)
    1. Explain the contribution of Hadith to the development of Islamic culture. (8mks)
    2. Mention the four ways through which Hadith evolved. (4mks)
    3. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, ‘As fire destroys fuel so does envy destroys virtues ….” In the light of this Hadith, outline ways in which envoy can be avoided. (8mks)
    1. Differentiate between Salat ul Jumaa and Salatul Jamaa. (10mks)
    2. Name the people who are exempted from fasting. (5mks)
    3. Explain the conditions for the use of Ijmaa as a source of shariah. (5mks)
    1. How does the performance of Hajj create equality and unity among Muslims. (8mks)
    2. Discuss the factors that led to the development of school of thought (Madhahibs) (6mks)
    3. Explain the types of Hajj. (6mks)
    1. What is the significance of Tawheed in the life of a Muslim. (7mks)
    2. Outline the characteristics of the revealed books of Allah. (5mks)
    3. Explain the qualities of an Imam according to shia doctrine. (8mks)

                                                                                 MARKING SCHEME

    1. Outline ways through which muslims preserve the qur’an today. (10MKS)
      • Through memorization the Qur’an has been committed to memory by many Muslims, hence its preservation.
      • Qur’an recitation competition where Muslim both young and old take part and prices offered to the best recitors.Qur’an has been preserved in print and electronic media i.e CD’s, flash disks e.t.c
      • The printed copies of the Qur’an have been reprinted and copies circulated over world.
      • The Qur’an has been translated into different languages e.g Kiswahili, English e.t.cQur’an has been written in separate volumes e.g surah yasin, surah al Fatihs, julzus e.t.c
      • Qur’an is taught in all levels of Islamic learning centres e.g Qur’an schools, colleges and Madrassa e.t.c
      • Qur’an recitation is done at the beginning of every Islamic function or meeting hence encouraged.
      • Anchoring Qur’an in tv and radio stations i.e rahma fm tv huda.
      • Every recitation in prayers.
    2. Punishments of zinaa in suratul nur zinaa are divided into two – fornication, adultery. (6MKS)
      • Fornication – 100 lashes
      • Adultery – stoned to death
      • Qadhf is a stander who is supposed to be flogged 80 lashes and he should never be trusted as a witness there after.
    3. Lessons from last three verses of suratul bagarah. (4MKS)
      • Muslims should seek forgiveness from Allah because it is only Allah who forgives at his own will.
      • Muslims should strive to do good and avoid evil because whatever we do whether we hide or show Allah can see this and every soul shall be accountable of what it does.
      • Muslims should exercise humanity because all that they own belongs to Allah.
      • Muslims should trust and rely on Allah only because He has full control of things.
      • A believer should believe in the six articles of faith, believe in Allah, His books, the day of judgement and his qadar (will).
      • We learn not to differentiate between Allah’s messengers.
      • Muslims should prepare for the here after with full knowledge that they will meet their creator.
      • Allah is merciful because he doesn’t burden a soul beyond it’s capabilities.
      • Believers are punished and rewarded for what they have done because Allah is the trust and doesn’t oppress.
    1. Discuss the reasons why mankind needed revelation of the qur’an (8MKS)
      • To prophets the oneness of Allah Tawheed which is necessary to be followed by every believer and unite the entire mankind under one religion.
      • Mankind was going astray and hence there was a need for the Qur’an to be sent down as a sign of path guidance so that they can all follow the right.
      • The previous scriptures had been distorted by human beings hence there was need of the Qur’an to be sent down as an authentic and final source.
      • The previous books had been distorted by human beings hence there was need to reveal the Qur’an as it is authentic and final source.
      • The previous books had prophesized the coming of a prophet with a book of guidance hence there was need for the Qur’an to be revealed to prove the scriptures correct
      • The revelation was necessary for the establishment of an Islamic way of life and an Islamic empire guided by Islamic laws.
      • All other scriptures had been sent down to address specific groups and nations hence there was need for revelation of a book that would address the entire mankind.
      • Due to the rising conflicts problems and issues that were facing the people daily hence there was need for the Qur’an to be sent down as solution provider and reference to their arising.
      • The previous books had been sent for specific nations so they were suitable for those nations hence a need for a book that is suitable for all times and contemporary issues.
