Displaying items by tag: social studies


Study the map of Kaplet Area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.    

  1. The railway in Kaplet area is likely to transport?
    1. Tea to the factory
    2. Passengers to the town
    3. Tourists
    4. Minerals
  2. The area covered by the lake is likely to be __________________________ km2.
    1. 13
    2. 9
    3. 8
    4. 17
  3. The climate in the South Eastern side of Kaplet area is likely to be
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and wet
  4. The dorminant soils in the North western side of Kaplet area is 
    1. alluvial soils
    2. clay soils
    3. volcanic soils
    4. black cotton soils
  5. Three of the following are sources of livelihood for people in Kaplet area. Which one is not?
    1. Lumbering activities
    2. Mining activities
    3. Farming activities
    4. Trading activities
  6. Which one of the following services are not offered in Kaplet town?
    1. Recreational services
    2. Educational services
    3. Health services
    4. Religious services
  7. Kaplet area rises from
    1. North west
    2. North EastC
    3. South West
    4. South East
  8. Settler farming in the white highlands was mainly done for
    1. commercial purposes
    2. Food production
    3. Subsistence use
    4. Home use
  9. Which one of the following is true about the population structure of India?
    1. Most of the people are old
    2. There is low death rate
    3. The population growth rate is low
    4. The birth rate is high
  10. One of the following is not a problem associated with rapid industrialization. Which one?
    1. Rural - Urban migration
    2. Better economic development in the country
    3. It can lead to depletion of resources
    4. Pollution
  11. Which one of the following is not an effect of the rotation of the earth? It causes
    1. day and night
    2. different seasons.
    3. difference in time
    4. apparent movement of the sun

Use the diagram below to answer  questions 12-13


  1. Name the parts marked Q and R respectively
    1. conelet, vent
    2. dyke, magma
    3. conelet, dyke
    4. crater, vent
  2. Which one of the following mountain was not formed in the above way?
    1. Mt. Longonot
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Kenya
    4. Mt. Nyirangongo1
  3. The following are examples of industries. Which one can be classified as a primary industry?
    1. Shoe making at Limuru
    2. Cement making at Athi river
    3. Textile industry at Kisumu
    4. Sugar refining at Awendo
  4. The system of administration used by the British in Northern Nigeria was
    1. direct rule
    2. assimilation
    3. paternalism
    4. indirect rule
  5. Below is a weather instrument. It is used to measure
    1. humidity
    2. temperature
    3. air pressure
    4. rainfall 
  6. Which one of the following boxes consist of communities that belong to the KWA speakers?
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of marriage
    1. it is conducted by a religious leader
    2. A marriage certificate is issued
    3. a man is allowed to marry upto four wives
      The type of marriage described above is likely to be 
      1. Christian marriage
      2. Hindu marriage
      3. Customary marriage
      4. Muslim marriage
  8. Copper is a major mineral in Zambia it has all the following uses except?
    1. Making water pipes
    2. Making sulphuric acid
    3. Making car radiators
    4. Making ornaments
  9. Which one of the following best explains why the government has established game parks and game reserves?
    1. To conserve wildlife
    2. To attract tourists
    3. To create employment
    4. To make good use of land
  10. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa?
    1. it experiences cool wet winters
    2. summers are hot and dry
    3. Annual rainfall is about 500-1000mm
    4. temperatures range from 13°c - 24°c 
      Which one of the following is not likely to experience this type of climate?
      1. Morocco
      2. Algeria
      3. South Africa
      4. Zimbabwe
  11. Who among the following leaders were associated with African socialism? 
    1. Oginga Odinga and Ronald Ngala 
    2. Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Moi
    3. Tom Mboya and Jomo Kenyatta
    4. James Gichuru and Masinde Muliro
  12. Which one of the following is not a reason why people should vote in the national elections?
    1. To elect a new government
    2. To exercise their democratic right
    3. To elect leaders of their choice 
    4. To obey the laws of Kenya

Study the map of Eastern Africa below and answer the questions that follow.  


  1. The capital city of the country marked W is
    1. Khartoum
    2. Juba
    3. Mogadishu
    4. Addis Ababa
  2. The pre-historic site marked T is likely to be
    1. Olduvai gorge
    2. Hyrax hill
    3. Omo valley
    4. Rusinga island
  3. The lake marked Q was formed through a process called
    1. Faulting
    2. Downwarping
    3. Erosion
    4. Volcanicity
  4. Name the desert marked S
    1. Namib
    2. Ogaden
    3. Chalbi
    4. Nubian
  5. All the following communities followed the route marked R. Which one did not?
    1. Rendille
    2. Somali
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  6. The following describes an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He was a German
    2. He signed treaties with African chiefs 
    3. He was the founder of the German East African Company (GEACE) in 1887.
      The visitor described above is likely to be 
      1. William Mackinnon
      2. Seyyid Said
      3. Carl Peters
      4. John Speke
  7. The feature drawn below is likely to be fund in the
    1. desert
    2. coastal lowlands
    3. highlands
    4. lake basin
  8. The main reason why the government is encouraging the conservation of natural forests in Kenya is because
    1. they control desertification
    2. they contain rare species of trees
    3. they control soil erosion
    4. they are habitats for wildlife
  9. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid
    1. made tools from stones
    2. communicated through speech
    3. ate cooked food
      The hominid described above is likely to be
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo habilis
      3. Ramapithecus
      4. Australopithecus
  10. The following are problems experienced by IGAD except
    1. lack of peace
    2. mistrust among members
    3. prolonged drought
    4. lack of common currency
  11. In a democratic society
    1. people join the ruling party
    2. only one political party is allowed
    3. elections are held regularly
    4. citizens are forced to pay taxes
  12. Mzee Torotich a maize farmer in Kitale has bought land and settled in Kinangop where he grows potatotes. This type of irrigation is called
    1. urban-rural migration
    2. urban-urban migration
    3. rural-urban migration
    4. rural-rural migration
  13. Which one of the following sets of rivers drain into the Atlantic ocean?
  14. One of the duties of the school board of management is to
    1. employ teachers
    2. plan and develop school projects
    3. punish indisciplined children
    4. sack non performing teachers
  15. Which one of the following skills was not learnt through apprenticeship during the pre-colonial period?
    1. Wood carving
    2. Iron smelting
    3. Herding
    4. Medicine
  16. The following are disadvantages of irrigation schemes. Which one is not?
    1. They contribute to the spread of diseases
    2. They lead to global warming
    3. They lead to reduction of water in the rivers
    4. They support growth of food crops which are cheap
  17. Which one of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
    1. Heavy rainfall
    2. Monocropping
    3. Overgrazing
    4. Strip cropping
  18. The people who founded the kingdom of old Ghana obtained their wealth mainly from
    1. weaving
    2. hunting
    3. trade
    4. fishing
  19. An elected county representative can lose a seat if
    1. the election is cancelled by a court
    2. the person visits anther country
    3. the person misses 5 consecutive sittings
    4. the person does not contribute to debates in the county assembly
  20. The best action to take if a pupil is sexually abused by a stranger is to
    1. rash the pupil to the pharmacy and buy ARV drugs
    2. arrest the stranger
    3. take the pupil to the hospital
    4. advise the pupil not to use that route again
  21. The following are descriptions about a certain community in Africa
    1. decisions were made through concensus
    2. they were hunters and gatherers
    3. they traded with their neighbours
      The community above is likely to be
      1. The San
      2. The Buganda
      3. The Nyamwezi
      4. The Khoisan
  22. During the pre-colonial period, people associated the croaking of frogs with 
    1. the coming of a dry season
    2. the coming of a good harvest 
    3. the coming of rains
    4. the coming of strong rains

Use the diagram below to answer questions 46-47   


  1. The diagram above shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. orographic rainfall
    4. Cyclone
  2. Which one of the following towns is not likely to experience the above phenomenon?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Dar-es-salaam
    4. Arusha
  3. If a person is stopped from joining a legal party of his choice he / she is denied the freedom of
    1. speech
    2. politics
    3. movement
    4. association
  4. One of the following was a function of a clan in the traditional African societies. Which one is not?
    1. Settle disputes
    2. Predict the future
    3. Defend the community
    4. Train warriors
  5. Which one of the following may lead to high population growth rate in a county?
    1. Cases of early marriages
    2. Family planning practices
    3. Change in cultural attitudes
    4. Education and awareness
  6. Minutes of a school management committee meetings are written by   
    1. Deputy headteacher
    2. The chairperson
    3. The headteacher
    4. One of the teachers
  7. Who among the following African leaders resisted the French in his territory?
    1. Chief Mkwawa
    2. Mekatilili wa Menza
    3. Samoure Toure
    4. Kabaka Mwanga
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why Madaraka day is celebrated in Kenya?
    1. To remember the day when Kenya attained self government
    2. To remember freedom fighters
    3. To celebrate independence day
    4. To celebrate the day Kenya became a republic
  9. The road sign below means
    1. bumps ahead
    2. slow down
    3. danger ahead
    4. round about
  10. Gamal Abdel Nassaer promoted agriculture in Egypt when he
    1. set aside land for plantation farming
    2. initiated the building of Aswan High dam
    3. gave land to the peasants
    4. abolished Sharia laws
  11. Which one of the following sets of countries consists only of those colonized by the French?
    1. Libya, Somalia, Egypt
    2. Senegal, Cameroon, Congo
    3. Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique
    4. Algeria, Mali, Senegal
  12. Which tourist attractions below arecorrectly matched with the country where they are located?
    1. Gedi ruins - Uganda
    2. Pyramids - Kenya
    3. Berber villages - Morocco
    4. Slave markets - Zanzibar
  13. Which one of the following is not a horticultural crop?
    1. Cotton
    2. Pawpaws
    3. Avocadoes
    4. Roses
  14. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. President
    3. Attorney General
    4. Chief justice
  15. Population census is carried out in Kenya after years.
    1. 10
    2. 5
    3. 20
    4. 7



