Displaying items by tag: social studies


Use the map of Tira area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. The direction of Eloe market from the hills is;
    1. North West
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. South East
  2. The main source of water for domestic use in Tita area is
    1. from the hills
    2. rain water
    3. from the swamp
    4. from the lake
  3. The reason why the road around the forest is winding is: 
    1. to avoid disrupting the flow of the river
    2. that the area is hilly 
    3. to shorten the distance
    4. to create space for tea growing
  4. Worshippers in Tita area are likely to attend religion services on;
    1. Sunday
    2. Friday
    3. Thursday
    4. Saturday
  5. The following economic activities are practised in
    Tita area except:
    1. lumbering
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. tourism
  6. The settlement scheme in South Western part of Tita can be described as;
    1. sparsely populated
    2. densely populated
    3. clustered
    4.  linear
  7. Which one of the following is the MAIN economic importance of the game reserve in Tita Area? 
    1. It keeps endangered animal species
    2. It attracts tourists
    3. It has led to improvement of infrastructure
    4. It has led to development of agricultural activities
  8. Which one of the following groups consists of the Highland Nilotes of Eastern Africa? 
    1. Sebei, Kipsigis, Marakwet
    2. Nandi, Elgeyo, Alur
    3. Iteso, Shilluk, Pokot
    4. Acholi, Waarusha, Tugen
  9. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the rotation of the earth?
    1. The earth rotates in an anticlockwise direction from West to East
    2. Rotation of the earth causes day and night
    3. It takes the earth 24 hours to complete one rotation.
    4. The earth's rotation causes different seasons
  10. Below is a description of the conditions required or the growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. high temperatures of between 20°C -28°C
    2. deep well-drained fertile soils
    3. a warm dry period before harvesting 
    4. hot and wet climate
      The above are conditions that are suitable for the growth of;
      1. coffee
      2. tea
      3. cloves
      4.  bananas
  11. Who among the following early visitors not a trader?
    1. Carl Peters
    2. Seyyid Said
    3. John Speke
    4. William Mackinnon
  12. The following are some African traditional leaders:
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Oloibon Lenana
    3. Karuri wa Gakure
    4. Lewanika of the Lozi
      Which one of the following is a similarity among the above leaders?
      1. They opposed colonial rule in their territories
      2. They led an armed resistance against British colonial rule 
      3. They took the British colonialists as their good friends
      4. They fled from their territories when the British arrived
  13. All the following are ways in which members with special needs in the society can be treated equally as members of the society except;
    1. providing equal opportunities for them
    2. building positive attitudes about them
    3. preventing them from mixing with other people in public
    4. creating a friendly environment for them
  14. According to the constitution, a foreign lady married to a Kenyan man may become a Kenyan citizen if she; 
    1. applies for Kenyan citizenship
    2. obeys the laws of the land
    3. takes good care of her family
    4. lives in Kenya for more than ten years
  15. Below are four communities found in Eastern Africa;
    1. Baganda
    2. Wanyamwezi
    3. Abagusii
    4.  Agikuyu
      Which one of the following statements is pot true about the communities listed above?
      1. They migrated in search of fertile land for cultivation
      2. They belong to the same language group
      3. They used the same route during their migration  to Eastern Africa
      4. They migrated to Eastern Africa from a common origin
  16. Which one of the following mountains was formed as a result of faulting?
    1. Ruwenzori mountains
    2. Mount Meru
    3. Atlas mountains
    4. Cameroon mountains
  17. Which one of tho following prominent African leaders was not part of the founders of the OAU
    1. Haille Selassie
    2. Julius Nyerere
    3. Kwame Nkrumah
    4. Jomo Kenyatta
  18. The diagram below shows the formation of a lake. Which one of the following lakes was formed through the process shown below?
    1. Lake Teleki
    2. Lake Jipe
    3. Lake Kyoga 
    4. Lake Tana
  19. Which one of the following pairs of countries were colonised by Germany during the scramble for Africa?
    1. Algeria and Tunisia 
    2. Mozambique and Malawi
    3. Cameroon and Zimbabwe
    4. Tanganyika and Cameroon
  20. Which one of the following is a manufacturing industry?
    1. Milk factory in Naivasha
    2. The fruit canning industry in Thika
    3. The sugarcane milling in Mumias
    4. The cement factory at Bamburi
  21. Which one of the following groups consists of fresh water lakes in Kenya?
    1. Nakuru, Magadi
    2. Turkana, Baringo
    3. Naivasha, Nakuru
    4. Elementaita, Naivasha
  22. Which one of the following is the BEST way of controlling gulley erosion?
    1. Planting trees
    2. Digging terraces
    3. Constructing gabions
    4. Applying mulches
  23. Which one of the following is the MAIN line of longitude?
    1. The Arctic circle
    2. The Greenwich Meridian
    3. The Tropic of Cancer
    4. The Tropic of Capricorn
  24. Traditional cultural artefacts are preserved in the museums mainly to;
    1. earn foreign exchange
    2. encourage trade
    3. create jobs in the country
    4. help us to learn how people lived in the past
  25. Below are statements describing the vegetation of a certain climatic region,
    1. plants have deep roots 
    2. plants have thick and wary barks
    3. plants have needle-like leaves
      The vegetation described above is found in the;
      1. desert climate
      2. equitorial climate
      3. tropical climate
      4. mediterranean climate
  26. During the pre-colonial period, the Ameru were ruled by, 
    1. a council of elders 
    2. a king
    3. a chief
    4. an emperor
  27. Which one of the following is an economic reason for the scramble for and partition of Africa?
    1. To spread Christianity
    2. Search for market for European industrial goods
    3. As a show of power
    4. To settle surplus population
  28. The problem of road accidents in Kenya can best be solved by;
    1. jailing traffic offenders for life
    2. cancelling driving licences for careless motorists
    3. educating road users on how to use the roads wisely
    4. coming up with very strict traffic laws
  29. Who were the Wanyampahala in the Wanyamwezi chiefdom?
    1. The council of elders
    2. The chiefs
    3. The priests
    4. The mercenary soldiers
  30. Which one of the following countries is NOT a member of SADC?
    1. Lesotho
    2. Congo
    3. Namibia
    4. Angola
  31. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa;
    1. it is the headquarter of a continental organization
    2. it was founded and named by one leader as the new flower 
    3. it is the capital city of a country 
    4. it is located in the central part of the country
      The town described above is likely to be;
      1. Addis Ababa
      2. Dodoma
      3. Dar-es-Salaam
      4. Arusha

Use the map below to answer questions 32 to 33.

  1. The Island country marked F is most likely to be;
    1. Comoros
    2. Madagascar
    3. Mauritius
    4. Cape Verde
  2. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct about the ocean current marked E?
    1. It is a cold current
    2. It originates from the South pole 
    3. It has influenced the Namib desert
    4. It causes heavy rainfall to the West African countries
  3. The tributary marked G is known as;
    1. Blue Nile
    2. Albara
    3. White Nile
    4. River Tana
  4. The climate experienced in the shaded region marriage marked H is;
    1. mediterrancan
    2. mountan climate
    3. temperate cliniate
    4. equitorial climate
  5. The most developed means of transport in Africa is;
    1. air transport
    2. railway transport
    3. water transport 
    4. road transport
  6. The Bantus who migrated into South Africa and later fled to Eastern and Central African respectively were;
    1. Ndebelo and Ngoni
    2. Ngoni and Ndebele 
    3. Zulus and Venda
    4. Venda and Zulu
  7. All the following are examples of lowland forests in Kenya except;
    1. Arabuko-Sokoke forests
    2. Mangrove forests
    3. Shimba hills
    4. Mau ranges
  8. Which one of the following has not led to the rapid industrial development of South Africa?
    1. Availability of variety of raw materials
    2. Availability of cheap labour
    3. Availability of sources of energy
    4. Availability of crude oil
  9. Which of the following statements describes direct democracy?
    1. Citizens must agree with what the government decides
    2. All citizens are involved in making decisions
    3. Citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them
    4. All decisions are made by the head of the state
  10. One of the results of the interaction between the Agikuyu and the Maasai during the pre-colonial period is that;
    1. the Agikuyu learnt the skills of crop farming from
    2. the Agikuyu intermarried with the Maasai
    3. Maasai borrowed the art of circumcision from
    4. the Maasai learnt the practise of cattle keeping
  11. Laibon Lenana collaborated with the British because he wanted;
    1. to acquire better breeds of cattle
    2. to be trained as a soldier
    3. to get support against his enemies
    4. his people to get Western education
  12. Who among the following members of the school management ensures that money is used properly?
    1. The sponsor
    2. The treasurer
    3. The chairman
    4. The headteacher
  13. Which of the following types of marriages allows a  man to marry up to four wives? 
    1. Islamic marriage
    2. Hindu marriage 
    3. Christian marriage
    4. Traditional
  14. Which one of the following types of industries has  existed in Kenya since the pre-colonial period? 
    1. Paper making
    2. leather making 
    3.  Fruit canning
    4. Cotton winning
  15. The green colour in the National Flag of Kenya  represents the; 
    1. peace enjoyed by the citizens
    2. rich agricultural land 
    3. beauty of the forest
    4. love for the country
  16. Which one of the following was a characteristic of  African education? 
    1. Songs were used as a method of teaching
    2. Children were allowed to choose what to learn
    3. Children started learning after initiation
    4. Parents avoided teaching their own children
  17. Which of the following activities is likely to weaken national unity in Kenya? 
    1. Amending the constitution 
    2. Employing relatives 
    3. Using a national language 
    4. Pardoning reformed prisoners
  18. Which of the following is a qualification for a person who wishes to be elected as a member of the  National Assembly in Kenya? One must;
    1. be a civil servant 
    2.  be a Kenyan by birth 
    3. be over 35 years of age
    4. be registered as a voter
  19. Jane, a standard 8 pupil was punished by her class teacher for arguing against some schools rules. Which one of the following fundamental freedoms was Jane denied? 
    1. Freedom of expression the Maasai
    2. Freedom of association
    3. Freedom of assembly
    4. Freedom of worship the Agikuyu
  20. Which one of the following is the main reason as to  why Kariba dam was built? from the Agikuyu
    1. To generate hydro-electric power 
    2. To control floods on R. Lambezi 
    3. To create a lake for fishing
    4. To provide water for irrigation
  21. Which one of the following groups of communities lives in West Africa?
    1. Ankole, Nuer, Banyoro 
    2. Zulu, Xhosa, Nyori
    3. Hausa, Soninke, Ashanti 
    4.  Amhara, Bemba, Berbers
  22. Which one of the following statements is true about assimilation used by French in Senegal?
    1. Africans refused to vote in general elections
    2. Africans became citizens of France 
    3. The French were made to learn African language
    4. The French appointed Africans to rule Senegal

Study the diagram below and use it to answer question 54

  1. The diagram above illustrates the formation of;
    1. relief rainfall
    2. a land breeze
    3. a sea breeze
    4. convectional rainfall
  2. Which of the following pairs of lakes indicates fresh water lakes only?
    1. L. Magadi and L. Tanganyika
    2. L. Kyoga and L. Victoria
    3. L. Bogoria and L. Nakuru
    4. L. Naivasha and L. Elementatita
  3. The road sign below tells the motorists;
    1. to give way 
    2. there is no way 
    3. the road is closed
    4. they cannot enter
  4. The political party that led Ghana to independence in 1957 was;
    1. Convention People's Party
    2. Muslims Liberation Party 
    3. Northern Front Movement Party
    4. United Gold Coast Convection
  5. Which one of the following African countries did NOT use armed struggle during their fight for independence?
    1. Mozambique
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Kenya
    4. Ghana
  6. Who is the most senior officer in the judiciary?
    1. President
    2. Chairman
    3. Attorney General
    4. Chief Justice
  7. The major reason why people moved from one place to another in the past was;
    1. spirit of adventure
    2. diseases and pests
    3. war and raids
    4. search for pasture


  1. Which one of the following was create on day of creation?
    1. Firmament
    2. Vegetation
    3. Birds
    4. Wild animals
  2. Who among the following people was not a son of Noah?
    1. Ham
    2. Seth
    3. Shem
    4. Japheth
  3. Moses' father-in-law lived in the land of;
    1. Canaan
    2. Haran
    3. Egypt
    4. Midian
  4. The main reason why the Isrealites celebrated the
    Passover in Egypt was to remember;
    1. the day they crossed the Red Sea
    2. the death of the Egyptians first borns
    3. their journey in the wilderness
    4.  their deliverance from slavery
  5. Which one of the following commandments teaches about respect for other people's property?
    1. Do not steal
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not commit adultery
    4. Do not commit murder
  6. King David broke all the following commandments except;
    1. do not commit murder
    2. do not commit adultery
    3. do not covet
    4. do not worship other god
  7. The son of the Shunamite woman was brought back to life by;
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Peter
    4. Jesus
  8. The prophet of God who was thrown into the den of lions also;
    1. was stoned to death
    2. ate wild honey and locusts
    3. prophesied that Jesus would be born in Israel
    4. read and interpreted the written script on the wall
  9. The prophet who ate scrolls and confessed that it was as sweet as honey was;
    1. Daniel
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  10. When Jesus was born, the first people to visit Him were;
    1. the shepherds
    2. the wise men
    3. Annah and Simeon
    4. the soldiers
  11. How did John the Baptist prepare the way for the long awaited Messiah?
    1. Preaching to the people to change their ways of life
    2. By constructing clear roads
    3. By baptizing Jesus Christ
    4. By dying for the sake of Jesus Christ
  12. "... This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased with, listen to Him." These words were said during;
    1. thc crucifixion of Jesus
    2. the temptations of Jesus
    3. transfiguration of Jesus
    4. the baptism of Jesus
  13. "......courage my son! Your sins are forgiven." (Matthew 9:2) Jesus said these words when He;
    1. forgave the repentant thief
    2. resurrected Lazarus
    3. healed the man possessed with demons
    4. healed the paralysed man
  14. The following books of the Bible are classified as  prophetic books except;
    1. Nehemiah
    2. Daniel
    3. John
    4. Revelation
  15. When Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane pray, He was accompanied by;
    1. Peter, Philip and Thomas
    2. James, Peter and John
    3. John, peter and Andrew 
    4. James, Matthew and peter
  16. "......... take and eat it.” He said, "this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26). Jesus said these words when He;
    1. multiplied fish and bread
    2. shared a meal with His disciples in
    3. changed water into wine
    4. fed the five thousand men
  17. Who among the following offered to bury the body  of Jesus after His death?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Mary Magdalene 
    3. Nicodemus
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  18. The main reason why Stephen the leader of the deacons faced his death was because he;
    1. did not pay taxes
    2. healed on the Sabbath
    3. refused to deny Jesus
    4. baptised the Gentiles
  19. The book that outlines the activities of the apostles
    1. Luke
    2. John
    3. Matthew
    4. Acts
  20. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in both traditional beliefs and Christianity?
    1. God has a son
    2. God is three in one
    3. God is the creator
    4. God will send his son on earth
  21. The two early believers who lied to the Holy Spirit and died were;
    1. Anania and Saphira
    2. Stephen and Paul
    3. Aquila and Priscilla
    4. Judas and Nicodemus
  22. The work of priests in Traditional African Society was
    1. make herbal medicine
    2. read the scriptures
    3. offer sacrifices
    4. declare war against enemies
  23. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in Traditional African Society?
    1. Baptism
    2. Confirmation
    3. Wedding
    4. Death
  24. The main value taught to children in African Traditional Societies was; 
    1. obedience
    2. responsibility
    3. honesty
    4. humility
  25. The following are effects of bad relationships in the family except
    1. living a pleasant life
    2. family breakages 
    3. drug abuse
    4. disrespect among the members 
  26. Christians can use their leisure time best by;
    1. practising in the choir
    2. visiting and helping the needy
    3. preaching the gospel,
    4. building their houses
  27. In African Traditional Societies, people worshipped their God in;
    1. churches
    2. caves
    3. mountains
    4. shrines
  28. Njeri has been hiding during CRE lessons because she hates the CRE teacher. The best advice you can give to her is to;
    1. tell her to transfer to another school
    2. continue hiding until the teacher transfers
    3. tell her the advantages of forgiveness and attending classes
    4. continue with the habit because it is her own choice
  29. Your deskmate, Anita, has dropped from school because she wants to work in her father's shop. How best can you help her?
    1. Ask her to give you her books
    2. Report her to the chief of the area
    3. Tell her to be giving you money
    4. Tell her the advantages of completing education
  30. Shirleen, a std 7 girl, has been given some work by her mother to do after completing her homework. She is not happy because she wanted to go and play with her friend. What is the best action you can take as a Christian?
    1. Ask her to tell her mother that she wants to go and play
    2. Assist her in the work given 
    3. Tell her to continue with her plans and leave the  work
    4. Tell her to be obedient to her mother

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
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  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
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  37. B
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  39. D
  40. B
  41. B
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  44. A
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  46. B
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  49. D
  50. A
  51. A
  52. C
  53. B
  54. B
  55. B
  56. D
  57. A
  58. D
  59. D
  60. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D



Study the map of Saru area and answer questions 1 to 7

  1. The main reason for establishing a forest in Saru area was to
    1. provide shade to tea bushes.
    2. attract rainfall in the area.
    3. protect sources of rivers.
    4. make the landscape beautiful.
  2. Which one of the following products is carried along the railway line to Mote town?
    1. Limestone.
    2. Fish.
    3. Timber.
    4. Tea leaves.
  3. The general flow of the river in Sana area is from
    1. east.
    2. north east.
    3. south west.
    4. north.
  4. Which one of the following economic! activities is not carried out in Saru area?
    1. Trading.
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Fishing
    4. Mining.
  5. The approximate length of the murram road in Saru area is
    1. 8km
    2. 12km
    3. 6 km
    4. 4km
  6. The type of factory in Mote town is
    1. an assembling industry,
    2. a service industry.
    3. aprocessing industry.
    4. a manufacturing industry.
  7. The type of soil in the north eastern part of Saru area is
    1. alluvial soil.
    2. clay soil.
    3. volcanic soil.
    4. sandy soil.
  8. Which one of the following groups is made up of people who share a common ancestor in traditiona lAkamba community? Kioko
    1. his brother, his sister, 
    2. his wife, his daughter,
    3. his son, his wife.
    4. his sister, his wife.
  9. The main duty performed by Mugwe in the traditional Ameru government was
    1. leading warriors to war.
    2. preparing medicine from plants.
    3. allocating land to clan members.
    4. performing religious ceremonies.
  10. Which one of the following combinations is made up of Bantu communities that were dispersed from the Shungwaya area by the Galla?
    1. Ngoni and Chagga.
    2. Pokomo and Mijikenda.
    3. Akamba and Taita.
    4. Abagusii and Abaluhyia.
  11. The main agricultural export crop of Rwanda and Burundi is 
    1. cloves.
    2. sisal.
    3. coffee.
    4. wheat
  12. Below are descriptions of a lake in Africa:
    1. It formed when water collected in faults. 
    2. It is the deepest lake in Africa.
    3. It is shared by several countries
      The lake described above is lake
      1. Victoria.
      2. Chad.
      3. Malawi.
      4. Tanganyika.
  13. Before the coming of Europeans the Abawanga people were ruled by 
    1. kings.
    2. chiefs.
    3. council of elders.
    4. emperors.
  14. On a polling day in Kenya, elections at a polling station are supervised by a
    1. polling clerk.
    2. presiding officer.
    3. returning officer
    4. police officer
  15. Three of the following are problems facing Maasai pastoralists. Which one is not?
    1. Decrease in grazing land.
    2. Creation of beefranches.
    3. Inadequate pasture in the dry period.
    4. Long distances to markets.

