- This paper consists of TWO sections; A and B
- Answer ALL the questions in section A.
- Answer Question 6 and any other two questions from section B.
A |
1-5 |
25 |
B |
6 |
25 |
7 |
25 |
8 |
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9 |
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- Define mass wasting. (2mks)
- State THREE factors that influence mass wasting. (3mks)
- Distinguish between weather and Climate. (2mks)
- Give THREE characteristics of ITCZ. (3mks)
- List THREE sources of sedimentary rocks. (3mks)
- Give TWO examples of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (2mks)
- Name TWO ways in which Biological weathering takes place. (2mks)
- Identify THREE benefits of weathering. (3mks)
- Draw a well labelled diagram of the water cycle. (5mks)
ANSWER QUESTION 6 AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION. - Study the map of kijabe 1:50000 (sheet 134/3) provided and answer the following questions.
- What is the map title for Kijabe? (1mk)
- Give the approximate height of Kijabe Hill. (2mks)
- Measure the distance of the dry weather road in the North- Western corner of the map.
Give your answer in kilometres) (2mks)
- Draw a square measuring 10cm x 10cm to represent the area bounded by Easting 30 to 40 and Northing 90 to 00. On it mark and name: (5mks)
- Escarpment
- All weather Bound surface Road C 68
- Forest
- Thicket
- Citing evidence from the map, identify the climatic conditions experienced in the area covered by the map. (4mks)
- Explain THREE factors which have influenced the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the Map. (6mks)
- Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (5mks)
- Define folding. (2mks)
- State THREE factors that influence folding (3mks)
- Apart from nappe fold, name FOUR other types of folds. (4mks)
- With the aid of well – labelled diagrams, describe the formation of a nappe fold, (8mks)
- Explain FOUR significance of Fold Mountains to human activities. (8mks)
- Differentiate between a catchment area and a river divide. (2mks)
- Give FIVE characteristics of a flood plain. (5mks)
- State FIVE factors which influence the ability of a river to deposit materials. (5mks)
- Describe FOUR ways by which a river transports its load. (8mks)
- Describe superimposed drainage system. (5mks)
- Give THREE ways in which the shape of the landmasses may influence movement of the Ocean waters. (3mks)
- Distinguish between constructive waves and destructive waves. (2mks)
- Describe the following processes of wave erosion along the coas5t.
- Abrasion/corrosion. (3mks)
- Solution/corrosion. (3mks)
- Hydraulic action. (3mks)
- The diagram below shows a wave deposition feature.
- Identify the feature labelled P. (1mk)
- State TWO factors that favour the formation of the feature named in (i) above. (2mks)
- Students from Gede secondary school went out for a field study on Coastal landforms.
- State THREE objectives for their study. (3mks)
- Give THREE preparations they made for their study. (3mks)
- Identify TWO methods they might have used to collect information before the actual field study. (2mks)
- What is soil? (2mks)
- Name THREE components of soil. (3mks)
- Describe how the following factors influence the formation of soil.
- Topography (3mks)
- Nature of the parent rock. (3mks)
- Define soil profile. (2mks)
- The diagram below represents a fully- developed soil profile. State the characteristics of horizon(4mks) A.
- Explain FOUR ways in which farming practices may lead to loss of soil fertility. (8mks)

- Define mass wasting. (2mks)
- This is the movement of weathered rock materials downslope uner the influence of gravity.
- State THREE factors that influence mass wasting. (3mks)
- The nature/weight of the rock materials
- Amount of water/level of saturation
- The gradient/slope of the land
- The amount of rainfall/precipitation
- Plant/vegetation cover
- Human activities such as mining/moving trains
- Tectonic movements/earthquake/volcanic eruptions
- Define mass wasting. (2mks)
- Distinguish between weather and Climate. (2mks)
- Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions of a place at a specific time while climate is the average weather conditions of a place over a long period of time.