  1. God created the universe in 6 days. On which day did He create the sea, creatures and birds
    1. 2nd
    2. 4th
    3. 5th
    4. 6th
  2. "Never against shall I destroy my people with water" God made a covenant with Noah. The sign of the covenant was
    1. Dove
    2. Rainbow
    3. Raven
    4. Fire
  3. Abraham separated with Lot due to
    1. jealousy
    2. hatred
    3. enemity
    4. quarrels over grazing lands
  4. Which gift of the holy spirit did Joseph have which made him famous in Egypt? 
    1. Interpreting dreams
    2. Working miracles
    3. Artistic talent
    4. Was a good speaker
  5. Why did Moses decide to leave Egypt to go and live in Midian?
    1. To look for the burning bush
    2. To escape from Pharaoh
    3. To look for Jethro's herd
    4. To receive the ten commandments
  6. Which one of the following achievements of David made Jerusalem a centre of worship? He _______________________
    1. built the temple
    2. brought back the ark of the covenant
    3. killed Goliath
    4. fought 5000 men
  7. "My clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and I am the least important member of my family." Who spoke these words
    1. Gideon
    2. David
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joseph
  8. Which one of the following is the reason why king Solomon is remembered as a great king of Israel. He ____________________
    1. bought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
    2. had many wives
    3. had great wisdom
    4. built the lord's temple in Jerusalem
  9. Which one of the following is not a prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the work of the Messiah. He would
    1. preach good and to the poor
    2. give sight to the blind
    3. lead Israelites free from the Roman rule
    4. set the oppressed fire
  10. Why was Mary greatly troubled by the angel's message during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus?
    1. She was engaged to Joseph 
    2. she was a virgin
    3. she feared the angel
    4. she was barren
  11. Who ordered for a census to be done when Jesus was born?
    1. Pontius Pilate
    2. King Herod
    3. Augustus Caesar
    4. Governor Quirintius
  12. Complete the following beatitude: Happy are these who are humble
    1. for they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. the kingdom of heaven
    4. they will receive what God has promised
  13. Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about forgiveness
    1. the good Samaritan
    2. the prodigal son 
    3. the mustard sad 
    4. the net
  14. Which of the following teachings of Jesus about prayer is true?
    1. God answers prayers immediately 
    2. It should be said in humility
    3. Prayer should be long
    4. It should be said in groups
  15. Cleophas and his friend were talking to Jesus without realising till he
    1. prayed with them
    2. broke the bread
    3. explained the scriptures
    4. drank the wine
  16. Jesus asked His disciples to pray on Mount Olive inorder to
    1. stay awake
    2. defend themselves
    3. avoid falling into temptations 
    4. fight Judas and the soldier
  17. Which one of the following activities shows a fruit of the holy spirit?
    1. Telling about the future 
    2. Speaking in tongues
    3. Caring for the sick 
    4. Conducting bible study
  18. Before the disciples received the Holy spirit they were in a room in Jerusalem
    1. sleeping
    2. praying
    3. hiding
    4. eating
  19. The story of Saul on his way to Damascus teaches Christians to
    1. support the spread of the gospel
    2. help there in need
    3. be kind to the poor
    4. read the scriptures
  20. When there was a famine the believers sent Paul and Barnabbas to Judea to
    1. preach to non jews
    2. heal the sick
    3. take money to fellow believers
    4. place hands on the non converts
  21. Which one of the following is a role of ancestors in the traditional African society?
    1. Ancestors act as intermediaries between the living and God.
    2. Ancestors show the living how to use their talents wisely
    3. Ancestors remind the living to love their enemies
    4. Ancestors teach the living on how to pray
  22. Three of the following are reasons why circumcision is practised in traditional African societies, which one is not?
    1. The initiates become full members of their community
    2. The initiates pass from childhood to adulthood
    3. The initiates are allowed to marry 
    4. The initiates become chiefs
  23. Which one of the following traditional African practice concerning new life is illegal in Kenya?
    1. Naming
    2. Taking
    3. Circumcision
    4. Female genital mutilation
  24. Which of the following statements is true of both christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. They both teach about the second coming of Jesus
    2. They both have holy books
    3. They both have missionaries
    4. They both teach about life after death
  25. Christians best prepare themselves for Easter by
    1. repenting their sins
    2. buying new clothes
    3. visiting their friends
    4. preparing special food
  26. After assisting her mother in kitchen. work, Daisy realizes that she had some extra time. As a christian the best way to spread it is by
    1. reading story books
    2. watching films 
    3. visiting her friend
    4. visiting an orphan
  27. Which one of the following is not a reason why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned.
    1. It leads to conflicts within the family
    2. It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours
    3. It promotes mental health
    4. It could lead to a loss of income
  28. Dennis, a standard eight pupil has been receiving gifts from an elderly rich woman who wants to have a relationship with him. As a christian the right action for him to take is to
    1. transfer to another school
    2. inform other pupils about the roman 
    3. report the matter to the headteacher 
    4. accept the gifts
  29. You have discovered that Bosire your best friend is being used by a rich man to sell drugs to other pupils in school. As a christian you should tell him to
    1. Transfer to another school
    2. ask the rich man to pay him well
    3. sell the drugs and not use them 
    4. stop selling the drugs and concentrate in class
  30. Which one of the following is a wrong use of money?
    1. Helping the needy to become rich
    2. Paying school fees for a relative
    3. Paying salaries to workers
    4. Giving gifts to voters



  1. Which one of the following Surah teaches about oneness in Allah (SWT)?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. An-Nas
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. At-Kanthar
  2. The verse 'you do not worship what I worship' is derived from which surah?
    1. Al-miminim
    2. Maun
    3. Al-Kafirun and off
    4. Zilzala
  3. The prayer performed between morning and mid-day is called:-
    1. fajr
    2. dhuhur
    3. dhuha
    4. witri
  4. The sunna prayer performed during the night of Ramadhan is called:-
    1. Ishai
    2. Tarawele
    3. Istiskai 
    4. Sala tul lail
  5. Which of the following surah is recited seventeen times a day by muslims?
    1. Annas
    2. Al-Fatiha
    3. Aya tul kursy 
    4. Tyin
  6. Which of the following can nullify udhu?
    1. Passing wind
    2. Speaking
    3. Applying perfume
    4. Shaking hands
  7. Which is the correct order of prayers performed by muslims?
    1. Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha
    2. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Asr, Isha 
    3. Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Isha, Asr
    4. Fajr, Maghrib, Dhuhr, Isha, Asr
  8. Which of the following prophet of Allah received Suhuf?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Issa
    3. David
    4. Mohamed
  9. What is the main teaching from Surah Al Alaq?
    1. All people should be responsible for their deeds
    2. A man was created from a clot of blood
    3. Allah is the only forgiver
    4. Prophet is favoured by God
  10. Who among the following is not a prophet?
    1. Zulekha
    2. Isaak
    3. Yunus
    4. Ishmail
  11. When you visit a sick in the hospital the best gift you can give to him is:-
    1. a flower
    2. get well card
    3. food
    4. a dua
  12. When someone gives you a gift you should say:-
    1. Alhamdulillahi
    2. Jazakallah
    3. lahaula wa lakwata
    4. Audhubillahi
  13. Islam teaches on hardwork since:-
    1. it discourages begging
    2. it discourages laziness
    3. it is a way of creating wealth
    4. it is a way of earning lawfully
  14. Which of the following items is hash for zakat?
    1. Personal clothings 
    2. House furniture
    3. Farm produce
    4. Family house
  15. When muslims are in need they should seek help from:-
    1. Mohamed
    2. Jibril 
    3. Allah
    4. Imam
  16. Which one of the following islamic months is not among the sacred months (ash-hunul-human)?
    1. Rajab
    2. Muharan 
    3. Dulhija
    4. Ramadhan
  17. The lesson derived from the bottle of badr is that prisoners should be:-
    1. treated kindly
    2. be forced to work
    3. be set free
    4. denied food
  18. Which one of the following is a halaal business practice?
    1. Gambling
    2. Selling alcohol 
    3. Hoarding
    4. Lending money
  19. The festival of Idd Id Fitri is celebrated on:-
    1. 1st shawal
    2. 30th Ramadhan 
    3. 1st Ramadhan
    4. 1st Rajab
  20. Hussein found a thousand shilling note on the assembly ground. What would be the best course of action?
    1. Share the money with friends
    2. Take the money to his parents
    3. Take the money to the teacher
    4. Use the money to buy school books
  21. The duty of angel Izrail is to:-
    1. remove people's souls
    2. blowing the trumpet
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  22. Which of the following attributes of Allah describes Allah as the king of kings?
    1. Malik
    2. Kahman
    3. Al-gudus
    4. Ar-rahum
  23. Which one of the following can be classified as light najis?
    1. Bacon
    2. Dogs urine
    3. Urine of a baby boy
    4. Vomit
  24. How many rakaas are performed during Fajr prayers?
    1. 4
    2. 10
    3. 8
    4. 2
  25. Which of the following are fadh prayers prayed by muslims?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Tareweh
    4. Taqwa
  26. Thuluthul Quran is a title given to surah Ikhlas. This is because Sura Ikhlas is the:-
    1. mother of the Quran
    2. a third of Quran
    3. heart of Quran
    4. opening chapter
  27. Muslims lost in the battle of:-
    1. Badr
    2. Hunain
    3. Uhud
    4. Khadaq
  28. The two Muadhatein surah are __________________ and  __________________
    1. Nas and Falaq
    2. Kauthar and Maun
    3. Nasr and Asr
    4. Dhuha and Inshirah
  29. Who is not among the four caliphs of prophet (pbuh)?
    1. Abbakar
    2. Abu-jahal 
    3. Ali
    4. Uthman
  30. Doing right and avoiding evil wherever we are is a sign of having:-
    1. Ihsan
    2. Iman
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawakkal



  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. C
  38. D
  39. D
  40. D
  41. C
  42. A
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. D
  49. A
  50. A
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. A
  59. B
  60. A


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D


  1. All the following materials may be needed for thonging except a
    1. belt.
    2. leather.
    3. mallet.
    4. Knife.
  2. Which of the following indigenous crafts can be woven?
  3. Mundia drew a picture like the one drawn below.
    The type of drawing above is called
    1. observation drawing
    2. imagination drawing.
    3. stationary drawing.
    4. still life drawing.
  4. Komboyo wants to practice crayon etching technique. Which of the following pairs of items does he need?
    1. Black ink, celotape.
    2. Toothpick, plasticine.
    3. Black ink, beeswax.
    4. Paraffin wax, plasticine.
  5. Which of the following lists consists of items needed when making an expandable folder?
    1. Manila paper, ruler, glue. 
    2. Pencil, needle, crayon.
    3. Water, scissors, cotton wool. 
    4. Soap, eraser, glue.
  6. Study the diagram below.
    Light and dark effects have been created using
    1. stippling technique.
    2. smudge technique.
    3. crayon etc ing technique.
    4. cross hatching technique.
  7. When mounting artwork, what is the use of adhesives?
    1. Making the frame.
    2. Decorating the cutouts.
    3. Cutting out pictures.
    4. Sticking the cutouts.
  8. Clay items cannot be decorated using
    1. stamping.
    2. scratching.
    3. pasting.
    4. incising.
  9. Which of the following shows a glove puppet?
  10. Painting or. fabric can be done using
    1. needles.
    2. sponges.
    3. wires.
    4. sticks.


  1. Which of the following French rhythms represents short sounds
    1. Ta-te
    2. Taa
    3. Taa - taa
    4. Taa-aa
  2. Below is an example of a percussion instrument.
    The instrument above cannot be tuned by 
    1. tightening the laces.
    2. exposing the membrane to the heat from fire.
    3. adjusting the bridge. 
    4. putting it in the sun.
  3. All the following members of the community can practice folk dances except
    1. men.
    2. women.
    3. boys.
    4. babies.
  4. A group of learners was asked to mention some items that can be used to improvise a drum.
    Mercy: - clay.
    Alice: - sand.
    Lucy: - Log.
    Joyce: - Wire.
    Who among the learners mentioned a correct item?
    1. Mercy
    2. Lucy
    3. Alice.
    4. Joyce.
  5. The East African Community Anthem is usually sung in
    1. mother tongue.
    2. English.
    3. Kiswahili.
    4. English and Kiswahili.
  6. Head joints and middle joints are parts of a
    1. guitar.
    2. descant recorder.
    3. flute.
    4. drum.
  7. Which of the following is an example of a percussion instruments.
  8. Below is a musical instrument called nzumari.
    The instrument drawn above is played by the
    1. Abakuria.
    2. Ameru
    3. Abagusii.
    4. Mijikenda.
  9. Which of the following hand signs represents solfa name re?
  10. Which of the following lines is found in the third verse of the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. With hearts both strong and true. 
    2. In common bond united.
    3. Firm may we stand to defend. 
    4. Justice be our shield and defender.


  1. All the following are not cardinal points of a compass except
    1. south east.
    2. north west.
    3. south.
    4. south west.
  2. Sanaipei was asked to name an industry that deals in wheat products. Which of the following would be the correct response from Sanaipei?
    1. Fruit canning industry.
    2. Bakery industry.
    3. Creamery industry. 
    4. Sawmill industry.
  3. The diagram below represents a type of population
    The type of population represented above can be described as
    1. straight.
    2. scattered.
    3. clustered.
    4. linear.
  4. Who among the following people depend on each other for the exchange of goods with money?
    1. Teachers and pupils.
    2. Traders and buyers.
    3. Police officers and thugs.
    4. Children in school.
  5. The county government gets its money from all the following sources except 
    1. dues paid by tourists visiting the counties.
    2. money from land rates.
    3. rents from county offices.
    4. grants from the national government.
  6. Who among the following leaders in children's government in school maintains order in the classroom?
    1. President
    2. Games president
    3. Class representative
    4. Deputy president
  7. A situation where a child is forced to do hard work and is underpaid is called
    1. human rights.
    2. child abuse.
    3. child labour.
    4. interdependence.
  8. All the following are aspects of our traditional culture. Which one is not? 
    1. The foods we eat.
    2. Our religions.
    3. The way we build our houses. 
    4. The curriculum we follow in school.
  9. A cultural centre is an example of
    1. historic built environments.
    2. recreation facilities..
    3. physical features.
    4. permanent buildings.
  10. During rainy seasons,
    1. farmers harvest their farm produce.
    2. farmers carry out weeding in their farms.
    3. animals do not get sufficient pasture. 
    4. there's no adequate water for domestic and farm uses.
  11. Below is a source of heat.
    Which of the following fuels can best be used with the item above?
    1. Firewood
    2. Charcoal
    3. Diesel
    4. paraffin

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35  


  1. The country marked V is most likely to be
    1. Sudan.
    2. Tanzania.
    3. Somalia.
    4. Ethiopia.
  2. The mountain marked S is called mount
    1. Kenya.
    2. Marsabit.
    3. Kulal.
    4. Longonot.
  3. The relief region marked R is the
    1. Lake basin. 
    2. Nyika plateau.
    3. Rift Valley.
    4. Highlands.
  4. The main language group that lives in the area marjked xxx is
    1. Bantu.
    2. Nilotes.
    3. Semites.
    4. Cushites.


