Displaying items by tag: social studies


  1. Which one of the following statements correctly gives the meaning of still life drawing?
    1. Is the lightness and darkness of colour
    2. It involves rubbing a colour on a paper
    3. It involves drawing arrangement of non- moving objects
    4. It involves creating light and dark effect and colour
  2. The lightness and darkness of a colour is called 
    1. texture
    2. painting
    3. tone
    4. smudging
  3. Which one of the following materials cannot be used to shade a picture
    1. charcoal.
    2. pencil
    3. crayons
    4. stone
  4. Drawing objects while looking at them is called
    1. drawing from memory
    2. still life drawing
    3. drawing from imagination
    4. drawing from observation
  5. Which one of the following is not a product of a leather work?
    1. Wallet
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Drum
    4. Shoes
  6. The technique used in the picture below is called
    1. painting
    2. thonging
    3. basketry
    4. weaving
  7. Which one of the following materials can be used to stick a picture on a piece of paper?
    1. Glue
    2. Paint
    3. Brush
    4. Soi
  8. The technique used to draw the pot below is called
    1. smudge technique
    2. texture
    3. crayon etching
    4. still-life drawing
  9. Grass in the field is always ________________________________ in colour.
    1. blue
    2. green
    3. red
    4. white
  10. What happens when a white colour is added to another colour?
    1. Becomes lightened
    2. Becomes darker
    3. Becomes yellow
    4. Becomes colourless


  1. Songs that are sung to show love for our county are known as
    1. action songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. religious songs
    4. topical songs
  2. We __________________ a descant recorder to produce sound.
    1. hit
    2. blow
    3. shake
    4. pluck
  3. "Tushangilie Kenya, Taifa letu tukufu... " is an example of ______________________ song.
    1. patriotic
    2. religious
    3. action
    4. topical
  4. Complete this line of the Kenya National Anthem. "Let one and all ____________________________________
    A. creation
    C. endever
    B. arise
    D. defend
  5. The diagram below shows a musical instrument it is played by
    1. plucking
    2. blowing
    3. beating
    4. stringing
  6. The person who leads a song during a performance is known as
    1. soloist
    2. dancer
    3. leader
    4. performer
  7. The part of drum used for making the sound louder is known as
    1. skin
    2. resonator
    3. laces
    4. foot
  8. When singing with expressions, the volume of a song is known as
    1. tempo
    2. dynamics
    3. articulation
    4. pitch
  9. Clothes worn when performing folk song is called
    1. props
    2. costumes
    3. gameskirts
    4. uniform
  10. When one person sings a song it is referred to as
    1. choral singing
    2. duet
    3. solo singing.
    4. trio singing


  1. The Nairobi National Museum is a historic monument. It is an example of a
    1. built environment
    2. physical environment
    3. natural environment
    4. relief environment
  2. Four Grade 4 learners wrote down examples of culture among their communities. Who wrote the wrong culture
    1. Fatuma -  Songs
    2. Ndoto - Dressing
    3. Ogawa - nHousing
    4. Cherop - Money
  3. People in our county carry out economic activities to create wealth. Which one of the following is not a benefit of these economic activities?
    1. Creation of income
    2. Government gets taxes
    3. People become famous 
    4. There is creation of jobs
  4. Below are diagrams showing population distribution. Which diagram shows dense population.
  5. At the door of the head teacher of Uzalendo School there is a board with descriptions of the school. Which one of the following is not likely to be found on the board?
    1. The year the school started"
    2. The name of the owner of the school 
    3. Results of national examinations
    4. Names of past and current head teachers
  6. Who among the following people is involved in illegal business?
    1. Magosi - transports vegetables
    2. Farida - has a bookshop 
    3. Kulet - makes dresses
    4. Matawi - sells changa'a
  7. The diagram below shows a farming activity
    The activity shown above is carried out when the weather is
    1. dry
    2. wet
    3. rainy
    4. stormy
  8. Kadzo was walking to school and the sun had just risen. Her shadow was pointing towards West. She was facing
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  9. Some cultural practices are harmful to the society. Which one of the following is forbidden by the government?
    1. Singing traditional songs
    2. Eating homegrown foods
    3. Wearing traditional clothes
    4. Female circumcision
  10. Grade 4 learners of Kilele School visited a bread making industry near their school. Which raw material were they likely to find at the industry?
    1. Wheat
    2. Maize
    3. Sugarcane
    4. Cotton
  11. Large population is found in towns in our county due to
    1. availability of fertile soils
    2. availability of high rainfall
    3. availability of jobs
    4. presence of good roads
  12. Three of the following are ways in which people depend on one another. Which one is not?
    1. Buying goods from one another
    2. People fight one another
    3. People exchange cultural practices
    4. People intermarry
  13. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes a plateau?
    1. Large flat land that is raised
    2. Large area of water
    3. Valley sorrounded by steep slopes
    4. Low area of land between mountains
  14. Which one of the following diagram shows a cultural artefact?
  15. Areas in our county that have sparse population are likely to have
    1. large towns
    2. many industries
    3. low rainfall
    4. flat land



  1. Four grade 4 learners wrote on cards some Christians values learnt in school. Who wrote the wrong value?
  2. When God first called Abraham he was living in
    1. Canaan
    2. Midian
    3. Moab
    4. Haran
  3. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to forgive one another?
    1. The mustard seed
    2. The widow and the judge
    3. The lost son
    4. The friend at midnight
  4. Amos a grade 4 learner was asked by his teacher to recite the first verse of the Lords prayer. The correct verse is
    1. "Our father who art in heaven"
    2. "Give us our daily bread"
    3. "Forgive us our sins"
    4. "Thy will be done on earth"
  5. Children are advised to obey their parents because
    1. their parents love them
    2. it is God's command
    3. their parents pay their school fees
    4. they set good examples
  6. When Jesus was born his parents had gone to register in
    1. Nazareth
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Jericho
  7. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Faith
    3. Preaching
    4. Patience
  8. Zaccheaus who invited Jesus to his house worked as a
    1. priests 
    2. tax collector
    3. shepherd
    4. fishermen
  9. The brothers of Joseph sold him as a slave because
    1. they hated him
    2. he was a strong man
    3. slaves were needed in Egypt
    4. they wanted to get money
  10. Who among the following learners demonstrates the value of responsibility?
    1. Samuel - goes to school late 
    2. Anna - sweeps the home compound 
    3. Miriam - steal other learners' pens
    4. Jacob -  does not share his textbook
  11. The man who was beaten by robbers was helped by
    1. a Levite
    2. an Ethiopian
    3. a Samaritan
    4. a priest
  12. From the miracle of the healing of the ten lepers Christians learn to be
    1. thankful
    2. kind
    3. obedient
    4. patient
  13. Samson was a great man in Israel God had blessed him with great
    1. education
    2. wisdom
    3. wealth
    4. strength
  14. When Nicodemus went to Jesus at night he was told to
    1. sell all his property
    2. help the poor
    3. be born again
    4. pray without getting tired
  15. The donkey that spoke belonged to
    1. Balaam
    2. Balak
    3. Abraham
    4. Jacob



  1. The Surah which is called the opening is?
    1. Nas
    2. Nasr
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which is the first verse of Surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Alhamdulillah rabbil Alamin
    2. Maalik Yaumid diin
    3. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
    4. Qui Audhubi Rabbin naas
  3. Which surah was revealed during the conquest of Makkah?
    1. Nas
    2. Nasr
    3. Kaafirun
    4. Maun
  4. We are protected from the evils of Jinns and mankind when we recite the Surah?
    1. Nas 
    2. Falaq
    3. Fatiha
    4. Ikhlas
  5. A person who never keeps their promises and lies is known as a ?
    1. Mumin
    2. Imam
    3. Manafiq
    4. Shariif
  6. Grade four learners discussed about the fardh acts of Wudhu, among the four learners who gave out the correct number of the compulsory acts?
    1. Aisha - 3
    2. Ali - 5
    3. Sumayyah - 6
    4. Khalid -4
  7. The attribute of "Allah Al-Basir" means?
    1. all hearing
    2. all seeing
    3. all knowing
    4. the one
  8. The food which we eat after fasting during the month of Ramadhan is called
    1. Iftar
    2. Suhur
    3. Walima
    4. Nikah
  9. Which is the first month in the Islam calender?
    1. Swafwar
    2. Muharram
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Dhul Hijjara
  10. The sayings of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) according to Islam are called?
    1. Hadith
    2. Sunnah
    3. Kalimah
    4. Halaal
  11. Which of the following acts nullifies Wudhu
    1. Eating
    2. Sleeping
    3. Playing
    4. Drinking
  12. The uncle of the prophet who was mentioned in Surah Masad was?
    1. Abu twalib
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abdul Lizza
    4. Abbas
  13. How many daughters did the prophet had?
    1. 4
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 5
  14. Which is the direction of Al-Kaabah in Kenya?
    1. South
    2. East
    3. North
    4. West
  15. We can show kindness of Allah creatures by
    1. Beating animals
    2. Watering animals
    3. Not treating them
    4. Being unkind to them



  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B



  1. The following are factors to consider when drawing forms except.
    1. size
    2. balance
    3. proportion
    4. space

Use the following picture to answer questions 2 and 3.

2 afdada

  1. The shading technique shown in the picture is called
    1. stippling
    2. smudging
    3. cross hatching
    4. crayon etching
  2. How can one create dark effect on a form when shading as shown in the picture!
    1. By using many dots
    2. By evenly spacing the dots
    3. By using fewer dots
    4. By not using dots at all
  3. What is imaginative drawing?
    1. Drawing an object you have not seen before
    2. Drawing an object from memory
    3. Drawing an object from observation
    4. Drawing a still life object
  4. What is the other name for tertiary colours?
    1. Intermediate colours
    2. Mixed colours
    3. Compound colours
    4. Complementary colours
  5. How are different tones in a painting created?
    1. Using the same colour of paint uniformly
    2. Varying the shades of paint between dark and light
    3. Applying different types of paint in a drawing
    4. Using different colours to decorate an artwork
  6. One can create a montage composition based on the theme of wild animals for self-expression using pictures obtained from the following sources except
    1. old magazines
    2. newspapers
    3. calendars
    4. new books
  7. Which one of the following is not a factor to consider when making items using the coil technique?
    1. Uniformity of coils
    2. Craftsmanship
    3. Consistent tension
    4. Colour
  8. Large animals such as buffalos, cattle and camels give us ......................... for making leather items.
    1. hair
    2. hides
    3. horns
    4. hooves
  9. Using coloured beads to make an item more colourful and attractive is called
    1. gluing and stitching technique
    2. coil technique
    3. thonging technique
    4. beading technique
  10. Which of the following line patterns is not used to decorate leather items?
    1. Zig zag pattern
    2. Wavy pattern
    3. Straight pattern
    4. Oval pattern
  11. Which one of the following is not a technique used in pottery?
    1. Coil technique
    2. Slab technique
    3. Carving technique
    4. Pinch technique
  12. Clay glue used to stick slabs together is called
    1. grog 
    2. mud
    3. slip
    4. adhesive
  13. Modelled clay items can be decorated by
    1. embedding and piercing 
    2. beading and incising
    3. embossing and embellishing
    4. texturing and smoothing
  14. Which one of the above is correctly matched with the name?
    15 ahgdgada


  1. The moment of silence in music is called
    1. Semibreve.
    2. rest
    3. Sol-fa.
    4. Harmony
  2. What is structure in music?
    1. The highness or lowness of the music.
    2. Put something together.
    3. A series of notes played in an order that is memorable.
    4. The arrangement and order of the sections of the music.
  3. Which notes are found in the scale of C major?
    1. G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G
    2. C-E-F-G-A-B-G-C
    3. C-E-F-G-A-B-F-C
    4. C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
  4. The following are instruments matched with the community it originates from. Which one is not correct?
          Instrument        Community
    1. Wandindi            Kikuyu
    2. Adeudeu            Kisii
    3. Orutu                 Luo
    4. Shiriri                 Luhya
  5. Which of the following has a note symbol?
    20 auygdada
  6. What is an Art song?
    1. A song normally played during an art lesson.
    2. A Western song usually written for one voice with piano accompaniment.
    3. Sacred composition intended for worship.
    4. A song sung when looking at a piece of Art.
  7. What is the rest symbol for a dotted minim?
    22 atfdada
  8. What is the name of the following note d
    1. Minim
    2. Semibreve
    3. Dotted minim
    4. Quaver
  9. Which of the following is a rest symbol?
    24 afdada
  10. Controlling your breath during singing of a phrase in music is called
    1. .Articulation
    2. Phrasing
    3. Singing
    4. Punctuation


  1. The following are landlocked countries.
    Which one is not correct?
    1. Burundi
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Uganda
    4. Kenya

Study the map below and answer the questions 27 and 28.

27 agfdgada

  1. Describe the position of Djibouti in relation to the neighbouring countries.
    1. It neighbours Ethiopia to the West and Eritrea to the North.
    2. It neighbours Indian Ocean to the East. 
    3. It neighbours Uganda to the South.
    4. It neighbours Sudan to the East. 
  2. Describe the position of Somalia in relation to the neighbouring water body
    1. Neighbours Ethiopia to the West and Eritrea to the North.
    2. Neighbours Indian Ocean to the East. 
    3. Neighbours Lake Victoria to the South. 
    4. Neighbours River Nile to the East. 
  3. Kitharimo was asked to state the differences between the latitudes and longitudes. He wrote the following information. Which one is not correct?
    1. Longitudes run from North to South. 
    2. Latitudes run from West to East. 
    3. Longitudes influence time. 
    4. Latitudes do not influence time.
  4. Study the map below and describe the position of Eastern Africa longitudes and latitudes.
    30 aygdada
    1. Latitudes 23° N and 12° S, longitudes 22° E and 51° E.
    2. Latitudes 13° N and 12° E, longitudes 12o E and 41° E.
    3. Latitudes 33° N and 42° E, longitudes 32° E and 61° E.
    4. Latitudes 13° N and 22° E, longitudes 12o E and 51° E.
  5. The following are ways of supporting unity of Eastern Africa. Which one is not true?
    1. Supporting the East African Community 
    2. Singing patriotic songs about EAC. 
    3. Speaking Kiswahili.
    4. Closing borders.
  6. Munyaka listed the following reasons why some lakes in the Rift Valley are salty. Which one is not correct?
    1. They do not have an outlet.
    2. They experience high rate of evaporation.
    3. They do not evaporate.
    4. They have salty underlying rocks.

      Study the feature follow and answer question 33.
      33 aytdada
  7. What is the name of the main physical feature formed through the process shown above?
    1. Block mountain
    2. Tarn lake
    3. Volcano mountain
    4. Rift Valley
  8. Eastern Africa has only two lakes that are formed through down warping. Which of the following is true!
    1. Magadi and Albert 
    2. Lake Tana and Kivu
    3. Lake Victoria and Kyoga
    4. Lake Rukwa and Eyasi
  9. Maggie researched on ways in which desert and semi desert climate influence human activities. She listed the following activities. Which of them is not correct?
    1. Tourism
    2. Poor human settlement 
    3. Pastoralism
    4. Paper manufacturing.
  10. Study the diagram below and answer question that follows.
    36 agfdgada
    Which type of vegetation is shown above!
    1. Swamp vegetation
    2. Savannah vegetation
    3. Equatorial vegetation 
    4. Mountain vegetation
  11. Kathomi listed the following historical buildings that are found in Eastern Africa. Which one is not correct?
    1. Kabaka Royal Palace
    2. St Mary's Cathedral- Rubanga
    3. Early Christian Church-Ethiopia
    4. Meroe pyramids
  12. Which of the following communities are Western Bantus?
    1. Abaluhya, Abasuba
    2. Wataita, Pokomo
    3. Agikuyu,Ameru
    4. Mijikenda, Aembu
  13. How does HIV/AIDS influence population distribution?
    1. It increases population in a given area.
    2. It lowers population in a given area.
    3. It reduces dependence ratio.
    4. It increases fertility rate.
  14. Muthoni visits her grandparents during holiday. She assists them in doing household chores. Which aspect of traditional culture does she promote!
    1. Traditional foods.
    2. Upholding moral values.
    3. Use of elders to settle disputes.
    4. Respect for human life and taking care of the old. 


