Displaying items by tag: social studies



  1. River Neema flows and drains in the ____________________________________
    1. lake
    2. dam
    3. ocean
    4. forest
  2. What kind of settlement is found in Neema area? ___________________________
    1. Clustered
    2. Sparse
    3. Scattered
    4. Dense
  3. Which cash crop is grown in Neema area? _______________________________
    1. sisal
    2. tea
    3. pyrethrum
    4. coffee
  4. What is the direction of the market from the forest? __________________________
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The people of Neema area use ___________________________ for transport.
    1. railway
    2. ferries
    3. road
    4. air
  6. __________________________ is the smallest county in Kenya
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Narok
    4. Nairobi
  7. A county is headed by a __________________________
    1. President
    2. Governor
    3. MCA
    4. MP
  8.  _______________________________ is an example of traditional food.
    1. Chips
    2. Pizza
    3. Meat
    4. Cake
  9. One can acquire an identity card after the age of ____________________________ years
    1. 15
    2. 20
    3. 118
    4. 25
  10. Kenyan general elections were lastly held in ____________________________ 
    1. 2022
    2. 2017
    3. 2018
    4. 2015
  11. Kikuyu and Kisii are examples of ______________________ speakers
    1. Cushites
    2. Nilotes
    3. Bantus
    4. Semites
  12. Which point of the compass is opposite East? _________________________________________
    1. North
    2. West
    3. South
    4. North East
  13. The road sign below shows a ____________________________________
    1. bumb
    2. traffic light
    3. bend
    4. roundabout
  14. __________________________________ is the Deputy President of Kenya.
    1. Ruto
    2. Raila
    3. Rigathi
    4. Uhuru
  15. Which one of the following is not a cash crop?____________________________________________
    1. maize
    2. sisal
    3. sugarcane
    4. coffee
  16. _______________________ is not an example of a happy occasion in the community. 
    1. Birthday
    2. Wedding
    3. Funeral
    4. Get together
  17. ___________________________ chairs the meetings in the County Assembly.
    1. Governor
    2. Senator
    3. Speaker
    4. MP
  18. _________________________________ come to Kenya to see wildlife. 
    1. Tourists
    2. Guests
    3. Visitors
    4. Wardens
  19. The capital city of Kenya is found in
    1. Mombasa
    2. Nakuru
    3. Nairobi
    4. Nyeri
  20. People who are related by blood or marriage are called __________________________
    1. family
    2. clan
    3. community
    4. school
  21. We should support leaders by ________________________ them.
    1. beating
    2. abusing
    3. obeying
    4. hating
  22. Which of the following values is not learnt in school? _________________________
    1. hatred
    2. love
    3. unity
    4. sharing
  23. Which of the following is a bad practice __________________________________
    1. worshiping
    2. farming
    3. FGM
    4. Marriage
  24. Raw materials are processed in a ______________________________
    1. farm
    2. factory
    3. school
    4. hotel
  25. Which of the following is not a way through which the government gets its money?
    1. Grants
    2. Taxes
    3. Bribes
    4. Foreign exchange


  1. Joyce, a grade 5 learner does not go to school. She cooks and wash clothes for Mrs Kamau. This act done to Joyce is called ___________________
    1. helping parents
    2. patience
    3. respect
    4. child labour
  2. Our first parents disobeyed God. These parents were __________________
    1. Mary and Joseph
    2. Adam and Eve
    3. Annanias and Sapphira
    4. Abraham and Sarah
  3. The story of creation is found in the Bible in the book of. _____________________________
    1. Exodus
    2. Matthew
    3. Genesis
    4. Revelation
  4. Who among the following is not a member of the nuclear family?
    1. aunt
    2. mother
    3. children
    4. father
  5. King _____________________ made a wise decision of giving the child back to his mother. 
    1. Solomon
    2. Darius
    3. Pharaoh
    4. David
  6. __________________________ was sent by God to go to Nineveh
    1. Abraham
    2. Noah
    3. Jonah
    4. Elijah
  7. Who prepared the coming of Jesus Christ?
    1. Peter
    2. Joseph
    3. Mary
    4. John thr Baptist
  8. How many sons did Noah have?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 5
  9. Which one has the gifts that the wisemen took to baby Jesus?
    1. Myrrh, wine, Gold
    2. Frankincense, Gold, Silver
    3. Gold, Myrrh, Frankincense
    4. Wine, Gold, Myrrh
  10. Which prophet visited the widow of Zarephath?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Eli..
    4. Elikanah
  11. When Moses was hidden in a basket, he was saved by _______________________ daughter
    1. Jairus
    2. John's
    3. Adam's
    4. King's
  12. ___________________ interpreted the writings on the wall
    1. Jonah
    2. Jacob.
    3. Daniel
    4. Moses
  13. Moses was looking after his _____________________  in law's sheep when God called him
    1. father
    2. mother
    3. sister
    4. brother
  14. Who saved the Israelites from the hands of Egyptians?
    1. Jesus
    2. Moses
    3. Peter
    4. Abraham
  15. Which group has members of nuclear family only?
    1. uncle, aunt, cousin
    2. uncle, father, children
    3. grandmother, aunt, uncle
    4. father, mother, children
  16. One of the Noah's son saw his father's nakedness. This was _______________
    1. Ham
    2. Shem
    3. Japheth
    4. Peter
  17. Which one is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit? ____________________________________
    1. hatred
    2. kindness
    3. love
    4. patience
  18. The first parents disobeyed God by _________________________________
    1. killing the animal
    2. eating the forbidden fruit
    3. destroying the crops
    4. stealing food
  19. Which one of the following is not a Christian value?
    1. Patience
    2. Peace
    3. Beating
    4. Love
  20. God wants us to __________________________ the environment
    1. destroy
    2. misuse
    3. damage
    4. take care of



  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A
  16. C
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. C


  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D


  1. Erick used the printed fabric shown below to decorate a book cover. How many motif have been used?
    1. Three
    2. Two
    3. Nine
    4. Six
  2. Sarah, a grade five leamer drew a hut on a hard carton. She then applied glue and mounted rice on the drawing. Sarah was making a
    1. mosaic
    2. motif
    3. collage
    4. montage
  3. Which colour do you get when you mix red and yellow?
    1. Green
    2. Violet
    3. Orange
    4. White
  4. The pattern below is used in weaving. It is called:-
    1. twinning
    2. splitting
    3. plaiting
    4. plain weaving
  5. The pattern above can be used to decorate a
    1. mat
    2. pot
    3. sufuria
    4. T.V
  6. Which of the following is an upper case letter?
    1. b
    2. H
    3. g
  7. A person who manipulates and control puppet is called:-
    1. marionette
    2. puppeteer
    3. magician
    4. acrobat
  8. Which of the following is not a principal of art?
    1. Balance
    2. Tonal value
    3. Proportion
    4. Overlapping
  9.  The following materials are used in painting except:-
    1. Pencil
    2. Crayon
    3. Thread
    4. Brush
  10. The process of joining these two pieces of leather is called:
    1.  beading 
    2. etching
    3. thonging
    4. hemming
  11. Three of the following are benefits of songs except. Songs ________________________ people.
    1. educate
    2. entertain
    3. console
    4. accuse
  12. Wind instruments are played by:-
    1. plucking
    2. blowing
    3. hitting
    4. shaking
  13. Special clothes that are worn when performing folk songs are called:-
    1. uniform
    2. costumes
    3. adornment
    4. decoration
  14. Which community uses the instrument below?
    1. Kalenjin
    2. Mijikenda
    3. Akamba
    4. Teso
  15. The speed of a song is called:-
    1. tempo
    2. pitch
    3. rhythm
    4. volume
  16. "Natujenge taifa letu". This statement is found in the:-
    1. East Africa Anthem
    2. Sacred song
    3. Topical song
    4. Kenya National Anthem
  17. A piece of song performed by two people is called:-
    1. duet
    2. solo
    3. choral
    4. trio
  18. Which of the following types of song is correctly matched with the community it comes from?
    1. Ramogi - Akamba
    2. Isikuti - Luo
    3. Mwomboko - Agikuyu
    4. Kilumi - Luhya
  19. Which of the following materials can be used to make a dancing skirt?
    1. Clay soil
    2. Tree leaves
    3. Manilla paper
    4. Sisal fibres
  20. The musical note drawn below is called:-
    1. minim
    2. semi breve
    3. crotchet
    4. semi quaver


  1. Which pattern is formed by the population | 25 distribution in Nuru Area?
    1. nucleated
    2. sparse
    3. dense
    4. linear
  2. Nuru area is headed by:-
    1. Assistant County Commissioner
    2. Deputy County Commissioner
    3. Governor
    4. Chief
  3. The climate experienced in the Northern part of Nuru area is :-
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and dry
    4. hot and dry
  4. The feature marked x is called:-
    1. estuary
    2. delta
    3. confluence
    4. tributary
  5. Which economic activity is not carried out in Nuru Area?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Farming
    3. Tourism
    4. Mining
  6. Which of the following groups consists of the plain nilotes in Kenya?
    1. Agikuyu, Dawida, Abakuria
    2. Maasai, Samburu, Turkana
    3. Somali, Boran, Rendille
    4. Arabs, Nubians, Indians
  7. Which of the following economic activities is correctly matched with the symbol it represents?
    1. Saw mill-fishing 
    2. Tea- transport
    3. Quarry - mining
    4. Road - farming
  8. Identify a historic built environment in Kenya.
    1. Wilson airport
    2. River Tana
    3. Mount Kenya
    4. Fort Jesus
  9. Which road sign below means round about ahead?
  10. Equatorial climate is always:-
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  11. On 12th December, Kenyans celebrate:-
    1. Madaraka day
    2. Labour day
    3. Jamhuri day
    4. Mashujaa day
  12. Which of the following minerals is correctly matched with the place it is found?
    1. Soda ash - Magadi
    2. Diatomite - Malindi 
    3. Salt - Kariandusi
    4. Oil - Nakuru
  13. One of the crops below is grown in the subsistence farms. Which is it?
    1. Tea
    2. Flowers
    3. Kales
    4. Coffee
  14. Which of the following is a quality of a good leader?
    1. Dishonest
    2. Caring
    3. Cruel
    4. Unjust
  15. Chege a grade five pupil has been employed in a hotel. The hotel owner is practising:-
    1. Child labour
    2. Early marriage
    3. Good citizenship
    4. Child right
  16. Who among the following traditional leaders practised long distance trade?
    1. Mekatilili wa menza
    2. Njuri Ncheke
    3. Oloibon Lenana
    4. Chief Kivoi Mwendwa
  17. Which is the largest country in Eastern Africa?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sudan
    3. Somalia
    4. Djibouti

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 38-40.


