Displaying items by tag: social studies


Study the map of Gapo area and use to answer questions 1-7.


  1. The general direction of the veterinary office from the school in Ribo town is 
    1. North East
    2. South East 
    3. North West
    4. South West.
  2. The approximate area of the irrigation scheme in Gapo area is
    1. 8.0km2
    2. 4.1km2
    3. 6.1km2
    4. 3km2
  3. Which one of the following commodities is likely to be transported along the murram road to the factory?
    1. Cotton
    2. Pyrethrum
    3. Timber
    4. Livestock.
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is carried out in the Southern part of Gapo area?
    1. Livestock keeping.
    2. Mining,
    3. Irrigation farming.
    4. Lumbering.
  5. The type of climate experienced in the Southern part of Gapo area is
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet.
  6. Which one of the following services is not offered in Ribo town?
    1. Religion
    2. Administration
    3. Health
    4. Recreation.
  7. The main economic benefit of the river in Gapo area is that it
    1. is a source of water for irrigation
    2. is used for inland water transport
    3. provides water for domestic use
    4. is a source of fish.
  8. Below are statements about population. 
    1. More than half of the people are aged.
    2. Most people live in rural areas.
    3. There are more females than males. 
    4. Most families have few children.
    5. Large towns are densely populated.
      Which one of the following combinations is correct about the population of Kenya?
      1. (i), (ii), (iii)
      2. (ii), (iv), (v)
      3. (ii), (iii), (iv)
      4. (ii), (iii), (v)
  9. Three of the following are roles of pupils in school management. Which one is not?
    1. Taking care of school property. 
    2. Electing school prefects. 
    3. Preparing the school routine. 
    4. Keeping school traditions.
  10. Which one of the following pairs consists of countries that achieved independence through peaceful means?
    1. Zimbabwe and Angola.
    2. Tanzania and Ghana.
    3. Algeria and Zimbabwe.
    4. Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  11. A similarity in horticultural farming in both Kenya and Netherlands is that
    1. all crops are grown under irrigation
    2. flowers are grown under irrigation 
    3. all crops produced are exported 
    4. crops are grown in large plantations.
  12. The following statements about relief rainfall are true except that
    1. it is experienced in highland regions
    2. it is influenced by relief
    3. it occurs in lowland areas
    4. the leeward side receives less rainfall.
  13. In Kenya the Northern parts of the country is sparsely populated mainly due to
    1. frequent flooding
    2. swampy conditions
    3. steep slopes
    4. arid conditions.
  14. The best time for threshing millet is when the weather is
    1. sunny and windy 
    2. stormy and humid
    3. rainy and cloudy 
    4. cloudy and windy.

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 15 to 18.

15 adada

  1. The sun is directly overhead the line of latitude marked X in the month of
    1. March
    2. June
    3. December
    4. September.
  2. The main economic activity carried out in the shaded area marked P is
    1. cocoa growing
    2. pastoralism
    3. petroleum mining
    4. forestry.
  3. The effect of the winds marked K is that they
    1. cause convectional rainfall in coastal plains
    2. cause dry conditions in adjacent areas 
    3. lower temperature along the coast.
    4. bring fog and mist.
  4. Which one of the following communities is found in the area marked T?
    1. Berbers
    2. Tuaregs
    3. Amharans
    4. Arabs.
  5. Before the coming of the Europeans chiefs among the Nyamwezi people performed the following duties except
    1. judging cases
    2. foretelling future events
    3. controlling trade
    4. chairing religious ceremonies.
  6. Which one of the following groups is made up of cash crops grown by the white settlers in Kenya?
    1. Tea, sugarcane, flowers.
    2. Cotton, pineapples, bean. 
    3. Wheat, sisal, coffee.
    4. Maize, pyrethrum, sorghum.
  7. In indigenous education, children were taught moral behavior through
    1. observation
    2. imitation
    3. apprenticeship 
    4. proverbs.
  8. Three of the following statements about fishing in Japan are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Most fish are caught in inland grounds.
    2. High technology of fishing is used.
    3. Some fish are reared in sheltered areas.
    4. Fish is an important export.
  9. The first chairperson of the Organisation of African Unity(OAU) when it was formed in 1963 was 
    1. Kwame Nkrumah
    2. Gamal Abdel Nasser
    3. Haile Selassie
    4. Julius Nyerere.
  10. Which one of the following is not a traditional method of weather observation?
    1. Observing behaviour of some animals.
    2. Collecting rain water.
    3. Growing of new leaves on plants.
    4. Changes in direction of wind.
  11. It is important for Kenyans to promote peace during election period mainly to
    1. get the best leaders
    2. enable voters to be given money
    3. protect lives and property
    4. enable election observers visit the country.
  12. The government has set aside areas to establish industries in major towns in order to
    1. promote good health for the residents
    2. create jobs in the country
    3. make good use of space
    4. produce goods for export.
  13. The main mineral export of Nigeria is 
    1. copper
    2. soda ash
    3. gold
    4. petroleum.
  14. The following are problems facing trade in Eastern Africa except
    1. poor roads joining countries 
    2. production of similar goods 
    3. use of different languages 
    4. conflicts in some countries.
  15. Below are statements about a marriage system practised in Kenya.
    1. It is conducted according to the religion of the couple.
    2. A marriage certificate is issued
    3. A man can marry only one wife.
      The marriage system described above is 
      1. Christian marriage
      2. Islamic marriage
      3. Customary marriage
      4. Civil marriage.
  16. A characteristic of downwarped lakes is that they
    1. are very deep
    2. are salty
    3. do not have outlets
    4. are surrounded by high landscapes.
  17. Who among the following European traders made friendly relations with Waiyaki wa Hinga?
    1. Carl Peters
    2. Fredrick Lugard 
    3. William Mackinon
    4. Joseph Thompson.
  18. Natural forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are preserved mainly because they
    1. are sources of many rivers
    2. influence rainfall in the Congo basin 
    3. are sources of herbal medicine
    4. they provide pulp for paper making.
  19. The following were results of the settlement of Arabs along the Eastern Africa Coast except
    1. introduction of cloves
    2. establishment of towns along the coast
    3. building of railway lines
    4. expansion of trade.
  20. The diagram below represents a road sign.
    34 adada
    Three of the following statements about the road sign shown above are true. Which one is not? Motorists should
    1. Stop the vehicle
    2. drive with caution
    3. know that accidents likely occur there 
    4. reduce speed of the vehicle.
  21. Soita, a university student leader was arrested for criticizing increase of fees. He was denied the freedom of 
    1. association
    2. education
    3. movement
    4. expression.
  22. Who among the following is not an emigrant in Kenya?
    1. AChinese working with a construction company.
    2. A Kenyan working in tea plantation in Kericho.
    3. A Somali refugee at Dadaab camp. 
    4. British High Commissioner to Kenya.
  23. Newspapers are not widely read in the rural areas of Kenya mainly because
    1. many people are illiterate 
    2. most people are poor
    3. they are not widely distributed 
    4. many people depend on radios.
  24. Three of the following statements about the Rift Valley in Eastern Africa are true. Which one is not?
    1. It was formed through volcanic activity.
    2. It has steep escarpments.
    3. The floor has fault lakes.
    4. Some parts of the floor are below sea level.
  25. Standard eight pupils visited Nairobi Museum. Which of the following groups of items did they see as cultural artifacts?
    1. Gourds, beads, stools.
    2. Bicycles, carts, vehicles.
    3. Newspaper, journals, magazines.
    4. Shoes, papers, books.
  26. People with special needs are nominated as members of the senate in Kenya in order to
    1. provide jobs for them
    2. keep them busy
    3. obey the constitution of Kenya
    4. improve their standards of living.
  27. Which one of the of the following communities migrated to Uganda from the Bahr-el-Ghazal region?
    1. Acholi
    2. Banyankole
    3. Karamojong
    4. Sebei
  28. The Madinka people were defeated by the French in West Africa mainly because
    1. their leader was arrested
    2. they had inferior weapons
    3. they were not united
    4. they were affected by famine.
  29. Mombasa experiences higher temperatures than Addis Ababa due to difference in
    1. latitude
    2. rainfall
    3. air pressure
    4. altitude.
  30. Pastoral communities are encouraged to establish ranches in order to
    1. get market for their livestock
    2. control diseases that attack livestock
    3. improve the quality of their livestock 
    4. get veterinary services.
  31. Which one of the following is a cold ocean current?
    1. Aguhlas
    2. Guinea
    3. Canary
    4. Somali
  32. The following are benefits of practising democracy in a school except
    1. pupils elect leaders of their choice 
    2. pupils take part in decision making 
    3. it is easy to solve disagreements 
    4. pupils pass school tests.
  33. One way for the government to control rapid population growth is
    1. rewarding families with many children.
    2. introduction of family planning methods
    3. encouraging early marriages 
    4. improvement in health care services.
  34. Most settlement schemes were established in highland regions because 
    1. much of the land had been owned by the white settlers
    2. the regions have high rainfall
    3. the regions were densely populated
    4. the areas had fertile soils.
  35. A tourist attraction feature in Switzerland that is not common in Kenya is
    1. mountain skiing
    2. coastal beaches
    3. wildebeest migration
    4. hot water geysers.
  36. Wheat needs fairly flat land in order to 
    1. prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged
    2. increase production
    3. protect it from damp conditions 
    4. enable use of combine harvesters.
  37. The two weather instruments that are kept in a Stevenson's screen are
    1. hygrometer and thermometer
    2. anemometer and windvane 
    3. barometer and rainguage
    4. rainguage and anemometer.
  38. One disadvantage of water transport is that it is
    1. slow
    2. risky
    3. the most expensive
    4. only suitable to carry light goods.
  39. Minule was a title of an official among Nyamwezi chiefdoms who
    1. headed the army.
    2. collected taxes
    3. presided over religious ceremonies 
    4. chose the chief.
  40. Cloth making is an example of
    1. a processing industry
    2. an assembling industry
    3. a manufacturing industry
    4. a service industry.
  41. Members of the same clan are related by 
    1. blood
    2. language
    3. marriage
    4. skin colour.
  42. The climate of the West Coast of Africa can be described as
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. June and July.
  43. Morocco and Tunisia experience summer season in the months of 
    1. December and January
    2. February and March
    3. September and Octomber
    4. June and July.
  44. Three of the following statements about a county assembly are true. Which one is not? It
    1. has nominated members 
    2. approves county budget
    3. is headed by a governor
    4. has elected members.
  45. A registered voter can be denied voting at a polling station if the person
    1. is unable to read
    2. lives far from the polling station
    3. does not have an identity card 
    4. does not belong to a political party.
  46. Elections at a polling station are supervised by a 
    1. presiding officer
    2. returning officer 
    3. polling clerk 
    4. police officer.



  1.  "I heard you in the garden I was afraid and hid from you"(Genesis 3:10) Adam and Eve hid from God because
    1. they had spoken to the snake
    2. God was walking in the garden 
    3. they had become wise 
    4. they were naked.
  2. God commanded Noah after the flood not to
    1. marry the Canaanite women
    2. worship false gods
    3. eat meat with blood in it 
    4. drink wine or any strong drink.
  3. When Jacob and his family went to Egypt they were given the land of
    1. Goshen
    2. Shechem
    3. Midian
    4. Dothan.
  4. One of the regulations of the Passover feast was that the Israelites were to 
    1. eat bread without yeast
    2. drink wine
    3. offer burnt sacrifices
    4. give the Egyptians their jewellery.
  5. A miracle that God performed during the exodus at Meribah was
    1. stopping water in River Jordan
    2. getting water from a rock 
    3. an earthquake on mount Sinai 
    4. feeding the Israelites with quails.
  6. The first town to be attacked by the Israelites in Canaan was
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Damascus
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Jericho.
  7. Who among the following kings of Israel captured Jerusalem?
    1. Rehoboam
    2. Solomon
    3. David
    4. Saul.
  8. God punished King Ahab for his sins by 
    1. being killed in war 
    2. becoming a leper 
    3. becoming blind
    4. being overthrown.
  9. When there was drought in Canaan, prophet Elijah went to live in
    1. Moab
    2. Shunem
    3. Sidon
    4. Zarephath.
  10. At the time of the birth of Jesus, it was compulsory for all people to
    1. attended the passover in Jerusalem 
    2. go to Bethlehem for purification 
    3. go to register in their ancestral towns
    4. go to offer sacrifices.
  11. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen after they visited baby Jesus? They
    1. did not go to tell Herod
    2. planned to kill Him
    3. announced the good news to everyone
    4. went back to herding their sheep.
  12. From the temptations of Jesus, Christians learn to
    1. avoid lonely places 
    2. read the word of God 
    3. forgive their enemies 
    4. pray all the time.
  13. During the call of Levi Jesus, found him
    1. fishing with his father
    2. standing under a fig tree
    3. sitting in a tax booth
    4. herding his father's sheep.
  14. The parable of the rich man and Lazurus teaches Christians to have
    1. humility
    2. tolerance
    3. patience
    4. kindness.
  15. Jesus healed blind Bartimeaus because
    1. Bartimaeus asked to be healed
    2. He knew Bartimaeus
    3. He showed God's concern for the needy
    4. Bartimaeus cried out in a loud voice.
  16. Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a
    1. donkey
    2. chariot
    3. camel
    4. horse.
  17. Pilate washed his hands during the trial of Jesus because
    1. he did not want to be blamed for the death of Jesus
    2. it was a Jewish custom after solving a case
    3. his wife told him to do so
    4. he wanted to show the value of serving others.
  18. Cleopas met the risen Christ on the way to
    1. Damascus
    2. Gaza
    3. Emmaus
    4. Antioch
  19. Paul and Silas were released from prison in
    1. Antioch 
    2. Philipi 
    3. Joppa
    4. Jerusalem
  20. The gift of the Holy Spirit seen working in Peter in the town of Joppa was
    1. preaching
    2. faith
    3. wisdom
    4. working miracles.
  21. Which one of the following books of the New Testament describes the activities of the early believers?
    1. Mark
    2. John
    3. Acts
    4. Luke.
  22. Shrines are considered sacred in traditional African communities because they are
    1. God's dwelling places
    2. dark and lonely
    3. found on high mountains
    4. visited by priests.
  23. Which one of the following shows the correct form of life in traditional African communities?
    1. Living-Living dead - Ancestors 
    2. Unborn- Ancestors - Living dead. 
    3. Living dead - Unborn - ancestors.
    4. Living- unborn - Ancestors.
  24. Expectant women in traditional African communities are given special treatment in order to
    1. make them bring forth healthy babies
    2. show respect to unborn life 
    3. pay high dowry for them
    4. show that they are important.
  25. The work of offering sacrifices in traditional African communities was done by
    1. medicinemen
    2. magicians
    3. rainmakers
    4. priests.
  26. Aloo refuses to work with other learners in cleaning their classroom. The best action for you take is to
    1. report him to the classteacher 
    2. advise him to obey school rules 
    3. avoid his company
    4. tell him to transfer to another school.
  27. The church is involved in promoting the health of Kenya through
    1. African Art Rescue.
    2. World Health Organization
    3. Doctors Without Boundaries
    4. Flying Doctors Services.
  28. Christians donate food to famine victims in order to
    1. be recognized in the society
    2. make use of surplus food 
    3. show concern for the welfare of others
    4. obey the laws of the country.
  29. Which one of the following is a vice in Christianity?
    1. Dancing
    2. Singing
    3. Fornication
    4. Fasting.
  30. Christians demonstrate obedience to lawful authority when they
    1. sing in the church choir
    2. report criminal activities to the police
    3. rest on the day of worship 
    4. establish places of worship.


  1. Allah (S.W) reminded the prophet (p.b.u.b) of the following favours; "We purified your hearts, we lessened your burdens, we raised your fame." Which surah is this?
    1. Surakh Al-Dhuhaa
    2. Surah Al-Quraish 
    3. Surah Al-Inshirah
    4. Sura Al-Quraiysh.
  2. Which of the following surahs in the holy Quran are referred to as Al-Muawidhatein"?
    1. Nas and Falaq
    2. Fiil and Lahab 
    3. Nasr and Fatiha
    4. Qaria ans Zilzala.
  3. Allah(S.W) in surah Quraish commanded the Quraish people "Pray to the Lord of the house". Which house is referred to in this chapter?
    1. Masjid Haraam 
    2. Bait al-Muqaddas
    3. The Holy Kaaba 
    4. Masjid Nabawi.
  4. Chapter I and chapter 114 respectively in the Holy Quran are
    1. Fatiha and Ikhlas 
    2. Ikhlas and Falaq 
    3. Nas and Nasr
    4. Fatiha and Nas.
  5. "Fadhaalika iladhi Yadu'ul Yatim"
    This is a verse from which surah?
    1. Al-Zilzalah
    2. Al-Masad 
    3. Al-Maun
    4. At-Takathur.
  6. The prophet(s.a.w) said that whoever performs Hajj Ibaada and commits no sin returns home free from sin like
    1. a man who bathes in a river full of water 
    2. a newly born baby
    3. a tree that shade leaves
    4. a person in new faith.
  7. According to the teachings of the prophet (s.a.w) paradise lies under the feet of
    1. imaams
    2. fathers
    3. mothers
    4. leaders.
  8. Which of the following is not an Islamic etiquette when eating?
    1. Drink while standing.
    2. Pause three times as you drink.
    3. Eat the food directly infront of you.
    4. Mention the name of Allah as you start eating
  9. What is Ihsaan in Islam?
    1. Sticking in the faith even if you are discouraged.
    2. The fear of Allah everywhere one is.
    3. The reliance of Allah in the truth of reliance.
    4. The worship of Allah as though you see him.
  10. Complete the following hadith; "....and Alla (s.w.t) has hated for your sinful and useless talks, asking too many questions and........"
    1. telling of lies
    2. eating of orphans wealth
    3. the waste of wealth
    4. sitting idle.
  11. Greeting your fellow Muslim with a smile is a
    1. sharia
    2. wajib
    3. swadaqa
    4. obligatory.
  12. One of the characteristics of the Angels of Allah is that they are Maasumen. This they means that
    1. have no sins
    2. have no gender
    3. have no feelings
    4. can change into any form.
  13. Which holy book was revealed on the mount Sinai?
    1. Zabur of Nabii Daud(A.S).
    2. Injil of Nabii Issa(A.S) 
    3. Tuarat of Nabii Musa (A.S) 
    4. Suhuf of Nabii Ibrahim (A.S).
  14. Which one of the following is an attribute in the Asmaa-ul-Husna?
    1. Al-Qaabidh
    2. Al-Musawir
    3. Al-Hayyu
    4. Al-Mustafa.
  15. Who among the following people will be punished by Allah on the day of Qiyamah? Those who will
    1. receive third books with the right hand 
    2. be under the shade of Allah 
    3. have just a few right deeds 
    4. pass sirath bridge very fast.
  16. A person who arrives in the mosque earliest for Jum'a is rewarded thawaabs equivalent to giving out a Swadaqa of
    1. a cow
    2. a camel
    3. a goat
    4. an egg
  17. The prophet (p.b.u.b) encouraged the Muslims who take part in giving a Mayyit its four rites is rewarded Qiratu. Those are thawaabs equivalent to
    1. Mt. Uhud
    2. Mt. Swafa
    3. Mt. Marwa
    4. Mt. Zion.
  18. All the rights of the dead are classified as acts of
    1. Fardh A'imn
    2. Fardh Kifaya
    3. Sunna Muaqada
    4. Sunna Nabawi.
  19. Which phrase in the Adhaan for Fajr prayer reminds Muslims that Swalat is important than sleep?
    1. Hayaa alal Swalat.
    2. Hayya alal Falah.
    3. Qad Qaamat Swalah.
    4. Assalatu Khairun mina nnaum.
  20. Which virtue is developed in Muslims as they perform Zakkat Ibaadah?
    1. Kindness
    2. Tolerance
    3. Hospitality
    4. Generosity.
  21. In which pillar of Salaat do we have Tashhud?
    1. Sujuud
    2. Julus
    3. Rukuu
    4. Qiyam.
  22. Hiding of goods in order to sell at a higher price with an exorbitant profit is called
    1. usury
    2. ghush
    3. hoarding
    4. riba
  23. If a Muslim goes for Hajj and fails to stand at Arafa
    1. he/she must perform Umra 
    2. he/she will pay Kafara
    3. he/she the whole Hajj is nullified
    4. he/she should sacrifice a haddi.
  24. Which one of the following was a miracle performed by Nabii Issa (A.S)?
    1. He was thrown in a fire but never burned.
    2. He died and resurrected.
    3. Got a camel out of a rock.
    4. Breathed into a modelled bird and it flew away.
  25. What is true about the Islamic clothes? They should be
    1. loosely fitting and long 
    2. tight and transparent
    3. white or black
    4. of unisex
  26. Allah (s.w) cursed Abu Lahab and promised him a heavy punishment because of his
    1. pride 
    2. arrogance
    3. innocence
    4. stupidity.
  27. Muslims fasting ibaada is performed in the month of
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul Hijja
    4. Ramadhan
  28. In which of the following battles did Allah (s.w) send angels to assist the Muslim army? Battle of
    1. Badr
    2. Siifin
    3. Khandaq
    4. Uhud.
  29. Al Qaaba, Masjid Haraam, personal houses and the house of Abu Sufyan were declared safe places during the
    1. Hijjra to Madina
    2. Expedition to Khaibar
    3. open mission
    4. Fathul Makkah.
  30. Which of the following phrases is not used in swearing?
    1. Wallahi
    2. Tallahi
    3. Lillahi
    4. Billahi.