  1. Who among the following was a dreamer according to the Bible?
    1. Pharaoh
    2. Joseph
    3. Jesus
    4. Moses
  2. The king who asked for wisdom from God was king
    1. Nebchadnezzar. 
    2. Ahab.
    3. Saul.
    4. Solomon.
  3. Jesus Christ performed all the following miracles except
    1. changing water into wine.
    2. turning a stick into a snake.
    3. walking on water.
    4. Raising the dead.
  4. Selfishness means
    1. taking care of you and your friends.
    2. thinking about your neighbours. 
    3. thinking only about yourself.
    4. helping other people whenever they need your help.
  5. The first book in the New Testament is called
    1. Genesis.
    2. Matthew.
    3. Malachi.
    4. Revelation.
  6. People of Israel were slaves in Egypt under
    1. Pharaoh.
    2. Moses.
    3. Pharisees.
    4. Joshua.
  7. Joseph's brothers hated him because he was
    1. given a coat of many colours.
    2. a young handsome man.
    3. liked most by Jacob their father.
    4. a close friend to Pharaoh.
  8. In order for Zacchaeus to see Jesus, he 
    1. told the people in the crowd to give way.
    2. climbed a tree.
    3. used a tall ladder.
    4. ran ahead of the multitude.
  9. Abraham wanted to sacrifice his son called
    1. Isaac
    2. Samuel
    3. Paul
    4. Jonathan
  10. Jesus used __________________________  to teach people. 
    1. proverbs
    2. stories
    3. riddles
    4. parables
  11. All the following are good practices for a Christian. Which one is not?
    1. Respecting one another. 
    2. Helping the old.
    3. Abusing our enemies.
    4. Visiting the sick.
  12. The Philistine giant killed by David was called
    1. Goliath.
    2. Belshaazar.
    3. Pharaoh.
    4. Naboth.
  13. When Jesus raised the dead, He portrayed His power over
    1. diseases
    2. people
    3. death
    4. satan
  14. When the big fish vomited Jonah, he went and preached in the city of
    1. Tarshish.
    2. Capernaum.
    3. Caisea.
    4. Nineveh.
  15. Before Jesus calmed the storm, He was
    1. sleeping.
    2. preaching.
    3. fasting.
    4. praying.


  1. Which of the following is referred to as the opening chapter in the Qur'an?
    1. Al-Nasr
    2. Al-Walid
    3. Al-Kariim
    4. Al-Fatiha
  2. Surah An-Nas means the
    1. men.
    2. wind.
    3. dawn.
    4. elephants.
  3. I recite Al-Muawwidhatayan before I
    1. play.
    2. wake up.
    3. sleep.
    4. eat.
  4. All the following lessons are learnt in surah Al-Ikhlas except
    1. evil people have bad endings. 
    2. Allah is one.
    3. Allah is unique.
    4. Allah controls all things.
  5. All the following are positive uses of social media. Which one is not?
    1. Listening to Qasida from a mobile phone.
    2. Creating dawah groups on Whatsapp.
    3. Sending abusive messages to those who wrong us.
    4. Sharing homework questions using smart phones.
  6. Which among the following is a vice?
    1. Humility
    2. Obedience
    3. Kindness
    4. Selfishness
  7. Who among the following angels is responsible for record taking?
    1. İsrafil
    2. Raqib
    3. Izrail
    4. Munkar
  8. Surah Al-Lahab can also be called
    1. Al-Walid.
    2. Al-Kariim.
    3. Al-Masad.
    4. An-Nas.
  9. The fourth swalah of the day is called
    1. Fajr.
    2. Asr.
    3. Dhuhr.
    4. Maghrib.
  10. When eating our food, we should
    1. eat it while standing to save time. 
    2. use the right hand as advised by prophet Muhammad (SAW)
    3. cat from the middle of the plate. 
    4. be sending Qur'an verses to our friends using our mobile phones.
  11. Praying is a way of
    1. securing a good place in paradise.
    2. speaking to Allah.
    3. drawing nearer and nearer to Allah.
    4. strengthening our faith in the religion.
  12. Which one of the following Islamic festivals is celebrated during childbirth? 
    1. Milaud-un-Nabii.
    2. Eid-ul-Adhha.
    3. Aqiqah.
    4. Eid-ul-Fitr.
  13. How many pillars of Iman are there in the Muslim religion?
    1. Three.
    2. Four.
    3. Five.
    4. Six.
  14. Which one of the following is not an example of akhlaq?
    1. Feeding domestic animals.
    2. Protecting seedlings.
    3. Spending our money.
    4. Grazing animals.
  15. Which one ofthe following practices enables us observe hygiene?
    1. Taking wudhu
    2. Praying
    3. Helping the needy 
    4. Fasting


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. B
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. A
  35. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A


  1. Which of the following shows smudge technique?
  2. Kimani wants to practise weaving on a dowel loom. Which of the following materials can be use?
    1. Wires
    2. Plasticine
    3. Thread
    4. Cotton wool
  3. A table mat can be made using
    1. modelling technique.
    2. folding technique.
    3. basketry technique.
    4. weaving technique.
  4. Study the diagram below
    The type of drawing shown above is called 
    1. still life drawing.
    2. imagination drawing.
    3. observation drawing.
    4. nutritive drawing.
  5. Which one of the following is a source of pictures for photomontage?
  6. The diagram below show a play item.
    The part labelled Y is made of
    1. papers.
    2. threads.
    3. wires.
    4. stones.
  7. All the following can be used when making a doll. Which one cannot?
    1. Clothes
    2. Cotton wool
    3. Rubber bands
    4. Cement
  8. A Grade 4 Art and Craft teacher asked some pupils to name the best weather to play with a propeller.
    Tim - rainy
    Kim - windy
    Sam - calm
    Val - cloudy
    Who among the pupils was correct?
    1. Kim
    2. Tim
    3. Sam
    4. Val
  9. Marangi drew a picture and wanted to paint it red. Which of the following items would he use?
  10.  Embedding and incising technique can both be used to decorate
    1. wood items.
    2. clay items.
    3. paper items.
    4. fabric.


  1. Which of the following shows a string instrument?
  2. Which of the following lines is not found in the first verse of the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Justice be our shield and defender.
    2. O God of all creation.
    3. Plenty be found within our borders.
    4. Let one and all arise.
  3. Which of the following types of songs is sung for babies to sleep?
    1. Patriotic songs
    2. Lullabies
    3. Sacred songs
    4. Gospel songs
  4. Which of the following animals produces a "moo" sound?
    1. Sheep
    2. Cow
    3. Cat
    4. Dog
  5. When performing singing games, we must always observe
    1. gender.
    2. weather.
    3. time.
    4. safety.
  6. Which one of the following is a percussion instrument?
    1. Flute
    2. Trumpet 
    3. Drum
    4. Guitar
  7. Which of the following body parts cannot be used for dancing?
    1. Shoulders
    2. Legs
    3. Head
    4. Teeth
  8. Lavalava wanted to record his string instrument as he played it. Which of the following devices was necessary for the task?
    1. Magazine
    2. Newspaper
    3. Smartphone
    4. Television
  9. Which one of the following can be used to improvise a drum?
    1. Sand
    2. Used jerrycan
    3. Clay
    4. Cotton wool
  10. String instruments can be played by
    1. blowing
    2. hitting
    3. plucking
    4. shaking


  1. Which of the following is an example of built environments?
    1. Museum
    2. Valley
    3. Plateau
    4. Forest
  2. Which one of the following is a cardinal point of the compass?
    1. South east
    2. North
    3. North west
    4. South west
  3. The diagram below represents compass directions.
    The direction labelled P is called
    1. north west
    2. south west
    3. south east
    4. north east
  4. The diagram below shows a source of heat.
    The source of heat drawn above uses
    1. firewood.
    2. charcoal.
    3. gas.
    4. petrol.
  5. At home, water can be used for
    1. keeping fish.
    2. travelling.
    3. cooling machine.
    4. cooking. 
  6. All the following items can be used to keep a market place clean except
  7. Animals in distress are those that are
    1. dead.
    2. sick.
    3. eating.
    4. active.
  8. Which of the following types of wastes cannot burn in a rubbish pit?
    1. Paper wastes
    2. Dry leaves
    3. Glass materials
    4. Old rags
  9. Which of the following can be used to collect rain water?
  10. Mauzo has a lot of old newspapers in his store. What should he do with them?
    1. Sell them
    2. Burn them
    3. Keep them
    4. Read them
  11. The following are road signs.
    Which of the above signs shows that there is a hospital around?
    1. iv
    2. ii
    3. i
    4. iii
  12. Wastes collected in the school compound should be disposed in the
    1. dustpan.
    2. rubbish pit.
    3. bucket.
    4. dust bin.
  13. Animals can be relieved from distress by
    1. hanging name tags on their ears.
    2. exposing them to some work.
    3. isolating the male ones from female ones.
    4. treating them in a veterinary.
  14. Below is a way of protecting plants.
    The plant protection method shown above is called
    1. fencing
    2. pruning
    3. weeding
    4. thinning.
  15. Which of the following is a harmful cultural practice?
    1. Child naming celebration.
    2. Circumcision.
    3. Female genital mutilation.
    4. Singing harvest songs.


  1. Who among the following is not a member of the extended family?
    1. Uncle
    2. Cousin
    3. Aunt
    4. Brother
  2. All of us were made to look like our
    1. parents.
    2. teachers.
    3. God.
    4. friends.
  3. Which one is not the work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life? The Holy Spirit helps us to
    1. be unkind.
    2. do good things.
    3. live in peace.
    4. love others.
  4. All the following are fruit of the Holym Spirit except
    1. love.
    2. joy.
    3. faith.
    4. peace.
  5. On the day of Pentecost,
    1. believers spoke in different languages.
    2. a voice was heard from above.
    3. darkness covered the land.
    4. the disciples were drunk in the morning.
  6. While reciting the Lord's prayer,
    1. we should be walking around. 
    2. there must be darkness.
    3. we should have our Bibles at hand.
    4. we must adopt a posture of prayer.
  7. Lala and her brother were given homework to do. Instead of doing the work, Lela's brother started playing. As Christians how best should Lela correct her brother?
    1. Do his work for him.
    2. Tell him to finish the work then play later
    3. Funish him.
    4. Call the teacher and tell him what he is doing.
  8. Which Christian value did Ananias and Sapphira leck?
    1. Trust
    2. Obedience
    3. Responsibility 
    4. Honesty
  9. In the story of the unforgiving servant, which punishment did the king give the unforgiving servant? He
    1. threw him in a den of lions.
    2. threw him in a furnace of fire.
    3. jailed him.
    4. sent him out of the empire.
  10. We should always ____________________________ God for wonderfully and fearfully creating us.
    1. hate 
    2. thank
    3. accuse 
    4. blame
  11. The miracle of Jesus walking on water encourages Christians to have strong
    1. feet.
    2. courage.
    3. faith.
    4. obedience.
  12. How many loaves of bread had the boy with two fish?
    1. 7
    2. 10
    3. 5
  13. The good Samaritan helped a man who was beaten up by
    1. poachers.
    2. killers.
    3. robbers.
    4. jews.
  14. Whose daughter did Jesus raise from the dead
    1. Jairus'
    2. Lazarus'
    3. Jethro's
    4. Pharaoh's
  15. The home town of Jesus was
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Golgotha.
    3. Capernaum.
    4. Nazareth.


