Displaying items by tag: social studies


  1. The skill of creating an image by using paint is called
    1. etching
    2. montage
    3. painting
    4. drawing
  2. Name the parts of marionette shown below.
       X   Y   Z 
     A.   Handle   String   Model 
     B.  Model  Handle   String
     C.  String  Handle  Model
     D.  Handle  Model  String
  3. Which material cannot be carved?
    1. Metal
    2. Stone
    3. Rubber
    4. Wood
  4. Tinting is adding _______________________ to a colour to make it light..
    1. balance
    2. size
    3. texture
    4. colour
  5. Which one of the following is not part of a book jacket.
    1. Spine
    2. Flaps
    3. The author
    4. Front cover
  6. Which one of the following is not part of a book jacket?
    1. Spine
    2. Flaps
    3. The author
    4. Front cover
  7. Which one of the following is a 3 dimension letters.
  8. Principles of art guides on how to place objects being drawn in a still life composition. Which one of the following is not a principle of art?
    1. Rhythm and movement.
    2. Balance.
    3. Proportion.
    4. Colour.
  9. Which item cannot be made using a leather material? 
    1. Musical drum.
    2. Sandals
    3. Frying pan.
    4. War shield.
  10. Look at the picture below. A grade 4 pupil created the item using a piece of paper and a pencil. The item is called
    1. smudging strip
    2. tonal gradation strip light strip.
    3. shading strip
    4. light strip
  11. Which of the following types of songs are sung to praise one's country?
    1. Religious song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Topical song
    4. Popular song
  12. The following is a line for a certain stanza in the East African community anthem. "....... Natulinde uhuru na Amani....". From which stanza does it belong to?
    1. Stanza 1
    2. Stanza 3
    3. Stanza 2
    4. None
  13. Which expression below describes the clarity in pronunciation of words in a song while singing?
    1. Diction
    2. Tempo
    3. Voice blend
    4. Phrasing
  14. A performance where two people sing together in a two-part song is called \
    1. trio
    2. choral
    3. solo
    4. duet
  15. Below is a musical instrument. In which way is it played?
    1. Blowing
    2. Hitting
    3. Plucking
    4. Shaking 
  16. Which of the following is an economic importance of songs?
    1. Promote unity among the people.
    2. Source of income to the musicians and artists.
    3. Used as an entertainment to the people.
    4. Promote cultures of different communities.
  17. What is the name of the musical note below?
    Screenshot 2023 03 30 at 15.26.34
    1. Crotchet
    2. Quaver
    3. Semibreve
    4. Minim
  18. Which of the following participants in a folk song leads in singing and dancing?
    1. Instrumentalist
    2. Dancers
    3. Soloist
    4. Response group
  19. The diagram below shows a handsign for a certain sol-fa syllable. Which solfa-syllable is represented in the handsign?
    1. doh
    2. fa
    3. mi
    4. re 
  20. The highness or lowness of a sound in music is referred to as 
    1. rhythm
    2. dynamics.
    3. tempo
    4. pitch

Study the map of Tumaini area below and answer questions 21 to 25.


  1. Which of the following economic activity is carried out in the North West area of Tumaini?
    1. Tourism
    2. Lumbering
    3. Farming
    4. Mining
  2. Which of the following is most likely to be transported using the railway transport?
    1. Maize
    2. Tea
    3. Wildlife
    4. Coffee
  3. Who is the head of Tumaini area?
    1. President
    2. Chief
    3. Governor
    4. Police
  4. Jane wanted to know the meaning of the symbols on the map above. Which of the following will enable her to know the meaning of the symbois and signs?
    1. Frame
    2. Legend
    3. Scale
    4. Compass
  5. How many sub-counties are found in Tumaini area?
    1. 1
    2. 5
    3. 3
  6. The following are causes of road accidents in Kenya except
    1. driving unroadworthy vehicles.
    2. construction of speed bumps.
    3. poor state of roads.
    4. occurence of traffic jam.
  7. John is a foreigner who wants to become a dual citizen Which of the following is a requirement of him becoming a dual citizen? He
    1. must be born in Kenya.
    2. should be working with the enemies of the country.
    3. must have knowledge of kiswahili language.
    4. must produce a copy of the other country'scertificate of citizenship.
  8. Which of the following is a benefit of democracy in your society?
    1. It increases conflicts.
    2. Enable citizens not to express themselves freely.
    3. It promotes good governance.
    4. Promotes instability in the society. 
  9. Who among the following people is a member of the legislature in Kenya?
    1. Women Representative
    2. Cabinet Secretary
    3. Deputy Chief Justice
    4. A Public servant
  10. The following statements are true about the Maasai form of government. Which one is false?
    1. The Morans defended the community.
    2. They traded with their neighbours to get foodstuff in exchange of livestock.
    3. The council of elders prayed to God on behalf of the society. 
    4. They believed that Enkai punished the bad people.
  11. Which of the following mountain was formed through the process shown below
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Karisimbi in Rwanda D
    4. Mt. Kilimanjaro
  12. Which type of vegetation in East Africa has the following characteristics?
    1. Consists of weeds and papyrus plants.
    2. Found along the shores of small lakes and rivers 
    3. Has riverine vegetation.
      1. Savanna woodland.
      2. Mangrove vegetation.
      3. Semidesert vegetation.
      4. Swamp vegetation.
  13. Which of the following is not an importance of the Historic built environment shown below?
    1. It serves as a learning resource centre.
    2. Earns the country foreign exchange.
    3. Source of employment to people.
    4. It creates sense of unbelonging and connection with the past.
  14. Which community is correctly matched with its language group?
    1. Tutsi Bantu
    2. Amhara -Cushite
    3. Banyoro Nilote
    4. Nuer-Semite
  15. Which East African country lies to the South of Eritrea?
    1. Uganda
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Tanzania


  1. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. God was not happy with them. He punished them. Which one of the following was the punishment given to Adam?
    1. Increased labour pain.
    2. Crawling on their bellies..
    3. Eating dust.
    4. Tilling the land hard to produce food.
  2. Which of the following does not contribute to a happy family?
    1. Going to church together.
    2. Spending together.
    3. Gossiping one another.
    4. Helping to do chores at home.
  3. "God has numbered the days of your kingdom and put it to an end. You have been weighed on scales and you have been found to be too light...." Who interpreted these words to the king?
    1. Belahazzar
    2. Daniel
    3. Peter
    4. Nebuchadnezzar
  4. Moses saw a burning bush that was not burning up. He heard a voice calling him. It was God. What message did God communicate to Moses? To
    1. stop oppressing the Israelites.
    2. lead the Israelites out of slavery.
    3. lead the Israelites to Egypt.
    4. kill any Egyptian fighting the israelites.
  5. John the Baptist emphasized the importance of the value of contentment. Which of the following teachings emphasized this?
    1. Share clothes and food with the people..
    2. Be happy with whatever amount of money you are paid.
    3. Do not collect more tax than what is allowed by the law.
    4. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
  6. What lesson is learnt from the miracle of Jesus calming the storm? Jesus
    1. has the power over nature.
    2. has power over life.
    3. has power over diseases.
    4. is a peaceful Messiah.
  7. Jesus went up on a mountain side and sat down. He gave a sermon about how to obey God. He told the people that "Happy are those who work for peace"...
    1. God will be merciful to them.
    2.  They will see God.
    3. God will call them His childen.
    4. God will comfort them.
  8. During the last supper, Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples. What did the bread represent?
    1. Jesus coming temptations.
    2. The body of Christ given for the church.
    3. The blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross.
    4. The coming baptism of Jesus.
  9. Grade 6 learners made the flashcards below. 
    What were the flashcards showing? The
    1. fruits of the Holyspirit.
    2. gifts of the Holyspirit.
    3. words of the Lords prayer.
    4. Apostles Creed.
  10. Which of the following activities that boys and girls may engage in as they interact does not show a healthy relationship?
    1. Studying the bible.
    2. Doing home duties together.
    3. Touching each other inappropriately.
    4. Discussing each others school assignments.
  11. Mr Mark is 'married to Rosebell. Their marriage were conducted in the office of the registrar of marriages. What type of marriage did they have?
    1. Christian marriage.
    2. African customary marriage.
    3. Civil marriage.
    4. Come we stay marriage.
  12. Leisure time is a gift from God. Which of the following leisure activities is not appropriate for a Grade 6 learner?
    1. Watching television.
    2. Playing football.
    3. Idle talks.
    4. Hiking
  13. God gives people talents. We are talented differently. What can we do to nurture our talents?
    1. Shy away from practising them.
    2. Use the talents to serve others.
    3. Use the talents to intimidate other people.
    4. By hiding our talents.
  14. Which of the following books was not written by Moses?
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Leviticus
    4. Mark
  15. What was the main reason why the bible was translated to local languages? To help the missionaries
    1. spread the word of God easily.
    2. sell as many bibles as possible.
    3. to recruit many Africans to be missionaries.
    4. to help missionaries colonise Africans.


  1. The correct translation of the verse:
    "Yahsabu anna maalahu akhladahu" is
    1. Verily he will be thrown into the crusher
    2. He thinks that his wealth will make him last forever.
    3. Woe! to every slanderer and backbiter.
    4. He has gathered wealth and counted it.
  2. Which of the following acts should one practise in order to be a better muslim according to Surah Al Asr?
    1. Guiding other to truth and patience.
    2. Avoiding bad friends.
    3. Having faith.
    4. Avoiding waste of time..
  3. Surah Al-Takathur tells us about the door of Hellfire called "Al-Jahiim". Which group of people will be punished in this door? Those who
    1. do bad practises in business.
    2. engage in backbiting and rumourmongering.
    3. compete in piling up worldly things.
    4. were hypocrites in their Ibaadats.
  4. How will Allah (s.w) reward those people who do good deeds according to the Surah Al-Qariah? They will
    1. stay under the shade of Allah yaumul Qiyam.
    2. be given their books with a right hand.
    3. meet Allah(s.w) on smilling faces.
    4. live a pleasant life in paradise..
  5. The prophet (p.b.u.h)? advised muslims to have sincere intentions as they perform their acts because
    Alah looks at our
    1. hearts
    2. appearances
    3. wealth
    4. putcomes of our actions
  6. Grade 6 pupils discused points on why they wears mens cloth if they are men and womens cloth if they are women. These are the points they noted down. Which point does not carry much weight?
    1. So as not to change a persons appearance.
    2. So that no man can enter women's side in the mosque
    3. So that Allah(S.W.T) accepts a persons Ibadah.
    4. To avoid the curse of Allah. 
  7. Every good act is charity. Planting a tree for food and shade is charity. Helping people is charity. Now charity in Islam is
    1. Halaal
    2. Zakka
    3. Kafara
    4. Swadaqa
  8. The Attribute of Allah "Al-Ghaffaar" means that Allah is the
    1. all knowing
    2. source of peace
    3. forgiver
    4. protector.
  9. The Angels of Allah (S.W) are "Maasumeen" meaning:-
    1. are sinless.
    2. can change into any form.
    3. are neither male nor female.
    4. are created from light.
  10. People were surprised to see Nabii Musa (A.S) with a big snake. But when he came to Fir'aun he was carrying
    1. a bag
    2. a belt
    3. a pen
    4. a stick
  11. Which of the following acts that nullify both Swalah and Wudhu?
    1. Talking
    2. Farting
    3. Turning from Qibla
    4. Touching an opposite sex 
  12. In which month of Islamic Calenda should muslims observe fasting?
    1. Muharram
    2. Dhul Hijja
    3. Ramadhan 
    4. Rabiul awwal
  13. People who always stick on social media like whatsAp, twitter, internet and others throughout. day and night and even cannot sleep are said to be ________________ social media.
    1. addicted to
    2. wasting time on
    3. supporting learning on
    4. educated in
  14. The following are some of the things muslims are adviced to avoid while doing business in the Islamic Sharia. Which one is not?
    1. Swearing.
    2. Praising goods.
    3. Charging some profits.
    4. Cheating.
  15. One day the prophet (S.A.W) went on a journey. He was with Zaid Bin Haritha (R.A). They had gone for daawa to preach Islam. Unfortunately, they were laughed off, dismissed, attacked and wounded. Where was this? in
    1. Shaam
    2. Yathrib
    3. Habesh
    4. Taif


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. C


  1. What are warps in weaving?
    1. The threads which go over and under the wefts
    2. The threads that go over and under the warps
    3. The threads that form the framework of a woven item
    4. The interlacing of wefts
  2. What is the name given to a person who moves a puppet?
    1. Potter
    2. Marionette
    3. Painter
    4. Puppeteer
  3. Look at the picture below keenly
    Which is the most outstanding element of art?
    1. Line
    2. Shape
    3. Texture
    4. Balance
  4. Which pair of items can be made through weaving?
    1. Shoes and belt
    2. Pot and shoes
    3. Mat and fish traps
    4. Hat and bowl
  5. The following are four steps used by grade 4 learners to make a tie and dye pattern on a cloth
    1. Tie the fabric according to the pattern
    2. Removing the fabric from the water bath, rinse it to remove the excess dye and untie
    3. Wash the piece of cloth to remove starch and dirt
    4. Dip the cloth in the dye bath and leave it for a while
      Arrange the steps from the first to the last
      1. i,iv,ii, iii
      2. iii, i, iv,ii
      3. iv, ii, i,iii
      4. iii, ii, iv, i
  6. What name is given to the part of a letter that goes up?
    1. Ascender
    2. Descender
    3. Body
    4. Design
  7. A thin strip of leather is known as
    1. coil
    2. adhesive
    3. raffia
    4. thong
  8. A picture making technique that involves cutting and pasting different pictures together to make a pictorial composition is known as
    1. mosaic
    2. montage
    3. collage
    4. graphic design
  9. A grade 5 learner was drawing a still life composition by making sure that all the elements and principals of art were well distributed in the drawing. Which principle of art was the grade 5 learner mainly considering while drawing?
    1. Balance
    2. Proportion
    3. Overlapping
    4. Line
  10. What is the use of an expandable folder in school?
    1. Used to store school uniform
    2. Used to store sharp tools
    3. Used to store loose papers
    4. Used to store books


  1. In which of the following occasions is the Kenyan national anthem not sung?
    1. Flag raising ceremony
    2. To soothe a baby to sleep
    3. During public functions
    4. If the president attends an event
  2. One of the following groups includes melodic percussion instruments only.
    Which one?
    1. Marimba and piano
    2. Kayamba and drums
    3. Violin and guitar
    4. Flute and trumpet
  3. A celebration song would most likely be sung ________________________________
    1. slowly and emotionally
    2. softly and slowly
    3. lazily
    4. loud and fast
  4. The third verse of the Kenyan national anthem ends with the words _______________________________
    1. Plenty be found within our borders
    2. Firm may we stand to defen
    3. Let all with one accord
    4. Fill every heart with thanksgiving
  5. Grade five learners were mentioning elements of music. Which one is wrong?
    1. Pitch
    2. Noise
    3. Dynamics
    4. Rhythm
  6. The following are parts of a drum. Which one is not?
    1. Lace
    2. Membrane
    3. Resonator
    4. Head joint
  7. A type of song that shows love for one's country is called a ______________________________
    1. topical song
    2. lullaby song
    3. patriotic song
    4. sacred song
  8. The technique used to play wind instruments is
    1. shaking
    2. blowing
    3. rubbing
    4. drumming
  9. The type of song where different singers of a particular song start and end at different times is called a ________________
    1. funny song
    2. round song
    3. hard song
    4. action song
  10. Standing at attention when raising the national flag is a sign of _______________________
    1. respect
    2. fear
    3. confussion
    4. favou


Study the map of Simba area and answer questions 21-25.


  1. From the map, what is the main use of Lake Simba?
    1. Fishing
    2. Swimming
    3. Transport
    4. Irrigation
  2. Most people in Simba area are
    1. Christians
    2. Muslims
    3. Hindus
    4. Traditionalists
  3. The main means of transport in Simba area is
    1. railway
    2. road
    3. water
    4. air
  4. The type of settlement found in Simba area is
    1. scattered
    2. clustered
    3. linear
    4. nucleated
  5. The elected head of Simba area is a
    1. Governer
    2. Chief
    3. County Commissioner
    4. President
  6. Monari the Social Studies teacher for grade 5 asked his learners to identify the key elements of a map. Who did not give the correct answer?
    1. Joseph - key
    2. Amos - title
    3. Joyce - scale
    4. Hosea - shape
  7. What is the direction found at Y?
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. North West
  8. Who among the following admnistrators is in charge of discipline in a public school?
    1. Deputy head teacher
    2. Senior teacher
    3. Student leader
    4. Head teacher
  9. Below are physical features. Which one is not?
    1. Mountains
    2. Valley
    3. Plateaus
    4. Vasco da Gama pillar

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 30-33  


  1. Which of these rivers drains its water into the water body marked M?
    1. River Turkwel
    2. River Athi
    3. River Nzoia
    4. River Yala
  2. The lake marked S is called
    1. L. Turkana
    2. L. Victoria
    3. L. Nakuru
    4. L. Baringo
  3. The dotted physical feature marked P is called
    1. Rift valley
    2. the plateau
    3. the highlands
    4. the plains
  4. The country that neighbours Kenya to the West marked X is calle
    1. Tanzania
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Ethiopia
  5. Grade five teacher at Mema primary school asked his learners to name Historic built environments. Who among them did not give the correct answer?
    1. Samuel - Cultural centres
    2. Dennis - Historic buildings
    3. Ken Game reserves
    4. Karen - Museums
  6. Who among the following is not a member of the County Assembly?
    1. Members of the County Assembly
    2. Speaker of the County Assembly
    3. Senator
    4. Nominated members of the County Assembly


  1.  According to Genesis, God took how many days to create the earth?
    1. 6
    2. 7
    3. 1
    4. 5
  2. The wisemen who came from the East brought gifts to Jesus. Which one was not one of the gifts?
    1. Myrrh
    2. Gold
    3. Silver
    4. Frankincense
  3. During the time of Noah, God punished people using
    1. Floods
    2. drought
    3. fire
    4. famine
  4. When God asked Abraham to move from Haran to Canaan, Abraham moved without complaining because he
    1. had faith in God
    2. knew how fertile Cannaan was
    3. wanted to move away from Haran
    4. knew Canaan as land of honey and milk
  5. Grade 5 CRE teacher asked the learners to identify the fruits of the Holy spirit. Which one is not?
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Love
    3. Healing
    4. Humility
  6. The parable of the friend at midnight teaches Christians to
    1. be persistent in prayer
    2. seek help
    3. love their neighbours
    4. seek the kingdom of God
  7. In traditional societies people worshiped in special places called
    1. synagogue
    2. shrines
    3. temples
    4. churches
  8. When Jesus fed the five thousands people, where did he get food from?
    1. Disciples
    2. A farm
    3. A boy
    4. Market
  9. On which mountain did Elijah contest with the prophets of Baal?
    1. Sinai
    2. Moriah
    3. Carmel
    4. Horeb
  10. Which commandment has a promise among the ten commandments?
    1. 5th
    2. 6th
    3. 7th
    4. 8th
  11. Which rite of passage marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood?
    1. Marriage
    2. Birth
    3. Initiation
    4. Death
  12. The following are changes that take place during adolescence. Which one is not?
    1. Hips broaden in girls
    2. Voice breaks in girls
    3. Growing and enlargement of breast in girls
    4. Attraction to the opposite sex
  13. Jane picked sh. 500 note while sweeping the class. As a Christian, what should she do?
    1. Use the money to buy lunch
    2. Take the money and give it as offering in church
    3. Give it to the teacher
    4. Keep it and keep quiet
  14. The first miracle of Jesus was
    1. feeding five thousand people
    2. walking on water
    3. raising Lazarus
    4. changing water into wine
  15. Who helped Jesus carry the cross to Calvary?
    1. Joseph of Arimathea
    2. Simon of Cyrene
    3. Peter
    4. John


