Displaying items by tag: social studies


Study the map of Toto area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. The land in Toto area slopes towards
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. East 
    4. West
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Toto area? 
    1. 20km 
    2. 10km 
    3. 16km 
    4. 12km
  3. The settlement pattern found in Toto area is
    1. nucleated 
    2. Iinear 
    3. Clustered 
    4. influenced by drainage
  4. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Tints illusis likely to be 
    1. Trade
    2. Crop farming
    3. transport and communication 
    4. fishing
  5. The climate experienced in the eastern part of Toto area is LIKELY to be
    1. hot and Wet 
    2. Cool and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and dry
  6. Traders in Dete market obtain their trading licenses from the
    1. chief's camp
    2. police post
    3. county commissioner's oflice
    4. county oflices
  7. Most of the residents in Toto arca are
    1. Muslims 
    2. Pagans 
    3. Christians 
    4. Hindus
  8. Which one of the following groups of needs. compromise of basic family needs only?
    1. Food, clothing and shelter 
    2. Water, shelter and clothing 
    3. Security, food and shelter 
    4. Education, food and clothing.
  9. Which one of the following groups of communities is found in West Africa? 
    1. Shona, Ndebele, Ngoni 
    2. Berbers, Tuaregs, Arabs 
    3. Igbo, Yoruba, Akwapim 
    4. Xhosa, Zulu, Venda
  10. The MAIN reason for rural to urban migration is
    1. inadequate farming land in rural areas.
    2. search for jobs in towns. 
    3. retirement from employment. 
    4. availability of good infrastructure in towns.
  11. Which one of the following is an elfect of the revolution of the earth? .
    1. Occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset.
    2. Change of the lunar eclipse. 
    3. Occurrence of day and night.
    4. Differences in time along different longitudes.
  12. Three of the following factors promote peace in our country: Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Equal opportunities for all. 
    2. Ganes and sports
    3. Dilogue amongst citizens.
    4. Co-operation with terrorists.
  13. Which one of the following is TRUE about the River Congo? 
    1. It is the biggest river in Africa. 
    2. It has a delta at its mouth. 
    3. It drains it water in the Indian ocean. 
    4. It is not navigable due to rapids and water falls.
  14. Coffee growing in Ethiopia and Kenya is important MAINLY because it 
    1. improves living standards. 
    2. leads to development of infrastructure. 
    3. creates employment in both countries. 
    4. is a source of foreign exchange.
  15. The following are roles of school administrators.
    1. Heading the school disciplinary committee
    2. Admitting new pupils to the school.
    3. Disciplining pupils who fail to observe school rules.
    4. Writing minutes in a stuff meeting.
      Which one of the following are the duties of a school deputy headteacher ONLY?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (i) and (iii)
      3. (ii) and (iii)
      4. (iii) and (iv)
  16. Three of the following are duties of the Mutemi of the Nyamwezi. Which one is NOT? He
    1. was the commander-in-chief of the Nyamwezi army.
    2. controlled trade between the Nyamwezi and Arabs.
    3. expanded his kingdom outside Nyamwezi territory
    4. made judgements on cases of murder.
  17. Which one of the following policies was used by the French to administer West Africa?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Assimilation
    3. Indirect rule
    4. Paternalism
  18. Which one of the following types of trees is found in a planted forest?
    1. Mvule
    2. Oak
    3. Mahogany
    4. Pine
  19. The first African country to gain independence from the European was
    1. Sudan
    2. South Africa 
    3. Ghana 
    4. Egypt
  20. The statements below describe a town in  Kenya.
    1. It is located on a slal aireu suitable for expansion.
    2. It started as an agricultural centre. 
    3. It enjoys a good supply of water from nearby rivers. 
    4. It is a major industrial centre.
      The town described above is LIKELY to be 
      1. Thika 
      2. Nairobi
      3. Nakuru  
      4. Eldoret
  21. The MAIN factor that affects national unity in Kenya is 
    1. corruption
    2. tribalism
    3. equal distribution of resources. 
    4. political differences 
  22. A person may become a citizen of Kenya through registration if he/she
    1. was born in Kenya by non-citizens of Kenya.
    2. visits Kenya as a tourist for seven consecutive years. 
    3. is married to a citizen of Kenya for at least seven years.
    4. is a child who seems to be below cight years of age.
  23. Who among the following African leaders collaborated with the British in Eastern Africa?
    1. Kabaka Mwanga
    2. Mwanawina Lewanika
    3. Chief Nana of Itsekiri
    4. Kabaka Mutosa I
  24. The population distribution in Africa is 'MAINLY influenced by
    1. Pests and diseases 
    2. Urbanisation 
    3. Government policy 
    4. Climate

Use the map of Kenya provided to answer questions 25 to 28

  1. The country marked K is
    1. Swaziland
    2. Lesotho
    3. Switzerland
    4. Botswana
  2. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about the country marked Z?
    1. It is the largest country in Africa
    2. It is Africa's greatest producer of sugarcane
    3. It is crossed by thic Great River Nile
    4. It was the first country to gain independence in Eastern Africa.
  3. The mountain marked M is called
    1. Ahaggar
    2. Atlas Mountains
    3. Tibesti 
    4. Ras Dashan
  4. The winds marked T are called
    1. The Harmattan 
    2. North East 'Trade Winds 
    3. Westerlies 
    4. South Westerlies
  5. Which one of the following was NOT used in traditional forms of education? 
    1. Story telling 
    2. Composition writing 
    3. Working with adults 
    4. Imitation
  6. The following are conditions that favour a growth of a certain crop in Kenya. .
    1. Warm temperature of about 250 during the growing time.
    2. Moderate ruinfull of between 500mm and 1100mm
    3. well drained fertile soil.
    4. flat land especially where machine's are involved.
      The conditions stated above are suitable for 'the growth of
      1. tea 
      2. cotton 
      3. flowers 
      4. wheat
  7. The MOST effective ways of curbing drug and substance abuse is
    1. creating public awareness on drug and substance abuse.
    2. preventing smuggling of drugs at border points.
    3. ensuring parents become good role models to children.
    4. providing moral guidance to the youth through healthy leisure activities.
  8. The type of democracy practised in the Kenyan government is 
    1. direct democracy
    2. representative democracy
    3. participatory democracy
    4. nominational democracy. 
  9. Which one of the following was a positive effect of European settler farming?
    1. Creation of African reserves. 
    2. Exploitation of Africans.
    3. Creation of agricultural cooperatives. 
    4. Discrimination and racial segregation.
  10. The capital city of Nigeria is
    1. Lagos 
    2. Free Town 
    3. Porto Novo 
    4. Abuja
  11. The MAIN factor to consider before establishing a poultry farm is availability
    1. Water
    2. labour
    3. raw materials
    4. market
  12. The BEST thing to do for people with special needs in the community is to
    1. give them jobs in the community
    2. establish special schools for them
    3. providing them with special equipment they need
    4. create positive attitudes in them.
  13. Which one of the following minerals is CORRECTLY matched with the method of mining involved in its extraction?
    1. Fluorspar - Scooping
    2. Gold - Dredging method
    3. Soda ash - Panning method 
    4. Copper - Stripping method
  14. The MAIN problem facing forestry in Africa is
    1. pests and diseases
    2. drought and famine
    3. rapid population growth
    4. illegal logging

Use the diagram below to answer question 39

  1. The weather instrument shown above is called
    1. In ancroid barometer 
    2. Hygrometer 
    3. A simple barometer 
    4. Mercury thermometer 
  2. Olunga has discovered that his classmate is HIV positive.  As a good citizen, what is the BEST thing for him to do? 
    1. Advise them to seek medical advice
    2. Report the matter  to the headteacher
    3. Tell his close triends.
    4. Avoid playing with the affected classmate.
  3. Jua kali industries are encouraged the government MAINLY because they
    1. depend on local resources 
    2. create sell employment.
    3. require little capital to start 
    4. lead to foreign exchange
  4. Julius Nyerere is remembered in Tanzania MAINLY because he
    1. transferred the capital city from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma.
    2. established ujamaa villages.
    3. was a greal teacher.
    4. led Tanganyika to independence. 
  5. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason for the formation of East African community?
    1. To bring closer economic and social cooperation in the region
    2. To create a common market for goods produced in the region.
    3. To promote free movement of people among member states. 
    4. To improve transport and communication in the region.
  6. Most of the countries in Eastern Africa were colonised by the 
    1. French 
    2. Italians 
    3. Germans 
    4. British
  7. Which one of the following fishing methods is MAINLY used in decp sea fisheries? 
    1. Purse-seining 
    2. Net drifting 
    3. Trawling 
    4. Long lining
  8. Which one of the following countries is CORRECTLY matched with her main tourist attractions? 
    1. Morocco - Table mountains, Kruger National park 
    2. South Africa - Warm sandy beaches, the pyramids of Giza. 
    3. Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls, Hwango National Park 
    4. Kenya - The ancient town of Marakech, Berber villlages.
  9. Which one of the following is TRUE about struggle for independence in both Tanganyika and Ghana? The two countries
    1. used peaceful means to fight for independence. 
    2. gained independence before 1960. 
    3. fought for independence from Germans. 
    4. used armed struggle to gain independence.
  10. Horticultural produce in Kenya is transported from major farms by 
    1. road 
    2. railway 
    3. air 
    4. water
  11. In order to effectively communicate at important matter to the masses, the government should use the 
    1. television 
    2. radio 
    3. internet 
    4. government newspapers
  12. Which one of the following is a social right enjoyed by citizens of Kenya? Right to 
    1. work 
    2. education 
    3. thought 
    4. to vote in elections.
  13. The highest and final court in Kenya is the
    1. Court of Appeal
    2. High Court
    3. Chief Magistare's courts
    4. Supreme Court
  14. Kenyan's celebrate their independence day on
    1. 1st June
    2. 10th October 
    3. 2011 October
    4. 12th December
  15. The statements below describe a population structure.
    1. Birth and deaths are few.
    2. Many people practise family planning
    3. The population is aging.
    4. Most of the people live in urban areas.
      The statement above describe the population structure of 
      1. Kenya 
      2. India 
      3. Germany 
      4. Germany and India
  16. The MAIN problem facing trade in Eastern Africa is
    1. production of similar goods. 
    2. high tariffs at border points 
    3. political instability
    4. poor transport and communication networks.
  17. In the past, most communities interacted through 
    1. wars 
    2. games and sports 
    3. intermarriage 
    4. trade
  18. The MAIN role of the legislature in Kenya is to 
    1. formulate government policies. 
    2. make laws. 
    3. amend laws. 
    4. implement government policies.
  19. Which method of conflict resolutions majorly involves the judicial system in the society? 
    1. arbitration
    2. mediation 
    3. litigation
    4. enquiry
  20. Which one of the following is COMMON in the systems of government in both Kenya and Swaziland? In both countries
    1. parliament consists of two houses.
    2. there are no general elections.
    3. members of the parliament are elected by the people
    4. the president rules for a maximum of ten years.
  21. The national government get its revenue MAINLY through
    1. court fines
    2. grants and aids
    3. taxes
    4. foreign exchange earnings.
  22. The first step towards conducting a general election in Kenya is
    1. Nomination of candidates by political parties. 
    2. Dissolution of parliament 
    3. Conducting civic education to the electrórate.
    4. Announcement of election dates by the IEBC


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
    1. placed him in the garden of Eden.
    2. created a helper for him.
    3. breathed His breath into him.
    4. removed a rib out of him
  2. The following were the promises made to Abraham by God. Which one is NOT?
    1. God would bless his name.
    2. God would make him a great nation.
    3. His descendants would live for three hundred years.
    4. God would give him a promised nation.
  3. Which one of the following reasons BEST explain why Noah built the ark?
    1. To save his family.
    2. To fulfill the will of God.
    3. He wanted other people to die in the floods
    4. People had become so wicked
  4. When the Israelites came to Matah they could not drink its water because it was bitter. What did Moses use to purify the water?Exodus 15:25
    1. A piece of wood
    2. A piece of cloth
    3. Salt 
    4. A stick
  5. From which tribe were Moses, Aaron and Miriam
    1. Judah
    2. Leviit 
    3. Benjamin
    4. Manasseh
  6. Which one of the following BEST explains why the Passover is important to the Jews. Because reminds them of
    1. the death of Egyptians.
    2. about crossing the Red sea.
    3. about the king of Egypt.
    4. their deliverance from slavery.
  7. “You will not build a temple for me David, instead your son is the one who will do it because your hands are full of blood.”
    1 Samuel 7:5- 17. Which one of David's sons built a temple for God?
    1. Solomon
    2. Adonijah
    3. Amnon
    4. Absalom
  8. Which of the following commandments did  King Ahab break when he saw Naboth's Man became alive after God vineyard and wanted to own it? A. 
    1. You should not steal.  
    2. You should not covet. 
    3. You should not bear false witness against someone.
    4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 
  9. When Naaman was healed of leprosy, Elisha refused to take the gifts he had carried for him. Gehazi the servant of Elisha ran after him and lied that his master had changed his mind and wanted the gifts. Which one of the following values did Gehazi lack?
    1. Humility
    2. Self-control 
    3. Integrity 
    4. Kindness 
  10. According to Exodus 31, who among the following people did God fill with the skills, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts to help in building the ark of the covenant?
    1. Moses and Aaron they could 
    2. Joshua and Caleb 
    3. Eliezar ad Gershom 
    4. Bezalela and Oholiob 
  11. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are   small among the clans of Judah, out of you will  come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from ancient times” Who among the following prophets prophesied the birth place of Jesus? 
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Micah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joel
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN reason why Zechariah became dumb when the angel  of God told him that his wife would give birth  to a baby boy? He 
    1. He was so afraid because his wife was old.
    2. The news about the birth of his son excited him so much.
    3. He doubted the message of the angel.
    4. He fell sick and became dumb.
  13. Why did Mary and Joseph take their baby Jesus  to Egypt? They 
    1. had gone to visit their relatives.. 
    2. were going for census.
    3. were running away from King Herod. 
    4. had gone for the Passover festivals.
  14. John the baptist went round in the whole territory of river Jordan preaching his message. To which group of people did he tell not to take money from anyone by force or accuse anyone falsely and to be also contented with their pay? The 
    1. Pharisees 
    2. tax collectors 
    3. soldiers 
    4. Saducees
  15. Which one of the following is the MAIN lesson that Christian learn from the incident when Jesus was baptized by John the baptist? That Christian should
    1. identify themselves with their church. 
    2. be baptized in order to get new names. 
    3. look for people to baptize them in rivers. 
    4. be ready to be baptized them in rivers.
  16. Which one of the following miracles performed by Jesus shows that he is a universal saviour? Healing of the 
    1. blind Bartimeus
    2. Roman Centurion's servant
    3. paralyzed man
    4. bleeding woman
  17. In which of the following events did Jesus teach us that He is the source of enjoyment?
    1. The healing of Lazarus
    2. Multiplication of fish and bread.
    3. The wedding at Cana of Galilee
    4. The healing of the crippled woman
  18. Which one of the following was NOT an accusation about Jesus brought before Pilate? 
    1. Claiming to be the Messiah 
    2. Organizing riots in Jerusalem 
    3. Telling people not to pay taxes 
    4. Telling people not to obey the laws of Moses.
  19. Who among the following people was the rich man who offered his tomb for the burial of the body of Jesus
    1. Nicodemus 
    2. Simon of Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathea 
    4. Stephen
  20. According to the teaching of Saint Paul, any person who DOES NOT work should not be allowed to 
    1. work
    2. eat
    3. sleep
    4. earn money
  21. Which one of the following is a SIMILAR belief in both Christianity and traditional African communities? 
    1. Life after death 
    2. God the ancestor 
    3. The Holy trinity 
    4. Going to paradise
  22. Who among the following people was NOT religious specialist in traditional African societies? 
    1. Rainmaker 
    2. Magician 
    3. Diviner
    4. Prophet
  23. In African traditional communities, the MAIN reason why people shared their materials things with others was to show 
    1. their wealth. 
    2. respect to the elders. 
    3. concern for other. 
    4. obedience to the ancestors.
  24. According to traditional African communities, children are told folktales MAINLY to 
    1. entertain them. 
    2. keep them busy. 
    3. teach them their history. 
    4. teach them moral values.
  25. A standard 8 boy was reported to his mother for not completing his homework. As a Christian what is the BEST action for the mother to take? :
    1. Beat him thoroughly 
    2. Refuse to pay his school fees 
    3. Advice him on the importance of obedience.
    4. Report him to the nearby police station,
  26. Shantel has no sister or brother. When she first went to school, it was very difficult for her but with time she understood the importance of living and learning together. Which one of the following values did shantel acquire in school? 
    1. Sharing
    2. Writing 
    3. Reading
    4. Working
  27. Martha a standard 8 girls finds two pupils fighting. As a Christian what should Martha do?
    1. Pass and leave them fighting. 
    2. Stop them from fighting. 
    3. Report the matter to their parents. 
    4. Report them at the nearest police station.
  28. Which one of the following is NOT a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Kindness
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness
  29. Which one of the following qualities is a hindrance to a happy relationship between friends?
    1. Tolerance
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Betrayal
    4. Humility
  30. Who one of the following activities did Ludwig Krapf involve himself in as a missionary in Kenya?
    1. Planting cash crops.
    2. Building mission centres.
    3. Appointing church leaders.
    4. Building the railway.


