Displaying items by tag: social studies

Theories of Human Origin

  1. Mythical Theory
  2. Theory of Creation
  3. Theory of Evolution


  1. Mythical theory

    • It is based on folktales told by various communities on how they originated.
      1. Luo - Claim to be descendants of their ancestor Ramogi who lived on Ramogi hill.
      2. Kalenjin - Claim to be descendants of the first Orkoiyot ( medicine man) called Miot.
      3. Wagiriama - Claim their ancestors lived at a place called Muyeye in Malindi.They dispersed from Muyeye and formed the nine (9) sub tribes as they migrated.
      4. Agikuyu - Claim to have descended from Gikuyuand Mumbi Who lived at Mukurwe wa Nagathanga.
      5. Baganda - Claim to be descendants of Kintu who lived on Mt Elgon.

  2. The Creation Theory

    • It is based on Religious beliefs.
    • It explains that all human beings and other creatures were created by a super natural creator, God among the Christians and Allah among the Muslims.

  3. The Evolution Theory

    • This is a scientific view which explains that human beings developed slowly ( evolved ) from primitive ape – like creature to what they are today. This view was first suggested by a scientist called Charles Darwin.
    • Archaeology is the study of human evolution.
    • To understand the evolution of man archaeologists study:-
      1. Tools
      2. Plants and animal remains (Fossils) of early creatures.

Study of Human Evolution

  • The earliest known human-like creature was called Australopithecus.
  • The period between the timeof Homo habillis and the time of Homo Sapiens is referred to as the stone age because the creatures mainly used stone tools.
  • These creatures practiced the following activities:-
    1. Hunting and fishing.
    2. Gathering roots and wild berries for food.
    3. Painting and making ornaments.

Stone age is divided into three stages:-

  1. Early stoneage.
  2. Middle stone age.
  3. Late stone age.

    Stone age
    Where they were found.
    Homo habilis

    Homo erectus

    Olduvai Gorge.
    Near Lake Turkana.
    Olorgesaille in Kenya
    Hadar in Ethiopia
    North West shores of Lake Turkana
    Isimilia in Tanzania.

    Homo sapiens Ngaloba in Tanzania.
    Eliye springs west of Lake Turkana.
    Bodo in Ethiopia.
    Kanjera in Kenya.
    Omo valley in Ethiopia.

    early man


  • Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.
  • Migration within a country is called Internal migration.
  • Migration from one country to another is known as external migration.

Types of Modern Migration

  • The four main types of Migration taking place in Kenya are:-
    1. Rural – urban migration.
    2. Urban – Rural migration.
    3. Rural – Rural migration
    4. Urban – Urban migration


  1. Rural – Urban migration

    • This is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas.
      1. Search for employment.
      2. Shortage of farming land in some rural areas.
      3. Opportunity to engage actively in trading activities.
      4. Availability of better recreational facilities and good infrastructure.
  2. Urban – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from urban centers to rural centers.
      1. Retirement from employment.
      2. Overcrowding and high cost of living.
      3. Difficulties experienced in towns.
  3. Rural – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from one rural area to another.
    • Note: Most rural – rural migrations are permanent especially in cases of movement to settlement schemes.
      1. Resettlement of people displaced by the construction of big dams which form lakes.
      2. Establishment of settlement schemes (irrigation schemes) which attract many people from other densely populated rural areas.
      3. Settlement of landless people by government .
      4. Seasonal migrations by nomadic pastoralists in search of pasture andwater.
      5. Search of employment in large plantations.
      6. Mining activities which may force people to move away from their original homes.
      7. Government actions which may force people to move away from areas where they had settled in order to conserve the environment e.g. Mau water catchment forest.
      8. Political unrest which may cause people to relocate from one place to another (IDPs Internally displaced persons)
      9. Natural disasters e.g Floods which may force people to move temporarily to safer higher grounds.
  4. Urban – Urban migrations

    • This is the movement of people from one urban center to another.
    • Note: These migrations occur in a small scale .
      1. Job transfers from one town to another.
      2. Opportunities for business people to expand their businesses in bigger towns.
      3. Religious pilgrimages which may result in people settling down in the towns they visit.

Effects of Migration

Effects on urban areas

  1. Unemployment.
  2. Increase in crime.
  3. Increase in Immorality. Eg. - prostitution, HIV / AIDS and STIs
  4. Development of poor housing - slums (shanties)
  5. Competition (strains) for social amenities eg. Hospitals , schools etc.
  6. Overcrowding
  7. Environmental problems e.g. air pollution and water pollution.
  8. Increase in labour supply.

Effects on rural areas:

  1. Reduced pressure on land.
  2. Shortage of labour (negatively affecting agriculture).
  3. Improved economic conditions (reduction in production).
  4. Reversal of roles.
  5. Improved agricultural production (introduction of new farming methods).

Immigration: Is the migration of people from one country into another.
Emigration: Is the migration of people out of a country.

Positive effects of immigration

  1. Foreign investments which offer employment opportunities.

Negative effects of immigration

  1. Influx of people from war-torn countries encourages the movement of illegal arms into the countries which are used by criminals
  2. Refugees in our country affects the environment as they clear forests for firewood.
  3. The foreign cultures of these people end up affecting our cultures negatively.



Settler Farming in Kenya

  • Europeans settler farming was practiced in the white highlands(crown lands)
Region Area covered.
Central highlands  Kiambu, Thika, Murang'a, Nyandarua, Nyeri, Kirinyaga.
Western highlands. Kericho, Bureti, Sotik, Nyamira, Uasin Gishu, Kisii.
Central rift valley Nakuru, Laikipia, Narok, Kajiado, Molo, Naivasha, Koibatek(Eldama Ravine).
Eastern Meru , Konza, Embu, Machakos

NB: The colonial government took away large areas of African land and allocated it to the white settlers.

Europeans settler farming in Kenya.

  • The European settlers farming took African land.
  • They mostly practiced large scale farming.
  • They introduced cash crop farming and new livestock breed.
  • Their farming methods were mechanized: they used commercial fertilizers and applied pesticides to crops.
  • Africans were used as the source of labour on the settlers farms.
  • rotation on their farms and divided ranching area into paddocks which helped.
  • They practiced crop to control grazing.

What the settlers farmers were engaged in?

  1. Mixed farming (growing of crops and keeping of livestocks).
  2. Plantation farming (growing crops in a large scale farm). i.e. sisal, tea, coffee, wheat, maize, pyrethrum, cotton, sugarcane.
  3. Dairy farming, animal kept were: hare ford, Aberdeen angus, chorales, Galloway.
  4. Horticulture.
  5. Fruits grown : oranges, limes, lemons, pineapples.
  6. Vegetables grown:onions, carrots, tomatoes, legumes,cabbages.
  7. Poultry farming-chicken breed kept were; rhode island red, white leghorn light Sussex among others.

Effects of Settler Farming in Kenya

Positive effects Negative effects
  1. Introduction of new crops.
  2. Introduction of new livestock.
  3. Improved infrastructures.
  4. Establishment of processing industries.
  5. Introduction of agricultural co-operatives.
  6. Establishments and growth of towns.
  7. Introduction of cross breeding in animals
  8. Introduction of modern method of farming.
  9. Introduction of use of fertilizers and improved seeds.
  10. Introduction of plantation (large scale) farming.
  1. Loss of fertile lands by the Africans.
  2. High poverty levels among the Africans.
  3. Most Africans become squatters.
  4. Forced labour among the Africans.
  5. Racism; Europeans looked down upon the Africans because of their skin colour.
  6. Congestion of Africans in areas with low productivity.


Settlement Schemes

Areas of settlement include:

Sotik,Endebes,Kaptagat,Matunda,Machakos,Lake,Kenyatta,Molo,Ainamoi Kitobo,Naitiri,Cherengany,Songhor/MuhoroniEldama Ravine,Chepsiri etc

Reasons for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. To settle the landless people.
  2. To ease congestion in the already populated areas.
  3. To make land ownership in Kenya fair.
  4. To encourage people to practice commercial farming in areas that had been occupied by settler farmers.
  5. To increase food production in Kenya.
  6. To speed up land ownership in Kenya.
  7. To open up areas which had not been settled in.

Benefits of settlement schemes

  1. Increased food and cash production in the country.
  2. Provision of of land to the landless (squatters)
  3. It has reduced congestion on land that had high population densities.
  4.  It has helped to raise the living standards of the people.
  5. Agricultural exports from various settlement schemes has helped to boost the economy of our country.
  6. It has helped to open up the areas that had not be settled in.

Problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. Lack of adequate capital to invest in improved farming practices.
  2. Congestion in some parts of the settlement schemes due to population increase.
  3. Reduction in the size of land due to land fragmentation.
  4. People cut down trees to create room for crop growing and settlement (De-forest ration)
  5. Over cultivation in densely populated schemes has led to loss of soil fertility
  6. Poor transport network in the settlement schemes.
  7. Lack of adequate markets for the farm produce.

Irrigation Schemes in Kenya

Irrigation refers to the application water to crops through artificial means in
order to facilitate their growth.

MweaTebere Perkerra
  • Rice (main)
  • French bean
  • Tomatoes
  • Maize
  • Soya beans
  • Vegetables
  • Seed Maize
  • Onions
  • Paw paws
  • Chilies
  • Water melons


Mwea Tebere Irrigation Schemes

  • Established ii 1954. (It is the oldest in the county)
  • Mainly started to settle the landless who lost their lands to the white settlers.
  • Located in Kirinyaga county.
  • It is the largest irrigation scheme in Kenya.
  • Main crop grown is Rice.
  • Sources of water for irrigation are:- River Nyamindi,River Thiba: Both are tributaries of R. Tana.
  • Methods of irrigation used is Basin irrigation which involves flooding the rice plot(rice paddies)
  • Canals are used to direct water from the rivers to the shallow basins
  • Water flows into the basin through gravitational flow.

Perkerra Irrigation Scheme

  • Located in Marigat, Baringo county.
  • Mainly started to put more land under cultivation.
  • Sources of water include:- River Perkera and Lake Baringo
  • Methods of irrigation used isFurrow method.
  • Furrows carry water from main canal to the crops which grow on the ridges
    Sluice gates are used to control or regulate the flow of water into the farm.

Contributions of the scheme to the economy

Mwea Tebere Perkerra
  • Produces 80% of Kenya`s rice
  • Offering employment
  • Has increased food production
  • Has led to improvement of infrastructure and growth of towns egWanguru town.
  • Has raised people`s living standards
  • Income generation
  • Increase in economic activity
  • Creation of employment
  • Led to growth of Marigat town.

Note: Main problem is reduction of water into the plot during the
dry season.

 Problems facing irrigation farming in Kenya

  1. Shortage of water during dry season.
  2. Siltation of the canals which reduces the amount of water that can flow to them.
  3. Late and irregular payments to the farmers from the irrigation board.
  4. Presence of weed.
  5. Some irrigation schemes are affected by floods during rainy seasons in places like Bunyala.
  6. Stagnant water is a health hazard eg. Spread of malariaand bilharzias.
  7. Lack of adequate capital.
  8. Mismanagement of finances and resources.
  9. Some irrigation schemes are far from the market which increases transport costs.
  10. Competition from imported, cheap farm produce.
  11. Presence of crop diseases and pests.

Horticultural Farming

  1. Horticulture - Is the growing of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale.
  2. Viticulture - Growing of fruits only.
  3. Floriculture - Growing of flowers only.

Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) is a body established by the government to promote horticulture (market gardening)

The HCDA :-

  1. Advices the farmers.
  2. Provides storage facilities.
  3. Searches for external marks for products.

Crops grown in horticulture farming

Flowers Carnations , roses , lilies , orchids.
Fruits  Oranges, lemons, apricot, paw paws, grapes, limes,
avocados, tangerines, passion fruits, peaches, apples, pears,
plums, loquats, bananas, watermelons, strawberries.
Vegetables Cabbages, spinach, lentils, spruce, sprouts, broccoli, peas,
French beans, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, groundnuts,
tomatoes, cucumber, green peas, chilies, onion, lettuce.

 Contribution of horticultural farming to the economy of Kenya

  1. Earning of foreign exchange.
  2. Creation of employment opportunities.
  3. Farmers earn regular income.
  4. Development of infrastructure.
  5. Availability of food.
  6. Crops provide raw materials for fruit and vegetable canning.
  7. Better use of land.

Problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya

  1. Bad weather.
  2. Poor infrastructure.
  3. High fees charged to farmers who export their farm produce (high tarrifs)
  4. High transport costs.
  5. High cost of farm inputs e.g. fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
  6. Lack of storage.
  7. Restrictions by importance
  8. Competition from other producers e.g. Netherlands.
  9. Inadequate capital to purchase farm equipment and inputs.
  10. Lack of co-operatives.
  11. Low export demand
  12. Poor marketing.

Horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands

Most farmers are located near towns Most farms are established on reclaimed land.
Most farms are small scale apart from the flower farms Almost all the horticultural farms are large scale.
Poor means of infrastructure Modernized infrastructure
Kenya is far from European market Netherlands is centrally located in Europe.
Lack of adequate capital to promote horticultural farming Adequate capital to scientifically manage the horticultural farms.
Fertile volcanic soils that are favorable for crop growing. Sandy coastal soils are used as they drain well.
Little mechanization in the farms Highly mechanized farms.
Labor intensive. Capital intensive.
Horticultural technology is relatively new World`s most successful horticultural producing country.

Fishing in Kenya

  • Fishing is the practice of removing or harvesting fish from water.
  • Fishing is a major economic activity for those people living next to rivers , lakes or oceans which have fish.

Major fishing grounds in Kenya
Fishing grounds are places where fish are caught.

Groups of fishing grounds

  1. Inland fishing grounds.
  2. Marine / sea fishing grounds.
Lake Turkana Lamu
L. Baringo Kiunga
L. Victoria Malindi
L. Naivasha Mombasa
L. Jipe Kilifi
L. Chala Ukunda
L. Masinga Shimoni
Kiambere dam Kipini

Inland fishing is also carried out in big rivers such as:-
R. Tana,R.Sondu-Miriu,R. Yala,R.Nzoia,R. Nyando,R.Kuja.

Fish farming is the raring of fish in fish ponds and dams.

Areas where fish farming is carried out.
Sagana,Borabu,Bamburi near Mombasa,Aruba dam,Kiboswa

Types of fish caught

Inland waters Marine waters
  •  Tilapia
  • Nile perch
  • Trout
  • Lung fish
  • Shell fish
  • Cat fish
  • Black bass
  • Mud fish
  • Dagaa (Omena)
  • Salmon
  • Snappers
  •  Kingfish
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Bonito
  • Black Skin
  • Queen fish
  • Mullet
  • Sail fish
  • Parrot fish
  • Sharks
  • Crustaceans eg
    crabs,oysters,shrimps,lo bsters.

 Problems facing fish farming

  1. Presence of predators e.g. snakes, birds, cats.
  2. Insufficient supply of water in ponds especially during the dry season.
  3. Limited market
  4. Presence of unwanted weeds e.g. water hyacinth in L. Victoria.
  5. Lack of adequate funds for most farmers.
  6. Use of traditional methods of harvesting.
  7. Inadequate refrigeration facilities.

Comparison of fish farming between Kenya and Japan

Kenya Japan
Lack of adequate capital. There is adequate capital.
Most farmers use traditional methods of fishing and harvesting. Fish farming is highly mechanized.
Limited market for the fish products There is a large market for fish which encourages the industry
Insufficient supply of water e.g. during the dry season Enough supply of water through out the year.
Fish is mainly consumed locally Fishing is done mainly for export.


Mining is the removal (extraction) of a mineral from where it has naturally been formed.

The main minerals in Kenya include

  1. Soda ash
  2. Gemstones
  3. Diatomite
  4. Flourspar
  5. Sand
  6. Salt
  7. Limestone
  8. Marble
Mineral   Where mined Uses
Method of mining:
Open cast
  • Kimwarer in Kerio Valley.
  • Strengthening steel and aluminum.
  • Making tooth paste.
  • Used in refineries.
  • Making cans, sufurias and cooking pans
  • Making sulphuric acid.
Method of mining
Open cast
  •  Bamburi in Mombasa
  • Athi river
  • Bissil in Kajiado
  • Koru – Kisumu county
  • West pokot
  • Homa hills – Homa bay county
  •  Used in cement making.
  • Lime extracted from Homa hills and Koru are used as animal feed.
Method of mining
Open cast
  • Kariandusi near gilgil.
  • Gicheru on the floor of Nyandarua ranges
  • Making chalk.
  • Lining hot furnaces
  • Act as sound proof material.Making plaster used in hospitals.
  •  Used in dry cleaning clothes.


Method of mining:
Open cast method.

  • Mainly mined at Voi and Mwatate at the Coast.
  • Used mainly in the making of ornaments.


Method of mining:
Open cast (quarrying)

  • Athi River.
  • Kerio Valley
  • Used to decorate flours and walls of the building.
  • Shores of Lake Magadi.
  • Ngomeni
  • Fundisa near Malindi.
  • Adding flavor to food
  • It is a food preservative
  • Soap making
  • Glass making


Contribution of minerals to the economy of Kenya

  1. Mineral exports earn Kenya foreign exchange.
  2. Mining is a source of employment to many people.
  3. It has led to the growth of towns e.g. Magadi.
  4. It has led to the establishment of industries that use minerals as their raw materials.
  5. Availability of minerals saves the country`s foreign exchange that could have been used to import them.
  6. Mining has led to the development of social services like schools , hospitals and sports facilities in the mining areas.
  7. Mining is a source of revenue to the government since the mining companies pay taxes to the government.
  8. It has led to the development of transport links of infrastructure.
  9. Mining has led to the improvement of the standards of living of people working in the mines and mineral – related industries.

Effects of mining on the environment

  1. Pollution of the environment.
  2. Land degradation.
  3. Destruction of vegetation during the mining process.
  4. Clearing of vegetation during mining leads to soil erosion.
  5. Open pits filled with water are a health hazards to people and animals.
  6. Release of harmful gases in the air may result to global warming.
  7. Walls of mines sometimes collapse and cause accidents to miners.


  • Forestry is the practice of establishing forests and caring for trees.
  • It also involves paper harvesting and good use of trees.

Types of Forests in Kenya

There are two main types of forests found in Kenya. These are:

  1. Natural forests.
  2. Planted forests.


  1. Natural forests

    This are forests which have grown on their own.
    They are divided as follows:
    1. Highland rain forests.
      • They grow in the high rainfall areas e.g.Slopes of mountains, Hills and highlands
        Kakamega,Nyambane,Ndare,Kaimosi,Mt.Kenya,Timboroa,Nyandarua,Mau, Malava,Mt.Marsabit,Ngong hills,Mt. Elgon,Ndaragwa.
    2. Lowland rain forest.
      • Found in high rainfall areas of the coast.
        Witu,Jilore,Gongeni,Boni,Arabuko – Sokoke
    3. Mangrove forest
      • They grow in salty waters of the Indian ocean.
      • They grow along the coast in: Kwale,Kilifi,Lamu,Malindi

  2. Planted forest

    • They have been established through efforts of human beings.
    • They are found in high rainfall areas where afforestration programs are being carried out.
    • These forests are found in the following areas:
      1. Slopes of Mt. Kenya around Meru and Embu.
      2. Cherengani hills
      3. Limuru
      4. Elburgon
      5. Timboroa
      6. Molo
      7. Turbo
      8. Slopes of Mt Elgon
      9.  Lari
      10. Njabini
      11. Kaptagat
      12. Londiani
      13. Moi`s bridge
      14. Nandi hills

Types of trees found in planted and natural forests

Natural forest Planted forest
  • Mvule
  • Camphor
  • Elgon teak
  • Mahogany
  • Meru Oak
  • Cypress
  • Cedar
  • Eucalyptus
  • Pine
  • They are mainly hardwood
  • They grow in natural forests
  • They take long to mature
  • They are mainly softwood
  • They mature quickly
  • They have straight trunks.