  1. Philip and Jenny wanted to be united in marriage. They visited a County Commissioner's Office. There was a government official who helped them to carry out the process. Soon after, they signed the marriage certificate. They had two witnesses. Which type of marriage did Philip and Jenny carry out?
    1. Civil marriage
    2. Cultural marriage
    3. Traditional marriage
    4. Religious marriage
  2. Which one of the following children needs to develop a better talent?
    Alison says, 'My talent is drawing.
    Jackson says, Muent is playing chess!
    Miranda says, My talent is sleeping!
    Derek says, 'My talent is drawing pictures!
    1. Alison
    2. Derek
    3. Jackson
    4. Miranda
  3. What do we learn from the King's daughter who rescued Moses?
    1. A family should not take care of their children
    2. We should put small babies in the river
    3. God always protects people from danger
    4. Our elder sisters should bully us
  4. Which of the following shows qualities of a false god?
    1. He answers prayers
    2. He is a provider
    3. He is powerful
    4. He does not listen to our prayers
  5. Which was the original language used to write the Bible?
    1. English
    2. Kiswahili
    3. Hebrew
    4. Greek
  6. Which of these is not a value taught by the King Pharaoh's daughter act of rescuing baby Moses?
    1. Hatred
    2. Compassion
    3. Kindness
    4. Responsibility
  7. Which of these skills is not gained from the Ten Commandments?
    1. Assertiveness
    2. Self-control
    3. Irresponsibility
    4. Decision making
  8. How many prophets of Baal were at the contest on mount Caramel?
    1. 300
    2. 450
    3. 200
    4. 100
  9. God's power helped Samson to defeat
    1. The Philistines
    2. The Galatians
    3. The Israelites
    4. The Egyptians
  10. King Belshazzar helps Christians to realise that
    1. God does not bless humble people
    2. A humble person never apologises to his friends
    3. Proud people give good services to the community 
    4. Humility helps people to relate well with others


  1. The sunnah prayer said before fardh prayers are known as
    1. Baadiya
    2. Witr
    3. Qabliya
    4. Dhuha
  2. The angel of Allah who's responsible for revelation (Wahyi) is
    1. Mikael
    2. Izrael
    3. Israfeel
    4. Jibril
  3. Which one of the following prophets of Allah (SWT) was given the Injeel
    1. Issa
    2. Musa
    3. Daud
    4. Mohammed
  4. Taqwa means
    1. Praising Allah
    2. Enjoying good
    3. Fear of Allah
    4. Reliance on Allah
  5. The belief in the last day is one of the pillars of
    1. Islam
    2. Iman
    3. Ihsan
    4. Salat
  6. Which was the first battle fought by Muslims?
    1. Badr
    2. Uhud
    3. Khandaq
    4. Hunain
  7. When a Muslim sneezes it is good for him or her to say
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Yarahamkallah
    3. Alahamdulillah
    4. Yabii
  8. How did the prophet (SAW) treat the Prisoners of war?
    1. Harshly
    2. Roughly
    3. Kindly
    4. Carelessly
  9. The first rite performed for a newborn baby is
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Adhan
    3. Naming
    4. Circumcision
  10. According to the hadith of the prophet (PBUH) a sign of a hypocrite is
    1. Betraying of trust
    2. Having doubts in Allah (SWT) 
    3. Performing acts of worship 
    4. Neglecting swala


creative arts



  1. The following are examples of still life objects. Which one is not?
    1. Gourds
    2. Human beings
    3. Cars
    4. Utensils
  2. Which one of the following objects always has a regular shape?
    1. Tree
    2. Leaf
    3. Circle
    4. Stone
  3. The diagram below shows a frame loom.
    It is used to
    1. model pots
    2. weave a mat
    3. create a picture using montagetechnique
    4. mix colours
  4. The picture below is a block print that was done by a grade 4 learner. How many motifs are in the image below?
    1. 13
    2. 5
    3. 1
    4. 2
  5. A modelling technique that involvesshaping containers by pressing on thewalls using thumbs and forefingers is known as
    1. coil technique
    2. wheel technique
    3. slab technique
    4. pinch technique
  6. A grade 5 learner made a basketusing twining technique and placed it on the wall of her bedroom for everyone to see her beautiful work.What was the purpose of the basketthat she made?
    1. For decorative purposes
    2. For storing grains
    3. For storing clothes
    4. For fetching water 
  7. Ann was mixing colours for a tie and dye. She mixed yellow and green. What colour did she get after mixing the two colours?
    1. Violet
    2. Yellow green
    3. Orange
    4. Purple
  8. Why is it necessary to melt wax in a double container?
    1. To control temperature so that the wax cannot burn
    2. To avoid spilling of the wax
    3. To hold the wax in place
    4. To mould the wax into a crayon
  9. Which is the most suitable adhesive to use when sticking cotton on a manila surface while creating a collage?
    1. Hot glue
    2. Cellotape
    3. Wood glue
    4. Office glue
  10. Which of the following is a type of line?
    1. Thick line
    2. Thin line
    3. Zigzag line
    4. Short line


  1. The following include percussion instruments only. Which does not?
    A. Tambourine and kayamba
    B. Drum and tambourine
    C. Horn and shakers
    D. Shakers and kayamba
  2. Songs we sing as we imitate common actions can be referred to as ______________________
    1. action songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. sacred songs
    4. lullaby songs
  3. The lyrics of a song commonly carry the ______________________ of the song.
    1. melody
    2. pitch
    3. rhythm
    4. message
  4. Verse two of the Kenya national anthem starts with the words______________________
    1. Let one and all arise
    2. Let all with one accord
    3. Fill every heart with thanks giving
    4. Oh God of all creation
  5. The difference in between two notes can be described as either low or high.
    1. rhythm
    2. pitch
    3. articulation
    4. music
  6. Which one of the following solfa notations are correctly arranged on the solfa ladder in ascending order?
  7. An example of a wind instrument that cannot play a tune is the ________________________
    1. African horn
    2. trumpet
    3. descant recorder
    4. flute
  8. When singing a round song, participants should do all the following except
    1. keep to their part
    2. come into the song at different times
    3. complete the song in groups as they started
    4. stand at attention
  9. In singing a lullaby, the singer would usually sing _______________________
    1. fast and softly
    2. softly and slowly
    3. loudly and excitedly
    4. loudly and fast
  10. The second verse of the East African anthem ends with the words
    1. Mila zetu na desturi zetu
    2. Tujitoe kwa hali na mali
    3. Tutimize na malengo yetu
    4. Tuijenge jumuiya bora



Study the map of Wema area and answerquestions 21-25

  1. Mimmy walked from the forest to the quarry in Wema area. Which direction. was he walking from?
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. North East
  2. The main means of transport in Wema area is
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. road
    4. water
  3. Grade five learners were asked to statethe economic activities taking place in Wema area. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Moraa - Farming
    2. Wanjiku - Trading
    3. Otieno - Lumbering
    4. Wafula - Fishing
  4. The population distribution in Wema area can be desribed as
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. sparsed
    4. scattered
  5. The elected head of Wema area is a
    1. senator
    2. chief
    3. governor
    4. president
  6. Grade 5 Social Studies teacher asked learners in grade 5 to name the element of a map used to find distance in a map. Who among them gave the correct answer?
    1. Linet - Key
    2. Bill - Scale
    3. Rita - Title
    4. Collins - Frame
  7. Identify a drainage feature among the following features
    1. Mountain
    2. Hill
    3. Plateau
    4. River
  8. Government officials who represent Kenya in other countries are known as
    1. judges
    2. governors
    3. senators
    4. ambassadors
  9. During a Social Studies lesson, the teacher gave the following characteristics and asked them to identify the climatic region.
    1. Experienced in high mountains 
    2. Experiences cool and wet conditions
    3. Experiences high rainfall between 1250mm - 2200mm per year.
    4. Experiences low temperature ranging between 0°c - 15°c
      The climatic region described above is
      1. desert climate
      2. modified tropical climate
      3. mountain climate
      4. tropical climate
  10. While on educational tour, learners of grade 5 at Bora primary school came across the feature below. This was an example of a
    1. museum
    2. monument
    3. cultural center
    4. historic building
  11. Identify the Nilotes among the communities below
    1. Abaluhya
    2. Borana
    3. Nandi
    4. Indians

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 32-34  


  1. The mountain marked T is
    1. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    2. Mount Kenya
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Marsabit
  2. The country that borders Kenya to the North West marked W is
    1. Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. South Sudan
    4. Ethiopia
  3. The river marked S is called
    1. River Ewaso Nyiro
    2. River Tana
    3. River Athi
    4. River Mara 
  4. African traditional education was done through the following methods except
    1. songs
    2. riddles
    3. proverbs
    4. seminars 


  1. The parable of the three servants in Matthew 25:14-30 teaches Christians to
    1. use their talents well
    2. help those in need of help
    3. bring back people to the church
    4. humble themselves in their prayer
  2. Which one of the following responsibilities was given to human beings by God in the garden of Eden?
    1. Offer animal sacrifices
    2. Cultivate and guard the garden
    3. Eat all the fruits in the garden
    4. Make clothes
  3. Learners of grade 5 in Kina primary school were asked to name causes of child labour. Who gave the wrong answer?
    1. Margaret - Poverty
    2. Rose - Loss of parents
    3. Denis - Higher education
    4. Moses - Drug abuse
  4. Who among the following disciples of Jesus worked as a tax collector before being called?
    1. Peter
    2. Judas Iscariot
    3. Matthew
    4. Andrew
  5. Who among the following was sent by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites?
    1. Balak
    2. Balaam
    3. Joshua
    4. Caleb
  6. Three of the following are values acquired when using the Bible. Which one is not?
    1. Unity
    2. Humility
    3. Patriotism
    4. Nepotism
  7. According to Acts 4:1-5, Peter and John were arrested because
    1. they healed a lame man
    2. they were preaching about the resurrection of Christ
    3. they baptized people in Jesus' name 
    4. they refused to pay taxes
  8. Which gift of the Holy spirit did King Solomon use to solve the case of the two women who were claiming ownership of one child?
    1. Healing
    2. Faith
    3. Wisdom
    4. Love
  9. Who among the sons of Noah lacked respect for his father?
    1. Shem
    2. Ham
    3. Japheth
    4. Seth
  10. The golden and silver vessels which King Belshazzar and his wives drunk from were taken from the temple in
    1. Judea
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Midian
    4. Bethlehem
  11. Prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on mount
    1. Sinai
    2. Carmel
    3. Moriah
    4. Horeb
  12. What was Moses doing when he saw the burning bush?
    1. Leading the Israelites from Egypt
    2. Taking care of his father-in-law's sheep
    3. Receiving the ten commandments
    4. Offering a sacrifice to God
  13. Joseph a grade 5 boy found two grade one boys arguing over a book. The best action for him to take was
    1. take the book from them
    2. listen to them and solve the problem
    3. take the book and give one of them
    4. report them to the class teacher
  14. Which one of the following is not a talent?
    1. Singing
    2. Drawing
    3. Dancing
    4. Conning
  15. Three of the following are fruits of the Holy spirit except
    1. faithfulness
    2. love
    3. faith
    4. humility


  1. While perfoming Swalatul subh, Shukra Grade 5 learner forgot to recite surah Al-Fatiha. What do you think happened to her swalat?
    1. It was not accepted
    2. It was accepted
    3. It was okay
    4. It was neither accepted nor refused
  2. "Alladhee nahum Yuraa'un". This verse is from surah
    1. Al-Humaza
    2. Al-Fiil
    3. Al-Aadiyat
    4. Al-Maun
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Quraysh?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Six
  4. The prophet (S.A.W) was born in the year of
    1. CamelsB.
    2. Cows
    3. Elephants
    4. Horses 
  5. When a person commits a sin, he or she should follow it up with
    1. more sins
    2. Sadaga
    3. prayers
    4. a good deed
  6. The third prayer of the day is Swalatul
    1. Asr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Maghrib
    4. Subh
  7. Ruqaya a grade 5 learner was sent to buy some items on the market. She was given more change than she required. What was the right course of action for her to take?
    1. Use it to buy sweets
    2. Take it to the Imam
    3. Return the extra change to the seller
    4. Return all the change to the seller
  8. According to the hadith of the prophet, the search for knowledge is a duty of every
    1. Muslim
    2. woman
    3. person
    4. man
  9. Al-Ghaffar is an attribute of Allah that means
    1. the merciful
    2. the forgiver
    3. the creator
    4. the gracious
  10. How many days is a Muslim supposed to fast in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. 40 days
    2. 28 days
    3. 20 days
    4. 30 days
  11. Rahma a grade 5 learner received sad news that her grandfather had died. Which angel was responsible for her death?
    1. Mikail
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Izrail
    4. Israfil
  12. The first month of the Islamic calender is
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Muharram
    3. Rajab
    4. Safar
  13. Which of the following books was
    revealed in the month of Ramadhan?
    A. Qur'an
    C. Taurat
    B. Zabur
    D. Injil
  14. Which two parts of the body must be covered by a male dress?
    1. Knees and the navel
    2. Head and the knees
    3. Navel and the hands
    4. Face and hands
  15. Which one of the following acts will nullify wudhu?
    1. Breathing
    2. Talking
    3. Breaking wind
    4. Laughing



  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C

Study the map of Hoko Area and answer questions 1 to 5.


  1. River kuya on the map flows from
    1. North West
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. Jerrica was in the mosque. Which direction would she walk to reach the church?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East.
  3. Grade five learners took a walk to the shrubs to study the climate around the area. The climate was likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool.
  4. Njoroge was asked to describe the settlement pattern in the area covered by the map. The area has is likely to be
    1. linear
    2. sparse
    3. dense
    4. nucleated.
  5. Grade five learners walked around the area as they identify economic activities taking place. Which one of the following is not among the activities they found?
    1. Transport
    2. Trade
    3. Crop farming
    4. Communication.
  6. John was asked to name Bantus found in Kenya. Which one of the followingcommunities are not members of the Bantu language group?
    1. Mijikenda, pokomo, Agikuyu.
    2. Aembu, Ameru, Akamba.
    3. Giriama, Rabai, Chonyi.
    4. Luo, Kalenjin, iteso.
  7. Kamotho was asked to name the country that borders Kenya to the North West. Which country did he mention?
    1. Uganda
    2. Ethiopia
    3. South Sudan
    4. Somalia.
  8. Grade five learners were discussing the activities of various language groups in the pre-colonial period. Four learners wrote down the following
    Nyawera: Bantus-Farming.
    Lemayan: Nilotes-Pastoralism.
    Onduso: Cushites - Trade.
    Kamotho: Semites - Trade.
    Who among the learners gave the wrong answer?
    1. Nyawera
    2. Lemayan
    3. Onduso
    4. Kamotho.
  9. Mr. Kimotho wrote a chart with the following characteristics of a given climatic region.
    1. High rainfall.
    2. Low temperatures.
    3. Generally cool and wet throughout the year.
      Which climatic region is described above?
      1. Modified equatorial
      2. Mountain
      3. Tropical
      4. Desert.
  10. The element of a map that is used to tell the approximate distance of features on a map is
    1. Scale
    2. Compass
    3. Key
    4. Frame.
  11. Mr. Kilonzo asked his pupils to name African traditional methods of education. Three of the following are true except
    1. riddles
    2. story books
    3. apprenticeship
    4. song.
  12. During Social Studies lesson four learners were asked to write down statements about the Maasai community. They wrote the following points:
    1. Abdiaziz: They're Nilotic speakers.
    2. Odumo: They originated from Congo Forest.
    3. Maribe: They are pastoralists.
    4. Onyidho: They came from Southern Sudan.
      Who among the learners gave a wrong answer?
      1. Maribe
      2. Onyidho
      3. Odumo
      4. Abdiaziz.
  13. Which one of the following statements describe population density? The number of
    1. people living per square kilometre
    2. people in an area
    3. people per square meters
    4. adults per square kilometre.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 14-15


  1. The Lake marked F is called Lake
    1. Magadi
    2. Victoria
    3. Turkana
    4. Nakuru
  2. The country marked E is called
    1. South Sudan
    2. Somalia
    3. Uganda
    4. Ethiopia.
  3. Grade five learners were asked by their teacher to name musical instruments from different communities in Kenya. Which one of the following instruments is correctly matched with the source Community?
    1. Soo-Mijikenda community.
    2. Nzumari-Kamba community.
    3. Abu-Luo community.
    4. Coro -Meru community.
  4. Learners in grade 5 were asked to discuss safety and etiquette while performing folk songs. Four learners responded as follows;
    Chebet: Avoid overcrowding
    Karissa: Avoid shouting
    Jesse: Respect other singers as you sing
    Michael: The message of the song does not matter during performance.
    Who among the learners gave the wrong information?
    1. Chebet
    2. Karissa
    3. Jesse
    4. Michael.
  5. Grade five learners were asked to name countries in Eastern Africa where the East African community Anthem is used officially. Which one of the following answers is not correct?
    1. Kenya
    2. Somalia
    3. Uganda
    4. South Sudan
  6. The diagram below shows a musical instrument commonly used by the Gusii community during folk song performance.
    Which one of the following statements is true about the musical instrument?
    1. It is known as Obokano.
    2. t's called wandindi. 
    3. It's a melodic percussion instrument.
    4. It's a non-melodic percussion instrument.
  7. Grade four learners were asked to use hand signs for different sound. Millania made the sign below.
    Which one of the following sounds did she sign?
    1. doh
    2. reh
    3. so
    4. mi 
  8. Learners were asked to write down the importance of caring for the musical instruments. Which one of the following statements is false regarding taking care of instruments?
    1. Saves time used in making new investments.
    2. Saves money used to buy new instruments.
    3. Saves resources used to make new instruments.
    4. Makes instruments to fade well.
  9. Four learners gave the following musical instruments.
    Akelo - guitar
    Wacike - Wandindi
    Naliaka - drum
    Wambui - adongo
    Who among the following learners gave an example of melodic percussion instrument?
    A. Akelo
    C. Naliaka
    B. Wacike
    D. Wambui.
  10. Grade five learners took part in performing a folk song. Who among the following is not a participant in a folk song?
    1. Soloist
    2. Instrumentalist
    3. Singers
    4. Song composer
  11. A church choir mentioned the word SAT during an event in school. What is SAT in full?
    1. Singer, Alto, Tradition.
    2. Soprano, Alto, Tenor.
    3. Soprano, Alto, Team.
    4. Singers, Adeudeu, Tenor.
  12. The picture below shows an instrumentalist. The instrument being played is called
    1. abu
    2. nzumari
    3. soo
    4. coro
  13. Kemboi drew a cow on a piece of paper. Which area in a work of art attracts the viewer's eye and holds interest?
    1. Texture
    2. Emphasis
    3. Form
    4. Balance.
  14. Grade 4 learners painted with the following colours on four walls. Which one of the colours used is a warm colour?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Purple
    4. Orange.
  15. Mbuma made a cup by use of plasticine. This process is referred to as
    1. creation
    2. sculpture
    3. modelling
    4. painting.
  16. Look at the picture below. Which letter shows light area?
  17. Fauzia wants to make the hand print pattern. Which of the following materials will not be used?
    1. Colours
    2. Brushes
    3. Papers
    4. Scissors
  18. The activity of making something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it is referred to as
    1. mounting
    2. decorating
    3. painting
    4. designing.
  19. Use the picture below to answer questions 32 and 33.
    What are the people in the picture wearing on their hands?
    1. Necklaces
    2. Bangles
    3. Earing
    4. Anklets.
  20. What will make them unique from other musical bands?
    1. Songs
    2. Voices
    3. Costumes
    4. Sizes
  21. Fabian made a pot using clay. Which technique can be used lto decorate the pot?
    1. Embedding
    2. Voices
    3. Drawing
    4. Texturing
  22. Grade 4 learners made a shaker using locally available materials. Below are the steps they used to make the shakers. 
    1. Selecting materials needed.
    2. Putting wire into bottle tops.
    3. Making holes into bottle tops. 
    4. Fixing the wire with bottle tops to the Y stick.
      Rearrange the steps in the correct procedure.
      1. i, ii, iii, iv
      2. ii, i, iii, iv
      3. i, iii, ii, iv
      4. iv, i, ii, iii