  1. Which of the following surahs must be recited in every prayer?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Naas
    3. Falaq
    4. Maum
  2. Which surah wants Muslims to pray and sacrifice to Allah alone?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Naas
    4. Kauthar
  3. Learners of Grade 4 were asked by their teacher to name the surah that encourages kindness to orphans. Who among them was right?
    1. Maimuna : Fatiha
    2. Zakaria : Kauthar
    3. Zulekha : Maun
    4. Zakia : Asr
  4. Who were the custodians of the Kaabah according to surah Al-Quraysh?
    1. The Arabs
    2. The Quraysh
    3. The Bedouins
    4. The Muslims
  5. Which one of the following surahs narrates the episode of the elephants?
    1. Fiil
    2. Asr
    3. Kauthar
    4. Ikhlas
  6. Which one of the following terms refers to the fear of Allah?
    1. Iman
    2. Tawakkul
    3. Ihsaan
    4. Taqwa
  7. Grade 5 learners were asked to name the Governor of Yemen who wanted to destroy the Kaabah. Who among them was correct?
    1. Shakira : Abu Sufyan
    2. Halima : Abu Talib
    3. Jabali : Najash
    4. Harrow : Abraha
  8. The sayings of the prophet (SAW) are referred to as
    1. Hadith
    2. Sunnah
    3. Halal
    4. Mubah
  9. Which Holy book was revealed to prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. Zabur
    2. Qur'an
    3. Taurat
    4. Injil
  10. How many days did Allah take to create the world and the universe?
    1. Seven
    2. Eight
    3. Five
    4. Six
  11. Which attribute of Allah means that He is the creator?
    1. Al-Aziz
    2. Al-Ghaffur
    3. Al-Khaaliq
    4. Al-Qudus
  12. Which fardh prayer is performed after sunset?
    1. Maghrib
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Asr
    4. Subh
  13. Who among the following is referred to as the mother of all people?
    1. Hawa
    2. Amina
    3. Maryam
    4. Zulekha
  14. The prophet of Allah who was swallowed by a whale was
    1. Ayub
    2. Hud
    3. Yunus
    4. Lut
  15. Which of the following sunnah prayers is performed only in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Witr
    2. Taraweh
    3. Dhuha
    4. Istisqai



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C


  1. B
  2. A
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  10. A


  1. A
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  15. C


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  15. B


  1. A
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  7. D
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  11. C
  12. A
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B


  1. Which of the following is not useful when using smudge technique
    1. crayons
    2. charcoal
    3. dye
    4. paint
  2. Stitching beads or pieces of clothes decorating an item is known as
    1. applique
    2. tie and dye 
    3. montage 
    4. embending
  3. Which of the following drawing used cross hatching technique? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.40.25
            A                    B                       C                  D
  4. Which of the following is not required when making wax crayons
    1. Candle
    2. Metal container
    3. Rolled up paper
    4. Dry cells
  5. A hook jacket gives the following information. EXCEPT
    1. Title
    2. The author
    3. Cover
    4. Ilustrations
  6. Which of the following is not a primary colour?
    1. Green
    2. Red
    3. Yellow
    4. Blue
  7. What should you NOT consider when arranging your items to create a still-in composition?
    1. Proportion
    2. Balance
    3. Rhythm and movement
    4. Value
  8. ____________________________is the art of passing threads over and under other threads on a loom.
    1. Pottery
    2. Weaving
    3. Leathering
    4. Basketry
  9. The hides and skins goes through a process known as tanning. Which one is not a reason?
    1. Remove bad smell
    2. Prevent rotting
    3. Prevent decomposing
    4. Make a design
  10. Which of the following is a rod puppet? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.40.38


  1. Tunajivunia Kenya Nchi Yetu is a _____________________ song
    1. traditional
    2. sacred
    3. patriotic
    4. action
  2. The first voice of male voices is called _______________________
    1. tenor
    2. bass
    3. altor
    4. suprano
  3. The part labelled A below is called 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.40.52
    1. sling
    2. membrane
    3. sound box
    4. turning laces
  4. Name the note symbol given 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.41.01
    1. crotchet
    2. minim
    3. quaver
    4. semibreeve
  5. Abu is a musical instruments played by
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. beating
    4. hitting
  6. The person who leads the rest of the participants in singing is called ____________
    1. melodist
    2. Dancer
    3. soloist
    4. response group
  7. The participants in a song decorate their bodies using paints. This is called ______________
    1. painting
    2. constumes
    3. body adornment
    4. ornaments
  8. The diagram below is played by _______________________
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.52.44
    1. blowing
    2. plucking
    3. hitting
    4. beating
  9. Songs are sung when people are happy while others are sung when people are sad. Sadness or happiness in a song is the ______________________
    1. tone
    2. mood
    3. value
    4. tempo
  10. When two voices are in agreement while singing together they are said to be in
    1. speed
    2. harmony
    3. rhythm 
    4. hook


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. Key
    2. Scale
    3. Colour
    4. Compass
  2. Which country borders Kenya to the East
    1. East
    2. South Sudan
    3. Uganda
    4. Somalia
  3. The biggest town in Kenya is
    1. Mombasa
    2. Nairobi
    3. Nakuru
    4. Thika
  4. Three of the following are ways in which the county government gets money. Which one is not 
    1. from National Police service
    2. land rates
    3. business permits 
    4. cess 
  5. Three of the followings are aspects of traditional culture in the country. Which is not 
    1. food
    2. dressing
    3. vehicles
    4. housing
  6. A short statement about the aims and beliefs of a school is
    1. core values
    2. timetable
    3. the school routine
    4. school motto
  7. The things found in nature that we use to create wealth in order to meet our needs and improve our lives are called
    1. economic activities
    2. products
    3. resources
    4. riddles
  8. The exchange of goods for goods is called
    1. currency trade
    2. Barter trade 
    3. Taxes
    4. Cowrie shells
  9. Three of the following are the qualities of a good citizen. Which one is not?
    1. Hardworking
    2. Greed
    3. Tolerant
    4. Generosity
  10. Which one of the following is not an importance of democracy in school?
    1. People expresses their ideas without fear
    2. Leaners are able to choose the readers 
    3. The learners are involved in decision making
    4. Pupils are allowed to search for anything in the internet
  11. Which one of the following language groups migrated from South Western Sudan
    1. The Nilotes
    2. The Cushites 
    3. The Bantus
    4. The Semites
  12. Three of the following are methods of instruction used in African traditional education which one was not?
    1. Writing
    2. Songs
    3. Observation
    4. Story telling
  13. Which one of the following climatic regions is experienced around Lake Victoria and the coastal region of Kenya?
    1. Tropical climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Modified tropical climate
    4. Desert climate 

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 34 and 35 

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  1. The physical feature marked W is
    1. Mau Escarpment
    2. Aberdares
    3. Mt. Longonot 
    4. Mt. Elgon
  2. The area marked T has high population because the area has
    1. high rainfall
    2. minerals
    3. large towns 
    4. good roads 



  1. The main function of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden was to
    1. cultivate and guard it
    2. dominate all animals
    3. cut down all trees 
    4. eat all fruits in it
  2. God created human beings from _________________________
    1. plastercine
    2. water
    3. oxygen
    4. soil
  3. For how long had Lazarus been dead?
    1. Six months
    2. Three days 
    3. Four days
    4. Four months 
  4. The following are bad emotions except
    1. rudeness
    2. anger
    3. anxiety 
    4. patience
  5. God appeared to me in a burning bush as I was attending to my father-in-law flock. Who am I?
    1. Lot
    2. Abraham
    3. Moses
    4. Elijah
  6. Which one of the following activities leads to spread of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS?
    1. Hugging
    2. Sharing books
    3. Donating food items
    4. Sexual intercourse
  7. Jesus was born in __________________
    1. Jericho 
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Bethany
  8. Angel ________________announced the birth of Jesus Christ to Mary.
    1. Gabriel
    2. Raphael
    3. Michael
    4. James
  9. The mother of John the Baptist was called
    1. Hannah
    2. Elizabeth
    3. Mary
    4. Naomi
  10. The following are causes of child labour.  Which one is not?
    1. Poverty
    2. Need for cheap labour
    3. Death of parents
    4. Sufficient supply of basic needs
  11. Three of the following are values acquired from using the holy Bible. Which one is not
    1. respect
    2. kindness
    3. honesty
    4. envy
  12. Finding the solution between two disagreeing groups or people is called
    1. social justice
    2. critical thinking
    3. conflict resolution
    4. decision making
  13. King solomon settled a disagreement between two women who were fighting over a baby. He did this through God given ________________________
    1. pride 
    2. humility
    3. wisdom
    4. miracle
  14. Which one of the following is a good use of social media?
    1. Recording and uploading memory verse
    2. Cyber-bullying follow peers
    3. Googling pornographic content
    4. Inciting others using unknown names
  15. The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Which one is not
    1. Wisdom
    2. Joy
    3. Peace 
    4. Patience


  1. Which Surah describe the events of the year of the elephant?
    1. Maun
    2. Alaq
    3. Humaza
    4. Fiyl 
  2. "Verily he who hates you O Muhammad will be cut off from all that is good" Which of the Ayat below matches this question?
    1. 'Faswal-lilirab-rabbika wanhar'
    2. In-naaa aatwaynaakal kauthar'
    3. Fal-yaabuduu rab-ba haadhal-bayt'
    4. Inana Shaani-aka-huwal- abtar'
  3. Complete the verse from Surah Takathur below.
    Hat-taa-Zurtumul _________________________
    1. Ta-alamu
    2. Ilmal Yaqiin
    3. Magaabir
    4. Takathur
  4. Worshiping Allah (SWT) as if you seen Him for if you do not see him he sees you. This is a pillar of?
    1. Iman
    2. Islam
    3. Ihsan
    4. Taqwa
  5. Who was the mother of Nabii Issah?
    1. Halima
    2. Sarah
    3. Miriam
    4. Amina
  6. Which angel of Allah will blow the trumpet in the day of account?
    1. Israfil
    2. Izrail
    3. Ridhwan
    4. Munkar 
  7. Blood is an example of __________________ najis
    1. Mutawassita
    2. Mughalladha
    3. Mukhaffafah
    4. Light Najis
  8. Which was the real name of the uncle of Prophet Muhammad who was cursed in Surah Masad?
    1. Abu Jahal
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abdul Uzza
    4. Abbas
  9. The following are the importance of the hadith on greetings except 
    1. Love
    2. Peace
    3. Hatred
    4. Friendship
  10. The angel of Allah who is incharge of the gate of Jannah is?
    1. Atid
    2. Malik
    3. Ridhwan
    4. Razib
  11. According to the story of Abraha Ashram, what was the name of the biggest elephant used to destroy Al-kaabah?
    1. Mahmond
    2. Buraq
    3. Himaarun
    4. Asadun
  12. The word Taqwa according to Islam it means?
    1. Rely on Allah
    2. Feeding Allah
    3. Worshiping Allah
    4. Believing in Allah
  13. On which month did prophet Muhammad went for Isra-wal-Miraj?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul-Qaadah
    4. Rabiul Awwal
  14. Which of the following is not the Islamic etiquette of eating?
    1. Saying Bismillah
    2. Washing hands
    3. Talking while eating
    4. Using the right hand
  15. A Muslim child can show all the following to his parent except 
    1. Kindness
    2. respect
    3. disrespect
    4. obedience 



  1. C
  2. A
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  15. A


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  12. C
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  14. A
  15. A


  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. C
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  6. A
  7. A
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  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C


  1. A Grade 5 learner took a photograph but it was not easy to tell what the picture was showing. Which element of photography was missing?
    1. Lighting
    2. View point
    3. Focus quality
    4. The background
  2. Learners collected the following materials during the Art and Craft lesson.
    • Old clean socks
    • Pencils
    • Needles
    • Adhesive
    • Threads
    • Cutting tools
      Which of the following were they likely to make?
      1. Marionette
      2. Rod puppet
      3. Puppeteer
      4. Glove puppet
  3. Which of the following letters has a descencer? 
    1. d
    2. b
    3. y
    4. c
  4. Which method has been used to decorate pot shown below? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.19.55
    1. Stamping method
    2. Incising technique
    3. Scratching method
    4. Pinch method
  5. During a basketry lesson grade 4 learners finished the art work as shown. Which method did the learners use? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.20.05
    1. Warping
    2. Weaving
    3. Stitching
    4. Binding
  6. Which element of art is created when light falls on the object to create a light and dark effect on the object?
    1. Shape
    2. Value
    3. Texture
    4. Form
  7. Which method is used to prepare the stiff material for weaving below? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.20.18
    1. Soaking
    2. Cutting
    3. Stripping
    4. Splitting
  8. Red + Yellow = __________________
    1. Green
    2. Blue
    3. Violet
    4. Orange
  9. The following are tools which we can use to scratch layers of coloured crayons rubbed on a surface during etching except 
    1. a needle
    2. a nail
    3. masking tape
    4. a stick
  10. __________________________ is the relationship between different sizes of objects during still life drawing?
    1. Proportion
    2. Rythm
    3. Overlap
    4. Balance 


  1. Grade 4 learners sang the song below:
    Kenya nchi yangu x2 
    Mungu bariki Kenya yetu.
    Taifa langu nalipenda
    Which type of song is it?
    1. Action song
    2. Patriotic song 
    3. Sacred song
    4. Topical song
  2. Grade 5 learners had the following musical instruments. Who among them had a melodic percussion instrument?
    1. Leah - Kigamba
    2. Robby - Njuga
    3. Elvis Adongo
    4. Jane Kayamba
  3. Which of the following statement is true about folk dances?
    1. They should not be performed using props.
    2. All dancers should not move at a uniform pace
    3. Some are sung vigorously and others gently.
    4. Moving forward, backward and diagonally during the dance makes it less interesting.
  4. Which french rythm is correctly matched with its beats?
    1. Ta-te Two long sounds.
    2. Taa-aa-aa-aa- Four long sounds.
    3. Taa One long sound 
    4. Taa aa - Two short sounds.
  5. From which community in Kenya does the wind. music instrument belong to? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.20.27
    1. Kamba
    2. Luo
    3. Taita
    4. Luhya
  6. Which is the last line of the first verse of the East African Community Anthem?
    1. Mila zetu na desturi zetu.
    2. Ee Mungu twaomba uilinde.
    3. Tutimize na malengo yetu.
    4. Tuijenge jumuiya bora.
  7. Ali a grade 5 learner likes listening to music. Which of the following will enable him to say if the tune of the song is high or low?
    1. Rythm
    2. Pitch
    3. Dynamics
    4. Melody 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.20.43
    Which solfa syllable will a grade 5 learner sing when he sees the hand sign above? 
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. doh
    4. soh
  9. ______________________ is the agreement of two or more voices singing together.
    1. Harmony
    2. Speed
    3. Tune
    4. Two part song 
  10. Which of the following musical instrument is an indigenious musical instrument? 
    1. Piano 
    2. Descant recorder 
    3. Emborongo 
    4. Whistle 


  1. The following are members of the county executive committee except
    1. Governor 
    2. The M.C.A
    3. Executive Committee Members.
    4. Deputy Governor.
  2. People in the county depend on each other.  Which of the following is a benefit of interdependence to them?
    1. People do things on their own.
    2. They are not able to get the support from cach other.
    3. People get new ideas and knowledge.
    4. They do not appreciate cach others culture

Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.36.01

Study the map of SAFI area above and answer questions 21-26 

  1. How can people in Safi arca conserve the physical feature found on the South East side of the area?
    1. Fishing in it
    2. Dumping the waste in it.
    3. Fencing around it.
    4. Fetching water.
  2. Safi area is likely to be governed by a
    1. Chief.
    2. Governor.
    3. Police.
    4. Elders.
  3. River Tumu flows from which direction?
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. South West
    4. North  East
  4. Which is the main form of transport in Safi area? 
    1. Road 
    2. Air
    3. Railway
    4. Water
  5. A food processing company has been started in your county. Which of the following is a benefit of industries in the county? 
    1. Destroys the natural environment.
    2. People buy the produce from the industries.
    3. They pollute the air.
    4. Creates employment to the people.
  6. Grade 5 learners in Masomo school will be choosing their prefect. Which of the following is quality of a good leader? 
    1. Indecisive.
    2. Lazy.
    3. Arrogant.
    4. Respectful.
  7. When Sharon a Grade 5 learner fell sick she was taken to the hospital. Which of the following child right did she enjoy? Right to
    1. shelter
    2. medication.
    3. clothing.
    4. food.
  8. Which clement of a map contains the symbols and signs which have been used on a map?
    1. Scale 
    2. Compass
    3. Legend 
    4. Frame

Use the map below to answer questions 31 -34 

Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 10.46.25

  1. Name the country marked C? 
    1. Tanzania. 
    2. South Sudan. 
    3. Uganda.
    4. Ethiopia.
  2. Which drainage feature is marked P on the map?
    1. Indian Ocean.
    2. R. Turkwell. 
    3. Lake Jipe. 
    4. Amboseli swamp. 
  3. Which climatic region is shaded on the map? 
    1. Semi desert climate. 
    2. Tropical climate. 
    3. Desert climate.
    4. Modified Equatorial climate.
  4. Which of the following is not a way for caring for historic built environment marked J? 
    1. It is a source of employment. 
    2. Painting it.
    3. Clearing bushes around it.
    4. Reparing broken windows and doors. 
  5. The following are importances of African Traditional Education in promoting values in the society. Which one is not? 
    1. Promotes disunity in the society.
    2. It empasize obedience.
    3. It discourages hard work. 
    4. It encourage people to live at war. 