    2. Importance of the holy qur’an. (7MKS)
      • It acts as a symbol of Islam since Muslims use the same scripture it therefore symbolizes the unity of Islam.
      • It is a constitution for the Muslims since Muslims deliver their laws from the Holy Qur’an.
      • It’s the means through which the Muslims communicate to their creator by reading it in prayers i.e Allah.
      • It acts as shifaa (cure) to the Muslim since it can protect them from maladies and cures their diseases be it mentally or physically especially when recited.
      • It contains solutions to all the problems facing the Muslims be it social, economic spiritual and political.
      • It is a source of knowledge to those who want to learn more about Islam, they refer it for more information.
      • Qur’an will act as a protective shield for those who recite it every morning, it will intercede and ask for Allah’s mercy for us.
    3. Circumstances that led to standardization of qur’an. (5MKS)
      • The Qur’an was revealed in seven Arabic dialects and therefore the necessity for its standardization.
      • Muslims taught, read and recited the Qur’an in its different readings and this created a need to read and recite the Qur’an from the same script.
      • To stop some Arabs from the provinces from boasting that their dialects were superior from others thus this led to the standardization of the Qur’an.
      • The expansion of the Muslims territories beyond Arabia brought in non – Arabic speaking Muslims. A standardized Qur’an, was therefore necessary to make it easy for them to read, memorize and recite the Qur’an.
      • Different copies which are incomplete were circulating as it became necessary to have a standardized Qur’an
      • To protect the purity of the Qur’an from manipulations.
    1. Contributions of hadith to the development of islamic culture. (8MKS)
      • It contributed to the development of Arabic language especially new vocabularies of religious significance such as sunnah, qaul, Tagrir e.t.c
      • It contributed to the development of Islamic law as it forms the most authoritative source after Qur’an.
      • Led to the emergence of Ulumul Hadith (Science of hadith and muhaddithun as a specialist of this branch of knowledge.
      • It influenced Muslims’ code of behaviour emulating the model of the prophet (p.b.u.h)
      • It contributed towards the emergence of new ways of observing ceremonies and festivals such as Mikah, aqiqah e.t.c
      • It had influenced the growth of centres of learning where hadith was taught.
      • Hadith re-defined concepts of aura, personal hygiene, ritual purity and dietary regulations. Most of these regulations and norms are contrary to prevailing cultures.
      • It led to the development of press, publication and writing of books on hadith such as sahih Al- Buklan.
      • Acceptance of the genuine sayings and practise of the prophets (p.b.u.h) became part and parcel of the requirements of faith.
    2. Four ways through which hadith evolved. (4MKS)
      • Prophet’s own initiative – there were hadiths which were initiated by the Holy prophet (P.B.U.H) as inspired by Allah without there being a particular cause but to teach the sahabas religion.
      • Through answering questions – There were Hadiths that came up as a result of the prophet (P.B.U.H) answering questions that were asked by the companions on various aspects of religion.
      • Demand of circumstances – some of the hadiths were as a result of the situations or circumstances in which the prophet and his companions were in which needed verification.
      • As an interpretation of the Qur’an – some of the hadiths were narrated by the prophet P.B.U.H as an interpretation of the Holy Qur’an to explain facts that were not directly addressed in the Qur’an.
    3. How we can avoid envry. (8MKS)
      • By being contented with what Allah has bestowed on one.
      • Reliance on Allah (sw) in all our undertakings.
      • Having patience even during tribulations or when one is not endowed with blessing.
      • Working hard to achieve one’s goal in life.
      • Striving and praying to Allah.(sw)
      • Thanking Allah (sw) whenever we see other achievements and wish them well.
      • Believing in Qadar (fate) but it is not an excuse for laziness.
      • By praising and saying mashallah to the favoured person and not to envy him. Avoid wishing for others what you have for yourself.
    1. Differences between salatul jumaa and salatul jamaa. (10MKS)
      • There is a minimum number of people that must be present in Juma’a prayers while in Jamaa there is no minimum numbers of people
      • Jumaa’s prayer is only performed in a central mosque or a limited number of mosques while there are no restrictions on the numbers of mosques for Jamaa prayers.
      • It is sunnah to take a bath before Jumaa prayers. While it is not the case with Jamaa but only ablution.
      • Jumaa prayers is performed once in a week i.e on Friday only Jamaa is performed five times every day.