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 10 marks


  1. The book of Mathew 25:14-30 tells the story of the parable of talents. What do we learn from the parable?
    1. We should use our talents to make us rich.
    2. We should use our talents to serve God.
    3. God doesn't want us to use our talents.
    4. Not everyone has a talent.
  2. Tabitha learned about the following values that every Christian should have. Which one is not?
    1. Honesty
    2. Responsibility
    3. Hard work
    4. Selfishness.
  3. In Genesis 1:26, 2:15, God gave human beings the following responsibilities except
    1. to take care of all domestic and wild animals
    2. to cultivate and care for plants
    3. to name all animals and birds
    4. to cut down all the trees in the environment.
  4. We learn from studying Christian Religious Education that children have the responsibility to
    1. help their parents at home by doing house chores
    2. do what they feel like any time they like
    3. watch television all day
    4. sleep for as long as they like.
  5. Grade five pupils learned that each one is given a talent according to
    1. one's abilities
    2. how rich you are
    3. how beautiful you look
    4. ones desire for more.
  6. The following are ways of discouraging child labour. Which one is not?
    1. Encouraging religious leaders to educate members of the church.
    2. Encouraging chiefs and community leaders to sensitize people of the community.
    3. Encouraging leaders to establish homes for orphans and homeless children
    4. Encouraging children to look for well-paying jobs.
  7. Wendy was passing near a coffee plantation when she noticed a boy who looked almost her age struggling to carry a large basket filled with coffee berries. As a Christian, what should she do?
    1. Go to the owner of the plantation and blackmail him.
    2. Join the boy and work there as well.
    3. Go to the police and report it.
    4. Keep quiet and mind her own business.
  8. Selina was given the following school rules during her admission. Which one of them is not a school rule?
    1. Obey your teachers and student leaders.
    2. Use polite language at all times.
    3. Wear clean school uniform all the time.
    4. Obey and help your parents.
  9. The following statements are true about the first human beings except
    1. the snake convinced Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge
    2. Eve ate the fruit and gave it to Adam to eat too
    3. they remained in the garden of Eden for eternity
    4. the relationship between the first humans and God was affected.
  10. It is important for families to be united. Which of the following does not contribute to family unity? A.
    1. Helping with house chores. 
    2. Praying together.
    3. Sharing meals.
    4. Ignoring instructions.
  11. Delphine listed the importance of the Bible on a manilla paper. Which one is an importance of the Bible?
    1. t is used in rebuking error and correcting faults.
    2. It is an interesting history book.
    3. We can use it to hide money.
    4. It can be used to swear and everyone will believe you.
  12. From the story of Peter and John, we learn that
    1. we should always speak the truth about Jesus even when facing challenges
    2. we should disobey authorities when we think they are being unfair
    3. we should only preach the gospel in church 
    4. we should avoid interacting with non- believers
  13. The bible tells us of a king who had great wisdom. Who among the following Kings is he?
    1. King Saul
    2. King David
    3. King Solomon 
    4. King Jeroboam.
  14. Karina found some girls smoking behind the dormitory and she told them it was against the rules and it was bad for their health. What value did Karina display?
    1. Courageous
    2. Self-control
    3. Peace
    4. Righteousness.
  15. One of the disciples of the early church who was stoned and died was called
    1. Peter 
    2. John
    3. Stephen
    4. Noah


  1. Grade 5 learners were searching on the Internet the pillars of Islam. Which pillar did they find out as the second? To believe in
    1. books
    2. angels
    3. Allah
    4. the last day.
  2. According to Suratul Kawthar, a Muslim is commanded to do two things to Allah alone. What are the two things?
    1. Prayer and sacrifice.
    2. Sacrifice and hajj.
    3. Prayer and saum.
    4. Hajj and zakah.
  3. The following are lessons learnt from Suratul Maun. Which one is it? We should
    1. sacrifice to Allah alone
    2. be honest
    3. offer prayers on time
    4. push away the orphans.
  4. The Quraish were given many favours by Allah. What did Allah require them to do in return?
    1. Worship him.
    2. Feed others.
    3. Do business.
    4. Worship the prophet.
  5. What important lesson do Muslims learn from the story of Abraha as mentioned in Suratul Fiyl?
    1. Elephants are good fighters.
    2. Abraha converted to islam.
    3. Birds can fight.
    4. Allah is very powerful.
  6. Amina did a bad deed and followed it with a good one. From which hadith did she learn this? Hadith on
    1. tawakkal
    2. good manners
    3. greetings
    4. pillars of islam.
  7. Islamic greetings promote the following except
    1. Hatred
    2. Love
    3. Peace
    4. Harmony.
  8. Grade 5 learners were discussing in pairs a hadith on the importance of seeking knowledge. Which hadith did they note do in their books?
    1. Seek knowledge even if it means going to china.
    2. Girls should not seek knowledge.
    3. Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every muslim.
    4. Seeking knowledge is compulsory only on boys.
  9. Grade 5 learners searched in the Internet on the attributes of Allah. Which attribute described Allah as the forgiver?
    1. Alaliim
    2. Al wahiid
    3. Alhafeedh
    4. Al ghaffaar.
  10. Shaaban listed down differences between angels and human beings. Which quality was not found in angels? They
    1. disobey Allah sometimes
    2. never eat
    3. are neither males nor females
    4. are created from light..
  11. Which one of the following miracles was performed by nabii Issa?
    1. Changing stick into a snake.
    2. Shiny hand.
    3. Resurrected the dead.
    4. Thrown into the fire but the fire did not burn him.
  12. The prophet (S. A.W), Preached secretly for years how many years?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 10
  13. In which posture of swalah do we the dua below. "Subhaana rabiyal aala"
    1. Rukuu
    2. Itdaal
    3. Sujuud
    4. Tashahud.
  14. Which pillar of islam is conducted by Muslims atleast once in their lifetime?
    1. Zakah
    2. Hajj
    3. Saum
    4. Swalah.
  15. Aisha performed a certain long prayer after Isha in the month of Ramadan. Which prayer was she
    1. Tahajjud
    2. Witr
    3. Istisqai
    4. Taraweh.



  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. C
  34. A
  35. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Line
    2. Texture
    3. Colour
    4. Form
  2. The shading technique used in the picture below is called _____________________
    1. crayon etching
    2. stippling technique
    3. smudging technique
    4. cross hatching
  3. Which one of the following is not required when making crayons from locally available materials?
    1. Bee wax
    2. Moulding paper
    3. Colour pigments
    4. Water paints 
  4. The following materials can be used to scratch off ink or paint in crayon etching except a ______________
    1. nail
    2. toothpick
    3. pointed pen
    4. soft cloth
  5. _________________________is the process of using paint or ink to make a picture.
    1. Weaving
    2. Stitching
    3. Colouring
    4. Painting
  6. Which one of the following is not suitable textured material for making a collage artwork?
    1. Sand grains
    2. Grass cuttings
    3. Small sized leaves
    4. Broken glass
  7. When making a collage artwork, adhesives are used for _________________________.
    1. decoration
    2. mounting
    3. sticking or pasting 
    4. colouring 
  8. Mixing yellow and blue colours in equal proportion results in _____________ colour. 
    1. purple
    2. green
    3. yellow
    4. orange
  9. Which one of the following statements is not true?
    1. Mixing two primary colours results in a secondary colour
    2. We mix primary and secondary colours to create a tertiary colour
    3. There are four primary colours
    4. Mixing red and orange creates a red- orange colour
  10. Which one of the following is a source of natural fibres used in weaving?
    1. Banana fibres
    2. Polythene fibres
    3. Old clothes
    4. Acrylic fibres
  11. Interlacing a set of vertical threads (warps) with horizontal threads (wefts) is called _______________
    1. painting
    2. Weaving
    3. drawing
    4. basketry
  12. Alpha made a pencil case from recycled leather. Which would be the best way for him to decorate it?
    1. Beading 
    2. Painting
    3. Weaving
    4. Carving
  13. Which tool is required to make holes on leather to enable a person join different pieces with thongs?
    1. Leather punch
    2. Pliers
    3. Carving knife
    4. Adze
  14. Which of the following is not a way in which stiff weaving materials can be prepared for weaving?
    1. Stripping
    2. Cutting
    3. Shredding
    4. Coiling
  15. The following picture shows the ______________________technique in pottery.
    1. slab
    2. coil
    3. pinch
    4. modelling


  1. Which of the following is not an element of folk dance?
    1. Body adornment
    2. Ornaments
    3. Costumes
    4. Message
  2. Who are considered participants in a folk dance?
    1. Soloist
    2. Dancers
    3. Audience
    4. Instrumentalist
  3. How do people express themselves when singing?
    1. By sleeping
    2. By whistling
    3. By using facial expressions
    4. By singing
  4. Which one is an importance of a folk song?
    1. They cause problems.
    2. They bring people together
    3. They make people sad
    4. They do not communicate the culture
  5. Which one is not an example of an African wind instrument?
    1. Abu
    2. Coro
    3. Trumpet
    4. Bungó
  6. How many holes does the instrument below have? 
    1. 7
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 8
  7. Which one is not part of a wind instrument?
    1. Pitch holes
    2. Strings
    3. Mouth piece
    4. Neck
  8. What is the name of the note Screenshot 2023 04 25 at 14.06.27?
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  9. What is the rest symbol for a minim 
  10. What is the note value for a crotchet? 
    1. 1/2 
    2. 1/4 
    3. 1
    4. 1/8


  1. Map interpretation means giving ______________________ to the features and symbols used on a map.
    1. meaning
    2. elements
    3. reading
    4. interpretation
  2. Communication is represented on a map by use of ________________________.
    1. Quarry
    2. Telephone mast
    3. Police post
    4. Market
  3. Kenya is surrounded by neighbouring countries. It is surrounded by Uganda to the ___________________.
    1. East
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South
  4. Who represents Kenya in other countries to promote good relations?
    1. Member of Parliament
    2. President
    3. Ambassador
    4. Cabinet secretary
  5. Which drainage feature is labelled X on the map below?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lotikipi swamp
    3. Lake Bogoria
    4. Lake Magadi
  6. The people of Kwale, Taita and Taita areas receive rainfall of not above 1000mm per annum. Name the climatic region that covers these regions.
    1. Desert climate
    2. Tropical climate
    3. Mountain climate
    4. Modified equatorial climate
  7. The historical building shown below is located in _________________.
    1. Nairobi
    2. Mombasa
    3. Nakuru
    4. Meru
  8. Nilotes are believed to have originated from ____________while Bantus originated from ____________
    1. Ethiopia, Kenya 
    2. Horn of Africa
    3. Barh-el-Ghazal, Congo forest
    4. Somalia, Sudan
  9. Chalbi desert is _________________populated.
    1. sparsely
    2. densely
    3. nucleated
    4. clustered
  10. The following are methods of instruction used in African traditional education except.
    1. Stories and narratives
    2. Apprenticeship
    3. Ceremonies
    4. Vising the sick
  11. Barry has been elected in school as the president. Which of the following is not one of his duties to perform?
    1. Provide feedback to the administration concerning student affairs.
    2. He is a role model to other learners.
    3. Does not link learners with administration.
    4. Supervises school activities.
  12. Identify the duty that the teacher is performing as shown below.
    1. Teaching learners.
    2. Preparing a school time table.
    3. Admitting new learners.
    4. Recording minutes of the staff meeting.
  13. Most of the desks in Tusome Primary School need to be repaired. Who is in charge of repair and maintenance of school property?
    1. Senior teacher 
    2. Head teacher
    3. School clerk 
    4. Class teacher
  14. Children are expected to portray the following values except
    1. Hard work
    2. Honesty
    3. Disrespect
    4. Patience
  15. Marriage ceremonies help communities to bring ___________________.
    1. Knowledge
    2. Peace and unity
    3. Bride prize
    4. Favouritism


  1. Who were the first people to be created by God?
    1. Abraham and Sarah
    2. Adam and Eve
    3. Moses and Miriam
    4. Jacob and Leah
  2. Which sin did the first human beings commit?
    1. Adultery
    2. Disobedience
    3. Murder
    4. Stealing
  3. Which of the following activities promotes family unity?
    1. Praying together
    2. Burdening one person with house chores.
    3. Holding grudges when conflicts occur
    4. Not correcting one another when we are wrong
  4. Which of these values can we use to nurture our talents and abilities?
    1. Laziness
    2. Fear
    3. Honesty
    4. Irresponsibility
  5. Which of the following is a way of obeying rules
    1. Destroying the environment
    2. Saving water
    3. Leaving lights on
    4. Being disorderly in school.
  6. Which of the following activities does not show good stewardship?
    1. Planting trees in the community
    2. Polluting rivers in the community
    3. Taking care of domestic animals
    4. Collecting litter from the environment
  7. Which of these values is not taught by the parable of the talents?
    1. Loyalty
    2. Disobedience
    3. Respect
    4. Responsibility
  8. Which one of the following is not true about  a Christian marriage?
    1. Bride price is paid
    2. It is for company
    3. It is permanent
    4. Divorce is allowed
  9. Which of these values can we learn from the fall of human beings?
    1. Laziness
    2. Fear
    3. Obedience
    4. Irresponsibility
  10. Which of the following is not a cause of child labour?
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parent or guardian
    3. Wealth
    4. Irresponsible parents


  1. Iddul-fitr comes after the month of __________________________
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Shawwal
    3. Rajab
    4. Muharram
  2. Urine of a baby who is less than two years is __________________.
    1. Muhaffafah
    2. Mughalladhah
    3. Mutawasit
    4. Hadath
  3. Allah (SWT) created us so that we may ______________________.
    1. Become rich
    2. Enjoy life
    3. Worship Him
    4. Obey parents
  4. Astaghfirullah' is said when a msuslim
    1. Sneezes loudly
    2. Wakes from sleep
    3. Visits the toilet
    4. Ask for forgiveness
  5. The journey of the prophet (OPBUH) to Madinah was called ___________________
    1. Miraj
    2. B.Hijra
    3. ls-ra
    4. Muhajirun
  6. Which of the following is common among Muslims?
    1. Food
    2. Quran
    3. Colour
    4. Names
  7. One of the follwoing words is not in suratul Takathur. Which one?
    1. Faumuhu
    2. Naiim
    3. Maqaabir
    4. Al-yaqiin
  8. The old name for Madina is
    1. Misr
    2. Sham
    3. Makkah
    4. Yathrib
  9. Fasting is like a ________________
    1. Sword
    2. Spear
    3. Shield
    4. Prayer
  10. The night of power is called 
    1. Lailatul Miraj
    2. Lailatul Qadr
    3. Lailatul Noor
    4. Lailatul Isra



  1. C
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  10. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D


  1. A learner in grade five was cutting leather thongs for making a leather pencil case. In what direction would you advise her to cut the thongs?
    1. Along a horizontal line
    2. Along a wavy line
    3. Along a curved line 
    4. Along a vertical line
  2. The addition of black colour on another colour to create darker tones while painting is known as
    1. shading
    2. tinting
    3. subject matter
    4. theme
  3. A grade 5 learner was making wax crayons at home. The following are steps he used 
    1. Melt the bees wax by heating it in a double container 
    2. Pour the wax in the mould 
    3. Take a pawpaw straw, cut it into a hollow tube and make small holes on the side
    4. Mix the melted bees wax with colour pigment 
    5. Let the wax to cool and remove the wax crayon from the mould 
      Arrange the processes from the start to the end correctly 
      1. iii, i, iv, ii, v 
      2. i, iii, ii, iv, v
      3. i, v, iv, iii, i
      4. iii, i, ii, iv, v 
  4. What does the term gradation mean in Art? 
    1. Smearing of colour on a surface 
    2. Change of tone from dark to light or from light to dark 
    3. The drawing of non-moving objects
    4. The drawing of human faces
  5. Look at the picture below keenly 
    Which principle of art has not been considered while painting the picture above? 
    1. Shape 
    2. Balance 
    3. Proportion 
    4. Paper layout 
  6. The following are ways that one can use to decorate a book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. Applique 
    2. Painting 
    3. Block printing 
    4. Incising 
  7. Which is the first step done while decorating a fabric using tie and dye method after collecting all the materials needed? 
    1. Tie the fabric according to your pattern
    2. Wash the fabric to remove starch and dirt 
    3. Prepare a dye bath 
    4. Dry the fabric under a shade 
  8. A finishing technique in basketry where you stitch a cloth along the edges is known as
    1. moulding 
    2. cutting
    3. tucking 
    4. binding 
  9. What does overlapping of pictures in a montage help to create? 
    1. Balance 
    2. Space
    3. Texture 
    4. Depth 
  10. Name the tool shown below 
    1. Palette
    2. Brush 
    3. Easel 
    4. Paper cutter 