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 Use the map of Safa area to answer questions 1 - 7.

  1. Flowers are transported to Joli town for export by
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. water
    4. road,
  2. The most senior administrator of Safa area is
    1. county commissioner
    2. governor
    3. chief
    4. county representaive.
  3. Which one of the following factors mainly influenced the setting up of the milk factory?
    1. Nearness to a dairy farm.
    2. Nearness to market.
    3. Nearness to a road.
    4. Availability of space.
  4. The main contribution of the forest in the Western part of Safa area is that it
    1. ís a tourist attraction site
    2. protects the sources of rivers
    3. is a source of timber
    4. attracts rainfall in the area.
  5. The main economic activity carried out in Safa area is
    1. trading
    2. farming
    3. fishing
    4. lumbering.
  6. The climate of the area covered by the map can be described as
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet.
  7. Land in Safa area generally rises from
    1. North West to South East.
    2. South West to North East
    3. South East to North West.
    4. North East to South West.
  8. The main reason why the River and Lake Nilotes dispersed from the Pubungu Pakwach area was
    1. drought
    2. famine
    3. overpopulation
    4. epidermics.
  9. Below are statements about marriage system.
    1. Polygamy is allowed
    2. It is conducted by a religious leader 
    3. A man can marry only one wife 
    4. A marriage certificate is issued
    5. It is conducted in a government office
      Which one of the following combinations consist of statements that are correct about a Christian marriage?
      1. ii, iii, iv
      2. i, iv, v
      3. iii, iv, v
      4. ii, iv, v
  10. Africans in Ghana used peaceful means to attain independence because
    1. Africans had strong leader
    2. Africans had formed political parties
    3. most Africans were educated
    4. the colony did not attract many settlers.
  11. Which one of the following groups of countries consist of those crossed by the Great North Road?
    1. Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia.
    2. Congo, Angola, Namibia.
    3. Kenya, Uganda, Gabon.
    4. Nigeria, Niger, Algeria.
  12. South Africa is able to produce many manufactured goods because
    1. the goods are in great demand
    2. there is availability of cheap labour
    3. the country has variety of minerals
    4. the country experiences high rainfall.
  13. Below are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa
    1. There are scattered dry shrubs
    2. Cacti and euphorbia plants are common 
    3. There are dry turfs of grass
      The vegetation zone described above is 
      1. mediterranean vegetation
      2. semi-desert vegetation
      3. tropical vegetatio
      4. temperate vegetation.
  14. When the Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule they were led by
    1. Samouri Tour
    2. King Lewanika
    3. Chief Mkwawa
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  15. Below are conditions for growing a certain crop
    1. Protection from strong winds
    2. Well drained fertile soils
    3. High rainfall
    4. High temperature between 24°c and 27°c
      The conditions listed above favour the growing of
      1. wheat
      2. cotton
      3. cocoa
      4. maize.

Use the diagram below to answer question 16  


  1. The type of rainfall shown above is experienced in the following areas except 
    1. Southern Uganda
    2. Lake Victoria basin
    3. Coastal lowlands of Kenya
    4. Central Tanzania.
  2. Which one of the following groups is made up of Voltaic speakers of West Africa?
    1. Susu, Mande, Soninke.
    2. Wolof, Fulani, Tukolor.
    3. Igbo, Yoruba, Ewe.
    4. Dagomba, Bergu, Gurba.
  3. Which pair consists of elements of a map only?
    1. Key, vegetation.
    2. Shape, compass.
    3. Title, frame.
    4. Relief, drainage.
  4. Large commercial poultry farming is carried out near urban centres due to
    1. availability of electricity
    2. availability of cheap labour
    3. nearness to market for poultry products
    4. nearness to source of water.
  5. Residual mountains are formed through
    1. erosion
    2. faulting
    3. folding
    4. volcanicity.
  6. Which one of the following statements about European colonial rule in Belgian Congo is correct?
    1. Africans were encouraged to assimilate.
    2. Africans were forced to work in rubber farms.
    3. Europeans used indirect rule.
    4. Europeans allowed African chiefs to rule.
  7. Which one of the following duties is performed by a head teacher in a school?
    1. Appointing the deputy headteacher.
    2. Chairing Board of Management.
    3. Allocating funds to a school.
    4. Keeping school records.
  8. Improvement in modern methods of communication has mainly led to
    1. migration of people to towns
    2. increase in trading activities
    3. expansion of urban centres
    4. expansion of infrastructure.
  9. Three of the following are ways in which communities interacted in the past. Which one was not?
    1. Games.
    2. War.
    3. Marriage.
    4. Trading.
  10. Which one of the following was a contribution of Nelson Mandela? He
    1. led South Africa to independence
    2. made South Africa a one-party state
    3. led South Africa to the first all racial elections
    4. was a founder member of African Union.
  11. Lake Tana in Ethiopia and lake Itasy in Madagascar were formed when
    1. water collected inside faults
    2. water collected inside craters
    3. parts of the earth sunk
    4. flowing magma blocked rivers.
  12. The Fulani people of West Africa are able to graze their livestock over large areas because 
    1. there is plenty of grass,
    2. they live in sparsely populated areas
    3. they keep large herds of livestock
    4. they use horses to scout for pasture.
  13. Which one of the following factors may lead to conflicts in the society? 
    1. Use of indigenous languages.
    2. Intermarriage among communities.
    3. Unequal distribution of national resources.
    4. Movement of people to towns.

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 29 to 32


  1. Which one of the following groups of communities used the route marked S during the migration period?
    1. Abagusii, Abakuria, Abaluhyia.
    2. Yao, Hehe, Makonde.
    3. Ngoni, Chagga, Nyamwezi.
    4. Agikuyu, Aembu, Ameru.
  2. The main export crop of the country marked Z is
    1. sisal
    2. sugarcane
    3. coffee
    4. cotton.
  3. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked X consist of
    1. tall elephant grass
    2. dense evergreen forests
    3. papyrus reeds
    4. short dry shrubs.
  4. Three of the following statements about the town marked T are true. Which one is not?
    1. It started as an Arab trading centre. 
    2. It is located in a rich agricultural area.
    3. It is a county headquarter.
    4. It lies along the Trans African Highway.
  5. Below are statemens about a type of democracy practised in the society-
    1. Decisions are made through general agreement
    2. People are involved in decision making
    3. People negotiate over issues
      The type of democracy described above is
      1. representative democracy
      2. nominal democracy
      3. participatory democracy
      4. direct democracy.
  6. Which one of the following game parks is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
       Game park   Country  
     A.   Selous  South Africa  
     B.  Huango  Zimbabwe
     C.  Kruger  Sudan
     D.  Dinder  Tanzania
  7. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonization?
    1. Establishment of industries.
    2. Introduction of cash crops.
    3. Introduction of modern healthcare.
    4. Alienation of African land.
  8. The Ngoni people were forced to move from South Africa by
    1. Galla
    2. Zulu
    3. Arabs
    4. Bemba.
  9. Three of the following are contributions of a community to the development of a school. Which one is not?
    1. Donating land to expand school facilities.
    2. Providing workers to a school.
    3. Preparing the school routine.
    4. Providing resource persons to a school.
  10. Which one of the following was an achievement of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It supported countries fighting for independence.
    2. It established a common trading currency in Africa.
    3. It promoted the use of a common language.
    4. It constructed roads in member countries.
  11. Which one of the following rivers end in the form of an estuary?
    1. River Omo.
    2. River Niger.
    3. River Rufiji.
    4. River Congo.
  12. Kelvin is a British national working in Kenya. He can apply for a Kenyan citizenship if he
    1. marries a Kenyan citizen
    2. owns property in Kenya
    3. has lived in Kenya continuously for 7 years
    4. vies for an elective seat.
  13. Dairy farming in Kenya is mainly favoured by
    1. cool and wet highland conditions
    2. availability of market for milk
    3. presence of milk factories in farming areas
    4. availability of good roads to transport milk.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain
    Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa was formed through the above process?
    1. Mount Ruwenzori.
    2. Pare highlands.
    3. Usambara mountains.
    4. Mount Longonot.
  15. Which one of the following groups is made up of River and Lake Nilotes found in Eastern Africa?
    1. Sebei, Pokot, Kalenjin.
    2. Dinka, Luo, Acholi.
    3. Samburu, Turkana, Jie.
    4. Gabbra, Oromo, Burji.
  16. The Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule because
    1. they wanted to remain independent
    2. the French stopped them from trading 
    3. they had a strong leader
    4. they had a well trained army.
  17. The main product of the planted forests of Swaziland is
    1. firewood
    2. pulp
    3. fruits
    4. herbal medicine.
  18. Which one of the following is a function of clan elders in traditional African communities?
    1. Leading people to war.
    2. Foretelling future events.
    3. Allocating land to members.
    4. Preparing medicine from plants.
  19. Below are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He visited Kabaka Mutesa 1 of Buganda
    2. He explored areas along River Lualaba
    3. He met David Livingstone
      The person described above is
      1. John Speke
      2. Ludwig Krapf
      3. Johanne Rebman.
      4. Henry Morton Stanley.
  20. African socialism was introduced in Kenya after independence in order to
    1. settle landless Africans
    2. promote single party rule
    3. promote political and economic development
    4. reward Africans who fought for independence.
  21. The main reason why cultural artefacts are conserved in museums is to
    1. preserve the history of communities 
    2. sell them to people who visit the museums
    3. attract tourists to the country
    4. create jobs in the country.
  22. Which one of the following plateaus is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
       Plateau   Country 
     A.    Bie  Nigeria 
     B.  Fouta Djalon   Guinea
     C.  Jos  Sudan
     D.  Teiga  Angola
  23. Three of the following are effects of industries on the environment. Which one is not?
    1. Destruction of natural forests.
    2. Emission of smoke to the atmosphere.
    3. Settlement of people around industries. 
    4. Dumping of waste in rivers.
  24. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method used in extracting it from the ground?
       Mineral   Method 
     A.   Soda ash   Evaporation 
     B.   Copper  Dredging 
     C.  Salt  Open cast
     D.  Gold  Deep shaft
  25. Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British in Kenya because
    1. he wanted protection from the Nandi
    2. he wanted to trade with the British
    3. he wanted the British to build school
    4. he wanted to adopt European way of life.
  26. The settlement of Arabs along the East Coast of Africa led to
    1. partition of East Africa
    2. introduction of pastoral farming
    3. decline in slave trade
    4. spread of Islam in Eastern Africa.
  27. The effect of the Benguela currents on the South West Coast of Africa is that it has led to
    1. growth of dense vegetation along the Coast
    2. heavy rainfall along the Coast
    3. dry, conditions along the Coast
    4. increase of temperature along the Coast.
  28. Who among the following prominent African leaders was not a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)? 
    1. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
    2. Nelson Mandela.
    3. Leopold Sedar Senghor,
    4. Haile Sellasie.
  29. Which one of the following is a responsibility of the government to its citizens?
    1. Protecting them and their property.
    2. Establishing places of worship.
    3. Forming political parties for citizens. 
    4. Campaigning for candidates during elections.
  30. A Kenyan citizen qualifies to vote if the person
    1. is able to read
    2. is a member of a political party
    3. is a registered voter
    4. lives in the constituency he is voting.
  31. The head of a county executive committee is
    1. a county commissioner
    2. a senatcr
    3. a county assembly speaker
    4. a governor.
  32. Three of the following statements about a county government are true. Which one is not?
    1. It is headed by a speaker
    2. It is headed by an elected leaders
    3. It implements projects in a county 
    4. It has appointed members.



  1. Which one of the following things did God create on the fourth day?
    1. Moon.
    2. Sky.
    3. Dry land.
    4. Sea creatures.
  2. Who among the following people was a son of Noah?
    1. Seth.
    2. Shem.
    3. Lamech.
    4. Enoch.
  3. Abraham obeyed God when he was living in Haran by
    1. taking Lot with him
    2. accepting to sacrifice Isaac
    3. getting a wife for Isaac
    4. moving to an unknown land.
  4. Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt from Midian because
    1. he was afraid of the king of Egypt
    2. his family was in Midian
    3. the Israelites did not know him
    4. he was not a good speaker.
  5. When the Israelites crossed the Red sea they worshipped God by
    1. singing songs
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. reciting the commandments
    4. fasting.
  6. Who among the following women was a judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth.
    2. Naomi.
    3. Deborah.
    4. Hannah.
  7. Which one of the following was done by David when he was the king of Israel?
    1. He killed Goliath.
    2. He built a temple in Jerusalem.
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital.
    4. He made the covenant box.
  8. King Ahab offended God when he
    1. took Uriah's wife
    2. took Naboth's vineyard
    3. planned the murder of Uriah
    4. consulted a Median.
  9. Who among the following prophets said that Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah.
    2. Hosea.
    3. Micah.
    4. Isaiah.
  10. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was born?
    1. An angel spoke to some shepherds.
    2. Darkness covered the earth.
    3. There was an earthquake.
    4. The curtain in the temple was born. PREDICTOR-001
  11. When John the baptist met Jesus he called him the
    1. king of the Jews
    2. redeemer of Jerusalem
    3. light to the gentiles
    4. lamb of God.
  12. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was fasting in the wilderness?
    1. He changed water into wine.
    2. He was anointed by a sinful woman.
    3. The devil tempted him.
    4. He healed a paralyzed man.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount? 
    1. 'I am the way the truth and life'
    2.  'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'
    3. 'Who is the greatest?'
    4. 'Happy are those who believe without seeing'
  14. Which one of the following miracles was performed by Jesus in Capernaum?
    1. Healing a paralyzed man.
    2. Raising a widow's son.
    3. Changing water into wine.
    4. Calming a storm.
  15. A lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is to be
    1. humble
    2. patience
    3. repentant
    4. generous.
  16. When Jesus was arrested he was praying at
    1. the Garden of Gethsemane
    2. the temple in Jerusalem
    3. the home of Zacchaeus
    4. the home of Lazarus.
  17. Peter denied Jesus because
    1. Jesus had predicted that
    2. it was at night
    3. he was afraid of the crowd
    4. he was not known to the high priest.
  18. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were praying in
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Emmaus
    4. Jerusalem.
  19. Who among the following believers was chosen as a deacon?
    1. Ananias.
    2.  Philip.
    3. Saul.
    4. Barnabbas.
  20. Tabitha of Joppa showed kindness by
    1. making clothes for widows
    2. giving food to strangers
    3. washing clothes for the elderly
    4. feeding orphans.
  21. Which one of the following groups of books are gospels?
    1. Ezra, Esther, Job.
    2. Mark, Luke, John.
    3. Romans, Ephesians, Jude.
    4. Revelation, Exodus, Isaiah.
  22. In traditional African communities children are named after ancestors in order to
    1. please the parents
    2. make the children grow healthy
    3. avoid calamites
    4. keep the ancestors remembered.
  23. The work of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. lead people in offering sacrifices
    2. predict future events
    3. prepare libations
    4. prepare medicine from plants.
  24. In traditional African communities children are taught moral values by
    1. peers
    2. warriors 
    3. priests
    4. parents.
  25. The main reason for marriage in traditional. African communities is to
    1. get companionship
    2. get children
    3. become famous
    4. get wealth.
  26. Amos prays for her sick mother. This element of prayer is
    1. adoration
    2. petition
    3. confession
    4. intercession.
  27. Christians are encouraged to conserve the environment mainly because
    1. they get food from the environment
    2. they are paid to do so
    3. God has commanded them to do so
    4. they become known.
  28. The best way in which parents can teach their children good behaviour is by 
    1. punishing children who misbehave
    2. rewarding their children
    3. setting good examples
    4. taking their children to church.
  29. Christians preach against abortion mainly because
    1. it is destruction of life
    2. it is a waste of money
    3. it makes people to be disrespected
    4. it is a waste of time.
  30. The church has established schools in Kenya in order to
    1. offer free education
    2. create jobs in the country
    3. get money to build churches 
    4. promote literacy in the country.



  1. Which prophet of Allah was given Taurat?
    1. Issa.
    2. Ibrahim.
    3. Musa.
    4. Daud.
  2. The angel of Allah who brought wahy to the prophets was called
    1. Jibril.
    2. Mikail.
    3. Izrafil:
    4. Ridhan.
  3. Which of the following salat does not have rukuu and ujud?
    1. Witr.
    2. Janazah.
    3. Taraweh.
    4. Tahajud.
  4. Which one is not a sacred month?
    1. Rabiul Awwal.
    2. Muharram.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Dhul Qaadah.
  5. In which month is swalatul tarawih said?
    1. Rajab.
    2. Shawal,
    3. Muharram.
    4. Ramadhan.
  6. Which one is not a forbidden animal in Islam?
    1. The strangled animal.
    2. The carcasses.
    3. The animal killed by hunting.
    4. The animal killed by horns.
  7. Hiding goods in order to get more profits is called
    1. ghush.
    2. hoarding.
    3. usury.
    4. ribaa.
  8. Which rite below is not Umrah?
    1. Running between swafa and marwa.
    2. Sleeping at mina and muzdalifa. 
    3. Wearing ihraam.
    4. Clipping the hair.
  9. The prophet said that whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to
    1. angels.
    2. the prophets.
    3. Allah.
    4. himself.
  10. In shawwal, it is sunnah to fast _____________________________
    1. any six days.
    2. the whole month.
    3. the first six days.
    4. the last six days.
  11. Which of the following is not among the places that were declared safe when makkah was conquered?
    1. People's own houses.
    2. The house of Abu Sufyan.
    3. The holy Kaabah.
    4. The house of Ikrimah.
  12. Surah Al-Alaq emphasizes on
    1. brotherhood.
    2. peace.
    3. knowledge.
    4. last day.
  13. Which one happened in the battle of Badr?
    1. The Quraish who taught muslims how to read were forgiven.
    2. Dead bodies of the Quraish were mutilated.
    3. The prophet punished Suhail who insulted him.
    4. Ony those who paid ransom were forgiven.
  14. Which one is not a pillar of Iman?
    1. Belief in His angels.
    2. Belief in paradise.
    3. Belief in His books.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  15. Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h) gave His farewell speech on the
    1. 6th Dhul Hijjah.
    2. 9th Dhul Hijjah. C
    3. 10th Dhul Hijjah.
    4. 5th Dhul Hijjah.
  16. HIV is not spread through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. sharing cutting tools.
    3. blood transfusion.
    4. shaking hands with infected person.
  17. Who accompanied Musa to Firaun?
    1. Harun (A.S)
    2. His wife.
    3. Al-Khidr.
    4. Shuaib (A.S)
  18.  In surah Tiyn, Allah swears by the following except
    1. Baitul mugaddas.
    2. Olive tree.
    3. Mount Sinai.
    4. Fig tree.
  19. Who among the following is exempted from fasting?
    1. The wealthy.
    2. Men in wet dreams.
    3. People in Janabah.
    4. Women in Nijas.
  20. Which attribute of Allah means the provider?
    1. Ar-Raham..
    2. As-Salam.
    3. Ar.Razaq.
    4. Ar-Rahim.
  21. Muhammad (SAW) was appointed the messenger of Allah at the age of
    1. 25years.
    2. 40years.
    3. 30years.
    4. 63years.
  22. Which surah of Qur'an is referred to as the mother of Qur'an?
    1. Alaq.
    2. Fatiha.
    3. Ikhlas.
    4. Nas.
  23. Salat performed for a dead muslim before burial is known as
    1. Janazah.
    2. Kusuf.
    3. Tahajud.
    4. Dhuha.
  24. "Read in the name of your lord, who created" This is a verse from surah
    1. Fatiha.
    2. Alaq.
    3. Ikhlas.
    4. An-Nas.
  25. The special prayer performed during the eclipse of the moon is called
    1. dhuha.
    2. kusuf.
    3. istiskai.
    4. khusuf.
  26. The fifth pillar of Islam is
    1. hajj.
    2. saum.
    3. kalima.
    4. salat.
  27. Who among the following prophets of Allah made the blind to see?
    1. Musa.
    2. Ibrahim.
    3. Shuaib.
    4. Issa.
  28. During the journey of Isra wal-miraj, the prophet was given command for muslims to
    1. go for hajj.
    2. pray five times.
    3. fast during Ramadhan.
    4. give zakat.
  29. Complete the hadith. "Ritual purity is a sign of ___________________________"
    1. goodness
    2. faith
    3. prayers
    4. Islam
  30. Lady Khadija was older than the prophet by
    1. 20years.
    2. 10years.
    3. 15years.
    4. 40years.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. B
  46. C
  47. D
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B
  51. C
  52. D
  53. A
  54. D
  55. C
  56. B
  57. A
  58. C
  59. D
  60. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A



