Displaying items by tag: social studies


Study the following picture and answer questions 1 and 2.


  1. The picture making technique used in shading the picture above is called _________________________.
    1. smudging
    2. cross hatching
    3. crayon etching
    4. stippling
  2. How has the dark effect been created in the picture?
    1. By shading with widely spaced criss crossing lines
    2. By smudging the dry media uniformly
    3. By ensuring that the objects overlap
    4. By applying dots close together
  3. Maxwell is an upcoming artist. Which one of the following factors would you not advise him to consider when drawing forms?
    1. Size
    2. Balance
    3. Proportion
    4. Space
  4. Painting is ________________________.
    1. Diluting colours using water
    2. Adding black or white to a colour
    3. Using brush and paint to decorate an image
    4. Pasting related pictures on a surface to make an artwork
  5. What is an imaginative composition?
    1. Creating artworks of things never seen before
    2. Copying an already existing artwork
    3. Drawing from observation
    4. Drawing of human forms
  6. Which one of the following is not a demonstration of craftsmanship when making a montage composition?
    1. neat application of adhesive
    2. neat overlapping of cut out forms
    3. inconsistency in cutting of the artworks
    4. fitting the artworks in the drawn picture frame
  7. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
    1. A woven artwork has warps and wefts
    2. Basketry artworks have rolled or plaited coils bound by stitching
    3. Both mats and baskets are products of weaving
    4. The coil and stitch technique is a basketry technique
  8. The following are natural sources of materials that can be used in the coil and stitch technique. Which one is the odd one out?
    1. Rafia
    2. Sisal fibre
    3. Banana leaves
    4. Polyester yarn
  9. Which one of the following is not a safety tip when preparing materials for coil and stitch technique in basketry?
    1. Wear protective clothes
    2. Only rest when all the materials are prepared
    3. Take care when using sharp cutting tools
    4. Always work in a spacious room or area
  10. A good floor mat made by plaited or rolled coils has the following characteristics except.
    1. durable
    2. cleanable
    3. non-slippery
    4. easy to tear 
  11. What is the use of the following tool when making a beaded leather wrist band?
    1. Punching holes into the leather wristband
    2. Attaching beads on the leather wristband
    3. Tracing line patterns on the leather wristband
    4. Stitching different pieces of leather together
  12. Christine made a beaded wristband. What would she use it for?
    1. Wearing on her hand to enhance her appearance
    2. Fastening her blouse with it instead of using buttons
    3. Hang it on the wall in the house as a decoration
    4. Carrying pens and pencils to school 
  13. The clay that has been dried, fired, crushed and added to normal clay is called ____________________
    1. grog
    2. bisque ware
    3. leather hard cla
    4. slip 
  14. Which of the following are ways of decorating modeled clay items?
    1. Embedding and piercing
    2. Embossing and smoking
    3. Burning and texturing
    4. Polishing and piercing
  15. What is carving?
    1. Making a product using leather
    2. shaping an item from a hard material such as wood, stone or metal
    3. Decorating a clay item before it dries completely
    4. Making items using fibre by weaving and plaiting


For questions 16-19, complete the table below by choosing the correct options out of the given four.


  1. What is the note symbol for ?
  2. In a four-beat pattern, the occurrence of strong beats happens after?
    1. Three beats
    2. Four beats
    3. Two beats
    4. Every beat
  3. Which one shows the highest pitch discrimination between the sol-fa syllables?
    1. f to d1
    2. s to r
    3. m to f
    4. r to d1
  4. Which method was used to create the melody below?
    1. Improvisation
    2. Alteration
    3. Slight variation
    4. Repetition
  5. Matthew created the following melody.
    d, r, m, s, d, r, m, s
    Which method did he use to come up with the melody?
    1. Alteration
    2. Repetition
    3. Mirror
    4. Slight alteration
  6. How many sounds are in the range d−d1?
    1. 1
    2. 8
    3. 7
    4. 6


  1. The following are countries found in the Eastern African region. Which of them is not correct?
    1. Somalia
    2. Eritrea
    3. Zambia
    4. Uganda
  2. Kenya lies to the __________________________Somalia.
    1. East
    2. Westy
    3. South
    4. North
  3. Which lake is marked x on the diagram?
    1. Crater lake
    2. Lava damned lake
    3. Rift valley lake
    4. Tarn lake
  4. Kilemia has a tea plantation in his county. Which climatic region influences growth of his tea? 
    1. Desert
    2. Mountain
    3. Tropical
    4. Equatorial
  5. What type of vegetation is shown below?
    1. Mangrove
    2. Savannah
    3. Tropical rainforest
    4. Mountain
  6. What is the main importance of Fort Jesus in Kenya?
    1. Attracts tourists.
    2. Preserve Swahili culture
    3. It is a source of knowledge.
    4. Protects the environment.
  7. The last Bantu community to migrate into Eastern Africa, were the ________________________. They were escaping from the raids by the Zulu of South Africa.
    1. Abaluyha
    2. Luo
    3. Somali
    4. Ngoni
  8. Most of the people are allowed by the government to settle around the game parks and airports.
    1. True
    2. False
  9. The following are the aspects of African traditional culture. Which one among them ought not to be preserved?
    1. Use of elders to settle disputes.
    2. Traditional foods.
    3. Eradication of traditional songs and dances.
    4. Respect for the elders.
  10. What benefit does your school benefit from your community?
    1. Community gives free land to school.
    2. School gives scholarship.
    3. School creates employment.
    4. School builds community.
  11. Non-teaching staff and school ground is acquired from the _____________________________.
    1. Community
    2. Head teacher
    3. School
    4. Church
  12. Study the activity below and say what the learners and community members are doing together.
    1. Market cleaning day. 
    2. School general cleaning. 
    3. Learners trading.
    4. Traders selling items.
  13. Maguna harvests his crop as shown below. Which characteristic of large scale farming does the picture show?
    1. Use of heavy machines
    2. Human labour
    3. Large capital
    4. Produce for sale
  14. Which of the following crops is not grown on large scale?
    1. Tea
    2. Coffee
    3. Cassava
    4. Pyrethrum
  15. What is the main contribution of large scale farming to the country?
    1. Job creation
    2. Raw materials
    3. Large capital
    4. Foreign exchange



  1. The following are benefits of using our talents and abilities well. Which one is not
    1. We can earn income if we use our talents and abilities well
    2. We can serve others using our talents and abilities
    3. We become aware of God's purpose for our lives when we use our talents and abilities well
    4. We lose our focus in life when we concentrate on our talents and abilities
  2. A Christian may spend their leisure time doing all these activities except?
    1. Worshipping God
    2. Reading the Bible
    3. Helping the needy
    4. Taking drugs
  3. Which among the Ten Commandments has a promise to it?
    1. Second
    2. Fourth
    3. Fifth
    4. Third
  4. Which Bible story teaches us about determination?
    1. The story of Elisha and how he recovered an axe head
    2. The story of Jacob wrestling with God
    3. The story of baby Moses being rescued by Pharaoh's daughter
    4. The story on the call of Moses
  5. How many prophets of Baal were at the contest on mount Caramel?
    1. 300
    2. 450
    3. 200
    4. 100
  6. Which of the following shows qualities of a false god?
    1. He answers prayers
    2. He is a provider
    3. He is powerful
    4. He does not listen to the prayers for those who pray to them
  7. God's power helped Samson to defeat
    1. The Philistines
    2. The Galatians
    3. The Israelites
    4. The Egyptians
  8. Marriage is meant for ____________________________
    1. People under the age of 18 years
    2. People who are above the age of 18 years and are ready for commitment
    3. Children who are still in school
    4. All girls who have not gone to school
  9. What lesson is not taught by the story of the call of the first disciples?
    1. We should not obey when God calls
    2. We should have faith in God
    3. God calls people to serve Him
    4. You can serve God in your workplace 5
  10. Select the symbol which is matched to its meaning according to the parable of the hidden treasure.
    1. The man - The word of God
    2. The field - Normal way of living
    3. The property that was sold - Christian
    4. The hidden treasure - The Kingdom of God



  1. According to Sural Al-Zilzalah _______________ shall signify the day of judgement.
    1. floods
    2. rain
    3. fire
    4. earthquake
  2. Complete the verse: Wakalal insanu ______________________
    1. Zilzalaha
    2. Ma'alaha
    3. Bianna rabaka
    4. Athkalaha
  3. Which word means to completely trust Allah?
    1. Tawaakul
    2. Taqwa
    3. Sunnah
    4. Tawakkul
  4. The first Wahy (revelation) from Allah was on ______________________.
    1. Swalah
    2. religion
    3. knowledge
    4. faith
  5. Which one among the following does not nullify Swalah?
    1. Eating and drinking
    2. Turning away from Qibla
    3. Overtaking the Imam
    4. Using tayammum for wudhu
  6. Taqwa can be demonstrated through three of the following except one. Which one?
    1. Being truthful
    2. Forgiving
    3. Independent
    4. Applying justice
  7. Which statement is false?
    1. A guest is a gift.
    2. A guest comes with sustenance.
    3. A guest carrys away sins of family
    4. A guest is a burden.
  8. Repentance is referred to as ______________________________
    1. Ihsan
    2. Taubah
    3. Amal
    4. Dua
  9. Complete the hadith: Search for knowledge is a duty to _____________________ male and female.
    1. some
    2. old
    3. every
    4. young
  10. Who among the following are not Muttaqiins? 
    1. Prophets
    2. Shahid
    3. Auliya
    4. Zuhd



  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
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  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. B


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  15. D


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  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B


  1. The technique of shading where dots are used to show value on drawn forms by arranging them close together to show darker and lighter parts is known as
    1. smudging
    2. tonal value
    3. stippling
    4. painting
  2. What is the result of mixing the following colours
    Primary Colour + Secondary colour:
    1. secondary colour
    2. tertiary colour
    3. primary colour
    4. orange
  3. The drawing involves forms that one has not seen or interacted with before is known as
    1. drawing from observation.
    2. imaginative composition
    3. still life drawing
    4. cross hatching
  4. An imaginary line that divides a drawing into two halves is called
    1. axis
    2. depth
    3. equator
    4. balance
  5. The technique that involves applying of paint on a pictorial composition is known as
    1. crayon etching
    2. painting
    3. smudging
    4. shading
  6. Which one of the following is not a principle of art?
    1. Shapes
    2. Balance
    3. Proportion
    4. Rhythm and movement
  7. Which one of the following materials cannot be used to create montage in pictorial composition?
    1. Brushes
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Glue
    4. Wet soil
  8. What does overlapping of cut-out images in montage create?
    1. Balance
    2. Manilla paper
    3. Glue
    4. Wet
  9. A basketry technique that involves coiling planted or rolled coils into a spiral and stitching them at each row to hold and secure in place is referred to as
    1. coiling
    2. stictching
    3. coil and stitch
    4. basketry
  10. When decorating a wristband, which one of them following materials cannot be used?
    1. Beads
    2. Strings
    3. Scissors
    4. Axe


  1. A performance where three people sing a 3-part song is called
    1. duet
    2. trio
    3. solo
    4. choral
  2. Songs performed by people from the same community are called
    1. sacred songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. topical songs
    4. folk songs
  3. Which one of the following is not a feature ofa folk song?
    1. Mood
    2. Structure
    3. Climax
    4. Choral
  4. The gradual increase in volume when singing using a musical instrument is
    1. trio
    2. duet
    3. crescendo
    4. diminuendo

Use the musical instrument below to answer question 15 and 16.

  1. The musical instrument below is called?
    1. Adeudau
    2. Wandindi
    3. Abu
    4. Drum
  2. The musical instrument can be played by
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. beating
    4. hitting
  3. The songs that are sung to show things that affect the community are called
    1. topical songs
    2. patriotic songs
    3. popular songs
    4. sacred songs
  4. Which one of the following voice parts can be sung by girls only?
    1. Soprano
    2. Bass
    3. Tenor
    4. Solo
  5. The musical note drawn below is called
    1. crotchet
    2. semibreve
    3. minim
    4. quaver
  6. The clothes worn by dancers during performance of songs are called
    1. uniforms
    2. props
    3. ornaments
    4. costumes


  1. Below are characteristics of a vegetation Zones in Eastern Africa
    1. Trees are tall
    2. Trees grow close together
    3. Trees are evergreen
    4. Trees have broad leaves
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. rainforest vegetation
      2. mangrove vegetation
      3. swamp vegetation
      4. savannah vegetation
  2. Arabs came to settle in Eastern Africa MAINLY insearch of
    1. goods for trade
    2. fertile soils
    3. pasture and water
    4. iron for tool making
  3. Below are examples of physical features. Choose the one that is a drainage feature.
    1. Escarpment
    2. Valley
    3. River
    4. Hill
  4. The MAIN factor influencing population distribution in Eastern Africa is
    1. distribution of towns
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. availability of jobs
    4. availability of minerals 
  5. Grade 6 learners can take part in community.development by
    1. making school rules
    2. building roads
    3. opening up business
    4. cleaning the local market
  6. The following are relief features in Eastern Africa. Which relief feature discourage human settlement?
    1. Plains
    2. Steep slopes
    3. Plateaus
    4. River valleys
  7. Grade 6 learners went on a field trip. They passed through a town where they saw many poorly built houses close together. The problem LIKELY to be found in such places is
    1. road accidents
    2. diseases
    3. low rainfall
    4. overcrowding
  8. The diagram below represents the formation of relief rainfall
    The area marked X receives less rainfall because
    1. it lies at a low altitude
    2. it has little vegetation cover
    3. it is sheltered from warm moist winds
    4. it is far from large water bodies
  9. Mekatilili wa Menza led the Agiriama people in fighting the British because
    1. the British stopped them from trading
    2. the British interfered with the independence
    3. the British were building a railway line
    4. the British sold them into slavery 
  10. In Kenya diatomite is mined at
    1. Kimwarer in Kerio valley
    2. Bamburi in Mombasa
    3. Athi River in Machakos
    4. Kariadusi near Gilgil
  11. Kivoi wa Mwendwa was a great trader of the
    1. Akamba people 
    2. Agikuyu people
    3. Agiriama people
    4. Ameru people
  12. A county government in Kenya is headed by
    1. a county commissioner
    2. a county representative
    3. a governor
    4. a senator

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 33 to 35.