  1. The word Qul as used in Surah Ikhlas means
    1. read.
    2. go.
    3. pray.
    4. say.
  2. Which of the following surah means the men?
    1. An-Nas
    2. Al-Fatiha
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. Al-Falaq 
  3. Allah has no parent or children is a lesson from surah
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Al-Ikhlas
    3. Al-Kauthar
    4. Al-Maun
  4. Who among the following was Allah's prophet?
    1. Raqib
    2. Jibril
    3. Mikail
    4. Issa
  5. Which one of the following can be sung in Islamic ceremonies?
    1. Lullabies
    2. Taarab
    3. Qaswida
    4. Hymns
  6. Which of the following God-given bounties do we use for sight?
    1. Eyes 
    2. Heart
    3. Ears
    4. Hands
  7. Allah gave Nabii Daud a holy book called
    1. Quran 
    2. Zabur
    3. Injil
    4. Taurat
  8. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known by all to be
    1. humble.
    2. unkind.
    3. rude.
    4. jealous.
  9. Qadar means Allah's
    1. ability
    2. power
    3. wisdom
    4. people
  10. ______________________ is an Islamic festival.
    1. Mashujaa
    2. Easter
    3. Eid
    4. Christmass
  11. Muslims fast in the holy month of
    1. Dhulhijja.
    2. Shabaan.
    3. Rabiulawwal.
    4. Ramadhan.
  12. Taking good care of family property shows
    1. fear.
    2. responsibility.
    3. carelessness.
    4. kindness.
  13. Alhamdulillah is said when a fellow Muslim
    1. sneezes.
    2. dies.
    3. falls.
    4. coughs.
  14. The last swalah of the day is called 
    1. Isha.
    2. Fajr. 
    3. Asr.
    4. Maghrib.
  15. According to prophet's hadith, we use our right feet when entering a
    1. bus.
    2. masjid.
    3. classroom.
    4. building.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B


  1. Which of the following is wet media used while smudging?
    1. Crayon
    2. Pencil graphite
    3. Ink
    4. Charcoal
  2. Why is overlapping important while arranging still life?
    1. Overlapping helps to create depth in drawings making the drawings look 3-Dimensional
    2. Overlapping helps the artist to create texture in drawing
    3. Overlapping helps the artist to create tone
    4. Overlapping helps to create balance in the drawing
  3. The following are the steps that a grade 4 followed while making a crayon etched drawing
    1. Scratching the ink using a sharp tool
    2. Applying wax crayon on a surface 
    3. Let the ink dry
    4. Applying ink on the wax surface
      Arrange the steps from the first to the last
      1. i,iv,iii,ii
      2. ii,i,iv,iii
      3. ii,iii,iv,i
      4. ii,iv,iii,i
  4. Dan was drawing some fruits while looking at them and drawing. What type of drawing is this?
    1. Drawing from memory
    2. Drawing from observation
    3. Drawing from imagination
    4. Drawing still life
  5. Look at the picture below keenly. Where is the light coming from?
    1. L
    2. K
    3. N
    4. M
  6. A grade 4 learner was painting a pot using a brown colour. He wanted to create a light tone on some parts of the pot. How could he create a light tone while painting?
    1. By adding black paint to the brown colour
    2. By using more brown colour
    3. By adding white paint to the brown colour
    4. By using less brown colour
  7. Making pictures using lines and shades is known as
    1. modelling
    2. drawing
    3. painting
    4. smearing
  8. The following are materials needed when creating value gradation strip. Which one is not?
    1. Clay
    2. Pencil
    3. Drawing paper
    4. Ruler
  9. What is tone?
    1. Tone is the feeling of a surface
    2. Tone is the gradual change from dark to light
    3. Tone is the lightness or darkness of a surface
    4. Tone is applying colour on a surface
  10. The following are materials and tools used in crayon etching. Which one is not?
    1. Toothpick
    2. Paint brush
    3. Black Indian Ink
    4. Pencil graphite


  1. Which type of song would a mother sing to make a baby sleep?
    1. Sacred song
    2. Lullaby
    3. Story song
    4. Folk song
  2. We describe the ______________________  of a song when we use words like loud or soft
    1. pitch
    2. height
    3. tempo
    4. dynamic
  3. Which verse of the Kenya nationa! anthem ends with the word shukrani?
    1. Four
    2. Two
    3. One
    4. Three
  4. In which group of musical instruments do we classify the instrument below?
    1. Wooden
    2. Percussion
    3. Stringed
    4. Wind
  5. Items like chairs and baskets that are used in a singing game are called
    1. gifts
    2. props
    3. toys
    4. costumes
  6. We can tell the difference between two notes on a piano because they have different _____________________
    1. pitch
    2. rhythm
    3. style 
    4. fun
  7. "Tushangilie Kenya taifa letu tukufu "is a common Kenyan __________________ song.
    1. action
    2. sacred
    3. patriotic
    4. story song
  8. Moving our bodies in rhythm when responding to music is called ______________________
    1. choir
    2. dancing
    3. sound
    4. rythm
  9. The melody of a song can simply be called the ______________________ of the song.
    1. words
    2. tune
    3. dynamics
    4. tempo
  10. The following are costumes that we can wear when performing folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Sisal skirts
    2. Necklaces
    3. Jingles
    4. Guitar

SOCIAL STUDIES    (15 marks)  


Study the map of Kina area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. On which side of the map is the forest found?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  2. Which cash crop is grown in Kina area?
    1. Maize
    2. Coffee
    3. Tea
    4. Sisal
  3. The elected head of Kina area is likely to be a
    1. Governor
    2. Senator
    3. Chief
    4. Assistant chief
  4. The presence of the church in the area shows that people in Kina area are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  5. The main means of transport in Kina area is
    1. railway
    2. road
    3. air
    4. water
  6. Grade four learners made a tour to a nearby slum area. They found many people living together. This type of population distribution is said to be
    1. sparsely populated
    2. densely populated
    3. scattered
    4. linear
  7. Which one of the following is not a physical feature?
    1. Mountains
    2. Rivers
    3. Valleys
    4. Winds
  8. Traditional items preserved in museums are called
    1. artefacts
    2. products
    3. models
    4. monuments
  9. During the rainy season, farmers engage in
    1. ploughing
    2. planting
    3. winnowing
    4. harvesting
  10. The four main points of a compass are known as
    1. cardinal points 
    2. relief feature
    3. paths
    4. regions
  11. Interdependence is important in the following ways except
    1.  people live in unity and harmony
    2. people are able to get what they want
    3. people learn from each other
    4. people steal from each other
  12. Grade 4 Social Studies teacher asked learners to identify historic built environment. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Risper - Cultural centres
    2. John - Huts
    3. Peter - Museums
    4. Ann Monuments
  13. Kenya is divided into how many counties?
    1. 10
    2. 47
    3. 12
    4. 18
  14. Law and order in our county is maintained by
    1. teachers
    2. the governor
    3. police
    4. judges
  15. A good leader should have all the following qualities except
    1. hardworking
    2. honesty
    3. arrogance
    4. humility

C.R.E (15 marks)

  1. Creation stories are recorded in the book of
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Numbers
    4. Acts of Apostles
  2. Who among the following is known as the "Father of faith"?
    1. Noah
    2. David
    3. Abraham
    4. Moses
  3. "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb. "This verse is found in the book of
    1. Proverbs
    2. Psalms
    3. Genesis
    4. Exodus
  4. Why are human beings special in God's creation? They
    1. were created in God's image
    2. were created from the soil
    3. were created last
    4. were created male and female
  5. Grade four CRE teacher asked learners to identify ways of coping with emotions. Which one is not?
    1. Praying and relying on God
    2. Playing with friends
    3. Speaking to someone we trust about our feelings
    4. Staying alone to think deeper
  6. Who among the following made a wrong choice?
    1. Annania and Saphira
    2. Naomi
    3. Noah
    4. Abraham
  7. Who among the following raped his half sister Tamar?
    1. Amnon
    2. Jonadab
    3. Solomon
    4. Absolom
  8. According to 1 Corithians 6:19, our bodies are the temples of the
    1. blood
    2. flesh
    3. Holy spirit
    4. Lord
  9. Three of the following are attributes of God. Which one is not?
    1. Creator
    2. Loving
    3. Protector
    4. Sinner
  10. Which one of the following books of the Bible is not found in the New Testament?
    1. Luke
    2. Matthew
    3. Ruth
    4. Jude
  11. The tax collector who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus was called
    1. Zacchaeus
    2. Simon
    3. Levi
    4. John
  12. The name Jesus means
    1. Emmanuel
    2. Saviour
    3. Teacher
    4. Light
  13. While playing in the field, a grade four learner hit his friend with a stick. As a Christian, what should the pupil who hit the other one do?
    1. Run away
    2. Apologise and say sorry
    3. Report to the teacher 
    4. Keep quiet
  14. Who among the following was prevented by an angel from going to curse the Israelites?
    1. Balak
    2. Balaam
    3. Jonnah
    4. Darius
  15. From the story where Samson killed a lion, we learn that we should
    1. kill wild animals
    2. ask God to enable us beat people
    3. trust in God
    4. stay away from danger

I.R.E   (15 marks)

  1. Allah is one and he has no family. This is a teaching of surah
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Falaq
    4. Maun
  2. Who among the following persons was cursed in surah Al-Masad?
    1. Abraha
    2. Abu Talib
    3. Abu Lahab
    4. Hamza
  3. Which two surahs are referred to as Muadhatain?
    1. Naas and Ikhlas
    2. Naas and Falaq
    3. Falaq and Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha and Naas
  4. Maryam a grade four learner lacks patience in all that she does. Which surah would you advise her to read?
    1. Humaza
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Maun
    4. Asr
  5. Who was the first man to be created by Allah (S.W.T)?
    1. Yaqub
    2. Adam
    3. Luqman
    4. Issa
  6. Muslims should respect the religion of other people. This teaching is found in surah
    1. Kafirun
    2. Kauthar
    3. Maun
    4. Masad
  7. According to the hadith of the prophet (SAW) we should always say the truth even though it is
    1. good
    2. bitter
    3. strong
    4. sweet
  8. Which one of the following is not a manner of eating in Islam?
    1. Saying Bismillahi before eating 
    2. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating
    3. Washing hands after eating
    4. Using a spoon
  9. Which of the following attributes of Allah means the creator?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al-Qudus
    3. Al-Azeez
    4. Al-Khaaliq
  10. Who among the following prophets of Allah was given the Injil?
    1. Daud
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Iss
    4. Musa
  11. How many children did prophet Muhammad (SAW) have?
    1. Seven
    2. Six
    3. Four
    4. Three
  12. How many rakaat are performed in the fardh prayer done after sunset?
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. One
  13. While fasting in the month of Ramadhan, Jamal a grade 4 learner did the following things. Which of them nullified his fast?
    1. Talking
    2. Laughing
    3. Eating intentionally
    4. Sleeping
  14. Muslims greet one another by saying
    1. Asalaam aleykum
    2. Hello
    3. Good morning
    4. Shikamoo
  15. Which one of the following terms signals the end of swalat?
    1. Jalsa
    2. Tashahud
    3. It'dal
    4. Taslim



  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. Amos observed the pictures below using a digital mdevice. Which one is of a human form?
  2. What is texture ?
    1. The lightness and darkness of a surface.
    2. A mark made on a surface.
    3. The physical feeling of a surface.
    4. The arrangement of objects.
  3. Why do we clean our hands after holding clay while making a pot? 
    1. To wash away germs that are in the soil.
    2. To make our hands soft
    3. To look fashionable.
    4. To please the teacher.
  4. The smearing of colour on a surface is known as
    1. drawing
    2. rubbing
    3. smudging
    4. gradation strip
  5. Joan had a serrated card loom. What do you think he was to use it for?
    1. Modelling pots
    2. Making paper boat
    3. Decorating a 3-D item
    4. Weaving a mat
  6. Give one material that can be used to make a painting brush.
    1. Polythene paper
    2. Sponge
    3. Sand
    4. Plastic particles
  7. The items below can be used to make a bracelet. They are known as
    1. beads
    2. fabric
    3. strings
    4. cut-outs
  8. Identify one type of gradation strips
    1. Smudging
    2. Coloured
    3. Staggered
    4. Tonal
  9. Grade three learners were making paper toys during a paper craft lesson. Which of these items did they use to cut the papers?
  10. Jared wants to make a kite. He needs all the following materials except
    1. strings
    2. paper
    3. stone
    4. glue


  1. Which of these digital devices cannot be used to record and play music?
    1. Laptop
    2. Tablet
    3. Clock
    4. Smartphone
  2. Edward made an improvised shaker. Which of these materials did he not use?
    1. Metallic bottle tops 
    2. Y-shaped stick
    3. Wire
    4. Papers
  3. The instrument shown below is commonly played by a technique called
    1. plucking
    2. bowing
    3. hitting
    4. blowing
  4. The Kenya national anthem has how many verses?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 1
  5. Which of the following is a good behaviour that we learn from music?
    1. Stealing
    2. Honesty
    3. Disrespect
    4. Laziness
  6. Songs sung to make a baby sleep are known as
    1. action songs
    2. singing games
    3. lullabies
    4. patriotic songs
  7. Which of the following is a string instrument?
    1. Guitar
    2. Kayamba
    3. Drum 
    4. Piano
  8. In which of these events are people sad when singing?
    1. Wedding
    2. Funeral
    3. Birthday
    4. Initiation ceremony
  9. Solo singing is when
    1. two people are singing 
    2. very many people are singing
    3. only one person is singing
    4. three groups are singing
  10. What is the name given to people who are listening to a song being performed?
    1. Choir
    2. Audience
    3. Soloists
    4. Melodies


                                                   KONA AREA


Study the map of Kona area and answer questions 21-25.

