Displaying items by tag: Term 3
KCM & MWM Form 1 Kiswahili Schemes of Works Term 3 2020/2021
1 | 1 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Tamthilia. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kujibu maswali kutokana na kifungu. Kudondoa maneno yaliyotumiwa kifasihi. Kutaja baadhi ya mbinu za kifasihi zilizotumiwa. |
Drama. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. Mjadala. Kusoma Kifungu. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 113-5 MWM Uk. 90-91 |
2 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Barua rasmi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuandika barua rasmi kwa ufasaha. |
Maelezo. Mifano. |
KCM Uk. 115 MWM Uk. 91 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Kazi mbalimbali. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutaja kazi mbalimbali. Kufafanua kazi mbalimbali. Kujadili manufaa na hasara za kazi mbalimbali. |
Mdahalo. Mahojiano. Ufafanuzi. Kuigiza bila maneno. Kusoma ufahamu. |
KCM Uk. 117 MWM Uk. 93-4 Kamusi |
4 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma kwa ufasaha. Kueleza maana za maneno na vifungu. Kujibu maswali. |
Ufafanuzi. |
KCM Uk. 117-8 MWM Uk. 87-8 Kamusi |
5 | Kuandika. Ufasaha wa lugha. |
Uandishi wa kawaida. Muhtasari. |
Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kufafanua maana ya ufupisho. Kueleza umuhimu wa muhtasari. Kudondoa hoja kuu. Keleza mambo kwa muhtasari. |
Utatanuzi wa mambo. Mifano. Vielezo. Kusikiliza ufahamu. |
KCM Uk. 120-1 MWM Uk. 95-6 |
2 | 1 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Kauli za vitenzi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kugeuza vitenzi katika kauli fulani. Kueleza maana ya sentensi zenye vitenzi katika kauli fulani. |
Ufaraguzi. Mifano. Kujaza jedwali. Kazi mradi. |
KCM Uk. 119-120 MWM Uk. 94-95 |
2-3 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Tamthilia. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kujibu maswali kutokana na kifungu. Kudondoa maneno yaliyotumiwa kifasihi. Kutaja baadhi ya mbinu za kifasihi zilizotumiwa. Kueleza maana ya msamiati wa vihusishi. |
Utatanuzi wa mambo. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. Mjadala. Kusoma kifungu. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 122-3 MWM Uk. 96-7 |
4 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Mchezo mfupi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutunga mchezo wa kuigiza kwa kusingatia mbinu za utunzi wa michezo ya kuigiza. |
Drama. Maelezo. Majadiliano. Utafiti. Mazoezi |
KCM Uk. 123-4 MWM Uk. 98 |
5 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Teknologia mpya. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutaja majina ya vifaa. Kueleza matumizi ya vifaa. Kutunga sentense na aya kuhusu vifaa vya teknologia. |
Uvumbuzi. Maelezo. Majadiliano. Usomaji. |
KCM Uk. 125 MWM Uk. 98-100 Kamusi |
3 | 1-2 | Kusoma na Kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma kwa ufasaha. Kueleza maana za maneno na vifungu. Kujibu maswali. |
Ufafanuzi. Kusoma. Maswali na majibu. Tajriba. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 126-128 MWM Uk. 100-1 Kamusi |
3 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Mpangilio na uhusiano wa maneno. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kupanga maneno katika nafasi sahihi kwenye sentensi. |
Michezo ya lugha. Mifano. Vielezo. |
KCM Uk. 128-9 MWM Uk. 101-2 Kamusi |
4 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. Ufasaha wa lugha. |
Uundaji wa maneno. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza sababu ya kuunda maneno. Kuunda maneno kutoka kwa maneno mengine. |
Ufafanuzi. Mifano. Maelezo. Imla. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 129-130 MWM Uk. 102-3 |
5 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Tamthilia. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kujibu maswali kutokana na kifungu. Kudondoa maneno yaliyotumiwa kifasihi. Kutaja baadhi ya mbinu za kifasihi zilizotumiwa. Kueleza maana ya msamiati wa vihusishi. |
Utatuzi wa mambo. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. Mjadala. Kusoma kifungu. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 130-2 MWM Uk. 103-4 |
4 | 1-2 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Insha ya wasifu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuandika sifa za kitu, jambo au mtu. Kutumia lugha inayotoa sifa za kitu, jambo au mtu. |