  1. The community that used the route marked T during the migration period is
    1. Chagga
    2. Ngoni
    3. nyamwezi
    4. Hehe
  2. The administrative capital city of the country marked P is
    1. Mitsiwa
    2. Djibouti
    3. Asmara
    4. Addis Ababa
  3. The shaded area marked M is densely populated due to
    1. presence of large towns
    2. mining activities
    3. availability of jobs
    4. availability of high rainfall



  1. The commandment that teaches Christian to respect the property of other people is
    1. "Do not accuse anyone falsely"
    2. "Do not commit murder"
    3. "Worship no other god but me"
    4. "Do not steal"
  2. God rested on the seventh day during the creation period because
    1. he was tired
    2. he had completed creation
    3. it was a day of rest
    4. he wanted to create human beings
  3. When Jesus called Peter and Andrew they were
    1. fishing
    2. collecting taxes
    3. looking after sheep
    4. offering a sacrifice
  4. Which one of the following was a tempetation of Jesus. The devil told him to
    1. change water into wine
    2. walk on water
    3. change a stone into bread
    4. raise a dead person
  5. The story of Jacob Wresting with an angel of God at Peniel teaches Christians to be
    1. brave
    2. determined
    3. courageous
    4. humble
  6. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant inthe town of
    1. Capernaum
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethany
    4. Nain
  7. Which one of the following values is the MOST important in a Christian marriage?
    1. Wealth
    2. Education
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Smartness
  8. A Christian value learnt from the story of prophet Elisha raising an axe-head is
    1. courage
    2. humility
    3. patience
    4. faith
  9. God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because
    1. they disobeyed his commands
    2. they spoke to the snake
    3. they made clothes from leaves
    4. they hid in the garden
  10. The MAIN teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mountain is
    1. helping people in need
    2. repenting sins
    3. living lives that please God
    4. accepting others
  11. At the time of the birth of Jesus his parents had gone to Bethlehem to
    1. Visit their relatives
    2. register there
    3. attend the passover feast
    4. escape from Herod
  12. The MAIN message of John the Baptist when he preached was
    1. tolerance
    2. patience
    3. repentance
    4. honesty
  13. Jesus compared the growth of the kingdom of God to
    1. a mustard seed
    2. a lost coin
    3. a fig tree
    4. a narrow door
  14. God called Moses in Midian to go to Egypt to
    1. perform miracles in Egypt
    2. lead the Israelities out of Egypt
    3. offer sacrifices in Egypt
    4. receive the ten commandments
  15. The donkey of Balaam spoke because
    1. an angel was blocking the way
    2. Balaam beat it
    3. God made it to speak
    4. it was tired of carrying Balaam



  1. The story of Elephant is taught in which Surah?
    1. Kauthar
    2. Humazah
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kaafirun
  2. The Surah which tells us about the events of the last day is?
    1. Qariah
    2. Humazah
    3. Takathur
    4. Maun
  3. The Surah that emphasises on the important 
    1. Maun
    2. Nas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Asr
  4. According to the hadith of purity of actions Allah does not check at our?
    1. Hearts
    2. Appearance
    3. Actions
    4. Life
  5. Which one of the following is a male dress code?
    1. It should cover the whole body except the palms and face
    2. It should be made from Gold
    3. It should cover between the navel and the knees
    4. It should not be made of women
  6. Which is the fourth article of faith in Islam?
    1. Belief in Allah
    2. Belief in Books
    3. Belief in Qadar
    4. Belief in prophets
  7. The name of Allah (SWT) Al-Malik means?
    1. The master
    2. The all knowing
    3. The forgivers
    4. The creator
  8. Who took care of prophet Muhamamd after he preached wasthe death of his mother?
    1. Abu Talib
    2. Abdul Mutwalib
    3. Abu Jahal
    4. Abu Dharri
  9. the last Sunnah prayer performed at night is
    1. Witr
    2. Taraweh
    3. Qabliyah
    4. Baadiyah
  10. Complete the following hadith of the prophet (P.b.u.h): "I have been sent for the purpose of prefecting"?
    1. good morals
    2. human beings
    3. life
    4. faith
  11. When Said goes to school in the morning and meets her classmates, the first thing for her to do according to of prophet (S.A.W) is to?
    1. Wait for them to greet her
    2. Keep quiet
    3. Greet her
    4. Smile at her
  12. Muhammad was found making noise in class, the teacher asked to name his friends who were also making noise and he named all of them. Which quality of the prophet did he display
    1. patience
    2. kindness
    3. honesty
    4. generosity
  13.  Which one of the following is an obligation of patience is of parents to their children
    1. Buying them gifts
    2. Paying school fees for them
    3. Buying them a mobile phone
    4. Buying them toys
  14. Which prophet was thrown in the fire by his people?
    1. Harun
    2. Muhammad
    3. Nuh
    4. Ibrahim
  15. Iddul Fitr is celebrated on?
    1. First Ramadhan
    2. First Shawwal
    3. Thirtieth Ramadhan
    4. Second Shawwal



  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D


  1. B
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  4. D
  5. A
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  10. D


  1. A
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  15. D


  1. D
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  9. A
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  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B


  1. The technique that involves using dots to create value and make an object look like solid while on a drawing surface is known as
    1. cross hatching
    2. smudging
    3. stippling
    4. collage
  2. What is the main function of soap in crayon etching?
    1. To make the crayons mix well.
    2. To make the Indian ink to stick well on the waxed surface.
    3. To add texture and beauty to the crayon composition.
    4. To make the surface smooth for scratching.
  3. Alice modelled the item below.
    She can use the following methods to decorate it except
    1. incising
    2. embossing
    3. stamping
    4. kneading
  4. Junet described what calligraphy is. Which one is the correct answer?
    1. The art of writing on a surface using a pen. 
    2. The art of writing using a brush and paint. 
    3. The art of writing with a beautiful handwriting using a special pen.
    4. An art of writing words and drawing pictures.
  5. Grade six learners explained what tertiary colours are. Choose the correct answer they gave?
    1. Any colour obtained from nature.
    2. Colours obtained by mixing primary and secondary colours in equal proportion.
    3. Colours obtained by mixing two or more colours.
    4. Colours obtained by mixing primary colours.
  6. Which of these statements best describes montage?
    1. The art of cutting pictures.
    2. The art of cutting and pasting pictures on a surface.
    3. The art of drawing pictures on a surface.
    4. The art of creating pictures on a surface.
  7. Which option shows the best source of montage pictures?
    1. Textbooks
    2. Storybooks
    3. Dictionary
    4. Old newspapers and magazines
  8. The following are factors to consider when painting. Which one is not?
    1. Subject matter
    2. Proportionality
    3. The type of paint palette.
    4. Centre of interest.
  9. Onyango drew the picture below. What is the name of the art shown?
    1. Stick puppet
    2. Glove puppet
    3. Marionette
    4. Rod puppet
  10. Which pair consists of natural materials that are used in basketry?
    1. Polyester, yarn
    2. Wool, nylon
    3. Carbon fibre, reeds
    4. Raffia, sisal fibre


  1. Which of the following lines is found in the East African Community anthem?
    1. Ee Mungu tunakuomba.
    2. Ee Mungu wewe ni mkuu.
    3. Ee Mungu twaomba uilinde.
    4. Wewe ni Mungu wetu.
  2. The highness or lowness of voice while singing is called _______________________________
    1. rhythm
    2. pitch
    3. melody
    4. volume
  3. "Muturiru" is wind instrument that is used by which community in Kenya?
    1. Luhya
    2. Kikuyu
    3. Mijikenda
    4. Kalenjin
  4. What is the French rhythm of the note below?
    1. Taa-aa
    2. Ta-te
    3. Taa
    4. Taa-aa-aa
  5. A certain community group is singing dirges. The songs being sang are most likely
    1. funeral songs
    2. wedding songs
    3. initiation songs
    4. praise songs
  6. The following are performance etiquettes when presenting folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Dress appropriately.
    2. Maintain enough space between participants.
    3. Never acknowledge the applause from the audience.
    4. Do not stare at the audience whenever one of the presenters makes a mistake.
  7. The following are aspects of a folk song except one. Which one it is?
    1. Occasions
    2. Instrumentation
    3. Participants
    4. Body adornment.
  8. A grade seven learner was singing the song below.
    Wash you hands,
    Osha mikono,
    Sisi sote,
    Wash your hands.
    The above song is an example of ______________________________________
    1. action song
    2. sacred song
    3. topical song
    4. lullaby song
  9. The following are roles of a soloist. Which one is not?
    1. Starting a dance.
    2. Pitching singers so that they sing without straining.
    3. Addressing the audience while commanding singers.
    4. Creating disharmony.
  10. Which of the following musical instruments is played by bowing?
    1. Orutu
    2. Chivoti
    3. Biringi
    4. Nzumari



Study the map of Kita area and answer questions 21-25

  1. Peter walked from the forest to lake Kita. Which direction was he walking from?
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. The climate in the North Western part of Kita area is
    1. hot and wet
    2. cool and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and dry
  3. The following economic activities are practised in Kita area except
    1. lumbering
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. fishing
  4. The elected head of Kita area is a
    1. County Commissioner
    2. Chief
    3. Governor
    4. Senator
  5. The type of settlement in Kita area is mainly
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. sparse
    4. scattered
  6. Grade six learners were asked to identify the countries of Eastern Africa. Who among the following was wrong?
    1. Sophia - Somalia
    2. Lydiah- Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. Obed - Eritrea
    4. Richard - South Sudan
  7. Identify the position of Eastern Africa in terms of longitudes and latitudes
    1. 17° W, 51° E and 37° N and 35° S 
    2. 23°E, 51°E and 22°N, 12°S
    3. 37°W, 35°E, 17°W, 51'S
    4. 22°E, 12°E and 23°N, 51°S
  8. Grade six learners were asked by their Social Studies teacher to name the physical feature drawn below. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Ruwenzori mountains
    2. Mt. Kenya
    3. Mt. Meru
    4. Mt. Kilimanjaro
  9. The diagram above was formed through a process known as
    1. faulting
    2. volcanicity
    3. folding
    4. erosion
  10. The Great Rift valley passes through the following countries except
    1. Kenya
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Sudan
    4. Uganda
  11. A group of people who descended from a common ancestor is called
    1. family
    2. clan
    3. tribe
    4. community

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 32-34.


  1. The town marked Z is
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Juba
    3. Khartourm
    4. Mogadishu
  2. The shaded lake marked Y was formed as a result of
    1. downwarping
    2. volcanicity
    3. faulting
    4. erosion
  3. The country marked X is
    1. Eritrea
    2. Djibouti
    3. Somalia
    4. Ethiopia
  4. Which pair of communities consists of River Lake Nilotes?
    1. Shilluk, Nuer
    2. Acholi, Jie
    3. Luo, Ogiek
    4. Njemps, Dorobo



  1. Grade six learners in Kumi primary school were asked by their CRE teacher to state what was created by God on the 5th day. Who among them gave the correct answer?
    1. James-sun, moon and stars
    2. Jane-sea creatures and birds
    3. John-earth, sea and plants
    4. Josphine - the skY
  2. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to use our God given talents well? The parable of the
    1. mustard seed
    2. sower
    3. three servants
    4. ten virgins
  3. According to Exodus 31:3, whom did God choose to build the covenant box?
    1. Hur
    2. Uri
    3. Bezalel
    4. Judah
  4. A group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption is called
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. tribe
    4. age group
  5. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Come we stay marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Customary marriage
    4. Civil marriage
  6. The time we have when we are free from normal routine work is called
    1. celebration time
    2. leisure time
    3. personal time
    4. idle time
  7. The books of the law in the Bible include three of the following except 
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Leviticus
    4. Proverbs
  8. Which of the ten commandments teaches Christians to respect their marriages?
    1. The 5th
    2. The 6th
    3. The 7th
    4. The 8th
  9. According to Jesus, the greatest commandment is the commandment of
    1. wisdom
    2. love
    3. respect to human life
    4. respect to people's property
  10. Samson defeated the Philistines because
    1. of God's power in him
    2. of the unshaved hair
    3. of his own strength
    4. of his own secrets
  11. Grade six learners were asked by their C.R.E teacher to identify the miracles of prophet Elisha. Who did not give the right response?
    1. Feeding 1000 prophets
    2. Healing Naaman of his leprosy
    3. Raising the son of the widow of Zarephath
    4. Floating and recovering the lost axe head
  12. Which response did Jesus give when the devil asked him to throw himself down from the top of the temple?
    1. Man shall not live on bread alone
    2. Worship the lord your God and serve only him
    3. Do not put the Lord your God to test 
    4. I am the light of the world
  13. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant because
    1. of the servant's faith
    2. of the officer's faith
    3. Jesus had mercy on him
    4. he was righteous
  14. During which miracle did Jesus weep?
    1. Crucification
    2. Raising of Lazarus
    3. Changing water into wine
    4. Baptism
  15. On your way to school, you find two of your school mates in grade three fighting over the ownership of a pen. As a Christian, what should you do?
    1. Run to school so as not to get late
    2. Help one of them who is your friend
    3. Report them to the head teacher
    4. Separate them and try to find out who the owner of the pen is.



