Tuesday, 15 November 2022 08:03

Physical Health Education Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 2 2023

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Ls n

Strand/ Theme

Sub strand

Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry Questions

Learning experiences

Learning Resources

Assessment methods

Ref l




Stance and C-grip

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and grip for hitting
  2. use drill to practice the stance and the C-grip for skill masterly
  3. play games and use the stance and C-grip for fun and observe safety

What are the other ways of gripping the ball in softball?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to use digital devices and other sources of information to:

  • Observe the stance and the C-Grip practice the stance and get the teachers feedback
  • Demonstrate the C-Grip and get the teachers feedback
  • Practice the stance and C- Grip and give each other feedback
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports





Stance and C-grip

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and grip for hitting
  2. use drill to practice the stance and the C-grip for skill masterly
  3. play games and use the stance and C-grip for fun and observe safety

What are the other ways of gripping the ball in softball?

  • Use drill to practice the stance and the C-grip
  • use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the stance and the C- grip
  • play games and use the stance and C-grip and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports





The Swing technique

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the swing technique in softball for hitting
  2. use drills to practice the swing technique for accurate hitting
  3. practice softball skills at won free time for skill masterly

Why is it important to observe safety while swinging in softball?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip and observe the swing technique.
  • Demonstrate the swing technique and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the swing technique and give each other feedback
  • Use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the swing technique play games and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports





Stance and ball grip

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and ball grip for throwing
  2. use drill to practice the stance and ball grip for skill masterly
  3. play softball games and use the stance and ball grip and observe safety
  4. plays softball for fun and joy
Which other game resembles softball? What is the difference between the two?
  • The learner is guided individually or in groups to:
  • Use the digital media and other sources of information to find out the correct stance and grip when throwing in softball
  • Demonstrate the correct stance and ball grip when throwing and get feedback from the teacher
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports



Stance and ball grip

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and ball grip for throwing
  2. use drill to practice the stance and ball grip for skill masterly
  3. play softball games and use the stance and ball grip and observe safety
  4. plays softball for fun and joy
Which other game resembles softball? What is the difference between the two?
  • Practice the correct stance and ball grip and throw at a target ten feet away.
  • Practices the correct ball grip and throw from a kneeling position while holding the throwing elbow in place and snapping the wrist when throwing. Keep increasing the distance. Move to standing position and keep
  • Increasing the distance at a comfortable pace for throwing.
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the Ready body position for the catching technique
  2. play games that use the catching skill in softball and observe safety
  3. appreciate catching as a necessary skill in softball
Why is it important to apply courage when catching in softball? Why is it important to use the glove when catching in softball?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to observe the ready position when catching
  • practice catching aground and aerial balls demonstrate the ready body
  • position when catching and get feedback from the teacher
  • demonstrate catching the ground and aerial balls and get feedback from the teacher
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the Ready body position for the catching technique
  2. play games that use the catching skill in softball and observe safety
  3. appreciate catching as a necessary skill in softball
Why is it important to apply courage when catching in softball? Why is it important to use the glove when catching in softball?
  • Use the drills to practice the ground and aerial balls and give each other feedback
  • use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the ready body position, catching the ground and aerial balls
  • play games that use the catching skill for fun and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the Ready body position for the catching technique
  2. play games that use the catching skill in softball and observe safety
  3. appreciate catching as a necessary skill in softball
Why is it important to apply courage when catching in softball? Why is it important to use the glove when catching in softball?

Use the drills to practice the ground and aerial balls and give each other feedback

use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the ready body position, catching the ground and aerial balls

play games that use the catching skill for fun and observe safety

  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice base running and sliding in softball for skill acquisition
  2. discuss the importance of sliding in softball
  3. play modified softball games for enjoyment and observe safety
  4. appreciate base running and sliding in softball for as a vital skill
Why is it important to apply courage when catching in softball? Why is it important to use the glove when catching in softball?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to observe base running and sliding in softball
  • demonstrate base running and sliding and get teachers feedback
  • practice the base running and sliding give each other feedback
  • play modified softball games and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports



Base running and sliding

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice base running and sliding in softball for skill acquisition
  2. discuss the importance of sliding in softball
  3. play modified softball games for enjoyment and observe safety
  4. appreciate base running and sliding in softball for as a vital skill
Why is it important to apply courage when catching in softball? Why is it important to use the glove when catching in softball?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to observe base running and sliding in softball
  • demonstrate base running and sliding and get teachers feedback 
  • practice the base running and sliding give each other feedback
  • play modified softball games and observe safety


  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




Fielding, Throwing, Catching and Stamping

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice throwing, catching and stamping in a rounder’s game
  2. use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping for skill masterly
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe rules for a harmonious game
Why is it important to obey rules when playing Rounders?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a rounders game and observe throwing, catching and stamping
  • practice throwing, catching and stamping and get feedback from the teacher
  • use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping and give each other feedback
  • play games and observe rules
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