      • Travellers are exempted from Jumaa’s prayers but should perform Jamaa prayer in combined form
      • Recitation in Juma’a prayers is done loudly while in Jamaa at times loudly a times silently.
      • The angels wait at the door of the mosque in Jumaa and write the name of those who attend while this is not the case with Jamma prayer but one is given 27 times reward.
    2. People who are exempted from fasting. (5MKS)
      • Children.
      • Sick/weak individuals.
      • Travellers.
      • Women in haidh
      • Women in nifas
      • Insane people
      • Pregnant/breast feeding women.
      • People under hard conditions like burdened workers.
    3. Conditions of ijmaa for the use of ijmaa. (5MKS)
      • There should be no similar inflictions and ruling from the Qur’an and hadith.
      • The issue should be discussed in the fight of Qur’an and Hadith (should not contradict the two basic principles of Islam.
      • The scholars should be persons of the highest qualifications in Islamic knowledge.
      • The issue should be of immediate concern to the ummah.
      • Once the matter has been discussed and unanimously agreed upon by the scholars its ruling becomes binding and no one has the right to alter it.
      • There must be a written or verbal evidence of the matter agreed upon.
      • The views of the scholars must be respected even after their death.
    1. How performance of hajj creates equality and unity among muslims. (8MKS)
      • Uniformity of the garment is a sign of equality since all Muslims wear the same ihram.
      • Prohibitions during Hajj apply to all pilgrims i.e when in the state of iram.
      • Observance of humility and simplicity of dress and shoes applies to all Muslims.
      • Muslims interact to exchange ideas and are able to assist each other in any issue, this shows unity.
      • Muslims all over the world gather together in one place to worship Allah, this shows unity.
      • The activities of the Hajj are performed by all Muslims observing Hajj on the same time and day, this shows equality.
      • All pilgrims are supposed to observe the spiritual activities in the same sequence this shows equality.
    2. Factors that led to the development of schools of thought. (6MKS)
      • Differences in interpretation and understandings of some verses of Qur’an and Hadith.
      • Scholars used to live in different geographical positions making it had to meet so they reasoned differently wherever they were.
      • Emergence of new situations and circumstances that never existed earlier.
      • Different understanding of Hadith
      • Authority, some caliphs were more hostile making scholars to flee away disabling Ijma therefore the scholars relied on individual reasoning.
      • The spread of Muhadithins in different parts of the Islamic empire, leading to different opinions.
      • Competition in acquiring knowledge which gave rise to different opinions among the scholars also contributed to the rise of the madhahibs.
    3. Types of hajj. (6MKS)
      • Ifrad – a pilgrim performs Hajj only without Umrah.
      • Qira’n – a pilgrim performs hajj and Umrah in the same state of ihram.
      • Tamatu – a pilgrim performs hajj and Umrah in different states of ihrum.
    1. What is the significance of tawheed in the life of a muslim. (7MKS)
      • Tawaheed generates a sense of modesty and humility and removes arrogance and pride in Muslims.
      • Encourages Muslims to live upright lives because they know that success and salvation is only through Allah.
      • Instils in Muslims firm belief in Allah by testifying the shahada.
      • Consoles Muslims in times of hardship and fills their hearts with hope and satisfaction.
      • Creates a strong degree of determination and trust in Allah because one is assured of Allah’s support.
      • Inspires bravery in Muslims and removes cowardice
      • Instils an attitude of peace and contentment in Muslims.
      • By believing in Tawhwwed, Muslims obey Allah’s laws, strive to do good and abstain from evil.
    2. Characteristics of revealed books of allah. (5MKS)
      • They all emphasized on Tahweed and condemned shirk.
      • They were sent to specific prophets and Nations.
      • They were sent to guide mankind to the right path.
      • They were sent down by Allah through Angel Jibril.
      • Every book foretold the coming of the new scripture
      • They are sacred, divine and holy books.
    3. Qualities of an imam according to shia doctrine. (8MKS)
      • He must be inflallible – Maasum (unable to make a mistake).
      • He must be brave and courageous
      • All imams were from the ahlul – al – abait of the prophet.
      • He must be knowledgeable.
      • He must be a descendant of the prophet through Fatima.
      • He receives spiritual guidance from Allah.
      • They are conversant with the divine law
      • He must be truthful.
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