Displaying items by tag: social studies



  1. River Pawa rises from; 
    1. North East
    2. North West 
    3. South West 
    4. South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road found in Maloba area? 
    1. 18 km
    2. 20 km 
    3. 10 km
    4. 15 km
  3. The chief administrator in Maloba area is LIKELY to be; 
    1. governor 
    2. county commissioner 
    3. deputy county commissioner 
    4. chief
  4. The settlement pattern in Maloba area is MAINLY influenced by: 
    1. transport networks 
    2. economic activities
    3. climate
    4. types of soil
  5. The climate of North Eastern part of Maloba area is; 
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry 
    3. cool and dry 
    4. hot and wet
  6. Most people in Maloba town worship on; 
    1. Sunday
    2. Friday 
    3. Saturday
    4. Monday
  7. Which type of industry is found to the South Western part of Maloba area? 
    1. Manufacturing 
    2. Processing 
    3. Service
    4. Assembly
  8. Which one of the following fishing methods is used to catch fish at the sea bed? 
    1. Long lining 
    2. Trawling 
    3. Purse seining 
    4. Use of basket
  9. The basic unit of the society is the; 
    1. marriage
    2. family 
    3. clan
    4. age group
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a social use of soil? 
    1. Decorating houses 
    2. Constructing houses 
    3. Burrying the dead 
    4. Smearing on bodies during iniation
  11. In Kenya, one may lose a civic seat if he/she 
    1. does not visit his/her ward 
    2. is jailed for five months 
    3. is elected leader of majority 
    4. is declared bankrupt by court of law
  12. Who among the following school administrators is in charge of school discipline? 
    1. Headteacher 
    2. School prefect 
    3. Deputy headtheacher 
    4. Classteacher
  13. In traditional African societies goods were transported using;
    1. cars
    2. trains 
    3. bicycles
    4. animals
  14. The statements below describe uses of a mineral mined in Kenya;
    1. To make sulphuric acid
    2. To mkae toothpaste
    3. To manufacture cement
    4. To strengthen steel and aluminium
      The mineral described above is;
      1. gold
      2. diatomite 
      3. copper
      4. flourspar
  15. The policy of administration that was used by the British in Northern Nigeria was; 
    1. association 
    2. indirect rule 
    3. direct rule 
    4. assimilation
  16. The diagram below shows the vegetation zones on a mountain.
    The vegetation zone marked K represents:
    1. savannah
    2. bamboo 
    3. rain forest 
    4. heath and moorland
  17. The vegetation above is influenced by the;
    1. types of soils 
    2. altitude 
    3. climate
    4. topography
  18. The country that borders Kenya to the North East is;
    1. Somalia
    2. Ethiopia 
    3. South Sudan 
    4. Tanzania
  19. Lakes found in the Great Rift valley were formed as a result of: 
    1. downwarping
    2. faulting 
    3. glaciation 
    4. depositional
  20. The MAIN problem facing wildlife in Kenya is;
    1. insecurity 
    2. poor roads
    3. poaching 
    4. few game parks
  21. Which one of the following is a food processing industry? 
    1. Oil refining 
    2. Cotton processing 
    3. Pineapple canning 
    4. Tyre retreading
  22. In which year did Tanganyika merge with Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanzania (URT)? 
    1. 1963
    2. 1961 
    3. 1964
    4. 1965
  23. Which one of the following groups of people shows the River lake Nilotes of Sudan? 
    1. Bok, Suk, Sabaot 
    2. Acholi. Lango, Labwor 
    3. Jie, Karamajong, Iteso 
    4. Dinka, Shilluk, Anuak
  24. Countries in North Africa experiences summer season during the months of; 
    1. June and August 
    2. December and February 
    3. September and November 
    4. March and May
  25. Which one of the following is the ODD one out? 
    1. Chad
    2. Elementaita 
    3. Kyoga
    4. Victoria
  26. Which of the following communities in West Africa belongs to Afro-Asiantic? 
    1. Ashanti
    2. Wolof 
    3. Tuareg
    4. Fulani
  27. Which of the following cultural artefacts was used as a storage item? 
    1. Slings
    2. Spears 
    3. Bows
    4. Calabash
  28. Which of the following lists below consist of block mountains? 
    1. Cape ranges, Drakensburg, Atlas 
    2. Usambara, Danakil Alps, Pare 
    3. Meru, Elgon, Kilimanjaro 
    4. Aberdare, Mau ranges, Menengai
  29. The time in Kigali 24°E is 9.20 am what will be the time in Accra, Ghana? 
    1. 7.44 am
    2. 10.56 am 
    3. 7.44 pm
    4. 10.56 pm
  30. The nomination of the twelve MPs in the National Assembly in Kenya was done by the; 
    1. speaker
    2. president
    3. political parties 
    4. IEBC
  31. A person who loves his country is said to be;
    1. loyal 
    2. responsible
    3. faithful 
    4. patriotic
  32. The statements below describe an early visitor to Eastern Africa. He;
    1. arrived in the year 1846
    2. helped in translating bible
    3. he became blind
      The early visitor described above is; 
      1. Vasco da Gama 
      2. Ludwig Krapf 
      3. Johann Rebmann 
      4. David Livingstone
  33. Three of the following are benefits of tourism in Kenya. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Creation of job opportunities 
    2. Earns foreign exchange 
    3. Promote international relationship 
    4. Bad western influence on our culture
  34. The BEST way of curbing drugs and substance abuse among the youths today is by: 
    1. passing strict rules on drug traffickers 
    2. employing more anti-narcotic police officers 
    3. establish more rehabilitation centres 
    4. creating public awareness on dangers of drugs
  35. Among the following officers in Nyamwezi chiefdom, who was the council of elders? 
    1. Wanyamphala 
    2. Ntemi 
    3. Ruga ruga 
    4. Kabaka
  36. The following are conditions favouring the growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. Grows within the tropics 
    2. Harvested during bud stage
    3. Mainly used to spice food
    4. Requires high humidity throughout
  37. The crop described above is: 
    1. Cocoa
    2. Coffee 
    3. Pyrethrum 
    4. Cloves
  38. The capital city of Chad is at; 
    1. N'Djamena 
    2. Gaborone 
    3. Tripoli
    4. Lome
  39. Who among the following early men discovered fire? 
    1. Homo erectus 
    2. Homo habilis 
    3. Zinjathropus 
    4. Homo sapiens
  40. Among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa, who is the ODD one out? 
    1. Carl Peters 
    2. William Mackinon 
    3. Seyyid Said 
    4. Dr David Livingstone
  41. Which of the following religious marriages allows polygamous? 
    1. Traditional 
    2. Customary 
    3. Islamic
    4. Civil
  42. Which arm of the government approves national budget?
    1. Executive 
    2. Cabinet 
    3. Parliament 
    4. Judiciary

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 42 - 45


  1. The winds marked H are known as: 
    1. North East monsoon 
    2. Harmattan 
    3. South West monsoon winds 
    4. Westerlies
  2. The plateau marked Z is known as: 
    1. Andarawa
    2. Bie
    3. Fouta Djallon 
    4. Jos
  3. Which was the MAIN reason that led to decline of the kingdom marked W? 
    1. Soldiers lacked food 
    2. Succession disputes 
    3. Attack by the strict muslims from North 
    4. Decline in long distance trade
  4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the vegetation region marked X? 
    1. Trees have broad evergreen leaves 
    2. Trees are cone shaped 
    3. It is also known maquis 
    4. Trees have thick barks
  5. Who among the following advices the government on legal matters?
    1. Chief justice 
    2. Cabinet secretaries 
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Deputy president
  6. The MOST commonly used means of transport in Eastern Africa is, 
    1. air
    2. water
    3. railway
    4. road
  7. Three of the following are pre-historical sites in Uganda. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Ntusi
    2. Mahosi 
    3. Dire Dawa
    4. Ishango
  8. The Tropic of Capricon passes through all the following countries EXCEPT, 
    1. Namibia
    2. Madagascar 
    3. Swaziland
    4. Mozambique
  9. Cases involving militants is heard and determined by the; 
    1. Supreme court 
    2. Kadhi's court 
    3. Chief magistrate court 
    4. Martial court
  10. Three of the following are relief features EXCEPT; 
    1. swamp
    2. plateau 
    3. plains
    4. valley
  11. The colour of the national flag that symbolises blood shed during struggle for independence is; 
    1. red
    2. green 
    3. white
    4. black
  12. Omollo, a trader in Kondele wants to communicate to her son in Meru. Which one of the following is the MOST effective means of communication for him to use? 
    1. Radio
    2. Newspaper 
    3. Television
    4. Mobile phone
  13. The following are people arrested during the state of emergency in 1952 by Sir Everlyn Barring. Who was NOT? 
    1. Kung'u Karumba 
    2. Jomo Kenyatta 
    3. Oginga Odinga 
    4. Paul Ngei
  14. Which of the following was NOT a way of interaction during the pre-colonial period? 
    1. Intermarriage 
    2. Raids 
    3. Trade
    4. Media
  15. Which one of the following is the MAIN fresh water fish in Kenya? 
    1. Nile perch
    2. Trout 
    3. Tilapia
    4. Mud fish
  16. During the German colonial rule in Go to Tanganyika the title of African headmen was; 
    1. governor
    2. Liwali 
    3. Jembes
    4. Akidas
  17. Which one of the following countries is NOT a member of IGAD? 
    1. Sudan
    2. Eritrea 
    3. Tanzania
    4. South Sudan
  18. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to; 
    1. life
    2. education 
    3. work
    4. privacy
  19. Three of the following are factors that promote peace in a society EXCEPT: 
    1. nepotism 
    2. transparency 
    3. obeying the law 
    4. respect of one another