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 16 to 19.

  1. Three of the following statements about the climate marked T are true. Which one is not? 
    1. Annual rainfall is over 1 500mm.
    2. Diurnal range of temperature is low.
    3. Average temperature is 26°C.
    4. Rainfall is brought by Westerly winds.
  2. The mountains marked N were formed through
    1. folding of underneath rocks.
    2. eruption of molten lava.
    3. uplifting of land between faults.
    4. erosion of soft parts of the earth.
  3. Which one of the following communities live in the area marked X?
    1. Dinka
    2. Xhosa
    3. Mbundu 
    4. Fulani
  4. The main seaport of the country marked P is
    1. Asmara.
    2. Mitsiwa.
    3. Djibouti.
    4. Port Sudan.
  5. The main emphasis of indigenous education in traditional African communities was to
    1. enable warriors defend the community.
    2. teach children how to read and write.
    3. equip the youth with helpful skills.
    4. help members live in peace.
  6. Which one of the following actions by citizens of Kenya is not a demonstration of patriotism?
    1. Acquiring citizenship of other countries.
    2. Payment of taxes.
    3. Conservation of the environment.
    4. Obeying the laws of the country.
  7. The title of the official who was in charge of finance in traditional Buganda government was
    1. Gabuga.
    2. Omwanika.
    3. Omulamuzi.
    4. Bataka
  8. Marine fishing in Kenya and Tanzania is not well developed due to
    1. poor roads along the coast. 
    2. lack of market for fish.
    3. lack of funds to buy modern fishing equipment
    4. inadequate fish in the seas.
  9. The main cause of soil erosion in pastoral areas in Kenya is
    1. deforestation.
    2. monocropping.
    3. overcropping,
    4. overcropping.
  10. The Konza-Magadi railway branch was built mainly to transport
    1. agricultural products.
    2. tourists.
    3. mineral resources. 
    4. livestock.
  11. Which one of the following duties is performed by the deputy head teacher in schoolmanagement?
    1. Writing minutes during staff meetings.
    2. Chairing Board of Management meetings.
    3. Providing a school with text books.
    4. Ensuring proper use of school funds.
  12. Differences in lengths of day and night on earth are caused by 
    1. rotation of the earth round the sun.
    2. revolution of the earth round the sun.
    3. movement of the sun from east to west.
    4. revolution of the moon round the earth.
  13. Which one of the following communities live
    1.  Nyasa.
    2.  Bakongo.
    3.  Arabs.
    4. Wolof.
  14. Which one of the following duties is not performed by a governor in Kenya?
    1. Appointing the county commissioner.
    2. Implenrenting county projects.
    3. Co-ordinating county departments.
    4. Appointing deputy governor.
  15. The following are statements about a multi- purpose river projects in Africa:
    1. It is found in a duty country.
    2. It was build to store water for irrigation.
    3. A large lake was formed.
      The multi-purpose river project described above is
      1. Kariba dam.
      2. Aswan high dam.
      3. Akosombo dam.
      4. Masinga dam.
  16. The most common type of trees in the savannah vegetation are
    1. eucalyptus and pine.
    2. teak and ebony.
    3. acacia and boahat.
    4. cacti and euphorbia.
  17. The main factor that undermines regional trade in Eastern Africa is the
    1. use of differenzianguages.
    2. low levels of education.
    3. use of different currencies.
    4. production of similar goods.

Use the diagram below to answer question 33.

  1.  Which one of the following lakes was formed through the process shown in the diagram, above? Lake
    1. Kanyaboli in Kenya.
    2. Nyos in Cameroon
    3. Tana in Ethiopia.
    4. Kivu in Rwanda.
  2. Three of the following statements about Masaku of the Akamba people are true. Which one is not? He
    1. traded with the coastal Arabs.
    2. was a medicineman.
    3. prophesied future events.
    4. attacked the railway builders.
  3. Below are statements of a type of marriage. 
    1. It is conducted by a religious ler
    2. A marriage certificate is not issued
    3. A 21 days notice is given.
    4. A man can marry upto four wives
      Which one of the following combinations of statements is correct about Islamic marriage
      1. ii and iii
      2. i and iv
      3. i and ii 
      4. ii and iv
  4. Which one of the following statements correctly describes equinox? It is when
    1. the sun is overhead cancer.
    2. four seasons occur.
    3. when days and nights are equal.
    4. when there is a solar eclipse.
  5. Which one of the following groups is made up of Semitic speakers only?
    1. Arabs, Tigre, Amharans.
    2. Sanye, Sandawe, Dahalo.
    3. Gabbra, Galla, Borana.
    4. Dorobo, Sabaot, Tugen.
  6. Atieno was asked by her teacher to give an  example of a child with special needs. Her correct answer was
    1. a widow whose husband is dead.
    2. a pupil who is weak in Mathematics.
    3. a pupil who moves in a wheel.
    4. an educated youth who is not employed.
  7. Below are statements about a form of communication:
    1. Most people use it.
    2. it reaches many people at once.
    3. It is widespread in rural areas.
      The form of communication described above is
      1. television.
      2. mobile phones.
      3. newspapers.
      4. radio.
  8. The Ameru people settled on the eastern slopes of mount Kenya because the areas 
    1. had good defense sites.
    2. were good for farming.
    3. had forests.
    4. had hilly relief.
  9. Three of the following were duties of Nyamwezi chiefs in the pre-colonial period Which one was not?
    1. Judging cases of murder.
    2. Allocating land to clan members.
    3. Changing religious ceremonies.
    4. Controlling trade.
  10. Africans in Tanganyika struggled independence mainly through
    1. peaceful negotiations.
    2. boycotting work.
    3. violent demonstrations,
    4. guerilla war.
  11. Which one of the following statements about maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania is not true? Maize is
    1. grown in both large and small farms.
    2. own in areas with moderate rainfall.
    3. the main staple food.
    4. grown under irrigation.
  12. Which one of the following plains are corectly matched with the country they are found?
       Plains   Country  
     A    Lotikipi  Uganda
     B   Serengeti  Kenya
     C   Bilesha  Somalia
     D   Kaputei  Tanzania
  13. The dispersal point of the Maasai and the Turkana people was
    1. A. Taita - Kilimanjaro.
    2. area around mount Moroto.
    3. Bahr-el-Ghazal region.
    4. Pubungu Pakwach area.
  14. The following are statements, about a prominent leader in Eastern Africa:
    1. He was the last emperar of Ethiopia.
    2. He was overthrown by the army.
    3. He died in 1975.
      The person described above is
      1. Haile Selassie
      2. Menelik II
      3. Yohannes 
      4. Tewodros
  15. Direct democracy is applied in a school when
    1. pupils are involved in decision making.
    2. all decisions are made by the head teacher.
    3. prefects discuss issues affecting other pupils.
    4. the class teacher appoints the class prefect.
  16. The main contribution of cocoa growing in Ghana is that
    1. cocoa exports earn foreign exchange.
    2. processing industries have been established.
    3. towns have grown in farming areas.
    4. people have moved to live in growing
  17. Which one of the following is an example of a processing industry?
    1. Shoe making.
    2. Leather tanning.
    3. Steel rolling.
    4. Cement making.
  18. The best method of increasing the number tourists who visit Kenya is 
    1. building more tourist hotels.
    2. increasing the number of game parks.
    3. advertising places of interest.
    4. providing security to tourists in game parks.
  19. Which one of the following is a natural highland forest in Kenya?
    1. Boni forest.
    2. Mangrove forest.
    3. Arabuko Sokoke forest.
    4. Marsabit forest.
  20. The winds that bring rainfall to the cape region of South Africa are
    1. harmattan winds.
    2. westerly winds.
    3. south east Monsoon winds.
    4. north east trade winds.
  21. Which one of the following was as a result of the interaction of the Bantu and Cusbites in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Cushites adopted some Bantu pames.
    2. Bantu learnt crop growing from Cushites.
    3. Bantu adopted circumcision from the Cushites.
    4. Intermarriage led to introduction of Swahili people.
  22. Salt is extracted from the sea at Ngomeni near Malindi using
    1. scooping method.
    2. dredging method.
    3. opencast method.
    4. evaporation method.
  23. Nabongo Mumia of the Abawanga people collaborated with the British because he wanted t
    1. be made a paramount chief. 
    2. be employed in the army.
    3. acquire cattle from the British.
    4. have the railway line pass through his kingdom.
  24. Which one of the following groups of towns in Eastern Africa lies along the Great North  road?
    1. Mombasa, Addis Ababa, Finja.
    2. Dar-es-salaam, Mombasa, Kampala.
    3. Dodoma, Arusha, Nairobi.
    4. Khatoum, Addis Ababa, Jinja.
  25. Three of the following statements about the Rift Valley are true. Which one is not?
    1. It ends in Mozambique. areas.
    2. The floor experiences equatorial climate. %.
    3. It has volcanic mountains on the floor.
    4. Lakes are found on the floor.
  26. Two communities have a dispute over grazing areas. The best method for government to use to solve the conflict is
    1. sending soldiers to disarm the communities.
    2. removing the communities from the disputed area 
    3. arresting the youth from the communities.
    4. helping the communities to negotiate.
  27. Discussions during county assembly meetings are chaired by the
    1. county commissioner.
    2. governor. 
    3. speaker.
    4. county clerk.
  28. The main problem facing beef farming in both Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. inadequate pasture in the dry season.
    2. pests that attack animals. 
    3. lack of veterinary services.
    4. competition from imported meat.


  1. The actions of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden teaches Christians that
    1. they should multiply.
    2. work is blessed by God.
    3. . they have authority over all creation.
    4. they should obey God's command.
  2. Which one of the following places was Abraham living in before going to Canaan?
    1. Haran.
    2. Midian.
    3. Ur.
    4. Sodom.
  3. The brothers of Joseph recognized Joseph in Egypt when
    1. he sharedameal with them.
    2. he took them to the king. 
    3. they found a golden cup in their sacks.
    4. he told them whom he was.
  4. Which one of the following is a way in which God's power was seen on the night of  the Exodus in Egypt?
    1. Splitting of the Red Sea.
    2. Death of the Egyptian firstborn males.
    3. Darkness that covered Egypt.
    4. A thick cloud that covered mt Sinai. 
  5. Who among the following people accompanied Moses on mount Sinai during the giving of the ten commandments?
    1. Aaron.
    2. Jethro.
    3. Joshua.
    4. Hur.
  6. The value demonstrated by Ruth when she followed her mother-in-law back to Bethlehem was
    1. loyalty.
    2. hardwork. 
    3. faithfulness.
    4. obedience,
  7. The action of king David that annoyed God  was when he
    1. allowed the worship of idols.
    2. took the wife of Uriah.
    3. traded with foreign kings.
    4. married many foreign wives. 
  8. The story of king Ahab and Naboth teaches Christians that they should
    1. obey the country's leaders
    2. not sell their property. 
    3. acquire wealth honestly,
    4. condemn evil in the society.
  9. Which one of the following people is correctly matched with his prophesy?
    1. Jeremiah--birth of Jesus in Bethlehem,
    2. Hosea - escape of Jesus to Egypt.
    3. Micah entry of Jesus to Jerusalem on a donkey.
    4. Zecharia-killing of the baby boys.
  10. When angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah he told him that
    1. he would have many descendants.
    2. he would have an everlasting kingdom.
    3. he would live to an old age.
    4. his wife would get a son,
  11. The main reason why Simeon was happy when Jesus was presented in the temple was that he
    1. had been waiting to see the Saviour.
    2. was an old man.
    3. stayed in the temple praying and fasting,
    4. wanted to hold Jesus in his hands.
  12. Human beings cannot live on bread alone. (Luke 4:4). These words were said by Jesus when he
    1. attended the Passover feast in Jerusalem.
    2. was fasting in the wilderness.
    3. fed the five thousand people with bread.
    4. ate in the house of Zacchaeus..
  13. Zacchaeus climbed a tree when Jesus was passing through Jericho mainly because he
    1. was a short man.
    2. wanted to invite Jesus to his house.
    3. wanted to see Jesus.
    4. wanted to repent his sins.
  14. The leper who went back to thank Jesus when ten of them were healed was
    1. a Samaritan.
    2. a Levite. 
    3. an Israelite.
    4. an Ethiopian.
  15. The parable of the lost sheep as taught by Jesus teaches Christians to
    1. take good care of their sheep.
    2. take care of the needy. 
    3. be fair in their actions.
    4. bring more converts to the church.
  16. Which one of the following events took place on the night Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane?
    1. .An angel came down and comforted Hin. 
    2. cloud covered Jesus.
    3. Moses and Elijah appeared.
    4. A voice was heard from heaven.
  17. Who among the following people is correctly matched with what he did during she trial and crucifiction of Jesus?
    1. Pilate - he buried the body of Jesus.
    2. Simon - he asked for permission to bury Jesus.
    3. Peter - he denied Jesus.
    4. Joseph -  he carried the cross of Jesus.
  18. The disciples were in a closed room on the day of Pentecost because they were 
    1. afraid of the Jews. 
    2. waiting for the Holy Spirit.
    3. fasting.
    4. praying together.
  19. When Saul was blinded by a bright light, he was going to Damascus to
    1. take money to fellow believers.
    2. preach to the Gentiles
    3. arrest the followers of Jesus.
    4. distribute food to the widows.
  20. The main reason why Stephen was stoned to death was that he had
    1. argued with the teachers of the law.
    2. refused to denounce Jesus.
    3. refused to perform a miracle.
    4. worked on a Sabbath.
  21. Which one of the following statements about prayer in both Christianity and traditional African communities is correct?
    1. Prayers are said at fixed times.
    2. All prayers are answered.
    3. Prayers are said through Jesus.
    4. There are prayers for special occasions.
  22. People ask for forgiveness from God in traditional African communities by
    1. reading the scriptures.
    2. skipping meals to streghthen faith.
    3. .naming children after ancestors.
    4. offering sacrifices in shrines.
  23. In traditional African communities, people show respect to life by
    1. putting charms on an expectant mother.
    2. giving an expectant mother special foods.
    3. praying for an expectant mother.
    4. isolating an expectant mother.
  24. The youth are taught good behaviour in traditional African societies in order to
    1. make them grow into responsible adults.
    2. enable them become leaders.
    3. prepare them for marriage.
    4. make them become clan leaders.
  25. The best way for parents to teach children good behaviour is by
    1. punishing those who misbehave.
    2. making rules for the family.
    3. setting good examples.
    4. attending church services with them
  26. Damaris has completed her primary school education. The best activity to engage in while waiting for her results is
    1. attending to the needs of old people. 
    2. attending night parties.
    3. reading a story book.
    4. visiting her friends.
  27. Michael and his family donate food to the hungry. This shows that they are
    1. rich.
    2. honest.
    3. kind.
    4. humble.
  28. Your deskmate does not like bathing and his clothes are dirty. The best action for you to take is to
    1. take his clothes and wash them.
    2. advise him on the importance of cleanliness.
    3. report him to the class teacher.
    4. tell other pupils to wash him by force.
  29. You find your father and mother quarrelling. The best action to take is to
    1. find out who is wrong.
    2. advise them to discuss their differences.
    3. support your mother.
    4. report them to the local chief.
  30. Christians preach against prostitution because it
    1. causes illnesses.
    2. leads to unwanted pregnancies.
    3. makes people not be respected.
    4. is against Gods commands.