  1. A group of three performers who are singing together is referred to as ______________________.
    1. trio 
    2. duet 
    3. quartet 
    4. solo 
  2. Verse 3 of the East African anthem begins with the words ____________________-
    1. Natujenge taifa letu 
    2. Uzalendo pia mshikamano 
    3. Amkeni ndugu zetu
    4. Viwandani na hata mashambani
  3. Which of the following is an African wind instrument?
    1. Chivoti 
    2. Kayamba 
    3. Maracas 
    4. Wandindi 
  4. When playing the descant recorder the following are correct techniques except
    1. avoid blowing too hard 
    2. holding with the right hand up and left hand lower 
    3. avoid covering unnecessary holes 
    4. remembering to tongue appropriately 
  5. When performing music the word tempo refer to
    1. articulation
    2. softness of the song
    3. type of song
    4. speed of the sung 
  6. The two musical notes shown here are called ______________ and ________________respectively 
    1. semibreve and minim 
    2. crotched and quaver
    3. minum and sembreve
    4. crotchet and minum
  7. Which of these statements about an art song not true? Itisa type of song
    1. that is traditional 
    2. that is arranged for solo or choral performance
    3. that is usually accompanied by a musical instrument
    4. that is usually sung in European languages only
  8. Which of these is not necessary to observe when singing a duet? 
    1. Observe correct rhythm
    2. Sing with a smile always
    3. Keep the tempo
    4. Sing at the right pitch 
  9. The correct way to perform a folk song is to
    1. sing in the local language
    2. sing in either English or Kiswahili only 
    3. accompany singing with a good guitar or piano
    4. sing without minding about appropriate gestures and expressions 
  10. The part of a fiddle that makes the sound louder is the 
    1. bridge
    2. arm
    3. string
    4. resonator



Study the map of Rora area and answer questions 21-25. 

  1. What is the direction of the forest from the quarry?
    1. South East 
    2. South West 
    3. North West 
    4. North East 
  2. The climate to the North Western region of Rora area is 
    1. hot and wet 
    2. cool and wet 
    3. cool and dry 
    4. hot and dry 
  3. The type of settlement in Rora area is 
    1. linear 
    2. scattered
    3. nucleated 
    4. sparse
  4. The government wants to develop a project in Rora area. Which one of the following will be given the first priority? 
    1. School
    2. Church
    3. Hospital
    4. Road 
  5. The elected head of Rora area is a 
    1. governor
    2. chief 
    3. senator
    4. County commissioner 
  6. The correct position of Eastern Africa is 
    1. Latitudes 22°N and 12°S, Longitudes 22°E and 52°E
    2. Longitudes 17°W and 52°E, Latitudes 37°N and 35's 
    3. Longitudes 34°E and 42°E, Latitudes 5°N and 5°
    4. Longitudes 23°W and 52°E, Latitudes 17°N and 52°S 
  7. The equator passes through these three countries of Eastern Africa. Which one is not? 
    1. Uganda 
    2. Kenya
    3. Somalia
    4. Tanzania 
  8. Grade six learners went for an Educational trip to lake Victoria. After the trip the learners asked the teacher to help them identify the type of lake they visited. The correct answer was
    1. crater lake 
    2. lava dammed lake
    3. downwarped lake 
    4. tarn lake 

Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 and 30 


  1. The feature above was formed through the process of 
    1. volcanicity 
    2. erosion
    3. faulting
    4. folding 
  2. Identify a mountain that was not formed through the process above among the following 
    1. Mt. Ruwenzori
    2. Mt. Meru 
    3. Mt. Usambara
    4. Danakil Alps
  3. Which one of the following historic built environments is not correctly matched with the country it is found? 
    1. Namugongo Shrine  - Tanzania
    2. Kigali Genocide Memorial - Rwanda
    3. Fort jesus - Kenya
    4. Roman Kiosk - Sudan
  4. Ali a grade six learner in Pahali primary school was asked by his teacher to state the importance of historic built environment. Which one was not
    1. Creates a sense of belonging 
    2. Is a source of income 
    3. Creates jobs for many people
    4. Source of medicine 
  5. Population distribution is determined by three of the following factors. Which one is not
    1. Climate
    2. Soil fertility 
    3. Security 
    4. Longitudes 

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer numbers 34 and 35 


  1. The country marked D has its capital city in 
    1. Adis Ababa 
    2. Khartoum 
    3. Juba 
    4. Mogadishu
  2. The mountain marked R is 
    1. Mt Kenya 
    2. Mt. Meru 
    3. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt. Elgon



  1. While nurturing our talents, we should posses all the following values except 
    1. integrity 
    2. unity
    3. responsibility 
    4. greed 
  2. Grade six learners in Kima primary school were asked to state positive ways of spending their leisure time. Who among them did not give the correct way? 
    1. Mori - Visiting the sick 
    2. Tom - Helping his grandmother to fetch water 
    3. Elizabeth - Visiting children's home
    4. Wesley - Gossiping 
  3. Why is the Bible refered to as the word of God? 
    1. It was written by people inspired by the Holyspirit of God 
    2. It was written by the patriachs
    3. It was written by God 
    4. It was translated in local languages 
  4. The first four books of the old Testament of the Bible were written by 
    1. Moses 
    2. David
    3. Abraham 
    4. Solomon 
  5. The commandment that teaches on respect for marriage is 
    1. Do not commit murder
    2. Do not steal
    3. Do not commit adultery 
    4. Do not covet
  6. Mary, a rich woman in your village has been helping needy children in paying their school fees. Which fruit of the Holy spirit does she possess? 
    1. Kindness 
    2. Self control
    3. Faithfulness 
    4. Joy
  7. Samson killed a thousand men with a jawbone at a place called
    1. Lehi 
    2. Bethel
    3. Siloam 
    4. Peniel 
  8. Who among the following prophets recovered an axe-head from a river? 
    1. Prophet Elisha
    2. Prophet Elijah 
    3. Prophet Samuel
    4. Prophet Nathan 
  9. ...... "Let me go, daylight is coming," Genesis 32:26. These words were said by 
    1. God 
    2. Jacob
    3. Angel 
    4. Isaac
  10. Jesus chose the first four disciples when they were fishing. Who among the following was not among them? 
    1. Matthew 
    2. John
    3. James 
    4. Peter 
  11. Nyakundi, a C.R.E teacher asked Grade six learners to identify ways of taking care of God's creation. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Mary: Planting trees where they do not exist 
    2. Agnes: Cleaning market places 
    3. Joseph: Dumping trash on the roadside
    4. Peter: Taking care of wildlife 
  12. Responsible boy - girl relationship involves all the following except 
    1. playing together 
    2. learning together 
    3. eating together 
    4. engaging in sex 
  13. ...If you are the son of God throw yourself down and the angels will get hold of you before falling down." These words were said to Jesus during his
    1. baptism
    2. temptation
    3. trial 
    4. arrest 
  14. The Roman officer's servant was healed by Jesus from a distance. This was because of 
    1. his master's faith 
    2. the servant's faith
    3. Jesus' mercy 
    4. the position of the master 
  15. On his way to school, James found a blind man who wanted to cross the road. As a Christian, what should he do? 
    1. Hold his hand and help him cross the road
    2. Mind his business not to talk to strangers
    3. Call the police 
    4. Go to school and inform the class teacher 



  1. Which of the following surahs are read for protection? 
    1. Naas and Falaq
    2. Falaq and Ikhlas
    3. Maun and Naas
    4. Nasr and Asr 
  2. Ruwayda a grade six learner found her friends backbiting their class teacher. Which surah should she ask them to read? 
    1. Maun 
    2. Humaza
    3. Assr 
    4. Fiil 
  3. Muslims are encouraged to practice patience in which surah?
    1. Fatiha 
    2. Humaza
    3. Asr 
    4. Falaq 
  4. Which surah encourages Muslims to be kind to orphans?
    1. Fjil 
    2. Takathur
    3. Zilzalah
    4. Maun
  5. Grade 6 learners were asked by their teacher to research on the episode of the elephant. Which surah would you advise them to use? 
    1. Humaza 
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Bayyinah 
    4. Fiil 
  6. The first month on the Islamic calender is 
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Muharram
    4. Dhul-Hijjah
  7. Four learners of Grade 6 were asked to name one item that is haram for a Muslim man to wear. Who among them was right? 
    1. Abdul Malik - Wool 
    2. Aysha - Gold 
    3. Ziana - Leather belt 
    4. Halima - Kanzu 
  8. How many fardh salat should a Muslim perform in a day?
    1. Five
    2. Four
    3. Three
    4. Ten 
  9. The first man to be created by Allah (S.W.T) was known as 
    1. Adam 
    2. Hawa
    3.  Issa
    4. Muhammad
  10. Who was the wife of Nabii Adam?
    1. Aisha 
    2. Hawa
    3. Khadijah 
    4. Asiya 
  11. When Faraj came to school, be found all his classmates fasting. Which month was this likely to be? 
    1. Dhul-Hijjah
    2. Muharram
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Al-Khaaliq
  12. When people of Nabii Musa were living in this world, they used to read a book called
    1. Injil
    2. Zabur
    3. Taurat
    4. Suhuf
  13. Which attribute of Allah means the forgiver? 
    1. Al-Malik 
    2. Al- Ghaffar
    3. Ar- Rahman
    4. Al-Khaaliq
  14. How many days did Allah (S.W.T) take to create the world?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Five
    4. Three 
  15. Which city is the Kaabah found?
    1. Madina
    2. Taif 
    3. Makkah
    4. Kufa 



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  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C



Study the map of Kwanza area and use it to answer questions 1 - 5. 

  1. Which one of the following pairs of crops are grow in Kwanza area? 
    1. Rice and tea 
    2. Tea and coffee 
    3. Sisal and cotton 
    4. Coffee and Sugarcane. 
  2. The population of Kwanza area can be described as 
    1. dense 
    2. scattered 
    3. sparse 
    4. nuclear.
  3. What is the direction of the borehole from the market in Kwanza area?
    1. North
    2. South 
    3. North East 
    4. South West
  4. What is the general flow of river Soi in Kwanza area?
    1. East 
    2. South West 
    3. North East
    4. South.
  5. The climate in Konzu location can be described as 
    1. cool and wet
    2. cool and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. hot and dry. 

Study the map below and answer questions 6 to 8. 


  1. What is the capital city of the country labelled Q
    1. Asmara
    2. Khartoum
    3. Kampala
    4. Zanzibar.
  2. The vegetation found in the area marked T is 
    1. Sub-tropical
    2. Mountain 
    3. Desert
    4. Equatorial.
  3. The mountain marked G is 
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Elgon
    3. Mt. Ruwenzori
    4. Mt. Gimbala. 
  4. Which of the following is not an example of a historic built environment?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta statue in Nairobi.
    2. Bombolulu cultural centre in Mombasa. 
    3. Kisumu museum in Kisumu.
    4. Moi International Airport in Mombasa.
  5. Which one of the groups is made up of Bantus only? 
    1. Basoga, Hehe, Pare.
    2. Alur, Nandi, Sebei.
    3. Borana, Tutsi, Adere. 
    4. Amhara, Tigre, Falasha.
  6. Which one following historic built environments is wrongly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. John Garang Mausoleum - South Sudan
    2. Independence monument - Burundi
    3. St. Francis of Asisi monument - Kenya
    4. The people's Palace - Djibouti
  7. Which one of the following is a reason for the migration and settlement of the Nilotes language groups in Eastern Africa? 
    1. To spread Islam.
    2. Moving away from drought and hunger.
    3. Looking for pasture for their livestock.
    4. Looking for fertile land to grow crops.
  8. Which of the following factors does not influence population distribution? 
    1. Relief 
    2. Pests and diseases 
    3. Insecurity
    4. Sunshine.
  9. Which one of the following aspects of our culture should not to be preserved? 
    1. Raids. 
    2. Traditional foods. 
    3. Wrestling. 
    4. Traditional attires. 
  10. Which one of the following is not a benefit of collaboration between school and the community?
    1. Community members get jobs in the school.
    2. The school admits pupils from the community.
    3. The pupils work in the community farms.
    4. The school get learning materials from the community.
  11. Purity listed materials she would use to make a mat. Which of the following is a man-made material? 
    1. Raffia 
    2. Acrylic yarn
    3. Reeds 
    4. Sisal fibre. 
  12. Grace mounted the artwork below ready for an exhibition. 
    The technique used to mount the artwork above is 
    1. window mounting
    2. trimming technique
    3. pasting technique
    4. sticking technique. 
  13. Jonathan mixed equal amounts of red and blue colours. Wha colour did he get? 
    1. Green 
    2. Yellow 
    3. Orange 
    4. Purple. 
  14. Rebecca Saw the pottery item below at an artworkshop. 
    The form above is called
    1. cylindrical form 
    2. conical form 
    3. pyramidal form 
    4. triangular form. 
  15. Sarah made her pots. Which one of the following techniques can she use to decorate her items? 
    1. Kneading 
    2. Thonging 
    3. Incising
    4. Splitting. 
  16. Alex drew the figure below. 
    The colour in the part labelled R can be created by mixing 
    1. blue with red proportionality
    2. green and yellow proportionality
    3. red and orange proportionality
    4. blue with purple proportionality.
  17. Grade 5 pupils made the item below. 
    Which one of the following techniques were they not likely to use to decorate the item?
    1. Smoking
    2. Embedding 
    3. Incising
    4. Texturing
  18. Linet was making improvised crayons using bee wax. Which of the following reasons explains why she used two containers when melting the wax? To 
    1. melt slowly
    2. ensure consistency in melting 
    3. prevent fire accidents since wax is flammable
    4. enable the colour to mix well.
  19. Priscah was planning an art exhibition. Which of the following factors was she not likely to consider in the preparation? 
    1. Proper use of space. 
    2. Colour contrast of the background. 
    3. Background music. 
    4. Placement of artwork. 
  20. During a photography lesson, Grade 6 learners were learning about principles of photography. Which one of the following were they not likely to discuss?
    1. View point 
    2. Value 
    3. Lighting 
    4. Centre of interest.
  21. Grade six learners were asked to write down different parts of a fiddle and their functions. Which one of the following parts is correctly matched with its function? 
    1. String: Vibrates to produce sound.
    2. Bridge: Used for tightening the string.
    3. Tuning peg: Amplifies the sound.
    4. Bow: Transfers sound to the resonator.
  22. Grade 4 learners wrote down the importance of folk songs as below. Which one of the following statements is false?
    1. Makes us appreciate other people's cultures.
    2. It is a source of livelihood. 
    3. Promotes unity among various people.
    4. It leads to unfair competition between communities.
  23. Grade six learners visited the Bomas of Kenya to watch the performance of folk songs from various communities. During the performance of the Maasai traditional dance, the dancers got into intense dancing session marked with louder playing of instruments and more vigorous dancing. This feature of a folk song is known as
    1. mood 
    2. climax
    3. musical speed 
    4. structure. 
  24. Some learners listed down the importance of caring for the musical instruments. Which one of the following statements is false regarding taking care of instruments?
    1. Saves time used in making new investments.
    2. Saves money used to buy new instruments.
    3. Saves resources used to make new instruments. 
    4. Makes instruments to fade well.
  25. Grade 5 learners were asked to name musical instruments from different communities in Kenya. Four of the learners gave the following answers. Who among them gave an example of melodic percussion instrument? 
    1. Akelo: Guitar
    2. Wacike: Wandindi 
    3. Naliaka: Drum
    4. Wambui: Adongo 

Grade six learners visited a music store. They saw the musical instrument shown below. Use it to answer questions 21-22. 