Problems Facing Forests in Kenya

  1. Attacks by pests and diseases which affects their rate of growth.
  2. Outbreaks of fires especially during the dry season.
  3. Deforestration due to increased demand for land for farming and settlement.
  4.  Increased demand for forest product e.g. timber and pulp.
  5. Need for charcoal and firewood.
  6. Poor reafforestration programs.

Effects of Deforestration in Kenya

Deforestration is the cutting down of forest trees faster than they are replaced
through reafforestration.

  1. Deforestration affects the sources of water leading to reduced water supply.
  2. Cutting down of trees leads to spread of the desert.
  3. Reduction in forest production.
  4. Increase soil erosion.
  5. Loss of the species
  6. Rural communities are affected since some of them use forest products for their survival.
  7. Change in climate.

Forest Conservation Measures in Kenya

Forest conservation is the careful harvesting and good use of trees found in
the forest.

Conservation measures includes:

  1. Establishment of tree nurseries.
  2. Gazzetement of forest reserves by the government to protect the forests.
  3. Organizing and supporting tree planting activities (afforestration).
  4. Encouragement by the government for the public to undertake replanting activities.
  5. Discouraging the use of charcoal.
  6. Growing of trees alongside crops in the farm (Agro-forestry).
  7. Informing the public on the importance of trees and the and the need to plant more trees on their farms (awareness campaigns).
  8. Establishment of environmental clubs in schools.
  9. Banning tree activities.

Wildlife and Tourism

Wildlife refers to plants , birds and animals in their natural environment. (habitat).
Tourism is the travelling to other places of interest for pleasure.

Importance of wildlife

  1. Earns the country foreign exchange from tourists who visit the country.
  2. Creates jobs for many people who work in game parks, game researves ,and tourist hotels.
  3. Leads to economic growth of the areas they are found.
  4. Promotes development of local industries e.g. stone and wood curving which are mainly bought by tourists.
  5. Wildlife is an important national heritage.

Tourists attraction in Kenya and Switzerland

Similarities between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Both countries have beautiful sceneries.
  2. Both countries have a rich cultural heritage which is a major tourist attraction.
  3. Both have good accommodation facilities for the tourists e.g. hotels.
  4. Both countries enjoy relative peace.
  5. Both countries have game parks.

Differences between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Wildlife is the main tourist attraction in Kenya while Beautiful scenery is the main tourist attraction in Switzerland.
  2. Tourists are attracted by the warm climate ion Kenya while in Switzerland tourists are attracted by the summer and winter seasons.
  3. Transport and communication is highly developed in Switzerland and thus attracts tourists. In Kenya, The transport and communication is NOT highly developed.


An industry is a place where raw materials are changed from one form to another ,processed and assembled.

Types of industries

  1. Processing industries.
  2. Manufacturing industry
  3. Assembly industries
  4. Service industries.


  1. Processing industries
    • They are also called primary industries.
    • Involved in the first stage of changing raw materials from one form to another.
    • Examples in Kenya : Maize, milk, fish processing etc.
  2. Manufacturing industries
    • They are also known as Secondary industries.
    • They use raw materials to make final products.
    • Examples:
      1. Sugar from a processing industry taken to another factory to make sweets, bread or soft drinks.
      2. Steel rolling milk
      3. Glass making industry
      4. Insecticide industry
      5. Medicine making
      6. Cement factories
      7. Textile industry
      8. Shoe factories
      9. Oil refineries.
  3. Assembly industries
    • They are also known as secondary industry.
    • They put together parts that have been produced elsewhere to make new products.
    • Examples include:-
      1. Vehicles
      2. Radios
      3. Bicycles
      4. Televisions etc.
  4. Service industry
    • They are also known as tertiary industries.
    • They provide services that other people and other industries need.
    • Examples includes:
      1. Transport and communication.
      2. Banking
      3. Insurance
      4. Repair work
      5. Printing etc.

Factors Influencing Location of Industries

  1. Availability of raw materials.
  2. Availability of capital(money to start a business).
  3. Availability of good means of transport and communication.
  4. Availability of power (electricity).
  5. Availability of regular water supply.
  6. Availability of ready market.
  7. Government policy of location of industry.
  8. Availability of land.
  9. Personal consideration.
  10. Security.
  11. Presence of other industries.

Jua Kali Industries

  • These industries are also known as cottage or fabrication industries
  • It involves making simple items in the open air or under simple shade.
  • They use scrap metals to fabricate different types of cheap products.
  •  Items made include:
    1. Jikos
    2. Jembes
    3. Pans
    4.  Wheelbarrows.
    5. Boxes etc.

Reasons for establishment for Juakali industries in Kenya

  1. To create self employment opportunities.
  2. Products from Jua kali industries are cheap as compared to those made in manufacturing industries.
  3. The sale of the jua kali products earns the people income
    Jua kali industries require little space to house workers.
  4. Some Jua kali industries do not require electricity.
  5. ua kali industries help in cleaning up the environment as they use heap of scrap metals.

Benefits of Jua kali industries

  1. Creation of employment opportunities.
  2. Use of waste iron materials helps in recycling wastes.
  3. They produce many goods that are widely used in homes and schools.
  4. Jua kali products are cheap and long lasting.
  5. Jua kali helps in improving the living standards of people working in the Jua kali industry (sector)
  6. Jua kali is foreign exchange earner.
  7. The use of recycled materials helps in controlling environmental pollution.
  8. Jua kali reduces rural – urban migration as youths in the rural areas get employment in their rural areas.

Problems Facing Jua Kali Industries

  1. Inadequate space: This leads to interruption of their work.
  2. Competition from manufactured goods.
  3. Inadequate capital (cash to start and maintain the business)
  4. High cost of raw materials.
  5. Poor working conditions.
  6. Inadequate supply of water and electricity.
  7. Limited market for the products.

Contribution of Industries to The Economy of Kenya

  1. Creation of jobs(employment opportunities)
  2. Earning of income by the people.
  3. Earning of foreign exchange.
    Making use of local resources(raw materials)
  4. Saving on foreign exchange.
  5. Making it possible to have increased trade locally and with other countries.
  6. Promotion of agriculture due to increased demand of raw materials.
  7. Availability of goods.
  8. Growth of urban centers.
  9. Development of infrastructure e.g. roads.
  10. Increased skills by the people employed in industries.
  11. Encourages countries to join regional blocks.This enhances internationalrelations.
  12. Self sufficiency.


Physical Environment

What is Environment?

The things around us or in our surrounding make up the environment.

  1. Trees
  2. Animals
  3. Water etc.
  4. Grass
  5. Rivers
  6. Buildings
  7. Birds

Types of Environment

  1. Natural environment
    These were things that were made by God. E.g Mountains ,Lakes, Rivers, Vegetation etc.
  2. Human environment
    These are things made through man`s efforts e.g Dams, buildings, roads, etc.
  3. Physical environment
    The non – living part of the environment which consists of Soils, air, rocks, water, hills, mountains, rivers and lakes form the physical environment.

Map Reading And Interpretation.

A map is a drawing on a flat surface that represents a whole part of the earth.

Elements of a Map

Elements of a map helps a reader to understand the information on a given
The main element of a map are:

  1. Title
  2. Key
  3. Compress
  4. Frame
  5. Scales

Uses of Elements of a Map

Title It is the name of the area represented by the map and the information it contains. 
Frame  It shows the extent of the area represented by a map. It is also known as the borderline of a map.
Key It contains the signs or the symbols which represents various features represented in a map.
Helps to find direction of a position or features in relation to others
Scale Helps the map reader to know the actual distance on the earth`s surface as reprtesented on the map

Map Reading

This is the ability to read, understand, and interpret information given on a
Symbols of a map contained in the key should be fully understood and
interpreted correctly.

Features That Can be Interpreted From a Map

  1. Relief and drainage patterns in the area.
  2. Human and economic activities in the area.
  3. Types of climate experienced in the area.
  4. Transport facilities in the area.
  5. Vegetation found in the area.
  6. Human settlement pattern in the area.
  7. Administrative boundaries in the area.
  8. Social activities (services) found in the area.

Human Activities Commonly Found in a Map

Economic activities are the objectives that people carry out in order to get
income (money).

Crop farming Crops e.g coffee, tea, sisal, sugarcane, cotton, pyrethrum, wheat and cotton ginneries, factories, plantations, mills.
Forestry Presence of saw mill, timber yard, forest guard, posts.
Livestock farming Presence of cattle dips, butcheries, slaughter houses, cattle boma, dairy farms, creamery, veterinary offices, ranches, beef factories, trough.
Tourism Presence of national parks, game reserves, camping sites, picnic sites, hotels, lodges, museums, pre-historic sites.
Fishing Presence of fish ponds, fishing villages, a fish factory, fish traps, fisheries departments.
Mining  Presence of quarry, symbols of mines, name of the mine like Salt mining works.
Trade Presence of markets, shops, trade license office, trading centers, warehouses, stores, towns, custom offices
Industry Manufacturing factories, bakeries, refineries, rolling mills, ginneries, saw mill.
Transport and
Roads, railway lines, airports, airstrips, ports, post offices, telephone lines.

Social Activities on a Map

  1. Religious activities : Churches, mosques, temples, shrines.
  2. Medical services : Clinics, dispensaries, health centers, district hospital, provincial hospitals and National hospitals.
  3. Education: Schools, colleges, polytechnics, universities.
  4. Recreation : Cinema halls, Social halls, play grounds, theatres.

Features on a Map That Represents Administration

  1. Government offices e.g. Assistant chief`s offices or chief`s camp.
  2. Police post.
  3. Administrative boundaries.

Features That Show Drainage Systems on a Map

Drainage features Interpretation
Boreholes and wells Areas of low and unreliable rainfall.
Permanent rivers Areas that receive high rainfall.
Seasonal rivers Areas of low rainfall.
Waterfall  Areas of hard and soft rocks.
Many swamps Clay soils, poorly drained areas.
Tributaries Direction of the flow of the river

Human Settlement on the Map

Settlement is the pattern of population distribution in an area shown by dots and black shades.

Types of Settlement
Social studies types of settlements

How to Identify the Functions of a Town on a Map

Functions of the urban centre  Identification symbol
Administrative centre Government offices, chief`s camp, law courts, police posts, prisons, administrative
Commercial centres  Shops, markets, road functions, trading centers, towns, cities, warehouses, stores, trade licensing offices.
Social centres Schools, colleges, mosque, churches, theatres, sports, grounds, hospitals, cinema halls.
Mining centres  Mining works, quarries, named mines.
Agricultural centres Food stores, Large estates, or plantations, processing factories, dairy, creameries, cattle ranches, cattle dips, dairy farm.

Physical Features

These are things we see on the surface of the earth. They include natural physical features and man-made(human)

Natural features: Mountains, plateaus, hills, plains, valleys, rivers, lakes, etc.

Man-made: dams, lakes etc.

The Effects of Physical Features on Human Activities

Physical features Human activities 
Lakes, oceans, rivers
  • Fishing-( food income)
  • Electricity production
  • Supply of water  
  • Transport-income
  • Sporting activities  
Ocean, lakes
Snow capped mountains
  • Tourism 
Rift valley
Beautiful water falls
Sand beaches
Hot springs
Homa hills(limestone)
  • Mining
  • Minerals
Lake Magadi(Soda ash)
  • Income
Indian ocean(salt)
  • Creating employment

Negative Effects of Physical Features

  1. Flooding.
  2. Water borne diseases e.g. Malaria and Bilharzia.


Traditional Methods of Observing Weather

  1. Observing the sky
    • Thick grey clouds: rain.
    • Certain stars arranged in a particular manner: dry spell.
  2. Phases of the moon
    • New moon: rain.
    • Full moon: It would rarely rain.
  3. Appearance of the rainbow
    • Some communities believed that it would not rain if the rainbow appears in the sky when it was about to ran
  4. Condition of the environment
    • Very hot and humid: Coming of the rain.
  5. Blowing of wind
    • Strong winds blowing after a dry weather: Showed the coming of the rains
    • Wind blowing during the rainy season: Meant chasing away of the rain to give way to a dry spell.
  6. Behavior of birds:
    • Happy and playful birds in the sky would signify the coming of rains.
  7. Trail of ants: Signified the coming of rains.
  8. Croaking of frogs: Signified the coming of the rain.
  9. Appearance of toads: Signified the coming of the rains.
  10. Behavior of cattle: Coming of the rains(showing happiness by jumping up and down)
  11. Shedding of leaves after a rainy season: This Signified a dry spell.

Observation, Measurement and Recording of Weather Elements

What is meteorology?

It is the science of observing and measuring weather elements.
Social studies stevensons screen

  1. Wind

    Social studies wind vane
    Social studies anenometre
    Social studies wind sock

  2. Air Pressure

    Social studies vacuume barometre

  3. Rainfall

    Social studies rain gauge

    The raingauge is dug into the ground as shown above.

  4. Temperature

    1. Minimum and maximum thermometer

      Social studies mercury thermometer
      Used to measure temperature for the day.
      It is U-shaped.
      Minimum records coldest temperature.
      Maximum records warmest temperatures.

    2. Single-tube thermometer

      Social studies single tube mercury thermometer
      Used to measure coldness and / or hotness of the air.
      It is marked in o Celsius.
      It may contain alcohol or mercury.

Factors Influencing Climate Change

Climate change is the occurrence of unexpected change of climatic condition in a particular region. The main factors influencing climate change include:-

  1. Deforestation
    Cutting down of trees leads to reduced amount of rainfall.
    It creates desert – like conditions in the areas previously occupied by forests.
    It contributes to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  2. Afforestration and re-afforestration
    Planting of more trees will increase the amount of rainfall.
    Both afforestration and re-afforestration reduce soil erosion and evaporation, hence protecting water catchment areas.

  3. Industrialization
    Heat and smoke from industries cause pollution and increase temperature in the atmosphere.

  4. Excess use of chemicals
    Such as fertilizers causes atmospheric change due to the gasses they produce.
    The growing of rice under irrigation contributes to warming of the atmosphere. The rice in water release a gas known as methane, which
    contributes to global warming. The same applies to the use of fertilizers.
    Global warming is also caused by the use of petroleum to run vehicles .Machines give off a gas known as carbon monoxide, which makes
    the air warmer.

  5. Clearing of vegetation for agriculture
    This exposes the soil to agents of soil erosion.

  6. Building of dams
    Human-made lakes which form behind the dam modify the climate.

  7. Ocean currents
    These leads to temperature change along the coastal areas.

Impact of Climate Change on Human Activities

Positive effects

  1. Increase in food production due to increased amount of rainfall
  2. Increased generation of hidro-electric power due to high rainfall.
  3. Promotion of fishing due to adequate water in rivers.

Negative effects

  1. Low agricultural production due to lack of rains.
  2. Displacement of people due to floods.
  3. Global warming as a result of general increase in temperature worldwide.
  4. Increase of water-borne diseases such as malaria and bilharzias due to increased rains.
  5. Damage of transport systems e.g. roads.
  6. Migration of people migration of people to favourable climate.
  7. Death of human beings.


Soil is formed through a process called weathering. Soil contains:

  1. Organic matter
  2. Rock particles
  3. Humus
  4. Air
  5. Minerals
  6. Water
  7. Living organisms

Major Soil Types in Kenya

  1. Volcanic soils.
  2. Clay (black cotton) soil.
  3. Sandy soil.
  4. Loamy soil.
  5. Alluvial (young) soil.

Characteristics of Types of Soil

Volcanic Soil

  1. Red in colour.
  2. Deep fertile and well-drained.
  3. Occur in layers.
  4. Medium – sized soil particles.
  5. Mainly found in the highlands.

Clay( Black Cotton) Soil

  1. Small – sized particles.
  2. Dark in colour
  3. Deep and fertile
  4. Poorly drained.
  5. Muddy and sticky during the rainy season.
  6. Big cracks during dry seasons.

Sandy Soil

  1. Large soil particles.
  2. Shallow and dry.
  3. Contains a lot of air.
  4. Water seeps through them fast.
  5. Low water retention capacity.
  6. Loose nutrients mainly through leaching.

Loamy Soil

  1. It has a mixture of small, medium and large soil particles.
  2. It retains a reasonable amount of water fertile, deep and well drained.
  3. Appears in different colours e.g. light grey, dark brown and dark grey.

Alluvial (Young) Soil

  1. They are found in river valleys and flood plains.
  2. They are made of slits.
  3. Soil particles are of medium size.
  4. Have a smooth texture.
  5. They are deep and fertile.

Major Causes of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is the natural displacement of soil from the original place of formation to another by agents of erosion like wind, water and human beings.

The major causes of soil erosion are as follows:

  1. Deforestation- Cutting down of trees which exposes the soil to agents of soil erosion.
  2. Overstocking- Keeping large herds of livestock beyond the capacity of land leading to overgrazing
  3. Overgrazing-Livestock grazing on all pasture (vegetation) leaving the ground bare.
  4. Monocropping-Growing of one type of crop on the same peace of land year after year exhausts soil fertility.
  5. Over-cropping-Growing of many different types of crops which compete for nutrients. The soil finally becomes loose and infertile
  6. Up-the-slope (hill) cultivation-This promotes gulley erosion.
  7. Mining and quarrying-Results to displacement of soil.

Effects of Soil Erosion on Human Activities

  1. Destocking (reducing the number of livestock on the farm)
  2. Application of fertilizers to the soil in order to increase its fertility.
  3. Introduction of afforestration and re-afforestrationprogrammes
  4. Promotion of agriculture in the flood plain where fertile soil (alluvial) is deposited.
  5. Adoption of good farming methods to reduce soil erosion.
  6. Additional expense to the government in building dams, dykes and canals.

Soil Conservation Measures

  1. Afforestration :
    Planting of trees.
  2. Re- afforestration:
    Planting of trees where they had been cut down.
  3. Agro-forestry:
    Planting of trees together with crops.
  4. Crop rotation:-
    Growing of different crops on the same peace of land in alternate planting seasons.
  5. Mulching: The covering of the bare ground with grass to prevent moisture loss.
  6. Cover cropping:
    Planting of perennial crops like coffee and bananas together with food crops likepotatoes, beans and maize.
  7. Construction of gabions:
    Pilling up of stones in iron cages to prevent further movement of soil downhill.
  8. Terracing:
    Making of horizontal steps on sides of hilly areas.
  9. Fallowing:
    Leaving the land idle for some time in order to retain its fertility.
  10. Creation of cut-off- drainage:
    This is the digging of trenches to divert water from hill tops
  11. Controlled grazing:
    This is done by subdividing land into paddocks.
  12. Use of fertilizers and manure:
    This helps the soil to regain its fertility.
  13. Contour ploughing:
    This is ploughing of farm across the land guarded by the contours.