  1. People of Kona area are
    A. Muslims
    B. Christians
    C. Pagans
    D. Hindus
  2. The main means of transport in Kona area is
    1. air
    2. water
    3. road
    4. railway
  3. How many bridges are in Kona area?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  4. The market in Kona area is used for
    1. trading
    2. fishing
    3. mining
    4. farming
  5. The elected head of Kona area is a
    1. chief
    2. governor
    3. police
    4. senator

Use the diagram below to answer questions 26-27


  1. Identify the direction marked X
    1. East
    2. West
    3. South
    4. North
  2. The instrument above is used to
    1. measure distance
    2. show direction
    3. provide security
    4. provide shelter
  3. How many counties are there in Kenya?
    1. 48
    2. 47
    3. 24
    4. 18
  4. Grade four learners went for a trip within their county to see physical  features. Which one of the following is not one of the physical features they saw?
    1. Mountains
    2. Hills
    3. Rivers
    4. Museum
  5. How can learners take part in making the school clean?
    1. Throwing rubbish in the compound
    2. Not mopping their classrooms
    3. Sweeping the compound
    4. Leaving grass to grow tall
  6. Alice saw the road sign below
    It shows
    1. bumps ahead
    2. pedestrians crossing
    3. danger ahead
    4. corner ahead
  7. The people's way of life is known as
    1. culture
    2. resources
    3. wealth
    4. behaviour
  8. In your county people depend on each other. How do people depend on farmers? They
    1. provide health services
    2. grow and sell food crops to the people
    3. give education to children
    4. repair vehicles
  9. The fastest means of transport is
    1. water
    2. railway
    3. air
    4. road
  10. Grade 4 learners visited a museum and saw beads, gourds, arrows, baskets. spears, shields and other traditional items. These items are called
    1. basic needs
    2. traditional artefacts
    3. monuments
    4. historical buildings


  1. According to the stories of creation in Genesis Chapter 1, God created everything in the universe in
    1. 1 day.
    2. 4 days
    3. 6 days
    4. 7 days
  2. Adam and Eve sinned against God when they
    1. named animals
    2. ate the forbidden fruit
    3. walked naked
    4. hid from God
  3. During the time of Noah, God punished people using
    1. drought
    2. thunder
    3. fire
    4. floods
  4. Which one of the following is not an attribute of God?
    1. Lazy
    2. Loving
    3. Holy
    4. Creator
  5. I wrestled with an angel and my name was changed to Israel. Whom am I?
    1. Solomon
    2. jacob
    3. Joseph
    4. Samuel
  6. Who among the following led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
    1. Abraham
    2. Moses
    3. Isaac
    4. Aaron
  7. Which one of the following was not a gift brought to Jesus by the wisemen?
    1. Diamond
    2. Myrrh
    3. Gold
    4. Frankincense
  8. When Jesus was baptised by John the baptist in River Jordan, the Holy spirit came down in the form of
    1. fire
    2. wind
    3. a dove
    4. an angel
  9. How old was Jesus when he was taken to the temple to attend the passover feast?
    1. 8 days
    2. 12 years
    3. 1 year
    4. 30 years
  10. The parents of Jesus took Him to Egypt secretly because
    1. Herod wanted to kill him
    2. they wanted to see Pharaoh
    3. they wanted to tour the place
    4. they were running away from an
  11. Who among the following people killed a lion with his bare hands?
    1. Samuel
    2. David
    3. Samson
    4. Joseph
  12. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good leader?
    1. Hardworking
    2. Respectful
    3. Kind
    4. Arrogant
  13. Which community is not correctly matched with their traditional name of God?
    1. Kikuyu - Ngai
    2. Maasai - Enkai
    3. Luhya - Were
    4. Abagusi - Mulungu
  14. The people who died long time ago before our time are called
    1. unborn
    2. ancestors
    3. babies
    4. the living
  15. Who was the mother of Samuel?
    1. Peninah
    2. Hannah
    3. Elizabeth
    4. Martha


  1. Which one of the following surahs talks about the oneness of Allah?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Naas
    3. Falaq
    4. Humaza
  2. How many verses are there in surah Al-Masad?
    1. Four
    2. Five
    3. Six
    4. Three
  3. "You alone we worship and seek for help. "This is a quotation from surah
    1. Fill
    2. Humaza
    3. Fatiha
    4. Ikhlas
  4. What should a Muslim say when he or she finishes eating?
    1. Subhanallahi
    2. Maashallah
    3. Bismillahi
    4. Alhamdulillah
  5. Rajab a grade five learner found his friends fighting. What was the right course of action for him to take?
    1. Help the weak one
    2. Leave them alone
    3. Call for help
    4. Separate them
  6. The actions and practices of the prophet (S.A.W) are known as
    1. Ihsaan
    2. Iman
    3. Sunnah
    4. Hadith
  7. The attributes of Allah that means the most gracious is
    1. Ar-Raheem
    2. Ar-Rahman
    3. Al-Khaliq
    4. Al-Ghaffur
  8. How many days did Allah (S.W.T) take to create the world and the universe?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Five
  9. The angels of Allah(S.W.T) were created from
    1. clay
    2. light
    3. water
    4. air
  10. Which one of the following is not an attribute of angels?
    1. They are made from light
    2. They are neither male nor female
    3. They eat and drink
    4. They obey the commands of Allah
  11. Grade four learners were asked to name the angel who is incharge of revelation. Who among them was right?
    1. Hoyoo: Jibril
    2. Ismail: Mikail
    3. Hussein: Ridhwan
    4. Maria : Izrail
  12. Who among the following was the first man to be created?
    1. Issa
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Adam
  13. Which surah of the Qur'an must be recited in all the prayers?
    1. Naas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Masaad
    4. Ikhlas
  14. Munira a grade four learner was performing swalatul subh. How many rakaat was she suppossed to perform?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Two
    4. One
  15. Which one of the following terms means cleanliness?
    1. Najasaat
    2. Istinjai
    3. Hadath
    4. Twahara



  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D


  1. Which one of the following animals provides security at home?
    1. Rabbits 
    2. Dogs
    3. Horses
    4. Cows.
  2. Mwema wanted to make water both clean and safe for use. Which method will he use?
    1. Boiling
    2. Filtering
    3. Adding sugar
    4. Putting in a glass.
  3. A grade 4 learner saw the sign below during her visit to the city. What does the sign indicate?
    1. Zebra crossing.
    2. Traffic lights.
    3. Pedestrian crossing.
    4. Streel lights.
  4. Which one of the following is a man made source of heat?
    1. Water 
    2. food
    3. Sun
    4. Jiko.
  5. Tim saw the following plant during a school trip. What is the name of the plant?
    1. Acacia 
    2. Maize
    3. Cactus
    4. Pineapple.
  6. Fine soil is also
    1. course 
    2. smooth
    3. hard
    4. rough.
  7. Which of the following parts of plants is found inside the soil?
    1. Leaves 
    2. Branches
    3. Stemt
    4. Roots.
  8. The animal below gives us
    1. A meat and pork
    2. milk and meat
    3. wool and meat
    4. milk and wool.
  9. Which one of the following is a safe place?
    1. Inside the bush.
    2. On the streets.
    3. Police station.
    4. At the river.
  10. Which one of the following is a cultural activity?
    1. Music festival.
    2. Running in the field.
    3. Cleaning the environment.
    4. Collecting litter.
  11. What can we do to keep ourselves warm?
    1. Jump.
    2. Take a shower.
    3. Take a nap.
    4. Wear warm clothes.
  12. Which weather symbol below shows calm weather?
  13. Plants grow from the
    1. soil 
    2. fruits
    3. seeds
    4. flowers.
  14. Wambu wanted to fetch water. Which one of the following will she likely not fetch from?
    1. Rivers 
    2. Dams
    3. Ponds
    4. Rocks.
  15. Which is the main source of light?
    1. Candle 
    2. Sun
    3. Moon
    4. fire
  16. Round songs are sung in
    1. groups 
    2. solo
    3. two's
    4. church.
  17. 'Kenya ni nchi yetu' is a                      song.
    1. sacred
    2. welcome
    3. patriotic
    4. folk
  18. We can show our                   while singing.
    1. books
    2. hands
    3. feelings
    4. styles
  19. A horn is a wind instrument and it produces sound by
    1. striking 
    2. hitting
    3. plucking
    4. blowing.
  20. We respond to the                   in a singing game.
    1. drumist
    2. soloist
    3. teacher
    4. parent
  21. We need enough                    to make body movements during dancing.
    1. space 
    2. legs
    3. eyes
    4. songs
  22. Short, long and silent                  can create rhythm.
    1. people
    2. sound
    3. volume
    4. words
  23. When we are performing music, people who listen to us are called
    1. friends
    2. parents
    3. audience
    4. guests.
  24. Simple tunes make a
    1. rhythm
    2. melody
    3. sound
    4. speed.
  25. We sing the national anthem at school on
    1. Tuesday and Friday
    2. Monday and Sunday
    3. Saturday and Friday
    4. Monday and Friday.
  26. Plasticine is used for
    1. colouring
    2. drawing
    3. modelling
    4. painting.
  27. Jane named items used when colouring.Which one is correct?
    1. Sharpener
    2. Rubbers
    3. Papers
    4. Crayons
  28. Which line is this?
    1. Curved 
    2. Straight
    3. Zigzag
    4. Oval.
  29. Name the musical instrument below. 
    1. Sanga 
    2. Shaker
    3. Guitar
    4. Whistle.
  30. Which soil is the best for modelling?
    1. Clay
    2.  Loam
    3. Sand
    4. Silt.
  31. The Kenya national anthem has how many stanzas?
    1. Two 
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  32. Makau was asked by his teacher to name sources of water. He got all the answers correct except
    1. rivers 
    2. rainfall
    3. dams
    4. jerican
  33. Below is a picture of the National flag of Kenya. The colour marked X is 
    1. white
    2. green
    3. red
    4. black
  34. We cannot model a                with soil.
    1. car
    2. cow
    3. piece of paper
    4. desk.
  35. Asha was washing her fruits before eating them. Eating unwashed fruits can cause
    1. malaria
    2. cholera
    3. happiness
    4. hunger

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 10 marks


  1.                   denied Jesus 3 times.
    1. Peter
    2. John
    3. Judas
    4. Devil
  2. The wise men were led by                   to see baby Jesus.
    1. sun
    2. moon
    3. star 
    4. an angel
  3. Who was stoned to death?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Stephen
    3. Jesus
    4. Elijah.
  4. Jacob had how many sons?
    1. 11 
    2. 9
    3. 10
    4. 12
  5. our leaders                   We should not,
    1. obey
    2. abuse
    3. respect
    4. love
  6. Samuel lived with                  who was a priest..
    1. john 
    2. Elisha 
    3. Eli 
    4. Elijah
  7. David killed Goliath with a sling and a
    1. stone 
    2. spear
    3. arrow
    4. rod.
  8. Who was thrown into lion's den?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Joseph
    3. Moses
    4. David.
  9. The disciples waited for the Holy spirit in
    1. Nazareth
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Canaan
  10. Deaf people do not
    1. talk
    2. hear
    3. see
    4. walk
  11. Man was created on the                  day.
    1. 2nd
    2. 6th
    3. 7th
    4. 5th
  12. Jesus rose on which                     day?
    1. 4th
    2. 7th
    3. 3rd
    4. 1st
  13. How many times did God call Samuel?
    1. 2
    2. 5
    3. 4
    4. 6
  14. The last book in the Bible is
    1. Revelation
    2. Malachi
    3. John
    4. Luke
  15. The figure below shows an ark. Who among the following people built the item below?
    1. Moses
    2. Noah
    3. Peter
    4. Jesus