  1. The instrument shown above is known as 
    1. Fiddle
    2. Traditional guitar
    3. Abu 
    4. Coro
  2. The part labelled X is called 
    1. bridge 
    2. drum
    3. resonator 
    4. amplifier.
  3. Kariuki was asked to write down values mentioned in the East African community Anthem. He wrote three of the following values except
    1. patriotism
    2. nepotism 
    3. unity 
    4. peace. 
  4. Which of the following is not a type of a song? 
    1. Patriotic 
    2. Lullaby.
    3. Famous 
    4. Popular 
  5. Abigael was asked to clap the rhythm below and then write the corresponding French rhythm. Which of the rhythm matches the clapping? 
    1. taa-aa-aa
    2. taa-tate-taa 
    3. tate taa-tate
    4. taa-ta-te-ta-te 

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 10 marks 


  1. Ann has a talent in sewing. During her leisure time, she was seen trying to make new designs from the internet. Which value does she have that can improve her talent? 
    1. Respect 
    2. Integrity 
    3. Responsibility
    4. Honesty. 
  2. Ouma's marriage was conducted at the county Commissioner's office. They were then given a certificate to sign. This type of marriage is. called 
    1. religious 
    2. civil 
    3. customary 
    4. traditional.
  3. According to Genesis 2:20- 24, God created a woman inorder to 
    1. form a family with a man
    2. cook for the man
    3. be a man's helper 
    4. bear children for the man. 
  4. You have been asked to address a community that still practices early marriages. Which of the following will you not mention as a reason why early marriages should be discouraged?  They 
    1. violate children's rights 
    2. may lead to successful life
    3. may cause death 
    4. lower one's self-esteem.
  5. A teacher asked grade 5 learners to name different forms of leisure. They stated what they do as follows: 
    Tom - Reading storybooks 
    Mercy - Swimming in the pool
    Ted-Riding his bike
    Jack - Watching a movie.
    Who among the following pupils did not mention passive leisure activities? 
    1. Tom and Mercy.
    2. Ted and Jack. 
    3. Tom and Jack. 
    4. Mercy and Ted.
  6. Which of the following best gives an opinion of rest according to the Bible? We should rest
    1. after completing our work
    2. when we feel tired
    3. when we are doing nothing
    4. because it makes God happy.
  7. The Bible is an inspired word of God. Jane researched the meaning of the word 'inspire'. Which one of the following is the best meaning of inspire? To 
    1. make someone feel that she wants to do something
    2. discourage someone from doing something
    3. make someone lose confidence in self
    4. give someone an idea of doing something.
  8. Who among the following authors is wrongly matched with the books they wrote? 
    1. David Psalms 
    2. Paul - Colossians
    3. Solomon - Proverbs
    4. Moses - Kings
  9. The commandment that teaches the value of contentment is the _________________ commandment.
    1. 2nd 
    2. 5th
    3. 4th 
    4. 10th
  10. Samson loves his nation so much that he agreed to be handed over to the enemies to save his country. Which quality best describes his behaviour? 
    1. Faith 
    2. Courage
    3. Patriotism 
    4. Honesty. 
  11. The prophets who complained to Elisha were experiencing which problem? 
    1. Lack of food. 
    2. Their land was small.
    3. They had no water. 
    4. They had disagreements. 
  12. "I won't let you go unless you bless me."  Who among the following said these words? 
    1. David 
    2. Saul 
    3. Angel 
    4. Jacob. 
  13. Today, God calls people to serve Him through different ways. Which of the following is not amongst them? Through 
    1. sacrifices
    2. visions
    3. dreams 
    4. preaching.
  14. John and Jeff were asked the lessons they learn from the call of the first four disciples. Which of the following is not correct?
    1. We should be obedient to God's call. 
    2. We should trust in Jesus. 
    3. We should change our lifestyle when called by God.
    4. God chooses people to call for His service.
  15. "I will give you all these if you bow down and worship me.
    This was Jesus' __________________________ temptation.
    1. 2nd 
    2. 1st
    3. 3rd 
    4. 4th 


  1. Surahs condems many things. Which one of the following surahs condemns backbiting?  
    1. Kawthar
    2. Humaza
    3. Zilzala 
    4. Aadiyat.
  2. Grade 6 learners were discussing different ways of using their time well. Which surah were they mostly likely to refer to? 
    1. Asr 
    2. Fatiha
    3. Lahab 
    4. Naas 
  3. Complete the surah below. 
    "Latarawunnal al.......... 
    1. Naiim 
    2. Yaqiin 
    3. Jahiim 
    4. Maqaabir. 
  4. Which one of the following is not a teaching of suratul Qaariah? 
    1. Allah is the best of the judges. 
    2. We should do good and avoid evil. 
    3. The surah talks about the day of judgment.
    4. The surah teaches us about tawheed. 
  5. Grade 6 learners were discussing about a hadith on purity of action. They concluded that Allah looks at our 
    1. faces and wealth
    2. hearts and wealth
    3. deeds and hearts
    4. deeds and faces.
  6. Amina was given an assignment on qualities of a female's dress. Which of the following responses was wrong? The dress should
    1. cover what is between the navel and knees
    2. long and loose
    3. not be transparent
    4. cover the entire body. 
  7. Which one of following is the third pillar of Iman? Belief in 
    1. Allah 
    2. His prophets 
    3. the last day 
    4. His books.
  8. Who is a muttaqin? 
    1. A person who prays five times a day.
    2. A person who relies on Allah. 
    3. God fearing person. 
    4. Imam of a mosque. 
  9. Grade 6 learners were discussing about occasions on which tawba is not accepted. Who among the following gave the correct answer? 
    1. Yusuf- When the sun rises from the west.
    2. Khalid -When the sun rises from the east.
    3. Sofia - On Friday.
    4. Mariam - When one is sick.
  10. Sacrifice made during Eidul Adh-ha always reminds us of nabii 
    1. Yusuf 
    2. Yunus
    3. Ibrahim 
    4. Musa. 
  11. Zakah is a pillar of Islam. Who among the following is not a recipient of Zakah? 
    1. Widows.
    2. Travelers.
    3. Poor. 
    4. Zakat collectors. 
  12. Which one of the following is a form continuous charity? 
    1. Feeding a hungry person. 
    2. Leading a prayer in the mosque. 
    3. Planting a tree. 
    4. Removing harmful things on the road. 
  13. How can a Muslim girl apply the teachings of hadith on dressing in her life? 
    1. Wearing mini-skirt. 
    2. Copying dress of non-Muslims.
    3. Wearing tight clothing. 
    4. Wearing loose and long dressing. 
  14. On the day of Qiyama, we will be asked four questions concerning the following except
    1. wealth 
    2. youth
    3. age
    4. children.
  15. Which Prophet of Allah was tempted by a woman but Allah protected him?
    1. Musa 
    2. Yusuf
    3. Issa 
    4. Nuh. 



  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B


tatu adda

Study the map of latu area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Tatu area rises from
    1. south to north
    2. north to south
    3. south west to north east
    4. north east to south west
  2. What is the approximate length of river Nami?
    1. 11.0 kilometres
    2. 9.5 kilometres
    3. 8.0 kilometres 
    4. 14.0 kilometres
  3. The settlement pattern in Meto subcounty can be described as
    1. nucleated
    2. sparse
    3. linear
    4. clustered
  4. Three of the following factors contributed to the establishment of Mseto irrigation scheme. Which one did not?
    1. Availability of labour.
    2. Nearness to Tatu town.
    3. Availability of reliable water source. 
    4. Availability of arable land.
  5. What evidence from the map shows that Tatu area has modern means of communication? The presence of
    1. a post office. 
    2. all weather roads.
    3. a dam.
    4. a communication mast. 
  6. Traders at Befo market obtain their trade licence at the
    1. chief's camp. 
    2. post office.
    3. sub-county offices.
    4. police station.
  7. If Mori ranch was to be converted into a farming land, which one of the following crops would be grown there?
    1. Cotton
    2. Tea
    3. Pyrethrum
    4. Coffee
  8. Which one of the following is a negative effect of rivers on human activities?
    1. Establishment of multi-purpose river projects
    2. Mining 
    3. Flooding
    4. Settlement
  9. Three of the following statements are true about the continent of Africa. Which one is not?
    1. It forms about 20% of the world's land mass
    2. It is narrowest in the north
    3. It is surrounded by several islands
    4. Its most easterly point is cape Guardafui
  10. Which one of the following groups of industries consists of primary industries?
    1. Salon shop
      Fruit canning
      Bicycle repair
    2. Tourism
      Paper making
    3. Furniture making
      Leather tanning
      Timber sawing
    4. Wheat flour
      Steel rolling
      Shoe making
  11. Which one of the following is a traditional method of predicting weather?
    1. Recording daily weather observations.
    2. Observing changes in the sky.
    3. Using a raingauge to record rainfall.
    4. Measuring the speed of wind.
  12. The following are reasons for rapid growth of towns in Africa:
    1. Mining activities
    2. Rich agricultural neighbourhood
    3. Port activities
    4. Tourism activities
    5. Government policy
      Which of the following combinations of the reasons may have led to the growth of Mombasa town?
      1. i, iii, iv
      2. ii, iv, v
      3. i, ii, iii
      4. iii, iv, v
  13. Mambo has been injured during a PÉ lesson. The immediate action the teacher should take is to
    1. call a doctor to treat him
    2. give the boy permission to go home
    3. give him first aid
    4. call his parents to come for him
  14. Which one of the following countries of Africa is wrongly matched with its capital city?
          Country          Capital city
    1. Chad               N'Djame'na
    2. Liberia             Monrovia
    3. Swaziland       Mbabane
    4. Congo             Kinshasa
  15. Which one of the following statements is not true about the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya?
    1. The missionaries and traders played a big role in colonization
    2. The British declared the whole of Kenya its protectorate in 1895
    3. At first, company rule was used to run the territory
    4. All top administrative posts were held by the British
  16. Which one of the following road signs shows that a motorist should slow down and check if the junction is clear?
    16 zgdad
  17. Three of the following are reasons for rural-rural migration. Which one is the least?
    1. Retirement
    2. Establishment of water reservours
    3. Employment
    4. Political displacement
  18. Which one of the following members of the National Assembly of Kenya ensures order and security in the chambers?
    1. Speaker
    2. Sergeant at arms
    3. Clerk
    4. Leader of the majority
  19. Which one of the following cities in Africa are connected by the Trans-Sahara Highway?
    1. Yauunde' and Tunis
    2. Lagos and Oudja
    3. Algiers and Lagos
    4. Monrovia and Algiers
  20. Who among the following African leaders was not a founder member of OAU?
    1. Haile Selassie
    2. Siaka Stevens
    3. Robert Mugabe
    4. Gamal Abdel Nasser
  21. Which one of the following statements least explains the importance of tea growing to the economy of Kenya? It
    1. encourages decentralization of industries. 
    2. has resulted to infrastructural development.
    3. is a major foreign exchange earner.
    4. leads to rural-urban migration.
  22. Below are factors that lead to population growth:
    1. Low mortality rate
    2. Use of family planning methods
    3. Practising polygamy
    4. High cost of living
    5. Changes in cultural practices
      Which one of the above combination of factors contributes to slow population growth?
      1. i, iv, v
      2. ii, iii, iv
      3. iii, iv, v
      4. i, ii, iii
  23. Which one of the following statements is true about the population structure of Germans?
    1. Males are more than females 
    2. It is characterised by low mortality
    3. It has a high number of dependants
    4. Most people live in the countryside
  24. Natural forests in Kenya are fenced round using electric fences in order to
    1. protect indigenous trees.
    2. stop burning of charcoal. 
    3. preserve water towers.
    4. reduce poaching.
  25. Below are events that took place in Eastern Africa;
    1. Outbreak of the Hehe rebellion
    2. Formation of the OAU
    3. Kenya became a British colony 
    4. The Maji maji uprising started
    5. Formation of the East African community.
      What is the correct order in which the above events occured starting with the last?
      1. i, iv, iii, v, ii
      2. iii, v, i, ii, iv
      3. iv, iii, v, i, ii
      4. v, ii, iii, iv, i
  26. Which one of the following reasons best explains why bananas are widely grown in Eastern Africa? They
    1. survive in a variety of climatic conditions. 
    2. are the staple food in the region.
    3. are mainly grown for export.
    4. are not attacked by diseases and pests. 
  27. Which one of the following is not a factor influencing rapid industrialization in South Africa?
    1. Large market
    2. Availability of capital
    3. Its membership to two regional organizations
    4. Availability of labour
  28. When mob justice occurs, the victim is denied the right to
    1. escape.
    2. defend himself.
    3. surrender the stolen goods.
    4. be taken to court.
  29. Below are roles of voters in the electoral process. Which one is not?
    1. Respecting the views of others
    2. Attending campaign rallies
    3. Monitoring the election process
    4. Assisting in tallying of votes
  30. The most commonly abused drug in Kenya is
    1. alcohol.
    2. inhalants.
    3. tobacco.
    4. medicine.
  31. Which one of the following statements is true about the Njuri Ncheke council of elders among the Ameru in the pre-colonial period? 
    1. It was based on age-groups
    2. It could not change existing laws 
    3. It had different levels of authority 
    4. Its members were drawn from newly married men
  32. The most economical method of poultry farming for small scale farmers is
    1. battery system.
    2. free range system. 
    3. deep litter system. 
    4. fold system.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 32 to 35

33 adad

  1. The pre-historic site marked W is
    1. Kobi Foora.
    2. Nario Kodome.
    3. Kanapoi.
    4. Lothagam.
  2. The river marked P is river
    1. Nyando.
    2. Nzoia.
    3. Mara.
    4. Yalla.
  3. The town marked K is
    1. Garissa.
    2. Marsabit.
    3. Wajir.
    4. Mandera.
  4. The migration route marked M was followed by a language group known as
    1. Cushites.
    2. Semites.
    3. Bantus.
    4. Nilotes.
  5. The authority to distribute the estate of a deceased is only granted to the following parties except
    1. public trustee.
    2. elder son of the deceased. 
    3. court of law.
    4. an administrator appointed by court of law. 
  6. The leading export mineral of Kenya is
    1. fluospar.
    2. limestone.
    3. soda ash.
    4. diatomite.
  7. One of the functions of Lukiiko in the Buganda kingdom was to
    1. collect taxes.
    2. make the budget.
    3. pass judgement.
    4. keep financial records.
  8. Which one of the following groups comprises of fish that are caught from marine fishing grounds only?
    1. Parrot fish, tuna, trout
    2. Nile perch, mullet, mud fish 
    3. Oysters, mullet, sail fish
    4. Prawns, tilapia, shell fish
  9. Three of the following statements are true about coffee growing in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. It is grown by both large and small scale farmers
    2. Most of the coffee farms are located in the highlands
    3. Some farmers have their own processing factories
    4. It is the leading export crop of Kenya 
  10. One of the following communities of Kenya was not affected by the European settler farming. Which one is it?
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Samburu
    3. Akamba
    4. Abagusii
  11. A School Management Committee is made up of all the following except
    1. representatives from the local community 
    2. the head teacher
    3. representatives from the sponsor
    4. local member of parliament
  12. Australopithecus is said to have evolved from
    1. Homo habilis
    2. Ramapithecus
    3. Homo sapiens
    4. Zinjathropus boisei
  13. Which one of the following areas in Africa have a high population density?
    1. Major towns, most of Angola and Central Tanzania
    2. Coast of Libya, mining areas, and Northern Sudan
    3. Coast of West Africa, the Nile valley and the Lake Victoria Basin
    4. Northern Nigeria, Botswana and Namibia 
  14. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation increases soil fertility?
    1. Contour ploughing 
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Construction of check-dams
    4. Afforestation
  15. One of the problems facing urban centres in Eastem Africa is traffic congestion. Which one of the following is an effort being made by the govemments in the regions to reduce this problem?
    1. Grounding all unroadworthy vehicles 
    2. Phasing out small public service vehicles 
    3. Opening up more bus terminuses
    4. Expanding roads and building new ones 
  16. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa was a trader?
    1. Johannes Rebman
    2. Carl Peters
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Vasco Da Gama
  17. Which one of the following factors is likely to undermine peace in the society?
    1. Distributing national resources equally 
    2. Cattle rustling
    3. Loyalty
    4. Engaging in dialogue
  18. In Tropical rainforests, there is little or no undergrowth. This is mainly as a result of
    1. continuous vegetation cover
    2. wild animals consuming all the grass
    3. out break of wild fires
    4. very low temperatures
  19. Which one of the following crops in Tanzania is mainly grown for export?
    1. Maize
    2. Sisal
    3. Sugarcane
    4. Cloves
  20. The development taking place in the pastoral communities in Africa are mainly aimed at
    1. making the communities to have permanent settlements.
    2. encouraging them to practice mixed farming.
    3. improving their life styles and quality of animals.
    4. increasing collection of government revenue.
  21. Which one of the following groups of trees is made up of exotic trees only?
    1. Okoune, cypress, obeche, olive
    2. Wattle, cedar, eucalyptus, pine
    3. Meru oak, cypress, mahogany, blue gum.
    4. Iroko, mvule, fir, ebony.
  22. Below are conditions that favour the growth of a crop in Africa;
    1. Rainfall between 1 000 mm - 1 500 mm per year.
    2. Deep, well-drained fertile soils.
    3. Temperatures below 15°C.
    4. Intensive labour during harvesting.
      The crop favoured by the above growth conditions is likely to be
      1. coffee.
      2. cocoa.
      3. maize.
      4. pyrethrum.
  23. The colour used to show mountains and highlands on a map is usually
    1. brown.
    2. green. 
    3. blue. 
    4. yellow. 
  24. Which one of the following groups of towns in Ghana form the Cocoa triangle?
    1. Kumasi, Koforidima, Tema
    2. Yepei, Accra, Fesi
    3. Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi
    4. Takoradi, Akosombo, Kpandu
  25. The location of an oil refinery at Changamwe in Mombasa was mainly influenced by
    1. nature and form of transport for the crude oil.
    2. high demand for petroleum products in Mombasa
    3. good means of transport and communication.
    4. availability of power.
  26. Togo and Cameroon were colonized by
    1. France 
    2. German 
    3. Italy 
    4. Portugal
  27. The European powers met in Berlin in 1884 in order to
    1. plan how to develop African nations.
    2. decide where to establish urban centres in Africa,
    3. share the spheres of influence in Africa peacefully.
    4. resolve conflicts on areas occupied by two or more nations in Africa.
  28. The most suitable form of transport of bulky goods over long distances is
    1. road. 
    2. railway.
    3. air. 
    4. water.