Study the map of TINDI area and wse it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Tindi area?
    1. 16 km
    2. 18 km
    3. 20 km
    4. 10 Km
  2. Human settlement in Tindi area is MAINLY influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. economic activities
    3. transport and communication
    4. pests and diseases
  3. The MAIN source water in Tindi area is
    1. Rivers Tindi and Kali
    2. the dam across River Tindi
    3. the borcholes
    4. water pans
  4. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Tindi town? It is
    1. a religious centre
    2. a tourist attraction centre
    3. an administration centre
    4. an agricultural collection centre
  5. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Tindi area is
    1. pastoralism
    2. fishing
    3. trading D
    4. mining
  6. The climate experienced in MOST parts of Tindi area is LIKELY to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wel
    4. cool and dry
  7. The MOST widespread means of transport in Tindi area is
    1. waterways
    2. air 
    3. road 
    4. railway
  8. The MAIN factor that contributed to the rise of the kingdom of old Ghana was
    1. the strong Soninke army
    2. favoured climate that supported agriculture.
    3. mining activities especially walata mines.
    4. the Trans-saharan trade
  9. Which one of the following is LIKELY to be the least importance of marriage?
    1. Marriage helps to control the spread of HIV and AIDS.
    2. Marriage cnhanccs unity and cooperation in the society
    3. It provides an opportunity to have children and raise a family
    4. It encourages the development of a sense of responsibility in the society.
  10. The original homeland of the cushites was
    1. Congo forest 
    2. Horn of Africa
    3. Bahr el Ghazal
    4. Pupungu pakwach
  11. Below are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    He was Her majesty's consul for the East coast of Africa.
    He navigared the Ruvuma River at the border of Tanzania and Mozambique
    He met Herry Stanley in 1877 iv.
    He died in Eastern Africa.
    The early visitor to Eastern Africa described above is LIKELY to be
    1. John Speke
    2. Henry Morton Stanley
    3. David Livingstone
    4. William Mackinnon
  12. Which one of the following plateaus is WRONGLY matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Jos Plateau - Nigeria
    2. Bie Plateau - Angola
    3. Yatta plateau - Kenya
    4. Fouta Djallon - Mauritania
  13. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Bantus of South Africa?
    1. Tsonga, Venda and Bakwena
    2. Bakongo, Balunda and Baluba
    3. Xhosa, Zulu and Sukuma
    4. Yao, Akamba and Nyamwezi
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a basic need?
    1. A home
    2. Drinking water 
    3. Food
    4. Education
  15. Three of the following statements are TRUE about slash and burn agriculture. Which one is NOT?
    1. Land was used over and over again until it lost its fertility.
    2. Farmers practised crop rotation instead of plot rotation.
    3. It was a form of subsistence farming.
    4. Neighbours mostly produced the same types of crops.
  16. Which one of the following is a traditional industry?
    1. Bicycle assembling
    2. Iron smelting
    3. Maize milling
    4. The stock market
  17. Central Nigeria and Southern Tanzania had reduced population before the 20th century MAINLY due to
    1. poor drainage
    2. slave trade 
    3. posts like tsc tsc flics
    4. unfavourable climate
  18. In order to communicate information to people over very long distances among traditional African communities in the past MAINLY people had to
    1. blow horns
    2. beat drums
    3. send messenger
    4. send smoke signals
  19. The BEST way of teaching a child to becomea traditional healer in the past was through
    1. observation and imitation
    2. story-telling
    3. apprenticeship
    4. medical colleges
  20. Three of the following statements are TRUE about Masaku of the Akamba. Which one is NOT? He
    1. was a great medicineman and a prophet.
    2. traded with Arabs and Coastal people.
    3. advised the Akamba to avoid forcigners.
    4. collaborated with the british colonialists.
  21. The Great rift valley was formed as a result of
    1. faulting and sinking
    2. volcanic activities.
    3. folding of sedimentary rocks
    4. faulting and uprifting.

Use the diagram shown below to answer question 22

  1. The weather instrument shown above is referred to as
    1. mercury barometer
    2. A hygrometer
    3. An anemometer
    4. An ancroid barometer
  2. Which one of the following leads to lawlessness in the society
    1. security
    2. poverty
    3. job creation opportunities
    4. general elections
  3. Most people migrate into towns MAINLY due to
    1. availability of jobs in rural arcas
    2. better learning institutions in towns.
    3. lack of industries in rural areas.
    4. shortage of land in rural areas.

Use the map of Eastern Africa provided below to answer questions 25 to 28.

sostt121s2q25 28

  1. The country marked Z is
    1. Uganda
    2. Burundi
    3. Djibouti
    4. Rwanda
  2. Three of the following communities are found in the country marked M. Which one is NOT?
    1. Amharas
    2. Oromo
    3. Falasha
    4. Sabaot
  3. The river marked K is likely to be
    1. Juba
    2. Shebelle
    3. White Nile
    4. Tana
  4. The MAIN crop that is grown in the area marked vvvvv is
    1. sugarcane
    2. maize
    3. bananas
    4. coffee
  5. Below are different types of fish
    Which combination shows fresh water fish only?
    1. i and ii
    2. i and v 
    3. iv and v 
    4. ii and iii
  6. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa.
    Trees have thorn and smooth barks
    Trees shed leaves at different times of the year
    Trees are tall and have a thick base.
    Most of the plants have shallow roots.
    The vegetation zone with the charateristic listed above is LIKELY to be
    1. Tropical rainforest
    2. Tropical savannah
    3. Mediterran vegetation
    4. Mangrove vegetation
  7. Which one of the following is TRUE about wheat growing in Kenya?
    1. Wheat is mainly grown in Nakuru, Eldoret and Laikipia
    2. Kenya does not export wheat since she does not produce alot.
    3. Kenyan wheat is harvested using combined harvesters.
    4. In Kenya, the crop is grown on large scale and small scale.
  8. Three of the following minerals are obtained using the open-cast method. Which one is NOT?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Limestone 
    3. Flourspar
    4. Diatomite
  9. In order to improve livestock breeds, beef farmers in Kenya and Tanzania are encouraged to practise
    1. group ranching
    2. overstocking
    3. in-breeding
    4. cross-breeding
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a contribution of the community in school development?
    1. Allowing the school to use its facilities such as fields
    2. Employing teachers to offer serveices to the school community.
    3. Feeding the school with learners and support staff.
    4. Providing resource persons to offer services to the school community. .
  11. What makes Nairobi which is near the equator cooler than Malindi which is far away from the Equator?
    1. Malindi has more industries than Nairobi
    2. Malindi receives convectional rainfall while Nairobi receives relief rainfall.
    3. Differences in altitude.
    4. Shape of the Kenyan coastline.
  12. Which one of the following is a similarity in the systems of government in both Kenya and Swiziland? In both countries
    1. civil servant implement government policies.
    2. political parties nominate members of parliament.
    3. the position of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is hereditary.
    4. general elections are held after five years.
  13. River Ewaso Nyiro North drains its water in the
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Indian Ocean
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lorian swamp
  14. Below were traditional methods of observing weather
    A clear sky with many stars at night.
    Appearance of flocks of sparrows in the sky
    Presence of a full moon,
    Sudden onset of high temperatures especially at night.
    Smell of moist soil in the air. Which one of the following combinations showed the approach of rains?
    1. ii, iv, v
    2. iii, iv, v
    3. i, ii, iv
    4. i, ii,
  15. Three of the following are methods of soil conservation. Which one is NOT?
    1. contour ploughing
    2. fallowin
    3. cultivating on steep slopes
    4. practising agroforestry in farms
  16. Ndeti, a standard eight boy on his way from school found two boys fighting. What action should he have taken?
    1. Report them at police station
    2. Call out for help from adults
    3. Mind his own business
    4. Separate the two boys.
  17. Three of the following are theories of human origin. Which one is NOT?
    1. Creation theory
    2. Evolution theory
    3. Mythical theory 
    4. Kinetic theory
  18. Mwangi and Opiyo, two pupils at Masomo primary school learnt that their classmate, Mbaya has HIV and AIDS. What should they do about it?
    1. Tell all their classmates about Mbaya's condition
    2. Advise Mbaya to seck medical advice.
    3. Laugh at Mbaya
    4. Pray for Mbaya.
  19. The MOST effective way of protecting children from abuse is
    1. giving stiff punishments to child abusers
    2. educating the public on the right of children.
    3. providing counselling services to victims of abuse.
    4. Educating all children on their rights.
  20. The MAIN problem facing tourism in Kenya
    1. insecurity and terrorism
    2. culture clash
    3. poor infrastructur
    4. inadequate tourism facilities
  21. Which one of the following is NOT a problem facing the last Alan Community (LAC)?
    1. Ideological dillerences
    2. Lack of political will
    3. War in Sudan
    4. Labour disputes
  22. Below are contributions of prominent leader in Africa.
    He abolished Sharia courts
    He carried our land reforms
    He nationalised the ownership of the Suez Canal
    He was a founder member of the organisation of African Unity (OAU)
    The contributions listed above were done by
    1. Kwame Nkurumah
    2. Leopold Scdar Senghor
    3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
    4. Nelson Mandela
  23. Below are descriptions of a multi-purpose river project in Africa.
    It is located at a gorge it.
    It has the largest artificial lake in the world by water volume
    It was completed in 1977
    It was mainly constructed to provide hydo-electric power
    The multi-purpose river project described above is LIKELY to be
    1. "The volta River Scheme
    2. The Tana River River Projects
    3. Kariba Dam Project
    4. The Aswan High Dan
  24. Which system of administration did the British use in Northern Nigeri?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Indirect rule
    3. Assimilation 
    4. Paternalism
  25. Horticultural produce in Kenya is transported to overseas markets through
    1. air
    2. roads
    3. the sea
    4. railways
  26. Who among the following are NOT members of the National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. 290 members elected directly during general elections.
    2. 12 members nominated by political parties.
    3. The speaker, who is an ex-officio member
    4. 16 women nominated by political parties.
  27. Which one of the following is a social right according to the Kenyan constitution?
    1. Right to work for a fair wage.
    2. Right to join a trade union 
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to health care
  28. Ole Supeyo and Ole Kaelo are fighting over grazing land. The BEST way to resolve their conflict is through
    1. negotiation
    2. dialogue
    3. a mediator
    4. a court process
  29. A child of five years who is found in Kenya and whose parents are not known is taken to be a citizen by
    1. birth
    2. naturalisation
    3. registration
    4. dual-citizenship
  30. The MAIN factor that undermines national unity in Kenya is
    1. corruption
    2. religious differences
    3. tribalism
    4. unequal distribution of national resources
  31. Chief Mkwawa of the Hehe was defeated by the Germans MAINLY because
    1. the Germans were more organised than the Hehe people.
    2. the Hehe warriors were brave.
    3. the Germans had superior weapons.
    4. the Germany soldiers were more than the Hehe warriors.
  32. Which one of the following aspects of our culture need to be preserved?
    1. Wife inheritance
    2. Cultural heritage
    3. Female Genital Mutilation
    4. Cattle rustling
  33. The MAIN problem facing regional trade in Africa is
    1. political differences
    2. similarity of goods produced
    3. poor transport systems
    4. Quota system
  34. Mr.Lumumba, the Social studies teacher at Bidii primary school has found three pupils taking alcohol outside the school. The BEST thing that he should do is
    1. advise the people on dangers of alcohol abuse.
    2. beat the pupils immediately.
    3. report the matter to the headteacher.
    4. embarass the pupils in the presence of their schoolmates
  35. The MAIN duty of the police in Kenya is to
    1. arrest law breaker
    2. ensure safety on Kenyan roads
    3. interpret the law.
    4. maintain law and order.
  36. The highest court in Kenya is the
    1. High court
    2. Court of Appeal
    3. Supreme court
    4. Kadhi's court



  1. Which one of the following statements DOES NOT shows that human beings are special compared to other God's creation? Human beings:
    1. were created in God's likeness and image.
    2. named all animals and plants.
    3. were put in the garden of Eden.
    4. have dominion and power over God's creation.
  2. Which one of the following was the MAIN result of man's disobedience? Human beings
    1. A. were cursed by God.
    2. started dying.
    3. were made to work and sweat.
    4. were chased out of the garden of Eden. 
  3. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why Abraham is referred to as the father of faith? He
    1. was an old wise man.
    2. loved his son Isaac.
    3. lived with a barren wife.
    4. obeyed God.
  4. Which one of the following was the sign of the covenant made between Noah and God?
    1. Circumsion
    2. Cloud
    3. Rainbow
    4. Blood 
  5. God asked Moses to apppoint Ohaliab and Bezalel to help him in the building of covenant box. Which one of the following abilities did he lack?
    1. Healing
    2. Weaving
    3. Embroidery
    4. Engraving
  6. The MAIN reason why God called Moses was to?
    1. Perform miracles before Pharaoh.
    2. Lead Israelites out of their suffering.
    3. Teach the Israelites about God.
    4. Choose the person who was to lead the Israelites.
  7. Which one of the following actions was carried out by Moses at Mt. Sinai?
    1. Getting water from the stone.
    2. Building an alter 
    3. Feeding people with manna
    4. Performing miracles.
  8. According to Judges 7:20. Which one of the following was NOT given to Gideons army?
    1. Trumpet
    2. Torch
    3. Sword
    4. Jar
  9. "You are coming against me with sword, spear and Javelin but I came against you in the name of God Almighty "I Samuel 17:45". These words from David shows that he;
    1. had a lot of faith
    2. had a lot of strength
    3. was very powerful
    4. was ready to fight for the weak.
  10. All the following were done by Angel Gabriel EXCEPT? He
    1. appeared to Joseph in a dream.
    2. predicted the birth of Jesus.
    3. said Jesus would save mankind.
    4. announced the birth of Jesus.
  11. The following were presents given to baby Jesus by the wiseman. Which one is NOT?
    1. Gold
    2. Silver
    3. Myrrh
    4. Frankincense
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus?
    1. Jesus was born from a poor family.
    2. Jesus was born from the lineage of David.
    3. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah.
    4. He feared that Jesus would become famous.
  13. By feeding five thousand people, Jesus showed one of the following character. Which one was it? He
    1. is powerful. 
    2. is caring.
    3. is generous.
    4. had faith.
  14. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8". These words were spoken by Jesus during?
    1. The sermon on the mount
    2. His temptation by the devil
    3. His transfiguration
    4. The miraculous catch of fish 
  15. During the last supper Jesus took bread and broke it and shared with his disciples. The same way he took a cup of wine and gave it to his disciples. What did the bread symbolize? His
    1. body
    2. blood
    3. love
    4. saving power
  16. From the incident that Jesus shared a meal with Zacheus the tax collector, christians leam that they should
    1. condemn sinners.
    2. win sinnners through their deeds.
    3. not associate with sinners.
    4. deal with sinners carefully. 
  17. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was at the garden of Gethsemane? He was
    1. lifted up to heaven.
    2. crucified.
    3. transfigured
    4. arrested. 7
  18. Who among the following people helped Jesus to carry the cross?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Nicodemus 
  19. Jesus is a sure hope of mankind. Which one of the following events marks his victory over death?
    1. Christmas
    2. Easter
    3. Pentecost
    4. Transfiguration
  20. Who among the following people was chosen to prepare Judas as an apostle of Christ?
    1. Mathias
    2. Barnabas
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Nicodemus
  21. The early church prayed together, shared meals, shared their properties and shared the word of God together. All these activities symbolised?
    1. Charistimatic renewal
    2. The passover
    3. The holy communion
    4. The pentecost
  22. "Whatever you do, work heartily as serving the lord and not men". Colossians 3:23. Who among the following people said these words?
    1. James
    2. Peter
    3. Jesus
    4. Paul
  23.  Which one of the following was NOT a rite of passage in African traditional communities?
    1. Birth
    2. Marriage
    3. Baptism
    4. Death
  24. Which one of the following ways of worship is common to both the traditional African communities?
    1. Reciting prayers
    2. Making sacrifices
    3. Reading scriptures
    4. Baptising the believers
  25. Which one of the following is the MAIN role of grandparents in the bring up of children in traditional African communities? 
    1. Providing food for the children.
    2. Preparing them for initiation.
    3. unishing the evil doers
    4. Passing on the moral values. 8
  26. Wachira attended a crusade where the preacher prayed for a sick woman and she got well. Which one of the following gifts of the holy spirit did the preacher have?
    1. Word of wisdom
    2. Healing
    3. Preaching 
    4. Praying
  27. The following are good ways in which we can use our talents. Which one is NOT?
    1. Participating in cleaning of the market
    2. Offering guidance and counselling.
    3. Participating in choir practice.
    4. Asking for money after rendering help.
  28. Erick a class eight boy is forced by his friends to smoke cigarettes. As a christian, what is the BEST action for him to take?
    1. Report the matter at the police station.
    2. Refuse and change his company. C
    3. Report his friends to the headteacher.
    4. Smoke and then repent later.
  29. On her way from school, Damaris a class eight girl meets an old lady carrying a heavy basket. Suddenly the old lady falls down. As a christian, what is the BEST action for Damaris to take?
    1. Run away from the scene.
    2. Go back to school and get help.
    3. Assist her to rise up.
    4. Tell her to rise up and go.
    5. In which one of the following stations was the first church established in Kenya?
    6. Kiambu
    7. Kisumu 
    8. Malindi
    9. Rabai