Study the map of Lwala Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Lwala area slopes towards
    1. North
    2. South West
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. Which type of industry is likely to be established in North Eastern part of Lwala area?
    1. Manufacturing industry
    2. Assembly industry
    3. Processing industry
    4. Service industry
  3. The residents of Lwala area are dorminantly
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. traditionalists
    4. Hindus
  4. The following economic activities is least likely to be carried out in Lwala area. Which one is it?
    1. Beef farming
    2. Trading activities
    3. Mining activities
    4. Lumbering activities
  5. What is the main vegetation found in the drainage feature to the South West of Lwala area?
    1. Papyrus reeds
    2. Mangrove plants 
    3. Riverine plants
    4. Scrubs
  6. Lwala area is likely to be a
    1. ward
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. constituency
  7. What is the approximate area of Tinda swampin Lwala area?
    1. 16.5km2
    2. 8.25km2
    3. 15km2
    4. 8km2
  8. All the statements below are parental roles towards a school. Which one is not?
    1. Sending children to school
    2. Attending academic days meetings
    3. Administering corporal punishment to errant pupils
    4. Contributing funds towards school development
  9. Marriages can be long lasting only if the spouses
    1. learn to control their anger
    2. support each other financially 
    3. exercise love, care and lust
    4. practice love, affection and trust
  10. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    The above instrument is mainly used to
    1. show direction and speed of wind
    2. measure strength of wind
    3. measure strength of wind and show direction
    4. measure air pressure and strength of wind
  11. The time at Asmara 80°E is 3.00pm. What time would it be at Accra 0°?
    1. 8.20pm
    2. 9.40am
    3. 8.20am
    4. 9.40pm
  12. Most rivers in Africa are not navigable mainly because of
    1. presence of waterfalls
    2. low volumes of water
    3. presence of waterfalls and gorges
    4. presence of waterfalls and cataracts

Use the diagram below to answer question 13 and 14.


  1. The above feature represents the formation of
    1. larva-dammed lake
    2. down-warped lake
    3. corrie lake
    4. ox-bow lake
  2. Which pair of the lakes were formed through the above process?
    1. Lakes Gambi and Utange
    2. Lakes Kanyaboli and Nyos
    3. Lakes Itasy and Kivu
    4. Lakes Shala and Paradise
  3. The diagram below shows an average monthly rainfall and temperatures for a certain climatic
    The temperature above is likely to have been recorded in the town of
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Accra
    3. Dar-es-Salaam
    4. Windhoek
  4. Which one of the following factors mainly influence the vegetation on mountains?
    1. Climate
    2. Latitude
    3. Altitude
    4. Rainfall
  5. Which one of the following hominids is described below?
    1. Made simple tools out of stones
    2. Ate raw meat from wild animals
    3. Has the whole body covered with hair
      The above hominid is the
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Sapien
      3. Homo Habilis
      4. Austropithecus
  6. Africa is separated from the Sinai Peninsula by the
    1. Red Sea
    2. Suez Canal
    3. Cape Guardafui
    4. Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
  7. Which set of communities belong to the Mande speakers of West Africa?
    1. Ewe, Wolof, Fulani, Mossi
    2. Hausa, Andarawa, Tuareg, Limba
    3. Bambara, Vai, Susu, Soninke
    4. Kanuri, Zarma, Malinke, Mandinka
  8. Which one of the following is the main form of interaction among the youth in Kenya today?
    1. Games and sports
    2. Education
    3. Trading activities
    4. Intermarriages
  9. The main reason why the Congo Basin has low population density is because
    1. it has thick and dense forests
    2. it is occupied by dangerous animals 
    3. it has poor road network
    4. the government does not allow human settlement in the area
  10. Which method of fishing is shown below?
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Net drifting
    4. Long lining
  11. Which one of the following institutions of marriage is presided over by a government official?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Islamic marriage
  12. The following are uses of a certain mineral 
    1. used in making glasses and soap
    2. used in the manufacture of dyes and drugs
    3. used in water treatment
      The above mineral is mined at
      1. Kariandusi
      2. Kimwarer
      3. lake Magadi
      4. Niger Delta
  13. Which country of Africa is wrongly matched with its capital city?
    1. Gambia - Banjul
    2. Guinea - Conakry
    3. Equatorial Guinea - Malabo
    4. Gabon-Lome
  14. The following are conditions that favour the growing of a certain crop:
    1. low temperatures of between 12°c - 15°c
    2. high altitude of above 1500m
    3. deep well-drained fertile volcanic soils
    4. high and well distributed rainfall of between 1000mm - 1500mm throughout the year.
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. pyrethrum
      2. sugarcane
      3. cocoa
      4. cloves
  15. Which pastoral community live in the semi-arid of the Kalahari?
    1. The Fulani
    2. The Toposa
    3. The Tswana
    4. The Maasai
  16. Copper from Zambia is mainly exported to Europe through the port of
    1. Lusaka
    2. Beira
    3. Ndola
    4. Dar-es-Salaam
  17. The main tourist attraction found to the Eastern part of lake Turkana is
    1. warm sandy beaches
    2. varied wildlife
    3. beautiful sceneries
    4. cultural heritage
  18. The most common problem facing most of the Multi-Purpose River Projects in Africa is
    1. frequent floods
    2. presence of water weeds
    3. industrial development
    4. siltation of dams
  19. The Great Okavango Sanctuary is found in
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Botswana
    3. South Africa
    4. Namibia
  20. Which method did king Leopold II of Belgium used to colonise Congo between 1885 to 1908?
    1. Paternalism
    2. Direct Rule
    3. Assimilation
    4. Indirect Rule
  21. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead Ghana to attain its independence?
    1. United Gold Coast Convection
    2. African National Congress
    3. National People's Party
    4. Convection People's Party
  22. Who among the following early visitors to East Africa was sent to look for Dr. David and confirm if lake Victoria was the source of
    river Nile?
    1. John Speke
    2. Samwel Baker
    3. Henry Morton Stanley
    4. Johan Rebman

Use the diagram below to answer questions 35 to 36.


  1. What is the nature of the winds marked Q?
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Warm and dry
    3. Hot and moist
    4. Cold and dry
  2. Which economic activity is favoured by the region marked B?
    1. Ranching
    2. Growing of cloves
    3. Rearing of dairy cattle
    4. Pastoralism
  3. Which set of countries were colonised by Germany?
    1. Namibia, Tanganyika, Cameroon
    2. Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Malawi
    3. Guinea Bissau, Angola, Mozambique 
    4. Guinea, Mali, Niger
  4. Samouri Toure was defeated by the French mainly because
    1. the Mandinka people were not united 
    2. the French people had inferior weapons
    3. Samouri Toure's army had crude weapons
    4. Samouri Toure's army were too strong and well equipped
  5. Three of the groups of people listed below have special needs except
    1. the physically challenged
    2. the people living with HIV/AIDS
    3. the visually impaired
    4. the people who are unable to read and write
  6. All the following countries are member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS). Which country withdrew in the year 2000?
    1. Morocco
    2. Guinea
    3. Mauritania
    4. Mozambique
  7. Which African country is not connected by the Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway?
    1. Cameroon
    2. Benin
    3. Niger
    4. Morocco
  8. Which one of the following is not an electric media?
    1. Mobile phone
    2. Internet
    3. Newspaper
    4. Television
  9. Which one of the following was a social organization of the San?
    1. They were hunters and gatherers
    2. They recognized the Praying Mantis as God's symbols on earth
    3. They had ceremonial chiefs
    4. They lived in clans of about 250 people
  10. Which one of the following groups consists of abuse of human rights?
    1. Child labour and forced marriage
    2. Denying people shelter and boy circumcision
    3. Lack of treatment for the sick and providing food and shelter for children D
    4. Provision of free education and discrimination on basis of gender
  11. The investigations by an independent party to establish the facts on the issues causing disagreements is known as
    1. inquiry
    2. conciliation
    3. mediation
    4. appeal
  12. The rights and freedoms of individuals are contained in chapter ________________ of the constitution.
    1. three
    2. four
    3. five
    4. eight
  13. Which one of the following is not a function of the legislature arm of the government?
    1. Implementing government policies
    2. Amending the existing laws
    3. Approving the government's expenditure
    4. Debating bills
  14. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of children in the family?
    1. Attending school
    2. Cleaning the home compound
    3. Working on the farm for better salaries
    4. Taking care of family property
  15. During the pre-colonial period, goods were mainly transported using
    1. porters 
    2. carts
    3. boats
    4. vehicles
  16. Which one of the following climatic factors has greatly influenced the climate of most part of Namibia?
    1. Nearness to the large waterbodies
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Prevailing winds
    4. Nature of the Coastline
  17. Fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables are mainly transported from the farms to the airport by
    1. pipeline
    2. air
    3. railway
    4. road
  18. Morocco is currently headed by
    1. an elected president
    2. hereditary king
    3. an elected Prime Minister
    4. a queen

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 53-56.


  1. In which month is winter experienced in the latitude marked R?
    1. March
    2. June
    3. September
    4. December
  2. The Island country marked K is likely to be
    1. Comoros
    2. Mauritius
    3. Seychelles
    4. Sao Toome and Precipe
  3. Which tree species is not likely to be found in the region marked xxx?
    1. Camphor
    2. Mvule
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Rosewood
  4. The town marked W in the Northern part of Africa is
    1. Tunisia
    2. Tripoli
    3. Cairo
    4. Alexandria
  5. Which one of the following electoral officials announces the election results of a senator at the constituency tallying centre?
    1. The Chairman of IEBC
    2. The Returning Officer
    3. The Presiding Officer
    4. The Polling Officer
  6. The following are service industries except
    1. hair dressing
    2. banking
    3. television repair
    4. milk processing
  7. Which day is celebrated to commemorate the day Kenya attained its internal self government from the British in 1963
    1. Jamhuri Day
    2. Mashujaa Day
    3. Labour Day
    4. Madaraka Day
  8. Elected members of the County Assembly (MCAs) represent a region known as
    1. constituency
    2. county
    3. senate
    4. ward



  1. According to Genesis, Biblical stories of creation, what did God create on the third day?
    1. Sea creatures and birds of the air
    2. Land, sea and vegetation
    3. Heavenly bodies like sun, moon and stars
    4. Land animals and birds
  2. What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham according to Genesis 17:10?
    1. Smoking fire pot
    2. Flaming torch
    3. Rainbow
    4. Circumcision
  3. Which of the following lessons do Christians learn from the story of Joseph as a slave in Egypt?
    1. Be kind to people by giving them food
    2. To always fight for their freedom
    3. Forgive those who wrong them 
    4. Interpret dreams for their leaders
  4. Why did the Israelites eat while standing during the Passover night?
    1. To show that they were God's chosen people
    2. To show that they were not ready to leave Egypt
    3. Because they were in hurry to leave Egypt 
    4. Because they wished to stay a little longer
  5. The second book of the Bible mainly describes about
    1. the beginning of life
    2. the settlement of Israelites into Canaan 
    3. the making of the Sinai covenant
    4. the journey of Israelites to Canaan
  6. Which one of the following commandments was broken by both Cain and king Ahab? 
    1. Do not commit murder
    2. Do not desire another person's property
    3. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    4. Do not make for yourselves images
  7. King David is mainly remembered in Israel because he
    1. made Jerusalem a Jewish religious centre
    2. built a temple for God in Jerusalem 
    3. destroyed the altars of Baal
    4. married many wives
  8. Which one of the following sins was committed by king Solomon? He
    1. took other people's property
    2. over taxed his subjects
    3. committed adultery
    4. gave the Israelites' land to foreigners
  9. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the messiah would be called
    1. the lamb of God
    2. the son of the most high
    3. the king of the kings
    4. the prince of peace
  10. Who among the following people visited baby Jesus first?
    1. The Samaritans
    2. The shepherds
    3. The visitors from the east
    4. The Pharisees
  11. When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Jerusalem for dedication, they found two of the following people in the temple. Who were they?
    1. Zechariah and John
    2. Simeon and Annah 
    3. Zechariah and Annah
    4. Mary and Martha
  12. Jesus Christ helped lepers by
    1. healing them from their sickness 
    2. teaching them about God
    3. baptising them with Holy Spirit 
    4. asking them to pray for their sins
  13. What do we learn from the parable of the ten young women? It teaches us to
    1. always be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ
    2. respect the institution of marriage
    3. marry more than one woman
    4. stay indoors in the evening
  14. "Happy are those who are pure in heart, they will see the kingdom of God." These words were spoken by Jesus
    1. during the trial in the wilderness
    2. when visiting Bethany
    3. during the sermon on the mountain 
    4. when healing the sick
  15. Which one of the following statements about Jesus Christ is expressed in the Apostles' creed?
    1. Jesus rose from the dead
    2. Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot
    3. Jesus was denied by Peter
    4. Jesus forgave the repentant thief
  16. On which of the following occasions did Jesus show that He respected the law of Moses? When He
    1. healed the paralytic man
    2. healed a blind man
    3. raised Lazarus from dead
    4. healed the lepers
  17. Who among the following groups of people anointed the body of Jesus for burial?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus 
    2. Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas 
    4. Peter and Jonah
  18. "You created every part of me. You put me in my mother's womb." These words were said by
    1. Job
    2. David
    3. Peter
    4. St. Paul
  19. The part played by Ananias in the conversion of Saul on the way to Damascus was that he 
    1. taught him the good news
    2. helped him to recover his eyes
    3. led him into accepting Jesus
    4. prayed and baptised him
  20. Christians in the early church best showed their unity by
    1. reciting scriptures
    2. singing praises
    3. sharing food
    4. baptising one another
  21. Which one of the following acts of worship was done by Paul and Silas when they were in prison? They
    1. took the Holy Communion
    2. sang hymns to praise prison wardens
    3. repented their sins
    4. praised God in hymns
  22. Which one of the following beliefs in African traditional society is not compatible with Christianity?
    1. Beliefs in life after death
    2. Beliefs in reconciliation with God
    3. Beliefs that God is powerful
    4. Beliefs in charms and amulets
  23. What is the main purpose of marriage according to the Christian teaching?
    1. To have children
    2. To avoid immorality
    3. To gain status in the society
    4. To provide companionship
  24. In traditional African society, education was aimed at
    1. character moulding
    2. getting employed
    3. acquiring academic certificates 
    4. gaining wisdom
  25. Joy does not want to share a book with you because you are poor. The best action to take is to
    1. teach her about sharing
    2. report her to the teacher
    3. avoid talking to her
    4. change your sitting position
  26. Christians can best avoid sexual misuse by
    1. not mixing with people of the opposite sex
    2. not taking alcohol and drugs
    3. going to church to pray
    4. obeying God's teachings on the sacredness of sex
  27. Drug abuse is discouraged by Christians mainly because
    1. it wastes money
    2. it affects people's health
    3. it wastes time
    4. it causes indiscipline
  28. African Christians show their appreciation of traditional heritage by
    1. preaching the gospel to non-Christians 
    2. visiting traditional healers
    3. preaching against additional African beliefs and practices
    4. accepting traditional values that are compatible with Christianity
  29. Why do Christians obey the authority?
    1. Leaders too love God
    2. All authority comes from God
    3. God loves those in authority
    4. God blesses those in authority
  30. A friend of yours hides a frog in the teacher's cupboard. The teacher discovered and decided to punish the whole class. As a Christian, what is the best thing to do?
    1. Tell the teacher who did it
    2. Keep quiet and let the teacher punish everybody
    3. Tell your friend to run away
    4. Ask your friend to confess and apologize



  1. "Fal-Muariyat Qad-haa." This verse is from surah
    1. Al-Qaariah 
    2. Al-Aadiyat 
    3. Al-Fatiha
    4. Al-Masad
  2. According to the teachings of Islam, zakah should be given to
    1. poor Muslims
    2. relatives
    3. widows
    4. any poor person
  3. Which surah among the following describes the events of the day of judgement?
    1. Fiyl
    2. Naas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Zilzalah
  4. Swalah can be nullified by all the following except
    1. laughing
    2. farting
    3. sweating
    4. talking
  5. The prophet's child who gave birth to Hassan and Hussein was
    1. Zainab
    2. Ummul-Kulthum
    3. Fatma
    4. Ruqayah
  6. The month in which the prophet (SAW) went for Isra and Miiraj was
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  7. The prophet of Allah(SWT) who received the Zabur was
    1. Yusuf (AS)
    2. Issa (AS)
    3. Musa (AS)
    4. Daud (AS)
  8. According to the teachings of the prophet (SAW), a hypocrite has
    1. three signs
    2. good luck 
    3. bad luck
    4. no friend
  9. When visiting the sick, the best gift is
    1. a dua
    2. flowers
    3. a card
    4. food
  10. The term Islam means
    1. strength
    2. religion
    3. peace
    4. prophethood
  11. The reason as to why the Muslims were defeated in the battle of Uhud is that
    1. they were few
    2. they had no weapons
    3. they disobeyed the prophet(SAW)
    4. the Quraish ambushed them at night
  12. A woman who is observing eddat after the death of her husband should do it for
    1. three months and ten days
    2. twelve months and three days
    3. nine days and ten hours
    4. four months and ten days
  13. The angel in-charge of removing human souls is
    1. Jibril (AS)
    2. Malakul Maut
    3. Mikail
    4. Israfil
  14. Which statement among the following is true about the prophets of Allah?
    1. They were sinless
    2. They were either male or female
    3. They could change to any form
    4. They had super powers
  15. The sunnah prayer that is performed when there is an eclipse of the sun is
    1. Istisqai
    2. Khusuf
    3. Kusuf
    4. Istikhara
  16. The best way of enjoying your free time could be
    1. listening to music
    2. engaging in physical exercises
    3. spying on others
    4. insulting the non-Muslims
  17. Sofia found two girls fighting during the library lesson. The best thing Sofia should have done is to
    1. ask them to fight without noise
    2. separate the two girls
    3. continue reading in silence
    4. make a dua to Allah(SWT)
  18. The prophet(AW) said, "Love for others...."
    1. a brighter future
    2. paradise and not hell
    3. wealth in this world
    4. what you love for yourself
  19. The following are examples of lawful work except one. Which one is it? Being a
    1. brewer
    2. teacher
    3. engineer
    4. motorist
  20. Work is considered an act of Ibaada if
    1. it is done to please Allah(SWT)
    2. it pays more
    3. it makes a person famous
    4. it is done to please others
  21. A person who does good and avoids evil is considered to have
    1. Israf
    2. pride
    3. taqwa 
    4. disobeyed
  22. On the 10th Dhul-Hijja Muslims celebrate
    1. Hijra
    2. Idul-Fitr
    3. Idul-Adh-ha
    4. Nikah
  23. When pilgrims put on the white Ihram, it symbolizes
    1. equality
    2. unity
    3. faith
    4. patience
  24. The people of nabii Nuh(AS) were sturbon and did not believe in what Nuh(AS) preached. This led to Allah(SWT) punishing them by sending
    1. birds with pebbles
    2. floods
    3. unknown diseases
    4. drought and famine
  25. Muslims must observe fardh fasting in the month of
    1. Shaaban
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Swafar
    4. Dhul-Qaada
  26. The title given to the prophet(SAW) by the Quraish for being honest is
    1. Ahmad
    2. Abtar
    3. Al-Fatah
    4. Al-Amin
  27. Which one of the following is among the conditions of Saum?
    1. Be a Muslim
    2. Be wealthy 
    3. Eat suhur
    4. Pray tahajud
  28. A Muslim who keeps animals can show kindness to the animals by
    1. selling them
    2. slaughtering them
    3. providing shelter for them
    4. punishing the animals
  29. It is true to say that angels were created from
    1. wind
    2. fire
    3. clay
    4. light
  30. Which one of the following is common among Muslims?
    1. Food
    2. Qibla
    3. Colour
    4. Taqrir