Ufafanuzi. Mifano. Maelezo. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 132 MWM Uk. 104-5 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kudadisi. | Semi-Nahau. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza maana ya nahau. Kutumia nahau katika sentense. |
Utafiti. Mifano. Kuandika. Kazi mradi. |
KCM Uk. 133 MWM Uk. 105-6 |
4 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Hotuba. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutaja sehemu za hotuba. Kueleza ujumbe wa hotuba |
Uigizaji. Maswali na majibu. Majadiliano. Ksikiliza ufahamu. |
KCM Uk. 133-5 MWM Uk. 105-6 |
5 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma kwa ufasaha. Kueleza maana za maneno na vifungu. Kujibu maswali. |
Ufafanuzi. Maswali na majibu. Kusoma. Tajriba. |
KCM Uk. 135-7 MWM Uk. 105-6 Kamusi |
5 | 1-2 | Sarufi na matumiza ya lugha. | Maana na aina za sentensi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza maana ya sentensi. Kutunga sentensi sahihi na ambatano. |
Uchunguzi. Mifano. Ufafanuzi. Tajriba. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 137-8 MWM Uk. 108 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. Ufasaha wa lugha. |
Lugha ya hotuba. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutaja sifa za hotuba. Kutoa hotuba fupi mbele ya darasa. Kuandika hotuba fupi. |
Kuigiza. Vikundi. Maswali na majibu. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 138-40 MWM Uk. 108-9 Kamusi |
4-5 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Tamthilia. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza vitendo vya wahusika. Kujibu maswali kwa usahihi. Kutumia misemo katika sentensi. |
Maelezo. Maigizo. Ufafanuzi. Masimulizi. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 140-2 MWM Uk. 109-10 |
6 | 1 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Hotuba. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuandika hotuba yenye mtirirko wa mawazo. |
Mifano / marudio. Melezo. Kazi mradi. |
KCM Uk. 142 MWM Uk. 110 |
2 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Utungaji wa kisanii. Vitanzi ndimi. |
Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutamka maneno harakaharaka. Kueleza maana ya maneno yatatanishayo. Kutunga vitansi ndimi. |
Michezo ya lugha. Mashindano. Mifano. Imla. Kazi mradi. |
KCM Uk. 143 MWM Uk. 111 |
3-4 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Mjadala. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuzua hoja na kuzitetea. Kuziwasilisha katika mjadala kwa ufasaha. |
Mjadala. Utendaji. Ufafanuzi. Tajriba. Imla. |
KCM Uk. 143 MWM Uk. 111-2 |
5 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza taarifa. Kueleza chanzo na madhara ya ufisadi. Kujibu maswali. |
Usomaji. Ufafanuzi. Tajriba. Makundi. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 144-5 MWM Uk. 111-2 Kamusi |
7 | 1 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Tungo na sentense. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza maana ya tungo, kirai, kishazi na sentensi. Kujua sifa za tungo, kirai, kishazi na sentensi. Kubainisha virai na vishazi katika tungo. |
Ufafanuzi. Maelezo. Majadiliano. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 145-7 MWM Uk. 113-4 |
2 | Kuandika. Ufasaha wa lugha. |
Alama za uakifishaji. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutumia alama fulani za uakifishaji. Kutumia alama za uakifishaji katika maandishi. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. Mifano. Mazoezi. Marudio ya mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. -147-9 MWM Uk. 114-5 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kudadisi. Fasihi yetu. |
Mashairi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuanishashairi. Kudondoa hoja kuu kutoka sahiri. Kueleza shairi kwa lugha nadhari. |
Masimulizi. ufafanuzi. Uchambuzi. Maswali na majibu. Kukariri. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 149-152 MWM Uk. 115-6 |
4 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Insha ya mjadala. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza muundo wa insha ya mjadala. Kufafanua sifa na kuandika insha ya mjadala kwa usahihi. |
Maelezo na ufafanuzi. Mjadala. Utafiti na uchunguzi. Maswali na majibu. Tajriba. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk.152 MWM Uk. 116-7 |
5 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Tanakali za sauti. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutoa mifano ya tanakali za sauti. Kutunga sentensi kutumia tanakli za sauti. |