  1.  How many times do Muslims pray in a day?
    1. 3
    2. 10
    3. 25
  2. Minimum amount on which zakat is payable is
    1. sadaqa
    2. maal
    3. nisab
    4. masakin
  3. The attribute of Allah (SWT) As-Salaam means
    1. peaceful
    2. merciful
    3.  holy one
    4. gracious.
  4. The cave which the prophet and Abubakar entered during Hijra was
    1. Thour 
    2. Hira
    3. Khaf
    4. Hudaybiyyah.
  5. Muhajjirun were the people of
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Yemen
    4. yathrib.
  6. Which surah do Muslims should recite in every swalah?
    1. Iklas
    2. Nas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Baqara.
  7. Muslims celebrate Eidul Aadhaa in the month of
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul hijja
    4. Dhul qaara.
  8. Prophet went for Isra wal miraj in the month of
    1. Rajab
    2. Safar
    3. Shaban
    4. Muharram.
  9. "People are entering religion of Allah in groups" is verse from surah
    1. Maun
    2. . Fiyl
    3. Nasr
    4. Quraish.
  10. Complete the following hadith of the prophet: "I have been sent for the purpose of perfecting....."
    1. bad morals
    2. killing non-Muslims
    3. good morals
    4. knowledge.
  11. Before eating Muslims should say
    1. Bismillah
    2. Alhamdullilah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Oh Jesus.
  12. Attribute of Allah (SWT) "Al-Malik" means
    1. Provider
    2. King
    3. Knowing
    4. Judge.
  13. The angel that records good deeds is
    1. Atid
    2. Mikail
    3. Ridhwan
    4. Raqib.
  14. The first prophet of Allah was
    1. Idris
    2. Adam
    3. Isa
    4. Nuh.
  15. The urine of a baby girl is classified as
    1. heavy Najis
    2. . light Najis
    3. medium
    4. muqaffafa.



  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A
  31. B
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. B


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B


  1. The market at the eastern side of Sona area is called
    1. Sonyi market
    2. Sona market
    3. Katu market
    4. Yala market
  2. Sona Area is headed by
    1. President
    2. Governor
    3. Chief
    4. Assistant chief.
  3.  Which one of the following physical features is found in Sona Area?
    1. River
    2. Forest
    3. Road
    4. Church.
  4. The people of Sona Area are
    1. Muslims
    2. Pagans
    3. Hindus
    4. Christians.
  5. The people of Sona Area get water from the
    1. market
    2. river
    3. chief's office
    4. church.
  6. The physical feature drawn below is
    1.  river
    2. valley
    3. pond
    4. mountain.
  7. Most rivers start from
    1. highlands
    2. rain
    3. valley
    4. lowlands.
  8. Kenya is one of the African countries. How many counties does it have?
    1. 47
    2. 42
    3. 45
    4. 17
  9. In Kenya, Jamhuri Day is celebrated on
    1. 1st January
    2. 20th October
    3. 1st  April
    4. 12th December.
  10. What does the white colour of the Kenya national flag represent?
    1. Wealth.
    2. The colour of the people of Kenya
    3. Vegetation.
    4. Peace.
  11. Our county is headed by a
    1. speaker
    2. M.C.A
    3. governor
    4. President.
  12. Areas with many people are said to be ______________________ populated.
    1. densely
    2. sparsely
    3. linear
    4. unevenly
  13. The Maasai community get their food mainly from
    1. fish
    2. camel
    3. dogs
    4. cattle.
  14. Natural features were made by
    1. woman
    2. human beings
    3. God
    4. man.
  15. Which one of the following is a domestic animal?
    1. Lion
    2. Camel
    3. Antelope
    4. Squirrel.
  16. The following materials are used in drawing the diagram below except
    1. Wax crayon
    2. Soap
    3. Water
    4. Eraser.
  17. The process of adding different colour paints to create a picture or to make a decoration is called
    1. smudging
    2. painting
    3. collage
    4. mixing.
  18. When adding black to another colour, a ________________ of the colour is created.
    1. shade
    2. tint
    3. paint
    4. blend.
  19. Weaving technique is used to make the following except
    1. mats
    2. shoes
    3. hats
    4. sweaters.
  20. We get hides from the following animals except
    1. cattle
    2. buffalo
    3. camels
    4. hare.
  21. The following groups contain natural materials which can be used in basketry except
    1. flexible sticks and reeds
    2. palm leaves and nylon threads 
    3. elephant grass and raffia
    4. bamboo stem and banana fibres.
  22. Which of the following items is not a pottery item?
    1. Ceramic plates.
    2. Flower vases.
    3. Earthen pots.
    4. Cooking stick.
  23. Which method of decoration has been used on the pottery item below?
    1.  Stamping
    2. Incising
    3. Embedding
    4. Piercing.
  24. Which of the following materials is not used when making a glove puppet?
    1. Adhesives
    2. Cutting tools
    3. Sticks/rod
    4. Gloves.
  25. The highness or lowness of sound in music is called
    1. pitch
    2. dynamics
    3. rhythm
    4. tempo.
  26. A descant recorder has__________________ holes.
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 7
    4. 8
  27. The instrument below is called 
    1. drum
    2. obokano
    3. nyatiti
    4. orutu.
  28. Taa has ______________________________.
    1. one long beat count
    2. half beat count
    3. two short counts
    4. two full beats
  29. Which of the following instruments is blown to produce sound?
    1. Drum
    2. Descant recorder
    3. Jingle
    4. Guitar
  30. The instrument in the picture below can accompany which dance?
    1. Folk
    2. Sacred
    3. Modern
    4. Wedding
  31. Which part of a drum produces sound?
    1. Tuning lug
    2. Pegs
    3. Laces
    4. Membrane.
  32. A person who leads performance in music is called
    1. instrumentalist
    2. leader
    3. soloist
    4. singer.
  33. The nationalan them is commonly sang in our country Kenya. Which type of song is it?
    1. Lullaby
    2. Tropical
    3. Action
    4. Patriotic.
  34. Which one is not an element of a folk dance?
    1. Speed
    2. Energy
    3. Length
    4. Tempo.
  35. Which one of the following can be worn by people performing a tradition dance in school?
    1. Skins
    2. Old leaves
    3. Sisal fibres
    4. Vests.

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 10 marks


  1. People feel different emotions. Which one of the following is a positive emotion?
    1. Anxiety
    2. Anger
    3. Happiness
    4. Fear.
  2. 'Do not let your anger lead you into sin'.
    The Verse comes from the book of
    1. Proverbs
    2. Ephesians
    3. Genesis
    4. Numbers.
  3. Who among the following abused Tammar sexually?
    1. Jonadab
    2. David
    3. Amnon
    4. Saul.
  4. God made all things on earth. Which attribute best describes Him? He is
    1. sole creator
    2. holy
    3. caring
    4. loving.
  5. Learners were counting books in the Bible. How many books are in the New Testament?
    1. 39
    2. 27
    3. 66
    4. 25
  6. Mwikali was going through the Bible. The book she got interested in was the third book in the Bible. Which book was it?
    1. Leviticus
    2. Luke
    3. Numbers
    4. Exodus.
  7. Which King sent Baalam to curse the Israelites?
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Balak
    4. Solomon.
  8. Abraham was in his homeland when God called him. What was the name of his homeland?
    1. Ur
    2. Haran
    3. Egypt
    4. Caanan.
  9. Promises are things people make and fulfil them. Which promise was Abraham not promised?
    1. Descendants
    2. Wealth
    3. Health
    4. Curses.
  10. Jesus' birth is unique because of the following except
    1. He was to be born of a virgin
    2. He would be a king
    3. it was announced by an angel
    4. He was born at nine months.
  11. Mwamito was so thankful to her mother after she was given a gift. How many lepers from the Bible were thankful like Mwamito?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 1
    4. 10
  12. The parable of the mustard seed teaches about
    1. kindness
    2. God's Kingdom
    3. humility
    4. farming.
  13. Which one of the following is the greatest gift of the Holy spirit?
    1. Joy
    2. Peace
    3. Patience
    4. Love
  14. Christians were taught to pray through the Lord's prayer. Which of the following lines is not found in the Lord's prayer?
    1. Your kingdom come.
    2. Give us our daily bread.
    3. Creator of heaven and the earth. 
    4. Forgive us our sins.
  15. Among the disciples of Jesus, who was Simon's brother?
    1. Andrew
    2. Philip
    3. Peter
    4. John.


  1. Saum is the _________________________pillar of Islam.
    1. second
    2. fourth
    3. fifth
    4. third
  2. Complete the following Hadith of the prophet (SAW) said "Allah is one and He loves...."
    1. Quran
    2. Hadith
    3. Witri
    4. Muslim.
  3. The following are forms of sadaqa. Which one is not?
    1. Dhikr.
    2. Smiling for Muslims brother and sister.
    3. Visiting the sick.
    4. Playing football.
  4. Which one of the following is not a virtue learnt from observing saum?
    1. Patience
    2. Israaf
    3. Generosity
    4. Self-control.
  5. Which one of the following does not nullify swalah?
    1. Shifting from Qibla
    2. Laughing
    3. Exposing aura
    4. Standing.
  6. 'Muslims should worship the Lord of Al Kaaba' This is described in surah
    1. Kaafirun
    2. Nasr
    3. Qadar
    4. Quraish.
  7. Which questions will not be asked by Almighty Allah on the day of judgement?
    1. Youthful
    2. Wealth
    3. Knowledge
    4. Academics.
  8. Allah (SWT) is ever living means
    1. Malik
    2. Hayyu
    3. Jabar
    4. Samad.
  9. Angels were created from
    1. light
    2. water
    3. clay
    4. harshi
  10. Standing upright in swalah is called
    1. sujud
    2. Rukuj
    3. takbira
    4. itidaal.
  11. Which one of the following is a heavy Najis
    1. pus
    2. stool
    3. pig
    4. vomit.
  12. Which angel is responsible for removing our souls?
    1. Jibril
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Izrail
    4. Atid.
  13. The fear of Allah SWT is called
    1. Tawakul
    2. Taqwa
    3. Twahara
    4. Tawba.
  14. Which one of these prophets is an ulul Azm?
    1. Yusuf
    2. Nuh
    3. Saleh
    4. Idris.
  15. We must offer five daily prayers on time is the teaching of surah
    1. Ikhlas.
    2. Falaq
    3. Maun.
    4. Zilzala.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. B
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A
  31. D
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C


  1. When drawing pictures, the parts that appear dark are called:-
    1. the coloured parts 
    2. the hidden parts
    3. the parts facing light
    4. the dirty parts
  2. The technique of smearing colours onto a surface is kown as:-
    1. crayon etching
    2. Smudging
    3. Decorator
    4. Colouring
  3. The technique shown below is known as:-
    1. Gradation
    2. Etching
    3. Smudging
    4. Shading
  4. The following materials are used to make a smooth tonal gradation strip except:-
    1. Rubber
    2. Drawing papers
    3. Pencil
    4. Cylindrical container
  5. What do we call the drawing of non-moving objects?
    1. montage
    2. observation
    3. weaving
    4. still life composition.
  6. Grade 4 learners cut pictures and pasted on a manila paper. This is called:-
    1. Mosaic
    2. Montage
    3. Pasting
    4. Crayon etching
  7. The threads used in weaving are called warps and _______________________
    1. looms
    2. fibres
    3. wefts
    4. laces
  8. Which functional items are made from weaving technique?
    1. Sufuria and mat.
    2. Pot and dish
    3. Bucket and hat
    4. Cot and mat
  9. Which one is a source of hides?
    1. Bull
    2. Goat
    3. Hare
    4. Bird
  10. What do we call the strip of leather?
    1. skin
    2. membrane
    3. thong
    4. sling