  1. Who among the following learners in grade 5 has good morals. 
    1. Peter disrespects the parents.
    2. Loise Incites other learners in class.
    3. hassan - Bullys the other students.
    4. Julict - Treats others kindly.
  2. The following are ways Grade 5 learners can protect themselves from sexual abuse except
    1. not meeting with people of opposite sex alone.
    2. accepting gifts from strangers.
    3. going into a lonely room with people we do not know.
    4. not walking alone in unsafe places. 
  3. Which of the following is an attribute of God? He 
    1. is caring.
    2. is the sole creator.
    3. created heaven and carth.
    4. is the provider. 
  4. The following are books in the Bible. Which of them is found in the new testament? 
    1. Romans.
    2. Malachi
    3. Proverbs.
    4. Songs of songs.
  5. In numbers 22:20-34, which of the following is a lesson we learn from the story of Balaams donkey? 
    1. Jesus came to forgive us our sins.
    2. God does not punish those who disobey him.
    3. God knows us by our names.
    4. We should not curse others. 
  6. Who among the following people was promised by God that his descendants would become a great nation? 
    1. Moses
    2. Zacchaeus
    3. Abraham 
    4. Joseph 
  7. Which of the following is a role of John the Baptist as foretold by the father?
    1. John would be a Messiah.
    2. He would baptize Jesus. 
    3. He would prepare the people for the salvation. 
    4. He would ask God for the forgiveness of our sins. 
  8. During His ministry on earth, Jesus performed many miracles. Which miracle showed that Jesus had power over nature?
    1. Calming the storm. 
    2. Raising the widow's son.
    3. Healing of the ten lepers. 
    4. Changing water into wine. 
  9. Which of the following shows what happens when we trust in the Lord?
    1. People will hate us 
    2. God will punish us. 
    3. God will protect us from evil
    4. People will avoid us. 
  10. The following are activities which we can participate in as a way of worshipping God in church. Which one is not?
    1. Collecting the offering during church service.
    2. Listening to the word of God while making noise.
    3. Leading prayers during the service.
    4. Singing and dancing.
  11. Who among the following disciples of Jesus Christ was a tax collector? 
    1. James
    2. Judas Iscariot.
    3. Simon Peter.
    4. Matthew.
  12. A Grade 5 learner is always forced to do child labour. Which of the following will be an effect of child labour to her?
    1. Good health.
    2. Dropping out of school.
    3. Poor physical and mental growth. 
    4. Lowering her self esteem.
  13. Which of the following reasons led to the fall of Human being according to Genesis.3:1-13 
    1. Disobedience by the first parents.
    2. Taking care of Gods creation.
    3. God was happy.
    4. Adam and eve were honest to God.
  14. Who among the following people interpreted the writings on the wall for King Belshazzar?
    1. Noah.
    2. Paul
    3. Daniel.
    4. David.
  15. The Old Testament has  _______________________ books?
    1. 27
    2. 39 
    3. 18 
    4. 24 


  1. Which one is the correct order of surah Al-Kauthar?
    1. Faswalli Lirabbika wanhar
      Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
      Inna a'twainaaka AlKauthar
      Inna shaani-aka huwal abtar
    2. Inna a'twainaaka Alkauthar
      Inna shaani-aka huwal abtar
      Bilmillhi Rahmani Rahim
      Faswalli lirabbika wanhar
    3. Inna shaani-aka huwal abtar
      Bismillahi rahmani Rahim
      Faswalli lirabbika wanhar
      Inna a'twainaaka Al-Kauthar
    4. Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
      Inna a'twainaaka Al-Kauthar
      Faswalli Lirabbika Wanhar Inna
      Shaani-aka huwal Abtar
  2. Which one is the last verse in the Surah Al- Maun?
    1. Altadhiina hum yuraa-uun.
    2. Ara-aita LLadhii yukadhibu bidiin.
    3. Wa yamnaunal maa-uun.
    4. Fawaylun lil-muswalliin.
  3. AllahIs.w) protected the Quraysh in trade
    Allah(s.w) fed the Quraysh during hunger.
    Allah(s.w) fed the Quraysh during hunger.
    Allah(s.w) made the Quraysh safe from fear.
    Allah(s.w) commanded the Quraysh to worship Him 
    These are teachings from Surah
    1. Al-Quraysh. 
    2. Al-Kafirun.
    3. Al-Kauthar.
    4. Al-Nasr.
  4. Who built a big church at qulais in the year of elephant?
    1. Abdul Mutwalib.
    2. Raaghib Bahira. 
    3. Abraha Ashram.
    4. Dhul Karnine.
  5. In the hadith on good behaviour, we learn that good deeds that we do
    1. are followed by bad deeds.
    2. wipe out bad deeds.
    3. are good behaviour.
    4. are written in a book.
  6. In the salaam "Assalam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh" we ask Allah for three values. Which one is not among them? The
    1. Peace of Allah.
    2. Mercy of Allah.
    3. Blessing of Allah.
    4. Forgiveness of Allah.
  7. What are "Asmaa'ul Husna'? The beautiful names of
    1. Allah
    2. Angels
    3. prophets
    4. people.
  8. What is the duty of Angel Jibril (A.S)? To
    1. blow the trumpet.
    2. bring rainfall.
    3. reveal Wahyi to prophets.
    4. record the deeds we do.
  9. Which two animals produce Najis Mughalladha?
    1. cat and a rat.
    2. donkey and a sheep
    3. sheep and a goat.
    4. a dog and a pig.
  10. A muslim in Kenya wants to pray swalah and he must face Qibla. On which direction will he face?
    1. East
    2. North
    3. South
    4. West
  11. This posture of swalah is called 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.13.48
    1. Sujuud
    2. Julus
    3. Qiyam
    4. Rukuu
  12. Allah(s.w) created man to be a ____________________ on earth in order to take care and be kind to all creatures of Allah.
    1. shepherd
    2. servant
    3. boss
    4. khalifa
  13. A child was born in the family of Swaum and Shaaban. Which celebration are they about to celebrate?
    1. Nikah
    2. Twalaq
    3. Aqiqah
    4. Milad un Nabii
  14. Which social media is correctly matched with its name? 
    Screenshot 2023 03 28 at 11.15.54
  15. How many heavens did the prophet (S.A. W) go through in Isra wal Miiraj?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Three
    4. Eight



  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. D
  29. B
  30. C
  31. C
  32. B
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B


  1. Which technique can be used to show dark and light effect? (Smudge technique, Mounting technique)
  2. Name two materials needed for crayon etching?
  3. We make the tone of a colour brighter by adding colour   (black, white)
  4. When we mix primary colours we get secondary colours. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Purple
    2. Blue
    3. Orange
    4. Green
  5. Draw the objects shown below in the spaces provided. Use smudge technique to show light and dark effect. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.04.33
  6. The art of creating pictures by applying paints on a surface with brushes is called _______________
    (painting, colouring)
  7. ____________________ is the lightness or darkness of a colour. (Texture, Tone)
    1. mounting.
    2. photography
    3. calligraphy
    4. basketry
  8. Colour or paint the shape below using your favourite colour. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.12.36
  9. Peter and Jane cut several pictures from old magazines and pasted them on a cardboard. Which type of art were they doing? (Painting, Drawing, Montage, Crayon etching).
  10. Name two tools you can use to shade an image.


  1. A folk song is sung by a group of people led __________________by a(solo, soloist)
  2. A group of people singing together is called a
    1. choir
    2. solo
    3. trio
    4. duet
  3. What is the name of the instrument shown below?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.35.36
  4. Which one of the following is not a national holiday?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Boxing day
    3. Jamhuri day
    4. Madaraka day
  5. When playing wind instruments we blow in air through the ___________________ piece. (mouth, body)
  6. Name any two costumes worn by traditional song singers.
  7. Songs sung to praise a country are called ______________________ songs
    1. National
    2. round
    3. patriotic
    4. singing games
  8. The instrument shown below is played by
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 18.27.55 
    1. hiting
    2. shaking
    3. plucking
    4. blowing 
  9. Instruments that are played alongside the folk songs are called ________________________
    (accompaniment, props)
  10. Songs are also called __________________ music (vocal, instrumental)


  1. An instrument used to show the direction of a place is known as ________________________
  2. Vasco da gama pillar in Mombasa is an example of _______________(built environment, physical features)
  3. A long period without rain is called  _____________________(drought, desert)
  4. Name two ways of caring for historic built  environments in our country.
  5. Name the compass points correctly.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.23.27
  6. How can the following things destroy plants?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.24.35People collect rain water from the roof during ____________________-____season. (rainy, cold)
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of a man-made features?
    1. Road
    2. Bridge
    3. Dam
    4. Lake
  8. Name two mountains found in Kenya.
  9. What is the name of your county?
  10. The sun rises in the _____________________and sets in the __________________(East, North, South, West
  11. Farmers plant during the _______________________ season (rainy, dry)
  12. Write two examples of built enviroments.
  13. Rivers which have water throughout the year are called _________________ rivers (seasonal, permanent)
  14. Name two crops grown in your county?


  1. God is _____________________he does not sin.  (holy, unholy)
  2. Which family is made up of mother, father and children? (Nuclear, Extended)
  3. Name two qualities of God.
  4. How many days did God take to create the world and everything in the earth? (Six, Seven)
  5. Amnon the son of David wronged her sister by__________________her. (beating, raping)
  6. My body is the ________________________ of the holy spirit. (temple, spirit)
  7. Jesus grew up in the home town of ______________________(Nazareth, Bethlem)
  8. Who were the first people to be created by God?
  9. Which one of the following is a good choice?
    1. Being sad.
    2. Not completing your work.
    3. Taking care of God's creations
    4. Disrespecting others.
  10. Birds and sea creatures were created on day ______________________(5, 6)
  11. We are created in the ___________________ and __________________ of God.
    1. holiness
    2. ability
    3. image
    4. likeness
  12. Write down two bad thoughts.
  13. Which man in the bible was swallowed by a big fish?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jonah
    3. Nineveh
    4. Jacob 
  14. The writers of the bible were guided by _____________________(Holy spirit, men of the world)
  15. List two ways you can protect yourself from sexual abuse.


  1. Ar-Rahhmaan, Ar-Rahiim and Al-Maalik are names of Allah mentioned in surah
    1. khlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Naas
    4. Nasr
  2. Which two surahs are referred to as Al- Mu'awidhatayn? Surahs
    1. Naas and Falaq.
    2. Fatiha and Ikhlas.
    3. Masad and Nasr.
    4. Kafirun and Lahab.
  3. The wife of AbuLahad was called
    1. Ummu Kulthum.
    2. Ummul Khair
    3. Ummu Mabad
    4. Ummul Jamil
  4. You have passed your exams very well, but one of your classmates feels envious and jealous of your success. You should recite surah
    1. Al-Ikhals
    2. Al-Nasr
    3. An-Naas
    4. Al-Kafirun
  5. Who is our best teacher and an example of good behaviour?
    1. Prophet Muhammad
    2. Angel Jibril
    3. Our Mosque Imaam
    4. Our parents.
  6. When we start eating food we should say
    1. Mashallah
    2. Bismillah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Alhamdulillah
  7. This tooth brush made form a stick is called
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.05.51
    1. Mistwara
    2. Mihraab
    3. Minbar
    4. Miswaak
  8. Which one is not a pillar of Iman? Belief in
    1. Angels
    2. holy books
    3. Swalah
    4. the Last Day.
  9. Prophet Muhammad was an orphan. He lost his father and mother. He grew up in house of his uncle called
    1. AbuTwalib
    2. AbuLahab
    3. Abbas
    4. Hamza
  10. Who of these people is Swalah should recite, "Subhaana Rabiyal a'ala"?
  11. Swaum said to Hamid, "Yarhamkallah".
    This is because Swaum heard Hamid
    1. cough
    2. sneeze
    3. pass wind
    4. hicup
  12. Choose the person who prays in this place of worship.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.09.47
    1. A Muslim
    2. A Christian
    3. An idol worshipper
    4. A Hindu
  13. Which one of these is not a tool used for ccasing the environment?
    1. A folk jembe
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Rake
    4. Panga
  14. The first month of the Islamic Calender is
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharram
    4. DhulHijja
  15. On the Eid day, muslims recite ____________________ as they wait for Swalatul Eid.
    1. Basmala
    2. Tahliil
    3. Istighfaar
    4. Takbira



  1. Smudge technique.
  2. Wax crayons, stiff paper, black paint, scrapping tools, soapy water etc.
  3. White
  4. B
  5. Correct smudge technique
  6. Painting
  7. Tone
  8. Correct colouring / painting
  9. Montage
  10. Graphite, charcoal, pencil etc


  1. Soloist
  2. choir
  3. drum
  4. B
  5. mouth 
  6. Sisal skirts, maasi shukas, headgears e.t.c
  7. C
  8. D
  9. Accompaniment
  10. vocal


  1. Compass
  2. Built environment
  3. Drought
    • Educating people on their importance.
    • Erecting electric fences around them.
    •  Repairing broken parts. 
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
    1. Scorching them.
    2. Eating the plants.
  7. Rainy
  8. Lake
  9. (Mt. Kenya, Longonot, - (Correct answers)
  10. Correct answer.
  11. East, West
  12. Rainy
  13. Museums, monuments, forts, buildings
  14. Permanent
  15. (Correct answer) 


  1. Holy
  2. Nuclear
  3. Sole creator, holy faithful, loving
  4. Six
  5. Raping
  6. Temple
  7. Bethlehem
  8. Adam and Eve
  9. Taking care of God's creations.
  10. Day 5
  11. Image and likeness.
  12. Being unfair, discouraging others, hating others, being selfish.
  13. Jonah
  14. Holy Spirit
    • Not being alone with strangers.
    • Not accepting gifts from strangers
    • Reporting anyone touching you inappropriately. 


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D


Baro Area

baro area

Study the map of Baro area and answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The highest place in Baro area is in the
    1. north east.
    2. south west
    3. north west.
    4. south east.
  2. The type of soil in the south eastern part of Baro area is
    1. volcanic soil.
    2. loam soil.
    3. sandy soil.
    4. clay soil.
  3. A forest was established in the south eastern part of Baro area mainly to
    1. conserve sources of rivers.
    2. provide a source of timber.
    3. attract rainfall in the area.
    4. provide habitat for wild animals.
  4. The area covered by the map is likely to be a
    1. county.
    2. sub county.
    3. location.
    4. ward.
  5. Which one of the following commodities is transported along the murram road to Sade town?
    1. Timber.
    2. Meat.
    3. Minerals.
    4. Maize.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is carried out in the north western pert of Baro area?
    1. Mining.
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Tea growing.
    4. Livestock keeping.
  7. The general direction of the quarry from Gaso market is
    1. south east.
    2. north.
    3. south.
    4. south west.
  8. The San people did not develop strong centralized system of power because they
    1. lived a nomadic life.
    2. lived in a dry area.
    3. were few in numbers.
    4. had hostile neighbours.
  9. Below are statements about a system of marriage:
    1. It is conducted by a religious leader. 
    2. A man can marry only one wife. 
    3. A marriage certificate is issued.
      The system of marriage described above is
      1. Islamic marriage.
      2. customary marriage.
      3. civil marriage.
      4. Christian marriage.
  10. Most mountains in the floor of the Rift Valley were formed through
    1. volcanicity.
    2. faulting.
    3. folding.
    4. erosion.
  11. Which one of the following groups is made up of communities that came to Eastern Africa in search of pasture?
    1. Baganda, Abagusii, Taita.
    2. Samburu, Maasai, Somali.
    3. Chagga, Agikuyu, Mijikenda.
    4. Abaluhyia, Banyoro, Sukuma.
  12. South Africa is able to produce a variety of manufactured goods mainly because
    1. there is large market for manufactured goods.
    2. there is availability of cheap electricity.
    3. the country has many mineral resources.
    4. there is good transport network.
  13. The main reason for the settlement of the Portuguese along the east coast of Africa was to
    1. find a sea route to India.
    2. stop slave trade in the area.
    3. introduce Christianity.
    4. engage in trading activities in the region.
  14. The following are statements about a farming method:
    1. Land is intensively cultivated. A few animals are kept.
    2. Different crops are grown.
    3. Crops are grown mainly for home consumption.
      The type of farming described above is 
      1. plantation farming. 
      2. mixed farming.
      3. ranching.
      4. zero grazing
  15. Three of the following were effects of interaction among communities in the past. Which one was not?
    1. Growth of towns in the interior.
    2. Exchange of cultural practices. 
    3. Increase in trading activities.
    4. Growth of new languages.
  16. Nabongo Mumia and Waiyaki wa Hinga had ohe factor in common. It is that they
    1. allowed Europeans to settle in their areas.
    2. resisted European colonial rule.
    3. supported the construction of the railway line.
    4. signed peace treaties with the British.
  17. Three of the following are ways of preventing road accidents. Which one is least effective?
    1. Regular servicing of vehicles.
    2. Fixing speed governors on vehicles.
    3. Increasing the cost of fuel.
    4. Educating road users on road safety.

The diagram below shows the formation of a lake.

17 uyguyadad

  1. Which one of the following lakes in Eastern Africa was not formed through the process shown above? Lake
    1. Gambi.
    2. Jipe.
    3. Kanyaboli.
    4. Utange.
  2. Which one of the following groups is made up of people who belong to the same clan in traditional African communities? Konde,
    1. his mother, his father.
    2. his brother, his mother.
    3. his mother, his niece.
    4. his sister, his mother.
  3. Below are statements about an early visitor to Eastern Africa before the 19 century:
    1. He came looking for new trade routes.
    2. He was welcomed by the Sultan of Malindi.
    3. His discovery brought Europeans to Eastern Africa.
      The person described above is
      1. Ludwig Krapf.
      2. Seyyid Said.
      3. Henry Morton Stanley.
      4. Vasco da Garia.
  4. Three of the following actions by people enable them to live in harmony. Which one does not?
    1. Accepting election results.
    2. Respecting other people's opinions.
    3. Practising polygamy.
    4. Sharing natural resources.
  5. Conservation of forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is mainly faced by the problem of
    1. overexploitation of forest resources.
    2. lack of forest rangers.
    3. frequent outbreak of fires.
    4. drought in areas under forests.
  6. Which one of the following is not a voltaic speaking community in West Africa?
    1. Mossi.
    2. Andarawa.
    3. Dagoba.
    4. Bergu.
  7. Below are statements about a prominent leader in Africa:
    1. He was a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
    2. He ruled a French-speaking country.
    3. He retired in 1980.
      The person described above is
      1. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      2. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
      3. Julius Nyerere.
      4. Haile Selassie.
  8. Which one of the following statements about lake Victoria is false? It
    1. is a downwarped lake.
    2. is a freshwater lake.
    3. is a source of a river
    4. was formed through faulting.
  9. Democratic elections in Kenya are held mainly to
    1. enable citizens interact with their leaders.
    2. promote patriotism in the country..
    3. enable citizens participate in decision- making.
    4. make the country develop.
  10. The main problem facing fishing in lake Victoria is
    1. overfishing.
    2. low levels of water.
    3. lack of adequate fishing skills.
    4. poor roads in fishing areas.
  11. Which one of the following statements about the traditional form of government among the Nyamwezi people is true?
    1. A chief came from the most senior clan.
    2. people took part in appointing a chief.
    3. A chief controlled trade with other communities.
    4. The community was ruled by a king.

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 29 to 32.