  1. Which one of the following statements from the Bible shows that God wanted human beings to take care of the environment?
    1. Let us make man in our own image
    2. Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life
    3. Have many children and fill the earth
    4. Live all over the earth and bring it under control
  2. Joseph the dreamer was the father of
    1. Reuben and Naphtali 
    2. Ephraim and Mannasseh
    3. Benjamin and Judah
    4. Gad and Ephraim
  3. God changed the name of Abram to Abraham because He wanted to
    1. make him a father of nations.
    2. give him a new land.
    3. make him rich.
    4. give him protection.
  4. According to Exodus 18:17-23, Moses was advised by Jethro his father-in-law to
    1. appoint rulers.
    2. marry Zipporah. 
    3. circumcise his sons. 
    4. return to Egypt. 
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason why the Israelites celebrated the passover? It reminded them of
    1. their departure to Egypt.
    2. God's saving power from Egypt. 
    3. the manna they ate in the desert. 
    4. their suffering in the desert. 
  6. Who among the following people was the only female judge in Israel?
    1. Miriam
    2. Naodiah 
    3. Racheal 
    4. Deborah 
  7. Which among the following priests anointed King Solomon?
    1. Aaron
    2. Zadok 
    3. Zechariah
    4. Samuel 
  8. Who among the following kings was punished by God because of sparing the life of King Agag?
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam
  9. The boy who was resurrected by prophet Elisha was the son of the
    1. widow of Nain
    2. widow of Zarephath
    3. rich woman of Shunem
    4. widow of Shunem
  10. Jeremiah refused to accept the call to become a prophet of God because he felt
    1. too young
    2. too busy
    3. physically weak
    4. a sinful man
  11. 'Don't be afraid, you will become pregnant and give birth to a son and you will name Him Jesus," (Luke 1:30-35). Into which town was the angel sent by God to take this message?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Bethsaida
    3. Nazareth
    4. Jerusalem
  12. Which one of the following happenings took place on the eighth day after Jesus was born?
    1. The angel appeared to Mary
    2. Jesus was circumcised
    3. The angel appeared to the shepherds
    4. Jesus was dedicated
  13. One of the strange happenings when Jesus was born was that
    1. a bright star was seen in the sky.
    2. there was an earthquake.
    3. the Holy Spirit descedend upon Him in form of a dove.
    4. a group of angels sang.
  14. The parable of the friend at midnight teaches Christians that they should
    1. ask for advice from neighbours
    2. be ready to forgive others 
    3. ask for food from neighbours 
    4. pray without giving up
  15. The miracle of healing the ten lepers teaches Christians to
    1. remember to say thank you.
    2. be generous.
    3. be humble.
    4. preach the word of God.
  16. Pilate washed his hands after trying Jesus to show that
    1. Jesus was a king of Jews.
    2. he was afraid of the Jews.
    3. he had nothing to do with the case.
    4. he was obedient to the Jewish law.
  17. Nicodemus went secretly at night to Jesus to seck advice on
    1. where to bury Jesus.
    2. how to protect Jesus from the Romans. 
    3. how to become a Pharisee.
    4. what he should do to enter the kingdom of God.
  18. After the resurrection of Jesus, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit who would help them to
    1. become healthy.
    2. conquer the Roman empire.
    3. serve the Jewish Council.
    4. preach the good news.
  19. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in the Apostles creed? God is
    1. just. 
    2. holy. 
    3. loving.
    4. almighty.
  20. The prayer of Cornelius was answered by God because he
    1. was a good soldier.
    2. served the king.
    3. gave alms.
    4. was a polite man.
  21. What is chastity?
    1. Mental purity.
    2. Soul purity.
    3. Sexual purity.
    4. Body cleanliness.
  22. Who among the following was also known as
    "The apostle of non-Jews?
    1. Peter 
    2. Philip 
    3. Paul 
    4. Timothy
  23. Taboos and rules are important in traditional African Community because they
    1. limit people's activities in the community. 
    2. indicate punishment for law breakers.
    3. guide human relationship in the community
    4. interfere with people's freedom in the society.
  24. In traditional African communities, people worshipped facing a mountain because it was
    1. God's dwelling place.
    2. near heaven.
    3. a sign of God's purity.
    4. the source of rain.
  25. Margaret, a std eight pupil finds out that her classmate is taking alcohol. What is the best action for her to take?
    1. Tell the other membes of the class 
    2. Advice the classmate to see a counsellor
    3. Report the matter to the nearest police station
    4. Avoid talking to the classmate
  26. One of the best ways to treat people with HIV/AIDS is by
    1. abandoning them.
    2. not giving them jobs.
    3. giving them moral support. 
    4. isolating them.
  27. Which one of the following is an emotional suffering?
    1. Sadness
    2. Blindness
    3. Madness
    4. Stomachache
  28. Why should Christians conserve wildlife?
    1. are beautiful to watch. 
    2. attract tourists.
    3. are part of God's creation.
    4. they are a source of food.
  29. The main reason Christian fast is to
    1. strengthen their faith in God.
    2. fulfill God's commandment.
    3. help them overcome temptations. 
    4. help them to overcome suffering. 
  30. The first person to translate the Bible into a local language was
    1. Dr. David Livingstone. 
    2. William Mackinnon. 
    3. Bishop Hanington.
    4. Dr. Ludwig Krapf.


  1. The prophet (p.b.u.h) was showed that way to perfect the knowledge he was learning is by use of a pen. This was in surah
    1. Al-Kauthar.
    2. Al-Aadr.
    3. Adhuhaa.
    4. Al-Alaq.
  2. Which one of the following is a vice over which Muslim are warned in surah Humaza? 
    1. Piling of wealth 
    2. Giving false witness. 
    3. Backbiting others.
    4. Injustice in measure.
  3. It was Allah's favour to guide the prophet in Surah Dhuhr, otherwise He used to wonder in 
    1. Cave Hira.
    2. Holy Kaaba.
    3. In the jungle.
    4. In the market.
  4. ............................................carried pebbles that were used in the battle against the army of Abraha Ashram.
    1. Army men
    2. Elephants
    3. Angles
    4. Birds
  5. In which chapter does Allah (S.W) swear by two trees, the fig and the olive?
    1. Surah Asr.
    2. Surah Tiyn. 
    3. Surah Aadiyaat.
    4. Surah Ghaashiya.
  6. A person who fights to make sure that Allah's mission is the most high is
    1. on fil sabilillah 
    2. A Walad swaleh
    3. a Twalabul lim
    4. Akhaliilullah
  7. Which of the following things make Allah's happy according to the prophets traditions? When His servants
    1. fight non Muslims.
    2. play and win gambling. 
    3. earn from halaal jobs.
    4. argue over religion.
  8. The prophet wamed" He is not .................................... ,he who eats to his fill when his neighbour is hungry."
    1. an honest.
    2. human.
    3. mindful.
    4.  a believer.
  9. Which one of the following is performed to rectify any error that may have been made in the course of praying swalah?
    1. Rakkatul shakka 
    2. Sijdat sah wa.
    3. Salaam.
    4. Sunna prayer
  10. Which group of hadith should Muslims not rely heavily on their guidance? Hadith
    1. swahiih.
    2. qudsi.
    3. Hasana
    4. Dhwayirf.
  11. Which one of the following phrases is used to bid bye bye to Muslims as you travel?
    1. Yarhamkallah.
    2. Tawakaltu ala Liah.
    3. Hasbnnallah.
    4. Fii amanillah.
  12. Najis mutawasit should be cleaned until three things cannot be felt. Which one is not among them?
    1. Colour 
    2. Texture
    3. Smell
    4. Taste
  13. Who among the following is not among the eight receipients of zakaat?
    1. Al-Fuqaraa
    2. Fii Sabilillah.
    3. Al-Masaagin.
    4. Al-Yatiim
  14. The prophet (p.b.u.h) encouraged Muslims who intend to fast to eat suhuur means of the past midnight because they have
    1. privacy.
    2. satisfaction.
    3. blessings.
    4. swaum. 
  15. Muslims are allowed to combine some prayers and shorten the number of rakaats only if they are
    1. on long journeys.
    2. very tired.
    3. not in good health.
    4. too busy.
  16. The angel of Allah (S.W) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at the gate of paradise is
    1. Ridhwaan.
    2. Malik.
    3. Israfil.
    4. Jibril.
  17. The prophets of Allah received wahyi through any of the following three ways except through
    1. ancestral spirits. 
    2. dreams.
    3. angels.
    4. veils
  18. The best form of action to take on your friend who has begun stealing is
    1. time him and chop off his hand.
    2. shout out for people to lynch him.
    3. organise for a mob justice.
    4. advise him on Islamic verdict on stealing.
  19. A woman who looses her husband while pregnant will leave her Eddat period ending 
    1. at nine months.
    2. upon giving birth. 
    3. at three months.
    4. at four months 10 days
  20. Allah (s.w) through His holy book Qur'an has warned Muslims against the use of Khamr (all drugs) describing them as 
    1. gatepass to all their sins.
    2. health destroyer.
    3. handworks on sheitwaan. 
    4. having more disadvantages.
  21. Which oone of the following is a measure of zakkat-ul-fitr package guided by the prophet?
    1. 21/2 percent
    2. 21/2 , qiratun
    3. 21/2 ,kilograms
    4. 21/2 , qulatein
  22. "Al-aziizul, ghaffar, muswawwirul, asmaaul busna" Which of the following attributes of Allah is not mentioned in the above phrase? The
    1. designer.
    2. forgiver.
    3. listener.
    4. powerful
  23. The names "Allah" and "prophet" are introduced in the ear of the newborn baby for the first time through
    1. Adhaan.
    2. Tashahhud.
    3. Tahnia.
    4. Iqama.
  24. A Muslim should count 40 houses, from his to know his............................according to prophets tradition.
    1. kinsmen
    2. neighbours
    3. friends
    4. relatives
  25. According to the teaching of Islam, a bad friend's behaviour is like
    1. a perfume.
    2. the smoke of a blacksmith.
    3. petrol.
    4. a smell of decomposed food.
  26. Though Muhammad received the first call of prophethood at 40 years, Raghib Bahira had these signs when he was at the age of
    1. 25 years.
    2. 12 years.
    3. 6 years
    4. 8 years.
  27. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement of
    1. Ibrahim's family 
    2. Adam's family.
    3. Muhammad's family.
    4. Nuh's family.
  28. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything
    1. Ídd-ul-fitr.
    2. Milad-un-Nabii.
    3. Idd-ul-Hajj.
    4. Isra-wul-Mirajji.
  29. Which one of the following insects did Allah (S.W) use to provide by blindfolding the magic friend Abubakar? A
    1. praying mantis.
    2. coackroach.
    3. butterfly.
    4. spider.
  30. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from................................home. 
    1. Fir'aun's
    2. Shuaib's
    3. Egyptian's
    4. An Izraelite's


social adsda




lwala da

Study the map of Lwala Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Lwala area slopes towards
    1. North
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. Which type of industry is likely to be established in North Eastern part of Lwala area?
    1. Manufacturing industry
    2. Assembly industry
    3. Processing industry
    4. Service industry
  3. The residents of Lwala area are dorminantly
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. traditionalists
    4. Hindus
  4. The following economic activities is least likely to be carried out in Lwala area. Which one is it?
    1. Beef farming
    2. Trading activities
    3. Mining activities
    4. Lumbering activities
  5. What is the main vegetation found in the drainage feature to the South West of Lwala area?
    1. Papyrus reeds
    2. Mangrove plants
    3. Riverine plants
    4. Scrubs
  6. Lwala area is likely to be a
    1. ward
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. constituency
  7. What is the approximate area of Tinda swamp in Lwala area?
    1. 16.5km2
    2. 8.25km2
    3. 15km2
    4. 8km2
  8. All the statements below are parental roles towards a school. Which one is not?
    1. Sending children to school
    2. Attending academic days meetings
    3. Administering corporal punishment to errant pupils
    4. Contributing funds towards school development
  9. Marriages can be long lasting only if the spouses
    1. learn to control their anger
    2. support each other financially
    3. exercise love, care and lust
    4. practice love, affection and trust
  10. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    10 adada
    The above instrument is mainly used to
    1. show direction and speed of wind
    2. measure strength of wind
    3. measure strength of wind and show direction
    4. measure air pressure and strength of wind
  11. The time at Asmara 80°E is 3.00pm. What time would it be at Accra 0°?
    1. 8.20pm
    2. 9.40am
    3. 8.20am
    4. 9.40pm
  12. Most rivers in Africa are not navigable mainly because of
    1. presence of waterfalls
    2. low volumes of water
    3. presence of waterfalls and gorges
    4. presence of waterfalls and cataracts

Use the diagram below to answer question 13 and 14. 

15 haguydgad

  1. The above feature represents the formation of
    1. larva-dammed lake
    2. down-warped lake
    3. corrie lake
    4. ox-bow lake
  2. Which pair of the lakes were formed through the above process?
    1. Lakes Gambi and Utange
    2. Lakes Kanyaboli and Nyos
    3. Lakes Itasy and Kivu
    4. Lakes Shala and Paradise
  3. The diagram below shows an average monthly rainfall and temperatures for a certain climatic region.
    15 actual adad
    The temperature above is likely to have been recorded in the town of
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Accra
    3. Dar-es-Salaam
    4. Windhoek
  4. Which one of the following factors mainly influence the vegetation on mountains?
    1. Climate
    2. Latitude
    3. Altitude
    4. Rainfall
  5. Which one of the following hominids is described below?
    1. Made simple tools out of stones
    2. Ate raw meat from wild animals
    3. Has the whole body covered with hair
      The above hominid is the
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Sapien
      3. Homo Habilis
      4. Austropithecus
  6. Africa is separated from the Sinai Peninsula by the
    1. Red Sea
    2. Suez Canal
    3. Cape Guarda fui
    4. Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
  7. Which set of communities belong to the Mande speakers of West Africa?
    1. Ewe, Wolof, Fulani, Mossi
    2. Hausa, Andarawa, Tuareg, Limba
    3. Bambara, Vai, Susu, Soninke
    4. Kanuri, Zarma, Malinke, Mandinka
  8. Which one of the following is the main form of interaction among the youth in Kenya today?
    1. Games and sports
    2. Education
    3. Trading activities
    4. Intermarriages
  9. The main reason why the Congo Basin has low population density is because
    1. it has thick and dense forests
    2. it is occupied by dangerous animals
    3. it has poor road network
    4. the government does not allow human settlement in the area
  10. Which method of fishing is shown below?
    22 adada
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Net drifting
    4. Long lining
  11. Which one of the following institutions of marriage is presided over by a govemment official?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Islamic marriage
  12. The following are uses of a certain mineral 
    1. used in making glasses and soap
    2. used in the manufacture of dyes and drugs
    3. used in water treatment
      The above mineral is mined at
      1. Kariandusi
      2. Kimwarer
      3. lake Magadi
      4. Niger Delta
  13. Which country of Africa is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Gambia - Banjul
    2. Guinea - Conakry
    3. Equatorial Guinea - Malabo
    4. Gabon - Lome
  14. The following are conditions that favour the growing of a certain crop:
    1. low temperatures of between 12°c - 15°c
    2. high altitude of above 1500m
    3. deep well-drained fertile volcanic soils 
    4. high and well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm-1500mm throughout the year.
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. pyrethrum
      2. sugarcane
      3. cocoa
      4. cloves
  15. Which pastoral community live in the semi-arid of the Kalahari?
    1. The Fulani
    2. The Toposa
    3. The Tswana
    4. The Maasai
  16. Copper from Zambia is mainly exported to Europe through the port of
    1. Lusaka
    2. Beira
    3. Ndola
    4. Dar-es-Salaam
  17. The main tourist attraction found to the Eastern part of lake Turkana is
    1. warm sandy beaches
    2. varied wildlife
    3. beautiful sceneries
    4. cultural heritage
  18. The most common problem facing most of the Multi-Purpose River Projects in Africa is
    1. frequent floods
    2. presence of water weeds
    3. industrial development
    4. siltation of dams
  19. The Great Okavango Sanctuary is found in
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Botswana
    3. South Africa
    4. Namibia
  20. Which method did king Leopold II of Belgium used to colonise Congo between 1885 to 1908?
    1. Paternalism
    2. Direct Rule
    3. Assimilation
    4. Indirect Rule
  21. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead Ghana to attain its independence?
    1. United Gold Coast Convection
    2. African National Congress
    3. National People's Party
    4. Convection People's Party
  22. Who among the following early visitors to East Africa was sent to look for Dr. David and confirm if lake Victoria was the source of river Nile?
    1. John Speke
    2. Samwel Baker
    3. Henry Morton Stanley
    4. Johan Rebman

Use the diagram below to answer questions 35 to 36.