  1. "Min Sharti Maakhalaq. Wa min Sharri ghaasigin Idhaa waqaba." This are verses from Surah
    1. Al-Falaq
    2. Al-Nasr
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al-Masad
  2. What did AbuLahab do in the Surah Al Lahab, that made Allah (s.w) to curse him? He
    1. persecuted the early muslim converts
    2. attempted to demolish the holy kaaba
    3. openly called people into idol worship
    4. stopped the prophet from Da'awa.
  3. Surah Maun, promises a heavy punishment for people who commit all the following vices EXCEPT
    1. mistreatment of orphans
    2. performing prayers only to be seen by people.
    3. selling good with unjust measures.
    4. performing Swalats as you skip.
  4. Which one of the following characteristics describe Surah Al-Ikhlas?
    1. Al-Thuluithil Qur'an
    2. Al-Qalbul Qur'an
    3. Al-Fat-hul Our an
    4. Al-Muawidhatein
  5. How many chapters are there in the holy Qur'an?
    1. 141
    2. 441
    3. 414
    4. 114
  6. The two towns in which the holy Qur'an was revealed to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are
    1. Swafa and Sinai
    2. Makka and Madina
    3. Jerusalem and Bethlehem
    4. Syria and Taif
  7. "Visit him, never annoy him, when you prepare a broth increase the soups you mind about him" Who is this according to the hadiths?
    1. relative
    2. friend
    3. neighbour
    4. brother muslim
  8. Hadith. "A generous is near Allah, near paradise, near men and far from Hell. Which kind of a person is this? On
    1. who spends his wealth on the way of Allah.
    2. who gives essential services  to people in need.
    3. receives and takes good care visitors.
    4. who controls his soul and docs what benefits him in the hear after
  9. The prophet (p.b.u.h) showed us three signs of a hypocrite. Which one on the is NOT among them? He
    1. betrays trust
    2. never fulfils a promise 
    3. tell lies
    4. complains loudly
  10. Which one of the following values will enable a muslim to peacefully mix and interact with non-muslims even though they are annoyed
    1. Tolerance B
    2. Self reliance
    3. Patience
    4. Self discipline
  11. Which one among the following recitation in Swalah indicates change of a posture
    1. Rabbanaa Walakal-Hamd
    2. Allahu Akbar
    3. Assalaam Aleikum Warahmatullat
    4. Subhaan Rabi-al-Aalaa
  12. Zukkeina is not able to decide which high school to join after passing her KCPE exams excellently. Which Swalat should she perform to get guidance from Allah
    1. Swalatu Khusuf
    2. Swalalu Istiqa-a
    3. Swalat Tahajjud
    4. Swalatu Istikhaara
  13. Which form of purification is done passing dusty hands on the face
    1. Tayammum
    2. Istinjaa 
    3. Ghusul
    4. Istimna-a
  14. Dogs and pigs, their sweat, saliva and rashes are all classified under
    1. Najis Mutawasit
    2. Najis Mukhaffafa 
    3. Najis Mughalladha
    4. Najis Heidh
  15. The Islamic Sharia has identified and listed ______groups of people who quality to receive Zakkat.
    1. six
    2. eight
    3. five
    4. seven
  16. The meal prepared and feasted passed mid night by muslims in preparation for fasting that day is referred to as 
    1. Suhuur
    2. Walima
    3. Iftaar
    4. Twa'am
  17. In which of the following places will a hujaaj put on Ihraam to start Hajj activities? At
    1. Arafa
    2. Miqat
    3. Muzdalifa
    4. Minna
  18. Which one of the following is NOT an obligation towards a muslim dead body?
    1. Dafan
    2. Ruqiya
    3. Ghusul
    4. Kaffan
  19. Which of these is a pair of vices that those who engage in them receive the curses of Allah?
    1. Bribe and alcohol 
    2. Murder and theft
    3. Lies and falls testimony
    4. Apostacy and adultory
  20. The attribute of Allah(s.w), "Al-Mu-umin" means the
    1. magnificient
    2. sovereign
    3. designer
    4. trusted
  21. During the prophets ascent to the Arsh of Allah in the Miiraj trip, the prophet(p.b.u.h) used a special animal called
    1. Al-Baqara
    2. Buraq
    3. Al-Fiil
    4. Al-Qaswa 
  22. Where was the prophet (p.b.u.h) when he received the first revelation from Angel Jibril (A.S)?
    1. at Aqaba
    2. In cave Thaur
    3. On Mt Swafa
    4. In cave Hira
  23. Which one among these months of the Islamic calendar is NOT an Ash-hurul Hurum?
    1. 9th month
    2. 12th month
    3. 1st month
    4. 7th month
  24. The two daughters of the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) who both got married to Caliph Uthman bin Affan were
    1. Zainaba and Faatima
    2. Ummu Kulthum and Zainab
    3. Faatima and Ruqayya
    4. Ruqayya and Ummu Kulthum
  25. Which mistake did some army men do during Uhud that made muslims almost loose that battle to the Qufaar?
    1. Some army men were just hypocrites
    2. They disobeyed the prophet's instructions 
    3. Some never joined the prophet in Swalat Khauf.
    4. When the prophet(p.b.u.h) got hurt.
  26. Which one among these Ummahaats were destroyed by Allah(s.w) because of injustice in measures in their businesses?
    1. Ummat Lut(A.S)
    2. Ummat Swalah (A.S)
    3. Ummat Shuaib(A.S)
    4. Ummat Nuh(A.S)
  27. What is Tawakkul?
    1. The fellowship of Allah
    2. Reliance on Allah 
    3. The commitment to Allah
    4. The fear of Allah
  28. Who accompanied the prophet (S.A.W) on his Hijra trip to Madina?
    1. Bilaal bin Rabbah
    2. Uthman bin Affaan 
    3. Abubakkar Sidiq
    4. Ayyub Auswari 
  29. For how long did the prophet(S.A.W) propagate Islam secretly?
    1. Three years
    2. Ten years
    3. Five years.
    4. Thirteen years
  30. Muslims and the Qureish elders drafted a Hudaibiyya peace agreement that was to last for a period of
    1. 23 years
    2. 17 years
    3. 10 years 
    4. 7 years


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. A
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. A
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. D
  42. B
  43. B
  44. A
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D
  51. D
  52. B
  53. A
  54. C
  55. C
  56. B
  57. B
  58. A
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
Thursday, 09 September 2021 12:24

Social Studies/RE - Class 7 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2

 c7 set 2 Et1 Q1
Study the map of Bego Area below and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The location of the two industries in Bego area was mainly influenced by
    1. nearness to market
    2. nearness to raw materials
    3. nearness to roads
    4. nearness to water supply
  2. Which one of the following is a food crop grown in Bego area?
    1. Bananas
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Maize 
    4. Tea
  3. The mineral mined in Bego area is
    1. limestone
    2. sand
    3. salt 
    4. soda ash
  4. The general flow of river Bego is from
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The economic activity carried out in the North Eastern part of Bego area is
    1. tea growing 
    2. sugarcane farming
    3. mining
    4. livestock
  6. The main reason why tea is grown in the South Western part of Bego area is that A
    1. the area has cool and wet conditions
    2. the area is hilly
    3. rivers in the area provide water irrigation 
    4. there is adequate labour
  7. Which one of the following places is at the HIGHEST altitude above sea level?
    1. Cattle dip 
    2. Pineapple farm 
    3. Tugo town
    4. Sibi town
  8. Traditional forms of government among the Nyamwezi people were beaded by
    1. chiefs
    2. kings
    3. council of elders 
    4. emperors
  9. Which one of the following is not a roleof children in a family?
    1. Taking care of family property
    2. Seeking for advice from parents
    3. Providing basic needs
    4. Respecting other members of the family
  10. The first member states of the East African community (EAC) when it was formed in 1967 were 
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 
    2. Djibouti, Rwanda, Uganda 
    3. Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan 
    4. Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
  11. Which one of the following relief features in Africa formed through faulting and twisting of underneath rocks? 
    1. Mount Ruwenzori
    2. Atlas mountains
    3. Yatta plateau
    4. Rift Valley
  12. Radios are used to make government announcements because
    1. most people understand Kiswahili
    2. most areas are supplied with electricity 
    3. messages are made in indigenous languages 
    4. they are widespread

The diagram below shows a marine fishing method.

ce Et1 ss set2 Q12

  1. The marine fishing method illustrated in the above diagram is
    1. purse-seining method 
    2. trawling method 
    3. long lining method 
    4. net drifting method
  2. Improvement in modern systems of communication in Africa has mainly resulted in
    1. expansion of urban centres
    2. decrease in rates of crime
    3. increase in trading activities
    4. migration of people to towns
  3. Chief Mkwawa and Koitalel Arap Samoei had one factor in common. It is that they
    1. signed peace treaties with Europeans
    2. gave their land to European farms
    3. collaborated with the Europeans
    4. resisted European colonial rule
  4. Three of the following statements about clans are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Members are related by blood
    2. Members help one another
    3. Members live in the same area 
    4. Members have a common ancestor
  5. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa;
    1. There is plenty of tall grass i
    2. Most trees are deciduous iii
    3. Thorny trees of medium height
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. savannah vegetation
      2. mountain vegetation
      3. semi-desert vegetation
      4. rain forest vegetation
  6. Which one of the following language groups is not found in West Africa?
    1. Benue-Congo speakers
    2. Cushitic speakers
    3. Afro-Asiatic speakers 
    4. Mande speakers
  7. It is important for people to live in peace in the society in order to
    1. conserve the environment
    2. prevent the spread of diseases
    3. enable leaders rule for long periods
    4. enable the government to deliver services
  8. A characteristic of areas where beef ranching is done is that the areas 
    1. have dense forests 
    2. have irrigated pastures
    3. are sparsely populated 
    4. experience cool and wet climate
  9. The political party that led Tanganyika to independence was
    1. Tanganyika African National Union
    2. Chama cha Mapinduzi
    3. Tanganyika African Association :
    4. United Tanganyika party 
  10. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities who live in Southern Africa?
    1. Sara, Luba, Bakongo 
    2. Chagga, Baganda, Taita
    3. Tswana, Bemba, Hutu
    4. Zulu, Sotho, Herero
  11. Which one of the following rivers in Africa is correctly matched with the water body where it ends?
    1. River Nile - Lake Turkana 
    2. River Orange - Atlantic Ocean
    3. River Limpopo-Mediterranean Sea
    4. River Omo - Indian Ocean
  12. The main reason why Kenya traders with other countries is to
    1. earn foreign exchange
    2. promote good relations with other countries
    3. advertise tourist attracting sites,
    4. enable Kenyans to move freely
  13. Person living with disabilities in Kenya have the right to
    1. do what they want 
    2. form their own political parties
    3. be given higher salaries
    4. be nominated to the senate
  14. The plains Nilotes settled in the Rift Valley region of Kenya because 
    1. the areas had fertile soils for farming 
    2. there were many trade goods in the area 
    3. the areas were ideal for grazing
    4. the areas were not habited
  15. The aim of preparing a school motto is to
    1. guide the learners to achieve the aims of the school 
    2. prepare pupils to be future leaders
    3. outline the rules of the school 
    4. allocate time for school activities
  16. Three of the following are effects of revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. It causes deflecting of winds
    2. It causes different seasons 
    3. It causes sea and land breezes rotation
    4. It causes different lengths of day and night
  17. Which one of the following is an example of a processing industry?
    1. Paper manufacturing
    2. Flour milling
    3. Glass manufacturing
    4. Shoe manufacturing

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 30 to 33.

c8Et1 set 2 ss Q29

  1. Three of the following statements about the country marked M are correct. Which one is not? 
    1. It was ruled by an emperor upto 1974 
    2. Some areas in the country are deserts 
    3. It is the largest country in Eastern Africa
    4. It successfully resisted colonial rule 
  2. The game reserve marked R is
    1. Kidepo
    2. Selous
    3. Serengeti
    4. Bwindi
  3. The community that settled in the shaded area marked S during the migration period was
    1. Pokomo 
    2. Chagga 
    3. Abagusii 
    4. Taita
  4. The country marked F was colonized by
    1. France 
    2. Italy 
    3. Britain
    4. Germany 
  5. Which one of the following citizens does not demonstrate patriotism?
    1. Riziki - participate in communal work
    2. Taiyo - Attends national day celebrations
    3. Amollo - favours his relatives in employment
    4. Gatura - Conserves forest reserves
  6. Below are descriptions of a lake in Africa. 
    1. It was formed through downwarping 
    2. It is located in a dry area
    3. It is shared by three countries
      The lake described above is
      1. Lake Tanganyika
      2. Lake Turkana 
      3. Lake Malawi
      4. Lake Chad
  7. The main problem facing in land water fishing in both Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. water hyacinth growing in lakes
    2. oil spills from ships
    3. inadequate market for fish
    4. overfishing in major fishing lakes
  8. Which one of the following actions is a government policy that may influence settlement of people in a place?
    1. Establishment of multi-purpose river projects
    2. Introduction of family planning methods
    3. Vaccination of people against diseases
    4. Allowing people to move to towns
  9. Sisal growing in Kenya has declined due
    1. frequent droughts in the country
    2. low demand fro sisal products
    3. lack of funds to invest in sisal farming
    4. increase in population in growing areas
  10. The following are some communities found in Eastern Africa
    1. Nyamwezi
    2. Akamba
    3. Baganda
      It is correct to conclude that the above communities
      1. were ruled by kings
      2. resisted European colonial rule
      3. took part in the long distance trade
      4. settle in highland regions
  11. Three of the following statements about  indigenous education in the pre-colonial period are true. Which one is not?
    1. Learners were given written tests
    2. Some skills were taught through observations
    3. Learners were taught by older members
    4. Proverbs were used to teach moral values
  12. The diagram below shows a road sign.
    c8Et1 set 2 ss Q41
    A motorist who sees the road sign shown above should
    1. turn back 
    2. call for help
    3. stop the vehicle
    4. reduce speed
  13. Below are statements about an early visitor to Eastern Arica 
    1. He settled along the coast
    2. He took part in coastal trade it
    3. He came to Eastern Africa in 1840
      The person described above is
      1. Seyyid Said
      2. William Macknon
      3. Carl Peters
      4. Vasco da Gama
  14. The formation of the Rift Valley was caused by
    1. solidification of Magma on the surface
    2. erosion of soft parts of the earth
    3. faulting and sinking of land
    4. folding and twisting of underneath rocks
  15. The lake Victoria basin and the west coast of Africa have high population due to
    1. high rainfall in the areas
    2. deposition of rich soils by rivers 
    3. cool and wet highland conditions
    4. presence of minerals in the areas
  16. Conservation of natural forests in the highland areas in Kenya is done in order to 
    1. attract tourists in the country 
    2. get a constant source of firewood 
    3. get timber for export
    4. preserve sources of rivers 
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a child? Right to
    1. marry
    2. vote
    3. own property
    4. education
  18. When Julius Nyerere was the president of Tanzania he
    1. formed the first political party
    2. took part in forming the East African community (EAC) 
    3. made Tanzania a multi-state country
    4. was overthrown by the army 4
  19. What is the time in Dakar 17°W when the time in Kampala 28°E is 2:20pm?
    1. 11.20am
    2. 5.20am
    3. 11.20pm
    4. 5.20pm
  20. Mr. Hashm deals in Petroleum products. The best form to use to transport petroleum form Saudi Arabia is 
    1. pipeline transport
    2. air transport 
    3. water transport
    4. railway transport 
  21. The Western part of Botswana are sparsely populated due to
    1. presence of swamps
    2. insecurity
    3. semi-arid conditions
    4. flooding by rivers
  22. Which one of the following is not a impact of industries in urban areas?
    1. Dumping of waste in rivers 
    2. Increase in crop production
    3. Release of smoke into the atmosphere
    4. They encourage growth of slums
  23. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonial rule in Eastern Africa? 
    1. Africans changed their names
    2. Some places were named after Europeans
    3. Africans lost their fertile lands 
    4. African communities developed unity
  24. Which one of the following combinations is made up of cold currents only?
    1. Aguhlas and canary currents
    2. Somali and Benguela currents
    3. Guinea and Aguhlas currents
    4. Benguela and canary currents
  25. The following are facts about a town in Eastern Africa;
    1. It was started by Arab trader 
    2. It has a petroleum refinery
    3. It is a major tourist destination town
      The town described above is
      1. Mombasa 
      2. Kampala
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Dodoma
  26. What did the British do to Mekatilili wa Menza when they arrested her?
    1. They sent her to exile in Seychelles 
    2. They sent her to live in Kisii
    3. They cut off her head
    4. They jailed her for a long time
  27. Below are requirements for growing a certain crop;
    1. Cool highland temperatures 
    2. High rainfall that is well distributed 
    3. High altitude
    4. Fertile volcanic soils that are slightly acidic
    5. The requirements listed above favour the growing of
      1. bananas
      2. sisal
      3. sugarcane
      4. tea
  28. Who among the following leaders is not elected on a polling day in Kenya?
    1. Senator
    2. Woman Representative
    3. County commissioner
    4. County Representative
  29. Three of the following duties of the body incharge of elections in Kenya except
    1. announcing election results
    2. registering political parties 
    3. reviewing constituency boundaries
    4. organizing and supervising elections 
  30. An elected member of the county assembly loses a seat if the person
    1. is jailed for 6 months or more
    2. goes out of Kenya 
    3. is admitted in hospital
    4. is arrested by the police 
  31. A person becomes a nominated member of a county assembly through
    1. election by voters in a ward
    2. election by members of a county assembly
    3. appointing by a political party
    4. appointing by the governor


  1. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because 
    1. they wanted to become wise
    2. the snake tricked them
    3. they wanted to cover their nakedness
    4. they were hungry
  2.  During the time of Noah God destroyed people because
    1. they were building a high tower
    2. they were evil and wicked
    3. they had become too many
    4. they were speaking one language 
  3. A promise that God made to Abraham when he was living in Haran was that
    1. Abraham would live to old age
    2. Abraham's descendants would rule forever
    3. God would give him many descendant
    4. God would make him rich
  4. Who among the following people was a brother of Moses?
    1. Joshua
    2. Elkanah
    3. Caleb
    4. Aaron
  5. During the Exodus the Israelites asked 

    Moses to give them
    1. Weapons
    2. Kings
    3. Water
    4. Clothes
  6. Gideon was able to defeat the Midianites because
    1. he obeyed God's commands
    2. he was a brave soldier 
    3. he was experienced in fighting
    4. he had a large army
  7. King Saul disobeyed God when he
    1. A took the wife of Uriah
    2. failed to kill animals captured in war 
    3. married many wives
    4. took Naboth's vineyard
  8. When King Solomon prayed to God he asked for
    1. wealth
    2. wisdom
    3. long live
    4. fame
  9. When prophet Elisha visited the woman of Shunem he told her that
    1. she would get a husband
    2. her flour and oil would never run out 
    3. she would have a son
    4. she would be the ruler of Israel
  10. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen who visited Jesus? They
    1. went back singing and rejoicing
    2. ate with Joseph and Mary 
    3. offered burnt sacrifices
    4. did not go back to Herod
  11. Zechariah the father of John the Baptist worked as
    1. a priest
    2. a carpenter 
    3. a tax collector 
    4. a shepherd
  12. When the devil told Jesus to kneel down and worship him Jesus replied that
    1. you should not put the Lord to the test 
    2. man shall not live by bread alone 
    3. you should worship the Lord your God alone 
    4. human beings cannot live on bread alone
  13. Jesus taught his disciples during
    1. the sermon on the mountain
    2. the last supper
    3. the walk to Emmaus
    4. a fishing session in lake Galilee
  14. The two brothers who left their father in a boat and followed Jesus were
    1. John and Peter 
    2. John and Andrew
    3. John and Philip
    4. John and James
  15. The parable of the three servants teaches christians to
    1. respect people in authority
    2. use their talents well
    3. be kind to the needy
    4. repent their sins
  16. Jesus healed people possessed with demons. This showed his power over
    1. diseases
    2. evil
    3. nature
    4. death
  17. Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus because
    1. he knew Jesus
    2. Jesus was tired 
    3. the soldiers forced
    4. he was a God-fearing man
  18. Jesus forgave the sins of a thief who had been crucified on his side because 
    1. the thief was innocent 
    2. the thief was a God fearing man
    3. the thief was repentant 
    4. Jesus knew the thief
  19. Which one of the following women visited the empty tomb?
    1. Lydia
    2. Salome
    3. Tabitha
    4. Martha
  20. Which one of the following combinations consist of people who met Jesus on the day he resurrected?
    1. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas
    2. Thomas and Matthew
    3. Peter and John
    4. Mary mother James and Philip
  21. Immediately before Jesus ascended to heaven he told his disciples to
    1. look themselves in a room 
    2. be satisfied with what they get 
    3. go to all places and preach
    4. preach in different languages
  22. Which one of the following actions in traditional African communities is forbidden? 
    1. Hitting an elder 
    2. Giving food to strangers 
    3. Walking at night
    4. Singing songs
  23. In traditional African communities ancestors are best remembered through
    1. performing libations
    2. using the items they left 
    3. calling out their names during prayer
    4. naming children after them
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason for marriage in traditional African communities?
    1. To get dowry payment 
    2. To continue the family lineage
    3. To get a companion
    4. To feel important
  25. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in traditional African communities? 
    1. Burial
    2. Confirmation 
    3. Naming
    4. Initiation
  26. Christians take their first harvest of crop to the church mainly to
    1. feed worshippers in the church 
    2. sell surplus food 
    3. show gratitude for God's blessings 
    4. provide food for the clergy
  27. It is important for christians to work in order to
    1. do the will of God
    2. become rich
    3. be recognized in the society 
    4. get paid
  28. Leisure time should be spent doing those activities that
    1. make a person rich
    2. goes against moral values
    3. promote the welfare of a community
    4. promote personal interest
  29. Gabriel a stands six pupil, prays for his sick mother. This element of prayer is 
    1. petition
    2. confession
    3. adoration
    4. intercession 
  30. The early European missionaries taught Africans how to read and write because they wanted them to 
    1. get jobs
    2. read the Bible 
    3. be equal to the Europeans
    4. stop their customs