- Give THREE characteristics of ITCZ. (3mks)
- Found within the tropics
- It is a region of low pressure belt and doldrums
- Moves with the apparent movement of the midday sun.
- Associated with high temperatures
- It is a zone of convergence where NE and SE trades meet.
- It receives high rainfall/associated with convectional rain.
- Distinguish between weather and Climate. (2mks)
- List THREE sources of sedimentary rocks. (3mks)
- Pre-existing weathered rocks.
- mineral compounds
- Remains of organisms (dead plants and animals)
- Give TWO examples of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (2mks)
- conglomerates
- Breccia
- Boulder clay
- Sandstone
- Mudstone
- Shale
- Clay stone
- Siltstone
- loess
- List THREE sources of sedimentary rocks. (3mks)
- Name TWO ways in which Biological weathering takes place. (2mks)
- through the action of plants
- through the action of animals
- through the action of people
- Identify THREE benefits of weathering. (3mks)
- Weathering leads to formation of soil used in Agriculture.
- Weathering produces other natural resources e.g clay used in brick making and pottery.
- Weathering weakens rocks making them easier for people to exploit e.g Quarrying/mining.
- Weathered rocks like the granitic tors are fascinating therefore act as tourist attraction.
- Name TWO ways in which Biological weathering takes place. (2mks)
- Draw a well labelled diagram of the water cycle. (5mks)
Key:- Condensation level
- Evaporation/Evapotranspiration
- Rain/precipitation.
- Surface run-off/infiltration/percolation
- Clouds
- Study the map of kijabe 1:50000 (sheet 134/3) provided and answer the following questions.
- What is the map title for Kijabe? (1mk)
- East Africa 1:50000(Kenya)
- Give the approximate height of Kijabe Hill. (2mks)
- Above 2660m and below 2680M a.s.l
- Measure the distance of the dry weather road in the North- Western corner of the map.
(Give your answer in kilometres) (2mks)- 5.0km (+ 1)
- What is the map title for Kijabe? (1mk)
- Draw a square measuring 10cm x 10cm to represent the area bounded by Easting 30 to 40 and Northing 90 to 00. On it mark and name: (5mks)
- Escarpment
- All weather Bound surface Road C 68
- Forest
- Thicket
- Citing evidence from the map, identify the climatic conditions experienced in the area covered by the map. (4mks)
- High rainfall is experienced to the eastern part because of presence of forest/bamboo/permanent rivers.
- Low rainfall / dry conditions to the Western part shown by scrub vegetation
- Cool conditions shown by scrub vegetation.
- Cool conditions shown by high altitude of contour heights above 1780m
- Moderate rainfall to the central part covered with woodland vegetation
- Explain THREE factors which have influenced the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the Map. (6mks)
- There are no/few settlements on steep slopes because it is difficult to construct houses.
- There are many settlements around market centres due to easy access to goods and services
- There are linear settlements along roads because of ease of movement.
- There are many settlements on undulating lands because it is easy to construct houses.
- There are no settlements in the plantations because the land has been set aside for cash cropping.
- Citing evidence from the map, identify the climatic conditions experienced in the area covered by the map. (4mks)
- Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (5mks)
- There are many hills in the area covered by the map
- There are many river valleys in the area covered by the map
- The land rises from the South-West towards the North
- There are steep slopes on the slopes of Kijabe Hill
- The highest point on the map is 2680m a.s.l while the lowest point is 1780 m. a.s.l.
- Define folding. (2mks)
- This is the process of Crustal rocks distortion that causes rocks to bend upwards and downwards due to compressional forces.
- State THREE factors that influence folding (3mks)
- The age of the sedimentary rocks
- Flexibility/elasticity of the rocks
- Strength/ intensity of compressional forces
- Temperature within the rocks
- Define folding. (2mks)
- Apart from nappe fold, name FOUR other types of folds. (4mks)
- Symmetrical/simple folds
- Asymmetrical folds
- over folds
- Isoclinal folds
- Recumbent folds
- Anticlinorium folds
- Synclinorium folds
- With the aid of well – labelled diagrams, describe the formation of a nappe fold, (8mks)
- Earth’s crustal rocks are subjected to compressional forces.