29 auhdiuhada

  1. Three of the following statements about the town marked T are true. Which one is not? It
    1. lies along the Great North Road.
    2. is the administrative capital city.
    3. is a major mining town.
    4. is served by a railway line.
  2.  The shaded area marked Z has a high population mainly due to
    1. high rainfall experienced in the area.
    2. presence of large towns.
    3. Hat relief of the land.
    4. presence of mineral resources.
  3. The main export crop of the country marked Wis
    1. sisal.
    2. cotton.
    3. cloves.
    4. coffee.
  4. Before the coming of the Europeans, the community that lived in the shaded area marked Y was ruled by
    1. chiefs.
    2. kings.
    3. emperors.
    4. council of elders.
  5. Which one of the following statements correctly describes lines of latitudes? They
    1. influence time on earth.
    2. run from north to south.
    3. affect climate.
    4. are curved.
  6. Which one of the following was not a form of interaction among children in traditional African communities?
    1. Marriage.
    2. Games.
    3. Ceremonies.
    4. Initiation.
  7. Europeans in Belgian Congo provided little education to Africans because
    1. Africans resisted colonial rule.
    2. Europeans feared competition.
    3. there were few colonial administrators.
    4. Africans did not want to stop their customs.
  8. Pastoral farming among the Tswana people of Botswana is favoured by the
    1. absence of tsetse flies in grazing areas.
    2. availability of meat processing industries.
    3. large tracts of uninhabited land.
    4. high rainfall in pastoral farming areas. 
  9. Which one of the following groups is made up of countries that experience desert conditions?
    1. Niger, Sudan, Libya.
    2. Gabon, Cameroon, Congo.
    3. Angola, Zimbabwe, Senegal.
    4. Mozambique, Uganda, Nigerin.
  10. Persons with special needs exercise the following rights except right to
    1. vote.
    2. marry.
    3. form their own political party.
    4. cam a living.
  11. Three of the following are problems facing regional trade in Eastern Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Use of different currencies.
    2. Political instability in some countries.
    3. Poor roads connecting countries.
    4. Production of different goods. 
  12. Copper in Zambia is mined using
    1. drilling method.
    2. opencast method.
    3. dredging method.
    4. panning method.
  13. The diagram below represents the formation of relief rainfall.
    41 uygauydgad
    The type of rainfall illustrated in the diagram shown above is experienced in the following areas except
    1. southern Tanzania.
    2. southern Uganda.
    3. central Kenya.
    4. Ethiopian highlands. 
  14. The Hehe people were defeated by the Germans in Tanganyika during the colonial period because
    1. Germany had a large army.
    2. the Hehe were affected by famine.
    3. the Hehe had weak leaders.
    4. Germans had superior weapons..
  15. Commercial poultry farming is carried out near large urban centres due to
    1. the availability of electricity.
    2. the availability of good roads.
    3. nearness to market for poultry products.
    4. nearness to cheap labour.
  16. The Agikuyu and Chagga people settled in highland regions during the migration period because the areas
    1. were suitable for crop farming.
    2. had iron for tool making.
    3. were tsetse fly free.
    4. had good defensive sites.
  17. Attainment of independence in Ghana was through peaceful means because
    1. Africans had formed political parties.
    2. Africans had educated leaders.
    3. the colony had few colonial officers.
    4. Europeans were ready to negotiate.
  18. Two neighbours have a boundary dispute in a rural village. The best method of solving the conflict is by
    1. involving village elders.
    2. reporting the matter to a chief.
    3. taking the matter to a court of law.
    4. selling the piece of land under dispute.
  19. The title of clan heads in the traditional Buganda government was
    1. Muyasi.
    2. Gabunga.
    3. Bataka.
    4. Seaza.
  20. Which one of the following products is correctly matched with the type of industry where it is produced?
    1. Bread - assembling
    2. Steel - manufacturing
    3. Paper - service
    4. Car -  processing
  21. Which one of the following statements about clan elders in traditional African communities is true? They
    1. lead people to war.
    2. predict future events.
    3. solve disputes.
    4. treat diseases. 
  22. Which one of the following forms of modern communication consists of electronics media?
    1. Radio, telephone, television.
    2. Newspapers, magazines, journals.
    3. Letters, parcels, internet.
    4. Email, courier, fliers.
  23. A similarity in the systems of government in both Kenya and Swaziland is that
    1. the head of state is elected.
    2. there is a prime minister.
    3. there is a presidential term limit.
    4. there are two houses.
  24. Which one of the following statements about equatorial climate is not true?
    1. There is no distinct dry season.
    2. There is high humidity.
    3. Much of the rainfall is experienced in winter.
    4. Annual rainfall is over 1 500mm.
  25. Excessive consumption of alcohol is discouraged in Kenya mainly because it
    1. affects the health of the user.
    2. leads to excess use of family resources.
    3. causes disagreements in families.
    4. is the main cause of road accidents.
  26. Which one of the following rivers in Africa is correctly matched with the water body where it ends?
    1. Congo - Indian ocean 
    2. Omo - lake Turkana
    3. Nile - Atlantic ocean
    4. Ruvuma - Mediterranean sea
  27. Which one of the following is not a function of the African Union (AU)?
    1. Sending peace keepers to countries in conflict
    2. Promoting sports.
    3. Establishing a common trading currency.
    4. Promoting good governance in member countries.
  28. In traditional African communities, people who are initiated are und the same time form
    1. a clan.
    2. a family
    3. a council of elders
    4. an age group.
  29. Who among the following officials is e member of a county executive committee?
    1. Speaker.
    2. Clerk.
    3. Deputy Govemor
    4. Elected member.
  30. A Kenyan citizen qualifies to vie for a parliamentary seat if the persca
    1. attains the age of twenty one years.
    2. has lived in Kenya continuously for seven years or more.
    3. has worked as a civil servant.
    4. is married and has a family.
  31. Which one of the following is a responsibility of the Kenyan goverment to its citizens?
    1. Fenning political parties for them.
    2. Protecting them and their property.
    3. Establishing places of worship.
    4. Setting general election dates.
  32. The most senior administrator in a county the
    1. county representative.
    2. county commissioner.
    3. governor.
    4. speaker.



  1. According to Genesis story of creation, God created Eve in order to
    1. give Adam a companion
    2. care for the garden of Eden.
    3. work for the man.
    4. have power over all creation.
  2. Abraham left Haran to go to live in the land of Canaan because
    1. his servants quarrelled with those of Lot.
    2. there was famine in Haran.
    3. he wanted to obey God's command.
    4. Lot accompanied him.
  3. When God told Moses to go back to Egypt from Midian, he complained that
    1. he was afraid of the king.
    2. the Israelites did not know him.
    3. he wanted Aaron to accompany him.
    4. he was not a good speaker.
  4. The Israelites remembered their suffering in Egypt on the night of the Exodus by
    1. smearing blood on their doorposts.
    2. eating bitter herbs.
    3. eating unleavened bread.
    4. eating roasted meat.
  5. During the covenant with the Israelites on mount Sinai, God appeared in the form of
    1.  a rainbow.
    2. strong wind.
    3. a cloud.
    4. a burning bush.
  6. "You will always have descendants and I will make your kingdom last forever" (2 Samuel 8:16). The king of Israel who was given this promise was
    1. David
    2. Saul.
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam.
  7. The main reason why king Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem was that
    1. there was no place of worship.
    2. Jerusalem was the centre of worship.
    3. the covenant box was in Jerusalem.
    4. he wanted to fulfill God's command.
  8. When Elisha was called by prophet Elijah, he was
    1. speaking to king Ahab.
    2. ploughing with oxen.
    3. hiding in a cave.
    4. living in Zarephath.
  9. The prophecy of Micah about Jesus was that He would
    1. be the suffering servant.
    2. be born of a virgin.
    3. escape to Egypt
    4. be born in Bethlehem.
  10. Angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah when he was
    1. burning incense in the temple.
    2. herding his father's sheep."
    3. threshing wheat.
    4. baptizing people in river Jordan.
  11. Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Jerusalem when He was forty days old in order to
    1. have Him named and circumcised.
    2. fulfill the Jewish customs.
    3. attend the Passover feast.
    4. have Him baptized.
  12. It was important to have Jesus baptized in order to
    1. show that John was important.
    2. show that He was the expected Messiah.
    3. set a good example to the Jews.
    4. prepare for His ministry.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount?
    1. Love your enemies.
    2. Give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar.
    3. I am the way, the truth and the life.
    4. Love the Lord with all your heart.
  14. The teaching of Jesus about who is the greatest teaches Christians to be
    1. kind.
    2. faithful.
    3. tolerant.
    4. humble.
  15. The miracle of healing the bleeding woman took place in the town of
    1. Capernaum.
    2. Nazareth.
    3. Jericho.
    4. Bethany.
  16. The wife of Pilate described Jesus during His trial as
    1. mighty.
    2. humble.
    3. innocent.
    4. kind.
  17. The risen Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene on the day He resurrected
    1. on the way to Emmaus.
    2. on the shores of lake Galilee.
    3. at the home of Lazarus.
    4. near the tomb.
  18. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were
    1. fishing in lake Galilee.
    2. in a closed room in Jerusalem.
    3. walking to Emma
    4. preaching to the Gentiles.
  19. Who among the following believers was chosen to take care of finances in the early church?
    1. Paul.
    2. Stephen.
    3. Timothy
    4. Apollos.
  20. Paul and Silas were put in prison in Philipp because they
    1. were preaching in the name of Jesus.
    2. were performing, miracies.
    3. refused to pay uxes.
    4. were not Roman citizens.
  21. The gift of the Holy Spirit seen in Peter when he was in Joppa was
    1. wisdom.
    2. interpreting scriptures.
    3. prophecy
    4. working miracles.
  22. In traditional African communities, people. show that there is life after death through 
    1. performing libations.
    2. shaving the hair of newborn babies.
    3. naming children after ancestors.
    4. offering sacrifica
  23. A common belief about God in both Christianity and traditional African communities is that God
    1. lives in high places.
    2. is served by angles.
    3. is the provider.
    4. is three in one.
  24. People thank God for good harvest in traditional African communities by
    1. offering food sacrifices in shrines.
    2. sharing food with the hungry.
    3. giving food to strangers
    4. selling surplus food.
  25. In traditional African communities, shrines are places where
    1. ancestors are buried.
    2. sacrifices are offered.
    3. initiation ceremonies are held.
    4. marriage ceremonies take place.
  26. The best way for Christians show obedience to lawful authority is through
    1. composing songs for leaders.
    2. attending national day celebrations.
    3. going to church.
    4. paying their taxes.
  27. The best way for Christians to promote awareness of HIV and AIDS is by
    1. counselling infected people.
    2. buying medicine for infected people.
    3. setting good examples of moral behaviour.
    4. visiting people in hospitals.
  28. Margaret, a standard eight pupil, has become pregnant. The best action for her to take is to 
    1. keep the pregnancy.
    2. get married.
    3. drop out of school.
    4. look for employment.
  29. The church in Kenya promotes good health among the people through
    1. offering free medical care.
    2. writing books about healthcare.
    3. establishing hospitals.
    4. visiting sick people.
  30. Thika school for the blind was established by the
    1. Catholic Church.
    2. Methodist Church.
    3. African Inland Church.
    4. Salvation Army Church



  1. Encourage amongst you, doing and having patience. This is a teaching from surah
    1. Al-Maun
    2. Al-Naas
    3. Al-Nasr
    4. Al-Asr
  2. Bismillahi Rahmaani Rahiim is the official first verse of surah
    1. Ikhlas.
    2. Fatiha
    3. Nasr.
    4. Nas.
  3. Surah Qaariah gives information on
    1. angels.
    2. Allah.
    3. qiyamah.
    4. qadar.
  4. "Suhuf" was a holy book revealed by prophet
    1. Ibrahim (A.S)
    2. Musa (A.S)
    3. Daud(A.S)
    4. Issa(A.S)
  5. Failure to fulfill a promise is according to the teachings of the prophet
    1. forgetfulness
    2. laziness
    3. hypocrisy
    4. incompetence
  6. What is the meaning of "Taqwa" in Islamic faith?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Obedience to Allah.
    3. The fear of God.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  7. The Hudaibiyya treaty was meant to last for
    1. 100 years
    2. 10 years
    3. 25 years
    4. 5 years
  8. What will angel Izrail come for upon ones death?
    1. Heart.
    2. Soul.
    3. Chest.
    4. Neck.
  9. The attribute of Allah Al-Latif means the
    1. creator.
    2. source of peace.
    3. source of knowledge.
    4. kind.
  10. The prophet said that Allah (SWT) authorized us to eat and drink but avoid
    1. israaf.
    2. ishraaf.
    3. istimraar.
    4. ijtihaad.
  11. The maximum number of times a Muslim faithful should visit Makka is
    1. once.
    2. thrice.
    3. as many as possible.
    4. ten.
  12. Which among these Fardh prayers has no sunnah Baadiya prayer?
    1. Magharib.
    2. Isha.
    3. Dhuhr.
    4. Asr.
  13. Medium najis is characterized by the following except
    1. smell.
    2. colour.
    3. texture.
    4. taste.
  14. A special meal for Nikah attendants is called
    1. Taraka
    2. Suhur
    3. Iftaar
    4. Limatul Arus
  15. Which of the following attributes does not describe prophet Ibrahim. (A.S)?
    1. Abul-Imaan.
    2. Aniifa Muslima.
    3. Khaliilullah.
    4. Aakhirul ambiya-a.
  16. The prophets of Allah did not receive wahyi through
    1. ancestral spirits.
    2. dreams.
    3. angels.
    4. veils.
  17. A Muslim should count 40 houses from his to know his
    1. kinsmen.
    2. neighbours.
    3. friends.
    4. relatives.
  18. The prophet's mosque built in Madina is not referred to as masjid
    1. Yatimein.
    2. Nabawi.
    3. Quba
    4. Qibtein.
  19. "Mashallah" is an Islamic dua that expresses
    1. a promise.
    2. thanks.
    3. contentment.
    4. a congratulatory remark.
  20. Battles of Uhud and Badr were fought in the same month after
    1. two years.
    2. three years.
    3. five years.
    4. one year.
  21. Muslims who like welcoming guests develop the virtue of
    1. generosity.
    2. hospitality.
    3. kindness.
    4. sacrifice.
  22. Sunna Ashura Swaum is fasted on
    1. 10th Muharram.
    2. 10th Dhulhijja.
    3. every three days in the month.
    4. every Monday and Thursday.
  23. The dua which is recited in salaat during the sijda pillar is
    1. Rabbi Ighfirlii warhamnii.
    2. Subhaana rabbi al-adhiimu.
    3. Subhaana rabbi-al-aala.
    4. Rabbi shirahlii swadrii.
  24. What does the term "Iqra" mean?
    1. Read
    2. Book
    3. Worship
    4. Pen
  25. Who among the following was the grandfather of nabii Issa?
    1. Aali Imran.
    2. Dhul-Karmaine
    3. Raaghib Bahira
    4. Abdul Munaf
  26. You may not have completed your ibada if you fail to
    1. spend at Muzdalifa.
    2. stand at Arafat.
    3. visit the prophet's tomb.
    4. visit the spring of Zamzam.
  27. The Sunna Jamaa prayer performed by Muslims at the mercy of Allah for rains is 
    1. Khusuf.
    2. istiqa'a
    3. istikhara.
    4. taraweh.
  28. A .........................man is near Allah, near paradise, near men and far from hell.
    1. hospitable
    2. brave
    3. panctual
    4. generous
  29. Which one of the following phrases does not express thankfulness?
    1. Jazaakallah.
    2. Alhamdulillah.
    3. Shukran.
    4. Afuwan.
  30. Complete the verse below:
    Salaamun hiya hattaa mathila-il
    1. fajr
    2. ishai
    3. maghrib
    4. asr.


social studies aduygyuada


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Use the map of MARA AREA above and use it to answer questions 1-7:-

  1. Mara area slopes from ________________________.
    1. North East to South West
    2. South West to North East
    3. South East to North West
    4. North west to south East
  2. What is the length of the tarmac road from the bridge to the south east of the map?
    1. 10 kilometres
    2. 12 kilometres
    3. 7 kilometres
    4. 9 kilometres
  3. Which one of the following is not an economic activity visible in Mara area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Fishing
    3. Lumbering
    4. Farming
  4. Business people from Mara town obtain trading licences from
    1.  D.C
    2. The Chief
    3. Town Council office
    4. Church
  5. The main settlement pattem which can be observed from Mara area is ______________________
    1. Linear
    2. Clustered
    3. Evenly distributed population
    4. Market settlement
  6. Which of these is likely to be at the highest attitude?
    1. Sawmill
    2. Borehole
    3. Mwendia market
    4. L. Ngurumo
  7. A thief was acaught breaking into a shop in Mara town. Where was the offence reported by civilians?
    1. District Commissioner's Office
    2. Town Council's office
    3. Police Station
    4. Chief
  8. Below are groups of African communities. Which formed the resistance?
    1. Wamatumbi, Ngoni, Maasai
    2. Ngindo, Lozi, Mandinka
    3. Wamatumbi, Mandinka, Nandi
    4. Bena, Wamatumbi, Wanga
  9. Which of the following items of export is correctly matched with the country of origin?
    1. Groundnuts - Burundi
    2. Cocoa - Nigeria
    3. Copper - Kenya
    4. Petroleum - Nigeria
  10. The European country which invaded Ethiopia but were defeated by Haile Selassie was __________________
    1. France
    2. Britain
    3. Italy
    4. Portugal
  11. Which of the following is not a measure put in place by the government of Kenya to conserve wildlife?
    1. Prohibiting all human activities in the game parks
    2. Establishing sanctuaries for endangered animals
    3. Erecting electric fences around parks
    4. Establishing anti-poaching units
  12. The main effect of cattle rustling in Kenya is ______________________.
    1. Loss of livestock
    2. Displacement of communities
    3. Lack of peace among communities involved
    4. Loss of prestige
  13. The role of the colonial African chiefs was mainly to
    1. Maintain law & order
    2. Collecting of hut taxes
    3. Maintenance of roads
    4. Arrest and judge law breakers
  14. All the following towns are likely to receive the below kind of rain except
    1. Kisumu
    2. Malindi
    3. Mombasa
    4. Nyeri
  15. The above takes place at _________________________.
    1. Night
    2. Daytime
    3. Midnight
    4. End of season
  16. It is true to say that _______________________ about the diagram above. 
    1. It has a cooling effect on the sea 
    2. It causes mist & fog
    3. It has a cooling effect on the land
    4. It shows convectional rainfall
  17. Coffee in Ethiopia is mainly grown in ________________________ and _______________________ provinces.
    1. Kaffar and Hola
    2. Harar and Asmara
    3. South and Eastern
    4. Kaffar and Harar
  18. The remains of the Homo Habilis (Zinjanthropus) were discovered in Tanzania at _______________________
    1. Isimilia
    2. Engaruka
    3. Olduvai Gorge
    4. Nsongezi
  19. Which one of the following is not a cause of slow population growth?
    1. Drought and famine
    2. Presence of epidermics
    3. Natural calamities
    4. Sufficient food production
  20. The human remains that are excavated are known as
    1. Diatoms
    2. Fossils
    3. Archaeology
    4. Evolution
  21. Which one of the following is not a function of the DEB?
    1. Employment of teachers
    2. Accounting of education funds in district
    3. Development of Education in the district
    4. Starting of new schools in the district
  22. Which one of the following is the main reason why Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme was established?
    1. To settle the landless
    2. To increase rice production
    3. To promote cash crop farming
    4. To settle the people who served in 2nd world war
  23. Which of the following is the correct order in the processing of Soda Ash?
    1. Dredging - washing - grounding
    2. Washing - drying  - dredging
    3. Pumping - drying - heating
    4. Dredging - heating - washing
  24. Which one of the following is an economic use of the soil?
    1. Decorating the body
    2. Preparing traditional traps
    3. Making of ceramics
    4. Administering oaths
  25. The main problem facing wildlife in Kenya is _______________________
    1. Prolonged drought
    2. Illegal hunting (poaching)
    3. Human-wildlife conflicts
    4. Over population
  26. A factory which imports parts and uses them to make vehicles is an example of __________________________
    1. An assembling industry
    2. A service industry
    3. A manufacturing industry
    4. A processing industry
  27. The main factor that determines the location of a bakery is _______________________________
    1. Availability of land
    2. Availability of workers
    3. Availability of raw materials
    4. Availability of adequate market
  28. The fishing method shown in the diagram below is
    1. Basket fishing
    2. Trawling 
    3. Purse-seining
    4. Drifting
  29. The headquarters of the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS) are found in __________________
    1. Accra - Ghana
    2. Abuja - Nigeria
    3. Monorovia - Liberia
    4. Lagos - Nigeria
    1. It is mined on the floor of the Rift valley
    2. It is mined through quarrying
    3. It is used in strengthening steel and aluminium
      The mineral described above is ____________________________________
      1. Diatomite
      2. Soda Ash
      3. Fluorspar
      4. Graphite

Use the map below to answer questions 31 and 32


  1. The lake marked W was formed as a result of
    1. Erosion
    2. Earth movement
    3. Human activities
    4. Deposition
  2. The plateau surface marked X is _______________________
    1. Fouta Djallon
    2. Nyika
    3. Jos plateau
    4. Bie plateau
  3. The main activity carried out in the Savannah region of Africa is ________________________
    1. Cash crop farming
    2. Settlement
    3. Pastoralism
    4. Irrigation
  4. Which one of the following items of export is correctly matched with the country of origin?
    1. Cocoa - Nigeria
    2. Copper - Kenya
    3. Petroleum - Nigeria
    4. Groundnuts -  Burundi
  5. The main reason for transporting petrol by pipeline in  Kenya is _____________________.
    1. Reduce destruction of roads by tankers
    2. Protect petrol from catching fire
    3. Reduce loss of petrol through theft
    4. Create more employment opportunities
  6. The horticultural exports from Kenya are transported to overseas markets by _________________________.
    1. Railway
    2. Road
    3. Water
    4. Air
  7. Through which of the following organization would a dairy farmer in Kenya sell his milk?
    1. Kenya Co-operative Creameries
    2. Kenya National & Trading Co-operation
    3. Kenya Planters Co-operative Union
    4. National Cereals and Produce Board
  8. The main reason why Kenya trade with other countries is to ____________________.
    1. Promote friendly relations
    2. To earn foreign exchange
    3. To promote cultural exchange
    4. To obtain machinery