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. A
  45. A
  46. B
  47. A
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B
  51. B
  52. B
  53. D
  54. A
  55. C
  56. D
  57. B
  58. D
  59. D
  60. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. D
  19. A
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B


  1. The following are material used when painting imaginative composition except
    1. paints
    2. painting surfaces
    3. paint brush
    4. water
  2. The wristband below can be made using the following items except
    1. leather
    2. metal
    3. thread
    4. clay
  3. A single unit of a design which is repeated on a surface to make a pattern is called
    1. motif
    2. calligraphy
    3. pasting
    4. design
  4. Paper flowers can be made using the following materials apart from?
    1. Serviette
    2. Tissue
    3. Origami paper
    4. Plastic
  5. The following are qualities of materials used during coil and stitch technique except
    1. flexible
    2. easy to destroy
    3. long lasting
    4. easy to clean
  6. The picture below used in carving is called 
    1. mallet
    2. chisels
    3. carving knife
    4. gouge
  7. A technique used to create a feeling of movement by flipping drawn or painted images on a series
    of frames of a high or slow speed is _______________________
    1. 2D animation
    2. 3D animation
    3. 4D animation
    4. 1D animation
  8. The material below is used for ______________________________ pictures
    1. loosening
    2. sticking
    3. decorating
    4. drawing
  9. The technique used to create pictorial composition by cutting, arranging and pasting related pictures cut-out from old magazine and newspaper to create a new image is
    1. painting
    2. shading
    3. drawing
    4. montage
  10. The tools below are used for painting except
    1. brush
    2. bottle
    3. sponges
    4. spatulas


  1. When all the holes are covered on the descant recorder, ___________________________ is produced. 
    1. Note E
    2. Note C
    3. Note F
    4. Note B 
  2. During music festivals most of the string instrument are played by ______________________________
    1. pressing
    2. blowing
    3. hitting
    4. plucking
  3. The picture below is called
    1. chivoti
    2. mulele
    3. nzumari
    4. abu
  4. The following are things done to clean a string instrument except
    1. dip a piece of cloth in a soapy water
    2. squeeze out as much water as possible
    3. wipe every part of the instrument
    4. dry close to very strong heat
  5. When playing a descant recorder, fingers should move ______________________
    1. together
    2. seperately
    3. frequently
    4. slowly
  6. An element of music that relates to the volume of sound and can either be long or soft is known as
    1. tempo
    2. rhythm
    3. pitch
    4. dynamics
  7. The hand sign below is a solfa sign for
    1. Doh
    2. Mih
    3. Reh
    4. Soh
  8. Which one of the following is an example of non-melodic percussion instruments 
    1. drum
    2. adongo
    3. kayamba
    4. jingles
  9. Religious songs are also called _________________________songs.
    1. folk
    2. topical
    3. sacred
    4. patrotic
  10. In a song the mood can be shown through all of the following except
    1. facial expression
    2. instruments
    3. gesture
    4. tempo


  1. Three of the following are ways African Traditional Education was passed. Which one was not. Through
    1. proverbs and riddles
    2. syllabus coverage
    3. observation
    4. apprenticeship 
  2. The following are duties of the headteacher. Which one is not. He/she 
    1. attends Board of Management meeting
    2. meets with the learners
    3. prepares school timetable
    4. meet teachers and assign them duties
  3. Which one of the following factor does not favour dairy farming in Kenyan? 
    1. High and reliable rainfall throught the year
    2. Good transport system for the produce
    3. Ready market for selling milk and milk products
    4. Cheap importation of dairy products from other countries
  4. Which one of the following minerals is used in production of glass
    1. diatomite
    2. soda ash
    3. limestone
    4. petroluem
  5. Three of the following are examples of relief features in Eastern Africa except 
    1. Ocean
    2. Mountains
    3. Plains
    4. Valleys
  6. The Grade six learners of Ngware Primary school were studying modern forms of transport in Kenya. Identify the forms of transport that can be used to transport oil products from Mombasa to Eldoret
    1. Railway
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Pipeline
  7. Which one of the following is not an importance of early forms of governance in Kenya
    1. It promoted respect among communities and their leaders
    2. It promotes democracy in the country
    3. It allowed only rich persons to continue with the leadership of the community 
    4. It promoted goods ways of solving disputes among communities
  8. Which one of the following is not a national symbols of unity in Kenya
    1. The National Flag
    2. The coat of arms
    3. The cabinate secretaries
    4. The National Anthem
  9. Three of the following are the importance of human rights in Kenya. Which one should be encourage it literacy?
    1. Health care
    2. Education for all
    3. Respect life
    4. Right to fair trials
  10. Which one of the following does not form the cabinent?
    1. The speaker
    2. The president
    3. The Deputy President
    4. The attorney General
  11. The following are the major lines of latitude except
    1. The equator
    2. Antarctic circle
    3. Greenwich meridian
    4. Tropic of Capricon

Use the map of Eastern Africa to answer question 32 - 34.


  1. Which one of the following countries does not border the lake marked L
    1. Mozambique
    2. Tanzania
    3. Malawi
    4. Burundi
  2. The communities that followed the route marked S were mainly
    1. livestock keeper
    2. traders
    3. cultivators
    4. fishermen
  3. Which one of the marked countries J, K, N and M is a landlocked country?
    1. J
    2. K
    3. N
    4. M
  4. The following are the descriptions of a relief feature in Eastern Africa
    1. Faults developed on the rocks 
    2. The middle block sank and separated
    3. The layer of the earth on opposite sides were pulled apart 
      The above descriptions suits the formation of
      1. block mountain
      2. volcanic mountain
      3. The Rift valley
      4. The formation warping lakes.


  1.  State one way in which your class can conserve the environment in the school?
    1. Cutting down trees
    2. Scattering rubbish in the compound
    3. Watering trees 
    4. Throwing garbage anywhere in the school
  2. One Saturday afternoon some of your friends from school were in different leisure activities as shown below:
    Kingsley - watched a movie
    Dilan - went fishing
    James - visited an orphanage
    Austine - read a story book
    Who among your friends made the best use of the leisure time?
    1. Dilan
    2. Kingsley 
    3. Austine 
    4. James
  3. The king of Israel who settled a dispute between two women, who were fighting over a baby was called?
    1. King Solomon
    2. King David
    3. King Ahab
    4. King Saul
  4. Three of the following are types of marriage which one is not?
    1. Civil
    2. Christian
    3. Customary
    4. Agape
  5. Which one of these gifts does a pastor or priest use on many occasions?
    1. Faith
    2. Working miracles
    3. Speaking in tongues
    4. Preaching
  6. _________________________ came to give us true happiness.
    1. Jesus
    2. Pastor
    3. John the baptist 
    4. Prophet Elijah
  7. __________________________sinned against God and brought death to the world.
    1. Cain and Jezebel
    2. Cain and Abel
    3. Adam and Eve
    4. Isaac and Rebecca
  8. Why do we respect the sabbath day?
    1. God completed His work on the sabbath day
    2. We need rest
    3. It is a command from God
    4. It is day for leisure activities.
  9. Jesus was baptsied in river ___________________________
    1. Nile
    2. Jordan
    3. Tana
    4. Athi
  10. The first people to visit Jesus were the
    1. wisemen
    2. shepherds
    3. Angels
    4. Mary Magdalene and her friends 
  11. Peter denied Jesus __________________________ times.
    1. three
    2. four 
    3. one
    4. two
  12. Your deskmate John like boasting that he comes from a very rich family. Which Christian value does John lack?
    1. Kindness
    2. Humility
    3. Honesty 
    4. Patience
  13. When learners of grade five class perform and finish the duties assigned to them by their teachers, they are learning to be?
    1. Servants
    2. Masters
    3. Industrious
    4. Responsible
  14. The books that were written by Paul in the New Testament are also known as
    1. Pentateuch
    2. Gospel
    3. Law
    4. Epistles
  15. A parable of Jesus which teaches Christians that Jesus came to seek and save the lost is parable of the
    1. lost sheep
    2. great banquets
    3. wedding feast
    4. yeast



  1. The practices of truthfulness and patience are emphasized in Surah. 
    1. Asr 
    2. Humaza
    3. Alaq
    4. Fiyl
  2. Surah Al-Bayyinah teaches us on ____________________________principles of religion.
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  3. Ar-Rahman is an attribute of Allah found in
    1. Surah An Naas
    2. Surah Al-Fatiha
    3. Surah Al-Falaq
    4. Surah Al-Kafirun
  4. Surah Al-Falaq talks about Allag (SWT) as the Lord of ________________________
    1. dawn
    2. mankind
    3. universe
    4. dinns
  5. Which of the following is true?
    1. An-Naas mean mankind.
    2. Surah An-Naas has seven verses
    3. An-Naas means Dawn
    4. An-Naas is protection
  6. Who ever is not thankful to parents is not thankful to ______________________
    1. Allah (SWT)
    2. Prophet (SAW)
    3. mother
    4. last day
  7. When a person dies, all his deed come to an end except 
    1. a righteous child who prays for him
    2.  his wealth
    3. his house
    4. his wives
  8. How many pillars of Islam are there in the Quran 
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 3
  9. The holy Quran mentions. ________________________ prophets of Allah (SWT)
    1. 30 
    2. 28
    3. 29
    4. 25
  10. Which one among the following people accompanied the prophet (SAW) in ne journey of Taif?
    1. Zaid bin Harith
    2. Abdallah bin Ubay
    3.  Musabin Umeir
    4. Amir bin Khalid
  11. Which of the following pairs of angels of Allah consists the angels in harge of writing good. and bad deeds?
    1. Munkar and Malik
    2. Raqib and Atid
    3.  Jibril and Izrail
    4. Israfil and Mikail
  12. How many arches were adviced to remain on top of Mt.Uhud?
    1. 40
    2. 70
    3. 50
    4. 69
  13. The attribute Alghafar means  
    1. The provide
    2. The all seeing
    3. The forgiver
    4. The king
  14. The foster mother of prophet (SAW) was?
    1. Halima
    2.  Amina
    3. Zuleikha 
    4. Khadija
  15. The mother of prophet Ismail (A.S) was known as
    1. Sarah
    2. Hajar
    3. Maryam
    4. Zaynab



  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B

PART 1 (Answer all questions in this section)

  1. During a social studies lesson learners wrote the three arms of government in Kenya on a chart. Which one is not?
    1. Parliament.
    2. Executive.
    3. Police station.
    4. Judiciary.
  2. Below are descriptions of a certain lake in Eastern Africa.
    1. It is shared among three countries.
    2. It is the largest in Eastern Africa.
    3. The main activity carried out here is fishing.
      The lake described above is ________________________________.
      1. L. Tanganyika.
      2. L. Nakuru.
      3. L. Tana.
      4. L. Victoria.
  3. Tiffany is from Rwanda; she wants to become a Kenyan citizen. Which one of the following ways will she use?
    1. Registration.
    2. Voting.
    3. Travelling to Kenya.
    4. Schooling in Kenya.
  4. Mountains formed through the process of eruption of magma are called:-
    1. Horst Mountains.
    2. Volcanic Mountains.
    3. Crater Mountains.
    4. Block Mountains.
  5. Grade six learners were asked to state the name of the council of elders of the Ameru.
    Which one is it?
    1. Mugwane.
    2. Kabaka
    3. Njuri Ncheke
    4. Mugwe
  6. Which one of the following are the correct combination of the main latitude and longitude respectively?
    1. Latitude and prime meridian.
    2. Equator and Greenwich Meridian.
    3. Tropic of Capricon and prime meridian.
    4. Equator and tropic of Capricon.
  7. Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8. 
    What is the part marked A? 
    1. magma. 
    2. Dyke.
    3. Crater.
    4. Lava.
  8. Which of the following mountains were formed through the above process?
    1. Mau ranges and Ruwenzori Mountains.
    2. Mount Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro.
    3. Danakil Alps and Pare.
    4. Mount Meru and Aberdare Ranges.
  9. Three of the following are vegetation zones in Eastern Africa, except one. Which one is it?
    1. Desert vegetation.
    2. Mangrove forest.
    3. Savannah vegetation.
    4. Mediterranean vegetation.
  10. Below are communities found in Kenya. Which communities belong to the Plain Nilotes?
    1. Agikuyu, Luo, Maasai.
    2. Tugen, Luhya,Kisii.
    3. Maasai, Iteso, Samburu.
    4. Oromo, Borana, Pokomo.
  11. Countries that have no coastal line are called __________________________________countries.
    1. landlocked
    2. island
    3. deserts
    4. coastal lands
  12. Which one of the following is a river that does not drain its water in Lake Victoria?
    1. R. Nyando.
    2. R. Yala.
    3. R. Katonga.
    4. R. Omo.
  13. Which lakes are formed when water is collected on top of the depression of a volcanic mountain?
    1. Tarn.
    2. Lava-dammed.
    3. Corrie.
    4. Crater.
  14. The lakes found on the floor of the rift valley were formed through the process of:- 
    1. Volcanicity.
    2. Down-warping.
    3. Erosion.
    4. Faulting.
  15. The block or horst mountains in East Africa were formed through the process of:-
    1. Faulting and sinking.
    2. Erosion.
    3. Faulting and uplifting.
    4. Volcanicity.
  16. Valeria, a grade six pupil in Ushindi academy was asked to write down factors to consider when appraising a song. Which one of the following is not a factor that she mentioned?
    1. Clarity of words
    2. Voice blend
    3. Appropriate gestures
    4. The language used to sing the song.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18.  


  1. The role of the part marked T is to :-
    1. decorate the drum
    2. produce sound
    3. make the drum tight
    4. tune the drum
  2. John was asked to name the material likely to be used to make part X. Which of the following is the right answer?
    1. Nylon string
    2. Leather strip 
    3. Wire
    4. Rope
  3. Grade six learners came across the note symbol below during their music lesson.
    Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the note symbol?
    1. It is called a crotchet
    2. Its note value is one count.
    3. It is made of two quavers.
    4. Its note value is two counts
  4. Four learners from Kalimoni academy wanted to perform a folk dance. They shared out roles as follows:
    Chebet: Soloist
    Grace: singer
    Lavender: instrumentalist
    Warren: Dancer
    Who among the following learners will lead during the performance?
    1. Chebet
    2. Grace
    3. Lavender
    4. Warren
  5. Mr. Warui told his learners to ensure that they pronounce words clearly when singing. Clarity in pronunciation of words is called?
    1. Diction.
    2. Dictation
    3. Voice blend
    4. Tempo
  6. Grade 6 learners were asked to write down the roles of different types of folk songs. They wrote the following roles of a certain folk song.
    1. Praise and give thanks to God our creator
    2. pray for God's care and protection
    3. Appeal for God's blessings
      Which one of the following types of folk songs did they write about?
      1. Naming song
      2. Sacred song
      3. Marriage song
      4. Work song
  7. The picture below shows a popular musical instrument known as wandindi.
    The instrument is from which community?
    1. Luo
    2. Kikuyu
    3. Luhya
    4. Kalenjin
  8. The table below shows musical instruments from different communities. Which community is correctly matched with its instrument?
       Community   Instrument  
     A.   Luo  Abu 
     B.  Luhya  Obokano
     C.  Kikuyu  Nzumari 
     D.  Kalenjin  Wandindi 
  9. Grade six learners visited Bomas of Kenya to watch a live performance. Towards the end of the performance there was a section of the song characterized by louder singing, louder playing of instruments and more vigorous singing and dancing. This section. is known as:-
    1. climax
    2. structure
    3. mood
    4. action section
  10. Mutiso drew the art work below. What principle of art is displayed by the art work?
    1. Texture
    2. Proportionality
    3. Rhythm and movement
    4. Forms
  11. Grade 5 pupils were making wax crayons. Why did they melt the wax under controlled temperature?
    1. To melt it slowly
    2. To prevent accidents since wax is flammable
    3. To ensure they attain a proper colour
    4. To ensure the wax doesn't evaporate.
  12. Grace a grade 5 pupil at Aim school was preparing materials for weaving. Which of the following methods would she use to prepare sisal?
    1. Cutting
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Scraping
  13. After learning about leather work, Meryl decided to make a pencil case using the following steps.
    1. Measure, mark and make holes along the edges of the cut out design.
    2. Measure, mark and draw the plan of the design on the piece of leather.
    3. Cut thongs for lacing the pieces of leather. iv. Fold the cut-out shape to form the pencil case.
    4. Lace the leather in place according to the design.
      Which of the following combination show the correct procedure for making a pencil case?
      1. i, iv, v, iii, ii
      2. ii, iii, v, iv, i
      3. ii, iv, i, iii, v
      4. i, iii, iv, ii, v
  14. Silvia a grade 6 pupil was making coil pots over the holiday for sell. The following are methods she would have used to decorate the pottery items except:-
    1. stamping
    2. embedded
    3. scratching
    4. polishing
  15. Rashid displayed the paper cut out shown below. Which method of letter construction was used to come up with the letter?
    1. Block Uppercase lettering
    2. 2 D lower case lettering
    3. 3 D upper case lettering
    4. Lower case lettering
  16. During a group discussion grade 6 learners listed the following as ways of creating balance in art work. Which one of the responses is incorrect?
    1. Placing objects at the center of the drawing space.
    2. Arranging forms in a way that the left and the right side of the composition are unequal.
    3. Overlapping forms with correct Proportionality.
    4. Arranging forms in a circular manner.
  17. Anna listed items required for a painting activity in art and craft lesson. Which of the items is not required in painting?
    1. Paper
    2. Canvas
    3. Paint brush
    4. Cloth
  18. Grade 5 learners drew the diagram shown below. Which colour is likely to be represented by letter B?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Yellow-Green
    4. Red-Orange
  19. Grade 5 learners listed examples of mounting surfaces. Which one of the following is an example of unconventional mounting surfaces?
    1. Manilla
    2. Cartridge
    3. Glass
    4. Sugar paper

PART 2: Answer one area that you well prepared in CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

  1. The students of grade six were discussing about unique skills and talents given to us by God. Which of the following is a talent?
    1. Singing
    2. Sleeping.
    3. Eating
    4. Walking.
  2. We learned from the bible that various people were given talents to serve God. Who according to exodus 31:3 was given special ability to work with every kind of artistic work?
    1. Joshua
    2. Bezalel
    3. Mirriam
    4. Moses 
  3. Music is one of the ways through which we can nurture our talents. Which of the following is a talent related to music?
    1. Playing the piano.
    2. Drawing.
    3. Playing football.
    4. Painting.
  4. The following statements show ways in which we can nurture our talents at school. Which one is not?
    1. Singing during the assembly.
    2. Teaching other students how to play musical instruments.
    3. Teaching others how to draw pictures.
    4. Showing others how to break locks.
  5. God is always happy when we use our talents and abilities; he gave us to:-
    1. serve ourselves.
    2. brag to everyone.
    3. serve God. 
    4. serve our friends.
  6. Which one of the following describes a civil marriage?
    1. Conducted in a place of worship by a pastor or priest.
    2. Conducted in the office of the registrar of marriages by government official.
    3. Conducted according to customs of traditional African community.
    4. Conducted in the streets by a DJ.
  7. In marriage, dowry is paid by the bride groom to:-
    1. show appreciation to bride's family.
    2. show the bride's family that he is rich
    3. buy the bride from her family.
    4. bribe the bride's family into accepting him.
  8. You came across a poster discouraging early marriage. What is the reason for discouraging early marriage?
    1. Because it leads to abuse of a child's right to education.
    2. Because it takes away labor from one's family.
    3. Because it is not appealing.
    4. Because it increases burden to families.
  9. Early marriage is a statement used to refer to a situation when a girl is involved in marriage while she is below ______________________________ years of age.
    1. 30
    2. 10
    3. 18
    4. 16 
  10. The following statements show the inappropriate ways of spending our leisure time. Which one is not?
    1. Engaging in drug abuse like smoking and drinking alcohol.
    2. Engaging in irresponsible boy-girl relationship which may lead to early pregnancy.
    3. Idleness which can lead to bad activities like stealing
    4. Playing football with friends. 
  11. Which of the following statements best describe active leisure? 
    1. Riding a bicycle,
    2. Listening to music.
    3. Watching videos.
    4. Meditating.
  12. You have learned that leisure is important because:-
    1. it enables us to develop our skills and talents.
    2. it enables us to compensate for waking
    3. it enables us to cook a lot of food.
    4. it enables us to go drink alcohol with friends
  13. According to genesis 2:1-3, God rested on the ____________________________day.
    1. Seventh
    2. First
    3. Third
    4. Second
  14. Elizabeth wants to use her leisure time properly after studying. Which value will help her use her leisure time properly?"
    1. Responsibility.
    2. Strength.
    3. Joy
    4. Happiness.
  15. According to teachings from Genesis 2:1-3 God rested to show us the importance of:-
    1. leisure time.
    2. creating Adam and Eve
    3. finishing his creation within a short time.
    4. creating heaven and earth 