  1. Which one of the following is NOT a burden removed from prophet Muhammad (p.biu.h) according to Surah Al-Inshirah?
    1. ignorance
    2. burying daughter alive
    3. gambling
    4. business merchant caravans
  2. Who among the following people were given taurat? The
    1. Jews
    2. Christians
    3. Arabs
    4. Chaldeans 
  3. The holy Qur’an was revealed in the night of
    1. Isra wal miiraj
    2. Hijra
    3. Lailatul qadr
    4. Tahajjud
  4. In the surah Al-falaq, Muslims seek
    1. intervention
    2. refuge
    3. advice
    4. blessings
  5. In surah Al-Asr, man is considered to be at a loss if he
    1. use time poorly.
    2. never embraced Islamic guidance.
    3. used wealth on the way of Allah.
    4. stopped da'awa mission
  6. The hadith of the prophet (p.b.u.h) involves a number of guidance. Which one of these is among them? The
    1. agreements of the Ulamaa
    2. views of the Caliphs.
    3. findings of Swahabas
    4. the approvals of the prophet (p.b.u.h)
  7. Which one among the following vices in Islamic Sharia, is a form of Zinaa?
    1. Apostasy
    2. Fornication
    3. Accusations
    4. Rumours 
  8. All the following are moments in which Muslims need to thank Allah (s.w) EXCEPT when we  
    1. get riza
    2. are relieved off difficulties
    3. give promises to people.
    4. we gain promotions on jobs
  9. When you drink, how many times should you stop to take a breath?
    1. three
    2. two 
    3. five
    4. four 
  10. Which one of the following conditions of swalah CANNOT be seen by any other man? 
    1. Facing Qiblat
    2. Having the intention
    3. Cleanliness 
    4. Covering the A'ura
  11. Muslims travellers are allowed to reduce the amount of rakaats and combine fardh prayers.Which swalats should not be reduced according to Sharia?
    1. Dhuhr and Asr
    2. Fajr and Isha 
    3. Asr and Isha
    4. Fajr and Maghrib
  12. Muslims who fail to fast in the month of Ramadhan for a few days with reasons understood in the sharia, it becomes in other days of the Islamic calendar.
    1. Fidya
    2. Kafara
    3. Sunna
    4. Waajib
  13. Which one of the following information is TRUE ABOUT Umra? It
    1. must be concluded with standing at Arafa.
    2. can be performed repeatedly in life.
    3. must be performed alongside Hajj.
    4. it is used to orientate the new pilgrims.
  14. The special piece of cloth worn during hajj pilgrimate is called
    1. kaffaan
    2. libasu Taqwa
    3. qamis
    4. ihraam
  15. In which takbira of salat janaza should the dua for the dead be recited?
    1. fourth
    2. first
    3. third
    4. second
  16. Milk of animals whose meat we do not eat is grouped under ______ najis. 
    1. light
    2. heavy 
    3. medium
    4. impurity
  17. People having janaba, nifas and heidh are not allowed to do all the following things EXCEPT to enjoy during the occasion of
    1. entering the mosque
    2. listening to sermons
    3. touching the holy Qura’n.
    4. perform swalah
  18. The attribute that Allah (s.w) is known to be “Guider" is
    1. Al-Basit
    2. As-Samii
    3. Al-Adl
    4. Al-Rasheed
  19. Which one of the following was a miracle at the time of prophet Suleiman (A.S)
    1. survived in a blaze of fire.
    2. brought the dead people back to life,
    3. communicated the language of all creatures.
    4. Allah made iron soft for him.
  20. Which one of the following is a pair of angels who perform their duties together?
    1. Isra'iil and israfiil
    2. Munkar and Nakir
    3. Ridhwan and Malik
    4. Jibril and Mikaiil
  21. Which one of the following CORRECTLY shows the Ayyaamul Tashriq days on the Islamic Calendar year? 
    1. 11th, 124, 13th, Dhul Hijja
    2. 25th, 27th, 296, Ramadhan
    3. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Shawwaal
    4. 13th, 14th, 15th, Every months
  22. The prophet (p.b.u.h) compared a person who talks in the mosque during khutba to
    1. an empty basket that makes noise.
    2. a burning candle that finishes itself.
    3. a donkey loaded with books.
    4. a defaulter who missed the Jum'a
  23. Which one of the following is the correct date on which the prophet underwent Isra-wal miiraj trip?
    1. 17th, Shaaban year of Birds
    2. 124, Rabiul awwal Year of Elephants
    3. 10", Muharram Year of Hijra
    4. 27th, Rajab year of Sorrow
  24. Walima is a special food prepared for people
    1. Idd.
    2. Nikah
    3. Suhur
    4. Aqiqa
  25. Chaldeans were people from
    1. Thamud
    2. Aika
    3. Ur
    4. Ard
  26. By readily accepting the call to be slaughtered by his father. Nabii Ismail (A.S)exercised
    1. patience
    2. honesty 
    3. generosity
    4. sacrifice
  27. "Allahumma innii, audhubika minal khubuth wal-khabaaithi”. This is recited upon entering
    1. kitchen
    2. toilet
    3. bedroom
    4. house
  28. Which one of the following trades gives a halaal income?
    1. Musical instruments
    2. Intoxicants
    3. Pottery
    4. Photography
  29. Who among the following was NOT one of prophet Muhammad's grandfathers?
    1. Aazar .
    2. Qilabi
    3. Quswayyi
    4. Abdul Manafi
  30. Which pillar of Islam is said to be heavier than the earth and everything in it?
    1. Swala
    2. Hajj
    3. Swaum
    4. Shahada



  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. D
  37. D
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. A
  49. B
  50. B
  51. D
  52. D
  53. C
  54. A
  55. D
  56. B
  57. C
  58. A
  59. C
  60. B


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D



deti area uygauydga

Use the map of DETI Area to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The general direction of flow of River Deti is.
    1. North West to South East. 
    2. Sourth East to North West. 
    3. North to South.
    4. North East to South West.
  2. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in Deti area?
    1. Crop farming.
    2. Lumbering
    3. Trading
    4. Mining
  3. The approximate length of the tarmac road in Uvui! sub-county is.
    1. 19km
    2. 1km
    3. 8km
    4. 13km
  4. The residents of Deti area are LIKELY to be. 
    1. Christians. 
    2. Muslims 
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus.
  5. The climate experienced in Uvuu sub-county
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry.
    3. hot and humid. 
    4. cool and wet.
  6. Traders in Deti town obtain their trading licences from the
    1. county offices.
    2. police station
    3. sub-county offices.
    4. post office.
  7. The settlement pattern shown in Deti arcais.
    1. linear.
    2. evenly distributed.
    3. nucleated.
    4. clustered.
  8. Three of the following statements are TRUE about the Kabaka of Buganda. Which one is NOT? He
    1. had centralised government. 
    2. was also known as Ssabataka. 
    3. inherited kingship from his father, usually a former king.
    4. had a council of elders called Wanyamphala.
  9. Which one of the following is a modern way of interaction among Kenyans?
    1. Initiation.
    2. Birthday celebrations.
    3. Wars.
    4. Migrations.

Use the diagram below to answer question 10.
10 aiuhdiuad

  1. Which economic activity is the MOST suitable for the area marked side B?
    1. Bee keeping 
    2. Crop farming.
    3. Livestock keeping.
    4. Dairy farming
  2.  Population distribution in Kenya is MAINLY influenced by
    1. transport and communication.
    2. urbanisation.
    3. The climate.
    4. physical features.
  3. Below are functions of a school committee. Which one is NOT?
    1. Employing teachers.
    2. Instilling discipline in pupils.
    3. Buying learning materials.
    4. Building the school.
  4. Which one of the following factors LEAST explains why the Bantus migrated from  Congo forest?
    1. Need for water and pasture for their domestic animals. 
    2. Population pressure. 
    3. Need for fertile land where they could grow cash crops.
    4. External and internal conflicts in the Congo forest.
  5. Seyyid Said and William Mackinnon have one thing in COMMON. It is that they,
    1. established trade routes in Eastern Africa.
    2. combined exploration and missionary work
    3. were sent by the royal Geographical Society to Africa.
    4. resisted the British.colonial rule in Eastern Africa.
  6. Three of the following were drought-resistant crops grown in traditional farming. Which one is NOT?
    1. Finger millet.
    2. Sweet potatoes.
    3. Sorghum.
    4. Cassava.
  7. Three of the following are roles of a class teacher. Which one is NOT?
    1. Maintaining class discipline. 
    2. Resolving conflicts arising in class.
    3. Providing guidance services to pupils.
    4. Preparing the teachers' duty roster.
  8. Which one of the following weather instruments is CORRECTLY matched with the element of weather it measures?
    1. Barometer - Temperature. 
    2. Hygrometer - Atmospheric pressure.
    3. Anemometer - Speed of wind.
    4. Wet-bulb thermometer - Temperature.
  9. The MAIN problem facing sea fishing in Kenya and Tanzania is,
    1. poor transport.
    2. inadequate market for fish.
    3. bad fishing methods.
    4. lack of modern fishing equipment.
  10. Which one of the following is the MOST effective way of resolving a conflict involving the outcome of parliamentary elections in Kenya?
    1. Dialogue.
    2. Litigation.
    3. Mediation.
    4. Arbitration.
  11. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about customary marriages in Kenya?
    1. A man is allowed to marry many wives.
    2. They are conducted by clan elders.
    3. They are strictly monogamous.
    4. Dowry is paid to the bride's parents.
  12. Which one of the following countries of Eastern Africa is CORRECTLY matched with the year she gained her independence?
    1. Sudan - 1956
    2. Somalia · 1963
    3. Eritrea - 1977
    4. Uganda - 1961
  13. The statements below describe a climatic region in Africa.
    1. It experiences two dry and two wet seasons. 
    2. It experiences high iremperatures throughout the year
    3. It mainly receives convectional - rainfall. 
    4. The region covers the largest section of Africa.
      The climatic region described above is LIKELY to be,
      1. Equatorial climatic region.
      2. Tropical climatic region.
      3. Mediterranean climatic region.
      4. Temperate climatic region.

Use the map of East africa provided below to answer questions 23 to 26
23 augduyagda

  1. The river marked Kis,
    1. Rufiji.
    2. Tana.
    3. Pangani;
    4. Kagera.
  2. The inland port marked Zis
    1. Jinja.
    2. Mwanza.
    3. Mombasa.
    4. Kisumu.
  3. The national park marked W is known as,
    1. Aberdare National park.
    2. Serengeti National park.
    3. Kidepo Valley National park.
    4. Ruwenzori National Park.
  4. The community that used the migration route marked Tinto East Africa comprised of the,
    1. Nilotes.
    2. Semites.
    3. Cushites.
    4. Bantu.
  5. Which one of the following groups of lakes comprises of lakes formed due to downwarping? Lakes,
    1. Kyoga, Chad and Bangweulu.
    2. Manyara, Eyasi and Magadi.
    3. Shala, Nyds and Itasy..
    4. Teleki, Siwa and Victoria.
  6. The MAIN benefit of the volta River Scheme to economy of Ghana is,
    1. controlling floods in the Lower Volta.
    2. generation of foreign exchange.
    3. generation of electricity.
    4. expanding irrigation.
  7. Three of the following are responsibilites of a Kenyan citizen. Which one is NOT?
    1. Working hard
    2. Rigging in elections.
    3. Protecting our families.
    4. Defending the constitution at all times.
  8. Which one of the following factors promote peace in the society?
    1. Vigilante groups.
    2. Border conflicts. 
    3. Cultures that glorify violence.
    4. Religious freedom.
  9. Miombo woodlands in Tanzania have sparse population MAINLY due to,
    1. mining activities. 
    2. pests and diseases.
    3. insecurity.
    4. harsh climatic conditions.
  10. Below are uses of a mineral.
    1. It is used in preservation of fertilizer.
    2. Making linings for big ovens. 
    3. It is used as a filtering agent in the manufacture of soft drinks.
      The mineral with the above uses is LIKELY to be,
      1. diatomite.
      2. limestone.
      3. flourspar.
      4. soda ash.
  11. The basic unit of a society is,
    1. the clan.
    2. a community
    3. the family
    4. the school.
  12. Which of the following is TRUE about parliamentary democracy? 
    1. It is an indirect type of democracy.
    2. It gives all individuals a chance to make decisions.
    3. It is also called liberal deinocracy.
    4. People own the laws they make collectively,
  13. The Nandi resisted the establishment of colonial rule in their area MAINLY because,
    1. they had superior weapons over the British
    2. they wanted to retain their independence.
    3. the British were against their traditional practices.
    4. they had strong political leaders.
  14. The MOST commonly used method of preserving fish is,
    1. smoking,
    2. Canning 
    3. refrigeration.
    4. sun diving
  15. Which one of the following is NOT a basic principle of African socialismi?
    1. Political instability.
    2. Equal opportunities for all
    3. Shared responsibility.
    4. Freedom from exploitation
  16. The MAIN problem facing sisal farming in Kenya and Tanzania is,
    1. drought and famine,
    2. insufficient capacity to change sisal into finished products.
    3. poor innsport networks.
    4. competition from synthetic fibres.
  17. The MOST important sen port in Eastern Africais,
    1. Dar es Salaam.
    2. Mombasa
    3. Nairobi.
    4. Kampala.
  18. The sun is usually overhead the Tropic of Capricorn in the month of
    1. June
    2. March.
    3. December
    4. September.
  19. Below are tourist attractions in Africa. Which one is NOT?
    1. Wildlife
    2. Warm climate
    3. Political stability, 
    4. Beautiful scenery.
  20. Below are conditions favouring the growth of a crop in Africa
    1. High humidiny: 
    2. Peep fertile soils. 
    3. Constantly high temperatures crveraging 29°c und 30"c.
    4. Rainfall of benreen 1500mm and 2000mm per year.
      The conditions listed above favour the growth of.
      1. cocoa. 
      2. pyrethrım. 
      3. cloves.
      4. sugarcane.
  21. The MOST effective form of communication that the government should use to create awareness on Covid-19 to the citizens o! Kenya is.
    1. radio.
    2. internet 
    3. newspaper
    4. television.
  22. The MAIN reason why pastoralism has thrived in Botswana is.
    1. plenty of land for grazing. 
    2. the government supports her pastoral famers.
    3. plenty of rainfall that favours growth of pasture.
    4. good transport networks.
  23. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse? 
    1. Forcing children to eat healthy foods. 
    2. Failure to buy a boy a bicycle.
    3. Giving children lots of homework.
    4. Failure to take children for vaccination.