  1. According to Genesis story of creation, what did God create on the second day? 
    1. Sky
    2. Animals 
    3. Heavenly bodies 
    4. Vegetation
  2. During the time of Noah, how many people survived the floods! 
    1. 120
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 8
  3. Which one of the following is not a promise given to Abraham by God? 
    1. Land
    2. Many descendants
    3. Curses
    4. Blessings
  4. The following conditions were to be met by the Israelites during the passover. Which one was not a requirement? 
    1. Eat bread without yeast 
    2. Eat bitter herbs 
    3. Eat roasted bread 
    4. Keep some meat for the next day
  5. Which of the following was a problem faced by the Israelites in the wilderness? Lack of; 
    1. leaders
    2. weapons
    3. shelter
    4. water
  6. The sign of the covenant between God and Israelites at Mt Sinai was; 
    1. fire 
    2. The ten commandments 
    3. the blood from animals
    4. the smoking fire pot
  7. Which one of the following statements is not true about the judges in Israel? 
    1. Samuel was the last judge 
    2. Judges were annointed by kings
    3. Othniel was the first judge 
    4. Deberah was the only female judge
  8. Who among the following kings of Israel brought the covenant box to Jerusalem? 
    1. David
    2. Solomon 
    3. Saul
    4. Jeroboam
  9. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be called; 
    1. the son of the most high 
    2. the giver of life 
    3. a wonderful counsellor 
    4. the king of kings
  10. When the wisemen visited baby Jesus they worshipped him by presenting to him; 
    1. ornaments
    2. silver
    3. clothes
    4. gold
  11. Who among the following people was in the temple when Jesus was being dedicated? 
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Simeon 
    3. Zechariah
    4. Peter
  12. "Man cannot live on bread alone." (Luke 4:4). A lesson christians learn from this response given by Jesus during his temptation is that they should;
    1. not put God to test 
    2. not desire earthly riches 
    3. work for their needs 
    4. use the word of God in their daily lives
  13. Jesus helped the disciples to have a great catch of fish to show that he had power, 
    1. over the weather 
    2. to forgive sins 
    3. to give life 
    4. to change any situation
  14. During the baptism of Jesus, the following events took place. Arrange them in the right order in which they happened;
    1. The spirit of God came down like a dove and alighted on him
    2. The heaven opened 
    3. A voice came down from heaven. 
      1. 111, ii, i
      2. i, ii, iii 
      3. ii, i, ili
      4. ii, i, ii
  15. Which one of the following parables of Jesus shows that prayers should be said in humility? 
    1. The persistent widow and the judge 
    2. The Pharisee and the tax collector 
    3. A friend at midnight
    4. The rich man and Lazarus
  16. After trying Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that: 
    1. he was afraid of the Jews 
    2. he was the rule of the Jews 
    3. he was obedient to the Jewish laws 
    4. he had nothing to do with the caso
  17. Which one of the following happenings took place on the day Jesus died? 
    1. The stone of the tomb was rolled away 
    2. Jesus ascended into heaven 
    3. The curtains hanging in the temple was torn into two 
    4. People spoke in many languages
  18. On the way to Emmaus Cleopas and his friend were talking about: 
    1. the coming of the Holy Spirit 
    2. the death and resurrection of Jesus 
    3. the miraculous deeds of Jesus 
    4. how they would preach at Emmaus
  19. Who approved the death of Stephen after he was stoned? 
    1. Saul
    2. Peter 
    3. Barnabas
    4. John
  20. Which one of the following activities in the early church best shows how the members live in unity? 
    1. Sharing food 
    2. Offering sacrifices 
    3. Singing and dancing 
    4. Baptising each other
  21. A common practice in marriage in both traditional African and christian communities is; 
    1. tatooing the body 
    2. marrying more than one wife 
    3. pouring libations 
    4. blessing the couple
  22. Who among the following in African society was punished by being sent out of the clan? 
    1. Liars
    2. Murderers 
    3. Land grabbers 
    4. Adulterers
  23. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in traditional African communities?
    1. Pregnancy 
    2. Death 
    3. Baptis
    4. Confirmation
  24. In traditional African communities sacrifices are made in order to; 
    1. show one's bravery 
    2. reduce the number of livestock 
    3. appreciate God's gift of life 
    4. prove one's abilities
  25. The main reason why christians pay taxes to the government is to 
    1. enable them get services 
    2. avoid punishment from leaders 
    3. give their wealth to others 
    4. show their social status
  26. Joshua your classmate does not respect the school president's instructions. What should you do as a christian? 
    1. Tell Joshua to transfer to another school 
    2. Remind Joshua that leaders are chosen by God 
    3. Report him to the teacher 
    4. Tell the president to punish him
  27. Which one of the following leisure activities should a christian not do during the day of worship? 
    1. Visiting the sick 
    2. Singing in the church choir 
    3. Gossiping with friends 
    4. Doing voluntary work in the church
  28. When we pray and God does not answer our prayers, what is the best thing to do as a christian? 
    1. Consult a magician 
    2. Use shorter words to pray 
    3. Stop praying 
    4. Continue praying
  29. Vallary has been given a thousand shillings by her uncle. As a christian the best way to spend this money is to; 
    1. organise her birthday party 
    2. buy food for orphans 
    3. go for a retreat 
    4. buy a new dress
  30. Diana is in standard seven and says she wants to stop schooling. How can you advice her? 
    1. Seek advice from the classteacher 
    2. Look for a well paying job 
    3. That you will pray for her 
    4. Give her some money to start a business



  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B
  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B


PART 1: Social Studies

SS map

Study the map of Kwetu area and use it to answer questions 1-7

  1. What is the direc of the church from the P.H.S?
    1. North East .
    2. South East
    3. South West
    4. North West
  2. The approximate area of the beef ranch is
    1. 63km2
    2. 18km2
    3. 35km2
    4. 56km2
  3. Which of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in the Northern part of Kwetu area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Crop far
    3. Ranching
    4. Trading,
  4. Who among the following is incharge of security in Kwetu area?
    1. Governor
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Senator
    4. Member of parliament
  5. People of Tawa town MAINLY belong to which religion?
    1. Christianity 
    2. Pagans
    3. Islamic
    4. Traditionalist
  6. Which one of the following crops can do well in the area where there is paddy field?
    1. Cotton
    2. Tea
    3. Coffee
    4. Wheat
  7. The MAIN factor influencing population distribution in Kwetu area is,
    1. transport
    2. religious factors
    3. relief
    4. job opportunities.
  8. Which of the following groups of people comprises of those who migrated in search for land to cultivate ONLY?
    1. Kamba, Borana, Luo
    2. Abaluhya, Taita, Ameru
    3. Abagusii, Baganda, Iteso
    4. Maasai, Taita, Pokomo
  9. The following are reasons why Africans resisted colonial rule in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    1. Erosion of African culture
    2. Loss of independence
    3. Improvement of infrastructure
    4. Increase in number of landless and squatters.
  10. The time in Rabat 12°W is 8:12am, What is the time in Cairo Egypt 28°E?
    1. 2:40am
    2. 10:52am
    3. 6:32am
    4. 9:52am
  11. Which of the following factors explains why the coast of Namibia is hot and dry?
    1. The existence of cold Benguela current.
    2. It is found below the sea level.
    3. It has been affected by deforestation.
    4. It is caused by the shape of coastline.
  12. Three of the following are ways of managing, slow population growth. Which ONE isnot?
    1. Encouraging immigration.
    2. Providing family planning services.
    3. Increasing food production.
    4. Improving medical services
  13. The following places are associated with the early man. Which one is WRONGLY matched with the country is found in?
    1. Olduvai gorge - Tanzania
    2. Ngoloba - Tanzania
    3. Ismailia - Ehtiopia
    4. Koobi Fora - Kenya
  14. In which of the statements given below is NOT TRUE about civil marriage?
    1. Ite can be conducted at attorney general's office.
    2. The couple gives a three weeks notice before the wedding
    3. A marriage certificate is issued.
    4. It is done according to the culture and customs of the couple.
  15. The following are characteristics of a certain climatic region
    1. Rainfall range between 380mm to 500mm per year.
    2. Temperatures range between 22°C to 27°C
    3. The skies are generally clear.
      The climatic region described above is
      1. Semi-desert climate
      2. Savanna climate
      3. Desert climate
      4. Mediterranean climate
  16. The capital city of Angola is:
    1. Windhoek
    2. Luanda
    3. Gaborone
    4. Lusaka
  17. Three of the following are principles of democracy. Which one is NOT?
    1. Unequal opportunities
    2. Equality before the law
    3. Promotion of justice for all
    4. Power belongs to the people
  18. Which of the following water bodies borders Africa to the North East?
    1. Mediterranean Sea
    2. Atlantic ocean
    3. Red sea
    4. Indian ocean
  19. Which group of people gives below consist of semites ONLY?
    1. Hawa, Falasha, Arabs
    2. Tigreans, Ankara, Arabs
    3. Iraqw, Mbanga, Burunga
    4. Tigreans, Amhara, Pokomo

      Use the map of Africa below to answer
  20. The road marked His called
    1. Trams Africam highway.
    2. Coatonoa Gao Ouija highway.
    3. The Great North rand.
    4. Trans Sakaram bighoway.
  21. Which statementt is TRUE about the region marked M? The
    1. region lics withic the tropics.
    2. region expericaces ot wet summer and cold dry winters,
    3. rainfall in the region is caused by the westerlies winds.
    4. temperatures are high throughout the year.
  22. The country marked Y was colonized by the
    1. Germans
    2. French
    3. Halians
    4. British
  23. The tourist site marked X is
    1. Kruger National Park.
    2. Ancient town of Marakech.
    3. Cairo pyramic's.
    4. Victoria falls
  24. Three of the following are duties conducted by the Independent Electoral and Boudaries Commission, Which one is NOT?
    1. Register and maintain voters register.
    2. Conduct civic education to the voters.
    3. Review the electoral boundaries.
    4. Nominate candidates to take past elections.
  25. Which of the folr wing is NOT a hightamd forest?
    1. Cherangani forest
    2. Mt. Elgon forest.
    3. Arabuko - Sokoke Forest.
    4. Kakamega forest.
  26. In which of the towing National Parks do we have a game sanctuary for White Rhino?
    1. Lake Nakura National park.
    2. Meru Nationat park
    3. Nairobi Nationa park.
    4. Tsavo National park.
  27. The MAIN factor to consider whe starting, a mining industry 
    1. availability of water
    2. availability of raw material
    3. nearness to the market
    4. nearness to means of transport.
  28. The following characteristics fits a certain town in Kenya:
    1. Its growth was influenced by the early traders.
    2. The main town is built on an island,
    3. lt is considered to be a gateway to Eastern Africa.
    4. It is a military centre.
      The town describe above is
      1. Malindi
      2. Kisumu
      3. Mombasa
      4. Dar es salam
  29. Below are factors that favour fishing in Japan. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Availability of loan from government
    2. Improved fishing technology.
    3. Formation of co-operatives that help in marketing.
    4. Availability of many rivers and lakes.
  30. Which river is WRONGLY matched with its source
    1. R. Nyando - Mt- Elgon
    2. R. Turkwel - Mt. Elgon
    3. R. Athi - Ngong hills
    4. R. Ewaso nyiro North - Aberdare
  31. Below are roles of the school in the community. Which one is NOT?
    1. The commmmmity donates land to the school.
    2. The members of the community gets employment in school.
    3. The school help to develop talents in the community.
    4. The school helps in preservation of the community culture
  32. Which of the following was NOT a requirement for one to be assimilated as a french citizen in West Africa?
    1. Be a Christian
    2. Accept the french administration
    3. Readiness to practice french way of life.
    4. Ability to read and write in English.
  33. The following description fits a prominent leader in Africa:
    1. Born in 1918
    2. Was imprisoned at Robbens Island
    3. Became the first democratically elected president in his country.
    4. Died on 2013
      The leader described above is
      1. Kwame ‘Nkrumah
      2. NelsonMandela
      3. Julius Nyerere
      4. Leopold Sedar Senghor
  34. Who is the head of court system in Kenya?
    1. Attomey General
    2. President
    3. Chief Justice
    4. Director of public prosecution
  35. Which of the following factors negatively influence trade in Eastern Africa?
    1. Political instability.
    2. Availability of market
    3. Good transport network.
    4. Production of different types of goods.
      The diagram below shows the map of Ghana. Use it to answer question 36
  36. Which factor influencing climate makes Accra to receive less rainfall than Axim?
    1. Shape of the coast line.
    2. Distance from the sea,
    3. Ocean currents
    4. Latitude
  37. The following are events that happened in Kenya:
    1. Kenya became a republic.
    2. The first legco was established.
    3. Kenya became a British colony.
    4. Kenya was declared a British protectorate.
      Which is the CORRECT order from the earliest?
      1. (iii) (i) (iv) (i)
      2. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
      3. (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
      4. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