  1. Rahma a grade six learner found her friends backbiting their teacher. Which surah can she encourage them to read?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. Al-Humaza
    3. Al-Falaq
    4. Al-Quraish
  2. "Except those who believe and recommend one another to patience, "This quotation is from surah
    1. Asr
    2. Maun
    3. Masad
    4. Fiil
  3. The surah of the Qur'an that must be recited in every prayer is
    1. An-Naas
    2. Al-Falaq
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. Al-Fatiha
  4. Zakaria left his home to school in a long sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. Which part of his body was naked?
    1. The head
    2. The stomach
    3. The navel
    4. The knees
  5. Muhammad is a farmer who has planted many trees. Three of the following are importance of planting trees except 
    1. provide shade for people
    2. provide food for people and birds
    3. provide home for people
    4. provide home for birds
  6. Three of the following are bounties that Allah has given human beings. Which one is not?
    1. Health
    2. Women
    3. Legs
    4. Life
  7. Muna a grade six learner was discussing with his friend the pillars of Iman. How many pillars do you think they are likely to have discussed?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Four
  8. Three of the following are qualities of a Mutaqeen. Which one is not?
    1. They fear Allah
    2. They avoid all sins
    3. They commit shirk
    4. They give out in charity
  9. Hasfa was preparing a wall chart for class on the Angels of Allah and their duties. Which angel did she record as the angel of Wahy?
    1. Mikail
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Jibril
    4. Izrail
  10. Which one of the following prayer is performed at 6.30 pm?
    1. Isha
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Asr
    4. Maghrib
  11. While discussing the attributes of Allah, Maslah a grade six learner wanted to know from her friends the meaning of Al-Khaaliq. What was the possible answer that Maslah may have received?
    1. The creator
    2. The sustainer
    3. The judge
    4. The fashioner
  12. On his way to school, Mullah a grade six learner collected broken pieces of bottles from the road and threw them away in the dustbins alongside the road. This act is referred to as
    1. sadaqah
    2. zakah
    3. goodness
    4. kindness
  13. Three of the following are characteristics of the angels of Allah. Which one is not?
    1. They are neither male nor female
    2. They eat and drink
    3. They are made from light
    4. They do not disobey Allah (S.W.T)
  14. Which one of the following is the first month of Islamic calender?
    1. safar
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharram
    4. Shaban
  15. Nasteha a grade six learner was studying on the family tree of the prophet (S.A.W). Whom do you think she is likely to have found out to be the mother of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)? 
    1. Halima
    2. Khadija
    3. Aisha
    4. Amina



  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Line
    2. Shape
    3. Value
    4. Form
  2. The following are principles that should guide an artist when creating a still life compositing except __________________________.
    1. balance
    2. proportion
    3. overlapping
    4. texture
  3. The following diagram shows a ____________________________.
    1. collage
    2. painting
    3. still life drawing
    4. crayon etched picture
  4. What is cross hatching?
    1. Using parallel intersecting lines to shade a drawn object
    2. Using water colours to decorate a drawing
    3. Smearing a drawing made using dry media
    4. Using a sharp object to draw on a crayon waxed surface
  5. What is a tertiary colour?
    1. A colour created by mixing two primary colours
    2. A colour created by mixing two secondary colours
    3. A colour created by mixing a primary and secondary colour
    4. A colour created by mixing black or white to any colour
  6. Which of the following colour combinations wrong?
    1. Yellow + orange = yellow-orange
    2. Red + violet = red-orange
    3. Yellow+green green-yellow
    4. Blue + green = blue-green
  7. A lighter tone of a colour can be created by adding _______________________________.
    1. water to it
    2. black colour to it
    3. white colour to it
    4. both black and white colours to it
  8. What is collage?
    1. pasting textured materials on a surface to create a picture
    2. cutting and pasting related pictures to make an artwor
    3. making a picture by drawing with a pencil before painting
    4. drawing on a crayon waxed surface covered in black ink using a sharp object 
  9. Textured materials from the environment that can be used to make a collage include all of the following except ___________________.
    1. leaves
    2. ree bark
    3. inedible seeds
    4. old newspapers
  10. Pictures A and B below show ________________________ and _______________________methods of weaving respectively. B
    1. coil and plain
    2. twine and plain
    3. plain and twine
    4. twine and coil
  11. Which one of the following not a method used to prepare weaving materials?
    1. Splitting
    2. Soaking
    3. Stripping
    4. Smoking
  12. Pots made using the pinch technique can be decorated in the following ways except by _________________________.
    1. stamping
    2. scratching
    3. incising
    4. beading
  13. In pottery, the mud-like clay used as glue for sticking slabs together is called ____________________________.
    1. grog 
    2. mud
    3. slip
    4. adhesiv
  14. Grade 5 leaners in Al Hadasa School collected the following materials for an Art and Craft lesson: 
    1. Carving tool
    2. Soft wood
    3. Sand paper
    4. Mallet
      Which activity were they preparing for?
      1. Weaving
      2. Carving
      3. Pottery
      4. Painting
  15. Which of the following are not techniques used to decorate a ladle? 
    1. Smoking and texturing 
    2. Burning and polishing
    3. Incising and embossing
    4. Beading and piercing


For questions 16-19, choose the correct answer out of the four options given below to complete the table.


    1. quaver
    2. semibreve
    3. Crotchet
    4. Dotted minim
    1. taa
    2. ta-te
    3. taa-aa
    4. taa-aa-aa
    1. 1/8 
    2. 2
    3. 1½ 
    4. 2/8 
  5. Melody of a song is referred to
    1. pitch and rhythm
    2. dynamics and tempo
    3. pitch and dynamics
    4. tempo and pitch
  6. Complete the ladder below
    1. d, r
    2. r, d
    3. f, s
    4. f, r
  7. Which of the following is not a wind instrument?
    1. Guitar
    2. Horn
    3. Descant recorder
    4. Flute
  8. What type of instrument is a descant recorder?
    1. Percussion
    2. String
    3. Wind
    4. Idiophone
  9. What is a duet?
    1. A performance for four people
    2. A performance for two people
    3. A performance for five people
    4. A performance for one person
  10. When singing, doh is lower in ___________________ than re.
    1. Melody
    2. Pitch
    3. Volume
    4. Rhythm


Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.


  1. What is the title of this map?
    1. County
    2. Key
    3. Tula Area
    4. Bondeni Area
  2. The following economic activities are carried out in area shown. Which one is not true?
    1. Farming
    2. Worshipping
    3. Trading
    4. Lumbering
  3. Who is the head of the area shown above?
    1. Chief
    2. Governor
    3. MCA
    4. District Commissioner
  4. Kerubo wanted to visit Tula Area to start a business activity in the market. What could give her direction to her place of destination?
    1. Compass
    2. Scale
    3. Title
    4. Frame
  5. Which lake is shared by two countries that border Kenya to the South and to the West?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. Lake Baringo
    4. Lake Nakuru
  6. Mt Elgon is found at the border of Kenya and ___________________________.
    1. Tanzania
    2. Somalia
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Uganda
  7. Which of the following weather elements is not correctly described?
     A.   Rainfall   Rain supports the growth of vegetation. 
     B.  Wind  Warm and moist winds bring rain.
     C.   Cloud cover   Heavy cloud cover brings heavy rainfall. 
     D.  Temperature   Refers to ice on the mountain.
  8. Muuo wrote the following characteristics to describe a climatic region in Kenya.
    1. The windward side receives relief rainfall while the leeward side is drier.
    2. Temperatures range from 0°C - 15°C. 
    3. Experiences cool and wet conditions.
      The climatic region described above is ____________________________.
      1. Mountain climate
      2. Tropical climate
      3. Modified Equatorial climate
      4. Desert climate
  9. Who among the following learners did not give the correct importance of historic built environments?
     A.   Manasseh    They remind and teach us about our culture. 
     B.  Sharon  They bring rain to our land.
     C.  Baraka  They are sources of information for learning. 
     D.  Gakii  They are sources of employment for people who work there.
  10. The following are ways in which language groups depend on each other. Which of them is not correct?
    1. Treatment
    2. Trading
    3. Iron making
    4. Tribalism
  11. Learning from specialists was a method of instruction used in African traditional education. Boys and girls were taught the following skills except.
    1. Pottery 
    2. Basketry 
    3. Singing
    4. Beading
  12. Mukabane is the head teacher of Bidii Primary School. Which of them is not one of his duties to perform in school?
    1. Secretary of the staff meetings.
    2. Overall in charge of the school. 
    3. Maintains school records.
    4. In charge of funds and security.
  13. Danilo listed the following importance of resources in our environment. Which of them is not correct?
     A.   LAND   We grow crops and keep animals on it. 
     B.  MINERALS   Valuable substances like soda ash beautify our environment. 
     C.  WATER  Source of water for crops and animals and fish such as tilapia.
     D.  FOREST   It is a home for wild animals.
  14. Identify the crop that is not grown in small quantity for use at home among the following.
    1. Arrowroots
    2. Yams
    3. Cassava
    4. Tea
  15. Joseph rears a few cattle to provide milk as shown below. Which of the following is not a factor that favours his dairy farming?
    1.  Plenty of water for animals.
    2. Cool temperatures which discourage ticks.
    3. High and reliable rainfall for pasture growth.
    4. A small market for dairy products.



  1. Which of the following cannot be learnt from the Bible? 
    1. Wisdom
    2. Courage
    3. Pride
    4. Compassion
  2. Which of the following activities does not show good stewardship?
    1. Planting trees in the community
    2. Polluting the rivers in your area
    3. Caring for our domestic animals
    4. Protecting the wild animals in the forest 
  3. Which punishment was given to Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit?
    1. They were chased out of the Garden of Eden
    2. They were beaten
    3. The snake bit them
    4. They became naked
  4. Select the statement that best describes a marriage.
    1. Two adult people that live together 
    2. A union between an adult male and female that is recognised by law
    3. A union between two young people
    4. A sexual relationship between two people
  5. How does a teacher use their talent and ability to fulfill God's purpose?
    1. By teaching and helping learners nurture their talents
    2. By making friends in school
    3. By reporting to school early
    4. By greeting the learners
  6. Which of the following is not a cause of child labour?
    1. Wealth
    2. Poverty
    3. Death of parent or guardian
    4. Irresponsible parents
  7. Why did Eve agree to eat the forbidden fruit?
    1. She was not hungry
    2. She wanted to be foolish
    3. She did not know it was forbidden
    4. She wanted to be wise like God
  8. Which of these values can we use to nurture our talents and abilities?
    1. Honesty
    2. Fear
    3. Laziness
    4. Irresponsibility
  9. We should always read the Bible for _______________________
    1. Guidance
    2. Leisure
    3. Entertainment
    4. Exams
  10. Select an effect of child labour from the following.
    1. Good health
    2. School drop outs
    3. Excellent performance in school
    4. Unity within the family



  1. Complete. Hata zurtumul__________________________.
    1. kalla saufa
    2. makaabir
    3. Thuma kalla sanfa ta taalamun
    4. Al-haqumutakathun
  2. Which one of the following names means the creator?
    1. Al-Ghaffar
    2. Al-Baar
    3. Al-Khaaliq
    4. Al-Qahhar
  3. The Quran teaches us to show ______________________ to our neighbours.
    1. magic
    2. kindness
    3. cruelty
    4. hatred
  4. The mid-morning prayer is called _______________________
    1. Asr
    2. Tahajjud
    3. Dhuha
    4. Taraweh
  5. The main two tribes in Yathrib were _____________________
    1. Quraish and Aus
    2. Aus and Khazraj
    3. Khazraj and Amhara
    4. Jews and Amhara
  6. Which one of the following is not an obligation to our neighbours?
    1. Assist poor neighbours
    2. Bury and accompany their coffins
    3. Annoy them with what we cook 
    4. Give them loans
  7. _____________________ was sent to Madina to teach Islam.
    1. Abu Hanifa
    2. Ali
    3. Saad bin Muadh
    4. Musab bin Umeir
  8. Who among the following refused to bow down to Adam as commanded by Allah?
    1. Hawa
    2. Jibril
    3. Iblis
    4. Muhammad (SAW)
  9. ____________________________ is a shield in Islam.
    1. Swalah
    2. Saum
    3. Zakat
    4. Shahadah
  10. Which one of the following does not spoil sawm?
    1. Backbiting
    2. Lying
    3. Eating
    4. Sleeping



  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D



  1. The settlement pattern in Sidi area can be described as
    1. linear settlement
    2. dense settlement
    3. clustered settlement
    4. even settlement.
  2. The highest point in Sidi area is around the
    1. cattle dip
    2. shrubs
    3. forest
    4. chief's camp
  3. The flow of the river in Sidi area can be described as from
    1. North East to South
    2. North to South East
    3. South West to North
    4. North West to South East.
  4. The people in Sidi area are likely to be
    1. Hindus
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Christians.
  5. The location of the market in Sidi area was influenced by
    1. road passing by
    2. climate
    3. type of soil
    4. security.
  6. Kamau listed the following types of industries. Which type of industry is also called secondary industry? 
    1. Processing industry
    2. Service industry
    3. Assembly industry
    4. Manufacturing industry.

Achieng drew the figure below. Use it to answer questions 7 to 8.


  1. The letters F and J respectively represent
    1. North East ans South West 
    2. South West ans South East
    3. North West and South East
    4. North West and South West.
  2. Below are uses of the above figure. Which one is not? To
    1. show direction
    2. describe the flow of a river
    3. tell routes to a place
    4. show the highest point in a map.
  3. Grade 4 learners described physical features as shown below. Which of the following describes a plateau? A
    1. raised piece of land that is flat at the top
    2. form where water flows out of the ground from an underground source
    3. depression between two areas that are high or raised
    4. large lowland that is generally flat.
  4. Which one of the following is the main importance of the historic built environments?
    1. To attract tourist and earn foreign exchange.
    2. Provide employment opportunities.
    3. Remind and teach us about our culture.
    4. Create a sense of belonging.
  5. Which one of the following is a negative form of interaction? Through
    1. wedding ceremonies
    2. hunting activities
    3. raids and war
    4. religious activities.
  6. Henrick mentioned the following benefits of interdependence. Which one is not correct?
    1. People are able to live in harmony and unity. 
    2. Promotes immorality.
    3. People get new ideas and knowledge.
    4. People are able to appreciate each other's culture.
  7. Belinda matched the industries in the county and their products. Which of the following is correctly matched?
       Industry    Product 
     A.   Creameries   Cakes
     B.  Pottery  Cheese 
     C.  Jua kali  Jikos 
     D.  Weaving  Pots
  8. A learner listed the benefits of trade in the county Which one is correct? It promotes
    1. bribery
    2. growth of slums
    3. pollution of the environment
    4. the agricultural sector.
  9. Below are economic activities in the county. Which one is the most common economic activity?
    1. Mining
    2. Saw milling
    3. Agriculture
    4. Basketry.