Use the map below to answer questions 39 and 40:


  1. The irrigation scheme marked 1 found in River Nyando is called __________________
    1. Bunyala 
    2. Perkerra
    3. Ahero
    4. Bura
  2. The National park marked Q in the map is called 
    1. Sibiloi
    2. Boni
    3. Marsabit
    4. Meru
  3. The following are characteristics of the town labelled A on the map.
    1. Developed many years ago as result of trade between local people and foreigners
    2. Has many functions
    3. It is eastern Africa's main port
      The town described above is _________________
      1. Lamu
      2. Mombasa 
      3. Malindi
      4. Kilifi
  4. Cable transport in Kenya is mainly used in transport of
    1. Oil and water
    2. Tourists
    3. Electricity
    4. Goods
  5. Which of the following is the best solution to the HIV/ AIDS problem in Africa?
    1. Providing cheap medicine to HIV/AIDS patients
    2. Adopting good moral behaviour
    3. Establishing NGOs to care for patients
    4. Establishing patient homes
  6. The multi-purpose river project located at the border of Zambia and Zimbambwe is _______________________
    1. Kariba Dam project
    2. Volta River project
    3. Aswan High Dam project
    4. River Tana project
  7. The type of erosion caused by raindrops falling on bare soil and scattering the soil is known as _________________________
    1. Rill erosion
    2. Sheet erosion
    3. Splash erosion
    4. Gulley erosion
  8. The main reason why we conserve forests in Kenya is
    1. To provide scenic beauty
    2. To preserve water catchment areas
    3. To provide forest products
    4. Home for wildlife
  9. What is the time in Accra longitude 0° when the time in Murang'a on longitude 35°E is 2 p.m.?
    1. 11:40 a.m.
    2. 8:45 a.m.
    3. 2:00 p.m.
    4. 4:20 p.m.
  10. The most Westerly part of Africa is _________________________
    1. Cape Verde
    2. Cape Blanc
    3. Cape Alguhas
    4. Cape Guadafui
  11. Who among the following leaders was appointed the first chairman of the African union (AU)
    1. Mwai Kibaki (Kenya)
    2. Thabo Mbeki (South Africa)
    3. Muammar Gaddafi (Libya)
    4. Paul-Kagame (Rwanda)
  12. The people of Ghana won their independence from the British mainly through ____________________
    1. Peaceful negotiation
    2. Armed struggle
    3. Foreign assistance
    4. Trade union activities
  13. Which one of the following does not undermine law and order?
    1. Promoting corruption
    2. Nepotism
    3. Patriotism
    4. Smuggling
  14. In Kenya people exercise their democratic right by ___________________________
    1. Walking freely
    2. Getting free education
    3. Voting during general elections
    4. Attending community barazas
  15. The main responsibility of the police is ________________________
    1. To arrest people
    2. To maintain law and order
    3. To guard people's property
    4. To control traffic
  16. The Members of Parliament in the republic of Kenya are sworn in by the
    1. Chief Justice
    2. Chairman of Electoral Commission
    3. Speaker of National Assembly
    4. Attorney General
  17. The judiciary in Kenya is responsible for __________________________
    1. Making laws
    2. Supervising elections
    3. Maintaining law and order
    4. Interpreting the law
  18. Which one of the following is not a symbol of national unity?
    1. Constitution
    2. The National flag
    3. National Anthem
    4. The Presidency
  19. The traditional parliament of Swaziland is known as _________________________
    1. Ligogo
    2. Libandla
    3. Tinkhudla
    4. National Assembly
  20. Which one of the following is not a philosophy in Kenya?
    1. Harambee
    2. African socialism
    3. Nyayoism
    4. Liberation
  21. Which one of the following least explains why corruption 66. Which is the seventh commandment? should be wiped out in Kenya?
    1. To promote peace
    2. To promote National Unity
    3. To promote economic development
    4. To promote individual talent
  22. During which of the following occasions did Kenyatta become the first President of Kenya?
    1. Jamhuri day
    2. Madaraka day
    3. Kenyatta day
    4. When KADU joined KANU



  1. Which one of the following is not a side effect of drugs on the human body?
    1. Miscarriages of the unborn babies
    2. Death as a result of overdose
    3. Proper body growth
    4. Diseases like lung cancer, bronchitis
  2. The wife of prophet Hosea who was a prostitute was called _________________________
    1. Miriam
    2. Deborah
    3. Gomer
    4. Rebecca
  3. Talent is the ability that one is born with to do something very well. Which one of the following is not a talent?
    1. Singing and listening to songs
    2. Playing football
    3. Participating in debate
    4. Bullying other learners
  4. Who among the following played the harp to keep off an evil spirit from King Saul?
    1. Moses
    2. David
    3. Joshua
    4. Samuel
  5. According to the sermon on the mountain, we learn that  "Happy are those who mourn" because
    1. God will comfort them
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. They will see God
    4. God will call them His children
  6. Which is  the seventh commandment?
    1. Do not steal
    2. Do not commit adultery
    3. Do not kill
    4. Do not tell lies
  7. Sexual misuse where à person engages in commercial sex in order to gain money is referred to as _____________________
    1. Homosexuality
    2. Incest
    3. Bestiality
    4. Prostitution
  8. King David committed adultery with the wife of Uriah. bWhat was her name?
    1. Leah
    2. Mary
    3. Bathsheba
    4. Tamar
  9. In James 2:14-18, we learn about showing our faiththrough our
    1. Efforts
    2. Actions
    3. Prayers
    4. Fasting
  10. Strong feelings like fear, joy and love are grouped as
    1. Emotional growth
    2. Spiritual growth
    3. Physical growth
    4. Mental growth
  11. The word 'eternal' means ___________________
    1. Everlasting fire
    2. No more
    3. Anytime
    4. Forever
  12. We should conserve our local environment. Which one of the following is not misuses of natural resources
    1. Deforestation
    2. Pollution
    3. Afforestation
    4. Mining
  13. Our bodies are the temples of God. As Christians the best way to take care of our bodies is _______________________
    1. By doing a lot of physical exercise
    2. By taking proper balanced diet
    3. By avoiding immoral activities
    4. By resting during leisure time
  14. According to the creation story (Gen. 1:3-31) God |  created ________________________ on the fourth day.
    1. Heavenly bodies such as sun, moon and stars
    2. Separated light from darkness
    3. All types of plants
    4. All creatures that live in water
  15. In the traditional African society, the living remember the dead through the following activities except
    1. Giving them offerings
    2. Pouring them libations
    3. Offering sacrifices to them
    4. Rebuking the dead
  16. One of the following people accepted the responsibility of building the walls of Jerusalem. Who is he?
    1. Nehemiah
    2. Tobiah
    3. Sanballat
    4. Judas
  17. Christians should not fear death because
    1. Majority of people have died
    2. Everybody must die
    3. They will eat good things after death
    4. They will go to Heaven
  18. In the African society, when a person died they believed he/she ___________________________
    1. Went to Heaven
    2. Was lost completely
    3. Joined the spirit world
    4. Went to hell
  19. The first king of Israel was called ___________________________
    1. David
    2. Solomon
    3. Saul
    4. Moses
  20. When disappointed, we can try to overcome these strong emotions by ____________________________
    1. Crying about them
    2. Praying to God
    3. Revenging
    4. Ignoring them
  21. HIV/AIDS is spread in the following ways except
    1. Abstain from sex intercourse
    2. Blood transfusion
    3. Sharing sharp objects
    4. Contact with open wounds
  22. The fundamental truth of Christian faith is found in
    1. Bible
    2. Apostle's Creed
    3. Lord's prayer
    4. Baptism
  23. Three of the following are values required during the Holy Communion (breaking of the bread) except _______________________
    1. Generosity
    2. Humility
    3. Sorrow
    4. Gladness
  24. Who among the following were crucified with Jesus?
    1. Two thieves
    2. Tax collectors
    3. John and James
    4. Stephen and Peter
  25. Who was the best friend of David who helped him in time of need and showed openness in friendship?
    1. Samuel
    2. Jonathan
    3. John
    4. Zechariah
  26. Sign languages and braille are used by people who are
    1. Physically handicapped
    2. Orphans
    3. Internally displaced people
    4. Hearing impaired and blind 
  27. The Passover was the ________________________ meal the Israelites ate in Egypt.
    1. First
    2. Last
    3. Favourable
    4. Everlasting
  28. Free time means _________________________
    1. Leisure time
    2. Vacation time
    3. Holiday
    4. Working time
  29. The main reason we share work at home is to ____________________________
    1. Earn more money
    2. Avoid punishment
    3. Help others
    4. Please our parents
  30. The Good Samaritan helped the injured man who was coming from ____________________________
    1. Jerusalem to Jericho
    2. Jericho to Damascus
    3. Damascus to Nineveh
    4. Jericho to Jerusalem


  1. Imn which surah is the verse, "verity, you shall see the fire of Hell" surah 
    1.  Al-Qaariyah
    2. Al-Zilzala
    3. Buyyainna
    4. At-Tajathur
  2. How many verses are in suratul Al-zilzala
    1. Nine
    2. Six
    3. Eight
    4. Five
  3. Which one is not a teaching from Suratul Al-Alaq
    1. We should put the name of Allah in everything
    2. There is peace over night
    3. Allah is the ony creator
    4. He always waits four us to respect before punishing
  4. Which one is not a meaning of Al-inshirah ?
    1. power
    2. Expansion
    3. Solace
    4. Confort
  5. Which surah warns us not to be harsh and rough to those who came beg? Suratul
    1. Ad-Dhuha
    2. Al-Inshirah
    3. Al-Qadan
    4. Al-Alaq
  6. According to the prophet hadith, Which one is not a sign of hypocrite?
    1. Talking lies
    2. Taking ribaa
    3. Breaking promises
    4. Betraying trust
  7. The hadith, "Those dearest to Allah(SW) are the one who treat their children kindly" is on
    1. Kindness to creature
    2. patience to creatures
    3. kindness to young children
    4. Honest to the older
  8. Which one is not true about a generous man in the prophet hadith? He is
    1. near Allah(SW)
    2. near paradise
    3. near hell 
    4. far from hell
  9. In the hadith on rogheouness, virture is ________________________
    1. sin
    2. shukr
    3. corruption
    4. good conduct
  10. How many types of people should be given zakat ?
    1. Ten
    2. Seven
    3. Six
    4. Eight
  11. Which one can not nullify your Salat?
    1. Covering our Aura
    2. Turn away from Qibla
    3. Eating or drinking
    4. Making unecessary movements
  12. One of the following can not nulify yur saum. Which one?
    1. Heidh and Nifas
    2. Converting to Islam
    3. Fainting
    4. Becoming insane
  13. Which one is recited after the secong takbirah in Salatul Janaza ?
    1. Gua for all muslim
    2. Prayer for the prophet (SAW)
    3. Adua for the deed
    4. Recitation of suratu! fatiha
  14. "Oh All! him/her forgiveness and Mercy." This due is said for the
    1. sick
    2. mutadhar
    3. dead
    4. new born baby
  15. Which is the main reason for Muslim men not to wear gold
    1. gold colour is ment for wemen
    2. lu is very expensive for men to afford
    3. To preserve the dignity of a man
    4. to show off
  16. The attribute of Allah (SW) that means Al-Khadiq 
    1. the inveter
    2. the merciful
    3. the power
    4. The creator
  17. Which one is not an impotance of the pillars of iman (faith)?
    1. They enable us to build faith in Allah(SW)
    2. They enable us to live a pious life
    3. They enable us to appreciate blessing from Allah
    4. They enable us to count the bounties of Allah
  18. The religious pillar that has only one pillar is _________________
    1. ihsan
    2. Salat
    3. iman
    4. islam
  19. Which prophet is not matched with the place where he reeived revelation?
    1. Nabi Issa - Egypt
    2. Nabi Musa-Egypt
    3. Nabi Ibrahim- Jerusalem
    4. Nabi Mohammad - Saudi Arabia
  20. Allah(Sw) swears by three of the following things except
    1. Makkah
    2. Mount Arafah
    3. Mount Sinai
    4. The Olive tree
  21. Before performing any rite of hajj, a pilgrim must
    1. Take ghusul
    2. Perforn Saayi
    3. Put on Ihram
    4. Perform Tagseer
  22. The believe in Allah (SW) is best explained in the
    1. Fardh prayer
    2. Sunnah prayer
    3. Prophetic hadith
    4. Kalimah
  23. Which statement is not true about prophets
    1. They worked to their own living only
    2. They served Allah(SW) under all conditions
    3. They all preched abut the oneness of Allah
    4. The were free from sins
  24. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through the following ways except
    1. Sexual intercourse
    2. Sharing toilets
    3. Blood transfusion child
    4. Infected mother to child
  25. The following can lead one to take antixicants except
    1. idlenes
    2. frustration
    3. peer pressure
    4. disobedience
  26. In which year was the treaty of Hudaibiyyah signed ?
    1. 10th AH
    2. 8th AH
    3. 7th AH
    4. 6th AH
  27. How old was Nabii Issa when he started preaching?
    1. 60 years
    2. 40years
    3. 30 years
    4. 12 years
  28. Prophet Musa (AS) was known as Kalimullah meaning
    1. The one who spoke to Allah (SW)
    2. The friends ro Allahg(SW)
    3. The love of Allah
    4. The one saved by Allah(SW)
  29. Hiding goods in order to sell them later and get more profit is
    1. riba
    2. Usury
    3. hoarding
    4. ghush
  30. How many idols were destroyed in the Kaabanwhen makkah was conquered?
    1. 350
    2. 360
    3. 300
    4. 100


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. C
  32. A
  33. C
  34. C
  35. A
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
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  49. B
  50. B
  51. C
  52. C
  53. B
  54. C
  55. D
  56. A
  57. B
  58. D
  59. D
  60. A


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D


Use the map of Safa area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. Flowers are transported to Joli town for export by 
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. water
    4. road.
  2. The most senior administrator of Safa area is
    1. county commissioner
    2. governor
    3. chief
    4. county representaive.
  3. Which one of the following factors mainly influenced the setting up of the milk factory?
    1. Nearness to a dairy farm.
    2. Nearness to market.
    3. Nearness to a road.
    4. Availability of space.
  4. The main contribution of the forest in the Western part of Safa area is that it
    1. is a tourist attraction site
    2. protects the sources of rivers
    3.  is a source of timber
    4. attracts rainfall in the area
  5. The main economic activity carried out in Safa area is
    1. trading
    2. farming
    3. fishing
    4.  lumbering.
  6. The climate of the area covered by the map can be described as
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet..
  7. Land in Safa area generally rises from
    1. North West to South East.
    2. South West to North East.
    3. South East to North West.
    4. North East to South West.
  8. The main reason why the River and Lake Nilotes dispersed from the Pubungu Pakwach area was
    1. drought
    2.  famine
    3. overpopulation
    4. epidermics
  9. Below are statements about marriage system.
    1. Polygamy is allowed
    2. It is conducted by a religious leader
    3. A man can marry only one wife
    4. A marriage certificate is issued
    5. It is conducted in a government office
      Which one of the following combinations consist of statements that are correct about a Christian marriage?
      1. ii, iii, iv
      2.  i, iv, v
      3.  iii, iv, v
      4. ii, iv, v
  10. Africans in Ghana used peaceful means to attain independence because
    1. Africans had strong leaders
    2. Africans had formed political parties
    3. most Africans were educated
    4.  the colony did not attract many settlers.
  11. Which one of the following groups of countries consist of those crossed by the Great North Road?
    1. Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia.
    2. Congo, Angola, Namibia.
    3. Kenya, Uganda, Gabon.
    4. Nigeria, Niger, Algeria.
  12. South Africa is able to produce many manufactured goods because
    1. the goods are in great demand
    2. there is availability of cheap labour
    3. the country has variety of minerals
    4. the country experiences high rainfall.
  13. Below are characteristics of a vegetation zone in Africa
    1. There are scattered dry shrubs
    2. Cacti and euphorbia plants are common
    3. There are dry turfs of grass
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. mediterranean vegetation
      2. semi-desert vegetation
      3. tropical vegetation
      4. temperate vegetation.
  14. When the Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule they were led by
    1. Samouri Toure
    2. King Lewanika 
    3. Chief Mkwawa
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  15. Below are conditions for growing a certain crop
    1. Protection from strong winds
    2. Well drained fertile soils
    3. High rainfall
    4. High temperature between 24°c and 27°c
      The conditions listed above favour the growing of
      1. wheat
      2. cotton
      3. cocoa
      4. maize

Use the diagram below to answer question 16

  1. The type of rainfall shown above is experienced in the following areas except
    1. Southern Uganda
    2. Lake Victoria basin
    3. Coastal lowlands of Kenya
    4. Central Tanzania.
  2. Which one of the following groups is made up of Voltaic speakers of West Africa?
    1. Susu, Mande, Soninke.
    2. Wolof, Fulani, Tukolor.
    3. Igbo, Yoruba, Ewe.
    4. Dagomba, Bergu, Gurba.
  3. Which pair consists of elements of a map only?
    1. Key, vegetation.
    2. Shape, compass.
    3. Title, frame.
    4. Relief, drainage.
  4. Large commercial poultry farming is carried out near urban centres due to
    1. availability of electricity
    2. availability of cheap labour
    3. nearness to market for poultry products
    4. nearness to source of water.
  5. Residual mountains are formed through
    1. erosion
    2. faulting
    3.  folding
    4. volcanicity.
  6. Which one of the following statements about European colonial rule in Belgian Congo is correct?
    1. Africans were encouraged to assimilate.
    2. Africans were forced to work in rubberfarms.
    3. Europeans used indirect rule.
    4. Europeans allowed African chiefs to rule.
  7.  Which one of the following duties is performed by a head teacher in a school?
    1. Appointing the deputy headteacher.
    2. Chairing Board of Management.
    3. Allocating funds to a school.
    4. Keeping school records.
  8. Improvement in modern methods of communication has mainly led to
    1. migration of people to towns
    2. increase in trading activities
    3. expansion of urban centres
    4. expansion of infrastructure.
  9. Three of the following are ways in which communities interacted in the past. Which one was not?
    1. Games
    2. War.
    3. Marriage.
    4. Trading.
  10. Which one of the following was a contribution of Nelson Mandela? He
    1. led South Africa to independence
    2. made South Africa a one-party state
    3. led South Africa to the first all racial elections
    4. was a founder member of African Union.
  11. Lake Tana in Ethiopia and lake Itasy in Madagascar were formed when
    1. water collected inside faults
    2. water collected inside craters
    3. parts of the earth sunk
    4. flowing magma blocked rivers.
  12. The Fulani people of West Africa are able to graze their livestock over large areas because 
    1. there is plenty of grass
    2. they live in sparsely populated areas
    3.  they keep large herds of livestock
    4.  they use horses to scout for pasture.
  13. Which one of the following factors may lead to conflicts in the society? -
    1. Use of indigenous languages.
    2. Intermarriage among communities.
    3. Unequal distribution of national resources.
    4. Movement of people to towns.