Use the diagram below to answer question 46.
46 auyguydgad

  1. Which one of the following groups of mountains shows mountain that were formed through the method shown in the diagram above?
    1. Danakil Alps
    2. Jabal Marra
    3. Atlas
    4. Kilimanjaro
      Mau Ranges
      Karas mountains
  2. The MAIN problem facing forestry in the Democratic Republic of Congo is, 
    1. poverty. 
    2. mining activities. 
    3. deforestation. 
    4. poor harvesting techniques.
  3. The time in Accra at longitude Oois 1:30pm. What is the time in Dakar at 40°W?
    1. 4:10pm. 
    2. 4:10am. 
    3. 10:50am.
    4. 10:50pm
  4. The MOST easterly point of Mainland Africa is in, 
    1. Somalia
    2. Senegal.
    3. South Africa.
    4. Tunisia.
  5. Which one of the following is NOT a responsibility of children in a family? 
    1. Protecting family property. 
    2. To discipline and advice family members.
    3. Helping in doing house chores.
    4. Loving and obeying elderly family members at home.
  6. Three of the following countries took part in the Berlin Conference of 1884. Which one did NOT? 
    1. England. 
    2. Germany.
    3. Italy.
    4. United States of America,
  7. Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of democracy?
    1. Mob justice.
    2. Freedom to choose leaders.
    3. Multi-partism
    4. Rule of law.
  8. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It was formed by thirty two Independent African States. 
    2. Kwame Nkurumah initiated the formation of OAU.
    3. Addis Ababa became the headquarters of the OAU in 1963.
    4. Its formation was encouraged by European nations.
  9. Which one of the following is an economic use of soil?
    1. Burying the dead.
    2. Decorating hair among warriors.
    3. Making pots, jars and vases. 
    4. Smearing on the bodies of initiates during circumcision.
  10. Processing industries MOSTLY deal with,
    1. crude oil and petroleum products.
    2. agricultural products.
    3. machinery and vehicles.
    4. electronic products. 
  11. Which of the following is NOT among the elements of the constitution of Kenya? 
    1. The Republic.
    2. Representation of the people.
    3. The public service.
    4. Devolved Government.
  12. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is headed by,
    1. a commissioner.
    2. the speaker of the National Assembly.
    3. the Chief Justice
    4. chairperson.
  13. Which arm of government in Kenya implements government policies? The
    1. Judiciary.
    2. Legislature.
    3. Executive
    4. Armed Forces.
  14. One may lose a civic seat if he or she,
    1. is jailed for a period of five months.
    2. loses his or her Kenyan citizenship.
    3. fails to attend three consective sittings
    4. does not support the President.
  15. The Kingdom of Old Ghana was founded by the, 
    1. Soninke people 
    2. Almoravids from the north
    3. Nyamwezi people.
    4. Mandinka people. 



  1. The disobedience of Adam and Eve to God's command in the garden of Eden resulted in,
    1. human beings ab lity to do the work of God. 
    2. God destroying human beings. 
    3. A broken relationship between God and man.
    4. God abandoning human beings to act as they please.
  2. Which of the following was created by God on the first day?
    1. Water and land.
    2. Day and night.
    3. Sea creatures.
    4. Human beings.
  3. "..... I don't know, Am I my my brothers keeper? in Genesis 4:9, who said these words
    1. Abraham.
    2. Noah.
    3. Abel.
    4. Cain.
  4. Which of the following was NOT among the promises given by God to Abraham? He will 
    1. be a father of a great nation. 
    2. be given a son.
    3. will be made famous 
    4. marry many wives
  5. The two wives of Jacob were,
    1. Leah and Rachael. 
    2. Ruth and Orpha. 
    3. Anna and Peninah.
    4. Mary and Elizabeth.
  6. Which prophet of God rebuked King David for practising injustice by killing Uriah?
    1. Elijah.
    2. Elishah.
    3. Nathan.
    4. Isaiah.
  7. How did Bezalel and Ohaliab use their talents? By.
    1. developing them.
    2. building the sacred teni
    3. helping their families.
    4. helping moses.
  8. The Father in-law of Moses was called, 
    1. Jacob.
    2. David.
    3. Jesse.
    4. Jethro
  9. Who among the following people beat his donkey three times until it spoke?
    1. Saul.
    2. Balak.
    3. Balaam.
    4. Elisha.
  10. Which of the following is the tenth commandment given by God to the Israelite's?
    1. Do not covet
    2. Do not steal.
    3. Obey your father and mother
    4. Do not murder.
  11. Gehazi had a dreaded skin disease that was as a result of
    1. his failure to wash himself in River Jordan.
    2. his failure to help the rich woman from Shunem.
    3. he lacked integrity and took gifts from Naaman.
    4. he did not worship the God of Elisha.
  12. Which of the following miracles of Jesus show that he has power over nature?
    1. The miraculous catch of fish.
    2. Healing of the ten lepers.
    3. Raising of Lazarus.
    4. Healing of centurion servant.
  13. Who approved the death of Stephen after he was stoned?
    1. Saul.
    2. Peter.
    3. Barnabas.
    4. Cornelius.
  14. The person whose car was cut off by Peter during the arrest of Jesus was called,
    1. Nicodemus.
    2. Didymus.
    3. Malchus.
    4. Aeneus
  15. "Tabitha, get up" She opened her eyes and seeing Peter, she sat up (Acts 9:40). Peter performed this miracle when he was at,
    1. Lydda.
    2. Joppa
    3. Lystra.
    4. Caesarea.
  16. Which one of the following happenings took place on the day Jesus died?
    1. People spoke in many languages.
    2. The curtain hanging in the temple was torn.
    3. Jesus ascended into heaven.
    4. The stone on the tomb was rolled away.
  17. Which of the following actions of Jesus Christ shows that he was a peaceful Messiah?
    1. Washing the feet of his disciples.
    2. The curtain hanging in the temple was torn in two.
    3. Jesus ascended into heaven.
    4. The stone on the tomb was rolled away.
  18. Three of the following took place on the day of Pentecost. Which one did not?
    1. There was a strong wind.
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The disciples spoke in different languages.
    4. Tongues of fire rested on their heads.
  19. What was the MAIN reason why Jesus performed miracles. To show that he had,
    1. power to heal.
    2. power over nature.
    3. power to raise the dead.
    4. came to conquer the devil and his plans.
  20. Three of the following are gifts of the Holyspirit. Which one is NOT?
    1. Faithfulness.
    2. Wisdom.
    3. Faith.
    4. Speaking in tongues.
  21. Which of the following miracles was performed by Elijah?
    1. Prayed for the Shunamite woman to get a child.
    2. Cursed the 42 boys who jeered at him.
    3. Made an axe float on water.
    4. Prayed for fire from heaven.
  22. Which of the follong was NOT achieved by King David?
    1. He made Jerusalem a religious centre.
    2. He judged a difficult case involving two women quarrelling over a child.
    3. He united the tribes of Israel.
    4. He was a skilled musician.
  23. Who among the following is described as the Light of the World?
    1. Angel Gabriel
    2. Peter, the Rock.
    3. Jesus Christ.
    4. Angel Michael
  24. The initiates in traditional African societies were kept in seduction in order to be,
    1. taught their responsibilities
    2. given punishment.
    3. made elders of the community
    4. allowed to marry.
  25. Which one of the following is NOT a rite of passage in traditional African society?
    1. Death.
    2. Baptism.
    3. Marriage.
    4. Initiation.
  26. Which of the following actions leads to the spread of HIV and AIDS? 
    1. Swimming with infected person
    2. Sharing bathrooms and toilet seats with an infected person.
    3. Sharing injection needles with an infected person.
    4. Sharing food.
  27. Your classmate Dorcas has refused to lend you a pen. What would be the BEST action for you to take as a Christian?
    1. Take the pen by force.
    2. Explain to her the importance of sharing.
    3. Buy your own pen.
    4. Report her to the teacher.
  28. Which of the following is NOT a traditional African name of God?
    1. Asis.
    2. Enkai.
    3. Nyasaye.
    4. Yahwch.
  29. Jane was sent by her mother to the shop to buy milk. The shopkeeper gave her less change. What is the BEST thing for Jane to do as a Christian?
    1. Go home and tell her mother about it.
    2. Tell the shopkeeper to give her the correct change.
    3. Cry all the way home.
    4. Shout at the shopkeeper to give her the correct change.
  30. Which one of the following leisure activities should a Christian NOT do on the Sabbath day?
    1. Worshipping.
    2. Doing Christian voluntary work.
    3. Giving and receiving joy.
    4. Taking Alcohol as they relax.



social studies marking scheme


cre ire marking scheme

Tagged under


  1. ________________________________ is the people's way of life.  (1mk)
  2. Complete the hierarchy of school administration below. (3mks)
      SST Q2 G5 ET3 2022
  3. Write the origin of the following language groups (3mks)
               Language group               Origin
    1. Nilotes                    _______________________
    2. Cushites                 _______________________
    3. Bantu                      _______________________
  4. What do you call the growing of crops and rearing of animals _______________________________________ (1mk)
  5. List three resources found in Kenya. (3mks) 
    1. __________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________
  6. Define the following terms (2mks)
    1. Densely populated areas _________________________________________________
    2. Sparsely populated areas _________________________________________________
  7. _____________________________ is the weather condition of a place that is recorded for a long period of time. (1mk)
  8. Name the following physical features.    (3mks)
      SST Q8a G5 ET3 2022   ___________________________
      SST Q8b G5 ET3 2022      ____________________________
      SST Q8c G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      (Total 30 marks)
  9. Draw a compass and indicate eight points (8mks)

  10. Name the neighbours of Kenya to the   (4mks)
    1. South  __________________________________
    2. North  __________________________________
    3. East ___________________________________
    4. West ___________________________________
  11. Study the following pictures and write man-made or natural environment (4mks)
      SST Q11a G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      SST Q11b G5 ET3 2022_____________________________
      SST Q11c G5 ET3 2022___________________________
      SST Q11d G5 ET3 2022________________________________
  12. My school is in _______________________________ county. (1mk)


  1. Grade five learners at Jipe Moyo Academy were told to arrange the following events that took place during the baptism of Jesus in order from the first one to the last (4mks) a
    1. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    2. Heaven opened
    3. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
    4. Jesus was baptised
      How do you think they wrote the events?
      1. ____________________________________
      2. ____________________________________
      3. ____________________________________
      4. ____________________________________
  2. Jesus fed _____________________________ people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish (1mk)
  3. What was the name of Moses' father in-law? (1mk)__________________________________
  4. God used _________________________________to rescue baby Moses and keep him free from danger (1m)
  5. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph.(5mks)
     diligently, courageous, honest, faithfully, Daniel 
    ________________________served king Belshazzar ___________________________. He was ____________________since he did not fear to tell the king God's message. Daniel was an ___________________________ servant of God. We should work    _____________________________ to serve God.
  6. List three sons of Noah (3mks)
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  7. Write true or false after the statements. (5mks)
    1. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Gethsemane by God _______________________________________
    2. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge ______________________________________
    3. The snake tricked Adam ____________________________________
    4. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. _________________________________________
      (Total 20marks)


  1. The surah of the Qur'an that warns those who neglect prayers is _________________________________________
  2. The act of relying and trusting in Allah is known as ___________________________________
  3. The prayer place for the Hindus is ________________________________
  4. The fifth pillar of Iman is the belief in the _______________________________
  5. The attribute of Allah Al-Aalim means _________________________________
  6. The angels who record our deeds are _______________________ and ________________________________
  7. They are neither male nor female. Who are they? _____________________________________
  8. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an? _____________________________________
  9. The last prophet of Allah to be sent to the world was ____________________________________
  10. The 4 o'clock fardh salat is ________________________________
  11. The foster mother of the prophet was ________________________________
  12.  Mention one quality of prophet Muhammad _____________________________________
  13. The pillar of Islam that encourages sharing is  ____________________________________
  14. All prophets were sent to the world by ___________________________________
  15. The prophet of Allah who constructed an ark was _____________________________________
    Match the following
  16. Haji                        fasting
  17. Zakat                     pilgrimage
  18. Saum                     prayer
  19. Shahada                alms 
  20. Salat                     declaration/ Creed
    (20 marks)



  1. culture
  2. deputy head teacher
    senior teacher
    other teachers
    1. Southern Sudan
    2. Southern Ethiopia
    3. Congo forest
  4. Farming
  5. minerals, animals. land, water, vegetation
    1. areas with very many peope living together
    2. areas with few people living together
  7. Climate
    1. picture of mountain
    2. picture of an island
    3. picture of river
    SST Ans9 G5 ET3 2022
    1. Tanzania 
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda
    1. man-made
    2. natural
    3. man-made
    4. natural
  12. mark according to your county


    1. Jesus was baptised
    2. Heaven opened
    3. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    4. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
  2. 4,000
  3. Jethro
  4. Pharaoh's daughter
  5. Daniel, faithfully, courageous, honest, diligently
    1. Ham
    2. Shem
    3. Japheth
    1. false
    2. true
    3. false
    4. true


  1. maun
  2. tawakkul
  3. temple
  4. day of judgement
  5. the all-knowing
  6. raqid, atid
  7. angels
  8. twenty five/25
  9. Muhammad
  10. Asr
  11. Halima
  12. honest truthful, trustworthy etc
  13. zakat
  14. Allah/God
  15. Nuh(A.S)
  16. Haji - pilgrimage
  17. Zakat - Alms
  18. Saum - fasting
  19. Shahada - Declaration
  20. Salat - Prayer

Study the map of PAPA area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. What evidence in the map shows that Papa Area receives low rainfall?
    1. Presence of scrub vegetation.
    2. Existence of settlement.
    3. Existence of qually 
    4. Presence of hills.
  2. A police officer from Boro market wants an urgent message to reach the police station at Bogo Town. The quickest way of passing the message would be
    1. rive to Bogo police station.
    2. make a telephone call to Bogo police station.
    3. send a messenger to Bogo police station.
    4. send a letter to Bogo police station.
  3. Papa Area is administered by a
    1. MP
    2. Senator
    3. Governor
    4. Chief
  4. The length of the muram road from Toto market to the junction in Bogo Town is approximately 
    1. 3km 
    2. 4.5km 
    3. 6.5km 
    4. 10km
  5. The main form of transport in Papa area is 
    1. railway
    2. road 
    3. air
    4. pipeline
  6. The main economic activity carried out in Papa Area is 
    1. mining
    2. trading 
    3. cattle keeping 
    4. fishing 
  7. The general direction of flow of river Sogo is from
    1. North to South west.
    2. North east to South west.
    3. North west to South west.
    4. South west to North east.
  8. Below is a description of a kind of vegetation found in Kenya:
    1. It has short grass.
    2. It has thorny bushes.
    3. It is mainly made up of grass and scattered tress.
      The statements listed above describes the vegetation found in 
      1. The Nyika Platea 
      2. Coastal region 
      3. The lake Basin 
      4. Kenya Highlands
  9. In Kenya elections are held after every
    1. 5 years
    2. 10 years 
    3. 3 years
    4. 24 years
  10. Which one of the following traditional communities in Kenya were lead by Koitalel Arap Samoei? 
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Maasai
    3. Nandi
    4. Ameru
  11. Three of the following are problems resulting from development of industries. Which one is not? 
    1. They cause noise. 
    2. They cause unemployment. 
    3. They cause air pollution.
    4. They cause water pollution.
  12. Which one of the following is the fastest mode of Transport?
    1. Ship
    2. Bus
    3. Aeroplanes
    4. Train
  13. Which one of the following is the duty of std. 6 pupils at home?
    1. Sweeping the home compound.
    2. Working to get food for the family.
    3. Making laws to be followed by family
    4. Dividing the land for family members.
  14. When Eropeans partitioned Eastern Africa amongst themselves the Island of Zanzibar was taken by
    1. Britain
    2. Germany
    3. France
    4. Belgium
  15. Which game park is not correctly matched with the country where it is found? 
    1. Bwindi - Ethiopia 
    2. Dinder - Sudan 
    3. Amboseli - Kenya 
    4. Serengeti - Tanzania
  16. Which one of the following is a service industry?
    1. Cement making 
    2. Tourism 
    3. Meat canning 
    4. Tea packing
  17. Which of the following lakes in Eastern Africa is a source of mineral 
    1. Lake Kyoga
    2. lake Tanganyika 
    3. Lake Bogoria 
    4. Lake Magadi
  18. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa is the largest among the rest? 
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Tanzania
    3. Uganda
    4. Sudan