- Increased compressional forces lead to formation of an over fold
- Increased compressional forces on the over fold form a recumbent fold.
- Greater compressional forces lead to formation of a fracture along the axis of the recumbent fold to form a thrust plane.
- Compressional forces push the upper limb over the lower limb along the thrust plane to form a nappe/an over thrust fold.
- Apart from nappe fold, name FOUR other types of folds. (4mks)
- Explain FOUR significance of Fold Mountains to human activities. (8mks)
- Fold Mountains may form unique scenery that may attract tourists, encouraging tourism.
- Windward slopes of Fold mountains receive high rainfall encouraging human settlement/farming
- Windward slopes of fold Mts. May support the growth of forests encouraging forestry/wildlife
- Some fold mts have exposed valuable minerals encouraging mining.
- High rainfall on fold mts or melting ice makes sources of rivers that provided water for domestic use/ irrigation/Industrial.
- Differentiate between a catchment area and a river divide. (2mks)
- A catchment area is an area where a river draws its water while a river divide is a boundary/ridge that separates drainage basins.
- Give FIVE characteristics of a flood plain. (5mks)
- Broad and fairly level landscape
- Made of alluvial deposits
- Presence of meanders
- Presence of ox-bow lakes
- Presence of natural/ levees/raised banks
- Presence of swamps/marshy vegetation.
- State FIVE factors which influence the ability of a river to deposit materials. (5mks)
- A reduction in river gradient/gentle gradient
- A decrease in the river volume
- Nature/large amount of load
- Presence of obstacles in the river channel
- A wider river channel
- When a river empties its water into a calm water body.
- Describe FOUR ways by which a river transports its load. (8mks)
- Traction – The large and heavy loads of the river are rolled/dragged along the river bed
- Saltation – fairly heavy particles/pebbles are lifted and bounce over short distances in a series of hops /jumps.
- Suspension – fine particles such as silt/clay are lifted and maintained within the turbulence of the water/float on the surface of the water.
- Solution – Soluble mineral salts dissolve in the river water and are carried away in solution.
- Describe superimposed drainage system. (5mks)
- Discordant drainage
- A river flows on rocks of uniform structure
- These rocks overlie rocks of different structure
- Once the rocks are removed through erosion
- The river starts flowing over a new set of rocks of a different structure but maintains its original direction.
- State FIVE factors which influence the ability of a river to deposit materials. (5mks)
- Differentiate between a catchment area and a river divide. (2mks)
- Give THREE ways in which the shape of the landmasses may influence movement of the Ocean waters. (3mks)
- May change direction of flow
- May force ocean currents to flow along the coastline of the landmass
- May split currents into two parts and flow in different directions
- Distinguish between constructive waves and destructive waves. (2mks)
- CONSTRUCTIVE WAVES: waves whose swash is more powerful than backwash leading to deposition of materials at the shore while
- DESTRUCTIVE WAVES: waves whose backwash is more powerful than swash leading to more removal of materials/erosion from the shore than is being deposited.
- Describe the following processes of wave erosion along the coast.
- Abrasion/corrosion. (3mks)
- When the waves break, the swash carries pebbles, sand, boulders and other rock fragments from the shore.
- The materials are then hurled against the base of the cliff/the foot and the face of a rock by a breaking wave
- This leads to undercutting and rocks break up.
- Some of these materials are dragged back into the water by backwash of the wave.
- Such materials, the heavy ones also erode by scratching , the ocean floor while the suspended materials in the backwash hit the rock face causing particles to break off.
- Solution/corrosion. (3mks)
- Sea water has both corrosive and dissolving effects
- Some oceans have coasts with soluble rocks which simply dissolve directly in ocean water
- The dissolved minerals are carried away in solution leaving hollows/cavities in the rocks/cliffs
- Some oceans have coasts made of rocks that react with sea water to form soluble products that are washed away by the sea water.