  1. The country to the North West of Kenya labelled Z is called:-
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Uganda
    3. Sudan
    4. South Sudan
  2. The drainage feature marked K is:-
    1. Lake Victoria
    2. Lake Turkana
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. River Nile
  3. The line of latitude marked 0 is called:-
    1. The equator
    2. Prime meridian
    3. Greenwich
    4. The capricon
  4. Which of the following is not one of the books in the Bible?
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Gideon
    4. Samuel
  5. Who among the following grade six learners used his/her free time well during the December holiday?
    1. Ken- went to steal fruits from a nearby farm
    2. Eliud - went to fetch water for an old lady
    3. Tom was given a ride by a stranger
    4. Betty-talking with her friends about others
  6. One of the Ten commandments tells us to honour our parents because:-
    1. they give us food
    2. we can live long on earth
    3. we can avoid being cursed
    4. they may refuse to pay our school fees
  7. "Do not accuse anyone falsely". Which lesson do Christians learn from this statement?The importance of being:-
    1. obedient
    2. kind
    3. loving
    4. truthful
  8. Eve was created by God as a ___________________________ of  Adam.
    1. servant
    2. caretaker
    3. helper
    4. enemy
  9. Which of the following prophets challenged the prophet of Baal at Mt. Carmel by bringing fire from heaven?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Daniel
    3. Elijah
    4. Isaiah
  10. Which of the following groups consists of the gifts of the holy spirit only?
  11. Which is the correct way of using social media?
    1. Accusing others
    2. Watching nakedness
    3. Sending greetings to friends
    4. posting immoral pictures
  12. Otieno wakes up very early every Sunday to arrange chairs in their church. Otieno demonstrates:-
    1. responsibility
    2. courage
    3. holiness
    4. loneliness
  13. Who raised the Jairus daughter from death?
    1. Peter
    2. Jesus
    3. Elisha
    4. Paul


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. D
  37. B
  38. D
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. B
  44. D
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. A
  50. B

Study the map of Wema area and answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The feature formed along river Rubo at the point marked x is
    1. a confluence.
    2. an ox-bow lake.
    3. a delta.
    4. a meander.
  2. The climate around lake Peto can be described as
    1. cool and dry. 
    2. hot and dry.
    3. hot and wet.
    4. cool and wet.
  3. People who live in Dege village are likely to suffer from
    1. water-borne diseases.
    2. frequent droughts.
    3. acute soil erosion.
    4. seasonal flooding.
  4. The settlement pattern in Wema area can be described as
    1. clustered.
    2. linear.
    3. dense.
    4. sparse.
  5. The main economic benefit of lake Peto is that it is a
    1. source of rainfall.
    2. source of sand.
    3. source of fish.
    4. tourist attraction site.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Wema area?
    1. Fishing.
    2. Crop farming.
    3. Trading.
    4. Mining.
  7. Land in Wema area rises towards
    1. north east.
    2. north west.
    3. south east.
    4. south west.
  8. The main reason why the San people did not develop strong political systems was that
    1. they were few in numbers.
    2. they lived in a dry area.
    3. there was no centralized source of power.
    4. they were frequently attacked by other communities.
  9. Three of the following statements about a school routine are true. Which one is not? It
    1. outlines the school rules.
    2. is prepared by the deputy head teacher. 
    3. allocates time for school activities.
    4. ensures proper use of time.
  10. In Kenya, sisal is grown in large plantations in
    1. Mwea in Kirinyaga.
    2. Ahero in Kisumu.
    3. Vipingo in Kilifi.
    4. Mumias in Kakamega.
  11. Below are descriptions of a mineral mined in Kenya:
    1. It is white in colour.
    2. It is mined in the floor of the Rift Valley. 
    3. It is used in making heat insulators.
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite.
      2. soda ash.
      3. limestone.
      4. fluorspar.

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 12 to 15.


  1. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the climate of the shaded areas marked Y?
    1. Annual rainfall is less than 250mm.
    2. The area has rainfall throughout the year. 
    3. The area has cool and wet climate.
    4. The area has equatorial climate.
  2. The main reason for the construction of the dam marked Z was to
    1. control flooding along the river.
    2. create an inland waterway.
    3. store water for irrigation.
    4. generate electricity.
  3. The country marked T was colonized by
    1. France.
    2. Italy.
    3. Germany.
    4. Spain.
  4. Which one of the following is the effect of the ocean currents marked R? They
    1. cause fog and mist.
    2. cause dry conditions.
    3. bring rainfall to the Congo basin.
    4. mark the start of the dry season.
  5. The main reason why the Nandi people fought the British during the colonial period in Kenya was that the
    1. British were building a railway line.
    2. British stopped them from trading.
    3. Nandi wanted to retain their independence.
    4. Nandi had strong leaders.
  6. The following are descriptions of a vegetation zone in Africa:
    1. Trees are tall and evergreen.
    2. Trees grow close together.
    3. There is little undergrowth.
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. savannah vegetation.
      2. rainforest vegetation.
      3. mediterranean vegetation.
      4. temperate vegetation.
  7. The community that correctly fills the blank space marked K is
    1. Serer
    2. Mossi
    3. Dagomba
    4. Gwima.
  8. Which one of the following is a measure taken to conserve wildlife in Africa?
    1. Building hotels near game parks.
    2. Fencing game parks.
    3. Advertising tourist attraction sites.
    4. Reducing entry fee to game parks.
  9. King Lewanika collaborated with the British because he wanted to
    1. trade with the British.
    2. learn the European way of life.
    3. be protected from hostile neighbours.
    4. be employed by the British.
  10. Mount Marsabit and mount Meru were formed when
    1. land between faults was uplifted.
    2. soft parts of the earth were eroded. C
    3. underneath rocks were folded.
    4. molten magma solidified on the surface. 
  11. Which one of the following statements describes a customary marriage?
    1. It is conducted by clan elders.
    2. It takes place in a government office. 
    3. Polygamy is not allowed.
    4. A marriage certificate is issued. 
  12. The main problem facing mobile telecommunication in Africa is
    1. theft of mobile phones.
    2. high cost of repairing mobile phones.
    3. inadequate network coverage.
    4. that mobile phones are expensive to buy.
  13. The old kingdom of Ghana had its capital in
    1. Timbuktu.
    2. Kumbi Saleh.
    3. Adwagast. 
    4. Bissandugu.
  14. Which one of the following reasons describes why South Africa produces many manufactured goods?
    1. Availability of good transport network. 
    2. Availability of a large market.
    3. High rainfall in the country.
    4. Availability of variety of minerals.
  15. Three of the following statements about struggle for independence in Tanganyika are true. Which one is not?
    1. Africans formed political parties.
    2. Africans used peaceful means.
    3. Africans waged guerilla war.
    4. African leaders negotiated for independence.
  16. The main reason for the migration of the Bantu from the Congo basin was that they 
    1. wanted better farming land.
    2. were attacked by the Galla.
    3. were looking for iron for tool making.
    4. wanted goods for trade.
  17. Which one of the following rivers does not drain into lake Turkana? River
    1. Omo.
    2. Ewaso Nyiro.
    3. Turkwel.
    4. Kerio.
  18. The diagram below shows a fishing method.
    The fishing method illustrated in the diagram above is used to catch fish
    1. near the seashore.
    2. in fast flowing rivers. 
    3. in the deep sea.
    4. in fish ponds.
  19. Which one of the following is the main benefit of regional trade in Africa?
    1. Expanded market for goods.
    2. Exchange of cultural practices.
    3. Improvement in road network.
    4. Production of variety of goods.
  20. Mombasa experiences higher temperatures than Nyeri because
    1. Nyeri is on the windward side.
    2. Mombasa is at a lower altitude.
    3. Nyeri is found near the equator.
    4. Mombasa experiences higher rainfall. 
  21. Social interaction among different communities in Kenya before the coming of Europeans was mainly through
    1. war.
    2. trade.
    3. marriage.
    4. sports.
  22. The British used indirect rule policy in Northern Nigeria because
    1. Africans resisted colonial rule.
    2. the British wanted to assimilate Africans.
    3. Africans collaborated with the British.
    4. the region had strong traditional rulers.
  23. Three of the following statements describe the population of Africa. Which one does not?
    1. Most people live in rural areas.
    2. Population distribution is influenced by rainfall.
    3. Population is evenly distributed.
    4. High rainfall areas have high population.
  24. A child who is below eight years and whose nationality and parents are not known becomes a Kenya citizen by
    1. birth.
    2. adoption.
    3. registration.
    4. application.
  25. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to
    1. marry.
    2. clean environment
    3. vote.
    4. own property.
  26. Three of the following are effects of the revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Deflection of winds.
    2. Day and night.
    3. Difference in length of day and night.
    4. Changing seasons.
  27. The interaction of the Abagusii and the Luo in the pre-colonial period led to
    1. establishment of a new language.
    2. establishment of towns.
    3. exchange of names.
    4. introduction of monarchy rule.
  28. Which one of the following statements about forestry in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is correct?
    1. Trees provide pulp for paper making.
    2. Forests are sources of hardwood timber.
    3. Trees are planted in straight rows.
    4. Most trees are softwoods.
  29. The Berlin conference held in Germany in 1884 led to
    1. partition of Africa.
    2. abolition of slave trade.
    3. spread of Christianity in Africa.
    4. exploration of Africa by Europeans. 
  30. The following are statements about a prominent African leader:
    1. He fought in the French army. 
    2. He was an assimilated African. 
    3. He represented his country in the French parliament.
      The person described above is
      1. Ahmed Sekou Toure.
      2. Kwame Nkrumah.
      3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      4. Leopold Sedar Senghor.
  31. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was formed in 1963 mainly to
    1. promote co-operation among African states.
    2. eliminate colonial rule in Africa.
    3. promote similar systems of government. 
    4. prevent the spread of deserts.
  32. The best way of supporting people who are addicted to drugs is through
    1. abolishing sale of drugs.
    2. arresting people who sell drugs.
    3. putting them in rehabilitation centres.
    4. putting them in prisons.
  33. The country that is correctly matched with its seaport is
           Country                 Seaport
    1. Ghana                    Rabat
    2. Egypt                     Port Said
    3. Angola                   Tema
    4. Morocco                 Lobito
  34. The Ogaden region in Ethiopia and Sahel region in West Africa are sparsely populated due to
    1. arid conditions in the regions.
    2. presence of tsetse flies.
    3. presence of swampy conditions.
    4. frequent seasonal flooding.
  35. Which one of the following statements about pyrethrum growing in Kenya is true? It is
    1. grown in small farms.
    2. grown under irrigation.
    3. grown in large plantations.
    4. harvested using machines.
  36. A similarity between a windsock and a windvane is that they
    1. measure the strength of wind.
    2. measure the direction of wind.
    3. measure the speed of wind.
    4. are kept in a stevenson's screen.
  37. The main problem facing pastoral farming among the Fulani people is
    1. attacks on livestock by wild animals. 
    2. inadequate market for livestock.
    3. inadequate pasture in the dry season.
    4. presence of tsetse flies.
  38. Two neighbouring farmers in a village have a dispute over their boundary. The best method of solving the conflict is
    1. selling the parcel of land under dispute. 
    2. filing a case in a court of law.
    3. reporting the matter to a police station. 
    4. involving village elders.
  39. Which one of the following combinations is made up of countries that used peaceful means to attain independence?
    1. Algeria and Kenya.
    2. Ghana and Tanzania.
    3. Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
    4. Angola and Guinea Bissau.
  40. Mombasa and Dar es Salaam started as a result of
    1. building of railway lines.
    2. settlement of Arabs along the coast. 
    3. coming of Portuguese to Eastern Africa. 
    4. mining activities in the areas.
  41. Which one of the following lakes was not formed as a result of volcanicity? Lake 
    1. Natron. 
    2. Kivu. 
    3. Itasy. 
    4. Tana.
  42. The main reason for the coming of Seyyid Said to Eastern Africa was to 
    1. find a sea route to India. 
    2. find the source of river Nile.
    3. control the coastal trade.
    4. acquire colonies in Eastern Africa.
  43. Dairy farming in Kenya is carried out in the highland regions because the areas have 
    1. a large market for milk.
    2. good roads to transport milk.
    3. milk processing industries.
    4. cool and wet conditions.
  44. The main effect on the environment of limestone mining is that
    1. lorries damage roads.
    2. dust from mines pollute the air.
    3. slums have started in mining areas.
    4. chemicals from mines pollute rivers. 
  45. A person becomes the head of a county government in Kenya through
    1. election by voters in a county.
    2. appointment by the president.
    3. election by members of a county assembly. 
    4. appointment by public service commission.
  46. When Tanganyika became a republic, the title of the head of state changed to
    1. prime minister.
    2. president
    3. emperor.
    4. king.
  47. The most senior administrator in a county is the
    1. governor.
    2. county commissioner
    3. county representative
    4. speaker
  48. The arm of the government that implements cabinet resolutions is headed by the
    1. chief justice.
    2. attorney general
    3. president
    4. speaker
  49. Which one of the following actions may lead to a by election in a constituency?
    1. Dissolution of parliament.
    2. Death of a president.
    3. Formation of a new political party.
    4. Death of a member of parliament.