  1. Which of the following chapters mentions the clot of blood?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Tyn
    3. Alaq
    4. Bayyina
  2. Where was surah Tiyo revealed?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Mina
    4. Abbysinia
  3. Which surah is an outright curse to one of prophets Muhammad's (SAW) uncles? 
    1. Lahab
    2. Waariah
    3. Humazah
    4. Nasr
  4. The favours of Allah are mentioned in a chapter known as
    1. Kawthar
    2. Kafaafirun 
    3. Tiyn
    4. Falaq
  5. Which of the following is true according to Almaun? 
    1. We should be blind to people.
    2. Allah is one.
    3. Forgiveness comes from Allah.
    4. Qur'an was revealed by Allah.
  6. How many principals are highlighted in surah Bayyina?
    1. Five.
    2. Ninety nine.
    3. Three.
    4. Forty.
  7. How many sources of law are found in
    1. 10
    2. 5
    3. 114
    4. None
  8. The welcoming and aitending to the guests as required is mentioned to be
    1. tawhid.
    2. tawakkul.
    3. generosity. 
    4. hospitality.
  9. No one will enter paradise except the
    1. Muslims
    2. clean.
    3. better.
    4. low.
  10. What should a Muslim do to those who annoy him or her?
    1. Fight them. 
    2. Leave them.
    3. Mingle with them.
    4. Run away.
  11. Where is the phrase samiallhu Liman hamida read? In
    1. sujud.
    2. rukuu.
    3. julus.
    4. itidal
  12. Which one of the following informs Mulims that swalah is ready?'
    1. Adhan.
    2. Attahiyyatu.
    3. Iqamah.
    4. Taslim.
  13. What is najis?
    1. Any form of dirt
    2. Cleanliness
    3. Tawhid
    4. Units
  14. The alternative of ablution in Islam is well offknown as
    1. istiinjai.
    2. janaba.
    3. tawudh.
    4. tayammum.
  15. The attribute of Allah which refers to Him the creator is known as
    1. al muswawir.
    2. al khalig.
    3. as salaam.
    4. al muhaimin.
  16. The term maasumin represents the nature of the prophets as the one that
    1. married many wives.
    2. were not born.
    3. did not have sins.
    4. were many in numbers.
  17. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an Islamic dress?
    1. Opaque.
    2. Long.
    3. Transparent.
    4. Loose.
  18. Those around us are commonly known as
    1. Muslims.
    2. enemies.
    3. neighbours.
    4. polytheists.
  19. Which of the following is the basis of islamic months?
    1. Hajra
    2. Tahajjud
    3. Umrah
    4. Hijra
  20. Which of the following is the second Islamic month?
    1.  Shawal
    2.  Muharram
    3.  DhulQaada
    4. Swafr Islam?
  21. Which one of the following is not a sacred
    1. Dhulhijja
    2. Muharram
    3. Shawal
    4. Rajab
  22. How many adhans are called during jumuah prayer?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 1
    4. 9
  23. Who are servants? 
    1. The slaves.
    2. Those who help us do what we can not.
    3. The babysitters.
    4. .Aunties.
  24. The act of mixing poor and good qualities of goods is known as 
    1. Intikaar
    2. Riba
    3. Ghush
    4. Baia
  25. How many wives did prophet Muhammad have?
    1. 10
    2. 11
    3. 24
    4. 12
  26. What is shilb Abu Talib? The
    1. house of Abu Talib.
    2. quarters of Abu Talib.
    3. mosque ofAbu Talib.
    4. wealth of Abu Talib.
  27. Which angel is in charge of sunshine?
    1. Jibril
    2. Malik
    3. .Mikail
    4. Atid
  28. Which of the following type of work is halal in Islam?
    1. Working in a milkbar.
    2. Working in a casino.
    3. Working in a park farm.
    4. Transporting of wines
  29. Which of the following is not a bounty of Allah (SWT)?
    1. Earth
    2. Mountains
    3. Giraffes
    4. Hate
  30. What matters a lot during nikaah in Islam?
    1. The bride's consent.
    2. Mahr availability.
    3. Parental consent.
    4. The beauty of the lady. 

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. D
  40. B
  41. B
  42. A
  43. D
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C
  51. D
  52. B
  53. C
  54. D
  55. A
  56. C
  57. B
  58. D
  59. C
  60. A


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. D
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. D
  29. A


  1. Three of the following materials are used in making montage. Which one is not?
    1. Old newspaper
    2. Manila paper
    3. Glue
    4. Water
  2. Smearing colour onto a surface is known as 
    1. smudging 
    2. colouring
    3. brushing
    4. washing
  3. The lightness or darkness of a colour is known as 
    1. tone
    2. paint 
    3. colour
    4. value
  4. The following are natural materials needed for weaving except 
    1. Sisal 
    2. Banana fibres 
    3. Reeds
    4. Plastic
  5. Three of the following materials can be made from leather. Which one cannot
    1. Hats 
    2. Bags
    3. Drums 
    4. Cups
  6. Which one of the following shows a cylindrical form? 
  7. Grade five pupils made the clay item drawn below. The item is known as a
    1. Cup
    2. Pot
    3. Sufuria
    4. Jug
  8. The following materials are needed to make a drum except
    1. leather material 
    2. Knives 
    3. Old containers
    4. cloth
  9. What is the name of the digital device shown below?
    1. Computer
    2. Laptop
    3. Mobile phone
    4. Tablet
  10. Which one of the following materials cannot be used for painting?
    1.  Crayons
    2.  Charcoal
    3.  Pencil
    4. Eraser


  1. The East African Anthem is sang in the following countries except
    1. Rwanda
    2. South Sudan
    3.  Uganda
    4. Ethiopia 
  2. The participant who leads the rest in a folk song is known as a
    1.  singer
    2.  leader
    3.  soloist
    4. performer
  3. Wind instruments are played by
    1.  hitting
    2.  shaking
    3.  blowing
    4. plucking
  4. How do we stand when singing the national anthem?
    1. At attention
    2. With our hands up
    3. With one leg lifted
    4. With legs apart
  5. When two voices are in agreement while singing together, they are said to be in
    1. pitch
    2.  harmony
    3.  Volume
    4. auto 
  6. A sang that is sand by the people in the mosques or churches are known as ______
    1. folk songs
    2. sacred songs
    3. patriotic songs
    4. lullaby songs
  7. Where is mouth placed in the musical instrument shown below?
    1. a
    2. b
    3. c
    4. d
  8. The following are musical instruments which accompany songs. Which one is not?
    1. Kayamba
    2. Piano
    3. Guitar
    4. Hand clapping
  9. The following words are found in the first stanza of the Kenya National Anthem. Which one is not?
    1. God
    2. Creation 
    3. Bless 
    4. Arise
  10. The loudness or lowness of a sound in music is known as
    1. volume
    2. pitch
    3. harmony
    4. tone


Study the map of Tuli Area below and answer the questions that follows


  1. River kiu flows from ______________ to ____________
    1. North, South
    2. South, North
    3. East, West
    4. South to West
  2. What is the direction of the school from the cattle dip?
    1. South West
    2. North West
    3. North East
    4. South East
  3. Which religion do the people of Bura area belong?
    1.  Christianity
    2. Islamic
    3. Pagan
    4. Hindu 
  4. What is the main means of transport used in Bura area?
    1.  Road
    2.  Air
    3.  Railway
    4. Water 
  5. Which element of a map is missing in the above map Bura Area? _________
    1. Key
    2. Frame
    3. Title
    4. Scale
  6. Cultural artifacts are kept in
    1. stadiums
    2. churches
    3. museums
    4. hospitals
  7. The following are parts of administration in a school except
    1. Headteacher
    2. Deputy head teacher
    3. Class prefect
    4. Chief
  8. Soda ash is mined in:
    1. Lake Victoria
    2. Lake Elementaita 
    3. Lake Baringo
    4. Lake Magadi
  9. The following are traditional methods of fishing except
    1. herbs
    2. basket
    3. traps
    4. trawling
  10. Which of the following is a Bantu community in Kenya?
    1. Borana
    2. Maasai
    3. Akamba
    4. Luo
  11. Which is the fastest means of transport?
    1. Railway
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Water
  12. The growing of flowers only is known as
    1. horticulture
    2. floriculture
    3. viticulture
    4. agriculture
  13. Who is the head of a county?
    1. President
    2. Governor
    3. Member of county assembly
    4. Chief
      Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 34 - 35 
  14. The county marked A is -
    1. Tanzania
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Ethiopia 
  15. The physical feature marked B is
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Elgon
    3. Mt. Longonot
    4. Mt. Marsabit
  16. The following were ways of passing knowledge in the past. Which one is not?
    1. Songs
    2. Riddles
    3. Reading
    4. Apprenticeship 
  17. Which one of the following is the largest lake in Kenya?
    1. Lake Victoria
    2. Lake Turkana
    3. Lake Bogoria
    4. Lake Naivasha
  18. Dairy farming is done in all the following counties in Kenya except
    1. Kişii
    2. Meru
    3. Kiambu
    4. Mandera 
  19. An area of a fairly raised land that is almost flat at the top is known as a
    1. Plain
    2. Plateau
    3. Lake
    4. Hill
  20. The general elections in Kenya is done after every ____________________ years. 
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 20 
    4. 15


  1. A grade five teacher was teaching his pupils about the story of creation from the book of Genesis. The teacher taught them that God created human beings mainly to:
    1. eat the fruits in the garden B
    2. cultivate the garden
    3. take care of his creation
    4. talk with the serpent 
  2. Which one of the following is NOT a member of the nuclear family.
    1. Aunt
    2. Mother
    3. Father
    4. Children
  3. Who among the following kings of Israel was known for his wisdom?
    1. Samson
    2. Ahab
    3. Solomon
    4. David
  4. Who among the following prophets had a contest with the prophets of baal at Mt. Camel?
    1. Elisha 
    2. Elijah 
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Joel
  5. Alice, a grade four learner, keeps on praying to God to excel in her exams but feels like God is NOT answering her prayers. Which one of the following is the BEST advice you would give her?
    1. To keep on praying 
    2. To drop out of school
    3. To commit suicide
    4. To stop praying
  6. Children should learn to obey their parents mainly because:
    1. They will be cursed if they don't
    2. It is away of pleasing them
    3. They will become responsible citizens
    4. God commands them to do so
  7. Which one of the following gifts of the Holy Spirit did Peter portray on the day of pentecost?
    1. preaching
    2. knowledge
    3. Healing
    4. Wisdom
  8. Which one of the following miracles performed by Jesus shows that He has power over nature? 
    1. Healing the man possessed by demons
    2. Calming the storm
    3. Healing the Roman officer's servant
    4. Healing Peter's mother in-law
  9. Which one of the following is the BEST way grade five pupils can utilize their leisure time?
    1. practicing in the church chair 
    2. cleaning the school compound 
    3. reading Bible stories
    4. Visiting the elderly
  10. Paul, a grade four learner bought a pencil from a shop. The shopkeeper Jane gave excess change which he returned. The Christian value that Paul demonstrated is:
    1. love
    2. humility
    3. honesty
    4. obedience


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. A
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. C
  31. C
  32. B
  33. B
  34. D
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. A
  46. D
  47. A
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C

Such the map of Dula area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. What is the direction of the Tete Hill from the cattle ranch?
    1. North West
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North East.
  2. The approximate length of railway line in Dula area is?
    1. 26km
    2. 18km
    3. 13km
    4. 15km.
  3. The population distribution in Dula area can be said to be 
    1. scattered
    2. dense
    3. linear
    4. nucleated.
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dula area?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Fishing
    3. Mining
    4. Livestock keeping.
  5. The climate experienced around the swamp in Dula arc is likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and well 
    4. hot and dry.
  6. Dula area is likely to be a
    1. sub-county
    2. municipality
    3. location
    4. county.
  7. Which one of the following is not a function of Dula town? It is
    1. An administrative centre.
    2. A mining centre.
    3. A tourist attraction centre.
    4. A recreational centre.
  8. Three of the following statements are true about an extended family. Which one is not? 
    1. Consists of members of a nuclear family and their relatives
    2. Is centred around a man, his wife and their children.
    3. Includes grandparents, uncles and aunts.
    4. Includes parents, their children and other close relatives.
  9. The main cause of conflict between pupils and their teacher in school is
    1. poor performance in academics.
    2. coming to school late.
    3. failure in examinations,
    4. bullying.
  10. The revolution of the earth causes
    1. day and night.
    2. different seasons.
    3. difference in time along longitudes
    4. occurrence of sunrise, noon and sunset
  11. Which one of the following is not true about the Homo sapiens according to the evolution theory? l
    1. is referred to as the thinking man.
    2. carried out hunting. 
    3. invented fire.
    4. evolved into the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
  12. Which one of the following groups of people consists of the Kwa Speakers of West Africa?
    1. Hausa, San and Khoikhoi
    2. Wolof, Tukolor and lulani
    3. Nyanja, Yao and Ngoni
    4. Yoruba, Akwarim and Ashanti
  13. Three of the following early visitors to Eastern Africa were missionaries as well as explorers. Who was not?
    1. John Speke
    2. Johann Rebmann
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. Dr. Ludwig Krapf.
  14. Below are statements about a Traditional form of government in Eastern Africa.
    1. It had a centralised form of government headed by kings
    2. it was divided into fifty two (52) clans
    3. It participated in the long distance Trade.
    4. it had a strong standing army
      The traditional form of government described above is
      1. Nyamwezi Chicfdom
      2. Buganda Kingdom
      3. Abawanga Kingdom
      4. Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom.

Use the diagram below to answer question 15.

  1. The diagram shown above shows the formation of
    1. The Rift Valley
    2. Residual mountains 
    3. Horst mountains 
    4. Fold mountains.
  2. Which one of the following is true about a customary marriage?
    1. is strictly monogamous.
    2. is organised by religious leaders.
    3. does not allow payment of dowry.
    4. is conducted according to African traditions.
  3. Below are conditions that favour the growing of a crop in Kenya.
    1. Gently sloping land.
    2. Cool temperature. 
    3. Moderate rainfall.
    4. Well drained fertile soils.
    5. Warm weather during harvesting.
      The conditions listed above are necessary for the growth of
      1. tea
      2. cotton
      3. wheat 
      4. pyrethrum.
  4. Who among the following may not be granted dual citizenship in Kenya?
    1. Very senior government officer.
    2. Non-governmental organisation Ieaders,
    3. Police officers. 
    4. Religious leaders
  5. The best way of encouraging citizens in Kenya to obey the law is by
    1. educating people on the importance of observing law and order.
    2. arresting all law breakers.
    3. employing very many police officers to keep law and order.
    4. rewarding law abiding citizens.
  6. Below are descriptions of a town in Kenya
    1. It is one of the oldest towns in Kenya.
    2. It serves the whole of Eastern and Central Africa.
    3. It is a major Tourist centre..
    4. It was elevated to a city in 2002.
      The town described above is likely to be
      1. Nairobi
      2. Mombasa
      3. Kisumu
      4. Thika.
  7. Kenya lies to the North and North-East of
    1. Ethiopia
    2. the Indian Ocean
    3. South Sudan
    4. Tanzania,
  8. Three of the following types of fish are found  in marine fisheries. Which one is not?
    1. Mullet
    2. Tuna
    3. Lobsters
    4. Trout.

Use the map of Eastern African provided below to answer questions 23 to 26.


  1. The physical feature marked W is called
    1. Mt. Jebel Marra
    2. Sudd swamp
    3. Jebel Abyad plateau
    4. Ruwenzori mountains.
  2. Which one of the following is true about the country marked Mt? It
    1. was colonised by the Germans.
    2. has the longest coastline in Africa.
    3. is landlocked.
    4. is mainly occupied by semites,
  3. The town marked K is
    1. Port Sudan
    2. Khartoum 
    3. Asmara
    4. Bujumbura.
  4. The main cash crop grown in the country marked X is
    1. tea
    2. coffee
    3. bananas
    4. sugarcane.
  5. The school administration plays the following roles except
    1. maintaining the culture of the school.
    2. maintaining the school discipline.
    3. developing the schools.
    4. employing all teachers in the school.
  6. Maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania is important mainly because it
    1. earns foreign exchange.
    2. creates employment.
    3. staple food.
    4. is a raw materials for industries.
  7. Three of the following factors have led to rapid population growth in Kenya. Which one has not?
    1. Urbanization
    2. Spread of HIV and AIDS
    3. Early marriages
    4. Polygamy.
  8. Nabongo Mumia and Mwanawina Lewanika have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. supported colonialism in Africa.
    2. were long distance traders. ,
    3. Resisted European invasion in Africa.
    4. fought for independence in their countries.
  9. Three of the following are roles played by the Kenyan government in promoting trade. Which one is not?
    1. Distributing goods to all parts of the country.
    2. Providing security for traders.
    3. Increasing export and import taxes.
    4. Organizing workshops for traders.
  10.  Which one of the following tourist attractions is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Valley of kings- Egypt.
    2. Victoria Falls - South Africa
    3. Table mountains - Zimbabwe
    4. The ancient city of Marakech - Kenya.
  11. Mr. Kithokoi has shared his piece of land among his sons. A dispute arise over who should get the biggest share. The best way for Mr. Kithokoi t to settle the dispute is by
    1. selling the land to get money.
    2. discussing the matter with his sons 
    3. taking his sons 10 a court of law
    4. buying another piece of land for his sons:
  12. The main difference between horticultural. farming in the Netherlands and in Kenya is that
    1. Most of the produce in Kenya is exported while in the Netherlands, most produce is consumed locally.
    2. Green house are used more in the Netherlands than in Kenya.
    3. Farmers grow a variety of crops in Kenya while in the Netherlands Farming is specialised.
    4. It is practised on polders in the Netherlands while natural land is used in Kenya.
  13. The main purpose of education in traditional African society Hills to
    1. give knowledge, skills and desired attitudes to the youths.
    2. prepare the youths for employment in industries.
    3. encourage youths to find white collar jobs.
    4. prepare the youths to be responsible members.
  14. Which was the most important factor considered in the location of cement manufacturing in Athi River?
    1. Availability on raw materials.
    2. Nearness 10 a source of water
    3. Availability of ready market.
    4. Accessibility from the capital city.
  15. The most effective way of communicating  information to the majority of Kenyans today is by use of
    1. Newspaper.
    2. Television.
    3. Radio. 
    4. Internet.

Use the diagram below to answer question 38.