  1. The following are verses from suratul Takathur except:-
    1. until you visit grave
    2. no! You are going to know
    3. the fire of Allah kindled
    4. you will surely see the hell fire
  2. The word aura means:-
    1. beautiful
    2. nakedness
    3. smartness
    4. ugliness
  3. The following are examples of charity. Which one is not
    1. Planting trees
    2. Cleaning school compound
    3. Greeting your classmates
    4. Sleeping during lessons
  4. Which one is not the pillars of Iman?
    1. Believing in His Angels
    2. Believing in the last day
    3. Believing in Qadar
    4. Believing in zakat and saum
  5. People who have taqwa is...
    1. Muumin
    2. Muhajjirun
    3. Muttaqin
    4. Musalin
  6. Reliance on Allah (SWT) is...?
    1. Taqwa.
    2. Tawakul
    3. Mutawakul
    4. God fearing
  7. Asking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) is known as:-
    1. Mujahid 
    2. Alghafar
    3. Towba
    4. Adala
  8. Muslims run between Swafa and Marwa to remember.... 
    1. Musa.
    2. Ismail.
    3. Hajar.
    4. Sara
  9. Which prophet of Allah were his people punished by flood?
    1. Nuh.
    2. Isa.
    3. Zakaria.
    4. Daud
  10. Which one of the followings fardh prayer doesn't have Baadiyah prayer?
    1. Fajar
    2. Dhuhur
    3. Maghrib
    4. Isha
  11. The Sunnah prayer perform after Isha during Ramadhan is:-
    1. Witri
    2. Taraweeh
    3. Tahajud
    4. Salatul leyli
  12. Complete the following hadith of the prophet "I have been sent for the purpose of perfecting:-
    1. bad morals
    2. killing non- Muslims
    3. good morals
    4. knowledge
  13. Before eating Muslims should say:-
    1. Bismilllah.
    2. Alhamdullilah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Oh Jesus
  14. Attribute of Allah (SWT) "Al- Malik" means?
    1. Provider.
    2. King.
    3. Knowing.
    4. Judge
  15. The angel that records good deeds is?
    1. Atid.
    2. Mikail.
    3. Ridhwan.
    4. Raqib



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B
  31. C
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A


  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B

PART 1 (Answer all questions in this section)  

  1. John wanted to colour the wheel below. Which of the following colours are likely to be represented by the letter S, W and P respectively?
    1. Green, white, purple.
    2. Blue, green, yellow.
    3. Red, blue, yellow
    4. Purple, red, green.

Use the diagram below of an apple watermelon and an orange to answer questions 2 and 3. 


  1. Which of the following pairs include forms in the background?
    1. Water melon and orange.
    2. Orange and apple.
    3. Apple and water melon.
    4. Watermelon, apple and orange.
  2. The technique used to shade the forms in the artwork above can be described as
    1. stippling technique
    2. smudge technique
    3. cross hatching technique
    4. painting.
  3. Mutiso drew the diagrams below. Which of the diagrams has a prickly texture?
  4. Karen was painting an imaginative composition. She however realized that she lacked the paintbrush. What alternative did Karen have to use?
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Carton paper
    3. A piece of Cloth
    4. Canvas.
  5. Grade 5 learners made the pencil case below. Which of the following materials were they likely not to have used?
    1. A pair of scissors C
    2. A ruler
    3. Gouge
    4. Nails.
  6. Mr. Gibson displayed the crayon etched picture below. Which of the following materials was he not likely to have used?
    1. Crayon, markpen, pencil.
    2. Wax crayon, soap, black Indian ink. 
    3. Black water colour, coloured pencil,paint brush.
    4. Palette, brush, scratching tools.
  7. During a group discussion, grade 6 learners listed the following ways of preparing materials for weaving. Which of the following techniques is used to prepare sisal fibres from the sisal leaves?
    1. Cutting
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Scrapping.
  8. During an educational trip at a local cultural centre, Grade 6 learners observed the artefact below. Which of the following techniques was used to decorate the pottery item?
    1. Stamping
    2. Embedding
    3. Incising
    4. Kneading.
  9. Joan stated factors to consider when planning an exhibition of art work. Which one is incorrect?
    1. Proper use of space.
    2. Amount of light in the room.
    3. Labelling of the work.
    4. Background music.
  10. Grace listed the Eastern African counties below. Which of the following lists shows the order from the largest to the smallest country?
    1. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya. 
    2. Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya.
    3. Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Ethiopia.
    4. Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania.
  11. Which of the following lists shows examples of crater lakes in Eastern Africa only? 
    1. L. Paradise, L. Ngozi, L. Shall. B
    2. L. Tanganyika, L. Turkana, L. Tana.
    3. L. Ngozi, L. Nasser, L. Kivu.
    4. L. Kivu, L. Paradise, L. Malawi.
  12. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Eastern Africa
    1. High rainfall throughout the year. 
    2. Receive convectional rainfall. 
    3. Experiences high humidity.
    4. No distinct dry season.
      The climatic region described above is
      1. mountain climatic region
      2. modified equatorial climatic region.
      3. tropical climatic region
      4. equatorial climatic region.
  13. Rael was asked to name countries crossed by the equator in Eastern Africa. Which of the following is not correct?
    1. Uganda
    2. Kenya
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia.
  14. Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer question 15.  
    After learning about physical features in Eastern Africa, Celine was asked to identify the physical feature marked P. Which of the following responses was correct?
    1. River
    2. Mountain
    3. Rift valley
    4. Plain.
  15. During a Social Studies lesson, Nzau drew the diagram below. Identify the vegetation zones in the parts labeled T, S, R, and Q respectively?
       T   S   R   Q 
     A.   Rainforest   Bamboo   Bare rock   Heath and moorland  
     B.  Bare rock   Heath and moorland   Bamboo    Rainforest
     C.  Heath and moorland   Bare rock    Rainforest  Bamboo 
     D.  Bamboo    Rainforest  Heath and moorland   Bare rock 
  16. Becky defined the meaning of the features on the coat of arms as shown below. Which of the following definition was correct?
    1. Cockerel- A symbol of the political party that led Kenya to independence.
    2. Lions- Means new and prosperous life.
    3. Harambee- Symbol of protection and security.
    4. Mount Kenya- It means pulling together.
  17. The following are reasons for the migration of the Bantu into Eastern Africa. Which one is incorrect? They wanted
    1. to run away from outbreak of diseases
    2. to move away from hostile neighbours
    3. to run away from drought and famine D. trading partners.
    4. trading partners
  18. Grace was discussing the arms of the national government. Which of the arms of the national government implements government policies?
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Judiciary
    4. Police service.
  19. The following are benefits of democracy. Which one is incorrect?
    1. Promotes patriotism in the society.
    2. Promotes tribalism and nepotism.
    3. Promotes equality and fairness.
    4. It makes the government accountable and responsible.
  20. During a group discussion, grade 6 learners talked about the functions of a clan. Which of the following is not a function of a clan?
    1. Deciding marriage partners for clan members.
    2. Solving disputes among clan members.
    3. Allocating land to family members.
    4. Punishing wrong doers.
  21. Grade 6 learners asked to name electoral positions that are elected in the general elections in Kenya. Which of the positions is not correct?
    1. President.
    2. Members of national assembly.
    3. Cabinet secretary.
    4. Senator.
  22. Grade 5 learners discussed and listed the importance of the administrative structure in school as shown below. Which of the following is not a role of the administrative structure in a school?
    1. Helps reduce conflict among the leaders.
    2. Promotes peace and order.
    3. Helps in building school structure.
    4. Encourages the school leaders to be responsible as they perform their duties.
  23. A grade 4 learner listed the following uses of soil. Which of the following is an economic use of soil?
    1. For decorative purposes.
    2. For burying the dead.
    3. For making bricks.
    4. Building personal houses.
  24. During a group discussion grade 5 learners listed areas where dairy farming is practiced in Kenya as shown below. Who gave the correct response?
    1. James- Kapenguria, Meru, Embu.
    2. Japheth- Eldoret, Nyandarua, Nakuru.
    3. Joy- Kajiado, Meru, Kakamenga.
    4. Jackie- Bura, Nairobi, Homabay. 
  25. The following are effects of mining. Which one is not a positive effect of mining? Mining
    1. led to development of trade
    2. activities have led to the improvement of transport and communication
    3. has led to destruction of vegetation.
    4. has led to creation of job opportunities.
  26. Petro was performing a patriotic song during a thanksgiving ceremony in his school. The following ways will express his mood except
    1. gestures
    2. phrasing
    3. tempo
    4. building.
  27. During a class discussion, a learner mentioned popular songs as an example of songs. Why are popular songs known to many people? They
    1. are widely listened to
    2. are accompanied by melodic instruments.
    3. are sung happily
    4. educate people.
  28. Mwaura was asked to oversee a certain performance by judging or assessing it to make it better. This process is referred to as
    1. uniformity
    2. accuracy
    3. appraisal
    4. contrast.
  29. A group of learners did a trio performance of Mijikenda song. How many were they?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 4
  30. A folk song is a common song in every community. Which one is not a feature of a folk song?
    1. Climax
    2. Structure
    3. Dance
    4. Mood.
  31. Brian performed Mulele song in a certain speed. The speed of song or music is referred to as
    1. tempo
    2. rhythm
    3. melody
    4. harmony.
  32. A learner made a four- beat count while singing. What does the four beat count stand for?
    1. Crotchet
    2. Semibreve
    3. Minim
    4. Quaver.
  33. Gabriel wrote the word full on a fash card and displayed to his classmates to tell its French rhythm? What was their response?
    1. taa-aa
    2. taa
    3. ta-te
    4. ta
  34. Grade 5 learners performed a folk dance. Who among the following is not a participant in a folk dance?
    1. Singers
    2. Dancers
    3. Audience
    4. Soloist.
  35. During a visit to a supermarket, Prekky saw many body adornments. What are they used for?
    1. To accompany the music.
    2. Decorations on the body of a performer.
    3. Articulation of the sound during singing. 
    4. How dancers arrange themselves when performing.


  1. When we use our talents and abilities well, we shall be promoting
    1. goodness
    2. caring
    3. love
    4. responsibility.
  2. Marriage is a blessing from God. Which one of the following is not an acceptable type of marriage?
    1. Customary marriage.
    2. Early marriage.
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Religious marriage.
  3. Kim has an extended family in Isiolo. Who among the following is an extended family member?
    1. Mother
    2. Aunt
    3. Sister
    4. Father.
  4. Grade 5 learners wanted to engage in a passive leisure activity. Which of the following activities could they engage in?
    1. Reading.
    2. Dancing
    3. Swimming
    4. Bicycle riding.
  5. James learnt that the Bible is the inspired word of God. This is because
    1. God speaks to us through it
    2. we learn to pray through it
    3. it is a special book
    4. it has good words.
  6. The book of Psalms was written by
    1. Paul
    2. Joel
    3. David
    4. Amos.
  7. Moses was given the Ten Commandments by God. The commandment, "Do not steal," is number
    1. 8th
    2. 6th
    3. 4th
    4. 2nd
  8. Samson had power and energy. What did he pick and used it to kill a thousand men?
    1. Stone
    2. Sling
    3. Jawbone
    4. Rod.
  9. Jacob wrestled with God. What does it show?
    1. Hope
    2. Hatred
    3. Disobedience.
    4. Determination
  10. After Jesus was baptized, he was tempted by Satan how many times?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 1
  11. Boaz was walking in class. His teacher asked him not to show negative emotion. Which one is a negative emotion he likely showed?
    1. Happiness
    2. Anxiety
    3. Hope.
    4. Trust.
  12. Ambusa was a new learner inhis class. Which one of the following is a quality of a good friend he should choose?
    1. Honest
    2. Boastful
    3. Proud
    4. Selfish.
  13. Kings used to lead people in the past days. Which king persecuted Christians of the early church?
    1. David
    2. Herod
    3. Ahab
    4. Solomon.
  14. A grade 6 learner wanted to make a poem on gifts of the Holy Spirit. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Faith
    3. Knowledge
    4. Unity.


  1. Mohamed lost his father in a road accident. His friends advised him to be patient. In which surah did they derive the advice?
    1. Maun
    2. Nas
    3. Asr
    4. Masad.
  2. Amina was asked by her teacher to recite any surah from the holy Qur'an. She recited a surah mentioning the word "hutwamah". Which surah did she recite?
    1. Tiyn
    2. Humaza
    3. Fiyl
    4. Aadiyaat.
  3. Below is a posture of swalah. Which adhkaar is recited in this posture?
    1. Rabbi ghfilii.
    2. Subhaana rabiyyal adhhem.
    3. Subhaana rabbiyaal aaala.
    4. Samiallahu liman hamidah.
  4. In the hadith on purity of actions, Allah does not look at two things. Which are the two?
    1. Heart and money.
    2. Heart and deeds.
    3. Appearance and wealth.
    4. Appearance and deeds.
  5. While discussing akherah, class 5 pupils learnt that everything will die except Allah. Which attribute of Allah did they discuss? A. AL aliim
    B. AL hafeedh
    D. AL hayyu.
    C. AL wahiid 
  6. Prophets of Allah performed so many miracles. A walking stick changing into a. snake was a miracle performed by nabii 
    1. Musa
    2. Issa
    3. Yusuf
    4. Ibrahim.
  7. Muslims are encouraged to depend on Allah in everything they do. The act of relying on Allah is known as
    1. taqwa
    2. ihsan
    3. taubah
    4. tawwakal.
  8. Which pillar of Islam is performed around the building below?
    1. Alms giving 
    2. Pilgrimage
    3. Swalah
    4. Fasting.
  9. In the battle of Uhud, the Muslims had won at first but later they were defeated by the Quraish. Which vice led to the defeat of the Muslims?
    1. Stealing
    2. Gambling
    3. Disobedience
    4. Dishonesty.
  10. There are so many ways a Muslim can use social media to benefit himself. However some Muslims do not use social media responsibly. Which one of the following is not a way of using social media responsibly?
    1. Listening to music.
    2. Making good friends.
    3. Listening to Qur'an.
    4. Search for information on deen.
  11. Grade five learners were discussing about nullifiers of swalah. They gave the following responses. Who among the following learners gave the wrong response?
    1. Mariam - Shifting from qibla.
    2. AISHA - Passing wind.
    3. Yusuf - Laughing.
    4. Khalid - Bowing.
  12. When a Muslim dies, he undergoes questioning in his grave. Which angels of Allah are tasked with questioning the dead? 
    1. Raqib and Atid
    2. Munkar and Nakiir
    3. Malik and Ridhwan
    4. Jibril and Mikail.
  13. The first revelation is important to every Muslim. From this revelation, a Muslim can learn that it is important to
    1. seek knowledge
    2. have patience
    3. fast during Ramadhan
    4. help the poor.
  14. Translate the following verse into English.
    لْكَوْثَ رَبِّكَ أَعْطَيْنَ - إِنَّا
    1. You alone do we worship and you alone do we ask for help.
    2. Of the jinns and men.
    3. Verily we have granted you a lot of river in paradise.
    4. Did he not make their plan to astray.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C


1 ada

Study the map of Mabere Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Mabere area slopes from
    1. North East
    2. North West
    3. South East
    4. South West
  2. The main reason why coffee and tea are grown to the North Western region of Mabere area is
    1. the presence of the forest nearby
    2. flat land in the area
    3. cool and wet climate
    4. presence of the river
  3. The railway line in Mabere area was mainly constructed to
    1. transport timber
    2. transport quarry workers
    3. transport stones
    4. transport animals
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Mabere area?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Trading
    3. Fishing
    4. Lumbering
  5. The type of settlement found in Mabere area can be classified as
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. sparse
    4. scattered
  6. Mabere town developed mainly due to
    1. availability of water
    2. its location at a road junction
    3. good climate
    4. presence of police station
  7. The elected head of Mabere area is a
    1. governor
    2. county representative
    3. senator
    4. county commissioner
  8. Three theories that explain the origin of humankind include the following except
    1. evolution theory
    2. mythical theory
    3. religious theory
    4. geological theory
  9. Traditional Education was taught using all the following except
    1. using proverbs and wise sayings
    2. using songs
    3. using story telling
    4. using story books
  10. Which one of the following aspects of culture should not be preserved?
    1. Moral values
    2. Male circumcision
    3. Wife inheritance
    4. Traditional marriage
  11. Below is a description of a lake in Africa
    1. It is a source of a river
    2. It is shared by three countries
    3. It is the largest in Africa
    4. It was formed through downwarping
      The lake described above is
      1. Lake Tanganyika
      2. Lake Malawi
      3. Lake Chad
      4. Lake Victoria
  12. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Highland Nilotes?
    1. Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk
    2. Sabaot, Tugen, Pokot
    3. Turkana, Iteso, Samburu 
    4. Beja, Hawa, Mbugu
  13. Traditional artefacts are conserved in museums mainly to
    1. attract tourists
    2. create job opportunities
    3. preserve the cultural heritage of the country
    4. preserve historic buildings
  14. Three of the following are functions of the head teacher in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Records minutes of the Board of Management's meetings.
    2. Keeps official documents of the school
    3. Writes minutes during staff meeting
    4. Delegates duties and responsibilities to the teachers
  15. Which one of the following plateaus is found in Angola?
    1. Jos plateau
    2. Bie plateau
    3. Nyika plateau
    4. Fouta Djallon plateau
  16. Cocoa growing in Ghana has contributed to the economy of Ghana in the following ways except
    1. creation of jobs
    2. growth of industries
    3. increase in foreign exchange
    4. increase in foreign debts
  17. Below is a description of a climatic zone in Africa.
    1. Found at the tips of the continent of Africa
    2. Experience dry conditions during summer
    3. Receives rainfall during winter
    4. Rainfall is influenced by westerly winds
      The climatic region described above is
      1. equatorial
      2. Mediterranean
      3. desert
      4. tropical savanna
  18. Which one of the following game parks is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Hwango - Zambia
    2. Kruger - Kenya
    3. Black River Gorges - Mauritius
    4. Tsavo - South Africa

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 19-23

19 asdfada

  1. The mountains marked T were formed through the process of
    1. faulting
    2. folding
    3. volcanicity
    4. erosion
  2. The sun is overhead the tropic marked X on
    1. 22 December
    2. 21 March
    3. 23 September
    4. 21 June
  3. The Island country marked S has its city in
    1. Victoria
    2. Antananarivo
    3. Pretoria.
    4. Praia
  4. The country marked R was colonized by 
    1. Portuguese
    2. Germans
    3. French
    4. British
  5. The river project marked M was designed mainly to
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. provide water for transport
    4. control floods
  6. Below are characteristics of a certain type of soil
    1. They are red in colour
    2. They are found in the highlands
    3. Support growing of tea and coffee
    4. Rich in nutrients
      The type of soil described above is
      1. volcanic soil
      2. black cotton soil
      3. sandy soil
      4. alluvial soil
  7. The main problem facing dams in Africa is
    1. accumulation of silt
    2. expensive cost of operation
    3. accidents
    4. drought
  8. The government of Kenya encourages the establishment of jua kali industries mainly to
    1. make use of the available raw materials
    2. create self employment to the youths
    3. provide items for household use
    4. manufacture goods for export
  9. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its method of mining?
    1. Gold-shaft
    2. Diatomite - open cast
    3. Petroleum-drilling
    4. Soda Ash - deep shaft
  10. The main cause of road accidents in Kenya is
    1. unqualified drivers
    2. unroadworthy vehicles
    3. use of mobile phones while driving
    4. human error
  11. Three of the following are effects of revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Causes day and night
    2. Causes varying length of day and night at different times of the year
    3. Causes the four seasons
    4. Causes changes in the position of the midday sun at different times of the year
  12. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya is
    1. high cost of feeds
    2. attacks by pests and diseases
    3. lack of market
    4. lack of enough capital