  1. A teacher prompted learners to say any word that came in their minds. His aim was to give the words rhythmic names. Whose word was given the name ta-te?
    1. Lucy - Melon
    2. Janet-Gate
    3. Peris-Good morning
    4. Betty-Farm.
  2. Grade four learners discovered that a melody is composed by short and long sounds. Which of these is the shortest sound in Music?
    1. taa
    2. ta-te
    3. taa-aa
    4. taa-te-fe.
  3. Kiarie had four bottles. He wanted to produce sound with them. Which bottle produced the highest sound? The
    1. one half filled with water
    2. one fully filled by water
    3. empty plastic bottle
    4. empty metallic bottle. 
  4. Musa sang a melody with these syllables:
    mi fa so la. This is called _____________________ singing.
    1. sideways
    2. upward
    3. downward.
    4. round.
  5. When we combine long and short sounds to form Music, we are creating
    1. pitch
    2. dynamics
    3. rhythm
    4. pace.
  6. Njue mentioned the elements of folk dance as shown below. Which one of them is false?
    1. Tempo
    2. Volume 
    3. Space
    4. Energy.
  7. Participants were to carry musical instruments to accompany their folk songs performance. Who carried an instrument that is different from the others?
    1. Tom-whistle
    2. Steve-chivoti.
    3. Karen-coro
    4. Liz-isukuti
  8. Belinda decided to improvise the wind instrument shown below. 'Muturiru'
    What is the best material for her to use?
    1. Bamboo stick
    2. Wooden stick
    3. Plastic material
    4. Metal.
  9. Grade 4 learners were to sing the Kenyan National Anthem during assembly. On which day was it?
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Wednesday
    4. Thursday
  10. Grade 5 learners decided to take care of the instrument below.
    How best can they do it?
    1. Washing it while in use.
    2. Sharing with others who don't have.
    3. Keeping it under direct sunlight.
    4. Blowing it softly when using it.

A learner displayed the artwork below. Use it to answer questions 26 to 28.


  1. Which of the following types of lines is not used in the above artwork?
    1. Straight line
    2. Curved line
    3. Zigzag line
    4. Thick line.
  2. The learner decided to shade the artwork using the smudge technique. Which of the following materials is he not likely to use?
    1. Wax Crayons
    2. Coloured pencil
    3. Coloured Chalk
    4. Water colours.
  3. The above equipment is used to
    1. apply crayons
    2. make colours darker
    3. hold paint during painting
    4. make colours brighter.

Below is an artwork by a grade 5 learner. Use it to answer questions 29 to 31.


  1. Which of the following was not likely to have been used by the leaners to create the artwork above?
    1. Adhesive
    2. Pencil
    3. Needle
    4. Magazines.
  2. The above artwork was created using a technique called
    1. cutting and pasting
    2. collage
    3. montage
    4. sticking.
  3. When making the above artwork, one should consider the following factors except
    1. choose a particular theme
    2. ensure proper balance
    3. utilise the space well
    4. dry the artwork on a hot surface.

Grade 5 learners made the item below. Use it to answer questions 32 to 35.


  1. Which of the following materials is not used in making the above item?
    1. Nails
    2. Scissors
    3. Hammer
    4. Knife.
  2. The above artwork can be made using
    1. canvas
    2. leather
    3. nylon
    4. cotton fabric.
  3. Which of the following correctly matches the parts labeled F, K and P?
     F   K   P 
     A. Membrane
     B. Laces
     C. Laces
     D. Tin
  4. The above item is played by
    1. tapping
    2. plucking
    3. blowing
    4. shaking

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks


  1. According to the book of Jeremiah 29:11, what is God's purpose for our lives? To make us
    1. successful
    2. rich
    3. poor
    4. slaves.
  2. While reading the book of Genesis 1:26, 2:15, we learn that God gave responsibilities to human beings. Which of the following is not one of them? To
    1. name and take care of animals, fish and birds 
    2. cultivate the land
    3. take care of the environment
    4. kill all the animals.
  3. Which of the following statements shows the way we can demonstrate good stewardship towards God's creation? By
    1. taking good care of the environment
    2. cutting down trees
    3. throwing garbage in the river
    4. killing wild animals.
  4. Learners wrote the following as factors that promote family unity. Which one does not promote unity?
    1. Sharing responsibilities at home.
    2. Reading the bible and praying together.
    3. Working together on chores and other projects.
    4. Arguing all the time.
  5. In Mathew 25: 14, we read about the parable of the talents. What lesson do we learn from it?
    1. God will punish us if we do not use our talents well.
    2. We should brag about our talents to others.
    3. We should laugh at those who do not have talents.
    4. We should not use our talents so that people do not know we have them.
  6. The Bible tells us about the fall of human beings. What lesson do we learn from it?
    1. We should obey God's word.
    2. We should not do anything we are told.
    3. God is merciless.
    4. The first humans were foolish.
  7. Which of the following is not a value we learn from the story of Noah and his sons?
    1. Honesty
    2. Empathy
    3. Obedience
    4. Carelessness.
  8. Grade 5 learners were discussing ways of showing respect to the elderly. Which of the following is not among them?
    1. Talking to them rudely.
    2. Helping with household chores.
    3. Obeying them.
    4. Offering them seats when there are no seats.
  9. We are taught that family unity is very important. This is because it
    1. promotes love and respect for one another
    2. brings chaos
    3. encourages theft
    4. brings about nepotism.
  10. Grade Spupils were learning about humility and pride. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of pride? It makes
    1. people selfish and self-centered
    2. a person feel superior and look down upon others
    3. a person succeed in life
    4. one be confident in themselves instead of in God.
  11. Wendy and her friends wrote the effects of child labour on a chart. Which one of the following is not one of the effect they wrote?
    1. Children become unhappy.
    2. Children become unhealthy.
    3. Children earn a lot of money.
    4. It affects the child's self-esteem.
  12. Grade 5 learners of were discussing the benefits of reading the Bible. Which of the following is not a benefit? Helps us to
    1. obey our elders
    2. know more about God
    3. know creation stories
    4. swear.
  13. Which of the following is not true about Peter and John? They
    1. told people about the Jesus who had risen from the dead
    2. healed a lame man in the name of Jesus Christ
    3. were arrested and put in jail
    4. earned a lot of money through healing people.
  14. Who among the following was not a member of the Jewish Council in which John and peter were brought in front of?
    1. Annas
    2. Jairus
    3. Alexander
    4. Caiaphas.
  15. Solving disputes is very important because it
    1. helps to maintain peace and harmony
    2. brings about pride
    3. helps one get rich quickly
    4. brings disagreements.


  1. Summar wrote the following prayers on a chart. Which one is NOT a sunnah prayer?
    1. Dhuha
    2. Asr
    3. Baadiya
    4. Qabliya.
  2. Grade five learners were asked to search for miracles of prophets on the Internet. Which one did they find out about Nabii Issa?
    1. Changed walking stick into a snake.
    2. Thrown into the fire but the fire did not burn him.
    3. Could understand the language of birds. 
    4. Spoke at infancy.
  3. Two surahs known as muawidhatein are
    1. Naas and Maun
    2. Naas and Falaq
    3. Ikhlas and Naas
    4. Falaq and Fatiha.
  4. Saba'atul mathani must be recited in all prayers. Saba'atul mathani refers to
    1. Fatiha
    2. Falaq
    3. Fatih
    4. Baqara.
  5. The teacher narrated to grade 5 learners about the year of elephant. In the story, who wanted to destroy the Holy Kaaba?
    1. Abu jahal
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abraham
    4. Abraha
  6. In which surah is Ummu jamil mentioned?
    1. Maun
    2. Masad
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Tiyn.
  7. The prophet (saw) had the best character. Which one of the following was not among his characters?
    1. Untrustworthness
    2. Kindness
    3. Truthfulness
    4. Generosity.
  8. Grade 4 learners were discussing the manners of eating according to the sunnah of the prophet. Who gave the correct manners?
    1. Zubeir: Eating what is far from you
    2. Abdos: Eating hot-food.
    3. Kausy: Eating what is in front of you.
    4. Khubbayb: Eating with both hands. 
  9. Complete the hadith on brushing our teeth. "Brushing of teeth is a means of purification of the mouths and pleasing
    1. Allah
    2. Angels
    3. parents
    4. iblis. 
  10. Which one of the following pillars of Islam does not require physical fitness?
    1. Swalah
    2. Jum
    3. Zakat
    4. Hajj.
  11. Allah SWT sees everything. Which attribute of Allah describes Him as the all-seeing?
    1. AL samiu
    2. AL basir
    3. As salaam
    4. AL malik.
  12. Angels of Allah are created from
    1. nur
    2. clay
    3. fire
    4. smoke.
  13. Grade 5 learners were asked to write down the angels mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. How many prophets did they write down?
    1. 35.
    2. 15
    3. 20
    4. 25
  14. Angels have special duties. Which angel is incharge of rain?
    1. Mikail
    2. Malik
    3. Israfeel
    4. Raqib
  15. Who among the following prophets is referred to as ulul azm?
    1. Yunus
    2. Yusuf
    3. Yahya
    4. Musa.


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. C
  35. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D


  1. What are primary colours? They are
    1. colours obtained from nature.
    2. colours obtained from mixing secondary colours.
    3. colours found in natural state that not two colours can be added to obtain them.
    4. mixed secondary and tertiary colours.
  2. Which of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Red
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Orange
  3. The main reason why we apply colour to a painting is to 
    1. add value
    2. add tone
    3. add shape
    4. add light 
  4. The main reason why we include wefts in basketry is to
    1. provide a framework for the basketry
    2. create beauty.
    3. create shape.
    4. make the basket weak and flexible.
  5. Strips of leather that can be used to join two or more pieces of leather are known as
    1. thongs
    2. hides
    3. mallets
    4. rafts
  6. The item below was modelled using clay. The technique used to make the item below is called
    1. pinch technique.
    2. slab technique.
    3. coil technique.
    4. thumb technique.
  7. The techniques used to finish the edges of a mat neatly after weaving is
    1. stitching and binding.
    2. plaiting and twining.
    3. binding and weaving.
    4. weaving and plaiting.
  8. The element that emphasizes on repetition is
    1. rhythm and movement
    2. balance
    3. proportion
    4. space
  9. Alice is mixing clay thoroughly by pressing it over and over again until moisture is evenly distributed. What she is doing is known as
    1. stamping
    2. incising
    3. embossing
    4. kneading
  10. What element shows smoothness and roughness of a surface?
    1. Texture
    2. Value
    3. Tone
    4. Colour


  1. The following are aspects of a folk song except
    1. message
    2. occasion
    3. instrumentation
    4. age
  2. The East African Community Anthem is sung during the following occasions except one. Which one is it?
    1. At the East African Community Meetings.
    2. During flag hoisting ceremonies.
    3. During birthday parties. 
    4. During East African Community regional events. 
  3. The following are parts of the body that we can easily use to create rhythm while singing. Which one is not?
    1. Mouth
    2. Hands
    3. Legs
    4. Ears
  4. How do we tune a drum?
    1. By hitting the drum.
    2. By plucking the leather strips.
    3. By sundrying the membrane.
    4. By tanning the laces.
  5. What do we call songs sung in praise of a country or leaders?
    1. Religious songs.
    2. Topical songs.
    3. Patriotic songs.
    4. Action songs.
  6. The following is a musical wind instrument.
    It is played by
    1. bowing
    2. plucking
    3. blowing
    4. rubbing
  7. Which of these combinations shows solfa notes in ascending order?
    1. doh, mi, reh
    2. doh, reh, mih
    3. mih, re, doh
    4. reh, doh, mih
  8. The following are values we learn from singing. Which one is not?
    1. Kindness
    2. Unity
    3. Greed
    4. Honesty
  9. The following are ways of handling descant recorder. Which one is not?
    1. Keep it where there is enough sunshine.
    2. Clean it before use.
    3. Do not drop it down to avoid breakage.
    4. Keep it in a dry place.
  10. Which of the following is a safety measure that should be observed when dancing?
    1. Use sharp props.
    2. Dance when you are very close to each other.
    3. Dance when wearing heavy metallic ornaments.
    4. Avoid hitting each other while dancing



Study the map of Kaka area and answer questions 21-25

  1. What is the title of the area represented in the map?
    1. Kaka area
    2. Pata area
    3. Koko area
    4. Kiboko area
  2. The main cash crop grown in the area is
    1. maize
    2. tea
    3. coffee
    4. rice
  3. Many people in the area are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Hindus
    4. Pagans
  4. The population distribution pattern in the area is
    1. clustered
    2. sparse
    3. linear
    4. dense 
  5. The forest in the area is found in which direction of the map?
    1. South
    2. North
    3. East
    4. South
  6. Which country boarders Kenya'to the East?
    1. Somalia
    2. Uganda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Ethiopia 
  7. Grade 5 learners were asked by their teacher to name the elements of a map. Who gave a wrong response?
    1. Mweru - frame
    2. Mwai - scale
    3. Onyango - key
    4. Kiprono - colour
  8. Which of the following is a cardinal point of a compass?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. East
  9. Grade 5 learners went for an educational trip to Mombasa. They saw one of the historical built environments. This historical built environment was
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. the Coastal beaches
    3. Fort Jesus
    4. Dedan Kimathi statue
  10. Which one of the following is not a drainage feature?
    1. River
    2. Lake
    3. Ocean
    4. Plateau
  11. Which among the following is not a Bantu speaking community?
    1. Maasai
    2. Agikuyu
    3. Akamba
    4. Abaluhya
  12. Traditional methods of instruction in traditional education include all the following except
    1. use of riddles
    2. use of proverbs
    3. use of stones
    4. use of books
  13. Which one of the following is not a function of the head teacher in a school?
    1. Keeps school records.
    2. Keeps record of money.
    3. Admits new pupils.
    4. Prepares the school timetable.

Use the map below to answer questions 34 and 35.