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer question 19 - 22

  1. The main reason why the language group which followed route marked V migrated from its original homeland was
    1. search for fishing ground. 
    2. their spirit of adverture. 
    3. search for fertile land. 
    4. search for water and pasture.
  2. The type of vegetation around the lake Area labeled P is referred to as
    1. Tropical rainforest 
    2. Mangrove forest 
    3. Woodland savannah 
    4. Papyrus swamp vegetation 
  3. The Town marked X in the map is called
    1. Dar es Salaam
    2. Kigali
    3. Arusha
    4. Dodoma
  4. What is the name of the country marked Z?
    1. Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan
  5. Which one of the following is not a festival in our society? 
    1. Drama
    2. Harvested
    3. Music
    4. Initiation
  6. The main problem facing beef farming in Tanzania is
    1. shortage of pasture and water. 
    2. animal diseases. 
    3. inadequate slaughter houses.
    4. attack by wild animals.
  7. Dairy farming in Kenya is well practiced in
    1. low land areas
    2. areas with enough slaughter houses.
    3. areas with cool and wet climato.
    4. areas with larger tracts of land.
  8. Which one of the following is not an element of a map? 
    1. Scale
    2. Title
    3. Frame
    4. Colour
  9. The diagram below shows the formation of a physical feature
    The above feature was formed through
    1. upward and faulting.
    2. faulting and down warping.
    3. evaption and faulting
    4. faulting and uplifting
  10. Which one of the following shows thep osition of Eastern Africa? It lies
    1. Longitude 23°N and 12°S latitude 22°E and 51°E.
    2. Latitude 5°N and 5°S longitude 22°E and 42°E.
    3. Latitude 23°N and 12°S longitude 22°N and 51°E.
    4. Longitude 5°N and 5°S latitude 34°E and 42°E.
  11. Three of the following is the main factor that influences tourism in Eastern Africa. Which one is not? 
    1. Good hotels
    2. Wildlife. 
    3. Coastal beaches. 
    4. Beautiful sceneries.
  12. Who among the following communities is a Semitic speaker?
    1. Dinka
    2. Luo
    3. Falasha
    4. Somali
  13. The basic unit in the society is the
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. age group
    4. warrior
  14. Dahalo and Sanye are Southern Cushites found in
    1. Kenya
    2. Uganda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia
  15. River Ewaso Nyiro North drains its water into the
    1. Indian ocean
    2. Lorian swamp
    3. Yala swamp
    4. Saiwa swalip
  16. Which of the following is an example of a block mountain?
    1. Kenya 
    2. Elgon 
    3. Usambara 
    4. Kilimanjaro
  17. Which Kenyan communities is correctly matched with its area of origin? 
    1. Taita -Shungwaya 
    2. Iteso -Congo forest 
    3. Maasai . -Eastern Ethiopia 
    4. Luo -Bahr-el-Ghazel
  18. On 20th October Kenya celebrates day. 
    1. Mashujaa
    2. Moi 
    3. Madaraka
    4. Jamhuri
  19. The main tourist attraction along the coast is
    1. rift valley
    2. coastal Beaches 
    3. natural scenery
    4. wildlife
  20. Amount of rainfall is measured using a
    1. Windsock
    2. raingange
    3. windvane
    4. barometer
  21. Soda ash is mined at lake
    1. Magadi
    2. Turkana
    3. Bogoria
    4. Victoria
  22. Cutting down trees without replacing them is called
    1. mono cropping
    2. deforestation
    3. afforestation
    4. monocropping
  23. Which fishing method is mainly done in Indian Ocean 
    1. Trawling
    2. Hook and line
    3. Net drifting
    4. Long lining
  24. Which of the following can be used to communicate to many people at the same time?
    1. Letter
    2. Radio 
    3. Telephone
    4. Messenger
  25. The following are arms of the government except the 
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Attomey General
    4. Judiciary
  26. Which one is not a natural physical feature in the Eastern African countries?
    1. Dams
    2. Mountains
    3. Plateaus
    4. Lake Bogoria
  27. The Greate Rift Valley was formed by
    1. folding
    2. faulting
    3. volcanicity
    4. drifting
  28. The Usambara and Ruwenzori mountains are examples of
    1. residual mountains 
    2. fold mountains 
    3. volcanic mountains 
    4. block mountains
  29. Which one of the following is not a Kenya's neighbour? 
    1. Uganda 
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Sudan 
    4. Tanzania
  30. The following are efforts made to solve problems in urban centres. Which is the best? 
    1. Decentralising industries in all areas. 
    2. Improving Transport network in the areas. 
    3. Building more industries in urban areas.
    4. Improving social amenities in the arca.
  31. Which one of the following is not a child abuse at home? 
    1. Forcing them to marry. 
    2. Forcing them to do homework. 
    3. Employing them in industries. 
    4. Excessive caning.
  32. During the pre-colonial period the Ameru were ruled by
    1. chiefs
    2. kings
    3. Council of elders
    4. Emperors
  33. Which one of the following factors does not influence distribution of vegetation?
    1. Relief
    2. Soil
    3. Cimate
    4. Longitude
  34. The following are economic uses of soil except
    1. making bricks 
    2. mining
    3. burrying the dead
    4. growing crops
  35. Which one of the following cannot cause lawlessness in Kenya?
    1. Poverty 
    2. Loyalty 
    3. Tribalism
    4. Corruption.
  36. The diagram below shows a weather instrument
    The weather instrument is called 
    1. Barometer
    2. Thermometer 
    3. Anemometer 
    4. Raingauge
  37. Which one of the following areas in Kenya is sparsely populated? 
    1. Meru
    2. Kiambu
    3. Garissa
    4. Eldoret
  38. Climate is
    1. the daily atmospheric condition of a place over a short period of time.
    2. the hotness or coldness of a place over long period of time.
    3. the amount of water vapour of a short period of time.
    4. the average weather condition of a place over a long period of time.
  39. Which one of the following places is the safest for pupils to cross the road?
    1. Where there are bumps. 
    2. Where there are traffic lights,
    3. At a roundabout.
    4. Where there is a junction.
  40. Who among the following is not a member of the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC)? 
    1. Secretary 
    2. Commissioner 
    3. Attomey General
    4. Chairperson
  41. Which one of the following is apolitical right? 
    1. Right to fair trials. 
    2. Right to life. 
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to work
  42. The following are members of the County Executive Committee except one. Which one?
    1. Govemor 
    2. Nominated Incmbers 
    3. Speaker 
    4. Deputy Governor


  1. Which sin did Adam and Eve commit?
    1. Eating the forbidden fruit.
    2. Covering themselves with leaves.
    3. Naming animals and other creation
    4. Talking to snake.
  2. When Abraham was called by God he experienced new life by, moving from
    1. Ur to Canaan 
    2. Haran to Canaan 
    3. Canaan to Havan 
    4. Ur to Havan
  3. Who were the parents of Jacob?
    1. Rebecca and Isaac 
    2. Jochebed and Amram 
    3. Elizabeth and Zechariah
    4. Sarah and Abraham
  4. During the call of Moses at Mt. Sinai, God showed Himself in form of
    1. cloud
    2. wind
    3. fire
    4. smoke
  5. When David killed Uriah he disobeyed God. Which commandment did he break?
    1. Do not steal.
    2. Do not commit murder. 
    3. Do not commit adultery. 
    4. Do not accuse anyone falsely
  6. King Saul the first king of Israel was annointed by
    1. Zechariah
    2. Samuel
    3. Zadock
    4. Eli
  7. Who was the third king of Israel?
    1. Ahab
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Saul
  8. The prophet who challenged the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel was called 
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha 
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  9. Which prophet of God is associated with the new covenant that will be written in peoples' hearts? 
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Nehemiah
    4. Ezekiel
  10. Who were the first people to see Baby Jesus when He was born?
    1. The kings
    2. The wisemen
    3. The shepherds
    4. The angels
  11. What did Jesus say when the devil told him to change stones into bread during the temptations?
    1. Man shall not live by bread alone. 
    2. Man shall not put God into test. 
    3. Man shall not eat bread without buying,
    4. Man shall not worship an Idol.
  12. When Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in River Jordan how did the following orders happen:
    1. Heaven was opened. 
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The Holy Spirit descended in form of a Dove.
      1. (iI) (iii) (i)
      2. (iii) (ii) (i)
      3. (i) (iii) (ii)
      4. (i) (i)(iii)
  13. The Roman emperor who was ruling when Jesus was born was called 
    1. Herod
    2. Pilate
    3. Augustus
    4. Caiphas
  14. The birth of Jesus took place in a town called
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Judea
    4. Jericho
  15. The first miracle of Jesus was changing water into wine at
    1. Nazareth
    2. Cana of Galilee 
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Bethany
  16. Jesus said that we should                  our enemies. 
    1. hate
    2. beat
    3. love
    4. abuse
  17. The parable of the prodigal son teaches Christians about
    1. joy 
    2. humility
    3. patience 
    4. forgiveness
  18. Who among the following servants was healed by Jesus because of his master's faith? 
    1. Jairus daughter 
    2. Jacob 
    3. Mary 
    4. Roman centurion's servant
  19. What do Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus?
    1. They should give up when tempted. 
    2. They should not be tempted. 
    3. Temptations are meant for sinners. 
    4. They should not give up when in temptations.
  20. When Jesus was being baptised the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a
    1. dove 
    2. eagle 
    3. sparrow 
    4. pigeon
  21. The following were done by the early church except
    1. they shared their belongings. 
    2. they always remained in doors, 
    3. they met daily 
    4. they fellowshipped together.
  22. Which of the following is not part of the Apostles creed? 
    1. I believe in Holy Catholic Church.
    2. The creator of heaven and earth. 
    3. Lead us not into temptation. 
    4. Who died under pontius Pilate.
  23. The day the disciples were filled by the Holy Spirit is termed as 
    1. Passover 
    2. Pentecost 
    3. Adent 
    4. Last supper
  24. In Traditional African Society work was shared according to the following except 
    1. gender 
    2. position in the society 
    3. education 
    4. age
  25. The following were stages of life in Traditional African Society. Which one was not?
    1. Naming 
    2. Mariage
    3. Baptism 
    4. Intiation
  26. Who among the following taught children in Traditional African Sociсty how to behave? 
    1. Pears 
    2. Agemates 
    3. Children 
    4. Elders
  27. Peter a std 6 pupils collected two hundred shillings in the school compound. What was the best thing for him to do?
    1. Pay for the school trip. 
    2. Give it to the teacher to ask for the owner. 
    3. Share it with friends.
    4. Hide the money and take it to his mother.
  28. Joyce, a std 6 girl was told by her friend that she was planning to carry out abortion. As a Christian what was she supposed to do? 
    1. Break the friendship. 
    2. Report to the teacher. 
    3. Tell her classmates. 
    4. Advice her to stop doing that.
  29. The following are qualities of a good leader. Which one is not?
    1. Polite 
    2. Cruel 
    3. Kind 
    4. Knowledgeable
  30. Which one of the following is a bad effect of irresponsible girl boy iclationship?
    1. Self control
    2. Teenage pregnancy. 
    3. Good results in school 
    4. Increased knowledge of God.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C
  51. D
  52. C
  53. B
  54. A
  55. C
  56. D
  57. B
  58. C
  59. C
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. B

Study the map of Nari Area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. River Nari rises from
    1. South
    2. North Wesf
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. Which one of the following is the main religion practised by people of Nari area?
    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditionalists
  3. The settlement pattern in Nari area can be described as
    1. nucleated
    2. clustered
    3. linear
    4. sparse
  4. Which one of the following type of industry can be located in the southern part of the map?
    1. Primary industry
    2. Secondary industry 
    3. Tertiary industry 
    4. Assembly industry
  5. Which one of the following factors has mainly lead to the growth of Nalli town?
    1. Trading Activities 
    2. Presence of a road junction 
    3. Security services
    4. Farming activities
  6. The type of soil likely found in the Southern part of the area
    1. black cotton soils 
    2. alluvial soils
    3. sandy soils
    4. red sub soils 
  7. What evidence shows that the North Eastern part of the map receives low rainfall is likeIy to be?
    1. Presence of a quarry 
    2. Presence of scrubs 
    3. The distribution of people 
    4. Distance from the lake
  8. Which one of the following is not a River lale Nilofes of Sudan?
    1. Lango
    2. Bayi
    3. Anuak 
    4. Dinka
  9. The following is a description of climate experienced in Eastern Africa.
    • High temperatures throughout the year
    • High rainfall throughout the year
    • Experiencesa rainfall maxima
      The climate described above is
      1. Tropical savannah climate 
      2. Mountain climate
      3. suotrootcst climate
      4. Equatorial climate
  10. The government of Kenya carries out census after every ten years mainly to
    1. know the number of people
    2. to plan for its people
    3. to prepare for elections
    4. to distribute land to people 
  11. Which one of the following factors explains why a rainguage should be fixed 15 centimetrés 15elow the ground? 
    1. To make it attractive 
    2. To make it stable 
    3. To make it visible
    4. To avoid splashing into it
  12. Which one of the following consist of the main coffee growing areas in Ethiopia?
    1. Moshi Arusha region 
    2. Jammo, Addis Ababa region
    3. Harar and Kaffar 
    4. Hadar Bouri
  13. Which one of the following towns is not a lake port in Lake Victoria in Tanzania? 
    1. Mwanza
    2. Musoma
    3. Ahirati
    4. Kigoma
  14. Which one of the following is the main government beef ranch in Tanzania 
    1. Mpwapwa
    2. Solai 
    3. Kongwa
    4. Hadeni
  15. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa does not share a border with Kenya?
    1. Uganda
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Somalia
  16. The following are uses of a mineral mined in Kenya
    1. Used to make fertilizer
    2. Used to make paint 
    3. Used to treat water
      The mineral described above is likely to be
      1. limestone
      2. fluorspar 
      3. diatomite
      4. salt
  17. The best way to upgrade to the local breeds is through
    1. controlling tsetse flies 
    2. cross-breeding
    3. paddocking 
    4. establish ranches
  18. Poultry reaning in Kenya is mainly done in the outskirts of the urban areas because
    1. there is a ready market
    2. plenty of poultry feeds
    3. area is free from pests
    4. there is plenty of space
  19. The best means of transporting heavy and bulky goods over long distance on land is
    1. pipeline transport
    2. railway transport
    3. water transport
    4. road transport
  20. Which one of the following title was given to the treasurer in the traditional Buganda kingdom? 
    1. Katikiro
    2. Omulamuzi
    3. Lukiko
    4. Omwanika
  21. Which one of the following water body does not border Eastern Africa?
    1. The Red Sea 
    2. The Indian Ocean
    3. Mediterranean sea
    4. Lake Victoria
  22. The following is a description of a town in Eastern Africa,
    1. Located on a foot of a mountain
    2. It's one of the largest town in its country
    3. Mainly serves as a tourism centre
      The town described above is
      1. Arusha
      2. Thika
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Kampala
  23. The main source of River Nile is
    1. Ethiopian highland
    2. Lake Tana
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lake Kyoga
  24. Which one of the following means of communication was recently introduced and possess a great competition to other forms of communication? 
    1. Letters
    2. Telegrams
    3. Computers
    4. Mobile phones
  25. Which one of the following types of lakes are formed when the river changes its course?
    1. Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga
    2. Lake Baringo, Lake Naivasha
    3. Lake Gambi, Lake Kanyamboli
    4. Lake Teleki, Lake Catherine
  26. Three of the following are facts about latitudes. Which one is not?
    1. They meet at the poles
    2. They are parallel to each other
    3. They influence the climate
    4. They are of different sizes
  27. Who among the following early visitor to Eastern Africa mainly came to look for the source of River Nile?
    1. Vasco da Gamma
    2. John Speke
    3. William MacKinnon
    4. Dr. Ludwig krapf
  28. Which one of the following is not true about maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania?
    1. It's mainly grow. by Small scale
    2. It's staple food of people in the region 
    3. It's a main foreign exchange earner
    4. Maize growing was introduced by the European settles
  29. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction on the floor of the Rift valley?
    1. Sandy beaches and warm climate
    2. International spurts and competitions
    3. Beautiful sceneries
    4. Wildlife in parks
  30. Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa is the highest non-volcanic mountain?
    1. Mt Ruwenzori
    2. Mt Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt Kenya
    4. The Ras Dashan
  31. The following are statements about a method of rearing poultry.
    1. Birds are left to feed
    2. Birds are fed separately in cages
    3. Birds have separate laying nest
    4. Feeds are mixed with standard straws
      There is a common collection point for eggs Which combination is suitable for battery system?
      1. i, ii, iv 
      2. ii, iii, v
      3. ii, iv, v 
      4. i, iii, v
  32. Use the diagrams to answer questions 32 and 33
    The main factor that influence the growth of vegetation
    1. altitude
    2. climate
    3. soil
    4. drainage
  33. The main economic activity carried out in the area marked D
    1. Lumbering
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Bee keeping
    4. Fruit growing
  34. Three of the foilowing are reasons for single parenthood. Which one is not?
    1. Travelling abroad
    2. Death
    3. Separation
    4. Divorce
  35. Which one of the following means of communication is mainly affected by low Supply of electricity in rural areas?
    1. Television
    2. Computers
    3. Newspapers
    4. Courier Service
  36. Which one of the following animals is not a big five?
    1. Rhino
    2. Buffalo
    3. Cheetah
    4. Leopard
  37. Which one of the following lakes were formed through the same processes?
    1. L. Stephanie, L. Manyara, L. Edward
    2. L. Katwe, L. Paradise, L. Utange
    3. L.Albert, L. Kivu!, L. Kyoga
    4. L. Chala, Lake Tana, L. Gambi
  38. Which one of the following was the first political party that was formed in Tanganyika?
    1. Chama Cha Mapinduzi
    2. Tanganyika African National Union
    3. Tanganyika African Association
    4. United Tanganyika Party
  39. Who among the following is a member of the county assembly?
    1. County Representative
    2. Speaker
    3. Nominated Member
    4. Senator
  40. Judiciary in Kenya is headed by the 
    1. President
    2. Chief justice
    3. Attorney general
    4. Chief registrar