  1. The songs sung in churches every sundays are known as:-
    1. Patriotic songs
    2. Sacred songs
    3. Lullaby songs
    4. Folk songs
  2. A descant recorder is played by:-
    1. Plucking
    2. Bowing
    3. Shaking
    4. Blowing
  3. What is the name of the part of the shaker below marked K?
    1. metals
    2. shakers
    3. rattles
    4. membrane
  4. Which of the following is a minim?
  5. When many people sing a song together, we call it _________________________ singing
    1. choral
    2. folk
    3. solo
    4. action
  6. The special clothes dancers wear during performance is called:-
    1. uniforms
    2. costumes
    3. kitenges
    4. sisal fibres
  7. Our National Anthem has _____________________ verses.
    1. four
    2. two
    3. one
    4. three
  8. Musical instruments played by either shaking or hitting are called:-
    1. Band
    2. Rhythm
    3. Percussion
    4. Instrumentalists
  9. The speed of sound is called:-
    1. Tempo
    2. Melody
    3. Pitch
    4. Rhythm
  10. Which one is the second line of the National Anthem?
    1. Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi
    2. Ilete baraka kwetu
    3. Tufanye sote bidii
    4. Natukae na undugu



  1. What is the direction of Saw Mill from the Hospital?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. What is the main means of transport in Uhanya Area?
    1. Road
    2. Railway
    3. Water
    4. Air
  3. Uhanya Area is likely to be a:-
    1. County
    2. Senate
    3. Ward
    4. Constituency
  4. Which economic activity is NOT carried out in Uhanya Area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Crop farming
    3. Lumbering
    4. Mining
  5. People in Uhanya area are:-
    1. Pagans
    2. Muslims
    3. Christians
    4. Traditionalists
  6. Which physical feature is shown below?
    1. Lake
    2. Valley
    3. Plateau
    4. Plain
  7. This is a traditional house
    It belongs to _________________________ community.
    1. Kamba
    2. Maasai
    3. Ameru
    4. Luo
  8. On 1st June we celebrate:-
    1. Jamhuri Day
    2. Mashujaa Day
    3. Labour Day
    4. Madaraka Day
  9. The point marked S is likely to be
    1. South West
    2. South East
    3. West South
    4. North West
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a historic built environment?
    1. Monument
    2. Museu
    3. Mountain
    4. Historical site
  11. We depend on _______________________ to make desks and chairs.
    1. Tailors
    2. Nurses
    3. Carpenters
    4. Teachers
  12. ___________________________ is the smallest county in Kenya
    1. Nairobi
    2. Nakuru
    3. Mombasa
    4. Kisumu
  13. A list of activities carried out in a school everyday is called school _____________________________
    1. routine
    2. motto
    3. history
    4. core value
  14. Which type of trade involves the use money?
    1. Currency trade
    2. Barter trade
    3. Exchange trade
    4. Money trade
  15. Which type of settlement is shown below?
    1. Clustered
    2. Nucleated
    3. Sparse
    4. Linear
  16. A compass has __________________________________ cardinal points.
    1. three 
    2. four
    3. eight 
    4. two
  17. Which one is NOT an aspect of culture our country?
    1. Dressing
    2. Artefacts
    3. Marriages
    4. Songs and dance
  18. Which one is NOT an economic activity
    1. Trading
    2. Farming
    3. Fishing
    4. Weeding
  19. Who is the current president of Kenya?
    1. Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. Rigathi Gachagua
    3. Raila Amolo Odinga
    4. William Ruto
  20. Every family is headed by a _____________________________.
    1. child
    2. grandfather
    3. mother
    4. father


  1. Who among the following was told to go and dip himself in River Jordan?
    1. Naaman
    2. Bartimaus
    3. Lazarus
    4. Jonah
  2. Which disciple did Jesus love most?
    1. Peter
    2. Mark
    3. John
    4. James
  3. Which wild animals killed the 42 boys who made fun of prophet Elisha?
    1. Lions
    2. Snakes
    3. Bears
    4. Leopards
  4. The following are attributes of God except
    1. Creator
    2. Love
    3. Holy
    4. Ugly
  5. _____________________ killed a lion with his bare hands.
    1. Daniel
    2. Jesus
    3. Jonah
    4. Samson
  6. Who is NOT a member of a nuclear family?
    1. Father
    2. Daughter
    3. Mother
    4. Aunt
  7. Which one of the following books is NOT a gospel?
    1. Luke
    2. Mark
    3. Exodus
    4. John
  8. King. __________________ wanted Balaam to curse the people of Israel.
    1. Herod
    2. Ahab
    3. Balak
    4. Saul
  9. There are _____________________ books in the Old Testament.
    1. 66
    2. 36
    3. 39
    4. 27
  10. The best use of leisure time is to:-
    1. Visit friends
    2. Visit relatives
    3. Visit the old
    4. Watch a christian movie


  1. Which one of the following Surahs warns Muslims against slandering and backbiting?
    1. Al-Alaq
    2. Al-Quirish
    3. Humizah
    4. Inshirrah
  2. The surah that was revealed to prophet Muhammad to mention 'read' was
    1. Lahab
    2. Swamad
    3. Al-Fiyl
    4. Alaq
  3. The Surah Lahab is also known as the:-
    1. water
    2. flames
    3. soil
    4. abudance
  4. We have different duties of the Angels of Allah. Who among them is responsible for wahyi?
    1. Jibril
    2. Mikail
    3. Rwadhar.
    4. Alid
  5. None is to be worshipped but Allah, Muhammad is His:-
    1. Prophet
    2. Messenger
    3. Servant
    4. Son
  6. The Kalima should be repeatedly recited by:-
    1. Orphans
    2. New converts
    3. All muslims
    4. Imams
  7. Who among the following is a recepient of zakkat?
    1. Traveller
    2. New convert
    3. Orphan
    4. Imams
  8. Who among the prophets of Allah was given the book of Taurat?
    1. Nabii Issa (AS)
    2. Nabii Ibrahim (AS)
    3. Nabii Dawud (AS)
    4. Nabii Musa (AS)
  9. Which one of the following is not an obligatory prayer?
    1. Fajr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Magharib
    4. Fitr
  10. An hypocrite has ________________ sinus.
    1. three
    2. four
    3. two
    4. one



  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. D
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  10. A


  1. Mama Joyce makes pots for sale. Which one of the following materials she does not use?
    1. water
    2. clay soil
    3. sharp objects
    4. metal strips
  2. Primary colours when mixed with secondary colours in equal amounts will produce ___________________________ colours.
    1. Black
    2. Rainbow
    3. Tertiary
    4. Secondary
  3. Which shading technique is used in the cup below?
    1. coiling
    2. stripling
    3. cross hatching
    4. Tonal variation
  4. The following are conventional mounting materials except:-
    1. Banana fibres
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Mounting board
    4. Catridge paper
  5. Which one is NOT a 3-D artwork?
    1. sculpture
    2. pottery
    3. drawing
    4. marionette
  6. The following are techniques used to decorate a modelled clay pot. Which one is NOT?
    1. Incising
    2. Embedding
    3. Tie and dye
    4. Stamping
  7. Which one is NOT a primary colour?
    1. Green
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Red
  8. Grade six learners were told by their Art and Craft teacher to make a collage. Which of the materials is NOT needed?
    1. water
    2. sand
    3. glue
    4. picture from a newspaper
  9. Which one is NOT used in making a wax crayon?
    1. paint
    2. Bel wax
    3. paraffin wax
    4. colour pigment
  10. Which factor is NOT considered when drawing two overlapping cylindrical forms?
    1. Proportion of forms
    2. Balance of forms
    3. Variation of lines
    4. Inadequate space


  1. Songs sung to soothe babies is classified as:-
    1. Sacred songs
    2. Lullaby songs
    3. Folk songs
    4. Action songs
  2. What is the name given to the part marked Q in the musical instrument below?
    1. Membrane
    2. Sound box
    3. Sling
    4. Resonator
  3. Which one of the following countries does NOT sing the East African Anthem?
    1. Uganda
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Rwanda
    4. Democratic Republic of Congo
  4. A flute is played by:-
    1. bowing
    2. shaking
    3. blowing
    4. hitting
  5. Which one is NOT a part of a quaver
    1. head
    2. tail
    3. stem
    4. abdomen
  6. Which one of the following is a way appreciating rhythms? By
    1. Crying
    2. Wailing
    3. Walking
    4. Clapping
  7. Which Musical instrument is drawn below?
    1.  Nzumari
    2. Bung'o
    3. Chivoti
    4. Biringi
  8. Which sound is represented by the hand sign below?
    1. d
    2. m
    3. f
    4. r
  9. The arrangement of notes of different pitches and directions sung is called:-
    1. Rhythm
    2. Tempo
    3. Melody
    4. mood
  10. Dancers decorate their bodies using paints to make patterns. This is called:-
    1. Body ornaments
    2. Body costumes 
    3. Body colouring 
    4. Body adornment



  1. What is the direction of the sand pit from Tiga Ranch?
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. Most people in Koga area are mainly:-
    1. Traditionalists
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Christians
  3. Which economic activity is NOT likely to be carried out in Koga Area?
    1. Mining
    2. Lumbering
    3. Cattle keeping
    4. Fishing
  4. Which feature is NOT found along River Keke?
    1. Estuary
    2. Delta
    3. Confluence
    4. Tributaries
  5. What is the climate of South East part of Kega Area?
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Hot and Wet
    3. Cool and Wet
    4. Cool and warm
  6. Which one was the title of the Maasai leader?
    1. Nabongo
    2. Kivoi
    3. Oloibon
    4. Moran
  7. Three of the following communities belong to the Western Bantus except:-
    1. Abaluyia
    2. Abakuria
    3. Abagusii
    4. Abasuba
  8. The mangrove vegetation in Kenya is found:-
    1. in the highlands
    2. along the coastal regions
    3. in swampy areas
    4. along the rivers
  9. What does the road sign below mean?
    1. Stop for police check
    2. Pedestrian crossing
    3. Bumps ahead
    4. Road closed
  10. Which country borders Kenya to the North West?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Uganda
    3. South Sudan
    4. Tanzania
  11. Which one of the following is NOT an element of weather?
    1. Temperature
    2. Wind
    3. Raingauge
    4. Sunshine
  12. The following are characteristics of a certain climatic region in Kenya. 
    1. Has low temperatures
    2. It is cool and wet
    3. It receives rainfall of between 1200mm-2000mm anually.
    4. It covers parts of Rift valley.
      The above climate is likely to be:-
      1. Desert climate
      2. Equitorial climate
      3. Tropical climate
      4. Mountain climate.
  13. Which one is NOT a historic built environment in Kenya?
    1. Museums
    2. Cultural centres
    3. Tall buildings
    4. Monuments
  14. The largest Lake in Kenya is:-
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. Lake Elementaita
    4. Lake Naivasha
  15. A family is a group of people related by the following except:-
    1. Fore father
    2. Blood
    3. Adoption
    4. Marriage

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 36-39.


  1. Which mineral is mined at H?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Salt
    3. Diatomite
    4. Flourspar
  2. The National Park marked G is likely to be:-
    1. Malka Marri
    2. Tsavo East
    3. Sibiloi
    4. Amboseli
  3. What is the source of River marked K?
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Ngong Hills
    3. Mt. Kenya
    4. Lorrian swamp
  4. The town marked N is known as:-
    1. Wajir
    2. Moyale
    3. Garissa
    4. Mandera
  5. Which means of transport is suitable for transporting horticultural crops to European market?
    1. Pipeline
    2. Water
    3. Road
    4. Air


  1. Human beings are different from the rest of God's creation because they:-
    1. Walk like God 
    2. Pray to God
    3. Talk like God
    4. Were created in God's image.
  2. The book of Exodus was written by:-
    1. David
    2. Moses
    3. Paul
    4. Solomon
  3. Who among the following visited Jesus at night?
    1. Lazarus
    2. Thomas
    3. Justus
    4. Nicodemus
  4. Which one is NOT a fruit of the Holy spirit?
    1. Kindness
    2. Self control
    3. Faith
    4. Gentleness
  5. John the Baptist's preaching was about:-
    1. The day of passover
    2. Repentance and forgiveness
    3. Revenge bad for worse
    4. Going to the wilderness
  6. Which book of the Bible tells christians that God has good plans for their future?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Genesis
    3. Luke
    4. Mathew
  7. King Solomon used ____________________________  to solve difficult cases.
    1. talents
    2. abilities
    3. knowledge
    4. wisdom
  8. Why is it important to show respect to the elderly?
    1. grow in adulthood
    2. get money
    3. be cursed
    4. be rewarded by God.
  9. All our prayers are answered by __________________________________
    1. Our teachers
    2. Our parents
    3. Our elders
    4. God
  10. How did Adam and Eve disobey God? By:-
    1. Selling the fruit of knowledge.
    2. Cultivating the land.
    3. Eating the fruit in the middle tree,
    4. Running away form the garden of Eden.


