Displaying items by tag: social studies

Career And Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Social Studies

  • Social studies is a learning area that includes History, Geography and Citizenship
  • The study of social studies provides us with career and entrepreneurial opportunities in different fields.
  • Careers are occupations undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress in life
  • Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or taking on financial risks with hope of making a profit

Importance Of Social Studies For Personal Development And Service To Humanity

  1. Social studies prepares learners to join various career pathways
  2. Learners are able to utilise available resources to come up with entrepreneurial projects which help them meet their needs.
  3. By learning political development and governance learners are exposed to different styles of leadership
  4. By understanding systems of government, learners are able to make informed decisions once they take up leadership roles in future for the benefit of the community
  5. The historical understanding of some prominent people in the past is key in shaping learners future
  6. Social studies encourages learners to appreciate different cultures, values and traditions from national and global perspective which can be adopted in our locality
  7. learners are able to integrate key aspects of the constitution such as integrity when making decision about governance
  8. Learning of key aspects on democracy, rule of law, responsible citizenry helps learners living harmoniously in the society.
  9. Skills and knowledge in personality, human identity and personal well being in promoting inner peace are all meant to enhance understanding of personal growth and development
  10. Research skills in field work equip learners with data collection, analysis and presentation skills that will help in solving problems affecting our society
                                                               Importance of Social Studies  
   Personal development  Service to humanity  
 1.   Helps one to understand the real world around us    Helps us to utilize the available resources to serve humanity 
 2.  Helps us to become good citizens    Helps us to appreciate and relate well with other people
 3.  Helps us to know the current affairs  


Career opportunities related to social studies

  1. Law -Advocate -Lawyer
  2. Geology –
  3. Museology –
  4. Cartography
  5. Urban planning
  6. Meteorology and climatology
  7. Aviation
  8. Archaeology
  9. Medicine
  10. Teaching
  11. Survey
  12. Engineering
 Geography   History   Citizenship  
 Land economics   Archaeology   Public administrator  


Entrepreneurial opportunities for social studies  

Some of the entrepreneurial opportunities for social studies in our socisty include

  1. Pottery
  2. Basketry
  3. Ecotourism
  4. Horticulture
  5. Agro forestry
  6. Fishing
  7. Dairy farming

Gender Stereotypes Associated With Career Choices And Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Social Studies

Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to social and cultural roles.
Stereotypes are fixed general ideas or images that assume that a person behaves in a particular way.
Stereotypes limit aspirations and development of talents.
They create gender differences.
These gender differences ought to be addressed using appropriate strategies.
A strategy is a careful plan or method of dealing with an issue
We can address gender stereotypes in career and entrepreneurial opportunities related to social studies through the following strategies

  1. Committing and encouraging both males and females to take a full range of careers and business opportunities
  2. Ensuring representation of both genders in leadership
  3. Treating both males and females equally by using texts and circular that does not promote gender bias
  4. Develop policies, law and decision making process that represent both males and females

Recognising Biological Difference Devoid Of Stereotypes In Career Choices And Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Social Studies

  • There are biological differences between male and female people.
  • Biological difference should never be a hindrance to one’s career choice and entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Both male and female should be given equal opportunities to pursue their dreams

Demonstrating respect for one’s gender identity in pursuit of social studies careers and entrepreneurial opportunities


  • Resources are things that we use to create wealth.
  • Resources can be man-made things or natural.

Main resources in our county


  • Land
  • Minerals
  • Animals
  • Forests
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Manpower

PAGE 69-71

Ways in which resources are conserved in the county

  • We should make good use of our resources.
  • The protection of resources is known as conservation.
  • This can be done through
    1. Building gabions
    2. Conserving wild animals
    3. Fencing
    4. Planting trees
    5. Protecting animals
    6. Conserving water
    7. Avoid overgrazing
    8. Avoid poaching

Economic Activities

Economic activities in the county

  • Economic activities helps to earn a living
  • We use resources to carry economic activities.
  • Economic activities are things that people do in order to create wealth
  • Refers to the use of resources available in order to create wealth or earn a living

Main economic activities in the county


  • Mining
  • Fishing
  • Saw milling
  • Agriculture
  • Transport
  • Communication
  • Pottery
  • Basketry
  • Trading

Importance of economic activities

  • People in the county earn money from various economic activities.
  • This improves their standard of living
  • Economic activities like farming have led to development of other industries.
  • These industries have led to development of roads, hospitals and schools.

PAGE 77-80


Trade in the county

  • Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services.
  • It Is also the exchange of goods and services for money
  • People sell goods that they have and buy what they do not have.

Methods of trade in the county

  1. Barter trade – it is a method of trade where communities exchanged goods for other goods.
    For example: exchanging a bag of potatoes for two goats.
  2. Currency trade – is the use of money to pay for goods and services For example: people use money to buy food or clothes

PAGE 81-83

Benefits of trade in the county

  1. Creation of employment
  2. Improvement of transport and transport
  3. Earns foreign exchange
  4. Promotes cooperation and understanding
  5. Promotes growth of town (urbanization)
  6. Promotes agricultural sector
  7. Source of revenue for the government
  8. Promotes interaction and exchange of ideas

PAGE 83-85

Lawful trading activities in the county

  • Lawful trading activities are business that are accepted in the county.
  • These activities involve selling goods and services that have been approved by the county government.
  • One needs a license from the county government before engaging in trading activities
  • This makes the trading activity lawful.
  • Engaging in a trading activity without a license is unlawful.
  • If you do not pay tax, your trading activities will be considered unlawful.
  • Traders pay taxes to county government
  • We should encourage all people to engage in lawful trading activities.



Industries In Our County

  • An industry is a place where raw materials are made into useful products.
  • Industries are the processes and activities to produce final goods from raw materials
  • A factory is a place where raw materials are turned into new and useful products

Types of industries

  1. Processing
    • Also called primary industries
    • The produce goods used in other industries
    • Mostly deals with agricultural products
    • Examples of processing industries
    • Coffee and tea processing industries
  2. Manufacturing
    • Manufacturing industries
    • Also called secondary industries
    • Relies on some goods from primary industries
    • Some uses raw materials directly
    • Examples of manufacturing industries
      • Cement making
      • Oil refineries
      • Glass making industries
      • Paper making industries
      • Medicine making industries
  3. Assembly
    • To assemble is to put together
    • It involves putting together items to get a complete item
    • Examples of assembling industries
      1. Motor vehicle assembly
      2. Bicycle assembly
      3. Radio assembly
      4. Television assembly
  4. Service
    • They provide services
    • Examples of service industries
      1. Banking
      2. Hotels
      3. Printing and publishing
      4. Transport and communication
      5. Insurance
      6. Tourism
  5. Jua kali
    • Uses the locally available materials
    • Operates in open air
    • Requires little capital to start


 Industry   Raw materials   Products 
 1) Creameries   Milk  Cheese, butter, milk, powder 
 2) Cement making   Limestone  Cement for building houses
 3) Car Assembly    
 4) Jua Kali  Scrap metals  Jikos,
 5) Bakeries  Wheat  Cakes, Flour
 6) Weaving  Sisal  Ropes
 7) Pottery  Clay  Pots and ceramic made materials 
 8) Shoe making  Leather, hides  Shoes
 9) Wood Carving  Tree, woods  Sculpture of animals like a lion
 10) Brick Making  Stiones, Bricks  Bricks for building


PAGE 90-92

Benefits of industries in the county

  • Creates employment
  • Promotes trade
  • Source of revenue to the government through taxes
  • Leads to development of infrastructure
  • Leads to urbanization
  • It is a form of income to Farmers when they sell their produce to the industries and get money
  • Promotes agriculture
  • Improves the peoples living standards
  • Industries provide goods that we need in our lives


  • Culture is people’s way of life.
  • Each community has its own way of doing things.
  • Communities have different types of foods, dressing, songs, dances, ceremonies and festivals.
  • Culture is passed from one generation to another.

Aspects Of Traditional Culture In The County

 Aspect of culture   What is common in my community  
 1. Food Kalenjins
Drink such as mursik(sour milk)
Animal's blood mixed with fermented milk 
Cereals such as millet (bek/kilipsiongik) and sorghum (mosongik) 
Meat (pendo)
Mushroom (popek)
Vegetables such as isoik
Drink milk and blood and soup
Meat from goats, sheep and cattle
Cereals such as lablab beans (njahi), peas (njugu) and beans (mboco) 
Crops like sweet potatoes (ngwaci), cassava (mwanga), yams (ikwa), and arrowroots (nduma)  
Fruits such as terere (aramantha) stinging nettle kahurura and manage Irio ( mashed beans, maize, potatoes and green vegetables)
 2. Dressing
  • The mode of dressing depended mainly on the occasion
  • Most communities used to dress from animal skins, grass and leaves
  • Among the Maasai, adults plaited their hair and decorated their bodies
  • Warriors had special dressing and weapons
  • Leaders wore special clothes like hats
  • Women wore bangles around their arms and legs and necklaces around their necks
  • Girls wore special dressing before and after initiation
 3. Housing  
 4. Ceremonies
  • A ceremony is an activity or event held to mark ma certain m accession
  • The ceremony may involve songs, dances and celebrations
  • They were held during important events such as birth, circumcision, funerals 
 5. Songs and dances
  •  They were sang for entertainment and pass important messages
  • Song were sang during: Marriage, Initiation, Work, War, Child naming ceremony, Funerals
 6. Games and sports  
 7. Festivals
  •  They are days or the periods of the celebrations
  • They are held to celebrate when something special has happened

Examples: music festivals, harvesting festivals, drama festivals

 8. Traditional medicine practises
  • People were treated by traditional doctors and medicines
  • Learning was done through experts
  • This was called apprenticeship
  • Some women were trained as midwives who assisted mothers when giving birth


Importance of aspects of traditional culture    

  1. Culture promotes unity among the members of the society through sports and games, festivals and ceremonies.
  2. Through culture, young people are able to learn good morals and values.
  3. Culture makes us unique through language, types of food we eat and the dressing styles.
  4. Tourists pay some money to see our culture. This money helps the government to develop our country.
  5. Promote love and kindness
  6. Promote responsible people in the society
  7. Promote honesty
  8. They develop good habits

The school   

  • A school is a place where pupils go to be taught or to learn
  • Is an educational institution designed to provide learning to learners with the support of teachers
  • A school mainly equips learners with knowledge and skills
  • A school trains individuals to be responsible or useful members of the society
  • We have government and private schools

History of the school

  • Every school has a history.
  • The history tells us when and how the school started.
  • It also tells us about the achievement of the school.
  • This history gives the school an opportunity to focus on future plans.

PAGE 59-61

School motto and core values

  • A school motto is a short statement of what a school believes in.
  • School core values are important believes that guide the members of the school.

PAGE 62-64

Practising School Motto And Core Values In School

PAGE 62-65

School routine

  • A daily school routine is a list of activities that the school does every day.
  • Is the programme of activities that have been planned to take place every day in the school
  • Day schools and boarding schools have different routines
  • A school routine is prepared by the school administration
  • School routine should be as per the guidelines of the ministry of education.
  • A school routine is clearly indicated on the school timetable

Importance of a school routine

  • It helps the school to run smoothly
  • It ensures order and harmony in the school
  • Helps in bringing up all round pupils
  • Helps to train pupils to be responsible
  • Helps in proper time management
  • Helps to strengthen discipline among pupils
  • Ensures that all activities in the school are allocated times

Interdependence Of People

  • Interdependence means depending on each other.
  • In our county people depend on each other
  • For example we go to the market to buy what we do not have. Other people go to the market to sell what they have in excess.
  • We all need each other.
  • Life becomes easier and enjoyable when we depend on each other.