- Carbon IV Oxide dissolves in sea water forming weak carbonic acid
- This weak acid reacts with minerals in some rocks in the ocean coast i.e limestone.
- Hydraulic action. (3mks)
- Erosion action caused by the force of moving water.
- In a breaking wave large amount of water crush against the rock face/surface
- Water continuously pound the rock face /cliff surface at intervals.
- This weakens the rock causing it to break into small particles which are carried by water
- As the water pounds the cliff face, it may also force air into the cracks/crevices
- Once inside the cracks, the air becomes compressed and increases in pressure.
- The pressure causes widening of the cracks
- As water retreats, the pressure is suddenly released causing the trapped air to suddenly expand explosively.
- This causes the rocks to fracture and the cracks to enlarge
- When this process occurs repeatedly, it causes the shattering of rocks.
- Abrasion/corrosion. (3mks)
- The diagram below shows a wave deposition feature.
- Identify the feature labelled P. (1mk)
- Off shore bar
- State TWO factors that favour the formation of the feature named in (i) above. (2mks)
- Very gently sloping coasts
- The coasts extending deep into the sea/ocean
- Presence of sand
- Identify the feature labelled P. (1mk)
- Students from Gede secondary school went out for a field study on Coastal landforms.
- State THREE objectives for their study. (3mks)
- The find out the wave erosional /depositional features at the coast.
- To find out the importance of coastal land forms
- To find out processes of wave transport along the coast.
- Give THREE preparations they made for their study. (3mks)
- Seeking permission
- Conducted a pre-visit
- Prepared work schedule
- Divided themselves into groups
- Formulated/adjusted objectives and hypotheses.
- Identify TWO methods they might have used to collect information before the actual field study. (2mks)
- Observing films/photographs in the library
- Reading written materials about oceans/coasts from the internet.
- State THREE objectives for their study. (3mks)
- Give THREE ways in which the shape of the landmasses may influence movement of the Ocean waters. (3mks)
- What is soil? (2mks)
- Naturally occurring thin layer of loose unconsolidated materials that overlies crustal rocks and on which plants grow.
- Name THREE components of soil. (3mks)
- Organic matter/humus
- Inorganic matter/minerals
- Soil water/moisture
- Soil air/gases.
- Describe how the following factors influence the formation of soil.
- Topography (3mks)
- Gentle slopes form deep, well drained and mature soils having clear profile
- Steep slopes are heavily eroded forming thin and immature soils
- Valley bottoms have deposition of weathered rocks forming deep soils.
- Low, flat lying areas are waterlogged forming poorly drained soils.
- Nature of the parent rock. (3mks)
- Rocks minerals determine the fertility, colour and chemical characteristics of the soil.
- Hard rocks weather slowly taking long time for formation of soil/soft rocks weather faster to form soil.
- Determines soil texture, coarse grained rocks form coarse grained soils/fine grained rocks from fine soils.
- Topography (3mks)
- Name THREE components of soil. (3mks)
- Define soil profile. (2mks)
- This is the vertical arrangement of soil in layers/horizons from the earth’s surface to the bedrock.
- The diagram below represents a fully- developed soil profile. State the characteristics of horizon A. (4mks)
- Intense chemical and bacterial activities
- Dark in colour
- Contain humus
- Has two layers
- Zone of eluviation/leaching occurs
- Define soil profile. (2mks)
- Explain FOUR ways in which farming practices may lead to loss of soil fertility. (8mks)
- Frequent Ploughing weakens the soil structure making the soil easily eroded by agents of erosion.
- Mono cultural practices exhausts soil nutrients
- Ploughing across contours creates channels for surface run-off encouraging soil erosion
- Overgrazing leads to removal of vegetation over exposing soil to agents of erosion
- Continuous irrigation cause soil nutrients to e leached making the top soil deficient of soluble minerals.
- What is soil? (2mks)
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