Use the map below to answer questions 41 - 45 

  1. The main tourist attraction in the area Marked K
    1. Wildlife
    2. Human remains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Sandy beaches
  2. The town marked M started as a 
    1. trading post 
    2. fishing village 
    3. market centre 
    4. transport and communication centre
  3. The type of forest found in the area marked
    1. Highland forest
    2. Lowland forest
    3. Tropical rainforest 
    4. Planted forests
  4. The Mineral mined at the place marked L is
    1. soda ash
    2. fluorspar
    3. diatomite
    4. limestone 
  5. The mountain marked N was from a result of
    1. faulting and uplifting
    2. faulting and sinking
    3. volcanic eruption
    4. folding of rocks
  6. Which one of the following holidays in Kenya is celebrated to mark the day when Kenya was granted independence?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Jamhuri day
    3. Madaraka day
    4. Labour day
  7. Which one of the following trees is found in the a Natural Forest?
    1. Pine
    2. Eucalyptus 
    3. Camphor
    4. Cypress
  8. Which one of the following community was led by Mukite wa Nameme in resisting the establishment of colonial rule?
    1. Nandi
    2. Ababukusu
    3. Agiriama
    4. Hehe
  9. Which one of the following National parks is B. not found in Uganda?
    1. Soleus
    2. Murchison
    3. Kidepo valley 
    4. Queen Elizabeth
  10. Three of the following are effects of Maasai collaboration except A. 
    1. Lenana was made a paramount chief B. 
    2. Maasai got support to fight their enemies C 
    3. Maasai were rewarded with land D. 
    4. Maasai lost their land
  11. Which one of the following is not a sea port the county assembly?
    1. Asmara
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Dar es Salaam
    4. Kismayu  
  12. Which one of the following European power did not get a portion of Somaliland during the scramble and partition of Eastern Africa?
    1. Germany
    2. Britain
    3. France 
    4. Italy
  13. Which of the following winds are responsible for long rains in East African Highlands?
    1. North East Monsoon winds 
    2. South East Monsoon winds 
    3. North and dry winds
    4. South Westerlies
  14. Which is not a method of solving conflict?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Negotiation 
    3. Revenging
    4. Court settlement
  15. Which one of the following food crop is widely grown in Uganda?
    1. Maize
    2. Bananas
    3. Sisal
    4. Tea
  16. Which one of the following activities was not done by African Societies?
    1. Solving disputes 
    2. Making community laws
    3. Punishing the law breakers
    4. Spearheading
  17. The type of trade that involves only two countries is termed as
    1. regional trade
    2. multi-lateral trade PIS 
    3. bilateral trade
    4. domestic trade 
  18. The main reason why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa is
    1. A treat African diseases
    2. to civilize Africans 
    3. get raw material 45. 
    4. to stop slave trade 
  19. Which one of the following is not a function of Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission?
    1. Nominate members
    2. Conduct elections Kenya 
    3. Register voters 
    4. Announce election results  
  20. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. Head of state 
    3. Deputy president
    4. Chief justice


  1. From the book of Genesis Chapter 1 and 2, 1 which one of the following was created on the fourth day?
    1. Plants
    2. Animals
    3. Man
    4. Sun
  2. Who among the following gave his life to God?
    1. Lot
    2. Haron
    3. Terah
    4. Abraham
  3. The first Israelites Passover meal took place in
    1. Jericho
    2. Judah
    3. Egypt
    4. Canaan
  4. Which one of the following is the sixth commandment as given in the book of Exodus chapter twenty?
    1. Respect your mother and father
    2. Keep the sabbath day holy
    3. Do not kill
    4. Do not covet
  5. The Judge who defeated the Medianites being led by the Holy Spint was
    1. Jared
    2. Gideon
    3. Samuel
    4. Samson
  6. The third King in Israel was called
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Ahab
    4. Solomon   
  7. Which one of the following prophets spoke about the coming of the Messiah?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Jonah 
    3. Elisha 
    4. Obadia
  8. Gehazi, the servant of Elisha was punished because he lacked
    1. money
    2. honesty
    3. kindness
    4. love
  9. Which one of the following prophets predicted  about famine that was to affect people in Israel?
    1. Elijah 
    2. Agabus 
    3. Micah 
    4. Isaiah
  10. Who among the following prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Elijah 
    3. Micah 
    4. Jeremiah
  11. Which one of the following was given to the shepherds as a sign of the saviour who had  been born?
    1. They would find him in a hotel
    2. They would find a big baby
    3. They would find him with his parents
    4. They would find him wrapped in strips of clothes
  12. The raising of Lazarus from the dead by Jesus shows that Jesus
    1. Has power to heal the sick
    2. Has power to create
    3. Has power over evil
    4. Has power over death
  13. The first miracle of Jesus took place at
    1. Judah
    2. Israel
    3. Cana
    4. Egypt
  14. The first disciples of Jesus were
    1. farmers
    2. fishermen
    3. singers
    4. healers
  15. Who among the following repented his sins and was forgiven?
    1. Gehazi
    2. Prodigal son
    3. Disciples
    4. Ahab
  16. "Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani" means
    1. My God, my God why did you abandon me
    2. Elijah, you will be with me in paradise
    3. Father forgive them
    4. Lord, take this cup away from me. 
  17. Who among the following went to the tomb after the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Joseph
    4. Elzabeth
  18. The first disciples of were first called Christians at a place called 
    1. Jericho
    2. Antioch 
    3. Moab
    4. Egypt
  19. Who among the following denied Jesus three in times?
    1. James 
    2. John
    3. Peter
    4. Zacharia
  20. Which one among the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Love 
    4. Faith 
  21. Education in traditional African society was aimed at
    1. Instilling respect 
    2. Character moulding
    3. Acquiring degree
    4. Preparation for marriage
  22. The following are ways through which people get new life in traditional African society except
    1. Initiation
    2. Baptism 
    3. Marriage 
    4. Birth 
  23. Which one among the following is commonly practised by both Christians and Traditional African Communities?
    1. Sharing with others 
    2. Baptising new converts
    3. Tatooing bodies
    4. Reading the Bible
  24. The main purpose of sharing wealth or ideas  with others is to show
    1. concern for others
    2. envy for others
    3. jealous for others 
    4. brutality for other 
  25. Initiation in Traditional African society, prepared young people to take in society
    1. their own problems
    2. new responsibilities
    3. their talents
    4. their gifts
  26. Which one among the following is not true about the benefits of sharing work?
    1. Give people chance to share talents 
    2. To contribute to the welfare of others 
    3. Everybody get involved in work 
    4. Compete as we work
  27. Which one among the following is good use of time?
    1. Stealing 
    2. Cheating 
    3. Visit the needy 
    4. Complaining always
  28. In Traditional African Societies marriage negotiation are officiated by
    1. prophets
    2. seer
    3. elders
    4. priests
  29. Who among the following is a person with special need?
    1. HIV/AIDS victim 
    2. Jesus
    3. Rich person
    4. A farmer
  30. Which one among the following was the main activity of missionaries in Kenya? 
    1. Give people presents 
    2. Teach people local language
    3. Preach the Gospel 
    4. See Kenyans


  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. A
  60. B
  61. D
  62. D
  63. C
  64. C
  65. B
  66. D
  67. A
  68. B
  69. A
  70. C
  71. D
  72. D
  73. C
  74. B
  75. B
  76. A
  77. B
  78. B
  79. C
  80. C
  81. B
  82. B
  83. A
  84. A
  85. B
  86. D
  87. C
  88. C
  89. A
  90. C

Study the map of Rwaka area below and answer questions 1 - 5.

Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q1

  1. River Rwaka flows from__________________ to _____________________
  2. The symbol Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q2 shows that there is _______________in Rwaka area. 
  3. Name two physical features that are found in Rwaka area. __________________, ________________
  4. People in Rwaka area lives near the _____________________
  5. State two economic activities practised by the people of Rwaka area. __________________, ______________________
  6. The border that is drawn around a map is called _________________________
  7. Kenya is found to the _________________________ of Ethiopia
  8. Nyika and Yatta are examples of ____________________________ (plains, plateaus) 
  9. Name one physical feature that is shared by Kenya, Uganda nd Tanzania. ______________________________
  10. Another name for hot and wet climatic region is _________________________ 
  11. Complete the box marked P.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q11
  12. Areas with good climate and fertile soils have ____________________________ population
  13. What is apprenticeship? ______________________________________________________________________
  14. The following are duties of a school administrator.
    1. Prepares and maintains class register.
    2. Mantains class discipline. 
    3. Provide guidance and counselling to pupils.
      The school adminstrator who performs the above duties is _____________________

For questions 15 - 17 match the resource with their economic activity.

           Resource                   Economic activity

  1. Wild life                        Saw milling
  2. Mineral                         Tourism
  3. Forests                         Mining

  4. Growing of crops and keeping of animals for home use is known as _________________________ farming 
  5. Growing of crops in a small piece of land is known as ______________________ farming.
  6. The history of a community in traditional Kenyan societies was learnt through _____________________________
  7. Tick the historic built environment found in the coastal region of Kenya.
    1. Vasco da Gama pillar answer box
    2. Bomas of Kenya answer box
    3. Kobi Fora  answer box
    4. Fort Jesus. answer box

Study the map below and answer the questions 22 - 24.

            Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q22

  1. The country marked P is known as ____________________________
  2. State two importance of the river marked L. 
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  3. The language group found in the region markes sss is ________________________
  4. Kenya is made up of _________________counties.



  1. Identify one responsibility that was given to man by God in the garden of Eden. _________________
  2. Name two values that Christains acquire when they use the Bible as their daily guide.
  3. The last book in the Bible is __________________
  4. The third king of Israel was known as __________________________
    Pick the correct words from the box below to fill in gaps in questions 6 - 9.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 CRE Q4
  5. Jesus prayed with His disciples at ________________________
  6. Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal at _______________________
  7. God gave Moses the ten commandments at _____________________
  8. Abraham offered his son for sacrifice to God at ____________________________
  9. The son of Noah who saw his father's nakedness was ________________________
  10. _________________and __________________ were put to jail for preaching that Jesus had risen from the dead. 
  11. Jesus was baptised in River ____________________
  12. The miracle of Jesus calming the storm shows that Jesus has power over ________________________
  13. ____________________ baskets of leftovers remained when Jesus fed 5000 people.
  14. God wants us to _______________________ our enemies.
  15. Jesus healed a paralyzed man and forgave his _________________________
  16. From the parable of the lost sheep, the good shephered represents ___________________________
  17. Happy are those who are ___________________________ to others, God will be merciful to them.
  18. Happy are the pure in for heart they will ______________________________



  1. Abu Lahab's wife was cursed in surah _______________________________
  2. Where was surah Al Kafirrun revealed?  ______________________________________
  3. When talking, we should always _______________________ the truth.
  4. What is twahara in Islam? _________________________
  5. No one will enter paradise except the ______________________________
  6. There are ___________________________________ classes of najissat.
  7. It is faradh to clean wudhu parts____________________times.(1, 3, 6) 
  8. When is it recommended to be in a state of Wudhu? ___________________________
  9. The naked parts of a Muslim are referred to as the _______________________
  10. Moral values are referred to as __________________________in Islam 
  11. Why did Allah sent down clothing?_________________________ 
  12. The television is ____________________of communication. (means, part) 
  13. Bad things in the society are called _______________________________________________
  14. _______________________________ encourages laziness in Islam. (Beggining, Working)
  15. Work is a form of _______________________(punishment, ibaadah) 
  16. The word 'Iqraa' means ____________________________
  17. Small kindness are mentioned in surah ___________________________
  18. We should say ____________________ among ourselves show love for each other.
  19. Seeking knowledge is ________________________ upon every Muslim. 
  20. The term "Al Waheed" means ___________________________


Section A: Social Studies

  1. South, West
  2. Railway line
  3. River, hills
  4. Road
  5. farming, mining, trading
  6. Frame
  7. South
  8. Plateaus
  9. Lake Victoria
  10. Equatorial
  11. Maasai
  12. Dense
  13. Learning from specialist
  14. Teacher
  15. Tourism
  16. Mining
  17. Sawmilling
  18. Subsistence
  19. Small Scale
  20. Stories/narratives
  21. Vasco Da Gama, Fort Jesus
  22. Southern Sudan
    1. Irrigation
    2. Production of electricity
  24. Cushites
  25. 47

Section B: Christian Religious Education

  1. Taking care of God's creation
  2. Responsibility; humility
  3. Revelation
  4. Solomon
  5. Mount Olives
  6. Mt. Carmel
  7. Mt. Sinai
  8. Mt.Horeb
  9. Ham
  10. Paul and Silas
  11. Jordan
  12. Nature
  13. 12
  14. Love
  15. Sins
  16. Jesus Christ
  17. Merciful
  18. See God

Section C: Islamic Religious Education

  1. Lahab
  2. Makkah
  3. Speak
  4. Cleanliness
  5. Clean
  6. Three
  7. One
  8. When going to bed
  9. Aura
  10. Akhlaa
  11. To cover our aura
  12. means
  13. Vices
  14. Begging
  15. Ibaadah
  16. Read
  17. Maun
  18. Salaam
  19. Obligatory
  20. The one


                                         Grade 5 End Term 2 sst Set 1 Q1

  1. What is the direction of the mosque from the school? _______________________________
  2. Which is the main religion practised in Githima area? ________________________________
  3. State one type of cash crop grown in Githima area. ________________________________
  4. State two economic activities carried out in the map.
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
  5. What is a resource? ___________________________
  6. Name four resources in Kenya.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  7. State four ways of caring for resources in Kenya.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  8. State three ways in which Kenya maintains good relations with her neighbours.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
    1. Physical features are divided into ________________ and _______________ features.
    2. Name two uses of physical features.
    3. State two ways of taking care of our physical features.
  10. Name four administrative leaders in the school.
  11. What is population density? ________________________________
  12. Write three methods of instruction used in African traditional education.
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________


  1. Who baptised Jesus? ______________________________
  2. Jesus was baptised in River ____________________________
  3. When Jesus was being baptised the Holy Spirit came down inform of a ______________________________
  4. Who came to prepare for the coming of the Messiah? _________________________
  5. King ________________ used wisdom from God to solve the disagreement between two women.
  6. _________________________ saw his father's nakedness.
  7. King ________________________ used the holy vessels from the temple to drink wine and praise other gods.
  8. Who read and interpreted the writings on the wall? ________________________________
  9. Elijah contested the prophets of Baal at Mount ___________________________
  10. Who was put in a basket by his mother and was hidden at the edge of River Nile? ______________________________
  11. Who was Moses father-in-law? _________________________________
  12. Why was Moses told to remove his sandals? _________________________________
  13. State three values christians should practice towards the needy in the society
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
    3. ____________________________________


  1. Write two importances of greeting one another.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  2. The Quran mentions ____________________________ prophets.
  3. Which pillar of Islam promotes sharing? ____________________________________
  4. The father of prophet Muhammad was called _________________________________
  5. Complete the verse below.
    "Fajaalajum ka'asfin ___________________________________"
  6. Which is the second and fourth pillar of Iman? ___________________________ and ___________________________
  7. _____________________________ was the first prophet of Allah. (S.W) while ____________________ was the last prophet. 