  1. "Fawailul lil muswaliin" is a verse from Suratul ________________.
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn 
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar
  2. Swafa and Marwa is performed to remember which Prophet together with his mother?
    1. Ishaq
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Ismail
  3. Believe in the angels of Allah is the pillar of Iman.
    1. First
    2. Second 
    3. Fourth 
    4. Third
  4. We celebrate iddul Fitri in the month of
    1. Shawwal 
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Muharram
  5. The story of Abraham AlAshram is explained in which Surah?
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar
  6. When the Prophet left for Madina he left laying his bed.
    1. Abu-Bakr
    2. Umar 
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  7. Which one among the following is an example of medium Najis?
    1. Women in monthly period
    2. Bleeding or producing pus
    3. Ejaculation of sperms
    4. Sexual intercourse
  8. The people of Makkah who welcomed the people of Madinah are called 
    1. Jews
    2. Muhajirin 
    3. Answar 
    4. Kharajites
  9. Prophet Muhammad went to for a trade caravan when he met Bahira. 
    1. Medina 
    2. Syria 
    3. Makka
    4. Egypt 
  10. Work in islam is regarded as an act of
    1. Torture
    2. Ibaadah 
    3. Makruh
    4. Punishment
  11. The ninth month in the Islamic calendar
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Shawwal
    4. Muharram
  12. The second battle to be fought by the Muslims is
    1. Siffin
    2. Badr
    3. Uhud 
    4. Khandag
  13. The prophet advised as to say the truth even if it is
    1. Bitter 
    2. Bad 
    3. Hurting 
    4. Sour
  14. On which of the following is Zakat not payable?
    1. Animal
    2. Agricultures produce 
    3. Furniture 
    4. Mineral
  15. Who among the following people is NOT a recipient of Zakat? 
    1. Debtor
    2. New converts 
    3. Slaves 
    4. Orphan
  16. Three of the following are not Major Hadath EXCEPT?
    1. Vomit 
    2. Blood
    3. Urine 
    4. Sperms
  17. In which Surah was Abu Lahab cursed?
    1. Masad
    2. Nasr 
    3. Fiyl. 
    4. Kauthar
  18. The archers placed at Mount Uhud during the battle of Uhud disobeyed the Prophet because of 
    1. Fear 
    2. Jealous 
    3. Greedy 
    4. Fatigue
  19. Which surahs teaches Muslims not to dwell so much on worldly gains?
    1. Humaza 
    2. Takkathur 
    3. Nasr 
    4. Kauthar
  20. The Angel in charge of questioning the dead in the grave are called__________
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ratib and Atid
    3. Hamalatul Arshi
    4. Hafadha
  21. The attribute of Allah which Muslims believe in are ___________
    1. 10 
    2. 17 
    3. 6
    4. 99 
  22. The first wife of Prophet Muhammad is ______________.
    1. Aisha 
    2. Maryam 
    3. Fatimah 
    4. Khadija
  23. The first thing done to a new born baby is ______________.
    1. Adhan 
    2. Khitan
    3. Aqiqa 
    4. Iqamah
  24. Which among the following Prophet was sent to King Herod?
    1. Zakaria
    2. Yusuf
    3. Issa
    4. Ayyub 
  25. Where was Prophets Muhammad mother buried? 
    1. Abwan 
    2. Makkah
    3. Madinah 
    4. Syria
  26. Which among the following prayers is commonly known as" swalatul Wustwa".
    1. Dhuhr.
    2. Maghrib.
    3. .Asr. 
    4. Fajr
  27. Which month do Muslims observe fasting? 
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Safar
    4. Rabiul Awal
  28. The 24 Prophet of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran is _______________.
    1. Adam
    2. Muhammad 
    3. Idris
    4. Issa 
  29. How many goats are slaughtered for the Aqiqa of a baby girl?
    1. One
    2. Two 
    3. Three
    4. four
  30. Swalatul Khusuf is the prayer for the eclipse of the _____________.
    1. Moon 
    2. Sun
    3. Stars 
    4. Rain


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. D
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. D
  54. A
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. C
  59. A
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B




Study the map of N. ere area and answer questions 1 - 7

  1. What is the direction of the quarry from the National park?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. The peoplee of Ndere area are mainly
    1. Christians
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  3. What is the climate of the North Western part of Ndere Area?
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Hot and wet
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Cool and dry
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in Ndere area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Lumbering
    3. Crop farming
    4. Fishing
  5. What feature is found at the part marked M on river Kembo?
    1. Tributary
    2. Estuary
    3. Delta
    4. Confluence
  6. The administrative head of Ndere area is likely to be
    1. a senator
    2. a member of county assembly
    3. a governor
    4. the president
  7. Which type of vegetation is found at the South Eastern part of Ndere area?
    1. Grassland vegetation
    2. Mountain vegetation
    3. Riverine vegetation
    4. Papyrus reeds
  8. The following Kenyan communities belong to the Western Bantus. Which one does NOT?
    1. Abaluhyia
    2. Abakuria
    3. Abagusii
    4. Ameru
  9. Which one of the following is the most widespread means of sending messages to large number of people. Use of
    1. newspapers
    2. television
    3. radio
    4. messengers
  10. Which one of the following weather instruments is used to measure both the strength and direction of wind?
  11. Which of the following is the most expensive way of preserving fish?
    1. Smoking
    2. Using a refrigerator
    3. Sun drying
    4. Salting
  12. The largest relief region in Kenya is the
    1. plateau
    2. lake basin
    3. Rift valley
    4. highlands
  13. The following rivers drain into lake Turkana except
    1. River Omo
    2. River Turkwel
    3. River Kerio
    4. River Ewaso Nyiro North
  14. Kenya is divided into constituencies.
    1. 47
    2. 68
    3. 290
    4. 350

Use the diagram below to answer questions 15 - 16.

  1. The side marked B is known as
    1. leeward side
    2. rainshadow
    3. Windward side
    4. convectional side
  2. Which economic activity cannot be carried out in the region marked A?
    1. Cash crop farming
    2. Dairy farming
    3. Pastoralism
    4. Fish farming
  3. Which one of the following is NOT among the Kalenjin age sets?
    1. Chumo
    2. Nyong
    3. Maina
    4. Mwangi
  4. General elections are held in Kenya after every _______ years.
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 20
    4. 1
  5. Jamhuri day is celebrated on ________ year.
    1. 12th December
    2. 1st June
    3. 1st May
    4. 20th October
  6. The road sign shown below means
    1. road junction ahead
    2. hospital ahead
    3. right bend ahead
    4. no entry
  7. Which of the following factors mainly influences the way penple are distributed in an area?
    1. Climate
    2. Soil
    3. Relief
    4. Latitude
  8. Which one of the following is the main line of latitude?
    1. The Greenwich Meridian
    2. The Tropic of cancer
    3. The Tropic of capricon
    4. The Equator
  9. In which year did Kenya become a British colony?
    1. 1895
    2. 1920
    3. 1952
    4. 1963
  10. What was the main economic activity of the Semites who settled at the Coast of Kenya?
    1. Cattle Keeping
    2. Hunting and gathering
    3. Trading
    4. Crop farming
  11. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa does not have a coastal plain?
    1. Eritrea
    2. Uganda
    3. Djibouti
    4. Somalia
  12. What is the main function of the judiciary?
    1. It makes laws
    2. It interprets the laws
    3. It implements government policies
    4. It arrests criminals
  13. Lawlessness can lead to all the following except
    1. slow development
    2. loss of property and life
    3. civil wars among communities
    4. rapid development
  14. Who among the following traditional Kenyan leaders did not resist the British?
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Koitalel Arap Samoei
    3. Mukite wa Nameme
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  15. Which of the following countries border Kenya to the North West
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Sudan
    3. Uganda
    4. South Sudan
  16. Acacia and baobab trees are mainly found in the
    1. mountain vegetation
    2. desert vegetation
    3. Savannah vegetation
    4. riverine vegetation
  17. A group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption form:
    1. a family
    2. a clan
    3. an age set
    4. a community
  18. Education in the past was passed through the following methods except 
    1. riddles
    2. books
    3. proverbs
    4. songs
  19. Planting of trees where some have been cut is known as
    1. afforestation
    2. deforestation
    3. agro forestry
    4. re- afforestation
  20. Which one of the following is NOT a human right?
    1. Right to education
    2. Right to life
    3. Right to safe environment
    4. Right to mob justice
  21. A good citizen is the one who does the following except
    1. fights corruption
    2. pays taxes
    3. practices honesty
    4. practices nepotism
  22. The exchange of goods and services for other goods and services is called
    1. currency trade
    2. monetary trade
    3. traditional trade
    4. barter trade
  23. Which one of the following is NOT a product of traditional industries?
    1. Vest
    2. Spear
    3. Cowbell
    4. Drum
  24. Three of the following are species of trees found in natural forests. Which is NOT?
    1. Mvule
    2. Camphor
    3. Pine
    4. Mahogany
  25. The walls of the Rift Valley are called
    1. ranges
    2. faults
    3. escarpments
    4. Drifts
  26. The first prime minister of Kenya was
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Raila Odinga
    4. James Gichuru
  27. Which one of the following Kenyan communities does not belong to the Mijikenda? 
    1. Agiriama
    2. Wataita
    3. Ribe
    4. Chonyi
  28. Carrying of goods from one place to another is called:
    1. communication
    2. transport 
    3. trading
    4. tourism
  29. Debates in the County Assembly are chaired by
    1. the Governor
    2. the Member of County Assembly
    3. the Speaker
    4. the County Commission

Us the map below to answer quesjons 44 - 47

  1. The tourist attraction marked K is
    1. Sibiloi National park
    2. Malka Mari National park
    3. Awara plains
    4. Lotikipi plains
  2. The border town marked M is likely to be
    1. Moyale
    2. Lodwar
    3. Mandera
    4. Wajir
  3. The river marked N is
    1. River Kerio
    2. River Turkwel
    3. River Ewaso Nyiro North
    4. River Yala
  4. The mountain marked L was formed through
    1. volcanicity
    2. faulting
    3. folding
    4. erosion
  5. Which one of the following is a manufacturing industry?
    1. Cement making
    2. Fruit canning 
    3. Printing
    4. Banking
  6. The practise of growing fruits, vegetables and flowers is called
    1. horticulture
    2. viticulture
    3. floriculture
    4. market gardening
  7. The following are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop
    Fertile soils
    Heavy rainfall
    Well drained, slightly acidic soils
    Cool temperaturesWhich crop requires the above conditions?
    1. Maize
    2. Cotton
    3. Wheat
    4. Sugarcane
  8. Which body in Kenya is in-charge of managing the National Games Parks?
    1. The Kenya Wildlife Services
    2. The County Government
    3. The Kenya Defence Forces
    4. The Kenya Forestry Department
  9. Which one of the following is the main function of schools?
    1. To prepare learners for future life
    2. To equip learners with knowledge and skills
    3. To educate learners on good morals
    4. To help learners on good morals
  10. Which means of transport is used to transport petroleum from Mombasa to Kisumu?
    1. Pipeline
    2. Cable
    3. Railway
    4. Road
  11. What is another name for alluvial soil?
    1. Loam soil
    2. Red volcanic soil
    3. Young soil
    4. Black cotton soil
  12. Which one of the following activities does not cause soil erosion?
    1. Overgrazing
    2. Monocropping
    3. Deforestation
    4. Afforestation
  13. Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa is NOT correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Ras-Dashan - Ethiopia
    2. Meru - Tanzania
    3. Elgon - Sudan
    4. Ruwenzori -- Tanzania
  14. Rusinga Island is found in
    1. lake Victoria
    2. the Indian Ocean
    3. Lake Turkana
    4. Lake Baringo
  15. The Turkana, Maasai, Njemps and Samburu are
    1. Plain Nilotes
    2. Highland Nilotes
    3. River Lake Nilotes
    4. Western Bantus
  16. The following are factors that promote peace in the society except:
    1. increased corruption among leaders
    2. respect for human right
    3. religious tolerance among people
    4. respect for the rule of law
  17. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is headed by
    1. the President
    2. the Returning Officer
    3. the Elections Officer
    4. the IEBC Chairman


  1. The book in the Bible wnion talks about the story of creation is
    1. Exodus
    2. Genesis
    3. Leviticus
    4. Mathew
  2. Who was the first person to lead the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt?
    1. Moses
    2. Aaron
    3. Joshua
    4. Caleb
  3. Which one of the following was NOT a responsibility given to both the man and the woman that God created?
    1. To make money
    2. To have many children
    3. To care for all the things that God had made
    4. To have power over the fish, birds and all the animals.
  4. The Israelites first celebrated Passover while in: -
    1. Canaan
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Galilee
    4. Egypt
  5. Joseph was able to overcome the temptations from Potiphar's wife mainly he was
    1. forgiving
    2. hardworking 
    3. faithful
    4. humble
  6. In Genesis 1:26, which creatures were created last?
    1. Fish
    2. Birds
    3. Human beings
    4. Animals
  7. Among the three kings of Israel, who among them was being tormented by evil spirits?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon
    4. Jeroboam
  8. Which one of the following parables of Jesus talks about repentance? The parable of:
    1. the sower
    2. the lost son
    3. the lost coin
    4. the judge and the widow
  9. Jesus washed the disciples' feet to demonstrate
    1. love and hate
    2. pride and love 
    3. humility and love
    4. selfishness and humility
  10. Who among the following was forced to carry the cross for Jesus?
    1. Simon of cyrene 
    2. Simon Pete
    3. John the Baptist
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  11. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding at
    1. Cana
    2. Capernaum
    3. Jericho
    4. Jerusalem
  12. All the following women went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried EXCEPT:
    1. Mary Magdalene
    2. Joanna
    3. Salome
    4. Mary the mother of James
  13. Which is the third book in the four Gospels in the New testament? 
    1. Mathew
    2. Mark
    3. Luke
    4. John
  14. "Salvation has come to this house today, for this man also is a descendant of Abraham. (Luke 19:1-10) Jesus was referring to which one of the following people?
    1. Judas
    2. Paul
    3. Zacchaeus
    4. Simon Peter
  15. All the following activities were done by the early believers EXCEPT
    1. learnt from the Apostles
    2. shared meals and prayers
    3. praised God and prayed together
    4. organised harambee meetings
  16. In Gen. 12: 1-9 who obeyed and trusted God and God blessed him?
    1. Abraham
    2. Moses
    3. Joshua
    4. Caleb
  17. Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples before His
    1. Death, crucifixion and arrest.
    2. Arrest, death and crucifixion
    3. Arrest, crucifixion and death
    4. Crucifixion, baptism and death
  18. Which one of the following is NOT a name that refers to the Eucharist?
    1. the Holy Communion
    2. the Manna
    3. the Holy mass
    4. the Lord's table
  19. The disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit on:
    1. Christmas
    2. Pentecost
    3. Easter
    4. Good Friday
  20. According to Ephesians 4:11. God gave different gifts to people Which gift did he not give among the following?
    1. singers
    2. Apostles
    3. Prophets
    4. Evangelists
  21. African traditional communities believed that when a person died, he/she joined the
    1. pastors 
    2. friends
    3. medicinemen
    4. ancestors
  22. One of the following was NOT an activity conducted by the ancestors in African traditional societies. Which one is it?
    1. They began a clan
    2. They solved disagreements
    3. They made sure that families lived together in peace
    4. They forced children to go to school
  23. What name do the Bukusu call their God?
    1. Ngai
    2. Were
    3. Nyasaye
    4. Mulungu
  24. Which one of the stages in traditional African communities did NOT mark new life?
    1. Birth
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Baptism
  25. Which one of the following practices can end a friendship?
    1. Love
    2. Gossip
    3. Kindness
    4. Thankfulness
  26. Who among the following people are NOT needy?
    1. The orphans
    2. The wealthy 
    3. The aged
    4. People living with HIV/AIDS
  27. Christians can live the new life well by the help
    1. friends
    2. parents
    3. teachers
    4. The Holy Spirit
  28. Christians believe that they can get new life when they
    1. believe in the priest
    2. believe in the ancestors
    3. believe in Jesus Christ
    4. believe in the trinity
  29. Christians share new life with others by
    1. reading the Bible only
    2. doing good and helping one another
    3. helping the rich
    4. preaching the word of God to the poor
  30. Mary's father wants her to drop out of school and get married to a rich man. As a Christian, Mary should
    1. accept to get married
    2. talk arrogantly to her fathe
    3. run away from home 
    4. report the matter at the chiefs office.