PAGE 33-34

Ways in which people depend on each other

  • People also depend on each other through various means. They include:
    1. Food
    2. Treatment
    3. Education
    4. Market

PAGE 35-37

Benefits of Interdependence

  • It promotes love and unity among people
  • It brings development e.g. the development of roads which connect different communities.
  • It discourages tribalism, racism and corruption
  • It leads to the exchange of culture, goods and services.
  • Through interdependence people are able to
    1. Live in unity
    2. Get assistance or support
    3. Appreciate each other’s culture
    4. Do what they cannot do on their own
    5. Get what they do not have
    6. Get new ideas and knowledge

Population Distribution

  • Population refers to the number of people living in a given/particular place
  • Population distribution refers to how people are spread over in an area

PAGE 41-43

Population Distribution In The County

  • Population of our county is not evenly distributed
  • Some areas are;
    1. Sparsely populated
    2. Medium/moderately populated
    3. Densely populated
  • Areas with many houses are densely populated.
  • Areas with few houses are sparsely populated.
  • Areas with few houses far away from each other are unevenly distributed.

PAGE 43-46

Common patterns of population distribution   

  1. Linear pattern – this is where the houses are arranged in a line.
  2. Clustered pattern – this is where houses are close to each other.
  3. Scattered pattern – this is where the houses are spread out.

PAGE 47-49

Patterns of population distribution in our county

PAGE 49-51



Study the map of Sawe area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.     

  1. The general flow of river Suri is from
    1. cast to west.
    2. south west to north.
    3. west to cast.
    4. north west to north.
  2. Tea is grown in the western part of Sawe area because
    1. the area has cool and wet conditions.
    2. the area is hilly.
    3. there are rivers that provide water for irrigation.
    4. the area has a tea factory.
  3. The general direction of the cattle dip from the tea factory is
    1. cast.
    2. north cast.
    3. south west.
    4. north.
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Sawe area? A
    1. Livestock farming 
    2. Crop farming 
    3. Trading 
    4. Mining
  5. Which one of the following products is transported along the murram road to Gare market for export?
    1. Flowers
    2. Milk
    3. Timber
    4. Cabbages
  6. Which one of the following statements about the population of Gare area is true? 
    1. People live in clusters.
    2. Most people live along the roads.
    3. The area has a high population.
    4. The area has evenly distributed population.
  7. Which one of the following social facilities is lacking in Tuti town? A
    1. school.
    2. hotel
    3. stadium.
    4. health centre.
  8. The following are characteristics of a vegetation zone:
    1. Trees have protruding roots. 
    2. Trees are evergreen.
    3. Trees are of medium height.
      The vegetation described above is
      1. rainforest vegetation.
      2. savannah vegetation.
      3. mangrove vegetation.
      4. mediterranean vegetation.
  9. Below are descriptions of a system of marriage:
    1. A marriage certificate is issued.
    2. It is conducted by a religious leader. 
    3. It is conducted according to the couple's traditions
    4. A 21 days notice is given.
      Which one of the following combinations about a civil marriage is correct?
      1. i and iv
      2. ii and iii
      3. ii and iv
      4. i and ii
  10. Which one of the following titles was given to village heads in the traditional Buganda government?
    1. Bataka
    2.  Miruka
    3. Gombolola
    4. Batongole
  11. Three of the following statements about French colonial rule in Africa are true. Which one is not?
    1. The French used indirect rule policy.
    2. African colonies were taken as overseas provinces.
    3. A colony was headed by a lieutenant- General
    4. Africans were encouraged to adopt French ways of life
  12. Which one of the following communities was the first to migrate and settle in Southern Africa?
    1. Dutch
    2. Zulu
    3. San
    4. Herero
  13. Below are characteristics of a form of livestock farming:
    1. Indigenous breeds of livestock are kept.
    2. It is practised in sparsely populated areas.
    3. Overstock and overgrazing are problems faced
      The method of livestock farming described above is
      1. dairy farming
      2. beef farming
      3. paddocking
      4. pastoral farming

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 14 to 17.     


  1. Three of the following statements about the town marked T are correct. Which one is not?  It
    1. was visited by the early visitors.
    2. has a petroleum refinery.
    3. handles much of Kenya's external trade. 
    4. is Kenya's main industrial town.
  2. The main source of the river marked M is 
    1. Ngong hills
    2. Mau ranges
    3. Cherang'ani hills
    4. mount Kenya
  3. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked F consists of
    1. dry bushes.
    2. short shrubs.
    3. dense evergreen forests.
    4. scattered grass.
  4. The communities that used the route marked S during the migration period were looking for 
    1. fertile areas for farming.
    2. better grazing lands.
    3. goods for trade.
    4. iron for tool making.
  5. Which one of the following combinations of European nations had colonies both in East and North Africa?
    1. Italy and Germany. 
    2. Spain and France.
    3. Britain and France.
    4. Portugal and British.
  6. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method used to extract it?
           Mineral          Method   
    1. Gold              deep shaft
    2. Soda ash       drilling
    3. Petroleum      opencast
    4. Copper           dredging
  7. Namuli mountains in Mozambique and Hoboli mountains in Mali were formed whep
    1. land between faults was uplifted.
    2. molten lava solidified on the surface.
    3. underneath rocks folded.
    4. soft parts of the earth were eroded.
  8. The following are conditions for growing a certain crop:
    1. Rainfall of 1000mm and 15 000mm per year.
    2. Cool highland temperatures.
    3. High altitude above 1 800 metres.
      The conditions listed above favour the growing of
      1. wheat.
      2. pyrethrum
      3. flowers.
      4. cotton.
  9. Which one of the following is a characteristic of equatorial climate?
    1. Skies are usually cloudless.
    2. There is a high range of temperatures.
    3. Annual rainfall is less than 1 500mm. 
    4. Temperatures are high throughout the year.
  10. Three of the following is a characteristic of indigenous education. Which one is not?
    1. Some skills are taught through observation. 
    2. Proverbs are used to teach moral values.
    3. Learners are given written tests.
    4. Parents teach children good behaviour.
  11. Which one of the following was a result of interaction of the Luo and the Abaluhya people in the pre-colonial period? The
    1. Luo learnt crop growing from the Abaluhya.
    2. Abaluhya learned circumcision from the Luo.
    3. The Luo learnt livestock keeping from the Abaluhya.
    4. Abaluhya learned crop growing from the Luo.
  12. The main crop grown at Kenana irrigation scheme in Sudan is
    1. cotton
    2. rice
    3. sugarcane
    4. pineapples
  13. Which one of the following statements about the political organization of the kingdom of Old Ghana is correct?
    1. Decisions were through general agreement. 
    2. A chief was chosen by the leading priest.
    3. A king was succeeded by his sister's son. 
    4. A chief came from the most senior clan.
      Use the diagram below to answer question 27.   
  14. Which one of the following statements about the winds marked X is correct? They
    1. are cool with little moisture.
    2. are hot and dry.
    3. cause heavy rainfall on the leeward side. 
    4. raise temperature on the leeward side.
  15. Three of the following are duties of a head teacher in a school. Which one is not?
    1. Taking care of school property.
    2. Chairing Board of Management (BOM) meetings
    3. Ensuring proper use of school funds.
    4. Allocating duties to teachers.
  16. Which one of the following is a problem facing marine fishing in Africa?
    1. Lack of adequate labour.
    2. Presence of water hyacinth.
    3. Inadequate funds to buy modern fishing equipment.
    4. Long periods in the seas.
  17. The French policy of assimilation did not succeed in West Africa mainly because
    1. Africans resisted French rule. 
    2. of funds to assimilate the Africans.
    3. there were no enough jobs for assimilated Africans.
    4. most people in West Africa were Muslims. 
  18. The most commonly abused drug by people between 25years and 45 years of age are 
    1. bhang and cocaine.
    2. khat and bhang
    3. alcohol and tobacco 
    4. mandrax and alcohol
  19. The Atlas mountains in Morocco and Akwapim hills in Ghana were formed through
    1. erosion of soft rocks.
    2. folding of underneath rocks.
    3. uplifting of land between faults
    4. solidifying of molten lava on the surface. 
  20. Nelson Mandela encouraged unity in South Africa when he
    1. appointed different races in the government.
    2. took part in forming the African union. 
    3. formed a political party for black people. 
    4. interacted with white people while in jail. 
  21. Most people in Eastern Africa use roads to move from one place to another because 
    1. roads are the most widespread.
    2. most people own vehicles.
    3. road transport is the cheapest.
    4. road transport is the fastest.
  22. Which one of the following groups is made up of countries that border Eastern Africa in the south?
    1. Botswana, Mozambique, Angola.
    2. Angola, Namibia, Malawi
    3. Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi
    4. Congo, Botswana, Zimbabwe
  23. The British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria during the colonial period because A.==
    1. the area had able traditional rulers.
    2. the area was sparsely populated.
    3. Africans were ready to collaborate. 
    4. Africans resisted British colonial rule
  24. A negative effect on the environment that has been caused by rapid industrial development in South Africa is
    1. growth of slums around industries.
    2. congestion of vehicles in industrial areas.
    3. movement of people to live in towns.
    4. air pollution by smoke from industries.
  25. The western parts of Botswana are sparsely populated because the areas
    1. do not have good roads. 
    2. have semi-desert conditions. 
    3. are infested with tsetse flies.
    4. have large swamps.
  26. Which one of the following swamps is correctly matched with the country it is found?
           Swamp             Country     
    1. Lorian                Uganda
    2. Sudd                  Tanzania
    3. Okavango          Botswana
    4. Malagarasi         South Sudan
  27. When the Lozi people of Botswana collaborated with the British they were led by king
    1. Lewanika
    2. Khama
    3. Lobengula
    4. Mashoeshoe
      Use the diagram below to answer question 41
  28. The marine fishing method shown above is
    1. trawling method.
    2. long lining method.
    3. net drifting method.
    4. purse seining method.
  29. Struggle for independence in Zimbabwe was faced by the problem of
    1. lack of unity among Africans.
    2. refusal by white settlers to negotiate. 
    3. small numbers of educated Africans.
    4. lack of support by neighbouring countries.
  30. Which one of the following communities in Africa does not practise pastoral farming? 
    1. Tswana B
    2. Maasai
    3. Baganda 
    4. Fulani
  31. Three of the following statements about cultural artefacts are correct. Which one is not? They
    1. are preserved in museums.
    2. describe people's culture.
    3. are exported to earn foreign exchange. 
    4. preserve the traditional way of life of communities.
  32. The main economic contribution of the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is that they
    1. protect sources of rivers.
    2. are home to wild animals.
    3. make the landscape beautiful
    4. provide rare indigenous timber for export.
  33. A problem that was caused by the construction of the Akosombo dam in Ghana is that
    1. lake Volta has disrupted road transport from east to west.
    2. silt is no longer deposited in the lower course of river Volta.
    3. people have settled on the shores of lake Volta.
    4. people who have settled along river Volta are threatened by flooding.
  34. Which one of the following was a political party formed in Ghana before independence?
    1. African National Congress (ANC)
    2. Convention Peoples Party (CPP) 
    3. Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)
    4. Rhodesian Front Party (RFP) 
  35. River Congo carries the largest volume of water in Africa mainly because it
    1. has many tributaries.
    2. rises in highland areas.
    3. flows through areas with high rainfall.
    4. is wide.
  36. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to
    1. marry. 
    2. life
    3. education.
    4. own property.
  37. The main objective of forming the East African Community (EAC) in 1967 was to
    1. promote economic co-operation. 
    2. promote the use of Kiswahili.
    3. form similar systems of government.
    4. promote peace among member states
  38. Which one of the following is a contribution of a community to the development of a school?
    1. Allocating duties to teachers.
    2. Donating land to expand school buildings.
    3. Preparing the school routine.
    4. Providing a school with funds.
  39. Below are characteristics of a type of soil:
    1. It loses water slowly.
    2. It cracks when dry.
    3. It has fine particles.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. sandy soil.
      2. loam soil.
      3. volcanic soil.
      4. clay soil.
  40. Three of the following were results of the coming of Arabs to Eastern Africa. Which one was not?
    1. Introduction of Swahili culture.
    2. Abolition of slave trade in Eastern Africa. 
    3. Introduction of stone buildings.
    4. Establishment of towns along the coast.
  41. Below are descriptions of a town in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is the main industrial town in the country.
    2. It lies along the Trans African Highway.
    3. It has textile industries.
      The town described above is
      1. Thika.
      2. Arusha
      3. Dodoma.
      4. Jinja.
  42. One of the duties of the kings of the Buganda people in the pre-colonial period was to
    1. decide major cases.
    2. lead people to war
    3. prepare medicine from plants.
    4. lead people in long distance trade.
  43. In Kenya a person qualifies to vote in a general election only after
    1. acquiring an identity card.
    2. registering as a voter. 
    3. completing school.
    4. getting a job.
  44. The head of the county executive is a
    1. governor.
    2. cabinet secretary.
    3. county commissioner.
    4. speaker.
  45. Three of the following are benefits of democracy. Which one is not?
    1. Equality before the law.
    2. Freedom to choose.
    3. Expansion of industries.
    4. Right to own property
  46. A foreign woman who gets married to a Kenyan citizen can become a citizen by
    1. marriage.
    2. Birth
    3. application.
    4. registration.
  47. The term writs in the National Assembly means
    1. instructions that declare all seats vacant.
    2. records of parliamentary discussions.
    3. laws that have been passed.
    4. bills that are yet to be discussed.