  1. The lake marked K is known as
    1. Lake Victoria
    2. Lake Turkana
    3. Lake Nakuru
    4. Lake Magadi
  2. The main language group that is found in the region marked xxx is
    1. Bantus
    2. Nilotes
    3. Cushites
    4. Europeans


  1. According to Genesis 3:1-13, Adam and Eve sinned against God when they
    1. hid themselves from God
    2. ate the forbidden fruit
    3. spoke to the serpent
    4. separated from each other
  2. Human beings are special in God's creation because
    1. they were last to be created.
    2. they look like God.
    3. they can speak.
    4. they were created in the image and likeness of God.
  3. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Wisdom
    3. Peace
    4. Working miracles
  4. The early believers did the following except
    1. shared meals together
    2. shared their belongings with each other
    3. fellowshipped together
    4. persecuted others together
  5. The lesson Christians learn from the parable of the three servants is that 
    1. we should use our God given abilities wisely
    2. we should use our abilities for our own use
    3. we should not help those who are not our friends
    4. we should use our abilities to serve family members only
  6. The Bible was written by
    1. God Himself
    2. the Holy spirit
    3. people inspired by the Holy spirit
    4. different people from different parts of the world.
  7. When Moses was called by God he was living in the land of
    1. Midian
    2. Egypt
    3. Canaan
    4. Judea
  8. .......Your sins are forgiven. "Get up and walk."
    During which miracle did Jesus say these words?
    1. Healing of the blind man.
    2. Changing water into wine.
    3. Raising of Lazarus.
    4. Healing of the paralysed man.
  9. Complete the beatitude below.
    ..."Happy are the merciful for God will...
    1. be merciful to them
    2. comfort them
    3. forgive them
    4. bless them
  10. Three of the following are rites of passage in Traditional African Societies. Which one is not?
    1. Birth
    2. Baptism
    3. Marriage
    4. Death
  11. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians that they should be persistent in prayer?
    1. Friend at midnight
    2. The pharisee and the tax collector
    3. The lost coin
    4. The mustard seed
  12. Who among the following healed the mother-in-law of Simon Peter?
    1. Peter
    2. Paul
    3. Jesus
    4. James
  13. When king Solomon wanted to rule the Israelites well, he asked God for
    1. wisdom
    2. wealth.
    3. good health
    4. knowledge
  14. In which town did Jesus meet Zaccheaus?
    1. Cana
    2. Jericho
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Bethany
  15. While playing in the field, you find a one hundred shillings note. As a Christian, what action will you take?
    1. Leave it there for the owner to find it 
    2. Take it there for your own use
    3. give it to the head teacher to find the owner.


  1. Salim a grade six learner is planning to perform Swalatul Isha. Which of the following will be the first thing for him to do?
    1. Perform wudhu
    2. Face Qiblah
    3. Say the Shahada
    4. Put on a clean clothe
  2. Which surah of the Quran helps a Muslim to understand the oneness of Allah (S.W.T)?
    1. Al-Falaq
    2. An Naas
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4. Al- Maun
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Ten
  4. Abdul Jabal was discussing with his friends about the revealed scriptures. Which of these scriptures was revealed to prophet Daud (A.S)?
    1. Taurat
    2. Suhuf
    3. Qur'an
    4. Zabur
  5. "Pray and sacrifice to your Lord. "This quotation is a verse from surah
    1. Maun
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Falaq
    4. Kauthar
  6. You have a friend who does not wear clothes that cover her nakedness. Which of the following will not be a good advice for you to give her?
    1. Respect yourself
    2. Be a role model
    3. You look nice
    4. Follow the Quran's hadith
  7. What should a Muslim say after eating?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Alhamdulillahi
    3. Bismillahi
    4. Subhanallah
  8. Salma a grade five learner likes being clean and brushes her teeth oftenly. Which one of the following times is Salma not required to brush her teeth?
    1. In the morning
    2. Before laughing
    3. Before sleeping
    4. After eating
  9. Allah (S.W.T) is known as the king of kings. This is the same as
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al-Razzak
    3. Al-Khaaliq
    4. Al-Wadud
  10. While researching using a digital device on the prophets, Kheri came across prophets who are known as Ulul Azmi. Who among the following is not one of Ulul Azmi prophets?
    1. Musa
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Issa
    4. Adam
  11. What is the meaning of the term twahara?
    1. Wudhu
    2. Istinjai
    3. Cleanliness
    4. Uncleanliness
  12. While playing in the school playground, Ismail a grade five learner was licked by a dog. Which type of najasaat did he find himself in?
    1. Mutawasita
    2. Mughalladha
    3. Mukhafafa
    4. Hadath Akbar
  13. The nakedness of a Muslim man is between the knees and the
    1. navel
    2. head
    3. stomach
    4. feet
  14. Three of the following are duties of a child to his parents. Which of them is not?
    1. Caring for them
    2. Praying for them
    3. Helping them with work
    4. Quarelling them
  15. Who was the foster mother of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?
    1. Halima
    2. Amina
    3. Hawa
    4. Maryam


Study the map of Kira Area and answer questions 1 to 5 


  1. The direction of lake Kira from the hospital is
    1. West
    2. East
    3. South
    4. North.
  2. River Kira drains its water into the
    1. Forest
    2. cattle dip
    3. Swamp
    4. Lake.
  3. Learners from Kira school named the physical features found in the area. Which one is not part of them?
    1. Swamp
    2. Lake
    3. Ocean
    4. River.
  4. The cattle dip is used for
    1. planting crops
    2. watering animals
    3. killing pests
    4. treating animals.
  5. Which of the following crops is grown for sale in Kira area?
    1. Coffee
    2. Tea
    3. Sisal
    4. Cotton.
  6. John drew a compass in his book. What name is given to the point between North and West?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North West.
  7. Jophiel's uncle is a governor. He heads a
    1. county
    2. country
    3. sub-county
    4. town.
  8. Jerrica wore a heavy cloth while going to school. Which season was the area experiencing?
    1. Dry season
    2. Warm season
    3. Rainy season
    4. Hot season.
  9. Grade four learners were asked by their teacher to name physical features found around their school. Which one of the following did the learners not mention?
    1. Roads
    2. Mountains
    3. Hills
    4. Rivers.
  10. Below is a physical feature in an area. The feature shown is a
    1. Mountain
    2. ocean
    3. lake
    4. river.

The picture below shows an aspect of traditional culture. Use it to answer questions 11-15.


  1. The aspect of culture shown is called
    1. Enyumba
    2. Manyatta
    3. Moran house
    4. Boma.
  2. The aspect of culture shown belongs to which community?
    1. Luo
    2. Maasai
    3. Turkana
    4. Rendile.
  3. The structure above is mostly built by
    1. children
    2. men
    3. adults
    4. women
  4. Three of the following are sources of water. Which one is not?
    1. Lakes
    2. Rivers
    3. Hills
    4. Oceans.
  5. Which one of the following is a resource found in the county?
    1. Clouds
    2. Land
    3. Cars
    4. House


  1. Which of the following musical instruments is played the same way as the one shown below?
    1. Marimba
    2. Kayamba
    3. Flute
    4. Drums.
  2. During a Music lesson, a teacher sang a certain song. Learners listened and sang along as they touched different parts of their bodies. The song is likely to be ______________________ song.
    1. a happy
    2. a topical
    3. an action
    4. a patriotic.
  3. Teacher Mercy asked Grade 4 learners to present folk songs. Kyle presented a song which he accompanied with a slasher. Which occasion
    is the song sung?
    1. Birthday
    2. Wedding
    3. Funeral.
    4. Work.
  4. Maggy has been assigned the part of singing Soprano while Ben will sing bass. If they will sing together the same song, we shall say they are singing in
    1. harmony
    2. collaboration
    3. unison
    4. turns.
  5. If all the children at school present a song together, such performance is called
    1. multiple
    2. solo
    3. choral
    4. group.
  6. Belinda was asked to identify on the Kenyan flag the colour that represents vegetation. Which colour should she choose?
    1. White
    2. Black
    3. Red
    4. Green.
  7. Who among the following pupils did not misbehave when the Kenyan National Anthem was being sang?
    1. Pat- Stood at ease.
    2. Carol-Sang loudly on top of her voice.
    3. Zack-Sang faster than the rest.
    4. Kim-Stood at attention.
  8. When a certain song was being sung, learners were responding in different ways. Which of the following was a negative response?
    1. Nodding.
    2. Shouting
    3. Clapping.
    4. Stamping
  9. Learners improvised some musical instruments to use during devotion. Which one of the following produced the loudest sound?
    1. Plastic bottles.
    2. Wooden materials.
    3. Rubber shoes.
    4. Metalic tins.
  10. While singing the Kenya National Anthem, Musa kept silent when he reached the second line of the second verse. What should he sing?
    1. Tufanye sote bidii.
    2. Natukae na undugu, amani na uhuru.
    3. Ee ndio wajibu wetu.
    4. Ilete baraka kwetu


Tony made the artwork below. Use it to answer questions 26 to 29.


  1. Which of the following is not an embellishment that can be used on the above artwork?
    1. Beads
    2. Sand
    3. Broken glass
    4. Piece of cloth
  2. The artwork above was likely to have been  created using the
    1. coiling technique
    2. kneading technique
    3. pinching technique
    4. cutting technique.
  3. The above artwork can be used for the following purposes except
    1.  cooking
    2. displaying flowers
    3. putting keys
    4. putting stationery.
  4. Which of the following decoration techniques has been used in the above artwork?
    1. Applique
    2. Embedding
    3. Incising
    4. Scratching.
  5. Which of the following is a natural material that can be used to make the above artwork?
    1. Plasticine
    2. Clay
    3. Rubber
    4. Leather.

Keli displayed the fabric below. Use it to answer questions 31 to 33.


  1. Which of the following techniques was used to decorate the fabric above?
    1. Montage
    2. Collage
    3. Applique
    4. Sewing.
  2. The outline of the decoration above can be described as
    1. Wavy line
    2. Zigzag line
    3. Broken line
    4. Spiral line.
  3. Angela listed the following tools and materials. Which of them cannot be used to decorate the above fabric?
    1. Thimble
    2. Needle
    3. Adhesives
    4. Pen.
  4. A grade 4 learner listed the following tools. Which of the following tools cannot be used in drawing?
    1. Sharp tools
    2. Pencil
    3. Charcoal
    4. Pastel.

The figure below was drawn by a grade 4 pupil.


  1. The picture above is called a
    1. decoration
    2. colour wheel
    3. pyramid
    4. triangle.

PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks.


  1. Naaman, a man who was healed by prophet Elisha was suffering from
    1. blindness
    2. leprosy
    3. possession
    4. diabetes.
  2. Which of the kings of Israel ordered the people to bow down and worship idols?
    1. King Nebuchadnezar
    2. King Ahab
    3. King Saul
    4. King David.
  3. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego are the Hebrews who refused to worship idols. What happened to them? They were
    1. thrown into a burning furnace
    2. sent away from the city
    3. beheaded
    4. forgiven.
  4. Which town was Elisha in when he cursed boys who made fun of him?
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethel
    3. Nineveh
    4. Nazareth.
  5. Who was the king of Israel when Jesus was born?
    1. King David
    2. King Herod
    3. King Ahab
    4. King Saul.
  6. The three wise men who came to visit the new born Jesus came from which direction? 
    1. East
    2. West
    3. South
    4. North.
  7. Why were the parents of Jesus in Bethlehem. when he was born?
    1. They had gone there to be counted.
    2. They had gone to buy items there.
    3. They were visiting family members. 
    4. They lived there.
  8. The stories that Jesus used to teach people are called
    1. narratives
    2. parables
    3. fables
    4. legends.
  9. From the story of the good Samaritan, what lesson do we learn?
    1. We should ignore those who are not from our tribe.
    2. We should help everyone regardless of who they are.
    3. Jews were selfish.
    4. Priests are not supposed to touch sinners.
  10. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves and two fish?
    1. 5000
    2. 2000
    3. 12
    4. 700
  11. What is the name of the man whose daughter was healed by Jesus?
    1. Andrew
    2. James
    3. Naaman
    4. Jairus.
  12. Why did Ananias and Saphira die after they sold their land? Because they
    1. cheated God
    2. were sick
    3. killed Jesus
    4. were poisoned.
  13. Which of the following is true?
    1. Jesus cursed the forty two boys.
    2. Moses walked on water.
    3. Jonah was swallowed by a big fish.
    4. Elisha fed five thousand people
  14. Which one of the following is not a way of thanking God?
    1. Singing
    2. Offering sacrifices
    3. Drinking alcohol
    4. Praying,
  15. What is the parable which Jesus used to teach about forgiveness? The parable of the'
    1. unforgiving servant.
    2. good Samaritan
    3. talents
    4. sower.


  1. The Aya below means;
    1. in the name of Allah, the most Gracious the Most Merciful
    2. master of the day of judgement
    3. the most Gracious, the Most Merciful
    4. you alone do we vrship and you alone do we ask for help.
  2. The animal below is slaughtered on which occasion?
    1. Eidul fitr
    2. Eidul adh-ha
    3. Miladul nabii
    4. Christmas.
  3. How many verses are found in Suratul Kaafirun?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 7
  4. The symbol below is metnioned in Surah
    1. Maun
    2. Lahab
    3. Fatiha
    4. Asr.
  5. Which pillar of islam is performed around the house below?
    1. Saum
    2. Hajj
    3. Shahada
    4. Zakah.
  6. The man who leads prayers in the house above is known as
    1. Priest
    2. Sheikh
    3. Imam
    4. Maalim.
  7. Which Prophet of Allah was given the book below?
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Musa
    3. Muhammad
    4. Issa
  8. The uncle of the prophet who took care of him is known as
    1. Abi Twalib
    2. Abdul Mutwalib
    3. Ali
    4. Abu Lahab.
  9. Which one of the following is a good character?
    1. Shouting at young kids.
    2. Greeting the elderly.
    3. Throwing dirt on the road..
    4. Laughing at the disabled.
  10. The food given to the poor before Eidul Fitr prayers is known as
    1. Zakatul maal
    2. Sadaqa
    3. Zakatul fitr
    4. Iftaar.
  11. On which day do we say this dua,
    "Taqaballahu minnaa wa minkum"
    1. Eid day
    2. Friday
    3. Aqiqa day
    4. Burial day.
  12. How many children did the prophet saw have?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 8
    4. 7
  13. A good Muslim prays at least _____________________________________________________rakaa in a day.
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 17
    4. 50
  14. It is sunnah to say. _______________________________ before eating.
    1. Bismillah
    2. Alhamdulillah
    3. Subhanallah
    4. Inshaallah.
  15. Grade four learners were performing swalah in their school mosque. Their swalah ended with
    1. Bismillah
    2. Salaam
    3. Tashahud
    4. Takbir.