Fielding, Throwing, Catching and Stamping

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice throwing, catching and stamping in a rounder’s game
  2. use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping for skill masterly
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe rules for a harmonious game
Why is it important to obey rules when playing Rounders?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a rounders game and observe throwing, catching and stamping
  • practice throwing, catching and stamping and get feedback from the teacher
  • use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping and give each other feedback
  • play games and observe rules
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resource
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports




Fielding, Throwing, Catching and Stamping

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice throwing, catching and stamping in a rounder’s game
  2. use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping for skill masterly
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe rules for a harmonious game
Why is it important to obey rules when playing Rounders?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a rounders game and observe throwing, catching and stamping
  • practice throwing, catching and stamping and get feedback from the teacher
  • use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping and give each other feedback
  • play games and observe rules
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


  Technical, Tactical approaches And rules of the game

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice throwing, catching and stamping in a rounder’s game
  2. use drills to practice throwing, catching and stamping for skill masterly
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe rules for a harmonious game
Why is it important to obey rules when playing Rounders?

The learner is guided individually and in groups to:

  • watch a game of rounders and observe the technical and tactical approaches in softball
  • Find out the rules of Rounders
  • Play a game of rounders and apply the rules and technical and tactical observed
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   Technical, Tactical approaches And rules of the game

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the terms technical and tactical approaches to enhance learning
  2. apply technical and tactical approaches when playing the rounders game
  3. play rounders game apply the rules of the game
Why is it important to obey rules when playing Rounders?

The learner is guided individually and in groups to:

  • watch a game of rounders and observe the technical and tactical approaches in softball
  • Find out the rules of Rounders
  • Play a game of rounders and apply the rules and technical and tactical observed
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
4 1   Technical, Tactical approaches And rules of the game

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the terms technical and tactical approaches to enhance learning
  2. apply technical and tactical approaches when playing the rounders game
  3. play rounders game apply the rules of the game
What are the technical and tactical approaches in rounders?

The learner is guided individually and in groups to:

  • watch a game of rounders and observe the technical and tactical approaches in softball
  • Find out the rules of Rounders
  • Play a game of rounders and apply the rules and technical and tactical observed
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Technical, Tactical approaches And rules of the game

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the terms technical and tactical approaches to enhance learning
  2. apply technical and tactical approaches when playing the rounders game
  3. play rounders game apply the rules of the game
What are the technical and tactical approaches in rounders?

The learner is guided individually and in groups to:

  • watch a game of rounders and observe the technical and tactical approaches in softball
  • Find out the rules of Rounders
  • Play a game of rounders and apply the rules and technical and tactical observed
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


facility, equipment and positioning

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. draw the volleyball field of play for field orientation
  2. position the volleyball players at the start of game
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety
  1. What is recreational volleyball?
  2. How many types of volleyball game are there?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


facility, equipment and positioning

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. draw the volleyball field of play for field orientation
  2. position the volleyball players at the start of game
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety
  1. What is recreational volleyball?
  2. How many types of volleyball game are there?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   Improvising the volleyball equipment 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the volleyball equipment
  2. creatively improvise age appropriate volleyball equipment
  3. dispose waste appropriately after improvisation for environmental care
  4. observe safety when improvising the volleyball equipment to avoid injuries
Which locally available materials are suitable for making the volleyball equipment?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
5 1   Improvising the volleyball equipment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the volleyball equipment
  2. creatively improvise age appropriate volleyball equipment
  3. dispose waste appropriately after improvisation for environmental care
  4. observe safety when improvising the volleyball equipment to avoid injuries
Which locally available materials are suitable for making the volleyball equipment?  

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Improvising the volleyball equipment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the volleyball equipment
  2. creatively improvise age appropriate volleyball equipment
  3. dispose waste appropriately after improvisation for environmental care
  4. observe safety when improvising the volleyball equipment to avoid injuries
Which locally available materials are suitable for making the volleyball equipment?  

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   Under arm serve By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. draw the volleyball field of play for field orientation
  2. position the volleyball players at the start of game
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety
How will skills in volleyball be helpful in everyday life?
  • Use drills to practice the stance, toss and under arm serve
  • Provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the stance, toes and under warm serve play games using  safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  4   Under arm serve By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. draw the volleyball field of play for field orientation
  2. position the volleyball players at the start of game
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety
How will skills in volleyball be helpful in everyday life?