  1. According to the story of creation in Genesis 1, human beings were created to
    1. be suitable companions.
    2. care for God's creation.
    3. multiply and fill the earth.
    4. care for the garden of Eden
  2. God punished human beings during the time of Noah because of
    1. wickedness.
    2. dishonesty.
    3. pride.
    4. intolerance.
  3. God ordered Abraham to get circumcised in order to
    1. make a covenant with him.
    2. bless all the nations.
    3. identify Abraham's descendants.
    4. change his name.
  4. God commanded Moses to take off his sandals when he was
    1. taking care of Jethro's sheep.
    2. crossing the Red sea.
    3. standing before the covenant box.
    4. speaking to the king of Egypt
  5. The main value that the Israelites lacked as they wandered during the Exodus was
    1. courage. 
    2. respect
    3. obedience.
    4. faith.
  6. The person who took over the leadership of the death of Moses was
    1. Joshua
    2. Aaron
    3. Samuel.
    4. Gideon.
  7. God rejected Saul as the king of Israel because he
    1. tried to kill David.
    2. had taken Naboth's vineyard.
    3. had disobeted God.
    4. had taken the wife of Uriah.
  8. Which one of the following was done by Solomon when he was the king of Israel? He
    1. made Jerusalem the centre of worship. 
    2. made Jerusalem the capital city
    3. built a temple in Jerusalem.
    4. brought the covenant box to Jerusalem.
  9. Which one of the following prophets prophesied a drought in Israel?
    1. Samuel. 
    2. Elijah. 
    3. Nathan.
    4. Elisha.
  10. The good news brought to Mary by Angel Gabriel was that
    1. she would be married by Joseph.
    2. there would be a census in Israel.
    3. her relative Elizabeth was pregnant.
    4. she would have a son.
  11. The angel that appeared to the shepherds at night told them that
    1. Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus.
    2. Jesus had been born in Bethlehem.
    3. some wisemen had visited baby Jesus.
    4. they should visit baby Jesus.
  12. The main message from the sermon on the mount teaches Christians to
    1. help the needy.
    2. preach the word of God.
    3. respect their leaders.
    4. live holy lives.
  13. The miracle that Jesus performed in the village of Bethany is when He
    1. raised Lazarus.
    2. raised a widow's son.
    3. raised Jairus' daughter.
    4. healed blind Bartimaeus.
  14. Which one of the following events took place during the transfiguration of Jesus?
    1. The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove.
    2. Darkness covered the earth.
    3. Jesus' clothes changed to dazzling white.
    4. An angel came down and comforted Jesus. 
  15. The teaching of Jesus about carrying the cross teaches Christians that they should
    1. acquire earthly possessions.
    2. be ready to suffer for Christ. 
    3. live in harmony with others.
    4. help those burdened with heavy luggage.
  16. Judas Iscariot agreed to betray Jesus because he
    1. did not love Jesus.
    2. came from a different area. 
    3. was a friend of the High priest.
    4. had been offered money.
  17. Which one of the following actions of Jesus made the disciples believe that He was the risen Christ? He
    1. showed them His scars.
    2. walked on water.
    3. preached to them.
    4. ate with them.
  18. On the day of Pentecost, the Jews accused the disciples of
    1. speaking in languages they could not understand.
    2. mixing with sinners.
    3. eating using unwashed hands. 
    4. being drunk
  19. The disciple chose twelve deacons whose work was to
    1. distribute to the widows.
    2. preach to the Gentiles.
    3. protect them.
    4. provide funds to them
  20. Which one of the following books of the New Testament describes the activities of the early believers?
    1. Ephesians
    2. Acts
    3. Romans
    4. John
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Peace
    2. Joy
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Wisdom
  22. Which one of the following beliefs about creation in traditional African communities is correct? Human beings were
    1. the last to be created.
    2. created in God's image.
    3. created by God.
    4. put in the garden of Eden.
  23. People in traditional African communities offer sacrifices in sacred places known as
    1. altars
    2. shrines
    3. offertories 
    4. tithes
  24. Ancestors in traditional African communities are appeased through
    1. offering sacrifices to them.
    2. composing songs about them.
    3. visiting their graves.
    4. naming children after them.
  25. Which one of the following is an immoral act in traditional African communities?
    1. Dancing
    2. Singing
    3. Incest
    4. Praying
  26. The purpose of fasting in Christianity is to
    1. strengthen their faith.
    2. spare food to give the poor.
    3. minimize wastage.
    4. get recognition.
  27. The work of the laity in the church is to 
    1. train the clergy.
    2. assist in activities related to the church. 
    3. preach the word of God.
    4. baptize new converts.
  28. It is a Christian duty to help poor and orphaned children througH
    1. establishing schools for them.
    2. giving them money.
    3. looking for their relatives.
    4. arresting those who loiter in towns.
  29. Priscilla who is your deskmate tells you that she wants to drop out of school because of her poor performance. The best advice to give her is to tell her to
    1. transfer to another school. 
    2. put effort in school work. 
    3. get married.
    4. look for a job.
  30. Thika school for the blind was started by the
    1. Seventh Day Adventist church
    2. Catholic church.
    3. Salvation Army church.
    4. Methodist church.



  1. The opening chapter of the holy Qur'an is made of seven often read ayahs referred to as
    1. Qiyamah lail
    2. Ramii jamarat
    3. Sabal mathaniy
    4. Jaariyah
  2. "And sent against them birds in flocks" This is an ayah from chapter
    1. Quraysh
    2. Fiyl
    3. Lahab
    4. Kafirun
  3. Which of the following is the second scandal mentioned in surah Humaza?
    1. Backbiter
    2. Slanderer
    3. Wealth amaser
    4. Defrauder
  4. Why is surah Asr very important in Islam? It
    1. encourages good time usage.
    2. reminds us of the last earthquake.
    3. talks of monotheism
    4. mentions about scandals in life.
  5. Which surah discourages Muslims against unhealthy rivalry in life?
    1. Humaza
    2. Takathur
    3. Zilzala
    4. Kafirun
  6. Why should Muslims read surah Al Tiyn? To
    1. know about monotheism.
    2. acknowledge our creation.
    3. avoid laziness.
    4. ask for forgiveness.
  7. Who among the following prophets was crucified?
    1. Ayub (as)
    2. Isa (as)
    3. Harun (as)
    4. Sulaiman
  8. Which among the following acts makes one to be loved by others?
    1. Keeping off worldly affairs.
    2. Fasting properly.
    3. Visiting the people.
    4. Avoiding their affairs.
  9. What should one avoid during judgement execution?
    1. Biasness.
    2. Justice.
    3. Careful listening.
    4. Asking Allah for guidance.
  10. What should you do if you see a pig drowning?
    1. Ask Allah for help.
    2. Call others.
    3. Bring policemen. 
    4. Save the pig.
  11. In Islam, neighbourhood goes up to the _____________________ house in radius.
    1. 40th
    2. 114th
    3. 99th
    4. 22nd
  12. What will Allah do to you if you, without being forced, spend on others?
    1. You will be rich.
    2. You will lose everything. 
    3. You will become popular
    4. Allah will spend on you.
  13. Which of the following is optional to be washed during wudhu?
    1. Nostrils
    2. Face
    3. Arms
    4. Legs
  14. What is the nisab for the bufalloes on the lowest side?
    1. 10
    2. 5
    3. 30
    4. 40
  15. Why did prophet Muhammad observe optional fasting on Mondays?
    1. He was born on Monday. 
    2. Allah receives our deeds. 
    3. Qiyama will take place.
    4. No one knows.
  16. One of the following did not happen in Makkah. Which one?
    1. Open mission of prophet Muhammad (SAW)
    2. Gushing out of the spring of Zamzam. 
    3. Building of Alkaaba.
    4. Building of Masjid Nabawy.
  17. Which value is learnt from performing of Hajj?
    1. Punctuality
    2. Sacrifice.
    3. Empathy.
    4. Generosity.
  18. Who among the following martyred Hamza, prophet Muhammad's (SAW) uncle?
    1. Abu Lulu
    2. Wahshy
    3. Hindu
    4. Abu Sufyan
  19. Which of the following was the second book to be revealed?
    1. Zabur
    2. Injil
    3. Quran
    4. Taurat
  20. Canaan, prophet Nuh's (as) son
    1. followed his father's teaching.
    2. brought food from heaven.
    3. disobeyed his father.
    4. preached secretly
  21. Which of the following mentions Allah to be the all knowing?
    1. Alrazaq
    2. Al Ghaffar
    3. Al Aleem
    4. Al Muswawir
  22. Who accompanied the prophet (SAW) during the second pledge of Aqabah?
    1. Hamza
    2. Abu Lahab
    3. Abu Talib
    4. Abbas
  23. How many Muslims accompanied the prophet during the conquest of Makkah?
    1. 313
    2. 3 000
    3. 114 000
    4. 1400
  24. How many children did prophet Muhammad have in total?
    1. 10
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 4
  25. What should be done by a Muslim before relying on Allah?
    1. Fast for 30 days.
    2. Go for hajj.
    3. Play your part.
    4. Wait especially at night.
  26. Where was nabii Ibrahim supposed to slaughter his son Ismail(a.s)?
    1. Mina
    2. Arafat
    3. Hira
    4. Musdalifa
  27. Your umrah will not be complete if you miss out on
    1. ramii jamarat
    2. arafat
    3. ihram
    4. zamzam
  28. Which of the following facilitated the building of the prophet's (SAW) mosque? 
    1. Harambee spirit.
    2. Al jinn
    3. Miracles.
    4. Smuggling of building materials.
  29. Who wanted to kill nabii Isa (as)?
    1. The chinese
    2. The Romans
    3. The Medyanites.
    4. Angels
  30. What is mihrab?
    1. The pulpit.
    2. The minaret.
    3. Front part of the mosque.
    4. The ablution area.