        Use the diagram below to answer questions 38 and 39

  38. The feature above was formed through a process called
    1. Horst
    2. Volcanicity
    3. Folding
    4. Faulting,
  39. Among the following mountains which is NOT an example of the feature above?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Atlas mountain
    3. Danakil alps
    4. Usambara
  40. Which of the reasons below DOES NOT explain why Tswana of Botswana practice pastoralism?
    1. Low population density in the country.
    2. High amount rainfall in the region.
    3. Presence of island in most parts of the country.
    4. Poor soil that does not support farming.
  41. The founders of Old Ghana kingdom belongs to ONE of the following language groups. Which one?
    1. Mande speaker
    2. Kwa speaker
    3. Afro-Asiatic
    4. West Atlantic 
  42. Which of the following is a least import in Kenya?
    1. Machinery
    2. Petroleum products
    3. Crude
    4. Fertiliser
  43.  Johannesburg in South Africa has a high population density MAINLY because of 
    1. increased job opportunities to farming activities.
    2. high and reliable rainfall
    3. improved means of transport and communication.
    4. mining activities which created a lot of jobs.
  44. The MAIN reason why Miombo, woodland is sparsely populated is because the
    1. area is affected by floods.
    2. area has poor soils for agriculture,
    3. area is infested by the tsetse flies.
    4. relief of the area do not encourage settlement,
  45. Which of the following institutions controls how the government spends its money?
    1. Executive
    2. Central Bank of Kenya
    3. Parliament
    4. Judiciary
  46. The road sign shown below indicates one of the following. Which one?
    1. No entry
    2. Slippery road ahead
    3. Do not overtake
    4. A bend ahead
  47. Who among the following persons represents the interest of the county in parliament
    1. Governor
    2. Speaker of the National Assembly.
    3. Member of parliament
    4. Senator .
  48. The MAIN reason why we should conserve wildlife is
    1. for future generations
    2. to earn foreign exchange
    3. to encourage human wildlife conflict
    4. to ensure tourists come to Kenya
  49. The following statements indicate population structure of different countries:
    1. Majority of the population is aging.
    2. The majority live in rural areas.
    3. Most people work in the industries.
    4. There is low life expectancy
    5. High death rate
      Which of the combination is common for both Kenya and India?
      1. (i) (ii) (iii)
      2. (ii) (iii) (v)
      3. (ii) (iv) (v)
      4. (iv) (v) only
  50. Among the following officers in the government of the Nyamwezi who was in charge of information?
    1. Mtwale 
    2. Mteko
    3. Minule
    4. Kikoma
  51. The following information describes one of the early visitors:
    1. He owned British India navigation company.
    2. He was from Scotland
    3. His company administered East Africa on behalf of British government.
    4. He was a trader
      The early visitor described above is
      1. Carl Peters
      2. William Mackinnon
      3. Seyyid Said
      4. Henry Morton Stanley
  52. Three of the following, are ways im which citizens demonstrate patriotisa EXCEPT
    1. respecting other peoples property.
    2. participating in National polls.
    3. paying taxes
    4. sharing the secrets of the commtry with foreigners.
  53. Max imported a new car from Japan, What kind of tax will he pay at the post?
    1. Income tax
    2. Sales tax
    3. Cess tax
    4. Customs duty
  54. Which of the following factors is the DIOS important to consider when establishing a poultry farm?
    1. Availability of cheap labour.
    2. Large farm to keep the chickem.
    3. Nearn ess to a large urbam cemtre.
    4. Nearness to a source of power.
  55. The third line of the second stanza off Kenyan National Anthem is
    1. With heart both strong, amd true
    2. Build this our nation together.
    3. The heritage of splendour
    4. Service be our earnest endeavour
  56. Which of the following is the MAIN benefit of both Kariba and Volta river project?
    1. Industrial development.
    2. Inland transport
    3. Control of flooding of rivers.
    4. Irrigation of land
  57. The following characteristics describe a certain mineral. It is
    1. mined using open cast.
    2. mined on the floor of the rift valley
    3. used in making heat insulators
    4. formed from remains of small living things that live in water.
      The mineral described above is mined at
      1. Kienwarer
      2. Kariandesi
      3. Athi River
      4. Magadi
  58. The MAIN reason why the Konza - Magadi railway was constructed is to transport
    1. cows from Kajiado to Mombasa,
    2. soda ash to Mombasa.
    3. Sisal from dry parts of Kajiado.
    4. people to Magadi soda company.
  59. Who among the following persons do NOT attend Cabinet meetings?
    1. Attorney general
    2. Cabinet secretary
    3. Head of civil service
    4. Principal secretary
  60. Which of the following places isthe safest for pedestrians to cross a busy road? At
    1. the traffic lights
    2. a zebra crossing
    3. a round about
    4. a foot bridge

PART 2: Christian Religious Education

  1. Among the, following statements, which one shows that Human beings are special in God's creation? They were
    1. settled in the garden of Eden.
    2. told to multiply and fill the earth,
    3. created in the image and likeness of God,
    4. told to eat fruits from other trees.
  2. The MAIN reason why God chose to use Noah to save his Tamily from the great flood is because Noah:
    1. was righteous before God.
    2. BL was speaking with God face to face.
    3. knew how to build the ark.
    4. was the oldest man and wise.
  3. The following activities shows Abraham's obedience to God. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. A. Accepting to move from his native land to unknown place.
    2. Accepting to sacrifice his son Ishmael
    3. Circumcisingall the mak: in his household.
    4. Accepting to sacrifice his son Isaac.
  4. The following commandments show that God wanted the Isaelites to love him above all things. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy.
    2. You should not worship any other god but me.
    3. Do not use my name for evil purposes.
    4. Do not bear false witness against someone,
  5. What is the MAIN reason why king Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go?
    1. The Egyptians would lose their source of labour.
    2. They had a good relationship with the Israelites,
    3. He did not want them to die in the wilderness.
    4. He was providing them with good foods.
  6. Who among the following led the Israelites to the promised land?
    1. Joshua
    2. Moses
    3. Aaron
    4. Gideon
  7. What is the MAIN reason why God rejected king Saul?
    1. He married many wives who worshipped foreign gods.
    2. He did not obey God’s commands
    3. He tried to kill David.
    4. He was defeated in the battlefield.
  8. Who among the following was NOT a judge in Israel?
    1. Deborah
    2. Gideon
    3. Samuel
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following prophets was there during the anointing of Solomon as a third king of Israel?
    1. Elijah
    2. Nathan
    3. Ahijah
    4. Samuel
  10. "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come a ruler over Israel..." This prophecy was from which prophet?"
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Micah
    4. Isaiah
  11. Jesus was once a refugee in?
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Egypt
    3. Nazareth
    4. Samaria
  12. Who among the following pairs were there during the presentation of Jesus inthe temple?
    1. Simeon and Anna 
    2. Elizabeth and Simeon   
    3. Zachariah and Anna
    4. John and James
  13. What was the MAIN message of Jesus when he taught his disciples the sermon on the mount?
    1. To give them power to preach.
    2. To prepare them for his second coming.
    3. To teach them how to heal the sick.
    4. How to live righteous lives.
  14. What do Christians learn from the encounter between Jesus and the people who brought an adulterous woman?
    1. We should punish the evil doers.
    2. We should not judge others.
    3. We should kill those who commit adultery.
    4. We should forgive others.
  15. "This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, please listen to him”. These words were said during?
    1. Baptism of Jesus 
    2. The transfiguration
    3. The last supper
    4. The crucifixion
  16. “Then he led them out of the city as far as Bethany, where he raised his hands and blessed them”. Which event is described above?
    1. The day of Pentecost
    2. The resurrection of Jesus
    3. The ascension of Jesus
    4. The arrest of Jesus
  17. The following are the parables of Jesus. Which one shows the need to show concern for others?
    1. The parable of the prodigal son.
    2. The parable of the widow and the judge.
    3. The parable of the good samaritan.
    4. The parable of the mustard seed.
  18. Which one of the following reasons explain why Jesus was rejected in his home town of Nazareth?
    1. He referred to himself as the Messiah
    2. He was a son of Joseph arid Mary.
    3. He referred to people as hypocrites.
    4. To fulfil the prophecy of prophet Isaiah.
  19. Which one of the following New Testament books is a prophetic book?
    1. Revelation
    2. Jude
    3. Acts
    4. Titus
  20. Which one of the following statements is NOT found in the Apostles Creed?
    1. Creator of heaven and earth.
    2. Lead us not into temptations.
    3. He will come to judge the living and the dead.
    4. He descended into hell.
  21. Which one of the following is NOT a way through which life of the unborn is protected in the traditional African society?
    1. Ensuring protection of the expectant mother from danger.
    2. Confining expectant mothers to the houses.
    3. Providing a healthy diet for expectant mothers.
    4. Avoiding overworking the expectant mothers.
  22. The following are reasons why Africans give sacrifices and offerings to God. Which one is NOT?
    1. Its a sign of appreciation for Gods gift of life.
    2. To seek God’s reconciliation and express fellowship with Him.
    3. Incase of any epidemic or when people fall sick.
    4. Inorder for God to provide them with a lot of wealth.
  23. Wedding were ceremonies found in both traditional African society and Christianity. Which one was found in both?
    1. Giving marriage certificates.
    2. Cutting the wedding cake.
    3. Praying for the couple.
    4. Making animal sacrifices.
  24. In traditional African communities what is the MAIN reason why ancestors are highly respected? They
    1. are the founders of a clan.
    2. link the living with God.
    3. lead people to worship.
    4. pray for the living
  25. What is the MAIN reason why children were considered very important in African traditional communities?
    1. They would inherit when the parents die.
    2. They ensured continuity of life.
    3. Inorder to take care of their parentsduring old age.
    4. To make the couple happy.
  26. Which one of the following is the BEST way Christian can spend leisure time?
    1. Reading the Bible
    2. Attending fellowships
    3. Visiting the sick
    4. Cleaning the compound
  27. Amina is your best friend. You have just discovered that she is keeping company of drug addicts. As a Christian how BEST can you help her?
    1. Report her to her parents
    2. Avoid her company
    3. Ask her to give you some money inorder not to report her.
    4. Talk to her about the dangers of drug abuse.
  28. Kamau was sent to the shop by his mother. He discovered that the shopkeeper gave him more money as change. As a Christian what should he do?
    1. Take the money to the children orphanage.
    2. Take the money to the church as an offering.
    3. Take the money back to the shopkeeper.
    4. Buy sweets and biscuits for himself and his friends.
  29. Which one of the following is FALSE about the early missionaries in Kenya? The
    1. mainly came to spread Christianity.
    2. colonised Africans.
    3. introduced formal education.
    4. were sent by the church missionary society.
  30. Who among the following was the first missionary in Kenya?
    1. Dr. Livingstone 
    2. Ludwig Krapf
    3. John Rebmann
    4. Michael Wood

Marking Scheme


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B



  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C


Science and Technology

  1. Identify the phase of the moon drawn below
  2. Grade six Science and Technology teacher threw a ball up in the dir. The ball came back and hit the ground hard.
    Which force acted on the ball?
  3. A class set up an experiment like the one shown below.
    What are they investigating?

    The illustration below shows the changes of states of matter.
  4. Name the process marked Z.
  5. Which letter represents evaporation?
  6. Write one example of acids
  7. A child was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Severe diarrhoea that resembled rice water.
    2. Constant vomiting.
    3. dehydration.
      Which disease was the child likely to be suffering from?
  8. What is the use of a printer in computing?
  9. Mwamba was typing a document on Word. On which part of his computer was the document displayed?
  10. How helpful is a cursor during typing?

    Use the flow chart below to answer the following questions.
  11. Which plant is wrongly classified?
  12. Give one example of plants that can replace x

    Use the diagram below to answer questions 13-15.
  13. Give the function of part P
  14. Which letter represents the sternum?
  15. Name the part marked R.


  1. What is soil erosion? . (2 mks)
  2. Name three types of soil erosion? (3 mks)
  3. State three ways of controlling soil erosion? (3 mks) a)
  4. What is a seedbed . (2 mks)
  5. Draw two tools used in preparing a seedbed? (4 mks)


  6. What is the difference between splash and sheet erosion? (4 mks)
  7. Name four types of indigenous foods. (4 mks)
  8. State three uses of domestic animals? (3 mks)


Home Science

  1. Write the procedure used for laundering a white cotton shirt.
  2. What is the use of a pin cushion in stitching?
  3. Write one safety precaution to observe during needlework.

    Kambua saw the following care labels in some clothes she was laundering. State the meaning of each label.

    Write one method of cooking  each of the following foods.
  9. Below is a diagram showing a cooking stick.
    Which material has been used to make the utensil above?
    Use the given words to classify the crops drawn below.
    Cereal Legume Vegetable
  13. Okoyo's fingernails are pale. He also gets very tired after doing simple tasks. Sometimes, he feels dizzy. Which nutritional deficiency disorder is Okoyo likely to be suffering from?
  14. Maimuna asked a health care specialist the cause of kwashiorkor. Which correct answer was Maimuna given?
  15. Write the procedure used for cleaning ,the top of a plastic table.


Physical Health Education

  1. State the steps of performing a bunch start? (2 mks)
  2. What is meaning of commitment in games and sports? (2 mks)
  3. Describe a drop finish technique when in races. (3 mks)
  4. Name two local games that involve racing? (2 mks) 
  5. Name two materials you can use to improvise a ball. (2 mks)
  6. What is a strain? . (1 mk)
  7. Name parts of the body where a strain may occur. (3 mks)
  8. Write three field athletic events. (3 mks) 
  9. State two passes in socccer. (2 mks)

Social Studies


Use the map of Waba area to answer questions1 - 5,

  1. Of which religion are people of Waba area likely to be?
  2. What is the main function of the railway line in Waba area?
  3. By which means of transport are tourists visiting the game reserve in Waba area likely to leave the reserve?
  4. What is the direction of Kanga market from the northern bridge?
  5. Who is the administrative head of Waba area?
  6. Write one condition under which a Kenyan can be allowed to vote.
  7. Write one similarity between the early forms of government in Maasai and Ameru.
  8. How have tourists been important to the economy of our country?
  9. Describe the population distribution illustrated below.
  10. How important is wildlife in our country?
    Write three factors that favour dairy farming in Kenya
  11. _____________________________
  12. _____________________________
  13. _____________________________
  14. After how long does Kenya hold general elections?
  15. How is democracy practised inyour school?
  16. After a dispute between Yuda and Zama, it ended up that Yuda stabbed Zama to death. Which of Zama's right did Yuda mainly violate?
  17. Name the National symbol drawn below.
    Write two ways through which a person can become a Kenyan citizen
  18. _______________________
  19. _______________________
  20. Name one product that results from dairy farming in Kenya.