  1. A
  2. C
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Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:27

Social Studies/RE - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1


map of ulumbi area
Study the map of Ulumbi area and use in to answer questions 1-7

  1. River Nyenye flows towards
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. Ulumbi Area is likely to be headed by 
    1. appointed Sub-county Officer
    2. elected County Commissioner
    3. elected Governor
    4. elected member of County Assembly 
  3. What is the staple food for the residents of Ulumbi Area?
    1. Maize
    2. Rice
    3. Coffee
    4. Fish
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Ulumbi Area except
    1. crop faming
    2. mining 
    3. lumbering
    4. livestock keeping
  5. The residents of Ulumbi Area are dominantly 
    1. Pagans
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Christians
    4. Muslims
  6. What is the climatic condition of the North Eastern part of Ulumbi Area?  
    1. Cool and wet 
    2. Hot and dry
    3. Cool and warm
    4. Hot and wet
  7. A thief was arrested in Ulumbi Area trying to break into a shop. What would be the best action to be taken?
    1. Take him to the prison in Ulumbi
    2. Beat him to death
    3. Take him to the Chief's office in Ulumbi
    4. Take him to the Police post in Ulumbi
  8. Which one of the following sets of communities consists of River-Lake Nilotes  found in the same country?
    1. Alur, Lugbara, Nuer, Shilluk
    2. Langi, Acholi, Japadhola, Anuak 
    3. Nuer, Shilluk, Dinka, Anuak
    4. Toposa, Dinka, Ankole, Luo
  9. The most important factor to be considered when establishing a sugar mill in an area is
    1. availability of raw materials
    2. availability of ready market
    3. availability of water
    4. availability of good roads
  10. A group of people in a society who are able to trace their common forefathers form a
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. tribe
    4. age set
  11. The diagram below shows a weather instrument.
    class 8 Et1 set 1 SS Q11
    The instrument above is mainly used to
    1. measure strength of wind only
    2. measure the speed and direction of wind
    3. show direction of wind only
    4. measure strength and direction of wind
  12. The time at Arusha along longitude 45°E is 11:00am What time would it be at Goma along longitude 45°w
    1. 11:00pm
    2. 11:00am
    3. 5:00pm 
    4. 5:00am
  13. Which one of the following planted forests in Swaziland is owned by the government? 
    1. The Peak Timber Forest
    2. The Swazi Plantation Forest
    3. The Great Usutu Valley Forest 
    4. The Piggs Peak Forest
  14. Three of the following mountains have a  common characteristic. Which one is an odd one out?  
    1. Pare mountains 
    2. Usambara mountains
    3. Drankenberg mountains
    4. Ruwenzori mountains
  15. The diagram below shows a fishing method  
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Ss Q15
    The above method of fishing is known as
    1. trawling 
    2. long lining
    3. net drifting
    4. purse seining
  16. Three of the following are oil refíneries in Which one is not?
    1. Niger Delta
    2. Kaduna 
    3.  Warri
    4. Elesa Eleme
  17. Which of the following vegetations are mainly found in the Mediterranean region of  North African Coast only
    1. Eucalyptus, pine, cypress  B
    2. Thyme, lavender, rosemary 
    3. Baobab, acacia, elephant grass
    4. Conical trees, Meru oak, Mvule
  18. Which of the following countries is not correctly matched with its capital city? 
    1. South Africa- Pretoria
    2. Mauritius - Port Louis
    3. Niger-Niamey
    4. Lesotho - Mbabane
  19. In June 1st 1963, Kenya attained internal self Which title did the Kenyan leader get? 
    1. President
    2. Governor
    3. Vice President
    4. Prime Minister
  20. Which of the following is the main reason why most people in Kenya rely on radios for information than other media?
    1. Other media are expensive
    2. Other media are mainly found in urban centres
    3. Radio news are entertaining
    4. Radios are owned by most people
  21. Which one of the following African countries was colonised by Gemany?
    1. Nigeria. 
    2. Guinea
    3. Tanganyika
    4. Eritrea
  22. Which one of the following Kenya's philosophies was adopted on the principle of honesty, generosity and equal distribution of national resources?
    1. Vision 2030
    2. Nyayoism
    3. Harambee
    4. African socialism
  23. Which one of the following is a religious institution of marriage that allows a man to
    marry up to a limited number of four wives?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Civil marriage
    3. Christian marriage
    4. Islamic marriage
  24. The Arabs came to Eastern Africa in the 15th century mainly to
    1. build the Kenya -Uganda railway
    2. spread christianity
    3. carry out trading activities
    4. discover the interior of Eastern Africa

Use the diagram below to answer questions 25-26.
class 8 ET 1 set 1 SS Q25

  1. The above feature shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. land breeze
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. relief rainfallWhich of the following best describes
  2. Three of the following towns experience above feature. Which one does not?
    1. Accra
    2. Kampala
    3. Mwanza
    4. kilifi
  3. Which of the following best describes location of the Namib desert? It is located
    1. South of the Drakensberg mountains
    2. West of the Red Sea
    3. North of the Equator
    4. East of the Atlantic Ocean
  4. The following are all responsibilities of parents in a family except
    1. being role models
    2. working hard in school
    3. advising children
    4. provision of basic needs
  5. Which one of the following communities is incorrectly matched with the title of their traditional leader?
    1. Maasai - Oloibon
    2. Nyamwezi -Ntemi
    3. Buganda- Kabaka
    4. Ameru-Njuri Ncheke
  6. Which one of the following communities are found in West Africa? 
    1. Herero, Gurma, Xhosa
    2. Yoruba, Malinke, Balunda
    3. Songhai, Akyem, Susu
    4. Ovambo, Bambara, Asante
  7. Below are descriptions of a certain river in Africa.
    1. It drains into Atlantic Ocean
    2. It forms a political boundary 
    3. It forms an estuary at its mouth
    4. It has the most number of tributaries
      The river described above is likely to be
      1. River Zambezi
      2. River Congo
      3. River Niger
      4. River Limpopo
  8. During a school staff meeting, minutes are taken by
    1. the Deputy headteacher
    2. the headteacher
    3. the senior teacher
    4. the school chairperson 
  9. Which one of the following countries are members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)?
    1. Comoros, Guinea, Mauritius
    2. Congo, Botswana, South Africa
    3. Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe
    4. Uganda, Malawi, Lesotho
  10. The diagram below shows a road sign
    class 8 Et1 set 1 SS Q34
    The road sign indicates that there is
    1. a bump ahead
    2. a railway crossing
    3. a pedestrian crossing ahead
    4. no entry for motorists
  11. Below are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop.
    1. Requires hot and wet climate
    2. High humidity all year round i
    3. Protection from strong winds i
    4. High and reliable rainfall of between 1500mm-2000mm throughout the year.
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. cotton
      2. pyrethrum
      3. coca
      4. cloves
  12. Which colonial system of administration was used by the British in Northern Nigeria'?
    1. Indirect Rule
    2. paternalism
    3. Assimilation
    4. Direct Rule
  13. Which one of the following is a depositional lake?
    1. Lake Utange
    2. Lake Bangweulu
    3. Lake Shalla
    4. Lake Catherine
  14. Three of the following methods were used in the struggle for independence in Ghana except
    1. armed struggle
    2. strikes and boycotts
    3. forming political parties
    4. peaceful demonstrations 
  15. Which one of the following colours of our National flag represents the land of plenty?
    1. Black
    2. Green
    3. White
    4. Red
  16. The following are statements about a certain African leader
    1. Promoted unity in Africa
    2. He abolished sharia laws
    3. He brought land reforms
    4. He initiated the establishment of a multi- purpose project in his country
      The leader described above is
      1. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
      2. Kwame Nkurumah
      3. Haile Selassie
      4. Gamal Abdel Nasser
  17. Which one of the following is a qualification for a person who wishes to be elected as a member of National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. He/she must be a civil servant
    2. He/she must be over 35 years
    3. He/she must be a registered voter
    4. He/she must be a Kenyan by birth
  18. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa named a lake after the Queen of England?
    1. Henry Morton Stanley
    2. John Speke
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Sir William Mackinon
  19. Which of the following is both modern and aditional method of preserving fish?
    1. salting
    2. Smoking
    3. canning
    4. Sundrying
  20. Which one of the following is an element of a good citizenship?
    1. Partiality
    2. Nepotism 
    3. Patriotism 
    4. Ethnicity
  21. The diagram below shows the cocoa growing regions in Ghana, marked P, Q and R. 
    class 8 ET1 set 1SS Q45
    What is the correct order of the regions marked P, Q and R respectively?  

    1. Kumasi, Takoradi, Accra


      Kumasi, Accra, Takoradi
    3. Accra, Takoradi, Kumasi
    4. Takoradi, Accra, Kumasi
  22. The highest court of the land in Kenya is headed by
    1. the Chief Justice
    2. the President of Supreme
    3. the High Court Judge
    4. The Attorney General
  23. The headquarters of the East African Community is located at
    1. Nairobi in Kenya
    2. Arusha in Tanzania
    3. Addis Ababa in Ethiopia
    4. Gaborone in Botswana
  24. The county representative in the National  Assembly is
    1. the Senator
    2. the Speaker
    3. the Governor
    4. the Women Representative
  25. The main problem facing regional trading blocs in Africa is
    1. insecurity
    2. political instability
    3. production of unique products
    4. production of similar goods
  26. Which one of the following was not a method of interaction among traditional African communities?
    1. War
    2. Trade
    3. Marriage
    4. Formal learning
  27. Road accidents in Kenyan roads can be effectively reduced by
    1. educating all the road users
    2. tarmacking all the roads
    3. employing more traffic officers
    4. removing all the unroadworthy vehicles on the road
  28. The following African traditional leaders did not resist the colonial rule in their territories except 
    1. Kabaka Mutesa I
    2. King Lewanika
    3. Mekatilili wa Menza
    4. Nabongo Mumia

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 53-55

class 8 ET1 set 1 SS Q53

  1. Which Island country is represented by N?
    1. Mauritania
    2. Comoros
    3. Seychelles
    4. Mauritius
  2. The ocean currents marked P are called
    1. Warm Benguela currents
    2. Cold Walvis Bay
    3. Cold Canary
    4. Cold Agulhas currents
  3. The multi-purpose river project marked Q was mainly established to
    1. control floods at the lower Volta
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. provide water for irrigation in Ghana
    4. provide fishing grounds in Ghana
  4. Which one of the following is mainly transported by the TAZARA railway line?
    1. Livestock and their products.
    2. Minerals
    3. Timber and products
    4. Agricultural produce
  5. Which of the following pre-historic sites are found in Tanzania?
    1. Nariokotome, Kidepo Valley, Hyrax Hill
    2. Chesowanja, Ngoloba, Olduvai Gorge
    3. Meroe, Omo valley, Peninj
    4. Ngoloba, Peninj, Olduvai Gorge
  6. The Indepedent Electoral and Boundaries Commision (1EBC) in Kenya is headed by
    1. the President
    2. the Chairperson
    3. the Returning Officer
    4. the Presiding officer
  7. Who among the following was not among the Kapenguria six?
    1. Dedan Kimathi
    2. Fred Kubai
    3. Bildad Kaggia
    4. Kungu Karumba
  8. The traditional system of government used to rule Swaziland is known as
    1. Libandla
    2. Ndlovukazi
    3. Liqoqo
    4. Tinkhundla



  1. From the story of the fall of man in the garden of Eden, christians learn that
    1. people should avoid talking to their eneMies
    2. human beings should have many children
    3. Sin separates human beings from God
    4. man should work without resting
  2. Which one of the following best explains why Abraham is called the father of faith?
    1. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham
    2. He was blessed by God
    3. He was kind to his nephew Lot
    4. He agreed to sacrifice his only son Isaac
  3.  Among the following sons of Jacob, who was the eldest?
    1. Joseph
    2. Benjanmin
    3. Reuben
    4. Levi
  4. Three of the following activities were carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover in Egypt. Which one is not? They
    1. ate roasted meat
    2. drank wine
    3. ate bitter herbs
    4. ate unleavened bread
  5. Which one of the following statements best describes the Sabbath day?
    1. It was a day on which God rested before creation
    2. It is the first day of the week
    3. It is a day on which christ appeared to his disciples
    4. It is a day set aside for rest and worship
  6. "You created every part of me, you put me together in my mother's womb." These words are found in the book of 
    1. Ecclesiates
    2. Psalms
    3. Matthew
    4. Exodus
  7. .King David was called a man after God's own heart, however, he annoyed God because of one of the following reasons. Which is it?
    1. He fought many wars
    2. He killed Uriah and took his wife
    3. He did not kill Saul when he had the opportunity to
    4. He worshipped idols
  8. Which prophet of God tested the prophets of Baal on mt.Carmel to show that God is powerful?
    1. Elisha
    2. Isaiah
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Elijah
  9. "The time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." Who among the following prophets prophesied this?
    1.  Isaiah
    2.  Samuel
    3.  Hosea
    4. Jeremiah
  10. Which one of the following activities were Mary and Joseph going to fulfil in Bethlehem just before Jesus was born?
    1. To worship God
    2. To present the baby to the Lord
    3. To register in their home town
    4. To offer sacrifices to the Lord
  11. According to the customs of the Jews, Jesus was circumcised on the ____________________
    1. first day
    2. eighth day
    3. ninth days
    4. seventh day
  12. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean." Who said hese words?
    1. The woman with withered hand
    2. The widow's son at Nain
    3. The paralytic man
    4. The man with leprosy
  13. Which one of the following parables below did Jesus use to teach that we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves?
    1. The friend at midnight
    2. The widow and the judge
    3. The unforgiving servant
    4. The Good Samaritan
  14. In the temple at Jerusalem, Jesus did all the following except
    1. overturning the tables
    2. whipping with the teachers of the law
    3. teaching people
    4. chasing people out
  15. "My father is always working and I too must work." These words were spoken by Jesus when
    1. he healed a man who had been sick for 38 years
    2. he healed a woman with the flow of blood
    3. he calmed the storm
    4. he raised Lazarus
  16. Which of the following is a lesson we learn from the actions of Jesus of washing the feet of his disciples? That we should
    1. humble ourselves
    2. obey God's commands
    3. always pray without stopping
    4. be faithful in our actions
  17. Which one of the following is not true Jesus about according to the Apostles' Creed?
    1. He is the ruler of the Kingdoms 
    2. He suffered and died
    3. He went to heaven
    4. He went to hell and came back
  18. Which one of the following statements about the temptation of Jesus is correct?
    1. Satan asked Jesus to turn bread into stones
    2. Satan told Jesus to give him part of the Roman empire
    3. Satan asked Jesus to drop himself from a cliff
    4. Satan asked Jesus to turn stones into bread 
  19. Arrange the following events as they happened in the day of Pentecost.
    1. Apostle Peter spoke to the congregation 
    2. There was a strong wind 
    3. The disciples spoke in tongues
    4. People thought they were drunk
    5. Wind broke into tongues of fire
      1. iv, i, ii, ii, v
      2. i,ii, ii, iv, v
      3. ii, v, iii, iv, i
      4. ii, i, iii, iv, v
  20. A community of believers worshipping together is called
    1. nation
    2. a synagogue
    3. a church
    4. holy communion
  21. Three of the following wedding practices are found in both christian and traditional African communities. Which one is not?


      Prayers are offered to the couple
    2. Blessing of the bride and the bridegroom
    3. Singing and dancing
    4. Offering animal sacrifices to thank God
  22. Who among the following specialists would mainly be consulted when there is drought in traditional African society?
    1. Priest
    2. Diviner
    3. Rainmaker
    4. Seer
  23. Marriage in traditional African communities was considered important because it 
    1. provided cheap labour
    2. provided a sense of belonging
    3. ensured continuity of the clan
    4. promoted peace and harmony
  24. Girls and boys should keep their bodies from immoral activities mainly because
    1. they might get HIV and AIDS
    2. their bodies are still young and tender
    3. they are still in school
    4. their bodies are the temple of the holy spirit
  25. The practise of employing people from the same family in an organization is called
    1. nepotism
    2. tribalism
    3. racismn
    4. corruption
  26. Japheth is rude and occasionally steals from his parents. What should his parents do?
    1. Guide and counsel him
    2. Beat him up
    3. Send him away from home
    4. Forget about him
  27. Which one of the following is not done by the christian community as peace agents?
    1. Feeding people affected by natural calamities
    2. Clothing the models in beauty contests
    3. Providing drinking water in drought stricken areas
    4. Comforting people who have lost their possessions through fire
  28. You have noticed that your friend Kaguai has been avoiding some lessons in school and you would like her to stop. As a christian, the best way to go about it is to
    1. report her to her parents
    2. report her to the classteacher
    3. tell her that you no longer want to be her friend
    4. help her understand the importance of taking her studies seriously
  29. Which one of the following is the best way for christians to use their leisure time according to christian teaching?
    1. Sleep
    2. Watch television
    3. Serve God and others
    4. Take a walk with friends
  30. Which of the following is true of the missionaries who came to Kenya? They
    1. built the railway
    2. translated the Bible into local languages
    3. colonised the country
    4. taught traditional African religion


  1. Which verses among the following is found in suratul An-Nas?
    1. "So glorify the praises of your Lord"
    2. "Let them worship the Lord of this house
    3. "Say I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind"
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone"
  2. Which one of the following is a teaching of suratul Aadiyat?
    1. The night of power is better than a thousand months 
    2. Human beings are at a loss except those who believe 
    3. Human beings will be like moths
    4. All things will be exposed on the Day of Qiyama 
  3. The main lesson derived from surah Fiyl is 
    1. Allah is the Most Powerful 
    2. Birds can damage anything
    3. Backbiters and rumour mongers will perish
    4. Worldly things should not destruct us
  4. The prophet (SAW) said, "Say the truth even if it is bitter." This hadith teaches us on the virtue of

    1. tolerance

    2. honesty

    3. patience

    4. responsibility

  5. The first faradh part of wudhu is 
    1. feet
    2. face
    3. head
    4. arms
  6. Which surah teaches Muslims the importance of tolerance?
    1. Masad
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Kaafirun
    4. Maun
  7. Which one of the following was a title given to Abubakar because he believed everything that the prophet(SAW) said?
    1. Assidiq
    2. Al-Amin
    3. Asadullah
    4. Abtar
  8. How many extra takbiras does the Imam say in the first rakaat of swalatul Idd?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Five
    4. Seven
  9. The act of putting a sweet thing in the mouth of a newly born baby is known as
    1. Tahniiq
    2. AqiqA
    3. Nikah
    4. Mahar
  10. In which city did the prophet (SAW) die?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madinah
    3. Taif
    4. Jerusalem
  11. Mwafulani sells clothes but when it is almost Ramadhan he hides some and sells them a few days to Idd at a very high price. This act is haram and it is called 64.
    1. Israaf
    2. Ghush
    3. Hoarding
    4. Usury 
  12. "Say, He is Allah the One." This verse teaches us that
    1. we should avoid the shirk
    2. we should visit the sick
    3. Allah created everything
    4. guidance comes from Allah (SWT)
  13. In emphasizing unity among Muslims, the prophet(SAW) compared them to
    1. a flowing river
    2. a mountain
    3. an army
    4. a building
  14. How many animals are slaughtered during aqiqa for a baby girl?
    1. Two
    2. One
    3. Three
    4. Five
  15. A station where pilgrims make niyyah and change to Ihram during Hajj is called
    1. Muzdalifa
    2. Minaa
    3. Miiqat
    4. Sawfa
  16. The surah that was revealed to assure the prophet(SAW) of more revelation was
    1. Dhuha
    2. Inshirah
    3. Kauthar
    4. Falaq
  17. Which of the following is considered halal even if it is found dead?
    1. Cow
    2. Fish
    3. Chicken
    4. Crocodile
  18. Which act of worship is done before the prayer for Idul-Fitr?
    1. Fasting
    2. Giving zakatul Fitr
    3. Feasting
    4. Slaughtering
  19. For how long was the treaty of Hudaibiyya supposed to last?
    1. Ten years
    2. Three days
    3. Five weeks
    4. Three years
  20. Which pillar among the pillars of Islam is considered a shield?
    1. Shahada
    2. Zakah
    3. Saum
    4. Hajj
  21. Theprophet (SAW) said, "Whoever performs Hajj and commits no evil returns home________"
    1. as strong as a new born baby
    2. with thawaabs like a martyr
    3. very energetic ready for ibaada
    4. free from sins like a newly born baby
  22. What is the correct recitation done after the third Takbira in swalatul-Janaza?
    1. Prayer for the deceased
    2. Prayer for the prophet
    3. Prayer for all Muslims
    4. Recitation of surah Fatiha
  23. Who among the following wives of the prophet(SAW) was the daughter of Abubakar?
    1. Aisha (RA)
    2. Khadija (RA)
    3. Hafsa (RA)
    4. Zainab (RA)
  24. What marks the end of prayer?
    1. Suju
    2. Takbiir
    3. Taslim
    4. Julus
  25. Which attribute ofAllah(SWT) shows that He is the Most Forgiving?
    1. As-Swamad
    2. Al-Ghaffar
    3. Al-Khaliq
    4. AR-Rahiim
  26. In which month did Musa (AS) save the Israelites from Firaun?
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Muharram
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  27. Which one of the following nullifies both saum and swalah?
    1. Sleeping
    2. Backbiting
    3. Breast feeding
    4. Menstruation
  28. Which action among the following shows respect to the dead?
    1. Standing up on secing a coffîn (Janaza) 
    2. Talking about the dead in low voices
    3. Planting trees around the grave
    4. Building around their graves
  29. What should a Muslim say on hearing news of death?
    1. Alhamdulillahi Alaa kulli haal
    2. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun
    3. Masha-Allah Tabaarakallah
    4. Astaghfirullah
  30. Which one among the following is a similarity between Jumua and Idd prayers?
    1. Both are performed after midday
    2. Both have one takbiratul-ihram
    3. Both have two sermons
    4. Both are performed before sunrise


  1. A
  2. C
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  49. D
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  54. B
  55. B
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  59. A
  60. D


  1. C
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  30. B


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  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:04

Social Studies - Grade 5 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2



  1. What is the direction of:
    1. Lake Wasa from church
    2. Tea farm from chief's camp
  2. The main cash crop grown in Wasa area is ______________
  3. People in Wasa area belong to which religion?
  4. The main means of transport in Wasa area is
  5. Who maintains law and order in Wasa area
  6. Which economic activity takes place in Lake Wasa
  7. State 3 elements of a map
  8. Fill in the table below with the correct natural and built environment
    Natural environment  Built environment
  9. Which country borders Kenya to North West__________________
  10. What is weather___________________
  11. State three elements of weather
  12. The main language groups found in Kenya are:
  13. What is the longitude of Kenya _______E and _________E
  14. Name 4 lakes found in Kenya
  15. Name three roles of the school adiminstration
  16. The way of life of a particular community is known as
  17. Name five rivers that drain into Lake Victoria
  18. Who were the traditional teachers?
  19. Traditional society youths were taught through the following ways except
    1. Proverbs
    2. Songs and dances
    3. Riddles
    4. Writing
  20. The largest lake in Kenya is ____________________
  21. The most Northerly point of Kenya is at ____________________
  22. The largest valley in Kenya is ____________________
  23. Use the diagram alongside to answer the questions
    1. ____________________
    2. ____________________
    3. ____________________
    4. ____________________
  24. Our country is called ____________________
  25. Kenya has ____________________ counties.