Use the diagram below to answer questions 31-32

31 sadada

  1. The diagram above represents the formation of
    1. convectional rainfall
    2. relief rainfall
    3. cyclonic rainfall
    4. frontal rainfall
  2. The winds marked X are
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. warm and wet
    4. cool and dry
  3. Below are description of a type of marriage
    1. Banns are posted in public places for 21 days
    2. Conducted by a government officer 
    3. Requires at least two witnesses 
    4. A marriage certificate is issued
      The type of marriage described above is
      1. Islamic marriage
      2. Customary marriage
      3. Hindu marriage
      4. Civil marriage
  4. The government established settlement schemes after independence mainly to
    1. improve the quality of life of the people
    2. settle people without land
    3. increase food production
    4. case congestion in densely populated Areas
  5. Three of the following are traditional methods of predicting weather. Which one is not?
    1. Observing the movement of winds
    2. Observing clouds
    3. Observing the behaviour of some animals
    4. Using a windsock to determine the strength of the wind
  6. The main problem facing trade in Eastern Africa is
    1. political differences
    2. lack of capital
    3. production of almost similar goods
    4. lack of a common currency
  7. Which of the following is not a positive effect of the European settlement in Kenya?
    1. Introduction of cash crop farming
    2. Introduction of dairy farming
    3. introduction of African native reserves
    4. introduction of new methods of farming
  8. The main crop grown in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. french beans
    2. seed maize
    3. watermelon
    4. rice
  9. Which of the following is not a traditional method of preserving fish?
    1. Freezing
    2. Smoking
    3. Sun-drying
    4. Salting
  10. Climate of Africa is influenced by all the following factors. Which one is not?
    1. Meridians
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Winds
    4. Altitude
  11. The government of Swaziland is headed by 
    1. King
    2. President
    3. Queen
    4. Prime minister
  12. Which of the following groups of countries was colonized by the Germans?
    1. Togo, Cameroon, Namibia
    2. Congo, Chad, Mali
    3. Angola, Madagascar, Benin
    4. Morocco, Tunisia, Libya
  13. The most common and developed form of transport in Africa is
    1. road 
    2. air
    3. railway
    4. water
  14. Which method of administration did the French mainly use in their administration in Africa?
    1. Direct rule
    2. Indirect rule
    3. Assimilation
    4. Paternalism
  15. The Old Kingdom of Ghana was founded by the
    1. Asante
    2. Almoravids
    3. Songhai
    4. Soninke
  16. Which of the following species of trees is not found in the forest of Democrative Republic of Congo?
    1. Camphor
    2. Mahogany
    3. Rosewood
    4. Cypress
  17. The main benefit of tourism to the economy of Kenya is
    1. creation of jobs
    2. improvement of agriculture
    3. earns the country foreign exchange
    4. improvement of transport and communication
  18. Which one of the following trading blocs has its headquarters in Gaborone Botswana?
    1. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
    2. Southern African Development Community (SADC)
    3. East African Community (EAC)
    4. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  19. Before the coming of the Europeans the Ameru were ruled by 50.
    1. Chiefs
    2. Kings
    3. Council of elders
    4. Consensus
  20. Who among the following leaders did not resist colonial rule during the colonial era?
    1. Koitalel Arap Samoei
    2. Samoure Toure
    3. Nabongo Mumia
    4. Chief Mkwawa
  21. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Miraa
    3. Bhang
    4. Mandrax
  22. The main source of revenue for the county government in Kenya is
    1. taxes.
    2. parking fees
    3. sale of trading licence
    4. grants from the national government
  23. The head of the judiciary in Kenya is the
    1. Attorney General
    2. Chief justice
    3. President
    4. Chief magistrate
  24. The chairperson of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is appointed by
    1. Parliament
    2. Cabinet
    3. President
    4. the commission
  25. The best way to curb the spread of HIV and AIDS in Kenya is by
    1. encouraging the youth to abstain from sex
    2. creating awareness on the dangers of HIV and AIDS
    3. encouraging people to use protection during sex
    4. advising couples to be faithful to each other
  26. Three of the following are causes of conflict in the society. Which one is not?
    1. Tribalism.
    2. Nepotism
    3. Equality before the law
    4. Unequal distribution of resources
  27. Which one of the following is a social right?
    1. Right to marriage
    2. Right to work
    3. Right to vote
    4. Right to fair pay
  28. The constitution of Kenya has
    1. 18 chapters
    2. 4 chapters
    3. 47 chapters
    4. 16 chapters
  29. Debates in the National Assembly are controlled by the
    1. Chief justice
    2. President
    3. Clerk of the National assembly
    4. Speaker of the national Assembly
  30. For one to register as a voter in Kenya, he or she must have a minimum age of
    1. 21 years
    2. 18 years
    3. 35 years
    4. 16 years


  1. Which one of the following is the main reason why God created Eve?
    1. To take care of God's creation
    2. To subdue and fill the earth
    3. To provide companionship to Adam
    4. To name all the animals
  2. Abraham is called a friend of God mainly because he
    1. moved from Haran to Canaan
    2. was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac
    3. trusted in God
    4. was faithful to his wife Sarah
  3. "Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth." To whom did God make this promise?
    1. Joshua
    2. Aaron
    3. Moses
    4. Noah
  4. Why did Moses escape from Egypt to Midian?
    1. There was famine in Egypt
    2. He feared Pharaoh
    3. He was not a good speaker
    4. He was looking for a wife
  5. Who among the following kings sinned against God by visiting a witch at Endor? 
    1. King Ahab
    2. King Solomon
    3. King Saul
    4. King David
  6. The prophet who prophesied that the new covenant will be between individuals and God was
    1. Hosea
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Joel
  7. Which one of the following Christian values did Gehazi the servant of Elisha lack when he asked for a gift from Naaman?
    1. Love
    2. Integrity
    3. Discernment
    4. Kindness
  8. Who among the following judges of Israel mainly fought for the Israelites against the Philistines?
    1. Samson
    2. Shamgar
    3. Gedion
    4. Jephtah
  9. "I inherited the vineyard from my relatives. The Lord forbid that I should let you have it." 1 Kings 21:3. These words were said to
    1. Naboth
    2. Ahab
    3. Saul
    4. Jezebel
  10. The Israelites celebrated the Passover feast annually mainly to
    1. commemorate their deliverance from Egypt
    2. show respect to God
    3. recognize Moses as their leader
    4. enjoy their freedom in Canaan
  11. Why did King Herod desire to see baby Jesus? Hé
    1. wanted to give him gifts
    2. wanted to worship him
    3. wanted to kill him
    4. wanted to know if he was the promised Messiah
  12. "There comes the lamb of God who takes away the sins of man. " During which occasion were these words spoken to Jesus?
    1. Transfiguration
    2. Temptation
    3. Crucification
    4. Baptism
  13. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that he had power over nature?
    1. Healing the blind man
    2. Raising of Lazarus
    3. Walking on water
    4. Healing Malchus
  14. Which quality did Jesus mainly require from the people who came to him to be healed?
    1. Courage
    2. Faith
    3. Patience
    4. Love
  15. Which one of the following is the main reason why Jesus mixed with sinners?
    1. He came to save all people
    2. He came to help sinners only
    3. He came from a poor background.
    4. He loved sinners
  16. Which one of the following parables mainly teach Christians that they should bring back people to church?
    1. Parable of the sower
    2. Parable of the good Samaritan
    3. Parable of the lost sheep
    4. Parable of the lost prodigal son
  17. "happy are the pure in heart for they shall..
    1. see God
    2. be called the children of God
    3. be comforted
    4. inherit the earth
  18. Who among the following was not among the people who were chosen as the seven deacons in the early church?
    1. Stephen
    2. Philip
    3. Nicanor
    4. Paul
  19. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus gives Christians hope in life?
    1. Sharing the last supper
    2. The death of Jesus on the cross
    3. The birth of Jesus
    4. The resurrection of Jesus
  20. Which one of the following elements of prayer shows concern for others?
    1. Confession
    2. Thanksgiving
    3. Petition
    4. Intercession
  21. In traditional African societies people give thanks to God for blessings by
    1. praying while facing a mountain
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. sharing meals
    4. helping the needy
  22. People who died in the recent years during our lifetime are called the
    1. ancestors
    2. unborn
    3. living dead
    4. diviners
  23. Who among the following specialists is found in both traditional African religion and Christianity?
    1. Priests
    2. Rainmakers
    3. Soothsayers
    4. Magicians
  24. The best way of pleasing the ancestral spirits in traditional African communities is by
    1. singing and dancing
    2. calling out their names
    3. taking care of shrines
    4. pouring libation before eating or drinking
  25. In traditional African Communities children are told stories mainly to
    1. entertain them
    2. teach them moral values
    3. keep them busy
    4. teach them about the past events
  26. Which one of the following is a leisure activity in traditional African communities?
    1. Visiting friends
    2. Reading stories
    3. Attending crusades
    4. Visiting museums
  27. Which of the following ways shows the best use of wealth by Christians? 
    1. Buying clothes
    2. Helping the needy
    3. Saving for future use
    4. Investing in development projects
  28. Your deskmate tells you that she is HIV positive. As a Christian, which advice will you give her?
    1. Seek medical advice
    2. Keep it as a secret
    3. Stop going to school
    4. See a magician
  29. On your way home from school you find two young boys fighting. As a Christian what action should you take?
    1. Stop them from fighting
    2. Pass and leave them fighting
    3. Tell them to change their behaviour
    4. Report the matter to the teacher.
  30. Which one of the following is not a type of sexual misuse?
    1. Homosexuality
    2. Bestiality
    3. Celibacy
    4. Adultery



  1. Who among the prophets of Allah(SW) built the Kaaba?
    1. Suleiman
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Zakariah
  2. What is the meaning of the word Al-Bayyinah?
    1. Clear evidence
    2. Day of clamour
    3. The clot
    4. The earthquake
  3. Who among the following prophets of Allah (SW) built Al-Aqsa?
    1. Suleiman
    2. Mohammad
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Zakariah
  4. How many verses are there in surah Asr? 
    1. 8
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  5. Which prophet of Allah (SW) used to fast on alternate days?
    1. Daud
    2. Ibrahim
    3. Mohammad
    4. Musa
  6. Where will the wrongdoers go after the day of judgement?
    1. Paradise
    2. Graves
    3. Hell
    4. Ocean
  7. Which one of the following is not a good habit for Muslims?
    1. Praying
    2. Fasting
    3. Fighting
    4. Greeting people
  8. Which one of the following is an example of of heavy najasaat?
    1. Urine
    2. Blood
    3. Pus
    4. Dog
  9. What should a Muslim say when he or she wants to ask for Allah's forgiveness?
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Inshallah
    4. Alhamdulillah
  10. How old was the prophet (S.A.W) when his grandfather died?
    1. 6 years
    2. 2 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 8 years
  11. Which month was prophet Mohammad (SAW) born?
    1. Rabiul-Awwal
    2. Muharram
    3. Shawwal
    4. Dhul-Qaadah
  12. How many days do Muslims fast during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. 28
    2. 60
    3. 30
    4. 10
  13. In which town was prophet Mohammad (SAW) born?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Taif
    4. Jerusalem
  14. Which son of Nabii Adam (AS) killed his brother because of jealousy?
    1. Kanaan
    2. Qabila
    3. Habila
    4. Shuaib
  15. In which town is Masjid-ul-Aqsa built?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madina
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Yemen
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is only perfomed during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Tahajud
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (SW) means that He is the sustainer of life?
    1. Al-Malik
    2. Al-Razzaq
    3. Al-Khalaq
    4. Al-Wahhab
  18. Which one of the following is the best present that a Muslim can give a sick person (SAW)?
    1. Dua
    2. Food
    3. Drinks
    4. Flowers
  19. Who was the foster mother of the prophet (SAW)?
    1. Halima
    2. Hafsa
    3. Amina
    4. Amarah
  20. Which one of the following surahs are reffered to as Muadhatain?
    1. Fatiha and Ikhlas
    2. Nas and Ikhlas
    3. Falaq and Ikhlas
    4. Nas and Falaq
  21. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed when there is an eclipse of the moon?
    1. Istiqai
    2. Kusuf
    3. Taraweh
    4. Khusuf
  22. Which one of the following is the 1st month on the Islamic calender?
    1. Safar
    2. Muharram
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Shaban
  23. Which is the best place for an Islamic wedding to take place?
    1. Church
    2. Sociall hall
    3. Mosque
    4. Football ground 
  24. Who was the last prophet of Allah (SW) to be sent to the world?
    1. Zakariyah
    2. Adam
    3. Issa
    4. Mohammad
  25. According to the hadith of the prophet (SAW) a generous man is near Allah, near men, near paradise and far from
    1. Allah(SW)
    2. paradise
    3. men
    4. hell
  26. Which one of the following pillars of Islam encourages generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Salat
  27. Which sunnah fast is observed on the 9 of Muharram?
    1. Sitat shawal
    2. Yaum- aul- baidh
    3. Tasu'a
    4. Ashura
  28. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed when there is an eclipse of the sun?
    1. Istiqai
    2. Kusuf
    3. Dhuha
    4. Khusuf
  29. All angels of Allah (SW) were created from
    1. mur
    2. clay
    3. nar
    4. water
  30. How many goats are slaughtered during the Aqiqah of a baby girl?
    1. 1
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 3





doha area

Study the map of Doha area and use it to answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Doha area slopes from:- 
    1. North east to south west
    2. North west to south east
    3. South east to north east
    4. South west to north east
  2. Which combination of cash crops is likely to do weil around south west of Doha area?
    1. Pyrethrum and tea
    2. Tea and cocoa
    3. Sisal and cotton
    4. Cloves and pyrethrum
  3. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in the area?
    1. Farming
    2. Mining
    3. Tourism
    4. Lumbering
  4. The people living in Doha area are likely to be the:-
    1. christians
    2. muslims
    3. hindus.
    4. pagans
  5. The type of settlement in Doha area is:-
    1. lincar
    2. dense
    3. dispresed
    4. nucleated
  6. The seniormost head of Doha area is:-
    1. the governor
    2. the Mp
    3. the Senator
    4. the Speaker
  7. The climatic condition around South West is likely to be:-
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry 
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet
  8. The National celebration that marks or that enriches our cultural is celebrated on:-
    1. 1st June yearly
    2. 10th October yearly
    3. 1st May yearly
    4. 12th December yearly
  9. Who among the following is elected to represent a county in the National Assembly?
    1. Women representative
    2. Mp
    3. MCA
    4. Senator
  10. The chief govemment legal advisor and head of constitution is:-
    1. chief justice
    2. National speaker
    3. Deputy president
    4. Attorney general

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 11 to 13.

11 adadad

  1. The country marked x is a former colony of:-
    1. Portugal
    2. Germany
    3. France
    4. Britian
  2. The sun is overhead on the line marked 23 'S in the month of:-
    1. December
    2. March
    3. June
    4. September
  3. The water body bordering Africa continent around the area marked z is:-
    1. Red sea
    2. Mediterranean sea
    3. Indian ocean
    4. Atlantic Ocean
  4. Which one of the following colours represent hills and mountains in a map?
    1. Blue
    2. White
    3. Green
    4. Black
  5. Three of the following are factors influencing climate change. Which one is not?
    1. Afforestation
    2. Use of petroleum products
    3. Reafforestation
    4. Growing rice under irrigation.
  6. The Greenwich or prime meridian passes through the following African countries. Which one is not?
    1. Niger
    2. Algeria
    3. Mali
    4. Ghana
  7. Which one of the following communities is believed to have originated from horn of Africa?
    1. Samburu
    2. Rendile
    3. Maasai
    4. Luhya
  8. Which one of the following types of marriage allows a man to marry up to four wives?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Islamic marriage
    4. Civil marriage
  9. The main purpose of rearing horses among the Fulani pastoral community is:-
    1. means of transport
    2. payment of dowry
    3. Source of employment
    4. search for water and pasture
  10. Which one of the following is a least factor that has influenced industrial development in Kenya?
    1. Presence of many foreigners.
    2. Presence of raw materials.
    3. Availability of power.
    4. Availability of capital.
  11. Which one of the following international roads runs from Mombasa in Kenya to Lagos in Nigeria?
    1. Great North road
    2. Trans-African Highway
    3. Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway
    4. Trans-Saharan Highway
  12. . The capital city of South Africa is:-
    1. Cape Town
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Pretoria
    4. Durban
  13. The main reason for the scramble and partition of Africa was to:-
    1. settle surplus population
    2. show pride and power
    3. stop slave trade
    4. search for raw materials
  14. The title given to the King of Swaziland is:
    1. Ngwenyama
    2. Tinkhundla
    3. Kabaka
    4. Liqoqo
  15. Which one of the following occurs when human rights are respected?
    1. Political instabilities
    2. Peace and harmony
    3. Demonstrations and violence
    4. Cattle rustling
  16. Which one of the following methods of solving conflicts involves use of legal system?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Mediation
    3. Litigation
    4. Negotiation

Use the diagram below to answer question 27.

27 adada

  1. The weather instrument is used to measure:-
    1. wind strength
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. air pressure
    4. speed of winds
  2. Which one of the following forms of transport is used to carry heavy goods on land to far distances?
    1. Road
    2. Water
    3. Air
    4. Railway
  3. Which one of the following combination of physical features forms drainage pattern?
    1. Lakes and valleys
    2. Ranges and oceans
    3. Swamps and rivers
    4. Plains and sea
  4. Which one of the following items is not likely to be used to measure distance along curved lines?
    1. Straight-edged papers.
    2. Pair of dividers.
    3. Use of a thread.
    4. Use of a ruler.
  5. Which one of the following is not an effect of revolution of the earth?
    1. It causes day and night.
    2. It causes different sesons.
    3. It causes differences in length of day and night.
    4. It influences the position of the midday sun.
  6. Shona and Ndebele are Bantu mainly living in:-
    1. Rwanda
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. South Africa
    4. Democratic Republic of Congo
  7. Which one of the following is a function of the deputy headteacher?
    1. Admiting new pupils.
    2. Allocating duties to teachers.
    3. Incharge of discipline.
    4. Chairs the staff meeting.
  8. The main reason for construction of Seven Folks in Kenya was:-
    1. to provides energy for industries
    2. source of tourist attraction
    3. to provide water for irrigation
    4. to control floods
  9. Which one of the following methods of mining is correctly matched with its mineral?
    1. Open cast - Soda ash
    2. Drilling - Copper
    3. Dredging - Oi!
    4. Shaft - Gold
  10. The headquarters of Common Market For Eastern and Southern Africa is based in- 
    1. Gabrone Botswana
    2. Lusaka Zambia
    3. Lagos - Nigeria
    4. Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
  11. The pyramids at Giza and valley of Kings are major tourist attractions in:-
    1. South Africa
    2. Tanzania
    3. Egypt
    4. Kenya
  12. Three of the following are factors that contributed to the rise of Old Ghana. Which one was not?
    1. Large royal families.
    2. Powerful and respected rulers.
    3. Favourable climate.
    4. Strong and disciplined army.
  13. Which one of the following methods of colonial administration was used to rule DR. Congo?
    1. Indirect rule
    2. Association
    3. Assimilation
    4. Direct rule
  14. Three of the following are effects of drugs and subsistence. Which one is not? They:-
    1. cause psychological instabilities.
    2. promote good working relationship.
    3. increase chances of diseases infection.
    4. cause poor health.
  15. Which one of the following promotes peace in the society?
    1. Nepotism
    2. Racism
    3. Patriotism
    4. Tribalism

Use the physical feature below to answer questions 42 to 44.