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November 2022 - 1 hour 40 minutes


  1. Pambani is in the process of creating a montage composition based on wildlife conservation to be placed at the art curiosity corner as indicated in the
    diagram below.
    1 adadad
    Which one of the steps best fits in the space marked X on the diagram?
    1. Pasting the pictures in a line. 
    2. Pasting the pictures randomly.
    3. Pasting the pictures by overlapping.
    4. Pasting pictures while leaving spaces around them.
  2. Rika took a photograph of a ladybird. At what angle was Rika's view if the ladybird looked actual?
    1. Aerial view
    2. Birds eye view
    3. Worms eye view
    4. Normal eye view
  3. The following are ways to critique each other's artwork in class. Which one is not?
    1. Giving helpful suggestions
    2. Keeping your opinion to yourself
    3. Respecting each other's opinion
    4. Giving honest and positive comments.
  4. A group of learners were investigating how primary and secondary colours change when mixed in equall amounts. They selected two primary colours and two secondary colours for the experiment and recorded the results on a table. Based on the experiment results, which set of colours best identifies the boxes labelled X, Y, and Z?
    4 adadadda
    1. X Yellow
      Y Yellow-green
      Z. Blue-purple
    2. X Blue
      Y Blue-green
      Z Blue-purple
    3. X Yellow
      Y Yellow-orange
      Z Blue-green
    4. X Blue
      Y Blue-green
      Z Yellow-green
  5. Wangari and Mayo decided to do a leaf print using a block cut out of an old slipper as shown below.
    5 a addada
    Which one of the following correctly shows the printed motif?
    5 b aadada
  6. Mwadine used coloured sand to decorate block letters but the sand fell off the paper.
    Which of the statements best describes why the sand fell off the paper?
    1. The sand was very heavy.
    2. The paper was very rough.
    3. The adhesive was unsuitable.
    4. The colour in the sand made it not stick.
  7. The statements below describe the steps to be followed when making a table mat from sisal using coil and stitch technique.
    1. pin the rope and sew in place to secure the centre
    2. continue coiling around as you sew in place
    3. twist the sisal into a rope
    4. connect the coils and complete the mat
      Arrange the statements in the correct order.
      1. iv, ii, iii, i
      2. iii, i, ii, iv 
      3. i, ii, iii, iv
      4. iii, i, iv, ii
  8. Kantai modelled a slab container and decorated it at the leather hard stage using. wet pellets which fell off.
    What would have been the cause?
    1. The slip was too wet.
    2. The walls of the container were too thin.
    3. The surface of the container were too thick to hold slip.
    4. The surface was not scratched before attaching the pellets with slip.
  9. You are collecting information for your Grade 6 national assessment project and have come across good artwork.
    Which would be the correct way of using the artwork?
    1. Copy and trace the artwork.
    2. Edit the artwork and use it.
    3. Seek permission from the artist.
    4. Take a photograph when no one is watching.
  10. Which of the following is the correct order to follow when making a pot using coiling technique?
    1. Form base, add coils, roll out coils and scratch edges.
    2. Form base, scratch edges, roll out coils and add coils.
    3. Add coils, form base, roll out coils and scratch edges.
    4. Form base, add coils, scratch edges and roll out coils.
  11. Which type of song is sung to show love for one's country?
    1. Action song.
    2. Sacred song.
    3. Patriotic song
    4. Topical song.
  12. The main role of a soloist in a folk song is to
    1. play musical instruments
    2. entertain the audience
    3. lead the performance
    4. train the choir.
  13. Which of the sentences below is the last line of the first stanza of the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Firm may we stand to defend
    2. Fill every heart with thanksgiving
    3. Plenty be found within our borders
    4. Service be our ernest endeavour
  14. Which of the following is not a way of tuning Kenyan indigenous drums?
    1. Tightening laces
    2. Rubbing the membrane
    3. Tightening pegs
    4. Warming the membrane
  15. Which of these statements about the descant recorder is false?
    1. It is a wind instrument.
    2. It should be cleaned before and after playing.
    3. It is played by bowing.
    4. It should be properly assembled.
  16. Which of the following words best describe how a lullaby should be sung?
    1. Loudly and softly
    2. Softly and sadly
    3. Slowly and softly
    4. Fast and softly
  17. We can respond to music in the following ways except
    1. dancing to the music
    2. talking while listening to the music
    3. talking about the music
    4. clapping to the rhythm of the music.
  18. .........................are examples of ornaments used in a Kenyan folk dance.
    1. Face paintings, hand paintings and jingles
    2. Necklace, bangles and anklets
    3. Face paintings, jingles and headgear
    4. Costumes, jingles and necklaces
  19. Study the rhythm below:
    19 aadadda
    Which of the sentences below cannot be fitted to the rhythm above?
    1. Twende tukalime shamba
    2. Tuhifadhi mazingira
    3. Nahisi njaa sana
    4. Nina furaha moyoni
  20. Below are diagrams of two Kenyan indigenous instruments.
    20 dsdada
    Which statement is true about the instruments above?
    1. They have a resonator and can play a melody.
    2. They are tuned the same way and can play a melody.
    3. They have a resonator and are played the same way.
    4. They are made of the sarne material and are made the same way.
  21. A grade six teacher has asked the learners to identify the country that borders Kenya to the North West. The country is
    1. South Sudan.
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda.
  22. During a visit to the museum, grade five learners asked an officer why they take care of historical built environments? The correct response was, to protect
    1. them from visitors
    2. them from destruction
    3. our natural environment
    4. our beautiful country.
  23. Grade six learners went for a field trip and saw an ox bow lake. After the trip, the teacher told them to draw the feature they saw. Which of the following diagrams is correct?
    23 adadada
  24. The following are characteristics of a type of vegetation:
    1. tall trees.
    2. trees close together.
    3. huge roots.
    4. climbing plants.
      This type of vegetation is called
      1. Savanna
      2. Semi-desert
      3. Mangrove
      4. Equatorial.
  25. You were asked to identify a historic built environment in Kenya.
    Which one is correct?
    1. Mount Kenya.
    2. Fort Jesus.
    3. Tana River.
    4. Hilton Hotel.
  26. Grade six learners were asked to write short messages to help in caring for plants. within the school compound. Three of the messages will help to care for the plants except
    1. Do not step on grass
    2. Do not use tree branches to sweep
    3. Do not water the grass frequently
    4. Weed the trees regularly.
  27. Jane is walking to school and wants to cross the road. Which of the following road signs indicates that she may cross the road?
    27 adadadda
  28. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the area where it is mined?
    1. Diatomite - Athi River
    2. Soda Ash - Kariandusi
    3. Salt - Malindi
    4. Petroleum - Magadi.
  29. Which of the following factors does not influence dense population?
    1. Presence of minerals
    2. Hilly places
    3. Government policy
    4. Presence of towns
  30. Peter was asked by the class teacher to give qualities of a good leader. He made the table below. Choose the option that has the correct qualities.
    1. Selfish Cruel
    2. Unjust Arrogant
    3. Dishonest Cruel
    4. Caring Kind
  31. Ali has been asked by his parent to sell sweets in the streets in order to get money to buy food. Ali's parent can be accused of
    1. promoting early marriage
    2. promoting child labour
    3. causing physical harm
    4. denial of shelter.
  32. Which one of the following traditional leaders practised long distance trade?
    1. Mekatilili wa Menza.
    2. Chief Kivoi Mwendwa.
    3. Kabaka Mwanga.
    4. Chief Mirambo.
  33. Which of the following factors promote peace in school.
    1. Obedience Respect
    2. Conflict Selfishness
    3. Love Jealousy
    4. Dishonesty Respect
  34. Your class is planning to start an enterprise project in the school. The first activity the class should do is to
    1. share the profits from the project
    2. agree on roles during the project
    3. discuss where to sell the products
    4. discuss the type of project to start.
  35. Mohammed has been asked to write one duty of a judge. The correct duty will be to
    1. listen to evidence and make decisions
    2. listen to people's problems
    3. maintain law and order
    4. make laws and policies.


  1. Your class teacher asked four learners who have the talent of singing to write ways of developing their talent during their free time. They gave the following:
    Ken - Listening to gospel songs.
    Betty - Talking with friends about singing.
    Tom - Drawing pictures of great musicians.
    Joan Practising in a church choir
    Who among those learners gave the best way?
    1. Ken
    2. Betty
    3. Tom
    4. Joan
  2. After learning about child labour, your class teacher told learners to summarise two forms of child labour. Choose a correct response from the choices given
    37 adaadad
  3. In a Sunday school class four children told their parents why they honour their parents:
    Martha- they give me food.
    Titus they do not curse me.
    Dorcas they pay my school fees.
    Dan I can live long on earth.
    Who among them gave a correct answer according to the Biblical teaching?
    1. Martha
    2. Titus
    3. Dorcas
    4. Dan
  4. "Do not accuse anyone falsely" (Exodus 20:16).
    A lesson Christians learn from this commandment given by God is that they should
    1. practice tolerance in their lives
    2. be patient with one another
    3. speak the truth
    4. help others.
  5. From the Biblical story of creation in Genesis chapter two, God created the woman in order for her to
    1. till the Garden of Eden
    2. be a suitable helper for the man 
    3. name the animals in the Garden 
    4. make food for the man.
  6. A lesson Christians learn from the contest at Mount Carmel in which prophet Elijah challenged the Baal prophets is that they should
    1. slaughter animals during worship 
    2. worship God on mountains
    3. pray loudly to God
    4. worship the true God.
  7. The main lesson learners can share with their parents after learning about the temptations of Jesus Christ in the wilderness is to
    1. depend on bread for their survival
    2. avoid praying to God in lonely places
    3. use the word of God in their lives 
    4. give their possessions to others.
  8. The main reason why Jesus healed the servant of the Roman officer was because
    1. The Roman Officer was senior in the government
    2. The Roman Officer had faith in Jesus
    3. The Roman Officer gave Jesus money
    4. The Roman officer was a friend of Jesus.
  9. Choose an instruction that John the Baptist gave to the people as a way of preparing for the coming of the messiah
    1. keep the sabbath day holy.
    2. maintain harmonious relations.
    3. listen to his teachings carefully.
    4. share your food with others.
  10. Select the option which contains only the gifts of the holy spirit
    1. Healing
    2. Richness.
    3. Wisdom.
    4. Arrogance.
  11. A Grade Six class is composed of learners from different ethnic groups. In which way can they promote unity among themselves?
    1. Speaking a national language in school.
    2. Choosing desk mates who belong to their community.
    3. Playing with friends from their own community.
    4. Making fun of members of other communities.
  12. During lunch break, you notice a Grade.Two boy sitting alone and crying. You ask him what is the problem, and he tells you that he is hungry. Which one of the following is the best way to express your love for the boy?
    1. Give him some food to eat.
    2. Tell him "sorry" and walk away.
    3. Take him to his class teacher.
    4. Ask him to go and look for food.
  13. While walking home in the evening Jebet, a Grade Five learner, meets with a young man she does not know who offers to assist her to carry her bag. The correct advice to give Grace is to tell her to
    1. give her bag to the young man to assist her
    2. tell the young man no thank you and continue walking
    3. give her bag to the young man and tell him thank you
    4. get out of the road and hide in a nearby home till the man leaves the road.
  14. Onyango, a Grade Four learner has a habit of collecting textbooks that are left on top of the desks in the evening and putting them in a shelf in the classroom. Select the value that Onyango demonstrates.
    1. Courage.
    2. Honesty.
    3. Responsibility.
    4. Holiness.
  15. Which one of the following ways is an inappropriate use of the social media by a Christian?
    1. Posting indecent pictures.
    2. Searching information for personal development.
    3. Sending greetings to friends.
    4. Posting Christian messages.