  1. Which one of the following was a duty given to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden?
    1. Keeping the snake away from the garden. 
    2. Protecting the tree of life.
    3. Guarding and cultivating the garden.
    4. Building altars in the garden.
  2. When God commanded Abraham to leave his father's home, he was living in
    1. Haran. 
    2. Ur.
    3. Egypt.
    4. Midian.
  3. The brothers of Joseph hated him because
    1. he was a dreamer.
    2. he was a young handsome man.
    3. their father loved him most.
    4. he was a wise man.
  4. Moses left the land of Midian to go to Egypt because
    1. his family was in Egypt.
    2. the king of Egypt sent for him.
    3. he had killed an Egyptian.
    4. he wanted to obey God's command.
  5. Which one of the following was done by the Israelites on the night of the Exodus? They
    1. killed Egyptian firstborn males.
    2. smeared blood on their doorposts.
    3. recited the ten commandments.
    4. collected manna.
  6. Which one of the following commandments shows respect for marriage? Do not
    1. steal.
    2. commit adultery.
    3. accuse anyone falsely.
    4. commit murder.
  7. The two sons of Samuel who were judges in Israel were
    1. Mahlon and Chilon.
    2. Gershom and Eliezer.
    3. Joel and Abijah.
    4. Hophni and Phinehas.
  8. The hometown of David was
    1. Bethlehem.
    2. Jericho
    3. Jerusalem.
    4. Ramah.
  9. Who among the following people prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Jeremiah.
    2. Isaiah.
    3. Joel.
    4. Micah.
  10. When angel Gabriel visited Mary, he told her that
    1. she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    2. her son would not drink wine.
    3. she would have an everlasting kingdom.
    4. her son would be called John.
  11. The main message of John the Baptist when he preached to the people was about
    1. kindness.
    2. repentance.
    3. humility.
    4. patience.
  12. Who among the following disciples of Jesus was a tax collector?
    1. Matthew.
    2. Andrew.
    3. Nathaniel.
    4. Thomas.
  13. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant in the town of
    1. Jericho.
    2. Nain.
    3. Bethany.
    4. Capernaum.
  14. The parable of the hidden treasure teaches Christians about
    1. the value of the kingdom of God.
    2. helping people in need.
    3. bringing people to the church.
    4. the growth of the kingdom of God.
  15. Which one of the following events took place during the last supper?
    1. Peter cut off the ear of a slave.
    2. A cloud covered Jesus.
    3. Jesus pointed out His betrayer.
    4. An angel comforted Jesus.
  16. Who among the following people buried the body of Jesus?
    1. Pontious pilate.
    2. Joseph of Arimathea.
    3. Simon of Cyrene.
    4. Ethiopian Eunuch.
  17. Jesus ascended to heaven at
    1. Nain
    2. Sychar
    3. Joppa
    4. Bethany
  18. The disciples received the Holy Spirit in the town of
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Antioch.
    3. Jericho.
    4. Bethlehem.
  19. The seven deacons were chosen mainly to
    1. protect the disciples from persecution.
    2. distribute food to widows.
    3. preach to the Gentiles.
    4. preach in the villages.
  20. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faithfulness.
    2. Patience.
    3. Faith.
    4. Kindness.
  21. Which one of the following is a book of history in the New Testament?
    1. Acts.
    2. Romans.
    3. Mark.
    4. Revelation.
  22. People respect shrines in traditional African communities because
    1. ancestors are buried there.
    2. ceremonies are conducted there.
    3. they are considered holy.
    4. they are in dark places.
  23. The work of priests in traditional African communities is to
    1. treat diseases.
    2. lead in offering sacrifices.
    3. conduct marriage ceremonies.
    4. advise the youth.
  24. A common practice in both traditional African ncommunities and Christianity is
    1. reciting prayers. 
    2. pouring libation. 
    3. wearing charms. 
    4. offering sacrifices.
  25. Ancestors are best remembered in traditional African communities through
    1. visiting their graves.
    2. naming children after them.
    3. composing songs for them.
    4. praying to them.
  26. Atieno prays for her sick brother. This element of prayer is
    1. confession.
    2. petition.
    3. intercession.
    4. adoration.
  27. Christians preach against misuse of drugs because
    1. it is a misuse of resources.
    2. those who misuse drugs are not respected. 
    3. it affects the health of the user.
    4. they can be arrested.
  28. Which one of the following is a way in which Christians support the government in fighting corruption?
    1. Refusing to give bribes.
    2. Arresting people who are corrupt.
    3. Writing books about corruption.
    4. Reporting corruption cases.
  29. Christians visit homes for orphaned children mainly to
    1. preach to them.
    2. fulfill the duty of helping the needy.
    3. find out what they need.
    4. give them money.
  30. The first European missionaries who came to Kenya were sent by
    1. Royal Geographical Society. 
    2. Mill Hill Fathers.
    3. Holy Ghost Mission.
    4. Church Missionary Society.



  1. A person who fasts has two pleasures. One during ____________________________ food.
    1. twaam. 
    2. iftaar.
    3. walima.
    4. suhur.
  2. Which of the following vices is condemned in surah Al-Falaq?
    1. Witchcraft.
    2. Backbiting.
    3. Stealing.
    4. Adultery.
  3. All the following are recommended preparations for reading the holy Qur'an except
    1. taking wudhu.
    2. a siwak.
    3. facing qibla.
    4. not putting it on the bare ground.
  4. Which form of knowledge sticks best in mindnaccording to surah Alaq? Knowledge
    1. of pictures.
    2. of the pen.
    3. of cramming.
    4. from far away.
  5. Allah (SW) was not happy and even cursed Abu Lahab because he
    1. joined Abraham to destroy the holy kaaba.
    2. refused to join Islamic faith.
    3. dispersed the prophet's congregation. 
    4. killed baby girls and burried others alive. 
  6. What is the meaning of Taqwa in Islamic faith?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Obedience to Allah.
    3. The fear of God.
    4. Belief in Allah.
  7. A Muslim who believes in Qadar should always say ___________________________ when making future plans.
    1. fii amaanillah
    2. mashallah
    3. astaghfirullah
    4. inshallah
  8. After Takbiratul Ihraam, there follows
    1. seven Takbiras.
    2. surah Al-Fatiha. 
    3. bending for Rukuu.
    4. the first khutba.
  9. In which of the following villages did the hypocrites of Uhud in the Muslim army turn back and disappeared?
    1. Abwa.
    2. Taif.
    3. Ashawt.
    4. Khaibar.
  10. Which of the following ibaadaats cleanses off sins as free as a new born baby?
    1. Ablution.
    2. Hajj.
    3. Jum'a to Jum'a.
    4. Fast of sittat shawwal.
  11. "Al-Baladil Ameen" is a description that was used to praise a city called
    1. Makkat mukarrama.
    2. Jerusalem.
    3. Madinat munawwara.
    4. Bethlehem. 
  12. Muslims who reach at miqat to start hajj activities respond to Allah's call by uttering 
    1. tahniq.
    2. takbir.
    3. talbia.
    4. tahlil.
  13. Which prophet of Allah was killed by being cut into pieces?
    1. Zakariya.
    2. Daud.
    3. Yahya.
    4. Yusuf.
  14. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything?
    1. Idd-ul-Fitr.
    2. Milad-un-Nabii.
    3. Idd-ul-Hajj.
    4. Isra-wal-miraj
  15. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from 
    1. Firaun's
    2. Shuaib's
    3. Egypian's
    4. an Israelite's
  16. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement of
    1. Ibrahim's family. 
    2. Adam's family.
    3. Muhammad's family.
    4. Nuh's family. 
  17. The names "Allah" and "Prophet" are introduced into the ear of a newborn baby for the first time through
    1. adhaan.
    2. tashahhud.
    3. tahniq.
    4. iqama.
  18. The angel of Allah (SW) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at the gates of paradise is
    1. Malik.
    2. Jibril.
    3. Israfil.
    4. Ridhwaan.
  19. Muslims may locate and face Qibla for prayers by the help of all the following ways except
    1. use of a compass direction tool.
    2. use of the sunrise and sunset. 
    3. use of a physically available mosque.
    4. automatic obvious imagination.
  20. Which of the following things is the same in both Jum'a and Idd prayers?
    1. The time of performing.
    2. When to say khutba.
    3. The number of rakaats prayed.
    4. Classification as sunna or fardh.
  21. Nadhir ibaadaats are
    1. the self promise to Allah. 
    2. performed by few Muslims.
    3. performed as punishment.
    4. those performed at night.
  22. Which one of the following was not an advice given to prophet Mohammad by Jibril (AS)? 
    1. To stay knowing that one day He will die.
    2. To love whom He loves but know that one day they'll separate.
    3. He will be judged in all His deeds.
    4. Not to walk on earth with pride.
  23. The prophet assured Muslims that whoever shahada will be his or her last words before death will
    1. enter paradise.
    2. be resurrected.
    3. be heavier than the earth and all in it.
    4. be rewarded beyond imagination.
  24. The level of buried treasures and precious minerals the one should have in order to qualify to give out zakat is called
    1. tarka.
    2. nisab.
    3. quut.
    4. qulatein.
  25. The two swalats which have two adhaans in Islam are
    1. Idd-ul-fitr and Idd-ul-hajj.
    2. kusuf and khusuf.
    3. taraweh and tahajjud.
    4. fajr and Jum'a.
  26. Who was the secretary at the Hudaibiyaa treaty agreements and writings?
    1. Zaid bin Thaabit.
    2. Abubakr Swiddiiq.
    3. Abu Sufian. 
    4. Ali bi Abin Talib.
  27. Edat is observed
    1. in the event of a husband's death and twalaq.
    2. when a lady becomes seriously sick. 
    3. if the couple never had Nikah ceremony.
    4. by all virgin ladies before marriage. 
  28. Which of the following attributes of Allah is wrongly matched with its meaning?
    1. Al-maswawwir - the dominant.
    2. Al-Baar - the originator. 
    3. Al-Khaaliq - the creator.
    4. Al-Razzaaq - the provider.
  29. What do Muslims celebrate on the first day on shawwaal?
    1. Eid-ul-fitr.
    2. Milad-un-nabii.
    3. Aqiqa.
    4. Khitma.
  30. Muslims are allowed to reduce the number of rakaats in salaat
    1. dhuhr.
    2. musaafir.
    3. janaaza.
    4. maktuba.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
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  40. A
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  59. C
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
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  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
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  6. C
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  13. A
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  15. A
  16. A
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  18. D
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. A
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B


  1. Which one of the following shows a 2 dimensional letter?
  2. A Grade 6 boy drew a picture like the one shown below.
    The type of drawing drawn above is known as
    1. memory drawing.
    2. still life drawing.
    3. stationary drawing.
    4. virtual drawing.
  3. Which of the following lists consists of two secondary colours and one primary colour?
    1. Orange, green, red.
    2. Green, purple, orange.
    3. Yellow, red, blue.
    4. Blue, green, red.
  4. Paraffin wax and bees wax are used in
    1. crayon etching.
    2. cross hatching.
    3. smudge technique.
    4. painting.
  5. Which one of the following items can be made by carving?
  6.  A teacher drew a form like the one below.
    Which of the following techniques did the teacher use to show shading effect?
    1. Cross hatching.
    2. Smudge
    3. Crayon etching.
    4. Collage.
  7. A sculpture can be carved using
    1. plasticine.
    2. clay.
    3. plastic.
    4. wood.
  8. Which one of the following indigenous crafts can be made using plain and twine technique?
  9. A puppet like the one drawn below was drawn on a classroom chart.
    The type of puppet drawn is called a
    1. glove puppet.
    2. marionette.
    3. rod puppet.
    4. stick puppet.
  10. All the following are elements of photography. Which one is not?
    1. Focus.
    2. Composition
    3. Lightning.
    4. Framing.


  1. A traditional dancer was seen marking her face and body with red clay. This is called
    1. body tattooing.
    2. costuming.
    3. body adornment
    4. performing.
  2. Percussion instruments produce sound when
    1. blown or plucked.
    2. shaken or blown.
    3. plucked or shaken.
    4. hit or shaken.
  3. Below is a wind instrument called abu.
    Which of the following communities plays the musical instrument drawn above?
    1. Mijikenda.
    2. Luo
    3. Abagusii.
    4. Agikuyu.
  4. Which one of the following elements of a folk song is the most important?
    1. Message.
    2. Instrumentation
    3. Participants.
    4. Occasion.
  5. A traditional dancer made a hat using cartons and feathers in readiness for a dance The hat he made is an example of
    1. instruments.
    2. clothes
    3. costumes.
    4. props.
  6. Which one of the following lines is not found in the Kenya National Anthem? 
    1. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani.
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
  7. Which of the following symbols shows a minim?
  8. Which of the following parts of a drum is adjusted to tune it?
    1. Lace.
    2. membrane
    3. Foot.
    4. Resonator.
  9. Which of the following lines is found in the last verse of the East African Community Anthem?
    1. Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani. 
    2. Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Tufanye kazi sote kwa makini.
  10. Body movements used to show the meanings of words or ideas in a song are called
    1. moods.
    2. tones
    3. dictions.
    4. gestures.