35 audyguyada

  1. What is the nature of the winds marked Q?
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Warm and dry
    3. Hot and moist
    4. Cold and dry
  2. Which economic activity is favoured by the region marked B?
    1. Ranching
    2. Growing of cloves
    3. Rearing of dairy cattle
    4. Pastoralism
  3. Which set of countries were colonised by Germany?
    1. Namibia, Tanganyika, Cameroon
    2. Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Malawi
    3. Guinea Bissau, Angola, Mozambique
    4. Guinea, Mali, Niger
  4. Samouri Toure was defeated by the French mainly because
    1. the Mandinka people were not united
    2. the French people had inferior weapons 
    3. Samouri Toure's army had crude weapons
    4. Samouri Toure's army were too strong and well equipped
  5. Three of the groups of people listed below have special needs except
    1. the physically challenged
    2. the people living with HIV/AIDS
    3. the visually impaired
    4. the people who are unable to read and write
  6. All the following countries are member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS). Which country withdrew in the year 2000?
    1. Morocco
    2. Guinea
    3. Mauritania
    4. Mozambique
  7. Which African country is not connected by the Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway?
    1. Cameroon
    2. Benin
    3. Niger
    4. Morocco
  8. Which one of the following is not an electric media?
    1. Mobile phone
    2. Internet
    3. Newspaper
    4. Television
  9. Which one of the following was a social organization of the San?
    1. They were hunters and gatherers
    2. They recognized the Praying Mantis as God's symbols on earth
    3. They had ceremonial chiefs
    4. They lived in clans of about 250 people
  10. Which one of the following groups consists of abuse of human rights?
    1. Child labour and forced marriage
    2. Denying people shelter and boy circumcision
    3. Lack of treatment for the sick and providing food and shelter for children
    4. Provision of free education and discrimination on basis of gender
  11. The investigations by an independent party to establish the facts on the issues causing disagreements is known as
    1. inquiry
    2. conciliation
    3. mediation
    4. appeal
  12. The rights and freedoms of individuals are contained in chapter of the constitution.
    1. three
    2. four
    3. five
    4. eight
  13. Which one of the following is not a function of the legislature arm of the government?
    1. Implementing government policies 
    2. Amending the existing laws
    3. Approving the government's expenditure
    4. Debating bills
  14. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of children in the family?
    1. Attending school
    2. Cleaning the home compound
    3. Working on the farm for better salaries
    4. Taking care of family property
  15. During the pre-colonial period, goods were mainly transported using
    1. porters
    2. carts
    3. boats
    4. vehicles
  16. Which one of the following climatic factors has greatly influenced the climate of most part of Namibia?
    1. Neamess to the large waterbodies
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Prevailing winds
    4. Nature of the Coastline
  17. Fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables are mainly transported from the farms to the airport by
    1. pipeline
    2. air
    3. railway
    4. road
  18. Morocco is currently headed by
    1. an elected president
    2. hereditary king
    3. an elected Prime Minister
    4. a queen

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 53-56.

53 adada

  1. In which month is winter experienced in the latitude marked R?
    1. March
    2. June
    3. September
    4. December
  2. The Island country marked K is likely to be
    1. Comoros
    2. Mauritius
    3. Seychelles
    4. Sao Tome and Precipe
  3. Which tree species is not likely to be found in the region marked xxx?
    1. Camphor
    2. Mvule
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Rosewood
  4. The town marked W in the Northern part of Africa is
    1. Tunisia
    2. Tripoli
    3. Cairo
    4. Alexandria
  5. Which one of the following electoral officials announces the election results of a senator at the constituency tallying centre?
    1. The Chairman of IEBC
    2. The Returning Officer
    3. The Presiding Officer
    4. The Polling Officer
  6. The following are service industries except
    1. hair dressing
    2. banking
    3. television repair
    4. milk processing
  7. Which day is celebrated to commemorate the day Kenya attained its internal self government from the British in 1963?
    1. Jamhuri Day
    2. Mashujaa Day
    3. Labour Day
    4. Madaraka Day
  8. Elected members of the County Assembly (MCAs) represent a region known as
    1. constituency
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. ward


  1. According to Genesis, Biblical stories of creation, what did God create on the third day?
    1. Sea creatures and birds of the air
    2. Land, sea and vegetation
    3. Heavenly bodies like sun, moon and stars
    4. Land animals and birds
  2. What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham according to Genesis 17:10?
    1. Smoking fire pot
    2. Flaming torch
    3. Rainbow
    4. Circumcision
  3. Which of the following lessons do Christians learn from the story of Joseph as a slave in Egypt?
    1. Be kind to people by giving them food 
    2. To always fight for their freedom
    3. Forgive those who wrong them 
    4. Interpret dreams for their leaders
  4. Why did the Israelites eat while standing during the Passover night?
    1. To show that they were God's chosen people
    2. To show that they were not ready to leave Egypt
    3. Because they were in hurry to leave Egypt
    4. Because they wished to stay a little longer
  5. The second book of the Bible mainly describes about
    1. the beginning of life
    2. the settlement of Israelites into Canaan
    3. the making of the Sinai covenant
    4. the journey of Israelites to Canaan
  6. Which one of the following commandments was broken by both Cain and king Ahab?
    1. Do not commit murder
    2. Do not desire another person's property
    3. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    4. Do not make for yourselves images
  7. King David is mainly remembered in Israel because he
    1. made Jerusalem a Jewish religious centre
    2. built a temple for God in Jerusalem
    3. destroyed the altars of Baal
    4. married many wives
  8. Which one of the following sins was committed by king Solomon? He
    1. took other people's property
    2. over taxed his subjects
    3. committed adultery
    4. gave the Israelites' land to foreigners
  9. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the messiah would be called
    1. the lamb of God
    2. the son of the most high
    3. the king of the kings
    4. the prince of peace
  10. Who among the following people visited baby Jesus first?
    1. The Samaritans
    2. The shepherds
    3. The visitors from the east
    4. The Pharisees
  11. When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Jerusalem for dedication, they found two of the following people in the temple. Who were they?
    1. Zechariah and John
    2. Simeon and Annah
    3. Zechariah and Annah
    4. Mary and Martha
  12. Jesus Christ helped lepers by
    1. healing them from their sickness
    2. teaching them about God
    3. baptising them with Holy Spirit
    4. asking them to pray for their sins
  13. What do we learn from the parable of the ten young women? It teaches us to
    1. always be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ
    2. respect the institution of marriage
    3. marry more than one woman
    4. stay indoors in the evening
  14. "Happy are those who are pure in heart, they will see the kingdom of God." These words were spoken by Jesus
    1. during the trial in the wilderness
    2. when visiting Bethany
    3. during the sermon on the mountain
    4. when healing the sick
  15. Which one of the following statements about Jesus Christ is expressed in the Apostles' creed?
    1. Jesus rose from the dead
    2. Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot
    3. Jesus was denied by Peter
    4. Jesus forgave the repentant thief
  16. On which of the following occasions did Jesus show that He respected the law of Moses? When He
    1. healed the paralytic man
    2. healed a blind man
    3. raised Lazarus from dead
    4. healed the lepers
  17. Who among the following groups of people anointed the body of Jesus for burial?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
    2. Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas
    4. Peter and Jonah
  18. "You created every part of me. You put me in my mother's womb." These words were said by
    1. Job
    2. David
    3. Peter
    4. St. Paul
  19. The part played by Ananias in the conversion of Saul on the way to Damascus was that he
    1. taught him the good news
    2. helped him to recover his eyes
    3. led him into accepting Jesus
    4. prayed and baptised him
  20. Christians in the early church best showed their unity by
    1. reciting scriptures
    2. singing praises
    3. sharing food
    4. baptising one another
  21. Which one of the following acts of worship was done by Paul and Silas when they were in prison? They
    1. took the Holy Communion
    2. sang hymns to praise prison wardens
    3. repented their sins
    4. praised God in hymns
  22. Which one of the following beliefs in African traditional society is not compatible with Christianity?
    1. Beliefs in life after death
    2. Beliefs in reconciliation with God
    3. Beliefs that God is powerful
    4. Beliefs in charms and amulets
  23. What is the main purpose of marriage according to the Christian teaching?
    1. To have children
    2. To avoid immorality
    3. To gain status in the society
    4. To provide companionship 
  24. In traditional African society, education was aimed at
    1. character moulding
    2. getting employed
    3. acquiring academic certificates
    4. gaining wisdom
  25. Joy does not want to share a book with y because you are poor. The best action to take is to
    1. teach her about sharing 
    2. report her to the teacher
    3. avoid talking to her
    4. change your sitting position you
  26. Christians can best avoid sexual misuse by
    1. not mixing with people of the opposite sex
    2. not taking alcohol and drugs
    3. going to church to pray
    4. obeying God's teachings on the sacredness of sex
  27. Drug abuse is discouraged by Christians mainly because
    1. it wastes money
    2. it affects people's health
    3. it wastes time
    4. it causes indiscipline
  28. African Christians show their appreciation of traditional heritage by
    1. preaching the gospel to non-Christians
    2. visiting traditional healers
    3. preaching against additional African beliefs and practices
    4. accepting traditional values that are compatible with Christianity
  29. Why do Christians obey the authority?
    1. Leaders too love God
    2. All authority comes from God
    3. God loves those in authority
    4. God blesses those in authority
  30. A friend of yours hides a frog in the teacher cupboard. The teacher discovered and decided to punish the whole class. As a Christian, wha is the best thing to do?
    1. Tell the teacher who did it
    2. Keep quiet and let the teacher punish everybody
    3. Tell your friend to run away
    4. Ask your friend to confess and apologize


  1. "Fal-Muariyat Qad-haa." This verse is from surah
    1. Al-Qaariah
    2. Al-Aadiyat
    3. Al-Fatiha
    4. Al-Masad
  2. According to the teachings of Islam, zakah should be given to
    1. poor Muslims
    2. relatives
    3. widows
    4. any poor person
  3. Which surah among the following describes the events of the day of judgement?
    1. Fiyl
    2. Naas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Zilzalah
  4. Swalah can be nullified by all the following except
    1. laughing
    2. farting
    3. sweating
    4. talking
  5. The prophet's child who gave birth to Hassan and Hussein was
    1. Zainab
    2. Ummul-Kulthum 
    3. Fatma
    4. Ruqayah
  6. The month in which the prophet(SAW) went for Isra and Miiraj was
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  7. The prophet of Allah(SWT) who received the Zabur was
    1. Yusuf (AS) 
    2. Issa (AS)
    3. Musa (AS)
    4. Daud (AS)
  8. According to the teachings of the prophet (SAW), a hypocrite has
    1. three signs
    2. good luck 
    3. bad luck
    4. no friend
  9. When visiting the sick, the best gift is 
    1. a dua
    2. flowers
    3. a card
    4. food
  10. The term Islam means
    1. strength
    2. religion
    3. peace
    4. prophethood
  11. The reason as to why the Muslims were defeated in the battle of Uhud is that
    1. they were few
    2. they had no weapons
    3. they disobeyed the prophet(SAW)
    4. the Quraish ambushed them at night
  12. A woman who is observing eddat after the death of her husband should do it for
    1. three months and ten days
    2. twelve months and three days
    3. nine days and ten hours
    4. four months and ten days
  13. The angel in-charge of removing human souls is
    1. Jibril (AS)
    2. Malakul Maut
    3. Mikail
    4. Israfil
  14. Which statement among the following is true about the prophets of Allah?
    1. They were sinless
    2. They were either male or female
    3. They could change to any form
    4. They had super powers
  15. The sunnah prayer that is performed when there is an eclipse of the sun is
    1. Istisqai
    2. Khusuf
    3. Kusuf
    4. Istikhara
  16. The best way of enjoying your free time could be
    1. listening to music
    2. engaging in physical exercises
    3. spying on others
    4. insulting the non-Muslims
  17. Sofia found two girls fighting during the library lesson. The best thing Sofia should have done is to
    1. ask them to fight without noise
    2. separate the two girls
    3. continue reading in silence 
    4. make a dua to Allah(SWT)
  18. The prophet(AW) said, "Love for others...."
    1. a brighter future
    2. paradise and not hell
    3. wealth in this world
    4. what you love for yourself
  19. The following are examples of lawful work except one. Which one is it? Being a
    1. brewer
    2. teacher
    3. engineer
    4. motorist
  20. Work is considered an act of Ibaada if
    1. it is done to please Allah(SWT)
    2. it pays more
    3. it makes a person famous
    4. it is done to please others
  21. A person who does good and avoids evil is considered to have
    1. Israf
    2. pride
    3. taqwa
    4. disobeyed
  22. On the 10th Dhul-Hijja Muslims celebrate
    1. Hijra
    2. Idul-Fitr
    3. Idul-Adh-ha
    4. Nikah
  23. When pilgrims put on the white Ihram, it symbolizes
    1. equality
    2. unity
    3. faith
    4. patience
  24. The people of nabii Nuh(AS) were sturbon and did not believe in what Nuh(AS) preached. This led to Allah(SWT) punishing them by sending
    1. birds with pebbles 
    2. floods
    3. unknown diseases
    4. drought and famine
  25. Muslims must observe fardh fasting in the month of
    1. Shaaban
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Swafar
    4. Dhul-Qaada
  26. The title given to the prophet(SAW) by the Quraish for being honest is
    1. Ahmad
    2. Abtar
    3. Al-Fatah
    4. Al-Amin
  27. Which one of the following is among the conditions of Saum?
    1. Be a Muslim
    2. Be wealthy
    3. Eat suhur
    4. Pray tahajud
  28. A Muslim who keeps animals can show kindness to the animals by
    1. selling them
    2. slaughtering them
    3. providing shelter for them
    4. punishing the animals
  29. It is true to say that angels were created from
    1. wind
    2. fire
    3. clay
    4. light
  30. Which one of the following is common among Muslims?
    1. Food
    2. Qibla
    3. Colour
    4. Taqrir


social ms 



1 adada

Study the map of Lemi area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. Which of the following DOES NOT show that Lemì is a dry area? Presence of
    1. a seasonal river.
    2. a borehole
    3. scrub vegetation
    4. a lake
  2. Many people live at Tabo village MAINLY because
    1. they work in the sisal farm
    2. there is a road passing through the village.
    3. the area receives high rainfall.
    4. there is a police station.
  3. What is the MOST likely to be sold at the open air market in Bora town?
    1. Canned fruits.
    2. Fresh fish
    3. Wood carvings
    4. Fresh flowers
  4. The main economic importance of the dam in Leraars is that
    1. it provides sn in the area.
    2. it controls flooding along river Bole
    3. it is a source of power in the area.
    4. it is a source of water for irrigation 
  5. Which one of the following minerals is LIKELY being mined in or around Lemi area?
    1. Limestone
    2. Fluorspar
    3. Diatomite
    4. Petroleum
  6. The FASTEST means of transport in Lemni area is
    1. railway
    2. water
    3. road
    4. air
  7. The seasonal river shown in the area does not flow throughout the year because
    1. the river does not reach lake Zura 
    2. the area receives low rainfall
    3. much of its water is lost in the swamp
    4. it flows through an area with high temperature
  8. Which one of the following communities in Eastem Africa is a Cushitic speaker?
    1. Keiyo
    2. Elmolo
    3. Oromo
    4. Pokot
  9. Most lakes in the Rift Valley are salty MAINLY because
    1. they are deep
    2. they do not have outlets
    3. they formed when water was collected in faults
    4. they are found in dry areas 
  10. Which one of the following was discovered by Homo Erectus in the evolution of human beings?
    1. Use of fire.
    2. Use of iron for tool making 
    3. Growing of crops.
    4. Building stone houses
  11. Below are facts about a town in Eastern Africa
    1. It is in a rich agricultural area
    2. It has the head office of a regional organization
    3. It lies along the Great North road The town described above is
      1. Ethiopia
      2. Nairobi
      3. Dar es Salaam
      4. Arusha
  12. Which one of the following weather aspects was used to indicate the coming of rains in the pre- colonial period?
    1. Clear night skies
    2. High night temperature
    3. Shedding of leaves.
    4. Grass getting brown
  13. The MAIN effect of rural to urban migration in Kenya today is
    1. overcrowding in urban residential areas 
    2. increase of social facilities in towns
    3. increase of jobs in towns
    4. increase of food production in rural areas

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 14 to 17

14 adada

  1. Which one of the following statements about the community that used the route marked V during migration is true? The community
    1. practised nomadic pastoralism.
    2. settled in cool wet highland areas
    3. had an ageset system
    4. settled in the Coastal lowlands 
  2. The river project marked R has enabled the country MAINLY to
    1. imgate large sugarcane plantations 
    2. produce electricity for industrial growth.
    3. settle many landless people.
    4. increase tourist activities in the country 
  3. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked T consists of
    1. grassland savannah
    2. scrubland vegetation
    3. mangrove forests
    4. thick mountain forests
  4. The mineral mined at the place marked N is used to make
    1. cement
    2. plastic goods
    3. dyes
    4. heat insulators
  5. Feeder roads are important because they
    1. can be used during the rainy season. 
    2. connect major towns
    3. are frequently repaired.
    4. connect farming areas to markets
  6. A civil marriage becomes legal when 
    1. the couple agree to marry
    2. a marriage certificate is issued 
    3. the couple exchange rings 
    4. the dowry is paid
  7. The release of gases by industries has led to
    1. increase in temperature on earth. 
    2. pollution of rivers by waste from industries.
    3. increase in farming activities.
    4. destruction of roads in industrial areas 
  8. Which one of the following statements about a hygrometer is TRUE?
    1. It records the speed of wind
    2. Mercury is used in the instrument 
    3. It has a pointer
    4. It is placed on a high ground
  9. The rapid increase of population in Kenya has MAINLY been contributed by
    1. migration of more people to live in towns. 
    2. increase of rainfall amounts in the country
    3. setting up of settiement schemes. 
    4. improvement of health services in the country
  10. The coming of European setters contributed to increase in farming activities in Kenya by
    1. use of African labour in settler farms. 
    2. introduction of crop farming to Africans 
    3. establishment of large crop plantations
    4. allocation of large parcels of land to Africans
  11. Which one of the following is a negative impact of climate change on human activities?
    1. Decrease in surface temperature 
    2. Death of livestock due to drought 
    3. Overcrowding in urban centres
    4. Establishment of settlement schemes 
  12. Most Kenyans who move to live in other countries go there MAINLY to
    1. earn their living from jobs in those countries
    2. live with their relatives
    3. seek for better medical services.
    4. visit major tourist attraction sites. 
  13. Which one of the following items is not a component of a raingauge?
    1. A glass jar
    2. A funnel
    3. A collecting container
    4. A muslin cloth