  1. The weather instrument shown above is called
    1. anemometer
    2. Windsock
    3. hygrometer.
    4. windvane
  2. The main problem affecting wildlife in Kenya is
    1. wildfires
    2. drought and famine.
    3. terrorism. 
    4. poaching.
  3. The following are uses of a mineral.
    1. making motor vehicle radiators.
    2. making of electric wires.
    3. making of ornaments
    4. making of metal pipes and tubes.
      The mineral with the above uses is likely to be
      1. copper
      2. fluorspar
      3. gold
      4. diatomite.
  4. Three of the following are forms of child abuse. Which one is not?
    1. Forcing a child to go to school,
    2. Denying a child food and clothes.
    3. Over working at child.
    4. female genital mutilation
  5. The most expensive means of transport in Eastern Africa is?
    1. Railway Transport
    2. Road transport
    3. Air transport
    4. Pipeline transport.
  6. South Africa is the most industrialized country in Africa mainly due to
    1. good infrastructure.
    2. presence of a wide range of minerals.
    3. favourable climate.
    4. gold mining
  7. The main problem facing multi-purpose river  projects in Africa is
    1. displacement of people.
    2. water-borne disease.
    3. siltation.
    4. Inadequate funds.
  8. The statements below describe a prominent leader.
    1. He carried out land reforms.
    2. He abolished Sharia Law
    3. He built a dam for electricity provision.
    4. He took part in the formation of the organisation of African Unity (OAU)
      The prominent leader describe above is 
      1. Nelson Mandela
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      3. Haile Selassie
      4. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
  9. The best method of fishing in deep sea is
    1. trawling
    2. net-drifting
    3. seining
    4. harpooning.
  10. Which of the following is a warning road sign?
  11. A national philosophy is :
    1. document containing all the laws of a country.
    2. set of beliefs of the people in a country.
    3. word that encourages citizens of a country to be united.
    4. tool that is used in governing a country,
  12. The political organisation of the San (bushmen) was based on
    1. a written constitution.
    2. direct democracy. 
    3. natural law.
    4. a centralised government system.
  13. The statements below describe a regional organisation.
    1. It was formed in 1994. .
    2. The organisations headquarter are in Lusaka, Zambia. 
    3. It is the largest trade bloc in Africa
    4. promotes trade among member  countries. .
      The regional organisation described above is likely to be the
      1. East African Community (TAC).
      2. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
      3. Southern African Development  Community (SADC).
      4. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
  14. Which one of the following was not used by Ghanaians in their struggle for independence?
    1. Guerilla warfare
    2. Boycotts and strikes
    3. Diplomacy
    4. Motions through the legislative council.
  15. Which one of the following group of countries show's countries that were never colonised in Africa?
    1. Libya and Egypt
    2. South Sudan and Djibouti
    3. Ethiopia and Liberia
    4. Madagascar and Chad.
  16. Which of the following is not an arm of government in Kenya?
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Cabinet
    4. Judiciary.
  17. Three of the following are benefits of democracy. Which one is not?
    1. Rule of law
    2. Freedom to take bribes
    3. Respect for human rights
    4. Freedom to choose leaders.
  18. The following are chapters in the new constitution. Which one is not?
    1. Leadership and integrity
    2. Devolved government
    3. The public service
    4. Local authorities.
  19. Which one of the following methods of farming was not used by white settlers in Kenya?
    1. Shifting cultivation
    2. Livestock farming
    3. Plantation farming
    4. Agroforestry.
  20. Which one of the following is not a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)?
    1. Settling disputes related to nomination of candidates.
    2. Establishing polling stations in the country
    3. Recommending the creation of new constituencies.
    4. Nominating members of political parties.
  21. In Kenya, parliamentary elections are done by
    1. nomination of candidates
    2. secret ballot
    3. electing leaders through queuing 
    4. general consensus.

Use the diagram below to answer question 59.


  1. The diagram shown above shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. convectional rainfall
    3. land breeze
    4. orographic rainfall
  2. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes 
    3. licence fees
    4. loans from the world bank.


  1. Adam and Eve were put in the garden of Eden MAINLY to;
    1. look after the animals
    2. eat all the fruits in the garden of Eden
    3. cultivate and take care of the garden r
    4. provide companionship to each other
  2. From the call of Abraham in Genesis 12, Christians  learn that they should;
    1. live in peace
    2. believe in dreams 
    3. obey the will of God
    4.  travel in groups when going for a journey
  3. Jacob showed tolerance and patience by;
    1. working for fourteen years so as to marry Rachael 
    2. deciding to marry Leah instead of Rachael
    3. falling in love with Rachael
    4. accepting to work in Laban's farm
  4. Moses was reluctant to ask the king for the release of the Israelites from Egypt because;
    1. he had killed an Egyptian
    2. he was not an Egyptian
    3. he was still in Midian
    4. he could not speak well
  5. Which one of the following activities happened during the night of Exodus?
    1. Moses saw the burning bush 
    2. Israelites ate boiled meat 
    3. Moses killed an Egyptian
    4. The angel of death killed the Egyptian first born natural males
  6. Who among the following was the first king of Israel
    1. Ahab
    2. Saul
    3. David
    4. Solomon
  7. Which one among the following was the greatest  achievement of King David? 
    1. Writing the first book of the Bible
    2. Bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem 
    3. Challenging the worship of Baal 
    4. Building the temple
  8. Who among the following people had abilities in artistic work and helped in building the sacred tents?
    1. David and Bazalel
    2. Bazalel and Solomon
    3. Oholiab and David
    4. Oholiab and Bazalel
  9. Who among the following prophets foretold that  Jesus would become a refugee in Egypt? 
    1. Micah 
    2. Isaiah 
    3. Hosea
    4. Jeremiah
  10. "Bethlehem is a small town but will have a  ruler."
    1. Prophet Zachariah 
    2. Prophet Micah
    3. Prophet Isaiah
    4. Prophet Jeremiah
  11. When Baby Jesus was presented in the temple for dedication, Simeon described Him as the;
    1. saviour of the Gentiles and the world
    2. lamb of God who cleanses
    3. greatest shepherd
    4. king of Jews
  12. “Do not put the Lord your God to test.” (Luke 4:12). These words were spoken by Jesus during;
    1. His trial before Pilate
    2. His crucifixion on the cross
    3. His baptism at River Jordan
    4. His temptation in the wilderness
  13. Which one of the following is a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the Mount?
    1. Happy are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy, 
    2. Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
    3. Your will be done on earth as in heaven
    4. Love your neighbour as you love yourself
  14. The parable of Jesus that teaches about the forgiveness of sins is the parable of the;
    1. mustard seed
    2. Good Samaritan
    3. lost son
    4. sower
  15. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your  own eye?" These words of Jesus teaches Christians  that they should;
    1. avoid tempers
    2. avoid judging others
    3. avoid taking revenge
    4. pay taxes promptly
  16. During the last supper, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. The value that Christians learn from this is that they should;
    1. preach to others
    2. judge others
    3. forgive others
    4. serve others
  17. “Son, here is your mother. Woman here is your son.” These words were spoken by Jesus on the cross. To whom did He refer to as son?
    1. Pilate
    2. Andrew
    3. Peter
    4. John
  18. Who among the following people welcomed prophet Elisha?
    1. The bleeding woman at Capernaum
    2. The Widow at Nain
    3. The Widow at Shunem
    4. The Widow of Zarephath
  19. Who among the following people prophesied that the suffering servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb?
    1. Prophet Ezekiel
    2. Prophet Jeremiah
    3. Prophet Joel
    4. Prophet Isaiah
  20. Three of the following people witnessed the resurrected Christ EXCEPT;
    1. Peter
    2. Cleopas
    3. Paul
    4. the holy women
  21. Which one of the following practices is NOT carried out in African Traditional Societies to remember dead?
    1. Planting a banana plant on the grave
    2. Giving them a decent burial
    3. Naming the children after the dead
    4. Pouring libation
  22. Which one of the following is a common belief in both African traditional Societies and christianity?
    1. There is life after death
    2. There is marriage after death
    3. Those who are good will go to heaven
    4. Bad people go to hell
  23. In Traditional African Society, the third rite of passage is;
    1. birth
    2. marriage
    3. death
    4. initiation
  24. According to I Peter 3:1-7, a happy family should be guided by all the following qualities EXCEPT;
    1. forgiveness
    2. partiality
    3. humility
    4. kindness
  25. The person in the New Testament who taught about the gifts of the Holy Spirit was;
    1. John
    2. Luke
    3. Matthew
    4. Peter
  26. Which one of the following is NOT an irresponsible sexual behavoiur?
    1. Sex within marriage
    2. Homosexuality
    3. Rape
    4. Incest
  27. Which of the following activities of leisure is common to both Traditional African Communities and Christianity?
    1. Watching films
    2. Visiting the needy
    3. Attending beer parties
    4. Reading the scriptures
  28. Who among the following people were the parents to John the Baptist?
    1. Noah and Hannah
    2. Zachariah and Elizabeth
    3. Joseph and Mary
    4. Elikanah and Hannah
  29. Which of the following was not done by Christian  missionaries?
    1. Treating the sick people
    2. Preaching the gospel
    3. Starting new schools
    4. Encouraging slave trade
  30. The best advice that can be given to a class eight boy who smokes would be;
    1. advising him to continue with the habit
    2. advising him to stop the behaviour
    3. take the boy to the police station
    4. join the boy in the act 


  1. A lesson that muslims learn from Surah Al-Fiil and Surah Lahab is that
    1. Allah protects His own.
    2. Allah rewards even little kindness
    3. Allah allows freedom of religion
    4. Allah wants those who practise patience
  2. Which one of the following verses is wrongly matched with the chapter from which it was extracted?
    1. “Verify, you shall see the blazing fire."-Surah Takathur.:
    2. “Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"-> Surah Humaza. 
    3. "And the mountains will like carded wool" --> Surah Qaria.
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone."->Surah Maun.
  3. Which among the following is a pair of Surahs that are recited by muslims in order to seek for Allah's protection from evil? 
    1. Surahs Fatiha and Ikhlas
    2. Surah An-Nas and Falaq
    3. Surah Nasr and Kafirun
    4. Surali Qureish and Zilzalah
  4. -> Alam yajidika yatiiman Fa-aawa.
    -> Wawajadaka Dhwaalan Fahadaa.
    -> Wawajadaka A'ailan Fa aghnaa".
    In this quotations, Allah reminds the prophet of The following situations he was in and how he helped him. Which one is not mentioned? He has
    1. an orphan, He gave him a shelter.
    2. was wondering,He gave him guidance.
    3. poor, He made him rich.
    4. not known, He gave him fame.
  5. What is man warned against in Surah Takathur?
    1. Accumulation of wealth
    2. Mistreating orphans
    3. Injustice in measures
    4. Begging
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "What will mostly take people to paradise will bе ________ and good behaviour.“
    1. love for parents 
    2. the fear of Allah
    3. love for the prophet (S.A.W)
    4. praising Allah (S.W)
  7. A hypocrite has the following three signs according to the teachings of the prophet(p.b.u.h). Which one is not among them? He 
    1. tells lies
    2. never pays Swadaka
    3. breaks promises
    4. betrays trusts
  8. Khalid was riding a donkey when it suddenly stopped. He got off the donkey, gave it food and water and allowed it to rest. This is what we call _________ to animals.
    1. generosity 
    2. kindness
    3. punctuality 
    4. the fear
  9. Idran a standard eight girl saw her classmate Izra, cheating in examination. The correct course of action Iqran should take is . 
    1. tell her off-stop cheating. 
    2. tell the invigilator about it.
    3. tell other classmates about it.
    4. copy from Izra.
  10. Which one of the following Swalat is correctly matched with its timing?
    1. Between sunrise and noon  - Swalai Dhuhr
    2. Between mid afternoon and before sunset. - Swalat Asr 
    3. After sunset to mid-night - Swalat Maghrib
    4. After sunrise to noon - Swalat Isha.
  11. The most accurate on which muslims should perform Idd-ul-adh-ha is
    1. 11th Dhul Hijaa
    2. 10th Dhul Hijaa
    3. 9th  Dhul Hijaa
    4. 12th Dhul Hijaa
  12. Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
    1. Farm produce
    2. Cash in savings
    3. Business sales
    4. Household sales
  13. Ghushi, Kafan, Swalat, Daran is the order of
    1. rites of passage
    2. pillars of Swalah
    3. steps of Hajj
    4. visiting the sick
  14. Which one of the following item is not liable for payment as Zakkatt according to Sharia?
    1. Saum -> Shahada -> Zakat--> Salat -> Hajj
    2. Shahada -> Salat -> Zakat -> Saum -> Hajj
    3. Zakat - Shahada -> Saum --> Hajj -> Salat
    4. Salat -> Saum --> Shahada --> Hajj -> Zakat
  15. Which among the following pairs of angels walk along people as they record their deeds?
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Raqib and Atid
    3. Israfil and Izrail
    4. Rudwan and Malik
  16. When is the phrase "Jazakallah" told a person? When he
    1. does a good deed.
    2. completes a task.
    3. recovers from sickness.
    4. is given something.
  17. Who assisted Nabii Suleiman in the construction of the grand Mosque of Baitul Maqdis?
    1. Elephants
    2. The angles
    3. Birds
    4. The Jinns
  18. The holy scripture that was revealed to prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is
    1. Furqan
    2. Zabur
    3. Suhuf
    4. Taurat
  19. Which one of the following is the punishment that is in Sharia for a person found stealing?
    1. Beat him in mob justice.
    2. Cut off his or her hand. 
    3. Disqualify him from Islamic faith.
    4. Punishing him a hundred lashes.
  20. Which of the following actions will lead to the spread of' HIV/AIDS between positive and negative muslims?
    1. Nikah ceremony and marriage.
    2. Jamaa prayer in the mosque under one roof.
    3. Exchanging greetings and well wishes.
    4. Responding to a dua from one Immam.
  21. The prophet (S.A.W) encouraged muslims, "In this month, the doors of paradise remain wide open, the doors of hell fire arc clossed and the devils are imprisoned." Which month was he referring to?
    1. Muharram .
    2. Rabiul Awwal
    3. Rajab
    4. Ramadhan
  22. The main reason why circumcission is encouraged among muslim men is
    1. it is a requirement of Iman. 
    2. as a form of initiation.
    3. it is a form of twahara.
    4. for family planning.
  23. What should muslims do when a Mayyit is passed near them, as sign of respect to the dead?
    1. Remove their capes from the heads.
    2. Stand up.
    3. Bow down
    4. Follow the Janaza.
  24. Who among the following fought to protect the image of Islam along the coast of Kenya? The
    1. Waswahili
    2. Portugues 
    3. Mijikenda community
    4. Oman Arabs
  25. Which one of the following dreams did Yusuf ask somebody else to traslate the meaning?
    1. Eleven stars, a son and the moon bowing for him.
    2. Somone pressing wine from grapes.
    3. Birds seeding on the backed bread as they fly away.
    4. Seven thin cows feeding on seven fat cows.
  26. The following are differences between Juma and Idd festivals. Which one is wrong?
    1. Jum'a: It is a Fardh - Idd: It is Sunna
    2. Jum'a: It is performed in midday. - Idd: It is in morning
    3. Jum'a: Give Zakkaha after prayer - Idd: Give Zakka before prayer.
    4. Jum'a: It attended the Twhahara only - ; Idd: It is attended by those in Hadath.
  27. Mixing of milk with watcr to increase the sells and profits is a un-Islamic practice referred to as
    1. hoarding 
    2. Ribaa
    3. Usury
    4. Glush
  28. In which of the following places did the prophet(p.b.u.h) hold his last and final congregation, reffered to as Hijjatul Widaa? At 
    1. Aqaba
    2. Mount Swafa
    3. Arafa
    4. Maqamu Ibrahim
  29. For how long did Musa(A.S) work on Nabii Shuaib's farm, that he recorded him his daughter to marry?
    1. 13 years
    2. 10 years
    3. 7 years
    4. 15 years
  30. Who among the following kings was religious and quickly become a friend of Islam and muslims?
    1. King Herod 
    2. King Fir'aun
    3. King Namrud
    4. King Najashy

Marking Scheme

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Study the map of Como Area above and use it to answer questions 1 - 7.

  1. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT practised in Como Area?
    1. Trading
    2. Fishing
    3. Quarrying
    4. Crop farming
  2. The administrative head of Como Area is most likely to be a;
    1. County representative
    2. Deputy county commissioner
    3. Senator
    4. Governor
  3. Which one of the following services is NOT offered in Como town?
    1. Education 
    2. Administrative
    3. Health
    4. Transport and communication
  4. The land in Como Area rises from;
    1. West to East
    2. South West to North East
    3. East to West
    4. North West to South East
  5. If you were a member of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), which development project would you give the first priority in Como Area? Construction of a;
    1. church
    2. water treatment plant
    3. fire station
    4. hospital
  6. The type of settlement in Como area can be  described as;
    1. clustered
    2. sparse
    3. linear
    4. scattered
  7. The cash crop grown in Como area is used for;
    1. flavouring food .
    2. making insecticides
    3. making beverages
    4. making perfumes
  8. Who among the following traditional leaders is correctly matched with his response towards the  establishment of colonial rule?
      Leader Response 
    A  Lewanika  Resisted
    B  Lenana  Collaborated
    C  Nabongo Mumia  Resisted
    D  Kabaka Mwanga  Collaborated
  9. The following are mountains in Africa;
    1. Atlas mountain
    2. Mt Kilimanjaro 
    3. Usambara mountain
    4. Mt Elgon 
    5. Danakil Alps
      Which of the following sets of mountains is referred as horsts?
      1. (i) and (ii
      2. (iii) and (v)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iv) and (v)
  10. Which of the following will help MOST in reducing corruption cases in Kenya?
    1. Advising leaders to be repentant
    2. Electing class secretaries
    3. Educating the citizens on the disadvantages of  corruption
    4. Hiring a new.Attorney General to prepare charges against the corrupt individuals
  11. Which of the following countries is NOT crossed  by the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N)?
    1. Morocco
    2. Algeria
    3. Egypt
    4. Mauritania
  12. The following statements describe a prominent  leader in Africa;
    1. He was a great writer
    2. He represented his people in the French  parliament 
    3. He negotiated for his country's  independence
    4. He retired voluntarily from active politics
      The leader described above is;
      1. Julius Nyerere
      2. Haile Sellasie
      3. Leopold Senghor
      4. Nelson Mandela
  13. The weather instrument shown below is used to  measure a certain element of weather called;
    1. humidity
    2. temperature
    3. air pressure
    4. rainfall
  14. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the position of Kenya in relation to her  neighbours?
    1. Kenya lies to the South of Ethiopia
    2. Kenya lies to the West of Uganda
    3. Kenya lies to the North of South Sudan
    4. Kenya lies to the South East of Tanzania
  15. Which of the following groups consists of inland  species of fish only?
    1. Tilapia, mud fish, black bass 
    2. Mullet, salmon, barracuda
    3. Omena, sardine, mullet
    4. Tilapia, mullet, dagaa
  16. Which of the following would be the best way of curbing drugs and substance abuse among the youth in Kenya?
    1. Arresting all drug traffickers to 
    2. Putting warnings on labels of drugs
    3. Putting strict rules on drug trafficking
    4. Educating young people on the dangers of drugs
  17. In which one of the following ways would pupils practise democracy in school?
    1. Choosing the subjects to learn
    2. Employing many young policemen
    3. Choosing the teachers to teach them
    4. Electing the president of the school
  18. Which one of the following gives the correct order of evolution of man?
    1. Homo Habilis →Homo Erectus Homo Sapiens 
    2. Homo Habilis → Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus
    3. Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus Homo Habilis
    4. Homo Erectus → Homo Habilis → Homo Erectus
  19. The following are factors that promote peace in the society except;
    1. unemployment
    2. games and sports
    3. obeying the law
    4. tolerance
  20. The following are conditions favouring the growth of a certain crop;
    1. high temperatures of about 27°C
    2. deep fertile well drained soils
    3. low altitude
    4. high humidity
      The above conditions favour the growth of;
      1. cocoa
      2. pyrethrum
      3. tea
      4. cloves
  21. Which of the following multipurpose river project  is correctly matched with the river in which it is  constructed?
    1. Aswan high dam - R. Volta
    2. Akosombo dam - R. Nile 
    3. Seven forks dam - R. Niger
    4. Kariba dam - R. Zambezi
  22. The following are functions of a certain town in Kenya.
    1. It is an agricultural centre 
    2. It is an educational centre   
    3. It is a tourist centre
    4. It is a market centre
      Which town has the above stated functions?
      1. Kisumu
      2. Nairobi
      3. Nakuru
      4. Mombasa
  23. Which of the following is likely to be the major cause of soil erosion in the Northern parts of Kenya?
    1. Monocropping
    2. Overstocking 
    3. Deforestation.
    4. Heavy rainfall
  24. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the population structure of Kenya?
    1. Majority of the people live in rural areas
    2. The infant mortality is low
    3. The dependency ratio is high
    4. Majority of the people are young

Use the drawn map of Africa below to answer  questions 25 - 28.