  1. Grade Five IRE learners were given an assignment to find out teachings of surah Al-Kauthar from their parents and write in their exercise books.
    The Grade Five learners can apply the teachings that they learnt by
    1. fasting during Ramadhan
    2. praying to Allah and praising Him
    3. speaking the truth
    4. loving their parents and obeying them.
  2. Grade Four learners wanted to celebrate after winning the Mathematics contest.
    According to Surah An-Nasr, they should celebrate by
    1. praising Allah
    2. praising the Prophet
    3. giving sadaqa
    4. eating food.
  3. Kassim was asked by the teacher to recite a surah from the Quran. He recited at Surah that had the word "Hawiya". This word is found in Surah
    1. Al-Quraysh
    2. At-Takathur 
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. Al-Kafirun.
  4. Who among the following learners demonstrated the correct manners of eating according to the Hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
    1. Rukiya - drank water before eating.
    2. Najma-ate with both hands.
    3. Swaleh said bismillah after eating.
    4. Ali- said bismillah before eating.
  5. Peter a Grade Five learner asked his friend Nassir why Muslims greet each other whenever they meet. Nassir answered that according to the teachings of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) Muslims greet each other in order to
    1. show mercy
    2. promote love
    3. know each other
    4. ask for help.
  6. Grade Five learners were taught that they should exercise forgiveness when they wrong each other.
    The attribute of Allah that will encourage them to forgive is
    1. Al-Ghaffar 
    2. Al-Waahid
    3. Al-Hafeedh
    4. Al-Rahman.
  7. After narrating the story of prophet Ibrahim to Grade Six learners, the teacher asked them to give the lessons that they learnt from the story.
    Which among the following lessons given by the learners was correct?
    1. Muslims should observe fasting.
    2. Muslims should perform prayers.
    3. Muslims should love one another.
    4. Muslims should have trust in Allah.
  8. Aisha's grandmother gives out sadaga everyday. She will benefit from this act by
    1. gaining many friends
    2. being praised by people
    3. earning rewards from Allah
    4. spending part of her wealth
  9. The illustration shows a posture of Swalah
    44 adadada
    The posture of Swalah that is shown is
    1. sijdah
    2. ruku
    3. i'tidal
    4. tashahud.
  10. Muslims are encouraged to work to earn a living. This is because work is an act of
    1. trust in Allah
    2. fear of Allah
    3. sadaya
    4. ibadah.
  11. The main reason why the Grade Four teacher asked the learners to use the phone responsibly is because they will avoid
    1. spoiling the phone
    2. getting addicted to it
    3. wasting their time
    4. annoying their parents.
  12. During the closing day, the head teacher of Ujuzi Primary School reminded the learners to spend their holiday wisely and obey their parents.
    It is important to obey parents so as to please
    1. ourselves
    2. teachers
    3. Allah
    4. the Prophet.
  13. Mzizima factory workers went on strike demanding for the following rights.
    1. right to entertainment
    2. right to be given time to rest
    3. right to be paid salaries on time
    4. right to be provided with medical care
      Which among them is not a genuine right according to Islamic teachings?
      1. (i)
      2. (ii)
      3. (iii)
      4. (iv)
  14. Grade Six learners were divided into groups and given a task of discussing the lessons learnt from the battle of Badr and present in class.
    The main lesson from the battle of Badr that the learners presented was
    1. it is important to support our religion
    2. Muslims should not trust hypocrites 
    3. Muslims should avoid greed
    4. it is important to obey the Prophet.
  15. The Ansar helped the Muhajirun to settle in Madina by
    1. assisting them to get their property from Makka
    2. sharing their wealth with them
    3. giving them weapons to protect themselves
    4. assisting them to go back to Makka.


  1. Which element of Panch mahaboot is present in the pictures given below
    36 sdsfsfs
    1. agni
    2. vayu
    3. jal
    4. prithri.
  2. The leaves that are used in foron during religious activities are...........................leaves.
    1. apple
    2. mango
    3. lemon
    4. papaya
  3. Narya has been confusing between Guru Hargobind Sahibji and Guru Gobind Singji. Hukan explained their differences by saying that
    1. Guru Hargobind Sahibji is the father to Guru Gobind Singji
    2. Guru Gobind Singhji is the brother to Guru Hargobind Sabji
    3. Guru Hargobind Sahibji is the grandfather to Guru Gobind Singhji 
    4. Guru Gobind Singhji is the nephew to Guru Hargobind Sahibji
  4. When Mayan was reading about Malinanth and Anand she realised that the Enlightened Beingh have contributed towards
    1. the growth of faith in mankind 
    2. the improvement of the commitment of the members
    3. social welfare that benefit the whole mankind
    4. the compiling of the important discourse in life.
  5. During the war of Mahabharat, Arjun was not ready to fight his own cousins. Lord Krishna explained to him that the soul cannot be killed. By explaining this he showed Arjun the
    1. virat dashan
    2. chatra bhuj
    3. nar-simkia 
    4. kalki artar.
  6. Who among the following is referred to as Mayada Prishottam!
    1. Shri Hanoman.
    2. Shri Derji.
    3. Shri Krishna.
    4. Shri Ram.
  7. Mohini who was running late for school forgot to do her morning prayers. When asked by the grandfather whether she had prayed, she responded that she had not. The principle that was demonstrated by Mohini is
    1. responsibility
    2. integrity
    3. maturity
    4. equality.
  8. Charles wants to visit the Nairobi Bhuddist Temple. He will see that most of the items have the imprint of the
    1. lotus flower
    2. marigold flower
    3. rose flower
    4. lilly flower.
  9. The following are the precepts of the Panch Sila scripture
    1. Not to harm any living being.
    2. Not to take things without permission
    3. To abstain from misconduct.
    4. To abstain from false speech
      The Panch Sila mainly helps in promoting
      1. Social equality
      2. Peaceful living
      3. Social justice 
      4. Character building.
  10. Communal celebrations of festivals help to develop values. During the celebrations of Janmashtami's Rath Yatra the value that is emphasised the most is
    1. humility
    2. courage 
    3. tolerance
    4. honesty.
  11. In the event of "Malki phor" during Janmastami the teams competing against each other are mainly developing
    1. their physical and emotional strength 
    2. cohesive and harmonious living 
    3. language mastery
    4. their knowledge.
  12. Grade six Hindu Religious Education learners are excited about the upcoming Makar Sankratri festival. Their teacher is supporting them because the festival will promote
    1. responsibility
    2. nationalism
    3. patriotism
    4. citizenship.
  13. Madha, a grade six learner, has been. practising his asanas daily after the teacher taught them the correct way to perform Yoga. Which of the following changes has Madha not noticed?
    1. He can control his anger. 
    2. His calmness has increased. 
    3. His body is always tired.
    4. He can walk long hours unlike before.
  14. Satpals joined his neighbours in carrying out certain activities.
    Which of the following activities helps in environmental conservation?
    1. Fixing potholes on the road.
    2. Planting trees around the estate.
    3. Painting the walls in the neighbourhood.
    4. Having joint meals after work.
  15. Grade six students participated in a Hindu Religious Education prototype exhibition. Which of the following is the best way to use the prototypes after exhibition?
    1. Hand them over to learners from the schools that need them.
    2. Leave them at the venue to be used again.
    3. Return them to school to be used as teaching materials.
    4. Give them to the organisers to continue exhibiting.


  • Vegetation refers to plants that grow in a place.
  • It consists of trees, bushes, grass and shrubs.
  • The vegetation that grows on its own is called natural vegetation
  • The vegetation that is planted is called planted vegetation
  • Types of vegetation in eastern Africa
    1. Tropical rainforest vegetation
    2. Savannah woodland
    3. Savannah grassland
    4. Mountain vegetation
    5. Swamp vegetation
    6. Desert vegetation
    7. Semi-desert
    8. Mangrove vegetation

Map Of Eastern African Showing The Main Types Of Vegetation


Characteristics Of The Main Types Of Vegetation In Eastern Africa

Tropical Rainforest Vegetation

  • Also called equatorial vegetation
  • Found in equatorial climatic region

Characteristics Tropical Rainforest Vegetation

  • Tall trees that form canopies
  • Vegetation is evergreen
  • Trees have straight trunks
  • Trees have broad leaves
  • Trees have buttress roots
  • Forests are thick and dense
  • Trees are mainly hardwoode.g.oak, teak, mvule, mahogany, ebony, camphor,obeche, iroko, heartwood, ironwood, rosewood, sapele, limba, okoune

Savannah Woodland Vegetation

  • Comes immediately after tropical rainforests
  • Mainly consist of trees

Characteristics Savannah Woodland Vegetation

  • Trees are of medium height
  • Trees are widely spaced ( scattered)
  • Trees are deciduous
  • Tall grass between the trees
  • Tree tops are umbrella shaped
  • Common trees are acacia and baobab
  • Trees are deep rooted and have thick barks

Savannah Grassland Vegetation

  • Mainly consist of grass and few scattered trees

Characteristics Savannah Grassland Vegetation

  • Drought resistant vegetation
  • Grass may grow upto 2m
  • Tall elephant grass
  • Few scattered trees
  • Trees have thick barks
  • Trees have thorny leaves
  • Main trees are baobab, acacia, cacti, euphorbia

Swamp Vegetation

  • Common in swampy regions, along rivers and shores of small lakes
  • Mainly grows in poorly drained areas.
  • Main vegetation are; Papyrus reeds, Water lilies
  • Found in South sudan bahr-el-ghazal-sudd swamp, kyoga in Uganda, malagarasi swamp in Tanzania, amboseli swamp in Kenya

Mangrove Vegetation

  • Grows in the muddy salty waters along shores of Indian ocean
  • The mangrove trees they have breathing roots (aerial roots)
  • Trees are mainly hardwood ever green and medium height
  • Is found along the shores of Indian ocean and mouths of r.ruvuma, r.juba

Mountain Vegetation

  • Grows on the slopes of mountains
  • Is widespread on the windward sides of the mountains
  • Vegetation changes as altitude increases
  • Vegetation is mainly influenced by the altitude
  • Is also called alpine or montane vegetation from top to bottom the vegetation ranges from bare rocks, health and moorland , bamboo, rain forest and savannah.