Utatuzi. Tajriba. Uchunguzi. Kusoma. Maswali na majibu. |
KCM Uk. 154-6 MWM Uk. 110-11 |
8 | 1 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Magonjwa. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutafakari juu ya maswala yanayoibuka katika jamii. Kutaja baadhi ya magonjwa ya kisasa. |
Maelezo. Utafiti. Mahojiano. Ukusanyanji. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. |
KCM Uk. 153 MWM Uk. 117-8 |
2 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma taarifa kwa ufasaha. Kusoma kwa kuzingatia kanuni za usomaji bora. Kujibu maswali ya taarifa kwa usahihi. |
Usomaji. Maswali na majibu. Majadiliano. Utafiti. Maelezo. Tajriba. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 153-5 MWM Uk. 118-120 |
3 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Vaimbishi vimilikishi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kubainisha maana ya vivumishi vimilikishi. Kuorodhesha vivumilishi vimilikishi. kutumia vivumilishi vimilikishi katika sentensi. |
Maelezo. Tajriba. Mifano. Maswali na majibu. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 156-7 MWM Uk. 120-21 |
4 | Kuandika. Ufasaha wa lugha. |
Muhtasari. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuandika kwa ufupi na urefu wa maneno. Kufupisha vifungu kulingana na maagizo. Kujibu maswali kwa kuzingatia idadi ya maneno kulingana na maagizo. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzai. Uchunguzi. Mifano. Maswali na majibu. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 157-8 MWM Uk. 121-2 |
5 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Riwaya / hadithi fupi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuimarisha ujuzi wa kusoma. Kuweka msingi wa fasihi andishi. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. Uchunguzi maigizo. Kusikiliza ufahamu. |
KCM Uk. 158-160 MWM Uk. 90-91 |
9 | 1 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Utungaji wa kisanii. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutunga kazi ya sanaa. |
Maelezo. Mifano. Utafiti. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 160 MWM Uk. 124-5 |
2 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Misemo. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kututmia misemo kutungia sentensi. Kueleza maana na matumiza ya misemo. |
Maelezo. Masimulizi. Ufahamu. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 161 MWM Uk. 125-6 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Kujaza hojaji. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutaja muundo wa hojaji. Kueleza umuhimu wa hojaji. Kujibu maswali kuhusu hojaji kikamilifu. |
Maswali na majibu. Kuandika. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 161-2 MWM Uk. 127 |
4 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Vionyeshi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza maana ya vionyeshi. Kueleza aina ya vionyeshi. Kutumia vionyeshi katika sentensi. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. Maswali na majibu. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 164-5 MWM Uk. -128-9 |
5 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma taarifa kwa ufasaha. Kusoma kwa kuzingatia kanuni za usomaji bora. Kujibu maswali ya taarifa kwa usahihi. |
Usomaji. Maswali na majibu. Majadiliano. Utafiti. Maelezo. Tajriba. |
KCM Uk. 162-3 MWM Uk. 127-8 |
10 | 1 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. (Ufasaha wa lugha) |
Barabarani. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza safari barabarani. Kutaja na kufasiri alama za barabarani. Kutumia maneno mapya kwa usahihi. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. Maswali na majibu. Kusikiliza ufahamu. |
KCM Uk. 165-6 MWM Uk. 129-130 |
2 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Riwaya / hadithi fupi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza uhuru aliotaka mhusika. Kueleza maana ya maneno mageni na misemo mipya katika taarifa. Kueleza sababu ya kutumia alama ya dukuduku. |
Ugunduzi wa kuongozwa. Masimulizi. Mjadala. Ufahamu wa kusikiliza. |
KCM Uk. 167-9 MWM Uk. 130-1 |
3 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Umdhaniaye ndiye siye ........... | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kujibu maswali kutoka kifungu. Kutumia maneno mapya kkwa usahihi. |
Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. Mifano. Uhakiki. |
KCM Uk. 169-70 MWM Uk. 131-132 |