Use drills to practice the stance, toss and under arm serve

Provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the stance, toes and under warm serve play games using  safety

  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   The dig

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and the dig for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the stance and the dig for skill masterly
  3. play games for and enjoyment observe safety
  4. appreciate the Two hands dig pass in volleyball as a skill
How else can the volleyball ball be received other than with hands?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use technology to watch a video on the dig pass and observe the stance
  • and the hand formation
  • demonstrate the stance and dig pass and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the stance and the dig pass and give each other feedback
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
6 1   The dig

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and the dig for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the stance and the dig for skill masterly
  3. play games for and enjoyment observe safety
  4. appreciate the Two hands dig pass in volleyball as a skill
How else can the volleyball ball be received other than with hands?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use technology to watch a video on the dig pass and observe the stance
  • and the hand formation
  • demonstrate the stance and dig pass and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the stance and the dig pass and give each other feedback
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   The Volley

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and the dig for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the stance and the dig for skill masterly
  3. play games for and enjoyment observe safety
  4. appreciate the Two hands dig pass in volleyball as a skill
Where can you play the volleyball game?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   The Volley  

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance and the dig for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the stance and the dig for skill masterly
  3. play games for and enjoyment observe safety
  4. appreciate the Two hands dig pass in volleyball as a skill
Where can you play the volleyball game?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


Facility and position of players

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the Kabaddi field of play for field orientation
  2. position the kabaddi players in the field before start of game to enhance learning
  3. Play game for fun and enjoyment
  4. appreciate the kabaddi field as an essential facility for playing the games

1. which other game resembles kabaddi

2. How many players play kabaddi game

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to observe the kabaddi field of play
  • Position the players on the field before start of game enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   Entry

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term entry as used in kabaddi game to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate entry techniques for skill acquisition
  3. use drills to practice entry when playing kabaddi
  4. appreciate entry as essential in playing the kabaddi game

1.which other game resembles kabaddi

2.How many players play kabaddi game

The learner is guided individually or in groups to: in kabaddi

  • with technology to observe the entry technique in kabaddi game
  • demonstrate entry techniques in the game
  • l to practice entry in kabaddi game kabaddi game
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
7 1   Footwork

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term footwork as used in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate footwork for skill acquisition
  3. observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi gam
  4. appreciate footwork as essential in playing kabaddi game

1.    Which ballgames apply footwork?

2.    What factors contribute to proper footwork?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to find out the term footwork in Kabaddi game
  • Interact with technology to find out the application of footwork in Kabaddi game
  • Kabaddi game
  • Learners  in groups, practice footwork drills in Kabaddi game
  • Observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi game
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Footwork

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term footwork as used in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate footwork for skill acquisition
  3. observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi gam
  4. appreciate footwork as essential in playing kabaddi game

1.    Which ballgames apply footwork?

2.    What factors contribute to proper footwork?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to find out the term footwork in Kabaddi game
  • Interact with technology to find out the application of footwork in Kabaddi game
  • Kabaddi game
  • Learners  in groups, practice footwork drills in Kabaddi game
  • Observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi game
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   Legal touches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term footwork as used in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate footwork for skill acquisition
  3. observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi gam
  4. appreciate footwork as essential in playing kabaddi game
How is foot touch performed?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  4   Legal touches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term footwork as used in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate footwork for skill acquisition
  3. observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi gam
  4. appreciate footwork as essential in playing kabaddi game
How is foot touch performed?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   Legal touches

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the term footwork as used in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. demonstrate footwork for skill acquisition
  3. observe rules for successful footwork in kabaddi gam
  4. appreciate footwork as essential in playing kabaddi game
How is foot touch performed?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
8 1   Cant

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the ‘Cant’ in Kabaddi for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the ‘Cant’ for skill masterly
  3. play small kabaddi games for enjoyment
How is ‘cant’ used in Kabaddi game?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • rate the Cant and get feedback from the teacher
  • the ‘Cant’ and give each other feedback
  • ‘Cant’ for enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Raiding

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. define the terms raider in kabaddi to enhance learning
  2. outline the role of the raider in Kabaddi
  3. practice raiding in Kabaddi game
  4. play Kabaddi game for enjoyment and observe safety
  5. appreciate Kabaddi game for leisure and healthy living
How can playing Kabaddi improve physical fitness?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to view the volleyball field of play and positioning of players at the start of game
  • use provided sketches or internet to draw the volleyball field of play
  • interact with technology to identify the equipment used in volleyball game
  • play games for enjoyment while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


Facility and Equipment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the tag rugby field for field orientation
  2. Identify the different equipment used in tag rugby.
  3. select and gather suitable materials for making tags
  4. creatively make tags for use in playing tag rugby

Which locally available materials can be used to make tags for use when playing tag games?

Which other game has the same name as Tag rugby?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to familiarize with the tag rugby field
  • interact with technology to observe the tags used in tag rugby game
  • gather suitable materials and make tags
  • interact with technology to observe the equipment used in tag rugby.
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


Facility and Equipment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the tag rugby field for field orientation
  2. Identify the different equipment used in tag rugby.
  3. select and gather suitable materials for making tags
  4. creatively make tags for use in playing tag rugby

Which locally available materials can be used to make tags for use when playing tag games?