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 29 to 32

  1.  Which one of the following groups of communities used the route marked S during the migration period?
    1. Abagusii, Abakuria, Abaluhyia.
    2. Yao, Hehe, Makonde.
    3. Ngoni, Chagga, Nyamwezi.
    4. Agikuyu, Aembu, Ameru.
  2. The main export crop of the country marked Z is
    1. sisal
    2. sugarcane
    3. coffee
    4. cotton.
  3. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked X consist of
    1.  tall elephant grass
    2. dense evergreen forests
    3. papyrus reeds
    4. short dry shrubs
  4. Three of the following statements about the town marked T are true. Which one is not?
    1. It started as an Arab trading centre.
    2. It is located in a rich agricultural area.
    3. It is a county headquarter.
    4. It lies along the Trans African Highway.
  5. Below are statemens about a type of democracy practised in the society.
    1. Decisions are made through general agreement
    2. People are involved in decision making
    3. People negotiate over issues
      The type of democracy described above is
      1. representative democracy
      2. nominal democracy
      3. participatory democracy
      4. direct democracy.
  6. Which one of the following game parks is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    Game park              Country
    1. Selous     -            South Africa
    2. Huango     -            Zimbabwe
    3. Kruger       -           Sudan.
    4. Dinder        -         Tanzania.
  7. Which one of the following was a negative effect of colonization?
    1. Establishment of industries.
    2. Introduction of cash crops.
    3. Introduction of modern healthcare.
    4. Alienation of African land.
  8. The Ngoni people were forced to move from South Africa by
    1. Galla
    2. Zulu 
    3. Arabs
    4. Bemba.
  9. Three of the following are contributions of a community to the development of a school. Which one is not?
    1. Donating land to expand school facilities.
    2. Providing workers to a school.
    3. Preparing the school routine.
    4. Providing resource persons to a school.
  10. Which one of the following was an achievement of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. It supported countries fighting for independence.
    2. It established a common trading currency in Africa.
    3. It promoted the use of a common language.
    4.  It constructed roads in member countries.
  11. Which one of the following rivers end in the form of an estuary?
    1. River Omo.
    2. River Niger.
    3. River Rufiji.
    4. River Congo.
  12. Kelvin is a British national working in Kenya. He can apply for a Kenyan citizenship if he
    1. marries a Kenyan citizen
    2. owns property in Kenya
    3. has lived in Kenya continuously for 7years
    4. vies for an elective seat.
  13. Dairy farming in Kenya is mainly favoured by
    1. cool and wet highland conditions
    2. availability of market for milk
    3. presence of milk factories in farming areas
    4. availability of good roads to transport milk.
  14. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain
    Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa was formed through the above process?
    1. Mount Ruwenzori.
    2. Pare highlands.
    3. Usambara mountains.
    4. Mount Longonot.
  15. Which one of the following groups is made up of River and Lake Nilotes found in Eastern Africa?
    1. Sebei, Pokot, Kalenjin.
    2. Dinka, Luo, Acholi.
    3. Samburu, Turkana, Jie.
    4. Gabbra, Oromo, Burji.
  16. The Mandinka people of West Africa resisted French colonial rule because
    1. they wanted to remain independent
    2. the French stopped them from trading.
    3. they had a strong leader
    4. they had a well trained army.
  17. The main product of the planted forests of Swaziland is
    1. firewood
    2. pulp
    3. fruits
    4. herbal medicine.
  18. Which one of the following is a function of clan elders in traditional African communities?
    1. Leading people to war.
    2. Foretelling future events.
    3. Allocating land to members.
    4. Preparing medicine from plants.
  19. Below are descriptions of an early visitor to Eastern Africa
    1. He visited Kabaka Mutesa 1 of Buganda
    2.  He explored areas along River Lualaba
    3. He met David Livingstone
      The person described above is
      1. John Speke
      2. Ludwig Krapf
      3. Johanne Rebman.
      4. Henry Morton Stanley.
  20. African socialism was introduced in Kenya after independence in order to
    1. settle landless Africans
    2. promote single party rule
    3. promote political and economic development
    4. reward Africans who fought for independence.
  21. The main reason why cultural artefacts are conserved in museums is to
    1. preserve the history of communities
    2. sell them to people who visit themuseums
    3. attract tourists to the country
    4. create jobs in the country
  22. Which one of the following plateaus is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
        Plateau                           Country
    1. Bie                -             Nigeria
    2. Fouta Djalon   -           Guinea
    3. Jos                  -            Sudan
    4. Teiga               -             Angola
  23. Three of the following are effects of industries on the environment. Which one is not?
    1. Destruction of natural forests.
    2. Emission of smoke to the atmosphere.
    3. Settlement of people around industries.
    4. Dumping of waste in rivers.
  24. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method used in extracting it from the ground?
            Mineral                 Method
    1.  Soda ash              Evaporation
    2. Copper                   Dredging
    3. Salt                         Open cast
    4. Gold                        Deep shaft 
  25. Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British in Kenya because
    1. he wanted protection from the Nandi
    2. he wanted to trade with the British
    3. he 'wanted the British to build school
    4. he wanted to adopt European way oflife.
  26. The settlement of Arabs along the East Coast of Africa led to
    1. partition of East Africa
    2. introduction of pastoral farming
    3. decline in slave trade
    4. spread of Islam in Eastern Africa.
  27. The effect of the Benguela currents on the South West Coast of Africa is that it has led to
    1. growth of dense vegetation along the Coast
    2. heavy rainfall along the Coast
    3. dry,conditions along the Coast
    4. increase of temperature along the Coast.
  28. Who among the following prominent African leaders was not a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
    2. Nelson Mandela.
    3.  Leopold Sedar Senghor
    4. Haile Sellasie.
  29. Which one of the following is a responsibility of the government to its citizens?
    1. Protecting them and their property.
    2. Establishing places of worship.
    3. Forming political parties for citizens.
    4. Campaigning for candidates during elections.
  30. A Kenyan citizen qualifies to vote if the person
    1.  is able to read
    2. is a member of a political party
    3. is a registered voter
    4. lives in the constituency he is voting.
  31. The head of a county executive committee is
    1. a county commissioner
    2. a senatcr
    3.  a county assembly speaker
    4. a governor.
  32. Three of the following statements about a county government are true. Which one is not?
    1.  It is headed by a speaker
    2. It is headed by an elected leaders
    3.  It implements projects in a county
    4.  It has appointed members.



  1. Which one of the following things did God create on the fourth day?
    1. Moon.
    2. Sky.
    3. Dry land.
    4. Sea creatures.
  2. Who among the following people was a son of Noah?
    1. Seth.
    2. Shem.
    3. Lamech.
    4. Enoch.
  3. Abraham obeyed God when he was living in Haran by
    1.  taking Lot with him
    2. accepting to sacrifice Isaac
    3. getting a wife for Isaac
    4. moving to an unknown land.
  4.  Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt from Midian because.
    1. he was afraid of the king of Egypt
    2. his family was in Midian
    3. the Israelites did not know him
    4. he was not a good speaker.
  5. When the Israelites crossed the Red sea they worshipped God by
    1. singing songs
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. reciting the commandments
    4. fasting.
  6. Who among the following women was a judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth.
    2. Naomi.
    3. Deborah.
    4. Hannah.
  7. Which one of the following was done by David when he was the king of Israel?
    1. He killed Goliath.
    2. He built a temple in Jerusalem.
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital.
    4. He made the covenant box.
  8. King Ahab offended God when he
    1. took Uriah's wife
    2. took Naboth's vineyard
    3. planned the murder of Uriah
    4. consulted a Median.
  9. Who among the following prophets said that Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah.
    2. Hosea.
    3. Micah.
    4. Isaiah.
  10. Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was born?
    1. An angel spoke to some shepherds.
    2. Darkness covered the earth.
    3. There was an earthquake.
    4. The curtain in the temple was born. 
  11.  When John the baptist met Jesus he called him the
    1. king of the Jews
    2.  redeemer of Jerusalem
    3.  light to the gentiles
    4. lamb of God.
  12.  Which one of the following events took place when Jesus was fasting in the wilderness?
    1.  He changed water into wine.
    2. He was anointed by a sinful woman.
    3. The devil tempted him.
    4. He healed a paralyzed man.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount? 
    1. 'I am the way the truth and life'
    2.  'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'
    3. 'Who is the greatest?'
    4. 'Happy are those who believe without seeing'
  14. Which one of the following miracles was performed by Jesus in Capernaum?
    1. Healing a paralyzed man.
    2. Raising a widow's son.
    3. Changing water into wine.
    4. Calming a storm.
  15. A lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is to be
    1. humble
    2. patience
    3. repentant
    4. generous.
  16. When Jesus was arrested he was praying at
    1.  the Garden of Gethsemane
    2.  the temple in Jerusalem
    3. the home of Zacchaeus
    4. the home of Lazarus.
  17.  Peter denied Jesus because
    1. Jesus had predicted that
    2.  it was at night
    3. he was afraid of the crowd
    4. he was not known to the high priest.
  18. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit when they were praying in
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Emmaus
    4. Jerusalem.
  19. Who among the following believers was chosen as a deacon?
    1. Ananias.
    2. Philip.
    3. Saul.
    4.  Barnabbas.
  20. Tabitha of Joppa showed kindness by
    1. making clothes for widows
    2. giving food to strangers
    3. washing clothes for the elderly
    4.  feeding orphans.
  21. Which one of the following groups of books are gospels?
    1. Ezra, Esther, Job.
    2. Mark, Luke, John.
    3. Romans, Ephesians, Jude.
    4. Revelation, Exodus, Isaiah.
  22. In traditional African communities children are named after ancestors in order to
    1. please the parents
    2. make the children grow healthy
    3.  avoid calamites
    4.  keep the ancestors remembered.
  23. The work of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. lead people in offering sacrifices
    2. predict future events
    3. prepare libations
    4. prepare medicine from plants. 
  24. In traditional African communities children are taught moral values by
    1.  peers
    2. warriors
    3. priests
    4. parents.
  25. The main reason for marriage in traditional African communities is to
    1. get companionship
    2. get children
    3. become famous
    4. get wealth.
  26. Amos prays for her sick mother. This element of prayer is
    1. adoration
    2. petition
    3. confession
    4. intercession.
  27. Christians are encouraged to conserve the environment mainly because
    1. they get food from the environment
    2.  they are paid to do so
    3. God has commanded them to do so
    4.  they become known.
  28. The best way in which parents can teach their children good behaviour is by
    1. punishing children who misbehave
    2. rewarding their children
    3. setting good examples
    4. taking their children to church.
  29. Christians preach against abortion mainly because
    1.  it is destruction of life
    2. it is a waste of money
    3.  it makes people to be disrespected
    4. it is a waste of time.
  30. The church has established schools in Kenya in order to
    1. offer free education
    2. create jobs in the country
    3. get money to build churches
    4. promote literacy in the country.



  1. Which prophet of Allah was given Taurat?
    1. Issa.
    2. Ibrahim.
    3. Musa.
    4. Daud.
  2. The angel of Allah who brought wahy to the prophets was called
    1. Jibril.
    2. Mikail.
    3. Izrafil.
    4. Ridhan.
  3. Which of the following salat does not have rukuu and ujud?
    1. Witr.
    2. Janazah.
    3. Taraweh.
    4. Tahajud.
  4. Which one is not a sacred month?
    1. Rabiul Awwal.
    2. Muharram.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Dhul Qaadah.
  5.  In which month is swalatul tarawih said?
    1. Rajab.
    2. Shawal,
    3. Muharram.
    4. Ramadhan.
  6. Which one is not a forbidden animal in Islam?
    1. The strangled animal.
    2.  The carcasses.
    3. The animal killed by hunting.
    4. The animal killed by horns.
  7. Hiding goods in order to get more profits is called
    1. ghush.
    2. hoarding.
    3.  usury.
    4. ribaa.
  8. Which rite below is not Umrah?
    1. Running between swafa and marwa.
    2. Sleeping at mina and muzdalifa.
    3. Wearing ihraam.
    4. Clipping the hair.
  9. The prophet said that whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to
    1. angels.
    2. the prophets.
    3. Allah.
    4. himself.
  10.  In shawwal, it is sunnah to fast
    1. any six days.
    2. the whole month.
    3. the first six days.
    4. the last six days.
  11. Which of the following is not among the places that were declared safe when makkah was conquered
    1. People's own houses.
    2. The house of Abu Sufyan.
    3. The holy Kaabah.
    4. The house of Ikrimah.
  12. Surah Al-Alaq emphasizes on
    1. brotherhood.
    2. peace.
    3. knowledge.
    4. last day.
  13. Which one happened in the battle of Badr?
    1. The Quraish who taught muslims how to read were forgiven.
    2. Dead bodies of the Quraish were mutilated.
    3. The prophet punished Suhail who insulted him.
    4. Ony those who paid ransom were forgiven.
  14. Which one is not a pillar of Iman?
    1. Belief in His angels.
    2. Belief in paradise.
    3. Belief in His books.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  15. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) gave His farewell speech on the
    1. 6th Dhul Hijjah.
    2. 9th Dhul Hijjah.
    3. 10th Dhul Hijjah.
    4. 5th Dhul Hijjah.
  16. HIV is not spread through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. sharing cutting tools.
    3. blood transfusion.
    4. shaking hands with infected person.
  17. Who accompanied Musa to Firaun?
    1. Harun (A.S)
    2. His wife.
    3. Al-Khidr.
    4. Shuaib(A.S)
  18. In surah Tiyn, Allah swears by the following except
    1. Baitul mugaddas.
    2. Olive tree.
    3. Mount Sinai.
    4. Fig tree.
  19. Who among the following is exempted from fasting?
    1. The wealthy.
    2. Men in wet dreams.
    3. People in Janabah.
    4. Women in Nijas.
  20.  Which attribute of Allah means the provider?
    1. Ar-Raham
    2.  As-Salam.
    3. Ar.Razaq.
    4. Ar-Rahim.
  21. Muhammad (SAW) was appointed the messenger of Allah at the age of
    1. 25years.
    2. 40years.
    3. 30 years.
    4. 63 years.
  22.  Which surah of Qur'an is referred to as the mother of Qur'an?
    1.  Alaq.
    2. Fatiha.
    3.  Ikhlas.
    4. Nas.
  23. Salat performed for a dead muslim before burial is known as
    1.  Janazah.
    2. Kusuf.
    3. Tahajud.
    4.  Dhuha.
  24.  "Read in the name of your lord, who created" This is a verse from surah
    1. Fatiha. 
    2. Alaq
    3.  Ikhlas.
    4. An-Nas.
  25. The special prayer performed during the eclipse of the moon is called
    1. dhuha.
    2. kusuf
    3. Istiskai
    4. khusuf
  26. The fifth pillar of Islam is
    1. hajj.
    2. saum.
    3. kalima.
    4. salat.
  27. Who among the following prophets of Allah made the blind to see?
    1. Musa.
    2.  Ibrahim.
    3. Shuaib.
    4.  Issa.
  28.  During the journey of Isra wal-miraj, the prophet was given command for muslims to 
    1.  go for hajj.
    2. pray five times.
    3. fast during Ramadhan.
    4. give zakat.
  29. Complete the hadith. "Ritual purity is a sign of
    1. goodness
    2. faith
    3. prayers
    4. Islam
  30. Lady Khadija was older than the prophet by
    1. 20years. 
    2. 10years.
    3. 15years.
    4. 40years.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. A
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. B
  46. C
  47. D
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B
  51. C
  52. D
  53. A
  54. D
  55. C
  56. B
  57. A
  58. C
  59. D
  60. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. N
  29. B
  30. A




Study the map of Sata area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The climate of the southern part of Sata area can be described as A
    1. cool and dry.
    2. hot and wet.
    3. hot and dry.
    4. cool and wet.
  2. The approximate area in square kilometres of Labu town is
    1. 30km2
    2. 25km2
    3. 36km2
    4. 28km2
  3. The main economic activity in most parts of Sata area is
    1. crop farming.
    2. livestock keeping.
    3. trading.
    4. lumbering.
  4. A forest was established in the southern part of Sata area mainly to
    1. provide timber in the area.
    2. attract rainfall in the area.
    3. make the landscape beautiful.
    4. protect sources of rivers.
  5. Which one of the following areas in Sata area is at the lowest point above sea level
    1. Labu town.
    2. Tea farms.
    3. Cattle dip.
    4. Forest.
  6. Land in Sata area generally rises from
    1. north.
    2. east.
    3. south.
    4. west.
  7. The area covered by the map is a
    1. county.
    2. location.
    3. division.
    4. district.
  8. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the continent of Africa? It
    1. has fifty five continental countries. 
    2. is crossed by the three main tropics.
    3. lies in the northern hemisphere. 
    4. is the largest continent.
  9. The following are statements about a type of marriage:
    1. A man can marry more than one wife.
    2. A marriage certificate is issued. 
    3. It is conducted by a government official.
      The type of marriage described above is
      1. Christian marriage. 
      2. Islamic marriage. 
      3. civil marriage.
      4. customary marriage.
  10. Which one of the following lakes is correctly matched with its formation? Lake
    1. Chad - deposition.
    2. Rukwa - downwarping.
    3. Kivu - volcanicity.
    4. Gambi - faulting.
  11. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction feature around Malindi town?
    1. High class hotels.
    2. Vasco da Gama pillar.
    3. Sandy beaches.
    4. Marine wildlife.
  12. Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British because
    1. he had been employed by the British. 
    2. he wanted protection against the Nandi. 
    3. the British were building a railway line. 
    4. he feared the Arabs.
  13. Below are communities that settled in Eastern Africa:
    1. Abagusii
    2. Taita
    3. Chagga
      Which one of the following statements about the communities listed above is true?b They
      1. settled in highland regions.
      2. were ruled by kings.
      3. practised pastoralism.
      4. were long distance traders.
  14. The mountains on the floor of the Rift Valley were formed through
    1. faulting.
    2. erosion.
    3. folding.
    4. volcanicity.
  15. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the place where it is mined in Kenya?
           Mineral                    Place   
    1. Fluorspar                 Ngomeni
    2. Limestone                Athi river
    3. Diatomite                 Kimwarer
    4. Salt                          Kariandusi
  16. Ludwig Krapf came to Eastern Africa in 1844 to
    1. explore the interior.
    2. find the source of river Nile.
    3. spread christianity
    4. find a sea route to India.
  17. Which one of the following was a recreational activity among communities in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Farming.
    2. Herding.
    3. Hunting
    4. Wrestling.
  18. The leeward side of a mountain receives low rainfall because it
    1. lies at a low altitude.
    2. is far from large water bodies. 
    3. has little vegetation cover.
    4. is sheltered from warm moist winds.
  19. Which one of the following combinations consists of trees that grow in the forests of Swaziland?
    1. Pine and eucalyptus.
    2. Podo and mahogany.
    3. Mvule and oak.
    4. Camphor and sapele.
  20. When the Ababukusu people fought the British in Kenya, they were led by 
    1. Waiyaki wa Hinga.
    2. Mekatilili wa Menza.
    3. Mukite wa Nameme.
    4. Koitalel arap Samoei.
  21. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain.
    Which one of the following mountains was formed through the above process? 
    1. Danakil Alps.
    2. Ruwenzori mountains.
    3. Usambara moutains
    4. Atlas mountains.
  22. Which one of the following resulted due to the settlement of Arabs along the coast of Eastern Africa?
    1. Introduction of cloves.
    2. Establishment of mission stations.
    3. Building of railway lines.
    4. Abolition of slave trade.
  23. People who live near swamps are likely to suffer from
    1. frequent droughts.
    2. seasonal flooding.
    3. water-borne diseases.
    4. acute soil erosion.
  24. Assimilated Africans in Senegal during the French colonial period were allowed to
    1. work and live in France.
    2. marry more than one wife.
    3. practise traditional customs.
    4. buy goods at reduced prices.
  25. Pastoral farmers can be supported by the government through
    1. getting loans to buy more livestock. 
    2. fencing grazing lands.
    3. drilling boreholes in pastoral areas. 
    4. exempting them from taxes.
  26. Bananas in Uganda are intercropped with
    1. tea.
    2. coffee.
    3. wheat.
    4. cotton.
  27. The best way of promoting peace among communities in Kenya is by 
    1. supporting intermarriage.
    2. establishing national schools.
    3. promoting the use of Kiswahili.
    4. respecting the rights of other people.
  28. Rapid population increase in Africa has been caused by
    1. introduction of family planning methods. 
    2. rapid expansion of towns.
    3. improvement in healthcare.
    4. increase of jobs in urban centres.
  29. Which one of the following groups is made up of rivers that have deltas?
    1. Niger, Nile, Tana.
    2. Senegal, Congo, Athi.
    3. Ruvuma, Zambezi, Orange.
    4. Volta, Sanaga, Gambia.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 30 to 33.  