  1. North West
  2. Christianity
  3. Tea
    1. Farming
    2. Fishing
  5. A resource is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Minerals
    2. Soil
    3. Water
    4. Forests
    1. Keeping sources of water clean
    2. Using minerals wisely
    3. Planting trees
    4. Planting cover crops
    • Tide
    • Ganes and Sports
    • Common language of Kiswahili
    • Free movement of people
    1. Relief drainage
      • Fishing e.g lakes
      • Provide water- rivers
      • Tourist attraction- Mountains
      • Avoid dumping litter in lakes and rivers
      • providing secutrity to such areas.
    1. Headteacher
    2. Deputy headteacher
    3. Senior teacher
    4. Teachers
    5. The children's government
  11.  The number of people living in an area.
    • Story telling
    • Narratives
    • Proverbs
    • Riddles
    • Songs
    • Dances


  1. John the Baptist
  2. Jordan
  3. Dove
  4. John the Baptist
  5. Solomon
  6. Ham
  7. Belshezzar
  8. Daniel
  9. Carmel
  10. Moses
  11. Jethro
  12. He was standing on a Holy Ground
    1. Mercy
    2. Love
    3. Responsibility
    4. Amparthy


    1. It promotes love and friendship among muslims
    2. It is a form of due
    3. When two people greet one another their sins are forgiven.
    4. Allah rewards those who promote greetings.
  2. 25
  3. zakat
  4. Abdullah
  5. Maakul
  6. Believing in angels (S.W)
    Believing in prophets of Allah (S.W)
  7. Nabii Adam (AS)
    Nabii Muhammad

Study the map of Tugo area and use it to answer questions 1-7

C8 ET2 SST s1

  1. Kimani wants to construct a house near Toko market. The house is most likely to be made of 
    1. mud
    2. cowdung 
    3. timber
    4. stone 
  2. Which one of the following is the main factor that influenced the location of the irrigation scheme in the area 
    1. presence of the market 
    2. presence of the post office 
    3. presence of the town
    4. presence of police post 
  3. The main economic activity in the area is
    1. crop farming and trading
    2. cattle keeping and mining
    3. crop farming and manufacturing
    4. mining and trading 
  4. The railway line in the map is most likely to be used to report
    1. livestock and transport . 
    2. building stones and sisal fibres
    3. maize and mineral
    4. livestock and minerals
  5. The climate of the area covered by the map is most likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry 
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and wet
  6. The people in Tugo area are likely to be 
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims 
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  7. The people of Tugo area mainly communicate through
    1. fixed telephone lines
    2. smoke signals
    3. letters
    4. emails
  8. Which of the following factors discourages settlement of people around the miombo woodlands of Tanzania 
    1. the game park
    2. government policy 
    3. wild animals
    4. the presence of tsetse flies
  9. Which one of the following are beef farming areas in Kenya and Tanzania 
    1. Taita and Dar-es-salaam 
    2. Kisumu and Dodoma
    3. Nyeri and Arusha 
    4. Laikipia and Kongwa
  10. Which of the following groups comprises of countries of Eastern Africa only
    1. Uganda, Ethiopia, Egypt 
    2. Djibouti, South Sudan, Rwanda 
    3. Eritrea, Djibouti, Mozambique
    4. Kenya, Djibouti, Mozambique
  11. The practice of sub dividing ranches into rotational grazing areas in called
    1. tethering
    2. zero grazing 
    3. paddocking
    4. demacation
  12. The following African traditional leaders resisted the European except
    1. Chief Mkwawa 
    2. Lenana
    3. Mekatilili a Menza 
    4. Koitalel arap Samoei
  13. Which of the following vegetation type below is found only in coastal areas?
    1. savannah vegetation 
    2. tropical rainforest vegetation
    3. papyrus vegetation
    4. mangrove vegetation
  14. Which of the following countries was colonized by three European nations?
    1. Uganda
    2. Somalia
    3. Kenya
    4. Tanzania
  15. Who among the following is not elected during the parliamentary elections?
    1. woman representative
    2. member of national assembly
    3. speaker 
    4. senator
  16. Which of the following statements explains the meaning of abuse of drugs?
    1. it is the selling of drugs to the pupils
    2. it is the illegal selling of drugs
    3. it is taking of drugs as instructed 
    4. it is the misuse of drugs
  17. On which date was the current constitution of Kenya promulgated
    1. 27th August 2010
    2. 27th August 2013 
    3. 21st November 2005 
    4. 4th August 2010
  18. Pupils can practice democracy in a school
    1. during election of their prefects
    2. when playing harmonious in the field
    3. when reciting poems
    4. when they destroy the school property
  19. Which one of the following is the responsibility of the government to its citizen?
    1. building of places of worship
    2. ensuring that every citizen has a place to live 
    3. providing food to all citizens 
    4. building of major highways
  20. Which one of the following is not true about the constitution of Kenya? 
    1. Parliament can change it
    2. It has never been revied
    3. It is a draft constitution
    4. It has 18 characters
  21. Which among the following African leaders was not a collaborators? 
    1. Kabaka Mutesa I 
    2. Oloibon Lenana
    3. Wayaki wa Hinga
    4. Koitalel arap Samoei
  22. Which one of the following has greatly caused lack of peace among the pastoralists
    1. religious differences
    2. lack of infrastructure 
    3. cattle rustling
    4. unemployment
  23. All the following rivers provide water to the volta project except
    1. oti
    2. Gambia
    3. White volta
    4. Black volta
  24. Which of the following types of marriages is officiated by a D.O?
    1. elopping
    2. civil
    3. religious
    4. customary
  25. Below is a description of a type of vegetation (
    1. thick forest
    2. has different type of trees 
    3. ever green
    4. has less undergrowth
      The type of vegetation described above is
      1. Savannah woodland
      2. Mountain vegetation
      3. Tropical rainforest
      4. Bushes and thickets

Use the diagram below to answer questions 26 to 29.

              C7 ET2 SST Q26

  1. The type of rainfall shown above is called
    1. mountainous
    2. orographic
    3. convectional
    4. frontal
  2. Which of the following areas is likely to receive this type of rainfall?
    1. Nyeri
    2. Wajir
    3. Machakos
    4. Lamu
  3. Which set of crops is mainly grown in the part marked L? 
    1. Tea, cloves, coffee
    2. coffee, cocoa, tea 
    3. pyrethrum, tea, coffee
    4. tea, cotton, pyrethrum
  4. Which economic activity is likely to be carried out in the area marked Z
    1. mining
    2. crop farming
    3. pastoralism
    4. dairy farming
  5. The national philosophy harambee was introduced in Kenya by
    1. Oginga Odinga
    2. Jomo Kenyatta
    3. Daniel Moi
    4. Mwai Kibaki
  6. Parliamentary proceeding in the national assembly are controlled by the 
    1. President 
    2. Sergent at arms 
    3. Speaker
    4. clerk of the national assembly
  7. The characteristics of rivers found within the Rift valley are
    1. deep and broad
    2. shallow and narrow
    3. deep and narrow 
    4. narrow and broad
  8. Which of the following is an example of a domestic trade?
    1. trade between Kenya and Europeans countries
    2. trade between Eastern Africa region and west Africa
    3. trade that takes place within the borders of a country
    4. trade between Kenya and Uganda
  9. Which one of the following is a modern method of preserving fish? 
    1. smoking
    2. canning
    3. Salting
    4. Sun-drying.
  10. The missionaries established mission station in Africa inorder to
    1. find sources of river Nile
    2. introduce new crops
    3. colonise Africa
    4. spread Christianity

Use the map of Eastern Africa and answer questions 36 to 39.

           C7 ET2 SST Q36

  1. The route marked Y was followed by the
    1. cushites
    2. semites 
    3. nilotes
    4. bantus
  2. The lake marked X on the map is an example of
    1. a crater lake 
    2. a lava dammed lake
    3. an ox-bow lake 
    4. a depressional lake
  3. The town marked W on the map is likely to be
    1. Dodora
    2. Dar-es-salaam
    3. Tanga
    4. Mbeya
  4. The national park marked Z on the map is known as
    1. Serengeti
    2. Mara
    3. Tsavo
    4. Amboseli
  5. The use of E-mail as a means of communication is hindered by
    1. lack of electricity 
    2. lack of knowledge
    3. high demand of postal charges
    4. lack of computers
  6. Which one is not a role of citizens in the electoral process? 
    1. Receiving money from candidates
    2. Evaluating the performance of the elected leader
    3. Campaining for the candidates
    4. Reading the results
  7. Which of the following gives the meaning of conflict resolution? 
    1. to report to police
    2. to obey the law 
    3. to re-establish good relation
    4. to take our enemies to court 
  8. Wiich one of the following trees is not found in a natural forest?
    1. spruce
    2. mvule
    3. oak
    4. mahogany
  9. Which of the following minerals is correctly matched with the country where it is mined on a large scale?
    1. Soda ash - Nigeria
    2. Gold - Kenya
    3. Copper - Zainbia
    4. Oil-Ghana
  10. When is the sun overhead at the tropics of capricon?
    1. September
    2. March
    3. December
    4. June 
  11. Marine fishing in Kenya and Tanzania is carried out in
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Lake Turkana
    3. Lake Tanganyika
    4. Lake Naivasha
  12. Three of the following are objectives of IGAD except to
    1. eradicate poverty
    2. promote inter tribal ethnicity 
    3. promote food shortage
    4. establish peace and security in the region

Use the diagram below to answer questions 48 to 49.

C7 ET2 SST Q48

  1. The diagram above is called
    1. largest
    2. oasis
    3. barchan
    4. seif dune
  2. In which of the following countries can the feature be found
    1. Democratic Republic of Congo 
    2. Namibia
    3. Ghana
    4. Gabon
  3. The first European missionary arrived in Kenya in 1844 and established a mission station at
    1. Rabai
    2. Tumutumu
    3. Nairobi
    4. Mombasa
  4. Inselbergs are common feature of plateau in central sahara. They are examples of
    1. block mountains
    2. volcanic mountains
    3. residual mountains
    4. escarpments
  5. The first African to join the legislative council (legco) in 1944 was
    1. Moody Awori
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Harry Thuku
  6. The regional headquarters of the East African community (EAC) are in
    1. Dodoma
    2. Arusha
    3. Dar-es-salaam
    4. Nairobi
  7. Which one of the following does not undermine peace in the society?
    1. racism
    2. fairness
    3. nepotism
    4. tribalism
  8. Before the coming of Europeans the Baganda were ruled by
    1. Batakas
    2. Hereditary chief
    3. Council of elders
    4. Hereditary kings 
  9. Which one of the following is not a fold mountain found in Africa? 
    1. Atlas
    2. Caperange
    3. Drakensberg
    4. Mau ranges
  10. The stable food for majority of them Ugandans is
    1. maize
    2. bananas
    3. potatoes
    4. maize and beans
  11. Kerio valley within the great rift valley is famous for mining of
    1. limestone
    2. flourspar
    3. diamonds
    4. diatomite 
  12. Which one of the following African countries does the equator pass through?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Tanzania
    3. South Sudan
    4. Somalia
  13. Which one of the following arms of goverment makes laws in Kenya?
    1. The cabinet
    2. Judiciary 
    3. Legislature
    4. Executive


  1. In the beginning when God created the universe the earth was
    1. disolate and engulfed
    2. formless and ancient
    3. disolate and darkness
    4. disolate and formless
  2. Who among the following prophets described the messiah as the prince of peace
    1. Amos
    2. Hosea
    3. Isaiah
    4. Micah
  3. In which book of the bible is the story of Noah and the flood found
    1. Genesis
    2. Leviticus
    3. Numbers
    4. Exodus
  4. Which one of the following festivals celebrated by the Israelites to remember their release from Egypt?
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost 
    3. Passover
    4. Clabernacles
  5. Which is the sixth commandment from God given to the Israelites through Moses?
    1. do not steal
    2. do not commit adultery 
    3. do commit murder
    4. do not accuse anyone falsely
  6. Which one of the following commandments teaches about respect for marriages?
    1. do not commit murder
    2. do not steal
    3. do not cominit adultery
    4. do not accuse anyone falsely
  7. During the night of Exodus the Israelites were expected to observe the following rules except one. Which one
    1. eat while standing
    2. eat bitter herbs
    3. renain while standing
    4. eat leavened bread
  8. All the following are acceptable character traits except 
    1. generous
    2. hardworking
    3. humbles
    4. selfish
  9. Which one of the following prophet of Israel healed Naaman of leprosy?
    1. Ahab
    2. Elijah
    3. Elisha
    4. Saul
  10. The main reason as to why Jesus died on the cross was
    1. so that we may have eternal life 
    2. to please the jews
    3. to pay for Adam's sins
    4. to prove that he was the son of God
  11. Gideon was called by God to deliver the Israelites from? 
    1. Midianites
    2. Amalekits
    3. Philistines 
    4. Moabites
  12. Which value is not required during the breaking of bread?
    1. selfishness
    2. humility
    3. love
    4. unity
  13. Which one of the following is not an achievement of king David?
    1. Composing psalms
    2. Killing Goliath 
    3. Building the temple 
    4. capturing Jerusalem from Jebusites
  14. Which of the following is not a fruit of the Holy spirit? 
    1. Patience
    2. Joy
    3. Gentleness 
    4. Faith
  15. Who among the following people was called by God when still young 
    1. Nathan
    2. Jeremiah
    3. John
    4. Moses 
  16. The blind people use a machine called
    1. white cane 
    2. computer
    3. phone
    4. braille
  17. The main lesson Christians learn from the announcements of the births of John and Jesus is that they should
    1. be ready to do God's work 
    2. be huinble before God 
    3. be faithful
    4. trust in God's power
  18. Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor
    1. God will then weath
    2. They will receive what God has promised 
    3. The kingdom of heaven belong to them
    4. They will see God 
  19. When Jesus was presented to the temple to be dedicated which religious practices was carried out to Mary 
    1. dedication 
    2. purification 
    3. anointing
    4. naming
  20. Which one of the following are good Christian values?
    1. loves, forgiveness and sharing 
    2. singing, stealing and kindness
    3. humility, revenging and fasting
    4. pride, purtiy, coveting
  21. Which one of the following parables teaches Christians to show compassion to the needy?
    1. The rich
    2. The last son
    3. The rich man and Lazarus
    4. The good Samaritan
  22. Who among the following people lacked the value of honesty?
    1. Mary magdalene and Ruth
    2. Simon Peter and Andrew
    3. Abraham and Sarah
    4. Ananias and Sapphira
  23. Jesus accompanied his parent at the age of 12 years to Jerusalem in order to
    1. celebrate the pentecost 
    2. be dedicated 
    3. attend the passover festival 
    4. attend wedding at Cana of Galilee
  24. In which one of the following ways did David help King Saul anytime he was tormented by an evil spirit
    1. killing enemies 
    2. singing psalms
    3. playing the harp 
    4. carving weapons
  25. Jesus was able to overcome the temptations in the wilderness mainly because
    1. He was filled with the Holy Spirit 
    2. I had fasted for forty days
    3. He had been baptised 
    4. He had read the scriptures
  26. Who among the following people used their God given talents to serve God
    1. David and Saul 
    2. Oholiab and Bezalel
    3. Ohaliab and Samson
    4. Beizebel and Josah
  27. Which one of the following statements is a teaching of Jesus from the sermon on the
    1. love God with all your heart
    2. let the children come to me
    3. happy are the pure in heart
    4. you must be bom again
  28. What reward did God promise those who work for peace
    1. God will call them his children
    2. They will see God
    3. God will satisfy them fully
    4. God will be merciful to them
  29. Jesus asked his disciples to pray at the mount of olives because he wanted them to 
    1. stay awake 
    2. save him from His enemies 
    3. Go with him to the pilate
    4. avoid falling into temptations
  30. Who among the following disciples baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch
    1. John
    2. Peter
    3. James
    4. Philip