Semi-desert Vegetation

  • Found in areas with rainfall between 250mm-500mm

Characteristics Semi-desert Vegetation

  • Short scanty thorny bushes
  • Short tough and scattered patches of grass
  • Vegetation is drought resistant with modified for thorns
  • Common plants cactus, baobab and euphorbia

Desert Vegetation

  • Found in areas with rainfall less than 250mm

Characteristics Desert vegetation

  • Stunted plants
  • Plants have thorny or needle-like leaves ( catus is the most common plant)
  • Large section of Ground is bare
  • Plants have thick fleshy stems
  • Plants are deep rooted
  • Spiky scanty grass
  • Found in true deserts e.g. Kaisut and chalbi and taru deserts
Tagged under


Creative Arts And Social Studies

  1. During our daily activites, when we step on dusty or muddy soils with our shoes we create a
    1. shoc print
    2. foot print
    3. hand print
    4. soil print.
  2. Grade 6 learners modelled the item shown below using clay. The modelled geometrical form is
    1. conical
    2. pyramidal
    3. cube
    4. cuboid
  3. The beautiful style of writing messages on seasonal cards using letters or words is called
    1. embellishments
    2. dabbing
    3. calligraphy
    4. printing
  4. Grade 6 learners were making rectangular flower vases using clay. The best technique to be applied in this lesson was
    1. pinch
    2. coil
    3. slip
    4. slab
  5. The process of joining two or more pieces or leather using thin strips as shown below is called
    1. strapping 
    2. glueing sewing
    3. thonging
  6. The art of creating decorative designs by sewing or sticking pieces of Cabric onto another to form a picture or pattern is called
    1. collage
    2. applique technique
    3. montage
    4. tic and dye
  7. The main technique of making a marionette is
    1. construction and assemblage
    2. sculpture
    3. collage
    4. montage
  8. Which one of the following is not a 2D art work?
    1. Drawings.
    2. Crayon etching. 
    3. Paintings.
    4. Basketry.
  9. Legs and hands are the most common parts of the body that shows movement. They are called
    1. limbs
    2. body
    3. trunk
    4. abdomen.
  10. Parts of a letter that goes down when writing a message as shown below is called
    1. body
    2. ascender
    3. descender
    4. upper case
  11. Which of the following verses are found in East African Community Anthem? 
    1. Patriotism.
    2. Unity
    3. Hatred.
    4. Peace.
  12. A Grade 6 music teacher from Amani Primary school was icaching the Icarners about the type of song that was talking about issues affecting the society. Which of the following types of song was being taught?
    1. Topical song.
    2. Patriotic song.
    3. Action song
    4. Sacred song.
  13. The following are expressions that are used when singing. Which of the following expression talk about proper pronunciation of words inorder to understand the message?
    1. Dymamics.
    2. Diction.
    3. Tempo.
    4. Voice blend.
  14. Below is a wind instrument from a certain community. What is the name of the instrument?
    1. Milele.
    2. Abu.
    3. Nzumari.
    4. Coro.
  15. Name the musical note below.
    1. dotted minim
    2. crotchet
    3. minim
    4. semibreve
  16. Which hand(s) is used to play note D in a discand recorder?
    1. Left hand.
    2. Both Hands.
    3. Right hand.
    4. None.
  17. The diagram below shows a string instrument. Write the name and the community it belongs.
    1. Wandindi - Kikuyu
    2. Orutu - Luo
    3. Kimengeng' - Kalenjin
    4. Obekano - Kisii
  18. Abdi a Grade 6 learner was asked to state the element of music that describes the loudness or softness of a song. Which one was correct? 
    1. Tempo.
    2. Rhythm
    3. Dynamics
    4. Pitch.
  19. The following are musical notes and their corresponding rests. Which one is correctly matched with its rest?
  20. String instruments are played by
    1. hitting
    2. plucking 
    3. blowing
    4. shaking



Use the map above to answer questions 21 - 25 

  1. The climatic condition experienced in the southern part of Makao area is
    1. cool and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and wet.
  2. The location of slaughter house in the map has been influenced by
    1. availability of raw material.
    2. presence of borehole .
    3. nearness to road network
    4. availability of good climate.
  3. What evidence in nap indicated that there is tourism activities in Makao area? 
    1. Markets.
    2. Railway line.
    3. Hotel
    4. Game reserve.
  4. The head or Makao area is likely to be
    1. Governor
    2. Deputy governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Deputy County Commissioner.
  5. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Makao arca except
    1. mining
    2.  livestock keeping:
    3. trading
    4. lumbering
  6. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the area they settled in during migration into Eastern Africa?
    1. Highland Nilotes - Around Mt. Elgon.
    2. Bantus - Along river Nile.
    3. Cushites - Around the highlands of Ethiopia. 
    4. Semites - Around Lake Victoria.
  7. Grade 6 learners were told to download types of lakes from the internet, Michael was assisted by his guradian and downloaded the diagram below. What type of lake did they download?
    1. Crater lakes. 
    2. Lava dammed lakes.
    3. Rift valley lakes,
    4. Ox-bow lakes.
  8. Which one of the following is a similarity between the traditional government of Buganda Kingdom and the Nyamwezi cheisdom?
    1. Their leaders were appointed by the council of elders.
    2. They both had hereditary leadership.
    3. They both had a traditional parliament.
    4. They both had a monarchial government.
  9. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the method of mining?
    1. Gold - Dredging.
    2. Copper - Deep shaft. 
    3. Limestone - Open cast.
    4. Soda ash - Drilling. 30.
  10. Grade 4 learners were asked by their socia! studies teacher to give the main reason why they started an entrepreneurship project in their school, who among them gave the correct answer?
    1. Amina- To make use of locally available resources.
    2. Peter - To help the school in buying land.
    3. Margaret - To help themn raise income.
    4. William - To help them create employment in school
  11. The headteacher of Kabarak Primary Schoool sabarak Primary School invited Mr. Kigen one of the officers from East  African Community to talk about challenges facing the organization. Which one of the following was not mentioned as a challenge?
    1. Poor roads.
    2. Mistrust among members.
    3. Use of a common currency.
    4. Natural calamities.
  12. Below are examples of rights and freedoms of Kenya citizens.
    1. Freedom of Movement.
    2. Right to health care.
    3. Right to fair pay.
    4. Righi to privacy
    5. freedom of speech.
      The Which one of these rights and freedoms are grouped as social?
      1. (ii) and (iv) 
      2. (i) and (v) 
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (ii)
  13. Study the poster below.
     TAXES                     GRANTS
    LOANS                      COUNTERFINES
    From the above posters, the message communicated is
    1. types of expenditure
    2. sources of foreign exchange 
    3. sources of revenue 
    4.  types of taxes.
  14. Which arm of county government is headed by the governor?
    1. County Executive Committee.
    2. County Assembly.
    3. County Education Office.
    4. County wards,

      Use the diagram below to answer question 35
  15. Which one of the following mountains was formed through the process shown in the diagram  above?
    1. Mt. Elgon.
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro.
    3. Mt. Longonot.
    4. Danakil alps.

Christian Religious Education

  1. God created the world in seven days. What did  he create on the fourth day?
    1. Sun, moon and stars. 
    2. Light and darkness.
    3. Sea creatures and birds. 
    4. The sky. 
  2. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. God  chased them from the garden when they
    1. found that they were naked
    2. talked to the snake
    3. ate the fruit of the forbidden tree
    4. cultivated the land.
  3. Mr. Kioko explained to his grade 6 learners the books of the bible. Which of the following statements he did not mention?
    1. old testament has 27 books
    2. bible is divided into two parts 
    3. gospel books are four 
    4. bible was written by different authors. 
  4. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were thrown into the blazing fire furnace. Why did the King  command that they be thrown in the fire? They 
    1. were not true Hebrews
    2. did not pay taxes
    3. worshiped the golden statue
    4. refused to worship the golden statue.
  5. During the last supper Jesus washed his disciples feet What else did he do? Hie
    1. spoke in tongues
    2. was covered by a cloud
    3. broke the bread and gave to his disciples
    4. baptised the disciples.
  6. How many boys were killed by the two she-bears after mocking Prophet Elisha calling him 'baldy'?
    1. 2
    2. 36
    3. 18
    4. 42
  7. After Jesus was born, the wisemen from the East Compression visited him with gifts. Which of the following was not among the gifts?
    1. Gold..
    2. Silver.
    3. Myrrh.
    4. Frankincense.
  8. Mrs. Kariuki a sunday school teacher in Blessed  Worship Centre taught the young children the benefits of being kind using the story of how Jesus fed the 5000 men in the bible with loaves of bread and fish. How many baskets remained after feeding the people? 
    1. 8
    2. 5
    3. 2
    4. 12
  9. Jesus Christ walked over the water. When the disciples saw him they were frightened, they  thought he was
    1. mad
    2. a ghost
    3. an angel
    4. a spirit
  10. Jesus died and after three days he resurrected. Who informed Mary Magdalene and Mary that Jesus had risen?
    1. Peter.
    2. The Angel.
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Judas Iscariot
  11. We should be thankful to God for his good deeds in our lives. Which of the following is not a way of saying thankyou to God?
    1. Doing good things to other people.
    2. Sharing food with the needy.;
    3. Boasting about our wealth.
    4. Singing praises to God.
  12. Which of the following is the first statement in the Lords prayer?
    1. I believe in God, the father almighty....
    2. May the grace of the Lord Jesus.....
    3. Our father.....
    4. Oh God of all creation, bless......
  13. Tr. Dorcas asked her class to make cards with the fruits of the Holyspirit. Who among the following made them wrongly?
    1. James - Lovė, Peace, Gentleness
    2. Monica- Patience, Selfcontrol, faithfulness
    3. George- Prophecy, Preaching, Singing
    4. Jane - Peace, Joy, Humbleness
  14. During the Pentecost, the disciples of the sus did all the following except
    1. spoke in tongues
    2. preaches the word of God 
    3. the were drunk
    4. they were filled with the Holyspirit.
  15. Jesus home town was
    1. Nazareth
    2. Bethelehem
    3. Galilee .
    4. Antioch