Use the diagram below to answer questions 27 and 28

27 sfsfs

  1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the winds marked P?
    1. They cause cooling effect on the land. 
    2. They blow over dry areas.
    3. They are hot and dry
    4. They cause fog and mist
  2. The weather change illustrated in the diagram above can be experienced in 
    1. areas with highland relief
    2. areas near large water bodies. 
    3. areas that experience relief rainfall 
    4. areas far away from oceans.
  3. What MAINLY led to the defeat of the Nandi people by the British during the colonial period?
    1. Introduction of christianity in their land.
    2. Death of their livestock due to drought.
    3. Death of their leader.
    4. Lack of support from large tribes. 
  4. Flowers are grown in green houses in Netherlands in order
    1. reduce the costs of growing
    2. grow only similar type of flowers.
    3. grow them in reclaimed areas.
    4. protect flowers from extreme weather conditions
  5. Building of gabions is BEST used to prevent soil erosion in areas that
    1. experience high rainfall amounts 
    2. have deep channels made by running water
    3. have cultivated slopes.
    4. are densely populated
  6. Who among the following African leaders is associated with struggle for independence in Senegal?
    1. Kwame Nkrumah
    2. Gamal Abdel Nasser
    3. Leopold Senghor
    4. Haile Selassie
  7. Pupils contribute in school management by
    1. telling stories at breaktime.
    2. writing the school motto
    3. keeping classrooms clean 
    4. preparing the school routine
  8. Which one of the following crops is grown in Kirinyaga county in Kenya under irrigation in large quantities?
    1. Rice
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Seed maize
    4. Cotton
  9. Natural forests along the Coast in Kenya are preserved MAINLY because
    1. trees in the forests take a long time to mature
    2. they are sources of herbal medicine
    3. they are sources of rivers
    4. they are sources of timber for export
  10. Which group consists of cold currents ONLY?
    1. Agulhas, Benguela
    2. Benguela, Canary
    3. Guinea, Somali
    4. Agulhas, Canary
  11. The government has set up industrial areas away from residential places in towns in order to
    1. create employment to people.
    2. improve production of goods
    3. make use of idle land
    4. protect people from harmful effects
  12. Bengo saw thieves breaking into his neighbour's house. As a responsible citizen he should
    1. tell them to stop.
    2. keep quiet on the matter.
    3. inform the police
    4. tell no one
  13. Petroleum in Nigeria is extracted from under the earth's surface using
    1. open cast method 
    2. drilling method 
    3. stripping method
    4. panning method
  14. The work of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in Kenya is to
    1. register political parties.
    2. dissolve the national assembly.
    3. decide people who become Senators
    4. register eligible citizens as voters 
  15. Which community in West Africa founded the old Ghana kingdom?
    1. Almoravids
    2. Mandinka
    3. Soninke
    4. Arabs
  16. Which group of countries used armed struggle to gain independence in Africa?
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe
    2. Tanzania, Nigeria
    3. Ghana, Botswana
    4. Uganda, Zambia
  17. Below are statements about a lake in Eastern Africa
    1. It is shared by more than one country.
    2. It is formed when water collected in faults.
    3. It is a major source of fish.
      The lake described above is
      1. Lake Turkana.
      2. Lake Tanganyika
      3. Lake Kyoga
      4. Lake Naivasha

Use the diagram below to answer question 44

44 sfsfs

  1. The physical feature illustrated above was formed through the process of
    1. uplifting
    2. volcanicity
    3. folding
    4. downwarping
  2. Tourist activities along the coast of Kenya is faced by the problem of
    1. insufficient hotels
    2. insecurity to tourists
    3. lack of tourist attraction sites 
    4. frequent drought in the region
  3. Which one of the following places is a major fish farming area in Kenya?
    1. Timau in Meru
    2. Perkera in Baringo
    3. Kabaru in Nyeri
    4. Athi River in Machakos
  4. Which one of the following effects of mining affects people living in Athi River town negatively?
    1. Poor roads in the mining areas 
    2. Scarcity of jobs in the industries. 
    3. Low payment of workers.
    4. Large amounts of dust in the air 
  5. Japan catches more fish than Kenya MAINLY because in Japan
    1. the coastline is longer
    2. better equipment are used in fishing
    3. the population is higher
    4. there are more fresh water lakes 
  6. Who among the following leaders is NOT elected on a polling day in Kenya?
    1. Senator
    2. Governor
    3. President
    4. County commissioner 
  7. What is the time in Conakry 15°W when the time in Yaounde 15°E is 12.40pm?
    1. 10.40am
    2. 11.40pm
    3. 11.40am
    4. 2.40pm
  8. Which one of the following instruments is used to determine the speed of wind?
    1. Windvane
    2. Anemometer
    3. Windsock
    4. Barometer
  9. The main effect of the HIV and AIDS infection in Kenya today is that
    1. it has led to setting up of more hospitals
    2. it has raised the price of medicine. 
    3. it has reduced life expectancy.
    4. it has reduced the population of the country
  10. Which one of the following marriage systems is NOT allowed in Kenya? 
    1. A couple marrying in the Attorney General office
    2. Elders negotiating in a customary marriage
    3. A religious elder presiding over a marriage ceremony
    4. Persons under 18 years of age marrying. 
  11. When the white settlers came to Kenya they introduced
    1. livestock farming to Africans.
    2. use of machines to piant crops.
    3. subsistence farming
    4. contour ploughing in hilly areas
  12. Deforestation in the highland regions of Kenya has led to
    1. establishment of forest reserves in the regions
    2. pollution of rivers by industries.
    3. decrease in water levels in rivers 
    4. increase in foreign exchange from timber
  13. Most people in Kenya live in rural areas MAINLY because
    1. most people in Kenya depend on farming 
    2. they cannot get jobs in towns.
    3. they are not educated.
    4. they do not have relatives in towns 
  14. People in a ward are represented in the County Assembly by
    1. elected governors
    2. members of parliament
    3. elected senators.
    4. county representatives
  15. Which one of the following is a service industry?
    1. Petroleum refining
    2. Banking
    3. Shoe making
    4. Meat canning
  16. It is the responsibility of the Kenya government to
    1. keep law and order
    2. announce election results
    3. set up places for worship.
    4. make a new constitution
  17. It is important for Kenyans to vote during elections in order to
    1. obey the laws of the country. 
    2. form political parties
    3. be paid by the govemment.
    4. participate in forming the government


  1. God created a man and a woman because he wanted them to
    1. reproduce
    2. take care of the garden
    3. resemble and be like him.
    4. name all the animals.
  2. God destroyed human beings during the time of Noah because
    1. they had built a high tower.
    2. they spoke in one language.
    3. they had eaten the forbidden fruit
    4. they were doing evil things.
  3. What happened in the life of Abraham when he was 100 years old?
    1. God changed his name 
    2. He moved from Haran
    3. He got his son Isaac
    4. He got circumcised
  4. On the night the Israelites left Egypt they
    1. killed the Egyptian firstborns
    2. smeared blood on their doorposts
    3. offered burnt sacrifices.
    4. washed their feet.
  5. God appeared to the Israelites on mount Sinai in the form of
    1. a rainbow
    2. a strong wind
    3. a dove
    4. a cloud
  6. From the story of Naomi and Ruth christians should practise the value of
    1. tolerance
    2. honesty
    3. loyalty
    4. obedience
  7. The king of Israel who sinned because of his greed to own property was
    1. Solomon
    2. Rehoboam
    3. David
    4. Ahab
  8. King Solomon went against the teaching of God when he
    1. married many women
    2. allowed people in Israel to worship false gods
    3. solved a case involving a baby
    4. welcomed the Queen of Sheba 
  9. Which prophet is CORRECTLY matched with his prophecy about Jesus?
    1. Isaiah he would be called wonderful counsellor.
    2. Micah he would take refuge in Egypt 
    3. Hosea he would be the suffering servant
    4. Jeremiah - he would be born in Bethlehem
  10. Which one of the following statements BEST explains why Zechariah did not believe angel Gabriel message?
    1. People knew he could not get a child
    2. The angel did not know him.
    3. He and his wife were old
    4. What the angel said was impossible 
  11. Which of these events took place on the night Jesus was born?
    1. Angels appeared in the sky. 
    2. Darkness covered the earth. 
    3. A voice was heard from heaven.
    4. King Herod visited baby Jesus. 
  12. When Jesus was presented to the temple in Jerusalem Simeon described him as
    1. the lamb of God
    2. the king of the Jews
    3. the prince of peace
    4. the light to the gentiles
  13. During the sermon on the mountain Jesus taught that
    1. we should respect the sabbath
    2. we should respect the aged 
    3. we should love our enemies. 
    4. we should pay our taxes.
  14. Which christian value is learned from the woman who touched Jesus' cloak?
    1. Bravery
    2. Faith
    3. Loyalty
    4. Obedience
  15. During the last supper Jesus taught christians the value of humility when he
    1. washed his disciples feet. 
    2. shared bread with his disciples. 
    3. pointed out his betrayer.
    4. sat at the same table with Judas.
  16. The women who went to the tomb of Jesus knew he had resurrected when they
    1. found Jesus sitting at the tomb.
    2. were told by the angels.
    3. talked to the disciples.
    4. mel Jesus on the road to Emmaus. 
  17. Jesus was taken upto heaven at
    1. Bethsaida
    2. Bethphage
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Bethany
  18. What were the disciples doing in Jerusalem on the day of the Pentecost? They were
    1. praying in a room
    2. preaching in the temple
    3. baptising new converts
    4. fishing in lake Galilee
  19. On the day Saul became blind he was on his way to Damascus to
    1. meet the twelve disciples.
    2. celebrate the last supper
    3. arrest the believers
    4. give food to the widows.
  20. The seven deacons were chosen to
    1. guard the disciples.
    2. distribute food to the widows.
    3. prepare the last supper.
    4. preach to the gentiles
  21. The book of gospel that describes the ministry of Jesus when he was in the world is
    1. Luke
    2. Acts
    3. Romans
    4. Corinthians
  22. Which one of the following is taught to children in both traditional African societies and Christianity?
    1. Folktales
    2. Hunting
    3. Obedience
    4. Bravery
  23. In traditional African societies people believe that God
    1. sent his son Jesus.
    2. is the creator of the universe
    3. visits people at night
    4. lives with ancestors
  24. Which one of the following is a common practise during worship in traditional African societies and christianity?
    1. Praying to God for peoples' needs.
    2. Reading scriptures.
    3. Celebrating holy community.
    4. Burning animal sacrifices
  25. The most common method of remembering ancestors in traditional African communities is
    1. building houses for them..
    2. visiting places of worship.
    3. visiting their graves.
    4. performing libations
  26. When a christian prays for peace in the country, this type of prayer is
    1. intercession 
    2. petition
    3. adoration
    4. praising
  27. Christian families meet together to pray in order to
    1. strengthen their faith.
    2. know one another.
    3. make new trends.
    4. share their meals.
  28. Christians are advised to obey the laws of the country by
    1. donating money to educated poor children
    2. paying government taxes
    3. visiting homes of the orphans
    4. planting trees in their home compounds. 
  29. The BEST action to take when you come across two classmates quarrelling is to 
    1. leave them alone
    2. report them to their parents
    3. beat both of them
    4. tell them to reconcile
  30. The first mission school was set up at Rabai near Mombasa by
    1. Arabs traders
    2. African chiefs
    3. European missionaries.
    4. white settlers.


  1. Which one of the following is a verse from surah Kafirun?
    1. "Nor will you worship that which I worship,"
    2. "You alone we worship and from you alone we seek for help."
    3. "I seek refuge in the lord of mankind."
    4. "Woe unto every slanderer and backbiter."
  2. According to the quran the Taurat was revealed to prophet
    1. Mohammad
    2. Daud
    3. Musa
    4. Ibrahim.
  3. Mahmud is a very rich businessman who is always looking for more wealth and does not worship Allah(s.w) at all. Which surah can you advise him to read?
    1. Humaza
    2. Tiin
    3. Fiil
    4. Takathur
  4. Which one of the following surah of the quran encourages the feeding of the poor?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Maun
    3. Aadiyat
    4. Kauthar
  5. How long did angel Jibril take to reveal the quran to prophet Mohammad (s.a.w)?
    1. 23yrs
    2. 10yrs
    3. 13yrs
    4. 25yrs
  6. Treating our neighbours well and not annoying them is part of:-
    1.  Islam
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Imaan
    4. goodness
  7. According to the prophet (s.a.w) good acts are an act of 
    1. Islam 
    2. goodness
    3. hope
    4. worship
  8. How many times should a muslim pause while drinking water?
    1. Three 
    2. Five
    3. Two
    4. One
  9. Which one of the following is not a benefit of fasting to a muslim?
    1. Improves health.
    2. Promotes sympathy
    3. Improves appetite
    4. Promotes self-control
  10. How many rakaat are said during salatul dhuhr?
    1. Two
    2. Four
    3. Three
    4. One
  11. How many times did prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) perform hajj in his lifetime?
    1. Twice
    2. Four times
    3. Three times.
    4. Once
  12. Which of the following is not a condition for performing Tayammum?
    1. When water is scarce
    2. When water point is far.
    3. When the available water is enough for animal use.
    4. When water point is infested with wild animals. 
  13. Which pillar of Islam helps muslims to think of the needs of the poor?
    1. Zakat
    2. Hajj
    3. Kalima
    4. Salat
  14. Which is a characteristic of the angels of Allah (s.w)?
    1. They were created from the fire.
    2. Some of them are female.
    3. They neither eat nor drink.
    4. They cannot change into any form.
  15. What should a muslim say when expressing shock and disbelief?
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Bismillah
    4. Maashallah
  16. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-adh-ha to
    1. mark the end of fasting.
    2. commemorate the birth of prophet Mohammad.
    3. remember the death of prophet Mohammad.
    4. mark the end of pilgrimage
  17. Which mosque did the prophet lead a prayer of all the prophets during Isra-wal-miraaj?
    1. The kaaba
    2. Bait-ul-Aqsa
    3. Masjidul Nabawi
    4. Masjidul-qubaal
  18. The feast done after Nikah is known as:-
    1. Futar
    2. receiption
    3. walima
    4. walii
  19. Muslims consider the month of Muharram as sacred because:-
    1. it is the first month of the islam's calendar.
    2. Hajj takes place
    3. Prophet Musa (a.s) was born.
    4. Many important events took place. 
  20. Which one of the following acts is not good? 
    1. Praying
    2. Helping the poor
    3. Greeting the elderly 
    4. Killing thieves
  21. Who among the following personalities was a brother to prophet Musa (a.s)?
    1. Harun
    2. Adam
    3. Shuaib
    4. Suleiman
  22. Abdallah was sent by his father to go and buy miraa. What should he do?
    1. Go obediently and ask Allah for forgiveness.
    2. Politely refuse and explain to him.
    3. Telling him to go to hell.
    4. Buy miraa and share with him.
  23. Hajj who is a shopkeeper has a habit of selling low quality goods and disguise it with high quality goods. This act is known as:-
    1. Ihtikar
    2. Ghush
    3. Usury
    4. Riba
  24. The fourth pillar of Islam is:-
    1. pilgrimage
    2. alms
    3. fasting
    4. declaration.
  25. What was the most urgent matter to the prophet on arrival in Yathrib?
    1. To construct mosques for prayers.
    2. To ensure the sahaba's got wives.
    3. To settle the muhajirun
    4. To bring all people of Madina together 
  26. The wife of the prophet (p.b.u.h), Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib died soon after
    1. the battle of Badr
    2. the hijrah
    3. the boycott of Banu Hashim
    4. the fira migration to Abyssinia
  27. The second holiest shrine of islam is found in:-
    1. Madina
    2. Makkah
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Taif
  28. The major lesson that muslims can learn the battle of Khandaq is-
    1. being humble
    2. sharing of opinion
    3. faith in Allah
    4. obeying leaders
  29. How old was prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) when he moved to stay with his uncle Abu Talib?
    1. 10yrs
    2. 6yrs
    3. 7yrs
    4. 8yrs
  30. Which one of the following is not an effect of the settlement of the Arabs at the Coast of Kenya?
    1. The natives intermarned with the Arabs 
    2. Many natives became muslims
    3. introducing of new methods of building 
    4. promoted tourism industry


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