    Use the map of Kenya below to answer the following questions
  21. Name the feature marked W
  22. What is the economic importance of the feature marked X to our country?
  23. Which is the slowest means of transport?

    Name the following means of communication.
  27. Draw a road sign that means "Roundabout ahead" 

    Identify the following means of transport

Christian Religious Education

  1. Joseph worked for an Egyptian official called?
  2. We should always not trust?
    (strangers, visitors, neighbours)
  3. State one thing that happens when a child is disobedient?
  4. The first people to be created were ________ and ______________
  5. The sign that God showed Noah when He promised him that He will not destroy the world with flood is the (1 mk)
  6. In which occasion did Jesus weep?(1 mk)
  7. The lesson that Christians learn from the miraculous catch of fish is that they should be

Match the followin verses from the sermon on the mountain. (3 mks)

Happy are those who mourn   They will see God
9 Happy are the pure in heart God will call them His Children 
10 Happy are the peace makers God will comfort them 


  1. Zacchaeus was a ____________
  2. Who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams?
  3. Who was the nephew to Abraham?
  4. When angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was how many months expectant of John?____________________ . (1 mk)
  5. Jesus performed his first miracle in . (1 mk)

Islamic Religious Education

  1. What does Allah's attribute Al- Aalim mean?
  2. Write one positive way of using a smartphone.
  3. Write one miracle performed by prophet Issah.
  4. When is Taraweh performed?
  5. state one nullifier of swalah
  6. State the role of angels Munkar and Nakir
  7. In which city did the unity between the Muhajirun and the Ansa take place?
  8. Which of the daily five swalahs falls between Fajr and Asr?
  9. According to prophet' hadith who should seek knowledge?
  10. How many angels are mentioned in the Q'uran?
  11. What does sabr mean?
  12. Why are muslims discouraged from begging?
  13. Write one unislamic activity that might take place during a wedding
  14. What is the importance of performing Qabliyah and Ba'diyah prayers?
  15. Why should muslims emulate angels in their daily activities?


  1. State three importance of songs? (3 mks)
  2. Angela was seen singing the song with a gloomy face. What was the mood of the song? . (2 mks)
  3. State four types of songs? (3 mks)
  4. Name three digital devices that can be used to record when performing a song? (3 mks)
  5. Trio is a word used in performance. What is its meaning? (2mks)
  6. Name three events when folk songs are performed? (3 mks)
  7. Write the french rythm for the following notes. (4 mks)
    1. Semibreve
    2. Minim
    3. Crotchet
    4. Quavet
  8. Write four elements of music. (4 mks)

Art & Craft

  1. Moho is the best painter in both Grade six East and West. Which job opportunity is he likely to get after school in relation to his ability in Art?
    Name the following types of
  4. Re-construct the letters below in the space provided.
  5. Proportionally, draw a human hand.

  6.  Name one product of claywork.
  7. Create a tonal value on the strip below.
  8. Draw and colour an item that can be made using sisal fibres

  9. We use ________________ to stick cutouts on surfaces during cutting and pasting technique
  10. How do we obtain tertiary colours?

    Write a pair of colours that will produce the given secondary colours when mixed.
  11. Orange:
  12. Green:
  13. Purple:
    Name two items you nay need for carving.
  14. ____________________________________
  15. ____________________________________

Marking Scheme

Science and Technology

  1. New moon
  2. Gravity
  3. Convection in liquids
  4. Condensation
  5. X
  6. mark any correct answer eg, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid etc
  7. Cholera
  8. Producing hard copies
  9. Monitor
  10. Guide the typist
  11. Fern
  12. Student to give an non-flowering plants eg ferns, mosses and liverworts
  13. Protects the brain
  14. Q
  15. Hip bone 


  1. Soil erosion removal of top layer of soil from one part to the other.
    1. Splash
    2. sheet erosion
    3. rill
    4. gulley erosion
    1. Maintain a healthy perennial plan, cover
    2. Mulching
    3. Planting a  cover crop
    4. Placing crushed stone, wood chips and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.
  4. Seedbed or seedling bed is local soil environment in which seeds are planted.
  5. _______
    1. Pig weeds
    2. black night shade
    3. indigenous cereals such as millet and sorghum
    4. indigenous root crops such as yams and cassava.
    1. Gives us food such as milk, meat eggs
    2. home protection
    3. helps in doing chores such as ploughing

Home Science

  1. Leaner to write
  2. For keeping pins
  3. Leaner to write
  4. Do not iron
  5. Do not use warm water beyond the shown temeparture
  6. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  7. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  8. student should write appropriate method of preparing the food
  9. Wood
  10. vegetable
  11. legume
  12. cereal
  13. anaemia
  14. lack of proteins
  15. learner to write.

Physical Education

  1. "On your marks"
    "Set" - Heel presses forward
  2. a desire/ willingness/ resolve to continue in participation of a sport/ activity.
  3. Athlete bends both arms backwards and tries to touch on the tape on the finishing line with the chest, when the finishing line is just one step ahead.
  4. Many an apporprriate games eg hide and sek, tag, etc
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Papers
    3. Pieces of cloth
  6. To injure, overuse, misuse or exert excessive pressure.
  7. Legs, Knees, feet and back
    1. Long jump
    2. Discuss
    3. Javeline
    1. Push pass
    2. Wall pass
    3. Outside the foot pass

Social Studies

  1. Christians
  2. Transporting coffee berries to the factory
  3. air
  4. Southwest
  5. Governor
  6. Being over 18 years of age
    Being a registered voter
  7. Both had divine rulers- (laibon for the maasai and mugwe for the am,eru) who also acted as religious leaders.
  8. Ensuring flow of foreign exchange
  9. Nucleated
  10. It boosts our economy
  11. High rainfall, therefore there is food for cattle in highland areas.
  12. Low temperatures, good for survival of exotic breeds
  13. Fertile soils- for planting grass and other feeds
  14. 5 years
  15. Learner to state
  16. Right to life
  17. Court of arms
  18. Learner to write
  19. Learner to write
  20. Learner to name - milk
  21. L. Turkana
  22. Fishing
  23. Water
  24. Newspaper
  25. Television
  26. Radio
  27. Learner to draw
  28. Aeroplane
  29. Ship
  30. Bus

Christian religious Education

  1. Potiphar
  2. Strangers
  3. be punished, parents become unhappy
  4. Adam and Eve
  5. rainbow
  6. when Lazarus died
  7. Obedient
  8. Happy are those who mourn God will comfort them
  9. Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God
  10. Happy are the peace makers. God will call them His children
  11. Tax collector
  12. Joseph
  13. Lot
  14. 6
  15. Cana

Islamic Religious Education

  1. all - knowing
  2. mark appropriate answer
  3. mark appropriate answer
  4. After Isha during Saum
  5. mark appropriate answer
  6. questioning the dead
  7. Madina
  8. Dhuhr
  9. Everyone
  10. 25
  11. patience
  12. it encourages laziness
  13. mark appropriate answer
  14. To get rewards from Allah
  15. To live sacred lives


  1. It makes one creative
    It makes learning more enjoyable
    It plays with emotions
    It helps to develop linguistic skills of children
    Develops listening skills
    induces movement in children
  2. Sad mood
  3. Patriotic, topical, sacred, western
  4. phone, tablet, camera

Art & Craft

  1. Learner to state.
  2. Glove puppet.
  3. String puppet
  4. Learner to reconstruct
  5. Learner to draw
  6. Learner to name
  7. Learner to create
  8. Learner to draw an colour
  9. Glue
  10. By mixing secondary and primary colours
  11. Red, yellow
  12. Blue, yellow
  13. red, blue
  14. Learner to name
  15. Learner to name


Use the map below to answer questions 1 - 5.

  1. The source of the river is_______
  2. How many tributries does the river have?
  3. Which food crop is grown in Kali area?
  4. The people of Kali area are_______
  5. There are schools in Kali area.
  6. What are resources?
  7. Maasai live in a special house known as_______
  8. _____is buying and selling of goods and services.
  9. Give two examples of resources.
  10. Name the main compass directions.
  11. ______is people's way of life.
  12. Write your school motto.
  13. Name two economic activities.
  14. Give examples of community leaders.
  15. How do you conserve the resources in your county?
  16. Name two materials used in pottery.


  1. _______created us in His image and likeness.
  2. _______was thrown in the den of lions.
  3. I am a child of_______
  4. I show God_______ when I bow when praying. (face, respect)
  5. The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is called the_______(Jesus' prayer, Lord's player)
  6. The following groups show members of a family.
    • Group A  
    • Group B
    • Group C
      The group that shows member3 of an extended family is group
  7. When someone does good to you you say_______
  8. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us that we should be_______ (clean, honest)
  9. _______walked on water and did not sink. (Peter, John)
  10. An activity that children do in the church to show respect for church as the house of God is (reciting verses of the Bible, playing games)
  11. Name one of the twelve disciples of Jesus
  12. The three Hebrew men were saved from fire by the_______ (angel, king)
  13. In Philippians 4:4 we learn that we should_______ in the Lord always.
  14. We should make_______ choices at all times.
  15. Which one of the following is not a good feeling? (happiness, love, anger)

Match the pillars of Islam

  1. Zakat   Prayers
  2. Saum   Kalima
  3. Hajj   Fastings
  4. Shahada    Pilgrimage
  5. Salah    Alms
  6. Muslims pray_______ times a day.
  7. Muslims face _______while praying.

Write THREE manners to be observed before eating 



  1. forest
  2. 2
  3. maize
  4. Christians
  5. Things we use to get money 
  6. manyatta 
  7. Trade
  8. land
  9. mineral
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  11. Culture
    1. Farming
    2. Trading
  13. M.C.A
  14. M.P
  15. a/b any correct


  1. God 
  2. Daniel 
  3. God 
  4. respect 
  5. Lord's prayer
  6. Thank you 
  7. honest 
  8. Peter
  9. reading verses of the Bible 
  10. any correct answer 
  11. angel
  12. rejoice
  13. God
  14. anger


kava area map
Answer the questions

  1. The forest is to the ...................................................................... of the hospital.
  2. Kaka Market is to the ......................................................................of the church.
  3. Which direction is Pevo Market? ......................................................................
  4. Which direction does River Bulima flow from? ......................................................................
  5. Scrub vegetation is to the ...................................................................... of the map.

koko area map sasad

Answer the questions below

  1. The church is to the ...................................................................... of the coffee farm.
  2. Which crops are being grown in Koko area?
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  3. The Health Centre is to the ...................................................................... of the police station.
  4. The mineral mined at Koko area is ......................................................................
  5. Give the directions of the area where the forests are located.
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................


  1. Draw a compass showing the cardinal points








  2. West is to the......................................................................of North.
  3. ......................................................................is opposite South East.
  4. Compass points help us to tell the ......................................................................of the place.
  5. A drawing that shows a part of the land and the things on it is called a ......................................................................
  6. If you are standing facing East, what direction will it be to your right-hand side? ......................................................................
  7. Write down the name of your county. ......................................................................
  8. Look at the map of PATE COUNTY below.
    8 aygda
    1. How many sub-counties make Pate County? ......................................................................
    2. Which sub - county is found North of Kisa county ......................................................................
  9. A county that shares a boundary with another county is its ......................................................................
  10. Kenya is made up of ...................................................................... counties.
  11. Identify the physical features described below:-
    1. A large low-lying area of almost flat land ......................................................................
    2. A large body of water that is salty ......................................................................
  12. From the balloon below circle the lakes that you know;
    12 aiuhdad
  13. Give three importance's of plains
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  14. Look at the diagram
    14 aigdiada
    Give two importance's of this feature
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  15. Fill the table
    Activities that can be done during the dry season  Activities that can be done during the wet season 
  16. Look at the picture alongside
    16 a uytduayda
    1. What is the man doing ......................................................................
    2. Which season is it? ......................................................................
  17. Draw a picture to show a rainy season








  18. Which season do we experience no rain for a long time? ......................................................................
  19. Which season is experienced between March and May? ......................................................................