42 adada

  1. The area marked x receives little rainfall mainly because:-
    1. it is within the windward side
    2. it experiences wet winds
    3. it receives cold and dry winds
    4. it is found in a dry area
  2. Which type of rain is formed as a result of the above process?
    1. Orographic rainfall
    2. Heavy rainfall
    3. Cyclonic rainfall
    4. Convectional rainfall
  3. Which one of the following crops is not likely to do well on area marked z?
    1. Coffee
    2. Pyrethrum
    3. Tea
    4. Cotton
  4. Which one of the following traditional weather observation techniques was used to signify drought?
    1. Trail of ants
    2. Shedding of leaves
    3. Croaking of frogs
    4. Heavy thick clouds in the sky
  5. Africa continent lies between latitudes ................................and.................................
    1. 52°W and 18°E
    2. 18°W and 52°E
    3. 37°N and 35
    4. 35°N and 37'S
  6. Which one of the following types of vegetation is characterised by aromatic shrubs and conical trees?
    1. Mediterranean forest
    2. Savannah woodland
    3. Tropical rainforest
    4. Mountain vegetation.
  7. The African communities interacted in the past mainly through:-
    1. regional organizations
    2. games and sports
    3. cultural exchange
    4. intermarriages
  8. Which one of the following areas in Ghana is cocoa mainly grown?
    1. Cocoa triangle
    2. Accra region
    3. Kumasi
    4. Takoradi
  9. The main benefit of forests to the economy of Democratic Republic of Congo is:-
    1. source of employment
    2. provides medical herb
    3. earning foreign exchange
    4. provides building timber
  10. Which one of the following methods of fishing is not a traditional one? Use of:-
    1. herbs.
    2. gillnets
    3. traps
    4. basket
  11. Three of the following forms of communication are known as mass media. Which one is not? 
    1. Radio
    2. Newspaper
    3. Television
    4. Cellphone
  12. The political organisation among the Sans was based on:-
    1. consensus
    2. chiefdoms
    3. kingdoms
    4. council of elders
  13. Three of the following African leaders resisted colonialists. Who among them did not?
    1. Samori Toure
    2. Koitalel Arap Samoei
    3. Lewanika of Lozi
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  14. Which one of the following forms of citizenship allows one to be a member of two countries? 
    1. By registration
    2. By dual
    3. By naturalisation
    4. By birth
  15. Which one of the following arms of the government makes laws?
    1. Cabinet
    2. Executive
    3. Judiciary
    4. Legislature
  16. . General election is held in Kenya to elect the following leaders. Who among them is not elected?
    1. Deputy president
    2. Women representative
    3. Member of parliament
    4. Senator
  17. Which one of the following may not cause a parliamentary by election?
    1. If a member is elected the speaker of the National Assembly.
    2. If a member is found to be of unsound mind.
    3. If a member becomes a dual citizen
    4. If a member is declared bankrupt by a court of law.
  18. Who among the following in Kenya was the first prime minister?
    1. Oginga Odinga
    2. Jomo Kenyatta
    3. Daniel Moi
    4. Raila Odinga
  19. The ex-officio member of parliament in Kenya is:-
    1. the National Assembly Speaker
    2. the Attorney General
    3. the president
    4. the chief Justices


  1. Which of the following is a reason God created Eve?
    1. To work for the man.
    2. To provide companionship.
    3. To bear children for Adam to the man.
    4. To till the land.
  2. God tested Abraham's faith when he asked him to:-
    1. marry Hagar
    2. take Lot with him to Caanan
    3. make an alter at Bethel
    4. give his son as a sacrifice
  3. In which of the following places did Jacob see a vision of Angels going up and down a ladder?
    1. Bethel
    2. Peniel
    3. Hebron
    4. Shechem.
  4. The bitter herbs eaten by the Israelites on the night of Passover represented:-
    1. suffering in Egypt
    2. their loyalty to God
    3. readiness to leave Egypt
    4. their obedience to God
  5. Which of the following commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai teaches Christians to respect their partners?
    1. Do not commit adultery.
    2. Do not kill.
    3. Do not desire another man's property.
    4. Honour your father and mother.
  6. The main duty of judges in Israel was to:-
    1. lead people in worship
    2. divide land
    3. lead people to war
    4. foretell the future
  7. God rejected King Saul as the first King of Israel because he:-
    1. ate sacrificial meat
    2. refused to kill the fat animals
    3. performed priestly duties
    4. visited a medium at Endor
  8. The following are achievements of King David except:-
    1. capturing Jerusalem from the Jebusites
    2. bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
    3. killing Goliath the Philistine giants
    4. building a temple for God
  9. Prophet Micah prophesied that Jesus would:-
    1. set captives free
    2. be born in Bethlehem
    3. be called the prince of peace
    4. be a refugee in Egypt
  10. The main reason John the baptised baptized Jesus was to:-
    1. prepare the way for him
    2. show he was sent by God.
    3. obey God's will
    4. proof he had power to forgive
  11. The main lesson Christians learn from the story of King Herod wanting to kill baby Jesus is that:-
    1. God protects the innocent
    2. we should be kind to one another
    3. we should respect those in authority
    4. we should be envious
  12. . Which of the following events took place in the town of Jerusalem?
    1. Jesus was rejected.
    2. Jesus healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law. 
    3. Jesus was anointed.
    4. Jesus sent away money changers from the temple.
  13. According to Jesus teaching on Mark 6:, his brothers are those who:-
    1. sacrifice their time for God's service
    2. obey Jesus teaching
    3. know all God's commandments
    4. do his father's will
  14. Complete the Beatitude. Happy are the spiritually poor for they shall:- 
    1. see God
    2. be called God's children 
    3. see the kingdom of heaven.
    4. be comforted.
  15. Which of the following parables of Jesus teachers christians to pray without giving up? 
    1. Pharisee and the tax collector.
    2. Friend at midnight.
    3. Rich man and Lazarus.
    4. Ten virgins.
  16. Which of the following accusations was brought against Jesus before Caiphas and high priest? 
    1. Claiming to tear down the temple.
    2. Calling himself the King of the Jews.
    3. Healing people on a sabbath.
    4. Telling people not to pay taxes.
  17. Which of the following events took place on the day Jesus died?
    1. A voice was heard from heaven.
    2. His face shone like the sun.
    3. The curtain in the temple was torn.
    4. Peter denied him.
  18. Who among the following was the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. Simon Peter
    2. Martha
    3. Cleophas
    4. Mary Magdalene
  19. A lesson christian learn from the story of Ananias and Saphira is to:-
    1. help the needy
    2. respect their leaders
    3. attend worship services
    4. be honest
  20. Which of the following activities by the apostles in the early church is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Preaching the gospel.
    2. Healing the sick.
    3. Helping the sick.
    4. Reading the Bible.
  21. Which of the following is not a rite of passage in traditional African community?
    1. Baptism
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Death
  22. Who among the following specialists in traditional African society was believed to cause harm?
    1. Diviner
    2. Herbalist
    3. Seer
    4. Sorcerer
  23. Both people in traditional African religion and Christianity believe that God:-
    1. is supreme
    2. lives in caves
    3. is three in one
    4. has a son
  24. Which of the following is a pleasure activity in traditional African society?
    1. Going for picknicks.
    2. Attending seminars.
    3. Wrestling
    4. Mountain climbing
  25. Which of the following is a consequence of misuse of sex among the youth?
    1. Passing exams.
    2. Success in life.
    3. Getting good jobs.
    4. Transmission of STI's
  26. Peter a std 8 boy does not like helping in the farm because he gets tired easily. Which advice does he need?
    1. Ask the parents to employ workers.
    2. Work and get some rest later.
    3. Hide in the bush to avoid working.
    4. Go and visit his grandmother.
  27. Caroline's parents help orphans and the less fortunate in their village. Which of the following christian values do they have?
    1. Honesty 
    2. Humility
    3. Kindness
    4. Gentleness
  28. The church can best help people living with HIV/AIDS by:-
    1. organising for routine testing 
    2. praying for them
    3. giving them food
    4. starting support group and income generation projects for them
  29. In some traditional African Communities initiates lived in seclusion in order to be:- 
    1. married
    2. punished
    3. taught their duties and responsibilities 
    4. made better than others
  30. Which of the following was not a result of the coming of missionaries to Kenya?
    1. Spread of christianity.
    2. Formal education was introduced.
    3. Promotion of slave trade.
    4. Introduction of modern medicine to treat discases.


  1. The Surah whose earliest verses were the beginning of Wahyi was:-
    1. Fatiha
    2. Qadr
    3. Tiyn
    4. Alaq
  2. Halimah has a habit of talking ill of her friends. Which surah can best admonish her against this behaviour?
    1. Falaq
    2. Nasr
    3. Humazah
    4. Maun
  3. Which surah of holy Qur'an teaches muslims to offer sacrifice?
    1. Kauthar
    2. Ikhlas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Quraish
  4. The episode of Abraha - AL-Ashram is discusse in Surah:-
    1. Fiyl 
    2. Masad
    3. Kafirun
    4. Takathaur
  5. Hard times and moments of happiness are not permanent in life. This is a true teaching of surah:-
    1. Humazah
    2. Maun
    3. Inshirah
    4. Tiyn
  6. Complete the hadith of the prophet S.A. W with the most correct words. "The generous man is near paradise, near men and far from....
    1. women
    2. evil
    3. neighbours
    4. hell
  7. Which one of the following is not a rite of Umrah?
    1. Ihraam
    2. Arafah
    3. Tawaf
    4. Sa'ay
  8. The holy book that was revealed to Nabii Daud A.S was:-
    1. Zabur
    2. Injil
    3. Furqan
    4. Taurat
  9. The following are faradh parts of udhu except:-
    1. legs
    2. arms
    3. cars
    4. head
  10. The main activity that should be performed by muslims during Iddul-Adh-ha celebrations is:-
    1. distributing foodstuffs
    2. reciting takbirah
    3. slaughtering animals
    4. performing Idd prayers
  11. The prophet who took out a camel from a rock was:-
    1. Hud 
    2. Swaleh
    3. Issa
    4. Musa
  12. The faradh prayer that has no sunnah baadiyah is:-
    1. Dhuhur
    2. Ishai
    3. Maghrib
    4. Fajr
  13. Which one of the following najasat require washing seven times?
    1. Urine of a baby boy who takes breastmilk only.
    2. Vomit from a person who has taken alcohol.
    3. A container in which a rat died.
    4. Utensils that were licked by a dog.
  14. Who among the following is not a legal recipien of Zakat?
    1. Needy
    2. Debtor
    3. Traveller
    4. Orphan
  15. The immediate guardian of the prophet S.A.W after death of Amina was:-
    1. Abu-Twalib
    2. Abdul-Uzzah
    3. Halimah- Saayidiyah
    4. Abdul Mutwalib
  16. Which one of the following is among the Ash- hurul-hurum?
    1. Shaaban
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Safar
    4. Rajab
  17. During the conquest of Makkah all the following categories of people were declared safe except those who-
    1. surrendered their arms
    2. sought refuge in the house of Arqamah
    3. remained indoors
    4. got into the Kaabah
  18. The 10th year of prophethood of Muhammad S.A.W will be remembered mainly because:- 
    1. muslims won the battle of Badr
    2. muslims went for Hijrah to Yathrib
    3. the prophet S.A. W was wounded in the battle of Badr
    4. the prophet S.A. W lost his two beloved ones.
  19. The following are true about the battle of Badr Which one is not?
    1. Muslims emerged with great victory.
    2. There were 14 martyrs.
    3. It was fought in the month of Rajab
    4. It was fought in the year 2 A.H.
  20. The following are examples of prayers. Which is the odd one out?
    1. Kusuf
    2. Idd
    3. Istisqai
    4. Jumala
  21. The earliest Muadhin in Islamic history was:-
    1. Abdallah
    2. Baraah
    3. Abubakar
    4. Bilaa!
  22. The list below comprises of names.
    1. Jibril
    2. Idris
    3. Israfil
    4. Ridh-wan
      Which of the above names is the odd one out.
      1. iv
      2. ii
      3. i
      4. iii
  23. Halimah returned Muhammad S.A. W to his mother at the age of:-
    1. 4 years
    2. 6 months
    3. 6 years
    4. 12 years
  24. The people of Nabii Nuh A.S were punished using:-
    1. floods
    2. thunder
    3. fire
    4. volcano
  25. The best way to assist your poor relatives is by:-
    1. giving them food daily
    2. educating their children
    3. buying them clothes
    4. providing them with a source of earning.
  26. The miracle of a table full of food from heaven is associated with prophet:-
    1. Musa
    2. Issa
    3. Yunus
    4. Yahya
  27. During Isra-wai-Miiraj the prophet S.A. W was in the company of-
    1. Zeid
    2. Abubakar
    3. Jibril
    4. Ali
  28. The Truce at Hudaibyah was drafted by:-
    1. Suhail
    2. Ali
    3. Umar
    4. Athuman
  29. The following children were going out during a market day as follows:-
    1. Halimah- a miniskirt, skin tight, head, scarf
    2. Sofia - Sun glasses, a long dress, uncovered head
    3. Ramla-Long trousers. Tumbo cut and high heeled shoes.
    4. Laidah - Long loose dress, headscarf, rubber shoes.
      Who among the giris above dressed in the Islamic manner?
      1. Ramla
      2. Halima
      3. Lailah
      4. Sofia
  30. The other name for Masjidul- Aqswah is:-
    1. Baitul Maqdis
    2. Baitul - Attiq
    3. Masjidul Nabawwi
    4. Masjidul Haraam


social and religious edu





maloba area

Study the map of Malomba Area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. What is the direction of lake Boro from Ndira market?
    1. North East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Malomba area?
    1. 75km
    2. 60km
    3. 70km
    4. 85km
  3. Which type of soil is likely to be found in the Northern part of Malomba Area?
    1. Red volcanic soil
    2. Black cotton soil
    3. Loam soil
    4. Sandy soil
  4. The following economic activities are carried out in Malomba area except
    1. fishing activities
    2. trading activities
    3. lumbering activities
    4. mining activities
  5. What is the staple food for the residents of Malomba area?
    1. Maize
    2. Sorghum
    3. Rice
    4. Tea
  6. The following African rivers have a similar feature as the one found at the mouth of river Tele. Which one does not have?
    1. River Senegal
    2. River Congo
    3. River Zambezi
    4. River Niger
  7. Which one of the following essential services is urgently needed in Malomba area?
    1. Educational services
    2. Religious services
    3. Health services
    4. Recreational services
  8. Which one of the following is the smallest basic unit of any society?
    1. Clan
    2. Community
    3. Family
    4. Age set
  9. Which one of the following communities can best fit in the blank space below?
    9 adfadfa
    1. Shilluk
    2. Njemps
    3. Ngoni
    4. Karamojong
  10. What is the main function of the weather instrument below?
    10 adafaf
    1. Shows direction to which wind is moving
    2. Measures speed of wind
    3. Measures direction and strength of wind
    4. Shows the direction from which the wind is blowing
  11. Axim and Accra are major towns along the Atlantic Ocean in Ghana.
    Which is the main factor that contributes to their difference in climate?
    1. Prevailing winds
    2. Ocean currents
    3. Nature of the coastline
    4. Nearness to the large water body.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-13.

  1. The above lakes were formed through a process known as
    1. volcanic action
    2. glaciation
    3. erosion and deposition
    4. downwarping
  2. Which set of lakes were formed through the above process?
    1. Lakes Teleki, Catherine, Speke
    2. Lakes Manzala, Kanyaboli, Gambi
    3. Lakes Nyos, Paradise, Shala
    4. Lakes Tana, Itasy, Kivu
  3. Which one of the following cultural practices did the Bantus acquire from the Cushites?
    1. Crop farming
    2. Circumcision
    3. Polygamy
    4. Keeping of livestock
  4. The following are characteristics of a certain vegetation of Africa.
    1. the main types of trees are oak, cork, pine and cedar
    2. trees are deciduous
    3. presence of aromatic shrubs such as thyrne
    4. trees are cone-shaped.
      The above vegetation zone is likely to be
      1. Savannah vegetation
      2. Mediterranean vegetation
      3. Tropical rain forest vegetation
      4. Temperate grassland vegetation
  5. Pyrethrum growing in Kenya has declined mainly because of
    1. high cost of production
    2. poor roads in the growing areas
    3. poor and irregular payments to farmers
    4. change of climatic conditions
  6. Which method of fishing is shown in the diagram below?
    17 adada
    1. Gill net
    2. Purse seining
    3. Trawling
    4. Longlining
  7. The following are uses of a certain mineral.
    1. it is used to make cables
    2. it is used to make water pipes
    3. it is used in the manufacture of motor vehicle radiators.
    4. it is used to make ornaments
      The mineral described above is mined at
      1. Kimwarer
      2. Kariandusi
      3. Niger Delta
      4. Nchanga
  8. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa carried both exploration and missionary work?
    1. Henry Morton Stanley
    2. Johannes Rebman
    3. Dr. David Livingstone
    4. John Speke
  9. The following conditions favours the growing of a certain crop
    1. low altitude of upto 750m above the sea level
    2. high temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c throughout the year
    3. high rainfall of between 1500mm- 2000mm annually.
    4. deep and well-drained fertile soil
    5. shelter from strong winds
      The above crop is likely to be
      1. cloves
      2. pyrethrum
      3. cocoa
      4. bananas
  10. The time at Ramicial 45°E is 6.00pm. What time will it be at Yammoussaukro 15°W?
    1. 2.00pm
    2. 10.00am
    3. 2.00am
    4. 10.00pm
  11. Barchans and sand dunes are erosional features mostly found in
    1. the desert region
    2. the Rift valley
    3. the mountains
    4. the oceans
  12. Lake Banguelu was formed in the same way as the following lakes except
    1. lake Chad
    2. lake Kyoga
    3. lake Utange
    4. lake Victoria
  13. Which one of the following countries lies to the East of Chad?
    1. Niger
    2. Central African Republic
    3. Egypt
    4. Nigeria
  14. Fouta Djallon plateau is found in
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. South Africa
    3. Guinea
    4. Nigeria
  15. What does the road sign shown below inform the motorists?
    26 adada
    1. To stop for police check 
    2. The road is closed
    3. Pedestrians crossing
    4. No parking
  16. Which one of the following European colonisers administered Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe and Angola?
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Portugal
    4. Britain
  17. Which country is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Malawi-Bamaki
    2. Mauritania - Porto Novo
    3. Morocco-Cassablanca
    4. Mauritius Port Louis
  18. The following countries are members of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) except
    1. Tanzania and Namibia
    2. Seychelles and South Africa
    3. Niger and Liberia
    4. Lesotho and Zambia
  19. Which one of the following is a print media?
    1. Magazine
    2. Social media
    3. Telex
    4. Internet
  20. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction in Africa?
    1. Beautiful sceneries
    2. Wildlife
    3. Warm sandy beaches
    4. Climate
  21. Which one of the following countries is not connected by the Trans-African Highway?
    1. Cameroon
    2. Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. Central African Republic
    4. Niger
  22. Which set of communities belong to the Afro-Asiatic speakers of West Africa?
    1. Hausa, Tuareg, Andarawa
    2. Yoruba, Igbo, Ebira
    3. Wolof, Fulani, Serer
    4. Mossi, Dagomba, Lobi
  23. The migration of the Pokomo from Shungwaya was mainly caused by
    1. lack of water and pasture
    2. lack of trading areas
    3. attack by hostile communities 
    4. lack of fertile farming land
  24. The headquarters of the East Africa Community (EAC) is located at 
    1. Addis-Ababa in Ethiopia
    2. Arusha in Tanzania
    3. Djibouti in Djibouti
    4. Lusaka in Zambia

Use the diagram below to answer questions 36-37.