  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Colour
    2. Texture
    3. Value
    4. Form
  2. Evelyn decorated her pencil drawn picture on a manila paper by smearing and rubbing. Which picture making technique did she use? 
    1. Crayon etching
    2. Smudging
    3. Colouring
    4. Painting
  3. In a still life drawing, why are some parts of an object not seen at all?
    1. They are in the direction of the source of light
    2. They are overlapped by other objects in the composition
    3. They are too small to be seen
    4. They are black in colour
  4. Why is proportion important when drawing human forms?
    1. To achieve a realistic picture
    2. To create a balanced drawing
    3. To include all features of a human form
    4. To ensure some parts overlap on others
  5. Crayon etching is _____________________________
    1. using crayons to colour hand drawn pictures
    2. making crayons using locally sustainable materials
    3. applying black Indian ink on a surface covered by wax crayons
    4. creating pictures on a crayon waxed surface using a sharp object
  6. The image below was created by shading it while putting different pressures on the medium, such as a pencil or charcoal, against the drawing surface. It is called a ______________________________
    1. colour strip 
    2. gradation strip
    3. painted strip
    4. shaded strip
  7. The picture shows a montage. Which of the following materials cannot be used as a mounting surface when creating it
    1. Stiff paper
    2. Light paper
    3. Cardboard
    4. Carton box
  8. The glue used to paste or mount artworks on a surface can locally be obtained from all of the following except ________________
    1. jacaranda tree
    2. eucalyptus tree
    3. wattle tree
    4. euphorbia tree
  9. Small animals such as buffalos, cattle and camels give us ____________________ for making leather items.
    1. skins
    2. hides
    3. fur
    4. horns
  10. We can obtain weaving materials from the following plants in the locality except _______________________
    1. Sisal plants
    2. Banana plants
    3. Coconut leaves
    4. Wattle trees
  11. The parts labeled A and B are ___________________ and ___________________ respectively 
    1. warps and wefts
    2. twines and strings
    3. strings and fibres
    4. wefts and warps
  12. The following are examples of items that can be made by weaving except ______________
    1. table mats
    2. storage baskets
    3. carrier bags
    4. baby's clothes
  13. What is the name of the process of cutting long, thin straps of leather for binding leather?
    1. Thonging
    2. Stripping
    3. Cutting
    4. Shaping
  14. What is the meaning of the pinch technique of modeling in pottery?
    1. Using slabs to make a pottery item
    2. Using the thumb and fingers to model clay items
    3. Using coils to make a clay item
    4. Making items using clay pebbles
  15. Pots made using the pinch technique can be decorated in the following ways except by ___________________.
    1. stamping
    2. scratching
    3. incising
    4. beading


  1. Which one of the following is a short sound?
    1. taa
    2. ta-te
    3. umbrella
    4. how
  2. Which syllable is higher than fa?
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. so
    4. do
  3. What is pitch?
    1. highness or lowness of sound 
    2. the sequence of notes in music
    3. the fastness or slowness of music
    4. the highness or softness of music
  4. Which one of the following is not a prop?
    1. Drum
    2. Fly whisk
    3. Stick
    4. Shield
  5. The first three sol-fa notes are?
    1. m, f, s
    2. d, r, m
    3. r,m,f
    4. d, r, f
  6. Which one is not an element of dance?
    1. Space
    2. Time
    3. Movements
    4. Energy
  7. Which one below is not an element of music performance?
    1. Dynamics
    2. Articulation
    3. Pitch
    4. Dance
  8. Which sol-fa syllable is represented by the following hand sign?
    1.  re
    2. mi
    3. fa
    4. do
  9. Melodic instruments are types of instruments that
    1. Produce different types of pitch
    2. Can be cleaned
    3. Do not produce different types of pitch
    4. Can be shared
  10. A person who plays a musical instrument is called _______________________
    1. Audience
    2. Instrumentalist
    3. A vocalist
    4. A soloist


  1. North, East, West and South are the main points of a _________________________
    1. Compass
    2. Direction
    3. County
    4. School
  2. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
    Mwema Area is to the _______________________ of Pendo Area while Amani is to the ____________________ of pendo Area.
    1. North, South
    2. West, South
    3. South, West
    4. East, North
  3. An area in a country that has its own government is known as _________________ while an administrative unit within a county is called ____________________
    1. Kenya, county
    2. Country, county
    3. County, sub-county
    4. School, children's government
  4. Tom and Jerry were excited to be going to the village to visit their grandparents. They saw the following beautiful things in the county. Which one of them is not a physical feature?
  5. The following wheel shows months during which different seasons are experienced in Manu's county. Study the wheel and answer the questions that follow.
    During which months does Manu's county have the rainy season?
    1. June, July and February
    2. May, June, August and January
    3. November, March, December and April 
    4. September and October
  6. The _____________________ shown below is found in ___________________City County. It reminds us of the famous person in our country.
    1. Cultural centre, Nakuru
    2. Monument, Nairobi
    3. Museum, Mombasa
    4. Monument, Kisumu
  7. Why are the people shown below working together?
    1. To take care of the environment.
    2. To provide security.
    3. To raise money to educate children.
    4. To provide knowledge to the learners.
  8. Which of the following areas is densely populated?
  9. The dots are not arranged in any order. The pattern of population where houses seem to be built without following any order is called______________________.
    1. Linear pattern
    2. Scattered pattern
    3. Clustered pattern
    4. Nucleated pattern
  10. The way of life of different communities is known as culture. Our culture can be seen through the following except.
    1. Food, festivities
    2. Dress, games and sports
    3. Houses, artefacts
    4. Water, bee hives
  11. Bidii Primary School wrote the following short statement about its aims and beliefs.
    Hard work pays
    It has the following importance to the learners except?
    1. Guides the behaviour of learners.
    2. Reminds learners to be good examples to others.
    3. Does not remind learners what to do to perform well.
    4. It encourages positives values such as discipline.
  12. Toliani was given assignment to find out the ways of protecting resources and using them well. He found out the following ways. Which one is not correct?
    1. We should keep our water sources clean.
    2. No planting of new trees when we cut old ones.
    3. We should add manure and plant cover crops.
    4. We should keep wild animals from poachers.
  13. Owiro is a fisherman who lives near Lake Victoria. He sells his fish on wholesale and pays tax to the county government. Which of the following is not importance of such economic activities in the county?
    1. It is a source of food.
    2. Money from tax is used to provide street lighting.
    3. People pollute water.
    4. They provide employment to people in the county.
  14. Which type of trade is carried out in the picture shown below?
    1. Currency trade
    2. Modern trade
    3. Barter trade
    4. Business
  15. After research, Lukayo found out the following right ways of doing trade. Which of them is not true?
    1. Trade is carried with the set laws.
    2. Traders should be honest when trading.
    3. Goods and services of high quality should be provided.
    4. Traders should ask for too much money.


  1. The following statements are true about what the Bible says on respecting our parents. Which one is not?
    1. It is the right thing to do
    2. It is the first commandment that has a promise
    3. Those that do so will live ling in the land D. It comes as a burden
  2. Which of the following statements best describes a family?
    1. A group of people related by blood and marriage
    2. People that live in the same house
    3. Members of a community that help each other
    4. A group of people that share items
  3. Select from the following books one that is found in the New Testament.
    1. Psalms
    2. Ruth
    3. Esther
    4. Romans
  4. How many books are in the Bible?
    1. 366
    2. 66
    3. 39
    4. 27
  5. Which of the following is not an importance of reading the Bible?
    1. Helps us do what is right
    2. Guides us on how to love God and others
    3. Teaches us how to revenge
    4. Teaches us on how to relate with others
  6. How many times did Balaam beat his donkey before it spoke?
    1. 3
    2. 6
    3. 1
    4. 2
  7. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. Micah
    2. Michael
    3. Raphael
    4. Gabriel
  8. God created everything on earth. This shows that God is _____________________
    1. God is good
    2. God is faithful
    3. God is the creator
    4. God is the provider
  9. Karen does not take care of her books. She even forgets some of her books and other personal items at school when she is going home.Which quality does Karen lack?
    1. Trust
    2. Responsibility
    3. Respect
    4. Love
  10. The sister to your mother is your ______________________
    1. Niece
    2. Sister-in-law
    3. Aunt
    4. Sister


  1. ______________________ was the king of Yemen who wanted to destroy the Kaabah.
    1. Fir-aun
    2. Qaarun
    3. Abraha
    4. Nimrud
  2. Complete the hadith: A muslim is a __________________ to another muslim.
    1. friend
    2. brother
    3. family
    4. enemy
  3. Which one of the following act does not indicate kindness?
    1. Beating a black cat
    2. Talking politely
    3. Assisting the needy
    4. Avoid playing loud music
  4. ______________________ is the pillar of Islam.
    1. Zakat
    2. Hajj
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Swalah
  5. Musa cheated in examination by copying from a textbook.Which hadith can be used to teach him on importance of the truth?
    1. Allah loves kindness in everything one does
    2. Allah is gentle and He loves kindness
    3. Tell the truth even if it is bitter
    4. Cursed is he who urinates or pass stool on a pathway
  6. Heavy najis can be removed by ____________________
    1. sprinkling water
    2. washing the affected part to remove smell and colour
    3. washing with warm water and soap
    4. washing seven times, enough to remove the najis
  7. Which of the following is not an example of hadathal akbar?
    1. stool
    2. heidh
    3. nifaas
    4. manii
  8. ______________________ means cleanliness.
    1. Taqwa
    2. Ihsan
    3. Iman
    4. Twahara
  9. Three of the following are reasons for Tayammum except one. Which one is it?
    1. Water is unavailable
    2. Water is harmful to the body
    3. Water is very cold
    4. Water is expensive
  10. It is true to say that
    1. things which spoil wudhu spoil tayammum
    2. Sleeping does not nullify wudhu
    3. Wudhu is washing the whole body
    4. Fainting does not spoil wudhu



  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. D
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A



  1. What is the direction of the forest from lake?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  2. Grade four learners intended to take part in a tour around Kwanza area. Which one of the following means of transport were they likely to use?
    1. Railway
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Water
  3. River Soi flows from which direction?
    1. North East
    2. East
    3. North West
    4. South West.
  4. Michael was asked by his teacher to write down the settlement pattern shown in Kwanza area. Which one of the following is correct?
    1. Linear
    2. Nucleated
    3. Sparse
    4. Scattered
  5. Njuguna lives in the Northern part of the Kwanza area. Njuguna is likely to be a
    1. Christian
    2. Muslim
    3. Hindu
    4. Pagan.
  6. Grade four learners a visited a certain village. They realized that there were so many huts close together in the village. The village can be said to be populated.
    1. densely
    2. sparse
    3. nucleated
    4. uneven
  7. Waikiki visited her uncle during the holiday. She found her uncle in the garden harvesting Maize. The weather was likely to be
    1. rainy
    2. windy
    3. dry
    4. cold.
  8. The diagram below shows an example of historic built environment. The historical built environment is called
    1. museum
    2. creature
    3. human pillar
    4. monument.
  9. Grade 4 learners were asked to state the importance of interdependence. Four learners responded as follows;
    1. Jaye - Enables us get what we lack. 
    2. Sandra-Helps us create wealth.
    3. Mahamat-Makes life easier and enjoyable
    4. Asali - Makes development of our country difficult.
      Who among the learners gave the wrong answer?
      1. Jaye 
      2. Sandra
      3. Mahamat
      4. Asali
  10. Grade five learners were asked to write down as aspects of culture. Which one of the following factors did they write?
    1. Clothing
    2. Television
    3. Animals
    4. Vegetation.
  11. A short statement of what a school believes in is called
    1. core values
    2. school motto
    3. school belief
    4. teachers' remarks
  12. John was asked by his parents to write down words that can be used to describe core values they learnt in school. Which one of the following is not likely to be an example John gave?
    1. Discipline
    2. Hard work
    3. Misunderstanding
    4. Respect
  13. Grade four learners were asked to write examples of phrases that can be used as a motto by a newly established school. Which one of the following phrases is not likely to be used as a school motto? 
    1. Better your best.
    2. strive for excellence.
    3. Boys are better than girls.
    4. Education is the key.
  14. Efedha was asked to write down the meaning of a school routine. Which one of the following answers did he write? A list of
    1. activities the school does everyday
    2. activities learners enjoys doing only
    3. school requirements
    4. activities done by the teachers.
  15. Kenya is divided into ________________________ counties.
    1. 45
    2. 49
    3. 40
    4. 47
  16. Abby saw the following instruments in church; drum, piano, trumpet and guitar. Which of them is played by hitting?
    1. Drum
    2. Piano
    3. Trumpet
    4. Guitar.
  17. Job collected the following materials: Y-stick, bottle tops, a string. Which instrument was he likely to make?
    1. Drum
    2. Shaker
    3. Zeze
    4. Toy.
  18. Bonny was asked to play a drum. He cannot use to play it.
    1. hands
    2. stick
    3. bow
    4. pipe.
  19. Different children were singing songs for various occasions. Which of the following shows a sad song?
    1. Wedding
    2. Burial
    3. Birthday
    4. Baby shower.
  20. Peter was asked to identify the colour on the Kenyan National flag that represents Kenyans. What should he say?
    1. Brown
    2. White
    3. Red
    4. Black.
  21. Grade 4 learners sang the song below. This is a song________________________
    Head, shoulder, knees and toes........... 
    1. sacred
    2. action
    3. religious
    4. lullaby.
  22. A group of Grade 4 learners sang a certain song in turns. This type of song is called
    1. patriotic
    2. folk
    3. round
    4. choral.
  23. One Monday morning scouts sung this line of the National Anthem......Build this our Nation together. This is likely to be found in the ___________________ verse
    1. 2nd
    2. 1st
    3. 4th
    4. 3rd
  24. Tom played a guitar while singing his favourite song. Which type of instrument is this?
    1. Wind
    2. String
    3. Violin
    4. Percussion.
  25. These pupils sung the National Anthem while behaving differently. Who displayed good behaviour?
    1. Ben-Laughing loudly.
    2. Ken-Talking to a friend.
    3. Liam-Standing at ease.
    4. Jean-Standing at attention.
  26. Jaren was planning to create a photo montage on digital devices. Which one of the following materials was he not likely to use?
    1. News paper
    2. Crayon
    3. Adhesive
    4. Magazine
  27. Jackline was making a basket using plant materials. Which one of the following was likely to use?
    1. Bamboo
    2. Acrylic yarn
    3. Sisal fibre
    4. Carbon fibre

Peter displayed the artwork shown below. Use it to answer questions 28 to 31.