4 | Kuandika. | Insha ya picha. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kufaairi ujumbe wa picha. Kuandika insha kutokana na picha. |
Maelezo. Majadiliano. Tajriba. Makundi. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 171 MWM Uk. 133-4 |
5 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. | Haki za watoto. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza haki za watoto. Kueleza wajibu unaoambatana na kila haki ya mtoto. Kukuza ujuzi wa kujadili ma kutoa maelezo kimantiki. |
Kisa / hadithi. Majadiliano. Kuchochea wanafunzi kuongea. Maelezo. |
KCM Uk. 171-2 MWM Uk. 134-5 |
11 | 1 | Kusoma na kuandika. | Ufahamu. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kusoma taarifa kwa ufasaha. Kusoma kwa kuzingatia kanuni za usomaji bora. Kujibu maswali ya taarifa kwa usahihi. Kuzindua masuala maalum kutoka ufahamu. |
Usomaji. Maswali na majibu. Majadiliano. Utafiti. Maelezo. Tajriba. |
KCM Uk. 172-4 MWM Uk. -136-7 |
2 | Sarufi na matumizi ya lugha. | Kirejeshi - amba. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kutumia mzizi -amba kwa usahihi katika ngeli zote. Kutumia 'o' rejeshi badala ya mzizi -amba. |
Tjriba. Mifano. Mazoezi. |
KCM Uk. 174-6 MWM Uk. 137-8 |
3 | Kusikiliza na kuzungumza. (Ufasaha wa lugha) |
Lugha ya magezetini. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kueleza matumiza ya lugha katika magazeti. Kuonyesha sifa za lugha katika magazetini. Kuandika makala ya magazeti k.v, ukumwi, maji, njaa, ufisadi, n.k. |
Kusoma makala ya magazeti. |
KCM Uk. 179-81 MWM Uk. 131-2 |
4 | Kusoma kwa kina. Fasihi yetu. |
Riwaya / hadithi fupi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kuimarisha sauti ya kusoma. Kumpa nafasi kuingiliana na kutenda katika matini ya fasihi. Kuhakiki ujumbe wa lugha iliyotumika. |
Mifano. Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. |
KCM Uk. 177-9 MWM Uk. 130 |
5 | Kuandika. Utunzi. |
Uandishi wa hadithi fupi. | Kufika mwisho wa somo, mwanafunzi aweze: Kufafanua hatua za kuandika hadithi fupi. Kuandika hadithi fupi. Kuwa na msingi wa uandishi wa kisanaa. |
Mifano. Uxhunguzi. Vidokezo. Majadiliano Maelezo. Ufafanuzi. |
KCM Uk. 177-180 MWM Uk. 140-1 |
KLB Form 2 Agriculture Schemes of Work Term 3 2020/2021
1 | 1 | LIVESTOCK HEALTH 1 (ANIMAL HEALTH). Introduction. | To differentiate between health and disease. To explain importance of keeping animals healthy. | Q/A: Health and diseases; and their economic importance. | KLB BK II Pg. 115-6 | ||
2,3 | Signs of good health. | To explain signs that help to identify a healthy animal. | Discussion: Physical appearance, physiological body functions and morphological conditions of the animal body | Pg.116-8 | |||
2 | 1 2 | Predisposing factors of animal diseases. Causes of animal diseases. | To identify and explain predisposing factors of animal diseases. To describe causes of animal diseases | Q/A & Detailed discussion. Detailed description of nutritional causes, physical causes and chemical causes. | Pg. 119-120 | ||
3 | Bacterial animal diseases. | To identify Bacterial diseases of livestock. | Detailed discussion of bacterial disease and their control. | Chart: Bacterial diseases, causal organism and animals affected. | Pg.122-124 | ||
3 | 1 |
Viral animal diseases. Protozoan diseases. |
To list down viral diseases of livestock. To list down protozoan diseases of animals | Detailed discussion of viral diseases and their control. Detailed discussion of protozoan diseases and their control. | Chart: Viral diseases, causal organism and animals affected. Chart: protozoan diseases, causal organism and animals affected. | Pg.125-6 | |
2,3 | Management of diseases. | To explain general methods of diseases control. | Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases. Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation/ slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control e. t. c. | Pg.125-8 | |||
4 | 1-3 | Handling livestock | To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock. | Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting e. t. c Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying. Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides. | Pg. 129-131 | ||
5 | 1 | LIVESTOCK HEALTH (PARASITES) Effects of parasites on animals. | To describe host-parasite relationships. To identify effects of parasites on livestock. | Q/A: Definition of a host, parasite. Brief discussion and give specific examples. | Pg.133-4 | ||