  1. The climatic region marked Y receives rainfall during;
    1.  Summer
    2. Spring
    3. Winter
    4. Autumn 
  2. The MAIN tributary of the river marked R rises  from; 
    1. the Adamawa highlands 
    2. the Fouta Djalon highlands 
    3. Lake Chad 
    4. the Congo forest 
  3.  The main export crop from the country marked P 
    1. cotton
    2. cocoa
    3. rubber
    4. cloves 
  4. It is winter in the latitude marked T in the month of; 
    1. June
    2. March 
    3. September
    4. December 
  5. Most lakes found in the Great Rift Valley were  formed as a result of;
    1. deposition
    2. faulting 
    3. human activities
    4. volcanic activities
  6. Which of the following statements is true about bush fallowing?
    1. The practice is carried out in dry areas 
    2. The farmers practice large scale farming 
    3.  The fertility of the soil is improved by the use of  fertilizers 
    4. The farmers use a portion of land at a time 
  7. The function of a school administration is to;
    1.  retain the culture of the community 
    2.  help parents to take care of the children
    3.  ensure that the school has enough teachers 
    4.  help in the daily running of the school
  8. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern  Africa was a trader? 
    1. John Speke
    2. Ludwig Krapf
    3. HM Stanley
    4.  William Mackinnon
  9. Urbanization can best be described as the;
    1. making of towns beautiful
    2. creation of counties
    3. building of permanent houses
    4. growth of towns
  10. Which one of the following is the MAIN crop grown in the Perkerra irrigation scheme?
    1. Onions
    2. Water melons
    3. Chillies
    4. Seed maize
  11. The MAIN reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya was to;
    1. increase food production
    2. create reserves for Africans
    3. settle the landless people
    4. reclaim waste land
  12. Which of the following may cause lawlessness in a society?
    1. Morality  
    2. Literacy
    3. Integrity
    4. Poverty
  13.  Which one of the following is NOT a problem facing main towns in Kenya?
    1. Congestion and traffic jams
    2. Inadequate of social amenities
    3. Lack of employment
    4. Increased labour supply
  14. Who among the following people conducts customary marriages in Kenya?
    1. Religious leader
    2. Magistrate
    3. District Commissioner
    4. Clan elder
  15. Below are some uses of minerals;
    1. making of water filters
    2. making of glass
    3. making of electric wires 
    4. manufacturing of cement
    5. manufacturing of paints
      Which one of the following combinations of uses listed above is for diatomite?
      1.  (i), (ii) and (iii)
      2. (i), (ii) and (v)
      3. (ii), (iii) and (iv) 
      4. (iii), (iv) and (v)
  16. The best way of protecting children from child abuse is by;
    1. leaving them under the care of relatives
    2. making them do their homework
    3. employing people to take care of them
    4. making them aware of common abuses .
  17. A group of people with a common ancestor forms;
    1. an age set
    2. a family
    3. a clan
    4. an age group
  18. Three of the following were functions of the Organisations of African Unity (OAU). Which one was not?
    1. Carrying out joint military action to enforce resolutions by members 
    2. Supporting various liberation movements in Africa 
    3. Acting as a forum through which Africans spoke in one voice in international meetings
    4. Encouraging close cultural interactions among African states
  19. Which one of the following is an effect of rural urban migration on rural areas?
    1. Development of infrastructure
    2. Inadequate labour in the farms
    3. A ready market for agricultural goods
    4. Shortage of residential houses
  20. The cheapest method of preserving fish is;
    1. salting
    2. canning 
    3. smoking
    4. sun drying
  21. The following pairs of communities are found in Central Africa except;
    1. Shona and Ngoni
    2. Lozi and Ovimbundu 
    3. Tonga and Bemba
    4. Mossi and Soninke
  22. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth around the sun?
    1. Causes changes of seasons
    2. Causes differences in length of day and night
    3. Causes day and night
    4.  Influences the position of the mid-day sun
  23. The following are problems facing beef farming except;
    1. pests and diseases
    2. lack of good roads
    3. inadequate water supply
    4. inadequate pasture
  24. Which one of the following factors does NOT influence the climate of Africa?
    1. Latitude
    2. Longitude
    3. Altitude
    4. Relief .
  25. Which one of the following types of migration affects agricultural production negatively?
    1. Urban-rural migration
    2. Rural-rural migration
    3. Urban-urban migration
    4. Rural-urban migration
  26. The use of legal means as a way of resolving conflict is known as;
    1. negotiation
    2. mediation
    3. litigation
    4. dialogue
  27. What name was given to the traditional Buganda parliament?
    1. Omulamuzi
    2. Lukiko
    3. Omwanika
    4. Katikiro
  28. The traditional method of learning where learners learned as they practice the skill is called;
    1. imitation
    2. role play
    3. apprenticeship
    4. story telling
  29. In Kenya, who nominates the members of parliament  during the elections?
    1. The president
    2. The speaker
    3. Political parties
    4. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
  30. The national governing council of the government of Swaziland is known as;
    1. Ndlovukazi
    2. Ngwenyama 
    3. Libandla
    4. Liqoqo
  31. The headquarters of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are located at;
    1. Lagos
    2. Gaborone
    3. Abuja
    4. Lusaka
  32. The main difference between forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Swaziland is that;
    1. forests in Swaziland are natural unlike Democratic Republic of Congo which are planted
    2. forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo are natural unlike Swaziland which are  planted
    3. forests in Swaziland produce hardwoods unlike in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    4. in Democratic Republic of Congo forests are in  planted plantations while in Swaziland they are natural
  33. Which one of the following African countries is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Zimbabwe - Lusaka
    2. Niger - Bamak
    3. Mozambique - Lilongwe
    4. Gabon - Libreville
  34. The body in-charge of conducting elections in Kenya  is headed by;
    1. the chief Justice
    2. the National Assembly
    3. the Attorney General
    4. a chairman
  35. Which African country was led to independence by a political party called Convention Peoples Party (CPP)?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Egypt
    3. Zimbabwe
    4. Ghana
  36. According to the constitution of Kenya, which chapter deals with human rights?
    1. Chapter eighteen 
    2. Chapter one
    3. Chapter four
    4. Chapter twelve



  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following is correctly matched with what was created?
    1. Day 3 - sun, moon and stars
    2. Day 4 - land, sea and vegetation
    3. Day 5 - birds, fish and sea creatures
    4. Day 6 - domestic and wild animals.
  2. The following characteristics describe a certain patriarch.
    1. Has told to leave his relatives and native
    2. God promised to make his name great.
    3. God commanded him to circumcise all his male descendants.
      Who among the following people is described above?
      1. Moses
      2. Abraham
      3. Isaac
      4. Jacob
  3. Which one of the following is the main lesson  that Christians learn from the story of Noah and the flood?
    1. Those who sin are punished.
    2. Families are important.
    3. They should protect their lives. 
    4. They should protect their families
  4. According to Exodus 3:5, Moses 100k or his sandals during his call. This symbolized
    1. faithfulness
    2. courage
    3. holiness
    4. obedience
  5. Which one of the following is a reason why God gave the Israelites the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai? To
    1. prevent them from going back to Egypt.
    2. help them enter the promised land.
    3. make them defeat their enemies
    4. guide them in their daily lives.
  6. Which one of the following activities was performed by the Israelites on the Passover night in Egypt? They
    1. sand songs of praises to God.
    2. collected golden bangles and necklaces.
    3. smeared blood on their door posts.
    4. selected new leaders who would lead them.
  7. The Lord is with you, you mighty man of  valour" Judges 6:12. To whom were these  words said by the angel of God?
    1. Gideon
    2. Samson
    3. Abraham
    4. Deborah
  8. Which one of the following is the main reason why king David is remembered in Israel?  Because he 
    1. composed many psalms.
    2. he killed Goliath.
    3. conquered the enemies of Israel.
    4. brought back the ark of covenant that God was far from them.
  9. The following are descriptions of a certain king  of Israel.
    1. He became impatient and offered a  sacrifice to God.
    2. He failed to follow God's instructions of  destroying the Amalekites
      Who among the following kings is described  above?
      1. David
      2. Saul
      3. Solomon
      4. Jeroboam
  10. Rejoice greatly people of Zion, shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem. Lo, your king comes to your, triumphant and victorious but humble and riding on a donkey." The above prophecy concerning Jesus was made by
    1. Zechariah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  11. Who among the following miracles was  performed by both Prophet Elijah and Elisha?
    1. Calling fire from heaven,
    2. Multiplication of oil.
    3. Healed the bitter water.
    4. prophesied 3 years drought.
  12. When emperor Augustus ordered a census be taken, Joseph went to the town of Bethlehem. This was because
    1. it was near Nazareth.
    2. it was religious center.
    3. He was commanded by an angel. ..
    4. it was his ancestral birth place. 
  13. During the dedication of Jesus in the temple, there were people present. Who among the following was present?
    1. Simeon
    2. Simon or Cyrene
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Mary Magdalene
  14. Which one of the following the main reason why Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist?
    1. Jesus wanted to shows people that John was great.
    2. Because Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins.
    3. In order to fulfill God's will and righteousness.
    4. To show that Jesus was a son of God.
  15. According to Matthew 4:1-1 during the temptation of Jesus Christ, the devil tempted Jesus three times but the overcame them through?
    1. Prayer
    2. Miracles
    3. Parables
    4. Word of God
  16. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows his power to forgive sins?
    1. Healing the paralyzed man.
    2. Healing the blind Bartimaeus,
    3. Walking on water.
    4. Changing water into wine.
  17. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught the following teachings except? Matthew 5:1-10 1.
    1. Blessed are the merciful
    2. Blessed are the joyful
    3. Blessed are the pure in heart
    4. Blessed are those who mourn.
  18. Which one of the following teachings of Jesus should not be done when one is fasting? Being
    1. tidy and cheerful.
    2. sincere and purposeful.
    3. untidy and neglect your duties. 
    4. avoiding anything that can lead to sin.
  19. The following events took place during Transfiguration which one did not?
    1. Jesus face suddenly shone brightly.
    2. Jesus' clothes became dazzling white.
    3. 1 voice was heard from heaven.
    4. The Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
  20. Who among the following people requested Pilate to allow him bury the body of Jesus Christ?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Mary Magdalene
    4. Joseph the father of Jesus
  21. After Jesus was taken to heaven the disciples went joyfully to the temple to pray and worship God as they waited for the Holy Spirit. In which town did they go to wait for the Holy Spirit?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Judea
  22. During the day of Pentecost Peter urged people to repent and be baptized. How many people were converted and baptised
    1. 3000
    2. 30 000
    3. 5000
    4. 10 000
  23. Which one of the following fruits of the Holy Spirit helps Christians to overcome pride?
    1. Joy
    2. Humility
    3. Self control
    4. Faithfulness
  24. Three of the following are rites of passage in the traditional African society. Which one is not?
    1. Marriage
    2. Birth
    3. Death
    4. Pregnancy
  25. Which one of the following a leaching found in both African traditional communities and Christianity?
    1. Would be like God
    2. Were created on the last day.
    3. Should take care of God's creation.
    4. Were created in the image of God.
  26. In the traditional African communities, the dead were mainly remembered by
    1. pouring libation.
    2. mourning the dead.
    3. shaving of the hair.
    4. tattooing the body.
  27. Naliaka was given money to go to offer in the church but she wants to go and buy sweets  and biscuits, As a Christian what is the best  advice you can give to her?
    1. Use the money but not tell anyone.
    2. Use half of the money and offer the  remaining half.
    3. Not to use money that is meant for God.
    4. Buy biscuits and sweets and share with friends,
  28. Your neighbour is very rich. He like sharing his belonging with the needy people. What Christian value does your neighbour have?
    1. Kindness
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Humility
    4. Self-control
  29. Which one of the following ways can help the young people avoid contracting HIV and AIDS?
    1. Using protective methods.
    2. Avoiding being with members of the opposite sex.
    3. Practicing purity by avoiding sexual relationships.
    4. Avoiding mixing with older members of the opposite sex.
  30. Who among the following were the two missionaries who started the first mission school at the coast?.
    1. Dr. Livingstone and John Robman.
    2. Dr. John Krapf and Vasco da Gama.
    3. Bishop Hannington and Dr. Livingstone.
    4. Dr. Johann Ludwig Krapf  and John Rebman

Marking Scheme

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  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D



  1. People of Kasi area get water from a___
  2. The main cash crop in the area is___
  3. The main means of transport is Kasi area is___
  4. River Kasi starts from which direction?
  5. What is the name of the school in Kasi Area.
  6. There are___counties in Kenya
  7. ___ is an instrument used to show direction of one place from another.
  8. Densely populated areas have___
  9. Name any 3 physical features (3mks)
  10. The best time for harvesting is during the___season
  11. Name three counties that are neighbouring your county.
  12. Draw and name two artefacts from your community. (4mks)
  13. List two economic activities carried out in your county (2mks)
  14. Name two religious leaders in your community (2mks)
  15. Crops grown mainly for sale are known as___
  16. The raw material used in making shoes is___


  1. Write three good thoughts (3mks
  2. Name three members of the extended family.
  3. Write three attributes of God property. (3mks)
    1. YLHO
    2. GNIVLO
    3. TOTAERC
  4. ___climbed a sycamore tree. (1mk)
  5. Which animal spoke to Baalam?(1mk)
  6. Samson and his parents were going to the vineyards at___when he killed a lion. (1mk)
  7. Who interpreted pharaoh's dream?(1mk)
  8. List the four gospel books. (4mks)
  9. Where was Abram living when God called him?
  10. The Birth of Jesus was announced by Angel___
  11. The parents of John the Baptist were ___and___ (2mks)
  12. Blind Bartimaeus was the son of___
  13. A leper is a person suffering from a disease called___(1mk)
  14. The widow whose son was raised by Jesus was from the town of___(1mk)
  15. How many lepers went back to give thanks to Jesus?(1mk)



















  1. lake
  2. coffee
  3. road
  4. north east
  5. mall
  6. 47
  7. a compass
  8. many
    1. river
    2. mountain
    3. hill
  10. dry
  11. (a-c mark relevant answer)
  12. (a-b mark relevant answer)
  13. (a-b mark relevant answer)
    1. pastors
    2. priest
  15. cash crops
  16. leather
  1. Mark relevant answer
    1. uncles
    2. cousins
    3. aunts
    1. HOLY
    2. LOVING
    3. CREATOR
  4. Zacchaeus
  5. donkey
  6. Timnah
  7. Joseph
    1. Matthew
    2. Mark
    3. Luke
    4. John
  9. Haran
  10. Gabriel
  11. Zechariah, Elizabeth
  12. Timaeus
  13. Leprosy
  14. Nain
  15. One



  1. You have been given this question booklet and a separate answer sheet.
  2. Do any necessary rough work in this booklet.
  3. When you have chosen your answer, mark it on ANSWER SHEET, not in the question booklet.


  1. Use an ordinary pencil. 
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet:
  3. By drawing a dark line inside the correct numbered boxes mark your full Assessment Number in the grid near the top of the answer sheet.
  4. Do not make any marks outside the boxes.
  5. Keep your answer sheet as clean as possible and do not fold it.
  6. For each of the Question, answers are given. The answers are lettered A, B, C, and D. In each case only ONE of the four answers is correct. Choose the correct answer.
  7. On the answer sheet the correct answer is to be shown by drawing a dark line inside the box in which the letter you have chosen is written.
    In the Question Booklet:
    23. The cheapest way of preserving fish is
    1. freezing
    2. sun drying
    3. smoking
    4. canning
      The correct answer is B (sun drying)
      On the answer sheet:
      23. [A] [B] [C] [D]
  8. Your dark line MUST be within the box. 
  9. For each question ONLY ONE box is to be marked in each set of four boxes.