    1. South West
    2. West
  2. tea
  3. christian
  4. road
  5. police
  6. farming
  7. key, scale, compass
    Natural environment  Built environment



  9. state of the atmosphere for a short period of time
  10. temperature, wind, air pressure, rain
  11. reciting, singing, riddles, proverbs
  12. bantus, nilotes( plain nilotes, highland nilotes, rive-lake nilotes), cushites
  13. 34° and 42°E.
  14. L. turkana, L. victoria, L. nakuru, L. bogoria. L. magadi
  15. maintain discpline, create school program, manage school activities
  16. tradition
  17. River Mara, Kagera, Yala, Nyando, Bukora and Katonga. 
  18. elders in society
  19. writing
  20. L. victoria
  21. ilemi triangle/ naitatitok
  22. rift valley
    1. north east
    2. north west
    3. east
    4. south west
  24. Kenya
  25. 47




Study the map of Bego Area below and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. The location of the two industries in Bego area was mainly influenced by
    1. nearness to market
    2. nearness to raw materials
    3. ncarness to roads
    4. nearness to water supply
  2. Which one of the following is a food crop grown in Bego area?
    1. Bananas
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Maize
    4. Tea
  3. The mineral mined in Bego area is
    1. limestone
    2. sand 
    3. salt
    4. soda ash
  4. The general flow of river Bego is from
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The economic activity carried out in the North Eastern part of Bego area is
    1. tea growing
    2. sugarcane farming
    3. mining
    4. livestock
  6. The main reason why tea is grown in the South Western part of Bego area is that 
    1. the area has cool and wet conditions
    2. the area is hilly
    3. rivers in the area provide water irrigation
    4. there is adequate labour
  7. Which one of the following places is at the HIGHEST altitude above sea level?
    1. Cattle dip
    2. Pineapple farm
    3. Tugo town
    4. Sibi town
  8. Traditional forms of government among the Nyamwezi people were beaded by
    1. chiefs
    2. kings 
    3. council of elders
    4. emperors
  9. Which one of the following is not a role of children in a family?
    1. Taking care of family property 
    2. Seeking for advice from parents
    3. Providing basic needs
    4. Respecting other members of the family
  10. The first member states of the East African community (EAC) when it was formed in 1967 were
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
    2. Djibouti, Rwanda, Uganda
    3. Tanzania, Burundi, Sudan
    4. Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
  11. Which one of the following relief features in Africa formed through faulting and twisting of underneath rocks?
    1. Mount Ruwenzori
    2. Atlas mountains
    3. Yatta plateau
    4. Rift Valley
  12. Radios are used to make government announcements because
    1. most people understand Kiswahili
    2. most areas are supplied with electricity
    3. messages are made in indigenous languages
    4. they are widespread
  13. The diagram below shows a marine fishing method.
    The marine fishing method illustrated in the above diagram is
    1. purse-seining method 
    2. trawling method
    3. long lining method
    4. net drifting method
  14. Improvement in modern systems of communication in Africa has mainly resulted in
    1. expansion of urban centres 
    2. decrease in rates of crime
    3. increase in trading activities
    4. migration of people to towns
  15. Chief Mkwawa and Koitalel Arap Samoei had one factor in common. It is that they
    1. signed peace treaties with Europeans
    2. gave their land to European farms
    3. collaborated with the Europeans
    4. resisted European colonial rule
  16. Three of the following statements about clans are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Members are related by blood
    2. Members help one another
    3. Members live in the same area
    4. Members have a common ancestor
  17. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa;
    There is plenty of tall grass
    Most trees are deciduous
    Thorny trees of medium height Pub
    The vegetation zone described above is
    1. savannah vegetation
    2. mountain vegetation
    3. semi-desert vegetation
    4. rain forest vegetation
  18. Which one of the following language groups is not found in West Africa?
    1. Benue-Congo speakers
    2. Cushitic speakers
    3. Afro-Asiatic speakers
    4. Mande speakers
  19. It is important for people to live in peace in the society in order to
    1. conserve the environment
    2. prevent the spread of diseases
    3. enable leaders rule for long periods
    4. enable the government to deliver services
  20. A characteristic of areas where beef ranching is done is that the areas
    1. have dense forests
    2. have irrigated pastures
    3. are sparsely populated
    4. experience cool and wet climate
  21. The political party that led Tanganyika to independence was
    1. Tanganyika African National Union
    2. Chama cha Mapinduzi
    3. Tanganyika African Association
    4. United Tanganyika party
  22. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities who live in Southern Africa?
    1. Sara, Luba, Bakongo
    2. Chagga, Baganda, Taita
    3. Tswana, Bemba, Hutu
    4. Zulu, Sotho, Herero
  23. Which one of the following rivers in Africa is correctly matched with the water body where it ends?
    1. River Nile - Lake Turkana
    2. River Orange - Atlantic Ocean
    3. River Limpopo - Mediterranean Sea
    4. River OMO - Indian Ocean
  24. The main reason why Kenya traders with other countries is to
    1. earn foreign exchange
    2. promote good relations with other countries
    3. advertise tourist attracting sites
    4. enable Kenyans to move freely
  25. Person living with disabilities in Kenya have the right to
    1. do what they want 
    2. form their own political parties
    3. be given higher salaries
    4. be nominated to the senate
  26. The plains Nilotes settled in the Rift Valley region of Kenya because
    1. the areas had fertile soils for farming
    2. there were many trade goods in the area
    3. the areas were ideal for grazing
    4. the areas were not habited
  27. The aim of preparing a school motto is to
    1. guide the learners to achieve the aims of the school
    2. prepare pupils to be future leaders
    3. outline the rules of the school
    4. allocate time for school activities
  28. Three of the following are effects of revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. It causes deflecting of winds
    2. It causes different seasons
    3. It causes sea and land breezes rotation
    4. It causes different lengths of day and night
  29. Which one of the following is an example of a processing industry?
    1. Paper manufacturing
    2. Flour milling
    3. Glass manufacturing .
    4. Shoe manufacturing

      Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 30 to 33.
  30. Three of the following statements about the country marked M are correct. Which one is not? 
    1. It was ruled by an emperor upto 1974
    2. Some areas in the country are deserts
    3. It is the largest country in Eastern Africa
    4. It successfully resisted colonial rule
  31. The game reserve marked R is
    1. Kidepo
    2. Selous
    3. Serengeti
    4. Bwindi
  32. The community that settled in the shaded area marked S during the migration period was
    1. Pokomo
    2. Chagga
    3. Abagusii 
    4. Taita
  33. The country marked F was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Italy
    3. Britain
    4. Germany
  34. Which one of the following citizens doesnot demonstrate patriotism?
    1. Riziki - participate in communal work
    2. Taiyo - Attends national day celebrations
    3. Amollo - favours his relatives in employment
    4. Gatura - Conserves forest reserves
  35. Below are descriptions of a lake in Africa.
    It was formed through downwarping
    It is located in a dry area 
    It is shared by three countries
    The lake described above is
    1. Lake Tanganyika
    2. Lake Turkana
    3. Lake Malawi
    4. Lake Chad
  36. The main problem facing in land water fishing in both Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. water hyacinth growing in lakes
    2. oil spills from ships
    3. inadequate market for fish
    4. overfishing in major fishing lakes
  37. Which one of the following actions is a government policy that may influence settlement of people in a place?
    1. Establishment of multi-purpose river projects 
    2. Introduction of family planning methods
    3. Vaccination of people against diseases
    4. Allowing people to move to towns
  38. Sisal growing in Kenya has declined due to
    1. frequent droughts in the country
    2. low demand fro sisal products
    3. lack of funds to invest in sisal farming
    4. increase in population in growing areas
  39. The following are some communities found in Eastern Africa
    It is correct to conclude that the above communities
    1. were ruled by kings
    2. resisted European colonial rule 
    3. took part in the long distance trade
    4. settle in highland regions
  40. Three of the following statements about indigenous education in the pre-colonial period are true. Which one is not?
    1. Learners were given written tests
    2. Some skills were taught through observations
    3. Learners were taught by older members
    4. Proverbs were used to teach moral values
  41. The diagram below shows a road sign.
    A motorist who sees the road sign shown above should
    1. turn back
    2. call for help
    3. stop the vehicle
    4. reduce speed
  42. Below are statements about an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    He settled along the coast on me
    He took part in coastal trade
    He came to Eastern Africa in 1840
    The person described above is
    1. Seyyid Said
    2. William Macknon
    3. Carl Peters
    4. Vasco da Gama
  43. The formation of the Rift Valley was caused by
    1. solidification of Magma on the  surface
    2. erosion of soft parts of the earth
    3. faulting and sinking of land
    4. folding and twisting of underneath rocks
  44. The lake Victoria basin and the West coast of Africa have high population due to 
    1. high rainfall in the areas
    2. deposition of rich soils by rivers
    3. cool and wet highland conditions
    4. presence of minerals in the areas
  45. Conservation of natural forests in the highland areas in Kenya is done in order to
    1. attract tourists in the country 
    2. get a constant source of firewood
    3. get timber for export
    4. preserve sources of rivers
  46. Which one of the following is a social right of a child? Right to
    1. marry
    2. vote 
    3. own property
    4. education
  47. When Julius Nyerere was the president of Tanzania he
    1. formed the first political party 
    2. took part in forming the East African community (EAC)
    3. made Tanzania a multi-state country
    4. was overthrown by the army
  48. What is the time in Dakar 17°W when the time in Kampala 28°E is 2:20pm?
    1. 11.20am 
    2. 5.20am
    3. 11.20pm
    4. 5.20pm
  49. Mr. Hashim deals in Petroleum products. The best form to use to transport petroleum form Saudi Arabia is
    1. pipeline transport
    2. air transport
    3. water transport
    4. railway transport
  50. The Western part of Botswana are sparsely populated due to
    1. presence of swamps
    2. insecurity
    3. semi-arid conditions
    4. flooding by rivers
  51. Which one of the following is not a impact of industries in urban areas?
    1. Dumping of waste in rivers 
    2. Increase in crop production 
    3. Release of smoke into the atmosphere
    4. They encourage growth of slums
  52. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonial rule in Eastern Africa?
    1. Africans changed their names
    2. Some places were named after Europeans
    3. Africans lost their fertile lands
    4. African communities developed unity
  53. Which one of the following combinations is made up of cold currents only?
    1. Aguhlas and canary currents
    2. Somali and Benguela currents
    3. Guinea and Aguhlas currents 
    4. Benguela and canary currents
  54. The following are facts about a town in Eastern Africa;
    It was started by Arab trader
    It has a petroleum refinery
    It is a major tourist destination town
    The town described above is never
    1. Mombasa
    2. Kampala
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Dodoma
  55. What did the British do to Mekatilili wa Menza when they arrested her?
    1. They sent her to exile in Seychelles
    2. They sent her to live in Kisii
    3. They cut off her head
    4. They jailed her for a long time
  56. Below are requirements for growing a certain crop;
    Cool highland temperatures
    High rainfall that is well distributed
    High altitude
    Fertile volcanic soils that are slightly acidic
    The requirements listed above favour the growing of
    1. bananas 
    2. sisal
    3. sugarcane
    4. tea
  57. Who among the following leaders is not elected on a polling day in Kenya? 
    1. Senator
    2. Woman Representative
    3. County commissioner
    4. County Representative
  58. Three of the following duties of the body incharge of elections in Kenya except
    1. announcing election results
    2. registering political parties 
    3. reviewing constituency boundaries
    4. organizing and supervising elections
  59. An elected member of the county assembly loses a seat if the person
    1. is jailed for 6 months or more
    2. goes out of Kenya
    3. is admitted in hospital
    4. is arrested by the police
  60. A person becomes a nominated member of it pu a county assembly through
    1. election by voters in a ward
    2. election by members of a county assembly
    3. appointing by a political party 
    4. appointing by the governor


  1. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because
    1. they wanted to become wise
    2. the snake tricked them
    3. they wanted to cover their nakedness
    4. they were hungry
  2. During the time of Noah God destroyed people because
    1. they were building a high tower
    2. they were evil and wicked
    3. they had become too many
    4. they were speaking one language
  3. A promise that God made to Abraham when he was living in Haran was that
    1. Abraham would live to old age 
    2. Abraham's descendants would rule forever
    3. God would give him many descendant
    4. God would make him rich
  4. Who among the following people was a brother of Moses?
    1. Joshua
    2. Elkanah
    3. Caleb
    4. Aaron
  5. During the Exodus the Israelites asked Moses to give them
    1. Weapons
    2. Kings
    3. Water
    4. Clothes
  6. Gideon was able to defeat the Midianites because
    1. he obeyed God's commands
    2. he was a brave soldier
    3. he was experienced in fighting
    4. he had a large army
  7. King Saul disobeyed God when he
    1. took the wife of Uriah
    2. failed to kill animals captured in war
    3. married many wives
    4. took Naboth's vineyard
  8. When King Solomon prayed to God he asked for
    1. wealth
    2. wisdom
    3. long live
    4. fame
  9. When prophet Elisha visited the woman of Shunem he told her that
    1. she would get a husband
    2. her flour and oil would never run out
    3. she would have a son
    4. she would be the ruler of Israel
  10. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen who visited Jesus? They
    1. went back singing and rejoicing
    2. ate with Joseph and Mary
    3. offered burnt sacrifices
    4. did not go back to Herod
  11. Zechariah the father of John the Baptist worked as
    1. a priest
    2. a carpenter
    3. a tax collector
    4. a shepherd
  12. When the devil told Jesus to kneel down and worship him Jesus replied that
    1. you should not put the Lord to the test
    2. man shall not live by bread alone
    3. you should worship the Lord your God alone
    4. human beings cannot live on bread alone
  13. Jesus taught his disciples during
    1. the sermon on the mountain
    2. the last supper
    3. the walk to Emmaus
    4. a fishing session in lake Galilee
  14. The two brothers who left their father in 18 a boat and followed Jesus were
    1. John and Peter
    2. John and Andrew
    3. John and Philip
    4. John and James
  15. The parable of the three servants teaches christians to
    1. respect people in authority
    2. use their talents well
    3. be kind to the needy
    4. repent their sins
  16. Jesus healed people possessed with demons. This showed his power over
    1. diseases
    2. evil
    3. nature
    4. death
  17. Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of  Jesus because
    1. he knew Jesus
    2. Jesus was tired
    3. the soldiers forced
    4. he was a God-fearing man
  18. Jesus forgave the sins of a thief who had been crucified on his side because
    1. the thief was innocent
    2. the thief was a God fearing man
    3. the thief was repentant
    4. Jesus knew the thief
  19. Which one of the following women visited the empty tomb?
    1. Lydia
    2. Salome
    3. Tabitha
    4. Martha
  20. Which one of the following combinations consist of people who met Jesus on the day he resurrected?
    1. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas
    2. Thomas and Matthew
    3. Peter and John
    4. Mary mother James and Philip
  21. Immediately before Jesus ascended to heaven he told his disciples to 
    1. look themselves in a room
    2. be satisfied with what they get
    3. go to all places and preach
    4. preach in different languages
  22. Which one of the following actions in traditional African communities is forbidden?
    1. Hitting an elder
    2. Giving food to strangers
    3. Walking at night
    4. Singing songs
  23. In traditional African communities ancestors are best remembered through
    1. performing libations
    2. using the items they left
    3. calling out their names during prayer
    4. naming children after them
  24. Which one of the following is the main reason for marriage in traditional African communities? 
    1. To get dowry payment
    2. To continue the family lineage
    3. To get a companion
    4. To feel important
  25. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in traditional African communities?
    1. Burial
    2. Confirmation
    3. Naming
    4. Initiation
  26. Christians take their first harvest of crop to the church mainly to
    1. feed worshippers in the church
    2. sell surplus food
    3. show gratitude for God's blessings
    4. provide food for the clergy
  27. It is important for christians to work in order to
    1. do the will of God
    2. become rich
    3. be recognized in the society
    4. get paid
  28. Leisure time should be spent doing those activities that
    1. make a person rich
    2. goes against moral values
    3. promote the welfare of a community
    4. promote personal interest
  29. Gabriel a stands six pupil, prays for his sick mother. This element of prayer is 
    1. petition
    2. confession
    3. adoration
    4. intercession
  30. The early European missionaries taught Africans how to read and write because they wanted them to
    1. get jobs
    2. read the Bible 
    3. be equal to the Europeans
    4. stop their customs