2 | Tse-tse fly | To describe parasitic effects of tse-tse fly. To explain methods of control of tse-tse fly | Q/A: Disease transmitted by tse-tse fly; and methods of control of tse-tse fly. | Pg.134-5 | |||
3 | Keds, fleas and lice. | To describe harmful effects of keds, fleas and lice on livestock. | Brief discussion. Q/A: Methods of controlling ectoparasites. | Pg.135-7 | |||
6 | 1 |
Ticks One-host tock. |
To list down effects of ticks on livestock. To describe the life cycle of one-host tick | Q/A Harmful effects of ticks. Exposition. Explanations | Chart-Life cycle on one-host tick | Pg.138-140 | |
2 | Two-host tick. Three-host tick. Tick control. | To describe the life cycle of two-host tick. To describe the life cycle of three-host tick. To explain measures of controlling ticks. | Exposition and explanations. Represent the life cycle diagrammatically. Detailed discussion. Assignment. | Chart-life cycles of ticks. | Pg.141-3 | ||
3 |
C.A.T | ||||||
7 | 1 | The tapeworm (Taenia app). | To describe characteristics features of tapeworm. To identify symptoms of attack by tapeworm. | Exposition: Labelling a tapeworm/Observing a preserved specimen of a tapeworm. | Preserved specimen of a tapeworm. | Pg.144 | |
2 | Lifecycle of a tapeworm. | To describe the lifecycle of a tapeworm. To identify the symptoms of attack by a tapeworm. | Exposition and explanations of the lifecycle. Q/A and brief discussion | Chart- Lifecycle of a pork tapeworm. | Pg.147-8 | ||
3 | Roundworms (Ascaris app.) | To identify symptoms of attack by roundworms. To describe the lifecycle of a roundworm. To explain measures of controlling roundworm. | Q/A and brief discussion. Detailed discussion of lifecycle. Q/A: Measures of control | Preserved specimen of roundworm. | Pg.148-151 | ||
8 | 1 | Liver fluke. | To identify symptoms of attack by liver fluke. To describe the lifecycle of a liver fluke. To explain measures of controlling liver fluke. | Q/A and brief discussion. Detailed discussion of lifecycle. Q/A: Measures of control. | Chart- Lifecycle of a liver fluke. | Pg.151-3 | |
2,3 | LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION (NUTRITION) Food components. | To identify the components of food in animal feeds. To state functions of water an animal. To state functions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oils, vitamins, in an animal body. | Use a flow chart to show food components. Q/A and brief discussion. Q/A and detailed discussion; sources, deficiency, symptoms. | Flow chart- Components of food. Seed cakes, fish meal, bone meal, Lucerne. | Pg.158-164 | ||
9 | 1 | Minerals | To identify important minerals for livestock. | Discussion: Types of minerals, their sources and deficiency symptoms. | Pg.165-169 | ||
2 | Feeds and Feedstuffs. | To differentiate between a feed and a feedstuff. To describe the composition of dry and succulent roughages. To state and explain the composition of energy concentrates and protein concentrates. | Exposition, discussion and giving relevant examples. | Examples of roughages and concentrates. | Pg. 169-171 | ||
3 | Feed additives. | To define feed additives. To give examples of feed additives. | Giving examples of feed additives and description of their importance. | Pg. 171 | |||
10 | 1 | To concept of rationing. Maintenance ration. Production ration. | To define food ration; balanced ration. To define maintenance ration. To state factors affecting maintenance ration. To explain characteristics of a balanced ration. | Detailed discussion and Probing questions | Pg.172-3 | ||
2 | Feed digestibility Feed nutritive values. | To define feed digestibility. To calculate 0/0 digestibility of a feed. To explain factors affecting food digestibility. To define terms used to express feed value. | Exposition of new concepts. Problem solving discussion. Exposition and discussion of other terms used to express feed value: calorific value, dry matter, starch equivalent, TDN, CP, DCP and CF. | Chart- Nutritive values of some feeds. | Pg.173-4 | ||
3 | Computation of animal feeds. Trial and error method. Pearson's square method | To state advantages and disadvantages of trial and error method of computing animal feeds. To compute livestock ratios using Pearson's Square method | Q/A and brief discussions. Exposition- Teacher explains the procedure of computing livestock ration using Pearson's Square method. Worked examples. Supervised exercise. | Calculators | Pg.176-178 | ||