Islamic Religious Activities

  1. What is “Al-Kauthar”? A
    1.  star in the darkness
    2. guidance in the ignorance
    3. mountain peak.
    4. river in paradise.
  2. In the Surah Al-Maun, Muslims should not mistreat
    1. orphans
    2. brother muslims 
    3. the non muslims 
    4. their neighbours.
  3. "Wama adiraaka mal-hutwama-Naarullahi muukada”. This is a quotation from Surah 
    1. Al-Qaaria
    2. Al-Humaza 
    3. Al-Quraish .
    4. Al-Kaafirun
  4. Which quotation completes this verse correctly?
    1. Truth and honesty.
    2. Kindness and respect.
    3. Truth and patience.
    4. Love and unity.
  5. "Allah suid in Surah Asr, "Man is in a loss except those who have faith, do righteous. deeds and advice each other on ...." In this Surah, Allah(s.w) swears by 
    1. the sun.
    2. the still morning.
    3. wonders of creation. 
    4. time.
  6. What are Hadith?
    1. Stories of Prophets.
    2. Sayings of Swahabas.
    3. The history of Islam
    4. Sayings of the Prophet.
  7. In the hadith of the prophet, we learn that Allah (s.w) judges people basing on their 
    1. actions.
    2. appearance 
    3. wealth
    4. race
  8. What did Allah promise those men who wear women clothes and women who wear the male clothings according to Hadith? A
    1. reward
    2. punishment
    3. curse
    4. confusion.
  9. There are pillars of Iman.
    1. three
    2. five
    3. six
    4. eleven
  10. What is Taqwa?
    1. The feeling of Allah.
    2. The fear of Allah.
    3. Seeing Allah.
    4. Reliance on Allah.
  11. A prophet of Allah was thrown in fire to burn off but Allah (s.w) ordered fire, “Be cool and safe on my servant”. This was Prophet
    1. Nuh (A.S)
    2. Yusuf(A.S)
    3. Musa (A.S)
    4. Ibrahim (A.S)
  12. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf (A.S). had? 
    1. 11
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 9
  13. All the following are forms of Hadath Akbar except one. Which one?
    1. Sexual intercourse.
    2. Mestruation flow.
    3. Blood after birth.
    4. Passing stool.
  14. Which one of the following is not a reason why muslims should take Tayammum before Swalah? When
    1. water is dangerous for your health
    2. there is no water
    3. you already have Wudhu .
    4. a dangerous animal is near water for Wudhu.
  15. Who among the following people is not a recipient of Zakkat? 'The
    1. orphans
    2. poor
    3. new converts 
    4. needy.

Marking Scheme

 Creative Arts & Social Studies   CRE  IRE
  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  1.  C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  1.  D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A


  1. What is the direction of chief's camp from cattle dip in the map above? 
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. North East
    4. South West
  2. The people of Nyawira area are likely to be; 
    1. christians 
    2. muslims 
    3. pagans
    4. hindus
  3. What is the settlement pattern in the area covered by the map? 
    1. Clustered 
    2. Scattered 
    3. Linear
    4. Nuclear
  4. The following economic activities takes place in the area except;
    1. farming
    2. trading
    3. tourism
    4. mining
  5. Which one of the following community does NOT belong to Cushites? 
    1. Iteso
    2. Gabra 
    3. Somali
    4. Rendille
  6. A group of people who are initiated at the same time forms 
    1. age group 
    2. age set 
    3. age bracket 
    4. circumcision
  7. Which practice is best fitting the semi arid areas of Kenya?
    1. Pastoralism 
    2. Cash crop farming 
    3. Crop farming 
    4. Fishing
  8. Wildlife is important to our country in the following ways EXCEPT; 
    1. it creates employment 
    2. attract tourism hence foreign exchange 
    3. they destroy our vegetation
    4. enhances development of the country
  9. Which one of the following is the law making arm of government? 
    1. Judiciary
    2. Legislature
    3. Executive 
    4. Supreme court
  10. The following types of fish are caught in inland fishing. Which one is NOT?
    1. Mud fish
    2. Tilapia
    3. Trout
    4. Star fish
  11. The following methods of teaching were used in African traditional education EXCEPT: 
    1. use of proverbs 
    2. riddles 
    3. story telling 
    4. internet
  12. Which one of the following is a way of caring for soil? 
    1. By planting trees 
    2. Deflorestation 
    3. Use of excess fertilizer 
    4. Dumping waste oil in the soil
  13. Leaders are important to us because;
    1. they give us money 
    2. they cook for us food 
    3. they help to solve disputes
    4. they grab our land
  14. Who among the followng is NOT elected by votes during general election?
    1. Attorney general
    2. President 
    3. Governor 
    4. Member of Parliament
  15. A school is headed by: 
    1. deputy headteacher 
    2. BOM 
    3. director 
    4. headteacher


  1. Which is the last book in the old testament? 
    1. Genesis
    2. Revelation 
    3. Malachi 
    4. Exodus
  2. Which one of the following prophets did the donkey speak to;
    1. Balaam
    2. Balak
    3. Esaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  3. Who was the father to John the Baptist? 
    1. Zechariah
    2. John 
    3. Elizabeth 
    4. Elikanah
  4. Eternal life means; 
    1. outside life
    2. beginning of life
    3. life with an end
    4. everlasting life
  5. Believers were first called christians
    1. Jerusalem 
    2. Egypt
    3. Israel
    4. Antioch
  6. Which of the following is not a fruit of the holy spirit? 
    1. Love
    2. Faith 
    3. Humility
    4. Self-control
  7. Which one of the following is not a lesson christians learn from the parable of the talents? 
    1. God has a purpose for our life
    2. We should use talents to serve God 
    3. We should use talents to serve others 
    4. We should use talents to serve ourselves only
  8. One of the following is not a cause of child labour. Which one is it? 
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parents
    3. Mistreatment 
    4. Low self esteem
  9. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God which value did they lack? 
    1. Kindness 
    2. Humility 
    3. Truthfulness 
    4. Charity
  10. Which lesson do christians learn from the story of king Solomon when he solved a dispute between two women? 
    1. We should love our enemies 
    2. We should cut babies into two 
    3. We should seek wisdom when solving disputes 
    4. Wisdom is only for kings
  11. Which king saw a hand write on the wall? 
    1. Solomon 
    2. David 
    3. Belshazzar 
    4. Ahab
  12. What is the name of the prophet that called for a contest at Mount Carmel? 
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. David
    4. Isaiah
  13. What value did Pharaoh's daughter demonstrate when she rescued Moses? 
    1. Rudeness 
    2. Pride 
    3. Kindness 
    4. Holiness
  14. How best can christians show compassion for the elderly woman? 
    1. Helping them do house chores
    2. Teaching them table manners 
    3. Playing with them
    4. Singing for them
  15. Shasha met her two friends fighting on her way home. What would be the best action she can take as a christian? 
    1. Report to the teacher 
    2. Beat one of her friends 
    3. Separate them and tell them that fighting is bad 
    4. Tell them to stio fighting


  1. Bowing down in swalah is referred to as: 
    1. Sujud
    2. Rukuu 
    3. Sunnah
    4. Prostration
  2. An Islamic subject that teaches how to worship is called;
    1. Fiqh
    2. Tafsir 
    3. Tarbia
    4. Seera
  3. The eighth Islamic month is referred to as 
    1. Dhul qaada 
    2. Ramadhan 
    3. Thaani
    4. Shaaban
  4. Prophet was ordered by Allah to migrate from Mecca to: 
    1. Syria
    2. Jerusalem 
    3. Egypt
    4. Medina
  5. Nabii Daud died at the age of;
    1. 60
    2. 63
    3. 85
    4. 70
  6. Muslims greet one another by saying: 
    1. Assalamu aleikum 
    2. habari 
    3. how are you
    4. jambo
  7. Aqiqah is the slaughtering of a goat, sheep or any other animal for the sake of; 
    1. young people
    2. old people
    3. a child
    4. women
  8. Al-Quddus means:
    1. security
    2. holy 
    3. giver
    4. protector
  9. The prayer that have three rakaat is; 
    1. Dhuhr
    2. Asr 
    3. Maghrib
    4. Fasr
  10. A good muslim prays times a day. 
    1. fourth
    2. five 
    3. nine
    4. three
  11. The prophets mentioned in the Quran are: 
    1. 50
    2. 35
    3. 20
    4. 25
  12. Who was the first woman to accept Islam?
    1. Halima
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Haiswa
  13. The prophet preached secretly for 
    1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 5
  14. The third caliph of Islam was;
    1. Ali
    2. Uthman
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakar
  15. If you have ksh 2000 for a year, your zakat is; 
    1. 50
    2. 25
    3. 2.50
    4. 1.50


  1. Which one of the following is not considered when doing exhibition?
    1. Proper use of space
    2. Placement of artwork 
    3. Distance of artwork
    4. Labelling of artwork
  2. The following are reasons for mounting artwork in a frame. Which one is not? 
    1. To preserve it 
    2. To make it firm 
    3. To make it beautiful 
    4. To prevent it from creasing
  3. Learning artwork has got so many job related opportunities. Which one is not? 
    1. Doctor
    2. Graphic designer 
    3. Fashion designer 
    4. Book illustrators
  4. Which one is odd one out? 
    1. Camera
    2. Phone
    3. Blue tooth 
    4. Tablet
  5. Which of the following statement is correct? 
    1. Marionette is a puppet 
    2. Puppet is a marionette
    3. Marionette is manipulated by use of both legs and hands 
    4. Marionette is another name of puppet
  6. The following are differences between book cover and book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. Book jacket is removable while book cover is permanent 
    2. Book jacket has 4 parts while book cover has only two parts 
    3. Book jacket can act as book cover but book cover cannot act as book jacket 
    4. Book cover has got 4 flaps while book jacket has 2 flaps.
  7. The diagram below shows block letter.
    Which type of decoration has been used;
    1. colouring
    2. painting
    3. shading
    4. cross hatching
  8. Which one of the following shows a 3D block letter "B"?
  9. In wood carving, the method of decorating wooden item that sharp tool is used to make patterns is called; 
    1. incising 
    2. texturing 
    3. polishing 
    4. cutting
  10. Pieces of strings used in thonging industry are called;
    1. thongs
    2. hides
    3. skin
    4. leather


  1. Name the following musical instrument.
    1. Nyatiti
    2. Wandindi
    3. Guitar
    4. Orutu
  2. The following is a description of a traditional instrument. Which one is it?
    1. I am made of bamboo
    2. I have a notched mouth hole
    3. I have four pitch holes
    4. My origin is the Luhya community
      1. Descant decorder 
      2. Mulele
      3. Windpipe
      4. Guitar
  3. Which of the following musical notes are correctly matched with the french rhythm?
    1. Semibreve - taa aa aa aa
    2. Minim - taa aa
    3. Two quavers - ta - te
    4. Crotchet - taa
  4. How many quavers make a minim?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 16
  5. How many crotchet make a minim?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  6. Which is the correct solfa ladder?
    1. d, r, m, f, s, 1
    2. d, t, l, r, m
    3. f,s,l, t, d, d
    4. d, f, l, m, d, m
  7. What is the role of costumes in a folk dance? They;
    1. make the message more understood 
    2. Show the origin of the community 
    3. Make the dance more interesting 
    4. Are used to identify dancers
  8. Which of the following dances is correctly matched with its community?
    1. Gonda - Luo
    2. Iburundi - Taita
    3. Isukuti - Luhya
    4. Muchungwa - Kamba
  9. James heard his friend singing the song below;
    Ewe Kenya nchi yangu
    Ewe Kenya mama yangu
    Ewe Kenya baba yangu sitakuacha milele
    1. patriotic song 
    2. topical song 
    3. sacred song 
    4. action song
  10. Study the hand sign below.
    Which of the following pitches is represented bythe hand sign?
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. doh
    4. soh


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C


Art & Craft.