  1. In African traditional education,
    1. children learnt through the internet.
    2. teachers gave their learners notes to read.
    3. elders taught the young ones through story telling.
    4. group discussions were held in classrooms.
  2. Who among the following school administrators is at the highest hierarchy in a public primary school in Kenya?
    1. Senior teacher.
    2. Class teacher.
    3. Deputy head teacher. 
    4. Head teacher.
  3. Who among the following is not among the Western Bantus?
    1. Akamba.
    2. Abakuria
    3. Abaluhya.
    4. Abagusii.
  4. Which one of the following means of communication is audio-visual?
  5. All the following are tourist attractions in Kenya except
    1. language groups.
    2. cultural activities.
    3. natural sceneries.
    4. wildlife.
  6. Which one of the following is not a way through which tourism has contributed to the economy of our country?
    1. Promoting local industries.
    2. Providing basic needs to families in the land.
    3. Earning the country foreign exchange. 
    4. Promoting cultural services.
  7. Which of the following road signs is likely to be found near the gate of a school?
  8. Which of the following lists shows crops that can be grown under horticulture?
    1. Coffee, maize, sugarcane.
    2. Grass, onions, rice.
    3. Pumpkins, sisal, tea.
    4. Tomatoes, cabbages, kales
  9. Some Grade six learners were asked to name some resources found in our country:
    Osman - museums
    Aisha - lakes
    Rajab -  minerals
    Maimuna - forests
    Who among the learners was not correct?
    1. Maimuna.
    2. Aisha.
    3. Rajab
    4. Osman.
  10. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    The fishing method shown above is called
    1. long lining.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling.
    4. harpooning.
  11. Dairy fanning is important in our country because
    1. farmers keep different breeds of dairy cattle.
    2. farmers are able to earn a living.
    3. every citizen uses dairy products on a daily basis.
    4. dairy farmers are able to give loans to young farmers at no interest.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32-35.    


  1. The country marked X is most likely to be
    1. Ethiopia.
    2. South Sudan.
    3. Somalia.
    4. Tanzania.
  2. The physical feature marked L is
    1. a swamp.
    2. an ocean
    3. a lake.
    4. a river.
  3. The National park marked S is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Malka Mari
    3. Losai.
    4. Meru.
  4. The lake marked R is shared by three of the following countries except
    1. Kenya.
    2. Rwanda
    3. Tanzania.
    4. Uganda.


  1. During the baptism of Jesus, which of the following events did not take place? 
    1. Heaven opened
    2. Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove.
    3. A voice came from heaven.
    4. Temple curtains were torn.
  2. Preparation for the coming of the Messiah was the main preaching of
    1. pharisees.
    2. John
    3. Jesus.
    4. Jews.
  3. When Jesus fed a multitude, He portrayed His
    1. power over nature.
    2. compassion for the needy. 
    3. power over death.
    4. faith in His father.
  4. Which of the following books of the Bible is in the Old Testament?
    1. Acts
    2. Titus
    3. Haggai
    4. Thessalonians
  5. Jesus showed His power over nature when He
    1. calmed the storm.
    2. healed a paralysed man.
    3. performed miracies.
    4. raised the dead.
  6. The parable of Jesus about the lost sheep teaches Christians
    1. the value of attending church services. 
    2. about the recovery of the lost human beings.
    3. about the importance of keeping property safely.
    4. the value of tending well to domestic animals.
  7. Happy are those who work for peace,
    1. for they will see God.
    2. God will be merciful to them.
    3. God will call them His children.
    4. God will grant them peace.
  8. Which Christian value did king Solomon put into use when ruling?
    1. Obedience.
    2. Patience
    3. Trust.
    4. Wisdom.
  9. Who among the following were the first to know about the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. Sherpherds.
    2. jews
    3. Pharisees
    4. Kings Herod and Pilate.
  10. The contest at mount Carmel was between the prophets of Baal and
    1. Elisha.
    2. Jesus
    3. angels.
    4. Elijah.
  11. The act of deciding not to revenge is called
    1. unity.
    2. forgiveness
    3. sympathy.
    4. weakness.
  12. Bartimaeous was healed by Jesus mainly because of his
    1. faith.
    2. blindness
    3. courage.
    4. patience.
  13. As Grade 6 pupils were out for break, Murefu was seen by Njiwa taking something from their class teacher's hand bag. As a Christian, what was the best action for Njiwa to take?
    1. Report him to his parents.
    2. Tell the class about it.
    3. Tell him to stop and also effects of such acts.
    4. Share whatever Murefu took with him.
  14. Which among the following is not a form of child labour?
    1. A Grade five boy sweeping their classroom.
    2. A twelve year old girl taking care of a baby for a pay.
    3. A Grade 6 boy working in a quarry for a pay.
    4. A seventeen year old boy working in a shop for a pay.
  15. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many were thankful?
    1. None of them.
    2. Nine.
    3. One.
    4. All of them.


  1. Which one of the following attributes of Allah means All forgiving?
    1. Al-Haafidh.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik,
  2. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of angels? Angels
    1. can change form.
    2. were created from light.
    3. can either be males or females.
    4. do not have parents.
  3. Which one of the following is a miracle performed by prophet Musa (AS)?
    1. He had clear signs of Allah's mercy on him.
    2. Turning a rod into a snake.
    3. His hand shone like the moon when he put it in his armpits.
    4. Raising the dead.
  4. Muslims can earn thawabs when they
    1. pray once per day.
    2. perform swalahs correctly.
    3. fast everyday.
    4. visit Makka yearly.
  5. Taraweh is a baadiyah swalah performed during the month of
    1. Ramadhan.
    2. Dhulhijja.
    3. Shabaan.
    4. Muharram.
  6. All the following are optional prayers. Which one is not?
    1. Fajr.
    2. Qabliyah.
    3. Tarawch.
    4. Baadiyah.
  7. Which among the following surahs is correctly matched with its meaning?
    1. Al-Kawthar     a river in paradise
    2. Al-Maun         the Quraish
    3. Al-Fyl             the dawn
    4. Al-Massad     the cursed
  8. We should always be grateful to Allah for everything that He continues to bless us with. This is a lesson from surah
    1. An-Nas.
    2. Al-Kawthar.
    3. Al-Baqarah.
    4. Al-Lahab.
  9. The first pillar of Islam is
    1. swalah.
    2. hijja
    3. zakat.
    4. shahadah.
  10. According to the prophet's hadith on knowledge, seeking knowledge is a must for
    1. all.
    2. elders.
    3. males.
    4. females.
  11. There are ________________ categories of Najasaat.
    1. four
    2. three
    3. two
    4. five
  12. It is an obligation of parents to
    1. provide entertainment to their children.
    2. provide basic needs to their children. 
    3. do homework for their children.
    4. buy modern games for their children.
  13. Abdul's father bought him a smartphone. As a Muslim, Abdul should not
    1. download qasweeda using his smartphone.
    2. send abusive pictures to his friends. 
    3. Share Qura'n verses in the whatsapp group.
    4. send seasons greetings to his friends.
  14. Which of the following acts is forbidden in Islam?
    1. Working in a bank.
    2. Fishing.
    3. Begging.
    4. Working in a salon.
  15. How many khutbahs are there in Idd swalah?
    1. 7
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 2


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. A
  19. D
  20. D
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. D
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. A
  35. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  11. B
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D



Study the map of Koso area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7  

    1. The direction of the school from the well is
      1. South East
      2. South West
      3. North East
      4. North West
    2. The main factor that has influenced the location of the sawmill near Maru hill is
      1. availability of labour
      2. availability of water
      3. availability of raw materials
      4. nearness to the market
    3. The main economic activity in Koso area is
      1. bush fallowing farming
      2. cash crop farming
      3. subsistence farming 
      4. tourism
    4. Three of the following are functions of Koso town. Which one is not?
      1. A recreational centre
      2. A communication centre
      3. A business centre
      4. An administration centre
    5. The climate of Koso area is likely to be
      1. cool and dry
      2. hot and dry
      3. hot and dry
      4. hot and wet
    6. The administrative officer in Koso area is
      1. county commissioner
      2. chief
      3. assistant county commissioner 
      4. Governor
    7. Which of the following is responsible for the settling up of the insecticide factory near maru hill?
      1. he pyrethrum plantation
      2. The forest plantation
      3. The maize plantation
      4. The tea plantation
    8. Which of the following feature was formed through faulting and sinking?
      1. Lake Victoria
      2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
      3. The rift valley
      4. Ruwenzori mountains
    9. Which of the following countries is not crossed by the equator?
      1. Tanzania
      2. Gabon
      3. Somalia.
      4. Congo
    10. A weather instrument that is used to measure the speed of wind is called
      1. a wind vane
      2. a wind sock
      3. anemometer
      4. barometer
    11. The kingdom of old Ghana declined mainly because
      1. the king became too old to lead the army
      2. there was drought in the land
      3. the decline of trade led to shortage of finances in kingdom
      4. the neighbouring communities united against it
    12. Three of the following are factors influencing climate in Africa except the
      1. ocean currents
      2. distance from the sea
      3. shape of the coastline
      4. longitude
    13. Which of the following towns is correctly matched with the county it is found
      1. Nyeri - Muranga county
      2. Mali - Kwale county
      3. Nakuru -Kericho county
      4. Vihiga- Kakamega
    14. The main problem facing sisal farmer in Kenya is
      1. poor market
      2. competitions from synthesis fibre
      3. lack of money
      4. shortage of labour
    15. The fastest means of transporting refined oil production from Mombasa to Eldoret is
      1. by railways using tankers
      2. by road using trailers
      3. by pumping it through pipeline
      4. by air using container
    16. In which climatic zone would you expect hot dry summers with cool wet winters and rain falling mainly in winter
      1. desert
      2. mediterranean
      3. tropical
      4. equatorial
    17. Three of the following area in Africa have a high population density. Which one does not?
      1. Along the Eastern Coast of Africa
      2. The horn of Africa
      3. The East Africa Highlands
      4. Along the Nile valley
    18. Three of the following roles are played by the community in the development of the school. Which one is not?
      1. Providing labour to the school
      2. Teaching children
      3. Buying books for the school
      4. Donating land to the school
    19. The biggest problem facing forestry in DRC is
      1. the huge size of trees which makes them difficulty to fell
      2. long distances covered to get the wood to the market
      3. over exploitation of the most valuable species
      4. illegal cutting trees
    20. Which of the following problems has the least effect on pastoralists?
      1. Lack of market
      2. Poor pastures
      3. Drought
      4. Diseases
    21. The British used indirect rule in Northern mainly because Nigeria
      1. They did not have enough administrators
      2. The existing African government were ready to assist
      3. The country was large
      4. They did not want trouble
    22. Which one of the following is not found in the government of Swaziland?
      1. House of Assembly
      2. Liqoqo
      3. Council of elders
      4. Senate
    23. A person who abuse drugs is likely to
      1. die at an early age
      2. be a poor person during his or her life
      3. appear confused and irresponsible many times
      4. fall many times
    24. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
      1. Providing security to a child
      2. Providing proper medical care to a child
      3. Allowing a child to go to school
      4. Denying a child food
    25. The main factor that influences the development of mountain vegetation is
      1. latitude
      2. altitude
      3. fertile volcanic soil
      4. heavy rainfall
    26. Which of the following is the main language group in southern Africa?
      1. The Europeans
      2. The Bantus
      3. The Asians
      4. The khoisan
    27. Kenya became a republic on
      1. 12th December 1964
      2. 20th October 1964
      3. 12th December 1963
      4. 1st June 1963

Use the diagram below to answer questions 28.   