  1. Fort Jesus was built by the ......................................................................
  2. Give three examples of historic built environments
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  3. A person who is in charge of the objects in a museum is called a ......................................................................
  4. Give two importance's of the historic built environments in the county
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  5. Give two ways of taking care of historic built environments
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  6. A building where works of art, culture and other important items are kept and shown to the public is called a ......................................................................


  1. Being dependent on each other for different things is called ......................................................................
  2. Why do people need these people?
    1. Teachers ......................................................................
    2. Police ......................................................................
  3. Give three importance's of interdependence
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  4. When we help each Other in the community there is peace and ...................................................................... (hate, love)
  5. Interdependence leads to ...................................................................... in the county (poverty, development)

Population distribution in the county

  1. What is population distribution? ......................................................................
  2. Areas where houses are built very close together are said to be...................................................................... populated
  3. When people live far from each other the area is said to ......................................................................populated.

Write true or false

  1. Very steep areas attract many people ......................................................................
  2. Airports and game parks do not have people living there ......................................................................
  3. A ...................................................................... shows the features in a map.
  4. The dots below show population distribution. Describe the population
    1. 12 a auyyuagda
    2. 12 b aiudiuada
  5. Describe the patterns of population
    1. 13 a ayygdaygdad
    2. 13 b agdyuagda
    3. 13 c aygdyuada


  1. What is culture? ......................................................................
  2. ......................................................................are things that are made by people and have been kept well for cultural and historical reasons.
  3. Name the following traditional foods
    3 UYGTSUYs
  4. In the past, clothes were made from ...................................................................... , ...................................................................... anda ......................................................................
  5. The type of clothes worn depended on the ......................................................................
  6. In the past, who wore special clothes
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  7. Name the ornaments below
    7 uyaguygdada
  8. Below is a picture of a traditional hut. What is it made of?
    8 auygduyagda
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  9. The Maasai house is called a ......................................................................
  10. Name these artefacts
    10 auygaygduyagd
  11. Name two traditional games
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
  12. A ...................................................................... is a celebration that was held after something special had happened.
  13. Which one is a sad ceremony? Shade the box
    harvesting   wedding   circumcision   burial 

The School

  1. "Hard work pays" This is an example of a ......................................................................
  2. State three core values in a school
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  3. ......................................................................is a set of activities that have been planned to take place every day in the school.
  4. Look at the table . What is most likely to happen in a school at the times shown?
    a)  9:30 am - 9:50 am                                                                                  
    b) 11:30am - 12:40pm  
    c) 3:10pm - 4:10pm  
  5. List two areas where a school motto is written
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................

Resources in the County.

  1. Rearrange these letters to form resources in the county
    1. aewtr ......................................................................
    2. islo ......................................................................
    3. nilmsaa ......................................................................
    4. isarienm: ......................................................................
    5. tresof ......................................................................
  2. What are resources? ......................................................................
  3. Give three examples of soils in the county
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  4. How can we protect resources in the county?
    1. ......................................................................
    2. ......................................................................
    3. ......................................................................
  5. ......................................................................is a material that is found in the ground and is of great value. 

Economic activities in the county

  1. Read the statements and give the name of the economic activity.
    1. The buying and selling of goods and services ......................................................................
    2. The harvesting offish from water ......................................................................
    3. An activity where raw materials are turned into useful products is ......................................................................
    4. The practice of travelling from one's home area to other places to see interesting things. ......................................................................
  2. Give Examples of
    1. Traditional industries ............................................................................................................................................
    2. Modern industries ............................................................................................................................................
  3. What are economic activities? ................................................................................
  4. Name two tourist attraction sites
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  5. Below are ways of communication. Name them
    10 auygdyuagda

Trade in the county

  1. Name two methods of trade
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  2. List two importance's of trade
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  3. Give two ways of doing trade the right way.
    1. ................................................................................
    2. ................................................................................
  4. Do you pay any fees to the county government to trade in the county? ................................................................................
  5. Which one of the following is used in barter trade?
    5 iuhdiahda5 b ayugduyag 

Industries in the county

  1. ................................................................................is something that is used to make a product
  2. Through industries people are able toget the g_ _ds that they need.
  3. Complete this table
    Items made in traditional industries Items made in modern industries 
  4. Industries provide j_bs for the people.
  5. The county government earns m_ _ _y  from industries.


  1. What is a project? ...............................................................................
  2. A big project that requires people to work together to make it successful is ...............................................................................
  3. The person who gives orders when doing a project is known as a ...............................................................................leader
  4. We should use the money we get from our project wisely................................................................................(True, False)
  5. Give three rules for a project
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
    3. ...............................................................................

Name the communing leaders

  1. They teach people about good values in the society ...............................................................................
  2. They lead people in cultural events in the community ...............................................................................
  3. What are the qualities of a good leader? ...............................................................................
  4. Write in the basket the qualities of a bad leader
    4 adyugada


  1. A citizen is ...............................................................................
  2. John saw his classmate quarrelling with a friend. What should he do? ...............................................................................
  3. A good citizen in school hides textbooks of other learners................................................................................(true, false)
  4. How can children protect themselves from abuse?
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
  5. List three rights of children 
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
    3. ...............................................................................


  1. What promotes peace in school?
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ...............................................................................
  2. Which peace projects can we carryout in school? 
    1. ...............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  3. What is peace? ..............................................................................
  4. Colour the balloons that show factors that promote peace in school
    9 iaiduagdga
  5. We should............................................................................... the school rules to keep peace in school (obey, break)


  1. A situation whereby we are allowed to take part in making decision on issued that affect us is called ..............................................................................
  2. What is the importance of democracy in school?
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
  3. Write down ways democracy is practised in your school.
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  4. There is democracy when teachers choose our class leaders for us. ..............................................................................(TRUE, FALSE)
  5. When there is democracy in school, there is ..............................................................................(peace,war)

Which member of the children's government would be responsible for the following:-

  1. Getting balls for the school sports day...............................................................................
  2. Being in charge when the captain is sick...............................................................................
  3. Breakage of the sewer pipe...............................................................................
  4. Putting the teacher's book in the locker...............................................................................
  5. Ensuring learners with special needs are given space for reaching at the library...............................................................................


  1.  Each county is headed by a .............................................................................. who is assisted by a ..............................................................................
  2. The County Government is divided in  .............................................................................. and ..............................................................................
  3. List the members of the County Assembly
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
    4. ..............................................................................
  4. Give two duties of a County governor
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
  5. Where does the County Government get money from?
    1. ..............................................................................
    2. ..............................................................................
    3. ..............................................................................
  6. Give the meaning of these fees
    1. Cess:..............................................................................
    2. Business permit:..............................................................................
  7. A County speaker is a member of the County Executive...............................................................................(true , false)


Kava Area

  1. East
  2. South West
  3. South East
  4. North East
  5. South West

Koko Area

  1. South West
    1. Coffee
    2. Rice
  3. North
  4. Murram
    1. North
    2. North West


  1. Compass
  2. East
  3. North West
  4. Direction
  5. Map
  6. South
  7. Any of the 41 counties
    1. Five
    2. Panda Sub-county
  9. Neighbour
  10. 47
    1. Plain 
    2. Ocean
  12. Turkana, Nakuru, Magadi, Baringo
    1. Are used for settlement 
    2. Can be used for agriculture
    3. Can be used to set up airports and airstrips
    4. They are also good for game parks 
    1. Tourist attraction site
    2. Communication equipment can be put there
    3. Activities done during the dry season
    1. Activities done during the dry season
      1. Fishing
      2. Harvesting crops 
      3. Collecting sand 
      4. Digging
    2. Activities done during the wet season .
      1. Planting crops
      2. Wedding
      3. Planting trees
    1. Digging
    2. Dry season
    17 auyduyagd
  18. Dry season 
  19. Wet season


  1. Portuguese
    1. Museum
    2. Monument
    3. Cultural centre
  3. Curator
    1. Helps us to learn the history and culture of our people
    2. Helps us to understand our culture
    3. Provides employment
    1. Providing security
    2. Cleaning the items
    3. Repairing broken areas
  6. Museum

People and population

  1. Interdependence
    1. To be taught skills and get knowledgeable
    2. To ensure there is law and order
    1. it brings about development
    2. The environment is taken care of
    3. Work is done faster
    4. It promotes love and unity
    5. People are able to get things that they need
  4. Love
  5. Development

Population distribution

  1. The way people are spread out over a given area of land.
  2. Densely
  3. Sparsely
  4. False
  5. True
  6. Key
    1. Dense Population
    2. Evenly distributed population
    1. Sparse settlement
    2. clustered settlement
    3. Linear settlement


  1. The customs, beliefs, way of life of a people 
  2. Artefacts
    1. pumpkin
    2. Sweet potatoes
    3. fish
    4. Cassava
  4. Trees barks, leaves, animal skins
  5. Climate of a place 
    1. Leaders
    2. Medicine men
    3. People when getting married 
    1. Necklace
    2. Earrings
    3. rings
    4. Anklet
    1. Grass
    2. Cow dung
    3. Mud 
    4. Ash 
    5. Palm leaves
    6. Sticks
  9. Manyatta 
    1. Shield
    2. Horn
    3. Sculpture
    4. Calabash 
    1. Ajua, bull fighting, wrestling, donkey racing spear throwing boat racing 
  12. Festival 
  13. Burial

The School

  1. School motto
    1. Respect
    2. Unit
    3. Honesty
    4. Responsibility
    5. Patriotism
    6. Love
  3. School routine
    1. First break or short break
    2. Lesson 5 & 6
    3. Games and other activities
    1. School gate
    2. School bus
    3. School badge
    4. School signpost


    1. Water
    2. Soil
    3. Animals
    4. Minerals
    5. forest
  2. Things found in nature that we use to create wealth
    1. Clay soil
    2. Loam soil
    3. Volcanic soil
    4. Sandy soil
    1. Plant new trees
    2. Protect animals from poachers
    3. Keep our water sources clean
    4. Use our minerals wisely
    5. Planting cover crops
    6. Adding manure
  5. A mineral

Economic activities 

    1. Trading
    2. Fishing 
    3. industry
    4. Tourism
    1. Weaving. basketry, carving 
    2. Making soap, making detergents, making cars, etc
  3. Things that we do in order to make money 
  4. National parks, game reserves, museum, monuments, prehistoric sites, beaches, etc 
    1. Newspaper
    2. Mobile phone
    3. Sending letters
    4. Radio

Trade in the county

    1. currency trade
    2. Barter trade
    1. People are able to get goods and services
    2. The government is able to collect taxes 
    1. Having a trading licence
    2. Doing honest trade
    3. Selling high quality goods
    4. Not asking for too much money
  4. Yes
  5. Goat

Industries in the county

  1. A raw material
  2. Roods
  3. Traditional utdustries
    1. Pots
    2. Sculptures
    3. Baskets 
    4. Shoes
    5. Ornaments
      Modern industries
      • Drennes        Bread .
      • Cars              Books
      • Hats              Sugar
  4. Jobs 
  5. Money


  1. It is planned and organized work to produce a new thing 
  2. An enterprise 
  3. Project 
  4. True
    1. Keep safe
    2. Observe the end date
    3. keep the working area clean
    4. Protect leader to guide everybody
    5. Prices set should be fair
    6. All members must work 
    7. Everyone should be respectful

Political systems
Community leaders

  1. Religious leaders
  2. Cultural leaders
  3. Kind, caring, generous, brave, honest, humble, wise, etc
  4. Dishoncst, selfish, greedy, jealous, cunning, liar


  1. A person who belongs to a particular country
  2. Ask them to forgive each other
  3. False
    1. Avoid using lonely
    2. Stay in touch with family
    3. Identify a trustworthy person to talk to
    4. Keep important telephone numbers
    1. Right to play
    2. Right to education
    3. Right to security 
    4. Right to clean environment


    1. Respecting everyone
    2. Holding peace meetings
    3. Following school rules
    4. Help each other in chores
    5. Sharing things
    6. Learners choose their leaders 
    1. Establish a peace garden
    2. Make book marks with peace messages
    3. Establish a peace education club
  3. Considerate, love, respect
  4. Obey


  1. Democracy
    1. Learners are able to make decisions on things that affect them
    2. Learners are able to .. express themselves without fear
    3. Prepare learners for further leadership roles
    1. when Choosing school leaders
    2. When choosing leaders of a club
    3. Making class rules 
  4. False
  5. Peace

The Children's Government In School.