  1. "Fawailul lil muswaliin" is a verse from Suratul _______
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar
  2. Swafa and Marwa is performed to remember which Prophet together with his mother?
    1. Ishaq
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Ismail
  3. Believe in the angels of Allah is the ___pillar of Iman.
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Fourth
    4. Third
  4. We celebrate iddul Fitri in the month of
    1. Shawwal
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Muharram
  5. The story of Abraham Al Ashram is explained in which Surah?
    1. Maun
    2. Tiyn 
    3. Fiyi
    4. Kauthar
  6. When the Prophet left for Madina he left ___laying his bed.
    1. Abu-Bakr
    2. Umar
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  7. Which one among the following is an example of medium Najis?
    1. Women in monthly period
    2. Bleeding or producing pus
    3. Ejaculation of sperms
    4. Sexual intercourse
  8. The people of Makkah who welcomed the people of Madinah are called
    1. Jews 
    2. Muhajirin
    3. Answar
    4. Kharajites
  9. Prophet Muhammad went to a trade caravan when he met Bahira.
    1. Medina
    2. Syria
    3. Makka
    4. Egypt
  10. Work in islam is regarded as an act of
    1. Torture
    2. Ibaadah
    3. Makruh
    4. Punishment
  11. The ninth month in the Islamic calendar is 
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Shawwal
    4. Muharram
  12. The second battle to be fought by the Muslims is
    1. Siffin
    2. Badr
    3. Uhud
    4. Khandag
  13. The prophet advised as to say the truth even if it is
    1. Bitter
    2. Bad
    3. Hurting
    4. Sour
  14. On which of the following is Zakat not payable?
    1. Animal
    2. Agricultures produce
    3. Furniture
    4. Mineral
  15. Who among the following people is NOT a recipient of Zakat?
    1. Debtor
    2. New converts
    3. Slaves
    4. Orphan
  16. Three of the following are not Major Hadath EXCEPT?
    1. Vomit
    2. Blood
    3. Urine
    4. Sperms
  17. In which Surah was Abu Lahab cursed?
    1. Masad
    2. Nasr
    3. Fiyl.
    4. Kauthar
  18. The archers placed at Mount Uhud during the battle of Uhud disobeyed the Prophet because of
    1. Fear
    2. Jealous
    3. Greedy
    4. Fatigue
  19. Which surahs teaches Muslims not to dwell so much on worldly gains?
    1. Humaza
    2. Takkathur
    3. Nasr
    4. Kauthar
  20. The Angel in charge of questioning the dead in the grave are called
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ratib and Atid
    3. Hamalatul Arshi
    4. Hafadha
  21. The attribute of Allah which Muslims believe in are
    1. 10
    2. 17
    3. 6
    4. 99
  22. The first wife of Prophet Muhammad is
    1. Aisha
    2. Maryam
    3. Fatimah
    4. Khadija
  23. The first thing done to a new born baby
    1. Adhan
    2. Khitan
    3. Aqіка
    4. Iqamah
  24. Which among the following Prophet was sent to King Herod?
    1. Zakaria
    2. Yusuf
    3. Issa
    4. Ayyub
  25. Where was Prophets Muhammad mother buried?
    1. Abwaa
    2. Makkah
    3. Madinah
    4. Syria
  26. Which among the following prayers is commonly known as” swalatul Wustwa”
    1. Dhuhr.
    2. Maghrib.
    3. Asr.
    4. Fajr
  27. Which month do Muslims observe fasting?
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Safar
    4. Rabiul Awal
  28. The 24 Prophet of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran is -
    1. Adam
    2. Muhammad
    3. Idris
    4. Issa
  29. How many goats are slaughtered for the Aqiqa of a baby girl?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. four
  30. Swalatul Khusuf is the prayer for the eclipse of the
    1. Moon
    2. Sun
    3. Stars
    4. Rain


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
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  59. A
  60. C


  1. A
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  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B

class 6 ET1 SSt Q1
Study the map of Meta Area above and use it to answer questions 1 1o 7.

  1. Meta area is likely to be a,
    1. Location
    2. District
    3. County
    4. Sub-county
  2. River Meta flows from ____________ to ______________.
    1. West to East
    2. East to West
    3. North to South
    4. West to North
  3. What is the climate of the western side of Meta area?
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Cool and dry
    3. Cool and wet
    4. Hot and wet
  4. A thief was caught breaking into a shop in Kusa market. The best action for the people to take was;
    1. take him to the chief office
    2. take him to the police station
    3. beat him to death
    4. take him to church for the prayers
  5. People near Kusa market belong to _______________ religion;
    1. Christianity
    2. Hindu
    3. Islam
    4. Traditional religion
  6. What is the direction of the tea collection center from the post office?
    1. North cast
    2. South west
    3. South east
    4. North west
  7. The main means of transport in Meta area is;
    1. Railway
    2. Water
    3. Road
    4. Air
  8. Which one of the following plateaus in Kenya is referred to as plateau within the plateau?
    1. Nyika
    2. Merti
    3. Uasin Gishu
    4. Yatta
  9. All the rivers drain in lake victoria  except?
    1. R. Kerio
    2. R. Nzoia
    3. R.Yala
    4. R.Mara
  10. The following communities originated from South Sudan. Which one did not?
    1. Maasai
    2. Rendile
    3. Luo
    4. Karamojong
  11. Members of the County Assembly are elected by Kenyans to represent them in their;
    1. counties
    2. constituençies
    3. wards
    4. senates
  12. The fishing method shown in the diagram below is called;
    1. purse seining
    2. trawling
    3. net drifting
    4. basket fishing
  13. Which one of the following lakes in Kenya is not a fresh water lake?
    1. L. Naivasha
    2. L. Baringo
    3. L.Tukana
    4. L.Magadi
  14. The Bantus who had settled at Shungwaya later migrated into Kenya because ot;
    1. overpopulation
    2. attacks by the Oromo
    3. need for farming land
    4. shortage of water
  15. Below are ways of promoting peace in the country except?
    1. tolerating other peoples opinions
    2. obeying the laws of the land
    3. inciting people to strike from work
    4. respecting human rights
  16. A person born in Kenya by Kenyan parents became a Kenya citizen by;
    1. birth
    2. registration
    3. recommendation
    4. adoption
  17. Disagreements in school can be caused by the following except;
    1. fair distribution of learning materials
    2. favoritism of some pupils by teachers
    3. unfair punishment
    4. unclear school rules
  18. The most popular way of sending messages to very many people at the
    1. mobile phone
    2. radio
    3. newspapers
    4. television
  19. Which one of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. scale
    2. compass
    3. size
    4. title
  20. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its method of mining
    1. sand-open cast
    2. salt evaporation
    3. soda ash - dredging
    4. limestone open cast
  21. Which one of the following was not a traditional method of teaching children;
    1. story telling
    2. imitation
    3. composition writing
    4. proverbs

Use the map of Kenya below to answer the questions that follows

                   class 6 Et1 SSt Q22

  1. The following communities followed the route marked Q except;
    1. Somali
    2. Rendile
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  2. The National reserve marked N is known
    1. Amboseli
    2. Boni
    3. Maasai Mara
    4. Shiba hills
  3. The following islands are found in the lake marked M except;
    1. Mfangano
    2. Rusinga
    3. Mageta
    4. Lamu
  4. Name the plain marked Q
    1. Awara
    2. Bilesha
    3. Lotikipi
    4. Woyamdero
  5. The mineral mined at the area marked P is;
    1. diatomite 
    2. flourspar,
    3. soda ash
    4. salt
  6. Which one of the following communities resisted the imposition of colonial rule in Kenya?.
    1. Ababukusu
    2. Abawanga
    3. Maasai.
    4. Agikuyu
  7. Which.box below consist of manufactured industries only?
    class 6 Et1 SSt Q28
  8. The governor and the deputy governor are member of the;
    1. County assembly
    2. National assembly
    3. County of executive communities
    4. National government
  9. The following are methods of conserving wildlife.Which one is not ?
    1. Creating clectronic fences around the parks
    2. Establishing animal orphanages
    3. Banning trade in wild animals products
    4. Encouraging poaching
  10. The following are functions of the IEBC. Which one is not?
    1. To register voters
    2. To nominate candidates
    3. To appoint and train election officers
    4. To conduct civic education
  11. Which one the following is not a method of rearing chicken?
    1. Herding
    2. Free range
    3. Deep litter
    4. Battery system
  12. Which one of the following is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Farmers used simple tools
    2. It relied on family labor
    3. Was mainly on large scale
    4. Simple methods of farming were used
  13. The arm of the government responsible for making and amending laws is;
    1. executive
    2. legislature
    3. judiciary
    4. police
  14. Who was the first African to be nominated in the Legco?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Harry Thuku
    3. Eliud Mathu
    4. Tom Mboya
  15. The following consist of basic need of a family, Which one is not?
    1. food
    2. money
    3. shelter
    4. clothing
  16. Lawlessness will lead to all the following except;
    1. slow development
    2. fear
    3. loss of life and property
    4. rapid development
  17. The following are facts about a traditional African leader,
    1. led the community in resisting the British rule
    2. administered oath in the shrines
    3. was arrested and deported to Gusii land
      The leader described is
      1. Laibon Lenana
      2. Koitalel Arap Samoei
      3. Mekatilili wa Menza
      4. Nabongo Mumia
  18. The religious leader among the Ameru was called?
    1. Njuri Ncheke
    2. Mugwe
    3. Laibon
    4. Orkoiyot
  19. Use the diagram below to answer questions 40-41.

    class 6 Et1 SST Q40
    The above diagram shows the formation of;
    1. orographic rainfall
    2. convectional rainfall
    3. sea breeze
    4. land breeze
  20. Which oné of the following countries in
    Kenya receive the above type of rainfall?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Homa bay
    4. Meru
  21. Magadi town is densely populated mainly because;
    1. it receives high rainfall
    2. mining activities around L. Magadi
    3. good infrastructure
    4. warm climate
  22. Kenya became a republic on;
    1. 20th October 1952
    2. 1st June 1963
    3. 12th December 1964
    4. 12th December 1963
  23. Which weather instrument below is correctly matched with its aspect of weather it is used to measure;
    1. windsock - speed of wind
    2. rainguage - amount of rainfall
    3. themometer - pressure
    4. wind vane - strength of wind
  24. The type of trade where goods are exchanged for other goods is called;
    1. currency trade
    2. goods trade
    3. international trade
    4. barter trade
  25. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is;
    1. road
    2. air
    3. pipeline
    4. railways
  26. Which one of the following communities in Kenya does not belong to central bantus?
    1. Ameru
    2. Akamba
    3. Mijikenda
    4. Agikuyu
  27. Which one of the following is a way of practicing democracy in schools?
    1. Bullying others
    2. Electing club officials
    3. Forcing children to join clubs
    4. Teachers appointing class prefects
  28. Which one of the following trees is an example of planted forest?
    1. Jilore
    2. Aberdare
    3. Mau
    4. Turbo
  29. The famous Kamba leader who was also a long distance trader was called;
    1. Kimnyole
    2. Masaku
    3. Mekatilili
    4. Lenana
  30. Which one of the following is not an age set among the Kalenjin?
    1. Maina
    2. Kipkoimet
    3. Kipng'etich
    4. Kaplalech
  31. Which one of the following is not a hardwood tree?
    1. Mvule
    2. Camphor
    3. Cedar
    4. Elgon teak
  32. The following are tourist attractions in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Beautiful people
    2. Sandy beaches
    3. Wildlife
    4. Culture attraction
  33. The best means of transporting oil from Changamwe in Mombasa to Nairobi and other towns is by
    1.  tankers
    2.  pipeline
    3.  railway
    4. air
  34. Sanye and Dahalo are examples of,
    1. Eastern cushites
    2. Southern cushites
    3. Plain nilotes
    4. Coastal bantus
  35. The main problem facing wildlife in Kenya is;
    1. insecurity
    2. pest and diseases
    3. poaching
    4. drought
  36. The most distractive form of soil erosion is;
    1. sheet erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. rill erosion
    4. splash erosion
  37. Which one of the following is not a dairy cattle breed?
    1. Aberdeen Angus
    2. Freshian
    3. Guernsey
    4. Jersey
  38. The type of democracy where people elect leaders to make decisions on their behalf is called;
    1. participatory democracy
    2. direct democracy
    3. indirect democracy
    4. pure democracy
  39. The act of showing love to ones country is known as;
    1. citizeship
    2. loyalty
    3. kindness
    4. patriotism


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation why was man chased in the garden of Eden?
    1. He taked to the serpent
    2. He disobeyed God
    3. He needed a farm to work on
    4. He chose to live outside the garden
  2. The sign of covenant between Noah and God is,
    1. circumcision
    2. lightening
    3. the rainbow
    4. thunder
  3. The eldest son of Jacob was
    1. Benjamin
    2. Reuben
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  4. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
    1. Elikana
    2. Zecharia
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  5. Abraham was told to go and sacrifice Isaac on Mt;
    1. Ararat
    2. Sinai
    3. Moriah
    4. Carmel
  6. God appeared to Moses,
    1. in a cloud
    2. in lightening
    3. in a burning bush
    4. in a loud voice
  7. Which prophet annointed the first King of Israel?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Nathan
    4. Samuel
  8. King David annoyed God when he:
    1. committed adultery
    2. built a big temple
    3. killed Goliath
    4. worshiped idols
  9. The new covenant was to be written
    1. in the Bible
    2. in people's hearts
    3. on a scroll
    4. on the walls
  10. The greatest commandment according to Jesus is:
    1. do not steal
    2. love the lord your God
    3. do not commit dultery
    4. worship no other god but me
  11. _______________________ referred to Jesus as the lamb of God
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. John he Baptist
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  12. Who were the two people who were in the temple during the dedication of Jesus;
    1. Prophetess Anna and Simeon
    2. Elijah and Moses
    3. Herod and Pilate
    4. Mary and Martha
  13. Which one of the following miracles was perfomed by Jesus at Bethany?
    1. Raising Lazarus
    2. Raising Tabitha
    3. Raising Jairus' daughter
    4. Raising a widows son
  14. The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us to:
    1. forgive others
    2. help the needy
    3. obey God's word
    4. avoid temptation
  15. Happy are those who mourn for;
    1. they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. God will comfort them
    4. God willl satisfy them fully.
  16. Who among the following people was healed from blindness?
    1. Lazarus
    2. Bartimeaus
    3. Centurion's servant
    4. Jairus' daughter
  17. Jesus ascended to heaven at a place called:
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethany
    3. Nazareth
    4. Jerusalem
  18. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on:
    1. Easter Monday
    2. Easter sunday
    3. Good Friday
    4. Sabbath day
  19. We are not true witnesses of Christ if we:
    1. help the needy
    2. live holy lives
    3. obey God's commandments
    4. accuse others falsely
  20. According to the apostle's creed, Jesus will come again as a:
    1. judge
    2. saviour
    3. king
    4. friend
  21. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of:
    1. Pentecost
    2. Passover
    3. Easter
    4. Good Friday
  22. Who raised Tabitha?
    1. Peter
    2. Paul
    3. Jesus
    4. John
  23. Which one of the following is not one of the books on the Bible?
    1. David
    2. Kings
    3. Samuel
    4. Job
  24. In Traditional African Societies, which one of the following roles was carried out by boys?
    1. Cooking
    2. Fetching water
    3. Cleaning
    4. Herding
  25. We should have responsible sexual behaviour because;
    1. we can be punished
    2. our bodies are temples of God
    3. it cannot cause death
    4. we are not ready to become parents
  26. Christians should take care of plants and animals because;
    1. we eat them
    2. it is the law of the land
    3. they attract tourists
    4. they are God's creation
  27. Rich christians should help the community by;
    1. throwing parties to celebrate
    2. buying people new clothes
    3. helping the needy
    4. visiting new places
  28. We should all respect leaders because;
    1. they are rich
    2. they are famous
    3. they can punish us
    4. they are chosen by God
  29. The believers in Christ were first called christians at a place called;
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Rome
    3. Antioch
    4. Canaan
  30. Who among the following made poor choices?
    1. Abraham
    2. Ananias
    3. Ruth
    4. Matthew


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. B
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. B
  55. B
  56. C
  57. B
  58. A
  59. C
  60. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. A
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B



env g5map

Use the map of Kimbo area to answer Question 1 - 4

  1. What is the climate of the North Eastern region of Kimbo Area?
  2. Who is the head of Kimbo area?
  3. What is the religion of the people in Kimbo Area?
  4. River Enda flows towards which direction?
  5. List any 2 elements for a map
  6. A compass has how many cardinal points?

    Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 7 -10
    env g5et121s1q7
  7. The country that boarders Kenya marked K is
  8. The lake marked M is called 
  9. The mountain marked L is known as
  10. The lake marked N is known as
  11. What is weather?
  12. What is climate?
  13. List any 4 historic built environments in Kenya
  14. List any 3 methods of instruction used in traditional education in promotinf values
  15. List any 2 adminitstrative leaders in a school
  16. Outline any 4 duties of administrative leaders in school
  17. List 4 language groups in Kenya


  1. Outline 3 lessons that we can learn from the parable of the talents
  2. Identify any 3 responsibilities given to human beings by God
  3. Give 4 causes of child labour
  4. Give 4 lessons learnt from the fall of human beings in the garden of eden
  5. List the 3 members of nuclear family
  6. State 2 uses of the Bible
  7. List down the first 5 books of the New Testament of the Bible
  8. Give two good qualities learnt from the story of Peter and John at the temple
  9. Name the three sons of Noah
  10. Prophet Elijah held a contest with false prophets of Baal at Mount ___________


  1. Tropical climate
  2. Governor
  3. Christianity
  4. NE to SW
  5. Scale, Key
  6. 4
  7. Somalia
  8. L. Turkana
  9. Mt. Kenya
  10. L.Victoria
  11. The state of the atmosphere during a short period of time.
  12. The pattern of changes in the atmosphere over a long period of time.
  13.    Gedi Ruins, Malindi.
    Shimoni Slave Caves, Kwale.
    Fort Jesus, Mombasa.
    Mombasa Old Town, Mombasa.
    Hell's Gate National park, Naivasha.
    Paradise Lost, Limuru.
    Lamu Old Town, Lamu.
    Koobi Fora, Turkana.
  14. Reciting
  15. Head teacher
    Senior teacher
    deputy headteacher
  16. Ensure the school is running well
    Ensuring there is discpline
    Planning the timetable
    Settling disputes within the school
    Coordinating diffrent school departments 
  17. Bantu


  1.  We should use out talents well
    We should not hide out talents
    We will be accountable to God
    When we use what we are given well, God will increase to what we have
  2. Cultivate the garden
    Fill the world
    Take care of all of God's creation
  3. Poverty
    Disobedience to the law
    No acccess to education
    Natural distasters
    Social norms that allow them to happen
  4. Sin brings death
    Sin brings punishment( consequences)
    God still loves us
    We should learn to say no to temptation
    We should learn to obey God
  5. Mother
    siblings(brother, sister)
  6. To teach God's word
    To guide christians on how to live
  7. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
  8. Kindness- they helped the lame man despite saying they had nothing
    Compassion - they stopped going into the temple to help/ listn to the cripple
  9. Shem , ham , japheth
  10. Mt. Carmel
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