11 | 1 | General process of digestion. | To describe the general process of digestion. | Detailed discussion of digestion in the mouth, stomach, small intestines and colon. | Chart- General digestive system | Pg.179-185 | |
2 | Digestion in non-ruminants | To give examples of mono gastric animals. To describe digestion in mono gastric animals. | Detailed discussion of digestion in a pig and poultry. | Chart-Specific digestive systems | Pg.180-186 | ||
3 | Digestion in Ruminants | To identify the components of the stomach. To state the functions of each compartment. To state differences and similarities between digestive systems in ruminants and non-ruminants | Students observe the four compartments of a ruminant's stomach. Discussion: Structure and functions of each compartment. Q/A: Students highlights differences and similarities between ruminants and non-ruminants. | Chart- Digestive system of a cow. Pieces of stomach compartments of a cow. | Pg.187-8 | ||
12, 13 |
KLB Form 2 Mathematics Schemes of Work Term 3 2020/2021
INEQUALITIES Compound inequalities. |
The learner should be able to: Illustrate compound inequalities on a number line |
Give examples of compound statements and illustrate them on a number line. Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Geo-board. Graph papers. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 217-8 |
2 |
Simultaneous inequalities. |
Solve simultaneous inequalities and determine the integral values in the requires region |
Q/A: Solve each inequality at a time, hence find the common solution/ integral values. Supervised practice. Exercise. |
Geo-board. Graph papers. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 217-8 |
3 | Graphs of simple inequalities | Represent inequalities graphically. |
Q/A: Review equations of lines and their graphical representation Examples & Exercise. |
Illustrative charts. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 219-223 |
4 | Inequality from a given graph. | Find the inequality represented by a graph. |
Worked examples; Exercise and review |
KLB BK II Pgs. 219-223 |
5 | Graphs of compound inequalities. | Represent compound inequality statements graphically |
Review simple statements, represent them graphically and obtain the required region; Worked examples; Written exercise; Exercise review. |
Geo-board Graph papers.
KLB BK II Pgs. 224-228 |
6 | Inequality statement from graphs. | Determine the statements that are represented graphically. |
Worked examples. Supervised practice. Exercise. Problem solving |
Graph papers |
KLB BK II Pgs. 224-228 |
2 | 1 |
LINEAR MOTION Parameters of motion |
Define speed, velocity, distance, displacement and acceleration. Calculate parameters of motion | Q/A: definitions of terms. Deduce formulae of definitions. Worked examples. Exercise. |
Geo-board Graph papers. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 228-230 | |
2 | Velocity and acceleration | Calculate velocity and acceleration motions | Probing questions. Worked examples; Exercise. | Graph Papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 230-1 | ||
3 | Distance time graphs. | Plot and interpret distance time graphs. | Probing questions. Worked examples; Exercise. | Graph Papers |
KLB BK II Pgs. 224-228 |
4 | Velocity time graphs. |
Plot and interpret velocity time graphs. Make inferences from graphs. |
Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review. |
Geo-board Graph papers. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 224-228 |
5 | Approaching bodies | Solve problems on relative speed of approaching bodies. | Worked examples. Exercise. | KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240 | |||
6 | Overtaking bodies | Solve problems on relative speed of overtaking bodies. | Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review. | KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240 | |||
3 | 1 | Bodies moving in opposite directions. | Solve problems on relative speed of bodies moving in opposite directions. | Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review. | KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240 | ||
2 | STATISTICS Frequency distribution table. |