Which other game has the same name as Tag rugby?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to familiarize with the tag rugby field
  • interact with technology to observe the tags used in tag rugby game
  • gather suitable materials and make tags
  • interact with technology to observe the equipment used in tag rugby.
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


Facility and Equipment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the tag rugby field for field orientation
  2. Identify the different equipment used in tag rugby.
  3. select and gather suitable materials for making tags
  4. creatively make tags for use in playing tag rugby

Which locally available materials can be used to make tags for use when playing tag games?

Which other game has the same name as Tag rugby?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to familiarize with the tag rugby field
  • interact with technology to observe the tags used in tag rugby game
  • gather suitable materials and make tags
  • interact with technology to observe the equipment used in tag rugby.
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
9 1   Passing and ball carriage

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for accuracy
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety in using the lateral pass and ball carriage
  4. appreciate the lateral pass and ball carriage as skills in tag rugby

1.    Why is it important to use the lateral pass in Tag rugby?

2.   How should the ball be carried in tag rugby?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact digital devices to watch the ball carriage and lateral pass in tag rugby
  • use drills to practice the ball carriage and lateral pass
  • observe safety when using practicing the ball carriage and lateral pass and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Running

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice running technique in tag rugby for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the run to avoid being tagged
  3. Discuss essential team work tactics that make tag rugby interesting.
  4. play tag rugby and observe the rules

1.    Why is running important in Tag rugby?

2.    Why is it important to learn the correct passing technique in Tag rugby?

3.   How can teamwork help a team to be successful?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • practice running technique in tag rugby and get feedback from the teacher
  • to practice the run and give each other feedback
  • Essential team work tactics in tag rugby the rules
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   Tagging and offside rule

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for accuracy
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety in using the lateral pass and ball carriage
  4. appreciate the lateral pass and ball carriage as skills in tag rugby
Which other tagging games are there?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a tag rugby game and observe the tagging technique and offside rule
  • Demonstrate tagging technique and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use drills to practice tagging and give each other feedback
  • play games and observe safety to avoid injuries
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  4   Tagging and offside rule

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for accuracy
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety in using the lateral pass and ball carriage
  4. appreciate the lateral pass and ball carriage as skills in tag rugby
Which other tagging games are there?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a tag rugby game and observe the tagging technique and offside rule
  • Demonstrate tagging technique and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use drills to practice tagging and give each other feedback
  • play games and observe safety to avoid injuries
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the lateral pass and ball carriage for accuracy
  3. play games for enjoyment and observe safety in using the lateral pass and ball carriage
  4. appreciate the lateral pass and ball carriage as skills in tag rugby
Why is scoring important in games?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Discuss the scoring system in tag ruby
  • Practice scoring in tag grubby and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use drills to practice scoring in tag rugby
  • observe safety when scoring in tag rugby
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports

Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  4    Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke  

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5    Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke  

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
11 1   Swimming Strokes: Breaststroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

  1. practice streamlining the body for skill acquisition
  2. play water games for fun and enjoyment
  3. appreciate the breaststroke for leisure and fitness

1.    Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2.    Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to watch a video clip on the breaststroke
  • Hold the floater between the legs and practice arm action across the width of the pool and get teachers feedback
  • Play water games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  2   Backstroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. demonstrate timing for proper execution of the stroke
  2. play water games for enjoyment
  3. appreciate the back stroke for leisure and fitness

1. Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2. Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch a video clip on the back stroke and observe the body streamlining in water
  • Practice e the back-stroke body and get feedback from the teacher
  • Play water games for enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  3   Backstroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. demonstrate timing for proper execution of the stroke
  2. play water games for enjoyment
  3. appreciate the back stroke for leisure and fitness

1. Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2. Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch a video clip on the back stroke and observe the body streamlining in water
  • Practice e the back-stroke body and get feedback from the teacher
  • Play water games for enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  4   Backstroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. demonstrate timing for proper execution of the stroke
  2. play water games for enjoyment
  3. appreciate the back stroke for leisure and fitness

1. Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2. Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch a video clip on the back stroke and observe the body streamlining in water
  • Practice e the back-stroke body and get feedback from the teacher
  • Play water games for enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
  5   Backstroke

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. demonstrate timing for proper execution of the stroke
  2. play water games for enjoyment
  3. appreciate the back stroke for leisure and fitness

1. Which animal uses the breaststroke to move in water?

2. Why is it important to streamline the body in water?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch a video clip on the back stroke and observe the body streamlining in water
  • Practice e the back-stroke body and get feedback from the teacher
  • Play water games for enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  1. Observation checklists
  2. Portfolio
  3. Progress reports
Read 592 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 09:56

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