      1. The type of rainfall shown above is likely to be experienced in the following areas except
        1. A lake region
        2. Coastal lowlands
        3. The Rift valley region
        4. Near lake Tanganyika
      2. Which of the following is an effect of the rotation of the earth?
        1. It causes differences in the length of day and night
        2. It influences the position of the midday sun
        3. It causes differences in time along different longitudes
        4. It causes seasons
      3. Three of the following areas in Africa were colonised by the European powers except
        1. Liberia
        2. Somalia
        3. Ghana
        4. South Africa
      4. Which of the following towns in Kenya started as an industrial centre
        1. Nakuru
        2. Thika
        3. Machakos
        4. Nairobi

Use the map of Africa drawn below to answer questions 32 to 35.     


      1. The water mass marked Z is
        1. Indian ocean
        2. Atlantic ocean
        3. Mediterranean sea
        4. Red sea
      2. The island marked W was colonized by
        1. Belgium
        2. Somalia
        3. Portugal
        4. France
      3. Which of the following mineral is mined in the country marked Y in the map
        1. Soda ash
        2. Copper
        3. Gold
        4. Petroleum
      4. Which of the following vegetation is found in the area marked X on the map
        1. Equatorial rainforest 
        2. Mangrove forest 
        3. Savannah woodlands
        4. Mountain fores
      5. Which of the following methods of fishing is used in deep sea fishing?
        1. Trawling
        2. Longlining
        3. Net drifting
        4. Purse-seining
      6. Three of the following were founder members of East Africa community when it was formed except
        1. Rwanda
        2. Uganda
        3. Kenya
        4. Tanzania
      7. Three of the following are reasons that may make a member of the assembly lose his or her seat. Which one is not?
        1. If one is convicted of an election offence by a court of law
        2. If one is a registered voter in the ward he or she intends to contest in
        3. If one loses his or her Kenyan citizenship
        4. If one is sentenced to death
      8. Which one of the following is not a challenge facing the African union today
        1. colonialism in some member countries
        2. conflicts in member countries
        3. prolonged drought and famine
        4. HIV and AIDS pandemic
      9. Below are achievements of a certain prominent African leader
        1. He made the suez canal the property of his government
        2. He gave land to the landless
        3. He encouraged arap countries to unite
        4. He initiated the construction of the Aswan high dam
          The leader described above is
          1. Gamal Abdel Nasser
          2. Anwar sadat
          3. King farouk
          4. Leopold Senghor
      10. The following are capital cities in Africa. Which one is not?
        1. Yaounde
        2. Tunis
        3. Alexanderia
        4. Cairo
      11. Which of the following is the main language group in Central and Western regions on Kenya?
        1. The Europeans
        2. The Bantu
        3. The Asians
        4. The Khoisan
      12. Which of the following human activities has had the greatest effect on natural vegetation in Kenya?
        1. Farming activities
        2. Charcoal burning
        3. Pastoralism
        4. Mining activities
      13. The third vice president of Kenya was
        1. Daniel Moi
        2. Oginga Odinga
        3. Mwai Kibaki
        4. Joseph Murumbi
      14. Which of the following statements does not describe a function of the AU (OAU)
        1. to eliminate corruptions within member states
        2. to protect the independence of member states
        3. to promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries 
        4. To promote unity among African states
      15. Three of the following groups of people below have special needs except
        1. those who can not read and write 
        2. the visually impaired
        3. those living with HIV/AIDS
        4. the physically challenged
      16. Three of the following are causes of soil erosion. Which one is not?
        1. Deforestation
        2. Paddocking
        3. Over grazing
        4. Mono cropping
      17. Three of the following are sources of income for the central government. Which one is not?
        1. Cess on sand-harvesting
        2. Foreign loans
        3. Income tax
        4. Fines from courts
      18. Which of the following events took place last in Kenya?
        1. Kenyatta becoming the president of KANU
        2. Lifting of state of emergency
        3. Kenya attaining internal self government 
        4. Kenya becoming a republic
      19. Which one of the following places do tourists visit to see old slave market
        1. Olduvai Gorge
        2. Zanzibar
        3. Olorgesaile
        4. Mombasa
      20. The school routine is important because
        1. the teacher on duty follows the programme
        2. the headteacher's work is reduced
        3. it forces the school community to follow the programme
        4. it ensures planned activities run systematically and smoothly

Use the diagram below to answer questions 52 to 53.   


      1. In which climatic region is the town above likely to be found
        1. Temperate climate
        2. savannah climate
        3. mediterranea climate
        4. desert climate
      2. In which of the following towns in Africa are readings likely to have been recorded?
        1. Kampala
        2. Nairobi
        3. Cairo
        4. Accra
      3. Who among the following African leader in Kenya collaborated with the British
        1. Koitalel arap Samoei
        2. Mekatilili wa Menza
        3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
        4. Lenana
      4. Which one of the following industries can be classified as a manufacturing industry? 
        1. Petroleum refining
        2. Tyre retreading
        3. Glass making
        4. Milk processing
      5. Which of the following is correctly matched?
        1. Pokomo, somali,Ogaden-Cushites 
        2. Pokomo,pokot, taita -Bantus
        3. Nandi,Kipsigis, Tugen-River lake nilotes 
        4. Maasai, Iteso, Samburu- plain nilotes
      6. The following are facts about a certain African leader
        1. He was born in 1892
        2. He was widely known as Ras Tafari
        3. He introduced a new constitution in his country
          Who among the following leaders is described above?
          1. Haile Selassie
          2. Tom mboya
          3. Jomo Kenyatta
          4. Julius Nyerere
      7. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction feature along the Kenyan coast?
        1. Historical sites and wildlife
        2. Sandy beaches and sunny climate
        3. Swahili culture and historical site 
        4. Wildlife and swahili culture
      8. According to the Kenyan constitution a person qualifies to contest for presidency after attaining the age of
        1. 35 year
        2. 25 years
        3. 21 years
        4. 18 years
      9. Which of the following countries is not a member of inter-governmental authority on development?
        1. Somalia
        2. Sudan
        3. Uganda
        4. Tanzania


      1. Which one of the following book speaks about creation?
        1. Exodus
        2. Numbers
        3. Genesis
        4. Leviticus
      2. According to the Genesis stories of creation
        1. sea, land and plants were created on the third day
        2. man was created on the fifth day
        3. heavenly bodies were created on the fifth day
        4. birds and sea creatures were created after man
      3. Who among the following people was asked to build an ark?
        1. Jeremiah
        2. Noah
        3. Joseph
        4. Gideon
      4. Moses was given the ten commandments on mount
        1. Ararat
        2. Nebo
        3. Sinai
        4. Carmel
      5. The prophet who foretold about Jesus being a refugee in Egypt was
        1. Micah
        2. Jeremiah
        3. Hosea
        4. Isaiah
      6. The first people to visit baby Jesus were
        1. the angels
        2. shepherds
        3. the relatives
        4. wise men from the East
      7. The healing of Naaman was done by
        1. Elijah
        2. Gehazi
        3. Moses
        4. Elisha
      8. King Solomon sinned against God when he
        1. married many wives
        2. asked God for wisdom
        3. allowed idolatry
        4. built the temple in Jerusalem
      9. Which one of the following events took place during the night before the Exodus started?
        1. All the first born son of the Israelites were killed by the angel
        2. The Israelites drank wine
        3. Roasted meat was eaten by both Israelites and Egyptians
        4. Blood was smeared on the door posts to identify the houses of the Israelites
      10. Lazarus and his two sisters lived in
        1. Jerusalem
        2. Capernaum
        3. Bethany
        4. Galilee
      11. Who among the following apostles accompanied Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?
        1. Peter, John and James 
        2. Peter, John and Andrew
        3. John, Andre and James
        4. Peter, John and Judas Iscariot
      12. The day of Pentecost took place in
        1. Bethsaida
        2. Jerusalem
        3. Capernaum
        4. Bethany
      13. Who among the following built the temple of Jerusalem?
        1. Solomon
        2. Ahab
        3. David
        4. Saul 
      14. Which one of the following lessons do Christians learn from the parable of the talents?
        1. To love one another
        2. To use their abilities
        3. To help their workmates
        4. To get advice from the leaders
      15. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy Spirit
        1. Wisdom
        2. Healing
        3. Faith
        4. Love
      16. The father of Jacob and Esau was
        1. Isaac 
        2. Joseph
        3. Laban
        4. Noah
      17. Which one among the following towns was Jesus rejected?
        1. Bethlehem
        2. Bethany
        3. Nazareth
        4. Capernaum
      18. Jonathan become a friend of David because
        1. God was with David
        2. David was strong
        3. he feared of God
        4. David played the harp to entertain God
      19. Which one of the following is true about Naboth?
        1. Was a sinner
        2. Coveted Ananias vineyard
        3. Was stoned to death
        4. Died because he was honest
      20. Who preached during the day of Pentecost? 
        1. Paul
        2. John
        3. Peter
        4. Stephen
      21. Christian can best uphold respect for authority by
        1. doing community work
        2. voting for selfish leaders
        3. disobeying the laws of the land
        4. obeying the laws of the land
      22. After helping at home, Mary realises that she has more free time. As a Christian the best way of spending it is by
        1. watching cartoon network 
        2. visiting children's orphanage 
        3. visiting the animal orphanage 
        4. reading the Bible
      23. Christians are baptized to
        1. go to heaven
        2. get a chrsitian name
        3. become members of the church
        4. repent their sins
      24. All the following lead to the spreading of HIV/AIDS except one. Which one is it?
        1. Shaking hands and hugging
        2. Unprotected sex
        3. Sharing surgical blades
        4. Donating blood to road accident victims
      25. Who among the following were specialists in the traditional African community?
        1. Medicine men 
        2. Elders
        3. Initiates
        4. Warriors
      26. The early missionaries came to Kenya to
        1. stop slave trade
        2. promote the African culture
        3. introduce western culture
        4. spread the good news
      27. Caleb boasts that he comes from a rich family. Which Christian value is he lacking?
        1. Trust
        2. Humility
        3. Honesty
        4. Kindness
      28. When we perform duties assigned to us in school by our teachers, we are learning to be
        1. responsible
        2. servants
        3. honest
        4. hardworking
      29. Sex before marriage is known as
        1. adultery
        2. fornication
        3. incest
        4. masturbation
      30. Group work among Christians help them to 
        1. become famous
        2. get basic needs
        3. generate income 
        4. create unity