  1. Secretary for sports end games
  2. Deputy Captain
  3. Secretary for health & sanitation
  4. secretary for education 
  5. Secretary for children welfare and special needs

The County Government

  1. Governor, Deputy Governor 
  2. County Executive, County Assembly
    1. Speaker
    2. Elected MCAS 
    3. Nominated members 
    4. Members representing special groups 
    1. Appointed members of the County Assembly
    2. Ensure peace and order in the county
    1. Market charges
    2. Land rates
    3. Business permit
    4. Parking fees
    5. Cess .
    1. A tax charge on goods transported into our within the county 
    2. A document that shows that one has been allowed to do business in the county.
  7. False
Tagged under


jumbo areea iuhada

Study the map and answer the questions

  1. What is the direction of the school from the church?.........................................
  2. The students learn in a school called? .........................................
  3. The people in Jumbo area worship in a .........................................
  4. Name two economic activities carried out in Jumbo area
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
  5. What is a compass direction? .........................................
  6. Draw a compass and name it (4mks)
    draw rectangle
  7. Name the physical features
    7 huyhfuyshfs
  8. We plant crops during ......................................... season
  9. Name three animals kept at home
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  10. Name the weather symbols
    10 sihdihad
    .........................................      .........................................
  11. Our country has : ......................................... counties

C.R. E

  1. Name two activities that you like doing
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
  2. .........................................created everything in six days.
  3. "You created every part of me.
    You put me together in my mother's womb." This verse. is from the book of .........................................
  4. Write three bad thought and feelings.
    1.  .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  5. Draw God's creation
    draw rectangle
  6. Write three good choices
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................
    3. .........................................
  7. Jesus had .........................................disciples.
  8. The wife of Abraham was called? .........................................
  9. Name two members of nuclear family 
    1. .........................................
    2. .........................................


  1. Who created everything on earth .........................................
  2. Allah is malik, this mean Allah will be ......................................... on the day of judgement.
  3. We ask for our help from .........................................
  4. Surah Al-fatiha has ......................................... verses.
  5. The meaning of the word Al fatiha is .........................................
  6. When is surah Al-fatiha recited .........................................
  7. We seek refuge with the ......................................... mankind. (2mks)
  8. Draw Allah's creation
    1. draw rectangle
    2. draw rectangle
    3. draw rectangle



    1. church
    2. Sunday
    3. Baraka Primary 
    4. SW
    5. farming, fishing
  2. North
  3. President
  4. Governor
    1. Fibres
    2. mud 
    1. hill
    2. valley
    3. river
  7. East, West
  8. calm
    1. cow (any)
    2. dog
    1. rainy
    2. windy 
  11. sun


    1. love
    2. responsibility
    3. generous
  3. Easter
  4. Eden
    1. Nuclear
    2. Extended
  6. 12
  7. Goliath
  8. 2
  9. God
    1. washing utensils
    2. looking after young children
    1. fighting
    2. stealing
    3. killing 
  13. Moses 
  14. Jesus


Social Studies

kimbo area

Use the map of Kimbo Area to answer questions 1 - 4.

  1. What is the climate of the North Eastern region of Kimbo Area? (1 mark)
  2. Who is the head of Kimbo Area? (1 mark)
  3. What is the religion of the people in Kimbo Area? (1 mark)
  4. River Enda flows towards which direction? (1 mark)
  5. List any 2 elements for a map. (2 marks)
  6. A compass has how many cardinal points? (1 mark)

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 7 - 10:

map kenya

  1. The country that boarders Kenya marked K is (1 mark)
  2. The lake marked M is called (1 mark)
  3. The mountain marked L is known as (1 mark)
  4. The lake marked N is known as  (1 mark)
  5. What is weather? (1 mark)
  6. What is climate? (1 mark)
  7. List any 4 historic built environments in Kenya. (4 marks)
  8. List any 3 methods of instruction used in traditional education in promoting values. (3 marks)
  9. List any 2 administrative leaders in a school.(2 marks)
  10. Outline any 4 duties of administrative leaders in school. (4 marks)
  11. List 4 language groups in Kenya. (4 marks)

Assessment Rubrics - Social Studies 

Level  1
Score 28-30  19-27 10-18 0-9


  1. Outline 3 lessons that we can learn from the parable of the talents. (3 marks)
  2. Identify any 3 responsibilities given to human beings by God. (3 marks)
  3. Give 4 causes of child labour. (4 marks)
  4. Give 4 lessons learnt from the fall of human beings in the garden of Eden. (4 marks)
  5. List the 3 members of a nuclear family. (3 marks)
  6. State 2 uses of the Bible. (2 marks)
  7. List down the first 5 books of the New Testament of the Bible. (5 marks)
  8. Give two good qualities learnt from the story of Peter and John at the temple. (2 marks)
  9. Name the three sons of Noah. (3 marks)
  10. Prophet Elijah held a contest with the false prophets of Baal at Mount (1 mark)

Assessment Rubrics - CRE

Level  1
Score 28-30  19-27 10-18 0-9



  1. Cool and wet
  2. Governor
  3. Christianity
  4. South West
  5. Frame, title, key, compass
  6. 4
  7. Somalia
  8. Turkana
  9. Kenya
  10. Victoria
  11. Daily changes in the atmosphere
  12. Average changes in the atmosphere over a long period of time 
  13. Museum, monuments 
  14. Proverbs, stories, riddles 
  15. Headteacher, prefect, deputy headteacher
  16. -Ensuring the school is clean
    -Ensuring the school is safe
    -Ensuring learners are following set rules
    -Punishing learners who break laws
  17. Nilotes, Cushites, Bantus, Semites


  1. -We should use our abilities well
    -We should be honest
    -We should be hardworking
  2. -Taking care of God's creation
    -Giving birth
    -oberying God's commandments
  3. -Poverty
    -Lack of parental care
    - Death of parents
    - Peer influence
  4. -We should be obedient
    - We should follow God's commands
    - We should tell the truth always
    -Sin separates us from God
  5. Mother, father, children
  6. -Reading to learn God's word
    - Reading in school when learning C.R.E
  7. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
  8. Faith, courage
  9. Shem, Ham, Japheth
  10. Carmel


  1. Draw and Name four cardinal points of a compass (4marks)
  2. Name five main elements of a map (5 marks)
  3. Name two example of a museum in Kenya ( 2marks)
  4. Why is a museum important to people (1 marks)
  5. Give 3 examples of Proverbs from your community (3 marks)
  6.  Give two examples of Riddles from your community (2 marks) 
  7. Who are the three leaders in a school administration (3 marks) 
  8. 2 Examples of skills that were put on the African way of education (2 marks)
  9. What are the two duties of a deputy head teacher in a school (2marks) 
  10. Give five examples of relief features (5 marks)
  11. Draw and design a method of instruction used in African traditional education (4 marks)
  12. What are the two things you should do to support leaders in your school (2marks) 
  13. What are the three importance of prefects in a school (3marks)
  14.  Give three examples of Valleys in Kenya (3 marks)
  15. What is a monument (2marks)
  16.  What are the 5 examples of language groups in Kenya (5 marks)
  17. Name two mountains found in Kenya (2marks)
  18. Name two plains found in Kenya (2marks)
  19. What is weather ___________________________________________(2marks) 
  20. Answer the following questions according to the instructions given (3marks)
    1. What is the size of Kenya in square kilometers ________________________
    2. How many countries share a border with Kenya __________________
    3. What is the name of your county_______________________________________
  21. Give three examples of the neighbors of your County (3marks)
Exceeding Expectation Meeting Expectation  Approaching Expectation  Below Expectation 
 50 - 60  40 - 49  20 - 39  0 - 19
Tagged under


Study the map of Kamaki's area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7
kamakis area

  1. What is the direction of the ternary factory from the school?
    1. North East 
    2. South
    3. North West
    4. West
  2. The climate in South West part of Kamaki arcais LIKELY to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. cool and hot
    4. desert
  3. Which one of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in Kamakis area?
    1. Cattle keeping
    2. Trading
    3. Mining
    4. Fishing
  4. River Samo flows to the
    1. North
    2. North East
    3. South
    4. South East
  5. The feature formed by River Samo at Kabera dam is
    1. enstuary 
    2. delta
    3. confluence
    4. mouth
  6. The MAIN cash crop grown in Kamaki area is
    1. tea 
    2. coffee
    3. sisal
    4. maize
  7. The development of Kamakis was due to presence of
    1. tarmac road
    2. church
    3. road junction
    4. trading
  8. A group of people with the same forefather is known as
    1. clan 
    2. community
    3. agegroup
    4. ageset
  9. Which one of the following country is land-locked?
    1. Somalia 
    2. Kenya 
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Tanzania
  10. The head of Judiciary is
    1. President of High Court.
    2. Chief justice
    3. President.
    4. Speaker
  11. Rotation of the earth on its own axis causes
    1. seasons 
    2. revolution 
    3. climate
    4. day and night
  12. Use the diagram to answer the following
    12 aiyyghdad
    The type of rainfall drawn above is
    1. Convectional
    2. Topographical
    3. Relief
    4. Sea side rainfall
  13. The side of mountain marked B is and activity done is
    1. sloping side, farming
    2. windward side, beef farming
    3. leeward side, beef farming
    4. rain shadow, lumbering
  14. The type of rainfall is MOSTLY experienced in
    1. L. Victoria
    2. Coastal area
    3. Kiambu
    4. Malindi
  15. The area in Ethiopia that has the LOWEST altitude is 
    1. Kalla
    2. Harar
    3. Dallol
    4. Dashan
  16. Which one of the following is NOT a Rift Valley lake?
    1. L. Eyasi
    2. L. Chala
    3. L.. Chamo
    4. L.Shala
  17. The cconomic acitivites carried out in part labelled B is
    17 augduyagdyua 
    1. pastoralism 
    2. lumbering 
    3. farming
    4. bee keeping
  18. Which one of the following is NOT the MAIN reason for migration of Bantu?
    1. To look for fertile lands.
    2. Population pressure.
    3. Search for pasture.
    4. Attack by neighbours.
  19. Which of the fish is NOT caught in Indian Ocean?
    1. Trout
    2. Shellfish
    3. Parrot fish
    4. Mullet
  20. African socialism MAINLY emphasized on
    1. public opinion.
    2. to live together in harmony.
    3. democracy on voting.
    4. people getting better payments.
  21. The following are conditions necessary for growth of a certain crop
    1. Grow well in deep. fertile well-druined soil. 
    2. Require high and reliable rainfall.
    3. Average temperature of 20º - 25ºC.
    4. Ruiru ll is a drought resistance.
    5. Mainly grown in large scale in Kiambu.
      The type of crop described above MAINLY 
      1. grown for export.
      2. grown as Staple food.
      3. used as beverage.
      4. does well in hot-dry place.
  22. The headquater for East African Community is found in
    1. Arusha
    2. Nairobi 
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
  23. Who among the traditional leaders in Africa resisted the colonialist?
    1. Waiyaki wa Hinga
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Kabaka Mulesal
    4. Koitalel Arap Samoei
  24. Which weather instrument measures two aspects?
    1. Windsock
    2. Windvane 
    3. Barometer
    4. Sunshine recorder
  25. Keeping of animal and cultivation of crop is called
    1. Floriculture
    2. Agriculture
    3. Aqual culture
    4. Non of the above
  26. The following are values developed in school EXCEPT
    1. co-operation
    2. teamwork
    3. intolerance
    4. inquisitive
  27. The following mountain were formed through volcanicity EXCEPT 
    1. Mt.Pare
    2. Mt.Kenya
    3. Mt.Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt.Elgon
  28. The diagram below shows a fishing method. The method of fishing drawn above is
    28 ahduiahda
    1. Purse-seining
    2. Net drifting
    3. Trawling
    4. Long-lining
  29. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere led Tanganyika to independence in the year
    1. 1929
    2. 1961
    3. 1960
    4. 1999
  30. The MAIN staple food in Uganda is
    1. sugarcane
    2. maize
    3. banana
    4. coffee
  31. Executive arm of the government consist of all the following EXCEPT
    1. The President
    2. The Attorney General
    3. Chief Justice
    4. Civil servants
  32. Planting trees to replace those cut down is called
    1. Re-afforestation
    2. Afforestation
    3. Agro-forestry
    4. Deforestation
  33. The Great Rift Valley starts in Jordan and ends in
    1. Uganda
    2. Turkana
    3. Morogoro
    4. Beira
  34. The LARGEST National Park in Kenya
    1. Serengeti
    2. Seleous
    3. Queen Elizabeth
    4. Tsavo
  35. Which one of the following is WRONGLY matched?
    1. Judiciary - Interpret the laws.
    2. Executive - Implement the law.
    3. Legistrature - Implement the law.
    4. Senate - Makes and amends the law.