Define statistics. Explain importance of statistics. Draw a frequency distribution table. | Q/A: Given examples of data that need to be organized to give information. Discuss importance of statistics. Activity; Shoe size- no of students table. Tabulation of results. | Statistical data from real life situations e.g. HIV/AIDS figures. | KLB BK II Pgs. 241-2 | ||
3 | Mean | Define statistical mean of a set of data. Find median of a given set of data. | Worked examples; Supervised practice. Exercise | KBL BK II Pgs. 243- 4 | |||
4 | Mode and Median | Define mode and median of a set data. Find median of a given set of data. | Arranging data in ascending order and finding the median. Exercise. | KLB BK II Pgs. 244-5 | |||
5 | Median | Find median of a given set of data. | Arranging data in ascending order and finding the median. Exercise. | KLB BK II Pgs. 244-7 | |||
6 | Classes of data. | Define class and class range. Group data into reasonable classes. | Group activity - Involve students in identifying suitable class range, and grouping the data. | KLB BK II Pgs. 244-7 | |||
4 | 1 | Mean of grouped data. | Find mean of grouped data. | Examples; Problem solving | KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252 | ||
2 | Median of grouped data. | Find median of grouped data. | Worked examples. Exercise | KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252 | |||
3 | Problems on grouped data. | Solve problems on grouped data. | Problem solving. | KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252 | |||
4 | Bar graphs | Represent information in form of bar graphs. | Examples; Written exercise and review. | Charts | KLB BK II Pgs. 252-3 | ||
5 | Interpreting bar graphs | Interpret information represented with bar graphs | Examples; Written exercise and review. | ||||
6 | Pictograms | Deduce information represented with pictures. Represent information in a pictogram. | Oral exercise. | Charts |
KLB BK II Pgs. 253-
5 | 1 | Pie-charts | Represent comparative information in form of pie charts | Q/A: Supervised exercise. Written exercise. | Pie-charts | KLB BK II Pgs. 254-5 | |
2 | Interpreting pie-charts. | Deduce information represented within. | Q/A: Supervised exercise. Written exercise. | Pie-charts | KLB BK II Pgs. 254-5 | ||
3 | Line graphs. | Draw line graphs. | Guided activity; Supervised exercise. | ||||
4 | Line graphs. | Interpret line graphs | Discussion; Assignment | Graph papers | KLB Bk II Pgs. 255-6 | ||
5 | Histograms | Represent information in a histogram. | Q/A Identify class boundaries of the entries. Draw the histogram of given data. | Graph papers. | KLB BK II Pgs. 256-8 | ||
6 | Histograms | Interpret histograms | Discover effect of doubling class size on the frequency. Exercise | Graph papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 258-9 | ||
6 | 1 | Frequency polygons. | Interpret frequency polygons. | Identify mid points of classes. Join the tops of the bars of a histogram; Written exercise. | Graph papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 258-9 | |
2 | ANGLE PROPERTIES OF A CIRCLE Parts of a circle. Angle subtended by diameter on the circumference. |
Identify an arc, chord, segments of a circle. Deduce angle subtended by diameter on the circumference. |
Q/A discussion; Measure angle subtended by diameter on the circumference. | Geometrical set | KLB BK II Pgs. 264-6 | ||
3 | Angle subtended by a chord on the circumference and at circle center. | Deduce relation between angle subtended by a chord on the circumference and a circle center. | Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. | Geometrical set | KLB BK II Pgs. 266-8 | ||
4 | Angles in the same segment. | Deduce that angles in the same segment subtended by same chord are equal. | Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. | Geometrical set | KLB BK II Pgs. 273-7 | ||
5 | Angles in different segments. | Deduce properties for angles in different segments subtended by same chord. | Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. | Geometrical set. | KLB BK II Pgs. 273-7 | ||
6 | Cyclic quadrilaterals | Infer angle of properties of cyclic quadrilaterals. | Geometrical construction; Make inferences. Written exercise. Exercise review. | Geometrical set. | KLB BK II Pgs. 278-9 | ||
7 | 1 | Further cyclic quadrilaterals. | Apply angle properties of cyclic quadrilaterals in problem solving. | Worked examples; Written examples; Exercise review. | Geometrical set. |
KLB BK II Pgs. 279-283 |
2 |
VECTORS Definition of a vector. Definition of a scalar. |