  1. The main benefit of the river project marked N is that it
    1. has stopped flooding along river Tana.
    2. produces rice for export.
    3. has created an inland waterway.
    4. is a source of electricity.
  2. The main reason for the migration of the communities that used the route marked T was that they
    1. were looking for goods to trade.
    2. were looking for better pastures. 
    3. were escaping conflicts.
    4. wanted iron for tool making.
  3. The game park marked X is
    1. Marsabit.
    2. Sibiloi.
    3. Nasolot.
    4. Samburu.
  4. The shaded area marked Z has a high population due to the
    1. presence of fish in lake Victoria.
    2. flat relief of the land.
    3. presence of large towns.
    4. availability of high rainfall.
  5. Three of the following are causes of lawlessness in the society. Which one is not?
    1. Respecting other people's opinions. 
    2. Rejection of election results.
    3. High rate of unemployment.
    4. Misuse of drugs.
  6. The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) was formed to 
    1. promote the use of a common language.
    2. prevent the spread of deserts.
    3. promote trade among member states.
    4. establish a common trading currency. 
  7. Petroleum products are transported by pipeline from Mombasa to other towns in Kenya because
    1. it costs less than other forms of transport.
    2. there is an oil pipeline from Mombasa.
    3. it reduces accidents on the roads.
    4. it creates employment in the country.
  8. Who among the following is a member of a county assembly?
    1. County commissioner.
    2. Speaker.
    3. Governor.
    4. Senator.
  9. Which one of the following combinations is made up of cold currents only?
    1. Guinea and Somali.
    2. Sumali and Canary.
    3. Benguela and Aguhlas.
    4. Canary and Benguela.
  10. The collaboration of the Maasai and the British during the colonial period in Kenya led to
    1. settlement of Europeans in Maasai land. 
    2. opening of schools in Maasai land.
    3. construction of a railway line.
    4. employment of Maasai youth in the army.
  11. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities of Central Africa? A
    1. Venda, Zulu, Xhosa.
    2. Chagga, Banyoro, Taita. 
    3. Bemba, Bakongo, Balunda.
    4. Agikuyu, Aembu, Ameru.
  12. Televisions are not commonly used in rural areas in Kenya mainly because
    1. television sets are expensive."
    2. most rural areas do not have electricity.
    3. most people in rural areas are illiterate. 
    4. rural areas have poor roads.
  13. Acacia and baobab trees are commonly found in areas with
    1. savannah vegetation. 
    2. desert vegetation.
    3. moutain vegetation.
    4. temperate vegetation.
  14. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
    The part marked K contains
    1. mercury.
    2. kerosene.
    3. water.
    4. alcohol.
  15. Which one of the following is the main problem facing inland fishing in Africa?
    1. Competition from foreign fishing vessels. 
    2. Water plants growing in lakes.
    3. Overfishing.
    4. Inadequate market for fish.
  16. Which one of the following places in Eastern Africa is correctly matched with the crop grown there?
           Place              Crop    
    1. Kaffa        -     bananas
    2. Mbeya     -      coffee
    3. Kenana    -     sugarcane
    4. Kigezi      -      sisal
  17. A school motto is important because it
    1. encourage leamers to work hard.
    2. makes learners pass school tests. 
    3. shows the direction to a school.
    4. outlines the rules of a school.
  18. Nelson Mandela promoted unity in South Africa by
    1. fighting against apartheid.
    2. forming African National Congress (ANC)
    3. leading South Africa to independence.
    4. appointing different races in the government.
  19. Pineapple canning in Thika is an example of
    1. a processing industry.
    2. an assembling industry. 
    3. a manufacturing industry. 
    4. a service industry.
  20. Low temperatures in some places along the equator are influenced by
    1. high rainfall. 
    2. dense forests. 
    3. high altitude.
    4. strong winds.
  21. Below are problems found in urban centres:
    1. Decay of moral values.
    2. Traffic congestion on roads.
    3. High rates of unemployment.
    4. Increase in crime.
      Which combination consists of social problems?
      1. i and ii
      2. i and iv
      3. ii and iii
      4. iii and iv
  22. Which one of the following groups is made up of Plain Nilotes?
    1. Shilluk, Dinka, Nuer.
    2. Sandawe, Sanye, Dahalo. 
    3. Sabaot, Nandi, Dorobo.
    4. Jie, Samburu, Turkana.
  23. Before the coming of Europeans to Eastern Africa, the Baganda people were ruled by
    1. emperors.
    2. kings.
    3. chiefs.
    4. council of elders.
  24. Which one of the following is a social right? Right to
    1. education.
    2. vote
    3. own property.
    4. work.
  25. Standard eight learners of Malezi primary school visited a game park. They saw some armed people in the park. What was mainly being done by the arned people?
    1. Charging entry fee to the game park.
    2. Protecting wild animals from poachers. 
    3. Protecting tourists from wild animals.
    4. Taking tourists around the park.
  26. Below are statements about a traditional leader in Kenya:
    1. He traded with the coastal Arabs.
    2. He treated diseases
    3. He foretold future events.
      The person described above is
      1. chief Kivoi. 
      2. Nabongo Mumia. 
      3. Masaku.
      4. Laibon Lenana.
  27. Highways have been built in Kenya to bypass major towns mainly to
    1. reduce road accidents.
    2. reduce air pollution in towns.
    3. create jobs in the country.
    4. reduce traffic congestions in towns. 5
  28. Poultry farming in Kenya is mainly faced by the problem of
    1. inadequate market for poultry products. 
    2. high cost of controlling diseases.
    3. lack of good roads in farming areas.
    4. decrease in land.
  29. When Kenyans attend national day celebrations, it shows that they are
    1. patriotic.
    2. obedient.
    3. hardworking.
    4. humble.
  30. Which one of the following duties is performed by a county assembly? 
    1. Maintaining law and order.
    2. Supervising county projects.
    3. Formulating county laws.
    4. Appointing a county governor. 
  31. County assembly sittings are headed by the 
    1. speaker.
    2. clerk.
    3. governor.
    4. county commissioner.




  1. God showed that the seventh day was a special one during creation when He 
    1. finished all creation.
    2. blessed it and rested.
    3. created human beings in His image.
    4. blessed all the creation.
  2. Which one of the following commands did God give Noah after the flood? 
    1. Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth. 
    2. Leave your father's home and go to a country that I will show you.
    3. Remove your shoes for you are standing on a holy ground.
    4. offer your only so as a sacrifice.
  3. "Iam who Iam, this is my name forever" (Exodus 3:14-15). God spoke these words to
    1. Abraham.
    2. Jacob.
    3. Moses.
    4. Isaac.
  4. Which one of the following events took place during the Exodus?
    1. The Israelites attacked Jericno.
    2. The covenan' box was made.
    3. Saul was appointed king.
    4. Deborah served as a judge.
  5. When Hannah prayed at Shiloh, she asked God to give her
    1. long life.
    2. wisdom.
    3. wealth.
    4. a son.
  6. Which one of the following reasons explains why king Saul wanted to kill David?
    1. David had been appointed king.
    2. Saul had an evil spirit.
    3. David had become famous.
    4. David had refused to marry his daughter.
  7. In which one of the following ways did king Solomon turn away from God? He
    1. married many wives.
    2. refused to build a temple.
    3. allowed the worship of false gods.
    4. acquired a lot of wealth.
  8. Prophet Jeremiah was mistreated by being 
    1. thrown into a dry well.
    2. put in a lions' den.
    3. put in prison.
    4. beaten by the king.
  9. When there was famine in Israel, prophet Elijah went to live with a widow in 
    1. Shunem.
    2. Zarephath.
    3. Jericho.
    4. Moab.
  10. The son that Zechariah and Elizabeth was given a name by
    1. Mary. 
    2. angel Gabriel.
    3. Joseph.
    4. Simeon.
  11. Who among the following people ordered for a census to be done in Israel? 
    1. Augustus.
    2. Herod.
    3. Pilate.
    4. Quirinius.
  12. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount? 
    1. 'Give to Ceasar what belongs to him.'
    2. 'Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God'
    3. 'He who is the least will be the greatest." 
    4. 'I am the way, the truth and life."
  13. The woman whom Jesus asked for water at a well was a
    1. Levite.
    2. Syrian.
    3. Samaritan.
    4. Moabite.
  14. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He came as a universal saviour?
    1. Healing a paralysed man.
    2. Healing the Roman officer's servant. 
    3. Raising Lazarus.
    4. Calming a storm.
  15. The parable of the sower teaches Christians
    1. how the word of God grows in them. 
    2. to plant good seeds in their farms. 
    3. to take good care of their farms.
    4. to help people in need.
  16. Who among the following people said that Jesus was a good man after He died on the cross?
    1. The repentant thief.
    2. An army officer.
    3. Pontious Pilate.
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  17. 'Unless I see the scars and put my fingers on those scars and my hand in His side, I will not believe' (John 20:25). These words were said by
    1. Peter.
    2. Nathaniel.
    3. Andrew.
    4. Thomas.
  18. The Jews were surprised on the day of Pentecost when the disciples
    1. performed miracles.
    2. sang and praised God.
    3. preached to the crowd.
    4. spoke in foreign languages.
  19. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches Christians to be
    1. humble
    2. patient
    3. honest
    4. obedient
  20. When Paul and Silas were in jail in Philippi, they were
    1. mourning. 
    2. fasting.
    3. sleeping.
    4. singing.
  21. When Peter went to the town of Joppa, he 
    1. baptized an Ethiopian Eunuch. 
    2. preached to Comelius. 
    3. raised Tabitha.
    4. healed a lame beggar.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs about God in traditional African communities is true? God
    1. provides for His creation.
    2. is served by angels.
    3. finished creation in six days...
    4. lives in heaven.
  23. In traditional African communities, shrines are places where
    1. ancestors are buried.
    2. initiation ceremonies are done.
    3. the youth are taught.
    4. sacrifices are offered.
  24. When there is good harvest in traditional African communities, people thank God by
    1. offering food sacrifices in shrines. 
    2. giving food to travellers.
    3. selling surplus food.
    4. using foodstuffs to pay dowry.
  25. Christians show obedience to lawful authority by
    1. praising their leaders.
    2. paying taxes.
    3. praying for their leaders.
    4. going to church.
  26. The church promotes good health among
    1. offering free medical care. people in Kenya by
    2. establishing hospitals.
    3. visiting sick people.
    4. preaching to the sick.
  27. Meshack, a standard eight pupil, helped an old woman carry a heavy basket. This shows that Meshack
    1. knew the woman.
    2. was a strong person.
    3. was a kind person.
    4. was related to the woman.
  28. Maria, who is your deskmate, keeps on getting ill. The best action for you to take is to
    1. pray and advise her to go to hospital.
    2. change your sitting position.
    3. tell her to transfer to another school.
    4. tell her to stay at home.
  29. The best way for parents to teach their children good behaviour is by 
    1. setting good examples. 
    2. preparing family laws.
    3. punishing children who misbehave. 
    4. taking their children for counselling.
  30. Christians can benefit the community during their free time by
    1. singing in church. 
    2. reading the Bible.
    3. watching Christian programs.
    4. visiting the elderly.



  1. A person who fasts has two pleasures. One during  _________________________ food.
    1. twaam.
    2. iftaar.
    3. walima.
    4. suhur. 
  2. Which of the following vices is condemned in surah Al-Falaq?
    1. Witchcraft.
    2. Backbiting.
    3. Stealing.
    4. Adultery.
  3. All the following are recomanended preparations for reading the holy Qur'an except
    1. taking wudhu.
    2. a siwak.
    3. facing qibia.
    4. not putting it on the bare ground.
  4. Which form of knowledge sticks best in mind according to surah Alaq? Knowledge 
    1. of pictures.
    2. of the pen.
    3. from far away.
    4. of cramuning.
  5. Allah (SW) was not happy and even cursed Abu Lahab because he
    1. joined Abraham to destroy the holy kaaba.
    2. refused to join Islamic faith.
    3. dispersed the prophet's congregation. D
    4. killed baby girls and burried others alive.
  6. What is the meaning of Taqwa in Islamic faith?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Obedience to Allah.
    3. The fear of God.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  7. A Muslim who believes in Qadar should always say ____________________________ when making future plans.
    1. fii amaanillah
    2. mashallah
    3. astaghfirullah
    4. inshallah
  8. After Takbiratul Ihraam, there follows
    1. seven Takbiras. 
    2. surah Al-Fatiha 
    3. bending for Rukuu. 
    4. the first khutba.
  9. In which of the following villages did the hypocrites of Uhud in the Muslim army turn back and disappeared? A
    1. Abwa.
    2. Taif.C
    3. Ashawt.
    4. Khaibar.
  10. Which of the following ibaadaats cleanses off sins as free as a new born beby? 
    1. Ablution.
    2. Hajj
    3. Jum'a to Jum'a
    4. Fast of sittat shawwal.
  11. "Al-Eal dil Ameen" is a description that was used to praise a city called 
    1. Makkat mukarrama.
    2. Jerusalem.
    3. Madinat munawwara.
    4. Bethlehem.
  12. Muslims who reach at miqat to start hajj activities respond to Allah's call by uttering
    1. tahniq.
    2. takbir.
    3. taibia
    4. tahtiil.
  13. Which prophet of Allah was killed by being cut into pieces?
    1. Zakariya.
    2. Daud.
    3. Yahya.
    4. Yusuf.
  14. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything?
    1. Idd-ui-Fit
    2. Milad-un-Nabii.
    3. Idd-ul-hajj.
    4. Isra-wai-miraj.
  15. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from _______________________ home.
    1. Firaun's
    2. Shuaib's
    3. Egypian's
    4. an Israelite's
  16. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement of
    1. Ibrahim's family.
    2. Adam's family.
    3. Muhammad's family 
    4. Nuh's family.
  17. The names "Allah" and "Prophet" are introduced into the ear of a newbom baby for the first time through
    1. adhaan.
    2. tashahhud.
    3. tahniq.
    4. iqama.
  18. The angel of Allah (SW) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at the gates of paradise is
    1. Malik.
    2. Jibril.
    3. Israfil.
    4. Ridhwaan.
  19. Muslims may locate and face Qibla for prayers by the help of all the following ways except
    1. use of a compass direction tool.
    2. use of the sunrise and sunset.
    3. use of a physically available mosque.
    4. automatic obvious imagination.
  20. Which of the following things is the same in both Jum'a and Idd prayers?
    1. The time of performing.
    2. When to say khutba.
    3. The number of rakaats prayed.
    4. Classification as sunna or fardh.
  21. Nadhir ibaadaats are
    1. the self promise to Allah. 
    2. performed by few Muslims. 
    3. performed as punishment.
    4. those performed at night. 
  22. Which one of the following was not an advice given to prophet Mohammad by Jibril (AS)?
    1. To stay knowing that one day He will die.
    2. To love whom He loves but know that one day they'll separate.
    3. He will be judged in all His deeds. 
    4. Not to walk on earth with pride.
  23. The prophet assured Muslims that whoever shahada will be his or her last words before death will
    1. enter paradise.
    2. be resurrected.
    3. be heavier than the earth and all in it.
    4. be rewarded beyond imagination.
  24. The level of buried treasures and precious minerals the one should have in order to qualify to give out zakat is called
    1. tarka.
    2. nisab.
    3. quut.
    4. qulatein.
  25. The two swalats which have two adhasns in Islam are
    1. Idd-ul-fitr and Idd-ul-hajj.
    2. kusuf and khusuf.
    3. taraweh and tahajjud.
    4. fajr and Jum'a.
  26. Who was the secretary at the Hudaibiyaa treaty agreements and writings?
    1. Zaid bin Thaabit.
    2. Abubakr swiddiiq.
    3. Abu Sufian.
    4. Ali bin Abi Talib. 
  27. Edat is observed
    1. in the event of a husband's death and twalaq.
    2. when a lady becomes seriously sick.
    3. if the couple never had Nikah ceremony.
    4. by all virgin ladies before marriage.
  28. Which of the following attributes of Allah is wrongly matched with its meaning?, 
    1. Al-maswawwir - the dominant.
    2. Al-Baar - the originator.
    3. Al-Khaaliq - the creator.
    4. A-Razzaaq - the provider.
  29. What do Muslims celebrate on the first day on shawwaal?
    1. Eid-ul-fitr. 
    2.  Milad-un-nabii. C
    3. Aqiqa.
    4. Khitma.
  30. Muslims are allowed to reduce the number of rakaats in salaat
    1. dhuhr. 
    2. musaafir.
    3. janaaza.
    4. maktuba.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B
  51. D
  52. B
  53. A
  54. B
  55. C
  56. D
  57. B
  58. A
  59. C
  60. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. D
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. A
  18. D
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. A
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B



Study the map of Mosocho Area below and answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The general direction of flow of river Mogusi is__________________.
    1. North East to South West
    2. North West to South East
    3. South East to North west 
    4. South West to North East
  2. The approximate length of the tarmac road in Mosocho area is _____________________.
    1. 10km
    2. 12km
    3. 15km
    4. 11km
  3. The natural vegetation found at Eroga centre is found in areas where climate is ___________________.
    1. hot and wet
    2. wet and cool
    3. cool and dry
    4. hot and dry
  4. The highest point in Mosocho area is
    1. Manga hill
    2. Nyakoe shopping centre
    3. Eroga centre
    4. Maarani market
  5. Mosocho Area can be described as a ____________________.
    1. County
    2. Division
    3. District
    4. Location
  6. Which one of the following social facility is missing in Mosocho area?
    1. Education
    2. Health
    3. Security
    4. Recreation
  7. The industry that can best suit Manga Division is _______________________.
    1. manufacturing 
    2. lumbering
    3. service industry
    4. assembly industry
  8. Which early creature was in late stone age period in human evolutions?
    1. Homo Habillis 
    2. Homo Erectus 
    3. Homo Sapien 
    4. Australopithecus
  9. Which mineral is used in lining fancies, making water filters and chalk making?
    1. Fluorspar
    2. Soda ash
    3. Diatomite
    4. Limestone
  10. Listed are the functions of independent Electoral and Boundaries commission. Which one is not?
    1. Conducting and supervising elections 
    2. Preparing a register of the voters
    3. Buying electors cards to those who register as voters
    4. Announcing the result after elections 
  11. Which one of the following is not a cocoa growing area in Ghana?
    1. Obuasi
    2. Konongo
    3. Kumasi
    4. Tema
  12. Which one of the following is a role of school in community development?
    1. Give children opportunity to acquire knowledge.
    2. Purchases school books.
    3. Ensure the welfare of teachers.
    4. Ensure good academic standards.
  13. Pastoral farming among the Fulani people is favoured by the following conditions except __________________.
    1. The Fulani occupy an extensive grassland.
    2. The areas occupied by Fulani receive heavy rainfall.
    3. Absence of tsetse flies in the grassland.
    4. Population of Fulani is low.
  14. Which one of the following does not describe longitudes?
    1. Run from North to South.
    2. The main meridian passes through Accra city in Ghana.
    3. They are parallel to each other.
    4. They are measured using degrees.
  15. Who among the following early visitors in Eastern Africa was not a trader?
    1. William Mackinnon
    2. Seyyid Said
    3. Carl Peters
    4. John Speke
  16. Which one of the following is not a way of losing parliamentary seat?
    1. If an M.P is imprisoned for six or more months.
    2. If an MP has defected from his/her sponsoring party.
    3. If an MP miss eight consecutive sittings in parliament.
    4. If an MP opposes the government.
  17. Which person founded Imperial British East Africa Company IBEACO?
    1. Sir William Macknnon
    2. Karl peter
    3. Sir Edward Notthey
    4. Fredrick Lugard
  18. Which soils are also know as the young soils?
    1. Alluvial soils
    2. Loamy soils
    3. Clay soils
    4. Sandy soils
    • They are also called Arabs.
    • Came to the coastal areas of Kenya using dhows.
    • Came to trade with the coastal communities of Kenya.
    • Intermarried with coastal Bantu communities to give rise to the Swahili people.
      Which main language group is described above?
      1. Nilotes
      2. Bantu
      3. Semites
      4. Cushites
  20. The National Assembly is made up of how many elected members to represent constituencies
    1. 47 members
    2. 290 members
    3. 16 nominated members
    4. 12 members