  1. What is still life drawing? 
    1. Drawing from observation 
    2. Drawing plants 
    3. Drawing from imagination 
    4. Drawing of non-moving objects
  2. Grace, a grade 5 pupil, was making baskets using twinning technique. Which natural materials could she use to make the basket? 
    1. Nylon
    2. Plastic
    3. Nylon threads
    4. Sisal fibres
  3. Three of the following are parts of a book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. A spine
    2. A Back cover
    3. A flap
    4. Decorated pictures
  4. Kimathi mixed colours to paint in a colour wheel. Which colour did he get after mixing red and orange?
    1. Amber
    2. Pink
    3. Red - orange
    4. Purple
  5. Which career is related with the skill and talent of making quality pictures?
    1. Painting
    2. Photography
    3. Design
    4. Fashon design
  6. Which of the following techniques can be used to create a dark effect on the picture below
    6 d
    1. Painting
    2. Colouring
    3. Stippling technique
    4. Scratching technique
  7. Tonal variation can be created through addition of one of the following pairs of colours. Which one?
    1. Orange and white
    2. White and black
    3. Yellow and green
    4. Green and black
  8. The following are used in painting except
    1. Crayon
    2. Sponge
    3. Spatula
    4. Point brush 
  9.                                  makes a piece of artwork attractive.
    1. Balance 
    2. Colour
    3. Texture
    4. Size
  10. The following materials are used in crayon etching except
    1. mounting surface
    2. glue
    3. sharp tools
    4. water


  1. The following are all ornaments except
    1. necklaces
    2. anklet
    3. earing
    4. descant 
  2. Grade 5 pupils were told to compose a song about HIV/AIDs. What type of song did they compose?
    1. Love song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Action song
    4. Topical song
  3. A drum is a musical instrument that is played by
    1. shaking
    2. hitting
    3. blowing
    4. plucking
  4. The musical instrument drawn below is known as
    14 d
    1. Wandidi 
    2. Nyatiti
    3. Obukamo
    4. Piano
  5. Three of the following are benefits of songs in the community. Which one is not
    1. For entertainment
    2. To pass information
    3. To curse people
    4. To preserve culture
  6. Which of the following song are performed to lure children to sleep?
    1. Work songs 
    2. Play songs
    3. Lullaby songs
    4. Action songs
  7. Which one of the following elements refers to the speed of a song?
    1. Tempo
    2. Pitch
    3. Dynamics
    4. Structure
  8. The Kenya National Anthem has                            stanzas.
    1. 1
    2. 4
  9. What is the name of the traditional musical instrument shown below?
    19 d
    1. Drum 
    2. Horn
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano 
  10. Songs sung to show love and respect to our country are known as                                  songs. 
    1. patriotic 
    2. love 
    3. topical 
    4. action

Use the map of KIGI are below to answer questions that follow:

kigi area map

  1. Which is the main religion in Kigi area
    1. Islamic
    2. Christianity
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditional
  2. Kigi area is likely to be a
    1. Sub county
    2. Country
    3. County
    4. Ward
  3. River Kigi flows from                            to                               
    1. South West to North East
    2. South East to North East
    3. North East to South West
    4. North West to South East 
  4. What is the settlement pattern evident in Kigi Area? 
    1. clustered
    2. Linear
    3. Dense
    4. Sparse 
  5. The climate of the South Western part of Kigi Area is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry 
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6.                                            is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Resource 
    2. Economic activity 
    3. Trade
    4. Farming

Use the diagram below to answer questions 27 and 28

27 d

  1. The latitude marked 'b' is likely to be
    1. prime meridian
    2. Tropic of Cancer
    3. Arctic circle
    4. Equator 
  2. The latitude labelled T measures
    1. 23 1/2° N
    2. 23 1/2° S
    3. 66 1/2° S
    4. 23 1/2° S 
  3. The following are qualitites of good leader except
    1. Kind
    2. Honest 
    3. Responsible
    4. Arrogant

Study the map below and answer questions 20 to 32

30 d

  1. The drainage feature marked D is
    1. R. Athi 
    2. R. Tana
    3. R. Turkwel
    4. L. Victoria
  2. The physical feature marked B was formed through a process known as 
    1. faulting and uplifting 
    2. faulting and sinking 
    3. volcanicity 
    4. down warping
  3. Which of the following rivers has its mouth in the drainage feature marked C? 
    1. River Migori 
    2. River Yala 
    3. River Turkwel 
    4. River Sagana
  4. Which feature is formed at the point where River Tana flows into the Indian Ocean? 
    1. Tributarys
    2. Valley
    3. Delta
    4. Estuary 
  5. A person who belongs to a certain country is known as
    1. patriot
    2. resident
    3. citizen
    4. foreigner 
  6. A low-lying flat land is known as a
    1. plateau
    2. plain
    3. valley
    4. highland 
  7. Which one of the following is the highest mountain in Eastern Africa?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Ruwenzori 
  8. The main work of the police is to
    1. arrest criminals
    2. protect the leaders
    3. maintain law and order
    4. kill the law breakers 
  9. Which group below is made up of Bantu speakers in Uganda?
    1. Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu
    2. Wanyamwezi, Wayao, Chagga 
    3. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro
    4. Banyore, Abagusii, Wangoni 
  10. Eastern Africa has                            countries. 
    1. 11
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 14 
  11. General election in Kenya take place after every                            years.
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 5

SECTION B: C.R.E (20mks)

  1. Grade six learners were discussing the Biblical story of creation using their Bible. From theri discussion, they found that human beings were created on: 
    1. the fourth day 
    2. the third day 
    3. the fifth day
    4.  the sixth day 
  2. Which one of the following lessons can grade six pupil best learn from the story of Abraham? 
    1. To be honest 
    2. To trust in God 
    3. To be helpful
    4.  To be generous 
  3. Whic of the following is NOT a gospel book? 
    1. Acts
    2. Luke
    3. John
    4. John 
  4. Which one of the following boxes contain a pair of gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Healing
    4. Preaching
  5. A grade six CRE teacher asked the
    pupils to complete the beatitude below: "Happy are the pure in heart ......" Which one of the following responses that they gave was CORRECT? 
    1. they will receive what God has promised
    2. they will see God
    3. they will be called children of God
    4. They will be comforted
  6. Grace was asked to take care of her siblings by her mother while she was away but she did not do that. The christian value that she lacked is: 
    1. Honesty 
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Obedience 
    4. Joy
  7. Which of the following was the first miracle that Jesus performed? 
    1. Turning water into wine. 
    2. Raising Lazarus 
    3. Feeding the hungry crowd 
    4. Healing the bleeding woman
  8. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that Lincoh, a grade six pupil, should consider when choosing a friend? 
    1. Disobedient 
    2. Hardworking 
    3. Irresponsible 
    4. Wealthy
  9. In which of the following ways can the residents of Mtwapa village do to care for their environment?
    1. Planting along river banks 
    2. Cutting doen trees 
    3. Planting trees 
    4. Blowing charcoal
  10. You have discovered that your best friend at school is suffering from an incurable disease. As a christian, what is the BEST thing for you to do? 
    1. Advice him or her to transfer to another school 
    2. Tell him or her to donate blood 
    3. Tell him or her to leave school. 
    4. Advice her or him to seek medical attention.


marking scheme


  1. The colour obtained by mixing two primary colours is called
    1. double colours. 
    2. a secondary colour.
    3. a colour wheel.
    4. a tertiary colour.
  2. A string puppet can also be called a
    1. rod puppet. 
    2. glove puppet. 
    3. marionette.
    4. stick puppet.
  3. A beaded wristband can be made using 
    1. folding technique. 
    2. applique technique. 
    3. leather work technique. 
    4. embedding technique.
  4. Kambo cut pictures from different sources and stuck them together to make one composition as shown below.
    The composition formed above is called 
    1. motif.
    2. tic and dye. 
    3. montage.
    4. batik.
  5. Muthui wants to practice traditional twine technique. What can he use to come up with a good craft?
    1. Wet sand.
    2. Sisal fibres. 
    3. Pieces of cotton.
    4. Pebbles.
  6. When practising block lettering, we may need all the following except 
    1. crayons
    2. a pencil.
    3. papers.
    4. gloves.
  7. Tie and dye can be done on
    1. fabric.
    2. a flat paper. 
    3. ooden materials.
    4. clay items.
  8. What is the use of adhesives when mounting an artwork?
    1. Decoration. 
    2. Exhibition. 
    3. Sticking.
    4. Cutting.
  9. Incising is a method that can be applied in
    1. leather shoes. 
    2. a pot
    3. a kite.
    4. plastic bottle
  10. Study the drawing below.
    What technique has been used to create light and dark effects?
    1. Crayon etching. 
    2. Cross hatching. 
    3. Stippling.
    4. Smudge.
  11. The East African Community (EAC) anthem is sung in
    1. English.
    2. Cameroon
    3. Kiswahili.
    4. mother tongue.
  12. Lullabies are mainly sung for
    1. children.
    2. babies.
    3. mothers.
    4. adults.
  13. Song sung to show the things that affect the community are called 
    1. sacred songs.
    2. patriotic songs.
    3. topical songs.
    4. lullabies.
  14. Which one of the following is not a string instrument?
    1. Fiddle.
    2. Guitar.
    3. Violin.
    4. Piano.
  15. Worship folk songs are likely to be sung in
    1. Weddings
    2. birthdays.
    3. funerals.
    4. churches. 
  16. Most string instruments are played byate W
    1. pressing.
    2. blowing.
    3. plucking. .
    4. hitting to Settings
  17. The instrument below is called nyariti.
    Which community plays it? 
    1. Akamba.
    2. Kipsigis.
    3. Agikuyu.
    4. Luo.
  18. The item drawn below is used to play a fiddle.
    What is its name?
    1. Bridge.
    2. Bow
    3. Tuning peg.
    4. Resonator.
  19. A drum cannot be tuned by
    1. exposing it to the sun. 
    2. turning the pegs. 
    3. tightening the laces.
    4. heating using fire.
  20. A descant recorder produces sound when
    1. rubbed.
    2. blown. 
    3. shaken.
    4. plucked.
  21. What is the direction of Somalia from Kenya? 
    1. East.
    2. West. 
    3. South
    4. North
  22. Between northwest and southwest lies
    1. east.
    2. west.
    3. south.
    4. north.
  23. Acacia, cacti and euphorbia trees are commonly found in 
    1. desert vegetations. 
    2. swamp vegetations. 
    3. woodland vegetations. 
    4. savannah grassland vegetations.
  24. Which one of the following is not an element of a map? 
    1. Frame.
    2. Vegetation. 
    3. Scale.
    4. Key.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 25 and 26


  1. The fishing method illustrated above is
    1. trawling.
    2. net drifting.
    3. harpooning. 
    4. purse-seining.
  2. The fishing method above is used where
    1. water is flowing fast.
    2. there are few fish. 
    3. a river is shallow.
    4. the sea is deep.
  3. Which of the following lakes is correctly matched with its method of formation?
                  Lake            Formation 
    1. Victoria           faulting
    2. Masinga         downwarping
    3. Teleki             deposition 
    4. Tana              human activities
  4. A school routine is normally shown on
    1. a timetable.
    2. an exercise book cover. 
    3. the school uniform. 
    4. the school gate.
  5. Which of the following statements best describes the geographical position of Eritrea? It 
    1. lies south of Ethiopia. 
    2. is located west of Sudan 
    3. lies west of the Red sea. 
    4. lies east of Djibouti
  6. Most countries in Eastern Africa region export
    1. petroleum and machinery. 
    2. horticultural produce and vehicles. 
    3. agricultural goods and minerals. 
    4. minerals and textiles
  7. The diagram below shows the formation of a volcanic mountain.
    The material in the area marked S is 
    1. magma. 
    2. rock. 
    3. lava.
    4. hot ash.
  8. The diagram below shows a type of a lake.
    The lake above was formed as a result of 
    1. human activities. 
    2. volcanicity. 
    3. erosion and deposition.
    4. downwarping. 
  9. The following are facts about a country in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is found north of the equator. 
    2. It is landlocked
    3. It was not colonized. 
    4. It hosts the headquarters of an international organisation.
      The county described above is 
      1. Ethiopia. 
      2. Eritrea.
      3. Sudan.
      4. South Sudan.
  10. Which of the following is not an importance of the assembly in a school routine? During assembly, 
    1. announcements are made. 
    2. the flag is raised. 
    3. personal hygiene is checked.
    4. weak pupils are guided.
  11. The traditional system of government among the Ameru was based on
    1. age-set system. 
    2. clans. 
    3. popular families. 
    4. council of elders.
  12. An adolescent boy is likely to
    1. develop broad hips. 
    2. begin wet dreams.
    3. have enlarged breasts.
    4. menstriate.
  13. A good friend is the one who
    1. doesn't open up to you. 
    2. shares everything about their family with you.
    3. stands by you in hard times.
    4. tells other people your weaknesses.
  14. The following are Christians values except
    1. jealousy. 
    2. obedience.
    3. honestly.
    4. trust.
  15. During the Lord's supper,
    1. darkness covered the entire land. 
    2. Jesus pointed out His betrayer. 
    3. the temple curtain was tom into two.
    4. a voice was heard from heaven.
  16. The main reason why Christians are discouraged from taking alcohol is that it 
    1. is expensive.
    2. is not readily available. 
    3. makes them stagger.
    4. affects their health.
  17. All the following are current social media platforms except 
    1. facebook. 
    2. whatsapp. 
    3. Go Tv. 
    4. instagram.
  18. John the Baptist mainly taught about
    1. repentance. 
    2. forgiveness. 
    3. readiness. 
    4. meekness.
  19. The parable of Jesus that teaches Christians about recovery of the lost human beings is the 
    1. friend at midnight. 
    2. lost coin.
    3. ten virgins. 
    4. lost sheep. 
  20. Healing of the paralysed man tells Christians that Jesus had power over 
    1. demons. 
    2. life. 
    3. nature.
    4. death.
  21. How many basketfuls of food were left after Jesus fed the multitude? 
    1. 24
    2. 10
    3. 3
    4. 12
  22. The book of Hebrews was written by
    1. David.
    2. John.
    3. Jesus.
    4. Paul 
  23. An axe-head was recovered by
    1. Elisha. 
    2. Elijah.
    3. Eli.
    4. Elikana 
  24. Who among the following Bible personalities wrestled with God?
    1. Satan
    2. Goliath
    3. Jacob
    4. Samson
  25. The ten commandments are important in Christian life because they
    1. help Christian lead a righteous life. 
    2. are written in Christians' hearts.
    3. lead Christians not into temptations. 
    4. were given to Moses.
  26. Why was Joseph loved most by his father?
    1. He was the lastbom. 
    2. He could perform miracles.
    3. He had many good dreams.
    4. His father bore him in old age.


  1. Which attribute of Allah means king of kings?
    1. Al-Baswir.
    2. Al-Malik.
    3. Al-Rahim.
    4. Al-Aalim.
  2. The third swalat of the day is called
    1. maghrib.
    2. asr.
    3. dhuhr.
    4. fajr.
  3. Which of the following is an example of vices?
    1. Visiting children's homes.
    2. Working in a bar.
    3. Saving in a financial institution.
    4. Supporting learning institutions financially.
  4. During Ramadhan, which sunnah prayer is performed at night?
    1. Witr.
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Baadiya
    4. Taraweh.
  5. A Muslim lady's cloth must not be
    1. loose.
    2. opaque.
    3. transparent.
    4. long.
  6. It is the obligation of parents to their children to
    1. pay for their cinema tickets.
    2. expose them to narcotic drugs.
    3. cater for their basic needs.
    4. buy them expensive clothes.
  7. Which one of the following is not an Islamic festival?
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Idd-ul-adh ha.
    3. Idd-ul-fitr.
    4. Easter.
  8. Which one of the following is the prophet's hadith on knowledge?
    1. Knowledge should be sought by teachers only.
    2. Girls and women should seek knowledge first. 
    3. Everyone should seek knowledge. 
    4. Boys and men are supposed to seek knowledge first.
  9. What is wudhu in Islam?
    1. Cleaning oneself after toileting.
    2. Ablution.
    3. Tayammum.
    4. Praying.
  10. Which one of the following will nullify one's swalah? 
    1. Eating food.
    2. Farting
    3. Reading the Qur'an.
    4. Fasting. 
  11. Before doing something good, we should say
    1. Insha Allah.
    2. Masha Allah.
    3. Billahi.
    4. Bismillahi.
  12. Who among the following is a recipient of zakat? 
    1. Widows. 
    2. Orphans. 
    3. Those in debts.
    4. The rich.
  13. After heidth, Muslim ladies should
    1. pray.
    2. take a bath.
    3. drink something hot.
    4. fast.
  14. The most important thing in Islamic marriage is
    1. the bride's consent.
    2. dowry.
    3. consent from parents.
    4. sheikh's consent.
  15. All the prophets of Allah were forgiven their sins, therefore they were
    1. muswawir. 
    2. maasumin. 
    3. mutakahur.
    4. munafik.