  1. Name the elements of art used.
    1. Shapes
    2. Colour
    3. Shading
    4. Lines
  2. Name the technique used to create the above artwork.
    1. Crayon etching
    2. Smudge technique
    3. Painting
    4. Gradation.
  3. Which of the following groups consists of materials used to create the above artwork?
    1. Crayons, painting, adhesive.
    2. Charcoal, black Indian ink, Crayons.
    3. Paper cut outs, adhesives, paint. 
    4. Crayons, soap, black Indian ink.
  4. Which one of the following explains why Peter dried the prepared surface under a shade?
    1. For the surface to dry slowly.
    2. For the surface to dry well.
    3. To prevent the wax from melting.
    4. To make the colour bright.
  5. Grace visited a local art workshop over the holiday break. Which of the following basketry item was she not likely to see at the artwork shop?
    1. Woven door mat.
    2. Earthen Pot.
    3. Woven scarfs.
    4. Fishing basket
  6. During a fun day at Halim academy, pupils participated in a painting competition. Which of the following tools and materials were they not likely to have used?
    1. Water colours
    2. Paint brush
    3. Crayons
    4. Pallette

Mutiso prepared the figure below. Use it to answer questions 34 to 36.


  1. Name the figure displayed above.
    1. Staggered variation strip.
    2. Gradation strip.
    3. Value.
    4. Blended variation strip.
  2. Which of the following is not a dry media that he could use to create the displayed figure?
    1. Paint
    2. Charcoal
    3. Graphite pencil
    4. Coloured Chalk.

(PART 2: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section is 15 marks)


  1. Grade four learners were revising and came across this words "Human beings were created in the image and likeness of God". According to these words, who is the creator?
    1. Human beings
    2. God
    3. Jesus
    4. Father
  2. The following are feelings of bad thoughts and good thoughts. Which one amongst them is a bad thought? 
    1. Going to my neighbours house and play until late in the evening.
    2. Saying a prayer before going to bed.
    3. Finishing my homework before dinner
    4. Singing gospel songs.
  3. "May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord again I say rejoice"
    The above verse is found in which book of the Bible?
    1. Ephesians 6
    2. Philippians 4:4
    3. Genesis 3
    4. Exodus 2
  4. Getting emotional and angry sometimes is normal. According to Ephesians 4: 26, controlling your anger will help you stay away from
    1. happiness
    2. God
    3. friends
    4. sin.
  5. The following are unique abilities that makes one a unique creation of God. Which one is not?
    1. Honesty
    2. Politeness
    3. Irresponsible
    4. Kindness
  6. Peter was asked to name his family members. Who among the family members named below is not part of a nuclear family? 
    1. Father
    2. Children
    3. Grandfather
    4. Mother
  7. According to 2 Samuel 13:4-14 about the story of Amnon and Tamar, the Bible teaches us that we should not misuse our bodies because our bodies are the temple of
    1. Holy spirit
    2. Jesus
    3. parents
    4. blood.
  8. In the Old Testament books, we have the first five books which are known as the law books. Which of the following is not one of them?
    1. Mathew
    2. Exodus
    3. Genesis
    4. Numbers
  9. The following are the attributes of God according to the accounts of creation. Which one is not?
    1. God is loving.
    2. God is Holy.
    3. God is the sole creator.
    4. God is a sinner.
  10. Which group below contains books from the Old Testament only?
    1. Genesis, Numbers, Acts.
    2. Mathew, Luke, Mark, Leviticus.
    3. Exodus, Isaiah, Psalms.
    4. Genesis, Mark, Luke.
  11. Mr Jimnah taught grade four learners to be very careful when relating with others and they can trust all these people when in danger except
    1. teachers
    2. parents
    3. strangers
    4. guardians.
  12. In the Bible, there is a man who is referred to as the father of faith. Who was he?
    1. Abraham
    2. Jesus
    3. Moses
    4. Aaron
  13. Which miracle shows that Jesus was a universal saviour?
    1. Healing of the Roman officer's servant.
    2. Raising of Lazarus.
    3. Changing water into wine.
    4. Healing the blind man.
  14. Learners in grade 4 were asked to recite a memory verse from the book of Numbers 22:1-12 about the man who disobeyed God. Who was this man?
    1. Balaam
    2. Samson
    3. Saul
    4. Moses
  15. Who among the following were the first disciples to be called by Jesus?
    1. Philip and Thaddeus.
    2. John and Peter.
    3. Peter and Andrew.
    4. John and James.


  1. The mother of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called
    1. Khadija
    2. Amina
    3. Zulekha
    4. Asiya
  2. Surah Fatiha has ______________ verses.
    1. 6
    2. 10
    3. 7
    4. 4
  3. The word Ikhlas means 
    1. purity
    2. good
    3. excellent
    4. bad
  4. ___________________________ is the book associated with the month of Ramadhan.
    1. Quran
    2. Taurat
    3. Injeel
    4. Zabur
  5. _______________________ is Haram for Muslims to eat.
    1. Camel
    2. Goat
    3. Pig
    4. Cow
  6. The angel in charge of paradise is called
    1. Malik
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Izrael.
    4. Mikael
  7.  Associating Allah with partnership is _______________________
    1. saum
    2. ibadaa
    3. salat
    4. shirk
  8. Qadar means
    1. provider
    2. opener
    3. powerful
    4. strong
  9. Eidul-hajj is also known as Eidul
    1. Mubarak
    2. Fitr
    3. Adhha
    4. Diwali
  10.  ________________ and ____________________ are sons of prophet Mohammad (SAW). 
    1. Ali and Abubakar
    2. Abdallah and Kassim 
    3. Umar and Athman
    4. Jibril and Mikael
  11. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) received the first wahy in cave
    1. Thaur
    2. Hira
    3. Uhud.
    4. Marwa.
  12. Bowing down for prayer is called
    1. Rukuu
    2. Wudhu
    3. Sujud.
    4. salam
  13. After fasting, Muslims break their fast using
    1. soda
    2. cigarettes
    3. honey
    4. dates and water.
  14. Which angel of Allah will blow the trumpet at the end of the world?
    1. Mikael
    2. Jibril
    3. Israfil
    4. Israel
  15. The first wife of the prophet Muhammad (saw) was
    1. Aisha
    2. Zainab
    3. Khadija
    4. Maria


Study the map of Getionko area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in the area covered by the map rises from ____________________________
    1. North West to South East
    2. East to West
    3. West to East
    4. South East to North West
  2. What is the area of the irrigation scheme shown in the map?
    1. 20km2
    2. 24km2
    3. 22.5km2
    4. 24.5km2
  3. The area around Keore hill is thinly populated because __________________
    1. It is inhabited by pastoralists
    2. has steep slopes
    3. it has poor transport network
    4. nature of climate
  4. According to the information given in the map. Nuru town serves as______________________________
    1. An industrial town
    2. Mining centre
    3. Transport and communication centre
    4. An administrative centre
  5. What evidence shows the area receives little rainfall?
    1. The area is hot and dry.
    2. Absence of borehole.
    3. The type of vegetation that grows
    4. The area covered is in the highlands
  6. Which one of the following combination of economic activities is practised in Getionko area?
    1. Crop growing, transportation and cattle keeping
    2. lumbering, crop growing and cattle keeping
    3. processing of raw materials, mining and trading
    4. Trading, transportation and lumbering
  7. Who among the following is elected to represent people on the county assembly in the above area?
    1. Governor
    2. President
    3. country representative
    4. Senator
  8. Which one of the following groups consists of the Bantu of Tanzania?
    1. Taita, Abagusii, Fipa, Sukuma
    2. Yao, Batoro, Abagusii, Chagga
    3. Makua, Ha, Gogo, Ngoni
    4. Ankore, Zaramo, Baganda, Waishabaa
  9.  The greatest benefit of democracy is the _____________________
    1. protection of culture
    2. protection of human right 
    3. protection wildlife
    4. protection of environment
  10. In the current government of Kenya, the cabinet secretaries are appointed by the president and approved by.________________
    1. council of governors
    2. the senators
    3. county assemblies
    4. the national assembly
  11. The Nyayo philosophy was against all the following except ____________________
    1. Nepotism
    2. Corruption
    3. Patriotism
    4. Tribalism
  12. Which one of the following symbols is NOT likely to be used to show population distribution of an area?
  13. The following are function of a town in Kenya.
    1. Tourist attraction
    2. Industrial centre
    3. Administrative centre
    4. Defence centre
      Which of the following town is odd one out?
      1. Nairobi
      2. Mombasa
      3. Nakuru
      4. Kisumu
  14. Which of the following is the main factor that made the Europeans require raw materials for their industries from Africa?
    1. Lack of market in Africa
    2. Increased market in Europe
    3. Industrial growth in Europe 
    4. high cost of raw material in Europe

Study the map below and answer questions 15-17.


  1. The main economic activity of the people who followed the route marked 2 was __________________
    1. trading
    2. hunting
    3. pastoralism
    4. cultivation
  2. Which among the following regions A, B, C, D, would you expect to find pastoralists?
    1. Region C
    2. Region B
    3. Region D
    4. Region A
  3. The major town marked Q is likely to be _____________________
    1. Kisumu
    2. Eldoret
    3. Nairobi
    4. Thika
  4. Which one of the following factors influences population growth negatively?
    1. Polygamy
    2. Preference of certain sex
    3. Famine
    4. Naming of relatives
  5. Which of the following is the main reason for establishing settlement schemes in Kenya?
    1. To increase food production
    2. To encourage people to practise farming
    3. To settle the landless people
    4. To enable Africans own land
  6. One of the following is not an element of the Kenyan constitution. Which one?
    1. Participation of individuals in nation building
    2. Leadership and integrity
    3. Representation of people
    4. Devolved government
  7. One day Kamau passed near Getare school gate and came across the following words. "BACKWARD NEVER FORWARD EVER". These words indicated the _____________________________
    1. school philosophy
    2. school routine
    3. school loyalty pledge
    4. school motto
  8. Which type of fishing is suitable in shallow sea fishing?
    1. Drifting
    2. Trawling
    3. Purse seining
    4. Lining
  9. Which problem is Germany likely to face if it continues experiencing low population growth?
    1. Shortage of labour supply
    2. Low standards of living
    3. High dependancy
    4. High crime rate
  10. Which of the following is not a function of clans in the traditional African communities?
    1. Clan elders determined when rites like initiation would be done.
    2. Clan elders ordered isolation of some members when the population become unbearable.
    3. Clan elders determined which clans their people could marry.
    4. Some clans performed special functions that were uniquely theirs.
  11. Which of the following factors enables horticulture farmers in the Nertherlands to grow their crops throughout the year? 
    1. Grow their crops intensively
    2. They grow their crops in greenhouses 
    3. They grow their crops on reclaimed land 
    4. They sell their crops through co-operatives 
  12. Three of the following are roles of citizens in the electoral process except __________________________
    1. electing responsible leaders
    2. ensuring that leaders do not misuse their powers
    3. participating in elections once they attain the age of 18 years
    4. promoting free and unfair election

The illustration below shows the structure of the county government. Use it to answer question 27-28,


  1. The part lebelled X reptresents
    1. County senate
    2. County ward committee 
    3. County assembly
    4. County governor office
  2. Which one of the following is not true of members making up the part labelled X?
    1. Some are elected to represent wards 
    2. They are appointed by the governor 
    3. Include representatives of people with disabilities
    4. Include representatives of the youth and women

Study the map below and answer questions 29 and 30.


  1. Four class 8 pupils were discussing about the map and the following is what each said.
     Makori   The two mountains marked xxx are fold mountains. 
     James  The Island marked A are the Synchelles.
     Mueni  The river marked C has a delta.
    Paul  The desert marked B is Sahara.
    Which two pupils were correct?
    1. Paul and Muen
    2. Makori and Paul
    3. Jane and Paul
    4. Makori and Muen
  2. The water bodies numbered 1, 2 and 3 respectively are ___________________________________
    1. Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, mediteranean sea
    2. Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean, Mediterranean sea
    3. Mediterranean sea, Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean
    4. Atlantic ocean, mediterranean sea, Indian ocean
  3. Three of the following are conditions of clove growing which one is not?
    1. Black cotton soils which do not drain easily
    2. High rainfall ranging from 1500 to 2000mm
    3. High level of humidity
    4. Light sandy soils which are easily drained
  4. Which one of the following methods of mining is not commonly used in Kenya?
    1. Drilling
    2. Dredging
    3. Open cast
    4. scooping
  5. Which one of the following was not a treatment given to Africans by the British?
    1. They were paid low wages.
    2. They were forced to live in reserves. 
    3. They were forced to carry an identity card.
    4. They were forced to live in estates.
  6. Which one of the following is the main problem facing settlement schemes in Kenya?
    1. Inadequate land for food crops 
    2. Increased land fragmentation 
    3. Increased soil erosion
    4. Poorly maintained infrastructure
  7. The main reason why ECOWAS was established was to
    1. set up new industries
    2. fight for independence in the region
    3. increase volume of trade among member states
    4. develop a common currency
  8. The main difference between Khoikhoi and San is __________________________
    1. their political organization
    2. their language
    3. their physical appearance
    4. the area they occupy
    1. It recommends the creation of new constituencies.
    2. It prepares and distributes materials needed for elections.
    3. It sets dates for by-elections. 
    4. It ensures that elections are conducted in a free and fair manner.
    5. It gives guidelines on the amount of money to be spent by political parties during elections.
      The above are functions of a certain commission in Kenya. The commission is _____________________
      1. Teachers service commission
      2. Salaries and renumeration commission
      3. Land demacation commission
      4. Indepedent Electoral and boundaries commission
  10. Which of the following is not a social activity in map reading and interpretation? 
    1. Human settlement
    2. Tourism
    3. Population density
    4. Population distribution
  11. One of the negative effects of plains on human activities is that, ____________________________
    1. they are barriers to communication
    2. all of them are infested with insects that transmit diseases
    3. they encourage irrigation farming
    4. they get flooded during rainy season 
  12. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of white settler farming?
    1. It involved growing of cash crops. 
    2. It was capital intensive.
    3. Used simple farm tools in its operation.
    4. It was practised on large scale.
  13. Three of the following groups are involved in the management of a school. Which one is not?
    1. Kenya National Union of Teachers
    2. Parents Teachers Association
    3. School Management Committee 
    4. Ministry of Education
  14. The main reason for establishing game sancturies in Kenya is ____________________________
    1. to generate income for the government
    2. to make it easier for tourist to view animals
    3. to make it easier to carry out animal studies
    4. to enhance threatened species to multiply
  15. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries has no Coastline along the Red sea?
    1. Eritrea
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Djibouti
    4. Sudan
  16. The Imperial British East Africa Company was headed by _________________________
    1. Dr. Livingstone
    2. Fredrick Lugard
    3. Sir William Mackinnon
    4. Karl Peters
  17. Which one of the following is not a problem associated with mining in Africa?
    1. Minerals are found in small quantities which are uneconomical to mine.
    2. Minerals are found in remote areas where there is no transport.
    3. Africa has very small percentage of mineral deposits.
    4. Heavy rains make mining impossible.
  18. Which of the following is the main challange facing tourism in Kenya?
    1. Political instability
    2. high taxes imposed on the industry
    3. Inadequate publicity
    4. Insecurity due to terrorist threats
    1. Many people live in industrialized towns. 
    2. Population growth rate is low.
    3. Population density is high.
    4. Birth rate and death rate are low.
      The above characteristics explain the population structure of
      1. Kenya
      2. Germany
      3. India
      4. Nigeria
  20. Which of the following is the main contribution of horticulture farming to the economy of Kenya?
    1. Creation of employment opportunities 
    2. Promotion of National unity
    3. Earning foreign exchange
    4. Source of raw materials for locally based industries
  21. Which of the following factors does not undermine national unity?
    1. Equal distribution of resources 
    2. Political differences
    3. Tribalism
    4. Nepotism
  22. Which of the following is the main cause of road accident in Kenya?
    1. Poor roads
    2. Overspeeding
    3. Careless road users
    4. Overloading