      1. Imn which surah is the verse, "verity, you shall see the fire of Hell" surah
        1. Al-Qaariyah
        2. Al-Zilzala
        3. Buyyainna
        4. At-Tajathur
      2. How many verses are in suratul Al-zilzala
        1. Nine 
        2. Six
        3. Eight
        4. Five
      3. Which one is not a teaching from Suratul Al-Alaq 
        1. We should put the name of Allah in everything
        2. There is peace over night
        3. Allah is the ony creator
        4. He always waits four us to respect before punishing
      4. Which one is not a meaning of Al-inshirah? 
        1. power
        2. Expansion 
        3. Solace
        4. Confort
      5. Which surah warns us not to be harsh and rough to those who came beg? Suratul
        1. Ad-Dhuha
        2. Al-Inshirah
        3. Al-Qadan
        4. Al-Alaq
      6. According to the prophet hadith, Which one is not a sign of hypocrite?
        1. Talking lies
        2. Breaking promises
        3. Taking ribaa
        4. Betraying trust
      7. The hadith, "Those dearest to Allah(SW) are the one who treat their children kindly" is on
        1. Kindness to creature
        2. patience to creatures
        3. kindness to young children
      8. Which one is not true about a generous man in the prophet hadith? He is
        1. near Allah(SW)
        2. near hell
        3. near paradise
        4. far from hell
      9. In the hadith on rogheouness, virture is ______________________
        1. sin 
        2. shukr
        3. corruption 
        4. good conduct
      10. How many types of people should be given zakat?
        1. Ten 
        2. Seven
        3. Six
        4. Eight
      11. Which one can not nullify your Salat?
        1. Covering our Aura
        2. Turn away from Qibla
        3. Eating or drinking
        4. Making unecessary movements
      12. One of the following can not nulify yur saum. Which one?
        1. Heidh and Nifas
        2. Converting to Islam
        3. Fainting
        4. Becoming insane
      13. Which one is recited after the secong takbirah in Salatul Janaza?
        1. Gua for all muslim
        2. Prayer for the prophet (SAW)
        3. Adua for the deed
        4. Recitation of suratul fatiha
      14. "Oh All! him/her forgiveness and Mercy." This due is said for the
        1. sick
        2. mutadhar
        3. dead 
        4. new born baby
      15. Which is the main reason for Muslim men not to wear gold
        1. gold colour is ment for wemen
        2. lu is very expensive for men to afford
        3. To preserve the dignity of a man
        4. to show off
      16. The attribute of Allah (SW) that means Al-Khadiq
        1. the inveter
        2. the merciful
        3. the power
        4. The creator
      17. Which one is not an impotance of the pillars of iman (faith)?
        1. They enable us to build faith in Allah(SW) 
        2. They enable us to live a pious life
        3. They enable us to appreciate blessing from Allah 
        4. They enable us to count the bounties of Allah
      18. The religious pillar that has only one pillar is _______________ 
        1. lihsan
        2. Salat 
        3. iman
        4. islam 
      19. Which prophet is not matched with the place where he reeived revelation?
        1. Nabi Issa - Egypt
        2. Nabi Musa-Egypt
        3. Nabi Ibrahim-Jerusalem
        4. Nabi Mohammad - Saudi Arabia
      20. Allah(Sw) swears by three of the following things except
        1. Makkah
        2. Mount Arafah
        3. Mount Sinai
        4. The Olive tree
      21. Before performing any rite of hajj, a pilgrim must
        1. Take ghusul
        2. Perforn Saayi
        3. Put on Ihram
        4. Perform Tagseer
      22. The believe in Allah (SW) is best explained in the
        1. Fardh prayer
        2. Sunnah prayer
        3. Prophetic hadith
        4. Kalimah
      23. Which statement is not true about prophets 
        1. They worked to their own living only
        2. They served Allah(SW) under all conditions
        3. They all preched abut the oneness of Allah
        4. THe were free from sins
      24. HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through the following ways except
        1. Sexual intercourse 
        2. Sharing toilets
        3. Blood transfusion
        4. Infected mother to child 
      25. The following can lead one to take antixicants except
        1.  idlenes
        2. frustration
        3. disobedience
        4. peer pressure
      26. In which year was the treaty of Hudaibiyyah signed?
        1. 10th AH 
        2. 8th AH
        3. 7th AH 
        4. 6th AH
      27. Howold was Nabii Issa when he started preaching?
        1. 60 years
        2. 40years 
        3. 30 years 
        4. 12 years
      28. Prophet Musa (AS) was known as Kalimullah meaning
        1. The one who spoke to Allah (SW)
        2. The friends ro Allahg(SW)
        3. The love of Allah
        4. The one saved by Allah(SW)
      29. Hiding goods in order to sell them later and get more profit is
        1. riba 
        2. Usury
        3. hoarding
        4. ghush
      30. How many idols were destroyed in the Kaaba when makkah was conquered?
        1. 350 
        2. 360 
        3. 300
        4. 100


  1.  A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. D
  34. C
  35. A
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. A
  45. A
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. B
  51. D
  52. D
  53. C
  54. D
  55. C
  56. D
  57. A
  58. B
  59. A
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D

Meaning Of State, Kingdom And Empire

A territory is considered as an organised political community under one government
An extensive group of semi autonomous states ruled by one ruler
A state or territory ruled by a king or queen

The Ancient Egypt

Factors that led to growth of Ancient Egypt Civilization

  1. Presence of river nile
    It the annual flood of river nile and the use of shadoof method of irrigation boosted agriculture
  2. Early technology
    It ushered in the bronze stage where copper and tin were used to make simple tools such as chisels and needles
    Artisans also made pots for storage and cookery purposes using potter’s wheel
  3. Population
    High population in Ancient Egypt provided ready manpower and market
  4. Strong military and leadership
    They ensured growth of the kingdom through conquests and assimilation of conquered neighbours into the empire
  5. Use of hieroglyphic
    The formal writing helped keep reliable and accurate records in religion, government and history
  6. Use of the calendar
    Tracking of days and monitoring events such as annual flooding of the nile, planting and harvesting period
  7. Specialised workers
    They worked in various institutions. They helped in keeping recods in the Egyptian empire.
    They recorded harvest, finances and history

The Great Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe was a city near Masvingo in the central part of the modern day Zimabwe, Mozambique and Botstwana.
It existed between 1000BC to 1500BC
Zimbabwe is a shone word meaning “stone houses”
Great Zimbabwe had a centralized government with hereditary kings. This system of government led to the rise and growth of the kingdom

Factors that led to the growth of the Great Zimbabwe civilization

  1. Strong agricultural economy
  2. Existence of several minerals deposits such as gold, copper
  3. Trade
  4. Strong leadership
  5. Acquisition of firearms in exchange of goods
  6. Strong army
  7. Religious beliefs brought them together

The Kingdom Of Kongo

Factors that led to the growth of kingdom of Kongo

  1. Strategic location of the kingdom
  2. Favourable climate and the kingdom its closeness to congo river which supported agriculture throughout the year
  3. Arrival of Portuguese
  4. Religion
  5. Trade
  6. Christianity

Locating ancient kingdoms on a map of Africa

Pupil’s activity
Page 77-78

Contributions Of Early African Civilisation To The Modern World

  • Modern civilisation owes ts current development to the ancient civilization.
  • Ancient Egypt was the beginning of building designs and construction of permanent buildings we have today.
  • The hieroglyphics form of writing in Egypt used to keep records developed into the modern writing and education
  • The knowledge of planning and prediction of seasons based on calendar started in the early civilisation. Today it is has been developed further to include weather forecasting in predicting accurate changes.
  • The industrial development in the ancient kingdoms was based on simple skill. Copper and tin were used in ancient Egypt to make items. Today most of the industries use metals and alloys to make construction and infrastructural equipment.
  • The modern irrigation technology barrows a lot from the ancient irrigation techniques such as shadoof. This has been applied in the agricultural sector
  • Tools such as jembes/hoes used in farming today were developed in the ancient civilisation
  • The political structure of modern government resembles the early civilisation goverment

Social Organisation Of Selected African Communities Up To 1900

Locating areas by the Ogiek, Zulu and Asante communities in Africa


Social Organisation Of The Ogiek Community Up To 1900

Ogiek are southern nilotic speakers
Most of them live in the county of nakuru, mau and mt elgon forests

  • Family was the basic unit among the ogiek community
  • The lineage was responsible for enforcing traditional law and order
  • Father was head of the family
  • The ogiek were polygamous
  • There was division of labour among the ogiek community
    Men provide for the family needs, provide leadership and security
    Women worked in homestead, bear children and do household chores
    Children helped with household chores, cultivating in farms and artisanship
  • The ogiek were a patriarchal society- men owned property and passed it to their sons
  • The ogiek believed in one supreme being called Tororet
  • They believed also in the existence of ancestral spirits called Oiik
  • They had diviners who could foretell the future using supernatural powers
  • Both boys and girls were initiated
    Boys ceremony was called tumdo op went
    Girls ceremony was called tumbo op tiipik
  • Intiated boys of the same age group sets known as ipinda
  • The ogiek used plants and herbs from forest for treating diseases

Social Organisation Of The Zulu Community Up To 1900

Zulu are Ngni people, bantu speaking
They occupy Kwazulu natal province in South africa
In the Ngumi languages izulu means heaven or weather
The zulu clans referred to as the isizwe
The zulu society was organised into parilineal sibs. The sibs were further divide into lineages which were composed of descendants of a common ancestor
Most households comprised extended families who lived in one household called kraal
Men inherited everything. Inheritance was patrilineal
The zulu people were polygamous. Men married many wives and lived with them with the extended family in the kraal.
Men paid dowry in terms of cows and gifts during the weeding day umabo
The zulu community believed in Umhlanga or reeds dance ceremony
Beadwork was a prominent wttire that worn at the Umahlanga
Beadworks was a sign of communication
It also symbolised wealth status of a person
Zulu believed in one God called uNkulunkulu
The controlled day to day human life of the Zulu community
The zulu had traditional mediceine men who treated the sick

Social Organisation Of The Asante Community Up To 1900

Asante are Akan speaking people
They live in the central part of the Modern day Ghana
Are organsised into clans whch is headed by a chief
Each clan speaks its own dialect of the Aken language
They believe in one supreme creator called Nyame
Ancestors were believed to connect people to Nyame
Asante empire leader was called Asatehene
He also acted as a spiritual leader
Omamhene and chiefs were all religious leaders who presided over religious ceremonies
Golden stool was th symbol of national unity in the Aasnte empire
It symboised ones and authority from the Asantehene
It was based in Kumasi, the capital of Asant empire
Odwira festival was an annual ceremony
They believed in the spirits of the departed rulers
Asante were socially stratified into 5 main divions
1st division – king and those close to the king
- Lived in the capital of Kumasi
- Were wealthy and lived in luxury
2nd division – consisted of the chiefs and top officials who assisted the king in enforcing law and order
3rd division – those who had acquired a lot of wealth hence respect in the society
4th division – comprised of ordinary farmers, traders and fishermen
5th division – the lowest class was for the slaves
Asante families were extebded and matrilineal – mother’s brother was the legal guardian of her children
Asante were experts in form of decoration, logos, arts, sculture and pottery
These were known as Adinkra symbols

Comparing the social organisation of thr Ogiek, Zulu, and Asante community up to 1900

 Aspect of social organisation   The Ogiek   The Zulu   The Asante 
 Marriage  Polygamous   Polygamous   
 Art and Clothing      
 Family set up      
 Name of their God  Tororet  believed in one God called uNkulunkulu  supreme creator called Nyame 
 Inheritance   The ogiek were a patriarchal society- men owned property and passed it to their son  Men inherited everything. Inheritance was patrilineal  
 Circumcision  Both boys and girls were initiated    

Human Diversity And Inclusion

Personality Attributes Which Make Individuals Different From Others

Personality attributes are qualities or characteristics that differentiate the character, action and attitude of a person from one another

 Personality attribute    Description 
 Openness to experience   


Desirable and undesirable personality attributes in a multicultural society

Peace and Conflict Resolution

A state of calmness when there is no war
Conflict resolution
This is the process or act of solving or settling a disagreement.

Peace and conflict for personal well being

Human Origin

Traditional Stories On Human Origin

This is an attempt by communities of people to explain their origin.
It is given through Oral Traditions, myths and legends.
It mainly states that the first people were created by God

  1. Kikuyu community
    According to the Agikuyu, God (Ngai) appeared and created their ancestors (Gikuyu and Mumbi) at Mukurwe Wa Gathanga near present day Muranga
    Gikuyu and Mumbi gave birth to 9 daughters who later formed the nine class
  2. Bukusu
    The bukusu of wetern Kenya belives that the fist man was called Mwambu.
    He was made from mud by WELE KHAKABA (God the creator) at a place called Mumbo which means west.
    God created a wife for him. Mwambu and his wife moved from Mumbo to the foothills of Mt. Masaba-mt elgon- where their descendants grew in numbers to become the Abaluhya community
  3. Maasai
    Once upon a time Enkai (God) owned all the cattle in the world. One day he opened the sky and replaced all the cattle he owned from heaven to earth using a long rope.
    Enkai created 3 communities on earth
    The Torrobo(also the Ogiek) , the gikuyu whom God bless with seed and grain and the Maasai whom God blessed with all the cattle of the world
  4. Akamba community
    The akamba community believes that God was called Mulungu. He created the first man MUNDU and woman KIVETI.
    They were then placed on top of Nzaui Hill in makueni.
    He blessed them with children and livestock
  5. Nandi community
    According to the Nandi, the first two people came from the knees of a giant man, which began to swell until they burst. A man came from one knee and a woman from the other. These became the ancestors of the Nandi-speaking people of Kenya. This is an example of myths in certain communities that do not directly refer to God‟s creation.