social timer ms


Study the map of Masumbi area and use it to answer questions 1 - 7


  1. The land in Masumbi area slopes towards
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. North East
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Masumbi area?
    1. 10.5 km
    2. 9 km
    3.  4.5 km 
    4. 50.2 km
  3. What is likely to be the main reason for constructing the railway line in Masumbi area?
    1. To transport minerals
    2. To transport livestock and their products
    3. To transport passengers
    4. To transport tourists
  4. Which economic activity is least likely to be carried out in Masumbi area?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Fishing
  5. Which type of soil is likely to be found in the South Eastern part of Masumbi area?
    1. Black cotton soil
    2. Red volcanic soil
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil
  6. Residents of Masumbi area are dorminantly
    1. Christians
    2. Pagans
    3. Traditionalists
    4. Hindus
  7. The general climate of the North Western part of Masumbi area can be described as
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  8.  Three of the following Nilotic communities migrated Northwards except
    1.  Alur
    2. Dinka
    3. Nuer
    4. Shilluk
  9. Which one of the following was not a way of learning in traditional African communities?
    1. Through ceremonies
    2. Through specialists
    3. Through observations and imitatiotis
    4. Through workshops and seminars
  10. Who among the following was the Chief Priest at the Royal Court in the Nyamwezi Chiefdom?
    1. Wanyinkulu
    2. Wanyamphala
    3. Mganwe
    4. Kikoma
  11. The most Westerly point of Africa is at
    1. Cape Ras Hafun
    2. Cape Blanco
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Cape of Good Hope
  12. Below are descriptions of a certain institution of marriage in Kenya
    1. It is strictly monogamous
    2. Marriage certificate is issued
    3. Divorce may be allowed
    4. Limited witnesses are needed
      Which type of marriage is described above?
      1. Religious marriage
      2. Customary marriage
      3. Civil marriage
      4. Monogamous marriage
  13. The time at Addis Ababa along longitude 32°E is 8.20 a.m. What is the time at Mogadishu along longitude 18°E?
    1. 9.16 a.m
    2. 7.24 p.m
    3. 7.24 a.m
    4. 9.16 p.m
  14. Which one of the following African cultural practices should be preserved?
    1. Early marriages
    2. Wife inheritance
    3. Female Genital Mutilation
    4. Use of traditional dishes
  15. The following are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop:
    1. High rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm per year
    2. Protection from strong winds
    3.  High temperatures of between 24°C - 28°C
    4. Deep, well drained fertile soil
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. cloves 
      2. pyrethrum
      3. cocoa 
      4. bananas
  16.  In which of the following months is the sun overhead the Tropio of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. September
    3. August
    4. June
  17. Which one of the following has mainly contributed to the low population density in Sahel region of Africa?
    1. Civil wars
    2. Poor drainage
    3. Infestation by tsetseflies
    4. Unfavourable climatic conditions
  18. The road sign below can be classified as
    1.  danger ahead sign
    2. warning sign
    3. informative sign
    4. regulatory sign
  19. Which one of the following means of communication can be used to reach many people within a short time?
    1. Television
    2. Radio
    3. Mobile phones
    4. Newspapers
  20. The King of the Kingdom of Old Ghana became wealthy from all the following except
    1. controlling the trans-saharan trade
    2.  conquering weaker states
    3. collecting taxes from traders
    4. defeat by the Almoravids
  21. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling rill erosion?
    1. Planting cover crops
    2. Constructing terraces
    3. Constructing check-dams
    4. Practising crop rotation
  22. Which one of the following was the main effect of the Berlin Conference of 1884?
    1. Scramble for Africa
    2. Spread of Christianity in Africa
    3. Partition of Africa
    4. Abolition of slave trade

Use the diagram below to answer questions 23 – 24

  1. The above feature was formed due to a process known as
    1. erosion
    2. folding
    3. faulting and uplifting
    4. volcanic activity
  2. The part marked R is known as
    1. Rift Valley
    2. Anticline
    3. Syncline 
    4. fault
  3. Which one of the following is the main duty of the Kenya Police Service?
    1. Arrest the law-breakers and jailing them
    2. Punishing the suspected criminals
    3. Protecting the citizens from external attack
    4. Maintaining law and order in the country
  4. The diagram below shows a method of fishing
    The above method of fishing is suitable for fishing in
    1. deep waters
    2. shallow beaches
    3. man-made lakes
    4. large rivers and lakes
  5. The following are descriptions of a certain trade bloc in Africa:
    1. It was formed in 1994
    2.  It is the largest trading bloc
    3. It replaced the Preferential Trade Area (PTA)
    4. Its member states mainly export agricultural products and minerals
      The above trading bloc has its headquarters at
      1. Lusaka in Zambia 
      2. Djibouti in Djibouti
      3. Gaborone in Botswana 
      4. Abuja in Nigeria
  6. The chief mineral export of Nigeria is mined in one of the following regions. Which one?
    1.  On the Highlands of Nigeria
    2.  On the slopes of Jos Plateau
    3. At the Niger Delta
    4. On the Valley of Niger
  7. Below are hominids whose remains have been found in Kenya:
    1. Homo Habilis
    2. Homo Erectus
    3. Homo Sapiens
    4. Australopithecus
      Which one was the oldest ancestor?
      1. (iv)
      2. (iii) 
      3. (ii)
      4. (i)
  8. Which of the following is likely to have a negative effect on population growth in a country?
    1.  Immigration
    2.  Polygamy
    3. Emmigration
    4. Early marriages
  9. The diagram below shows the cocoa growing areas in Ghana.
    The regions marked A, B and C are
    1. Accra, Sekondi, Kumasi
    2. Takoradi, Kumasi, Accra
    3. Kumasi, Accra, Tokoradi
    4. Tamale, Accra, Sekondi
  10. The best way of conserving wildlife is
    1. fencing all the national parks
    2. banning the trade of game trophies
    3. educating people of the importance of wildlife
    4. establishiment of animal sanctuaries
  11. Which of the following countries is correctly matched with its capital city?
    Country Capital City
    1. Lesotho Mbabane
    2. Namibia Windhoek
    3. Benin Port Louis
    4. Gabon Malabo
  12. The following are characteristics of a certain vegetation zone of Africa
    1. Trees shed off their leaves during the dry season
    2. Trees have deep roots
    3. Trees have thick barks which reduce water loss
    4. Trees have waxy and shiny leaves
    5. Trees are mainly soft woods
      The above vegetation zone is likely to be
      1. Mediterranean vegetation
      2. Equatorial rainforest vegetation
      3. Desert and semi-desert vegetation
      4. Savannah grassland vegetation
  13. Which one of the following best explains why the Maji Maji Rebellion broke out in Tanganyika?
    1. Loss of African land to the Germans
    2. Harsh and cruelty of the German administration
    3. Payment of hut tax
    4. Forced labour in the cotton plantations
  14. Which one of the following is a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)?
    1. Nomination of candidates for various posts
    2. Registration of political parties
    3. Conducting and supervising elections and referendum
    4. Campaigning for popular candidates
  15. The main reason why the British used indirect rule in Nothern Nigeria was
    1. the country was too vast
    2. the British lacked enough administrators
    3. the existing African governments were willing to help
    4. the British feared the harsh climatic conditions in the North
  16. The following are ways of observing and predicting weather. Which one is both traditional and modern?
    1. Animals behaving in a funny way
    2. Plants shedding their leaves
    3. Observing the sky
    4. Insects moving in a single line
  17. Meroe and Melka Konture are both
    1. mining centres
    2. pre-historic sites
    3. national parks
    4. early trading centres
  18. Which one of the following communities belong to the Kwa speakers of West Africa?
    1. Asante, Akyem, Susu
    2. Kanuri, Ibo, Nzima
    3. Denkyira, Wassa, Kwahu
    4. Gas, Bambara, Asant
  19. The Akosombo Dam in Ghana was mainly established to
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. produce cheap hydro-electric power
    3. control floods at the Lower Volta
    4. reduce the cost of generating electricity from coal
  20. The main difference in forestry between Swaziland and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is that
    1. most of the forests in Swaziland are natural
    2. forests in DRC are planted in plantations
    3. both countries have large reserves of hardwood trees
    4. Swazi's forests provide softwood trees

Use the diagram below to answer questions 43 – 44

  1. Which type of rainfall is shown in the diagram above?
    1. Relief rainfall
    2. Cyclonic rainfall
    3. Frontal rainfall
    4. Convectional rainfall
  2. Three of the following economic activities can be carried out in the region marked B. Which one cannot?
    1. Pastoralism
    2. Ranching
    3. Dairy farming
    4. Tourism
  3. The main economic activity among the San was
    1. keeping livestock
    2. growing food crops
    3. hunting and gathering
    4. fishing
  4. Which of the following marks the day Kenya became a republic?
    1. 12th December 1963.
    2. 1 June 1963
    3. 12th December 1964
    4. 20TH October 1965
  5. The party that led Ghana to attain its independence was
    1. United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC)
    2. Convention People's Party (CPP)
    3. Northern People's Party (NPP) ?
    4. Ghana African National Union (GANU)
  6. The following are descriptions of a certain river in Africa:
    1. It flows through West Africa
    2. It is navigable at some distance
    3. It forms a delta at its mouth
      The above river is likely to be
      1. River Nile
      2. River Congo
      3. River Niger
      4. River Zambezi
  7. The following are Portuguese colonies in Africa. Which one is NOT?
    1. Angola
    2. Mozambique
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Madagascar
  8. The following are achievements of a certain prominent African leader:
    1. He was a founder member of the Organisation of African unity (OAU)
    2. He introduced land reforms which made possible for peasants to own land
    3. He supported liberation movements in Africa
    4. He was the first president of his country
      The above leader is likely to be
      1. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      3. Julius Kambarage Nyerere
      4. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 51 – 54

  1. The Kingdom found at the region marked Nw founded by
    1. Soninke
    2. Malinke
    3. Almoravids
    4. Fulani
  2. The man-made lake marked Q is
    1. Lake Kariba 
    2. Lake Volta
    3. Lake Kainji
    4. Lake Nasser
  3. The ocean currents marked R are
    1. Warm Benguela currents
    2. Walvis Bay currents
    3. Warm Guinea currents
    4. Cold Canary currents
  4. The international road in the map marked X is likely to be
    1. the Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway
    2. the Great North Road
    3. the Trans-African Highway
    4. the Trans-Saharan Trade
  5. Which one of the following refers to the property left behind by the deceased?
    1. Succession
    2. Inheritance
    3. Letter of administration
    4. Will
  6. The following are uses of a certain mineral mined in Kenya:
    1. It is used for making water filters
    2. It is used in the manufacture of soap
    3. It is used in the preservation of fertilizers
    4. It is used in dry cleaning of clothes in a laundry
      Which mineral has the above uses?
      1. Fluorspar 
      2. Diatomite
      3. Soda ash
      4. Limestone
  7. The units used for measuring air pressure is
    1. knots
    2. newtons
    3. millibars
    4. centigrade
  8. Who among the following was the second African to be nominated to the Legislative Coucil (Legco)?
    1. Benaich Apollo Ohanga
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Walter Odede
    4. Lawrence Oguda
  9. Which one of the following helps teachers and pupils to manage time in schools?
    1. The school motto
    2. The School logo
    3. The school administration
    4. The school routine
  10. Who among the following swears in the Speaker of the National Assembly?
    1. The Attorney General
    2. The President
    3. The Clerk of the National Assembly
    4. The Chief Justice

Christian Religious Education

  1.  According to Genesis story of creation, human beings are God's special creatures because they were
    1. created on the last day,
    2. given power to name other creatures.
    3. made in God's image and likeness.
    4. given power to till the land.
  2. God instructed Noah to build an ark mainly because He
    1. wanted to punish the sinners.
    2. wanted Noah to protect his family
    3. regretted He had created mankind.
    4.  hated the generation of mankind.
  3. Abraham's great faith in God was expressed when he
    1. built an altar at Shechem.
    2. sacrificed his son at Mt. Moriah.
    3. sent away Ishmael, born of a slave woman.
    4. obeyed God's command to go to unknown land.
  4.  Which plague led Pharaoh to release the Israelites according to the book of Exodus?
    1. Water of river Nile turning into blood.
    2.  Death of the firstborn males of the Egyptians.
    3. Locusts filling the land of Egypt.
    4. The rod of Moses turning into a snake.
  5. The greatest weakness of Samson as a Judge was
    1. his long hair that was not shaved.
    2. killing 1000 Philistines with a jaw bone.
    3. the love for women.
    4. touching the harvests belonging to Philistine
  6. Why was Jerusalem made the centre of worship?
    1. It was located at a central position.
    2. It had the Ark of the covenant.
    3. It had powerful leaders.
    4. Jews had strong faith in it.
  7. Which one of the following Kings of Israel was most successful?
    1. King Solomon
    2. King David
    3. King Jeroboam
    4. King Ahab
  8. Which prophet prophesied about the thirty silver coins that would be used to betray Jesus?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Elijah
    3. Micah 
    4. Isaiah
  9. What lesson do Christians learn from the story of Jesus and His parents escaping to Egypt? That
    1.  they need to run to foreign land.
    2. God is ready to protect them.
    3. God is very powerful.
    4. God cares for refugees.
  10. Jesus performed miracles mainly to show that He had
    1.  people to see his mighty work.
    2. power to conquer evil,
    3. God's love for His people.
    4. God to shame the devil
  11. The main message of John the Baptist to the people who came to listen to him was
    1. birth of the Savior.
    2. not to collect more than is legal
    3. not to take money from people by force.
    4. repentance and baptism.
  12. "This is my own dear son, listen to Him" Mark 9:7. When did God speak these words? During
    1. baptism in R. Jordan.
    2. transfiguration.
    3. suffering on the cross.
    4. wedding in Cana of Galilee.
  13. From the miracle of Jesus raising a widow's son at Nain, Christians learn that
    1. there is no fear for death
    2. there is eternal life through death.
    3. there is hope of resurrection in Christ.
    4. they should raise back those that are dead.
  14. The parable of friends at midnight teaches Christians that they should
    1. pray without ceasing.
    2. be ready to help the needy even at night.
    3. ask for help from neighbours.
    4.  ask for advice from neighbours.
  15.  "I find no reason to condemn this man." (Luke 23:4) Who among the following people said this during the trail of Jesus?
    1. King Herod 
    2. Pilate
    3. Caiaphas
    4. Barabbas
  16. Who among the following offered to bury the body of Jesus?
    1. Nicodemus
    2. Simon of Cyrene
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  17. Which of the following events did not take place during the day of Pentecost?
    1. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
    2. Strong wind filled the whole house.
    3. The followers were filled with the Holy Spirit.
    4. The followers spoke in different tongues.
  18. The lesson Christians learn from the story of Simon the sorcerer and Simon Peter is that
    1. God's power is not bought.
    2. God's power is struggled for.
    3. all power comes from God.
    4. one can generate some money in church.
  19. Who among the following disciples baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?
    1. John the Baptist
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Philip
    4. Paul
  20. Three of the following books of the Bible are Epistles except
    1. Romans
    2. Galatians
    3. Timothy
    4. Acts of Apostles
  21. Pre-marital sex was discouraged in both traditional African communities and Christianity because it
    1. was considered sacred.
    2.  was for the initiates alone.
    3. brought unwanted pregnancies.
    4.  promoted the spread of STD(s).
  22. Which belief about God is found in traditional African communities?
    1. God exists as three in one.
    2. God is omnipresent.
    3. God dwells in heaven
    4. God sent His son to die on the cross.
  23. Marriage was highly respected in traditional African communities mainly because it promoted
    1. respect and prestige in the society.
    2. companionship among the couples.
    3. continuation of the family line.
    4. responsibility among members.
  24. Why should Christians care for the environment?
    1. To obey God's command.
    2. To show how responsible we are
    3. To protect homes for wild animals.
    4. We depend on the environment for our livelihood.
  25. Christians obey authority mainly because
    1.  leaders sacrifice their lives for us.
    2. one day we shall also become leaders.
    3. all authority comes from God.
    4. God loves those in authority too.
  26. Christians discourage abortion because it
    1.  leads to lack of respect.
    2. undermines dignity of life.
    3. it can lead to death of the mother.
    4. it can lead to barrenness.
  27.  The best way pupils can use their time in the absence of their teachers is by
    1. sleeping on their desks.
    2.  reading the Bible.
    3. doing their assignment.
    4. going to the toilet one by one.
  28. Which one of the following is not a good way of using our personal freedom?
    1. Giving out our clothes that no longer fit us.
    2. Visiting the sick.
    3. Visiting the orphanage.
    4. Watching anything we feel like.
  29.  Your friend, Melanie, picks a thousand shilling note on her way to school. As a Christian, the best thing to do is to
    1. give the money to the teacher.
    2. donate some money to orphanage.
    3. try to find out the owner.
    4.  take the money to the police station.
  30.  The missionaries came to do the following except
    1. to acquire colonies.
    2. to stop the influence of Islamic.
    3. to spread Western culture.
    4. to stop slave trade.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one among the following characteristics of the right religion is not mentioned in the Surah Al-Bayyina?
    1. Worshipping God.
    2. Fasting
    3. Giving out Alms
    4. Practising prayer
  2.  Following the teachings of Rasul (S.A.W). the most rewarding night of power can appear on any of the following days of Ramadhan EXCEPT on
    1. 26th
    2. 21st
    3. 29th
    4. 27th
  3. How many place of revelation are mentioned in the Surah A-Tiyn?
    1. Four.
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
  4. "Innaa A'ath wainaka Al-Kauthar" In this verse Allah(sw) reminds the prophet (p.b.u.h) that He has given him
    1. knowledge
    2. guidance
    3. favours
    4. riches
  5. Such pandemic diseases like Corona are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that Allah (s.w) brings them to us as
    1.  temptations.
    2. guidance.
    3. favours.
    4. riches
  6. Which one of the following is the meaning of the word "Az-Zakkat"? To
    1. pay.
    2. distribute.
    3. give out.
    4. purify.
  7. Which one among the following responsibilities should be taken by all Muslims in the world?
    1. Contact Da'awa missions.
    2. Search for knowledge.
    3. Build mosques.
    4.  Mix with non-muslims.
  8. Complete the following Hadith, "..... and Allah(s.w) has hated for your sinful and usless talks, asking too many questions and
    1. love for wealth.
    2. wasting of wealth
    3. wasting of wealth.
    4. piling of wealth
  9. Which one of the following actions do you think will give your neighbour peace?
    1. Visiting him/her frequently.
    2. Building a good house.
    3. Building a good house.
    4. Praying loudly as you mention him/her.
  10. Three of the following duties call for a cooperate responsibility upon Muslims EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Performing Swallah.
    2. Building a Mosque
    3. Furthering Education
    4. Burying the dead.
  11. The prophet encouraged Muslims, "....a comes with Rizq and goes away with family sins."
    1.  relative 
    2. good Samaritan
    3. neighbour
    4. guest
  12. All the following actions show respect for the dead during funeral EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Standing when your a Janaza.
    2. Grieving when one dies.
    3. Entertainments and celebrations.
    4.  Remembering the dead for the merits.
  13.  "Minha Khalaqnaakum, Wa Fiihaa nu'iidukum, Wa fiha nukhrijukum taaratan ukhraa" This are words said to the Mayiit during
    1. lowering to the grave.
    2. filling the grave with soil
    3. the three days of Taaziyyah.
    4. the shrouding of the Mayyit.
  14. Who among the following should be buried in Ihraam?
    1. An muslim who ever went for Hall in his/ her lifetime.
    2. Any muslim who can afford it.
    3. One who dies a matyre.
    4. One who dies while on Hajj Ibaada
  15. What makes sexual relationship halaal among couples according to Islamic Shariah?
    1. Adultery
    2. Nikaah
    3. Fornication
    4. Twalaq.
  16. What is Ghushuu in the performance of Swalah?
    1. Relaxing in every pillar of Swalah.
    2. The intention
    3. Concentration in prayer.
    4. Performing prayer in the correct steps.
  17. In which of the following places do the Hajj rites and Ibaada start? At
    1. Arafa. 
    2. Miqat
    3. Muzdalifa.
    4. Minna
  18. Which form of Twahara cleanses Janaba. heidh and Nifas completely?
    1. Ghusul.
    2. Wudh
    3. Tayammum.
    4. Istima-a.
  19. If you want to be just in problem solving, you according to Islamic guidance.
    1. listen to the guilty
    2. give the orphan som considerations.
    3. listen to both sides.
    4. know their levels of education.
  20. Igran counts her soul every day and does what benefits her in the hereafter. She is to Allah (s.w)
    1. Al-Qaisu.
    2. Al-Muflis
    3.  Al-Aajisu 
    4. Al-Haqiim
  21. One of the following persons is distanced from Hellfire a distance that will take 70 years to travel. Who is this? One who
    1. gets Lailatul Qadr.
    2. gets temptation but remains tolerant
    3. visits the sick.
    4. leads a moral life.
  22. Which two communities approached the prophet (p.b.u.h) to help resolve their differences and unite them as brothers? The
    1. Qainuqaa and Quraidha.
    2. Anus and Khazraj.
    3. Khuzaa and Bakr.
    4. Hashim and Najar.
  23. The Islamic calendar was lost in the memory of most Islamic people and leaders. Which of the following events guided committee to recall and plan the order of events and the calendar?
    1. Hijra of the prophet (S.A.W)
    2. The Isra wal Miraj.
    3. The Fat-hul Makka
    4. The Milad-un-Nabii.
  24. The prophets Ibrahim(AS), Issa(A.S) and Adam(A.S) were all created in a common month of the Islamic calendar. Which one? In
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabiul Awwal.
    4. Muharram.
  25. Who among the following visitors at the Coast came with a mission of gaining control of the activities with an aim of interfering and destroying them? The
    1.  Romans
    2. Persians
    3. Chinese
    4. Egyptians
  26. The Podipha locked Yusuf into jail .....
    1. because he was guilty of rape.
    2.  to go and translate the dreams of inmates
    3. avoid destroying his reputation.
    4. separate him from his wife.
  27.  If prophet Musa (A.S) had patience; he would have learnt a lot from
    1. Al-Bahrira. 
    2. Dhul-Karnaine.
    3. Nabii Shuaib
    4. Al-Khidhr.
  28. Which one among these business practises is ACCEPTED in an Islamic Society?
    1.  Hoarding.
    2. Monopoly.
    3. Adultration.
    4. Usury.
  29. The Youth who attacked the prophet(p.b.u.b) at Taif were from which Sub-Tribe?
    1.  Banu Thaqif 
    2. Banu Qinana.
    3. Jan-jawids.
    4. Bant Sad.
  30. The prophet(p.b.u.h) taught Muslims that there are three options from which one can choose in order to control Munkar in a society. Which was not mentioned?
    1. Using your hand.
    2. Using your Tongue.
    3. Moving away from Munkar.
    4. Hating the Munkar in your heart.