Use the map below to answer the following questions.
36 ugauyyuad

  1. The physical feature marked B was formed through
    1. faulting and uplifting
    2. faulting and sinking
    3. volcanicity
    4. Depression
  2. Country marked C was colonized by
    1. French
    2. British
    3. Italian
    4. Belgians
  3. Rivermarked A originate from
    1. MRuwenzori
    2. Mt. Elgon
    3. M.Kilimanjaro
    4. ML. Usabara
  4. Three of the following are element of a good citizen EXCEPT
    1. nepotism
    2. obedient
    3. loyalty
    4. hardworking 
  5. Which one of the following is NOT an impact of industries?
    1. Job creation
    2. Insecurity.
    3. Destruction of land.
    4. Noise pollution.
  6. Who among the following are Nilotes of Uganda?
    1. Nue!
    2. Banyoro
    3. Bachinga
    4. Schei
  7. The instrument above uses a liquid called
    42 auhduiahda
    1. alcohol 
    2. mercury
    3. water
    4. ethanol
  8. Which country in Eastern Africa has the HIGHEST population?
    1. Tanzania 
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Kenya
  9. The MAIN challenges facing fishing in L. Victoriais 
    1. water hyacinth
    2. lack of good fishing equipntent
    3. low fish market.
    4. poor transport and storage of fish.
  10. The MOST modern means of communication is use of
    1. internet
    2. radio
    3. television
    4. newspaper
  11. Which of the following is NOT a processing industry?
    1. Tea processing industry.
    2. Leather Lunnery
    3. Barber shop
    4. Bicycle repair
  12. Which town was named after impalla gazelles?
    1. Jinja
    2. Dodoma
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kampala
    1. It is a capital city.
    2. It is a collecting and distribution centre. 
    3. Administrative centre. 
    4. Holds headquarter of Africa Union.
      The town described above is 
      1. Arusha 
      2. Dodoma
      3. Kampala
      4. Addis Ababa
  14. In Nyamwezi Chiefdom Njeni ruled with assistance of Council of elders known as 
    1. Wanyaphala
    2. Njuri Njeke
    3. Mugabe
    4. People of the moon
  15. The type of democracy where pupils are allowed to vote for a prefect to represent them in class competition is
    1. representative democracy 
    2. direct democracy
    3. human right democracy
    4. indirect democracy
  16. The bottom MOST colour of our Nation flag is 
    1. Black
    2. White
    3. Green
    4. Red
  17. The diagram above shows the formation
    52 aygdyagda
    1. Horst mountain 
    2. Rift Valley
    3. Volcanic mountain
    4. Depression
  18. River Ewasonyiro North drain its water in
    1. Thomson fall
    2. L.Turkana 
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. Lorian swamp
  19. A land breeze takes place during
    1. day 
    2. rainy season
    3. night 
    4. day and night
  20. Slanting sides of Rig Valley are called
    1. faults 
    2. escarpments
    3. slopes
    4. folds
  21. The Gabra community is one of the language group of
    1. Semitic 
    2. Cushitic 
    3. Nilotes
    4. Bantu
  22. On 1 June Kenya celebrate
    1. Labour day 
    2. Heroes day
    3. Jamhuri day 
    4. Madaraka day
  23. The MAIN sugarcane growing arca in Sudan is
    1. Gezira
    2. Khartoum 
    3. Kenana 
    4. Harar
  24. Sudan gained independence in
    1. 1960
    2. 1962
    3. 1956
    4. 2011
  25. The LONGEST river in Eastern Africa is
    1. Tana 
    2. Nile
    3. Ruvuma
    4. Pangani


  1. According to the Biblical story of creation, which one of the following is NOT a reason why God created a woman for the man? To
    1. be his helper.
    2. do all the work for him. 
    3. have children with him. 
    4. be his companion.
  2. Which one of the following statements BEST describes the kind of punishment that God gave to Eve due to her disobedience? 
    1. Eating through her sweat
    2. Great suffering while giving birth.
    3. Not to eat the fruits in the Garden of Eden.
    4. Living naked for the rest of her life.
  3. Joseph was sold by his brothers because
    1. he dreamt of becoming their King.
    2. there was hunger in the land of Canaan.
    3. he interpreted their dreams.
    4. he was the most loved child of their father.
  4. Abraham was called by God when he was living at 
    1. Haran
    2. Egypt
    3. Canaan
    4. Ur
  5. Moses broke the stone tablet at the foot of Mt.Sinai because two 
    1. God told him to do so.
    2. he was tired of carrying them. 
    3. he was annoyed by the Israelites. 
    4. he wanted to see Gods' reaction.
  6. Which one of the following activities was NOT performed during the passover? 
    1. Eating unleavened bread.
    2. Eating bitter herbs.
    3. Slaughtering a lamb.
    4. Drinking wine.
  7. "Do not covet other peoples' property is one of the commandments. Who among the following people broke this commandment? 
    1. David 
    2. Ahab 
    3. Cain 
    4. Abel
  8. "Your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God' These words were said to Naomi by 
    1. Orpah
    2. Mahlon
    3. Chillion
    4. Ruth
  9. Who was the father of King David?
    1. Solomon 
    2. Saul 
    3. Jesse
    4. Samuel
  10. Which of the following is NOT contained in the New Testament as prophesied by Prophet Jeremiah?
    1. Laws will be written on peoples hearts. 
    2. The laws will be written on a stone tablet. 
    3. The peoples sins will be forgiven and forgotten.
    4. Each person will take repsonsibility of his or her own sins.
  11. What was used to seal the covenant between God and the Israelites at the foot of Mt.Sinai?
    1. Water 
    2. Fire 
    3. Blood
    4. Rainbow
  12. Who was the first Christian matyr? .
    1. Abel
    2. Stephen 
    3. Paul
    4. Peter
  13. What was the name of the prophet who rebuked King David when he practised injustice? Prophet 
    1. Nathan 
    2. Elijah
    3. Elisha
    4. Isaiah
  14. Christians today celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus during
    1. Christmas 
    2. Easter
    3. Sabbath
    4. Advent
  15. Who was the tax collector who welcomed Jesus in this house?
    1. Paul 
    2. Stephen 
    3. Levi 
    4. Zaccheaus
  16. Jesus healed a man who was deaf and dump. He put his fingers in his ears, spat and touched the man's tongue and said "Ephphatha". What did Jesus mean by Ephphatha? 
    1. Open up.
    2. Leave him.
    3. Get healed.
    4. It is well.
  17. Jesus was a refugee in
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth .
    3. Capernaum
    4. Egypt
  18. Pilate washed his hands after trying Jesus Christ to show that
    1. Jesus was a good leader.
    2. Jesus was the King of the Jews.
    3. He had nothing to do with the case.
    4. His hands were dirty. 
  19. Jesus healed the Centurion servant at
    1. Capernaum
    2. Galilee 
    3. Nazareth
    4. Bethlehem 
  20. Jesus went with his disciples to Mt.Olives to pray. What happened to him as he was praying?
    1. He was taken to heaven.
    2. He was arrested and crucified. 
    3. He was transfigured. 
    4. His sweat was like drops of blood.
  21. What happened to Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciple after the arrest and crucification of Jesus Christ? He
    1. repented his sins. 
    2. committed suicide.
    3. continued preaching the word of God.
    4. stopped being a disciple.
  22. The son of the widow of Zarephath was raised to life by Prophet 
    1. Jeremiah 
    2. Elisha 
    3. Elijah
    4. Nehemiah
  23. Which one of the following is NOT a quality of a good friend? 
    1. Loyalty 
    2. Trustworthy 
    3. Kindness 
    4. Hypocrisy
  24. Which one of the following activities BEST promotes love among Christians? 
    1. Going to church. 
    2. Caring for the needy. 
    3. Praying for others. 
    4. Visiting friends.
  25. Three of the following were leisure activities in Traditional African Communities. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Singing and dancing. 
    2. Listening to stories. 
    3. Participating in cultural activities. 
    4. Reading story books.
  26. In Traditional African Society, which ceremony changed an individual from childhood to adulthood? 
    1. Birth
    2. Burial 
    3. Initiation
    4. Naming
  27. Your cousin Margret, who is in standard seven spends her holidays sleeping, because she says she has nothing to do. What is the BEST advice you can give to her?
    1. Tell her to help in the house chores.
    2. Invite her to come and visit you.
    3. Tell her to watch television instead.
    4. Take her to your friends party,
  28. The name given to God in the Maasai community is
    1. Akuj
    2. Ngai 
    3. Enkai
    4. Asis
  29. Which one of the following activities is a fruit of the Holyspirit? 
    1. Speaking in tongues. 
    2. Preaching the Gospel. 
    3. Performing miracles
    4. Living in joy
  30. Which other work did Apostle Paul do to earn a living?
    1. Making bricks. 
    2. Making tents. 
    3. Preaching 
    4. Fishing


sociacre ms

Tagged under


kimo area map

Study the map of Kimo area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The settlement pattern in Kimo area is known as;
    1. nucleated
    2. linear
    3. dispersed
    4. clustered
  2. Milk factory, tea factory and ginnery found in the map are examples of; 
    1. manufacturing industries
    2. processing industries
    3. service industries
    4. secondary industries
  3. People in Kimo area worship on;
    1. Saturday
    2. Sunday
    3. Friday
    4. Thursday
  4. Kimo area is likely to be a;
    1. District
    2. Division
    3. County
    4. Location
  5. What do we call the feature formed by the river as it enters the mouth?
    1. Confluence
    2. Tributary
    3. Delta
    4. Estuary
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Kimo area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Lumbering
    3. Trading
    4. Crop farming 
  7. Kimo area slopes towards;
    1. North East
    2. South East
    3. North West
    4. South West
  8. The following lakes are found on the floor of the Rift valley except;
    1. L. Natron
    2. L. Naivasha
    3. L. Eyasi
    4. L. Kyoga
  9. During the pre-colonial period, the Ameru were ruled by;
    1. council of elders
    2. kings
    3. chief
    4. concensus
  10. Which one of the following is the main reason why cultural artefacts should be preserved?
    1. They are made using modem technology
    2. They are more durable than modern things
    3. They help us in reminding us about our culture
    4. They were made a long time ago