36 adada

  1. The above feature shows the formation of
    1. sea breeze
    2. land breeze
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. relief rainfall
  2. Which one of the following is unlikely to experience the above feature?
    1. Dar-es-Salaam
    2. Mwanza
    3. Axim
    4. Kampala
  3. Which one of the following is not an immediate family need?
    1. Clothing
    2. Housing
    3. Mobile phone
    4. Food
  4. Which one of the following traditional methods of communication was used to warn the community of an attack by an enemy? 
    1. Ululations
    2. Drum beating
    3. Smoke signals
    4. Sending of fast runners
  5. Who among the following traditional African leaders did not resist the occupation of Europeans in his or her territory?
    1. Mekatilili wa Menza
    2. Samouri Toure
    3. Kabaka Mwanga
    4. Chief Lewanika
  6. The following regions of Africa are densely populated except
    1. the Nile valley in Egypt
    2. the lake Victoria basin of Kenya
    3. the Miombo woodland in Central Tanzania
    4. the Witwatersrand region in South Africa
  7. Which one of the following institutions of marriages is a man strictly mandated to marry a limited number of wives?
    1. Islamic marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Customary marriage
  8. The chairman of the school management committee is also
    1. the Chief Executive Officer
    2. the head of the disciplinary committee
    3. one of the parents elected to represent a class
    4. the chairman of the staff meetings
  9. Which type of fish is likely to be caught in the Lorian Swamp?
    1. Black Bass
    2. Mud fish
    3. Trout
    4. Nile perch
  10. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction at the BOMAS of Kenya in Nairobi city county?
    1. Cultural heritage
    2. Warm sandy beaches
    3. Varied wildlife
    4. Beautiful sceneries
  11. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established in 1963. Who among the following African leaders was not there by then?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta 
    2. Kwame Nkurumah
    3. Haile Selassie 
    4. Julius Nyerere

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 47-50

47 adada

  1. What was the main purpose for the establishment of the river project marked H? 
    1. To increase food production
    2. To control floods at the lower Tana
    3. To attract tourists in the region
    4. To generate affordable Hydro-electric power. (HEP)
  2. Which one of the following is the main export product of the country marked J?
    1. Livestock and their products
    2. Coffee and bananas
    3. Minerals and charcoal
    4. Petroleum products
  3. The lake marked Q is likely to be lake
    1. Malagarasi
    2. Rufiji
    3. Tanganyika
    4. Malawi
  4. The mountain marked P was formed in the same way as
    1. mount Meru
    2. mount Nyiragongo
    3. Usambara mountains
    4. Drakensberg mountains
  5. Which one of the following is likely to cause lawlessness in the society?
    1. Poverty
    2. Laziness
    3. Literacy
    4. Morality
  6. In the current constitution of Kenya the head of state is also the head of
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Judiciary
    4. Police Service
  7. The most effective way of solving conflicts between teachers and their learners in schools is through 
    1. mediation
    2. arbitration
    3. dialogue
    4. litigation 
  8. The best method of controlling sheet erosion is
    1. by building terraces
    2. by constructing gabions
    3. by planting cover crops
    4. through crop rotation
  9. In Kenya Jamhuri day is celebrated on every year.
    1. 1st June
    2. 12th December
    3. 20th October
    4. 1st May
  10. Which one of the following is not a service industry in Kenya?
    1. Tourism
    2. Mobile phone repair
    3. Fruit canning
    4. Insurance
  11. Which one of the following is not an achievement of Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt? He
    1. brought reforms in land ownership
    2. promoted industrialization in Egypt
    3. built the Suez Canal
    4. initiated the construction of the Aswan High Dam
  12. The Nyamwezi council of elders was known as
    1. Ntemi
    2. Wanyikulu
    3. Mirambo
    4. Wanyamphala
  13. The main source of National Government revenue is
    1. grants from international communities
    2. loans from international monetary fund
    3. taxes paid by thecitizens
    4. court fines
  14. Who among the following is the chief legal lawyer of the government?
    1. The President
    2. The Attorney General
    3. The Chief Justice
    4. The Chief Registrar of High Court


  1. According to Genesis 2, the main reason why God created the woman was because Adam
    1. refused to live with the rest of God's creation
    2. feared to stay in the garden of Eden
    3. needed a suitable companion to help him
    4. needed someone to help him eat the fruits
  2. Why was Abraham willing to leave Haran to move to Canaan?
    1. There was famine in Haran
    2. He wanted to obey God
    3. He wanted to offer Isaac as a sacrifice
    4. He wanted to get a wife for Isaac
  3. The story of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt encourages Christians to
    1. forgive one another
    2. be patient with one another
    3. repent their sins
    4. serve other people
  4. One of the following was not an instruction for the Israelites during the Passover. Which one is it?
    1. Take bitter herbs to show they were in a hurry
    2. Remain indoors until morning
    3. Eat unleavened bread while standing
    4. Mark their doors with blood
  5. The deliverance of Israelites from Egypt was marked by the following signs except
    1. the firstborns of Egyptians were killed 
    2. blood was smeared on their feet
    3. the frogs were in Pharaoh's place
    4. boils attacked the Egyptians
  6. "Observe the sabbath and keep it holy." Christians can best obey this commandment by
    1. doing no work on sabbath
    2. praying God to thank Him on sabbath
    3. staying and resting at home on sabbath 
    4. organizing weddings on sabbath
  7. Gideon was called by God to
    1. fight the enemies of the Israelites 
    2. lead the Israelites to Canaan 
    3. deliver the Israelites to Egypt
    4. free the Israelites from the Midianites
  8. King Saul was rejected by God as the king of Israel because he
    1. carried the covenant box on a cart 
    2. disobeyed the Lord's command
    3. built places of worship for idols
    4. killed the king of the Amalekites
  9. Both Elijah and Elisha did the following except 
    1. they multiplied oil
    2. they raised the dead
    3. they prayed for miracles
    4. they multiplied oil and flour
  10. When Isaiah prophesied about the birth of Jesus he said that He would
    1. be called Emmanuel
    2. be born in Bethlehem
    3. escape to Egypt
    4. be the king of the Jews
  11. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen from the East?
    1. They reported back to Herod
    2. They offered burnt sacrifices 
    3. They took Jesus to Egypt
    4. They offered gifts to Jesus
  12. Which parable of Jesus teaches us to hear and keep the word?
    1. The parable of the lost sheep
    2. The parable of the sower
    3. The parable of the good Samaritan
    4. The parable of the widow and the judge
  13. From the incident when Jesus calmed the storm, Christians learnt that they should have 
    1. faith
    2. honesty
    3. obedience
    4. humility
  14. Matthew 6:25-31 says that we should not worry about what we eat, drink or wear because
    1. we have a reward in heaven
    2. these are earthly riches
    3. our neighbours will provide for us
    4. God cares and provides for us
  15. Which one of the following was the main. reason why Jesus went to Zacchaeus the tax collector's home? To show that
    1. He too was a sinner
    2. He came to save all people
    3. He hated sinners
    4. He loved sinners only
  16. "Man cannot live on bread alone." (Luke 4:4) A lesson Christians leam from this response given by Jesus during His temptation is that they should
    1. use the word of God in their daily lives
    2. not put God to the test
    3. not desire earthly riches
    4. work for their needs
  17. Complete the following beatitude. Blessed are the meek...
    1. they will see God
    2. for they shall inherit the earth
    3. God will satisfy them fully
    4. theirs is the kingdom of God
  18. Which of the following words were not uttered by Jesus during His crucifixion?
    1. I thirst
    2. Women of Jerusalem do not cry for me 
    3. Forgive them father for they do not know what they are doing
    4. Before the cock crows twice tonight you will say you do not know me three times
  19. "...are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus answered, "so you say." Who asked this question?
    1. Caiaphas
    2. Annas
    3. Herod
    4. Pilate
  20. After Tabitha's death in Joppa, the widow's cried and remembered her for her good deeds. Tabitha's work demonstrated ............................. a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
    1. kindness
    2. joy
    3. patience
    4. peace
  21. Which one of the following statements is not true about marriage in both traditional African societies and Christianity?
    1. People get married willingly 
    2. Marriage is to be respected
    3. Marriage is a happy occasion
    4. Sexual relationship before marriage is not allowed
  22. Who are ancestors according to African traditional society?
    1. People who have died but we still remember them
    2. People who are very sick and are going to die
    3. People who died long before we were born 
    4. People who died but left many children behind
  23.  In some traditional African societies people worshipped in a cave because it
    1. was a quiet place
    2. was God's dwelling place
    3. protected them from danger
    4. was a good place to hide
  24. Which one of the following ways mainly causes the spread of HIV/AIDS?
    1. Taking of alcohol
    2. Blood transfusion
    3. Early marriages
    4. Sexual immorality
  25. Enkuru is a rich man in his village. Which way can he best use his wealth for the good of the community?
    1. Tamare the road from the market to his home 
    2. Pay fees for some orphaned children 
    3. Invite the villagers for a feasting party
    4. Use his money to run for a parliamentary seat
  26. A trader in your shopping centre cheats customers by using wrong scales. The best action for you to take is
    1. advice people not to buy from his shop
    2. advice him on the need of being honest
    3. call the body in-charge of quality scales
    4. tell him to reduce the price of goods instead
  27. People work for all the following reasons except
    1. to please their teachers
    2. to avoid being burden to others
    3. to fulfil God's command
    4. to meet their basic needs
  28. Which of the following shows the right way a Christian could use his wealth?
    1. Contributing in community projects 
    2. Saving in a bank
    3. Taking his family out
    4. Buying clothes for people
  29. Christians should make good use of their abilities mainly because God
    1. rewards hardworking people
    2. punishes lazy people
    3. expects them to serve others
    4. expects them to improve themselves
  30. The best way a Christian can show respect for authority is by
    1. obeying the laws of the country
    2. praying for the leaders
    3. voting for the leaders
    4. taking part in development projects


  1. One of the following verses is found in surah Quraish. Which one is it?
    1. "And the mountains will be like carded wool."
    2. "You shall certainly see hell fire."
    3. "Let them worship the Lord of this house."
    4. "We have indeed created man in the best mould."
  2. In which surah does Allah(SWT) talk about the favours given to the prophet(SAW)?
    1. Masad
    2. Inshirah
    3. Fatiha
    4. Zilzalah
  3. According to the teachings of surah Kauthar, a Muslim should
    1. always praise the prophet(SAW)
    2. pray and sacrifice for the sake of Allah
    3. pile wealth to be remembered after death 
    4. give birth to more boys than girls
  4. Which of the following surahs mentions the holy places of revelation?
    1. Tiyn
    2. Maun
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fatiha
  5. Which punishment has Allah(SWT) promised Abu-Lahab and his wife for embarrassing and mistreating the prophet (SAW)?
    1. They will die like animals
    2. They will lose all their investments
    3. They will never step in paradise
    4. They will burn in a blazing fire
  6. One day a certain family travelled far from their home. When they wanted to pray they could not identify the direction of Qibla. What should they have done?
    1. Pray facing anywhere
    2. Wait until they go back home
    3. Look at the direction of the sun
    4. Seek for forgiveness from Allah (SWT)
  7. The prophet (SAW) taught us to live. harmoniously with our neighbours. Among his teachings is that we should
    1. share our food with needy neighbours
    2. spy on our neighbours
    3. avoid greeting our neighbours
    4. only relate with Muslim neighbours
  8.  What should a Muslim consider before doing anything taught by the prophet(SAW)?
    1. The cost of the action
    2. The outcome of the action 
    3. What people will say
    4. How the authority will react
  9. The first pillar of Islam is 
    1. Swalah
    2. Zakah
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  10. The Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah are referred to as
    1. Mutawakilun
    2. Ansar
    3. Muhajirun
    4. Swalihun
  11. During Hijatul Widaa, the prophet(SAW) advised Muslims to hold on
    1. Quran and sunnah
    2. preaching Islam
    3. healthy relationships 
    4. cleanliness
  12. Which one among the rites of Hajj is done to remind us of Hajar the mother of nabii Ismail (AS)?
    1. Twawaaf
    2. Taqsiir
    3. Saayi
    4. Arafa
  13. Sharifa's husband died after a short illness. As a Muslim woman Sharifa should
    1. marry another man immediately
    2. observe edat for four months and ten days
    3. observe edat for three months
    4. mourn for three days
  14. While fasting and you eat something forgetting that you are fasting you should
    1. compensate that fast later on
    2. continue fasting as if nothing happened
    3. tell others to be careful
    4. break the fast and eat until Maghrib
  15. The act of performing dry ablution when there is no water is known as
    1. Instinjai
    2. Ghusl 
    3. Wudhu
    4. Tayammum
  16. Which of the following groups consists of the bright days?
    1. 11, 13 and 16th of Ramadhan
    2. 1", 2nd and 3 of Muharram
    3. 13, 14 and 15th of every lunar month 
    4. 10, 20 and 30% of every month
  17. Which of the following describes Israaf!
    1. Wasteful
    2. Greatness
    3. Acts of Ibaada
    4. Sunnah acts
  18. The sunnah prayer only performed in the month of Ramadhan is
    1. Istikhara
    2. Dhuha
    3. Taraweeh
    4. Baadiya
  19. How many animals should be slaughtered during aqiqa for a baby boy?
    1. Two
    2. One
    3. Three
    4. Nine
  20. Which of the following is haram when buying and selling?
    1. Making profit
    2. Hiding goods
    3. Advertising goods
    4. Giving goods on credit
  21. Which is the correct order of the rites of the dead?
    1. Swalah, Ghusul, Kafan, Dafan 
    2. Ghusul, Swalah, Kafan, Dafan 
    3. Kafan, Swalah, Ghusul, Dafan
    4. Ghusul, Kafan, Swalah, Dafan
  22. Mariam saw a dog licking their cup that was left outside the house. What should Mariam do?
    1. Punish the dog thoroughly
    2. Throw the cup in a pit latrine 
    3. Wash the cup seven times 
    4. Talk politely to the dog
  23. Which holy book is correctly matched with the prophet to whom it was revealed? 
    1. Zabur-Daud (AS)
    2. Taurat - Issa (AS)
    3. Injiil-Ibrahim (AS) 
    4. Suhuf-Musa (AS)
  24. The attribute of Allah(SWT) which shows that He is the most forgiving is
    1. Al-Khaliq
    2. Al-Ghaffaar
    3. Al-Muswawir
    4. Al-Jabbar
  25. The Islamic calendar has a total of
    1. seven days
    2. ten months
    3. five months
    4. twelve months
  26. Salma wants to get guidance from Allah(SWT). The best thing for her to do is to
    1. visit a fortune teller
    2. ask someone for advice
    3. perform swalatul Istikhara 
    4. keep it a secret
  27. The prophet of Allah(SW) who split the Red Sea was
    1. Yusuf (AS)
    2. Ibrahim (AS)
    3. Issa (AS)
    4. Musa (AS)
  28. One of your classmate has not come to school because she is sick. As a Muslim you will have to
    1. ignore her
    2. visit her
    3. wait until she comes to school
    4. report to the area chief
  29. In which city was the prophet(SAW) stoned by protesting pagans for preaching Islam?
    1. Makkah
    2. Madinah
    3. Taif
    4. Quba
  30. Who among the following built the Kaaba?
    1. Zakaria (AS) and Suleiman (AS)
    2. Yusuf (AS) and Yaqub (AS) 
    3. Muhammad (SAW) and Issa (AS)
    4. Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS)


socials scheme



  1. The technique that involves using dots to shade drawing is known as
    1. gradual technique
    2. stippling technique
    3. tonal technique
    4. smudging
  2. Three objects drawn below are drawn to look like they block each other. The objects can be said to be
    1. spreading
    2. overlapping
    3. drawing
    4. stippling
  3. Where is light coming from?
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
  4. The surface quality of an object is called
    1. height
    2. length
    3. texture
    4. balance
  5. Placing objects at the centre of drawing space so that the left part and right part look equal is known as
    1. balance
    2. ratio
    3. text
    4. volume
  6. The skill of creating an image by using paint is called
    1. reflection
    2. tonal value
    3. appearance
    4. painting
  7. The lightness and darkness of a colour in an object is called
    1. texture
    2. volume
    3. tonal value
    4. appeared
  8. Adding white to a colour to make it white is known as
    1. tonal value
    2. shading
    3. montage
    4. tinting
  9. A picture composition created by cutting and joining images that relates to each other is called
    1. tonning
    2. shading
    3. collage
    4. montage
  10. __________________________ is the art of making containers and other items using flexible fibres.
    1. Stamping
    2. Incising
    3. Weaving.
    4. Moulding


  1. "This is the day that the Lord has made." This is a _______________________ song.
    1. sacred
    2. patriotic
    3. topical
    4. singing
  2. ________________________means gradually getting louder or gradually increasing.
    1. Rhythm
    2. Dimuendo
    3. Performance cues
    4. Crescendo
  3. A two-part song performed by two people each singing a different voice part is called
    1. trio
    2. quatret
    3. duet
    4. solo
  4. _________________ leads a song in a folk song.
    1. Drumist
    2. Soloist
    3. Leader
    4. Team leader
  5. Proper punctuation of words when singing is known as
    1. volume
    2. tone
    3. diction
    4. soloist
  6. The following are features of Kenyan folk song. Which one is not?
    1. Mood
    2. Climax
    3. Vocal ornaments
    4. Shoutings
  7. Nyatiti is a musical instruments from the ____________________________ community.
    1. Kuria
    2. Luhya
    3. Luo
    4. Kalenjin
  8. The instrument below from Gusii community is called
    1. obokano
    2. wandindi
    3. ekegogo
    4. nyatiti
  9. Kayamba is an instrument played by
    1. plucking
    2. blowing
    3. shaking
    4. bowing
  10. An ________________________ is a group of people who perform instrumental or vocal music together.
    1. excessive
    2. elocutions
    3. instrumental
    4. ensemble


Study the map and answer questions 21-27.


  1. Umoja area is likely to be a
    1. location
    2. sub-county
    3. ward
    4. county
  2. One of the following is not an economic activity in Umoja area. Which one?
    1. Mining
    2. Farming
    3. Tourism
    4. Trading
  3. Which area is densely populated?
    1. Near the lake
    2. Near the forest
    3. Near the quarry
    4. Near governor's office
  4. The people of Umoja area are
    1. Christian
    2. Muslims
    3. Pagans
    4. Hindus
  5. The highest area of part of Umoja is at the
    1. lake
    2. quarry
    3. Governor's Office
    4. forest
  6. One of the following elements of a map is not in the map above. Which one?
    1. Frame
    2. Key
    3. Title
    4. Scale
  7. How many bridges are in Umoja area
    1. 3
    2. 1
    3. 5
    4. 2
  8. Kenya is ___________________________ size in square kilometres.
    1. 580367km2
    2. 850367km2
    3. 367580km2
    4. 857360km2
  9. The highest physical features on earth are
    1. plains
    2. mountains
    3. lakes
    4. valleys

Use the diagram below to answer questions 30 and 31.


  1. The area marked A is
    1. vent
    2. magma
    3. subsidiary
    4. lava
  2. The area marked B is
    1. subsidiary cone
    2. magma
    3. vent
    4. dyke

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 32-35.


  1. Capital city of the country named B is
    1. Mogadishu
    2. Dodoma
    3. Kampala
    4. Juba
  2. Which country is not crossed by the Rift valley?
    1. Kenya
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Tanzania
  3. The country marked C is
    1. Kenya
    2. Somali
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Tanzania
  4. The country marked A has the following three climatic region. Which one is not?
    1. Desert
    2. Modified equatorial
    3. Semi desert
    4. Tropical


  1. Which one of the following books is not a Gospel book?
    1. John
    2. Matthew
    3. Romans
    4. Luke
  2. The Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth" is a phrase in the
    1. Lord's prayer
    2. Apostle's creed
    3. Beatitudes
    4. sermon on the mount
  3. One of the following is not a Christian value. Which one?
    1. Integrity
    2. Greed
    3. Unity
    4. Responsibility
  4. Being married at an early age before eighteen years of age is
    1. priviledge
    2. celebration
    3. luck
    4. child abuse
  5. What is the best thing to do during leisure time?
    1. Playing with friends
    2. Gossiping
    3. Watching movies
    4. Help an old woman with house chores
  6. The author of the book of Genesis in the Bible
    1. Luke
    2. Mathew
    3. Ezekiel
    4. Moses
  7. Which commandment explains how we should relate with God?
    1. The last two
    2. The seventh
    3. The first four
    4. The last one
  8. The first two disciples of Jesus were
    1. Simon and Andrew
    2. James and John
    3. Luke and John
    4. Mathew and Luke
  9. What shows that Jesus is a universal saviour?
    1. Eating bread
    2. Healing a Roman officer's servant
    3. Reading scriptures
    4. Walking on water
  10. One of the following is not a miracle of Jesus.  Which one?
    1. Raising Lazarus
    2. Healing bleeding woman
    3. Healing Roman Officers servant
    4. Dancing on water
  11. One of the following books is not an old testament book. Which one?
    1. Ezekiel
    2. Job
    3. Leviticus
    4. Hebrews
  12. Moses was given the ten commandment at mount
    1. Ararat
    2. Sinai
    3. Olives
    4. Tigris
  13. _________________ is not part of the Trinity
    1. God the father
    2. God the Holy sopirit
    3. God the son
    4. God the master
  14. Another name for Apostles' creed is
    1. belief of truths
    2. longest prayer
    3. rhythmic prayer
    4. universal say
  15. Christians celebrate Last supper during
    1. Christmas
    2. Pentecost
    3. Easter
    4. Lent


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  31. D
  32. C
  33. C
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. B
  38. B
  39. D
  40. D
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. D
  46. D
  47. B
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C
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