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. C
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. A
  55. B
  56. B
  57. C
  58. D
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. D
  29. C
  30. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C


Use the map of Dano area above to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. Three of the following statements about Lake Ruka are correct. Which one is not?
    1. It has a river draining into it.
    2. It is a source of fish
    3. It has fresh water
    4. It is a source of a river
  2. The main religion in Dano area is
    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Hinduism
    4. Paganism
  3. The highest part in Dano area is a round
    1. the sugarcane farm
    2. Hugo market
    3. the coffee plantation
    4. the beef ranch
  4. The location of the sawmill was mainly infuenced by
    1. nearness to a road
    2. nearness to a forest
    3. nearness to cheap labour
    4. nearness to market for timber
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dano area? 
    1. Lumbering
    2. Trading
    3. Fishing
    4. Mining
  6. The general direction of the sugarcane from the church in Lima area is
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. South West 
    4. North East
  7. The economic benefit of River Orio in Dano area is that 
    1. it is used for water transport 
    2. it provides water for irrigation 
    3. it is a source of fish 
    4. it has been dammed to produce electricity
  8. The following are requirements for growing a certain crop.
    1. High rainfall between 1500mm and 2000mm
    2. High temperatures between 27°C and 30°C
    3. High humidity throughout the year.
      The requirements listed above favour the growing of 
      1. pyrethrum
      2. tea 
      3. flowers
      4. cocoa
  9. The institution of marriage is important mainly because 
    1. married people are respected 
    2. through marriage wealth is created 
    3. families get dowry 
    4. children born ensure the continuity of the family
  10. Which one of the following communities is found in Northern Africa? 
    1. Berbers 
    2. Xhosa 
    3. Igbo 
    4. Dinka
  11. The Hehe people resisted German colonial rule in Tanganyika mainly because 
    1. they had a strong leaders 
    2. the Hehe people had a large army 
    3. the Germans treated them cruelly
    4. the Germans were building a railway line
  12. The following are characteristics of a climate region in Africa.
    1. Summers are hot and dry.
    2. Annual rainfall is between 500mm and 750mm.
      The climatic region described above is 
      1. Mediterranean climate 
      2. Equatorial climate 
      3. Semi desert climate
      4. Mountain climate
  13. Which one of the following dams is correctly matched with the main reason why it was built?
                 Dam                Reason 
    1. Masinga - To create a fishing ground
    2. Aswan -> To store water for irrigation 
    3. Kariba To attract tourist 
    4. Akasombo - To create an Inland waterway
  14. When Vasco da Gama came to Eastern Africa in 1498 he 
    1. built Fort Jesus in Mombasa 
    2. signed several treaties with chiefs 
    3. he collected taxes during trade 
    4. built a pillar in Malindi .

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 15 to 18.

  1. The river market T is
    1. River Omo 
    2. River Turkwel 
    3. River Juba
    4. River Kerio
  2. Which one of the following statements about the lake marked V is not correct? 
    1. It is shared by several countries 
    2. It is a major fishing lake 
    3. It formed when water collected in faults
    4. It was formed through down warping
  3. Which one of the following communities settle in the area marked L during the migration period? 
    1. Abagusii
    2. Taita 
    3. Turkana
    4. Pokomo 
  4. Which one of the following crops is grown in large plantations in the country marked B? 
    1. Sugarcane 
    2. Coffee 
    3. Tea
    4. Bananas
  5. Which one of the following is a contribution of the community to learning in a school? 
    1. Buying books for a school 
    2. Providing resource persons to teach pupils 
    3. Preparing the school routine 
    4. Employing teachers in a school
  6. The above feature was formed through
    1. deposition of material
    2. volcanic cerein
    3. faulting
    4. uplifting
  7. The steep sides of Rift Valley are called 
    1. valleys
    2. horst 
    3. blocks
    4. escarpments
  8. Which of the following is a social cultural use of soil?
    1. Making blocks
    2. Farming 
    3. Administering oaths and libations
    4. Extraction of mineral salts
  9. The totality of a person way of life is called 
    1. taboo
    2. culture 
    3. passage
    4. morals
  10. Which of the following communities is correctly matched with its original homeland? 
    1. Ngoni - South Africa
    2. Hehe - Horn of Africa 
    3. Dinka - Congo forest
    4. Rendile - Barley Ghezel 
  11. The quickest means of communication that can reach many people within a short period of time is
    1. newspapers
    2. radio
    3. telephone 
    4. television
  12. Who among the following is not elected by voters in a general elections? 
    1. County governor 
    2. Senator 
    3. Ward representative member 
    4. County assembly speakers
  13. Which of the following groups consist of crops grown in traditional agriculture in Kenya? 
    1. Cassava, carrots, arrowroots 
    2. Yams, sorghum, millet 
    3. Millet, sorghum, wheat
    4. Arrowroots, sweet potatoes, snow peas
  14. Maloba a standard seven pupil saw two pupils fighting on her way to school. What was the best action to take? 
    1. Run to school and report to teacher 
    2. Leave them to continue fighting 
    3. Stop them from fighting
    4. Report them to the police
  15. In traditional African society, an age set usually comprises of 
    1. many families
    2. many clans
    3. many age groups
    4. many societies
  16. A responsible citizen is one who
    1. attend religious services always
    2. owns alot of property 
    3. take part in development projects 
    4. arrest law breakers

Use the map below to answer questions 31 - 33

  1. The latitude marked O is called
    1. Equator 
    2. Prime Meridian 
    3. Tropical of Cancer
    4. Tropic of Capricorn
  2. The country marked S was colonised by the
    1. Germans
    2. British 
    3. Frenchs
    4. Belgians
  3. The national park found at point X is 
    1. Tsavo
    2. Amboseli 
    3. Sibiloi
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The County Executive Committee is shared by the
    1. Senator 
    2. President
    3. Governor
    4. Ward Representative
  5. Which among the following communities collaborated with the British during colonial period?
    1. Agiriama
    2. Nandi
    3. Ababukusu
    4. Wanga
  6. Among the following member who does not belong to a nuclear family? 
    1. Father
    2. Mother 
    3. Sons
    4. Cousin
  7. Which instruments is used to measure air pressure? 
    1. Anemometer 
    2. Barometer 
    3. Windyane
    4. Thermometer 
  8. The Swahili culture came up as a result of intermarriage between Arabs and 
    1. Indians
    2. Europeans 
    3. Bantus
    4. Nilotes
  9. The following are needs of a family;
    • Education
    • Shelter
    • Love
    • Food
    • Security
      Which pair is made up of basic needs only? 
      1. Education and love 
      2. Food and security
      3. Shelter and love
      4. Shelter and food
  10. Which of the following can lead to lawlessness in a county?
    1. Poor performance in examination 
    2. Prolonged drought
    3. Discriminations 
    4. Outbreak of diseases
  11. Large farms where beef cattle are kept are called 
    1. paddocks
    2. units 
    3. ranches 
    4. plantations
  12. Which of the following places is the largest centre of sugarcane growing in Eastern Africa? 
    1. Mumias
    2. Kenana 
    3. Chemelil 
    4. Muhoroni
  13. Road signs helps drivers to drive 
    1. roughly
    2. carelessly 
    3. safely
    4. automatically
  14. Areas with stagnant water encourage the growing of 
    1. tall trees 
    2. reeds
    3. short grass
    4. scrubs
  15. Which of the following communities belong to the Plain Nilotes? 
    1. Ilichemus 
    2. Luo 
    3. Tuger
    4. Kipsigis
  16. In Kenya a person can become a citizen by
    1. naturalization 
    2. voting
    3. registration 
    4. association
  17. The budget estimates in Kenya are presented by the minister for finance in the month of
    1. June
    2. January 
    3. March
    4. December
  18. Which of the following lakes w..s formed when water collected in the faults on the floor of Rift Valley? 
    1. Lake Malawi
    2. Lake Chad
    3. Lake Benguela 
    4. Lake Kiyoga
  19. The traditional system of government of the Ameru was known as 
    1. Njuri Ncheke 
    2. Mugwe
    3. Kiruka
    4. Mtiba
  20. Which of the following is not a moral value in the society?
    1. Respect 
    2. Corruption 
    3. Honesty
    4. Courage
  21. Growing of flowers for sale is called
    1. horticulture 
    2. floriculture
    3. agriculture
    4. agroforestry
  22. The title used to refer to traditional leader of the Nyamwezi was 
    1. Kabaka
    2. Ntemi
    3. Mganwe
    4. Mtwale
  23. Which one of the following mountains is correctly matched with its formation? 
    1. Atlas Mountains - erosion of soft rocks 
    2. Mount Meru folding and twisting 
    3. Pare highlands - faulting and uplifting
    4. Hoboli mountains volcanic activities
  24. Which one of the following is a benefit of interaction among communities in Africa? 
    1. It leads to conflicts 
    2. New ideas and skills are exchanged 
    3. It causes scarcity of trade goods
    4. It leads to increase of population
  25. The defeat of the Hehe rebellion was mainly caused by 
    1. diseases that killed Hehe fighters 
    2. famine that affected the Hehe people 
    3. lack of good forms of transport
    4. death of their leader
  26. The best way to ensure that pupils obey school rules is through 
    1. involving them in making the rules 
    2. sending away disobedient pupils 
    3. pushing pupils who break school rules
    4. appointing prefects to enforce rules
  27. A candidate for a country assembly seat should not 
    1. be less than thirty five years old 
    2. be an independent candidates 
    3. be a holder of a public office
    4. not be of sound mind
  28. The head of the body incharge of elections in Kenya is appointed by 
    1. parliament 
    2. political parties 
    3. voters
    4. the president
  29. In a civil election, registered voters elect
    1. members of the national assembly 
    2. members of the county assembly 
    3. members of the cabinet
    4. members of the senate
  30. On a polling day in Kenya, a voter is supposed to 
    1. campaign for candidates 
    2. count votes 
    3. mark a ballot paper 
    4. announce election results.


  1. Dry land and plants were created on the 
    1. third day
    2. second day 
    3. fourth day
    4. fifth day
  2. The father of Noah was 
    1. Enock
    2. Methuselah 
    3. Terah
    4. Lamech
  3. God called Abraham when he was living in
    1. Haran
    2. Midian 
    3. Ur
    4. Goshen
  4. The action by the Israelites on the Passover night that showed their days of slavery is when they
    1. killed Egyptians first born males 
    2. ate bitter herbs
    3. smeared blood on door posts
    4. ate unleavened bread
  5. During the exodus God led the Israelites at night using
    1. a cloud
    2. the covenant box 
    3. a pillar of light 
    4. a bright star 
  6. When an angel appeared to Gideon he was
    1. taking care of his father's sheep 
    2. sleeping in the temple 
    3. fighting the Midianites
    4. threshing wheat 
  7. Which one of the following Kings of Israel planned the murder of Uriah? 
    1. David
    2. Saul 
    3. Solomon
    4. Ahab 
  8. Which one of the following was done by Solomon when he was the King of Israel? 
    1. He made the covenant box 
    2. He built a temple in Jerusalem 
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital city
    4. He made a golden bull calf for worship 
  9. Which one of the following people complained he was too young to become a prophet?
    1. Ezekiel
    2. Isaiah 
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Jonah .
  10. When angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah he told him that 
    1. he would name his son John 
    2. his Kingdom would never end 
    3. he would protect him from his enemies
    4. he would live for a long time
  11. Which one of the following statements from the Bible shows that Jesus is the son of God? 
    1. He will not drink wine 
    2. He would walk a head strong like Elijah 
    3. He would deliver people from sin 
    4. The Holy Spirit will come upon you 
  12. When Jesus was fasting in the desert the devil told him to 
    1. bow down and worship him 
    2. change a stone into bread 
    3. thrown himself down
    4. change water into wine
  13. When Jesus changed water into wine he had gone to Cana to
    1. raise Lazarus 
    2. drive traders from the temple 
    3. attend a wedding
    4. preach in the Synagogue
  14. The parable of the mustard seed teaches Christians about 
    1. growth of the Kingdom of God 
    2. the second coming of Jesus 
    3. being kind to the needy
    4. the value of prayer
  15. In the teaching of who is the greatest Jesus used a 
    1. a fish
    2. a child
    3. bread
    4. a coin
  16. Which one of the following was done by Jesus during the last supper? 
    1. Jesus pointed out his betrayer. 
    2. Jesus walked on water
    3. Jesus healed a paralysed man
    4. Jesus ate in the house of Zacchaeus
  17. Which one of the following accusations was brought against Jesus before Pilate? 
    1. Working on a Sabbath.
    2. Claiming to the King of Jews. 
    3. Healing a paralysed man.
    4. Forgiving sins of the people.
  18. After the ascension of Jesus his disciples to stay in Jerusalem to 
    1. preach the gospel 
    2. drive traders from the temple 
    3. attend of wedding
    4. wait for the Holy Spirit
  19. Stephen was stoned to death by the Jews because 
    1. he forgave a man his sins 
    2. he mixed with sinners 
    3. he refused to pay taxes
    4. he refused to deny Jesus
  20. When Peter visited the town of Joppa he
    1. raised Eutychus 
    2. raised Tabitha back to life 
    3. healed a lame beggar
    4. healed Aeneas
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit? 
    1. Faith.
    2. Faithfulness. 
    3. Patience.
    4. Humility.
  22. Which one of the following is a common practice in both Traditional African and Christian Communities? 
    1. Tattooing the body 
    2. Performing libations 
    3. Reciting prayers
    4. Baptizing new converts
  23. In Traditional African Societies people reconcile with God by 
    1. reading the scriptures 
    2. singing songs
    3. baptizing people
    4. offering sacrifices
  24. Which one of the following is an act of charity in traditional African communities?
    1. Shaving the hair 
    2. Giving food to strangers 
    3. Meeting together to pray
    4. Making body marks
  25. The main reason why marriage is important in Traditional African communities is to
    1. get companionship
    2. get dowry 
    3. get children
    4. get recognized
  26. In the Lord's prayer Christians pray to God
    1. forgive them their sins 
    2. punish their sins 
    3. give them long lives
    4. sit with God in heaven
  27. Husbands are advised to love their wives as
    1. they love themselves 
    2. their wives love them 
    3. they love their enemies
    4. Christ loved the church
  28. The church has established school in Kenya mainly to 
    1. create jobs in the country 
    2. offer free primary education 
    3. get money to build churches
    4. support literacy in the country
  29. The best way in which Christians can support street children is by 
    1. establishing schools for them 
    2. praying for them 
    3. preaching to them
    4. giving them money
  30. The element of prayer when a person prays for himself or herself is 
    1. intercession 
    2. petition 
    3. confession 
    4. adoration



  1. A
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  9. D
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  10. C
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  10. B
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  9. B


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