Study the diagram below to answer questions 51 and 52


  1. The above diagram shows the formation of ________________________________________
    1. volcanic mountains
    2. plateau
    3. plains
    4. rift valley
  2. An example of the above relief feature is
    1. Yatta plateau
    2. inselberg
    3. Congo basin
    4. Mt. Suswa
  3. What was the effect of introducing Western technology in the traditional Kenyan society?
    1. Many craftmen went out of work.
    2. It helped craftmen in promoting their work. 
    3. Goods became more scarce in markets than before.
    4. Goods became more expensive than before.
  4. All the following were prominent leaders in traditional Kenyan societies except?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Masaku
    3. Sakawa
    4. Koitalel Arap Samoei 
  5. Eastern Africa lies between longitudes
    1. 23°E and 12°W
    2. 34°E and 42°E  
    3. 22°E and 51°E
    4. 51°E and 22°E
  6. Which of the following shows the composition of the National Assembly in Kenya?
    1. Cabinet secretaries, 290 elected members, 16 women representatives, speakers 
    2. 290 elected members, 47 women representatives, 12 nominated
    3. President, deputy president, 290 elected members, 12 nominated members, speaker
    4. Attorney general, 47 elected members, 12 nominated members, 16 women representatives, speaker
  7. Who among the following people led the Mau mau movement during the struggle for independence?
    1. Bildad Kaggia and General Mathenge 
    2. Pio Gama pinto and J.M Kariuki 
    3. Jomo Kenyatta and Achieng Oneko
    4. Dedan Kimathi and Waruhiu Itote
  8. The following are tourist attraction sites in Eastern Africa. Which one is not a historical site?
    1. Meroe in Sudan
    2. Fort Jesus in Kenya
    3. Slave market in Zanzibar
    4. Vasco da Ghama pillar in Kenya
  9. Which one of the following communities was ruled by a king?
    1. The San
    2. The Khoikhoi
    3. The Soninke
    4. The Nyamwezi
  10. The responsibility of caring for the handicapped members in the family is entrusted to __________________________
    1. other siblings
    2. all family members
    3. mother
    4. father


  1. The main teaching of the Genesis stories creation is that; ____________________________
    1. human beings were last to be created
    2. human beings were created to multiply
    3. God is the creator of universe
    4. God blessed the way of rest
  2. The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him ______________________________
    1. Fulfil God's wish
    2. Worship God there
    3. Keep the animals
    4. Hide his family
  3. Abraham's obedience to God was shown when he __________________________
    1. agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac
    2. agreed to move from Haran to Canaan
    3. married Sarah
    4. saved his nephew Lot
  4. God led the people of Israel through the wilderness to the promised land by use of
    1. thunder and lighting
    2. wind and rainfall
    3. fire and cloud
    4. fire and smoke
  5. When Moses was called by God he was living in ___________________________
    1. Ur
    2. Midian
    3. Fayet
    4. Haran
  6. Gideon the mighty judge was from the weakest tribe of ?
    1. Abiezer
    2. Manasseh
    3. Orphah
    4. Joash
  7. Who among the following prophet ordered the killing of the whole family of Omri?
    1. Elijah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Elisha
    4. Joel
  8. Which king of Israel made Jerusalem a centre of worship?
    1. Solomon
    2. Saul
    3. Rehoboam
    4. David
  9. Which of the following is related or connected with prophet Joel?
    1. The new covenant
    2. Birth place of Jesus
    3. The day of Pentecost
    4. Prophet of love
  10. Joseph the father of Jesus took his family to Egypt so that, ___________________
    1. God's mission could be fulfilled
    2. they could become refugees.
    3. their child may grow up in the palace
    4. they become great in the land"
  11. Jesus Christ went with his parents to the temple when he was twelve years old in order to
    1. be dedicated to the temple
    2. be purified
    3. get councelled by the elders
    4. attend the passover festival
  12. The miracle of healing the boy with a deaf and dumb spirit (Mark 9: 14-29) teaches Christians that
    1. everything is possible if we have faith 
    2. Jesus was a universal saviour
    3. Jesus has the power over nature
    4. Jesus has power to forgive sins
  13. The blind Bartimaeus healed by Jesus in Jericho was the son of?
    1. Joseph
    2. Timaeus
    3. Philip
    4. Alphaeus
  14. The parable of the marriage banquet teaches Christians that
    1. they should learn to share as Christians
    2. they should pray persistently
    3. they are all invited in the kingdom of heaven but few will be chosen
    4. they should be ready for Jesus coming
  15. Which one of the following is a teaching of Jesus about revenge?
    1. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
    2. Do not even swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair black or white.
    3. If you do these things publicly you will not have any reward from your father in heaven.
    4. If someone takes you to court to sue you for your shirt let him have your coat as well.
  16. During Jesus' trial who clothed him with purple robe and mocked him calling him a king (MK 15:18)?
    1. The soldiers
    2. King Herod
    3. Pilate
    4. The Pharisees
  17. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen! He is not. here (MK 16: 18)? who said those words? 
    1. Joseph of Arimathea
    2. A soldier
    3. Mary Magdalene 
    4. An Angel
  18. Which one of the following events did not happen during Sauls conversion?
    1. Jesus spoke to him
    2. A sudden light from heaven flashed
    3. Saul became dumb
    4. Saul fell to the ground
  19. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles which role was played by Simon Peter?
    1. Raised the dead
    2. Rescued Paul and Silas from prison
    3. Baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch
    4. Buried Ananias and Saphira
  20. Which one of the following bible book was written by Paul in the New Testament? A
    1. 1st and 2nd Peter
    2. Titus
    3. James
    4. Jude
  21. Which of the following staments is true about traditional African religion and Christianity?
    1. Both religions have a founder.
    2. Both religions follow bible teachings.
    3. The followers believe in the Holy spirit.
    4. The followers prayed in special places. 
  22. Which one of the following traditional African practices was a sign of peace?
    1. Initiation ceremonies
    2. Raids
    3. Shaking hands
    4. Marriage
  23. A traditional African rite of passage which is not acceptable in Christianity is
    1. Marriage
    2. Death of children
    3. Birth
    4. Initiation of all members
  24. Who among the following people in traditional African communities were punished by being sent away from the clan?
    1. Adulterer
    2. Herbalist
    3. Witches
    4. Seers
  25. Christians should pray for peace in our country because of one of the following reasons. Which one is it?
    1. It is our civic responsibility.
    2. It is among the ten commandments.
    3. It is in the country's constitution.
    4. Praying is a talent.
  26. Which one of the following activities can best be used by parents to teach their children good morals?
    1. Punishing children when they do wrong
    2. Parents being role models to their children
    3. Using the clergy to advice the children
    4. Requesting teachers to teach Christian values
  27. Your deskmate Alice has refused to lend you a pen. As a Christian what action would you take?
    1. Take the pen from her
    2. Inform the C.R.E teacher
    3. Tell her its good to assist others
    4. Ask your friend to borrow it for you
  28. Leisure time is best used for
    1. exercising our bodies
    2. serving others
    3. prayers and bible reading
    4. developing our skills
  29. Simon a boy in your class has told you that he has been smoking bhang since last year. Which one of the following is the best action to take?
    1. Advice him to seek advice from his friend.
    2. Ask him to show you the bhang.
    3. Inform the classteacher about it.
    4. Advice him to stop the habit.
  30. The first mission school was started at Rabai in Kenya mainly because the Africans
    1. Needed to read the bible
    2. Wanted to read English
    3. Needed white collar jobs
    4. Wanted to fight the colonialists


  1. Surah Al-Fatiha teaches Muslims to follow the path of those who __________________________
    1. earned Allah's forgiveness
    2. performed swalat
    3. earned Allah's grace
    4. praised Allah
  2. The main lesson from Surah Al-Qariah is _________________________
    1. The last day
    2. Importance of time
    3. Oneness of Allah
    4. Evil of piling wealth
  3. Complete the hadith: Whoever is not thankful to Allah is not thankful to _____________________
    1. parents
    2. Allah
    3. oneself
    4. prophet (pbuh)
  4. Which statement about Friday is true?
    1. It is the first day of the week
    2. It is the birthday of the prophet (Pbuh) 
    3. The day the prophet (Pbuh) migrated to Madinah
    4. The day prophet Adam (AS) was created
  5. __________________ is the place of worship for the Hindu. 
    1. Synagogue
    2. Temple
    3. Church
    4. mosque
  6. One of the following is not a method used by the Quraish to persecute Muslims. Which one?
    1. Beating them
    2. Boycotting the Muslim
    3. Bombing their houses
    4. Killing them
  7. Bilal met Khalid on his way to school. He should greet him by saying
    1. Subalkheir
    2. Asalam aleikum
    3. How are you
    4. Good morning
  8. On which occasion is optional ghusl performed?
    1. After giving birth
    2. After experiencing wet dreams
    3. After menstruation period D
    4. After washing a dead body
  9. How does one convert to Islam? 
    1. By reciting Sural Al-fatiha 
    2. By reciting the kalima
    3. By performing wudhu
    4. By performing swalat
  10. Which one of the following prophets is correctly matched with the scripture revealed to him?
    1. Musa - Injil 
    2. Daud - Taurat
    3. Ibrahim - Suhuf
    4. Issa - Zabur
  11. A lesson Muslims learn from the treatment of the prisoners of war in battle of Badr is that prisoners __________________
    1. should be treated kindly
    2. should be freed
    3. should be denied
    4. should be locked up
  12.  ___________________is the mid-morning prayer.
    1. Fajr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Dhuha
    4. Asr
  13. Asmah wants to buy a dress for Idd celebration. As a Muslim you would advise her to buy a dress that is __________________
    1. current in fashion
    2. shinny and attractive
    3. very expensive
    4. modest that covers nakedness
  14. Three of the following are items liable for Zakat except
    1. clothes for sale
    2. household furniture
    3. cash savings
    4. farm produce
  15. The prophet said, "Worship Allah as if He sees you and if He doesn't, then worship Him as if you see Him.' This hadith teaches on
    1. Tawheed
    2. Ihsan
    3. Shukr
    4. Islam
  16. Which one of the following is not a pillar of Iman?
    1. Belief in Zakat
    2. Belief in prophets
    3. Belief in angels
    4. Belief in Qadar
  17. The angel that was a teacher to the prophet (SAW) is_
    1. Israfil
    2. Munkar
    3. Shukr
    4. Jibril
  18. Islam forbids riba in order to fight against
    1. pride
    2. violence
    3. intolerance
    4. injustice
  19. Three of the following are the reasons why zinaa is forbidden in Islam. Which one is not?
    1. Cause hatred in the society
    2. Leads to overpopulation
    3. Leads to break up of families
    4. Spreads dangerous diseases
  20. Which statement about prophet Nuh is correct?
    1. He built the Qaabah
    2. He was swallowed by a whale
    3. He built the ark
    4. He healed the sick
  21. Which of the following is a duty of a Muslim to their neighbours?
    1. To give them Zakat
    2. To offer them greetings
    3. To find out what they are doing
    4. To watch over their houses
  22. Which one of the following stations is not a station of Hajj?
    1. Mina
    2. Muzdalifa
    3. Arafat
    4. Quba
  23. Three of the following are names of angels. Which one is not?
    1. Ridhwan
    2. Idris
    3. Israfil
    4. Malik
  24. According to the treaty of Hudaibiya, the peace between the Muslims and the Quraish was to last for ___________________
    1. three years
    2. five years
    3. seven years
    4. ten years
  25. The main reasons why the Quraish rejected the message of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is that, ______________________
    1. they could not believe that one God could control the world
    2. they did not want to abandon the religion of their ancestors
    3. they wanted to see Allah physically 
    4. His message condemned their evil deeds
  26. Which Ibadah is performed by Kenyan Muslims during Iddul-Adha?
    1. Saayi
    2. Twawaf
    3. Ihram
    4. Slaughtering animals
  27. The first mosque in Islam was built in by the prophet (SAW).
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Qubaa
    3. Sanaa
    4. Makka
  28. Muslims can best help beggars by providing them with ______________________
    1. food
    2. employment
    3. shelter
    4. clothes
  29. Who among the following categories of people are exempted from fasting?
    1. Widows
    2. Orphans
    3. Travellers
    4. Debtors
  30. ______________________ led to the spread of Islam along the coast of E. Africa.
    1. Colonization
    2. Trade
    3. Intermarriage
    4. Culture



  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. B
  26. B
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. D
  32. A
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. B
  43. D
  44. C
  45. C
  46. B
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. C
  51. A
  52. A
  53. A
  54. A
  55. C
  56. B
  57. D
  58. C
  59. D
  60. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C
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