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. B
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. D
  38. C
  39. A
  40. D
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. D
  46. A
  47. C
  48. C
  49. B
  50. A
  51. C
  52. B
  53. B
  54. B
  55. D
  56. D
  57. B
  58. B
  59. D
  60. C
  61. B
  62. C
  63. A
  64. C
  65. C
  66. C
  67. D
  68. D
  69. C
  70. A
  71. A
  72. A
  73. C
  74. D
  75. B
  76. D
  77. D
  78. C
  79. B
  80. A
  81. D
  82. D
  83. C
  84. C
  85. A
  86. B
  87. C
  88. A
  89. D
  90. D



  1. The main cash crop grown in Sino area is
    1. Coffee
    2. Tea
    3. Sisal
    4. Pyrethrum
  2. Which one of the following services is not provided for in Sino area?
    1. Tourisin services.
    2. Administrative services. 
    3. Recreational services. 
    4. An educational services,
  3. The settlement pattern in the area is
    1. linear
    2. densely
    3. sparsely
    4. cluster
  4. The chief in Sino town is supervised by the
    1. Police officer
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Regional commissioner
    4. Assistant county commissioner
  5. The climate to the south west of sino area is likely to be 
    1. warm and wet
    2. cool and dry
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6. People of sino area are
    1. Pagans
    2. Muslims
    3. Buddhists
    4. Christians
  7. The highest point in Sino area is likely to be found in the 
    1. North
    2. North West 
    3. South West
    4. South
  8. The following are factors that influence population distribution in Kenya except
    1. religion
    2. transport
    3. rainfall
    4. Soil
  9. Which one of the following forests in Kenya is an example of a lowland forest? 
    1. Turbo
    2. Mau forest
    3. Arabuko Sokoke
    4. Kakamega forest
  10. The main cause of soil erosion at Northern Kenya is
    1. Mono-cropping
    2.  poor methods of farming
    3. deforestation
    4. overstocking
  11. Which one of the following climatic region has the following characteristics
    1. It is generally warm and wer 
    2. Mean annual temperature is between 18°c and 21°c
    3. higher areas are cooler with some recording 0°c
    4. It receives rainfall throughout the year
      The climatic region described above is
      1. semi desert climatic region
      2. tropical climatic region
      3. modified tropical climate region
      4. modified equatorial climate of the coastal region
  12. Which one of the following area is below sea level?
    1. Jabel Narra
    2. Berbera
    3. Omo valley
    4. Danakil depression
  13. Which one of the following weather instruments is correctly matched with its use?
    1. Direction of wind - hygrometer
    2. Speed of wind - anemometer
    3. Amount of water vapour - raingauge
    4. Rainfall - barometer
  14. The main coffee growing areas in Ethio pia are
    1. Harar and Kaffa
    2. Berbera and Ras Dashan
    3. Dire Dawa and Asmara
    4. Addis Ababa and Harar 
  15. Below are some communities in Eastern Africa. Which one is not nilotic?
    1. Iteso.
    2. Samburu 
    3. Nandi
    4. Orma
  16. The following are functions of a clan. Which one is not? 
    1. Looked for wives for the young men
    2. Controlled the grazing land
    3. Settled disputes among members
    4. Owned land on behalf of the community
  17. Which one of the following lakes is not found in the western branch of the Rift valley
    1. L. Natron
    2. L. Tanganyika
    3. L. Edward
    4. Lake Albert

      Use the diagram below to answer questions 18 and 19.
  18. The lines labelled 23 1/2°S and 0° respectively are known as
    1. Equator and tropical cancer
    2. Tropic of cancer and tropical of capricon
    3. Tropical of capricon and equator
    4. Tropical of caner and Equator
  19. When is the sun overhead at the line labelled 23 1/2°N
    1. December
    2. September
    3. June
    4. March
  20. Which one of the following does not undermine peace in the society?
    1. Tribalism.
    2. Racism.
    3. Nepotism.
    4. Fairness.
  21. The following were traditional fish preservation methods except
    1. Salting
    2. Freezing 
    3. Smoking
    4. Sun drying
  22. One of the following Kenya traditional leaders has a town named after him. Who is he?
    1. Sakawa
    2. Koitalel arap Samoei
    3. Masaku
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  23. Which one of the following is a major threat to natural forests in Kenya today?
    1. Drought.
    2. Cutting trees for firewood. 
    3. Forest fires.
    4. Cutting trees for settlement 
  24. Among the Kalenjin, age group was formed by
    1. .people who married at the same time
    2. people born at different times
    3. people who were initiated almost at the same time
    4. people who worked together
  25. The largest national park in Kenya is
    1. Tsavo national park
    2. Sibiloi national park
    3. Nairobi national park
    4. Amboseli national park
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason for migration of the Bantu from cradle land?
    1. Search for pasture and water
    2. Spirit of adventure
    3. Population pressure
    4. Search for land for cultivation
  27. The following countries in Eastern Africa are crossed by Equator except
    1. Somalia
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Kenya
  28. The North Eastern part of Kenya is sparsely populated because
    1. the area receives unreliable rainfall
    2. the area is occupied by Somalia refugees
    3. the area has many wild animals
    4. the area is to cold to occupy
  29. The equator divides the earth into two parts called
    1. Southern and Eastern hemispheres
    2. Northern and Western hemispheres
    3. Northern and Southern hemispheres
    4. Western and Southern hemispheres
  30. The main reason why maize is widely grown in Tanzania
    1. It is grown for export 
    2. It is grown to feed animals
    3. It is a staple food
    4. It is easily grown
  31. Which of the following is an example of a traditional industry? 
    1. Meat canning
    2. Iron working
    3. Tea processing
    4. Textile industry

      Use the map of Eastern Africa to artswer question 32 to 36.
  32. The water mass marked Q is the
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Mediterranean sea
    3. Pacific occan
    4. Red sea
  33. The capital city of the country marked Z is
    1. Juba
    2. Khartoum
    3. Asmara
    4. Mogadishu
  34. The country marked R is 
    1. Eritrea
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Rwanda
    4. Sudan
  35. The main factor that has influenced rainfall distribution at the area marked M on the map is
    1. latitude
    2. siape of coastline
    3. altitude
    4. distance from a large water body
  36. The main economic activity of the community that migrated along the route marked Z is
    1. Tradin
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Cultivation
    4. Fishing
  37. Which one of the following Eastern Africa countries does not have a well an access to the sea?
    1. Somalia
    2. Kenya.
    3. Sudan.
    4. Ethiopia
  38. Which one of the following kingdoms was ruled by Nabongo Mumia?
    1. Bunyoro
    2. Baganda
    3. Abawanga
    4. Nyamwezi
  39. When is the Heroes day celebrated in Kenya
    1. 10th October 
    2. 20th October
    3. May 1st
    4. June 1st
  40. Which one of the following countries of Eastern Africa is most populated?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sudan
    3. Kenya
    4. Ethiopia
  41. The following communities in Kenya resisted the British rule. Which one did not
    1. Agiriama
    2. The Nandi
    3. The Maasai
    4. The Abagusii
  42. According to Africa beliefs the last rite of passage is
    1. marriage
    2. birth
    3. initiation
    4. death 
  43. Which one of the following factor mainly influencés convectional rainfall?
    1. Relief 
    2. Large water bodies
    3. Latitude
    4. Vegetation
  44. Which one of the following communities in Eastern Africa is a Bantu?
    1. Amharic
    2. Pokomo
    3. Luo
    4. Rendile
  45. The road sign drawn below indicates
    1. danger ahead 
    2. bumps ahead
    3. no entry
    4. pedestrian crossing
  46. The main problem facing beef farming Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. prolonged drought
    2. competition from imported meat
    3. pests and diseases
    4. inadequate market
  47. The main duty of the legislature is to
    1. make laws
    2. maintain law and order
    3. punish law breakers 
    4. defend the country
  48. In Kenya mangrove forests are found at
    1. Rift valley
    2. Highlands
    3. Coastal region
    4. Lake basin
  49. Who is the head of county executive committee
    1. Deputy Governor
    2. Senator
    3. County representative
    4. County Governor
  50. The following minerals are mined through open cast except
    1. diatomite
    2. soda ash
    3. flourspar
    4. limestone
  51. Who among the following communities is not a highland nilote?
    1. Nandi
    2. Sabaot
    3. Iteso
    4. Bongomek
  52. The main type of fish that is caught from L. Tanganyika is
    1. Dagaa
    2. Trout
    3. Nile perch
    4. Tilapia
  53. Who among the following people is an ex official in the National Assembly?
    1. Chief justice 
    2. Attorney general
    3. Clerk to the assembly
    4. Speaker
  54. The official language in Ethiopia is
    1. French
    2. Shilluk
    3. Tingirinya
    4. Amharic
  55. Which one of the following are example: of assembly industries except?
    1. Tourism.
    2. Radio and television
    3. Motor vehicle
    4. Bicycle assembling
  56. . Who was the second vice president in Kenya
    1. Daniel Moi
    2. Josephat Karanja
    3. Mwai Kibaki
    4. Joseph Murumbi 
  57. Which one of the following lake is formed when lava blocks a river channel and water collects behind the lava wall?
    1. L. Jipe
    2. L. Shala 
    3. L. Tana
    4. L. Gambi
  58. Which one of the following factors leads to negative population growth in a place
    1. Better hygiene
    2. Medical care
    3. Civil war
    4. Good educations
  59. The main way of becoming a Kenya citizen is through
    1. registration
    2. birth
    3. dual citizenship
    4. recommendation
  60. The Agiriama resistance to colonial rule was led by
    1. Mekatilili
    2. Samoei
    3. Lenana
    4. Nabongo


  1. Which one of the following was duty given to human being by God according to Genesis?
    1. To preach the world of God
    2. To take care of God's creation
    3. To pray always
    4. To eat well
  2. Who among the following people was told to build the ark by God
    1. Abraham
    2. Lot
    3. Noah
    4. Deborah
  3. "Leave your home, your relatives and your father's house and go to a place that I will show you" (Genesis 12:1) To whom were these words said?
    1. Moses
    2. Lot
    3. Abraham
    4. Jonah
  4. The Israelites did the following with the blood of the lamb that they slaughtered during passover night. Which one was it?
    1. They gave it out to their neighbours
    2. They put it out to their neighbours
    3. They gave it to their leader Moses
    4. They smeared on door posts 65.
  5. The following prophet foretold the killing of baby boys in Israel. Who is he?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Elijah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  6. The following words were said about Jesus by angle Gabriel. The child will
    1. be mighty
    2. be Holy
    3. not be shaved
    4. heal many of their disease
  7. Among the gift brought to Jesus by the wise men represented priesthood
    1. frankincense
    2. myrrh
    3. gold
    4. silver
  8. "This is my body, which is given for you." These words were said by Jesus during his 
    1. arrest at Gethsemane
    2. crucification at Golgotha 
    3. last supper at Jerusalem
    4. ascension of Bethany
  9. Jesus is a sure hope for mankind. Which event mark his victory over death
    1. Easter
    2. Christmas
    3. temptation
    4. pentecost
  10. The last book in the new testament is called
    1. Malachi
    2. Matthew
    3. Revelation
    4. Genesis
  11. After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, the disciples remained in Jerusalem to
    1. avoid being arrested
    2. wait for his return
    3. eat the last meal
    4. wait for the holy spirit
  12. The first person to be killed because of his faith in Jesus was called
    1. Stephen
    2. Judas
    3. Paul
    4. Nicanor 
  13. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on
    1. Good friday 
    2. Easter Monday
    3. Easter Sunday
    4. Good monday
  14. Christians take care of the environment mainly because it is
    1. source of money
    2. source of food
    3. tourist attraction
    4. God's creation
  15. The main way to receive eternal life is through
    1. confession of our sins
    2. participating in the holy
    3. participating in prayers
    4. faith in Jesus christ
  16. Who among the following people did not witness the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. Salome
    2. Mary
    3. Zechariah
    4. Peter
  17. New life in the traditional African societies was marked by the following except
    1. circumcision
    2. marriage
    3. baptism
    4. birth
  18. In which of the following ways are Christians best in reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS
    1. educating people to change their behaviours
    2. avoiding mixing with sinner 
    3. distributing medicines to the sick
    4. providing food to the sick
  19. The main teaching that Christians learn from the parable of the sower is to
    1. use God's word temporarily 
    2. use God's word to heart others
    3. read and ignore God's word
    4. receive and retain God's word
  20. Who among the following people in the Bible offered his tomb for the burial of Jesus?
    1. Simon of cyrene
    2. Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Nicodemus
    4. Joseph of cyrene
  21. Gideon defeated the midianites mainly because
    1. believed in God
    2. was strong and mighty 
    3. was from a great calm
    4. had many soldiers
  22. Tabitha made clothes for widows and orphans. Which fruit of the Holy Spirit did she have?
    1. Peace
    2. Love
    3. Joy
    4. Self-control
  23. Laziness was discouraged in African traditional society. Which one of the following was work done in the African traditional society?
    1. Teaching
    2. Shopkeeper
    3. Hunting
    4. Driver
  24. The lesson that Christians learn from the Jesus miracle of healing the centurion servant is that
    1. had power over nature
    2. should have faith
    3. had power over life
    4. had power to forgive sins
  25. Your classmate, Sam, has found out the person who stole his T-shirt. As a Christi Sam should
    1. request the thief to return it
    2. call his friends to help him beat him up
    3. force the thief to make a public confession of his sin
    4. inform the neighbours who the thief is
  26. Jane is a std 6 girl. Her parent cannot afford to buy books for her. What can the children in her class do for her
    1. hate her 
    2. take her shopping for clothes
    3. send her away
    4. share books with her
  27. In Kasiga school, the headteacher asked pupils to bring some dry foodstuff to give to the people affected by drought in the country. As a Christian, what is the best thing for sophic do
    1. forego eating break and save money to buy flour for the affected people
    2. do nothing about it since she is not working
    3. tell ot ser children whose parents are rich to bring foodstuff
    4. pray that God helps those people
  28. Collins lost many of his brothers and sisters who also left behind children. What is the best thing for him to do as a Christian? 
    1. forgot those children and concentrate of taking care of her own children
    2. advice those children to leave school and work for her on her farm for a fee
    3. try her best to assist the orphans by providing for them food and education
    4. send those children away to live on the streets 
  29. Magdalene, a std 6 girl sees three pupils fighting. As a Christian what should she do
    1. pass and leave them fighting
    2. stop them form fighting
    3. report the mater to the parents
    4. report to the headteacher
  30. Damaris is a weak pupil in class. As a Christian what advise would you give her
    1. start a small business
    2. visit a magician
    3. study hard and ask God for guidance
    4. go to church every week