Religious Stories On Human Origin

This presents man and everything else as having been created by God.
It is contained mainly in

  1. The Bible (used by Christians)
    God created the heaven and earth according to Genesis chapter 2
  2. The Quran (used by Muslims).
    Islam believes that all living and non living things were created by Allah
  3. Hindu
    The universe was created by Brahma. He is regarded as the hindu god of creation

Factors Proving That Africa Is The Cradle Of Humankind

  • African Savannas were ideal for primates.
  • The moist, warm and varied climate supported animal and plant life.
  • Archaeological sites were discovered in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa and along the Great Rift Valley. This confirms that hominids were living in this region by the time the rift valley was being formed.
  • The earliest apes and various animals may have first lived around what is now Lake Victoria and the rift valley, then some went northwards into Europe and Asia. This was because, at that time, areas along the Equator (especially central and west Africa) were covered in thick forest. Around the Great lakes of East Africa was the Savannah (grassland with scattered trees and bushes). It was in this environment that man had his first home.
  • Due to earth quakes and volcanic eruptions during the formation of the great rift valley, allot of dust was brought up, which covered places where hominids had left their weapons, tools, their own bones, and those of other animals. These became archaeological sites in east Africa
  • Remains found in Africa especially Eastern Africa are evidence that Africa is the cradle of mankind.


Evolution is a natural process of gradual and continuous change of living organisms from a lower (simpler) state to a better-adapted (complex) and superior one.
Archaeological site or prehistoric site
Is a place where human remains were found
Are scientists who excavated the human remains for study
Human remains

Stages Of Man’s Evolution

  1. Ramapithecus also called kenyapithecus
    The 15-12 million year-old remains of Ramapithecus were found by Mary and Louis Leakey at Fort Ternan near kericho and also at Samburu hills and in the Lakes Turkana and Baringo basins. Ramapithecus and other manlike creatures were also discovered in Europe, India and China.
    Characteristics of Ramapithecus
    • He was manlike.
    • He had small canines.
    • He was quadrapedal (he moved on his four limbs), though he occasionally walked on two legs
  2. Australopithecus/southern ape/zinjathropus
    Remains of Australopithecus were found at Taung in Botswana in 1924 by Raymond Dart, at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania by Mary Leakey in 1959 and throughout eastern Africa e.g. regions around Lake Natron in Tanzania, Lake Turkana in Kenya and Omo River valley in Ethiopia.
    Characteristics of Australopithecus
    • He was the earliest most manlike hominid.
    • He had a pelvis and leg that were similar to modern man‟s.
    • He was bipedal (walked on two limbs).
    • Could defend themselves.
    • Could attack their enemies.
    • Could see or sense impending danger from a distance.
    • Could grasp objects with ease.
    • May have been hairy, short and strong.
    • Had a large face and low forehead.
    • Had stereoscopic vision.
    • Had much larger teeth, skull and jaws.
    • His brain was smaller than modern man‟s, but larger than that of the most intelligent ape: the Gorilla.
  3. Homo habilis (Practical man).
    This was the first species of the genus Homo. His two and a half to one and a half million- year old remains were found at Olduvai Gorge by Jonathan Leakey in 1964, Hadar and Omo River valley in Ethiopia and Koobi-For a in the lake Turkana area in 1972.
    Characteristics of Homohabilis
    • He was five feet tall.
    • He had a skull similar to modern man‟s in shape.
    • He was omnivorous.
    • He could grasp objects.
    • He made and used tools.
  4. HOMOERECTUS (upright man).
    Homoerectus lived between two million to two hundred thousand years ago.
    • He was five and a half feet tall.
    • He was bipedal (walked on two legs).
    • He made and used tools, such as hand-axes, crude spears and arrowheads from stone, bone and wood.
  5. Homo sapiens (Thinking/Intelligent man).
    Homo sapien appeared between two hundred thousand and a hundred and fifty thousand years ago.
    Characteristics of Homosapien
    • He was under six feet tall
    • He had small teeth.
    • He had a steep and well-rounded forehead.
    • He had long straight legs.
    • He made a variety of more refined tools i.e. microliths.
    • He was a fisherman and hunter-gatherer.
    • He domesticated plants and animals.
    • Remains of Homosapien were found at:
      • Eliye springs near Lake Turkana,
      • Kanjera and Kanam in Kenya,
      • Bodo and Omo river valley in Ethiopia,
      • Ngaloba in Tanzania.
Thursday, 16 February 2023 13:19

Weather - Grade 7 Social Studies Revision Notes


Weather is the daily atmospheric conditions of a place at a particular time.

Elements Of Weather

  1. Temperature
    • Measure or degree of hotness or coldness of a place
  2. Humidity
    • The amount of water vapour or moisture in the atmosphere
  3. Precipitation
    • All forms of moisture which fall from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface
    • Rainfall is a form of precipitation formed from clouds that in form of water droplets
  4. Atmospheric pressure
  5. Wind
    • Moving air on the surface of the earth
  6. Sunshine
    • Direct rays of sunlight on the surface of the earth
  7. Cloud cover
    • Mass of tiny droplets of water or ice formed through condensation

Analysis and interpretation of weather conditions

Diurnal/daily Temperature range
-Difference between the maximum and minimum temperature for any one day.

Mean Daily Temperature
-Average of the maximum and the minimum daily temperatures.

Mean Monthly temperature
-Sum of mean daily temperatures in a month divided by the number of days in that month.

Mean Monthly minimum Temperature
-Sum of daily minimum temperatures divided by the number of days in that month.

Mean Monthly Maximum Temperature
-Sum of daily maximum temperatures divided by the number of days in that month.

Mean Annual Temperature
-Sum of mean monthly temperatures divided by 12.

Mean Annual Temperature Range
-Difference between the highest and the lowest mean monthly temperatures in a year.

Monthly Rainfall Total
-Sum of rainfall recorded in a month.

Annual Rainfall Total
-Sum of monthly rainfall totals for 12 months.

Mean Monthly Rainfall
-Sum of rainfall totals for a particular month over several years divided by the number of the years of observation.

Mean Annual Rainfall
-Sum of mean monthly rainfall for 12 months of the year.

Factors To Consider When Siting A Weather Station

Weather Station

  • A place where observation, measuring and recording of weather elements is done

Factors to Be Taken Into Account When Sitting a Weather Station

  1. Open space
    • An open place where there is little obstruction of weather elements.
  2. Accessible place
    • Accessible place so that recording can be done easily.
  3. Gently sloping land
    • A fairly level or gently sloping ground (5◦) so that it’s easy to position weather instruments.
  4. Security
    • The place should have security
  5. The place should provide a wide view of the surrounding landscape and the sky.
  6. The site should be free from flooding.

Constructing Selected Instruments For Measuring Elements Of Weather

Instruments for Measuring Elements of Weather

  1. Thermometer- measures temperature
  2. Hygrometer- measures humidity
  3. Rain gauge-measures rainfall
  4. Barometer-measures air pressure
  5. Sunshine recorder-measures sunshine duration and intensity
  6. Wind vane –measures wind direction
  7. Anemometer-measures wind speed
  1. Constructing a wind stock
    PAGE 52
    Materials needed
    1. A paper cup
    2. Clay and plasticine
    3. A pin
    4. Drinking straw
    5. Marker pen
    6. A white circular cardboard
    7. Square and triangular paper cuttings
    8. A pencil with a rubber head
  2. Constructing a rain gauge
    PAGE 53
    Materials needed
    1. A 2-litre plastic bottle
    2. Ruler
    3. A ballpoint pen
    4. Masking tape
    5. A scalpel or pair of scissors
  3. Constructing a Windsock
    PAGE 53-54
    Materials needed
    1. Cylindrical bag
    2. String
    3. A scalpel
    4. Water paints
    5. An empty plastic fat/magarine tin
    6. Masking tape or cellotape
    7. A pole with a pointed end
    8. Painting brushes or chewed sticks

Significance of weather to human

  1. Helps us to be aware of natural calamities related to weather before they occur so as to take precautionary measures.
  2. Guiding tourists on when to visit national parks.
  3. Helps farmers to plan their activities such as planting, harvesting, etc.
  4. Ensures air and water transport is carried out safely.
  5. Helps sporting people to plan their training and competition schedules.
  6. Helps people to plan many other activities such as mining, electricity generation, holiday events, etc.
  7. Helps fishing communities to plan their activities


Historical Information

Sources of historical information in the society

  1. Monuments
  2. Caves
  3. Historical pictures
  4. Folk songs
  5. Old coins
  6. Recorded folk stories
  7. Archaeological sites
  8. Textbooks
  9. Articles
  10. Myths
  11. Artefacts,
  12. Fossils

Primary and secondary sources of information

Primary source is historical information that are created during the time period studied or were created at a later age by participant in even being practised
Secondary source is historical information that interprets or analyses a historical phenomenon

 Primary sources of historical information    Secondary sources of historical information 

Ways of preserving historical information

Significance of historical information in providing evidence of past accounts

 Sources of historical information   Significance of sources of information   How did it provide evidence of past accounts 
 Primary source  Provide cultural values of the society  They are preserved in museums and cultural centres for   viewing
 Secondary Sources  Provide knowledge to students of history  They are stocked in libraries and archives


The Earth And The Solar System

Solar system is the group of heavenly bodies comprising the sun and the planets.

The Origin Of The Solar System

  1. The passing star theory
    A star with a greater gravitational pull passed near the sun
    It attracted large quantities of gaseous materials from the sun
    The materials split, cooled and condensed to form planets
    The planets were set in orbit by the passing star
  2. The nebula cloud theory
    There was a slowly rotating cloud of dust and gas called Nebula
    It cooled and began to contact
    Rotation speed increased and successive rings of gaseous materials were formed.
    The rings condensed to form planets
    The central gaseous material remained as the sun

Size of the earth

Equatorial diameter-12756km
Equatorial circumference-40085km
Polar diameter-39995km
Surface area of the earth-510×106 km2
Water surface - 73%.

Nearest from the sun
Its 58m km from the sun
Has no satellites
Takes approximately 88 earth days to revolve around the sun

2nd planet from the sun
It’s 108m km from the sun
One of the brightest planets
Can be seen clearly with naked eyes
Takes approximately 225 earth days to revolve around the sun
Slightly smaller than the earth
Has no satellites
Together with the earth they are called twin planets due to having many similarities

Also called The Red Planet because when it’s observed through a telescope it appears reddish.
The 4th from the sun
Slightly smaller than the earth
Approximately 228m km from the sun
Takes 687 earth days to revolve around the sun
Between Mass and Jupiter there are small celestial bodies called planetoids.
Has no satellite.

5th planet from the sun
Approximately 778m km from the sun
Largest in the universe
Rotates on its own axis at very fast speed
Has flattened poles due to its fast speed of rotation
Has very thick layers of ice on its surface
takes 12 earth years to revolve around the sun
Has 16 satellites

6th planet from the sun
Second largest planet
Approximately 1427m km from the sun
Takes 29 ½ earth years to revolve around the sun
Has a ring around it
Has 18 satellites

7th planet from the sun
About 4 times bigger than the earth
Approximately 2870m km from the sun
Also rotates very fast
Also has flattened poles due to fast speed of rotation
It appears greenish foe being surrounded by methane gas
Has 8 satellites
Takes 84 earth years to revolve around the sun

One of the farthest from the sun
8th planet from the sun
Approximately 4497m km from the sun
Has 8 satellites
Takes 165 earth years to revolve around the sun
Very similar in size, colour and character with Uranus

The shape of the earth

The shape of the earth is called geoid/ovoid/oblate spheroid due to being an imperfect sphere by being wide at the equator and flat at the poles.