Use the diagram below to answer questions 11 and 12.
11 ayugda

  1. The above diagram shows the formation of
    1. Block mountain
    2. Rift valley
    3. Corrie lakes
    4. Fold mountains
  2. Name the part marked S;
    1. ridges.
    2. ranges
    3. escarpment
    4. inselberg
  3. The following skills were taught to children in the past. Which one was taught through apprenticeship?
    1. Ironsmelting
    2. Collecting firewood
    3. Herding animals
    4. Fetching water
  4. Which country below is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Djibout - Asmara
    2. Uganda - Kampala
    3. Tanzania - Dar-es-Salaam
    4. South Sudan-Khartoum 
  5. Who among the following pairs of leaders collaborated with the Europeans?
    1. Nabongo Mumia and Mekatilili
    2. Kabaka Mwanga and Koitalel Arap Samoci
    3. Kabaka Mutesa and Oloibon Lenana
    4. Mekatilili and chief Mkwawa
  6. In the Buganda kingdom, the Prime minister was known as;
    1. Omulamuzi
    2. Katikiro
    3. Bataka
    4. kabaka

Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18
17 aygdyagda

  1. The above diagram shows the formation of
    1. sea brecze
    2. land breeze
    3. orographic rainfall
    4. cyclonic rainfall
  2. The following Eastern African towns are likely to experience the above occurrence except;
    1. Jinja
    2. Mombasa
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Kisumu
  3. Which one of the following cases represents a representative democracy?
    1. Few people are chosen to make decisions
    2. All individuals are involved in decision making
    3. All people vote on a popular issue
    4. No one is allowed to make decision on behalf of another 
  4. Which one of the following countries does not neighbour Eastern Africa?
    1. South Africa
    2. DRC
    3. Libya
    4. Egypt 
  5. The first president of Tanganyika was known as;
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Haile Selassie
    3. John Maghufuli
    4. Julius Nyerere
  6. The following are uses of diatomite. Which one is not. It is used to make;
    1. water filters
    2. toothpaste
    3. heat insulators
    4. hospital platers
  7. The main tourist attraction along the coast of Kenya and Tanzania is,
    1. Wildlife
    2. Sundy beaches
    3. Historical sites
    4. People's culture
  8. The following are bantu communities found in Uganda. Which one is not?
    1. Batoro
    2. Buganda
    3. Abagusii
    4. Banyankole
  9. Munga wants to vie for a scat as an MCA in his ward. Which one of the following is not one of the qualifications he should have?
    1. Be very rich
    2. Be 18 years and above
    3. Be a registered voter
    4. Be of sound mind
  10. Which one of the following cattle breeds is not likely to be found in Kongwa ranch?
    1. Aberdeen Angus
    2. Charolais
    3. Galloway
    4. Freshian 
  11. When the river-lake Nilotes len South Sudan, they first settled at in Northern Uganda before moving to their present homelands?
    1. Shungwaya
    2. Kampala
    3. Pubungu Pakwach
    4. Bahrel-Gazal 
  12. Which one of the following countries lie wholly to the South of the equator?
    1. Uganda
    2. Tanzania
    3. Djibouti
    4. Somalia 
  13. European powers scrambled for colonies in Eastern Africa for all the following reasons except;
    1. to continue with slave trade
    2. to search for raw materials
    3. to get a market for their finished goods
    4. to get a place to settle their surplus capital
  14. Which one of the following is not a national philosophy?
    1. Harambee
    2. African socialism
    3. Nyayoism
    4. Punguza mizigo
  15. The following are members of the national assembly except;
    1. 47 elected woman representatives
    2. 12 members nominated by political parties
    3. 16 women nominated by political parties
    4. 1 speaker
  16. The road sign below means,
    32 aiugdad
    1. bumps ahead
    2. road narrows
    3. no entry
    4. round about ahead
  17. Which one of the following rivers is not a tributary of R. Nile?
    1. R. Albara
    2. Blue Nile
    3. R. Omo
    4. R. Sabat 
  18. The main problem facing inland fishing in L. Victoria is; 
    1. poor transport network
    2. lack of refrigeration facilities
    3. growth of water weeds
    4. dispute over fishing grounds
  19. Which community below did not settle in Tanzania after migration from the Congo Basin?
    1. Wanyamwezi
    2. Pokomo
    3. Wasukuma
    4. Waluguru 
  20. The weather instrument below is known as;
    36 ayfdafdytad
    1. barometer
    2. anemometer
    3. windvane
    4. windsock
  21. Which one of the following hoxes consists only of imports into Eastern Africa?
    1. Motor vehicles
    2. Tea
    3. Soda ash
      Foot wear
    4. Gold
  22. Which one of the following lakes below was formed through downwarping?
    1. L. Victoria
    2. L. Tana
    3. L. Kanyaboli
    4. L. Paradise
  23. The following wore functions of the clans in traditional African societies. Which one is not
    1. Settling disputes among the members
    2. Punishing the law breakers
    3. Assisted members during the time of bereavement 
    4. Looked for marriage partners for their youth

Use the map below to answer the Questions that follow.
40 aiiyguyagda

  1. The country marked A is known as;
    1. Sudan
    2. Eritrea
    3. Djibouti
    4. South Sudan 
  2. People who followed route B during their migration are likely to be;
    1. Nyamwezi
    2. Wasukuma
    3. Luo
    4. Ngoni
  3. Which one of the following reasons best explains why country C remains dry most times of the year?
    1. Its Coastline is parallel to the winds 
    2. It is close to the Indian Ocean 
    3. It's big in size
    4.  It is crossed by the Equator
  4. Lake T on the map is famous for the production of__fish.
    1. tilapia
    2. trout
    3. dagaa
    4. mullet
  5. Which one of the following statements is pot trde about the country marked Q?
    1. It was not colonized
    2. It is a major producer of coffee
    3. English is the National language
    4. Its head of state is a prime minister 
  6. The following mountains were formed by faulting and uplifting except;
    1. Mt. Ruwenzori
    2. Pare mountains
    3. Mau ranges
    4. Mt. Ras Dashan
  7. Miombo Woodland in central Tanzania in spansely populated mainly because;
    1. It is reserved for wildlife
    2. it is extremely hot and dry
    3. it is tsetse fly infested
    4. poor roads and railway network
  8. The headquarters of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) are found at;
    1. Djibouti
    2. Arusha
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Nairobi 
  9. In which year was Kenya declared a British protectorate?
    1. 1920
    2. 1895
    3. 1905
    4. 1885 
  10. The cheapest method of preserving food is by:
    1. salting
    2. refrigeration 
    3. canning
    4. sun drying
  11. During a general election, the person in charge of elections in a polling station is known as;
    1. presiding officer
    2. returning officer
    3. polling clerk
    4. IEBC chairman 
  12. In the Nyamwezi chiefdom, the person who collected taxes from traders and trespassers was known as;
    1. Mkwale
    2. Minule
    3. Mteko
    4. Kikoma 
  13. Which one of the following is not an importance of the constitution?
    1. Promotes political instability in Kenya
    2. Guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens
    3. Enables Kenyans to live in harmony
    4. States how the people should be governed
  14. Which one of the following National parks is correctly matched with the country where it is located?
    1. Omo - Sudan
    2. Ruaha - Uganda
    3. Sibiloi - Ethiopia
    4. Serengeti - Tanzania
  15. The following are examples of marine fish except;
    1. tuna
    2. snappers
    3. dagaa
    4. sardines
  16. The following are positive effects of colonial rule in Kenya except:
    1. introduction of formal education
    2. introduction of African native reserves
    3. introduction of modern medicine
    4. improvement of infrastructure 
  17. The following are facts about an African leader
    1. He maintained the independence of his count 
    2. He abolished slavery in his country 
    3. He participated in the formation of OAU
    4. He was the last emperor in his country
      The leader discussed is;
      1. Julius Nyerere
      2. Haile Selassie
      3. Kabaka Mutesa II
      4. Jomo Kenyatta 
  18. Which box below consists only of the rivers that drains in the Indian ocean?
    1. Nile
    2. Tana
    3. Pangani
    4. Nzoia
  19. In Kenya, it is the duty of the_ to maintain law and order.
    1. Judiciary
    2. Parliament
    3. National police service
    4. President
  20. Which one of the following countries is not a member of East African Community (EAC)?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Rwanda
    3. Kenya
    4. Tanzania
  21. The early visitor to Eastern Africa who started cloves plantation and slave trade along the Coast is;
    1. John Speke
    2. Dr. David Livingstone
    3. Ludwig Krapf
    4. Seyyid Said


  1. What did God do after creating the world and everything in it?
    1. He rose again
    2. He cursed the creation
    3. He died
    4. He rested
  2. Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob mainly because;
    1. Jacob had taken his blessings
    2. Jacob was loved by his mother
    3. Esau hated Jacob
    4. Esau wanted to take Jacob's wealth 
  3. The angel of death did not kill the Israelite firstborn males because
    1. they defended themselves
    2. they were leaving Egypt that night
    3. they had obeyed God's command
    4. there was darkness over Egypt 
  4. Noah built the ark mainly because;
    1. he wanted to save his family
    2. he was instructed to do so by God
    3. he was a wealthy man
    4. he wanted to become famous
  5. Who among the following kings of Israel was a shepherd?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon
    4. Jeroboam
  6. Which one of the following is the third book in the Old testament.
    1. Exodus
    2. Deutronomy
    3. Numbers
    4. Leviticus
  7. Who among the following was the forerunner of Jesus Christ?
    1. John the baptist
    2. Prophet Isaiah
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Angel Gabriel
  8. On the Pentecost day, the disciples spoke in tongues because;
    1. they were filled with the Holy Spirit
    2. they had come from different tribes
    3. they were instructed to do so
    4. they were God's chosen people 
  9. Who among the following prophets announced the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Isaiah
    3. Hosca
    4. Micali
  10. Which one of the following activities in African Traditional Societies marked transition from childhood to adulthood? 
    1. Initiation
    2. Naming 
    3. Birth
    4. Marriage 
  11. After the death of Moses, the Israelites mourned him for days.
    1. 40
    2. 120
    3. 20
    4. 30
  12. From the story of David and Jonathan we learn that we should:
    1. envy others
    2. practice nepotism
    3. betray others
    4. be faithful to one another 
  13. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Peace
    3. Kindness
    4. Preaching and teaching 
  14. During famine African Traditional Communities prayed to God as their;
    1. defender
    2. multiplier
    3. protector
    4. provider
  15. After initiation youths were expected to;
    1. worship God
    2. go for war
    3. start a clan
    4. marry or get married 
  16. The father of Gideon was;
    1. Manoah
    2. Abimelech
    3. Tola
    4. Joash 
  17. The parable of the prodigal son teaches about;
    1. second coming of Christ 
    2. being ready always
    3. praying always
    4. repentance and forgiveness 
  18. Which one of the following qualities of leadership was mainly shown by David when he killed Goliath?
    1. Courage
    2. Honesty
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Humility 
  19. From the Apostle's creed, we learn that Jesus is;
    1. a saviour
    2. a judge
    3. our father
    4. our Lord
  20. The two disciples of Jesus whom He met after His resurrection were on their way to
    1. Emmaus
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Jericho
    4. Bethlehem 
  21. At Joppa, apostle Peter,
    1. raised Tabitha to life
    2. healed a crippled beggar
    3. healed Aeneas
    4. raised Lazarus to life
  22. Which disciple was stoned to death because of his faith in Jesus?
    1. John
    2. Stephen
    3. Andrew
    4. Peter 
  23. Which gift was brought to Jesus by the wisemen that shows priesthood?
    1. Gold
    2. Frankincense
    3. Silver
    4. Myrrh 
  24. Which two people were filled with Holy spirit and chosen by God to design the covenant box?
    1. Peter and Andrew
    2. Paul and Silas
    3. Bezalel and Oholiab
    4. Philip and Stephen 
  25. Which value is not required when breaking bread?
    1. Love
    2. Unity
    3. Humility
    4. Hatred 
  26. The second Passover meal for the Israelites was celebrated in;
    1. Egypt
    2. Canaan
    3. Midian
    4. Wilderness 
  27. Who among the following did not die?
    1. Moses
    2. Jesus
    3. Elijah
    4. Stephen 
  28. What was the main virtue that was taught to the young people by the old people?
    1. Kindness
    2. Joy
    3. Obedience
    4. Wisdom 
    5. Why do Christians respect the churches today?
    6. They are clean
    7. They are sacred places
    8. Many people go there
    9. It is the best place to be 
  29. Christians should not condemn people living with HIV/AIDs in the society mainly because;
    1. it affects the whole society
    2. they should show love and compassion to them
    3. it is a painful disease
    4. anyone can get it


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