Define a vector. Define a scalar. Identify vector notation | Discussion: quantities that have both size and direction. Exposition: vector definition and notation | KLB BK II Pgs. 284-5 | |||
3 | Equivalent vectors. | Define magnitude of a vector. Identify equivalent vectors. Represent equivalent vectors diagrammatically | From a wire cube, students identify equivalent vectors and those that are not equivalent. Oral exercise. | Wire cube | KLB BK II Pgs. 285-6 | ||
4 | Addition of vectors |
Define displacement. Identify initial and final points. Add two vectors. Add two vectors with directions reversed. |
Worked examples; Oral exercise. | Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. | KLB BK II Pgs. 286-9 | ||
5,6 | C.A.T & MID-TERM BREAK | ||||||
8 | 1 | Product of positive scalar and a vector | Obtain Product of positive scalar and a vector | Illustrative examples; Oral exercise | Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. | KLB BK II Pgs. 286-9 | |
2 | Negative scalar multiplication of a vector. | Define a zero vector. Multiply a vector by a negative scalar | Q/A: Review equivalent vectors. Illustrative examples. Oral exercise. examples and exercise. | Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. | KLB BK II Pgs. 289-290 | ||
3 | Fractional scalars. | Multiply a vector by a positive or negative fraction. | Review multiplication of a vector by a positive scalar. Deduce magnitude and direction of the new vector. Work out examples. | Illustrative chart | KLB BK II Pg. 290 Pg. 291 | ||
4 | Column vectors | Represent vectors as column vectors. | Examples. Exercise | Square board Square papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 290-1 | ||
5 | Sum of two column vectors | Find the vector sum of two vectors in column form. | Q/A review displacement; Discuss vertical and horizontal displacement of a vector; leading to definition of a column vector; Oral exercise; Written exercise. | Square grid/ illustrative chart. | KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8 | ||
6 | Sum of several column vectors | Find vector sum of several vectors | Add up vectors diagrammatically. Examples. Exercise. | KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8 | |||
9 | 1 | The position vector. | Define a position vector. Adding two position vectors. | Problem solving | KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8 | ||
2 | Adding position vectors. | Add several position vectors | Q/A: Review vector addition. exposition: Definition of position vector. Examples; Supervised practice | Square board Square papers |
KLB BK II Pgs. 298-9 |
3 | Vector magnitude. | Find the magnitude of a vector with positive displacement. | Problem solving; Exercise review. | KLB BK II Pgs. 299-301 | |||
4 | Vector magnitude. | Find the magnitude of a vector with negative displacement. | Q/A review horizontal and vertical displacement of a vector. Deduce magnitude of a vector. Examples; Exercise. | Square board Square papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 301-2 | ||
5 | Midpoint of a vector | Find the co-ordinates of midpoint of a vector. | Examples, Written exercises; Exercise review. | Square board Square papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 301-2 | ||
6 | Co-ordinates of points on a vector | Find the co-ordinates of a point on a vector. | Examples, Written exercises; Exercise review. | Square board Square papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 302-3 | ||
10 | 1 | Translation matrix, T. | Define a translation matrix. Identify translation matrices. | Guided discovery; Oral exercise | |||
2 | Translation of a point | Illustrate a translation of a vector. Obtain the image of a point under a translation vector T |
Q/A: Dividing a vector in a given ratio. Worked examples. exercise |
Geo-board graph papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 302-3 | ||
3 | Translation of a figure | Obtain the image of a figure under a translation vector T | Use a practical situation to introduce a translation. Worked examples. Exercise | Geo-board graph papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 304-6 | ||
4 | Translation | Obtain the object given the image and the translation matrix. | Worked examples. Exercise. Problem solving. | Geo-board graph papers | KLB BK II Pgs. 304-6 | ||
5,6 | Problem solving on translations | Solve problems involving translation matrices. | |||||