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. B
  36. A
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. B
  51. C
  52. A
  53. D
  54. D
  55. A
  56. D
  57. C
  58. C
  59. B
  60. A
  61. B
  62. C
  63. C
  64. D
  65. A
  66. B
  67. A
  68. C
  69. A
  70. C
  71. D
  72. A
  73. B
  74. D
  75. D
  76. C
  77. C
  78. A
  79. D
  80. B
  81. A
  82. B
  83. C
  84. B
  85. A
  86. D
  87. A
  88. C
  89. B
  90. C


sost map

Use the map of Waso area above to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The approximate size of Dera town is
    1. 3.5km?
    2. 7km
    3. 11km
    4. 5.5km
  2. Which one of the following statements about the forest in Waso area is not correct?
    1. It is found in highland areas.
    2. It is a natural forest. 
    3. It protects sources of rivers.
    4. It is a source of timber
  3. Tele town begun at its present site mainly due to
    1. presence of a road junction
    2. high population in the area
    3. flat relief of the land
    4. good climatic conditions
  4. Which one of the following is a social activity carried out in Dera town?
    1. Touris
    2. Gartes
    3. Trading
    4. Mining
  5. The people of Waso area are mainly
    1. christians
    2. muslims and christians
    3. pagan
    4. traditionalist
  6. County development projects in Waso area are supervised by
    1. the county office
    2. the county assembly
    3. the governor
    4. the county commissioner
  7. Land in Waso area generally rises towards
    1. South West
    2. South East
    3. North Eas
    4. North West
  8. The following are traditional methods of 1 weather observation;
    1. Clear cloudless skies. 
    2. High night temperatures.
    3. Shedding of leaves.
    4. Morning dew on the grass
    5. Appearance of locusts.
      Which one of the following combinations shows a dry seasons?
      1. (ii), (i), (iv)
      2. (iii), (iv), (v)
      3. (i), (iii). (iv)
      4. (i), (ii), (v)
  9. Rapid population growth in the rural areas in Kenya has led to
    1. growth of towns 
    2. decrease in farming land
    3. use of dry lands
    4. creation of settlement schemes
  10. Settlements schemes were established in Kenya after independence mainly to
    1. settle landless Africans 
    2. increase food production
    3. create plantations 
    4. reward Africans who collaborated
  11. The diagram below shows the formation of rainfall.
    sost q10
    Which one of the following areas does not receive the type of rainfall shows above?
    1. Slopes of mount Kilimanjaro.
    2. Coastal areas of West Africa.
    3. Lake Victoria basin.
    4. Equatorial region of the Congo Basin.
  12. Britain used indirect rule policy in administering Northern Nigeria in order to
    1. make the Africans to collaborate
    2. acquire raw materials in the region
    3. reduce the costs of administration
    4. put down Africans resistance
  13. Which one of the following groups of countries is made up of members of Economic Community of West Africa State (ECOWAS)
    1. Gabon, Chad, Congo
    2. Nigeria, Ghana, Togo
    3. Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
    4. Cameroon, R. Congo, Angola
  14. The main reason why families in Germany enjoys high standard of living is that
    1. the county has a small population 
    2. the country has few old people 
    3. most people live in towns
    4. most people live in rural area 
  15. Continuous emission of smoke from industries has led to
    1. pollution of rivers
    2. death of marine life
    3. increase in food production
    4. increase of atmospheric temperatures. 
  16. When the Lozi people collaborated with the British they were led by
    1. Chief Khama
    2. King Lewanika
    3. King Lobengula
    4. Kabaka Mitesa!
  17. The following are characteristics of a certain type of soil
    1. It has fine particles.
    2. It cracks when dry.
    3. It absorbs too much water.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. sandy soil
      2. volcanic soil 
      3. clay soil
      4. loam soil
  18. Improvement in modern forms of communication systems in Africa has led to
    1. increase in trading activities
    2. migration of people to towns 
    3. increase of population in the rural areas
    4. increase in communication costs.
  19. Which one of the following communities entered Eastern Africa from the South?
    1. Samburu
    2. Galla
    3. Ngoni
    4. Nyamwezi
  20. Which one of the following elements of weather is correctly matched with the instrument that it measures?
      Element of weather  Instrument
    A Amount of rainfall


    B Water vapour Anemometer
    C Speed of wind Raingauge
    D Atmospheric pressure Barometer
  21. Which one of the following factors has caused decrease in life expectancy in Kenya?
    1. Decrease in amount of rainfall. .
    2. HIV and AIDS infection.
    3. Improvement f health care services.
    4. Use of family planning methods.
  22. Which one of the following duties is not performed by the deputy head teacher in school management?
    1. Chairing school management committee meetings.
    2. Teaching subjects in class.
    3. Preparing the school routine
    4. Marking pupils books.
  23. Which one of the following groups is made up of European nations that had colonies in both West and East Africa?
    1. Britain and Germany.
    2. Germany and Italy.
    3. Spain and Portugal.
    4. Belgium and Spain. 
  24. The theory of human evolution was discovered by
    1. Richard Leakey
    2. Cail Peter
    3. Charles Darwin
    4. David Livingstone
  25. Which one of the following statements about the system of government in Swaziland is correct?
    1. General elections are held every 5 years.
    2. The country has a monarchy system.
    3. Head of state is elected by voters.
    4. All members of the senate are elected.
  26. Building of gabions is a soil conservation methods used in areas where
    1. hilly areas have been cultivated
    2. soil has been eroded uniformly
    3. there is little vegetation cover
    4. water has cut deep channels
  27. The most abused drug in Kenya by people of different ages is
    1. alcoho
    2. mandrax
    3. khat
    4. heroine
  28. Areas with swampy conditions are not good for settlement because
    1. they have flat land
    2. they have steep slopes
    3. They have disease causing organisms
    4. they receive low rainfall
  29. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain.
    sost q29
    Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa was formed through the process shown in the diagram above?
    1. Mount Usambara
    2. Mount Longonot
    3. Mount Ruwenzori 
    4. Mount Pare
  30. Which one of the following is a benefit of democracy in the society?
    1. There is creation of wealth.
    2. A country earns foreign exchange.
    3. Citizens are able to make political decisions.
    4. There is exchange of cultural practices. 
  31. Which one of the following groups consist of those that joined organization of Africa Unity (AOU) in 1963?
    1. Djibouti, Zimbabwe, Zambia
    2. Mozambique, Eritrea, Kenya
    3. Swaziland, Namibia, Angola
    4. Ghana, Egypt, Ethiopia
  32. Which one of the following is the main challenge facing tourism in Africa?
    1. Political conflicts.
    2. Drought
    3. Inadequate hotels
    4. Long distances between game parks.
  33. Before the colonial period the Khoikhoi people obtained food through
    1. farming
    2. livestock keeping
    3. fishing
    4. trading
  34. Which one of the following colours is correctly matched with features it represents in a map?
    1. Brown Water bodies
    2. Green Highland regions
    3. Yellow Lowland plains
    4. Blue Vegetation
  35. Which one of the following statements correctly describes an age group?
    1. People who are related by blood.
    2. People who live in the same area.
    3. People who have a common ancestor.
    4. People born around the same time.
  36. The main export crop of Ghana is
    1. Cocoa
    2. Cloves
    3. Coffee
    4. Pyrethrum
  37. The following are statement about a prominent African leader
    1. He gave land to peasant farmers.
    2. He initiated the building of a dam. 
    3. He died in 1970 while still in office.
      The person described above is
      1. Leopold Sadar Senghor.
      2. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
      3. Kwame Nkurumah.
      4. Haile sellasie.
        Use the map of Eastern Africa below to 4 answer questions 38 to 41.
        sost q38
  38. The river marked T is
    1. River Rufiji
    2. River Pangani
    3. River Ruvuma
    4. Rive Omo
  39. The mineral mined at the place marked K is used to make
    1. jewelry 
    2. salt 
    3. toothpaste
    4. heat insulator
  40. Which one of the following communities used the route marked M during the migration period?
    1. Baganda
    2. Orm
    3. Turkana
    4. Luo
  41. Three of the following statements about the country marked C are correct. Which one is not?
    1. It was colonized by Britain.
    2. It is a land locked country.
    3. It produces coffee in large quantities. 
    4. It has the highest population in Eastern Africa.
  42. The main reason why the Pokomo people moved from the Shungwaya area was 
    1. outbreak of diseases in the area
    2. attacks by the Galla people
    3. search for better farming land
    4. overpopulation in the area
  43. Which one of the following was a condition for an African to be assimilated during the French colonial period in Senegal?
    1. A person had to accept Christianity.
    2. A person had to own his own land.
    3. A person was to be living in a town.
    4. A person had to work in France
  44. Which one of the following is a processing industry?
    1. Cement making in Athi River.
    2. Fruit canning in Thika.
    3. Paper making in Webuye.
    4. Shoe making in Limuru.
  45. Marine fishing in Africa is faced by the problem of
    1. lack of fish in the seas
    2. poor roads in fishing areas
    3. water weeds growing in the seas
    4. inadequate funds to invest in fishing 
  46. Which one of the following highways connects Mombasa and Lagos?
    1. Trans Saharan Highway,
    2. Great North Road.
    3. Trans Africa Highway.
    4. Lagos Gao Oudja Highway 
  47. Kenyans demonstrate patriotism when they
    1. go to foreign countries to study
    2. attend national day celebrations
    3. take their children to school
    4. work to earn their living
  48. Which one of the following is not a Semitic speaking community in Eastern Africa?
    1. Issa
    2. Afar
    3. Sandawe
    4. Amharans
  49. Which one of the following is not a down warped lake in Africa?
    1. Lake Albert 
    2. Lake Chad
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lake Kyoga
  50. The windward slopes of highland regions attract large populations because
    1. they are good for farming
    2. They have gentle slopes
    3. they have thick forest
    4. they have natural resources
  51. Which one of the following statements about a clan is correct?
    1. Members share common names
    2. Members live in the same area
    3. Members are born at the same time.
    4. Members are related by blood.
  52. Large poultry farms are located near large urban centres due to
    1. good roads in urban areas
    2. nearness to market for poultry products
    3. availability of labour in towns
    4. availability of chicken feeds 
  53. The collaboration of the Agikuyu people of Dagoretti with the British was led by
    1. Nabongo Mumia,
    2. Laibon Lenana
    3. Mekatilili wa Menza
    4. Waiyaki wa Hinga
  54. Before Bantu communities migrated to Kenya they lived
    1. in the Nile valley
    2. Southern Africa
    3. the Congo basin
    4. in the Horn of Africa
  55. Which one of the following is characteristic of Mediterranean climate?
    1. Rainfall is experienced in the winter season
    2. There are two dry seasons.
    3. Temperature are high throughout the year 
    4. Rainfall is experienced throughout the year.
  56. Which one of the following is a basic need in a family?
    1. Land
    2. Wealth
    3. Food
    4. Car
  57. Natural forests in the highland regions of Kenya are conserved mainly because 
    1. they provide timber for export
    2. they protect sources of rivers 
    3. they are sources of firewood
    4. they provide raw materials for paper making
  58. The constitution of Kenya is important because
    1. it outlines the rights of Kenyans.
    2. it is taught in schools
    3. it was written after independence
    4. it was written by Kenyans 
  59. An elected member of the national assembly loses a seat if the person
    1. is absent from parliament 
    2. goes out of the country 
    3. is jailed for more than six months
    4. is arrested by the police
  60. The legislative arm of the government is headed by
    1. Attorney General
    2. President 
    3. Chief Justice 
    4. Speaker


  1. The story about the origin of life on earth is contained in the book of
    1. Leviticus
    2. Exodus
    3. Numbers
    4. Genesis 
  2. Abraham went to live in the land of Canaan because
    1. he wanted to obey God's command
    2. there was famine in Haran
    3. his relatives were in Haran
    4. he wanted to sacrifice his son
  3. A Christian value shown by Joseph when he was living in the house of Potiphar was
    1. faithfulness
    2. patience
    3. humility
    4. honesty
  4. When Moses was living in Midian he worked as a
    1. priest
    2. carpenter
    3. shepherd
    4. tanner
  5. The Israelites ate unleavened bread on the night they left Egypt because
    1. there was no yeast in Egypt
    2. they wanted to remember their suffering
    3. they were in a hurry to leave Egypt
    4. it was at night
  6. Which one of the following women served as a judge in Israel?
    1. Hannah
    2. Deborah
    3. Miriam
    4. Ruth
  7. Which one of the following was an achievement of King David?
    1. He built a temple in Jerusalem
    2. He traded with foreign Kings
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital city.
    4. He became very rich.
  8. King Ahab disobeyed God when he
    1. took the wife of Uriah
    2. tried to kill prophet Elijah
    3. married many foreign women
    4. took Naboth's Vineyard
  9. The prophecy made by Micah was that
    1. Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.
    2. God would write his laws on peoples hearts.
    3. there would be a new King in Israel
    4. the Israelites would be slaves in Egypt.
  10. When Angle Gabriel visited Mary he told her that
    1. her son would be called John 
    2. she would conceive by the power of Holy Spirit
    3. her son would be a great prophet
    4. she would live to an old age
  11. Herod wanted to kill Jesus because
    1. Jesus was becoming more famous
    2. people were putting their faith in Jesus
    3. Jesus had condemned the sin of Herod
    4. he wanted to continue ruling 
  12. The main value taught by John the baptist when he preached was
    1. respect
    2. loyalty
    3. repentance
    4. humility
  13. When Jesus called Andrew and Peter he told them that 
    1. they would preach with them in the villages
    2. they were true Israelites
    3. they would suffer with him
    4. he would teach them how to catch fish 
  14. Which one of the following values is demonstrated in the parable of the good Samaritan?
    1. Humility
    2. Kindness
    3. Patience
    4. Honesty
  15. When Jesus changed water into wine he had gone to Cana to
    1. raise Lazarus
    2. preach at the Synagogue
    3. attend a wedding
    4. eat in the house of Zacchaeus
  16. Which one of the following was done by Jesus on the night he was arrested? 
    1. He washed his disciples' feet.
    2. He changed water into wine.
    3. He walked on water
    4. He cursed a fig tree.
  17. Mary Magdalene recognized Jesus near the tomb on the day he resurrected when
    1. Jesus called out her name
    2. Jesus showed her his scars
    3. Jesus preached to her
    4. Jesus performed a miracle
  18. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were able to
    1. perform many miracles.
    2. defend themselves
    3. escape from prison
    4. speak in foreign languages
  19. The person who was chosen to take the place of Judas Iscariot was
    1. Barnabbas
    2. Stephen
    3. Matthias
    4. Paul
  20. Which one of the following people was raised by Paul?
    1. Aeneas
    2. Eutychus
    3. Tabitha
    4. Cornelius
  21. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Faith
    3. Wisdom
    4. Healing
  22. Which one of the following specialists is found in both traditional African and Christian communities?
    1. Herbalist
    2. Priest
    3. Medicine man
    4. Rainmaker
  23. Children are named after ancestor in traditional African communities in order to
    1. please their parents
    2. make their great leaders
    3. keep the family lineage
    4. make them live to old age
  24. Places of Worship in traditional African societies are respected because
    1. they have evil spirits
    2. they are located in lonely places
    3. they are dark
    4. they are considered sacred
  25. When people offend God in Traditional African societies they
    1. offered sacrifices
    2. wear torn clothes 
    3. shave their heads
    4. skip meals
  26. Christians meet together to pray in order to
    1. eat together
    2. strengthen their unity in Christ 
    3. know one another
    4. help the needy
  27. Which one of the following is the best leisure activity for standard eight pupil during school holidays?
    1. Reading magazines 
    2. Playing games 
    3. Attending birthday parties
    4. Visiting the sick
  28. The church promotes education in Kenya through
    1. preaching in schools
    2. establishing schools
    3. baptizing children
    4. teaching children moral values
  29. Husbands are advised to love their wives
    1. as they love themselves 
    2. because their wives love them too
    3. as Christ loved the church
    4. should be loved 
  30. European Missionaries taught Africans how to read in order to
    1. enable them get jobs
    2. make them equal to the Europeans
    3. help them stop their customs 
    4. enable them preach Christianity.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. B
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. A
  39. C
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. A
  51. D
  52. B
  53. D
  54. C
  55. A
  56. C
  57. B
  58. A
  59. C
  60. D
  61. D
  62. A
  63. A
  64. C
  65. C
  66. B
  67. C
  68. D
  69. A
  70. B
  71. D
  72. C
  73. D
  74. B
  75. C
  76. A
  77. A
  78. D
  79. C
  80. B
  81. A
  82. B
  83. C
  84. D
  85. A
  86. B
  87. D
  88. B
  89. C
  90. D
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