The Position Of The Earth In The Solar System

The 3rd planet from the sun
The earth and the heavenly bodies make the universe
The only planet that supports life
The home of man
Approximately 149m km from the sun
Takes 365 ¼ days to revolve around the sun
Has one satellite, the moon


Rotation Of The Earth

Movement of the earth on its own axis (imaginary line through the centre from N pole to S pole
Rotates through 360º
Takes 24 hours (day) to complete 1 rotation
Rotates in an anticlockwise direction (west to east)

Effects of Rotation of the Earth

  1. Creates day and night because at any one time one side of the earth faces the sun (day) and the other remains in darkness (night).
  2. Causes deflection of winds and ocean currents in the N hemisphere to the left and in the S hemisphere to the right.
  3. It causes rising and falling of ocean tides.
  4. Causes time difference between longitudes

Effects of Rotation of the Earth on human activities

 Effects of Rotation   How rotation affects human activities 
 Day and night  Planning day and night activities
 High and low tides  Helps in fishing activities
 Sea transport -
 Deflection of winds and ocean currents 
  • Triggering of cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes for example the deflection cause pressure changes which affect ocean currents and movement of wind
  • Growing of crops
  • Aviation or sea transport
  • Causes flooding
Time difference
  • Travelling
  • Education
  • Sports


Revolution Of The Earth

  • Movement of the earth in its orbit around the sun.
  • It’s in anticlockwise direction.
  • The orbit of the earth’s revolution is elliptical.
  • Takes 365 ¼ days in a year or 366 days in a leap year (every 4 years).
  • The sun moves from the tropic of cancer to the equator and then towards tropic of Capricorn and back to the tropic of cancer.
  • 21st march and 23rd September are called equinoxes because the length of day and night is equal. The sun is vertically overhead at noon at the equator.
  • 21st June is called summer solstice because its summer in the N hemisphere. The sun is vertically overhead at noon at the tropic of cancer.
  • 22nd December is called winter solstice because its winter in the S. hemisphere. The sun is vertically overhead at noon at noon at the tropic of Capricorn.
  • Solstice is the period of maximum tilting of the earth towards the sun.

Effects Of The Revolution Of The Earth

  1. Causes the four seasons summer, autumn, winter and spring due to the movement of overhead sun causing changes in the heat belt.
  2. Causes variation of day and night’s lengths due to the earth’s axis being inclined to the path of revolution at an angle of 60◦.
    1. Equinoxes have equal lengths of day and night.
    2. Summers have longer days and shorter nights.
    3. Winters have longer nights and shorter days.
  3. Causes changes in the altitude of the midday sun due to the earth’s orbit being elliptical.
    • Highest altitude during equinox
    • Lowest altitude during solstices
  4. Causes lunar eclipse due to revolution bringing the earth in line with the sun and the moon.

Effects of the Revolution of the earth on human activities

 Effects of Revolution   How revolution affects human activities  
 Changes in the position of midday sun at different times of the year   
 Varying length of day and night at different times of the day  


The Internal Structure Of The Earth


  1. Crust/Lithosphere
    • Outermost layer of the earth
    • Made of soils and other loose deposits of sand
    • The dominant rocks are granites.
    • Extends 0-50km
    • Has 2 layers
      1. Sial
        • Also called continental crust
        • Made of light coloured rocks
        • Called sial because it’s made up of silica and aluminium.
      2. Sima
        • Also called oceanic crust
        • Mainly made of basaltic rocks which are brittle.
        • Called sima because it is made of silica magnesium and iron.
  2. Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho)
    • A definite zone of discontinuity between the crust and the mantle.
    • Was discovered by Dr. Andrija Mohorovicic in 1909.
  3. The Mantle/Asthenosphere
    • Layer lying between the crust and the core
    • Made of iron and magnesium
    • Has two layers
      1. Upper mantle
        • Rocks are more elastic than those of sima.
        • Temperature is about 1000°c.
      2. lower mantle
        • Rocks are like very viscous liquid.
        • Temperature ranges between 1000°c to 3000°c.
  4. Gutenberg Discontinuity
    A definite zone of discontinuity between mantle and core.
  5. Core/barysphere/Centrosphere
    • The innermost/central layer of the earth.
    • Has 2 layers
      1. Outer Core
        • Composed of very dense rocks
        • Made up of nickel and iron
        • Temperatures are up to 3700°c.
      2. Inner Core
        • A solid mass of mainly iron
        • Temperatures are estimated to be 4500°c to 5000°c.
  6. The Atmosphere
    Layer of gases surrounding the earth.
    The earth revolves with it because its held onto it by gravity
    It’s about 330km thick.
    Composition of the Atmosphere
    • Gases-exist as a mixture
    • Smoke particles
    • Dust particles
    • Water vapour
  7. hydrosphere
    Ocean and seas

Maps And Mapwork

A map is a representation of the earth or part of it on a flat surface.

Position of Africa

  • Africa lies between latitude 37ºN and 35ºS and on longitude 18ºW and 52ºE.
  • Separated by water from all other continent except at the point where it joins Asia.
  • Mostly Easterly point is called ras hafun(cape guardafui)
  • Mostly westerly is cape verde
  • Mostly northerly is cape bon
  • Mostly southerly is cape agulhas
  • Africa is connected to sinai peninsula by suez canal
  • Separated from Spain by strait of gibraltar
  • Separated from Arabia by strait of bab el-mandeb

Shape of Africa

The northern half is very wide while the southern is much narrower
At the cape guardafui extends outwards in the shape of a horn therefore the horn of Africa

Size of Africa

Africa is the second largest continent in the world
Has an area of about 30.3 million square kilometres (20% of the total land surface)
It measures 8000 km from north to south and 7400km from east to west
Other continents

  1. Asia – 43608000km2
  2. Africa – 30335000km2
  3. North America – 25349000km2
  4. South America – 17611000km2
  5. Antarctica – 13340000km2
  6. Europe – 10498000km2
  7. Australia – 8923000km2

Countries That Makes Up The Africa Continent

Africa has the largest number of countries in the world making o total of 55 countries

  1. Algeria 2381741km2
  2. Angola 1246700km2
  3. Benin 115773km2
  4. Botswana 600372km2
  5. Burkina faso 274200km2
  6. Burundi 28490km2
  7. Cameroon 475900km2
  8. Cape verde 7275km2
  9. Central africa republic 622984km2
  10. Chad 1284000km2
  11. Comoros 2117km2
  12. Congo 34965km2
  13. Cόte d’ ivoire 322463km2
  14. Djibouti 23310km2
  15. DR congo 2345409km2
  16. Egypt 1101449km2
  17. Equatorial guinea 28051km2
  18. Eritrea 124320km2
  19. Ethiopia 1221900km2
  20. Gabon 267667km2
  21. Gambia 11369km2
  22. Ghana 238537km2
  23. Guinea 245957km2
  24. Guinea bisau 36125km2
  25. Kenya 582648km2
  26. Lesotho 30460km2
  27. Liberia 111369km2
  28. Libya 1775000km2
  29. Madagascar 592900km2
  30. Malawi 118484km2
  31. Mali 1240192km2
  32. Mauritania 1030700km2
  33. Mauritius 2040km2
  34. Morocco 724730km2
  35. Mozambique 802000km2
  36. Niger 1267000km2
  37. Namibia 824295km2
  38. Nigeria 923773km2
  39. Rwanda 26338km2
  40. Sӑo Tome & principe 964km2
  41. Senegal 196192km2
  42. Seychelles 453km2
  43. Sierra leone 72325km2
  44. Somalia 626541km2
  45. South africa 1221037km2
  46. South sudan 644329km2
  47. Sudan 1886068km2
  48. Eswatini 17368km2
  49. Tanzania 947419km2
  50. Togo 56785km2
  51. Tunisia 164154km2
  52. Uganda 236036km2
  53. Western sahara 252120km2
  54. Zambia 752618km2
  55. Zimbabwe 390759km2

The largest country in Africa is Algeria while the smallest is Seychelles.
Offshore island also form part of Africa;

  1. Seychelles
  2. Sao Tome and principe
  3. Mauritius
  4. Comoros
  5. Madagascar
  6. Cape verde

Locating Places And Features On A Map Using Latitudes And Longitudes

  • When giving the position of a place or features we with start with the latitude and then longitude
    Major latitudes and longitudes
  • Major longitude is called prime meridian also called Greenwich meridian
  • In Africa it passes through:
    1. Ghana(Accra)
    2. Algeria
    3. Burkina faso
    4. Mali
  • All other longitudes are measured and named from prime meridian up to 180 ̊ on both sides
  • Major latitude are 3 passing through Africa
  1. Equator 0 ̊ - divides Africa into two parts
    It passes through;
    1. Gabon
    2. Congo
    3. DR congo
    4. Uganda
    5. Kenya
    6. Somalia
  2. Tropic of cancer 23½ ̊ north of equator
    It passes through;
    1. Western sahara
    2. Mali
    3. Mauritania
    4. Algeria
    5. Libya
    6. Egypt
  3. Tropic of capricorn 23½ ̊ south of equator
    It passes through:
    1. Namibia
    2. Botswana
    3. South africa
    4. Mozambique
    5. Madagascar
  • Other important lines of latitude are far from africa are:
    1. Arctic circle 66½ ̊N
    2. Antarctic circle 66½S
 Place   Degrees North    Degrees South   Degree East   Degree West  
 Kenya   5°N  4½°S  Between 34°W and 42°E   


 Physical feature   Degrees North    Degress South    Degree East    Degrees West 
 Lake Turkana        
 Namid desert        
 Mt. Kilimanjaro        
 River Zambezi        
 Jos Plateau        


Calculating the time of different places in the world using longitudes

  • Rotation of the earth- This is movement of earth on its own axis
  • Distance between longitudes is measured in degrees
  • There are 360 meridians or longitudes
  • One complete rotation is 360 ̊
  • The direction of the rotation is from west to east i.e. anticlockwise direction.
  • One complete rotation takes 24 hours
  • All places found in the east of the Greenwich meridian will see sunrise first and therefore they are one hour ahead of those to the west

Effects of rotation of the earth

  1. Differences in time along different longitudes
  2. Occurrence of day and night

24hrs = 360 ̊
1hr = ?
360×1 ÷24 =15
Therefore 1hr =15 ̊ or 360 ̊ = (24×60)minutes=1440min
̊= 1440÷360 ×1=4min
I Hr the earth covers 15º and 1º it covers 4 minutes

Calculating time of places found to the east of Greenwich Meridian

Example 1
The time in Accra 0° is 7.00am.calculate time in bermbera 45°E
1hr =15°
? = 45° = 45÷15×1 =3hrs
So 3hrs is equivalent to 45°  then add 3hrs to 7.00am to get 10.00am
Example 2
Suppose the time at GWM is 12 noon what is the local time at Watamu 40°E?
Time gained=40×4=160min=2 hours 40min
Local time at Watamu is 12.00+2.40=14.40-1200=2.40pm.
Example 3
At Dar-es-Salaam 40°E time is 12pm what is the time at Ecuador 40°E?
Ecuador is behind in time =12.00-4=8 am.


  • When calculating time to the east of Greenwich meridian, we add the time difference to the local time.

Calculating time of places found to the west of Greenwich Meridian

  • When calculating time to the west of Greenwich meridian we subtract the time difference to the local time
    Example 1
    A plane leaves off in New York, 74ºW at 7 am local time. What is the local time in Stockholm 18ºE


  • If the places are on the same side subtract the degrees to get the difference and add or subtract from the reference time depending on which side the place is.

Pictures, Plan And Maps

 Picture   Plan    Maps  
Image of a real object   Outline of something drawn to scale   Representation of the whole or part of the earth’s surface drawn to scale
Gives details in their visible shapes and sizes Also drawn as if a person was directly above the ground Shows outline of objects on the ground
Can be inform of free hand, drawing, painting or a photograph It represents a very small place Drawn as if the drawer was above the ground
 Not drawn to scale  The scale is large to show details e.g. house plan It shows details
  Gives specific information Most of the features are indicated by symbols.


Types Of Maps

  1. Topographical maps 
    This shows selected natural physical features on a small portion of a country.
  2. Atlas map this is a collection of maps in one volume
  3. Sketch map maps which are roughly drawn.

A good sketch map should have the following characteristics:

  1. Neat and clear
  2. Title
  3. Frame
  4. Key
  5. Compass direction

Importance of maps in day to day lives

  1. Sketch maps are used to summarise information for easy reference.
  2. Used for locating other countries.
  3. Used for comparing sizes of countries.
  4. For locating climatic regions of different parts of the world.
  5. Give information on distribution of geographical phenomena e.g. vegetation on the earth’s surface.
  6. Help travellers to find their way.
  7. Used to calculate distance of a certain place.
  8. Used to locate physical features like landforms.
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