  1. Which one of the following is the medium that can be used for paper craft?
    1. Glass.
    2.  Wood.
    3. Cards.
    4. Clay.
  2. Maua wanted to make a paper flower. She could use all the following techniques except The method used above is called 
    1. cutting technique.
    2. pleating technique.
    3. twisting technique.
    4. slabbing technique.
  3. The following are steps followed when designing a stencil printing motif but not in their correct order:
    1. Displaying your motif. 
    2. Choose a subject matter.
    3. Transfer your design on a hard stencil paper.
    4. Keep the motif for the next lesson. 
    5. Draw the design that you want
    6. Place the stencil paper on a firm surface  then cut out the design\
      Which of the following shows the correct order of the steps from the first to the last?
      1. ii, v, iii, vi, i, iv 
      2. ii, v, vi, üi, i, iv 
      3. ii, vi, iii, v, i, iv 
      4. ii, iii, vi, v, i, iv
  4. Mwamburi made a sculpture like the one shown below,
    Which of the following methods did he use?
    1. Welding. 
    2. Carving.
    3. Folding.
    4. Twisting.
  5. Slab technique is commonly applied in 
    1. pottery.
    2. drawing.
    3. printing.
    4. pasting.
  6. One of the following items can be made using coil and stitch method. Which one?
  7. Maina collected picture cut outs from different sources and stuck them together to make one composition as shown below.
    The method used above is called
    1. montage. 
    2. tic and dye.
    3. collage. .
    4. assemblage.
  8. In which of the following forms has cross hatching technique been used?
  9. Tie and dye is a technique that can be used
    1. wood materials.
    2. finished clay products.
    3. fabric. 
    4. paper work.
  10. Select a list consisting of secondary colours only.
    1. Yellow, blue, red.
    2. Blue, green, yellow. 
    3. Orange, violet, green
    4. Red, orange, blue.


  1. As Ezekiel was passing near a local church, he heard the congregation singing a song in praise of God. The type of song Ezekiel heard is a
    1. topical song.
    2. sacred song.
    3. patriotic song.
    4. lullaby.
  2. When two people perform a two part song at  different voice parts, we say they are singing
    1. solo.
    2. choral.
    3. trio.
    4. duet.
  3. Which one of the following is not a socio- economic importance of songs? 
    1. Shaping the morals of community members. 
    2. Entertainment.
    3. Used in rallies to praise political leaders.
    4. Helping in promoting peace.
  4. Which of the following musical notes is correctly matched with its rest?
  5. Which of the following statements is true?
    1. dotted minim has two crotchets.
    2. minim has the French rhythm name Taa- aa
    3. dot after the minim is equal to a semibreve.
    4. quaver has a French rhythm name Taa.
  6. Which one of the following is not an economic importance of folk dances?
    1. Make the country carn foreign exchange.
    2. Source of employment to the dancers.
    3. Source of income to the individuals.
    4. Help people to learn their cultures.
  7. Which of the following pairs shows ways of playing string instruments?
    1. Blowing and plucking.
    2. Plucking and bowing.
    3. Bowing and pressing
    4. Hitting and bowing.
  8. When playing note C on the descant recorder, the
    1. 7 hole is left open.
    2. 6 hóle is left open.
    3. back hole is covered using the left thumb. 
    4. back hole is covered using the right index  finger.
  9. The musical instrument below is called adeudeu.
    Which of the following communities plays the instrument above?
    1. Abakuria.
    2. Mbeere,
    3. Kipsigis.
    4. Iteso.
  10. Which of the following parts of a fiddle is correctly matched with its function?
    1. String - used to make the sound louder.
    2. Neck- covers the resonator.
    3. Bridge - for loosening or tightening the string. 
    4. Bow - for playing the fiddle.

Social Studies

  1. Which element of a map shows the relationship between the dista, man and the one on the real ground?
    1. Scale.
    2. Title.
    3. Key.
    4. Frame
  2. . All the following are contributions of large scale farming to the economy of Eastern Africa. Which one is not?
    1. It has led to the improvement of infrastructure.
    2. Large scale farming creates job opportunities.
    3. Community members are able to learn different cultures.
    4. Products from large scale farming are used as raw materials.
  3. One of the challenges facing beef farming in Eastern Africa is lack of water due to prolonged drought. Which of the following is the solution to this challenge? 
    1. Providing veterinary services,
    2. Improving the quality of livestock through cross breeding.
    3. Drilling boreholes and digging wells.
    4. Reducing the number of stock.
  4. Use the diagram below to answer the  following question,
    The fishing method shown above is called
    1. net drifting.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling. 
    4. long lining.
  5. Which one of the following is true about Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government?
    1. Buganda was ruled by hereditary kings while Nyamwezi was ruled by hereditary chiefs.
    2. Leadership was hereditary in the Buganda kingdom only.
    3. Nyamwezi was a kingdom while  Buganda was a chiefdom.
    4. The Buganda kingdom was ruled by chiefs called Ntemi.
  6. Which one of the following is not an objective of the East African Community?
    1. Forming a common currency for member states.
    2. Establishing a common market.
    3. Removing trade barriers like tariffs.
    4. Promoting peace among member states.
  7. Which one of the following is a social right? Right to
    1. trade.
    2. vote.
    3. work. 
    4. food.
  8. The illustration below shows the formation of a certain physical feature.
    The physical feature shown above is an example of
    1. corrie lakes.
    2. lava-dammed lakes.
    3. crater lakes.
    4. depression lakes.
  9. Which of the following lists consists of bantus found in Kenya only?
    1. Basoga, Wapare, Aembu.
    2. Taita, Mijikenda, Pokomo. 
    3. Banyankole, Bagisu, Batoro
    4. Zaramo, Sukuma, Hehe.
  10. Below are facts about a vegetation zone:
    1. Cacti plants are common.
    2. Scattered tufts of grass.
    3. Short scrubs 
      The vegetation zone described above is
      1. papyrus swamp vegetation
      2. mangrove forest.
      3. Savannah grassland vegetation
      4. Semi-desert vegetation.
  11. Which of the following road signs is likely to be found where more than two roads meet?
    Use the map of Eastern Africa below 10 answer questions 32 and 35.
  12. The lake marked V is called lake
    1. Turkana
    2. Kyoga.
    3. Kanyaboli.
    4. Albert.
  13. The National park marked S is called
    1. Sibiloi
    2. Serengeti
    3. Maasai Mara
    4. Tsavo.
  14. The community that used the route marked Z during the migration period was the
    1. Nyamwezi 
    2. Taita
    3. Maasai
    4. Ngoni
  15. The country marked B is likely to be
    1. Ethiopia. 
    2. Eritrea
    3. Somali.
    4. South Sudan

Christian Religious Education

  1. When Jesus called His first disciples, they  were
    1. looking after a flock. 
    2. fishing in a river.
    3. burning incense in church
    4. worshipping in church.
  2. The devil tempted Jesus Christ as He was
    1. being baptized in river Jordan 
    2. being hidden from Herod.
    3. driving away demons.
    4. fasting in the wilderness.
  3. The Roman officer's servant was healed because of great.
    1. faith.
    2. obedience.
    3. patience. 
    4. strength.
  4. What do Christians learn from Jesus' miracle  of healing the bleeding woman?
    1. Tolerance.
    2. Faith.
    3. Courage.
    4. Patience.
  5. Jesus' power over death was revealed when Не.
    1. calmed the storm.
    2. chased traders from the temple.
    3. raised Lazarus from death
    4. changed water into wine.
  6. How best can the church take good care of the sick in the society?
    1. Inviting them for church prayers.
    2. Offering free baptismal services.
    3. Sending the clergy to lay hands on them.
    4. Building accessible health facilities.
  7. The parable of the hidden treasure teaches Christians about
    1. the kingdom of God.
    2. wise use of wealth.
    3. persistence in prayer.
    4. belief in God."
  8. Who among the following Bible personalities wrestled with God? 
    1. James.
    2. Jacob.
    3. Devil.
    4. Samson.
  9. Which of the following miracles was performed by Elisha?
    1. Healing Simon Peter's mother-in-law.
    2. Changing a stick to a snake.
    3. Floating an axe head.
    4. Raising the rich woman's son.
  10. Which of the following pairs of books was written By Paul?
    1. Isaiah and kings.
    2. Deuteronomy and Chronicles.
    3. Ecclesiastes and Psalm.
    4. Thessalonians and Psalm.
  11. James and John were sons of
    1. Zachacus.
    2. Alphaeus.
    3. Zebedee
    4. Elikanah.
  12. This is my dear son with whom I am  pleased (Matthew 17.5). These words were  said when Jesus was being
    1. baptized.
    2. transfigured. 
    3. rejected.
    4. crucified.
  13. Prophet Elijah had a contest with false prophets of Baal on mount
    1. Olive.
    2. Carmel
    3. Ararat.
    4. Pisgah
  14. When Jesus was arrested, He was first taken . to 
    1. Pontius Pilate.
    2. King Herod. 
    3. the king of Jews. 
    4. His parents.
  15. Who agreed to bury the body of Jesus  Christ? 
    1. Simon of Cyrene.
    2. Peter
    3. John
    4. Joseph of Arimathea

Islamic Religious Education.

  1. Which one of the following does not refer  to Allah's Mercy?
    1. Ghafur
    2. Rahim
    3. Aliim
    4. Rahman
  2. A Muslim who practises tawakkul is a 
    1. tawakkil. 
    2. mutawakkil.
    3. tawakkal. 
    4. mutawakkad.
  3. Which one of the following is the third  pillar of Islam? 
    1. Shahada.
    2. Swalah
    3. Zakat
    4. Inshirah
  4. During Isra Wal Miraj, prophet Muhammad (SAW) came across many
    1. prophets.
    2. swahabas.
    3. angels.
    4. kings.
  5. Allah's angels were made from
    1. air. 
    2. clay. 
    3. fire.
    4. nuur.
  6. The first surah of the Qur'an revealed to  prophet Muhammad (p.b.uh) tells Muslims  that man was created from
    1. clay.
    2. water.
    3. a rib.
    4. blood.
  7. Which one of the following is not a thick najis?
    1. Urine.
    2. Sweat.
    3. Vomit.
    4. Pus. 
  8. The angels who question the dead in their graves are
    1. Munkar and Nakir.
    2. Raqib and Atid.
    3. Ridhwan and Malik.
    4. Jibril and Mikail.
  9. In most cases, tawbah directed to Allah leads
    1. faith.
    2. bitterness.
    3. anger.
    4. forgiveness.
  10. Which one of the following is not a quality of a mutaqeen?
    1. Truthful and honest.
    2. Proud and forgiving.
    3. Kind and generous. 
    4. Just and forgiving.
  11. Surah Al-Ikhlas was revealed in  
    1. Yathrib.
    2. Saudia.
    3. Madinna.
    4. Makka
  12. In the hadith on responsibility, we are told take advantage of
    1. old age before youthful age.
    2. wealth before poverty.
    3. busy time before free time.
    4. sickness before health.
  13. Due to his obedience and faithfulness to Allah, nabii Ibrahim was given all the following titles except?
    1. Laaziz
    2. Hanif 
    3. Nabia
    4. Siddiq
  14. One of prophet Muhammad's uncles is cursed in surah.
    1. Fatiha
    2. Kawthar
    3. Maun
    4. Masad 
  15. Planting of trees is a way of
    1. swalahi
    2. swadaqah.
    3. communicating with Allah.
    4. showing off. 

Marking Scheme

 Art & Craft  Music Social Studies    CRE IRE 

  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
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