  21. C8SRET1DR00223Q21
    Which one of the following shows an example of mountain formed above?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Cape ranges in South Africa
    3. Ruwenzori ranges
    4. Mt. Lognonot
  22. Three of the following are objectives of SADC. Which one is not?
    1. Promote trade and widen market
    2. Promote and defend peace and security
    3. Promote friendly relations among member states
    4. Encourage industrial development in West Africa
  23. Which one of the following is not main tourist attraction in Mauritius?
    1. Coast beaches
    2. Ruins of Europeans settlement
    3. Warm climate
    4. Prehistoric Sites
  24. The following are political organization of the San People except._____________________.
    1. Chieftainship was hereditary.
    2. Were organized into small units called bands.
    3. The leadership was not clearly defined.
    4. Decisions were reached through a consensus.
  25. Time in new Delhi, India is 3.00pm at 80°  East. What will be the time in Accra the Capital city of Ghana 0°?
    1. 8.40 pm
    2. 5.20 pm
    3. 12.00 pm
    4. 9.40 am
  26. Which climate has been described below? 
    1. It experiences very high temperatures during the day
    2. It experiences very low temperatures at night
    3. Rainfall ranges between 125mm to 250 mm per year
      1. Tropical climate 
      2. Desert climate 
      3. Mountain climate
      4. Equatorial climate
  27. Which type of vegetation has been labelled XXX in the map below?
    1. Mountain vegetation
    2. Equatorial vegetation
    3. Savannah vegetation
    4. Mediterranean vegetation
  28. What part of Africa is sparsely populated? 
    1. The Congo forest
    2. Ethiopian highlands
    3. Nile valley
    4. Lake Victoria basin
  29. Which one of the following is not a language group found in West Africa?
    1. Mande group
    2. Afro-Asiatic
    3. Bantu
    4. Kwa speakers
  30. In which river is Kariba dam project located?
    1. River Zambezi
    2. River Orange
    3. River Limpopo
    4. River Volta
  31. Which example of fish can be found in inland fishing grounds?
    1. Mackerel
    2. Mud fish
    3. Mullet
    4. Lobsters
  32. Which one is a negative influence ofphysical features to human activity?
    1. Plains provide good pasture for livestock.
    2. Lakes and rives provide fishing grounds. 
    3. Plains encourage flooding in some areas.
    4. Mountain encourages sports.
  33. Which of the following activities is not carried out in lakes?
    1. Fishing
    2. Transport
    3. Crop farming
    4. Mining
    • It was practised in areas that had low population.
    • Involved clearing and burning of bushes.
    • Simple tools were used to cultivate.
      The above is description of a type of traditional method of farming. Which one is it?
      1. Bush fallowing farming
      2. Shifting cultivation farming
      3. Mixed farming
      4. Subsistence farming
  35. Which of the following is not a way of managing slow population growth?
    1. Encouraging Emigration 
    2. Increasing food production 
    3. Improving social services
    4. Encouraging immigration
  36. Which mineral is mined using drilling?
    1. Copper
    2. Gold
    3. Petroleum
    4. Soda ash
  37. Which factor is not an influence of industrial development in South Africa?
    1. Political instability
    2. Availability of labour
    3. Infrastructure
    4. Ready market
  38. The following are importance of peace in the society except
    1. The country grows and develop well.
    2. People live happily.
    3. The country becomes poor.
    4. Children go to school safely and learn without fear.
  39. Which one of the following is a right of a person with special needs?
    1. They should be given equal opportunities with others
    2. They should always be favoured
    3. They should do what they want
    4. They should be employed without education
  40. The Secretary Cabinet of Education is
    1. Prof Jacob Kaimenyi
    2. Charity Ngilu
    3. William Ruto
    4. Ezekiel Mochogu
  41. Who among the following collaborated with European rule?
    1. Kabaka Mwanga
    2. Samori Toure
    3. Kabaka Mutesa 1
    4. Koitale Arap Samoei
  42. The following is the description of a prominent leader in Eastern Africa.
    • Was born in 1891.
    • He was son of a chief of Zanaki tribe.
    • He was also called Ras tafari Makinnon.
    • He died in 1975.
      The leader described above is ________________________.
      1. Julius Nyerere
      2. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
      3. Haile Sellasie
      4. Nelson Mandera
  43. The prehistoric site in Eastern Africa near lake Natron in Tanzania is called _____________________.
    1. Hyrax hill
    2. Ngoloba
    3. Olduvai Gorge
    4. Naikotome
  44. The Fouta Djallon plateau is found in which country of Africa?
    1. Guinea-
    2. Nigeria
    3. Angola
    4. Southern Sudan
  45. Which is the best among the ways citizens demonstrate patriotism?
    1. Not standing at attention when singing the National anthem.
    2. Encouraging corruption and giving bribes.
    3. Paying taxes to the poor people.
    4. Caring for and conserving the environment.
  46. Three of the following are ways of curbing drug and substance abuse. Which one is not?
    1. Enforcing strict law as on drugs abuse. 
    2. Public should be educated on dangers using drugs.
    3. Strengthening police inspection at borders.
    4. Killing the drug dealers.
  47. Which one of the following is a benefit of democracy?
    1. People are not treated fairly
    2. Democracy gives people the right to own property
    3. Some communities are favoured than others
    4. Does not promote freedom

Study the map of East Africa below and use it to answer the questions 48 to 50.


  1. Which language group followed the route labelled AAAA?
    1. Semites
    2. Cushites
    3. Bantus
    4. Nilotes
  2. Which economic activity is carried out in the part marked XXX?
    1. Tourism
    2. Fishing
    3. Trading
    4. Farming
  3. Which is the capital city of the country marked YYY?
    1. Jinja
    2. Juba
    3. Addis Ababa
    4. Dodoma
  4. The river marked R is ___________________.
    1. R. Ruvuma
    2. R. Rufiji
    3. R. Athi
    4. R. Shibell
  5. Which one is not included among the institutions of marriage establishment?
    1. Customary marriage
    2. Blood marriage
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Religious marriage
  6. Forestry in Swaziland is different from forestry in DR. Congo. Which one is the most correct answer in Swaziland? 
    1. Forests are only natural resources. 
    2. Forests are found in Eastern region. 
    3. Forest are mainly planted.
    4. Forests are mainly hard wood trees in Swaziland.
  7. Among the listed benefits of democracy. which is the least?
    1. Democracy gives people rights to own property.
    2. All people are treated equally.
    3. People are treated fairly
    4. Democratic practices do not promote peace and prosperity.
  8. Which major international road connects Eastern Africa and West Africa?
    1. Trans-Africa highway.
    2. Great North road.
    3. Trans Saharan Highway.
    4. Catonou-Gao-Oudja highway.
  9. The following are uses of a symbol on a map. Which one is correct?
    1. To show the direction
    2. Measure distance on a map
    3. Make map beautiful
    4. Interpret information on a map
  10. Which one of the following best describes the mythical theory of origin?
    1. God or Allah created all things.
    2. The Maasai descended from Ole Mwenje with cattle form heaven.
    3. Human beings have developed through stages overtime.
    4. None of the above
  11. The following are reasons why death rates in Kenya are high. Which one is not true?
    1. Poor medical services.
    2. Outbreak of disease.
    3. Poor hygiene and nutrition.
    4. Good nutrition.
  12. Which one of the following was not a KAU leader arrested during the state of emergency?
    1. Fred Kuba!
    2. Paul Ngei
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Oliver
  13. Tribalism and nepotism are both forms of ____________________
    1. racialism
    2. discrimination
    3. neo-colonialism
    4. traditionalism



  1. God gave human beings the responsibility to do all the following except ______________________.
    1. cultivate the land
    2. use creation for their benefits
    3. to rule some animals
    4. name all birds and animals
  2. "Leave your land and go to a country that! will show you" These words were said to
    1. Jacob
    2. Abraham
    3. Moses
    4. Noah
  3. The following are reasons why Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt except ________________________.
    1. he had killed an Egyptian
    2. he was not a good speaker 
    3. he lacked knowledge of Yahweh
    4. God had appeared to him in a burning bush
  4. ______________________ was an annual event celebrated every year to remember deliverance from slavery in Egypt.
    1. Passover
    2. Last supper
    3. Pentecost
    4. Transfiguration
  5. Which one of the following is not an importance of the Passover to the Israelites?
    1. They were saved from the angel of death 
    2. It saved them from slavery in Egypt 
    3. It led to killing of all Egyptians in Egypt 
    4. It is celebrated as a thanks -giving 
  6. Why is the commandment of love known as the greatest?
    1. It is a gift of the Holy spirit
    2. It is above the law of God
    3. It summarizes all the laws of God
    4. It was given by Moses
  7. Who among the following kings committed adultery?
    1. Ahab
    2. David
    3. Saul
    4. Hosea
  8. The king who took the role of a prophet and made a sacrifice was ________________________.
    1. Ahab
    2. Hosea
    3. David
    4. Saul
  9. When King David sinned prophet ________________________ was sent to rebuke him?
    1. Nathan
    2. Zadock
    3. Samuel
    4. Ahijah
  10. The following happened during the time of prophet Elijah except
    1. He challenged the prophets of Baal
    2. Prophesied 3 years drought in Israel
    3. Healed the bad water and made it good 
    4. He was fed by ravens
  11. Why did Jesus Christ agree to be baptised even though he had no sin?
    1. To get a new name
    2. it was a tradition to be baptized
    3. To obey John the baptist
    4. To fulfill the will of God
  12. Who found baby Jesus lying in a manger wrapped in strips of clothe immediately after His birth?
    1. Annah
    2. Shepherds
    3. Wisemen
    4. Simeon
  13. During presentation of Jesus, Simeon stated the following except ___________________________.
    1. Jesus would bring salvation to all people
    2. Jesus would bring glory to the people of Israe!
    3. Jesus would set Jerusalem free
    4. Jesus would be a light to reveal God's will
  14. "This is my own dear son with who" I am pleased. During which occasions were these words said?
    1. Birth of Jesus Christ
    2. Transfiguration
    3. Death of Jesus Christ
    4. Baptism of Jesus Christ
  15. _________________________ led Christ to the wilderness after his baptism.
    1. Holy spirit
    2. Satan
    3. Disciples
    4. John the baptist
  16. The miracles of Jesus Christ demonstrated the following except, _________________________
    1. God's glory and powers.
    2. His power over life.
    3. His power over human begins.
    4. How leaders should serve people.
  17. Which one of the following is the teaching of Jesus on fasting?
    1. Be cheerful and do it privately.
    2. Look miserable in order to win sympathy of people.
    3. Tell people we are fasting and no food to be brought.
    4. Avoid peoples company as they will ask us to eat.
  18. Jesus used ___________________________ to reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God to his disciples and people. 
    1. prayers
    2. beatitudes
    3. miracles
    4. parables
  19. "This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out for you." When were these words said?
    1. Praying at the garden of Gethsemane
    2. Last supper
    3. Pentecost
    4. Passover
  20. During the day of Pentecost people from all over the world had gathered in Jerusalem to _______________________.
    1. celebrate Passover
    2. listen to the disciples
    3. wait for the holy spirit
    4. repent their sins
  21. Who composed the apostles creed for all Christians?
    1. Disciples
    2. Jesus
    3. God
    4. Apostles
  22. Who baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch?
    1. John the baptist
    2. Phillip
    3. Jesus
    4. Peter
  23. Which gift was given to Solomon by  God?
    1. Healing
    2. Faith
    3. Wisdom
    4. Working miracles
  24. Which is the best way of reconciling with God in African traditional religion? 
    1. Offerings
    2. Prayers
    3. Ritual and rites
    4. Sacrifices
  25. Which one of the following practices is not compatible with African Traditional Society?
    1. Female circumcision
    2. Going to school
    3. Polygamy
    4. Cham and amulets
  26. Which one of the following is a difference between African Traditional Society understanding on continuity of life and Christian understanding?
    1. Believe in judgement.
    2. Life is cyclic.
    3. Those who die become spirits.
    4. Life continues in spiritual world.
  27. In order to accept ourselves and others we should do the following except _________________________.
    1. avoid being critical about ourselves
    2. avoid being critical about others 
    3. accept ourselves the way we were created
    4. try to change others
  28. The following are reasons why children are engaged in child labour. Which one is not
    1. To become famous
    2. Due to poverty
    3. High cost of living
    4. After being orphans
  29. David's son, Amnon, committed one of the following sexual misuse, which one is it?
    1. Adultery
    2. Prostitution
    3. Incest
    4. Fornication
  30. Kamau's wife is sick, his church does not believe in hospital treatment. What advice can you, as Christian give to Kamau? 
    1. Take him to the prophet who can pray for his wife
    2. Have Kamau arrested by the police
    3. Tell him to take her to hospital
    4. Encourage him to continue praying persistently



  1. Which one of the following chapters of the Quran is known as the mother of Quran?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Nas
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Maun
  2. Which one of the following surah talks about the unity of Allah (s.w)?
    1. Fiil 
    2. Kauthar
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Falaq
  3. Which one of the following is the correct teaching of surah Al-Fatiha?
    1. Knowledge is a duty.
    2. Allah (s.w) is the king of kings.
    3. Muslims should not associate Allah (s.w) with other things.
    4. The prophet is a great friend of Allah (s.w)
  4. Which of the following pairs of surahs is recited to seek for Allah's protection?
    1. Nas and Maun
    2. Falaq and Ikhlas
    3. Ikhlas and Nas 
    4. Nas and Falaq
  5. The only surah in the Quran that has "Bismillahi" as part of its verses is:-
    1. Falaq 
    2. ikhlas
    3. Fatiha
    4. Maun
  6. The prophet (s.a.w) said that Muslims are like a single building each brick holds the other. What was the prophet (s.a.w) referring to:-
    1. unity of Muslims
    2. love among Muslims
    3. co-operation between Muslims
    4. Muslim brotherhood
  7. Which one of the following is not among Islamic manners of toileting?
    1. Enter with the left foot.
    2. Carrying the Quran in the pocket
    3. Coming out with the right foot
    4. Saying ghufranakka when coming out 
  8. Which one of the following sunnah salat is performed to seek for rain from Allah(s.w)?
    1. Istikharah
    2. Tarawen
    3. Dhuha
    4. Istisqal
  9. Which one of the following is a sunnah act of udhu?
    1. Washing the face
    2. Washing the feet 
    3. Washing the hair
    4. Rinsing the mouth
  10. Which one of the following things does not nullify Saum?
    1. Eating intentionally 
    2. Vomiting intentionally
    3. Swallowing saliva
    4. Swallowing
  11. Which is the miqaat for pilgrims of East Africa?
    1. Yalamlam
    2. Dhul- Hulaifa
    3. Dhatil - Irq
    4. Juhfa
  12. Which one of the following items is not liable for zakat?
    1. Cattle
    2. Beans
    3. Utensils
    4. Money
  13. Who among the following angels of Allah (s.w) is correctly matched with his duty?
    1. Jibril - incharge of death
    2. Mikail - incharge of rain 
    3. Ridhwam incharge of hell
    4. Izrail-incharge of wahy
  14. The scrolls were given to prophet
    1. Musa
    2. Daud
    3. Mohammad
    4. Ibrahim
  15. The first prophet of Allah (s.w) to be sent to the world was
    1. Mohammad
    2. Nuh
    3. Adam
    4. Issa
  16. How many rakaat has swalatul subh?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. One
  17. What should one say when he/she hears a Muslim sneezing? 
    1. Subhanallah 
    2. Maashallah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Yarhamkallah
  18. Amina a girl in standard seven has developed bad habits of disobeying her parents. What advice would you give her as a friend?
    1. Tell her to continue with the habit.
    2. Threaten to report her to the polite. 
    3. Tell her why its wrong to disobey parents
    4. Stop your friendship immediately 
  19. How many goats are slaughtered during the Aqiqa of a baby boy?
    1. One
    2. Three
    3. Two
    4. Four
  20. What was the name of the horse that prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) used during the journey of Isra-wai-miraaj?
    1. Buraq
    2. Mahmud
    3. Suraqah
    4. Zaruf
  21. The main reason why hoarding is prohibited in isiam is
    1. it makes some people rich. 
    2. it can cause death.
    3. it is a form of injustice.
    4. it removes blessings from the goods
  22. Which one of the following is not a quality of a Muslim leader?
    1. Intelligent
    2. Arrogant
    3. Knowledgeable
    4. Generous
  23. Which cave did prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) hide during hijrah?
    1. Hirah
    2. Tuwa
    3. Hunain
    4. Thaur
  24. Who among the following is the only child who survived the prophet (s.a.w)?
    1. Fatma
    2. Zainab
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Ruqaya
  25. The last rightly guided caliph of Islam was
    1. Uthman
    2. Abubakr
    3. Umar
    4. Ali
  26. The first woman to embrace Islam was
    1. Aisha
    2. Khadijah
    3. Sumaya
    4. Mariam
  27. Which town was Amina bint Wahab from
    1. Makkah
    2. Taif
    3. Madina
    4. Madyam
  28. Who wrote the treaty of Hudaibiyah on behalf of the Quraish?
    1. Suhail bin Amru
    2. Uthman bin Affan
    3. Abubakar Assidiq
    4. Ali bin Abi Talib
  29. The prophet of Allah (s.w) who had the powers of commanding wind was,______________________.
    1. Ibrahim
    2. Musa
    3. Mohammad
    4. Suleiman
  30. The place of worship for the hindus is, _________________________.
    1. Church
    2. Temple
    3. Synagogue
    4. Mosque


  1.  B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
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  11. C
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  16. D
  17. A
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  23. D
  24. A
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  26. B
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  42. C
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  55. A
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  57. B
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  59. D
  60. B


  1. C
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  12. B
  13. B
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  15. A
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  19. B
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  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C


  1. A
  2. C
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  4. D
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  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
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  15. C
  16. A
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  19. B
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  26. B
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  28. A
  29. D
  30. B



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