  1. The following are Surahs in the Holy Quran. Which one is NOT?
    1. Inshirrah
    2. Dhuha
    3. Qadar
    4. Malik
  2. Al-Malik is an attribute of Allah (SU) which means
    1. King of kings
    2. The forgiver
    3. The protector
    4. All powerful
  3. During the madrassa session, Abdi was asked by the teacher to identify the mother of all chapters in the Holy Quran. What was his correct answer?
    1. Fiyl
    2. Maun
    3. Firaun
    4. Fatiha
  4. Which one of the following is the last step in swalah?
    1. Maintaining a bowing posture.
    2. Turning the head to the left. 
    3. Standing straight upright.
    4. Turning the head to the right.
  5. When you recite the dua for leaving and entering the house
    1. Your faith in religion becomes stronger.
    2. You become lucky.
    3. Angels sorround you.
    4. Allah protects you.
  6. Physical fitness cannot help us to
    1. avoid some diseases 
    2. be together
    3. respect each other
    4. pass school test
  7. All the following are examples of akhlaq except:-
    1. feeding the fish
    2. protecting the plants
    3. grazing animals
    4. spending our money
  8. Which one of the following is an example of Najasemi Mughaladha?
    1. Blood 
    2. Urine
    3. Vomit 
    4. Pig
  9. Which Swalah falls between Fajr and Asr? 
    1. Dhuhr
    2. Isha
    3. Magharib
    4. Taraweh
  10. Which of the following is a negative use of media?
    1. Listening to Qasida from a mobile phone.
    2. Creating dawah groups on whatsapp.
    3. Sending abusive messages to those who wrong us.
    4. Printing our homework on our computers.



  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


  1.  What is tone?
    1. The lightness or darkness of asurface.
    2. A mark made on a surface.
    3. The feeling of a surface.
    4. The arrangement of objects.
  2. How is dark tonal variation achieved while smudging? 
    1. By pressing the pencil with less pressure.
    2. By drawing the lines close to each other
    3. By pressing the pencil with more pressure.
    4.  By drawing the lines while spaced.
  3. Which of the following is a method of decorating moulded item?
    1. Kneading
    2. Rolling
    3. Pressing
    4.  Incising
  4. Name one tool that can be used to make holes on a leather while making a leather drum.
    1. Chisel
    2. Revolving punch
    3. Razor blade
    4. Scissors
  5. The following are four steps of preparation of clay while making a bowl using pinch technique.
    1. Wedging
    2. Removing impurities
    3. Collection of clay
    4. Kneading
      Arrange the steps from the first to the last
      1. i,iv,ii, iii
      2. iii, ii, i, iv
      3. iv, ii, iiii
      4. iii, ii, iv, i
  6. Ann was preparing for a tie and dye fabric decoration. She first washed the piece of cloth before dying the fabric. What was the reason why Ann washed the piece of cloth first?
    1. To make the dye look beautiful on the cloth
    2. So that the dye can soak well in the cloth
    3. To remove starch and dirt on the cloth
    4. So that the piece of cloth could get wet before dying
  7. Joan wrote the following letters in her book. Which of them is an uppercase letter?
    1. t
    2. n
    3. B
    4. g
  8. Which of the following is not a tertiary colour?
    1. Green-yellow
    2. Blue-purple
    3. Red-orange
    4. Yellow-orange
  9. How can one prepare sisal plant for weaving a basket?
    1. By stripping
    2. By cutting
    3. By splitting
    4. By scrapping
  10. Which of these digital devices cannot be used to take a photo? 
    1. Smartphone
    2. Camera
    3. Clock 
    4. Tablet

MUSIC (10 marks)

  1. The part of a descant recorder that is blown to produce sound is called a
    1.  membrane
    2. tone hole
    3.  foot joint
    4. mouth piece
  2. In producing musical sounds, the highness or lowness of a tone is described using the word,
    1. pitch
    2. dynamics
    3. melody
    4.  tune
  3. The words "Put your right foot in, and put your right foot out " sound like words from which type of song?
    1. Sacred song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Action song
    4. Lullaby song
  4. Which part of the descant recorder should the left hand be placed when playing?
    1. Foot joint
    2. Upper part
    3. Lower part
    4. Middle juint
  5. In which of these occasions do we sing the national anthem?
    1. During wedding
    2. During funeral
    3. When going to sleep 
    4. During Madaraka day celebration
  6. A                     is a performer in a traditional song who usually leads other singers in the song.
    1. soloist
    2. folk
    3. leader
    4. melody
  7. The following are Kenyan traditional musical instruments. Which one is not?
    1. Isiriri
    2. Adeudeu
    3. Litungu
    4. Guitar
  8.                          is a word  we use to describe how fast we are singing in a song.
    1. Nuise
    2. Tempo
    3. High
    4. Pitch
  9. The following are examples of melodic percussion instruments. Which one is not?
    1. Piano
    2. Mbira
    3. Marimba
    4. Drum
  10. The following are values we learn from folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Honesty
    2. Obedience
    3. Hatred
    4. Courage

Study the map of Chao area and answer questions 21-25.

  1.  Pupils of Chao primary went for a tour to the forest. Which one of the following physical features did they see?
    1. Hill
    2. Ocean
    3. Dam
    4. Sea
  2. Which one of the following is the main cash crop grown in Chao area?
    1. Maize
    2. Tea
    3. Coffee
    4. Rice
  3. People of Chao area are likely to be
    1. Muslims
    2. traditionalists
    3. Hindus
    4. Christians
  4. A thief was caught in Chao market. Where should the thief be taken to?
    1. Governor's office
    2. Police station
    3. Church
    4. School
  5. The elected head of Chao area is a
    1. chief
    2. president
    3. governor
    4. police
  6. Grade 5 learners in Membe primary school were asked to name the elements of a map. Who among them gave the wrong answer?
    1. Peter     -        Scale
    2. Elizabeth   -     Key
    3. James      -       Frame
    4. Sarah         -     Colour
  7. The largest county in Kenya is
    1. Nairobi
    2. Mombasa
    3. Turkana
    4. Marsabit
  8. The people's way of life is known as
    1. behaviour
    2. culture
    3. tradition
    4. ceremony
  9. Identify the historic built environment among the following
    1. school
    2. monument
    3. church
    4. parliament
  10. Identify the type of population distribution below.
    1. Clustered
    2. linear
    3. Scattered
    4. Sparse
  11. Who do we depend on for treatment?
    1. Farmer
    2. Teacher
    3. Doctor
    4. Driver
  12. A place where traditional artefacts are preserved is called
    1. store
    2. monument
    3. museum
    4. granary

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 33-35.

  1. The country that neighbours Kenya to the North marked W is called
    1. Sudan
    2. Somalia
    3. South Sudan
    4. Ethiopia
  2. The mountain marked X is called
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Longonot
  3. The lake marked Y is
    1.  L. Turkana
    2.  L. Victoria
    3.  L. Nakuru
    4.  L. Magadi


  1. Abraham was called by God while he was living in the land of
    1. Ur
    2. Haran
    3. Canaan
    4. Midian
  2. The story of creation of the earth is recorded in the book of
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Matthew
    4. Luke
  3. A group of people related by marriage and blood makes a
    1. family
    2. clan
    3. society
    4. tribe
  4. The parente of Samuel were
    1. Zachariah and Elizabeth
    2. Mary and Joseph
    3. Hannah and Elikanuh
    4.  Peninah and Elikanah
  5. ".................this is my own dear son whom am pleased with." Luke 3:22. These words were said to Jesus during which occasion?
    1. Temptation of Jesus.
    2. Transfiguration of Jesus.
    3. Baptism of Jesus.
    4. Arrest of Jesus.
  6. Joseph realized that his deskmate had nothing to eat during lunch time. He offered his food to share with him. Which fruit of the Holy Spirit did he show?
    1. Kindness
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Joy
    4. Humility
  7. Which one of the following is not a rite of passage in traditional African societies
    1. Birth
    2. Marriage
    3. Initiation
    4. Baptism
  8. The C.R.E. teacher for grade 5 asked the learners to state traditional names given to God by different communities in Kenya. Who among them did not give the correct name?
    1. Otieno    -     Luo: Nyasaye
    2. Meine      -     Kikuyu : Naai
    3. Nyakundi  -     Abagusii: Enkoro
    4. Ole Sapit   -    Maasai: Mulungu
  9. The first king of Israel was called
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Ahab
  10. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in the country of
    1. Canaan
    2. Israel
    3. Egypt
    4. Midian
  11. Jesus changed water into wine in the town of
    1. Nain
    2. Cana
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Bethany
  12. Annanias and Sapphira died because they
    1. lied to the Holy Spirit.
    2. sold all their land.
    3. shared money with non believers.
    4. refused to give money to the apostles.
  13. The name Jesus means
    1. Saviour
    2. Anointed one
    3. Light of the world
    4. God with us
  14. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." These words were found in the book of
    1. Proverbs
    2. Psalms
    3. Exodus
    4. Genesis
  15. James found a mobile phone in the field. As a Christian what should he do?
    1. Take the phone and use it.
    2. Take the phone to his parents.
    3. Take the phone to the teacher.
    4. Leave the phone in the field.


  1. Who among the following is not a prophet of Allah?
    1. Muhammad
    2. Ibrahim
    3.  Musa
    4. Luqman
  2. Grade five learners were asked by their teacher to name the surah that must be recited in every prayer. Who among them was right?
    1. Suleiman      -        Ikhlas '
    2. Salman         -        Fatiha
    3. Salwa            -        Naas
    4. Hassan          -        Falaq
  3. Which prophet of Allah was given the Taurat?
    1. Musa
    2. Daud
    3. Muhammad
    4. Ibrahim
  4. Which of the following surahs has seven verses?
    1. Nasr
    2. Asr
    3. Fatiha
    4. Falaq
  5. Who was the first man to be created?
    1. Muhammad
    2. Adam
    3. Hawa
    4. Issa
  6. Who was the mother of prophet Muhammad?
    1. Halima
    2. Hawa
    3. Aisha
    4. Amina
  7. Grade four learners were asked to name fardh parts of wudhu. Who among them. was correct?
    1. Habiba     -        arms
    2. Hawa        -       nose
    3. Halima       -      ears
    4. Hafsa          -     mouth
  8. How many days did Allah take to create the world and everything?
    1. Seven
    2. Six
    3. Five
    4. Ten
  9. "Faswal lirabbika wanhar" This quotation is from surah
    1. Maun
    2. Fatiha
    3. Falaq
    4. Kauthar
  10. Complete the following hadith using the correct phrase; "Paradise lies under the feet of
    1. people
    2. uncles
    3. mothers
    4. parents
  11. "Have you seen those who deny the day of recompense?" Which surah is this verse found?
    1. Maun
    2. Nasr
    3. Fatiha
    4. Fill
  12. Allah (S.W.T) is one and only one. This message is found in surah
    1. Falaq
    2. Fatiha
    3. Naas
    4. Ikhlas
  13. Ramla a grade five learner found her friends fighting. What was the right cause of action for her to take?
    1. Leave them alone
    2. Separate them
    3. Call for help
    4. Help the weaker one
  14. The attribute of Allah Ar-Rahiim means
    1. The most merciful
    2. The most gracious
    3. The creator
    4. The forgiver
  15. Who among the following prophets is among Ulul-Azm?
    1. Ayub
    2. Hud
    3. Ismail
    4. Nuh



  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
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  5. B
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  7. A
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  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
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